Scottish Dragon  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:33:24am

reposted from downstairs:

Shit is going to go nuclear tonight after darkness falls and Trump is going to call the guard out to put the boot in on everybody.

M guess is the protest march tomorrow will be banned if this keeps up. Trump will declare martial law.

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:33:48am
HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:35:29am

This is America?

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:35:52am

re: #1 Scottish Dragon

reposted from downstairs:

From downstairs, as well:

An unpopular and hated president already doing something that only appeals to his fringe supporters is asking for a catastrophic reaction if he does that.

You’re basically asking for a Balkan state meltdown now.

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:35:54am

I don’t care if these are agent provocateurs or are genuine protesters breaking stuff - the consequences will be the same. It will be the pretext needed for Trump to clamp down on dissent and protests. Watch for him to push for curbing protests, not just in DC, but across the nation.

It’ll be the first in a bunch of moves that limit the 1A and curb your rights to free expression and assembly. Trump will run wild over the Constitution, and it starts with depriving people of the right to dissent.

Thanks assholes.

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:36:05am
rhuarc  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:36:05am

Repost from downstairs.

Going to make a prediction. I predict within the next 4 years a law will be signed that restricts gun ownership in some way and Republicans in government and across the nation will SUPPORT that law.

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:37:27am

re: #5 lawhawk

With the level of anger flowing right now, this is a goddam powder keg.

It’s 1774 Boston all over again.

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:38:09am

re: #7 rhuarc

Repost from downstairs.

Going to make a prediction. I predict within the next 4 years a law will be signed that restricts gun ownership in some way and Republicans in government and across the nation will SUPPORT that law.

As someone noted in the last thread, only against the proper people (not white, not Christian, &c).

Belafon  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:38:16am

re: #5 lawhawk

I don’t care if these are agent provocateurs or are genuine protesters breaking stuff - the consequences will be the same. It will be the pretext needed for Trump to clamp down on dissent and protests. Watch for him to push for curbing protests, not just in DC, but across the nation.

It’ll be the first in a bunch of moves that limit the 1A and curb your rights to free expression and assembly. Trump will run wild over the Constitution, and it starts with depriving people of the right to dissent.

Thanks assholes.

We’ve been through that before. Not exactly “we” but ask John Lewis about it.

There’s a lot of people who are giving into despair, when what is needed is fight. This is going to be messy, and we will be a different America on the other side, but there are ways to deal with it.

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:38:54am

Hey everyone. It’s been a few months. Just stopping by on such a tragic and sad day for our country. Hope everyone is well….as well as they can be on such a shitshow of a day.

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:39:32am
Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:40:01am

re: #8 Myron Falwell

With the level of anger flowing right now, this is a goddam powder keg.

It’s 1774 Boston all over again.

I am watching the video, it’s looks pretty sedate to me.

makeitstop  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:40:20am

And where are the ‘Bikers for Trump?’ Haven’t seen hide nor hair of them.

It’s almost like they didn’t really exist.

stpaulbear  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:40:45am

re: #8 Myron Falwell

With the level of anger flowing right now, this is a goddam powder keg.

It’s 1774 Boston all over again.

Or John Lewis’s march across the Edmund Pettus Bridge.

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:40:54am

The excuses begin

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:40:59am
FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:41:15am
wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:41:15am

re: #11 Dr. Matt

Hey everyone. It’s been a few months. Just stopping by on such a tragic and sad day for our country. Hope everyone is well….as well as they can be on such a shitshow of a day.

Didn’t you say you’d be gone for a week?

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:41:23am

re: #12 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

I don’t see why these idiots see Michelle Obama as ugly. I’m no fan of Melania or her husband but I don’t think she’s physically unattractive.

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:41:36am

re: #16 The Vicious Babushka

The excuses begin

[Embedded content]

That old chestnut? But they had plenty of time to go to tea party rallies?

rhuarc  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:41:54am

re: #9 Anymouse

As someone noted in the last thread, only against the proper people (not white, not Christian, &c).

I suspect religion will be the first step.

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:42:44am

re: #16 The Vicious Babushka

The excuses begin

[Embedded content]

That’s always their excuse. Stupid wingnut assholes who think they’re the only ones who work in this country. Note to wingnuts, not only are you not the only ones who work in this country, there are millions of American liberals who do work and work much harder than your bitter asses.

stpaulbear  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:42:49am

re: #14 makeitstop

And where are the ‘Bikers for Trump?’ Haven’t seen hide nor hair of them.

It’s almost like they didn’t really exist.

They didn’t want their bikes to get wet?

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:43:13am

re: #21 Timothy Watson

That old chestnut? But they had plenty of time to go to tea party rallies?

Or to Trump’s great rallies. // Typical excuse.

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:43:27am

re: #9 Anymouse

As someone noted in the last thread, only against the proper people (not white, not Christian, &c).

They’ll screw the Catholics, because they aren’t the “right” kind of Christianity.

Stanley Sea  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:43:49am

re: #17 Dr. Matt

[Embedded content]


HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:44:26am

re: #26 Myron Falwell

They’ll screw the Catholics, because they aren’t the “right” kind of Christianity.

Probably are none too happy about the RCC being friendly to immigrants too. God knows I have my problems with the RCC but they’er not nativist shits like the Franklin Grahams of the theological world.

Franklin  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:44:58am

re: #18 FormerDirtDart

RE: Missing pages on whitehouse.gov

What they seem to have done that really fucked up any continuity is they moved whitehouse.gov to obamawhitehouse.archives.gov and gave the Trump admin a template of the Whitehouse site.

So anything not specifically added by the new admin is gone. I don’t think they went through and started deleting pages they didn’t want. The end result is the same however, and likely by design.

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:45:56am

re: #29 Franklin

RE: Missing pages on whitehouse.gov

What they seem to have done that really fucked up any continuity is they moved whitehouse.gov to obamawhitehouse.archives.gov and gave the Trump admin a template of the Whitehouse site.

So anything not specifically added by the new admin is gone. I don’t think they went through and started deleting pages they didn’t want. The end result is the same however, and likely by design.

And he saved money on the transition by not bothering to get anyone to write up any of his gibberish as actual policies.

Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:46:24am

re: #20 HappyWarrior

I don’t see why these idiots see Michelle Obama as ugly. I’m no fan of Melania or her husband but I don’t think she’s physically unattractive.

She’s black.

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:46:34am
Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:46:49am

re: #19 wrenchwench

Didn’t you say you’d be gone for a week?

Yeah. lol. Being off the grid and not engrossed in US politics while in Scotland was quite nice. So, I basically continued. I have not watched or listened to the news since November (the sight of Trump sickens me) and have spent very limited time on any political or news websites.

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:47:01am

From the previous thread:

re: #391 Backwoods_Sleuth

Bob Avakian…Google him.
He did this same shit in Ferguson and protests elesewhere.

Wow. Not a very nice guy. I’m guessing his deal is to discredit most of the left, so his group is the only “left” left.

Kind of like the Tea Party on the right, where if everyone is not down with their exact position, they are RINOs and need to be run out.

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:47:05am

re: #31 Skip Intro

She’s black.

Of course.

Stanley Sea  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:48:21am
HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:48:33am

Well I already know what the narrative is going to be about how the protesters were all “punks” who don’t respect Law and Order. Another day in the neighborhood.

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:49:10am

re: #36 Stanley Sea

[Embedded content]

That’s honestly refreshing to see because you know damn well Trump and his allies in the media and Congress won’t say that.

Rocky-in-Connecticut  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:49:19am

re: #7 rhuarc

It wasn’t until Governor Reagan saw Black Panthers on TV carrying rifles that he signed restrictive California Gun Laws.

De Kolta Chair  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:49:51am

What, no flag wavers? Nary a single one.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:50:06am

not surprising, but DT’s inauguration speech was tweeted out at his account via iPhone.
and DT deep thoughts are also posted at his FB page.

it has come to this.
government completely by social media

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:50:12am

Not only did 8 years of opposition ultimately help to elect Trump and a majority in Congress, but they’re on the brink of picking a Supreme Court nominee who they have no business or right to do after obstructing Obama’s pick for nearly a year.

The GOP’s strategy of obstructionism restricted economic growth, slowed the economic recovery from the worst recession since the Great Depression, and continues to deprive millions of access to health insurance.

Not sure that the Democrat strategy should be absolute obstructionism to the GOP, but the Democrats better start acting as though they’re the ones who have a majority of Americans behind them and their demand to protect and preserve civil and voting rights for all Americans.

That means getting a leg up on fighting for every fucking seat in Congress and all the local elections, starting now. Challenge the GOP at every opportunity - show that they’ve picked a bunch of extremist incompetents who are intent on sabotaging government and all the good works that it does. Power to the people?

Yeah, making sure that everyone can vote is power to the people. The GOP hates people who vote, since they can’t win elections without suppressing the vote.

Power to the people? The GOP hates SSM and equal rights for minorities, because when everyone has the same rights that white guys have taken for granted, those special white snowflakes think that they’re now being deprived of something.

Targetpractice  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:50:25am

re: #36 Stanley Sea

[Embedded content]

But the media will insist that the small group were the bulk of the protests and portray the opposition to Trump as violent liberals who are so bitter over losing that they’re prepared to burn everything down.

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:51:00am

re: #30 Timothy Watson

And he saved money on the transition by not bothering to get anyone to write up any of his gibberish as actual policies.

Assumes they have policy. They don’t. Frontier gibberish doesn’t count.

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:51:19am
The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:52:58am

re: #40 De Kolta Chair

What, no flag wavers?

[Embedded content]

They did have flags but not the kind that they wanted to be shown with on national media.

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:53:10am

re: #40 De Kolta Chair

What, no flag wavers? Nary a single one.

Inaugural committee probably lacked the funds to buy any to hand out. Probably had set up stands selling them instead.

Rocky-in-Connecticut  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:54:22am

re: #45 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

It’s because our media has been on life-support for about 40 years now.

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:55:36am

Just a reminder:

Just a few of the things:

“Repeal every single Obama executive order.” (He has also pledged more specifically to “eliminate every unconstitutional executive order.”)

“Repeal Obamacare.” (On Trump’s campaign website, he’s less bullish, promising only to “ask Congress” on day one to repeal Obamacare immediately.)

“End the war on coal.”

“Begin swiftly removing criminal illegal immigrants from this country.” (More specifically, Trump has promised to do this in his “first hour” in office, “day one, before the wall, before anything.”)

“Begin working on an impenetrable, physical, tall, powerful, beautiful, southern border wall.”

Meet with Homeland Security officials and generals to begin securing the southern border.

“Notify all countries that refuse to take back dangerous illegal immigrants who have committed crimes in this country that they will lose access to our visa programs if they continue to do so.”

Convene his top generals and inform them they have 30 days to come up with a plan to stop ISIS.

Fix the Department of Veterans Affairs.

Call the heads of major companies who are moving operations oversea to inform them that they’ll face 35 percent tariffs.

“Contact countries and say…’Folks, we love protecting you, we want to continue to protect you but you’re not living up to the bargain’…They’re not paying what they’re supposed to be paying—which is very little, by the way.”

“Defend the unborn.”

Interesting Times  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:56:29am

re: #42 lawhawk

If there’s one thing I’m upset with Obama over, it’s the abject failure to draw more attention to this from the get-go in a way that would’ve penetrated the bunker-wall-thick skulls of “swing” voters. They blamed him for the consequences of GOP obstruction while rewarding the actual perpetrators.

If this election proved nothing else, it’s that waiting for the American public to figure things out on their own is a fool’s errand.

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:57:09am

re: #42 lawhawk

So, in reference to your summary of GOP obstructionism and how Democrats need to get out and challenge as many government seats as possible:

How many people here will vow today to prepare to run for office (dogcatcher, city council, cemetery board, school board, name it). I’m betting close to zero.

LGF has thousands of members. How many are elected to any position at all besides me, in uber-red Western Nebraska?

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:57:38am

He WILL be missed:

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:57:45am

That’s because Trump doesn’t care about the Constitution, or Liberty. Only his pursuit of power and money.

FormerDirtDart  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:57:59am

re: #48 Rocky-in-Connecticut

It’s because our media has been on life-support for about 40 years now.

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:59:00am

re: #37 HappyWarrior

Well I already know what the narrative is going to be about how the protesters were all “punks” who don’t respect Law and Order. Another day in the neighborhood.

SSDD. Whatevs.

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2017 • 11:59:57am

re: #51 Anymouse

That’s a good question.

I’ve thought about running, and I have worked in a state legislature in the past.

But I’d be concerned that years of online posting might come back to bite me in some fashion.

That’s just me. I’m also more of an ideas guy and content to help others run/win races.

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:00:01pm
HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:00:03pm

re: #52 Dr. Matt

He WILL be missed:

[Embedded content]

Enjoy your retirement, Joe and thank you.

MsJ  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:00:32pm

re: #53 lawhawk

Rocky-in-Connecticut  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:01:18pm

Shitshow of a talking head on CNBC praised the low turnout for Trump’ inauguration as benefitting “peace”. Someone call Bannon this guy is ready for the upcoming Trump Administration of Information.

Interesting Times  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:01:26pm

re: #45 FormerDirtDart

Vann R. Newkirk II ✔

There are still dozens of reporters taking photos of a single burning trash can behind me

I’d cut them some slack, however, since they simply confused it with trump’s inaugural address.

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:01:50pm

re: #56 lawhawk

That’s a good question.

I’ve thought about running, and I have worked in a state legislature in the past.

But I’d be concerned that years of online posting might come back to bite me in some fashion.

That’s just me. I’m also more of an ideas guy and content to help others run/win races.

I run a sex blog and edit erotic Romance novels, and everyone in my town knows that.

That said, helping someone else run for office is good too.

A wild WITHAK appeared!  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:02:05pm

re: #61 Interesting Times

I’d cut them some slack, however, since they simply confused it with trump’s inaugural address.

There was a New Yorker cartoon to that exact point the other day.

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:02:52pm

re: #60 Rocky-in-Connecticut

Shitshow of a talking head on CNBC praised the low turnout for Trump’ inauguration as benefitting “peace”. Someone call Bannon this guy is ready for the upcoming Trump Administration of Information.

So, when he had large crowds at his rallies, it was proof how popular he was and now he has a historic low turnout at his inauguration and it’s “benefiting peace.” How about this. Trump has limited appeal and he benefitetd from a low turn out election and a campaign of misinformation that benefitted him. He won’t be so lucky in 2020.

Scottish Dragon  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:03:05pm

re: #5 lawhawk

I don’t care if these are agent provocateurs or are genuine protesters breaking stuff - the consequences will be the same. It will be the pretext needed for Trump to clamp down on dissent and protests. Watch for him to push for curbing protests, not just in DC, but across the nation.

It’ll be the first in a bunch of moves that limit the 1A and curb your rights to free expression and assembly. Trump will run wild over the Constitution, and it starts with depriving people of the right to dissent.

Thanks assholes.

My spouse is already of the opinion that it is too late to use protest and it is time to move to more…direct…disruptive techniques.

If the march is ratfucked tomorrow that way I suspect it may be, then I don;t know we go but it won’t be good.

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:03:14pm

re: #62 Anymouse

I run a sex blog and edit erotic Romance novels, and everyone in my town knows that.

That said, helping someone else run for office is good too.

[Embedded content]

The fuck.

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:05:07pm

re: #66 HappyWarrior

The fuck.

I assume that is in response to the Holocaust Museum tweet. Conservatism has long been anti-Semitic. They have permission now from their leaders like Mr. Trump and Mr. Bannon.

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:05:12pm

re: #56 lawhawk

That’s a good question.

I’ve thought about running, and I have worked in a state legislature in the past.

But I’d be concerned that years of online posting might come back to bite me in some fashion.

That’s just me. I’m also more of an ideas guy and content to help others run/win races.

Yeah, state legislature is about the only I could run for and I’m in a district that almost elected an Oklahoma City bombing Truther (someone who thinks that the federal government was responsible for the bombing).

Plus the online postings, political blog where I mocked pretty much everyone regardless of party, etc.

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:05:25pm

Anyhow see you guys later. Need to do the daily work out so I don’t look like Trump in 40 years.

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:05:43pm

re: #67 Anymouse

I assume that is in response to the Holocaust Museum tweet. Conservatism has long been anti-Semitic. They have permission now from their leaders like Mr. Trump and Mr. Bannon.

Yes, I know on both counts.

Feline Fearless Leader  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:05:43pm

Rocky-in-Connecticut  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:06:12pm

re: #18 FormerDirtDart

Oh, Goody! That means it doesn’t exist!

Magic Words!

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:06:37pm

re: #71 Feline Fearless Leader

Your cat needs to get out and vote in 2018.

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:06:53pm

re: #72 Rocky-in-Connecticut

Oh, Goody! That means it doesn’t exist!

Magic Words!

Except for terrorism in which case using the words “radical Islamic terrorism” makes it disappear.

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:07:27pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:08:35pm

Trump probably should have opted to hold his inauguration at an airport hanger like he did for his rallies, so his YUUUUGE CROWDS would look really huge, as compared to today at the Mall.

Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:08:42pm

Donald Trump has fired all foreign US ambassadors with nobody to replace them

Except a billionaire who owns a football team.


Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:09:22pm

re: #68 Timothy Watson

Yeah, state legislature is about the only I could run for and I’m in a district that almost elected an Oklahoma City bombing Truther (someone who thinks that the federal government was responsible for the bombing).

Plus the online postings, political blog where I mocked pretty much everyone regardless of party, etc.

Equal opportunity mocking. You represent everyone. /s

I went after a judge’s sixteen year-old daughter in a newspaper when I lived in Oklahoma. She wrote to say why she thought atheists should be outlawed from meeting. She demanded a boycott of a downtown business in a dying downtown area where we met for coffee.

I figured if she was old enough to write the newspaper, she was old enough to criticised for her disdain of the I Amendment.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:11:13pm

re: #77 Skip Intro

Donald Trump has fired all foreign US ambassadors with nobody to replace them

Except a billionaire who owns a football team.


one, just one, ambassador … who has yet to be confirmed.

Archangelus  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:11:53pm

The POTUS twitter account rose from ~6.1 million followers to 7.16 million over less than 10 minutes. How many of those do you wanna bet are bots/fake accounts?

Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:12:45pm

re: #79 Backwoods_Sleuth

Wait, here’s another one maybe.

Mr Trump’s first wife, Ivana Trump, has reportedly expressed her interest in becoming ambassador for the Czech Republic.

Archangelus  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:14:19pm

re: #80 Archangelus

Just noticed that Obama’s POTUS Twitter archive (@Potus44) has 14 million followers at last count. Guess someone is desperate to make up the difference…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:14:52pm

re: #81 Skip Intro

Wait, here’s another one maybe.

oh yeah, and there are some folks over there who are truly delighted at that possibility. Folks who have dossiers on her father, as well as her and who knows else she’s related to.

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:15:04pm

re: #73 Anymouse

Your cat needs to get out and vote in 2018.

In November, in all the local elections, all the primaries, etc. That means voting every year in most places of the country.

A wild WITHAK appeared!  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:15:37pm

re: #84 lawhawk

In November, in all the local elections, all the primaries, etc. That means voting every year in most places of the country.

IIRC there are a couple of key governorships up this year.

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:16:36pm

re: #85 A wild WITHAK appeared!

IIRC there are a couple of key governorships up this year.

Virginia and New Jersey.

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:16:42pm

From the previous thread:

re: #396 MsJ

She is not a bystander. She earned what I called her by her own actions. I accept your downding but will never change how I feel because I feel that way towards any one who fucks around on their spouse…both giving and receiving.

Does that include consensual?

Melania Trump is responsible for Donald Trump if he went stepping out on her without permission?

Did you slag Hillary Clinton for Bill’s indiscretion?

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:18:21pm

re: #85 A wild WITHAK appeared!

NJ votes this year; Christie isn’t allowed to run for reelection, even though no one wants him anyways. His lieutenant governor is apparently running, and she’s an ambitious extremist. I think after Christie’s mess, people wont give her a chance. Not sure who will emerge as the Democrats’ choice.

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:19:16pm
lawhawk  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:20:06pm


Someone submitted a petition on the White House page, which will require an official response if they meet the 100k threshold by February.
Immediately release Donald Trump’s full tax returns, with all information needed to verify emoluments clause compliance.
Created by A.D. on January 20, 2017

Big Beautiful Door  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:20:50pm

re: #16 The Vicious Babushka

The excuses begin

[Embedded content]

That’s funny, because rightwingers keep telling me that 95 million able bodied Americans are unemployed! Wouldn’t those desperate folks have voted for Trump?

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:20:57pm

re: #90 lawhawk


Someone submitted a petition on the White House page, which will require an official response if they meet the 100k threshold by February.
Immediately release Donald Trump’s full tax returns, with all information needed to verify emoluments clause compliance.
Created by A.D. on January 20, 2017

That subdomain will go the way of the Dodo bird soon…

A wild WITHAK appeared!  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:21:48pm

re: #90 lawhawk


Someone submitted a petition on the White House page, which will require an official response if they meet the 100k threshold by February.
Immediately release Donald Trump’s full tax returns, with all information needed to verify emoluments clause compliance.
Created by A.D. on January 20, 2017

The site no longer works.

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:22:03pm

re: #24 stpaulbear

They didn’t want their bikes to get wet?

They’re on their way but it’s slow going.

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:22:21pm
danarchy  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:22:23pm

re: #80 Archangelus

The POTUS twitter account rose from ~6.1 million followers to 7.16 million over less than 10 minutes. How many of those do you wanna bet are bots/fake accounts?

supposedly twitter is moving the 20 million followers from Trump’s twitter account to the potus account. At least that’s what the guy on TV said.

Belafon  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:22:44pm

re: #51 Anymouse

So, in reference to your summary of GOP obstructionism and how Democrats need to get out and challenge as many government seats as possible:

How many people here will vow today to prepare to run for office (dogcatcher, city council, cemetery board, school board, name it). I’m betting close to zero.

LGF has thousands of members. How many are elected to any position at all besides me, in uber-red Western Nebraska?

Let me ask you a serious question on this: How much would I need to know to run for school board? If I were to pick one of those that I’m the best fit for, it would be School Board. But even then, I’m not up to speed on what the school board does? Should I wait and learn more first. There are elections coming up, and for me to sign up I would need to do so soon.

Scottish Dragon  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:23:00pm

Looking around at this:

Because of course Trump couldn’t give a speech without plagiarizing…and plagiarizing a homicidal megalomaniac at that.

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:23:42pm

re: #97 Belafon

What state are you in (if you don’t mind answering)?

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:24:09pm

re: #95 Anymouse

Paul Krugman Reveals Just How Dangerously Incompetent @realDonaldTrump Is Already Proving to Be | Alternet

Big deal…Trump won! That’s all that matters, sore loserzzz!

William Lewis  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:25:03pm

Couldn’t sleep worth a TD so I got up to see how things are going on Day 1 of the Puppet States of America. Putin’s got to be ecstatic with how things have turned out.

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:25:12pm

re: #98 Scottish Dragon

Looking around at this:

[Embedded content]

Because of course Trump couldn’t give a speech without plagiarizing…and plagiarizing a homicidal megalomaniac at that.

Bane in the movie turned out to be

a big pussy.

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:25:55pm

re: #93 A wild WITHAK appeared!

It’s there, and there’s a second petition relating to divesting assets.


Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:25:56pm

re: #102 The Vicious Babushka

Bane in the movie turned out to be

[Embedded content]

Got his ass crushed by a woman too.

William Lewis  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:26:07pm

re: #90 lawhawk


Someone submitted a petition on the White House page, which will require an official response if they meet the 100k threshold by February.
Immediately release Donald Trump’s full tax returns, with all information needed to verify emoluments clause compliance.
Created by A.D. on January 20, 2017

It’ll be ignored. The only way we’ll ever see those tax forms is if Vice President Trump crosses President Putin over something.

Shiplord Kirel  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:26:27pm

re: #17 Dr. Matt

[Embedded content]

That yahoo doesn’t belong in the same county with the word “dignity” or any derivative thereof.

Belafon  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:26:41pm

re: #99 Timothy Watson

What state are you in (if you don’t mind answering)?


Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:26:47pm

re: #73 Anymouse

Your cat needs to get out and vote in 2018.

Watch the following video for context (in private tags because NSFW)

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:27:32pm


Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:27:56pm

re: #97 Belafon

Let me ask you a serious question on this: How much would I need to know to run for school board? If I were to pick one of those that I’m the best fit for, it would be School Board. But even then, I’m not up to speed on what the school board does? Should I wait and learn more first. There are elections coming up, and for me to sign up I would need to do so soon.

The first thing to do would be to attend school board meetings and find out what the specific board does.

Most public schools however run pretty much the same way: The board approves regulations, funding, &c. It actually isn’t much different than any other board with one distinction: School boards usually approve the curricula used in school classrooms.

You probably know at least basic information about your local schools already: Where they are successful, where they need improvement.

Go ahead and sign up. Running a local campaign can be very inexpensive (or even not cost anything). As you’re running, talk to the voters and find out what they want to see in their schools. Tailor your plans to what the voters want.

Even if you lost the election, that would give you skills and experience for another election (whether the school board again or another position).

A wild WITHAK appeared!  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:28:20pm

re: #103 lawhawk

It’s there, and there’s a second petition relating to divesting assets.


It may be there, but I was unable to actually sign it. YMMV.

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:28:41pm

re: #107 Belafon


Try these links:

Might want to see if your jurisdiction has their budget posted online and, if not, send them a request for it (almost certainly covered by FOIA).

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:30:03pm

re: #97 Belafon

Let me ask you a serious question on this: How much would I need to know to run for school board? If I were to pick one of those that I’m the best fit for, it would be School Board. But even then, I’m not up to speed on what the school board does? Should I wait and learn more first. There are elections coming up, and for me to sign up I would need to do so soon.

A second question (which I know from personal experience) is: How much is the filing fee you have to pay in order to run?

Both paid and unpaid elected positions in my county (including school board and others) cost at least $50 to file. Running for higher offices, the fees increase to $200 for state rep/sen/judge and $500 for other state level office (like governor) and US Rep/Sen.

$50 may not mean much to most people, but my county has a poverty level of almost 30%. It’s a lot of money to a lot of people.

Charles Johnson  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:32:18pm
Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:33:49pm

re: #113 Backwoods_Sleuth

Varies by state, in Virginia there’s no filing fee unless you have to run in a primary in which case it’s 2% of the position’s salary.

Check with Secretary of State or Board of Elections or similar agency.

Shiplord Kirel  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:34:02pm

Hee hee

Life in Texas

An acquaintance was complaining that she got called out at 2AM to retrieve her drunk 29 year old son from what she described as a “Duck Dynasty/biker house” in, of course, a local suburb. She said the residents were very polite, possibly because she was toting her customary shotgun.

stpaulbear  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:34:30pm

re: #100 Dr. Matt

Big deal…Trump won! That’s all that matters, sore loserzzz!

You’ve been reading the comment sections in every fucking paper in the country. Gloating over at the WaPo is just incredibly juvenile. At least at the NYT you can choose ‘reader’s picks’ to filter out most of the garbage.

Scottish Dragon  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:36:23pm

re: #117 stpaulbear

You’ve been reading the comment sections in every fucking paper in the country. Gloating over at the WaPo is just incredibly juvenile. At least at the NYT you can choose ‘reader’s picks’ to filter out most of the garbage.

They can have their day to gloat.

A year from now, they won’t be laughing.

None of us will.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:36:26pm

re: #115 Timothy Watson

Varies by state, in Virginia there’s no filing fee unless you have to run in a primary in which case it’s 2% of the position’s salary.

Check with Secretary of State or Board of Elections or similar agency.

yep. I was just mentioning how it is in Kentucky.

Kinda makes you take a step back and then ask out loud “why would somebody PAY to file to run for an elected office that DOES NOT PAY a salary?”

Kinda answers itself…doesn’t it?

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:36:29pm

Ballotpedia has state-by-state guides:

Charles Johnson  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:36:36pm
Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:37:11pm

re: #113 Backwoods_Sleuth

A second question (which I know from personal experience) is: How much is the filing fee you have to pay in order to run?

Both paid and unpaid elected positions in my county (including school board and others) cost at least $50 to file. Running for higher offices, the fees increase to $200 for state rep/sen/judge and $500 for other state level office (like governor) and US Rep/Sen.

$50 may not mean much to most people, but my county has a poverty level of almost 30%. It’s a lot of money to a lot of people.

Filing fees where I live are zero for local offices, but this is not Texas.

Looking at the Texas Secretary of State Website, filing fees are waved if you are successful in getting enough signatures on a petition.

The best thing on that would be to call the county clerk and ask what the fee is. If it is too expensive for you, hit up a relative or something for some money, or try the petition route.

Local office fees are listed here, but school board is not on the list. (Maybe that means there is no fee?)


Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:39:29pm

re: #113 Backwoods_Sleuth

I just double-checked…school board in Kentucky only costs $20 to file to run.

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:39:29pm

Did they bring in Chapo Guzman to pay for the wall? He’s probably richer than Trump.

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:39:32pm

This is SOFA KING LAME compared to what Vlad gets on Victory Day, Generalissimo Von Clownstick is seething in rage and envy. Sad!

Clearly a Country For Sick Old Haters  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:40:15pm

re: #23 HappyWarrior

That’s always their excuse. Stupid wingnut assholes who think they’re the only ones who work in this country. Note to wingnuts, not only are you not the only ones who work in this country, there are millions of American liberals who do work and work much harder than your bitter asses.

Liberals may work smarter, rather than harder than the poorly-educated Conservatives, who are more likely to be doing manual labor. The wingnuts may not consider making a living via being able to think work.

The Vicious Babushka  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:40:45pm

re: #73 Anymouse

Your cat needs to get out and vote in 2018.

Pregnant women should get to vote twice.

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:40:52pm


Donald Trump just signed his first bill into law, the bill that would allow Gen. Mattis to serve as Defense Secretary.

Scottish Dragon  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:42:35pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:43:39pm
CleverToad  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:44:12pm

So it’s done. President Trump. Where’s that damn meteor when we needed it?

Signing off to focus on small, immediate tasks and take care of a little old lady with a sniffly cold and a haunting fear of what Trump is going to screw up for her kids and grandkids. Don’t know if I can leave her long enough to do the Denver march tomorrow, but sweet husband is planning to go in my stead; may get the son to go with him.

Will gird my loins and check back in with the local resistance in a few days, when I’ve caught my breath (and gotten over the cold she so generously shared with me). Stay safe, all you lizards, best as you can.

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:44:42pm

re: #125 The Vicious Babushka

This is SOFA KING LAME compared to what Vlad gets on Victory Day, Generalissimo Von Clownstick is seething in rage and envy. Sad!

[Embedded content]

That salute fucking sucks.

Charles Johnson  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:44:55pm

This fucking moron.

Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:45:26pm

re: #130 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

LIES! It’s riddled with LIES, dammit!

Clearly a Country For Sick Old Haters  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:45:33pm

re: #80 Archangelus

The POTUS twitter account rose from ~6.1 million followers to 7.16 million over less than 10 minutes. How many of those do you wanna bet are bots/fake accounts?

Guaranteed fake. Almost all of them. It appears that the Twitter reset dropped existing followers, so I don’t get to unfollow the madman.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:46:03pm

re: #98 Scottish Dragon

Looking around at this:

[Embedded content]

Because of course Trump couldn’t give a speech without plagiarizing…and plagiarizing a homicidal megalomaniac at that.

Bane’s ultimate plan was to nuke Gotham…

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:46:16pm

re: #23 HappyWarrior

That’s always their excuse. Stupid wingnut assholes who think they’re the only ones who work in this country. Note to wingnuts, not only are you not the only ones who work in this country, there are millions of American liberals who do work and work much harder than your bitter asses.

Drump supporters have spent the entire day, on Facebook, defending the low turn out because they have jobs….bragging about this…while on Facebook….all day.

Belafon  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:47:00pm

re: #135 Clearly a Country For Sick Old Haters

Guaranteed fake. Almost all of them. It appears that the Twitter reset dropped existing followers, so I don’t get to unfollow the madman.

When Trump’s polling about 12%, I’ll laugh when he tries to point to all his twitter followers.

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:47:31pm

re: #131 CleverToad

So it’s done. President Trump. Where’s that damn meteor when we needed it?

Signing off to focus on small, immediate tasks and take care of a little old lady with a sniffly cold and a haunting fear of what Trump is going to screw up for her kids and grandkids. Don’t know if I can leave her long enough to do the Denver march tomorrow, but sweet husband is planning to go in my stead; may get the son to go with him.

Will gird my loins and check back in with the local resistance in a few days, when I’ve caught my breath (and gotten over the cold she so generously shared with me). Stay safe, all you lizards, best as you can.

Take care of yourself. Get well first!

Moebym  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:47:40pm

re: #23 HappyWarrior

That’s always their excuse. Stupid wingnut assholes who think they’re the only ones who work in this country. Note to wingnuts, not only are you not the only ones who work in this country, there are millions of American liberals who do work and work much harder than your bitter asses.

Reminds me of that time when I attended the anti-Trump march in Las Vegas. A few people on the street accused us of not having jobs, or not having better things to do. Then what the hell were they doing on the Strip at 9-10 PM if they were so damn hard-working?

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:48:45pm

re: #127 The Vicious Babushka

Pregnant women should get to vote twice.

Well, if they want to pass some sort of personhood bill, you might have an argument here.

My wife is saying if a woman now doesn’t choose to have an abortion with the climate denialists, Dominionists, and other wingnuts in power, she is unfit to be a mother.

Scottish Dragon  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:49:10pm
Danack  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:49:21pm

re: #90 lawhawk

Someone submitted a petition on the White House page, which will require an official response if they meet the 100k threshold by February.

That petition is likely to reach that threshold before tomorrow evening.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:49:46pm
lawhawk  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:50:22pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:50:44pm

re: #141 Anymouse


Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:51:27pm

re: #118 Scottish Dragon

They can have their day to gloat.

A year from now, they won’t be laughing.

None of us will.

Give it two weeks.

A wild WITHAK appeared!  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:52:20pm

re: #141 Anymouse

Well, if they want to pass some sort of personhood bill, you might have an argument here.

My wife is saying if a woman now doesn’t choose to have an abortion with the climate denialists, Dominionists, and other wingnuts in power, she is unfit to be a mother.

I’m having trouble parsing this. Does she mean that it would be cruel to bring children into the world?

BeachDem  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:52:50pm

re: #97 Belafon

Let me ask you a serious question on this: How much would I need to know to run for school board? If I were to pick one of those that I’m the best fit for, it would be School Board. But even then, I’m not up to speed on what the school board does? Should I wait and learn more first. There are elections coming up, and for me to sign up I would need to do so soon.

Something else to consider—which offices are partisan races vs. non-partisan. More chance of winning in a non-partisan election.

Example—our city council is a non-partisan election. The most recent election saw someone who was once the county chair of the Democratic party win—sadly, she played down (as in never mentioned the word Democrat) her party affiliation completely—but she did win.

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:53:14pm

re: #148 A wild WITHAK appeared!

I’m having trouble parsing this. Does she mean that it would be cruel to bring children into the world?


Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:53:49pm

re: #148 A wild WITHAK appeared!

I’m having trouble parsing this. Does she mean that it would be cruel to bring children into the world?

I’m not having a problem parsing it at all.

The message flat out is: a woman who doesn’t have an abortion is unfit to be a mother.


Feline Fearless Leader  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:54:03pm

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:54:05pm

The Russian campaign to destabilize the nation is well underway, and in the next phase, where acting to preserve the nation against a foreign threat (Russia) is perceived as destabilizing itself. The Russians are nothing if not patient and cunning.

A wild WITHAK appeared!  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:54:05pm

re: #150 Anymouse


That’s, uh, rather stark.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:55:14pm

re: #154 A wild WITHAK appeared!

That’s, uh, rather stark.

and extremely anti-choice.

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:55:18pm

re: #154 A wild WITHAK appeared!

That’s, uh, rather stark.

She is of the opinion that no child born today will live to reach adulthood. Either climate change or nuclear war will get them first.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:56:02pm

interesting that only the woman who refuses to abort is unfit…

A wild WITHAK appeared!  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:56:40pm

re: #156 Anymouse

She is of the opinion that no child born today will live to reach adulthood. Either climate change or nuclear war will get them first.

So, do those of us with born-but-still-young children get a pass, or am I expected to take extreme measures or be labeled an unfit parent?

Belafon  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:56:44pm

re: #149 BeachDem

Something else to consider—which offices are partisan races vs. non-partisan. More chance of winning in a non-partisan election.

Example—our city council is a non-partisan election. The most recent election saw someone who was once the county chair of the Democratic party win—sadly, she played down (as in never mentioned the word Democrat) her party affiliation completely—but she did win.

All of our local elections are non-partisan.

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:56:50pm

re: #155 Backwoods_Sleuth

and extremely anti-choice.

It has to be a two-way street or it’s a dead end.

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:57:17pm
klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:57:47pm

re: #158 A wild WITHAK appeared!

So, do those of us with born-but-still-young children get a pass, or am I expected to take extreme measures or be labeled an unfit parent?

I’m starting to think apparently we should all just commit suicide, because the world’s going to end anyway.


Moebym  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:57:48pm

re: #153 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

The Russian campaign to destabilize the nation is well underway, and in the next phase, where acting to preserve the nation against a foreign threat (Russia) is perceived as destabilizing itself. The Russians are nothing if not patient and cunning.

And the Republicans will (if they haven’t already) blame the unrest on Democrats.

America will be torn asunder.

GlutenFreeJesus  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:58:20pm

re: #161 Dr. Matt

Translation by said deplorables: YEAH!!!! FUCK THEM CITY FOLK!

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 12:59:50pm

But hey, the leftover roasted chicken thighs with potatoes and cheesy broccoli from last night’s dinner made a pretty decent leftovers lunch.

Tonight’s dinner is going to be a quinoa chickpea salad with Aidell’s sausages.

At some point you make a decision to keep living your life, even if the world is ending. Because that’s resisting, in its own way. Hiding out in a bunker doesn’t accomplish anything.

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:00:15pm

re: #157 Backwoods_Sleuth

interesting that only the woman who refuses to abort is unfit…

Well, it is opposite of the forced birther position.

My wife does hold a couple extreme positions on some things.

Overpopulation has long been a concern of hers. One of many ways that humanity will end itself on her Website.

She also hangs out with VHEMT. That might explain it.

I would argue that with the GOP positioned now to destroy education, social security, social safety networks, &c, considering having a child would be a tough call for me. I wouldn’t go as far as to say a person was unfit if they made that choice, but I might question if they thought it all the way through.

GlutenFreeJesus  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:00:15pm

re: #153 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

The Russian campaign to destabilize the nation is well underway, and in the next phase, where acting to preserve the nation against a foreign threat (Russia) is perceived as destabilizing itself. The Russians are nothing if not patient and cunning.

Call it a hunch, but the violent asshole protesters are also in Putin’s pocket.

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:01:00pm

re: #164 GlutenFreeJesus

Translation by said deplorables: YEAH!!!! FUCK THEM CITY FOLK!

I’m willing to bet the farm that many of his deplorables are benefitting from this as well.

Belafon  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:01:43pm

re: #164 GlutenFreeJesus

Translation by said deplorables: YEAH!!!! FUCK THEM CITY FOLK!


Charles Johnson  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:01:55pm
BeachDem  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:02:01pm

re: #159 Belafon

All of our local elections are non-partisan.

Then I say, go for it! Talk up issues that matter; go to neighborhood meetings; go to churches; go to malls—meet the people.


lawhawk  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:02:04pm

Heh. Someone asks to see one of those Make America Great Again hats up on the podium, finds a Made in China tag.

But before Graham delivered his interpretation, Florida Democrat Lois Frankel’s mother texted her and said, “Even God is crying,” according to Illinois Democrat Cheri Bustos, who was sitting next to Frankel.

For Bustos, though, the moment that stood out happened before Trump’s speech. A GOP colleague sitting in front of her was taking out his “Make America Great Again” hat and she asked to see it.

“And I look at the tag and the ‘Make America Great Again’ hat was made in China,” she said.

That moment was particularly poignant because Trump throughout the campaign and during his Inauguration speech talked about making products in America again, one of the few moments that actually drew applause from Democrats.

“There’s this disconnect between what he says and what he does,” Bustos said.

Bustos was sitting with Republican colleagues to her left and Democratic colleagues to her right. “So you literally, you could get the feel from all different angles,” she said.

While Democrats didn’t applaud throughout much of the speech, they were not actively protesting. Bustos said she only saw one Democratic member who remained seated as Trump was announced as the president, whom she did not identify.

allegro  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:02:40pm

re: #165 klys (maker of Silmarils)

But hey, the leftover roasted chicken thighs with potatoes and cheesy broccoli from last night’s dinner made a pretty decent leftovers lunch.

Tonight’s dinner is going to be a quinoa chickpea salad with Aidell’s sausages.

At some point you make a decision to keep living your life, even if the world is ending. Because that’s resisting, in its own way. Hiding out in a bunker doesn’t accomplish anything.

We’re doing tacos. Washing ‘em down with rum ‘n’ coke while watching Faust. Deal with the devil seems appropriate.

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:02:44pm

re: #170 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

It’s just a matter of time before that website no longer exists.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:02:55pm

re: #166 Anymouse

I have friends who are now expecting after years of trying. Yes, they have thought it all the way through. They’re well aware of what’s at risk here. They’re also not willing to give up, and they are most definitely not unfit.

You don’t have to want to have a kid right now, or ever, to be able to respect other people’s ability to make that decision for themselves.

Citizen K  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:03:06pm

I knew I said I’d be shutting myself down for the day, but I can’t pass it up when shit like this hits the screen:

Chaffetz truly is one of the most despicable, vile, insufferably smug, two-faced bastards in politics. And I’m sure after that tainted handshake all he could still think about was how further to witch-hunt Hillary while ignoring Trump’s actual, open, blatant crimes.

BlueGrl21  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:03:31pm

A funny thing happened at my very large, very diverse tech company today.

We showed up in the morning because we wanted to work and get away from the crazy. We were having a good day. Then it started. The elevators we ride on have a newsfeed…Trump. The onsite Starbucks had it on, the cafes. Then the one Trumper on my floor turned it on in the break room and started bleating. She’s been unbearable this whole time.

So, we all kinda decided together to leave campus. I mean, we can work from home or anywhere with wifi. Why stay around and be surrounded by it?

Everyone left. Just packed up and walked out.

I was one of the last ones out..was on a call with my boss who declined to come in at all. Got out of the phone room and no one was there. Went by the break room on my way out and the Trumpista was still there, watching TV. She’d been there the whole time and had no idea the office has emptied out behind her. Over 100 people, easily, gone.

I was highly amused.

Moebym  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:04:52pm

re: #166 Anymouse

At least one of my friends had made the decision after the election not to have children, if not ever, then in the next couple of years.

Two other friends are parents of toddlers. I hope they are up to the task of raising their children in these frightening times.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:04:57pm

re: #177 BlueGrl21


CuriousLurker  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:06:14pm

re: #166 Anymouse

Well, it is opposite of the forced birther position.

My wife does hold a couple extreme positions on some things.

Not really, they’re both ultimatums, they both say “Agree with me or you’re a POS.” It’s like when you get Christian, Jewish and Muslim extremists yelling at each other about who’s right—they’re remarkably similar in their extremity.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:06:21pm

re: #166 Anymouse

Well, it is opposite of the forced birther position.

sorry, no. Not even close to say that a women who refuses to abort is an unfit mother is opposite a forced birther position.

They are totally from the same shame the woman mold, and to argue otherwise is beyond ingenious.

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:07:27pm

re: #28 HappyWarrior

Probably are none too happy about the RCC being friendly to immigrants too. God knows I have my problems with the RCC but they’er not nativist shits like the Franklin Grahams of the theological world.

The only reason why they haven’t been overtly hostile to the RCC? Fetuses.

Scottish Dragon  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:07:57pm

One of the front pagers at LGM also thinks Trump will shut down the protest march tomorrow in Washington DC…

Thin skinned authoritarians hate dissent, especially when the dissent gets bigger crowds than they do.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:07:59pm


Charles Johnson  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:08:18pm
Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:08:30pm

re: #175 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I have friends who are now expecting after years of trying. Yes, they have thought it all the way through. They’re well aware of what’s at risk here. They’re also not willing to give up, and they are most definitely not unfit.

You don’t have to want to have a kid right now, or ever, to be able to respect other people’s ability to make that decision for themselves.

I would point out that is not my position. That is hers. She is firmly of the position that birthing a child now is cruel to the child. That is something I am not going to move her from. She is in fact anti-choice in the sense that a child born now, in her opinion, is being born into sure death.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:08:43pm

Pretty safe to say Trump is going for an epic Cult of Personality.

Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:09:11pm


Citizen K  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:10:21pm

re: #185 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

But hey, at least Hillary “Literally The Anti-Christ” Clinton got shown what for and humiliated by all the righteous villagers who just know she’s the absolute spawn of evil, and isn’t that what’s really important: Kicking Hillary while she’s down to prove just what a hateful bitch she is?

Arkansawyer  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:10:21pm

re: #178 Moebym

My fiancée and I had decided we want kids within the next five years. Now, we don’t know. She has health issues. If she is able to have children there is a very real chance it may be more dangerous than usual for her to give birth. If Roe v. Wade is rolled back, then I don’t know what we’ll do.

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:10:38pm

re: #184 Eclectic Cyborg

[Embedded content]


Dr. Matt  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:11:11pm
Charles Johnson  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:11:14pm



allegro  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:11:18pm

re: #186 Anymouse

I would point out that is not my position. That is hers. She is firmly of the position that birthing a child now is cruel to the child. That is something I am not going to move her from. She is in fact anti-choice in the sense that a child born now, in her opinion, is being born into sure death.

Um… we’re all born into sure death.

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:11:34pm

Well, I am going to bail out for now.

Citizen K  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:11:48pm

re: #187 Eclectic Cyborg

Pretty safe to say Trump is going for an epic Cult of Personality.

Going for? I’m pretty sure he’s already there. The attempted messianic overtones soaked in his supporters, introductions, and his own goddamn speeches is impossible to ignore. And yet the assholes still insist that Obama was the one with the unprecedented narcissism.

CuriousLurker  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:12:10pm

re: #175 klys (maker of Silmarils)

re: #181 Backwoods_Sleuth


lawhawk  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:12:31pm
A wild WITHAK appeared!  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:12:39pm

re: #194 allegro

Um… we’re all born into sure death.

I’m going to live forever, or die trying.

allegro  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:14:16pm

re: #199 A wild WITHAK appeared!

I’m going to live forever, or die trying.

That’s the spirit!

CuriousLurker  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:14:28pm

re: #194 allegro

Um… we’re all born into sure death.

Yep, none of us are getting out of here alive.

Anymouse  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:14:28pm

re: #199 A wild WITHAK appeared!

I’m going to live forever, or die trying.

LOL. G’night, y’all.

Scottish Dragon  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:15:39pm

re: #200 allegro

That’s the spirit!

Thats the spirit!

sagehen  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:16:09pm

re: #153 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

The Russian campaign to destabilize the nation is well underway, and in the next phase, where acting to preserve the nation against a foreign threat (Russia) is perceived as destabilizing itself. The Russians are nothing if not patient and cunning.

There’s a reason that nation produces so many chess grandmasters….

gocart mozart  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:16:23pm
CuriousLurker  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:16:23pm

re: #188 Dr. Matt


[Embedded content]

Whoa, did you see his profile? He has 80.9 million followers now.

Charles Johnson  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:16:31pm

All of these GOP politicians are just unbelievable fuckheads.


So pleased she is not the President. I thanked her for her service and wished her luck. The investigation continues.

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:16:44pm

re: #193 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

OK, now I’m sad. Sadder.

I’m not wearing all black today. My black t-shirt commemorates New Mexico’s biggest fire, the Whitewater Baldy Complex. On top (because it’s cold) I’m wearing an Elfego Baca t-shirt. Long sleeved.

Stanley Sea  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:17:00pm
Ace Rothstein  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:17:14pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:17:36pm

re: #195 Anymouse

Well, I am going to bail out for now.

good call, I believe.


klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:18:32pm

re: #186 Anymouse

I would point out that is not my position. That is hers. She is firmly of the position that birthing a child now is cruel to the child. That is something I am not going to move her from. She is in fact anti-choice in the sense that a child born now, in her opinion, is being born into sure death.

You said you would question whether people having children now had thought it all the way through. You said that in the comment I replied to, if you want to go back and check.

I did not address your wife’s position because she is not here and I am not going to try to debate with her through you. I addressed your words describing how you felt.

I respect the right of anyone to make their own decisions when it comes to having or not having children based on whatever reasons they choose, up to and including what is happening in the world. Period. End of discussion. I don’t look askance at pregnant women right now and wonder if they’ve thought it all the way through because guess what, I have no fucking clue what’s led to that point. Neither do you.

And seriously, for most women who are showing, the pregnancy started well before the election. I guess they should have put it off in case the worst case scenario came to pass, in order to be sure they thought it through all the way? That’s really easy to do when you’re struggling to conceive, I’m sure.

I don’t want children. I want abortion to remain a safe and legal option. And I want ALL women to have the right to make their own reproductive choices without uninvolved parties feeling it is their right to offer commentary, judgment, and critique of those choices.

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:18:42pm

re: #207 Charles Johnson

Chaffetz can go fuck himself into another dimension.

Interesting Times  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:18:56pm

All the discussion about the future of children made me think of this:

Really mind-boggling to consider the petty, bigoted selfishness of the oldsters there (well, slightly over half of them…and the Brexit vote had similar breakdowns).

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:19:38pm

re: #197 CuriousLurker

[Embedded content]


Moebym  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:20:07pm

re: #205 gocart mozart

Well, this is definitely going to impact my work, and not in a good way…

Thanks, Trump. NOT.

(Real estate agent)

Charles Johnson  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:20:31pm
gocart mozart  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:20:51pm

Best tweet of the day.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:21:51pm

re: #197 CuriousLurker


A wild WITHAK appeared!  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:21:55pm

re: #214 Interesting Times

All the discussion about the future of children made me think of this:

[Embedded content]

Really mind-boggling to consider the petty, bigoted selfishness of the oldsters there (well, slightly over half of them…and the Brexit vote had similar breakdowns).

My children have never known a US President to be anything but thoughtful and classy. What a shock this will be for them.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:23:07pm

Time to go run some errands. Back in a bit, Lizards.

allegro  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:23:21pm

re: #220 A wild WITHAK appeared!

My children have never known a US President to be anything but thoughtful and classy. What a shock this will be for them.

Now we know how old they are. Or Aren’t. LOL

Moebym  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:24:22pm

re: #217 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Son. Of. A. B**CH.

People will be remembering HER name and HER accomplishments long after she’s gone. No one will even remember your name, you sniveling rat (with apologies to rats).

stpaulbear  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:24:38pm

re: #175 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I have friends who are now expecting after years of trying. Yes, they have thought it all the way through. They’re well aware of what’s at risk here. They’re also not willing to give up, and they are most definitely not unfit.

You don’t have to want to have a kid right now, or ever, to be able to respect other people’s ability to make that decision for themselves.

My youngest sister in WI has an 11 year old daughter and she is fighting mad. She was a Bernie person but also smart enough to know that she needed to vote for Hillary. She is PISSED about how the elections turned out.

A wild WITHAK appeared!  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:24:45pm

re: #222 allegro

Now we know how old they are. Or Aren’t. LOL

Well, you can certainly ballpark it — but I’m counting on the idea that toddlers aren’t really aware of politics in order to make that statement work.

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:27:11pm

He’s thinking about going for Ted Cruz’s seat:

stpaulbear  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:27:58pm

re: #188 Dr. Matt


[Embedded content]

A ray of sunshine.

calochortus  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:28:07pm

re: #212 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I might also point out that ever since the introduction of reliable modern birth control it has been a “bad time to bring children into the world.” In part I blame people who insist every married person really, really should have kids, because then someone who doesn’t want to have kids is forced to defend their position, which is silly. When and if to have kids is a personal decision which then needs to be supported by society in general.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:28:31pm

re: #221 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Time to go run some errands. Back in a bit, Lizards.

bring back enough chocolate for all of us, please.

gocart mozart  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:28:43pm
HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:28:48pm

re: #226 wrenchwench

He’s thinking about going for Ted Cruz’s seat:

[Embedded content]

We need to target Cruz.

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:29:40pm

re: #207 Charles Johnson

All of these GOP politicians are just unbelievable fuckheads.

[Embedded content]

Such a scumbag.

CuriousLurker  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:30:18pm

re: #219 klys (maker of Silmarils)

[Embedded content]


allegro  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:30:19pm

re: #230 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

LOL @ Ricky

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:30:46pm

re: #188 Dr. Matt


[Embedded content]

Enjoy your vacation, Mr. President. You’ve earned it.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:31:38pm

re: #218 gocart mozart

Best tweet of the day.

[Embedded content]

he’s wearing a super-duper push-up bra, isn’t he?

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:32:20pm

re: #231 HappyWarrior

We need to target Cruz.

Beto wrote a book.

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:32:58pm
HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:33:28pm

re: #237 wrenchwench

Beto wrote a book.

He looks a little like Bobby Kennedy. I like seeing that he’s into drug policy reform.

BeachDem  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:33:34pm

While we’re discussing things missing from the whitehouse website (climate change, equal rights—all those little things) let us not overlook the fact that the site DOES have time, space and attention to hawk Melania’s fucking QVC jewelry line. Classy!


HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:35:47pm

re: #240 BeachDem

While we’re discussing things missing from the whitehouse website (climate change, equal rights—all those little things) let us not overlook the fact that the site DOES have time, space and attention to hawk Melania’s fucking QVC jewelry line. Classy!



Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:37:54pm

re: #233 CuriousLurker

[Embedded content]


Joe Bacon  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:39:33pm

re: #240 BeachDem

While we’re discussing things missing from the whitehouse website (climate change, equal rights—all those little things) let us not overlook the fact that the site DOES have time, space and attention to hawk Melania’s fucking QVC jewelry line. Classy!


Now just imagine if Michelle did that! Fox News would have been in meltdown demanding HER impeachment!

But when a Republican does it… more asskissing from Fox…

BlueGrl21  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:40:01pm

My 11 and 14 year-old boys were depressed earlier and their dad wasn’t much better. I texted them this:

He has been elected to assume the title of president. We have had good ones and bad ones. We respect the office of the presidency but we do not have to respect the man or woman that holds it as a human being.

Our greatest moral leaders and thinkers….Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Alexander Hamilton, Susan B. Anthony, Jackie Robinson, and so many others were never presidents. We have occasionally had great moral leaders as presidents but it’s rare. Lincoln. FDR. Obama. We have been fortunate to have one as our president for 8 years.

Leadership is about who you are as a PERSON, not the title you have next to your name. President Obama will always be a true moral leader. Trump will fade into history and no one will be erecting statues of him to honor him or having national holidays to celebrate him as a person. No one will march in an elementary school parade in 30 years with him as their hero.

That’s what really matters. Remember that today.

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:40:41pm

re: #243 Joe Bacon

Now just imagine if Michelle did that! Fox News would have been in meltdown demanding HER impeachment!

But when a Republican does it… more asskissing from Fox…

Not even asskissing. Just a shrug. And I don’t even want to think about the reaction if Michele had ever posed nude. I don’t care that Melania did at all but I’m sick of the right wing hypocrisy on these issues.

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:41:11pm

re: #244 BlueGrl21

My 11 and 14 year-old boys were depressed earlier and their dad wasn’t much better. I texted them this:

He has been elected to assume the title of president. We have had good ones and bad ones. We respect the office of the presidency but we do not have to respect the man or woman that holds it as a human being.

Our greatest moral leaders and thinkers….Martin Luther King, Gandhi, Alexander Hamilton, Susan B. Anthony, Jackie Robinson, and so many others were never presidents. We have occasionally had great moral leaders as presidents but it’s rare. Lincoln. FDR. Obama. We have been fortunate to have one as our president for 8 years.

Leadership is about who you are as a PERSON, not the title you have next to your name. President Obama will always be a true moral leader. Trump will fade into history and no one will be erecting statues of him to honor him or having national holidays to celebrate him as a person. No one will march in an elementary school parade in 30 years with him as their hero.

That’s what really matters. Remember that today.

Good message.

CuriousLurker  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:42:32pm

re: #238 HappyWarrior


I’m so glad that he’s going to stay active and be a thorn in their side, and he knows how the machine works form top to bottom now. The GOP is gonna rue the day they snarked at him about being a community organizer.

gocart mozart  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:42:33pm

Block POTUS and FLOTUS and follow these

Romantic Heretic  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:42:48pm

re: #81 Skip Intro

Are countries allowed to say, “Nuh uh! No way!” to another country’s ambassadorial pick?

Jebediah, RBG  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:44:17pm
prairiefire  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:44:39pm

I’ve got running goosebumps like perma goosebumps. ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s” on TCM. God bless Truman Capote.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:46:44pm

re: #248 gocart mozart

Block POTUS and FLOTUS and follow these

[Embedded content]

don’t think that’s Michelle Obama.
@FLOTUS44 is

Stanley Sea  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:47:46pm
lockjawcanbefun  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:49:06pm
KingKenrod  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:49:59pm

This is ex-FLOTUS official:

Stanley Sea  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:50:23pm

re: #248 gocart mozart

Block POTUS and FLOTUS and follow these

[Embedded content]

Michelle Obama spells her name with 2 L’s.

That one must be fake.

GlutenFreeJesus  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:50:53pm

I didn’t watch, so I have to ask. Seriously?

Belafon  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:50:55pm

re: #254 lockjawcanbefun

“I would never punch Spencer in the face, but I might take a little pleasure in reading about it.”

nines09  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:52:52pm

re: #254 lockjawcanbefun

I’d like to buy that guy a beer.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:53:16pm

waal ahm so glad to hear that th president is gonna be a champy un fer the people against them corporations what works against the people. he’s a gonna slap a big tax on them what moves the factories away. he’s gonna reneg oshiate them free trade treaties and make em more america-firstish. he’s gonna raise up the incomes by deportatin’ cheap ill eagles laborers

yup, it sure is a good thang he has a majority behind him of the party what has always been ready to raise taxes on business, to back em into a position where they has got to raise the wages of the people what works for em, and generally to limit the ability of corporations to do whatever they want when it goes against what the gummint thinks is gud fer th people

yah that’s the republican party all over - aint it?

austin_blue  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:53:33pm

Well, some said news. Harry Middleton died this morning. One of the last two living members of LBJ’s administration.

Here’s a great bio on him:


His son, Jim, is a dear friend of ours and I got to know his dad very well. Still cracking jokes at 95. Thought Trump would be a disaster as President.

The only one left now is Billy Don (aka Bill) Moyers.

CuriousLurker  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:53:53pm

re: #242 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

re: #248 gocart mozart

Block POTUS and FLOTUS and follow these

[Embedded content]

Yep, I unfollowed @POTUS, @FLOTUS, and @VP last night and replaced them with @BarackObama, @obamamichele @MichelleObama, @JoeBiden. Today I woke up and blocked the first three. To hell with those sleazebags.

BeachDem  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:56:21pm

re: #252 Backwoods_Sleuth

don’t think that’s Michelle Obama.
@FLOTUS44 is

Yeah—the one “l” was the first clue.

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:56:34pm

re: #262 CuriousLurker

Yep, I unfollowed @POTUS, @FLOTUS, and @VP last night and replaced them with @BarackObama, @obamamichele, @JoeBiden. Today I woke up and blocked the first three. To hell with those sleazebags.

I wonder what Biden’s going to do in his retirement. I assume he’ll be less active than Obama due to his age. I was showing my Dad some of the Obama-Biden memes today and he got a good laugh out of them.

calochortus  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:57:26pm

re: #257 GlutenFreeJesus

[Embedded content]

I didn’t watch, so I have to ask. Seriously?

I don’t know about Avatar, but he said that in his speech.

And whether a child is born in the urban sprawl of Detroit or the wind-swept plains of Nebraska, they look up at the same night sky, they fill their heart with the same dreams, and they are infused with the breath of life by the same almighty Creator.

He also started with:

We, the citizens of America, are now joined in a great national effort to rebuild our country and to restore its promise for all of our people.

Which isn’t lifted verbatim, but has a certain Lincolnesque resonance.

HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 1:58:26pm

She really was a wonderful first lady. Joe Biden wasn’t exaggerating when he named her the best ever. Don’t get me wrong. I admire Jackie Kennedy but Michelle was much more than the President’s wife. He treated her as an equal. The relationship the Obamas have really reminds me of what I know about my Dad’s parents.

calochortus  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:00:59pm

re: #265 calochortus

I’m not getting anything when I Google the Avatar “quote” so maybe not.

Citizen K  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:01:04pm

re: #257 GlutenFreeJesus

[Embedded content]

I didn’t watch, so I have to ask. Seriously?

My guess is that it’s more comparing Trump to the character than suggesting he actually plagiarized a movie quote.

lockjawcanbefun  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:02:22pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:03:34pm

re: #265 calochortus

Reminds me of those dumbass kids in high school who thought it wasn’t plagiarism so long as you changed like 3 words.

sagehen  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:04:48pm

re: #244 BlueGrl21

Leadership is about who you are as a PERSON, not the title you have next to your name. President Obama will always be a true moral leader. Trump will fade into history and no one will be erecting statues of him to honor him or having national holidays to celebrate him as a person. No one will march in an elementary school parade in 30 years with him as their hero.

That’s what really matters. Remember that today.

“The presidency doesn’t change what kind of man you are. It reveals what kind of man you are.”
—both Obamas, on more than one occasion.

Unshaken Defiance  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:05:51pm

Momentary break? Tornado warning is Southern California, near Fillmore. Due west of Six Flag magic mountain, due east of Ventura

P. S. Not to be compared to big Oklahoma F 5, probably barely a tornado.

calochortus  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:07:01pm

re: #272 Unshaken Defiance

Momentary break? Tornado warning is Southern California, near Fillmore. Due west of Six Flag magic mountain, due east of Ventura

[Embedded content]

Well, that’s impressive. We’ve had a couple fairly brief thunderstorms up here in the Bay Area in the last couple days, but no tornadoes.

austin_blue  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:07:31pm

This is a great essay!


An excerpt:

…But Donald Trump will not be a president. He’ll just have the president’s toys. And there will be very few who will be able to anticipate his moods, very few who will be able to stay on his good side. He is Veruca Salt in a bloated white man’s meat suit.

Veruca thought she deserved everything. Her tantrums and demands were what people often mistake for agency. For the will of someone to act upon the world. Deep in this misunderstanding is how we allowed Donald Trump to put the American presidency to rest. We presumed he had the right to run. We might disagree with him. We might despise his politics, his irrepressible racism and misogyny, his open mockery of the disabled, his loathing for complete sentences and thoughts, his inability to formulate anything resembling a political policy. But whatever our feelings, we had to accept that he had the right to run the presidency into the ground. Because we could always vote. And when the nation spoke (a tiny portion of the nation, mind you), our tradition of honoring the triumph of one person’s agency over another’s left us essentially without recourse…


cat-tikvah  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:07:52pm

re: #264 HappyWarrior

He’s teaching at University of PA.

BeachDem  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:09:18pm

re: #270 Eclectic Cyborg

Reminds me of those dumbass kids in high school who thought it wasn’t plagiarism so long as you changed like 3 words.

Or Monica Crowley

Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:09:47pm

re: #205 gocart mozart

Something just isn’t right with his boy.

I Would Prefer Not To  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:13:04pm

re: #271 sagehen

“The presidency doesn’t change what kind of man you are. It reveals what kind of man you are.”
—both Obamas, on more than one occasion.

Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. Abraham Lincoln
Read more at: brainyquote.com

cat-tikvah  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:14:35pm

re: #250 Jebediah, RBG

Why is born that way and compromised an either/or?
He’s surely both.

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:15:45pm

re: #272 Unshaken Defiance

Momentary break? Tornado warning is Southern California, near Fillmore. Due west of Six Flag magic mountain, due east of Ventura

[Embedded content]

P. S. Not to be compared to big Oklahoma F 5, probably barely a tornado.

Thank you. Six Flags is the name I couldn’t remember last night when I was telling Mr. w about my first above the table summer job. I was a day-camp counselor. We did field trips once a week. Six Flags was one of them. (Also Disneyland, Knott’s Berry Farm, Universal Studios, and probably others I don’t remember.) Or did they just call it Magic Mountain back then?

Unshaken Defiance  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:16:55pm

re: #280 wrenchwench

Yeah that was before Six Flags.

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:17:26pm
HappyWarrior  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:17:40pm

re: #275 cat-tikvah

He’s teaching at University of PA.

Cool. Good deal. Those kids are going to be lucky to have him as a teacher.

ericblair  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:17:54pm

re: #249 Romantic Heretic

Are countries allowed to say, “Nuh uh! No way!” to another country’s ambassadorial pick?

Absolutely, the host nation has to accept the credentials. However, May’s government will desperately kiss Trump’s butt to get a free trade deal after Brexit, which he promised. Except Trump went full metal protectionist in his speech. So, um, yeah.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:18:59pm

re: #272 Unshaken Defiance

Momentary break? Tornado warning is Southern California, near Fillmore. Due west of Six Flag magic mountain, due east of Ventura

[Embedded content]

P. S. Not to be compared to big Oklahoma F 5, probably barely a tornado.

The Day After Tomorrow - Los Angeles Tornado Attack

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:20:43pm

re: #281 Unshaken Defiance

Yeah that was before Six Flags.

And I found out a few years later about the Thomas Mann book of the same name (Magic Mountain). No relation to the theme park, presumably.

In this dizzyingly rich novel of ideas, Mann uses a sanatorium in the Swiss Alps, a community devoted exclusively to sickness, as a microcosm for Europe, which in the years before 1914 was already exhibiting the first symptoms of its own terminal irrationality. The Magic Mountain is a monumental work of erudition and irony, sexual tension and intellectual ferment, a book that pulses with life in the midst of death.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:20:56pm

re: #184 Eclectic Cyborg


Romantic Heretic  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:21:15pm

re: #271 sagehen

Makes me think of this quote from Harry Truman.

Some people come to Washington and grow into their jobs. Some come to Washington and just swell up. The ones that swell up have Potomac Fever.

The Trump administration is a pandemic level of Potomac Fever.

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:21:21pm

re: #262 CuriousLurker

Yep, I unfollowed @POTUS, @FLOTUS, and @VP last night and replaced them with @BarackObama, @obamamichele @MichelleObama, @JoeBiden. Today I woke up and blocked the first three. To hell with those sleazebags.

My most productive moment of the day today:

Jebediah, RBG  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:24:30pm

re: #279 cat-tikvah


Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:25:18pm

Down near Columbus:

MsJ  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:25:52pm

re: #87 Anymouse

From the previous thread:

Does that include consensual?

Melania Trump is responsible for Donald Trump if he went stepping out on her without permission?

Did you slag Hillary Clinton for Bill’s indiscretion?

Was Hillary fucking Monica? No. Melania was fucking Donald while he was married.

MsJ  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:26:45pm

re: #90 lawhawk


Someone submitted a petition on the White House page, which will require an official response if they meet the 100k threshold by February.
Immediately release Donald Trump’s full tax returns, with all information needed to verify emoluments clause compliance.
Created by A.D. on January 20, 2017

And the entire WH petition function and process will be gone in 3…2…

stpaulbear  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:28:56pm

re: #285 Eclectic Cyborg

I like how the news station has a helicopter in the air covering multiple massive tornadoes and then the guy in the helicopter gets incredulous about people on the ground taking pictures! Fake news!

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:30:03pm

re: #293 MsJ

And the entire WH petition function and process will be gone in 3…2…

That’s a given. Trump is going to have to do everything in the book to forget about his underwater approval ratings.

Dave In Austin  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:33:01pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:33:14pm

re: #269 lockjawcanbefun

[Embedded content]

Decatur Deb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:34:42pm

This guy tweets the greatest art. (And yes, I’ve forgotten all about yesterday’s urge to delete my account.)

goddamnedfrank  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:37:00pm

re: #292 MsJ

Was Hillary fucking Monica? No. Melania was fucking Donald while he was married.

I don’t even care about that. The fact that she makes excuses for (“boy talk”) and runs interference for her serially abusive husband (who she only remains married to for money) while having pretenses of becoming some national point person for an anti-bullying movement is fucking Orwellian however.

jaunte  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:40:15pm
Unshaken Defiance  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:40:32pm
Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:42:33pm
stpaulbear  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:43:04pm

re: #298 wrenchwench

I saw this one and a chill ran down my spine. This is how I’m feeling today. maybe not tomorrow, but today.

lawhawk  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:44:02pm

Mattis has been confirmed as Sec Def. Lone dissenting vote from Gillibrand.

nines09  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:44:51pm

Could the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series have anything to do with 2016 and all this? Just asking for a friend…

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:45:25pm

re: #303 stpaulbear

I saw this one and a chill ran down my spine. This is how I’m feeling today. maybe not tomorrow, but today.

[Embedded content]

He posts a lot of poetry, too, none of which I’ve read. Be careful! {{stpaulbear}}

jaunte  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:45:42pm

So comforting to know we have an ample supply of insane hard-right conservative Christian generals to call on.

allegro  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:45:55pm

re: #299 goddamnedfrank

I don’t even care about that. The fact that she makes excuses for (“boy talk”) and runs interference for her serially abusive husband (who she only remains married to for money) while having pretenses of becoming some national point person for an anti-bullying movement is fucking Orwellian however.

THIS is completely fair and puts the criticism entirely where it belongs, on her actions and hypocrisy alone. It doesn’t rely on misogynist insults for which there is really no need or excuse just because the target is someone we don’t like.

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:46:03pm

re: #305 nines09

Could the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series have anything to do with 2016 and all this? Just asking for a friend…


MsJ  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:46:03pm

re: #299 goddamnedfrank

I don’t even care about that. The fact that she makes excuses for (“boy talk”) and runs interference for her serially abusive husband (who she only remains married to for money) while having pretenses of becoming some national point person for an anti-bullying movement is fucking Orwellian however.

They were giving me shit about calling her the First Whore of the US - which I will continue to use. She is, unto herself, an abomination. She is a whore and she is an asshole (for what you said) and fuck her, fuck him and his entire family of deplorables who are now running our fucking government.


Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:47:04pm

re: #302 Skip Intro

I see @Popehat (the folks behind that account) are on a roll today.

electrotek  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:47:52pm

re: #310 MsJ

They were giving me shit about calling her the First Whore of the US - which I will continue to use. She is, unto herself, an abomination. She is a whore and she is an asshole (for what you said) and fuck her, fuck him and his entire family of deplorables who are now running our fucking government.



wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:48:34pm

re: #305 nines09

Could the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series have anything to do with 2016 and all this? Just asking for a friend…

The person who speculated about that before you pointed out that if you count total number of runs in the series, it would have been a tie. Made some comparison to the Electoral College. I think you can tell ‘your friend’ no.

makeitstop  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:50:09pm

re: #305 nines09

Could the Chicago Cubs winning the World Series have anything to do with 2016 and all this? Just asking for a friend…

I tend to go with the theory that David Bowie was the glue that held the universe together.

Stanley Sea  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:52:09pm
nines09  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:53:32pm

re: #313 wrenchwench

OK. But does he hit winning lotto numbers? If not, wellllllll….

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:53:39pm

re: #314 makeitstop

I tend to go with the theory that David Bowie was the glue that held the universe together.

Cleveland finally winning a professional sports title of any sort for the first time in 52 years probably didn’t help, either.

Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:53:40pm
Unshaken Defiance  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:56:34pm

Look at all the empty seats

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:57:11pm

re: #310 MsJ

They were giving me shit about calling her the First Whore of the US - which I will continue to use. She is, unto herself, an abomination. She is a whore and she is an asshole (for what you said) and fuck her, fuck him and his entire family of deplorables who are now running our fucking government.


Then there are totally random ‘reasons’ for reactions: One of my grandmothers was born very near where Melania’s from. (My grandmother was conceived in West Virginia, where her father was a coal miner though, then her mom went home to the farm to give birth.) So I have a tiny bit of sympathy, until I remember how crazy that grandmother and her family were/are. Sympathy gone, stereotype started.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:57:12pm

re: #308 allegro

THIS is completely fair and puts the criticism entirely where it belongs, on her actions and hypocrisy alone. It doesn’t rely on misogynist insults for which there is really no need or excuse just because the target is someone we don’t like.

Yeah, this is me not supporting using gendered insults.

There is a difference between saying “I don’t like the choice of word you’re using to insult someone because I think there’s splash damage that is real and you would normally care about” and “I don’t think you should be insulting that person” and I really wish people would fucking listen.

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 2:58:58pm

re: #316 nines09

OK. But does he hit winning lotto numbers? If not, wellllllll….

No, never buys a ticket. The ‘friend’?

Moebym  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:00:28pm

re: #307 jaunte

Larry Boykin is a real piece of work, like anyone who thinks it’s “tyranny” to uphold the rights of and guarantee equal opportunities for success to everyone regardless of sexual orientation, race, gender, age, ability, religion, national origin, etc..

Unfortunately, that’s pretty much everyone in the new Cabinet, and the majorities in the House, Senate, and state legislatures.

electrotek  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:01:03pm

Not sure if I shared this already, but not sure. Oh well.


wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:01:23pm

re: #321 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Yeah, this is me not supporting using gendered insults.

There is a difference between saying “I don’t like the choice of word you’re using to insult someone because I think there’s splash damage that is real and you would normally care about” and “I don’t think you should be insulting that person” and I really wish people would fucking listen.

Upding for ‘splash damage’. Otherwise, trying to stay out of it.

ObserverArt  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:02:12pm

re: #51 Anymouse

So, in reference to your summary of GOP obstructionism and how Democrats need to get out and challenge as many government seats as possible:

How many people here will vow today to prepare to run for office (dogcatcher, city council, cemetery board, school board, name it). I’m betting close to zero.

LGF has thousands of members. How many are elected to any position at all besides me, in uber-red Western Nebraska?

I take offense to your comment. Why should anyone/everyone vow to you to anyway?

I’m 62 heading for 63. I’m not about to launch a career in politics with all the other things I have to do like finish the old house I own that is my retirement. And I also have goals as an artist and musician.

There are other ways to support politics than running for office. I plan on doing those things too.

Also, I live in a city of close to a million people. It would be very tough to get a start and have any recognition now. It is quite different that living in a village of a few hundred.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:02:25pm

re: #325 wrenchwench

Upding for ‘splash damage’. Otherwise, trying to stay out of it.

There’s more chocolate.

And rum.

And gin and tonics.

And I don’t have to leave the house again today so fuck it.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:04:04pm

re: #309 Myron Falwell


[Embedded content]

On November 6, I posted a link to that tweet with the question: ” Is it also predicting the results of the election?” Looks like it was

dell*nix  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:04:38pm

re: #93 A wild WITHAK appeared!

Worked for me.

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:05:53pm

re: #327 klys (maker of Silmarils)

There’s more chocolate.

And rum.

And gin and tonics.

And I don’t have to leave the house again today so fuck it.

Hand some of it up to Observer Art.

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:07:25pm

re: #264 HappyWarrior

I wonder what Biden’s going to do in his retirement. I assume he’ll be less active than Obama due to his age. I was showing my Dad some of the Obama-Biden memes today and he got a good laugh out of them.

Biden wanted to promote cancer research.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:08:35pm

re: #330 wrenchwench


Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:08:56pm

re: #326 ObserverArt

I get a little tired of the haranguing, myself. If I were to run for office, for any local, county, state, or federal office below President, I’d be running against a Democrat who votes the way I’d vote. I’m lucky that way, but I bet a lot of us here are similarly lucky.

Lidane  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:09:59pm

Day One and this orange motherfucker is already affecting my job:

My marketing work is with homebuilders, who supported the mortgage premium cut because hey, they like being able to sell houses. We even just published blogs this week across several builders talking about how the FHA mortgage premium cut would help homeowners and save them money in the long run.

Today we had to take everything down and reverse course until someone with a brain can convince the jabbering fuckwits who will now run HUD that they really don’t want to make it harder to sell homes to the middle class.

BeachDem  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:10:47pm

re: #299 goddamnedfrank

I don’t even care about that. The fact that she makes excuses for (“boy talk”) and runs interference for her serially abusive husband (who she only remains married to for money) while having pretenses of becoming some national point person for an anti-bullying movement is fucking Orwellian however.

And don’t forget, according to Melania, it wasn’t even just “boy talk”—Billy Bush set the yam up.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:11:27pm
BeachDem  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:13:33pm

re: #302 Skip Intro

[Embedded content]

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:14:42pm

re: #332 klys (maker of Silmarils)

[Embedded content]


Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:15:05pm

re: #334 Lidane

Day One and this orange motherfucker is already affecting my job:

[Embedded content]

My marketing work is with homebuilders, who supported the mortgage premium cut because hey, they like being able to sell houses. We even just published blogs this week across several builders talking about how the FHA mortgage premium cut would help homeowners and save them money in the long run.

Today we had to take everything down and reverse course until someone with a brain can convince the jabbering fuckwits who will now run HUD that they really don’t want to make it harder to sell homes to the middle class.

So, anyone have any ideas why this, of all things, had to be done first?

jaunte  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:15:52pm
Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:16:24pm

For all the Trump voters who start whining once they realize how badly they’ve screwed themselves.

Trump warned you, over and over. But you thought he was speaking about someone else.

Tough shit.

She clutched him to her bosom, “You’re so beautiful,” she cried
“But if I hadn’t brought you in by now you might have died”
She stroked his pretty skin again and kissed and held him tight
Instead of saying thanks, the snake gave her a vicious bite
“Take me in, tender woman
Take me in, for heaven’s sake
Take me in, tender woman,” sighed the snake
“I saved you,” cried the woman
“And you’ve bitten me, but why?
You know your bite is poisonous and now I’m going to die”
“Oh shut up, silly woman,” said the reptile with a grin
“You knew damn well I was a snake before you took me in

Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:17:22pm

re: #340 jaunte

Better call Saul.

wrenchwench  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:17:50pm

re: #339 Blind Frog Belly White

So, anyone have any ideas why this, of all things, had to be done first?

Cui bono?

Is that the question of the next 4 years?

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:17:51pm

re: #338 wrenchwench


Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:18:03pm

re: #339 Blind Frog Belly White

It really made Paul Ryan happy.

goddamnedfrank  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:19:03pm
Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:20:01pm

re: #345 Skip Intro

It really made Paul Ryan happy.

I guess those tax cuts for the top 1% really DON’T pay for themselves.

Jebediah, RBG  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:20:31pm

re: #333 Blind Frog Belly White

I’m in So. California. With most of my elected officials, my disagreements with them and their voting patterns are usually pretty small.

Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:20:47pm

re: #343 wrenchwench

Cui bono?

Is that the question of the next 4 years?

Yes, with the answer almost always “Not Me.”

goddamnedfrank  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:23:25pm
Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:26:14pm

No, they don’t. And after 40+ years of the Right undermining any source of facts, what do you expect?

[deleted]  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:27:03pm
Charles Johnson  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:29:41pm

I don’t condone this kind of violence at all, and I’d never do something like this. But if anyone deserves a punch in the face it’s this rancid Nazi piece of shit.

Moebym  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:30:50pm

re: #334 Lidane

My fellow real estate agents at my company were all so gung-ho about 2017 being our “best year ever”, and our CEO seems to be quite happy that Trump is president. (No one has actually admitted to voting for him, but I have my suspicions.)

I’m wondering how they’re feeling about this new development.

Mattand  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:31:04pm

re: #333 Blind Frog Belly White

I get a little tired of the haranguing, myself. If I were to run for office, for any local, county, state, or federal office below President, I’d be running against a Democrat who votes the way I’d vote. I’m lucky that way, but I bet a lot of us here are similarly lucky.

I’m an atheist, in supposedly liberal NJ. The few acquaintances I’ve admitted playing for the A team to looked like I had just dropped 5 binders of child porn in their laps. I can only imagine the death threats we’d get.

JasonA  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:31:12pm

re: #352 jaunte

[Embedded content]

I’m leaning towards fake.

jaunte  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:31:35pm

re: #356 JasonA

Yes, fake.

Mattand  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:33:08pm

re: #353 Charles Johnson

I don’t condone this kind of violence at all, and I’d never do something like this. But if anyone deserves a punch in the face it’s this rancid Nazi piece of shit.

[Embedded content]

That’s what kills me about a lot of this. Basically the GOP is shacking up with Nazis. Christ, I thought the mouth breathers in the Tea Party were awful.

nines09  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:33:37pm

re: #353 Charles Johnson

I lean towards the Woody Allen model.

Woody Allen on Nazis

allegro  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:34:01pm

re: #359 Mattand

That’s what kills me about a lot of this. Basically the GOP is shacking up with Nazis. Christ, I thought the mouth breathers in the Tea Party were awful.

This is the tea party all growed up.

Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:34:40pm

re: #353 Charles Johnson

Anger is good. Sometimes it’s necessary for survival.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:36:41pm

re: #299 goddamnedfrank

I don’t even care about that. The fact that she makes excuses for (“boy talk”) and runs interference for her serially abusive husband (who she only remains married to for money) while having pretenses of becoming some national point person for an anti-bullying movement is fucking Orwellian however.


I also did not appreciate that bullshit bogus argument being dragged up from a previous thread as if it was some sort of valid bone of contention that wasn’t gnawed on enough earlier.

Quite frankly, it was given all the attention it deserved downstairs (which is to say nil)

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:36:44pm
makeitstop  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:37:47pm

re: #353 Charles Johnson

I don’t condone this kind of violence at all, and I’d never do something like this. But if anyone deserves a punch in the face it’s this rancid Nazi piece of shit.

Oddly, I sort of enjoyed that.

allegro  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:38:12pm

re: #360 nines09

I lean towards the Woody Allen model.

[Embedded content]


I go more for the Soupy Sales approach.

Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:40:57pm

re: #361 allegro

This is the tea party all growed up.

Indeed, this was really all the Tea Party was ever about - white revanchism. It was born in a rant by a commodities trader at the prospect of the Government - which had just bailed out the Finance industry - doing something to help homeowners who were underwater and/or unable to pay their mortgages.

Why? Because in their minds, those bad mortgages were taken out by undeserving minorities, and the banks were forced to write them by Jimmy Carter and Barney Frank, while the Republican majorities in the House and Senate were powerless to do anything.

Scottish Dragon  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:41:12pm

Rod fucking Dreher was just cheering for this on twitter…

I’m gonna stop right there before I write something that Charles has to put me in time out for.

teleskiguy  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:43:06pm
Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:45:26pm

re: #368 Scottish Dragon

Rod fucking Dreher was just cheering for this on twitter…

[Embedded content]

I’m gonna stop right there before I write something that Charles has to put m in time out for.

“Biological truth”? How much you want to bet this fuckhead’s belief in “biological truth” doesn’t extend to Evolution?

Not only that, but the biological truth is that your there are few, if any, hard-and-fast categories like the simpleminded like to imagine, and the attempt to squeeze a multifaceted phenomenon like gender into two categories flies in the face of reality.

goddamnedfrank  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:46:23pm
Charles Johnson  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:46:27pm

This is awesome.

ObserverArt  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:46:56pm

re: #358 klys (maker of Silmarils)

[Embedded content]

After reading some of this thread, I want to again say if this country finds its way out of this mess it is going to be accomplished to a large part due to the women of this country.

There is a large contingent of ladies from Columbus heading to DC for tomorrow too. Buses left town about 5 PM.

Go ladies go! All the power to you.

ObserverArt  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:47:56pm

re: #353 Charles Johnson

I don’t condone this kind of violence at all, and I’d never do something like this. But if anyone deserves a punch in the face it’s this rancid Nazi piece of shit.

[Embedded content]

I don’t condone it either. But you know, sometimes hate brings hate back to you.

Jebediah, RBG  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:49:33pm

re: #375 ObserverArt

Yeah, it’s not like he got walloped for rescuing kittens or something!

allegro  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:54:50pm

re: #369 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

I’ll miss feeling pride in being an American more.

austin_blue  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:57:42pm

So the big LGBTQ (and supporters) rally is going on down on Auditorium Shores. There appear to be, by the volume, several thousand people in attendance. She Who Must Be Obeyed and I have the back of the house porch doors open, listening. It’s really LOUD.


ObserverArt  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:58:21pm

Later LGF gang. Got guitars to tune, etc.

nines09  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:58:47pm

re: #375 ObserverArt

I don’t condone it either. But you know, sometimes hate brings hate back to you.

I came from a violent background. You were expected to “take care of yourself.” By any means. I taught my sons to walk from trouble. If you must, run from trouble. But if you cannot get away from trouble, you better be ready to tear its face off. There are far too many Nazis who feel no fear of retribution. That only makes them come that much harder.

austin_blue  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:59:19pm

re: #353 Charles Johnson

I don’t condone this kind of violence at all, and I’d never do something like this. But if anyone deserves a punch in the face it’s this rancid Nazi piece of shit.

[Embedded content]

That racist fuckwit? I agree completely. And good to get it done now. It may soon be a felony and not a simple assault.

gocart mozart  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:59:21pm
Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 3:59:54pm

re: #377 allegro

I’ll miss feeling pride in being an American more.

No shit. Once upon a time I thought what made America great was not the wars we’d won, or how wealthy we were, or how many Olympic medals we won. It was that we always believed we could do better, in the things that matter - more freedom for more people, more opportunity. We’ve done terrible things in the past but we always strive to d better and so our best days are always ahead.

Yeah, well. That was a nice thought, wasn’t it? The crowd that’s now running things firmly believes that our best days were back when we did some of the worst things, and that the fact that we stopped doing those things is why we became, somehow, less great.

Jebediah, RBG  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:01:05pm

re: #377 allegro

I don’t know if I could pick the ONE thing I will miss most - and I think the list will evolve, anyway, as each new Trumpian shitastrophe unfolds. I think many of us will be saying things like “holy shit, I never thought I would have to say I miss having a president who doesn’t make fart noises with his mouth during SOTU addresses!”

CuriousLurker  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:01:08pm

re: #370 klys (maker of Silmarils)

[Embedded content]

re: #373 Charles Johnson

This is awesome.

[Embedded content]

Vile and ingrate! too late thou shalt repent
The base Injustice thou hast done my Love:
Yes, thou shalt know, spite of thy past Distress,
And all those Ills which thou so long hast mourn’d;
Heav’n has no Rage, like Love to Hatred turn’d,
Nor Hell a Fury, like a Woman scorn’d.
The Mourning Bride

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:02:53pm

re: #383 Blind Frog Belly White

No shit. Once upon a time I thought what made America great was not the wars we’d won, or how wealthy we were, or how many Olympic medals we won. It was that we always believed we could do better, in the things that matter - more freedom for more people, more opportunity. We’ve done terrible things in the past but we always strive to d better and so our best days are always ahead.

Yeah, well. That was a nice thought, wasn’t it? The crowd that’s now running things firmly believes that our best days were back when we did some of the worst things, and that the fact that we stopped doing those things is why we became, somehow, less great.

If we fail to resist, I’ll lose my pride.

If we accept this as normal, I’ll lose my pride.

We’re made up of humans, just like any other country. Humans sometimes make really boneheaded mistakes. It’s how you respond that counts.

If we fuck up the response, I’ll lose my pride. But I’m not giving up yet.

Jebediah, RBG  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:03:04pm
lockjawcanbefun  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:03:17pm

re: #382 gocart mozart

Charles Johnson  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:05:04pm


austin_blue  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:05:41pm

re: #377 allegro

I’ll miss feeling pride in being an American more.

Tell me about it. I’ve got to go to Scotland in the spring. Imagine my mortification. I’ve known many of these good people for over a decade and they’ll demand an explanation, and I’ll be all like “aba-dah-aba-dee Boris Johnson!”.

teleskiguy  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:06:31pm
Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:06:35pm

re: #387 Jebediah, RBG

[Embedded content]

That email from that former Nigerian Finance Minister.

BeachDem  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:07:15pm

re: #367 Blind Frog Belly White

Indeed, this was really all the Tea Party was ever about - white revanchism. It was born in a rant by a commodities trader at the prospect of the Government - which had just bailed out the Finance industry - doing something to help homeowners who were underwater and/or unable to pay their mortgages.

Why? Because in their minds, those bad mortgages were taken out by undeserving minorities, and the banks were forced to write them by Jimmy Carter and Barney Frank, while the Republican majorities in the House and Senate were powerless to do anything.

Yep. My wingut brother blames Barney Frank for everything that has ever gone wrong since time immemorial.

Jebediah, RBG  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:07:16pm

re: #392 Blind Frog Belly White

You got one too? Wanna split the money?

electrotek  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:07:23pm

In other news, today marks the 20th anniversary of a seminal and ground-breaking album from a certain Parisian duo who came from humble origins in the Paris rave scene in the mid-90s:

teleskiguy  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:08:10pm
Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:08:29pm

re: #394 Jebediah, RBG

You got one too? Wanna split the money?

Sure! You go ahead and open the account, and deposit the seed money like they asked. Let me know your routing information…..

MsJ  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:08:52pm

re: #382 gocart mozart

Jebediah, RBG  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:09:31pm

re: #395 electrotek

Hey !
I don’t usually get through listening the music posts until days later, but I wanted to thank you for posting that William Onyeabor. That was great! (And I thought the video was cute, too.)

goddamnedfrank  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:09:41pm
Jebediah, RBG  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:10:21pm

re: #397 Blind Frog Belly White

Well, kind of thought we could do it the other way around…

Moebym  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:10:27pm
electrotek  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:11:24pm

re: #399 Jebediah, RBG

Hey !
I don’t usually get through listening the music posts until days later, but I wanted to thank you for posting that William Onyeabor. That was great! (And I thought the video was cute, too.)

Anytime man. He was an awesome artist who was ahead of his time in his native Nigeria even back then. Glad that his music still brings joy even after his passing a few days ago.

prairiefire  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:11:42pm

re: #319 Unshaken Defiance

Barron looking sad again.

Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:11:59pm

Scary picture of the day.

goddamnedfrank  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:13:07pm
Charles Johnson  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:14:35pm
Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:15:35pm

re: #393 BeachDem

Yep. My wingut brother blames Barney Frank for everything that has ever gone wrong since time immemorial.

I’ve heard it a gazillion times - the whole Mortgage Bubble and subsequence financial crisis were Barney Frank’s fault.

When I’d point out that Frank was in the MINORITY PARTY, in the strictly majoritarian House, and ask how someone in that position was able to stop the MAJORITY party from doing anything, they’d post a link to some video. Never - not once - did any of them point to any legislation that the GOP had proposed, or any rule change or anything the GOP did to prevent it. They would occasionally say that the House GOP caucus ‘knew’ they couldn’t pass anything, so they never proposed it.

prairiefire  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:15:35pm

re: #404 prairiefire

Barron looking sad again.

He might be having some emotional/mental difficulties, I hope he has his space and I wish the best for the little guy. I do not envy him.

Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:16:07pm

re: #401 Jebediah, RBG

Well, kind of thought we could do it the other way around…

Yeah. I’ll have to get back to you on that one…

CuriousLurker  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:16:12pm

re: #389 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]


I saw (before I blocked him) that this asshole also has a bunch of anti-Muslim crap in his timeline and seems to hold all Muslims collectively responsible for the actions of a few, yet heaven forfend anyone not have sympathy for racist white nationalists. I’m shocked I tell you, SHOCKED!

Lidane  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:16:41pm

The one highlight of this utterly shitty day has been watching that Nazi asshole Richard Spencer get punched in the face:

Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:17:21pm

re: #409 prairiefire

He might be having some emotional/mental difficulties, I hope he has his space and I wish the best for the little guy. I do not envy him.

Poor kid. Saddled with that father. Look how fucked up Evita, Uday and Qusay are.

gocart mozart  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:17:25pm
Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:17:35pm

re: #353 Charles Johnson

Spencer is a worthless subhuman. No sympathy from me.

teleskiguy  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:18:03pm
lockjawcanbefun  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:18:32pm

My only disappointment is that the punch wasn’t the Jacques Rougeau/Dynamite Kid special. (Gosh help you if you know that reference)

Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:18:48pm

re: #409 prairiefire

My guess is it’s autism, which is why Trump is an anti-vaxxer. It sure can’t be there’s something wrong with god emperor Trump’s precious bodily fluids.

Maybe his mom ought to use that as her platform.

teleskiguy  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:19:17pm
prairiefire  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:19:34pm

re: #412 Lidane

My Spencer ancestor had a son with his slave and freed him upon his death. North Carolina, makes me wonder if Octavia Spencer is a relative.

allegro  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:19:59pm

re: #415 Myron Falwell

Spencer is a worthless subhuman. No sympathy from me.

Yeah, I fail in sympathy. But I would have preferred to see him laughed at and humiliated with a shaving cream pie in the face rather than made a victim of a fist assault.

Barefoot Grin  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:20:42pm

re: #382 gocart mozart

[Embedded content]

Flint drinking water.

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:20:58pm

re: #405 Skip Intro

Scary picture of the day.

[Embedded content]

C3PO- How horrid

goddamnedfrank  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:20:59pm
Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:21:50pm

re: #418 Skip Intro

My guess is it’s autism, which is why Trump is an anti-vaxxer. It sure can’t be there’s something wrong with god emperor Trump’s precious bodily fluids.

Maybe his mom ought to use that as her platform.

It could also be that Trump is simply a shitty father. Don-Don, Eric and Ivanka are testimonials to that.

Jebediah, RBG  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:22:17pm

re: #409 prairiefire

He might be having some emotional/mental difficulties, I hope he has his space and I wish the best for the little guy. I do not envy him.

Nope, don’t envy him one bit. Bad enough to have that asspimple for a father - it is now going to be very difficult for him to not be exposed, regularly, to how much his father is loathed.

Scottish Dragon  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:22:58pm
Belafon  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:23:20pm

re: #334 Lidane

Day One and this orange motherfucker is already affecting my job:

[Embedded content]

My marketing work is with homebuilders, who supported the mortgage premium cut because hey, they like being able to sell houses. We even just published blogs this week across several builders talking about how the FHA mortgage premium cut would help homeowners and save them money in the long run.

Today we had to take everything down and reverse course until someone with a brain can convince the jabbering fuckwits who will now run HUD that they really don’t want to make it harder to sell homes to the middle class.

I’m curious how many of them voted for Trump.

prairiefire  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:24:41pm

re: #418 Skip Intro

If only she could be so progressive. She’s very protective of him. Apparently her parents care for him quite a bit.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:25:35pm

re: #426 Jebediah, RBG

Nope, don’t envy him one bit. Bad enough to have that asspimple for a father - it is now going to be very difficult for him to not be exposed, regularly, to how much his father is loathed.

I’m going to do my best to pretend he doesn’t exist, in a lot of ways, at least when it comes to people in that family I pay attention to. He shouldn’t be in the news or photographed at all unless it is a formal event like this - and even then, I’m not going to comment on it.

It’s the same approach I’ve tried to take toward the Obama kids, as much as possible.

BigBadDemocrat  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:26:37pm

Why did this happen?

electrotek  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:28:45pm
Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:28:50pm

re: #425 Myron Falwell

It could also be that Trump is simply a shitty father. Don-Don, Eric and Ivanka are testimonials to that.

These are not mutually exclusive.

Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:30:05pm

re: #427 Scottish Dragon

[Embedded content]

we’re gonna be doin’ one thing and one thing only…
Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:30:07pm

Shorter lamestream (local) media: OH MY GOD THAT POOR TRASHCAN!1!!


Scottish Dragon  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:30:07pm
Scottish Dragon  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:31:08pm

re: #434 Blind Frog Belly White

I Hate Illinois Nazis

teleskiguy  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:31:12pm
Jebediah, RBG  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:31:18pm

re: #430 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Yes. The adult kids, fine, but minors should just be left alone as completely as possible.

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:31:50pm

re: #433 Skip Intro

These are not mutually exclusive.

Use autism claims with Bannon to excuse his shitty behavior.

If that happens, BTW, I will be pissed off. Trump would effectively be using his own minor son as a marketing ploy. No self-respecting father would do that to their kid.

CuriousLurker  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:32:52pm

re: #425 Myron Falwell

It could also be that Trump is simply a shitty father. Don-Don, Eric and Ivanka are testimonials to that.

I was thinking about that today, wondering if Barron’s dad is teaching him to bully, to try to intimidate based on his (father’s) position: “If anyone picks on you tell them your dad’s the president.” I can easily imagine Von ClownStick saying it. Obama? Never in a million years. I can almost see the poor kid trying it: “Do you know who I am??” Which will immediately make any bad reaction 100 times worse.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:33:00pm

re: #439 Jebediah, RBG

Yes. The adult kids, fine, but minors should just be left alone as completely as possible.

Absolutely. I can’t dictate anyone else’s standards, of course, but I’m not giving up the things I value just because I hate the person in the White House right now, and that includes the standards I hold myself to.

Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:33:04pm

re: #431 BigBadDemocrat

Why did this happen?

Can you be more specific?

compound_Idaho  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:33:56pm

re: #408 Blind Frog Belly White


Barney Frank said there was no problem.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:34:03pm
scottslemmons  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:35:00pm

Someone introduce Buzz Aldrin to Richard Spencer, okay?

Scottish Dragon  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:35:56pm

re: #446 scottslemmons

Someone introduce Buzz Aldrin to Richard Spencer, okay?

Hell, somebody introduce George Foreman to Richard Spencer….

Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:36:27pm

re: #444 compound_Idaho


Barney Frank said there was no problem.

So did Alan Greenspan, but only one of them was in any position of power to do anything about it, and it wasn’t Barney Frank.

That makes a gazillion and one.

CuriousLurker  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:37:31pm

Ugh, not in the mood for this guy. 🤢

Later, lizards.

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:40:08pm

re: #446 scottslemmons
re: #447 Scottish Dragon

I think it would go something like this:

Kevin Nash vs Hulk Hogan Fingerpoke of Doom I Worst Wrestling Matches

BeachDem  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:40:19pm

re: #446 scottslemmons

Someone introduce Buzz Aldrin to Richard Spencer, okay?

Comment at RawStory:

I found that very disturbing and hard to watch until the 10th viewing…Now I’m all good with it!


Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:40:46pm

re: #449 CuriousLurker

Ugh, not in the mood for this guy. 🤢

Later, lizards.

Later, and thanks for the Twitter follow! 🙂

gocart mozart  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:41:08pm
thedopefishlives  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:41:17pm

re: #449 CuriousLurker

Ugh, not in the mood for this guy. 🤢

Later, lizards.

What did I miss?

Evening Lizardim.

Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:42:41pm

re: #454 thedopefishlives

What did I miss?

Evening Lizardim.

Was it Compound W?

BigBadDemocrat  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:43:43pm

Exactly how did Trump get elected?

Who messed up

How do we fix this

Does not matter what we think of Trump now

Who screwed up

How do we fix this

Lost Senate
Lost House
Lost Governers
Lost Mayors


CuriousLurker  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:43:53pm

re: #454 thedopefishlives

Note the down-dings. Apparently, I’m not alone, heh.

thedopefishlives  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:44:10pm

re: #455 Blind Frog Belly White

Was it Compound W?

Oh. That. Right then. Carry on.

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:44:21pm

re: #454 thedopefishlives

What did I miss?

Evening Lizardim.

Richard Spencer got socked in the face.

Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:45:24pm

So, how’s that “Extreme Vetting” working out?

Is it possible he was thinking about pussygrabbing and meant ‘Extreme Petting’?

thedopefishlives  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:46:19pm

re: #459 Myron Falwell

Richard Spencer got socked in the face.

I’m not going to ask if he deserved it, because of course he did. I think the question is if it was appropriate to the situation.

thedopefishlives  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:47:08pm

re: #460 Blind Frog Belly White

[Embedded content]

So, how’s that “Extreme Vetting” working out?

Is it possible he was thinking about pussygrabbing and meant ‘Extreme Petting’?

This is what happens when the Rage Furby advises you on your nominees. The guy doesn’t research shit.

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:47:48pm
allegro  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:48:11pm

They can feel embarrassment? Huh.

Scottish Dragon  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:48:30pm

Anybody has a problem with punching Nazis…I invite to go read this:


Spencer got off light.

Skip Intro  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:49:53pm

re: #460 Blind Frog Belly White

[Embedded content]

So, how’s that “Extreme Vetting” working out?

Is it possible he was thinking about pussygrabbing and meant ‘Extreme Petting’?

How could the “blind trust” have missed so much?

Bubblehead II  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:50:27pm

Mu current mental state.

Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:51:41pm

Gee, there’s nothing like a badly written headline in a moment of national uncertainty. Thanks, AP!

Shiplord Kirel  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:51:45pm

re: #353 Charles Johnson

I don’t condone this kind of violence at all, and I’d never do something like this. But if anyone deserves a punch in the face it’s this rancid Nazi piece of shit.

[Embedded content]

Just imagine, though, if he were a Moon landing denier (and a lot of these analoids are) we would have a twofer.

thedopefishlives  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:51:46pm

re: #467 Bubblehead II

Mu current mental state.

[Embedded content]

I had one of those bottles on the left. Key word: had. It went away last night. Along with a large quantity of rum.

Timothy Watson  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:53:32pm

Trashcan lives matter!!1!

allegro  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:53:45pm

Lighting a cigarette. Yeah, I quit 6 years ago. Seemed like a good idea today. No reason. Really.

Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:53:55pm

re: #466 Skip Intro

How could the “blind trust” have missed so much?

Somebody should tell that asshole who just got sworn in that when we say “Blind Trust”, we do not mean we will blindly trust him not to continue to be as corrupt in the public sector as he’s always been in the private.

De Kolta Chair  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:57:20pm

re: #472 allegro

I don’t blame you. Now, don’t do it again.

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:58:11pm

re: #461 thedopefishlives

I’m not going to ask if he deserved it, because of course he did. I think the question is if it was appropriate to the situation.

I would second an above comment that a whipped cream pie would have been more effective and more humiliating to Spencer. Plus there’s no physical injury, just a room full of Nelson Muntzes pointing and laughing.

dell*nix  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:58:30pm

re: #398 MsJ

Overnight left out tuna fish salad sandwich.

allegro  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:58:46pm

re: #474 De Kolta Chair

I don’t blame you. Now, don’t do it again.

Thank you. I told my liquor store buddy to cut me off if I tried to buy any more.

allegro  Jan 20, 2017 • 4:59:24pm

re: #475 Myron Falwell

I would second an above comment that a whipped cream pie would have been more effective and more humiliating to Spencer. Plus there’s no physical injury, just a room full of Nelson Muntzes pointing and laughing.

Shaving cream. I’d hate to see perfectly good whipped cream go to waste.

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 5:00:42pm

re: #478 allegro

Shaving cream. I’d hate to see perfectly good whipped cream go to waste.

“and I stepped in a pile of shhhhh…..aaaaving cream…”

Blind Frog Belly White  Jan 20, 2017 • 5:01:12pm

re: #478 allegro

Shaving cream. I’d hate to see perfectly good whipped cream go to waste.

How about Cool Whip?

Myron Falwell  Jan 20, 2017 • 5:03:58pm

re: #480 Blind Frog Belly White

How about Cool Whip?

Mmmm… Pistol Whip…

allegro  Jan 20, 2017 • 5:10:48pm

re: #480 Blind Frog Belly White

How about Cool Whip?

Naw, Cool Whip is nasty but still tastes better than shaving cream.

Single-handed sailor  Jan 20, 2017 • 5:14:04pm

re: #467 Bubblehead II

I’m going heavily into my cannabis edibles and drinking Mt Gay and coke while I wait for my beer to chill.

stpaulbear  Jan 20, 2017 • 5:26:33pm

re: #475 Myron Falwell

I would second an above comment that a whipped cream pie would have been more effective and more humiliating to Spencer. Plus there’s no physical injury, just a room full of Nelson Muntzes pointing and laughing.

I watched one of my U of M professors get hit with a cream pie in front of a couple hundred students while he was lecturing. It was incredibly humiliating for him. There was a rumor he was going to get it at some point, but it was really a shock when it actually happened.

True story. There were postings around campus for a ‘company’ called Pie Kill Ltd. You could hire them to hit someone with a cream pie. I don’t know how many people they actually hit, but it was enough to make it a real thing.

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