Here’s a Full Transcript of Sarah Palin’s Bizarre, Incoherent Word Salad Endorsing Donald Trump

Politics • Views: 63,879


Palin: Thank you so much, it’s so great to be in Iowa, we’re here just thawin’ out!

Todd ‘n I an’ a couple of our friends here from Alaska, uh, lending our support for THE next president of our great United States of America Donald J. Trump!

Mr. Trump, you’re right! Look back there in the press box! Heads are spinnin’! Media heads are spinnin’! This is gonna be SO MUCH FUN.

Are you ready to make America great again? (Listless cheer.)

We all have a part in this, we all have a responsibility. Lookin’ around at all of you, you hard-workin’ Iowa families, you farm families an’ teachers an’ teamsters, an’ cops an’ cooks … you… rock ‘n rollers an’ HOLY ROLLERS. All of you who work so hard, you full time moms! YOU, with the hands that rock the cradle! You all make the world go ‘round, and now our cause is one!

When asked why I would jump in, into a primary, nnn kinda stirrin’ it up a little bit baby, and choose one over… some friends who are running and I’ve endorsed, couple others, in their races before they decided to run for president. UH, I was told, you know warned left and right, you are gonna get so clobbered in the press, you are just gonna get beat up. Chewed up ‘n spit out, ‘n you know I’m thinkin’, and…? Yeah?

You know like you guys haven’t tried to do that every day since that night in OH EIGHT when I was on stage nominated for VP and I got to say, “Yeah! I’ll go, send me, you betcha! I’ll serve!” And like you all, I’m still standin’!

So those of us who’ve kinda gone through the wringer as Mr. Trump has makes me respect you, even more, that you’re here and you’re putting your effort and you’re putting reputations, you’re putting relationships on the line to do the right thing for this country because you are READY TO MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!

Well, I am here because like you I know that it is now or never! I’m in it to win it because we believe in America and we love our freedom and if you love your freedom, thank a vet. Thank a vet and know that the United States military deserves a commander in chief who loves our country passionately and will never APOLOGIZE for this country?!

A new commander in chief who will NEVER leave our men behind. A NEW commander in chief, one who will never lie to the families of the fallen.

I’m in it because just last week we’re watchin’ our sailors suffer and be humiliated on a world stage at the hands of Iranian captors, in violation of international law. Because the weak kneed capitulator in chief has decided, that America will lead from behind.

And he, who would negotiate, dills, uh, kind of, like, with the skills of a, community organizer maybe, organizing a neighborhood tea, yuh, well, he, deciding that, no, America would apologize, and uh, as part of the dill, as the enemy sends a message to the rest of the world that they capture and we kow-tow and we apologize, and then, we bend over and say “THANK YOU, ENEMY?!”

We are ready for a change, we are ready and our troops deserve the best. A new commander in chief, whose track record has proven he is the MASTER OF THE DILL. He is beholden to no one but WE THE PEOPLE how refreshing he is perfectly positioned to let YOU make America great again! Are you ready for that, Iowa?

No more pussy-footin’ around! Our troops deserve the best! You deserve the best!

He is from the private sector, not a politician, can I get a hallelujah?

Where in the private sector you actually have to balance budgets in order to prioritize, to keep the main thing the main thing, and he knows, the main thing a president is to keep us safe economically and militarily. He knows the main thing and he knows how to lead the charge. So troops, hang in there because help’s on the way because HE, better than anyone isn’t he known for being able to command…. FIRE?!

Are you ready for a commander in chief? You ready for a commander in chief who will let our warriors do their job and go [screaming] KICK ISIS ASS!!!

Ready for someone who will secure our borders, to secure our jobs, and to secure our homes, READY to make America great again are you ready to stump for Trump? I’m here to support the next president of the United States Donald Trump!

Now, eight years ago I warned that Obama’s promised fundamental transformation of America, that it was gonna take more from you and leave America weaker on the world stage, and that we would soon be unrecognizable. Well, it’s the one promise that Obama kept. But he ditn’t do it alone, and this is important to remember, especially those of you, like, me, a member of the GOP, this is what we have to remember in this very contested competitive great primary race.

Trump’s candidacacy, it has exposed, not just that tragic, the ramifications of, that betrayal of a transformation of our country. But too, he has exposed…. the COMPLICITY on both sides of the aisle, that has enabled it! OK?

Twel, Trump, what he’s been able to do, which is really tickin’ people off, which I’m glad about, he’s goin’ rogue left and right, man, that’s why he’s doin’ so well!

He’s been able to tear the veil off, this idea of the system, the way that the system really works and please hear me on this I want you guys to understand more and more how the system the establishment works and has gotten us into the troubles that we are in in America.

The permanent political class has been doing the bidding of their campaign donor class. And that’s why you see that the borders are kept open. For them, for their cheap labor that they want to come in. That’s why they’ve been bloating budgets, it’s for crony capitalists to be able ta suck off of ‘um. It’s why we see these lousy trade dills that gut our industry, for special interests elsewhere.

We need someone, new, who has the power and is in the position, to bust up that establishment, to make things great again, it’s part of the problem! His candidacy, which is a movement, it’s a force, it’s a strategy, it proves as long as, the politicos, they get to keep their titles and their perks and their media ratings, they don’t really care who wins elections!

Believe me on this! And the proof of this? Look what’s happening today, our own GOP machine the establishment, they who would assemble the political landscape, they’re attacking their own FRONT RUNNER!

Now would the left ever, would the DNC ever come after their front runner and HER supporters? NO! Because they don’t eat their own, they don’t self-destruct.

But for the GOP establishment to be coming after, Donald Trump’s supporters, even, with accusations that, are so false? They are so busted, the way that this thing works.

We, you, a diverse dynamic needed support base that they would attack. And now, some of ‘em even whispering they’re ready to throw in for HILLARY over Trump because they can’t afford to see the status quo go, otherwise, they won’t be able ta be slurpin’ off the gravy train that’s been feedin’ ‘em all these years! They don’t want that ta end!

Well, and then, funny, ha ha, not, funny, but now what they’re doin’ is wailing, well, Trump and his, uh uh, his trumpeters, well, they’re not CONSERVATIVE enough! Oh my goodness gracious, what the heck would the establishment know about conservatism?

Tell me, is this conservative? GOP majorities handing Obama a blank check ta fund Obamacare and Planned Parenthood, and illegal immigration that competes for your job, and turning safety nets inta hammocks, and, all these new Democrat voters that are gonna be comin’ on over the border as we keep the borders open.

As bequeathing our children millions in new debt and refusing to fight back for our solvency and our sovereignty even though that’s why we elected ‘em and sent ‘em as a majority to DC? NO! If they’re not willing to do that then, how are they, to tell us, that we’re not conservative enough, in order to be able to make these changes in America that we know need to be make, NOW, they’re concerned about this ideological purity? Gimme a break! Who are they to say that?

Oh and tell somebody like, uh, Phyllis Schlafly. She is the Republican conservative movement icon and hero and a Trump supporter. Tell her, she’s not conservative, uh.

Uh, how ‘bout the rest of us? Right wingin’ bitter clingin’ proud clingers of our guns our God our and our religions and our Constitution, tell us that we’re not red enough? Yeah, comin’ from the establishment, right.

Well, he, being the only one who’s been willing, who’s got the guts to wear the issues that need to be spoken about and debated on his sleeve. Where the rest of some of these establishment candidates, they just wanted to duck and hide, they didn’t want to talk about these issues til he brought ‘em up, in fact, they’ve been wearing, uh, um, political correctness, kinda like a suicide vest.

And enough is enough, these issues that Donald Trump talks about, had to be debated, and he brought them to the forefront, and that’s why we are where we are today with good discussion, a good, heated and very competitive primary is where we are.

And now, though, to be lectured, that, well, you guys are all sounding kinda angry, is what we’re hearing from the establishment.

DOGGONE RIGHT WE’RE ANGRY! Justifiably so. You know they stomp on our neck and then they tell us just chill. OK, just, yeah, just relax. Well, look, um, we are mad and we’ve been had, and they need to get used to it.

This election is more than just your basic ABCs, anybody but Clinton, it’s more than that this go-around.

When we’re talking about a nation without borders, when we’re talking about bankruptcies and our federal government, debt that our children and our grand-children they’ll never be able to pay off. When we’re talkin’ about no more Reaganesque power, that, that comes from strength, power through strength, well, then, we’re talkin’ about our very existence, so no, we’re not gonna chill.

In fact, it’s time to DRILL BABY DRILL DOWN, and hold these folks accountable.

And we need to stop the self-sabotage, and elect new and independent, a candidate who represents, THAT, and represents America FIRST! Finally, pro-Constitution, common sense solutions that he brings to the table!

Yes, the status quo has got to go, otherwise we’re just gonna get more of the same and with their failed agenda, it can’t, be, salvaged, it must be savaged. And Donald Trump is the right one to do that.

Are you ready for new, and are you ready for the leader who will let you make America great again?!

It’s gonna take a whole team! It’s gonna take a whole team! Fighters, all of us in the private sector, fighters in the House and the Senate!

Sooo…. our friends, who are fighters in the House and the Senate today, they need to stay there and help out! They can help our new leader in the positions that they are in.

Uh, let me say somethin’ really positive about one of those individuals. Rand Paul. I’m gonna tell you about that libertarian streak in him that is healthy because he knows, YOU ONLY GO TO WAR IF YOU’RE DETERMINED TO WIN THE WAR!

And you quit footin’ the bill for these, nations who are oil-rich, we’re paying for, some of their squirmishes, that have been goin’ on, for centuries. Where they’re fightin’ each other and yellin’ Allah Akbar, callin’ jihad on each other’s heads forever and ever. Like I said before, let ‘em duke it out, and let Allah sort it out!

We’ll fight for American interests, and as Donald Trump has said, other nations well we have been footin’ the bill. But we haven’t prioritized our own domestic budgets well enough to be able to afford what we’ve been doing overseas. Things are gonna change under president Trump.

So we can be an unbeatable team with fighters there in the House and the Senate. Yeah, our leader, a little bit different, he’s a multi-billionaire. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.

But, it’s amazing, he is not… elitist at all! Oh, I just hope you all get to know him more and more as a person and a family man. What he’s been able to, uh, accomplish, and, with his, um, it’s kind of this quiet generosity, yeah maybe his largesse, kind of, I don’t know, some would say gets in the way of that quiet generosity, and uh, his compassion, but, if you know him as a person and you’ll get to know him more and more you’ll have even more respect not just for his record of success and the good intentions for America, but who he is as a person, he’s not an elitist.

And yes, as a multi-billionaire, we still root him on because he roots us on. And he has, he spent his life with the workin’ man, and he tells us, Joe Sixpacks, he said, You know, I worked very very hard and I’ve succeeded, huuugely I’ve succeeded, he said. And he says and I want you to succeed too.

And, that is refreshing, because he, as he builds things, he builds big things, things that touch the sky, big infastructure that puts other people to work. He has spent his life looking up and respecting the hard hats and the steel-toed boots and the work ethic that you all have within you, he being an optimist, passionate about equal opportunity to work.

This self-made success of his, you … you know that he doesn’t get his power, his high off of opium, other people’s money like a lot of dopes in Washington do! They’re addicted to opium where they take other people’s money, and then their high is getting to redistribute it, right? And then they get to be really popular people, when they get ta give out your hard… money.

Well, he doesn’t do that. His power, his passion, is the fabric of America, and it’s woven by work ethic and dreams and drive and faith in the Almighty, what a combination. Are you ready to share in that again Iowa, because that’s what’s gonna let you make America great again.

He’s gonna be able to empower you to look out for one another again, instead of relyin’ on, a bankrupt government? To supposedly be lookin’ out for you? No, and I think you’re ready for that!

And Iowa, I believe too that you’re ready to see that our vets are treated better than illegal immigrants are treated in this country.

And you’re ready for the tax reform that he talks about to open up Main Street again!

And you’re ready to stop the race-baiting and the division based on color and zip code, to unify around the right issues, the issues important to me or I wouldn’t be endorsin’ him! Pro-life, pro-second amendent, amendment, strict constitutionality, those things that are unifying values, and they’re time-tested truths involved.

These are unifying values from big cities and tiny towns, from big mountain states and the big apple, and the big beautiful heartland that’s in between.

Now, finally friends, I want you to try to picture this, it’s a nice thing to picture. Exactly one year from tomorrow, former President Barack Obama, he packs up the teleprompters and the selfie sticks and the Greek columns and all that hopey changey stuff and he heads on back ta Chicago, where I’m sure he can find some community there ta organize again.

There, HE, can finally look up, President Obama will be able ta look up, and there, over his head, he’ll be able ta see that shining, towering Trump Tower.

Yes, Barack, he built that, and that says A LOT. Iowa, you say a lot. Bein’ here tonight, supporting the right man who will allow you ta make America great again, God bless you, God bless the United States America, and our next president of the United States, Donald J. Trump!!!

Trump: Unbelievable!

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Charles Johnson  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:38:49pm

Yes, I did transcribe this whole horrific mess. Don’t thank me, just throw money.

Belafon  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:39:32pm

I don’t think it’s money people will be throwing.

Kragar  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:40:06pm
Testy Toad T  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:40:46pm

Authentic frontier gibberish.

Charles Johnson  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:42:38pm
jaunte  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:42:45pm
The permanent political class has been doing the bidding of their campaign donor class. And that’s why you see that the borders are kept open. For them, for their cheap labor that they want to come in. That’s why they’ve been bloating budgets, it’s for crony capitalists to be able ta suck off of ‘um. It’s why we see these lousy trade dills that gut our industry, for special interests elsewhere.

And this is how she endorses Trump?

Eric The Fruit Bat  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:43:29pm

re: #1 Charles Johnson

I signed up a few days ago.

Testy Toad T  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:43:35pm

re: #6 jaunte

And this is how she endorses Trump?

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!?

Reality Based Steve  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:43:47pm

I have heard more rational speech from a meth head who was spun like cotton candy. If anybody reads that and thinks that “Oh, because of that speech I now am leaning toward Donald in this election”, they should not only vote, but should go and seek immediate help.

Of course, some of her base will eat it up. I say some, because over on Sarah Central Free Republic there are very strong divides between the Trumpets and the Cruziers, and Caribou Barbie has some detractors too.

In any case, I’m going to take a shower and go to bed. Hopefully I won’t have that bad beat poetry in my head.


Billy Batts  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:43:47pm

Why, Charles, why?

Billy Batts  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:44:02pm

re: #8 Testy Toad T

Was it over when the Germans bombed Pearl Harbor!?


Big Beautiful Door  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:44:07pm

re: #1 Charles Johnson

Yes, I did transcribe this whole horrific mess. Don’t thank me, just throw money.

I only say this because I know you’ve fully repented, but can you believe you actually voted to put that woman a heartbeat away from the Oval Office?

darthstar  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:44:53pm

What’s so incoherent about that?

Testy Toad T  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:45:14pm

re: #9 Reality Based Steve

I have heard more rational speech from a meth head who was spun like cotton candy. If anybody reads that and thinks that “Oh, because of that speech I now am leaning toward Donald in this election”, they should not only vote, but should go and seek immediate help.

It’s anti-Other. I doubt very strongly any supporters listened to any specifics beyond that. You just have to hate the right people to be a successful Republican. Anything else beyond that is gravy.

Jenner7  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:45:39pm

The CNN story about Hillary’s emails reads like every other nothing burger story about her emails.

freetoken  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:46:11pm

You’ve unconsciously made her sound more intelligent by making her sentences longer, by using commas instead of periods.

E.g., your transcript has her at an 8th grade (or 13 year old) reading level, while the one from buzzfeed has her at a 7th grade level.

Perhaps your subconscious just can’t accept that a VP candidate really communicates at the 7th grade level of comprehension?

Kragar  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:46:29pm

re: #5 Charles Johnson

freetoken  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:47:44pm

I know it’s hard to accept, but this person, Sarah Palin, is thought by many to be a serious player in national American politics.

unproven innocence  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:47:59pm

Somewhere, a sadistic authoritarian teacher now has yet another tool:
“Your punishment will be to diagram the following sentence.”

KGxvi  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:48:30pm

re: #9 Reality Based Steve

I have heard more rational speech from a meth head who was spun like cotton candy.

I’ve heard more rational speech from a homeless schizophrenic in DTLA arguing with himself.

Big Beautiful Door  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:49:22pm

re: #18 freetoken

I know it’s hard to accept, but this person, Sarah Palin, is thought by many to be a serious player in national American politics.

Which is everything you need to know about the GOP today.

jaunte  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:49:30pm

re: #18 freetoken

These are unifying values from big cities and tiny towns, from big mountain states and the big apple, and the big beautiful heartland that’s in between.

jaunte  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:51:03pm

Big tiny towns, in fact.

Big Beautiful Door  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:51:09pm

OT I know, but here are some fictional crazies to cleanse the real crazy from your mind: a new trailer for Suicide Squad

Suicide Squad - Official Trailer 1 [HD]

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:51:16pm

Sarah Palin when she finds out Hillary won the election:

KingKenrod  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:51:44pm
BongCrodny  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:52:16pm

Someone should force John McCain to watch this every day for the rest of his life.

Billy Batts  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:53:03pm

re: #26 KingKenrod


Mattand  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:53:13pm

re: #1 Charles Johnson

Yes, I did transcribe this whole horrific mess. Don’t thank me, just throw money.

LOL, you’ll need it for the therapy after sitting through that.

It’s like reading the Necronomicon, only with a greater chance of going permanently insane.

Billy Batts  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:53:29pm

Testy Toad T  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:53:51pm

re: #28 Billy Batts


I just hate the fuckin’ Eagles, man!

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:54:03pm
We all have a part in this, we all have a responsibility. Lookin’ around at all of you, you hard-workin’ Iowa families, you farm families an’ teachers an’ teamsters, an’ cops an’ cooks … you… rock ‘n rollers an’ HOLY ROLLERS.

I thought Caribou Barbie hated yoonyuns with the fire of a thousand suns.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:54:21pm
Jenner7  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:55:05pm


jaunte  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:55:32pm

re: #32 teleskiguy

I thought Caribou Barbie hated yoonyuns with the fire of a thousand suns.

Was it over when the Teamsters invaded Poland?

Reckless Disregard  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:55:32pm

re: #33 Eric The Fruit Bat

Miracle Bobcat Palin

Bill and Opus for 2016!  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:55:59pm

re: #26 KingKenrod

[Embedded content]

That headline works no matter who says it in that photo.

Big Beautiful Door  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:56:02pm

re: #30 Billy Batts

Embedded Image

If you just had a computer spew random Palinisms onto the teleprompter for her to read, it couldn’t make less sense.

worldknot  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:56:20pm

re: #27 BongCrodny

Someone should force John McCain to watch this every day for the rest of his life.

He’s endured enough torture.

Not a Sparkly Vampire  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:57:12pm

The hell does this even mean?

Testy Toad T  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:57:22pm

re: #34 Jenner7

I’m really, really ready for the esteemed Senator Rantface (whose ideas I tend to support!) to go back to his upstate pasture.

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:57:37pm

re: #1 Charles Johnson

Fuck, Charles. I can’t read this mess. I’ve tried a couple of times and…it’s not happening. You deserve an irresponsible helping of booze.

freetoken  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:57:45pm
Palin Endorsing Trump
jaunte  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:58:08pm

Trump’s “suck the air out of the room” campaign continues.

Big Beautiful Door  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:59:32pm

re: #44 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Trump’s “suck the air out of the room” campaign continues.

And its amazingly effective. I saw the new poll showing Kasich surging in NH, thought it would be a big story. Never heard anyone mention it.

Schroedinger's Dog  Jan 19, 2016 • 8:59:52pm

I have to believe if he announces any role for her in his administration, he’s running a scam to get Hillary elected.

freetoken  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:00:38pm

re: #44 jaunte

Trump has succeeded in making the GOP primary all about himself. This means other issues don’t get serious attention.

Jeb! was at the CFR, being livestreamed too after Trump’s 2nd appearance of the day, and Jeb! got little to no mention about that. Not that Jeb! said anything substantive as he has been reduced to magick word incantations also.

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:00:50pm

re: #46 Schroedinger’s Dog

I have to believe if he announces any role for her in his administration, he’s running a scam to get Hillary elected.

Tigger2  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:01:50pm

re: #34 Jenner7

[Embedded content]


The more and more Sanders talks the more respect I lose for him.

jaunte  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:02:15pm

re: #48 teleskiguy

If we ever find out bill clinton really is the one who got trump to run, put that man on mount rushmore

If that’s what happened not even Trump knows it.

darthstar  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:02:46pm

This is a drunk scale that takes practice to achieve.

Peggy Noonan - now that’s drunk.

Charles Johnson  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:02:50pm
Eric The Fruit Bat  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:03:33pm

I think we all need to chip in and get the Chief Lizard this….
Universal De-Derpizer/Brain Bleach

Best served chilled and in the classic style-louched over sugar cube.

Big Beautiful Door  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:03:59pm

re: #52 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

That’s the Colbert eagle, I believe.

Pawn of the Oppressor  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:04:52pm

re: #26 KingKenrod

[Embedded content]

Gawd, they are just killing it lately! I always thought they were a tabloid rag but somebody’s taken the gloves off over there. It’s so funny. :D

jaunte  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:05:16pm

re: #52 Charles Johnson

“fight for America and it’s constitution”

Very Palinesque

Not a Sparkly Vampire  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:06:04pm


(Best sign I ever saw)

Testy Toad T  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:06:05pm

re: #49 Tigger2

The more and more Sanders talks the more respect I lose for him.

The comparisons to Howard Dean are insulting to Howard Dean. I am starting to wonder if Sanders could even be an effective governor, never mind president. God, the whining. Life’s a piece of shit when you look at it. Go try to do something positive rather than piss and moan about the nasty unfair mean pieces of the world stacked against you.

Big Beautiful Door  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:08:03pm

re: #58 Testy Toad T

The comparisons to Howard Dean are insulting to Howard Dean. I am starting to wonder if Sanders could even be an effective governor, never mind president. God, the whining. Life’s a piece of shit when you look at it. Go try to do something positive rather than piss and moan about the nasty unfair mean pieces of the world stacked against you.

Sanders hectoring a GOP controlled Congress would get squat accomplished. If anyone is going to figure out how to move forward in any way, its Hillary.

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:08:12pm

re: #57 Not a Sparkly Vampire


(Best sign I ever saw)

Belafon  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:08:53pm

re: #34 Jenner7

[Embedded content]


If I was less tired, I would write a Daily Kos diary just to see what happens, though I don’t generally have enough people paying attention to me over there to get them noticed anyway.

darthstar  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:09:51pm

Sarah Palin’s voice put on someone else…

Billy Batts  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:11:36pm

re: #62 darthstar

That. Made. My. Day.

jaunte  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:11:42pm
SteelPH  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:12:00pm

Welp, Birthday’s today(well, 20th more specifically). I’m a mere 29 years old now.

Not a Sparkly Vampire  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:12:32pm

re: #65 SteelPH

Welp, Birthday’s today(well, 20th more specifically). I’m a mere 29 years old now.

Get off my …zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.

jaunte  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:12:33pm

Slate designers obviously got the ‘make the logo bigger’ memo.

retired cynic  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:12:36pm

re: #65 SteelPH

Welp, Birthday’s today(well, 20th more specifically). I’m a mere 29 years old now.

Hmmm. Me, too, but lots more than that!!

Jenner7  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:13:05pm

re: #65 SteelPH

Happy Birthday!

Pawn of the Oppressor  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:13:28pm

re: #57 Not a Sparkly Vampire


(Best sign I ever saw)

*rummages around for Constantinian Dynasty joke, comes up with some lint, a paperclip, and a dirty penny*

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:13:57pm

re: #65 SteelPH

Ah, so you weren’t born on the 19th!

Happy Birthday!

Tigger2  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:15:45pm

re: #61 Belafon

If I was less tired, I would write a Daily Kos diary just to see what happens, though I don’t generally have enough people paying attention to me over there to get them noticed anyway.

I can’t post there anymore, I called Snowden a traitor and got hidden, now to post again the want me to acknowledge a prompt that my comment was against the sites rules, well I won’t acknowledge it just because some Snowden supporters got butthurt.

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:15:46pm

Speaking of weird Vines…

SoundGuy 2016  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:19:23pm

re: #52 Charles Johnson

He’s not Christian. He’s CHRISTIAN.

And into Moron Lube.

And that’s Oookaaay.

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:20:07pm
Joe Bacon  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:22:11pm

re: #1 Charles Johnson

Yes, I did transcribe this whole horrific mess. Don’t thank me, just throw money.

Charles, you deserve combat pay for going above and beyond the call of duty!

Joe Bacon  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:26:46pm

re: #26 KingKenrod

[Embedded content]

WOW, the New York Daily News is on fire against the GOP. Amazing!

Joe Bacon  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:30:20pm

re: #60 teleskiguy

Embedded Image

I thought this was a photoshop. My apologies!

KGxvi  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:30:57pm

re: #60 teleskiguy

I’m fairly convinced if Palin and her followers ever actually bothered to read the constitution, they’d be shocked by some of the stuff in there.

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:33:43pm

re: #79 KGxvi

I’m fairly convinced if Palin and her followers ever actually bothered to read the constitution, they’d be shocked by some of the stuff in there.

There are only 4,543 words in the Constitution, 7,591 if you include the Amendments. I’ve read it a number of times over the years, you can do it in under an hour.

BeenHereAwhile  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:37:06pm

re: #9 Reality Based Steve

I have heard more rational speech from a meth head who was spun like cotton candy. If anybody reads that and thinks that “Oh, because of that speech I now am leaning toward Donald in this election”, they should not only vote, but should go and seek immediate help.

Of course, some of her base will eat it up. I say some, because over on Sarah Central Free Republic there are very strong divides between the Trumpets and the Cruziers, and Caribou Barbie has some detractors too.

In any case, I’m going to take a shower and go to bed. Hopefully I won’t have that bad beat poetry in my head.


And now if Donald Trump and John McCain happened to meet in a hallway; no words would need to be spoken.

Just a shared nod acknowledging that they both have come to this.

allegro  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:38:26pm

Why is she wearing a porcupine?

FormerDirtDart  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:38:42pm

re: #80 teleskiguy

There are only 4,543 words in the Constitution, 7,591 if you include the Amendments. I’ve read it a number of times over the years, you can do it in under an hour.

I used to have a handy pocket copy a couple of years ago.
My beagle puppy ate it.
Along with my wallet (twice), 4 pairs of reading glasses, 2 sets of cheap earphones, my cellphone and DVD remote

allegro  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:43:06pm

re: #83 FormerDirtDart

I used to have a handy pocket copy a couple of years ago.
My beagle puppy ate it.
Along with my wallet (twice), 4 pairs of reading glasses, 2 sets of cheap earphones, my cellphone and DVD remote

Last week I looked for my bedroom Firestick remote for 2 days. Found it in Blossom’s toybox in her cage. Fortunately unharmed (neither remote or bird).

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:44:34pm

re: #83 FormerDirtDart

I used to have a handy pocket copy a couple of years ago.
My beagle puppy ate it.
Along with my wallet (twice), 4 pairs of reading glasses, 2 sets of cheap earphones, my cellphone and DVD remote

My German Shepherd puppy chewed up my snow boots, my $150 mittens that I ski with, my eCig charger, and worst of all my Mexican Poncho parka that I (used to) ski with.

allegro  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:47:55pm

Puppies are evil until about a year of age. That’s why they’re so damned cute, so they survive beyond the chewing stage.

Joe Bacon  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:56:00pm

I’m waiting for next week when Trump goes into full birther mode against Cruz in Iowa. He’ll erupt like a volcano and that hot lava is going to ooze all over Iowa.

Cruz may have the lead there now, but there’s no doubt in my mind that BiBULL Spice is going to hit the ground running in the northwest Jesus corner of the state to pull the Jesusbots away from L’il Rafael.

FormerDirtDart  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:56:19pm

re: #86 allegro

Puppies are evil until about a year of age. That’s why they’re so damned cute, so they survive beyond the chewing stage.

Ody (Odysseus), almost 3, still eats stuff. But basically just things the cat kicks onto the floor to get him in trouble.

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 9:59:29pm

My dog doesn’t chew on my things anymore. But I keep a steady supply of Kong Wubbas for him, and he still likes to destroy those things. And he barks at anything that gets within 20 feet of the house (my dog is great security!).

allegro  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:00:36pm

re: #88 FormerDirtDart

Ody (Odysseus), almost 3, still eats stuff. But basically just things the cats kicks onto the floor to get him in trouble.

All bets are off when a cat is involved. They’re evil for life.


ausador  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:05:17pm
BeachDem  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:05:25pm

re: #60 teleskiguy

Embedded Image

Ah, memories:

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:07:19pm

re: #92 BeachDem

I remember you showing this to me a while back. Cream of the crop in South Carolina, people of the land, simple folk. In other words, morons.

FormerDirtDart  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:10:12pm

re: #89 teleskiguy

My dog doesn’t chew on my things anymore. But I keep a steady supply of Kong Wubbas for him, and he still likes to destroy those things. And he barks at anything that gets within 20 feet of the house (my dog is great security!).

I can’t give Ody rope or nylon chew toys. He’ll destroy them in hours, and eat (digest) the remnants. And, I’ve grown tired of helping his sorry ass (no pun intended) after he has half excreted his Craptypuses.

I had an old Wubba, shaped like a star. It survived over 7 years of abuse by my old beagle and my boxer till Ody came along. Thing was destroyed in under 3 days.

ausador  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:10:29pm


Palin supporter identified…

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:11:38pm

re: #94 FormerDirtDart

Ody’s a firecracker!

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:13:16pm

What’s really going on.

BeachDem  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:13:56pm

re: #93 teleskiguy

I remember you showing this to me a while back. Cream of the crop in South Carolina, people of the land, simple folk. In other words, morons.

Not sure if this is still his office, but TRUMP headquarters in Myrtle Beach as of a few months ago, complete with illegal sign. KLASSY, NO? (previous home of an ambulance chasing law firm)

BeachDem  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:14:38pm

re: #95 ausador


Palin supporter identified…

Plus confederate flag to complete the hat trick.

allegro  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:15:18pm

re: #93 teleskiguy

I remember you showing this to me a while back. Cream of the crop in South Carolina, people of the land, simple folk. In other words, morons.

But a great front porch.

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:18:01pm

re: #100 allegro

But a great front porch.

Umphrey’s McGee // 2000th Show // 11/08/14 (10 of 13)

FormerDirtDart  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:19:10pm

re: #96 teleskiguy

Ody’s a firecracker!

Yeah, he’s a lot different than my last beagle. Old Titus rarely barked, and probably bayed only a handful times the entire 7 years I had him. (once being at the Space Shuttle after flying over on approach to KSC). But, Ody howls at everything and everybody

goddamnedfrank  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:32:24pm

Bernie is getting dragged pretty hard right now over calling Planned Parenthood and the Human Rights Campaign part of the establishment. It was a really shitting statement on his part to be honest, since it amounts to little more than sour grapes. Those two groups endorse Hillary so he suddenly feels the need to denigrate them.

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:34:14pm

re: #103 goddamnedfrank

Hillary Clinton has been around there for a very, very long time.

So have you, Bernie.

ausador  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:48:17pm
goddamnedfrank  Jan 19, 2016 • 10:51:45pm
Can you imagine if Republicans interrogated every constituent about their sexual activity? Well, these kids don’t have to imagine it, they experienced it.

During a visit to the offices of several lawmakers on Teen Lobbying Day, a group of students chaperoned by Planned Parenthood employee Rachel Todd were absolutely stunned when Washington State Rep. Mary Dye interrogated them about whether or not they are virgins and began offering them unwanted marriage and sex advice.

The teens were there to advocate in support of expanding insurance to cover birth control, but when they got there, Dye gave them an “unprompted” lecture instead about the choices she thinks teen girls should make.

majii  Jan 19, 2016 • 11:02:34pm

re: #106 goddamnedfrank

I can imagine it’s a good thing that those kids can’t take a look at her behavior when she was a teenager. I think if they could, there would be some things that would embarrass the hell out of Dye. I’m always suspicious of the “Holier than thou” crowd because it’s been my experience in my 63 years that many of them are hiding a whole lot of dirty linen in their linen closets.

ausador  Jan 19, 2016 • 11:07:57pm

Thanks Obama…no, really.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jan 19, 2016 • 11:44:43pm
We are ready for a change, we are ready and our troops deserve the best. A new commander in chief, whose track record has proven he is the MASTER OF THE DILL. He is beholden to no one but WE THE PEOPLE how refreshing he is perfectly positioned to let YOU make America great again! Are you ready for that, Iowa?

I thought Vlasic was the master of the dill.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jan 19, 2016 • 11:47:35pm

re: #108 ausador

Makes me think of some guy who comes home dejected, and tells his wife ISIS just RIFfed him. Now he has to get a real job.

teleskiguy  Jan 19, 2016 • 11:54:51pm

I’m seeing more and more ‘If Bernie isn’t the nominee I’m not voting’ posts in my Facebook. I’m keeping my distance for now. I want to say FUCK YOU and tell them about Supreme Court nominations and a bunch of other stuff.

It’s weird that the election is a decision between batshit crazy and infinitely less batshit crazy. And yet Berniacs do not see it that way at all. They see it as a zero sum game. That proves their ignorance in my mind.

teleskiguy  Jan 20, 2016 • 12:08:37am
Now, finally friends, I want you to try to picture this, it’s a nice thing to picture. Exactly one year from tomorrow, former President Barack Obama, he packs up the teleprompters and the selfie sticks and the Greek columns and all that hopey changey stuff and he heads on back ta Chicago, where I’m sure he can find some community there ta organize again.

There, HE, can finally look up, President Obama will be able ta look up, and there, over his head, he’ll be able ta see that shining, towering Trump Tower.

Yes, Barack, he built that, and that says A LOT. Iowa, you say a lot. Bein’ here tonight, supporting the right man who will allow you ta make America great again, God bless you, God bless the United States America, and our next president of the United States, Donald J. Trump!!!

teleskiguy  Jan 20, 2016 • 12:11:11am

LGF Image Library is the tits. A vast majority of my internet snark is stored there.

ausador  Jan 20, 2016 • 12:14:37am

On and on and on and on…

Guess they’re still completely obsessed with ethics in journalism. :(

goddamnedfrank  Jan 20, 2016 • 12:18:21am

re: #111 teleskiguy

I’m seeing more and more ‘If Bernie isn’t the nominee I’m not voting’ posts in my Facebook. I’m keeping my distance for now. I want to say FUCK YOU and tell them about Supreme Court nominations and a bunch of other stuff.

It’s weird that the election is a decision between batshit crazy and infinitely less batshit crazy. And yet Berniacs do not see it that way at all. They see it as a zero sum game. That proves their ignorance in my mind.

Let them vent. This is the last gambit of a losing campaign, many die hard Hillary supporters did the same thing in ‘08. It’s a childish tantrum designed to garner attention and trap you in a “discussion” in which they ramble off a shit-ton of rehearsed argle-bargle.

teleskiguy  Jan 20, 2016 • 12:19:43am

re: #114 ausador

Fuck those neck-beard scumbags. It’s a big reason why my sister - a tech-savvy IT worker for a major hospital in Denver and hardcore gamer/cosplayer - has largely withdrawn from saying anything on the internet, other than the mundane work tweet and pictures of her dog. She put a padlock on her Twitter account right as that GamerGate shit was going down about a year and a half or so ago.

Fuck GamerGate with a big rubber dick.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 20, 2016 • 12:26:57am

re: #83 FormerDirtDart

I used to have a handy pocket copy a couple of years ago.
My beagle puppy ate it.
Along with my wallet (twice), 4 pairs of reading glasses, 2 sets of cheap earphones, my cellphone and DVD remote

That’s one hungry dog!

goddamnedfrank  Jan 20, 2016 • 12:27:32am

re: #115 goddamnedfrank

Let them vent. This is the last gambit of a losing campaign, many die hard Hillary supporters did the same thing in ‘08. It’s a childish tantrum designed to garner attention and trap you in a “discussion” in which they ramble off a shit-ton of rehearsed argle-bargle.

One thing I’ve noticed about people who inform me of their refusal to vote if their candidate isn’t the nominee is that this information almost always arrives unbidden, and often completely out of the blue. Either way, if you feel you must respond it’s good to inform the person that what you’ve just heard amounts to an ultimatum, delivered explicitly for your benefit and designed for you to include in your mental calculus in order to influence your own primary vote. Because that’s exactly why this kind of shit gets said in the first place.

teleskiguy  Jan 20, 2016 • 12:54:18am

I’m in the lower left quadrant of this photo (can you spot me?!? It’s like Where’s Waldo!). The dude in orange is my friend and co-worker Parker. Snapped on 18 January.

teleskiguy  Jan 20, 2016 • 2:07:08am

I thought of something patriotic.

Odie Hugh Manatee  Jan 20, 2016 • 2:21:44am

There was a real community meeting for citizens of Harney County that was held in Burns Tuesday evening. Ammon Bundy, his brother Ryan and Rizheimer were there and sat in the bleachers but didn’t say anything. Oregon Live has an article up on it here and I thought I would quote some bits of it to give an idea of how the meeting went:

But the audience of perhaps 300 people had plenty to say, and it seemed the cork had come out of the county.

One woman said she appreciated the attention Bundy has brought to rural issues but told him, “Get the hell out of my county.”

Another man gestured at Bundy and gave him the same message.
“Are you happy you did this to our community?” he said.

Another woman, shaking in anger, called out Bundy for the fear he’s caused in local schools, which closed for a week after the occupation began. She yelled across the gym at him, telling him to leave and “go to jail where you deserve to be!”

At one point, someone yelled, “Let Ammon speak.” Another retorted: “He’s not from Harney County.”

A 25-year resident of Harney County said Bundy “hijacked the Hammonds” for his own cause. He said as long as Bundy and his group hold the refuge, the Hammonds have no hope for clemency or any other relief.

Rancher Tom Sharp noted that Bundy and others had “lectured” local ranchers the night before on the need for them to repudiate their federal grazing permits.
Such a move would be “terribly destructive,” Sharp said.

He noted that Bundy’s impact on the community hasn’t been good.
“Our personal relationships have been damaged,” Sharp said.

He said it was time for patient law enforcement agents to act against “an active crime scene” at the refuge. He urged the refuge be isolated, services be cut off, and supplies no longer allowed in. He proposal drew applause and cheers from some in the crowd.

While there were some who spoke up about issues in the area, it sounds like they want Bundy and his gang out of there yesterday. Another story posted at Oregon Live from earlier in the day:

Ammon Bundy on Tuesday cautioned federal employees not to interfere with local ranchers and miners who defy government regulations as he stepped toward increased militancy on Day 18 of his occupation of the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge.

The armed protesters are clearing the way for Harney County residents to again ranch, mine and log on land now controlled by federal managers, Bundy said.

The occupation leader addressed “range cons” - federal range conservationists who work with ranchers on grazing schedules and rotations to minimize the ecological impact of cattle. He also cited their employer, the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which manages the bird sanctuary.

Federal agents shouldn’t try to intimidate those who assert their rights, Bundy said in a news conference at the entrance to the refuge headquarters, 30 miles southeast of Burns.

“We give warning they are not to do that,” Bundy said.

Bundy gives no signs of budging even though he says that he respects the will of the community. I’m pretty darned sure that this mess isn’t going the way he envisioned it would. Without the government there the Bundy Boys have no target for their anger and have instead have made themselves a target.

ElaineBenis  Jan 20, 2016 • 2:28:59am

WTF is Palin wearing? She looks like a God damn porcupine.

Alyosha  Jan 20, 2016 • 2:34:59am

I’m wondering if right now, Trump is thinking, even if it’s just a niggle right now, whether letting in the Palin-crazy just to bump up his appeal in bumfuck Iowa, was all that great an idea.

I mean his own carnival barker schtick notwithstanding, he had to understand that the torrent of nonsense that tumbled out of Palin’s mouth was just that. Unvarnished Id-vomit.

If her performance piece has soured things in any way for Trump, it will be delicious to see whether he trashes her in the media or cleaves to her in a desperate act of loyalty to the base that has carried him this far.

As others have pointed out, the man’s ego is so inflated and so brittle that it is, at this point, unlikely to take any setback, no matter how seemingly small (especially if it’s a symbolic loss like Iowa might be) without utterly collapsing.
Fear of failure might be what prompted him to bring Palin to bear and given everyone has their price, especially grifters, I’d only have to ask how much he paid her.

I know we’ve seen these false dawns before, but it would be a beautiful sunrise indeed.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 2:36:32am

re: #123 Alyosha

I’m wondering if right now, Trump is thinking, even if it’s just a niggle right now, whether letting in the Palin-crazy just to bump up his appeal in bumfuck Iowa, was all that great an idea.

Nothing he has said or done so far has harmed him in the eyes of his admirers. Why should Sarah’s words do anything different?

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 2:40:13am

Kudos, Charles, for transcribing that whole speech. But you could have just used a room full of monkeys at keyboards jacked up on fermented betel nuts to get the same result…

Alyosha  Jan 20, 2016 • 2:43:10am

re: #124 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Nothing he has said or done so far has harmed him in the eyes of his admirers. Why should Sarah’s words do anything different?

Because Palin isn’t the force majeur she used to be. How deep can his delusion about the size of the base be?

Just remembered that al-Qaeda is Arabic for ‘the Base’. Appropriate for Y’all Qaeda.

Sophist: Make America Grate Again  Jan 20, 2016 • 2:57:28am

re: #51 darthstar

On a scale of “Peggy Noonan” to “trying to take your pants off over your head,” how drunk was Sarah Palin today?

Peggy Noonan trying to take her pants off over her head.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 3:03:58am

re: #126 Alyosha

Because Palin isn’t the force majeur she used to be. How deep can his delusion about the size of the base be?

Just remembered that al-Qaeda is Arabic for ‘the Base’. Appropriate for Y’all Qaeda.

Donald and Sarah have garnered about 95% of all media attention over the past 48 hours (including this site). That is a big plus in itself for someone for whom there is no such thing as bad publicity

Alyosha  Jan 20, 2016 • 3:07:02am

re: #128 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Agreed. But eventually sunlight kills staph.
Hopefully this strain has a similar weakness.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 3:10:51am

re: #129 Alyosha

Agreed. But eventually sunlight kills staph.
Hopefully this strain has a similar weakness.

Media attention = sunlight?

more like a grow light - and Trump is a sensemilla plant

Alyosha  Jan 20, 2016 • 3:13:55am

re: #130 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Hah! You might be right. Yeah, journalism ain’t what it used to be.
Positivity in this case may not be enough to improve the prognosis.

Decatur Deb  Jan 20, 2016 • 3:15:56am

Trump’s campaign is a parade float that thinks it’s an Abrams tank.

Alyosha  Jan 20, 2016 • 3:17:16am

re: #132 Decatur Deb

Trump’s campaign is a parade float that thinks it’s an Abrams tank.

A more apt metaphor than mine.

Decatur Deb  Jan 20, 2016 • 3:19:18am

re: #133 Alyosha

A more apt metaphor than mine.

I’m just worried that he’ll help one of the less batshit pukes like Rubio get the nomination with little damage.

Alyosha  Jan 20, 2016 • 3:20:58am

re: #134 Decatur Deb

I’m just worried that he’ll help one of the less batshit pukes like Rubio get the nomination with little damage.

You reckon he has the humility for that?

Decatur Deb  Jan 20, 2016 • 3:25:17am

re: #135 Alyosha

You reckon he has the humility for that?

Don’t think it’s his plan, he’d love to get the public validation of his greatness. Couple weeks and we’ll know if he can get anyone to actually bust their humps for him.

Alyosha  Jan 20, 2016 • 3:27:51am

re: #136 Decatur Deb

Don’t think it’s his plan, he’d love to get the public validation of his greatness. Couple weeks and we’ll know if he can get anyone to actually bust their humps for him.

I guess even Palin settled for being a kingmaker in ‘10.

Rocky-in-Connecticut  Jan 20, 2016 • 4:11:24am

re: #79 KGxvi

I’m fairly convinced if Palin and her followers ever actually bothered to read the constitution, they’d be shocked by some of the stuff in there.

They would read the Constitution exactly how they read their Bibles. Yellow mark the parts they like and ignore the parts they don’t.

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2016 • 4:38:30am

Well, so I logged in this morning and I found this flaming bag of dogshit in my mentions==>

Blocked & muted now.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jan 20, 2016 • 4:44:04am

re: #138 Rocky-in-Connecticut

They would read the Constitution exactly how they read their Bibles. Yellow mark the parts they like and ignore the parts they don’t.

For example, in South Carolina …

Republican lawmaker says journalists should face a registry to work in South Carolina

An Upstate lawmaker who tried to keep the Confederate battle flag flying and whose campaign spending habits were part of a Post and Courier examination of Statehouse money trails says it’s time to register journalists in the state.

State Rep. Mike Pitts, R-Laurens, on Tuesday introduced a bill called the “South Carolina Responsible Journalism Registry Law.”

The bill would create requirements for people wanting to work as a journalist for a media outlet, and also before that outlet could hire anyone for a reporting position.

The measure is at least the second bill filed in the Statehouse this year with virtually no chance of advancing but is meant to reflect a lawmaker’s personal political statement.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jan 20, 2016 • 4:45:04am

re: #139 The Vicious Babushka

Stan has a synagogue?

Decatur Deb  Jan 20, 2016 • 4:48:36am

re: #139 The Vicious Babushka

Well, so I logged in this morning and I found this flaming bag of dogshit in my mentions==>

[Embedded content]

Blocked & muted now.

Some kind of Yahwist separatist?

Barefoot Grin  Jan 20, 2016 • 4:48:46am

re: #139 The Vicious Babushka

Well, so I logged in this morning and I found this flaming bag of dogshit in my mentions==>

[Embedded content]

Blocked & muted now.

She’s working on her “doctrate thesis paper.”

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jan 20, 2016 • 4:53:32am

re: #143 Barefoot Grin

She’s working on her “doctrate thesis paper.”

To track down all the descendants of the Israelites. All of them. Good luck with that, dearie.

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2016 • 4:55:11am

re: #144 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

To track down all the descendants of the Israelites. All of them. Good luck with that, dearie.

Well she found one but she said I’m a “Fake Babylonian”

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Jan 20, 2016 • 4:57:29am

re: #145 The Vicious Babushka

Well she found one but she said I’m a “Fake Babylonian”

She wants the original clay tablet birth certificate written in cuneiform.

Barefoot Grin  Jan 20, 2016 • 4:57:37am

re: #145 The Vicious Babushka

Well she found one but she said I’m a “Fake Babylonian”

I and I vibration, yeah.

That’s all I could come up with. I have no idea what a fake Babylonian might be.

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2016 • 5:06:46am

re: #145 The Vicious Babushka

Well she found one but she said I’m a “Fake Babylonian”

Isn’t that part of some white nationalist crap?

Decatur Deb  Jan 20, 2016 • 5:08:58am

re: #147 Barefoot Grin

I and I vibration, yeah.

That’s all I could come up with. I have no idea what a fake Babylonian might be.

steve_davis  Jan 20, 2016 • 5:25:48am

re: #60 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

“Constition stition, why you bitchin’?”
“‘Cause I’m workin’ on nouns, and phrases, and adverbs. Ya’ see, before a bill becomes a law, somebody has to write me down and send me through committee, but since 2008, I’ve been getting my word-salad tossed by Sarah Palin to such an extent that even simple shit no longer gets through congress, ‘cause Republicans are just bone fucking stupid….”

Joe Bacon  Jan 20, 2016 • 5:27:10am

I take out the trash and I see a “TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT” bumper sticker on a neighbor’s car.

Mama said there’d be days like this…

Joe Bacon  Jan 20, 2016 • 5:32:38am

re: #98 BeachDem

Not sure if this is still his office, but TRUMP headquarters in Myrtle Beach as of a few months ago, complete with illegal sign. KLASSY, NO? (previous home of an ambulance chasing law firm)

Embedded Image

John Calhoun is alive and well…

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2016 • 5:35:45am

re: #148 Timothy Watson

Isn’t that part of some white nationalist crap?

I don’t know, she appears to be African-American. Maybe some Farrakhan bullshit?

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2016 • 5:39:02am
Decatur Deb  Jan 20, 2016 • 5:45:49am

re: #153 The Vicious Babushka

I don’t know, she appears to be African-American. Maybe some Farrakhan bullshit?

Something of this sort:

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:04:53am
you hard-workin’ Iowa families, you farm families an’ teachers an’ teamsters, an’ cops an’ cooks … you… rock ‘n rollers an’ HOLY ROLLERS

Trump just lost the Pentecostal vote.

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:06:48am

Greets and saluts from the not nearly so cold NYC metro area. The snowpocalypse is still being predicted for this weekend - now with more variation. We could get anywhere from record snowfall to nothing.

My best guess? NYC metro gets 6-12 inches. It’s all about the storm track as all the other conditions for a major storm are going to be present. There’s going to be a blocking high, a trough, and the storm itself is slow moving, which means more time to linger over the region.

It therefore comes down to the track. Too close to the coast? We get lots of rain and coastal flooding, but snow inland. If it’s too far out to see, we’ll see mostly snow, but not as much. That Goldilocks track is the one that brings massive snows.

So, prepare for the snowpocalypse, and consider that we get nothing/minor snows. /just gotta say it in Stacker Pentecost’s voice.

Pacific Rim: We’re cancelling the apocalypse

Decatur Deb  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:09:28am

re: #156 Timothy Watson

Trump just lost the Pentecostal vote.

Nope. She’s one of the family. Lives in the snakehandler ‘hood.

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:13:20am

Had someone tweeting to me overnight about how Palin was great as governor - giving back money to residents.

Odd thing though. She didn’t initiate that program. That existed for years before she became governor. It was a way to encourage people to come to Alaska - a portion of the oil taxes were put into a fund and then distributed annually. Palin gave a one-time increase to that plan.

And now? Alaska is contemplating income taxes because oil taxes are falling off a cliff, so the state faces a budget deficit that has to be closed.

But when you put this into Palin word salad context, all Palin did as governor was spread opium to the masses. *facepalm*

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:15:43am
Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:16:47am

re: #159 lawhawk

Had someone tweeting to me overnight about how Palin was great as governor -

Yeah, she was so “great” that she quit her job. Conservatives really do live in alternate reality.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:20:09am

re: #83 FormerDirtDart

I used to have a handy pocket copy a couple of years ago.
My beagle puppy ate it.
Along with my wallet (twice), 4 pairs of reading glasses, 2 sets of cheap earphones, my cellphone and DVD remote

My dog has been hanging around with your dog. She has a fetish for glasses. We’re up to about six pair of prescription glasses for me and about 10 pair of reading glasses for the hubbs. I have to make sure that whenever I take mine off they go straight into a case, even if it’s for 5 minutes. Thank goodness the internet has a site for cheap glasses. Last time I was able to snag a pair for $47!

Great White Snark  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:20:32am

Good Morning LGF!

Islamic State Cuts Wages For Members in Iraq and Syria by Half

The Jihadi Employees Local was unavailable for comment.

You guys saw the video of the USAF blowing up a bunch of their cash right?

Hitting right where it hurts. “Weak Obama”?! LOL.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:21:08am

re: #86 allegro

Puppies are evil until about a year of age. That’s why they’re so damned cute, so they survive beyond the chewing stage.

Alas, my girl (the cutest little Cavalier King Charles Spaniel evah!) is almost three. She still eats glasses whenever she can get them.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:24:07am
Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:28:38am

re: #165 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Ridicule and mockery usually are the best weapons.

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:31:22am

Wingnut on wingnut action. If you were thinking there was any consistency in what Palin does, you’re barking up the wrong branch. She thinks she’s backing a winner in Trump.

Let’s just ignore that she backed Newt in the primaries back in 2012 before ultimately backing Romney. And neither became president. Her track record on the WH race will remain immaculate - Ofer.

GlutenFreeJesus  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:32:10am

re: #111 teleskiguy

I’m seeing more and more ‘If Bernie isn’t the nominee I’m not voting’ posts in my Facebook. I’m keeping my distance for now. I want to say FUCK YOU and tell them about Supreme Court nominations and a bunch of other stuff.

It’s weird that the election is a decision between batshit crazy and infinitely less batshit crazy. And yet Berniacs do not see it that way at all. They see it as a zero sum game. That proves their ignorance in my mind.

This is exactly why this ejection will be unnecessarily close. If they’d just get over themselves, and vote for the betterment of the country instead of “their team”, any GOP nominee would lose. Badly. Not by 10%. Not my 20%. But more. When elections are close, the GOPers go on thinking their candidate wasn’t conservative enough. I doubt even one huge loss would force them to snap out of it. But a few consecutive losses just might. That includes midterms.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:34:05am

I couldn’t read the whole thing because brain cells but this segment caught my attention:

I’m in it because just last week we’re watchin’ our sailors suffer and be humiliated on a world stage at the hands of Iranian captors, in violation of international law. Because the weak kneed capitulator in chief has decided, that America will lead from behind.

Is Half Gov trying to say that the Iranians were acting “in violation of international law” when they detained the American ship(s)? Since when do Palin or any wingnuts care a fig about international law? I doubt Half Gov knows anything about international law, but out of all that garble I couldn’t get over this part.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:35:30am

re: #163 Great White Snark

Good Morning LGF!

Islamic State Cuts Wages For Members in Iraq and Syria by Half

The Jihadi Employees Local was unavailable for comment.

You guys saw the video of the USAF blowing up a bunch of their cash right?

Hitting right where it hurts. “Weak Obama”?! LOL.

I had no idea these guys were on salary.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:36:18am

re: #159 lawhawk

Had someone tweeting to me overnight about how Palin was great as governor - giving back money to residents.

Odd thing though. She didn’t initiate that program. That existed for years before she became governor. It was a way to encourage people to come to Alaska - a portion of the oil taxes were put into a fund and then distributed annually. Palin gave a one-time increase to that plan.

And now? Alaska is contemplating income taxes because oil taxes are falling off a cliff, so the state faces a budget deficit that has to be closed.

But when you put this into Palin word salad context, all Palin did as governor was spread opium to the masses. *facepalm*


Dark_Falcon  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:36:51am

re: #33 Eric The Fruit Bat

Bristol already named her daughter, as Sailor Grace.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:37:26am

re: #156 Timothy Watson

Trump just lost the Pentecostal vote.

How did Half Gov know these folks were hard workers and not on welfare food stamps?


Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:38:54am

re: #140 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

An Upstate lawmaker who tried to keep the Confederate battle flag flying and whose campaign spending habits were part of a Post and Courier examination of Statehouse money trails says it’s time to register journalists in the state.

Less government. Freedom. Liberty.


WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:41:51am

re: #159 lawhawk

Had someone tweeting to me overnight about how Palin was great as governor - giving back money to residents.

Odd thing though. She didn’t initiate that program. That existed for years before she became governor. It was a way to encourage people to come to Alaska - a portion of the oil taxes were put into a fund and then distributed annually. Palin gave a one-time increase to that plan.

And now? Alaska is contemplating income taxes because oil taxes are falling off a cliff, so the state faces a budget deficit that has to be closed.

But when you put this into Palin word salad context, all Palin did as governor was spread opium to the masses. *facepalm*

Isn’t that a combination of Socialism and Communism? Funny how the heavily Republican Alaskans don’t have a problem with that program.

Dark_Falcon  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:42:51am

re: #170 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

I had no idea these guys were on salary.

Can’t pay ‘em commissions on oil sales any more, since Daesh can barely produce enough oil for its internal needs currently. The concurrent Russian and Coalition offensives against Daesh’s oil production have cut their oil production back massively.

Bill and Opus for 2016!  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:43:59am

This primary season is going to be SO much fun. GOP stategist Rick Wilson absolutely NAILS the alt-right demographic of Trump supporters.

If anyone was wondering what the GOP establishment really thinks of Donald Trump and his supporters, well, here you go. Here’s GOP strategist Rick Wilson on this Tuesday’s All In with Chris Hayes, responding to Hayes asking him about Trump’s white supremacist following, and an article just published in The Week titled How an obscure adviser to Pat Buchanan predicted the wild Trump campaign in 1996.
WILSON: Well, first off, I think that’s absurd. I think that there is definitely still a very significant portion of the party that is a limited government conservatism based faction of the overall coalition. Now the screamers and the crazy people on the all-right as they call it, you know, who love Donald Trump, who have plenty of Hitler iconography in their Twitter icons and names…

HAYES: They sure do. I can back that up.

WILSON: … who think Donald Trump is the greatest thing. Oh, it’s something. But the fact of the matter is most of them are childless, single men who masturbate to Anime. They’re not real political players. These are not people who matter in the overall course of humanity.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:44:36am

re: #168 GlutenFreeJesus

This is exactly why this ejection will be unnecessarily close. If they’d just get over themselves, and vote for the betterment of the country instead of “their team”, any GOP nominee would lose. Badly. Not by 10%. Not my 20%. But more. When elections are close, the GOPers go on thinking their candidate wasn’t conservative enough. I doubt even one huge loss would force them to snap out of it. But a few consecutive losses just might. That includes midterms.

Unless Dems decide that government matters enough to get out and vote, I think midterms are forever lost.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:45:23am

re: #172 Dark_Falcon

Bristol already named her daughter, as Sailor Grace.

There’s another one coming - only 9 months away at any given day.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:47:36am

You know what I find frustrating, and this trend has only increased over the last 20 years. The President isn’t a president any longer…it’s like his sole role is Commander In Chief. We hear that term more and more as every election season comes and goes.

The war-all-the-time mentality has saturated presidential politics.

Dark_Falcon  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:47:39am

re: #179 WhatEVs

There’s another one coming - only 9 months away at any given day.

I think you’re mixing up the Duggars and the Palins, but I’m not going to waste my time defending either of those families, so carry on.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:50:21am

re: #143 Barefoot Grin

She’s working on her “doctrate thesis paper.”

at Harverd?

Reckless Disregard  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:50:28am

re: #179 WhatEVs

One night in Wasilla gets a Palin pregnant
Not much between despair and ecstasy
One night in Wasilla and an AR 15
Can’t be too careful with your company
I can feel Track walking next to me

Dark_Falcon  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:54:06am

As a palate cleanser, here’s an article about featuring a Republican daughter who is sane and likable:

Mommy and me! Jenna Bush Hager and Savannah Guthrie take part in baby workout class with their daughters and attempt yoga and squats while holding the giggling tots

The precious segment appeared on the Today show on Tuesday morning
Savannah, 44, took her one-year-old daughter Vale to work out with Jenna, 34, and her five-month-old infant Poppy
New York City-based fitness guru and founder of ‘The Class’ Taryn Toomey taught them out to work out with their babies in tow

The name of Jenna Bush-Hager’s daughter Poppy is a tribute to George H.W. Bush, whose nickname is ‘Poppy’.

Dark_Falcon  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:58:18am

One other thing to note is that Bernie Sanders has opened up a massive lead in New Hampshire. Hillary Clinton can afford to lose there, but if she loses 60-33, even after a close win in Iowa, then she’s got some real trouble.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 6:59:18am

re: #185 Dark_Falcon

One other thing to note is that Bernie Sanders has opened up a massive lead in New Hampshire. Hillary Clinton can afford to lose there, but if she loses 60-33, even after a close win in Iowa, then she’s got some real trouble.

If only wishes made it so.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:02:08am
Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:03:20am

re: #185 Dark_Falcon

One other thing to note is that Bernie Sanders has opened up a massive lead in New Hampshire. Hillary Clinton can afford to lose there, but if she loses 60-33, even after a close win in Iowa, then she’s got some real trouble.

It would make for an interesting primary race. Right now she is seen as a shoo-in, but it would not hurt if she had to buckle down and work for it.

Eventual Carrion  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:07:21am

re: #175 WhatEVs

Isn’t that a combination of Socialism and Communism? Funny how the heavily Republican Alaskans don’t have a problem with that program.

Because it benefits THEM. When it helps the OTHERS, it is bad.

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:12:47am

re: #189 Eventual Carrion

And that fund also informs the whole Drill Baby Drill mantra. Since it’s oil revenues that fund the reserve and payouts, the more that can be drilled and taxed means more that can be distributed out of the fund.

Of course, now that oil prices have cratered, the fund is in trouble, and the state’s budget is a mess.

Other states that rely heavily on oil resources for tax revenues are suffering as well. And will see their job markets decline as the boom goes bust.

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:13:45am

Sounds like someone made use of the mini-bar on Candidate Trump’s dime last night, and still to hungover to even manage her typical garbled tirade

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:16:09am
Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:16:15am

re: #191 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

Sounds like someone made use of the mini-bar on Candidate Trump’s dime last night, and still to hungover to even manage her typical garbled tirade

She has fulfilled her contractual obligations and has moved on

Decatur Deb  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:19:38am

re: #193 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

She has fulfilled her contractual obligations and has moved on

Somebody has to make that bail.

LastYearsMan  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:25:31am

I feel certain that eventually it will come out that Palin was a raging Oxycontin addict. Maybe for the last 10 years or more.

BeenHereAwhile  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:25:53am

re: #121 Odie Hugh Manatee

There was a real community meeting for citizens of Harney County that was held in Burns Tuesday evening. Ammon Bundy, his brother Ryan and Rizheimer were there and sat in the bleachers but didn’t say anything. Oregon Live has an article up on it here and I thought I would quote some bits of it to give an idea of how the meeting went:

While there were some who spoke up about issues in the area, it sounds like they want Bundy and his gang out of there yesterday. Another story posted at Oregon Live from earlier in the day:

Bundy gives no signs of budging even though he says that he respects the will of the community. I’m pretty darned sure that this mess isn’t going the way he envisioned it would. Without the government there the Bundy Boys have no target for their anger and have instead have made themselves a target.

Looks like the militants occupying the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge are finding out how effective non-violence is as political and social tactics.

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:25:57am

And what criteria do they use to determine if someone is a “terrorist” or a “Democrat”? Let me guess…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:27:11am

re: #191 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

Sounds like someone made use of the mini-bar on Candidate Trump’s dime last night, and still to hungover to even manage her typical garbled tirade

Apparently, she is in Tulsa waiting for the private jet to take her back to Alaska in a few hours.

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:29:11am

re: #193 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

She has fulfilled her contractual obligations and has moved on

re: #198 Backwoods_Sleuth

Apparently, she is in Tulsa waiting for the private jet to take her back to Alaska in a few hours.

nines09  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:30:25am

re: #27 BongCrodny

Someone should force John McCain to watch this every day for the rest of his life.

Should be his alarm clock. Which he cannot turn off until it completes the entire transcript.

BadgerB  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:31:37am

re: #170 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

I had no idea these guys were on salary.

On average, more than Iraqi Army regulars (at least before the recent paycut).

Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:32:17am

re: #185 Dark_Falcon

One other thing to note is that Bernie Sanders has opened up a massive lead in New Hampshire. Hillary Clinton can afford to lose there, but if she loses 60-33, even after a close win in Iowa, then she’s got some real trouble.

I somewhat disagree. I think that we give Iowa and New Hampshire too much credit and influence over the primary process. Eight years ago it was Clinton who won NH after losing to Obama in Iowa and it really just delayed the inevitable. Now I do think that it made the Obama campaign work more in other states later that primary season, and it paid off in the general election. My hope is that a similar thing works out. But Sanders should win NH by double digits plus on a bad day. In fact, for Iowa and NH, you are looking at two of the least diverse states that could exist (at least on the Democratic side) as a slice of the electorate. Now after the first four (add in SC and NV) and you have more of a representation of the Democratic Party. If Sanders is still in a somewhat strong position after that, then and only then will this get really interesting.

Dark_Falcon  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:32:25am

re: #197 The Vicious Babushka

And what criteria do they use to determine if someone is a “terrorist” or a “Democrat”? Let me guess…

[Embedded content]

If they use race, then they’re going to catch a rather large lawsuit.

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:33:36am

re: #193 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

She has fulfilled her contractual obligations and has moved on

I wonder if Donald’s requirements is a large donation to the reelection campaign of the presiding judge in whatever jurisdiction her son was arrested in.

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:33:59am

Anyone seen Geraldo in the past 24 hours??

“It was in the ground under some marble and was discovered by some of our workers, but before we even had a chance to remove it, it was stolen, so we’ve been working with the police on that,” Jennifer Valoppi told reporters.

Dark_Falcon  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:34:22am

re: #200 nines09

Should be his alarm clock. Which he cannot turn off until it completes the entire transcript.

Stop trying to kill John McCain. Yes, picking Sarah Palin was a mistake, but it shouldn’t be a capital offense!


WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:34:24am

Alrighty then.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:36:39am
Pawn of the Oppressor  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:37:34am

Gotta take that money order back to Methsilla and bail Trailer Hitch out of the pokey.

Actually I bet Wasilla PD has an unspoken “no detention” policy for the Palin family.

Reckless Disregard  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:38:11am

re: #208 WhatEVs

The defense team probably raised their hourly fees by 900%.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:38:47am
nines09  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:39:00am

re: #206 Dark_Falcon

Stop trying to kill John McCain. Yes, picking Sarah Palin was a mistake, but it shouldn’t be a capital offense!


Maybe he could have it on his Tombstone…”John McCain **** ****”
” Yeah. I know. Sarah. Sorry.”

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:39:01am

re: #210 Reckless Disregard

The defense team probably raised their hourly fees by 900%.

Oh, poetic justice, you bitch. :-)

Joe Bacon  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:39:18am

re: #208 WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

Let me guess—they demanded to hear his Wu Tang Clan record…

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:40:31am

re: #209 Pawn of the Oppressor

Gotta take that money order back to Methsilla and bail Trailer Hitch out of the pokey.

Actually I bet Wasilla PD has an unspoken “no detention” policy for the Palin family.

Nah, they detained his ass, at least overnight until arraignment. I am sure mama grizzly is gonna get anger track out once she arrives.

I am thinking that Palin has next to no political pull in AK these days.

Testy Toad T  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:40:45am

re: #202 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

I somewhat disagree. I think that we give Iowa and New Hampshire too much credit and influence over the primary process. Eight years ago it was Clinton who won NH after losing to Obama in Iowa and it really just delayed the inevitable. Now I do think that it made the Obama campaign work more in other states later that primary season, and it paid off in the general election. My hope is that a similar thing works out. But Sanders should win NH by double digits plus on a bad day. In fact, for Iowa and NH, you are looking at two of the least diverse states that could exist (at least on the Democratic side) as a slice of the electorate. Now after the first four (add in SC and NV) and you have more of a representation of the Democratic Party. If Sanders is still in a somewhat strong position after that, then and only then will this get really interesting.

Iowa and New Hampshire Dem primaries are dominated by white uber-liberals. Quelle surprise the Bern is being felt there.

Wake me up when Clinton doesn’t have a 60-point lead among minority voters.

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:41:28am

re: #203 Dark_Falcon

If they use race, then they’re going to catch a rather large lawsuit.

Only if someone tries to buy a gun and is denied, at least in Florida,
As the recent “No Guns for Muslims” lawsuit proved.

Jenner7  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:44:49am

Nice job, Trump. Picked a quitter and she doesn’t show up. Hahahahahaha.

Jenner7  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:45:04am

Good morning.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:45:39am

Patton does a good Palin.

freetoken  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:45:52am

re: #211 WhatEVs


WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:45:55am

re: #219 Jenner7

Good morning.


Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:48:47am

re: #197 The Vicious Babushka

And what criteria do they use to determine if someone is a “terrorist” or a “Democrat”? Let me guess…

Someone who points a sniper rifle at federal agents out performing their duty probably does not qualify as one in their eyes…

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:49:07am

After yesterday’s performance Candidate Trump not likely to be sharing the same stage with Sister Sarah. Press will be at the “Donald” events, so Sarah can rally her crowds sight unseen

Decatur Deb  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:50:38am

re: #221 freetoken


That’s no planet. It’s a fully-functional pot farm.

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:53:39am

re: #225 Decatur Deb

That’s no planet. It’s a fully-functional pot farm.

[Embedded content]

Silent Running really could have been a much better movie

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:54:02am

Really cool pics!

Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:54:11am

School was called off today for snow. Woke up late, made breakfast for the family (Turkey Egg Muffins- Instead of the paper, line the muffin tin with sliced lunch-meat style turkey. Crack an egg in each. Season with your likes. Cook @375 for 20 min.) Now getting ready to go work out.

Kilroy01  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:55:11am

Trying to listen to Sarah Palin make me appreciate Vogon poetry.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:55:32am

re: #224 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

After yesterday’s performance Candidate Trump not likely to be sharing the same stage with Sister Sarah. Press will be at the “Donald” events, so Sarah can rally her crowds sight unseen

Trump had to know what a fruitcake Palin is. I cannot imagine any shock on his behalf.

Poligeek  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:57:53am

re: #229 Kilroy01

Trying to listen to Sarah Palin make me appreciate Vogon poetry.

Not even a babelfish could provide adequate translation for Palin’s amount of derp.

BeachDem  Jan 20, 2016 • 7:58:46am

re: #188 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

It would make for an interesting primary race. Right now she is seen as a shoo-in, but it would not hurt if she had to buckle down and work for it.

Just want to say that, from an on-the-ground perspective, her campaign is not acting like she is a shoo-in. Her staffers and volunteers are working their asses off (I know, because I did two hours of data entry from a phone bank last night!) I have had a Hillary field rep living with me since last July, so I feel I know what I’m talking about.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:00:27am

re: #232 BeachDem

Just want to say that, from an on-the-ground perspective, her campaign is not acting like she is a shoo-in. Her staffers and volunteers are working their asses off (I know, because I did two hours of data entry from a phone bank last night!) I have had a Hillary field rep living with me since last July, so I feel I know what I’m talking about.

The current attitude in the press (when it is not busy fawning over DT) is that HIllary is the inevitable choice of the Democratic party. It will be fun to see Bernie giver her a run for the money and force her into some progressive positions that she might skirt (or pantsuit) otherwise.

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:00:33am

re: #229 Kilroy01

Trying to listen to Sarah Palin make me appreciate Vogon poetry.

Clearly you don’t understand “right winging, bitter clinging” speak, you betcha *wink*

Decatur Deb  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:01:00am

re: #226 FormerDirtDart

Silent Running really could have been a much better movie

Broken concept. The Baez/PDQ Bach music is the most durable part.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:01:14am

re: #224 FormerDirtDart

After yesterday’s performance Candidate Trump not likely to be sharing the same stage with Sister Sarah. Press will be at the “Donald” events, so Sarah can rally her crowds sight unseen

What the heck is Trump or any candidate from either party doing in OKC this month?

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:01:28am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:01:46am

re: #236 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

What the heck is Trump or any candidate from either party doing in OKC this month?

At the airport to send Palin back to Alaska.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:02:31am

re: #234 Dr. Matt

Clearly you don’t understand “right winging, bitter clinging” speak, you betcha *wink*

The style does not matter at all, even the content is secondary, as long as there are enough buzzwords scattered throughout. All that matters is the defiant, triumphal attitude and tone of voice

Dave In Austin  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:02:41am
Targetpractice  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:03:32am

re: #208 WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

I’ll take a guess that they advised him to make a deal and he, being the ginormous douche he is, decided that he didn’t want their counsel anymore and has gone lawyer-shopping for somebody who will (for the right price) convince him that he has a chance of not spending any time behind bars.

SteveMcGaziBolaGate RN  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:04:04am

re: #238 Backwoods_Sleuth

At the airport to send Palin back to Alaska.

Make sure she boards.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:04:55am

re: #241 Targetpractice

I’ll take a guess that they advised him to make a deal and he, being the ginormous douche he is, decided that he didn’t want their counsel anymore and has gone lawyer-shopping for somebody who will (for the right price) convince him that he has a chance of not spending any time behind bars.

Or he insisted that they knowingly present falsified or forged evidence and they refused.

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:06:26am

re: #230 WhatEVs

Trump had to know what a fruitcake Palin is. I cannot imagine any shock on his behalf.

I’m pretty sure she ran on a hell of a lot longer than Trump ever planned, but how do you stop her on stage? And, with Track busted back in Wasilla, no way they’re gonna let her be seen by the press corps, and get questioned (at least for a few days), to detract from the campaign any more.

Targetpractice  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:07:22am

re: #211 WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

I dub this new planet “Mondas.”

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:07:54am

re: #243 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Or he insisted that they knowingly present falsified or forged evidence and they refused.

And, changing legal teams delays any action for a while.

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:09:22am

re: #245 Targetpractice

I dub this new planet “Mondas.”

Negative, if we give it a name starting with ‘P’ we can go back to the old mnemonic to remember the order of the planets.

BeachDem  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:10:03am

re: #233 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

The current attitude in the press (when it is not busy fawning over DT) is that HIllary is the inevitable choice of the Democratic party. It will be fun to see Bernie giver her a run for the money and force her into some progressive positions that she might skirt (or pantsuit) otherwise.

As long as the Dems don’t turn it into a circular firing squad, I agree. Thus far, the actual candidates haven’t been too vitriolic, but some of their supporters, yikes! (I’m not entirely objective, but the Berniacs say some truly awful things about Hillary. Over at kos, some of them sound more like RedStaters than anything else.)

Decatur Deb  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:11:47am

re: #248 BeachDem

As long as the Dems don’t turn it into a circular firing squad, I agree. Thus far, the actual candidates haven’t been too vitriolic, but some of their supporters, yikes! (I’m not entirely objective, but the Berniacs say some truly awful things about Hillary. Over at kos, some of them sound more like RedStaters than anything else.)

It’s the Intertubes. Some of them are RedStaters.

withak  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:13:17am

re: #247 Timothy Watson

Negative, if we give it a name starting with ‘P’ we can go back to the old mnemonic to remember the order of the planets.

My very excellent mother just served us nine… mochaccinos.

Testy Toad T  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:13:27am

re: #233 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

The current attitude in the press (when it is not busy fawning over DT) is that HIllary is the inevitable choice of the Democratic party. It will be fun to see Bernie giver her a run for the money and force her into some progressive positions that she might skirt (or pantsuit) otherwise.

You think so? Feels to me like I’ve been reading Hillary is in Disarray!!!1 for something like a year now. They’re desperate to make this race sound competitive. Nobody’s going to give them click-based ad revenue if they think the race is mostly (say 9-times-in-10) settled.

Big Beautiful Door  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:13:38am

re: #161 Dr. Matt

Yeah, she was so “great” that she quit her job. Conservatives really do live in alternate reality.

Greatest half term EVAH!/

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:13:49am

re: #249 Decatur Deb

It’s the Intertubes. Some of them are RedStaters.

I think it’s quite possible that some of them are RedStaters (agitators).

BeachDem  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:15:06am

re: #249 Decatur Deb

It’s the Intertubes. Some of them are RedStaters.

You’re probably right about that, but there are some long-time koskids who have lost all sense of reality in their adoration of Bernie and their predictions about his landslide win and what will result in its aftermath.

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:15:20am

re: #247 Timothy Watson

Negative, if we give it a name starting with ‘P’ we can go back to the old mnemonic to remember the order of the planets.

Call it PCthulhu. The P is silent. /

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:15:28am
Joe Bacon  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:15:41am

re: #211 WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

It’s Mongo! Get ready to send Flash, Dale and Dr Zarkoff in their ship!

A Mom Anon  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:16:07am

I am still cracking the hell up over “squirmishes”, snort. What a fucking dipshit.

withak  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:16:51am

re: #251 Testy Toad T

You think so? Feels to me like I’ve been reading Hillary is in Disarray!!!1 for something like a year now. They’re desperate to make this race sound competitive. Nobody’s going to give them click-based ad revenue if they think the race is mostly (say 9-times-in-10) settled.

They certainly are desperate. This from my FB “Trending” column:

…which leads to this as the top-listed story:

Is this new news or more of the same nothingburger we’ve been subjected to for the past year or so?

Testy Toad T  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:18:16am

re: #254 BeachDem

You’re probably right about that, but there are some long-time koskids who have lost all sense of reality in their adoration of Bernie and their predictions about his landslide win and what will result in its aftermath.

Same old cycle of group self-radicalization of an advocacy organization. The Truest Believers are generally also the most dedicated. Relative moderates grow disgusted or disillusioned with the antics of the hardest-core and wander off. On average, membership becomes crazier, and the local overton window shifts, resulting in even crazier dialog.

Happened to MADD, happened to PETA, happened to the Sierra Club, and it happened at the Great Orange Satan.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:19:17am

re: #251 Testy Toad T

You think so? Feels to me like I’ve been reading Hillary is in Disarray!!!1 for something like a year now. They’re desperate to make this race sound competitive. Nobody’s going to give them click-based ad revenue if they think the race is mostly (say 9-times-in-10) settled.

There is the Conventional Wisdom that Hillary is the inevitable choice, but naturally any chance to dramatize and overplay the “threat” from Bernie is going to be taken advantage of.

And yes, they want a horse race right down to the wire and will get one even if they have to lie cheat and “unspin” to make it seem like one,

Targetpractice  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:20:07am

re: #259 withak

They certainly are desperate. This from my FB “Trending” column:

[Embedded content]

…which leads to this as the top-listed story:

Is this new news or more of the same nothingburger we’ve been subjected to for the past year or so?

Effectively the same nothingburger: The IC investigator has found yet more emails with info that is now considered classified, but there is no indication it was considered such at the time or that it was marked as such in the emails themselves. State continues to maintain that the classification is retroactive and there’s nothing to suggest they’re wrong.

Decatur Deb  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:20:20am

re: #254 BeachDem

You’re probably right about that, but there are some long-time koskids who have lost all sense of reality in their adoration of Bernie and their predictions about his landslide win and what will result in its aftermath.

Scar tissue is essential to personal growth.

Big Beautiful Door  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:22:07am

re: #178 WhatEVs

Unless Dems decide that government matters enough to get out and vote, I think midterms are forever lost.

We’ll need a GOP President to wreck the country again for that to happen, unfortunately.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:23:12am

re: #264 Big Beautiful Door

We’ll need a GOP President to wreck the country again for that to happen, unfortunately.

GOP is much stronger at state and local level, which means they are going to have upper hand in midterms for some time

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:23:17am
Trump’s cabinet in a nutshell.
Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:24:52am

re: #266 Dr. Matt

Trump’s cabinet in a nutshell.

Trump: Sarah Palin would serve a role in my administration if she wanted to

Trump confessed that he’s considering Sarah Palin for a possible cabinet position.

“I haven’t discussed anything with her about what she’d do, but she’s somebody I really like and I respect, and certainly she could play a position if she wanted to,” Trump said Wednesday on NBC’s “Today.”

The Republican frontrunner said he hasn’t considered a possible running mate yet, but he said Palin — who endorsed her fellow reality TV star Tuesday in Iowa — would certainly be considered.

“She’s been through that,” he said, referring to Palin’s unsuccessful 2008 vice-presidential bid with Sen. John McCain. “Every candidate wanted Sarah — everybody. They all respect her a lot.”

Testy Toad T  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:25:17am

I’ll tell you what, I remember when the term “firebagger” (IIRC, an amalgamation of Firedoglake and Teabagger) would actually appear in Kos front-page articles. I haven’t been to the site in a number of years now, but I’d bet a wooden nickel you don’t see it today. They are the firebaggers. Firekosers? Kosbaggers?

Jenner7  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:25:30am

re: #259 withak

Sounds the same as all the other stories. I can’t imagine Hillary running for President if she even had the slightest reason to suspect she did something illegal. She’s got lawyers and insiders that would advise her of that.

I think the media is just trolling. They need something to off set the train wreck GOP.

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:26:18am

re: #266 Dr. Matt

[Embedded content]

Secretary Funbags even LOOKS LIKE Sarah Palin.

withak  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:26:43am

re: #269 Jenner7

Sounds the same as all the other stories. I can’t imagine Hillary running for President if she even had the slightest reason to suspect she did something illegal. She’s got lawyers and insiders that would advise her of that.

I think the media is just trolling. They need something to off set the train wreck GOP.

MBF at its worst. Drumming up controversy for ad impressions.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:26:52am

re: #268 Testy Toad T

I’ll tell you what, I remember when the term “firebagger” (IIRC, an amalgamation of Firedoglake and Teabagger) would actually appear in Kos front-page articles. I haven’t been to the site in a number of years now, but I’d bet a wooden nickel you don’t see it today. They are the firebaggers. Firekosers? Kosbaggers?

I haven’t been by there in years either. Used to be one of my regular stops.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:27:03am

re: #269 Jenner7

Sounds the same as all the other stories. I can’t imagine Hillary running for President if she even had the slightest reason to suspect she did something illegal. She’s got lawyers and insiders that would advise her of that.

I think the media is just trolling. They need something to off set the train wreck GOP.

They know that a lot of people really dislike (even hate) HRC and are thus highly receptive to any stories that put her in a negative light.

Charles Johnson  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:27:14am
Charles Johnson  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:30:57am
makeitstop  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:31:16am

re: #218 Jenner7

Nice job, Trump. Picked a quitter and she doesn’t show up. Hahahahahaha.

Maybe he fired her and sent her home! How funny would that be?

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:31:22am

re: #268 Testy Toad T

I’ll tell you what, I remember when the term “firebagger” (IIRC, an amalgamation of Firedoglake and Teabagger) would actually appear in Kos front-page articles. I haven’t been to the site in a number of years now, but I’d bet a wooden nickel you don’t see it today. They are the firebaggers. Firekosers? Kosbaggers?

That’s because FireDogLake shut down. Good intents. Completely unrealistic expectations with a side of lack of understanding about how shit happens in DC. The word incremental didn’t exist in Jane Hamsher’s mind. We want what we want and we want it now and we won’t take anything but 100% of what we want. (Sound familiar?) So, yes, they were Firebaggers.

I don’t see Kos that way at all. But I don’t read it religiously. I do think the masses get what incremental change is.

Targetpractice  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:31:45am

re: #269 Jenner7

Sounds the same as all the other stories. I can’t imagine Hillary running for President if she even had the slightest reason to suspect she did something illegal. She’s got lawyers and insiders that would advise her of that.

I think the media is just trolling. They need something to off set the train wreck GOP.

A friend on another board dubbed it “Clintrigue,” this idea that if a news story involves one or more of the Clintons, it is automatically a “scandal” and worthy of hours of breathless commentary, no matter how far the initial impression is from reality.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:32:47am

re: #269 Jenner7

Sounds the same as all the other stories. I can’t imagine Hillary running for President if she even had the slightest reason to suspect she did something illegal. She’s got lawyers and insiders that would advise her of that.

I don’t know…think John Edwards. That said, I don’t think Hillary would go down that road, myself.

I think the media is just trolling. They need something to off set the train wreck GOP.

True this. Very true.

Charles Johnson  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:32:52am
Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:33:00am

re: #275 Charles Johnson

LOL. Bitching about social media while using said social media. The irony is thick.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:34:20am

re: #275 Charles Johnson

Jurnalizm! I iz a jurnalizt! Not sure if Chuck taught Milo or the other way around.

Testy Toad T  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:34:49am

re: #277 WhatEVs

I don’t see Kos that way at all. But I don’t read it religiously. I do think the masses get what incremental change is.

In the interest of being super explicit, I don’t see Markos Moulitsas that way, not at all. I think he totally gets how we can best achieve actual realistic incremental improvement in both the political process and in the direction of our country.

I was, however, starting to perceive a lot of bad craziness from his other writers when I dropped the eponymous website like a hot potato circa late 2012.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:35:27am

re: #280 Charles Johnson


Testy Toad T  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:35:39am

re: #279 WhatEVs

I don’t know…think John Edwards. That said, I don’t think Hillary would go down that road, myself.

John Edwards was a relative newcomer to national scrutiny. Hillary has been living it, breathing it, for more than twenty years.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:36:44am

In other news, I have e-filed my fed and state tax returns.

I don’t always adult very well, but I’m starting to get the hang of this part.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:37:16am

re: #283 Testy Toad T

In the interest of being super explicit, I don’t see Markos Moulitsas that way, not at all. I think he totally gets how we can best achieve actual realistic incremental improvement in both the political process and in the direction of our country.

I was, however, starting to perceive a lot of bad craziness from his other writers when I dropped the eponymous website like a hot potato circa late 2012.

I get their frustration. We discuss it daily. The problem is this; you’re not going to get a liberal democrat elected in WY or NE or many of the other red states. You can get what we’d call some color Dog (blue, yellow, whatever)…but they’re not happy getting a Dem in, they have to get the right kind of dem in…in other words, an Impossible Mission. Increments…which escapes them.

Targetpractice  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:38:17am

re: #285 Testy Toad T

John Edwards was a relative newcomer to national scrutiny. Hillary has been living it, breathing it, for more than twenty years.

Ayep. Which is why I found the “bombshell” last week about the email allegedly showing her giving an aide information on how to send classified information through unsecure channels rather hard to believe. She and her lawyer had months, if not years, to scour her drive for any incriminating evidence. As much as wingnuts like to think it, she’s not Al Capone and they’re not going to bring her down because she forgot to delete some seemingly innocuous yet incriminating email.

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:38:37am

Libtard political correctness fake science conspiracy

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:39:21am

re: #285 Testy Toad T

John Edwards was a relative newcomer to national scrutiny. Hillary has been living it, breathing it, for more than twenty years.

I loathe Edwards with my very being. I would have voted for him. Had his scandal come out a few months later…hello Vice President Palin.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:39:55am

re: #289 FormerDirtDart

Libtard political correctness fake science conspiracy


Testy Toad T  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:40:52am

re: #287 WhatEVs

I get their frustration. We discuss it daily. The problem is this; you’re not going to get a liberal democrat elected in WY or NE or many of the other red states. You can get what we’d call some color Dog (blue, yellow, whatever)…but they’re not happy getting a Dem in, they have to get the right kind of dem in…in other words, an Impossible Mission. Increments…which escapes them.



Excuse me. Had something stuck in my throat.

Targetpractice  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:41:48am

re: #291 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse


Ayeah, a lot of these pronouncements about the heat of the previous year tend to come just in time for the latest winter storm, leading to snowballs being tossed on the floors of Congress and a lot of hot air coming from professional windbags about how said storms totally disprove that the planet is getting hotter.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:42:54am

re: #293 Targetpractice

Ayeah, a lot of these pronouncements about the heat of the previous year tend to come just in time for the latest winter storm, leading to snowballs being tossed on the floors of Congress and a lot of hot air coming from professional windbags about how said storms totally disprove that the planet is getting hotter.

It’s been really mild around these parts until this week.

Targetpractice  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:44:18am

re: #294 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

It’s been really mild around these parts until this week.

Exactly, but when your voting base has the attention span of a mayfly, declaring “Snow disproves global warming!!!” makes total sense. The fact that the snow keeps coming later and later every year can be glossed over as “cycles.”

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:47:58am

re: #295 Targetpractice

Exactly, but when your voting base has the attention span of a mayfly, declaring “Snow disproves global warming!!!” makes total sense. The fact that the snow keeps coming later and later every year can be glossed over as “cycles.”

It is more than that, they are convinced that Global Warming is a Lie From the Pit of Hell and part of a One World Government conspiracy. There is nothing that any sane and rational person can do to convince them otherwise.

Testy Toad T  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:49:09am

re: #290 WhatEVs

I loathe Edwards with my very being. I would have voted for him. Had his scandal come out a few months later…hello Vice President Palin.

It’s the fundamental, unfixable problem with the way we constructed our national political system. There are differences between candidates in the primaries, sure, but pretty much everyone in this country votes for a cohesive set of policies (perhaps reweighted) that would be broadly similar no matter which candidate ended up representing a party.

What happens when a presidential or vice-presidential candidate dies late in the game, or is brought to his or her knees by some awful scandal, or who knows what? That doesn’t mean the nation is particularly changing what set of policies they do or don’t support. It’s a terrible single point of failure, and it’s amazing that this hasn’t bit us in the ass yet.

At least a parliamentary system mostly insulates itself from this problem because a single MP fucking up probably won’t swing the balance of power. On the other hand, they have a much, much weaker set of checks and balances protecting the country from a stupid and misguided majority.

In conclusion, let’s just nuke this whole democracy thing and appoint me king. It was a nice run.

SteveMcGaziBolaGate RN  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:49:48am

re: #295 Targetpractice

I find one of the most glaring way to show warming is to look at the record high and low temps for the year. In Philadelphia, half the days of the year have record highs posted since 1990, but in the same time there are only about 7 or 8 record lows.

gocart mozart  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:52:15am

Best Palin review:

Palin’s poetry has always made use of a superficial simplicity that melts away when the reader tries to follow her layered structures with a linear logic, but now those moments confront each other in jagged juxtapositions, and yet at the same time there is a lightness and playfulness in the startling use of rhyme and wordplay, almost randomly sprinkled through the text (do we detect here the influence of hip hop?).

Read more »

makeitstop  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:53:39am

re: #277 WhatEVs

That’s because FireDogLake shut down. Good intents. Completely unrealistic expectations with a side of lack of understanding about how shit happens in DC. The word incremental didn’t exist in Jane Hamsher’s mind. We want what we want and we want it now and we won’t take anything but 100% of what we want. (Sound familiar?) So, yes, they were Firebaggers.

I don’t see Kos that way at all. But I don’t read it religiously. I do think the masses get what incremental change is.

I always thought Hamsher was in it for the money and publicity. She was too ready to go into tantrum mode when Obama got the nomination, and she just would not let it go.

When she threw in with that knucklehead Larry Johnson, I was done with her. It was all petty sniping and conspiracy theory bullshit past that point.

Shiplord Kirel  Jan 20, 2016 • 8:59:15am

There are still patches of snow on the ground from the December 26th blizzard in Lubbock. The locals are well nigh unanimous that this disproves climate change, even though the annual low there has gone up 16 degrees in 50 years (from -5 in the 1960s to +11F in the last decade). Lubbock has not recorded a zero F temperature at all since 1987.

Alephnaught  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:00:06am

re: #245 Targetpractice

I dub this new planet “Mondas.”

Nah, that name is reserved for when we find a tenth planet.


Jenner7  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:00:26am


Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:04:35am

re: #303 Jenner7

coldplay reveal Bowie turned down collaborating, telling them “it’s not a very good song”

I could hear a bit of Bowie in their first big hit “Yellow” but have found most everything else they have done to be pretty tedious

makeitstop  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:10:01am

re: #303 Jenner7

[Embedded content]


Bowie, whip-smart as ever.

withak  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:12:05am

re: #303 Jenner7

[Embedded content]


I wonder what song it was.

I’ll admit to liking Coldplay, and I don’t really understand all the derision. (Although they did peak long ago with A Rush of Blood to the Head.)

I’ll also note that Bowie did a very nice vocal track with Arcade Fire on Reflektor. I had no idea on my first listen, and bam, David Bowie vocals out of nowhere. It was great.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:15:16am

re: #297 Testy Toad T

It’s the fundamental, unfixable problem with the way we constructed our national political system. There are differences between candidates in the primaries, sure, but pretty much everyone in this country votes for a cohesive set of policies (perhaps reweighted) that would be broadly similar no matter which candidate ended up representing a party.

What happens when a presidential or vice-presidential candidate dies late in the game, or is brought to his or her knees by some awful scandal, or who knows what? That doesn’t mean the nation is particularly changing what set of policies they do or don’t support. It’s a terrible single point of failure, and it’s amazing that this hasn’t bit us in the ass yet.

At least a parliamentary system mostly insulates itself from this problem because a single MP fucking up probably won’t swing the balance of power. On the other hand, they have a much, much weaker set of checks and balances protecting the country from a stupid and misguided majority.

In conclusion, let’s just nuke this whole democracy thing and appoint me king. It was a nice run.

I think there’s a big difference between death (which would garner a sympathy vote) and a scandal (which would make people run from the party as a whole). And yes, I hate what I just wrote, but it is true nonetheless.

The parliamentary systems are in countries that are less…puritanical than the broom stick up the ass of a lot of Americans.

Not a Sparkly Vampire  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:16:51am

I don’t want to deal with this snowstorm on Friday/Saturday.
Make it go away.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:16:55am

re: #299 gocart mozart

Best Palin review:

Best comment:

Redhand • 4 hours ago

I tried reading her speech over at LGF but got lost in the letters: sort of like looking at a Roman inscription where (1) the language is foreign and (2) all the letters run together anyway so you have to figure out what the individual words are and what sentence they belong to.

It was such hard work it made my brains hurt!

Thank you Yas, for making it all “crystal clear,” as if you were deciphering fragments from The Satyricon to show us the real poetry behind seeming incoherence.

Now, if only The Donald would choose her as his running mate!

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:17:43am

re: #300 makeitstop

I always thought Hamsher was in it for the money and publicity. She was too ready to go into tantrum mode when Obama got the nomination, and she just would not let it go.

When she threw in with that knucklehead Larry Johnson, I was done with her. It was all petty sniping and conspiracy theory bullshit past that point.

She lost me when I kept getting emails from her to tank Obamacare. I wrote her off completely then.

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:18:32am

re: #291 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse


Bryan Fischer will be Tweeting this all week long.

BeachDem  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:19:31am

re: #290 WhatEVs

I loathe Edwards with my very being. I would have voted for him. Had his scandal come out a few months later…hello Vice President Palin.

Embarrassed to say, I did vote for him in the primary.

I loathe him as well, because I still think his platform was right on, and his sleaziness ruined it. Also, I loved Elizabeth and think what he put her through was hideous.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:21:04am

re: #312 BeachDem

[small]Embarrassed to say, I did vote for him in the primary./small]

I loathe him as well, because I still think his platform was right on, and his sleaziness ruined it. Also, I loved Elizabeth and think what he put her through was hideous.

Ditto on Elizabeth. But I compartmentalize that because it’s not my place to judge relationships. I care about politicians who want to fuck me (over). Whom they do in their private lives is just that…as long as it doesn’t affect the American people.

ausador  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:22:41am

Another new year, another record high temp for the planet. Yet still the deniers claim it is simply impossible for man to effect the climate.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:27:22am

re: #314 ausador

Another new year, another record high temp for the planet. Yet still the deniers claim it is simply impossible for man to effect the climateall lies from the pit of hell concocted as part of a plot to smash capitalism and subjugate us to a world government.

BeachDem  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:27:42am

re: #313 WhatEVs

Ditto on Elizabeth. But I compartmentalize that because it’s not my place to judge relationships. I care about politicians who want to fuck me (over). Whom they do in their private lives is just that…as long as it doesn’t affect the American people.

I agree about not caring what they do in their private relationships, but he did it so publicly, and at a time when she was both really sick and also out front on several policy issues that I think his sleaze affected how her views were received.

ausador  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:31:05am

Before and after. :(

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:31:18am

re: #316 BeachDem

I agree about not caring what they do in their private relationships, but he did it so publicly, and at a time when she was both really sick and also out front on several policy issues that I think his sleaze affected how her views were received.

I’d be lying if I didn’t say that added to my dislike distaste hatred for him. That he could have single-handedly tanked the chances of the Dems taking the WH…completely unforgivable.

sagehen  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:34:16am

re: #307 WhatEVs

I think there’s a big difference between death (which would garner a sympathy vote) and a scandal (which would make people run from the party as a whole). And yes, I hate what I just wrote, but it is true nonetheless.

The parliamentary systems are in countries that are less…puritanical than the broom stick up the ass of a lot of Americans.

As much as I like Bernie’s economic agenda, I do fear he’d drop dead mid-campaign. Or after six weeks in office. So unless Hillary’s his running mate…

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:34:33am

Do any of these idiots understand Twitter is NOT the Government and they can censor whatever the fuck they want to??

Jebediah, RBG  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:35:02am

re: #119 teleskiguy

I didn’t know that you are a tree.

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:35:06am

I just can’t even


Testy Toad T  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:35:13am

re: #319 sagehen

As much as I like Bernie’s economic agenda, I do fear he’d drop dead mid-campaign. Or after six weeks in office. So unless Hillary’s his running mate…

I like his economic principles. I couldn’t tell you the first thing about his agenda.

This is a pervasive problem with the Bern.

iossarian  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:36:58am

re: #322 The Vicious Babushka

Shush, Ben. The grown-ups are talking.

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:38:20am

Afternoon snowpocalypse update:

Note the odds of storm accumulations. Right now, looks like everyone is getting snow in NYC metro, but increasingly likely we see widespread 6-12 inches. All of this is going to depend on where you are in the NYC metro area. If you’re north of the city, you’ll end up with less. South? More. Long Island - less. Central NJ/PA likely to get highest totals.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:39:11am

re: #320 Eclectic Cyborg

Do any of these idiots understand Twitter is NOT the Government and they can censor whatever the fuck they want to??

Do not ask them to understand what the First Amendment guarantees and prohibits.

Not a Sparkly Vampire  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:39:49am


Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:40:42am

OT, but the other day I got a physical for the first time in three years. I guess they call them “wellness” exams now or whatever.

Anyway, one thing I’ve noticed is the quality of physical exams I’ve gotten since coming down here. The on I had the other day the doctor completely ignored my head, eyes and ears, did a cursory cardio exam, checked my joints (but not reflexes), did none of the standard cranial nerve tests (facial expressions, etc). He did touch and feel around my abdomen but didn’t listen for bowel sounds or anything. Aside from the previously mentioned joints, my lower body was also ignored completely.

The last exam I had was similar but at least that doctor checked my eyes, ears and lymph nodes/neck. Also, apparently you don’t have to disrobe at all for a physical exam anymore? Who knew.

I remember my physical exams in Canada were generally more thorough.

Bill and Opus for 2016!  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:41:22am

re: #237 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

[Embedded content]

Personally, I’m more worried about Planet 10 and the Red Lectroid invasion.

Lord Whorfin’s Speech in Buckaroo Banzai

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:41:39am

re: #326 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Do not ask them to understand what the First Amendment guarantees and prohibits.

I know, I know but it’s just galls me how they think Twitter is some kind of public service that should bow to their every whim rather than a for profit company which has the right to control its content.

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:45:30am

re: #329 Bill and Opus for 2016!

Gallifrey rises… that’s the real worry.

Doctor Who - Gallifrey Rises - (For The End Of Time Itself)

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:47:15am

Speaking of South Carolina, a couple years ago they had something called the “Subversive Activities Registration Act”, which required that you register with the state if you plan to violently overthrow it:

Belafon  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:48:52am

re: #331 lawhawk

Gallifrey rises… that’s the real worry.

[Embedded content]

Actually, its the aliens coming to avenge their brethren that we destroyed in 1996. (I’m at work or I would embed the Independence Day 2 trailer.)

makeitstop  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:48:59am

re: #306 withak

I wonder what song it was.

I’ll admit to liking Coldplay, and I don’t really understand all the derision. (Although they did peak long ago with A Rush of Blood to the Head.)

I’ll also note that Bowie did a very nice vocal track with Arcade Fire on Reflektor. I had no idea on my first listen, and bam, David Bowie vocals out of nowhere. It was great.

I liked Arcade Fire early on, but I think they became pretty in love with their own awesomeness after a while. Once I started hearing stories about how badly they treated their opening acts I became wary. And when they crashed two nights of CMJ in 2014 and didn’t even invite anyone to open for them, I was pretty much over them altogether.

My favorite Bowie collab of the past few years is ‘Province’ with TV On The Radio.

TV On the Radio - Province (feat David Bowie)

Eventual Carrion  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:50:47am

re: #332 Timothy Watson

Speaking of South Carolina, a couple years ago they had something called the “Subversive Activities Registration Act”, which required that you register with the state if you plan to violently overthrow it:

Me: Yes, I’d like to register my coup.
Gov Worker: Ok, here are the forms.
<write, write, write>
Me: Here they are. Hope I filled everything in correctly.
Gov Worker: Let me check <read, check, read>. All looks in order.
Me: Great, see you soon <leaves>

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:51:15am

re: #319 sagehen

As much as I like Bernie’s economic agenda, I do fear he’d drop dead mid-campaign. Or after six weeks in office. So unless Hillary’s his running mate…

Personally, I find Bernie’s economic agenda terrifying. It’s populist and I wholeheartedly agree with some of it…more on the regulation side. But, if you listen to what he said about interest rates, for example, it would be lovely to get 6% on interest if you’re talking about savings. What about lending? The rates are related. If almost all small (and large) businesses, who rely on short-term lending had to pay 6+% for short-term loans, many will go out of business. His knowledge of economics, personally, scares the shit out of me.

His Foreign Policy understanding is lacking (to say the least).

I like Bernie…I always have. I listened to him weekly on the Thom Hartmann show. But I do not, in any way, consider him ready for prime time when it comes to being POTUS.

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:52:28am

re: #329 Bill and Opus for 2016!

Personally, I’m more worried about Planet 10 and the Red Lectroid invasion.

[Embedded content]

I am still anxiously awaiting Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League
(and likely always will)

Testy Toad T  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:53:47am

re: #336 WhatEVs

Personally, I find Bernie’s economic agenda terrifying. It’s populist and I wholeheartedly agree with some of it…more on the regulation side. But, if you listen to what he said about interest rates, for example, it would be lovely to get 6% on interest if you’re talking about savings. What about lending? The rates are related. If almost all small (and large) businesses, who rely on short-term lending had to pay 6+% for short-term loans, many will go out of business. His knowledge of economics, personally, scares the shit out of me.

Sounds like late-90s Japan. Tasty.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:55:37am

On the thread topic, it’s fascinating (in a trainwreck sort of way) that Palin endorsed the guy who said McCain was no hero because he was a loser POW.

Bill and Opus for 2016!  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:56:33am

re: #335 Eventual Carrion

Me: Yes, I’d like to register my coup.
Gov Worker: Ok, here are the forms.
<write, write, write>
Me: Here they are. Hope I filled everything in correctly.
Gov Worker: Let me check <read, check, read>. All looks in order.
Me: Great, see you soon <leaves>

I just read that exchange in John Cleese and Michael Palin’s voices.

Shiplord Kirel  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:56:38am

Happy birthday, Buzz Aldrin. The coolest guy in the world is 86 years young today.

Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:56:57am

re: #339 Backwoods_Sleuth

On the thread topic, it’s fascinating (in a trainwreck sort of way) that Palin endorsed the guy who said McCain was no hero because he was a loser POW.

I’m watching Palin’s white elephant Arizona house to see if it suddenly sells.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:58:54am

Work bitch. <rant on>


</rant off>

Anyone know a good video editing/producing tool that won’t cost $1000?

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 9:59:04am

re: #337 FormerDirtDart

I am still anxiously awaiting Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League
(and likely always will)

I never liked that film, it starts to lag in places and films like that have to keep up a breakneck pace or you start to shake your head and wonder why you started watching in the first place…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:05:03am

oh my…Rage Furby will probably sue:

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:06:01am

Why the Supreme Court matters.

retired cynic  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:09:42am

re: #343 WhatEVs

You may be totally against Adobe, in which case pass over this answer! I’m using Adobe Premiere CC. If you used it, it would only cost $10-$20 a month.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:09:45am

re: #345 Backwoods_Sleuth

Funny, I don’t remember David being filthy rich and owning eight different homes…

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:10:27am

Lena Dunham should report Ben for targeted harassment. Maybe they’ll take away his blue checkmark.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:11:01am

re: #347 retired cynic

You may be totally against Adobe, in which case pass over this answer! I’m using Adobe Premiere CC. If you used it, it would only cost $10-$20 a month.

Not too into subscriptions. Let me see if they have a purchase option.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:12:36am

re: #346 WhatEVs

Why the Supreme Court matters.

This was a good decision. Unfortunately I’m not holding my breath for them to reverse course on the “Mandatory Binding Arbitration” nonsense most companies get away with these days.

ausador  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:16:19am
retired cynic  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:16:47am

re: #350 WhatEVs

Not too into subscriptions. Let me see if they have a purchase option.

I’m doing the whole CC by subscription, as it just makes sense for me. I can keep all of the apps totally up to date all the time.

Amory Blaine  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:17:03am

Paid family leave and universal health care shouldn’t scare people.

makeitstop  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:17:29am

re: #352 ausador

NRA Board Member Ted Nugent Calls For Clinton And Obama To Be Hanged Over Benghazi

Time for another Secret Service visit to Ted’s house, I think.

Kragar  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:17:45am

Posted by my mom on Facebook:

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:19:31am

re: #354 Amory Blaine

Agreed. My grandmother is 89 years old. Assuming I’m at the same employer when she passes, I get five days paid bereavement. That will barely cover my travel time both ways between Canada and the South. I can of course get an extended unpaid leave with FMLA, but in order to get additional paid days off I would have to supplement my own, already earned PTO to do it.

Belafon  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:19:40am

re: #354 Amory Blaine

Paid family leave and universal health care shouldn’t scare people.

Paid family leave means I’ll have to do your work.
Universal Health Care means rationing.

Amory Blaine  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:22:15am

The right wing has damaged the electorate so that common sense and decency are now regarded as radical communism.

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:23:24am

re: #359 Amory Blaine

The right wing has damaged the electorate so that common sense and decency are now regarded as radical communism.

Common sense and decency = political correctness in RWNJ world

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:25:20am


Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:25:49am

re: #349 The Vicious Babushka

Lena Dunham should report Ben for targeted harassment. Maybe they’ll take away his blue checkmark.

Ben should seek help.

Targetpractice  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:25:58am

re: #354 Amory Blaine

Paid family leave and universal health care shouldn’t scare people.

“Paid family leave?! Look honey, if you wanna have kids, then you need to quit your job! Its kids or a career, you can’t have both! You don’t see men asking for lea…what, you jerks want leave too? You bunch of lazy bastards, if you want to stay home, then quit!”

Jenner7  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:26:18am
sagehen  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:26:48am

re: #363 Targetpractice

“Paid family leave?! Look honey, if you wanna have kids, then you need to quit your job! Its kids or a career, you can’t have both! You don’t see men asking for lea…what, you jerks want leave too? You bunch of lazy bastards, if you want to stay home, then quit!”

If the Army wanted you to have a family, they’d have issued you one!!

Amory Blaine  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:26:53am

re: #361 Backwoods_Sleuth

Lol. I must’ve forgot my sarc tag last night. ;)

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:27:55am

How’d I miss this steaming pile of shit?

Shorter Dowd: Is Hillary a bitch or a pussy?


Amory Blaine  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:29:07am

re: #367 WhatEVs

Snoop Dogg should send her some cookies.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:29:21am

re: #354 Amory Blaine

Paid family leave and universal health care shouldn’t scare people.

It does not scare most of the civilized world.

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:29:38am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:30:27am

she’s still drunk:

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:31:16am

re: #367 WhatEVs

How’d I miss this steaming pile of shit?

Shorter Dowd: Is Hillary a bitch or a pussy?


Dowd has some serious Hillary Derangement Syndrome. Has had for years.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:31:59am

re: #371 Backwoods_Sleuth

she’s still drunk:

Is Half Gov capable of saying anything not in the language of Whine?

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:32:31am

For what it’s worth …

The GOP has been getting trounced in these kinds of head to head matchups for months, so it’s not surprising that Trump loses to Hillary in a head-to-head.

Most of the polls show all the GOP candidates from the clown car losing to Hillary head to head.

Many of them also show them losing to Bernie.

But none of that kind of polling means anything unless you get out and vote. That’s what Democrats have to do, and do consistently - not just in presidential elections.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:32:49am

re: #361 Backwoods_Sleuth

Pepsi through nose moment:

Sarah Palin took the stage Tuesday night to endorse Donald Trump fer Makin’ ‘Merica Great Again, not long after we learned about how her eldest spawn Track spent his Monday night sleeping it off in jail after being arrested for allegedly brawlin’ up his lady friend Palin style. And for one more glorious incoherent fame-whorin’ trash-talkin’ hate-spewin’ also-tooin’ gosh-darned jumble of minutes, Sarah had all of America watching her again and hanging on her every hiccup.

Wonkette, why do you hate my nasal cavity so?

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:33:38am

re: #371 Backwoods_Sleuth

Sarah Palin is what happens when a millionaire grifter pretends to be common folk.

Kragar  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:33:46am

“Ammon Bundy and his bullyboys aren’t trying to free federal lands, but to hold them hostage. I can’t go to the Malheur refuge now, though as a citizen of the United States, I own it and have the freedom of it. That’s what public land is: land that belongs to the public — me, you, every law-abiding American. The people it doesn’t belong to and who don’t belong there are those who grabbed it by force of arms, flaunting their contempt for the local citizens.”

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:35:47am

re: #374 lawhawk

They forgot to mention those two she didn’t beat Trump were Fox News polls. Ooops.

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:35:56am

re: #363 Targetpractice

“Paid family leave?! Look honey, if you wanna have kids, then you need to quit your job! Its kids or a career, you can’t have both! You don’t see men asking for lea…what, you jerks want leave too? You bunch of lazy bastards, if you want to stay home, then quit!”

Ted Cruz says Paid Family Leave is “Free Stuff”

Testy Toad T  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:42:08am

re: #379 The Vicious Babushka

Ted Cruz says Paid Family Leave is “Free Stuff”

It will always be deeply weird to me that predominantly undereducated, predominantly poor white GOP voters care more about denying benefits to Others than taking advantage of those same benefits for themselves.

It’s at the core of the Republican worldview and it is simply baffling to me. I don’t understand identity politics at all.

Targetpractice  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:42:55am

re: #379 The Vicious Babushka

Ted Cruz says Paid Family Leave is “Free Stuff”

It’s always “free stuff” to those who can afford to take time off. It’s why, when the boss disappears for days or weeks at a time for vacation, it doesn’t get remarked upon. But when you want a day off to go see the doctor, you’ve got to move heaven and earth and your boss still acts as if you’re stealing from him.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:43:11am
Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:44:14am

Man Attempts To Squat 855 Pounds, Fails

855 squat fail

Do yourself a favor and watch the entire clip. It makes the ending that much more comical.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:45:15am
When we’re talking about a nation without borders, when we’re talking about bankruptcies and our federal government, debt that our children and our grand-children they’ll never be able to pay off. When we’re talkin’ about no more Reaganesque power, that, that comes from strength, power through strength, well, then, we’re talkin’ about our very existence, so no, we’re not gonna chill.

I’ll never be able to read this speech in its entirety, but I can almost handle it on a paragraph-by-paragraph basis.

It’s almost like the speaker has made no effort to craft a coherent, flowing speech, let alone to understand any of the issues.

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:45:42am

re: #382 WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

Wouldn’t those people already be convicted felons?

Belafon  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:45:42am

re: #380 Testy Toad T

It’s not identity politics as much as a zero-sum worldview. Someone else getting something must mean I’m not.

Targetpractice  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:46:29am

re: #382 WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

“We think if more law-abiding citizens had guns, this country would be much safer!”

“Great, here’s a bill that would make it harder for law-breakers to buy guns legally.”


“Why? Aren’t we just trying to stop law-breakers from buying guns.”

“It might inconvenience me, and that’s why I’m against it!”

GlutenFreeJesus  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:46:59am

Instagraming Istanbul.

Testy Toad T  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:49:50am

re: #386 Belafon

It’s not identity politics as much as a zero-sum worldview. Someone else getting something must mean I’m not.

I suppose you have to bake in the dogma, the article of faith, that everything the government does is harmful. Then you can just accept on principle that the free things will somehow only go to the moochers, either through incompetence or active malice, because if YOU were in charge of setting up something good for people, you’d secretly handicap it so it fucked over the Others.

Kragar  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:51:59am
ausador  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:55:34am

ICYMI chance to relive your early years…

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:57:36am

re: #391 ausador

ICYMI chance to relive your early years…

The original sim city!

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:57:47am

re: #385 Timothy Watson

Wouldn’t those people already be convicted felons?

Beats me. I just find it amusing. Republican’s in congress nixed keeping guns from terrorists. (Literally) It’s…confusing.

Not a Sparkly Vampire  Jan 20, 2016 • 10:59:29am

re: #392 Dr. Matt

The original sim city!


Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:02:47am

re: #389 Testy Toad T

I suppose you have to bake in the dogma, the article of faith, that everything the government does is harmful. Then you can just accept on principle that the free things will somehow only go to the moochers, either through incompetence or active malice, because if YOU were in charge of setting up something good for people, you’d secretly handicap it so it fucked over the Others.

More than anyone else, Conservatives see America as a land of small businessmen. They see all employers as one guy who put all his assets on the line for the business. They see all employee/employer interactions as 1:1, hence unionizing is ‘ganging up on’ employers. Hence any government regulation of employment is interfering between two individuals. It doesn’t matter that most Americans work for companies with >500 employees, and less than 18% work for businesses with fewer than 20 employees. To them, it’s all Bob Business Owner and Ed Employee.

So, when Ed wants time off to take care of his ailing father, or to be there for the first few weeks of his newborn child’s life, he’s taking it out of Bob’s pocket. The fact that most of these rules don’t apply to the size of business they envision doesn’t matter. To them, even General Electric is still Bob.

Targetpractice  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:02:52am

re: #391 ausador

ICYMI chance to relive your early years…

[Embedded content]

SimCity…SimAnt…Wolf3D…Oregon Trail…My childhood is back with a vengeance!

Kragar  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:03:06am
sizzzzlerz  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:06:09am

re: #231 Poligeek

Not even a babelfish could provide adequate translation for Palin’s amount of derp.

Of course it couldn’t. It expects to be given an actual language to translate.

Ziggy_TARDIS  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:06:23am

re: #331 lawhawk

Well, we found Gallifrey.

However, I do need to note, that “Planet IX,” wouldn’t be a planet.

It would be a dwarf planet like Pluto, as it will not have been able to clear its orbit.

Humorously, if Pluto were to switch places with Mercury, Pluto would actually be a planet by that definition.

SteveMcGaziBolaGate RN  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:06:52am

I’m not so sure cheap gas is a good thing. There are still plenty of costs beyond the pump, and cheap gas discourages alternatives. Besides, the price of oil will eventually go back up.

Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:11:54am

re: #400 SteveMcGaziBolaGate RN

I’m not so sure cheap gas is a good thing. There are still plenty of costs beyond the pump, and cheap gas discourages alternatives. Besides, the price of oil will eventually go back up.

There are a number of effects, I’d imagine. Discourages alternatives, but also discourages development of the dirtiest sources. Diminishes Daesh’s ability to raise money, as well as Iran’s. Weakens Putin. Allows consumers to spend more on other goods, leading to economic growth.

In the end…

Good? Bad? I’m the guy with the gun.
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:12:13am

oh good lord…she has the inflatable boobs on for this.

Jenner7  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:12:13am

Palin’s up again…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:13:09am

and her screech killed the feed.

Barefoot Grin  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:13:11am

re: #403 Jenner7

Palin’s up again…

With a tequila slushy?

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:13:16am

re: #397 Kragar

Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:13:22am

re: #402 Backwoods_Sleuth

oh good lord…she has the inflatable boobs on for this.

Has she got electric boobs and mohair suits?

Jenner7  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:13:27am

I’m wondering why Trump chose to announce Palin to a lukewarm crowd instead of this one in Tulsa??

Pawn of the Oppressor  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:13:34am

re: #349 The Vicious Babushka

Lena Dunham should report Ben for targeted harassment. Maybe they’ll take away his blue checkmark.

[Embedded content]

He’s a 20-something who gets paid to be a dick on the Internet. He has no place lecturing anyone about… Well, anything, really. He’s what my father’s generation would call “worthless”, with that slight stress on the first syllable that tells you it’s an absolute judgement rather than a situational one.

gocart mozart  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:13:56am

Track Palin, Sarah Palin’s son, allegedly battered girlfriend, waved around AR-15 during drunken fight at ex-governor’s Wasilla home

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:15:12am

fuck off Sarah.
Just fuck off

Jenner7  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:15:16am

Hmmmpphf. How about that. Donald, any comments?

Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:16:16am

re: #412 Jenner7

[Embedded content]

Hmmmpphf. How about that. Donald, any comments?

Better not build that wall, or they won’t be able to get out.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:16:38am

jesus christ, she is bringing up her asshole son now.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:16:38am

re: #412 Jenner7

Can’t wait for CCJ to take credit for this…

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:16:48am
Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:16:57am

re: #403 Jenner7

Palin’s up again…

I wonder how they’re taking the news of oil prices in OK?

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:17:27am

re: #414 Backwoods_Sleuth

jesus christ, she is bringing up her asshole son now.

It’s all a media conspiracy….


Jenner7  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:17:51am


Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:18:10am

I’m secretly hoping bringing in Palin is a ploy by Donald to tank his campaign and give him an opportunity to bail.

Not a Sparkly Vampire  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:18:48am
Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:18:50am

re: #420 Eclectic Cyborg

I’m secretly hoping bringing in Palin is a ploy by Donald to tank his campaign and give him an opportunity to bail.

He’s tried almost everything else.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:19:02am

I can’t believe she strapped on the Belmont girls/inflatable boobs for this.

jaunte  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:20:12am
Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:20:31am

re: #414 Backwoods_Sleuth

jesus christ, she is bringing up her asshole son now.

Who are the people at this rally? Don’t they have jobs?

Testy Toad T  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:20:49am

re: #424 jaunte

Party of Personal Responsibility.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:21:21am

re: #424 jaunte

Track is or was a soldier?

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:22:23am

re: #427 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Track is or was a soldier?

He was a reservist who served in Iraq.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:22:31am

re: #427 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Track is or was a soldier?

He went in when his GF got knocked up. I do think he served his full term, unlike his mother.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:22:36am

re: #427 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Track is or was a soldier?

He was a driver for officers behind the lines.
He never saw any combat.

jaunte  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:22:56am

re: #427 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Did a tour in Iraq:

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:23:46am
jaunte  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:23:47am
The younger McCain’s service in Iraq went largely unnoticed because, unlike his running mate, John McCain never mentions it on the stump.
That’s in stark contrast to Palin’s comments about her son during her vice presidential acceptance speech at the Republican National Convention last week.

“One week from tomorrow, September 11th, he’ll deploy to Iraq with the Army Infantry in the service of his country,” Palin said to a roaring crowd.

Black d20  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:25:30am

re: #114 ausador

Actually it’s about ethics in oh God I can’t even finish that it hurts.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:25:55am
Barefoot Grin  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:26:12am

The Palin family: American exceptionalism.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:26:58am

re: #432 Backwoods_Sleuth

Oh, wow, Palin straight-up blaming her son’s domestic violence charge on Obama’s lack of respect for the troops.
— Ana Marie Cox

Makes sense.


WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:27:14am
makeitstop  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:28:00am

re: #427 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Track is or was a soldier?

It’s rumored that after he was arrested for vandalism, he was given the choice between military service or jail time.

Belafon  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:31:26am

re: #430 Backwoods_Sleuth

He was a driver for officers behind the lines.
He never saw any combat.

There were no lines in Iraq. It’s the reason women were getting injured and dying even though they weren’t supposed to be in combat.

WhatEVs  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:31:27am

re: #439 makeitstop

It’s rumored that after he was arrested for vandalism, he was given the choice between military service or jail time.

Yeah, that was it…not the pregnant GF.

allegro  Jan 20, 2016 • 11:34:40am

I never knew PTSD was an acronym for dysfunctional. Huh.

SteveMcGaziBolaGate RN  Jan 20, 2016 • 12:16:34pm

re: #430 Backwoods_Sleuth

There were no lines. Everybody was at risk for IEDs or sniper fire. That wasn’t fair.

EmmaAnne  Jan 20, 2016 • 1:11:32pm

re: #370 lawhawk

Wonder Woman teaser drops:

[Embedded content]


Please be good. Please, please, please …

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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