The Bob & Chez Show: Flukeman

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Today’s program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob & Chez Show:

Flukeman: The Ultimate Trump Meltdown; Trump accused of sexual assault by more women; Trump groped a woman on an airplane; Trump molested a People Magazine reporter; Trump ogles a 10 year old girl; Trump ogles Miss Teen contestants; Trump suing The New York Times; Rudy Giuliani Goes There; Trump wants you to vote on November 28; and more.

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Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:40:45pm

These GUYS
Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:42:58pm

re: #1 Stanley Sea

(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻┻┻┻┻┻KEEP CALM FLIPPING DESKS(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻┻┻┻┻┻

SteelPH  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:45:24pm

re: #2 Nyet

Did you ever figure out how to spin the whole blog?

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:45:31pm

CNN finally catches a clue.

Donald Trump and the Breitbart election

Great White Snark  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:46:25pm

re: #1 Stanley Sea

[Embedded content]

These GUYS

Accuser-“Trumps hands were like those of an octopus”

Trump campaign-Born for multitasking!

allegro  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:48:13pm

re: #1 Stanley Sea

[Embedded content]

These GUYS

Because that analogy has never been used before for a horny, molesting asshole… like my whole life.

ObserverArt  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:48:44pm

re: #2 Nyet

How do you view and classify an organization such as InfoWars? Would you put them in with Brietbart and say a National Review? And where do they fit if a large segment of America considers them a part of our media and other media quotes them, etc.?

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:49:24pm

re: #3 SteelPH

Did you ever figure out how to spin the whole blog?

Yes, it’s not difficult (I’m on a laptop).

freetoken  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:49:34pm

freetoken  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:49:59pm

re: #2 Nyet

I had totally forgotten about the spin class.

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:50:38pm
Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:50:43pm

re: #10 freetoken

I had totally forgotten about the spin class.

We’re in a no-spin zone!

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:51:27pm

re: #11 Charles Johnson

They sort of turned a bit antisemitic, other than that, nothing.

Sherlock Hound  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:52:42pm

re: #6 allegro

Because that analogy has never been used before for a horny, molesting asshole… like my whole life.

“She got it from The Fisherman’s Wife painting!”

Ubiq  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:53:40pm

re: #4 Skip Intro

CNN finally catches a clue.

Donald Trump and the Breitbart election

To me, the fact that Trump is just as slanderous and fact free as Breitbart is nowhere near as scary as the fact that Trump apparently treats what he reads on InfoWars as factual.

Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:55:07pm
Shiplord Kirel  Oct 15, 2016 • 1:59:02pm

What happens to these conspiracy shits when Putin and FSB realize how useless they are, and how every resource put into inciting them has been squandered?

Targetpractice  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:00:17pm

So I hear that Wikileaks dropped the bomb by releasing the Goldman Sachs transcript. Has the Clinton campaign folded up yet? Hillary been arrested? Are millions of Democrats looking to Bernie for salvation? Is Trump picking out curtains for the Oval Office yet? How can the media not be totally distraught over this sudden devastation of the horse race?


The Madness of King Orange (aka Sophist)  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:01:16pm

re: #14 Sherlock Hound

“She got it from The Fisherman’s Wife painting!”

Pretty sure it’s a woodblock print. {/pedant}

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:03:40pm
Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:05:58pm

re: #20 Backwoods_Sleuth

So that’s who bit that guy’s sister…

Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:07:18pm

re: #2 Nyet

(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻┻┻┻┻┻KEEP CALM FLIPPING DESKS(ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻┻┻┻┻┻

Okay, spinning letters (or tables). How does one do that here? Is Mr. Johnson going to put in a radio button for “spinning text?”

dangerman  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:07:47pm

re: #19 Trumpia est omnis divisa in duo calathi(Sophist)

Pretty sure it’s a woodblock print. {/pedant}

and to think i had trouble in the last thread for changing a “me” to an “I”

Odie Hugh Manatee  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:08:30pm

Oregon coast is fairly clear of rain now and while the winds have slightly subsided, they’re still hitting pretty hard. The ocean looks rowdy as hell with 25-30 ft. breakers hitting the south jetty (big splash!). I know I sure as hell wouldn’t want to be out on that mess. Our big cat, Stewie, has discovered that the dehumidifier is not only a warm spot to camp by but that it’s noisy enough to cover up the sound of the wind/storm. I moved one of their sleeping pads over by it and he’s happily camped out there in his butterball turkey pose. I was kind and cranked the knob up on it so it would stay running and keep him happy.

If it gets too dry in the house I’ll just open a window for a minute! :)

wrenchwench  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:09:20pm

All the tiny [light] orange hands fall over.

Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:09:24pm

re: #9 freetoken

I can try copy and paste to see if it works.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:09:42pm

re: #22 Anymouse

It’s sorcery.

dangerman  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:09:46pm

re: #18 Targetpractice

So I hear that Wikileaks dropped the bomb by releasing the Goldman Sachs transcript. Has the Clinton campaign folded up yet? Hillary been arrested? Are millions of Democrats looking to Bernie for salvation? Is Trump picking out curtains for the Oval Office yet? How can the media not be totally distraught over this sudden devastation of the horse race?


the folks salivating over this waiting for it be released are gonna pick words and phrases and ignore that 95+% doesnt say what they wanted it to say and in fact releasing it actually hurt rather than helped

SteelPH  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:10:22pm

So when do we get a spinning Trump head to go with spinning Gohmert?

dangerman  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:10:27pm

the whole room is spinning here

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:10:42pm
Blind Frog Belly White  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:11:16pm

re: #26 Anymouse

It makes me wanna throw up.

Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:12:49pm

re: #32 Blind Frog Belly White

It makes me wanna throw up.

Well, I see you have to set up each character to individually spin; I just typed in the whole sentence in a copy-and-paste in one line.

That might be one reason my wife is the software engineer, and not me. I just repair the things, I don’t try to program them.

gocart mozart  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:13:15pm
Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:13:25pm
Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:15:02pm

re: #3 SteelPH

Did you ever figure out how to spin the whole blog?

OK, I have just spun the entire blog.

If you’re in Chrome (but should be similar everywhere):

1. Inspect the code.
2. Locate the body tag.
3. Insert this as attribute: class=”fa fa-spin”


KGxvi  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:15:13pm

re: #35 Stanley Sea

He doesn’t believe half of what he says!

Yeah, but which half?

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:16:23pm

re: #37 KGxvi

He doesn’t believe half of what he says!

Yeah, but which half?

And which day?

dangerman  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:17:01pm

re: #34 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

you wanna know what somebody’s gonna do
look what theyve been doing their whole life

clinton: a life of public service
trump: not

Blind Frog Belly White  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:17:49pm

re: #36 Nyet

OK, I have just spun the entire blog.

If you’re in Chrome (but should be similar everywhere):

1. Inspect the code.
2. Locate the body tag.
3. Insert this as attribute: class=”fa fa-spin”


Body tag? You mean, like this?

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:17:56pm

Here is how it looks like applied to a single comment.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:18:17pm

re: #40 Blind Frog Belly White

Body tag? You mean, like this?

[Embedded content]

That’s how you make the dead spin in their graves.

Targetpractice  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:19:27pm

re: #28 dangerman

the folks salivating over this waiting for it be released are gonna pick words and phrases and ignore that 95+% doesnt say what they wanted it to say and in fact releasing it actually hurt rather than helped

It’s more a poke at all the Bros who spent months insisting that the transcripts “needed” to be released, because we had a “right” to see them, when really they were just hoping there was something in there that would devastate her support among Democrats. But the reality is that, if these transcripts had been released back during the primaries, they would probably have helped her tamp down accusations that she was on the bank payrolls.

dangerman  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:19:35pm

re: #3 SteelPH

Did you ever figure out how to spin the whole blog?

i have the entire cosmos spinning synchronously from whatever perspective you are viewing it

Blind Frog Belly White  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:21:31pm

re: #35 Stanley Sea

WA-A-AY back, early in the campaign, Krugman wrote about people who said that Trump would be okay, because he was just playing to the rubes. Krugman said that’s a heck of a slogan - “Voter for Trump! He doesn’t mean any of it!”

wrenchwench  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:22:43pm

re: #44 dangerman

i have the entire cosmos spinning synchronously from whatever perspective you are viewing it

I’m going in the opposite direction.

/always stirring things up

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:22:55pm
dangerman  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:23:43pm

re: #43 Targetpractice

It’s more a poke at all the Bros who spent months insisting that the transcripts “needed” to be released, because we had a “right” to see them, when really they were just hoping there was something in there that would devastate her support among Democrats. But the reality is that, if these transcripts had been released back during the primaries, they would probably have helped her tamp down accusations that she was on the bank payrolls.


it was an unfair double standard. whether it ultimately helped, hurt or did nothing, i think she did the right thing by mostly ignoring it and specifically not publishing any of it

Varek Raith  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:24:38pm

Do a barrel roll!

dangerman  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:24:48pm

re: #46 wrenchwench

I’m going in the opposite direction.

/always stirring things up

no, that’s good. otherwise things get wound too tightly and,…. sproing!!!!

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:24:57pm

With any other candidate I think Kasparov would be enthusiastically supporting the GOP. Not this time.

Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:25:28pm

Wonkette reporting on Senator Elizabeth Warren demanding that President Obama demote the head of the Securities and Exchange Commission, Mary Jo White.

What did Ms. White do to summon the wrath of our beloved legislative cleaner?

Chairwoman White is not a fan of requiring Corporate People to make certain disclosures to their shareholders. For instance, if you’re a company working with Congolese warlords, using child labor to extract conflict minerals for any purpose, Mary Jo doesn’t believe your customers or shareholders need to know that.

Of note, corporations also invest in other corporations; you would think that at least those corporations would be opposed to hiding information from shareholders.

dangerman  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:26:07pm

re: #49 Varek Raith

Do a barrel roll!

idle throttle
neutral ailerons
opposite rudder!

jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:27:56pm

Rumors flying on Twitter that a planned offensive to dislodge Daesh from Mosul has begun.

Targetpractice  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:28:38pm

re: #54 jaunte

Rumors flying on Twitter that a planned offensive to dislodge Daesh from Mosul has begun.

[Embedded content]

Is this the operation that Trump screamed at the media showed the President was a poor leader because he was telling the enemy our battle plans?

Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:29:27pm

Not surprised here:

Trump’s refusal to accept intelligence briefing on Russia stuns experts (goes to the Chicago Tribune)

Doesn’t surprise me one bit. However, I am not an expert.

ObserverArt  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:29:40pm

re: #54 jaunte

Rumors flying on Twitter that a planned offensive to dislodge Daesh from Mosul has begun.

[Embedded content]

You mean they didn’t let it be known? /

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:30:05pm
jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:30:36pm

re: #55 Targetpractice

The president probably wanted civilians to be aware of what was coming.

dangerman  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:30:54pm

post mortem:

the first woman, etc, etc, beat a guy, self described as fit, strong, full of stamina, who in reality didnt even last through the full campaign season to election day

sometime in october he gave up, sat down in the mud began to kick his feet and wail

CuriousLurker  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:31:34pm

Speaking of InfoWars & psychopathy, the Kindle version of Suspicious Minds: How Culture Shapes Madness on sale for $3.99 right now. I have no idea how long the discount will be in effect. The authors are brothers—Joel Gold is a Clinical Associate Professor of Psychiatry at New York University School of Medicine, and Ian Gold is the Canada Research Chair in Philosophy & Psychiatry at McGill University in Montreal. Those strike me as pretty good credentials, and since the book has great reviews and was on my wish list, I snapped it up right away.

Here are some (non-Amazon) reviews:

‘Suspicious Minds,’ by Joel Gold and Ian Gold The New York Times
Book review: ‘Suspicious Minds ,” on culture and madness, by Joel Gold and Ian Gold The Washington Post
Suspicious Minds: How Culture Shapes Madness Psych Central
MIND Reviews: Suspicious Minds Scientific American

philosophus invidius  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:33:18pm

Sorry if this was on another thread:

The Trumpsters are now enraged by yesterday’s Wikihacks revelation that some DNC staffers planned to place a fake ad in Craigslist for a job at the Trump Organization.

You see, the DNC was up to their dirty tricks in their attempt to discredit Trump as sexist! Just like now with all those women!

But when you look at the email it is very obvious that the proposed ad was meant to be mockingly satirical. I can’t tell if that the Trumpsters are too stupid to notice this, or if they all think of themselves as part of some kind of patriotic psy op of spreading propaganda to confuse people.

philosophus invidius  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:35:03pm

re: #54 jaunte

How convenient to defeat ISIS right before the election.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:35:09pm

re: #62 philosophus invidius

The bigger news is that Assange is promoting this obvious joke to help Trump.

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:35:42pm

re: #63 philosophus invidius

How convenient to defeat ISIS right before the election.

Very suspicious. The GOP needs to investigate this for the next decade.

Jay C  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:35:50pm

re: #62 philosophus invidius

But when you look at the email it is very obvious that the proposed ad was meant to be mockingly satirical. I can’t tell if that the Trumpsters are too stupid to notice this, or if they all think of themselves as part of some kind of patriotic psy op of spreading propaganda to confuse people.

How about we just go with the simplest explanation: “too stupid” works just fine….

Varek Raith  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:36:39pm

re: #63 philosophus invidius

How convenient to defeat ISIS right before the election.

I question the timing.

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:36:47pm

re: #62 philosophus invidius

Sorry if this was on another thread:

The Trumpsters are now enraged by yesterday’s Wikihacks revelation that some DNC staffers planned to place a fake ad in Craigslist for a job at the Trump Organization.

[Embedded content]

You see, the DNC was up to their dirty tricks in their attempt to discredit Trump as sexist! Just like now with all those women!

But when you look at the email it is very obvious that the proposed ad was meant to be mockingly satirical. I can’t tell if that the Trumpsters are too stupid to notice this, or if they all think of themselves as part of some kind of patriotic psy op of spreading propaganda to confuse people.

The gold standard test of stupid is to ask yourself would Sean Hannity believe it.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:37:09pm
dangerman  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:37:10pm

Journalism Professor Supports People Writer’s Claims Against Trump

they discussed it at the time. you know, contemporaneously.
then she decided to not come forward.

doesnt change anything that happened

she feared that a “famous, powerful, wealthy man could and would discredit and destroy” her

and isnt he today confirming her fears way back then by behaving exactly that way?

i just checked.

yup. still a pig.

Belafon  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:37:16pm

re: #62 philosophus invidius

Sorry if this was on another thread:

The Trumpsters are now enraged by yesterday’s Wikihacks revelation that some DNC staffers planned to place a fake ad in Craigslist for a job at the Trump Organization.

[Embedded content]

You see, the DNC was up to their dirty tricks in their attempt to discredit Trump as sexist! Just like now with all those women!

But when you look at the email it is very obvious that the proposed ad was meant to be mockingly satirical. I can’t tell if that the Trumpsters are too stupid to notice this, or if they all think of themselves as part of some kind of patriotic psy op of spreading propaganda to confuse people.

Now we know it would have been a waste of money. Trump is offering those job positions himself.

philosophus invidius  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:37:32pm

re: #66 Jay C

Well, I do think that all the people who flooded those online polls know very well that they are trying to fool people.

gocart mozart  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:37:38pm

Trump calls for drug test of Hillary.

dangerman  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:38:17pm

re: #63 philosophus invidius

How convenient to defeat ISIS right before the election.

somebody check what dustin hoffman’s been doing lately

philosophus invidius  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:39:21pm

re: #74 dangerman

Purposely depriving Trump of the chance to prove how great his secret plan is. Sad!

unproven innocence  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:45:40pm

re: #56 Anymouse

Not surprised here:

Trump’s refusal to accept intelligence briefing on Russia stuns experts (goes to the Chicago Tribune)

Doesn’t surprise me one bit. However, I am not an expert.

[Trump] I know how to keep a secret. Bah leave me. [/Trump]

CuriousLurker  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:46:52pm

I turned off my “wikileaks + islam | muslim | muslims” Google Alert after receiving this obvious piece of ridiculousness yesterday:

WTF—wasn’t President Obama supposed to have created & been running it? //

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:49:01pm

re: #77 CuriousLurker

I turned off my “wikileaks + islam | muslim | muslims” Google Alert after receiving this obvious piece of ridiculousness yesterday:

[Embedded content]

WTF—wasn’t President Obama supposed to have created & been running it? //

Theory: Clinton and Obama are really the same person. Which is why she’s called the third Obama term.

dangerman  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:49:11pm

re: #77 CuriousLurker

I turned off my “wikileaks + islam | muslim | muslims” Google Alert after receiving this obvious piece of ridiculousness yesterday:

[Embedded content]

WTF—wasn’t President Obama supposed to have created & been running it? //

either one / interchangeable
depends on which argument you need to make at that moment

CuriousLurker  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:49:51pm

re: #78 Nyet

Theory: Clinton and Obama are really the same person. Which is why she’s called the third Obama term.

*slaps forehead* Of course! Why didn’t I think of that?

Targetpractice  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:51:09pm

re: #80 CuriousLurker

*slaps forehead* Of course! Why didn’t I think of that?

Well, since Obama is a Time Lord, obviously she’s his first regeneration.


klys (maker of Silmarils)  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:51:50pm

re: #80 CuriousLurker

*slaps forehead* Of course! Why didn’t I think of that?

Because you’re a rational, sane human being?

Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:52:08pm

I’m blank right now, what does WWC stand for?

dangerman  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:52:27pm


WikiLeaks releases apparent transcripts of Clinton Speeches

bolding mine - at least they went that far

and can anyone help cause im not clear
did wikileaks get the actual transcripts or are sections /parts or all of them part of the emails that were hacked

PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:52:47pm

re: #77 CuriousLurker

re: #78 Nyet

re: #81 Targetpractice

Why do I feel as though I am about to enter the Twilight Zone? /

No Depression  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:53:01pm

re: #84 Stanley Sea

I’m blank right now, what does WWC stand for?

[Embedded content]

White Working Class, I would assume.

Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:53:41pm

re: #87 No Depression

White Working Class, I would assume.

Ah. Thanks.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:53:47pm

re: #87 No Depression

White Working Class, I would assume.

LOL, I figured it likely had something to do with wrestling…

Targetpractice  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:54:37pm

re: #86 PhillyPretzel

Why do I feel as though I am about to enter the Twilight Zone? /

You’re traveling through another dimension…

CuriousLurker  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:55:49pm

re: #89 Backwoods_Sleuth

LOL, I figured it likely had something to do with wrestling…

LOL, I thought the exact same thing, but was kinda glad I didn’t say it after ND answered “white working class.”

PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:55:59pm

re: #90 Targetpractice

Yes. And I walk with great caution.

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:58:19pm

I guess I’m bored, because I just wrote some code that will cause your comment to spin if you click a button with the “comspin” class. You’ll have to reload the page for it to work. To make it stop, just hit Return.

This is what the button code looks like:

<button type="button" class="comspin">Spin this freaking comment!</button>

Varek Raith  Oct 15, 2016 • 2:59:33pm

Oh dear.

Dr. Matt  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:02:44pm
jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:02:54pm

jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:03:50pm

Rolling into Halloween.

PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:05:31pm

re: #96 jaunte

Looks almost like him.

wrenchwench  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:06:22pm

re: #96 jaunte

[Embedded content]

If only I could spin it into a pie. Charles? Still bored?

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:06:44pm

LGF is now the only blog in the entire world that features spinning comments.

Sherlock Hound  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:08:51pm

re: #93 Charles Johnson


You don’t have to fill every request we lizards have!

Jay C  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:09:50pm

re: #100 Charles Johnson

LGF is now the only blog in the entire world that features spinning comments.

And we love you for it!

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:09:53pm

re: #86 PhillyPretzel

Why do I feel as though I am about to enter the Twilight Zone? /

The TZ part started after Trump became a serious candidate.

Barefoot Grin  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:10:14pm

re: #62 philosophus invidius

Sorry if this was on another thread:

The Trumpsters are now enraged by yesterday’s Wikihacks revelation that some DNC staffers planned to place a fake ad in Craigslist for a job at the Trump Organization.

[Embedded content]

You see, the DNC was up to their dirty tricks in their attempt to discredit Trump as sexist! Just like now with all those women!

But when you look at the email it is very obvious that the proposed ad was meant to be mockingly satirical. I can’t tell if that the Trumpsters are too stupid to notice this, or if they all think of themselves as part of some kind of patriotic psy op of spreading propaganda to confuse people.

What’s wrong with bein’ sexy?

What’s Wrong With Being Sexy

wrenchwench  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:13:30pm

re: #98 PhillyPretzel

I really appreciate your consistent use of the term, ‘that Trump person’, but would like to offer for your consideration an alternative, at least until the last debate: Sniffy McSnifferson.

Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:13:36pm

re: #93 Charles Johnson

I guess I’m bored, because I just wrote some code that will cause your comment to spin if you click a button with the “comspin” class. You’ll have to reload the page for it to work. To make it stop, just hit Return.

This is what the button code looks like:

<button type=”button” class=”comspin”>Spin this freaking comment!</button>

Hey, thanks. The only thing I can code is Morse. Wow, Mr. Johnson takes one of my suggestions! I have arrived!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:14:45pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:15:42pm
jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:18:39pm

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:20:17pm

re: #100 Charles Johnson

LGF is now the only blog in the entire world that features spinning comments.

Dead Or Alive - You Spin Me Round (Like a Record)

wrenchwench  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:20:37pm

re: #109 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Thing do not spin in the Spy. This is a good thing.

Blind Frog Belly White  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:22:00pm

WRT spinning comments,

Jane! Stop this crazy thing!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:22:28pm
Blind Frog Belly White  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:22:43pm

That is to say, okay, that was fun. Now how do we stop it?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:23:31pm
EPR-radar  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:23:52pm

So let me get this straight.

Hillary Clinton speaks of a “vast right wing conspiracy” once, decades ago, and this is enough to make “VRWC” a staple of right wing mockery of liberals ever since then.

Meanwhile, the US Right has come to rely on conspiracy theories for nearly all of its public policy positions, and the GOP nominee for President traffics in multiple conspiracy theories every day he is in the media.

Even now, the media talking heads would hoot and holler at any liberal that talked about the VRWC, while ignoring the paranoid CT raving characteristic of Trump and the Republicans.

wrenchwench  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:23:57pm

re: #114 Blind Frog Belly White

That is to say, okay, that was fun. Now how do we stop it?

Hit ‘return’. Which I thought was ‘enter’.

A Cranky One  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:25:14pm

re: #100 Charles Johnson

LGF is now the only blog in the entire world that features spinning comments.

I can’t believe the way the lizards at Little Green Footballs spin things!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:25:32pm

earlier today in Maine:

A few minutes ago:

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:27:14pm
Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:28:05pm

re: #114 Blind Frog Belly White

That is to say, okay, that was fun. Now how do we stop it?

We wait until it’s gotten out of the system.

teleskiguy  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:29:53pm

Hermann Maier going 70 m.p.h. in mid air, about to crash …

[deleted]  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:29:58pm
teleskiguy  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:30:12pm


Targetpractice  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:30:43pm

re: #119 Backwoods_Sleuth

earlier today in Maine:

[Embedded content]

Another day, another event that Hillary would never be able to do without the media melting down.

plansbandc  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:31:12pm

Listening to You Spin Me while watching Herman spin is quality GD entertainment. Thank you Charles.

A Cranky One  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:31:45pm

I don’t know why this made me think of Charles on Twitter:


Circling around the question. Part 2

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:31:49pm

ObserverArt  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:32:38pm

re: #119 Backwoods_Sleuth

earlier today in Maine:

[Embedded content]

I’m sure this can be explained by CNN. It’s not like they are doing this to give people a false impression of the quality of their reporting and journalistic integrity.

b.d.  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:33:12pm

re: #123 jaunte

Mike Pence, helping with the women’s vote, thinks Michelle Obama isn’t “behaving like a lady.”

[Embedded content]

Please proceed Governor Pence…..

I think this whole thing isn’t going to his plan either.

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:33:45pm
teleskiguy  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:34:11pm
philosophus invidius  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:34:26pm

re: #123 jaunte

Ladies are for groping, not talking.

ObserverArt  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:34:52pm

re: #123 jaunte

Mike Pence, helping with the women’s vote, thinks Michelle Obama isn’t “behaving like a lady.”

[Embedded content]

No…Mike Pence is not a total dick ladies. He’s just asking questions ‘bout the little woman’s place in that big ol’ White House.

Targetpractice  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:34:55pm

re: #131 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

I’m breathless with anticipation.


wrenchwench  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:34:57pm

re: #123 jaunte

Mike Pence, helping with the women’s vote, thinks Michelle Obama isn’t “behaving like a lady.”

[Embedded content]

So, a person who thinks an embryo should have a funeral thinks women aren’t behaving properly if they speak against people who assault them.

Clearly, speaking is not sufficient.

Barefoot Grin  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:35:52pm

re: #123 jaunte

Mike Pence, helping with the women’s vote, thinks Michelle Obama isn’t “behaving like a lady.”

[Embedded content]

No amount of Tic Tacs could ever erase the stink of the shit he says. And it’s dangerous, too. There are armies of people out there who would physically harm MO if they thought they could get away with it.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:35:58pm

re: #123 jaunte

Pence should shut his fucking sex predator piehole about Michelle Obama.

PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:36:14pm

Lets see if this spinner thing works.

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:36:15pm
PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:36:39pm

Darn. I cannot find the button.

jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:36:50pm

re: #134 ObserverArt

Whatever it is they do “while their husbands are rescuing the world.”

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:38:07pm

re: #132 teleskiguy


Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:39:21pm

re: #141 PhillyPretzel

Darn. I cannot find the button.

Did you insert one?

Dr. Matt  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:39:53pm

How can I stop the spinning comments on iphone? My screen is shaking.

PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:40:19pm

Insert? Copy the code line Charles posted?

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:40:29pm

re: #145 Dr. Matt

How can I stop the spinning comments on iphone? My screen is shaking.


Jay C  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:41:09pm

re: #123 jaunte

Mike Pence, helping with the women’s vote, thinks Michelle Obama isn’t “behaving like a lady.”

[Embedded content]

And (again with the Are You Being Served? references), Mrs. Obama ought to invite Gov. Pence to any major store in Indianapolis, and threaten to kick him “right in the middle of the gentlemens’ department” …

Dr. Matt  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:41:30pm

re: #147 Charles Johnson



PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:41:32pm

My Room Screen

jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:41:48pm

re: #148 Jay C

Clearly her speech landed in a sore spot.

jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:42:32pm

re: #150 PhillyPretzel

Op art!

majii  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:43:24pm

re: #35 Stanley Sea

In regard to Trump and the environment and the rich guy:

These are the same people who will deny that the climate is changing for the worse, will wait until the last minute as they’re watching the devastation occur, and will then blame someone else for their denial and inaction.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:43:52pm
Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:44:07pm

re: #150 PhillyPretzel

[Embedded content]

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:44:25pm

re: #127 A Cranky One

Just made this cat spin while the clip was playing. Works with videos too…

Dr. Matt  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:44:28pm

re: #123 jaunte

Mike Pence, helping with the women’s vote, thinks Michelle Obama isn’t “behaving like a lady.”

[Embedded content]

Translation: Why isn’t she in the kitchen where she belongs??

wrenchwench  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:46:42pm

re: #157 Dr. Matt

Translation: Why isn’t she in the kitchen where she belongs??

Has no idea what women do, but if they’re not in the kitchen, they ain’t doing it.

ObserverArt  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:46:47pm

re: #138 Nyet

Pence should shut his fucking sex predator piehole about Michelle Obama.

What…and prevent the Word of The Lord to flow through his mouth and speak the eternal Truths!?


Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:46:57pm

re: #119 Backwoods_Sleuth

earlier today in Maine:

[Embedded content]

Shouldn’t that be “paid CNN contributor”?

PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:47:02pm

re: #154 Backwoods_Sleuth

Thank you Patrick and Helen.

Romantic Heretic  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:47:12pm

re: #109 jaunte

Corsair. Nice plane.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:47:14pm


Rolls off the tongue.

Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:48:20pm

re: #122 teleskiguy

Will this spin comment code work to annoy other people’s blogs? Not that I am encouraging that, but it might get the folk over at RedState or Free Republic’s goats.

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:48:30pm

re: #123 jaunte

Mike Pence, helping with the women’s vote, thinks Michelle Obama isn’t “behaving like a lady.”

[Embedded content]

Oh, damn, where is my stash of Melania Trump pics? I know they’re here somewhere.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:49:25pm

re: #164 Anymouse

Will this spin comment code work to annoy other people’s blogs? Not that I am encouraging that, but it might get the folk over at RedState or Free Republic’s goats.


Dr. Matt  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:49:27pm

Please report

451_Montag  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:49:33pm

I think this new button is a bit rubbish. Every time I press it I have to keep turning my tablet really fast to see the image.

Hate to imagine how hard THAT would be on my desktop.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:51:05pm
Ubiq  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:51:08pm

re: #123 jaunte

Mike Pence, helping with the women’s vote, thinks Michelle Obama isn’t “behaving like a lady.”

[Embedded content]

I can’t find a source of this quote that’s from a reputable source. Anyone else? Because if true, fuck Mike Pence.

Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:51:21pm

re: #123 jaunte

Mike Pence, helping with the women’s vote, thinks Michelle Obama isn’t “behaving like a lady.”

[Embedded content]

He really said that?

That speech by FLOTUS shook them to their crooked moral core.

Interesting Times  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:51:29pm

re: #123 jaunte

Okay, after I finished reading what’s in the screenshot, I thought, no way would even Pence be that stupid. It sounds more like how The Onion would satirize his actual remarks, and sho’nuff:

Pence: “Michelle Obama Is The Most Vulgar First Lady We’ve Ever Had”

Now, if you click “About Us” on that site, you’ll see:

JUST ENOUGH NEWS… Newslo is the first hybrid News/Satire platform on the web. Readers come to us for a unique brand of entertainment and information that is enhanced by features like our fact-button, which allows readers to find what is fact and what is satire.

Cheechako  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:52:42pm


If you’re bored and looking for stuff to do, here’s another suggestion for improvement.

How about a button at the top of each thread which, when clicked, will take you to the first post you have not read in that thread?

Many times I leave a thread and then come back later and want to finish reading it. It’s a pain in the butt to find where I left off.


Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:52:44pm

re: #167 Dr. Matt

Wow, that guy is an unhinged kook (if he ever was hinged to begin with)

jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:52:49pm

re: #172 Interesting Times

They got me. Sorry about that everyone.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:53:01pm

re: #172 Interesting Times

Okay, after I finished reading what’s in the screenshot, I thought, no way would even Pence be *that* stupid. It sounds more like how The Onion would satirize his actual remarks, and sho’nuff:

Pence: “Michelle Obama Is The Most Vulgar First Lady We’ve Ever Had”

Now, if you click “About Us” on that site, you’ll see:

Ah, another one for Charles’s fake news list!

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:53:33pm

re: #123 jaunte

For those that haven’t heard this, if Donald Trump is the face of your rapist then Mike Pence is the face of the judge that let him off.

jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:53:36pm

Fighter jets currently flying overhead (near-west Houston).

teleskiguy  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:54:54pm

jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:55:01pm
Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:55:11pm

re: #176 Backwoods_Sleuth

Ah, another one for Charles’s fake news list!

Newslo does report factual information. They add unfactual stuff (which in their articles have a button named “show facts” - that highlights the information in the article which is true)

ObserverArt  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:55:29pm

Sportsball…The Cleveland Indians just won game 2 of the ALCS 2 to 1. Up 2 to Zip over the Jays of Toronto. Oh yeah!

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:55:29pm

re: #179 teleskiguy


Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:56:09pm

re: #181 Anymouse

Newslo does report factual information. They add unfactual stuff (which in their articles have a button named “show facts” - that highlights the information in the article which is true)

That makes them a harmful hoaxer site that isn’t funny in any way.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:57:12pm
Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:57:21pm

re: #172 Interesting Times

Okay, after I finished reading what’s in the screenshot, I thought, no way would even Pence be that stupid. It sounds more like how The Onion would satirize his actual remarks, and sho’nuff:

Pence: “Michelle Obama Is The Most Vulgar First Lady We’ve Ever Had”

Now, if you click “About Us” on that site, you’ll see:

Yeah. He wouldn’t say that.

Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:57:58pm

re: #184 Nyet

That makes them a harmful hoaxer site that isn’t funny in any way.

Well, I don’t know about “harmful hoaxer” any more than the Onion is a harmful hoaxer site.

Moreover, Newslo has that “show facts” button on every single article.

Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:58:07pm

re: #175 jaunte

They got me. Sorry about that everyone.


teleskiguy  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:58:10pm

allegro  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:58:47pm

re: #185 Nyet

[Embedded content]

Ooooohkay. Someone needs a visit. Bad.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:59:11pm

re: #187 Anymouse

Well, I don’t know about “harmful hoaxer” any more than the Onion is a harmful hoaxer site.

Moreover, Newslo has that “show facts” button on every single article.

Are you really trying to defend that idiotic website, even trying the Onion canard? Sheesh.

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 3:59:58pm

re: #185 Nyet

So this was on 10/11 and he’s still there.

Great job Twitter.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:01:26pm

Well, won’t you look at this: #hanghillary

Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:01:47pm

re: #191 Nyet

Are you really trying to defend that idiotic website, even trying the Onion canard? Sheesh.

Well, I figured out Newslo the very first time I went there.

As for the difference between Newslo and the Onion, perhaps you can explain it to me? How many times has the Onion hoaxed parliamentarians in different countries to propose things in their parliaments? How many people in the USA still think the Onion is legitimate?

Are you arguing that satire should not be permitted?

ipsos  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:02:22pm

PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:03:01pm

re: #185 Nyet

Hmm. It looks like someone is be asked to have his twitter silenced.

Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:04:03pm

re: #196 PhillyPretzel

Hmm. It looks like someone is be asked to have his twitter silenced.

Followed by:

Libruls taking my free speech rights!

Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:04:09pm
Teukka  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:04:32pm

re: #196 PhillyPretzel

Hmm. It looks like someone is be asked to have his twitter silenced.

And cue cries of Twitter Gulag!!!!111

PhillyPretzel  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:04:44pm

re: #197 Anymouse

Of course. That is how these people think.

teleskiguy  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:04:57pm

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:05:04pm

Newslo is already on Charles’s fake news site list so this Politicops site should go in the basket with the rest.

jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:05:30pm

Could be satire; it’s hard to tell lately.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:05:38pm

re: #194 Anymouse

Are you arguing that satire should not be permitted?

Links to the dumpster you’re trying to defend are banned here at LGF.
Links to the Onion aren’t.
Meditate on this until enlightenment.

Varek Raith  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:06:20pm

re: #185 Nyet


Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:08:28pm

re: #198 Stanley Sea

I gotta say, this is much more honest than “gays for Trump” will ever be.

gocart mozart  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:08:54pm

re: #123 jaunte

After using some Google, I think that story about Pence’s comments about Michele is fake.

freetoken  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:09:16pm

re: #189 teleskiguy

You’re an evil, evil man…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:10:42pm
Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:11:23pm

re: #204 Nyet

Links to the dumpster you’re trying to defend are banned here at LGF.
Links to the Onion aren’t.
Meditate on this until enlightenment.

Well, I would make the argument that this is Mr. Johnson’s Website and not mine, so I have no say in how it is run. That is as it should be.

I am also fairly new here and unfamiliar with Mr. Johnson’s banned list of sites. (If it were my Website, it would include things like Free Republic and InfoWars, but perhaps those are banned here too, I don’t know.)

So there is one difference though: The Onion is not banned and Newslo is. By your definition Newslo is a Dumpster fire for writing satire and The Onion is not. I am not sure I can meditate on that.

Again, not my Website, and I didn’t link Newslo anyway. I just mentioned I figured it was satire the first time I visited the site.

I don’t want to argue with anyone here though about that or other things, and most of the people here have been her a lot longer than me.

On that, I am off to take a nap. Old person, plus narcotics do that to you apparently.

Interesting Times  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:11:56pm

re: #209 Backwoods_Sleuth

Reuters Top News ✔

Merkel wants to beef up sanctions against Russia: newspaper
7:05 PM - 15 Oct 2016

I expect her sauerkraut recipe to be hacked and released by Wikileaks any day now /

Teukka  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:11:58pm

re: #209 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

And she has support among many of the EU countries.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:12:48pm

re: #210 Anymouse


majii  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:13:01pm


Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:14:13pm

re: #213 Nyet


Grabbing teddy bear, off to bed. (::

jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:14:54pm

re: #214 majii

Unfortunately, I was fooled by a re-tweet of an article from a satire site.
Mike Pence is much smoother in his misogyny to actually say what he well might have been thinking.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:15:10pm

re: #212 Teukka

I don’t know. The sanctions because of Ukraine were already wobbling - - not sure is there is a political will for even more. Lots of appeasers.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:16:29pm

re: #216 jaunte

True. Righteous rant by majii nevertheless.

Teukka  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:16:57pm

re: #217 Nyet

I don’t know. The sanctions because of Ukraine were already wobbling - - not sure is there is a political will for even more. Lots of appeasers.

That is as things stand now. Any new mistake or revelation…

Anymouse  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:17:04pm

On my way out, I’ll leave this here: Spy Magazine is back (as a feature of Esquire), at least for the election season.

Decatur Deb  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:17:27pm

re: #185 Nyet


It’s important that Mr. Macarronio and his friends know that, if they start an insurrection, I’ll be right behind them.

majii  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:18:03pm

re: #216 jaunte

Which is why I removed my comment. Thanks.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:20:05pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:21:26pm
Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:21:59pm

re: #223 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Needs a caboose.

jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:22:19pm

re: #224 Backwoods_Sleuth

“the Trump campaign refused to comment”

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:23:52pm
jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:24:01pm

USS Mason Fired on Again Off Coast of Yemen

The U.S. Navy destroyer USS Mason was fired on again in international waters off the coast of Yemen, but the ship deployed countermeasures and the vessel was not struck, two U.S. officials said.

The incident occurred late Saturday or early Sunday local time. At least one missile was fired, the officials said.

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:24:10pm

re: #173 Cheechako


If you’re bored and looking for stuff to do, here’s another suggestion for improvement.

How about a button at the top of each thread which, when clicked, will take you to the first post you have not read in that thread?

Many times I leave a thread and then come back later and want to finish reading it. It’s a pain in the butt to find where I left off.


That would be a nice feature, but there’s no way for the code to know what comment you read last.

Interesting Times  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:24:12pm

re: #216 jaunte

Unfortunately, I was fooled by a re-tweet of an article from a satire site.
Mike Pence is much smoother in his misogyny to actually say what he well might have been thinking.

For the record, here’s what he actually said:

“Look I have a lot of respect for the first lady,” Pence told “CBS This Morning” early Friday. “But I don’t understand the basis of her claim.”

majii  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:25:29pm

re: #221 Decatur Deb

“It’s important that Mr. Macarronio and his friends know that, if they start an insurrection, I’ll be right behind them.”

I don’t like guns, but since Pres. Obama entered office, I have purchased several and ammo for them. I live in GA, and I simply don’t trust some of the Trump supporters I run into. I had a guy follow me out of an Aldi’s grocery store a couple weeks ago in an attempt to try to “explain” to me why Trump was the only politician in America who could solve all of our problems. We’d had a prior conversation in the store that wasn’t political——-until he mentioned infowars. At that point, I walked out of the store. A very nice young lady just happened to hear me when I told him I was finished talking to him, and she remained in the parking lot with me until I’d unloaded my groceries into my trunk and he wandered on off to harass someone else. What I don’t have but plan to get is a permit to carry. I probably won’t carry a weapon everywhere I go, but I figure a permit might come in handy someday.

jaunte  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:25:52pm

re: #230 Interesting Times

Yes, he believes all those women are lying.

Belafon  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:27:01pm

I’m at Chuck E. Cheese for a friend’s kid’s birthday party. I thought it was funny that her theme was Mickey Mouse, but the theme for the next table over is Five Nights at Freddie’s.
For those who don’t know, it’s a series of games about the animatronics attacking a night watchman at a kids pizza place.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:27:30pm

re: #182 ObserverArt

Cool! I would so love to see a Indians-Cubs World Series!

Interesting Times  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:27:50pm

re: #229 Charles Johnson

That would be a nice feature, but there’s no way for the code to know what comment you read last.

Perhaps you could give people a way to manually “bookmark” where they leave off in a thread?

And speaking of bookmarks/favorites, any chance we’ll get the ability to do a simple keyword/author search of LGF content we’ve saved? I have over 3000(!) favorites now, the vast majority untagged, so finding what I’m looking for rapidly gets tedious :/

Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:28:43pm

re: #230 Interesting Times

For the record, here’s what he actually said:

Well, he still has crooked morals.

FormerDirtDart  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:28:54pm
451_Montag  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:28:55pm

re: #229 Charles Johnson

That would be a nice feature, but there’s no way for the code to know what comment you read last.

Have a bookmark button on every post? Click to set it. Read a bit then clcik again, just saving the last click?

majii  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:29:11pm

re: #232 jaunte

“Yes, he believes all those women are lying.”

This is one of the, if not the, major reason so many sexual assaults against women go unreported. I know this because I survived one. I had never experienced the type of terror I experienced in that encounter, and no, I didn’t report it because I was embarrassed and felt the Atlanta PD officers probably wouldn’t believe me.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:29:16pm
Dr. Matt  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:29:38pm

Testing if iphone emojis work:

Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:30:41pm

re: #233 Belafon

I’m at Chuck E. Cheese for a friend’s kid’s birthday party. I thought it was funny that her theme was Mickey Mouse, but the theme for the next table over is Five Nights at Freddie’s.
For those who don’t know, it’s a series of games about the animatronics attacking a night watchman at a kids pizza place.

IIRC, Chuck E.Cheese has wine & beer, right?

You poor, great friend.

Sherlock Hound  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:31:15pm

re: #221 Decatur Deb

It’s important that Mr. Macarronio and his friends know that, if they start an insurrection, I’ll be right behind them.

Years ago, I was lurking on Freep. As you know, they often talk about going down to DC to remind the government of the 2nd Amendment (their interpretation).

Some wonderful man killed the thread by reminding readers that there is an Army unit in Washington. It is not entirely ceremonial. The phrase “defense of the National Capital Region” jumps out at you.

We have never tested Posse Comitatus since MacArthur did it at the Bonus March.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:34:10pm

re: #241 Dr. Matt

Testing if iphone emojis work:

So this guy is killed with two shots, becomes a ghost and goes to hell, but then gets reincarnated as a sea creature?

Teukka  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:35:06pm

re: #241 Dr. Matt

Testing if iphone emojis work:

Next to last shows as a square with “01F980” for me.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:35:11pm
calochortus  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:36:55pm

re: #229 Charles Johnson

That would be a nice feature, but there’s no way for the code to know what comment you read last.

You are failing at surveilling us.
Just sayin’.

Decatur Deb  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:37:16pm

re: #231 majii

“It’s important that Mr. Macarronio and his friends know that, if they start an insurrection, I’ll be right behind them.”

I don’t like guns, but since Pres. Obama entered office, I have purchased several and ammo for them. I live in GA, and I simply don’t trust some of the Trump supporters I run into. I had a guy follow me out of an Aldi’s grocery store a couple weeks ago in an attempt to try to “explain” to me why Trump was the only politician in America who could solve all of our problems. We’d had a prior conversation in the store that wasn’t political——-until he mentioned infowars. At that point, I walked out of the store. A very nice young lady just happened to hear me when I told him I was finished talking to him, and she remained in the parking lot with me until I’d unloaded my groceries into my trunk and he wandered on off to harass someone else. What I don’t have but plan to get is a permit to carry. I probably won’t carry a weapon everywhere I go, but I figure a permit might come in handy someday.

If your situation makes that a realistic countermeasue, it’s important to get really thorough training. Don’t adopt this approach with inflated expectations. Despite the blowhards, armed citizen-on-citizen political conflict is still a very, very, low likelihood. But still,

Teukka  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:38:09pm

I rarely do this. But I came upon this harangue defending the actions of Trump

The fact is that it can be very traumatic for a woman to realize she isn’t as powerful as the fascist state makes her think she is. She thinks she is invulnerable, a “liberated woman” And then some man with 20 lbs on her forces her to do things she doesn’t want to do. The issue is that it destroys the mythology of fascism and female supremacy That is the real psychological trauma.

Same guy equated the exposure of Trump as basically the same as outing closeted gays…

calochortus  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:40:58pm

re: #249 Teukka

I rarely do this. But I came upon this harangue defending the actions of Trump

[Embedded content]

Same guy equated the exposure of Trump as basically the same as outing closeted gays…

Umm, I don’t know anything about “fascism and female supremacy,” but the actual issue is that this doesn’t make any sense, no matter how you read it.

Nyet  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:41:16pm


Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:42:09pm
Teukka  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:42:42pm

re: #250 calochortus

Umm, I don’t know anything about “fascism and female supremacy,” but the actual issue is that this doesn’t make any sense, no matter how you read it.

Me neither, sort of the political/ideological equivalent of technobabble. The thing is, these notions have to come from somewhere. I mean, the guy who posted this in the chat don’t seem like one who could easily come up with stuff like that.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:45:28pm
allegro  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:46:48pm

re: #254 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]


Patricia Kayden  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:47:01pm

re: #123 jaunte

Mike Pence, helping with the women’s vote, thinks Michelle Obama isn’t “behaving like a lady.”

[Embedded content]

That reeks of sexism. No wonder Trump chose him as a running mate, Two sexist peas in a pod.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:47:35pm
Blind Frog Belly White  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:48:18pm

Took the Greyhounds to Pet Food Express for a shampoo today - fleas!

The wash set ups are clearly designed for folks with what we call ‘Snack Dogs’, so getting a pair of Greyhounds up the tile steps and into their sinks was… entertaining.

Rango was mostly okay with it, but Zeena was shaking like a leaf, poor thing! I think she may have forgiven us by now. Rango got over it pretty quick, even roaching so I could dry his ‘undercarriage’ after we got home.

FormerDirtDart  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:48:55pm

re: #256 Patricia Kayden

That reeks of sexism. Now wonder Trump chose him as a running mate, Two sexist peas in a pod.

It’s fake news

Blind Frog Belly White  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:49:51pm

re: #259 FormerDirtDart

It’s fake news

And yet, the shoe fits.

majii  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:50:03pm

re: #248 Decatur Deb

I know about the training. One of my brothers who is well-versed in firearms and their use [he’s an Army vet] is taking care of that.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:50:41pm
wrenchwench  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:50:44pm

re: #249 Teukka

I rarely do this. But I came upon this harangue defending the actions of Trump

[Embedded content]

Same guy equated the exposure of Trump as basically the same as outing closeted gays…

Author of that argument ignores the girlhood of a woman. These realizations happen so early in life, it’s part of growing up, rather than a sudden trauma.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:52:06pm
Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:52:07pm

re: #203 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Could be satire; it’s hard to tell lately.

Another account that needs to be banned for calling for violence and illegal incarceration.

FormerDirtDart  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:54:05pm

re: #262 Backwoods_Sleuth

I’m sure the US Embassy and Consulates in Pakistan (and American expatriates in general) are ecstatic to learn of this announcement…

Teukka  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:54:35pm

re: #263 wrenchwench

Author of that argument ignores the girlhood of a woman. These realizations happen so early in life, it’s part of growing up, rather than a sudden trauma.

Anyways, it’s sickening to see rationale like that being used to defend a worthless piece of shit who gropes and harasses anything female in sight.

Barefoot Grin  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:54:36pm

Hindu nationalists can be every bit as bad or worse than the Deplorables to those they oppose.

petesh  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:54:39pm

re: #189 teleskiguy

Please don’t do that, or rather please put it behind a warning sign. I have an eye/brain disorder that kicks in when I see anything op-art style nowadays. 99% of the time I am fine, but no more 3-D movies or visits to the Monterey Bay Aquarium, alas.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:55:37pm
William Lewis  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:56:26pm

re: #243 Sherlock Hound

Years ago, I was lurking on Freep. As you know, they often talk about going down to DC to remind the government of the 2nd Amendment (their interpretation).

Some wonderful man killed the thread by reminding readers that there is an Army unit in Washington. It is not entirely ceremonial. The phrase “defense of the National Capital Region” jumps out at you.

We have never tested Posse Comitatus since MacArthur did it at the Bonus March.

The Old Guard - the 3rd US Infantry Regiment, first organized as the First American Regiment in 1784. Campaign streamers from the Battle of Chippawa in 1814 to Iraq and Afghanistan. The nutjobs would do well to remember them.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:56:43pm
petesh  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:58:02pm

re: #272 Backwoods_Sleuth

India has, IIRC, the 3rd largest Muslim population of any country, after Indonesia and Pakistan.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:59:05pm

wondering why he was pandering?

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:59:18pm

re: #270 Backwoods_Sleuth

He really is a complete moron. We get it. He doesn’t have to prove it every single day.

Decatur Deb  Oct 15, 2016 • 4:59:27pm

re: #273 petesh

India has, IIRC, the 3rd largest Muslim population of any country, after Indonesia and Pakistan.

He wasn’t talking about those Indians.

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:00:21pm

re: #274 Backwoods_Sleuth

The Muslim Hindus are a particularly difficult demographic to get.

freetoken  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:00:26pm

re: #274 Backwoods_Sleuth

wondering why he was pandering?

[Embedded content]

[Embedded content]

Perhaps he read those stories about the Hindu fundamentalists who adore his strong-man style?

Decatur Deb  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:01:33pm

re: #274 Backwoods_Sleuth

wondering why he was pandering?

New survey: Only 7% of Indian-Americans support Trump, the lowest percentage among Asian-American groups:

Registered my stereotypical motel owner in Florida. His wife was already registered.

Patricia Kayden  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:02:07pm

re: #185 Nyet

[Embedded content]

Why does Twitter allow this nonsense?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:02:16pm

Mr BWS is home from the hurricane! YAY!!!


Patricia Kayden  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:02:45pm

re: #259 FormerDirtDart

It’s fake news

Just noticed. Hadn’t read all the comments at the time I posted.

FormerDirtDart  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:02:54pm

re: #275 Skip Intro

He really is a complete moron. We get it. He doesn’t have to prove it every single day.

I’m sure the orange twit lacks any comprehension of the tenuous relationship the US maintains between the combative regional nuclear powers of India and Pakistan…

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:05:05pm

re: #283 FormerDirtDart

I wonder if he’s offering ground floor investment opportunities to his audience tonight?

“You know my daughter Ivanka has already bought a unit and she might visit you to borrow a cup of sugar. Wouldn’t that be great?”

Decatur Deb  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:05:16pm

re: #281 Backwoods_Sleuth

Mr BWS is home from the hurricane! YAY!!!


[Embedded content]

Last we’ll hear of her for a while.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:06:08pm

re: #285 Decatur Deb

Last we’ll hear of her for a while.


b.d.  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:06:14pm

[trump] Crooked Hillary hates Hindus and hates you! I will be the Hinduiest president in the history of the world…. [/trump]

petesh  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:06:28pm

re: #283 FormerDirtDart

I’m sure the orange twit lacks any comprehension of the tenuous relationship the US maintains between the combative regional nuclear powers of India and Pakistan…

I’m sure the orange twit lacks any comprehension does not know of the tenuous relationship how the US maintains between deals with the combative regional nuclear powers of fact India and Pakistan both have nukes and hate each other …

FIFY Fixed for orange twist. Edits is hard.

Targetpractice  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:09:43pm

re: #281 Backwoods_Sleuth

Mr BWS is home from the hurricane! YAY!!!


[Embedded content]

All hail the hypnotoads!

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:13:10pm

Oh, Snap!

Trump Towers Pune: project in sleepy Indian city faces investigation

The Republican nominee lent his name to property now facing legal scrutiny - the latest incident in his troubled attempt to enter the Indian market

onstruction work at Trump Towers Pune is well under way, but two years on from that glitzy launch, the project is the subject of two investigations by the Pune state government and local police, after discrepancies were found in documents related to the land on which the luxury apartment block is being built.

Saurabh Rao, the district collector (or top administrative officer) for Pune state, told the Guardian: “We are currently in the investigation process. We have been conducting an inquiry for the last five or six months.” The results of the investigation are due to be published imminently, Rao said.

Man, Hillary doesn’t miss a thing when sabotaging poor Donald.

A wild (((wolfy))) has appeared  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:14:30pm

re: #257 Backwoods_Sleuth

Only 3 stars? Sad! //

I might be missing something, but I don’t think this has been part of his campaign.

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:14:42pm

re: #229 Charles Johnson

That would be a nice feature, but there’s no way for the code to know what comment you read last.

Perhaps you code a bookmark button we could tap for reference so the code would know where we were last?

Decatur Deb  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:15:32pm

re: #290 Skip Intro

Oh, Snap!

Trump Towers Pune: project in sleepy Indian city faces investigation

Man, Hillary doesn’t miss a thing when sabotaging poor Donald.

Slum Dog Billionaire.

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:16:52pm

re: #290 Skip Intro

The Trump Organization has not invested any money in the Pune project, and the property is not owned, developed or being sold by it.

Trump lied again tonight? Imagine my surprise!

A wild (((wolfy))) has appeared  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:17:01pm

re: #292 Eclectic Cyborg

Perhaps you code a bookmark button we couldn tap for reference so the code would know where we were last?

There’s the heart favorite feature. It’s two clicks to return to the thread though.

freetoken  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:18:45pm
Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:19:37pm

re: #296 freetoken

Twitter must tackle ‘vast swathes’ of anti-Semitism, say MPs

Good luck with that.

May as well shut the whole damn site down then.

Eclectic Cyborg  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:21:19pm

re: #297 Skip Intro

May as well shut the whole damn site down then.

Yeah, imagine my surprise that took one look at them and said “Nope!”.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:22:08pm
Alephnaught  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:26:08pm

re: #110 Eclectic Cyborg

[Embedded content]

Absolutely hilarious interview with Pete Burns of Dead or Alive and Morrissey in UK pop mag Smash Hits in 1985.

A wild (((wolfy))) has appeared  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:26:28pm

re: #295 A wild (((wolfy))) has appeared

I just noticed that the favorite feature isn’t available on Spy mode.

Edit: Oops, I replied to the wrong comment.

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:26:40pm

re: #298 Eclectic Cyborg

Twitter was a good idea, executed horribly.

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:27:15pm
Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:27:32pm

re: #299 Backwoods_Sleuth

“Hindu-Americans”, you say?

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:29:08pm
A wild (((wolfy))) has appeared  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:30:16pm

re: #305 Charles Johnson

And the girls he’s told he’ll be dating them in X years.

Barefoot Grin  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:31:14pm

re: #299 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Maybe he’ll be reborn higher than cockroach.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:32:09pm

re: #304 Skip Intro

“Hindu-Americans”, you say?

He is so stupid

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:32:37pm
The Vicious Babushka  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:33:58pm

re: #249 Teukka

I rarely do this. But I came upon this harangue defending the actions of Trump

[Embedded content]

Same guy equated the exposure of Trump as basically the same as outing closeted gays…

I stopped reading at “fascist state”

scottslemmons  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:37:34pm

re: #309 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

The cops in his hometown need to know he’s announced plans to go on a shooting spree on Nov. 7th or 8th…

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:38:16pm

re: #308 Backwoods_Sleuth

He is so stupid

That’s because he always thinks he’s the smartest person in a room full of idiots.

Of course, at a Trump rally, he’s right. Not with this group tonight.

Teukka  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:38:54pm

re: #311 scottslemmons

The cops in his hometown need to know he’s announced plans to go on a shooting spree on Nov. 7th or 8th…

Indeed they do.

GlutenFreeJesus  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:40:56pm

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:42:10pm

From that loon’s Facebook page.

Teukka  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:42:16pm

re: #314 GlutenFreeJesus

[Embedded content]

He seems nice///

A wild (((wolfy))) has appeared  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:42:46pm

re: #314 GlutenFreeJesus

These are going to be very long years …

darthstar  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:43:51pm
Belafon  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:44:35pm

I refuse to be intimidated by them. If they don’t do anything other than shout, I’ll just call them spoiled brats. Any more than that I will call law enforcement.

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:45:27pm

re: #311 scottslemmons

The cops in his hometown need to know he’s announced plans to go on a shooting spree on Nov. 7th or 8th…

For all we know he is a cop.

thedopefishlives  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:45:49pm

re: #318 darthstar

[Embedded content]

[Embedded content]

Oh, now you said it. Trump conspiracists are going to jump on that.

Belafon  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:46:38pm

re: #318 darthstar

Nope. We either enjoy a peaceful transition of the first woman president, or we stand up to those who oppose it. Anything else would be giving in to the idiots.

Timothy Watson  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:49:44pm

re: #314 GlutenFreeJesus

[Embedded content]

Virginians might remember this nut, she was the GOP nominee in my state house district:

Ballot Box to Bullet Box?

She, more than anyone else, is why I am no longer a Republican.

teleskiguy  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:52:37pm

re: #208 freetoken

You’re an evil, evil man…

GlutenFreeJesus  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:54:12pm

I reported this one.

Facebook Post

darthstar  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:54:24pm

re: #322 Belafon

Nope. We either enjoy a peaceful transition of the first woman president, or we stand up to those who oppose it. Anything else would be giving in to the idiots.

We’ll have a peaceful transition to Hillary’s term. I’m not worried about that. I’m just going to miss the voice of reason and reassurance that is Barack Obama. Even if it was Bernie taking office I’d be sad to see Obama go.

darthstar  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:55:32pm

re: #325 GlutenFreeJesus

I reported this one.

[Embedded content]

He’s got no dick.

Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:56:23pm

Louise Mensch was really trying to convince me that this isn’t a real person.

Then she suddenly stopped arguing.

FormerDirtDart  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:57:01pm
thedopefishlives  Oct 15, 2016 • 5:59:17pm

re: #328 Charles Johnson

It’s spoiling the narrative.

Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:00:03pm
teleskiguy  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:01:22pm
Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:01:57pm
goddamnedfrank  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:02:32pm
teleskiguy  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:03:16pm


Blind Frog Belly White  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:03:26pm

re: #330 thedopefishlives

It’s spoiling the narrative.

And honestly, this view that Trump followers are ‘poor rural whites’ is nonsense. Exurban, yeah, but poor? No. Generally better than median income. Lacking college, and mostly living in places unlikely to be impacted much by either immigration or terrorism. Or ‘inner city’ violence.

Dave In Austin  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:03:41pm

Evening all. Getting ready for amputee nite shift at the ol’ data center.

Going forward I will report ANYONE to their local authorities who makes these type of threats.

thedopefishlives  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:04:10pm

re: #334 goddamnedfrank

I’ve seen variants on that theme all over my FB feed. Ugh.

Blind Frog Belly White  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:05:50pm

re: #338 thedopefishlives

I’ve seen variants on that theme all over my FB feed. Ugh.

Basically, if women aren’t wearing nun’s habits, then it’s open season.

philosophus invidius  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:06:46pm

re: #339 Blind Frog Belly White


thedopefishlives  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:06:50pm

re: #339 Blind Frog Belly White

Basically, if women aren’t wearing nun’s habits, then it’s open season.

It’s the same logic these same people condemn when it’s Muslim clerics saying the words.

teleskiguy  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:08:28pm


It’s time for a quick lesson in sending it from the man, the myth, the legend, @MarkAbma. Check out his new @MSPFilms edit now on #FREESKIER #ThisIsSkiing #Skiing

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:09:34pm
Charles Johnson  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:10:42pm
Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:11:24pm

re: #305 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Or the 10 year old on the escalator.

Blind Frog Belly White  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:11:29pm

re: #343 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

What he means is, they give things away to Those People. And you know, Those People are lazy and shiftless, but he’s just temporarily down on his luck.

teleskiguy  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:11:34pm


Lots of solitude to be found with Yellowstone Ski Tours. Read the full story via link in our profile. | Photo: @lesliehittmeier

Backwoods_Sleuth  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:12:49pm

re: #344 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

teleskiguy  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:12:50pm


The stoke is high! We can’t wait to bring Here, There & Everywhere across the country, starting with #SLC on Friday. Get your tickets at
Athlete: @rylandbell
Photo: @courtleve
#ak #cordova #bts #warrenmiller

Stanley Sea  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:13:04pm

re: #318 darthstar

[Embedded content]

No. We want Hillary.

Skip Intro  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:17:51pm

re: #333 Charles Johnson

No “but Hillary’s even worse” in her comment?

Big Beautiful Door  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:19:15pm

re: #203 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Could be satire; it’s hard to tell lately.

Blue checkmark, its real!

Ace-o-aces  Oct 15, 2016 • 6:57:20pm
darthstar  Oct 16, 2016 • 5:35:20am

re: #328 Charles Johnson

Louise Mensch was really trying to convince me that this isn’t a real person.

[Embedded content]

I just realized the mirror image of the letters in Van Halen look like what I imagine to be Russian characters meaning “I love Boris Yeltsin”

Shiplord Kirel  Oct 16, 2016 • 5:48:55am

re: #185 Nyet


I’ve faced North Vietnamese regulars, Somali militia, Iraqi insurgents, and Lubbock drivers. Somebody named “Maccaronio” is not likely to scare me.

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