Jackson Browne: “Walls and Doors” (Live From Home)

Music • Views: 20,270


Jackson Browne performs “Walls and Doors” with Val McCallum, live from home.

Filmed, Recorded and Mixed by Kevin Smith
Written by Carlos Varela
Drive Music Publishing, ASCAP

From the album “Standing in The Breach” hyperurl.co

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#JacksonBrowne #LivePerformance #WallsAndDoors


Ever since the world’s existed
There’s one thing that is certain
There are those who build walls
And those who open doors
Ah but this my love I’m thinking you already knew
For some it’s always winter
While others have the spring
Some people find good fortune
While others never find a thing
Ah but this my love is something you already knew
That’s how it’s always been
And I know you know it
There can be freedom only when nobody owns it
I’m going to say that again
Because I know you know it
There can be freedom only when nobody owns it
Of what use is the moon if you don’t have the night?
Of what use is a windmill with no Quixote left who’ll fight?
Ah but this my love is something you already knew
At some point on the horizon
Sky can be confused with earth
Some people dream of God
While others dream of wealth
But of course my love this is what you see out on the street
It’s how it’s always been
And I know you know it
There can be freedom only when nobody owns it
Let me say that again
Because I know that we both know it
There can be freedom only when nobody owns it
When nobody owns it
When nobody owns it
When nobody owns it
When nobody owns it
Ever since the world’s existed
There’s one thing that is certain
Some people build walls
Others open doors

Jump to bottom

Belafon  Apr 15, 2022 • 9:50:08pm
sagehen  Apr 15, 2022 • 10:00:23pm


Yes, I most certainly did use them.

ckkatz  Apr 15, 2022 • 10:00:32pm

re: #1 Belafon

Some of the replies are a hoot:


jaunte  Apr 15, 2022 • 10:03:50pm

re: #3 ckkatz

We didn’t have clackers, but we did play frisbee with rusty paint can lids.

sagehen  Apr 15, 2022 • 10:07:53pm

we rode in the back of pickup trucks.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Apr 15, 2022 • 10:29:31pm

re: #2 sagehen

We all did clackers… and lived to tell about it.

Hecuba's daughter  Apr 15, 2022 • 10:41:41pm


Got back to my normal 4


Grunthos the Flatulent  Apr 15, 2022 • 10:47:54pm

re: #3 ckkatz

Some of the replies are a hoot:

Looks like single-player conkers.

Sherlock Hound  Apr 15, 2022 • 10:56:24pm

re: #65 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I do this kind of radio listening. From Eastern Massachusetts, I once got Norway.
It is very hard to receive Europe on medium wave (the AM band), because many stations in Europe have closed down. France, for example, has just one medium wave station left in service. I talked on Discord with a French DXer; he can hear many British, and several American stations at night.

Captain Ron  Apr 15, 2022 • 11:01:36pm

I explored an entrance to Shell Ridge Open Space, it was a lot more of a hiking than biking trail. I ran out of umph at about a 45% grade. I need a mid-drive motor. It is amazing how flat the hill looks on camera and how steep it looks to the eye. A 45% grade looks like a 45+ degree angle visually but is only about 25 degrees. I had to lay the bike down to take the picture because it wanted to slide or fall over. On the way back down I hesitated a while before I could even let go of the brakes because it was looking treacherous to even start to lift my foot off the ground, then as I was rolling I felt like my head was out in front of my front axle.

There is a family down there hiking up the hill in the pic.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Apr 15, 2022 • 11:52:04pm

Just checked the Powerball Saturday cash value… and it dropped from an estimated $201M cash value to $195.7M cash value.

Do they expect fewer ticket purchases?


The interest rate took a big jump up for the annuity, so since they advertise the annuity value ($325M) ahead of time, they don’t change the annuitized value when interest rates go up.

Instead they lower the cash value payout.

Gives the state lottery commissions more millions to divvy up among themselves.

Captain Ron  Apr 16, 2022 • 12:05:43am

Covid-19 cases in the US have climbed 16% in the past 2 weeks.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Apr 16, 2022 • 12:16:04am

Catastrophes around the world don’t really make the news much anymore here in the US, but the Philippines was just hit by so much rain that many landslides resulted, in the middle part of the country:

Youtube Video

Half a meter of rain… that is a lot.

He mentioned also the large typhoon (largest ever in extent, for April on record) that just clipped Japan might bring some unusual jet stream to the US. Well, here is the GFS model, you can see that typhoon (it is the low pressure sitting at 972mb off the coast of Japan) will become a storm that hits California on the 22nd, and may even bring us some drizzle this far south:

Image: gfs-z500-mslp-npac-fh0-384.gif

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 16, 2022 • 2:08:54am

re: #8 Grunthos the Flatulent

Looks like single-player conkers.

My Scottish brother-in-law saw a chestnut tree in Germany and asked if the Germans play conkers.

“Only with other nations!” I replied.

jeffreyw  Apr 16, 2022 • 3:00:22am

Good morning!

William Lewis  Apr 16, 2022 • 3:06:56am

Oh, this morning is just too special for words.

First _I_ get stuck in the elevator. It makes this jerk then stops moving. None of the buttons do anything. After 5 minues, I called my GM and said “Help”. About 5 minues after that but before she gets here it jerks several more times and then spits me out.

I go to put “OOO” signs up and as I’m doing that a guest comes up and needs me to call for EMS because his wife won’t wake up. I hope is as much a nothing as my being stuck was. (GM is not back to coming in a normal time.)

Happy Happy Joy Joy…

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Apr 16, 2022 • 3:10:12am

re: #91 mmmirele

Ummm…the only people who might be torqued about it will be the Russian Orthodox. I really can’t see Catholics or the rest of Orthodoxy getting upset about losing a sliver of the “True Cross”. Not a fan of John Calvin, but he was reputed to have said that there was enough wood from “True Cross” relics in churches and monasteries to fill a ship.
As for Evangelicals, they don’t have any truck with icons and relics because it’s too Catholic. And yes, I know Catholics don’t have icons, but your average Evangelical can’t hardly tell the difference between Eastern Orthodoxy and the Roman Catholic Church so it’s all of a piece to them. There are a lot of Evangelicals who still fervently believe Catholics are going to hell.

There are pieces of the True Cross (tm) in churches all over Spain (I’ve seen quite a few). They make a big deal of it there.

As for here and Evangelicals, abortion used to be a Catholic thing with them as well.

It turns out when any particular sort of Christian sect (over there) is perceived to be persecuted, almost every sect here takes offence.

Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2022 • 3:11:31am

Good news:

The impending Russian debt default is likely to be one of the most difficult in history to resolve, and could even lead the US to permanently seize assets from the country’s central bank, according to a report from the consultancy Oxford Economics.

Russia is facing its first default on its foreign-currency debt since the aftermath of the Bolshevik revolution in 1918.


Orlova said another problem for bondholders is that Ukraine may lay a claim to Russian assets in international courts to pay for the rebuilding of the country. In that case, investors would have to weigh up whether they want to compete with the Ukrainian government for Russian assets.

The economist said the US might eventually end up seizing the money from the Russian central bank’s foreign currency reserves. Western governments have already frozen the bulk of the roughly $600 billion stockpile.


No Malarkey!  Apr 16, 2022 • 3:19:36am

re: #18 Dr Lizardo

Good news:



Ukraine should get first priority to seized Russian assets over holders of Russian sovereign debt, IMHO.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Apr 16, 2022 • 3:31:28am

Georgia GOP Primary candidate for governor.

She’s the woman campaigning on the slogan “Jesus, Guns, and Babies!” and this:

“Don’t talk to me about separation of church and state,” she said. “Church and state was written because the state has no business in our church. But we are the church. We are the church, and we run the state.”

Georgia will become very dangerous for women and non-Christians if she is elected.

Georgia is “sovereign” and “we’re running the state with Jesus Christ first” before adding that other religions don’t get to “silence” Christians.”

As of yet, I am not able to find any church in Georgia (or anywhere) condemning that statement. Google yields no result for “church condemns Kandiss Taylor.”

On her Website she says if she is elected governor, she would move to outlaw all abortion:

“Life begins at conception which is why I intend to not only criminalize abortion when there’s a heartbeat, but when there is any proof of pregnancy at all.”

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Apr 16, 2022 • 3:36:28am
William Lewis  Apr 16, 2022 • 3:41:08am

Update: opiod overdose. Took three applications of narcan to bring her back and it was a very close thing: she was basically gone when the cops arrived. They took her to the hospital. The father and 9 month old child are waiting in the room with 2 police officers for Child Protective Services to arrive and decide what to do next.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2022 • 3:44:53am

re: #9 Sherlock Hound

I do this kind of radio listening. From Eastern Massachusetts, I once got Norway.
It is very hard to receive Europe on medium wave (the AM band), because many stations in Europe have closed down. France, for example, has just one medium wave station left in service. I talked on Discord with a French DXer; he can hear many British, and several American stations at night.

I remember living in northeastern NY state in the early 70s and being able to pick up a Chicago AM station late at night fairly clearly on a cheap transistor radio.

Less interference after the sun went down and I think the older stations* were allowed to boost their signal strength after a certain time.**

* - I seem to recall that KDKA in Pittsburgh has a fairly senior license. And the station I picked up in Chicago was probably WGN.

** - I seem to recall an Outer Limits episode where someone boosted a broadcast signal and inadvertently sucked an alien to our planet from elsewhere.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Apr 16, 2022 • 3:49:20am

All conservatives lie, part eleventy million three and a quarter

As some question her commitment, Palin says she’s never left Alaska (KTOO radio, Juneau)

Decatur Deb  Apr 16, 2022 • 3:52:59am

re: #23 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I remember living in northeastern NY state in the early 70s and being able to pick up a Chicago AM station late at night fairly clearly on a cheap transistor radio.

Less interference after the sun went down and I think the older stations* were allowed to boost their signal strength after a certain time.**

* - I seem to recall that KDKA in Pittsburgh has a fairly senior license. And the station I picked up in Chicago was probably WGN.

** - I seem to recall an Outer Limits episode where someone boosted a broadcast signal and inadvertently sucked an alien to our planet from elsewhere.

KDKA has the most senior commercial license, made its first broadcast of an election in the 1920s. That’s why it and Pittsburgh rival KQV have “K” callsigns though they are East of the Mississippi, in “W” country. They antedate the distinction.

Decatur Deb  Apr 16, 2022 • 3:55:11am

Here is a respectable site with technical info on the Moscow sinking.


Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2022 • 3:57:21am

re: #19 No Malarkey!

Ukraine should get first priority to seized Russian assets over holders of Russian sovereign debt, IMHO.

Oh yeah, I agree 100%.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 16, 2022 • 3:58:50am

re: #19 No Malarkey!

Ukraine should get first priority to seized Russian assets over holders of Russian sovereign debt, IMHO.

That would be the proper and moral thing to do.

But remember: possession is 9/10ths of the law, as say the people who possess 9/10ths of everything.

William Lewis  Apr 16, 2022 • 3:59:51am

re: #25 Decatur Deb

KDKA has the most senior commercial license, made its first broadcast of an election in the 1920s. That’s why it and Pittsburgh rival KQV have “K” callsigns though they are East of the Mississippi, in “W” country. They antedate the distinction.

Public Radio in Wisconsin had very early licenses - 9XM starting in June 1915 broadcasting weather reports to farmers via morse code. They were forced to shutdown during WWI because, I guess, the Germans would be helped by hearing the weather in southern Wisconsin. They experimented with early voice after the war and got the sign WX3 then in 1920 became 9XM again till June 22 when they became WHA that it has been broadcasting as ever since. WHA is talk radio these days (AM) but they have classical and jazz broadcasts on FM too.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:01:41am

re: #29 William Lewis

Public Radio in Wisconsin had very early licenses - 9XM starting in June 1915 broadcasting weather reports to farmers via morse code. They were forced to shutdown during WWI because, I guess, the Germans would be helped by hearing the weather in southern Wisconsin.

“It iss sunny in Kenosha today. Ve musst attack immediately!!!”

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:05:16am

re: #1 Belafon

Not only did I try them, I was awesome at them. I could Clack 50-60 times.

Now, hackeysack (or however it’s spelled), which granted was a future generation, was something I couldn’t do even twice.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:06:21am

re: #29 William Lewis

Public Radio in Wisconsin had very early licenses - 9XM starting in June 1915 broadcasting weather reports to farmers via morse code. They were forced to shutdown during WWI because, I guess, the Germans would be helped by hearing the weather in southern Wisconsin. They experimented with early voice after the war and got the sign WX3 then in 1920 became 9XM again till June 22 when they became WHA that it has been broadcasting as ever since. WHA is talk radio these days (AM) but they have classical and jazz broadcasts on FM too.

I think I also remember the WGN broadcasts since (I think) back then you’d also gets Cubs games. (Would have to be road games since Wrigley did not do night games until 1988.)

Looking at things there is also the possibility I was picking up WLS since it was a music station then and had a pretty powerful signal as well.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:07:54am

re: #32 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I think I also remember the WGN broadcasts since (I think) back then you’d also gets Cubs games. (Would have to be road games since Wrigley did not do night games until 1988.)

Looking at things there is also the possibility I was picking up WLS since it was a music station then and had a pretty powerful signal as well.

I still remember waking up early to watch cartoons on WGN and catching the end of the farm report sponsored by Amiben weed killer

Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:08:07am

re: #29 William Lewis

They were forced to shutdown during WWI because, I guess, the Germans would be helped by hearing the weather in southern Wisconsin.

I’m just imaging some German wireless operator in Abteilung III b listening in, suddenly taking off his headphones and throwing down his pencil, throwing open the door to his office and shouting, “Someone, quickly, go wake up Hindenburg, Ludendorff and the Kaiser! I’ve found the key to defeating the Entente Powers!!”

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:08:39am

re: #16 William Lewis

Oh, this morning is just too special for words.

First _I_ get stuck in the elevator. It makes this jerk then stops moving. None of the buttons do anything. After 5 minues, I called my GM and said “Help”. About 5 minues after that but before she gets here it jerks several more times and then spits me out.

I go to put “OOO” signs up and as I’m doing that a guest comes up and needs me to call for EMS because his wife won’t wake up. I hope is as much a nothing as my being stuck was. (GM is not back to coming in a normal time.)

Happy Happy Joy Joy…

Wow! Glad you’re ok! Was the wife ok?

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:09:42am

re: #25 Decatur Deb

KDKA has the most senior commercial license, made its first broadcast of an election in the 1920s. That’s why it and Pittsburgh rival KQV have “K” callsigns though they are East of the Mississippi, in “W” country. They antedate the distinction.

So does WBBZ-AM in Ponca City, Oklahoma.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:10:20am

re: #31 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Not only did I try them, I was awesome at them. I could Clack 50-60 times.

Now, hackeysack (or however it’s spelled), which granted was a future generation, was something I couldn’t do even twice.

The big box of cat toys includes both a hacky sack and a Sepak Takraw ball.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:11:35am

Former Kay County Corrections officer convicted of facilitating white supremacist assault on Black inmates (Ponca City, Okla. Post)

I’m glad I don’t live there any more.

A former Kay County Corrections Officer is convicted of facilitating white supremacist assault on Black inmates.

The following is from the United States Dept. Of Justice: “The evidence and testimony revealed that, on May 18, 2017, while Ware served as the Lieutenant of the KCDC, he ordered lower-ranking corrections officers to move two Black pretrial detainees, D’Angelo Wilson and Marcus Miller, to a cell row housing white supremacist inmates whom Ware knew posed a danger to Wilson and Miller. Later that same day, Ware gave lower-ranking officers a second order: to unlock the jail cells of Wilson and Miller, and those other white supremacist inmates at the same time the following morning. When Ware’s orders were followed, the white supremacist inmates attacked Wilson and Miller, resulting in physical injury to both, including a facial laceration to Wilson that required seven stitches to close.


FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:13:10am

re: #34 Dr Lizardo

I’m just imaging some German wireless operator in Abteilung III b listening in, suddenly taking off his headphones and throwing down his pencil, throwing open the door to his office and shouting, “Someone, quickly, go wake up Hindenburg, Ludendorff and the Kaiser! I’ve found the key to defeating the Entente Powers!!”

Weather reporting was a pretty important thing.

The Germans were setting up weather stations in various obscure places with the Allies trying to find and remove them.

Weather in the Atlantic was important since storms or fronts could affect convoys, air raids, etc. Plus invasion planning was very dependent on weather conditions and thus the more information you had on wind, etc. out in the Atlantic and across the Atlantic the better.

Decatur Deb  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:14:15am

re: #37 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

The big box of cat toys includes both a hacky sack and a Sepak Takraw ball.

In the 80s, hacky-sack and sport parachuting became co-dependent. A dozen or so jumpers would keep it going in a circle while waiting for the next huey lift.

Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:16:44am


In a diplomatic note, Russia warned the Czech side that it could not provide weapons of Soviet origin to third countries without its consent. The Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Lipavský (Pirates) told ČTK on Saturday. According to him, the Czech ministry will not react. This is factual nonsense and there is no clause on this material prohibiting its re-export, he said.

The Foreign Minister has said he’ll just ignore it. I suppose that’s more diplomatic then telling Lavrov to go eat a bag of dicks or whatnot.

Source, in Czech: novinky.cz

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:17:12am

re: #32 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I think I also remember the WGN broadcasts since (I think) back then you’d also gets Cubs games. (Would have to be road games since Wrigley did not do night games until 1988.)

Looking at things there is also the possibility I was picking up WLS since it was a music station then and had a pretty powerful signal as well.

I’m from Chicago and I used to be able to pick up WLS driving down to Florida almost into Georgia. WLS traveled well.

Decatur Deb  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:19:05am

re: #39 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Weather reporting was a pretty important thing.

The Germans were setting up weather stations in various obscure places with the Allies trying to find and remove them.

Weather in the Atlantic was important since storms or fronts could affect convoys, air raids, etc. Plus invasion planning was very dependent on weather conditions and thus the more information you had on wind, etc. out in the Atlantic and across the Atlantic the better.

“Depending on this front, we’re dropping on Normandy or Galway.”

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:23:08am

State Board of Education candidate asks for privacy as allegations against son made public (Scottsbluff Star-Herald)

A candidate for the Nebraska State Board of Education is responding to allegations of sexual assault made against her son, a student at Chadron State College.

Elizabeth Tegtmeier issued a press release Friday after The Eagle, CSC’s student newspaper, ran a story about her son, Caleb Tegtmeier, on its website.

Caleb Tegtmeier, who had served as a vice president of finance on the campus activities board until resigning in March, is the subject of two protection orders filed in Dawes County Court. The women seeking the protection orders allege sexual improprieties by Caleb Tegtmeier, who was also named a student trustee representing CSC on the Nebraska State College System Board of Trustees. He has been attending school at CSC since 2019, having been awarded a scholarship to complete its Rural Health Opportunities Program (RHOP).


Ms. Tegtmeier is running on a campaign of representing all western Nebraskans, while keeping children “from sexually inappropriate and racially divisive material.”

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:23:51am

re: #40 Decatur Deb

In the 80s, hacky-sack and sport parachuting became co-dependent. A dozen or so jumpers would keep it going in a circle while waiting for the next huey lift.

I played ultimate frisbee a bit in college and doing hacky sack was a thing the group did while waiting for players to arrive or a game to start. That or freestyle stuff with frisbees.

Makes sense since hacky sack is a dexterity, flexibility, foot thing that mixed well with the running and such of ultimate.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:25:49am

re: #43 Decatur Deb

“Depending on this front, we’re dropping on Normandy or Galway.”

Normandy landing was delayed a day due to weather. (Which makes the troops already loaded into transports not the happiest of campers.)

And a second delay would have been a couple of weeks since the tides were also important to the plan.

Decatur Deb  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:27:29am

re: #42 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

I’m from Chicago and I used to be able to pick up WLS driving down to Florida almost into Georgia. WLS traveled well.

We could get it well in PGH, at least at night. (I think they went 100,000W early-on.) Wolfman Jack or someone like him was reaching us then—late 50s.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:31:38am

re: #39 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Weather reporting was a pretty important thing.

The Germans were setting up weather stations in various obscure places with the Allies trying to find and remove them.

Weather in the Atlantic was important since storms or fronts could affect convoys, air raids, etc. Plus invasion planning was very dependent on weather conditions and thus the more information you had on wind, etc. out in the Atlantic and across the Atlantic the better.

Secrecy in weather reporting is also the cause of the 19-person death toll, most from two ships sunk, from the Surprise Hurricane of 1943 (Wikipedia).

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:31:43am

re: #43 Decatur Deb

“Depending on this front, we’re dropping on Normandy or Galway.”

“Our maps are a bit outdated, but basically, we want you to fly over Gaul and bomb the Holy Roman Empire!”

Decatur Deb  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:39:44am

re: #49 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

“Our maps are a bit outdated, but basically, we want you to fly over Gaul and bomb the Holy Roman Empire!”

The Decatur Deb’s last raid was to the outskirts of a walled city in Saxony, founded by Charlemagne.

Barefoot Grin  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:40:24am

re: #42 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

I’m from Chicago and I used to be able to pick up WLS driving down to Florida almost into Georgia. WLS traveled well.

Uncle Lar and Little Tommy

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:45:24am

re: #50 Decatur Deb

The Decatur Deb’s last raid was to the outskirts of a walled city in Saxony, founded by Charlemagne.

Delivered Cheyenne 1/12/43; Gowen 5/12/43; Salt Lake 6/12/43; Rock Springs 7/12/43; Laramie 9/12/43; Cheyenne 10/12/43; Kearney 17/12/43; Romulus 6/1/44; Presque Is 9/1/44; Assigned: 571BS/390BG [FC-G] Framlingham 18/1/44; when fire broke out on end of runway 30/4/44 Lt Louis Matthews ran into prop (KIA); MIA Koenigsburg (22m) 28/5/44 Pilot: Herb Strate, Co-Pilot: Sam Elliott, Navigator: Dick Brown, Bombardier: Bob Woolfolk, Radio Operator: Nick Mamula, Ball Turret Gunner: Arthur Reed, Waist Gunner: Bob Smart (7KIA); Engineer / Top Turret Gunner: Ed Stoy, Waist Gunner: Harry Bolton, Tail Gunner: Ed Molenock (3POW); Enemy aircraft, fire in cockpit and part of vertical stabilizer shot away, went into spin, exploded, wings came off as ship went down and crashed Ebendorf, two miles NW of Magdeburg, Germany. MACR 5259. DECATUR DEB.


Barefoot Grin  Apr 16, 2022 • 4:57:10am
Eventual Carrion  Apr 16, 2022 • 5:01:59am

re: #32 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I think I also remember the WGN broadcasts since (I think) back then you’d also gets Cubs games. (Would have to be road games since Wrigley did not do night games until 1988.)

Looking at things there is also the possibility I was picking up WLS since it was a music station then and had a pretty powerful signal as well.

In the late 70’s when I lived in Greenville MS I could pick up WLS at night on my little radio.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 16, 2022 • 5:02:18am

re: #41 Dr Lizardo


The Foreign Minister has said he’ll just ignore it. I suppose that’s more diplomatic then telling Lavrov to go eat a bag of dicks or whatnot.

Source, in Czech: novinky.cz

“Russian minister, go fuck yourself.”

That seems to be appropriate.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Apr 16, 2022 • 5:12:45am

Valneva approved to be UK’s sixth Covid vaccine (The Guardian, April 14)

The vaccine is approved for age group 18-50. It is a whole-virus killed vaccine, which researchers say may overcome the mythical vaccine hesitancy in antivaxxers. It also has the advantage it can be stored in a standard refrigerator.

However, the Conservative government cancelled the contracts to buy the vaccine, so it will not be available in the United Kingdom for use.

Eventual Carrion  Apr 16, 2022 • 5:16:02am

Took me the whole way this morning. Was getting a little worried. 6/6

Wordle 301 6/6


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Apr 16, 2022 • 5:18:20am

Imperfect messengers? An analysis of vaccine confidence among primary care physicians (Science Direct)


• 10.1% of primary care physicians (PCPs) do not agree vaccines are safe.
• 9.3% of PCPs do not agree that vaccines are effective.
• 8.3% of PCPs do not agree that vaccines are important.
• Physician confidence in COVID-19 vaccines varies across vaccines.
• A troubling proportion of PCPs lack high levels of vaccine confidence.

Abstract of the study available at the site. Information gathered did not include the party affiliation of the US physicians surveyed.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Apr 16, 2022 • 5:21:42am

Got a bit worried about today’s geography porn.

#Worldle #85 5/6 (100%)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Apr 16, 2022 • 5:26:01am

Wordle 301 X/6


The Price is Right Losing Horn - Gaming Sound Effect (HD)

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 16, 2022 • 5:41:40am

I was worried at 2 because HUH? 4/6


JC1  Apr 16, 2022 • 5:46:33am

Happy Easter weekend everyone.

(((Archangel1)))  Apr 16, 2022 • 5:47:05am

When you can’t quite recognize it and the distances between the borders are so damn close (geographically speaking)…

#Worldle #85 5/6 (100%)


Eventual Carrion  Apr 16, 2022 • 5:54:55am

Things are getting close to full operations with Webb.

Teukka  Apr 16, 2022 • 5:59:18am
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:00:29am

re: #62 JC1

Happy Easter weekend everyone.

[Embedded content]

Thank you for making coffee come out of my nose. And tears streaming down my face (which I’m not sure was from laughing or from coffee coming out of my nose).

Dangerman  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:02:38am
Despite claims by Russia that an accidental fire broke out on the ship, U.S. officials confirmed on Friday that two Ukrainian Neptune missiles had struck the vessel, killing an unknown number of sailors and sending it and its arsenal to the bottom of the Black Sea.”

Cause there’s no video, right?

Is there ever an intentional fire on a battleship?

Teukka  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:06:23am

re: #65 Teukka

From the responses:

Eventual Carrion  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:06:33am

Not a bad Quordle this Saturday morning.

Daily Quordle 82
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Florida Panhandler  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:07:13am

re: #67 Dangerman

Cause there’s no video, right?

Is there ever an intentional fire on a battleship?


Yes there is.


Jay C  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:11:43am

re: #70 Florida Panhandler


Yes there is.


Ummm, I’m not sure that’s what Dangerman meant by “intentional”…
But in any case, that piece was from February- I wonder if that court-martial has happened yet?

Dangerman  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:16:44am
Belafon  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:16:53am

It’s a positive article:

darthstar  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:17:17am

re: #69 Eventual Carrion

Not a bad Quordle this Saturday morning.

[Embedded content]

Agreed - 3/4/6/7 - 5 on Wordle.

Dangerman  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:18:49am

Belafon  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:19:13am


Dangerman  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:23:17am

After all, merely “going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.”

Belafon  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:29:25am

Would you want to get caught in a Chinese city when they lock it down:

jeffreyw  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:35:14am

re: #62 JC1

Happy Easter weekend everyone.

[Embedded content]

stolen and tweeted!

sagehen  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:35:21am

re: #73 Belafon

It’s a positive article:

[Embedded content]

but matzoh is supposed to taste like wet cardboard thrown in a toaster oven…

gocart mozart  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:37:18am
First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:38:12am

My boss, a single lady in her early 40s, has a certifiably insane neighbor. Last night he, smelling like a whisky museum, followed her onto her porch as she was returning home, and announced to her that she was “nothing but a sack of shit” and he was going to kill her and her dogs. He wandered off, she went inside and armed herself. She called the police at 10:30PM. They showed up at 1:30AM, gave her a report number, and left.

No real point here, just a story about Friday night.

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:39:28am

re: #80 sagehen

My late mom called matzah, “hemstitched cardboard.”

Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:40:20am

re: #75 Dangerman

The real separation between the GOP Taliban vs the OG Taliban is the interpretation of Jesus. The GOP Taliban believes that he’s the Son of God, where the OG Taliban believes he’s a prophet and a Messenger of God (and Muslims in general believe in the virgin birth as well as the return of Jesus in their eschatology).

That’s pretty much it. It’s long been speculated that the genesis of Islam is to be found in very early Christian sects that rejected the divinity of Jesus (like the Ebionities, who flourished east of the Jordan River in the first couple centuries of Christianity). IIRC, a long, long time ago the Roman Catholic Church considered Islam as a Christian heresy (perhaps not officially, but it seemed to be a common sentiment).

Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:42:52am

re: #78 Belafon

Would you want to get caught in a Chinese city when they lock it down:

[Embedded content]

That’s entirely understandable. After all, would you like to be the hapless truck driver delivering a truckload of frozen dumplings to the supermarket when suddenly BOOM you now find yourself trapped for who knows how long?


William Lewis  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:48:56am

And with that, I am off to bed. Later all!

mmmirele  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:50:38am

The backstory on this is that it was the 17th century in the British Isles, and if you know anything about the 17th century in the British Isles, it’s that conflict over religion was a very real thing. This more or less concluded with the Glorious Revolution of 1688, which pushed the Catholic James II and VII out of the British Isles, and replaced him with the Protestant William and Mary. Peden and the rest of the Covenanters were nonconformists of the Presbyterian variety and clashed with the Royalists for not subjecting themselves to the 17th century British Anglican church. This link gives a LOT more detail about the background, and it is fascinating:


Oh yeah, that’s real hair back behind the mask, real hair for the beard and real teeth in the mouth. Yeah, it’s creeeeeepy. Peden wore this for preaching “incognito”.

Belafon  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:52:14am
Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:56:22am

There’s been rumors about this flying for the last couple of days or so:

darthstar  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:58:28am
Belafon  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:58:49am

Adam Silverman pulls put a quote from Zelenskyy that is an assessment of what the end of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia will have to be:

If the Russians are not expelled from Ukraine’s eastern provinces, Zelensky said, “they can return to the center of Ukraine and even to Kyiv. It is possible. Now is not yet the time of victory.”


darthstar  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:59:43am

re: #88 Belafon

Kyle couldn’t spell fungible if his life depended on it.

Teukka  Apr 16, 2022 • 6:59:49am

I’ve seen that face before. On a FDF soldier that is moving the body of a toddler onto the a transport after one of the “Partizan” attacks in Finland during the Continuation War. Of course, they were Soviet attacks deep into Finnish territory, with Plunder, With Murder, with SA. :’(

Belafon  Apr 16, 2022 • 7:06:05am

re: #93 Teukka

I’ve seen that face before. On a FDF soldier that is moving the body of a toddler onto the a transport after one of the “Partizan” attacks in Finland during the Continuation War. Of course, they were Soviet attacks deep into Finnish territory, with Plunder, With Murder, with SA. :’(

[Embedded content]

Je needs to have trauma counselors with him.

John Hughes  Apr 16, 2022 • 7:10:28am

re: #59 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

#Worldle #85 2/6 (100%)

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Apr 16, 2022 • 7:12:36am

re: #84 Dr Lizardo

Islam as a Christian heresy was real enough to make it into Dante’s Inferno, where Muhammad is found with the religious schismatics.

Speaking of hell, my plane touched down in Miami a bit after 10:00, but we sat on the runway for a while before they could slot us into a gate.

On the way to baggage check, I passed an enormous line running along concourse D. I couldn’t resist asking someone — they were all in line to get vouchers from American Airlines for overnight lodging. It seems that that April blizzard disrupted air travel across the US, and I now count myself as lucky to have gotten away with only an hour’s delay getting here.

After I saw the line for the only place that was open that late (Subway), I decided to skip dinner and joined another long line to get into the airport hotel (I had a reservation, of course, or I’d have been SOL). I found my way into my room at about 11:45 — with a return to the desk for another key card when the first one didn’t work — and went straight to bed. Didn’t even stop to brush my teeth.

Next stop Fort Lauderdale for embarkation!

darthstar  Apr 16, 2022 • 7:17:01am

re: #94 Belafon

Je needs to have trauma counselors with him.

The trauma counselors are going to need trauma counselors.

Florida Panhandler  Apr 16, 2022 • 7:17:45am

re: #72 Dangerman

[Embedded content]

I’ve always wondered how these female Fundie Christian politicians can simply ignore Timothy I in the Bible which expressly forbids women to have power over men? I mean, “interpretation” is one thing but how can they get away with ownership of all interpretations on every Biblical topic? How is this line of attack not on every debate floor during campaigns? You must attack at the source, which is their cherry-picking and obfuscation/lying about Bible verses and myths. Remind them constantly they shouldn’t be in a position of policial power over any man if they really are proper Christians.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Apr 16, 2022 • 7:22:20am

re: #98 Florida Panhandler

I’ve always wondered how these female Fundie Christian politicians can simply ignore Timothy I in the Bible which expressly forbids women to have power over men? I mean, “interpretation” is one thing but how can they get away with ownership of all interpretations on every Biblical topic? How is this line of attack not on every debate floor during campaigns? You must attack at the source, which is their cherry-picking and obfuscation/lying about Bible verses and myths. Remind them constantly they shouldn’t be in a position of policial power over any man if they really are proper Christians.

Because logic and consistency are of trivial concerns to them over getting the attention, money and power. Using religion is a very convenient route since a sense of disbelief is part of the entire process. Plus the really easy forgiveness routine if you get caught or make a poor statement or decision that draws more pushback than they deem acceptable.

Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2022 • 7:22:44am

re: #98 Florida Panhandler

The one universal commonality to all fundamentalists, regardless of creed, is cherry-picking through their sacred texts to find support for their positions.

Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2022 • 7:25:12am

Looks like Russian propagandists are now just rehashing their greatest hits….

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 16, 2022 • 7:32:03am

re: #77 Dangerman

[Embedded content]

After all, merely “going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile.”

and your flag decal won’t get you into heaven anymore…

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 16, 2022 • 8:07:36am

re: #102 Backwoods_Sleuth

and your flag decal won’t get you into heaven anymore…

Or a silly plastic fish on your car.

A Cranky One  Apr 16, 2022 • 8:13:19am

HRH Stanley Sea  Apr 16, 2022 • 8:13:33am

The rare whiff on the first word



Captain Magic  Apr 16, 2022 • 8:14:42am

re: #102 Backwoods_Sleuth

and your flag decal won’t get you into heaven anymore…

A old co-worker had a bumper sticker which said: “Jesus is coming - look busy.”

Another fave: “In case of rapture this car will be empty.”

Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2022 • 8:15:01am

re: #104 A Cranky One

A Cranky One  Apr 16, 2022 • 8:19:56am

Foster kitten update from my older daughter.

Decatur Deb  Apr 16, 2022 • 8:20:17am

re: #94 Belafon

Je needs to have trauma counselors with him.

He needs a chance to fire a Javelin.

Captain Magic  Apr 16, 2022 • 8:24:20am
‘Ripe for explosion’: Israel-Palestine tensions rise in Ramadan
The situation in occupied Palestinian territories is escalating, as Gaza residents worry about another war.

Occupied East Jerusalem/Gaza City - Tensions on the ground in the Israeli-occupied Palestinian territory are heading towards a large-scale eruption this Ramadan, analysts expect, as residents of the besieged Gaza Strip fear yet another war.

“We are moving gradually towards an escalation - the conditions are ripe for an explosion,” Jerusalem-based political analyst Mazen Jaabari told Al Jazeera.


Captain Magic  Apr 16, 2022 • 8:25:40am

Ben Garrison lives on a socialist tweet:

wrenchwench  Apr 16, 2022 • 8:43:36am

I went to sleep after 3. I woke up this morning and finished it.

Wordle 301 4/6


It’s the second one I’ve done that way.

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2022 • 8:48:04am

re: #111 Captain Magic

Someone should remind Garrison of the Office of Strategic Services.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Apr 16, 2022 • 8:49:23am
Belafon  Apr 16, 2022 • 8:59:55am

They had tornadoes last night up around Jonesboro, AR, where my wife is from. They also had hail:

Sherlock Hound  Apr 16, 2022 • 9:01:26am

re: #106 Captain Magic

A old co-worker had a bumper sticker which said: “Jesus is coming - look busy.”

Another fave: “In case of rapture this car will be empty.”

Stay well back and give them lots of space to be raptured without rapturing you or your passengers!

darthstar  Apr 16, 2022 • 9:57:18am

Standing in line for the booster. About 7 people ahead of me. Shots start at 10am

GlutenFreeJesus  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:00:05am

OMFG people are shit.


JC1  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:00:09am

Got a few more:

Belafon  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:00:18am
steve_davis  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:00:36am

re: #91 Belafon

Adam Silverman pulls put a quote from Zelenskyy that is an assessment of what the end of the invasion of Ukraine by Russia will have to be:

[Embedded content]


that anger’s gonna go some place. if russia goes home with their tail between their legs, putin will need a longer table.

Belafon  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:01:33am
Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:04:04am

re: #121 steve_davis

that anger’s gonna go some place. if russia goes home with their tail between their legs, putin will need a longer table.

All those Russian hypernationalist pseudo-philosophers (looking at you, Aleksandr Dugin) will turn on Putin in the blink of an eye if Russia ends up running back home like a little bitch.

Belafon  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:07:09am
No Malarkey!  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:07:19am

re: #123 Dr Lizardo

All those Russian hypernationalist pseudo-philosophers (looking at you, Aleksandr Dugin) will turn on Putin in the blink of an eye if Russia ends up running back home like a little bitch.

It would be a glad day if Putin got the Qaddafi treatment he has repeatedly viewed and dreads.

Dr Lizardo  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:08:55am

re: #125 No Malarkey!

It would be a glad day if Putin got the Qaddafi treatment he has repeatedly viewed and dreads.

So I’ve heard; that’s Putin’s biggest nightmare.

Eclectic Cyborg  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:12:30am

re: #120 Belafon

The bald guy looks less than impressed.

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:26:20am

I am really starting to hate my landline phone. In less than ten minutes I have gotten two calls from unknown numbers.

HRH Stanley Sea  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:27:17am
gocart mozart  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:30:51am

This Tucker spoof is something

Youtube Video

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:40:25am

re: #120 Belafon

It isn’t practical to open a door and just chuck them out, since the plane is pressurized. There is unfortunately no room or weight allowance for an airlock. It might also be risky legally and in PR terms to be bombing random places with assholes, at least over land. There is another solution though.

We need a brig on airplanes. No room, you say? Of course there is. Enclose a 7 by 3 foot section of the cargo compartment, put a door on one end so it can be loaded with luggage in the normal way, and a hatch on top. When some entitled wretch gets obnoxious, tape them up, open the hatch, transfer the luggage to their seat, and drop them in it till the next stop. Also tell them it will depressurize if they try to open the door or the hatch. It won’t of course but the average asshole MAGAt is orders of magnitude too stupid to know that.

Semper Fi  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:44:03am

re: #115 Belafon

They had tornadoes last night up around Jonesboro, AR, where my wife is from. They also had hail:

[Embedded content]

Yes, they sure had some hail.

Teukka  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:45:38am

What The 🇿’s are implictly saying here is that they’re the Soviet Unions direct successors.

Semper Fi  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:47:01am

re: #118 GlutenFreeJesus

OMFG people are shit.


[Embedded content]

A Texas beach. That means repubs getting acquainted with wild life.

Belafon  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:49:11am

re: #133 Teukka

Semper Fi  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:52:17am

re: #128 PhillyPretzel

I am really starting to hate my landline phone. In less than ten minutes I have gotten two calls from unknown numbers.

I haven’t had landline more than 10yrs. It’s just like a receptacle for junk.

PhillyPretzel  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:54:40am

re: #136 Semper Fi

I know.

Decatur Deb  Apr 16, 2022 • 10:56:54am

re: #131 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie

It isn’t practical to open a door and just chuck them out, since the plane is pressurized. There is unfortunately no room or weight allowance for an airlock. It might also be risky legally and in PR terms to be bombing random places with assholes, at least over land. There is another solution though.

Hard to configure, but a LAPES version would be…satisfying.

John Hughes  Apr 16, 2022 • 1:43:36pm

re: #125 No Malarkey!

It would be a glad day if Putin got the Qaddafi treatment he has repeatedly viewed and dreads.

Putin became qadaffi in order to avoid qadaffi’s fate.

Fucking Greek.

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