
The Unveiling of Ardipithecus

Charles Johnson10/04/2009 11:09:00 am PDT

re: #111

I’ve been amazed, as well. Truly. I have to wonder if people just don’t know what it is they are signing onto with the “creationist” stuff.

In Louisiana, the 2008 regular session of the legislature passed, and the Governor signed, the “Louisiana Science Education” bill. Sounds nice. Except it provides that teachers may use supplemental materials to “critique” scientific theories.

There are a number of sponsors on the bill; this may not be true everywhere, but I checked these folks out, and they are about half and half Rep and Dem. This thing went through with very little notice in the local media.

The reason why that Louisiana bill received bi-partisan support is because it was very deceptively written, to conceal its creationist intent as much as possible. It’s based on a model bill promoted by the Discovery Institute that use lots of positive-sounding buzzwords like “academic freedom.” Who could be against that? And given that most legislators don’t even read the bills on which they vote, it’s pretty clear that a lot of them simply said, “Academic freedom? That sounds good,” and voted yes.