1 medaura18586  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:42:50pm

Poor brainwashed Darwinists!


2 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:44:00pm

Someone spike the punch and watch them devolve to Neanderthals!

3 Dayenu  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:45:35pm

They oughta celebrate by watching “Inherit the Wind”

4 quickjustice  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:46:04pm

Happy 200th Birthday, CD!

5 DeafDog  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:46:30pm

Unfortunately, Darwin did not fare well in the Greatest scientist of all time Cage-Match Tournament:

Darwin was upset by a tenacious Pasteur. Darwin had shown both grace and athleticism in his first round victory over Ptolemy but against Pasteur he seemed disorientated and made frequent attempts to escape from the cage before ultimately falling to the Frenchman who accentuated his victory by standing over the father of evolutionary theory and exclaiming, “You’ve been Pasteurized!” Later, his coach explained that Darwin had insisted on employing a multi-generational breeding strategy whereby he and his offspring mated with the world’s toughest women. Darwin felt that this strategy, combined with a smear campaign that claimed Pasteur suffered from syphilis, was unbeatable. Unfortunately Darwin’s coach was unable to convince him of the plan’s shortcomings, most notably its overly long timescale.

{I posted this earlier, but I still think it’s funny}

6 Last Mohican  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:47:02pm

The Discovery Institute would like to inform you that, back in the Forties, people used to wish Adolf Hitler a happy birthday sometimes, too. Need they say more?

7 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:47:28pm

This is great news! I’m so glad to hear that this man lives on today!

8 zombie  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:47:55pm

Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin!

You would be happy to know that, 150 years after you published it, your theory has changed the world, and had stood fast through the years, being confirmed and reconfirmed countless times.

9 zombie  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:50:00pm

February 12: the atheists’ Christmas.


10 Honorary Yooper  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:50:17pm

The pandas in the background are a nice touch.

11 bulwrk  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:50:30pm

Talk about some party animals.

12 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:50:32pm

re: #5 DeafDog

Okay, but I’ll put money on Lister defeating Pasteur in the championship.
Lister has that killer finish move called carbolic acid!

13 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:51:18pm

re: #9 zombie

February 12: the atheists’ Christmas.


You’ll find an advantageous mutation waiting under the evolutionary tree for you!

14 Soona'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:51:40pm

re: #5 DeafDog

Unfortunately, Darwin did not fare well in the Greatest scientist of all time Cage-Match Tournament:

Unfortunately Darwin’s coach was unable to convince him of the plan’s shortcomings, most notably its overly long timescale.

And his unbelievably short penis.

15 Boolz  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:52:25pm

Happy Birthday Darwin…thanks for giving us HITLER…and HERPES…I stubbed my toe this morning, and that’s probably his fault too

16 Eagle  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:52:39pm

What changes his ideas enabled!

17 Last Mohican  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:52:45pm

I loved how the National Center for Science Education worked in a little musical harmony there. Very festive.

One thing I’m wondering about… is Professor Lenski from Michigan State holding a shot glass that he’s using to toast Darwin? Or is it a beaker full of protozoa or something?

I guess it doesn’t matter if we know for sure, but I hope he did.

18 LGoPs  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:52:51pm

re: #12 jcm

Okay, but I’ll put money on Lister defeating Pasteur in the championship.
Lister has that killer finish move called carbolic acid!

Hey JCM….isn’t it pasteur bedtime?

19 Meryl Yourish  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:52:57pm

Okay, they’re science geeks. But it was funny.

Yom huledet sameach, Darwin.

20 DeafDog  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:54:16pm

re: #12 jcm

Okay, but I’ll put money on Lister defeating Pasteur in the championship.
Lister has that killer finish move called carbolic acid!

Close, but not quite. Per the parody…..

Pasteur was thoroughly outclassed by Newton. Ironically Pasteur, who had spent the lead up to the fight telling anyone willing to listen that he was going to “beat down Newton just like I beat down the theory of spontaneous generation” and had developed a reputation for arrogance, was unsure of himself and in the infrequent moments when he seemed to gain the upper-hand was unable, or unwilling, to press his advantage. In the end Newton emerged victorious after a powerful blow to the knee sent Pasteur to the mat for good.

21 affenkopf  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:54:16pm

George Coyne, former director of the Vatican Observatory, is clearly a secular Atheist who hates Christianity (well he’s a Jesuit so some of the creationist conspiracy theorists probably really believe that).

22 zombie  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:54:29pm

Note also that March 14 is Einstein Day (as well as Pi Day: 3/14…get it?)

Scroll to the second half of this report for pictures and videos of Einstein Day.

Now, in confirmation of the existence of gravity, I declare January 4 to be Isaac Newton Day!

23 mean Gene  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:54:33pm

In Stripes, Dan Akleroid says, “I want to party with YOU!”
Yeah, same thought.

24 Honorary Yooper  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:55:28pm

re: #21 affenkopf

George Coyne, former director of the Vatican Observatory, is clearly a secular Atheist who hates Christianity (well he’s a Jesuit so some of the creationist conspiracy theorists probably really believe that).

Yeah, I was thinking that when I saw him there. That’ll be enough to drive the DiscoDudes here into convulsions.

25 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:56:17pm

re: #18 LGoPs

Hey JCM….isn’t it pasteur bedtime?

I Newton you’d show up. Puns are so Bohring!

26 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:56:56pm

OT - and a little earlier than is appropriate under standard rules of ettiquette, but check this out:
The priorities of Democrats, exposed

We’re receiving E-mails from Capitol Hill staffers expressing frustration that they can’t get a copy of the stimulus bill agreed to last night at a price of $789 billion. What’s more, staffers are complaining about who does have a copy: K Street lobbyists. E-mails one key Democratic staffer: “K Street has the bill, or chunks of it, already, and the congressional offices don’t. So, the Hill is getting calls from the press (because it’s leaking out) asking us to confirm or talk about what we know—but we can’t do that because we haven’t seen the bill. Anyway, peeps up here are sort of a combo of confused and like, ‘Is this really happening?’”

27 Honorary Yooper  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:56:57pm

re: #25 jcm

I Newton you’d show up. Puns are so Bohring!

You just Neils it on the head.

28 sngnsgt  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:57:15pm


Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman folds:

Las Vegas Mayor Oscar Goodman has retreated slightly in his demand that President Obama apologize to the city for a recent remark. Instead, Goodman, as chairman of the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority, wrote a letter to Obama saying he must “straighten out the record.” Obama said companies should not take trips to Las Vegas or the Super Bowl at taxpayers’ expense. Goodman stressed that it’s wrong to stereotype business trips to the city as “junkets.” Senator Harry Reid defended Obama, saying he realizes Las Vegas is America’s top destination to do business.


29 LGoPs  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:57:49pm

re: #25 jcm

I Newton you’d show up. Puns are so Bohring!

I knew I couldn’t slip one pasteurize…….

30 mean Gene  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:58:00pm

OOPS! It must have been Bill Murray

[Link: video.google.com…]

31 LGoPs  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 2:59:17pm

re: #30 mean Gene

OOPS! It must have been Bill Murray

[Link: video.google.com…]



32 LGoPs  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:01:28pm

re: #26 ArmyWife

OT - and a little earlier than is appropriate under standard rules of ettiquette, but check this out:
The priorities of Democrats, exposed

Bastards won’t support Stealth aircraft but they sure are big on Stealth Spending Bills……..

33 Honorary Yooper  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:03:17pm

re: #32 LGoPs

Bastards won’t support Stealth aircraft but they sure are big on Stealth Spending Bills……..

Of course, the easier to pick your wallet out of your pocket then.

34 LGoPs  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:03:30pm

Hey!. Where’d everybody go?
*looking around….nothing, nothing*
Is there a stealth thread open somewhere?

35 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:04:16pm
36 CynicalOptimst  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:04:22pm

Party like it’s 1809, Dudes!

37 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:04:27pm

re: #29 LGoPs

I knew I couldn’t slip one pasteurize…….

You do Watt you can do, but you Carnot do it.

38 LGoPs  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:06:52pm

re: #37 jcm

You do Watt you can do, but you Carnot do it.

I amps sorry…….

39 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:07:47pm

re: #12 jcm

Okay, but I’ll put money on Lister defeating Pasteur in the championship.
Lister has that killer finish move called carbolic acid!

Sonny Lister….bad dude

40 BBev  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:07:57pm

re: #8 zombie

Happy Birthday, Charles Darwin!

You would be happy to know that, 150 years after you published it, your theory has changed the world, and had stood fast through the years, being confirmed and reconfirmed countless times.

I think I read this morning that only 37% of American believe in evolution, I’m not one of them.

41 SpaceJesus  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:08:22pm

I will be hosting a party tonight dubbed, Of Pandas and Jack Daniels

42 quickjustice  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:10:50pm

And lest we forget, Happy 200th Birthday, Abraham Lincoln! (Anyone who defames this date (Atheists’ Christmas indeed!) should be ashamed of themselves!)

43 affenkopf  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:11:52pm

re: #40 BBev

I think I read this morning that only 37% of American believe in evolution, I’m not one of them.

Great, because we all now that truth is a matter of consensus.

44 quickjustice  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:12:01pm

re: #40 BBev

You’re entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts. Do you believe in gravity, B/T/W? ;-)

45 Basho  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:12:13pm

re: #6 Last Mohican

The Discovery Institute would like to inform you that, back in the Forties, people used to wish Adolf Hitler a happy birthday sometimes, too. Need they say more?


46 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:12:28pm

re: #39 albusteve

Sonny Lister….bad dude

Oh, I forgot Sonny studied the Science of Pugilism extensively IIRC. He had a PhD too (Pound him Down).

47 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:15:01pm

re: #46 jcm

Oh, I forgot Sonny studied the Science of Pugilism extensively IIRC. He had a PhD too (Pound him Down).

but in the end he never even knew what hit him

48 Dan G.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:16:35pm

re: #9 zombie

Been reading WND?

49 Dan G.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:16:49pm

Happy birthday Darwin!

50 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:17:29pm

re: #7 Omega3

This is great news! I’m so glad to hear that this man lives on today!

I was rather surprised to hear he was still alive at 200 though.

51 Basho  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:18:53pm

I noticed a few minorities in that video… Don’t they realize Darwin believed they were a step above apes?!? >:O

52 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:20:02pm

re: #40 BBev

I think I read this morning that only 37% of American believe in evolution, I’m not one of them.

I don’t believe in evolution either.
I believe in God.
I know the facts and evidence of evolution.

Two different realms and not contradictory.

53 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:21:47pm

re: #52 jcm

I don’t believe in evolution either.
I believe in God.
I know the facts and evidence of evolution.

Two different realms and not contradictory.

I think this is a great, succinct way to put this topic to rest. Isn’t this what Charles and all (or most of ) the other posters here think?

54 BBev  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:22:02pm

re: #44 quickjustice

You’re entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts. Do you believe in gravity, B/T/W? ;-)

What the hell are you talking about did you not read what I just said.

55 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:23:56pm

re: #54 BBev

What the hell are you talking about did you not read what I just said.

I think after seeing you have high karma, you must’ve made a mistake in your post saying you didn’t believe in evolution, which is what quickjustice may be referring to. Forgive me if I’m too new to comment on that.

56 Soona'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:24:11pm

re: #53 Omega3

I think this is a great, succinct way to put this topic to rest. Isn’t this what Charles and all (or most of ) the other posters here think?

Sounds okay to me.

57 zombie  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:24:58pm

re: #40 BBev

I think I read this morning that only 37% of American believe in evolution, I’m not one of them.

I read this morning that only 5% of Americans understand Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. I also don’t understand it.

These details, however, have no bearing whatsoever on whether or not the Theory of Relativity is true, nor on how many times it has been conclusively confirmed.

58 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:25:25pm

OMG!11! There’s a priest in there!

59 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:26:09pm

re: #55 Omega3

I think after seeing you have high karma, you must’ve made a mistake in your post saying you didn’t believe in evolution, which is what quickjustice may be referring to. Forgive me if I’m too new to comment on that.

I wouldn’t count on that.

60 zombie  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:26:37pm

re: #54 BBev

What the hell are you talking about did you not read what I just said.

Please clarify: You seem to be saying you are not one of the people who believes in evolution. Were you trying to say something different?

61 Soona'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:26:38pm

re: #57 zombie

I read this morning that only 5% of Americans understand Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. I also don’t understand it.

These details, however, have no bearing whatsoever on whether or not the Theory of Relativity is true, nor on how many times it has been conclusively confirmed.

That’s just it. It has never been conclusively confirmed. That’s why they still call it a “theory”.

62 BBev  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:26:55pm

re: #55 Omega3

I think after seeing you have high karma, you must’ve made a mistake in your post saying you didn’t believe in evolution, which is what quickjustice may be referring to. Forgive me if I’m too new to comment on that.

Wow, I am normally a good communicator , I do believe in evolution and I do believe in God.

63 BBev  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:27:38pm

re: #62 BBev

Sorry for the confusion

64 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:27:40pm

re: #58 Killgore Trout

OMG!11! There’s a priest in there!

That’s just a scientist dressed up as a priest as part of a trick to make christians think they won’t burn in hell for believing it./

65 zombie  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:27:46pm

re: #61 Soona’

That’s just it. It has never been conclusively confirmed. That’s why they still call it a “theory”.

You’re joking — right?

66 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:28:25pm

Robert Spencer is now at Hot Air in the comments for their Geert Wilders post, ranting away at me and at Allahpundit.

[Link: hotair.com…]

67 zombie  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:28:33pm

re: #62 BBev

Wow, I am normally a good communicator , I do believe in evolution and I do believe in God.

Ah, OK. That clears things up significantly! No hard feelings. Your first comment was confusing.

68 Soona'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:28:38pm

re: #65 zombie

You’re joking — right?


69 zombie  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:29:11pm

re: #66 Charles

Check your email in-box for a message from me on a related topic.

70 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:29:27pm

re: #57 zombie

I read this morning that only 5% of Americans understand Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. I also don’t understand it.

I heard an interview with Michio Kaku once where he said that there are maybe a few dozen people worldwide who really understand relativity and they all know each other. It’s a pretty small club.

71 markus  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:29:44pm

Google is celebrating !

of course nothing about Abe. Darwin is their reason for life.

72 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:29:46pm

re: #66 Charles

How classy of him.

73 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:30:20pm

re: #64 Jimmah

That’s just a scientist dressed up as a priest as part of a trick to make christians think they won’t burn in hell for believing it./

If it’s a PRIEST, then he’s Catholic. And we all know that Catholics are Satan’s tool and not Christians.


74 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:30:42pm

re: #66 Charles

Contemptible humbug

Wow, he’s really wound up.

75 zombie  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:30:52pm

re: #68 Soona’


Oh, OK. Sorry. If you were serious about that comment, then I won’t waste any more time communicating with you. Carry on without me!

76 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:31:44pm

re: #66 Charles

Robert Spencer is now at Hot Air in the comments for their Geert Wilders post, ranting away at me and at Allahpundit.

[Link: hotair.com…]

well…move to London and get your head on straight!…that’s the solution right there….

77 BBev  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:32:12pm

re: #67 zombie

Ah, OK. That clears things up significantly! No hard feelings. Your first comment was confusing.

I try and keep my post short and simple I guess that was to simple but if you read it close I think I got if right. :-)

78 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:33:02pm

re: #75 zombie

Oh, OK. Sorry. If you were serious about that comment, then I won’t waste any more time communicating with you. Carry on without me!

aw c’mon you two seemingly hit it off so well. Maybe an unclenched fist is in order.

79 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:33:05pm

Mr. Spencer sez…..

His libels are unconscionable, and, if only one had world enough and time, actionable.

He seems to threaten litigation a lot.

80 Lynn B.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:34:52pm

re: #77 BBev

I try and keep my post short and simple I guess that was to simple but if you read it close I think I got if right. :-)

I don’t …

I think I read this morning that only 37% of American believe in evolution, I’m not one of them.

81 Lynn B.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:35:05pm

re: #79 Killgore Trout

Mr. Spencer sez…..

He seems to threaten litigation a lot.

He does indeed.

82 Dan G.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:35:07pm

re: #62 BBev

Down-ding reversed.

83 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:35:16pm

Spencer also says he’s going to report Cato to facebook for abusing his account.

84 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:35:20pm

re: #69 zombie

Check your email in-box for a message from me on a related topic.

Sent you a reply…

85 Fat Jolly Penguin  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:36:19pm

re: #66 Charles

Robert Spencer is now at Hot Air in the comments for their Geert Wilders post, ranting away at me and at Allahpundit.

[Link: hotair.com…]

He sure is defensive, isn’t he?

86 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:36:39pm

from hotair again….

“your Lizard King has taught you well!”….really, someone said that

87 BBev  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:36:47pm

re: #57 zombie

I read this morning that only 5% of Americans understand Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity. I also don’t understand it.

These details, however, have no bearing whatsoever on whether or not the Theory of Relativity is true, nor on how many times it has been conclusively confirmed.

I understand the theory so what does that make me? I love science.

88 Lynn B.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:36:52pm

re: #83 Killgore Trout

Spencer also says he’s going to report Cato to facebook for abusing his account.


90 Dan G.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:37:27pm

re: #83 Killgore Trout

I’d say the inverse is called for.

91 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:37:54pm

re: #79 Killgore Trout

Mr. Spencer sez…..

He seems to threaten litigation a lot.

Everything I posted was completely factual. Truth is an absolute defense against libel claims. And he knows it.

92 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:38:12pm

re: #83 Killgore Trout

Spencer also says he’s going to report Cato to facebook for abusing his account.

Ya know? those facebook people are nazi’s I’d been on there all of 1 month with an Obamessiah pic as my profile pic. After awhile one of the lib friends caught on that it was not supposed to be flattering, reported it and Bang! Account shot dead. Just like that, no warning. nothing.

93 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:38:38pm

I would have more respect for people like Spencer if they could be less insecure and just say that they admire people like Charles who can hold to their principles because they can’t. The bellowing and gnashing of teeth is unbecoming of Spencer and his ilk, mostly because it’s so unnecessary and childish.

94 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:39:17pm

re: #66 Charles

Robert Spencer is now at Hot Air in the comments for their Geert Wilders post, ranting away at me and at Allahpundit.

[Link: hotair.com…]

Charles Johnson is a California liberal, he’s into photography, bicycling,
DFCtomm on February 12, 2009 at 5:28
If I know this blog was by a liberal bicycling photographer, I’d never have signed up!
DFCtomm, you left out the most damning evidence of all….
He’s a jazz musician!

95 IslandLibertarian  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:39:36pm

Happy Darwin Day……….
I like this idea, but I’m not a believer…I just like SF…..

96 Yashmak  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:39:59pm

re: #79 Killgore Trout

Mr. Spencer sez…..

“His libels are unconscionable, and, if only one had world enough and time, actionable.”

He seems to threaten litigation a lot.

Apparently Mr. Spencer has plenty of time to troll around multiple forums trying to get readership, but not enough to pick up the phone and call a lawyer, eh?

97 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:40:05pm

re: #91 Charles

Truth is an absolute defense against libel claims.

In the USA, but not in England, interestingly enough.

98 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:40:12pm

Maybe once Spencer writes something and publishes like Charles, then he can talk.

99 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:40:24pm

re: #83 Killgore Trout

Spencer also says he’s going to report Cato to facebook for abusing his account.

Lololol! I’m sure Cato is quivering from fear. Someone needs to tell Spencer that Facebook is for kids.

100 Mirage  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:40:25pm

re: #44 quickjustice

You’re entitled to your own opinion, but not to your own facts. Do you believe in gravity, B/T/W? ;-)

“Well, it’s not so much that you know, like I don’t believe in it, you know, it’s just…I don’t know, lately I get the feeling that I’m not so much being pulled down as I am being pushed.”
— Phoebe, “Friends”

101 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:41:19pm

more air…

“Johnson is a twit and a weenie”….
okay…that was fun sort of

102 kansas  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:42:09pm

Good day.

103 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:42:47pm

re: #94 jcm

I understand he has a ponytail, too *gasp*!

104 Soona'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:43:12pm

re: #75 zombie

Oh, OK. Sorry. If you were serious about that comment, then I won’t waste any more time communicating with you. Carry on without me!

Einstein’s theory not only tries to explain the fission/fusion of atoms but it also delves into the whole time/space question as well as a host of other astrophysical implications. Many scientists, even today question whether his formula explains the numerous phenomenae that they are now observing in the universe.

105 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:44:01pm

re: #103 ArmyWife

I understand he has a ponytail, too *gasp*!

yes…all twitweenies have a ponytail

106 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:44:16pm

You don’t need to believe something if it is obvious.

107 Lynn B.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:44:27pm

re: #83 Killgore Trout

Spencer also says he’s going to report Cato to facebook for abusing his account.

Ah, it’s the conspiracy thing again. Well, good luck with that, Robert.

108 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:44:45pm

re: #105 albusteve

and a Mac

109 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:44:46pm

re: #70 Killgore Trout

I heard an interview with Michio Kaku once where he said that there are maybe a few dozen people worldwide who really understand relativity and they all know each other. It’s a pretty small club.

Ashley Monatgue supposedly told Einstein this joke:

Two old men were sitting on a park bench. One of them says to the other: “All I hear about is Einstein and his Theory of Relativity. I just wish some one could explain to me this theory.” The other says: “It’s simple. It works like this. If a pretty girl is sitting on your lap, an hour seems like a minute. If an ugly girl is sitting on your lap, a minute seems like an hour. That’s Relativity.”

The first old man scratches his head and asks: “And from this Einstein gets a living?”

Einstein was supposed to have laughed and said it was as good an explanation as he had yet heard.

110 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:46:05pm

re: #109 USBeast

Time really is complete rubber.

111 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:46:31pm

re: #109 USBeast

so if you wanna feel like you lived longer, marry an ugly girl.

112 Lynn B.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:46:48pm

re: #91 Charles

Everything I posted was completely factual. Truth is an absolute defense against libel claims. And he knows it.

And that being the case, his accusing you of libeling him is actually a libel of you. You’d think he’d be a bit more careful in his choice of words but I think the froth is getting in the way.

113 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:47:40pm

re: #111 Omega3

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife

Who did that song?

114 Kragar  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:47:52pm

re: #111 Omega3

so if you wanna feel like you lived longer, marry an ugly girl.

And if you want to be happy for the rest of your life, never make a pretty woman your wife…

115 Kragar  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:48:08pm

re: #113 Ojoe

If you want to be happy for the rest of your life
Never make a pretty woman your wife

Who did that song?

Jimmy Soul

116 Soona'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:48:18pm

re: #111 Omega3

so if you wanna feel like you lived longer, marry an ugly girl.

Beautiful bitchy nags have the same affect.

117 fish  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:48:31pm

re: #92 Omega3

Ya know? those facebook people are nazi’s I’d been on there all of 1 month with an Obamessiah pic as my profile pic. After awhile one of the lib friends caught on that it was not supposed to be flattering, reported it and Bang! Account shot dead. Just like that, no warning. nothing.

Easy fix for that: Dont have lib friends.

118 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:48:33pm

re: #111 Omega3

so if you wanna feel like you lived longer, marry an ugly girl.

119 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:48:51pm

re: #109 USBeast

Ha! I’ll have to steal that anecdote.

120 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:48:57pm

re: #113 Ojoe

I thought of that when I posted it too.

Jimmy Soul

121 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:49:00pm

re: #83 Killgore Trout

Because it’s against facebook rules to tell people you know when someone joins a group of genocidal manaics? He’s delusional.

122 screaming_eagle  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:49:06pm

re: #116 Soona’

Beautiful bitchy nags have the same affect.

Just dating them works ,too.

123 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:49:22pm

re: #111 Omega3

so if you wanna feel like you lived longer, marry an ugly girl.

There’s an old song to that effect.

124 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:49:43pm

re: #120 Omega3

Too much fun!

125 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:49:59pm

re: #115 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Jimmy Soul

my version was by the Coasters…

127 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:50:37pm

re: #107 Lynn B.

Oh I see - he’s operating on the ‘sting’ theory…LOL.

128 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:50:39pm

re: #121 Jimmah

If Cato gets bounced I’m sure we can find some way to make it up for him.

129 screaming_eagle  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:50:51pm
130 avanti  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:51:03pm

The religious right’s spin on the birthday

131 Dan G.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:51:49pm

re: #108 Ojoe

…running linux

132 DEZes  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:53:01pm

Mr. Spencer, report

133 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:53:11pm

re: #119 Killgore Trout

Ha! I’ll have to steal that anecdote.

Go ahead. I did.

134 LoveOneAnother  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:53:33pm

This is a really weird video. It seems more like religion, like a personality cult, rather than science.

135 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:54:04pm

re: #124 Ojoe

I’m jammin’ to it on imeem. fun song.

“Hey man I saw your wife the other day! Yeah she UUUUUUgly!”

too bad I got ugly and bitchy.

136 IslandLibertarian  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:54:48pm

………and I like satire even more………….

…………….at 2:00 it gets really good………..

137 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:54:56pm

re: #128 Killgore Trout

It’s just not conceivable that Robert Spencer is going to succeed in having someone banned from facebook just because they pissed his pompous little self off by pointing out that he joined a pro-genocide group. Not gonna happen.

138 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:55:08pm

re: #135 Omega3

“Love is a great beautician.”

139 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:55:45pm

re: #134 LoveOneAnother

This is a really weird video. It seems more like religion, like a personality cult, rather than science.

And why is that?

140 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:55:49pm


141 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:56:00pm

re: #86 albusteve

I think I would have to reply “Yes, yes he has. Next?”

142 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:56:11pm

re: #138 Ojoe

“Love is a great beautician.”

I don’t mind her as long as she stays outta my love life and I don’t have to see or talk to her parents.

143 SummerSong  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:56:13pm

If Mr. Spencer did join that group without checking it out, shame on him.
He cannot afford those kinds of mistakes.

He should be thanking those that did check it out.

144 Lynn B.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:56:20pm

re: #71 markus

Google is celebrating !

of course nothing about Abe. Darwin is their reason for life.

Hmm. Cryptic. Care to elaborate?

145 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:56:47pm

re: #137 Jimmah

I think it’s unlikely especially since Cato reported the Constantinople group to facebook last night. Mr. Spencer’s objections are a little late.

146 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:56:59pm
147 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:58:13pm

re: #139 Walter L. Newton

And why is that?

young lady?

For some reason I just envision you saying this with a hand on a hip, your hip sticking out slightly and your well-coifed head cocked to one side.

148 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:58:15pm

re: #128 Killgore Trout

If Cato gets bounced I’m sure we can find some way to make it up for him.

How can Cato get bounced? If I understand this correctly, when Robert accepted the invitation to join that group, certain other friends of Robert were notified that Robert had joined, and one of those friends passed that info on to Cato.

Are you not suppose to tell anyone who belongs to what groups?Sound a little cultish.

149 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:58:17pm

re: #134 LoveOneAnother

This is a really weird video. It seems more like religion, like a personality cult, rather than science.

Hooey. None of those people are burning incense at any altars dedicated to Darwin. They are scientists and students filled with the joy of discovery and are paying homage to one of their own who had the insight, courage and audacity to say: I think God did it this way.

150 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:58:33pm

re: #134 LoveOneAnother

This is a really weird video. It seems more like religion, like a personality cult, rather than science.

I find it very revealing that some people, who are clearly very ‘religious’, throw the word ‘religion’ at scientists as if it were a steaming lump of freshly shat poo.

151 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:58:35pm

re: #126 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Reality: No matter how good she looks, somebody is tired of her shit

I bet she lights up a room.

152 DEZes  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:58:58pm

re: #143 SummerSong

If Mr. Spencer did join that group without checking it out, shame on him.
He cannot afford those kinds of mistakes.

He should be thanking those that did check it out.

He is being coy in claiming ignorance, he got caught and is jabbering like a kid caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

153 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:59:22pm

re: #147 Omega3

young lady?

For some reason I just envision you saying this with a hand on a hip, your hip sticking out slightly and your well-coifed head cocked to one side.

And what the fuck do you mean by that?

154 Lynn B.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:59:41pm

re: #137 Jimmah

It’s just not conceivable that Robert Spencer is going to succeed in having someone banned from facebook just because they pissed his pompous little self off by pointing out that he joined a pro-genocide group. Not gonna happen.

Sounds like he’s going to try to claim that Cato used that Facebook account to set him up. LOL!

155 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:59:47pm

re: #146 MandyManners

Happy Birthday, Darwin

(Thanks to NY Nana for the link)

156 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:59:48pm

re: #150 Jimmah

I find it very revealing that some people, who are clearly very ‘religious’, throw the word ‘religion’ at scientists as if it were a steaming lump of freshly shat poo.

Religion is for those afraid of hell. Spirituality is for those who have been there.

157 Kragar  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 3:59:59pm

re: #144 Lynn B.

Hmm. Cryptic. Care to elaborate?

Google’s Icon Du jour is for Darwin’s birthday, not Lincoln’s.

158 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:00:42pm

re: #134 LoveOneAnother

This is a really weird video. It seems more like religion, like a personality cult, rather than science.

Good grief. You really are a piece of work.

159 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:00:51pm

re: #83 Killgore Trout

Spencer also says he’s going to report Cato to facebook for abusing his account.

Cato has a facebook account. Robert has one.
Facebook info is for those with facebook accounts, correct?
Unless Cato hacked (Spencers excuse last I checked) how is looking at something Spencer put out for other facebook users abuse?

160 mean Gene  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:01:40pm

I must have missed the day Charles called Richard Miniter a fascist sympathizer.*
Is that even true?
And, if it is, what provoked it?

* [Link: hotair.com…]

161 Lynn B.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:01:41pm

re: #157 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Google’s Icon Du jour is for Darwin’s birthday, not Lincoln’s.

Got that part. What I didn’t get was

…Darwin is their reason for life.

I must be missing something.

162 BBev  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:02:01pm

re: #127 Jimmah

Oh I see - he’s operating on the ‘sting’ theory…LOL.

Hey thanks for the down ding for my #40 post, so I guess you don’t believe in evolution?

163 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:02:07pm

re: #153 Walter L. Newton

And what the fuck do you mean by that?

yep. same picture. lol except this time there’s like a slag of spittle flying out past your pipe and you dropped your tea doily on the shag carpet.

164 Lynn B.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:02:49pm

re: #162 BBev

Hey thanks for the down ding for my #40 post, so I guess you don’t believe in evolution?

You were unclear.

165 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:03:12pm

re: #159 jcm

He’s really losing his marbles. I went over to say Hi to him at Hot Air and he left. Maybe I shouldn’t gloat but I really don’t have much sympathy for him.

166 snowcrash  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:03:13pm

It is a slippery slope and evidence is pointing toward a downward slide for Mr. Spencer. Very sad really.

167 SummerSong  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:03:14pm

re: #152 DEZes

He is being coy in claiming ignorance, he got caught and is jabbering like a kid caught with his hands in the cookie jar.

It is certainly juvenile to blame others for his own choices.

168 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:03:28pm

re: #164 Lynn B.

I accidently updinged one a little bit ago.

169 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:03:44pm

re: #155 Killgore Trout

Happy Birthday, Darwin

(Thanks to NY Nana for the link)

Huh? I found that on Google.

170 wccawa  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:03:49pm

Ummm… I haven’t visited here for than a few times in the past few months, but geez! Didn’t this used to be a world-class blog?

I have nothing against Mr. Spencer nor against Charles, but to say that Spencer is “ranting away” over at Hot Air is just a bit on the sensational side.

IMHO, this whole thing has been blown WHOLLY out of proportion. I think Robert should just keep doing what he does best, and Charles should return to what he does best.

Does that mean I’m a troll?

171 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:03:51pm

re: #160 mean Gene

Miniter is an unabashed Vlaams Belang supporter.

172 Dan G.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:03:59pm

re: #162 BBev

Your #40 reads like you don’t (i.e. that you are not one of the 37% who believe in evolution).

173 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:04:34pm

re: #134 LoveOneAnother

This is a really weird video. It seems more like religion, like a personality cult, rather than science.

Envious much?

174 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:04:41pm

re: #154 Lynn B.

Sounds like he’s going to try to claim that Cato used that Facebook account to set him up. LOL!

And that’s another instant fail. I’m sure he knows this, but figures that he needs to put on as convincing a display of outraged spluttering as he can manage.

175 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:05:02pm

re: #169 MandyManners

Ah, I must have got it from NY Nana’s repost then.

176 DEZes  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:05:04pm

re: #167 SummerSong

It is certainly juvenile to blame others for his own choices.


177 FrogMarch  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:05:07pm

re: #13 jcm

You’ll find an advantageous mutation waiting under the evolutionary tree for you!

oooo I love mutations. Well - sometimes.

178 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:05:19pm

re: #170 wccawa

No, that means you probably don’t have an account anymore since Charles does not like someone telling him what to do with his own blog. It’s not your blog, idiot.

IMHO. Bye.

179 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:05:32pm

re: #163 Omega3

yep. same picture. lol except this time there’s like a slag of spittle flying out past your pipe and you dropped your tea doily on the shag carpet.

Put the bong down. Go eat some DingDongs.

180 Soona'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:05:33pm

re: #163 Omega3

yep. same picture. lol except this time there’s like a slag of spittle flying out past your pipe and you dropped your tea doily on the shag carpet.

LOL. Sorry, Walter.
//slinking to the back of the room

181 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:06:45pm

re: #143 SummerSong

If Mr. Spencer did join that group without checking it out, shame on him.
He cannot afford those kinds of mistakes.

He should be thanking those that did check it out.

The problem with that is his Nakba post from last May. It’s the same stuff, logo as the group he joined with out the genocide.

182 Soona'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:06:59pm

re: #170 wccawa

Ummm… I haven’t visited here for than a few times in the past few months, but geez! Didn’t this used to be a world-class blog?

I have nothing against Mr. Spencer nor against Charles, but to say that Spencer is “ranting away” over at Hot Air is just a bit on the sensational side.

IMHO, this whole thing has been blown WHOLLY out of proportion. I think Robert should just keep doing what he does best, and Charles should return to what he does best.

Does that mean I’m a troll?


183 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:07:11pm

re: #180 Soona’

LOL. Sorry, Walter.
//slinking to the back of the room

It’s okay. I am not sure what kind of trip Omega3 is on right at the moment, but I’m sort of grown up, most of the time, I can take it.

I’m not sure what pushed his button?

184 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:07:33pm

re: #162 BBev

Hey thanks for the down ding for my #40 post, so I guess you don’t believe in evolution?

Your post seems to be saying ‘I’m a creationist - so there’ Hence the down ding.

185 mean Gene  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:07:39pm

re: #171 Killgore Trout

Miniter is an unabashed Vlaams Belang supporter.

See, I’ve read a couple of his books (each one excellent and taught me a lot) yet that never came up.
Noting remotely like that was in anything I’ve read BY him.

Where is that fact found?

186 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:07:56pm

re: #168 Omega3

I accidently updinged one a little bit ago.

You can fix dings, go back and ding the other way your ding goes POOF!

187 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:08:10pm

re: #181 jcm

The title of the group by itself is enough to know what it’s about. He knew what he was doing, he’s just embarrassed that he got caught.

188 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:08:11pm

re: #160 mean Gene

I must have missed the day Charles called Richard Miniter a fascist sympathizer.*
Is that even true?
And, if it is, what provoked it?

* [Link: hotair.com…]

This is what I posted in response to Richard Miniter’s attack on me for criticizing the Vlaams Belang:

[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com…]

At no time have I ever called Richard Miniter a “fascist sympathizer.”

189 wccawa  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:08:45pm

re: #178

Well, that would truly be a shame, and petty.

Is it against the law now for someone to enjoy reading LGF, Jihad Watch AND Hot Air? Who knew?

190 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:08:49pm

re: #179 MandyManners

Put the bong down. Go eat some DingDongs.

no no. can’t you just see him all flustered yet condescending and proper then bucking with rage just based on those 2 comments’ tone? you don’t have to be high or try too hard.

But it doesn’t help.

I take it for medicinal purposes btw

191 Soona'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:09:22pm

Gotta go. Off to Milwaukee for the weekend. Talk to y’all later.

193 Dan G.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:10:07pm

re: #189 wccawa

Breaking out the strawmen already?

194 debutaunt  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:10:16pm

re: #183 Walter L. Newton

It’s okay. I am not sure what kind of trip Omega3 is on right at the moment, but I’m sort of grown up, most of the time, I can take it.

I’m not sure what pushed his button?

Full moon compounded by a full sun.

195 Noam Sayin'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:10:19pm

re: #170 wccawa

Does that mean I’m a troll?

It means you’re self-admittedly ignorant of the issue. Perhaps you might refrain from offering your ill-informed opinion.

196 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:11:31pm

re: #189 wccawa

Well, that would truly be a shame, and petty.

Is it against the law now for someone to enjoy reading LGF, Jihad Watch AND Hot Air? Who knew?

Has anyone said so?

197 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:11:33pm

re: #194 debutaunt

Full moon compounded by a full sun.

I’m a wave.

198 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:12:10pm

re: #190 Omega3

no no. can’t you just see him all flustered yet condescending and proper then bucking with rage just based on those 2 comments’ tone? you don’t have to be high or try too hard.

But it doesn’t help.

I take it for medicinal purposes btw

I cannot imagine Walter’s ever been flustered.

199 SummerSong  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:13:12pm

re: #181 jcm

The problem with that is his Nakba post from last May. It’s the same stuff, logo as the group he joined with out the genocide.

I didn’t know that, JCM. ….VERY unfortunate, indeed.

200 Omega3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:13:12pm

re: #198 MandyManners

I cannot imagine Walter’s ever been flustered.

Well, smoochy smooch. not ever?

201 mean Gene  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:13:26pm

re: #188 Charles

This is what I posted in response to Richard Miniter’s attack on me for criticizing the Vlaams Belang:

[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com…]

At no time have I ever called Richard Miniter a “fascist sympathizer.”

Ah, I do remember that one!
Thanks for the link (and thank you KT, too!)
So, now we’ve got grown men acting like menopausal women!
(I should know, I’ve actually been through it!)
If that’s all Charles said about Richard M. Robert owes the apology.
He’s now using the ”shot gun approach.”

202 gregg  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:13:40pm

Sorry to go off topic, but I made it into the stimulus bill:

wireless and broadband deployment grant programs

(including transfer of funds to gregg for the gregg Personal Economic Stimulus Program)

For necessary and unnecessary expenses related to the Wireless and Broadband Deployment Grant Programs established by section 6002 of division B of this Act, $2,825,000,000, of which $1,000,000,000 shall be for Wireless Deployment Grants and $1,825,000,000 shall be for Broadband Deployment Grants: Provided, That an additional $200,000,000 shall be paid directly to gregg in the form of subsidized loans that do not require repayment. Provided Further, That the funds be used by gregg to buy beer or for whatever. Provided Even Further, That gregg will receive free Minnesota Wild tickets for life. Provided Even Further Still, That gregg shall be treated as a cabinet-level appointment for the purpose of income tax reporting, and therefore no taxes shall be paid on any of the aformentioned benefits. And one more thing: Nancy Pelosi is hereby expelled from Congress, effective immediately upon enactment.

You can still make it in but you have to act soon:

[Link: www.reason.com…]

203 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:14:15pm

re: #201 mean Gene

Ah, I do remember that one!
Thanks for the link (and thank you KT, too!)
So, now we’ve got grown men acting like menopausal women!
(I should know, I’ve actually been through it!)
If that’s all Charles said about Richard M. Robert owes the apology.
He’s now using the ”shot gun approach.”

Actually, he’s simply lying. And he knows it.

204 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:14:57pm

re: #200 Omega3

Well, smoochy smooch. not ever?

Lay off Mandy. If you have something to say, say it to me.

205 Noam Sayin'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:15:20pm

What’s the over/under on Omega3?

206 BBev  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:16:10pm

re: #184 Jimmah

Your post seems to be saying ‘I’m a creationist - so there’ Hence the down ding.

Did you not read what I had to say after that?

207 wccawa  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:16:52pm

“straw man?” “ignorant?”

I admit I’m late in reading about this issue, but geez. Have I even tried to insult anyone?

208 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:16:54pm

re: #200 Omega3

Well, smoochy smooch. not ever?

It’s about time you invoked the Iron Fist Rule on yourself.

209 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:17:19pm

re: #170 wccawa

Ummm… I haven’t visited here for than a few times in the past few months, but geez! Didn’t this used to be a world-class blog?

I have nothing against Mr. Spencer nor against Charles, but to say that Spencer is “ranting away” over at Hot Air is just a bit on the sensational side.

IMHO, this whole thing has been blown WHOLLY out of proportion. I think Robert should just keep doing what he does best, and Charles should return to what he does best.

Does that mean I’m a troll?

Well, let’s see.
Cato the Elder finds Robert Joins and “unsavory” (genocide being unsavory) group on Facebook.
I find a post from last May where Robert uses the same logo, language and reasoning sans genocide as this bunch.
This fits a evolving pattern of at least the last year.

Robert’s excuse is he joined not knowing who they were / he was pranked / or Cato or Charles hacked his account. (It’s hard to tell), and he hasn’t addressed his Nakba post.

Robert goes to Hot Air threatens to sue Cato, Charles and anyone else who wanders into his line of fire.

I’d call that a rant.

210 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:17:25pm

re: #205 Noam Sayin’

What’s the over/under on Omega3?

I’ll take a guess at that one! How about … now?

211 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:18:23pm

Spencer’s supporters are now discussing the pros and cons of genocide over at Hot Air….

They (Muslims) are an invading army and likely to start mass hostilities in Europe before the Continentals begin resisting.

Hopefully it won’t come to that but it is Muslims pouring into Europe who are the one waving signs around about the the “Real Holocaust” they’re looking to unleash. Now would be a good time to think about the future. Thinking about what might happen and defending against it is not immoral.

212 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:18:27pm

re: #206 BBev

Did you not read what I had to say after that?

Okay, perhaps I should provide a clarification, if it helps:

Go back and read his post. And notice the difference between the words believe and know, as demonstrated in post #52. Granted, his very first post could have been misconstrued, but not 52.

213 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:19:00pm

re: #207 wccawa

“straw man?” “ignorant?”

I admit I’m late in reading about this issue, but geez. Have I even tried to insult anyone?

Yes, right up above, you decided to tell Charles what he should be doing with HIS blog…

IMHO, this whole thing has been blown WHOLLY out of proportion. I think Robert should just keep doing what he does best, and Charles should return to what he does best.

Got the picture?

214 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:19:34pm

re: #170 wccawa

Ummm… I haven’t visited here for than a few times in the past few months, but geez! Didn’t this used to be a world-class blog?

I have nothing against Mr. Spencer nor against Charles, but to say that Spencer is “ranting away” over at Hot Air is just a bit on the sensational side.

IMHO, this whole thing has been blown WHOLLY out of proportion. I think Robert should just keep doing what he does best, and Charles should return to what he does best.

Does that mean I’m a troll?

No it just means you are a moron..
point 1. This is a world class blog…you been sleeping for years?
point 2. Robert has declared war against Islam and he has joined the fucking Nazis in Europe to help him win his war.. Do you see any issues here?
point 3. Charles has always stood on principle..Not popular whims of the current political climate..Principles not bull shit..You understand that concept right?
point 4. If you ran a blog and somebody posted things that was just ugly, mean, stupid, lies, racist. encouraged violence would you delete them?
just a question..If that’s on your blog..would you delete that message..
Come on man up! would you delete the post?
/ I doubt you reply..But I’m just warming up
point 4.

215 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:19:35pm

re: #207 wccawa

“straw man?” “ignorant?”

I admit I’m late in reading about this issue, but geez. Have I even tried to insult anyone?

No, you just posted here and then ran over to Hot Air to get some approval from Spencer for your comment.

216 A Kiwi Infidel  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:20:22pm

I take an Omega3 capsule twice a day, once with brekky, and again in the evening. Helps with arthritic issues in my left wrist.

Its derived from fish oil, did you know?

217 Noam Sayin'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:21:10pm

re: #207 wccawa

“straw man?” “ignorant?”

I admit I’m late in reading about this issue, but geez. Have I even tried to insult anyone?

From your #170:

I haven’t visited here for [more] than a few times in the past few months, but geez! Didn’t this used to be a world-class blog?

I wasn’t calling you stupid, so don’t be offended at what I wrote. I was pointing out that you were admittedly ignorant of the issue, and felt you needed to chime in anyway.

And some might take, “Didn’t this used to be a world-class blog?” as somewhat of an insult, your host included.

Care to go another round?

218 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:22:19pm

re: #210 Charles

I’ll take a guess at that one! How about … now?

I don’t know for sure Charles, but Omega3 may have been a sockpuppet for “Joseph” who melted down a few days ago and proceeded to mail me a nasty email, claiming I got him tossed from LGF.

No, I didn’t get him tossed, I think you have the system admin buttons on your end?

219 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:22:52pm

re: #216 A Kiwi Infidel

I skip the pills and just eat a lot of fish.

220 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:22:56pm

Please note:

[Link: hotair.com…]

221 Noam Sayin'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:23:06pm

re: #210 Charles

I’ll take a guess at that one! How about … now?

Oh, sure. I suppose you had “Omega3 in 50 posts” too.

*counts out prize money*

222 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:23:08pm

re: #170 wccawa

I’m not sure what you mean by “return to what he does best”. I’ve not seen a course or charter on this blog. I would seem the owner of the blog would take it in the direction he so chooses.

One of the reasons I signed up (after a long time lurking) was the incredibly intelligent comments. The other reason was the posts put up by Charles. The majority deal with topics that excite people like me, people who love to learn and research. I’ve not seen that waiver or falter in any way shape or form.

223 wccawa  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:23:18pm
No, you just posted here and then ran over to Hot Air to get some approval from Spencer for your comment.

I’m trying to make some sense of this. I understand you’ve been at this issue all day or longer, but some of us have not.

But no, I am not looking for approval from Mr. Spencer, nor from you. It just comes as somewhat of a surprise to me that in trying to figure out what’s going on, I’ve instantly offended a score of people.

I’m trying learn what really happened, both from here, HA and JW.

But judging from the comments preceding this, I am not all impressed with the tone of voice here anymore. Didn’t this used to be a nice, tight family?

224 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:23:35pm

re: #170 wccawa

Ummm… Didn’t this used to be a world-class blog?

Does that mean I’m a troll?

Hmmm, I think you’re right…. it used to be world class….
Now it’s Universe Class!

And yes you’re a troll!

lights BBQ

225 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:24:24pm

re: #209 jcm

Well, let’s see.
Cato the Elder finds Robert Joins and “unsavory” (genocide being unsavory) group on Facebook.
I find a post from last May where Robert uses the same logo, language and reasoning sans genocide as this bunch.
This fits a evolving pattern of at least the last year.

Robert’s excuse is he joined not knowing who they were / he was pranked / or Cato or Charles hacked his account. (It’s hard to tell), and he hasn’t addressed his Nakba post.

Robert goes to Hot Air threatens to sue Cato, Charles and anyone else who wanders into his line of fire.
I’d call that a rant.

I useta’ put The Kid into the Time-Out Chair after a few swatts on the behind for similar behavior.

226 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:24:31pm

re: #218 Walter L. Newton

I don’t know for sure Charles, but Omega3 may have been a sockpuppet for “Joseph” who melted down a few days ago and proceeded to mail me a nasty email, claiming I got him tossed from LGF.

No, I didn’t get him tossed, I think you have the system admin buttons on your end?

Did you break into the control room and level 7 again Walter?

You know how much trouble that causes when you do that!

227 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:25:30pm
228 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:26:07pm
229 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:26:47pm

re: #224 jcm

Hmmm, I think you’re right…. it used to be world class….
Now it’s Universe Class!

And yes you’re a troll!

lights BBQ

I’m telling you JCM..You’ve got to try sweet baby Rays BBQ sauce..It is awesome..even with troll.

230 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:27:21pm

re: #223 wccawa


231 A Kiwi Infidel  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:27:26pm

re: #228 ploome hineni

have you tried Hyaluron acid?

or glucosamine for arthritis?

More info?

232 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:28:20pm

re: #228 ploome hineni

I don’t have arthritis but I do know that glucosamine can work wonders for elderly pets.

233 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:28:59pm

OT (I guess)

“Aurora drill-team member with ‘guns’ awaits expulsion decision”

She had a prop rifle in her car from her drill team. She carries a prop rifle when she marches…

An expulsion hearing for a Cherokee Trail High School student who had fake guns in her vehicle at the Aurora school took about an hour this morning, and a decision on her future is expected Friday.

Senior Marie Morrow, 17, was suspended for 10 days a week ago for having the fake rifles. She is a member of the Young Marines group, and the rifles were props used by the group.

Morrow’s attorney, David Lane, said the hearing went well. “Everyone testified to what an exemplary student she has been and continues to be.”

Cherry Creek Schools Superintendent Mary Chesley must decide whether Morrow will be allowed to return to school.

School officials said they had no choice but to suspend Morrow because state law mandates expulsion

Marie Morrow holds one of her practice rifles this afternoon as she awaits word of whether she’ll be expelled.

Morrow could be expelled for the rest of the year or return after she serves her suspension.

[Link: www.denverpost.com…]

234 Dan G.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:29:26pm

re: #207 wccawa

Making a strawman has nothing to do with insulting people (directly); it has to do with you putting words/arguments into people’s mouths.

235 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:29:31pm

re: #232 Killgore Trout

Yes, it eased the last year or so of a 17 year old cat I had.

Bye bye Puff, meow.

236 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:29:32pm
237 A Kiwi Infidel  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:29:50pm

re: #232 Killgore Trout

I don’t have arthritis but I do know that glucosamine can work wonders for elderly pets.

KT, our German Shepherd is 10 and getting dottery in the back end. Is this a health supplement product or would I need vet prescription?

238 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:30:12pm

My horse is on an injectable hyaluronic acid along with an oral dose of MSM. Seems to help.

239 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:31:13pm
240 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:31:20pm

Ah, sometimes it is better to be eaten by a predator at a young age.

241 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:31:45pm

re: #237 A Kiwi Infidel

I think you can get it as a health supplement. Some pet foods and treats are fortified with it. Give it a try, it can really do wonders.

242 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:31:59pm

re: #237 A Kiwi Infidel

You don’t in the US - it’s in a lot of senior dog food (I have an 11 year old German Shepherd Dog). It’s also in a product called “Missing Link” among a lot of others.

[Link: www.missinglinkproducts.com…]

243 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:32:02pm

re: #240 Ojoe

“What barbarians they are at LGF.”

244 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:32:24pm
245 wccawa  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:32:40pm

I have been a registered member of this site for years. To the best of my knowledge, I’ve never insulted anyone, and I just walked into this whole situation late in the day.

I never imagined I’d get flamed, insulted and strung up so badly. I believe I’ll just go take a walk instead. This place used to have a whole different feel to it then it does now.

A good evening to all of you…

246 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:33:19pm

re: #218 Walter L. Newton

I don’t know for sure Charles, but Omega3 may have been a sockpuppet for “Joseph” who melted down a few days ago and proceeded to mail me a nasty email, claiming I got him tossed from LGF.

No, I didn’t get him tossed, I think you have the system admin buttons on your end?

Omega3 was one of those trolls who try to be coy and cutesy but can’t help but be obnoxious ‘cause there’s an agenda there.

247 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:33:28pm

re: #243 Ojoe

“What barbarians they are at LGF.”

I am not a Barbarian!

I’m a Visagoth!

248 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:33:40pm
249 A Kiwi Infidel  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:34:01pm

re: #242 ArmyWife

You don’t in the US - it’s in a lot of senior dog food (I have an 11 year old German Shepherd Dog). It’s also in a product called “Missing Link” among a lot of others.

[Link: www.missinglinkproducts.com…]

This sounds very r-evolutionary!

250 TedStriker  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:34:15pm

re: #170 wccawa

Ummm… I haven’t visited here for than a few times in the past few months, but geez! Didn’t this used to be a world-class blog?

I have nothing against Mr. Spencer nor against Charles, but to say that Spencer is “ranting away” over at Hot Air is just a bit on the sensational side.

IMHO, this whole thing has been blown WHOLLY out of proportion. I think Robert should just keep doing what he does best, and Charles should return to what he does best.

Does that mean I’m a troll?

Apparently you haven’t been paying attention to the fact that Spencer, GoV, and some other sympathetic “anti-jihad” people/sites have been off the rails of sanity and common sense on the fascism train…we (Charles, along with most of us here) aren’t about to crawl into bed with those disposed to fascism, neo/paleo-Nazism, and ethnic nationalism in order to fight Islamists.

If you can’t or won’t accept that, you can just eat a bag of d**ks…

251 IslandLibertarian  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:34:40pm

re: #233 Walter L. Newton

Marksmanship, weapons training and self defense, (along with financing) should be MANDATORY High School classes.

/stop feminizing America!

252 A Kiwi Infidel  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:34:55pm

re: #248 ploome hineni

you should ask your vet about dosage.or any good dog breeder should know

I will follow this up, thanks.

253 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:35:11pm
254 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:35:27pm

Lemme check my wallet … hmm, nope. All out of martyr points for the day, sorry.

255 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:35:38pm

re: #237 A Kiwi Infidel

KT, our German Shepherd is 10 and getting dottery in the back end. Is this a health supplement product or would I need vet prescription?

KI, that problem is common in German Shepherds. It’s genetic. Your vet may be able to help, but don’t get your hopes up.

256 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:36:02pm
257 jcm  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:36:02pm

re: #233 Walter L. Newton

Zero Tolerance madness.

A prop gun is not a gun. A paper cut out of a gun is not a gun. GI Joe’s 4 inch plastic gun is not a gun.

Can we get our tax money back for the fake education?

258 Killian Bundy  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:36:22pm

Colonel: US Army has working electropulse grenades

Contradicting previous reports, a US Army electronic-warfare colonel has apparently confirmed the existence of working non-nuclear electromagnetic pulse (EMP) ordnance - apparently so portable that it is even available in hand-grenade size.

The revelation came at a blogger roundtable (press conference) held in order to introduce the US Army’s new electronic-warfare specialist career field. The briefing was reported by the war-hacks at Military.com:

“EMP grenade technology is out there, but I’ve never had my hands on one,” said Col Laurie Buckhout, chief of the newly formed Electronic Warfare Division, Army Operations, Readiness and Mobilization…
The target may be a small building or a village, she said, and so a small jammer could be used, or EMP grenades.


259 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:36:58pm

So what about marching bands that have rifle corps as well as flag corps? Are those rifles grounds for dismissal?

How insane.

260 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:38:26pm
261 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:38:50pm

re: #251 IslandLibertarian

Marksmanship, weapons training and self defense, (along with financing) should be MANDATORY High School classes.

/stop feminizing America!

God what a depressing article.

262 A Kiwi Infidel  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:39:02pm

re: #255 USBeast

KI, that problem is common in German Shepherds. It’s genetic. Your vet may be able to help, but don’t get your hopes up.

Yeah, I know. I have had GSD since early 20s. Sadly, they are not a long lived dog, usually dropping off at around 12-14 yrs. At 10 she is getting on. She has been a fantastic pet, companion, guardian to all the family including cats, ducks, chooks, lambs/sheep, cattle, pigs and, of course, us.

263 TedStriker  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:39:28pm

re: #229 HoosierHoops

I’m telling you JCM..You’ve got to try sweet baby Rays BBQ sauce..It is awesome..even with troll.

Love the Sweet Baby Ray’s sauce…good stuff.

264 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:39:35pm

re: #245 wccawa

I have been a registered member of this site for years. To the best of my knowledge, I’ve never insulted anyone, and I just walked into this whole situation late in the day.

I never imagined I’d get flamed, insulted and strung up so badly. I believe I’ll just go take a walk instead. This place used to have a whole different feel to it then it does now.

A good evening to all of you…

Good Evening to you.. Just a word of advice.. Next time you drop into a blog you haven’t visited for a really long time should say something like how is everyone doing? I’m back! what is happening? How are my old lizard friends doing? Something like that….
You walk into a high profile post like you are dancing in a mine field then walk away.
You being a long time lizard that you think has been wronged..Ya wanna try again?

265 screaming_eagle  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:39:55pm

re: #257 jcm

Ohio State University had the ROTC stop drilling with their props because it was making the rest of the campus nervous.

266 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:40:06pm

re: #259 vxbush

So what about marching bands that have rifle corps as well as flag corps? Are those rifles grounds for dismissal?

How insane.

They can have my baton when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers.

267 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:40:07pm

re: #255 USBeast

Hip problems are common in a lot of larger dogs. Glucosamine will not cure it but it can help a lot.

268 A Kiwi Infidel  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:40:47pm

re: #260 wccawa

Look, Charles… is it possible for me to resign my membership? If so, thank you.

Take it on the chin, bud. Learn to know the discussions that will cause you anx and stay out of them. I do, well, sometimes I cant resist.

269 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:40:57pm

re: #257 jcm

Zero Tolerance madness. A prop gun is not a gun. A paper cut out of a gun is not a gun. GI Joe’s 4 inch plastic gun is not a gun. Can we get our tax money back for the fake education?

I think I just found my golden unicorn. I’ve always wanted to find some way to take some of the wasted money the libs always seem to have ready to hand out to “worthy” causes.

I announce, here tonight, on LGF, my campaign to replace all drill team prop rifles with stalks of Pampa Grass.

You can click on my name, and on my website, you will see my email address. Clip and paste that email address and go over to PayPal and deposit some money in my account.

Since I just thought this up, I will have to tell you later what benefits you will get from joining me, but, you can be sure it will be green.

270 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:41:00pm

re: #259 vxbush

So what about marching bands that have rifle corps as well as flag corps? Are those rifles grounds for dismissal?

How insane.

Way back in the late ‘70’s - early ‘80’s, the “rifles” were already painted boards, basically.

This girl had actual drill or parade rifles, which to the average person look real.

Libs and anti-rights enthusiasts are all about looks, so there you go.

It still makes me sick.

271 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:41:00pm

re: #223 wccawa

I’m trying to make some sense of this. I understand you’ve been at this issue all day or longer, but some of us have not.

But no, I am not looking for approval from Mr. Spencer, nor from you. It just comes as somewhat of a surprise to me that in trying to figure out what’s going on, I’ve instantly offended a score of people.

I’m trying learn what really happened, both from here, HA and JW.

But judging from the comments preceding this, I am not all impressed with the tone of voice here anymore. Didn’t this used to be a nice, tight family?

Let me help you understand.

Charles and most of us here have principles regarding people/groups who advocate supremacist ideologies. These principles AGAINST the supremacist ideologies are non-negotiable.

Spencer got very wobbly with his principles and now he’s mad at Charles for pointing out those wobblies.

Spencer is the one who sold out.

272 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:41:10pm

re: #260 wccawa

Look, Charles… is it possible for me to resign my membership? If so, thank you.


273 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:41:18pm

re: #206 BBev

Did you not read what I had to say after that?

Yes. The downding on that post stands though, because it has every appearance of a creationist post, even though it seems you just worded it wrongly. I’ll compensate you with an upding somewhere else - there you go - done!

274 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:41:32pm

re: #245 wccawa

see ya!

275 DEZes  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:41:43pm

re: #257 jcm

Zero Tolerance madness.

A prop gun is not a gun. A paper cut out of a gun is not a gun. GI Joe’s 4 inch plastic gun is not a gun.

Can we get our tax money back for the fake education?

When I went to school we had archery and marksmanship classes.
Most guys carried a pocket knife and had a 22 rifle in the trunk, or hanging in the back window of his truck.
Now kids are suspended for wooden props.

276 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:42:05pm

re: #260 wccawa

You are free to piss off at any time. You don’t need to ask permission.

277 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:42:12pm

re: #266 MandyManners

They can have my baton clue-by-four when they pry it from my cold, dead fingers.

Updated. Heh. Still appropriate.

278 Jack Burton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:42:27pm

re: #260 wccawa

I think you just did.

279 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:42:41pm

re: #260 wccawa

Look, Charles… is it possible for me to resign my membership? If so, thank you.

What a whining little child. Not ONCE in this thread have you even address what people are saying to you. You ask this and you ask that, and yet you come back as if no one has offered you advice (or debate).

280 A Kiwi Infidel  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:42:47pm

re: #269 Walter L. Newton

I think I just found my golden unicorn. I’ve always wanted to find some way to take some of the wasted money the libs always seem to have ready to hand out to “worthy” causes.

I announce, here tonight, on LGF, my campaign to replace all drill team prop rifles with stalks of Pampa Grass.

You can click on my name, and on my website, you will see my email address. Clip and paste that email address and go over to PayPal and deposit some money in my account.

Since I just thought this up, I will have to tell you later what benefits you will get from joining me, but, you can be sure it will be green.

Good idea but it wont work, Walter. Someone is bound to be allergic and you will get your arse sued from here to Baghdad.

281 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:43:04pm

What’s the total of meltdowns today? 8? 10?

282 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:43:16pm

re: #260 wccawa

Look, Charles… is it possible for me to resign my membership? If so, thank you.

LOLOLOLOL how many times have we seen this?
Just don’t come back dipshit…Unless you want an official decommissioning Ceremony… DustVet! you available ?

283 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:43:25pm

re: #262 A Kiwi Infidel

Yeah, I know. I have had GSD since early 20s. Sadly, they are not a long lived dog, usually dropping off at around 12-14 yrs. At 10 she is getting on. She has been a fantastic pet, companion, guardian to all the family including cats, ducks, chooks, lambs/sheep, cattle, pigs and, of course, us.

I sympathize. My grand parents beloved Duchess was one of my baby sitters when I was a toddler. I have memories of her not letting me near the horse corral…and being very put out about it.

284 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:43:54pm
285 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:44:06pm

re: #280 A Kiwi Infidel

Good idea but it wont work, Walter. Someone is bound to be allergic and you will get your arse sued from here to Baghdad.

That’s my problem, not yours. If you really care about this, you will send money.

286 Noam Sayin'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:44:28pm

re: #260 wccawa

Look, Charles… is it possible for me to resign my membership? If so, thank you.

You could just leave, and not come back. Of course, we’re going to miss that enormous body of work you’ve contributed here.

Why don’t you just stop feigning undeserved insult when you know you fired the first round, and I repeat:

Didn’t this used to be a world-class blog?

But don’t feel as though you need to leave. You know this is a tough room. go back out, find some logic and reason, and come back. I truly think you are trying to get at the whole truth, but whining because you said something stupid and got attacked for it is and expended effort in the wrong direction.

287 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:44:38pm

re: #281 Killgore Trout

What’s the total of meltdowns today? 8? 10?

Day not over.

288 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:45:21pm

re: #265 screaming_eagle

Stupid nervous sheep

289 A Kiwi Infidel  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:45:23pm

re: #285 Walter L. Newton

That’s my problem, not yours. If you really care about this, you will send money.

You take Zimabwean dollars, right?

290 wrenchwench  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:45:47pm

re: #238 ArmyWife

My horse is on an injectable hyaluronic acid along with an oral dose of MSM. Seems to help.

I’m confused. I thought MSM came from the back of the horse…

291 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:45:59pm

re: #260 wccawa

Look, Charles… is it possible for me to resign my membership? If so, thank you.

Attention seeker alert.

292 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:46:02pm

re: #287 Walter L. Newton

Whoever pick an even dozen in the meltdown pool might be a winner.

293 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:46:05pm

re: #282 HoosierHoops
Maybe we can get those banned prop guns and do a 35 prop gun salute or something.

294 DEZes  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:46:32pm

re: #290 wrenchwench

I’m confused. I thought MSM came from the back of the horse…

Thats from the back of a bull I think.

295 Salamantis  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:46:34pm

re: #22 zombie

Note also that March 14 is Einstein Day (as well as Pi Day: 3/14…get it?)

Scroll to the second half of this report for pictures and videos of Einstein Day.

Now, in confirmation of the existence of gravity, I declare January 4 to be Isaac Newton Day!

Darwin and Einstein remain the greatest scientific minds of the past two centuries.

296 Noam Sayin'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:46:37pm

and = an


297 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:47:03pm

re: #290 wrenchwench

It’s sulfer - a bit fitting now that you mention it!

298 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:47:21pm

Mr. Spencer updated his post at Jihad Watch….

UPDATE: I’ve been informed that this setup by Facebook user “Cato the Elder” is in violation of Facebook rules. I’ve accordingly written to Facebook asking that his account there be revoked.

Heh. What a vengeful little man.

299 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:47:41pm

re: #285 Walter L. Newton

That’s my problem, not yours. If you really care about this, you will send money.

The thing is, you can hurt someone with a marching band flag pole. Trust me, I’ve had my head conked more than enough times as a result. Given the culture today to prevent kids from ever getting hurt, how long until everything is deemed too dangerous?

300 TedStriker  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:47:51pm

re: #260 wccawa

Look, Charles… is it possible for me to resign my membership? If so, thank you.

If you gonna act like a spoiled brat and not listen to reason, then don’t let the screen door hit you in the ass on the way out…otherwise, just chill and ease yourself back in to LGF before getting all indignant.

301 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:47:55pm

re: #260 wccawa

Look, Charles… is it possible for me to resign my membership? If so, thank you.

What a doofus.

Most people who don’t want to post just go away quietly.

302 gopninja  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:47:58pm



303 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:48:02pm

re: #287 Walter L. Newton

Day not over.

Crap.I took the under on 5 today.. That’s why I have never placed a bet on Sports. I’m always wrong…Wait! We may be onto something here!

304 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:48:17pm

re: #277 vxbush

Updated. Heh. Still appropriate.

I still twirl. It keeps me in shape.

305 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:48:31pm

I’m going to try to put out some Easter decorations around the apartment this weekend.

306 DEZes  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:49:02pm

re: #298 Killgore Trout

Mr. Spencer updated his post at Jihad Watch….

Heh. What a vengeful little manfacist.


307 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:49:09pm
Joe McCarthy is alive and well at LGF.

MB4 on February 12, 2009 at 7:43 PM

umm….McCarthy was right.

308 wrenchwench  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:49:18pm

re: #294 DEZes

Thats from the back of a bull I think.

Ah, I gots my livestocks mixed up.

309 Noam Sayin'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:49:32pm

re: #304 MandyManners

I still twirl. It keeps me in shape.

/leave it alone, Noam.

310 Jack Burton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:49:35pm

re: #298 Killgore Trout

Mr. Spencer updated his post at Jihad Watch….

Heh. What a vengeful little man douchebag.


311 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:49:37pm

re: #299 vxbush

The thing is, you can hurt someone with a marching band flag pole. Trust me, I’ve had my head conked more than enough times as a result. Given the culture today to prevent kids from ever getting hurt, how long until everything is deemed too dangerous?

er, I was just making a joke. never mind.

312 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:50:03pm

re: #305 Walter L. Newton

Egg of Power?

313 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:50:24pm

re: #299 vxbush

The thing is, you can hurt someone with a marching band flag pole. Trust me, I’ve had my head conked more than enough times as a result. Given the culture today to prevent kids from ever getting hurt, how long until everything is deemed too dangerous?

I’ll never forget the time I did a triple, looked up to catch it and caught it on my mouth. My braces came through my upper lip. I had no idea how much a facial injury could bleed.

314 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:50:49pm

re: #304 MandyManners

I still twirl. It keeps me in shape.

Awesome! Alas, no such luck for me. But I can grab a mop at a drop of hat and whirl it around.

315 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:50:50pm

re: #304 MandyManners

I still twirl. It keeps me in shape.

You don’t do the Dervish thingy, do you?

316 unclassifiable  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:50:57pm

You know they could ignore Charles but they can’t resist giving him all the free publicity.

And then there is the gamey buttocks of the trolls it attracts.

You folks just keep on coming:)

317 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:51:31pm

re: #301 rightymouse

What a doofus.

Most people who don’t want to post just go away quietly.

It doesn’t generate attention.

318 IslandLibertarian  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:51:38pm

re: #291 Jimmah

Attention seeker alert.

Passive Aggressive.

319 mean Gene  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:51:43pm

re: #258 Killian Bundy

Odd that a foreign paper writes this when our own say we are much more sophisticated in our abilities.
At [Link: www.afcea.org…]
Col. Laurie Moe Buckhout, USA, chief of the Army EW division, points out this:

The army has been able to use EW for targeting and for surgically interdicting specific operators without interfering with other users of the local electromagnetic spectrum.

Electronic countermeasures systems pressed into action against IEDs were not designed for crowded urban environments rife with various radio frequency systems. Many of these early counter-IED efforts interfered with friendly spectrum, both military and civilian.

Satellite, FM and cell phone systems all suffered from some of these jamming measures.

The military found that its vital global positioning system (GPS) and communications systems, including Blue Force Tracking, were disabled when these IED jammers were operating.

Iraqi emergency responders, such as Red Crescent ambulance staff, could not use their communications systems.

Civilians who relied on cell phone connectivity for their day-to-day existence were cut off, and even helicopters and aircraft could be affected locally.

But a key tactical success in the EW counter-IED effort was the refinement of materiel, techniques and operations, Col. Buckhout states.

Those interference issues have been largely resolved, so the Army now can counter enemy IEDs more effectively while maintaining vital communications and radio frequency systems.

“We have come a long way in technologies and capabilities to address the threat while enabling our own friendly use of the spectrum,” she states.

“We have had great successes countering certain types of IEDs by denying the enemy use of the spectrum.

320 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:51:52pm

re: #313 MandyManners

No danger = no responsibility = never growing up.

321 DEZes  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:51:54pm

re: #308 wrenchwench

Ah, I gots my livestocks mixed up.

I aint no farm boy either. ;)

322 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:51:58pm

re: #311 Walter L. Newton

er, I was just making a joke. never mind.

Oh, sorry, Walter. I wasn’t griping at you. I realize you were making a joke, and a rather funny one. I’m just rather stunned at the culture in schools these days.

I’ll donate 100 quatloos to your fund, though.

323 debutaunt  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:52:07pm

re: #274 ArmyWife

see ya!

I hope there will be cake at the party.

324 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:52:23pm

re: #309 Noam Sayin’

Have you found the mouse’s carcass yet?

325 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:52:25pm

re: #317 MandyManners

It doesn’t generate attention.


326 Salamantis  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:52:25pm

re: #61 Soona’

That’s just it. It has never been conclusively confirmed. That’s why they still call it a “theory”.

Artifactual retroviral DNA sequences conclusively demonstrate beyong rational statistical doubt that humans and great apes evolutionarily diverged from common ancestors. And the spontaneous evolution of e coli has been observed in Richard Lenski’s lab, and since he froze lots of them before the mutation happened, it can be re-played and re-observed at will.

327 wrenchwench  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:52:44pm

re: #298 Killgore Trout

Mr. Spencer updated his post at Jihad Watch….

UPDATE: I’ve been informed that this setup by Facebook user “Cato the Elder” is in violation of Facebook rules. I’ve accordingly written to Facebook asking that his account there be revoked.

Heh. What a vengeful little man.

As low as my opinion of him is, I still find it hard to believe Spencer is going with the “setup” conspiracy theory. What a maroon.

328 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:52:45pm

/rips off Lizard badges
/rips off brass buttons
/draws clue-by-four from scabbard
/breaks across knee
/turns back
/bugler blows Taps

OK, you’re out.

OLT, Honco J.G., second assistant quartermaster

329 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:53:20pm

re: #314 vxbush

Awesome! Alas, no such luck for me. But I can grab a mop at a drop of hat and whirl it around.

I keep mine in my car.

330 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:54:02pm

re: #315 rightymouse

You don’t do the Dervish thingy, do you?

I useta’.

331 A Kiwi Infidel  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:54:38pm

re: #313 MandyManners

I’ll never forget the time I did a triple, looked up to catch it and caught it on my mouth. My braces came through my upper lip. I had no idea how much a facial injury could bleed.

Reminds me of of when I was 12, attempting to hammer in a 4 inch nail at head height and mis-hitthe hammer glancing straight into my mouth. You are correct. Mouth injuries bleed, alot.

332 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:54:45pm

re: #329 MandyManners

I keep mine in my car.

Odd place for a mop.


333 Noam Sayin'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:54:52pm

re: #324 MandyManners

Have you found the mouse’s carcass yet?

Nope. Thought I smelled him, but that turned out to be something in the fridge.

Laboratory experiment. You don’t want to know.

334 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:55:01pm

re: #320 Ojoe

No danger = no responsibility = never growing up.

It really freaked out my instructor.

335 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:55:19pm

re: #330 MandyManners

I useta’.

I tried and blew out my back. lol!

336 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:55:25pm

re: #327 wrenchwench

As low as my opinion of him is, I still find it hard to believe Spencer is going with the “setup” conspiracy theory. What a maroon.

I am no great fan of what I see Spencer doing now (in the past he has generated great respect from me), but is he perhaps using “setup” as a synonym for “account page”?

337 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:55:28pm

re: #316 unclassifiable

What I find funny is they say Charles is becoming deservedly insignificant yet they sure spend a lot of time name calling and complaining about his. Perhaps the irony of that is lost on them.

338 Noam Sayin'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:55:45pm

re: #318 IslandLibertarian

Passive Aggressive.

Speaking of, where’s the one who should not be named (latest version)? Haven’t seen him in a while.

339 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:56:00pm

re: #328 OldLineTexan

/rips off Lizard badges
/rips off brass buttons
/draws clue-by-four from scabbard
/breaks across knee
/turns back
/bugler blows Taps

OK, you’re out.

OLT, Honco J.G., second assistant quartermaster

That was great..But you are really going to get me in trouble if I laugh like crazy during the Heat/Bulls game..
I’m ESPN by the way…Honesty…:)

340 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:56:25pm

re: #325 rightymouse

It’s still logged in.

341 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:56:36pm

re: #312 ArmyWife

Egg of Power?

It’s an artistic statement I’m trying to make. The stores are blurring the lines between one holiday and the next, so this year I decided to start leaving up holiday decorations, as the holidays pass.

I started at Halloween, still have Halloween directions scattered around the apartment. A few Thanksgiving items are out on display Christmas decorations are blinking away.

Valentine Day will have to wait until I have a “valentine.”

And now Easter is coming up, so I need to add a little Easter into the mix.

My idea is to be ready for any holiday, at any time, in this way I don’t miss the spirit.

It looks kinda interesting in the apartment. A little had to explain to potential girlfriends.

342 unclassifiable  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:56:38pm

Gotta go home.

Can you save me some troll rump? Put it into the refrigerator next to the Whine (vintage 2009 — shaping up to be a good year). Put a sticky that says “unclass” on it. I’ll microwave it when I get home.


343 debutaunt  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:57:00pm

re: #338 Noam Sayin’

Speaking of, where’s the one who should not be named (latest version)? Haven’t seen him in a while.


344 A Kiwi Infidel  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:57:02pm

re: #322 vxbush

Oh, sorry, Walter. I wasn’t griping at you. I realize you were making a joke, and a rather funny one. I’m just rather stunned at the culture in schools these days.

I’ll donate 100 quatloos to your fund, though.

I see your 100 quatloos and raise you 2,500,000,000 zimbabwean dollars and a mouldy dry crust of bread.

345 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:57:06pm

re: #339 HoosierHoops

stay employed

/I’ll whisper

346 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:57:12pm

re: #340 MandyManners

It’s still logged in.

Color me surprised. Not. Har!

347 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:57:14pm

re: #339 HoosierHoops

That was great..But you are really going to get me in trouble if I laugh like crazy during the Heat/Bulls game..
I’m on ESPN.com by the way…Honesty…:)


348 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:57:46pm

re: #341 Walter L. Newton

But how is this statement going to reach the retail masses if it’s inside your apartment?

349 avanti  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:58:03pm

re: #268 A Kiwi Infidel

Take it on the chin, bud. Learn to know the discussions that will cause you anx and stay out of them. I do, well, sometimes I cant resist.

Yep,there is too much good discussion going on to pack up over one disagreement in a single tread.

350 Bloodnok  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:58:07pm

re: #281 Killgore Trout

What’s the total of meltdowns today? 8? 10?

I predicted 14 at the start of the day. I think it’ll break 20 easy.

351 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:58:16pm

re: #333 Noam Sayin’

Nope. Thought I smelled him, but that turned out to be something in the fridge.

Laboratory experiment. You don’t want to know.

I once forgot I had my Thanksgiving turkey in the fridge until late February.

352 Noam Sayin'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:58:19pm

re: #343 debutaunt


Yes. I realized that lately this forum has been roughly 72% less annoying lately.

353 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:58:32pm

re: #345 OldLineTexan

stay employed

/I’ll whisper

Sorry my #347..It was a typo

354 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:58:41pm

re: #346 rightymouse

Probably just seeing if we are still talking about it.


355 mikeytrix  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:58:59pm

re: #295 Salamantis

Darwin and Einstein remain the greatest scientific minds of the past two centuries.

I bet that British guy in the wheelchair could give those guys a run for their money.

356 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:59:06pm

re: #335 rightymouse

I tried and blew out my back. lol!

It’s a baton thing where you spin while bouncing the baton off your shoulders and elbows.

357 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:59:29pm

re: #348 ArmyWife

But how is this statement going to reach the retail masses if it’s inside your apartment?

This is for me. Most crazy people don’t get much of an opportunity to cash in on their craziness.

358 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:59:38pm

re: #338 Noam Sayin’

Speaking of, where’s the one who should not be named (latest version)? Haven’t seen him in a while.


359 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:59:39pm

re: #346 rightymouse

Color me surprised. Not. Har!

If I were Charles, I would sponsor a contest to create a I Quit LGF certificate that he or Stinky could drop into these threads to satisfy these requests.

You know, suitable for printing and framing.

I would also have a Hall of Quitters with each nic listed for posterity.

360 wrenchwench  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 4:59:46pm

re: #336 vxbush

I am no great fan of what I see Spencer doing now (in the past he has generated great respect from me), but is he perhaps using “setup” as a synonym for “account page”?

He’s claiming that the whole facebook thing was a setup to trick him. I can’t say for sure that’s what he was referring to in the quotation in Killgore’s #298, but Spencer is claiming he was set up.

361 Jack Burton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:00:09pm

re: #350 Bloodnok

We have had creationist and neofascist meltdowns today. All we need are some Nirthers for a hat trick. Should get 20 easily that way.

362 TedStriker  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:00:18pm

re: #298 Killgore Trout

Mr. Spencer updated his post at Jihad Watch….

Heh. What a vengeful little man.

Way to go, Robert…you get caught red-handed lending your support to a Facebook group that advocates horrific actions against certain ethnic/religious groups, so you and your toadies go after the person who blew the whistle on you.

After this (and other) crap , what sane person would want you as an ally?

363 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:00:20pm

re: #357 Walter L. Newton

Ok. If it makes you happy, you just go on with your bad self.

364 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:00:20pm

re: #344 A Kiwi Infidel

I see your 100 quatloos and raise you 2,500,000,000 zimbabwean dollars and a mouldy dry crust of bread.

Hmm. The gauntlet has been thrown down, I see.

I see your 2,500,000,000 zimbabwean dollars and moldy dry crust of bread, and I raise you:

3,000,000,000 martian rubles
2,000,000,000 venusian marbles
1,000,000,000 mercurial toothpicks

365 Noam Sayin'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:00:21pm

re: #351 MandyManners

Yeah, there’s that point between, “I really have to attend to that one of these days” and “I really don’t want to open that container.”

366 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:00:47pm

re: #331 A Kiwi Infidel

Reminds me of of when I was 12, attempting to hammer in a 4 inch nail at head height and mis-hitthe hammer glancing straight into my mouth. You are correct. Mouth injuries bleed, alot.

It takes a while to get the taste of blood out of the mouth.

367 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:00:57pm

re: #360 wrenchwench

That damn Right Wing Conspiracy again.

368 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:01:07pm

It’s getting scary out there. Today, a robber threatened to smear me with peanut butter if i didn’t give him all the money in my wallet.

369 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:01:24pm

re: #368 Walter L. Newton

You gave him the dollar, right?

370 IslandLibertarian  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:01:51pm

re: #344 A Kiwi Infidel

I see your 100 quatloos and raise you 2,500,000,000 zimbabwean dollars and a mouldy dry crust of bread.

I’ll raise you 1 stimulus.
That puts us all in………….

371 DEZes  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:01:52pm

re: #360 wrenchwench

He’s claiming that the whole facebook thing was a setup to trick him. I can’t say for sure that’s what he was referring to in the quotation in Killgore’s #298, but Spencer is claiming he was set up.

A facebook troofer!

372 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:02:02pm

re: #359 OldLineTexan

If I were Charles, I would sponsor a contest to create a I Quit LGF certificate that he or Stinky could drop into these threads to satisfy these requests.

You know, suitable for printing and framing.

I would also have a Hall of Quitters with each nic listed for posterity.

An LGF graveyard?

373 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:02:11pm

re: #354 ArmyWife

Probably just seeing if we are still talking about it.


It is part of the intellectually dishonest, wobbly, sell-out bunch.

Have no use for unprincipled cowards.

374 Lynn B.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:02:13pm

re: #336 vxbush

I am no great fan of what I see Spencer doing now (in the past he has generated great respect from me), but is he perhaps using “setup” as a synonym for “account page”?

No. Sorry. He’s made several statements to the effect that he was “set up.”

375 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:02:24pm

re: #369 ArmyWife

You gave him the dollar, right?

Nope. I found out he was allergic to strawberry jam, right back at him.

376 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:03:07pm

re: #356 MandyManners

It’s a baton thing where you spin while bouncing the baton off your shoulders and elbows.

You’ve never seen me spin. I get dizzy easily. Fall down and go boom.

377 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:03:09pm

re: #365 Noam Sayin’

Yeah, there’s that point between, “I really have to attend to that one of these days” and “I really don’t want to open that container.”

I had to throw away this HUGE tupperware container. No amount of bleach or SoftScrub or dishwashing would remove the smell.

378 LGoPs  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:03:22pm

re: #351 MandyManners

I once forgot I had my Thanksgiving turkey in the fridge until late February.

Bet there was a fowl smell in there…….

379 saberry0530  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:03:26pm

re: #372 MandyManners

An LGF graveyard?

Then where would we classify Zombie?

380 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:03:32pm

re: #307 ArmyWife

umm….McCarthy was right.

Maybe, but he did it wrong and had no sense of decency.

381 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:04:22pm

re: #377 MandyManners

Putting the container in the summer sun for a week might have worked.

382 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:04:44pm

re: #372 MandyManners

An LGF graveyard?

Excellent suggestion for the sticked.

383 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:04:55pm

re: #374 Lynn B.

No. Sorry. He’s made several statements to the effect that he was “set up.”

Okay, then. In the one sentence quoted above, I could interpret it both ways. If he’s making additional statements, then that takes care of that.

Sad, really.

384 Lynn B.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:04:57pm

re: #354 ArmyWife

Probably just seeing if we are still talking about it.


You don’t have to stay logged in to do that.

It wants to see if it’s gotten the stick so it can run back and get brownie points. Can’t tell that unless you’re logged in.

/although if you ask to lose your account don’t you get a deduction off your martyr points when you do?

385 BBev  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:05:08pm

re: #273 Jimmah

No it’s not done

386 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:05:18pm

re: #376 rightymouse

You’ve never seen me spin. I get dizzy easily. Fall down and go boom.

Does it shake the house?

387 TedStriker  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:05:22pm

re: #379 saberry0530

Then where would we classify Zombie?

Zombie’s undead, so he/she/it doesn’t need a graveyard…


388 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:05:45pm

re: #378 LGoPs

Bet there was a fowl smell in there…….

LOL! Beyond.

389 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:06:08pm

re: #379 saberry0530

Then where would we classify Zombie?

It’s the sorta’-living.

390 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:06:18pm

re: #363 ArmyWife

If It Makes You Happy

Found Geronimo’s rifle …

391 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:06:24pm

re: #386 MandyManners

Does it shake the house?

I don’t weigh very much. Can be hell on the tailbone, I tell you what.

392 brookly red  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:06:33pm

re: #364 vxbush

Hmm. The gauntlet has been thrown down, I see.

I see your 2,500,000,000 zimbabwean dollars and moldy dry crust of bread, and I raise you:

3,000,000,000 martian rubles
2,000,000,000 venusian marbles
1,000,000,000 mercurial toothpicks

what district do you represent?

393 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:06:40pm

re: #381 Ojoe

Putting the container in the summer sun for a week might have worked.

I had no place to store it until then.

394 Noam Sayin'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:06:45pm

re: #377 MandyManners

I’ve actually thrown away containers without even making the attempt to clean them.

395 Lynn B.  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:06:57pm

re: #383 vxbush

Okay, then. In the one sentence quoted above, I could interpret it both ways. If he’s making additional statements, then that takes care of that.

Sad, really.

Yes. Maybe this will help clarify.

RS (@ Hot Air):

Clearly it was a setup. I was in a hurry and didn’t read the material about the group, but I am not at all sure that the group even said any of that when I joined it.

I am planning to report “Cato the Elder” to Facebook for abuse of his account, for what it’s worth.

396 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:07:10pm

re: #382 OldLineTexan

Excellent suggestion for the sticked.

Maybe little tombstones with their nics on them.

397 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:07:46pm

re: #380 USBeast

Ok - tact was a bit lacking. But still right.

398 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:07:50pm

re: #394 Noam Sayin’

I’ve actually thrown away containers without even making the attempt to clean them.

They seal the drums of nuke waste. Just sayin’.

399 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:07:50pm

re: #389 MandyManners

It’s the sorta’-living.

But can we deny that Zombie has a life?

400 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:08:06pm

re: #391 rightymouse

I don’t weigh very much. Can be hell on the tailbone, I tell you what.

Like when I fell off the top of the pyramid when I was a cheerleader and broke both arms and my cocyx?

401 LGoPs  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:08:13pm

re: #396 MandyManners

Maybe little tombstones with their nics on them.

I like that…..LOL

402 midwestgak  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:08:14pm

re: #396 MandyManners

Maybe little tombstones with their nics on them.


403 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:08:26pm

re: #395 Lynn B.

Bitch set me up!

404 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:08:58pm

re: #395 Lynn B.

Robert Spencer is saying he is easily suckered? Really?


405 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:09:25pm

re: #394 Noam Sayin’

I’ve actually thrown away containers without even making the attempt to clean them.

This was a very useful one.

406 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:09:32pm

re: #394 Noam Sayin’

Me too. Clam Chowder in child’s thermos on day 3? Trash can. Pronto.

407 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:09:38pm

re: #396 MandyManners

Maybe little tombstones with their nics on them.

ID’ers get little sauropods. Nirthers get a deth certifikit. Resignations get a whine bottle.

408 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:09:41pm

re: #400 MandyManners

Like when I fell off the top of the pyramid when I was a cheerleader and broke both arms and my cocyx?


Good grief!

409 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:10:03pm

re: #400 MandyManners

Like when I fell off the top of the pyramid when I was a cheerleader and broke both arms and my cocyx?

I think broken arms hurt the worst…just unbelievable pain..
Sorry Mandy

410 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:10:12pm

re: #399 USBeast

But can we deny that Zombie has a life?

Oh, no. It’s one of the livelier Lizards.

411 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:10:29pm

re: #396 MandyManners

Maybe little tombstones with their nics on them.


412 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:10:38pm

re: #408 rightymouse


Good grief!

No kidding. What if you had to scratch your butt? Doubly painful!


413 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:10:48pm

re: #407 OldLineTexan

ID’ers get little sauropods. Nirthers get a deth certifikit. Resignations get a whine bottle.

Oh, beautiful.

414 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:10:53pm

re: #372 MandyManners

An LGF graveyard?

More like a past commentary of how the BBQ tasted and which sauce went best with which one.

/graveyard is too morbid. ;)

415 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:10:54pm

re: #400 MandyManners

WOW. I fell off my pony and broke my cocyx. That was very painful, sitting, standing, laying down, NOTHING helped. I can’t imagine adding 2 broken arms to the mix!

416 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:11:25pm

re: #409 HoosierHoops

I think broken arms hurt the worst…just unbelievable pain..
Sorry Mandy

Never broke arms. Ribs. Yes. They are awful and can’t do a bloody thing except wait a month or so until they heal.

417 TedStriker  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:11:32pm

re: #406 ArmyWife

Me too. Clam Chowder in child’s thermos on day 3? Trash can. Pronto.


418 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:11:48pm

re: #408 rightymouse

re: #409 HoosierHoops

Imagine not being able to even feed yourself for six weeks.

419 Jim in Virginia  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:12:04pm

I’ve contacted the good folk at Impeach Them to see if they have any yard signs left over.

420 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:12:41pm

re: #418 MandyManners

re: #409 HoosierHoops

Imagine not being able to even feed yourself for six weeks.

Dreadful. :(

421 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:12:41pm

re: #415 ArmyWife

WOW. I fell off my pony and broke my cocyx. That was very painful, sitting, standing, laying down, NOTHING helped. I can’t imagine adding 2 broken arms to the mix!

Utter misery.

422 monkeytime  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:12:59pm

re: #298 Killgore Trout

Mr. Spencer updated his post at Jihad Watch….

Heh. What a vengeful little man.

What the hell is a Facebook “setup”?

423 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:13:15pm

re: #419 Jim in Virginia

I’ve contacted the good folk at Impeach Them to see if they have any yard signs left over.

My God you look a lot like Barack Obama!

424 LGoPs  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:13:20pm

re: #400 MandyManners

Like when I fell off the top of the pyramid when I was a cheerleader and broke both arms and my cocyx?


425 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:13:41pm

re: #397 ArmyWife

Ok - tact was a bit lacking. But still right.

“Okay - tfact was a bit lacking.”

426 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:13:41pm

re: #420 rightymouse

Or, brush your teeth. Dress yourself.

Thank goodness it was pre-Internet. I can imagine posting with my nose.

427 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:13:50pm

re: #418 MandyManners

re: #409 HoosierHoops

Imagine not being able to even feed yourself for six weeks.

And Selma Hayek nowhere to be found …


428 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:14:13pm

Gotta’ go get The Kid out of a mess. bbl

429 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:14:56pm

re: #428 MandyManners

Gotta’ go get The Kid out of a mess. bbl

Good luck.

430 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:15:16pm

re: #418 MandyManners

re: #409 HoosierHoops

Imagine not being able to even feed yourself for six weeks.

That really sucks….Imagine you being in High School after a knee op and your mother had to take you to the bathroom to piss and poop for 6 weeks..
My humbleness comes from life…

431 rightymouse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:15:17pm

Off to spend time with the testosterone units.


433 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:16:09pm

re: #431 rightymouse

Off to spend time with the testosterone units.


Now that you mention it, I’m gonna go get mine outta my wife’s purse.

/if she’ll let me

434 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:16:49pm

re: #432 IslandLibertarian


Is Lewis Carroll writing this stuff?

435 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:17:06pm

re: #432 IslandLibertarian

Who in heaven’s name uses a word like “fulsome” anymore?

436 Racer X  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:17:14pm

re: #220 Charles

Please note:

[Link: hotair.com…]


There sure are a lot of posters over there complaining about “fascism” and “banning” and “censorship”.

Did I miss something or is Charles The Omnipotent™ stifling free speech on every blog on the net?

Some people just do not understand how free speech works. Post whatever you want on your blog. On Charles’ blog, he is free to post what he wants, and allow whomever he wants to contribute comments. Comments he does not like he can and will delete.

I see no problem with it.

438 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:17:47pm

re: #432 IslandLibertarian

That’s because not everyone is in lock step and the word is leaking out the emperors clothes are a bit scant.

439 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:18:22pm

re: #438 ArmyWife

That’s because not everyone is in lock step and the word is leaking out the emperors clothes are a bit scant.

What? He’s got clothes?

440 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:18:28pm

re: #292 Killgore Trout

Whoever pick an even dozen in the meltdown pool might be a winner.

Way low.

Actually, the total to this point is 17.

12 Spencer-related freak-outs, two of them sock puppets for previous banned users, and 5 creationist meltdowns.

441 LGoPs  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:18:34pm

re: #435 Walter L. Newton

Who in heaven’s name uses a word like “fulsome” anymore?

Just thinking the same thing……..

442 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:19:05pm

re: #392 brookly red

what district do you represent?

Math. :-)

443 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:19:17pm

O’Reilly on the radio. Paraphrase “Well, the stimulus bill may work, or maybe it won’t work, or parts of it may help, but… and you won’t hear any other talk show host telling you this.”

Spot on/

444 OldLineTexan  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:19:54pm

re: #440 Charles

Way low.

Actually, the total to this point is 17.

12 Spencer-related freak-outs, two of them sock puppets for previous banned users, and 5 creationist meltdowns.

What’s the bag limit?

/looks for game warden

445 Noam Sayin'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:19:58pm

Alright, off to track and kill some fried dumplings and seafood with pan-fried noodles.


446 jaunte  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:19:59pm

‘Fulsome’ is a very ambiguous word for a press secretary to use about a possible future answer. Maybe he doesn’t want to commit.

447 FurryOldGuyJeans  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:20:31pm

re: #440 Charles

Way low.

Actually, the total to this point is 17.

12 Spencer-related freak-outs, two of them sock puppets for previous banned users, and 5 creationist meltdowns.

And the day isn’t even close to being over. We have the after-dinner crowd on the Left Coast to contend with still.

448 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:21:02pm

re: #436 Racer X

Charles is now the Government? WOO HOOO! We are SAVED!

(You can ban whatever speech you want in your house, business, etc. It’s the GOVERNMENT that can’t make laws against speech)

449 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:21:02pm

re: #440 Charles


450 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:21:26pm

re: #439 BlueCanuck

ssshhhhh. (yes).

451 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:23:18pm

re: #422 monkeytime

What the hell is a Facebook “setup”?

He’s pushing a conspiracy theory that it’s a fake group created to make him look bad. He even hinted that the group was normal when he joined and that the content of the group was changed to fascist stuff after he joined.

452 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:23:21pm

re: #430 HoosierHoops

That really sucks….Imagine you being in High School after a knee op and your mother had to take you to the bathroom to piss and poop for 6 weeks..
My humbleness comes from life…

And some of us would do it again for our kids. It’s a calling.

453 TedStriker  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:23:59pm

re: #432 IslandLibertarian

this is all happening……..really……….they are on a roll……….

During the presidential campaign, a spokesman said Barack Obama did not favor reinstating the Fairness Doctrine. But his White House spokesman has since left the door open.
“I pledge to you to study up on the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ so that, one day, I might give you a more fulsome answer,” White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said.

Dear Leader, his press lackey Gibbs, and the Congressional Democrats can just sit on it and spin…for my part, I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let them reenact the Fairness Doctrine (which would only affect “conservative” media, leaving “liberal” media mostly untouched).

454 Render  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:24:02pm

re: #298 Killgore Trout

I wonder what story Spencer told the Facebook admins.

Does he not realize that Facebook keeps logs?

They already know Spencer joined those groups, and when. They already know that Cato got the “friends” notification, and when.

It won’t take them but about 15 minutes to discover who’s telling the truth.


455 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:24:25pm

re: #438 ArmyWife

That’s because not everyone is in lock step and the word is leaking out the emperors clothes are a bit scant.

I think the Left is being slapped out of the heady euphoria it fully expected to enjoy after the elevation of the One. Being firm believers in entitlement they are a bit put out.

456 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:24:45pm

re: #435 Walter L. Newton

Who in heaven’s name uses a word like “fulsome” anymore?

It was probably on his “word a day” calendar.

457 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:25:25pm

re: #451 Killgore Trout

He’s pushing a conspiracy theory that it’s a fake group created to make him look bad. He even hinted that the group was normal when he joined and that the content of the group was changed to fascist stuff after he joined.

I’m really confused. He didn’t really pay attention to what he was joining or he did pay attention and then they changed it after he joined? I’ve heard both statement coming from Spencer.

458 rightwinger3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:25:29pm

re: #451 Killgore Trout

He’s pushing a conspiracy theory that it’s a fake group created to make him look bad. He even hinted that the group was normal when he joined and that the content of the group was changed to fascist stuff after he joined.

That was all shit that I believe Walter L. Newton brought up on the thread. Imagine that.

459 The Shadow Do  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:25:48pm

I just clocked in and found this -
From Hotair:

You should investigate these things for yourself rather than take this deeply dishonest man’s word for anything.

Robert Spencer on February 12, 2009 at 6:30 PM

This man is a beaut….`LOL

461 LGoPs  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:26:06pm

re: #446 jaunte

‘Fulsome’ is a very ambiguous word for a press secretary to use about a possible future answer. Maybe he doesn’t want to commit.

Maybe he meant Folsom….like in Folsom Prison. He might be looking into his crystal ball…….
/ bastards

462 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:26:19pm

re: #454 Render

Ah, let him scream and holler. The more he does, and the more he becomes unhinged, the more some people will start taking a closer look at him and his associations. Real shame actually. He did have some good points in the beginning. Funny actually. I think I found Jihad Watch after listening to Coast to Coast AM.

/suddenly the connections become clearer.

463 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:27:47pm

re: #449 Killgore Trout


I’ve actually created a database table to keep track of blocked users, and when I hit the button, I can enter the reason for the block. I did this because so many of these people like to go to other sites and claim they were banned just for uttering harmless opinions — when in reality, they’re almost all because of insults, demands to be banned, blatant dishonesty (very common in creationists), racist comments, or advocating violence.

Now if it becomes an issue with one of them, I can consult the blocked users table and pull up their records.

464 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:27:57pm

re: #461 LGoPs

Maybe he meant Folsom….like in Folsom Prison. He might be looking into his crystal ball…….
/ bastards

Or he might have been thinking of that Folsom Street Fair thing Zombie reported on…

465 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:28:07pm

re: #435 Walter L. Newton

Who in heaven’s name uses a word like “fulsome” anymore?

It is a perfectly good word. I don’t use it much but will find more occasions to do so. One of the most pernicious trends in modern society is the assault on the English language and it’s vocabulary.

466 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:28:12pm

re: #456 lobo91

It was probably on his “word a day” calendar.

I’m flipping through my “word a day” calendar, and it say “bullshit” on every page.

467 LGoPs  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:28:14pm

see you lizards later…….

468 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:29:35pm

re: #463 Charles

How dreary some people are, and now you have a database of them. Ugh.

Thanks, Charles.

469 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:29:38pm

re: #451 Killgore Trout

He’s pushing a conspiracy theory that it’s a fake group created to make him look bad. He even hinted that the group was normal when he joined and that the content of the group was changed to fascist stuff after he joined.

It’s utterly pathetic.

470 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:29:57pm

re: #458 rightwinger3

That was all shit that I believe Walter L. Newton brought up on the thread. Imagine that.

Whoa cowboy. That was a question I asked lizards here, since I know NOTHING about how Facebook works.

I don’t talk shit here and I take a REAL big offense to your remark.

471 rawmuse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:31:15pm

re: #463 Charles

Gad, that sounds tedious. I am so sorry you have to do that, it is not unlike building a legal case. There is nothing so precious as a reputation.

472 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:31:16pm

re: #455 USBeast

Agreed. I just wonder what has to happen to make the kooks at DU and Kos realize they’ve been had and turn on him. Thus far, the Gregg thing is being spun as Gregg being “erratic” and putting “party before what is best for the country”. Also read that the Rethuglicans put pressure on him to resign. NOTHING about the census thing being a legitimate concern, nor questioning Geithner’s grade school performance and the stimulus plan being a big, expensive boondoggle.

473 Ojoe  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:31:39pm

re: #466 Walter L. Newton

My calendar just says “grunt”


474 rightwinger3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:31:40pm

re: #470 Walter L. Newton

Maybe I should say “stuff” instead of “shit” then.

475 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:31:47pm

re: #452 vxbush

And some of us would do it again for our kids. It’s a calling.

Hi VX! nice seeing you here tonight..Guess what?
Mama is working late tonight and I told her I ordered pizza..She is expecting to come home home tonight to cold pizza, tired and pissed off about her day..
(she is in logistics..Gah)
In 15 minutes I’m calling Logan’s Steak house and ordering her a giant Steak and all the fixings…When she gets home at 10pm she is going to be freaked out…and relaxed..
You don’t raise 5 kids and stay together by being an asshole to the love of your life…You spoil love…Just saying…Lawdy..I love Logans Hot bread and butter…:)

476 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:33:00pm

re: #463 Charles

I’ve actually created a database table to keep track of blocked users, and when I hit the button, I can enter the reason for the block. I did this because so many of these people like to go to other sites and claim they were banned just for uttering harmless opinions — when in reality, they’re almost all because of insults, demands to be banned, blatant dishonesty (very common in creationists), racist comments, or advocating violence.

Now if it becomes an issue with one of them, I can consult the blocked users table and pull up their records.

Also handy in case of nuisance lawsuits and if the feds come to visit.

477 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:33:13pm

re: #474 rightwinger3

Maybe I should say “stuff” instead of “shit” then.

I don’t care how you put it, you appear to be saying that I support what Spencer did, or that I gave him some sort of excuse for his actions, what ever. You should fucking know that I did not do anything of that nature. Are you trying to start a fight?

478 The Shadow Do  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:33:24pm

re: #463 Charles

I’ve actually created a database table to keep track of blocked users, and when I hit the button, I can enter the reason for the block. I did this because so many of these people like to go to other sites and claim they were banned just for uttering harmless opinions — when in reality, they’re almost all because of insults, demands to be banned, blatant dishonesty (very common in creationists), racist comments, or advocating violence.

Now if it becomes an issue with one of them, I can consult the blocked users table and pull up their records.

Trust you have a similar database for characters like Spencer…

479 Render  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:33:48pm

re: #463 Charles



480 monkeytime  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:34:06pm

re: #451 Killgore Trout

He’s pushing a conspiracy theory that it’s a fake group created to make him look bad. He even hinted that the group was normal when he joined and that the content of the group was changed to fascist stuff after he joined.

What an ego! Is he so important that Cato would make a group on Facebook. Get friends including Spencer. Then slowly, over time, turn the content of the Facebook page to facist ideals. Then wait….wait….wait for it…..NOW - spring the big reveal! OH The Humanity! What a joke.

481 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:34:38pm

re: #475 HoosierHoops

*furiously scribbles down a note* Thanks for the tip. Could probably use something like that some day.

/but then again I pride myself on cooking and have had home made goodness ready on a table at the appropriate time

482 rightwinger3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:34:40pm

re: #477 Walter L. Newton

Never said anything of the sort. You must have taken it wrong. I said you brought all those points up on the thread.

483 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:34:48pm

re: #472 ArmyWife

NOTHING about the census thing being a legitimate concern, nor questioning Geithner’s grade school performance and the stimulus plan being a big, expensive boondoggle.

Of course they don’t mention those things, because to them, they aren’t legitimate concerns.

484 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:34:50pm

re: #475 HoosierHoops

Hi VX! nice seeing you here tonight..Guess what?
Mama is working late tonight and I told her I ordered pizza..She is expecting to come home home tonight to cold pizza, tired and pissed off about her day..
(she is in logistics..Gah)
In 15 minutes I’m calling Logan’s Steak house and ordering her a giant Steak and all the fixings…When she gets home at 10pm she is going to be freaked out…and relaxed..
You don’t raise 5 kids and stay together by being an asshole to the love of your life…You spoil love…Just saying…Lawdy..I love Logans Hot bread and butter…:)

You, sir, are a good man. Keep up the good work!

485 itellu3times  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:35:50pm

re: #432 IslandLibertarian

this is all happening……..really……….they are on a roll……….

During the presidential campaign, a spokesman said Barack Obama did not favor reinstating the Fairness Doctrine. But his White House spokesman has since left the door open.
“I pledge to you to study up on the ‘Fairness Doctrine’ so that, one day, I might give you a more fulsome answer,” White House press secretary Robert Gibbs said.

You’re kidding, right? This was the spokesperson?


The word either means “stinking”, or it means the speaker is an idiot. Webster is being, um, diplomatic here.

486 itellu3times  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:36:41pm

re: #485 itellu3times

Or it means the speaker shot a man in Reno, just to watch him die.

487 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:37:00pm

re: #472 ArmyWife

Agreed. I just wonder what has to happen to make the kooks at DU and Kos realize they’ve been had and turn on him. Thus far, the Gregg thing is being spun as Gregg being “erratic” and putting “party before what is best for the country”. Also read that the Rethuglicans put pressure on him to resign. NOTHING about the census thing being a legitimate concern, nor questioning Geithner’s grade school performance and the stimulus plan being a big, expensive boondoggle.

Yep, and when the Porkulus package fails, it will be because Republicans stood in the way.

488 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:39:05pm

re: #487 USBeast

Yep, and when the Porkulus package fails, it will be because Republicans stood in the way.

Of course. That’s the whole reason Obama’s been on the campaign trail all week. He’s planting the seeds of blame already.

489 Racer X  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:39:51pm

re: #480 monkeytime

What an ego! Is he so important that Cato would make a group on Facebook. Get friends including Spencer. Then slowly, over time, turn the content of the Facebook page to facist ideals. Then wait….wait….wait for it…..NOW - spring the big reveal! OH The Humanity! What a joke.

No, no. Charles and Cato got together, lured Robert in to join their group, then changed the content to fascism, then outed Robert on LGF.

All in the same day.

490 TedStriker  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:40:12pm

re: #470 Walter L. Newton

Walter, I don’t think he meant any offense to you; rather, I think rightwinger was trying to say that Robert’s using the “I was hacked/the group was changed after I joined” defense for his indefensible act and that you were asking questions about the likelihood of those scenarios previously.

491 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:40:15pm

This probably will not surprise anyone, but there are some posters at JW, active right now, who are talking about being on LGF, right now, and trying to say something to get banned.

492 jorline  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:41:23pm

Evening, Lizards.

How many trolls has stinky hit out of the park tonight?

493 mean Gene  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:41:32pm

On the lines of #re: #463 Charles
I wondered…..
Do you delete every remark written by a poster once you ban that poster?
Or do you let the previous non-ban-causing comments stand?

494 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:42:15pm

re: #490 talon_262

Walter, I don’t think he meant any offense to you; rather, I think rightwinger was trying to say that Robert’s using the “I was hacked/the group was changed after I joined” defense for his indefensible act and that you were asking questions about the likelihood of those scenarios previously.

Then, why did he call my comment “shit” or describe it as shit. My comment was a question, innocent, since I have never even be on the Facebook site.

495 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:42:42pm

re: #489 Racer X

No, no. Charles and Cato got together, lured Robert in to join their group, then changed the content to fascism, then outed Robert on LGF.

All in the same day.

Yep. Then I cleaned out my attic, put in some work on my doctoral dissertation, repaired the fence around my house, had a short conversation with Rahm Emanuel, drank a six pack of beer and a fifth of 151 rum, swam a few laps, and mellowed out with a few rounds of Grand Theft Auto. Version 4.

496 Dustyvet  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:42:48pm

Zorba the Geek…

497 jaunte  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:42:59pm

re: #491 Walter L. Newton

This probably will not surprise anyone, but there are some posters at JW, active right now, who are talking about being on LGF, right now, and trying to say something to get banned.

Well, if they’ve been paying any attention at all, that shouldn’t be much of a challenge. There’s even a handy idea list for them at the top of the thread.

498 Sharmuta  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:43:12pm

re: #491 Walter L. Newton

Not surprising at all, imo.

re: #489 Racer X

No, no. Charles and Cato got together, lured Robert in to join their group, then changed the content to fascism, then outed Robert on LGF.

All in the same day.

Yes- it’s a nefarious plot that was completely dependent on the mastermind’s abliity to pinpoint the exact moment in time to best take advantage of robert’s distracted mind, careless attention to detail, and reckless mouse clicking abandon. Brilliant strategery and execution!

499 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:43:18pm

re: #492 jorline

Evening, Lizards.

How many trolls has stinky hit out of the park tonight?

According to the Grand Lizard 17 and counting.

/may be more by the end of the day.

500 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:43:41pm

re: #491 Walter L. Newton

This probably will not surprise anyone, but there are some posters at JW, active right now, who are talking about being on LGF, right now, and trying to say something to get banned.

the subterfuge ploughs onward….banned by Charles is some kind perverse badge…these people become something like insects after a while

501 mean Gene  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:43:49pm

re: #494 Walter L. Newton

Then, why did he call my comment “shit” or describe it as shit. My comment was a question, innocent, since I have never even be on the Facebook site.

I’m happy to meet another poster who has never bothered with Facebook.
Looks like diving in there without first understanding all of the in’s and out’s of the place can only lead to trouble.

502 midwestgak  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:44:26pm

re: #492 jorline

Evening, Lizards.

How many trolls has stinky hit out of the park tonight?


I’ve never been able to visit an evening thread. (It’s 7:45 p.m. here). I’ve been lurking. It’s been interesting.

503 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:44:48pm

re: #491 Walter L. Newton

This probably will not surprise anyone, but there are some posters at JW, active right now, who are talking about being on LGF, right now, and trying to say something to get banned.

It will probably work.

504 rightwinger3  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:44:49pm

re: #494 Walter L. Newton

That’s the way I talk usually. It’s not good, but YOU try being around Marines for 22 years and NOT talk like that. Shit can mean practically anything to us. And none of it bad, except for “Bullshit”.

505 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:45:12pm

re: #487 USBeast

UH OH! We spoketh too soon:

[Link: www.democraticunderground.com…]

Of course they are mad for a completely goofy reason, but mad none the less!

506 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:45:49pm

re: #491 Walter L. Newton

This probably will not surprise anyone, but there are some posters at JW, active right now, who are talking about being on LGF, right now, and trying to say something to get banned.

I think Stinky said 17 so far…I’d eat popcorn but it would ruin my appetite..

507 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:45:57pm

re: #495 Charles

Yep. Then I cleaned out my attic, put in some work on my doctoral dissertation, repaired the fence around my house, had a short conversation with Rahm Emanuel, drank a six pack of beer and a fifth of 151 rum, swam a few laps, and mellowed out with a few rounds of Grand Theft Auto. Version 4.

no ordinary twitweenie….did you get your nails done?

508 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:46:27pm

re: #501 mean Gene

I have a facebook account - but I don’t join all these groups or whatever they are called.

509 paint-right  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:47:32pm

re: #465 USBeast

It is a perfectly good word. I don’t use it much but will find more occasions to do so. One of the most pernicious trends in modern society is the assault on the English language and it’s vocabulary.

Sorry to be obnoxiouus, but “it’s” in your sentence does not need the apostrophe.

It should read:”..the English language and its vocabulary.”

Since you brought the language thang up…LOL

510 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:48:25pm

re: #495 Charles

Yep. Then I cleaned out my attic, put in some work on my doctoral dissertation, repaired the fence around my house, had a short conversation with Rahm Emanuel, drank a six pack of beer and a fifth of 151 rum, swam a few laps, and mellowed out with a few rounds of Grand Theft Auto. Version 4.

YOU DA MAN! I never would have attempted to clean out my attic.

511 mean Gene  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:48:48pm

re: #508 ArmyWife

Can you link to it for me?
Or do I have to ”join” just to see it?
I hear a lot of young people are getting in trouble at their schools because of what they put there……like fight pics and almost nude pics.
And a Kansas National Guardswoman put her lesbianism on her Facebook page and was thrown out for breaking the ”Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” rule.

512 TedStriker  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:49:13pm

re: #494 Walter L. Newton

Then, why did he call my comment “shit” or describe it as shit. My comment was a question, innocent, since I have never even be on the Facebook site.

Poor choice of words or phrasing on rightwinger’s part, perhaps, but I got his jist…I saw it as complimenting you.

513 rawmuse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:49:19pm

re: #509 paint-right

It’s the reason I don’t use contractions.
Oh, wait…

514 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:49:32pm

re: #505 ArmyWife

UH OH! We spoketh too soon:

[Link: www.democraticunderground.com…]

Of course they are mad for a completely goofy reason, but mad none the less!

I agree with this statement…

“There is a circle of people in DC and NY that keep passing the money around to one another and then come and collect it from us.”

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. This is a bipartisan bill. Why, because every politician in Washington benefits.

515 mikeymom  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:49:38pm

re: #508 ArmyWife

I have a facebook account - but I don’t join all these groups or whatever they are called.

why do you have an account? what is it all about? i dont evem have a cell phone

516 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:49:41pm

re: #509 paint-right

Sorry to be obnoxiouus, but “it’s” in your sentence does not need the apostrophe.

It should read:”..the English language and its vocabulary.”

Since you brought the language thang up…LOL

You are right. Sackcloth and ashes for me.

517 Jim in Virginia  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:49:59pm

re: #406 ArmyWife You have a child that eats clam chowder? I’m in awe.

518 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:50:08pm

re: #495 Charles

Yep. Then I cleaned out my attic, put in some work on my doctoral dissertation, repaired the fence around my house, had a short conversation with Rahm Emanuel, drank a six pack of beer and a fifth of 151 rum, swam a few laps, and mellowed out with a few rounds of Grand Theft Auto. Version 4.

And you didn’t play guitar? yea..right!
we went to this party in the country last summer Charles..And this old dude played ‘somewhere over the rainbow’ in a jazz style ( I mean ripping it) and sang it in an old gruff voice that I will never forget ..Just incredible

519 Racer X  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:50:20pm

re: #495 Charles

Yep. Then I cleaned out my attic, put in some work on my doctoral dissertation, repaired the fence around my house, had a short conversation with Rahm Emanuel, drank a six pack of beer and a fifth of 151 rum, swam a few laps, and mellowed out with a few rounds of Grand Theft Auto. Version 4.

If it weren’t so completely disappointing it would be hilarious.

Spencer enlightened many of us on the magnitude of the true evil of Islamic Jihad - and for that I am thankful. I am disappointed to see the fractures in the anti-Jihad movement.

520 Bloodnok  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:51:12pm

re: #451 Killgore Trout

He’s pushing a conspiracy theory that it’s a fake group created to make him look bad. He even hinted that the group was normal when he joined and that the content of the group was changed to fascist stuff after he joined.

Thank goodness those other 315 fascists and neo Nazis took the bait!


521 midwestgak  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:51:35pm

re: #515 mikeymom

i dont evem have a cell phone

Neither do I! I thought I was the only one who could afford it but choose not to have one.

522 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:52:12pm

re: #520 Bloodnok

Thank goodness those other 315 fascists and neo Nazis took the bait! /eeeeexxxcelllent

Well, that was the fascist changes I’ve ever seen to a website.

523 Jim in Virginia  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:52:29pm

re: #423 OldLineTexan

My God you look a lot like Barack Obama!

Do you like it?

524 avanti  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:52:33pm

re: #485 itellu3times

You’re kidding, right? This was the spokesperson?


The word either means “stinking”, or it means the speaker is an idiot. Webster is being, um, diplomatic here.


4. encompassing all aspects; comprehensive: a fulsome survey of the political situation in Central America.
5. abundant or copious.

525 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:52:53pm

re: #515 mikeymom

why do you have an account? what is it all about? i dont evem have a cell phone

I don’t either.

526 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:53:26pm

re: #513 rawmuse

It’s the reason I don’t use contractions.
Oh, wait…

Data doesn’t use contractions. It’s how Riker figured out he was in an alternate reality constructed by an abandoned alien.

527 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:53:40pm

re: #519 Racer X

If it weren’t so completely disappointing it would be hilarious.

Spencer enlightened many of us on the magnitude of the true evil of Islamic Jihad - and for that I am thankful. I am disappointed to see the fractures in the anti-Jihad movement.

More than that — Robert Spencer only has a blog because I talked him into doing it. I put in at least $10,000 worth of work on his website without billing him, and defended him on dozens of occasions when he was attacked by leftists or Islamists. I sent him dozens of emails explaining over and over why I wanted nothing to do with Eurofascist groups, and he lied to me and said he agreed — then turned around and started making ridiculous, dishonest excuses for them.

The label “back-biting ingrate scum” doesn’t seem too extreme.

528 pingjockey  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:54:11pm

re: #525 Walter L. Newton
I have a cell for work and loathe it.

529 mikeymom  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:54:34pm

re: #521 midwestgak

about 5 yrs ago, i had to go back east for a family emergency- i got one-and when the yrs contract was up- got rid of it-dont miss it-and they screwed up the billing for that year—again, dont miss it at all

530 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:54:39pm

Hi Robert! I know you’re obsessively watching these comments, and you can bite me, jerk.

531 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:54:46pm

re: #511 mean Gene

Yeah there are certain rules one should follow on sites like that.
1.) Only associate with close friends
2.) Don’t post embarrassing pictures
3.) Don’t post facts that you don’t want out in the public domain
4.) Be circumspect in all you do on the site, the internet has a long memory

/have a face book account, am very careful about what I do, employers are always looking…

532 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:54:54pm

re: #519 Racer X

If it weren’t so completely disappointing it would be hilarious.

Spencer enlightened many of us on the magnitude of the true evil of Islamic Jihad - and for that I am thankful. I am disappointed to see the fractures in the anti-Jihad movement.

Ditto, but take heart. Our Founding Fathers did not march in lockstep and I will quickly disassociate myself from any movement or bloc that demands that I do.

533 sngnsgt  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:54:58pm

re: #525 Walter L. Newton

I have one, but it’s more like a watch than a phone, it keeps good time anywho.

534 IslandLibertarian  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:55:01pm

re: #505 ArmyWife

UH OH! We spoketh too soon:

[Link: www.democraticunderground.com…]

Of course they are mad for a completely goofy reason, but mad none the less!

the cap on executive pay has been removed from the stimulus bill.
I want to know - no, I demand to know - who killed this provision?

Well for sure, it wasn’t a Republican.
You been scammed you stupid moonbat!

535 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:55:07pm

re: #511 mean Gene

You have to be a friend, and it shows your real name, etc. I promise you, no nude pictures or pictures of me beating anyone up. Sorry to disappoint!

536 pingjockey  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:55:35pm

re: #527 Charles
Two faced, back stabbing bastard works too.

537 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:55:36pm

re: #526 MandyManners

Data doesn’t use contractions. It’s how Riker figured out he was in an alternate reality constructed by an abandoned alien.

I thought it was because they presented his supposedly dead wife in a picture and it was the gal from the hologram.

538 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:56:54pm

re: #517 Jim in Virginia

She is also a sushi fanatic - spicy tuna is her favorite, extra on the spicy. And mussels, she LOVES muscles. Beef? not so much.

539 Basho  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:57:09pm

re: #527 Charles

Wow… What causes people to fall after achieving so much? The fame? The sense of power or fear from every death threat received? Truly sad.

540 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:57:10pm

The label “back-biting ingrate scum” doesn’t seem too extreme.

Ire: #537 vxbush

I thought it was because they presented his supposedly dead wife in a picture and it was the gal from the hologram.

That was the frosting on the cake. Wasn’t her name Martinette?

541 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:57:32pm

re: #537 vxbush

I thought it was because they presented his supposedly dead wife in a picture and it was the gal from the hologram.

You are correct, Data using the contraction was the clincher. And yes she was a hologram, but she was on the holodeck.

/shameless trek nerd here.

542 rawmuse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:57:43pm

I do have a facebook account, but I am pretty low profile, and I stick to professional networking. Of course, that network is neck deep in crazies too. People there were just today writing about the Bush economy. Getting a little late for that by now. I just keep my head down, but it helps me keep in touch with family and such.

543 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:57:50pm

re: #530 Charles

Hi Robert! I know you’re obsessively watching these comments, and you can bite me, jerk.

Charles is into the merlot….gotta love it

544 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:57:58pm

re: #540 MandyManners

The label “back-biting ingrate scum” doesn’t seem too extreme.


That was the frosting on the cake. Wasn’t her name Martinette?

It was something with an M.

545 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:58:00pm

re: #527 Charles

More than that — Robert Spencer only has a blog because I talked him into doing it. I put in at least $10,000 worth of work on his website without billing him, and defended him on dozens of occasions when he was attacked by leftists or Islamists. I sent him dozens of emails explaining over and over why I wanted nothing to do with Eurofascist groups, and he lied to me and said he agreed — then turned around and started making ridiculous, dishonest excuses for them.

The label “back-biting ingrate scum” doesn’t seem too extreme.

I’d add “ungrateful asshole”.

546 Sharmuta  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:58:03pm

re: #530 Charles

Hi Robert! I know you’re obsessively watching these comments, and you can bite me, jerk.

Wow! I’m sure jihadis everywhere are packing it in because of robert’s diligence to….uh…. watching comments at LGF.

Way to fight jihad, robert.

547 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:58:30pm

re: #540 MandyManners

The label “back-biting ingrate scum” doesn’t seem too extreme.


That was the frosting on the cake. Wasn’t her name Martinette?

What in the world?

548 jorline  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:58:40pm

re: #499 BlueCanuck

According to the Grand Lizard 17 and counting.

/may be more by the end of the day.

Hey, Blue

Sounds like a t-ball home run derby…move over A-Rod.

549 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:58:40pm

re: #541 BlueCanuck

You are correct, Data using the contraction was the clincher. And yes she was a hologram, but she was on the holodeck.

/shameless trek nerd here.

if I had the money, I’d buy the series. My son and I would watch it every single night.

550 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:59:36pm

re: #541 BlueCanuck

You are correct, Data using the contraction was the clincher. And yes she was a hologram, but she was on the holodeck.

/shameless trek nerd here.

Darn it, I should have said holodeck. You’re right.
/hangs head in shame

551 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 5:59:37pm

Charles, could you look at my No. 540? How did that happen?

552 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:00:10pm

Nos. 549 and 550, too.

553 pingjockey  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:00:14pm

re: #548 jorline
17 trolls whacked today? Goddamn work, miss all the fun!

554 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:00:42pm

I also stepped in and mediated for him when he was being an abusive ass with the people from Hosting Matters, and stopped them from canceling his account.

555 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:00:44pm

re: #546 Sharmuta

Wow! I’m sure jihadis everywhere are packing it in because of robert’s diligence to….uh…. watching comments at LGF.

Way to fight jihad, robert.

he’s made a fool of himself today…if he lost Charles you have to wonder what this fool is capable of….I think it’s hilarious…

556 jorline  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:00:46pm

re: #502 midwestgak


I’ve never been able to visit an evening thread. (It’s 7:45 p.m. here). I’ve been lurking. It’s been interesting.

Hi {gak}

Last night was fun also…the trolls are breeding like rabbits.


557 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:01:12pm

re: #551 MandyManners

Charles, could you look at my No. 540? How did that happen?

Well, I wasn’t watching when you posted it, but my guess is a brain fart of some kind.

558 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:01:20pm

re: #552 MandyManners

Nos. 549 and 550, too.

In my browser, both those numbers are assigned to my comments. I take it you’re seeing something else.

559 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:02:18pm

No offense, Mandy. My brain farts sometimes too.

560 Jim in Virginia  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:02:43pm

re: #475 HoosierHoops

Hi VX! nice seeing you here tonight..Guess what?
Mama is working late tonight and I told her I ordered pizza..She is expecting to come home home tonight to cold pizza, tired and pissed off about her day..
(she is in logistics..Gah)
In 15 minutes I’m calling Logan’s Steak house and ordering her a giant Steak and all the fixings…When she gets home at 10pm she is going to be freaked out…and relaxed..
You don’t raise 5 kids and stay together by being an asshole to the love of your life…You spoil love…Just saying…Lawdy..I love Logans Hot bread and butter…:)

Youre going to get a thousand Husband Points.
Of course, one screw up and you lose them all.

561 pingjockey  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:02:44pm

re: #556 jorline
Y’all had whack a troll last night? Damn. What thread were there walnut sized brains trying to grasp?

562 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:02:45pm

Hey, midwestgak! How goes it?

563 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:03:19pm

re: #385 BBev

Yes it is - I updinged your 206.

564 Killgore Trout  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:03:26pm

re: #527 Charles

I recall that you also defended him to Lizards when many of us felt his initial denunciation of VB was weak.

565 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:03:32pm

re: #515 mikeymom

Actually, my husband had one to keep in touch with his Army buddies, and then his kooky friends from Vermont joined up to keep in touch with him (my rigid ideology chased some of those friends away, I’m sad to say). So I joined up and started out with my husband as my one sad and lonely friend. Then I linked up with a milblogging friend of mine, and got to know some of his friends that work on projects similar to the ones I am involved in, and it is an easy way to blast an update to an entire group. Its really a way to keep in touch with friends, you can’t link to another person’s page unless you confirm you “know” that person - both parties must agree to it.

566 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:03:33pm

re: #559 Charles

No offense, Mandy. My brain farts sometimes too.

What does that look….

No. Not gonna ask.

[steps away from the keyboard]

567 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:03:55pm

re: #549 vxbush

Second season sucked large. But it picked up after that. Best of Both worlds part 1 and 2 were amazing. I actually screamed in anguish at the end of part one. :p

/What? I have to wait 5 months for the conclusion. KHHHHAAAAAANNNNN

568 Racer X  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:03:55pm

re: #559 Charles

No offense, Mandy. My brain farts sometimes too.

Dude, you been eating popcorn and drinking beer? I had my mouth open and everything. My eyes are watering.

569 BignJames  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:04:07pm

re: #559 Charles

No offense, Mandy. My brain farts sometimes too.

You sure that isn’t a “senior moment”?

570 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:04:21pm

re: #557 Charles

Well, I wasn’t watching when you posted it, but my guess is a brain fart of some kind.

All I did was hit the “quote” button on No. 537.

571 Sharmuta  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:04:27pm

re: #555 albusteve

he’s made a fool of himself today…if he lost Charles you have to wonder what this fool is capable of….I think it’s hilarious…

He did. I would like mr spencer to know he made me laugh out loud with his crazy ass notion of a plot to ensnare him in an elaborate hoax. It was so laughable, I literally laughed out loud. It’s very sad, though, to see paranoia on this level in a person supposedly so “cordial” and educated.

572 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:05:06pm

re: #548 jorline

Pfffft. A-rod has nothing like Stinky when he begins to swing the wrench.

/for some reason the fridge has been well stocked with BBQ lately, better start salting some for the coming lean times.

573 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:05:09pm

re: #542 rawmuse

I do have a facebook account, but I am pretty low profile, and I stick to professional networking. Of course, that network is neck deep in crazies too. People there were just today writing about the Bush economy. Getting a little late for that by now. I just keep my head down, but it helps me keep in touch with family and such.

I’m confused again. Inside of Facebook, can’t you keep someone from linking from their Facebook page to your page? And vice versa?

If you answer is YES, then how does anything get out of control. You don’t put “friends” on your page who are kooks, and you do not accept a “friends” link on his kook site.

This is what confuses me. Doesn’t Facebook work just like any other social network, I mean a live one. You just don’t associate with kooks.

I know I don’t.

574 sngnsgt  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:05:22pm

re: #475 HoosierHoops

Steak, it’s not just for breakfast anymore.

575 pingjockey  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:05:54pm

re: #567 BlueCanuck
Did you see the add for the new movie coming out in May, IIRC. Kirk as a young Star Fleet officer before becoming Captain of Enterprise.

576 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:05:55pm

re: #560 Jim in Virginia

Youre going to get a thousand Husband Points.
Of course, one screw up and you lose them all.

You’re right there. One “Oh, shit!” and there go all your “Attaboy!”s.

577 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:06:24pm

re: #544 vxbush

It was something with an M.

Her name was Minuet.

578 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:06:31pm

re: #558 vxbush

In my browser, both those numbers are assigned to my comments. I take it you’re seeing something else.

They’re identical on my screen.

579 lawhawk  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:06:56pm

Whoa… what fresh hell have we entered here tonight. Trolls airlocked left and right and Charles on the warpath over that and Spencer.

Spencer did you wrong Charles, and you deserve to be pissed at him. More to the point, you have every right to be disappointed in the guy for standing with the Eurofascists and then watching him shrug and attempt a lame-ass Who me? Alfred E Neuman imitation. It’s unbecoming for him.

I don’t know where he went wrong, but I am sorely disappointed in the guy for hanging with the kind of crowd that would just as soon as throw me under the bus as the Islamic terrorists when given the opportunity. In the meantime, he offers up his legitimacy as a counter-jihad expert to these fringe groups and undermines the cause he fights for. Disappointing probably doesn’t begin to cover it, but I am disappointed in him and those who flock to his support and who haven’t thought this out.

580 nyc redneck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:06:59pm

re: #554 Charles

I also stepped in and mediated for him when he was being an abusive ass with the people from Hosting Matters, and stopped them from canceling his account.

charles, i am so sorry it has played out like this w/ robert spencer.

581 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:07:02pm

re: #559 Charles

No offense, Mandy. My brain farts sometimes too.

No offense at all. The Kid’s favorite word right now is “fart”.

Oh, joy.

582 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:07:11pm

re: #575 pingjockey

Did you see the add for the new movie coming out in May, IIRC. Kirk as a young Star Fleet officer before becoming Captain of Enterprise.

Yes, it’s a Trek movie about the whole crew, fresh out of school (Star Fleet I guess). I’m not a great Trek fan.

I know someone in the movie.

583 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:07:25pm

re: #573 Walter L. Newton

Walter - BOTH parties have to agree to link to each other. I can’t just willynilly add myself to someone’s list. You have to “confirm” you know that person.

584 pingjockey  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:07:28pm

re: #571 Sharmuta
Spencer thinks there is a hoax? Did he bogart Phelps’ bong?

585 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:07:49pm

540 MandyManners
2/12/09 5:57:10 pm reply quote 0downupfavoritereport

The label “back-biting ingrate scum” doesn’t seem too extreme.

Ire: #537 vxbush

I thought it was because they presented his supposedly dead wife in a picture and it was the gal from the hologram.

That was the frosting on the cake. Wasn’t her name Martinette?

587 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:08:15pm

re: #567 BlueCanuck

Second season sucked large. But it picked up after that. Best of Both worlds part 1 and 2 were amazing. I actually screamed in anguish at the end of part one. :p

/What? I have to wait 5 months for the conclusion. KHHHHAAAAAANNNNN

True story. When the final episode of ST:TNG came on, I worked at a super geeky company. Several of us got together and partied at a friend’s house, planning to watch the episode together.

After about 20 minutes or so, the station started having problems and we missed the entire episode. We were in serious anguish. Thankfully, the channel rebroadcast the episode the next week. I still have it on tape.

588 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:08:26pm

re: #583 ArmyWife

Walter - BOTH parties have to agree to link to each other. I can’t just willynilly add myself to someone’s list. You have to “confirm” you know that person.

Then, how does anything get out of control as Rawmuse indicates?

589 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:08:50pm

re: #571 Sharmuta

He did. I would like mr spencer to know he made me laugh out loud with his crazy ass notion of a plot to ensnare him in an elaborate hoax. It was so laughable, I literally laughed out loud. It’s very sad, though, to see paranoia on this level in a person supposedly so “cordial” and educated.

well there you have it….things are not what they seem…his cred is shot and he did it to himself…this facebook incident is so juvenile as to be utterly laughable…minus whatever bad vibe Charles has to deal with

590 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:09:09pm

re: #575 pingjockey

Sadly, I am going to give the movie a pass. The last two movies were disapointing, more like a two hour t.v. show. And after the obominations that were Voyager and Enterprise…

The best thing that Viacom should do is let the Trek universe rest for a decade. Look for a new direction in the meantime that is similar but different. Something like the break between TOS and TNG.

591 midwestgak  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:09:09pm

re: #529 mikeymom

about 5 yrs ago, i had to go back east for a family emergency- i got one-and when the yrs contract was up- got rid of it-dont miss it-and they screwed up the billing for that year—again, dont miss it at all

Got deceived and bought into one of those phone rebate scams a few years back. Free $100 phone. Only need to buy a card per month. Oh, you can buy the number of minutes, but you can’t buy less than xxx. And if you don’t use them, you lose them.

And if you don’t complete the 18 question rebate card and provide ALL the sales documentation they require, no free phone. Clever scam. Cost me.

592 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:09:17pm

re: #571 Sharmuta

He did. I would like mr spencer to know he made me laugh out loud with his crazy ass notion of a plot to ensnare him in an elaborate hoax. It was so laughable, I literally laughed out loud. It’s very sad, though, to see paranoia on this level in a person supposedly so “cordial” and educated.

It’s not just paranoia. It speaks of immense entitlement, of being a special snowflake.

593 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:09:19pm

re: #577 lobo91

Her name was Minuet.

That’s it! I was thinking it was musical, but couldn’t remember what.

594 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:09:33pm

re: #581 MandyManners

On the bright side, Mandy, it’s his favorite word, not his favorite thing to do.

595 pingjockey  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:10:17pm

re: #582 Walter L. Newton
Well that’s cool. I watched the special they had on about the Star Trek auction. If I was independently wealthy I would have owned every model starship they had! And a command chair from the bridge!

596 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:10:46pm

re: #594 ArmyWife

On the bright side, Mandy, it’s his favorite word, not his favorite thing to do.

But, it is. He’d do it on command if he could.

597 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:11:19pm

re: #587 vxbush

True story. When the final episode of ST:TNG came on, I worked at a super geeky company. Several of us got together and partied at a friend’s house, planning to watch the episode together.

After about 20 minutes or so, the station started having problems and we missed the entire episode. We were in serious anguish. Thankfully, the channel rebroadcast the episode the next week. I still have it on tape.

I worked at an electronics store at the time, and recorded the satellite feed Paramount used to send that episode to the stations that carried it. Got to watch it a week earlier than most people, and also got a whole package of recorded promo interviews withthe cast they sent with it.

598 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:11:33pm

re: #582 Walter L. Newton

Yes, it’s a Trek movie about the whole crew, fresh out of school (Star Fleet I guess). I’m not a great Trek fan.

I know someone in the movie.

Okay. You now have serious geek fu, in my opinion. Even if the movie turns out crappy.

599 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:11:44pm

re: #596 MandyManners

Ha! Boys. So different from girls.

600 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:12:29pm

re: #595 pingjockey

Well that’s cool. I watched the special they had on about the Star Trek auction. If I was independently wealthy I would have owned every model starship they had! And a command chair from the bridge!

I was never a Trek fan, I don’t even know what movies I’ve seen. If I see this one, it’s only because of the actor I know.

601 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:12:38pm

re: #596 MandyManners

But, it is. He’d do it on command if he could.

wind breaking is a right of passage…do not disturb the force

602 Sharmuta  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:12:45pm

re: #584 pingjockey

Yes- you can go to jihad watch and read it yourself, or see Charles’ update on the spencer thread. Charles and Cato the Elder set him up, you see…. Banking everything, and I mean everything, on robert clicking a “join group” link in a moment of inattentiveness.

Pathetic, robert.

603 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:12:54pm

re: #587 vxbush

Heh, that was my height of Trekkieness. I dressed up in a klingon costume that I made from scratch, should try to find some of the few pictures of me in it. Down here in Toronto, the broadcast station rented out the Skydome, now Rogers Center, and broadcast the whole thing on big screen. Just picture this, 20,000 trekkies and trekkers in one place watching the one show.

/I got a little too drunk so the hygeine issues didn’t really bother me.

604 pingjockey  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:13:45pm

re: #590 BlueCanuck
That is a thought. I like Scot Bakula, but “Enterprise” was not good. Never warmed to Voyager. If and its a large if they could get the guy who directed the Wrath of Kahn it might be okay. IMHO, The Wrath of Kahn was the best of the series.

605 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:13:58pm

re: #598 vxbush

Okay. You now have serious geek fu, in my opinion. Even if the movie turns out crappy.

The actor playing a young Scotty, Simon Pegg, I know him and his dad, Richard. Richard Pegg is on our board of directors at Miners Alley Playhouse and Richard also directs 2-3 of our show each year.

606 jorline  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:14:08pm

re: #561 pingjockey

Y’all had whack a troll last night? Damn. What thread were there walnut sized brains trying to grasp?

Sorry for the delay, ping. It was the Huckabee thread two nights ago. Happened this afternoon as well.

They’re everywhere!

607 MandyManners  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:14:09pm

re: #599 ArmyWife

re: #601 albusteve

His favorite video.

608 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:14:13pm

re: #603 BlueCanuck

Heh, that was my height of Trekkieness. I dressed up in a klingon costume that I made from scratch, should try to find some of the few pictures of me in it. Down here in Toronto, the broadcast station rented out the Skydome, now Rogers Center, and broadcast the whole thing on big screen. Just picture this, 20,000 trekkies and trekkers in one place watching the one show.

/I got a little too drunk so the hygeine issues didn’t really bother me.

The only thing I ever was interested in were the Cardassian earrings. I always thought those were cool. Unfortunately the ones you could buy had stupid feathers on them. So not cool.

609 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:14:21pm

may the Wind Force be with you….

610 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:14:22pm

re: #601 albusteve

wind breaking is a right of passage…do not disturb the force fart


/male and in some aspects still juvenile.

611 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:14:25pm

re: #590 BlueCanuck

Sadly, I am going to give the movie a pass. The last two movies were disapointing, more like a two hour t.v. show. And after the obominations that were Voyager and Enterprise…

The best thing that Viacom should do is let the Trek universe rest for a decade. Look for a new direction in the meantime that is similar but different. Something like the break between TOS and TNG.

I’ll probably rent it when it comes out on BluRay, but I doubt that I’ll see it in a theater.

From what I’ve seen so far, they seem to have taken quite a few liberties with the Star Trek canon, which annoys me.

612 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:15:06pm

re: #605 Walter L. Newton

The actor playing a young Scotty, Simon Pegg, I know him and his dad, Richard. Richard Pegg is on our board of directors at Miners Alley Playhouse and Richard also directs 2-3 of our show each year.

*VX starts fanning herself*

Ah, Scotty. A man after my own heart.

613 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:15:06pm

re: #603 BlueCanuck

Heh, that was my height of Trekkieness. I dressed up in a klingon costume that I made from scratch, should try to find some of the few pictures of me in it. Down here in Toronto, the broadcast station rented out the Skydome, now Rogers Center, and broadcast the whole thing on big screen. Just picture this, 20,000 trekkies and trekkers in one place watching the one show.

/I got a little too drunk so the hygeine issues didn’t really bother me.

No, i can’t imagine that. I did get a little crazy at a Liza Minelli concert once.

614 kahall  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:15:07pm

re: #527 Charles

More than that — Robert Spencer only has a blog because I talked him into doing it. I put in at least $10,000 worth of work on his website without billing him, and defended him on dozens of occasions when he was attacked by leftists or Islamists.

I had forgotten about that, but I do remember you posting or commenting some where on LGF about helping him out.

615 Jim in Virginia  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:15:07pm

Blago is on Hannity

616 USBeast  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:15:28pm

Gotta go, Lizards. DD wants into a pricey prep school. She has the grades but Daddy doesn’t have the dollars. Gotta crunch some numbers and see if I’m indigent enough to get her a full scholarship.

BBL, hopefully.

617 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:15:41pm

re: #608 vxbush

The only thing I ever was interested in were the Cardassian earrings. I always thought those were cool. Unfortunately the ones you could buy had stupid feathers on them. So not cool.

Not Cardassian, it was the … crap, my trek fu just died on me. It was from the planet that DS9 was orbiting orginally.

618 pingjockey  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:15:43pm

re: #602 Sharmuta
That’s crazy. Then again, Mr. Spencer has been showing signs of instability.

619 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:16:05pm

re: #607 MandyManners

re: #601 albusteve

His favorite video.

I’ve seen it and admit I dig it too….high tech windage…pretty cool

620 rawmuse  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:16:16pm

re: #573 Walter L. Newton

Yes, you have total control over whom you associate. With.
Somebody just posted a video of Dizzy Gillespie on it, and I am in the band.
I wish I knew how to DL the vid. Damn, I was good looking, back in the day.

621 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:16:20pm
622 midwestgak  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:16:20pm

re: #562 vxbush

Hey, midwestgak! How goes it?

Hey vx. It goes well. And you?

623 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:16:23pm

re: #613 Walter L. Newton

No, i can’t imagine that. I did get a little crazy at a Liza Minelli concert once.

What? You admit that? LOL

624 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:16:33pm

re: #604 pingjockey

That is a thought. I like Scot Bakula, but “Enterprise” was not good. Never warmed to Voyager. If and its a large if they could get the guy who directed the Wrath of Kahn it might be okay. IMHO, The Wrath of Kahn was the best of the series.

J.J. Abrams is exec. producer and director.

625 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:16:34pm

re: #590 BlueCanuck

Sadly, I am going to give the movie a pass. The last two movies were disapointing, more like a two hour t.v. show. And after the obominations that were Voyager and Enterprise…

The best thing that Viacom should do is let the Trek universe rest for a decade. Look for a new direction in the meantime that is similar but different. Something like the break between TOS and TNG.

Voyager had some interesting moments. I couldn’t get Enterprise when it was playing, so I never got into it. I found some problems with it, too.

But a new movie, going back in history. It has me….intrigued.

626 Charles Johnson  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:16:39pm

re: #579 lawhawk

Whoa… what fresh hell have we entered here tonight. Trolls airlocked left and right and Charles on the warpath over that and Spencer.

Spencer did you wrong Charles, and you deserve to be pissed at him. More to the point, you have every right to be disappointed in the guy for standing with the Eurofascists and then watching him shrug and attempt a lame-ass Who me? Alfred E Neuman imitation. It’s unbecoming for him.

I don’t know where he went wrong, but I am sorely disappointed in the guy for hanging with the kind of crowd that would just as soon as throw me under the bus as the Islamic terrorists when given the opportunity. In the meantime, he offers up his legitimacy as a counter-jihad expert to these fringe groups and undermines the cause he fights for. Disappointing probably doesn’t begin to cover it, but I am disappointed in him and those who flock to his support and who haven’t thought this out.

If he had simply posted something like:

“I didn’t read what was on that Facebook page before joining the group, and I apologize for being careless. I renounce their views and want nothing to do with haters like that. It won’t happen again.”

I would have posted something like:

“Robert Spencer apologizes for joining this group, and says he doesn’t support their hateful views. Good enough for me.”

But instead, he’s concocting ludicrous conspiracy theories and throwing them out to his nutjob sycophantic followers like gobs of red meat.


627 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:16:43pm

re: #607 MandyManners

I just sent the link to Mr. Armywife. I am waiting for the laughter…

628 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:16:55pm

re: #617 BlueCanuck

Not Cardassian, it was the … crap, my trek fu just died on me. It was from the planet that DS9 was orbiting orginally.


629 pingjockey  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:17:15pm

re: #606 jorline
Luckily us Lizards are well armed, with wit and the Troll Hammer!

630 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:17:20pm

re: #617 BlueCanuck

Not Cardassian, it was the … crap, my trek fu just died on me. It was from the planet that DS9 was orbiting orginally.

Ah, yes! Bajoran. Man, my memory is fading fast.

631 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:17:25pm

This never gets old for me: Soprano Wacking - Phil Leotardo

632 lawhawk  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:17:43pm

re: #617 BlueCanuck


633 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:17:56pm

re: #611 lobo91

BINGO! That’s what ticked me off with Enterprise. I watched the first season. Klingons before the Ranger incident? Ferengis ? Come on. At least the Andorians looked really cool.

634 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:18:20pm

re: #622 midwestgak

Hey vx. It goes well. And you?

Eh, I could complain, but it’s not worth it. The sun has been out this week and it’s been warm enough I can breathe well, so I’m seriously happy about that.

Yourself? Things going well?

635 pingjockey  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:18:37pm

re: #617 BlueCanuck

636 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:18:43pm

re: #613 Walter L. Newton

No, i can’t imagine that. I did get a little crazy at a Liza Minelli concert once.

Liza Minelli?….well there’s a rockin old shoe….did you get a glossy?

637 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:18:58pm

re: #623 HoosierHoops

What? You admit that? LOL

I have only been to three “arena” or large venue events in my life. Cirque de Soleil, Lisa Minelli and Blues Traveller.

638 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:19:47pm

re: #633 BlueCanuck

BINGO! That’s what ticked me off with Enterprise. I watched the first season. Klingons before the Ranger incident? Ferengis ? Come on. At least the Andorians looked really cool.

The thing that irritated me most about Enterprise was the fact that most of their stuff looked more advanced than what was on the original series. They just made it less reliable.

639 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:19:48pm

re: #628 lobo91

re: #630 vxbush

re: #632 lawhawk

Thanks, my memory banks are deep and wide. Every now and then a small factoid slips my grasp.

/so have we derailed anything yet? :D

640 Jim in Virginia  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:19:48pm

re: #612 vxbush

*VX starts fanning herself*

Ah, Scotty. A man after my own heart.

Would you liek to come up and see my kilt, lassie?

641 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:19:49pm

re: #636 albusteve

Liza Minelli?….well there’s a rockin old shoe….did you get a glossy?

Are you making fun of my spikes?

642 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:19:50pm

Okay. Gotta go give the son a bath. Later.

643 mikeymom  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:20:06pm

OMG—Charles farts! thats like when i learned that the good dominican nuns in grade school actually went to the bathroom!

644 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:21:11pm

re: #640 Jim in Virginia

Would you liek to come up and see my kilt, lassie?

Of course, Simon is a Brit, not Scotch.

645 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:21:24pm

re: #641 Walter L. Newton

Are you making fun of my spikes?

HA!…only because I may be envious…could I barrow your curling iron?….please

646 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:21:33pm

re: #638 lobo91

And the whole time travel war thing was just too over the top. If they had just set out to explore just what was out there, and first contacts with some of the future members of the Federation it could have worked out so much better.

647 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:21:52pm

re: #637 Walter L. Newton

I have only been to three “arena” or large venue events in my life. Cirque de Soleil, Lisa Minelli and Blues Traveller.

Mrs Lobo and I managed to score excellent tickets to see Heart next month at the Paramount Theater. Never been there before, but the pictures on their website look amazing.

648 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:22:21pm

re: #643 mikeymom

OMG—Charles farts! thats like when i learned that the good dominican nuns in grade school actually went to the bathroom!

The nuns in my school just dropped a load right there and a little dove flew in and took it away. (George Carlin - Class Clown)

649 Noam Sayin'  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:22:24pm

re: #554 Charles

I also stepped in and mediated for him when he was being an abusive ass with the people from Hosting Matters, and stopped them from canceling his account.

One thing has occurred to me, Charles, that doesn’t seem to occur to those trashing you over at that HA post. Pretty much every time this issue comes up, you go back and re-tell the story from the beginning where Spencer is content with just starting the story anew with, “Charles is a shameless liar.”

I don’t know the whole story on this, and at one time had great respect for what Spencer brought to the table, but his insistence that you are simply wrong in your assertions, then calls you a liar, leads me to believe your story.

That, and I usually just shut up and read through the links and commentary here so I have a fairly strong background on it.

650 Mirage  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:22:44pm

re: #595 pingjockey

Well that’s cool. I watched the special they had on about the Star Trek auction. If I was independently wealthy I would have owned every model starship they had! And a command chair from the bridge!

Reminds me of the Big Bang Theory episode where Leonard buys a full-sized Time Machine from the movie Time Machine for $800 and the rest of the guys chip in to share the ownership.

But, I have to admit, I’d have a Nerdvana Trek collection if I had the money to spend on it all, well, except anything to do with Star Trek V and Enterprise.

651 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:22:45pm

re: #644 Walter L. Newton

Of course, Simon is a Brit, not Scotch.

That’s okay…James Doohan was Canadian.

652 nyc redneck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:22:53pm

re: #621 ploome hineni

….I don;t know how many read Debbie Schlussel…….but this is hilarious

[Link: www.debbieschlussel.com…]

/or maybe it’s surreal

crude jive

653 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:23:03pm

re: #647 lobo91

Mrs Lobo and I managed to score excellent tickets to see Heart next month at the Paramount Theater. Never been there before, but the pictures on their website look amazing.

dude…forget all that retro shit and go see the subdudes or little feat…you’ll faint

654 HoosierHoops  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:23:12pm

re: #637 Walter L. Newton

I have only been to three “arena” or large venue events in my life. Cirque de Soleil, Lisa Minelli and Blues Traveller.

Well we won’t hold that against you Walter.. LOL
Well lizards I’ve got to sign out soon…
We are doing the special house blend in the morning lizards..Drop on in..

655 Jim in Virginia  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:23:50pm

I imagine a small group of West Wing staffers watching Hannity just to see Rove explain how Obama has effed up. Then they get pissed and call DOJ to see why Rove hasn’t been indicted yet.

656 Mirage  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:23:56pm

re: #608 vxbush

The only thing I ever was interested in were the Cardassian earrings. I always thought those were cool. Unfortunately the ones you could buy had stupid feathers on them. So not cool.

At the risk of exposing my Trek nerdiness… I think you mean the Bajoran earrings… which, yes, are pretty cool.

657 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:24:11pm
658 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:24:13pm

re: #647 lobo91

Mrs Lobo and I managed to score excellent tickets to see Heart next month at the Paramount Theater. Never been there before, but the pictures on their website look amazing.

I’m not crazy about the crowds. For some reason, I’m a bit bothered by “group” dynamics, that feeling you can get when a lot of people are all sort of locked on to the same thing.

Bothers me.

659 Dustyvet  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:24:29pm

re: #627 ArmyWife

I just sent the link to Mr. Armywife. I am waiting for the laughter…

And here I thought Mr. Armywife was a senior NCO…:)

660 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:24:50pm
661 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:25:19pm

re: #651 lobo91

That’s okay…James Doohan was Canadian.

Was the accent acted?

662 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:25:28pm

re: #646 BlueCanuck

And the whole time travel war thing was just too over the top. If they had just set out to explore just what was out there, and first contacts with some of the future members of the Federation it could have worked out so much better.

I quit watching during the second season, so I missed most of that crap. I ran across one of the later episodes while channel surfing not too long ago, and after about 5 minutes, I realized I hadn’t missed anything.

663 mikeymom  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:25:33pm

re: #648 Walter L. Newton

walter—and all other co lizards—hubby and i would like to host a get together in the spring-when the weather gets nicer—what do you think? i know your weekends are busy- we can work it out!

664 Randall Gross  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:25:36pm

re: #554 Charles

Charles, if you have a way to contact AP you might poke him, I just elicited a genocide supporting post from one of RS’s defenders. Don’t think Allah wants to leave that up.

665 Sharmuta  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:25:53pm

re: #626 Charles

I’ll give robert credit for this- he knows his internet audience well. They are devoted to hate- hating muslims, hating you, and hating rationality. That they would swallow such nonsense as this “hoax” idea goes to show that robert has no compunction in insulting their intelligence, and they have no compunction in defying logic. What a match made in hell.

666 Randall Gross  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:26:13pm

/pimf comment

667 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:27:02pm

re: #650 Mirage

Well, one thing in my collection I still have and proud of is Mark Lenards autograph. Got it back in March of 1994.

668 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:27:28pm

re: #663 mikeymom

walter—and all other co lizards—hubby and i would like to host a get together in the spring-when the weather gets nicer—what do you think? i know your weekends are busy- we can work it out!

Fine with me. But you are right, my weekends are busy, but who knows if they will be by then. I don’t count on anything, and keep a lookout for everything.

669 Mirage  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:27:42pm

This thread is sure growing fast. :D Typing out my comment and already someone commented on the comment I was commenting on.


670 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:27:53pm

re: #661 Walter L. Newton

Was the accent acted?

Yes. He did a number of the alien and computer voices during the series, as well (but not the voice of the Enterprise’s main computer, which was done by Majel Barrett Roddenberry).

671 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:28:26pm

Evolution in action:

672 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:28:30pm

re: #659 Dustyvet

I stand corrected. 1SG Armywife.

673 Dustyvet  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:29:48pm

re: #661 Walter L. Newton

Was the accent acted?


I was just asked to ask you how far Golden is from Denver?

674 Dustyvet  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:30:48pm

re: #672 ArmyWife

I stand corrected. 1SG Armywife.

I had him figured for a SgtMajor…:)

675 jorline  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:31:02pm



676 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:31:13pm

re: #663 mikeymom

walter—and all other co lizards—hubby and i would like to host a get together in the spring-when the weather gets nicer—what do you think? i know your weekends are busy- we can work it out!

Where in CO are you?

I’m free most weekends (unless I’m TDY someplace), but I’m only in Denver during the week. On weekends, I go home to Colorado Springs.

677 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:31:25pm
678 mikeymom  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:31:59pm

re: #668 Walter L. Newton

i’m going to blue my nic-if you talk to any other co lizards, have them contact me, ok?hx

679 albusteve  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:32:36pm

the Big Bang Theory….jus sayin

680 nyc redneck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:32:39pm

re: #660 ploome hineni

#652 nyc redneck

she thinks COnyers is gay


they do seem slightly ill matched.

681 [deleted]  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:34:03pm
682 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:34:27pm

re: #673 Dustyvet


I was just asked to ask you how far Golden is from Denver?

About 11 miles west of smack downtown Denver.

683 IslandLibertarian  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:34:31pm

re: #600 Walter L. Newton

I was never a Trek fan, I don’t even know what movies I’ve seen. If I see this one, it’s only because of the actor I know.

What’s worse?
Dropping a name or…………..
implying you could?
/yanking yer chain……..now tell us, who?

684 mikeymom  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:34:44pm

re: #676 lobo91

hi—i’m in longmont—would have room 1 double bed-1 single- and 3 large couches for overnights—it would be fun-

685 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:35:28pm

re: #674 Dustyvet

He’s been told he will most certainly make it there. I am torn by that - if he is promoted, he won’t retire. On the other hand, the Army is his life, and he is only 36, he deserves it. On the other other hand, I don’t want him to stay in and get put in a dangerous situation our screwball CIC is hellbent on creating.

686 jorline  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:35:46pm

Joe Piscopo looks more and more like Frank Sinatra as he gets older.

687 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:35:53pm

re: #681 ploome hineni

…anyone keeping a count on Nobama’s noshow appointments and outright lies?

I believe that’s three cabinet appointments that have crashed and burned, so far.

As for lies? I’d need a more powerful computer for that.

688 Bloodnok  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:36:24pm

re: #605 Walter L. Newton

The actor playing a young Scotty, Simon Pegg, I know him and his dad, Richard. Richard Pegg is on our board of directors at Miners Alley Playhouse and Richard also directs 2-3 of our show each year.

Fantastic comic actor and writer.

689 jorline  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:36:26pm

re: #681 ploome hineni

…anyone keeping a count on Nobama’s noshow appointments and outright lies?

I ran out of fingers and toes weeks ago.

690 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:36:36pm

re: #683 IslandLibertarian

What’s worse?
Dropping a name or…………..
implying you could?
/yanking yer chain……..now tell us, who?

I posted that above, Simon Pegg who will be playing a young Scotty.

691 Dustyvet  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:36:42pm

re: #682 Walter L. Newton

About 11 miles west of smack downtown Denver.

Thanks, I have two senior friends who are going to be in Denver, and adore theater. I just sent them the link to Miners Alley.

692 vxbush  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:36:52pm

re: #640 Jim in Virginia

Would you liek to come up and see my kilt, lassie?

Alas, I am married. I will just have to dream.

693 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:38:01pm

re: #688 Bloodnok

Fantastic comic actor and writer.

Yes, and his dad is a dry, smart-assed Brit. I love him. We can go on for hours slamming on each other.

694 Dustyvet  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:38:13pm

re: #692 vxbush

Alas, I am married. I will just have to dream.

I canna do it lass, I don’t have enough power…

695 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:38:25pm

re: #691 Dustyvet

Thanks, I have two senior friends who are going to be in Denver, and adore theater. I just sent them the link to Miners Alley.


696 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:38:50pm

re: #685 ArmyWife

He’s been told he will most certainly make it there. I am torn by that - if he is promoted, he won’t retire. On the other hand, the Army is his life, and he is only 36, he deserves it. On the other other hand, I don’t want him to stay in and get put in a dangerous situation our screwball CIC is hellbent on creating.

I’m in that situation now. I have to stay in a little over two more years, since I accepted my promotion to SGM last year.

697 katemaclaren  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:39:41pm

Well, hmmm. Things seem to be falling apart here. Why is everyone so downright mean to one another these days? It makes me quite sad.

698 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:40:14pm

re: #696 lobo91

It’s a tough call.

699 TedStriker  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:40:18pm

re: #670 lobo91

Yes. He did a number of the alien and computer voices during the series, as well (but not the voice of the Enterprise’s main computer, which was done by Majel Barrett Roddenberry).

Doohan (along with Marc Okrand) also created the Klingon “language” for ST:TMP, which has been used as the basis for almost all of the Klingon that’s been spoken and written in every ST series and movie since.

700 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:43:19pm

re: #698 ArmyWife

It’s a tough call.

Mrs Lobo gave me permission to volunteer for a MNSTC-I mission our division has coming up this fall, so I’ll probably do it. If they take me, I’ll have about 8 or 9 months left when I get back.

701 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:44:22pm

Richard Dawkins talking about evolution and creationism/ID on Al Jazeera:

702 Dustyvet  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:44:42pm

re: #698 ArmyWife

It’s a tough call.

I served in Desert Shield/Desert Storm at Fort Sam Houston, TX with with an MasterSgt, who wanted no part of SgtMajor School.

703 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:45:32pm

re: #640 Jim in Virginia

Would you liek to come up and see my kilt, lassie?

Make sure not to capitalize “lassie,” ‘cause people might take that the wrong way…

704 katemaclaren  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:46:30pm

I loved Scotty. Maybe something to do with my own heritage. I was disappointed that he was merely acting—I’m smiling at that! He was one of my favorite characters on StarTrek and I’m pleased to hear that he invented Klingon. I had no idea.

705 Dustyvet  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:47:37pm

re: #703 lobo91

Make sure not to capitalize “lassie,” ‘cause people might take that the wrong way…

Lassie, a guy dog working in drag all those years…:) Wonder if he has issues…:)

706 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:47:50pm

re: #702 Dustyvet

I served in Desert Shield/Desert Storm at Fort Sam Houston, TX with with an MasterSgt, who wanted no part of SgtMajor School.

I wanted no part of the resident course. I’d chew my arm off if I had to spend 9 months at that place.

The non-resident course was fine, though.

707 katemaclaren  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:48:09pm

Well, ‘night everyone. A prof has to get some sleep before a long day tomorrow.

708 Spare O'Lake  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:48:31pm

I know virtually nothing about Facebook but have been wondering about it today.
If I understand correctly, Facebook is primarily a facility for dating and social networking.
Could it be that some people are so lonely and hard up for companionship or other forms of personal interaction that they make a habit of joining others’ Facebook sites indiscriminately in a desperate search for meaningful personal relationships?
And knowing this, do others use Facebook to promote themselves purely for financial gain by preying on the lonely and desperate Facebook users and pretending to be their “friends”?

709 Dustyvet  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:48:54pm

re: #706 lobo91

I wanted no part of the resident course. I’d chew my arm off if I had to spend 9 months at that place.

The non-resident course was fine, though.

He informed the army he’d pull the pin and retire before he would go.

710 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:49:31pm

re: #700 lobo91

Best of luck to you - hopefully things will remain somewhat stable. When you go, if you need anything, let me know. How many times have you deployed so far?

711 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:49:48pm

re: #704 katemaclaren

I loved Scotty. Maybe something to do with my own heritage. I was disappointed that he was merely acting—I’m smiling at that! He was one of my favorite characters on StarTrek and I’m pleased to hear that he invented Klingon. I had no idea.

He was an interesting man. Went ashore with the Canadian Army on D-Day.

Lost part of a finger in the war, too. They always shot around it on the show.

712 Jimmah  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:50:17pm

One of my favourite examples of evolution: flatfish - as explained by Dawkins and Attenborough:

713 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:51:13pm

re: #702 Dustyvet

My husband got the very, very tail end of that conflict (‘91) when he enlisted. I look at those pictures and he was a baby!

714 Dustyvet  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:51:17pm

re: #712 Jimmah

One of my favourite examples of evolution: flatfish - as explained by Dawkins and Attenborough:

[Link: www.youtube.com…]

A sea kitten, you can slid under a door…:)

715 Dustyvet  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:52:25pm

re: #713 ArmyWife

My husband got the very, very tail end of that conflict (‘91) when he enlisted. I look at those pictures and he was a baby!

Aww…:) I left the USAR after that one in 1991.

716 ArmyWife  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:54:04pm

I’m gonna go read and start all over again tomorrow. Hold the Fort down, please!

717 lobo91  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:54:37pm

re: #710 ArmyWife

Best of luck to you - hopefully things will remain somewhat stable. When you go, if you need anything, let me know. How many times have you deployed so far?

Last time I was overseas was for Desert Storm, which was before I left active duty.

I’ve been mobilized for most of the last 5 years conducting training here in CONUS, but haven’t been deployed yet. My unit’s pretty much non-deployable, although we’ve had a good number of our people get cross-levelled into other units to fill vacancies.

There’s not much call for people in my MOS, particularly E-9s, so I pretty much have to talk them into letting me go over.

718 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 6:57:18pm

re: #708 Spare O’Lake

I will direct you here if you don’t see it. Facebook is a combination of all the above. More importantly it’s what you make it. I myself use it as a tool to keep in touch with friends and family that are scattered all over the place. As well it helps me to meet a few, emphasis few, new people. If it wasn’t for the internet, my long distance bills would be through the freaking roof.

719 Davida  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 7:01:21pm


720 Spare O'Lake  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 7:10:16pm

re: #718 BlueCanuck

I will direct you here if you don’t see it. Facebook is a combination of all the above. More importantly it’s what you make it. I myself use it as a tool to keep in touch with friends and family that are scattered all over the place. As well it helps me to meet a few, emphasis few, new people. If it wasn’t for the internet, my long distance bills would be through the freaking roof.

That makes sense to me.
But then what the hell kind of drivel was Robert Spencer talking about when he claimed that he joins these Facebook sites willy nilly and without even knowing anything about the sites? Was he lying?

721 BlueCanuck  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 7:18:18pm

re: #720 Spare O’Lake

No, just showing his stupidity in these matters. I used to think he knew what he was doing, now I have reason to doubt it.

722 FurryOldGuyJeans  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 7:31:53pm

re: #435 Walter L. Newton

Who in heaven’s name uses a word like “fulsome” anymore?

I have been known to use it from time to time. I like being concise and precise in word and manner now and again.

/ But then I am not WH press secretary.

723 Spare O'Lake  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 7:37:58pm

re: #712 Jimmah

One of my favourite examples of evolution: flatfish - as explained by Dawkins and Attenborough:

[Link: www.youtube.com…]

Great lure.

724 FurryOldGuyJeans  Thu, Feb 12, 2009 7:38:09pm

re: #661 Walter L. Newton

Was the accent acted?

James Doohan’s Scotty accent was very much acted. He literally created the role of Scotty by doing the accent during a casting call for the second pilot. Too bad the creators of the show never took advantage of his missing middle finger on his right hand. Lost it during D-Day, and the show could have shown even 23rd century medicine couldn’t do some things.

FWIW, he died in Redmond, WA, about 30 or so miles north of where I am back in July 2005.

725 LoveOneAnother  Fri, Feb 13, 2009 6:09:18am

re: #139 Walter L. Newton

And why is that?

Well, science traditionally has been about the joy of discovery in observing our physical world. This video is more reminiscent of what religionists of the past have done, such as idolizing some person as being great and spreading his teachings as gospel truth. I have never seen this done with Einstein’s birthday, or Newton’s birthday, or any other scientist.

726 LoveOneAnother  Fri, Feb 13, 2009 6:13:27am

re: #149 USBeast

Hooey. None of those people are burning incense at any altars dedicated to Darwin. They are scientists and students filled with the joy of discovery and are paying homage to one of their own who had the insight, courage and audacity to say: I think God did it this way.

Man, you don’t understand science at all if you think these people, especially Ayala, are saying God did it this way. Theistic evolution is anathema in science.

727 LoveOneAnother  Fri, Feb 13, 2009 6:25:21am

re: #158 Charles

Good grief. You really are a piece of work.

Uh-oh. I hope this doesn’t mean that I am about to be expelled.

728 hellosnackbar  Fri, Feb 13, 2009 7:27:39am

As a thirteen year old I was told by a Christian brother, that Charles Darwin wasn’t very bright.
As an eighteen year old I read the “Origin of Species” and rapidly came to the conclusion that Darwin was a genius, with a superhuman deductive talent based on his observations.
I’ve kept that little memory alive for 50years and chuckle to myself every time
I hear religious nutters going on about a 6000 year old earth.
Cognitive dissonance at its screaming best.

729 Charles Johnson  Fri, Feb 13, 2009 8:40:08am

re: #725 LoveOneAnother

Well, science traditionally has been about the joy of discovery in observing our physical world. This video is more reminiscent of what religionists of the past have done, such as idolizing some person as being great and spreading his teachings as gospel truth. I have never seen this done with Einstein’s birthday, or Newton’s birthday, or any other scientist.

Creationists really love this stupid “evolution is religion” argument, because they’ve failed utterly in trying to promote their religious pseudo-science to the status of real science, so instead they need to redefine science as religion so they can criticize it on the same level. Cognitive dissonance is inherent in this silliness; the only conclusion is that religion is somehow “less” than science, because when creationists do this it’s always intended as a smear against science.

It’s degrading to both science and religion, but it’s to be expected since intelligence and logic aren’t strong suits of creationists.

730 Colonel Panik  Fri, Feb 13, 2009 4:51:59pm

re: #233 Walter L. Newton

OT (I guess)

“Aurora drill-team member with ‘guns’ awaits expulsion decision”

She had a prop rifle in her car from her drill team. She carries a prop rifle when she marches…

An expulsion hearing for a Cherokee Trail High School student who had fake guns in her vehicle at the Aurora school took about an hour this morning, and a decision on her future is expected Friday.

Senior Marie Morrow, 17, was suspended for 10 days a week ago for having the fake rifles. She is a member of the Young Marines group, and the rifles were props used by the group.

Morrow’s attorney, David Lane, said the hearing went well. “Everyone testified to what an exemplary student she has been and continues to be.”

Cherry Creek Schools Superintendent Mary Chesley must decide whether Morrow will be allowed to return to school.

School officials said they had no choice but to suspend Morrow because state law mandates expulsion

Marie Morrow holds one of her practice rifles this afternoon as she awaits word of whether she’ll be expelled.

Morrow could be expelled for the rest of the year or return after she serves her suspension.

[Link: www.denverpost.com…]

Colorado has become a state full of liberal wusses. It’s getting to be as bad as California, used to be a solid Republican state and is now infected with a plague of Stephen Fowlers. I knew we had lost when I went on a business trip to Denver in early October and every third car had a damned Obama sticker on it.

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