Islamophobia, Fox News, and Bogus Statistics

Steve Emerson’s use of bs stats about Muslim demographics in UK furthers agenda of Islamophobia
Religion • Views: 54,357

Steve Emerson, who claims to be an Islam expert, was on Fox News spouting off bogus statistics about Muslims living in the UK. He claimed that Birmingham and other cities are majority Muslim and that non-Muslims can’t go there (no-go zones).

Steven Emerson, an American whose website describes him as a leading authority on Islamic extremist networks, told Fox News in a live broadcast Sunday that in Britain “there are actual cities like Birmingham that are totally Muslim, where non-Muslims just simply don’t go in.”

Emerson, who was discussing the recent terror attacks in Paris with host Jeanine Pirro, also claimed that in parts of London, “Muslim religious police” beat and injure “anyone who doesn’t dress according to Muslim religious attire.”

Official figures show that the number of Muslims in Birmingham, Britain’s second-largest city, numbered at 234,411, or 22 percent of the city’s population. That compares to 494,358 who described themselves as Christian.

Emerson quickly tweeted an apology saying his comments were “totally inaccurate.” But his comments continued to draw derision online, spawning dozens of humorous reactions on social media.

Many posted absurd, fictitious claims and jokes about Islam and Birmingham with the hashtag #FoxNewsFacts, which was trending on Twitter on Monday. One Twitter user said Birmingham buildings wear burqas and posted a photo of a building covered in scaffolding.

It was patently BS, and he had to walk back those claims, but not before he got them out there. That was entirely the point. Spout off claims that don’t hold up to scrutiny and hope no one notices.

Islamophobia is real, and people like Emerson are spreading their noxious nonsense all over the media, especially Fox News.

As a reminder, this is the true demographic picture in Europe, and far from being a majority anywhere, there’s a range from insignificant minority to a substantial minority.

In Birmingham, Muslims make up 22% of the population, which is hardly a majority (unless you’re playing RWNJ math).

The British Prime Minister, David Cameron has called out Emerson’s nonsense as well.

I’d go further and say that he’s not an idiot. He knows exactly what he’s doing. He’s sowing discord and fear of all Muslims, even though 98% of terrorism in Europe is not related to Islamic extremists. He’s sowing Islamophobia, and his audience is more than willing to pursue extreme measures - from limiting immigration to the US and curtailing constitutional rights and protections all the way to the genocidal calls to nuke all Muslims.

It’s a sickness, and there’s no easy cure.

UPDATE at 1/12/15 10:19:09 am by lawhawk

For the statistics, here’s what I’ve come up with:

The EU report indicates that for 2013, there were no terrorist attacks specifically classified as religiously inspired, though two attacks show role of religious radicalization (section 2.1). For 2013, there were 152 attacks total, with 535 arrests made.

Doing the math for 2013, and that works out to 2 out of 152 incidents = 1.3%
Doing the same for 2012, and the EU reports 219 attacks, six of which were religiously motivated. Since one of those attacks included the murder of a Shi’a imam in conjunction with an arson attack, I adjusted that to 5. 5 out of 219 = 2.2%

So, for 2012-2013, we’re looking at 371 attacks, 7 of which are religiously motivated. That’s 1.34%. In other words, that means 98.66% are not related to Islamic terrorism.

If you want to quibble that I shouldn’t have excluded the murder of the imam, then you’re looking at 6 out of 219 = 2.7% and 8 out of 371 for the period, which is 2.1%. That works out to 97.9%.

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1 team_fukit  Jan 12, 2015 7:50:40am

If I had the time or inclination, I’d make a map of the US with estimated Teahadi populations and say “South Carolina, that’s a no-go zone unless you’re tight with the religious police.”

2 lostlakehiker  Jan 12, 2015 8:14:14am

Speaking of bogus statistics, how is it that 98% of terrorism in Europe is not related to Islamic extremists?

Perhaps you are counting the current low-key war in Ukraine as terrorism. But that’s not really what anybody hearing you would think. So take that off the table.

Now, in the past year, we’ve had the soldier beheaded in England, the two recent French incidents, attacks in Dijon and Nantes, and on and on.

Wikipedia worldwide listing since 1980 or so.Over 20 dead, for sure, over the past year. So, where are the other 980 dead due to other terrorism in Europe? Don’t bother. You know and I know and everyone reading this knows that there is no such number. Nor anything close to it. Not even if you were to give yourself ten years instead of one.

It’s a preposterous claim you’re making. Exactly of the sort you’re denouncing. Hyperbolic, utterly unfounded in reality, thrown out there without any regard for the truth.

3 team_fukit  Jan 12, 2015 8:27:43am
4 Rightwingconspirator  Jan 12, 2015 8:50:04am

re: #1 team_fukit
I think the second map we want here is certain fundie denominations as associated with the KKK etc. Let’s play overlay…. See all about that .8% Muslim and that big fundie militant white Christian thing by comparison.

5 Decatur Deb  Jan 12, 2015 8:54:14am

Here is a very telling set of US maps. RWC will especially like the one on gun control.

6 CuriousLurker  Jan 12, 2015 9:27:07am

Using Wikipedia as your sole source for “facts”. Really?

Unlike some others, lawhawk isn’t known for being prone to hyperbole, nor for manufacturing facts to support the things he says. In addition, he can’t even remotely be considered some sort of terrorist apologist, which is what is being implied by claiming he’s purposely skewing statistics to make terrorism perpetrated by Islamic extremists seem somehow less than what it actually is.

The perceived threat of danger from terrorist attacks and the potential danger (in terms of casualties) is not the same thing as the actual numbers.

More recent Europol data:

The main figures in the EU Terrorism Situation and Trend Report (TE-SAT) 2014 are:

• 7 people died as a result of terrorist attacks in the EU
• 152 terrorist attacks were carried out in EU Member States
• 535 individuals were arrested in the EU for terrorism-related offences
• Court proceedings for terrorism charges were concluded in relation to 313 individuals.

The terrorist threat in the EU remains acute and diverse. The largest proportion of terrorist attacks in the EU was related to separatist groups, although the number significantly decreased in 2013 compared to previous years. Most separatist incidents, however, were small-scale. The majority of EU Member States continue to consider religiously inspired terrorism as a major threat, as evidenced by the significant increase in the number of arrests. Two attacks and several disrupted plots in 2013 illustrate this threat.

Al-Qaeda and like-minded terrorist groups abroad continued to encourage self-organised attacks within the EU, aiming for indiscriminate casualties. With regard to left-wing and anarchist terrorism, the number of attacks and arrests increased compared to previous years. Right-wing extremists may exhibit violent and intimidating behaviour, but do not generally employ terrorist modi operandi. An exception to this rule in 2013 was a series of four attacks in the UK carried out by one individual. Tactics employed by terrorists of all affiliations differ in their levels of sophistication. New tactics continue to be observed in attempted, completed or foiled attacks. […]

Full report:

Pages 30-32 of the Global Terrorism Index confirm the same, with plenty of charts to illustrate the stats.

Once again, these global trends are dominated by the five countries with the highest levels of terrorism. Figure 13 highlights that each region has its own profile. Since 2000, terrorist activity in Europe, Central and South America has been almost entirely due to nationalist separatist movements and political organisations.

Oh, and one of the “Key Facts” form the report?

82% of all deaths from terrorist attack occur in just 5 countries: Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Syria.

Full report:

7 lostlakehiker  Jan 12, 2015 9:49:07am

What does the rate of terrorist activity in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Syria have to do with whether or not 98% of terrorist activity in Europe is not related to Islamic extremism?

Nothing, nothing, and nothing.

US maps, likewise.

And compilations of “terrorist incidents” that count “incidents” as equally serious whether the result was a flat tire or mass casualties are of no value.

The link to loonwatch has a comments section. I give you this one:

Jaime • 3 years ago

Wow the Spanish figures really don’t add up. I live in Spain, I am interested in politics and I don’t remember more than 2 or 3 terrorist attacks the past few years, let alone hundreds. They are counting, I fear, every instance of public disturbance in the Basque Country, maybe every bar fight as well. Those figures are massively overblown.

8 CuriousLurker  Jan 12, 2015 9:55:30am

re: #7 lostlakehiker

Provide links to facts that support your claims, preferably from somewhere more reliable than your subjective assessment based on Wikipedia numbers or claims made in the comments section of other blogs.

9 CuriousLurker  Jan 12, 2015 10:06:49am

re: #7 lostlakehiker

What does the rate of terrorist activity in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Syria have to do with whether or not 98% of terrorist activity in Europe is not related to Islamic extremism?

Nothing, nothing, and nothing.

Really? You need it spelled out? If 82% of all deaths from terrorist attacks occur in 5 countries, then that leaves only 18% spread around the rest of the world. If you have verifiable facts showing that more than 2% of the deaths in 2014 (which is approximately 359 out of 17,958) were attributable to Islamic extremism in Europe, then present them. Otherwise, stop with the distortions, scare mongering, and insults to lawhawk.

10 lawhawk  Jan 12, 2015 10:12:45am

The threat of Islamic terrorism is present, but needs to be taken in context. In the US, the overwhelming number of terrorist incidents are by non-Muslims.

I’m not above being wrong about the statistics here, but here’s my supporting documentation:

For the US since 9/11, there have been over 190,000 homicides, of which 37 are the result of Islamic terrorists (the bulk being from the Fort Hood shootings).

The Boston Marathon bombing was one of 30 mass killings in 2013 with four or more fatalities, according to data compiled by USA Today.

The deadliest incident, the shooting at the Washington Navy Yard on September 16, killed 12 people. Mass killings in 2013 led to 137 fatalities, more than three times the victims killed by Muslim-American terrorism in
the United States since 9/11.

In other words, the Islamic terrorist attacks on the US in that time are little more than a blip on the radar when looking at the incidents based on homicides versus total homicides reported each year (or over period of years).

The trend has been for fewer incidents in the US overall.

And the numbers for the US show that from 2001 to 2011, the number of attacks carried out by Islamic terrorists are dwarfed in frequency by those of the ALF or ELF.

Frequency, however, doesn’t tell the whole story, since al Qaeda is about carrying out mass casualty attacks, and 9/11 is as bad as we’ve ever seen (or ever hope to witness). These terror groups aren’t stopping their attacks, but they are just one of many out there carrying out terrorism to further their agendas. In Europe, the vast majority of terror attacks are carried out by separatist groups - not Islamic terror groups.

Curious Lurker links to the EU reports on point, and I’ll go further.

The EU report indicates that for 2013, there were no terrorist attacks specifically classified as religiously inspired, though two attacks show role of religious radicalization (section 2.1). For 2013, there were 152 attacks total, with 535 arrests made.

Doing the math for 2013, and that works out to… 2 out of 152 = 1.3%
Doing the same for 2012, 219 attacks; 6 were religiously motivated, including an attack on a mosque - so that’s 5. 5 out of 219 = 2.2%

So, for 2012-2013, we’re looking at 371 attacks, 7 of which are religiously motivated. That’s 1.34%. In other words, that means 98.66% are not related to Islamic terrorism.

11 Lumberhead  Jan 12, 2015 10:55:30am

Emerson apologized but of course the vast majority of the geriatric Fox audience will never see it. Mission accomplished.

12 CuriousLurker  Jan 12, 2015 11:08:05am

re: #11 Lumberhead

Heh, yeah, he didn’t issue his apology on Fox. I wonder why… //

BTW your link us broken because there’s an extra http:// in front of it. Don’t know if you’ll see this in time to fix it before the window closes.

13 Lumberhead  Jan 12, 2015 11:46:32am

re: #12 CuriousLurker

Thanks. I did miss the window but here it is for anyone interested:

Apology for ‘Muslim Birmingham’ Fox News claim

14 The Vicious Babushka  Jan 12, 2015 7:03:49pm

About a year ago NationalReport published a bogus story about Dearborn, MI adopting sharia law. Many wingnuts were pwn3d.

15 Gus  Jan 12, 2015 7:09:06pm
16 Kryptik  Jan 12, 2015 7:10:41pm

re: #15 Gus

Did we really have a standing US Congressman, in a roundabout way, say that even HITLER is better than Obama?

17 HappyWarrior  Jan 12, 2015 7:13:17pm

re: #16 Kryptik

Did we really have a standing US Congressman, in a roundabout way, say that even HITLER is better than Obama?

Yes and even more shocking is that his name isn’t Gohmert or Steve King.

18 b_sharp  Jan 12, 2015 7:13:36pm

re: #7 lostlakehiker

What does the rate of terrorist activity in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Syria have to do with whether or not 98% of terrorist activity in Europe is not related to Islamic extremism?

Nothing, nothing, and nothing.

US maps, likewise.

And compilations of “terrorist incidents” that count “incidents” as equally serious whether the result was a flat tire or mass casualties are of no value.

The link to loonwatch has a comments section. I give you this one:

You’re dying here dude. Your figures are falling to the actual numbers from EU authorities in the know.

Give it up and find another windmill.

19 b_sharp  Jan 12, 2015 7:21:47pm

I’m tired of all the politics on this blog.

Can we change it to a brownie blog that discusses hundreds of different ways of making the perfect brownie?

20 Decatur Deb  Jan 12, 2015 7:22:35pm

re: #19 b_sharp

I’m tired of all the politics on this blog.

Can we change it to a brownie blog that discusses hundreds of different ways of making the perfect brownie?

in 4 comments marijuana legalization would lead us right back again.

21 teleskiguy  Jan 12, 2015 7:23:00pm

What the fuck kind of battle did lostlakehiker pick in this thread?

22 HappyWarrior  Jan 12, 2015 7:23:55pm

re: #19 b_sharp

I’m tired of all the politics on this blog.

Can we change it to a brownie blog that discusses hundreds of different ways of making the perfect brownie?

Well first you make the brownie. Then you get a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream. Then you get some nuts. And presto a good brownie sundae.

23 Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 12, 2015 7:24:08pm

re: #19 b_sharp

I’m tired of all the politics on this blog.

Can we change it to a brownie blog that discusses hundreds of different ways of making the perfect brownie?

Brownies could work but we mustn’t forget the pies!

24 Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 12, 2015 7:25:13pm

It’s interesting how Muslim Extremism is pretty much STILL the most contentious topic at LGF.

25 HappyWarrior  Jan 12, 2015 7:25:43pm

re: #23 Eclectic Cyborg

Brownies could work but we mustn’t forget the pies!

They can take our lives, aye, but they’ll never take away our pieeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees!

26 Decatur Deb  Jan 12, 2015 7:26:33pm

re: #24 Eclectic Cyborg

It’s interesting how Muslim Extremism is pretty much STILL the most contentious topic at LGF.

Pineapple pizza faded after we lost Brookly.

27 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Jan 12, 2015 7:27:23pm

There certainly are zones in Europe which can colloquially be called “no go zones” (one example), this has nothing to do with Islam or “Sharia” (LOL). It has to do with poverty and organized crime. Many Muslims do indeed live in such areas, but that’s because immigrants (or their children) tend to be poor.

More at snopes:

28 bratwurst  Jan 12, 2015 7:29:54pm

Not a big fan of his at all, but he certainly hit the nail on the head here:

29 Decatur Deb  Jan 12, 2015 7:30:09pm

re: #27 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

There certainly are zones in Europe which can colloquially be called “no go zones” (one example), this has nothing to do with Islam or “Sharia” (LOL). It has to do with poverty and organized crime. Many Muslims do indeed live in such areas, but that’s because immigrants (or their children) tend to be poor.

More at snopes:

That also hinges on the psychology of the no-goers. My friend from Mississippi thinks there are nighttime no-go zones here in Bumfuck, AL.

30 b_sharp  Jan 12, 2015 7:30:38pm

re: #21 teleskiguy

What the fuck kind of battle did lostlakehiker pick in this thread?

Embedded Image

A losing one.

31 b_sharp  Jan 12, 2015 7:31:08pm

re: #22 HappyWarrior

Well first you make the brownie. Then you get a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream. Then you get some nuts. And presto a good brownie sundae.

Hmm, that sounds good.

Now I’m really hungry.

32 b_sharp  Jan 12, 2015 7:31:30pm

re: #23 Eclectic Cyborg

Brownies could work but we mustn’t forget the pies!

Brownie pie?

33 HappyWarrior  Jan 12, 2015 7:32:23pm

To me, it’s simple. The people who fear Islam and Muslims the most are the people who chances are have met very few if any Muslims in their lives. I’ve said it here on LGF before but I really was lucky to grow up where I did. I literally had Muslim classmates from my first day of kindergarten to my last day of being an undergrad and I totally expect to have more when I take some more classes this winter.

34 teleskiguy  Jan 12, 2015 7:33:30pm

re: #24 Eclectic Cyborg

It’s interesting how Muslim Extremism is pretty much STILL the most contentious topic at LGF.

Muslim Extremism is a contentious topic no matter the venue. I hate to have to say it, but there are folks that I know (all White, all Christian) who have posted on Facebook the most vile anti-Muslim shit you can think of in the last week or so. I’m seriously reconsidering more than a few friendships and connections.

Then again the well has been poisoned so badly by Fox News, et al. I can honestly say I know good people that have been given bad information for so long they may not be good people anymore. And that’s fucked up.

35 b_sharp  Jan 12, 2015 7:34:47pm

We should collect, bottle and sell the logical intellectual power here.

36 teleskiguy  Jan 12, 2015 7:35:28pm

re: #26 Decatur Deb

Pineapple pizza faded after we lost Brookly.

I loves me some Hawaiian pizza!

37 b_sharp  Jan 12, 2015 7:35:38pm

I’m going to bed. V is well enough I can hit the road for work. I’m only going out half days though.

38 HappyWarrior  Jan 12, 2015 7:35:50pm

re: #35 b_sharp

We should collect, bottle and sell the logical intellectual power here.

Well I’ve thought about trying out on Jeopardy, if that counts for anything.

39 b_sharp  Jan 12, 2015 7:35:54pm

re: #36 teleskiguy

I loves me some Hawaiian pizza!

[Embedded content]

I do too.

40 CuriousLurker  Jan 12, 2015 7:36:02pm

re: #22 HappyWarrior

Well first you make the brownie. Then you get a couple scoops of vanilla ice cream. Then you get some nuts. And presto a good brownie sundae.

Dude, WTF? You forgot the hot fudge & whipped cream. Sheesh.

41 HappyWarrior  Jan 12, 2015 7:37:29pm

re: #40 CuriousLurker

Dude, WTF? You forgot the hot fudge & whipped cream. Sheesh.

Ah good point, good point.You know what are criminally underrated though- blondies.

42 3eff Jeff  Jan 12, 2015 7:37:43pm

re: #36 teleskiguy

That looks delicious. Pineapple on pizza is brilliant.

43 electrotek  Jan 12, 2015 7:37:57pm

Emerson’s constant need to peddle bullshit when Muslims are involved obviously predate 9/11 by many, many years

44 CuriousLurker  Jan 12, 2015 7:38:22pm

re: #36 teleskiguy

I loves me some Hawaiian pizza!

[Embedded content]

Infidel! Heretic! Blechhhh—someone give me some brain bleach, stat!

45 teleskiguy  Jan 12, 2015 7:39:13pm

re: #42 3eff Jeff

That looks delicious. Pineapple on pizza is brilliant.

Careful with that opinion in these parts. I’ve been pilloried in the past for my affinity for pineapple on pizza.

46 electrotek  Jan 12, 2015 7:40:06pm

re: #44 CuriousLurker

Just imagine it as turkey ham. Halal on top of it.

Mmmm, halal turkey ham and bacon. *droools*

47 teleskiguy  Jan 12, 2015 7:40:28pm

re: #45 teleskiguy

Careful with that opinion in these parts. I’ve been pilloried in the past for my affinity for pineapple on pizza.

Case in point: #44

48 3eff Jeff  Jan 12, 2015 7:41:18pm

re: #45 teleskiguy

Careful with that opinion in these parts. I’ve been pilloried in the past for my affinity for pineapple on pizza.

Yeah, I figured you’d want to know you had some backup for the inevitable storm.

49 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Jan 12, 2015 7:41:34pm

This is not limited to Europe either.

A police representative announced in court last month that Jerusalem’s Mea She’arim neighborhood has become a no-go zone for the men in blue. Every time police enter, the official explained, they encounter violence from haredi extremists. And that is why they failed to arrest a criminal suspect for over a month despite knowing exactly where in the neighborhood he was.

Nor is Mea She’arim the only place where police face such problems. Many Arab towns and neighborhoods have similarly been declared no-go zones because police operations there routinely spark violence. Jewish extremists in the West Bank seem to be trying to gain the settlements such status as well: They regularly attack soldiers and policemen enforcing the planning and building laws.

50 HappyWarrior  Jan 12, 2015 7:41:59pm

If the Teenage Mutant Turtles taught my generation anything, it’s that you do NOT put anchovies on your pizza..

51 teleskiguy  Jan 12, 2015 7:42:11pm

re: #48 3eff Jeff

Yeah, I figured you’d want to know you had some backup for the inevitable storm.

Thanks, dude! Upding!

52 electrotek  Jan 12, 2015 7:42:28pm

re: #49 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

But it’s not Muslims doing it so they obviously don’t care. They really don’t have a problem with their social mores, as long as it isn’t Muslims implementing them.

53 CuriousLurker  Jan 12, 2015 7:43:16pm

re: #46 electrotek

Just imagine it as turkey ham. Halal on top of it.

Mmmm, halal turkey ham and bacon. *droools*

That’s not what bothers me—I have halal turkey ham & beef bacon, pepperoni, etc. in my fridge—it the freaking pineapple. I love pineapple, but not on freaking pizza! That’s the only think brookly & I ever agreed on.

54 teleskiguy  Jan 12, 2015 7:43:26pm

re: #50 HappyWarrior

If the Teenage Mutant Turtles taught my generation anything, it’s that you do NOT put anchovies on your pizza..

“Wise man say ‘forgiveness is divine’ but never pay full price for a late pizza.”

55 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Jan 12, 2015 7:44:17pm

Thou shalt have pineapple on thy pizza. Thus saith the Lord.

56 CuriousLurker  Jan 12, 2015 7:45:30pm

re: #55 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD


57 Decatur Deb  Jan 12, 2015 7:45:38pm

re: #49 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

This is not limited to Europe either.

My commercial t-shirt checklisting the “I Got Stoned In….” towns includes Mea Shearim.

58 dog philosopher  Jan 12, 2015 7:45:40pm

re: #7 lostlakehiker

What does the rate of terrorist activity in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria and Syria have to do with whether or not 98% of terrorist activity in Europe is not related to Islamic extremism?

Nothing, nothing, and nothing.

US maps, likewise.

And compilations of “terrorist incidents” that count “incidents” as equally serious whether the result was a flat tire or mass casualties are of no value.

The link to loonwatch has a comments section. I give you this one:

ze soobject was ze europe

59 dog philosopher  Jan 12, 2015 7:46:28pm

re: #55 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Thou shalt eat pineapple on thy pizza. Thus saith the Lord.

pineapple pizza cloves the hoof but does not chew the cud

60 electrotek  Jan 12, 2015 7:46:35pm

re: #53 CuriousLurker

lol you remind me of my 9 year old nephew when it comes to pineapple on pizza. Only difference is, even though I get him pineapple pizza when I spend time with him… HE STILL TAKES THE PINEAPPLE OFF THE PIZZA.

His reasoning? He just likes the juices off the pineapple on the pizza.

Oh well, boys will be boys lol

61 CuriousLurker  Jan 12, 2015 7:47:41pm

re: #60 electrotek

lol you remind me of my 9 year old nephew when it comes to pineapple on pizza. Only difference is, even though I get him pineapple pizza when I spend time with him… HE STILL TAKES THE PINEAPPLE OFF THE PIZZA.

His reasoning? He just likes the juices off the pineapple on the pizza.

Oh well, boys will be boys lol

LOL, because it’s just wrong.

62 Aye Pod  Jan 12, 2015 7:49:19pm

Inanity in the UK alert:

From Guardian comments (about apparent IS hack of military twitter account):

ISIS is going for the comedy vote obviously. As Basil Fawlty will tell you, you like the bastard that makes you laugh more than the one who doesn’t. Maybe the US should lighten up and allow these people some place to live rather than go for a Holocaust.

I think this person must get all their news from Russia Today, or something.

63 electrotek  Jan 12, 2015 7:50:18pm

re: #62 Aye Pod

The level of homophobia I observe from commenters on their FB page is appalling, very very appalling.

64 electrotek  Jan 12, 2015 7:51:30pm

re: #61 CuriousLurker

I’ve even threatened to cease getting him pineapple pizza until he eats it, until my mom intervened and told me not to do that again.

At least my nephew can take solace in the fact that his grandmother will always put me in my place no matter how old I am lol

65 Gus  Jan 12, 2015 7:51:31pm
66 Aye Pod  Jan 12, 2015 7:51:53pm

re: #63 electrotek

The level of homophobia I observe from commenters on their FB page is appalling, very very appalling.

Haven’t seen that, but it’s totally what I would expect.

67 Gus  Jan 12, 2015 7:52:30pm
68 HappyWarrior  Jan 12, 2015 7:53:27pm

re: #67 Gus

[Embedded content]

CNN can be really as bad as Fox when it comes to sheer hackery at times.

69 electrotek  Jan 12, 2015 7:54:24pm

re: #66 Aye Pod

I admit I used to like RT because I was a fan of The Alyona Show for confronting Pamela Geller which is why I “liked” their page 5-6 years ago. Of course, the page attracts the nutjobs of all stripes, and it amazes me how many of Muslims comment on any news article that pertain to Russia and praise Putin as a strong leader when it comes to defending supposed “moral values”

70 Stephen T.  Jan 12, 2015 7:54:52pm

re: #50 HappyWarrior

If the Teenage Mutant Turtles taught my generation anything, it’s that you do NOT put anchovies on your pizza..

I learned that from The J. Geils Band Video.

71 CuriousLurker  Jan 12, 2015 7:55:03pm

re: #62 Aye Pod

Inanity in the UK alert:

From Guardian comments (about apparent IS hack of military twitter account):

ISIS is going for the comedy vote obviously. As Basil Fawlty will tell you, you like the bastard that makes you laugh more than the one who doesn’t. Maybe the US should lighten up and allow these people some place to live rather than go for a Holocaust.

I think this person must get all their news from Russia Today, or something.

LOL wut?

Okay, that’s enough derp for one day. I’m gonna go get ready for tomorrow then get some sleep. If I dream of pineapple pizza, some of you guys are gonna be in BIG trouble tomorrow.

72 Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 12, 2015 7:55:36pm

A year ago today I lost a friend and former coworker to suicide. She was only 24.

It’s one of those things where you wish you could have stopped it but in the end you’re not even sure you could. What makes me most angry is knowing her parents played a large role in (not literally) driving her off the cliff. So much potential and energy just thrown away. It really is a selfish thing to do.

73 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Jan 12, 2015 7:55:57pm

re: #69 electrotek

You used to like Buchanan and RT. Hmm.

74 Higgs Boson's Mate  Jan 12, 2015 8:00:10pm

Made in USA, 84MPG, $6800: The Elio:

75 electrotek  Jan 12, 2015 8:00:57pm

re: #73 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Yeah, I did. At least I’m man enough to admit it. Better late than never. Every time I see a post from RT on my news feed I can’t help but to facepalm at the content.

The Alyona Show was the only reason why I liked RT, and the host was able to directly confront Pamela Geller in 2009-2010.

76 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Jan 12, 2015 8:02:05pm

Even DailyFail is mocking Emerson. Didn’t he use to be a “serious person”, like Daniel Pipes?

77 electrotek  Jan 12, 2015 8:03:16pm

re: #76 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Not the first time he has lost clout, remember the fallout he had after he falsely claimed Muslims were responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing 20 years ago?

78 teleskiguy  Jan 12, 2015 8:03:19pm

re: #72 Eclectic Cyborg

{{{ dragonfire1981 }}}

79 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Jan 12, 2015 8:06:03pm

re: #77 electrotek

No, I learned about him a few years ago, and only about the name and that he’s supposedly an expert.

80 3eff Jeff  Jan 12, 2015 8:09:40pm

re: #68 HappyWarrior

CNN can be really as bad as Fox when it comes to sheer hackery at times.

I dislike CNN more than Fox. At least Fox’ idiotic propaganda has a point. At CNN, they’re just chasing ratings and advertising dollars. It just makes their suits seem even more empty. Fox has some human anger driving it, instead of just being the blunderings of a corporation. (There’s plenty of corporate blundering there, but there’s some humanity in it.)

81 Mattand  Jan 12, 2015 8:15:49pm

Apparently, Jon Stewart had his shot of Vitamin MBF today. He’s just as outraged as the Tea Baggers/Fox News mouth breathers over Obama not using his magic teleportation skillz to be at the Charlie Hebdo rally.

Sounds like The Daily Show staff didn’t realize the world leader photo op was seriously staged as well. Sigh…

82 Mattand  Jan 12, 2015 8:17:19pm

re: #72 Eclectic Cyborg

A year ago today I lost a friend and former coworker to suicide. She was only 24.

It’s one of those things where you wish you could have stopped it but in the end you’re not even sure you could. What makes me most angry is knowing her parents played a large role in (not literally) driving her off the cliff. So much potential and energy just thrown away. It really is a selfish thing to do.

Condolences. Sorry to hear that.

83 3eff Jeff  Jan 12, 2015 8:18:02pm

When I say the above, I’ve got a slightly different perspective on it. I maintain some Big Data systems for a marketing tech start-up. I know the ghost they’re chasing. They seem to attack their numbers with a special ham-handed artlessness. So the thing that really offends me is that they can’t be both a better news source and have more finesse with ratings.

Fox does the same ratings chasing, and often blunders in similar ways, but they have a human mission on top of that. It makes them more understandable (if more infuriating). CNN could decide they care about being actually informative or some such and have a real, human understandable mission beyond eyeballs and advertising dollars.

84 Romantic Heretic  Jan 12, 2015 8:19:08pm

re: #55 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Thou shalt have pineapple on thy pizza. Thus saith the Lord.

Good thing for me I’m agnostic.

85 Belafon  Jan 12, 2015 8:19:12pm

re: #81 Mattand

The show is filmed about 3pm eastern.

86 jaunte  Jan 12, 2015 8:22:50pm
87 jaunte  Jan 12, 2015 8:24:20pm
88 3eff Jeff  Jan 12, 2015 8:24:31pm

re: #86 jaunte


89 Mattand  Jan 12, 2015 8:24:47pm

re: #85 Belafon

The show is filmed about 3pm eastern.

If you’re referring to the photo op, I’m pretty sure I read about that this morning. I’m also about 100 miles from TDS studios, so I’m fairly confident they knew about it as well.

90 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Jan 12, 2015 8:25:02pm

re: #86 jaunte

He forgot Benghazi.

91 3eff Jeff  Jan 12, 2015 8:25:58pm

re: #90 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

He forgot Benghazi.

Gonna need a couple committees to look into that oversight.

92 jaunte  Jan 12, 2015 8:26:06pm

re: #90 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

He’ll have to make a series out of that tweet.

93 Varek Raith  Jan 12, 2015 8:26:52pm

re: #44 CuriousLurker

Infidel! Heretic! Blechhhh—someone give me some brain bleach, stat!

That is so wrong with what happened to that poor pizza.

94 retired cynic  Jan 12, 2015 8:26:53pm

re: #87 jaunte

Dear Lord! How disgusting!

95 jaunte  Jan 12, 2015 8:28:17pm

Confident dimwit Randy Weber.

96 Jenner7  Jan 12, 2015 8:28:24pm

re: #81 Mattand

Think I’ll pass on John tonight.

97 dholmes32  Jan 12, 2015 8:29:36pm

Saw an article about this, thought, “Let’s see if LGF has a story.” Yup, and front paged. In my mind, I read what Cameron said in Received British Pronunciation and I imagined it was quite dismissive of Emerson.

Yay Fox Noise for causing an international incident!

98 jaunte  Jan 12, 2015 8:30:38pm

Randy hates uppity Presidents.

99 Varek Raith  Jan 12, 2015 8:31:36pm

Fox’s Bob Beckel: “I’m An Islamophobe”

Indeed you are, bigot.

100 bratwurst  Jan 12, 2015 8:32:39pm
101 Higgs Boson's Mate  Jan 12, 2015 8:33:06pm

re: #95 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Confident dimwit Randy Weber.

He wears that “Randy Weber” t shirt in case he forgets his name.

102 Gus  Jan 12, 2015 8:33:46pm

Making new friends on Twitter with all my recent cursing. :D

103 Mattand  Jan 12, 2015 8:33:51pm

re: #96 Jenner7

Think I’ll pass on John tonight.

I’d avoid the first segment, at any rate. We switched over to the DVR; can’t vouch for the rest of the show.

104 psddluva4evah  Jan 12, 2015 8:36:31pm

oh, puh-lease…I may need a doctor to help me get my eyes back in front of my head, since I rolled them so hard after reading this…

George Wallace Jr. to Oprah: ‘Selma’ portrayal of my father is ‘pure, unadulterated fiction’ via @aldotcom

105 Romantic Heretic  Jan 12, 2015 8:36:34pm

re: #72 Eclectic Cyborg

A year ago today I lost a friend and former coworker to suicide. She was only 24.

It’s one of those things where you wish you could have stopped it but in the end you’re not even sure you could. What makes me most angry is knowing her parents played a large role in (not literally) driving her off the cliff. So much potential and energy just thrown away. It really is a selfish thing to do.

It is.

But forgive her. When I attempted to take my life I honestly thought it would be better for everybody if I left this world.

Depression does really horrible things to your perception.

106 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Jan 12, 2015 8:41:35pm
107 teleskiguy  Jan 12, 2015 8:42:55pm
108 Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 12, 2015 8:46:43pm

re: #105 Romantic Heretic

I’ve forgiven her. I’ve had my own brushes with suicide and depression. Believe me, I know what it’s like.

109 A Cranky One  Jan 12, 2015 8:48:27pm

re: #106 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

I like the Contact Us section.

Especially the suggestion that UpChuck might actually get a lawyer, ha!

110 ipsos  Jan 12, 2015 8:59:54pm

The rest of Daily Show got much, much better. Jimmy Carter is the guest and he had a solid defense of Obama.

(And the show tapes around 5:30 ET, just for the record.)

111 psddluva4evah  Jan 12, 2015 9:00:08pm

ugh, reading the headline, you’d think that it is the end of times, but then once u read Glenn Beck’s reasons for why you should see the film, then u just feel the need to shake off some bad juju…

Glenn Beck: It’s “Critical” That Americans See ‘Selma’

112 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Jan 12, 2015 9:03:44pm

re: #109 A Cranky One

I like the Contact Us section.

Especially the suggestion that UpChuck might actually get a lawyer, ha!

It seems some people think it really is his site.

113 austin_blue  Jan 12, 2015 9:06:27pm

re: #36 teleskiguy

I loves me some Hawaiian pizza!

[Embedded content]

Anything with fruit on it is not a pizza.

114 goddamnedfrank  Jan 12, 2015 9:06:31pm

re: #77 electrotek

Not the first time he has lost clout, remember the fallout he had after he falsely claimed Muslims were responsible for the Oklahoma City bombing 20 years ago?

I still see that bullshit theory posted occasionally, most recently by the amazingly stupid Eric Dondero:

115 Ace-o-aces  Jan 12, 2015 9:07:45pm

OMG I don’t believe it! Chucky started a headline with something other than “BREAKING!”.

Also….Yeah, because no MALE politician has gotten his start from personal connections.

116 austin_blue  Jan 12, 2015 9:08:57pm

re: #101 Higgs Boson’s Mate

He wears that “Randy Weber” t shirt in case he forgets his name.

Yeah, but he says “My name is Rebew Ydnar!”

117 3eff Jeff  Jan 12, 2015 9:09:43pm

re: #105 Romantic Heretic

It is.

But forgive her. When I attempted to take my life I honestly thought it would be better for everybody if I left this world.

Depression does really horrible things to your perception.

Those links were amazing. Thanks for posting them.

118 De Kolta Chair  Jan 12, 2015 9:11:38pm

Two rodents of unusual size:

119 Ace-o-aces  Jan 12, 2015 9:12:31pm

re: #118 De Kolta Chair

Two rodents of unusual size:

Embedded Image

Embedded Image

Hey, stop insulting rodents!

120 teleskiguy  Jan 12, 2015 9:14:20pm

re: #113 austin_blue

Anything with fruit on it is not a pizza.

A pizza to me is a baked crust, sauce, cheese, and whatever you want for toppings.

Jeez, the pushback at LGF in re: pineapple on pizza is oppressive!


121 Varek Raith  Jan 12, 2015 9:15:39pm

re: #120 teleskiguy

A pizza to me is a baked crust, sauce, cheese, and whatever you want for toppings.

Jeez, the pushback at LGF in re: pineapple on pizza is oppressive!


Anyone got tar, feathers and a rail???

122 jaunte  Jan 12, 2015 9:15:42pm

re: #120 teleskiguy

I thought tomatoes were fruit.

123 HappyWarrior  Jan 12, 2015 9:19:31pm

re: #115 Ace-o-aces

[Embedded content]

OMG I don’t believe it! Chucky started a headline with something other than “BREAKING!”.

Also….Yeah, because no MALE politician has gotten his start from personal connections.

Or in the business world. Really if this is the “best” he has on Kamala Harris, he’s even lamer than I thought,

124 Jenner7  Jan 12, 2015 9:23:14pm

Woohoo! Ohio State, National Champions!!

125 William Barnett-Lewis  Jan 12, 2015 9:24:00pm

re: #36 teleskiguy

I loves me some Hawaiian pizza!

[Embedded content]

Oh, that looks good. I’ve been adding a little black olive to mine of late at the PH.

126 ObserverArt  Jan 12, 2015 9:24:12pm

Local B1G College wins national championship. Nice.

Hopefully the kids and others will not tear up the OSU campus and surrounding area of Columbus around it. Keep cool Buck’s, keep it clean.

127 William Barnett-Lewis  Jan 12, 2015 9:26:47pm

re: #74 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Made in USA, 84MPG, $6800: The Elio:

Embedded Image

That’s interesting. I wondering if I could get my bank to go along with that?

128 Ace-o-aces  Jan 12, 2015 9:29:00pm

re: #123 HappyWarrior

Or in the business world. Really if this is the “best” he has on Kamala Harris, he’s even lamer than I thought,

Oh, this is not even the lamest “busting” he’s ever done. To me, his #1 lamest attempt continues to be exposure of Wesley Lowery’s “criminal” record. A single speeding ticket.

129 teleskiguy  Jan 12, 2015 9:29:00pm
130 HappyWarrior  Jan 12, 2015 9:31:37pm

re: #128 Ace-o-aces

Oh, this is not even the lamest “busting” he’s ever done. To me, his #1 lamest attempt continues to be exposure of Wesley Lowery’s “criminal” record. A single speeding ticket.

I missed that lol. What a joke.

131 Higgs Boson's Mate  Jan 12, 2015 9:33:39pm

re: #115 Ace-o-aces

[Embedded content]

OMG I don’t believe it! Chucky started a headline with something other than “BREAKING!”.

Also….Yeah, because no MALE politician has gotten his start from personal connections.

Nope. Not John Quincy Adams, Franklin Delano Roosevelt, the Kennedy family, the Bush family…

132 Higgs Boson's Mate  Jan 12, 2015 9:44:20pm

re: #127 William Barnett-Lewis

That’s interesting. I wondering if I could get my bank to go along with that?

Elio has set up a production line in an old GM factory in Shreveport, La. I’m waiting to see if the engine bay will accommodate a Suzuki Hayabusa. Life would be exciting in a 1200lb car with 162 rear wheel horsepower.

133 William Barnett-Lewis  Jan 12, 2015 9:53:39pm

re: #132 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Elio has set up a production line in an old GM factory in Shreveport, La. I’m waiting to see if the engine bay will accommodate a Suzuki Hayabusa. Life would be exciting in a 1200lb car with 162 rear wheel horsepower.

Modern Triumph Thruxton engine would be fun - not much difference in omph, but the sound of a vertical twin would be aesthetically pleasing ;)

134 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Jan 12, 2015 9:54:08pm

re: #123 HappyWarrior

Or in the business world. Really if this is the “best” he has on Kamala Harris, he’s even lamer than I thought,

GotNwes has it, too.

135 CleverToad  Jan 12, 2015 10:03:28pm

re: #74 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Very interesting! Also rather adorable, especially in Creamsicle Orange. Might not work with middle-aged knees, would depend on the height and the seat design. Be interesting to see if it could handle altitudes over 9000ft. Doubt it can handle more than 4” of snow, too low and light. No way I’d take it over Trail Ridge! But for city driving in good weather, at that price and with that mpg?

Hmm, will have to get more info…

136 klystron  Jan 12, 2015 10:10:49pm

I am vaguely driving by, because siblings and so I am hanging out with people in meatspace, but I hit a nice milestone and finally got a photo.

My hand is there at the bottom, to provide some perspective. It is 23” tall in the frame (stitched area is over 21” tall, about 9” wide).

Backstitching and beading, here I come!

137 Varek Raith  Jan 12, 2015 10:24:05pm

re: #136 klystron

I am vaguely driving by, because siblings and so I am hanging out with people in meatspace, but I hit a nice milestone and finally got a photo.

[Embedded content]

My hand is there at the bottom, to provide some perspective. It is 23” tall in the frame (stitched area is over 21” tall, about 9” wide).

Backstitching and beading, here I come!

My wrists are screaming in pain.
Awesome work.

138 Higgs Boson's Mate  Jan 12, 2015 10:25:55pm

re: #136 klystron

Beautiful work. A question: do you ever feel a bit sad when you finish a work?

139 klystron  Jan 12, 2015 10:30:13pm

re: #138 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Beautiful work. A question: do you ever feel a bit sad when you finish a work?

If I didn’t have a whole bunch of new pieces calling my name, maybe. :)

It’s still got probably a good 10-15 hours worth of work to go (I curse backstitching with every fiber of my being but it makes a huge difference, especially on this piece) and I will give it a good and proper photoshoot when it is actually done.

I have adored this piece for ages though, and none of the photos I have done so far have really captured how absolutely gorgeous it is. So there is a huge amount of pride and satisfaction in this.

140 Kragar  Jan 12, 2015 10:39:11pm
141 Higgs Boson's Mate  Jan 12, 2015 10:42:39pm

Oh, yes, there are always more projects. For me, a great deal of the enjoyment is in the doing. When something’s done I often feel just a tinge of sadness.

142 klystron  Jan 12, 2015 10:43:44pm

re: #141 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Oh, yes, there are always more projects. For me, a great deal of the enjoyment is in the doing. When something’s done I often feel just a tinge of sadness.

For ones where they are destined to go off to another home (I always know when I start where it is going), I do feel some.

This is one for me. :)

143 klystron  Jan 12, 2015 10:47:29pm

The working conditions here are horrible.


144 lostlakehiker  Jan 12, 2015 10:51:17pm

re: #9 CuriousLurker

Really? You need it spelled out? If 82% of all deaths from terrorist attacks occur in 5 countries, then that leaves only 18% spread around the rest of the world. If you have verifiable facts showing that more than 2% of the deaths in 2014 (which is approximately 359 out of 17,958) were attributable to Islamic extremism in Europe, then present them. Otherwise, stop with the distortions, scare mongering, and insults to lawhawk.

The claim was that only two percent of the terrorism IN EUROPE was related to Islamic extremism. Statistics of any sort having to do with the rest of the world have nothing whatsoever to do with that claim. The only way you or anyone could substantiate the claim would be to come up with terrorist killings, not related to Islamic extremism, committed in Europe, and fifty of them for every one related to Islamic extremism.

The tube bombings in London and Madrid, the spate of murders in Toulouse, Dijon, Nantes, and Paris, alone yield numbers far beyond reach of the required fifty to one ratio of other terrorist killings IN EUROPE.

You can read. You know perfectly well that no discussion of terrorism anywhere else in the world has anything to do with the point at issue.

You can get any number of red dings on my posts, and green dings on yours, but you’re still wildly wrong. You demand of me statistics that are not related to the question. This shows that you want the question to be changed. You are intelligent enough to know that twisting the question is not legitimate, reasoned debate, but mere polemics.

You spell out, not your ignorance, for you are not making an innocent mistake here, but your penchant for saying whatever it takes to gain points with an audience unwilling or disinclined to read carefully.

145 goddamnedfrank  Jan 12, 2015 10:56:12pm

Ignore EuroPol’s own stats? Check
Ignore Breivik? Check
Ignore Basque separatists? Check

Can we get rid of this retarded clown already? He adds literally nothing to the discussion.

146 klystron  Jan 12, 2015 10:57:36pm

re: #144 lostlakehiker


CL has proved her objectivity and willingness to examine sources approximately 1000000000 times* more than you have.

You are a bigot. She is not. I suggest you shut the fuck up now.

* Number pulled out of my ass, just like all of our guest’s.

147 goddamnedfrank  Jan 12, 2015 10:59:42pm

Notice that there’s no substantial critique of EuroPol’s methodology in the offing. It’s all just that can’t be right because Muslims are scary and shit.

148 klystron  Jan 12, 2015 11:01:13pm

re: #147 goddamnedfrank

Notice that there’s no substantial critique of EuroPol’s methodology in the offing. It’s all just that can’t be right because Muslims are scary and shit.

That would sum up the level of quality of every comment made by LLH. (Substitute defense of Republicans/conservatives/misogyny as appropriate for the discussion at hand, with the required time for the comment to come long after people have actually moved on and the thread is dead.)

149 klystron  Jan 12, 2015 11:02:08pm

Man. Has proved or has proven?

My native English speaker lack of knowledge of grammar rules has failed me. I depend on you Lizards.

150 goddamnedfrank  Jan 12, 2015 11:11:36pm

re: #149 klystron

Man. Has proved or has proven?

My native English speaker lack of knowledge of grammar rules has failed me. I depend on you Lizards.

Both are correct. Proven is more commonly used as an adjective, as in a proven hypothesis. Still, if it sounds awkward to your ear it probably is, you can usually substitute demonstrated, established, verified, etc.

151 klystron  Jan 12, 2015 11:12:52pm

re: #150 goddamnedfrank

Both are correct. Proven is more commonly used as an adjective, as in a proven hypothesis. Still, if it sounds awkward to your ear it probably is, you can usually substitute demonstrated, established, verified, etc.

The number of times I proofread and corrected an e-mail for an officemate and said “I can’t tell you the rule behind this, but this is what will be correct” was not small.

152 3eff Jeff  Jan 12, 2015 11:20:49pm

re: #151 klystron

The number of times I proofread and corrected an e-mail for an officemate and said “I can’t tell you the rule behind this, but this is what will be correct” was not small.

This is what makes natural language processing devilishly hard. Human grammar is riddled with this stuff. You can get the basics written out, and that works for helping people trying to learn the language from scratch. Then what humans do to get the advanced bits of a language is we just expose ourselves to native speakers.

But those basics fall apart in horrible ways when you try to teach them to a computer and then point said computer at real human language.

153 klystron  Jan 12, 2015 11:22:35pm

re: #152 3eff Jeff

I did my best to provide her with lots of examples for each. That was the best I could do.

Of course, the whole “present imperfect” or whatever is something I only learned when learning Spanish, which is …not terribly helpful then.

154 Varek Raith  Jan 12, 2015 11:41:12pm

re: #144 lostlakehiker

You provide no evidence to back up whatever the hell your saying.

155 klystron  Jan 13, 2015 12:01:20am
156 klystron  Jan 13, 2015 12:48:10am

Note for our SoCal Lizards:

157 BigPapa  Jan 13, 2015 2:57:12am

re: #154 Varek Raith

You provide no evidence to back up whatever the hell your saying.

LLHiker is going for 3 Killgores in this thread.

158 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Jan 13, 2015 3:07:02am

re: #2 lostlakehiker

I have yet to read this discussion, but I already notice that you seem to confuse instances of terrorism and percentages of victims due to terrorism. Not every terrorist act results in victims.

159 Shazam  Jan 13, 2015 3:50:35am

“It really really FEELS like the numbers should be higher, like by fifty percent, but YOU’RE the one who can’t provide facts.” — lostlakehiker

160 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 4:15:39am
161 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 4:20:02am
162 b.d.  Jan 13, 2015 5:02:48am

Heh, via

Last week Greenwald:

Anyone who suggests we’re motivated by “click bait” is extremely misinformed. Why would we possibly be motivated by that? Everything about the Intercept is structured so as to make clicks and traffic from vapid posts totally irrelevant. We don’t sell ads, or subscriptions, or generate revenue of any kind. That’s why we do none of the things that websites typically do that have the primary purpose of generating clicks.

Yesterday’s Greenwald:

‘We don’t want to be a charity,’ said Greenwald. ‘We need to figure out how to be self-sustaining down the road. Whether that’s ads or something else, we’re going to have serious discussions.’

Looks like someone got a splainin to in between those two quotes but I love how obnoxiously adamant and superior Glenn sounded before he had to choke on those words.

163 Rocky-in-Connecticut  Jan 13, 2015 5:03:56am

this guy is not an idiot.

He is however an active member of the right wing echo chamber where Reality - you know… stuff that actually exists in the real world, need not apply or show its face. You know, stuff like actual, real world statistics, peer reviewed facts, and Science. Facts and Science are as absent from the right wing echo chamber/Fox News as minority faces are from their convention photo shoots.

They are not idiots, they are victims of their own biases who choose to isolate and wall themselves off from the rest of the world. As a result they are almost entirely ignorant of basic facts about the real world outside their own communities and states. Even their online presence is limited to those who agree with them all the time.

164 The Vicious Babushka  Jan 13, 2015 5:04:06am

re: #162 b.d.

Heh, via

Last week Greenwald:

Yesterday’s Greenwald:

Looks like someone got a splainin to in between those two quotes but I love how obnoxiously adamant and superior Glenn sounded before he had to choke on those words.

Looks like Pierre feels he is not getting enough value for his money.

165 b.d.  Jan 13, 2015 5:06:32am

re: #164 The Vicious Babushka

Looks like Pierre feels he is not getting enough value for his money.

Pierre would be having the right feeling, he’s getting fleeced.

166 Jayleia  Jan 13, 2015 5:10:10am

re: #165 b.d.

I’ve seen bank heists…of the run-in with Uzi’s blazing type that were more subtle than the grift job they’ve pulled on Omidyar.

167 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 5:12:42am


168 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Jan 13, 2015 5:19:17am

re: #167 Backwoods_Sleuth

Old man with bad hair yells at planes passing overhead.

169 Archangelus  Jan 13, 2015 5:27:37am

re: #167 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

170 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 5:31:08am

Could be Hulk Hogan on the left:

171 ObserverArt  Jan 13, 2015 5:46:09am

Morning. Head cold almost gone. Yay! Real cold coming into the area again tonight…

Anyway, police had to defend north High St. from the Ohio State football revelers late last night. Tear gas and pepper spray had to be used for a few minutes to open the street back up. Also several trash container and porch couch fires had to be extinguished.

All back in order this morning.

172 darthstar  Jan 13, 2015 5:46:27am
173 Varek Raith  Jan 13, 2015 5:47:13am

re: #172 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Why u no riot?!

174 darthstar  Jan 13, 2015 5:48:23am

re: #173 Varek Raith

Why u no riot?!

I make my own tear gas.

175 Varek Raith  Jan 13, 2015 5:54:46am

re: #174 darthstar

I make my own tear gas.



176 darthstar  Jan 13, 2015 5:57:56am

re: #175 Varek Raith



I find running only makes it worse.

177 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 6:01:25am

re: #19 b_sharp

I’m tired of all the politics on this blog.

Can we change it to a brownie blog that discusses hundreds of different ways of making the perfect brownie?

My wife makes an awesome orange brownie - she uses this blood orange oil when baking, and if she wants to really kick it up a notch, she’ll add a bit of Grand Marnier.

178 Romantic Heretic  Jan 13, 2015 6:01:47am

re: #129 teleskiguy

This is pretty funny.

If Jesse Pinkman Quotes From “Breaking Bad” Were Motivational Posters

My thought on Breaking Bad

Funniest part is the comments from followers of the American religion.

179 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 6:06:29am

re: #129 teleskiguy

180 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 6:07:03am


BUSTED: U.S. Senate Candidate Kamala Harris Got Political Start From Her Connected Boyfriend

Has Chuck responded to his subpoena yet?

181 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 6:10:22am

Didn’t watch football last night (I’ve pretty much given up watching since I’d be more worried about players getting hurt than enjoying the skill involved), but did notice this morning that Ohio State fans rioted in the streets after they won.

Let me repeat that. We had yet another sports-related riot. Fires started. Tear gas used.

And yet not a single arrest.

How exactly is that possible? No arrests?

Meanwhile, protesters were arrested and detained by police in Ferguson for walking in the street or for standing still for more than a few seconds time (which a court later ruled was an unconstitutional restriction on free assembly by the STL county police).

Hmmm, could it be the racial makeup of the crowds? It seems to me that police let the fans protest and riot (what else do you call it when multiple fires are set, rocks thrown?) but they violently interceded when peaceful protests occurred in Ferguson.

182 Rightwingconspirator  Jan 13, 2015 6:11:06am

Good Morning all,

re: #156 klystron

Got Santa Anas? Play some Santana!


183 darthstar  Jan 13, 2015 6:22:05am
184 Rightwingconspirator  Jan 13, 2015 6:22:39am

So some guy tries to smuggle 92 I Phones into China. All taped to his body. Caught by customs who released a photo, the guy looks like a suicide bomber.

Or maybe he had the phones all set to vibrate and gets an in flight massage? Or about that ICod (piece)…

185 darthstar  Jan 13, 2015 6:30:28am

Anti-vaxxers’ kids infecting toddlers too young for vaccine at Disneyland.

186 makeitstop  Jan 13, 2015 6:33:07am

re: #184 Rightwingconspirator

So some guy tries to smuggle 92 I Phones into China. All taped to his body. Caught by customs who released a photo, the guy looks like a suicide bomber.

Embedded Image

Or maybe he had the phones all set to vibrate and gets an in flight massage? Or about that ICod (piece)…

Don’t they make iPhones in China? Not really seeing the point here…

187 Sionainn  Jan 13, 2015 6:36:27am

re: #186 makeitstop

Don’t they make iPhones in China? Not really seeing the point here…

My husband sold his old iPhone to a guy in China. Not sure why, but it appears that there is a huge market for them there and the Chinese buy them off of eBay.

188 Sionainn  Jan 13, 2015 6:39:17am

re: #186 makeitstop

Don’t they make iPhones in China? Not really seeing the point here…

Just found this which explains how much iPhones cost in China. It’s much cheaper to buy one on eBay than to purchase one new in China.

189 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 6:39:31am

re: #185 darthstar

It’s 20 cases confirmed linked with Disneyland outbreak.

A resurgence in Jenny McCarthy’s career also brought about a resurgence in measles, mumps, and other diseases entirely prevented by populations getting fully vaccinated (which provides herd immunity for those who can’t get vaccinated, like those who are immune compromised or are too young or old to get vaccinated).

The body count from the anti-vaxxers continues growing.

190 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 6:40:05am

re: #186 makeitstop

Don’t they make iPhones in China? Not really seeing the point here…

Just because they make lots of stuff in China means that they can afford to buy the stuff they make.

191 Timothy Watson  Jan 13, 2015 6:40:26am

re: #186 makeitstop

Don’t they make iPhones in China? Not really seeing the point here…

One story I read said that they smuggle stolen phones over the Hong Kong-PRC border to sell.

192 makeitstop  Jan 13, 2015 6:43:07am

re: #187 Sionainn

re: #190 lawhawk

re: #191 Timothy Watson

Thanks for the info, all.

193 Sionainn  Jan 13, 2015 6:44:05am

re: #189 lawhawk

It’s 20 cases confirmed linked with Disneyland outbreak.

A resurgence in Jenny McCarthy’s career also brought about a resurgence in measles, mumps, and other diseases entirely prevented by populations getting fully vaccinated (which provides herd immunity for those who can’t get vaccinated, like those who are immune compromised or are too young or old to get vaccinated).

The body count from the anti-vaxxers continues growing.

I completely agree. Just a note, though. I never brought my unvaccinated babies anywhere with large crowds.

194 The Vicious Babushka  Jan 13, 2015 6:45:39am

This is the sickest meme I have seen on TCOT, ever.

Not embedding. Click at your own risk, and report.

195 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Jan 13, 2015 6:46:57am

re: #186 makeitstop

Don’t they make iPhones in China? Not really seeing the point here…

He was smuggling from Hong Kong into the mainland. The exchange rate between HK dollars and China New Yuan favors the mainland shopper, so most goods are cheaper if you buy them in HK.

Strange as it may seems, China and HK are treated as separate nations in many ways. There’s a border crossing where even mainlanders and HK residents have to have their travel papers checked, currency controls and customs check points.

Needless to say, smuggling 91 iPhones across the border is not quite legal.

196 nearly-headless smith25  Jan 13, 2015 6:47:37am

As some of you know, I teach at a Catholic school, and tomorrow we will have a full school mass. The school Priest approached me today to ask for a favor. After mass, there is set to be a short reflection of the works of Martin Luther King Jr. I was asked to give a reflection on how the life of MLK impacted my own life, and it’s impact on our school community. I’m the only black teacher in the school, and only one of two black teachers in the entire Catholic school system in this half of the state. I agreed, but am really struggling with what to say.

Part of me wants to get up and speak wearing an “I Can’t Breathe” or a “Not Your Respectable Negro” T-shirt. My thoughts on race in America is much angrier a position than anyone in this school. But I’m going to be speaking in front of about 1000 people, 950 who will be white. I’m struggling with what exactly to say.

To me, MLK is not seen by most as fully as he should. Schools pussy foot teaching about MLK, Civil Rights, ect. The I have a dream speech is quoted so often by so many, but the most important parts have been ignored. “We have come to our nations capitol to cash a check…a check that has come back insufficient funds…But we refuse to believe that the bank of Justice is bankrupt.” There is a fight and anger behind those words. And after the events of #Ferguson et. al, the fight and the anger is boiling over. I feel I’ve got a duty to express that, but I also don’t feel like fielding complaints over not being a “Respectable Negro”. So I’m writing drafts. Got about 24 hrs to figure it out.

197 The Vicious Babushka  Jan 13, 2015 6:49:39am

Finally, somebody pwn3d this HURR HURR!!!!! DEMOCRATS ARE KKK!!!!!!! wingnut meme.

198 Sionainn  Jan 13, 2015 6:50:28am

re: #196 nearly-headless smith25

As some of you know, I teach at a Catholic school, and tomorrow we will have a full school mass. The school Priest approached me today to ask for a favor. After mass, there is set to be a short reflection of the works of Martin Luther King Jr. I was asked to give a reflection on how the life of MLK impacted my own life, and it’s impact on our school community. I’m the only black teacher in the school, and only one of two black teachers in the entire Catholic school system in this half of the state. I agreed, but am really struggling with what to say.

Part of me wants to get up and speak wearing an “I Can’t Breathe” or a “Not Your Respectable Negro” T-shirt. My thoughts on race in America is much angrier a position than anyone in this school. But I’m going to be speaking in front of about 1000 people, 950 who will be white. I’m struggling with what exactly to say.

To me, MLK is not seen by most as fully as he should. Schools pussy foot teaching about MLK, Civil Rights, ect. The I have a dream speech is quoted so often by so many, but the most important parts have been ignored. “We have come to our nations capitol to cash a check…a check that has come back insufficient funds…But we refuse to believe that the bank of Justice is bankrupt.” There is a fight and anger behind those words. And after the events of #Ferguson et. al, the fight and the anger is boiling over. I feel I’ve got a duty to express that, but I also don’t feel like fielding complaints over not being a “Respectable Negro”. So I’m writing drafts. Got about 24 hrs to figure it out.

I don’t envy you at all. As a student or a teacher, I would be interested in listening to someone being honest about how MLK impacted you…the good, bad, and the ugly. That’s what makes a lasting impression, not someone just getting up and saying the same old cliched things.

199 makeitstop  Jan 13, 2015 6:51:42am

Some inadvertent early morning humor…

Two body builders argue on the internet about how many days are in the week

Math is hard.

200 nearly-headless smith25  Jan 13, 2015 6:52:52am

re: #198 Sionainn

After tomorrow I’ll give a rundown(or text) of what I said, plus responses if anyone is interested.

201 William Barnett-Lewis  Jan 13, 2015 6:54:21am

re: #196 nearly-headless smith25

I would say to wear the “I can’t breath” shirt, talk about Selma and the reaction of the white police rather than the more respectable DC march & then tie it to social justice teachings in the church. Matt 25:31-46, if you want to be blunt about it, for example.

This is a teaching moment for everyone. Remind them that sometimes the teachings aren’t fun or pretty but must be learned nonetheless.

202 Sionainn  Jan 13, 2015 6:54:23am

re: #200 nearly-headless smith25

After tomorrow I’ll give a rundown(or text) of what I said, plus responses if anyone is interested.

Yes, please. I’m very interested!

203 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Jan 13, 2015 6:55:03am

re: #196 nearly-headless smith25

You can tell them quite honestly about the emotions running through you as you tried to write the speech. Don’t pussyfoot around how you feel. You can express your anger and frustration about Ferguson, but at the same time reflect on what has changed since Dr King died. A black man in the White House, serving the entire nation as president and not just waiting on the president’s family, would be a good start.

I can’t speak for all the white people in your community, but I think many of them have no earthly idea what AA people are feeling now. I’m not suggesting you go all Black Pride on them, but an honest and caring explanation of your thoughts and feelings would benefit everyone, not the least of whom would be you, teacher Smith.

204 William Barnett-Lewis  Jan 13, 2015 6:56:28am

re: #200 nearly-headless smith25

After tomorrow I’ll give a rundown(or text) of what I said, plus responses if anyone is interested.

Please do. I’ll be pondering this for a bit this morning now, I think, as I go to have my weekly talk with my priest. Good luck & god bless on that speech.

205 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Jan 13, 2015 6:56:51am

re: #200 nearly-headless smith25

After tomorrow I’ll give a rundown(or text) of what I said, plus responses if anyone is interested.

That would be worth paging, my friend. Don’t bury in the comments to be lost to many of us.

206 Varek Raith  Jan 13, 2015 6:57:04am

re: #184 Rightwingconspirator

So some guy tries to smuggle 92 I Phones into China. All taped to his body. Caught by customs who released a photo, the guy looks like a suicide bomber.

[Embedded content]

Or maybe he had the phones all set to vibrate and gets an in flight massage? Or about that ICod (piece)…

Heh, he looks like a fool.

207 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 6:57:08am

re: #196 nearly-headless smith25

You could probably start with a joke along the lines of what Tina Fey and Amy Poehler did re: Selma - that MLK marched from Selma to Montgomery and now everything is okay.

Then go on to note that the fact that people laughed at the joke shows that there is much work to be done. That MLK’s dream was to see that the words and deeds of the Constitution and the 13-15th amendments are fully realized. Equal rights and equal protection under the law.

Justice is supposed to be blind, but events of the past year find not that the justice system is broken, but rather fixed to certain outcomes. Justice too long delayed is justice denied (Justice Earl Warren). This should concern everyone, not just people of color. The civil rights movement led by MLK didn’t include only blacks, but people of all colors, creeds, and religions. Seeing MLK’s dream fully realized means everyone has to work together towards those goals.

I’d also work in a bit about how Catholic/Christian doctrine would support this (you’d know the specifics better than I).

208 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Jan 13, 2015 6:57:39am

re: #199 makeitstop

Some inadvertent early morning humor…

Two body builders argue on the internet about how many days are in the week

Math is hard.

Sounds like a blonde joke, but with bubbas instead.

209 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 6:58:01am



I will not debate this.


210 Varek Raith  Jan 13, 2015 6:59:40am

re: #209 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse



I will not debate this.



211 Eventual Carrion  Jan 13, 2015 7:00:01am

re: #199 makeitstop

Some inadvertent early morning humor…

Two body builders argue on the internet about how many days are in the week

Math is hard.

The Beatles told me there were 8, and I believe them.

212 Varek Raith  Jan 13, 2015 7:00:42am

That was painful to read.

213 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 7:05:23am


I don’t envy you either.

To me, MLK is not seen by most as fully as he should. Schools pussy foot teaching about MLK, Civil Rights, ect.

Yeah, this. I probably wouldn’t use the term “pussy foot teaching” in a speech to this audience but I hope there’s room for a discussion about how we tend to sanitize history in general, and Civil Rights history in particular.

214 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 7:07:39am
215 William Barnett-Lewis  Jan 13, 2015 7:13:45am

re: #196 nearly-headless smith25

One other thought. You can also point to Albuquerque NM where two cops are charged in an illegitimate killing. The difference? The homeless crazy man with a knife was white…

216 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 7:20:01am

Jesinoski v Countrywide involves the Truth in Lending Act.

217 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 7:21:12am
218 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 7:24:07am
219 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 7:26:58am

re: #218 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Well of course.

220 Dr. Matt  Jan 13, 2015 7:27:13am

A former Glasgow police officer is suing a Barren County gun store after being handed a loaded gun from under the counter and accidentally shooting his finger off VIdeo at:

221 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 7:27:57am

Really if Cruz thinks Obama isn’t doing enough on terrorism, he’s delusional. He’s done more and been more effective than Bush ever was and unlike Bush he doesn’t need to parade around in a military dress uniform and land on a carrier.

222 Eventual Carrion  Jan 13, 2015 7:30:07am

re: #218 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Oh Ted. Go eat your fucking Freedom Fries and Freedom Toast and STFU.

223 Dr. Matt  Jan 13, 2015 7:30:27am

re: #221 HappyWarrior

Really if Cruz thinks Obama isn’t doing enough on terrorism, he’s delusional. He’s done more and been more effective than Bush ever was and unlike Bush he doesn’t need to parade around in a military dress uniform and land on a carrier.

Imagine the Hitler comparisons if Obama wore a military flightsuit on an aircraft carrier…..jebus.

224 William Barnett-Lewis  Jan 13, 2015 7:30:42am

re: #220 Dr. Matt

A former Glasgow police officer is suing a Barren County gun store after being handed a loaded gun from under the counter and accidentally shooting his finger off VIdeo at:

Contributory negligence on the part of the cop - he should have had the brains to clear the weapon when handed it. I do every time even if I see someone else clear it. A gun is _always_ loaded. Case dismissed.

225 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 7:30:44am

Meanwhile, the GOP is looking to slash and burn the DHS budget to try and undermine the President’s immigration executive orders.

Of course, like a poor marksman, they keep missing the target.

That’s right - slashing and burning the DHS budget will result in less immigration compliance actions and fewer officers on the border to keep out illegal aliens.

226 Decatur Deb  Jan 13, 2015 7:31:18am

re: #196 nearly-headless smith25

As some of you know, I teach at a Catholic school,….

There is always the safe route—tying Dr King historically to JFK/RFK. Catholics like that.

(More seriously, there is room there for compare-and-contrast, and the final synthesis that gets all their aging photos on family walls.)

227 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 7:31:21am

re: #223 Dr. Matt

Imagine the Hitler comparisons if Obama wore a military flightsuit on an aircraft carrier…..jebus.

Yeah you ain’t kidding.

228 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 7:32:17am

re: #223 Dr. Matt

The GOP is already full-metal Obama=Hitler. Uniforms would be extraneous at this point.

229 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 7:32:34am

re: #225 lawhawk

No problem, the militias can take over…


230 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 7:33:51am

re: #225 lawhawk

Meanwhile, the GOP is looking to slash and burn the DHS budget to try and undermine the President’s immigration executive orders.

Of course, like a poor marksman, they keep missing the target.

[Embedded content]

That’s right - slashing and burning the DHS budget will result in less immigration compliance actions and fewer officers on the border to keep out illegal aliens.

So let me get this straight, they want to accuse Obama of not doing enough on terrorism yet they want to cut the budget. Gee, I guess that’s the same logic that leads to them cutting embassy and consulate security funds and then blaming Obama for Benghazi. Typical Republican misunderstanding on how things actually work in this world of ours.

231 Mattand  Jan 13, 2015 7:36:21am

re: #214 Backwoods_Sleuth

72 die from beer believed to have been poisoned by crocodile bile in Mozambique

Snopes is on it:

232 #FergusonFireside  Jan 13, 2015 7:37:15am

re: #200 nearly-headless smith25

After tomorrow I’ll give a rundown(or text) of what I said, plus responses if anyone is interested.

Please do.

233 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 7:37:20am

re: #231 Mattand

Snopes is on it:

They’re quick.

234 Decatur Deb  Jan 13, 2015 7:39:21am

re: #200 nearly-headless smith25

After tomorrow I’ll give a rundown(or text) of what I said, plus responses if anyone is interested.

re: #205 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

That would be worth paging, my friend. Don’t bury in the comments to be lost to many of us.

Get one of the AV geeks to video it.

235 Mattand  Jan 13, 2015 7:39:23am

re: #233 HappyWarrior

They’re quick.

To be fair, I saw this yesterday in my surfing and went “Huh, that’s awful” and moved on. The only reason I know it’s fake is that I haunt Snopes fairly regularly.

236 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 7:41:29am

re: #235 Mattand

To be fair, I saw this yesterday in my surfing and went “Huh, that’s awful” and moved on. The only reason I know it’s fake is that I haunt Snopes fairly regularly.

Gotcha. Snopes is a very useful site.

237 Flying Squirrel Girl  Jan 13, 2015 7:48:09am


Does anyone know if 36 days THC-free is long enough to pass an eScreen urine test?

Asking for a friend. :)

238 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 7:48:50am

This would be huge news, if they’re able to get it working. Currently, the flu vaccines are based on a part of the virus that changes from season to season, and can even shift during the season, reducing the effectiveness of the vaccine.

The new vaccine design would target part of the influenza virus that doesn’t change. If that’s possible and proven to provide protection, it would be a huge boost to public health.

239 CuriousLurker  Jan 13, 2015 7:51:07am

re: #228 lawhawk

The GOP is already full-metal Obama=Hitler. Uniforms would be extraneous at this point.

[Embedded content]

The GOP whining & false equivalence has got to really steam people whose families were actually affected by Hitler & Stalin—it pisses me off that they sink so low as to use the very real suffering & deaths of millions to score cheap political points. *spit*

Seriously, when these assholes can show me mass graves in the U.S. filled with bodies of conservatives stacked up in them like cord-wood, then I’ll believe POTUS is like Hitler or Stalin (or Mao, or….) Gawd, that shit pisses me off.

240 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 7:51:15am

re: #238 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

This would be huge news, if they’re able to get it working. Currently, the flu vaccines are based on a part of the virus that changes from season to season, and can even shift during the season, reducing the effectiveness of the vaccine.

The new vaccine design would target part of the influenza virus that doesn’t change. If that’s possible and proven to provide protection, it would be a huge boost to public health.

Awesome news.

241 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 7:52:25am

This showed up in my Twitter feed, even though it’s a few months old, it’s still a great photo.

242 makeitstop  Jan 13, 2015 7:52:48am

re: #231 Mattand

Snopes is on it:

Wow. 1010 WINS in NYC reported this numerous times on Saturday.

They used to be a great news station. Now, like every other news outlet in this country, they just kinda suck.

243 retired cynic  Jan 13, 2015 7:54:02am

The link below made my hair stand up. Surely they can figure out some way to unload this guy “without offending his otherwise worthy supporters.” *spit*

244 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 7:55:05am

re: #239 CuriousLurker

The GOP whining & false equivalence has got to really steam people whose families were actually affected by Hitler & Stalin—it would piss me off that they sink so low as to use the very real suffering & deaths of millions to score cheap political points. *spit*

Seriously, when these assholes can show me mass graves in the U.S. filled with bodies of conservatives stacked up in them like cord-wood, then I’ll believe POTUS is like Hitler or Stalin (or Mao, or….) Gawd, that shit pisses me off.

You have no idea. When the Nazis invaded the Balkans, my grandfather had a cousin that was killed by the Nazi invaders. Family lore goes that his surviving brothers either joined up with the Chetniks or Tito’s Partisans to get revenge, When I see morons on Twitter likening say a health care policy (ACA) to mass violence against civilians because a bunch of Nazi dickheads deemed them an “inferior race” it angers me. Makes me even more angry that they resort to the same scapegoating tactics that the Nazis and Soviets used on targets and yet don’t see any irony in that.

245 bratwurst  Jan 13, 2015 7:56:38am

re: #144 lostlakehiker

246 Mattand  Jan 13, 2015 7:57:08am

re: #242 makeitstop

Wow. 1010 WINS in NYC reported this numerous times on Saturday.

They used to be a great news station. Now, like every other news outlet in this country, they just kinda suck.

It would not surprise me to that see WINS’s sister station KYW 1060 in Philly did the same.

It’s that goddamned fear of being scooped on everything, regardless of its news value.

247 CuriousLurker  Jan 13, 2015 7:57:20am

re: #244 HappyWarrior

You have no idea. When the Nazis invaded the Balkans, my grandfather had a cousin that was killed by the Nazi invaders. Family lore goes that his surviving brothers either joined up with the Chetniks or Tito’s Partisans, When I see morons on Twitter likening say a health care policy (ACA) to mass violence against civilians because a bunch of Nazi dickheads deemed them an “inferior race” it angers me. Makes me even more angry that they resort to the same scapegoating tactics that the Nazis and Soviets used on targets and yet don’t see any irony in that.


248 gwangung  Jan 13, 2015 7:57:50am

re: #239 CuriousLurker

The GOP whining & false equivalence has got to really steam people whose families were actually affected by Hitler & Stalin—it pisses me off that they sink so low as to use the very real suffering & deaths of millions to score cheap political points. *spit*

Seriously, when these assholes can show me mass graves in the U.S. filled with bodies of conservatives stacked up in them like cord-wood, then I’ll believe POTUS is like Hitler or Stalin (or Mao, or….) Gawd, that shit pisses me off.

It steams ME off when he’s called a communist or Marxist. It insults my relatives who died under Mao.

249 ObserverArt  Jan 13, 2015 7:57:54am

re: #181 lawhawk

Didn’t watch football last night (I’ve pretty much given up watching since I’d be more worried about players getting hurt than enjoying the skill involved), but did notice this morning that Ohio State fans rioted in the streets after they won.

[Embedded content]

Let me repeat that. We had yet another sports-related riot. Fires started. Tear gas used.

And yet not a single arrest.

How exactly is that possible? No arrests?

Meanwhile, protesters were arrested and detained by police in Ferguson for walking in the street or for standing still for more than a few seconds time (which a court later ruled was an unconstitutional restriction on free assembly by the STL county police).

Hmmm, could it be the racial makeup of the crowds? It seems to me that police let the fans protest and riot (what else do you call it when multiple fires are set, rocks thrown?) but they violently interceded when peaceful protests occurred in Ferguson.

I certainly understand your point lawhawk, but last night’s crowd reaction to the win was more a big street party without a permit than a riot. No store windows were broken, no looting and the Columbus fire department said some of the students were already working to put out the trash bin and furniture in the street fires.

The police only used 4 tear gas canisters and a little pepper spray to move the crowd out of the street. I haven’t seen local reports of rocks being thrown.

I don’t know if you know how large OSU is, but there are up to 50,000 students, and the area is well over 100,000 people that are associated or were once students. And the campus is right smack dab in the middle of a major city with downtown only 3 or so miles down High St. So, if they want to riot, there is plenty of stuff to destruct.

It was much worse after the 2002 Championship. OSU has worked hard to take on that kind of activity. They also have told the students if you are identified in videos as being an offender, or arrested by the police for rioting activities you are kicked out of school. That tougher policy seems to have worked. At one time Friday night was a cause for students to get out of control.

250 Eventual Carrion  Jan 13, 2015 7:58:14am

re: #237 Flying Squirrel Girl


Does anyone know if 36 days THC-free is long enough to pass an eScreen urine test?

Asking for a friend. :)

Should be. Get a test kit from local pharmacy and test yourself to be sure.

251 The Vicious Babushka  Jan 13, 2015 8:00:08am

(Of course it’s NRO so they are specialists of Teh Stupids)

252 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 8:00:32am

re: #247 CuriousLurker


Right, we’ve discussed this before but their approach to Muslims is from the same page of the Russian empire’s attacks on Jews. Not to mention the many assholes like Fischer out there who call gay people “demonic”. And of course the attacks on Latinos and Blacks as well. They really don’t see any symmetry at all about likening all Muslims as terrorists to the Nazis calling Jews “traitors” for stabbing Germany in the back in WWI.

253 Mattand  Jan 13, 2015 8:00:48am

re: #237 Flying Squirrel Girl


Does anyone know if 36 days THC-free is long enough to pass an eScreen urine test?

Asking for a friend. :)

It’ll be nice to live in a country whose cannibas policies aren’t based off of repeated viewings of Reefer Madness.

254 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 8:02:21am

re: #251 The Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

From the same NRO who loved them some good old segregation, those little pricks don’t get to lecture anyone about power grabs and tyranny when they defended white supremacy in the South as well as Apartheid in Africa. So NRO can kindly fuck off again.

255 Mattand  Jan 13, 2015 8:02:43am

re: #251 The Vicious Babushka

(Of course it’s NRO so they are specialists of Teh Stupids)

[Embedded content]

One of my big regrets is that that people who are screaming “BLACK HITLER!!!11ty!!11!!” will not live long enough to see history reveal them to be the racist assholes they are.

256 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 8:03:05am

re: #242 makeitstop

1010WINS and 880WCBS are owned by the same outfit; they share news feeds, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they simply read off the wire feeds for that story without digging in to see if the stories were accurate. It’s not like they’ve got a way to independently verify events in Africa.

Media outlets will work from wire feeds without checking further. With newspapers and other news outlets cutting back on their own independent reporters and bureaus domestically and overseas, everyone is relying even more on wire reports and stringers who work for the wire services (AP, UPI, ThomsonReuters, AFP, etc.) Consolidation doesn’t help either.

257 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 8:05:51am


Federal Report: Obama’s Power Grabs Even Exceed King George III’s Tyranny

Obama is invading a country? Obama is finally setting up the FEMA camps?


258 Eventual Carrion  Jan 13, 2015 8:08:01am

re: #256 lawhawk

1010WINS and 880WCBS are owned by the same outfit; they share news feeds, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they simply read off the wire feeds for that story without digging in to see if the stories were accurate. It’s not like they’ve got a way to independently verify events in Africa.

Media outlets will work from wire feeds without checking further. With newspapers and other news outlets cutting back on their own independent reporters and bureaus domestically and overseas, everyone is relying even more on wire reports and stringers who work for the wire services (AP, UPI, ThomsonReuters, AFP, etc.) Consolidation doesn’t help either.

Pretty soon we will only have the Ministry of Truth to give us our daily “news”.

259 Higgs Boson's Mate  Jan 13, 2015 8:08:07am

re: #223 Dr. Matt

Imagine the Hitler comparisons if Obama wore a military flightsuit on an aircraft carrier…..jebus.

When a Republican president is elected, and one will be sooner or later, the RWNJs will balance things out by demanding treason trials for anyone who criticizes the president in any way.

260 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 8:10:01am

re: #259 Higgs Boson’s Mate

When a Republican president is elected, and one will be sooner or later, the RWNJs will balance things out by demanding treason trials for anyone who criticizes the president in any way.

To me, it’s just hysterical to hear them act as if they’re “persecuted” whenever they criticize Obama and honestly say far worse things about him than really anyone did about Bush. Remember the Dixie Chicks being “ashamed” that Bush shared their home state? The attacks on them from within the country music establishment. And then you have the attacks on Obama that are literally questioning his love of our country and people and claiming he has genocidal ambitions.

261 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 8:12:31am

re: #144 lostlakehiker

Additional statistics backing up my initial assertion that 98% of the terrorist incidents in Europe are not related to Islamic extremism:

Those statistics are based on the EU terrorism figures, so unless you’ve got some actual statistics that dispute those findings….

Note that this also applies to incidence, not the severity of attacks. Islamic terrorists have managed few attacks, but those that succeed tend to be significant mass casualty events. In other words, it’s a remote threat, but one that when actualized is a significant one.

262 makeitstop  Jan 13, 2015 8:13:15am

re: #256 lawhawk

1010WINS and 880WCBS are owned by the same outfit; they share news feeds, and I wouldn’t be surprised if they simply read off the wire feeds for that story without digging in to see if the stories were accurate. It’s not like they’ve got a way to independently verify events in Africa.

Media outlets will work from wire feeds without checking further. With newspapers and other news outlets cutting back on their own independent reporters and bureaus domestically and overseas, everyone is relying even more on wire reports and stringers who work for the wire services (AP, UPI, ThomsonReuters, AFP, etc.) Consolidation doesn’t help either.

I have very little use for either of them now, except as background noise while driving. They both regularly run ads sponsored by Newsmax and heavily weight their news stories to the conservative side of every issue.

Makes me nostalgic for when WINS and WCBS used to actually compete against each other, rather than both collect revenues for the same ownership.

263 Dr. Matt  Jan 13, 2015 8:15:17am

re: #260 HappyWarrior

To me, it’s just hysterical to hear them act as if they’re “persecuted” whenever they criticize Obama and honestly say far worse things about him than really anyone did about Bush. Remember the Dixie Chicks being “ashamed” that Bush shared their home state? The attacks on them from within the country music establishment. And then you have the attacks on Obama that are literally questioning his love of our country and people and claiming he has genocidal ambitions.

The Left were called “terrorist sympathizers” and were told that we “hated our country” because we dared to criticize dubyah. We were told to leave the US because we criticized dubyah and his failed wars. We were told we were “hurting the troops” by criticizing the POTUS and his policies. Amazing how things change when the country elects a Blah President.

264 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 8:19:32am

re: #263 Dr. Matt

The Left were called “terrorist sympathizers” and were told that we “hated our country” because we dared to criticize dubyah. We were told to leave the US because we criticized dubyah and his failed wars. We were told we were “hurting the troops” by criticizing the POTUS and his policies. Amazing how things change when the country elects a Blah President.

Yeah I remember it quite well unfortunately. No sympathy for them at all for getting called out when they say bigoted and hyperbolic crap about Obama.

265 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 13, 2015 8:20:08am

re: #264 HappyWarrior

Yeah I remember it quite well unfortunately. No sympathy for them at all for getting called out when they say bigoted and hyperbolic crap about Obama.

But being called out on it is not a problem, it simply proves to them that they are being suppressed and persecuted.

266 CuriousLurker  Jan 13, 2015 8:20:47am

re: #144 lostlakehiker

Ah, yes, I see. You were unable to find any facts to support your position, so now you’ve left off insulting lawhawk and are trying to make it all about me instead. That might’ve worked in the old days here at LGF—hell, it probably would’ve worked even for the first year or two after I registered, but now it just looks exactly like what it is: pathetic, weak flailing in the form of personal attacks.

You do realize that you’re convincing absolutely no one—except maybe yourself and whatever slimy creepy crawlers may be silently cheering you from the damp darkness under their rocks—right?

LGF has moved on. I know it’s difficult, but try to deal with it like an adult.

Now, quick—someone up-ding me—my ego is desperate for it!! //

267 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 8:34:53am
268 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 8:35:57am

re: #267 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Ha seriously.

269 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 8:38:28am
270 Feline Fearless Leader  Jan 13, 2015 8:38:32am

re: #261 lawhawk

Additional statistics backing up my initial assertion that 98% of the terrorist incidents in Europe are not related to Islamic extremism:

Those statistics are based on the EU terrorism figures, so unless you’ve got some actual statistics that dispute those findings….

Note that this also applies to incidence, not the severity of attacks. Islamic terrorists have managed few attacks, but those that succeed tend to be significant mass casualty events. In other words, it’s a remote threat, but one that when actualized is a significant one.

That’s sort of like comparing deaths in automobile accidents to those in airline accidents. The latter are less likely to happen (a lot less), but tend to produce relatively large death tolls when they do happen.

271 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 8:39:17am

re: #269 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Yeah I heard about that. I like that. Boxer was and is a great liberal voice but it’s time for some new blood.

272 Slap  Jan 13, 2015 8:40:05am

re: #237 Flying Squirrel Girl

Should be — however, the quality and frequency of the consumption can extend that time by a couple of weeks. I found this out the hard way, and turns out the job was NOT worth my trouble after all the effort I had made to legitimately get the correct result. (Legitimately, as opposed to working with masking/absorption agents like Bentonite.)

Good luck!

273 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 8:45:15am
274 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 8:45:33am

re: #273 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Enjoy prison Bob.

275 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 13, 2015 8:49:53am

re: #274 HappyWarrior

Enjoy prison Bob.

Enjoy Bob, prisoners!

276 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 8:50:45am

re: #274 HappyWarrior

Enjoy prison Bob.

He’ll probably be sent to one of the country club prisons.

277 Slap  Jan 13, 2015 8:51:16am

re: #263 Dr. Matt

Ah, the Dixie Chicks incident.

One of the best examples of the moral bankruptcy of the “conservative” masses. The Chicks get excoriated for that comment…..

Yet, it was OK for a NASCAR crowd at Daytona to boo the First and Second Ladies as they were promoting a program TO AID OUR TROOPS.

And, of course, their pet colostomy bag (oops, I meant the noooge) referring to the POTUS as a subhuman mongrel is just fine with them.


Grrrr. Some things get stuck in my craw, y’know?

278 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 8:52:03am

re: #276 Backwoods_Sleuth

He’ll probably be sent to one of the country club prisons.

Yeah I know. Beats him possibly being president or vice president though like he had in mind before his trial and conviction though.

279 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 8:53:23am

re: #277 Slap

Ah, the Dixie Chicks incident.

One of the best examples of the moral bankruptcy of the “conservative” masses. The Chicks get excoriated for that comment…..

Yet, it was OK for a NASCAR crowd at Daytona to boo the First and Second Ladies as they were promoting a program TO AID OUR TROOPS.

And, of course, their pet colostomy bag (oops, I meant the noooge) referring to the POTUS as a subhuman mongrel is just fine with them.


Grrrr. Some things get stuck in my craw, y’know?

Yeah what Nugent said about Obama and also Hillary Clinton was much worse than what the Dixie Chicks said. Typical conservative no class bullshit.

280 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 8:54:24am


281 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 8:55:10am
282 Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 13, 2015 8:55:58am

re: #281 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Did he do it in a funny voice?

283 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 8:56:18am

re: #282 Blind Frog Belly White

Did he do it in a funny voice?

One can only hope!

284 Lidane  Jan 13, 2015 8:57:18am

I wonder what it says about me that my two goals today involve ripping my resume to shreds before my appointment with a professional development coach on Friday and reading Game of Thrones.

Nothing good, probably. Heh.

285 Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 13, 2015 8:57:31am

re: #283 Backwoods_Sleuth

One can only hope!

I’m imagining it in an Abe Simpson voice.

286 Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 13, 2015 8:58:15am

re: #284 Lidane

I wonder what it says about me that my two goals today involve ripping my resume to shreds before my appointment with a professional development coach on Friday and reading Game of Thrones.

Nothing good, probably. Heh.

Don’t get them mixed up.

287 Dr Lizardo  Jan 13, 2015 8:59:13am

re: #270 Feline Fearless Leader


Face it, you’ll never have anything like the Tenerife Airport Disaster when you’re talking about automobiles. Sure, you might have multiple deaths in a multi-car pileup, but nothing approaching that magnitude (600+).

288 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 8:59:57am

re: #284 Lidane

Just as long as you don’t include that you’re the mother of dragons, or that your hobbies include wedding planning for the Lannister’s, you’d probably be okay.

289 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 9:04:36am


California Attorney General Kamala Harris jumps into Senate race for Barbara Boxer’s seat

Oh, so that’s why CCJ was trying to practice the new journalism smear her.

290 The Vicious Babushka  Jan 13, 2015 9:08:30am

re: #287 Dr Lizardo


Face it, you’ll never have anything like the Tenerife Airport Disaster when you’re talking about automobiles. Sure, you might have multiple deaths in a multi-car pileup, but nothing approaching that magnitude (600+).

There was recently a 150-car pile up on the I-94. 150 vehicles (including a number of jackknifed semis) but only 2 fatalities.

291 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 9:13:50am
292 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 9:14:52am

Speaking of transit matters, the incident at the L’Enfant Metro Station in Washington, DC late yesterday afternoon resulted in one fatality, dozens more injured. The specific cause is still unknown. This is the metro station near my office (I’ve been taking the bus since April).

293 Dr Lizardo  Jan 13, 2015 9:17:08am

re: #290 The Vicious Babushka

There was recently a 150-car pile up on the I-94. 150 vehicles (including a number of jackknifed semis) but only 2 fatalities.

Yeah, I’d read about that; a pretty major multi-vehicle accident.

I still remember the Tenerife Disaster, even though I was a little kid when it happened - it was easily the top story that day (March 27th, 1977) and if I’m not mistaken, I think it’s still the worst disaster in commercial aviation history.

Two 747’s colliding on the runway? I can’t even imagine the carnage that must’ve been.

294 The Vicious Babushka  Jan 13, 2015 9:20:28am

re: #293 Dr Lizardo

Yeah, I’d read about that; a pretty major multi-vehicle accident.

I still remember the Tenerife Disaster, even though I was a little kid when it happened - it was easily the top story that day (March 27th, 1977) and if I’m not mistaken, I think it’s still the worst disaster in commercial aviation history.

Two 747’s colliding on the runway? I can’t even imagine the carnage that must’ve been.

583 fatalities, worst disaster in aviation history (I just Googled it)

295 Dr Lizardo  Jan 13, 2015 9:31:53am

re: #294 The Vicious Babushka

583 fatalities, worst disaster in aviation history (I just Googled it)

Yeah, it was bad. One of my colleagues - who has a fear of flying - had never heard of it (she’s only 25) until we were talking about various disasters and I brought it up. She’d seen the memorial on Tenerife, but she thought it was just some kind of abstract art or something. She was utterly horrified when I showed her an extract from “Crash of the Century”, and vowed she’d never step foot in an airplane ever again. Which explains why she’s going to Copenhagen by train next month.

I don’t have the heart to tell her about the Eschede train disaster. That one was pretty bad, one of the worst in recent times here in Europe.

296 Feline Fearless Leader  Jan 13, 2015 9:34:50am

re: #294 The Vicious Babushka

583 fatalities, worst disaster in aviation history (I just Googled it)

Yep. Though if you want to kill a lot of people you sink ships*. Trap them and dump them into an environment that is generally fatal to humans.

Sultana, Titanic, etc. Over 4,300 killed with the Dona Paz (a ferry in the Philippines in 1987.) Seems to take some sort of mass disaster to get the safety or equipment laws modified.

Wikipedia list of maritime disasters

* - Or, if you’re Mother Nature, set a volcano off.

297 Dr Lizardo  Jan 13, 2015 9:37:34am

re: #296 Feline Fearless Leader

Yep. Though if you want to kill a lot of people you sink ships*. Trap them and dump them into an environment that is generally fatal to humans.

Sultana, Titanic, etc. Over 4,300 killed with the Dona Paz (a ferry in the Philippines.

Wikipedia list of maritime disasters

* - Or, if you’re Mother Nature, set a volcano off.

The Dona Paz is still the worst peacetime maritime disaster, even though the sinking of the Wilhelm Gustloff had more fatalities (but that was toward the end of WWII).

298 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 9:37:36am

re: #291 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

That’s what I’ve been saying. It’s literally in her job description. Really, I have little doubt that if we were in closer geographic proximity to France that President Obama would have been there.

299 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 9:41:30am


Item #482 for why we need FreeCommunityCollege——->

Even Adolph Hitler thought it more important than Obama to get to Paris. (For all the wrong reasons.) Obama couldn’t do it for right reasons

It took me a few reads to dicipher what Randy was trying to say.

300 Skip Intro  Jan 13, 2015 9:42:56am

Unindicted war criminal Donald Rumsfield expresses his feelings on Obama not obtaining an agreement with outgoing Afghan President Hamid Karzai to keep US troops in Afghanistan like forever:

“A trained ape could get a status of forces agreement,” Rumsfeld said on Monday

And yes, of course, it was on Fox News.

301 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 9:45:06am


Rummy wants us to occupy Afghanistan? So U.S. troops can keep getting shot at and hit with IED’s and all the rest?

302 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 9:45:33am

re: #300 Skip Intro

Unindicted war criminal Donald Rumsfield expresses his feelings on Obama not obtaining an agreement with outgoing Afghan President Hamid Karzai to keep troops in Afghanistan like forever:

And yes, of course, it was on Fox News.

If Rummy thinks Obama’s messing up, he must be doing something right.

303 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 9:45:52am

re: #301 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse


Rummy wants us to occupy Afghanistan? So U.S. troops can keep getting shot at and hit with IED’s and all the rest?

Of course, it’s not his grandchildren being shot at with IEDs.

304 Dr. Matt  Jan 13, 2015 9:45:53am

re: #300 Skip Intro

Only in extreme right-wing world would Rummy and Cheney be given a platform to speak.

305 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 9:46:25am

re: #300 Skip Intro

So, then Bush got a SOFA for Iraq before he left office? Oh wait, he left that for Obama to figure out, and Obama refused to allow US service members to be liable for actions in Iraqi courts (something that the Iraqis had demanded if there was wrongdoing).

306 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 9:46:54am

re: #304 Dr. Matt

Only in extreme right-wing world would Rummy and Cheney be given a platform to speak.

or be treated as credible to speak on military matters because you know they totally didn’t botch the Iraq thing. Oh wait.

307 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 9:47:54am

re: #305 lawhawk

So, then Bush got a SOFA for Iraq before he left office? Oh wait, he left that for Obama to figure out, and Obama refused to allow US service members to be liable for actions in Iraqi courts (something that the Iraqis had demanded if there was wrongdoing).

You would think the latter would be something they would be happy about given that they believe Obama is constantly apologizing for the US but then again, Obama is both the great appeaser and like Hitler.

308 CuriousLurker  Jan 13, 2015 9:48:16am

Oh boy, here we go. Wingnut freakouts begin in 5… 4… 3…

309 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 13, 2015 9:48:27am

re: #305 lawhawk

So, then Bush got a SOFA for Iraq before he left office? Oh wait, he left that for Obama to figure out, and Obama refused to allow US service members to be liable for actions in Iraqi courts (something that the Iraqis had demanded if there was wrongdoing).

Trained vs untrained monkey?

310 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 13, 2015 9:49:19am

re: #308 CuriousLurker

Pelosi to name first Muslim lawmaker — Andre Carson of Idiana — to House intelligence committee =

Pelosi Takes First Steps Towards Imposing Sharia on Unsuspecting Americans

311 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 9:49:32am

re: #308 CuriousLurker

Oh boy, here we go. Wingnut freakouts begin in 5… 4… 3…

[Embedded content]

Yep. Here come the accusations about how Nancy Pelosi and Andre Carson are both in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood and are Friends of Hamas.

312 Dr. Matt  Jan 13, 2015 9:49:46am

Not at all,” Rumsfeld said, according to an official Pentagon transcript. “The area in the south and the west and the north that coalition forces control is substantial. It happens not to be the area where weapons of mass destruction were dispersed. We know where they are. They’re in the area around Tikrit and Baghdad and east, west, south and north somewhat.”

313 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Jan 13, 2015 9:50:10am

re: #308 CuriousLurker

Oh boy, here we go. Wingnut freakouts begin in 5… 4… 3…

[Embedded content]

He’s a SPY!!!!!!

314 CuriousLurker  Jan 13, 2015 9:51:36am

re: #311 HappyWarrior

Yep. Here come the accusations about how Nancy Pelosi and Andre Carson are both in bed with the Muslim Brotherhood and are Friends of Hamas.

Exactly. And he’s probably going to pass all our top secret intelligence to (take your pick): ISIS, MB, AQ, Iran, etc.

315 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 9:52:29am

re: #314 CuriousLurker

Exactly. And he’s probably going to pass all our top secret intelligence to (take your pick): ISIS, MB, AQ, Iran, etc.

Yeah agh. Gonna be ugly.

316 CuriousLurker  Jan 13, 2015 9:52:49am

re: #310 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Pelosi to name first Muslim lawmaker — Andre Carson of Idiana — to House intelligence committee =

Pelosi Takes First Steps Towards Imposing Sharia on Unsuspecting Americans

Indeed. Why do I get the feeling she’s trolling them? LOL

317 Dr. Matt  Jan 13, 2015 9:53:09am

re: #308 CuriousLurker

The comments on Politico about this story look like Storm Front/Fox News:

318 Dr Lizardo  Jan 13, 2015 9:53:11am

re: #308 CuriousLurker

Oh boy, here we go. Wingnut freakouts begin in 5… 4… 3…

[Embedded content]


And even though I’m just being snarky, yeah………that’s probably what they’ll say.


319 CuriousLurker  Jan 13, 2015 9:54:15am

re: #317 Dr. Matt

The comments on Politico about this story look like Storm Front/Fox News:

Yeah, I know better than to look at the comments. Uh-uh, no way.

320 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 13, 2015 9:54:20am

re: #316 CuriousLurker

Indeed. Why do I get the feeling she’s trolling them? LOL

She is just trying to do her job, which has the effect of trolling them about 90% of the time.

321 CuriousLurker  Jan 13, 2015 9:54:54am

re: #318 Dr Lizardo


[Embedded content]

And even though I’m just being snarky, yeah………that’s probably what they’ll say.


Yep, suspect loyalties and all that. *SIGH*

322 CuriousLurker  Jan 13, 2015 9:55:34am

re: #320 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

She is just trying to do her job, which has the effect of trolling them about 90% of the time.

True that—sad, but true.

323 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 9:57:09am

re: #317 Dr. Matt

The comments on Politico about this story look like Storm Front/Fox News:

Not going to read. But sadly any story involving Muslims makes certain internet commentators sound like Stormfront/Fox Nation commentators.

324 Eventual Carrion  Jan 13, 2015 9:57:26am

re: #300 Skip Intro

Unindicted war criminal Donald Rumsfield expresses his feelings on Obama not obtaining an agreement with outgoing Afghan President Hamid Karzai to keep US troops in Afghanistan like forever:

And yes, of course, it was on Fox News.

Like the trained ape that thought it was a good idea to sell Saddam chemical weapons?

325 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 9:57:49am


I thought all hard working Patriot American Christian patriots were all working too hard at their jobs to have time to comment on the Internets…..


326 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 9:59:23am

re: #324 Eventual Carrion

Like the trained ape that thought it was a good idea to sell Saddam chemical weapons?

Yeah nice one Ronnie and Donnie. I’ve never seen one prominent conservative actually condemn the Reagan administration for that but you know damn well if Obama had done, it would be the “proof” that Obama shares Saddam’s bloodlust.

327 CuriousLurker  Jan 13, 2015 10:01:18am

Speaking of wingnuts & Islamophobia/creeping sharia, Wonkette had a really good one yesterday:

328 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 10:03:41am

re: #327 CuriousLurker

Speaking of wingnuts & Islamophobia/creeping sharia, Wonkette had a really good one yesterday:

[Embedded content]

We went to a field trip to the National Cathedrial when I was a kid. Not a person complained. But yeah a mosque, it has, it has, it has to be ISLAMIC INDOCTRINATION.

329 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 13, 2015 10:05:10am

re: #328 HappyWarrior

We went to a field trip to the National Cathedrial when I was a kid. Not a person complained. But yeah a mosque, it has, it has, it has to be ISLAMIC INDOCTRINATION.

I don’t have a problem with the “indoctrination” aspect, but it does raise issues of church and state.

Point is, it is impossible to teach about religion in schools without annoying somebody. Either one is too neutral or not partisan enough.

330 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 10:05:45am


Suddenly, in the face of Radical Islam Sharia Law Terrorist Beheadings (i.e., the existence of a field trip to a mosque), the wingnuts have found their inner feminist:

That whole article is so full of Win…

331 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 10:09:22am

re: #329 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

I don’t have a problem with the “indoctrination” aspect, but it does raise issues of church and state.

Point is, it is impossible to teach about religion in schools without annoying somebody. Either one is too neutral or not partisan enough.

Looking at the article, seems like the school is visiting a church and synagogue as well. My bet is they’ve been learning about the three Abrahamic religions at school. It seems pretty harmless to me.

332 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 10:11:11am

Strangely, we haven’t seen anyone complaining that the students will be forced to comply with Greek Orthodox or Jewish law by not being allowed to wear shorts to those buildings,

Right, and the article goes on to say that audience isn’t mandatory on the field trip either so yeah what we do have here? Another wingnut flip out over a lot of nothing.

333 Kragar  Jan 13, 2015 10:12:00am
334 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 10:16:00am


The whole foofaraw was started by a local rightwing radio host, Peter Boyles

Is it the duty of all RWNJ families to dedicate one child to serve in the role of hate radio show barker when they grow up?

In addition to being about 900 years old, Peter Boyles also said this

In February 2009, Boyles sparked controversy in Colorado for repeatedly referring to Democratic U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette of Denver as “Vagina DeGette” / “Vagina DeJet” while on air.[6]

335 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 10:17:42am

Also, too:


I plan on stealing that word many a time

336 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 13, 2015 10:18:48am

re: #331 HappyWarrior

Looking at the article, seems like the school is visiting a church and synagogue as well. My bet is they’ve been learning about the three Abrahamic religions at school. It seems pretty harmless to me.

I get that, in general a decent idea. But there will be people who will be upset unless they are taught that (scripture of coice) is the True, Complete and Inerrant Word of God/Yahweh/Allah and that all other religions are false.

337 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 10:19:36am

re: #334 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse


Is it the duty of all RWNJ families to dedicate one child to serve in the role of hate radio show barker when they grow up?

In addition to being about 900 years old, Peter Boyles also said this

It’s just satire libtard.// Get a better sense of humor and stop being so PC. But yeah seriously seems to me that all these right wing talk show hosts have the same stupid bigoted sense of humor. Boyles was probably just mad because he knows DeGette is a lot more smart and accomplished than he, a Colorado Rush Limbaugh wannabe.

338 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 10:19:59am

re: #336 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

I get that, in general a decent idea. But there will be people who will be upset unless they are taught that (scripture of coice) is the True, Complete and Inerrant Word of God/Yahweh/Allah and that all other religions are false.

True, I guess that’s why you don’t make attendance mandatory.

339 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 13, 2015 10:21:29am

re: #338 HappyWarrior

True, I guess that’s why you don’t make attendance mandatory.

The rest can stay at home and wear spaghetti strainers on their heads…

340 Dr Lizardo  Jan 13, 2015 10:23:33am

re: #339 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

The rest can stay at home and wear spaghetti strainers on their heads…

And may you be touched by His noodly appendage.

341 Feline Fearless Leader  Jan 13, 2015 10:24:18am

It looks like the official Religious Edict Organization in Egypt is saying that Charlie Hebdo shouldn’t publish their next issue because they are “unnecessarily provoking” the feelings of Muslims world wide.

MSNBC article

That may be true, but suppressing Charlie Hebdo at this point would mean that the terrorists won. So the Muslims world wide have to accept some hurt feelings because what is happening *is* the secular response to a blatant attempt to suppress free thought and expression (however distasteful) via terrorism and violence.

342 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 13, 2015 10:26:29am

re: #341 Feline Fearless Leader

That may be true, but suppressing Charlie Hebdo at this point would mean that the terrorists won. So the Muslims world wide have to accept some hurt feelings because what is happening *is* the secular response to a blatant attempt to suppress free thought and expression (however distasteful) via terrorism and violence.

Each nation may decide for itself what can and what cannot be published. The issue here is that they cannot suppress it in other countries where it is allowed.

343 Higgs Boson's Mate  Jan 13, 2015 10:27:28am

re: #337 HappyWarrior

It’s just satire libtard.// Get a better sense of humor and stop being so PC. But yeah seriously seems to me that all these right wing talk show hosts have the same stupid bigoted sense of humor. Boyles was probably just mad because he knows DeGette is a lot more smart and accomplished than he, a Colorado Rush Limbaugh wannabe.

It occurs to me that the wingers envy and therefore hate anyone who seems more at ease in this world than they are.

344 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 10:30:02am

re: #343 Higgs Boson’s Mate

It occurs to me that the wingers envy and therefore hate anyone who seems more at ease in this world than they are.

Pretty much yeah.

345 CuriousLurker  Jan 13, 2015 10:30:06am

re: #341 Feline Fearless Leader

It looks like the official Religious Edict Organization in Egypt is saying that Charlie Hebdo shouldn’t publish their next issue because they are “unnecessarily provoking” the feelings of Muslims world wide.

MSNBC article

That may be true, but suppressing Charlie Hebdo at this point would mean that the terrorists won. So the Muslims world wide have to accept some hurt feelings because what is happening *is* the secular response to a blatant attempt to suppress free thought and expression (however distasteful) via terrorism and violence.

That’s fine as long as I’m allowed to reserve my right NOT to view their magazines/cartoons. If someone comes along shoving them in my face, insisting that I look at them and demanding that I refrain from expressing my dislike, then they can just piss right the hell off.

346 Skip Intro  Jan 13, 2015 10:30:14am

re: #343 Higgs Boson’s Mate

It occurs to me that the wingers envy and therefore hate anyone who seems more at ease in this world than they are.

Wingers live in a dark, tiny box which they’re told through their media of choice is getting smaller and darker and scarier because the Godless have targeted them for destruction.

It’s a hell of a way to live, but around 1/3 of the country likes it.

347 Varek Raith  Jan 13, 2015 10:33:25am

I sometimes wonder what it’s like being scared shitless all the time.

348 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 13, 2015 10:33:32am

re: #343 Higgs Boson’s Mate

It occurs to me that the wingers envy and therefore hate anyone who seems more at ease in this world than they are.

They are especially disturbed by people who are at ease with their sexuality, particularly when that sexuality is not white-bread, missionary-in-the-dark hetero.

349 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 10:36:03am

good freakin grief…

350 CuriousLurker  Jan 13, 2015 10:37:08am

re: #349 Backwoods_Sleuth

good freakin grief…

[Embedded content]

The responses are a hoot!

351 The Vicious Babushka  Jan 13, 2015 10:41:02am

Jewish Federation in metro Detroit to close facility in middle-class neighborhood with large Jewish population, keep another facility open in ultra-wealthy neighborhood.

352 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 10:43:24am

Definitely need to save this one:

353 Higgs Boson's Mate  Jan 13, 2015 10:44:08am

“Totally Urbanized” Dog Takes Bus to the Park All by Herself

A Seattle dog, sick of waiting around for her owner, has learned to ride public transit by herself. Eclipse the black lab knows how to catch the D Line by her apartment, ride for 3 or stops, and hop off at a dog park near Downtown.

Bus drivers and regular passengers have gotten used to the dog, who sits in her seat “like a person” and looks out the window to make sure she doesn’t miss her stop…

354 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 10:49:02am

re: #353 Higgs Boson’s Mate

“Totally Urbanized” Dog Takes Bus to the Park All by Herself

[Embedded content]

I read that story this morning and loved it.
Original KOMO-News story here.

355 Feline Fearless Leader  Jan 13, 2015 10:50:19am

re: #345 CuriousLurker

That’s fine as long as I’m allowed to reserve my right NOT to view their magazines/cartoons. If someone comes along shoving them in my face, insisting that I look at them and demanding that I refrain from expressing my dislike, then they can just piss right the hell off.

Of course. That should go without saying. I don’t think you (or anyone) should be forced to watch David Barton at the point of a gun.

356 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 10:53:18am

oh, hell, yes I would totally do this (and might even be able to pull it off)!

357 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 10:55:50am


this person literally just questioned whether a Black woman could possibly be French.

It’s the new journalism, asking all the pertinent questions…..

[wingnut]How come this nurse infected with Ebola can be a nurse in all these different states? Is this legal? [/blockquote]

358 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 10:56:25am


A definite keeper

359 The Vicious Babushka  Jan 13, 2015 10:56:34am


360 CuriousLurker  Jan 13, 2015 10:57:57am

re: #355 Feline Fearless Leader

Of course. That should go without saying. I don’t think you (or anyone) should be forced to watch David Barton at the point of a gun.

Sometimes it feels otherwise. I’m not talking about you personally, I mean generally speaking. It makes me twitch.

361 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 11:00:12am


Moving The Goalposts, Exhibit 94C.

If a Democrat is president and disability claims rise it means no economic recovery has occured.

362 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 11:03:36am


Whut about all teh Food Stamps?!?!??!??!?!?

363 No Country For Old Haters  Jan 13, 2015 11:06:57am

re: #280 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

364 No Country For Old Haters  Jan 13, 2015 11:08:40am

re: #317 Dr. Matt

The comments on Politico about this story look like Storm Front/Fox News:

Politico has a lot of crazed wingnut commenters, but at least they don’t delete reality-based comments from decent people like Fox, Stormfront or Free Republic.

365 The Vicious Babushka  Jan 13, 2015 11:09:01am

re: #362 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse


Whut about all teh Food Stamps?!?!??!??!?!?

366 Dr. Matt  Jan 13, 2015 11:10:12am

Glenn Beck whines that the Huckster is “one of the most disingenuous men I have ever, ever met because he is someone who cynically uses his faith for political purposes.”.

Pot meet kettle
367 b.d.  Jan 13, 2015 11:10:49am

He’s still got that magic touch:

Not a Single Person Has Donated to Dick Morris’s Anti-Hillary Super PAC



Sixteen months ago, to some fanfare, Dick Morris re-entered the anti-Clinton fray with a new PAC. He launched Dick Morris’s Just Say No to Hillary PAC, registering it from Tampa.

// snip

In filings today, first flagged by Center for Public Integrity reporter Dave Levinthal, Just Say No to Hillary PAC reported no donors through all of 2014.

I can’t wait for Dick to predict another Romney landslide.

368 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 11:11:40am

re: #366 Dr. Matt

Glenn Beck whines that the Huckster is “one of the most disingenuous men I have ever, ever met because he is someone who cynically uses his faith for political purposes.”.

Image: Pot meet kettle

Hah yep.

369 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 11:12:01am


Lets act like a Democrat Welfare and foodstamps for all no need to work for a living when the govt can give it to you!

I hope this conservative patriot Christian proud American isn’t tweeting this from the job he’s working so hard at not like liberals who don’t work and just take welfare and free community college.


370 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 13, 2015 11:13:00am

re: #365 The Vicious Babushka

14.6% of the US population is on Food Stamps. The left calls this progress.

How many of these are working poor?

371 Dr. Matt  Jan 13, 2015 11:13:52am

re: #370 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

14.6% of the US population is on Food Stamps. The left calls this progress.

How many of these are working poor?

When did the Left ever once call this “progress”?

372 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 11:14:15am

re: #371 Dr. Matt

When did the Left ever once call this “progress”?

In his imagination where ACA is the same as death camps.

373 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 11:14:42am


Dick Morris is something like what CCJ will be in 40 years or so. And what CCJ more or less is already now: a grifting huckster with a new scam every day

374 b.d.  Jan 13, 2015 11:15:38am

re: #373 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse


Dick Morris is something like what CCJ will be in 40 years or so. And what CCJ more or less is already now: a grifting huckster with a new scam every day

Chuck is the Dick Morris of the Twitter era.

375 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 11:15:52am


If he didn’t mean to say what he said, he wouldn’t have said it in the first place.

He wanted to make the comparison; he was following in the footsteps of a boatload of other GOPers and right wingers who have made the same comparison.

His only apology is that he got caught doing it - and that he’s a Congressman to boot so his words actually matter.

376 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 11:17:53am

re: #375 lawhawk

[Embedded content]


If he didn’t mean to say what he said, he wouldn’t have said it in the first place.

He wanted to make the comparison; he was following in the footsteps of a boatload of other GOPers and right wingers who have made the same comparison.

His only apology is that he got caught doing it - and that he’s a Congressman to boot so his words actually matter.

It’s also not the first time that Weber has done this. He knew what he was doing because he knows how right wingers love to feel like they’re akin to Nazi victims.

377 No Country For Old Haters  Jan 13, 2015 11:20:06am

re: #365 The Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

378 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 13, 2015 11:20:07am


I’m sorry all you libtards and nonFox media got mad becuz you think I compared the president to Hitler just because I said the president was like Hitler

379 b.d.  Jan 13, 2015 11:20:58am

re: #375 lawhawk

[Embedded content]


If he didn’t mean to say what he said, he wouldn’t have said it in the first place.

He wanted to make the comparison; he was following in the footsteps of a boatload of other GOPers and right wingers who have made the same comparison.

His only apology is that he got caught doing it - and that he’s a Congressman to boot so his words actually matter.

Just being a dumbass needs to quit being a valid excuse for a sitting Congressman

380 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 11:21:35am

The only thing that shocked me about the Hitler comp was that it wasn’t GOHMERT or Cantaloupe Legs King.

381 No Country For Old Haters  Jan 13, 2015 11:21:39am

re: #376 HappyWarrior

It’s also not the first time that Weber has done this. He knew what he was doing because he knows how right wingers love to feel like they’re akin to Nazi victims.

When really they’re more like Nazis. Their egos depend on believing that they’re heroes fighting tyranny, but it’s all fantasy role-playing, and they actually support far-right-wing theocratic tyranny.

382 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 11:23:25am

re: #381 No Country For Old Haters

When really they’re more like Nazis. Their egos depend on believing that they’re heroes fighting tyranny, but it’s all fantasy role-playing, and they actually support far-right-wing theocratic tyranny.

Right, as I got at CL earlier, the Nazi comps anger me on a personal level because of what my family experienced under the Nazis but they also anger me because they seem to lack the awareness that they engage in the same scapegoating that the Nazis did and continue to do it.

383 Feline Fearless Leader  Jan 13, 2015 11:24:25am

re: #381 No Country For Old Haters

When really they’re more like Nazis. Their egos depend on believing that they’re heroes fighting tyranny, but it’s all fantasy role-playing, and they actually support far-right-wing theocratic tyranny.

So. We need to hire Ian McKellen to put on his beard and then go recruit twelve of the them to quest to a land on the far side of the Rocky Mountains to hunt a dragon?

384 No Country For Old Haters  Jan 13, 2015 11:24:50am

re: #365 The Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

385 Varek Raith  Jan 13, 2015 11:25:11am
386 Dr Lizardo  Jan 13, 2015 11:27:03am

re: #383 Feline Fearless Leader

So. We need to hire Ian McKellen to put on his beard and then go recruit twelve of the them to quest to a land on the far side of the Rocky Mountains to hunt a dragon?

Yeah, but it’d be this Ian McKellen they’d be adulating.

Youtube Video

387 Kragar  Jan 13, 2015 11:27:53am
388 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 11:29:27am

re: #387 Kragar

[Embedded content]

“Wait you mean bad things happened other than Hilts being sent to the cooler happened under Hitler.” Randy Weber

389 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 11:30:31am

Really healthy advice to wingnuts, read about what Hitler actually was and did before you insult millions of victims of Nazism by likening our president to Hitler because it makes your martyr complex rise.

390 Dr Lizardo  Jan 13, 2015 11:30:32am

re: #386 Dr Lizardo

Corrected. Refresh to see the proper vid.

391 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 11:35:52am

I can’t believe I missed the news about who is taking over Colbert Report’s time slot on the Comedy Channel.

Larry Wilmore: ‘Nightly Show’ Will Blend ‘Daily Show,’ ‘Politically Incorrect’ Formats

Wilmore described the half-hour show that will fill 11:30 p.m. slot vacated by “The Colbert Report” on Comedy Central as a hybrid of “The Daily Show with Jon Stewart” and “Politically Incorrect.” The first half of the show will present a look at some key events of the day, while the second half will feature a roundtable discussion with a handful of participants that he promises will go “without a net.”

“The panel discussion will deconstruct events,” Wilmore said. “We’ll have a nice balance of the scripted element and the non-scripted.”

The show has a handful of contributors that will not serve as correspondents in the same way “Daily Show” features them — Wilmore himself was the show’s “senior black correspondent” for years — but more as contributors of comedic bits and perspective.

Premiere is January 19…coincidentally, MLK Day.

392 Mike Lamb  Jan 13, 2015 11:36:16am

re: #371 Dr. Matt

When did the Left ever once call this “progress”?

We actually call the Walmart employees.

393 lawhawk  Jan 13, 2015 11:37:20am

re: #383 Feline Fearless Leader

To face off with a helmeted Ian McKellen with mutant powers and his army of mutants who want to avoid another Holocaust. /because there must be balance in the Force.

394 Varek Raith  Jan 13, 2015 11:37:54am

re: #393 lawhawk

To face off with a helmeted Ian McKellen with mutant powers and his army of mutants who want to avoid another Holocaust. /because there must be balance in the Force.

Do NOT cross the streams!

395 Feline Fearless Leader  Jan 13, 2015 11:38:15am

re: #393 lawhawk

To face off with a helmeted Ian McKellen with mutant powers and his army of mutants who want to avoid another Holocaust. /because there must be balance in the Force.

Well, the trip over the mountains for them will be easier since pot is legal for the orcs now. They’re much less cranky now.

396 ObserverArt  Jan 13, 2015 11:38:41am

re: #331 HappyWarrior

Looking at the article, seems like the school is visiting a church and synagogue as well. My bet is they’ve been learning about the three Abrahamic religions at school. It seems pretty harmless to me.

Harmless, oh yeah. It really should be demanded as a required class in every school in this country.

397 Higgs Boson's Mate  Jan 13, 2015 11:39:07am

re: #371 Dr. Matt

When did the Left ever once call this “progress”?

You’re going to be so embarrassed when Keystone XL creates 47,000,000 full-time jobs.

398 Kragar  Jan 13, 2015 11:40:02am

re: #392 Mike Lamb

We actually call the Walmart employees.

Going to have to steal that, you understand.

399 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 11:40:16am

re: #397 Higgs Boson’s Mate

You’re going to be so embarrassed when Keystone XL creates 47,000,000 full-time jobs.

All minimum wage jobs and the workers will need those food stamps for gruel…

400 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 11:40:29am

re: #396 ObserverArt

Harmless, oh yeah. It really should be demanded as a required class in every school in this country.

A class that explains the world’s major religions and key tenets of their beliefs? We had that in 9th grade world history in Virginia. Not sure about other states.

401 Dr Lizardo  Jan 13, 2015 11:41:42am

re: #397 Higgs Boson’s Mate

You’re going to be so embarrassed when Keystone XL creates 47,000,000 full-time jobs.

EVERYONE KNOWS THAT KEYSTONE XL WILL CREATE 110,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 JOBS!!!!!

402 Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 13, 2015 11:42:07am

re: #400 HappyWarrior

A class that explains the world’s major religions and key tenets of their beliefs? We had that in 9th grade world history in Virginia. Not sure about other states.

I actually remember that being part of a class in 6th or 7th grade at my Catholic school.

403 Feline Fearless Leader  Jan 13, 2015 11:43:27am

re: #397 Higgs Boson’s Mate

You’re going to be so embarrassed when Keystone XL creates 47,000,000 full-time jobs.

Peons carrying tar buckets on their backs in a continuous conga line.

Some nuts would go ga-ga over that being the new option.

404 HappyWarrior  Jan 13, 2015 11:43:48am

re: #402 Backwoods_Sleuth

I actually remember that being part of a class in 6th or 7th grade at my Catholic school.

6th and 7th grade history here was American history to reconstruction and reconstruction to the present respectively. I think it was helpful. I remember reading about a wingnut parent flipping out about what Islam actually was being taught. Yeah can’t teach the kiddos that Islam isn’t Satanic, how awful.//

405 vidugavia  Jan 13, 2015 11:50:31am

There are NOT any 5 percent muslims in Sweden. The map posted by Sauders is also in error. It is probably based on that about half a million swedes has roots in muslim majority countries. The problem with this is that it includes about 120000 assyrian christians, unknown but not insignificant amounts of very atheist communist persians and a lot of people that don’t give a damn about religion.

Muslims in Sweden, people of faith and at least some practice, probably amounts somewhere between 100000 to 200000 people. About 110000 people partook in some Mosque activities in 2010 and I believe that there is some air in those numbers as they are self-reported by the mosques themselves. On the other hand there are some minor mosques that are not included in that statistic.

406 Rocky-in-Connecticut  Jan 13, 2015 11:56:13am

re: #127 William Barnett-Lewis

since that is a 3 wheeler it is classified in the USA as a motorcycle just like any other 3 wheeler. You will need a Motorcycle license to drive it on public roads.

407 ObserverArt  Jan 13, 2015 11:58:00am

re: #400 HappyWarrior

A class that explains the world’s major religions and key tenets of their beliefs? We had that in 9th grade world history in Virginia. Not sure about other states.

re: #402 Backwoods_Sleuth

I actually remember that being part of a class in 6th or 7th grade at my Catholic school.

Should be a whole half-year class on the topic of religion, it’s impact and how it can be used for good and bad and its influence on world politics and history. Not just a class in history, or sociology, etc.

408 De Kolta Chair  Jan 13, 2015 12:21:15pm

re: #333 Kragar

Jeez, who died on the cross and made Kirk Cameron pope?

409 Khal Wimpo  Jan 13, 2015 12:25:22pm

re: #364 No Country For Old Haters

Holy noodly FSM! The comments on Politico have devolved into the toxic sludge that Yahoo News used to be. Just a few seconds of scrolling through them and I felt like shoving a bottlebrush into my ear to scrub out my neocortex.

Back here, breathing a sigh of relief. The hysterical name-calling and hatred over there is depressing. Are there really so very many angry dimwits?

410 De Kolta Chair  Jan 13, 2015 12:42:20pm

re: #301 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse


Rummy wants us to occupy Afghanistan? So U.S. troops can keep getting shot at and hit with IED’s and all the rest?

Please show some respect for our troops. Rummy’s gotta be on his 12th or 13th redeployment by now. /////

411 CuriousLurker  Jan 13, 2015 12:58:54pm

re: #409 Khal Wimpo

Yep, that’s that non-existent Islamophobia for you. //

Both Sam Harris & Bill Maher have fawningly (and incorrectly) attributed the following definition of Islamophobia to Hitchens:

“A word created by fascists, and used by cowards, to manipulate morons.”

Andrew Cummins later proudly took credit for the definition, according to one of the bloggers on Patheos’ atheist channel.

They claim they’re not bigots, they’re realists. Uh-huh, just like the racial realists such as David Duke, who claim they’re not actually bottom-feeding, hate-filled white supremacist POS.

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