The Tea Party Exists Mainly Because Many Rural Whites Just Don’t Like a Black Guy Being in Charge

Wingnuts • Views: 32,559

Like the author, Allen Clifton, I live in Texas. He is right that Tea Party racism is almost comically obvious here. The only problem with the late, unlamented hate blogger Clif Burnett is that he was a little too open about Tea Party positions.

You can’t “prove” racism. Sure, you can use a few examples, but most will be dismissed as the exception and not the rule.

Hell, I can throw up a map showing the states of the Confederacy, the states which supported segregation and the “strongly Republican” states today (nearly all of which are identical) and these people will continue to deny racism has anything to do with their hatred of President Obama.

And I always love how on an anniversary like Martin Luther King’s birthday, his “I Have a Dream Speech” or the Gettysburg Address, Republicans suddenly pretend to be some representative of equality and civil rights.

Because, you know, it was southern Democrats that were the real racists. But what’s actually more believable:

Entire regions, and generations, of Americans magically switched their system of beliefs on equality and race relations, or…

The two major political parties simply swapped ideological beliefs over a few decades.

For that answer, you can just refer to the “Southern Strategy” as evidence of exactly what happened.

Watch, 50 years from now Republicans will be deny that they ever stood in the way of homosexuals gaining equality.

But now Republicans have the tea party. Quite possibly the most hateful, vile, ignorant collection of people to garner mainstream attention in decades. And of course, they deny racism has anything to do with their opposition to President Obama.

It’s funny how racism undoubtedly exists, yet it’s rare that anyone claims to be a racist.

I’m sure it’s just a “pure coincidence” that the tea party happened to hold their first big events immediately after Obama took office.

But let’s be honest, shall we? It’s a reality almost every liberal is already well aware of. The main reason the tea party exists, and has grown to be as popular with hardcore conservatives as it has (especially rural, white conservatives), is that many of these rural whites really don’t want a black man telling them what to do.

That’s it.

Sure, he’s a Democrat, so many Republicans wouldn’t have supported him anyway. But their hatred of President Obama goes well beyond what political party he represents.

And trust me on this. I live in Texas and as I’ve said several times, I hear President Obama referred to as some derogatory term for African Americans far more than I do by his name or as “the president.” You can almost hear it in the voice of many of these white conservatives. They detest the idea of having someone who’s black telling them what to do. “He wants to tell me I have to buy health insurance? Who does he think he is? He’s not my president.”

Their tea party rallies are almost mirror images of protests decades ago against interracial marriage or the ending of segregation. Groups comprised almost entirely of white people, claiming they’re preserving the “American way of life.” But of course they are—for white people.

Hell, I’ve been to a couple tea party rallies. The openness at which racism was embraced stunned even me. I figured there would be some, but the fact that most people didn’t even try to hide it was what caught me off guard.

More: Forward Progressives — the Tea Party Exists Mainly Because Many Rural Whites Just Don’t Like a Black Guy Being in Charge

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1 Political Atheist  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 12:30:05pm

So this makes me wonder if the Tea Party will wilt and wither away with the next president. I rear not it has a little momentum. I can easily imagine if Hilary wins the hate will continue apace.

2 BusyMonster  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 12:56:12pm

re: #1 Political Atheist

So this makes me wonder if the Tea Party will wilt and wither away with the next president. I rear not it has a little momentum. I can easily imagine if Hilary wins the hate will continue apace.

They’re already dying, and if the media stopped automatically printing the fucktastically stupid statements of the fucktastically stupid representatives of the Teabaggers, nobody would even know they existed.

They are the same kind of people who created the Know-Nothings in the 1850’s and dragged this country into civil war. They have zero understanding of what a democracy really is or why we have one.

3 jonhendry  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 1:00:35pm

re: #1 Political Atheist

If another Democrat gets the White House, I’d expect a resurgence, if only temporary. Because they’ll get all stoked up on conspiracy theories and the certainty that the win is illegitimate.

If a Republican wins, they’ll vanish and nothing will be heard from them, until another Democrat wins.

4 CuriousLurker  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 1:39:13pm

re: #1 Political Atheist

So this makes me wonder if the Tea Party will wilt and wither away with the next president. I rear not it has a little momentum. I can easily imagine if Hilary wins the hate will continue apace.

Yes, but it’ll just switch over to the ever-present Islamophobia and they’ll hate her because of her connections to the Muslim Brotherhood via Huma Abedin. That’s prolly why she let Benghazi happen, y’know? Plus there’s the lesbian affair she supposedly had with Huma, and the Vince Foster murder, etc. People who are racist/bigoted usually have plenty of groups they find abhorrent.

If the next Dem president were Jewish you’d see antisemitism bubbling up like crazy; if he/she were Hispanic or Asian you’d see nastiness related to that; anything that isn’t white, Christian, and conservative is bad because it’s Other.

Everyone knows that The Others™ are always up to no good and can’t be trusted. If your take you eye off them for even a split second, they’ll slither in and steal everything that rightfully belongs to you. //

5 Political Atheist  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 1:43:55pm

re: #4 CuriousLurker

And to our collective shame these people are no more ready for a woman than an African American in office.

6 scottslemmons  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 3:52:08pm

I had no idea Cliff Burnett kicked the bucket. Back when I worked for the paper, I had one glorious moment when he called my extension (he called random extensions at the paper just to wart employees) and claimed to be a lawyer preparing to sue us. I scared him off by demanding his contact info so I could have our lawyer call him to discuss the impending “suit.”

Not at all sad to hear he’s gone. What a rotten sack of pus that guy was.

7 Tigger2  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 3:58:16pm

But let’s be honest, shall we? It’s a reality almost every liberal is already well aware of.

And a lot of Independents are waking up to that fact too.

8 Tigger2  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 4:00:16pm

re: #2 BusyMonster

They’re already dying, and if the media stopped automatically printing the fucktastically stupid statements of the fucktastically stupid representatives of the Teabaggers, nobody would even know they existed.

They are the same kind of people who created the Know-Nothings in the 1850’s and dragged this country into civil war. They have zero understanding of what a democracy really is or why we have one.

I call them the Know-Nothing Party when I’m talking to a teabagger on FB, It really gets them pissed off. lol

9 CuriousLurker  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 4:08:14pm

re: #5 Political Atheist

And to our collective shame these people are no more ready for a woman than an African American in office.


10 Balfour Rage  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 4:36:28pm

Hey! Hey! Hey! Remember when the Tea Party organized protests throughout the country, calling for lower government spending, more personal responsibility and asking to no end to see the president’s birth certificate when Bush was in the White House???!!! Me neither.

11 majii  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 6:52:23pm

re: #7 Tigger2

Yeah, and I cannot count the number of times when I, being black, have said something about the very obvious TP racism and was told I was imagining things. You do not grow up under segregation in America and aren’t able to recognize racism when you see it. I’ve always thought their denials were based on two things: They don’t want it to become widely known that the TPers are racists, or that the GOP has provided them a political home.

12 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:09:23pm
Hell, I can throw up a map showing the states of the Confederacy, the states which supported segregation and the “strongly Republican” states today (nearly all of which are identical) and these people will continue to deny racism has anything to do with their hatred of President Obama.

I’m going to have to differ with this one. Kansas, The two Dakotas, Alaska, Oklahoma: That’s five states that were never part of the Confederacy, but are all strongly Republican.

13 jaunte  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:11:23pm
14 bratwurst  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:12:31pm

re: #12 Dark_Falcon

I’m going to have to differ with this one. Kansas, The two Dakotas, Alaska, Oklahoma: That’s five states that were never part of the Confederacy, but are all strongly Republican.

Newsflash: 4 out of the 5 were not even states until long after the Civil War.

15 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:13:28pm

re: #14 bratwurst

Newsflash: 4 out of the 5 were not even states until long after the Civil War.

I do know that.

16 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:16:56pm

re: #12 Dark_Falcon

I’m going to have to differ with this one. Kansas, The two Dakotas, Alaska, Oklahoma: That’s five states that were never part of the Confederacy, but are all strongly Republican.

If that’s the only quibble you have with it, well, at least you acknowledge that the strongly Republican states tend to be the ones that most strongly resisted segregation, and you can agree that of the states were part of the Confederacy, the majority also lean strongly Republican?

17 Zamb  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:17:21pm

It amazes me that people actually use the “democrats are the real racists” to deflect criticism of their own hate. If it were true that would basically be saying that the only people who got over the horrors of our past our white men from the old confederacy and rural areas. How the hell do they justify the “party of the klan” nominating and then electing a black man as president.

18 jamesfirecat  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:17:58pm

re: #12 Dark_Falcon

I’m going to have to differ with this one. Kansas, The two Dakotas, Alaska, Oklahoma: That’s five states that were never part of the Confederacy, but are all strongly Republican.

Can you name any confederate states that lean democratic DF?

The only one I can think of is Virginia slowly going purple.

Also Kansas was a very close border state (bleeding Kansas and all) Alaska did not exist as a state at the time, and neither did Dakota.

Your logic is full of of holes.

19 chadu  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:18:18pm

re: #12 Dark_Falcon

I’m going to have to differ with this one. Kansas, The two Dakotas, Alaska, Oklahoma: That’s five states that were never part of the Confederacy, but are all strongly Republican.

You’re begging the question, DF.

20 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:18:43pm

re: #18 jamesfirecat

Can you name any confederate states that lean democratic DF?

The only one I can think of is Virginia slowly going purple.

Also Kansas was a very close border state (bleeding Kansas and all) Alaska did not exist as a state at the time, and neither did Dakota.

Your logic is full of of holes.

Florida is also very much purple.

21 chadu  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:19:56pm

re: #20 Dark_Falcon

Florida is also very much purple.

I’d question that. But I don’t have any evidence. So, no worries.

22 jamesfirecat  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:21:32pm

re: #20 Dark_Falcon

Florida is also very much purple.

And so is Virginia, two states on the periphery of the confederate states.

Will you admit the Venn Diagrams of “was a confederate state” and “bastion of Democratic voters” have very little overlap while “was a confederate state” and “bastion of Republican voters” have much more overlap?

23 Amory Blaine  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:22:46pm

re: #12 Dark_Falcon

Alaska is populated with oil workers from Texas.

24 Tim TeaBro  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:23:52pm

I don’t know why but I responded to some derp on FB started by what I think are Used To Be Lizards Michael Totten and Kedja Germani.

They’re all hopped up in an Outrage Circle Jerk about this:

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is Racist, Says Portland School Official

Liberal talking about race and PB&J = PB&J is racist sez liberal, look LOL

25 Zamb  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:23:58pm

re: #23 Amory Blaine

I actually know quite a few people from Wisconsin who live there now.

26 The Mountain That Blogs  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:24:21pm

re: #20 Dark_Falcon

Obama only won 12 13 counties in Florida.

Florida and Virginia are purple because of people who don’t at all align with the rest of the state’s history, like the DC suburbs.

27 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:24:57pm

re: #17 Zamb

It amazes me that people actually use the “democrats are the real racists” to deflect criticism of their own hate. If it were true that would basically be saying that the only people who got over the horrors of our past our white men from the old confederacy and rural areas. How the hell do they justify the “party of the klan” nominating and then electing a black man as president.


Read Dim Jim’s and Bedwetter Ben’s Tweets and you’ll get the idea.

28 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:26:05pm

re: #20 Dark_Falcon

Florida is also very much purple.

Thanks to the non-white population.

As soon as my school/work schedule calms a bit, I’m actually going to do a big effortpost about north vs. south racism, and how bad northern racism was after the civil war when black sought employment, how ghettoization and all that shit went down. I think that there’s a hell of a lot of racism to be held to account in the North historically and that it often gets brushed aside in attacks on the South, especially in the post-civil war era.

However, it is inescapably true that there is a severe correspondence between having supported secession and now supporting the GOP, as a geographical area, and, sadly, those GOP voters show very, very, shockingly high rates of racism.

I think moreover, that this can be shown to be the result of ‘conservative’ policies in those states, policies that limited educational opportunities, tended to favor monolithic enterprises rather than a small-business, tech-oriented industrial base, and kept separation of church and state weak. Basically, aside from the racist policies of the confederacy, a lot of its political legacy, or rather, the politics it represented, left behind in the South: A much lower commitment to social welfare, not just for black people but for the poor in general.

It’s not as simple as “inherited racism leads to GOP voting”. It’s that conservative policies have damaged education, limited economic opportunity, and vastly increased racial tensions in those areas,

29 chadu  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:26:22pm

(O/T, and reposted from downstairs, because I am indignant! See my indignance! #firstworldproblem)

Dear Sweet Baby Jebus, why cannot I have pierogies delivered to me at this very moment?

I must have sinned somehow.

(Okay, back to the topic at hand.)

30 jaunte  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:26:35pm

re: #24 Tim TeaBro

I don’t know why but I responded to some derp on FB started by what I think are Used To Be Lizards Michael Totten and Kedja Germani.

They’re all hopped up in an Outrage Circle Jerk about this:

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is Racist, Says Portland School Official

Liberal talking about race and PB&J = PB&J is racist sez liberal, look LOL

Pretty ridiculous, when the basic message to teachers is “be careful to speak to your students in terms they’ll understand.”

31 Zamb  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:27:25pm

re: #27 Learned Pie Of Zion

Read Dim Jim’s and Bedwetter Ben’s Tweets and you’ll get the idea.

I’m not going to do that.

32 chadu  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:27:38pm

re: #24 Tim TeaBro

I don’t know why but I responded to some derp on FB started by what I think are Used To Be Lizards Michael Totten and Kedja Germani.

They’re all hopped up in an Outrage Circle Jerk about this:

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is Racist, Says Portland School Official

Liberal talking about race and PB&J = PB&J is racist sez liberal, look LOL


33 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:28:26pm

re: #31 Zamb

I’m not going to do that.

That’s OK I can understand your need to not throw up.

34 Amory Blaine  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:30:24pm

re: #33 Learned Pie Of Zion

I’m late to the party, but my vote would’ve been for all three pies. I’ve been munching a quart of Door County Cherries in sugar all week. Yum.

35 chadu  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:30:26pm

re: #28 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

As soon as my school/work schedule calms a bit, I’m actually going to do a big effortpost about north vs. south racism, and how bad northern racism was after the civil war when black sought employment, how ghettoization and all that shit went down. I think that there’s a hell of a lot of racism to be held to account in the North historically and that it often gets brushed aside in attacks on the South, especially in the post-civil war era.

To wit, TR inviting Booker T. Washington to dinner at the White House.

And that’s 30-40 years post-war.

36 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:30:52pm

re: #28 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Except that industrialization remained in the North after the Civil War, and came south only in pockets until after WWII. And most of those industries were large and centralized.

37 Belafon  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:31:27pm

re: #12 Dark_Falcon

He’s talking about the intersection of the regions, not where every Republican lives today.

38 chadu  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:32:28pm

re: #35 chadu

Oh, and the kicker line at the end of that article:

And now a black man has dinner at the White House every night.


39 jaunte  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:36:10pm


40 dog philosopher  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:36:14pm

re: #3 jonhendry

If another Democrat gets the White House, I’d expect a resurgence, if only temporary. Because they’ll get all stoked up on conspiracy theories and the certainty that the win is illegitimate.

If a Republican wins, they’ll vanish and nothing will be heard from them, until another Democrat wins.

“i love my country but fear my government”

i did actually ask a wingnut during the bush years why i didn’t hear this from them anymore during that time, and they did actually answer me back that that was only appropriate when democrats were in power

some people just don’t know how to keep up the mask

41 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:37:04pm

re: #28 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

I look forward to this post, because you are right: there tends to be a lot of brushing off the history of racism in the north (as someone who grew up that way) in favor of “but the South was worse!” and we shouldn’t do that.

42 GeneJockey  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:37:16pm

re: #24 Tim TeaBro

I don’t know why but I responded to some derp on FB started by what I think are Used To Be Lizards Michael Totten and Kedja Germani.

They’re all hopped up in an Outrage Circle Jerk about this:

Peanut Butter and Jelly Sandwich is Racist, Says Portland School Official

Liberal talking about race and PB&J = PB&J is racist sez liberal, look LOL

Actually, not even liberal talking about race and PB&J. School Administrator talking about immigrants who don’t know what the fuck a PB&J is not being able to understand an analogy based on a PB&J.

Liberal, race, and racism were all inferred.

43 sagehen  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:38:11pm

re: #11 majii

Yeah, and I cannot count the number of times when I, being black, have said something about the very obvious TP racism and was told I was imagining things. You >do not grow up under segregation in America and aren’t able to recognize racism when you see it. I’ve always thought their denials were based on two things: They don’t want it to become widely known that the TPers are racists, or that the GOP has provided them a political home.

For a lot of them, I think their concept of what constitutes racism is frozen in time — and most of what we see as “obvious” racism today was on the mild end of a scale set in 1957. If they’re not wearing sheets, or pointing fire hoses and dogs at you, not burning crosses on your lawn, then there’s insufficient evidence to call them racist. “You people are so sensitive!”

44 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:39:32pm

So a bunch of time spent underneath our trailer this morning to establish that yes, in fact, the battery charger does not appear to be working.

I now have the steps required to get the warranty kit order though (and I gotta give them a hats off for customer service - back and forth e-mails clearly telling me where to look for the parts I needed to check and verifying that it’s under warranty to replace it).

Of course, having looked at that wiring, it may be going to an RV shop anyway. (They all coo when they see our trailer, it’s cute.)

45 dog philosopher  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:41:55pm

re: #12 Dark_Falcon

I’m going to have to differ with this one. Kansas, The two Dakotas, Alaska, Oklahoma: That’s five states that were never part of the Confederacy, but are all strongly Republican.

well, basically though all of the states that were the bastion of the so-called “dixiecrats” - a polite term for racists who were in the democratic party because of the politics of the 19th and not the 20th century - are now bastions of the republican party

but somehow we are to think that this has happened for some other reason than the fact that the democratic party has made itself hostile to racism since 1960 while the republican party has… not so much…

46 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:46:35pm

PBJ? Hmm.

47 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:46:58pm

re: #46 Gus

PBJ? Hmm.


48 jaunte  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:47:24pm

re: #46 Gus

Paulie Baines Johnson.

49 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:47:44pm

re: #47 dr. klys


Not now. Trying to figure out when we discovered PBJ. I remember my mom getting the pre-mixed stuff.

50 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:48:18pm

re: #49 Gus

Not now. Trying to figure out when we discovered PBJ. I remember my mom getting the pre-mixed stuff.

I kind of want one, but that’s because it’s almost dinnertime.

51 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:49:34pm

re: #50 dr. klys

I kind of want one, but that’s because it’s almost dinnertime.

Remember the swirled jars of PBJ? Was that a 70s thing? I think we had peanut butter and _________ . Could have been jam. Peanut butter and strawberry preserves.

52 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:50:23pm

re: #51 Gus

Remember the swirled jars of PBJ? Was that a 70s thing? I think we had peanut butter and _________ . Could have been jam. Peanut butter and strawberry preserves.

Well, I can’t say I remember them. Although that doesn’t necessarily mean it was a 70s thing, possibly only that I was oblivious.

53 AlexRogan  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:50:44pm

re: #51 Gus

Remember the swirled jars of PBJ? Was that a 70s thing? I think we had peanut butter and _________ . Could have been jam. Peanut butter and strawberry preserves.

Smucker’s still makes it:

54 jaunte  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:51:23pm

re: #51 Gus

I remember wondering if they had to do anything to it to keep it separated in the jar.

55 GeneJockey  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:51:38pm

re: #51 Gus

Remember the swirled jars of PBJ? Was that a 70s thing? I think we had peanut butter and _________ . Could have been jam. Peanut butter and strawberry preserves.

Yeah, Smuckers made them, but the one I remember had grape jelly, which is still the best J in a PB&J.

56 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:52:58pm

re: #54 jaunte

I remember wondering if they had to do anything to it to keep it separated in the jar.

Probably not. Diffusion in solids is not terribly fast.

I had an exam problem once in my kinetics class where we had to calculate the distance that wine diffused into the cork when you stored the bottle on its side.

I didn’t like that class.

57 sagehen  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:53:25pm

re: #53 AlexRogan

Smucker’s still makes it:

How lazy are we?

58 Zamb  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:53:44pm

re: #51 Gus

We had the swirled stuff when I was a kid in the 90’s

59 jaunte  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:54:03pm

re: #57 sagehen

Some still waiting for the squeeze-tube version.

60 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:54:53pm

re: #52 dr. klys

Well, I can’t say I remember them. Although that doesn’t necessarily mean it was a 70s thing, possibly only that I was oblivious.

I think we had dulce de leche first. We’d just have chocolate milk for breakfast and some toast maybe. Egg yolks mixed with sugar. Maybe a mashed up banana. With sugar. Eggs for lunch.

61 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:56:05pm

re: #60 Gus

I think we had dulce de leche first. We’d just have chocolate milk for breakfast and some toast maybe. Egg yolks mixed with sugar. Maybe a mashed up banana. With sugar. Eggs for lunch.

My go-to breakfast as a kid was either cinnamon raisin toast or waffles in the toaster, then smothered with butter and cinnamon and sugar.

I skip breakfast now. I should probably stop that. Although I get up at like 10am, and by the time I get around to breakfast it’s almost lunch.

62 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 7:58:46pm
63 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:01:03pm

Cripes. That article. It’s just one optional class.

64 chadu  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:04:37pm

re: #55 GeneJockey

Yeah, Smuckers made them, but the one I remember had grape jelly, which is still the best J in a PB&J.

Heresy. Strawberry jam.

65 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:07:23pm

I think the PB&J thing was basically about breaking the ice with kids from other cultural background.

66 Belafon  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:08:55pm

re: #64 chadu

We have a jar with grape and peanut butter.

67 chadu  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:10:46pm

re: #66 Belafon

We have a jar with grape and peanut butter.

Maybe it was only having grape jelly for 20 years, but I can’t stand the stuff.

Give me a berry jam/jelly now.



68 BriereBear  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:12:44pm

Interesting that one of the ads at the top was a Newsmax poll on the president. I did not receive an email to confirm my responses. Could it be because most of my answers supported the president?re: #11 majii

Yeah, and I cannot count the number of times when I, being black, have said something about the very obvious TP racism and was told I was imagining things. You >do not grow up under segregation in America and aren’t able to recognize racism when you see it. I’ve always thought their denials were based on two things: They don’t want it to become widely known that the TPers are racists, or that the GOP has provided them a political home.

The GOP didn’t provide them with a home; the Tea Party broke into it. If they had had any ethical bones in their bodies, they would have run under the Libertarian Party banner.

69 blueraven  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:12:46pm

Peanut Butter and Plum Jam. My go to snack.

70 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:15:40pm

Here you go. A comment from the original article:

The PBJ reference was not actually about what kids eat for lunch. The comment was in reference to a teacher who used PBJ’s as a topic for a lesson. As a teacher - I know that a very commonly used writing assessment is writing a process piece describing how to make a PBJ. The assumption going in is that obviously everyone knows how to make a PBJ and can describe it. The problem is that this assumption just isn’t true - and assessing kids’ writing side by side, when one understands the topic and the other doesn’t understand it - gives a very biased result.

I work in a school with about a 95% middle and upper class white population. We also have an increasing population of student refugees from Somalia. I can say, with absolute certainty, that those kids would completely bomb that assessment - not because they cannot write, but because they would have zero concept of making a PB&J.

There’s nothing nefarious about this.

71 Decatur Deb  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:17:54pm

re: #56 dr. klys

Probably not. Diffusion in solids is not terribly fast.

I had an exam problem once in my kinetics class where we had to calculate the distance that wine diffused into the cork when you stored the bottle on its side.

I didn’t like that class.

Our family and friends were the core of the local food bank ‘break bulk’ team, making large volumes of donated food into small packages without blowing sanitation. A local company donated a couple pallets of peanut butter in 50 lb bag-in-box containers. It was the only stuff that ever defeated us. We studied up the rheology of PB at different temperatures, even chilled it to 30f and tried to section it with wire looms and machetes.
(Eventually it went in original boxes to the few soup kitchens, etc, in the county that could handle the volume.)

72 jaunte  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:18:46pm

re: #69 blueraven

Red Plum Jam FTW.

73 jaunte  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:20:17pm

Image: dn24602-1_1200.jpg

74 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:21:16pm

re: #28 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Somethings for you to consider in regards to north/south racism: the most important difference that is in play today was that in the north it could be considered OK for a white and a black to work alongside each other and even for the black to be the manager. What was not considered acceptable was for them to live near you. Hence deeply segregated housing but, especially after WWII, less so in the workplace. Milwaukee, WI remains IIRC the most deeply segregated city in the US - there are areas where ethic neighborhoods were divided to the block. I know of one place where on one side of the street it was Polish and the other was German - there was a bar at one end of the block on each side and a church on the other end on each side - Roman Catholic for the Polish & Lutheran for the Germans and no-one crossed the street for any reason. There are similar black and white divisions in the city.

Down south the pattern was reversed. You could live next to each other & be good neighbors but it was utterly unacceptable for there to be a black manager. This is the root of the animus against President Obama. He’s the ultimate uppity (censored) that doesn’t know his place to traditional southern culture. Up north, he’s fine as a leader but he’d better not try to come live in “X” neighborhood instead of “Y” neighborhood.

These are just “overall” tendencies. As always, the devil is in the details and you can find plenty of exceptions to anything presented as a rule. Still, it might be interesting for consideration.

75 Kilroy01  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:23:19pm

re: #73 jaunte

Awesomely terrifying

76 blueraven  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:24:41pm

re: #72 jaunte

Red Plum Jam FTW.

We used to make our own homemade when I was a kid back in Georgia. I never get tired of it.

77 BongCrodny  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:25:20pm

re: #68 BriereBear

Interesting that one of the ads at the top was a Newsmax poll on the president. I did not receive an email to confirm my responses. Could it be because most of my answers supported the president?

The GOP didn’t provide them with a home; the Tea Party broke into it. If they had had any ethical bones in their bodies, they would have run under the Libertarian Party banner.

Welcome, hatchling!

78 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:25:41pm

Holy shit. One has like 1,000s of comments. The original at The Blaze has over 700 comments. Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeelppppppppppppp!

79 blueraven  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:26:15pm

re: #70 Gus

Here you go. A comment from the original article:

There’s nothing nefarious about this.

Of course not. That article is pure twisted trolling.

80 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:27:49pm

re: #79 blueraven

Of course not. That article is pure twisted trolling.

Want the Blaze link? :D //

81 The Mountain That Blogs  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:27:52pm

re: #78 Gus

82 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:28:30pm

Comment at The Blaze:

Anything of American tradition is racist in the eyes of these people who only see their own traditions, culture, foods as just and healthy. Next its Hotdogs and Hamburgers which are hailed as thoroughly American. Doughnuts too!

Uh, hot dogs and hamburgers are German. Doughnuts trace back to the Dutch.

83 blueraven  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:28:32pm

re: #80 Gus

Want the Blaze link? :D //

Nooooo….I just ate.

84 jaunte  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:28:42pm
85 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:30:36pm

re: #83 blueraven

Nooooo….I just ate.

I think they all got drunk before the decided to comment. I mean, sure it’s fine to have reservations about this but they just go bonkers over the top crazy.

86 jaunte  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:30:52pm

re: #82 Gus

Food-trolling. They really know where their readers live.

87 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:32:23pm

re: #73 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Image: dn24602-1_1200.jpg

Beforeitsnews is a crackpot site. No story ‘broken’ there should be considered credible.

88 jaunte  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:34:46pm

re: #87 Dark_Falcon

How about

89 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:34:59pm

re: #86 jaunte

Food-trolling. They really know where their readers live.

Peanut Butter & Jelly Debacle

She’s a little, different. But read it anyway.

90 Amory Blaine  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:35:38pm

re: #69 blueraven

Mrs Blaine made plum jelly last week. Big pyrex full in the fridge. Yum

91 Amory Blaine  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:36:46pm

re: #73 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Image: dn24602-1_1200.jpg

Those clouds look like God putting up his dukes.

92 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:36:59pm

Portland Schools Spend $500k to Deem PB&J Sandwiches Racist!!!!!

Bretibart. 9/2012. Guess I missed this. :D

93 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:38:49pm


weren’t peanuts created by a black man?


Peanuts were created by God. George Washington Carver did a lot of research and development with peanuts. But there were other scientists and inventors that did the same.

These schools are paying PEG to enact socialist and communist views in their environments - same thing most schools have been doing since the 1960’s, only they are acting like Obama and overspending their budgets in an effort to accelerate the process.

Top comments mind you.

94 Amory Blaine  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:38:52pm

re: #92 Gus

Portland Schools Spend $500k to Deem PB&J Sandwiches Racist!!!!!

Bretibart. 9/2012. Guess I missed this. :D

The first comment

Holdmynose • a year ago
The “white codes of behavior” have made the US an extremely successful nation which is distinctly different from the very cultures and circumstances that immigrants fled from. The schools should be promoting the American way.

Of course it is high valued over there.

95 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:39:23pm

re: #88 jaunte

How about

That’s a usable site. I wasn’t trying to criticize you, but any site that posts content from Lew Rockwell is not a site to get your news from.

96 jaunte  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:40:02pm

re: #92 Gus

Portland Schools Spend $500k to Deem PB&J Sandwiches Racist!!!!!

Bretibart. 9/2012. Guess I missed this. :D

Nice of them to provide a picture so their readers would understand the topic.

97 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:42:13pm

re: #96 jaunte

Nice of them to provide a picture so their readers would understand the topic.

Is it OK if I stay away from all of them? I’m moving to China. //

98 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:43:27pm

Yikes. Those comments.

99 jaunte  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:43:37pm

re: #94 Amory Blaine

The “white codes of behavior”

Don’t talk in elevators?

100 Bubblehead II  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:45:22pm

Night Lizards.

As usual, May the Deity of your choice smile down upon you and yours.

But, please remember, as the Holiday season approaches there are those who need our help.

Youtube Video

I have lost two friends to suicide. Could I have prevented it? Could I have helped them? Did i miss a sign? Did I do enough? I don’t know. Maybe if I had been more supportive it never would have happened.

These are questions that will haunt me for the rest of my life as I remember my friends.

Charles, maybe a good music thread is in order

101 Gus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:48:06pm

Gazooks it’s freezing. Good night.

102 Lidane  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:50:22pm

re: #55 GeneJockey

Yeah, Smuckers made them, but the one I remember had grape jelly, which is still the best J in a PB&J.

re: #64 chadu

Heresy. Strawberry jam.

You’re both wrong. Strawberry preserves FTW. :)

103 HoosierHoops  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 8:57:16pm

re: #101 Gus

Gazooks it’s freezing. Good night.

left you a message on your page.. about something..
Wait..I forget..
Go read it..Wink

104 Amory Blaine  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:00:48pm

White House Reporters Question Limits On Photo Access At Press Briefing

White House reporters are riled up about restrictions placed on photos of President Obama, and they made no effort to hide it at Thursday’s press briefing.

In a letter delivered to the White House on Thursday, journalists from a variety of media organizations protested limits that often prevent them from taking photos of Obama. The letter questioned why only White House-approved photos were the only ones of certain events allowed to be released.

NBC News chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd raised the issue at a briefing with White House deputy press secretary Josh Earnest. Todd compared the restrictions to Vladimir Putin’s control over the press in Russia, and later clarified on Twitter.

105 Ed E. Lishus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:02:44pm

I for one am grateful to our GOP leaders and the brave people in the lamestream media like Dana Milbank and Chuck Todd for standing up for decades-long senate tradition and decorum against the clearly Democrat Party-invented idea of “up or down” votes! Doesn’t that meanie Harry Reid know his job is not to rock the boat too much and allow the True Patriots to have their way just like Jesus says in the constitution? Hello, there’s a blah—err, Muslim Marxist in the White House!* Wake up sheeple!

*I’m not a racist, I’m just asking questions.

106 GeneJockey  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:06:41pm

re: #102 Lidane

You’re both wrong. Strawberry preserves FTW. :)

Nonsense. Strawberry preserves go on buttered toast.

107 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:07:06pm

re: #106 GeneJockey

Nonsense. Strawberry preserves go on buttered toast.

No, they go IN MY MOUTH. Get it right.

108 Amory Blaine  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:07:38pm

At any rate it must be more tart than sweet.

109 GeneJockey  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:08:36pm

re: #104 Amory Blaine

White House Reporters Question Limits On Photo Access At Press Briefing

NBC News chief White House correspondent Chuck Todd raised the issue at a briefing with White House deputy press secretary Josh Earnest. Todd compared the restrictions to Vladimir Putin’s control over the press in Russia, and later clarified on Twitter.

What, was Obama fly fishing without a shirt?

110 GeneJockey  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:09:42pm

re: #107 dr. klys

No, they go IN MY MOUTH. Get it right.

ON TOP OF the buttered toast. Especially toasted French bread.

111 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:12:16pm

Five problems out of seven done. The end is in sight. The remaining three are only one part questions. And after this no more until the Monday after Thanksgiving! FREEDOM!!!!

/I feel so pathetic.

112 Ed E. Lishus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:14:26pm

Chuck Todd really needs a hug right now. Will someone please think of the villagers?

113 Lidane  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:16:05pm

re: #106 GeneJockey

Nonsense. Strawberry preserves go on buttered toast.

Buttered toast, buttered English muffins, in oatmeal (along with a pat of butter!), with peanut butter… I’m not picky. Strawberry presereves are delicious and versatile.

114 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:17:02pm

re: #112 Ed E. Lishus

Chuck Todd >really needs a hug right now. Will someone please think of the villagers?

We’re not talking the YMCA group, right? Because the mental image of Chuck Todd in an Indian costume is currently making my brain implode.

Crap, that’s the Village People. But you’re all welcome to share the mental pain anyway.

115 GeneJockey  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:19:32pm

re: #113 Lidane

Buttered toast, buttered English muffins, in oatmeal (along with a pat of butter!), with peanut butter… I’m not picky. Strawberry presereves are delicious and versatile.

You left out buttered crumpets.

116 HoosierHoops  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:20:51pm

When I first joined here.. I sent Charles PDF awards as a Repub. I Proudly sent him my invite to President Bush’s Dinner Weds. July 21st, 2004. I Was a damn fucking proud Republican and I let the world know it.
Over the years I posted my doubts and issues..over and over until that one day with my father in the the wood shop. I could and never will vote GOP ever in my life..I promise God and country.
I get it now pops..I understand.
When I was a little kid I used to argue about Reagan in my very very dem household at the kitchen table…We all take opposite views of the folks..Right?
Finally..I get it Mom and Dad..A Party that loves people and try to help them best as possible..Not perfect but they try to help..

117 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:22:51pm

re: #116 HoosierHoops

Nothing wrong with change, especially when it comes from a realization of how things jibe with your core principles.

118 Ed E. Lishus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:23:28pm

re: #114 dr. klys

I’m pretty sure David Brooks was once a member of the Village People. Remember the constipated pseudo-sociologist? That was him.

119 Lidane  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:23:43pm
120 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:24:18pm

re: #119 Lidane

[Embedded content]

So many fucking props to those AMAZING ladies. I don’t have enough updings to give that.

121 Amory Blaine  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:25:12pm

re: #109 GeneJockey


122 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:25:32pm

re: #44 dr. klys

How cute is that? Reminds me of a boat with the details!

123 HoosierHoops  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:25:55pm

re: #117 dr. klys

Nothing wrong with change, especially when it comes from a realization of how things jibe with your core principles.

Thank you and I’m very proud to call you Doctor..

124 Amory Blaine  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:26:18pm

Damn, that is awesome.

125 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:26:23pm

re: #36 Dark_Falcon

Except that industrialization remained in the North after the Civil War, and came south only in pockets until after WWII. And most of those industries were large and centralized.

That doesn’t contradict anything I said. In fact, it supports it. So why the ‘except’?

126 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:27:02pm

re: #119 Lidane

Nitpick: Only three actually graduated/passed, the other was injured right at the end but will pass with the next class, she’s got enough ‘points’ but she needs to be healthy to finish.

127 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:27:53pm

re: #122 Dancing along the light of day

How cute is that? Reminds me of a boat with the details!

We love it. LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE it. They do use a surprising amount of marine stuff, because it’s generally designed with space in mind and built to handle the elements. We toured the factory up in WI before we bought, and then went back to pick it up. (I am known as the customer whose grandparents came along, and just like small town WI, one of my uncles went to school with the guy who cuts the wood for the cabinets.)

This summer’s trip put a good 4k miles on it - we’re probably up to a good 15k overall, easily. I want to do Alaska and back with it someday sooner rather than later.

128 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:29:03pm

re: #123 HoosierHoops

Thank you and I’m very proud to call you Doctor..

Oh, it’s been a for a bit. :) I defended my dissertation in March this year and submitted in April. I just decided that I could abuse the title some here since the only other place I ever get to see it is mail from my parents/inlaws.

129 teleskiguy  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:29:52pm

re: #119 Lidane

Awesome stuff!

Reminds me a little bit of that RAND Corporation study about gays in the military. There was an especially memorable quote from a serviceman, he said something along the lines of “Yeah, there’s this one dude in our platoon, he’s big, he’s ferocious, he’s killed a lot of bad guys, and yeah, he’s gay. Don’t mean nothing to us.”

I believe that study was used to persuade the top brass to end “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell.” Anyone know what I’m talking about?

130 teleskiguy  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:33:43pm
131 dr. klys  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:34:14pm

re: #130 teleskiguy

I see they call them “toy” dogs for a reason…

132 HoosierHoops  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:36:17pm

re: #128 dr. klys

Oh, it’s been a for a bit. :) I defended my dissertation in March this year and submitted in April. I just decided that I could abuse the title some here since the only other place I ever get to see it is mail from my parents/inlaws.

Well Thank God when you became a Doctor you didn’t take a Selfie here.
Please note Doctor that Selfie is a word in the Oxford but still marked as a mis spelled word in your browser. If I get one more Selfie I’m sending a picture of my beautiful feet..Yeah..I know..It’s all relative Doc..
Kind Regards,
The Hoopster
/Why the hell did I drink beer on a Thursday night? Want a Selfie?

133 darthstar  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:46:06pm

OMFG…I agree with gun nuts!

Image: 598431_641922025830758_1977826214_n.jpg

134 teleskiguy  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:50:07pm

re: #133 darthstar

OMFG…I agree with gun nuts!

Image: 598431_641922025830758_1977826214_n.jpg

I’m going skiing tomorrow for Vail’s opening day. It snowed hard this evening, opening day powder day!

BTW, for all your powder hound needs, OpenSnow is where it’s at.

135 darthstar  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 9:51:01pm

Cobb says he took the action because he felt threatened and harassed by his neighbors. But that’s not the whole story. As it turns out, Cobb’s own followers are responsible for the harassment against him. Not long after a DNA test revealed that Cobb is 14 percent black, his fellow white supremacists turned against him and directed their racism and hatred toward him
136 freetoken  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 10:21:51pm

re: #70 Gus

There’s nothing nefarious about this.

Yeah, but, you believe that about the assassination of JFK too.

137 austin_blue  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 10:22:25pm

re: #130 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

Sorry. But with all of the shit that is flowing downhill into this world, I just can’t take cute puppies/kittens/zooborns anymore.

No downdings, of course, but it’s a meh from this old curmudgeon.

Grumble grumble grumble.

How ‘bout that Rob Ford!

138 Ed E. Lishus  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 10:28:48pm

re: #135 darthstar

He that lieth down with dogs shall rise up with fleas

139 palomino  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 10:36:09pm

re: #12 Dark_Falcon

I’m going to have to differ with this one. Kansas, The two Dakotas, Alaska, Oklahoma: That’s five states that were never part of the Confederacy, but are all strongly Republican.

That’s not an argument possessive of any sound logic.

The fact that there are other conservative states doesn’t change a couple of simple facts. First, the gop’s power base is solidly in the south. It’s their firewall, the only large part of the country they can count on. Second, the most reactionary TP Obama haters exist in the south and a few small rocky mountain states. Same with tea party fanatics. Finally, you picked five of the smallest states in the nation. Alaska? Woo hoo. And if you knew much about Oklahoma and “bleeding Kansas”, you’d realize that they belong in the south culturally. Highly evangelical Protestant states with long histories of racism (the Board of Education in Brown v. was located in Topeka). Furthermore, Kansas and OK are contiguous with several slave states, including Ark. and Mo.

As far as those states not being part of the confederacy, you’ve got a timeline problem. Most weren’t even states at the time of the lost cause CSA.

But in today’s world, if it walks like a duck (bible belt) and talks like a duck (reactionaries and racist TPers), then it’s a fucking duck. The fact that a state is slightly north and west of Mississippi hardly makes it totally “non-southern” in its cultural leanings.

140 palomino  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 10:40:27pm

re: #20 Dark_Falcon

Florida is also very much purple.

Do you know anything about Florida?

Only because of the diversity of Miami and a few other large areas in south Florida is this a purple state. The northern half of the state is quite similar to Georgia and Alabama, the states northern FL borders.

141 palomino  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 10:48:11pm

re: #22 jamesfirecat

And so is Virginia, two states on the periphery of the confederate states.

Will you admit the Venn Diagrams of “was a confederate state” and “bastion of Democratic voters” have very little overlap while “was a confederate state” and “bastion of Republican voters” have much more overlap?

Same exact thing is true with same sex marriage. Of the ~25 red states, ALL ban it (and 14 of those states are in the South). Of the ~25 blue states, 17 have marriage equality on the books. A starker cultural contrast in the US is hard to find.

These blue gay states exist in every region of the country, except the South. Indeed, the largest eastern state (NY), the largest western state (CA) and the largest midwest state (IL) now have SSM. In the South, nada. So there’s a clear pattern, going back centuries, of the south being the last to jump on that “all men are created equal” thingy they claim to revere so much.

142 piratedan  Thu, Nov 21, 2013 10:59:06pm

re: #141 palomino

you can even draw the parallels of urban versus rural, the South is still more rural and in the largest cities of the South, the majority of them have Democratic mayors. In states that are turning purple (Florida, Virginia, Texas, Arizona) it’s the number of urban area voters outweighing those rural voters that’s leading to the panic within the GOP.

143 freetoken  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 12:53:19am

Speaking of Tea Partiers, one of their favorite crooners doing a seasonal moldy oldie:

MP3 Audio

144 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 12:53:59am

re: #12 Dark_Falcon

“Bleeding Kansas” was a battleground before the Civil War started, with people crossing the border just to vote in the pro/anti-slavery referendum.

145 freetoken  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 12:57:27am

More my speed:

MP3 Audio

146 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 1:03:06am

re: #41 dr. klys

I look forward to this post, because you are right: there tends to be a lot of brushing off the history of racism in the north (as someone who grew up that way) in favor of “but the South was worse!” and we shouldn’t do that.

Yes, you see, the Civil War was not about slavery, the South (whose white population were all “racial realists”) was just tired of dealing with all those racist bigots in the North!


147 BongCrodny  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 1:37:19am

re: #111 dr. klys

Five problems out of seven done. The end is in sight. The remaining three are only one part questions. And after this no more until the Monday after Thanksgiving! FREEDOM!!!!

/I feel so pathetic.


148 BongCrodny  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 1:38:15am

re: #130 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

There’s no need to fear
Underdog is here!

149 Targetpractice  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 1:53:27am

Apparently now we’re supposed to believe that Republicans are really worried about whether or not the D.C. Court of Appeals has enough work to justify putting 3 more judges on the bench and the composition of the bench not being “balanced.”

150 CarolJ  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 2:19:20am

re: #139 palomino

But if I recall, a lot of Southerners moved west to get away from the war, and no doubt these states ere as far away from the war as you could get. And consider that even more settled west after the war as well. I mean: should you stay and try tor rebuild or start ovet in a place which wasn’t war-stricken?

151 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 2:28:57am

re: #150 CarolJ

But if I recall, a lot of Southerners moved west to get away from the war, and no doubt these states ere as far away from the war as you could get. And consider that even more settled west after the war as well. I mean: should you stay and try tor rebuild or start ovet in a place which wasn’t war-stricken?

And there were a lot of partisan rangers and bushwhackers (mostly Confederate, but they fought for both sides) who feared returning home: they were granted amnesty for crimes committed during the conflict but still subject to civil prosecution.

Billy the Kid was one of the most famous, having ridden with Quantrill’s band.

152 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 2:43:53am

Well, as an older white woman from the south, I can tell you this post is spot-on. I live in one of those “rural” parts of the south and from the lowliest “trailer” dweller up to the powers that be, they’re all racists of some stripe. Even someone like me probably has some residual racism buried deep down, even as I’ve fought it all my life. Becoming one of the “bedroom” communities close to Charlotte hasn’t changed it that much because the people who move here may have more money, but they chose this place because they hate Charlotte and its diversity as a place to live. While Charlotte is around 35% minority, this county is only 5% and the entire power structure is Republican. So it is in most counties, with metro areas leaning more Democratic. NC could elect Barack Obama in 2008 because of the GOTV efforts on the part of Democrats who campaigned heavily in the metro areas, but fell short in 2012 when he was abandoned by formerly enthusiastic whites and a lower voter turnout.

I just have to weigh in on the PBJ discussion, too. Sometimes it isn’t jelly or jam—sometimes (and my favorite) is PB with a sliced ripe banana on whole grain bread drizzled with a little honey. All your nutritional needs in one sandwich with a nice cold glass of milk. Satisfies my inner child completely. : )

153 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 2:49:19am

re: #152 Justanotherhuman

. Even someone like me probably has some residual racism buried deep down, even as I’ve fought it all my life.

We are all hard-wired to see anyone who looks or acts differently as a potential threat to our tribe, we all have similar reactions. That is not racism per se.

Racism arises when we let those gut reactions affect the way we actually treat others, or, in the case of politics, shape the way we create laws and policy.

154 dell*nix  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 2:49:54am

re: #151 Sol Berdinowitz

I think you mean Jesse James instead of Billy the Kid.

155 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 2:56:14am

re: #154 dell*nix

I think you mean Jesse James instead of Billy the Kid.

Different gang, perhaps, but I believe BtK also started out as a bushwhacker

156 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 3:29:07am

I sense today is going to be DEFCON 1 on the level of butthurt. Or DEFCON 7, whichever is worse. Be careful everybody.

157 Targetpractice  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 3:43:46am

re: #156 Bulworth

I sense today is going to be DEFCON 1 on the level of butthurt. Or DEFCON 7, whichever is worse. Be careful everybody.

DEFCON 1 is the worst, but I’m sure you’ll surprised to hear that I couldn’t give a fuck less. Let them yell and scream and dance around in their little rage-gasms. Nobody seriously believes that they wouldn’t have done exactly the same and they know it. They’re just pissed that Democrats beat them to the punch.

158 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 3:48:40am

A democratically elected body using majority voting to reach decisions? Only one word for this: TYRANNY!!! A small, vocal minority should always have the power to derail legislation it does not like or shut down the government if they cannot get their demands met.


159 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 3:50:06am

re: #157 Targetpractice

DEFCON 1 is the worst, but I’m sure you’ll surprised to hear that I couldn’t give a fuck less. Let them yell and scream and dance around in their little rage-gasms. Nobody seriously believes that they wouldn’t have done exactly the same and they know it. They’re just pissed that Democrats beat them to the punch.

It’s already started. Mika was reading a WSJ editorial and it was brutal, accusing Dems of all sorts of “crimes”.

Here it is:

Senate Rules for Radicals
Democrats break the filibuster in a precedent they may regret.

160 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 3:53:36am

re: #159 Justanotherhuman

It’s already started. Mika was reading a WSJ editorial and it was brutal, accusing Dems of all sorts of “crimes”.

A friend on FB advises that we should contact our senators about this…and tell them to stop shutting down the government and blocking nominations for months and years on end?

161 Targetpractice  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 3:53:55am

re: #159 Justanotherhuman

It’s already started. Mika was reading a WSJ editorial and it was brutal, accusing Dems of all sorts of “crimes”.

I stopped taking the WSJ editorial pages seriously ages ago, after it became Rupert Murdoch’s exclusive soapbox.

162 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 3:55:57am

re: #161 Targetpractice

I stopped taking the WSJ editorial pages seriously ages ago, after it became Rupert Murdoch’s exclusive soapbox.

Same here. It’s just Faux News in print.

163 Targetpractice  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 3:58:26am

Like I said above, the fence-sitters and the concern trolls are now aghast at the possibility that the President will be able to “pack the courts” with like-minded individuals, thus upsetting some sort of mythical “balance.” At least those who aren’t just wondering why we’re filling vacancies when obviously the courts don’t have the workload to justify a full bench.

164 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 4:08:10am

Fifty years ago today…

Around or shortly after lunch, I got the news at work and was crying my eyes out when in walks the owner of a competitor of the optical co I worked for as the only female (secy) employee.

Bastard asked me why I was crying over that n***** lover. I got even more upset and went home. I never got over that and will never forget it. I realized then that evil really did exist.

165 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 4:23:30am

re: #164 Justanotherhuman

I realized then that evil really did exist.

As much as Jack Kennedy was loved by the masses, the depth of hatred for him sadly was matched by a few. For them there were different reasons

A northern and a Catholic to name a couple

166 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 4:33:48am

Teh Derp is up bright and early this morning:

167 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 4:33:56am

China has plenty of problems, too.

Oil pipeline blasts in eastern China kill 35

BEIJING (AP) — Leaked oil from a ruptured pipeline in an eastern Chinese port city exploded Friday, killing at least 35 people, injuring 166 and contaminating the sea in one the country’s worst industrial accidents of the year, authorities said.


“It was China’s third deadliest industrial accident this year, behind a chicken factory fire in June in Jilin that killed 121 and a mining accident in March, also in Jilin, that killed 36.”

168 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 4:35:33am

I made a peanut butter on homemade anadama bread for lunch and I LEFT MY LUNCH BAG AT HOME.

There are some chocolate/vanilla/butterscotch chip cookies in my cubicle and I’m leaving early this afternoon so it’s not a total disaster.

169 dell*nix  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 4:36:21am

re: #155 Sol Berdinowitz

Billy was born about 1859 and was a participant in the Lincoln county, NM feuding.

170 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 4:37:44am

50 years ago today I was in 7th grade. School was just dismissed for the day, but there was a crowd of kids in the hallway, instead of getting their stuff out of their lockers and running out the door, the Principal was standing in the middle of the hallway with a megaphone THE PRESIDENT HAS BEEN SHOT. PRESIDENT KENNEDY IS DEAD.

Kids were freaking out.

I walked home sobbing.

171 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 4:39:12am


172 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 4:40:50am

re: #170 Learned Pie Of Zion

That was really a dumb move by the principal on so many levels

173 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 4:41:26am

re: #172 sattv4u2

That was really a dumb move by the principal on so many levels

Then he said NOW GO HOME.

174 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 4:43:53am

re: #173 Learned Pie Of Zion

Then he said NOW GO HOME.

Double Down Derp

175 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 4:45:39am

We were told quietly, in our individual classrooms. TV’s were rolled in so we could see the news reports. Parents were called and invited to the school so we wouldn’t be walking home alone

176 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:12:33am

(I do not know if this is a real or a fake quote)

177 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:14:51am

It’s a real quote.


Kennedys were the Romneys of their generation.

178 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:15:48am

re: #176 Learned Pie Of Zion

179 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:22:13am
180 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:23:24am

JFK started the ball rolling by reducing taxes 20% on the 1%.

181 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:23:37am

re: #176 Learned Pie Of Zion

(I do not know if this is a real or a fake quote)

[Embedded content]

Unfortunately true and we’ve been paying the consequences ever since. It’s why when I talk of tax policy I always say we need to go back to the rates in force when Eisenhower left office.

182 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:25:47am

re: #181 William Barnett-Lewis

Unfortunately true and we’ve been paying the consequences ever since. It’s why when I talk of tax policy I always say we need to go back to the rates in force when Eisenhower left office.

JFK cut taxes on the 1% from 91% during the Eisenhower era (unprecedented prosperity for everyone) to 70%. Reagan cut it to 50%.

183 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:29:25am

re: #177 Learned Pie Of Zion

Cutting taxes…. yeah…

Let’s not forget that in the 1940s, the top tax rate was 91%. In the 1950s, the top tax rate was as high as 92%. When JFK took office, the top tax rate was 91%. By 1964, the top tax rate was cut to 77%. In 1965, it’s down to 70%.

It stayed at 70% until 1982, when it dropped again to 50%.

Some of the high taxes were used to offset the spending from WWII and Korea, but it’s interesting that the same folks who put the 1950s on a pedestal and speak glowingly of the period ignore that all the economic growth occurred even as the tax rates ran as high as 91% (to say nothing of the institutionalized racism, civil rights struggles, poverty, lack of womens’ rights, etc.).

184 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:31:32am

re: #166 Learned Pie Of Zion

Teh Derp is up bright and early this morning:

[Isn’t it ironic that President Kennedy was murdered by a Marxist and 50 years later we have a Marxist sitting in our oval office? #JFK]

Amazing. I wonder what it is like to see everything in such simple thinking?

Simpletons. No way to go through life

185 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:32:24am

re: #184 ObserverArt

Amazing. I wonder what it is like to see everything in such simple thinking?

Simpletons. No way to go through life


186 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:35:32am

re: #184 ObserverArt

Amazing. I wonder what it is like to see everything in such simple thinking?

Simpletons. No way to go through life

I once had a guy say to me, “I think too much.”

I was stunned.

187 Zamb  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:37:18am

re: #171 Learned Pie Of Zion

Calling all black people who vote for the democrats willing slaves is totally a good strategy to win their votes.

188 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:37:54am

re: #186 Justanotherhuman

I once had a guy say to me, “I think too much.”

I was stunned.

Lots of people “overthink” things. Some take the simplest thing and make it complex. My wife does this often, and she is a very intelligent person

189 darthstar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:38:18am

re: #73 jaunte

That’s a lot of volcanoes. Maybe mother earth is trying to compensate for the human parasites on her back…
(from the linked article)

So many volcanoes throwing so much gas, ash and particulates into the air can have an effect on climate, this is a scientific fact. I’m not saying that these volcanoes herald the start of a new ice age but the planet certainly seems to be getting a bit more active of late.

Continued large eruptions put a huge amount of particulate matter into the atmosphere, and these particles reflect sunlight away from earth and when there is enough of them up there temperatures can drop.

190 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:38:35am

“For many Americans, the jury is still out on who killed JFK.”

An allegedly legitimate TV news station (MSNBC) on the assassination of Kennedy.

Jesus, conspiracy theories have absolutely gone mainstream.

That’s scary.

191 darthstar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:40:49am

Mornin’ everyone.

192 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:41:13am

re: #188 sattv4u2

Lots of people “overthink” things. Some take the simplest thing and make it complex. My wife does this often, and she is a very intelligent person

That’s not what he meant. He didn’t want to think much about anything and saw himself as a “do-er”. Very black and white in his thought processes; the “shoot first and ask questions later” type.

193 darthstar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:41:59am

re: #190 Justanotherhuman

194 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:47:09am


195 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:47:34am

Nobody gets all that stuff “for free”

196 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:48:38am

re: #186 Justanotherhuman

I once had a guy say to me, “I think too much.”

I was stunned.

I remember fishing with my father once. I was maybe 10 or so. He heard me rattling on and on about all kinds of stuff and he stopped me and said all that was good and all, but I might want to hold back on some of those thoughts and maybe not ask some of the questions and make some of the comments I was making as it would upset some people and they wouldn’t want to hear it.

I asked why, all I was doing was asking why someone thought the way they did, or why didn’t they think of this or that.

He said something to the effect just because something may be right or a good point to make, people just don’t want to hear it. Of course I asked why as I didn’t understand. He said, you’ll learn soon enough, they will see you either as a trouble maker or a smarty-pants trying to show them up.

I admit, I have had a hard time holding my comments sometimes, okay… many times. But my father’s words always come as a warning and have helped me dial back and just observe more than comment. I learned his valuable lesson of sometimes it is just better to hold that thought and not say anything at all. I still do not understand why, I thought we were all here to share and learn, but I understood what he meant over time. Parental lessons always take so much time!

But, then along came the computer and forums…I’ve had to learn the whole lesson all over again online.

197 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:50:30am

re: #196 ObserverArt

I remember fishing with my father once. I was maybe 10 or so. He heard me rattling on and on about all kinds of stuff and he stopped me and said all that was good and all, but I might want to hold back on some of those thoughts and maybe not ask some of the questions and make some of the comments I was making as it would upset some people and they wouldn’t want to hear it.

I asked why, all I was doing was asking why someone thought the way they did, or why didn’t they think of this or that.

He said something to the effect just because something may be right or a good point to make, people just don’t want to hear it. Of course I asked why as I didn’t understand. He said, you’ll learn soon enough, they will see you either as a trouble maker or a smarty-pants trying to show them up.

I admit, I have had a hard time holding my comments sometimes, okay… many times. But my father’s words always come as a warning and have helped me dial back and just observe more than comment. I learned his valuable lesson of sometimes it is just better to hold that thought and not say anything at all. I still do not understand why, I thought we were all here to share and learn, but I understood what he meant over time. Parental lessons always take so much time!

But, then along came the computer and forums…I’ve had to learn the whole lesson all over again online.

Ah, but people say a lot of stuff.

It doesn’t mean they think.

198 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:50:34am

re: #190 Justanotherhuman

“For many Americans, the jury is still out on who killed JFK.”

An allegedly legitimate TV news station (MSNBC) on the assassination of Kennedy.

Jesus, conspiracy theories have absolutely gone mainstream.

That’s scary.

Entertainment…and feed the needs for confirmation.

Let’s not over think it! : )

199 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:50:54am

Good morning Lizards! 50-ish and drizzly on this section of the Delaware River today. Low cloud ceiling putting a damper on peregrine falcon activity this morning.*

Cats got themselves an extended timeout this morning when their normal play fighting and chasing escalated into very heavy growling and much closer to a serious fight than I want to see. So they got separate food and facilities and will be in separate rooms until I go let them out at lunch.**

* - One was out yesterday morning swooping and circling between a few of the buildings here. Just fun to watch.

** - I can hear the meowing of “No-body knows the trouble I’ve seen…” from here. But no E-trade apps for them.

200 mishuga  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:54:48am

An oldie but goodie:

Onion Video

201 darthstar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:56:26am
202 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:56:30am

re: #104 Amory Blaine

White House Reporters Question Limits On Photo Access At Press Briefing

203 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:56:54am

re: #197 Justanotherhuman

Ah, but people say a lot of stuff.

It doesn’t mean they think.

That is true. I think my father was warning me that I was thinking too much about stuff that would really piss them off. I wasn’t just being glib…just too much the opposite. Too pointed, too true and it would get me in big trouble. It was a good lesson.

204 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 5:57:01am

WE TEH PEOPLE does not include teh Blah People, teh Brown People, teh Vagina People, teh Muslim People, teh Juice People, teh Librul People or Any People Except Teh Tea Party People!!!!!!

205 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:00:12am

re: #177 Learned Pie Of Zion

It’s a real quote.


Kennedys were the Romneys of their generation.

But growth did follow in the wake of Kennedy’s tax cuts, with the middle years of the 1960’s seeing rates of growth that would not return until the late 1990’s.

206 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:00:55am

re: #205 Dark_Falcon

But growth did follow in the wake of Kennedy’s tax cuts, with the middle years of the 1960’s seeing rates of growth that would not return until the late 1990’s.

That could be just residual growth from the Eisenhower tax rates.

207 darthstar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:01:03am

re: #202 Dark_Falcon

This is ironic:

“We must accept that we, the press, have been enablers,” the organization said in a letter. “We urge those of you in news organizations to immediately refrain from publishing any of the photographs or videos released by the White House, just as you would refuse to run verbatim a press release from them.

Of course, releasing a press release from the GOP verbatim is not a problem at all.

Chuck Todd is an idiot for claiming that not allowing a shitload of cameramen into every photo op is the same as Putin’s stranglehold on the Russian media.

208 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:02:46am

re: #207 darthstar

This is ironic:

Of course, releasing a press release from the GOP verbatim is not a problem at all.

Chuck Todd is an idiot for claiming that not allowing a shitload of cameramen into every photo op is the same as Putin’s stranglehold on the Russian media.

He was being silly, but he doesn’t actually believe that. It was hyperbole, but he went over the top with it.

209 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:04:17am

re: #207 darthstar

This is ironic:

Of course, releasing a press release from the GOP verbatim is not a problem at all.

Chuck Todd is an idiot for claiming that not allowing a shitload of cameramen into every photo op is the same as Putin’s stranglehold on the Russian media.

The more Chuck Todd, the less I know!

210 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:05:20am

re: #207 darthstar

This is ironic:

Of course, releasing a press release from the GOP verbatim is not a problem at all.

And when has NBC released stuff from the Republican Party verbatim? They tend be in tight with the Dems.

211 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:05:27am

I can hardly believe Reid had the cajones to do what he did!

212 darthstar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:09:54am

re: #210 Dark_Falcon

And when has NBC released stuff from the Republican Party verbatim? They tend be in tight with the Dems.

Fox does all the time. And MSNBC for being the “liberal” choice of the major news networks lets Republicans make their arguments unchallenged on a regular basis…especially on Sundays.

Obama’s given the press more access to himself than Bush ever did. They just want more. The problem is, you can’t treat a president like shit all the time and expect him to just say, “Sure, come on in…Malia’s about to blow out the candles on her cake.”

213 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:10:55am

re: #185 Learned Pie Of Zion


[Embedded content]

You mean the same govt that says minorities, women, homosexuals, the disabled—everyone else, essentially, are as good as you and deserve the same rights and responsibilities? Those people?

214 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:13:20am

re: #205 Dark_Falcon

GDP by year (constant dollars).

Growth by year (percentage):


Dec 31, 1970 -0.15%
Dec 31, 1969 2.07%
Dec 31, 1968 4.96%
Dec 31, 1967 2.70%
Dec 31, 1966 4.51%
Dec 31, 1965 8.48%
Dec 31, 1964 5.15%
Dec 31, 1963 5.17%
Dec 31, 1962 4.28%
Dec 31, 1961 6.37%
Dec 31, 1960 0.86%
Dec 31, 1959 4.55%
Dec 31, 1958 2.67%
Dec 31, 1957 0.36%
Dec 31, 1956 1.99%
Dec 31, 1955 6.57%
Dec 31, 1954 2.74%
Dec 31, 1953 0.53%
Dec 31, 1952 5.35%
Dec 31, 1951 5.49%
Dec 31, 1950 13.41%

Conclusions drawn? Don’t think you can attribute growth to tax rates, since there’s significant growth while top tax rate was over 90%, and there was recessionary periods even after the rate dropped to 70%.

Far too simplistic to attribute growth to tax cuts, when the growth was as good or better when the top tax rate was 20 points higher.

215 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:13:26am

re: #213 Justanotherhuman

You mean the same govt that says minorities, women, homosexuals, the disabled—everyone else, essentially, are as good as you and deserve the same rights and responsibilities? Those people?


Also too:


216 A Mom Anon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:15:10am

re: #211 prairiefire

I think the last straw was this last round of appeals court judges being held up. And Grassley had been trying to eliminate the three seats that were open, taking the number from 11 to 8.

They’ve blocked 81 of Obama’s nominations (in turn trying to nullify agencies they don’t like, like NLRB). Before Obama, the number was 83 for all the prior presidents COMBINED. So we not only have judges missing from courts, but key positions in key agencies being left empty.

The GOP abused the whole concept of filibustering and confirming various nominees via hearings and the like. It’s time someone stood up to them. And like all bullies, they cry the loudest when they get hit back.

217 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:16:59am

re: #215 Learned Pie Of Zion


Also too:


[Embedded content]

So Teddy is using the image of him in the hunting gear on his twits, er, tweets.

Gotta connect with them ordinary ‘mericans dontcha you know.

218 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:17:44am

re: #210 Dark_Falcon

See; Chuck Todd.

219 darthstar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:17:55am

re: #217 ObserverArt

So Teddy is using the image of him in the hunting gear on his twits, er. tweets.

Gotta connect with them ordinary ‘mericans dontcha you know.

Yep…just saw that too.

220 A Mom Anon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:19:19am

Off to do doggie walkies, and The Teenager is coming home for 8 days!! Yay! I haven’t seen him in almost a month. BBL

221 darthstar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:20:35am
222 Ian G.  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:22:34am

re: #204 Learned Pie Of Zion

I see our genius here put two contradictory demands (“put god back in the country” and “strictly follow the constitution and bill of rights”) in the tweet. Typical.

223 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:22:58am

re: #214 lawhawk

And yet the year top taxes went down to 70% saw the highest growth and growth rates in the 60’s tended to be better (few years of under 1% growth) until inflation and civil disorder started hammering the economy down at the end of the decade. Lyndon Johnson made a similar mistake to George W. Bush in spending a lot and fighting a war without finding new sources of revenue. As with Bush, he made this mistake for a number of political reasons, though in Johnson’s case the real pain did not begin till he had left office.

224 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:23:40am

re: #221 darthstar

[@tedcruz Looky here! Who’s posing with a shotgun like he’s a real man! So presidential! I’m sure people are swooning over this picture.
9:19 AM - 22 Nov 2013]

Thanks for sending that one out. I don’t do the tweets.

Say, did you read my comments above about my dad telling me to hold things back and not just blurt them out?

My father would have not understood tweeting and the internet at all.

225 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:25:21am

re: #222 Ian G.

I see our genius here put two contradictory demands (“put god back in the country” and “strictly follow the constitution and bill of rights”) in the tweet. Typical.

These are entirely reconcilable to anyone who insists that we are a Christian Nation founded on Biblical Principles.

226 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:26:30am

re: #223 Dark_Falcon

And yet the year top taxes went down to 70% saw the highest growth and growth rates in the 60’s tended to be better (few years of under 1% growth) until inflation and civil disorder started hammering the economy down at the end of the decade. Lyndon Johnson made a similar mistake to George W. Bush in spending a lot and fighting a war without finding new sources of revenue. As with Bush, he made this mistake for a number of political reasons, though in Johnson’s case the real pain did not begin till he had left office.

Do you have a reference on how late-60’s civil disorder “hammered” the economy as compared to inflation?

227 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:27:48am

re: #225 Sol Berdinowitz

These are entirely reconcilable to anyone who insists that we are a Christian Nation founded on Biblical Principles.

I am beginning to think the Moses of their Bible dropped *two* tablets on the way down Mt Sinai.

228 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:28:32am

re: #227 Feline Fearless Leader

I am beginning to think the Moses of their Bible dropped *two* tablets acid on the way down Mt Sinai.

229 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:29:26am

re: #226 Feline Fearless Leader

Do you have a reference on how late-60’s civil disorder “hammered” the economy as compared to inflation?


230 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:29:49am

re: #228 Learned Pie Of Zion

You make that sound as if it’s a bad thing!!

(as long as it wasn’t the brown acid, that is)

231 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:30:25am

(((damn, I’m old)))

232 Targetpractice  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:31:08am

re: #227 Feline Fearless Leader

I am beginning to think the Moses of their Bible dropped *two* tablets on the way down Mt Sinai.

“Hear me, o hear me! All pay heed! The Lord, the Lord G-d, has given unto you these fifteen *crack* Oy…ten, TEN commandments for all to obey!”

233 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:34:32am

re: #232 Targetpractice

“Hear me, o hear me! All pay heed! The Lord, the Lord G-d, has given unto you these fifteen *crack* Oy…ten, TEN commandments for all to obey!”

Youtube Video

234 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:35:06am

I love Mel Brooks.

(Yes I know that clip is from History Of The World)

235 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:35:58am

re: #223 Dark_Falcon

And yet the year top taxes went down to 70% saw the highest growth and growth rates in the 60’s tended to be better (few years of under 1% growth) until inflation and civil disorder started hammering the economy down at the end of the decade. Lyndon Johnson made a similar mistake to George W. Bush in spending a lot and fighting a war without finding new sources of revenue. As with Bush, he made this mistake for a number of political reasons, though in Johnson’s case the real pain did not begin till he had left office.

Please don’t abuse statistics like this.

236 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:37:38am

To be clear, here are the ways you’re using statistics wrong:

1. Tying economic growth and tax rates in the same year together.

2. Saying that growth rates in the 60’s were ‘better’ without stating what you’re comparing them to.

3. Positing that inflation and civil disorder were the causative reasons for the drop in the economy, with not even an attempt at even a logical proof of this, much less actual evidence.

237 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:39:14am

re: #234 Learned Pie Of Zion

I love Mel Brooks.


Young Frankenstein

238 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:40:09am

re: #234 Learned Pie Of Zion

Both great movies

Both in my personal top 10 list

Neither is my “best” (imho)

239 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:40:17am

You would do it for Randolph Scott!


240 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:40:36am

The best movie ever made is The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence.

The best bad movie ever made is Big Trouble In Little China

241 darthstar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:41:25am

re: #224 ObserverArt

Thanks for sending that one out. I don’t do the tweets.

Say, did you read my comments above about my dad telling me to hold things back and not just blurt them out?

My father would have not understood tweeting and the internet at all.

I have a pretty good internal editor in my off-line life. The twitter is a playground. Talking smack is part of the game.

Though I do need to watch my sarcasm. Had an employee complain to HR because I emailed him to ask how he could “work from home and…well, work” in those exact words as he was testing a device that only functioned on a specific internal office wi-fi hub.

242 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:41:26am

re: #240 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

The best movie ever made is The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence.

The best bad movie ever made is Big Trouble In Little China

my personal alltime fav

12 Angry Men (the original version)

243 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:42:25am


1. Blazing Saddles
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Life of Brian

244 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:45:30am
245 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:48:49am

re: #240 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Beat that flu?

246 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:48:52am

re: #236 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

To be clear, here are the ways you’re using statistics wrong:

1. Tying economic growth and tax rates in the same year together.

2. Saying that growth rates in the 60’s were ‘better’ without stating what you’re comparing them to.

3. Positing that inflation and civil disorder were the causative reasons for the drop in the economy, with not even an attempt at even a logical proof of this, much less actual evidence.

2. I was comparing them to grown in the 1950’s, as was clear from the conversation.

3. It’s early morning banter. I’m not going to attempt an elaborate proof of what I’m saying.

247 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:49:42am

re: #244 Varek Raith

Image: unprecedentedobstructiongraphic.jpg

I sorta wonder how the wingnuts explain that all away.

Sorta. I know they are doing it somehow, somewhere. And I imagine it takes some pretty good contortions. But they never fail to live down the opportunity.

248 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:49:45am

re: #240 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

The best movie ever made is The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence.

The best bad movie ever made is Big Trouble In Little China

Don’t have a best/worst since there is a lot of criteria to judge by. However, I do know three movies that if I come across while channel surfing I tend to stop and watch regardless of other tasks:

1. Kelly’s Heroes (great caper/military movie blend with that out of place hippie vibe from Oddball and crew.)

2. Buckaroo Banzai (not-so-serious SF with some great (or bizarre) over the top characters, concepts and dialog.)

3. Full Metal Jacket (1st half) Kubrick covers USMC boot camp in the Vietnam War era. The *goal* is dehumanization and the creation of killing machines. We get to see that process fail, and also perhaps succeed too well.

Honorable mention to Boorman’s _Excalibur_. There are portions of that movie that I just love.

249 darthstar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:52:04am
McDonald’s McResource Line, a dedicated website run by the world’s largest fast-food chain to provide its 1.8 million employees with financial and health-related tips, offers a full page of advice for “Digging Out From Holiday Debt.” Among their helpful holiday tips: “Selling some of your unwanted possessions on eBay or Craigslist could bring in some quick cash.”

Elsewhere on the site, McDonald’s encourages its employees to break apart food when they eat meals, as “breaking food into pieces often results in eating less and still feeling full.” And if they are struggling to stock their shelves with food in the first place, the company offers assistance for workers applying for food stamps.

250 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:52:25am

re: #215 Learned Pie Of Zion

“Up to 100 milliontrillion could be coming!!111”

Could be. Maybe. Probably not. But it would be irresponsible not to speculate.

251 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:54:16am

Fucking Liz Sidoti just asked why Harry Reid couldn’t “get his caucus together” without using the nuclear option.

How stupid is the press anymore?

And how stupid do they think we are?

Christ, if MSNBC doesn’t get rid of Chuck Toad…he has the most ignorant pundits on. They’re all too clever by half.

252 AlexRogan  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:54:20am

re: #249 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Memory holed…

253 darthstar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:55:03am

re: #250 Bulworth

“Up to 100 milliontrillion could be coming!!111”

Could be. Maybe. Probably not. But it would be irresponsible not to speculate.

I should have bought an extra loaf and fish.

254 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:56:28am

re: #204 Learned Pie Of Zion

If enough people retweet this PBO will be forced to resign and Obamacare will be repealed and Ted Cruz will be president. Confirmed. FACT. /

255 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:58:20am

and on that note, the long quiet (broken by an occasional sneeze) drive home beckons

256 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 6:58:35am

Top movies. That’s a tough one. So many, so I’ll go with those I seem to remember the most and refer to most often…

1. Meaning of Life.

2. Brazil

3. Clockwork Orange

4…Anything Hitchcock.

And somewhere in my list always, just for the bizarreness and redefining of what a movie could be…Eraserhead!

257 EmmaAnne  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:01:26am

re: #28 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

As soon as my school/work schedule calms a bit, I’m actually going to do a big effortpost about north vs. south racism, and how bad northern racism was after the civil war when black sought employment, how ghettoization and all that shit went down. I think that there’s a hell of a lot of racism to be held to account in the North historically and that it often gets brushed aside in attacks on the South, especially in the post-civil war era.

Yeah, sundown towns. Shudder.

258 EmmaAnne  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:05:34am

re: #4 CuriousLurker

Yes, but it’ll just switch over to the ever-present Islamophobia and they’ll hate her because of her connections to the Muslim Brotherhood via Huma Abedin. That’s prolly why she let Benghazi happen, y’know? Plus there’s the lesbian affair she supposedly had with Huma, and the Vince Foster murder, etc. People who are racist/bigoted usually have plenty of groups they find abhorrent.

I might be inspired by Obdicut to do a long page on the sheer insanity of the right wing during the Clinton years. A small taste: Congressman Dan Burton shooting a watermelon in his backyard in support of the idea that the Clintons murdered Vince Foster. =:-0

259 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:06:24am

Haha, Rand Paul has a lot of fucking nerve to talk about Harry Reid being a “bully”.

This is the guy whose staffer curb-stomped someone they didn’t like. Not the first time RP overlooked this kind of behavior by his own kind until people called attention to it, and who knows what’s been brushed under the rug by this thuggish, lying wanker.

260 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:07:03am

Movie time?

1) Kelly’s Heroes
2) Alien
3) Blade Runner, theatrical cut.

Best bad movie: Star Wars IV: A New Hope (none of them are great cinema, but they can be great fun space opera.)

261 GeneJockey  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:07:47am

re: #214 lawhawk

GDP by year (constant dollars).

Growth by year (percentage):


Conclusions drawn? Don’t think you can attribute growth to tax rates, since there’s significant growth while top tax rate was over 90%, and there was recessionary periods even after the rate dropped to 70%.

Far too simplistic to attribute growth to tax cuts, when the growth was as good or better when the top tax rate was 20 points higher.

That, and ‘Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc’ is a FALLACY, not an ARGUMENT.

262 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:07:51am


263 GunstarGreen  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:08:14am

So, how ‘bout that senate? Watching Republicans squeal like stuck pigs about actually having to vote on issues (as opposed to using lazy, half-assed fake filibusters that don’t require any commitment these days) is one of the more infuriating things I’ve seen this week.

264 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:08:21am

Best movies…hmm. I could break it down by decades.
Close Encounters
Animal House

265 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:09:07am

re: #256 ObserverArt

And somewhere in my list always, just for the bizarreness and redefining of what a movie could be…Eraserhead!

Got dragged to … that… by a cinemaphile friend. I sill have no clue what it was that I watched that night. Perhaps if I’d been drunk or high it might have made more sense but I doubt it.

266 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:09:08am

re: #262 Learned Pie Of Zion

Watch out for the spittle with that one!

267 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:09:58am

Welp, that was fun. Argle bargle.

PB&Js for all!

268 GunstarGreen  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:10:36am

re: #262 Learned Pie Of Zion

Marietweets has never cared one flying fig about English she doesn’t even like grammar good grief #rightwingmorons

There should be literacy tests before you’re allowed to post on twitsville.

269 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:11:01am

re: #262 Learned Pie Of Zion


[ marietweets @mkues65

Obama has never cared one flying fig about our Founding Father’s he doesn’t even like America good grief @cspanwj #cspanchat #tcot #LNYHBT
7:08 PM - 21 Nov 2013]

I guess being a student of the Constitution and then becoming a Senator and then President is proof of his unAmericaness!

I have a feeling the bb’s are loose in that one’s head and just rattle around all day…and then tweet.

270 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:15:14am

re: #265 William Barnett-Lewis

Got dragged to … that… by a cinemaphile friend. I sill have no clue what it was that I watched that night. Perhaps if I’d been drunk or high it might have made more sense but I doubt it.

Yeah, I get that, but I am an artist and saw that while in college going to art school. I see it as ‘film’ not a movie. More a moving image/painting that asks what does it mean to you. It was Lynch’s student work at UCLA film school and it did get him some notice.

271 Dr Lizardo  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:15:25am

re: #243 Learned Pie Of Zion


1. Blazing Saddles
2. The Big Lebowski
3. Life of Brian

In no particular order, mine are:

1. Carlos (Canal+ miniseries version)
2. Heavenly Creatures
3. Noroi
4. The Godfather (I and II)
5. GoodFellas
6. City of God
7. Zodiac
8. Spirited Away -and- Grave of the Fireflies (tie)
9. Boogie Nights
10. There Will Be Blood
11. Der Baader-Meinhof Komplex
12. Once Upon A Time In Anatolia
13. Blade Runner
14. Raiders of the Lost Ark
15. Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
16. Ringu
17. Blazing Saddles
18. The Big Lebowski
19. The Master
20. Solaris (1972) -and- Battleship Potemkin

272 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:16:59am
273 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:17:20am

2001: A Space Odyssey
Raging Bull
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Wizard of Oz

274 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:18:38am

re: #270 ObserverArt

Yeah, I get that, but I am an artist and saw that while in college going to art school. I see it as ‘film’ not a movie. More a moving image/painting that asks what does it mean to you. It was Lynch’s student work at UCLA film school and it did get him some notice.

I consider myself reasonably well versed in the arts. That said, as a photographer and poet, my style is sufficiently different from Mr. Lynch that I sometimes wonder if we’re in the same universe.

275 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:19:06am

re: #271 Dr Lizardo

Boogie Nights is so damned good. I was not in the porn industry in the 1970’s, but everything in that movie looks just like the 70’s.

276 Dr. Matt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:19:47am

re: #210 Dark_Falcon

And when has NBC released stuff from the Republican Party verbatim? They tend be in tight with the Dems.

Laughable and tired talking point.

277 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:20:21am

I’d say anything with Carrot Top and Rob Schnider.

278 Dr. Matt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:20:49am

re: #269 ObserverArt

I guess being a student of the Constitution and then becoming a Senator and then President is proof of his unAmericaness!

But, Obummer loves his Nazi Fruit more than America.


279 Dr. Matt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:21:14am

re: #277 Gus

I’d say anything with Carrot Top and Rob Schnider.

I’m resisting all power to down-ding you.

280 BongCrodny  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:21:30am

re: #277 Gus

I’d say anything with Carrot Top and Rob Schnider.

Pauly Shore.

282 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:21:39am

re: #279 Dr. Matt

I’m resisting all power to down-ding you.


283 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:22:27am

re: #270 ObserverArt

Yeah, I get that, but I am an artist and saw that while in college going to art school. I see it as ‘film’ not a movie. More a moving image/painting that asks what does it mean to you. It was Lynch’s student work at UCLA film school and it did get him some notice.

Have you seen his “The Alphabet”?Youtube Video CREEPY!

284 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:23:22am

Whoever made that graphic does not know Russian.

285 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:25:58am

re: #273 Justanotherhuman

2001: A Space Odyssey
Raging Bull
To Kill a Mockingbird
The Wizard of Oz

The Maltese Falcon

286 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:26:22am

10 favorites—defined as willing to see again and again, in rough order:

Lovers of Teruel
Forbidden Games
Dr. Strangelove
Local Hero
Bridge on the River Kwai
Wild Strawberries
King of Hearts
Seventh Seal
An American in Paris
La Strada

287 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:30:45am

re: #285 prairiefire

The Maltese Falcon

Not an exhaustive list. : )

288 Dr Lizardo  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:31:15am

re: #275 prairiefire

Boogie Nights is so damned good. I was not in the porn industry in the 1970’s, but everything in that movie looks just like the 70’s.

“Boogie Nights” is one of the best films I’ve ever seen. There’s one coming up this winter that certainly seems to have a similar vibe - “American Hustle”.

Youtube Video

289 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:31:23am

re: #274 William Barnett-Lewis

I consider myself reasonably well versed in the arts. That said, as a photographer and poet, my style is sufficiently different from Mr. Lynch that I sometimes wonder if we’re in the same universe.

And that is the beauty of the arts. No two minds alike.

I admit…I am “different” and that is the beauty of humans. Celebrate the difference instead of fearing it.

290 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:32:12am

2001: A Space Odyssey
Cat on a Hot Tin Roof
On the Water Front
A Streetcar Named Desire
Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House
Mr. Roberts
North by Northwest
Band of Brothers (not a movie I know)
Thin Red Line
The Bridge on the River Kwai
Saving Private Ryan
The Deer Hunter
Empire of the Sun

291 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:32:58am

re: #280 BongCrodny

Pauly Shore.

GROAN. Now there is one guy I never found rewarding.

292 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:33:43am


293 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:35:00am

Strangers on a Train

294 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:35:20am

re: #293 Gus

Strangers on a Train

A psychotic socialite confronts a pro tennis star with a theory on how two complete strangers can get away with murder…a theory that he plans to implement.

295 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:35:51am

Farley Granger was awesome.

296 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:37:48am

re: #288 Dr Lizardo

“Boogie Nights” is one of the best films I’ve ever seen. There’s one coming up this winter that certainly seems to have a similar vibe - “American Hustle”.

[Embedded content]

I saw it as a tragedy; none of the characters seemed to be happy—they were all too desperate.

297 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:39:24am

Bette Davis… Joan Crawford movies.

298 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:40:23am

re: #296 Justanotherhuman

I saw it as a tragedy; none of the characters seemed to be happy—they were all too desperate.

Oh, I don’t agree. The Don Cheadle character was set to make a lot of money selling boom boxes at his stereo store, Julianne Moore was a director, the pedophile was getting bitch slapped in prison…

299 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:40:53am

Bringing Up Baby
The Philadelphia Story

300 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:42:05am
301 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:42:16am

I helped a friend pick movies when he took a film class and got told to watch five or so films from a list of 15. He had an aversion to black-and-white films, until after I got him to watch “Double Indemnity” and “Key Largo”.

Edward G Robinson for the win!

302 Ian G.  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:42:24am

re: #240 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

The best movie ever made is The Man Who Shot Liberty Valence.

The best bad movie ever made is Big Trouble In Little China

I have to respectfully disagree on point 2, as it’s not even John Carpenter’s best bad movie. That would be They Live.

As for my all-time favorite….boy is that a tough one. I might have to go with City of God (which Glenn Greenwald has probably never seen and if he had, would probably accuse the filmmakers of drooling jingoism).

303 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:42:52am

re: #299 Gus

Bringing Up Baby
The Philadelphia Story

The latter featuring James Stewart as “The Voice of Doom”. :)

304 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:43:08am

No order because, I can’t. Except for the first one.
Blade Runner
*Insert Mel Brooks movies here*
Jurassic Park
The Wrath of Khan
Undiscovered Country

Meh, that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.

305 EmmaAnne  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:43:33am

Shindler’s List. I swear I had flashbacks to that movie for months afterwards.

306 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:44:44am


307 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:44:53am

Lilies of the Field

308 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:45:19am

To Kill A Mockingbird

309 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:46:01am

re: #305 EmmaAnne

Shindler’s List. I swear I had flashbacks to that movie for months afterwards.

I’ve only seen a few minutes. The brutality! Apocalypse Now gave me flash backs.

310 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:46:12am

re: #308 Learned Pie Of Zion

To Kill A Mockingbird

Which is a film/book that should still be required reading/viewing simply for the multiple lessons and observations it makes.

311 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:46:36am


312 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:47:04am

Father Goose!

313 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:47:30am

re: #304 Varek Raith

No order because, I can’t. Except for the first one.
Blade Runner
*Insert Mel Brooks movies here*
Jurassic Park
The Wrath of Khan
Undiscovered Country

Meh, that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.

Alien(s) are awesome. One of the best in the genre.

314 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:48:13am

I still like those Elvis Presley movies. :D :P :D

315 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:48:15am

re: #307 Gus

Lilies of the Field

Soooo good! Went a long way in getting Americans used to a strong, charismatic AA man. All of Mr. Poitier’s films.

316 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:48:51am

White Lightning

317 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:49:04am

Cool Hand Luke

318 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:49:24am

re: #315 prairiefire

Soooo good! Went a long way in getting Americans used to a strong, charismatic AA man. All of Mr. Poitier films.

Spectacular. A lovely movie too.

319 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:50:25am

re: #313 Gus

Alien(s) are awesome. One of the best in the genre.

Xenomorphs and dinosaurs make up the majority of my nightmares.
Can’t possibly imagine why.

320 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:51:22am

How about musicals?

West Side Story
Singin’ In The Rain

American In Paris already mentioned.

321 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:52:43am

re: #320 Feline Fearless Leader

How about musicals?

West Side Story
Singin’ In The Rain

American In Paris already mentioned.

It’s just a jump to the left…

322 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:53:23am

re: #321 Gus

It’s just a jump to the left…

…and an impeachment by the right!

323 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:54:10am


324 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:54:30am


325 Dr. Matt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:54:38am

Fight Club.

….but we’re not supposed to talk about it…..

326 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:54:54am

re: #324 Gus


Saw that the other night.

327 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:55:13am


328 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:55:29am

re: #304 Varek Raith

No order because, I can’t. Except for the first one.
Blade Runner
*Insert Mel Brooks movies here*
Jurassic Park
The Wrath of Khan
Undiscovered Country

Meh, that’s all I can think of off the top of my head.

I’m just going to echo Varek’s list.

329 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:55:37am

re: #326 Varek Raith

Saw that the other night.

Good times.

330 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:55:54am

re: #327 Gus


Youtube Video

331 Ian G.  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:56:00am

re: #323 Learned Pie Of Zion

What right-wing racism?

332 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:56:29am

Cheyenne Social Club

333 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:57:30am

re: #331 Ian G.

What right-wing racism?

You mean black youths are running companies into the ground, putting people out of work, raiding their pensions and walking off with multi-million-dollar severance packages?

Sorry, wrong role models…

334 BongCrodny  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:57:34am

I’d honestly hate to call it my favorite movie because of all the schmaltz, but there’s probably no movie I’ve seen more times than Rocky.

335 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:57:42am

re: #331 Ian G.

What right-wing racism?


336 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:57:48am

re: #324 Gus


Underappreciated film I think. Fonda and Hagman did a very good job of portraying the tension of the situation while essentially filming two men in a non-descript room who were doing nothing but talking.

Though I think Kubrick was right and the best way to treat “Red Alert” was by making it a black comedy.

337 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:58:37am

The Holy Grail!

338 BongCrodny  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:58:52am

re: #332 Gus

Cheyenne Social Club

I would upding this one 157 times if I could.

339 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:58:54am

re: #336 Feline Fearless Leader

Underappreciated film I think. Fonda and Hagman did a very good job of portraying the tension of the situation while essentially filming two men in a non-descript room who were doing nothing but talking.

Though I think Kubrick was right and the best way to treat “Red Alert” was by making it a black comedy.

Matthau was good too.

340 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:59:02am

Monty Python and the Holy Grail

341 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 7:59:29am

re: #323 Learned Pie Of Zion


[Embedded content]

342 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:00:04am

re: #311 Varek Raith


I thought Paprika was a bit much.

343 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:00:46am

re: #336 Feline Fearless Leader

Underappreciated film I think. Fonda and Hagman did a very good job of portraying the tension of the situation while essentially filming two men in a non-descript room who were doing nothing but talking.

Though I think Kubrick was right and the best way to treat “Red Alert” was by making it a black comedy.

Dr. Strangelove doesn’t make my top 10, but it is my top 20.

344 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:01:35am

re: #339 Varek Raith

Matthau was good too.

I’ve noted that in a lot of his early film appearances he plays villains, or at least villainous characters. I consider his character in “Failsafe” one since he is advocating turning the situation into a first-strike attack against the USSR and essentially starting WW3. A situation where “winning” still involves killing millions via fairly widespread nuclear devastation.

345 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:01:41am
Then did he raise on high the Holy Hand Grenade of Antioch, saying, “Bless this, O Lord, that with it thou mayst blow thine enemies to tiny bits, in thy mercy.” And the people did rejoice and did feast upon the lambs and toads and tree-sloths and fruit-bats and orangutans and breakfast cereals … Now did the Lord say, “First thou pullest the Holy Pin. Then thou must count to three. Three shall be the number of the counting and the number of the counting shall be three. Four shalt thou not count, neither shalt thou count two, excepting that thou then proceedeth to three. Five is right out. Once the number three, being the number of the counting, be reached, then lobbest thou the Holy Hand Grenade in the direction of thine foe, who, being naughty in my sight, shall snuff it.”
346 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:02:30am

re: #342 prairiefire

Was it ever.

347 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:02:58am

re: #344 Feline Fearless Leader

I’ve noted that in a lot of his early film appearances he plays villains, or at least villainous characters. I consider his character in “Failsafe” one since he is advocating turning the situation into a first-strike attack against the USSR and essentially starting WW3. A situation where “winning” still involves killing millions via fairly widespread nuclear devastation.

Yeah, “Charade.”

Bad News Bears!!!!!

348 Backwoods_Sleuth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:03:47am

“Treasure of the Sierra Madre”, just for one of my favorite movie lines of all time.

349 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:05:04am

The Misfits

350 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:05:06am

re: #325 Dr. Matt

Fight Club.

….but we’re not supposed to talk about it…..

Forgot about that one. Loved that movie…and I still think many missed the entire point of the film…and most likely the key moment in the film that made the point.

351 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:05:16am

re: #320 Feline Fearless Leader

How about musicals?

West Side Story
Singin’ In The Rain

American In Paris already mentioned.

West Side Story, certainly for music and dance—but the hep 50s dialogue pretty much collapses it when seen today.

352 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:05:44am

re: #334 BongCrodny

I’d honestly hate to call it my favorite movie because of all the schmaltz, but there’s probably no movie I’ve seen more times than Rocky.


353 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:06:02am

re: #347 prairiefire

Yeah, “Charade.”

Bad News Bears!!!!!

_The Kentuckian_ and_KIng Creole_ for instance. Two of his first film appearances.

354 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:06:12am

Michael Kelley asking Glenn Greenwald some uncomfortable questions about the Snowden timeline and Glenn responds with his usual wit and grace

355 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:07:22am

Twelve O’Clock High

356 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:08:14am

re: #354 Learned Pie Of Zion

Michael Kelley asking Glenn Greenwald some uncomfortable questions and Glenn responds with his usual wit and grace

[Embedded content]

Condescending Greenwald™

358 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:08:46am

Lots of great movies really.

359 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:10:19am

The Train
Atlantic City…

The Birdman of Alcatraz!

360 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:10:54am

re: #358 Gus

Lots of great movies really.


One that has its detractors, but was still pretty good as a horror flick…

The Exorcist.

Gotta admit, the Catholic background I grew up with helped.

361 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:12:19am

re: #359 Gus

The Train
Atlantic City…

The Birdman of Alcatraz!

Burt Lancaster just decided to make great ‘little’ movies at some point—mentioned Local Hero above, then there’s Gypsy Moths and The Swimmer.

362 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:13:22am

re: #357 Varek Raith

Stealing Kennedy: Conservatives Try To Hijack The JFK Legacy

Best way to describe JFK: John F. Kennedy was a liberal, as a liberal was defined in the early 1960’s. He does not fit the ‘modern’ (1980’s and later) definitions of ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative’.

363 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:13:29am
364 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:14:57am

re: #363 Learned Pie Of Zion

[Embedded content]

It’s much better now, when some asshole can just tweet about a justified execution.

365 wrenchwench  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:16:41am
366 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:17:34am

re: #362 Dark_Falcon

Best way to describe JFK: John F. Kennedy was a liberal, as a liberal was defined in the early 1960’s. He does not fit the ‘modern’ (1980’s and later) definitions of ‘liberal’ or ‘conservative’.

Oh, you mean the “L” word as redefined by the Reaganites? Which by default also redefined conservative.

367 BongCrodny  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:17:48am

Back in the mid-70’s as part of my original run through college I took a film appreciation class.

I guess I didn’t appreciate many of them, because the *only* ones I remember are The Seventh Seal and Buster Keaton’s The General.

368 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:18:21am
369 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:18:52am

re: #359 Gus

Yeah, “the Train” was just on. Have it on the DVR for my son. I will start it w/o telling him its black and white. Sometimes he gets caught up in the movie despite his 21st century prejudice.

370 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:18:59am

My favorite movie of the silent era is Torrent with Greta Garbo.

371 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:19:51am

re: #366 ObserverArt

Oh, you mean the “L” word as redefined by the Reaganites? Which by default also redefined conservative.

I mean the definitions as they’ve emerged. Reagan did redefine conservatism in some important ways, but it’s not as if liberals have not had and taken chances to define themselves.

372 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:20:28am

It was the last movie that I watched together with my dad.

I asked him “Did you see this movie when you were a kid?”

He said, “Hell no! I didn’t like that mushy stuff. I liked Tom Mix, and the Keystone Kops!”

373 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:20:36am

re: #369 prairiefire

Yeah, “the Train” was just on. Have it on the DVR for my son. I will start it w/o telling him its black and white. Sometimes he gets caught up in the movie despite his 21st century prejudice.

Thought of it the other week, when the trove of stolen art surfaced in Austria.

374 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:21:28am

It’s a Mad, Mad World

375 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:21:46am

re: #374 Gus

It’s a Mad, Mad World

You left out 2 Mad’s.

376 wrenchwench  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:22:03am
377 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:22:31am

re: #375 Learned Pie Of Zion

You left out 2 Mad’s.


378 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:23:18am

re: #363 Learned Pie Of Zion

[Embedded content]

Some things never change.

By the way, I see in the Obama wanted poster it is now FACT he directly caused the death of a US Ambassador.

Fox Facts…all truthy, fair ‘n’ balanced.

379 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:23:36am

re: #370 Learned Pie Of Zion

My favorite movie of the silent era is Torrent with Greta Garbo.

Favorite silent was ‘Nanook of the North’. There was a ‘silent’ Japanese movie in the 60s—The Island. It had natural sounds, but the farmer and his wife never spoke as they went about their work.

380 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:23:41am

re: #374 Gus

It’s a Mad, Mad World

Ethel Merman being shook upside down to get the key (?) out of her bosum. Fireworks explosion in the basement. Micky Rooney flying the plane.

381 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:24:25am

re: #380 prairiefire

Ethel Merman being shook upside down to get the key (?) out of her bosum. Fireworks explosion in the basement. Micky Rooney flying the plane.

Booze in the plane!

382 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:24:29am

re: #378 ObserverArt

Some things never change.

By the way, I see in the Obama wanted poster it is now >FACT he directly caused the death of a US Ambassador.

Fox Facts…all truthy, fair ‘n’ balanced.


383 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:25:52am

Secondhand Lions

384 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:25:59am

re: #380 prairiefire

Ethel Merman being shook upside down to get the key (?) out of her bosum. Fireworks explosion in the basement. Micky Rooney flying the plane.

The whole movie was overwrought, but the individual bits by all those great comics was priceless. Phil Silvers drifting in the Cadillac, Phil Ford trying to talk down the Beechcraft.

385 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:26:43am


386 BongCrodny  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:27:01am

re: #384 Decatur Deb

The whole movie was overwrought, but the individual bits by all those great comics was priceless. Phil Silvers drifting in the Cadillac, Phil Ford trying to talk down the Beechcraft.

“The Big W!”

387 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:27:06am
388 wrenchwench  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:27:29am

My family is driving me crazy. Anyone need a crazy family? Special holiday offer! Free shipping!

389 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:28:22am

re: #387 Gus

This guy.

Platinum-plated bastard in ‘Alfie’.

390 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:28:45am
391 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:28:48am

re: #388 wrenchwench

My family is driving me crazy. Anyone need a crazy family? Special holiday offer! Free shipping!

Thanks, got it covered!

392 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:30:46am

Monday: I miss my family.

Tuesday: Flies off to see family.

Tuesday night: I need to get my ass back home NOW! These people are driving me CRAZY!

393 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:31:54am

Meet the Fockers

394 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:32:17am

The Great Santini

395 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:32:45am
396 wrenchwench  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:33:18am
397 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:33:22am

For SciFi—Forbidden Planet

(The project to redo it seems to have gone away, fortunately.)

398 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:33:37am

re: #367 BongCrodny

Back in the mid-70’s as part of my original run through college I took a film appreciation class.

I guess I didn’t appreciate many of them, because the *only* ones I remember are The Seventh Seal and Buster Keaton’s The General.

I keep managing to get people to watch Fritz Lang’s “M”.

Have a collection of restored Buster Keaton films on DVD. “The General” and “College” both get play fairly often.

399 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:34:57am

re: #392 Gus

Monday: I miss my family.

Tuesday: Flies off to see family.

Tuesday night: I need to get my ass back home NOW! These people are driving me CRAZY!

Yea. Have a couple of relatives that visits to are like that. Tolerance of certain behaviors and interactions starts wearing thin after a number of days.

400 Backwoods_Sleuth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:35:24am

re: #398 Feline Fearless Leader

I keep managing to get people to watch Fritz Lang’s “M”.

Have a collection of restored Buster Keaton films on DVD. “The General” and “College” both get play fairly often.

“M” is a great film.

401 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:36:02am

re: #397 Decatur Deb

For SciFi—Forbidden Planet

(The project to redo it seems to have gone away, fortunately.

There is only one version of “The Day The Earth Stood Still” in my universe.

402 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:37:01am

re: #397 Decatur Deb

For SciFi—Forbidden Planet

(The project to redo it seems to have gone away, fortunately.


403 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:37:09am

re: #371 Dark_Falcon

I mean the definitions as they’ve emerged. Reagan did redefine conservatism in some important ways, but it’s not as if liberals have not had and taken chances to define themselves.

Dark, you are familiar with the use of the phrase “the ‘L’ word” right?

I think it was Reagan and others in the 80s that made it a “dirty” word hence why they said it just like that…the “L” word. Borrowing off of the “N” word phrase.

I think it sad that it made liberal something politically dirty and wrong.

It is not.

404 GlutenFreeJesus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:37:55am

re: #388 wrenchwench

My family is driving me crazy. Anyone need a crazy family? Special holiday offer! Free shipping!

I’ll send you mine and you’ll be begging for yours back in the blink of an eye.

405 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:38:36am

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis?

406 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:38:49am

re: #401 Feline Fearless Leader

There is only one version of “The Day The Earth Stood Still” in my universe.

Mine too. The attempt at a remake was a massive DERP, just as is the forthcoming CGI-fest EPIC FAIL “47 Ronin”, also starring Keanu Reeves.

407 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:39:36am

re: #405 Gus

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis?

Whatta ya, French?

408 wrenchwench  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:41:46am

re: #404 GlutenFreeJesus

I’ll send you mine and you’ll be begging for yours back in the blink of an eye.

Perspective is always good. Thanks. Also, too:

409 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:42:35am

re: #406 Dark_Falcon

Mine too. The attempt at a remake was a massive DERP, just as is the forthcoming CGI-fest EPIC FAIL “47 Ronin”, also starring Keanu Reeves.

Good lord. I’d blanked my mind of that preview from seeing it last week. I saw bits of it and was telling myself “please don’t tell me this travesty is going to supposedly based on the ‘47 ronin’ story… crap!”

410 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:43:10am

What say you now, Republicans? Heh.

US job openings, overall hiring reach 5-year highs

No help from you, though. I’ve noticed a more positive attitude from my neighbors. I’ll be able to tell more from the decorations for the holidays, wreaths on the doors, lights, trees, etc. After 3 yrs of a small table top and because my g-grandson will be 4 and more cognizant of the holiday, I’m looking for a full sized tree this year. We’ve struggled but it is looking up; just waiting for my grandson to get news of a new, FT job delivering pharmaceuticals. Not a great job, involves night work, but he has 2 friends already working there, and they’re happy.

411 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:43:11am

re: #384 Decatur Deb

The whole movie was overwrought, but the individual bits by all those great comics was priceless. Phil Silvers drifting in the Cadillac, Phil Ford trying to talk down the Beechcraft.

Jonathan Winters getting ‘mad’ and tearing the gas station up.

412 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:44:30am
413 GeneJockey  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:44:45am

re: #344 Feline Fearless Leader

I’ve noted that in a lot of his early film appearances he plays villains, or at least villainous characters. I consider his character in “Failsafe” one since he is advocating turning the situation into a first-strike attack against the USSR and essentially starting WW3. A situation where “winning” still involves killing millions via fairly widespread nuclear devastation.

The crazy thing is that there were a lot of folks who thought like that. Now that the Cold War is over, a lot of folks no longer remember that many people believed that a nuclear war with the Soviets was inevitable.

414 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:45:13am

re: #412 Learned Pie Of Zion

Just don’t shop there if you care about your country or your neighbors.

415 Slap  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:45:56am

In no particular order, and by no means exhaustive, but here goes:

The Seven Samurai
Maltese Falcon
Touch of Evil
The Man Who Would be King
Young Frankenstein
The Trouble with Harry
Hell in the Pacific
Dr. Strangelove

Plus, The Last Waltz.

416 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:48:25am
417 Mike Lamb  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:48:49am

No shout outs for “Usual Suspects”? Can I get a “Caddyshack” up in here?

418 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:49:12am

re: #407 Decatur Deb

Whatta ya, French?

419 Targetpractice  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:49:42am

re: #417 Mike Lamb

No shout outs for “Usual Suspects”? Can I get a “Caddyshack” up in here?

“Freeze, gopher!”

420 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:50:53am

re: #246 Dark_Falcon

2. I was comparing them to grown in the 1950’s, as was clear from the conversation.

You are, however, absolutely wrong, which would you know if you bothered to do the math. Including the crossover year of 1960, the average rate in the 60s is 4.06, in the 50’s it’s 4.04. So, congrats on being lazy and not doing the math, leading you to make a really easily-demonstrated false claim. Maybe now is the time to consider that, instead of asserting things through blind ideology like a Paulian, you should sack up and do the math once in awhile?

3. It’s early morning banter. I’m not going to attempt an elaborate proof of what I’m saying

My complaint was, and is, that you provided no proof. Not that you didn’t attempt an elaborate one, but that you didn’t even suggest a causal mechanism. You have no support for your contention, and you might as well have said consumer confidence dropped because people realized disco was going to suck.

Don’t be lazy.

421 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:50:56am

re: #415 Slap

In no particular order, and by no means exhaustive, but here goes:

The Seven Samurai
Maltese Falcon
Touch of Evil
The Man Who Would be King
Young Frankenstein
The Trouble with Harry
Hell in the Pacific
Dr. Strangelove

Plus, The Last Waltz.

Rope! A great movie. As were so many Hitchcock films.

Great technique too, Hitchcock ran the scenes in one roll of film. If you remember, when the film was nearing the end in the canister, the camera would move to a set piece in a room, or on the back of an actor’s suit and go dark and then move back off that still and go back to action. It is my understanding the actors had to act as if it was a play that was being filmed. They only had a break when new film was loaded or another full camera was rolled in. I don’t think he wanted any editing.

422 Decatur Deb  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:51:01am

Most important documentary: Night and Fog

423 Slap  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:52:24am

re: #275 prairiefire

Boogie Nights is so damned good. I was not in the porn industry in the 1970’s, but everything in that movie looks just like the 70’s.

I agree completely!!! I arrived at legal age in the period in which it’s set, and it’s dead-on perfect.

I sometimes suggest that if a person born before the 70’s wants a real good picture of the 70’s “vibe” from the outside, to check out Boogie Nights, Velvet Goldmine and Dazed and Confused. All three capture the naive enthusiasm of the time….(Full disclosure: Dazed was set in the year I graduated from HS, so it definitely rings some bells!)

424 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:53:26am

re: #417 Mike Lamb

No shout outs for “Usual Suspects”? Can I get a “Caddyshack” up in here?

I think The Usual Suspects is a really terrible film. I thought it was a parody when I saw it the first time, though admittedly I was sloshed on Goldshlaeger. It didn’t get better sober, though.

425 BongCrodny  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:53:53am

I did a trivia sheet a couple years ago for the pub in NoVa, shamelessly stolen from MAD Magazine, where players had to guess the movies that were spoofed on various MAD magazine covers.

I’d upload it, but the the size is 9400K, which is *slightly* higher than LGF’s 400K limit here. :-)

426 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:54:47am

re: #417 Mike Lamb

No shout outs for “Usual Suspects”? Can I get a “Caddyshack” up in here?

I’ll give a shout out for LA Confidential.

427 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:55:05am

re: #425 BongCrodny

Use imgur, their interface is kickass these days.

428 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:57:23am

Sylvia Browne died.

429 Flounder  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:58:29am

Hobo with a Shotgun is my personal favorite.

430 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:58:45am

re: #426 Dark_Falcon

I’ll give a shout out for LA Confidential.

LA Confidential is one of the few movies outside the noir period to actually get noir right.

Really, heirarchies of any kind are silly. There are some movies that I found awesome but wouldn’t want to rewatch, or wouldn’t feel I benefited from rewatching. There are others that you can find something new in every time you watch them, like Antonia’s Line, there are others that you watch them over and over as a comfort and a pleasure, like The Big Lebowski.

How about some great obscure movies? Or at least semi-obscure? Here’s some of mine:

1. Brick.
2. Search and Destroy (with Walken, Tutturo, and Hopper)
3. Jefferey
4. The Man Who Copied
5. Red Beard

431 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 8:59:48am


But it really, really needed subtitles.

432 Slap  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:01:36am

re: #426 Dark_Falcon

I’ll give a shout out for LA Confidential.

Hell, that deserves to be on the list because of how incredibly well the film managed to interpret a densely layered story across a couple of different 400-page novels.

At a reading, Ellroy gave a pretty simple explanation about why his work would be difficult to translate to the big screen. He held up a copy of what was then his most recent novel, American Tabloid, and said, “This book started out as a 250-page outline”.

Made sense to me!

433 BongCrodny  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:01:45am

re: #427 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Use imgur, their interface is kickass these days.

Okay, let’s try it.

Remember, if it doesn’t work, it’s because I’m a knucklehead.

Image: Ptofl6w.jpg

434 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:01:46am

re: #409 Feline Fearless Leader

Good lord. I’d blanked my mind of that preview from seeing it last week. I saw bits of it and was telling myself “please don’t tell me this travesty is going to supposedly based on the ‘47 ronin’ story… crap!”

That was my reaction as well. The mess is part of Hollywood’s inability to make mid-budget movies. “So all it is is their master getting set up, the ronin planning and training, and then they all kill themselves after killing the bad guy? The American public hates sad endings and it won’t justify our marketing budget. Put in an American lead, and a female lead*, and add a whole bunch of supernatural/superpowers stuff!” DERP ensues.

*: To be fair, the tale of the 47 Ronin is an entirely male-oriented story. And a movie without significant female characters isn’t likely to do well with female moviegoers.

435 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:02:15am

re: #428 Gus

Sylvia Browne died.

Bet she didn’t see that coming!
/Going to hell

436 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:03:25am

re: #433 BongCrodny

The Top Gun one is great.

437 prairiefire  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:04:00am

re: #410 Justanotherhuman

Oh yes, my lady mama customers are coming back to me on Ebay. I’m going to try for $5000 for Christmas!

438 EmmaAnne  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:04:23am

re: #408 wrenchwench

Perspective is always good. Thanks. Also, too:

[Embedded content]

——- Local media reports indicate that an emergency custody order was issued for Gus Deeds, but he was released because mental health workers could not find him a psychiatric bed.

Read more: ——-


439 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:04:52am

Good to see the movie mentions. Some remind me of how good some of the movies were/are. Like Snatch!

I’ll throw in a few others.

Taxi Driver.
Marathon Man.

Some are a bit gritty and downer movies, but gripping too. In my opinion. I liked Ray because it didn’t gloss over the artists and personal problems.

440 Mike Lamb  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:05:24am

re: #431 Learned Pie Of Zion


But it really, really needed subtitles.

That is, in fact, one of my favorite movies.

I’d throw in Die Hard, Aliens, Megamind, Better Off Dead, just about any good “caper” movie.

441 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:05:45am

re: #440 Mike Lamb

That is, in fact, one of my favorite movies.

I’d throw in Die Hard, Aliens, Megamind, Better Off Dead, just about any good “caper” movie.

The Italian Job

442 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:05:50am

re: #435 Varek Raith

That was the first thing I said the Mrs. Well, that was after, who the heck is this person that media considers important on my scroll?

443 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:06:09am

I liked Gandhi. I “forced” my redneck uncle (by marriage) to see it—he didn’t have much to say about it.

It was worth the Ben Kingsley performance and the movie itself was pretty damned epic.

444 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:06:25am

re: #432 Slap

Hell, that deserves to be on the list because of how incredibly well the film managed to interpret a densely layered story across a couple of different 400-page novels.

At a reading, Ellroy gave a pretty simple explanation about why his work would be difficult to translate to the big screen. He held up a copy of what was then his most recent novel, American Tabloid, and said, “This book started out as a 250-page outline”.

Made sense to me!

Ellroy seriously deserved the “Best Adapted Screenplay” Oscar he won. Gene Siskel had the right of it when he noted that if Titanic had not come out in the same year LA Confidential would have won Best Picture. It should have won anyways, but it had little chance against the money-making juggernaut James Cameron had created.

445 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:06:56am

re: #431 Learned Pie Of Zion


But it really, really needed subtitles.

I wonder if the idea there was to make the viewer have to dig in to understand. After a bit, it became sort of fun to figure their dialogue out.

446 BongCrodny  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:07:01am

re: #436 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

The Top Gun one is great.

I’ve always been partial to The Sting cover; I’d rate “Nixon and Agnew as con men” favorably with any editorial cartoon you could think of.

“The Incredibles” cover I like a lot as well, if only because I love that movie.

447 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:07:57am

Please tell me they’re not saying JFK was a Republican.

448 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:09:02am

re: #440 Mike Lamb

That is, in fact, one of my favorite movies.

I’d throw in Die Hard, Aliens, Megamind, Better Off Dead, just about any good “caper” movie.

Better off Dead is amazing.

Anyone who hasn’t seen Buster Keaton’s “The General” needs to, too. A great display that you don’t need sound to make a movie communicate.

449 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:09:32am

re: #447 Gus

Please tell me they’re not saying JFK was a Republican.

Since that’s from before the “opposite pole” was touched in 1968, yes they’re saying JFK was a conservative and thus really a “republican”.

450 Lidane  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:09:39am
451 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:09:42am

re: #447 Gus

Please tell me they’re not saying JFK was a Republican.

452 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:10:17am
453 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:10:20am

re: #447 Gus

Conservative… yeah… they are.

454 makeitstop  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:10:21am

re: #240 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

The best bad movie ever made is Big Trouble In Little China

My vote for best bad movie is Ishtar. The songwriting scenes (as well as the performance scenes) are a hoot, and casting Hoffman as the babe magnet and Beatty as the nerd was brilliant.

455 Targetpractice  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:10:29am

re: #449 Feline Fearless Leader

Since that’s from before the “opposite pole” was touched in 1968, yes they’re saying JFK was a conservative and thus really a “republican”.

It’s their usual line of BS: “If he were alive today, he’d be a Republican!”

456 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:10:39am
457 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:11:29am

Hyperbole much?

458 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:12:29am

WW2: 20 million dead people
Obama’s (imaginary) Attacks On The Constitution: 0 dead people

459 BongCrodny  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:12:43am

re: #439 ObserverArt

Marathon Man.

Oh, yeah — Marathon Man.

My favorite paranoid thriller ever.

460 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:12:57am

re: #456 Learned Pie Of Zion

[ Vicious Babushka @viciousbabushka

Question 4 Republicans: If #JFK was a “Conservative” then what was Nixon? #UniteBlue #lnyhbt #tgdn #tcot #p2
11:09 AM - 22 Nov 2013]

I think your goal today is to create a twitter black hole. A lot of sucking in and disappearing could happen!


461 Lidane  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:13:56am

re: #457 Learned Pie Of Zion

Every time I see garbage like that I want to find the largest, heaviest non-RWNJ history book and smack people with it. Hard.

462 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:15:06am

re: #459 BongCrodny

Oh, yeah — Marathon Man.

My favorite paranoid thriller ever.

“Is it safe?”


Edit…dropped the “h” from wincing…duh!

463 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:15:17am

re: #456 Learned Pie Of Zion

Silly rabbit. He’s a liberal. He instituted the EPA, Clean Air Act, Title IX, and opened relations with China. And lost Vietnam. /////

464 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:15:27am

re: #457 Learned Pie Of Zion

Such as the Constitutional filibuster, which is in the Constitution. //

465 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:15:32am

re: #458 Learned Pie Of Zion

WW2: 20 million dead people
Obama’s (imaginary) Attacks On The Constitution: 0 dead people

60 million

466 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:15:46am

re: #456 Learned Pie Of Zion

Severely Conservative.

467 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:16:17am

50 years from now the GOP will be saying Obamacare was all their idea and the dastardly dems were the ones against it.

468 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:16:45am

re: #455 Targetpractice

Just like his brothers Robert and Ted. //

469 jaunte  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:16:51am

re: #457 Learned Pie Of Zion

Damage from Obama’s continued attacks on Constitution, will make WWII pale in comparison!

Needs more idiocy warnings.

470 Targetpractice  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:16:52am

JFK alive today would probably have faced much the same treatment from the GOP as Kerry did: His war record questioned and dismissed, his medical issues and related drug usage treated as a personal failing, and every rumor about his being involved with women outside of marriage treated as gospel so that they could run against him on “family values.”

471 makeitstop  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:17:43am

re: #405 Gus

Dean Martin and Jerry Lewis?

Jerry’s cigar-chomping pantomime of Count Basie in ‘The Errand Boy’ is still one of the most brilliant scenes ever.

Youtube Video

472 lawhawk  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:17:44am

re: #467 Varek Raith

50 years from now the GOP will be saying Obamacare was all their idea and the dastardly dems were the ones against it.

Heritage will flip their flop (sweat) and claim that this was all their plan all along. The individual mandate was their stroke of brilliance, and that its success could be measured by the millions now with health insurance, and that we’d be on to so much more success by converting Medicare/Medicaid to the same form.

473 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:17:44am

I uh. Umm. Uh. Er. WTF.

474 Backwoods_Sleuth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:17:44am

re: #428 Gus

Sylvia Browne died.

When I lived in Illinois, Irene Hughes lived in a neighboring village.
For all her fame as the go-to psychic of the time, she was caught by surprise when her own house burned to the ground.

475 Lidane  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:18:04am

Oh joy. More of my GOP friends are whining about ZOMG DEMOCRAT POWER GRAB because of the nuclear option being invoked yesterday.

WTF. People are acting like the world is ending. Crazy.

476 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:18:50am

“Rollerball”, if only for the cheesy future corporate theme.

And, of course, the dystopic “Soylent Green” for the scenery chewing by Charlton Heston and his horrific discovery.

477 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:18:51am

re: #458 Learned Pie Of Zion

WW2: 20 million dead people
Obama’s (imaginary) Attacks On The Constitution: 0 dead people

Nice try at sweeping the dead from BENGHAZI under the rug, Libtard!!11

478 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:19:13am

re: #475 Lidane

Oh joy. More of my GOP friends are whining about ZOMG DEMOCRAT POWER GRAB because of the nuclear option being invoked yesterday.

WTF. People are acting like the world is ending. Crazy.

The patsy Democrats took action and removed a roadblock that has been highly effective up to now. Cue surprise and dismay - what will they do next?!?

479 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:19:47am

re: #467 Varek Raith

50 years from now the GOP will be saying Obamacare was all their idea and the dastardly dems were the ones against it.

That might happen in 2016. Wouldn’t surprise me if all of a sudden The Heritage Foundation reclaimed they were for it before they was again’ it! They will just say something like, “we had to stand against Obamacare ‘cuz it really wasn’t as good as we originally cooked up.”

Well dammit…lawhawk beat me to the punch. No fair…I had to put my turkey sub down!

480 Targetpractice  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:20:21am

re: #475 Lidane

Oh joy. More of my GOP friends are whining about ZOMG DEMOCRAT POWER GRAB because of the nuclear option being invoked yesterday.

WTF. People are acting like the world is ending. Crazy.

The ones that have my teeth grinding today are the concern trolls who are worried that “now the Republicans will get revenge!” Oh really? What was stopping them before? Was there yet another gentleman’s agreement I wasn’t aware of that if the Democrats didn’t call their bluff this go-around, they wouldn’t do it if Mitch got the Big Chair next go-around?

481 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:20:47am

re: #475 Lidane

Because filibustering nominees is itself not a power grab at all. /

482 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:20:57am

Which came first? The stupid or the internet? Chicken and egg thing?

483 wrenchwench  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:21:19am

Tender Mercies.

484 makeitstop  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:21:22am


485 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:21:42am

If anyone needs me, I’ll be over here writing my next book: Ted Kennedy, Conservative.


486 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:21:49am

re: #482 Gus

Which came first? The stupid or the internet? Chicken and egg thing?

The stupid. The internet just made it much easier to notice/harder to avoid noticing.

487 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:22:30am

re: #486 Feline Fearless Leader

The stupid. The internet just made it much easier to notice/harder to avoid noticing.

Yeah. It’s a convenient gathering place.

488 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:23:01am

re: #480 Targetpractice

We’ll be vewy vewy sorry. ///

489 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:23:22am

Ronald Reagan was really a flaming liberal and Democrat. So there. //

490 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:23:49am

re: #485 Bulworth

If anyone needs me, I’ll be over here writing my next book: Ted Kennedy, Conservative.


Ooo… are you going to claim that Chappaquiddick was a false-flag operation by the liberals intended to discredit Ted from being able to ever succeed in his Presidential asperations to be elected and lead America to empire?

491 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:24:36am

re: #489 Gus

Ronald Reagan was really a flaming liberal and Democrat. So there. //


492 Lidane  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:24:48am

re: #481 Bulworth

Because filibustering nominees is itself not a power grab at all. /

Pay no attention to all our organized, systemic obstruction these past five years.


493 A Mom Anon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:25:31am

Young Frankenstein
Rear Window
The Deer Hunter
Life of Pi (didn’t think I’d like it, but ended up enjoying it)
Despicable Me (I’m a sucker for sweet movies)
Life of Brian

I’m blanking on others, I haven’t sat and watched a movie all the way through more than a couple of times in the last year.

494 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:26:32am

That’s funny because the RWNJ’s are the ones seething about TREASON

495 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:26:45am

Back in the good old day the KKK would gather in secret meetings. Today, they just post on the internet. //

496 jaunte  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:26:46am

“There’s a lot of hypocrisy on the issue from both sides.”
— Chuck Todd, Mr. Balance

497 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:27:23am

re: #495 Gus

Back in the good old day the KKK would gather in secret meetings. Today, they just post on the internet. //

Cuts back on all those needed sheets too!

498 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:27:25am

It’s the Wingnut Meme Of The Day

499 Lidane  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:27:43am

re: #489 Gus

Ronald Reagan was really a flaming liberal and Democrat. So there. //

NIXON WAS A FILTHY RINO COMMIE! We need True Conservative values! Eleventy!

500 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:28:11am

re: #493 A Mom Anon

Young Frankenstein
Rear Window
The Deer Hunter
Life of Pi (didn’t think I’d like it, but ended up enjoying it)
Despicable Me (I’m a sucker for sweet movies)
Life of Brian

I’m blanking on others, I haven’t sat and watched a movie all the way through more than a couple of times in the last year.

Ugh. Watched Life of Pi the other night. Thought it was pretty stupid, so much so I pretty much erased it from my memory bank. : )

501 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:28:14am

The only person who can be compared to Oswald, except for the POTUS-shooting, is Ed Snowden.

502 wrenchwench  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:28:32am

A Serious Man.

503 jaunte  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:29:33am

504 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:29:50am

re: #486 Feline Fearless Leader

The stupid. The internet just made it much easier to notice/harder to avoid noticing.

The Internet made the stupid worse, since it built virtual bridges between crazies who otherwise would have remained isolated. The resulting communication and access to media by the crazies increased their power relative to larger saner organizations by a factor of at least 3.

505 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:30:30am


506 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:32:03am

re: #501 Learned Pie Of Zion

The only person who can be compared to Oswald, except for the POTUS-shooting, is Ed Snowden.

That line won’t become an internet meme, but I wish it would. Not the least because the resulting Glenn Greenwald freakout would be amusing.

507 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:33:09am

re: #503 jaunte

This hurts my feelings. /

508 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:33:39am

re: #498 Learned Pie Of Zion


509 BongCrodny  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:33:44am

I love 500-count threads.

510 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:34:35am

Hurr hurr herp-a-derp.

511 Dr Lizardo  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:34:42am

re: #454 makeitstop

My vote for best bad movie is Ishtar. The songwriting scenes (as well as the performance scenes) are a hoot, and casting Hoffman as the babe magnet and Beatty as the nerd was brilliant.

There’s always Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam AKA, “Turkish Star Wars”. Oh, it’s a dilly. MS3TK worthy.

512 Ian G.  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:35:00am

re: #494 Learned Pie Of Zion

That’s funny because the RWNJ’s are the ones seething about TREASON

[Embedded content]

Nothing more idiotic than wingnut claims about “low information” voters.

Bring it on, wingnuts. Any subject of political controversy, whether monetary or fiscal policy, healthcare, god in the public sphere, etc. I’ll be happy to debate.

513 Political Atheist  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:35:23am

re: #509 BongCrodny

I love 500-count threads.

LGFSubscription Feels Like Egyptian Cotton in?

514 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:36:16am

re: #498 Learned Pie Of Zion

After JFK was killed, Libtard Dems passed Social Security, the progressive income tax, the FED, and the eight-hour work day. /

515 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:36:47am

re: #512 Ian G.

Nothing more idiotic than wingnut claims about “low information” voters.

Bring it on, wingnuts. Any subject of political controversy, whether monetary or fiscal policy, healthcare, god in the public sphere, etc. I’ll be happy to debate.



516 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:37:21am


517 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:37:30am

re: #514 Bulworth

After JFK was killed, Libtard Dems passed Social Security, the progressive income tax, the FED, and the eight-hour work day. /

But it all threatened to come crashing down on them when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor.


518 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:38:47am

I love comic books and I love anime.
-Samuel L. Jackson

519 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:39:07am

re: #516 Learned Pie Of Zion

520 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:39:29am

re: #516 Learned Pie Of Zion


[Embedded content]

Doesn’t she Tweet that every day?

521 A Mom Anon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:39:34am

re: #500 Justanotherhuman
I read the book, liked it better(which is the usual for me, I like my imagination’s creation of the people and places better than the movie’s most of the time)

Oh, I know, Milk was another good one. Sean Penn was good in that I thought. He nailed Harvey’s mannerisms and voice. I know Penn is hated by lots of people, but I still thought it was a good performance.

And The Princess Bride, I LOVE that movie.

522 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:40:13am

re: #516 Learned Pie Of Zion


[ Janie Johnson @jjauthor

���� If you don’t like my tweets, you might be a liberal, a progressive, or just anti-American way! #LNYHBT����
11:22 AM - 22 Nov 2013]

She’s right. It has absolutely nothing to do with her being an ignorant twit! And just a little full of herself while being unaware of reality.

523 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:42:15am

re: #520 Gus

Doesn’t she Tweet that every day?

I thought jjauthor was a wingnut spambot because of the same Tweets posted over and over, but apparently there is a real nutjob behind all that Derp.

524 wrenchwench  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:42:17am

re: #521 A Mom Anon

I read the book, liked it better(which is the usual for me, I like my imagination’s creation of the people and places better than the movie’s most of the time)

Oh, I know, Milk was another good one. Sean Penn was good in that I thought. He nailed Harvey’s mannerisms and voice. I know Penn is hated by lots of people, but I still thought it was a good performance.

And The Princess Bride, I LOVE that movie.

Milk was very well done.

I’m the only person I know who said ‘meh’ about The Princess Bride. Maybe I need to see it again.

525 wrenchwench  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:43:29am

I didn’t know there were this many people in 1940:

526 Backwoods_Sleuth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:44:31am
527 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:44:44am

Patriotically Patriotic Patriot Guard offers an original “Obamacare Ad”
(Click at your own risk, not embedding that shit here)

528 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:45:35am
529 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:46:21am


530 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:48:03am


531 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:48:06am

Oh my god!!! There is a racist under every bed now!!!

532 Backwoods_Sleuth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:48:10am

the bird is a thug…

533 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:49:45am
534 wrenchwench  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:52:19am

Ear returned to rightful owner.

Youtube Video

535 Dr. Matt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:54:41am

re: #534 wrenchwench

HAHA! THat’s a great ad. Don Draper works his magic again.

536 Pumpkin Pie Of Zion  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:54:49am
537 Backwoods_Sleuth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:55:23am
538 b_sharp  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:58:29am

537 comments already.

539 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 9:58:37am

Cripes. They’re all coming out of the woodwork. Even the, JFK wasn’t really that great crowd.

540 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:00:19am

re: #533 Learned Pie Of Zion

[Embedded content]

I really hope that both federal and state labor agencies hammer Wal-Mart for this dishonest pay calculation. That like something of a movie about the worst firms of the Gilded Age, for crying out loud!

Adam Smith was right that some of capitalism’s worst enemies would be successful capitalists.

541 wrenchwench  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:02:21am
542 CuriousLurker  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:02:32am

Since the subject is racism/bigotry, from my Google alerts this morning—ugh, looks like Condell is branching out:


He’s doing it again. This time he cites Frontpage Magazine…and we could stop right there. That’s ranting neocon loon David Horowitz’s organ (word chosen deliberately) for presenting contrived and fallacious arguments against academics, leftists, feminists, and anyone with a conscience. Facts do not disturb Horowitz’s crusade, ever. […]

So, yeah, Frontpage Mag — we’re talking lunatic far right ratbags on parade. Just the source says “Pat Condell is a right-wing racist.”

But worse, what is the article he’s citing? A hit piece titled “Gypsies, Camps, and Thieves”, all about the horrible Roma and their filthy, welfare-sucking, child-stealing ways, calling them “sticky-fingered, labor-allergic newcomers”. That part is worth quoting in full. It’s from a section complaining about an article by Helen Pidd on the plight of the Roma. […]

543 Dark_Falcon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:05:13am

re: #536 Learned Pie Of Zion

In your heart, you know Rubio’s right on this.

(A reference to a famous conservative who was also a friend of Jack Kennedy.)

544 wrenchwench  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:05:19am

re: #542 CuriousLurker

Since the subject is racism/bigotry, from my Google alerts this morning—ugh, looks like Condell is branching out:

Bigots never know when to quit. Their hate expands to fill every ‘other’ corner.

545 CuriousLurker  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:05:43am

re: #544 wrenchwench

Bigots never know when to quit. Their hate expands to fill every ‘other’ corner.


546 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:06:41am

JFK assassination day has always been a freak magnet. Even on any day outside the anniversary.

547 GeneJockey  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:07:06am

re: #544 wrenchwench

Bigots never know when to quit. Their hate expands to fill every ‘other’ corner.

It’s never about Black and White. It’s always about Them and Us, and They are always morally deficient, while We are the Good Guys.

548 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:07:40am

Sort of like the USS Liberty.

549 darthstar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:07:53am
550 dr. klys  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:08:16am

re: #147 BongCrodny


I blame the fact that this math uses no numbers. (One of the two left had two parts. I was tired.)

551 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:08:44am

re: #548 Gus

Sort of like the USS Liberty.


552 Political Atheist  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:08:56am

Well GRRR. Prolly on my end but I can’t Page this, just get the spinning wheel

JFK has been so exploited by partisans and conspiracy kooks, I think the best thing I could do on this awful anniversary is post a video library of John Kennedy. Kudos YouTube.

In His Own Words.

553 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:09:14am

Grrrrrrrr,,, body clock is ALL frakked up
Been home over an hour (after a 15 hour day work night) and can’t get to sleep

554 Lidane  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:09:38am
555 Political Atheist  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:10:10am

re: #553 sattv4u2

Read something boring. Helps me with my insomnia.

556 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:11:41am

re: #555 Political Atheist

Read something boring. Helps me with my insomnia.

That’s why I’m here now!!!


(sorry ,, WAY too easy )

557 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:12:59am

re: #555 Political Atheist

Read something boring. Helps me with my insomnia.

Read Twitter.

558 A Mom Anon  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:13:21am

This wasn’t made for the big screen, but one of my favorite documentaries of all time is Ken Burns’ series : The National Parks: America’s Best Idea. It’s 6 DVDs, but it’s really wonderfully and beautifully done. It’s one of the few things I actually own on DVD.

559 GeneJockey  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:14:36am

re: #553 sattv4u2

Grrrrrrrr,,, body clock is ALL frakked up
Been home over an hour (after a 15 hour day work night) and can’t get to sleep

I don’t know about you, but after a long shift, or a late night shift, I found I had to detox for at least 2 hours before even trying to go to sleep.

Otherwise my dreams would all be about work, and usually involve something going horribly wrong.

560 Gus  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:14:46am
561 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:15:04am

re: #557 Gus

Read Twitter.

I want to get to sleep,, not pull out all my hair and inflame my ulcer

562 ObserverArt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:15:44am

re: #540 Dark_Falcon

I really hope that both federal and state labor agencies hammer Wal-Mart for this dishonest pay calculation. That like something of a movie about the worst firms of the Gilded Age, for crying out loud!

Adam Smith was right that some of capitalism’s worst enemies would be successful capitalists.

And always keep in mind it is an “ism” and like them all only as good as the people practicing.

My one brother always asks…how much profit is too much, and I don’t think he has gotten an answer to it that was straight up and truthful. Mostly a pause, maybe a “that’s funny” and then on to something else.

Anyone ever heard a really good answer?

563 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:16:56am

re: #559 GeneJockey

I don’t know about you, but after a long shift, or a late night shift, I found I had to detox for at least 2 hours before even trying to go to sleep.

Otherwise my dreams would all be about work, and usually involve something going horribly wrong.

Yeah,,, my usual routine on overnights is when I get home ( a little before noon) go sleep for about 6 hours. That way I can have dinner with my wife (and son if he’s home on a weekend) , watch a couple of shows then get ready and go to work

564 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:17:55am

re: #560 Gus

[Embedded content]

I’d enjoy watching the USSS bust down this guys door and drag his ass to jail.

565 CuriousLurker  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:19:07am

re: #557 Gus

Read Twitter.


566 makeitstop  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:19:11am

re: #543 Dark_Falcon

In your heart, you know Rubio’s right on this.

(A reference to a famous conservative who was also a friend of Jack Kennedy.)

Or the variant, which I prefer: ‘In your guts, you know he’s nuts!’

567 makeitstop  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:20:24am

re: #553 sattv4u2

Grrrrrrrr,,, body clock is ALL frakked up
Been home over an hour (after a 15 hour day work night) and can’t get to sleep


568 AlexRogan  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:20:24am

re: #560 Gus

[Embedded content]

re: #564 Varek Raith

I’d enjoy watching the USSS bust down this guys door and drag his ass to jail.

Ahh, freaky Freepers wistfully pining for a presidential assassin…


569 CuriousLurker  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:20:52am

re: #553 sattv4u2

Grrrrrrrr,,, body clock is ALL frakked up
Been home over an hour (after a 15 hour day work night) and can’t get to sleep

Benadryl. Or melatonin.

570 Kragar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:21:10am

So, Armored Saint, the fun loving Religious nutjob who was saying he was God’s messenger who could not be stopped?

He got his twitter account suspended.


571 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:21:38am

re: #569 CuriousLurker

Benadryl. Or melatonin.

Neither are in da house ,,,, but there IS scotch!!!!

572 AlexRogan  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:22:28am

re: #570 Kragar

So, Armored Saint, the fun loving Religious nutjob who was saying he was God’s messenger who could not be stopped?

He got his twitter account suspended.


“Off to the Twitter Gulag with you!”


573 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:22:45am

re: #571 sattv4u2

Neither are in da house ,,,, but there IS scotch!!!!

Head+dense object=Sleep.

574 CuriousLurker  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:22:56am

re: #571 sattv4u2

Neither are in da house ,,,, but there IS scotch!!!!

Heh, whatever works!

575 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:24:01am

re: #573 Varek Raith

Head+dense object=Sleep.

so,,,, you want to head butt me!?!?!?

576 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:24:36am

re: #575 sattv4u2

so,,,, you want to head butt me!?!?!?

No, that would put me to sleep.

577 dr. klys  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:25:09am

re: #576 Varek Raith

No, that would put me to sleep.

Well played, sir. Well played.

578 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:25:29am

Ah well

Off to try again

579 Kragar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:25:52am

Armoured Saint @Honeyhugnkisses

I call u atheists fools liars. Your flattery & vanity gains u nothing. I warn you sternly. Respect God, seek His mercy, or die! @Kragar_LGF

I’m going to miss him.

Youtube Video

580 sattv4u2  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:26:53am

re: #576 Varek Raith

No, that would put me to sleep.

I expect my Bud Abbott Straight Man check to be in the mail today, Lou!

581 Political Atheist  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:27:19am

re: #556 sattv4u2

That’s why I’m here now!!!


(sorry ,, WAY too easy )

Heh, I should have suggested my own pages, LOL

582 Ian G.  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:28:51am

re: #542 CuriousLurker

Since the subject is racism/bigotry, from my Google alerts this morning—ugh, looks like Condell is branching out:

That sucks. I first discovered Condell and enjoyed him because, aside from Hitch, there weren’t many atheists willing to say what I really thought about people like Pope Benedict or Jerry Falwell or any number of Imams or Mullahs, but Condell lost me when he came out against the “Ground Zero Mosque” (what an idiotic name). I’m for religious freedom, I just don’t want religion pushed on me by anyone. Condell crossed the line there and I really haven’t checked back on him. Looks like he’s completely lost it.

583 Kragar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:30:55am

Dumbest man on the internet strikes again

584 Backwoods_Sleuth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:32:45am

re: #579 Kragar

Armoured Saint @Honeyhugnkisses

I call u atheists fools liars. Your flattery & vanity gains u nothing. I warn you sternly. Respect God, seek His mercy, or die! @Kragar_LGF

I’m going to miss him.

[Embedded content]

he did, indeed, know how to turn a phrase….

585 allegro  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:34:12am

re: #562 ObserverArt

And always keep in mind it is an “ism” and like them all only as good as the people practicing.

My one brother always asks…how much profit is too much, and I don’t think he has gotten an answer to it that was straight up and truthful. Mostly a pause, maybe a “that’s funny” and then on to something else.

Anyone ever heard a really good answer?

Too much profit is a company/employer whose employees can’t enjoy a real livable wage while the owner/CEO shops for a second multi-million dollar vacation home on the fruits of their labor.

586 Kragar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:35:42am

re: #584 Backwoods_Sleuth

he did, indeed, know how to turn a phrase….

into an utter and complete shambles

587 jaunte  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:37:36am

re: #579 Kragar

I warn you sternly.

Watch out, now!

588 Dr. Matt  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:39:32am

re: #583 Kragar

His syphilitic brain is acting up again.

589 CuriousLurker  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:40:36am

Heh, satt mentioned Abbot & Costello so I went looking for their movies on YouTube and also ran into Ma & Pa Kettle. I hadn’t thought of them in ages—I used to love them when I was a kid. Hmm, I’ll bet I can find old Shirley Temple movies too… Am I dating myself?

590 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:43:11am

re: #589 CuriousLurker

Heh, satt mentioned Abbot & Costello so I went looking for their movies on YouTube and also ran into Ma & Pa Kettle. I hadn’t thought of them in ages—I used to love them when I was a kid. Hmm, I’ll bet I can find old Shirley Temple movies too… Am I dating myself?


591 Kragar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:44:25am
592 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:45:35am

re: #591 Kragar

The fact that was not an Onion headline disturbs me. Apologist dreck of that sort should not be flying about in the 20th century, much less the 21st.

593 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:46:35am

Jennifer Rubin’s Zany Benghazi Angle To Filibuster Reform

If only…

The president cared as much about Iran’s nuclear option as he does the Senate’s.

The nuclear option was in place for superbly qualified Republican-nominated judges like Miguel Estrada whom the Democrats filibustered.

The nuclear option had prevented Sen. Barack Obama from blocking the confirmation of John Bolton as United Nations Ambassador in 2005.

The nuclear option had removed fear of a filibuster and allowed Susan Rice to get nominated as secretary of state so then she could have been questioned about Benghazi.

594 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:47:44am

re: #593 Varek Raith

Jennifer Rubin’s Zany Benghazi Angle To Filibuster Reform

And the liberal media continues to cover for Obama and the Democrats.

595 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:48:30am

Now I know why people drink themselves silly.

596 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:50:47am
597 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:52:49am

re: #596 Varek Raith

Colossal New Dinosaur Ruled North America Before T-Rex

Those are proto-feathers, btw.

It’s in search of a good cow vindaloo.

598 piratedan  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:54:16am

late to the movie theme, but was going to offer this one as I hadn’t seen it above:

12 Angry Men

and this sentimental favorite

The Quiet Man

599 Ian G.  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:55:01am

re: #592 Feline Fearless Leader

The fact that was not an Onion headline disturbs me. Apologist dreck of that sort should not be flying about in the 20th century, much less the 21st.

Derbyshire has always been a racist crank.

600 Mattand  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:55:43am

re: #594 Feline Fearless Leader

And the liberal media continues to cover for Obama and the Democrats.

Christ, it seems lately that every time someone posts something from an idiot conservative editorialist, it always the Washington Post.

And what you said: if we had a liberal media, there’d be several thousand American soldiers, and tens of thousands Iraqi civilians, who weren’t needlessly killed in Iraq.

601 Backwoods_Sleuth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:57:35am
602 dr. klys  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:58:30am

re: #601 Backwoods_Sleuth

I still have the shirt our FIRST team wore to competition.

603 Backwoods_Sleuth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:59:32am

re: #602 dr. klys

I still have the shirt our FIRST team wore to competition.


604 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 10:59:46am

re: #593 Varek Raith


When will Darrell Issa hold a hearing on the nuclear option TALKING POINTS@!!!11???!?!11

605 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:00:52am

re: #591 Kragar

Abolitionist Porn. That’s quite fascinating. /

606 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:02:21am

re: #591 Kragar

“Why is this abolitionist porn being made at the expense of telling about Our Great Heritage?” /

607 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:02:43am

re: #602 dr. klys

I still have the shirt our FIRST team wore to competition.

They were red. Thus the need for sending a second team.
/ ;)

608 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:02:53am

“Why does ‘12 Years A Slave’ hate America?”


609 Targetpractice  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:03:07am

re: #593 Varek Raith

Jennifer Rubin’s Zany Benghazi Angle To Filibuster Reform

Imagine an ACA where the Senate Dem leadership could have lost 9 votes and still passed a bill.

610 Varek Raith  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:03:20am

re: #591 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Whooo boy, that’s spayshul.

611 dr. klys  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:03:32am

re: #607 Feline Fearless Leader

They were red. Thus the need for sending a second team.
/ ;)


Our team never did very well, but we had fun with it and that was really the point.

612 Kragar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:03:52am

Dr. Who Webisode: The Last Day

The POV of a Time Lord Soldier

Youtube Video

613 Bulworth  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:04:51am

re: #591 Kragar

Yeah but Frederick Douglass was a Republican and Republicans freed the slaves and Democrats were KKK!!1111

614 Kragar  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:05:38am

re: #613 Bulworth

Yeah but Frederick Douglass was a Republican and Republicans freed the slaves and Democrats were KKK!!1111

And nothing has changed in the last 150 years.

615 b_sharp  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:07:05am

Sneaking up.

616 leftynyc  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:07:38am

OMG - a little boy was just hit by a subway train in the station underneath my building.

617 Targetpractice  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:08:19am

re: #612 Kragar

Dr. Who Webisode: The Last Day

The POV of a Time Lord Soldier

[Embedded content]

And he was just 2 days from retirement.


618 dr. klys  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:10:28am

re: #616 leftynyc

OMG - a little boy was just hit by a subway train in the station underneath my building.

I’m hoping for the best possible outcome. :( Thoughts to all those affected.

619 b_sharp  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:12:26am

re: #616 leftynyc

OMG - a little boy was just hit by a subway train in the station underneath my building.

Oh no.

620 GeneJockey  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:12:35am

re: #591 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Sheesh. “Abolitionist Porn?”

621 wrenchwench  Fri, Nov 22, 2013 11:26:57am

re: #620 GeneJockey

Sheesh. “Abolitionist Porn?”

I found some.

Fers (Irons), Paris

[Broken slave shackles. In commemoration of Thomas-Alexandre Dumas, French-Haitian dad of Alexandre Dumas, author of The Three Muskateers]

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