Making Trayvon’s Skittles and Ice Tea Criminally Suspect

Jim Hoft not only falls for the stupidest speculation on the net, his sources are racist rags, citing other racists secondhand
Crime • Views: 31,617

This came to my attention via Wonkette, so credit is due for that, and also for her explanation of sizzurp, which is something I’m clueless about.

NB: I have included links for purpose of citation. I do not recommend going to any of them, except Wonkette.

As per an article released the 17th, Gateway Pundit is now circulating speculation that Trayvon Martin’s purchases—Skittles and Arizona-brand fruit juice—were to be used to create “lean” — aka sizzurp, purple drank. His source is American Thinker, which claims that a 2011 Facebook interaction between Martin and a friend included the former requesting a hook-up for codeine, to make drank. Recall that Martin’s Facebook contents are public because a white supremacist name Klancannon hacked it to assist in creating a smear campaign against Martin, which makes the information not only fruit of a poison tree, but also of dubious veracity…as the same neo-nazi sources also presented photos of several young men as “photos of Trayvon Martin being a thug.”

Hoft links to an article on the same “speculation” on white nationalist site TheNewsCommenter.

Both Hoft and NewsCommenter also supply an imbedded video entitled Trayvon Martin Sizzurp, which is a video still of the four ingredients they claim are in the narcotic mixture…which are inaccurate, since it’s Jolly Ranchers, not Skittles—the latter won’t dissolve…and 41 seconds of hip hop music. The video is the creation of a YouTube user bigDADDDY45, who as well as being an enthusiastic supporter of George Zimmerman defends him with statements such as:

You’re blaming the victim, fuckballs.

George didn’t start the fight and he did nothing wrong. YOU are sympathizing with the n****rs… YOU obviously NEVER went to a black school or lived in a black neighborhood. N****RS ONLY understand violence as a resolution to all problems.

Basically go fuck yourself if you’re going to defend Martin in ANY way.

A quick perusal of his videos and comments generates a picture of a man obsessed with (1) firearms, (2) the need to defend against black people, (3) the idea that liberals, blacks, and women are manipulating white men in the USA.

With each iteration of the process of blaming Trayvon Martin for his own death, the wingnuts are moving further and further into reliance on racist tropes. I can no longer perceive what the resting depth of this descent will be, as this most recent speculation has achieved oceanic-trench levels of stupid.

And what’s amazing is that all of this is in-graciousness in victory: it is not enough that there was a Not Guilty verdict. They cannot bear that the Trayvon Martin shooting could be the product of misunderstanding, nor that there be a lingering question of Martin’s right to defend himself against a stranger following him. Rather the vocalizations about the inherent guilt of Martin — that he could only be criminal and suspicious — have gotten louder.

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1 wrenchwench  Fri, Jul 19, 2013 5:47:47pm

A Page hatchling!

Nice job.

2 HappyWarrior  Fri, Jul 19, 2013 7:07:41pm

Hoft’s a pathetic racebaiting ghoul.

3 CuriousLurker  Fri, Jul 19, 2013 8:57:59pm

Excellent Page.

4 majii  Fri, Jul 19, 2013 9:21:11pm

People like these tools don’t want to understand anything about anything dealing with inequality of any kind. In their minds, every POC they see is a reason to be afraid, and their preferred solution to dealing with their fear is with a gun. Just mentioning race to these folks gets you labeled a racist. These same people are calling President Obama “racist in chief” and “divider of the nation” because he made a few comments about the death of Trayvon Martin earlier today. Stirring up racism, promoting divisiveness, and celebrating deaths-by-guns is all they want to know about.

5 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 10:52:39am

This bit:

And what’s amazing is that all of this is in-graciousness in victory: it is not enough that there was a Not Guilty verdict. They cannot bear that the Trayvon Martin shooting could be the product of misunderstanding, nor that there be a lingering question of Martin’s right to defend himself against a stranger following him. Rather the vocalizations about the inherent guilt of Martin…that he could only be criminal and suspicious…have gotten louder.

Exactly. This is a familiar trope with the right wing. It’s not enough that corporations and executives make an obscene amount of money, stifling wages while profiting from increased productivity— they also have to call them ‘job creators’.

It’s not enough to try to criminalize abortion because of religious views, they also claim they’re trying to help the health of women.

There always has to be a lie.

6 HappyWarrior  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 10:54:04am

re: #5 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

This bit:

Exactly. This is a familiar trope with the right wing. It’s not enough that corporations and executives make an obscene amount of money, stifling wages while profiting from increased productivity— they also have to call them ‘job creators’.

It’s not enough to try to criminalize abortion because of religious views, they also claim they’re trying to help the health of women.

There always has to be a lie.

Well said.

7 sattv4u2  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 10:58:14am


If you’re here (says you are) I left this for you on the last thread

8 twisty  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 10:58:59am

The fact that apparently some people think you can make drank out of skittles and juice is possibly the only funny thing to come out of this whole mess.

9 erik_t  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:00:24am

Cough syrup isn’t prison wine.

Dumb racist pieces of dogshit.

10 erik_t  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:04:28am

I wonder if these intrepid defenders of the Constitution will support moving Skittles and iced tea behind the counter, even though surely the majority of them are BRUTALLY AND HILARIOUSLY OFFENDED they have to show identification to buy Sudafed.

11 efuseakay  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:04:40am

Fuck those guys.

12 efuseakay  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:21:05am

re: #10 erik_t

I wonder if these intrepid defenders of the Constitution will support moving Skittles and iced tea behind the counter, even though surely the majority of them are BRUTALLY AND HILARIOUSLY OFFENDED they have to show identification to buy Sudafed.

And GUNZ!!!!

13 Zamb  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:22:17am

My facebook feed has been nothing but pictures and stories of black on white crime demanding to know “what’s the difference?” or “why is no one upset about this?” the obvious answer being that the guilty person didn’t fucking get off. This shit has cause a complete breakdown among some of my white friends. I seriously can’t believe that people I have known my whole life can be this blatantly racist.

14 Skip Intro  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:22:58am

re: #8 twisty

The fact that apparently some people think you can make drank out of skittles and juice is possibly the only funny thing to come out of this whole mess.

I first read that from Zimmerman’s insane brother. I had no idea what he was talking about, but apparently the Zimmerman family is very familiar with the process.

15 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:23:40am
16 122 Year Old Obama  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:25:18am

re: #13 Zamb

I seriously can’t believe that people I have known my whole life can be this blatantly racist.

It’s been a real eye opener, no doubt.

17 HappyWarrior  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:26:26am

We’ve come a long way yet at the same time we still have a long way to go on our journey. There are people who think that you can’t talk about racism happening towards blacks anymore since we elected an African-American president.

18 A Mom Anon  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:28:38am

re: #7 sattv4u2

ahh, lucky kid then. You all avoided that enduring clusterfuck. I’ll let ya’all know what happens. I think we’ll start slow, maybe do a review of the basics first, and then go onto the bigger things with some professional help of some kind.

Thanks all who responded, some great ideas and suggestions to keep me busy for awhile,lol.

19 Stanley Sea  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:33:35am

They cannot admit the simple truth that Zimmerman was wrong and Trayvon should not have been killed. It’s like a rule: you cannot have empathy for Trayvon or his parents. It’s a step to far for a vast majority of our fellow humans.

So instead they make it like Trayvon deserved to die.


20 twisty  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:34:23am

re: #13 Zamb

My facebook feed has been nothing but pictures and stories of black on white crime demanding to know “what’s the difference?” or “why is no one upset about this?” the obvious answer being that the guilty person didn’t fucking get off. This shit has cause a complete breakdown among some of my white friends. I seriously can’t believe that people I have known my whole life can be this blatantly racist.

I’m sure they’re happily ignoring the fact that the race which poses the greatest threat to white people’s safety is other white people…

21 palomino  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:34:38am

re: #8 twisty

The fact that apparently some people think you can make drank out of skittles and juice is possibly the only funny thing to come out of this whole mess.

You can also make PCP and IEDs out of Diet Coke + Mentos.

It’s very telling that the reactionary right has gone to such lengths to smear Trayvon. If this was pure self-defense, they shouldn’t have to, because the evidence would be so clear. But TM has to be destroyed (even in death) so their new hero GZ will appear saintly and so they can peddle their neo-confederate narrative that the “real racism” is blacks hating whites. All other racism ended. When that happened exactly no one seems to know, but it’s over.

22 twisty  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:36:23am

re: #14 Skip Intro

I first read that from Zimmerman’s insane brother. I had no idea what he was talking about, but apparently the Zimmerman family is very familiar with the process.

Figures that kind of thing would come from a guy who’s using his sibling’s awful crime as a stairstep onto the fame train.

23 Ming  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:39:44am

re: #13 Zamb

My facebook feed has been nothing but pictures and stories of black on white crime demanding to know “what’s the difference?” or “why is no one upset about this?”…

Often the right wing sets up a “straw man” which is simply not true. One example, which you give, is when someone on the right wing says “no one is upset about black-on-white crime”.

(Why do they say this? Well, in some hypothetical alternate universe, where no one cares about black-and-white crime, it might be understandable that some people would “take the opposite side”, and not care about white-on-black crime.)

It’s a good habit to keep this in mind, when you hear statements like: “No one cares about the health-care cost burden on small businesses”, “No one cares about the rights of property owners”, “No one cares about the feelings of observant Christians”, “No one cares about the rights of men”, etc. etc. etc. Pretty soon it can get ugly, e.g. “No one cares about the rights of whites.”

It scary how many people hear this “straw man” crap every day on Fox News, and how many of them simply accept it as either true or very close to true.

24 DelusionDeluge  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:42:29am

A lot of this is Sharpton’s presence. I honestly believe that. Limbaugh has constructed this portrait of Sharpton as the race-baiting avatar he holds up to his minions as a sworn enemy, and the right is desperate to paint Obama with the same brush. A nod of respect or empathy towards Trayvon Martin or his family is seen as a surrender, a sign of weakness in the right-wing “war” of words going on in the blogs and on the radio every day. Yes, Al Sharpton showing up to talk somewhere is worse than a kid getting shot. Way, way worse to these clowns.

25 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:48:19am

re: #24 DelusionDeluge

A lot of this is Sharpton’s presence. I honestly believe that. Limbaugh has constructed this portrait of Sharpton as the race-baiting avatar he holds up to his minions as a sworn enemy, and the right is desperate to paint Obama with the same brush. A nod of respect or empathy towards Trayvon Martin or his family is seen as a surrender, a sign of weakness in the right-wing “war” of words going on in the blogs and on the radio every day. Yes, Al Sharpton showing up to talk somewhere is worse than a kid getting shot. Way, way worse to these clowns.

I watch Rev Al every single day. They can sue me already if they don’t like it, but I would prefer that they fuck off first.

Thanks for the post, GOAF; it was terrific, and shows how low the RWNJs will go to get their racism out there and try to score points.

26 PhillyPretzel  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:51:45am

re: #18 A Mom Anon

I just found the home page of Chattahoochee Tech. They have a link for disabilities under the services drop down list.

27 engineer cat  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 11:57:33am

some hopeful signs, anyway - from today’s fox news page on the issue:

Stand-your-ground laws are on the books in more than 20 states, and they go beyond many older, traditional self-defense statutes. In general, the laws eliminate a person’s duty to retreat in the face of a serious physical threat.

Hateful graffiti praises Zimmerman, threatens Obama

i don’t see a ‘comments’ link on the page…

28 A Mom Anon  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 12:03:50pm

re: #26 PhillyPretzel

Oh this is good stuff, thank you so much. I can see I’ve got a bunch of phone calls to make this coming week. I didn’t realize how many campuses they have either.

29 jaunte  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 12:08:31pm
30 Stanley Sea  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 12:17:37pm
31 PhillyPretzel  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 12:19:34pm

re: #28 A Mom Anon

You are welcome. I know this information because I tutored English at Community College of Philadelphia and I had a few students who had disabilities.

32 Jan Smiddy  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 12:20:14pm

Want to see true batshit? Re “lean”?

I call on your wingnut and raise you one crazy cultist.

33 A Mom Anon  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 12:20:53pm

I think that if the winguts, even for one moment, showed compassion for Trayvon, or admitted his murderer was in the wrong, then they’d have to admit that they themselves are wrong and racist. And we can’t have that now can we kiddies?

I will say this though, man oh man has this weeded a whole bunch of people out of my life or put them out in the back 40 somewhere.

34 austin_blue  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 12:23:00pm

re: #29 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Look at her, being all racist and shit!

35 makeitstop  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 12:29:20pm

re: #33 A Mom Anon

I think that if the winguts, even for one moment, showed compassion for Trayvon, or admitted his murderer was in the wrong, then they’d have to admit that they themselves are wrong and racist. And we can’t have that now can we kiddies?

I will say this though, man oh man has this weeded a whole bunch of people out of my life or put them out in the back 40 somewhere.

That’s probably the worst part of what this trial has brought out - the realization that long-time friends and people that you consider good folks turn out to be pretty racist in their thinking.

It’s an eye-opener. So many people have shown their true colors over this. It’s saddening.

37 Carlos Danger  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 1:04:55pm

The Gezi Park protests are flaring up again, and Erdogan continues to take authoritarian measures. Check out his new chief adviser:

Erdogan Taps Journalist to Steer Turkey to Its Superpower Future

Bulut, born in 1972, was appointed in the wake of nationwide anti-government protests that Erdogan said were exploited by bankers seeking to undermine Turkey’s economy. The premier’s new adviser is one of the foremost proponents of the theory that an “interest-rates lobby” is seeking to profit by raising borrowing costs.

The “interest rates” lobby. Subtle. The prime minister is also making a public crusade against credit cards. But there’s more:

As for Turkey’s bid to join the European Union, “the world needs to see that the EU is a loser that’s headed for a wholesale collapse,” he said. “There’s no ‘model EU’ from Turkey’s perspective, because the model has collapsed.”

Turkey needs to develop capital markets to make Istanbul the center of a “Eurasian Stock Exchange” for companies from Uzbekistan to Azerbaijan and the Middle East, Bulut said. It also needs to “create new instruments” for Middle Eastern investors who abide by Islam’s prohibition against interest.

Enver Pasha lives! This comes in the wake of a new law which will allow islamist and non-governmental AKP cronies to assume the same status as career diplomats and will, in effect, gut the foreign ministry.

38 AlexRogan  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 1:09:06pm

re: #36 Kragar

Cuccinelli: I Stand by My Attacks on LGBT People as ‘Soulless’ and ‘Self-Destructive’

And I stand by my assessment that you’re a fucking bigoted douchecanoe, Cooch.

39 Targetpractice  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 1:13:54pm

re: #36 Kragar

Cuccinelli: I Stand by My Attacks on LGBT People as ‘Soulless’ and ‘Self-Destructive’

Cucci, the proof that the VA GOP has jumped the fucking shark.

40 Stanley Sea  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 1:14:43pm

Very powerful.

41 AlexRogan  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 1:15:47pm

re: #39 Targetpractice

Cucci, the proof that the VA GOP has jumped the fucking shark.


The GOP hasn’t just jumped the shark, they’ve jumped the Sharknado.

42 Carlos Danger  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 1:19:56pm
43 sattv4u2  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 1:24:52pm

Close friend of mine was one of the lead artists on this project

Youtube Video

Great Job, Debbie!!! Wish I could have stayed in Boston a few more days to see the end product

44 sagehen  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 1:56:36pm

re: #29 jaunte

[Embedded content]

How long until RWNJ’s notice (and are offended) that Fruitvale was chosen as the locale for a particular reason, trying to make a connection to Oscar Grant?

45 Justanotherhuman  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 2:03:56pm

re: #40 Stanley Sea

Very powerful.

[Embedded content]

Yes, it was a terrific piece.

I’m an atheist, yet I have more respect for Fr Massingale, a priest, scholar, and human being, first and foremost, than do any of those commenters, most of whom probably consider themselves christians, who thought it necessary to fly their racist flags. And Fr Massingale is a better human being than I am, because I would tell them to go straight to hell, and I know he probably never would.

46 Unabogie  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 2:58:32pm

This particular smear has been around for almost a year. Since the racists couldn’t abide having Trayvon merely carrying innocent candy and tea, the candy and tea had to be transformed into something evil. But the original smear didn’t just include Trayvon. It suggested that Tracy Martin was the real “lean” addict and had sent his son out to the store for ingredients. You know, because he was too inebriated to go by himself. For Skittles. And tea.

You know, drugs.

These people who have appointed themselves as Zimmerman’s biggest defenders are exactly who you might assume they are.

Except worse and more vile.

47 Beauzeaux  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 3:46:50pm

This is a good experience for you young ‘uns. I got rid of the racists in my life a long time ago. I decided around 1960 that I wasn’t going to tolerate that shit. Friends, family, colleagues. Don’t care.
It can smart a bit at first, like removing a bandaid, but believe me, your life is much, much better without them.

48 wrenchwench  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 4:28:22pm

re: #46 Unabogie

Welcome, hatchling.

49 wheat-dogghazi  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 9:03:49pm

For your musical enjoyment, Far East Movement (with Dev and The Cataracs), Like a G6. Sizzurp is mentioned in the lyrics.

Youtube Video

When we drink we do it right
gettin slizzard
Sippin sizzurp in my ride,
in my ride, like Three 6

50 danhenry1  Sat, Jul 20, 2013 9:43:43pm

re: #35 makeitstop

Me too. I saw it long ago, from a loving father, a Dartmouth man for heavens sake. I had hoped that by today, my large family would have all joined in the really is like a kick to the gut, it’s worse worse than my recent surgery to that part of my body.

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