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I Would Prefer Not To  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:29:28pm

So happy you are back. Congrats and FT

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:30:11pm

For a while there I thought LGF had been zapped by the Jewish space laser.

But we’re back! Celebration time!

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:31:17pm

All those comments gone…like tears in rain…

PhillyPretzel  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:32:20pm

The rain finally came in and I was carrying my umbrella all darn day.

Charles Johnson  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:33:55pm

I see that reloading the page will reset all the comment karma numbers to zero, so there’s still something to fix. I’ll get to that. Probably a caching issue.

Charles Johnson  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:36:42pm

It’s not actually resetting the karma values — if you click the zero it will refresh and show the real value.

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:36:52pm

Media still obsessing about the Rock/Smith fiasco. FFS, let it go, people. Wake me if Rock changes his mind and presses charges, otherwise it’s over and it’s time to move on.

Decatur Deb  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:38:28pm

re: #7 Targetpractice

Media still obsessing about the Rock/Smith fiasco. FFS, let it go, people. Wake me if Rock changes his mind and presses charges, otherwise it’s over and it’s time to move on.

I don’t think the media is ready for a Dropkick Murphys concert.

ckkatz  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:41:40pm


Welcome Back!

Charles Johnson  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:42:05pm
wrenchwench  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:42:13pm

re: #5 Charles Johnson

I see that reloading the page will reset all the comment karma numbers to zero, so there’s still something to fix. I’ll get to that. Probably a caching issue.

When I click on the zeros, they turn into double-digit numbers.

PhillyPretzel  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:43:16pm

re: #11 wrenchwench

That is because we are so happy to be back here. :)

Jay C  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:43:55pm

Welcome back, Charles!
Welcome back us!

33 hours without LGF,
Amazed to be alive!

SerialUpDinger  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:45:11pm

I did not realize how important this site was to my world view… Getting into my car for the drive to work and for some reason the radio comes on and its Hunter Biden this and Hunter Biden that. I pulled over and set the radio to blue tooth and asked siri to play some Rachmainoff. Much better! Glad you are back because I was jonesing for some Lizard wisdom.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:45:34pm

re: #5 Charles Johnson

I see that reloading the page will reset all the comment karma numbers to zero, so there’s still something to fix. I’ll get to that. Probably a caching issue.

You’re doing this to fuck with the karma counters, aren’t you? A shot across the bow for posters of cute dogs, for example. /////

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:45:36pm

What’s especially funny is hearing the media outlets whose every other whine is about how their latest “THE BIDENS ARE ALL CORRUPT MONSTERS!!!” obsession isn’t being talked about in the “liberal media” devote time on their shows to commenting on Chris Rock’s reputation being injured by a slap from Will Smith or how Smith needs to be punished in some way by the Academy…who apparently now have been caught lying about asking him to leave.

piratedan  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:46:43pm

re: #7 Targetpractice

yeah, we are watching the slow rolling of the onion peeling of an attempted coup and a war of aggression in Europe and these guys would rather do ANYTHING than have to unravel and digest the harsh realities that the religious right and GOP are perfectly willing to to crap on 250 years of Democracy as long as they get to be in power.

ckkatz  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:47:17pm
PhillyPretzel  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:49:19pm

I have to get up at the crack of dawn so I am headed out. I will be back tomorrow. :)

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:50:00pm

re: #17 piratedan

yeah, we are watching the slow rolling of the onion peeling of an attempted coup and a war of aggression in Europe and these guys would rather do ANYTHING than have to unravel and digest the harsh realities that the religious right and GOP are perfectly willing to to crap on 250 years of Democracy as long as they get to be in power.

Yeah, what a lot of people predicted was going to happen has happened: The legacy media got bored of reporting on Ukraine and decided to “move on” to other stories. “Oh, Russia still getting is ass kicked sideways? Putin still threatening nuclear war? *yawn* Let’s put that after the days-old story of two celebrities fighting and before the latest ‘APOCALYPTIC GAS PRICE INFLATION!!!’ story.”

darthstar  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:50:09pm

re: #10 Charles Johnson

I can’t believe you’re actually making me do this again…

Or were you talking about this?

Wordle 285 5/6


nines09  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:50:16pm

re: #10 Charles Johnson

I might have. But I was high. I’ll get high again and try to remember.

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:51:30pm

Does anyone have comments about the FEC fine against the Clinton campaign? Did they pay just because it’s easier/cheaper than challenging the FEC ruling?

The Squire of Logos  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:52:55pm

And we’re back! Woo hoo!

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:53:58pm

re: #23 Hecuba’s daughter

Does anyone have comments about the FEC fine against the Clinton campaign? Did they pay just because it’s easier/cheaper than challenging the FEC ruling?

Sounds like the FEC found time in their busy schedule of looking the other way on Trump’s blatant violation of campaign finance laws to smack the Clintons for shit that people no longer care about.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:54:51pm

Well, Mr. Johnson’s site was down for less time than my Internet service and long distance telephone service.

Perhaps he’d like to run CenturyLink?

ckkatz  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:55:15pm

In other news, the Fairfax County tornado, if it ever existed, apparently just went south of me.

I guess that I am relieved rather than disappointed.

Last time I got a tornado warning, I was in the process of walking to the front door to try and figure why there was a sound like handfuls of small pebbles were being thrown against the west facing side of my house.

I and the neighbors figured that a very small tornado had not quite touched down as it passed over our development. It touched down about a quarter mile North and destroyed exactly 1 pickup truck and two trees before dissipating. Iirc, it was officially determined to be a tornado.

mmmirele  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:55:27pm

re: #23 Hecuba’s daughter

Does anyone have comments about the FEC fine against the Clinton campaign? Did they pay just because it’s easier/cheaper than challenging the FEC ruling?

For a fine of $123,000 total it’s not worth fighting over. And the fine was over how the report was classified in the Clinton campaign’s reporting, not over the contents. It was reported as “legal services” and “legal and compliance consulting” instead of opposition research. It does not go to the veracity of the Steele dossier, but of course Fux Noise is going to go to town with it.

Charles Johnson  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:55:45pm

re: #26 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Well, Mr. Johnson’s site was down for less time than my Internet service and long distance telephone service.

Perhaps he’d like to run CenturyLink?

no way man

William Lewis  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:56:01pm

re: #7 Targetpractice

Media still obsessing about the Rock/Smith fiasco. FFS, let it go, people. Wake me if Rock changes his mind and presses charges, otherwise it’s over and it’s time to move on.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:56:39pm

This afternoon after work instead of being here I took a nap and in that nap I had a dream and in that dream my dog woke me up barking at a bird that was loose in the house and my dog was trying to bite it out of the air and so I ran to the front door to let the bird out and the bird understood and was flying out but the dog was also trying to get out so I slammed the door shut just as the bird was escaping and it dissolved into dust between the door and the frame just as my wife came home and woke me up.

Charles Johnson  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:56:44pm
Charles Johnson  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:57:00pm
The Squire of Logos  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:57:41pm

Well one good thing about the outage. I followed a few fellow Lizards on the Tweeter thing.

William Lewis  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:58:53pm

Well, none of the images I posted are missing. But now I think I understand what happened to the gerbil cage …

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 5:59:28pm
Hecuba's daughter  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:00:20pm

Am now trying to decide whether to watch the rest of the 2020 Korean film The Call. Very creepy. Similar in certain respects to Frequency but very disturbing.

Did it in 5.


JC1  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:00:47pm

So what happened over the past few days? More specifically than a DB corruption. What kind of set-up do you have running LGF? 20/20 hind sight, but redundancy and backups are pretty reasonable these days.

CleverToad  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:01:30pm

Ahhh, I have my window on the world again.
Just got reminded that LGF and the Colorado Sun are my primary stops for national and local news respectively.

JC1  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:01:35pm

3/6 on today’s

Wordle 285 3/6


Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:03:07pm

re: #7 Targetpractice

Media still obsessing about the Rock/Smith fiasco. FFS, let it go, people. Wake me if Rock changes his mind and presses charges, otherwise it’s over and it’s time to move on.

The Madison Cawthorn orgies thing doesn’t seem to be going away either.

JC1  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:04:09pm

re: #42 Eclectic Cyborg

The Madison Cawthorn orgies thing doesn’t seem to be going away either.

That’s a great story though. I hope the media keeps taking about GOP orgies and cocaine binges through the midterms.

Charles Johnson  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:04:19pm

re: #36 William Lewis

Well, none of the images I posted are missing. But now I think I understand what happened to the gerbil cage …

[Embedded content]

The comments table was the only part of the database affected. Somehow this one table got corrupted, possibly because it was so gigantic. Tens of gigabytes. We managed to restore everything but the last 4 or 5 days of comments.

mmmirele  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:04:27pm

Ok, we gotta talk about this some more.

Anyway, I was originally mistaken in thinking the raid was due to the indictment against Lauren Handy and eight others dropping yesterday. (They raided a clinic in DC late last year and barricaded themselves in it.) No, someone decided to tip off DC Police to a potential biohazard in the residence, hence the raid. Remember, this is Washington, DC and I am sure that the police were freaking out about “body parts” or whatever it was reported as.

I’m old enough to remember when Melody Green, widow of Christian songwriter Keith Green, had a fetus in a jar she called “Baby Choice,” which she took around to speaking engagements in the 1980s. More recently, we were reminded that Karen Swallow Prior, formerly of Liberty University and now teaching at some Southern Baptist seminary, had kept a fetus in a Tupperware, which was named “Tia.” This was during a period of anti-abortion unrest centered on Buffalo, NY, in 1992. The fetus was brought out at one of the protests and seized. It’s unclear what happened to it.

But holy crap! Five fetuses! Where did Lauren Handy get them and what was she planning on doing with them? It’s been suggested that she was perhaps going to toss them in a clinic’s regular garbage (not biohazard garbage, which is sterilized) and then call the cops. Or something more nefarious was going on. But for people who claim to reverence life, it seems like they didn’t seem to give a damn about about the fetuses, except to use them as props. I hope the city throws the book at her.

Ferdinand  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:05:14pm

My wife and I picked up the keys today for our new Hudson River home, about 15 miles north of Sleepy Hollow, finally completing the journey that started Christmas Eve when I accepted a cool job requiring I relocate from the Seattle area to metro NYC. What a long strange trip it’s been!

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:06:02pm

re: #42 Eclectic Cyborg

The Madison Cawthorn orgies thing doesn’t seem to be going away either.

It’s apparently serious because the GQP leadership are taking the very severe, unprecedented step…of supporting a primary challenger. Not punishing him, not censuring him, just saying “We’d really like somebody to replace you, but are prepared to keep supporting you if you somehow survive political suicide.”

William Lewis  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:06:52pm

re: #44 Charles Johnson

The comments table was the only part of the database affected. Somehow this one table got corrupted, possibly because it was so gigantic. Tens of gigabytes. We managed to restore everything but the last 4 or 5 days of comments.

I do not miss my DBA days for the state elections board. Financial report data was always tricky especially after we got software to the campaigns and had to import their reports… You have my sincere sympathy for the recovery and my gratitude that this is back.

Captain Ron  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:07:02pm
JC1  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:07:04pm

re: #45 mmmirele

Ok, we gotta talk about this some more.

Anyway, I was originally mistaken in thinking the raid was due to the indictment against Lauren Handy and eight others dropping yesterday. (They raided a clinic in DC late last year and barricaded themselves in it.) No, someone decided to tip off DC Police to a potential biohazard in the residence, hence the raid. Remember, this is Washington, DC and I am sure that the police were freaking out about “body parts” or whatever it was reported as.

I’m old enough to remember when Melody Green, widow of Christian songwriter Keith Green, had a fetus in a jar she called “Baby Choice,” which she took around to speaking engagements in the 1980s. More recently, we were reminded that Karen Swallow Prior, formerly of Liberty University and now teaching at some Southern Baptist seminary, had kept a fetus in a Tupperware, which was named “Tia.” This was during a period of anti-abortion unrest centered on Buffalo, NY, in 1992. The fetus was brought out at one of the protests and seized. It’s unclear what happened to it.

But holy crap! Five fetuses! Where did Lauren Handy get them and what was she planning on doing with them? It’s been suggested that she was perhaps going to toss them in a clinic’s regular garbage (not biohazard garbage, which is sterilized) and then call the cops. Or something more nefarious was going on. But for people who claim to reverence life, it seems like they didn’t seem to give a damn about about the fetuses, except to use them as props. I hope the city throws the book at her.

I read that she and some friends broke into an abortion clinic and stole them. Not sure how reliable the info is.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:07:20pm

Welcome back, lizard people.

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:08:08pm

re: #49 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

Well yeah, but Hunter Biden made some money as a private citizen, so obviously he needs to be impeached.


Dopamine Fish  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:09:25pm

I am now put in the envious position of having updinged myself, probably, I am guessing, due to a reused post ID and some crossed references in the database.

Barefoot Grin  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:11:25pm

re: #53 Dopamine Fish

I am now put in the envious position of having updinged myself, probably, I am guessing, due to a reused post ID and some crossed references in the database.

I can down-ding you if you’d like.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:12:03pm

Hopefully this fucker is in for a rude awakening.

mmmirele  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:12:13pm

re: #44 Charles Johnson

The comments table was the only part of the database affected. Somehow this one table got corrupted, possibly because it was so gigantic. Tens of gigabytes. We managed to restore everything but the last 4 or 5 days of comments.

Charles, I know you treasure your comments, but maybe it’s time to think about purging all but say the last X number of years worth? Can you add more indexes to the comments table? Or is there a way to move those older comments to say, an archive? I’m just thinking that a huge database table is more likely to have issues and also about the days and weeks at work where we’ve waited for databases to be reconstructed and just offering suggestions because I was going through LGF withdrawal.

Charles Johnson  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:12:35pm

re: #39 JC1

This hit at a bad time, because I have a twice-daily incremental backup to a local hard drive, but that drive failed last week and I hadn’t replaced it yet when the database decided to throw a tantrum. So we had to fall back on the web host’s weekly database backup. Luckily that was taken before whatever crashed the comments.

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:12:43pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:12:46pm

re: #45 mmmirele

Ok, we gotta talk about this some more.

Anyway, I was originally mistaken in thinking the raid was due to the indictment against Lauren Handy and eight others dropping yesterday. (They raided a clinic in DC late last year and barricaded themselves in it.) No, someone decided to tip off DC Police to a potential biohazard in the residence, hence the raid. Remember, this is Washington, DC and I am sure that the police were freaking out about “body parts” or whatever it was reported as.

I’m old enough to remember when Melody Green, widow of Christian songwriter Keith Green, had a fetus in a jar she called “Baby Choice,” which she took around to speaking engagements in the 1980s. More recently, we were reminded that Karen Swallow Prior, formerly of Liberty University and now teaching at some Southern Baptist seminary, had kept a fetus in a Tupperware, which was named “Tia.” This was during a period of anti-abortion unrest centered on Buffalo, NY, in 1992. The fetus was brought out at one of the protests and seized. It’s unclear what happened to it.

But holy crap! Five fetuses! Where did Lauren Handy get them and what was she planning on doing with them? It’s been suggested that she was perhaps going to toss them in a clinic’s regular garbage (not biohazard garbage, which is sterilized) and then call the cops. Or something more nefarious was going on. But for people who claim to reverence life, it seems like they didn’t seem to give a damn about about the fetuses, except to use them as props. I hope the city throws the book at her.

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:14:25pm

re: #55 Eclectic Cyborg

Hopefully this fucker is in for a rude awakening.

[Embedded content]

Considering the glacial pace this case is moving at, I’m wondering if he’ll be “vindicated” by the SoL running out first.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:16:34pm

If you are in need of an upgrade in how your computer works and how you interact with it, have we got a product just for you!

Youtube Video


Charles Johnson  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:17:44pm
Charles Johnson  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:18:36pm

re: #61 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

windows xp was once my nemesis

mmmirele  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:19:16pm

re: #50 JC1

I read that she and some friends broke into an abortion clinic and stole them. Not sure how reliable the info is.

That must have been a different incident from the October 22, 2020 raid of the DC clinic. While (based on reading the indictment, which can be found on this page: justice.gov ) it appears the 9 defendants had physically barricaded themselves in the building and had to be removed, I don’t think the defendants had the opportunity to steal fetuses at that time. I have heard that this group and other associated groups have broken into other clinics, so it’s possible these were obtained during one of those raids.

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:19:50pm

re: #61 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

If you are in need of an upgrade in how your computer works and how you interact with it, have we got a product just for you!

[Embedded content]



I find a lot of humor in how I always fondly remember the last WinOS whenever I upgrade to the newest one. I now find myself missing a lot of things about Win 7 when back then I missed XP, which made me miss Win 98 which…no, I can’t in good conscience say I ever missed Win 95. That OS was forged in the darkest depths of Mount Doom.

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:23:30pm

Remember when the legacy media cared this much about the Trump spawn?

Yeah, me neither.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:25:14pm

So LGF wasn’t taken out by yesterday’s CME then.

The aurora borealis was visible here. This blog has photos (Scottsbluff, Nebr. is the second photo).


nines09  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:28:19pm

Wasn’t my fault…


The Pie Overlord!  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:29:05pm

re: #65 Targetpractice

I find a lot of humor in how I always fondly remember the last WinOS whenever I upgrade to the newest one. I now find myself missing a lot of things about Win 7 when back then I missed XP, which made me miss Win 98 which…no, I can’t in good conscience say I ever missed Win 95. That OS was forged in the darkest depths of Mount Doom.

You didn’t mention Windows Millennium.

I miss Windows NT tho.

Charles Johnson  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:30:10pm
William Lewis  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:31:16pm

re: #63 Charles Johnson

windows xp was once my nemesis

Then Microsoft said “Could be worse. Hold my latte” and shipped everything since.

(I run 10 to play video games with my son. WSL2 & GWSL makes it tolerable though I wish I could run FreeBSD under it)

The Pie Overlord!  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:33:02pm

Who has upgraded to Windows 11?

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:33:07pm

re: #65 Targetpractice

I find a lot of humor in how I always fondly remember the last WinOS whenever I upgrade to the newest one. I now find myself missing a lot of things about Win 7 when back then I missed XP, which made me miss Win 98 which…no, I can’t in good conscience say I ever missed Win 95. That OS was forged in the darkest depths of Mount Doom.

Windows 2.5 for the win.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:33:41pm

re: #72 The Pie Overlord!

Who has upgraded to Windows 11?

I have one PC that is on Windows 11. Mrs. Fish’s gaming laptop runs it. I don’t really have any more or less complaints than any other recent Windows version.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:33:59pm

re: #63 Charles Johnson

windows xp was once my nemesis

Windows has been the nemesis of us all at some time in our lives.

Sherlock Hound  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:34:38pm

re: #72 The Pie Overlord!

Who has upgraded to Windows 11?

Ask me in a week. I’m using it on the work laptop, and will put it on the home machine then.

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:35:43pm

re: #69 The Pie Overlord!

You didn’t mention Windows Millennium.

I miss Windows NT tho.

Never had to deal with ME because my family skipped straight from 98 to XP via computer upgrade. That upgrade was in part due to a…small mistake on my part. The teacher of the computer programming class I took in my sophomore year provided all the class with copies of Win2K to take home for free. What I didn’t know at the time was that certain motherboards didn’t support NTFS, which my dad and I didn’t discover until trying to install it on the home computer bricked the poor thing.

Likewise I never had to deal with Vista directly, though my sister did because the new computer she got a year after mine came with it pre-installed. When I upgraded over a year later, Win 7 was the new hotness and I avoided that whole headache. She had to carry that load until her PC died and the new one had Win 7. Then we both took advantage (by which I mean Microsoft forced us) of the free upgrade to Win 10 when that dropped.

William Lewis  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:35:45pm

re: #72 The Pie Overlord!

Who has upgraded to Windows 11?

Considered it for the built in X Server & better WSL performance but too many negatives “for your security!” and I’d have to fake out the installer because I don’t do TPM or Secure Boot.

The UI is fairly fugly too but that’s always fixable one way or another.

coin operated  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:35:49pm

re: #72 The Pie Overlord!

Who has upgraded to Windows 11?

Bought mrs coin a new laptop with Windows11 on it. She was running Win7 on the old beast. She’s been able to adapt with minimal fuss.

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:39:13pm

I’ve had thoughts in recent months about trying to resurrect my dad’s old XP box just to have a dedicated gaming PC for all my old Win 95/98 games since compatibility mode in Win 10 is already a pain before I mix in the fact that old games do not like modern aspect ratios and screen sizes.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:41:02pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:45:26pm

re: #79 coin operated

Bought mrs coin a new laptop with Windows11 on it. She was running Win7 on the old beast. She’s been able to adapt with minimal fuss.

I need to get a newer computer. This one is a 2012 HP laptop and my XP machine is a 2005 Compaq.

jeffreyw  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:45:39pm

re: #72 The Pie Overlord!

Who has upgraded to Windows 11?

I have it on 5 machines, it has a few bugs but it works well enough. I like that it can do some android stuff, early days for that and limited but the Android Kindle app is tons better than the windows app.

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:47:09pm

I honestly think most of my hostility towards Win 95 is misplaced, as this was the era when “compatibility” was a joke and getting new software might mean an hour of fiddling with video card settings just to get it to work. I remember my sister being totally bummed out that she got a Pinocchio game back in the day that our PC absolutely refused to run. And this was back in the days when finding easy fixes on the internet was not a thing.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:48:04pm

re: #79 coin operated

Bought mrs coin a new laptop with Windows11 on it. She was running Win7 on the old beast. She’s been able to adapt with minimal fuss.

The machines in our public library which were donated by the Gates Foundation my wife upgraded to Linux Mint when XP support ceased.

Dopamine Fish  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:48:13pm

re: #84 Targetpractice

I honestly think most of my hostility towards Win 95 is misplaced, as this was the era when “compatibility” was a joke and getting new software might mean an hour of fiddling with video card settings just to get it to work. I remember my sister being totally bummed out that she got a Pinocchio game back in the day that our PC absolutely refused to run. And this was back in the days when finding easy fixes on the internet was not a thing.

For a period of time, I had to switch versions of the video drivers on my PC (which was not an easy task in those days) in order to play certain games that would break with older or newer versions.

Sherlock Hound  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:49:01pm

re: #77 Targetpractice

I used all the “bad” Windows versions except for ME. I used Vista and Windows 8. Vista had driver problems but I had an ultimately productive time with it. Same with Windows 8.

It’s fashionable for self-styled computer “experts” to say they’d “never use Windows+1”.
Screw that. I and my employer were victimized by this kind of tech. (It took me five years to undo all this guy’s mistakes!)

It also doesn’t help that the IT press, especially the enthusiast press, defined “click-bait” before the term had ever been coined.

Looking forward to WSL2 in Win11. I’m sure I’ll be annoyed with some things. But I’m more and more numb to outrages after 35 years of using computers.

Sherlock Hound  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:51:10pm

re: #84 Targetpractice

I honestly think most of my hostility towards Win 95 is misplaced, as this was the era when “compatibility” was a joke and getting new software might mean an hour of fiddling with video card settings just to get it to work. I remember my sister being totally bummed out that she got a Pinocchio game back in the day that our PC absolutely refused to run. And this was back in the days when finding easy fixes on the internet was not a thing.

I found Win 9x to be rather durable in its time.

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:51:19pm

re: #86 Dopamine Fish

For a period of time, I had to switch versions of the video drivers on my PC (which was not an easy task in those days) in order to play certain games that would break with older or newer versions.

Remember my dad getting all sorts of pissed one time that I got a new game because he’d about flung the PC out the window trying to get it to cooperate with the video card.

Captain Ron  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:51:55pm
sagehen  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:52:23pm

re: #46 Ferdinand

My wife and I picked up the keys today for our new Hudson River home, about 15 miles north of Sleepy Hollow, finally completing the journey that started Christmas Eve when I accepted a cool job requiring I relocate from the Seattle area to metro NYC. What a long strange trip it’s been!

Sleepy Hollow, you say?

William Lewis  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:52:52pm

re: #84 Targetpractice

I honestly think most of my hostility towards Win 95 is misplaced, as this was the era when “compatibility” was a joke and getting new software might mean an hour of fiddling with video card settings just to get it to work. I remember my sister being totally bummed out that she got a Pinocchio game back in the day that our PC absolutely refused to run. And this was back in the days when finding easy fixes on the internet was not a thing.

I did not mind 98SE. It fixed just enough to be stable and I could run my DOS stuff easily enough but I was still wishing OS/2 4 was viable and realizing I’d have to break down & go back to Windows NT 4 and wishing I could afford an Alpha box to run it on.

Patricia Kayden  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:54:05pm

Yay!! We’re back up and running!!

coin operated  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:55:10pm

re: #85 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Here’s the specs on mrs coin’s new system. She’s not a gamer…she’s a writer (first novel out soon!!!!) Spinning disk takes a little longer to boot up, but runs like a champ after. $500 at costco

darthstar  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:56:22pm

Sous vide lamb chops with artichokes, grilled leeks, and almost butterless tarragon bearnaise sauce…I had to whisk a little butter in…I’m not a communist.

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:57:32pm

re: #92 William Lewis

I did not mind 98SE. It fixed just enough to be stable and I could run my DOS stuff easily enough but I was still wishing OS/2 4 was viable and realizing I’d have to break down & go back to Windows NT 4 and wishing I could afford an Alpha box to run it on.

WIn98SE is next to XP in my fond memories, mostly because it addressed a lot of the issues with Win95 without introducing too many new ones. I could run all the old games on it, it handled the primitive internet surfing of the day well, and it ran for hours like a champ.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:58:06pm

Biden Admin’s ONE WEIRD TRICK To Get Health Care $$$ Around Red State Govs! (Wonkette)

TL;DR, Montana passed a law after Donald Trump was defeated in the election, expecting Joe Biden would rescind the former guy’s gag rule on reproductive health care services, including abortion. The law prohibits the state health department from distributing Title X funding to clinics or hospitals which provide or refer for those services. That would deny funding in the five largest cities in Montana.

Title X is the programme which provides money for those services, and is usually administered by state health departments.

However, Title X also allows healthcare not-for-profits to distribute those funds if they apply and are approved, and the Feds chose a not-for-profit, and de-certified the state health department.

Montana Republicans are furious, from the government “taking their money.” They don’t understand (or are lying about) how Title X funds work.

Charles Johnson  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:58:59pm

re: #93 Patricia Kayden

Yay!! We’re back up and running!!

You betcha!

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:59:13pm

YEA! We’re back online. Thank you Charles.

Goddess above I love Canada.


Belafon  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:59:39pm

re: #10 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

In other words, the world was destroyed by Vogons, and when it was reconstructed, they were unable to capture the last few days.

I just hope I fail to hit the ground when I trip.

William Lewis  Mar 31, 2022 • 6:59:54pm

re: #94 coin operated

[Embedded content]

Here’s the specs on mrs coin’s new system. She’s not a gamer…she’s a writer (first novel out soon!!!!) Spinning disk takes a little longer to boot up, but runs like a champ after. $500 at costco

The cheap AMD’s are faster and have better graphics than the Intel based ones too.

darthstar  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:00:27pm

re: #94 coin operated

[Embedded content]

Here’s the specs on mrs coin’s new system. She’s not a gamer…she’s a writer (first novel out soon!!!!) Spinning disk takes a little longer to boot up, but runs like a champ after. $500 at costco

Nice… And good at the price. Put a dual boot Linux os on it and have her save her shit to the cloud. When she’s ready, wipe the windows partition and she will only have to reboot it about once a month.

IngisKahn  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:01:34pm

Is the comments table not partitioned?

William Lewis  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:01:34pm

re: #99 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

YEA! We’re back online. Thank you Charles.

Goddess above I love Canada.


[Embedded content]


You need to close the last tag.
And I still prefer gummies :D

darthstar  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:01:55pm

re: #99 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

You forgot to close the private, but enjoy!

ckkatz  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:02:43pm
darthstar  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:02:55pm

re: #104 William Lewis

You need to close the last tag.
And I still prefer gummies :D

Gummies last too long like edibles tend to do.

coin operated  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:04:31pm

re: #107 darthstar

Gummies last too long like edibles tend to do.

I like the Wyld gummies we can get here on the left coast. Cut them into quarters…take them about an hour apart (after the first one takes effect). Better control that way.

My $.02

William Lewis  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:06:09pm

re: #107 darthstar

Gummies last too long like edibles tend to do.

Last time I had some, I cut them into smaller pieces so they wouldn’t overwhelm my lightweight self. The time they lasted wasn’t a problem for me, but the dose was O_o

darthstar  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:06:27pm

re: #107 darthstar

Gummies last too long like edibles tend to do.

Gah… posted before I was done.

I like the short high from a vape or a single hit of flower… enjoy the taste and slight euphoria and then continue to converse with people.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:06:30pm

The aurora should be visible across much of the USA tonight.

Forecast: Auroral activity will be high(+). Weather permitting, highly active auroral displays will be visible overhead from Inuvik, Yellowknife, Rankin and Iqaluit to Vancouver, Helena, Minneapolis, Milwaukee, Bay City, Toronto, Montpelier, and Charlottetown, and visible low on the horizon from Salem, Boise, Cheyenne, Lincoln, Indianapolis and Annapolis.


Belafon  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:07:20pm

re: #74 Dopamine Fish

I have one PC that is on Windows 11. Mrs. Fish’s gaming laptop runs it. I don’t really have any more or less complaints than any other recent Windows version.

That’s pretty much been it for me. It’s not a massive upgrade from 10.

The negative so far: the right context menu hides immediate access to Notepad++ for opening files; I have to click a menu in the context menu to get it.

The positive so far: I like the multi-desktop feature.

Jay C  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:07:39pm

re: #95 darthstar

Well, the dog looks happy: but what did you have for dinner??

Belafon  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:08:20pm

re: #78 William Lewis

Considered it for the built in X Server & better WSL performance but too many negatives “for your security!” and I’d have to fake out the installer because I don’t do TPM or Secure Boot.

The UI is fairly fugly too but that’s always fixable one way or another.

Why don’t you do TPM?

darthstar  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:08:29pm

re: #108 coin operated

I have some of those. Ate a whole one and it was more than I needed. 🙃

Citizen K  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:10:38pm

Glad to see things are back up and running.

Feel like I’ve been about to tear my hair out the last day or two between the media being on its usual ‘We need more Republican voices’ kick and arguing with folks who insist that shitkicking Dems and laying blame on them for everything is surely, surely the way to get bills passed and it’s all the Dems fault that they’re inevitably fucked for the midterms anyway.

It hurts my head when the former Boy Who Lived is the sanest man in the room, especially considering how cracked his choices of projects since Harry Potter can be.

Belafon  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:10:59pm

re: #94 coin operated

[Embedded content]

Here’s the specs on mrs coin’s new system. She’s not a gamer…she’s a writer (first novel out soon!!!!) Spinning disk takes a little longer to boot up, but runs like a champ after. $500 at costco

When you’re bored, figure out how to replace the hard drive, and get a Sony SSD. You will love the difference in the time it takes to load her favorite writing ap.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:11:25pm

Tonight’s random recognition of karma points, now that Mr. Johnson’s Home for the Criminally Sane is back on-line goes to darthstar, who at this time has 264,616 points.

That many points might brighten tonight’s aurora.

William Lewis  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:12:54pm

re: #114 Belafon

Why don’t you do TPM?

It wasn’t built in to the Mobo I have and I’d have to find the specific one with the right connectors and the advantages aren’t worth the hassles/cost. When I upgrade to a 4 memory socket board with a Ryzen 9 then I’ll get it.

Belafon  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:13:10pm

re: #102 darthstar

Nice… And good at the price. Put a dual boot Linux os on it and have her save her shit to the cloud. When she’s ready, wipe the windows partition and she will only have to reboot it about once a month.

And she can run her favorite writing app in WINE and watch it crash every few hours. :)

mmmirele  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:13:31pm

re: #118 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I tried to upvote your comment, Any, but I got this error message (not the first time since LGF came back up this evening):

Maybe it’s cache related? I’ve been able to upding other comments with no error messages.

coin operated  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:13:56pm

re: #115 darthstar

I have some of those. Ate a whole one and it was more than I needed. 🙃

My first foray into gummies, I took a whole one. This was after leaving the job from hell and I hadn’t touched THC in 20 years. ALL the tabs in my head were closed for the first time since we’d met (7 years and counting) and I was so decompressed that I freaked mrs coin out something fierce.

To any newbies out there…cut them up. Much better control ;-)

Barefoot Grin  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:14:42pm

re: #95 darthstar

Sous vide lamb chops with artichokes, grilled leeks, and almost butterless tarragon bearnaise sauce…I had to whisk a little butter in…I’m not a communist.

[Embedded content]

How are dogs being sprayed with human gas? I only ask that because I don’t eat lamb because instead of having moral issues it makes me gassy. I would probably have gastro issues that I would blame on the dog.

William Lewis  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:15:04pm

re: #111 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

The aurora should be visible across much of the USA tonight.


Pity it’s overcast here. I’d love to try that new high-speed lens on the aurora. F/1.1 and ISO 3200 or 6400 could be fun :)

Charles Johnson  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:15:37pm
Belafon  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:15:44pm

My theory on Windows is that 90% of people only need Chrome. The rest of us fight over who likes to maintain their own boot table and who doesn’t (I’m in the doesn’t crowd).

Charles Johnson  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:16:44pm

re: #121 mmmirele

I tried to upvote your comment, Any, but I got this error message (not the first time since LGF came back up this evening):

[Embedded content]

Maybe it’s cache related? I’ve been able to upding other comments with no error messages.

I’m aware of this and will get to it as soon as I get some sleep! 😉

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:17:25pm

re: #121 mmmirele

I tried to upvote your comment, Any, but I got this error message (not the first time since LGF came back up this evening):

[Embedded content]

Maybe it’s cache related? I’ve been able to upding other comments with no error messages.

I just got the same upfisting your comment.

By the way, I’m left wondering how to pronounce your nym here: hum-E-rell-y?

Dopamine Fish  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:17:34pm

re: #127 Charles Johnson

I’m aware of this and will get to it as soon as I get some sleep! 😉

Reminds me of a quote that used to be on my college Computer Science department’s quote board:

“Sleep, she is for the weak.”
“The weak are such, because they sleep not.”

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:19:42pm

re: #124 William Lewis

Pity it’s overcast here. I’d love to try that new high-speed lens on the aurora. F/1.1 and ISO 3200 or 6400 could be fun :)

Perhaps it will clear up later. Call up the folks at HAARP and tell them to quit messing with the weather. /s

If the clouds aren’t too thick, they might look pretty kewl lit up by the aurora.

JC1  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:20:05pm

re: #57 Charles Johnson

This hit at a bad time, because I have a twice-daily incremental backup to a local hard drive, but that drive failed last week and I hadn’t replaced it yet when the database decided to throw a tantrum. So we had to fall back on the web host’s weekly database backup. Luckily that was taken before whatever crashed the comments.

Bad timing.
Synology 4 and 6 drive raid boxes are quite reasonable. You can do a raid 5,6,or 10 and be protected from 1 or 2 drive failures. Their OS and apps are pretty slick and the whole thing is not much bigger than the drives themselves. I have a DS1621+ with 6 drives running RAID10, connected via 10GBE link to my network. great for not only backups but also general use. Highly recommend it.

coin operated  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:21:20pm

re: #117 Belafon

When you’re bored, figure out how to replace the hard drive, and get a Sony SSD. You will love the difference in the time it takes to load her favorite writing ap.

I’m a geek at work (enterprise storage guru working at a large fintech) and the *last* thing I want to do is troubleshoot her laptop. 2 years of tech support was included in the package…I’ll think about replacing the drive once that’s over ;-)

Belafon  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:24:23pm

I’m assuming everyone heard about Bruce Willis having aphasia. For all of you ER fans, that was the illness Mark Green, Anthony Edwards’ character, had.

JC1  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:25:47pm

Unless a bunch of people are quick drawing on up dinging, there may be something wrong with the system.

Targetpractice  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:26:52pm

Youtube Video

This guy’s channel is an absolute hoot.

I Would Prefer Not To  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:26:55pm

re: #134 JC1

Unless a bunch of people are quick drawing on up dinging, there may be something wrong with the system.

When you don’t have it for a day or two you tend to abuse it when it comes back.

Belafon  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:27:28pm

I heard this on the radio home today. It sounds like a gospel song, but it’s a guy begging for help:

Nathaniel Rateliff & The Night Sweats - S.O.B. (Official)

calochortus  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:27:35pm

re: #133 Belafon

I’m assuming everyone heard about Bruce Willis having aphasia. For all of you ER fans, that was the illness Mark Green, Anthony Edwards’ character, had.

My Mom had aphasia (fortunately fairly briefly) a couple times. Presumably stroke related, but it scared the living daylights out of her not to be able to communicate. I was able to reassure her that we’d figure things out until it got better. Thank heavens it was of limited duration in her case. Anyway-it’s no fun.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:27:38pm

re: #134 JC1

Unless a bunch of people are quick drawing on up dinging, there may be something wrong with the system.

Charles probably still has a few kinks to work out. I’m just happy to be here and commenting again.

William Lewis  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:29:00pm

re: #130 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Perhaps it will clear up later. Call up the folks at HAARP and tell them to quit messing with the weather. /s

If the clouds aren’t too thick, they might look pretty kewl lit up by the aurora.

I’ll take a peek out back of the hotel when I get done folding tonight, just in case :)

Belafon  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:29:36pm

Action in Ukraine:

With a trailer.

Jay C  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:29:41pm

re: #134 JC1

Unless a bunch of people are quick drawing on up dinging, there may be something wrong with the system.

Yeah, I’ve noticed this too: most comments since The Great Reboot Of 3/31 seem to be collecting double-digit updings.
Not, of course, that all the LGF karma isn’t very well-deserved…

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:29:59pm

re: #134 JC1

Unless a bunch of people are quick drawing on up dinging, there may be something wrong with the system.

As of my comment, you have eleven upfists.

Jay C  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:30:15pm

re: #139 Eclectic Cyborg

Charles probably still has a few kinks to work out. I’m just happy to be here and commenting again.

So say we all!

coin operated  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:31:42pm

re: #144 Jay C

So say we all!

So say we all!!!

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:32:38pm

re: #104 William Lewis

You need to close the last tag.
And I still prefer gummies :D

Thanks. Done

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:33:12pm

re: #141 Belafon

Action in Ukraine:

With a trailer.

That’s one way to keep the highway open to cars but close it to tanks. I imagine tanks aren’t as nimble as cars.

William Lewis  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:33:14pm

re: #141 Belafon

Action in Ukraine:

With a trailer.

I think that would call for a hand grenade to see if you could use the over pressure to clear them. Of course, the problem with that is then holes in the asphalt. And they were laid really nice an orderly …

Belafon  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:35:18pm

re: #147 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

That’s one way to keep the highway open to cars but close it to tanks. I imagine tanks aren’t as nimble as cars.

Yes, but I think it was the Russians that put them there.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:36:01pm

re: #142 Jay C

Yeah, I’ve noticed this too: most comments since The Great Reboot Of 3/31 seem to be collecting double-digit updings.
Not, of course, that all the LGF karma isn’t very well-deserved…

It could be that now the site is back up, everyone is jabbing that + button as fast as they can.

JC1  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:37:44pm

Have you guys been watching Servant of the People?
Netflix brought it back; I’m about 2/3 of the way done with the first season. No English language voice track. Russian with English subtitles.
It’s quite good and funny. It shows an astonishing amount of graft and corruption. Something I’d expect during the USSR years, but the show takes place in 2015 or so.
Surreal seeing Zelensky playing a comedic Ukrainian president.

Jay C  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:38:53pm

re: #150 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

It could be that now the site is back up, everyone is jabbing that + button as fast as they can.

Must be: you got 17 in three minutes

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:41:30pm

re: #152 Jay C

Must be: you got 17 in three minutes

I didn’t do it, man.

Belafon  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:43:29pm

Now I can get a couple of “did you all see this” out of my system. First, from Biden:

Next, Lil Naz:

And Balloon Juice has a link up to a guitar shop in Ukraine that was bombed. They are raffling off the remaining guitars. Because they are doing the “tickets” online, they have some very specific instructions on how to do Paypal (though I couldn’t actually find a place to put the “Do not send, keep the product” so I messaged them through their facebook page).


William Lewis  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:43:33pm

Just noticed on another web site that Saturday will be the 40th anniversary of the Argentine Junta’s attempt to wag the dog and keep the population in line. Even worse, it gave Maggie a chance to be all Martial and avoid her own domestic problems.

In the end, the only ones who would prosper would be the penguins.

The ones that nested in the Falklands were too light to detonate the mines and the old minefields that were too difficult to clear became defacto nature preserves. Go Go Penguin!

Sherlock Hound  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:45:39pm

re: #125 Charles Johnson

The war was only suspended. The Korean war may end before ours does.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:46:14pm

Jair Bolsonaro’s son works for 88 Tactical, the fascist-curious gun shop and range in west Omaha. Seeing Red Nebraska has been doing investigative reporting on 88 Tactical and the Bolsonaros.

Royce Gracie, the Man Who Introduced the Bolsonaros to the NRA and Donald Trump, Jr. (March 27, 2022).

88 Tactical also has an outlet in Ohio. They have threatened to sue Seeing Red Nebraska, which told them to piss off.

JC1  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:48:35pm

The gift that keeps on giving.

mmmirele  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:49:33pm

re: #128 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I just got the same upfisting your comment.

By the way, I’m left wondering how to pronounce your nym here: hum-E-rell-y?

mee-rel-uh. Most people call me “Mir”, pronounced “mere”.

Dangerman  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:53:38pm

Charles Johnson  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:56:18pm

I’m aware that the comment karma counters are out of sync. Will deal with it as soon as my brain gets some rest.

Captain Ron  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:56:23pm
Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:57:07pm

re: #154 Belafon

Now I can get a couple of “did you all see this” out of my system. First, from Biden:

And Balloon Juice has a link up to a guitar shop in Ukraine that was bombed. They are raffling off the remaining guitars. Because they are doing the “tickets” online, they have some very specific instructions on how to do Paypal (though I couldn’t actually find a place to put the “Do not send, keep the product” so I messaged them through their facebook page).


Pres. Biden’s words are sadly empty. We’ve heard the same rhetoric/words during the campaign that we are hearing now. And he to date he has done nothing.

Lil Nas X has done more than Pres. Biden.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 7:59:37pm

Sometimes you look at something and wonder, “How did that happen?”

I just folded laundry from the dryer, and wrapped inside a sheet was a spice jar of ground mace.

The jar apparently stayed sealed; the mace was dry.

jaunte  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:01:08pm

re: #164 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I think if you pull some oregano from a stone next you’re the King of England.

wrenchwench  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:01:12pm

I had a weird thing happen while we were gone. (The first part’s not the weird thing). I was recently added to an email list to get invited to weekly zoom calls among some former college classmates (and some spouses and offspring). I don’t think I’ll do one, because I’ve never done a zoom call and don’t feel like starting. One name on the list is someone I’d barely heard of, but turns out she’s the second wife of a former administrator at the college (which no longer exists). His first wife was best friends with my first roommate, and they’re both on the list. First wife has a wife of her own, now. Also on the list. The two wives were each students where this guy was an administrator, the first one was also when he was administrator. Anyway, tag time.

The second and current wife sent an email to the list saying she’s putting, sorry, transitioning her husband to a group home in AZ, where they’ve lived and still live, but she has opened a gallery in a small town in New Mexico. The one I lived in for 25 years. Her gallery is 3 blocks from the bike shop I used to own. I went to her website. An artist she is representing is the cousin of my father’s widow. I had dinner at her house once.

Plus, I had a good day at work today. I just can’t figure this world out.

jaunte  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:09:07pm

How can they be so naive about the way Trump works after all this time?

darthstar  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:11:38pm

re: #162 Dread Pirate Ron

Don Jr’s fiance has really let herself go.

Eclectic Cyborg  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:12:29pm

re: #158 JC1

The gift that keeps on giving.

Wealthy people have been having kinky sex parties for like, thousands of years now.

wrenchwench  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:15:00pm

re: #168 darthstar

Don Jr’s fiance has really let herself go.

The hamsters are handing out updings. No offense, but I didn’t do this one.

jaunte  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:15:31pm

re: #169 Eclectic Cyborg

Lately I’ve been reading Einstein in Berlin, and the Cawthorn DC party story is very much like the book’s description of Weimar-era Berlin including the antisemitism and looming Nazi takeover.

wrenchwench  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:15:37pm

re: #170 wrenchwench

The hamsters are handing out updings. No offense, but I didn’t do this one.

Maybe if I do, it will disappear!

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:16:31pm

Good lord, I missed all y’all.

wrenchwench  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:16:31pm

re: #172 wrenchwench

Maybe if I do, it will disappear!

Nope, I got the ‘you have already…’ message.

darthstar  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:18:21pm

re: #170 wrenchwench

The hamsters are handing out updings. No offense, but I didn’t do this one.

31 in five minutes…People like Kim more than I thought!

wrenchwench  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:19:07pm

re: #175 darthstar

31 in five minutes…People like Kim more than I thought!

Hamsters like Kim.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:19:33pm

re: #166 wrenchwench

Small world. You need to live in isolation like we do.

jaunte  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:19:53pm

I tweeted this earlier, but:

Lucy’s completely recovered from her snakebite:

Last night the copperheads were at the door, harvesting June bugs. Had to shoo them off with a broom to get inside.

darthstar  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:23:04pm

re: #176 wrenchwench

Hamsters like Kim.

It was an honest mistake

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:24:35pm

re: #138 calochortus

My Mom had aphasia (fortunately fairly briefly) a couple times. Presumably stroke related, but it scared the living daylights out of her not to be able to communicate. I was able to reassure her that we’d figure things out until it got better. Thank heavens it was of limited duration in her case. Anyway-it’s no fun.

My late husband had mild cerebral palsy and one of his lifelong handicaps was mild aphasia, so he used a lot of synonyms. It was occasionally challenging and interfered with his career but he was very persistent and, like most of us, worked in software development.

darthstar  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:25:23pm

re: #178 jaunte

I tweeted this earlier, but:

Lucy’s completely recovered from her snakebite:

[Embedded content]

Good to hear…she needs to remember not to drive after three of them…

wrenchwench  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:25:41pm

re: #177 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Small world. You need to live in isolation like we do.

I did my best. The county I lived in in NM has 7 people per square mile. Course they all cram into the towns. You know how people are.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:28:50pm

The state parole board is accusing the Nebraska Journalism Trust of breaking the law for asking them questions about why they aren’t attending parole board meetings.

The important story behind the Parole Board story (Flatwater Free Press, March 31, 2021)

In a career spent doing investigative journalism, I have seen some ludicrous reactions to reporters doing their jobs.

But the Nebraska parole board’s recent reaction to FFP reporter Yanqi Xu - who wanted to ask members why they often don’t attend parole board hearings - may quite honestly be in a class all its own.

If you read our story published Friday on our site and Sunday in the Omaha World-Herald, you know that the five members vote on hearings together just 37% of the time. You also know that the data shows that, when the full board doesn’t appear at a hearing, fewer prisoners are granted parole.


austin_blue  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:33:38pm

re: #178 jaunte

I tweeted this earlier, but:

Lucy’s completely recovered from her snakebite:

[Embedded content]

Good Dog! Glad she’s OK. Copperheads aren’t nearly as dangerous as other pit vipers, but mercy, their bite hurts like a sumbitch.

Trust me on this.

By the way, did you have an RC toddle off this morning on a 6-hour test flight over the Gulf out of GVT?

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:35:09pm

Just a non-recommendation to all: Do not watch the 2020 Korean film “The Call”.

spoilery stuff


Edited to correct date of Korean film.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:39:02pm

re: #182 wrenchwench

I did my best. The county I lived in in NM has 7 people per square mile. Course they all cram into the towns. You know how people are.

Too dense. My county is 3.4 per square mile.

The same here though: Most of the 5,000 people here are crammed into the two cities and one village.

The population density of my village is 745.22 per square mile (but only 117 people live here).

ckkatz  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:42:08pm

re: #141 Belafon

Back in the late 1960’s I had a French teacher who had married an immigrant from Budapest, Hungary. One day she mentioned that her husband had told her about a childhood game the Hungarian kids had played during the 1956 Uprising.

Many of the streets in his neighborhood were rather narrow. So whenever they heard a Russian tank patrolling down one, they would take pot lids and place then in the street. Just to watch the tank try and turn around or reverse back down the street. (Thinking that the pot lid was an anti-tank mine.)

wrenchwench  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:42:22pm

re: #186 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Too dense. My county is 3.4 per square mile.

The same here though: Most of the 5,000 people here are crammed into the two cities and one village.

The population density of my village is 745.22 per square mile (but only 117 people live here).

That’s a very dense population.

A Three Hour Tour  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:47:10pm

re: #188 wrenchwench

That’s a very dense population.

It’s a very small village.

Captain Ron  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:51:20pm

It looks like up-dings from the lost comments are being tabulated toward new comments.

jaunte  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:51:30pm
austin_blue  Mar 31, 2022 • 8:53:27pm

Spanning over 327 miles, Austin has a population density of 3,214 people per square mile.

ckkatz  Mar 31, 2022 • 9:04:26pm

The county I live in, Fairfax, Va, has a density of about 2800/square mile. Most of my life I have lived in the North East Megalopolis, which has fairly high population density for the US.

Even when I was in Western Pennsylvania, what we considered fairly isolated villages were that way mostly because of the mountainous terrain. Not far from each other per a crow, but a larger distance due to having to drive around things like mountains. (That’s foothills to you folks out West.).

Even when I have been in extremely rural places like Arkansas or Oklahoma I was on Army posts of many thousands, and not in a rural small village.

That has me wondering about how different the life experience is.

retired cynic  Mar 31, 2022 • 9:06:11pm

re: #193 ckkatz


ckkatz  Mar 31, 2022 • 9:08:43pm

re: #194 retired cynic


You don’t say. :)

Hecuba's daughter  Mar 31, 2022 • 9:09:25pm

Grew up in Chicago which has population density of 11,750 and then lived in northern suburbs that had densities of 2400+. Very different life in the suburbs.

wrenchwench  Mar 31, 2022 • 9:10:28pm

re: #190 Dread Pirate Ron

It looks like up-dings from the lost comments are being tabulated toward new comments.

Ghostly updings in the hands of the hamsters. Do they have hands?

Amory Blaine  Mar 31, 2022 • 9:11:35pm

Speaking of the comment section, it got removed from The Hill today. There will be thousands of trolls out in the wild, I suspect.

retired cynic  Mar 31, 2022 • 9:12:32pm

re: #195 ckkatz

You don’t say. :)

Yep. My county is 21 per square mile. I can’t see any house from my house.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Mar 31, 2022 • 9:13:15pm

re: #188 wrenchwench

That’s a very dense population.

We live on top of each other. /s

It’s even more dense if you take out the places in town people don’t live: The Lutheran Church (occupies an entire block, mostly empty), the village hall and old high school (occupies an entire block), the county maintenance yard, the village fire brigade, the Post Office (occupies half a block, mostly empty), the former Catholic Church now gun shop, and the general store.

EstebanTornado1963  Mar 31, 2022 • 9:15:56pm

re: #191 jaunte

[Embedded content]

austin_blue  Mar 31, 2022 • 9:17:36pm

re: #193 ckkatz

The county I live in, Fairfax, Va, has a density of about 2800/square mile. Most of my life I have lived in the North East Megalopolis, which has fairly high population density for the US.

Even when I was in Western Pennsylvania, what we considered fairly isolated villages were that way mostly because of the mountainous terrain. Not far from each other per a crow, but a larger distance due to having to drive around things like mountains. (That’s foothills to you folks out West.).

Even when I have been in extremely rural places like Arkansas or Oklahoma I was on Army posts of many thousands, and not in a rural small village.

That has me wondering about how different the life experience is.

I am a graduate of Woodson High School, and a proud Cavalier. When we moved there in 1965 and paid $30,000 for a 4 bed, 2 1/2 bath, brand new 2,000 sq ft colonial with an additional 1,000 sq ft unfinished basement, my parents thought they were torpedoing their future paying that much for a house.

It was just outside the Beltway and the rest of Fairfax County to the South and West was basically dirt, dairy farms, and Civil War battlefield parks. Centerville had three thousand people. Chantilly didn’t exist, Reston was still in design phase, and Burke Station was literally a Post Office and a general store.

We sold the house after our parents deaths in 2012 for $785,000.

sagehen  Mar 31, 2022 • 9:20:10pm

John Hughes  Apr 1, 2022 • 7:26:18am

re: #78 William Lewis

Considered it for the built in X Server

Cool. Pity none of my machines run X any more, everything is on Wayland now.

John Hughes  Apr 1, 2022 • 7:34:21am

re: #127 Charles Johnson

I’m aware of this and will get to it as soon as I get some sleep! 😉


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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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