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b.d  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:41:43pm

Corporate media will bothsides themselves into concentration camps if they don’t stand up for democracy and quit selling out for access.

Belafon  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:49:08pm

Guy makes a quilt:

Youtube Video

b.d  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:51:06pm

Remember these people?

Biden has made America look weak and that has signaled to Putin to take over Ukraine!

America is weak because we have a weak leader!

Seven senators — John Kennedy (R-LA), Richard Shelby (R-AL), Steve Daines (R-MT), John Hoeven (R-ND), John Thune (R-SD), Jerry Moran (R-KS), and Ron Johnson (R-WI) — and one House member, Kay Granger (R-TX), are all in Moscow over the Fourth of July holiday this week for talks with Russian lawmakers and officials, according to reporting from the Washington Post, NPR, and investigative reporter Julia Davis.


THE 4th of JULY!!!!!

piratedan  Apr 1, 2022 • 6:55:25pm

re: #1 b.d

its a helluva dilemma… I see the vapidness of the questions and I am astonished that they are as myopic as they are…. as if none of these courtiers have ever waited on a table, cleaned up a floor or done any yard work of any kind. Completely disassociated from the rest of us in regards to making a paycheck or making ends meet.

As much as I would like to blame them utterly, I think the people hiring these dupes are even worse, setting the narratives, asking questions that have no bearing, directing inquiries into oblivion completely off track.

The number of people who are high on their own supply appears to be endless and they think that their money will save them, well there’s lost of people who have money and every few years there’s a new crop of fresh faces willing to say anything in order to be in front of a camera.

No Malarkey!  Apr 1, 2022 • 7:17:56pm
mmmirele  Apr 1, 2022 • 7:22:06pm

re: #2 Belafon

Guy makes a quilt:

[Embedded content]


I know it was April Fool’s but I cringed…

jaunte  Apr 1, 2022 • 7:41:08pm
Belafon  Apr 1, 2022 • 7:42:59pm

re: #6 mmmirele

I know it was April Fool’s but I cringed…

My mom watches the channel because most of their pieces are legitimate quilt making.

Belafon  Apr 1, 2022 • 7:47:50pm

re: #2 Belafon

Guy makes a quilt:

[Embedded content]

And that green ruler he jokes about using to spread “the adhesive” is about $40.

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 1, 2022 • 7:49:39pm

From downstairs:

re: #16 Mattand

I’m guessing HBL is “Hunter Biden Laptop”, and not “Humorous Balloon Llamas”?

I web surfing on my phone the other day, and I swear I saw CNN not only post a “The Hunter Biden story is more serious than you think” story, but it was practically a headline.

When I went back later to CNN on my actual computer, I could not find hide nor hair of it. Kinda wondering if I severely misread or straight-up imagined it, but giving credence to this Hunter Biden nonsense is right in CNN’s both sides wheelhouse.

The original headline was misleading: amp.cnn.com

The article was complaining about the double standard — and comparing the laptop story to the 2016 “butter emails” story — that the DOJ is more concerned about the Hunter nonsense than the real criminality of Trump. This is very concerning; I wonder how much of this is due to appointments under Trump to civil service positions.

sagehen  Apr 1, 2022 • 7:51:15pm

re: #7 jaunte

[Embedded content]

If Apple and Disney believe her, maybe they’ll put some effort into keeping Dems in power.

jaunte  Apr 1, 2022 • 7:52:06pm

re: #10 Hecuba’s daughter

Do you know what criminal act is being alleged when these people mutter the HunterBiden’sLaptop incantation?

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 1, 2022 • 7:53:46pm

re: #11 sagehen

If Apple and Disney believe her, maybe they’ll put some effort into keeping Dems in power.

No way. They are far more concerned about the real threat of tax increases under Democrats than the real threat of a fascist dictatorship under Republicans.

Captain Ron  Apr 1, 2022 • 8:05:34pm
Hecuba's daughter  Apr 1, 2022 • 8:08:35pm

re: #12 jaunte

Do you know what criminal act is being alleged when these people mutter the HunterBiden’sLaptop incantation?

Some kind of corruption — that Hunter is owned by the Chinese or the Ukrainians or whatever. The Washington Post includes the statement : “The MacBook itself is now in the hands of the FBI, which is investigating whether Hunter Biden properly reported income from business dealings.” Given certain FBI agents’ support of Trump back in 2016, I wouldn’t take any finding of theirs as gospel truth.

I don’t know if there is any reason to believe that there is a MacBook in FBI custody or that it ever belonged to Hunter.

William Lewis  Apr 1, 2022 • 8:09:02pm

re: #13 Hecuba’s daughter

No way. They are far more concerned about the real threat of tax increases under Democrats than the real threat of a fascist dictatorship under Republicans.

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Apr 1, 2022 • 8:21:09pm

re: #15 Hecuba’s daughter

I don’t know if there is any reason to believe that there is a MacBook in FBI custody or that it ever belonged to Hunter.

As of right now, there is no evidence that a laptop computer owned by Hunter Biden has ever been subject to any legitimate inquiry.

I’m sure the guy has and in the past owned laptop computers, the “one” they keep talking about, does not exist.

Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Apr 1, 2022 • 8:37:18pm

That being said. I’m so tired of this damn thing to the point of getting irritated by it’s mere mention. I don’t want to hear about this goddamned laptop one more time. I don’t know how to permanently torpedo a zombie right wing talking point, but I wish someone would.

Even if the NYT and Wapo “retract” their bullshit clickbait articles on it, the damage is done.

Please, members of the Clown show, move on to the next bullshit please.

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 1, 2022 • 8:46:45pm

re: #17 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

As of right now, there is no evidence that a laptop computer owned by Hunter Biden has ever been subject to any legitimate inquiry.

I’m sure the guy has and in the past owned laptop computers, the “one” they keep talking about, does not exist.

Among the statements in the Washington Post article is one that is never resolved:

The security experts who examined the data for The Post struggled to reach definitive conclusions about the contents as a whole, including whether all of it originated from a single computer or could have been assembled from files from multiple computers and put on the portable drive.

Most of the contents that the WP examined were benign and none indicated any type of wrong doing. But there was a lot of data and trying to determine legitimacy of every document takes time.

DodgerFan1988  Apr 1, 2022 • 9:26:57pm

Blood on Pro-Putin Republicans hands.

jaunte  Apr 1, 2022 • 9:34:44pm
ckkatz  Apr 1, 2022 • 9:41:35pm
CleverToad  Apr 1, 2022 • 9:50:17pm

re: #2 Belafon

My mom would have been howling the minute he picked up the applicator :)

jaunte  Apr 1, 2022 • 9:51:43pm
Targetpractice  Apr 1, 2022 • 10:00:29pm

The Hunter laptop story is much like the “buttery emails” bit, in that the “mystery” surrounding them was of greater appeal than the actual emails. Remember when the media finally got Hillary’s emails, only to realize there was nothing there? No secret deals, no backroom negotiations, no nefarious plots, just the day to day operations of the SecState office.

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 1, 2022 • 10:15:51pm


A 2-fer!


Cheechako  Apr 1, 2022 • 10:19:02pm

Final count is 51 candidates in the “shotgun” primary for Don Young’s House seat. Includes Sarah Palin and Santa Clause. The top 4 vote getters move on to the ranked choice general election.

51 candidates sign up to run in Alaska’s special U.S. House election, including Sarah Palin

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 1, 2022 • 10:33:08pm

re: #25 Targetpractice

The Hunter laptop story is much like the “buttery emails” bit, in that the “mystery” surrounding them was of greater appeal than the actual emails. Remember when the media finally got Hillary’s emails, only to realize there was nothing there? No secret deals, no backroom negotiations, no nefarious plots, just the day to day operations of the SecState office.

I believe that the only thing they discovered to date is that Hunter owed taxes — and he now paid them. This is just another effort to manufacture dirt on the Democrats — so far there appears to be no “there” there, but the MAGAts and their media sources are in a feeding frenzy. And the MSM is doing its normal incompetent investigation in service of the RW disinformation campaign.

Cheechako  Apr 1, 2022 • 10:34:55pm

I’m not kidding about Santa Claus running for Young’s seat. Here’s his website:

Santa Clause for the House of Representatives

retired cynic  Apr 1, 2022 • 10:35:00pm

Trump’s presidential diarist tells Jan. 6 committee White House officials provided less detail about his activities days before riot

Just days before the US Capitol riot, White House officials started providing fewer details about then-President Donald Trump’s calls and visits, the person in charge of compiling those activities for the official record told the House select committee investigating January 6, 2021, according to two sources with knowledge of the probe.

The committee interviewed Trump’s presidential diarist roughly two weeks ago. That interview has not been previously reported, nor has the testimony describing a noticeable drop-off in information provided by Oval Office staff leading up to January 6.

retired cynic  Apr 1, 2022 • 10:37:29pm

re: #30 retired cynic


Other witnesses also have told the panel there was significantly less information being shared with those involved in White House record-keeping during the same time period, according to three sources familiar with the investigation.

One source described how White House record-keepers appeared to be “iced out” in the days leading up to January 6.

“The last day that normal information was sent was the 4th,” said another source familiar with the investigation. “So, starting the 5th, the diarist didn’t receive the annotated calls and notes. This was a dramatic departure. That is all out of the ordinary.”

The White House diarist normally receives many streams of information, including the phone logs from the switchboard, the president’s movements from the US Secret Service and, critically, the notes from Oval Office operations, which detail calls, guests and activities.

But sources close to the panel’s investigation do not seem to know yet who, if anyone, directed a change in record-keeping or what the motivation behind that change was, raising questions about whether the lack of information was intentional or for staffing issues.

“It’s tough to know what that change was. Was it intentional?” one source said. “You can only keep track of something when you know what’s going on. When people don’t share things with you, whether that was intentional and who decided that, I think it’s a little murky at this point.” …

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Apr 1, 2022 • 10:48:46pm

Regrettably, I agree with several commenters that this is a Ukrainian Humvee. The doors, the rear bumper, and the massive coil-spring front suspension are pretty distinctive. It appears to have taken a direct hit, possibly from medium artillery (122mm or 130mm), right around the driver’s door. Most of the aft 2/3 of the wreckage appears to have been scattered, then gathered up and returned to the point of impact to await scrapping.

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 1, 2022 • 10:50:33pm

re: #31 retired cynic

But sources close to the panel’s investigation do not seem to know yet who, if anyone, directed a change in record-keeping or what the motivation behind that change was, raising questions about whether the lack of information was intentional or for staffing issues.

LOLOLOL Of course it was intentional. This was a serious coup attempt, not just some game. You have to be too gullible to hold a responsible position or a total liar to consider anything other than the most nefarious of motives regarding any action of Trump.

retired cynic  Apr 1, 2022 • 10:51:51pm

re: #33 Hecuba’s daughter

Of course I agree!

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 1, 2022 • 10:54:10pm

re: #29 Cheechako

I’m not kidding about Santa Claus running for Young’s seat. Here’s his website:

Santa Clause for the House of Representatives

Are any of his claims about his background verifiable, or just an entertaining story?

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 1, 2022 • 11:14:09pm

re: #35 Hecuba’s daughter

Are any of his claims about his background verifiable, or just an entertaining story?

Oh wait — on further read — clearly total fantasy. But I guess when you aren’t a serious candidate, you can manufacture any fable to entertain the reading audience.

Cheechako  Apr 1, 2022 • 11:20:18pm

re: #35 Hecuba’s daughter

Are any of his claims about his background verifiable, or just an entertaining story?

I don’t know but it sure sounds legit. I do believe the name change was legal as that’s easy to check.

And all his other claims should be easy to verify.

Captain Ron  Apr 2, 2022 • 12:11:07am
Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Apr 2, 2022 • 12:48:47am

This thread shows exactly what I thought. No there isn’t a spike in crime, even in San Francisco. It’s just assholes lying with statistics and pretending like COVID never happened.

Cheechako  Apr 2, 2022 • 1:09:46am

ericblair  Apr 2, 2022 • 1:15:18am

re: #39 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

This thread shows exactly what I thought. No there isn’t a spike in crime, even in San Francisco. It’s just assholes lying with statistics and pretending like COVID never happened.

[Embedded content]

Yep. Exactly like the thumbsucker media pieces on why Americans think the economy sucks when it doesn’t; what could possibly be the reason? BECAUSE YOU ASSHOLES TOLD THEM THAT. And that means you as media are either failing or lying.

JC1  Apr 2, 2022 • 1:16:14am

Woohoo, 2/6. Got lucky.

Wordle 287 2/6


Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Apr 2, 2022 • 1:29:15am

I’ve also determined, that if you take out all taxes from the price of gas in my area, it is still about 90 cents or so over the national average (which I’m assuming is with at least Federal gas taxes included).

It always seems to be this way and I’ve never found an explanation that explains away all of the difference. There’s nothing about California that should make it cost that much more per gallon. Yet again the AG won’t pursue a price gouging investigation. Technically there needs to be a state of emergency for the literal definition of it in California, but I see no reason we can’t blast the fact that it’s oil companies and not taxes causing it. I’m always amazed by the inability of wingnuts to do simple math.

wrenchwench  Apr 2, 2022 • 1:48:03am

Threedle. My 34th 3.

Wordle 287 3/6


Decatur Deb  Apr 2, 2022 • 1:50:30am

re: #38 Dread Pirate Ron

New: Pentagon cancels the planned Minuteman III ICBM test launch for a second time due to “an overabundance of caution to avoid misinterpretation or miscommunication during the ongoing Russian invasion…”

“An overabundance of caution” is actually a very good day-to-day approach to special weapons.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 2, 2022 • 2:20:14am

re: #43 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

There is such a convenient and damning “reason” for high gas prices: namely that “Biden cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline”, that they have no interest in even looking into any other causes.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Apr 2, 2022 • 2:26:31am

Lava still outgassing as it cools; a moody view over Fagradalsfjall:

Youtube Video


Captain Ron  Apr 2, 2022 • 2:35:05am


Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion  Apr 2, 2022 • 2:37:42am

re: #46 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

There is such a convenient and damning “reason” for high gas prices: namely that “Biden cancelled the Keystone XL pipeline”, that they have no interest in even looking into any other causes.

Well that’s what wingnuts use nationally as an excuse. I’m just talking about California. Ask any California wingnut, the “high prices” are California’s fault somehow on top of whatever bullshit they think of Biden and they all gripe about how they want to move to “Free America” blah blahblah rabble rabble and then never fucking go.

I know that some of them think the gas tax in the state is 2-3x what it actually is. I’ve literally heard people say with a straight face that the gas tax in California is $1.26/gallon (spoiler alert: it’s $0.51/gallon). As for those who actually do know this is bullshit, what about California makes them think this is somehow Sacramento libruhs fault? What is this secret cost that is the government’s doing and not oil companies price gouging because they can*?

*My theory on the extra $0.90 is just straight up gouging because they know “everyone knows” gas is always more expensive and tax is always higher in California and they think no one is doing the math because people are stupid.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 2, 2022 • 2:39:01am

re: #49 Jack Burton in Mactified Forshion

everything is better (and hence more expensive) in California

Captain Ron  Apr 2, 2022 • 2:47:23am

I did a 42 mile round trip on my bike to visit a friend today. No gas used. Only about 700 WH in electricity, so less than $0.25.

jeffreyw  Apr 2, 2022 • 3:46:49am

Gabe and Homer, keeping tabs on the fucking grass that needs attention.

Good morning!

Decatur Deb  Apr 2, 2022 • 3:49:39am

re: #51 Dread Pirate Ron

I did a 42 mile round trip on my bike to visit a friend today. No gas used. Only about 700 WH in electricity, so less than $0.25.

Forget the gas savings. When you’re 78 you’re going to very glad you did that.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 2, 2022 • 3:50:02am

snowflakes and cherry blossoms coming down all at the same time…very capricious weather here

Decatur Deb  Apr 2, 2022 • 3:51:12am

re: #54 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

snowflakes and cherry blossoms coming down all at the same time…very capricious weather here

Take a haiku.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 2, 2022 • 3:55:59am

re: #55 Decatur Deb

Take a haiku.

snow flakes and cherry
blossoms descending at once
capricious nature

John Hughes  Apr 2, 2022 • 4:04:26am

re: #54 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

snowflakes and cherry blossoms coming down all at the same time…very capricious weather here

Looks like my cherry tree made it through the snow ok, I’ll post a picture when the blossom is all out.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 2, 2022 • 4:16:19am

Got it in two! I’m usually the Queen of Four.


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 2, 2022 • 4:17:03am

re: #27 Cheechako

Final count is 51 candidates in the “shotgun” primary for Don Young’s House seat. Includes Sarah Palin and Santa Clause. The top 4 vote getters move on to the ranked choice general election.

51 candidates sign up to run in Alaska’s special U.S. House election, including Sarah Palin

Curious to hear your take on her chances of winning.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 2, 2022 • 4:31:27am

vintage Caturday

Eventual Carrion  Apr 2, 2022 • 4:47:24am

re: #11 sagehen

If Apple and Disney believe her, maybe they’ll put some effort into keeping Dems in power.

Hard to not believe her when the Gov. of Florida is saying pretty much what she is saying they will do.

Eventual Carrion  Apr 2, 2022 • 4:52:54am

Wordle 3/6 today.

Wordle 287 3/6


No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 4:57:53am

A thread on how even San Francisco is vulnerable to the politics of fear when rightwing lies are amplified by the media.

DodgerFan1988  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:09:41am
Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:12:20am

re: #2 Belafon

Guy makes a quilt:

[Embedded content]

There’s a lot of weird stuff out there
And by ’ sincere ’ people
Up to the rubber mallet …

No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:18:24am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:24:54am

Yunno, any issues with the Zelensky regime notwithstanding, if you do not oppose Putin’s armed violation of recognized international borders, you are allowing a serious can of worms to be opened.

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:28:35am

Anyone bought a cheap-ish laptop recently? I’m kind of in the market for one and I’ve been out of the repair business long enough that I don’t know what inherently sucks these days. Online reviews are a little hard to assess right now because it seems that a lot of people are reviewing their experience with Windows 11 rather than the hardware, and apparently Windows 11 sucks. I don’t care about that as I’ll be running Linux with Win10 in a virtual machine as needed. My only absolute must-haves are 1080p native resolution and an Ethernet port.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:30:07am

re: #68 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Ditto here, my daughter needs a new one.

Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:34:31am

re: #11 sagehen

If Apple and Disney believe her, maybe they’ll put some effort into keeping Dems in power.

Its noise and not even intelligent noise

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:36:02am

Damn you Google. I go to Google something and, wow!, first story! Gotta read it. Oooh! Second story! Gotta read that, too. 3rd, 4th, yup. Gotta read those, too.

What was it I was needing to Google? Beats me.

Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:41:09am
Just days before the US Capitol riot, White House officials started providing fewer details about then-President Donald Trump’s calls and visits, the person in charge of compiling those activities for the official record told the House select committee investigating January 6, 2021,” CNN reports.

“The committee interviewed Trump’s presidential diarist roughly two weeks ago. That interview has not been previously reported, nor has the testimony describing a noticeable drop-off in information provided by Oval Office staff leading up to January 6.”


William Lewis  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:41:12am

re: #68 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Anyone bought a cheap-ish laptop recently? I’m kind of in the market for one and I’ve been out of the repair business long enough that I don’t know what inherently sucks these days. Online reviews are a little hard to assess right now because it seems that a lot of people are reviewing their experience with Windows 11 rather than the hardware, and apparently Windows 11 sucks. I don’t care about that as I’ll be running Linux with Win10 in a virtual machine as needed. My only absolute must-haves are 1080p native resolution and an Ethernet port.

1) Dell (look for refurbs on Eprey if new is too $$$)
2) Lenavo
3) I hear good things about HP but no hands-on current gear.
4) ASUS is hit or miss. Good ones last forever but early failure is too comon for my tastes.

Look for AMD Ryzen 5. As I mentioned the other day, in the realm of cheap laptops, AMD is faster and has much better graphics than low end Intel.

Hope this helps.

darthstar  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:41:20am

Wordle 4/6 today…here’s yesterday’s 2/6

darthstar  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:42:23am

re: #71 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Damn you Google. I go to Google something and, wow!, first story! Gotta read it. Oooh! Second story! Gotta read that, too. 3rd, 4th, yup. Gotta read those, too.

What was it I was needing to Google? Beats me.

You could google it.

Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:46:37am

Our deck is awash in tiny toads

John Hughes  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:48:20am

re: #73 William Lewis

hear good things about HP but no hands-on current gear.

when the pandemic struck we bought dells, foolishly didn’t buy enough and so has to get some HPs.

As soon as we could we dumped the HPs to get new dells.

The HP laptops were cheap, nasty and fragile.

William Lewis  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:51:12am

re: #77 John Hughes

when the pandemic struck we bought dells, foolishly didn’t buy enough and so has to get some HPs.

As soon as we could we dumped the HPs to get new dells.

The HP laptops were cheap, nasty and fragile.

Good to know. Thanks.

No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:54:28am
Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 5:54:50am

re: #77 John Hughes

when the pandemic struck we bought dells, foolishly didn’t buy enough and so has to get some HPs.

As soon as we could we dumped the HPs to get new dells.

The HP laptops were cheap, nasty and fragile.

Nicknamed Boeberts? Greenes? Palins? Cruzes?….

darthstar  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:05:17am

Quordle had me worried for a minute
Daily Quordle 68

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No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:05:48am
Eventual Carrion  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:05:58am

re: #80 Dangerman

Nicknamed Boeberts? Greenes? Palins? Cruzes?….

I hate that Palin’s name has popped up in the last couple threads a few times. I kinda hoped we were done with her.

darthstar  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:07:36am

re: #83 Eventual Carrion

I hate that Palin’s name has popped up in the last couple threads a few times. I kinda hoped we were done with her.

I saw that she’s running for Congress…but she’s quit better jobs than that before.

No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:07:40am

re: #83 Eventual Carrion

I hate that Palin’s name has popped up in the last couple threads a few times. I kinda hoped we were done with her.

A Republican is going to win that seat, so does it matter which clown it is? Palin’s brand of crazy looks like weak tea compared to Boebert and MTG; she is just a sad, incoherent has been.

John Hughes  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:08:19am

re: #80 Dangerman

Nicknamed Boeberts? Greenes? Palins? Cruzes?….


First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:09:51am

re: #77 John Hughes

My experience with HP laptops is pretty dated, but circa 2015 their consumer-grade laptops were utter garbage, while the “business” models were fairly decent.

darthstar  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:11:25am
Captain Magic  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:14:53am

re: #87 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

My experience with HP laptops is pretty dated, but circa 2015 their consumer-grade laptops were utter garbage, while the “business” models were fairly decent.

My company provided me with a HP Z Book, and it’s a tank - very solidly constructed. And more than enough USB-C/Thunderbolt connectors to choke a horse - I use the USB-C to drive my two 4K monitors.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:20:04am

re: #85 No Malarkey!

A Republican is going to win that seat, so does it matter which clown it is? Palin’s brand of crazy looks like weak tea compared to Boebert and MTG; she is just a sad, incoherent has been.

Yeah, but she’s the OG. If you think she can’t and won’t ratchet up the crazy, think again. For her it’s all performance art for the Benjamins.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:24:50am

We had a visitor this morning. Trash panda has no fear of mere mortals.

Crush White Nationalism  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:25:02am
WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. (AP) — Former U.S. women’s national team star goalkeeper Hope Solo was arrested after she was found passed out behind the wheel of a vehicle in North Carolina with her 2-year-old twins inside, police said.

A police report said Solo was arrested on Thursday in a shopping center parking lot in Winston-Salem and charged with driving while impaired, resisting a public officer and misdemeanor child abuse. She has been released from jail and has a court date of June 28, the report indicated.

According to an arrest warrant, a passerby noticed Solo passed out behind the steering wheel for more than an hour with the vehicle’s engine running and the two children in the backseat. A responding officer could smell alcohol, and the warrant said that Solo refused a field sobriety test and her blood was drawn instead.

Hope Solo arrested on DWI, child abuse charges (AP via MSN)

No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:29:59am

re: #92 Punish Domestic Terrorists

Hope Solo arrested on DWI, child abuse charges (AP via MSN)

That’s sad.

Florida Panhandler  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:30:28am

re: #64 DodgerFan1988

We are about 3 years away from Republican Party political officers being required on the BOD of most major companies in the US.

We are about 3 years away from Republican Party political staff being required on all school boards and school management in the US, both public and private.

We are about 3 years away from all media outlets being required to staff Republican Party vetted reporters, editors, and directors and all content going through Republican Party filtering.

We are about 3 years away from the Constitution, as we know it currently, going away.

Most Americans either don’t get it yet, or loudly applaud this reality coming towards us like a freight train.

No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:31:01am

re: #88 darthstar

Russian’s got themselves radiation poisoning and had to withdraw. Incredible incompetence.

Belafon  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:32:54am

re: #68 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Anyone bought a cheap-ish laptop recently? I’m kind of in the market for one and I’ve been out of the repair business long enough that I don’t know what inherently sucks these days. Online reviews are a little hard to assess right now because it seems that a lot of people are reviewing their experience with Windows 11 rather than the hardware, and apparently Windows 11 sucks. I don’t care about that as I’ll be running Linux with Win10 in a virtual machine as needed. My only absolute must-haves are 1080p native resolution and an Ethernet port.

1. Every version of Windows seems to be worse than every version of windows prior, but everyone seems to love their current version. Which means most of them don’t know crap. Windows 11 on the front, is some minor changes to 10. If you don’t like where the app tabs are in the task bar, you can change that.
2. I still personally hate HPs because they add a bunch of their own software (I also hate their desktops because they use nonstandard components). For the most part, there’s not a lot of difference between laptops at the low end because they’re all actually made by the same company.

Belafon  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:35:58am

re: #73 William Lewis

Sticking with the big names is a safe bet. I stay away from HP.

steve_davis  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:37:23am

re: #79 No Malarkey!

[Embedded content]

this is just so hyperbolic. Russia is losing this war, and losing it badly, with us doing exactly what we’re doing. Sure, it would be delightful if Europe hadn’t gotten itself completely entwined with Russian oil and gas, but even with that, Russia is failing badly. We could do with a good deal less “what is the West doing? When is the West going to realize Russia must be defeated?” We’ve realized that, and we’re defeating them.

No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:40:21am

re: #98 steve_davis

this is just so hyperbolic. Russia is losing this war, and losing it badly, with us doing exactly what we’re doing. Sure, it would be delightful if Europe hadn’t gotten itself completely entwined with Russian oil and gas, but even with that, Russia is failing badly. We could do with a good deal less “what is the West doing? When is the West going to realize Russia must be defeated?” We’ve realized that, and we’re defeating them.

That is true.

Belafon  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:44:30am

re: #99 No Malarkey!

That is true.

[Embedded content]

And maybe half of that went into actual spending.

No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:47:45am

re: #100 Belafon

And maybe half of that went into actual spending.

It would not surprise me if way more than half of Russian defense spending was stolen.

First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:53:04am

re: #96 Belafon

The software that HP inflicts on their users is amazing to me. A display properties utility, duplicating what’s already built into Windows, that somehow manages to be 300MB. Ditto printing, locale/language configuration, etc. It’s ridiculous.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:54:49am

Here is the actual video of our visitor this morning.

No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:56:43am
Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:58:20am

re: #83 Eventual Carrion

I hate that Palin’s name has popped up in the last couple threads a few times. I kinda hoped we were done with her.

not with any of these melonheads; as long as there’s a grift to be had

Decatur Deb  Apr 2, 2022 • 6:58:21am

re: #101 No Malarkey!

It would not surprise me if way more than half of Russian defense spending was stolen.

Don’t look carefully at Trump’s pandemic relief programs.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:00:20am

re: #103 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

Here is the actual video of our visitor this morning.

CHEEKY! Did she get into the can? Feed her!

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:01:35am

re: #52 jeffreyw

[Embedded content]

Good morning!

Western good morning!

Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:01:47am

re: #96 Belafon

1. Every version of Windows seems to be worse than every version of windows prior, but everyone seems to love their current version. Which means most of them don’t know crap. Windows 11 on the front, is some minor changes to 10. If you don’t like where the app tabs are in the task bar, you can change that.
2. I still personally hate HPs because they add a bunch of their own software (I also hate their desktops because they use nonstandard components). For the most part, there’s not a lot of difference between laptops at the low end because they’re all actually made by the same company.

kinda like a lot of folks and their congresscritter

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:05:13am

re: #107 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

CHEEKY! Did she get into the can? Feed her!

Nope. We don’t want to encourage it to stay around. Robyn actually tied the can to the porch and secured the lid to prevent this from reoccurring.

Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:05:55am

re: #98 steve_davis

this is just so hyperbolic. Russia is losing this war, and losing it badly, with us doing exactly what we’re doing. Sure, it would be delightful if Europe hadn’t gotten itself completely entwined with Russian oil and gas, but even with that, Russia is failing badly. We could do with a good deal less “what is the West doing? When is the West going to realize Russia must be defeated?” We’ve realized that, and we’re defeating them.

imagine trying to sell that idea 1-5-7 years ago

“we shouldn’t get too dependent in case russia decides to X”

sure there’s lots of possible X’s

but if russia had quickly won in a rout, good chance the oil would continue to flow

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:08:16am

re: #110 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

Nope. We don’t want to encourage it to stay around. Robyn actually tied the can to the porch and secured the lid to prevent this from reoccurring.

Awww. 😕 Poor beastie.

Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:10:19am

re: #101 No Malarkey!

It would not surprise me if way more than half of Russian defense spending was stolen.

look at what happened here with the PPP and covid relief money

Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:11:05am

re: #106 Decatur Deb

Don’t look carefully at Trump’s pandemic relief programs.


Belafon  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:13:03am

My wife just showed me the intro to the Jimmy Kimmel show. He and Fallon swapped shows last night. You can catch clips on YouTube. They managed to keep it a secret.

No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:13:43am

re: #106 Decatur Deb

Don’t look carefully at Trump’s pandemic relief programs.

That is the problem when the people see government spending as primarily a way to enrich themselves and their cronies.

Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:13:57am
“Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) is putting public and private pressure on Senate Republican colleagues to oppose President Biden’s nominee to the Supreme Court, despite the historic nature of her nomination to be the first Black woman on the court,” The Hill* reports.

“McConnell has dug in against Biden’s nominee, arguing the vote isn’t about ‘race or gender’ but about Jackson’s record, which he says is too soft on crime and indicates she’ll likely turn into an activist judge on the bench.

interesting that he doesn’t say she is one already

*now commentless, apparently (not that i would ever click over there without a hazmat suit)

Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:18:56am

saved from during the outage

Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:19:04am

HRH Stanley Sea  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:26:59am

Fore! 🏌‍♀️


Proud of you 2-fers!!

Jay C  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:31:50am

re: #111 Dangerman

imagine trying to sell that idea 1-5-7 years ago

we shouldn’t get too dependent in case Russia decides to X

sure there’s lots of possible X’s

but if russia had quickly won in a rout, good chance the oil would continue to flow

IIRC (though that’s always a debatable proposition), I have been hearing variations on this theme for years, wrt to European energy policy, and the usual responses were mostly along the lines of pooh-poohing the fears. Mostly on the theory that the Europeans were much too committed/invested in increasing/securing their (cheap and/or easily-available) energy supplies to the East, and/or that Russia was the too-dependent party: that they would never risk their precious petro-export sector by too much adventurism.

jeffreyw  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:33:04am

re: #112 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Awww. 😕 Poor beastie.

poor beastie
HRH Stanley Sea  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:34:33am
John Hughes  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:36:21am

re: #121 Jay C

You do know that Germany is not the only country in Europe?

Belafon  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:37:30am

re: #121 Jay C

IIRC (though that’s always a debatable proposition), I have been hearing variations on this theme for years, wrt to European energy policy, and the usual responses were mostly along the lines of pooh-poohing the fears. Mostly on the theory that the Europeans were much too committed/invested in increasing/securing their (cheap and/or easily-available) energy supplies to the East, and/or that Russia was the too-dependent party: that they would never risk their precious petro-export sector by too much adventurism.

That was supposed to be the idea of global capitalism. But it is still a very West centric view of things.

Belafon  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:42:09am

re: #124 John Hughes

Similar to crude oil and condensates exports, OECD Europe was the largest regional importer of Russia’s natural gas, accounting for nearly 75% of Russia’s total natural gas exports. Germany, Turkey, Italy, Belarus, and France received most of that natural gas.


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:42:54am



darthstar  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:43:06am

re: #95 No Malarkey!

Russian’s got themselves radiation poisoning and had to withdraw. Incredible incompetence.

At least one Russian has already died from radiation poisoning…it’s that hot still in Chernobyl. And they’ve carried that dust and contamination back to Belarus with them.

Crush White Nationalism  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:46:43am

re: #128 darthstar

At least one Russian has already died from radiation poisoning…it’s that hot still in Chernobyl. And they’ve carried that dust and contamination back to Belarus with them.

They dug trenches. They probably have radioactive dust in their lungs.

darthstar  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:47:37am

re: #127 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

It was a fun one. I was worried when I got to my last three chances and only had a vowel for two words. Back to back double consonants…good times. Looks like you had the same groove on your last word.

darthstar  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:50:17am

re: #129 Punish Domestic Terrorists

They dug trenches. They probably have radioactive dust in their lungs.

The APCs they drove are filled with it. Any ‘clean’ troops who ride in those vehicles will also get poisoned…just from resting a hand on a dusty seat back and then wiping their nose. Unless Russia spends the time and money to decontaminate all of that equipment before redeploying it.

No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 7:58:50am
Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:01:29am

re: #131 darthstar

The APCs they drove are filled with it. Any ‘clean’ troops who ride in those vehicles will also get poisoned…just from resting a hand on a dusty seat back and then wiping their nose. Unless Russia spends the time and money to decontaminate all of that equipment before redeploying it.

Jay C  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:01:54am

Wordle 287 4/6


Only two letters fit for guess #3; picked the wrong one: Grrrr…..

Jay C  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:03:11am

re: #131 darthstar

The APCs they drove are filled with it. Any ‘clean’ troops who ride in those vehicles will also get poisoned…just from resting a hand on a dusty seat back and then wiping their nose. Unless Russia spends the time and money to decontaminate all of that equipment before redeploying it.

Why? They’ll probably just leave it and figure it will poison the Ukrainians…

retired cynic  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:03:17am

Inside Ginni Thomas’ ‘Insane’ Hiring Memos for Trump
Ginni Thomas’ suggested hires included known bigots and at least one suspected foreign spy, sources say.

The amount of clout she had with TFG is truly amazing.

Jay C  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:07:50am

re: #136 retired cynic

Inside Ginni Thomas’ ‘Insane’ Hiring Memos for Trump
Ginni Thomas’ suggested hires included known bigots and at least one suspected foreign spy, sources say.

The amount of clout she had with TFG is truly amazing.

Yeah: love this bit from the linked piece:

“These fucking lists were so insane and unworkable,” said one former Trump White House official who had to personally deal with the Thomas-supplied memos and Trump’s fascination with them. “A lot of them were dripping with paranoia and read like they were written by a disturbed person.”

Only the best people, many fine people……

No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:08:13am

re: #136 retired cynic

Inside Ginni Thomas’ ‘Insane’ Hiring Memos for Trump
Ginni Thomas’ suggested hires included known bigots and at least one suspected foreign spy, sources say.

The amount of clout she had with TFG is truly amazing.

Trump surrounded himself with criminals, fanatics and yes-men.

Belafon  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:08:36am

re: #136 retired cynic

Inside Ginni Thomas’ ‘Insane’ Hiring Memos for Trump
Ginni Thomas’ suggested hires included known bigots and at least one suspected foreign spy, sources say.

The amount of clout she had with TFG is truly amazing.

She speaks in cult terms, which I’m sure Trump loved.

No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:18:15am
Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:19:27am

re: #139 Belafon

She speaks in cult terms, which I’m sure Trump loved.

She went from one cult to another

No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:24:15am

Thread on the GOP support for oil companies over consumers.

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:25:26am

re: #130 darthstar

It was a fun one. I was worried when I got to my last three chances and only had a vowel for two words. Back to back double consonants…good times. Looks like you had the same groove on your last word.

Comment on my strategy for quordle.


Hecuba's daughter  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:28:20am

re: #134 Jay C

Wordle 287 4/6


Only two letters fit for guess #3; picked the wrong one: Grrrr…..

I didn’t even think of that choice until I saw someone had a wrong letter in position 4!

jaunte  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:33:32am

Morning bee at work in the pear blossoms.

No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:38:36am
steve_davis  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:39:13am

re: #129 Punish Domestic Terrorists

They dug trenches. They probably have radioactive dust in their lungs.

oh god. chernobyl is likely the only place where you are safer on the roads than off the roads, for a russian in ukraine. once you get off the roads, there are places that are still basically littered with little bits of graphite, and those little bits of graphite are embedded with littler bits of the tons of plutonium that were in that reactor.

No Malarkey!  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:40:43am

re: #147 steve_davis

oh god. chernobyl is likely the only place where you are safer on the roads than off the roads, for a russian in ukraine. once you get off the roads, there are places that are still basically littered with little bits of graphite, and those little bits of graphite are embedded with littler bits of the tons of plutonium that were in that reactor.

Did you watch Chernobyl on HBO? it was chilling.

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:43:51am

Amazing! Looks like at least some of Santa Claus’ biography is true!

John Hughes  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:45:36am

re: #126 Belafon

Germany, Turkey, Italy, Belarus, and France received most of that natural gas.

(Turkey and Belarus?)

Lists without numbers can be deceptive.

France imported 25.8 billion M3 of gas in 2020.

2.6 billion M3 of that came from Russia.

(This is pipeline gas. France also imported a bunch of liquified gas, mostly from Algeria).

Italy does import quite a lot more, 28.5 billion M3 out of some 60 billion M3 total.

Germany imports about 40 billion M3 of Russian gas.

So I think I’ll stick to my guns. It’s mostly a German problem (although Italy is worse off than I knew).

Jay C  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:49:42am

re: #144 Hecuba’s daughter

I didn’t even think of that choice until I saw someone had a wrong letter in position 4!

Glad to be of help.

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 2, 2022 • 8:52:26am

re: #148 No Malarkey!

Did you watch Chernobyl on HBO? it was chilling.

Great series! Wonder if the Russian invaders were deliberately engaging in activities to spread poison throughout Ukraine. In this age of Trump, I now believe in the revised rule: one should never ascribe to stupidity that which can be explained by malice. Putin has had a long history in using polonium to poison individuals. Is it too much to suggest he may want to do this to an entire country?

And on another front: we know that Republicans, especially Trump, will attribute to the others the crimes they are actually committing. Trump always blathered about the “Deep State”; isn’t it likely he deliberately seeded the government with those loyal to him and disloyal to our Constitution and our democracy?

TheMrsMatthews  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:09:35am

Hey all, just jumping in to introduce myself finally.
I’m Robyn Matthews, wife to Michele Matthews. It’s a pleasure to meet you all😌

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:10:58am

re: #153 TheMrsMatthews

We’ve heard much about you (all of it good of course!). Welcome aboard!

The food pantry is in the back left corner and the bar is always open.

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:11:00am

re: #153 TheMrsMatthews

Hey all, just jumping in to introduce myself finally.
I’m Robyn Matthews, wife to Michele Matthews. It’s a pleasure to meet you all😌


Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:12:38am


PhillyPretzel  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:12:48am

re: #153 TheMrsMatthews


Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:12:59am

re: #142 No Malarkey!

Thread on the GOP support for oil companies over consumers.

[Embedded content]

i’ll save reading it:

what R’s do is good
what D’s do is bad

Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:16:00am

re: #153 TheMrsMatthews

Hey all, just jumping in to introduce myself finally.
I’m Robyn Matthews, wife to Michele Matthews. It’s a pleasure to meet you all😌

you brought snacks, right?

mmmirele  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:17:41am

Here’s another “justification” for what Lauren Handy did…of course there is no fucking proof.

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:17:58am

re: #134 Jay C

Wordle 287 4/6


Only two letters fit for guess #3; picked the wrong one: Grrrr…..


Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:18:00am

3fer today. Not bad.


A Mom Anon  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:19:45am

re: #153 TheMrsMatthews

Yay! Hi Robyn!! Welcome!

The Squire of Logos  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:22:12am

re: #153 TheMrsMatthews

Hey all, just jumping in to introduce myself finally.
I’m Robyn Matthews, wife to Michele Matthews. It’s a pleasure to meet you all😌


wrenchwench  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:23:21am

re: #153 TheMrsMatthews

Welcome, hatchling.

TheMrsMatthews  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:24:00am

re: #159 Dangerman

wrenchwench  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:24:45am

re: #166 TheMrsMatthews

[Embedded content]


Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:24:50am

re: #160 mmmirele

Here’s another “justification” for what Lauren Handy did…of course there is no fucking proof.

[Embedded content]The baby bodies that were acquired by Lauren Handy in D.C.were going to be incinerated by a company that turns “medical waste” into energy for profit.

1. not babies
2. not energy for profit

one way of disposing of all sorts of medical waste is incineration

- Hospitals produce more than 5 million tons of waste each year. Hospitals generate over 29 pounds of waste per bed per day. A waste plan is critical for any sustainability programming. Every hospital is challenged by the complexity of health care waste and limited recycling and management options.

- with the improvement of autoclaving techniques which makes it highly effective against viruses, only 15 percent of medical waste has to be incinerated

so how much energy are your ‘bodies’ creating?

sagehen  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:24:52am

re: #153 TheMrsMatthews

Hey all, just jumping in to introduce myself finally.
I’m Robyn Matthews, wife to Michele Matthews. It’s a pleasure to meet you all😌

Pineapple on pizza — yea or nay?

Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:25:25am

re: #166 TheMrsMatthews

[Embedded content]

oh, you’re in

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:26:02am

re: #167 wrenchwench



Dangerman  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:26:13am

re: #169 sagehen

Pineapple on pizza — yea or nay?

ok, that went south fast //

wrenchwench  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:26:35am

re: #171 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire


Thanks for sharing.

TheMrsMatthews  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:27:07am

re: #169 sagehen

Lol….depends on my mood😉

steve_davis  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:28:18am

re: #152 Hecuba’s daughter

Great series! Wonder if the Russian invaders were deliberately engaging in activities to spread poison throughout Ukraine. In this age of Trump, I now believe in the revised rule: one should never ascribe to stupidity that which can be explained by malice. Putin has had a long history in using polonium to poison individuals. Is it too much to suggest he may want to do this to an entire country?

And on another front: we know that Republicans, especially Trump, will attribute to the others the crimes they are actually committing. Trump always blathered about the “Deep State”; isn’t it likely he deliberately seeded the government with those loyal to him and disloyal to our Constitution and our democracy?

he’s not going to poison ukraine. Moscow is 450 miles away, and if the wind is blowing right, it all comes back over russian territory. I seem to recall there was a moment where the kremlin feared they might have to evacuate Moscow, but then it started raining and the radioactive cloud got pushed down somewhere further south.

The Squire of Logos  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:35:17am

re: #166 TheMrsMatthews

[Embedded content]

Oh my! A wonderful offering!

sagehen  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:39:58am

re: #175 steve_davis

he’s not going to poison ukraine. Moscow is 450 miles away, and if the wind is blowing right, it all comes back over russian territory. I seem to recall there was a moment where the kremlin feared they might have to evacuate Moscow, but then it started raining and the radioactive cloud got pushed down somewhere further south.

But they might poison, for example, the negotiators at that meeting in Turkey…

sizzzzlerz  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:42:51am

re: #68 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Anyone bought a cheap-ish laptop recently? I’m kind of in the market for one and I’ve been out of the repair business long enough that I don’t know what inherently sucks these days. Online reviews are a little hard to assess right now because it seems that a lot of people are reviewing their experience with Windows 11 rather than the hardware, and apparently Windows 11 sucks. I don’t care about that as I’ll be running Linux with Win10 in a virtual machine as needed. My only absolute must-haves are 1080p native resolution and an Ethernet port.

After much research, I ended up buying a Samsung 13” laptop with touch screen, 16G RAM, I7 Intel processor, and a 512 SSD hard drive at Best Buy for about $800. That’s about $200-300 less than I could find at Dell, HP, or Lenovo. Very light weight. Very responsive. I spend the last couple days downloading software apps, and files off of my old, decrepit HP. So far, I am happy with it. It does have Windows 11 Home which, while a little different from 10, is working just fine for me. The only couple of issues I have with it is that I can’t seem to get my right hand fingers onto the correct keys on the home row initially, causing me to have to delete and retype. Hopefully, muscle memory will soon learn. The other issue, which isn’t a fault of Samsung, is the 13” screen. I would have preferred 14 or 15 but 1) they were more expensive and 2) much heavier.


Sherlock Hound  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:45:47am

re: #153 TheMrsMatthews

Welcome, Mrs. Hatchling.

wrenchwench  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:47:12am

I’m on my HP laptop, Pavilion g6. Some of you probably know how old that is. I don’t. I’m an extremely low-demand user. It’s my first laptop.

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:47:20am

re: #177 sagehen

But they might poison, for example, the negotiators at that meeting in Turkey…

Putin doesn’t care how many Russians die as long as he can be triumphant, even if it’s over a dead nation. Not that much radiation will spread by air, but poisoning roads and local areas could lead to dead Ukrainians.

Dave In Austin  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:48:57am

re: #153 TheMrsMatthews

Hey all, just jumping in to introduce myself finally.
I’m Robyn Matthews, wife to Michele Matthews. It’s a pleasure to meet you all😌

Welcome Hatchling …… Beer goes in the box. Weed goes in the candy dish.

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:49:46am
wrenchwench  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:49:49am

re: #182 Dave In Austin

Welcome Hatchling …… Beer goes in the box. Weed goes in the candy dish.

Chocolate chip cookies go in my mouth.

Dave In Austin  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:52:29am

re: #184 wrenchwench

Chocolate chip cookies go in my mouth.

Please pass one over to me. Thx

PhillyPretzel  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:52:52am

re: #183 Eclectic Cyborg

A very interesting observation.

jaunte  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:53:22am

Bald cypresses, just beginning to un-bald.

mmmirele  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:57:03am

re: #168 Dangerman

1. not babies
2. not energy for profit

one way of disposing of all sorts of medical waste is incineration

- Hospitals produce more than 5 million tons of waste each year. Hospitals generate over 29 pounds of waste per bed per day. A waste plan is critical for any sustainability programming. Every hospital is challenged by the complexity of health care waste and limited recycling and management options.

- with the improvement of autoclaving techniques which makes it highly effective against viruses, only 15 percent of medical waste has to be incinerated

so how much energy are your ‘bodies’ creating?

You can’t explain any of that to them, they’ve invested their lives into fetuses are people, but us born really are not, unless we believe like them.

Belafon  Apr 2, 2022 • 9:58:37am

re: #150 John Hughes

(Turkey and Belarus?)

Lists without numbers can be deceptive.

France imported 25.8 billion M3 of gas in 2020.

2.6 billion M3 of that came from Russia.

(This is pipeline gas. France also imported a bunch of liquified gas, mostly from Algeria).

Italy does import quite a lot more, 28.5 billion M3 out of some 60 billion M3 total.

Germany imports about 40 billion M3 of Russian gas.

So I think I’ll stick to my guns. It’s mostly a German problem (although Italy is worse off than I knew).

So, about ten percent for France. The thing about natural gas pipelines is they make delivery nearly real-time. And that can be an issue is it suddenly cuts off, like it did the Snowpocalypse that happened here in Texas last February.

Belafon  Apr 2, 2022 • 10:09:06am

re: #178 sizzzzlerz

I have the slightly older 8GB version I bought a couple of years ago. I like it. And the m.2 drive makes all the difference. I was a big proponent of more ram until it they made those.

Rightwingconspirator  Apr 2, 2022 • 10:10:01am

re: #153 TheMrsMatthews

Hey all, just jumping in to introduce myself finally.
I’m Robyn Matthews, wife to Michele Matthews. It’s a pleasure to meet you all😌

What a pleasure to have you join us. WELCOME

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 2, 2022 • 10:18:56am

Am just listening to Ali on Thursday night’s Rachel, and was shocked to hear that, according to the Ukrainians at Chernobyl, the Russian soldiers were unaware of the 1986 disaster and did not understand the danger they were exposing themselves to. But then I thought about young Americans — and most would be similarly ignorant of anything that happened before they were born, except for devotees of the Lost Cause.

Jay C  Apr 2, 2022 • 10:22:11am

re: #153 TheMrsMatthews

Hey all, just jumping in to introduce myself finally.
I’m Robyn Matthews, wife to Michele Matthews. It’s a pleasure to meet you all😌

All hatchling contributions graciously accepted….

jaunte  Apr 2, 2022 • 10:24:07am

re: #153 TheMrsMatthews

Hey all, just jumping in to introduce myself finally.
I’m Robyn Matthews, wife to Michele Matthews. It’s a pleasure to meet you all😌

Lucy says welcome, and wonders if you might have treats.

Dave In Austin  Apr 2, 2022 • 10:26:11am
Florida Panhandler  Apr 2, 2022 • 10:34:23am

re: #183 Eclectic Cyborg

We are about 3 years away from this madness to come raging back into the White House, whether it is an incompetent boob like Trump or a full-on Nazi with a vendetta like Desantis.

Major networks know it, evidence provided by “liberal” CBS hiring Trump toadies for future “access” (survival) and NYT Editorials constantly hand-wringing the plight of middle America racists who feature an overwhelming sense of entitlement.

Romantic Heretic  Apr 2, 2022 • 10:37:42am

re: #48 Dread Pirate Ron

Early, very early, nanotechnology.

Romantic Heretic  Apr 2, 2022 • 10:38:39am

re: #153 TheMrsMatthews

Welcome. Always nice to have another perspective.

John Hughes  Apr 2, 2022 • 10:58:55am

re: #189 Belafon

So, about ten percent for France. The thing about natural gas pipelines is they make delivery nearly real-time. And that can be an issue is it suddenly cuts off, like it did the Snowpocalypse that happened here in Texas last February.

There are stocks (European governments can be stupid, but they’re not Texans FFS). Although, since we’re near the end of the heating season they’re low.

Looks like Putin has partly, but not totally, avoided Arthur Scargill’s biggest error.

darthstar  Apr 2, 2022 • 11:17:47am

re: #135 Jay C

Why? They’ll probably just leave it and figure it will poison the Ukrainians…

Ukrainians will leave anything in Chernobyl until it’s been dealt with properly. They know from experience.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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