President Obama, Sandra Fluke, Rush Limbaugh, and the Lord’s Resistance Army

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This isn’t breaking news, but in light of Rush Limbaugh’s vicious attacks on Sandra Fluke, I wanted to remind people—including companies that have recently pulled their advertising from his show—that this isn’t the first time that Mr. Limbaugh has engaged in morally reprehensible behavior. It’s good to have a couple of things in one place sometimes, lest we get distracted and forget.

Even more egregious than Limbaugh’s attack on Ms. Fluke, at least in my opinion, was his ignorant, knee-jerk defense of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) last year, apparently due to an overweening desire to smear President Obama at every opportunity. I say this not because I think President Obama needs protection from such a repugnant buffoon, but because of the legions innocent men, women, and especially children who have been brutalized by the LRA (more on them in a minute).

Do you remember this? On October 14, 2011, President Obama announced that he had ordered the deployment of 100 U.S. military advisers to help combat the Lord’s Resistance Army:

“I have authorized a small number of combat-equipped U.S. forces to deploy to central Africa to provide assistance to regional forces that are working toward the removal of Joseph Kony from the battlefield,” Obama said in letter sent Friday to House Speaker John Boehner and Daniel Inouye, the president pro tempore of the Senate. Kony is the head of the Lord’s Resistance Army.

More at CNN…

On the very same day, Limbaugh went off on one of his typically ugly rants, Obama Invades Uganda, Targets Christians (link goes to Limbaugh’s site, full transcript). He characterized them as oppressed freedom- and democracy-loving Christians fighting Muslims in Sudan, then went so far as to imply that President Obama was sending U.S. forces to kill them because they are Christian (which they’re not, at least not in any rational, practical sense—they’re savage thugs, terrorists, war criminals). He also implied that President Obama supported Muslim violence against Coptic Christians in Egypt. Read the transcript for yourself at the link above. There’s audio of the relevant parts at Media Matters if you’d prefer to listen instead (the embed code they use won’t work here).

Now, contrast that with actual factual information about about the LRA:

What is the Lord’s Resistance Army?

The Lord’s Resistance Army, or LRA (PDF), is a violent rebel group led by a self-proclaimed messiah, Joseph Kony. Formed in 1987, the group was first called the Uganda People’s Democratic Christian Army but changed the name to the Lord’s Resistance Army in 1991. The fight between the Ugandan government and the LRA is one of the longest running conflicts in Africa, and the LRA is one of the most brutal forces in the world, known for targeting civilians, perhaps most notably, children it forcibly recruits to fight. Though the LRA originated in northern Uganda, it has since spread to neighboring Congo, South Sudan, and the Central African Republic.

In its early years, the LRA claimed to fight against the Ugandan government to defend the rights of the Acholi, a local ethnic group in northern Uganda. However, the LRA’s extreme brutality against fellow Acholi quickly contradicted those claims. The rebel group is notorious for murder, torture, mutilation, rape, widespread abductions of children and adults, and pillaging. […]

Since 1987 the LRA has abducted tens of thousands of children, forcing them to serve as soldiers, porters, or sex slaves.

Though they are often portrayed as a Christian fundamentalist group bent on establishing a government in Uganda based on the Ten Commandments, religion no longer practically serves as a raison d’être for the LRA; rather it is used selectively to ensure adherence to military discipline and create an environment where commanders are respected and feared. […]

More at the Christian Science Monitor…

Here’s more recent news, from today, about how over the past 30 days the LRA has been going on the attack again, this time in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The U.S. special forces trainers sent to Uganda have these monsters on the run, but they’re still deadly. God only knows how much worse things would be, how many more lives would have been lost, if they hadn’t been sent to assist:

Lord’s Resistance Army: After long silence, the US-tracked rebels attack

Its numbers may have dwindled to just 200 fighters, but the Lord’s Resistance Army continues to kill, terrorize, and displace people by the thousands.

One hundred US special forces trainers are working with the Ugandan military to put an end to the rebel group. And while they may have succeeded in sending the group on the run, the LRA has proven dangerous in its desperation.

The latest attacks have occurred in the last 30 days, with LRA attacks reported in the village of Bagulupa, 35 miles east of Dungu in the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of Congo. The attacks occurred on Feb. 10 and 24, and appear to have been standard raids for food. One person was killed, and 17 villagers abducted, probably for use as porters or sex slaves, according to the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees. Most of the villagers of Bagulupa have fled toward the larger town of Dungu, the UNHCR says.

Fatoumata Lejeune-Kaba, the UNHCR’s spokeswoman in Geneva, voiced concern about the recent uptick in violence in the DRC, after a six-month lull in the latter part of 2011. […]

More at the Christian Science Monitor…

This is Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA):

Joseph Kony, leader of the Lord’s Resistance Army

Here is some of Joseph Kony’s handiwork:

A former abductee of the Lord’s Resistance Army

This is what Rush Limbaugh has defended. Even a contributor over at Foreign Policy was sufficiently appalled by Limbaugh’s comments to write a short piece.

I want us to have a civil society again, but as long as Americans are willing to not only tolerate—but also to even applaud or desire to emulate—the ignorant, hateful, distorted rhetoric that issues forth from the mouths of people like Rush Limbaugh, the recently deceased Andrew Breitbart, Pamela Geller, Dana Loesch, etc. then I’m afraid there’s little hope for anything approaching the civility that my parents taught me was so important as I was growing up.

By the way, I was going to include a short documentary video about Kony & the LRA from Vimeo, but while I was busy collecting & typing all this someone else posted it on another LGF Page, so I’ll just point you over there to watch it.

One last note: If you’re on Twitter #StopKony is the hashtag to use when tweeting about (or looking for info on) Joseph Kony & the LRA.

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1 Bob Levin  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 7:35:30pm

This essay on Kony wouldn't have been a bad posting all by itself. It's easy to keep track of RL, not so easy to keep track of the many monsters elsewhere.

2 HappyWarrior  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:18:43pm

I agree with you CL. I found Limbaugh's rationalizing for the LRA much worse than this and that barely registered a blip.

3 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:19:49pm

Awesome work CL!!!

Thank you!

4 Gus  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:20:44pm

This is the product of Republicans.

5 prairiefire  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:25:22pm

In my opinion, Mr. Limbaugh caused his case of impaired hearing through his abuse of opiates/oxycotin/hillbilly heroin. He has never admitted the extent of his addiction, despite going to Rehab. He is deaf. He has to read just about everything to understand the situation and I bet there are many times he says "Forget it. I'm going to go see if my 4th wife wants to fool around, or not." I think he has been skating by for a long while just on the strength of his followers' convictions. He has not done much to deserve it.

6 Obdicut  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:25:44pm

I think it was ignorance on Rush's part, but this shows how dangerous ignorance can be. He basically gave good PR to a terrorist group.

7 prairiefire  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:27:49pm

re: #5 prairiefire

False convictions.

8 Four More Tears  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:27:53pm

Okay, that last pic might be giving me nightmares tonight.

9 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:28:06pm

The LRA is a vile group.

I am immediately leary of any "missionary" that has been to Uganda.

I know a Preacher who has been and also know he is homophobic. I am having a hard time not drawing conclusions.

Even Preachers can be ignorant, like their followers. I should ask him.

10 HappyWarrior  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:29:27pm

re: #6 Obdicut

I think it was ignorance on Rush's part, but this shows how dangerous ignorance can be. He basically gave good PR to a terrorist group.

It shows what happens when your whole agenda is based on hating someone and his policies. I remember the far leftists I knew in the Bush years. They would embrace pretty much anyone e.g. Hugo Chavez who opposed Bush. That attitude drove me nuts. The difference of course is these people weren't influential at all to Democratic lawmakers the way Limbaugh is for Republicans.

11 CuriousLurker  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:29:49pm

*blinking* Gosh, I was over on YouTube watching watching animal videos and just came back to check my page one last time before calling it a night. Imagine my surprise! Heh.

Charles, if you're watching, those photos are hot linked to other sites, so I don't know if they'll stay....I probably should've tried to find some to upload, but I was too lazy.

12 aagcobb  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:33:23pm

re: #6 Obdicut

I think it was ignorance on Rush's part, but this shows how dangerous ignorance can be. He basically gave good PR to a terrorist group.

I think you are giving Rush too much credit. He would've used this story to criticize the President whether he knew the truth about the LRA or not. Rush doesn't give a shit about the truth.

13 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:35:55pm

re: #12 Weareallslutsnow

I think you are giving Rush too much credit. He would've used this story to criticize the President whether he knew the truth about the LRA or not. Rush doesn't give a shit about the truth.

Rush needs to be diagnosed.

I'd love to do it, but there are rules about doing so over the internet.

14 Gus  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:39:00pm

I lost Reine tonight. Sorry to say.

15 Four More Tears  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:43:56pm

re: #14 Gus

I lost Reine tonight. Sorry to say.

What do you mean you lost her?

16 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:48:18pm

I remember the Rush rant about the LRA where he defended them and then turned around and said something like, "Now I don't know much about these people" and then went on to defend them some more, BASED SOLELY ON THE NAME OF THE GROUP!

He had no idea who they were or what they have done, none at all, he was defending them because of their name, and (he assumed) Christianity, all based on their name.

I spent about three hours that day online trying to explain to Rush followers that;
A: They were not Christian

B: They had been kicked out of their own country and were now terrorists in a weaker neighboring one.

C: They raid villages to rape and pillage and then steal the villages children to turn them into soldiers for the revolution/cult.

D: They really were terrorists in every sense of the word and that I thought our own special services could be employed to take them out fairly cleanly, and should be if we were actually serious about the "war on terror."

Of course I got nothing in return except name calling, ridicule, and nonsensical uninformed replies that had no basis in fact. Saint Rush had pronounced them good and I was attacking them, that was all any dittohead needed to know.


17 palomino  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:49:18pm

The victory over Limbaugh, for liberals, moderates and decent people in general, isn't getting him thrown off the air. That would just make him a martyr. Especially in the eyes of the older white guys who make up the huge majority of his listeners, many of whom are already bitter about racial and gender issues. They'll just turn the dial to some other reactionary, like Beck or Hannity, and claim that their and Rush's 1st Amendment rights have been violated.

No, the real victory is exposing Limbaugh's hatred and misogyny to a wider audience, most of whom are clearly repulsed. And in turn exposing the cowardice and cynicism of a gop that can't even repudiate his statements. Let sunlight be the disinfectant that harpoons this whale. (OK, that's a weak mixed metaphor, but I'm not a poet and you get the idea)

18 Gus  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:49:38pm

re: #15 Meh.

What do you mean you lost her?

She joined the other side. That's all I will say.

19 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:50:38pm

re: #18 Gus

She joined the other side. That's all I will say.

YOU lost her


WE lost her?

20 Gus  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:51:07pm

re: #19 ggt

YOU lost her


WE lost her?


21 HappyWarrior  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:51:45pm

re: #16 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You

I remember the Rush rant about the LRA where he defended them and then turned around and said something like, "Now I don't know much about these people" and then went on to defend them some more, BASED SOLELY ON THE NAME OF THE GROUP!

He had no idea who they were or what they have done, none at all, he was defending them because of their name, and (he assumed) Christianity, all based on their name.

I spent about three hours that day online trying to explain to Rush followers that;
A: They were not Christian

B: They had been kicked out of their own country and were now terrorists in a weaker neighboring one.

C: They raid villages to rape and pillage and then steal the villages children to turn them into soldiers for the revolution/cult.

D: They really were terrorists in every sense of the word and that I thought our own special services could be employed to take them out fairly cleanly, and should be if we were actually serious about the "war on terror."

Of course I got nothing in return except name calling, ridicule, and nonsensical uninformed replies that had no basis in fact. Saint Rush had pronounced them good and I was attacking them, that was all any dittohead needed to know.


You know even Jim Inhofe doesn't let his hatred of Obama define his stance on this issue. This shows you what a pathetic slime Rush is. He clearly knows nothing about the situation there and made up shit to feed his idiot listener base.

22 Obdicut  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:52:51pm

re: #21 HappyWarrior

I'm hoping his latest fiasco will make at least some people re-examine other information they've gotten from him.

23 Targetpractice  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:54:16pm

re: #22 Obdicut

I'm hoping his latest fiasco will make at least some people re-examine other information they've gotten from him.

Sadly, I don't think that's gonna happen, as most of those who rely upon him on information think that those of us calling bullshit on his "facts" are wrong on the basis of being "liberals."

24 HappyWarrior  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:54:22pm

re: #22 Obdicut

I'm hoping his latest fiasco will make at least some people re-examine other information they've gotten from him.

I really hope so. Why anyone sees him as a credible voice I'll never get and I'll further never get the people who think he's "one of them." Limbaugh is the elitist he hates. It's kind of like that movie An American Tail when the mouse boss was really a cat in disguise.

25 Obdicut  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:56:54pm

re: #23 Targetpractice

I think some will. There are people who know how birth control works, and those who don't like hearing women called sluts, that will rankle. It was a personally vicious attack, not just a patronizing one like he normally does.

In good news:

USA! USA! Wisconsin’s Voter ID Law Temporarily Halted By Judge…

A great smackdown from the judge. The lawsuit brought shows people who are actually dispossessed, describes the difficulties in obtaining ID and the partisan obstacles put in the way, and states that it's addressing a fictitious problem.

26 jaunte  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 8:57:39pm

I see we have a Joseph Kony fan in the house.

27 Targetpractice  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:02:12pm

re: #25 Obdicut

I think some will. There are people who know how birth control works, and those who don't like hearing women called sluts, that will rankle. It was a personally vicious attack, not just a patronizing one like he normally does.

The thing is, the folks who are getting angry over his using the word "slut" may think he was right about everything else, that she really is asking for the government to cover birth control for her and the rest of the over-sexed women at Georgetown.

28 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:02:15pm

re: #20 Gus


You can't be calling Republicans evil people around her, always was one of her buttons. It's like how it's hard for me to hear people say that new Marlins suck now because Remington bought them and fucked everything up. It's a truth that hurts and some people just aren't ready to accept.

29 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:02:49pm

re: #26 jaunte

I see we have a Joseph Kony fan in the house.

I missed it, where?

30 HappyWarrior  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:04:08pm

re: #27 Targetpractice

The thing is, the folks who are getting angry over his using the word "slut" may think he was right about everything else, that she really is asking for the government to cover birth control for her and the rest of the over-sexed women at Georgetown.

Yeah, I've seen people totally distort what she said. Pisses me off. People are also ignoring the we should be able to watch her sex tapes comment too.

31 jaunte  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:04:12pm

re: #29 ggt

The lone down-ding on the story.

32 Interesting Times  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:04:33pm

re: #26 jaunte

I see we have a Joseph Kony fan in the house.

Oh look, he's a birther as well:

Regardless of where he was born, it's totally obvious that image has been Photoshopped. The green patterned background is not original to the document, all of the text still has a fringe of the original white background.

I'm shocked, I tell you, shocked! 9_9

33 jaunte  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:07:01pm

re: #32 Interesting Times

I guess if you're willing to support murder, torture, mutilation, rape, and abductions of children to suck up to Rush, it's not such a big deal to question a birth certificate.

34 [deleted]  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:07:04pm
35 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:07:39pm


36 Usually refered to as anyways  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:08:28pm

re: #34 aracona69

I despise Kony, and belive Limbaugh does too.
Regardless, how is Fluke NOT a slut? She certainly seems to fulfill all the requirements of the definition of the word.

What has she said specifically that makes you think that?

37 Targetpractice  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:08:50pm

re: #34 aracona69

I despise Kony, and belive Limbaugh does too.
Regardless, how is Fluke NOT a slut? She certainly seems to fulfill all the requirements of the definition of the word.

And your proof is...what?

38 Kronocide  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:09:34pm

re: #34 aracona69

I despise Kony, and belive Limbaugh does too.
Regardless, how is Fluke NOT a slut? She certainly seems to fulfill all the requirements of the definition of the word.

How was Fluke's sex life ever part of the subject? It's not, she never discussed it you ignorant moron. Let me repeat that:

Fluke never discussed her sex life. You. Ignorant. Moron.

39 HappyWarrior  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:09:45pm

Limbaugh sure had an odd way of despising Kony when he was on the air praising the LRA and accusing Obama of wanting to murder Ugandan Christians.

40 Lidane  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:09:46pm

re: #34 aracona69

Obvious troll is obvious. Shoo.

41 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:10:49pm

re: #28 goddamnedfrank

You can't be calling Republicans evil people around her, always was one of her buttons. It's like how it's hard for me to hear people say that new Marlins suck now because Remington bought them and fucked everything up. It's a truth that hurts and some people just aren't ready to accept.

Nah, I think she's comfortable with criticism of the GOP, just as she was not only comfortable with, but quite vocal herself, the criticism of the Catholic organization.

I think where she might start to take things personally is the bigoted broad brushing of southerners or conservatives.

Just my guess.

42 HappyWarrior  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:10:53pm

And how is the woman a slut? She was testifying about her friend who lost an ovary due to the university's policies. Limbaugh shouldn't be calling anyone a slut and he especially shouldn't be distorting what she talked about which he did.

43 Daniel Ballard  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:11:08pm

Need any charcoal? I got plenty...

44 Usually refered to as anyways  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:11:47pm

re: #34 aracona69

I despise Kony, and belive Limbaugh does too.
Regardless, how is Fluke NOT a slut? She certainly seems to fulfill all the requirements of the definition of the word.

Here's a link to her transcript to make it easier for you.

45 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:12:03pm

Even if you accept the word slut, and that it is ever okay to use the word, by the definition Fluke would have had to publicly state that she had lots of lovers, indiscriminately.

She has not done that.

46 Lidane  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:12:25pm

re: #42 HappyWarrior

Don't bother. They gave a downding to this story and they're repeating the lie about Fluke's testimony.

They're just trolling.

47 HappyWarrior  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:12:57pm

re: #46 Lidane

Don't bother. They gave a downding to this story and they're repeating the lie about Fluke's testimony.

They're just trolling.

You're right.

48 HappyWarrior  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:13:25pm

re: #44 ozbloke

Here's a link to her transcript to make it easier for you.

Man what a slut.///

49 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:13:34pm

re: #39 HappyWarrior

Didn't he sort of walk back on that after finding out more details? Not defending him, just asking.

50 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:13:37pm

re: #24 HappyWarrior

Limbaugh is the elitist he hates.

Since he "flunked everything" in school, he can't be that elite. /

51 Lidane  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:14:28pm
52 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:14:52pm

What I find very interesting is that I'm seeing the video on Kony on my Facebook page.

From a lot of sources. People I didn't know follow current events.

I think the pressure is building.

53 jaunte  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:15:23pm

This is cool:
Image: dust-devil.jpg

Mars orbiters, rovers and landers have all captured devils in action before. But this latest shot is a whopper (to speak in the vernacular of the peasantry…*) – not to mention incredibly awesome! The HiRISE camera (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has taken an image of an afternoon whirlwind on Mars lofting a twisting column of dust more than 800 meters (about a half a mile) high, with the dust plume about 30 meters or yards in diameter.

54 HappyWarrior  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:15:46pm

re: #49 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

Didn't he sort of walk back on that after finding out more details? Not defending him, just asking.

I think he might have but the fact of the matter is he wanted to use the administration's policy on Uganda simply to bash Obama and lie. I don't think Limbaugh likes the LRA and Kony but I think this showed you how much the guy is desperate to attack Obama.

55 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:15:50pm

re: #31 jaunte

The lone down-ding on the story.


56 Interesting Times  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:16:15pm

re: #29 ggt

I missed it, where?

Speaking of "missing", please check your ding ;)

57 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:16:53pm

re: #54 HappyWarrior

Ah, good point.

58 HappyWarrior  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:16:56pm

Good riddance.

59 BongCrodny  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:18:16pm

Defending the indefensible as long as there's the slightest chance they'll be able to say "Look, see -- we told you liberals are Obama is evil."

60 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:18:19pm

re: #51 Lidane

re: #53 jaunte

This is cool:
Image: dust-devil.jpg

Mars orbiters, rovers and landers have all captured devils in action before. But this latest shot is a whopper (to speak in the vernacular of the peasantry…*) – not to mention incredibly awesome! The HiRISE camera (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has taken an image of an afternoon whirlwind on Mars lofting a twisting column of dust more than 800 meters (about a half a mile) high, with the dust plume about 30 meters or yards in diameter.

Wow, the sand worms really exist!


61 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:18:26pm

re: #56 Interesting Times

Speaking of "missing", please check your ding ;)

AS usual, I am soooo confused.

62 Targetpractice  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:18:48pm

Clean-up, aisle 4!

63 jaunte  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:18:56pm

re: #60 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You


64  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:19:23pm

re: #18 Gus

She joined the other side. That's all I will say.

I've joined no "other" side, I've no clue what you're talking about.

I am now and have always been conservative - not like the current crop, but I've not changed.

And I've joined no other side.

And I will NOT "sit down and shut up", no matter how many times you tell me to.

65 Targetpractice  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:19:56pm

re: #53 jaunte

This is cool:
Image: dust-devil.jpg

Mars orbiters, rovers and landers have all captured devils in action before. But this latest shot is a whopper (to speak in the vernacular of the peasantry…*) – not to mention incredibly awesome! The HiRISE camera (High Resolution Imaging Science Experiment) on the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter has taken an image of an afternoon whirlwind on Mars lofting a twisting column of dust more than 800 meters (about a half a mile) high, with the dust plume about 30 meters or yards in diameter.

Hey, I was just there yesterday...well, I was there in Mass Effect 3, but it was still Mars! No, really!


66 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:20:02pm

Regarding malleable curse words:

I thought a "slut" was a woman who actually liked sex, in contract, a "whore" does it because it's her job.

Which would you rather be married to?

67 Usually refered to as anyways  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:20:45pm

re: #64

I've joined no "other" side, I've no clue what you're talking about.

I am now and have always been conservative - not like the current crop, but I've not changed.

And I've joined no other side.

And I will NOT "sit down and shut up", no matter how many times you tell me to.

Good to see you Reine, how you doing.

68 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:21:37pm

re: #64

I've joined no "other" side, I've no clue what you're talking about.

I am now and have always been conservative - not like the current crop, but I've not changed.

And I've joined no other side.

And I will NOT "sit down and shut up", no matter how many times you tell me to.

Come over to my side. I have cookies. Or, I will on Friday.

A girl scout mom just contacted me to sell the last of their inventory.

Samoas for everyone on Friday!

69 HappyWarrior  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:22:27pm

re: #68 To hold my temper, most of the time.

Come over to my side. I have cookies. Or, I will on Friday.

A girl scout mom just contacted me to sell the last of their inventory.

Samoas for everyone on Friday!

cookie socialism? :)

70  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:22:30pm

re: #67 ozbloke

Good to see you Reine, how you doing.

Fine, thank you.
Oddly, people seem to want to pay me to make glass pieces for them. So I've been busy. Won't get rich; but it's fun.

71 prairiefire  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:22:55pm

re: #28 goddamnedfrank

And it's only March.

72 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:23:14pm

re: #70

Fine, thank you.
Oddly, people seem to want to pay me to make glass pieces for them. So I've been busy. Won't get rich; but it's fun.

Can I say I knew you when?

73 jaunte  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:23:29pm

re: #70

Please make a page and let us see, if you can find the time.

74 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:23:38pm

May I ask,

What is with the yellowing of the "whites" of the eyes in the pictures above?

Both Kony and his victim have yellow, whites.

and the guy in the picture with Kony.

75 Usually refered to as anyways  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:24:03pm

re: #70

Fine, thank you.
Oddly, people seem to want to pay me to make glass pieces for them. So I've been busy. Won't get rich; but it's fun.

I remember the one you did for Charles, stunning.
I seem to recall some drama with the shipping, did he get it?

76 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:24:17pm

re: #68 To hold my temper, most of the time.

Do the Girl Scouts make any cookies that come in the flavor "Tri-Tip".

77  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:24:24pm

re: #68 To hold my temper, most of the time.

Come over to my side. I have cookies. Or, I will on Friday.

A girl scout mom just contacted me to sell the last of their inventory.

Samoas for everyone on Friday!

I've been looking for some cookies. Any thin mints? Or are you offering Samoas because you're stashing all the thin mints for yourself?

78 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:25:16pm

re: #76 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

Do the Girl Scouts make any cookies that come in the flavor "Tri-Tip".

NO, No, No. Will not have them in the house.

CHeck the box marked "for the troops."

Triple-Win, Girl Scouts get the sale, my body doesn't get the fat and sugar and the troops get much needed carbs.

79  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:25:22pm

re: #75 ozbloke

I remember the one you did for Charles, stunning.
I seem to recall some drama with the shipping, did he get it?

Not yet, LOL. A problem with the mailbox being unavailable.

80 prairiefire  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:25:35pm

re: #70

My friend, this an election year. But I would never, ever call adorable you "evil". I'm thinking more "yin to my yang".

81 palomino  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:25:55pm

Right wingers like Limbaugh and the joker above seem to have misjudged the vast majority of Americans. As a society we're not staunchly opposed to premarital sex anymore; it's the norm now that the old Puritanism has dissipated.

A majority of couples now live together for at least a little while before marriage. Sexually active single young women are no different from their male counterparts. They like sex, and that makes them part of a large majority, not an aberration.

82 Lidane  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:26:01pm

re: #74 ggt

Aren't yellowish eyes a sign of jaundice? I'd imagine they don't have the best medical care in the LRA.

83  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:26:08pm

re: #72 To hold my temper, most of the time.

Can I say I knew you when?

Heh. You knew me BEFORE when, even.

84 HappyWarrior  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:26:12pm

mmmm tag-alongs.

85 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:26:29pm

re: #78 ggt

NO, No, No. Will not have them in the house.

CHeck the box marked "for the troops."

Triple-Win, Girl Scouts get the sale, my body doesn't get the fat and sugar and the troops get much needed carbs.

Well, in this case she has the boxes in her house, and how can you let a Girl Scout down?

Remember, I have four sons. I open a box and get one. Two if I'm fast and lucky.

86 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:26:36pm

re: #77

I've been looking for some cookies. Any thin mints? Or are you offering Samoas because you're stashing all the thin mints for yourself?

Somoas are superior to Thin Mints because they have toasted coconut...duh... ;)

87 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:26:42pm

re: #41 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

Nah, I think she's comfortable with criticism of the GOP, just as she was not only comfortable with, but quite vocal herself, the criticism of the Catholic organization.

I think where she might start to take things personally is the bigoted broad brushing of southerners or conservatives.

Just my guess.

I'm just going by the Twitter exchange, it was the broad brush combined with personal rudeness. Telling people to sit down and shut up doesn't win style points. I agree with the original comment to the extent though that modern Republicans, if they plan on voting Republican in the fall, are at the very least condoning what I see as abjectly evil.

88  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:26:57pm

re: #80 prairiefire

My friend, this an election year. But I would never, ever call adorable you "evil". I'm thinking more "yin to my yang".

You are very sweet and kind. Thanks.

89 prairiefire  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:27:18pm

re: #79

Not yet, LOL. A problem with the mailbox being unavailable.

"Where is Charles?"

90 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:27:52pm

re: #77

This is why I stay away from Thin Mints.

91 Targetpractice  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:28:02pm

re: #82 Lidane

Aren't yellowish eyes a sign of jaundice? I'd imagine they don't have the best medical care in the LRA.

Yeah, the eyes are usually the first to go yellow.

92  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:30:08pm

re: #90 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

This is why I stay away from Thin Mints.

LOL! OH, HELL. That's why they're so addictive, eh?

93 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:30:09pm

re: #87 goddamnedfrank

Well, I don't do twitter, so I have no reference for that.

94 jaunte  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:31:00pm

re: #90 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

I wondered why they seem to taste better a whole box at a time.

96 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:31:19pm

re: #91 Targetpractice

Yeah, the eyes are usually the first to go yellow.

I wondered if it was a sign of drug addiction or use.

97  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:31:55pm

re: #87 goddamnedfrank

I'm just going by the Twitter exchange, it was the broad brush combined with personal rudeness. Telling people to sit down and shut up doesn't win style points. I agree with the original comment to the extent though that modern Republicans, if they plan on voting Republican in the fall, are at the very least condoning what I see as abjectly evil.

Many of us will either vote Obama, or not vote at all. I'm fed up with politics, and politicians, all of 'em. Just fed up.

98 HappyWarrior  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:32:14pm
99 Targetpractice  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:34:02pm

re: #96 ggt

I wondered if it was a sign of drug addiction or use.

It's potentially the sign of any number of conditions or diseases. I know that the eyes and skin can yellow from urea building up in the blood as well due to failing kidneys. Why I know that, I blame on Wikipedia.

100 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:34:31pm

re: #96 ggt

I wondered if it was a sign of drug addiction or use.

It's Africa, jaundiced eyes are a common sign / symptom of malaria.

101 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:35:01pm

re: #97

It's like I can almost see you in my mind's eye...

102 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:36:01pm
103 jaunte  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:36:22pm

re: #98 HappyWarrior

It's an Odyssey sized fail.

We can bring along the wine-dark hug references.

104  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:37:07pm

re: #101 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

It's like I can almost see you in my mind's eye...

WTF? Seriously, is that how you picture me? Naw. I'm shades of blue.

105  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:38:04pm

re: #104

WTF? Seriously, is that how you picture me? Naw. I'm shades of blue.

With violet-reddish hair. Yes, really.

106 Dancing along the light of day  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:38:12pm

re: #64

I've joined no "other" side, I've no clue what you're talking about.

I am now and have always been conservative - not like the current crop, but I've not changed.

And I've joined no other side.

And I will NOT "sit down and shut up", no matter how many times you tell me to.

Some of us LOVE YOU. Whatever. LOVE YOU. You know enough to own this.
Do you need me to explain it furher? Love you Babe!

107  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:39:01pm

re: #106 Floral Giraffe

Some of us LOVE YOU. Whatever. LOVE YOU. You know enough to own this.
Do you need me to explain it furher? Love you Babe!

FLO! Long time no see! Doing really well, I hope?

108 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:39:58pm

re: #104

Truth be told, I see you more like this.

109 Dancing along the light of day  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:40:13pm

re: #107

My friend, I send you hugs and kisses!

110 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:40:32pm

re: #106 Floral Giraffe

Some of us LOVE YOU. Whatever. LOVE YOU. You know enough to own this.
Do you need me to explain it furher? Love you Babe!


How are you?

111 Targetpractice  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:41:09pm

re: #100 goddamnedfrank

It's Africa, jaundiced eyes are a common sign / symptom of malaria.

*slaps forehead* How could have forgotten malaria. I just saw it mentioned two weeks ago on The River.

112 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:43:21pm

re: #102 ggt

KONY 2012

Sorry, wrong link.

Kony 2012 --correct link (youtube)

113 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:43:43pm

re: #107

So now that you're on the 'other' side, tell me this...

Is the grass really greener, or does it just look that way?

114 Shiplord Kirel  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:43:45pm

How does Fluke meet the definition of a slut? It's simple math, people. We know these pills cost about a dollar apiece, since a prescription for 28 of them is usually 25-30 dollars. Why they come in 28 round packets I will never understand, I mean other pharmaceuticals usually come 20 or 50 or sometimes 16 to a scrip, but never 28. Be that it may, she estimates the cost of birth control at $3000 a year. Obviously she is taking about 9 of these pills a day, ergo she is having sex 9 times a day. Brought to you by the Limbaugh School for Advanced Conservative Mathematics, Statistical Analysis Division.

115  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:46:20pm

re: #113 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

So now that you're on the 'other' side, tell me this...

Is the grass really greener, or does it just look that way?

It just looks that way. Both sides are equally green. Right now, though, one side (mine) is STUPIDER.

116 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:48:09pm

re: #111 Targetpractice

*slaps forehead* How could have forgotten malaria. I just saw it mentioned two weeks ago on The River.

I'm just like, how fucking tragic is Africa? Not only is malaria endemic, but the place if afflicted with goddamned real life monsters that put our worst storybook villains and bogeymen to shame. That anybody can wake up in the morning and think life is a meritocracy, that what they have is primarily the result of hard work and not the sheer luck of where they were born is just an amazing testament to the human ego.

117 Lidane  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:48:13pm

I'm sitting here laughing at the RWNJ morons on Twitter on the #VetThePrez tag. They're actually stupid enough to think that there's been some grand conspiracy to hide "the truth about Obama" from the American people.


118 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:49:26pm

re: #115

Just making jokes. You're cool beans in my book.

/Just don't start talking smack about Tri-Tip, that's all I ask.

119  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:50:30pm

re: #118 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

Just making jokes. You're cool beans in my book.

/Just don't start talking smack about Tri-Tip, that's all I ask.

Many cool folks here, SB, including you of course!
And no, I won't talk smack about, well, much of anything.

Midnight here, though, and I've had it. Good night, all.

120 Interesting Times  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:50:52pm

re: #115

It just looks that way. Both sides are equally green. Right now, though, one side (mine) is STUPIDER.

Labels, due to being so easily redefined, are practically useless...but for what it's worth, I've always seen your self-described views as being closest to a moderate form of classical liberalism - never the hijacking of the word "conservative" by the radical revanchist reactionary reprobates of today.

121 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:52:02pm

re: #116 goddamnedfrank

And by monsters I don't only mean people like Kony, who didn't just pop out of a vacuum. The West has manipulated, exploited and degraded Africa for several hundred years, and now China is on board scraping out the dregs we somehow managed to miss.

122 Dancing along the light of day  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:52:30pm

re: #119

LGF has been the less for you.
I miss you.

123 The Questionable Timing of a Flea  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:55:11pm

re: #117 Lidane

I'm sitting here laughing at the RWNJ morons on Twitter on the #VetThePrez tag. They're actually stupid enough to think that there's been some grand conspiracy to hide "the truth about Obama" from the American people.


They are the conspiracy to hide "the truth about Obama" but I wouldn't ascribe the adjective "grand" to anything they do.

124 Interesting Times  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:56:08pm

re: #121 goddamnedfrank

The West has manipulated, exploited and degraded Africa for several hundred years, and now China is on board scraping out the dregs we somehow managed to miss.

It makes me sick to realize this, also because it brings to mind the loathsome arguments of white supremacists - "Durr hurr, Africans are innately inferior, that's why they can't fix themselves and slavery did them a favor! Derp."

125 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:56:51pm

re: #97

Many of us will either vote Obama, or not vote at all. I'm fed up with politics, and politicians, all of 'em. Just fed up.

We could always vote for Newt because he promised us $2.00 a gallon gas...but on second thought...that doesn't seem very realistic does it?


126 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:58:47pm

re: #2 HappyWarrior

I agree with you CL. I found Limbaugh's rationalizing for the LRA much worse than this and that barely registered a blip.

Morally, it's more reprehensible.

Politically, it's less relevent. Limbaugh actually has no influence over whether we assist in taking out the LRA, and his followers didn't even register anything beyond "Obama is doing something BAD again!"

This contraception fight, however, is actually engaging popular sentiment, and Limbaugh's working overtime on that.

127 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 9:59:35pm

re: #113 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

So now that you're on the 'other' side, tell me this...

Is the grass really greener, or does it just look that way?

Naw man, the grass is greener on Ron Pauls side, because it's over there or something...


128 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:00:03pm

re: #13 ggt

Rush needs to be diagnosed.

I'd love to do it, but there are rules about doing so over the internet.

I don't think there's anything clinically wrong with Rush Limbaugh. He is just a liar and an asshole.

129 The Questionable Timing of a Flea  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:02:45pm

re: #128 SanFranciscoZionist

I don't think there's anything clinically wrong with Rush Limbaugh. He is just a liar and an asshole.

I don't think hubris is clinically diagnosable, but his case of head-up-ass needs remedying.

130 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:04:59pm

re: #114 Winston Smith, Fox News Moderator

When she quotes $3000.00 a year she is probably also counting the ob/gyn visits/tests recommended per year in order to get the scripts on top of the actually cost of the pill.

131 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:07:52pm

re: #130 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You

Actually, he was spoofing on the wingnut lies surrounding her testimony. She was speaking of $1,000 per year over a three year period for the script.

132 Interesting Times  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:09:46pm

re: #126 SanFranciscoZionist

This contraception fight, however, is actually engaging popular sentiment, and Limbaugh's working overtime on that.

And you had some epic posts on the topic a little earlier yourself :) Being on the east coast, it's way past my bedtime, but this pile of dead-thread derping on the B/C issue could use some debunking. Any west-coaster up to it, feel free :) (I don't consider this "feeding the trolls" so much as, cleaning up the thread for latecomers and lurkers)

133 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:11:14pm

re: #131 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

Actually, he was spoofing on the wingnut lies surrounding her testimony. She was speaking of $1,000 per year over a three year period for the script.

Thanks, I obviously knew the nine times a day bit was spoofing, but I hadn't realized that the $3000.00 was a three year cumulative number. :(

134 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:13:47pm

re: #133 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You

See?!?! Rush and the wingnut blogosphere managed to snooker you, even.

Fucking Truth, put you're damn shoes on already!!!!

135 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:15:17pm

re: #128 SanFranciscoZionist

I don't think there's anything clinically wrong with Rush Limbaugh. He is just a liar and an asshole.

There may not be anything that can be cured. But there is definitely something wrong with him.

136 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:16:07pm

re: #111 Targetpractice

*slaps forehead* How could have forgotten malaria. I just saw it mentioned two weeks ago on The River.

Basically, I reckon being in that general area is not good for your health right now. Living rough with a militant group, less so.

137 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:16:24pm

OK, the approx 30 minute KONY 2012 video on youtube is possibly one of the best pieces I've seen in a long time.

If you want proof of our Brave New World. Watch it.

138 freetoken  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:17:08pm

Rush Limbaugh is just the tip of the pile of crap.

Today, during one of my rare outings in an automobile, I turned on AM radio and sampled the band... Levine was hocking gold from one of the notorious gold-bug scammers... Hedgecock was ranting about some WND worthy thing... Jon and Ken were back on the air trying to stir up trouble... some new guy was ranting about the 50 years of R&D spending the government has done on alternative (non-oil) energy research... and of course Harold Camping's Family Radio was still going strong.

They're all dependent upon a very stupid, gullible, or just perverted, hate-filled juvenile audience.

And this dominates AM radio (other than the sports stations, which were all playing the nauseating tear jerker speech by that QB moving out of Indianapolis).

At least here in San Diego half the dial is filled up with Spanish stations (many from Mexico) and the banda music provides at least something to which to listen.

139 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:17:15pm

re: #130 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You

When she quotes $3000.00 a year she is probably also counting the ob/gyn visits/tests recommended per year in order to get the scripts on top of the actually cost of the pill.

Even if she didn't count the doctors visit she wasn't wrong. The exact phrase she used was "can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school." As I pointed out yesterday this was an attempt to place an upper end boundary, and it was actually a tad bit low. The most expensive form of non-emergency birth control pill is Alesse, which has a generic version cost of $99.99 per menstrual cycle, which adds up to $3600 for three years of law school. So even if she wasn't including the cost of pelvic exams she actually underestimated the possible upper end cost of medication alone.

140 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:20:16pm
141 prairiefire  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:20:42pm

re: #128 SanFranciscoZionist

I don't think there's anything clinically wrong with Rush Limbaugh. He is just a liar and an asshole.

He's clinically deaf.

142 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:28:09pm

You may remember from my Dodd-Frank research reporting that there is a strange part at the end of the legislation. This is the Conflict Mineral Reporting clause.

While I didn't understand what it had to do with Derivatives and Wall Street regulation, I think it does have a lot to do with the LRA. I may be wrong.

But, as Eliot Ness learned . . .FOLLOW . THE . MONEY.

Now, it seems the SEC is behind on that particular part of the legislation.

143 CuriousLurker  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:28:21pm

Okay, I couldn't resist coming back for one last drive-by comment. Let's call it an OBL bedtime story. Seems he was having lady troubles right before he got killed. We may have done him a favor by taking him out as his eldest wife seems to have even scared the Pakistani military interrogators, heh:

In bin Laden's lair, his wives split by suspicions

RAWALPINDI, Pakistan (AP) -- Osama bin Laden spent his last weeks in a house divided, amid wives riven by suspicions. On the top floor, sharing his bedroom, was his youngest wife and favorite. The trouble came when his eldest wife showed up and moved into the bedroom on the floor below.

Others in the family, crammed into the three-story villa compound where bin Laden would eventually be killed in a May 2 U.S. raid, were convinced that the eldest wife intended to betray the al-Qaida leader. [...]

The compound where bin Laden lived since mid-2005 was a crowded place, with 28 residents - including bin Laden, his three wives, eight of his children and five of his grandchildren. The bin Laden children ranged in age from his 24-year-old son Khaled, who was killed in the raid, to a 3-year-old born during their time in Abbottabad. Bin Laden's courier, the courier's brother and their wives and children also lived in the compound. [...]

Bin Laden lived and died on the third floor. One room he shared with his youngest wife, Amal Ahmed Abdel-Fatah al-Sada, a Yemeni who was 19 when she married the al-Qaida leader in 1999. Another wife, Siham Saber, lived in another room on the same floor that also served as a computer room, Qadir told AP.

The arrival of his eldest wife, Saudi-born Khairiah Saber, in early 2011 stirred up the household, Amal said in her ISI interrogation, according to Qadir.

There was already bad blood between Khairiah, who married bin Laden in the late 1980s, and Amal because of bin Laden's favoritism for the younger Yemeni woman, Qadir said he was told by tribal leaders who knew the family.

Even ISI officials who questioned Khairiah after the raid were daunted by her.

"She is so aggressive that she borders on being intimidating," Qadir said he was told by an ISI interrogator. [...]

More at the Associated Press...

Y'all try not to have too much fun with that, okay? G'nite. ;o)

144 Ben G. Hazi  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:29:04pm

re: #141 prairiefire

He's clinically deaf.

And has a terminal case of craniorectal inversion.

145 prairiefire  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:30:08pm

re: #143 CuriousLurker

Okay, I couldn't resist coming back for one last drive-by comment. Let's call it an OBL bedtime story. Seems he was having lady troubles right before he got killed. We may have done him a favor by taking him out as his wife seems to have even scared the Pakistani military interrogators, heh:

Y'all try not to have too much fun with that, okay? G'nite. ;o)

Typical human nature. Always our downfall! Goodnight, CL!

146 blueraven  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:30:48pm

re: #141 prairiefire

He's clinically deaf.

More like tone deaf...Just Yesterday on his show

Limbaugh spent the entire first hour of his program today discussing “The American Way of Eating,” a new book by journalist Tracie McMillan, who logged almost a year working low-paying jobs at Wal-Mart, Applebee’s and other places to learn about the food industry. Despite the backlash he’s faced for branding law student Sandra Fluke a “slut” and “prostitute,” Limbaugh didn’t shy away from the matter of McMillan’s sex. On the contrary, he referred to her as an “authorette” and attempted to tie her to a broader trend of “all these young single white women” who are threatening Americans’ freedoms.

"What is it with all of these young single white women, overeducated — doesn’t mean intelligent. For example, Tracie McMillan, the author of this book, seems to be just out of college and already she has been showered with awards, including the 2006 James Aronson Award for Social Justice Journalism. Social justice journalism. This woman who wrote the book on food inequality, food justice, got an award for social justice journalism."


147 Ben G. Hazi  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:31:20pm

re: #143 CuriousLurker

There was already bad blood between Khairiah, who married bin Laden in the late 1980s, and Amal because of bin Laden's favoritism for the younger Yemeni woman, Qadir said he was told by tribal leaders who knew the family.

Even ISI officials who questioned Khairiah after the raid were daunted by her.

"She is so aggressive that she borders on being intimidating," Qadir said he was told by an ISI interrogator. [...]

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned and all that...

148 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:32:14pm

KONY 2012 website lists Rush Limbaugh as one of the CultureMakers to contact to raise awareness and make Kony infamous.

Imagine the email he gets . . .

149 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:32:32pm

re: #135 ggt

There may not be anything that can be cured. But there is definitely something wrong with him.

Well, yes, but I think it's spiritual, rather than clinical.

150 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:33:01pm

re: #146 blueraven

More like tone deaf...Just Yesterday on his show


I think he feels majorly insecure around anyone that is educated. He had a hard time in school and didn't make it past the first year of college.

151 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:33:15pm

re: #149 SanFranciscoZionist

Well, yes, but I think it's spiritual, rather than clinical.

Yeah, I'm not so sure.

152 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:33:45pm

re: #141 prairiefire

He's clinically deaf.

I stand corrected.

I don't think Rush has a personality disorder. I think he's just a jerk.

153 BongCrodny  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:34:21pm

re: #139 goddamnedfrank

Even if she didn't count the doctors visit she wasn't wrong. The exact phrase she used was "can cost a woman over $3,000 during law school." As I pointed out yesterday this was an attempt to place an upper end boundary, and it was actually a tad bit low. The most expensive form of non-emergency birth control pill is Alesse, which has a generic version cost of $99.99 per menstrual cycle, which adds up to $3600 for three years of law school. So even if she wasn't including the cost of pelvic exams she actually underestimated the possible upper end cost of medication alone.

Excellent point. If a woman suffers from the problems Fluke described, it's quite logical to believe that she may be prescribed the most expensive medication.

I suffer from bronchial asthma and I am without insurance right now. The okay stuff I use to treat the problem costs about $50 a month. The stuff that works the best costs $250 for a 10-day supply.

Don't know why that's such a hard concept for people to grasp.

154 blueraven  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:35:01pm

re: #150 ggt

I think he feels majorly insecure around anyone that is educated. He had a hard time in school and didn't make it past the first year of college.

I think it goes double if that educated person is a woman, and triple if she is perceived as liberal or progressive.

155 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:35:22pm

re: #153 BongCrodny

Excellent point. If a woman suffers from the problems Fluke described, it's quite logical to believe that she may be prescribed the most expensive medication.

I suffer from bronchial asthma and I am without insurance right now. The okay stuff I use to treat the problem costs about $50 a month. The stuff that works the best costs $250 for a 10-day supply.

Don't know why that's such a hard concept for people to grasp.


Unmarried women should have sex and married women's husbands should CHOOSE if they want their wives to use contraception and pay for it.

156 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:36:09pm

re: #154 blueraven

I think it goes double if that educated person is a woman, and triple if she as perceived as liberal or progressive.

Thinkh he got swirlied in school?

Was he the bully or did he get bullied?

157 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:38:24pm

re: #154 blueraven

I think it goes double if that educated person is a woman, and triple if she as perceived as liberal or progressive.

I think if he were in the same room with someone like Rachel Maddow, a gay female Rhodes scholar, he might actually shrivel up into almost nothing.

158 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:38:58pm

re: #153 BongCrodny

Excellent point. If a woman suffers from the problems Fluke described, it's quite logical to believe that she may be prescribed the most expensive medication.

I suffer from bronchial asthma and I am without insurance right now. The okay stuff I use to treat the problem costs about $50 a month. The stuff that works the best costs $250 for a 10-day supply.

Don't know why that's such a hard concept for people to grasp.

Walmart has a list of $4 generics that anyone qualifies for. Try asking your doctor for one of the basic older antibiotics on the list.

I learned about it from my vet. Last time Brat Puppy was in, his basic generic clavamox cost me $35 because it was a different vet and I forgot to ask for the script instead of the pills. It would have been $4 at Walmart.

I printed the list and keep it in the car so I have it ready to show the doctors the next time I need to.

159 blueraven  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:39:12pm

re: #156 ggt

Thinkh he got swirlied in school?

Was he the bully or did he get bullied?

Probably got rejected, poor baby.


160 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:39:25pm

re: #157 goddamnedfrank

I think if he were in the same room with someone like Rachel Maddow, a gay female Rhodes scholar, he might actually shrivel up into almost nothing.

He' play the pity game and try to win that way.

161 freetoken  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:40:37pm

BTW, watching the new Apple iPad presentation from today, it strikes me that Apple is treating their audience not dissimilarly to how Clear Channel and their talkers treat their audiences.

162 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:42:24pm

re: #149 SanFranciscoZionist

Well, yes, but I think it's spiritual, rather than clinical.

I don't think it's spiritual, rather more a matter of character. I think he knows full well he's disseminating lies and half-truths, and choose to do so for the money.

In this way he is both a prostitute, and a cartel level distributor of mental narcotics.

163 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:42:36pm

I was really struck by the young people in the KONY 2012 video. These kids are not voting GOP this year.

There is hope for the world.

164 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:42:43pm

re: #153 BongCrodny

Excellent point. If a woman suffers from the problems Fluke described, it's quite logical to believe that she may be prescribed the most expensive medication.

I suffer from bronchial asthma and I am without insurance right now. The okay stuff I use to treat the problem costs about $50 a month. The stuff that works the best costs $250 for a 10-day supply.

Don't know why that's such a hard concept for people to grasp.

It's easier to fight over exactly how much it really costs than to tackle the bigger issue.

The reason Fluke is getting this much push-back is that she's highlighting one of the really problematic things about many policies that don't include birth control--the refusal to pay for hormonal treatments because OMG, it's the pill.

When I was working for the Diocese of Oakland, a coworker had a problem similar to this. She won, they got beaten down by her and her doctor, but she was a. aggressive and educated and b. she could actually afford the meds until they folded.

As I've said before, I have my own take on this, but I have probably more sympathy for the concerns of the Church about this than many on this board. I think they're mistaken, but I understand their reasoning.

However, the fact that women who need hormone pills for any reason whatsoever might still be denied them under these policies is a real, and potentially explosive issue.

Hence, the mad scramble to shut Fluke up, and to repeat "Sex, sex, sex all the time, sex dozens of times a day, she just wants to have sex, sex, sex..." until the memory of what she actually said becomes irrelevent.

165 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:44:52pm

re: #164 SanFranciscoZionist

It's easier to fight over exactly how much it really costs than to tackle the bigger issue.

The reason Fluke is getting this much push-back is that she's highlighting one of the really problematic things about many policies that don't include birth control--the refusal to pay for hormonal treatments because OMG, it's the pill.

When I was working for the Diocese of Oakland, a coworker had a problem similar to this. She won, they got beaten down by her and her doctor, but she was a. aggressive and educated and b. she could actually afford the meds until they folded.

As I've said before, I have my own take on this, but I have probably more sympathy for the concerns of the Church about this than many on this board. I think they're mistaken, but I understand their reasoning.

However, the fact that women who need hormone pills for any reason whatsoever might still be denied them under these policies is a real, and potentially explosive issue.

Hence, the mad scramble to shut Fluke up, and to repeat "Sex, sex, sex all the time, sex dozens of times a day, she just wants to have sex, sex, sex..." until the memory of what she actually said becomes irrelevent.

I have no sympathy for the Church in this situation. I just don't see it as a issue where the government is trying to dictate to the Church. With the # of employees/insured we are talking about, we cannot let Rome dictate to the US about public or business policy.

This is a business issue, not a religious one.

166 blueraven  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:45:01pm

Ah, so much excitement with that awesomely damaging Obama video today.
More than this female brain can handle, I better catch up on my beauty rest.

Goodnight Lizards...sweet dreams

167 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:49:37pm

re: #157 goddamnedfrank

I think if he were in the same room with someone like Rachel Maddow, a gay female Rhodes scholar, he might actually shrivel up into almost nothing.

I disagree. I think, all facades removed, he'd be quite comfortable sharing space with her. I also think if there were a more lucrative market in spewing liberal vitriol against (pick a target), he'd be on top of that food chain.

168 prairiefire  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:50:21pm

When he worked in radio advertising in Kansas City, he was the characterized by co-workers as the somewhat creepy guy who did not get invited to the after work cocktail parties.

Night, lizards.

169 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:50:51pm

re: #167 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

I disagree. I think, all facades removed, he'd be quite comfortable sharing space with her. I also think if there were a more lucrative market in spewing liberal vitriol against (pick a target), he'd be on top of that food chain.

Him and Ann Coulter both.

170 freetoken  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:53:44pm

re: #167 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks


Indeed, one of the clearest examples of how Limbaugh doesn't really believe what he does on his show is how he picks up the victimhood stories promoted by fundamentalist Christians and runs with them, such as the current flap over the ABC show about Christian "bitches", when Limbaugh himself is about as un-Christian as anybody in entertainment.

171 goddamnedfrank  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:57:09pm

re: #165 ggt

I have no sympathy for the Church in this situation. I just don't see it as a issue where the government is trying to dictate to the Church. With the # of employees/insured we are talking about, we cannot let Rome dictate to the US about public or business policy.

This is a business issue, not a religious one.

My problem is first that the Church is attempting to foist its own doctrines on its non Catholic employees, and even the Catholic employees aren't being trusted to freely exercise their faith. Secondly is the fact that not offering birth control, if it actually has the effect of causing fewer women to take birth control, costs the insurance company more, not less. The pregnancies and medical complications such as tumors, endometriosis, etc will be covered and will cost the insurance company more.

Consequently the insurance company, if they don't charge more now, should be forced to charge the Church more for the increased actuarial costs associated with religiously imposed medication restrictions. This fact in turn should be explicitly stated by the insurance companies to their clients, the members covered under their plans, and society in general; that religiously restrictive health insurance plans will cost everyone more and drive up the cost of healthcare exactly because they provide less in the way of pre-emptive treatment.

172 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 10:57:24pm

re: #170 freetoken

such as the current flap over the ABC show about Christian "bitches"


173 freetoken  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:00:30pm

re: #172 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks



174 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:00:42pm

re: #167 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

I disagree. I think, all facades removed, he'd be quite comfortable sharing space with her. I also think if there were a more lucrative market in spewing liberal vitriol against (pick a target), he'd be on top of that food chain.

He would mentally reduce her "female object" in order to deal with the situation.

175 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:01:25pm

re: #171 goddamnedfrank

Consequently the insurance company, if they don't charge more now, should be forced to charge the Church more for the increased actuarial costs associated with religiously imposed medication restrictions.

WTF do they care? They don't have to pay taxes.

Ain't got no skin in the game!

176 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:01:46pm

re: #172 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks


New cable show. "GCB". It's based on a novel called "Good Christian Bitches", which they, of course, could not keep as the title.

They tried calling it "Good Christian Belles", which did not work. Now it's "GCB", which no one can remember.

It's about a bunch of women in an affluent Texas community, apparently. Lots of shooting and drinking and crying, and singing in short choir robes.

177 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:02:55pm

re: #171 goddamnedfrank

My problem is first that the Church is attempting to foist its own doctrines on its non Catholic employees, and even the Catholic employees aren't being trusted to freely exercise their faith. Secondly is the fact that not offering birth control, if it actually has the effect of causing fewer women to take birth control, costs the insurance company more, not less. The pregnancies and medical complications such as tumors, endometriosis, etc will be covered and will cost the insurance company more.

Consequently the insurance company, if they don't charge more now, should be forced to charge the Church more for the increased actuarial costs associated with religiously imposed medication restrictions. This fact in turn should be explicitly stated by the insurance companies to their clients, the members covered under their plans, and society in general; that religiously restrictive health insurance plans will cost everyone more and drive up the cost of healthcare exactly because they provide less in the way of pre-emptive treatment.

It is economically unsound (bat-shit crazy) not to offer and pay for contraception. There is no way around it.

178 Lidane  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:04:08pm

re: #175 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

WTF do they care? They don't have to pay taxes.

Ain't got no skin in the game!


If they care so much, let them pay their admission fees like everyone else.

179 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:05:18pm

Frankly, if The Church weren't so good at making money it wouldn't be an issue. They are good at running hospitals --so they employ a lot of people. If we were talking about a couple of clinics in one city, it wouldn't even get air time.

180 Lidane  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:05:25pm

re: #176 SanFranciscoZionist

It's about a bunch of women in an affluent Texas community, apparently. Lots of shooting and drinking and crying, and singing in short choir robes.

It's another Mean Girls Who've Hit Menopause show, like those Real Housewives shows. Except with music and even more Texas stereotypes.

181 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:05:32pm

re: #173 freetoken

Oh brother. Another prime-time, soap opera/satire has someone's panties in a bunch? Sorry I missed it.

182 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:06:49pm

re: #180 Lidane

It's another Mean Girls Who've Hit Menopause show, like those Real Housewives shows. Except with music and even more Texas stereotypes.

Mean Girls Who've Hit Menopause?


I may have to watch that.


183 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:08:02pm

re: #174 ggt

He would mentally reduce her "female object" in order to deal with the situation.

I tend to give him less credit than that.

184 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:08:12pm

re: #165 ggt

I have no sympathy for the Church in this situation. I just don't see it as a issue where the government is trying to dictate to the Church. With the # of employees/insured we are talking about, we cannot let Rome dictate to the US about public or business policy.

This is a business issue, not a religious one.

You know, it's beyond a business issue. It is a Public Health Issue and Rome has no place dictating to US regarding Public Health Policy in the United States.

185 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:08:30pm

re: #183 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

I tend to give him less credit than that.

You are right, he sees all females as objects.

186 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:09:49pm

re: #176 SanFranciscoZionist

Lots of shooting and drinking and crying...

You been spying on my camping trips?!?!

187 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:10:15pm

re: #186 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

You been spying on my camping trips?!?!

What do you stink of?


Of what do you stink?

188 Lidane  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:12:03pm

re: #182 ggt

re: #184 ggt

You know, it's beyond a business issue. It is a Public Health Issue and Rome has no place dictating to US regarding Public Health Policy in the United States.

The Vatican is perfectly free to express their opinion on American public policy as soon as they start paying taxes here. Otherwise, no.

189 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:12:03pm

re: #185 ggt

You are right, he sees all females as objects.

I think he sees all humans as potential 'johns', and cares little about the positions he pretends to espouse on the air.

190 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:13:21pm

re: #188 Lidane

re: #184 ggt

The Vatican is perfectly free to express their opinion on American public policy as soon as they start paying taxes here. Otherwise, no.

No, even then, they don't.

Some of us left the Church for exactly reasons like that. I don't want to be forced to behave by another entities moral code.

191 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:14:36pm

re: #189 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

I think he sees all humans as potential 'johns', and cares little about the positions he pretends to espouse on the air.

I think sees all humans as "marks".

Like I said, I think there is something really, really wrong with him.

No sense of conscious, no guilt, no humility.

192 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:16:03pm

Frankly, if Israel or KSA were trying to dictate to the US about Policy, we'd hear it from every angle. But because it is Rome, it is somehow OK. Chrisitans are being persecuted by our own government?


193 Lidane  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:16:16pm

re: #190 ggt

No, even then, they don't.

Some of us left the Church for exactly reasons like that. I don't want to be forced to behave by another entities moral code.

I don't either. I left them ages ago for a variety of reasons.

I just happen to think that if these religious leaders want to go before Congress and tell me and every other woman in the country that they've got a say in the birth control debate, then by all means -- give up your tax-free status, start paying your admission fees and your opinion will be noted.

194 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:16:59pm

re: #188 Lidane

re: #184 ggt

The Vatican is perfectly free to express their opinion on American public policy as soon as they start paying taxes here. Otherwise, no.

I disagree only slightly. I think the Vatican is free to express its opinions on any subject regardless.

It's when It tries to influence public policy in our secular republic while having no skin in the game that irks me.

195 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:18:42pm

re: #193 Lidane

I don't either. I left them ages ago for a variety of reasons.

I just happen to think that if these religious leaders want to go before Congress and tell me and every other woman in the country that they've got a say in the birth control debate, then by all means -- give up your tax-free status, start paying your admission fees and your opinion will be noted.

Well, if they pay taxes they can colllect social security and such, but they don't get a say or a vote.

Only citizens do. And Corporations that pay enough.

Perhaps that is what is rocking the boat. . . Catholic Lobbying dollars.

196 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:20:06pm

re: #187 ggt

What do you stink of?

Cheap beer, cheap cigarettes, Tri-Tip, and shame.

197 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:20:29pm

Give to Caesar's what is Caesar's;
Give unto Rome what is Rome's.

I'll keep my Uterus and my Choice.

198 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:20:46pm

re: #196 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

Cheap beer, cheap cigarettes, Tri-Tip, and shame.

shame smells the worst.

199 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:22:10pm

re: #198 ggt

shame smells the worst.

But like the hand lotion it's made of, it wears off quickly.

200 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:22:32pm

re: #199 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

But like the hand lotion it's made of, it wears off quickly.


201 freetoken  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:23:48pm

re: #192 ggt

"Shari'ah" comes in many flavors.

The wingnuts only object when its not theirs being promoted.

202 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:25:02pm

re: #200 ggt

I washed my hands before logging in. Don't act like you don't indulge!

203 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:25:27pm

re: #202 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

I washed my hands before logging in. Don't act like you don't indulge!


204 Gretchen G.Tiger  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:26:43pm

I'm out of here.

Have a great evening/morning all!

205 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:26:53pm

re: #203 ggt

Precisely the opposite of what I was saying when I reached for the hand lotion.

206 freetoken  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:28:37pm

The big science news of the day was of course the sequencing of Gorilla gorilla genome:

Insights into hominid evolution from the gorilla genome sequence

Not unexpectedly many news outlets are slaughtering the story. Sigh....

Just wait until the IDiots and other creationists try to deal with it.

207 Ben G. Hazi  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:36:41pm

re: #199 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

But like the hand lotion it's made of, it wears off quickly.

re: #200 ggt


re: #202 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

I washed my hands before logging in. Don't act like you don't indulge!

re: #203 ggt


Men's emergency kit: A bottle of Jergens, a box of Kleenex, and a National Geographic.

///sort of

208 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:39:36pm

re: #206 freetoken


209 freetoken  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:45:47pm

re: #208 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

If the subject is politically sensitive this paragraph will contain quotes from some fringe special interest group of people who, though having no apparent understanding of the subject, help to give the impression that genuine public "controversy" exists.


Oh hell yes, this.

210 Sol Berdinowitz  Wed, Mar 7, 2012 11:57:26pm

From Newsmax:

"Republicans: No. 1 Women's Issue Is the Economy"


So Why is the GOP No. 1 women's issue reproductive rights?

211 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 12:04:02am

re: #209 freetoken

I think it does a pretty good job of lampooning the way news outlets report on the scientific fields. And I think it applies to all forms of news media regardless of any political biases that may be present.

I don't know where the disconnect lies. Is it with the various scientific fields, unable to properly communicate the significance of their studies? Or is it with the media, grinding everything into a pablum like chum for the sharks that comprise the public?

At any rate, science is genuinely awesome. I find myself awed by it everyday, even when I don't fully comprehend it.

How the media reports on science? Underwhelming, with a distinct aftertaste of cheap, fast food.

212 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 12:22:26am

re: #211 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

We want maximum info for minimum words. With the main priority being on the shortness of the soundbyte. Preferably a good catch-phrase. The information content then becomes optional.

Note: we are a lot more receptive to catch phrase-couched soundbyte info if it serves to reinforce our preconceived notions about the topic.

213 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 12:26:27am

re: #212 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

"We"? You got a mouse in your pocket?

214 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 12:29:00am

re: #213 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks

"We"? You got a mouse in your pocket?

We the People (with Them the Mice in our pockets)

215 Kragar  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 12:30:57am

re: #212 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

We want maximum info for minimum words. With the main priority being on the shortness of the soundbyte. Preferably a good catch-phrase. The information content then becomes optional.

Note: we are a lot more receptive to catch phrase-couched soundbyte info if it serves to reinforce our preconceived notions about the topic.

"TITS OR GTFO!" count?

216 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 12:33:41am

re: #215 Kragar

"TITS OR GTFO!" count?


217 Kragar  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 12:42:48am

re: #216 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks


Seen worse.

218 simoom  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 12:59:29am

Leeroy Jenkins made an appearance on The Daily Show last night. It's at about 7m18s in:

219 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 1:08:56am

re: #218 simoom

Leeroy Jenkins made an appearance on The Daily Show last night. It's at about 7m18s in:

The advantages of being an American expatriate: our culture is so prevalent that we never lose touch with it. I know understand what a Leroy Jenkins is.
I still don't quite know what the Kardashians are about, but they seem to be famous just for the fact that they are well-known...

(please do not feel compelled to explain, if I am so completely lifelessly bored that I have time to find out, I am sure I can find out more than I would ever want to know about the family of note)

220 Kragar  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 1:11:07am

re: #218 simoom

Leeroy Jenkins made an appearance on The Daily Show last night. It's at about 7m18s in:

New polling data reveals Leeroy Jenkins has a significant chance of taking a brokered GOP convention.

221 researchok  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 1:12:58am

Morning, all

222 freetoken  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 1:18:10am

re: #218 simoom

Leeroy Jenkins made an appearance on The Daily Show last night. It's at about 7m18s in:

Stewart does a great job lampooning the primary coverage.

223 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 1:20:51am

re: #222 freetoken

Stewart does a great job lampooning the primary coverage.

The current primaries represent a point where the news networks' prime directives conflict:

"Keep It Short and Simple, Stupid!" vs. "We have a 24-hour news cycle to fill!"

224 simoom  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 1:21:08am

re: #219 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

I was curious if there was a wikipedia page for it. I suppose it would have been more surprising if there wasn't :P.


Leeroy Jenkins, sometimes misspelled Leroy Jenkins and often elongated with numerous additional letters, is an Internet phenomenon named for a player character created by Ben Schulz in Blizzard Entertainment's MMORPG, World of Warcraft. The character became popular due to a video of the game that circulated around the Internet.


The video was released by the World of Warcraft player guild "PALS FOR LIFE". It features a group of players discussing a detailed battle strategy for the next encounter while one of their party members, Leeroy, is away from his computer. Their plan is ruined when Leeroy returns and, ignorant of the strategy, immediately charges headlong into battle shouting his own name in a stylized battle cry. His companions rush to help, but Leeroy's actions ruin the meticulous plan, and all of the group members are killed.


When asked about his actions in the video by National Public Radio, Ben Schulz said the players "were drinking 40s and just yelling at each other."

225 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 1:22:06am

a buncha guys hanging out, drinking 40s and yelling at each other: the wellspring of American popular culture.

226 freetoken  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 1:22:53am

re: #223 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

More like: "We got to sell advertising - c'mon team, pretend it's a horse race!"

227 Kragar  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 1:24:13am

re: #224 simoom

I was curious if there was a wikipedia page for it. I suppose it would have been more surprising if there wasn't :P.


[Embedded content]

I see a lot of parallels between Leeroy Jenkins history and the current GOP.

228 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 1:24:36am

re: #226 freetoken

More like: "We got to sell advertising - c'mon team, pretend it's a horse race!"

the overreiding prime directive is "sell more advertising"

230 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 1:47:12am

re: #229 Varek Raith

Fox's Guilfoyle: Obama's "Inaction And Abdication Of Leadership Is Causing [Gas] Prices To Go Up"

My response,

[Embedded content]

Obama could lower oil prices amost immediately by simply telling Iran that we do not care about their nuclear ambitions and telling Israel to back off, we will not support them attacking Iran under any curcumstances...

Look for a few key refineries to shut down this summer during peak demand through scheduled maintenance or "unforeseen circumstances" just to tweak prices even further.

Basically, gasoline prices are the only weapon the GOP has left against Obama, they are going to use it to the max.

231 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 2:06:37am

Rising gasoline prices have killed this thread!

232 Varek Raith  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 2:11:04am

Most interesting.

233 freetoken  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 2:23:25am

re: #232 Varek Raith

As I wrote on Monday:

Mitt Romney is the nominee of the Nouveau Riche, the Old Money, and the America-Is-Jerusalem party.

Rick Santorum is the nominee of the Christian Republic party.

Newt Gingrich is the nominee of the Christian Confederacy party.

Ron Paul is the nominee of ... Chaos.

How can the GOP establishment weld this into a successful campaign, to be a not-too-unpopular sitting President?

234 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 2:25:46am

re: #233 freetoken

As I wrote on Monday:

Well, we already weeded out the nominees from the 9-9-9 party, the HPV-causes-autism Party and the Incoherent Texan Yeehaw party.

235 freetoken  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 2:28:02am

re: #234 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

One thing which Maddow doesn't get quite right is her assertion that more rich people are turning out. The statistics she quoted show that the share of the turn out for the top quintile has indeed gone up, but since the total turnout has been lower the quantity of actual "rich" voters might also be lower.

236 freetoken  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 2:29:16am
237 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 3:17:08am

re: #232 Varek Raith

Most interesting.

votes should be apportioned by income: those in the upper 1 percent get 99 votes, those in the lower 99 percent get 1 vote...


238 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 4:21:10am

Prosecutors still immune to prosecution no matter what, basically.


239 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 4:25:15am


They're as bad as their rotten guru.

240 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 4:27:53am

re: #239 Creeping Diversity

Heh. For a reasonable person, that headline makes Sowell look like a crazy asshole.

241 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 4:40:19am

I'll repeat this link to the criticism of the Kony 2012 campaign posted earlier by PGL:


And as a weighty counter-point, here's IC's response to criticism:


242 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 4:51:19am

Holy shit. A sewer of racism and misogyny alleged at Paula Dean's restaurant.


Here's a couple of gems:

Hiers commented to one of Jackson's female co-workers, who had recently received dentures, "I bet your husband is going to like that," and he joked with the staff saying that men should have sex with women with flat heads because, "you can sit your beer on top of her head while she is giving you a blow job," according to the complaint says.

"Asked by Ms. Jackson what type uniforms she preferred servers to wear, Paula Deen stated, 'Well, what I would really like is a bunch of little n*****s to wear long-sleeve white shirts, black shorts and black bow ties, you know, like the Shirley Temple days, they used to tap dance around.' Paula Deen laughed and said 'Now that would be a true Southern wedding, wouldn't it? But we can't do that because the media would be on me about that.' Ms. Jackson did not laugh, stating 'no, we can't do that;' a pregnant pause followed and the meeting ended shortly thereafter. The same attitude prevailed with restaurant operations."

243 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 4:53:27am

re: #242 Obdicut

Googled her. Some local celebrity, I guess.

244 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 4:58:34am

re: #241 Creeping Diversity

Wow, they received criticism, including calls to stop funding them, and they responded cogently and intelligently in their own defense. How amazing.


245 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:00:04am

re: #243 Creeping Diversity

Googled her. Some local celebrity, I guess.

Nah, she's national. Had a bunch of cooking shows, has a line of cooking products, and is often held up as an example of Southern Womanhood.

246 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:00:23am


She should go down. "Yall".

247 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:03:55am

re: #244 Obdicut

Wow, they received criticism, including calls to stop funding them, and they responded cogently and intelligently in their own defense. How amazing.


Yeah, I liked the response. In any case, if there is anything wrong with them, I'm sure we'll hear more.

248 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:03:58am

It is amazing how food evokes such a "visceral reaction" from us: from books about how we eat (writen by overeducated white females) to advice on what to eat (from overeducated black females) to recipies on how to prepare things (from diabetic white females), it is laden with nuance, subtext and preconceived notions.

And then there is the economic side of food, which ranges from farm subsidies for agribusiness to tips for sub-minimum-wage waitstaff...

249 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:04:06am

re: #246 Creeping Diversity

Her cooking really isn't that great. You can make anything taste good with a bunch of fat and sugar. Never really understood why anyone made much of her.

250 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:06:17am

re: #249 Obdicut

Her cooking really isn't that great. You can make anything taste good with a bunch of fat and sugar. Never really understood why anyone made much of her.

my aunt had a recipe for spinach salad that I loved, even as a kid. Parents were always pleased to see me asking for second helpings of it.

Then I found out her recipe for the dressing: fry one pound of bacon. crumble. Mix drippings with 1 cup sugar and 1 cup mayonnaise, add bacon bits. Slather over healthy vegetables.

251 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:07:46am

re: #247 Creeping Diversity

Here's another critical piece:


252 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:08:32am

re: #250 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

The main reason steaks taste better in restaurants a lot of the time isn't because they have some mad steak-searing skills or are picking amazing cuts of beef, but because they're frying it in butter with a knob of butter on top of it.

I never get why anyone would go out to order a steak. They're so simple to do at home, and you can have, like, four for the price of one in a restaurant.

253 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:14:12am

re: #251 Creeping Diversity

The piece does ignore a main goal stated by Invisible Children, that they want Kony to be caught and tried. I fully agree that working with the Ugandan government is a double-edged sword, but are the critics of IC proposing that the government does not, that the other charities do not? I see that, one of the charities recommended by the other critics operates in Uganda. I'm sure they're not there without the permission of the government.

I don't see anything in really addressing the complicity of the governments in the countries they work in. There's implicit criticism, but it does seem like IC is being held to a different standard.

254 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:16:22am

Death panels!


Oh wait, it's a private entity that rationed the medicine, that's just the invisible hand at its glorious work.

A doctor's widow claims in state court that the "indefensible" rationing of a vital enzyme replacement drug for Fabry disease led to her husband's death.

Janet Schubert, widow of Dr. William Schubert, sued Genzyme, its corporate parent Sanofi, Sanofi-Aventis U.S., and the Mount Sinai School of Medicine, which holds the patent for the drug, Fabrazyme.

Courthouse News reported in February on a federal lawsuit in which two dozen people claimed that U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the Department of Health and Human Services give drug manufacturers carte blanche to create drug shortages that deny them the medicine that keeps them alive.

In that case, lead plaintiff Joseph Carik, who has a doctor's prescription for Fabrazyme, claimed: "By and through FDA consent, plaintiff has been banned interstate access to FDA-approved doses of Fabrazyme during a drug shortage created by Genzyme (a Sanofi company) an FDA licensee. Plaintiff is instead forcibly injected with a diluted, unregulated, unapproved dose of Fabrazyme because if the plaintiff refuses infusion of the unapproved dose, then the FDA licensee will withdraw any access and not provide future access to the drug until the shortage is over. The United States defendants have delegated all medical decisions during the shortage regarding plaintiff's disease, life, and health to the sole discretion and control of a corporation regulated by and through grant of an FDA license."

255 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:23:37am

re: #224 simoom

I was curious if there was a wikipedia page for it. I suppose it would have been more surprising if there wasn't :P.


[Embedded content]


256 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:24:32am

re: #253 Obdicut

The piece discusses their goals and asks a pertinent question: what next? This also pretty much depends on the actual state of things. Is there a multi-thousand army still ravaging large territories, as IC's film implies, or are there just hundreds of them? If the latter, then the US action seems to be more than sufficient to deal with them, and there is no hint of cancellation.

I actually don't see capturing Kony and bringing him to justice as a necessary practical goal. Kill him with a drone or by SEALs - it's just as good. Worked with Awlaki and Osama. I don't foresee a trial of Kony as some great teaching moment, those just don't seem to happen nowadays (see trials of Serbian and Albanian war criminals).

257 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:25:23am

re: #229 Varek Raith

Fox's Guilfoyle: Obama's "Inaction And Abdication Of Leadership Is Causing [Gas] Prices To Go Up"

My response,

[Embedded content]

Oh geez, it is nearly spring again. Time for a round of Congressional Hearings as a response to the outrage over the cyclical increase in the Price Of Gas.

You can almost time your watch by it. Yes, it is time for the Gas companies to change their formulations for the annual change in temperature.

258 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:26:52am

re: #256 Creeping Diversity

I don't think that the trial would be very important either, I'm just pointing out that they do have a goal beyond stopping him, whatever someone may think of that goal.

I don't plan on giving them any money, because, as you say, I think the US government's participation is already sufficient. But the charge of complicity with the Ugandan government seems especially silly in comparison with the necessary involvement that any charity operating in a corrupt country has with that corruption.

259 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:27:54am

re: #257 ggt

Oh geez, it is nearly spring again. Time for a round of Congressional Hearings as a response to the outrage over the cyclical increase in the Price Of Gas.

You can almost time your watch by it. Yes, it is time for the Gas companies to change their formulations for the annual change in temperature.

I just read of a major Saudi pipeline fire, the result of terrorism.

All kinds of factors effect the price of gas, but they will all be laid at Obama's doorstep.

We could lower oil prices almost immediately by just telling Iran that we no longer care about their nuclear program and wil not back up and Israeli efforts to curtail it.

Any takers on that?

260 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:30:25am

re: #259 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

We could lower oil prices almost immediately by just telling Iran that we no longer care about their nuclear program and wil not back up and Israeli efforts to curtail it.

Any takers on that?

Even if that had a measurable effect on oil prices, the Job Creators oil producers would likely cut back production to keep the price where they want it, which seems to be approximately where it is.

261 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:30:38am

re: #258 Obdicut

Well, true. If someone criticizes them for this, they should actually make a balance sheet and argue from it that on the balance helping the state units is worse than stopping Kony. Mere "but you help them" doesn't really count, see help to Stalin's USSR in war against Hitler.

262 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:33:13am

re: #261 Creeping Diversity

A lot of my friends who have worked overseas in corrupt places have talked about the conflicting feelings they have towards the amount of bribery necessary in order to operate in them, and where that money goes and what it pays for.

263 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:34:49am

re: #251 Creeping Diversity

Here's another critical piece:


What I thought was inspiring about the KONY 2012 video is that they filmmakers are using social media to wage a type of war. And they are using the system instead of just "protesting" and "complaining."

In reality, they are right, in the absence of a vested interest, awareness and a large effort on the part of constituents is the only way lawmakers will work to change the situation.

We were really burned by Vietnam where we had no clear cut vested interest, politicans remember.

264 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:36:13am

re: #263 ggt

It is necessary to get things right in such campaigns, otherwise people won't be paying attention to the next ones.

265 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:36:34am


Yeah, lots of makeup will be required.


266 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:38:08am

re: #259 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

I just read of a major Saudi pipeline fire, the result of terrorism.

All kinds of factors effect the price of gas, but they will all be laid at Obama's doorstep.

We could lower oil prices almost immediately by just telling Iran that we no longer care about their nuclear program and wil not back up and Israeli efforts to curtail it.

Any takers on that?

The price of gas will not be lowered until a) states reduce the tax on it or b) people stop buying it at the current price.

The only think truly affecting the price of gas (IMHO) is the old standard:

If demand is high . . . .

267 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:39:36am

re: #260 Pope Ron Polyp XXXVII

Even if that had a measurable effect on oil prices, the Job Creators oil producers would likely cut back production to keep the price where they want it, which seems to be approximately where it is.

There are plenty of ways to keep the price of gasoline climbing into November. And it does seem to be the last page in the GOP playbook that they can use, having fallen flat on their face on almost all other matters relating to the economy, taxes or women's issues.

268 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:43:31am

re: #267 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

There are plenty of ways to keep the price of gasoline climbing into November. And it does seem to be the last page in the GOP playbook that they can use, having fallen flat on their face on almost all other matters relating to the economy, taxes or women's issues.

It's a shell game. There are so many factors influencing the price of gas that the oil companies don't have to work very hard to explain things. They can just look at current events and tailor an explanation that will satisfy the reporters for another day.

269 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:43:55am

re: #264 Creeping Diversity

It is necessary to get things right in such campaigns, otherwise people won't be paying attention to the next ones.

What do you mean?

270 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:44:33am

re: #268 ggt

It's a shell game. There are so many factors influencing the price of gas that the oil companies don't have to work very hard to explain things. They can just look at current events and tailor an explanation that will satisfy the reporters for another day.

They can just turn to Obama and say "Keystone!".

271 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:48:03am

re: #269 ggt

It means that if people with ulterior motives, or people without them but are just sloppy with their facts use such tools and are then exposed, people will get cynical and will stop paying attention to such campaigns in the future.

Just a general observation, not necessarily relating to the IC campaign.

272 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:49:36am

Yet, another way to die in Afrika.

273 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:49:39am

Morning Lizardim. It's definitely shaping up to be one of those days. Ugh. What's new in the land of the odd?

274 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:53:35am
275 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:53:36am

re: #271 Creeping Diversity

It means that if people with ulterior motives, or people without them but are just sloppy with their facts use such tools and are then exposed, people will get cynical and will stop paying attention to such campaigns in the future.

Just a general observation, not necessarily relating to the IC campaign.

Well, I think the Invisible Children has succeeded in their effort to shine a spotlight on Kony. All the attention spilling over to Uganda --enough to warrant a few articles in Foreign Policy can only help the children in the area.

276 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:53:42am

re: #273 thedopefishlives

Morning Lizardim. It's definitely shaping up to be one of those days. Ugh. What's new in the land of the odd?

Reports of Reine's flounce turned out to be lacking in factualness.

277 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:54:37am

re: #276 We are ANONYMOUS, WE ARE LEGION, we are arrested

Reports of Reine's flounce turned out to be lacking in factualness.

What is this I don't even.

278 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:56:04am

The criticism against IC for their BBB rating is kinda strange. It costs a lot of money to "join" the BBB and be able to use their rating. Perhaps IC thought they could spend the money better elsewhere.

Using that against them seems rather lame.

279 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:56:27am


280 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:56:52am

Fried mayo, anyone?


281 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:56:53am

re: #277 thedopefishlives

What is this I don't even.


282 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:58:07am

re: #278 ggt

They actually plan on joining.

283 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:59:27am

re: #282 Creeping Diversity

They actually plan on joining.

I read that.

But why use the fact that they haven't against them?

284 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 5:59:35am

re: #64

I've joined no "other" side, I've no clue what you're talking about.

I am now and have always been conservative - not like the current crop, but I've not changed.

And I've joined no other side.

And I will NOT "sit down and shut up", no matter how many times you tell me to.

I didn't tell you to "sit down and shut up". All I remember is you sending me some weird Tweet while I was in the middle of being swamped by the Breitbart idiots so I unfollwed you. I see this got +17 so I'll leave it at that. Maybe it was nothing.

285 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:00:59am

re: #281 We are ANONYMOUS, WE ARE LEGION, we are arrested


The stuff you miss when you're asleep.

286 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:02:05am

re: #284 Gus

It was probably unwise to drop it into a LGF thread, then.

It's a little

Image: drama-llama_132658697069.jpg

287 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:03:46am

re: #284 Gus

I didn't tell you to "sit down and shut up". All I remember is you sending me some weird Tweet while I was in the middle of being swamped by the Breitbart idiots so I unfollwed you. I see this got +17 so I'll leave it at that. Maybe it was nothing.

Here's the whole convo (should be reloaded to see comments above and below):

288 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:04:37am

re: #287 Creeping Diversity

Here's the whole convo (should be reloaded to see comments above and below):

Oh. Opps.

I apologize Reine. I can be a dope sometimes.

289 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:04:38am

re: #287 Creeping Diversity

OK, doesn't actually show comments below, like on twitter. Whatever.

290 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:05:43am

Maybe I should take a couple of days off. I was really "amped" last night.

291 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:07:01am

re: #290 Gus

Eh, too late. You're not amped now, so don't go ;)

292 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:09:32am

re: #288 Gus

"Conservative" is a pretty meaningless term. A lot of decent people self-apply it. So saying conservatives are evil people is inherently problematic.

293 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:10:05am

re: #291 Creeping Diversity

Eh, too late. You're not amped now, so don't go ;)

OK. Well, at least I didn't spit out insults and such and remained essentially goofy. I sent Reine a Tweet apologizing to her.

294 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:11:00am

re: #287 Creeping Diversity

For balance: Gus apologized.

295 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:11:11am

re: #292 Obdicut

"Conservative" is a pretty meaningless term. A lot of decent people self-apply it. So saying conservatives are evil people is inherently problematic.

I'd say "I didn't say" "Conservatives are evil" but at this point I'm guessing maybe I did.

296 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:12:56am

LGF Hug Time!! Bring it in you ya big Lug!!!

297 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:13:03am

re: #295 Gus

You did.

298 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:13:49am

re: #292 Obdicut

"Conservative" is a pretty meaningless term. A lot of decent people self-apply it. So saying conservatives are evil people is inherently problematic.

The problem with that term for "decent" conservatives is that, essentially, it's been co-opted by lunatics, so by sticking with it, you're at some level lending credibility to those same lunatics.

I can see how this would be hard to accept, but at some point you have to be clear that you have nothing in common with people that want to take us back to the middle ages.

For all his other many faults I think this is why Jeb Bush made his "I used to be a conservative" comment.

299 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:14:04am

re: #297 Obdicut

You did.

Argh. I was drunk.

300 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:14:28am

re: #295 Gus

And you were throwing 'capo' around (it's kapo, by the way), which is an insult to be avoided, too, assuming you meant 'someone who assists in the murder of his own people for his own selfish reasons' rather than 'a kind of fretboard'.

301 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:15:40am

re: #298 iossarian

Eh. I think it's good to say "These people aren't conservative, they're radical", and to make that point clearly; these people are not resisting change, they're advocating wild, radical, extremist change.

302 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:16:22am

re: #299 Gus

Argh. I was drunk.

Note to sober self: Never tweet while drinking.

303 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:16:59am

re: #296 We are ANONYMOUS, WE ARE LEGION, we are arrested


304 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:17:22am

OK, I apologized to GayPatriot.

305 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:18:05am

re: #302 thedopefishlives

You could probably jury-rig a breathalyzer to USB dongle and have it lock out your computer if you blew above a certain amount, or have it just allow you to go to youtube where your comments won't be any worse than the crap already there.

306 JRCMYP  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:18:05am

Just finished watching the Kony2012 video on Facebook and came here--what do I see? Charles is on it. Thanks Charles.

307 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:18:22am

re: #302 thedopefishlives

Note to sober self: Never tweet while drinking.

I've been on the worst side of the receiving end. Not excusing myself but keep that in mind. :)

308 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:20:37am

re: #301 Obdicut

Eh. I think it's good to say "These people aren't conservative, they're radical", and to make that point clearly; these people are not resisting change, they're advocating wild, radical, extremist change.

Yes, but all the time those people are saying: we're conservative, we're the most conservative, we define conservatism. And they have a well-funded, highly established noise machine pushing that message, it's not just a few fringe voices.

So again, like it or not, by self-defining as a conservative, you're aligning yourself with them at some level.

Sucks for decent conservatives but that's the way it is. As I've said before, the people I feel sorry for are Eisenhower Republicans. That guy had a lot of pretty sensible things to say, but there is no place for them in the contemporary GOP.

309 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:20:44am

re: #305 Obdicut

You could probably jury-rig a breathalyzer to USB dongle and have it lock out your computer if you blew above a certain amount, or have it just allow you to go to youtube where your comments won't be any worse than the crap already there.

If it gets too high, Yahoo Politics.

310 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:20:56am

I'm fired!


311 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:22:54am

On my current playlist. Saw Weird Al in concert, it was a great show!

312 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:23:32am

re: #309 thedopefishlives

If it gets too high, Yahoo Politics.

Or You Tube comment section.

313 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:24:00am

re: #312 We are ANONYMOUS, WE ARE LEGION, we are arrested

Or You Tube comment section.

That was Obdi's original suggestion. Which of the two is worse, well, that's hard to tell.

314 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:24:06am

I feel like hiding now. :)

315 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:24:46am

re: #286 Obdicut

It was probably unwise to drop it into a LGF thread, then.

It's a little

Image: drama-llama_132658697069.jpg

Which regeneration of Dr Who is that one?

316 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:25:14am

re: #308 iossarian

So again, like it or not, by self-defining as a conservative, you're aligning yourself with them at some level.

I don't think so. Lots of people call themselves lots of things. Lots of assholes call themselves 'liberal'.

I guess you could say when the number of people using the term in a nasty fashion outweighs those in a good, then you're in a bad spot, but what are you supposed to do, come up with a new term?

317 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:25:29am

re: #314 Gus

I feel like hiding now. :)

In college, we used to call it the crashing wave of shit.

As in, you wake up, and for a few seconds you think everything might be fine, nothing bad happened, you even feel OK!

Then ... the crashing wave of shit.

318 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:26:04am

re: #313 thedopefishlives

That was Obdi's original suggestion. Which of the two is worse, well, that's hard to tell.

I'm from the Department of Redundancy Department. We are here to...something.

319 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:26:57am

re: #317 iossarian

In college, we used to call it the crashing wave of shit.

As in, you wake up, and for a few seconds you think everything might be fine, nothing bad happened, you even feel OK!

Then ... the crashing wave of shit.


320 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:27:01am

re: #317 iossarian

In college, we used to call it the crashing wave of shit.

As in, you wake up, and for a few seconds you think everything might be fine, nothing bad happened, you even feel OK!

Then ... the crashing wave of shit.

I'm feeling it.

321 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:27:24am

re: #316 Obdicut

I don't think so. Lots of people call themselves lots of things. Lots of assholes call themselves 'liberal'.

I guess you could say when the number of people using the term in a nasty fashion outweighs those in a good, then you're in a bad spot, but what are you supposed to do, come up with a new term?

Yup, pretty much.

Obviously it can be resisted, but at this point, "conservative" has come to mean Michele Bachmann and her clown friends.

322 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:27:35am

re: #320 Gus

First the hangover, now this. ;)

323 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:27:50am

re: #320 Gus

I'm feeling it.

And finally, the one I was looking for: Image: 5b42d93d-d753-4dd5-9b0a-af32cebb3c3e.jpg

324 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:27:56am
325 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:30:05am

re: #322 Creeping Diversity

First the hangover, now this. ;)

See. That's why I put "occasional grouch" on my Twitter profile. Some would argue the "occasional" part or the veracity. But. I realize this aspect of my personality. Maybe I should change it to "occasional douche bag." :)

326 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:31:10am

re: #321 iossarian

Yup, pretty much.

Obviously it can be resisted, but at this point, "conservative" has come to mean Michele Bachmann and her clown friends.

Can you come up with any examples where this has happened?

327 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:33:06am

re: #64

I've joined no "other" side, I've no clue what you're talking about.

I am now and have always been conservative - not like the current crop, but I've not changed.

And I've joined no other side.

And I will NOT "sit down and shut up", no matter how many times you tell me to.

Reine. Again, I apologize. The only person that needed to "sit down and shut up" last night was me.

328 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:33:44am

When I want to say bad things, I will go with "social conservative". And I don't care that some otherwise decent people may describe themselves as such.

329 darthstar  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:33:49am

Mornin' everyone...
GOOD MORNING GUS!'s the head?

330 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:34:15am

re: #329 darthstar

Mornin' everyone...
GOOD MORNING GUS!'s the head?

It's huge!


331 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:34:47am

re: #328 Creeping Diversity

I do believe it narrows down things significantly.

332 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:35:00am

re: #325 Gus

See. That's why I put "occasional grouch" on my Twitter profile. Some would argue the "occasional" part or the veracity. But. I realize this aspect of my personality. Maybe I should change it to "occasional douche bag." :)

Hey Gus, here's today's dose of old-time plane pr0n.

I'd just imbed images, but that doesn't work from the work computer.

333 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:35:42am

re: #329 darthstar

Mornin' everyone...
GOOD MORNING GUS!'s the head?


334 darthstar  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:36:07am

re: #330 Gus

It's huge!


Just reviewing your antics from last night...the great thing about drunk posting is the damage you can do is usually only minor or temporary...unlike drunk driving or drunk abdominal surgery.

335 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:36:29am

re: #328 Creeping Diversity

I don't know much of anyone who calls themselves a social conservative without any other qualifications who isn't a shithead.

I have heard some people say that they're personally socially conservative, but they're not politically socially conservative-- like my parents, who are conservative Catholics who are uncomfortable around gay people, are against gay marriage and abortion, but do not vote according to those beliefs because they see them as personal choices.

Their (rather light) bigotry towards gay people is awkward for me, when I bring a gay friend over for dinner, but they don't attempt to deprive anyone of their rights.

336 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:36:42am

re: #334 darthstar

But drunk neurosurgery may actually produce some funny results.


337 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:36:58am

re: #334 darthstar

Just reviewing your antics from last night...the great thing about drunk posting is the damage you can do is usually only minor or temporary...unlike drunk driving or drunk abdominal surgery.

Could have been worse! Still, I was being a douche.

338 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:37:48am

OK, I apologized 4 times this morning. When does the waterboarding being? :)

339 darthstar  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:39:07am

re: #337 Gus

Could have been worse! Still, I was being a douche.

Don't be too hard on's not like you said you don't care about poor people or defended calling a woman a slut for speaking before congress...I mean, use the Romney/Santorum/Palin/Rush group as a high water mark, and suddenly you look like Mother Teresa.

340 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:39:25am

re: #338 Gus

Waterboarding you with brine from pickled cucumbers will actually help your head. /

341 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:39:44am

re: #339 darthstar

Don't be too hard on's not like you said you don't care about poor people or defended calling a woman a slut for speaking before congress...I mean, use the Romney/Santorum/Palin/Rush group as a high water mark, and suddenly you look like Mother Teresa.

Thanks man. :)

342 darthstar  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:40:07am

re: #340 Creeping Diversity

Waterboarding you with brine from pickled cucumbers will actually help your head. /

Or just a splash of water on a glass filled with ice cubes and bourbon.

343 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:40:43am

re: #338 Gus

OK, I apologized 4 times this morning. When does the waterboarding being? :)

Waterboarding is for wimps. Here, we employ the time-tested Chinese water torture.

344 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:41:11am

re: #342 darthstar

But don't get overboard, like that duke who got drowned in malvasia.

345 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:41:40am

re: #326 Obdicut

Can you come up with any examples where this has happened?

Not sure what you mean. Do you mean cases other than the word "conservative"?

I think that today, if you describe yourself in the US as "conservative", that means that you are likely to agree with the politics of Bachmann, Romney, Gingrich, Perry, Palin and the rest of the comedy troupe. That is what the term has come to mean.

There are some people who describe themselves as "conservative" and don't agree with those politics, but at this point they need to state that in order to avoid confusion, as in "I describe myself as conservative but will never vote for a GOP politician again."

346 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:43:20am

re: #345 iossarian

Yeah, I mean, other cases, in history, of people disassociating themselves from a word because too many people were using it in a nasty fashion, and coming up with a new word.

I can't think of any, and it's your proposed solution.

347 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:44:45am

re: #346 Obdicut

"progressive" ;)

348 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:45:14am

re: #347 Creeping Diversity

"progressive" ;)

That's an insurance company...

349 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:45:46am

re: #347 Creeping Diversity

"progressive" ;)

Not really. That's being used to differentiate, but not because 'liberal' itself is tainted and they think people who use 'liberal' are being assholes.

350 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:46:16am

re: #346 Obdicut

Yeah, I mean, other cases, in history, of people disassociating themselves from a word because too many people were using it in a nasty fashion, and coming up with a new word.

I can't think of any, and it's your proposed solution.

Not in a "nasty" fashion, but words change meaning all the time, and often to the discomfort of those used to the old meaning.

"Gay" springs to mind.

351 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:46:37am

re: #349 Obdicut

I think it's being used by people who think using "liberal" is off-putting to Middle America, or something.

352 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:47:34am

BTW, it's not my "proposed solution", all I'm saying is that, if someone tells me they're a "conservative" without any further qualification, I'm going to assume that that person agrees with some pretty hideous politicians.

353 darthstar  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:48:06am

Aw, shit...the sun just farted...

A strong geomagnetic storm is predicted to begin in the predawn hours Eastern Standard Time (about 08:00UST).NASA Observed a major X5.4 coronal mass ejection (CME) early on March 7. It produced a strong radio blackout event and a strong radiation event for spacecraft yesterday. Today it is expected to hit the earth's magnetic field causing auroras which may be observed well south of normal viewing locations. The strong geomagnetic storm has not been predicted to cause major effects to communication or power systems.


354 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:48:31am

re: #350 iossarian

Right, but that's not what I actually asked.

I don't think what you're proposing is feasible, nor superior to trying to 'take it back'.

355 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:48:49am

re: #353 darthstar

Supposedly, it's supposed to be strong enough to have the aurora viewable from the Twin Cities. I'll be on the lookout and see if I can find a camera.

356 darthstar  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:49:32am

re: #353 darthstar

The 16 hour in 1 minute video is pretty fuckin' cool...keep in mind those little wisps are tens of thousands of miles long

357 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:50:57am

re: #351 Creeping Diversity

I think it's being used by people who think using "liberal" is off-putting to Middle America, or something.

It seems to come from a few different directions, including people who do think that liberals are wusses, some people who want to hearken back to Teddy Roosevelt, etc.

I'm not really sure what someone means whey they call themselves a progressive. Pelosi is a member of the progressive caucus, for example, but I don't think progressives are generally okay with her level of corporatism.

358 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:52:31am

OK, I think "socialist" is a good one, in the US.

There are plenty of people in the US, including politicians, who are socialists. But try going around telling people that you're a socialist and see what their reaction is.

359 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:54:20am

re: #358 iossarian

That'd be kind of an opposite example. There aren't a bunch of assholes using the word 'socialist' to describe themselves.

360 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:54:50am

re: #359 Obdicut

That'd be kind of an opposite example. There aren't a bunch of assholes using the word 'socialist' to describe themselves.

Um, in the Soviet Union perhaps?

361 darthstar  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:55:29am

Okay...time to run the dogs...bblomndoiifli (be back later or maybe not depending on if I feel like it)

362 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:55:53am

re: #360 iossarian

Um, in the Soviet Union perhaps?

You've lost me.

You think that people stopped calling themselves 'socialist' in the US because they didn't want to be associated with the Communists-- who were referred to not as socialists, but as Communists?

363 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:57:37am

re: #362 Obdicut

You've lost me.

You think that people stopped calling themselves 'socialist' in the US because they didn't want to be associated with the Communists-- who were referred to not as socialists, but as Communists?

I think you are right. Socialism = Collectivism = (Godwin)

364 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:58:04am

I'm outta here.

Have a great day all!

365 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:58:14am

re: #261 Creeping Diversity

Well, true. If someone criticizes them for this, they should actually make a balance sheet and argue from it that on the balance helping the state units is worse than stopping Kony. Mere "but you help them" doesn't really count, see help to Stalin's USSR in war against Hitler.

Returning to this for a bit: I also think that the burden of proof is on IC to show that what they're doing together with the Ugandan authorities is justified/works, if they're asking for money.

366 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 6:58:18am

re: #362 Obdicut

You've lost me.

You think that people stopped calling themselves 'socialist' in the US because they didn't want to be associated with the Communists-- who were referred to not as socialists, but as Communists?

Come on. That's exactly why people in the US stopped calling themselves "socialist" - because of its association with what was going on in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. The word "socialism" was used quite a lot. In fact, one of the S's in USSR stands for "socialist".

367 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:00:35am

re: #366 iossarian

Come on. That's exactly why people in the US stopped calling themselves "socialist" - because of its association with what was going on in the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe. The word "socialism" was used quite a lot. In fact, one of the S's in USSR stands for "socialist".

No, it's because there was a sustained propaganda effort to tar the word 'socialist'. For fuck's sake, many US socialists called themselves socialist and not communist precisely to distinguish themselves from communists.

So it doesn't at all fit what you're saying.

The word "socialism" was used quite a lot. In fact, one of the S's in USSR stands for "socialist"

Oh for Crissake, you think I don't know that? They were still know, in the US, as Communists, not as Socialists.

368 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:00:40am

re: #362 Obdicut

You've lost me.

You think that people stopped calling themselves 'socialist' in the US because they didn't want to be associated with the Communists-- who were referred to not as socialists, but as Communists?

They were communists by ideology, but socialists by the economic regime (or so they thought; we could describe them better as state capitalists, but that's not the usual label for them).

369 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:01:29am

re: #367 Obdicut

Oh for Crissake, you think I don't know that? They were still know, in the US, as Communists, not as Socialists.

But the connection is always there and implied.

370 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:01:36am

re: #368 Creeping Diversity

Right, but to the average US citizen, they were Communists.

371 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:02:18am

re: #369 Creeping Diversity

But the connection is always there and implied.

Nah, it's really not. The word 'socialist' became a negative in the US because of propaganda against it, not because a group tarnished it.

It doesn't fit.

372 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:02:41am

re: #370 Obdicut

[citation needed] ;)

373 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:03:12am

re: #371 Obdicut

Nah, it's really not. The word 'socialist' became a negative in the US because of propaganda against it, not because a group tarnished it.

What did the propaganda involve?

Surely not references to totalitarianism/oppression? After all, there were no socialists doing those things.

Only communists.

374 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:04:15am

re: #367 Obdicut

Oh for Crissake, you think I don't know that? They were still know, in the US, as Communists, not as Socialists.

I hereby promise never to wind you up again, until next time.

375  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:04:32am

re: #307 Gus

I've been on the worst side of the receiving end. Not excusing myself but keep that in mind. :)

I see your apology and of course, accepted. But I had no way of knowing what you were in the middle of or with whom.

And for the record? I've been on the receiving end of some nasty stuff as well, from those to whom I'm not conservative "enough", who refer to me as "reine de twat", and send me emails with Hitler videos. And of course I'm not liberal "enough" for most folks here. Not sure where I fit in, anymore.

376 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:05:04am

re: #367 Obdicut

For fuck's sake, many US socialists called themselves socialist and not communist precisely to distinguish themselves from communists.

BTW, isn't that the example you asked for? ;)

377 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:05:13am

re: #373 iossarian

What did the propaganda involve?

Surely not references to totalitarianism/oppression? After all, there were no socialists doing those things.

Only communists.

Nope. It was mostly association with the actual ideals of thigns like using US government money to pay for programs.

I'm weirded out by this conversation. I would have thought people here were well aware of the propaganda campaign against the concepts of 'socialist', 'liberal', etc., and wouldn't confuse them with the self-tarnishing of the concept of 'conservative.'

378 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:06:11am

re: #376 Creeping Diversity

BTW, isn't that the example you asked for? ;)

Nope. Socialists are actually different than Communists. They meant it as a real distinction, not because they used to call themselves Communists and then decided that that term was tainted. They never called themselves Communists in the first place.

379 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:08:06am

re: #375

I see your apology and of course, accepted. But I had no way of knowing what you were in the middle of or with whom.

And for the record? I've been on the receiving end of some nasty stuff as well, from those to whom I'm not conservative "enough", who refer to me as "reine de twat", and send me emails with Hitler videos. And of course I'm not liberal "enough" for most folks here. Not sure where I fit in, anymore.

I refuse to be defined by other people. You are who you are. If they want to slap a label on you in order to keep their worldview simple then just continue being too complex for the label. Their problem, not yours, and no reason for you to kowtow to their demands to quit being an individual.


380 Killgore Trout  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:08:08am

re: #375

I see your apology and of course, accepted. But I had no way of knowing what you were in the middle of or with whom.

And for the record? I've been on the receiving end of some nasty stuff as well, from those to whom I'm not conservative "enough", who refer to me as "reine de twat", and send me emails with Hitler videos. And of course I'm not liberal "enough" for most folks here. Not sure where I fit in, anymore.

Try not to let it get you down. Good to see you again and I'm glad to see your comment about your glass stuff upthread.

381 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:08:36am

re: #378 Obdicut

OK, but you wrote that they "called themselves socialist and not communist precisely to distinguish themselves from communists". So they called themselves socialists because they were socialists and were never commies in the first place, not because they wanted to distinguish themselves from communists.

382 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:09:08am

re: #375

Nobody really fits in anywhere.

And congrats on the glass stuff. Even your first piece was good, but you improved markedly and swiftly.

383 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:09:41am

re: #378 Obdicut

Nope. Socialists are actually different than Communists. They meant it as a real distinction, not because they used to call themselves Communists and then decided that that term was tainted. They never called themselves Communists in the first place.

More likely to be railed at for being a socialist (both Roosevelts were) until the Russian Revolution. That is the primary thing that made "communism" the big boogeyman.

384  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:11:26am

re: #379 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

I refuse to be defined by other people. You are who you are. If they want to slap a label on you in order to keep their worldview simple then just continue being too complex for the label. Their problem, not yours, and no reason for you to kowtow to their demands to quit being an individual.


I kowtow to no one. Well, except the cats, of course.

385 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:11:33am

I hate it when a coronal mass ejection hits me in the face. Or gets in my hair. Wait. What?
Morning Honcos.

386 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:11:46am

re: #380 Killgore Trout

You'll love this:

Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has welcomed comments by U.S. President Obama about the need to dampen the drumbeat of war as a diplomatic "window of opportunity", the Iranian state news agency IRNA said on Thursday.


387 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:11:49am

re: #381 Creeping Diversity

OK, but you wrote that they "called themselves socialist and not communist precisely to distinguish themselves from communists". So they called themselves socialists because they were socialists and were never commies in the first place, not because they wanted to distinguish themselves from communists.

No, because the concepts are similar, and get confused by other people. It's not even necessarily to distinguish themselves from bad deeds of the communists; they might have perfectly good opinions of communists.

The question is: What should people who used to refer to themselves as 'conservative' back when it meant 'being slow to change' do? Come up with a new name? Redeem the old?

Comparisons to people who never called themselves by a term in the first place are completely besides the point.

388 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:12:24am

re: #385 Cannadian Club Akbar

Hey, long time no see! (yeah, routine by now /)

389 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:12:30am

re: #384

I kowtow to no one. Well, except the cats, of course.

Well, that is to be expected.

390  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:13:13am

re: #380 Killgore Trout

Try not to let it get you down. Good to see you again and I'm glad to see your comment about your glass stuff upthread.

I'm going to tackle round pieces next. I've got two projects. When they're finished, I'll post a page. Won't be soon though (I work v.e.r.y s.l.o.w.l.y).

391 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:13:13am

re: #375

I see your apology and of course, accepted. But I had no way of knowing what you were in the middle of or with whom.

And for the record? I've been on the receiving end of some nasty stuff as well, from those to whom I'm not conservative "enough", who refer to me as "reine de twat", and send me emails with Hitler videos. And of course I'm not liberal "enough" for most folks here. Not sure where I fit in, anymore.

Thanks Reine. I need to think about what I say sometimes and last night was a good case for that. My excuse for being in the middle of a swarm isn't an excuse for lashing out. Conservatives aren't evil because some of us believe in conservative things including myself. Thus if I really believed that I'm evil myself. It would never end then with one side calling the other side evil. Long story short I was on the short end of the thought process. :)

392 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:13:16am

re: #388 Creeping Diversity

Hey, long time no see! (yeah, routine by now /)

Hopefully soon to change.

393 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:14:00am

re: #387 Obdicut

Oh. I get your "precisely to distinguish" comment now, but it was mighty ambiguous.

394 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:14:28am

Ah, I see that Pollack schlemiel who was on Hannity last night fearmongering about the Obama video is the same dude who made this cockup:


395  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:15:24am

re: #391 Gus

Thanks Reine. I need to think about what I say sometimes and last night was a good case for that. My excuse for being in the middle of a swarm isn't an excuse for lashing out. Conservatives aren't evil because some of us believe in conservative things including myself. Thus if I really believed that I'm evil myself. It would never end then with one side calling the other side evil. Long story short I was on the short end of the thought process. :)

Been there myself, from time to time.
Let it go.

396 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:15:28am

I received a letter from my house insurance company 2 weeks ago. I opened it yesterday. Turns out they want to send me a $2630 check. Heh.

397 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:15:31am

re: #385 Cannadian Club Akbar

I hate it when a coronal mass ejection hits me in the face. Or gets in my hair. Wait. What?
Morning Honcos.

Getting the sun in your eyes like that could be rather painful.

398 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:15:44am

re: #393 Creeping Diversity

Heh. To predistinguish, rather than neodistinguish.

399  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:16:59am

re: #396 Cannadian Club Akbar

I received a letter from my house insurance company 2 weeks ago. I opened it yesterday. Turns out they want to send me a $2630 check. Heh.

Well, hells bells.
See? You should never procrastinate. You could NOW be $2630 RICHER. Now you have to wait.

400 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:17:38am

re: #395

Been there myself, from time to time.
Let it go.

Cool beans. Will do before I do as Mark Twain once reminded us.

401 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:18:07am

re: #396 Cannadian Club Akbar

I received a letter from my house insurance company 2 weeks ago. I opened it yesterday. Turns out they want to send me a $2630 check. Heh.

My friend who has owed me money for 4 years has sworn that he's going to send it this month. I'm actually 1/4 helpful, as he's finally held down a job for almost a year now.

402 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:18:15am

re: #399

Well, hells bells.
See? You should never procrastinate. You could NOW be $2630 RICHER. Now you have to wait.

Signed and faxed the letter yesterday. The company is local so this might be quick.. And yes, I'll buy the beer.:)

403 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:18:17am

re: #396 Cannadian Club Akbar

I received a letter from my house insurance company 2 weeks ago. I opened it yesterday. Turns out they want to send me a $2630 check. Heh.

Is that the Nigerian house insurance who needs your bank account data in order to make the EFT payment?

404 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:19:05am

re: #403 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

Is that the Nigerian house insurance who needs your bank account data in order to make the EFT payment?


405 Killgore Trout  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:20:14am

re: #386 Creeping Diversity

You'll love this:


Obama's AIPAC speech was something of a Rorschach test. People see whatever they wanted to. I was surprised he was so hawkish but maybe that's just me.

406 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:20:29am

Disturbing and poignant video about a self-aware robot tests game-engine's limitations

As interesting as this is as a technology demo, I think its real value is in the questions raised by the story and the storytelling choices. The unsettling poignancy of this clip arises from the gender and form of the robot. It would be interesting to re-render this with the "robot" as a kind of arachnoid assembly-line robot with a gender-neutral voice and see what happens to the film's affect.

407 Killgore Trout  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:21:14am

re: #390

I'm going to tackle round pieces next. I've got two projects. When they're finished, I'll post a page. Won't be soon though (I work v.e.r.y s.l.o.w.l.y).


408 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:24:20am

It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. -- Mark Twain

409 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:24:43am

re: #390

My wife still reminisces about her jewelry-making days sometimes.

410 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:26:58am

A company here named "Aftermath" is hiring. You clean up "bio hazard" sites. See: murder scenes and suicides. D'oh!!

411 CuriousLurker  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:27:45am

re: #391 Gus

re: #395

Gosh, I guess I missed all the fireworks. I'm kinda glad I did.

I think all of us feel like we don't really fit in sometimes, and in a big group like this we have to both be a little careful about making generalizations and also try not to take stuff too personally (I've been guilty of both).

I was thinking the other day how there are lots of folks I really like who don't know anything about my politics, nor do I know about theirs—like some of our clients that I've worked closely with. For all I know some of them could be raging wingnuts or moonbats, and if I met them here I'd probably dislike them intensely.

Politics is just one small aspect of our lives, of who we are. We shouldn't let it ruin friendships.

Okay, it's too early in the morning for this shit. I need a cup of coffee. //

412 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:27:57am

re: #410 Cannadian Club Akbar

The Dirty Jobs episode about New Orleans included a team of guys doing that.

413 lawhawk  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:27:58am

Greets and saluts from the unusually warm and mild NYC metro area. Today has hooky written all over it, but I digress.

Anyhow, folks in Syria can't enjoy the weather - and in Homs and other places, they're dealing with snow and cold weather all while the regime has blocked their access to fuel, food, and humanitarian aid. It's a mess, and while a deputy oil minister apparently defected (the highest ranking official to date), it would take a whole lot more to put pressure on Assad's regime.

The regime continues torturing detainees - in military hospitals and detention facilities. The victims include children, and all adds to the butcher's bill that Assad has assembled in order to crush the opposition to remain in power.

414 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:29:48am

re: #413 lawhawk

I pray Assad gets hit by a bus. (we're not allowed to call for assassinations due to the LGF TOS)

415 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:29:54am

I mentioned this yesterday morning.

Crash kills pilot who blogged as Neptunus Lex
By Joshua Stewart - Staff writer
Posted : Wednesday Mar 7, 2012 13:13:46 EST

Retired naval aviator Carroll LeFon, perhaps better known by the nom de plume Neptunus Lex, was killed in a plane crash Tuesday morning when his F-21 Kfir crashed at Naval Air Station Fallon, Nev., his blog confirmed.

LeFon, 51, retired as a captain in June 2008 after serving as an instructor at Top Gun and in various positions at several strike fighter squadrons.

In his civilian life, LeFon worked for Airborne Tactical Advantage Co., a contractor that operates simulated enemy aircraft with which student aviators train. But as a prominent military blogger, he was part analyst, part cheerleader, part critic and part poet who wrote about the Navy, his family, the military and global affairs with the casual tone, frankness and familiarity that flows through ready rooms. His sea stories were personal memoirs as well as parables...

416 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:30:29am

re: #413 lawhawk

An ambassador I met said that, in his opinion, many of these dictators believe their own hype, and actually think that the country and the people are better off with them in power. Amazing amount of self-deception.

417 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:33:23am

Forbes says Spanx's Sarah Blakely, of Clearwater, is world's youngest self-made female billionaire

Very cool.

418 CuriousLurker  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:33:26am

re: #407 Killgore Trout

Hell, I'd probably even like you if I didn't know about all your OWS rapey-stabby stuff. Heh. *rolls eyes while simultaneously grinning/glaring at KT*

Coffee. Now. Must. Get. it.

419 lawhawk  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:34:18am

re: #416 Obdicut

And many of these despots surround themselves with sycophants and yes-men, encouraging a cult of personality etc., all with the intention of maintaining and preserving power for the leader. Alternatively, they divide and conquer potential alternatives by playing factions off each other to remain in power.

In Assad's case, we're dealing with a clan (Assad's Alawites) control of the gears of government, and their intention to preserve their power at all costs, even if it means civil war. Their fear is if they let anyone else gain control, as a minority they'd be screwed. Yet, it's the very brutality that they're using to remain in power that will end up being their downfall because retribution will be harsh.

420 Killgore Trout  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:34:31am

re: #418 CuriousLurker

Hell, I'd probably even like you if I didn't know about all your OWS rapey-stabby stuff. Heh. *rolls eyes while simultaneously grinning/glaring at KT*

Coffee. Now. Must. Get. it.

Good luck with your coffee jihad!

421 CuriousLurker  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:35:48am

re: #420 Killgore Trout

Good luck with your coffee jihad!

I've gotta get better at holding a grudge or they're gonna take away my jihadi card. //

422 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:38:09am

Today is International Woman's Day. I would like to celebrate by having one of you bitches make me a drink and a grilled cheesed with bacon. Chop chop.
///(I am a dead man!!)

423 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:39:21am

re: #417 Cannadian Club Akbar

Forbes says Spanx's Sarah Blakely, of Clearwater, is world's youngest self-made female billionaire

Very cool.

How is the company name pronounced?

424 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:39:52am

re: #422 Cannadian Club Akbar

Today is International Woman's Day. I would like to celebrate by having one of you bitches make me a drink and a grilled cheesed with bacon. Chop chop.
///(I am a dead man!!)

You want to celebrate a holiday started by a Commie, you male communist pig?

425 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:40:21am

re: #423 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

How is the company name pronounced?

Spanks. Like on the ass.

426 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:40:32am

re: #420 Killgore Trout

Good luck with your coffee jihad!

Boycott Maxwell House!


427 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:40:38am

re: #421 CuriousLurker

I've gotta get better at holding a grudge or they're gonna take away my jihadi card. //

What sort of vote does that take with Unitarian Jihad?

428 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:42:29am

re: #425 Cannadian Club Akbar

Spanks. Like on the ass.

Someone should dump that item on Rush. Self-made billionaire, university graduate, former Disneyworld worker, and female. With a company making slimwear that is pronounced "Spanks" that was endorsed by Oprah.

429 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:43:42am

About last night.

A repost I know.

430 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:45:14am

The anti-Shariah freaks may have banned Orthodox Jewish divorce courts in Florida.


431 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:46:36am

Holy fucking shit!! These pics are NSFW, but, WOW!!!
Tulsa shooting.

432 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:47:28am

re: #430 Obdicut


433 CuriousLurker  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:47:50am

re: #427 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

What sort of vote does that take with Unitarian Jihad?

I'm not sure...I think they have to call for some kind of shura council or something. But not before coffee. I'm not responsible for anything I say or do before I've finished my first cup. ;)

434 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:48:45am

re: #431 Cannadian Club Akbar

Holy fucking shit!! These pics are NSFW, but, WOW!!!
Tulsa shooting.

Cops showed a lot of restraint. Interesting. They did a good job.

435 CuriousLurker  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:48:55am

re: #429 Gus

About last night.

A repost I know.

Sorry to hear you were getting trolled last night. Don't let 'em get to you.

436 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:49:13am

re: #431 Cannadian Club Akbar

I wanted to ask how is a bit of red NSFW, but then remembered how a bit of pink can be. //

437 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:49:21am

LINCOLN PARK, Mich. — State officials say a Detroit-area woman who won a $1 million lottery prize but continued to get food stamps has been removed from the food assistance program.
People like her is why I hate people.

438 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:49:44am

re: #433 CuriousLurker

I'm not sure...I think they have to call for some kind of shura council or something. But not before coffee. I'm not responsible for anything I say or do before I've finished my first cup. ;)

From what I remember about Unitarians they're very good about the beverages and baked goods thing.

439 Hawaii69  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:50:14am

Dear have to see this to believe it.

Jim Hoft has "called out" a troll by posting the NAME and LOCATION of
the college kid making the comments.

This is probably the most immature, irresponsible, and dangerous things
he's ever done. This deserves a topic of its own here, if I may say

The kid was using his school computer (according to Jim. For all
he knows, he us simply posting from his dorm room, on the schools
network) to trash Breitbart's death. How many idiots has Hoft loosef
on this kid?


440 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:50:39am

re: #435 CuriousLurker

Sorry to hear you were getting trolled last night. Don't let 'em get to you.

Thanks. Wasn't so bad. One dummy made fun of my name, "who names their child Gus" sort of thing. Whatever I thought.

441 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:51:26am

re: #440 Gus


442 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:52:29am

re: #441 Obdicut



443 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:52:48am

re: #441 Obdicut

Who names their child "of Sweden"? Sheesh.


444 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:55:38am
445 Killgore Trout  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:56:28am

I know my opinion of the OWS moment is considered outrageous here but only a tiny fringe of the meat world thinks they accomplished anything.

Occupy London Poll: St Paul's Activists Failed

Most Britons do not think the Occupy London protests have achieved anything, according to the latest poll.
Of the 1,778 people polled by YouGov, 71 percent of respondents said the protest did not achieve much of anything at all by way of changing opinions, raising awareness of the issues or influencing policymaking.
Only 18 percent said they thought the camp had achieved a lot and the remaining 11 percent did not have an opinion on the matter.

446 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:56:32am

re: #443 Creeping Diversity

Who names their child "of Sweden"? Sheesh.


Because Adolphus of Germany is considered bad form these days.

447 lawhawk  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:56:34am

re: #426 Gus

Don't tell me how good my coffee is. When Bonnie goes to buy coffee, she buys shit. I like to have coffee that I can taste.... but you know, my problem isn't the coffee. It's that we've still got people thinking that the Rush Limbaugh issue is still about free speech and not his misogyny (as if the outrage was suddenly generated).

Oh, and for the record - I'm a fan of the New England coffee brand's dark roasts.

448 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:57:37am

OK, that's totally stupid, but LOLable.

Image: K3mgn.jpg

449 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:57:56am

re: #445 Killgore Trout

I saw the OWS list of demands. Fucking douchebags idiots.

450 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:58:01am

re: #445 Killgore Trout

I know my opinion of the OWS moment is considered outrageous here

Not actually true. Most people here think that OWS is now a bunch of hardcore ideologues. It was your inaccuracies in talking about it, your celebration of violence used against them, that got you pushback. For some reason, you seem to need to either ignore this or to pretend to ignore it.

451 CuriousLurker  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:58:05am

re: #442 Gus


Captain Gus! Ahoy, mateys! I watched him every day when I came home from school. Got to go on his show and meet him once too.

452 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:58:14am

Huggate: Post-mortem examination

Date of Birth: March 7, 2012

Date of Death: March 8, 2012

Cause of Death: Boredom

453 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:58:22am

re: #445 Killgore Trout

I know my opinion of the OWS moment is considered outrageous here


454 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:58:36am

re: #440 Gus

Thanks. Wasn't so bad. One dummy made fun of my name, "who names their child Gus" sort of thing. Whatever I thought.

My sister's dog is named Gus.

455 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:58:59am

Power was out for 5 hours this morning.

456 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 7:59:48am

re: #455 Learned Mother of Zion

How's your husband doing?

457 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:00:15am

re: #450 Obdicut

Not actually true. Most people here think that OWS is now a bunch of hardcore ideologues. It was your inaccuracies in talking about it, your celebration of violence used against them, that got you pushback. For some reason, you seem to need to either ignore this or to pretend to ignore it.

Yeah, it's like saying that the problem with Joe McCarthy was his dislike of Communists. Who says that?

458 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:01:31am

Here in my hands I have a list of links to 205 rapey stabbing incidents...

459 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:02:25am

re: #451 CuriousLurker

Captain Gus! Ahoy, mateys! I watched him every day when I came home from school. Got to go on his show and meet him once too.

[Embedded content]

See! It's a popular name. ;)

460 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:02:32am

re: #458 Creeping Diversity

Here in my hands I have a list of links to 205 rapey stabbing incidents...


461 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:03:39am

re: #459 Gus

See! It's a popular name. ;)

Now, about that propeller-driven aircraft fetish...

462 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:03:47am

So they're really going to rehash 2008 talking points.

Bring out the birthers!

463 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:05:18am

re: #460 Cannadian Club Akbar


464 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:05:38am

re: #461 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

Now, about that propeller-driven aircraft fetish...

I saw a Bearcat last Summer. Nice stuff there. That reminds me. I should see what air shows we have going on around here this summer. No single ship USAF/USN demos though. That's out for the time being which kind of sucks.

465 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:05:47am

re: #462 Gus

So they're really going to rehash 2008 talking points.

Bring out the birthers!


466 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:05:59am

re: #462 Gus

So they're really going to rehash 2008 talking points.

Bring out the birthers!

It's like Space Invaders, except that the background noises are "nirth nirth nirth derp, nirth nirth nirth derp" and every so often a big Orly Taitz saucer flies across the top for bonus points.

467 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:06:09am

re: #456 Obdicut

How's your husband doing?

Zedushka was released from the hospital yesterday, but now he's experiencing swelling in his feet, may have to be re-admitted.

468 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:07:49am

re: #467 Learned Mother of Zion

I hope his progress continues to be good, and that he's not too uncomfortable.

469 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:08:16am

Phil Plait re-Tweets Miley Cyrus! The world is about to come to an end. ;)

470 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:08:41am

re: #464 Gus

I saw a Bearcat last Summer. Nice stuff there. That reminds me. I should see what air shows we have going on around here this summer. No single ship USAF/USN demos though. That's out for the time being which kind of sucks.

Hmm. I should plan a June trip just to get out of town. Maybe see what airshows are about, or simply hit museums down DC-way. Barring a need to go out to the Midwest on hot sauce business.

Have to get a better camera in any case.

471 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:08:45am

Got this spam email from the Koch-funded "Americans for Prosperity"

Right now in the U.S. Senate, Senator Jim DeMint and his fellow conservatives are the only thing stopping more wasteful and misguided energy policy. Even though we have one of the most distorted and abused tax codes in the world, and even though government trying to pick winners and losers in the energy markets has failed for decades, the Senate is still going to vote on two amendments to have Washington get in the way of free market energy decisions.

Click here to Take Action and tell your Senators: No More Energy Subsidies!

The first is an amendment to give special handouts to natural-gas-powered vehicles. President Obama is pushing hard to get special tax breaks added to our already broken tax code that would try to manipulate the market into producing more natural-gas-powered vehicles. There’s nothing wrong with natural gas as a vehicle fuel source, but consumers should make that choice not government.

What’s worse, the Senate is also considering extending the so-called wind production tax credit, a foolhardy provision that is finally set to expire at the end of the year. In typical Washington fashion, the wind energy lobby is hard at work trying to get their special provision extended.

Good, I will be sure to contact my representatives in Congress to let them know I want them to support alternative energy subsidies!

472 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:09:52am

re: #461 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

Now, about that propeller-driven aircraft fetish...

Lufthansa has an old Ju-52 trimotor that makes regular panorama flights here in the Rhine Valley. I can hear the motors throbbing from far away and most always run outsidfe just to see it drift overhead...

473 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:11:16am

re: #471 Learned Mother of Zion

I would like to se all the direct and indirect subsidies (including free military protection of access to resources in politically troubled regions) removed from the oil and gas industries...

474 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:12:32am

re: #472 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

Lufthansa has an old Ju-52 trimotor that makes regular panorama flights here in the Rhine Valley. I can hear the motors throbbing from far away and most always run outsidfe just to see it drift overhead...

That's always neat when that happens. I've seen a B-17 a few times due to that. You hear it and go outside to see if you can sight it.

Used to be that a group that had old airplanes were located in the Genessee Valley near where my brother lived (they moved to Elmira since then I think - and have sold their B-17 as well.) You'd hear something buzzing around and then might see their B-17, P-40, and even a PBY up and about.

475 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:13:03am

re: #472 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

If I'm not prying - why did you choose to live in Germany?

476 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:16:30am
477 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:18:16am

re: #475 Creeping Diversity

If I'm not prying - why did you choose to live in Germany?

A long story. In any case, I studied German and Russian and wanted work with languages.

But the reason I up and moved here had more to do ith a couple of butt-naked German forestry students we met in the Grand Canyon in 1987. They invited us to Göttingen, booked us some gigs in the Irish Pub circuit, and to make a long story short, I found a day job as a translator/interpreter/graphics software jockey and stayed.

I might have returned in 1989, but that was the time when things really started getting interesting in Europe and I did not want to have to rely on US news sources (especially back in the pre-Internet era) to find out what was happening.

And business with the then-USSR started picking up as well, which I did not want to miss out on.

My company sent me to Moscow in 1992 (gosh, nearly 20 years ago, give or take a week or two) where I held out for a year and a half before turning tail and returning to the Fatherland, where it was boring but safe.

478 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:18:58am


@DLoesch: For footage that is "nothing," there's a lot of bias and whining simply from questioning the media's complicity in downplaying.

479 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:19:20am

My feline overlords are learning. One of them apparently stepped on the power switch on the power strip running the systems at home, shutting down everything. Clever little furry fiends.

480 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:19:39am

re: #477 Ministry of Fairness and Balance


481 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:20:05am

re: #479 thedopefishlives

My feline overlords are learning. One of them apparently stepped on the power switch on the power strip running the systems at home, shutting down everything. Clever little furry fiends.


482 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:20:14am

re: #479 thedopefishlives

Fiendship is magic.

483 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:20:32am

Alrighty. Going for a smoke then going to see "hot dog guy with jalapeno relish". Effing awesome. bbiab.

484 Eventual Carrion  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:21:36am

re: #337 Gus

Could have been worse! Still, I was being a douche.

Welcome to the club. We meed on Wednesdays at 7:30. You have to bring the vinegar this week.

485 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:21:49am

re: #479 thedopefishlives

My feline overlords are learning. One of them apparently stepped on the power switch on the power strip running the systems at home, shutting down everything. Clever little furry fiends.

486 lawhawk  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:24:40am

re: #478 Gus

Really? WGBH broadcast it in 2008 - and nary a word was raised in protest at the time. It's hardly worth a mention because there's nothing there. Obama introduced Prof. Bell, who was calling for more diversity on the Harvard Law faculty. Yeah, that's revolutionary stuff right there.


487 wrenchwench  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:25:07am

re: #477 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

But the reason I up and moved here had more to do ith a couple of butt-naked German forestry students we met in the Grand Canyon in 1987. They invited us to Göttingen, booked us some gigs in the Irish Pub circuit, and to make a long story short, I found a day job as a translator/interpreter/graphics software jockey and stayed.

One of my sisters lives there and works as a translator.

488 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:26:40am

re: #487 wrenchwench

One of my sisters lives there and works as a translator.

Göttingen is a lovely old un-bombed university town.

489 wrenchwench  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:26:50am

re: #486 lawhawk

Really? WGBH broadcast it in 2008 - and nary a word was raised in protest at the time. It's hardly worth a mention because there's nothing there. Obama introduced Prof. Bell, who was calling for more diversity on the Harvard Law faculty. Yeah, that's revolutionary stuff right there.



You are complicit in the downplaying of this reverberating scandalous video!!!1

490 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:27:34am

re: #486 lawhawk

I find it really funny that one of Bell's main arguments was that universities didn't value real-world experience, like civil rights legal work, even though obviously civil rights law was one of the most important and real-world experience with it is important. It's remarkably similar to the argument I hear from many of the 'conservatives' that 'real world' experience is better than academic.

491 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:28:01am

re: #486 lawhawk

Really? WGBH broadcast it in 2008 - and nary a word was raised in protest at the time. It's hardly worth a mention because there's nothing there. Obama introduced Prof. Bell, who was calling for more diversity on the Harvard Law faculty. Yeah, that's revolutionary stuff right there.


Gets even better. Over at the Blaze: Harvard Professor Charles Ogletree Admits to Hiding Video Showing Young Barack Obama Hugging Professor Derrick Bell | Video |

492 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:29:31am

He was channelling Saul Alinsky

493 Bulworth  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:29:45am

re: #491 Gus

Gets even better. Over at the Blaze: Harvard Professor Charles Ogletree Admits to Hiding Video Showing Young Barack Obama Hugging Professor Derrick Bell | Video |

You know what else? Michael Savage has a new book coming out. Obama's in big trouble now. /

494 HappyWarrior  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:30:31am

I for one just love how this is a conspiracy. Unreal how stupid these people are if they expect most Americans to be outraged that the president values diversity and was a friend to a professor. I hate to sound crass but I think they waited till after Bell died so Bell couldn't speak for himself.

495 HappyWarrior  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:31:00am

re: #493 Bulworth

You know what else? Michael Savage has a new book coming out. Obama's in big trouble now. /

As a highly functioning autistic, let me be the first to say fuck Michael Savage.

496 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:31:11am

re: #486 lawhawk

Really? WGBH broadcast it in 2008 - and nary a word was raised in protest at the time. It's hardly worth a mention because there's nothing there. Obama introduced Prof. Bell, who was calling for more diversity on the Harvard Law faculty. Yeah, that's revolutionary stuff right there.


And all those people there, clapping! Must be found and isolated immediately! //

497 wrenchwench  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:32:49am

re: #488 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

Göttingen is a lovely old un-bombed university town.

I visited once. I may have been to one of those Irish pubs. I definitely went to the Cron und Lanz.

498 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:32:54am

Regardless of what Bell taught, which may or may not have been radical, the Breitbot network produces more political radicalism in a day that Bell could have managed in his lifetime.

499 wrenchwench  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:33:28am

re: #494 HappyWarrior

I for one just love how this is a conspiracy. Unreal how stupid these people are if they expect most Americans to be outraged that the president values diversity and was a friend to a professor. I hate to sound crass but I think they waited till after Bell died so Bell couldn't speak for himself.

Or sue anybody.

500 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:33:32am

re: #498 Creeping Diversity

Regardless of what Bell taught, which may or may not have been radical, the Breitbot network produces more political radicalism in a day that Bell could have managed in his lifetime.


501 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:34:01am

re: #498 Creeping Diversity

Regardless of what Bell taught, which may or may not have been radical, the Breitbot network produces more political radicalism in a day that Bell could have managed in his lifetime.

You should make a page. Can be just that sentence. ;)

502 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:34:58am
503 lawhawk  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:35:10am

re: #490 Obdicut

A friend of mine was trying to find a teaching job at law schools, and eventually found one - but her experience was quite frustruating because of the whole process. It's quite rigged against anyone who doesn't have a specific type of experience even though she has all the right sorts of qualifications (Ivy League, clerkships, white shoe firms, etc.); the focus on publication has blinded more than a few schools to good candidates who haven't published because they're busy with - work.

All that happens while practical legal education (knowing how to actually practice law instead of learning torts, contracts, property, etc.) gets short shrift.

504 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:35:36am

re: #498 Creeping Diversity

Regardless of what Bell taught, which may or may not have been radical, the Breitbot network produces more political radicalism in a day that Bell could have managed in his lifetime.

I recall it being posted here that Bell even worked for GOP administrations, Eisenhower and Nixon.

505 HappyWarrior  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:35:56am

re: #499 wrenchwench

Or sue anybody.

Yep. Anyhow it's all very stupid. I fully expect Bell to be made into this crazy radical. I happen to agree with Bell on some of the stuff I've read. It may be controversial to believe but his points and also Justice Marshall's about the Constitution were valid.

506 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:36:55am

re: #505 HappyWarrior

Yep. Anyhow it's all very stupid. I fully expect Bell to be made into this crazy radical. I happen to agree with Bell on some of the stuff I've read. It may be controversial to believe but his points and also Justice Marshall's about the Constitution were valid.

It helps that he is dead and cannot appear on msnbc to explain what his politics really are.

507 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:37:07am

Something on the Breitbots vandalizing Derrick Bell's Wiki page: Interlude: A little Wikipedia tomfoolery [Updated]

508 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:37:13am

re: #242 Obdicut

Holy shit. A sewer of racism and misogyny alleged at Paula Dean's restaurant.


Here's a couple of gems:

Good God.

Well, at least they're not talking about her diabetes any more.

509 HappyWarrior  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:37:22am

re: #504 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

I recall it being posted here that Bell even worked for GOP administrations, Eisenhower and Nixon.

Just Eisenhower. But the man who recommended him for the post was William Rogers who was Eisenhower and Nixon's AG and Secretary of State.

510 Bulworth  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:37:57am

re: #505 HappyWarrior

Yep. Anyhow it's all very stupid. I fully expect Bell to be made into this crazy radical. I happen to agree with Bell on some of the stuff I've read. It may be controversial to believe but his points and also Justice Marshall's about the Constitution were valid.

Also, too, abolitionism, female suffrage, and the eight-hour workday were really radical in their day. I realize the teabagGOP wants to turn the clock back to the 1800's, but there it is.

511 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:38:05am
512 Daniel Ballard  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:38:33am

re: #474 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

That's always neat when that happens. I've seen a B-17 a few times due to that. You hear it and go outside to see if you can sight it.

Used to be that a group that had old airplanes were located in the Genessee Valley near where my brother lived (they moved to Elmira since then I think - and have sold their B-17 as well.) You'd hear something buzzing around and then might see their B-17, P-40, and even a PBY up and about.

Love that stuff. In my area we get the Condor squadron, AT 6 trainers out in formation. When Van Nuys airport has a static show we get to see the guests aircraft coming and going. Sometimes the Navy F-18 will get clearance for a vertical departure. Rattles the windows in the SF Valley.

513 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:39:41am

Please. Malkin wrote for VDARE. Brimelow was featured at CPAC. Bush wrote congratulating messages to paleo-Confederate orgs. And they want to talk about someone saying good words about a black professor in 1990?

514 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:39:55am

re: #511 Gus

I always get a little bugged when people can't seem to figure out the purpose of Wiki. It is not a primary source, never has been, never will be. It's a repository of links with some text added for flavor.

515 HappyWarrior  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:41:11am

re: #510 Bulworth

Also, too, abolitionism, female suffrage, and the eight-hour workday were really radical in their day. I realize the teabagGOP wants to turn the clock back to the 1800's, but there it is.

Shit once upon a time capitalism was the radical idea and the departure from the status quo. I am what most would call a moderate liberal but radicals and radicalism are needed for progress to happen.

516 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:41:22am


517 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:41:37am

re: #248 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

It is amazing how food evokes such a "visceral reaction" from us: from books about how we eat (writen by overeducated white females) to advice on what to eat (from overeducated black females) to recipies on how to prepare things (from diabetic white females), it is laden with nuance, subtext and preconceived notions.

And then there is the economic side of food, which ranges from farm subsidies for agribusiness to tips for sub-minimum-wage waitstaff...

Oh, only tangentially related: there's an alarmingly goofy piece by Rich Lowry in this week's Time, about how people's failure to get married is ruining social mobility. (He does not mention divorce once in this piece. There may be a thought in there somewhere, but he doesn't manage to nail it down.)

He feels that there should be a national campaign, and Michelle Obama should be its spokeswoman, because she is the daughter of a two-parent household, and a mother in another, 'which even her husband's critics respect'.

I don't know which of her husband's critics he has in mind, but I entertained myself for quite some time imagining the response if Michelle Obama abandons fitness and nutrition for promoting marriage.

It was a weird week for Time. Joe Klein did an almost unbelievable soft-pitch about Rick Santorum and the 'unfortunate truths' he brings up about reproduction and child-rearing.

518  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:42:09am

re: #447 lawhawk

Don't tell me how good my coffee is. When Bonnie goes to buy coffee, she buys shit. I like to have coffee that I can taste... but you know, my problem isn't the coffee. It's that we've still got people thinking that the Rush Limbaugh issue is still about free speech and not his misogyny (as if the outrage was suddenly generated).

Oh, and for the record - I'm a fan of the New England coffee brand's dark roasts.

Suggesting here that sometime you might try this in their dark roast.

519 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:42:25am

re: #516 Creeping Diversity

I mean, he was not only that, was he?

"Buchanan was a senior advisor to American Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan"

Where's that headline?

520 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:43:38am


521 HappyWarrior  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:43:58am

re: #519 Creeping Diversity

I mean, he was not only that, was he?

"Buchanan was a senior advisor to American Presidents Richard Nixon, Gerald Ford, and Ronald Reagan"

Where's that headline?

Buchanan is the one that advised Reagan to lay the wreath at the SS grave in Bitburg I believe.

522 wrenchwench  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:44:53am

re: #513 Creeping Diversity

Please. Malkin wrote writes for VDARE. Brimelow was featured at CPAC. Bush wrote congratulating messages to paleo-Confederate orgs. And they want to talk about someone saying good words about a black professor in 1990?

FTFY. Last appeared there on Tuesday.

The War on Conservative Women
By Michelle Malkin on March 6, 2012 at 7:38pm

523 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:45:07am

re: #521 HappyWarrior

Buchanan is the one that advised Reagan to lay the wreath at the SS grave in Bitburg I believe.

Yeah. Let's run around with this, screaming, like wingnuts do. / Not.

524 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:45:15am

re: #517 SanFranciscoZionist

Getting married and divorcing, even serially, seems to be entirely morally acceptable to those who embrace "traditional family values".

It is just single unmarried parenthood or unmarried/gay cohabitation that they see as moral evils ready to eat away at the soul of America and causing it to fall out of favor with The Almighty.

525 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:45:32am

re: #522 wrenchwench

I was just being lazy! :P

526 HappyWarrior  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:45:56am

re: #523 Creeping Diversity

Yeah. Let's run around with this, screaming, like wingnuts do. / Not.

and act like it is new news.

527 lawhawk  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:46:42am

re: #517 SanFranciscoZionist

You know what probably has a greater impact on social mobility? Crushing debt burdens (think student loans and mortgage loans). Want to establish a family with student loans that are a continual drain on disposable income? You find people holding off - longer and longer - particularly if the amount of money to graduate from college keeps rising and outpacing inflation as it has over the past 10-15 years.

528 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:46:44am

re: #430 Obdicut

The anti-Shariah freaks may have banned Orthodox Jewish divorce courts in Florida.


That's always been the risk. That, and those contracts people sign that they're negotiate through their pastor before suing.

530 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:47:03am

re: #524 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

Getting married and divorcing, even serially, seems to be entirely morally acceptable to those who embrace "traditional family values".

It is just single unmarried parenthood or unmarried/gay cohabitation that they see as moral evils ready to eat away at the sould of America and causing it to fall out of favor with The Almighty.

To be fair, there is a significant portion of the rabid religious right that is anti-divorce in most circumstances. If you asked a typical hyper-evangelical about Newt's serial marriages and divorces, they would react with unmitigated disgust. That being said, the power brokers of the religious right seem to have no such compunction.

531 Interesting Times  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:48:07am
532 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:49:29am

re: #528 SanFranciscoZionist

That's always been the risk. That, and those contracts people sign that they're negotiate through their pastor before suing.

The law is unclearly written, but it serves it purpose: to demonstrate Florida's resolve to prevent the spread of creeping Sharia.

533 HappyWarrior  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:49:39am

re: #522 wrenchwench

FTFY. Last appeared there on Tuesday.

More right wing "we're the real victims" bs from Malkin I see judging by the headline. It's probably a long winded defense of Limbaugh and "but liberals are the real meanies."

534 b_Snark  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:51:00am

Did I see reine here?
Gus, how is the throbbing head doing, and I do mean the one above your shoulders.

535 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:51:33am

re: #534 Tundra Boy

Did I see reine here?
Gus, how is the throbbing head doing, and I do mean the one above your shoulders.


536 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:51:59am

It appears that one of the GOP goals is to bring a "2nd childhood" to America where everything is decided in the same way it was on the playground when we were 10-years-old and the recess teachers were not watching.

537 Eventual Carrion  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:52:23am

re: #375


And for the record? I've been on the receiving end of some nasty stuff as well, from those to whom I'm not conservative "enough", who refer to me as "reine de twat", and send me emails with Hitler videos. And of course I'm not liberal "enough" for most folks here. Not sure where I fit in, anymore.

Island of misfit toys? And if you do go there, could you send me the squirt gun that shoots grape jelly, that would be awesome.

538 wrenchwench  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:53:02am

re: #533 HappyWarrior

More right wing "we're the real victims" bs from Malkin I see judging by the headline. It's probably a long winded defense of Limbaugh and "but liberals are the real meanies."

I didn't even read it. She's worth keeping an eye on to see what racist scumbuckets are up to, but not worth reading.

539 Interesting Times  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:53:23am
540 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:53:38am

re: #536 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

It appears that one of the GOP goals is to bring a "2nd childhood" to America where everything is decided in the same way it was on the playground when we were 10-years-old and the recess teachers were not watching.

That pretty much corresponds to their vision of how the Free Market is supposed to function.

541 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:53:50am

re: #537 RayFerd

Island of misfit toys? And if you do go there, could you send me the squirt gun that shoots grape jelly, that would be awesome.

Too late. Varek got it and loaded it with ochre jelly. Keeps the underlings in line.

542 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:55:02am

re: #537 RayFerd

Island of misfit toys? And if you do go there, could you send me the squirt gun that shoots grape jelly, that would be awesome.

And Stretch Armstrong dolls?

543 lawhawk  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:55:46am

Women in Texas about to see their health adversely affected as state cuts back its funding of Planned Parenthood.

Real effects - more women who have to endure long waits for care (if they can get it at all due to costs); fewer screenings for cervical and breast cancer resulting in missed early detection and diagnosis that can reduce health care costs considerably); and all sorts of unintended consequences.

The cuts, which left many low-income women with inconvenient or costly options, grew out of the effort to eliminate state support for Planned Parenthood. Although the cuts also forced clinics that were not affiliated with the agency to close — and none of them, even the ones run by Planned Parenthood, performed abortions — supporters of the cutbacks said they were motivated by the fight against abortion.

Now, the same sentiment is likely to lead to a shutdown next week of another significant source of reproductive health care: the Medicaid Women’s Health Program, which serves 130,000 women with grants to many clinics, including those run by Planned Parenthood. Gov. Rick Perry and Republican lawmakers have said they would forgo the $35 million in federal money that finances the women’s health program in order to keep Planned Parenthood from getting any of it.

Although Texas already bars clinics that take such money from performing abortions, the new law is intended to prevent any state money from benefiting Planned Parenthood. “Planned Parenthoods across the country provide abortions, are affiliated with abortion providers, or refer women to abortion providers,” said Lucy Nashed, a spokeswoman for Mr. Perry.

Wayne Christian, a Republican state representative said, “I don’t think anybody is against providing health care for women. What we’re opposed to are abortions.” He added, “Planned Parenthood is the main organization that does abortions. So we kind of blend being anti-abortion with being anti-Planned Parenthood.”

And in the end - it's still anti-women and against health care provision for women.

544 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:56:39am

re: #524 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

Getting married and divorcing, even serially, seems to be entirely morally acceptable to those who embrace "traditional family values".

It is just single unmarried parenthood or unmarried/gay cohabitation that they see as moral evils ready to eat away at the soul of America and causing it to fall out of favor with The Almighty.

Well, Lowry is trying to put the entire thing in terms of social mobility, and the economic benefit to the kids, which is reasonable only if you also consider the impact of parents marrying and separating.

I also think you need to dig a little deeper and explain your stats better. If you're simply saying that people with college education's children do better because they marry, and that people with less education would do better economically if they also married, without providing a lot more context, people are going to fill in some gaps there with skepticism.

It's an interesting area, not one he does credit to, because he seems to think that his gush of assorted stats speaks for itself, and that everyone KNOWS what he means.

I just thought the notion that Michelle Obama becoming Mrs. Marriage Advocate would go over well was a fairly hilarious idea.

It's hard to critique the piece because there really isn't much to it.

545 wrenchwench  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:56:42am

re: #11 CuriousLurker

*blinking* Gosh, I was over on YouTube watching watching animal videos and just came back to check my page one last time before calling it a night. Imagine my surprise! Heh.

Great Page, as always, CL.

546 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 8:57:28am

re: #527 lawhawk

You know what probably has a greater impact on social mobility? Crushing debt burdens (think student loans and mortgage loans). Want to establish a family with student loans that are a continual drain on disposable income? You find people holding off - longer and longer - particularly if the amount of money to graduate from college keeps rising and outpacing inflation as it has over the past 10-15 years.

Believe me, I have noticed.

547 HappyWarrior  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:00:03am

You know re: #538 wrenchwench

I didn't even read it. She's worth keeping an eye on to see what racist scumbuckets are up to, but not worth reading.

Oh I was just guessing. I can read conservative columnists like Will and Krauthammer but Malkin I cannot take serious given her apologia for Japanese American internment.

548 wrenchwench  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:00:18am

re: #543 lawhawk

Women in Texas about to see their health adversely affected as state cuts back its funding of Planned Parenthood.

Real effects - more women who have to endure long waits for care (if they can get it at all due to costs); fewer screenings for cervical and breast cancer resulting in missed early detection and diagnosis that can reduce health care costs considerably); and all sorts of unintended consequences.

And in the end - it's still anti-women and against health care provision for women.

From the quote you posted, but with a twist of honesty:

Wayne Christian, a Republican state representative said, “I don’t think anybody is against providing health care for women. What we’re opposed to are abortions poor women having access to health care for their lady parts.”

549 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:00:29am

re: #546 SanFranciscoZionist

A portion of my wife's classroom fell in today and nearly killed one of her classmates.

I'm glad that she's got a full ride.

550 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:00:46am

re: #544 SanFranciscoZionist

I think that most people are for kids being raised in intact families (I would like to see my own kids being raised in an intact family, but that has not been the case for the past four years)

But what this comes down to is people imposing their values on what must remain a free and personal choice in a free society.

551 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:01:47am

re: #9 ggt

The LRA is a vile group.

I am immediately leary of any "missionary" that has been to Uganda.

I know a Preacher who has been and also know he is homophobic. I am having a hard time not drawing conclusions.

Even Preachers can be ignorant, like their followers. I should ask him.

Well, yes, but Uganda's army has done well in Somalia, hammering Al-Shattab. So don't be too hostile, for Uganda is our good and loyal ally against Radical Islam.

552 Lidane  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:02:17am

re: #543 lawhawk

none of them, even the ones run by Planned Parenthood, performed abortions

This is the key point. NONE of the clinics in question perform abortions. Not even the PP ones. But they cut off the money anyway because of abortion.

Assholes, all of them.

553 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:03:47am

re: #551 Dark_Falcon

They should be helped when they battle militant radicals. They should be held to account when they themselves commit bad deeds.

554 b_Snark  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:03:56am

re: #535 Gus


Good to hear. You'll notice I'm whispering.
I haven't been drunk in years, I don't know how I would even deal with it.

555 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:04:32am

re: #544 SanFranciscoZionist

Well, Lowry is trying to put the entire thing in terms of social mobility, and the economic benefit to the kids, which is reasonable only if you also consider the impact of parents marrying and separating.

I also think you need to dig a little deeper and explain your stats better. If you're simply saying that people with college education's children do better because they marry, and that people with less education would do better economically if they also married, without providing a lot more context, people are going to fill in some gaps there with skepticism.

It's an interesting area, not one he does credit to, because he seems to think that his gush of assorted stats speaks for itself, and that everyone KNOWS what he means.

I just thought the notion that Michelle Obama becoming Mrs. Marriage Advocate would go over well was a fairly hilarious idea.

It's hard to critique the piece because there really isn't much to it.

THe Santorum piece made me a lot angrier.

556 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:05:41am

re: #549 Obdicut

A portion of my wife's classroom fell in today and nearly killed one of her classmates.

I'm glad that she's got a full ride.

My God, I'm sorry. Is the classmate OK?

557 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:07:31am
558 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:07:34am

re: #554 Tundra Boy

Good to hear. You'll notice I'm whispering.
I haven't been drunk in years, I don't know how I would even deal with it.

Taco Bell helps.

559 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:08:04am

re: #556 SanFranciscoZionist

Yeah, by 'nearly' I mean a four foot long jagged piece of duct and framework smashed down a few inches away from him, rather than hit him. So nearly in the literal near sense, which is much better.

560 Lidane  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:08:23am

Austin just got a little less weird today:

Austin icon Leslie Cochran dies at age 60

Rest in Peace, Leslie.

561 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:08:32am
562 wrenchwench  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:09:01am

re: #543 lawhawk

Women in Texas about to see their health adversely affected as state cuts back its funding of Planned Parenthood.

Real effects - more women who have to endure long waits for care (if they can get it at all due to costs); fewer screenings for cervical and breast cancer resulting in missed early detection and diagnosis that can reduce health care costs considerably); and all sorts of unintended consequences.

And in the end - it's still anti-women and against health care provision for women.

By the way, this was foretold by moderatelyradicalliberal:

299 moderatelyradicalliberal 2/24/2012 3:40:45 pm PST

You know what? FUCK THE GOP! Fuck those woman hating bastards. Everyone of them. In my home state of Texas, the GOP is set to kill a program that funds preventative care and contraception for thousands of poor and low income women because the Federal Govt which funds 90% of the program allows these women to go to Planned Parenthood to get services. Half of the women who come to the clinic where I work for OB/GYN services are on this program. We may have to close are OB/GYN department. If I were that little boy in that old Twilight Zone episode, I'd wish everyone elected GOP official into the corn field. Without finding for an annual pap smear they have literally told these women to drop dead. If I had the power I would tell them to do the same. I have been offended to the core of my being by these people.

563 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:10:16am

re: #561 Gus

That's how the virus of radicalism spreads! /

Damn, this is soooo weak compared to the 2008 Wright stuff.

564 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:10:48am

re: #563 Creeping Diversity

That's how the virus of radicalism spreads! /

Damn, this is sooo weak compared to the 2008 Wright stuff.

Big time.

Laughter has quickly ensued.

565 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:10:51am

re: #561 Gus


We have a hippie store a block away from where I'm sitting that advertises "Free Hugs". I'll be walking by it on the way to the Irish pub I go to on Thursdays. Heh.

566 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:11:26am

re: #562 wrenchwench

We need to make it clear to voters that this is the GOP's vision for America.

567 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:11:53am

re: #553 Creeping Diversity

They should be helped when they battle militant radicals. They should be held to account when they themselves commit bad deeds.

When possible, yes. But they do more good than harm and they chasing the LRA even now. For all it problems, Uganda is a far better nation than a number of other we've called allies.

BBL, gotta see the doctor.

568 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:12:17am

re: #565 Cannadian Club Akbar

We have a hippie store a block away from where I'm sitting that advertises "Free Hugs". I'll be walking by it on the way to the Irish pub I go to on Thursdays. Heh.

Bet they charge extra for Radical Hugs.

569 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:12:22am

re: #563 Creeping Diversity

That's how the virus of radicalism spreads! /

Damn, this is sooo weak compared to the 2008 Wright stuff.

It's also getting heavily into the latter parts of "Boy Who Cried Wolf" phase.

Which tells you how subtle Obama has been. He's allowed them to cry and cry and cry alarm about the on-coming disaster while nothing has changed. And then, in 2014 Obama will act!

570 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:12:22am

re: #565 Cannadian Club Akbar

We have a hippie store a block away from where I'm sitting that advertises "Free Hugs". I'll be walking by it on the way to the Irish pub I go to on Thursdays. Heh.

Good idea. Or horrible. Depends entirely on who does the hugs.

571 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:13:59am

re: #570 Creeping Diversity

Good idea. Or horrible. Depends entirely on who does the hugs.

I'm hoping the bartender at the Irish pub wants to hug me someday.:)

572 Lidane  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:14:49am

When will these morons figure out that the internet is forever?

573 b_Snark  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:14:53am

re: #549 Obdicut

A portion of my wife's classroom fell in today and nearly killed one of her classmates.

I'm glad that she's got a full ride.

Holy shit.

574 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:15:33am

re: #572 Lidane

Meh. The intertubes is just a fad.

575 Flounder  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:16:02am

re: #560 Lidane

Great legs!

576 HappyWarrior  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:16:07am

re: #572 Lidane

When will these morons figure out that the internet is forever?

[Embedded content]

I just saw that. Heh. "What I didn't say that, just check my website."

577 b_Snark  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:17:17am

re: #565 Cannadian Club Akbar

We have a hippie store a block away from where I'm sitting that advertises "Free Hugs". I'll be walking by it on the way to the Irish pub I go to on Thursdays. Heh.

Obviously a socialist bunch. A good capitalist would charge everything the market could bear for those hugs.

578 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:18:34am

re: #577 Tundra Boy

Obviously a socialist bunch. A good capitalist would charge everything the market could bear for those hugs.

The hugs are free because they overcharge for the incense.

579 b_Snark  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:18:45am

re: #572 Lidane

When will these morons figure out that the internet is forever?

Adding dishonesty to ignorance. Doesn't he know the Internet is forever?

580 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:19:14am

re: #577 Tundra Boy

Obviously a socialist bunch. A good capitalist would charge everything the market could bear for those hugs.

Not true. Could just be the free lead-in offer in order to hook the initial set of customers. Then you hit the pay-wall to get the enhanced hugs.

581 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:20:19am

re: #580 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

Not true. Could just be the free lead-in offer in order to hook the initial set of customers. Then you hit the pay-wall to get the enhanced hugs.

I never thought of that. I could use a happy ending right about now. Wait. What?

582 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:20:26am

I see it's already 49.

583 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:22:22am

re: #565 Cannadian Club Akbar

We have a hippie store a block away from where I'm sitting that advertises "Free Hugs". I'll be walking by it on the way to the Irish pub I go to on Thursdays. Heh.

Hippie Hugs!

584 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:23:43am

re: #583 NJDhockeyfan

What an accent "You hog someone when you feel fed op". ;)

585 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:24:13am
586 PhillyPretzel  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:25:49am

Just in case no one noticed we got hit with another solar flare. I just posted a page on it. [Link:]

587 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:26:22am

re: #584 Creeping Diversity

What an accent "You hog someone when you feel fed op". ;)

We saw that show for the first time a few weeks ago and laughed are asses off. The Rt 66 show was hilarious.

588 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:26:42am

re: #585 Gus

Who can forget about Hannity's associations with neo-Nazi Hal Turner?


589 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:26:43am

Good god watch these two pukes.

Hannity's Hug-Gate

590 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:26:45am

Hug a child, breed a terrorist.

591 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:28:13am

Also, Breitbart himself was associated with an extremist bigot Pamela Geller. Bell wasn't even anywhere close to her league of bigotry.

592 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:28:21am

re: #590 iossarian

Hug a child, breed a terrorist.

So that means Huggy Bear was the first great Islamist infiltrator?

593 Honorary Consul General  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:28:40am

Alrighty. Time for a cocktail, then laundry. See y'all next week.:)

594 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:28:44am

re: #588 Creeping Diversity

Who can forget about Hannity's associations with neo-Nazi Hal Turner?


Thanks for the reminder.

595 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:29:02am

Sean Hannity, friend of a neo-Nazi.

596 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:29:02am

re: #589 Gus

It's Demonizing Black Men time again on Fox.

597 Sol Berdinowitz  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:29:02am

"The Jeremiah Wright of academia?"

598 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:29:38am

re: #594 Gus

Tweet it to someone important? Maybe people will remember.

599 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:29:49am

re: #596 Obdicut

It's Demonizing Black Men time again on Fox.

re: #597 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

"The Jeremiah Wright of academia?"

One of the reasons I lost my cool last night. Let me tell ya' I was steamed almost to the boiling point.

600 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:31:37am

re: #598 Creeping Diversity

Tweet it to someone important? Maybe people will remember.

Tweeted to ABL.

601 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:31:52am

re: #597 Ministry of Fairness and Balance

"The Jeremiah Wright of academia?"

The dissonance wave grows since you will soon see the wave amplitude interactions between Bell (a black man) protesting against academia and the "ivory tower academics are trying to destroy American" memes.

They are for it as they are against it.

602 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:34:06am

re: #600 Gus

For the jugular, like our guru Alinsky commanded us.

603 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:34:44am

re: #602 Creeping Diversity

For the jugular, like our guru Alinsky commanded us.

Doing that now. ;) Another one.


604 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:36:48am

re: #603 Gus

Wrong shortlink.

605 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:39:51am

re: #604 Creeping Diversity

Wrong shortlink.

Should work.

606 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:40:13am

Oh! Oops.

607 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:43:16am

Ann Althouse did.

608 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:46:55am

This is hilarious.


609 lawhawk  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:47:54am

re: #608 Gus

Payback for Boris Pasternak? /

610 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:49:33am
611 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:51:30am

Kahanist blogger Debbie Schlussel thinks Israel's president Shimon Peres should be killed:


Shimon, Yasser & Baba: Three People “Dr.” Kevorkian Missed


I was sickened, but I couldn’t decide who made me sicker: Peres or Wawa. I say, lock ‘em up in a Cairo falafel hut and let some Egyptian/Libyan/Syrian (take your pick) “democracy” protesters finish ‘em off. Then ask their ghosts about the Iran nukes.

612 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:51:43am

re: #609 lawhawk

Payback for Boris Pasternak? /

I love it when they play these little propaganda games.

613 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:53:02am

See! My conservative side showing. ;)

Although technically that should not have to be considered "conservative".

614 darthstar  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:53:18am

Thanks, fucker. Now you've got me, an athiest, actually hoping for an "act of god."

Mitt Romney’s camp says it would take an “act of God” for any of Romney’s opponents to win the GOP nomination, after Romney’s Super Tuesday victories padded his delegate total.

615 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:53:32am

re: #613 Gus

I don't see how that is conservative.

616 Kragar  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:54:00am

After Wisconsin Voters Revolt Against GOP Lawmakers, GOP Lawmakers Approve Amendment Preventing Recall Elections

In the face of an expected recall election targeting Gov. Scott Walker and four Republican state senators, the Wisconsin state Assembly voted Tuesday to amend the state constitution to make it more difficult to toss an official from office.

The measure, which still faces major hurdles before taking effect, would allow officeholders to be recalled only if they have been charged with a serious crime or if there is a finding of probable cause that they violated the state code of ethics. [...]

Republican supporters, including the amendment’s sponsor Rep. Robin Vos, R-Caledonia, argued changes are needed to limit recalls given the flurry of such efforts over the past year. Republicans have said Walker and the others are being unfairly targeted simply for doing their job.

617 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:54:14am

re: #614 darthstar

me, an athiest

You no longer are. #expelled

618 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:55:16am

re: #616 Kragar

Government accountability!

619 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:55:22am

re: #615 Creeping Diversity

I don't see how that is conservative.

I know. But some people would be like "you're a right winger if you don't side with the Bradley Manning camp." Feck 'em. I've heard it before back when I was a McCain supporter.

620 Killgore Trout  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:55:27am

Boycott! Outrage!
Liberal hate talker Randi Rhodes: 'Cut off' conservative women's ovaries

On Wednesday, liberal hate talker Randi Rhodes went ballistic, claiming that conservative women don't deserve to have ovaries.

“You know, these women, somebody really needs to go repossess their ovaries," Rhodes said.

"Really, truly, they have no right to them. They are fabulous, little organs and they have absolutely no right to be estrogen-bearing beings. Okay? Just cut ‘em off, let ‘em go through the hot flashes, let ‘em just sit there and complain about hormone therapy, okay? Just take the ovaries and get it over with. Because they don’t deserve to have estrogen. They really don’t. It’s a privilege.”

Yesterday, we reported that Rhodes is sponsored by Quicken Loans, a company that pulled its advertising from Rush Limbaugh for calling Sandra Fluke a "slut."

621 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:56:42am

re: #620 Killgore Trout

Wait a sec, I need to google that guy.

622 Kragar  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:56:46am

re: #620 Killgore Trout

Boycott! Outrage!
Liberal hate talker Randi Rhodes: 'Cut off' conservative women's ovaries

So do I have to listen to her before I say I'll never listen to her again or can I just continue to never listen to her?

623 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:56:53am

re: #620 Killgore Trout

Yep, that's shitty on her part, and it adds nothing to the conversation.

Did you have a point?

624 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:57:06am

re: #621 Creeping Diversity

Wait a sec, I need to google that guy.


625 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:58:17am

re: #615 Creeping Diversity

I don't see how that is conservative.

I'm doing it again!

[Duct tapes fingers.]

626 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:58:25am

re: #620 Killgore Trout

THE GREAT AND POWERFUL RUSH demands that you quit comparing me to nothings who require google searches to even find their pitiful lives, much less their pansy political statements.

627 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:58:29am

re: #624 Creeping Diversity

She got kicked off Air America already for inappropriate comments.

628 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:59:20am

re: #627 Obdicut

She got kicked off Air America already for inappropriate comments.


629 Killgore Trout  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 9:59:41am

re: #623 Obdicut

Yep, that's shitty on her part, and it adds nothing to the conversation.

Did you have a point?

Yes: Nobody is really concerned with elevating the level of discourse or women's rights. It's all outrageous outrage directed at partisan opponents. I don't expect lefties to start spamming the phone lines of her advertisers or try to get her show taken off the air. They only complain when the other side does it.

630 Targetpractice  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:00:32am

re: #616 Kragar

After Wisconsin Voters Revolt Against GOP Lawmakers, GOP Lawmakers Approve Amendment Preventing Recall Elections

Remember, recalls are never necessary...unless your governor's name is Gray Davis, then that bastard needs to go!


631 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:00:45am

re: #629 Killgore Trout

Yes: Nobody is really concerned with elevating the level of discourse or women's rights.

Why do you think so? I think the ongoing Rush story shows otherwise.

632 wrenchwench  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:01:14am

re: #629 Killgore Trout

Yes: Nobody is really concerned with elevating the level of discourse or women's rights. It's all outrageous outrage directed at partisan opponents. I don't expect lefties to start spamming the phone lines of her advertisers or try to get her show taken off the air. They only complain when the other side does it.

If by 'nobody' you mean 'people who make a living by stirring up shit in the media', then you are right.

633 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:02:02am

re: #629 Killgore Trout

Yes: Nobody is really concerned with elevating the level of discourse or women's rights.

And you know this how?

It's all outrageous outrage directed at partisan opponents. I don't expect lefties to start spamming the phone lines of her advertisers or try to get her show taken off the air. They only complain when the other side does it.

Um, she got kicked off Air America for inappropriate comments already.

Try again?

634 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:02:24am

re: #629 Killgore Trout

Yes: Nobody is really concerned with elevating the level of discourse or women's rights. It's all outrageous outrage directed at partisan opponents. I don't expect lefties to start spamming the phone lines of her advertisers or try to get her show taken off the air. They only complain when the other side does it.

This is news to you? And you're talking about the "same side" that's now promoting some goofy chit about Obama and Derrick Bell.

635 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:02:43am

re: #629 Killgore Trout

Yes: Nobody is really concerned with elevating the level of discourse or women's rights. It's all outrageous outrage directed at partisan opponents. I don't expect lefties to start spamming the phone lines of her advertisers or try to get her show taken off the air. They only complain when the other side does it.

Wait, wait, I have a call coming in for you.

It's a Mr. "Balance Fairy". He says it's urgent.

636 lawhawk  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:03:02am

re: #620 Killgore Trout

Despicable person says despicable things. Okay.

Now for the compare/contrast portion of today's post:

Compare Rush attacking a named individual - Sandra Flake - and calling her a slut with Rhodes making an attack against "conservative women".

In the former, we're talking defamation and a harsh personal attack. Harm suffered? Tremendous.

The latter? It's an attack on who? A class of people? Harm suffered? Negligible.

One of these things is not like the other.

If conservatives want to go ahead and boycott Rhodes or call on businesses to take their business elsewhere - go for it.

Boycotts work, as do the threat of boycotts, but this isn't quite in the same league as Rush's commentary re: Fluke.

637 Ben G. Hazi  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:03:42am

re: #623 Obdicut

Yep, that's shitty on her part, and it adds nothing to the conversation.

Did you have a point?

Of course KT had a point; to him, Rhodes' dumbass diatribe is exactly the same as Limbaugh multi-day screed and non-apologies over Fluke, therefore people should "boycott" her advertisers also.

Frankly, I'd be surprised if Rhodes' show gets a tenth of the audience that Rush's does (both of which are Premiere Radio/ClearChannel shows, BTW). Most people, even if they don't listen to talk radio, know who Rush is, but aren't gonna know who Randi Rhodes is or give a damn about it.

Rhodes also doesn't have the Democrats by the balls like Rush has the GOP, but it doesn't really matter for KT to use his MBF in this.

638 lawhawk  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:04:40am

re: #628 Gus

Oh, and the radio network she now works for? It's a subsidiary of Clear Channel (the same folks who carry Rush).

639 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:04:45am

re: #629 Killgore Trout

Anyway, remember your V5 argument is that the boycotters aren't actually boycotting, so there isn't actually any economic pressure being exerted. This replaces your earlier V4 argument that economic pressure to 'get people fired' (which is itself a misrepresentation) is wrong.

640 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:05:00am

OK, simple question.

How many people listen to Limbo? How many to Rhodes. Some data plz.

641 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:05:05am

re: #620 Killgore Trout

Boycott! Outrage!
Liberal hate talker Randi Rhodes: 'Cut off' conservative women's ovaries

Here's another one from the same writer: Mentor admits hiding video of Obama praising, hugging radical Harvard prof


Gee whiz and this all involves the President of the United States of America.



642 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:05:59am

Breaking in Centrist Fantasy Land: Obama apologizes to Randi Rhodes for describing her choice of words regarding Republicans as "inappropriate".

643 Killgore Trout  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:06:00am

re: #641 Gus

Here's another one from the same writer: Mentor admits hiding video of Obama praising, hugging radical Harvard prof


Gee whiz and this all involves the President of the United States of America.



Of course he's an idiot. What did you expect?

644 b_Snark  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:06:43am

re: #617 Creeping Diversity

You no longer are. #expelled

It's about time. I've been wanting to label him a heretic for a very long time.

645 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:07:26am

re: #643 Killgore Trout

Of course he's an idiot. What did you expect?

Anywho. This is your new gig. To snark endlessly about "boycotting Rush." At least it's helping you move on past your obsession with OWS to a certain extent.

646 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:07:47am

re: #643 Killgore Trout

Can you explain how you know nobody is interested in elevating the level of discourse?

647 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:08:38am

There's a difference between when a KKK Grand Wizard says "I want to cut Obama's nuts off" and Jesse Jackson does it. The only common thing here is that the comments are classless.

648 Killgore Trout  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:09:17am

re: #645 Gus

Anywho. This is your new gig. To snark endlessly about "boycotting Rush." At least it's helping you move on past your obsession with OWS to a certain extent.

Yes. I'm sort of fascinated by the obvious hypocrisy and how people rationalize it.

649 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:09:42am

I think Fluke has done a pretty admirable job of attempting to elevate the level of discourse. And that's part of why Rush has stuck his foot in it so badly. She's really not a partisan bomb-thrower. She's just an advocate for her cause.

650 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:09:57am

re: #648 Killgore Trout

Yes. I'm sort of fascinated by the obvious hypocrisy and how people rationalize it.

Praise Jesus.

651 Obdicut  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:10:17am

re: #648 Killgore Trout

Yes. I'm sort of fascinated by the obvious hypocrisy and how people rationalize it.

Jesus, you could teach a correspondence course in being passive aggressive.

652 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:10:36am

re: #648 Killgore Trout

Pointing out the mostly illusory hypocrisy here has been your schtick from about November last year. #bored

653 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:11:22am

re: #651 Obdicut

Jesus, you could teach a correspondence course in being passive aggressive.

See. That comment made us both think about Jesus. I wonder when he'll convert.


654 Lidane  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:11:36am

re: #651 Obdicut

Jesus, you could teach a correspondence course in being passive aggressive.

And write a doctoral thesis on it, too.

"You're allowed to have an opinion, you just can't DO anything with it!"

655 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:13:26am

Next up: the list of rappers who use the n-word.

656 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:13:31am

I'd rather be a hypocrite about boycotts then a hypocrite about torture (i.e. waterboarding).

657 b_Snark  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:15:49am

re: #629 Killgore Trout

Yes: Nobody is really concerned with elevating the level of discourse or women's rights. It's all outrageous outrage directed at partisan opponents. I don't expect lefties to start spamming the phone lines of her advertisers or try to get her show taken off the air. They only complain when the other side does it.

Bull shit.

RL has been an ass for a very long time, and he's been more or less left alone. This last bit of crap was just the last straw.

This RR person, I've never even heard of before, but it looks like he/she/it has been booted off of one left radio station already.

If you want we can play the 'no you are' game and go looking for every little conservative mealy mouthed ass who hasn't been boycotted, or booted, just to show the nasty left doesn't pick on most righties. Then we can look up all the mealy mouthed lefties who have been boycotted or booted by the right and/or left.

Just how far do want to carry this?

658 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:16:42am

re: #629 Killgore Trout

Yes: Nobody is really concerned with elevating the level of discourse or women's rights. It's all outrageous outrage directed at partisan opponents. I don't expect lefties to start spamming the phone lines of her advertisers or try to get her show taken off the air. They only complain when the other side does it.

You seem to be more upset about this boycott thing then what Rush Limbaugh actually said.

659 Lidane  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:16:45am

re: #656 Gus

I don't even think there's hypocrisy about boycotts. As a general concept, they're a good thing. I disagree with some of them and think they're fail, like the one against JC Penney over Ellen, or the Archie comics one over a gay character, but I don't think the boycotts themselves are bad.

We apply financial pressure on others all the time in an official capacity. Hello, Cuban embargo. What's the difference if some private citizens want to have a boycott? It's clearly part of our political toolbox.

660 iossarian  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:17:40am

re: #658 Gus

You seem to be more upset about this boycott thing then what Rush Limbaugh actually said.


661 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:18:07am

re: #659 Lidane

I don't even think there's hypocrisy about boycotts. As a general concept, they're a good thing. I disagree with some of them and think they're fail, like the one against JC Penney over Ellen, or the Archie comics one over a gay character, but I don't think the boycotts themselves are bad.

We apply financial pressure on others all the time in an official capacity. Hello, Cuban embargo. What's the difference if some private citizens want to have a boycott? It's clearly part of our political toolbox.

Exactly. I was comparing boycott to embargoes yesterday. They are indeed similar and work as a political tool in applying pressure for governments to change.

662 Lidane  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:19:49am

re: #657 Tundra Boy

Just how far do want to carry this?

Whatever it takes so KT can be concerned.

Randi Rhoads isn't even on the same map as Limbaugh. She was an idiot in 2008 and she's an idiot now.

663 Lidane  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:21:10am

re: #658 Gus

You seem to be more upset about this boycott thing then what Rush Limbaugh actually said.

Pretty much, yeah.

664 Gus  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:24:09am

re: #663 Lidane

Pretty much, yeah.

I should revise that to read:

You seem to be more upset CONCERNED about this boycott thing then what Rush Limbaugh actually said.

665 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:25:12am

re: #664 Gus


666 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:25:16am

Hail Stan.

667 Targetpractice  Thu, Mar 8, 2012 10:25:45am

re: #662 Lidane

Whatever it takes so KT can be concerned.

Randi Rhoads isn't even on the same map as Limbaugh. She was an idiot in 2008 and she's an idiot now.

Yeah, but she's a liberal, so it's equivalent! Now get your ass to condemning her and to supporting the boycott to get her removed from the air, or you're a hypocrite!


668 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Mar 10, 2012 10:27:51pm

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