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Patricia Kayden  Dec 26, 2019 • 8:55:16pm
Ace-o-aces  Dec 26, 2019 • 9:26:03pm

I think her tactics are working just like she expected.

Hecuba's daughter  Dec 26, 2019 • 9:27:05pm

re: #1 Patricia Kayden

Much more useful for someone to get hold of all those hidden Apprentice tapes (if they exist) and release them. OTOH Trump has so reduced our level of public discourse that the tapes could display all manner of vile discussion and it would have no effect on his ratings. The one thing that could damage him is release of his tax returns — and that won’t happen before June, if ever.

mmmirele  Dec 26, 2019 • 9:39:32pm

It’s raining again here. I’ll message my brother tomorrow morning and find out if any more limbs on this enormous cactus in the back yard fell off due to too much water being sucked up. Two have fallen off so far and my brother said they were just saturated with water. He’s letting them drain out before chopping them up (we’re talking 10 foot limbs, about 8 inches across, they’re very heavy) for the grass trash bin.

Dread Pirate  Dec 26, 2019 • 9:50:43pm

God no, 4 years of an impotent president is not a good idea to follow Trump.

William Lewis  Dec 26, 2019 • 9:53:04pm

re: #5 Dread Pirate

[Embedded content]

God no, 4 years of an impotent president is not a good idea to follow Trump.

That is my nightmare.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 26, 2019 • 9:56:02pm

Updated weather: The snow is going to start in the morning.

My sister just called, she got a flight out of Burbank so she’ll be leaving in the morning.

sagehen  Dec 26, 2019 • 9:57:47pm

re: #5 Dread Pirate

[Embedded content]

God no, 4 years of an impotent president is not a good idea to follow Trump.

“Caught the attention of” or “struck fear in the hearts of”?

I don’t want a nominee who honeymooned in the USSR, insists M4A is the only way, and believes the people will rise up and DEMAND congress enact his wholly unrealistic agenda.

ETA: and oh yeah, recently had a heart attack and needed stents.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 26, 2019 • 10:15:19pm

re: #8 sagehen

“Caught the attention of” or “struck fear in the hearts of”?

I don’t want a nominee who honeymooned in the USSR, insists M4A is the only way, and believes the people will rise up and DEMAND congress enact his wholly unrealistic agenda.

ETA: and oh yeah, recently had a heart attack and needed stents.

I could forgive the honeymoon in the USSR. Lots of people went to the USSR.

I also think Medicare-for-All is a realistic plan if implemented gradually. The current capitalistic model of healthcare cannot be sustained; there is something deeply wrong when a nation has “medical bankruptcies” like my mother is facing now.

Sen. Sanders’s plans are unrealistic in the sense that politics does not move in a new direction all at once. History is replete with so-called “turning points,” but those turning points required a whole lot of granular movement to get to that point.

William Lewis  Dec 26, 2019 • 10:20:03pm

re: #9 Anymouse 🌹🎃

I could forgive the honeymoon in the USSR. Lots of people went to the USSR.

I also think Medicare-for-All is a realistic plan if implemented gradually. The current capitalistic model of healthcare cannot be sustained; there is something deeply wrong when a nation has “medical bankruptcies” like my mother is facing now.

Sen. Sanders’s plans are unrealistic in the sense that politics does not move in a new direction all at once. History is replete with so-called “turning points,” but those turning points required a whole lot of granular movement to get to that point.

He wants, really, revolution instead of democracy. The Scandinavians give us a great model but it’s not dramatic enough for a guy like Trotsky^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^hBernie.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 26, 2019 • 10:31:46pm

re: #10 William Lewis

He wants, really, revolution instead of democracy. The Scandinavians give us a great model but it’s not dramatic enough for a guy like Trotsky^h^h^h^h^h^h^h^hBernie.

Back when I was a Sanders supporter during the 2016 primaries (I got better), I considered the “revolution” rhetoric to be metaphorical.

Now I’m not so sure. He sounds more and more like he wants a real one; a popular uprising against “the establishment” to overthrow, well, something.

Popular uprisings tend to be very messy and often bloody. I’d much rather bend the moral arc toward justice (to rip off Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King) rather than break it.

goddamnedfrank  Dec 26, 2019 • 10:34:42pm

One thing Sanders doesn’t get pressed on enough is his entire plan to get M4A through using reconciliation by having his VP overrule the Senate parliamentarian. That shit is wildly more disrespectful to tradition, basic norms and the rule of law itself than simply doing away with the filibuster.

William Lewis  Dec 26, 2019 • 10:38:41pm

re: #11 Anymouse 🌹🎃

Back when I was a Sanders supporter during the 2016 primaries (I got better), I considered the “revolution” rhetoric to be metaphorical.

Now I’m not so sure. He sounds more and more like he wants a real one; a popular uprising against “the establishment” to overthrow, well, something.

Popular uprisings tend to be very messy and often bloody. I’d much rather bend the moral arc toward justice (to rip off Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King) rather than break it.

I agree. I too took it to be a metaphor during the period I supported him but the further the campaign got the more Trotskyite the Berniebro’s sounded. I have had the displeasure of dealing with Maoists, Trotskyites, and Stalinists and I’ll stick to Mike Harrington’s vision of the left instead.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 26, 2019 • 10:39:15pm

Local news:

An evening chat with the uber-conservative gun shop owner here in town. He wants me to run for office again to regain my seat on the board, despite the fact we disagree on just about everything regarding politics.

The problem is I wouldn’t be running to unseat the guy who unseated me; his term isn’t up until 2022. I would be running to unseat one of the three women on the board, all of whom are popular in their positions.

A hollow voice says, Guilty, guilty, guilty!  Dec 26, 2019 • 10:41:41pm

re: #14 Anymouse 🌹🎃

Local news:

An evening chat with the uber-conservative gun shop owner here in town. He wants me to run for office again to regain my seat on the board, despite the fact we disagree on just about everything regarding politics.

The problem is I wouldn’t be running to unseat the guy who unseated me; his term isn’t up until 2022. I would be running to unseat one of the three women on the board, all of whom are popular in their positions.

They had their chance to re-elect you — now they’re just going to have to live with their choice until his term ends.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 26, 2019 • 10:42:43pm

re: #13 William Lewis

I agree. I too took it to be a metaphor during the period I supported him but the further the campaign got the more Trotskyite the Berniebro’s sounded. I have had the displeasure of dealing with Maoists, Trotskyites, and Stalinists and I’ll stick to Mike Harrington’s vision of the left instead.

My wife’s brother’s wife is an immigrant from the Soviet Union.

She’s also concerned about Sanders’s rhetoric, and concerned that if he became the Democratic nominee the GOP would slaughter him at the polls.

She doesn’t want to see another Trump term and notes that in Russia the corruption is at least a little respectable.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 26, 2019 • 10:46:05pm

re: #15 A hollow voice says, Impeachmoot now!

They had their chance to re-elect you — now they’re just going to have to live with their choice until his term ends.

It doesn’t feel right to me to say “well, you could have had me for another term, but you voted for the neo-Nazi. Too bad for you.”

There are quite a number of people in town that aren’t happy with him.

In theory, we could run a recall election, but those are expensive (the town would have to pay for it). He could also catch enough crap from people in town that they convince him to resign (in which case the board appoints someone to the remainder of the term).

DodgerFan1988  Dec 26, 2019 • 10:48:40pm

What a lowlife.

William Lewis  Dec 26, 2019 • 10:49:12pm

re: #17 Anymouse 🌹🎃

It doesn’t feel right to me to say “well, you could have had me for another term, but you voted for the neo-Nazi. Too bad for you.”

There are quite a number of people in town that aren’t happy with him.

In theory, we could run a recall election, but those are expensive (the town would have to pay for it). He could also catch enough crap from people in town that they convince him to resign (in which case the board appoints someone to the remainder of the term).

Shrug. Just continue to be who you are in your daily living and if you want to run at that point you can. Or perhaps there are other positions to run for? Is the school board elected there? That could be the way to have an even more real impact on the future… ;)

A hollow voice says, Guilty, guilty, guilty!  Dec 26, 2019 • 10:49:16pm

re: #17 Anymouse 🌹🎃

It doesn’t feel right to me to say “well, you could have had me for another term, but you voted for the neo-Nazi. Too bad for you.”

There are quite a number of people in town that aren’t happy with him.

In theory, we could run a recall election, but those are expensive (the town would have to pay for it). He could also catch enough crap from people in town that they convince him to resign (in which case the board appoints someone to the remainder of the term).

You say, “I can’t run against him until his term ends.” Let them think about their folly. If they’re likely to do anything that sensible.

William Lewis  Dec 26, 2019 • 10:53:15pm

re: #18 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]

What a lowlife.

There are alcoholics or other addicts for whom that is true. That said, it’s really small minority of those I’ve known who were homeless. Dinesh D’Felon doesn’t know that many real ones.

When I visited Japan in 1986 I had a layover in LA. The bag lady living out of a grocery cart in Westwood gave me a far more intellectual conversation than Dinesh would ever be capable of.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 26, 2019 • 11:15:59pm

re: #19 William Lewis

Shrug. Just continue to be who you are in your daily living and if you want to run at that point you can. Or perhaps there are other positions to run for? Is the school board elected there? That could be the way to have an even more real impact on the future… ;)

The school board is elected, but it’s complicated in my town.

Our town disestablished our two-room school in 2005. The town was then divided by property owners as to which school district they wanted to belong to (Dalton in Cheyenne County or Bridgeport in my county).

My house is in the Dalton school district, so I could in theory run for the Dalton school board. That said, in the 2018 Blue Wave the Dalton school district swept out all the Republicans and replaced them with female Democrats. I’m fine with my current school board representatives.

There’s also the problem of running for a school board if you have no school age children or some sort of education or administration college degree: The voters don’t take you seriously.

Another alternative would be to run for the county commission.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 26, 2019 • 11:20:24pm

(7:25, all the times Rev. Pat Roberson predicted Donald Trump would not be impeached, caution for coarse language, goes to Utah Outcasts)

Pat Robertson’s No Impeachment Supercut

William Lewis  Dec 26, 2019 • 11:27:05pm

re: #22 Anymouse 🌹🎃

The school board is elected, but it’s complicated in my town.

Our town disestablished our two-room school in 2005. The town was then divided by property owners as to which school district they wanted to belong to (Dalton in Cheyenne County or Bridgeport in my county).

My house is in the Dalton school district, so I could in theory run for the Dalton school board. That said, in the 2018 Blue Wave the Dalton school district swept out all the Republicans and replaced them with female Democrats. I’m fine with my current school board representatives.

There’s also the problem of running for a school board if you have no school age children or some sort of education or administration college degree: The voters don’t take you seriously.

Another alternative would be to run for the county commission.

The whole idea is that there are many local offices to run for - you have a leg up on an unknown like me in that there are those who know you and would vote for you.

Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Dec 26, 2019 • 11:33:36pm
Dread Pirate  Dec 27, 2019 • 12:20:02am
Dread Pirate  Dec 27, 2019 • 1:23:12am

East Bay Regional Park District officials are warning people to beware of the deadly mushrooms that crop up every rainy season.

Two of the world’s most toxic mushrooms, the Western destroying angel and the death cap, both grow in the Bay Area and are common in the region’s parks.

“Both of these toxic mushrooms can be lethal to humans and pets if consumed,” said park district naturalist Trent Pearce. “They are mostly associated with oak trees and can be found growing anywhere oak roots are

The plants contain amatoxins that can damage the liver and kidneys in mammals.

Symptoms typically take up to 12 hours to appear after the mushrooms are consumed and start as severe gastrointestinal pain, progressing to the liver and renal failure if immediate treatment isn’t provided, according to the park district.

The death cap is a medium or large mushroom that usually has a greenish-gray cap, white gills, a white ring around the stem and a large white sac at the base of the stem.

It was introduced to North America on the roots of European cork oak trees and is slowly colonizing the West Coast, park officials said.

The Western destroying angel is also a medium or large mushroom that has a creamy white cap, white gills, a white ring around the stem that fades as the plant grows and a thin white sac at the base.

It is a native California mushroom, according to the park district.

Other toxic mushrooms that can be found in the Bay Area include the Galerina and Lepiota species.

Almost every year mushroom hunters in the area poison themselves. Know your shrooms.

Decatur Deb  Dec 27, 2019 • 1:38:02am

re: #5 Dread Pirate

whoa if true

God no, 4 years of an impotent president is not a good idea to follow Trump.

For the next 10 months, almost nothing you see and hear will be true.

Go with what you were taught as a child.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 27, 2019 • 2:16:52am

re: #5 Dread Pirate

[Embedded content]

God no, 4 years of an impotent president is not a good idea to follow Trump.

Four more years of Trump is the bigger and more likely nightmare if Bernie gets the nomination.

Targetpractice  Dec 27, 2019 • 3:09:22am

re: #26 Dread Pirate

[Embedded content]

“Disturbed” is in the same category as “concerned” or “dismayed” when it comes to Repub “moderates”: A defense mechanism against public criticism when the leadership is leaning so far over the far-right edge that they’re in danger of falling off. She’s not saying that she’s opposed to McConnell’s remarks or actions, she’s invoking the necessary words that get the media buzzing that she might be a “rebel” when in reality she’ll vote the party line the moment McConnell puts actual rules to a vote.

Ming5000  Dec 27, 2019 • 3:48:18am

I couldn’t resist clicking on this headline:
Melania Trump snub: Barron Trump ‘downgraded’ in White House in shock move

Melania Trump and Barron moved to the White House a few months after Donald Trump had become the US President. The Trump family lives on the second floor of the White House, away from the presidential offices. But their new home was a “downgrade” for Barron Trump who had a whole floor to himself in Trump Tower in New York City, according to Town & Country.
The then nine-year-old had a whole floor to himself which Melania detailed in a 2006 interview with People Magazine.

This was a nice gem:

The interview also detailed how Melania was gifted a gold stroller complete with its own chandelier after Barron was born.

The gift, which has been labelled “grotesque” by social media users was from US chat show host Ellen DeGeneres.

sagehen  Dec 27, 2019 • 5:30:51am

re: #27 Dread Pirate

[Embedded content]

Almost every year mushroom hunters in the area poison themselves. Know your shrooms.

helpful hint:

psilocybin shrooms, when dried, have a sort of purplish tint on the stems.

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 27, 2019 • 5:33:14am

re: #27 Dread Pirate

[Embedded content]

Almost every year mushroom hunters in the area poison themselves. Know your shrooms.

“Western Destroying Angel” is a pretty fucking epic name for a mushroom.

Be a great name for a Metal band, too.

A Cranky One  Dec 27, 2019 • 5:36:09am

lawhawk  Dec 27, 2019 • 5:43:44am

If the cut footage from Home Alone 2 isn’t presented to the Senate, did the cut happen?

jeffreyw  Dec 27, 2019 • 5:46:12am

Good morning!

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 27, 2019 • 5:52:09am

I could get into a very long discussion regarding the many things I dislike about Bernie Sanders.

But the bottom line is that he is too old to be the kind of President we need in Trumps wake. If elected, he would be only seven months shy of his 80th birthday on Inauguration Day. That’s just no good.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Dec 27, 2019 • 6:06:29am

re: #5 Dread Pirate

[Embedded content]

God no, 4 years of an impotent president is not a good idea to follow Trump.

Who else remembers the McGovern campaign in 1972 where he won DC and Massachusetts?

Put Bernie at the top of the Democratic ticket and he will only carry Vermont and DC.

Republicans will have a field day tearing America’s Jeremy Corbyn to bits!

Joe Bacon 🌹  Dec 27, 2019 • 6:12:13am

re: #18 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]

What a lowlife.

Don’t know which one of those FAUX boys are the bigger asshole.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Dec 27, 2019 • 6:20:47am

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 27, 2019 • 6:36:37am

re: #39 Joe Bacon 🌹

Don’t know which one of those FAUX boys are the bigger asshole.

All of them, Katie.

jaunte  Dec 27, 2019 • 6:48:46am
jaunte  Dec 27, 2019 • 6:53:00am
Targetpractice  Dec 27, 2019 • 6:54:53am

From the “No Shit, Sherlock” file, we have today’s shocker that the guy who was charged with war crimes is a fucking psycho:

The New York Times obtained video interviews and private group text messages that show their concern over Gallagher’s bloodlust.

“The guy is freaking evil,” Special Operator First Class Craig Miller told investigators.

At one point Miller, like some of the other battle-hardened SEALs who broke the code of silence to report Gallagher, began weeping.

“Sorry about this,” Miller said. “It’s the first time — I’m really broken up about this.”

“The guy was toxic,” Special Operator First Class Joshua Vriens, a sniper, said in a separate interview.

“You could tell he was perfectly okay with killing anybody that was moving,” Special Operator First Class Corey Scott, a medic in the platoon, told investigators.

I’m just going to assume that if Faux ever even touches this story, the approach will be to attack these men’s patriotism because they didn’t support “one of their own.”

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Dec 27, 2019 • 6:59:04am

re: #5 Dread Pirate

[Embedded content]

God no, 4 years of an impotent president is not a good idea to follow Trump.

The Democratic President following Trump is going to have a hard time passing any legislation, even if the Democrats win a slim Senate majority. The Democrats really need to do some radical structural reform, which I’m sure they don’t have the stomach for. Defeating Trump will just be one small win in a long war with fascism that is likely to last for decades.

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:02:14am


The Democratic President following Trump is going to have a hard time passing any legislation, even if the Democrats win a slim Senate majority. The Democrats really need to do some radical structural reform, which I’m sure they don’t have the stomach for. Defeating Trump will just be one small win in a long war with fascism that is likely to last for decades.

Agreed. They need to start planning for all contingencies NOW.

Dave In Austin  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:03:55am

Sleeping Screech Owl…..

Shropshire Slasher  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:04:36am

re: #44 Targetpractice

From the “No Shit, Sherlock” file, we have today’s shocker that the guy who was charged with war crimes is a fucking psycho:

[Embedded content]

I’m just going to assume that if Faux ever even touches this story, the approach will be to attack these men’s patriotism because they didn’t support “one of their own.”

I remember when Navy SEALS used to be pacifists! I mean seriously, don’t you have to be able to kill at a moment’s notice to be in the SEALS in the first place?

jaunte  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:05:30am
NO SMOCKING GUN!  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:07:13am

re: #48 Shropshire Slasher

I remember when Navy SEALS used to be pacifists! I mean seriously, don’t you have to be able to kill at a moment’s notice to be in the SEALS in the first place?

There is a lot of space between being a pacifist and being a psycho who kills unarmed civilians for fun.

Dr Lizardo  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:07:57am

Meanwhile in Poland:

Targetpractice  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:09:13am


There is a lot of space between being a pacifist and being a psycho who kills unarmed civilians for fun.

There’s no point to responding. Concern troll is going to concern.

I Would Prefer Not To  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:09:28am
Dinesh: A very good experiment is if you walk up to a homeless guy who says he’s hungry and you offer him an apple, I give you 50/50 odds that he will throw that apple at your face. If you offer him a job, obscenities are going to come your way

so does Dinesh get blow or hand “jobs” from homeless dudes?

Asking cause I hate people who make fun of the homeless. Fuck them. Offer some solutions asshole or shut up. The problem is not going to be fixed with tax cuts you POS.

the rant is just beginning.

Belafon  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:10:14am

re: #5 Dread Pirate

Tulsi doesn’t count as an insider.

Also, so could Biden and Warren.

The Pie Overlord!  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:10:17am

re: #44 Targetpractice

From the “No Shit, Sherlock” file, we have today’s shocker that the guy who was charged with war crimes is a fucking psycho:

[Embedded content]

I’m just going to assume that if Faux ever even touches this story, the approach will be to attack these men’s patriotism because they didn’t support “one of their own.”

Good Ol’ Shoe - Working [from Wag the Dog]

sagehen  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:11:04am

re: #44 Targetpractice

From the “No Shit, Sherlock” file, we have today’s shocker that the guy who was charged with war crimes is a fucking psycho:

[Embedded content]

I’m just going to assume that if Faux ever even touches this story, the approach will be to attack these men’s patriotism because they didn’t support “one of their own.”

NYT has a TV show, “The Weekly”, did a whole episode called The Gallagher Effect.


lawhawk  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:11:20am

re: #53 I Would Prefer Not To

The right wing solution to homelessness is to criminalize it. Trump makes no secret of it.

jaunte  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:12:32am

re: #53 I Would Prefer Not To

A very good experiment is one Dinesh just jabbers about but never conducts.

Targetpractice  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:13:44am

re: #53 I Would Prefer Not To

so does Dinesh get blow or hand “jobs” from homeless dudes?

Asking cause I hate people who make fun of the homeless. Fuck them. Offer some solutions asshole or shut up. The problem is not going to be fixed with tax cuts you POS.

the rant is just beginning.

D’douchebag’s is the sort of opinion offered by assholes who’ve never known poverty or encountered it as anything more than a scruffy guy on the street they purposefully avoid making eye-contact with. Like many of his fellow travelers, he worships at the altar of Rand, which states that homelessness is a moral failing and giving help to the poor only contributes to poverty.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:18:13am

re: #46 Eclectic Cyborg

Agreed. They need to start planning for all contingencies NOW.

They won’t. Too many people think that we can return to normality just by defeating Trump and don’t understand that he is just a symptom of the disease that has gripped the Right, not just in the US, but globally. The GOP is a fascist party now, and it can’t be worked with. It can only be defeated if we are going to save civilization.

The Pie Overlord!  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:20:45am
Targetpractice  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:21:03am

I rather suspect that D’Souza’s idea of “offering a job” is the time-dishonored tradition of responding to pleas for help from the homeless with screams of “GET A JOB!” before marching off in a huff because “I worked hard for that money!”

Shropshire Slasher  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:22:17am

re: #52 Targetpractice

There’s no point to responding. Concern troll is going to concern.

Well shit that makes it easy.

sagehen  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:23:16am

re: #47 Dave In Austin

Sleeping Screech Owl…..

[Embedded content]

He looks like a rock.

Belafon  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:23:59am

re: #48 Shropshire Slasher

I remember when Navy SEALS used to be pacifists! I mean seriously, don’t you have to be able to kill at a moment’s notice to be in the SEALS in the first place?

Are you not allowed to use matches or a lighter because you might burn your house down on purpose?

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:25:24am

re: #64 sagehen

He looks like a rock.

Standing arrow straight…

Decatur Deb  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:29:31am


They won’t. Too many people think that we can return to normality just by defeating Trump and don’t understand that he is just a symptom of the disease that has gripped the Right, not just in the US, but globally. The GOP is a fascist party now, and it can’t be worked with. It can only be defeated if we are going to save civilization.

From Reddit, handwriting on a Hong Kong wall:

Graffiti reads: “We can’t return to normal, because the normal that we had was precisely the problem.”

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:33:47am
Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:40:27am

October 22, still no arrests.

UPDATE: Reward for arrest in killings of wild burros now $100,000

The reward to find the party(ies) responsible for killing the iconic wild burros of California’s Mojave Desert has reached $100,000.

Since May, 46 burro carcasses containing gunshot wounds have been discovered along a 60-mile stretch of Interstate 15 between Los Angeles and Las Vegas.

Wild horses and burros are protected under federal law. Anyone found guilty of killing, harassing or branding one can face a fine of up to $2,000 and one year in jail.

Among those who have contributed to the reward are the American Wild Horse Campaign and The Platero Project.

BLM has an adoption program for burros who need to be removed from certain areas. It’s relatively easy to participate. They are quite a bit easier to feed and care for than horses. I have two of the critters, which I have creatively named Jack and Jill. I take them with me on some projects around the farm. They are famous for load carrying ability, being donkeys and all, but these two never carry anything but their own feed and water bags. They are not ill tempered at all, but you still want to avoid pissing them off, or standing behind them if you do. They can quite literally kick a feral hog to death, and might do the same with drunken trespassers or RWNJ vigilantes given the chance.

sagehen  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:41:22am

re: #68 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

I wonder who Trump is going to ask him to kill.

sagehen  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:43:45am

re: #69 Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel

October 22, still no arrests.

UPDATE: Reward for arrest in killings of wild burros now $100,000

BLM has an adoption program for burros who need to be removed from certain areas. It’s relatively easy to participate. They are quite a bit easier to feed and care for than horses. I have two of the critters, which I have creatively named Jack and Jill.

When you decide to get two more, you should call them Bill and Ted.
The two after that, Pancho and Lefty.

The Pie Overlord!  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:44:36am
A Mom Anon  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:49:39am

re: #48 Shropshire Slasher

Two Words: War Crimes.

Being a SEAL isn’t a license to murder anyone that moves.

Edited to add: in fact we should be expecting a higher level of self control from SEALs and any other special forces in all military branches as well as our police and other security forces.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:53:15am

Our federal system currently overrepresents old white people in both Congress and presidential elections. To correct that, without the herculean task of amending the Constitution, we could create up to six new states from US territories and D. C., and expand the size of the House. These reforms would give poc not only more representation in Congress, but also in the Electoral College. The 23rd Amendment isn’t an obstacle to D. C. statehood, because you can carve a new state out of the inhabited portions of the District, and just leave the Capitol, the WH and some federal office buildings in D. C. Making the federal government look more like America is how we defeat fascism, if only the Democrats had the will to do what it takes.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:55:11am
jaunte  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:55:24am

re: #73 A Mom Anon

These pardons put our soldiers at risk. Anyone supporting them is being deliberately obtuse, and doesn’t give a shit what happens to active or retired military.

A Mom Anon  Dec 27, 2019 • 7:57:50am

re: #76 jaunte

Exactly. If the US is going to claim any mantle of expertise or superior ability, then that requires actual standards that have to be enforced.

Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:04:09am

re: #18 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]

What a lowlife.

Malcom gladwell says your analysis of the homeless and their motivations is nonsense.
The behavior of homeless people is not a normal distribution. It’s a hockey stick, so painting them all the same is , to be charitable, ignorant though clearly self serving to your “argument”.

Yes there are permanent homeless..the end of the hockey stick.
However most homeless the vast vast majority are that only for a very short time.

Dinesh is a crackpot

Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:05:12am

re: #21 William Lewis

There are alcoholics or other addicts for whom that is true. That said, it’s really small minority of those I’ve known who were homeless. Dinesh D’Felon doesn’t know that many real ones.

When I visited Japan in 1986 I had a layover in LA. The bag lady living out of a grocery cart in Westwood gave me a far more intellectual conversation than Dinesh would ever be capable of.

As usual I didn’t read ahead.
Spot on

Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:07:17am

re: #28 Decatur Deb

For the next 10 months, almost nothing you see and hear will be true.

Go with what you were taught as a child.

Eat my peas?

sagehen  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:07:23am


Our federal system currently overrepresents old white people in both Congress and presidential elections. To correct that, without the herculean task of amending the Constitution, we could create up to six new states from US territories and D. C., and expand the size of the House. These reforms would give poc not only more representation in Congress, but also in the Electoral College. The 23rd Amendment isn’t an obstacle to D. C. statehood, because you can carve a new state out of the inhabited portions of the District, and just leave the Capitol, the WH and some federal office buildings in D. C. Making the federal government look more like America is how we defeat fascism, if only the Democrats had the will to do what it takes.

Six new states? How the fuck do you come up with six?

DC, Puerto Rico… that’s about it. US Virgin Islands have barely 100k people, they’d have to be part of PR. And our pacific islands are also not very many people. I don’t imagine any of the existing States would be interested in splitting themselves up.

Nyet  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:09:37am

Till Lindemann, always the cunning linguist, has a new vid out. Very NSFW.

LINDEMANN - Ach so gern (Official Video)

Rightwingconspirator  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:09:49am

re: #77 A Mom Anon

What we are trying to prevent here is not just the loss of a great Democracy, a political social experiment of immense merit if successful in the coming decades. That part is important mostly for just us, citizens.

The shining light on the hill has been extinguished here.

When I stop thinking nationally, take an international mindset it brings me to a far larger conclusion. What we seek to prevent is a rising malevolent former democracy. A superpower capable of really bringing hateful and truly evil impulses to policies foreign and domestic. This country could make the Soviet union look amateur in genocidal destruction and imposed social changes. Far right wet dreams made real.

Most can’t imagine this. Well, just wait until some just desserts come home to hurt us. Maybe the middle east, maybe an angry widowed father from Mexico who gets help from hardened terrorists with weapons. Surprised this has not happened already. Scared Americans are the worst Americans. If Trump had been President 9/11 we would have nuked a nation or two. We are one or two Presidential decisions away from becoming the evil empire of nearly unassailable power.

Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:09:49am

re: #32 sagehen

helpful hint:

psilocybin shrooms, when dried, have a sort of purplish tint on the stems.

Henry Mitchell: “I’m not saying anything. I’m just not going to eat any mushrooms that Dennis picked”

A Mom Anon  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:10:29am


Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:12:14am

re: #44 Targetpractice

From the “No Shit, Sherlock” file, we have today’s shocker that the guy who was charged with war crimes is a fucking psycho:

[Embedded content]

I’m just going to assume that if Faux ever even touches this story, the approach will be to attack these men’s patriotism because they didn’t support “one of their own.”

Trump saves Patriot hero smeared by deep state. //

A Mom Anon  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:15:53am

re: #86 Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)

And since we’re on the subject kind of, can anyone with military experience and service explain to me the concept of using weapons as part of PTSD therapy? My husband has a friend who was in Desert Storm who says hunting and killing animals is “therapy”. This dude had to kill someone who got a weapon from one of the men he was in command of inside a vehicle. How does killing more help? I want to understand this, because he’s not the first guy I’ve heard say this.

Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:16:12am


They won’t. Too many people think that we can return to normality just by defeating Trump and don’t understand that he is just a symptom of the disease that has gripped the Right, not just in the US, but globally. The GOP is a fascist party now, and it can’t be worked with. It can only be defeated if we are going to save civilization.

While this is definitely true, there is only so much that can be done in one election cycle and given the slate of candidates in front of us

Vote blue no matter who

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:16:21am

In briefly.

We’re off to Chicago later this morning.

Weather intensifies:
weather.gov (North Platte NWS Office, our town is at the left edge of the map)

We’re upgraded to a Winter Storm Warning, yay.

I Would Prefer Not To  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:16:56am

re: #89 Anymouse 🌹🎃

In briefly.

We’re off to Chicago later this morning.

Weather intensifies:
weather.gov (North Platte NWS Office, our town is at the left edge of the map)

We’re upgraded to a Winter Storm Warning, yay.

Safe travels.

A Mom Anon  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:17:08am

re: #89 Anymouse 🌹🎃

Please be careful out there. Sending you love and beat the storm vibes. ❤️

CarolJ  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:20:04am

re: #85 A Mom Anon
It’s appeasement. Telling him to not smoke is telling an alcoholic to not drink,and the results are so bad they would rather risk their lives than to withhold his cigarettes. Which is what they are doing. . Maybe he did try to quit once, and the attitude changes were so bad his family decided to just tolerate his smoking. And now that he’s dying, they feel that they have to give in now because there’s nothing they can do

There was a man at my job who ran a canteen and suffered from asthma so bad that he needed to use an inhaler at work and then a nebulizer. Apparently he was a heavy smoker too, and graduated to oxygen tanks. He killed himself because he smoked while using an oxygen tank at his house. The previous owner that he replaced died of lung cancer, and he was a heavy smoker too. Cigarettes kill.

CarolJ  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:21:24am

re: #90 I Would Prefer Not To

Good luck, and don’t be afraid to pull over and get a room. Your step dad is at peace now, and your family can wait a day or two more. Stay warm.

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:23:55am

re: #94 CarolJ

Good luck, and don’t be afraid to pull over and get a room. Your step dad is at peace now, and your family can wait a day or two more. Stay warm.


CarolJ  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:24:15am

re: #84 Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)

That’s why I would stick to the ones in the store. Too much risk of misreading the look of one, or eating one that I wasn’t familiar with. Leave that up to experts.

Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:27:39am

re: #76 jaunte

These pardons put our soldiers at risk. Anyone supporting them is being deliberately obtuse, and doesn’t give a shit what happens to active or retired military.

It’s about me me me
“I got away with it”

A Mom Anon  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:28:47am

re: #93 CarolJ

The whole thing is just so sad and dumb. I suspect that after he passes and things calm down there will be a lot of anger from his wife and kids. Right now he’s loving all the attention. I’ve been married to the husband for over 25 yrs. Known him for almost 30. In all that time my BIL has NEVER said anything nice or kind to me. He’s mean and awful. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve love, but JFC everyone knows we are struggling financially and my husband has health issues himself, but no one gives a fuck.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:28:51am

re: #59 Targetpractice

D’douchebag’s is the sort of opinion offered by assholes who’ve never known poverty or encountered it as anything more than a scruffy guy on the street they purposefully avoid making eye-contact with. Like many of his fellow travelers, he worships at the altar of Rand, which states that homelessness is a moral failing and giving help to the poor only contributes to poverty.

Hey, this came out a few years before I became homeless. It describes people Dinesh D’Felon very well. (4:49)

Phil Collins - Another Day In Paradise (Official Music Video)

Teukka  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:30:29am

re: #27 Dread Pirate

[Embedded content]

Almost every year mushroom hunters in the area poison themselves. Know your shrooms.

Amanita ocreata, A. phalloides, A. virosa claim many lives each season, and are nasty in the way that once you experience symptoms, you’re quite fucked, just like with the Cortinarius (only diff is that C. fucks up only your kidneys, while A. fucks up your kidney and your liver).
A. muscaria scares the fuck out of people, both those it poisons and those who see the poisoning (it’s psychoactive).
I second that, know your shrooms, and when a natural history museum breaks out their mycologists, swarm him or her to soak up the knowledge.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:33:17am


They won’t. Too many people think that we can return to normality just by defeating Trump and don’t understand that he is just a symptom of the disease that has gripped the Right, not just in the US, but globally. The GOP is a fascist party now, and it can’t be worked with. It can only be defeated if we are going to save civilization.

I would argue that they’ve been that way since Goldwater won the nomination. It’s just taken some time for them to get to this point.

Eventual Carrion  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:35:52am

re: #80 Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)

Eat my peas?

If you don’t stop that you’ll go blind.

Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:35:54am

re: #98 A Mom Anon

The whole thing is just so sad and dumb. I suspect that after he passes and things calm down there will be a lot of anger from his wife and kids. Right now he’s loving all the attention. I’ve been married to the husband for over 25 yrs. Known him for almost 30. In all that time my BIL has NEVER said anything nice or kind to me. He’s mean and awful. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve love, but JFC everyone knows we are struggling financially and my husband has health issues himself, but no one gives a fuck.

1. People don’t deserve to be treated differently merely because they are dying. It is sufficient to not be purposely cruel.
2. We love you

Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:40:32am

“Fan” is short for “fanatic.” Three years ago:

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:42:39am

re: #87 A Mom Anon

And since we’re on the subject kind of, can anyone with military experience and service explain to me the concept of using weapons as part of PTSD therapy? My husband has a friend who was in Desert Storm who says hunting and killing animals is “therapy”. This dude had to kill someone who got a weapon from one of the men he was in command of inside a vehicle. How does killing more help? I want to understand this, because he’s not the first guy I’ve heard say this.

Combat-induced PTSD is different for every person.

I can imagine it, though it doesn’t make much sense.

You’re in fear for your life in combat, and the only way to save it is to kill the enemy.

Later on, when a flashback occurs and fear rises, you go out hunting or something, substituting in your mind the animal for the potential enemy.

Sufficient unto the day...  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:42:50am

re: #48 Shropshire Slasher

GFY. We should be trying to be a LITTLE bit better than the people we hanged at Nuremberg.

Teukka  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:44:07am

re: #106 Sufficient unto the day…

GFY. We should be trying to be a LITTLE bit better than the people we hanged at Nuremberg.

A quote comes to mind…
“If you behave like the enemy, you become the enemy.”

retired cynic  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:46:12am

re: #89 Anymouse 🌹🎃

In briefly.

We’re off to Chicago later this morning.

Weather intensifies:
weather.gov (North Platte NWS Office, our town is at the left edge of the map)

We’re upgraded to a Winter Storm Warning, yay.

Shake a tail, and beat it, as much as possible. Keep safe.

Nyet  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:46:47am

re: #106 Sufficient unto the day…

GFY. We should be trying to be a LITTLE bit better than the people we hanged at Nuremberg.

The sociopathic conservative mentality…

A Mom Anon  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:47:40am

re: #105 Anymouse 🌹🎃

The thing is, for this dude at least, it doesn’t seem to help a lot. Like there’s nothing else he could do? I tried to get him to consider volunteering to help with service dogs (he was a dog trainer pre military) for vets or something similar and I was dismissed as being too girly. Yeah, that’s me, lol.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:50:38am

re: #81 sagehen

Six new states? How the fuck do you come up with six?

DC, Puerto Rico… that’s about it. US Virgin Islands have barely 100k people, they’d have to be part of PR. And our pacific islands are also not very many people. I don’t imagine any of the existing States would be interested in splitting themselves up.

I said up to 6, not necessarily 6. Nevada had fewer people than these territories when the GOP made it a state to help it stay in power. We could make the pacific islands into one state, though it would sprawl across thousands of miles of ocean. Since the GOP has no problem with tiny states having as many senators as California, if they complained I’d tell them, “it’s a Republic, not a democracy. “

Sufficient unto the day...  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:50:42am

re: #87 A Mom Anon

It’s like the bit in The Princess Bride, but in reverse order.

After being exposed to the trauma, you might be prone to flashbacks, panic attacks etc. after you’re exposed to a trigger. Exposing yourself to the trigger in controlled environment can allow you to slowly deaden yourself to that panic response.

This is one of those things that should only be done in a controlled environment under supervision of trained professionals, because holy shit.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:53:38am

re: #108 retired cynic

Shake a tail, and beat it, as much as possible. Keep safe.

Like this? (4:58)

Michael Jackson - Beat It (Official Video)

retired cynic  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:54:24am

re: #113 Anymouse 🌹🎃

Like this? (4:58)

[Embedded content]

Beat the Weather, of course! [grin]

BigPapa  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:55:46am

I’ve been watching interviews of combat vets on Youtube. Very compelling, but very somber. There’s no Ra Ra Patriotism or heroics fetishism in it. Guys just doing what they could to survive, watching their friends get blown to bits, realizing the Leadership was figuring it out just like they were, going into battle Berzerker mode and not remembershing shit for several hours but having blood all over your uniform, not knowing if it’s yours, theirs, or your comrades, or what’s left of your uniform.

Then… boop. Back to life as if nothing happened. I can’t imagine I would handle that well.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 27, 2019 • 8:58:43am

re: #115 BigPapa

I’ve been watching interviews of combat vets on Youtube. Very compelling, but very somber. There’s no Ra Ra Patriotism or heroics fetishism in it. Guys just doing what they could to survive, watching their friends get blown to bits, realizing the Leadership was figuring it out just like they were, going into battle Berzerker mode and not remembershing shit for several hours but having blood all over your uniform, not knowing if it’s yours, theirs, or your comrades, or what’s left of your uniform.

Then… boop. Back to life as if nothing happened. I can’t imagine I would handle that well.

I never directly saw combat in the Navy, though logistics is a bit different than it is for the other services (the logistics people go down with a ship too). I would never try to claim any of the experiences people who were in direct combat had.

A Mom Anon  Dec 27, 2019 • 9:05:17am

re: #115 BigPapa

Part of that is on us, with all the cheering for them but not really stepping up to help after combat. I also think the DoD should be funding in full for treatments and therapy, not the VA. The VA doesn’t get enough money to take care of this, but DoD does and they should be funding everything right down to service dogs and medical marijuana and places to live that aren’t shitholes. There’s no excuse for even needing volunteer groups to help with this. DoD sends them to fight, they need to pick up the tab for as long as it takes.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 27, 2019 • 9:11:39am

re: #117 A Mom Anon

That’s a problem as old as time though: Come home with your shield, or on it.

All that peacetime training is supposed to allow you, in those few short moments where you come under fire, to be able to have “muscle memory” of what you’re supposed to be doing even as your brain is screaming “get the hell out of here.”

The closest I ever came to combat was the freedom of navigation cruises through the Gulf of Sidra, where we came under attack once from Libyan bombers. The only people directly involved in that combat were the pilots involved, but the rest of the crew was painfully aware if they got through, we’d be at the bottom of the Med.

Even in my little logistics job of aviation electronics, with all that was going on I had to ignore that and focus on my job. (It’s pretty tough to troubleshoot circuits when in the back of your mind you’re thinking you’re about to be sunk.)

Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Dec 27, 2019 • 9:14:32am


Authorities are responding to an explosion at a Kansas aviation manufacturing plant

Multiple agencies responded Friday to an explosion at an aviation manufacturing plant in Wichita, Kansas, a spokeswoman for the Sedgwick County Sheriff’s Office told CNN.

The explosion took place at Beechcraft’s Plant 3, a spokesperson for Wichita Mayor Jeff Longwell told CNN. The plant had been shut down for the holidays and officials are hoping that “injuries will be minimal,” the spokesperson said.

Mike Lamb  Dec 27, 2019 • 9:14:37am

re: #44 Targetpractice

From the “No Shit, Sherlock” file, we have today’s shocker that the guy who was charged with war crimes is a fucking psycho:

[Embedded content]

I’m just going to assume that if Faux ever even touches this story, the approach will be to attack these men’s patriotism because they didn’t support “one of their own.”

I wonder if this guy was a POC if they’d use such a benign photo in the article.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Dec 27, 2019 • 9:15:07am

re: #96 CarolJ

That’s why I would stick to the ones in the store. Too much risk of misreading the look of one, or eating one that I wasn’t familiar with. Leave that up to experts.

There is an old saying that there are only two types of mushroom hunters. There are the old mushroom hunters and there are the bold mushroom hunters…. but there are no old bold mushroom hunters.

Mike Lamb  Dec 27, 2019 • 9:21:53am

re: #72 The Pie Overlord!

[Embedded content]

I’m reading Erik Larson’s “In the Garden of Beasts”, which follows the family of the US Ambassador to Germany who was appointed shortly after Hitler came to power. These kind of attacks were frequent in early Nazi Germany, and were constantly spun as isolated events, not reflective of Germany at large, etc. I know I’m faaaaar from the first to talk about this, but the parallels are there and they are striking.

sagehen  Dec 27, 2019 • 9:22:57am

re: #115 BigPapa

Then… boop. Back to life as if nothing happened. I can’t imagine I would handle that well.

The big advantage WWII vets had, why they suffered less dislocation on return than vets from other wars, is that it was EVERYBODY. Everyone around you understood. All the neighbor men, all the co-workers, everybody at the bar, all the other dads at church or PTA, they’d all been through it too. It didn’t set you apart.

Also, it was a war of very clear stakes, with a clear victory, no ambiguity about whether it had been worth it. Knowing you helped save the world has to be more soothing than knowing you helped temporarily save a village in country you previously couldn’t have found on a map, or knowing you helped serve a six-degrees-removed principle that doesn’t clearly connect to your physical experience.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 27, 2019 • 9:24:23am

I’m going to log out. Shower time then hit the road.

My laptop is going with us, so you might see me around.

The weather is still nice here for now, partly cloudy and 34°F (1°Commie).

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Dec 27, 2019 • 9:26:25am

re: #72 The Pie Overlord!

A moran responded to that tweet. It was a dumb response.

Patricia Kayden  Dec 27, 2019 • 9:34:24am
A Cranky One  Dec 27, 2019 • 9:37:38am

re: #117 A Mom Anon

My father noted the mental shock of being in a combat zone and a day later being back in the States (from Vietnam). Suddenly all the rules were different and there was no time to adjust.

WWII troops had a sea voyage when returning home, allowing some time to adjust before resuming their previous life.

My cousin spent a lot of time with me when he first returned after 2 tours in the 101st Airborne in Vietnam, because his family didn’t understand he had a lot of survival instincts from combat that needed time to change. Once I got up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom, only to find my cousin crouched in front of me holding a knife. Realizing it was reflex rather than a conscious decision, I calmly talked to him until he was fully awake. Survival behaviors don’t change overnight.

Both our soldiers and their families deserve support after the soldiers return from combat. Support that allows the time needed to adjust to the changed reality.

It took months before my dad adjusted to hearing sirens at night. Found him under the bed multiple times after an emergency vehicle went by, having sought cover without even waking up.

I think the lack of proper care of the military after they return from combat is criminal.

Edit: fixed typo.

BigPapa  Dec 27, 2019 • 9:46:29am

re: #123 sagehen

That’s a lot of good context and nuance that can be learned from, knowing it all plays a role in every conflict.

The Pie Overlord!  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:03:22am

re: #87 A Mom Anon

And since we’re on the subject kind of, can anyone with military experience and service explain to me the concept of using weapons as part of PTSD therapy? My husband has a friend who was in Desert Storm who says hunting and killing animals is “therapy”. This dude had to kill someone who got a weapon from one of the men he was in command of inside a vehicle. How does killing more help? I want to understand this, because he’s not the first guy I’ve heard say this.

Chris Kyle was shot and killed by a veteran with PTSD whom he had taken to a rifle range for “therapy.”

Teukka  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:06:45am

Sciency stuffs:

sagehen  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:10:41am

re: #130 Teukka

Sciency stuffs:

[Embedded content]

Don’t say that name out loud.

Teukka  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:12:06am

re: #131 sagehen

Don’t say that name out loud.

[Embedded content]

Not a third time, no.

Sufficient unto the day...  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:12:48am

re: #129 The Pie Overlord!

Chris Kyle was shot and killed by a veteran with PTSD whom he had taken to a rifle range for “therapy.”

To quote myself:

This is one of those things that should only be done in a controlled environment under supervision of trained professionals, because holy shit.

Chris Kyle was not a trained therapist and an open-to-public shooting range is not a controlled environment for therapy.

Charles Johnson  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:14:47am
Teukka  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:15:00am

re: #133 Sufficient unto the day…

To quote myself:

Chris Kyle was not a trained therapist and an open-to-public shooting range is not a controlled environment for therapy.

Yep. Googled his name. Guess who also turned up as related searches? Simo Häyhä.

Barefoot Grin  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:17:21am

Given astronomical distances, isn’t it possible that Betelgeuse has already exploded?

Charles Johnson  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:18:12am
Teukka  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:21:44am

re: #136 Barefoot Grin

Given astronomical distances, isn’t it possible that Betelgeuse has already exploded?

Yep, it could’ve kabloied in the end of the middle ages and we’d only notice it now (642 ly away).

Charles Johnson  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:30:28am
Targetpractice  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:32:46am

re: #139 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

“What does ‘shall make no laws’ mean? SPEAK ENGLISH!!!”

Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:34:00am

re: #120 Mike Lamb

I wonder if this guy was a POC if they’d use such a benign photo in the article.

Never woulda got pardoned

Charles Johnson  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:37:25am

We have another secret Santa subscription (slightly belated, but who’s counting?), for … sagehen! Please enjoy.

CarolJ  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:37:28am

re: #141 Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)

POC would be under the jail with no parole. No one would have made him a cause celebre like the Fox morons did, which is why he’s out.

Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:39:21am

re: #136 Barefoot Grin

Given astronomical distances, isn’t it possible that Betelgeuse has already exploded?

Schrodinger’s relativity

gocart mozart  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:41:19am
Dangerman (misuser of the sarc tag)  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:41:59am

re: #140 Targetpractice

“What does ‘shall make no laws’ mean? SPEAK ENGLISH!!!”

Sure he could read the words
Clueless what they mean
Let alone years of study analysis interpretation in school etc

Charles Johnson  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:42:10am
Charles Johnson  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:44:37am
Joe Bacon 🌹  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:44:38am

re: #145 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

Is his hand tattooed?

Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:49:24am

re: #130 Teukka

Sciency stuffs:

[Embedded content]

It would be quite a show, and not just in the sky. With the help of brain-dead, science challenged media, all woo-woos and superstition profiteers everywhere would go utterly apeshit. Their immediate goal would be to make enough to retire before the marks realize that, no, the Earth is NOT going to be vaporized or invaded by demons and the marks should have kept their money. More alarmingly, like the Falwells and their anti-abortion scam from the 70s, some of them might make so much that they become major players in the political world.

jaunte  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:49:25am
A Mom Anon  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:50:21am

re: #145 gocart mozart

Learn to cook your own food PAUL. And since it’s something silly girls can do, it’s surely not a problem for a ever so smart manly man such as yourself. Don’t forget to clean up afterward, we wouldn’t want you to get food poisoning….

jaunte  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:51:16am


sagehen  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:52:34am

re: #142 Charles Johnson

We have another secret Santa subscription (slightly belated, but who’s counting?), for … sagehen! Please enjoy.

thank you Santa!!! You’ve made my day.

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:52:57am


jaunte  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:53:37am

Trump would have been at Dover AFB but he had a chance to divert more of our taxes into his pocket.

The President spent a little more than four hours at his golf club and tweeted more than 10 times before sundown.

Picking up where he left off Christmas evening, the President continued to tweet about House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Thursday morning, calling her “Crazy Nancy,” suggesting she “clean up her filthy dirty District & help the homeless there.

dirkdigglerjr  Dec 27, 2019 • 10:56:01am

re: #130 Teukka

Pet peeve with astronomy headlines is when they talk about this stuff as if it is happening in real time. Betelguese is about 640 light years from us, meaning that what we are observing occurred in the latter part of the 14th century.

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:00:26am

re: #157 dirkdigglerjr

Pet peeve with astronomy headlines is when they talk about this stuff as if it is happening in real time. Betelguese is about 640 light years from us, meaning that what we are observing occurred in the latter part of the 14th century.

Also, “soon” in Astronomy terms can still mean hundreds, if not thousands of years from now.

sagehen  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:03:48am

Inequality v. Infrastructure

The Second Gilded Age: When private wealth dwarfs public projects

In a recent article I wrote about the birth and death of the Superconducting Super-Collider. That project could have led the world decades ago to fundamental physics discoveries that are still outside the reach of any existing or planned instrument. The reasons that the SSC were canceled in mid-construction weren’t strictly because related to its price tag, but that was the biggest factor in a Congress suddenly concerned about deficits—a concern that grew after a series of tax cuts shifted billions from public funds into private fortunes.

But we’re in an age in which the least wealthy person on this list, Mackenzie Bezos, could pay for the invention of the first practical fusion reactor, the operation the Large Hadron Collider, and the building the Freedom Tower—and still be a billionaire. And she would then own everything of value that any of those projects produced.

Hecuba's daughter  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:04:22am

re: #157 dirkdigglerjr

Pet peeve with astronomy headlines is when they talk about this stuff as if it is happening in real time. Betelguese is about 640 light years from us, meaning that what we are observing occurred in the latter part of the 14th century.

A couple online articles said that as long as we are 50-100 light years away, we should be ok; anything closer, and it may be bye-bye earth — though, of course, not for a few decades after the event.

A hollow voice says, Guilty, guilty, guilty!  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:10:11am

I just received an email from Amazon that my package had been delivered to “my preferred safe place.” WTF?

dirkdigglerjr  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:10:49am

re: #158 Eclectic Cyborg

Two things humans cannot grasp the vastness of are time and distance. The Earth has been around for 4,543,000,000 years, give or take 50 million years. And just one light year covers 5,880,000,000,000 miles. It’s hard for people to think ahead or back even a day or two let alone a week. And think what a 10- or 15-mile journey must have meant to people a little more than 120 years ago.

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:12:37am

re: #161 A hollow voice says, Impeachmoot now!

I just received an email from Amazon that my package had been delivered to “my preferred safe place.” WTF?

Sounds like a possible scam to me.

gocart mozart  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:13:08am
A hollow voice says, Guilty, guilty, guilty!  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:13:28am

re: #163 Eclectic Cyborg

Sounds like a possible scam to me.

No, real delivery, really expected, really from Amazon.

Mike Lamb  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:14:55am

re: #164 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

Meanwhile, the dipshit is simultaneously caterwauling about Trump having his due process rights violated by the Dems impeachment process.

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:15:20am

re: #165 A hollow voice says, Impeachmoot now!

No, real delivery, really expected, really from Amazon.

Hmm. So what did they mean by “safe place”?

A hollow voice says, Guilty, guilty, guilty!  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:17:06am

re: #167 Eclectic Cyborg

Hmm. So what did they mean by “safe place”?

That’s the question. What ever happened to “your designated address?”

dirkdigglerjr  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:22:11am

re: #167 Eclectic Cyborg

Some places around here such as the local police department or sheriff’s office have designated themselves as “safe spaces” for people to take delivery of goods - though that’s usually for Ebay purchases or other transactions between people. Depending on the delivery service, you can also designate a package dropoff at locations such as Walgreens or local grocery stores.

Decatur Deb  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:25:22am

re: #168 A hollow voice says, Impeachmoot now!

That’s the question. What ever happened to “your designated address?”

Amazon has a system of remote delivery “lockers”. Could you have been bumped into that world?

Dr Lizardo  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:27:14am

re: #157 dirkdigglerjr

Pet peeve with astronomy headlines is when they talk about this stuff as if it is happening in real time. Betelguese is about 640 light years from us, meaning that what we are observing occurred in the latter part of the 14th century.

So, it could well have already gone all Death Star and we just haven’t seen it yet.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:29:20am

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:31:22am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:38:35am
A Mom Anon  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:43:26am

Ok so this is weird, I think, lol.

I’ve mentioned before that Cleo has bitten me several times, not just play bites either, we’re talking break the skin and bleed bites. There’s also the jumping all over everyone whenever anyone comes home. So on the offhand that it might work, I’ve been keeping her leash on her the last few days. Letting her roam free and all, but with the leash on while inside.

It’s working. No more bitey face and she’s stopped jumping on me at least. Obviously this isn’t a permanent solution, but it’s a start. I took her for a walk yesterday and she lost her shit when we approached a group of people leaving a little business down the street, so the leash has no magic powers but that’s a whole other issue. I’ll take any win I can get right now.

dirkdigglerjr  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:48:10am

re: #174 Backwoods_Sleuth

As an ex-journalist there was nothing better than getting information like this and being allowed to get a bit creative. Over the years I had fun with stories about 2 men who stabbed each other of which was better, Ford or Chevy; the city debating whether to allow chicken coops within its limits; a couple having to move from the city because of their alpacas; a snake getting into a power station and knocking out the juice for 1/3 of the county; and my all-time favorite, the theft of prized bull semen.

Charles Johnson  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:52:26am


Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:54:22am
Barefoot Grin  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:55:15am

re: #176 dirkdigglerjr

As an ex-journalist there was nothing better than getting information like this and being allowed to get a bit creative. Over the years I had fun with stories about 2 men who stabbed each other of which was better, Ford or Chevy; the city debating whether to allow chicken coops within its limits; a couple having to move from the city because of their alpacas; a snake getting into a power station and knocking out the juice for 1/3 of the county; and my all-time favorite, the theft of prized bull semen.

Ha! Though I can see the sense in stealing it rather than going directly to the bull.

ckkatz  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:56:44am

re: #87 A Mom Anon

And since we’re on the subject kind of, can anyone with military experience and service explain to me the concept of using weapons as part of PTSD therapy? My husband has a friend who was in Desert Storm who says hunting and killing animals is “therapy”. This dude had to kill someone who got a weapon from one of the men he was in command of inside a vehicle. How does killing more help? I want to understand this, because he’s not the first guy I’ve heard say this.

There are a number of possibilities..

Combat is generally quite traumatic and is designed to be that way. Watching every rule you knew and understood from the beginning of your life get discarded tends to be. Loud noises, deadly objects flying through the air at random times, gruesome things happening randomly, having to hurt others in premeditated fashion, having to handle the results on people you knew well….

Training is designed to force specific responses even when in shock from this trauma. Small unit social groups help keep the soldier functioning. And there is a support network in place while one is in one’s unit.

The shift out of a mortal combat situation, giving up one’s military support network, returning as an individual to normal society with non-combat rules and no explicit support network, is a big transition.

As others have pointed out, the act of hunting is similar to the way an infantryman acts in war. Substituting the animal for the human is a de-escalation and a way to make the re-enacting both legal and more socially acceptable.

Humans are ‘iterative’. That is we often need to repeat something multiple times in order to understand it more fully and get a better handle on it emotionally. The hunting may be a way to do that.

There were many stories after World War 2 of how combat veterans got together and would go hunting as a group. It was a way to recreate the intimacy of a small combat unit during re-enacting the combat in a less threatening environment.

My father, a WW2 combat veteran, associated camping with his experiences in the European Theater. It wasn’t until I and my brothers started Boy Scouts, and he met (and presumably ‘vetted’) the other fathers who accompanied the troop on outings, that he went camping with us. Many of the fathers were also WW2 vets, including one who served in the 101st Airborne. (Band of Brothers division)

And of course, your friend may have been taught about hunting as a child and associate it with that childhood. Or, he may need to get protein that way.

dirkdigglerjr  Dec 27, 2019 • 11:59:46am

re: #179 Barefoot Grin

As I recall, it was in the $25,000 range. And that was 20 years ago.

Charles Johnson  Dec 27, 2019 • 12:01:02pm
A hollow voice says, Guilty, guilty, guilty!  Dec 27, 2019 • 12:03:08pm

re: #170 Decatur Deb

Amazon has a system of remote delivery “lockers”. Could you have been bumped into that world?

I’ve used their lockers, which weren’t called “safe spaces” either.

Nyet  Dec 27, 2019 • 12:03:38pm

Have just watched I am Mother. Very recommended.

gocart mozart  Dec 27, 2019 • 12:04:42pm
gocart mozart  Dec 27, 2019 • 12:05:34pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 27, 2019 • 12:07:41pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 27, 2019 • 12:10:05pm
ckkatz  Dec 27, 2019 • 12:11:11pm

My apologies if this is not written as tightly as I would have preferred. My cat is sitting directly behind me whining as I try to write this.

I suspect that Shropshire has not served in a combat unit and his original post is more a case of not understanding, rather than a malicious trolling.

In combat the rules can seem a bit fuzzy. But they do exist. These rules are a blend of the ‘best things to do to win’ at the tactical level, at the strategic level, and at the social level.

For example, it has generally been a rule that our society doesn’t ask its youth to risk its life in war for trivial goals. Nor that it asks its youth to kill, maim and destroy others for trivial or malicious goals.

In order to succeed in combat, one needs even more discipline to follow rules. Particularly at the small unit level. Everybody in a small unit needs to understand and agree on how to behave. Failure to follow the agreed upon rules destroys unit trust. Violating this can get people killed.

Undisciplined firing is an example. Giving away one’s position for militarily unnecessary reasons is another. Killing non-enemies is another.

And nobody is more aware of this than combat soldiers. Because they live, or die, on this.

So yes, that is why they busted on Gallagher. And that is what they meant by ‘toxic’. He was destroying the unit trust, and that was effecting the ability of the unit to operate effectively.

Jay C  Dec 27, 2019 • 12:17:34pm

re: #189 ckkatz

So yes, that is why they busted on Gallagher. And that is what they meant by ‘toxic’. He was destroying the unit trust, and that was effecting the ability of the unit to operate effectively.

So IOW, on a small scale, what Trump would probably like to do to ALL of The Armed Services?

A Mom Anon  Dec 27, 2019 • 12:18:13pm

re: #189 ckkatz

Thank you for your responses to this. It makes sense, at least for some of the whys I had in my head.

ckkatz  Dec 27, 2019 • 12:23:31pm

re: #190 Jay C

So IOW, on a small scale, what Trump would probably like to do to ALL of The Armed Services?


As far as I can tell, Trump does not seem to care for institutions. Such as the military, the judiciary, the Constitution.

It seems that for him, there is nothing beyond his needs. Including the need for casual cruelty. I assume because casual cruelty is for him an expression of personal power.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Dec 27, 2019 • 12:49:14pm

re: #184 Nyet

Have just watched I am Mother. Very recommended.

That was great.

Barefoot Grin  Dec 27, 2019 • 12:58:23pm

re: #181 dirkdigglerjr

As I recall, it was in the $25,000 range. And that was 20 years ago.

There was a big scandal in Japan earlier this year of clandestine shipments of Wagyu bull semen to China with lots of money involved. I didn’t realize it was some kind of national secret.

retired cynic  Dec 27, 2019 • 1:25:24pm

re: #191 A Mom Anon

Thank you for your responses to this. It makes sense, at least for some of the whys I had in my head.

Agree. Now I see why my father (WW II, went in at Normandy, pushed all the way to Berlin, MP) was so attracted to his fishing and hunting buddies, and why it was so important to him to do this. I wish I had known, back 50 years ago!! Thank you, ckkatz!

lawhawk  Dec 28, 2019 • 5:22:02am

re: #131 sagehen


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