Obamacare Rolls Out Even As GOP Seeks Defund/Delay/Destroy Poison Pill Provisions In Budget and Debt

The TP extortionists exhibiting all the signs of being the tyranny of the minority.
Opinion • Views: 23,286

Yesterday marked the beginning of the Affordable Care Act’s (ACA) health exchange rollout. While some refer to this as Obamacare with derision (and there are polls that indicate that people have a much more favorable view of the term ACA than Obamacare even though they refer to the same program/law), the purpose of the law is to provide access to affordable health insurance for more than 20 to 30 million people.

The rollout yesterday was not without its hiccups. Some people were met with overloaded servers so that they couldn’t complete the registration, and there were some bugs in the process.

That is to be expected with any rollout of any major software/website. It shouldn’t be a surprise given how the Republicans have sought to defund, delay, and destroy the ACA at every opportunity.

They’ve attempted to repeal the ACA more than 40 times in the House alone.

Years of litigation over the constitutionality of the law was concluded with a landmark decision that found the central provision, the individual mandate, constitutional. The GOP claimed that this was unconstitutional, even though the GOP and the Heritage Foundation had made the individual mandate a central part of their alternative plan to Hillarycare when that proposal was rolled out in the early 1990s. Republican Mitt Romney made the individual mandate part of the MassCare program.

But, the moment that the Obama Administration made it a central tenet of the ACA, the GOP savaged it as an affront to personal liberty. We’d have to have collective amnesia to follow the Republican argument and logic. We’d have to ignore that the ACA is modeled on the very successful MassCare, which has reduced the number of uninsureds in Massachusetts by expanding access to affordable health insurance.

Then, we get to the claims by the Tea Party extortionists who think that this is some form of socialism or worse.

The government created health exchanges where private insurance companies offer policies that include minimum levels of coverage that protect against catastrophic health costs to the individual that would otherwise bankrupt them or deny them further insurance. Insurance companies were instrumental in shaping the law, which is why the taxes and fees imposed by the act were written the way they were. Insurers wanted to be part of this - and they’re going to be key facilitator to the Obamacare’s success. Obamacare created an entirely new market that didn’t exist before. That’s a market capitalism failure. Obamacare sets up a situation where insurers can profit from millions of new insureds and their premiums (including the subsidies that help those who are eligible afford the insurance).

At the same time, insurance companies can no longer deny policies due to preexisting conditions or include lifetime limits. That’s key to millions of people across the country who have had diagnoses for mental health issues, cancer, and other chronic conditions. Someone who was diagnosed with cancer as a child or young adult will no longer be denied insurance because of their cancer diagnosis. Someone who was diagnosed with lung or kidney disease that needs ongoing care will no longer be denied insurance.

People who are under the age of 26 can still be covered on their parents’ insurance. That eliminates a period of time when many are in college and allow their insurance coverage to lapse (before the ACA, many insurers didn’t allow dependents to stay on parents’ insurance beyond age 21).

People with small businesses can now find insurance for themselves or their employees because the purchasing power of the exchanges helps reduce the costs to them.

And for those who think insurance costs are going up solely because of ACA have amnesia because health costs have been soaring for years (and this chart goes back decades). This isn’t a new trend that began suddenly in 2009. It has been going on for decades as the cost of health care outraced the rate of inflation.

With this as the backdrop, the Tea Party extremists and the GOP have conspired to shut down the government with the extortionist demand that Democrats defund, delay, and ultimately destroy Obamacare in exchange for a short continuing resolution that allows government to continue operating. Thus far, Democrats have been resolute in defeating the GOP efforts, and some in the GOP are realizing that this is a losing hand and that they’ve screwed themselves and the nation of an opportunity to actually reform some of the problems with the ACA. The GOP’s extremism in seeking defunding, delaying, or destroying Obamacare puts Democrats in position of having to defend the entirety of the program. They’re willing to do this, even as some parts of the program should be further reformed. But a better situation than before the ACA is not the opposite of the perfect. The GOP claims that ACA needs to be repealed ignores the fact that the health insurance situation in the nation was a disaster and bleeding hospitals dry for indigent care.

Some Republicans are beginning to realize the damage being done to their party. This includes Rep. Peter King, who announced he was running for President, but also suggested that the government shutdown is the result of a cadre of extremists in his party who refuse to view the President as legitimate and are looking to roll back every single one of the President’s achievements. They’re willing to burn the government to the ground to achieve their ends.

The government shutdown is a minor trifle compared to the fact that the same Republican extremists are pushing poison pill provisions into the debt ceiling argument. They refuse to accept anything less than a defund/delay/destroy Obamacare for raising the debt ceiling, despite the fact that this Congress has already appropriated the funds. It is an incontrovertible fact that granting the hike does not authorize any new spending and failing to grant it does not cut spending.

These facts, and the fact that the polling doesn’t favor the GOP, doesn’t faze the Tea Party extortionists who think that if they take this to what they think is the logical conclusion that the Democrats will cave and they’ll get the delay they seek. The polling suggests otherwise, but the GOP and its leadership are unwilling to confront the Tea Party cadre and put down this nonsense once and for all. In fact, expect the extremists to take the brutal punishment they’re getting in newspaper opeds and editorials today as a badge of honor in rattling the mainstream media’s cage.

However, House Speaker John Boehner can’t or wont take those sensible measures because the Tea Party threatens to primary anyone who isn’t sufficiently conservative enough. These extremists think that if only they have enough pure conservatives that they can succeed in taking down President Obama and his signature achievement in health care reform. Heck, there are reports that the Speaker wont allow a clean CR to come up for a vote because of the fear it might pass. That would effectively put Boehner in the extremist camp because he’s catering to the very extremists who are shutting down the government.

Yet, he might be pushing this now, because if the debt ceiling isn’t increased, it will result in damage that both sides acknowledge - a loss in credit ratings, increased borrowing costs, and tremendous damage to the US economy.

After all, if the leadership in the House drops the Hastert Rule, a bipartisan continuing resolution to fund government would happen today. If they adopt the Gephardt Rule, the nonsensical debt ceiling negotiations would be an afterthought since the budget appropriations process would allow for a concurrent increase in the debt ceiling to cover the contingency of the government spending more than it takes in revenue. In doing both, Speaker Boehner would marginalize the tyranny of the minority TP Extortionist camp, allow Congress to focus on the business of governance, and signal that the TP movement is nothing more than a bunch of nihlists who are willing to torch government in furtherance of a goal of denying access to health insurance for millions of people.

Cross posted at A Blog For All. (Edited to add more link attributions to buttress the argument)

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1 Ian G.  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:20:36am


What fucking country do I live in?

2 Decatur Deb  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:22:18am

Finished training to be a volunteer navigator an hour ago. Still need Alabama-specific info. The more I learn about ACA, the better it looks, though there are some real vulnerabilities.

Biggest concern: There is no way in this universe O’Keeffe and his Breitbrat assholes won’t show up for an assistance visit and try to pimp the system on camera. If he can’t find an ignorant navigator, editing a good one will be just as bad.

3 makeitstop  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:28:50am

Excellent summary, Lawhawk.

Re-phrasing from downstairs - if Congressional Republicans would put all the energy they spend dreaming up gimmicks to create the illusion of doing their job into actually doing their job, Congress might actually get some work done.

The story about the 30-40 House members (Birthers?) who refuse to recognize Obama’s legitimacy is extremely troubling, though. It’s a virtual guarantee that government will accomplish nothing. Shame on those who voted those dim-bulb extortionists into office.

4 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:30:07am

I’ve added a couple of additional links and adjusted the language a bit in a couple of paragraphs, but that doesn’t change the argument. If anything, it buttresses the argument further:

And for those who think insurance costs are going up solely because of ACA have amnesia because health costs have been soaring for years (and this chart goes back decades). This isn’t a new trend that began suddenly in 2009. It has been going on for decades as the cost of health care outraced the rate of inflation.

5 Mattand  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:30:40am

A few thoughts:

1) Getting the GOP extremists to cave relies heavily on constituents in their respective districts putting major pressure on them. I don’t see that happening.

2) My own experience over the last 24 hours shows that some people are viewing Obama as not willing to defund/delay the ACA as him not willing to negotiate.

I have yet to have someone explain to me that how any rational human would expect the President to gut his signature legislative accomplishment; especially with the opposition threatening to torch the budget.

3) I am encountering people whose employers are indeed are cutting workers hours to 30 or less, in order to avoid supplying any healthcare and avoid fines.

While this seems to be a mean-spirited and short-sighted gutting of said businesses’ ability to actually get stuff done, it’s something that I have a hard time addressing.

4) Other civilized countries, particularly our allies, must think we’re fucking nuts to see how our country is freaking out over the issue of making sure sick people get the care they need.

It’s this kind of stuff that just frustrates me to no end about my fellow countrymen.

6 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:31:49am

re: #5 Mattand

A few thoughts:

1) Getting the GOP extremists to cave relies heavily on constituents in their respective districts to put major pressure on them. I don’t see that happening.

2) My own experience over the last 24 hours shows that some people are viewing Obama as not willing to defund/delay the ACA as him not willing to negotiate.

I have yet to have someone explain to me that how any rational human would expect the President to gut his signature legislative accomplishment; especially with the opposition threatening to torch the budge.

3) I am encountering people whose employers are indeed are cutting workers hours to 30 or less, in order to avoid supplying any healthcare and avoid fines.

While this seems to be a mean-spirited and short-sighted gutting of said businesses’ ability to actually get stuff done, it’s something that I have hard time addressing.

4) Other civilized countries, particularly our allies, must think we’re fucking nuts to see how our country is freaking out over the issue of making sure sick people get the care we need.

It’s this kind of stuff that just frustrates me to no end about my fellow countrymen.

Oh man this.

7 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:31:58am

re: #3 makeitstop

The cadre of 30-40 extremists could be birthers, racists, extremists, or both. They’re dedicated to destroying the Obama Administration by any means necessary and see this fight as central to their agenda. They don’t view the president as legitimate - that’s a story in and of itself.

Boehner should be drumming these extremists out of the party, but doing so would mean losing control of the party. So, we’ve got the tyranny of the minority in effect where these extremists are running the party.

8 Decatur Deb  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:32:12am

re: #1 Ian G.


What fucking country do I live in?

One of the several simultaneous United States of Americas.

9 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:34:59am

re: #5 Mattand

Addressing point 3, WalMart is flipping on the part-time and temporary workers as a means of avoiding ACA obligations. They’ve decimated their customer service and business model by cutting FTEs (full time equivalents) to the bare minimum, and it means people are going elsewhere when possible to shop.

So, they’re going to be putting more people into FTE positions that are entitled to health insurance.

The cutting of FTE jobs is short sighted and causes long term problems for companies. It’s not a growth strategy, but rather a means to squeeze short term profits.

10 Decatur Deb  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:35:58am

re: #7 lawhawk

The cadre of 30-40 extremists could be birthers, racists, extremists, or both. They’re dedicated to destroying the Obama Administration by any means necessary and see this fight as central to their agenda. They don’t view the president as legitimate - that’s a story in and of itself.

Boehner should be drumming these extremists out of the party, but doing so would mean losing control of the party. So, we’ve got the tyranny of the minority in effect where these extremists are running the party.

Don’t isolate the extremist problem so generously. To paraphrase the Chairman, the ‘sane’ GOP is the water through which the TP fish swim. They are a slough of sympathizers and collaborators.

11 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:35:59am

re: #4 lawhawk

Just anecdotal evidence, but my neighbor who owns a small business said this year’s percentage increase in healthcare insurance costs is the smallest in recent memory. I can attest to the fact that our individual policy’s percentage increase is the smallest in the 10 years we’ve held this policy despite having moved up a notch in the age categories.

12 makeitstop  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:37:18am

re: #7 lawhawk

The cadre of 30-40 extremists could be birthers, racists, extremists, or both. They’re dedicated to destroying the Obama Administration by any means necessary and see this fight as central to their agenda. They don’t view the president as legitimate - that’s a story in and of itself.

Boehner should be drumming these extremists out of the party, but doing so would mean losing control of the party. So, we’ve got the tyranny of the minority in effect where these extremists are running the party.

I keep going back to that quote from a Tea Partier that appeared in the WaPo interview with Paul Stebbins the other day:

Look, I had the chairman of the Energy and Commerce committee, Fred Upton, tell me that he got into an argument with one of these young guys on his committee about the defunding of Affordable Care Act. Well the argument was ‘look, Energy and Commerce had 50 hearings on that bill. Like it or not, it passed. The president signed it. The Supreme Court upheld it. So you don’t get to pick a bill you don’t like and link it to the entire financial well being of the United States.’ Well the response is, ‘I didn’t come here to govern.’

Absolutely chilling. It’s hard to be hopeful for the future when I read things like that.

13 Mattand  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:38:06am

re: #9 lawhawk

Addressing point 3, WalMart is flipping on the part-time and temporary workers as a means of avoiding ACA obligations. They’ve decimated their customer service and business model by cutting FTEs (full time equivalents) to the bare minimum, and it means people are going elsewhere when possible to shop.

So, they’re going to be putting more people into FTE positions that are entitled to health insurance.

The cutting of FTE jobs is short sighted and causes long term problems for companies. It’s not a growth strategy, but rather a means to squeeze short term profits.

Appreciate that. Especially since it can boiled down to “Walmart is hiring back full timers with bennies because they took a hit in business.”

14 Skip Intro  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:38:08am

re: #7 lawhawk

Boehner should be drumming these extremists out of the party, but doing so would mean losing control of the party. So, we’ve got the tyranny of the minority in effect where these extremists are running the party.

How can he do that when the de facto leader of the Republican party said “I hope he fails” before Obama was even inaugurated, and the entire party fell in line to try and make it happen?


15 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:39:12am

Steve Stockman= “sick & cruel”

16 Skip Intro  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:39:50am

re: #1 Ian G.


What fucking country do I live in?

One where pure hate locks up 30% of the vote, no matter what.

17 piratedan  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:40:03am

re: #12 makeitstop

goes back to the TRMS clip…. they aren’t here to govern, they’re here to oversee the dismantling of the government and either watch gleefully as it all burns down or direct the graft that inevitably follows privatizing everything for profit or both….

18 Mattand  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:40:18am

re: #14 Skip Intro

How can he do that when the de facto leader of the Republican party said “I hope he fails” before Obama was even inaugurated, and the entire party fell in line to try and make it happen?


If Obama prevails and breaks these guys, I will absolutely glory in the depression that destructive bastard will be mired in.

19 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:40:35am

re: #5 Mattand

A few thoughts:

…I have yet to have someone explain to me that how any rational human would expect the President to gut his signature legislative accomplishment; especially with the opposition threatening to torch the budget.

It’s this kind of stuff that just frustrates me to no end about my fellow countrymen.

It’s not just hanging on to his ‘signature legislative accomplishment’. The compromise and deal making already happened to get that law passed. It’s like saying a signed contract is a great place to start negotiating towards the outcome you personally prefer and the other party is being stubborn by not renegotiating it from the current point.

20 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:42:26am

I just read a comment over at FR saying “ObamaCare is taxation without representation”. I doubt the commenter lives in DC where it might be true.
Our schools (or our IQs) are failing us.

21 piratedan  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:42:52am

re: #19 calochortus

It’s not just hanging on to his ‘signature legislative accomplishment’. The compromise and deal making already happened to get that law passed. It’s like saying a signed contract is a great place to start negotiating towards the outcome you personally prefer and the other party is being stubborn by not renegotiating it from the current point.

the old….. contracts are to be honored when it’s you that has all the risk and the onerous payment schedule but contracts can be easily broken if I get a better deal to completely disenfranchise you as the economic dynamic changes….

22 steve_davis  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:44:13am

Well, 4 in the morning and I made it to the completion of registration. Since then, no luck actually getting to the page to compare policies, but at least there’s some progress.

23 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:44:36am

re: #15 Vicious Babushka

Steve Stockman= “sick & cruel”

[Embedded content]

So I bet Steve is bitching at Laura Ingraham. After all, she’s the one who refered to upset veterans as having “sob stories.”

24 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:45:06am

re: #8 Decatur Deb

One of the several simultaneous United States of Americas.

I think you’ve stumbled onto a good idea. We should rename the country “The Simultaneous States of America”, in the interest of technical accuracy if nothing else.

25 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:45:29am

re: #21 piratedan

Provides employment for lawyers…

26 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:45:32am

re: #20 calochortus

I just read a comment over at FR saying “ObamaCare is taxation without representation”. I doubt the commenter lives in DC where it might be true.
Our schools (or our IQs) are failing us.

People use taxation without representation a lot, they don’t know what it means. The TP was using a lot in 2009-10. Uh just because you don’t like the fact that we had a Democratic majority in Congress doesn’t mean no one reprsented you.

27 Decatur Deb  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:47:04am

re: #22 steve_davis

Well, 4 in the morning and I made it to the completion of registration. Since then, no luck actually getting to the page to compare policies, but at least there’s some progress.

In the course of things, the real opportunity to review QHP policy details follows eligibility determination. Online, that’s sometimes instantaneous but the system is surely not optimal now.

28 piratedan  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:48:14am

re: #25 calochortus

as hostages???? I’m sure we could volunteer a few Bush DOJ for the duty ///

29 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:48:18am

re: #26 HappyWarrior

People use a lot of catch phrases without knowing/caring if they are applicable. Everyone messes up occasionally, but repeated misuse should be at least a misdemeanor.

30 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:48:52am

re: #28 piratedan

Well, I hadn’t thought of it that way, but perhaps.

31 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:49:30am
32 makeitstop  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:50:37am

re: #19 calochortus

It’s not just hanging on to his ‘signature legislative accomplishment’. The compromise and deal making already happened to get that law passed. It’s like saying a signed contract is a great place to start negotiating towards the outcome you personally prefer and the other party is being stubborn by not renegotiating it from the current point.

Brilliant summation.

It astounds me that people actually think that there should be room for ‘compromise’ at this point.

Let them introduce amendments via Congressional rules - assuming, of course, that someone on the R side still knows how to do that.

33 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:51:08am

re: #29 calochortus

People use a lot of catch phrases without knowing/caring if they are applicable. Everyone messes up occasionally, but repeated misuse should be at least a misdemeanor.

Right. We all make mistakes but repeatedly saying that ACA was “shoved” down our thraots when Obama had a wide mandate (biggest presidential win and a Congress to boot in a good twenty years), then it’s outright lying. The thing that pissed me off most about the TP and their alles is their ideological inconsistencies. Oh you’re anti big government? Then why do you want the government telling gay couples they can’t marry or telling a woman she must have a child even if she’s raped. Not to mention that many of these people were just fine with the previous administration’s spending policies. The TP and their allies has always been based on anger about Obama being president. They would have gone along with most of what McCain and Palin would have done had they won.

34 kirkspencer  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:51:23am

re: #5 Mattand

A few thoughts:

1) Getting the GOP extremists to cave relies heavily on constituents in their respective districts putting major pressure on them. I don’t see that happening.

2) My own experience over the last 24 hours shows that some people are viewing Obama as not willing to defund/delay the ACA as him not willing to negotiate.

I have yet to have someone explain to me that how any rational human would expect the President to gut his signature legislative accomplishment; especially with the opposition threatening to torch the budget.

3) I am encountering people whose employers are indeed are cutting workers hours to 30 or less, in order to avoid supplying any healthcare and avoid fines.

While this seems to be a mean-spirited and short-sighted gutting of said businesses’ ability to actually get stuff done, it’s something that I have a hard time addressing.

4) Other civilized countries, particularly our allies, must think we’re fucking nuts to see how our country is freaking out over the issue of making sure sick people get the care they need.

It’s this kind of stuff that just frustrates me to no end about my fellow countrymen.

re point 3 (my bolding), it’s likely to increase the strength of the ACA in the long run. (Short will be different, but whatcha gonna do?)

Because they don’t get the benefit from the company they have to go directly to the exchange. And in the majority of cases for those individuals they’re going to get better insurance for lower costs than they had with the company. That’s simple insurance math: the more people you can spread the risk across the lower everyone’s share becomes - especially when there’s a cap on the total that can be charged.

So the backfire is obvious. Instead of “they” use the ACA, “we” use it, and it’s better than we had, and some idiots in congress want to take it away. I figure we’re less than five years, maybe as little as two, before Obamacare becomes just as untouchable as Medicare. (And that adds the other error - tying it to the democratic president by name instead of a vague generic like, oh, Americare. That’s the consequence of playing all or nothing with a weak hand.)

35 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:51:42am

re: #31 Vicious Babushka

Wasn’t the 95 shutdown about the same time Stockman was being arrested for smuggling valium in his underpants?

36 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:52:21am

re: #35 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Wasn’t the 95 shutdown about the same time Stockman was being arrested for smuggling valium in his underpants?

I thought that was in the 70’s? Still miracle that this guy is in office to begin with. Typical right wing hypocrite.

37 blueraven  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:53:45am

A quote from Abraham Lincoln

What is our present condition? We have just carried an election on principles fairly stated to the people. Now we are told in advance, the government shall be broken up, unless we surrender to those we have beaten, before we take the offices. In this they are either attempting to play upon us, or they are in dead earnest. Either way, if we surrender, it is the end of us, and of the government. They will repeat the experiment upon us ad libitum.

h/t sully

38 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:54:26am

re: #34 kirkspencer

An excellent point, and the sooner we decouple health care from employment, the sooner we can move to a stable system that provides basic care for everyone.

39 nines09  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:55:09am

Why are we at this point? American Idiots

40 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:55:26am
41 Backwoods_Sleuth  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:56:35am

re: #22 steve_davis

Well, 4 in the morning and I made it to the completion of registration. Since then, no luck actually getting to the page to compare policies, but at least there’s some progress.

My sister in Florida has the same experience, but she’s OK with waiting until server overload is dealt with. She’s just happy enough to get registered for now.

42 Charles Johnson  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:56:47am

I’m glad to report that our server issues seem to be resolved.

43 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 8:56:52am


44 EPR-radar  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:00:07am

The GOP has forgotten the first rule of bullies —- don’t push so hard that the victim has no choice other than fighting back.

The Dems are showing a spine this time around because it is very clear that if they cave on this, they will simply have no purpose at all.

45 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:00:37am


POTUS: Step away from the Bag O’Kittehs!




46 Backwoods_Sleuth  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:00:40am

re: #42 Charles Johnson

I’m glad to report that our server issues seem to be resolved.

Did you leave a breadcrumb trail for francis?

47 Gus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:01:46am

re: #43 lawhawk


[Embedded content]

No one expected that the wingnuts who support the shutdown would turn into babbling passive-aggressive bozos said absolutely no one.

48 Decatur Deb  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:01:47am

re: #41 Backwoods_Sleuth

My sister in Florida has the same experience, but she’s OK with waiting until server overload is dealt we. She’s just happy enough to get registered for now.

Yup. No one actually gets on board until 1 jan, and there is an extended 3-month registration season until March, because of startup.

49 nines09  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:02:58am

re: #44 EPR-radar

The GOP has forgotten the first rule of bullies —- don’t push so hard that the victim has no choice other than fighting back.

The Dems are showing a spine this time around because it is very clear that if they cave on this, they will simply have no purpose at all.

I surely hope so. I’m so sick of this bullshit and the inability of some people to actually put 2 and 2 together. This is pure and simple extortion of the American People, even though most cannot or will not see it.

50 Decatur Deb  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:03:08am

re: #42 Charles Johnson

I’m glad to report that our server issues seem to be resolved.

Yes, it seemed better instantly a few minutes ago after exit and re-entry.

51 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:03:24am

Heh. RINO calls in 3…2…1…

52 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:03:57am

Sadly I need to go do stuff. BBL

53 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:04:37am

re: #43 lawhawk


[Embedded content]

Yeah except total bs. I bet many of the people who bitch most about Benghazi don’t even know that it was a consulate rather than an embassy. Or that the Republican led Congress cut security on embassies and consultants but yep all Obama’s fault. This WWII memorial meme is just a distraction from real issues. I mean it obviously sucks that these veterans can’t see the memorial and I am not lacking sympathy but where’s the sympathy for people who are out of work or other people who need a functioning federal government. I;m not 100% about this but I imagine naturalization ceremonies were canceled yesterday. My SiL’s sister flew all the way out here from NM for hers. Yet Steve Stockman isn’t complaining about that. Fucking Republicans. Shut down teh government, gloat about it, and then act like the bad side effects are all Obama’s personal fault.

54 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:05:03am


55 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:05:13am

re: #51 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Heh. RINO calls in 3…2…1…

He’s just discovering this?

56 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:06:00am

May G-D bless & protect the people of MA from this evil turd.

57 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:06:16am

re: #43 lawhawk


[Embedded content]

58 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:06:43am
59 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:07:08am
60 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:07:17am

re: #53 HappyWarrior

Or that the GOP has sat on the $2b request by the State Dept to upgrade security at diplomatic facilities around the world.

61 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:07:19am

re: #54 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]


Good luck, Scott. That fanatic will likely get his ass handed to him.

62 sattv4u2  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:07:40am

re: #54 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

According to a January 2011 profile, Lively “has not changed his view that gays are ‘agents of America’s moral decline’, but has refocused his approach to fit his flock in Springfield, Massachusetts” and “is toning down his antigay rhetoric and shifting his focus to helping the downtrodden.”[6]


63 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:07:45am

re: #58 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Same guy who thought Clint Eastwood ranting at an invisible Obama in a chari would rally the country around Romney? Or it could be the same guy who thought Sarah Palin was ready to be Vice PResident.

64 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:07:46am

re: #54 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

It is someone about to waste a lot of money and time looking like a fool in a state that will not elect him.

65 sattv4u2  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:07:59am

re: #61 Dr Lizardo


Good luck, Scott. That fanatic will likely get his ass handed to him.

He won’t get 8% of the vote in state

66 Backwoods_Sleuth  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:08:12am

re: #59 Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

I’ll pass on that…need to clean catboxes…

67 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:08:51am

It says nothing about Obama but says a whole bunch about the “patriotism” of the teatards.

68 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:09:11am

re: #62 sattv4u2

According to a January 2011 profile, Lively “has not changed his view that gays are ‘agents of America’s moral decline’, but has refocused his approach to fit his flock in Springfield, Massachusetts” and “is toning down his antigay rhetoric and shifting his focus to helping the downtrodden.”[6]


Is downtrodden code for being Vladimir Putin’s biggest US apologist?

69 Decatur Deb  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:09:18am

re: #64 Dark_Falcon

It is someone about to waste a lot of money and time looking like a fool in a state that will not elect him.

Two words for that: Martha Coakley

70 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:09:27am

re: #63 HappyWarrior

Same guy who thought Clint Eastwood ranting at an invisible Obama in a chari would rally the country around Romney? Or it could be the same guy who thought Sarah Palin was ready to be Vice PResident.

Yes, but to be fair even Sarah Palin would know better than to run for governor of a state that is certain to reject her.

71 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:09:47am

re: #65 sattv4u2

He won’t get 8% of the vote in state

Exactly; like D_F said, he’s just gonna blow a lot of money in a state where he has virtually zero chance of being elected.

If he has political aspirations, he should try moving to a deep-red fundie state and start off running for the state legislature.

72 sattv4u2  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:09:53am

And now, for something completely different, I present to you

Rush Hour Traffic in ho Chi Mihn City

73 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:10:19am

WTFITS I just can’t even.

74 wrenchwench  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:10:20am

Now that the server is better, I can go back to picking nits:

The wingnut font looks bigger and better in the Master Spy than it does on the page of comments.

Otherwise, all the font changes are terrific!

75 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:10:23am

re: #67 Vicious Babushka

It says nothing about Obama but says a whole bunch about the “patriotism” of the teatards.

[Embedded content]

You could do that with any tyrannical leader and any U.S president and the answer would still be the same- “It says more about you then it does them.”

76 sattv4u2  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:10:52am

re: #71 Dr Lizardo

Exactly; like D_F said, he’s just gonna blow a lot of money in a state where he has virtually zero chance of being elected.

If he has political aspirations, he should try moving to a deep-rate fundie state and start off running for the state legislature.

I’m in a deep “rate” fundie state (originally from Mass though) and he wouldn’t even make it here

77 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:11:02am

re: #70 Dark_Falcon

Yes, but to be fair even Sarah Palin would know better than to run for governor of a state that is certain to reject her.

I was talking about the person who thought Palin was a viable VP not Palin herself though.

78 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:11:25am

Pres Obama is to meet w/Cong “leaders” to discuss govt shutdown this afternoon.

I certainly don’t expect him to give up his signature legislation to a bunch of clowns who’d rather see the country go down the tubes than acknowledge his presidency and the fact that ACA is the fucking law.

You own this, Rs.

79 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:11:31am

re: #69 Decatur Deb

Two words for that: Martha Coakley

Yes, but she lost to Scott Brown, who is not a lunatic with a long record of lunacy. The Dems could literally run Grumpy Cat’s brother Pokey against Scott Lively and Pokey would win in a landslide.

80 Ian G.  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:11:55am

re: #3 makeitstop

The story about the 30-40 House members (Birthers?) who refuse to recognize Obama’s legitimacy is extremely troubling, though. It’s a virtual guarantee that government will accomplish nothing. Shame on those who voted those dim-bulb extortionists into office.

I loathe the term “Real America”, but I can’t help but assume that these 30-40 people represent districts that are far more white, evangelical Christian, and rural that American as a whole. They find themselves in a country in which they’re out of touch with the realities of 21st Century America, and the solution is not to adapt to the changes, but to try to blow the country up and start over again in the hope of creating a Utopia for white, rural, evangelical people.

It’s political radicalism at its finest. Robespierre and Lenin would find nothing wrong in their thought process.

81 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:12:46am

re: #80 Ian G.

I loathe the term “Real America”, but I can’t help but assume that these 30-40 people represent districts that are far more white, evangelical Christian, and rural that American as a whole. They find themselves in a country in which they’re out of touch with the realities of 21st Century America, and the solution is not to adapt to the changes, but to try to blow the country up and start over again in the hope of creating a Utopia for white, rural, evangelical people.

It’s political radicalism at its finest. Robespierre and Lenin would find nothing wrong in their thought process.

Yes, this is it.

82 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:13:15am

re: #72 sattv4u2

And now, for something completely different, I present to you

Rush Hour Traffic in ho Chi Mihn City


83 Lidane  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:13:29am

Raving freakazoid nut sandwich says what?

84 wrenchwench  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:14:07am

re: #62 sattv4u2

According to a January 2011 profile, Lively “has not changed his view that gays are ‘agents of America’s moral decline’, but has refocused his approach to fit his flock in Springfield, Massachusetts” and “is toning down his antigay rhetoric and shifting his focus to helping the downtrodden.”[6]


A few more excerpts from that link:

On August 14, 2013 a federal judge ruled that the case against Scott Lively, by the Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) on behalf of Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), a Uganda-based coalition of LGBTI rights and advocacy groups, can move forward against him. This is a first-of-its kind case in which the lawsuit alleges that Lively’s actions over the past decade, in collaboration with certain Ugandan government officials and Ugandan religious leaders, are responsible for depriving LGBTI Ugandans of their fundamental human rights based solely on their identity, which is the definition of persecution under international law and is deemed a crime against humanity. This effort resulted, most notably, in the introduction of the notorious Anti-Homosexuality Bill — widely known as the “Kill the Gays” bill — which Lively allegedly helped engineer. “[7]

In 1991, Lively assaulted Catherine Stauffer, throwing her against a wall and dragging her across the floor of a Portland church, at an Oregon Citizens Alliance (OCA) event she had been trying to film.[16] Stauffer received a judgment of over $31,000 against Lively and the OCA in 1992.[17][18]

On March 14, 2012, Lively was sued in U.S. Federal Court by gay rights group Sexual Minorities Uganda under the Alien Tort Statute, who accused Lively of inciting the persecution of gay men and lesbians. Lively responded “[t]hat’s about as ridiculous as it gets. I’ve never done anything in Uganda except preach the Gospel and speak my opinion about the homosexual issue.”[25]

85 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:14:13am

re: #77 HappyWarrior

I was talking about the person who thought Palin was a viable VP not Palin herself though.

Yes, you were. I just wanted to point out that Scott Lively makes Sarah Palin look good as a politician by comparison.

86 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:14:16am

re: #83 Lidane

Raving freakazoid nut sandwich says what?

[Embedded content]

Plagiarized from Ted Nugent!

87 Dr Lizardo  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:14:37am

re: #80 Ian G.

I loathe the term “Real America”, but I can’t help but assume that these 30-40 people represent districts that are far more white, evangelical Christian, and rural that American as a whole. They find themselves in a country in which they’re out of touch with the realities of 21st Century America, and the solution is not to adapt to the changes, but to try to blow the country up and start over again in the hope of creating a Utopia for white, rural, evangelical people.

It’s political radicalism at its finest. Robespierre and Lenin would find nothing wrong in their thought process.

Yep, that pretty much ‘splains it.

88 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:14:44am

re: #71 Dr Lizardo

Exactly; like D_F said, he’s just gonna blow a lot of money in a state where he has virtually zero chance of being elected.

If he has political aspirations, he should try moving to a deep-rate fundie state and start off running for the state legislature.

If David Duke can get elected to LA’s state legislature, no reason to think that Scott Lively couldn’t get elected to one. Though he’d never be able to get elected or nominated on a federal level so I look forward to him wasting his cash in Massachusetts.

89 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:15:35am

re: #83 Lidane

Raving freakazoid nut sandwich says what?

[Embedded content]

Glenn Beck longs for fake martyrdom.

90 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:15:40am

re: #85 Dark_Falcon

Yes, you were. I just wanted to point out that Scott Lively makes Sarah Palin look good as a politician by comparison.

That’s like saying being punched in the nose is better than being kicked in the nads though :).

91 Ian G.  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:15:59am

re: #67 Vicious Babushka

What is that avatar of his? An Israeli flag and a stylized cross? Yeah, he’s one of the ones who is hoping for the end times to come.

92 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:17:42am

re: #83 Lidane

Raving freakazoid nut sandwich says what?

[Embedded content]

Well, you’re running out of time Glenn baby. I love how special he thinks he is. It actually brings to mind Cartman trying to bring the NSA’s attention to himself. If President Obama thinks at Beck at all, it’s probably with the thought “Man, that guy’s fucking nuts” rather than “Man, he’s a serious threat to my power, I have to stop him.” Got to love how Glenn still portrays himself as a victim of the Obama administration even though he as they said about Liberace crying all the way to the bank.

93 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:21:12am
94 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:22:33am

re: #91 Ian G.

What is that avatar of his? An Israeli flag and a stylized cross? Yeah, he’s one of the ones who is hoping for the end times to come.

I guess he just hasn’t got around to replacing it with the BENGHAZI!!!1!!!! twibbons like most of the other RWNJs.

95 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:22:55am

re: #93 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

But they need to compromise more because it’s the Tea Party and they can cry if they want to.

96 Gus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:22:57am

Republican lawmakers that helped shutdown US government rush to WWII memorial that was closed down because of their actions for photo op. Film at 11.

To be honest. I’ve been watching a lot of this passive-aggressive BS for the past few days. It really does seem like a lot these folks are alcoholics. Drunks.

97 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:23:21am
98 Lidane  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:23:44am

JPod is bleating again:

He’s predictably getting ZOMG FAKE CONSERVATIVE and ZOMG RINO tweets directed his way.

99 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:24:09am

re: #97 Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]


100 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:24:36am
101 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:24:39am


102 Lidane  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:25:21am


103 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:25:42am

re: #97 Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

Yeah, guess who’s at the forefront of this bullshit?

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas: ‘President Obama is so fixated on forcing Obamacare on the American people that he’s even willing to deny World War II veterans the right to access the memorial they have earned through their heroic service’ - statement via @NBCNews

104 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:26:19am

Well, here’s one good thing that’s come out of the shutdown:

A Ku Klux Klan rally planned for Saturday, Oct. 5 has been canceled because of the government shutdown.

On Sept. 26, officials at Gettysburg National Military Park granted a special-use permit for a rally to a Maryland-based KKK group. According to NBC 10 Philadelphia, the event was canceled when park officials rescinded all permits for special events because of the shutdown, which began 12 a.m. ET on Tuesday.

105 Gus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:26:25am

Gah. Not sure I can handle this GOP shutdown BS.

106 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:26:43am

I’m no fan of “Commentary Mag” but “Drecks of Twitter” is epic win.

107 HappyWarrior  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:28:03am

re: #103 Justanotherhuman

Yeah, guess who’s at the forefront of this bullshit?

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas: ‘President Obama is so fixated on forcing Obamacare on the American people that he’s even willing to deny World War II veterans the right to access the memorial they have earned through their heroic service’ - statement via @NBCNews

Says the man who insulted Bataan death march survivors by comparing his cheap political stunt to what they endured. Fuck you Ted.

108 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:28:23am

“I fought at Normandy, Guadalcanal, Iwo Jima, and Leyte and all I got was this lousy monument.”

109 Dark_Falcon  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 9:28:38am

re: #106 Vicious Babushka

I’m no fan of “Commentary Mag” but “Drecks of Twitter” is epic win.

[Embedded content]

True. That’s exactly the proper respect to show Glenn Greenwald: none.

110 Bubblehead II  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 12:40:27pm

YEAH! Back online again. awesome. Any Idea what took it down?

111 makeitstop  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 12:41:19pm

Senate Dems are going in on Orange Man…

Reid: Cruz Tells House GOP What To Do

“Instead of reading the writing on the wall, House Republicans have turned to a new idea: To cherry-pick a few parts of the got (sic) they like,” he added. “Credit for this idea goes, I’m told, goes to the junior senator from Texas. He goes over to the House and tells them what they should do, he along with people like Bachmann and the tea party.”

Schumer: Boehner ‘A Puppet — With Ted Cruz Pulling The Strings’

“Speaker Boehner is in this position because, sadly, he’s become a puppet — with Ted Cruz pulling the strings,” Schumer told reporters, elevating the rhetoric 36 hours after the first shutdown since 1996.

“When Sen. Cruz told Speaker Boehner to take up a crusade to defund Obamacare, the Speaker did it,” said the No. 3 Senate Democrat. “When Sen. Cruz told the Speaker to delay Obamacare for a year, the Speaker did it. And when [Cruz] told the House pass piecemeal bills in a cynical attempt to pit important programs against each other, the Speaker is now trying to do that.”

I believe this is referred to as ‘driving a wedge.’

112 Targetpractice  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 1:24:09pm

Ground Control to Major Tom…

113 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 2:56:02pm

Are we really back?

edited to add-Oooh, it actually posted!

114 Varek Raith  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 2:56:56pm
115 Snarknado!  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 2:57:56pm

Back again? For a bit longer this time?

116 klys  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 2:58:53pm

Testing, testing, 1, 2, 3…

117 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 2:59:59pm

I hope we can all quit breathing into paper bags now.

118 Dr. Matt  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:00:50pm

Obamacare took down LGF! It’s a disaster! It’s a failure! It’s killing Americans!!!!!!!

*takes a bow*

119 steve_davis  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:05:11pm

Success! Took about 30 tries over a couple of days, but I registered and put all my information in. Now, apparently we’re “i.d. proofing” to determine my eligibility for subsidies. Happy days!

120 Kragar  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:08:06pm
121 Tigger2  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:09:00pm

re: #73 Vicious Babushka

WTFITS I just can’t even.

[Embedded content]

We don’t want to put up a fence along the border, we keep hoping you teabaggers will decide to move to Mexico.

122 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:10:03pm

Are we back? Major frustration w/the site—“trouble loading page” or some other similar BS.

Thought it was Firefox, so went to Chrome (which loads me up w/more ads and cookies)—nada. Now I’ll have to houseclean for the 2nd time this week to get rid of the dreck. Despise Chrome.

123 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:10:39pm
124 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:11:55pm

“New Comments” doesn’t seem to show when there are new comments.

(edit: working now)

125 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:12:01pm
126 EPR-radar  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:13:33pm

re: #111 makeitstop

Schumer is being much too polite. Boehner is a hand puppet for Cruz, no strings needed.

127 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:15:17pm

Oooh. It works!

So, what happened? Did someone at HHS put a search routine on a Hosting Matters server on which LGF is located, and thereby bringing down both the ACA and LGF? /

Or is it something more mundane, like a rat eating through a patch cable?

128 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:15:36pm

CSPAN has been awesome all day. The Democrats just keep asking for the clean CR to be passed. Over and over and over, making Boehner deny them every time.

129 Skip Intro  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:16:04pm

House Now Has The Votes To End Government Shutdown, But It Won’t

Boner says “Hell No! Ted won’t let me!”

Is there any doubt left about which side caused this to happen?

All 200 Democrats would need to stick together and team up with those Republicans to pass the bill, but House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) would have to be willing to put it to a vote, which so far he has given no indication he will do.


130 EPR-radar  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:16:26pm

re: #128 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

CSPAN has been awesome all day. The Democrats just keep asking for the clean CR to be passed. Over and over and over, making Boehner deny them every time.

Imaging that, GOP. If you force the Democrats to grow a spine, they can actually manage this.

131 makeitstop  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:16:36pm

Norquist: Cruz ‘Pushed House Republicans Into Traffic And Wandered Away’

Dude’s really making a name for himself.

He’d better hope his closet is skeleton-free. He seems to be pissing a lot of people off.

132 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:17:14pm

re: #128 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

CSPAN has been awesome all day. The Democrats just keep asking for the clean CR to be passed. Over and over and over, making Boehner deny them every time.

How many times is Boehner going to deny Pres Obama before the cock crows? : )

133 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:18:38pm

re: #131 makeitstop

Norquist: Cruz ‘Pushed House Republicans Into Traffic And Wandered Away’

Dude’s really making a name for himself.

He’d better hope his closet is skeleton-free. He seems to be pissing a lot of people off.

Norquist, OTOH, would push all of us into traffic.

134 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:19:10pm

You came back!

135 EPR-radar  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:19:49pm

re: #131 makeitstop

Norquist: Cruz ‘Pushed House Republicans Into Traffic And Wandered Away’

Dude’s really making a name for himself.

He’d better hope his closet is skeleton-free. He seems to be pissing a lot of people off.

In fairness to Cruz, there are plenty of GOP House members who needed no urging to pursue this folly.

137 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:22:07pm

Just when Kragar joined Twitter!

138 EPR-radar  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:23:26pm

re: #136 Kragar

Alex Jones Channels Lizard From Outer Space To Reveal Dangers Of Obamacare

If the GOP does not end the crazy decisively in the next few years, we’ll be seeing drivel like this in the Congressional Record.

139 Charles Johnson  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:24:50pm

We’re back, but I don’t want to jinx it so I’m not saying ‘for good’ right now.

I had to fix a couple of things that didn’t get reset properly, the new comments button should now work.

140 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:25:05pm

You all watched and shared Elizabeth Warren, didn’t you?

141 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:26:57pm

GG certainly is assuming a lot in this tweet.

Hypotheticals like that also set up the author of the question: Do you approve, GG? Are you insinuating you would approve of people like Clapper and Alexander being assassinated, too?

142 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:27:00pm

re: #139 Charles Johnson

And it does. Thanks.

143 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:27:47pm

re: #101 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

I still don’t understand how the WWII memorial can be closed. There is no entrance, no guards, no building. It’s an out door concrete park. What, they shut off the computer kiosk that lets you find information about your relative’s service?

144 Skip Intro  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:28:13pm

So, like, which is better, Obamacare or the Affordable Care Act?

Youtube Video

145 Snarknado!  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:28:44pm

re: #127 lawhawk

Oooh. It works!

So, what happened? Did someone at HHS put a search routine on a Hosting Matters server on which LGF is located, and thereby bringing down both the ACA and LGF? /

Or is it something more mundane, like a rat eating through a patch cable?

The hamsters are all applying for Obamacare.

146 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:28:58pm

re: #141 Justanotherhuman

Good grief, isn’t this basically a fancy version of: “When did you stop beating your wife?”

147 Targetpractice  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:29:30pm

*taptap* This thing on?

148 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:29:54pm

Also, LGF is back, awesome!

Earlier today during the outage, I almost felt like an addict without his drugs.

So I guess Charles that makes you my….Walter White?

149 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:30:39pm

re: #148 Eclectic Cyborg

Also, LGF is back, awesome!

Earlier today during the outage, I almost felt like an addict without his drugs.

So I guess Charles that makes you my….Walter White?

Yes, #LGFdown was definitely drug seeking behavior.

150 Targetpractice  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:30:52pm

re: #148 Eclectic Cyborg

Also, LGF is back, awesome!

Earlier today during the outage, I almost felt like an addict without his drugs.

So I guess Charles that makes you my….Walter White?

Charles is the one who knocks?

151 makeitstop  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:31:10pm

re: #133 Justanotherhuman

Norquist, OTOH, would push all of us into traffic.

re: #135 EPR-radar

In fairness to Cruz, there are plenty of GOP House members who needed no urging to pursue this folly.

Yeah, I know what a total weasel Norquist is, and I know there are quite a few House members who are sheer reprobates.

I’m just thinking, between the grousing of quite a few Rs and Reid and Schumer calling Boehner out, maybe someone on Cruz’ own side will break out a metaphorical shiv.

152 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:32:48pm
153 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:32:59pm

re: #150 Targetpractice

Charles is the one who knocks?

Walt Whitman

154 AlexRogan  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:33:20pm

re: #83 Lidane

Raving freakazoid nut sandwich says what?

Glenn Beck says that he’ll probably end up in jail or killed b/c of his courageous leadership & giving people hope: t.co

— Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch) October 2, 2013

Just like Ted Nugent, eh, Glenn?


155 Charles Johnson  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:34:52pm

We had some very odd traffic patterns. The bandwidth usage suddenly shot through the roof late yesterday morning, for no apparent reason. I’m still waiting for the final word on whether it was an attack or not, but it seems possible.

The traffic graph is insane for the last couple of days.

156 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:35:08pm


(making matters worse, who appeared on Fischer’s show today but my OWN CONGRESSMAN!)

157 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:35:19pm

re: #133 Justanotherhuman

158 EPR-radar  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:35:49pm

re: #151 makeitstop

Unfortunately, I don’t see this ending any time soon. If the Democrats cave, they would be finished. Ditto for the GOP.

One possibility is for Obama to find a way to blow off the debt ceiling and hold the line on the shutdown.

Having the Republican government shutdown run all they way until the 2014 midterms might be what it takes to break this fever.

159 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:36:09pm

re: #155 Charles Johnson

We had some very odd traffic patterns. The bandwidth usage suddenly shot through the roof late yesterday morning, for no apparent reason. I’m still waiting for the final word on whether it was an attack or not, but it seems possible.

The traffic graph is insane for the last couple of days.

DOS attack would be my guess. LGF seems to be attracting a lot of attention from the other side lately, consider the number of trolls we’ve seen.

160 Targetpractice  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:36:10pm

re: #155 Charles Johnson

We had some very odd traffic patterns. The bandwidth usage suddenly shot through the roof late yesterday morning, for no apparent reason. I’m still waiting for the final word on whether it was an attack or not, but it seems possible.

The traffic graph is insane for the last couple of days.

So are we back on all cylinders? Or is there still some work to be done under the hood?

161 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:37:17pm

Tom Clancy died.

162 Targetpractice  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:37:50pm

re: #161 FemNaziBitch

Tom Clancy died.

Yeah, that was a shock. Only 66.

163 Varek Raith  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:38:11pm

re: #161 FemNaziBitch

Tom Clancy died.

Yeah, heard that earlier.

164 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:38:20pm

re: #161 FemNaziBitch

Tom Clancy died.

I was never a huge fan of his work, but did enjoy the Jack Ryan series and (most of) the Splinter Cell video games.

165 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:38:33pm

Well, now that LGF is back-up and all is right with the world, I have to be productive feed dogs.

166 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:38:34pm

re: #159 Eclectic Cyborg

DOS attack would be my guess. LGF seems to be attracting a lot of attention from the other side lately, consider the number of trolls we’ve seen.

Which I totally don’t understand. Sites I don’t care for? I don’t go there.

167 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:39:14pm

re: #155 Charles Johnson

Yeah, it did occur to me that you might be having a DoS attack of some sort. It was actually my first thought, in spite of the changes you were making (which in itself might have brought it on and seen as an opportunity for a DoS).

168 EPR-radar  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:40:09pm

re: #166 calochortus

Which I totally don’t understand. Sites I don’t care for? I don’t go there.

Zealots are deeply threatened by the mere existence of those who disagree with their positions. See, for example, the US right wing propaganda machine.

169 Varek Raith  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:40:12pm

I have every one of his books.

170 lawhawk  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:40:18pm

re: #143 FemNaziBitch

There are national parks where there are no fences. National monuments where someone could just walk up. But that exposes the government to liability if something happens.

171 AlexRogan  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:40:45pm

re: #133 Justanotherhuman

Norquist, OTOH, would push all of us into traffic.

Or drown us in a bathtub.

172 Eclectic Cyborg  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:40:56pm

re: #166 calochortus

I think we can call it CDS (Charles derangement syndrome), a variant of ODS where sufferers are committed to discrediting/disrupting/destroying Charles and LGF at any cost. His “why I parted ways with the right” really pissed off a lot of people, many of whom remain butthurt to this day.

173 dog philosopher  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:41:16pm

re: #155 Charles Johnson

We had some very odd traffic patterns. The bandwidth usage suddenly shot through the roof late yesterday morning, for no apparent reason. I’m still waiting for the final word on whether it was an attack or not, but it seems possible.

The traffic graph is insane for the last couple of days.

new pr0n genre involving diminutive chartreuse spheroids?

174 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:41:20pm

re: #168 EPR-radar

Zealots are deeply threatened by the mere existence of those who disagree with their positions. See, for example, the US right wing propaganda machine.

How do those people sleep knowing someone on the internet is wrong?

175 FemNaziBitch  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:41:28pm

re: #170 lawhawk

There are national parks where there are no fences. National monuments where someone could just walk up. But that exposes the government to liability if something happens.

It’s just hard for me to picture— You can’t walk around the WWII memorial or the Washington Monument? How do that accomplish that without an armed guard or 30?

176 Stoatly  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:41:37pm

re: #139 Charles Johnson

We’re back, but I don’t want to jinx it so I’m not saying ‘for good’ right now.

I had to fix a couple of things that didn’t get reset properly, the new comments button should now work.

How I picture Charles:

177 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:42:44pm

re: #172 Eclectic Cyborg

They should move on. Do something useful, like cataloging their dryer lint collection.

178 EPR-radar  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:46:05pm

re: #172 Eclectic Cyborg

I think we can call it CDS (Charles derangement syndrome), a variant of ODS where sufferers are committed to discrediting/disrupting/destroying Charles and LGF at any cost. His “why I parted ways with the right” really pissed off a lot of people, many of whom remain butthurt to this day.

Another characteristic feature of rabid zealots is that they are far more upset by apostasy of those they thought were fellow travelers than by opposition from their normal ideological foes.

The foes are easily dismissed as being categorically wrong, while the apostates are a more direct threat to the zealot world view.

179 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:46:49pm

re: #170 lawhawk

I didn’t want to make accusations w/no proof, but it’s becoming clearer that the entire “veterans visit” thing was a set up in order to mfg some sort of public outrage.

If anything, it was pretty foolhardy, considering these are usually 80-something elderly men, many w/health problems of some sort who need an escort/supervision even to visit DC.

Those visits, from what the “sponsors” appear to be saying, are ongoing, so it’s not as though this one could not have been rescheduled for another time.

This was deliberately staged for maximum effect and publicity, which it seems to be garnering.

180 Vicious Babushka  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:48:36pm

re: #179 Justanotherhuman

I didn’t want to make accusations w/no proof, but it’s becoming clearer that the entire “veterans visit” thing was a set up in order to mfg some sort of public outrage.

If anything, it was pretty foolhardy, considering these are usually 80-something elderly men, many w/health problems of some sort who need an escort/supervision even to visit DC.

Those visits, from what the “sponsors” appear to be saying, are ongoing, so it’s not as though this one could not have been rescheduled for another time.

This was deliberately staged for maximum effect and publicity, which it seems to be garnering.

My dad, a WW2 US Navy vet, passed away in 2010, but he would have said this whole stunt was total bullshit.

181 calochortus  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:49:29pm

re: #179 Justanotherhuman

If I understand correctly, they arrived, a couple congresspeople came out and suggested they could be let in, and they were. Hardly storming the ramparts.

182 LGF Subscription: Breathes Like Egyptian Cotton  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:49:50pm

re: #42 Charles Johnson

I’m glad to report that our server issues seem to be resolved.

And thank goodness. I was about to eat an entire half gallon of Rocky Road, just to deal with the withdrawals.

183 Justanotherhuman  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:51:20pm

re: #176 Stoatly

How I picture Charles:

Gawd, that ranks right up there as one of my favorite movies of all times. It was hilarious, and reminded me of the childhood years I spent in Buffalo.

Darren McGavin was perfect.

And I’ll bet Walgreen’s brings back the leg lamp again this year.

184 A Mom Anon  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 3:55:15pm

Yay! I was missing this place.

What happened?

I blame Obamacare.

185 EmmaAnne  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 4:07:00pm

re: #170 lawhawk

There are national parks where there are no fences. National monuments where someone could just walk up. But that exposes the government to liability if something happens.

I’m guessing it has more to do with the fact that terrorists like to blow up things like that.

186 CarolJ  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 4:07:16pm

re: #143 FemNaziBitch Even outdoor monuments need to have trash cans and steps cleaned. If no one is there to do them, there’s a problem. Plus the remaining security people are stretched to the limit. The fewer things they have to worry about, the better. Indeed, given probable staffing levels (only the Federal ones are working, security contractors are at home), they may be doing only video surveillance and some occasional walk-throughs.

187 whitebeach  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 4:53:11pm


I’m no kind of techie, and my machine is a semiancient one running XP and IE8, but the error messages I was getting earlier when trying to access LGF all seemed to track to something called “squid,” which I gather further has something to do with Linux. Hope this helps somehow, although I suspect you’re a million light years ahead already.

188 urbanmeemaw  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 5:07:54pm

re: #83 Lidane

Maybe he and Greenwald can share a hiding space, because you know Snowald thinks Obama wants to kill him,.

189 urbanmeemaw  Wed, Oct 2, 2013 5:30:46pm

re: #127 lawhawk

The NSA tapped directly into LGF’s servers. I blame Obama.

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