Cincinnati Tea Party Organizer: A Truther

Weird • Views: 5,493

Instapundit links to pictures from the Cincinnati Tea Party.

And since the blogosphere is ranting and raving about Truthers right now, and how horrible and evil they are (a position with which I agree), let’s take a little look at who’s behind the Cincinnati Tea Party, shall we?

One of the main organizers, and a featured speaker, is Jason Rink. Here’s his bio from the official site:

Jason Rink

Jason Rink is one of the founders of the Ohio Freedom Alliance and is the Director of Education and Outreach for the group. “Today’s Ohio Liber-TEA Party is not about partisan politics. It’s not an anti-Obama rally. It’s not an anti-tax rally. It’s a pro-freedom rally. Our goal is to gather together like-minded citizens from around Ohio to promote three ideas: liberty, unity, and sovereignty. We want to empower citizens to enact changes in government through education and political action.”

Jason is a contributing author in the recently published biography of Congressman Ron Paul, Ron Paul: A Life of Ideas. Jason’s work has also been featured on the website

Lovely! A highly placed Ron Paulian, and an associate of racist paleocon Lew Rockwell!

And Rink is also … you guessed it … a Truther. 9/11 Equations: The Math of Propaganda « Think Rink.

For the record, I am a moderate “twoofer.” I believe that the 9/11 Commission Report contains some serious omissions and inaccuracies. This troubles me. Is smells like a whitewash. I don’t claim tho know who did what, or how it really happened. That’s precisely the problem. I want to know and so do the other 68% of Americans who suspect we aren’t getting the whole truth. We need a new, independent investigation.

No matter where you fall on the issue, you have to admit that the broad brush by which the mainstream media, and frankly a lot of “diggers,” paint everyone within the 9/11 Movement is completely biased. Granted, the zeal of some Truthers can come off as a bit abrasive. And there are some far-out theories concerning holograms and laser beams. But, this does not represent the majority. In fact, the diversity of people who are calling for a new investigation ranges from university professors to structural engineers to members of the FDNY to family members of those who died on that day. It is a vast a varied bunch. They deserve to be heard.

In most cases the ”twoofers” are usually those who have nothing to gain, and everything to lose. Even though prior to being labled a 9/11 “nutjob,” the impeccable credentials of many of these scholars have never been questioned, and their contributions to their respecive fields of study praised. This makes absolutely no sense, unless you factor in the simple equation as I have presented above. No matter who you are or what your credentials, the strategy is always the same. Attack the character of the messenger, not the facts of the message.

I won’t be holding my breath waiting for the same bloggers who are screaming for Van Jones’ head to denounce the Cincinnati Tea Party — even though one of the main organizers is a self-admitted 9/11 Truther. But the hypocrisy is rather stunning.

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1 iceweasel  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 2:53:16pm

“These are not the teabaggers I knew!”
(entire moronosphere)

2 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 2:54:27pm

This is self-admitted trooferism, and therefore a much stronger case than anyone on the right can claim of Van Jones.

3 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 2:56:04pm

They really need to work harder on their vetting process.


Here’s what he said at the end of that piece:

I know I will be buried for coming to the defense of the people in the 9/11 Truth Movement. That’s fine. I am just guy writing an article. But if you can just for a moment put everything else aside and ask yourself one thing: Is the equation right? Without checking out the facts, without looking beneath the surface, have you bought into the mantra of the mainstream media? Can you identify even one instance where the mainstream media hasn’t instantly lauded adherents to the “official” story as experts, and demonized the opposition as kooks? I can’t either.

Whether the “9/11 Conspiracies” program on The History Channel turns out to be a propaganda filled hit-piece remains to be seen. I know where I’d place my bet. Call me a nutjob, if you must.

4 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 2:56:12pm

Just because a self-proclaimed truther, known Ronulan, and Lew Rockwell guy happens to have organized a Tea party, this does not show that truthers, Ronulans, or Rockwell-types organize Tea parties.


5 _RememberTonyC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 2:56:41pm

the mainstream GOP is killing itself with independent voters who might be inclined to vote republican when it fails to marginalize the paulians and their creepy friends.

6 SixDegrees  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 2:56:41pm

Cut and pasted from the thread below: what we’ve already heard from people trying to justify Ronulan presence at the Tea Parties, and the increasingly lame denials put forward with each new revelation of just how deeply these events are controlled by loons:

Metamorphosis of Tea Party Denial:

“The Ronulans aren’t there. We were there, and didn’t see a single one.”

“The Ronulans are there, but they aren’t running things. They’re just showing up in tiny numbers.”

“The Ronulans ran one Tea Party, but they’re not running all of them. Just one.”

Stay tuned for future updates.

7 BignJames  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 2:57:11pm

Facts…he wouldn’t recognize one if it slapped him upside his head.

8 [deleted]  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 2:58:16pm
9 Big Steve  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 2:59:59pm

Lets hope Obama fires Jason Rink immediately.

10 Pullus Iulius  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:00:44pm

Well I’m in a denouncing mood. Troofers, fascists, proggies, Mumia-huggers, paulians, cocaine and probably some other things, ruin everything they touch.

11 Green Helmet Guy  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:00:49pm

Laup Nor!
rEvolution twoofElution!

12 SixDegrees  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:01:53pm

re: #5 _RememberTonyC

the mainstream GOP is killing itself with independent voters who might be inclined to vote republican when it fails to marginalize the paulians and their creepy friends.

Exactly correct. This is precisely what happened to the Dems in 2002 and 2004 - elections that they almost certainly should have done better in, or even won, but managed to lose thanks to hordes of Leftard Fringers grabbing the spotlights and microphones across the country.

It wasn’t until 2006 and Howard Dean’s brilliant idea to shove this trash in the closet and not let them see the light of day that the Dems started winning again. And again, you are right: those wins were entirely due to the huge middle of the electorate coming back to a party they had been driven away from by unsavory kooks.

Ronulans running the Tea Parties is no different - and in fact, seems to have been organized in exactly the same fashion - as International ANSWER grabbing control of the San Francisco anti-war protests and dozens of other events around the country. It’s a colossal potential disaster for the GOP, once again just before an election that they at least have the potential to make gains in.

It doesn’t look as though they’ll be able to keep the kooks at bay, though. No one is even trying.

13 brookly red  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:02:41pm

I am sure I will get spanked for this, but I just don’t see the big deal… the troofers are nuts, OK I get that- but assuming that the tea party thing is a basically a tax protest what is wrong with protesting high taxes by anyone nuts or not?

14 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:02:54pm
But the hypocrisy is rather stunning.


15 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:02:55pm

Comment found:

Repeal the Stimuls
Abolish the Federal Reserve

Brian Willis
Director of Outreach Efforts

16 jaunte  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:03:07pm

Avast! A varied bunch!

Even though prior to being labled a 9/11 “nutjob,” the impeccable credentials of many of these scholars have never been questioned, and their contributions to their respecive fields of study praised.

Can we see their credentials, please? Even some names would be good.

17 _RememberTonyC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:05:00pm

re: #12 SixDegrees

It doesn’t look as though they’ll be able to keep the kooks at bay, though. No one is even trying.

not only are they not trying, they’re allowing the kooks to drive the agenda.

18 SixDegrees  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:05:04pm

“Ron Paul” is an anagram of “Lunar Op.”

We need to get that out there. His followers will abandon him in droves if we can attach him to an alien operation conspiracy.

19 iceweasel  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:06:13pm

Whoa. Hang on…I’m channelling the wingnut spin…donning tinfoil hat…

“While of course I condemn the troofers and those on the right who make apologies for them, what’s really nauseating is to see the glee of the self-styled enforcers who apparently love to point out the hypocrisy on the right, and are just bursting with eagerness to whip people into a tizzy with their breathless tales of right-wing hypocrisy.
Aren’t there more important things to discuss than tea parties and Glnn Bck? Shouldn’t we be talking about those mean Tshirts the totalitarian communist fascist leftists wore in 2006?”

I expect it will go something like that.

20 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:06:51pm

There’s enough about Van Jones to make me dislike him. I don’t need to lay the Troofer label at his feet.

21 _RememberTonyC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:07:29pm

re: #13 brookly red

I am sure I will get spanked for this, but I just don’t see the big deal… the troofers are nuts, OK I get that- but assuming that the tea party thing is a basically a tax protest what is wrong with protesting high taxes by anyone nuts or not?

I don’t think you’ll get spanked. but just as I feel Obama is tainted by his associations with unsavory types, good people protesting at tea parties are being tainted by associating with the paul-nuts.

22 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:08:50pm

Another member of the Cincinnati tea party is Justin Binik-Thomas. I found Justin referenced here:

Justin Binik-Thomas, VP National Affairs and Strategy for the Cincinnati Tea Party, believes States’ rights are being usurped in the current round of socialist national debates. He invokes the U.S. Constitution, Article 4, Section 4, which states, “The United States shall guarantee every State in this Union a Republican form of Government.” Government in which power is held by the voters “is further evidenced by the Ninth and Tenth Amendments, guaranteeing that rights and responsibility not explicitly granted to the federal government belong to the States and the People,” says Binik-Thomas. “The intent of the Commerce Clause was to limit government interaction between the States, not create it.”

Down near the bottom you can see this:

The Ohio Liberty Council is a coalition of non-partisan groups in Ohio, including Americans for Prosperity, Buckeye Firearms Association, Central Ohio 9/12 Project, Cincinnati 9/12 Project, Cincinnati Tea Party, Columbus Tea Party, Dayton Tea Party, and Ohio Freedom Alliance.

About The Ohio Liberty Council

The Ohio Liberty Council was initiated by members of local Tea Party groups, 912 groups, the Ohio Freedom Alliance, and the Campaign for Liberty in June 09.

The Campaign for Liberty is Paulians.

23 SixDegrees  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:08:51pm

re: #17 _RememberTonyC

not only are they not trying, they’re allowing the kooks to drive the agenda.


There are hard-core Conservatives. There are hard-core Liberals. Neither has the numbers to pull of a win. For that, you need the help of the Great Middle, as a glance at any Bell Curve will confirm.

And those voters aren’t ideologues. In fact, a huge number of them really don’t give a lot of thought to politics, and will tend to vote in one of two ways: for someone they are emotionally attracted to; or against someone they emotionally dislike.

As my civics teacher put it in high school: it isn’t always easy to find someone you’re comfortable voting for. But it’s usually not hard at all to find someone to vote against.

24 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:09:44pm

re: #6 SixDegrees

Cut and pasted from the thread below: what we’ve already heard from people trying to justify Ronulan presence at the Tea Parties, and the increasingly lame denials put forward with each new revelation of just how deeply these events are controlled by loons:

Cut and paste from tread below:

OK, on September 12 it going to be big tea party in DC (What I heard from my co-worker about 100000 people already signed for bus rides). Are you going to disregard it? Are you think all this people are crazy paulan ant truther?

25 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:11:04pm

re: #24 redmonkey

About 100,000 need rides? Where will they find the busses?

26 iceweasel  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:11:52pm

re: #24 redmonkey

Cut and paste from tread below:

OK, on September 12 it going to be big tea party in DC (What I heard from my co-worker about 100000 people already signed for bus rides). Are you going to disregard it? Are you think all this people are crazy paulan ant truther?

They are Glenn Beck fans, for one.

27 _RememberTonyC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:11:53pm

re: #25 MandyManners

About 100,000 need rides? Where will they find the busses?

maybe ray nagin can help them out … his are usually ready to roll


28 SixDegrees  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:12:08pm

re: #24 redmonkey

Cut and paste from tread below:

OK, on September 12 it going to be big tea party in DC (What I heard from my co-worker about 100000 people already signed for bus rides). Are you going to disregard it? Are you think all this people are crazy paulan ant truther?

It’s certainly looking that way. And if the event in DC turns out to be organized by Troofers, like the one in Ohio, I’ll do far more than disregard it; I’ll do everything I can to shout those vile pukes down, as I have for nearly a decade now.

29 _RememberTonyC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:12:43pm

re: #24 redmonkey

Cut and paste from tread below:

OK, on September 12 it going to be big tea party in DC (What I heard from my co-worker about 100000 people already signed for bus rides). Are you going to disregard it? Are you think all this people are crazy paulan ant truther?

most are good people and deserve to be heard.

30 kochsr  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:13:00pm

So nobody should go to a Tea Party, right, without properly vetting the organizers and speakers? Is that the take-away? Who’s hypocrisy are we talking about here?

31 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:13:11pm

re: #25 MandyManners

About 100,000 need rides? Where will they find the busses?

Marshall Applewhites spaceships


32 KingKenrod  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:13:16pm

re: #20 MandyManners

There’s enough about Van Jones to make me dislike him. I don’t need to lay the Troofer label at his feet.

No kidding. Now we find out Jones was involved in the 1999 anti-globialization riots in Seattle. Van Jones and Ron Paul seem like two peas in the opposite ends of the same crazy pod.

33 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:13:29pm

They’re heeerrre.

34 iceweasel  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:13:34pm

re: #21 _RememberTonyC

I don’t think you’ll get spanked. but just as I feel Obama is tainted by his associations with unsavory types, good people protesting at tea parties are being tainted by associating with the paul-nuts.

Yes. The same thing happened on the left with legitimate war protesters being tainted by Sheehan and Code Pink types.

35 Bloodnok  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:13:40pm

re: #24 redmonkey

Cut and paste from tread below:

OK, on September 12 it going to be big tea party in DC (What I heard from my co-worker about 100000 people already signed for bus rides). Are you going to disregard it? Are you think all this people are crazy paulan ant truther?

Can we just skip the rotating title nomination process for this one?

36 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:14:05pm

re: #25 MandyManners

About 100,000 need rides? Where will they find the busses?

My co-worker is on Moristown, NJ Tea party. 4 buses going from this city(not very big). People are coming from around country.

37 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:14:13pm

re: #27 _RememberTonyC

Geeezz ,,, Was sitting here nice and quite when I had to bail your employer out ,,, AGAIN !!

38 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:14:14pm

I’m gonna’ go cook the tortellini I made and stuffed today. Have a good evening, Lizards.

39 _RememberTonyC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:16:08pm

re: #34 iceweasel

Yes. The same thing happened on the left with legitimate war protesters being tainted by Sheehan and Code Pink types.

that is true, but i did see the crazies on the left receive aid and comfort from the mainstream media, which helped to legitimize them in the minds of those who don’t watch as closely as we do.

40 _RememberTonyC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:16:42pm

re: #37 sattv4u2

Geeezz ,,, Was sitting here nice and quite when I had to bail your employer out ,,, AGAIN !!

what did those people do to ruin your day?

41 Chekote  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:16:48pm

I don’t mean to defend the Truther or Paulians, but there is literally no way to keep these people out of the rallies. My frustration is with the politicians who are too gutless to speak out.

42 iceweasel  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:16:49pm

re: #35 Bloodnok

Can we just skip the rotating title nomination process for this one?

heh. I do want to know what an “ant truther” is.

43 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:17:03pm

re: #36 redmonkey

Moristown, NJ

I would think I would know how to spell the city where I livedm but thats just me!

Man up,, who are you, really?

44 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:17:07pm

There is so much bat-shit craziness at the Campaign for Liberty website it boggles the mind. Just take a look around through some of the blog posts and articles.

45 _RememberTonyC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:17:19pm

re: #38 MandyManners

I’m gonna’ go cook the tortellini I made and stuffed today. Have a good evening, Lizards.

buono appetito!

46 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:18:01pm

re: #30 kochsr

So nobody should go to a Tea Party, right, without properly vetting the organizers and speakers? Is that the take-away? Who’s hypocrisy are we talking about here?

You don’t have to “vet” anything. It’s right in front of your face.

47 _RememberTonyC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:18:16pm

re: #44 Charles

There is so much bat-shit craziness at the Campaign for Liberty website it boggles the mind. Just take a look around through some of the blog posts and articles.

no thanks … I’ll take your word for it

48 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:18:27pm

re: #40 _RememberTonyC

what did those people do to ruin your day?

Downconvert HD to SD,,, Switch audio from DOLBY E to analog ,,, Switch from 4:3 to 16:9

49 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:19:01pm

re: #35 Bloodnok

Can we just skip the rotating title nomination process for this one?

If you try to point I made grammar mistake - OK, English is my second language and when I am typing fast I making mistakes

50 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:19:12pm

Flysing pig alert: even Bob Beckel is telling Obama that Jones must join Rev Wright under the bus.

51 SixDegrees  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:19:58pm

re: #41 Chekote

I don’t mean to defend the Truther or Paulians, but there is literally no way to keep these people out of the rallies. My frustration is with the politicians who are too gutless to speak out.

This isn’t ab out a few hecklers drooling in the back row anymore. The Ronulans and Troofers are now organizing, financing and promoting these events. When you attend the Cincinatti Tea Party, you’re attending an event run by Troofers and Paulians.

52 KingKenrod  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:20:12pm

re: #41 Chekote

I don’t mean to defend the Truther or Paulians, but there is literally no way to keep these people out of the rallies. My frustration is with the politicians who are too gutless to speak out.

I used to feel the way you do, that normal folks need to do a better job keeping the radicals out of the rallies. But the notion that normal folks are going to wrest control of a flawed movement away from the radicals and normalize it is just flawed. It’s not going to happen.

You’re right about the lack of leadership. That’s the real problem.

53 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:20:49pm

re: #49 redmonkey

Don’t worry, your posts still make more sense than his.

54 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:20:52pm

re: #43 sattv4u2

Moristown, NJ

I would think I would know how to spell the city where I livedm but thats just me!

Man up,, who are you, really?

I am immigrant from former USSR, English is my second language and my spelling could be bad

55 brookly red  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:21:30pm

re: #38 MandyManners

I’m gonna’ go cook the tortellini I made and stuffed today. Have a good evening, Lizards.

Ooooh, save some for breakfast they make a great fritata

56 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:21:44pm

re: #54 redmonkey

I am immigrant from former USSR, English is my second language and my spelling could be bad

Accepted. Sorry. But the contents of some of your posts still leave us questioning!

57 kochsr  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:21:45pm

re: #46 Charles

Is it right in front of the face of the hundreds and thousands of people attending and speaking out at Tea Parties?

My issue is that you seem to be painting all Tea Party attendees as somehow tainted by the instances of undesirables organizing and speaking at isolated tea parties. Is this what you intend?

58 pink freud  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:21:50pm

re: #50 tradewind

Flysing pig alert: even Bob Beckel is telling Obama that Jones must join Rev Wright under the bus.

Not hard to read the total lack of support for Jones from the White House.

Beckel’s a liberal progressive fool.

59 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:22:39pm

re: #53 tradewind

Don’t worry, your posts still make more sense than his.

thats gonna leave a nasty mark!

60 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:22:47pm

re: #51 SixDegrees

Then someone needs to seize control back by publicly disavowing the Troofers who have overrun the tea parties.
Then we’d see the wheat separate from the chaff in a hurry.

61 kochsr  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:23:13pm

re: #58 pink freud

Yep - Jones is going under the bus soon.

62 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:23:42pm

re: #57 kochsr

Is it right in front of the face of the hundreds and thousands of people attending and speaking out at Tea Parties?

My issue is that you seem to be painting all Tea Party attendees as somehow tainted by the instances of undesirables organizing and speaking at isolated tea parties. Is this what you intend?

The Cincinnati Tea Party is being organized and run by Truthers and Paulians. And the majority of Tea Party events are organized by the Campaign for Liberty — which is Ron Paul’s organization. You can keep insisting it’s just a few isolated cases if you like, but reality is against you.

63 shifty  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:24:27pm

Everyone seems to be a truther these days, except for Van Jones.

64 SixDegrees  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:24:38pm

re: #60 tradewind

Then someone needs to seize control back by publicly disavowing the Troofers who have overrun the tea parties.
Then we’d see the wheat separate from the chaff in a hurry.

I agree that’s what needs to happen.

I suspect it will be a long wait.

65 Chekote  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:25:13pm

re: #52 KingKenrod

That’s why I dropped out of the tea party scene. I got tired of dealing with the truthers, birther and assorted conspiracy theorists.

66 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:26:05pm

re: #56 sattv4u2

Accepted. Sorry. But the contents of some of your posts still leave us questioning!

About what? My position is now different from most of posters here, but I could tell you I am not truther, paulan(cannot stand him) or birther, but I think all Beck and Tea party bashing here is overblown.

67 FQ Kafir  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:28:23pm

The right needs to find another way to demonstrate against the loss of their liberty.

Tea parties, if they are run by the kooky right, will start to lose effectiveness, then will become counter-productive.

How about marches? Tried and true. They require permits, but those are relatively easy to obtain most of the time. They require organizers, but are right wing kooks the only ones who can organize this sort of event?

I dunno. To me it seems like these tea parties, while somewhat effective now, will serve the left in the long run.

68 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:28:29pm

re: #66 redmonkey

About what? My position is now different from most of posters here, but I could tell you I am not truther, paulan(cannot stand him) or birther, but I think all Beck and Tea party bashing here is overblown.

Pointing out over the top hysteria and whats behind what on the surface looks to be legit protest is nevre “over the top”

69 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:29:23pm

re: #65 Chekote

That’s why I dropped out of the tea party scene. I got tired of dealing with the truthers, birther and assorted conspiracy theorists.

It’s a cesspool. I found two Tea Parties organized by a UFO cult. Not kidding (Google [Link:…] Many of us have known this stuff from the beginning. Tea Party bloggers and antendees failed to speak up to prevent neo-Nazis from recruiting at Tea Parties.
They put a lot of energy into denouncing Van Jones but won’t lift a finger to get nuts out of the Tea Party Protests. Shame.

70 jaunte  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:29:45pm

If the majority of Tea Party events are organized by the Campaign for Liberty, then Ron Paul will be in a position to claim that the crowds attending them are supporters of all of his ideas, not just the fiscally conservative ones.

71 kochsr  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:30:54pm

re: #62 Charles

So nobody should attend? I don’t really care who creates a forum for people to protest against administration policies, as long as a forum exists.

It still seems like you don’t like *any* Tea Parties. How many have you attended? I have no first-hand knowledge.

72 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:32:12pm

re: #71 kochsr

So nobody should attend? I don’t really care who creates a forum for people to protest against administration policies, as long as a forum exists.

So- if neo-nazis were organizing a forum, you’d attend?

73 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:32:13pm

re: #70 jaunte

If the majority of Tea Party events are organized by the Campaign for Liberty, then Ron Paul will be in a position to claim that the crowds attending them are supporters of all of his ideas, not just the fiscally conservative ones.

Ron Paul could claim it, but most of tea party attendee don’t know who is Ron Paul is.

74 Wendya  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:32:16pm

re: #60 tradewind

Then someone needs to seize control back by publicly disavowing the Troofers who have overrun the tea parties.
Then we’d see the wheat separate from the chaff in a hurry.

The right isn’t worth a shit at organizing protests. It’s easy to say, hey, let’s protest governemnt health care/ taxes, etc.. on the 10th of November but if you don’t have organized leadership to control the message, someone will fill the vacuum.

75 Bloodnok  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:32:19pm

re: #53 tradewind

Don’t worry, your posts still make more sense than his.


Ur funny. I like funny people. Tell us more about the Theory of Soggy Potato Chips from the last thread. I need practice on making sense.

It’s the Theory of Soggy Potato Chips: given a choice, children would rather have crisp chips than soggy, but given the choice of no chips or soggy ones, they pick soggy every time.

76 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:32:27pm

re: #69 Killgore Trout

Low hanging fruit.

77 jaunte  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:32:36pm

re: #73 redmonkey

Ron Paul could claim it, but most of tea party attendee don’t know who is Ron Paul is.


78 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:33:07pm

re: #71 kochsr


If I am physically touching KOCHSR when the lightning strikes, I too will get zapped!

79 Bloodnok  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:33:13pm

re: #59 sattv4u2

thats gonna leave a nasty mark!

I thought I detected the sound of piling-on and knew you must be nearby. Hi Satt!

80 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:33:16pm

re: #60 tradewind

Then someone needs to seize control back by publicly disavowing the Troofers who have overrun the tea parties.

You don’t have it quite right there. Ronulans have been doing these tea party things for at least a year or two before Obama became POTUS.

You don’t seize control back from a group that started the thing.

81 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:33:17pm

re: #71 kochsr

I don’t really care who creates a forum for people to protest against administration policies, as long as a forum exists.

Your lack of moral fortitude makes you a nice match. Tea Party your brains out, nobody cares.

82 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:33:56pm

re: #71 kochsr

So nobody should attend? I don’t really care who creates a forum for people to protest against administration policies, as long as a forum exists.

It still seems like you don’t like *any* Tea Parties. How many have you attended? I have no first-hand knowledge.

I’m not going anywhere near these events. Nobody cares one bit about keeping the Truthers and the Paulians and the neo-Nazis and the New World Order militia types out of them. I don’t need to dive into a sewer to know it’s not a good idea.

83 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:34:09pm

re: #75 Bloodnok

That you didn’t understand that is a you problem, not a him problem

84 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:34:11pm

re: #74 Wendya

I agree, but the problem is that the sensible right has somewhat of an aversion to the tactics of what they perceive to be those of the left… the marching with signs, puppets, yelling, etc.
There must be another way. Some kind of economic protest makes the most sense to me, but what?

85 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:34:25pm

re: #79 Bloodnok

I thought I detected the sound of piling-on and knew you must be nearby. Hi Satt!

re: #83 sattv4u2

That you didn’t understand that is a you problem, not a him problem

“Pile on” that

86 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:35:03pm

re: #77 jaunte


Personal experience. I attended 2 tea party and was talking with people. I did not see any truthers or paulans

87 borgcube  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:35:26pm

If Jason Rink claims to be a Marxist, believes in environmental justice (whatever that is), supports the release of Mumia, (add the rest of Van Jones’ despicable statements and history here), and is guiding the entire nation’s path to green energy with the full force, cooperation, and confidence of the Presidency behind him in a position insulated from checks and balances by design, with not a shred of experience in such matters, let alone not being a believer in the free market system and worse, then I’d worry a bit.

But he’s a Tea Party organizer in Cincinnati.

The hypocrisy is real. The threat here however is nil.

88 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:35:43pm

re: #82 Charles

I’m not going anywhere near these events. Nobody cares one bit about keeping the Truthers and the Paulians and the neo-Nazis and the New World Order militia types out of them. I don’t need to dive into a sewer to know it’s not a good idea.

But Charles, if we can only get into these mobs, we might be able to guide and direct these deranged folk in useful directions.


89 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:35:47pm

The Indiana Tea Party is still promoting the UFO cult Nesara. (On the right sidebar).
Here’s a NESARA video for those who are unfamiliar with them…
Waiting For NESARA

90 jaunte  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:36:11pm

re: #86 redmonkey

In consumer research, that’s known as a Mother-in-law survey, and you can’t rely on it.

91 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:36:22pm

Anyone looking forward to the 2012 election, with Obama vs. Ron Paul?
/I wish I were being sarcastic

92 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:36:42pm

re: #90 jaunte

In consumer research, that’s known as a Mother-in-law survey, and you can’t rely on it.

Yeah, and you’re never really good enough for it, either.

93 The Shadow Do  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:36:43pm

re: #24 redmonkey

Cut and paste from tread below:

OK, on September 12 it going to be big tea party in DC (What I heard from my co-worker about 100000 people already signed for bus rides). Are you going to disregard it? Are you think all this people are crazy paulan ant truther?

DC Teaparty!


94 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:37:00pm

Where the hell did all these Paulians come from, anyway? At least in my part of the country, they have been mostly limited to kids who climb telephone poles at night with cans of spray paint, writing RonPaul all over everything they see.

95 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:37:00pm

re: #91 Kosh’s Shadow

Anyone looking forward to the 2012 election, with Obama vs. Ron Paul?
/I wish I were being sarcastic

paraguay, here I come!

96 Bloodnok  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:37:21pm

re: #88 Guanxi88

But Charles, if we can only get into these mobs, we might be able to guide and direct these deranged folk in useful directions.


Upding for Simpsons reference. Automatic.

97 Wendya  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:37:34pm

re: #80 Slumbering Behemoth

You don’t have it quite right there. Ronulans have been doing these tea party things for at least a year or two before Obama became POTUS.

You don’t seize control back from a group that started the thing.

So the Ron Paul people will forever own the concept of a tax protest?

That’s a pretty convenient way of making sure people don’t speak out.

98 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:38:03pm

re: #94 tradewind

Where the hell did all these Paulians come from, anyway? At least in my part of the country, they have been mostly limited to kids who climb telephone poles at night with cans of spray paint, writing RonPaul all over everything they see.

You’re kidding. Right?

99 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:38:14pm

re: #86 redmonkey

I attended a Tea Party. Saw a few nutjobs, no “troofers” but, a few Paulians passing DVDs out saying “Audit the Fed”.

What I found interesting, is there was BIG recruitment going on there for Libertarians. Actually, Libertarians seemed to have the most “juice” there.

100 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:38:32pm

re: #93 The Shadow Do

I’m totally dreading the video from that one.
At least I’ll be at a wedding on the Left Coast, so I’ll have my own crazy show to watch.

101 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:38:50pm

re: #94 tradewind

Where the hell did all these Paulians come from, anyway? At least in my part of the country, they have been mostly limited to kids who climb telephone poles at night with cans of spray paint, writing RonPaul all over everything they see.

Somewhere, buried in the ground, in dark places, evil beings hide from the light of day. They will only go forth in the daytime in the protection of crowds of their own type.
They organize events like this so they can come out once in a while, then go back to their caves.

102 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:38:54pm

re: #97 Wendya

So the Ron Paul people will forever own the concept of a tax protest?

That’s a pretty convenient way of making sure people don’t speak out.

So, are you saying that Charles is supporting confiscatory taxation, or that Luap Nor and followers are so besmirching the concept of a tax protest as to be indistinguishable from supporters of wealth redistribution? Very slick trick.

103 kochsr  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:39:06pm

re: #72 Sharmuta

No - probably not Neo-Nazis, or International ANSWER, or ACORN.

104 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:39:11pm

re: #99 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Actually, Libertarians seemed to have the most “juice” there.

Libertarian Joos?

105 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:39:46pm

re: #103 kochsr

No - probably not Neo-Nazis, or International ANSWER, or ACORN.

So where do you draw the line?

106 kochsr  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:40:24pm

re: #78 sattv4u2

Is this when the ad-hominems start?

107 jaunte  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:40:30pm

I don’t believe that most attendees to the Tea Parties don’t know who Ron Paul is.

108 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:40:38pm

re: #104 sattv4u2


Note to everyone…

Don’t borrow money from satt…

109 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:40:40pm

re: #97 Wendya

So the Ron Paul people will forever own the concept of a tax protest?

That’s a pretty convenient way of making sure people don’t speak out.

They own the tea parties, they started them. To say that they own the concept of protesting taxes is exaggerating my statement a bit too much.

110 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:40:47pm

re: #98 SanFranciscoZionist

Absolutely not. During the election, the only Ron Paul supporters to be found were ex Goth /punk student types who ran around spewing graffiti on every unsprayed sign in town. Usually just said ’ Join the RonPaul Revolution’, or even just ’ RonPaul’.
No one , R or D, took them seriously in the least.

111 kochsr  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:41:28pm

re: #105 sattv4u2

Actually, I’d like to hear your answer.

112 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:41:34pm

re: #87 borgcube

The only blog in his blog roll is lew rockwell! A fricking racist scumbag!

People like that are every bit as much a threat to American Ideals like All Men Are Created Equal as it gets.

113 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:41:34pm

re: #107 jaunte

I don’t believe that most attendees to the Tea Parties don’t know who Ron Paul is.

Ron Paul is on Fox News ALL the time. They know who he is.

114 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:41:56pm

More on Jason Rink. You can find links here:


Punk paleocon?

115 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:42:06pm

re: #110 tradewind

Absolutely not. During the election, the only Ron Paul supporters to be found were ex Goth /punk student types who ran around spewing graffiti on every unsprayed sign in town. Usually just said ’ Join the RonPaul Revolution’, or even just ’ RonPaul’.
No one , R or D, took them seriously in the least.

My God.

116 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:42:09pm

re: #103 kochsr

No - probably not Neo-Nazis, or International ANSWER, or ACORN.

What about fucking truthers?!

117 pink freud  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:42:10pm

re: #97 Wendya

So the Ron Paul people will forever own the concept of a tax protest?

That’s a pretty convenient way of making sure people don’t speak out.

I noticed that too.

For extra flavor, the threat of neo-nazis can be added.

118 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:42:30pm

re: #101 Kosh’s Shadow

For a minute there I thought you were talking about Teenaged Mutant Ninja Turtles .
Actually, not that far removed…

119 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:42:48pm

re: #99 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I attended a Tea Party. Saw a few nutjobs, no “troofers” but, a few Paulians passing DVDs out saying “Audit the Fed”.

What I found interesting, is there was BIG recruitment going on there for Libertarians. Actually, Libertarians seemed to have the most “juice” there.

Not at all surprising.

120 kochsr  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:43:27pm

re: #82 Charles

Here’s my local group:


are they legit?

121 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:43:44pm

re: #116 Sharmuta

What about fucking truthers?!

I thought they reproduced virally, or by budding, like yeast.

122 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:43:46pm

re: #115 SanFranciscoZionist

Of course, even though I live in a very large city, it’s still in the South. We’ve just begun daily shoe wearing… so the rest of the country’s experience may vary.
// //

123 Bloodnok  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:43:47pm

re: #112 Sharmuta

The only blog in his blog roll is lew rockwell! A fricking racist scumbag!

People like that are every bit as much a threat to American Ideals like All Men Are Created Equal as it gets.

Upding for writing out “fricking”.

I am so easy to please.


124 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:43:54pm

re: #114 Gus 802

Ron Paul has a lot of appeal to young people for some reason.

125 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:44:58pm

re: #124 Killgore Trout

Ron Paul has a lot of appeal to young people for some reason.

So did break-dancing. These fads are inexplicable.

126 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:45:36pm

re: #124 Killgore Trout

Ron Paul has a lot of appeal to young people for some reason.

It’s the marijuana angle.

127 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:46:00pm

re: #97 Wendya

So the Ron Paul people will forever own the concept of a tax protest?

That’s a pretty convenient way of making sure people don’t speak out.

Not only do I find the organizers of the current protests to be odious, I don’t agree with their ideas at dealing with taxes. The Fed doesn’t tax me.

I want to see a real fiscal solution. Like the balanced budget amendment- that would force Congress to change their spending habits. They’re addicted to spending and on credit. We could put them in a Constitutional recovery program with the BBA. That’s a message I could support, not this audit crap.

128 The Shadow Do  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:46:05pm

Try that again, suicide is painless teapartiers!

129 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:46:10pm

re: #126 Gus 802

It’s the marijuana angle.

Oh, yes, I’d nearly forgotten about that.

130 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:46:32pm

re: #126 Gus 802

And climbing. They love climbing.

131 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:46:39pm

re: #120 kochsr

Probably not. Last I looked the Upstate Tea Parties were pretty bad. The ones in the city seemed ok (more or less). However, don’t take anyone’s word for it. Research the organizers and sponsors yourself and make up your own mind.

132 debutaunt  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:46:46pm

re: #107 jaunte

I don’t believe that most attendees to the Tea Parties don’t know who Ron Paul is.

You and yer double negatives!

133 Jetpilot1101  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:46:48pm

re: #124 Killgore Trout

Ron Paul has a lot of appeal to young people for some reason.

He is the latest person to come along and “challenge” authority if you will. Most oung people have the attention span of a gnat. This to shall pass although I fear the damage has already been done to the conservative movement.

134 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:47:01pm

re: #130 tradewind

And climbing. They love climbing.

Climbing? Like mountain climbing?

135 FQ Kafir  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:47:08pm

re: #124 Killgore Trout

Ron Paul has a lot of appeal to young people for some reason.

almost every Ron Paul supporter I have met is young and in need of medication.

136 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:47:33pm

Ron Paul
Alex Jones
Glenn Beck
Skull & Bones

We didn’t start Tea Parties, the Paulbots had them going for two years and running.

137 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:47:38pm

re: #135 FQ Kafir

almost every Ron Paul supporter I have met is young and in need of medication.

A job would do many of them a world of good.

138 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:47:40pm

re: #106 kochsr

Is this when the ad-hominems start?

Nahhh ,, but I’ll keep ya in the loop, K?

139 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:48:05pm

re: #121 Guanxi88

Got to be asexual, because they totally have no balls.

140 kochsr  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:48:28pm

re: #81 Killgore Trout

I guess I should have said “within reason”.

Like I said, I haven’t attended.

You guys really like to pile on folks who don’t toe the party line here, don’t you?

141 brookly red  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:48:48pm

re: #137 Guanxi88

A job would do many of them a world of good.

/LOL, so many pills & so few jobs…

142 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:48:55pm

re: #134 Gus 802

Like telephone pole climbing.
(But yeah, like rock climbing. My boys are totally into it, and we live more or less at sea level).

143 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:49:06pm

re: #139 tradewind

Got to be asexual, because they totally have no balls.

Budding it is, then. This would also explain why they’re always talking about “kind bud” at their post-meeting get-togethers.

144 kochsr  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:49:35pm

re: #116 Sharmuta

I hate ‘em.

145 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:49:43pm

re: #111 kochsr

Actually, I’d like to hear your answer.

Poor debate etiquette. If you want to ask a question,, you should answer the one posed to you 1st

BUT ,, I would say any objectionable group would be a dis qualifier


146 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:49:47pm

re: #122 tradewind

Of course, even though I live in a very large city, it’s still in the South. We’ve just begun daily shoe wearing… so the rest of the country’s experience may vary.
// //

Oddly enough, Ron Paul was the only Republican candidate I saw people out and about campaigning for in San Francisco. Wait, I take that back. There were a handful of young people handing out campaign literature for McCain one day in West Portal. But the Ron Paul people I saw on several occasions.

///Wearing shoes prevents you from connecting spiritually with Our Mother The Earth. What, are you nuts?

147 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:49:49pm

re: #120 kochsr

Here’s my local group:


are they legit?

Just to give you a head start: Albany Tea Party blog

From the tag cloud on the right side: “Lew Rockwell, liberty movement”

I wouldn’t be caughtwithin 100 yards of those creeps.

148 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:50:26pm

re: #144 kochsr

Great- you hate truthers. Me too. I wouldn’t go to their forums. Would you?

149 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:50:51pm

re: #136 Slumbering Behemoth

I get the first three, but what does a sekrit legacy fraternity at Yale have to do with it?

150 jaunte  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:51:07pm

re: #117 pink freud

I noticed that too.

For extra flavor, the threat of neo-nazis can be added.

Here’s a another sign opposing the Fed.
dismantle the federal reserve and you’ll solve our economic crisis
(second sign from left)

151 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:51:10pm

re: #124 Killgore Trout

Ron Paul has a lot of appeal to young people for some reason.

And liberals. Druid Hills section of Atlanta is LOADED (to this day) with Ron Paul Lawn signs along sdie of local dem candidates

152 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:51:23pm

These Ronulan Tea Partiers are the same sonsabitches that made Travis County Republican caucusing a nightmare last go-around. Jonesers showed up and threw their own peculiar dose of schizophrenic intensity into what should be a dull, mechanical process.

153 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:51:25pm

re: #142 tradewind

Like telephone pole climbing.
(But yeah, like rock climbing. My boys are totally into it, and we live more or less at sea level).

Ah. When I was young I used to think I’d end up being a climber. Never happened. I’ve known a few mid level climbers around here.

154 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:51:28pm

re: #146 SanFranciscoZionist

Well no, we’ve just recently gotten the link between bare feet and hookworms.

155 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:51:39pm

re: #136 Slumbering Behemoth

We didn’t start Tea Parties, the Paulbots had them going for two years and running.

A lot of people still won’t acknowledge that…
Google Tea Party 9-11 Truth. It was their movement to begin with. Conservatives joined up.

156 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:52:20pm

re: #154 tradewind

Well no, we’ve just recently gotten the link between bare feet and hookworms.

Ahh, but without the worms, you’ll lose your resistance to allergic reactions. Google it if you dare.

157 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:52:30pm

re: #149 tradewind

I get the first three, but what does a sekrit legacy fraternity at Yale have to do with it?

Only kooky thing that I could think of that rhymed with Alex Jones. Alex rails on and on about them controlling the world quite often, so double bonus.

158 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:53:05pm

re: #155 Killgore Trout

I’m throwing up in my mouth a little.
/Dammit, Charles, you should have told us a year ago…/

159 abbyadams  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:53:14pm

Not that my n value would lead to statistical significance, but a majority of the tea party signs that are in my area reside in yards that had Ron Paul signs in them last year. Just saying.

160 Wendya  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:53:19pm

re: #84 tradewind

Some kind of economic protest makes the most sense to me, but what?

Economic protests generally come as a response to actions, not as a preventative measure.

161 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:53:59pm

re: #156 Guanxi88

Nah, the cockroaches down here are big enough to keep that in force.

162 Wendya  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:54:27pm

re: #102 Guanxi88

So, are you saying that Charles is supporting confiscatory taxation, or that Luap Nor and followers are so besmirching the concept of a tax protest as to be indistinguishable from supporters of wealth redistribution? Very slick trick.

No, but don’t let that stop you from making that allegation, slick.

163 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:54:40pm

re: #160 Wendya

You mean like the passing of the /spit/ stimulus bill?

164 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:55:06pm

re: #161 tradewind

Nah, the cockroaches down here are big enough to keep that in force.

For the worms to cure allergies:


165 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:55:18pm

re: #90 jaunte

In consumer research, that’s known as a Mother-in-law survey, and you can’t rely on it.

Correct, but you cannot claim all tea parties are organized and run by truthers based on one.

166 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:55:24pm

OT, but according to the progress bar, I’ll be using Snow Leopard in about 25 minutes. I couldn’t find any problems with anything I currently use, including Parallels 4.0

167 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:55:43pm

I am watching ESPN college football scores and highlights.



168 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:55:45pm

re: #153 Gus 802

Down here it’s all inside the gym. I don’t see the attraction, but they love it.

169 stickman  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:56:28pm

Unfortunately, for a moderate libertarian type such as myself, we tend to get lumped in with all sorts of wackiness. My very left leaning friends think that I hate poor people or gay people or…you name the cause. It’s futile to try to correct them on this. So it’s a shame that certain conservative/libertarian stances are seemingly close to some of the whacked out stuff but that’s why it’s difficult sometimes to get our true and often times valid arguments across.

170 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:56:45pm

re: #166 Kosh’s Shadow

I’m waiting for more reports from ya’ll before I install it. I remember what happened to me after the first iphone software update.

171 SteveC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:57:13pm
For the record, I am a moderate “twoofer.”

Anybody know just what the heck that means? Current research suggests that Twooferism is 100% contagious, Level 4 HAZMAT precautions required!

172 Ojoe  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:57:31pm

Yoo hoo truthers, the towers fell down because insane jihadis flew aircraft into them.

Period, end of story.

Signed, Ojoe the architect.

Man this gets old.

173 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:57:54pm

re: #164 Guanxi88

I’m not clickin’ that, but I’ll take your word for it.
(Squeamish here, and don’t have allergies).

174 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:58:42pm

re: #167 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I am watching ESPN college football scores and highlights.



I’m feeding various highlights TOO ESPN


175 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:58:48pm

re: #155 Killgore Trout

I think for some, there is denial. They refuse to see the truth, they can’t bear it. For others, I think they see it but try to sweep it under the rug or excuse it away.

176 borgcube  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:59:19pm

re: #112 Sharmuta

Don’t know much about Lew Rockwell but of course I’ll take your word for it.

Sorry, but when the likes of Van Jones has been given the reins to institute the path in which our nation powers itself, the largest transformation of the way things work energy-wise since electricity, and given his true opinions of free market principles despite his polished GQ Yale makeover, and what all of that means for industry and our very livelihoods, it’s a bit more acute than someone who is a racist with a blog.

I get your point about the larger overall considerations here about American ideals, etc. It does not escape me. However, my money is that Van Jones makes the racism of Lew Rockwell truly seem like a tea party.

177 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:59:29pm

re: #165 redmonkey

Correct, but you cannot claim all tea parties are organized and run by truthers based on one.

Dude, it’s more than just one.

178 Jetpilot1101  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 3:59:29pm

Has anyone given any thought to what would happen should these nutballs from the right actually take over power in Washington? Seriously, what happens if enough people buy into this BS, vote the dems out and elect a crop of crazies? I’m no fan of the dems or Congress as a whole for that matter but the absolute last thing we need is someone like Ron Paul as the speaker of the house. While I think the odds of that are pretty slim, stranger things have happened. I dread another 1994 with foks like Ron Paul coming to power.

179 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:00:00pm

re: #174 sattv4u2

I’m feeding various highlights TOO ESPN


Hey everybody? Say thank you to sattv4u2.

Thank you sattv.

180 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:00:04pm

re: #162 Wendya

No, but don’t let that stop you from making that allegation, slick.

Then let’s dig down a bit: if arguing that the only purpose served by pointing up the idiocy and degeneracy of the organizers of the anti-tax protests known as Tea Parties is to undermine the legitimate cause they serve, then what other conclusion could one reach than that you believe those pointing to this idiocy are knowingly harming the anti-tax cause?

Now, either Charles et al are guilty of inconsistency, and ought to support Luap Nor and all that goes along with it in support of a sane policy of limited taxation somehow effected by a bunch of truthers standing around and congratulating one another, or else the Tea Parties are a poor way to support the cause they claim to champion. Given the high rates of whacky thinking to be found among many at the Tea parties (and, indeed, among their organizers) the insinuation that this was a deliberate ploy by the REAL MASTERS to undermine their opposition was what we call “humor”.


181 SteveC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:00:16pm

William and Mary 7, Virgina 7

Two people vs. the entire state of Virgina. If Earle gets off work early this might be an upset!

182 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:00:41pm

re: #172 Ojoe

I was a flight attendant on leave when it happened, married to a pilot who was stuck in AMS for ten days. It got more than old. It makes my blood boil. I saw the people crying for days and days. They weren’t crying for crash dummies.

183 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:00:46pm

re: #177 Slumbering Behemoth

Dude, it’s more than just one.


184 iceweasel  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:00:53pm

re: #116 Sharmuta

What about fucking truthers?!

I wouldn’t fuck a truther with a stolen dick.

(apologies for the rudeness, but it had to be said.)

185 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:01:18pm

re: #181 SteveC

William and Mary 7, Virgina 7

Two people vs. the entire state of Virgina. If Earle gets off work early this might be an upset!

You’ve never played against Mary, I see!

186 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:01:36pm

re: #178 Jetpilot1101

Seriously, what happens if enough people buy into this BS, vote the dems out and elect a crop of crazies? I’m no fan of the dems or Congress as a whole for that matter but the absolute last thing we need is someone like Ron Paul as the speaker of the house. While I think the odds of that are pretty slim, stranger things have happened. I dread another 1994 with foks like Ron Paul coming to power.

It’d be fun to watch - from a distance, and if it were to happen to another country.

187 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:02:00pm

The one thing you can say with certainty is that there are no patriotic troofers.
Anyone who loved their country would never buy into that crap.

188 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:02:36pm


#9 Oklahoma State,,, 24
#13 Georgia,,, 10

189 akalivas  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:03:05pm

re: #82 Charles

I’m not going anywhere near these events. Nobody cares one bit about keeping the Truthers and the Paulians and the neo-Nazis and the New World Order militia types out of them. I don’t need to dive into a sewer to know it’s not a good idea.

Why do you defend Van Jones’ presence at demonstrations which included truthers?
By “defend” I mean that you defend him against the accusation that he is tainted by truther-ism, not that you support him generally.

190 iceweasel  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:03:14pm

re: #178 Jetpilot1101

Has anyone given any thought to what would happen should these nutballs from the right actually take over power in Washington? Seriously, what happens if enough people buy into this BS, vote the dems out and elect a crop of crazies? I’m no fan of the dems or Congress as a whole for that matter but the absolute last thing we need is someone like Ron Paul as the speaker of the house. While I think the odds of that are pretty slim, stranger things have happened. I dread another 1994 with foks like Ron Paul coming to power.

I have given thought to that, and it is a very scary thought. That’s another reason why I think it’s so important to purge the insanity on the right at the moment.

191 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:03:24pm

re: #186 Guanxi88

Well, it’s probably not happening. Ross Perot, Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, … I’m sure I have left out a lot… they never seem to survive the shakeout.
Thank heavens.

192 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:03:41pm

re: #183 redmonkey

Start at the top of the organization and work your way down. The troofers, Paulbots, whatever you want to call them, started the whole tea party thing a couple of years ago before “conservatives” decided they wanted in on it.

193 debutaunt  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:03:46pm

re: #181 SteveC

William and Mary 7, Virgina 7

Two people vs. the entire state of Virgina. If Earle gets off work early this might be an upset!

A 17 year-old-girl beat Sharapova today.

194 SteveC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:03:59pm

re: #188 sattv4u2


#9 Oklahoma State,,, 24
#13 Georgia,,, 10


THAT explains the scream I just heard coming from south of here.

195 Ojoe  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:04:09pm

re: #182 tradewind

No they weren’t. & the whole 9-11 itself thing still chills me & I have a cold fury still. They haven’t really paid for what they did. We let the ‘other side’ have whole countries as sanctuaries to this day where they can build any weapon, raise any army, hatch any plot. We will get hit again IMHO. I hope we make a hugely ‘disproportionate’ response and cure this evil.

196 Bloodnok  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:04:17pm

re: #178 Jetpilot1101

Has anyone given any thought to what would happen should these nutballs from the right actually take over power in Washington? Seriously, what happens if enough people buy into this BS, vote the dems out and elect a crop of crazies? I’m no fan of the dems or Congress as a whole for that matter but the absolute last thing we need is someone like Ron Paul as the speaker of the house. While I think the odds of that are pretty slim, stranger things have happened. I dread another 1994 with foks like Ron Paul coming to power.

Right. It’s not Ron Paul I am worried about. It’s the people that say “I’m no fan of Ron Paul, but why is (insert Paulian idea) such a bad thing?”. There could be toned down versions of Paul running for various offices at some point. Peddling the same garbage and maintaining the same associations. These are people that might have more of a chance at big things than Paul has.

197 borgcube  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:04:44pm


Is that you dinging me? If not, then I’d appreciate the people who disagree with me to tell me why if they have the time. Please don’t pile on too much. Thanks. :)

198 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:05:00pm

re: #176 borgcube

The enemies of freedom have many foes, and they come on all sides, and they should be given equal weight in the threats they pose, despite the fact the threats themselves are different in nature.

It’s unfortunate that no other big named blogs seem to realize this fact, and LGF has to carry the weight of this alone. Truthers come in left wing and right wing varieties. I think Ringo the Gringo laid the spectrum out well in this comment. But it seems that only LGF cares that these people are tainting an otherwise good message and using otherwise decent people in this warped convergence of tea parties and truthers and Paulians and nazis. We don’t need this baggage!

199 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:05:09pm

re: #193 debutaunt

A 17 year-old-girl beat Sharapova today.

From right here in Georgia!

(won’t do much for the mood here in light of my #188)

200 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:05:16pm

re: #185 sattv4u2
That’s a pretty cavalier dismissal, there…

201 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:05:28pm

re: #187 tradewind

The one thing you can say with certainty is that there are no patriotic troofers.
Anyone who loved their country would never buy into that crap.

I agree, but you know Alex Jones would say the exact opposite. That they are the True PatriotsTM, and the rest of us are just stupid sheeple.

202 SteveC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:05:28pm

Oklahoma/BYU announcer: “If you want electricity, we’ve got it!”

Quick, someone find a plug!

203 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:06:04pm

re: #197 borgcube


Is that you dinging me? If not, then I’d appreciate the people who disagree with me to tell me why if they have the time. Please don’t pile on too much. Thanks. :)

Why ask? You can easily see the names dinging you!

So what was the point of asking singling out ONE?

204 Pullus Iulius  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:06:46pm

re: #181 SteveC

William and Mary 7, Virgina 7

Two people vs. the entire state of Virgina. If Earle gets off work early this might be an upset!

I don’t know if Emory and Henry would help out much, but if Washington and Lee show up you could have the beginning of a good backfield

205 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:06:47pm

re: #192 Slumbering Behemoth

Start at the top of the organization and work your way down. The troofers, Paulbots, whatever you want to call them, started the whole tea party thing a couple of years ago before “conservatives” decided they wanted in on it.

Current tea party movement started spontaneous after Rick Santelli on CNBC. Nothing to do with Ron Paul

206 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:07:07pm

Jason Rink has website and he is also associated with…

Ohio Freedom Alliance

that is associated with

Ohio Liberty and Sovereignty

which says:

The Ohio Liberty and Sovereignty website is a project of the Ohio Freedom Alliance. The Ohio Freedom Alliance is aggressively organizing a grassroots lobbying campaign that includes members from many different groups such as The Campaign for Liberty, John Birch Society, The Central Ohio 912 Group, and many other organizations that support The Tenth Amendment.

207 tradewind  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:07:33pm

re: #195 Ojoe

Well, yeah, but there’s probably only one cure, and it’s off the table.
I pray we do not get hit again. And I hate hearing people say things like ’ that’s what it may take to save this country’.
But I worry that our president now does not know what he’s doing when it comes to national security. I hope he has some people there who still do.

208 Noam Sayin'  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:07:52pm

re: #181 SteveC

William and Mary 7, Virgina 7

I saw that one at a stag party last week.

209 SteveC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:08:10pm

re: #204 Pullus Iulius

I don’t know if Emory and Henry would help out much, but if Washington and Lee show up you could have the beginning of a good backfield

Abe Lincoln at Wide Receiver. Just send that big ol’ lanky fella to the corner of the endzone and throw it high.

210 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:08:10pm

re: #197 borgcube


Is that you dinging me? If not, then I’d appreciate the people who disagree with me to tell me why if they have the time. Please don’t pile on too much. Thanks. :)

You can click the digit to see who dinged you. I dinged your #87 but nothing else… yet. ;)

211 Wendya  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:08:27pm

re: #180 Guanxi88

Given the high rates of whacky thinking to be found among many at the Tea parties (and, indeed, among their organizers) the insinuation that this was a deliberate ploy by the REAL MASTERS to undermine their opposition was what we call “humor”.


You’ve got that conspiratorial thinking down pat.

I object to the idea many people have that any tax protest now is an automatic affirmation of paul or truthers. You don’t see a problem with that?

212 borgcube  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:08:31pm

re: #203 sattv4u2

Oops, I didn’t know you could do that. Sorry.

213 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:09:01pm

re: #205 redmonkey

Current tea party movement started spontaneous after Rick Santelli on CNBC. Nothing to do with Ron Paul

This is not true. They had been in full swing long before that.

214 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:09:20pm




I love my frickin’ Commonwealth!

215 iceweasel  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:09:59pm

re: #213 Slumbering Behemoth

This is not true. They had been in full swing long before that.

And they were never spontaneous, for that matter.

216 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:10:34pm

re: #213 Slumbering Behemoth

This is not true. They had been in full swing long before that.

Nobody heard about it before. Google it and see result.

217 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:10:45pm

re: #212 borgcube

Oops, I didn’t know you could do that. Sorry.

Then how did you know Sharm (or anyone in particular) dinged you

218 debutaunt  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:11:04pm

re: #215 iceweasel

And they were never spontaneous, for that matter.

I think the ‘right’ is inept at striking and protesting in general.

219 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:11:25pm

re: #215 iceweasel

And they were never spontaneous, for that matter.

I am surprise people have so short memory

220 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:11:38pm

re: #217 sattv4u2

Then how did you know Sharm (or anyone in particular) dinged you

Cuz ai iz up in hiz grill, yo.

221 SteveC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:12:05pm

re: #212 borgcube

Oops, I didn’t know you could do that. Sorry.

Registered 9/25/2005
Comments 842
Karma 459


222 Ojoe  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:12:13pm

re: #207 tradewind

In the real world it is always on the table.

223 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:12:19pm

re: #211 Wendya

I object to the idea many people have that any tax protest now is an automatic affirmation of paul or truthers. You don’t see a problem with that?

I’ve not seen that. The discussions along those lines have been strictly about tea parties, and not all tax protests in general.

What was that you were telling Guanxi88 about making allegations?/

224 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:12:43pm

re: #220 Sharmuta

Cuz ai iz up in hiz grill, yo.

Ooo ,, goody ,, cud I haz cheezburger?

225 jaunte  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:12:49pm

re: #213 Slumbering Behemoth

This is not true. They had been in full swing long before that.

From November 2007:

- Tomorrow begins the full court press for and the push for a nationwide rally on the 15th. It will be a weekend of Liberty! More details to come.
- The Ron Paul Blimp project has reached it’s goal in pledges. We’re busy working out the final details. It won’t be long now!


226 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:13:15pm

re: #209 SteveC

Abe Lincoln at Wide Receiver. Just send that big ol’ lanky fella to the corner of the endzone and throw it high.

Heck no! Keep it Virginian! George Washington was 6’2”. A good 8-10 inches taller than average.

Oh, and Lincoln was a northerner.

227 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:13:27pm

The tea party organizers are not being up front about who they are and what they intend to do in the future. They keep changing their names and objectives. What used to be the “Don’t Go Movement” became “The American Liberty Alliance,” [Eric Odom/Ron Paul] and the “Tea Party Patriots” are now doing the “Contract From America.”

228 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:14:09pm

re: #215 iceweasel

And they were never spontaneous, for that matter.

Rick Santelli Tea Party video

229 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:14:43pm

re: #211 Wendya

You’ve got that conspiratorial thinking down pat.

I object to the idea many people have that any tax protest now is an automatic affirmation of paul or truthers. You don’t see a problem with that?

Any protest where you find affirmations of Paul and trutherism, irrespective of the cause, is automatically an affirmation of Paulism and trutherism, or they Paulians and truthers wouldn’t show up or organize them.

As for mastering conspiratorial thinking, well, it’s just a hobby, really.

230 SteveC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:14:44pm

re: #226 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Heck no! Keep it Virginian!

I don’t mind if my team has deep interpersonal relationships with the ladies. Keeps ‘em loose!

231 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:15:32pm

re: #230 SteveC

I don’t mind if my team has deep interpersonal relationships with the ladies. Keeps ‘em loose!

Who ,, the ladies ?!?!?

I would imagine so!

232 Bagua  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:15:34pm

re: #190 iceweasel

I have given thought to that, and it is a very scary thought. That’s another reason why I think it’s so important to purge the insanity on the right at the moment.

Well said.

233 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:16:27pm

re: #225 jaunte


And nobody paid any attention for this event. Only after Rick Santelli comment on CNBC its spread around country without any Ron Paul involment

234 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:16:55pm

re: #176 borgcube

Don’t know much about Lew Rockwell but of course I’ll take your word for it.

Sorry, but when the likes of Van Jones has been given the reins to institute the path in which our nation powers itself, the largest transformation of the way things work energy-wise since electricity, and given his true opinions of free market principles despite his polished GQ Yale makeover, and what all of that means for industry and our very livelihoods, it’s a bit more acute than someone who is a racist with a blog.

I get your point about the larger overall considerations here about American ideals, etc. It does not escape me. However, my money is that Van Jones makes the racism of Lew Rockwell truly seem like a tea party.

That was me who dinged you. I did it because you said you know “not much” about Lew Rockwell, but figured you could jump to the conclusion that Van Jones must be worse. That’s a dingable offense.

235 Van Helsing  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:17:18pm

re: #231 sattv4u2

Who ,, the ladies ?!?!?

I would imagine so!

Bad Satt! no biscuit!

236 iceweasel  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:17:24pm

re: #218 debutaunt

I think the ‘right’ is inept at striking and protesting in general.

I’d agree with that. They’re really not good at either, and they’re not organised the way the left is online (and off).

One reason is that we had so much crazy on the left from 2001 onwards to about 2006. Lot of antiwar and antiBush sentiment and years to put together networks and online activism—and weed out our own crazies, or at least marginalise them.
When Obama came along there were already all these activist networks ready to organise and mobilise. Plus the Obama campaign itself was highly effective at it all.

The right is years behind us in terms of all of that. They should be using this time to regroup and form networks the way the left did, and restructure their party. The tea parties do show that there is that legitimate sentiment out there waiting to be tapped and organised.

Unfortunately, the GOP seems content to just whip people up into a froth and promote craziness instead, and the tea parties are overrun with nuts and organised by nuts.

237 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:17:31pm

NASCAR’s about to start

(okay ,,, so it’s ‘only” the nationwide race,,, but what the hell)

Turn RIGHT, someone!

238 jaunte  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:17:53pm

re: #233 redmonkey

And nobody paid any attention for this event. Only after Rick Santelli comment on CNBC its spread around country without any Ron Paul involment

Right, except I think you could do without the words ‘nobody, only, and without.’

239 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:17:53pm

re: #211 Wendya

I object to the idea many people have that any tax protest now is an automatic affirmation of paul or truthers. You don’t see a problem with that?

As to that side of it:

I hate that some deranged person has dueced in the punchbowl, but this is what has happened. Much as I’d love a glass of punch, I’m forced to take a pass.

240 borgcube  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:17:56pm

re: #217 sattv4u2

Because she replied to me in the thread. #112

Or maybe because I’m clairvoyant?

241 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:18:16pm

re: #235 Van Helsing

Bad Satt! no biscuit!

how bout cookie?

242 horse  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:18:24pm

The point of hypocrisy is very valid. Jason Rink is a nutter. If he was in a Republican administration, given billions of taxpayer dollars with no oversight from congress to do with as he pleased, I would want him gone ASAP and would strongly question the judgment of the people who hired him in the first place.

Now that he is identified, no one political should associate with him. Perhaps what is needed is a “who’s who” of the fringe and unhinged left, right and libertarian wings of politics and governmental policy. That would make it much easier to avoid the nutters when there isn’t time for a thorough vetting. Hmmm, sounds like a business opportunity, or at least a public service opportunity. The book polticos don’t want to make…

243 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:18:59pm

re: #240 borgcube

Because she replied to me in the thread. #112

Or maybe because I’m clairvoyant?

I don’t have a dictionary with me. Does that mean Full Of Shit?

244 borgcube  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:19:22pm

re: #234 wrenchwench

Fair enough.

I’ll be watching my dings from now on! :) Geesh, I’ve only been around here for almost four years. How embarrassing.

245 Van Helsing  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:19:31pm

re: #241 sattv4u2

how bout cookie?

Sure, why not.

246 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:19:37pm

re: #216 redmonkey

Nobody heard about it before. Google it and see result.

Nobody but truthers and paulbots, that is.

Google search results. Note the dates and the trooferisms.

Sorry, but the Tea Parties started with the truthers, and it pretty much still is their play ground.

247 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:19:43pm

re: #243 sattv4u2

I don’t have a dictionary with me. Does that mean Full Of Shit?

No, you’re thinking of “tenured.”

248 SteveC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:20:08pm

re: #243 sattv4u2

I don’t have a dictionary with me. Does that mean Full Of Shit?

OUCH! That’s gonna leave a mark!

249 itellu3times  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:20:14pm

What do you have against troof?

What do you have against tea?

What do you have against parties?

What do you have against Cincinnati?

What do you have against organizers?

/zen for rightwads

250 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:20:27pm

re: #240 borgcube

It’s cool by me- I figured you thought perhaps it was me because we were already engaged in discussion. I have to agree with wrenchwench though. If you know nothing of rockwell, how can you compare?

251 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:20:33pm

Found at Ohio Freedom Alliance > General > Issues > Education

Evolution Pleads the 5th

also here.

Evolution = Junk Science

Warning, this is Bircher style creationism.

252 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:21:02pm

re: #247 Guanxi88

re: #248 SteveC


253 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:21:04pm

re: #244 borgcube

Fair enough.

I’ll be watching my dings from now on! :) Geesh, I’ve only been around here for almost four years. How embarrassing.

Now go do some research on Lew Rockwell. Take a barf bag with you.

254 jaunte  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:21:26pm

re: #249 itellu3times

The sound of one Laup, Noring.

255 Van Helsing  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:21:43pm

re: #247 Guanxi88

No, you’re thinking of “tenured.”

Cleaning the keyboard and monitor after that one. Wasted perfectly good ale…

256 SteveC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:21:49pm

re: #251 Gus 802

Warning, this is Bircher style creationism.

In the beginning, there was John Birch?

257 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:22:09pm

re: #251 Gus 802

Found at Ohio Freedom Alliance > General > Issues > Education

Evolution Pleads the 5th

also here.

Evolution = Junk Science

Warning, this is Bircher style creationism.

Ah- members of the group I pointed out in #22. Why am I not surprised?

258 Kosh's Shadow  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:22:26pm

re: #251 Gus 802

Found at Ohio Freedom Alliance > General > Issues > Education

Evolution Pleads the 5th

also here.

Evolution = Junk Science

Warning, this is Bircher style creationism.

I don’t want to dirty my computer with this. What does it say? Something like G-d created white people and the devil created everyone else, and Jews and Communists even if they’re white?

259 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:22:38pm

re: #246 Slumbering Behemoth

Nobody but truthers and paulbots, that is.

Google search results. Note the dates and the trooferisms.

Sorry, but the Tea Parties started with the truthers, and it pretty much still is their play ground.

It was not spread around country and nobody paid attention to it. It was thousand people gathering.

260 SteveC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:22:52pm

Florida 7, Charleston Southern 0 9:32 1st quarter.

Well, that dream was fun!

261 itellu3times  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:22:52pm

re: #172 Ojoe

Yoo hoo truthers, the towers fell down because insane jihadis flew aircraft into them.

Period, end of story.

Signed, Ojoe the architect.

Man this gets old.

You call that news?

But, let’s not misuse the term “insane”, I think there are crazier people in this game than the brave jihadis so beloved by Bill Maher and his ilk. That being the point, who is insane-r, the jihadis or Maherhadis?

262 Van Helsing  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:22:59pm

re: #256 SteveC

In the beginning, there was John Birch?

Don’t blame Birch, he had nothing to do with them.
Dead, he was.

263 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:23:04pm

re: #256 SteveC

In the beginning, there was John Birch?

Something like that. This guy Christopher even delves in the Big Bang Theory calling it the Big Dud Theory.

Hilarity ensues.


264 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:23:34pm

re: #262 Van Helsing

Don’t blame Birch, he had nothing to do with them.
Dead, he was.

Ooh, somebody knows the Deep Magic of the Right.

265 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:23:41pm

re: #244 borgcube

Fair enough.

I’ll be watching my dings from now on! :) Geesh, I’ve only been around here for almost four years. How embarrassing.

Oh, and “Claire” dinged you up on the same comment I dinged you down on. Maybe you are “Claire”voyant.

266 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:24:05pm

re: #257 Sharmuta

Ah- members of the group I pointed out in #22. Why am I not surprised?

That place has a motherlode of geniuses. /

267 itellu3times  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:24:06pm

USC 11,000

268 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:24:07pm

re: #265 wrenchwench

LOL- good one.

269 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:24:23pm

re: #259 redmonkey

It was not spread around country and nobody paid attention to it. It was thousand people gathering.

Sorry, I wrote it wrong
It was not spread around country and nobody paid attention to it. It was not thousand people gathering. All discition here is about movement started after Rick Santelli comment

270 debutaunt  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:25:02pm

re: #236 iceweasel

It makes sense to me that the left could see the potential protests from the right and preemptively overlaid the most obvious groups with a little extra lunacy. I know they didn’t need a whole lot more help, but I think the left saw this coming.

271 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:26:18pm

re: #259 redmonkey

It was not spread around country and nobody paid attention to it. It was thousand people gathering.

Not spread around the country? Did you even look at those links I provided?

One was an event in San Francisco, the other for an event in Boston. And those were just two examples of many tea party links from over two years ago.

272 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:26:22pm

re: #265 wrenchwench

Oh, and “Claire” dinged you up on the same comment I dinged you down on. Maybe you are “Claire”voyant.

Does THAT mean Full Of Shit !?!?!?

273 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:26:56pm

re: #251 Gus 802

Found at Ohio Freedom Alliance > General > Issues > Education

Evolution Pleads the 5th

also here.

Evolution = Junk Science

Warning, this is Bircher style creationism.

Love the quote mining!

274 jaunte  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:27:04pm

re: #269 redmonkey

The Tea Party organizers were in place and ready to go before Rick Santelli gave them publicity. The Ron Paul Revolution / Campaign is where they got their organizing experience.

275 Van Helsing  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:27:41pm

re: #264 Guanxi88

Ooh, somebody knows the Deep Magic of the Right.

No, not really. I was making a somewhat light point that John Birch is just a guy that got killed and some morons created a Society of Asshats and hung his name off it.

276 SteveC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:28:18pm

re: #274 jaunte

The Tea Party organizers were in place and ready to go before Rick Santelli gave them publicity. The Ron Paul Revolution / Campaign is where they got their organizing experience.

And I thought they were all taking turns flying the blimp.

277 Guanxi88  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:28:29pm

re: #275 Van Helsing

No, not really. I was making a somewhat light point that John Birch is just a guy that got killed and some morons created a Society of Asshats and hung his name off it.

That’s deep magic, trust me. Most folk don’t know that the JBS even exists. The greatest trick the JBS ever played…

278 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:28:43pm

re: #276 SteveC

And I thought they were all taking turns flying the blimp.

It was a Good Year~!

279 borgcube  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:29:00pm

re: #250 Sharmuta

Guilty as charged. It’s just hard to imagine a more vile person out there than what I’ve seen and heard directly from the mouth of Van Jones in the last week, let alone his documented past.

Vileness aside, can you give me your Cliffsnotes take on Lew Rockwell?

280 jaunte  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:29:04pm

re: #276 SteveC

They wish. Most of them were assigned to spam internet polls.

281 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:29:18pm

re: #274 jaunte

The Tea Party organizers were in place and ready to go before Rick Santelli gave them publicity. The Ron Paul Revolution / Campaign is where they got their organizing experience.

It just guess from you. What I saw just protest explosion around country.

282 debutaunt  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:29:21pm

re: #277 Guanxi88

That’s deep magic, trust me. Most folk don’t know that the JBS even exists. The greatest trick the JBS ever played…

It goes all the way back to Houdini.

283 Bagua  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:30:10pm

re: #270 debutaunt

It makes sense to me that the left could see the potential protests from the right and preemptively overlaid the most obvious groups with a little extra lunacy. I know they didn’t need a whole lot more help, but I think the left saw this coming.

That sort of lunacy doesn’t often get laid, nor needed any encouragement.

284 itellu3times  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:30:19pm

re: #176 borgcube

Don’t know much about Lew Rockwell but of course I’ll take your word for it.

However, my money is that Van Jones makes the racism of Lew Rockwell truly seem like a tea party.

um, in the world of nutbags racist and otherwise, Lew Rockwell is at the very apex of the rotten, putrid heap.

/He shines and stinks like rotten mackerel by moonlight

285 Wendya  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:30:49pm

re: #223 Slumbering Behemoth

I’ve not seen that. The discussions along those lines have been strictly about tea parties, and not all tax protests in general.

What was that you were telling Guanxi88 about making allegations?/

You deny that there are people who are claiming attendance at tax protests is support for ron paul or truthers?

286 Van Helsing  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:30:54pm

re: #277 Guanxi88

That’s deep magic, trust me. Most folk don’t know that the JBS even exists. The greatest trick the JBS ever played…

But they got such great publicity - even had their own song! Youtube Video>

287 borgcube  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:31:35pm

re: #267 itellu3times

I’m watching the same channel about to see my lowly Aztecs get clobbered by UCLA.

288 jaunte  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:31:39pm

re: #281 redmonkey

Christian Science Monitor says that maybe 500,000 people came out to all the Tea Parties. And the Tea Parties core organizers were Paulians.

289 Claire  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:32:13pm

re: #272 sattv4u2

Hey now…

290 iceweasel  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:32:14pm

re: #270 debutaunt

It makes sense to me that the left could see the potential protests from the right and preemptively overlaid the most obvious groups with a little extra lunacy. I know they didn’t need a whole lot more help, but I think the left saw this coming.

Well, we knew it would be a disaster and a failure, but AFAIK we were just pointing and laughing. It wasn’t news to us that they were linked to the Paulbots, and we were all busy laughing at the name.
If there were sinister organised lefty attempts to make them look bad or something I didn’t hear about it. All the left did was make fun of them.

It’s been like a trainwreck. You fear to look and yet you cannot look away.

291 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:32:48pm

More garbage at Ohio Freedom Alliance:

Subversion Factor - A MUST see! (Narrated by G. Edward Griffin)

Dr. Beter reveals that
three primary power factions are at work in the world today:

1. The Rockefeller Cartel
2. The Bolshevik-Zionist Axis
3. The New Kremlin Rulers

Starting to border a hate site.

292 Van Helsing  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:32:59pm

286 ate the link

Or I screwed up.

293 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:33:08pm

re: #289 Claire

Hey now…


{looks sheepishly and innocently away!}

294 SteveC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:33:53pm

re: #277 Guanxi88

That’s deep magic, trust me. Most folk don’t know that the JBS even exists. The greatest trick the JBS ever played…

They started lookin real suspicious at him
He jumped up and said “Now just wait a minute Jim!
You know he’s lying I been living here all of my life!”

“I’m a faithful follower of Brother John Birch
And I belong to the Antioch Baptist Church.
And I aint even got a garage, you can call home and ask my wife!”

- Uneasy Rider

295 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:33:58pm

re: #285 Wendya

You deny that there are people who are claiming attendance at tax protests is support for ron paul or truthers?

The discussions along these lines here that I have been involved with are strictly about the Tea Parties, and not tax protests in general. I said that I have not seen what you are alleging here, and I have not “denied” anything.

296 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:34:24pm

re: #189 akalivas

Why do you defend Van Jones’ presence at demonstrations which included truthers?
By “defend” I mean that you defend him against the accusation that he is tainted by truther-ism, not that you support him generally.

I’m not defending Van Jones against anything. I’m defending the unfashionable idea that accusations like that should be based on credible sources.

There’s plenty to criticize Van Jones about. But there is absolutely no credible evidence that he believes the US government plotted the 9/11 attacks.

297 itellu3times  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:34:34pm

re: #287 borgcube

I’m watching the same channel about to see my lowly Aztecs get clobbered by UCLA.

Did you watch that USC game?

Wasn’t hardly fair. Good grief.

298 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:35:54pm

re: #279 borgcube

Guilty as charged. It’s just hard to imagine a more vile person out there than what I’ve seen and heard directly from the mouth of Van Jones in the last week, let alone his documented past.

Vileness aside, can you give me your Cliffsnotes take on Lew Rockwell?

There quite a bit of nasty stuff out there- it’s not difficult to find. I would start by searching LGF by using the tag storm or tag viewer and here are some search results:

vlaams belang
lew rockwell

These are pretty vile folks, and you don’t have to visit their vile sites to learn about them- you can trust LGF as a source.

299 iceweasel  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:36:18pm

re: #290 iceweasel

Actually, I take that back. There was some lefty infiltration of some of these events, but it was designed to mock them:


300 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:36:52pm

re: #206 Gus 802

a grassroots lobbying campaign that includes members from many different groups such as The Campaign for Liberty, John Birch Society, The Central Ohio 912 Group, and many other organizations that support The Tenth Amendment.

Nice find!

301 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:37:35pm

re: #300 Killgore Trout

Nice find!

They have a lot of Birchers.

302 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:38:16pm

re: #291 Gus 802

More garbage at Ohio Freedom Alliance:

Subversion Factor - A MUST see! (Narrated by G. Edward Griffin)

Starting to border a hate site.

More by G. Edward Griffin. It’s a .pdf , relating to the John Birch Society.

303 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:39:18pm

I see Ace is still ranting away.

Sorry man - I’m not going to link to you no matter how many ugly names you call me.

304 debutaunt  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:39:42pm

re: #299 iceweasel

I’m familiar with the the California left and out here it was more than a little.

305 freetoken  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:40:00pm

re: #279 borgcube

It’s just hard to imagine a more vile person out there than what I’ve seen and heard directly from the mouth of Van Jones in the last week, let alone his documented past.

Care to share with us what you’ve heard directly from the mouth of Van Jones in the last week?

Vileness aside, can you give me your Cliffsnotes take on Lew Rockwell?

Lew Rockwell = Confederate States of America

306 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:40:16pm

re: #291 Gus 802

More garbage at Ohio Freedom Alliance:

Subversion Factor - A MUST see! (Narrated by G. Edward Griffin)

Starting to border a hate site.

Griffin is a Bircher

Griffin has been a member and officer of the conservative John Birch Society for much of his life[8][9] and a contributing editor to its magazine, The New American.[10] Since the 1960s, Griffin has spoken and written at length about the Society’s theory of history involving “communist and capitalist conspiracies” over banking systems (including the Federal Reserve), American foreign policy, the U.S. Supreme Court, and the United Nations.[8][11][12] From 1962 to 1975, he completed nine books and seven film productions; his 1969 video lecture, More Deadly Than War: The Communist Revolution in America, was printed in English and Dutch. In 1974, he published World Without Cancer, and in 1975, he wrote a sympathetic biography of Society founder Robert W. Welch, which was well received by members of the organization.[13][14] Six of his documentaries from the early period were rereleased in 2001 as Hidden Agenda: Real Conspiracies that Affect our Lives Today.
307 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:40:51pm

re: #303 Charles

I see Ace is still ranting away.

Sorry man - I’m not going to link to you no matter how many ugly names you call me.

Poopy Head?
Stinky Pants?

308 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:41:42pm

re: #306 Killgore Trout

Yep. The two guys in that thread I linked are also Birchers.

309 Wendya  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:42:44pm

re: #295 Slumbering Behemoth

The discussions along these lines here that I have been involved with are strictly about the Tea Parties, and not tax protests in general. I said that I have not seen what you are alleging here, and I have not “denied” anything.

The tea parties from the last 5 months started out as anti-tax protests. That’s why they occurred nation wide on April 15th.

310 jaunte  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:43:45pm

re: #306 Killgore Trout

Low-Hanging Fruit Department:

…in 1975, he wrote a sympathetic biography of Society founder Robert W. Welch, which was well received by members of the organization.

311 itellu3times  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:43:50pm

Good heavens, if you look at Lew Rockwell’s entry in Wikipedia, you’d think he was human.

312 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:45:15pm

re: #311 itellu3times

Good heavens, if you look at Lew Rockwell’s entry in Wikipedia, you’d think he was human.

He’s human, all right. A nasty paleocon racist human being who deserves to be shunned — but is being increasingly mainstreamed by the GOP and Fox News.

313 Bagua  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:46:53pm


Another “It is time to water the Tree of Liberty” copycat, also wearing a tie.


/Patriots are well dressed.

314 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:46:56pm

re: #312 Charles

He’s human, all right. A nasty paleocon racist human being who deserves to be shunned — but is being increasingly mainstreamed by the GOP and Fox News.

I noticed they had Jason Rink on twice or maybe even more. It’s looking like it’s going beyond the Paulian crowd and now attracting paleocons and Birchers.

315 Kenneth  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:47:22pm

re: #296 Charles

The cognitive dissonance is giving me wicked headache… far righty blogs, which have been sinking deeper & deeper into Ron Paul/Alex Jones/ Troofer/Nirth-cert swamp, are freaking out about Van Jones because he signed a Troofer petition (under false pretenses) in 2004 (and last week apologized for it, denouncing the movement as sick)… meanwhile these fools are Tea Partying with unrepentant Troofers?


316 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:47:51pm

re: #315 Kenneth

The cognitive dissonance is giving me wicked headache… far righty blogs, which have been sinking deeper & deeper into Ron Paul/Alex Jones/ Troofer/Nirth-cert swamp, are freaking out about Van Jones because he signed a Troofer petition (under false pretenses) in 2004 (and last week apologized for it, denouncing the movement as sick)… meanwhile these fools are Tea Partying with unrepentant Troofers?


That’s about the size of it.

317 Wendya  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:48:45pm

re: #236 iceweasel

One reason is that we had so much crazy on the left from 2001 onwards to about 2006. Lot of antiwar and antiBush sentiment and years to put together networks and online activism—and weed out our own crazies, or at least marginalise them.
When Obama came along there were already all these activist networks ready to organise and mobilise. Plus the Obama campaign itself was highly effective at it all.

The Bush year protests were organized by ANSWER and the WWP. That’s hardly weeding on the crazies.

318 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:49:01pm

re: #306 Killgore Trout

Griffin is a Bircher …

It’s like turning over rocks.

319 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:49:18pm

I can’t keep them all straight, but here’s another peak behind the scenes. The ReTea Party is a grassroots effort supported by the Political Exploration and Awareness Committee, PAC, and that lead me here:

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who has helped us in our Draft Peter Schiff and Rand Paul campaigns. With your support and help, we have been able to convince Rand Paul AND Peter Schiff to run for Senate at a time when we need them the most.

You can visit the official website for Peter Schiff at: Schiff for Senate.
You can visit Rand Paul’s official website at: Rand Paul for Senate
In Liberty,

320 SteveC  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:49:21pm

re: #314 Gus 802

I noticed they had Jason Rink on twice or maybe even more. It’s looking like it’s going beyond the Paulian crowd and now attracting paleocons and Birchers.

I don’t care how hot they are, if the Fox Newsbabes are driving the train off the cliff, I’m gonna jump!

321 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:50:38pm

re: #312 Charles

He’s human, all right. A nasty paleocon racist human being who deserves to be shunned — but is being increasingly mainstreamed by the GOP and Fox News.

I googled “lew rockwell on fox news” and came up empty!


322 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:50:52pm

re: #313 Bagua


Another “It is time to water the Tree of Liberty” copycat, also wearing a tie.


/Patriots are well dressed.

Thank you, I’ve added it to my list. I have a feeling my list will never actually get used. The right wing myth that leftist protesters threatened to kill Bush while right wing protesters are hounded by the secret service is too well entrenched. Nobody cares what’s real anymore anyways.

323 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:51:21pm

re: #319 wrenchwench

I can’t keep them all straight, but here’s another peak behind the scenes. The ReTea Party is a grassroots effort supported by the Political Exploration and Awareness Committee, PAC, and that lead me here:

People don’t want to believe it, but the entire Tea Party movement is absolutely lousy with these creeps.

324 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:51:39pm

re: #312 Charles

re: #321 sattv4u2

I googled “lew rockwell on fox news” and came up empty!


Under VIDEOS,, that is

325 aboo-Hoo-Hoo  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:52:02pm

Can we have some ‘Psycho’, **screech** **screech** **screech** background sound to accompany the following please? Obama looking for retirement plan reforms

The president framed the new policies as a response to the recession.

“I’ve heard from so many who’ve had to put off retirement, or come out of retirement, to make ends meet,” Obama said in his weekly address.

But the president also suggested that the recession should be a wake-up call to structurally change the American economy.

Even before the recession, Obama argued, Americans saved too little and borrowed too much.

And now we’re looking to borrow trillions from…well cluck…from anybody(outside our own Fed/Treasury) with an IQ lower than the freezing point - Celsius?

326 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:53:12pm

re: #312 Charles

re: #324 sattv4u2

re: #321 sattv4u2

Under VIDEOS,, that is

OOOPPSS , found one ,, nevermind

327 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:53:17pm

Torte reform now!

Time to reform cakes!

328 Coracle  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:53:46pm

re: #327 Gus 802

Torte reform now!

Time to reform cakes!

That makes me hungry.

329 jaunte  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:54:09pm

Lew Rockwell’s political strategy:

The most detailed description of the strategy came in an essay Rothbard wrote for the January 1992 Rothbard-Rockwell Report, titled “Right-Wing Populism: A Strategy for the Paleo Movement.” Lamenting that mainstream intellectuals and opinion leaders were too invested in the status quo to be brought around to a libertarian view, Rothbard pointed to David Duke and Joseph McCarthy as models for an “Outreach to the Rednecks,” which would fashion a broad libertarian/paleoconservative coalition by targeting the disaffected working and middle classes. (Duke, a former Klansman, was discussed in strikingly similar terms in a 1990 Ron Paul Political Report.) These groups could be mobilized to oppose an expansive state, Rothbard posited, by exposing an “unholy alliance of ‘corporate liberal’ Big Business and media elites, who, through big government, have privileged and caused to rise up a parasitic Underclass, who, among them all, are looting and oppressing the bulk of the middle and working classes in America.”[Link:…]
330 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:54:15pm
Is Ron Paul the last relevant Republican in Washington?


Tea Parties: From those websites and the election year Meetups emerged the nucleus of the “Tea Party” rallies that exploded nationwide this year. Although the “Tea Party” movement was a larger, organic uprising than simply the result of a single presidential candidacy, most of the original rallies were first organized by Ron Paul supporters. More importantly, precious few of the Tea Party attendees were actively identifying themselves with other national Republican leaders. Ron Paul revolutionaries have helped to keep the tea parties non-partisan, targeting not just Democrats, but also left-leaning Republicans like Iowa’s Senator Chuck Grassley, who has been working with Obama to extend federal controls over health care.


Ron Paul and his dedicated followers may have been the tail of the GOP dog during the 2008 campaign, but so far this year the tail has been wagging the dog.
331 callahan23  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:54:29pm

re: #311 itellu3times

Good heavens, if you look at Lew Rockwell’s entry in Wikipedia, you’d think he was human.

Made me have that wtf-face. And I thought that wikipedia would more often than not be on the rather left side of things. How wrong that assertion was.
Lew Rockwell and any other racist or anti-semites and conspiracy-theorists, for that matter, are all monsters to me. They’ve committed the crime of entertaining vile, inhumane and utterly stupid thoughts and theories.

332 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:54:49pm

re: #319 wrenchwench

Also an article called: Internment Camps and Human Prison Cars

The Party crowd is advancing their own ballot of Paulian candidates. I’ve also seen a lot of talk about using the Tea Parties to oust moderate Republican candidates. They might be successful in reshaping or at least redirecting the Republican party.

333 Van Helsing  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:54:49pm

re: #325 aboo-Hoo-Hoo

And now we’re looking to borrow trillions from…well cluck…from anybody(outside our own Fed/Treasury) with an IQ lower than the freezing point - Celsius?

That’s a completely different thing. The government can borrow and spend its way out of debt.
You can’t.

334 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:54:54pm

re: #328 Coracle

That makes me hungry.

Which came first the trial attorney or the torte?


335 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:55:34pm

re: #327 Gus 802

Torte is a lie!

336 Coracle  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:55:47pm

re: #334 Gus 802

We all know he attorney brings the tortes the question is whether they bake them themselves. Or only half bake them.

337 avanti  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:55:58pm

re: #320 SteveC

I don’t care how hot they are, if the Fox Newsbabes are driving the train off the cliff, I’m gonna jump!

I goggled Fox news babes and got this:

338 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:56:28pm

re: #332 Killgore Trout

Also an article called: Internment Camps and Human Prison Cars

The Party crowd is advancing their own ballot of Paulian candidates. I’ve also seen a lot of talk about using the Tea Parties to oust moderate Republican candidates. They might be successful in reshaping or at least redirecting the Republican party.

But it’s about taxes! I wanna protest!!!1!


339 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:56:49pm

re: #335 Killgore Trout

Torte is a lie PIE!


340 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:57:09pm

re: #335 Killgore Trout

Torte is a lie!

:) Did you see the image?

341 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:57:45pm

re: #337 avanti

I goggled Fox news babes and got this:

I googled Liberal Babes and got nothing!

(you really make it TOO easy)

342 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 4:59:07pm

re: #340 Gus 802

Yeah looking through the rest of the pics…
Birthers! (possibly racist too)

343 Bagua  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:00:13pm

re: #319 wrenchwench

Congratulations and thank you to everyone who has helped us in our Draft Peter Schiff and Rand Paul campaigns. /blockquote>

Ha! Peter Schiff Was Wrong


344 Kenneth  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:00:20pm

re: #316 Charles

Maybe we should simple ignore the noise in the signal and post about what really is objectionable about Van Jones and ignore the idiocy?

The racialism, the Marxist past, the Noetic nuttiness,… plenty of real meat there.

345 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:01:05pm
346 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:01:10pm

re: #342 Killgore Trout

Yeah looking through the rest of the pics…
Birthers! (possibly racist too)

Yeah, that’s what I was doing. re: #342 Killgore Trout

Yeah looking through the rest of the pics…
Birthers! (possibly racist too)

One here say “Abort Obama (Care).”


347 aboo-Hoo-Hoo  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:01:44pm

re: #333 Van Helsing

That’s a completely different thing. The government can borrow and spend its way out of debt.
You can’t.

OH sheet! I fergot.

That makes it better. Thanks.

348 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:02:34pm

re: #344 Kenneth

Maybe we should simple ignore the noise in the signal and post about what really is objectionable about Van Jones and ignore the idiocy?

The racialism, the Marxist past, the Noetic nuttiness,… plenty of real meat there.

Actually, I have, but nobody seemed interested in it.


349 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:02:35pm

Pretty good photo stream: Abort Obama

These are photos they take themselves. They’re proud of this stuff.

350 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:02:54pm

re: #346 Gus 802

Heh. beat me to that one.

351 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:03:13pm

re: #274 jaunte

The Tea Party organizers were in place and ready to go before Rick Santelli gave them publicity. The Ron Paul Revolution / Campaign is where they got their organizing experience.

I guess this is beginning of new conspiracy theory

352 avanti  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:03:52pm

re: #341 sattv4u2

I googled Liberal Babes and got nothing!

(you really make it TOO easy)

No question, the right has hotter news babes. Conservative news shows also like to show scantly clad women on TV while bitching about scantly clad women on TV. :)

353 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:04:27pm


Why is Oklahoma playing BYU in the new Cowboys stadium outside of Dallas Texas?

354 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:04:29pm

re: #351 redmonkey

I guess this is beginning of new conspiracy theory

No, these are things known as “facts.”

355 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:05:01pm

re: #346 Gus 802

One here say “Abort Obama (Care).”



356 callahan23  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:05:28pm

re: #351 redmonkey

I guess this is beginning of new conspiracy theory

Ooh, the factses they hurts us. ///

357 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:05:34pm

re: #352 avanti

No question, the right has hotter news babes. Conservative news shows also like to show scantly clad women on TV while bitching about scantly clad women on TV. :)

Please. CNN, CNBC, MS/NBC et all have been trying to match Fox re: babes since it proved workable for FOX years ago

358 Kenneth  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:05:35pm

re: #348 Charles

You have, and I’ve seen it, but the idiocy derails the threads.

359 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:06:02pm

re: #348 Charles

Actually, I have, but nobody seemed interested in it.


I don’t know how many times I’ve posted that same link in the past few days. Nor do I know how many times I will post it in days to come. But, post it, I will.

360 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:06:05pm

Here’s a New World Order sign (the eye on the pyramid is an infamous NWO symbol):


361 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:06:10pm

re: #351 redmonkey

I guess this is beginning of new conspiracy theory

You can verify it, or debunk it, yourself. There are dozens of links posted on this page that verify, maybe you should go look for something to debunk it. Or you can stay here and snipe at those of us who would like to see a viable Republican Party in 2010.

362 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:06:21pm

re: #355 Charles


Yeah, that guy would get questioned by the Secret Service.

363 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:06:57pm

A guy wearing a confederate flag t-shirt:


364 Chekote  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:07:05pm

re: #353 sattv4u2

Everything is being played in the Cowboys Stadium. Jerry Jones needs to raise money to pay for lifting the HD TV screen.

365 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:07:37pm

re: #360 Charles

Here’s a New World Order sign (the eye on the pyramid is an infamous NWO symbol):


Yep. Or their Illuminati symbol.

366 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:07:51pm

re: #358 Kenneth

You have, and I’ve seen it, but the idiocy derails the threads.

Whack them on them on the head with the link Charles just posted.

367 Kenneth  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:08:17pm

re: #360 Charles

Eye of Providence

Interesting history to that symbol.

368 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:08:28pm

re: #363 Charles

A guy wearing a confederate flag t-shirt:


It;s Lynyrd Skynyrd one, actually

369 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:09:48pm

re: #368 sattv4u2

It;s Lynyrd Skynyrd one, actually

I seriously doubt the point of the shirt is to express his support for Lynyrd Skynyrd.

370 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:09:49pm

Another allusion to watering the Tree Of Liberty…

371 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:10:16pm

re: #369 Charles

Frreee Biiird!

372 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:10:28pm

re: #346 Gus 802

One here say “Abort Obama (Care).”


I have seen that “abort” usage referring to the court that passed Roe v. Wade.

373 Captain Jack  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:10:38pm

Charles, Van Jones says: “In recent days some in the news media have reported on past statements I made before I joined the administration – some of which were made years ago. If I have offended anyone with statements I made in the past, I apologize. As for the petition that was circulated today, I do not agree with this statement and it certainly does not reflect my views now or ever.

My work at the Council on Environmental Quality is entirely focused on one goal: building clean energy incentives which create 21st century jobs that improve energy efficiency and use renewable resources.”

So of course everybody should just look the other way because he is a good man being persecuted by the illegitimate TEA party movement (because some of those organizing them happen to be “truthers”…so that makes the TEA party demonstrations illegitimate) and those evil repukes. Van Jones is beyond question and we really need to focus the scrutiny on Republican/Birther/Truthers because they just have so much government power right now.

374 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:10:49pm

Shit. Not “passed” but decided.

375 Kenneth  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:11:18pm

re: #368 sattv4u2

That deserves a tune…

376 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:11:32pm

re: #369 Charles

I seriously doubt the point of the shirt is to express his support for Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Here’s a better shot…

Lynard Skynard

377 sabre256  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:11:45pm

I don’t really see the connection here. You have a tea party organizer (in other words a private citizen) who is a truther (dumb I know) versus a very high placed government official who is a truther. I am much more concerned about the person who can and WILL be making policy for the federal government vs. a citizen who doesn’t, who is merely protesting excessive taxes.

378 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:12:12pm

re: #372 MandyManners

I have seen that “abort” usage referring to the court that passed Roe v. Wade.

Right. Seen it used before at other protests. Definitely not cool.

379 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:12:25pm

re: #373 Captain Jack

Charles, Van Jones says: “In recent days some in the news media have reported on past statements I made before I joined the administration – some of which were made years ago. If I have offended anyone with statements I made in the past, I apologize. As for the petition that was circulated today, I do not agree with this statement and it certainly does not reflect my views now or ever.

My work at the Council on Environmental Quality is entirely focused on one goal: building clean energy incentives which create 21st century jobs that improve energy efficiency and use renewable resources.”

So of course everybody should just look the other way because he is a good man being persecuted by the illegitimate TEA party movement (because some of those organizing them happen to be “truthers”…so that makes the TEA party demonstrations illegitimate) and those evil repukes. Van Jones is beyond question and we really need to focus the scrutiny on Republican/Birther/Truthers because they just have so much government power right now.

Do you have a problem with reading comprehension?

How many times do I have to write that I’m not a fan of Van Jones and that he’s a far leftist who shouldn’t be in that position?

Good freaking grief. It never stops.

380 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:12:25pm

re: #369 Charles

I seriously doubt the point of the shirt is to express his support for Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Could very well be, but I would imagine is someone wanted to wear “a” confederate flag shirt/hat/whatever, they most likely would have one

381 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:12:55pm

It’s sleeper time.

382 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:13:10pm

re: #373 Captain Jack

Van Jones is beyond question

Who said that? Has Charles? Anyone here?

383 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:13:20pm
384 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:14:44pm

re: #373 Captain Jack



385 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:14:59pm

re: #383 Killgore Trout

Social justice sucks

Press 1 for English

“AZ”,,, ,the “cool” way of saying ASS nowadays!

386 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:15:25pm

re: #382 MandyManners

Who said that? Has Charles? Anyone here?

Anything to keep from looking at the truthers with whom the right is in league.

387 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:15:39pm

re: #377 sabre256

I don’t really see the connection here. You have a tea party organizer (in other words a private citizen) who is a truther (dumb I know) versus a very high placed government official who is a truther. I am much more concerned about the person who can and WILL be making policy for the federal government vs. a citizen who doesn’t, who is merely protesting excessive taxes.

What is your proof that Van Jones is a Troofer?

388 Kenneth  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:15:56pm

re: #377 sabre256

One. More. Time… Van Jones denounced the Troothers. He said his signature was obtained under false pretenses.

389 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:16:05pm

re: #377 sabre256

Welcome, hatchling!


390 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:16:13pm

re: #386 Sharmuta

Anything to keep from looking at the truthers with whom the right is in league.


391 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:16:38pm

re: #377 sabre256

Have fun paling around with troofers! Watch for fleas!

392 Bagua  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:16:42pm

re: #388 Kenneth

One. More. Time… Van Jones denounced the Troothers. He said his signature was obtained under false pretenses.

Don’t confuse the party with facts.

393 John Neverbend  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:17:01pm

re: #352 avanti

No question, the right has hotter news babes. Conservative news shows also like to show scantly clad women on TV while bitching about scantly clad women on TV. :)

Who is the lady on that video who appears to be wearing nothing below the waist?

394 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:17:32pm

re: #378 Gus 802

Right. Seen it used before at other protests. Definitely not cool.

Well, it rhymes when talking about the Supreme Court.

However, that’s a strange thing to say for someone who claims to be pro-life.

395 Van Helsing  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:17:52pm

re: #347 aboo-Hoo-Hoo

One is pleased to serve.

396 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:18:20pm

re: #393 John Neverbend

Who is the lady on that video who appears to be wearing nothing below the waist?

Watch the male Lizards stampede!

397 Captain Jack  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:19:09pm

re: #382 MandyManners

Just stating the MSM line…either incomplete reporting or silence from them…

398 Van Helsing  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:20:17pm

re: #352 avanti

No question, the right has hotter news babes. Conservative news shows also like to show scantly clad women on TV while bitching about scantly clad women on TV. :)

And… is there a point you’re trying to make?
/ :)

399 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:21:23pm

re: #390 MandyManners

It has more to do with the fallacy argument of tu quoque. I didn’t buy the excuse of “never mind the fascists, look at the islamists!” and I’m not going to buy the fallacy of “never mind the tea party troofers, look at Van Jones!”

I have equal opportunity disdain for nuts, kooks, and radicals of all stripes. This “look at teh left!11” crap ain’t flying with me.

400 Bagua  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:22:32pm

Ha! The “Stop Global Warming” chaps were wearing Red Shirts.

/more proof


401 Kenneth  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:23:42pm

re: #396 MandyManners

Angry male lizard!

402 Mr Pancakes  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:23:45pm



Aztecs 14
Oook-la 3

Won’t last long I’m sure.

403 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:23:55pm

re: #400 Bagua

Ha! The “Stop Global Warming” chaps were wearing Red Shirts.

/more proof




I see now that it was a gathering of two counter protesters. Where is this New Hampshire?

404 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:23:59pm

re: #397 Captain Jack

Just stating the MSM line…either incomplete reporting or silence from them…

Maybe a sarc tag would’ve been helpful.

405 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:24:22pm

re: #399 Sharmuta

It has more to do with the fallacy argument of tu quoque. I didn’t buy the excuse of “never mind the fascists, look at the islamists!” and I’m not going to buy the fallacy of “never mind the tea party troofers, look at Van Jones!”

I have equal opportunity disdain for nuts, kooks, and radicals of all stripes. This “look at teh left!11” crap ain’t flying with me.

I’m not gonna’ stop looking at them.

406 Taqyia2Me  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:24:50pm

re: #401 Kenneth

Angry male lizard!

I’d be angry too if looked like algore!

407 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:25:19pm

re: #401 Kenneth

Angry male lizard!

That’s not on of our lizards. That one looks to be one of those lizards that hunts Manbearpig.

408 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:25:32pm

Good Evening Lizards!

Havdalah is done, and I am enjoying a very smooth, very old single malt - and a very bad for me gourmet cigarette.

Yes, I am definitely not being healthy.


409 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:25:49pm

I hope everyone is having a grand evening!

410 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:25:51pm

re: #405 MandyManners

I’m not gonna’ stop looking at them.

Nor will I.

411 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:25:52pm
412 Coracle  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:26:09pm

re: #408 ludwigvanquixote

Good Evening Lizards!

Havdalah is done, and I am enjoying a very smooth, very old single malt - and a very bad for me gourmet cigarette.

Yes, I am definitely not being healthy.


Sounds like a good way to ruin a single malt!

413 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:26:25pm

re: #407 Dark_Falcon

That’s not on of our lizards. That one looks to be one of those lizards that hunts Manbearpig.

In bed.

414 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:26:57pm

re: #409 ludwigvanquixote

I hope everyone is having a grand evening!

We are, for as long as we can stand the fumes of Bad Craziness. Like any Tea Party, the one in Cincy was chock-full of it.

415 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:26:57pm

re: #412 Coracle

Sounds like a good way to ruin a single malt!

I guess I’ll just have to drink some more to clear my palate!

416 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:27:09pm

26 minutes late for beer!

417 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:27:24pm

re: #414 Dark_Falcon

We are, for as long as we can stand the fumes of Bad Craziness. Like any Tea Party, the one in Cincy was chock-full of it.

Which is why I recommend turning to drink…

418 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:27:31pm

re: #408 ludwigvanquixote

Hi, Ludwig!

419 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:27:35pm

Ugh, where did the day go?

420 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:27:39pm

re: #408 ludwigvanquixote

Good Evening Lizards!

Havdalah is done, and I am enjoying a very smooth, very old single malt - and a very bad for me gourmet cigarette.

Yes, I am definitely not being healthy.


Those are two of my three main food groups (cept cigar instead of ette!)

421 HoosierHoops  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:27:59pm

re: #409 ludwigvanquixote

I hope everyone is having a grand evening!

Thank you Lud…I stomped out your Ciggie..
still love me?

422 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:27:59pm

re: #405 MandyManners

I’m not gonna’ stop looking at them.

I’m with you, Sister.

423 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:28:06pm

re: #418 Sharmuta

Hi, Ludwig!

Hey hey!

424 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:28:16pm

I’m about to crack open a Duvel Belgian ale myself, to celebrate sending Ace of Spades into a ranting frenzy.

425 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:28:47pm

re: #421 HoosierHoops

Thank you Lud…I stomped out your Ciggie..
still love me?

That was a Nat Sherman… Do you have any idea how much those things cost these days?

426 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:29:26pm

re: #424 Charles

I’m about to crack open a Duvel Belgian ale myself, to celebrate sending Ace of Spades into a ranting frenzy.

It doesn’t completly count unless actual smoke was coming from his ears and nostrils

427 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:29:44pm

re: #424 Charles

I’m about to crack open a Duvel Belgian ale myself, to celebrate sending Ace of Spades into a ranting frenzy.

NOw the belgians make my favorite beer. I have been a Chimay, Coursendock, and Duvel man for some time.

428 Killgore Trout  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:29:57pm

re: #424 Charles

Cheers. I still have some Black Butte Porter. I’m embracing my European liberalism by drinking it warm. tastes better that way.

429 HoosierHoops  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:30:23pm

re: #425 ludwigvanquixote

That was a Nat Sherman… Do you have any idea how much those things cost these days?

Never heard of a Sherman…should I run now or wait till you are done coughing?
/Be well Lud..I’m teasing you

430 Killian Bundy  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:30:41pm

Venezuela to Add Charge Against Globovision, Cabello Says

Venezuela will open a sixth administrative proceeding against the Globovision television network and will “inspect” 29 radio stations after some media outlets supported marches against the government this week.

Diosdado Cabello, who as minister of public works and housing oversees the state telecommunications regulator, announced the measures today in a speech at a pro-government march in downtown Caracas shown on state television.

Cabello took 34 radio stations off the air July 31 and opened five earlier proceedings against Globovision. He said today that the mass media were behind marches against President Hugo Chavez around the world yesterday and a thousands-strong march through Caracas today by foes of Chavez.

And who admires Chavez and the way he deals with the media?

video that won’t embed

/meet Obama’s new FCC diversity officer

431 Coracle  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:30:49pm

re: #427 ludwigvanquixote

NOw the belgians make my favorite beer. I have been a Chimay, Coursendock, and Duvel man for some time.

Mardesous is my all time favorite.

432 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:30:58pm

re: #428 Killgore Trout

Cheers. I still have some Black Butte Porter. I’m embracing my European liberalism by drinking it warm. tastes better that way.

What does, the BEER or the European liberalism ?

433 Gus  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:31:28pm

re: #428 Killgore Trout

Cheers. I still have some Black Butte Porter. I’m embracing my European liberalism by drinking it warm. tastes better that way.

Warm beer reduces the electrical load thus it’s better for the environment and cuts down on CO2.


434 akalivas  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:31:44pm

re: #296 Charles

I’m not defending Van Jones against anything. I’m defending the unfashionable idea that accusations like that should be based on credible sources.

There’s plenty to criticize Van Jones about. But there is absolutely no credible evidence that he believes the US government plotted the 9/11 attacks.

Neither is there credible evidence that the vast majority of protesters at Tea Parties believe in these conspiracies. The masses at these tax protests are simply protesting Obama’s policies.

The guy who took the pictures from the Ohio Tea Party says there were 18,000 protesters gathered today. Is that an exaggeration? I have no idea. But it sounds like there were several thousand at least. What percentage of these protesters are truthers, paulians, etc? Again, I don’t know, but I would bet it was a very small percentage of the whole.

I don’t see the point of discrediting this huge movement against Obama’s policies because of the element of crazy that is also there. I would prefer that the crazies disappeared or disengaged so that we wouldn’t be distracted by them. But that isn’t likely to happen because the crazies live for demonstrations and public displays. There has probably never been a nut-free demonstration.

I think you are right to point out the hypocrisy of conservatives ganging up on Van Jones for his tangential (real or not) connections with truthers, while they are mum about truther connections within their own ranks.

I don’t agree with the idea that the current Tea Parties are to be avoided because of the taint of marginal political elements. Paulians may have started these protests and may be organizing many of them. But the growing alarm and dissatisfaction with Obama has changed these originally fringe Paulian events into something else that is mainstream and significant. The Paulians are still present but they aren’t the power behind the protests. The popular dissatisfaction with Washington is the fuel that’s powering the Tea Parties.

I have no problem whatsoever with the fact that you don’t promote the Tea Parties or that you wouldn’t be caught dead at one because of the cringe factor there, but I wish you didn’t spend all that much energy bagging (a pun!) on them.

435 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:32:17pm

BTW, Springbank is my new fav single malt.

It’s almost like brandy - very, very good brandy.

I’d take it over a Lagavulin, Dalwhine, or a Glenn Morange any day - and yes I know that is a strong statement.

436 Kenneth  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:32:51pm

re: #428 Killgore Trout

Not warm, cool, but not ice-cold.

437 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:32:53pm

re: #434 akalivas

I don’t see the point of discrediting this huge movement against Obama’s policies because of the element of crazy that is also there.

Have fun with the troofers. Watch out for fleas!

438 Van Helsing  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:32:56pm

re: #433 Gus 802

Warm beer reduces the electrical load thus it’s better for the environment and cuts down on CO2.


I thought it meant they had Lucas refrigerators.
/bad electrics in English cars joke.

439 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:33:22pm

re: #429 HoosierHoops

Never heard of a Sherman…should I run now or wait till you are done coughing?
/Be well Lud..I’m teasing you

It’s all good… I only very rarely smoke and then only very expensive ones. Think once or twice in a four to five month period - with the right mood and the right booze.

440 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:33:23pm

re: #434 akalivas

Neither is there credible evidence that the vast majority of protesters at Tea Parties believe in these conspiracies.

And of course, I never said there was. But when the major organizers are Paulians and Truthers, there would seem to be a little teeny tiny problem here.

Go ahead and ignore it. You won’t be the first.

441 Bagua  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:33:27pm

re: #408 ludwigvanquixote

Good Evening Lizards!

Havdalah is done, and I am enjoying a very smooth, very old single malt - and a very bad for me gourmet cigarette.

Yes, I am definitely not being healthy.


Rather shocking, are you unaware dire consequences to both yourself and the planet?

442 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:34:04pm

re: #441 Bagua

Rather shocking, are you unaware dire consequences to both yourself and the planet?

The sooner I die, the smaller my footprint… :)

443 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:34:05pm

re: #434 akalivas

Do you favor the destruction of the Republican Party? That will be the result of all this tea partying. Sure, the attendees don’t mean for this to happen, but the organizers do.

444 Kenneth  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:34:12pm

NATO airstrike in Kunduz kills scores
By Bill Roggio

More than 90 Taliban fighters and civilians are reported to have been killed in a NATO airstrike in a region under the control of the Taliban in northern Afghanistan. Germany insists no civilians were killed in the attack, however.

NATO fighter-bombers attacked two fuel trucks after the Taliban hijacked the vehicles in Kunduz province and beheaded the drivers. The trucks stalled while crossing a riverbed in the Taliban-controlled Ali Abad district and were reportedly hit just as local villagers swarmed the tankers to siphon fuel. The Taliban reportedly encouraged the villagers to take the fuel just before the airstrike.

Casualty reports on the number of Taliban and civilians killed have varied, but 93 people have been reported killed. Kunduz Governor Engineer Mohammad Omar claimed 45 Taliban fighters as well as their commander, Mullah Abdul Rahman, were killed during the attack. Razaq Yaqoobi, the provincial chief of police, said 65 Taliban fighters were among those killed.

445 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:34:46pm

re: #434 akalivas

The Paulians are still present but they aren’t the power behind the protests.

You are dreaming, my friend.

446 Taqyia2Me  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:34:48pm

re: #439 ludwigvanquixote

It’s all good… I only very rarely smoke and then only very expensive ones. Think once or twice in a four to five month period - with the right mood and the right booze.

I admire your discipline (smoker’s hack…)

447 Kenneth  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:35:03pm

re: #444 Kenneth

link: [Link:…]

448 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:35:17pm

re: #424 Charles

I need a gov’t bail out for my beer budget. All I got is the cheap stuff.

/Halp meh Obamawan-Kenobi, ur mai ownlee hopes!

449 Coracle  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:35:45pm

re: #444 Kenneth

NATO airstrike in Kunduz kills scores
By Bill Roggio

I was hearing that the civs killed were on the receiving end of the fuel being distributed by the Taliban from the hijacked tankers.

450 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:35:52pm

re: #448 Slumbering Behemoth

I need a gov’t bail out for my beer budget. All I got is the cheap stuff.

/Halp meh Obamawan-Kenobi, ur mai ownlee hopes!

The worst beer I ever had was still pretty good.

451 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:36:09pm

re: #431 Coracle

Mardesous is my all time favorite.

Have you ever had Delirium Tremens - the ale, not the condition?

452 HoosierHoops  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:36:27pm

re: #439 ludwigvanquixote

It’s all good… I only very rarely smoke and then only very expensive ones. Think once or twice in a four to five month period - with the right mood and the right booze.

I love Cuban Cigars.. Don’t you think we should allow Cubans within the United States?
Or it it just me?
/Be well Ludwig

453 Bagua  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:36:33pm

re: #442 ludwigvanquixote

The sooner I die, the smaller my footprint… :)

Dear me, is this how you read the science? The sooner you the fewer Polar Bears survive.

454 Coracle  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:36:42pm

re: #451 ludwigvanquixote

Have you ever had Delirium Tremens - the ale, not the condition?

The ale? Nope. Good?

455 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:36:56pm

re: #450 Charles

The worst beer I ever had was still pretty good.

You’ve never had Old Milwaukee?

456 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:37:20pm

re: #450 Charles

The worst beer I ever had was still pretty good.

Spoken by a man that obviously never had an Olde Frothingslosh!

((it’s motto was “The Pale Stale Ale with the Foam On the Bottom)

457 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:37:32pm

re: #450 Charles

The worst beer I ever had was still pretty good.

After college, I had one too many nights when National Bohemian caused STAN and about 20,000 of his closest friends to throw a party in my small intestine.

I simply can’t do it anymore.

458 Coracle  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:37:41pm

re: #455 Sharmuta

You’ve never had Old Milwaukee?

Captain Ortliebs was something like $6/case in the 80’s. Tasted like it, too.

459 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:37:50pm

re: #455 Sharmuta

You’ve never had Old Milwaukee?

Old Milwaukee was HEAVEN compared to Old Frothingslosh!

460 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:37:51pm

re: #454 Coracle

The ale? Nope. Good?

If you like Belgians, you will like that.

461 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:37:53pm

re: #430 Killian Bundy

Venezuela to Add Charge Against Globovision, Cabello Says

And who admires Chavez and the way he deals with the media?

video that won’t embed

/meet Obama’s new FCC diversity officer

I’m sure you seen these but, just in case.




Praise for Chavez


462 Kenneth  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:38:07pm

Naomi Wolf: Feminist, Moonbat, Troofer, Ron Paul rally speaker and Alex Jones guest.

Yes, the moronic convergence is complete.

463 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:38:07pm

re: #434 akalivas

As has been said a million times before, the tea parties were originally a paulbot/troofer movement long before “conservatives” started latching on to it, and it still is.

464 sattv4u2  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:38:36pm

re: #458 Coracle

Captain Ortliebs was something like $6/case in the 80’s. Tasted like it, too.

Heh ,, they GAVE you $6 if you bought Old Frothingslosh!

465 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:38:51pm

re: #458 Coracle

re: #455 Sharmuta

Lol and Milwaukee’s Beast - the bringer of the mud fart…

466 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:39:09pm

re: #465 ludwigvanquixote

re: #455 Sharmuta

Lol and Milwaukee’s Beast - the bringer of the mud fart…

LOL! Totally.

467 akalivas  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:39:18pm

re: #348 Charles

Actually, I have, but nobody seemed interested in it.


I’m interested. Good work on that!

468 HoosierHoops  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:40:01pm

re: #455 Sharmuta

You’ve never had Old Milwaukee?

The worst beer of all time?
You stop it Sharm or I’ll set off this suitcase nuclear bomb..I swear I will!
Anybody know the code? No? A lot of help you guys are!

469 MandyManners  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:40:27pm

re: #462 Kenneth

Naomi Wolf: Feminist, Moonbat, Troofer, Ron Paul rally speaker and Alex Jones guest.

Yes, the moronic convergence is complete.


470 Kenneth  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:40:46pm

re: #462 Kenneth

(forgot link again, clearly I’m too drunk to post)

471 akalivas  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:41:44pm

re: #437 Sharmuta

Have fun with the troofers. Watch out for fleas!

There were some oddballs at the Adam Schiff townhall that I attended. LaRouche types mostly. I was careful to avoid the fleas.

472 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:42:32pm

re: #468 HoosierHoops

The worst beer of all time?
You stop it Sharm or I’ll set off this suitcase nuclear bomb..I swear I will!
Anybody know the code? No? A lot of help you guys are!

Bad memories… bad bad bad…

473 wrenchwench  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:43:21pm

Thank you, Killgore Trout for opening many eyes to the background of the Tea Parties.

Thank you, Charles, for providing the forum where such a thing could happen.

Thanks to the rest of the lizards for doing a lot of the work, and making it fun to be here even when the info causes headaches.

Now I have to go home so I can either crack something open or light something up, or both.

474 HoosierHoops  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:44:47pm

re: #473 wrenchwench

Thank you, Killgore Trout for opening many eyes to the background of the Tea Parties.

Thank you, Charles, for providing the forum where such a thing could happen.

Thanks to the rest of the lizards for doing a lot of the work, and making it fun to be here even when the info causes headaches.

Now I have to go home so I can either crack something open or light something up, or both.

Be well…and have a wonderful evening

475 Kenneth  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:44:51pm

Best TV beer ad ever…

476 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:45:00pm

re: #449 Coracle

I was hearing that the civs killed were on the receiving end of the fuel being distributed by the Taliban from the hijacked tankers.

As did I. That’s a good reason for us not to apologize. ‘m sorry civilians got killed, but in this situation the casualties might produce a positive effect. The locals might learn that siding with the Taliban carries great risks. I think we should try to prevent a repeat of this event. but we should not apologize nor provide any compensation beyond medical care.

477 callahan23  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:45:07pm

re: #473 wrenchwench

Good night {wrenchwench}

478 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:46:01pm

re: #452 HoosierHoops

I love Cuban Cigars.. Don’t you think we should allow Cubans within the United States?
Or it it just me?
/Be well Ludwig

Yes I think we should allow them in. The amount of people I know who will bash commies while puffing on one, they or a friend brought back from Canada, is quite large.

479 Coracle  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:46:54pm

re: #476 Dark_Falcon

As did I. That’s a good reason for us not to apologize. ‘m sorry civilians got killed, but in this situation the casualties might produce a positive effect. The locals might learn that siding with the Taliban carries great risks. I think we should try to prevent a repeat of this event. but we should not apologize nor provide any compensation beyond medical care.

Yeah. I found it hard to be sympathetic.

480 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:47:00pm

re: #478 LudwigVanQuixote

Yes I think we should allow them in. The amount of people I know who will bash commies while puffing on one, they or a friend brought back from Canada, is quite large.

An you be well too Hoosier. You rock.

481 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:47:44pm

re: #473 wrenchwench

Thank you, Killgore Trout for opening many eyes to the background of the Tea Parties.


KT caught a tsunami of crap for trying to wake people up to what’s happening with the tea parties, and he’s still catching it. People really don’t want to hear this — and that’s exactly why it’s getting worse.

482 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:48:05pm

re: #475 Kenneth

Best TV beer ad ever…


Wow. That’s some pretty blatant innuendo there. And besides, who would drink beer while chasing the Cleaver’s boy? That doesn’t make sense.

/wait, what?

483 John Neverbend  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:48:31pm

re: #408 ludwigvanquixote

Good Evening Lizards!

Havdalah is done, and I am enjoying a very smooth, very old single malt - and a very bad for me gourmet cigarette.

Yes, I am definitely not being healthy.


שבוע טוב

484 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:49:27pm

re: #483 John Neverbend

שבוע ט&#x0 5D5;ב

Shavua Tov! To you too!

485 akalivas  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:49:29pm

re: #440 Charles

And of course, I never said there was. But when the major organizers are Paulians and Truthers, there would seem to be a little teeny tiny problem here.

Go ahead and ignore it. You won’t be the first.

Did I ignore it? I don’t think so.

486 Kenneth  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:50:22pm

re: #482 Slumbering Behemoth

Wow. That’s some pretty blatant innuendo there. And besides, who would drink beer while chasing the Cleaver’s boy? That doesn’t make sense.

/wait, what?

Ward, you were a little hard on the Beaver last night…

487 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:50:53pm

re: #485 akalivas

Did I ignore it? I don’t think so.

No, but you did come across as excusing or minimizing it.

488 John Neverbend  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:51:47pm

re: #483 John Neverbend

שבוע ט&#x0 5D5;ב

Sorry, I’ll say that again.

489 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:52:43pm

re: #486 Kenneth

Ward, you were a little hard on the Beaver last night…

I disagree, June. In fact, I think the Beaver could use another hardy spanking right about now.

490 John Neverbend  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:52:49pm

re: #484 LudwigVanQuixote

Shavua Tov! To you too!

Thanks, I’m suprised you could read my garbled mess. It went in ok, but came out with quite a few characters that I hadn’t intended to insert.

491 avanti  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:53:41pm

re: #398 Van Helsing

And… is there a point you’re trying to make?
/ :)

I admit I watch Fox partly for the hot gals, but Candy Crowley is a better journalist. :)

492 David Simon  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:53:41pm

re: #462 Kenneth

Naomi Wolf: Feminist, Moonbat, Troofer, Ron Paul rally speaker and Alex Jones guest.

Yes, the moronic convergence is complete.

She, of the Algore “alpha male” strategy?

493 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:54:17pm

re: #490 John Neverbend

Thanks, I’m suprised you could read my garbled mess. It went in ok, but came out with quite a few characters that I hadn’t intended to insert.

Why do you think I don’t know Ivrit? The end at least made sense… The beginning I thought was cussing about the ciggy…

I’m glad you had a good Shabbos.

494 HoosierHoops  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:54:21pm

re: #478 LudwigVanQuixote

Yes I think we should allow them in. The amount of people I know who will bash commies while puffing on one, they or a friend brought back from Canada, is quite large.

a year ago I posted that me and some buddies go to Windsor every year to sneak some cigars over the Border… You know how it goes with the Boys going gambling every year…
That morning a lizard freaked out..I am just the worst person in the world sneaking a cigar over the Border…
Unfortunately for them…I teased the lizard till I think he went insane..Oh well..
I’m a bad bad boy…I think the whole thing about smoking Cigars at the Border crossing drove our poor lizard over the edge.. LOL

495 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:56:29pm

re: #492 David Simon

She, of the Algore “alpha male” strategy?

Yes, that’s her. She tried to rebrand Al Gore, but his stiffness and wonkishness defeated her. Now she has gone clear around the bend by appearing on Alex Jones’ show.

496 akalivas  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:57:08pm

re: #443 wrenchwench

Do you favor the destruction of the Republican Party? That will be the result of all this tea partying. Sure, the attendees don’t mean for this to happen, but the organizers do.

I’m not a member of the Republican party. The Republicans are doing a fine job destroying themselves without the help of the Tea Parties.

I do think that the Tea Parties and the townhall protests are the harbinger of many changes to come in the 2010 elections. I think that it is likely that a number of incumbent Republican and Democrat officials will lose their jobs. At least I hope that is the case. Our officials are not doing a good job of representing us.

497 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:58:04pm

re: #494 HoosierHoops

I get that!

For me though… I’m not the best to chat cigars with. I have never been able to get into cigars. Though, of the ones I have tried, the Cubans have been the most enjoyable - which is my way of saying that they must be amazing if someone who isn’t into them, kinda liked them.

498 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:58:27pm

re: #496 akalivas

I do think that the Tea Parties and the townhall protests are the harbinger of many changes to come in the 2010 elections.

I agree. It’s a harbinger of the Republican Party being out of power for at least the next 20 years.

499 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:58:29pm

re: #494 HoosierHoops

Ohh and you may be going to Hell for that… poor lizard.

500 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 5:59:48pm

re: #498 Charles

I agree. It’s a harbinger of the Republican Party being out of power for at least the next 20 years.

Or, G-d forbid, the economy crashes and this sort of isolationist, pseudo-fascism with racist undertones gets into office. Then we are really F’d.

501 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:00:59pm

re: #500 LudwigVanQuixote

Or, G-d forbid, the economy crashes and this sort of isolationist, pseudo-fascism with racist undertones gets into office. Then we are really F’d.

Bad times, LVQ, bad times.

502 FrogMarch  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:01:32pm

Organizer of a tea party vs. a Czar appointed by the president of the US.

503 David Simon  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:02:22pm

re: #470 Kenneth

(forgot link again, clearly I’m too drunk to post)

Oh my. If I understand her incoherent rambling correctly, her son has respiratory ailments, therefore Christine Todd Whitman is a liar and the entire Bush administration should be investigated for its role in the 9/11 attacks.

Naomi, honey: seek help.

504 John Neverbend  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:02:26pm

re: #493 LudwigVanQuixote

Why do you think I don’t know Ivrit? The end at least made sense… The beginning I thought was cussing about the ciggy…

I’m glad you had a good Shabbos.

I know you can read fluently, but it’s just that it looked unreadable. שבוע טוב is what I was trying to write, without the insertions. My shabbat, like all my shabbatot, was uneventful and not particularly religious, as I’m not.

505 avanti  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:04:05pm

re: #498 Charles

I agree. It’s a harbinger of the Republican Party being out of power for at least the next 20 years.

If the tea party organizers mobilizes the voters to pick truthers and creationists in the primaries over sane conservatives, you could be right.

506 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:05:12pm

re: #504 John Neverbend

I know you can read fluently, but it’s just that it looked unreadable. שבוע טוב is what I was trying to write, without the insertions. My shabbat, like all my shabbatot, was uneventful and not particularly religious, as I’m not.

lol, I just re-read that, what I wrote I mean… it did unintentionally sound a bit snippy… I promise that I didn’t mean it that way.

I also promise to not try to do kiruv on you.


Seriously though, an uneventful and restful Shabbos is a good thing, and I’m glad you had one.

507 John Neverbend  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:10:42pm

re: #506 LudwigVanQuixote

lol, I just re-read that, what I wrote I mean… it did unintentionally sound a bit snippy… I promise that I didn’t mean it that way.

I also promise to not try to do kiruv on you.

Don’t worry, no offence was taken. I’m afraid I’m kiruv-proof, unless it’s self-generated.

508 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:10:55pm

re: #502 FrogMarch

Organizer of a tea party vs. a Czar appointed by the president of the US.

One’s a avowed troofer, the other is not.

See how they match up in The Blunderdome!


509 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:12:54pm

Redmonkey can’t handle the truth!

510 David Simon  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:13:10pm

re: #495 Dark_Falcon

Yes, that’s her. She tried to rebrand Al Gore, but his stiffness and wonkishness defeated her. Now she has gone clear around the bend by appearing on Alex Jones’ show.

Indeed. I think its akin to trade union members marching lockstep with gays at WTO protests. A singular issue can unite seemingly disparate ideologues.

511 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:15:35pm

re: #507 John Neverbend

Don’t worry, no offence was taken. I’m afraid I’m kiruv-proof, unless it’s self-generated.

All kiruv is like that.

512 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:20:38pm

re: #509 Slumbering Behemoth

Redmonkey can’t handle the truth!

I could handle truth, I just lost interest to father discussion and prefer to watch serial about serial killer on HBO

513 akalivas  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:20:44pm

re: #487 Dark_Falcon

No, but you did come across as excusing or minimizing it.

Well I honestly don’t know if it as devastating as you all here believe.

I think that the vast majority at the Tea Parties are protesting Obama’s policies. I think that the Paulians are not great masterminds who are successfully steering this thing. It just seems to me to be a convergence of interests. They are there (the few, the odd) and the normal citizens are there (the many, the mainstream). I’m thinking that the many outweigh the few. But you all may be right.

In any case, I’m interested in supporting a free country with as little government intrusion as we can get away with. I’ll vote, protest, reason, and speak up in as moderate and mature a fashion as I can muster to further this goal.

514 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:21:41pm

re: #509 Slumbering Behemoth

Redmonkey can’t handle the truth!

I just did not see truth in your post.

515 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:22:16pm

re: #512 redmonkey

I could handle truth, I just lost interest to father discussion and prefer to watch serial about serial killer on HBO

And casually downding while you’re at it.

516 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:25:50pm

re: #515 Slumbering Behemoth

And casually downding while you’re at it.

I was one hour, I am on another site( car site) now and casually looking what is going on here. By the way, it was really good show on HBO on demand, Epitafios.

517 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:25:54pm

re: #514 redmonkey

Tea party organizer is a self-proclaimed troofer, Van Jones denies being a troofer.

That’s the truth.

518 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:27:25pm

re: #517 Slumbering Behemoth

Tea party organizer is a self-proclaimed troofer, Van Jones denies being a troofer.

That’s the truth.

I don’t believe Van Jones. From my experience, communists don’t have any trust

519 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:29:46pm

re: #518 redmonkey

No credible source proves it, and “wanting to believe” does not make a thing true. If it did, Santa would be dropping Playboy bunnies down my chimney every Christmas.

520 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:35:12pm

re: #519 Slumbering Behemoth

No credible source proves it, and “wanting to believe” does not make a thing true. If it did, Santa would be dropping Playboy bunnies down my chimney every Christmas.

Even in his statement, Van Jones did not denied signing of petition. Based on White house official acknowledge it. Anyway, Van Jones should not be on White House job at all

521 redmonkey  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:37:19pm

re: #519 Slumbering Behemoth

No credible source proves it, and “wanting to believe” does not make a thing true. If it did, Santa would be dropping Playboy bunnies down my chimney every Christmas.

Anyway, it Saturday night, may be you will also watch this HBO serial and we will better discuss it. It would be more entertaining

522 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:40:34pm

re: #520 redmonkey


523 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:44:30pm

re: #521 redmonkey

I don’t have cable tv, Monkey. I refuse to pay for television services that sell enough advertising slots to pay for themselves. And I really don’t watch enough tv to justify the expense.

Enjoy your show.

524 find your violent jihadi on ebay!  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:46:02pm

I’m lost. Van Jones is a highly-placed official in the United States government. That is the reason for the outrage over his possible trooferism. It is not acceptable to have a top official in the Executive Branch who believes in trooferism. The fact that he signed that petition makes questions on this matter very relevant and justified. We should expect and demand a minimum level of sanity, common sense, and love of country from high officials in the government. Separately, that guy at the tea party, a Ron Paulian or whatever - people in private life are allowed to believe whatever they want and to be conspiracy nuts or morons or even to sign troofer petitions if they so choose. This is apples and oranges, in the extreme.

525 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:51:10pm

re: #524 find your violent jihadi on ebay!

I’m lost. Van Jones is a highly-placed official in the United States government. That is the reason for the outrage over his possible trooferism. It is not acceptable to have a top official in the Executive Branch who believes in trooferism. The fact that he signed that petition makes questions on this matter very relevant and justified.

OK, so show me some proof that Van Jones really is a Truther. Go ahead. It must be easy, since you sound so totally convinced.

Truther sites and don’t count. Show me one single statement from Van Jones in which he says the US government plotted the 9/11 attacks. I’ll wait.

526 Charles Johnson  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 6:51:24pm

(Actually, I won’t wait. I already know the outcome.)

527 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 7:23:06pm

re: #524 find your violent jihadi on ebay!

I’m lost. Van Jones Ron Paul is a highly-placed official in the United States government. That is the reason for the outrage over his possible trooferism. It is not acceptable to have a top official in the Executive Legislative Branch who believes in trooferism. The fact that he signed that petition didn’t denounce 9/11 conspiracies makes questions on this matter very relevant and justified. We should expect and demand a minimum level of sanity, common sense, and love of country from high officials in the government. Separately, that guy at the tea party czar office, a Ron Paulian former marxist or whatever - people in private life are allowed to believe whatever they want and to be conspiracy nuts or morons or even to sign troofer petitions if they so choose. This is apples and oranges, in the extreme.

528 Maui Girl  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 7:51:28pm

re: #107 jaunte

I don’t believe that most attendees to the Tea Parties don’t know who Ron Paul is.



529 crosspatch  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 9:18:48pm

Van Jones has just resigned.


530 Gretchen  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 9:40:38pm

I don’t think the fact that an organizer is a nut discounts the thousands of people who have been inspired to protest what is going on with our government of late. In any large movement there are likely to be zealots, and zealots, by their very nature are very likely to be the ones organizing events. However the vast majority of the people at tea parties are ordinary people who are fed up with taxes and government excess.

Van Jones seems to have made some extremely bizarre recorded statements regarding race and school violence, race and pollution and the underlying goal of the green jobs movement (redistribution), and certainly appears to be extremely radical, more radical than this tea party organizer. I think he needs to step down because of these statements. Unlike Ron Paul, or for that matter Maxine Waters, and Bernie Saunders, Van Jones was not elected. Paul, Waters and Saunders were elected by the people in their districts, and if they want someone with extreme views representing them, that is their right.

531 Gretchen  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 9:41:25pm

re: #529 crosspatch


532 KennyR  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 9:47:43pm

Nobody can keep idiots from attending or being part of organizing tea parties or any other event. But the main message coming from the tea parties still comes through. What organization doesn’t have it’s idiot’s? Why not focus on what the citizens message is in spite of the bullshit. That’s what really matters isn’t it? The folks that attend these tea parties are facing the issues head on in spite of who claims to represent them. They are there to represent themselves. Some how this seems to have been missed in all the bickering.

533 find your violent jihadi on ebay!  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 10:26:39pm

#525. I don’t see why the burden of proof would be on me to proove he is a troofer. Signing a petition - to which, I believe, he admits doing - is significant enough to warrant further questions and examination of exactly what was going on. Your demand for evidence is nearly a nonsequitur. we have a govt. official here with a high likelihood of having held conspiratorial views entirely inconsistent with service as a high official in the US government. I do not understand how dredging up some other troofer who is a private citizen and totally entitled to his conspiracy nonsense has any relationship at all to Jones. And again, just to be clear, the claim has never been that Jones is “proven” to be a truther, only that he is “involved” via the petition, and thus it’s well within the boundaries of the media and public concern to want to get to the bottom of what this was all about. Why would such a thing be controversial? Why would members downding someone for saying something as bland as, high US officials are held to a different standard as to their actions and statements than citizens at large operating in their capacities as private persons.

534 Sharmuta  Sat, Sep 5, 2009 10:48:21pm

re: #532 KennyR

Do you want to attend events being hosted by troofers?

535 Nekama  Sun, Sep 6, 2009 3:39:45am

re: #9 Big Steve

Lets hope Obama fires Jason Rink immediately.

Exactly. I don’t suspect the President takes Jason Rink’s calls.

Honestly Charles, there is no remote equivalence between a US and Israel hating fanatic in close company with the President of the United States and a nobody like Rink.

536 Nekama  Sun, Sep 6, 2009 3:45:25am

Oh, and Truther or Not is the least disturbing thing about Jones.

He attacked “white polluters” and “white environmentalists” for “essentially steering poison into the people of color communities.”
Then there is the Van Jones video in which he says “only suburban white kids shoot up schools.”

And don’t forget that Jones is a self-professed communist.

See Investors Business Daily

537 Pupdawg  Sun, Sep 6, 2009 6:47:39am

1 Cinci Tea Party Organizer = an Obama Czar…say it ain’t so…nah…yet, all 9-11 Truthers are equally disgusting regardless of race, gender, sexual preference, creed, color, religion, political association, community, protest, BBQ or social organizing, IQ, height, weight, age, skin complexion, foot size, mouth width, eye color, health, wealth, lack thereof, favorite color or baseball team of preference. In short, they (9-11 Truthers) all suck equally…even if they say they are not yet have marched in protest for the movement or not signed a ‘Truther’ list on which their signature mysteriously appeared.

538 Salamantis  Sun, Sep 6, 2009 7:08:14am

I wonder if Jason Rink is even his real name; it seems much too close to Jett Rink, the repulsive character played by James Dean in the movie Giant:


539 looking closely  Sun, Sep 6, 2009 7:10:06am
I won’t be holding my breath waiting for the same bloggers who are screaming for Van Jones’ head to denounce the Cincinnati Tea Party — even though one of the main organizers is a self-admitted 9/11 Truther. But the hypocrisy is rather stunning.

What hypocrisy?

As you well know, there is a LOT more objectionable to Van Jones than his participation in trutherism.

When the organizer of the Cincinnati Tea Party holds an appointment in the White House, I’ll call “for his head.”

Until then I fail to see the connection.

540 Charles Johnson  Sun, Sep 6, 2009 9:41:45am

re: #539 looking closely

For someone whose username is ‘looking closely,’ you’re being incredibly obtuse.

Let’s see if I can spell this out, since the post apparently didn’t do it well enough for you.

The same people who are yelling about Van Jones being a Truther, and how horrible it is, are going to events organized by Truthers. And worse — John Birchers and people who associate with racist groups and individuals.

If you don’t see anything hypocritical in that, it’s because you don’t want to.

541 newsread5  Sun, Sep 6, 2009 10:36:50am

Thanks Charles, for outing this guy.

542 Nekama  Sun, Sep 6, 2009 11:50:36am

re: #540 Charles

Charles, in all candor, the majority of people going to these Tea Party events aren’t going there because they care about the opinions of the organizers. They are going because they are disgusted with the state of our country in general and angry at Obama in particular. I think it’s not right to indict the attendees as hypocrites because of the organizers views.

543 Charles Johnson  Sun, Sep 6, 2009 11:56:20am

re: #542 Nekama

Charles, in all candor, the majority of people going to these Tea Party events aren’t going there because they care about the opinions of the organizers. They are going because they are disgusted with the state of our country in general and angry at Obama in particular.

That may be true. However, it’s simply a fact that the majority of tea party protests are now being organized and promoted by extreme right wing groups like the Campaign for Liberty — Ron Paul’s organization. The Ron Paul crowd is everywhere in these protests — they organize, fund, and supply speakers. And when you start digging into the further connections, you find groups like the John Birch Society also deeply involved.

I want nothing to do with tea parties. I know way too much about who’s behind them, and I absolutely refuse to support people like that.

544 [deleted]  Sun, Sep 6, 2009 12:49:20pm
545 [deleted]  Mon, Sep 7, 2009 1:59:48am
546 Nekama  Mon, Sep 7, 2009 6:25:18am

re: #543 Charles

That may be true. However, it’s simply a fact that the majority of tea party protests are now being organized and promoted by extreme right wing groups like the Campaign for Liberty — Ron Paul’s organization. The Ron Paul crowd is everywhere in these protests — they organize, fund, and supply speakers. And when you start digging into the further connections, you find groups like the John Birch Society also deeply involved.

I want nothing to do with tea parties. I know way too much about who’s behind them, and I absolutely refuse to support people like that.

I can understand all of that, but it is going too far to indict as hypocrites those of us who vocally protest the direction Obama is leading our country, regardless of also participates.

Carrying such logic further, one couldn’t attend a Republican or Democratic rally because of the unrelated views of some of the organizers?

We’d be very lonely people if we only associated with those who shared all of our beliefs.

547 Sharmuta  Mon, Sep 7, 2009 9:52:14am

re: #546 Nekama

I can understand all of that, but it is going too far to indict as hypocrites those of us who vocally protest the direction Obama is leading our country, regardless of also participates.

Carrying such logic further, one couldn’t attend a Republican or Democratic rally because of the unrelated views of some of the organizers?

We’d be very lonely people if we only associated with those who shared all of our beliefs.

There is no tent big enough for nazis and troofers.

548 Nekama  Mon, Sep 7, 2009 11:51:18am

re: #547 Sharmuta

There is no tent big enough for nazis and troofers.

No one is attending Tea Party events about the inexorable march toward socialism to support nazis or troofers.

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