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1 Charles Johnson  Oct 10, 2014 7:51:09pm
2 freetoken  Oct 10, 2014 7:53:20pm

So what is it with the so-called “mainstream” media in trying to soft-peddle the vile right-wing talkers?

For example, this soft-sell of Hannity in the LA Times:

Sean Hannity proves he’s a do-and-diet kind of guy

Conservative radio and TV commentator Sean Hannity, 52, known for telling government to cut the fat, has recently cut his own. In the last 18 months, the longtime Fox News host of “Hannity” shed 27 pounds and has achieved what he says is the best fitness of his life the old-fashioned way: […]

Next up: The JBS is just a Wisconsin special interest group focusing on American history.

3 Charles Johnson  Oct 10, 2014 7:57:05pm
4 jaunte  Oct 10, 2014 7:59:00pm

From Jacob Heilbrunn’s review of ‘Coolidge,’ by Amity Shlaes

“…With yet another tribute about to appear — “Why Coolidge Matters,” by the former Claremont Institute fellow Charles C. Johnson, will be published in March — Coolidge will surely continue to enjoy a comeback on the right. Yet his actual record shows that he was an extraordinarily blinkered and foolish and complacent leader, no less than George W. Bush before the stock market plummeted in 2008. The bogus nostrums that Coolidge touted have directly led either to enormous deficits during the Reagan era or to outright catastrophe during the Bush era. Shlaes never stops to ponder the abundant literature chafing at and exposing the conformity and avarice of the Roaring Twenties, but the prosperity offered by Calvinism has always proved as elusive as the promise of the green light that Jay Gatsby watches at the end of Daisy’s dock. Conservatives may be intent on excavating a hero, but Coolidge is no model for the present. He is a bleak omen from the past.”

5 stpaulbear  Oct 10, 2014 8:00:12pm

Slingerland Drums!

6 freetoken  Oct 10, 2014 8:04:29pm

re: #4 jaunte

Ah yes, the Roaring Twenties. My mother was born, my father was a teenager… but nobody remembers Coolidge except for the economics-nerds.

I suppose in the big picture we can associate Coolidge+Hoover with Reagan+Bushes but its quite a rough equivalence.

7 freetoken  Oct 10, 2014 8:07:30pm

RawStory is pimping this video:

Youtube Video

The only problem is… the same old problem. Creationists really don’t care.

8 Charles Johnson  Oct 10, 2014 8:08:18pm

I love how this song changes tempo in the middle, to match the lyrics. This is something almost nobody does any more. It’s considered heresy to not keep that tempo pounding away at the same speed for the whole song.

9 Charles Johnson  Oct 10, 2014 8:27:54pm
10 b.d.  Oct 10, 2014 8:31:41pm

re: #9 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

I thought country clubs were supposed to be exclusive?

11 Charles Johnson  Oct 10, 2014 8:33:02pm
12 RealityBasedSteve  Oct 10, 2014 8:35:48pm

Well gang,

I’m going to hang it up for the evening. Have a fun day planned tomorrow, it’s going to rain all day tomorrow most likely, and I’m going diving in a dry suit. The end result is that I will be 80 feet underwater and dry as can be, and then when I get out, I can get wet on the land. That will probably cause my brain to shred several gears.

Quando omni flunkus, moritati. and Keep your stick on the ice.


13 Charles Johnson  Oct 10, 2014 8:36:08pm
14 Lancelot Link  Oct 10, 2014 8:36:11pm

re: #9 Charles Johnson

Chuck C Johnson, Birther

15 b.d.  Oct 10, 2014 8:43:24pm

re: #14 Lancelot Link

Memory hole……..

16 Floral Giraffe  Oct 10, 2014 8:54:35pm

re: #9 Charles Johnson

Anything that poses with Orly Taitz, is well, a thing!

17 Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 10, 2014 8:56:04pm

Since this started as a music thread, gotta say happy 68th birthday to John Prine.

18 goddamnedfrank  Oct 10, 2014 8:59:23pm
19 Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 10, 2014 9:02:48pm

re: #9 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Are those some of those hawt conservative wimmenz that they like to brag about?

20 Floral Giraffe  Oct 10, 2014 9:04:34pm

re: #19 Backwoods_Sleuth

Well, they think they’re hot….

21 goddamnedfrank  Oct 10, 2014 9:05:03pm


22 goddamnedfrank  Oct 10, 2014 9:07:20pm

re: #21 goddamnedfrank


23 Kragar  Oct 10, 2014 9:17:29pm
24 b.d.  Oct 10, 2014 9:22:14pm

Goodnight Lizards. Go Frogs, Hook ‘em Horns.

(OK, I know they’ll more than likely both lose)

25 De Kolta Chair  Oct 10, 2014 9:26:11pm

ausador posted a tweet from the AP on the previous thread:

Kmart is latest retailer to be hit by data breach; affects credit, debit cards used September through Thursday: apne.ws

Anybody know what the hackers do with the info once they’ve got it? I keep expecting to see headlines like Millions of Bank Accounts Wiped Out, but haven’t noticed any. Google, here I come! (Tomorrow)

26 De Kolta Chair  Oct 10, 2014 9:30:04pm

re: #22 goddamnedfrank

Dr. Marc Monte (what an apt name for a con artist) is a typical fundamentalist, two centuries behind mainstream Christian scholars.

27 The Ghost of a Flea (R)  Oct 10, 2014 9:32:16pm

re: #26 De Kolta Chair

Typical fundamentalist, two centuries behind mainstream bible scholars.

…and completely ignoring how Jews have been interpreting the Old Testament from four+ thousand.

28 De Kolta Chair  Oct 10, 2014 9:33:19pm

re: #27 The Ghost of a Flea

…and completely ignoring how Jews have been interpreting the Old Testament from four+ thousand.

Yeah, like they would know anything about… oh wait.

29 Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 10, 2014 9:34:30pm

re: #25 De Kolta Chair

ausador posted a tweet from the AP on the previous thread:

Anybody know what the hackers do with the info once they’ve got it? I keep expecting to see headlines like Millions of Bank Accounts Wiped Out, but haven’t noticed any yet.

Selling accounts/credit cards on the black market most likely.

30 De Kolta Chair  Oct 10, 2014 9:34:57pm

re: #29 Eclectic Cyborg

Selling accounts/credit cards on the black market most likely.

I suspected so. Thanks.

31 Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 10, 2014 9:35:27pm

On an unrelated note, what the heck happened to David Sirota? Haven’t seen him mentioned around here in awhile.

32 Lancelot Link  Oct 10, 2014 9:45:34pm

re: #31 Eclectic Cyborg

With the midterms coming up, I’m surprised nobody’s paying him to attack Democratic candidates from the left (as usual)

33 De Kolta Chair  Oct 10, 2014 9:46:50pm

Night all. My nephew’s Quidditch team is competing in something called the Oktoberfest Invitational in the morning. (Photo changed to give a better idea of what the game looks like). I suspect it will be silly fun, hopefully followed by copious tankards of butter beer. Go Emerson College!! Stupefy!!! Or Spongify or whatever!!!

34 aagcobb  Oct 10, 2014 9:48:09pm

The Freepers are very, very upset that marriage equality has come to Idaho. They are muttering about secession and lynching the Justices.

35 Kragar  Oct 10, 2014 9:52:41pm

re: #34 aagcobb

The Freepers are very, very upset that marriage equality has come to Idaho. They are muttering about secession and lynching the Justices.

Because it worked out so well when the last bunch of bigoted lackwits tried it

36 teleskiguy  Oct 10, 2014 10:25:52pm

This is my 3,000th comment at LGF.

Which still relegates me to the “fuckin’ noob” category. That’s okay, I’m not really a team player as it is.

37 The War TARDIS  Oct 10, 2014 10:33:25pm

This Olbermann’s Worst Person countdown on his ESPN Show is loaded with 400 kg of stupid in a 10 kg bag.

Youtube Video

38 The War TARDIS  Oct 10, 2014 10:34:39pm

Seriously, 3 fuck-wits.

39 The War TARDIS  Oct 10, 2014 10:38:36pm

And the NFL continues to be terrible:

Youtube Video

40 goddamnedfrank  Oct 10, 2014 11:20:46pm
41 goddamnedfrank  Oct 10, 2014 11:22:23pm

She’s another one of those “civil unions for all” types, now that they can’t deny gays the right to marry the want to take the word back.

42 goddamnedfrank  Oct 10, 2014 11:26:25pm
43 ninja cat  Oct 10, 2014 11:34:12pm

Maybe noted earlier but just noticed Jim Wright shared the evolution tweet on FB.

44 goddamnedfrank  Oct 10, 2014 11:45:12pm

She’s never going to get it.

45 Kragar  Oct 10, 2014 11:54:18pm

re: #44 goddamnedfrank

[Embedded content]

She’s never going to get it.

I’m sure she has no problem with state after state voting to keep blacks and women as 2nd class citizens for generations. I mean, hey, the states voted on the issue, right? Why force the matter?

46 goddamnedfrank  Oct 10, 2014 11:56:37pm
47 Kragar  Oct 10, 2014 11:57:41pm
48 Targetpractice  Oct 11, 2014 12:00:04am

re: #44 goddamnedfrank

[Embedded content]

She’s never going to get it.

Yes, state after state have decided to define marriage as Christians define it. Hence why polygamy and same-sex marriage have been banned for much of our history, as was interracial marriage before Loving.

49 goddamnedfrank  Oct 11, 2014 12:02:11am
50 William Barnett-Lewis  Oct 11, 2014 12:02:44am

Ask her if I can force a female POW to become my polygamous wife since that is a biblical marriage too.

51 Kragar  Oct 11, 2014 12:03:09am
52 Targetpractice  Oct 11, 2014 12:04:41am

re: #49 goddamnedfrank

[Embedded content]

Yeah, after saying for years that marriage should be supported by the government, they now want to take their ball and go home because the government says they can’t discriminate any longer.

53 goddamnedfrank  Oct 11, 2014 12:05:08am

re: #48 Targetpractice

Yes, state after state have decided to define marriage as Christians define it. Hence why polygamy and same-sex marriage have been banned for much of our history, as was interracial marriage before Loving.

The ban on polygamy has a real basis in practical law however. Because the various unique, bilateral legal rights and privileges relationships in a marriage scales up according to the equation (N!/(N-2)!)/2

54 Kragar  Oct 11, 2014 12:11:28am

Blocked her, done with her ridiculous circular droning

55 Targetpractice  Oct 11, 2014 12:11:57am

re: #53 goddamnedfrank

The ban on polygamy has a real basis in practical law however. Because the various unique, bilateral legal rights and privileges in a marriage scales up according to the equation (N!/(N-2)!)/2

Fair enough.

56 goddamnedfrank  Oct 11, 2014 12:21:18am

Pretty good.

57 goddamnedfrank  Oct 11, 2014 12:40:56am

The following tweet represents cognitive dissonance distilled down into a fine, white powder and snorted through a straw.

58 EPR-radar  Oct 11, 2014 12:46:19am

re: #52 Targetpractice

Yeah, after saying for years that marriage should be supported by the government, they now want to take their ball and go home because the government says they can’t discriminate any longer.

Bingo. I’m gay. 20 years ago, I would have settled for civil unions.

Not any more. I still get a slow burn when I remember how those bigoted fuckstains ran their disgusting pro-8 ads on the radio in California for months on end.

The enemies of marriage equality have outed themselves as bigots and enemies of humanity (per Scalia).

Their political defeat needs to be absolute.

59 goddamnedfrank  Oct 11, 2014 12:51:10am

re: #58 EPR-radar

Bingo. I’m gay. 20 years ago, I would have settled for civil unions.

Yep, exactly my point. In court you don’t get to later try and re-establish some hypothetical settlement you rejected, only after the verdict has come in against you.

60 Kragar  Oct 11, 2014 12:54:47am

re: #58 EPR-radar

Bingo. I’m gay. 20 years ago, I would have settled for civil unions.

Not any more. I still get a slow burn when I remember how those bigoted fuckstains ran their disgusting pro-8 ads on the radio in California for months on end.

The enemies of marriage equality have outed themselves as bigots and enemies of humanity (per Scalia).

Their political defeat needs to be absolute.

A lot of people would have settle for civil unions, but even then, the RR had a stick up their collective ass, limiting what civil unions would cover or not making them legally the same as a regular marriage. If the RR hadn’t given a little ground then, they wouldn’t have ended up shooting themselves in the foot now and losing the whole thing

61 Kragar  Oct 11, 2014 12:58:08am

One of the things they made me wake up to how nuts conservatives were was how willing to “die for a cause” when they had nothing to fight for. When Obama got elected, I thought we were going to get some plan as to how Republicans were going to get things done with Obama in the White House. Instead, we got Tea Party BS and Birthers. I was done with them soon after

62 WhatEVs  Oct 11, 2014 1:10:21am

re: #44 goddamnedfrank

[Embedded content]

She’s never going to get it.

She has no desire to get it.

You make fabulous arguments, btw.

63 freetoken  Oct 11, 2014 1:12:28am
64 EPR-radar  Oct 11, 2014 1:23:07am

re: #59 goddamnedfrank

Yep, exactly my point. In court you don’t get to later try and re-establish some hypothetical settlement you rejected, only after the verdict has come in against you.

You don’t get to do this kind of take-back in politics either.

65 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 1:25:23am

re: #18 goddamnedfrank


66 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 1:27:16am

re: #51 Kragar

The government cannot redefine the term.

But life can.

67 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 1:31:12am

re: #31 Eclectic Cyborg

On an unrelated note, what the heck happened to David Sirota? Haven’t seen him mentioned around here in awhile.

Just a random drive-by fact: “sirota” means “orphan” in Russian.

68 goddamnedfrank  Oct 11, 2014 1:31:24am

Sabbath Sermon: Adam and Steve (It’s not what you think, this one will really surprise you. Finally an uplifting religious take on the issue.) Since it’s a long article and some of the paragraphs are short, only containing one sentence, I’m going to paste more than the customary 4 - 5 paragraphs.

Henderson went on to say that God gave in on this issue of divorce, despite this not having been God’s intent in the beginning.

“You need to realize that God has given in often throughout history to us,” said Henderson.

He cited God’s giving the Israelites a king when they asked for it, even though God was their King. When David, a “man after God’s own heart” became King, he was good, but after time, he became corrupt.

“They [the Israelites] chose to be a part of something that was never God’s original design, but this is the world we live in,” said Henderson. “How I wish we could all go back to the way things used to be,” he continued. “And interestingly enough, God works with us in our own sinful matrix. How often that God has to put up with the way that we chose to do things. It was not God’s will that Eve take the fruit and that Adam also partook in it.”

Henderson stated that maybe even up to 90% of the things that happened in the Bible did not happen as God wanted it to happen.

Henderson preached that what really upsets God is when people hurt other people. He cited Nineveh as an example, calling it the city of blood where people walked over dead bodies in the streets.

“We keep thinking that ‘Wicked Cities’ was like people at the slot machine in Vegas—people just watching a bunch of porn. When the Bible describes evil, it’s talking about stuff that’s so scary, so disgusting, that even the wicked city doesn’t want to be around itself.”

People will say that homosexuals are like rabbits, and all they want to do is have sex. Henderson said this is a problem, because these statements dehumanize. “You create all these images as if they are not people that are having soul connections—relating to one another, identifying with one another. You need to understand the foundation of relationships…and it’s not sex! It’s heart to heart connection.”

“Listen, the character of God never changes. His heart never changes. His love never changes. It will never-we could never be separated from that. But God will change His mind because we change! The game changes and God will adjust based on the circumstances. Why wouldn’t He? In fact, coaches get fired because they don’t know how to change their game plan within the game!”

69 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 1:38:00am

re: #58 EPR-radar


The enemies of marriage equality have outed themselves as bigots and enemies of humanity (per Scalia).

Their political defeat needs to be absolute.

Not gay, been fighting the same bastards for 50 years.

‘Morning all. Amuse me.

70 William Barnett-Lewis  Oct 11, 2014 1:43:15am

re: #68 goddamnedfrank

I see an ad for Brian Mclaren there and that’s a good thing. Thank you for the link. The theology isn’t new to me but it’s a good presentation for those unfamiliar with the Emergent Church or other sane branches of Christianity.

71 William Barnett-Lewis  Oct 11, 2014 1:45:20am

re: #69 Decatur Deb

Not gay, been fighting the same bastards for 50 years.

‘Morning all. Amuse me.

Amen on the fight, not sure about amusing you though.

72 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 1:46:14am

re: #26 De Kolta Chair

Dr. Marc Monte (what an apt name for a con artist) is a typical fundamentalist, two centuries behind mainstream Christian scholars.

The problem with following scholars in religion is that you have to leave pretty much most of the Bible behind, and what remains rests on a pretty flimsy foundation. E.g. even aside from significant NT interpolations, scholars have established that it contains outright forgeries (letters not written by Paul but ascribed to him, 2 Peter, etc.). The problems with the historicity of the gospels are numerous. The story with the OT is the same - the Pentateuch was not written by Moses and doesn’t tell pretty much any real history (no Patriarchs, no Egyptian sojourn, no Exodus, no Canaan conquest), the book of Daniel is a 2nd century BC forgery, the story of David’s and Solomon’s kingdoms is at least enormously exaggerated (at worst they didn’t exist, but that’s a minority opinion) and so on.

So I can well understand the reluctance for relying on the mainstream scholarship. Most Christians reject it.

re: #27 The Ghost of a Flea

…and completely ignoring how Jews have been interpreting the Old Testament from four+ thousand.

I don’t think they ignore it, just disagree. It is a different religion with different rules, after all.
Also, the Tanakh is not 4000 years old.

73 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 1:46:31am

re: #70 William Barnett-Lewis

I see an ad for Brian Mclaren there and that’s a good thing. Thank you for the link. The theology isn’t new to me but it’s a good presentation for those unfamiliar with the Emergent Church or other sane branches of Christianity.

My favorite Protestant Hippie Commune is probably sane that way:

Koinonia Hosts Two Women and a Poodle on a “Gay Into Straight America” journey


74 freetoken  Oct 11, 2014 1:51:30am

re: #72 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Some people want to keep the label “Christian” without the actual history or teachings.

It’s sort of like those cheap candies on your local stores shelves that say “choco” instead of chocolate, because they don’t have real chocolate but instead are brown and slightly bitter.

75 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 1:53:48am

re: #71 William Barnett-Lewis

Amen on the fight, not sure about amusing you though.

Then I shall amuse myself.

Youtube Video

76 goddamnedfrank  Oct 11, 2014 2:01:01am

re: #72 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

the Pentateuch was not written by Moses and doesn’t tell pretty much any real history (no Patriarchs, no Egyptian sojourn, no Exodus, no Canaan conquest)

I’d be cautious conflating the Egyptian sojourn and Exodus with “real history.” The Egyptians actually kept fairly meticulous records, considering the time period in question, and one would think if the various plagues described in the OT actually happened someone on the Egyptian dynastic side of things would have taken note and written down shit like every firstborn male child suddenly dying. The place being inundated by locusts, blood and frogs would have also raised some eyebrows. Instead, for some mysterious reason the Egyptians left no lasting documentary record of the Jews time in their lands.

77 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 2:16:59am

re: #76 goddamnedfrank

Inorite :P That’s what I wrote - none of the things in brackets are historical.
Note, however, that the absence of records about supernatural events by itself doesn’t show that there wasn’t some historical core there. What does prove that the story is an invention from scratch are 1. that the Egyptian, chronicles don’t mention any Hebrew slaves or any Hebrews (except as a people in Canaan) or anything we would expect to be mentioned if huge masses of former slaves suddenly left. 2. We also don’t have any archaeological record of this in the Sinai desert - and that’s not an argument from silence, since the desert finds include thousand years old Bedouin camps etc. - yet no trace of the alleged Exodus. 3. Finally, the Canaan conquest never happened, archaeology shows pretty gradual development of the city cultures, and where the cities were conquered/razed, it happened in different time periods, not after the alleged Exodus. Basically, Hebrews were just Canaanites.

78 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 2:33:43am



Christians are being discriminated against by the Vikings!

79 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 2:39:37am

re: #78 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator



Christians are being discriminated against by the Vikings!

Intolerant assholes come in an amazing range of flavors.

80 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 2:41:10am

re: #79 Decatur Deb

Well, it seems those were not Vikings, but rather some 1st rate trolls:


81 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 2:43:24am

Popping in and out. Wife is off grandmothering, and I’m trying to remember how to fry an egg.

82 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 2:43:50am

re: #80 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Well, it seems those were not Vikings, but rather some 1st rate trolls:


Didn’t Vikings invent trolls?

83 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 2:44:58am

re: #82 Decatur Deb

Didn’t Vikings invent trolls?

In this case vice versa.

84 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 3:11:06am

re: #77 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

The good books on the topic are:

William G. Dever, Who Were the Early Israelites, and Where Did They Come From?

Israel Finkelstein, Neil Asher Silberman, The Bible Unearthed: Archaeology’s New Vision of Ancient Israel and the Origin of Sacred Texts

Dever presents a balanced, “centrist” consensus. He’s a well-known opponent of the “minimalists” like Finkelstein. Finkelstein’s conclusions about the reigns of David and Solomon are a matter of controversy and should be read with care.

But on the topic of the sojourn-exodus-conquest narrative these opponents, both highly respected archaeologists, basically agree.

85 William Barnett-Lewis  Oct 11, 2014 3:26:20am

re: #82 Decatur Deb

Didn’t Vikings invent trolls?

Just finished putting out breakfast here. hour early because of a marathon up the road in Ashland.

86 William Barnett-Lewis  Oct 11, 2014 3:28:19am

re: #84 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

I need to get up to date again. Thanks for the titles to get.

87 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 3:47:41am

re: #85 William Barnett-Lewis

Just finished putting out breakfast here. hour early because of a marathon up the road in Ashland.

We have a Down Kids Buddy Walk event. I’m going early to set up a quiet presence for my candidate. (It will be quieter than she expects, if I decide the event is not appropriate for a political meet-and-greet.)

88 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Oct 11, 2014 3:50:08am

Morning Lizardem! OT, but an interesting documentary just popped up on Netflix. It’s “Nature: Honey Badger.” Yep, Honey Badger don’t give a fuck! Check it out if you’ve got about an hour.

89 Timothy Watson  Oct 11, 2014 3:53:08am

re: #42 goddamnedfrank

#Marriage is a biblical term.

Late to the game, but the word “marriage” goes back to the “Latin marito (‘to marry’, literally ‘give in marriage’), from maritus (‘lover’, ‘nuptial’), from mas (‘male, masculine, of the male sex’).”

I would wager that the Romans were using those terms long before Christianity came into existence.

90 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 3:56:42am

re: #88 Rev_Arthur_Belling


Honey Badgers: Masters of Mayhem
Natural World, 2014-2015 Episode 2 of 10

Record books describe the honey badger as the most fearless animal on the planet; although barely a foot tall, they have a reputation for attacking just about anything - from venomous snakes to full-grown lions.

In South Africa, an eager scientist, a tenacious beekeeper and a patient conservationist all have a soft spot for these so called ‘bad boys’ of the animal kingdom, and each of them wants to discover if the honey badger’s bite really is as big as its hype.

91 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 3:59:07am

re: #89 Timothy Watson

The word “marriage” is only biblical, if you believe that the KJV is the original version of the Bible.

If it was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me!

92 Timothy Watson  Oct 11, 2014 4:00:46am

re: #91 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

The word “marriage” is only biblical, if you believe that the KJV is the original version of the Bible.

If it was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me!

God, not the KJV only folks!


93 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Oct 11, 2014 4:01:33am

re: #90 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Yep, I think that’s the same show.

94 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 4:05:51am

re: #91 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

The word “marriage” is only biblical, if you believe that the KJV is the original version of the Bible.

If it was good enough for Jesus, it’s good enough for me!

Depending on the economic need for division-of-labor, much of America had provision for gay marriage. Then we became the United States.


(Note “bardache” has fallen out of favor because of its etymology. The going term now is “Two-Spirit Person”.)

95 sattv4u2  Oct 11, 2014 4:09:00am

re: #94 Decatur Deb

term now is “Two-Spirit Person”

After the past 11 days/ overnights at work, I plan on being a “Two Spirit Person” for much of tonight!!

Just trying to decide which two I’ll consume copious amounts of!

96 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 4:09:26am

re: #92 Timothy Watson

Funny thing is, in the big picture the KJV-onlyism is not all that different from the fundie Sola Scriptura obsession (where Scriptura is the received Hebrew text). Not only because the received Hebrew text is not the “original” text (it’s only the latest redaction thereof), but also because the NT was written in Greek and thus makes frequent use of the Septuagint, including numerous places where it differs from the Hebrew Vorlage. Which indicates that the Septuagint, with all its deviations, is also (or even solely) the Word of God ;)

97 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 4:09:57am

re: #95 sattv4u2

term now is “Two-Spirit Person”

After the past 11 days/ overnights at work, I plan on being a “Two Spirit Person” for much of tonight!!

Just trying to decide which two I’ll consume copious amounts of!

Dunno about that—there’s something biblical about mixing wines.

98 wheat-dogghazi  Oct 11, 2014 4:15:28am

re: #97 Decatur Deb

Dunno about that—there’s something biblical about mixing wines.

Probably in Lamentations, relating to what happens after drinking too many mixed wines.

99 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 4:16:46am

re: #98 wheat-dogghazi

Probably in Lamentations, relating to what happens after drinking too many mixed wines.

The whole book of Revelations.

100 William Barnett-Lewis  Oct 11, 2014 4:17:20am

re: #99 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

The whole book of Revelations.

that was ergot…

101 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 4:17:33am

re: #98 wheat-dogghazi

Probably in Lamentations, relating to what happens after drinking too many mixed wines.

Have been known to lament.

102 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 4:21:07am

Interesting demonstration of how the same term can take totally different directions:

Reconstructionist Judaism en.wikipedia.org

Chrisitian Reconstructionism en.wikipedia.org

103 sattv4u2  Oct 11, 2014 4:21:17am

re: #101 Decatur Deb

Have been known to lament.

lament or ferment?

104 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 4:22:18am

re: #103 sattv4u2

lament or ferment?

You mean, the Book of Fermentations was suppressed by the Church?

105 I Stand With Big Sodomy!  Oct 11, 2014 4:23:11am

re: #18 goddamnedfrank

re: #78 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

WOW! LMAO. I have a lot of respect for religion, but I have to admit, I had some guilty pleasure reading what this Viking was saying.

106 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 4:23:41am

re: #102 Decatur Deb

Interesting demonstration of how the same term can take totally different directions:

Reconstructionist Judaism en.wikipedia.org

Chrisitian Reconstructionism en.wikipedia.org

Then there is that war reconstructor guy named Strelkov…

107 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 4:24:23am

re: #104 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

You mean, the Book of Fermentations was suppressed by the Church?

Not by the Christian Brothers.


108 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 4:25:08am

re: #106 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Then there is that war reconstructor guy named Strelkov…

Thought he’d be dead by now.

109 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 4:25:48am

re: #105 I Stand With Big Sodomy!

WOW! LMAO. I have a lot of respect for religion, but I have to admit, I had some guilty pleasure reading what this Viking was saying.

They should pair up with the Landover guys.

110 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 4:26:03am

re: #108 Decatur Deb

Thought he’d be dead by now.

You wish./

111 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 4:28:00am

Seems the Vi-king vass fa-king.

(see Sergey’s follow-up.)

112 I Stand With Big Sodomy!  Oct 11, 2014 4:28:09am

re: #94 Decatur Deb

I would upding this forever if I could.

113 sattv4u2  Oct 11, 2014 4:29:16am

re: #106 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Then there is that war reconstructor guy named Strelkov…


114 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 4:31:17am

re: #113 sattv4u2



115 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 4:36:19am

re: #112 I Stand With Big Sodomy!

I would upding this forever if I could.

Interesting dynamic there. Lewis and Clark came upon the meme, and described them as despised. So did other European explorers, but they all were looking from outside perspective. The two-spirit status as shamans and healers contradicts that. My Anthro professor linked their status to the needs for food processing. When the repeating rifle created an oversupply of buffalo, plains hunters formed “mixed marriages” because the need for female skills soared.

116 sattv4u2  Oct 11, 2014 4:36:25am

re: #114 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator


sometimes, but the porn has to be good!

117 Decatur Deb  Oct 11, 2014 4:39:48am

Dogwalk. BBL

118 sattv4u2  Oct 11, 2014 4:43:20am

re: #117 Decatur Deb

Dogwalk. BBL

Wouldn’t it be easier if you just walked upright?

119 goddamnedfrank  Oct 11, 2014 4:49:22am

120 lawhawk  Oct 11, 2014 5:18:31am

re: #9 Charles Johnson

121 lawhawk  Oct 11, 2014 5:20:15am

re: #106 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

And of course every time I see Strelkov, I read it as Strelnikov (Pasha Andropov).

122 lawhawk  Oct 11, 2014 5:28:21am

re: #44 goddamnedfrank

States repeatedly sought to define marriage in a purposefully discriminatory manner that the courts have repeatedly found to have violated the Equal Protection Clauses of the US Constitution.

And the kicker is that many judges at the lower levels are relying on Scalia’s dissent to rule the SSM bans unconstitutional. It is inherently discriminatory, and it doesn’t diminish heterosexual marriage, and it doesn’t mean that a given church must marry two people (as is the case now - where some churches refuse to marry on grounds of intermarriage - different sects, let alone SSM). It means that secular government can’t impose a religious definition of marriage, because the secular definition imparts specific rights and benefits on the married persons, which until recently a gay couple could not get (health, insurance, death benefits, hospital visitation/HIPAA, etc.).

123 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Oct 11, 2014 5:29:43am

re: #122 lawhawk

I do not care what they call it as long as they share the same rights as married people.

124 Eventual Carrion  Oct 11, 2014 5:41:13am

re: #100 William Barnett-Lewis

that was ergot…

I was thinking peyote but you are more than likely right according to the geography.

125 NJDhockeyfan  Oct 11, 2014 6:06:25am
126 sattv4u2  Oct 11, 2014 6:07:19am

re: #125 NJDhockeyfan

She looks smoking hot!!!

127 Targetpractice  Oct 11, 2014 6:10:43am

re: #125 NJDhockeyfan

[Embedded content]

Right up there with all the radioactive products that were supposed to give us everything from whiter teeth to longer lifespans…right up until our hair started falling out. Before that it was electricity, which was going to revolutionize the world.

Somehow, I have this sinking sensation that, in another generation, people are going to be looking back at our utter fascination with all things digital and thinking “A TV screen on a refrigerator? Who thought that was a good idea?!”

128 aagcobb  Oct 11, 2014 6:12:25am

re: #47 Kragar

[Embedded content]

That is a stupid, hopeless position. Most people would be outraged if they were told the state would no longer consider them “married” but rather in civil unions.

129 freetoken  Oct 11, 2014 6:12:28am

re: #127 Targetpractice

Maybe, in the future, people upon hearing the word “refrigerator” might ask “what’s that?”

130 Targetpractice  Oct 11, 2014 6:14:16am

re: #128 aagcobb

That is a stupid, hopeless position. Most people would be outraged if they were told the state would no longer consider them “married” but rather in civil unions.

Better yet, do they really think it will change the vernacular? That couples who can’t get their local church to sign off on their marriage because the priest is a dick about who can and can’t get married will say “Oh, this is my civil partner, we just entered our civil union last year”? Fuck no, they’re going to say “This is my wife, we got married last year,” puritanical assholes be damned.

131 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 6:14:23am

re: #125 NJDhockeyfan

Must be this guy’s wife.

132 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 6:15:53am

re: #127 Targetpractice

in another generation, people are going to be looking back at our utter fascination with all things digital and thinking “A TV screen on a refrigerator? Who thought that was a good idea?!”

Uh oh. I must be from the future then.

133 Targetpractice  Oct 11, 2014 6:26:51am

re: #132 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Uh oh. I must be from the future then.

That’s still not as ridiculous as trying to cram a computer into everything from your coffee maker to the oven for the purpose of being able to fiddle with it anywhere in the world. “I’m in London, better check to see if the dishwasher finished running.”

134 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Oct 11, 2014 6:39:53am
135 ausador  Oct 11, 2014 6:45:51am

re: #123 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

I do not care what they call it as long as they share the same rights as married people.

But then what about the same sex marriages that are performed by a member of the clergy? Do they get to call it “marriage” while the same sex couples married by a court clerk, justice of the peace or judge do not?

This whole ridiculous “only call them civil unions” argument falls apart right there, thousands of same sex couples have already been married in recognized religious ceremonies.

136 aagcobb  Oct 11, 2014 6:47:19am

re: #60 Kragar

A lot of people would have settle for civil unions, but even then, the RR had a stick up their collective ass, limiting what civil unions would cover or not making them legally the same as a regular marriage. If the RR hadn’t given a little ground then, they wouldn’t have ended up shooting themselves in the foot now and losing the whole thing

In some states, like Kentucky, they amended the constitution to prohibit even civil unions. The tears of all those Southern Baptist preachers will be sweet the day that same-sex couples can finally get their licenses and say their vows, and it could happen any day now, depending on how Judge Sutton of the 6th Circuit reacts to the Supreme Courts’ decision this week. I dearly hope that if the Sixth Circuit strikes down ssm, Governor Beshear has the sense to throw in the towel rather than ask for a stay and appeal to the Court. He had a plausible excuse for the initial appeal, but to keep fighting against the tide now just looks like bigotry.

137 ausador  Oct 11, 2014 6:49:16am

re: #133 Targetpractice

That’s still not as ridiculous as trying to cram a computer into everything from your coffee maker to the oven for the purpose of being able to fiddle with it anywhere in the world. “I’m in London, better check to see if the dishwasher finished running.”

Some of that stuff is actually kinda unsafe, connect to your oven from work to start pre-heating your oven before you get home? Maybe if your single, but in a household with kids who knows what might be in that oven?

138 ausador  Oct 11, 2014 6:54:16am

I am having a hard time parsing this…

Is she saying that all marriages should revert to being called civil unions until the people are re-married by a church?

139 Dr. Matt  Oct 11, 2014 6:54:45am

Bob Fucking Schneider!!!! Charles, thanks again for prompting one of the best things out of the state of Texas.

Youtube Video

140 aagcobb  Oct 11, 2014 6:54:54am

re: #91 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

The word “marriage” is only biblical, if you believe that the KJV is the original version of the Bible.

Believe it or not, there are people who do believe that.

141 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 6:57:39am

re: #140 aagcobb

Believe it or not, there are people who do believe that.

Yes, they’re called KJV-onlyists. Look up Peter Ruckman, a real swell guy.

142 Belafon  Oct 11, 2014 6:58:02am

re: #137 ausador

Do kids randomly put things in the oven? That’s not something mine have ever thought about.

143 Dr. Matt  Oct 11, 2014 6:58:05am

re: #138 ausador

I am having a hard time parsing this…

[Embedded content]

Is she saying that all marriages should revert to being called civil unions until the people are re-married by a church?

Idiotic word salad. People can get married by a judge in his chambers and it’s still a marriage. Their hatred for gays is resulting in an utter state of incoherence.

144 A Mom Anon  Oct 11, 2014 6:58:39am

re: #137 ausador

Or what about traffic delays, accidents, detours etc.? There comes a point where there’s technology overload. We don’t need it for EVERY. FREAKING. THING. We lived fine without computers in our fridges and watches and washing machines. I love my laptop and smartphone, but if they disappeared tomorrow, the only thing I’d really miss having are all my photos and my internet contacts (like people here and the tiny list of folks I keep in touch with on Facebook). Everything else I could find a way to do without being so plugged in. More isn’t always (rarely actually) better.

145 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 7:00:24am

re: #141 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Ruckman believes a fetus does not become a living soul until it is born and takes its first breath.[20] He believes in Unidentified Flying Objects and aliens, specifically blue aliens with blue blood, black aliens with green blood, and gray aliens with clear blood.[21] Ruckman believes the Central Intelligence Agency has implanted brain transmitters in children, old people, and African-Americans and that the agency operates underground alien breeding facilities.[22]
In 1984, Ruckman wrote, “Negroes have to be carried. Where they are left to themselves they resort to mugging, rape, slavery, dope traffic, and eventually cannibalism.”[23] In 1994, he wrote that “no matter how much integration is carried out, the IQ of blacks is always lower than whites.”[24] In 1997, Ruckman claimed that Attorney General Janet Reno had drawn up a list with his name on it and predicted that the “Government Mafia” would make a hit on him during “the next two or three years.”[25]

146 aagcobb  Oct 11, 2014 7:01:09am

re: #134 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Oops! I thought it was One-Bandolier Friday!

This website has been reported as unsafe.

147 ausador  Oct 11, 2014 7:01:39am

re: #142 Belafon

Do kids randomly put things in the oven? That’s not something mine have ever thought about.

Oh yes…toys, towels, cats, you name it…

148 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 7:01:57am

re: #145 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

“I teach that a baby is not a living soul until it breathes. I’m considered a great heretic for teaching that, but then again if a man goes by the King James Bible he’s bound to be a heretic these days. And so I don’t teach that abortion is murder like the brethren do and for that reason I’m considered a heretic by some of the brethren…Some of the brethren get so hung up on these things you know, they say, ‘Abortion is murder; abortion is murder.’ They show you pictures. Well they’re trying to prove, they’re trying to prove that thing looks like a person, it is a person. That’s what Darwin taught. You gotta watch that business.”

149 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 7:02:20am

re: #147 ausador

Oh yes…toys, towels, cats, you name it…


150 Targetpractice  Oct 11, 2014 7:02:37am

re: #138 ausador

I am having a hard time parsing this…

[Embedded content]

Is she saying that all marriages should revert to being called civil unions until the people are re-married by a church?

Better yet, does she think it will be that easy to just substitute “civil union” in place of marriage in every law in the country?

Here’s a simpler idea: Just do away with all the government benefits tied to marriage and then it won’t matter whether you’re wed in a church or by a judge.

151 aagcobb  Oct 11, 2014 7:04:45am

re: #150 Targetpractice

Better yet, does she think it will be that easy to just substitute “civil union” in place of marriage in every law in the country?

Here’s a simpler idea: Just do away with all the government benefits tied to marriage and then it won’t matter whether you’re wed in a church or by a judge.

Yeah, good luck getting married people to support that.

152 Belafon  Oct 11, 2014 7:05:48am

re: #141 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Back in 1988, between high school and college, I was staying with my grandparents. They were very religious, so I went to church with them. The small Church of Christ they went to was using the NIV Bible. One day, at the end of a Sunday service, some guy comes in and starts arguing about how only the King James version was a true Bible.

153 Targetpractice  Oct 11, 2014 7:06:07am

re: #151 aagcobb

Yeah, good luck getting married people to support that.

Yeah, we know it’s not going to happen. So what we’re left with it Bible-thumpers trying snatch victory from the jaws of inevitable defeat by declaring “Alright, you can have government recognition, but we still get to decide who is and isn’t married!”

154 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Oct 11, 2014 7:08:23am

re: #148 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator
Who is that quote from?

155 ausador  Oct 11, 2014 7:09:47am

re: #144 A Mom Anon

I eventually had to ban cell phones from my job sites, the guys were told to leave them in the car. Repeated lectures about using the phone for personal calls didn’t get through to them. The only ones allowed to have a phone were crew foremen so they could order materials, discuss problems, etc..

Guys raised a howl for the first week or so and then life went on, I advised them to give their foreman’s number to spouses or significant others for contact in emergencies.

I just got sick of walking into sites and seeing guys standing around with phones glued to their ears instead of working. They were making a damn good wage for a non-union shop (highest in town) and I expected them to earn it.

156 Belafon  Oct 11, 2014 7:10:10am

re: #153 Targetpractice

I really doubt gays are going to care that some church isn’t going to recognize their marriage when they get all the benefits married couples do, and other churches will. And, if they’re going to be that way, then I’ll just decide that no Southern Baptists are married.

157 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 7:10:26am

re: #154 Rev_Arthur_Belling


158 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Oct 11, 2014 7:11:29am

re: #155 ausador

I am actually thinking of getting rid of my smartphone for a “dumb” phone, because I notice that I spend way too much time looking down at it, texting, browsing, etc. I rarely ever use it as a phone anyway.

159 Dr. Matt  Oct 11, 2014 7:14:27am

re: #152 Belafon

Back in 1988, between high school and college, I was staying with my grandparents. They were very religious, so I went to church with them. The small Church of Christ they went to was using the NIV Bible. One day, at the end of a Sunday service, some guy comes in and starts arguing about how only the King James version was a true Bible.

I’ve heard numerous Southern Baptists say the exact same thing. They think all those “thees” and thous” are more old-timey and official sounding.

160 Belafon  Oct 11, 2014 7:16:22am

re: #159 Dr. Matt

And the if you’re going to die, do it right and die of poor sanitation conditions.

161 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Oct 11, 2014 7:20:42am

re: #159 Dr. Matt

I’ve heard numerous Southern Baptists say the exact same thing. They think all those “thees” and thous” are more old-timey and official sounding.

I once wrote a short story about an SBC music minister who believed that the original SBC songbook (1926?) was the inspired version and that all later versions were heretical. I ran into several KJV-only types when I was in seminary. I steered clear of them.

The now-named Baptist Hymnal had some controversy surrounding it when a version came out in the 1990s that had some newer worship songs and got rid of some old favorites.

162 aagcobb  Oct 11, 2014 7:22:54am

re: #158 Rev_Arthur_Belling

I am actually thinking of getting rid of my smartphone for a “dumb” phone, because I notice that I spend way too much time looking down at it, texting, browsing, etc. I rarely ever use it as a phone anyway.

You better hurry, I don’t know how much longer they will even keep making dumb phones.

163 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Oct 11, 2014 7:28:17am

re: #162 aagcobb

You better hurry, I don’t know how much longer they will even keep making dumb phones.

I actually think they’ll keep making them for a while, just because there’s still a market for people who don’t want to pay the data plans. I could be wrong, though.

164 ausador  Oct 11, 2014 7:41:10am

re: #163 Rev_Arthur_Belling

I actually think they’ll keep making them for a while, just because there’s still a market for people who don’t want to pay the data plans. I could be wrong, though.

That and the pre-pay by the minute cheapo phones available everywhere which are also those used by the Lifeline (aka Obama phone) providers since only very limited talk and text is included.

165 Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 11, 2014 7:46:20am


166 Rev_Arthur_Belling  Oct 11, 2014 8:00:16am

re: #165 Backwoods_Sleuth


Working on mission of the high import. Need volunteers in St. Joseph, Mo or Winona, MN, or Florence, AL, or Indianopolis, IN. Interested? DM

WTF? What are you, 12?

167 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 8:01:29am

re: #166 Rev_Arthur_Belling

WTF? What are you, 12?

He is, mentally.

168 Ryan King  Oct 11, 2014 8:01:53am

Can I be on the Mission of High Import Committee?

169 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 8:02:43am

re: #165 Backwoods_Sleuth

If newman is down, use upman, updog or goingon.

170 darthstar  Oct 11, 2014 8:04:00am

Wendy Davis’ team put out a bad ad apparently. Some people on Twitter just can’t get enough 140 character OHMYGODS in…

171 jaunte  Oct 11, 2014 8:16:31am

re: #170 darthstar

Leading with the image of the wheelchair was a big mistake for the Davis campaign to allow any sympathy room to Abbott. He actually is a perfect example of the ‘I got mine, screw you’ GOP ideal.

The ad argues that Abbott successfully sued for his 1984 injury, but later as a Texas Supreme Court justice and state attorney general opposed similar efforts from other people suing hospitals and corporations.

“Abbott argued a woman whose leg was amputated was not disabled because she had an artificial limb,” the narrator says. “He ruled against a rape victim who sued a corporation for failing to do a background check on a sexual predator. He sided with a hospital that failed to stop a dangerous surgeon who paralyzed patients.”

Abbott’s use of a wheelchair has been featured prominently in some of his own ads — including a biographical spot where he says he rolled up a parking garage’s ramps to strengthen his arm after a tree fell on him in 1984, leaving him partially paralyzed. In another, he says, “a guy in a wheelchair can move faster than traffic on some roads in Texas” as he touts a transportation funding plan.

172 darthstar  Oct 11, 2014 8:18:41am

re: #171 jaunte

Leading with the image of the wheelchair was a big mistake for the Davis campaign to allow any sympathy room to Abbott. He actually is a perfect example of the ‘I got mine, screw you’ GOP ideal.

Yep…but can he milk it for three weeks without looking like he’s milking it?

Davis just needs to move on, say the ad was a mistake and focus on the issues.

173 De Kolta Chair  Oct 11, 2014 8:19:44am

174 darthstar  Oct 11, 2014 8:21:25am

Won’t be allowed? I don’t think Reince understands what caucus means.

175 Targetpractice  Oct 11, 2014 8:28:50am

re: #174 darthstar

Won’t be allowed? I don’t think Reince understands what caucus means.

[Embedded content]

Yeah, I don’t see that position lasting if the GOP finds itself one vote shy of a majority. Rinsed Prius is trying to look good to the base, but when push comes to shove, the GOP will grovel at Orman’s feet if it means getting a bill passed.

176 Ryan King  Oct 11, 2014 8:40:31am

177 lawhawk  Oct 11, 2014 8:40:58am

Another Ebola false alarm, as person in NYC found not to have disease.

Meanwhile, a Colorado teenager visiting Brooklyn was placed in isolation at a hospital Friday night after showing flu-like symptoms, triggering concerns about Ebola after he said he recently traveled to Sudan.

As CBS 2’s Janelle Burrell reported, emergency responders and medical teams at Brookdale University Hospital and Medical Center were following the outlined protocol to safely treat the patient.

Officials said the patient, a 14-year-old boy, is suffering from flu-like symptoms after returning from a two-week trip to Sudan, and reportedly lied to authorities so he could fly home, Burrell reported.

An official with the city’s Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, however, told 1010 WINS there are no patients currently suspected of having Ebola in New York City.

The boy’s uncle told 1010 WINS’ Roger Stern the family never thought he had Ebola, but sent him to the hospital after he felt dizzy.

178 Targetpractice  Oct 11, 2014 8:45:31am

Shocker, Ergodan watches Kobani burn and treats fleeing Kurds like shit, and what does WaPo do? Blame the President for not declaring war on Assad already.

179 lawhawk  Oct 11, 2014 8:51:30am

It’s rather amusing that right wingers are hammering on Wendy Davis for her awful ad featuring a wheelchair.

It’s not like the GOP and her opponent haven’t done far worse in treating women in Texas (you know, ~50 percent of people living in the state and who should be voting).

Let’s take the TRAP laws that make it nearly impossible to find an abortion clinic in much of the state - or that in order to get a legal abortion, a woman would have to travel hundreds of miles, or seek services well outside the state.

180 SpaceJesus  Oct 11, 2014 8:53:55am

From the Ninth Circuit’s opinion in the Idaho marriage case: “We seriously doubt that allowing committed same-sex couples to settle down in legally recognized marriages will drive opposite-sex couples to sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll.”

181 jaunte  Oct 11, 2014 8:57:32am

re: #180 SpaceJesus

182 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 8:59:27am

re: #180 SpaceJesus

From the Ninth Circuit’s opinion in the Idaho marriage case: “We seriously doubt that allowing committed same-sex couples to settle down in legally recognized marriages will drive opposite-sex couples to sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll.”

Damn. Party poopers.

183 allegro  Oct 11, 2014 9:00:12am

re: #179 lawhawk

It’s rather amusing that right wingers are hammering on Wendy Davis for her awful ad featuring a wheelchair.

It’s not like the GOP and her opponent haven’t done far worse in treating women in Texas (you know, ~50 percent of people living in the state and who should be voting).

Let’s take the TRAP laws that make it nearly impossible to find an abortion clinic in much of the state - or that in order to get a legal abortion, a woman would have to travel hundreds of miles, or seek services well outside the state.

I haven’t seen that particular ad but I understand the Davis campaign temptation for it. As noted above in jaunte’s post, Abbott has been using the heck out of his wheelchair in ads to an eyerolling extent.

I have been disappointed that Davis hasn’t used the hell out of the women’s health center closures. I can only suppose it is due to the abortion angle but since most people, even conservatives, favor the legal and safe availability of reproductive choice that is not a losing issue. Let the hysterics call her “abortion barbie”, in fact, please do to piss women off even more and GOTV.

185 Dr. Matt  Oct 11, 2014 9:01:57am

re: #179 lawhawk

The GOP…the same party that has publicly (and proudly) compared our President to every monster in history are suddenly “outraged” over the Wendy Davis ad. Fainting couches are on backorder in the Lone Star State.

186 Targetpractice  Oct 11, 2014 9:05:31am

re: #184 Rightwingconspirator

Leaders of Iraq’s Anbar province call for U.S. ground forces to stop ISIS


I can’t help but imagine that the GOP see ISIS as manna from heaven. They were desperate for a boogeyman to wave in front of voters before November and, lo and behold, one materialized just in time to shift the polls.

187 Ryan King  Oct 11, 2014 9:06:08am

I was sick of the term ‘Islamo-Nazi’ the first time it was spoken. Now it’s a common term to define ISIS.

Which means if the US doesn’t invade right now to stop them the galaxy will fall.

188 De Kolta Chair  Oct 11, 2014 9:09:42am

Needs caption.

189 Rightwingconspirator  Oct 11, 2014 9:10:34am

re: #186 Targetpractice

I can’t help but imagine that the GOP see ISIS as manna from heaven. They were desperate for a boogeyman to wave in front of voters before November and, lo and behold, one materialized just in time to shift the polls.

Ugh. As the corporations continue to solidify their power base each election, foreign plicy becomes the last bastion of meaningful partisan attention. That’s a problem on many levels, not the least of which is foreign policy is the last place you want a party fight.

190 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 9:11:38am

re: #188 De Kolta Chair

[Embedded image]
Needs caption.

Wanted moles No ideas, sry.

191 Editor in Chief  Oct 11, 2014 9:13:42am

re: #188 De Kolta Chair

[Embedded image]
Needs caption.

Great porn-stache

192 wrenchwitch  Oct 11, 2014 9:13:59am

re: #180 SpaceJesus

From the Ninth Circuit’s opinion in the Idaho marriage case: “We seriously doubt that allowing committed same-sex couples to settle down in legally recognized marriages will drive opposite-sex couples to sex, drugs, and rock-and-roll.”

This, THIS is why you went into law, right my Lord?

193 lawhawk  Oct 11, 2014 9:15:14am

re: #188 De Kolta Chair

Blue tie: $35
American Flag: $125
Sporting a mustache perfect for a 70s porno? Priceless.

194 Ryan King  Oct 11, 2014 9:17:52am

re: #188 De Kolta Chair

Libertarian Liberace

195 Dr. Matt  Oct 11, 2014 9:21:28am

re: #188 De Kolta Chair

Caption: Freddie Mercury called from beyond the grave and said, ‘Shave that fucking thing off’.

196 Mike Lamb  Oct 11, 2014 9:21:55am

re: #13 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

See Chuck—your tweet is an example of actionable defamation…take notes for your future threats of legal action…

197 Targetpractice  Oct 11, 2014 9:24:18am

re: #189 Rightwingconspirator

Ugh. As the corporations continue to solidify their power base each election, foreign plicy becomes the last bastion of meaningful partisan attention. That’s a problem on many levels, not the least of which is foreign policy is the last place you want a party fight.

Foreign policy is always the GOP’s trump card, their last refuge when the economy is running well under a Democrat or falling apart under a Republican and all the other major issues of the day amount to them arguing to kick puppies and take candy from babies. It’s been that way since 1980, when their presidential campaign amounted to “CARTER’S A WIMP!!!”

198 Ryan King  Oct 11, 2014 9:26:31am

Foreign Policy: where failures are touted as achievements.

199 Ryan King  Oct 11, 2014 9:27:22am

Foreign Policy: where you actually can have your yellowcake and eat it too.

200 De Kolta Chair  Oct 11, 2014 9:29:51am

If one morning I walked on top of the water across the Potomac River, the headline that afternoon would read “President Can’t Swim.” — LBJ

201 SpaceJesus  Oct 11, 2014 9:30:47am

re: #192 wrenchwench

Sex, drugs and rock and roll?

202 Targetpractice  Oct 11, 2014 9:32:03am

The GOP love ISIS for its ability to take everything from their “let them eat cake!” economic policies to their calls for refugees to be shipped back to drug gangs in Central America off the front page in favor of an enemy that they can rail against who’s even more heartless and bloodthirsty than they are.

203 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 9:35:02am

re: #201 SpaceJesus

Sex, drugs and rock and roll?

I assume, writing clever stuff like this.

204 Dave In Austin  Oct 11, 2014 9:39:08am

re: #195 Dr. Matt


205 Ryan King  Oct 11, 2014 9:39:09am

Foreign Policy: where you can spend crazy money after espousing all kinds of ‘fiscal responsibility.’

206 De Kolta Chair  Oct 11, 2014 9:44:36am

“If you can’t stand the heat, get out of the Illuminati.” — Harry S. Truman

207 wrenchwitch  Oct 11, 2014 10:00:40am

re: #201 SpaceJesus

Sex, drugs and rock and roll?

I meant the writing of the opinion, but whatever gets you through the night!

208 BeachDem  Oct 11, 2014 10:05:38am

re: #165 Backwoods_Sleuth

Step 1, Chuckles—learn how to spell Indianapolis (of very high import.)

209 Rightwingconspirator  Oct 11, 2014 10:06:57am

I try to stay civil. This time it was hard to do.

210 Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 11, 2014 10:11:18am

re: #209 Rightwingconspirator

I try to stay civil. This time it was hard to do.

That hatchling is a real piece of work. It might even have a backup sock puppet that was registered just minutes before that one did.

211 lawhawk  Oct 11, 2014 10:14:35am

re: #51 Kragar

Wait a second? The government can’t redefine a term?

It most assuredly can define things how ever the legislature, executive and courts see fit.

They’ve defined and redefined weapons of mass destruction (to essentially any explosive device).

States have already defined and redefined marriage. Miscegenation laws.
Courts have defined and redefined marriage. Miscegenation laws. SSM.

States have defined and redefined who can or can’t vote. Even more basic than that - who was a person and who was a slave, and the worth of that person. The civil war didn’t quite end that debate, not when Jim Crow took its place and persisted into the 20th Century.

So, in a nutshell, government regularly defines and redefines terms.

But to claim marriage is biblical is so christian-centric that it ignores that marriage existed before the bible. It existed outside monotheistic religions. It exists the world over in cultures and traditions completely unrelated to the Bible, let alone Christianity.

So, just because this guy’s version of marriage is offended doesn’t mean he gets to impose that religious view by operation of law.

212 wrenchwitch  Oct 11, 2014 10:14:52am

re: #210 Backwoods_Sleuth

That hatchling is a real piece of work. It might even have a backup sock puppet that was registered just minutes before that one did.

Which would be against the rules.

I don’t want to go to that thread because I don’t want to watch the video or read about it. Besides, I think I owe Desmond one more, so I’m busy.

213 Rightwingconspirator  Oct 11, 2014 10:20:07am

re: #212 wrenchwench

Good call, Enjoy caturday.

214 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 10:23:24am

re: #211 lawhawk

So, just because this guy’s version of marriage is offended doesn’t mean he gets to impose that religious view by operation of law.

It’s a she ;)

215 wrenchwitch  Oct 11, 2014 10:24:45am

re: #213 Rightwingconspirator

Good call, Enjoy caturday.

Ooooh, thanks! This shall be the image of the day:

216 wrenchwitch  Oct 11, 2014 10:29:05am

re: #212 wrenchwench

Besides, I think I owe Desmond one more, so I’m busy.

From there:

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Darn it!

Oh, well. Back to Buddha’s lap. ~ :-)

217 BeachDem  Oct 11, 2014 10:33:09am

Charles Pierce, talking about Peggy Noonan:

She’s a regular here at the cafe, so all the other regulars have learned to leave that end of the counter to her alone, where she speaks to the clams in her chowder like they all went to high school together.


218 De Kolta Chair  Oct 11, 2014 10:39:00am

Amy Carter and Misty Malarky Ying Yang

219 goddamnedfrank  Oct 11, 2014 10:41:31am

re: #211 lawhawk

re: #214 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

It’s a she ;)

It’s a Twitter account with definite pretenses of gender and ethnicity, about which I retain a certain level of skepticism.

220 Dave In Austin  Oct 11, 2014 10:51:06am
221 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 10:56:07am

re: #219 goddamnedfrank

Maybe it’s someone’s dog, who can tell nowadays? ;)

222 ausador  Oct 11, 2014 10:57:57am

re: #213 Rightwingconspirator

Good call, Enjoy caturday.

We shouldn’t allow these two on the same planet! I’ve seen Star Trek and I know what can happen!

Let That Earth Be Your Last Battlefield?

223 wrenchwitch  Oct 11, 2014 11:06:33am

re: #220 Dave In Austin

[Embedded content]

Nice! Taj has still got it.

224 darthstar  Oct 11, 2014 11:11:42am
225 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 11:12:55am

re: #219 goddamnedfrank

[Embedded content]

It’s a Twitter account with definite pretenses of gender and ethnicity, about which I retain a certain level of skepticism.


226 darthstar  Oct 11, 2014 11:14:05am
227 ausador  Oct 11, 2014 11:23:02am

These people are totally brainwashed “Never question the corporations, corporations are good, corporations are right, corporations know best.” Thanks GOP and FOX news…

228 Targetpractice  Oct 11, 2014 11:27:17am

re: #227 ausador

These people are totally brainwashed “Never question the corporations, corporations are good, corporations are right, corporations know best.” Thanks GOP and FOX news…

[Embedded content]

Yeah, apparently we’re supposed to believe that Wal-Mart is dropping thousands of part-time workers from insurance, not because they’re a company that has kept prices low by relying on welfare to subsidize worker costs, but because healthcare costs this year are a little higher than they expected.

229 Ryan King  Oct 11, 2014 11:32:17am

re: #227 ausador

Notice how it’s Obamas Fault for a giant mega corporation cheaping out on their employees?

Obama is super powerful, crafty, and feckless and inept AT THE SAME TIME.

Which is even more crafty and super powerful.

230 teleskiguy  Oct 11, 2014 11:33:46am

The first gay marriage license in my county was handed out on Thursday.

Things are normal, it looks as if civilization is going to be alright.

231 ausador  Oct 11, 2014 11:34:47am

re: #228 Targetpractice

Yeah, apparently we’re supposed to believe that Wal-Mart is dropping thousands of part-time workers from insurance, not because they’re a company that has kept prices low by relying on welfare to subsidize worker costs, but because healthcare costs this year are a little higher than they expected.

Walmarts own “estimate” said that health coverage costs would go from $330M this year to approx. $500M in 2015 due to meeting the ACA provisions. So they increased employee contribution fees for their plan and dropped coverage for the part time workers.

In other words they are having the taxpayers* and their own employees subsidize them for the projected cost increase.

*for employees with children or those in states with expanded medicaid.

232 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 11:37:42am

re: #230 teleskiguy

The first gay marriage license in my county was handed out on Thursday.

Things are normal, it looks as if civilization is going to be alright.

Nope. Global warming still here :(

233 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 11:38:40am

An interesting second-hand account of Jewish folk magic.


234 wrenchwitch  Oct 11, 2014 11:40:56am
235 Dave In Austin  Oct 11, 2014 11:43:52am

re: #234 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

How did they ever survive???

236 The War TARDIS  Oct 11, 2014 11:49:43am

re: #234 wrenchwench

That is an atrocity this is still happening in the US.

237 teleskiguy  Oct 11, 2014 11:53:37am
238 ausador  Oct 11, 2014 11:57:07am

Salon read that Denver Post endorsement editorial, apparently they didn’t think too much of it*…

Denver Post submits superb entry for most asinine endorsement of 2014 cycle

*(neither did the majority of folks commenting at the D.P. which is good to see)

239 darthstar  Oct 11, 2014 11:58:05am
240 darthstar  Oct 11, 2014 12:00:03pm

He doesn’t know Mandy…and probably doesn’t need to.

241 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator  Oct 11, 2014 12:09:12pm

Some wingnut whines:

Religious conservatives. / Tea Party nuts. PLEASE tell us us all how forcing millions of low income, welfare sucking, gun hating democrats to have even more babies, instead of abortions, helps our families or our way of life. In a very short time the democrats will have a super majority everywhere….
This will cost millions of us our 2A rights along with our way of life…..Please explain it to me so I can tell my kids why we did this to them…

242 jaunte  Oct 11, 2014 12:11:20pm

re: #241 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

forcing millions of low income, welfare sucking, gun hating democrats to have even more babies, instead of abortions

That is some impressively dense B.S. packing.

243 allegro  Oct 11, 2014 12:12:05pm

re: #241 Islamo-Masonic Conspirator

Some wingnut whines:

First explain to your kids how you got to be such an asshole.

244 Ryan King  Oct 11, 2014 12:17:02pm

poor welfare-sucking gun-hating baby-making Democrats.


245 Lidane  Oct 11, 2014 12:19:53pm

re: #236 The War TARDIS

That is an atrocity this is still happening in the US.

It’s not just native American families, however. Do a Google search for the border colonias.

246 wrenchwitch  Oct 11, 2014 12:21:49pm

re: #245 Lidane

It’s not just native American families, however. Do a Google search for the border colonias.

There’s a house for sale near here that has no water and no electricity. It’s cheap, it’s historic adobe, but still… ($12,000)

247 wrenchwitch  Oct 11, 2014 12:22:32pm
248 darthstar  Oct 11, 2014 12:31:09pm
249 Eventual Carrion  Oct 11, 2014 8:41:15pm

re: #188 De Kolta Chair

[Embedded image]
Needs caption.

Is that French Morticia!

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