And Now for Some Insane Raving About the SC KKK Rally, Brought to You by Glenn Beck’s “The Blaze”

Seriously nuts
Wingnuts • Views: 73,439

Glenn Beck’s pseudo-news site The Blaze posted an article about the Ku Klux Klan rally in South Carolina, and it’s boring.

But the comments! A cornucopia of right wing insanity, coming atcha from all angles! The Klan are Democrats! Nazis are liberal socialists! Blacks are the real racists! It’s a false flag, funded by George Soros! Staged by Democrat operatives! The liberal media blames us whites for everything! And the Klan are right, by the way! But they’re Democrats, so they’re evil! Except they’re not evil, they’re the only ones standing up against the racist liberal media and the racist negroes! And La Raza! Don’t forget La Raza!

I wish I were exaggerating. Here’s a small selection of the insanity, presented for your bemusement.

The difference is Proud White People have no need to shout ‘White Power’ ! We are White and have the power ! I guess negroes just constantly find need to remind themselves of whatever black power is suppose to be,or whatever they perceive it to be ! The liberal media is always blaming Whites for every problem negroes have or ever will have. I remember a few years back Brotha Sharpton demanded that negroes be treated with ‘respect and dignity’ ! Yeah right ! You don’t get treated with ‘respect and dignity’because you’re a *****,thats something that’s earned.What negroes need to do is learn to function in a civilized society. In about a year and half we will have a White President again and all this nonsense will end with that race baiting Muslim out of the White House and back in Kenya working on his Presidential Library !


Yes because the left is the part of the political spectrum supporting the Confederate flag and the KKK


Nazis are socialists…..left wing bottom-side


If this is acceptable, “Black power!”, then why not this, “White power?” Maybe it’s black privilege that’s the problem.


I watched both rallies live. 99% of everyone their were Racists! All DemocRats! A key part of President Obama’s legacy will be the fed’s unprecedented collection of sensitive data on Americans by race. The government is prying into our most personal information at the most local levels, all for the purpose of “racial and economic justice.”

Unbeknown to most Americans, Obama’s racial bean counters are furiously mining data on their health, home loans, credit cards, places of work, neighborhoods, even how their kids are disciplined in school — all to document “inequalities” between minorities and whites.


Ain’t that sumthin, both the kkk and the nbp have some deep roots
in the democratic party, i bet if they they threw a Bar-b-q with ribs,
chicken, potato salad, with some biscuit’s and a little white gravy
these two groups might get along better then having mega-phones
and rocks so handy, at least until they ran out of beer.


Both groups are racist organizations. But this is probably being staged by Democrat operatives to stir up racial hate and to smear the south. Yes the democrat party was and still is the party of slavery and the KKK. The modern day Democrat party intends to enslave all Free Americans regardless of race. It’s the communist Fascist way .


The first annual Democrat intramural games.


Obama- “Excellent.” Next step, martial law.


The klan rose up to suppress the Republican vote through voter intimidation using the noose thousands of times and using the burning cross. They were a wing of the Democrat party, just as I believe they are now. They only seem to show up to provide a visual aid for the Democrat narrative when elections are near or when Republicans have momentum towards shrinking government, which Democrats say is racist because Democrats say that everything against their collectivist agenda is racist! David Duke and the klan have been silent through the Obama years. Interesting, huh? Elections are coming though. ……
The panthers are a wing of the Democrat party too. It would not surprise me if all of the klan and panther members rode in on buses paid for by labor unions!


They have to have a strong law enforcement presence at events like this. That’s done to keep the negroes from doing anything really stupid and getting hurt or arrested. (Law enforcement knows if negroes get into trouble they will yell racism,and Brotha Sharpton will be harassing people in your town the next day,trying to speak english but never able to pull it off. He likes to speak in that old days Mammy ***** dialect.)The negroes can’t breathe,black lives matter,they like to hold their hands up as to an imaginary arrest,etc.,,etc. they like to wear black tee shirts with these and other such ridiculous statements on them. I’m no fan of the KKK,but it’s good to know they won’t get accused of something that never happened. Trust,but verify !


everyone laughs at the klan, but back in the day they said the negroes will cause more trouble as time goes by!!
i listened to a taped klan recording of a rally circa 1960s…ill be damned if the person speaking wasnt prophet!

EVERYTHING he said was 100% accurate!….


The Instigator in Chief could not be more pleased


0 has that huge monkey grin, running thru the rainbow house high-fivin’ everyone!!


I would not be surprised if both groups were paid by George Soros. Are these really KKK members? And just because the other ones say they are Black Panthers do we really know? Easy to put on a costume. At this point they will do anything to destroy this country. These could be agent provocatuers meant to push the globalists agenda for a race war; and the collapse of America.


If this spreads it’ll be the straw. White people beaten to death by groups of black people. Groups of whites shooting every black they see. War in the streets. Martial law over the nation.

There are many more comments in this vein, and some are much worse — raving paranoid insanity and denials of racism, right next to absolutely overt racism. And these are just from the first two pages in the comment thread.

It’s no wonder someone like Donald Trump is doing so well in the polls. After years of incitement and dog-whistle racism by Fox News and right wing blogs and news sites, the right wing base is completely deranged. Certifiable.

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The Vicious Babushka  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:03:40pm

So I found this vomitous hashtag # whiteworkethic where else on #tcot

William Lewis  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:06:46pm

re: #1 The Vicious Babushka

So I found this vomitous hashtag # whiteworkethic where else on #tcot

[Embedded content]

Yeah? Hey dude, I got a bridge for sale too.

Dr. Matt  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:10:04pm
ObserverArt  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:10:07pm

Well, this proves nothing. I’m still waiting for someone to prove racism is still an issue in this country. This is just some upset people venting. They don’t mean it.

It’s satire, and you damn liberals fall for it every time. Hahahaha.

/ gag

Dark_Falcon  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:10:51pm

To all the Klansmen who showed up to spew hate and to all their online supporters, this one’s for you:

Charles Johnson  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:11:05pm

re: #4 ObserverArt


Belafon  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:14:33pm

re: #1 The Vicious Babushka

Charles Johnson  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:15:09pm

How come the only political ads we’re getting from Google are from right wing Republican candidates like Ben Carson and Ted Cruz?

Where are the Democrats?

missliberties  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:16:10pm

What if these people were your relatives and you had to sit with them for a picnic and one of them started calling Obama a muslim. No seriously. What would you do. Ignore them respond politely or totally lose it can call them a liar to their face?

In BeckiStan, internet chat rooms become a safe place where the vilest things can be said with no consequence.

teleskiguy  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:17:19pm

The “Democrats are the real racists, party of slavery and the KKK” canard is getting really old. And it’s a matter of truth to the GOP base. Ahistoical nonsense.

stpaulbear  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:18:44pm

re: #8 Charles Johnson

How come the only political ads we’re getting from Google are from right wing Republican candidates like Ben Carson and Ted Cruz?

Because the sites that LGF most often links to are raging right-wing
asshole sites?

Charles Johnson  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:22:19pm

re: #11 stpaulbear

Because the sites that LGF most often links to are raging right-wing
asshole sites?

Except… I’m not seeing Google ads for Democrats at other liberal sites, either. The Democratic Party just isn’t spending any money on advertising.

No Depression  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:23:12pm

re: #9 missliberties

I’ve actually experienced this myself. Unless it’s my dad, I always just bite my tongue. It just isn’t worth the effort to challenge them on it. They’re beyond hope.

William Lewis  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:28:29pm

re: #12 Charles Johnson

Except… I’m not seeing Google ads for Democrats at other liberal sites, either. The Democratic Party just isn’t spending any money on advertising.

They’re stockpiling money. They seem to think they don’t need to advertise right now and that letting the wingnuts waste money on ads is fine. I’m not sure they’re wrong. They get news coverage of the President’s kicking butt and taking names, Bernie & Hillary are both drawing good crowds without the ads and so on. If the money is saved up no it may well be very useful as we close in on Election Day.

ObserverArt  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:29:36pm

re: #12 Charles Johnson

Except… I’m not seeing Google ads for Democrats at other liberal sites, either. The Democratic Party just isn’t spending any money on advertising.

Why should they right now?

They can stay clean and no one will even be noticing since the GOP seems hell bent on destroying all their candidates by the turn of the year. The whole time the Republicans will be spending money and losing while doing it. It’s going to cost them to create a candidate.

The Dems can save up for next year and then roll out big. And if they are really smart they can go easy on each other and keep building the big war chest for the election no matter the candidate.

stpaulbear  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:30:57pm

re: #14 William Lewis

They’re stockpiling money. They seem to think they don’t need to advertise right now and that letting the wingnuts waste money on ads is fine. I’m not sure they’re wrong. They get news coverage of the President’s kicking butt and taking names, Bernie & Hillary are both drawing good crowds without the ads and so on. If the money is saved up no it may well be very useful as we close in on Election Day.

BeachDem has been saying that Hillary has been doing a lot of ground work. That’s probably a better way to spend money right now.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:31:33pm

In DETROIT? What in the utter fuck

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:32:40pm

Speaking of that heartfelt white love, two of the first three comments at a new WaPo article about Walker:

twoeagle [complete with confederate flag]
6:29 PM PDT
If our government was doing their job, Mr. Flores would have been arrested right then and deported along with his illegal wife. They should have sent his kids with them.


6:09 PM PDT [Edited]
Flores, who lives in Waukesha and works for a medical supply factory, said he and his wife live in fear of being deported and separated from their children, who he said were all born in the United States.
——————————-So, he’s working illegally, quite possibly on a stolen SS number (a felony). And it would never occur to him or his family that ALL of them can go to Mexico quite legally. Mexico even recognizes the US-citizen kids as citizens of Mexico. The US, however, does NOT recognize the illegal alien parents as having any right to be here. The responses of the kids are exactly why we have the term “anchor babies”—and why we should do away with birthright citizenship. The kids seem to think that what their parents did is perfectly fine.

Charles Johnson  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:34:04pm

re: #15 ObserverArt

I don’t know about that. I think this election is going to be a tooth and nail battle, and the Democratic Party is making a mistake by not getting into the game as early as the Republicans.

teleskiguy  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:34:35pm
freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:35:31pm

On another topic, it’s been a very unusual spell of weather:

You can see the remnant of Dolores off the coast:

bratwurst  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:36:56pm

re: #14 William Lewis

They’re stockpiling money. They seem to think they don’t need to advertise right now and that letting the wingnuts waste money on ads is fine. I’m not sure they’re wrong. They get news coverage of the President’s kicking butt and taking names, Bernie & Hillary are both drawing good crowds without the ads and so on. If the money is saved up no it may well be very useful as we close in on Election Day.

Exactly. Just because some Hillary and Bernie fans feel the need to act like GOP primary voters and beat each other up over matters of ideological purity and electability doesn’t mean the party needs to flush money down the toilet more than 6 months before an actual vote is cast.

teleskiguy  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:37:03pm

re: #21 freetoken

That’s going to cause problems in desert regions. I think it was a couple of summers ago that a deluge came in and washed out I-15 north of Las Vegas.

Amory Blaine  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:37:57pm

re: #3 Dr. Matt

It’s shit like this that’s going to make it a privilege to smear the fuck out of another POS Bush boy when the GOP inevitably nominates him.

goddamnedfrank  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:39:19pm

re: #12 Charles Johnson

Except… I’m not seeing Google ads for Democrats at other liberal sites, either. The Democratic Party just isn’t spending any money on advertising.

Because they don’t need to at this point. Especially as the Republicans are in the process of alienating damned near ever demographic they need to win a general election. Best thing the Democrats can do right now is sit back and watch the own goals pile up.

PhillyPretzel  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:39:21pm

I am still getting that no page found Lizard when I click on a screen name.
Is anyone else having this problem?

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:40:08pm

re: #19 Charles Johnson

Not only do I agree with that, but I’m really wondering if the DNC is even functioning these days.

I’m sure they exist on paper and maybe in some conference room somewhere, but in fighting to win the minds of Americans they seem a bit AWOL on the national debate state.

Even with all the clearly ugly and hateful rhetoric over immigration, simply by repeating that story every day, day in and day out, the conversation will be fed by that rhetoric.

Donald Trump is not an anomaly. He’s the logical outcome of now over 3 decades of whining about brown people taking “American” jobs.

It takes a truly horrific event like the SC church murders to generate any real blowback against the hate-right. And even now the (toothless) remnant of the lost cause are still fighting their lost cause.

#FergusonFireside  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:41:20pm

Did anyone mention the Poldark on Masterpiece?

PhillyPretzel  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:41:58pm

re: #28 #FergusonFireside

It is on right now, WHYY in Philly.

#FergusonFireside  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:44:06pm

re: #29 PhillyPretzel

It is on right now, WHYY in Philly.

I’m watching it.

I love this shit.

goddamnedfrank  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:46:23pm

Right now the entire political news cycle is pretty much dedicated to Trump’s latest asshole statements, how well he’s polling because of them and the various GOP candidate reactions to all that. Why would the Democrats want to distract from that now, when it costs them absolutely nothing quietly sit back, fundraise, and pocket the cash for when and if the GOP ever gets their shit together.

Charles Johnson  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:47:11pm

re: #27 freetoken

Not only do I agree with that, but I’m really wondering if the DNC is even functioning these days.

I’m sure they exist on paper and maybe in some conference room somewhere, but in fighting to win the minds of Americans they seem a bit AWOL on the national debate state.

Even with all the clearly ugly and hateful rhetoric over immigration, simply by repeating that story every day, day in and day out, the conversation will be fed by that rhetoric.

Donald Trump is not an anomaly. He’s the logical outcome of now over 3 decades of whining about brown people taking “American” jobs.

It takes a truly horrific event like the SC church murders to generate any real blowback against the hate-right. And even now the (toothless) remnant of the lost cause are still fighting their lost cause.

Yes. The race has started, and the GOP already has a big lead. It’s a mistake to think people like Donald Trump are going to discredit the Republican Party, IMO. These lunatics are getting the base even more excited and xenophobic.

While the Democratic Party is indulging in stupid internecine battles.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:47:43pm

Analogies, how do they fucking work?

Amory Blaine  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:48:41pm

Trump is summer gold for the press.

teleskiguy  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:49:11pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:49:23pm

Thunder booming and lights flickering…

niterz, lizardz!

Blind Frog Belly White  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:49:29pm

re: #30 #FergusonFireside

I’m watching it.

I love this shit.

I was gonna say I liked this Demelza better than the one in the original, but then I saw that Angharad Rees had died of cancer, far too young.

KilohanaHI  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:49:31pm

It’s actually quite depressing. I have spent the last 6-7 years listening to friends and family spark up the hate machine - most of it being the typical criticism of politicians and policies. I held my tongue because I didn’t feel that it was worth ruining relationships. Besides, we all know that no one ever changes their minds after these discussions.

But many have started to make comments about how they can’t wait for the opportunity to start shooting liberals… Of course, most of it is just violence fetishism, bullying and posturing, but It’s pretty clear that many of them are giddy at the prospect of some sort of freakish Red on Blue battle.

I decided to start cutting these people out of my life. I don’t even give a reason. They’ve made it crystal clear what they think about people who disagree with them and I don’t need to waste my time trying to salvage relationships with people who would have no problem writing me off if they knew where I stood on many issues. Enough. They are on the wrong side of history and I no longer have the patience to be around them.

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:49:44pm

It seems as if the Democrats have spent the last 2 years or so making the minimum wage their key issue around which to rally the troops on the national stage.

I’m not so sure that will work.

Note how Walker got re-elected in a supposedly “blue” state. I think that is ominous.

When Obama was elected President the Democrats controlled Congress. Now they are in a minority in both houses.

Secondarily, the Democrats, notably Pres. Obama, have tried to make climate change an issue, but as important of a problem that will be on the global stage, I really believe it has hardly no political purchase in America.

teleskiguy  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:50:02pm

re: #32 Charles Johnson

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:50:08pm

Starting to edit pictures. 305 so far. O_O

Here’s one for the warbird fans. A B-26 undergoing restoration.

It’s in pieces now though
stpaulbear  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:50:41pm

re: #27 freetoken

At the same time that the conservatives and teabaggers are doing their ugly hate fest, Obama’s been on his ‘no more fucks to give’ campaign and it’s been raising his popularity as a president. As little as the MSM wants to pay attention to him, he’s pretty actively raising the progressive brand, and we couldn’t have anyone better at making the other side look incredibly rabid.

teleskiguy  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:51:21pm

re: #38 KilohanaHI

Greetings Hatchling! I think you’re in good company here. Welcome!

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:51:32pm

re: #35 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

Uh Brit you are and have been part of the MSM for a while. It’s adorable that you think you and your pals at FNC are these plucky underdogs but the reality is you are part of the MSM. Your attachment to Murdoch’s ass proves it.

Charles Johnson  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:51:39pm

Maybe I’m wrong. Wouldn’t be the first time. But I think the Democratic Party is asleep at the wheel while the GOP is going full steam ahead.

teleskiguy  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:52:22pm

re: #45 Charles Johnson

Maybe I’m wrong. Wouldn’t be the first time. But I think the Democratic Party is asleep at the wheel while the GOP is going full steam ahead.

You’re very good at playing devil’s advocate, that’s for sure.

Cheechako  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:52:49pm

By the time the Iowa Caucuses and NH Primary roll around all the Republican candidates will look like a couple of bushel baskets of battered and bruised melons. Even Trump will shoot off his big mouth and hit both feet. They just can’t help themselves.

Even when the Republicans get through all the Primaries I wonder if any one of them will have a enough delegates to control the National Convention. Imagine an “Open” convention and what an epic event that could be!

So I wonder if there’s a sane/reasonable Republican Governor or Senator who is just hiding and waiting for this current batch of dullards to destroy each other and then come riding into the Convention as the “Savior of the Republican Party”.

Anyone have any ideas who that could be

goddamnedfrank  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:54:07pm

re: #32 Charles Johnson

Yes. The race has started, and the GOP already has a big lead. It’s a mistake to think people like Donald Trump are going to discredit the Republican Party, IMO. These lunatics are getting the base even more excited and xenophobic.

While the Democratic Party is indulging in stupid internecine battles.

Except for the GOP base getting more and more xenophobic this is pretty much the exact opposite of what I’m seeing. If you’re Hillary there really is no incentive whatsoever to poke your head out now, since Sanders and his supporters are busy pissing off black people and moderate Democrats.

The DNC could be advancing its local candidates more I guess, but it still feels too early for that, nobody runs for local office a year and four months before an election. I don’t see how Hillary and the DNC spending the considerable money they’re raking in moves the needle or advantages them in this moment.

I just don’t see how letting Trump control the discussion at this point helps the GOP in the long run. Instead it hurts them, badly. Whoever does get their nomination will either have been pushed so far to the right to not be viable in a general election, or they’ll have alienated much of the base in attacking Trump’s racist positions, to the same effect.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:54:12pm

I’m not sure what the Democrats need to do to get out the vote but they need to make their points and also explain to the American people that the Republicans are too extreme and also not deserving of another shot at the WH. The truth is the economic policies that Republicans have been advocating since the Reagan years simply do not work.

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:54:48pm

re: #47 Cheechako

By the time the Iowa Caucuses and NH Primary roll around all the Republican candidates will look like a couple of bushel baskets of battered and bruised melons. Even Trump will shoot off his big mouth and hit both feet. They just can’t help themselves.

Even when the Republicans get through all the Primaries I wonder if any one of them will have a enough delegates to control the National Convention. Imagine an “Open” convention and what an epic event that could be!

So I wonder if there’s a sane/reasonable Republican Governor or Senator who is just hiding and waiting for this current batch of dullards to destroy each other and then come riding into the Convention as the “Savior of the Republican Party”.

Anyone have any ideas who that could be

Haven’t a dozen or so already claimed they *are* the God-ordained saviors of the GOP and the country? How would we tell if another comes out during the convention?

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:55:03pm

re: #42 stpaulbear

Obama will always be a rallying general for the Democrats but his time is almost up. Gus has it right. What matters now is that the public debate is being blown around by exploiting populist rhetoric about the evil foreigner, and that has quite the track record in politics.

bratwurst  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:55:56pm

re: #32 Charles Johnson

Yes. The race has started, and the GOP already has a big lead.

In what sense? Not in polling. Maybe in overall dollars raised, but you have 14 people there out there with their hands out while there are only 2 Dems doing any serious fundraising.

Amory Blaine  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:55:58pm

re: #38 KilohanaHI

I’ve done the same as you, for the same reasons.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:56:19pm

re: #50 Feline Fearless Leader

Haven’t a dozen or so already claimed they *are* the God-ordained saviors of the GOP and the country? How would we tell if another comes out during the convention?

He or she will be wrapped in the American flag and carrying a Bible.

KilohanaHI  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:57:37pm

re: #43 teleskiguy

re: #43 teleskiguy

Greetings Hatchling! I think you’re in good company here. Welcome!

Thank you! It’s nice to finally find adult conversation! I’m loving this forum.

BeenHereAwhile  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:57:40pm

re: #9 missliberties

What if these people were your relatives and you had to sit with them for a picnic and one of them started calling Obama a muslim. No seriously. What would you do. Ignore them respond politely or totally lose it can call them a liar to their face?

That’s why I quit going to family reunions.

I love them, and would give them the shirt off my back.

They know how I feel, and I know how they feel. So I don’t talk about it, but they still do.

The racial and political cant got old too many years ago.

We’re not in 1960 any more.

Amory Blaine  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:57:56pm

Jesus had 12 apostles candidates.

Blind Frog Belly White  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:58:18pm

My feeling is that RIGHT NOW, the wisest thing to do is to let the wheels come off the clown car in a debate or two. The key for the Dems will be to figure out how to address the concerns raised by the Black Lives Matter folks. We can’t keep depending on the Black vote and not addressing their concerns.

WRT Scott Walker, he had the good fortune that Wisconsin’s gubernatorial elections coincide with Presidential off years, when Dem voters don’t show up - and then they wonder why we have a GOP Congress and Senate.

SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:58:19pm

I don’t have a whole lot of confidence in the Democratic Party organization, but I do think they are best served right now by staying out of the way of the GOP foul-ups.

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:58:26pm

re: #57 Amory Blaine

Jesus had 12 apostles candidates.

But one of them was a RINO.

Cheechako  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:58:32pm

re: #50 Feline Fearless Leader

Haven’t a dozen or so already claimed they *are* the God-ordained saviors of the GOP and the country? How would we tell if another comes out during the convention?

We’ll need a candidate who says “The Devil Made Me Do It”.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:59:06pm

re: #60 freetoken

But one of them was a RINO.

“One of you will betray me by considering a tax increase.”

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:59:37pm

The Democrat selection of candidates is just lame and everybody is like “Well Hillary has the nomination locked up. I don’t like her but I’ll vote for her because the GOP is Teh Crazie”

Amory Blaine  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:59:56pm

Democrats have taken a beating in Wisconsin with all the unions being killed. Basically open season.

Dark_Falcon  Jul 19, 2015 • 6:59:59pm

re: #14 William Lewis

Oh, and I remember a fact relevant to our discussion of the M2 Bradley from this morning: Much of the Bradley’s controversial redesign happened after the Yom Kippur War of 1973. A couple months prior to that war the Soviet Union was able to get some of its personnel back into Egypt by giving Egypt about 230 BMP-1s and giving 150-170 to Syria. The war saw a number of BMP-1s captured by the IDF, including a handful of Syrian examples taken with no external damage. One such ex-Syrian BMP in running condition was shipped to the US as a “thank you” for the USA’s timely assistance given to Israel.

US analysis of that BMP-1 played a large role in what the Bradley ultimately became. The BMP was too short and small for most soldiers at its stated troop capacity, so the bradley was made bigger so it could carry the number of soldiers it was billed as being able to carry. The Bradley also got its 25mm chain gun as a result of the need for a better weapon than the BMP-1s 73mm low-pressure gun.

The problem is that some people only know the M2 from its bad press and the BMP-1s role in the Bradley’s design was left out of the movie version of The Pentagon Wars, mostly because it would have made the board of generals in the movie’s ‘design and development’ sequence look a good bit less silly.

William of Orange  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:01:43pm

Time for a great feel-good moment courtesy of Mark Horsley of the Vancouver police force.

A police officer who posed as a disabled man to catch thieves plaguing Vancouver’s troubled Downtown Eastside was hit with unexpected kindness and compassion instead.

Police launched the undercover assignment last spring after a string of attacks and robberies against people in wheelchairs.

More than half of the crimes occurred in the city’s Downtown Eastside, a neighbourhood known for its large homeless population, street drugs, crime and prostitution.

For five days, Staff Sgt. Mark Horsley wheeled through the neighbourhood in a wheelchair. He told people he had a brain injury and couldn’t count and wore a waist wallet with money spilling out.

Expecting to encounter street thieves, Horsley, a 30-year police veteran, instead met men and women who looked out for him, gave him money and even prayed for him.

‘Community has soul’

No one tried to rob him or short change him during transactions.
“Not one person took advantage of my vulnerability,” Horsley told a news conference Thursday.

More in this link plus a video.

Makes me feel this world is not lost.

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:02:11pm

re: #63 The Vicious Babushka

I know this may sound shallow, but the best thing the Democrats have going for them is that Scott Walker is not particularly photogenic.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:02:35pm

re: #63 The Vicious Babushka

The Democrat selection of candidates is just lame and everybody is like “Well Hillary has the nomination locked up. I don’t like her but I’ll vote for her because the GOP is Teh Crazie”

That is a problem. If Hillary wants to win the GE, she has to show more than she’s just not Bush or whoever the GOP nominee is. I liked Kerry as a candidate but he didn’t generate anywhere near the enthusiasm that Obama later did or Clinton had. Now what is helping Hillary is that the GOP has a lot to do in reclaiming certain states. The only states that Obama won in 2008 but lost in 2012 were NC and Indiana, the latter of which I think was a once a generation thing. I also think Hillary may do better with some groups in some states than Obama has. I agree about addressing the concerns by the blacklivesmatter folks too.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:02:36pm

re: #57 Amory Blaine

Jesus had 12 apostles candidates.

This popped up in my WeChat timeline yesterday. Seems like a good time to share it.

OK, smile, everyone!
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:04:26pm

re: #45 Charles Johnson

Maybe I’m wrong. Wouldn’t be the first time. But I think the Democratic Party is asleep at the wheel while the GOP is going full steam ahead.

You could be right, but at this stage of the game, who do they make commercials against? This isn’t like selling toothpaste—in politics you have to advertise against somebody. So do you make a commercial that takes them all on: “Trump said this, and Cruz said that, and Rubio said something else….and so on and so on…they’re all idiots, and here’s why”?

Or do you make sixteen different commercials debunking all of them? Or do you make some inspiring statement of vague general principles? That would start to sound like those first Infiniti commercials that never mentioned the car.

I think they’re just waiting for things to settle out a little bit until there are only a few candidates to take on. Remember the Democrats are always going to have a small fraction of the money the Republicans do, that’s just a fact of life. Still, getting towards an election, it seems like total saturation on both sides, so maybe it doesn’t make as big a difference as the Kochs think it does. I hope….

teleskiguy  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:05:03pm

re: #55 KilohanaHI

Thank you! It’s nice to finally find adult conversation! I’m loving this forum.

We’re glad to have you! I think you’ll find a remarkably broad knowledge base among us “lizards” as we call ourselves. Be sure to check out The LGF User Guide to find out just how cool this site is and what you as a reader can do to contribute.

Amory Blaine  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:05:16pm
Running Wisconsin Aground
HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:05:51pm

re: #70 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

You could be right, but at this stage of the game, who do they make commercials against? This isn’t like selling toothpaste—in politics you have to advertise against somebody. So do you make a commercial that takes them all on: “Trump said this, and Cruz said that, and Rubio said something else….and so on and so on…they’re all idiots, and here’s why”?

Or do you make sixteen different commercials debunking all of them? Or do you make some inspiring statement of vague general principles? That would start to sound like those first Infiniti commercials that never mentioned the car.

I think they’re just waiting for things to settle out a little bit until there are only a few candidates to take on. Remember the Democrats are always going to have a small fraction of the money the Republicans do, that’s just a fact of life. Still, getting towards an election, it seems like total saturation on both sides, so maybe it doesn’t make as big a difference as the Kochs think it does. I hope….

I think they’re waiting for some kind of front runner to emerge. There really isn’t a true “Next in line” like there was with Mitt in 2012 and McCain in 2008 here.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:06:13pm

re: #72 Amory Blaine

[Embedded content]

Don’t Koch and drive your state.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:06:20pm

re: #72 Amory Blaine

At the helm of the Edmund Fitzgerald

Shiplord Kirel  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:07:01pm

re: #3 Dr. Matt

[Embedded content]

It was a sad and sorry turn of events when ex-PoW and Medal of Honor recipient Colonel Bud Day(to whom this letter is addressed) let himself be hoodwinked into supporting this pack of astroturf charlatans.
He was 79 in ‘04 and I wonder if advanced age had affected his judgment. Unfortunately he came back to make more inflammatory statements during the ‘08 campaign.

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:08:04pm

re: #73 HappyWarrior

I think they’re waiting for some kind of front runner to emerge. There really isn’t a true “Next in line” like there was with Mitt in 2012 and McCain in 2008 here.

I’ve been under the impression that the GOP inner bosses have sort of split their love between Walker and Bush.

I don’t know if Jeb! would take the #2 spot, but I could see the GOP doing a Walker/Bush ticket. I think it is more likely we’ll see Walker/Rubio (because the latter is sort of cute in the eyes of some.)

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:09:03pm

re: #76 Shiplord Kirel

It was a sad and sorry turn of events when ex-PoW and Medal of Honor recipient Colonel Bud Day(to whom this letter is addressed) let himself be hoodwinked into supporting this pack of astroturf charlatans.
He was 79 in ‘04 and I wonder if advanced age had affected his judgment. Unfortunately he came back to make more inflammatory statements during the ‘08 campaign.

What no one really talked about in the 2004 campaign was and I wish the Kerry campaign had brought this up more but the guys who served on Kerry’s swift-boat strongly supported him. The SBFT were filled with guys who hadn’t served with him and more fucked up is many of them had actually supported Kerry’s past senate campaigns.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:09:59pm

re: #77 freetoken

I’ve been under the impression that the GOP inner bosses have sort of split their love between Walker and Bush.

I don’t know if Jeb! would take the #2 spot, but I could see the GOP doing a Walker/Bush ticket. I think it is more likely we’ll see Walker/Rubio (because the latter is sort of cute in the eyes of some.)

Yeah I think Walker and Bush are the bosses favorites too. I’d be shocked if Jeb would take number two honestly.

De Kolta Chair  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:10:01pm

When a Republican schmoozes with tyrants he’s called a statesman:

Bonus pic:

Charles Johnson  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:10:24pm

I know a lot of people think Donald Trump is damaging the GOP with his insane statements, but I don’t think so. I think he’s bringing the xenophobic craziness to the surface, and further energizing the loony right wing base.

People who think he’s damaging the GOP are giving way too much credit to the GOP base. They’re not sane, and they’re not logical.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:11:27pm

re: #75 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

At the helm of the Edmund Fitzgerald Costa Concordia


goddamnedfrank  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:11:34pm

A few months ago I might have perceived something resembling a GOP advantage in the prediction that they would all focus on attacking Obama and Hillary. We saw that in many of the 2012 debates where the candidates constantly mentioned Obama and rarely attacked each other.

That may still hold true, but as of right now Trump has opened a sucking chest wound in the Republican body politic. He is speaking to the base in the revanchist, hateful and blustering language they prefer, and being amply rewarded for it. Not only that but he’s succeeded in the last week in making the entire discussion about him, he controls the initiative. He’s also too much of a narcissist to give up this position gracefully, he’ll tear down every other major candidate before he goes away.

Noise is not signal, no matter how loud it is, and it’s hard to imagine the upcoming primaries improving the GOP’s position or making any of their prospective candidates more appealing.

Shiplord Kirel  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:11:42pm

re: #72 Amory Blaine

[Embedded content]

The ship of state has a helmsman but it lacks rudder, chart, and compass.

missliberties  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:12:11pm

re: #13 No Depression

I’ve actually experienced this myself. Unless it’s my dad, I always just bite my tongue. It just isn’t worth the effort to challenge them on it. They’re beyond hope.

Good advice.

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:12:57pm

re: #81 Charles Johnson

In 2008… 2010..2012…2014 - the likes of Glenn Beck and the Tea Partying loonies not only did not hurt the GOP, they helped them take over Congress.

That is why I think you are correct.

bratwurst  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:13:44pm

re: #80 De Kolta Chair

Here is another for your collection:

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:14:13pm
The Fall of Man - Reubans
I SO own these people now
Blind Frog Belly White  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:14:20pm

re: #81 Charles Johnson

I know a lot of people think Donald Trump is damaging the GOP with his insane statements, but I don’t think so. I think he’s bringing the xenophobic craziness to the surface, and further energizing the loony right wing base.

People who think he’s damaging the GOP are giving way too much credit the GOP base. They’re not sane, and they’re not logical.

I think what he’s damaging is the image of the GOP with the 20% who decide the election, who won’t automatically vote Dem or GOP. I think that the GOP so quickly acquiescing on the Confederate flag was a smart move on their part to help limit the damage caused by the GOP’s inherent racism. With Trump front and center beating the drum for racism, it move the needle back a bit.

Or not. I’m full of shit as often as anyone.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:14:35pm

I just hope Hillary has a good team of people. I was not impressed with how she ran her 2008 campaign at all. It reeked personally to me of entitlement which was a huge turnoff for someone who was undecided throughout that primary but when it came down to Hillary versus Obama preferred Obama.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:15:09pm

re: #81 Charles Johnson

I know a lot of people think Donald Trump is damaging the GOP with his insane statements, but I don’t think so. I think he’s bringing the xenophobic craziness to the surface, and further energizing the loony right wing base.

People who think he’s damaging the GOP are giving way too much credit the GOP base. They’re not sane, and they’re not logical.

He’s damaging the veneer of respectability and upper-class manners of the GOP, that the Establishment has maintained for 50 years. Under that veneer are the baser elements of the party: racists, xenophobes, misogynists, religious fundamentalists, and other assorted wackjobs.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:15:25pm

Such modest. Very winner.

William Lewis  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:15:30pm

re: #39 freetoken

Note how Walker got re-elected in a supposedly “blue” state. I think that is ominous.

Never forget how the GOP county clerk of Waukesha County (Where Walker’s power base is) has “conveniently” found just enough “oops we forgot to count these” ballots to push him over the top in two out of three elections. Combine that with a suicidal Democratic party that continues to run big city hacks from Milwaukee and Madison for how he wins in Wisconsin.

He will not have either in a nationwide election (thank god).

Charles Johnson  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:15:58pm

re: #86 freetoken

In 2008… 2010..2012…2014 - the likes of Glenn Beck and the Tea Partying loonies not only did not hurt the GOP, they helped them take over Congress.

That is why I think you are correct.

Exactly. I heard the same arguments then - they’re hurting themselves and the voters will reject them. Except… the voters didn’t reject them, and it turned out that the craziness worked FOR the GOP, not against them.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:16:08pm

re: #82 The Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

Yeah, the loss of the Edmund Fitzgerald was no fault of its captain or crew. “Captain Coward” on the other hand, is a perfect standin for Scott Walker.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:16:29pm

re: #82 The Vicious Babushka


Embedded Image

Listing to starboard. That’s quite fitting.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:16:38pm

re: #89 Blind Frog Belly White

I think what he’s damaging is the image of the GOP with the 20% who decide the election, who won’t automatically vote Dem or GOP. I think that the GOP so quickly acquiescing on the Confederate flag was a smart move on their part to help limit the damage caused by the GOP’s inherent racism. With Trump front and center beating the drum for racism, it move the needle back a bit.

Or not. I’m full of shit as often as anyone.

I think you’re right about that. At the same time though I must agree with Charles that the base loves the shit Trump feeds them and it enables them. It’s tough to see how much this is going to have a backlash. I don’t talk politics much with my SiL’s sisters and friends(all mostly naturalized immigrants or children of immigrants themselves) but I do know they’re definitely watching rhetoric about immigrants.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:17:02pm

re: #81 Charles Johnson

So flushing the xenophobic batshit loonies out into the open is bad—why so?

Belafon  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:17:06pm

re: #49 HappyWarrior

I can’t find the link, but Clinton has been quietly setting up shop in multiple states. I saw that she’s already paying rent for offices in something like 24 states. I’ve read people who are already hosting canvassers.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:18:43pm

re: #99 Belafon

I can’t find the link, but Clinton has been quietly setting up shop in multiple states. I saw that she’s already paying rent for offices in something like 24 states. I’ve read people who are already hosting canvassers.

Yeah from what I’ve read she seems to have learned some lessons. I just hope when the debates begin she doesn’t act like she’s entitled to the nomination. Her husband and President Obama fought like hell to earn their nomination and Hillary is going to have to earn it too. And I am not saying that she for sure thought she was entitled to the nomination in 2008 but that is how it appeared to many and I hope she knows that was a big turn off to many voters.

bratwurst  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:19:37pm

re: #86 freetoken

In 2008… 2010..2012…2014 - the likes of Glenn Beck and the Tea Partying loonies not only did not hurt the GOP, they helped them take over Congress.

That is why I think you are correct.

I do not want to be perceived here as approving of complacency. However, there are two years on that list that do not belong. They were both general election years. The GOP performed horribly in both of them. I am in favor of making sure future midterms are not bloodbaths, but that doesn’t change the fact that this is a general election coming up.

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:19:41pm

re: #98 Eric The Fruit Bat

So flushing the xenophobic batshit loonies out into the open is bad—why so?

Because those xenophobic batshit loonies don’t go away. They will not vote for a Democrat unless we have another party reversal.

So what ends up happening is those xenophobic batshit loonies get even more animated, and they keep stirring up other xenophobic batshit loonies.

What you might think of as the sane, logical, and polite people have a problem - they often don’t vote when it is not convenient for them.

The xenophobic batshit loonies do vote.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:20:04pm

re: #86 freetoken

Sure, the GOP took over Congress, but they paid a heavy price for it-namely, Boehner has a pack of rabid badgers that he can’t control and the GOP, just like what happened under Clinton, forced a government shutdown.

Amory Blaine  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:20:07pm

It was very important for the GOP to maintain their national defense bona fides after their complete fuck up so they ramped up the smear campaign, pimped the color coded (fear campaign) threat level, along with every other well documented dirty trick. At least everyone in the world now knows that the GOP has no credibility on national defense.

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:21:01pm

Shot from the Korean War memorial in DC. Though given the young lady in the picture you can easily have this be interpreted towards other things.

Blind Frog Belly White  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:21:19pm

re: #97 HappyWarrior

I think you’re right about that. At the same time though I must agree with Charles that the base loves the shit Trump feeds them and it enables them. It’s tough to see how much this is going to have a backlash. I don’t talk politics much with my SiL’s sisters and friends(all mostly naturalized immigrants or children of immigrants themselves) but I do know they’re definitely watching rhetoric about immigrants.

The thing is, the GOP base votes no matter what. Despite how they remember 2012 (“Conservatives were depressed and didn’t show up”). in actual fact they were energized by the belief that they were going to get rid of Obama. They were CONVINCED of it, they were enthusiastic.

And they always vote. I’ve never seen anything to suggest they sit out any election in large numbers. That’s us.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:21:34pm

Donald Trump uses the words “dummy!” and “loser!” a lot.

He must have been called that by his old man while he was growing up.

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:22:04pm

re: #101 bratwurst

I do not want to be perceived here as approving of complacency. However, there are two years on that list that do not belong. They were both general election years. The GOP performed horribly in both of them. I am in favor of making sure future midterms are not bloodbaths, but that doesn’t change the fact that this is a general election coming up.

How so? Sure, the GOP didn’t win the big prize of the White House, but they still pressed on in garning or keeping control of other political offices.

Yes, the big wins came in the off year elections, but those were not sufficiently countered in the Presidential election years.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:22:06pm

I still think Walker would be my pick. I don’t know. I think Bush is finding out that this isn’t anywhere near close to the same GOP that nominated his father or brother and I think the fact he hasn’t run a campaign in thirteen years does have some meaning. Walker meanwhile I think will portray himself as a winner of a blue state- I am aware of the circumstances and other factors in Wisconsin that have led to his election and then re-election but I have no doubt he will try to portray himself as electable but also a huge champion of conservative values. I think Walker has it in him to appeal to both the establishment and base. I have no idea how he’d do in a general election nationally but for some reason he strikes me as being more tough than Bush would be.

Charles Johnson  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:24:30pm

re: #98 Eric The Fruit Bat

So flushing the xenophobic batshit loonies out into the open is bad—why so?

Flushing them into the open isn’t bad. But it can’t stop at that. The Democrats should be mounting a big push to show why they’re the sane alternative to this bad craziness.

But I’m not seeing that. Maybe it’s still to come. But although we may think right wing xenophobia is a horrible thing (and it is), there are way too many voters out there that this horrible thing appeals to. Right now there’s little to no push-back coming from the Democratic Party.

Maybe the big push-back is being prepared, and I’ll be happy to admit I was wrong if it is. But I have a bad feeling from what I’m seeing so far.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:24:52pm

re: #106 Blind Frog Belly White

The thing is, the GOP base votes no matter what. Despite how they remember 2012 (“Conservatives were depressed and didn’t show up”). in actual fact they were energized by the belief that they were going to get rid of Obama. They were CONVINCED of it, they were enthusiastic.

And they always vote. I’ve never seen anything to suggest they sit out any election in large numbers. That’s us.

Yeah that’s true. I think what this means is we won’t ever have a true Mondale/McGovern/Goldwater type defeat of a candidate again for the foreseeable future. It’s sad to say but I think even Trump would do better electorally than those three did.

missliberties  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:24:57pm

re: #93 William Lewis

Never forget how the GOP county clerk of Waukesha County (Where Walker’s power base is) has “conveniently” found just enough “oops we forgot to count these” ballots to push him over the top in two out of three elections. Combine that with a suicidal Democratic party that continues to run big city hacks from Milwaukee and Madison for how he wins in Wisconsin.

He will not have either in a nationwide election (thank god).

Walker cheated and then he stacked the courts.

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:25:02pm

And two for VB:

Pecan Pie - Luncheon at the convention
Shop sign in Yiddish - American History Museum
bratwurst  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:26:32pm

re: #108 freetoken

How so? Sure, the GOP didn’t win the big prize of the White House, but they still pressed on in garning or keeping control of other political offices.

In 2008 the Dems gained 8 Senate seats and 21 House seats.

In 2012 the Dems gained 2 Seante seats and 8 House seats.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:27:17pm

I was really disappointed in how the Democrats ran their campaigns in the midterms last fall. I mean I get it, you’re going to have some distancing of yourself between you and the president but some of the shit I saw like the lady who ran against McConnell denying she even voted for Obama was just sad. I don’t expect every Democrat running to be virtually identical to my own philosophy but I do expect them to stand up for their president and his accomplishments and too many Dems including many who had been elected in part due to President Obama in the first place ran away from him like cowards.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:27:20pm

re: #113 Feline Fearless Leader

And two for VB:

[Embedded content]

Circumcision knives. Oy.

The Best and Most Beautiful in the Whole World.
Guaranteed To Never Rust.

CuriousLurker  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:27:46pm

re: #101 bratwurst

I do not want to be perceived here as approving of complacency. However, there are two years on that list that do not belong. They were both general election years. The GOP performed horribly in both of them. I am in favor of making sure future midterms are not bloodbaths, but that doesn’t change the fact that this is a general election coming up.

I was just thinking the same thing. In the 2008 general the Dems carried the popular vote by just over 7 points, and the Electoral by 192. In 2012 it was just under 4 points (popular) and 126 (Electoral).

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:27:59pm

re: #109 HappyWarrior

I still think Walker would be my pick. I don’t know. I think Bush is finding out that this isn’t anywhere near close to the same GOP that nominated his father or brother and I think the fact he hasn’t run a campaign in thirteen years does have some meaning. Walker meanwhile I think will portray himself as a winner of a blue state- I am aware of the circumstances and other factors in Wisconsin that have led to his election and then re-election but I have no doubt he will try to portray himself as electable but also a huge champion of conservative values. I think Walker has it in him to appeal to both the establishment and base. I have no idea how he’d do in a general election nationally but for some reason he strikes me as being more tough than Bush would be.

I just can’t see Walker as a top-ticket guy. Walker/Bush would be like Ryan/Romney in 2012—just doesn’t compute. I don’t think ¡Heb! would take the VP slot, so that leaves him as really the only possible Establishment candidate. If there’s a breakout at the zoo, of course, anything could happen.

Shiplord Kirel  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:28:10pm

re: #82 The Vicious Babushka


Embedded Image

I’ll never forget the video of an Italian Coast Guard officer approaching ”Captain Coward’s” lifeboat and screaming at him to “RETURN TO YOUR SHIP! GO BACK TO YOUR FUCKING SHIP!”
There were still hundreds of passengers aboard the foundering cruise liner when the captain, whose real name is Francesco Schettino, decided to take his leave and make for shore. Abandoning a shipload of passengers is unconscionable among sea captains, the worst possible violation of maritime tradition. Decent captains would quite literally rather die than do it, and many have. Schettino is currently serving a 16 year prison sentence,10 for manslaughter, five for causing the wreck in the first place, and one for abandoning his passengers.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:28:16pm

re: #114 bratwurst

In 2008 the Dems gained 8 Senate seats and 21 House seats.

In 2012 the Dems gained 2 Seante seats and 8 House seats.

Yeah 2008 especially was a bad year for the GOP nationally. 2012 too. A lot of people said they were going to regain the senate that year but they didn’t since alot of their candidates thankfully said sexist bullshit.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:29:51pm

re: #118 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I just can’t see Walker as a top-ticket guy. Walker/Bush would be like Ryan/Romney in 2012—just doesn’t compute. I don’t think ¡Heb! would take the VP slot, so that leaves him as really the only possible Establishment candidate. If there’s a breakout at the zoo, of course, anything could happen.

I understand your point. I think Jeb if nominated would go with a hot young firebrand type and Walker would go with a “respected elder statesman” type since there are going ot be questions about Walker and FP.

Charles Johnson  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:30:12pm

The bottom line for me is this: I’m beginning to get concerned that the Democratic Party and the liberal/progressive movement in general is not taking this game seriously enough.

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:30:39pm

re: #114 bratwurst

But those 2 Senate seats in 2012 were fewer than expected and did not counter the losses of 2010 and then in 2014 were overwhelmed by Dem losses.

Likewise in the House. The number of seats gained in the House were far less in 2012 than was promoted and again were overwhelmed by losses 2 years later.

Taking one step forward to take two steps back is not a winning formula.

What I am proposing is that the reason the 2012 Dem victory was so weak is indeed due to those xenophobic batshit loonies that I think cannot and should not be dismissed.

Great White Snark  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:30:45pm

Yesterday and today, rain, wonderful rain. Still coming and for the most part not a lot of flooding just local.

GlutenFreeJesus  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:30:57pm

re: #81 Charles Johnson

He’s going to be the GOP nominee next year. Count on it.

The DNC has always been lackluster (putting it lightly) when it comes to political advertising. The GOP gives them a huge stash of sound bites and the like to use for ads, and they never ever ever do. We are in the minority here when we read the daily musings of Gohmert/Fischer/Beck/Hannity etc. The DNC has free campaign material, and it comes straight from the GOP.

You think Romney’s 47% thing was bad? Well, just scroll through the topics here at LGF, and that pales in comparison to what the GOP nominees have been saying for years. Why none of this is used against them just boggles my mind.

Everyone is just assuming Hillary/Dems will run away with the election next year. That kind of complacency will get this country in a world of trouble. That kind of complacency gave control of Congress to the Republicans. And look what it’s done?

We are screwed if there’s a low democrat voter turnout.

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:31:07pm

re: #121 HappyWarrior

I understand your point. I think Jeb if nominated would go with a hot young firebrand type and Walker would go with a “respected elder statesman” type since there are going ot be questions about Walker and FP.

Actually I doubt that. Republicans are never questioned about their foreign policy and defense experience. Appears to be genetically encoded in them. Democrats, on the other hand…

Belafon  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:31:38pm

re: #115 HappyWarrior

I was really disappointed in how the Democrats ran their campaigns in the midterms last fall.

The Democrats received something like 4.5M more votes if you add all of the House races together. If the Congressional map had looked like it did in 2010, Democrats would have retaken the House.

ETA: There’s a reason Republicans controlling Democratic leaning states want to redo their Electoral College to split by district.

De Kolta Chair  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:32:18pm
HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:32:49pm

re: #126 Feline Fearless Leader

Actually I doubt that. Republicans are never questioned about their foreign policy and defense experience. Appears to be genetically encoded in them. Democrats, on the other hand…

True that but I still think Walker will go with a Senator. Two governors is a pretty rare occurrence isn’t it?

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:33:14pm

re: #127 Belafon

The Democrats received something like 4.5M more votes if you add all of the House races together. If the Congressional map had looked like it did in 2010, Democrats would have retaken the House.

Which is the result of the Democrats blowing the 2010 (and 2000 elections) at the local levels to leave the GOP in control of the redistricting process and thus the ability to gerrymander their majority hold.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:33:26pm

re: #127 Belafon

The Democrats received something like 4.5M more votes if you add all of the House races together. If the Congressional map had looked like it did in 2010, Democrats would have retaken the House.

So it’s a turnout issue then?

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:34:47pm

Here we go folks - I got a money shot.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:34:57pm

re: #130 Feline Fearless Leader

Which is the result of the Democrats blowing the 2010 (and 2000 elections) at the local levels to leave the GOP in control of the redistricting process and thus the ability to gerrymander their majority hold.

Right 2020 election is going to be very important. What worries me is if Hillary is elected that by 2020 among many voters there will be “Democrat in the WH fatigue) and just give the Republicans a big win simply because they’re tired of Democrats in the WH. I am not saying it makes logical sense but look at all the Republicans that won last time despite voters saying they agreed with Democrats more. They just wanted to “punish” Obama and the Dems.

Amory Blaine  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:35:13pm

re: #94 Charles Johnson

The clown car is fueled by hate and Trump is blending the disgraced teabaggers and confederates into a renewable fuel.

goddamnedfrank  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:35:24pm

re: #81 Charles Johnson

I know a lot of people think Donald Trump is damaging the GOP with his insane statements, but I don’t think so. I think he’s bringing the xenophobic craziness to the surface, and further energizing the loony right wing base.

People who think he’s damaging the GOP are giving way too much credit to the GOP base. They’re not sane, and they’re not logical.

Okay, but how does that translate to helping the GOP with the general electorate? We’re drawing a distinction between what appeals to the GOP base and what works in a general election.

Scenario 1: Trump actually wins. He’ll have a motivated base of assholes in the general while totally sacrificing any hope of broad appeal.

Scenario 2: Trump loses to a “moderate” like Bush or Rubio. Hard to see him supporting either. The base will be angry and feel disenfranchised, muttering that it’s like Romney and McCain all over again. Trump may go third party, totally screwing the Republicans.

Scenario 3: Trump loses to a hardcore right winger like Cruz. Very difficult to see this happening. Same problem as scenario 1, very little broad appeal and a GOP shackled with Trump’s alienating rhetoric.

Scenario 4: Trump loses to Walker. Difficult to imagine America electing a flatfish looking Koch Bros. moron who never graduated college.

Here’s what the GOP is actually up against:

New research out Friday shows that Republicans will need a larger slice of Latino voters than previously thought if they hope to win the White House in 2016, creating an even tougher hurdle for the eventual nominee.

Thanks to changing demographics, the conventional math that once said the GOP would need to win a minimum of 40% of the Latino electorate no longer holds.

Now, data suggests that Republicans will need as much as 47% of Latino voters — nearly twice the share that Mitt Romney is believed to have captured in 2012. Put another way: 47% is the new 40%. And it is a daunting number.

“It’s very, very, very basic: Every single year, you need a little bit more of the Latino vote,” said Matt Barreto, UCLA political science professor and co-founder of the polling firm Latino Decisions. “It’s just math.”

The best the GOP has ever done with Latinos is the 44% GWB got in 2004, when he was running for reelection as a war president. I find it difficult if not impossible to imagine a scenario where what Trump is saying helps the GOP in any hypothetical 2016 general election matchup. Even if Jeb or Rubio gets the nomination Hillary can simply counter whatever perceived appeal they might have by selecting Joaquin Castro as her running mate.

Selecting Castro is something she’s probably thinking of doing anyway, as it puts Texas into play as a potential swing state. Also bear in mind that the GOP has very few electoral vote paths to success left as it is.

I can see where a fired up racist base helps the GOP in certain regional match ups, and with taking a disproportionate number of gerrymandered congressional districts. However everything I’m seeing reinforces the idea that their days as a national party are numbered.

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:35:25pm

re: #131 HappyWarrior

So it’s a turnout issue then?

In the years that determine the state level legislature - yes.

That’s the point.

Winning only the Presidential office is not a nation-wide successful strategy to address life in these United States.

All politics is local.

That’s why Trump found so much love in LV and PHX, because the local politics there are strongly dominated by immigration discussions.

Blind Frog Belly White  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:35:48pm


CuriousLurker  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:36:57pm

re: #122 Charles Johnson

The bottom line for me is this: I’m beginning to get concerned that the Democratic Party and the liberal/progressive movement in general is not taking this game seriously enough.

The election is still 16 months away. If the Dems don’t come out swinging by the time the primaries start, then I’ll start biting my nails.

As a female, a Muslim, and a Hispanic I’m not keen on a bunch of misogynistic Christian fundie bigots being in control of this country, believe you me.

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:37:38pm

re: #137 Blind Frog Belly White

Please tell me the lower picture isn’t a mohel’s toolkit…

Apparently it is. The museum mentioned the sign and where it was from — and DID NOT PROVIDE A TRANSLATION!

Blind Frog Belly White  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:38:10pm

I personally want to know why we abandoned the 50 state strategy.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:38:30pm

re: #135 goddamnedfrank

Okay, but how does that translate to helping the GOP with the general electorate? We’re drawing a distinction between what appeals to the GOP base and what works in a general election.

Scenario 1: Trump actually wins. He’ll have a motivated base of assholes in the general while totally sacrificing any hope of broad appeal.

Scenario 2: Trump loses to a “moderate” like Bush or Rubio. Hard to see him supporting either. The base will be angry and feel disenfranchised, muttering that it’s like Romney and McCain all over again. Trump may go third party, totally screwing the Republicans.

Scenario 3: Trump loses to a hardcore right winger like Cruz. Very difficult to see this happening. Same problem as scenario 1, very little broad appeal and a GOP shackled with Trump’s alienating rhetoric.

Scenario 4: Trump loses to Walker. Difficult to imagine America electing a flatfish looking Koch Bros. moron who never graduated college.

Here’s what the GOP is actually up against:

New research out Friday shows that Republicans will need a larger slice of Latino voters than previously thought if they hope to win the White House in 2016, creating an even tougher hurdle for the eventual nominee.

The best the GOP has ever done with Latinos is the 44% GWB got in 2004, when he was running for reelection as a war president. I find it difficult if not impossible to imagine a scenario where what Trump is saying helps the GOP in any hypothetical 2016 general election matchup. Even if Jeb or Rubio gets the nomination Hillary can simply counter whatever perceived appeal they might have by selecting Joaquin Castro as her running mate.

Selecting Castro is something she’s probably thinking of doing anyway, as it puts Texas into play as a potential swing state. Also bear in mind that the GOP has very few electoral vote paths to success left as it is.

I can see where a fired up racist base helps the GOP in certain regional match ups, and with taking a disproportionate number of gerrymandered congressional districts. However everything I’m seeing reinforces the idea that their days as a national party are numbered.

The demographics are why I’m a little more optimistic than most people are. However, the ignorance of voters never fails to amaze me. The Dems need to find a way to get out the turnout in off years. It will be frustrating if the Dems are to regain the Senate in 2016 only to lose it in 2018 due to complacency.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:39:26pm

re: #140 Blind Frog Belly White

I personally want to know why we abandoned the 50 state strategy.

A lot of the Dem establishment honchos from what i understand disliked Dean and I’ll be honest, I’ve never been a big fan of Howard Dean either but the strategy was spot on.

The Ghost of the Abomination Colors  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:39:55pm

re: #113 Feline Fearless Leader

Do you—or anyone else—happen to know what the deal is with the knives and other implements incorporated into that sign?

I’m guessing it’s butcher’s tools, but I haven’t seen anything like that before. They’re very nice-looking, too.

De Kolta Chair  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:41:19pm
Eric The Fruit Bat  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:41:55pm

re: #139 Feline Fearless Leader

I was at a bris once.

The guy’s vanity plate was ‘MOHEL’.

I shit you not.

Jenner7  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:42:08pm

You guys are much smarter than me. You all make great points. All I got is: I think it’s too early. But I hope Democrats don’t screw it up, it’s too important. Look at the clowns across the way? Yikes.

Charles Johnson  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:42:53pm

re: #138 CuriousLurker

I know we’re still a long way out from the election. But I see a Republican Party fired up as if it was tomorrow, and the most fired-up people are the worst reactionaries.

Again, I could be totally wrong about this, and I hope I am. But I just don’t like the way this election is shaping up so far, because I see a tide of xenophobia rising and that seriously worries me.

Chan Kobun  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:43:29pm

re: #92 The Vicious Babushka

OH boy, cheap Photoshop effect. I can do that too.

Wait, I can make that better.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:43:42pm

I just hope those liberals out there who will bitch that Hillary isn’t liberal enough for them will remember the last time they got purer than thou in an election. We got Bush. I would prefer a more progressive Democratic party too but I also would prefer liberal voters not be overly selfish. Not talking about any of you by the way but some of the liberals I know who think Hillary isn’t good enough for them.

BeachDem  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:45:17pm

re: #16 stpaulbear

BeachDem has been saying that Hillary has been doing a lot of ground work. That’s probably a better way to spend money right now.

Yep. The Hillary person who’s staying with me works incredible hours—canvassing, organizing phone banks, going to events, setting up house parties. Then, when she gets home, she’s doing data entry to input all the info she’s gathered.

She’s been here almost a month, and I barely see her! And they have statewide operations in the four early primary states plus others.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:45:26pm

Sad fact is though any GOP candidate even the absolute crazies like Trump, Carson, etc I think is a good bet for at least 45% of the popular vote and 200 EVs.

Charles Johnson  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:45:44pm
HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:46:40pm

re: #150 BeachDem

Yep. The Hillary person who’s staying with me works incredible hours—canvassing, organizing phone banks, going to events, setting up house parties. Then, when she gets home, she’s doing data entry to input all the info she’s gathered.

She’s been here almost a month, and I barely see her! And they have statewide operations in the four early primary states plus others.

It really does seem that Hillary has learned some valuable lessons from 2008. Glad to see that. As I said, I was not impressed with the Clinton 2008 campaign at all. I really did not like the way it was run.

De Kolta Chair  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:48:06pm

re: #152 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

A poodle/gerbil mix?

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:48:55pm
goddamnedfrank  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:50:01pm

Aside from the demographic boost of selecting one of the Castro brothers for the VP nomination, forcing the GOP to actually compete in Texas will absolutely murder their advertising budget. Texas has two of the top ten media markets, very large and very expensive. Putting Texas into play diverts valuable resources from other swing states that the GOP candidate also cannot afford to lose.

EmmaAnne  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:50:01pm

I am leaning towards the “don’t interrupt your enemy while he is making a mistake” side of this argument. However! Any attack on a Democratic candidate needs to be slapped down immediately. No ignoring swift boat attacks because no one could possibly believe them.

Hillary should actually be good on this front because she has had a lot of practice. Bill Clinton had a “war room” when he was running for president the first time, but he seemed to lose that focus once he became president. Way too much unanswered bullshit.

Great White Snark  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:50:04pm

Way OT but does anyone in remember when I posted a duck family in my pool being watched by my cat? I think one of the youngsters remembered how nice our pool is. From minutes ago… Sunday Night Duck.

Look who stopped by for a drink in a storm
Amory Blaine  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:50:14pm

Democrats lose control of presidential event

A town hall for liberal activists featuring two Democratic presidential candidates was interrupted by dozens of demonstrators on Saturday who shouted down the contenders and demanded they address criminal justice issues and police brutality.

Former Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders planned to attend a public sit-down interview with journalist Jose Antonio Vargas in front of a left-leaning crowd here at the annual Netroots Nation conference, a gathering of progressives, when the tone of the program shifted just a few minutes into the event.

O’Malley was answering questions from Vargas on stage when dozens of boisterous conference attendees flooded through a side door and shouted down the White House contender.


CuriousLurker  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:50:34pm

re: #152 Charles Johnson

LOL, cuteness! Reminds me of:

teleskiguy  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:50:55pm

re: #155 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:51:46pm

re: #156 goddamnedfrank

Aside from the demographic boost of selecting one of the Castro brothers for the VP nomination, forcing the GOP to actually compete in Texas will absolutely murder their advertising budget. Texas has two of the top ten media markets, very large and very expensive. Putting Texas into play diverts valuable resources from other swing states that the GOP candidate will absolutely need to win.

That is a good point. I’ve been pushing for Julian for a while due to his unique experience as mayor of a large city and cabinet officer position.

Amory Blaine  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:52:03pm

I was admiring the Scottish Fold this week.

EmmaAnne  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:52:08pm

re: #159 Amory Blaine

Democrats lose control of presidential event


Own goal. Wince.

Belafon  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:53:41pm

re: #164 EmmaAnne

From our side, though, is this really worse than Obama having to deal with Wright? Or John Edwards?

CuriousLurker  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:54:08pm

re: #158 Great White Snark

Way OT but does anyone in remember when I posted a duck family in my pool being watched by my cat? I think one of the youngsters remembered how nice our pool is. From minutes ago… Sunday Night Duck.

[Embedded content]

Wow, nice shot! Love the color of the pool water.

CuriousLurker  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:55:42pm

re: #159 Amory Blaine


Chan Kobun  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:55:50pm

re: #92 The Vicious Babushka
Okay, trying again. Oh boy, cheap Photoshop effects! That’s the mark of a real winner!

I can do that, too:

Fuck You, Trump
goddamnedfrank  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:56:23pm

re: #162 HappyWarrior

That is a good point. I’ve been pushing for Julian for a while due to his unique experience as mayor of a large city and cabinet officer position.

Either way, Julian or Joaquin, expect the GOP to go after their mother. You’ll hear much about La Raza Unida, the Republicans will bite down hard on that. It’s like catnip for old white angsty fuckers.

De Kolta Chair  Jul 19, 2015 • 7:58:43pm
BeachDem  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:00:17pm

re: #68 HappyWarrior

That is a problem. If Hillary wants to win the GE, she has to show more than she’s just not Bush or whoever the GOP nominee is. I liked Kerry as a candidate but he didn’t generate anywhere near the enthusiasm that Obama later did or Clinton had. Now what is helping Hillary is that the GOP has a lot to do in reclaiming certain states. The only states that Obama won in 2008 but lost in 2012 were NC and Indiana, the latter of which I think was a once a generation thing. I also think Hillary may do better with some groups in some states than Obama has. I agree about addressing the concerns by the blacklivesmatter folks too.

What is also helping Hillary is that, despite what many here are saying, and despite the Bernie fanatics screaming at the top of their lungs, Hillary DOES generate some excitement, particularly among women. The events my friends and/or I have attended with her have had very enthusiastic crowds. And, as I mentioned, the Hillary person who is staying with me, tells me every day how excited the people she talks to, particularly the women, are about Hillary.

Of the more than 250,000 contributors who donated to Clinton, 61 percent are women. That puts her on track to outstrip the presidential high-water mark set by President Obama in 2012, when 47 percent of donors who gave him more than $200 were women, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:00:31pm

re: #169 goddamnedfrank

Either way, Julian or Joaquin, expect the GOP to go after their mother. You’ll hear much about La Raza Unida, the Republicans will bite down hard on that. It’s like catnip for old white angsty fuckers.

Yeah I am expecting that.

Great White Snark  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:01:06pm

re: #166 CuriousLurker

Thanks. Lowish light so kicked it up a stop. Minimal fill flash. 1/40th. So tame too. Let me get close seemed a little curious at the flash or shutter sound. And again the cat looked on with studied pretend disinterest.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:03:11pm

re: #171 BeachDem

What is also helping Hillary is that, despite what many here are saying, and despite the Bernie fanatics screaming at the top of their lungs, Hillary DOES generate some excitement, particularly among women. The events my friends and/or I have attended with her have had very enthusiastic crowds. And, as I mentioned, the Hillary person who is staying with me, tells me every day how excited the people she talks to, particularly the women, are about Hillary.

Of the more than 250,000 contributors who donated to Clinton, 61 percent are women. That puts her on track to outstrip the presidential high-water mark set by President Obama in 2012, when 47 percent of donors who gave him more than $200 were women, according to the Center for Responsive Politics.

Yeah a lot of Hillary’s detractors don’t give her enough credit for the fact that she does generate genuine excitement with women. My mom and grandmother are I think particularly are excited about the possibility of a woman president. Now what I do worry about is how she’d do with younger voters but I do know her campaign manager is a young guy as opposed to her 2008 one. I’m cautiously optimistic.

GlutenFreeJesus  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:04:01pm

re: #131 HappyWarrior

Absolutely. This country is headed more left, especially socially. But a lot of younger left-leaning people of voting age just don’t see the point in voting. I hear it every day.

“None of them care about anyone but themselves”

“It’s just BS they feed us so they can keep their jobs”

“What’s one vote?”

And it goes on, and on, and on. We have a huge population of our own disaffected youth that just doesn’t give a shit about anything.

Chan Kobun  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:06:09pm

re: #175 GlutenFreeJesus

Don’t forget that time-worn bullshit line: “Both Sides Do It!”

GlutenFreeJesus  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:06:12pm

re: #174 HappyWarrior

Heh.. my aunt went off about Hillary recently. “She’s a liar. She lies lies lies about everything!”.

Guess what it was about… that subpoena thing.

CuriousLurker  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:07:29pm

re: #173 Great White Snark

Thanks. Lowish light so kicked it up a stop. Minimal fill flash. 1/40th. So tame too. Let me get close seemed a little curious at the flash or shutter sound. And again the cat looked on with studied pretend disinterest.

Fill flash huh? Good job, I couldn’t even tell a flash was used.

Ah yes, the pretend disinterest. Kinda like when they misjudge a jump & fall or run and crash into something then you at you like, “WTF are you laughing at, bumbling human? I meant to do that.”

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:08:37pm

re: #143 The Ghost of the Abomination Colors

Do you—or anyone else—happen to know what the deal is with the knives and other implements incorporated into that sign?

I’m guessing it’s butcher’s tools, but I haven’t seen anything like that before. They’re very nice-looking, too.

There have been some implications that they are for circumcising. Unless VB was joking.

teleskiguy  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:08:59pm
De Kolta Chair  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:09:28pm

Visiting the in-laws in Baltimore and just discovered that Washington, D.C. PBS station WETA UK airs the old Doctor Who’s! On right now: “Inferno” (1970) with the Fourth Doctor and his companion Liz Shaw.

GlutenFreeJesus  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:10:28pm

re: #180 teleskiguy

Bet they weren’t home schooled in Utah.

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:12:26pm

re: #181 De Kolta Chair

Visiting the in-laws in Baltimore and just discovered that Washington, D.C. PBS station WETA UK airs the old Doctor Who’s! On right now: “Inferno” (1970) with the Fourth Doctor and his companion Liz Shaw.

Embedded Image

I first started watching Dr Who when I was living in DC in 1988-89. Saw a lot of Pertwee and Baker episodes.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:12:29pm

re: #119 Shiplord Kirel

I’ll never forget the video of an Italian Coast Guard officer approaching “Captain Coward’s” lifeboat and screaming at him to “RETURN TO YOUR SHIP! GO BACK TO YOUR FUCKING SHIP!”
There were still hundreds of passengers aboard the foundering cruise liner when the captain, whose real name is Francesco Schettino, decided to take his leave and make for shore. Abandoning a shipload of passengers is unconscionable among sea captains, the worst possible violation of maritime tradition. Decent captains would quite literally rather die than do it, and many have. Schettino is currently serving a 16 year prison sentence,10 for manslaughter, five for causing the wreck in the first place, and one for abandoning his passengers.

In the old days, his punishment would have been much more harsh and a lot more final.

CuriousLurker  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:13:12pm

re: #158 Great White Snark

P.S. the water intermediately made me thing of cobalt teal watercolor paint. I freaking love that color.

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:13:49pm

Had a catbird carrying food pester me for five minutes last Friday.

Great White Snark  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:14:01pm

re: #178 CuriousLurker

Exactly. I’m convinced they don’t think us smart for having spoken language. They think us fools for needing it.

b_sharp  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:14:27pm

re: #185 CuriousLurker

P.S. the water intermediately made me thing of cobalt teal watercolor paint. I freaking love that color.

Embedded Image

That used to be my favourite colour.

The Ghost of the Abomination Colors  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:14:28pm

re: #75 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

At the helm of the Edmund Fitzgerald

At the helm of the Fitzcarraldo.

BeachDem  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:15:46pm

re: #110 Charles Johnson

Flushing them into the open isn’t bad. But it can’t stop at that. The Democrats should be mounting a big push to show why they’re the sane alternative to this bad craziness.

But I’m not seeing that. Maybe it’s still to come. But although we may think right wing xenophobia is a horrible thing (and it is), there are way too many voters out there that this horrible thing appeals to. Right now there’s little to no push-back coming from the Democratic Party.

Maybe the big push-back is being prepared, and I’ll be happy to admit I was wrong if it is. But I have a bad feeling from what I’m seeing so far.

First, ya gotta get the nomination and get Dems fired up:

Taking (and leaving) the stage to loud chants of “Hillary! Hillary!”, Clinton’s highly partisan speech garnered huge enthusiasm from the crowd of Iowa party activists, earning a lengthy standing ovation; once the audience got up, they didn’t sit down again until she was off the stage.

Mixing personal stories with a strong case for progressive policies, Clinton did more than just draw contrasts between herself and the Republican candidates.

She made a passionate case for the Democratic party as a whole, affirming her commitment to fight for the election of Democrats in every corner of the country and for every elected office, from Senator and Governor right down to the local school board.

She celebrated the unity of our party, and aimed all of her ammunition toward the retrograde relics on the other side of the aisle.

She reaffirmed her commitment to fighting for reproductive rights, immigration reform, and higher wages for working families, and stood in solidarity with the diverse communities that make up the base of the Democratic party.

teleskiguy  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:17:53pm

Uh oh.

Dark_Falcon  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:18:36pm

re: #184 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

In the old days, his punishment would have been much more harsh and a lot more final.

There is a small part of me that thinks that is what should have happened: He should have been brought onto the the deck of the coast guard ship and then the coast guard’s commander should have shot the coward in the head then through his body overboard pour encourager les autres.

But I’m satisfied with what the asshole got: A long prison term and being vilified the world over as a coward.

stpaulbear  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:18:41pm

re: #186 Feline Fearless Leader

Embedded Image

Had a catbird carrying food pester me for five minutes last Friday.

Were you sitting near its nest? They hate that.

CuriousLurker  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:18:51pm

re: #187 Great White Snark

Exactly. I’m convinced they don’t think us smart for having spoken language. They think us fools for needing it.

LOL, exactly.

I read an article somewhere once that said they only “talk” because most of the time we’re too stupid/inattentive to pick up on their facial expressions & body language. It also said that they pick up on our intonation and mimic it (e.g. like when we ask a question).

I’ve gotten pretty good at body language with mine though.

RealityBasedSteve  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:19:22pm

Was diving with a couple of lovely young ladies who hadn’t been in the water for a year or so. We had a great time, and I brought them both back alive. The bottom at the quarry was pretty stirred up by the time I took these, so there is a lot of floating stuff and what not. In any case, fun was had.

Scuba Phone
It’s for you Steve….
Driving the School Bus
Good Friends.
Eric The Fruit Bat  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:19:29pm

re: #191 teleskiguy

That brings back memories of when I-35W collapsed up here in Minneapolis.

De Kolta Chair  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:22:23pm

re: #183 Feline Fearless Leader

I first started watching Dr Who when I was living in DC in 1988-89. Saw a lot of Pertwee and Baker episodes.

;-) I gather that WETA and its audience are famous for being big on Dr Who, and if memory serves they were the last PBS station to have a contract with the Beeb to show the original programs. Nice to see they’ve brought them back. I’ll probably be visiting my in-laws more often now, whether they — or my wife — like it or not.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:22:32pm

trumpgasm burns all possible gopxygen, party asphyxiates as donald balloons to nightmare size like a macy’s float

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:23:01pm

Well I had my first break in ancestry research. Someone who has been researching the family with the same surname and from the same region as my maternal grandmother’s mother contacted me. Really interested in seeing where this goes since we don’t know who my great grandmother’s father was.

CuriousLurker  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:23:02pm

re: #188 b_sharp

That used to be my favourite colour.

It’s a lovely color. Hell, they’re all lovely. Okay not all, but most. My favorite color is usually whichever one I happen to be looking at.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:23:32pm

re: #192 Dark_Falcon

There is a small part of me that thinks that is what should have happened: He should have been brought onto the the deck of the coast guard ship and then the coast guard’s commander should have shot the coward in the head then through his body overboard pour encourager les autres.

But I’m satisfied with what the asshole got: A long prison term and being vilified the world over as a coward.

Well, he’ll never captain a ship ever again, that’s for sure.

Shiplord Kirel  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:23:42pm

re: #184 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

In the old days, his punishment would have been much more harsh and a lot more final.

Schettino probably would have rated a major flogging just for the mind-boggling excuse he offered at his trial. He claimed he slipped as the ship heeled over and just happened to fall into a lifeboat. In the unlikely event of this actually happening, it would have been a simple matter for him to get back aboard, since they did have ropes, or at least stay nearby rather than speeding off for the safety of the shore.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:24:14pm

re: #195 RealityBasedSteve

Was diving with a couple of lovely young ladies who hadn’t been in the water for a year or so. We had a great time, and I brought them both back alive. The bottom at the quarry was pretty stirred up by the time I took these, so there is a lot of floating stuff and what not. In any case, fun was had.

[Embedded content]

I’d be petrified to SCUBA dive. It’s too bad too. I love the ocean but I am afraid as hell of going way deep. I remember being a kid being afraid of going to the bottom of the deep end (12 feet). Looks like you guys had a great time though.

Great White Snark  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:26:27pm

re: #194 CuriousLurker

Yes, body language among them is so good I kinda get why people might think they read each others minds. So while I was out there I shot some video of course. Just a few minutes uploading to youtube… Just a lil short look at the cat regarding the bird.

Belafon  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:28:41pm

New Rick and Morty next Sunday!

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:28:54pm

regular repuglicans becoming smaller everyday, some no longer visible

fox declared liberal rag, mudoch loses his grip

surely signs of the end times holy dog will soon return

BeenHereAwhile  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:29:39pm

re: #132 Feline Fearless Leader

Here we go folks - I got a money shot.

Embedded Image


HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:30:07pm

re: #175 GlutenFreeJesus

Absolutely. This country is headed more left, especially socially. But a lot of younger left-leaning people of voting age just don’t see the point in voting. I hear it every day.

“None of them care about anyone but themselves”

“It’s just BS they feed us so they can keep their jobs”

“What’s one vote?”

And it goes on, and on, and on. We have a huge population of our own disaffected youth that just doesn’t give a shit about anything.

It’s something believe me I feel sometimes as a younger voter. The difference between me and many of these types though is I don’t buy the stupid crap that the two parties are identical. The Democratic Party is at least going to give me some of what I want while the GOP offers me nothing and calls me a lazy moocher because I don’t have a job.

#FergusonFireside  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:30:11pm
CuriousLurker  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:30:27pm

re: #132 Feline Fearless Leader

Wow, I totally missed that one. Nice!

BeachDem  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:31:27pm

re: #175 GlutenFreeJesus

Absolutely. This country is headed more left, especially socially. But a lot of younger left-leaning people of voting age just don’t see the point in voting. I hear it every day.

“None of them care about anyone but themselves”

“It’s just BS they feed us so they can keep their jobs”

“What’s one vote?”

And it goes on, and on, and on. We have a huge population of our own disaffected youth that just doesn’t give a shit about anything.

I can only speak for what has gone on in this state, but the Dems here, outnumbered though we are, have made a huge priority of engaging young people. At our state issues conference, one of the main forums was about young activists, and they are working to set up strong Young Dem and College Dem groups everywhere possible.

It’s not going to happen overnight, but, if there’s that much emphasis in a solid-red state like this, I can only hope it’s going on elsewhere.

Belafon  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:31:37pm

re: #132 Feline Fearless Leader

Here we go folks - I got a money shot.

Embedded Image

Didn’t that Decepticon turn around and help the Autobots?

De Kolta Chair  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:31:47pm

re: #183 Feline Fearless Leader

I first started watching Dr Who when I was living in DC in 1988-89. Saw a lot of Pertwee and Baker episodes.

Was WETA still airing Blake’s Seven when you were there? They used to rerun that a lot. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:32:10pm

trump addresses crowd at convention:

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:33:54pm

re: #211 BeachDem

I can only speak for what has gone on in this state, but the Dems here, outnumbered though we are, have made a huge priority of engaging young people. At our state issues conference, one of the main forums was about young activists, and they are working to set up strong Young Dem and College Dem groups everywhere possible.

It’s not going to happen overnight, but, if there’s that much emphasis in a solid-red state like this, I can only hope it’s going on elsewhere.

I’m really interested to see what happens with your state. I’ve seen my state go from a state that hadn’t gone Democratic at a presidential election to twice going for Obama and I think one that would be favorable to Hillary in 2016. Plus we’ve elected three Democrats to the Senate since Bush’s re-election. Demographics have played a big role I think but I think the state Democrats deserve credit too since the Dems actually did control the state senate at one point.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:37:26pm

—deleted because my connection had a brainfart. See below —

RealityBasedSteve  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:37:41pm

Well, time for me to take a quick shower and then crash and burn for the evening. Play Fair, Be Kind, and remember, stolen kisses are the best.


Dark_Falcon  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:39:07pm

re: #212 Belafon

Didn’t that Decepticon turn around and help the Autobots?

Jetfire was more of a fighter type, albeit ‘futurized’ to keep the toy’s look different from the F-15 based Thundercracker, Starscream, and Skywarp.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:39:41pm

re: #216 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

I was contacted a few weeks ago by another descendant of my great-grandfather, almost out of the blue. He had just found the DNA surname project I belong to, and the moderator put us in touch with each other.

My ggf was married twice. My grandfather was from his first marriage, and Tim’s grand

Very cool. I’m very excited to see where this leads.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:39:56pm

re: #202 Shiplord Kirel

Schettino probably would have rated a major flogging just for the mind-boggling excuse he offered at his trial. He claimed he slipped as the ship heeled over and just happened to fall into a lifeboat. In the unlikely event of this actually happening, it would have been a simple matter for him to get back aboard, since they did have ropes, or at least stay nearby rather than speeding off for the safety of the shore.

If only there was some way to extract the $1.4 billion it cost to raise the ship without contaminating the whole area out of his worthless hide. I watched the NOVA episode about the process, and all honors to the people who pulled it off, and the diver who lost his life, but damn, what a project that was. All so he could show his mistress a better view of the island….

WhatEVs  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:41:02pm

re: #67 freetoken

I know this may sound shallow, but the best thing the Democrats have going for them is that Scott Walker is not particularly photogenic.

Or smart. He has already talked himself into things he’s had to talk his way out of…failing on both ends.

Personally, I’m good with the Dems sitting on the sidelines for a while. Less opportunity for them to stick their proverbial feet in their mouths.

Kragar  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:41:42pm

re: #218 Dark_Falcon

Jetfire was more of a fighter type, albeit ‘futurized’ to keep the toy’s look different from the F-15 based Thundercracker, Starscream, and Skywarp.

The Jetfire toy was taken straight up from the Macross toy line and rebranded in the US as just another Transformer.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:44:01pm

re: #199 HappyWarrior

Well I had my first break in ancestry research. Someone who has been researching the family with the same surname and from the same region as my maternal grandmother’s mother contacted me. Really interested in seeing where this goes since we don’t know who my great grandmother’s father was.

A few weeks ago, I got an email from a man who’s my half-second cousin. He found me through a DNA surname project he had just joined. We have the same great-grandfather, who married twice. My grandfather was from the first marriage, and his from the second. Our two branches of the family lost touch with each other probably 70 years ago, after our respective grandfathers died.

Get this. The guy and I were both living in Kentucky during the 1980s, about an hour’s drive from each other! His sisters still live in KY, while he has since retired to FL.

Then a few days ago, I got an email from a second cousin on my mother’s side. She had just found my genealogy stuff on the Internet and contacted me.

I tell you, this Internet thing is going to catch on someday. ;-)

CuriousLurker  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:44:09pm

re: #218 Dark_Falcon

Jetfire was more of a fighter type, albeit ‘futurized’ to keep the toy’s look different from the F-15 based Thundercracker, Starscream, and Skywarp.

Whew, there for a minute I was wondering why in the hell I had no earthly idea what a Decepticon or Autobot is.

Dark_Falcon  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:44:10pm

re: #222 Kragar

The Jetfire toy was taken straight up from the Macross toy line and rebranded in the US as just another Transformer.

Damn Harmony Gold anyways.

SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:45:15pm

re: #90 HappyWarrior

I just hope Hillary has a good team of people. I was not impressed with how she ran her 2008 campaign at all. It reeked personally to me of entitlement which was a huge turnoff for someone who was undecided throughout that primary but when it came down to Hillary versus Obama preferred Obama.

Whenever there was an extended period between primaries, Hilary’s numbers went down. I particular, PA, where the polling initially favored her by 20%, and the media called it a blowout, the actual result was a only a 9 point win for Clinton.

BeachDem  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:45:35pm

re: #215 HappyWarrior

I’m really interested to see what happens with your state. I’ve seen my state go from a state that hadn’t gone Democratic at a presidential election to twice going for Obama and I think one that would be favorable to Hillary in 2016. Plus we’ve elected three Democrats to the Senate since Bush’s re-election. Demographics have played a big role I think but I think the state Democrats deserve credit too since the Dems actually did control the state senate at one point.

I don’t kid myself that we’ll be able to take over anything anytime soon. But there are many races here where we don’t even field a fucking candidate.

Our state women’s group (of which a good friend of mine is president) is really working on addressing women’s issues and cultivating women candidates. There is truly a hunger for representation.

Just as an example—we did a survey about issues earlier in the month—sent out about 400 emails and posted it on facebook—we got more than 200 responses—many with comments like “I really want to work to help elect women” and “I have ______ skills/experience that I would like to contribute.”

It can be REALLY discouraging (especially when good candidates like Vincent Sheheen and Bakari Sellers lose to the likes of Nikki Haley and creepy Henry McMaster) but we haven’t given up the fight.

And definitely, keep an eye on Bakari Sellers—he’s out of office and working for CNN right now, but he will be back in it. The first time I heard him speak I knew how people felt when they listened to a young Obama.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:46:21pm

re: #219 HappyWarrior

Very cool. I’m very excited to see where this leads.

As am I. I’m hoping they can help me identify some people in the old photos my grandfather left behind. He rarely labeled them.

Joe Bacon  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:47:41pm

re: #113 Feline Fearless Leader

That pecan pie looks HEAVENLY!!!!!!

CriticalDragon1177  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:47:45pm

Charles Johnson,

What rightwing racism? Nope, don’t see any racism here! Liberals are the real racists!

De Kolta Chair  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:48:25pm

re: #221 WhatEVs

Personally, I’m good with the Dems sitting on the sidelines for a while. Less opportunity for them to stick their proverbial feet in their mouths.

Me too, and the almost daily NY Times “Why hasn’t Hillary sewn this up already and what Brooklyn neighborhood can her staffers afford to live in?” articles are sometimes a hoot.

CuriousLurker  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:51:18pm

Almost midnight here, so g’nite to all.

Belafon  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:52:01pm

re: #218 Dark_Falcon

Jetfire was more of a fighter type, albeit ‘futurized’ to keep the toy’s look different from the F-15 based Thundercracker, Starscream, and Skywarp.

I believe in the movie, though, they used the SR-71 at the museum for him.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:52:47pm

re: #228 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

As am I. I’m hoping they can help me identify some people in the old photos my grandfather left behind. He rarely labeled them.

That would be way cool. .I really wish that we had more photos but my mom’s side was pretty poor. I only met one of my grandfather’s siblings (he was the youngest) and a lot of his siblings sadly died quite young. My mom was absolutely shocked hearing about how short her grandfather was given that her father (my grandfather) was fairly tall- I have a copy of his WWI and WWII draft registrations.I am really interested to see where this leads though. My great grandmother had a fairly common maiden name but the guy’s research it appears is in the part of Slovakia where she came from and to boot I know that most of my ancestors in that region were Rusyn and Greek Catholic rather than ethnic Slovaks and RCCs. I love doing this. It’s like a gigantic puzzle.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:53:40pm

The debates will be interesting for both parties. I’ve never seen Sanders debate before so I’m interested to seeing how he does. It’s one thing to be a great ideological champion but I want to see how he does at that.

WhatEVs  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:54:23pm

re: #135 goddamnedfrank

For some reason, that 47% of needed Latino support is music to my soul. It’s just…apropos.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:54:54pm

re: #227 BeachDem

I don’t kid myself that we’ll be able to take over anything anytime soon. But there are many races here where we don’t even field a fucking candidate.

Our state women’s group (of which a good friend of mine is president) is really working on addressing women’s issues and cultivating women candidates. There is truly a hunger for representation.

Just as an example—we did a survey about issues earlier in the month—sent out about 400 emails and posted it on facebook—we got more than 200 responses—many with comments like “I really want to work to help elect women” and “I have ______ skills/experience that I would like to contribute.”

It can be REALLY discouraging (especially when good candidates like Vincent Sheheen and Bakari Sellers lose to the likes of Nikki Haley and creepy Henry McMaster) but we haven’t given up the fight.

And definitely, keep an eye on Bakari Sellers—he’s out of office and working for CNN right now, but he will be back in it. The first time I heard him speak I knew how people felt when they listened to a young Obama.

I’ll definitely keep an eye on Sellers. Glad to see there’s something good brewing in SC. If you guys can at least make it competitive, I think that qualifies as some kind of victory. I think SC has only gone Dem once in the last 50 years.

SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:55:46pm

I think the SR-71 is one of the most gorgeous airplanes I’ve ever seen. Some others in the top ten would be the P-51, Cessna Citation, F-16, B-1, P-47D, and the F-9F.

HappyWarrior  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:56:11pm

re: #236 WhatEVs

For some reason, that 47% of needed Latino support is music to my soul. It’s just…apropos.

Poetic justice. I’m going to be absolutely estastic if the GOP’s piss poor treatment of Hispanics plays a big part in a Dem victory. Not just because I love seeing the GOP get massive egg on their faces but because I now have a Hispanic niece and extended family via my SiL.

SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:56:55pm

re: #230 CriticalDragon1177

Charles Johnson,

What rightwing racism? Nope, don’t see any racism here! Liberals are the real racists!

Don’t forget Robert Byrd!

Chan Kobun  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:58:20pm

So I need to find a tie for tomorrow.

And, naturally, I can’t find my good one.

Fuck ALL the things!

WhatEVs  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:59:08pm

re: #152 Charles Johnson

Because I know you’re dying to know. //

Kragar  Jul 19, 2015 • 8:59:15pm

re: #238 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

But you have to admit the F-104 had the best music…

Great White Snark  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:02:17pm

Well its getting late. But I did want to leave this off, hope ya get a laugh Video

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:04:05pm

re: #238 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I think the SR-71 is one of the most gorgeous airplanes I’ve ever seen. Some others in the top ten would be the P-51, Cessna Citation, F-16, B-1, P-47D, and the F-9F.

Maybe because it’s one of the most underrated aircraft ever—Chuck Yeager called it the finest airplane he ever flew, and the highest-scoring Allied ace of WWII flew it (but he was a Russkie, so it don’t count./), I’ve always liked the Bell P-39 Airacobra:

Dark_Falcon  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:04:07pm

re: #221 WhatEVs

Or smart. He has already talked himself into things he’s had to talk his way out of…failing on both ends.

Personally, I’m good with the Dems sitting on the sidelines for a while. Less opportunity for them to stick their proverbial feet in their mouths.

That won’t happen, as the media will whip them into the fray. The press as a whole doesn’t want either party to unite quickly, they want horse races so they can cover them.

De Kolta Chair  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:06:16pm

re: #241 Chan Kobun

So I need to find a tie for tomorrow.

And, naturally, I can’t find my good one.

Fuck ALL the things!

Dark_Falcon  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:06:53pm

re: #245 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Maybe because it’s one of the most underrated aircraft ever—Chuck Yeager called it the finest airplane he ever flew, and the highest-scoring Allied ace of WWII flew it (but he was a Russkie, so it don’t count./), I’ve always liked the Bell P-39 Airacobra:

[Embedded content]

It was better than its press, but the USAAF also had the higher and faster flying P-38 as a ‘cannon fighter’ and the P-38’s ability to operate alongside the B-17 and B-24 (at least over medium distances) mattered more to the US than did the P-39’s 37mm’s greater hitting power.

WhatEVs  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:13:22pm

re: #246 Dark_Falcon

That won’t happen, as the media will whip them into the fray. The press as a whole doesn’t want either party to unite quickly, they want horse races so they can cover them.

Sad but true. But a no response, I think, is smart. At least for now.

William Lewis  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:13:23pm

re: #238 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I think the SR-71 is one of the most gorgeous airplanes I’ve ever seen. Some others in the top ten would be the P-51, Cessna Citation, F-16, B-1, P-47D, and the F-9F.

I’d say my favorites are the P-61, P-12, A-20, Mosquito, A-4 & the “Ford” or F4D.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:13:35pm

re: #248 Dark_Falcon

It was better than its press, but the USAAF also had the higher and faster flying P-38 as a ‘cannon fighter’ and the P-38’s ability to operate alongside the B-17 and B-24 (at least over medium distances) mattered more to the US than did the P-39’s 37mm’s greater hitting power.

Its limiting factor was its Allison engine. By the time they supercharged it as the P-63 King Cobra so it could really shine at altitude, it was too late. They’d upengined the P-51 with a Merlin, and it had room for ridiculous amounts of fuel* where the Cobras had their engines—the rest, as they say, is history.

*Throwing the weight distribution way off so that it was the devil to fly till that tank was empty.

Dark_Falcon  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:15:14pm

Good Night, All.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:15:56pm

re: #234 HappyWarrior

That would be way cool. .I really wish that we had more photos but my mom’s side was pretty poor. I only met one of my grandfather’s siblings (he was the youngest) and a lot of his siblings sadly died quite young. My mom was absolutely shocked hearing about how short her grandfather was given that her father (my grandfather) was fairly tall- I have a copy of his WWI and WWII draft registrations.I am really interested to see where this leads though. My great grandmother had a fairly common maiden name but the guy’s research it appears is in the part of Slovakia where she came from and to boot I know that most of my ancestors in that region were Rusyn and Greek Catholic rather than ethnic Slovaks and RCCs. I love doing this. It’s like a gigantic puzzle.

It’s a puzzle that can never be finished, too. I’ve been working on my family history off and on for almost 40 years now. Maybe longer. When I was in the 6th grade my teacher gave us an assignment to find out about our ancestors, where they came from and so on. It turned out my father’s parents already had quite a lot about their respective ancestors and relatives, while my mother’s side was less well documented.

I guess that was the spark that sent me down this research project. And, of course, the Internet and the digitizing of historical records has made the research much easier with every coming year. I’ve connected with distant cousins I never even imagined had existed even 10 years ago.

TedStriker  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:18:52pm

re: #145 Eric The Fruit Bat

I was at a bris once.

The guy’s vanity plate was ‘MOHEL’.

I shit you not.

Did he get to keep the tip?

/thanks, I’ll be here all night…try the veal!

Amory Blaine  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:27:36pm
Amory Blaine  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:32:06pm

Watch Dogs is about 2 bucks if anyone is looking for a game.

RadicalModerate  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:32:41pm

Knew this was coming, but it’s official now.

U.S., Cuban re-establish diplomatic relations, reopen embassies

Havana, Cuba (CNN)One bitter holdover of the Cold War slipped into the history books at 12:01 a.m. Monday, when the United States and Cuba re-established diplomatic relations. For the first time since severing ties in 1961, they reopened embassies in each other’s capitals.

Cuban Foreign Minister Bruno Rodriguez Parrilla was to travel to the Cuban Embassy in Washington to raise his country’s flag, an event that Cuban government officials said would be broadcast live on the island’s state-run TV.

A Cuban delegation of diplomats, artists and veterans of the revolution were to commemorate the breakthrough with about 500 guests and more than likely down a few celebratory mojitos and shots of Havana Club rum.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:35:42pm

ICYMI, Slate has this photo essay featuring shots of everyday life in New York City from the 1940s and ’50s. The shot of Second Avenue looking downtown is one of my favorites.

Blind Frog Belly White  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:39:11pm

re: #254 TedStriker

Did he get to keep the tip?

/thanks, I’ll be here all night…try the veal!

But if you rub it, it turns into a suitcase!

SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:43:28pm

re: #250 William Lewis

I always thought the F4D was sort of giving you a dirty look from straight on.

SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:44:19pm

Every time I’ve been to a bris somebody faints.

De Kolta Chair  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:46:02pm

re: #258 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

ICYMI, Slate has this photo essay featuring shots of everyday life in New York City from the 1940s and ’50s. The shot of Second Avenue looking downtown is one of my favorites.

Fantastic. I was reading about the eccentric Moondog, the subject of the last photo, the other day. Thanks for the link.

Shiplord Kirel  Jul 19, 2015 • 9:46:29pm

re: #243 Kragar

But you have to admit the F-104 had the best music…

[Embedded content]


The Starfighters, made in 1964, featured none other than future Congressman and rabid RWer Bob Dornan as Lt. John Witkowski. Interestingly the fictional Witkowski is the son of a Congressman in the movie. Dornan himself had served as an AF pilot in the late 50s, though not in F-104s, and was cast as a pilot several times during his acting career.

teleskiguy  Jul 19, 2015 • 10:02:48pm
#FergusonFireside  Jul 19, 2015 • 10:03:42pm

Been raining here in So Cal since about 3 this afternoon.

De Kolta Chair  Jul 19, 2015 • 10:04:44pm

Have a pleasant night and R.I.P. Alex Rocco

#FergusonFireside  Jul 19, 2015 • 10:09:20pm

Night all.

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 10:11:14pm

re: #265 #FergusonFireside

The raccoons live in the storm drains all over the area. I saw a whole family pop out of one drain one day. I’ve also noticed that the local raccoons are now darker furred than what I remember in other parts of the country in which I lived. I wonder if that is an adaptation that helps them escape the coyotes.

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 10:13:05pm

It did rain quite a bit around the county. Lots of precipitation records dropped. For many places west of the mountains, the July precip records used to be measured in a few hundreths of an inch. Not any more, not after this week and former tropical storm Dolores.

darthstar  Jul 19, 2015 • 10:16:06pm

Here comes another economy.

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 10:49:24pm

Back on topic….

Right-wing/religious-right college-age-recruitment site The College Fix runs an article seemingly innocently titled:

Here’s the top 8 worst tweets from professors in the last year

Given the nature of Twitter I figured there would be no problem not only finding 8 but even 8000 “worst” tweets would be rather easy.

Turns out the 8 chosen were… about professors saying nasty things about white people.

freetoken  Jul 19, 2015 • 10:51:49pm

White people being maliciously slandered by college professors.

Oh, the horror in which our society now finds itself.

gwangung  Jul 19, 2015 • 10:59:21pm

re: #272 freetoken

White people being maliciously slandered by college professors.

Oh, the horror in which our society now finds itself.

And the worst thing about the worse tweets…were that the tweets were probably true.

Viscous Obama  Jul 19, 2015 • 11:01:02pm

Kragar  Jul 19, 2015 • 11:04:20pm

re: #272 freetoken

Its just like Nazi Germany.

Higgs Boson's Mate  Jul 19, 2015 • 11:30:28pm

re: #271 freetoken

Turns out the 8 chosen were… about professors saying nasty things about white people.

Can you blame them for being upset? It’s a known fact that white people are so sensitive and so delicate that they’re nearly extinct. Many of them are only one or two scathing criticisms away from the end as we speak.

goddamnedfrank  Jul 19, 2015 • 11:34:27pm
JadeHelmCurious  Jul 20, 2015 • 12:22:53am

re: #275 Kragar

Its just like Nazi Germany.

Like Nazi Germany x Kajillion.

goddamnedfrank  Jul 20, 2015 • 12:25:03am

My take on Sanders #nn15 fiasco.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 20, 2015 • 12:34:42am

re: #278 JadeHelmCurious

Like Nazi Germany x Kajillion.

I can’t wait to come back to the States next month and visit my family members in those FEMA camps I’ve heard so much about.

Oh, they’re Democrats, so they’re on the staff. Lucky dogs.

JadeHelmCurious  Jul 20, 2015 • 12:56:04am

Instead of enjoying the total Barforama that is Trump white progs gotta get their panties in a wad over black folk getting loud and misbehavin during their Socialist Coachella.

goddamnedfrank  Jul 20, 2015 • 1:27:27am
Varek Raith  Jul 20, 2015 • 1:43:35am

Eventual Carrion  Jul 20, 2015 • 2:20:50am

Comment while watching Weather channel before getting in shower. The dress Stephanie Abrams has on really suits her. I always catch Steph and Al in the morning and love their show. Al always looks and dresses pretty much the same, so Steph gets to handle the fashion (unless she is in the field, then it is just practical jeans and such). In studio she has wore some things that aren’t that flattering sometimes. But this morning the dress she has on really looks good on her.

Ha, except it doesn’t hold her transmitter well, it just dropped to the floor behind her and she had to step off camera to put it back. :-) Live TV.

Dr. Matt  Jul 20, 2015 • 4:23:14am
The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 4:34:08am

re: #143 The Ghost of the Abomination Colors

Do you—or anyone else—happen to know what the deal is with the knives and other implements incorporated into that sign?

I’m guessing it’s butcher’s tools, but I haven’t seen anything like that before. They’re very nice-looking, too.

See my translation

Varek Raith  Jul 20, 2015 • 4:41:17am

re: #285 Dr. Matt

[Embedded content]

Ugh, I still feel like a shithead for voting for Bush in that election.

Dr. Matt  Jul 20, 2015 • 4:54:27am

re: #287 Varek Raith

Ugh, I still feel like a shithead for voting for Bush in that election.

We all make mistakes.

Dr. Matt  Jul 20, 2015 • 4:56:18am

Coulter continuing to placate society’s lowest common denominator.

Vile bitch. #tcot #caring #pjnet
Jayleia  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:02:47am

re: #288 Dr. Matt

Some bigger than others. :-P

Targetpractice  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:07:11am

re: #289 Dr. Matt

Coulter continuing to placate society’s lowest common denominator.

[Embedded content]

Will the Roof family be right behind them, Ann?

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:22:04am

re: #289 Dr. Matt

Coulter continuing to placate society’s lowest common denominator.

[Embedded content]

Wasn’t he naturalized? Probably most of the family was, too. I’m hazy on the immigration laws, but I’m pretty sure you can’t deport a naturalized US citizen just because you don’t like they way they dress or who they are related to.

Just a guess, though.

Targetpractice  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:27:06am

re: #292 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

Wasn’t he naturalized? Probably most of the family was, too. I’m hazy on the immigration laws, but I’m pretty sure you can’t deport a naturalized US citizen just because you don’t like they way they dress or who they are related to.

Just a guess, though.

Coulter, like a lot of the wingnuts, believe in the idea of collective punishment…but only when Muslims are involved. When it was a still living white kid who was dragged into court after murdering 9 black folks, we were supposed to feel compassion for the parents because they’d “lost their son.”


wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:29:58am

re: #293 Targetpractice

Coulter, like a lot of the wingnuts, believe in the idea of collective punishment…but only when Muslims are involved. When it was a still living white kid who was dragged into court after murdering 9 black folks, we were supposed to feel compassion for the parents because they’d “lost their son.”


Not just Muslims. Some wingnuts would also add blacks, Mexicans, atheists, librulz, and any other groups they don’t especially like.

Guilt by association — the oldest trick in the books.

Dr. Matt  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:32:50am

re: #293 Targetpractice

Coulter, like a lot of the wingnuts, believe in the idea of collective punishment…but only when Muslims are involved. When it was a still living white kid who was dragged into court after murdering 9 black folks, we were supposed to feel compassion for the parents because they’d “lost their son.”


Right-wing “logic”: When a Muslim is involved in a crime, the entire Culture and religion is to blame. When the neo-confederate conservative Roof murdered 9 Blacks, it had nothing to do with his neo-confederate conservative views.

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:33:02am

re: #193 stpaulbear

Were you sitting near its nest? They hate that.

I think what was going on is that about 30’ down the hedge it’s chicks were being banded. So I was a convenient person to be annoyed at.

Romantic Heretic  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:34:38am

re: #176 Chan Kobun

Don’t forget that time-worn bullshit line: “Both Sides Do It!”

Which I regard as on of the most effective weapons that the people who want to get rid of democracy have created.

The first step in destroying a political system is to destroy faith in it.

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:38:34am

re: #213 De Kolta Chair

Was WETA still airing Blake’s Seven when you were there? They used to rerun that a lot. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

I don’t recall. Might have been, but it might also have been a few years later in Pittsburgh since I recall a PBS station (now gone) there that ran both Blake’s Seven and Dr Who at one time.

And I have only seen the latter parts of Blake’s Seven after a few characters had changed. Still a riveting series that US sci-fi shows have rarely approached.

Romantic Heretic  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:41:19am

re: #222 Kragar

The Jetfire toy was taken straight up from the Macross toy line and rebranded in the US as just another Transformer.

Ah. The Valkyrie. I had a model that could be folded into all three forms. I still wonder where I lost it. Probably when I lost my mind.

Romantic Heretic  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:44:07am

re: #238 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I think the SR-71 is one of the most gorgeous airplanes I’ve ever seen. Some others in the top ten would be the P-51, Cessna Citation, F-16, B-1, P-47D, and the F-9F.

The Mosquito and Spit are my favourites, and the A10. The latter ain’t pretty but it gets the job done.

lawhawk  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:45:02am

Trump is still lighting it up. Making asinine statements, and doing all manner of damage.

This should be the time for the Democrats at state and local levels, plus the candidates for the WH should be pouncing on the GOP for all of their missteps and for Trump polling as well as they have.

Rather, they’re keeping their powder dry and playing a waiting game. I don’t think this is a sound strategy. Whatever you think of Trump, he’s got a lot of people motivated among the GOP faithful, and once they’re motivated, they’re engaged and acting. The Democrats have got to get their act in gear, especially with an eye towards potentially retaking the Senate, and cutting the gap in the House. This is going to be vital in coming years, especially on the Senate side where Supreme Court vacancies are possible.

Romantic Heretic  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:45:25am

re: #245 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Maybe because it’s one of the most underrated aircraft ever—Chuck Yeager called it the finest airplane he ever flew, and the highest-scoring Allied ace of WWII flew it (but he was a Russkie, so it don’t count./), I’ve always liked the Bell P-39 Airacobra:

Embedded Image

Amazing firepower but do not try to turn fight in it. Boom and zoom only.

Romantic Heretic  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:46:48am

re: #255 Amory Blaine

Father Says ‘Flying Gun’ Drone Video Broke No Laws

[Embedded content]


Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:49:13am
I would not be surprised if both groups were paid by George Soros. Are these really KKK members?

It would be irresponsible not to….

SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:51:36am

re: #303 Romantic Heretic

I wonder if there are rules about altering weapons. Perhaps even open carry rules. For example, one could consider mounting the gun on a drone and flying it in publicairspace would be comparable to going outside with your weapon and leaving it on the hood of your car while you were barbecuing or something like that.

Frenchy  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:52:53am

re: #297 Romantic Heretic

I know it’s a dead horse in these parts, but it’s really disturbing how many people buy into this “both sides are the same” thing. Maybe it held some water at one time, but after what’s gone on during the Obama presidency I just don’t see how any fair-minded person who pays any sort of attention can believe that anymore.

Targetpractice  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:53:21am

re: #245 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Maybe because it’s one of the most underrated aircraft ever—Chuck Yeager called it the finest airplane he ever flew, and the highest-scoring Allied ace of WWII flew it (but he was a Russkie, so it don’t count./), I’ve always liked the Bell P-39 Airacobra:

[Embedded content]

Ah, “dear little cobra.” The Soviets absolutely loved those babies, more so after they took the .50 cals out of the wings to improve stability and roll rate. They were a pretty good match for the Junkers bombs and early-war Messerschmitts they fought, plus the 37mm proved an able tank popper when used right.

Dr. Matt  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:53:22am

re: #300 Romantic Heretic

The Mosquito and Spit are my favourites, and the A10. The latter ain’t pretty but it gets the job done.

I was always partial to the F-4 Phantom. That’s one sexy beast. It reminds of a 60s Detroit Muscle car….fast as hell, just don’t turn.

Targetpractice  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:53:58am

re: #308 Dr. Matt

I was always partial to the F-4 Phantom. That’s one sexy beast. It reminds of a 60s Detroit Muscle car….fast as hell, just don’t turn.

Proof that you can get a brick to fly if you put a big enough engine on it.

Dr. Matt  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:55:35am

re: #309 Targetpractice

Proof that you can get a brick to fly if you put a big enough engine on it.

You can even put one in space!

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:56:01am

Always been a bit partial to the P-38, P-47, and Mosquito myself. Will post some more pics as I get those sorted out.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:56:58am

re: #310 Dr. Matt

You can even put one in space!

Embedded Image

I was thinking the same thing. :-)

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:57:31am

Oh, F-4s…

I have a nice head-on shot of that one in a folder here. It’s on display next to an SA-2 and a Mig-21.

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:58:41am
Romantic Heretic  Jul 20, 2015 • 5:59:18am

OT: For the gamers here a question.

I bought Deus Ex: Human Revolution for my Mac last night. Well, Saturday night but it didn’t finish downloading until last night.

Any lizards play it? Does it have as steep learning a learning curve as I suspect it will? What’s your opinion of it?

Romantic Heretic  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:01:08am

re: #311 Feline Fearless Leader

Been playing War Thunder and I’ve found that my favourite early war aircraft is the BF110. It’s faster than many of the planes it is up against and when you shoot something it usually dies.

Targetpractice  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:02:49am

re: #315 Romantic Heretic

OT: For the gamers here a question.

I bought Deus Ex: Human Revolution for my Mac last night. Well, Saturday night but it didn’t finish downloading until last night.

Any lizards play it? Does it have as steep learning a learning curve as I suspect it will? What’s your opinion of it?

The learning curve’s not horrendously steep, but there is one. Particularly if you’re like me and decided that, starting from the beginning, you were going to go for a stealth/pacifist run. Whew boy…

SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:03:05am

I had included the P47D in my original list because it doesn’t necessarily have the pretty curves but it is just pure muscle. I have a book somewhere about the airplane and it has a photo of one whose bomb exploded when the pilot landed. He walked away.
EDIT - he was injured, but he did walk away, so it was a good landing after all.

Higgs Boson's Mate  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:07:07am

re: #309 Targetpractice

Proof that you can get a brick to fly if you put a big enough engine on it.

Some bricks fly way better than others. F4 Phantom-era Blue Angels:

SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:07:22am

re: #307 Targetpractice

Ah, “dear little cobra.” The Soviets absolutely loved those babies, more so after they took the .50 cals out of the wings to improve stability and roll rate. They were a pretty good match for the Junkers bombs and early-war Messerschmitts they fought, plus the 37mm proved an able tank popper when used right.

I hadn’t realized they did that. I remember reading that it didn’t have a big enough tail but maybe those two things equaled out.

Dr Lizardo  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:08:10am

Aside from the P51 Mustang, I have major respect for an enemy WWII fighter - the one that changed the rules of the game forever.

The Messerschmitt Me 262.

Like my dad said about it, “One hell of a plane - a day late and a dollar short, and a damned good thing it was, too. If the Germans had had a Luftwaffe full of these things back in 1939, I reckon most of Europe would be singing Deutschland Über Alles every morning.”

Targetpractice  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:13:05am

re: #318 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

I had included the P47D in my original list because it doesn’t necessarily have the pretty curves but it is just pure muscle. I have a book somewhere about the airplane and it has a photo of one whose bomb exploded when the pilot landed. He walked away.

I remember hearing a joke about Jug aces didn’t so much shoot down their opponents as just get in front of them and wait for the enemy pilot to shoot himself down with one of his own ricochets. They could take some serious abuse, plus they carried enough bombs and rockets to qualify as a light bomber.

SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:13:29am

re: #321 Dr Lizardo

It is a beaut, but even if the Germans hadn’t fooled around with it and brought it into service when they could have it was already too late. It was vulnerable on takeoff and landing (those early turbojets weren’t known for quick throttle response). Allied aircraft would have just stalked the airfields and whittled the numbers down.

Romantic Heretic  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:14:45am

re: #321 Dr Lizardo

Oh, yes indeed.

Even if it had gone into service a year earlier, which in my opinion it would have except for that Austrian corporal getting in the way, the ‘strategic bombing campaign’ would have been even more unsuccessful that it was.

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:15:19am

P-40 another entry in the “good plane that missed the technology boat” group. Lacked the supercharger for the necessary performance at altitude, but otherwise could do adequate boom and zoom and fight Zeroes if you knew the proper tactics.

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:16:57am

re: #323 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

It is a beaut, but even if the Germans hadn’t fooled around with it and brought it into service when they could have it was already too late. It was vulnerable on takeoff and landing (those early turbojets weren’t known for quick throttle response). Allied aircraft would have just stalked the airfields and whittled the numbers down.

The Germans converted the approaches to a couple of the Me-262 airfields into large concentrations of light flak. The Allied fighters got a bit more careful in their stalking after a while.

Romantic Heretic  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:17:38am

re: #317 Targetpractice

The learning curve’s not horrendously steep, but there is one. Particularly if you’re like me and decided that, starting from the beginning, you were going to go for a stealth/pacifist run. Whew boy…

Thanks. I’m afraid I have chosen the stealth type. Not a big fan of wanton violence.

Targetpractice  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:19:00am

re: #327 Romantic Heretic

Thanks. I’m afraid I have chosen the stealth type. Not a big fan of wanton violence.

Well, stealth’s a good choice, especially if you want to maximize XP. It’s all just a matter of timing and knowing where the exits are. And later augments make it much easier to sneak around.

Targetpractice  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:28:30am

The thread’s dead, Jim.

Snarknado!  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:29:54am

re: #329 Targetpractice

The thread’s dead, Jim.

It is not dead, but sleeps.

Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:30:26am
Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:31:09am
Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:31:30am
Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:31:58am
Deceased… Bee
FormerDirtDart  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:34:43am
Feline Fearless Leader  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:36:04am

Off to go play tourist. Sticking to indoor locales today to reduce sun exposure a bit.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:37:12am

Picked up the audio version of Go Set A Watchman this weekend. Not much to the story so far, but I could listen to Reese Witherspoon read from a phone book.

lawhawk  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:38:03am

re: #330 Snarknado!

Great White Snark  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:40:39am

re: #333 Feline Fearless Leader

Love the one with him upside down on the flower.

This is what a big El Nino looks like. Monsoon rains and a powerful reminder we are desert here. If you want to get to Arizona from California, the I-10 is not your friend today. I had gotten some video of lightning over the weekend but it was way off in the distance.

lawhawk  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:40:42am
darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:43:03am
Snarknado!  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:44:40am

re: #337 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Picked up the audio version of Go Set A Watchman this weekend. Not much to the story so far, but I could listen to Reese Witherspoon read from a phone book.

I’ve heard the first 75 pages or so are really slow and it picks up after that.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:44:59am

re: #321 Dr Lizardo

Aside from the P51 Mustang, I have major respect for an enemy WWII fighter - the one that changed the rules of the game forever.

The Messerschmitt Me 262.

Embedded Image

Like my dad said about it, “One hell of a plane - a day late and a dollar short, and a damned good thing it was, too. If the Germans had had a Luftwaffe full of these things back in 1939 as late as 1943, I reckon most of Europe would be singing Deutschland Über Alles every morning.”

Would’ve been the end of allied daylight bombing.

Higgs Boson's Mate  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:45:50am

re: #335 FormerDirtDart

Retired Senator And Intelligence Vice Chair: Hang Snowden Publicly When We Get Him

Rather than hypotheticals, I’d enjoy hearing what Chambliss’ fellow Republicans in Congress have done post-Snowden to tighten up relevant policies and practices with the goal of preventing such incidents in the the future.

BlackPearl  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:48:11am

re: #340 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Um, context? Google News gives me nothing relevant…

FormerDirtDart  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:48:38am

re: #341 darthstar

Yet, somehow the US managed maintain diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, while they were selling weapons to everybody and pointing actual real nuclear weapons at us.

Tigger2  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:52:27am

re: #346 FormerDirtDart

Yet, somehow the US managed maintain diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, while they were selling weapons to everybody and pointing actual real nuclear weapons at us.

[Embedded content]

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:52:46am

re: #346 FormerDirtDart

Yet, somehow the US managed maintain diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, while they were selling weapons to everybody and pointing actual real nuclear weapons at us.

What kind of weapons would Cuba send to NK, which already has nukes?

These people…..

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:53:48am

re: #346 FormerDirtDart

Yet, somehow the US managed maintain diplomatic relations with the Soviet Union, while they were selling weapons to everybody and pointing actual real nuclear weapons at us.

Cuba also invaded U.S. in Red Dawn (1984 version). Let’s not forget that.


darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:55:03am

re: #348 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

What kind of weapons would Cuba send to NK, which already has nukes?

These people…..

Some surplus Springfield rifles?

danarchy  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:56:23am

re: #345 BlackPearl

Um, context? Google News gives me nothing relevant…

Is it physically possible that you have not heard anything about the pay for play scandals in FIFA?

Dr. Matt  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:56:23am

And this purdy gal still has a special place in my heart after spending 4 years keeping her electronics intack.

Tigger2  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:56:25am

re: #348 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

What kind of weapons would Cuba send to NK, which already has nukes?

These people…..


lawhawk  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:56:45am

NYC is already experiencing power issues due to the temperatures.

Con Ed is reducing power, which means that its systems are stressed and it wont take much to get brownouts or scattered outages before long. And it’s before 10am.

FormerDirtDart  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:56:56am

re: #348 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

What kind of weapons would Cuba send to NK, which already has nukes?

These people…..

Let’s not even consider that with sanctions lifted Cuba will be less inclined to do business with them, and leaving North Korea further isolated

Oh sorry, that’s crazy talk

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:57:20am

re: #348 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

What kind of weapons would Cuba send to NK, which already has nukes?

These people…..

Large, gas guzzling American cars. Deadly in the wrong hands.

Dr. Matt  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:57:29am

re: #353 Tigger2


And Cuba libres.

Higgs Boson's Mate  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:57:39am

re: #346 FormerDirtDart

The Cuban officials who tried to send weapons to North Korea were subsequently purged when they attempted to send coals to Newcastle.

lawhawk  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:58:56am

re: #346 FormerDirtDart

Dr. Matt  Jul 20, 2015 • 6:59:56am

Conservatives screech about Cuba’s “repressive regime”, but are silent about China and Saudi Arabia.

FormerDirtDart  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:00:11am

re: #349 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Cuba also invaded U.S. in Red Dawn (1984 version). Let’s not forget that.


Which led to China North Korea invading the U.S. in Red Dawn (2012)

We shall never forget

darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:00:31am

re: #354 lawhawk

NYC is already experiencing power issues due to the temperatures.

[Embedded content]

Con Ed is reducing power, which means that its systems are stressed and it wont take much to get brownouts or scattered outages before long. And it’s before 10am.

It was 75 degrees here yesterday. Miserable hot. Right now I’m looking out the sliding glass door in my bedroom at a blue sky illuminated by bright sunlight and know that it’s going to be another scorcher.

My only solace comes in knowing that the marine layer this killer heatwave is generating will ensure us three days of 62 degree max temps and a soaking fog…though with ocean temps pushing 64 degrees, even that can’t be trusted to happen.

darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:01:30am
Tigger2  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:02:28am

re: #360 Dr. Matt

Conservatives screech about Cuba’s “repressive regime”, but are silent about China and Saudi Arabia.

But the Conservatives also forget about how repressive some of their own Republican Regimes policies are on some people.

darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:02:34am

I see the Donald and I am grateful that there are sane people in the Republican party…like future front runner Scott Walker:

Higgs Boson's Mate  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:03:24am

re: #363 darthstar

No wonder Trump is so upset: happily and openly destroying great works is a job for Republicans!

Targetpractice  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:05:09am

re: #365 darthstar

I see the Donald and I am grateful that there are sane people in the Republican party…like future front runner Scott Walker:

[Embedded content]

Military strikes on Iran, aka “Slamming the door on diplomacy with them forever.”

darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:05:44am

re: #365 darthstar

I see the Donald and I am grateful that there are sane people in the Republican party…like future front runner Scott Walker:

[Embedded content]

And Jeb:

darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:06:38am
darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:08:57am
BlackPearl  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:09:31am

re: #351 danarchy

Is it physically possible that you have not heard anything about the pay for play scandals in FIFA?

I am quite aware of them. I am quite aware of several arrests regarding them. I am not aware of a scene of someone confronting (I assume) Sepp Blatter in this way.

I was hoping to share in the schadenfreude of the moment, actually, but there is no context in the tweet or the comment about when or where this happened, who did it, and if there is a tasty followup scene. And Google gives me no hits on “FIFA disruption” or “FIFA news disruption”. I see now that “FIFA Blatter disruption” gives me a hit, as of 40 minutes ago. I apologize for not being aware of the breaking news of half an hour ago and asking for context.

Higgs Boson's Mate  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:09:48am

re: #365 darthstar

I see the Donald and I am grateful that there are sane people in the Republican party…like future front runner Scott Walker:

[Embedded content]

If it’s reasonable to bomb in order to prevent future chaos, suffering and destruction then we must bomb Scott Walker ASAP.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:10:03am


darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:10:16am
Targetpractice  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:12:55am

The wingnuts live in this fantasy world where all it takes to make Iran bow at our feet is an act of force. In the real world, such a strike would not only guarantee that Iran would throw out any notion of peaceful nuclear power and commit them to developing nuclear weapons, but it would also piss off virtually all of our allies whose names aren’t “Benjamin Netanyahu.”

Franklin  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:25:46am
The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:26:23am

Trump, alienating every media outlet that might support him==>

darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:26:41am
withak  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:27:19am

re: #373 The Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

Half mast? Is the White House a ship now?

darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:28:28am
darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:29:20am

So I guess the UN isn’t waiting for congressional approval after all…

FormerDirtDart  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:30:18am

re: #369 darthstar

Alas, you have provided me a near perfect segue:

Men Nabbed for Running “Sheep Brothel”

…Three men, Adam Cafferty, John Cafferty and their father David Cafferty, have been jailed after being convicted of running an animal brothel in Swansea, Wales.

The ring leaders, according to, ran a ‘gentlemen’s club’ known as “The Ram Inn” in Grange Road, Swansea…

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:30:19am
darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:32:24am
Higgs Boson's Mate  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:32:31am

re: #383 The Vicious Babushka

Does Trump know which party has controlled the House since 2010?

lawhawk  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:33:01am

It’s bad enough that infrastructure and transportation are not appropriately funded because of the erosion of the gas tax as a means to pay for transit because it hasn’t kept up with inflation or construction costs, but now the GOP wants to tie funding to abortion funding.

These people simply cannot be trusted with the keys to the American economy.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:34:09am

re: #385 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Does Trump know which party has controlled the House since 2010?

Probably not.

darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:34:15am

re: #382 FormerDirtDart

Alas, you have provided me a near perfect segue:

Men Nabbed for Running “Sheep Brothel”

I’ve been to Swansea and seen their women. /

And “sheep brothel” stories are exempt from needing an introduction.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:37:46am
Higgs Boson's Mate  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:38:10am

re: #382 FormerDirtDart

Scenes from a sheep brothel:
“Not that one you fool! That’s Mad John’s girl.”

Tigger2  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:40:27am

re: #389 The Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

What a big sissy lol, Another nail in the fabled meme of the big macho Conservatives.

Dr Lizardo  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:41:47am

re: #390 Higgs Boson’s Mate

Scenes from a sheep brothel:
“Not that one you fool! That’s Mad John’s girl.”

CuriousLurker  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:44:12am

re: #379 withak

Half mast? Is the White House a ship now?

The meme is pure bullshit, as is most of the crap they pass around. They’re recycling one that was also used for Chris Kyle because they know their fellow wingnuts won’t bother to verify, due to severe ODS.

[…] Although the White House issued a statement through press secretary Jay Carney after Whitney Houston’s death noting that President Obama’s “thoughts and prayers are with Whitney Houston’s family, especially her daughter,” as far as we know President Obama has made no public expression of condolence or mourning to mark the passing of Chris Kyle. It is not true that President Obama ordered flags throughout the country flown at half-staff to honor Whitney Houston; as noted above, that action was undertaken only at a state level by the governor of New Jersey.

Last updated: 19 July 2015

makeitstop  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:44:30am

re: #389 The Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

What a fuckin’ wuss! Zoey must have really scared the piss out of him.

And also - martyr cookies, Ben wants some.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:44:42am

Meanwhile in Kentucky, today is the ACLU lawsuit against Kim Davis, the four-times married Rowan County Clerk who refused to issue a marriage license to a gay couple.

withak  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:44:58am

re: #393 CuriousLurker

The meme is pure bullshit, as is most of the crap they pass around. They’re recycling one that was also used for Chris Kyle because they know their fellow wingnuts won’t bother to verify, due to severe ODS.

But Snoapes is run by libruls!!!!

lawhawk  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:45:34am

re: #393 CuriousLurker

The Governor of NJ when Whitney Houston died? That’d be Chris Christie.

Yeah, that Gov. Christie.

CuriousLurker  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:45:38am

re: #389 The Vicious Babushka

LOL, what an effing sissy.

withak  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:46:06am

re: #389 The Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

Could someone summarize? I don’t want to have to fumigate my work PC after visiting Breitbart.

BeachDem  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:48:40am

re: #342 Snarknado!

I’ve heard the first 75 pages or so are really slow and it picks up after that.

Starts slow—middle is the best part of it—particularly the flashback to youth sections. Overall, glad I read it, but decided to reread TKAM right after, just because.


Still cogitating on the “Atticus is a racist” media slant. It’s a rather simplistic view. I got more that child Scout had imagined Atticus as the perfect, godlike person, and adult Scout had to reconcile that view with his real-life flaws. And that Atticus, while having personal prejudices about race saw himself as the “watchman” of those who shared his racism, but lacked his sense of moral duty not to act on it.

One comment I read on a thread at kos pretty much describes how I feel about it.

White gentlemen of that generation “took care” of their blacks. If a black guy didn’t suck up to a white guy with some local influence, he was in serious danger of being picked up for vagrancy and sent to a work gang. Those gents were used to being yassuhed and nossuhed in their every encounter with black men (I got the same treatment as a teen). It was common for them to show up in court to help out “their” blacks…. like Atticus.

After the civil rights movement, when they lost that deference, it blew their minds, the world was suddenly all wrong. All that cheap, or free, labor and deference disappeared and they were bitter at the change. They had seen themselves as wise, kind, generous patriarchs, like Atticus, and the ingratitude from these inferior people made them bitter.

Yeah, both books are about the same Atticus. Glad we got to see the whole man

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:50:25am

So another wingnut who thinks fastfood workers are subhuman and lazy

makeitstop  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:50:43am

re: #399 withak

Could someone summarize? I don’t want to have to fumigate my work PC after visiting Breitbart.

Ben and Zoey Tur (TG reporter for Inside Edition) appeared on some cable show on CNN last week. Ben was, of course, a complete asshole and called Zoey ‘sir.’ Zoey told him to cut it out or he’d be going home in an ambulance. Ben hid behind CNN security after the show nd has been milking the incident ever since.

GlutenFreeJesus  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:51:15am

re: #365 darthstar

All war. All the time. Fuck them.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:51:34am

The fact is that I do not patronize McDonald or any other fast food restaurants, but I doubt that office chairs are provided in the cooking area.

William Lewis  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:51:58am

re: #401 The Vicious Babushka

Tell the twit to stand over a grill for 8 hours like I did. Scum.

FormerDirtDart  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:53:24am

That strange sensation you’re feeling, no it’s not a natural change in the atmospheric pressure, it’s the potentially hazardous increase in the blood pressure of RWNJ’s nationwide

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:53:29am

re: #405 William Lewis

Tell the twit to stand over a grill for 8 hours like I did. Scum.

I looked at its timeline and it’s just a bunch of stupid derp so I blocked it.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:53:30am
Tigger2  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:53:31am

re: #402 makeitstop

Ben and Zoey Tur (TG reporter for Inside Edition) appeared on some cable show on CNN last week. Ben was, of course, a complete asshole and called Zoey ‘sir.’ Zoey told him to cut it out or he’d be going home in an ambulance. Ben hid behind CNN security after the show nd has been milking the incident ever since.

I would have liked to see Zoey take off one of her high heels and hit him over the head with it. hehe

darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:54:14am

re: #392 Dr Lizardo

There’s a too-long joke about a young guy who gets hired at a sheep ranch to cook for the crew. First day on the job he decides to roast a lamb for everyone…sees one tied up to the fence behind the building. Burns the living crap out of it.

Sheep foreman comes in, sees the crispy lamb, and says, “Not only did you fuck up my cooking, you cooked up my fucking!”

Tigger2  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:55:10am

re: #405 William Lewis

Tell the twit to stand over a grill for 8 hours like I did. Scum.

I gave up McDonald’s after my bypass. to much fat.

makeitstop  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:55:59am

re: #409 Tigger2

I would have liked to see Zoey take off one of her high heels and hit him over the head with it. hehe

I think Zoey could have knocked him straight out if she really wanted to. And I think Ben knew it.

Tigger2  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:56:31am

re: #412 makeitstop

I think Zoey could have knocked him straight out if she really wanted to. And I think Ben knew it.

I know she would have. But a high heel would have added insult to injury.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:57:09am

re: #401 The Vicious Babushka

So another wingnut who thinks fastfood workers are subhuman and lazy

Also too heare is my hardworking ethic and white privilege I earned buy working so hard.


Backwoods_Sleuth  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:57:46am
William Lewis  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:57:54am

re: #411 Tigger2

I gave up McDonald’s after my bypass. to much fat.

I’ll still stop there for the breakfast sandwiches. High on the fat, I know, but I like them. At least they aren’t as bad as Burger KIng or Hardees…

darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 7:59:28am
darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:01:18am

Two minutes? That’s less time than it takes to seduce a Republican congressman in an airport restroom.

#FergusonFireside  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:01:29am

re: #400 BeachDem

I read your spoiler, thanks.

Tigger2  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:01:30am

re: #416 William Lewis

I’ll still stop there for the breakfast sandwiches. High on the fat, I know, but I like them. At least they aren’t as bad as Burger KIng or Hardees…

Oh hell yes, I used to get 3 McGriddles on my way home from work every day.

William Lewis  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:03:32am

re: #417 darthstar

Interesting op-ed. Thank you for posting that tweet to it.

darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:05:12am
Decatur Deb  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:05:28am

re: #416 William Lewis

I’ll still stop there for the breakfast sandwiches. High on the fat, I know, but I like them. At least they aren’t as bad as Burger KIng or Hardees…

Had a 71st birthday some time back. Made a conscious decision to double my caffeine and alcohol intake. Because, why not?

(Yeah, moderating fats still—that shit is acute, not chronic.)

CuriousLurker  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:07:04am
Chattanooga Shooting: FBI Recovers Gunman’s Disturbing Diary

With more than 30 FBI agents due to arrive today in Chattanooga, a diary belonging to the gunman and FBI interviews with his parents paint a picture of a disturbed, suicidal young man using drugs, preparing for bankruptcy and facing an appearance in criminal court, according to a representative of the shooter’ s family.

Four days after the shooting, the FBI has not found any connection to overseas terrorist groups, but Mohammod Abdulazeez’s diary says that as far back as 2013, he wrote about having suicidal thoughts and “becoming a martyr” after losing his job due to his drug use, both prescription and non-prescription drugs, the family representative said.

In a downward spiral, Abdulazeez would abuse sleeping pills, opioids, painkillers and marijuana, along with alcohol, the representative said. […]

But none of that matters because he was just doing what ALL pious Muslims are supposed to do!!11!

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:10:07am

re: #424 CuriousLurker

But none of that matters because he was just doing what ALL pious Muslims are supposed to do!!11!

I’ll wait until comedian Steven Crowder tells me what to think about this.

Decatur Deb  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:11:17am

re: #424 CuriousLurker

But none of that matters because he was just doing what ALL pious Muslims are supposed to do!!11!

The diary sounds valuable. I wish we could take/keep more of these Lone Assholes alive to download them. They take some of the keys to countermeasures with them when they die.

Varek Raith  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:14:35am

re: #340 lawhawk

[Embedded content]


CuriousLurker  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:15:14am

re: #426 Decatur Deb

The diary sounds valuable. I wish we could take/keep more of these Lone Assholes alive to download them. They take some of the keys to countermeasures with them when they die.

Indeed. Hopefully, access to his diary & the cooperation of his family will help prevent some of this crap in the future. If it stops even one, that’s a good thing.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:18:46am

LOL “feminists” make his already teeny weeny microscopic

lawhawk  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:21:09am

re: #429 The Vicious Babushka

How can he tell? /

Tigger2  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:21:21am

re: #429 The Vicious Babushka

LOL “feminists” make his already teeny weeny microscopic

[Embedded content]

His ego must not like a strong woman, I liked a strong woman it gave me a challenge and kept on my toes..

BeachDem  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:22:05am

For your morning dose of dumb, I give you Brian Kilmeade:

“I think that the most shocking thing is that after you hear about the six attacks in North Carolina, okay, these are just swimmers,” Kilmeade noted on Monday’s edition of Fox & Friends. “But then when you see a champion surfer and you have a three camera shoot and an overhead shot, [you] say, ‘Oh my goodness, it could happen anywhere.’”

“You would think that they would have a way of clearing the waters before a competition of this level,” he opined. “But I guess they don’t.”


Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:22:31am

re: #429 The Vicious Babushka

Ironically, feminists make women seem really, really ugly. #WienerShrinkage
— Steven Crowder

Um, whut? He’s bragging about his shrinkage?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:23:14am

re: #429 The Vicious Babushka

LOL “feminists” make his already teeny weeny microscopic

[Embedded content]

pretty sure there’s a pill for that…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:24:19am

Crow is making a move on those pigeons:

Blind Frog Belly White  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:25:04am

re: #431 Tigger2

His ego must not like a strong woman, I like a strong woman it gave me a challenge and kept on my toes..

If you need your women to be dumb and servile, it says ugly things about you.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:25:08am

re: #432 BeachDem

For your morning dose of dumb, I give you Brian Kilmeade:

“I think that the most shocking thing is that after you hear about the six attacks in North Carolina, okay, these are just swimmers,” Kilmeade noted on Monday’s edition of Fox & Friends. “But then when you see a champion surfer and you have a three camera shoot and an overhead shot, [you] say, ‘Oh my goodness, it could happen anywhere.’”

“You would think that they would have a way of clearing the waters before a competition of this level,” he opined. “But I guess they don’t.”


Well the military could build a fence around the ocean being used for the surfing competition, but then the waves, hmmm, this is a tough one….


Blind Frog Belly White  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:25:28am

re: #435 Backwoods_Sleuth

Crow is making a move on those pigeons:

[Embedded content]

I think that’s actually a blackbird.

FormerDirtDart  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:25:34am

A bit of detail on the FIFA/Blatter money shower vine from earlier

Varek Raith  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:26:02am

re: #432 BeachDem

For your morning dose of dumb, I give you Brian Kilmeade:

“I think that the most shocking thing is that after you hear about the six attacks in North Carolina, okay, these are just swimmers,” Kilmeade noted on Monday’s edition of Fox & Friends. “But then when you see a champion surfer and you have a three camera shoot and an overhead shot, [you] say, ‘Oh my goodness, it could happen anywhere.’”

“You would think that they would have a way of clearing the waters before a competition of this level,” he opined. “But I guess they don’t.”


There isn’t anywhere near half a brain between the three of them.

Eventual Carrion  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:26:49am

re: #432 BeachDem

For your morning dose of dumb, I give you Brian Kilmeade:

“I think that the most shocking thing is that after you hear about the six attacks in North Carolina, okay, these are just swimmers,” Kilmeade noted on Monday’s edition of Fox & Friends. “But then when you see a champion surfer and you have a three camera shoot and an overhead shot, [you] say, ‘Oh my goodness, it could happen anywhere.’”

“You would think that they would have a way of clearing the waters before a competition of this level,” he opined. “But I guess they don’t.”


Could always send Brian in to ‘shoo’ them away. Maybe bop them on the nose if they refuse.

darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:27:54am

So apparently my older dog, Fozzie, was exploring the scents around the grocery bags when we were out of the house for a bit yesterday.

FormerDirtDart  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:28:22am

re: #438 Blind Frog Belly White

I think that’s actually a blackbird.

Rescue mission?
Though, I doubt that “pie” can hold 4 and 20 blackbirds…
Maybe if it was a deepdish

darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:28:41am

re: #442 darthstar

So apparently my older dog, Fozzie, was exploring the scents around the grocery bags when we were out of the house for a bit yesterday.

Embedded Image

I see it’s time to clean the dogs’ Wampa again.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:30:05am
Eventual Carrion  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:34:40am

re: #445 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Wonder if when their parents and/or grandparents were that age they were protesting against letting a black & white couple get married. Racism and intolerance is learned.

FormerDirtDart  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:35:25am

re: #445 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

I’m going to go out on a limb here, and suggest that “group” shares a great deal of familial genetic material

Dr. Matt  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:37:20am


Brave Chameleon Defends Itself From Relentless Bubble Onslaught
Snarknado!  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:38:16am

re: #400 BeachDem

Starts slow—middle is the best part of it—particularly the flashback to youth sections. Overall, glad I read it, but decided to reread TKAM right after, just because.


[Embedded content]

I never assumed, even in my teens, that Atticus acted in support of civil rights — to uphold rightful convictions was all that was necessary.

retired cynic  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:38:58am

re: #442 darthstar

Love your Cat Cushion.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:39:14am

Oh so he’s a “hero” for running away from a girl?
Also isn’t this “Milo” a white racist MRA? Nice friends Ben has.

Tigger2  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:40:03am

re: #445 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Why is it when I see people dressed like that my mind always jumps to Cult.

Great White Snark  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:40:29am

Charles, Page authors-
Interesting thing happened to my latest Page. On the Pages menu, the graphic is a bloomberg graphic from the web site. But if you click on the Page you get the stock graphic I grabbed for tenor.

What should I look for in the code to strip out the Bloomberg add on for next time? If I take too much out nothing works right.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:41:40am

re: #452 Tigger2

Why is it when I see people dressed like that my mind always jumps to Cult.

In this case, being Kentucky, they are most likely Pentecostals.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:43:29am

re: #451 The Vicious Babushka

Oh so he’s a “hero” for running away from a girl?
Also isn’t this “Milo” a white racist MRA? Nice friends Ben has.

[Embedded content]

Milo is a glibertarian, MRA, Gamergater and maybe a whites-are-bestest kinda guy. He writes for So, there ya go.

BlueSpotinAL  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:44:33am

re: #452 Tigger2

Why is it when I see people dressed like that my mind always jumps to Cult.

I can see their ankles. Hussies! //

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:45:33am

re: #452 Tigger2

Why is it when I see people dressed like that my mind always jumps to Cult.

re: #454 Backwoods_Sleuth

In this case, being Kentucky, they are most likely Pentecostals.

Some Pentecostal churches are not far from being cults, depending on the pastor and the church leadership.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:47:30am

re: #457 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

Some Pentecostal churches are not far from being cults, depending on the pastor and the church leadership.

I see that kind of women here often. They always look exhausted and miserable.

FormerDirtDart  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:47:52am

re: #456 BlueSpotinAL

I can see their ankles. Hussies! //

They also appear to be as “barefoot” as possible and still be allowed in public/private establishments

Amory Blaine  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:48:46am

Scott Walker signs 20-week abortion ban, trooper pay hike

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker signed legislation Monday banning abortions after 20 weeks from fertilization.

The GOP governor also signed a new union contract for State Patrol troopers and called for dismantling the state’s elections and ethics agency run by retired judges and replacing it with a new agency that could be run by partisan appointees.

Action on the abortion bill came after Walker announced his bid for the presidency and then made a cross-country tour of early primary states. Walker, a committed, longtime opponent of abortion, repeatedly declined to say what he thought of the idea when he ran for re-election last year, but as his presidential run has taken off he has said he supports the measure and would sign it.

Walker said Monday that at this point in a pregnancy a fetus in the womb can feel pain, an assertion that the medical establishment says is unproven.

darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:48:51am
Tigger2  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:49:52am

re: #454 Backwoods_Sleuth

In this case, being Kentucky, they are most likely Pentecostals.

Yeah I know, we have one of their churches where I live, when I was young I went to it one day with a friend, When some lady got up and started talking in tongues I got up and immediately left and I have considered it a Cult ever since.

Shiplord Kirel  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:53:27am

re: #454 Backwoods_Sleuth

In this case, being Kentucky, they are most likely Pentecostals.

Earnest looking group. Probably just a generation or two removed from snake handling, if that much.

BeachDem  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:54:40am

For those who were wondering about the source of Trump’s medical deferment:

As the New York Times reports, in addition to a bunch of college deferments, Trump also got a medical deferment “because of a bone spur in his foot. Mr. Trump could not recall which foot was afflicted.” Might be the one lodged in his mouth.

lawhawk  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:55:03am


The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:55:13am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:56:13am

Other protesters:

And breaking news:

Great White Snark  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:56:48am

re: #435 Backwoods_Sleuth

Crow is making a move on those pigeons:

[Embedded content]

Big blue pigeon looks like he has had too much pizza, might not fly.

Targetpractice  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:57:45am

re: #461 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:58:06am
FormerDirtDart  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:59:02am
Dave In Austin  Jul 20, 2015 • 8:59:08am

re: #457 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

Some Pentecostal churches are not far from being cults, depending on the pastor and the church leadership.

Snake Handlers……

BlackPearl  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:01:11am

re: #439 FormerDirtDart

A bit of detail on the FIFA/Blatter money shower vine from earlier

[Embedded content]

Thank you! :)

I knew he was resigning, but have to say I was appalled to read that he’s not stepping down until February? Sigh.

Reading the statement that this was for NK 2026 made it much funnier than just the image of dumping the money on him.

De Kolta Chair  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:02:39am
Shiplord Kirel  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:03:32am

My first wife Jezebel had been dabbling in Pentecostalism when she left me and ran off with my brother. Her wackdoodle church friends almost uniformly blamed me, since I was a secularist and a general heathen. “Sometimes the Lord has to do something drastic to wake us up,” as one of them put it.
Anyone who has been around them much will probably have noticed that otherwise ultra-moral Fundies are notoriously tolerant and forgiving of adultery for some reason.

makeitstop  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:05:10am

17 year old girl asks Minnesota man to stop being a dick with his riding mower, man shoots her three times.


Targetpractice  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:06:43am

re: #476 makeitstop

17 year old girl asks Minnesota man to stop being a dick with his riding mower, man shoots her three times.


Obviously he was “standing his ground.”


Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:06:48am

re: #471 FormerDirtDart

There’s something unseemly about Cruz following Trump around like a lost puppy,hoping to get his leftovers when he finally flames out the whole GOP field of candidates.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:07:35am

re: #476 makeitstop

17 year old girl asks Minnesota man to stop being a dick with his riding mower, man shoots her three times.


From a year ago. Still WTF.

BeachDem  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:07:46am

re: #470 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Here’s hoping son Bunning is smarter than father Bunning.

Eventual Carrion  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:08:43am

re: #476 makeitstop

17 year old girl asks Minnesota man to stop being a dick with his riding mower, man shoots her three times.


That person should not be allowed to live among sane people anymore.

BlueSpotinAL  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:09:31am

re: #472 Dave In Austin

Snake Handlers……

There is a beer made in Birmingham named Snake Handler. It will bite you.

and a highly recommended book about snake handling culture:

Shiplord Kirel  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:09:52am

re: #469 Targetpractice

Embedded Image

In a million years that signature may be the only thing Richard Nixon will be known for.

makeitstop  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:10:11am

re: #479 The Vicious Babushka

From a year ago. Still WTF.

Ah, I didn’t notice that. My wife passed the link along.

But yeah, still WTF.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:11:00am
RadicalModerate  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:12:33am

re: #481 Eventual Carrion

That person should not be allowed to live among sane people anymore.

He was convicted a couple of months ago on an attempted murder charge and got sentenced to 16 years.

Bemidji man convicted of attempted murder

Franklin  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:13:44am


RadicalModerate beat me to it!

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:13:46am

re: #475 Shiplord Kirel

My first wife Jezebel had been dabbling in Pentecostalism when she left me and ran off with my brother. Her wackdoodle church friends almost uniformly blamed me, since I was a secularist and a general heathen. “Sometimes the Lord has to do something drastic to wake us up,” as one of them put it.
Anyone who has been around them much will probably have noticed that otherwise ultra-moral Fundies are notoriously tolerant and forgiving of adultery for some reason.

It’s about the only fun they can have, I think. //

FormerDirtDart  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:14:58am
The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:15:22am

These Twitter auto-retweet bots are multiplying.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:16:00am

re: #490 The Vicious Babushka

These Twitter auto-retweet bots are multiplying.

Skynet’s initial move. It begins.

Eventual Carrion  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:17:45am

re: #490 The Vicious Babushka

These Twitter auto-retweet bots are multiplying.

Beginning of Skynet.

Shiplord Kirel  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:19:20am

re: #489 FormerDirtDart

Convicted of felony first-degree premeditated attempted murder this past April, sentenced to 16 years in prison

*sniff* I love a happy ending. Wish they had an update on the girl though.

De Kolta Chair  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:25:42am

Another editorial cartoon by Steve Sack of the Minneapolis Star Tribune:

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:27:16am
Decatur Deb  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:28:39am

While we were absorbed in mundane things, PanSTARRS snuck back.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:30:12am
The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:31:40am

Ben Shapiro and Zoey Tur were in a relationship? Who knew!

Dr. Matt  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:33:23am

If Tur did put Shapiro in an ambulance, it wouldn’t be the first time he was beat up by a girl.

Decatur Deb  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:34:52am

Shapiro should take one for the team—like, twice a day.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:38:13am
bratwurst  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:38:47am

The day is young, but I doubt there will be a dumber Ronald Reagan related tweet today:

Eventual Carrion  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:38:49am

re: #500 Decatur Deb

Shapiro should take one for the team—like, twice a day.

She should have challenged him to a duel. That seems to get the conservative nether regions tingling.

Ace-o-aces  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:39:31am

re: #497 The Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

Clearly the popper response here is to start referring to Ben Shapiro as “Ma’am”

meteor  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:42:12am

It would be terrific if all these Klan assholes caught dysentery and ran out of toilet paper.

Ace-o-aces  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:42:18am
wrenchwench  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:46:25am
freetoken  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:46:57am

re: #507 wrenchwench

We call this “Re-messaging”.

wrenchwench  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:48:27am
Dave In Austin  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:48:52am
lawhawk  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:49:54am

re: #502 bratwurst

The day is young, but I doubt there will be a dumber Ronald Reagan related tweet today:

[Embedded content]

No, they’d be called RINOs - because every last one of their policies would be further to the left than anything proffered by the likes of the crop of crazies the GOP has continued to assemble.

De Kolta Chair  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:50:13am
Eric The Fruit Bat  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:52:01am

re: #451 The Vicious Babushka

Milo is a self-hating gay.

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 9:56:15am
wrenchwench  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:00:03am

She’s doing a progam about lizards for 25 five-year-olds:

FemNaziBitch  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:00:41am
Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:02:46am

re: #507 wrenchwench

Trying to imagine this country with a SCOTUS full of Scalias. Frightening picture.

Ace-o-aces  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:03:43am
Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:04:00am

re: #497 The Vicious Babushka

LOL whut?

The Vicious Babushka  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:05:36am

re: #519 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

LOL whut?

She scared him and he’s sending the cleaning bill for his pants & undies.

Ace-o-aces  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:08:21am

re: #520 The Vicious Babushka

She scared him and he’s sending the cleaning bill for his pants & undies.

Clearly, she was wrong to take the bait and threaten Shapiro. However, Shapiro was just being a juvenile jackass.

Dr. Matt  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:12:00am

re: #521 Ace-o-aces

Clearly, she was wrong to take the bait and threaten Shapiro. However, Shapiro was just being a juvenile jackass.

In other words, he was being himself.

He really is such a little twerp.

HappyWarrior  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:13:29am

re: #509 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

Yes we need more judges who think that segregation should have been found constitutional and ones that have tantrums with anyone who doesn’t share their narrow minded worldview. Rubio is such a sorry hack.

HappyWarrior  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:14:11am

re: #517 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Trying to imagine this country with a SCOTUS full of Scalias. Frightening picture.

I know what you mean. Scalia not only is a pathetic ideologue but he’s a condescending jackass too.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:14:43am

trump has pulled on the fabric of the gop which is coming apart like a rotten shroud

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:15:27am

re: #507 wrenchwench

Well we have to get Rubio nominated and elected now. What a guy. Great values.


BeachDem  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:25:13am

re: #524 HappyWarrior

I know what you mean. Scalia not only is a pathetic ideologue but he’s a condescending jackass too.

And a dangerous jackass at that. From an “Ethics in America”
panel that Scalia participated in back in 1989. (issues are presented as hypotheticals, then info is added to see how it changes people’s views)

… At the moment where the moderator indicated that the innocent man was about to be executed for a crime he didn’t commit, Justice Scalia spoke up: “Well, he probably did something else wrong anyway.”

Yeah, Tony’s always been a charmer.

BTW—if you’ve never watched it, “Ethics in America” was a great series and features the “wit and wisdom” of younger versions of C. Everett Koop, Scalia, Giulliani, Peter Jennings, Mike Wallace etc.

HappyWarrior  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:29:14am

re: #527 BeachDem

And a dangerous jackass at that. From an “Ethics in America”
panel that Scalia participated in back in 1989. (issues are presented as hypotheticals, then info is added to see how it changes people’s views)

… At the moment where the moderator indicated that the innocent man was about to be executed for a crime he didn’t commit, Justice Scalia spoke up: “Well, he probably did something else wrong anyway.”

Yeah, Tony’s always been a charmer.

BTW—if you’ve never watched it, “Ethics in America” was a great series and features the “wit and wisdom” of younger versions of C. Everett Koop, Scalia, Giulliani, Peter Jennings, Mike Wallace etc.

Yeah I think I remember hearing that he said that. He really shouldn’t be a judge on the high court, he especially shouldn’t be a model but I get it Rubio can’t name any actual decent modern conservative judges and he chooses the hypocritical asshole who rails against “judicial activism” while being one himself.

Romantic Heretic  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:30:43am

re: #335 FormerDirtDart

Much as I dislike Snowden, we give him a fair trial first.

We can’t change the rules for anyone, not even slime like this.

Romantic Heretic  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:32:28am

re: #343 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Would’ve been the end of allied daylight bombing.

And the night bombing campaign wasn’t going very hot at that point either. Sometimes they took more losses than the daylight bombers.

darthstar  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:36:59am

Trying to figure out where to begin with this one…

retired cynic  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:38:15am

re: #531 darthstar


SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:43:37am

re: #423 Decatur Deb

Had a 71st birthday some time back. Made a conscious decision to double my caffeine and alcohol intake. Because, why not?

(Yeah, moderating fats still—that shit is acute, not chronic.)

When I kick the bucket I plan to have so much sugar and caffeine in me that I’ll probably get an extra hour or two after my heart stops.

Romantic Heretic  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:48:48am

re: #424 CuriousLurker

Yet another example of why a good mental health system is so important for a nation.

Romantic Heretic  Jul 20, 2015 • 10:55:18am

re: #476 makeitstop

One of those people who thinks freedom means, “I can do what I want and I can shoot people who get in my way.”


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