Michael Steele Weighs In On Rick Perry’s N-Word Ranch

“I’m not just talking about black folks, I’m talking about all folks”
Politics • Views: 28,980

Harsh words for Rick Perry today from former RNC chairman Michael Steele: Michael Steele on Perry’s Hunting Camp: “It’s Very Troubling”.

In an interview with TIME on Monday morning, former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele also scolded Perry. “It’s very troubling on some many levels, for so many reasons,” Steele said. Steele said questions over when and how clearly the rock had been painted over miss the point: 

So I’m going to lease a property, and on that property is a rock that has a hateful word on it that everyone knows to be racist in some form. What do you do? Do you paint over the rock? Or do you just remove the damn thing altogether? So, I’m sorry–my attitude is just remove the rock. That is the ultimate statement for me. Just get rid of the rock. Unless the thing is a damn boulder.

Steele stopped short, however, of impugning Perry personally. “I am not ascribing anything to anyone’s motives or decisions,” he said. He added, however, that he agrees with Cain’s criticism: “I think Herman Cain was right. It does lead one to feel that there was a level of insensitivity about how this would be perceived by the larger community. I’m not just talking about black folks, I’m talking about all folks. You would think that even in the 1980s that there would still be some sense of, ‘Do we really want this on our property? Even though we’re leasing it, still, do you really want that there? And just painting over it?”

UPDATE at 10/3/11 1:30:40 pm

Meanwhile, after a pile-on by ultra-sensitive conservatives for his criticism of Rick Perry, Herman Cain is backpedaling.

“All I said was the mere fact that that word was there was ‘insensitive.’” Cain told reporters outside his meeting with Donald Trump Monday. “That’s not playing the race card. I am not attacking Gov. Perry. Some people in the media want to attack him. I’m done with that issue!”

“I really don’t care about that word,” Cain said. “They painted over it. End of story! I accept Gov. Perry’s response on that.”

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1 freetoken  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:16:35pm

But... as noted downstairs, Herman Cain is already trying to distance himself from his own critique of this Perry-issue. The RW hate machine is just too powerful in the Tea Partying GOP.

2 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:16:47pm

Sand-blast the word off.

Replace it with something inoffensive.

That would have made sufficient statement.

3 makeitstop  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:18:19pm

Charles - You may not have seen it, but Cain has backed off his criticism of Perry after getting roasted for even bringing it up.

“All I said was the mere fact that that word was there was ‘insensitive.’” Cain told reporters outside his meeting with Donald Trump Monday. “That’s not playing the race card. I am not attacking Gov. Perry. Some people in the media want to attack him. I’m done with that issue!”

“I really don’t care about that word,” Cain said. “They painted over it. End of story! I accept Gov. Perry’s response on that.”

This is the modern Republican Party. If your opinions veer even slightly from the Groupthink, they will hammer you until you back down.

4 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:19:04pm

Hey! Let's have a re-name Perry Hunting Ranch contest.

My nominations:

Bye Bye Bambi Ranch

Dead-eye Dick Ranch

The I Heart the NRA Ranch

5 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:20:40pm

Steele started making a lot more sense in public when he didn't have to play the Tea Party RNC chairman anymore.

6 Varek Raith  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:20:49pm

re: #4 EmmmieG

Hey! Let's have a re-name Perry Hunting Ranch contest.

My nominations:

Bye Bye Bambi Ranch

Dead-eye Dick Ranch

The I Heart the NRA Ranch

I like that one.

7 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:22:12pm

re: #4 EmmmieG

Y'all Got Rickrolled Ranch

8 Varek Raith  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:22:58pm

re: #7 000G

Y'all Got Rickrolled Ranch

9 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:23:23pm

Steele was already barely tolerated even as RNC head. Now watch for the unleashed fury of the TPheads.

10 Interesting Times  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:23:31pm

I like The Daily Show's take:

TheDailyShow The Daily Show
#TDSBreakingNews @GovernorPerry reeling from racist camp name. When they said "NH" would be his undoing, we thought they meant the state.

11 dragonfire1981  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:27:29pm

re: #4 EmmmieG

Hey! Let's have a re-name Perry Hunting Ranch contest.

My nominations:

Bye Bye Bambi Ranch

Dead-eye Dick Ranch

The I Heart the NRA Ranch

Blackmans head

12 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:28:01pm

re: #3 makeitstop

Charles - You may not have seen it, but Cain has backed off his criticism of Perry after getting roasted for even bringing it up.

Actually, he was confronted with it by the news shows.

The news shows will never, ever confront the other candidates about their thoughts on the matter, though they really ought to be if they're going to ask Cain about it.

It reminds me of when anything related to "Nazis" comes up, and the press runs willy-nilly to Eric Cantor to get his reaction e_e

13 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:30:42pm

re: #11 dragonfire1981

Blackmans head

Yeah, don't use that euphemism unless you want them sending noose faxes to the NAACP.

They'll blame the NAACP like they did with n*****head brand Oysters and every other instance of "political correctness", like taking "n*****head" out of the dictionary. Image: negro-head-oysters.jpg (NSFW)

14 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:31:24pm

re: #13 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

"N-word Head Ranch"?

15 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:31:50pm

BTW, a question. When covering the issue, do the news anchors and other TV people pronounce the word completely?

16 Charles Johnson  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:32:10pm

Rush Limbaugh concern-trolled Herman Cain.

17 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:32:40pm

I am pretty sure this whole Coons subplot was not part of the original graphic novel:

18 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:34:09pm

re: #14 000G

"N-word Head Ranch"?


Anders was right! PC is destroying this country and making my poor life miserable because I can't call my ranch n*****head ranch anymore!

Poor me!

19 wrenchwench  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:34:23pm

re: #15 Sergey Romanov

This morning NPR said the sign used the "n-word". From that, I didn't know there was a "head" attached.

20 Kronocide  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:34:42pm

re: #16 Charles

Rush LimbaughThe First Troll concern-trolled Herman Cain.

Limbaugh is the biggest troll of our generation.

21 wrenchwench  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:35:58pm

Ooh, one can edit twice!

22 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:36:34pm

re: #15 Sergey Romanov

BTW, a question. When covering the issue, do the news anchors and other TV people pronounce the word completely?

I would hope so.

I've seen both in print. Every news organization has their own standards around this sort of thing. I think they should bypass their filters and print it out, and also say the full name, as it is a proper noun.

23 blueraven  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:36:45pm

re: #3 makeitstop

Charles - You may not have seen it, but Cain has backed off his criticism of Perry after getting roasted for even bringing it up.

This is the modern Republican Party. If your opinions veer even slightly from the Groupthink, they will hammer you until you back down.

Oh, well...bet he got the call from Rush, or one of his minions. I heard Rush bitching about Cain this morning on my way home from an appt. He was livid over Cain's reaction to the story.

You cant survive in the GOP if you get on Limbaugh's bad side.

24 engineer cat  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:36:47pm

how long did the perry family own the property before the date that they claim to have painted over the offensive name?

25 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:36:56pm

re: #15 Sergey Romanov

BTW, a question. When covering the issue, do the news anchors and other TV people pronounce the word completely?

I'd be surprised...

26 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:37:04pm

Move the rock. Or? Bust up the rock into little bitty pieces. If it were mine? You wouldn't be able to distinguish a letter.

Can't believe that we, in 2011, are even discussing the usage of that word.

1. Perry should've known better.
2. Perry should've destroyed it on his own.
3. Perry allowed this into the discussion.
4. Perry's damn stupid fault.

27 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:39:23pm

re: #15 Sergey Romanov

Have to correct myself, just saw CNN report using the actual word in broadcast.

28 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:39:41pm

re: #13 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Yeah, don't use that euphemism unless you want them sending noose faxes to the NAACP.

They'll blame the NAACP like they did with n*****head brand Oysters and every other instance of "political correctness", like taking "n*****head" out of the dictionary. Image: negro-head-oysters.jpg (NSFW)

I know I don't eat oysters. Is that why the picture on that can strikes me as being generally unappetizing? The man appears afraid that the oyster is going to bite back.

29 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:40:25pm

re: #26 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Would he have been allowed to destroy it, seeing as he just leased the thing? Whose property was/is this anyhow?

30 Charles Johnson  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:40:48pm

The National Review's Andrew McCarthy totally falls for Andrew Breitbart's bogus story -- doesn't realize Obama was at the Voting Rights March celebration, and calls it a New Black Panther rally:

[Link: www.nationalreview.com...]

31 erik_t  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:40:56pm

I'll be honest, I was discussing this with a friend over an instant-messaging service this morning and even typing out the phrase 'n*****' took concerted effort. Squinting and frowning and concentrating at the keyboard, like trying to spell Krzyzewski or something.

It takes equal concentration to imagine that there are successful politicians in nominally-mainstream America that clearly do not find the string of letters to be nearly so orthogonal to their regular lives.

32 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:41:04pm

re: #28 SanFranciscoZionist

They think we're afraid of everything.

They've got epithets for us, to that end.

33 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:41:41pm

re: #14 000G

"N-word Head Ranch"?

Ranch of African-American Descent?

34 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:43:29pm

re: #30 Charles

The National Review's Andrew McCarthy totally falls for Andrew Breitbart's bogus story -- doesn't realize Obama was at the Voting Rights March celebration, and calls it a New Black Panther rally:

[Link: www.nationalreview.com...]

Yeah but you're talking about a group of people who think the 1965 Voting Rights March WAS a Black Panther rally.

They thought that then, and they think that, today.

35 wrenchwench  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:43:34pm

re: #3 makeitstop

Charles - You may not have seen it, but Cain has backed off his criticism of Perry after getting roasted for even bringing it up.

This is the modern Republican Party. If your opinions veer even slightly from the Groupthink, they will hammer you until you back down.


I’m done with that issue!

Cain is now "post-racial". A term used by wingnuts to mean race doesn't matter any more and they can say whatever they want, the less PC the better.

36 Amory Blaine  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:43:48pm

“It’s very troubling". So harsh. :p

37 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:44:13pm

re: #29 000G

I'd destroy it out of principal.

If the owner asked me why I did it? I'd say, "Uh... did you SEE it!?!?!"

38 Renaissance_Man  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:44:55pm

re: #30 Charles

The National Review's Andrew McCarthy totally falls for Andrew Breitbart's bogus story -- doesn't realize Obama was at the Voting Rights March celebration, and calls it a New Black Panther rally:

[Link: www.nationalreview.com...]

But - but that's so hard to believe. Didn't we just hear that NR wasn't a wingnut rag at all, that its positions were thoughtful, mainstream, conservative ones?

Of course, in today's Conservative cult, that is mainstream thought.

39 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:45:19pm

re: #32 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

They think we're afraid of everything.

They've got epithets for us, to that end.

And apparently that's supposed to make me laugh heartily and buy some oysters.


40 albusteve  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:45:30pm

Steele has the guts of a gerbil...he probably hated addressing the issue

41 engineer cat  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:45:43pm

re: #14 000G

"N-word Head Ranch"?

would it be offensive if i used the name Moron Ditto Head Ranch?

42 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:49:18pm

re: #19 wrenchwench

This morning NPR said the sign used the "n-word". From that, I didn't know there was a "head" attached.

When I saw the story on LGF yesterday, the first place I'd read about it, I thought it was a ranch for hunting n*****s. Took me a while to put the story together with the headline.

They still talk in terms of coonhunting us, so why not? (Countdown until some numbnuts takes generous time to inform me that it's just a reference to hunting striped animals for game and fun, just like they do every time someone says the word "niggardly", as if no Black person knows the formal definition... e_e)

This is why I think the word should just be written out. Less room for confusion that way.

I'm glad this issue has made the national news.

43 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:52:17pm

re: #40 albusteve

Steele has the guts of a gerbil...he probably hated addressing the issue

He didn't have to, but he did. I dunno. I kind of like him. I can't figure out why he's putting himself through all this--all this being defined as being a black Republican figurehead--but he comes across as a decent person. A touch goofy, but decent.

44 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:53:35pm

Also, this post is attracting Herman Cain ads.

45 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:53:46pm

And we shake our heads and wonder why people think we're racist.

This story right here is why.

Historical context? Bullshit.

No excuse. Period.

46 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:56:36pm

There's a place in Oregon called 'Whorehouse Meadow'.

It was briefly changed in the 60s to 'Naughty Girl Meadow'.

In the 80s it was changed back to 'Whorehouse Meadow'.

Because some things are just classic.

Other things are just racist, and should be sandblasted.

47 engineer cat  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:58:24pm

re: #44 SanFranciscoZionist

Also, this post is attracting Herman Cain ads.

i wonder if the internet and blogs had existed in 1939 and this blog was discussing hitler whether there would be pro nazi ads

48 albusteve  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 1:59:02pm

re: #43 SanFranciscoZionist

He didn't have to, but he did. I dunno. I kind of like him. I can't figure out why he's putting himself through all this--all this being defined as being a black Republican figurehead--but he comes across as a decent person. A touch goofy, but decent.

he's a decent guy, yes, but he does not have the courage to take the high ground and duke it out....he's a decent chicken shit

49 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 2:00:37pm

re: #39 SanFranciscoZionist

And apparently that's supposed to make me laugh heartily and buy some oysters.


Not just oysters, either. (NSFW)

Image: 1890sc_VTC_Nigger_Head_Brand_Tobacco.jpg

Image: matches.jpg

Image: vintagestuff024.jpg

There are plenty more. From where I sit, this kind of marketing/branding is not baffling at all.

50 Cheechako  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 2:02:26pm

re: #46 SanFranciscoZionist

There's a place in Oregon called 'Whorehouse Meadow'.

It was briefly changed in the 60s to 'Naughty Girl Meadow'.

In the 80s it was changed back to 'Whorehouse Meadow'.

Because some things are just classic.

Other things are just racist, and should be sandblasted.

That meadow is where Lee Marvin's "Paint Your Wagons" was filmed.

51 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 2:06:08pm

re: #46 SanFranciscoZionist

There's a place in Oregon called 'Whorehouse Meadow'.

It was briefly changed in the 60s to 'Naughty Girl Meadow'.

In the 80s it was changed back to 'Whorehouse Meadow'.

Because some things are just classic.

Other things are just racist, and should be sandblasted.

It's their prerogative, but they might as well just leave the racism intact. That's just what people call it. Of that, I have zero doubt.

52 wrenchwench  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 2:07:14pm

re: #49 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Not just oysters, either. (NSFW)

Image: 1890sc_VTC_Nigger_Head_Brand_Tobacco.jpg

Image: matches.jpg

Image: vintagestuff024.jpg

There are plenty more. From where I sit, this kind of marketing/branding is not baffling at all.

You have quite the collection! First one wouldn't load, though.

53 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 2:08:01pm

re: #48 albusteve

he's a decent guy, yes, but he does not have the courage to take the high ground and duke it out...he's a decent chicken shit

Like the rest of the RNC, who are completely silent on this.

Cain and Steele are racial steam-valves for the whites-first anti-Black rightwing. They know it; everyone knows it. They will be the ones to take the heat while Perry releases a statement and watches the minstrel show.

54 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 2:09:26pm

re: #52 wrenchwench

You have quite the collection! First one wouldn't load, though.

Sorry for that first one but they all worked for me. All came from an image search on Google.

More here at my blog.

55 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 2:11:13pm

re: #54 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Sorry for that first one but they all worked for me. All came from an image search on Google.

More here at my blog.

The reason the links don't work (incl. this one) is that LGF (properly) censors the N-word. Use tinyurl.

56 wrenchwench  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 2:12:31pm

re: #55 Sergey Romanov

The reason the links don't work (incl. this one) is that LGF (properly) censors the N-word. Use tinyurl.

Fascinating. Unintentional consequence?

57 Jimmi the Grey  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 2:17:08pm

re: #4 EmmmieG

Hey! Let's have a re-name Perry Hunting Ranch contest.

My nominations:

Bye Bye Bambi Ranch

Dead-eye Dick Ranch

The I Heart the NRA Ranch

How about Pe***rwood Ranch. Bet they'd see the 'humor' in that.


58 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 2:21:49pm

re: #55 Sergey Romanov

The reason the links don't work (incl. this one) is that LGF (properly) censors the N-word. Use tinyurl.

Sometimes and not others, apparently. The first pic in #49 works for me, but I see the SW *'s out the slug in the blog link.

Try this.

59 William of Orange  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 3:34:26pm

What I think of Rick Perry?


Image: tumblr_ls43x4y65H1qbofuso1_400.jpg


60 CuriousLurker  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 4:13:00pm

re: #49 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Not just oysters, either. (NSFW)

Image: 1890sc_VTC_Nigger_Head_Brand_Tobacco.jpg

Image: matches.jpg

Image: vintagestuff024.jpg

There are plenty more. From where I sit, this kind of marketing/branding is not baffling at all.

Ugh, that reminds me of some of the collectible "memorabilia" I've seen on eBay.

61 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 4:26:35pm

re: #60 CuriousLurker

Ugh, that reminds me of some of the collectible "memorabilia" I've seen on eBay.

I have a couple pieces, myself. For a while, repros were all the rage, about 10 years ago, in the form of refrigerator magnets, and such. I saw quite a few in regular stationery stores, here in Liberaltopia, USA.

But then, Uncle Ben, the Cream of Wheat guy, Mrs. Butterworths, and Aunt Jemima are still moneymakers, after all these years. Those images date back directly to those n*****head-era ones.

Image: wheat.jpg
Image: sa155193497-er.jpg

(And yep, we still get called all those things, which is why this N-head Ranch brouhaha is kind of amusing to me.)

62 CuriousLurker  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 4:32:32pm

I'm with Steele. You remove it, to hell with who it belongs to, it's a freaking rock. Even if it's a boulder, you call a couple of people and have them help you turn it over so the words are completely hidden. I mean this is farm & ranch country, right? It's not like there aren't a bunch of guys with pick-up trucks and/or other heavy machinery around that could be used to turn it over.

Oh yeah, and if 3 guys can wrap a heavy-duty logging chain around the ankles of an adult black man and drag him to his death, then I think a couple of ranchers can manage to move or turn over a heavy rock.

I'm not in a good mood today, and this stuff isn't making it better.

63 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 5:42:09pm

re: #62 CuriousLurker

I'm of a different mind. It should be relegated to the museum as a reminder of what the conservatives of Texas elected, and what the GOP will vote for if/when he makes it onto their ticket.

64 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 5:43:25pm

How degrading for Cain to have to backpeddle on something so obviously odious.

Perhaps this will make Cain realize no matter how much he tries to suck up to the party of white establishment and entitlement, he will never be actually accepted by the average GOP.

A black man who actually respected himself would double down and tell the whiny conservatives who piled on him to show some respect.

65 CuriousLurker  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 5:46:39pm

re: #63 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

Heh, well now there's an idea.

66 theheat  Mon, Oct 3, 2011 6:22:07pm

People of color have consistently looked away while the old white guys in the GOP blow their racist dog whistles. I guess they thought their compatriots would eat them last.

And then they make it worse by apologizing for being offended.

67 Conn. Lawyer  Tue, Oct 4, 2011 3:00:18am

The charge that Perry is a racist is an outrageous smear. From the liberal Texas Tribune:

"Even some of Perry's fiercest Texas critics say they do not believe he is racist. They point to his record of appointments as evidence: He appointed the state’s first African-American state supreme court justice, Wallace Jefferson, and later made him chief justice. (Jefferson’s great grandfather was a slave, 'sold like a horse,' Perry once said with disgust.) Perry’s former general counsel and former chief of staff, Brian Newby, is black; so is Albert Hawkins, the former Health and Human Services commissioner who Perry handpicked to lead the massive agency in 2002."

“'He doesn’t have a racist bone in his body,' said former Democratic state Rep. Ron Wilson, who is black and served with Perry in his early years in the Legislature. 'He didn’t then, and he doesn’t now.'”
[Link: www.texastribune.org...]

68 boxhead  Tue, Oct 4, 2011 3:08:16am

re: #67 Conn. Lawyer

Yeah but he still is anti science....

69 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Tue, Oct 4, 2011 3:23:23am

re: #67 Conn. Lawyer

I don't think anyone of importance actually said that Perry is a racist – but that he clearly acted racially insensitive.

I think your charge that the "charge that Perry is a racist is an outrageous smear" is an obvious strawman. Nobody of note said that.

70 Conn. Lawyer  Tue, Oct 4, 2011 4:58:46am

re: #69 000G

If he's not a racist, what's the point of the front page story in the Washington Post? Am I missing something? Why else would they publish that story except to try to convince people (talk about bird-whistles!) that Perry is a racist. Try putting the shoe on the other foot and see what you think. Suppose the Washington Post ran a story on the front page about President Obama attending a rally with New Black Panthers? With lots of heavy breathing and hints and pictures? Even if it were true, don't you think that would be an outrageous attack on President Obama's character to suggest that he's a black racist like the NBP?

71 wheat-dogghazi  Tue, Oct 4, 2011 6:58:50am

Paint it over -- lame.
Sandblast it -- inefficient
Turn it over -- too labor intensive
The answer? Din-o-mite*

They must have some in Texas somewhere.

* Deliberate TV reference

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