The Bob Cesca Podcast: Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys

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Today’s program from our podcasting affiliate, The Bob Cesca Show:

Cheese Eating Surrender Monkeys — [Explicit Content] The tragedy in Lahaina, Hawaii. The failure of Ohio Issue 1 is a big effing deal. Reproductive rights ballot initiative is a winner this Fall. Jack Smith subpoenaed Trump’s Twitter account and Elon Musk refused to turn it over. Trump accused the J6 committee of destroying evidence. What the hell was Trump talking about? Trump plans to defy the protective order. Trump says he’d rather be in France. The 2004 Election revisited. Trump attacks Chris Christie’s weight. The Cheese Bro spilled the beans in writing. Fani Willis will seek more than a dozen indictments. Republicans are pro-assassin now. Evangelical pastors say Christians are rejecting Christ. With Jody Hamilton, David Ferguson, music by Logan Piercey, Sammi Garett, and more!

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gocart mozart  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:09:07pm
Charles Johnson  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:11:47pm

re: #1 gocart mozart

That right there is a desperate motherfucker.

EPR-radar  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:12:11pm

re: #1 gocart mozart

Dear Mr. Trump.

If you want, we can skip the trial and move straight to punishment for your crimes.

In hopes this finds you dying of a singularly painful and loathsome disease, yours,

John Q. Public

Unabogie  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:13:23pm

re: #1 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

In 2015, you could make the case that Trump was enjoying himself. Not now. It’s eating him alive. Good.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:14:45pm

I don’t care if it’s thursday

KGxvi  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:15:00pm

re: #1 gocart mozart

They should only happen after the election! And if it’s stolen from me again because it’s rigged, I’m going to immediately declare my candidacy for 2028 so they will have to wait until after that election otherwise it will be election interference again!

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:15:14pm

re: #2 Charles Johnson

That right there is a desperate motherfucker.

He’s beginning to understand that he’s going to die in prison.

Cornered animal, &c.

KGxvi  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:15:57pm

re: #3 EPR-radar

Dear Mr. Trump.

If you want, we can skip the trial and move straight to punishment for your crimes.

In hopes this finds you dying of a singularly painful and loathsome disease, yours,

John Q. Public

I’ll be honest… I’m actually surprised that at one of the arraignments he didn’t just respond with “yeah, I fucking did it, and I’ll do it again, fuck you.”

piratedan  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:16:15pm

re: #1 gocart mozart

I can understand his concern, after all, the trial will showcase Republicans supposedly testifying against Republicans and those Democrats are so tricksy using the truth and facts and stuff, what kind of chance does an honest paragon of virtue like Donald J. Trump have? ///////////////////////

I hear that may even use his own words and deeds against him, seems really unfair that he can’t simply buy or browbeat these people into getting with the program to Make America Great Again….

EPR-radar  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:17:03pm

re: #4 Unabogie

In 2015, you could make the case that Trump was enjoying himself. Not now. It’s eating him alive. Good.

It would be helpful for the country if we get video of a full-on screaming meltdown from Trump as part of his comeuppance. For rubbing Trumpists’ noses in the filth they supported, of course.

Unabogie  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:18:11pm

re: #10 EPR-radar

It would be helpful for the country if we get video of a full-on screaming meltdown from Trump as part of his comeuppance. For rubbing Trumpists’ noses in the filth they supported, of course.

That thought gives me all the warm fuzzies. Thank you for that :-)

EPR-radar  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:18:15pm

re: #8 KGxvi

I’ll be honest… I’m actually surprised that at one of the arraignments he didn’t just respond with “yeah, I fucking did it, and I’ll do it again, fuck you.”

That’s how we know he is still paying some attention to his lawyers, despite their ongoing failure to shut up his social media shit.

EPR-radar  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:21:23pm

re: #1 gocart mozart

Dear Mr. Trump,

I can see you are troubled by the idea of your treason trial happening right in the middle of your election campaign. Surely you are also troubled by the thought your name might not be cleared by the trial before your election campaign.

Therefore, we all want the trial to happen as soon as possible. How about Monday?

EPR-radar  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:23:22pm

re: #7 austin_blue

He’s beginning to understand that he’s going to die in prison.

Cornered animal, &c.

So far it’s just a chance he dies in prison, but even that is enough to rattle Trump since his entire life to date has been one of absolute impunity.

Romantic Heretic  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:26:10pm

From last thread.

re: #120 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Think about Europe’s Hapsburgs or Bourbons. Nations and peoples were just properties on a Monopoly board

An excellent example of how disconnected the lords of Europe were from geography was King George I of England. I gather neither him or his son spoke English when they assumed the throne, and never bothered to try.

goddamnedfrank  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:31:04pm

Lahaina is where I got my open water SCUBA diving certification, I was 16. Can’t believe it’s essentially gone.

Jay C  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:35:44pm

re: #15 Romantic Heretic

From last thread.

An excellent example of how disconnected the lords of Europe were from geography was King George I of England. I gather neither him or his son spoke English when they assumed the throne, and never bothered to try.

Off the top of my head, ISTR that, indeed, George I did not speak any English when he became King, but George II did: but with a heavy German accent (like a music-hall comic).
Actually, George of Hanover only became King of England by the flukes of mortality: the legal, Parliament-approved Heir to Queen Anne was his mother, Sophia Dorothea*, but she died only shortly before Anne did, so George got the throne himself.

*Due to the Protestant/Catholic thing: I think the official line of Succession to the British throne is still legally reckoned back to Sophia of Hanover: though 300 years of breeding have kept the numbers up somewhat.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:36:33pm

Stonekettle has a new long-form essay up:

An excerpt:

” “Hitler lied shamelessly about himself and about his enemies. He convinced millions of men and women that he cared for them deeply when, in fact, he would have willingly sacrificed them all. His murderous ambition, avowed racism, and utter immorality were given the thinnest mask, and yet millions of Germans were drawn to Hitler precisely because he seemed authentic. They screamed, “Sieg Heil” with happiness in their hearts, because they thought they were creating a better world.”
― Madeleine K. Albright, Fascism: A Warning

Donald Trump is the reason for Donald Trump’s predicament and no one else.

Trump lies shamelessly about himself and about his enemies every single day.

Trump convinced millions that he cares for them, when, in fact, he would sacrifice them all without a second thought and has done so repeatedly.

Trump’s murderous ambition, avowed racism, and utter immorality are given the thinnest mask, and yet millions of Americans are drawn to him precisely because he gives them license to be their own worst selves. They scream “MAGA!” with happiness in their hearts, because they think once they’ve eliminated all of us, they’ll somehow have a better world.

And the more things change, the more you see the relentless cycle of history coming ‘round again and again.

This time, it’s Trump.

It’s all Trump and it’s all Trump in his own words and it always has been.”

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:38:03pm

It’s absolutely spot on and is well worth the read.

jaunte  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:45:49pm

Hecuba's daughter  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:55:35pm

Just received a message on my phone that the death toll in Maui has risen to 53. My thoughts and prayers are with the people of Hawaii.

EPR-radar  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:55:58pm

re: #20 jaunte

The Trump era has taught me many things. One of them is the visceral desire to see traitors get served justice, preferably as painfully as possible.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:56:41pm

Mr. Bacon, what was it about Jim’s essay that you found objectionable?

Charles Johnson  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:56:59pm

re: #21 Hecuba’s daughter

So terrible. I was in Lahaina many times when I was living in Hawaii. Such an incalculable loss.

Vicious Babushka  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:57:24pm

Speaking of unhinged and delusional…


Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 10, 2023 • 4:58:43pm

re: #23 austin_blue

Mr. Bacon, what was it about Jim’s essay that you found objectionable?

? I pushed + and see it was showing as -. Fixed!

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:05:54pm

re: #26 Joe Bacon ✅

? I pushed + and see it was showing as -. Fixed!

You old fumblefingerer, you!

I figured it was something like that. Glad you liked it. Jim Wright is a *great* essayist, and suffers fools not at all. I notice there are several people on this board of similar temperment.

wrenchwench  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:06:35pm
Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:06:49pm
Chris Christie tied Jared Kushner cashing in on his relationship with the Saudis to Hunter Biden making millions overseas in a campaign stop.

Said Christie: “Why would you send Jared Kushner to the Middle East when you have Rex Tillerson and Mike Pompeo as secretaries of state? Two incredibly accomplished men. You send him?”

He added: “Why? We found out the answer six months after he left office: $2 billion from the Saudis to Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump

Jared (and wife) worked in government

Hunter Biden did not.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:09:58pm

re: #21 Hecuba’s daughter

Just received a message on my phone that the death toll in Maui has risen to 53. My thoughts and prayers with the people of Hawaii.

Damn. I don’t think that will be anywhere near the final total, either.

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:10:03pm

Do I trust Crisp Crispy?


wrenchwench  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:11:46pm
Vicious Babushka  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:17:28pm
sizzzzlerz  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:29:35pm

re: #31 Joe Bacon ✅

Do I trust Crisp Crispy?


Ancient proverb: The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

Modern Corollary: Except if he’s a republican. Then, he’s merely a convenience.

Captain Ron  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:30:57pm
Charles Johnson  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:33:12pm
goddamnedfrank  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:36:20pm

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:36:26pm

re: #36 Charles Johnson

The identities of the jury members better be kept super sekrit or else Trumpgoons will go after them.

darthstar  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:38:30pm

After a long day of wine tasting I’m finally on the couch with a cold glass of tequila… And my dogs.

Charles Johnson  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:39:29pm

re: #38 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

A lot of bases will need to be covered for this mass media spectacle.

I’m in favor of televising it, because we’re literally all the victims of the crimes Trump committed. Show the whole goddamned thing.

Vicious Babushka  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:43:17pm
steve_davis  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:43:52pm

re: #39 darthstar

After a long day of wine tasting I’m finally on the couch with a cold glass of tequila… And my dogs.

[Embedded content]

He’s saying “That group really died by 1972, Pops….”

Charles Johnson  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:45:51pm

I’ve been re-watching The Wire on Max, and it’s still a masterpiece. I get sad every time Lance Reddick appears, though.

gocart mozart  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:46:25pm
darthstar  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:46:51pm

re: #40 Charles Johnson

A lot of bases will need to be covered for this mass media spectacle.

I’m in favor of televising it, because we’re literally all the victims of the crimes Trump committed. Show the whole goddamned thing.

Show it on Nickelodeon and do the virtual slime effect every time Trump gets his ass handed to him.

BigPapa  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:50:42pm

There are still a lot of missing folks in Maui, mostly due to chaos and lost comms. But I expect the toll to rise. They’re still finding remains.

The GOP is a Terrorist Organization  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:58:40pm
darthstar  Aug 10, 2023 • 5:59:39pm
Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:02:17pm


The Proud Boys STIFFED a Research Firm?????

Who do they think they are????

Research Firm Says Proud Boys Legal Team Stiffed Them $30,000

A seditious conspiracy trial for members of the Proud Boys is over. But a legal loose end from the case is threatening to send the Proud Boys’ lawyers back to court—this time to defend themselves in a civil spat.

After members of the Proud Boys played a lead role in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, their defense attorneys unsuccessfully tried to move their cases out of D.C., arguing that the Proud Boys could not receive a fair trial in the left-leaning city. To aid their argument, an attorney for one of the Proud Boys commissioned a study on potential D.C. jurors’ attitudes toward the far-right group. The report cost $30,000.

But despite the document appearing in the Proud Boys’ court cases, its author says she still hasn’t been paid. She’s suing a group of attorneys for alleged copyright violations, claiming they all used her work without paying. Many of those lawyers, in turn, say they never agreed to pay for the report, and that a lone colleague is responsible for the latest legal hangover from the Jan. 6 attack.

At the center of the lawsuit (first reported by Law360) is John Daniel Hull, an attorney representing Proud Boys member Joe Biggs. Hull, a defendant in the suit, says he commissioned the report from the firm In Lux Research, and its owner Lindsay Olsen. He acknowledges that she’s owed $30,000, and that he’s paid her $1,500.

The rest of the money is a matter of ongoing dispute.

“I will commit to my portion of it, sure,” Hull told The Daily Beast.

Hull claims some of the lawyers defending Proud Boys agreed “had agreed to pay $6,000 a piece toward the price of the In Lux study.”

Some of Hull’s co-defendants, contacted by The Daily Beast, say they made no such agreement.

darthstar  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:05:14pm

re: #49 Joe Bacon ✅

I’ve never wanted to see an asshole get punitive damages, but I hope she walks away with her 30k and then some.

jaunte  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:05:55pm

re: #49 Joe Bacon ✅

The lesson here is, don’t do anything for the Proud Boys.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:07:05pm

re: #46 BigPapa

There are still a lot of missing folks in Maui, mostly due to chaos and lost comms. But I expect the toll to rise. They’re still finding remains.

It’s all just so random and the more horrible, and horrific because of it.

Charles Johnson  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:08:20pm

I’m so heartbroken about the disaster on Maui. When I lived in Hawaii I played the Blue Max in Lahaina many times. Devastating.

sizzzzlerz  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:10:35pm

re: #43 Charles Johnson

I’ve been re-watching The Wire on Max, and it’s still a masterpiece. I get sad every time Lance Reddick appears, though.

In my top 3 TV programs of all time (with The Sopranos and Breaking Bad). Another big loss was Michael K. Williams. Most iconic gangster of all time.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:13:54pm

re: #54 sizzzzlerz

In my top 3 TV programs of all time (with The Sopranos and Breaking Bad). Another big loss was Michael K. Williams. Most iconic gangster of all time.

“Omar’s comin’.”

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:15:16pm

How dare this so-called “reverend” threaten the jurors in the Tree Of Life murders case.

The United States Department of Justice announced on Thursday that a West Virginia man who calls himself a white supremacist “reverend” was arrested for harassing witnesses and posting antisemitic rhetoric during the trial of convicted Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue mass shooter Robert Bowers.

Hardy Carroll Lloyd of Follansbee is accused of having “made threatening social media posts, website comments, and emails towards the jury and witnesses during the trial. Lloyd also placed or had others place stickers in predominantly Jewish areas of Pittsburgh, directing people to the website containing his threats and antisemitic messages,” DOJ said in a press release. “Lloyd is charged with obstruction of the due administration of justice, transmitting threats in interstate and foreign commerce, and witness tampering. He faces up to 10 years in prison for the obstruction charge, up to five years for the threats charge, and up to 20 in prison for the tampering charge. If convicted, a federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the US Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.”

in a May 14 post on the Russian social media site VKontakte, Lloyd allegedly wrote: ‘Free Robert Bowers Now!! … We need to support anyone who kills jews’ [sic],” adding three days later, “Robert Bowers did Pgh a Favour. Any juror who finds him guilty is guilty of anti-White racism.”

Lloyd also warned local news outlets that scouts “would be watching the jurors” and “taking pictures of ALL cars and people who leave the courthouse.”

“in 2010, Lloyd was sentenced in a federal court in Pittsburgh to 2 1/2 years in prison for possessing ten firearms and over 1,000 rounds of ammunition as a convicted felon. He was also acquitted in 2006 in connection with the shooting death of his former girlfriend.”

Pittsburgh Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent in Charge Mike Nordwall said that “the safety and security of all citizens in our communities is a priority for the FBI” and that “threats of violence used to intimidate or influence a community or jury cannot and will not be tolerated. The FBI makes it a priority to investigate crimes based on religious bias. In this case, the Jewish community was specifically targeted by these threats. I want to thank the community for sharing information that helped lead to today’s arrest.”

William J. Ihlenfeld, II the US attorney serving the Northern District of West Virginia, remarked that “jury trials are a hallmark of the American justice system and attempts to intimidate witnesses or jurors will be met with a strong response,” stressing that “the use of hateful threats in an effort to undermine a trial is especially troubling.”

Send him to jail and toss the key away.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:25:17pm

re: #56 Joe Bacon ✅

How dare this so-called “reverend” threaten the jurors in the Tree Of Life murders case.

The United States Department of Justice announced on Thursday that a West Virginia man who calls himself a white supremacist “reverend” was arrested for harassing witnesses and posting antisemitic rhetoric during the trial of convicted Pittsburgh Tree of Life synagogue mass shooter Robert Bowers.

Hardy Carroll Lloyd of Follansbee is accused of having “made threatening social media posts, website comments, and emails towards the jury and witnesses during the trial. Lloyd also placed or had others place stickers in predominantly Jewish areas of Pittsburgh, directing people to the website containing his threats and antisemitic messages,” DOJ said in a press release. “Lloyd is charged with obstruction of the due administration of justice, transmitting threats in interstate and foreign commerce, and witness tampering. He faces up to 10 years in prison for the obstruction charge, up to five years for the threats charge, and up to 20 in prison for the tampering charge. If convicted, a federal district court judge will determine any sentence after considering the US Sentencing Guidelines and other statutory factors.”

in a May 14 post on the Russian social media site VKontakte, Lloyd allegedly wrote: ‘Free Robert Bowers Now!! … We need to support anyone who kills jews’ [sic],” adding three days later, “Robert Bowers did Pgh a Favour. Any juror who finds him guilty is guilty of anti-White racism.”

Lloyd also warned local news outlets that scouts “would be watching the jurors” and “taking pictures of ALL cars and people who leave the courthouse.”

William J. Ihlenfeld, II the US attorney serving the Northern District of West Virginia, remarked that “jury trials are a hallmark of the American justice system and attempts to intimidate witnesses or jurors will be met with a strong response,” stressing that “the use of hateful threats in an effort to undermine a trial is especially troubling.”

Send him to jail and toss the key away.

Well, Bill, this is your opportunity to do your job. Prosecute the sonofabitch.

GlutenFreeJesus  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:27:33pm

re: #10 EPR-radar

The R J Fletcher School of Diplomacy

They would STILL blindly support him.

Semper Fi  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:36:42pm

re: #40 Charles Johnson

A lot of bases will need to be covered for this mass media spectacle.

I’m in favor of televising it, because we’re literally all the victims of the crimes Trump committed. Show the whole goddamned thing.

and if they do televise it I fully expect Trump to look straight at the camera and say, “I’m being prosecuted for you.”
This guy will try anything.

Teddy's Person  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:37:58pm

re: #44 gocart mozart

“These are the times that try men’s gastrointestinal systems”
~Thomas Paine

Vicious Babushka  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:40:48pm
jaunte  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:42:06pm

re: #61 Vicious Babushka


Belafon  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:43:32pm

re: #51 jaunte

The lesson here is, don’t do anything for the Proud Boys.

They learned from Trump.

silverdolphin  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:48:00pm

re: #43 Charles Johnson

I’ve been re-watching The Wire on Max, and it’s still a masterpiece. I get sad every time Lance Reddick appears, though.

One of the best shows ever. I got it all on CD and then streamed it last year. And I get goose bumps when I see one of the actors in something else. In fact, though, someone had to remind me that Littlefinger was in it. How could I forget?

jeffreyw  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:51:48pm

re: #39 darthstar

After a long day of wine tasting I’m finally on the couch with a cold glass of tequila… And my dogs.

[Embedded content]

It’s a tough job…

Semper Fi  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:52:34pm

re: #61 Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

May I ask, how long did it take to make those? Start to out-of-oven.

Vicious Babushka  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:54:11pm

re: #66 Semper Fi

May I ask, how long did it take to make those? Start to out-of-oven.

I made the dough at about 12:30 this afternoon and I am taking the last tray out of the oven in about 10 minutes.

wrenchwench  Aug 10, 2023 • 6:55:52pm

re: #61 Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

The bakery I used to work at made traditional loaves and sandwich loaves, which I quit getting when I found out that when you put in a request for one, they’d pull it out of the freezer at the facility where they made them. (I learned a lot the few days I worked at that location.)

Now I’ve found a couple stores being supplied by a bakery in Eugene. The smallest quantity is their Challah Hot Dog Buns. Better than what I used to get. Even less traditional, which was not my intention.

Ed. to add: where I worked never froze the traditional loaves.

Semper Fi  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:01:14pm

re: #67 Vicious Babushka

I made the dough at about 12:30 this afternoon and I am taking the last tray out of the oven in about 10 minutes.

That’s a long day and with having done this many, many times you’ve got it fine tuned and much as possible.
They simply look beautiful/professional like the best bakery in town.

Charles Johnson  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:04:29pm

re: #61 Vicious Babushka


wrenchwench  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:06:16pm

re: #69 Semper Fi

That’s a long day and with having done this many, many times you’ve got it fine tuned and much as possible.
They simply look beautiful/professional like better than the best bakery in town the state.


austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:09:19pm

re: #68 wrenchwench

The bakery I used to work at made traditional loaves and sandwich loaves, which I quit getting when I found out that when you put in a request for one, they’d pull it out of the freezer at the facility where they made them. (I learned a lot the few days I worked at that location.)

Now I’ve found a couple stores being supplied by a bakery in Eugene. The smallest quantity is their Challah Hot Dog Buns. Better than what I used to get. Even less traditional, which was not my intention.

Isn’t Challah too sweet for a Hot Dog bun?

Enquiring minds, &c.

Vicious Babushka  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:09:31pm

re: #68 wrenchwench

The bakery I used to work at made traditional loaves and sandwich loaves, which I quit getting when I found out that when you put in a request for one, they’d pull it out of the freezer at the facility where they made them. (I learned a lot the few days I worked at that location.)

Now I’ve found a couple stores being supplied by a bakery in Eugene. The smallest quantity is their Challah Hot Dog Buns. Better than what I used to get. Even less traditional, which was not my intention.

Ed. to add: where I worked never froze the traditional loaves.

I freeze all the loaves I bake. I double wrap them to put in the freezer and then put them in the oven for about 15 minutes before Sabbath. Today I made enough challah for 8 weeks, but Rosh Hashanah is coming up and I have a special recipe that I only make for the holiday.

wrenchwench  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:11:37pm

re: #72 austin_blue

Isn’t Challah too sweet for a Hot Dog bun?

Enquiring minds, &c.

It’s been a few years since I’ve had a hot dog, I have no idea.

Vicious Babushka  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:15:23pm



austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:18:19pm

re: #74 wrenchwench

It’s been a few years since I’ve had a hot dog, I have no idea.

Understood! It was a broader ask.

In addition I want to know what VB puts in her High Holidays Challah.

Chonklut chips? Sultanas? A bit more honey?

BigPapa  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:24:39pm

I made garlic bread from fresh challah before. I won’t do it again. I ate the whole thing. It’s like crack-caine-oin in da mout.

GlutenFreeJesus  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:25:17pm

re: #72 austin_blue

Perfect for French toast.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:29:13pm

re: #75 Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

That is a sudden rush of shit to the brain by the game maker.

Anything that Nick Fuentes supports should be labelled as Fascist Propaganda, because Nicky, Nicky, Nick Nick Nick is a Fascist Propagandist (with apologies to the Firesign Theater).

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:30:31pm

re: #78 GlutenFreeJesus

Perfect for French toast.

Oh, yeah, Preach!

I Would Prefer Not To  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:33:29pm

re: #78 GlutenFreeJesus

Perfect for French toast.

It has to be stale challah.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:34:27pm

Spain has been much the better team, bit it’s still 0-0 and the Dutch should have been awarded a PK for a blatant foul in the Box. Fifteen minutes left in regulation.

Vicious Babushka  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:35:49pm

re: #76 austin_blue

Understood! It was a broader ask.

In addition I want to know what VB puts in her High Holidays Challah.

Chonklut chips? Sultanas? A bit more honey?

I normally bake challah using flour, water, yeast, sugar, eggs, and oil. Top with sesame seed.

For the holidays I substitute honey for the sugar and dissolve some strands of saffron in the water. It gives the loaves a beautiful golden color.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:37:09pm

re: #81 I Would Prefer Not To

It has to be stale challah.

Please, “Day Old”.

A seasoned citizen of a loaf of Challah.

An Elder Loaf.

Challah is never stale.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:39:18pm

re: #83 Vicious Babushka

I normally bake challah using flour, water, yeast, sugar, eggs, and oil. Top with sesame seed.

For the holidays I substitute honey for the sugar and dissolve some strands of saffron in the water. It gives the loaves a beautiful golden color.

That sounds delicious!

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:41:30pm

And at 80 minutes, Spain is awarded a PK and…


Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:44:07pm

re: #83 Vicious Babushka

I normally bake challah using flour, water, yeast, sugar, eggs, and oil. Top with sesame seed.

For the holidays I substitute honey for the sugar and dissolve some strands of saffron in the water. It gives the loaves a beautiful golden color.


DodgerFan1988  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:50:00pm
austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:53:08pm

The Dutch have tied it up in injury time. Nine minutes left (probably ten).

Nerdy Fish  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:54:49pm

re: #89 austin_blue

The Dutch have tied it up in injury time. Nine minutes left (probably ten).

Squeaky bum time!

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 7:56:02pm

re: #90 Nerdy Fish

Squeaky bum time!

It’s exciting!

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:03:26pm

re: #91 austin_blue

It’s exciting!

Gah! It’s going to extra time, innit? Where no-one wants to make a mistake and PKs are almost guaranteed.

I hate PKs with the heat of a thousand suns.

Yup, thirty minutes of abject boredom.

No Malarkey!  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:06:07pm

re: #10 EPR-radar

It would be helpful for the country if we get video of a full-on screaming meltdown from Trump as part of his comeuppance. For rubbing Trumpists’ noses in the filth they supported, of course.

That is pretty much every Trump rally.

Ace Rothstein  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:08:07pm


Vicious Babushka  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:09:05pm

re: #10 EPR-radar

It would be helpful for the country if we get video of a full-on screaming meltdown from Trump as part of his comeuppance. For rubbing Trumpists’ noses in the filth they supported, of course.

I would like to see a video of a Trump screaming fit with funny German subtitles, like the Downfall meme but in reverse.

Or you could take a video of a Trump screaming fit, dub in the dialog from Downfall, and make up funny captions.

GlutenFreeJesus  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:09:21pm

re: #81 I Would Prefer Not To

It has to be stale challah.


Sherlock Hound  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:11:25pm

re: #44 gocart mozart

I like this photo, even though I would have preferred the Globe Corner Bookstore that was there in my time

My town is Boston writ small. Our discourse on historic development can be EXTREMELY toxic, so this is personally touchy for me.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:15:07pm

re: #94 Ace Rothstein


When The Wire was on the air, girls in Baltimore were heard to say “My boy is Avon fine, but he’s not Stringer Bell fine.”

Targetpractice  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:15:54pm

re: #94 Ace Rothstein


No Malarkey!  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:16:20pm

re: #49 Joe Bacon ✅


The Proud Boys STIFFED a Research Firm?????

Who do they think they are????

Research Firm Says Proud Boys Legal Team Stiffed Them $30,000

A seditious conspiracy trial for members of the Proud Boys is over. But a legal loose end from the case is threatening to send the Proud Boys’ lawyers back to court—this time to defend themselves in a civil spat.

After members of the Proud Boys played a lead role in the Jan. 6 Capitol attack, their defense attorneys unsuccessfully tried to move their cases out of D.C., arguing that the Proud Boys could not receive a fair trial in the left-leaning city. To aid their argument, an attorney for one of the Proud Boys commissioned a study on potential D.C. jurors’ attitudes toward the far-right group. The report cost $30,000.

But despite the document appearing in the Proud Boys’ court cases, its author says she still hasn’t been paid. She’s suing a group of attorneys for alleged copyright violations, claiming they all used her work without paying. Many of those lawyers, in turn, say they never agreed to pay for the report, and that a lone colleague is responsible for the latest legal hangover from the Jan. 6 attack.

At the center of the lawsuit (first reported by Law360) is John Daniel Hull, an attorney representing Proud Boys member Joe Biggs. Hull, a defendant in the suit, says he commissioned the report from the firm In Lux Research, and its owner Lindsay Olsen. He acknowledges that she’s owed $30,000, and that he’s paid her $1,500.

The rest of the money is a matter of ongoing dispute.

“I will commit to my portion of it, sure,” Hull told The Daily Beast.

Hull claims some of the lawyers defending Proud Boys agreed “had agreed to pay $6,000 a piece toward the price of the In Lux study.”

Some of Hull’s co-defendants, contacted by The Daily Beast, say they made no such agreement.

Proving once again that if you are going to work for a gang of fascists, you better get paid up front.

Vicious Babushka  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:17:34pm

re: #100 No Malarkey!

Proving once again that if you are going to work for a gang of fascists, you better get paid up front.

If you work for a gang of fascists, that makes YOU a fucking fascist.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:23:08pm

re: #101 Vicious Babushka

If you work for a gang of fascists, that makes YOU a fucking fascist.

Well, it certainly makes you fascist adjacent, but let’s face it, even Jeffrey Dahmer deserved legal council.

It’s the law.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:28:43pm

Halfway through extra time. The Spanish have a 21 to 7 shot advantage, and they have outplayed the Dutch overall.

This is going to PKs, in my opinion. I would love to be wrong.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:31:01pm

And the Dutch almost score on a break. Everyone is leaving it on the pitch.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:33:20pm

Spain score on the break! 2-1.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:37:40pm

I expected this last fifteen minutes to be a lockdown defensive bore, but they have opened it up with mostly end-to-end action.


Captain Ron  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:38:16pm
Jay C  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:46:36pm

re: #107 Captain Ron

Read a piece at LGM about the destruction of Lahaina:

Horrific: basically a wind-driven wall of fire just blasted down out of the hills and incinerated the whole town. That casualty list is virtually certain to go up.

austin_blue  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:48:36pm

Two minutes of extra time in extra time.

And, game over, Spain are through and no PKs.

This makes me happy.

I’m off for three hours of sleep and then up to watch the Japan v Sweden match.

Targetpractice  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:49:48pm

re: #88 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]

tl;dr: Pravda-U is trying to to get their foot in the door of the NH education system by exploiting a program intended to bypass a lot of bureaucratic busywork of getting new material approved for the academic curriculum to offer the sort of 15 minute “training” course that everybody who’s started a new job in the last two decades would be familiar with, where you sit through the video(s) and then answer some questions at the end just to prove you paid enough attention to catch the gist of what was being “taught.”

Captain Ron  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:50:53pm

“Mighty Russia, propped up by Iran and North Korea. How humiliating.”

Targetpractice  Aug 10, 2023 • 8:56:55pm

re: #111 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

Russia’s being propped up by NK and Iran, meanwhile the Beltway press are screaming to anybody who will listen that Biden’s endangering our national defense by shipping off obsolete munitions and refurbished relics to Ukraine faster than we can buy new stock from the MIC.

Targetpractice  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:07:35pm


When they think the voters can’t do jackshit to them, then it’s “My way or the highway.” When the voters stomp them in the dick by double digits and indicate they’ll do it again in less than six months, suddenly it’s “Can’t we compromise?”

silverdolphin  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:11:26pm

re: #108 Jay C

Read a piece at LGM about the destruction of Lahaina:

Horrific: basically a wind-driven wall of fire just blasted down out of the hills and incinerated the whole town. That casualty list is virtually certain to go up.

This is already the 2nd deadliest wildfire in the last 100 years. And the only one of the five most deadly to not be in California. Likely because of the destruction of forests to grow sugar cane then the fields being left fallow when the sugar factories closed. So lots of grassland on the dry side of the island. Lahainia gets 10 inches of rain a year. Add 70-80 mile gusts from a hurricane and bam!!

Patricia Kayden  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:12:51pm

silverdolphin  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:14:27pm

re: #113 Targetpractice


[Embedded content]

When they think the voters can’t do jackshit to them, then it’s “My way or the highway.” When the voters stomp them in the dick by double digits and indicate they’ll do it again in less than six months, suddenly it’s “Can’t we compromise?”

Unconditional surrender. That is the only thikng we will accept.

wrenchwench  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:16:47pm


Today’s class is 2nd of 3 on Louis Armstrong.

darthstar  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:19:31pm

I hate these fucking things…

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:20:39pm

Anytime on iOS know if there is a setting to stop auto reload? That DeWine article reloaded every 15 seconds and kept failing due to too many redirect attempts.

I hate auto reload. It makes reading anything suck.

Targetpractice  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:21:36pm

re: #116 silverdolphin

Unconditional surrender. That is the only thikng we will accept.

To the GQP, “compromise” means “I get 99.95% of what I want and then bitch and moan until you give up the remaining .05% at a later date.”

wrenchwench  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:24:25pm

Here is a Bluesky invite code. It will work once.


BigPapa  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:27:57pm

Map of Lahaina from WSJ showing lost structures. This is hard to fathom.

silverdolphin  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:29:02pm

re: #120 Targetpractice

To the GQP, “compromise” means “I get 99.95% of what I want and then bitch and moan until you give up the remaining .05% at a later date.”

We need to go Conan on their asses.

Conan The Barbarian: What is best in life…?

“to crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women.”

silverdolphin  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:35:44pm

re: #122 BigPapa

Map of Lahaina from WSJ showing lost structures. This is hard to fathom.

[Embedded content]

We were on Kauai when Hurrican Iniki destroyed the island. It looked like the hand of God just reached out and swept across the land.

This is really the first thing I have seen since that gave me that same feeling. Iniki was the largest natural disaster the Islands had ever seen - about $6 billion. Ths fire is already being estimated to have cost $8-10 billion in damages.

And Iniki killed 6. I will not be surprised to see close to 100 from the fire.

Belafon  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:43:30pm

re: #118 darthstar

I hate these fucking things…

[Embedded content]

If you stare at it for about 15 seconds you can start making it change at will.

Captain Ron  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:43:48pm
Belafon  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:50:15pm

We got my son in his room at the University of Oklahoma earlier today, and got back home an hour ago. This is a big change for him and he’s definitely more nervous than his brothers were to go off to college. He’s got freshman camp for the next few days before classes start on the 21st. There’s a whole bunch of new things for him, including making new friends, which he really hasn’t had to do since elementary school.

silverdolphin  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:50:28pm

re: #126 Captain Ron

Banyan Tree in Lahaina smoldering at the base, but still standing. Just about the only thing left, other than the Lighthouse.

Not a single leaf left. And I expect these trees did not evolve to be fire resistant. I expect a lot of work to see if it can be revived.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 10, 2023 • 9:57:24pm
Targetpractice  Aug 10, 2023 • 10:07:38pm


I get back to work after a week of recovering from surgery just to have one of the first people I deal with be a woman who’s having some sort of feud with Booking that she’s trying to get me involved in by swearing up and down that “we” (read: me, myself, and I) need to “fix” whatever they did by giving her a room for three nights for free. Bonus points for her husband getting involved with the “How would you feel?” emotional appeal after his wife just spent the better part of 10 minutes screaming in my face. Oh, and demanding to speak to a manager because they don’t want to hear me explain yet again why Booking canceling their reservation and refunding their money cannot be reversed and we don’t have “their” room anymore.

Captain Ron  Aug 10, 2023 • 10:08:37pm
Belafon  Aug 10, 2023 • 10:23:09pm
Belafon  Aug 10, 2023 • 10:33:42pm
Targetpractice  Aug 10, 2023 • 10:51:25pm

re: #131 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

Or call each other nicknames that your parents didn’t approve of:

BigPapa  Aug 10, 2023 • 11:08:20pm

re: #134 Targetpractice

Pudgy can go fuck himself.

goddamnedfrank  Aug 10, 2023 • 11:12:20pm

re: #134 Targetpractice

BigPapa  Aug 10, 2023 • 11:15:11pm

So a coworker on Maui lost his home. I think he was renting. But still. Text works, not cell, so we cannot call him.

Targetpractice  Aug 10, 2023 • 11:33:11pm

re: #136 goddamnedfrank

[Embedded content]

Yet we know that these forms aren’t to stop kids from acting like kids, it’s yet another way to alert uber-conservative parents that Steve wants to be called “Stefanie” at school.

Dr Lizardo  Aug 10, 2023 • 11:47:21pm

re: #108 Jay C

Read a piece at LGM about the destruction of Lahaina:

Horrific: basically a wind-driven wall of fire just blasted down out of the hills and incinerated the whole town. That casualty list is virtually certain to go up.

Sounds like a firestorm. People wouldn’t have had any time to escape.

ericblair  Aug 10, 2023 • 11:54:57pm

Amazing how long some of these pastors took to realize that their congregants are bad people, and pandering to bad people makes them worse, and if it’s a contest between Jesus and their hate and greed then Jesus can just fuck right off.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:26:34am

So from now on it’s Ronald DeSantis and Rafael Cruz.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:27:58am

re: #140 ericblair

[Embedded content]

Amazing how long some of these pastors took to realize that their congregants are bad people, and pandering to bad people makes them worse, and if it’s a contest between Jesus and their hate and greed then Jesus can just fuck right off.

Ans any Two Corinthians if Trump has ever seen the inside of a church, much less if he ever paid attention to what was going on there.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:28:35am

Summer is back, I can go swimming again. Off to the pool before it gets to krauted.

Targetpractice  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:29:20am

re: #140 ericblair

[Embedded content]

Amazing how long some of these pastors took to realize that their congregants are bad people, and pandering to bad people makes them worse, and if it’s a contest between Jesus and their hate and greed then Jesus can just fuck right off.

Dr. Frankenstein is scared of the monster he created and is afraid of what it will do.

Dr Lizardo  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:37:17am

re: #144 Targetpractice

Dr. Frankenstein is scared of the monster he created and is afraid of what it will do.

Yep…they’ve created a monster that’s now out of their control.

Odie Hugh Manatee  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:05:48am

re: #20 jaunte

At first glance I see “CORNFED RAT”…lol!

Targetpractice  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:29:23am

Wish there was some way that medical science could have prepared me for going through the foreseeable future feeling like somebody jammed a hockey puck into my armpit.

austin_blue  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:32:54am

Dang. Sweden 2, Japan 1, in a game that should be going to extra time, Japan missing a free kick that went off the bottom of the bar, then off the *back* of the keeper, and still stayed out.

Hard, hard loss.

So, Spain v Sweden in one Semi, and the other TBD later today/tomorrow.

So fun to watch!

And back to bed I go.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:59:27am

In rebutting hardcore religious anti-abortionists I often point out to them, to make the point that a zygote is just a cell, that we can now grow animals from skin cells.

And even program those cells to go through meiosis and thus make haploid cells that can be merge (i.e. “fertilized”.)

Finally PBS Terra made a video that points this out, and I plan on embedding it in my rebuttals:

How to Turn Skin Cells Into a Baby


Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:12:02am
Shropshire Slasher  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:22:45am

It is even more exciting because you really might die!

Carowinds amusement park reopened a ride that was closed in late June after a visitor discovered a crack on the roller coaster’s support beam.

A spokesperson for Carowinds told Fox News Digital the Fury 325 giga roller coaster reopened on Thursday following a final inspection by the North Carolina Department of Labor.

“Carowinds today announced that Fury 325 has reopened following the completion of the repair and testing process, and a final inspection by the North Carolina Department of Labor’s Elevator and Amusement Device Bureau (the Bureau). The return to operation marks the end of a comprehensive plan dedicated to ensuring the safety and operational readiness of the coaster,” reads the statement.

Nerdy Fish  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:11:40am

Pardle for a rainy Friday.

Wordle 783 4/6


Shropshire Slasher  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:13:56am
The Perseid meteor shower will peak this weekend as Earth makes a yearly dive through debris left behind by a Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle.

The peak activity of the Perseid meteor shower will occur around 04:00 EDT (0800 GMT) on Sunday. Aug. 13.

The Perseids are a yearly highlight for meteor hunters who, in the right conditions, could see as many as 100 fireballs and light trails per hour from the meteor shower, according to the Royal Museums Greenwich, with even more potentially visible at the shower’s peak.

Targetpractice  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:35:28am

re: #149 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

In rebutting hardcore religious anti-abortionists I often point out to them, to make the point that a zygote is just a cell, that we can now grow animals from skin cells.

And even program those cells to go through meiosis and thus make haploid cells that can be merge (i.e. “fertilized”.)

Finally PBS Terra made a video that points this out, and I plan on embedding it in my rebuttals:

[Embedded content]


One of those little cruelties that bigots like to use to make their dicks feel bigger when hating on gay couples is that they “can’t have a baby ‘naturally,’” the definition of “naturally” kept fluid enough that they can claim things like IVF and surrogacy are “natural” by saying that the DNA of the children belongs to the male and female member of the “natural” couple. So the day that medical science announces that it’s possible to use a safe and repeatable process to produce viable children for gay couples utilizing DNA from both parents will be to the “culture war” what the atom bomb was to regular warfare.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:39:54am

Litvinovsky is much too ignored by the music industry:

Pelléas et Mélisande: X. Les ombres dans le jardin


Backwoods Sleuth  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:46:19am
Thanos  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:51:09am

re: #43 Charles Johnson

I’ve been re-watching The Wire on Max, and it’s still a masterpiece. I get sad every time Lance Reddick appears, though.

I just did my 3rd re watch a couple of weeks back, it’s always fresh and relevant. When we went to see the Nationals and the Orioles, we also went to several of the areas they filmed at in Baltimore.

Right now we are watching “Joe Pickett” on Paramount, and find it pretty entertaining now that we’ve gotten past the slow start.

GlutenFreeJesus  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:56:38am

re: #133 Belafon

Oops. We fucked up and someone’s recording us. Let’s send the female cops to talk to the father. 🙄🙄🙄

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:59:43am

re: #133 Belafon

Kid should be glad he’s alive and unharmed…

Dr. Matt  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:03:33am

re: #133 Belafon

WTH. Taking out trash while Black. Ffs.

William Lewis  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:03:55am

Was never a Kodachrome shooter because I didn’t care for slides. Sat through too many poorly curated shows I suppose. But the colors were glorious and are missed…

Paul Simon - Kodachrome (Official Audio)

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:05:01am

re: #161 William Lewis

That was one of my first albums when I got my first stereo for Christmas of 1972…

Patricia Kayden  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:12:42am

re: #50 darthstar

I don’t. I hope she gets soaked. That’s what you get for doing “research” for Neo Nazis.

Florida Panhandler  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:25:16am

re: #134 Targetpractice

Or call each other nicknames that your parents didn’t approve of:

[Embedded content]

Let me guess… DeSantis earned the name “total dickhead” in high school and wants to simply get back at all those “lefties.”

gocart mozart  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:28:52am

re: #156 Backwoods Sleuth

If you listen carefully, it’s clear he said “I’m glad WE didn’t hang you.”

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:30:58am

re: #165 gocart mozart

If you listen carefully, it’s clear he said “I’m glad WE didn’t hang you.”

“Only because WE would have gotten into big trouble for it.”

Dave In Austin  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:31:46am

re: #164 Florida Panhandler

Let me guess… DeSantis earned the name “total dickhead” in high school and wants to simply get back at all those “lefties.”

I’d put him at the 5th level on the HS pecking order. Somewhere between the bad smelling pocket protector and a sidewalk biker you alway saw hanging around school, but never “IN” school. You know the ones.
I need to qualify here in the fact that I ranged somewhere in the 3’s.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:34:55am

re: #167 Dave In Austin

I’d put him at the 5th level on the HS pecking order. Somewhere between the bad smelling pocket protector and a sidewalk biker you alway saw hanging around school, but never “IN” school. You know the ones.
I need to qualify here in the fact that I ranged somewhere in the 3’s.

We existed outside the pecking order, I hung out with all the other outcasts and miscreants, some from other high schools, several of whom later came out after HS. But I just found them interesting people who talked about things other than ball sports, muscle cars and large-breasted bleach-blonde cheerladers, which is part of what made us outcasts in the first place.

Barefoot Grin  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:42:07am

Having an icy cold Orion in 90% humidity Naha, Okinawa. Haven’t really slept in 28 hours, I know I’ll sleep well tonight.

Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:43:47am
William Lewis  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:45:33am

NPR has some photos of the devastation on Maui.

More at this link: Photos: ‘Whole town went and dissolved into ashes,’ Hawaii lieutenant governor says

The death toll is now at 55 officially and expected to climb further.

lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:46:53am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:47:24am

re: #171 William Lewis

Westboro Baptist has already gone there

Eventual Carrion  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:52:58am

4/6 Wordle thing

Wordle 783 4/6


One bad guess on Connections

Puzzle #61

Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:03:40am

re: #140 ericblair

An article in the repiles on identifying the antichrist:

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:08:02am

re: #174 Eventual Carrion

4/6 Wordle thing

[Embedded content]

4/6 Wordle thing.

Wordle 783 4/6*


Current streak: 25
Max streak: 25

Dr Lizardo  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:08:05am

re: #167 Dave In Austin

re: #168 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Back in high school, I used to hang out with the punk/alt rock crowd (this was the mid-to-late 1980s). I could easily move between HS cliques with minimal difficulty, including the stoners and the jocks.

When I was around 16, Vicki and Beth both realized I’d actually read the books we were assigned and could answer the quiz and test questions. Word of this apparently prodigious feat of intellectual acumen quickly spread to the cheerleader crowd, LOL.

I became quite popular virtually overnight. 😄

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:11:09am

re: #175 Belafon

An article in the repiles on identifying the antichrist:

But the Antichrist was already President.


Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:15:36am
Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:16:53am
Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:17:17am

re: #179 Belafon

It’s NOT that the CCCP doesn’t seem to get it.

The CCCP is hell bent on putting Trump back in the White House.

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:23:58am

Guess that what happens when you make an unqualified asshole who belongs to the Fascist Federalist Society a judge.


Inside One ‘Egregious’ Mistake From Trump’s Florida Judge Aileen Cannon

From The Daily Beast

Judge Aileen Cannon barely has any courtroom experience, but in her limited time on the bench she appears to have flouted hundreds of years of legal tradition—just because.

U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon, whose pro-Trump bias and head-turning errors have raised questions about whether she should be overseeing former President Donald Trump’s criminal trial in Florida, made what appears to be another surprising mistake last year.

Now, a defense lawyer is seizing on her misstep to try freeing his client from prison—even though he was caught on tape violently throwing a courtroom chair at a prosecutor and threatening to kill him.

The blunder was simple and entirely avoidable. The federal judge told jurors they could find the man, Christopher Wilkins, “guilty or not guilty.” But then she handed jurors a verdict form that didn’t even have those options.

“How far does somebody have to go to school to say that a verdict form is supposed to say guilty and not guilty?” asked defense lawyer Jeffrey Garland. “That would be one of the more egregious versions of jury instruction error… it’s such a rare error.”

Garland formally filed an appeal on Thursday and hopes to overturn a case that’s as black-and-white as they come—on a technicality.

“This is the judge’s deal. This is nobody else’s deal. I’m gonna tell ya, I’ve done a lot of appeals, and I’ve got a pretty good winning record. This is a great issue,” he said. “For a guy who’s on tape throwing a chair in court, it’s pretty ‘not good’ behavior. It would have been simple. You have a trial, properly instruct a jury, give them a form, and the jury’s gonna do what the jury’s gonna do.”

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:24:58am
Targetpractice  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:30:01am

re: #179 Belafon

[Embedded content]

And much like when Obama ran for reelection, the Beltway is bound and determined to convince any remaining fencesitters out there that Biden can’t possibly win reelection because of how “unpopular” he is.

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:33:28am

Meanwhile in Michigan—Golly Gosh what did the husband of one of those fake electors say and it’s on tape?????

Leaked recording reveals Michigan Trump ally ranting about ‘civil war’ after fake elector wife is indicted

Michigan State Rep. Matt Maddock, the husband of one of the 16 fake electors in that state who were indicted on multiple felonies last month, is warning that MAGA loyalists could escalate their violence to the level of war in an audio recording reported by The Messenger on Friday.

When Michigan State Rep. Matt Maddock took the stage at an Oakland County fundraising pool party in early August - a recording of which was obtained exclusively by The Messenger - he had a clear message he wanted to convey: If the government keeps coming after conservatives, someone is going to get shot or a civil war is going to begin.

Matt Maddock - whose wife, Meshawn Maddock, is a former co-chair of the Michigan Republican Party and one of the 16 fake electors who state attorney general Dana Nessel criminally charged in July - painted a bleak picture of how some conservatives plan to respond to the charges.

“If the government continues to weaponize these departments against conservatives and the citizens that are then the taxpayers, you know what’s going to happen to this country,” Matt Maddock asks, according to the audio obtained by The Messenger. After attendees at the event shout possibilities, Maddock answers his own question: “Someone’s going to get so pissed off, they’re going to shoot someone. That’s what’s going to happen. Or we’re going have a civil war or some sort of revolution. That’s where this is, where this is going.”

If that happens, it’s conservatives - like the people at the pool party - who are “going to get squashed,” he added.

The comments, which Matt Maddock made days after former President Donald Trump was indicted by the Department of Justice for his actions around the January 6 insurrection at the United States Capitol, came at what was billed as a “Free The 16 Electors Poolside Party!” at the Maddock’s home, hosted by Grand New Party PAC, an organization that is “working to renew the Republican Party from within.”

At the same event, state Rep. James DeSana, who represents a portion of southeast Michigan south of Detroit, said his goal is to “get a resolution up to impeach Dana Nessel,” highlighting just how much of a target the state’s attorney general has become.

jeffreyw  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:37:04am

roasted squash soup

Good morning!

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:37:14am

Conservative dating app”the right stuff”

Be forewarned and have the eye bleach ready


Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:41:42am

re: #187 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

Three words.

Pee. Pee. Pump.

Targetpractice  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:45:38am

re: #187 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

Conservative dating app”the right stuff”

Be forewarned and have the eye bleach ready

[Embedded content]

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:48:56am



Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:51:47am

Busta Rhymes is on ABC this morning, as they keep honoring 50 years of hip-hop.

Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:55:00am
Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:56:30am
lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 6:59:13am

re: #193 Belafon

McCarthy is in the #FAFO mode on so many fronts he can’t keep track of which way he’s supposed to go on anything.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:02:30am

re: #179 Belafon

In latest polling Biden favorable rating among Dems is at 87% to 11%. He is far more popular among Dems today than Obama was in 2011 and most of 2012. Many in news media don’t seem to get this.

The Dems know that if they express an opinion against Biden, he will have the DOJ come search their houses or have the FBI come and assassinate them.

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:03:28am

re: #195 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

The Dems know that if they express an opinion against Biden, he will have the DOJ come search their houses or have the FBI come and assassinate them.

And the 5th Circuit will turn around and issue an order to stop that…until Trump gets back in…

lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:03:39am

#FAFO - Trump docket update:

[This tweet may have been deleted.]

Of course those lawyers showed up in court after claiming that they couldn’t. They knew better. Trump’s own conduct was such that he was all over the Sunday shows, which is more evidence that Trump has the time to do all of the things he’s required to do to expedite the trial. Doing pressers isn’t going to stop his trial.

Doing pressers where he releases documents and information he shouldn’t should land him in hot water with the judge (and would ordinarily result in jail pending trial for such blatant violations, coupled with the fact that any other US citizen would be in jail pending trial on espionage and mishandling classified info as Trump did repeatedly).

A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:04:49am

I can’t stop thinking of Lahaina, but here’s a bunch of fish.

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:07:02am

re: #197 lawhawk

#FAFO - Trump docket update:

[This tweet may have been deleted.]

Of course those lawyers showed up in court after claiming that they couldn’t. They knew better. Trump’s own conduct was such that he was all over the Sunday shows, which is more evidence that Trump has the time to do all of the things he’s required to do to expedite the trial. Doing pressers isn’t going to stop his trial.

Doing pressers where he releases documents and information he shouldn’t should land him in hot water with the judge (and would ordinarily result in jail pending trial for such blatant violations, coupled with the fact that any other US citizen would be in jail pending trial on espionage and mishandling classified info as Trump did repeatedly).

Turns out that Judge Chutkan was initially unavailable today, but then made herself available.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:07:50am

re: #193 Belafon

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy may need Democratic support to pass appropriations bills, facing opposition from far-right House Republicans. These Republicans are complicating the appropriations process with riders that ignite cultural wars. Rep. Dave Joyce (R-OH) suggests that cooperation with Democrats might be inevitable.

Cooperation used to be entirely common

Now it is seen as treason

Nerdy Fish  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:08:35am

re: #199 No Malarkey!

Turns out that Judge Chutkan was initially unavailable today, but then made herself available.

[Embedded content]

Note to the former guy’s attorneys: When it’s important, you make time on your calendar.

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:08:55am

re: #180 Belafon

[Embedded content]

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:10:38am

re: #200 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Cooperation used to be entirely common

Now it is seen as treason

We shall see if McCarthy can find a way to not shut down the government without triggering the treason caucus to file a motion to vacate the chair.

darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:11:34am

re: #197 lawhawk

#FAFO - Trump docket update:

[This tweet may have been deleted.]

Of course those lawyers showed up in court after claiming that they couldn’t. They knew better. Trump’s own conduct was such that he was all over the Sunday shows, which is more evidence that Trump has the time to do all of the things he’s required to do to expedite the trial. Doing pressers isn’t going to stop his trial.

Doing pressers where he releases documents and information he shouldn’t should land him in hot water with the judge (and would ordinarily result in jail pending trial for such blatant violations, coupled with the fact that any other US citizen would be in jail pending trial on espionage and mishandling classified info as Trump did repeatedly).

I forgot that she set a 10am hearing time for today. That’s awesome. There will be several hours for her decision to be digested before the ‘Friday news dump’ time when people move on to their weekends.

And yes, if you have time to visit several TV studios, you have time to sit with your army of legal aids on drafting an argument. Granted, the billable hours aren’t as exciting, but they are hired for a reason, and TV ain’t it.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:12:28am

re: #204 darthstar

And yes, if you have time to visit several TV studios, you have time to sit with your army of legal aids on drafting an argument. Granted, the billable hours aren’t as exciting, but they are hired for a reason, and TV ain’t it.

As if they expect to see those billable hours paid…

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:14:04am

Ah Joe flips out over Pulpit Pimp Moore

MSNBC 08 11 2023 07 48 09

darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:14:17am

re: #203 No Malarkey!

We shall see if McCarthy can find a way to not shut down the government without triggering the treason caucus to file a motion to vacate the chair.

Democrats could gain a bit of leverage on him by saying they’ll vote to keep him Speaker if he keeps the government from shutting down with them. Anyone can pull a puppet’s strings, after all.

lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:14:29am

re: #199 No Malarkey!

Was just about to post that -

Thanos  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:14:37am


Thanos  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:16:09am
lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:16:23am
No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:17:30am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:20:11am

re: #210 Thanos

The image is quite clear: DJT is using the Power of the Holy Apirit to drive away the Evils of Mormonism. And strike and strike and strike and strike. Chokolotay agnatataka molobodo itokamu! Strike and strike and strike!11ty

Nerdy Fish  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:20:14am

re: #212 No Malarkey!

[Embedded content]

It’s worth noting, a good judge should hold the government’s feet to the fire. Remember: Cops are bad. Prosecutors aren’t angels. While our interests and theirs align in this case, I’d rather they get there by doing things by the book, not by getting away with the kinds of shady shit they use on defendants in more dire straits.

The Ghost of a Flea  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:20:59am

The wild thing is that if you view John’s Apocalypse (rightly) as a long allegory, then Conservative American Christianity has just willingly walked into the adversary role: it’s an imperial religion, making excuses for the modern Rome, and it’s leaders are just more and more refined antichrists.

lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:21:17am

I’m not sure that’s totally persuasive, even though it’s accurate that Trump intends to try this case in public opinion, not before a jury where he’s going to be found guilty on the facts and evidence.

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:21:41am

Judge agrees with DOJ’s goal of bring case to trial in a timely manner!

darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:22:37am

re: #209 Thanos

Just scrolled through bsky for a bit and saw this (most of what I see is the 8 or so accounts I follow):

I noticed Trump emphasized the word ‘hit’ with double-quotes. He’s starting to plant verbs in the heads of his followers. That judge needs to get hit. That witness needs to get hit. Because they’re going after him, his followers need to go after them. Fucking mob boss talk.

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:23:43am

Of course they did.

MAGA Sides With Deceased Man Who Wanted To Assassinate Biden

MAGA has found another reason to tell the world that they are persecuted after a Utah man, Craig Robertson, was shot and killed during an FBI raid early Wednesday morning. After repeatedly threatening elected officials and the FBI, Robertson had been on the authorities’ radar for a few months.

So, Trump supporters are on Twitter whatabouting Robertson with comedian Kathy Griffin, among others. Somehow, MAGA thinks Griffin’s photo of herself holding a plastic image of Donald’s head with fake blood is the same as Robertson, who died in a shootout with the FBI after repeatedly posting death threats to officials prosecuting Donald Trump. I don’t remember Griffin posting death threats. She only posted an image in bad taste.

lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:25:50am

re: #218 darthstar

At the same time, he’s also starting to include weasel words in his talk about losing the election - that it was his opinion that election was stolen.

No, Trump knew the election was fair and he lost. He tried stealing it. He’s still projecting like IMAX.

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:27:56am
The Ghost of a Flea  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:28:21am

re: #219 Joe Bacon ✅

It’s just always the same thing: caste comes before morals.

Better kinds of people—them—are permitted to do things, and can be forgiven for things they’re not allowed to do.

They can excuse extremely causal murders of inferior kinds of people who are unarmed because the important step is not the what of the scenario, but the who.

darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:28:41am

re: #220 lawhawk

At the same time, he’s also starting to include weasel words in his talk about losing the election - that it was his opinion that election was stolen.

No, Trump knew the election was fair and he lost. He tried stealing it. He’s still projecting like IMAX.

They only have a few months to get the media to repeat those weasel words before juries get set, and you can’t convict someone for their opinion.

lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:29:20am

This hearing isn’t going to work out well for Trump.

darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:30:50am

re: #224 lawhawk

This hearing isn’t going to work out well for Trump.

[Embedded content]

That’s the money shot. “This is a criminal trial…”

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:31:39am

re: #222 The Ghost of a Flea

It’s just always the same thing: caste comes before morals.

Better kinds of people—them—are permitted to do things, and can be forgiven for things they’re not allowed to do.


“Morals is for them what can afford them!”
-Alfred Doolittle from Pygmalion

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:32:31am

re: #221 No Malarkey!

[Embedded content]

darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:33:46am
darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:34:52am

re: #227 No Malarkey!

“abide by the integrity of the process” - talk about giving wiggle room.

The Ghost of a Flea  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:35:21am

re: #222 The Ghost of a Flea

You can see this same thing in COVID denial.

When inferior kinds of people die, that’s inevitable; it bears no notice.

When one of their own dies, often while taking the disease unseriously, the wrongness of the death must not just be acknowledged, but a way must be found to make the person a victim. Specifically a victim of their inferiors

(not their superiors who told them to not take things seriously)

who have in some way set the world topsy-turvy and thus created the suffering of the elect.

darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:35:59am

Trump may get thrown a very small bone today…


darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:37:53am
darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:38:16am
darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:41:34am
Vicious Babushka  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:43:13am


Wordle 783 3/6


darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:44:10am
darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:46:56am
No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:47:47am

re: #234 darthstar

[Embedded content]

I expect she will be scrutinizing upcoming Truth Social posts and Trump rally speeches in the very near future.

darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:48:17am

re: #237 darthstar

You can’t ask us to have every person we share this information with sign a statement! How can we leak it to the media?

darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:48:45am

re: #238 No Malarkey!

I expect she will be scrutinizing upcoming Truth Social posts and Trump rally speeches in the very near future.

I suspect Jack Smith has a small team of people already doing that.

mmmirele  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:48:55am

re: #134 Targetpractice

Or call each other nicknames that your parents didn’t approve of:

[Embedded content]

So all those boys who went by “Buddy,” “Junior,” “Bubba” and even more normal nicknames like “Rick,” “Joe,” “Mike”, “Jeff” etc. etc. have to get their parents’ permission? Same with girls: “Suze,” “Tam,” “Vicki”, “Lori”. (I’m not even going to get into the name I used in high school, but it was not my legal name.) Seriously? SERIOUSLY? *waves hands* I hate this timeline.

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:49:49am

re: #237 darthstar

[Embedded content]

It looks like the defense is conceding an early trial date!

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:49:50am

U.S. Rep. Greg Steube, Republican of Florida, says he will file an impeachment resolution Friday against President Joe Biden on numerous alleged charges, including “financial involvement in drugs and prostitution.”

Steube, first elected to Congress in 2018 after his Democratic opponent died of a heart attack just weeks before the election, has been targeting President Biden for years. The Florida Republican sits on Chairman Jim Jordan’s House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. He was endorsed by Donald Trump in 2022, and has endorsed the ex-president, who is currently under three criminal indictments, for re-election.

In early July, Rep. Steube accused President Biden of ” treason,” and said he hopes the next Republican President will ensure Biden stands trial for the capital offense. The Washington Post says about 30 people in the entire history of the U.S. have ever been charged with treason.

lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:52:16am

re: #241 mmmirele

This is so unworkable as to be laughable, and any attempt at regulation has to be reasonable and workable. It’s also a restriction on free speech/expression, and it isn’t narrowly tailored to further a legitimate government interest.

It’s about curbing individual expression with the hopes that it disproportionately hits LGBTQ+ persons.

darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:53:18am
lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 7:57:13am

Today’s the 50th anniversary of the birth of hip hop.

Take a tour of the famous landmarks around NYC that helped establish the art form.

The Birthplace of Hip-Hop - 1520 Sedgwick Avenue in the Bronx.
The Bronx Walk of Fame - the Grand Concourse in the Bronx.
Notorious B.I.G.’s childhood home (226 St. James Place in Brooklyn).
Beastie Boys Square - Ludow and Rivington St in Manhattan where the store was on their iconic Paul’s Boutique album.
East River Park Amphitheater, East River Promenade - Manhattan
205th Street and Hollis Avenue in Queens honoring Run DMC and Jam Master Jay
Targee Street and Vanderbilt Avenue in Staten Island that honors the WuTang Clan.

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:02:21am

Trump will test this very soon, to see what he can get away with, I expect. Then Judge Chutkan will have to decide what to do about it.

lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:03:19am
No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:04:35am

re: #248 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

We will see a story like this about Trump within weeks, if not days.

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:05:07am

Mississippi Supreme Court Won’t Dismiss Brett Favre From Welfare Scheme Lawsuit

Mississippi’s Supreme Court on Wednesday ruled that former NFL star Brett Favre won’t be removed from a civil lawsuit aiming to recover millions of dollars in allegedly misspent welfare cash. Lawyers for the Hall of Fame quarterback, who has not been criminally charged, had argued that “utterly meritless” legal arguments had been made to bring Favre into the civil case, but a panel of three justices denied his appeal to be removed. Prosecutors allege that millions of federal welfare dollars intended for some of the poorest people in Mississippi were wasted on projects backed by wealthy and well-connected people between 2016 and 2019. The money was allegedly partly squandered through $5 million to a volleyball arena at the university Favre attended—and where his daughter plays the sport—and $1.7 million to research for a concussion drug that Favre supported.

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:05:30am

re: #248 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

BigPapa  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:07:04am

The famous Running For President defense.

lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:07:40am
gocart mozart  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:07:45am
No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:08:26am

re: #253 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:08:42am

re: #252 BigPapa

The famous Running For President defense.

the famous “stripping me opf my 1A rights” defense

lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:08:49am

re: #253 lawhawk

As others will note, what gets labeled as sensitive is the key here, and the Judge is basically giving the prosecutors what they want.

🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:10:17am

re: #251 No Malarkey!

[Embedded content]

A bunch of other criminals should run for office as Republicans. Make Trump just one of many criminals trying to escape justice this way.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:10:30am

re: #257 lawhawk

As others will note, what gets labeled as sensitive is the key here, and the Judge is basically giving the prosecutors what they want.

[Embedded content]

And Trump’s yap is going to violate that order within a week.

🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:12:40am

re: #259 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

And Trump’s yap is going to violate that order within a week.

He’ll be sure it’s everyone else’s fault if he gets held in custody until his trial and sentencing.

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:13:36am

re: #259 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

And Trump’s yap is going to violate that order within a week.

Within a week?

Criswell Bacon’s Spidey Sense believes he will violate it TODAY!

🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:13:46am

Am I the only one getting bored by Trump and his lawyer’s antics? It’s always the same tired bullshit over and over again.

Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:15:11am

re: #208 lawhawk

Was just about to post that -

[Embedded content]

And then you did. :)

sizzzzlerz  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:17:31am

re: #258 🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈

A bunch of other criminals should run for office as Republicans. Make Trump just one of many criminals trying to escape justice this way.

Wait? You mean they aren’t already?

Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:19:11am

re: #221 No Malarkey!

[Embedded content]

It wouldn’t be a trap if you could control your client.

cat-tikvah  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:20:29am

re: #254 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:21:10am

re: #265 Belafon

It wouldn’t be a trap if you could control your client.

Like Karl Rove trying to warn the Tea Party that birtherism was a cleverly laid out “trap” by Obama.

And when Obama finally did release his birth certificate, the TP just doubled down and started claiming it was a forgery, going on about the layering in the .pdf…

A Cranky One  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:21:58am

Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:22:46am

re: #236 darthstar

[Embedded content]

“Yes, Your Honor, Bone Saw Guy is helping with the case.”

Vicious Babushka  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:24:46am

re: #241 mmmirele

So all those boys who went by “Buddy,” “Junior,” “Bubba” and even more normal nicknames like “Rick,” “Joe,” “Mike”, “Jeff” etc. etc. have to get their parents’ permission? Same with girls: “Suze,” “Tam,” “Vicki”, “Lori”. (I’m not even going to get into the name I used in high school, but it was not my legal name.) Seriously? SERIOUSLY? *waves hands* I hate this timeline.

Also, teenage girls like to experiment with the spelling of their name.

Dr Lizardo  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:26:21am

re: #270 Vicious Babushka

Also, teenage girls like to experiment with the spelling of their name.

“It’s Stefaneee - ya’ know, with three eee’s.”

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:27:59am

So Trump gets another wrist slap and is free to go on mindlessly ranting like a lunatic and making veiled threats?

Nerdy Fish  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:28:09am

re: #271 Dr Lizardo

“It’s Stefaneee - ya’ know, with three eee’s.”

I’m sure the legislature will come along and “clarify” that those simple nicknames don’t count, attempting to weasel-word away the intentionally vague language of their statute so as to explicitly exclude childish nicknames while forcing transgendered individuals to use their dead names.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:29:41am

re: #270 Vicious Babushka

Also, teenage girls like to experiment with the spelling of their name.

Will they need permission to use hearts above the i’s?

darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:29:49am

LOL, can we at least hang Mike Pence?


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:30:11am

re: #271 Dr Lizardo

“It’s Stefaneee - ya’ know, with three eee’s.”

“I’m appalled, with two P’s”

Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:30:44am

re: #241 mmmirele

So all those boys who went by “Buddy,” “Junior,” “Bubba” and even more normal nicknames like “Rick,” “Joe,” “Mike”, “Jeff” etc. etc. have to get their parents’ permission? Same with girls: “Suze,” “Tam,” “Vicki”, “Lori”. (I’m not even going to get into the name I used in high school, but it was not my legal name.) Seriously? SERIOUSLY? *waves hands* I hate this timeline.

Dear Principal Vunderspank,

John Michael Searcy has my permission to use the nickname “DeSuckist.” Not only that, everyone, including the teachers and administration, is required to use that nickname.


David Searcy

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:30:51am

Coup plotters saw Justice Thomas as their only hope to block Biden’s certification, because he was the Justice reviewing orders coming from Georgia.

Nerdy Fish  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:30:53am

re: #272 Eclectic Cyborg

So Trump gets another wrist slap and is free to go on mindlessly ranting like a lunatic?

Not quite. The judge agreed with the defense that a blanket protective order preventing discussing any and all information in this case was overbroad - and as a bit of a First Amendment liberal myself, I tend to agree. However, she agreed with the prosecution that everything they said was sensitive information was, in fact, sensitive information, and sent the defense home to rewrite the proposed protective order to explicitly spell out the stuff they wanted to be able to talk about in public.

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:44:56am

Wanky Hanky got a pass from the Big G!

Self-Proclaimed ‘Prophet’ Hank Kunneman Says Jesus Told Him Not to Apologize for His False 2020 Election Prophecies

Right-wing pastor Hank Kunneman has been one of the most obstinate of the self-proclaimed “prophets” who repeatedly guaranteed that former President Donald Trump would win reelection in 2020. In the years that President Joe Biden has been in office, Kunneman has petulantly refused to apologize for his false prophecies or even admit that Biden is president, instead promising that God will reward those who stand with him while attacking those who have dared to criticize him.

In the wake of the various false prophecies issued before the 2020 election, a group of pastors, scholars, and theologians issued a set of “prophetic standards” that asked those who had issued such prophecies to “be willing to take full responsibility [by] demonstrating genuine contrition before God and people.”

Predictably, Kunneman has steadfastly refused to do so, insisting over and over that he is a legitimate prophet and that his prophecies regarding the election were correct and accurate.

On Wednesday night, Kunneman held a midweek service that was dedicated almost entirely to touting his prophetic credentials and asserting that Jesus had told him not to apologize for his false election prophecies.

After once again promoting the Big Lie that the 2020 election had been stolen from Trump, Kunneman declared that he had no obligation to respond to those outside his ministry who criticize his false prophecies because those who serve on his church board and as staff members, as well as his spiritual advisers and peers, have all vouched for his accuracy as a prophet.

“It’s not about pride,” Kunneman said of his refusal to apologize. “It’s about an honor to God. Either he spoke it, or he didn’t.”

“This man hasn’t been opening his mouth because Jesus said, ‘Don’t do it,’” Kunneman claimed. “I went to my fathers. I went to my spiritual mothers. I went to my board. I went to my peer-level relationships and said, ‘Hey, there’s a lot of calling out going on and my name is getting thrown out there. What do I do? Jesus told me not to saying anything.’ They said, ‘Follow what Jesus said. You’re right on.’”

Kunneman then told his critics to quit hounding him about his false prophecies because he has already addressed it: “I’ve honored Jesus. I’ve done what he said.”

Hank Kunneman Says Jesus Told Him Not to Apologize for His False 2020 Election Prophecies

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:45:53am

re: #280 Joe Bacon ✅

Blessed are the griftmakers for they shall inherit the kingdom of halfwits!

lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:47:26am

Trump’s legal costs just went through the roof as the document production in the first tranche is…

11.6 million pages.

Mind you, that there’s ways to do document review electronically and that you can pick out essential information quickly, but that sizeable tranche could spur Trump’s lawyers to further delay the case to give them time to sort through all that information.

🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:48:30am

re: #280 Joe Bacon ✅

Too many Americans are happy to accept obvious bullshit. It enables so many grifters.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:48:51am

re: #243 Joe Bacon ✅

U.S. Rep. Greg Steube, Republican of Florida, says he will file an impeachment resolution Friday against President Joe Biden on numerous alleged charges, including “financial involvement in drugs and prostitution.”

Steube, first elected to Congress in 2018 after his Democratic opponent died of a heart attack just weeks before the election, has been targeting President Biden for years. The Florida Republican sits on Chairman Jim Jordan’s House Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. He was endorsed by Donald Trump in 2022, and has endorsed the ex-president, who is currently under three criminal indictments, for re-election.

In early July, Rep. Steube accused President Biden of ” treason,” and said he hopes the next Republican President will ensure Biden stands trial for the capital offense. The Washington Post says about 30 people in the entire history of the U.S. have ever been charged with treason.

note what he said

Tomorrow, I intend on filing an impeachment resolution on Joe Biden for bribery, for extortion, obstruction of justice, fraud, financial involvement in drugs and prostitution. We have all the facts and evidence now.

that’s a definite statement. it’s a lie, but a definite statement.

so is he gonna ‘present’ compelling and persuasive evidence today or say “we have to keep this under wraps” or just weasel out of it?

BigPapa  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:50:24am

re: #281 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Blessed are the griftmakers for they shall inherit the kingdom of halfwits!

I’m beginning to believe that despite the cult being full of halfwits, the default position is they aren’t that stupid. The stupid shit they spout and supposedly believe is a justification to hate and wage wars based on grievance. Their ignorance is a weapon. It’s heavy, clumsy, but does a lot of damage.

A Cranky One  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:50:37am

20 armed elder god found lurking beneath Antarctic ice:

Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:50:55am

re: #284 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

note what he said

that’s a definite statement. it’s a lie, but a definite statement.

so is he gonna ‘present’ compelling and persuasive evidence today or say “we have to keep this under wraps” or just weasel out of it?

The documents all have Trump crossed out and Biden written above them.

BeenHereAwhile  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:51:28am

re: #186 jeffreyw

[Embedded content]

Good morning!

roasted squash soup

FWIW, I’d always considered squash to be a verb, rather than a vegetable.


Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:51:32am

re: #281 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Blessed are the griftmakers for they shall inherit the kingdom of halfwits!

And his brainwashed marks will double down on believing Wanky Hanky because The Big G told them to!

🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:51:46am

re: #282 lawhawk

Trump’s legal costs just went through the roof as the document production in the first tranche is…

[Embedded content]

11.6 million pages.

Mind you, that there’s ways to do document review electronically and that you can pick out essential information quickly, but that sizeable tranche could spur Trump’s lawyers to further delay the case to give them time to sort through all that information.

That has to be electronic because a stack of that many pages would be 3,955 feet tall.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:53:14am

re: #262 🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈

Am I the only one getting bored by Trump and his lawyer’s antics? It’s always the same tired bullshit over and over again.

when all you have is a hammer…

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:54:25am

re: #273 Nerdy Fish

I’m sure the legislature will come along and “clarify” that those simple nicknames don’t count, attempting to weasel-word away the intentionally vague language of their statute so as to explicitly exclude childish nicknames while forcing transgendered individuals to use their dead names.

whatever they ‘clarify’, i believe clever kids will already be two steps ahead

Nerdy Fish  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:54:34am

re: #290 🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈

That has to be electronic because a stack of that many pages would be 3,955 feet tall.

Trump can have all the boxes of documents he likes now.

lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:55:11am

re: #290 🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈

That has to be electronic because a stack of that many pages would be 3,955 feet tall.

Trump: I’ve got the biggest set of discovery in the history of discovery. Taller than every other case. /half

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:55:26am

re: #270 Vicious Babushka

Also, teenage girls like to experiment with the spelling of their name.

The name ‘Elizabeth’ is said to have more nicknames than any other. My sister found a few more.

Bethery Anjanette is one I remember.

Nerdy Fish  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:57:46am

He’s really been growing on me. That sounds kind of scary to me, but as far as legal philosophies go, I could do worse. I could be a proponent of some idjit like John Eastman.


Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:57:51am

re: #287 Belafon

The documents all have Trump crossed out and Biden written above them.

with a Sharpie!

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:58:54am

re: #288 BeenHereAwhile

FWIW, I’d always considered squash to be a verb, rather than a vegetable.


ever see a truckload coming off a farm after harvest?

the crates are marked “Squash. Do not crush”

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 8:59:47am

re: #290 🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈

That has to be electronic because a stack of that many pages would be 3,955 feet tall.

that’s taller than trump tower in NY and nothing can be taller than that //

Dr. Matt  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:00:11am

re: #296 Nerdy Fish

I hope TFG feels like he has further license to say and do anything he wants, then forcing the judge to issue a gag order.

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:00:17am

Garland to make a statement at 1215 Eastern…

BeenHereAwhile  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:01:48am

re: #224 lawhawk

This hearing isn’t going to work out well for Trump.

Chutkan continued: …and will not factor in my decisions on whether it will effect a political campaign on either side.

Chutkan correcting the record.

BigPapa  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:05:30am

Judge Chutkan gave the defense what they asked for but not what they really wanted.

Justice isn’t always what we want. Sometimes it’s what we need.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:06:31am

re: #284 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

he’s also a loon: ‘treason’. yeah right.

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:06:46am
Nerdy Fish  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:06:52am

re: #302 BeenHereAwhile

Chutkan correcting the record.

Translation: “This is not a case about illegal election interference. This is a case about a criminal who happens to be running a campaign. That is his problem, not mine.”

Vicious Babushka  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:09:46am

re: #290 🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈

That has to be electronic because a stack of that many pages would be 3,955 feet tall.

Trump likes to pose next to giant piles of blank paper.

Dr Lizardo  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:11:29am

re: #282 lawhawk

11.6 million pages? JFC, that’s practically a Tolstoy novel.

🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:12:27am

re: #304 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

he’s also a loon: ‘treason’. yeah right.

[Embedded content]

He’s fundraising. Republican fundraising often involves absurd lies that no one in their right mind would take seriously. Also known as grifting the rubes.

Dr Lizardo  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:12:46am

re: #286 A Cranky One

20 armed elder god found lurking beneath Antarctic ice:

So, it’s a cross between Cthulhu and a facehugger.

Just great. Really. 😑

lawhawk  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:12:50am

Mark Levin on Fox: If DOJ has its way, Trump would die in prison.

Me and the rest of the non-brainwashed Americans out there - your proposal is… acceptable.

🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:14:27am

re: #311 lawhawk

Mark Levin on Fox: If DOJ has its way, Trump would die in prison.

Me and the rest of the non-brainwashed Americans out there - your proposal is… acceptable.

I assume that he has not mentioned that this is due to the crimes Trump constantly commits. Leaving out critical information is popular with the GOP.

Dr. Matt  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:17:01am

re: #311 lawhawk

Mark Levin on Fox: If DOJ has its way, Trump would die in prison.

Me: Amen and pass the hot sauce.

Hecuba's daughter  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:18:36am

re: #190 A hollow voice says: Abort SCOTUS


[Embedded content]

Birbie here too.

Wordle 783 3/6


Group: 3,4,4,5

A Cranky One  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:20:10am

jeffreyw  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:21:26am

serrano peppers on the bush

serrano peppers in the fermentation jar

I’ve some shishito peppers that I will dry and grind for colorful sprinkles:

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:29:36am

Attorney general elevates Hunter Biden prosecutor to special counsel

BigPapa  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:29:38am

re: #316 jeffreyw

Very nice! I’m harvesting Tabasco peppers right now but my next pepper I’m going for more flavor. I have some habanero seed but want another option for less spice. My bud had a Thai pepper that was amazing raw but we didn’t keep seeds. I’ll never make that mistake again.

Hecuba's daughter  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:35:00am

re: #206 Joe Bacon ✅

Ah Joe flips out over Pulpit Pimp Moore

[Embedded content]


Daniel Darling is certainly blind to the heart of modern evangelical Christianity. He thinks most are not bound up in the politics — yet doesn’t acknowledge that 85% of white members of the faith support Trump. Maybe those are the ones who are polite and kind in their daily interactions with others but they still support the evil that the Trump through the GOP has unleashed on our nation and they are firm adherents of the Trump cult.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:35:05am

“It was an inauspicious start for Ron DeSantis in Iowa on Friday,” Politico reports.

“Chanting ‘Ron DeFascist’ and ‘pudding fingers’ on a megaphone while ringing cowbells, two protesters effectively cut short the Florida governor’s first campaign stop of the day at a large roadside rock painted for war veterans.”

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:37:41am
“Two prominent conservative law professors have concluded that Donald Trump is ineligible to be president under a provision of the Constitution that bars people who have engaged in an insurrection from holding government office,” the New York Times reports.

“The professors are active members of the Federalist Society, the conservative legal group, and proponents of originalism, the method of interpretation that seeks to determine the Constitution’s original meaning.”

i know this was posted here a day or two ago

i’ve seen it 4 times today in mainstream media

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:41:12am

Captain Ron  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:41:30am
Hecuba's daughter  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:49:27am

re: #241 mmmirele

So all those boys who went by “Buddy,” “Junior,” “Bubba” and even more normal nicknames like “Rick,” “Joe,” “Mike”, “Jeff” etc. etc. have to get their parents’ permission? Same with girls: “Suze,” “Tam,” “Vicki”, “Lori”. (I’m not even going to get into the name I used in high school, but it was not my legal name.) Seriously? SERIOUSLY? *waves hands* I hate this timeline.

These rules apply to the staff and teachers, not to the students, right? So students can continue to use whatever names they want for their friends.

Dr. Matt  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:50:16am

re: #320 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

Meatball has his pretty pretty high heals on today:

cat-tikvah  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:52:24am

re: #325 Dr. Matt

Bet he bought those jeans yesterday.

DodgerFan1988  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:53:50am
darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:54:22am
Dr. Matt  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:55:02am

re: #219 Joe Bacon ✅

Of course they did.
MAGA Sides With Deceased Man Who Wanted To Assassinate Biden

MAGA has found another reason to tell the world that they are persecuted after a Utah man, Craig Robertson, was shot and killed during an FBI raid early Wednesday morning. After repeatedly threatening elected officials and the FBI, Robertson had been on the authorities’ radar for a few months.

MAGA Craig Robertson: “Come and take it!

FBI: 💥💥💥💥💥

FBI: “Done”

Hecuba's daughter  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:56:28am

re: #251 No Malarkey!

[Embedded content]

Not eligible — SBF is only 31.

Dr. Matt  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:56:46am

re: #326 cat-tikvah

Bet he bought those jeans yesterday.

100%. Good call.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 9:57:01am

re: #324 Hecuba’s daughter

These rules apply to the staff and teachers, not to the students, right? So students can continue to use whatever names they want for their friends.

i cant find it right now

i believe i read that staff is not required to follow the parent approved preference anyway

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:00:43am

re: #332 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

i cant find it right now

i believe i read that staff is not required to follow the parent approved preference anyway

here it is:

But even if a transgender student did get permission from their parent to use a different name, teachers would still not be obligated to use that student’s preferred pronouns.


Nerdy Fish  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:02:03am

re: #333 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

here it is:


Note the difference in the statement: The teachers are required to use the student’s approved name, however, the law states that their preferred pronouns are to be disregarded in favor of the pronouns that correspond to their biological sex at birth. This sets up an interesting dichotomy for kids of kind and tolerant parents, who sign the permission slip for transgender male Jimmy, and the teach now has to refer to Lil’ Jimmy as “she/her” for the entire year. I feel like that would make it even worse for the kids than being consistent, but what do I know?

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:03:06am

re: #332 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

i cant find it right now

i believe i read that staff is not required to follow the parent approved preference anyway

Is the parent required to sign using the name on their birth certificate?

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:03:12am

re: #323 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

Hecuba's daughter  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:06:11am

re: #294 lawhawk

Trump: I’ve got the biggest set of discovery in the history of discovery. Taller than every other case. /half

I’ve got to believe that some cases involving corporations have more discovery.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:11:45am

re: #334 Nerdy Fish

Note the difference in the statement: The teachers are required to use the student’s approved name, however, the law states that their preferred pronouns are to be disregarded in favor of the pronouns that correspond to their biological sex at birth.

it’s gonna get silly fast, as in “Jane said he wouldn’t go” and nonsense like that.

sagehen  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:15:41am

re: #288 BeenHereAwhile

FWIW, I’d always considered squash to be a verb, rather than a vegetable.


Not a badminton variation?

Eventual Carrion  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:17:39am

re: #298 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

ever see a truckload coming off a farm after harvest?

the crates are marked “Squash. Do not crush”

Don’t Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers

🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:20:52am

re: #298 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

ever see a truckload coming off a farm after harvest?

the crates are marked “Squash. Do not crush”

I’d have gone with “Squash. Do not squish.”

Thanos  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:22:32am

re: #218 darthstar

Just scrolled through bsky for a bit and saw this (most of what I see is the 8 or so accounts I follow):

[Embedded content]

I noticed Trump emphasized the word ‘hit’ with double-quotes. He’s starting to plant verbs in the heads of his followers. That judge needs to get hit. That witness needs to get hit. Because they’re going after him, his followers need to go after them. Fucking mob boss talk.

Oh yeah, he’s probably watched the Sopranos a zillion times.

Dr. Matt  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:24:59am

Garland Names Special Counsel in Hunter Biden Criminal Investigation

The Left: Ok. If he broke the law, he should be punished

Garland Names Special Counsel in Donald J. Trump Criminal Investigation

MAGA: This is election interference! This is election meddling!! This is weaponization of the DOJ!!! Trump had every right to overthrow the government!!!!

jaunte  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:26:18am

Steve Brodner’s editorial cartoon:

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:27:31am

re: #203 No Malarkey!

We shall see if McCarthy can find a way to not shut down the government without triggering the treason caucus to file a motion to vacate the chair.

Just to follow up on this
If they boot mccarthy, then what?

No one would run/agree to take the job under the conditions he did
Few even want it at all

So the FC loses everything

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:29:29am

re: #337 Hecuba’s daughter

I’ve got to believe that some cases involving corporations have more discovery.

(First tranche)

Captain Magic  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:35:18am

re: #340 Eventual Carrion

Upding.for Firesign Theatre reference

Vicious Babushka  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:36:21am

Because of course.


Vicious Babushka  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:38:38am

I have seen these products at the local kosher bodega but have never bought them, not even as treats for the grandkids, because they are hideously expensive.


Dave In Austin  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:39:03am

re: #348 Vicious Babushka

Because of course.

[Embedded content]

Garland SC is going to be an open book.

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:43:47am

re: #348 Vicious Babushka

Because of course.

[Embedded content]

Of course Comer Pyle said that.

Dave In Austin  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:43:56am


Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:45:20am

re: #349 Vicious Babushka

I have seen these products at the local kosher bodega but have never bought them, not even as treats for the grandkids, because they are hideously expensive.

[Embedded content]

I’ve seen them at Ralphs and YES they are expensive. $12 for single serve!

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:47:15am

re: #352 Dave In Austin


[Embedded content]

Yes, Comer Pyle! Listen to Cat Turd and impeach Garland!

GlutenFreeJesus  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:49:08am

re: #326 cat-tikvah

Bet he a staffer bought those jeans yesterday.

BeenHereAwhile  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:53:24am

re: #340 Eventual Carrion

Don’t Crush That Dwarf, Hand Me the Pliers

Not until after I finish the victory garden.

🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:54:35am

re: #352 Dave In Austin

BeenHereAwhile  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:56:05am

re: #342 Thanos

Oh yeah, he’s probably watched the Sopranos a zillion times.

Truth being, if he had been associated with the guys, he’d been hit a long time ago for letting his enemies know what he was thinking.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:58:10am

re: #348 Vicious Babushka

Comer accuses Merrick Garland of running a ‘coverup’ by appointing special counsel for Hunter Biden
[Embedded content]

Yeah, you’re gonna have to explain how that logic works.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 10:59:15am

re: #356 BeenHereAwhile

Not until after I finish the victory garden.

Lets talk about your car…

dat_said  Aug 11, 2023 • 11:01:38am

re: #348 Vicious Babushka

Because of course.

[Embedded content]

Did he also accuse Merrick Garland of running a ‘coverup’ by appointing Jack Smith special counsel for D Trump?

Really? He didn’t? Huh.

Orange Impostor  Aug 11, 2023 • 11:05:36am

re: #348 Vicious Babushka

Because of course.

[Embedded content]

Comer and his MAGA cronies are not interested in accountability. What their true goal entails is an “Operation Hummingbird”-level purge of their political opponents.

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 11:10:57am

re: #345 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

Just to follow up on this
If they boot mccarthy, then what?

No one would run/agree to take the job under the conditions he did
Few even want it at all

So the FC loses everything

Nope, then there would be chaos, with all eyes on them, while speculation swirls as to who could appease them to gain the Speakership, which presents a perfect grifting opportunity.

BeenHereAwhile  Aug 11, 2023 • 11:12:04am

Dave In Austin  Aug 11, 2023 • 11:13:27am

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 11:25:33am

Uh oh!

Another one thrown under the bus…

Trump’s allies admit they’ve handed ‘incriminating’ info on ‘lunatic’ Sidney Powell to Jack Smith

Former Donald Trump election fraud advocate Sydney Powell should expect a criminal indictment in the very near future because allies of the former president have been ratting her out to special counsel Jack Smith’s investigators.

According to a report from Rolling Stone, the controversial lawyer has been thrown under the bus by Trump insiders for her part in a plot to steal the 2020 presidential election.

Former top Trump attorney Tim Parlatore admitted in an interview that longtime Rudy Giuliani associate Bernie Kerik pointed the finger at Powell while also questioning her sanity.

In an interview Parlatore explained, “Based on the contents of their questions, and my understanding of criminal law, the main individual who was discussed who Mr. Kerik gave any information that could be incriminating would be Sidney. That there was no back-up for anything she said, that when she was asked to provide proof she didn’t produce anything, and when she was cut loose [from the official Trump legal team], how she kept trying to push her way in.”

The report notes that there were questions over whether Powell might have suffered a “mental break” and that the term “lunatic” was bandied about.

The report adds that the intensity and focus on Powell in questioning led one person who spoke with investigators to conclude, “Sidney’s f**ked,” to which Parlatore added: “I agree.”

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 11:28:29am

They did try to make it look like Powell was “forcing” herself onto DJT and Rudy rather than being a partner in crime

sagehen  Aug 11, 2023 • 11:33:13am

re: #358 BeenHereAwhile

Truth being, if he had been associated with the guys, he’d been hit a long time ago for letting his enemies know what he was thinking.

He was associated enough that the Nevada Gaming Commission wouldn’t give him a casino license for his Vegas hotel.

KingKenrod  Aug 11, 2023 • 11:34:11am

re: #366 Joe Bacon ✅

That’s why Trump keeps so many dingbat lawyers around.

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 11:36:32am

re: #366 Joe Bacon ✅

Uh oh!

Another one thrown under the bus…

Trump’s allies admit they’ve handed ‘incriminating’ info on ‘lunatic’ Sidney Powell to Jack Smith

Former Donald Trump election fraud advocate Sydney Powell should expect a criminal indictment in the very near future because allies of the former president have been ratting her out to special counsel Jack Smith’s investigators.

According to a report from Rolling Stone, the controversial lawyer has been thrown under the bus by Trump insiders for her part in a plot to steal the 2020 presidential election.

Former top Trump attorney Tim Parlatore admitted in an interview that longtime Rudy Giuliani associate Bernie Kerik pointed the finger at Powell while also questioning her sanity.

In an interview Parlatore explained, “Based on the contents of their questions, and my understanding of criminal law, the main individual who was discussed who Mr. Kerik gave any information that could be incriminating would be Sidney. That there was no back-up for anything she said, that when she was asked to provide proof she didn’t produce anything, and when she was cut loose [from the official Trump legal team], how she kept trying to push her way in.”

The report notes that there were questions over whether Powell might have suffered a “mental break” and that the term “lunatic” was bandied about.

The report adds that the intensity and focus on Powell in questioning led one person who spoke with investigators to conclude, “Sidney’s f**ked,” to which Parlatore added: “I agree.”

I would look for Sidney to be indicted next week in Fulton County.

🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Aug 11, 2023 • 11:37:49am

re: #368 sagehen

He was associated enough that the Nevada Gaming Commission wouldn’t give him a casino license for his Vegas hotel.

If he’d attempted to be an actual mob guy, they would have to dispose of him. He can’t shut his mouth. He’s just not capable of it.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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The Good Liars at Miami Trump Rally [VIDEO] Jason and Davram talk with Trump supporters about art, Mike Lindell, who is really president and more! SUPPORT US: SEE THE GOOD LIARS LIVE!LOS ANGELES, CA SUBSCRIBE TO OUR AUDIO PODCAST:Apple Podcasts: open.spotify.comJoin this channel to ...
4 weeks ago
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