National Review Defends White Nationalist-Linked Heritage Immigration Expert

Racism in academic disguise
Immigration • Views: 55,204

Just a few months ago, the National Review was forced to fire or distance themselves from not one, but two overt white nationalists who had been writing for the publication for years.

So it’s not really surprising to find editor Robert VerBruggen mounting a vociferous defense of Jason Richwine and “scientific racism” research; it’s what they do. (Notice that VerBruggen never mentions Richwine’s articles for the white nationalist website

Heritage Was Wrong.

As you no doubt have already heard, on Friday the Heritage Foundation accepted the resignation of one Jason Richwine, who in 2009 had completed a Harvard dissertation in which he probed the nexus between immigration and IQ.

The decision revealed a shocking unwillingness on the part of Heritage to stand up to bullying and protect the academic freedom of its researchers. Perhaps the only good thing to emerge from all this has been the wide-scale distribution of the dissertation itself, a worthy if highly debatable document. It’s a pity that none of Richwine’s detractors seem to have seriously engaged the paper, because an actual discussion of the ideas therein would be fruitful.

VerBruggen is 100% on board with Richwine’s contention that Latinos are not as smart as white people — and he explicitly wants to use this research to drive US immigration policies:

It may be unseemly to ask what might happen with Hispanic IQ as Hispanics move from immigration to assimilation. But given the above facts, and given the reality of large-scale Hispanic immigration to the U.S., there is no denying that the answer is relevant to the future of this country.

Republicans have no trouble believing in the “science” of white racial superiority, and want to use it to disenfranchise people they consider less intelligent than themselves…

But climate change? That’s a hoax.

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1 erik_t  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:02:28pm

What the hell is the editorial process like for the National Review, anyway? Are we to believe that these various racist and white-nationalist screeds keep getting posted out of the blue, without any sort of higher approval within the organization?

Seems like that would a pretty shitty way to run a private corporation, but I’m just some dumbass big-govt-loving moonbat. I am not wise to the ways of Ubermensch Job Creators.

2 iossarian  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:03:36pm

I’ve just paged Jason Richwine’s piece from 2009 in which he tries to explain away the fact that conservative voters have lower IQs than liberals.

3 Amory Blaine  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:04:28pm

Studies like this is how conservatives hope to reclaim the country.

4 HappyWarrior  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:06:24pm

And they wonder why they keep on losing elections. Yeah keep on telling yourself that it’s just “free stuff” and not your bigotry guys.

5 Lidane  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:08:18pm

At this point, conservatives and Republicans have two options:

1. Keep appealing to the angry white bigots in this country with overtly racist garbage like Richwine’s and continue to alienate everyone else,


2. Join the 21st Century, admit that demographics are death for the right and stop appealing to the angry white bigots, even at the cost of their staying home in protest.

6 Kragar  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:10:22pm

Beck: ‘It Is Time to Appoint a Special Counsel to Explore Impeachment of This President’

Arguing that he is not a conspiracy nut because he never bought into the Birther claims or allegations that Obama is really a Muslim, Beck called not only for the appointment of a Special Counsel but also the creation of a civilian oversight board to which the Special Counsel would report since nobody in the government can be trusted because “the big government stooges will cover for themselves”

7 HappyWarrior  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:12:12pm

re: #6 Kragar

Beck: ‘It Is Time to Appoint a Special Counsel to Explore Impeachment of This President’

Can one of this man’s relatives just tell him that it’s not responsible to go off your meds?

8 stabby  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:12:30pm

My step mom is Mexican. She graduated at the very top of her Medical school class. The lowest grade she got was when a professor refused to believe that she could have gotten 100% in one of her exams without cheating and he marked her down…

None of these stupid racists would last a minute against her.

9 goddamnedfrank  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:13:24pm

What’s wrong with being sexy?

10 HappyWarrior  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:13:30pm

re: #5 Lidane

At this point, conservatives and Republicans have two options:

1. Keep appealing to the angry white bigots in this country with overtly racist garbage like Richwine’s and continue to alienate everyone else,


2. Join the 21st Century, admit that demographics are death for the right and stop appealing to the angry white bigots, even at the cost of their staying home in protest.

They should do number 2 but too many of them are hellbent with 1 either out of sincere agreement with the Richwines of the world or because they’re afraid if they denounce them, someone may say they’re not real conservatives or call them RINOs and that’s worse than having actual integrity and calling out racial bullshit.

11 Kragar  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:13:54pm

re: #5 Lidane

At this point, conservatives and Republicans have two options:

1. Keep appealing to the angry white bigots in this country with overtly racist garbage like Richwine’s and continue to alienate everyone else,


2. Join the 21st Century, admit that demographics are death for the right and stop appealing to the angry white bigots, even at the cost of their staying home in protest.

Looks like they are going with 1:

Issa: ‘An Act Of Terror Is Different Than A Terrorist Attack’

“The President sent a letter to the president of Libya were he didn’t call it a terrorist attack even when in real time the president of Libya was calling this a pre-planned Sept. 11 terrorist attack,” Issa said during an interview with Fox News anchor Megyn Kelly. “So I think when you look at official correspondence from the President through the acting ambassador to the president of Libya, which came out in our hearing and was testified to under oath, the words that are being used carefully — like you just said, act of terror — an act of terror is different than a terrorist attack. The truth is, this was a terrorist attack, this had al Qaeda at it, this came over the wall very quickly, attacked and killed two people and then later two more hours later.”

Obama used the phrase “acts of terror” the day after the Sept. 11, 2012 attack in Benghazi that left four Americans dead, a point he reiterated at a Monday news conference.

Issa also assailed the U.S. government’s response to the attack, suggesting that military forces could have been deployed there easily.

“Quite frankly, you can take off from Washington, D.C. on a commercial flight and practically be in Benghazi by the end of seven hours,” Issa told Kelly.

12 stabby  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:15:26pm

The new racist century.

I guess the Republicans are trying to whip up white racism so that when they stop hispanics and blacks from voting, they won’t be knocked down by their constituents.

Next argument has to be that other races aren’t really Americans.

13 erik_t  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:15:35pm

re: #6 Kragar

Beck: ‘It Is Time to Appoint a Special Counsel to Explore Impeachment of This President’

That’s… not how impeachment works, Mr. ZOMG I ❤ Constitution XOXOXO

14 HappyWarrior  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:16:39pm

re: #11 Kragar

Looks like they are going with 1:

Issa: ‘An Act Of Terror Is Different Than A Terrorist Attack’

I somehow doubt it takes seven hours to fly from DC to Benghazi. It’s a longer flight from DC to Heathrow in London. And what’s with the stupid semantics over “act of terror” and terror attack.” If President Bush had said in so many words and I am sure he actually did at least once call the attacks on the Twin Towers and Pentagon “acts of terror” no one would have nitpicked it but no Obama says it and Darrell Issa is upset because of semantic bullshit.

15 Targetpractice  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:17:15pm

re: #6 Kragar

Beck: ‘It Is Time to Appoint a Special Counsel to Explore Impeachment of This President’

Translation: “I know there’s chance in Hell that Obama will be convicted if impeached, so I want to rewrite the rules to allow me and my buddies to have the power to throw him out of office if we choose to.”

16 HappyWarrior  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:17:47pm

re: #13 erik_t

That’s… not how impeachment works, Mr. ZOMG I ❤ Constitution XOXOXO

It’s funny because he’s always accusing POTUS and the administration of trying to change America to shape their image yet we constantly hear him talking about how he wants to do that. HE doesn’t trust independent counsels. Fine, Glenn but we’re not going to get rid of them because you’ve got a paranoia about your government.

17 Vicious Babushka  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:18:38pm

re: #11 Kragar

“Quite frankly, you can take off from Washington, D.C. on a commercial flight and practically be in Benghazi by the end of seven hours,” Issa told Kelly.

Not counting the time that you spend getting to the airport, getting through security, boarding the aircraft, waiting to be cleared for takeoff, waiting to be cleared for landing, deplaning, baggage claim, going through customs and immigration,

Oh did I mention assembling and equipping a crack elite rescue team?

18 stabby  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:19:26pm

re: #11 Kragar

“an act of terror is different than a terrorist attack.”

WTF? English, do you speak it?

I guess when a Black man speaks it doesn’t mean the same thing he’s not speaking he’s blackspeaking…

Wasn’t there a famous Arabic poem about sexism that had the same point.. “womanspeaks” “womenwalked”

19 iossarian  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:19:57pm

re: #17 Vicious Babushka

Oh did I mention assembling and equipping a crack elite rescue team?

That part’s easy - first you have to look for the guy with the obvious fake mustache hanging around on the street corner while his large african-american friend looks on from the van.

20 iossarian  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:20:38pm

re: #19 iossarian

That part’s easy - first you have to look for the guy with the obvious fake mustache hanging around on the street corner while his large african-american friend looks on from the van.

21 blueraven  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:21:21pm

Gosnell found Guilty on 3 counts First Degree Murder

22 Vicious Babushka  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:21:37pm
23 goddamnedfrank  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:22:11pm

What did Voltron know and when did he know it?!

24 Vicious Babushka  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:22:45pm


25 Minor_L  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:23:16pm

Remember, these are the same people who think this:

Republicans think by a 74/19 margin than Benghazi is a worse political scandal than Watergate

I think they should do a poll asking them what Watergate was about. I bet the answers would be hilarious.

26 HappyWarrior  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:23:33pm
10 hrs from DC to Tripoli. I imagine it would be longer with Benghazi since Benghazi is a smaller city and thus would have a smaller airport. So yeah Issa talked out of his ass yet again. Color me shocked.Really, Benghazi was tragic but I am sick of Republicans like him acting like this was the only time an embassy or in the case of Benghazi a consulate has ever been attacked. Where was their anger when stuff like this happened in the Bush years? The Republican outrage over Benghazi is purely an OMG THIS HAPPENED UNDER OBAMA, LET’S MAKE IT OUT TO BE THE WORST THING EVER!!! And predictable all their rubes from the idiot right wing pundits to the rubes on twitter buy it.

27 iossarian  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:23:44pm

OT - does everyone realize that when French TV bought the rights to shows like the A-Team, they dubbed vocals over the opening credit music?

28 stabby  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:23:49pm

re: #24 Vicious Babushka


Whenever morons take up a useless, stupid issue I thank God that they’ve found something to waste their stupidity on.

If only we could keep the wingnuts busy with stupid things 24/7

29 Bulworth  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:24:19pm
Issa also assailed the U.S. government’s response to the attack, suggesting that military forces could have been deployed there easily.

“Quite frankly, you can take off from Washington, D.C. on a commercial flight and practically be in Benghazi by the end of seven hours,” Issa told Kelly.

What was it that Gates said about lawmakers having a ‘cartoonish’ mindset of the military and its ability to deploy into uncertain conditions, etc?

30 stabby  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:25:07pm

re: #25 Minor_L

Republicans think by a 74/19 margin than Benghazi is a worse political scandal than Watergate

Ok, that’s it, I have to find a smarter country to move to.

31 Targetpractice  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:25:13pm

re: #26 HappyWarrior
10 hrs from DC to Tripoli. I imagine it would be longer with Benghazi since Benghazi is a smaller city and thus would have a smaller airport. So yeah Issa talked out of his ass yet again. Color me shocked.Really, Benghazi was tragic but I am sick of Republicans like him acting like this was the only time an embassy or in the case of Benghazi a consulate has ever been attacked. Where was their anger when stuff like this happened in the Bush years? The Republican outrage over Benghazi is purely an OMG THIS HAPPENED UNDER OBAMA, LET’S MAKE IT OUT TO BE THE WORST THING EVER!!! And predictable all their rubes from the idiot right wing pundits to the rubes on twitter buy it.

Not to mention 10 hours is non-stop flight. If you’re flying a smaller commuter plane, like the kind that Congress avails itself of for its “fact-finding tours,” then you’re talking at least 1-2 hours on the ground for refueling stops.

32 Bulworth  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:25:17pm

re: #24 Vicious Babushka



33 HappyWarrior  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:25:54pm

re: #31 Targetpractice

Not to mention 10 hours is non-stop flight. If you’re flying a smaller commuter plane, like the kind that Congress avails itself of for its “fact-finding tours,” then you’re talking at least 1-2 hours on the ground for refueling stops.

Ah good point. So basically it’s nearly twice as long as Issa said.

34 Bulworth  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:26:22pm

re: #31 Targetpractice

But the military is right there and could fly in from ar bases right nearby and drop bombs and scare them and swoop in and rescue the Americans!

35 Lidane  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:26:59pm

re: #11 Kragar

“Quite frankly, you can take off from Washington, D.C. on a commercial flight and practically be in Benghazi by the end of seven hours,” Issa told Kelly.

Nope. Fail. It’s at least a 10 hour flight just to Tripoli:

36 blueraven  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:27:03pm

re: #26 HappyWarrior
10 hrs from DC to Tripoli. I imagine it would be longer with Benghazi since Benghazi is a smaller city and thus would have a smaller airport. So yeah Issa talked out of his ass yet again. Color me shocked.Really, Benghazi was tragic but I am sick of Republicans like him acting like this was the only time an embassy or in the case of Benghazi a consulate has ever been attacked. Where was their anger when stuff like this happened in the Bush years? The Republican outrage over Benghazi is purely an OMG THIS HAPPENED UNDER OBAMA, LET’S MAKE IT OUT TO BE THE WORST THING EVER!!! And predictable all their rubes from the idiot right wing pundits to the rubes on twitter buy it.

I don’t think there was ever a suggestion of a fight to Benghazi from DC. Unless I am missing the point of this?

37 stabby  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:27:24pm

re: #34 Bulworth

Using our military’s magical Eagles from Lord of the Rings!

38 Targetpractice  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:27:26pm

And supposing for a second that Issa wasn’t talking out of his ass and the flight-time from DC to Benghazi was indeed 7 hours, the airport and the consulate were not right next door to each other. That was part of the delay in the first team getting to the diplomatic staff, the need to secure vehicles to transport them.

39 HappyWarrior  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:27:34pm

re: #36 blueraven

I don’t think there was ever a suggestion of a fight to Benghazi from DC. Unless I am missing the point of this?

Issa said that it would take seven hours to get there from D.C.

40 blueraven  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:28:30pm

re: #39 HappyWarrior

Issa said that it would take seven hours to get there from D.C.

Ah…missed that DERP!

41 stabby  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:28:44pm

isn’t it amazing?

It turned out that GWB was the smart member of his party.

42 lawhawk  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:28:46pm

re: #24 Vicious Babushka

It’s the Circus Maximus approach to crime and punishment. Thumbs up/down by Twitter.

43 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:30:08pm

re: #11 Kragar

Looks like they are going with 1:

Issa: ‘An Act Of Terror Is Different Than A Terrorist Attack’

“Quite frankly, you can take off from Washington, D.C. on a commercial flight and practically be in Benghazi by the end of seven hours,” Issa told Kelly.

Yes, but then they would spend hours at the baggage carousel waiting for their weapons to be unloaded…

44 Lidane  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:30:10pm

re: #24 Vicious Babushka

There goes that whole “sanctity of life” thing again.

45 HappyWarrior  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:31:02pm

re: #40 blueraven

Ah…missed that DERP!

Yeah. It kind of stood out to me because I remembered when I flew to Heathrow in London from BWI that it took a little longer than seven hours and I figured that a flight to Libya would be longer than that so had to call out that Derpiness for what it is. He’s not like a half hour off, he’s 3-4 hours off.

46 Bulworth  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:33:20pm
“Quite frankly, you can take off from Washington, D.C. on a commercial flight and practically be in Benghazi by the end of seven hours,” Issa told Kelly.

Still digging….gonna reach China soon. /

47 stabby  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:33:50pm

Heh it occurs to me that the Republicans are focusing on IQ rather than education because if you needed a college degree to vote, there’d never be another Republican elected ever again.

48 Lidane  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:34:28pm

re: #45 HappyWarrior

Yeah. It kind of stood out to me because I remembered when I flew to Heathrow in London from BWI that it took a little longer than seven hours and I figured that a flight to Libya would be longer than that so had to call out that Derpiness for what it is. He’s not like a half hour off, he’s 3-4 hours off.

And he’s only 3-4 hours off if the entire flight goes off without a hitch.

You know, because travel always goes off without a hitch.

49 jaunte  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:35:46pm

re: #11 Kragar

“Quite frankly, you can take off from Washington, D.C. on a commercial flight and practically be in Benghazi by the end of seven hours,” Issa told Kelly.

So how does that work, exactly?

50 erik_t  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:35:53pm

re: #48 Lidane

And he’s only 3-4 hours off if the entire flight goes off without a hitch.

You know, because travel always goes off without a hitch.

He’s also only 3-4 hours off if the decision to go is made instantly, without any attempt to gather information and figure out what’s going on and what the plan should be. Just HOLY SHIT WE’D BETTER GO BLOW STUFF UP.

Now, I grant that is probably how Issa thinks military decisions should be made. It’s a long and storied tradition in the Republican party.

51 wrenchwench  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:35:53pm

Aside from the stupidity of tying IQ differences to genes to Hispanics (which VerBruggen almost admits is stupid: ‘Further, research into group IQ differences has typically focused on the black-white gap, not the gap between immigrants and American natives — and “Hispanic” is an ethnic rather than a racial category, making any inquiry into the effect of genes incredibly difficult.’) there’s the hypocricy of the NRO, which fired Derbyshire, saying The Heritage Foundation should have defended Richwine.

52 stabby  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:36:40pm

All this crap about “low IQ voters” but Rick Santorum broke the truth on that:

“We will never have the elite, smart people on our side …” Rick Santorum 2012

53 Targetpractice  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:36:59pm

Any conservative that doesn’t believe that a rescue operation takes longer than an hour to plan, put together, and execute, I invite to sit through Black Hawk Down. If they still believe their bullshit after that, then give the survivors of that debacle a ring and tell them they were pussies for not busting into a war zone, where the majority of the city wanted them dead, and getting those men out in all of an hour.

54 jaunte  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:39:22pm

There’s always a military strike force appropriately armed, briefed on the mission and ready to go, sitting in the presidential lounge at the Washington airport.

55 Bulworth  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:39:47pm

re: #50 erik_t

Beginning to think Benghazi bugaloo is about GOPteabag trying to erase PBO’s anti-terrorism legacy, i.e. getting OBL.

56 Lidane  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:40:17pm

re: #50 erik_t

Now, I grant that is probably how Issa thinks military decisions should be made. It’s a long and storied tradition in the Republican party.

Oh come on. Everyone knows that military operations are quick, easy to plan, and easy to carry out. And besides, we all know that any American troops on the ground in Benghazi would have been immediately greeted as liberators.


57 stabby  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:41:14pm

Also, speaking of the giant eagles from Lord of the Rings, finally a good explanation for why the didn’t use them to deposit the ring:
Image: ornithology.jpg

Warning while that page is probably ok, the REST of that website is NOT safe for work.

58 Bulworth  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:41:49pm

re: #52 stabby

Too many people going to college brainwashed by lib professors against God and not just doing whatever the Church says

59 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:42:29pm

re: #53 Targetpractice

Any conservative that doesn’t believe that a rescue operation takes longer than an hour to plan, put together, and execute, I invite to sit through Black Hawk Down. If they still believe their bullshit after that, then give the survivors of that debacle a ring and tell them they were pussies for not busting into a war zone, where the majority of the city wanted them dead, and getting those men out in all of an hour.

Former Defense Secretary Robert Gates, a Bush appointee, said on Face the Nation that some of the critics of the Obama administration’s response to the Benghazi attack have a “cartoonish impression of military capabilities and military forces.”

60 erik_t  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:44:14pm

re: #53 Targetpractice

Any conservative that doesn’t believe that a rescue operation takes longer than an hour to plan, put together, and execute, I invite to sit through Black Hawk Down.

Seriously. We had a full Company of Rangers literally on the edge of town, with vehicle and aviation assets in place, facing an enemy whose composition and strength they generally already knew, and it took a full fucking day.

61 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:45:57pm

re: #60 erik_t

Seriously. We had a full Company of Rangers literally on the edge of town, with vehicle and aviation assets in place, facing an enemy whose composition and strength they generally already knew, and it took a full fucking day.

But that was under Clinton. If Mitt Romney had been elected President, they would have been there in Benghazi before the attack even started!


62 iossarian  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:46:52pm

re: #61 Sol Berdinowitz

But that was under Clinton. If Mitt Romney had been elected President, they would have been there in Benghazi before the attack even started!


Romney would have made everything better with his magic trick of beefing up security while cutting unnecessary government waste.

63 Bulworth  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:48:11pm

re: #61 Sol Berdinowitz

If we had elected RomneyRyan the Benghazi attack would have retroactively not taken place. /

64 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:48:41pm

re: #62 iossarian

Romney would have made everything better with his magic trick of beefing up security while cutting unnecessary government waste.

Point is, the terrorists would not have dared to attack the USA knowing that a True Republican was in charge.


65 blueraven  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:51:06pm

Obama - the Green President?

President Bush signed the loan program into law in 2005. He let it languish, but President Obama expanded it and started handing out cash to solar manufacturers, wind developers, fuel-efficient-car makers and other clean-tech businesses in 2009. The goal was to commercialize cutting-edge green technologies that could reduce the U.S.’s foreign-oil -addiction and carbon emissions while creating jobs in tomorrow’s industries. Everyone knew some loans would go bad. The hope was that some loans would change the world.

Fisker probably won’t, but that doesn’t mean it was a dumb bet all along. An exhaustive Republican investigation found no wrongdoing connected to the Solyndra loan, and there’s no reason to think the Fisker loan was shady either. Like Solyndra, it was once considered a game-changing example of American innovation. Like Solyndra, Fisker raised a billion dollars from private investors. But like Solyndra, Fisker couldn’t cut it in the marketplace. …
The Energy Department cut Fisker off after it drew down just $192 million of a half-billion-dollar loan.

So it goes. Companies that receive tax breaks and subsidies fail all the time. Ordinary Americans who get tax deductions and subsidies fail too. Success is not guaranteed in a capitalist economy. The loan program provided a jump start, not a free ride. But Solyndra’s failure has overshadowed a spectacular boom in the -solar industry, which has grown more than tenfold since Obama took office. Fisker’s failure could overshadow similarly impressive growth in plug-in electrics; there were almost none on U.S. roads before 2008, and now there are more than 100,000.

During a presidential debate, Mitt Romney memorably lumped in Tesla Motors with Fisker as an Obama-supported “loser,” but Tesla just had its first profitable quarter and is on track to pay back its federal loan five years early. Its Model S has won the big car-of-the-year awards and received the highest Consumer Reports score of any car since 2007; its reviewers have sounded like teenage boys reviewing porn. So who’s the loser?

The larger point is that overall, as an independent review by Republican Senator John McCain’s finance chairman confirmed, the Energy Department’s $40 billion loan portfolio is performing well. It’s also transforming the energy landscape with America’s largest wind farm, a half-dozen of the world’s largest solar plants, cellulosic biofuel refineries and much more. Obama didn’t support one company or one technology; he supported all kinds of plausible alternatives to fossil fuels. He didn’t pick winners and losers; he picked the game of cleaner energy. And we’re winning. The U.S. has doubled its production of renewable power. Our carbon emissions are at their lowest levels since the early 1990s. And after decades when the U.S. invented products like solar panels and lithium-ion batteries only to see them manufactured and deployed abroad, we’re finally making green stuff at home. For example, not only are we generating twice as much wind power, we’re making twice as many of the components for U.S. wind turbines.

Read more:

66 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:55:25pm

re: #65 blueraven

Obama - the Green President?

Read more:

But SOLYNDRA!11!!!1ty

67 Interesting Times  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:56:49pm

On an OT note, is ggt still here? I’m looking for a copy of a picture you posted a while back - it was a quote defining the nature of feminism and questioning why any sane person would oppose it.

68 iossarian  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:57:33pm

re: #64 Sol Berdinowitz

Point is, the terrorists would not have dared to attack the USA knowing that a True Republican was in charge.


Romney would have simply strutted around on aircraft carrier decks wearing the flight-suit-with-codpiece costume until the terrorists handed over their weapons and agreed to live in peace.

69 blueraven  Mon, May 13, 2013 12:59:48pm

re: #66 Sol Berdinowitz

But SOLYNDRA!11!!!1ty

While the President is actually accomplishing things, the GOP is full of hearings.

70 EPR-radar  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:00:09pm

re: #68 iossarian

Romney would have simply strutted around on aircraft carrier decks wearing the flight-suit-with-codpiece costume until the terrorists handed over their weapons and agreed to live in peace.

That actually didn’t work for GW Bush. Is it because Bush was a RINO?

71 Kid A  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:02:05pm

Then there’s this from Planet Wingnut:

72 FemNaziBitch  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:03:36pm
73 jaunte  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:03:46pm

re: #71 Kid A

What is it with Fischer and bestiality? He just can’t stop thinking about it.

74 FemNaziBitch  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:04:07pm

re: #67 Interesting Times

On an OT note, is ggt still here? I’m looking for a copy of a picture you posted a while back - it was a quote defining the nature of feminism and questioning why any sane person would oppose it.

hmmm, you remember what color it was?

75 iossarian  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:05:17pm

re: #70 EPR-radar

That actually didn’t work for GW Bush. It is because Bush was a RINO?

No, it’s because Republican fantasy approaches to doing things often turn out to be just as shittily ineffective as they were proclaimed to be at the time by people with any sense at all.

76 FemNaziBitch  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:05:33pm

re: #67 Interesting Times

On an OT note, is ggt still here? I’m looking for a copy of a picture you posted a while back - it was a quote defining the nature of feminism and questioning why any sane person would oppose it.

This one?

77 Bulworth  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:05:35pm

re: #71 Kid A

Because people are just like animals, of course. Thanks Bryan for your incredible insight. /

78 FemNaziBitch  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:09:39pm
79 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:09:41pm

re: #77 Bulworth

Because people are just like animals, of course. Thanks Bryan for your incredible insight. /

His logic is this: bestiality, sodomy and murder are all abominations unto the Lord, therefore they are morally equivalent.

The notion of “consenting adults” is overridden by the concept of Abomination

80 A Mom Anon  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:09:57pm

re: #72 FemNaziBitch

I remember seeing a booth at the fair a couple years ago with placemats, totes and braided rugs made from plastic bags. I kinda wish I had bought some of the rugs for use outside.

81 FemNaziBitch  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:10:47pm

re: #80 A Mom Anon

I remember seeing a booth at the fair a couple years ago with placemats, totes and braided rugs made from plastic bags. I kinda wish I had bought some of the rugs for use outside.

All I can think of is Bill Cosby —plith, playn, plarn!

82 Backwoods_Sleuth  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:12:31pm

re: #72 FemNaziBitch

I actually do make plarn and then crochet or weave mats.

83 Interesting Times  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:26:33pm

re: #76 FemNaziBitch

This one?

No, but that one’s really good too! I’m afraid I don’t remember the color of the one I have in mind :( It might have been illustrated with the silhouette of a woman looking over a field.

84 FemNaziBitch  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:27:41pm

re: #83 Interesting Times

No, but that one’s really good too! I’m afraid I don’t remember the color of the one I have in mind :( It might have been illustrated with the silhouette of a woman looking over a field.

Do other Lizards have access to ones image library?

85 FemNaziBitch  Mon, May 13, 2013 1:28:17pm

re: #82 Backwoods_Sleuth

I actually do make plarn and then crochet or weave mats.

When one makes Plarn, does one Plarn, do you say you are Plarning?

i think it’s just the word itself that has put in a mood to pun.

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