Rep. Todd Akin (R-12th Century): “I Misspoke”

Caveman have bad day
Wingnuts • Views: 27,597

As a dim awareness begins to dawn on him that he’s totally stepped in it this time, Rep. Todd Akin manages to croak, “I misspoke.”

“In reviewing my off-the-cuff remarks, it’s clear that I misspoke in this interview and it does not reflect the deep empathy I hold for the thousands of women who are raped and abused every year,” Akin said in a statement. He promised rape victims “will have no stronger advocate in the Senate to help ensure they have the justice they deserve” if he is elected.

Please note, however, that the bastard continues to insist that a woman who is raped and becomes pregnant should be forced to bear her rapist’s child.

“I recognize that abortion, and particularly in the case of rape, is a very emotionally charged issue. But I believe deeply in the protection of all life and I do not believe that harming another innocent victim is the right course of action. I also recognize that there are those who, like my opponent, support abortion and I understand I may not have their support in this election.”

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1 dragonfire1981  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:34:35pm


2 bratwurst  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:36:43pm

Ah, a variation on the old Rush Limbaugh "it's SATIRE!!!!!11!!!" defense!

3 lawhawk  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:37:31pm

He misspoke? Entire phrases of his conversation were misrepresenting his position? Really?

The con(servative) is play his con(stituents), who will fall for it.

4 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:37:35pm

Non-apology "apologies" suck and waste time...just as Akin does.

5 darthstar  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:38:05pm

Words matter:

6 allegro  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:38:53pm

Yeah, I'm so feeling your deep empathy, asshole.

7 dragonfire1981  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:39:13pm

Helpful tip for the GOP: Women vote.

8 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:40:23pm

Then I'd ask Rep. Akin, if he believes that the child an innocent who should not be harmed, if he also believes that the government has some obligation to help the mother through the pregnancy and subsequent rearing of her rapist's child.

My guess is no, he thinks she's shit outta luck.

9 DREd  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:40:49pm

Reading that it's not even clear how he thinks he misspoke.

10 The Ghost of a Flea  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:41:15pm

And now people will pretend that this statement was some kind of gaffe, and that Akin is some kind of outlier...

...but his statement is just a pseudoscientific outcropping of the logic that underpins attempts to alter the legal definition of rape by GOP legislators. Somehow all of the agency...and blame...lies with the victim, and she...or the suspect party. The rapist is somehow excused their motives and treated like some kind of Act of God.

11 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:41:28pm

At least he's consistent. If one actually believe that personhood or ensoulment or whatever occurs at conception then I don't see why rape should make a difference in the status of an entity that's blameless in the circumstances surrounding its creation.

Of course I think sentience / self awareness should be the point where a discussion of comparative rights even begins, that "life" is irrelevant and that this entire personhood debate was settled at the other end with the Terri Schiavo case.

12 Aye Pod  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:41:41pm

Suggested campaign song for the GOP:

Night from ice and I.

13 allegro  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:42:08pm
But I believe deeply in the protection of all life and I do not believe that harming another innocent victim is the right course of action.

Unless that innocent victim is a woman who he can rape a second time with his vicious, backwards theocratic bullshit. Man, there are no words to express my contempt for this... this... I can't even think of anything so low that I would be willing to insult it with a comparison with Akin.

14 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:42:38pm

re: #9 DREd

Reading that it's not even clear how he thinks he misspoke.

He opened his mouth and his actual opinion came out.

15 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:43:13pm


Why don't you libtards get a sense of humor already?


16 The Ghost of a Flea  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:44:09pm

re: #11 goddamnedfrank

At least he's consistent. If one actually believe that personhood or ensoulment or whatever occurs at conception then I don't see why rape should make a difference in the status of an entity that's blameless in the circumstances surrounding it's creation.

Of course I think sentience / self awareness should be the point where a discussion of comparative rights even begins, that "life" is irrelevant and that this entire personhood debate was settled at the other end with the Terri Schiavo case.

Consistency isn't much of a virtue when he's also making an argument that amounts to "if the victim got pregnant, the perpetrator isn't a rapist."

So 5% of rapists are implicitly innocent.

17 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:44:57pm

re: #15 Lidane


I wonder how El Rushbo the Hutt is gonna spin this tomorrow...

18 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:45:09pm

re: #11 goddamnedfrank

At least he's consistent. If one actually believe that personhood or ensoulment or whatever occurs at conception then I don't see why rape should make a difference in the status of an entity that's blameless in the circumstances surrounding it's creation.

Of course I think sentience / self awareness should be the point where a discussion of comparative rights even begins, that "life" is irrelevant and that this entire personhood debate was settled at the other end with the Terri Schiavo case.

On that we'd agree, Akin's is at least consistent. I hate to use the word, but I do respect someone who takes his beliefs to their logical conclusion rather than trying to weasel out of them by making "exceptions." Men like Akin, who say there is never an exception, at least make it clear that they're theocratic assholes than their career-minded brethren who try to carve out "exceptions" just to avoid the label that they rightly deserve.

19 Kragar  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:47:52pm

" I never expected people to report what I said."

20 Interesting Times  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:48:38pm
21 Only The Lurker Knows  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:48:59pm

Please stand by. I need to pound my head against a brick wall until I inflict enough damage to my brain to even understand were this asshole is coming from. Then again, perhaps not. I would lay odds this ass hole would find a way to get his Wife an abortion if she was raped and became pregnant from it. But that's different, because, you know, he and his wife are special.


22 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:49:05pm

re: #7 dragonfire1981

Helpful tip for the GOP: Women vote.

The hardcore RWNJs would rather women weren't allowed to vote.

Or blacks. Or anyone who isn't a God-fearing, white, male property owner.

23 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:51:13pm

re: #18 Targetpractice

On that we'd agree, Akin's is at least consistent. I hate to use the word, but I do respect someone who takes his beliefs to their logical conclusion rather than trying to weasel out of them by making "exceptions." Men like Akin, who say there is never an exception, at least make it clear that they're theocratic assholes than their career-minded brethren who try to carve out "exceptions" just to avoid the label that they rightly deserve.

The important point to take away from this is that when you're dealing with someone who is against abortion because "life begins at conception," you should just assume that they're flat out lying to you when they claim to be in favor of exceptions in cases of rape or incest.

24 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:52:22pm

re: #21 Bubblehead II

Please stand by. I need to pound my head against a brick wall until I inflict enough damage to my brain to even understand were this asshole is coming from. Then again, perhaps not. I would lay odds this ass hole would find a way to get his Wife an abortion if she was raped and became pregnant from it. But that's different, because, you know, he and his wife are special.


Sure he would. If it was his wife or his daughter who this happened to, they'd be quick to find a physician who they could pay to perform the abortion and keep it quiet. And if they couldn't find one, then it's just a simple matter of jumping on the private jet and making a short trip to the closest pro-choice country.

25 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:52:53pm

re: #22 TedStriker

Or anyone who isn't a God-fearing, white, straight Christian male property owner.


26 The Ghost of a Flea  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:53:01pm

re: #17 TedStriker

I wonder how El Rushbo the Hutt is gonna spin this tomorrow...

Sluts...uppity-ness...guilty of having vaginas in a public and unauthorized private settings.... Feminzais are the real rapists, because it's completely understandable that men are incapable of policing their own sexual urges and should be given discretionary Viagra to allow them to rut freely.

27 The Ghost of a Flea  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 3:58:31pm

re: #25 Lidane

Or anyone who isn't a God-fearing (or at least puts on a good show), white, straight (or carefully closeted) Christian (by which we means Rapture-ready Protestant who doesn't read the Bible, but lets David Barton and Tim LaHaye tell them what's in it) male property owner (but only if the property is impressive enough and you're not doing anything fruity with it, like organic gardening or running a co-op).


28 wrenchwench  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:04:18pm

re: #23 goddamnedfrank

The important point to take away from this is that when you're dealing with someone who is against abortion because "life begins at conception," you should just assume that they're flat out lying to you when they claim to be in favor of exceptions in cases of rape or incest.

And you should also assume that someone who says "life begins at conception" means that women count for less than a zygote.

I'd like to inform such morons that if life begins when the sperm enters the egg, then God is the biggest abortionist of all, since half or more of those little lives are flushed out in a normal period.

29 darthstar  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:06:02pm

Not a good day to be named Todd #Akin

30 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:07:45pm

"I believe life begins at arousal !!!"
-Dan Halen

31 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:08:18pm

re: #28 wrenchwench

And you should also assume that someone who says "life begins at conception" means that women count for less than a zygote.

I'd like to inform such morons that if life begins when the sperm enters the egg, then God is the biggest abortionist of all, since half or more of those little lives are flushed out in a normal period.

Apologies to Einstein, but God does play dice with the universe.

32 William Barnett-Lewis  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:09:07pm

re: #18 Targetpractice

On that we'd agree, Akin's is at least consistent. I hate to use the word, but I do respect someone who takes his beliefs to their logical conclusion rather than trying to weasel out of them by making "exceptions." Men like Akin, who say there is never an exception, at least make it clear that they're theocratic assholes than their career-minded brethren who try to carve out "exceptions" just to avoid the label that they rightly deserve.

I'd agree but it would require a Godwin...

33 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:09:46pm

re: #28 wrenchwench

And you should also assume that someone who says "life begins at conception" means that women count for less than a zygote.

I'd like to inform such morons that if life begins when the sperm enters the egg, then God is the biggest abortionist of all, since half or more of those little lives are flushed out in a normal period.

I'd have to look up the stats again, but IIRC, something like 70-80% of all fertilized eggs don't implant into the uterine wall. Have a friend whose wife had to use IVF and he said the doctor was up-front about the odds of one treatment being successful.

34 wrenchwench  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:11:14pm

re: #33 Targetpractice

I'd have to look up the stats again

That's what I was avoiding...

/back to the paperwork...

35 Kragar  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:11:31pm

re: #31 TedStriker

Apologies to Einstein, but God does play dice with the universe.

Correction: God plays Calvinball with the universe.

36 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:13:33pm

re: #35 Kragar

Correction: God plays Calvinball with the universe.

Correction to the correction: God comes to Earth to play Skee-Ball...and she's pretty good.


37 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:17:31pm

Oh, this should be fun:

Ryan Hailed Akin’s ‘Leadership’ During Missouri Senate Primary

Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO), whose comments Sunday that “legitimate rape” is biologically unlikely to cause pregnancy sparked a firestorm, earned gushing praise from Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) last year when he declared his candidacy for Senate. His comments were so glowing that Ryan had to clarify later that they did not constitute an endorsement.

38 Kragar  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:18:47pm

re: #36 TedStriker

Correction to the correction: God comes to Earth to play Skee-Ball...and she's pretty good.


She plays skeeball on Earth. She plays Calvin ball with the Universe. There is a distinction.

39 Only The Lurker Knows  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:19:35pm

re: #24 Targetpractice

Sure he would. If it was his wife or his daughter who this happened to, they'd be quick to find a physician who they could pay to perform the abortion (in State) and keep it quiet. And if they couldn't find one, then it's just a simple matter of jumping on into the private jet car and making a short trip to the closest pro-choice country State.

FTFY. No public travel records.

40 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:19:50pm

re: #37 Lidane

Oh, this should be fun:

Ryan Hailed Akin’s ‘Leadership’ During Missouri Senate Primary

And Ryan, if the media ever gets its lips off his ass long enough to ask him a question, will shrug and say that that was before Akin's latest comments, which of course Ryan totally disagrees with and does not endorse.

41 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:20:21pm


Northern Ohio weather has gone from 90+ degrees daily all summer, to highs in the low/mid 70's.

Just came back from 2 grocery stores, and I could barely find decent fresh fruits and veggies. The ones they had were ugly and over-priced.
I'm gonna try a couple farmer's markets tomorrow, but I think I'm screwed.

42 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:20:58pm

So had there been no outcry he wouldn't have claimed he misspoke.

43 jaunte  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:21:02pm
But I believe deeply in the protection of all life and I do not believe that harming another innocent victim is the right course of action.

One end of this line of thinking is the imprisonment of women who suffer ectopic pregnancies until they can be investigated and (maybe) cleared of murder.

44 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:21:33pm

Waiting for the MBF now...

Legitimate Rape = Unchained

45 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:21:58pm
“In reviewing my off-the-cuff remarks, it’s clear that I misspoke in this interview and it does not reflect the deep empathy I hold for the thousands of women who are raped and abused every year,” Akin said in a statement.

In 2010 there were more than 86,000 reported cases of forcible rape, victim advocate groups and limited studies suggest that far fewer than 30% of all rapes are ever actually reported. So the true number for the year 2010 is most likely something like 300,000 or above. It is not "thousands" Mr. Akins, it is 'hundreds of thousands', and that number only includes actual forcible penetration by a penis. (not foreign objects or fondling)

Close to 60% of all women in polls acknowledge having being molested (or worse) in some manner before reaching adulthood, usually by a relative or a family friend.

Mr. Akin I simply don't believe that you really have any idea of the scope or magnitude of the problem you so blithely dispense with in your campaign platitudes. I kinda wish the sort of activist God that you seem to believe in was real, but just so he could give you a vagina.

46 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:22:33pm

Oh come on man! What Akin said is no worse than what Biden said. You're just showing selective outrage.

47 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:23:12pm

re: #38 Kragar

She plays Calvin ball with the Universe.

Pretty much, yeah. She does.

48 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:23:35pm

re: #43 jaunte

Creeping Sharia indeed...

49 Kragar  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:24:52pm

'Old Ironsides' sets sail in Massachusetts

The USS Constitution, or "Old Ironsides," sailed under her own power Sunday for just the second time in some 130 years.

The Constitution set out on Boston Harbor in Massachusetts to commemorate the 200th anniversary of her victory over a British frigate during the War of 1812. The battle earned Constitution her "Old Ironsides" nickname.

"I cannot think of a better way to honor those who fought in the war as well as celebrate Constitution's successes during the War of 1812 than for the ship to be under sail," said Cmdr. Matt Bonner, Constitution's 72nd commanding officer.

50 nines09  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:25:12pm

This election will be a litmus as too how intelligent women are and if they are paying attention. Why a woman would vote for a GOP candidate for anything is beyond me.

52 Only The Lurker Knows  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:27:38pm

re: #48 OhNoZombies!

Creeping Sharia indeed...

How about blatant radical christianity instead.

/// After all, we ARE a christian nation just as our Founding Father meant us to be. And to ignore that is to invites gods wrath down upon us.

53 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:28:07pm
54 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:31:07pm

re: #53 Targetpractice

There's a fantastic comment at ThinkProgress about it, too:

Based on some preliminary research, if Akin's going to withdraw, he's gotta do it before Tuesday or the Missouri Republicans are stuck with him. Late term abortion of candidacies is frowned upon under Missouri law. [Link:]

55 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:31:11pm

re: #9 DREd

Reading that it's not even clear how he thinks he misspoke.

He "misspoke" by actually committing to a definitive position on an issue (any issue), one he has now been forced to kinda, sorta, walk-back. He should have just stuck to labeling his opponents positions as bad rather than take any himself. So yes, he "misspoke"...

Nowadays politicians can't tell you what they are for, only what they are against, which is of course whatever their opponent is for...

56 engineer cat  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:31:34pm

GOP Discovers Depth Of Ignorance In America Finally Plumbed

will explore options including importing offshore ignorance resources on H1 visas

57 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:32:10pm

re: #50 nines09

Remember the outrage over girls getting vaccinated against HPV?

The hubby was discussing the issue at work (engineering firm) with two female employees. One was in her fifties, the other was a recent college graduate, and neither knew what HPV was.
Both were avid GOPers.

58 jvic  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:33:56pm

1. I haven't followed the Abortion Wars closely, but what I've seen of extremes on both sides strikes me as repellent. Akin meets that criterion with room to spare.

2. In 2008 I was going to give McCain my grudging vote when his erratic behavior during the financial crisis changed my mind. This is more important than ideology, I thought. This guy should not be anywhere near The Button.

My reaction to Akin is similar. No way could I vote for him if I lived in MO. This is more important than ideology.

3. re: #18 Targetpractice

On that we'd agree, Akin's is at least consistent. I hate to use the word, but I do respect someone who takes his beliefs to their logical conclusion rather than trying to weasel out of them by making "exceptions." Men like Akin, who say there is never an exception, at least make it clear that they're theocratic assholes than their career-minded brethren who try to carve out "exceptions" just to avoid the label that they rightly deserve.

With respect, I disagree. I consider my intellect limited and fallible. IMHO the conclusions of logical reasoning should be contrasted with belief, empirical experience, feelings, what for lack of a better term I'll call common sense, etc. Even if logic is allowed to overrule these, it shouldn't be followed blindly.

Akin may or may not be a hypocrite, but he is an apologist for dangerous fanaticism.

4. re: #8 Targetpractice

Then I'd ask Rep. Akin, if he believes that the child an innocent who should not be harmed, if he also believes that the government has some obligation to help the mother through the pregnancy and subsequent rearing of her rapist's child.


59 allegro  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:34:19pm

re: #51 Lidane


Growing Number Of Conservatives Call On Akin To Withdraw After ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comments

It isn't because they disagree with him. They don't. It's because he came out and said it. They know damn well that they can't be elected if they tell the truth. THAT was his sin.

60 allegro  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:37:03pm

re: #58 jvic

1. I haven't followed the Abortion Wars closely, but what I've seen of extremes on both sides strikes me as repellent.

Both sides? Pray tell, what is the repellent opposite side to this? Pro-choice?

61 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:37:19pm

re: #52 Bubblehead II

Two sides of the same coin.
The radical Christians wouldn't mind Sharia Law if it were given another name.
Something less foreign-y sounding...
...Christian Constitutional Law !

62 wrenchwench  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:38:18pm

re: #40 Targetpractice

And Ryan, if the media ever gets its lips off his ass long enough to ask him a question, will shrug and say that that was before Akin's latest comments, which of course Ryan totally disagrees with and does not endorse.

Ryan doesn't totally disagree. He's for a Personhood amendment banning ALL abortions.

63 makeitstop  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:38:32pm

re: #59 allegro

It isn't because they disagree with him. They don't. It's because he came out and said it. They know damn well that they can't be elected if they tell the truth. THAT was his sin.

And besides, it's just a few pundits. The MO GOP won't ask him to step down, because he is saying what they all think. There's a reason this numbskull got the nomination - they agree with him.

64 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:39:10pm

re: #59 allegro

It isn't because they disagree with him. They don't. It's because he came out and said it. They know damn well that they can't be elected if they tell the truth. THAT was his sin.


He had the gall to lay out the unofficial official position of the GOP. He offered up pure, unvarnished wingnut to the world. Oops.

65 allegro  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:40:01pm

re: #62 wrenchwench

Ryan doesn't totally disagree. He's for a Personhood amendment banning ALL abortions.

I updinged but I must present a "tsk, tsk." According to Politifact that is only half true. Ryan has said he would support an abortion to save a woman's life in some cases.

What a guy, right?

66 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:40:21pm

re: #62 wrenchwench

Ryan doesn't totally disagree. He's for a Personhood amendment banning ALL abortions.

Depends on whether the media ever asks him or not. If they do, he'll likely say that he was for it, but being brought onto the Romney ticket has caused him to "reevaluate" his position on the matter.

67 wrenchwench  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:40:53pm

re: #58 jvic

I haven't followed the Abortion Wars closely, but what I've seen of extremes on both sides strikes me as repellent.

Can you give an example of something from the side that is not Akin's side that is extreme and repellant?

68 labman57  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:42:40pm

Akin did not "misspeak". He simply divulged the extent of his ignorance about the human body and his lack of empathy toward women -- both of which are common character flaws exhibited by tea party-backed politicians.

And now he's trying to do damage control because his outrageous comments immediately came back to bite him in the ass.

69 Interesting Times  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:44:09pm
70 allegro  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:44:33pm

re: #67 wrenchwench

Can you give an example of something from the side that is not Akin's side that is extreme and repellant?

That's what I'm trying to figure out. For the life of me I can't see anything extreme or repellent about a woman making the choice whether or not to continue a pregnancy. Unless, that is, that a woman having full agency is the extreme and repellent part.

71 Varek Raith  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:44:53pm

"I derped."
-Todd Akin

72 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:45:47pm

re: #69 Interesting Times

[Embedded content]

Which truly is the delicious irony of it all. Conservative says stupid shit, media and conservative blogs rush to defend it and/or make excuses, then conservative responds to backlash by disavowing stupid shit, and the media and blogs howl in outrage.

73 Interesting Times  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:46:20pm

LOL@people who thought Todd Akin couldn't possibly make things worse:

74 Varek Raith  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:48:07pm

re: #73 Interesting Times

LOL@people who thought Todd Akin couldn't possibly make this worse:

[Embedded content]

Fuck you Akin. Fuck you.

Akin's campaign said he'd voted against them because of their price tags and because they put unfunded mandates on the states.

75 wrenchwench  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:49:19pm

re: #70 allegro

That's what I'm trying to figure out. For the life of me I can't see anything extreme or repellent about a woman making the choice whether or not to continue a pregnancy. Unless, that is, that a woman having full agency is the extreme and repellent part.

The only thing I could compare would be forced abortions in China. But presumably jvic is referring to something in North America, at least, constituting 'both sides'.

76 darthstar  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:49:53pm

Ryan's achin' over his praise of Akin

77 Interesting Times  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:50:38pm

re: #75 wrenchwench

Ever notice the initials for the words "Both Sides"? How appropriate, when you consider the typical truthiness of arguments that use the term.

78 Mocking Jay  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:51:00pm

Mitt Romney wouldn't have used those words.

79 darthstar  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:51:08pm
80 Charles Johnson  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:51:52pm
81 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:53:28pm

re: #21 Bubblehead II

Please stand by. I need to pound my head against a brick wall until I inflict enough damage to my brain to even understand were this asshole is coming from. Then again, perhaps not. I would lay odds this ass hole would find a way to get his Wife an abortion if she was raped and became pregnant from it. But that's different, because, you know, he and his wife are special.


Linkie thingie...


82 Only The Lurker Knows  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:54:51pm

re: #61 OhNoZombies!

Two sides of the same coin.
The radical Christians wouldn't mind Sharia Law if it were given another name.
Something less foreign-y sounding...
...Christian Constitutional Law !

Yep. Our way or the nearest pond, bon fire or scaffold. Escape from L.A. come to mind for you young ones. For those a bit older, Revolt in 2100.

The afterword describes three stories which describe the beginning of the theocracy and subsequent beginnings of rebellion against it. "The Sound of His Wings" would have concerned a televangelist named Nehemiah Scudder who rides a populist, racist wave of support to the Presidency. "Eclipse" describes the subsequent collapse of American society with particular emphasis on the withdrawal from space travel by the new regime. "The Stone Pillow" offers the rise of the rebellion which the protagonists of "If This Goes On-" later join; it is noteworthy that the Rebellion (styled the "Second American Revolution" in later stories of the Future History) includes Mormons, Catholics, and Jews, groups suppressed by the Theocracy, working in concert with Freemasons. Internal evidence of the series, particularly conversations in Methuselah's Children and Time Enough For Love place the Scudder election in the year 2012.

/We are so fucked. Btw, the sarc tag should be taken at 10 percent of its value. Why? because these fuckers want to actually take us there.

83 Interesting Times  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:55:05pm

re: #78 Mocking Jay

Mitt Romney wouldn't have used those words.

84 compound_Idaho  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:56:55pm

re: #54 Lidane

There's a fantastic comment at ThinkProgress about it, too:

Don't be too sure. It is just a law. Remember when Torecelli withdrew from his race in NJ when it became clear he was going to lose.


The courts decided that it was more important that the voters had a choice than the law actually be followed.

85 jaunte  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:57:51pm

re: #73 Interesting Times

LOL@people who thought Todd Akin couldn't possibly make this worse:

[Embedded content]

Rep. Todd Akin (R-Mo.) voted against the creation of a national sex offender registry and against reauthorizing a program that assists runaway and homeless children.

Both bills passed by wide margins with strong bipartisan support in the Republican-controlled House.

Akin was one of 52 congressmen to vote in 2005 against the creation of a national sex offender registry database that required those convicted of a sex crime to register before completing a prison term and increased mandatory sentences for those convicted of molesting children.[Link:]

Must be that Master of Divinity training at work again.

86 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 4:58:04pm

Bottom line. The Republican Party wants to redefine rape and make it harder for women who've been raper to get an abortion. Interesting in they're attempting this on a federal level, see Todd Akin, Paul Ryan, and Redefining Rape, considering how they're always talking about states rights. In the end? They want to ban abortion in cases of rape or incest on a federal level.

87 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:00:18pm

re: #84 compound_Idaho

Whether or not he withdraws isn't my problem. I don't live in Missouri and I'm not a Republican.

The way I see it, if Akin stays in, it allows Claire McCaskill to beat him and the rest of the GOP over the head with his obvious misogyny. That suits me fine. I hope she nails his ass to the wall for this idiocy.

88 compound_Idaho  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:02:02pm

re: #87 Lidane

Whether or not he withdraws isn't my problem. I don't live in Missouri and I'm not a Republican.

The way I see it, if Akin stays in, it allows Claire McCaskill to beat him and the rest of the GOP over the head with his obvious misogyny. That suits me fine. I hope she nails his ass to the wall for this idiocy.

I don't disagree. It just struck me how the law is not necessarily the law.

89 calochortus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:02:33pm

By the way, apparently "morning after pills" do not prevent implantation of the fertilized egg as was assumed (and is stated in the pamphlet that comes with Plan B.) The pills delay ovulation, so, if you've already ovulated, they don't help (hence the failures), but if you are about to do so, it will prevent ovulation and hence pregnancy.
Even most anti-abortion folks should therefore be OK with using Plan B. But they won't be.

Your text to link...

90 b_sharp  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:02:53pm

re: #73 Interesting Times

LOL@people who thought Todd Akin couldn't possibly make things worse:

[Embedded content]

Why would anyone vote against that?

91 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:03:05pm

re: #86 Gus

Bottom line. The Republican Party wants to redefine rape and make it harder for women who've been raper to get an abortion. Interesting in they're attempting this on a federal level, see Todd Akin, Paul Ryan, and Redefining Rape, considering how they're always talking about states rights. In the end? They want to ban abortion in cases of rape or incest on a federal level.

The redefinition of rape is an effort to keep the "exceptions" while in reality imposing an effective ban on all abortions. I'm sure the next act in this whole travesty is arguing the odds that a mother will die if she fails to receive a certain treatment that would require terminating the pregnancy in order to receive care.

92 JeffM70  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:04:18pm

So in what part did Akin misspeak I wonder. I haven't seen where he said that women don't actually have a defense mechanism that prevents them from getting pregnant after being raped.

93 b_sharp  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:04:46pm

re: #75 wrenchwench

The only thing I could compare would be forced abortions in China. But presumably jvic is referring to something in North America, at least, constituting 'both sides'.

The Chinese are left, left, lefties.

That they have little to do with American politics doesn't matter.

94 Mocking Jay  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:04:51pm

re: #87 Lidane

Whether or not he withdraws isn't my problem. I don't live in Missouri and I'm not a Republican.

The way I see it, if Akin stays in, it allows Claire McCaskill to beat him and the rest of the GOP over the head with his obvious misogyny. That suits me fine. I hope she nails his ass to the wall for this idiocy.

Okay, but are we sure that that tactic is going to help her in that state...?

95 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:05:25pm

re: #92 JeffM70

So in what part did Akin misspeak I wonder. I haven't seen where he said that women don't actually have a defense mechanism that prevents them from getting pregnant after being raped.

As noted above, his "misspeak" was saying out loud stuff that the party keeps hidden away in order to remain electable.

96 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:06:06pm

re: #94 Mocking Jay

Okay, but are we sure that that tactic is going to help her in that state...?

I would hope it helps her. If not, then it would be tragic.

97 Mocking Jay  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:06:30pm

re: #73 Interesting Times

LOL@people who thought Todd Akin couldn't possibly make things worse:

[Embedded content]

Eh... I'm not a big fan of the registry either, to be honest.

98 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:06:40pm

The New Christine O’Donnells? Hard-Right Nominees Endanger GOP Senate Hopes

Akin’s past includes praising a militia group linked to anti-abortion extremism in the 1990s and voting against creating a sex-offender registry in 2005. Back in 1991, as a state legislator, Akin voted for an anti-marital-rape law, but only after questioning whether it might be misused “in a real messy divorce as a tool and a legal weapon to beat up on the husband,” according to a May 1 article that year in the St. Louis Post-Dispatch (via LexisNexis).

99 Kragar  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:06:44pm

re: #89 calochortus

By the way, apparently "morning after pills" do not prevent implantation of the fertilized egg as was assumed (and is stated in the pamphlet that comes with Plan B.) The pills delay ovulation, so, if you've already ovulated, they don't help (hence the failures), but if you are about to do so, it will prevent ovulation and hence pregnancy.
Even most anti-abortion folks should therefore be OK with using Plan B. But they won't be.

Your text to link...

"Life begins before conception." - David Barton

100 Only The Lurker Knows  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:07:07pm

re: #88 compound_Idaho

I don't disagree. It just struck me how the law is not necessarily the law.

Or the truth isn't necessarily the truth.

BTW. How is the smoke on your side of the State. South Central still sucks. Now add to that, the blowing dust from the burned areas. Hollister was near black out today coming back from Jackpot.

101 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:07:26pm

re: #91 Targetpractice

The redefinition of rape is an effort to keep the "exceptions" while in reality imposing an effective ban on all abortions. I'm sure the next act in this whole travesty is arguing the odds that a mother will die if she fails to receive a certain treatment that would require terminating the pregnancy in order to receive care.

Funny you should say that, but something like that just happened in the Dominican Republic:
Pregnant Dominican teen at center of abortion debate dies

102 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:08:25pm

re: #90 b_sharp

Why would anyone vote against that?

"The bottom line of this bill is that the total cost was $500 million over five years and [put] unfunded mandates on the states," Akin spokesman Ryan Hite said about the sex offenders bill. "Congressman Akin has always been a vocal advocate of drastically cutting federal spending and he is opposed to unfunded federal mandates on the states."

103 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:09:14pm

re: #101 TedStriker

Funny you should say that, but something like that just happened in the Dominican Republic:
Pregnant Dominican teen at center of abortion debate dies

Yeah, that story was in mind. You know that there are politicians who'd argue that the odds of her surviving the pregnancy long enough to bring to term were "good enough" that allowing her to terminate the pregnancy would constitute "murder." After all, who are they to question God's "plan"?

104 Daniel Ballard  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:10:06pm
105 jaunte  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:10:48pm

re: #102 Gus

"The bottom line of this bill is that the total cost was $500 million over five years and [put] unfunded mandates on the states," Akin spokesman Ryan Hite said about the sex offenders bill. "Congressman Akin has always been a vocal advocate of drastically cutting federal spending and he is opposed to unfunded federal mandates on the states."

You could buy three whole F-35s for that.

106 Daniel Ballard  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:10:50pm
107 Mocking Jay  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:10:52pm

re: #103 Targetpractice

Yeah, that story was in mind. You know that there are politicians who'd argue that the odds of her surviving the pregnancy long enough to bring to term were "good enough" that allowing her to terminate the pregnancy would constitute "murder." After all, who are they to question God's "plan"?

This is a really shitty plan.

Just sayin'.

108 calochortus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:11:25pm

re: #99 Kragar

"Life begins before conception." - David Barton

Of course it does. I'm alive. Last I looked, so was my husband. My parents were alive when they had me.
Oh. You're talking about that precious unique DNA sequence in some zygote, not just that human life existed a long, long time ago and still exists today.

109 wrenchwench  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:11:46pm

re: #86 Gus

Bottom line. The Republican Party wants to redefine rape and make it harder for women who've been raper to get an abortion. Interesting in they're attempting this on a federal level, see Todd Akin, Paul Ryan, and Redefining Rape, considering how they're always talking about states rights. In the end? They want to ban abortion in cases of rape or incest on a federal level.

Also they want to ban abortion in cases where the mother's health is at stake, because that's just a loophole, as John McCain called it.

110 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:11:56pm

re: #105 jaunte

You could buy three whole F-35s for that.

Indeed, does the good Representative have a similar view on cutting defense spending? Or is he one of those who just grumbles "It's Constitutional" and votes for the defense authorization on the table without looking at the numbers behind it?

111 calochortus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:12:21pm

re: #103 Targetpractice

Yeah, that story was in mind. You know that there are politicians who'd argue that the odds of her surviving the pregnancy long enough to bring to term were "good enough" that allowing her to terminate the pregnancy would constitute "murder." After all, who are they to question God's "plan"?

I saw that. How revolting. And pointless since they fetus had no chance to develop either.

112 b_sharp  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:12:43pm

re: #102 Gus

"The bottom line of this bill is that the total cost was $500 million over five years and [put] unfunded mandates on the states," Akin spokesman Ryan Hite said about the sex offenders bill. "Congressman Akin has always been a vocal advocate of drastically cutting federal spending and he is opposed to unfunded federal mandates on the states."

Money over morality.
Why am I not surprised?

113 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:13:51pm

re: #112 b_sharp

Money over morality.
Why am I not surprised?

Had more than one wingnut argue to me that it's more "moral" to cut such programs, because the "moral" thing is letting people decide for themselves. You know, if people think it important, they'll spend their money for it and all that.

114 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:14:02pm

"Don't you DARE say we are waging a war on women" -GOP

Yeah right.

115 calochortus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:16:37pm

re: #107 Mocking Jay

This is a really shitty plan.

Just sayin'.

So, why aren't illnesses or infections a part of God's plan? Why is it OK to use antibiotics?

116 SpaceJesus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:16:57pm

Dear Mr. Akin and the entire GOP:

Go fuck yourself.

117 makeitstop  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:17:01pm

Hank Jr. mouths off again

When does the tour with Nuge and Megadeth kick off?

118 Only The Lurker Knows  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:17:09pm

re: #101 TedStriker

Funny you should say that, but something like that just happened in the Dominican Republic:
Pregnant Dominican teen at center of abortion debate dies

Yeah. Getting Chemo/Radiation would kill the fetus but may save the mother, therefore we can't do it as we (the doctors, could end up in jail). End result, both die. But, hey! If they were both jesus loving christians, they are now being cuddled by jesus dad. After all, what deity could refuse to hug a child his policies doomed to death.

119 The Mongoose  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:17:41pm

re: #115 calochortus

So, why aren't illnesses or infections a part of God's plan? Why is it OK to use antibiotics?

There are religious groups that think it's not.

120 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:18:16pm

re: #112 b_sharp

Money over equals morality.
Why am I not surprised?

Wealth means Jesus loves you more.

121 darthstar  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:18:23pm

re: #116 SpaceJesus

Dear Mr. Akin and the entire GOP:

Go fuck yourself.


122 jaunte  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:18:41pm

CNN's Dana Loesch Excuses GOP Rep. Akin's "Legitimate Rape" Remarks

CNN's Dana Loesch excused Rep. Todd Akin's (R-MO) inflammatory remarks that it's "really rare" for women subjected to "legitimate rape" to become pregnant. In a series of posts on her Twitter account, Loesch dismissed those comments, writing that "Akin was trying to fit medical explanation into a soundbite," and that he "failed a soundbite."

123 Kragar  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:19:17pm

re: #116 SpaceJesus

Dear Mr. Akin and the entire GOP:

Go fuck yourself.


124 calochortus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:19:33pm

re: #119 The Mongoose

There are religious groups that think it's not.

I know that, but I'm thinking of the self-righteous folks who talk about God's plan for other people, not them.

125 Mocking Jay  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:20:29pm

re: #122 jaunte

CNN's Dana Loesch Excuses GOP Rep. Akin's "Legitimate Rape" Remarks

Journalism. A career where people are allowed to literally "phone it in" and still manage to fuck up monumentally.

127 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:21:43pm

re: #122 jaunte

CNN's Dana Loesch Excuses GOP Rep. Akin's "Legitimate Rape" Remarks

Is Rep. Akin a rookie politician, Dana? Does he have no experience with soundbites and thus was easy prey for the media, not knowing they'd chop up his comment and spread it everywhere? Perhaps you might call him up and ask if he'll give you an exclusive, detailed explanation of his position. I'm sure your bosses at CNN would love that.

128 Mocking Jay  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:22:02pm

Oh, and I'm surprised to see so many in favor of a national sex offender list, seeing how they've been used in the states.

129 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:22:16pm

re: #123 Kragar



130 jvic  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:22:35pm

1. re: #60 allegro

Both sides? Pray tell, what is the repellent opposite side to this? Pro-choice?

This is the second time recently I've posted something on which I thought people of good will should find common ground, only to be jumped on or sneered at ("Pray tell") for what is not common ground, while the area of potential constructive engagement was ignored.

2. re: #67 wrenchwench

Can you give an example of something from the side that is not Akin's side that is extreme and repellant?

As I indicated, I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough to espouse a position. If I wanted to pursue the topic, I would ask if you can give an example of a situation in which abortion should be forbidden. (wrenchwench, I consider you hard-nosed but fair-minded, but see my #1.)

131 calochortus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:26:26pm

Now you've confused me-you referred to excesses on both sides and were asked for examples. You responded with how "people of good will should find common ground" and that you don't have a position. So, where's the example of excess on the pro-choice side?

132 The Mongoose  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:27:59pm

re: #130 jvic

My good-faith effort to find an argument as repellant (to me) as Akin's, from the "other side": There were some medical ethicists in the UK who, this year, proclaimed that parents are morally justified in killing unwanted children. they called it "after-birth abortion". [Link:]

Now, this position likely has a LOT fewer people who agree with it than Akin's, so it's not something one should use to draw equivalency between groups...but as an example of an equally horrific position, I'd go with that.

133 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:28:15pm

re: #122 jaunte

So now there is a term "legitimate rape". Holy shit

134 Destro  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:29:34pm

Once again, what's happening here is that the right wingnuts after years of putting up with moderate Republicans saying they were only for abortion in case of the holy trinity of rape, incest and life of the mother came up with a way to deny those things ever happen or are fake excuses sluts will use to get around the bans if they ever get put in place.

Ever since the GOP lost to Obama the extreme wing blamed the GOP moderates for the loss and blamed the moderates for pretty much all that went wrong under Bush.

They feel that moderation is what failed them. So they are doubling down on the full extremism of their ideology.

they are no longer accepting 'half measures' like limiting abortion - they want it all gone and will only support candidates that are in that mindset.

135 The Left  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:29:53pm

re: #132 The Mongoose

I'd agree that that's repellent, but infanticide is not part of the prochoice position.

136 allegro  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:29:58pm

re: #130 jvic


This is the second time recently I've posted something on which I thought people of good will should find common ground, only to be jumped on or sneered at ("Pray tell") for what is not common ground, while the area of potential constructive engagement was ignored.

2. re: #67 wrenchwench

As I indicated, I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough to espouse a position. If I wanted to pursue the topic, I would ask if you can give an example of a situation in which abortion should be forbidden. (wrenchwench, I consider you hard-nosed but fair-minded, but see my #1.)

You did espouse a position quite clearly when you made the statement that you've seen "both sides" behave in an extreme and repellent manner. Those were your very words. Now, when asked for an example of an equivalent position on the other side from Akin's, you back up and claim that there's some mysterious common ground though you are not knowledgeable enough to say what that is. Or something.

137 makeitstop  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:29:59pm

re: #130 jvic


This is the second time recently I've posted something on which I thought people of good will should find common ground, only to be jumped on or sneered at ("Pray tell") for what is not common ground, while the area of potential constructive engagement was ignored.

2. re: #67 wrenchwench

As I indicated, I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough to espouse a position. If I wanted to pursue the topic, I would ask if you can give an example of a situation in which abortion should be forbidden. (wrenchwench, I consider you hard-nosed but fair-minded, but see my #1.)

So you don't have an example of an extreme equivalent on the Left, then. TBQH, I didn't really expect you to have one.

138 Mocking Jay  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:30:36pm

re: #133 Stanley Sea

So now there is a term "legitimate rape". Holy shit

Their mouths said no, but their hearts said yes...

139 bratwurst  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:30:42pm

re: #130 jvic


This is the second time recently I've posted something on which I thought people of good will should find common ground, only to be jumped on or sneered at

Image: andthisitthe128638051046609867.jpg

140 wrenchwench  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:32:51pm

re: #130 jvic


This is the second time recently I've posted something on which I thought people of good will should find common ground, only to be jumped on or sneered at ("Pray tell") for what is not common ground, while the area of potential constructive engagement was ignored.

2. re: #67 wrenchwench

As I indicated, I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough to espouse a position. If I wanted to pursue the topic, I would ask if you can give an example of a situation in which abortion should be forbidden. (wrenchwench, I consider you hard-nosed but fair-minded, but see my #1.)

But you did espouse a position. You said, "what I've seen of extremes on both sides strikes me as repellent". I wondered what you have seen from an abortion rights perspective that you considered as repellant as Akin's position. Do you want to pursue the topic? An abortion should be forbidden if the mother doesn't want one.

Looking for common ground, there's this: "Akin may or may not be a hypocrite, but he is an apologist for dangerous fanaticism." But it doesn't go far enough. He's not just an apologist, he's a fanatic. He's in Congress, making laws, and wants to move up to the Senate.

141 The Left  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:33:21pm

Gonna try to go back to sleep....have a nice night folks!

142 darthstar  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:33:59pm

re: #133 Stanley Sea

So now there is a term "legitimate rape". Holy shit

I asked that same question earlier...

143 jaunte  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:34:55pm

re: #133 Stanley Sea

So now there is a term "legitimate rape". Holy shit

144 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:35:07pm

I can't fucking believe this. Abortion is still prohibited by the Department of Defense for women who've been raped? Seriously? The fucking military? The guys that basically "drop bombs and shit" from time to time? And these fucks like Ryan, Akin and almost the majority of Republicans are blocking the March Act which would reverse this.

145 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:35:26pm

re: #142 darthstar

I asked that same question earlier...

[Embedded content]

People trying to assert that they're not heartless bastards by saying they'll allow "exceptions" to abortion bans, but then tries to define the "exceptions" in such a way that nobody qualifies.

146 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:39:08pm

What Is the March Act?

The Military Access to Reproductive Care and Health for Military Women Act (MARCH for Military Women Act)—introduced in the Senate by Senators Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH), Patty Murray (D-WA), and Frank Lautenberg (D-NJ) and in the House by Representative Louise Slaughter (D-NY)—will fix two serious inequities facing women in the military in need of abortion care.

First, the MARCH Act will extend federal health insurance coverage for abortion care to servicewomen who become pregnant as a result of rape or incest. Today, this coverage is only available for abortion care in cases of life endangerment; servicewomen seeking abortion care after rape or incest must pay out-of-pocket for care at a military facility.

Second, the MARCH Act will lift the current ban on providing abortion care at military facilities. Current law [link to Learn more section] forbids military hospitals from providing abortion care except in cases of rape, incest, or life endangerment—even if the woman pays with their own funds.

These two policies significantly burden servicewomen around the world who rely on military hospitals for their health care services. The MARCH Act will fix this inequality and ensure that all servicewomen have access to the same reproductive health care as their civilian counterparts.

The Department of Defense came out in support of the MARCH Act in late 2011.

147 austin_blue  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:39:26pm

re: #99 Kragar

"Life begins before conception." - David Barton

Every sperm is sacred!

148 calochortus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:39:55pm

re: #130 jvic


This is the second time recently I've posted something on which I thought people of good will should find common ground, only to be jumped on or sneered at ("Pray tell") for what is not common ground, while the area of potential constructive engagement was ignored.

2. re: #67 wrenchwench

As I indicated, I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough to espouse a position. If I wanted to pursue the topic, I would ask if you can give an example of a situation in which abortion should be forbidden. (wrenchwench, I consider you hard-nosed but fair-minded, but see my #1.)

(Bolding mine)

If this is something you didn't want to pursue, why bring it up?

149 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:40:14pm

re: #122 jaunte

CNN's Dana Loesch Excuses GOP Rep. Akin's "Legitimate Rape" Remarks

Of course she does. Is anyone really surprised?

150 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:40:43pm

re: #149 Lidane

Of course she does. Is anyone really surprised?

I'd have been more surprised if she'd actually taken offense.

151 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:40:53pm

Maybe they do? I'm probably a bit confused here. I haz tired.

152 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:41:33pm

re: #148 calochortus

(Bolding mine)

If this is something you didn't want to pursue, why bring it up?

Two words: Concern trolling.

153 makeitstop  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:41:37pm

re: #148 calochortus

(Bolding mine)

If this is something you didn't want to pursue, why bring it up?

I think he likes whining that people don't 'argue in good faith' or something.

This is the second such post in a week. He's working from exactly the same template as the last one.

154 Charles Johnson  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:41:41pm

Opinions on the new headline font, Cabin Condensed?

155 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:42:06pm

re: #133 Stanley Sea

So now there is a term "legitimate rape". Holy shit

Yeah, that's right there with "forcible rape" in my book.

WTF. ALL rape is forcible rape. That's kind of the point. It's like calling someone a homicide bomber. It's a stupid phrase that obscures the issue and makes it seem like there's a distinction between types of rape.

156 makeitstop  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:42:26pm

re: #154 Charles Johnson

Opinions on the new headline font, Cabin Condensed?

I like it.

157 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:42:44pm

re: #154 Charles Johnson

Opinions on the new headline font, Cabin Condensed?

Looks good. My quote function is still all screwy.

158 Kragar  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:42:47pm

re: #145 Targetpractice

People trying to assert that they're not heartless bastards by saying they'll allow "exceptions" to abortion bans, but then tries to define the "exceptions" in such a way that nobody qualifies.

It was like the ultrasound BS. "A woman can have any kind of ultrasound she wants, as long as it fills these requirements, which limits your choices to one."

159 wrenchwench  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:42:59pm

re: #154 Charles Johnson

Opinions on the new headline font, Cabin Condensed?

Me gusta.

160 jaunte  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:43:14pm

re: #154 Charles Johnson

Looks good; you can fit more in.

161 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:43:19pm

re: #150 Targetpractice

I'd have been more surprised if she'd actually taken offense.

That would have involved having some shred of human decency.

162 jvic  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:43:23pm

re: #140 wrenchwench

Looking for common ground, there's this: "Akin may or may not be a hypocrite, but he is an apologist for dangerous fanaticism." But it doesn't go far enough. He's not just an apologist, he's a fanatic. He's in Congress, making laws, and wants to move up to the Senate.

I was alluding to somebody's comment above that Akin would find an abortionist for a wife or daughter who was made pregnant by rape. That would make him a hypocrite.

I don't know his record well enough to say whether he is a fanatic or a cynical manipulator.

163 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:43:24pm

re: #158 Kragar

It was like the ultrasound BS. "A woman can have any kind of ultrasound she wants, as long as it fills these requirements, which limits your choices to one."

"We're not forcing to do this to guilt trip her, we just want her to have all the 'facts' when she makes her decision. By the way, she has to look or it doesn't count."

164 Charles Johnson  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:43:39pm

re: #157 Gus

Looks good. My quote function is still all screwy.

Sorry - what's the problem with the quote function?

165 wrenchwench  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:44:24pm

re: #157 Gus

Looks good. My quote function is still all screwy.

Mine too. Ctrl+Q doesn't work, then when I apply the quote function using the button, I get doubles. So on average it works.

166 calochortus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:44:59pm

re: #152 Targetpractice

re: #153 makeitstop

Yup. I was just hoping for an explanation from him... Silly, I know.

167 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:45:52pm

re: #164 Charles Johnson

Sorry - what's the problem with the quote function?

It's adding the tags to each block of text, and return. Used to be < blockquote > and closed with < / blockquote > but now it adds that to each paragraph and return. This isn't with responding to comments but when I'm quoting an article.

168 austin_blue  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:46:03pm

We've got a well-functioning definition of human death that allows us to harvest organs and not be vivisectionists.

Why, oh why, isn't this a well-accepted rule for human life?

169 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:46:05pm

Let me make a screen shot.

170 wrenchwench  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:46:08pm

re: #162 jvic

I was alluding to somebody's comment above that Akin would find an abortionist for a wife or daughter who was made pregnant by rape. That would make him a hypocrite.

I don't know his record well enough to say whether he is a fanatic or a cynical manipulator.

Would you care to retract your assertion that you've seen things equally extreme and repellant on the pro-choice side?

171 CuriousLurker  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:46:19pm

re: #159 wrenchwench

Me gusta.

Yo también.

172 Charles Johnson  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:46:21pm

re: #165 wrenchwench

Mine too. Ctrl+Q doesn't work, then when I apply the quote function using the button, I get doubles. So on average it works.

Ah... hover over the button to see the tooltip ... I had to change the keyboard command to Control-U instead of Control-Q.

173 jaunte  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:47:45pm

Nate Silver:
Akin Comments Could Swing Missouri Senate Race

"...It can be easy to overrate the importance of scandals in the first few days after they occur. Many voters will vote along party lines almost no matter what, and others will decide based on factors like the economy or an incumbent senator’s voting record.

Nevertheless, my view is that insensitive comments concerning rape are especially likely to be deemed inexcusable by voters, and that the swing against Mr. Akin could be larger than the average of 10 percentage points from similar events."

174 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:47:45pm

re: #168 austin_blue

We've got a well-functioning definition of human death that allows us to harvest organs and not be vivisectionists.

Why, oh why, isn't this a well-accepted rule for human life?

We don't even really have that. See also: Schiavo, Terry.

175 Sionainn  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:47:47pm

re: #114 Stanley Sea

"Don't you DARE say we are waging a war on women" -GOP

Yeah right.

They think women are blind and stupid.

176 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:48:44pm

re: #172 Charles Johnson

Ah... hover over the button to see the tooltip ... I had to change the keyboard command to Control-U instead of Control-Q.

Like this...

Image: Capture.JPG

177 wrenchwench  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:48:57pm

re: #172 Charles Johnson

Ah... hover over the button to see the tooltip ... I had to change the keyboard command to Control-U instead of Control-Q.

Control-U? Isn't that fascist?

I don't hover enough. I just learned last week that hovering on an xkcd cartoon gives you more.

178 abolitionist  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:49:27pm

I came across this last week. Currently, it's the featured first video (of many) at -- Lauren Ep. 1

Denialism about rape isn't just a rwnj thing.

179 What, me worry?  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:50:01pm

Dana's taking a lot of heat on Twitter. This was cute from Shannyn Moore.

180 austin_blue  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:50:07pm

re: #174 Targetpractice

We don't even really have that. See also: Schiavo, Terry.

Only because the RWNJ really don't like the whole organ donation thing. They tried to fight against it and lost- big time. The law prevailed.


We've got a well-functioning definition of human death that allows us to harvest organs and not be vivisectionists.

Why, oh why, isn't this a well-accepted rule for human life?

181 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:50:08pm

re: #173 jaunte

Nate Silver:
Akin Comments Could Swing Missouri Senate Race


Conservative Activists Call On Akin To Quit Race After ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comment

He offered up pure, unvarnished wingnut to the masses and now the RW is pissed at him, convinced he just lost the election.

182 Charles Johnson  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:50:45pm

re: #176 Gus

Like this...

Image: Capture.JPG

Yikes. OK, if you reload it will be back to normal. It was another jQuery plugin conflict.

183 allegro  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:51:19pm

re: #155 Lidane

Yeah, that's right there with "forcible rape" in my book.

WTF. ALL rape is forcible rape. That's kind of the point. It's like calling someone a homicide bomber. It's a stupid phrase that obscures the issue and makes it seem like there's a distinction between types of rape.

There's rape (not really) and "bitches lie." That's pretty much what I'm hearing from the GOP.

184 makeitstop  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:51:38pm

re: #181 Lidane


Conservative Activists Call On Akin To Quit Race After ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comment

He offered up pure, unvarnished wingnut to the masses and now the RW is pissed at him, convinced he just lost the election.

I don't want him to drop out.

I want him to stay in and take his beating like a man.

185 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:51:48pm

re: #182 Charles Johnson

Yikes. OK, if you reload it will be back to normal. It was another jQuery plugin conflict.

OK, it's back to normal. Thanks.

186 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:52:12pm

re: #180 austin_blue

Only because the RWNJ really don't like the whole organ donation thing. They tried to fight against it and lost- big time. The law prevailed.


We've got a well-functioning definition of human death that allows us to harvest organs and not be vivisectionists.

Why, oh why, isn't this a well-accepted rule for human life?

Why? Because God says so, that's why!


187 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:52:38pm

re: #184 makeitstop

I don't want him to drop out.

I want him to stay in and take his beating like a man.

Same here. Let him get beaten by McCaskill. Legitimately. =P

188 Sionainn  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:53:35pm

re: #142 darthstar

I asked that same question earlier...

[Embedded content]

The same guy who tried to differentiate between "forcible rape" and other types of rape...or some such stupid bullshit.

189 jaunte  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:54:09pm

re: #181 Lidane

He offered up pure, unvarnished wingnut to the masses and now the RW is pissed at him, convinced he just lost the election.

When his supporters are all screaming about not putting up with any more 'political correctness', knowing what topics to be careful about has to get confusing.

190 Charles Johnson  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:54:22pm

re: #160 jaunte

Looks good; you can fit more in.

I think I'm going to stick with this font for a while. It's very balanced and readable even though it's condensed. Works well for a headline.

191 Pythagoras  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:54:33pm

re: #154 Charles Johnson

It's good but I had to strain to find any difference between Cabin Condensed and what you're using now. The Cabin Condensed seems to not have distinct open and close quotes. If so, the current font is better.

192 Mocking Jay  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:55:27pm

re: #147 austin_blue

Every sperm is sacred!

"I've wiped entire civilizations off of my chest with an old gym sock!"

Upding for the first person to remember who said that.

193 bratwurst  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:55:47pm
194 austin_blue  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:56:27pm

re: #186 Targetpractice

Why? Because God says so, that's why!


Well, if the American people want to accept religion over a secular public policy, I guess they will get the religious civil war they crave.

I prefer not to live in their Jesustan.

195 JRCMYP  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:56:34pm

You know, even in the 12th century this guy would have been considered a tool.

196 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:58:14pm

So I just wandered over to Freeper-ville to see how they're reacting to Akin's blatant misogyny:

McDonnell smear job take two. Did not work in VA, will not work in MO any better

If Adkin said something really this stupid he deserves to lose!

What does any MAN know about “legitimate rape”?? They should try it some time.

What a dumbass.

Even if he used the term “legitimate rape” as the opposite of false rape claims, that was still a stupid comment.

On both sides of the aisle, the American political class is increasingly composed of people too stupid to make it in private industry - if the report on what this guy said is true, he’s a prime example.

You really gotta' watch the video. Still trying to figure out how this works ~ maybe the way it did in "FAR SIDE" ~ the outerspace critters who took humans away from ancient Earth to be bred into a Protector Race were so modified.
You get these ideas when you drink beer or bad wine and watch sci fi tv shows.

We’ve already GOT plenty of stoopid people in Washington, don’t need this one. Even if he is a Republican.

How quickly can the GOP replace this numbskull? He was up by 11 pts for crying out loud. All he had to do was keep his mouth shut until the election and he wins. Sheesh.

Leave it to Republicans to pick this dimwit for a easy pickup against the most vulnerable Dem. The other two would have blown away McCaskill.

197 CuriousLurker  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:58:24pm

re: #190 Charles Johnson

I think I'm going to stick with this font for a while. It's very balanced and readable even though it's condensed. Works well for a headline.

And it even looks great in FF on Windows.

198 jaunte  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 5:58:42pm

Cabin Condensed
Pablo Impallari

...inspired by Edward Johnston’s and Eric Gill’s typefaces, with a touch of modernism.

Cabin incorporates modern proportions, optical adjustments, and some elements of the geometric sans.

It remains true to its roots, but has its own personality.

The weight distribution is almost monotone, although top and bottom curves are slightly thin.

Counters of the b, g, p and q are rounded and optically adjusted. The curved stem endings have a 10 degree angle. E and F have shorter center arms. M is splashed. [Link:]

I always liked the Gill Sans style.

199 makeitstop  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:00:22pm

re: #196 Lidane

So I just wandered over to Freeper-ville to see how they're reacting to Akin's blatant misogyny:

Wow. A rare moment of lucidity from the Freepers.

Or... a stopped clock/blind squirrel. I go with the latter.

200 b_sharp  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:00:29pm

re: #130 jvic


This is the second time recently I've posted something on which I thought people of good will should find common ground, only to be jumped on or sneered at ("Pray tell") for what is not common ground, while the area of potential constructive engagement was ignored.

2. re: #67 wrenchwench

As I indicated, I don't consider myself knowledgeable enough to espouse a position. If I wanted to pursue the topic, I would ask if you can give an example of a situation in which abortion should be forbidden. (wrenchwench, I consider you hard-nosed but fair-minded, but see my #1.)

Stop trying to be a martyr. If you make a comment where there will be people who disagree you, will be asked, quite correctly, to prove your point.

If you don't have the knowledge to back up your point, then why are you putting it out there?

I know of no blog/forum/social networking site where making an unfounded comment running counter to the site philosophy, will bring you flowers and chocolates.

201 jaunte  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:00:45pm
202 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:01:24pm

re: #197 CuriousLurker

I agree it is a nice looking font.

203 calochortus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:01:27pm

re: #196 Lidane

The folks at RedState don't sound too happy either, though some are defending Akin. Everyone seems to think it was a dumb thing to say, some just want to move on and pretend it didn't happen. Christine O'Donnell is being mentioned in comparison

204 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:02:39pm

re: #201 jaunte

[Embedded content]

205 calochortus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:02:47pm


206 Reverend Mother Ramallo  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:03:09pm

re: #181 Lidane


Conservative Activists Call On Akin To Quit Race After ‘Legitimate Rape’ Comment

He offered up pure, unvarnished wingnut to the masses and now the RW is pissed at him, convinced he just lost the election.

He left them no wiggle room to spin.
He broke one of their golden rules!

207 b_sharp  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:03:11pm

re: #154 Charles Johnson

Opinions on the new headline font, Cabin Condensed?

I agree, it's definitely a font.

208 Mocking Jay  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:03:30pm

re: #203 calochortus

The folks at RedState don't sound too happy either, though some are defending Akin. Everyone seems to think it was a dumb thing to say, some just want to move on and pretend it didn't happen.

Wow. It's like they use the same playbook for everything from insensitive rape comments to starting wars on false pretenses...

209 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:04:12pm

re: #199 makeitstop

Wow. A rare moment of lucidity from the Freepers.

Or... a stopped clock/blind squirrel. I go with the latter.

Stopped clocks.

There are a few people who realize that the phrase "legitimate rape" is bullshit and that Akin basically implies that any woman who does get pregnant by her rapist was somehow not actually raped and they're offended by it. Others see the political disaster and are saying that the GOP should have listened to Caribou Barbie who apparently endorsed someone else instead of this loon. Some are screaming about context and most are just pissed that Akin may have just lost the election.

210 b_sharp  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:04:17pm

re: #155 Lidane

Yeah, that's right there with "forcible rape" in my book.

WTF. ALL rape is forcible rape. That's kind of the point. It's like calling someone a homicide bomber. It's a stupid phrase that obscures the issue and makes it seem like there's a distinction between types of rape.

There's rape the body likes and there's rape the body doesn't like.

As far as I can tell.

211 wrenchwench  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:06:46pm

Somebody tested his new (old) Dutch oven by making some scalloped potatoes. They're coming out of the oven right about now, and I can smell 'em from 3/4 of a mile away. So it's time to go home.

Image: funny-cat-pictures-carpy-diem.jpg

Later, lizards.

212 Lidane  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:07:02pm

Todd Akin has been officially hung out to dry:

Romney: ‘We Disagree’ With Akin

Mitt Romney's presidential campaign said late Sunday night that Romney and Paul Ryan "disagree" with Rep. Todd Akin's (R-MO) Sunday comments claiming women who are victims of "legitimate rape" have biology that prevents them from getting pregnant.

"Governor Romney and Congressman Ryan disagree with Mr. Akin’s statement. A Romney-Ryan administration would not oppose abortion in instances of rape," the campaign said in a statement confirmed by TPM.

Akin walked back his comments after a firestorm Sunday. Ryan, Romney's running mate, has said in the past he opposes abortion even in cases of rape and incest.

Cue the howls of outrage on the "pro-life" side over that bolded part, BTW.

213 Kronocide  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:07:05pm

Dana Loesch is Twitching up a Spinning Vortex of Derp minimizing Akin.

214 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:07:42pm

re: #211 wrenchwench

I like that one. :)

215 engineer cat  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:07:50pm

the font gives you more room for headline text, and it has a lot of style for a sans serif - just look at how elegant the capital M is!

216 jvic  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:08:04pm

re: #132 The Mongoose

My good-faith effort to find an argument as repellant (to me) as Akin's, from the "other side": There were some medical ethicist ion the UK who, this year, proclaimed that parents are morally justified in killing unwanted children. they called it "after-birth abortion". [Link:]

Now, this position likely has a LOT fewer people who agree with it than Akin's, so it's not something one should use to draw equivalency between groups...but as an example of an equally horrific position, I'd go with that.

I can upding that, and did.

They call it after-birth abortion. I call it infanticide. If building an emotional case against abortion, I would embrace their terminology.

IMHO the issue of the demarcation between infanticide and abortion remains. It strikes me as absurd to claim that a newly fertilized egg is a human being. Otoh, it does not strike me as reasonable that the distinction between abortion and infanticide arises when the afterbirth leaves the womb.

217 Mocking Jay  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:08:37pm

re: #212 Lidane

Todd Akin has been officially hung out to dry:

Romney: ‘We Disagree’ With Akin

Cue the howls of outrage on the "pro-life" side over that bolded part, BTW.

The Romney who would "absolutely" sign a personhood bill is cool with abortion in cases of rape?

I cannot believe a fucking thing this man says.

218 What, me worry?  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:09:31pm

Akin is a walking nightmare. Holy moley!

In 12 years in the state house, Akin voted for carrying concealed weapons, voted against the parks and soils sales tax, voted against the 1993 tax increase and education spending increase.[8] Akin sponsored legislation to prohibit casino companies from contributing to Missouri state lawmakers.[9] In 1995, he fought Democrat Governor Mel Carnahan on state-funding for abortion, which Akin opposed.[10]

God works in mysterious ways, friends.

219 jaunte  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:09:49pm

re: #213 Kronocide

"Loesch, who resides in Missouri, is well-respected on the Right, and with good reason."

And the reason is they don't have much of a choice of overactive partisans?

220 Kronocide  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:10:21pm

How soon before they start talking about Crusades and clarifying when it's appropriate to stone women?

221 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:11:41pm

re: #212 Lidane

Todd Akin has been officially hung out to dry:

Romney: ‘We Disagree’ With Akin

Cue the howls of outrage on the "pro-life" side over that bolded part, BTW.

I like how they're already trying to characterize his stating he "misspoke" as him "walking back" his comment. He didn't disavow anything he said, he basically offered the usual "I'm sorry you all got upset over what I said" non-apology.

222 CuriousLurker  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:11:47pm

re: #198 jaunte

Cabin Condensed
Pablo Impallari

I always liked the Gill Sans style.

ZOMG, I knew it!! I knew that with a half-Spanish half-Italian name the designer had to be Argentinian. Now LGF is even using PERONIST PROGRESSIVE FONTS!!11!

re: #185 Gus

Gus! This is YOUR doing—don't try to deny it—I see your little chimichurri covered, Evita-loving fingerprints all over it!


223 makeitstop  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:12:20pm

re: #212 Lidane

Todd Akin has been officially hung out to dry:

Romney: ‘We Disagree’ With Akin

Cue the howls of outrage on the "pro-life" side over that bolded part, BTW.

Mitt avoids stepping in one pile of shit, only to step in another.

He's really put his ticket in a weird spot. They'll spend the rest of the campaign trying not to offend anyone.

224 Sheila Broflovski  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:12:25pm

re: #154 Charles Johnson

Opinions on the new headline font, Cabin Condensed?

I love it!

Now can you make us a Moonbat Font to go with the

Wingnut Font

that we all know and love?

225 CuriousLurker  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:13:01pm

re: #222 CuriousLurker

ZOMG, I knew it!! I knew that with a half-Spanish half-Italian name the designer had to be Argentinian. Now LGF is even using PERONIST PROGRESSIVE FONTS!!11!

re: #185 Gus

Gus! This is YOUR doing—don't try to deny it—I see your little chimichurri covered, Evita-loving fingerprints all over it!



226 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:13:42pm

re: #223 makeitstop

Mitt avoids stepping in one pile of shit, only to step in another.

He's really put his ticket in a weird spot. They'll spend the rest of the campaign trying not to offend anyone.

Curious as to how this comment today will jibe with the party platform, still to be composed. My guess is that Paulians and religious right are gonna insist on support for a total abortion ban being a plank.

227 Mocking Jay  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:13:49pm

Based on all of your responses, I can only guess that KT will abhor the new font.

228 jaunte  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:13:52pm

Irin Carmon:

Michael Kinsley famously defined a gaffe as “when a politician tells the truth — some obvious truth he isn’t supposed to say.” This election season, Republican politicians have offered a variation on this principle: They’re getting in trouble for saying some obvious truth about what they actually believe about women, baring the ignorance, contempt and cruelty therein instead of pretending this is about protecting women or babies.
Akin may be unlucky that his “gaffe” took place at an electorally acute moment, but he is by no means alone. He’s only saying, with meme-worthy clumsiness, what underlies pretty much every restriction on reproductive rights. Previous greatest hits include Pennsylvania governor’s blithe recommendation that women close their eyes during mandatory ultrasounds before abortion, the Idaho legislator who suggested women would use rape as an excuse to have an abortion, and Rush Limbaugh’s misogynistic comments on Sandra Fluke inadvertently revealing he doesn’t understand how birth control works.[Link:]

229 JamesWI  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:14:21pm

re: #196 Lidane

So I just wandered over to Freeper-ville to see how they're reacting to Akin's blatant misogyny:

When you're an ultra-conservative Republican, and even the Freepers think you're incredibly've probably got a problem.

230 makeitstop  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:14:58pm

re: #227 Mocking Jay

Based on all of your responses, I can only guess that KT will abhor the new font.

That's actually pretty standard.

231 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:15:00pm

re: #222 CuriousLurker

ZOMG, I knew it!! I knew that with a half-Spanish half-Italian name the designer had to be Argentinian. Now LGF is even using PERONIST PROGRESSIVE FONTS!!11!

re: #185 Gus

Gus! This is YOUR doing—don't try to deny it—I see your little chimichurri covered, Evita-loving fingerprints all over it!



232 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:15:04pm

re: #229 JamesWI

When you're an ultra-conservative Republican, and even the Freepers think you're incredibly've probably got a problem.

The bulk of the comments seem to read as you'd expect, namely "This guy was an idiot for saying this shit out loud."

233 austin_blue  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:16:33pm

re: #212 Lidane

Todd Akin has been officially hung out to dry:

Romney: ‘We Disagree’ With Akin

Cue the howls of outrage on the "pro-life" side over that bolded part, BTW.

But what about personhood?

234 makeitstop  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:17:33pm

re: #233 austin_blue

But what about personhood?

Good point. Didn't he just step all over Ryan's position as well?

235 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:17:38pm

Yeah. I'm such a Peronist-Progressive -- whatever the fuck that means -- that I have fits (Niagara Falls!) about Julian Assange, anti-drone warfare crtics, Bradley Manning, Obama kill lists, and so on. Gotta be really clueless to think I'm far-left. I'm left of center.

236 allegro  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:18:06pm

re: #232 Targetpractice

The bulk of the comments seem to read as you'd expect, namely "This guy was an idiot for saying this shit out loud."

It reminds me of the times in past years I would point out the anti-choice position of wanting to prohibit birth control as well to hear "Oh, no, they would never!" Now, the forced birthers are finally saying it out loud. The filters, they are off. I quite welcome it.

237 Targetpractice  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:19:52pm

re: #236 allegro

It reminds me of the times in past years I would point out the anti-choice position of wanting to prohibit birth control as well to hear "Oh, no, they would never!" Now, the forced birthers are finally saying it out loud. The filters, they are off. I quite welcome it.

And yet, there's plenty of morons who assure themselves that, even though they're saying it out loud now, the anti-choice crowd will never succeed. Because, you know, there's supposed to be this hard rock of moderation that will always rise up and strike down any such efforts. The one that's failed to act in virtually every GOP-dominated legislature since '10.

238 andres  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:21:03pm

re: #130 jvic


This is the second time recently I've posted something on which I thought people of good will should find common ground, only to be jumped on or sneered at ("Pray tell") for what is not common ground, while the area of potential constructive engagement was ignored.

All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing.
--Edmund Burke

Sometimes, you have to call a spade by it's name. For these situations, there are no if, or buts that justify staying on the sideline.

239 jvic  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:22:56pm

re: #170 wrenchwench

Would you care to retract your assertion that you've seen things equally extreme and repellant on the pro-choice side?

I did not assert that, wrenchwench, unless I've overlooked a post. I quote:

I haven't followed the Abortion Wars closely, but what I've seen of extremes on both sides strikes me as repellent. Akin meets that criterion with room to spare.

The assertion in the form stated by you (equally extreme and repellent) strikes me as reckless. Hopefully I'd have the intellectual honesty to back down from such a statement, but, hey, I have an ego.

240 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:24:08pm

re: #217 Mocking Jay

The Romney who would "absolutely" sign a personhood bill is cool with abortion in cases of rape?

I cannot believe a fucking thing this man says.

Mitt Romney: Limp-dicked with no balls and no morals.

241 labman57  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:25:14pm

It seems as though Akin's unbelievably ignorant, unconscionable comments are a derivation of the urban myth favored by horny adolescent boys who tell teenaged girls that they cannot get pregnant the "first time" or if they don't orgasm.

242 CuriousLurker  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:25:25pm

re: #235 Gus

Yeah. I'm such a Peronist-Progressive -- whatever the fuck that means -- that I have fits (Niagara Falls!) about Julian Assange, anti-drone warfare crtics, Bradley Manning, Obama kill lists, and so on. Gotta be really clueless to think I'm far-left. I'm left of center.

Well plain old left of center is boring. In order to be a proper villain worthy of OUTRAGEOUS OUTRAGE some people need to get out their finger paints & box of crayons and make you look more interesting.

243 Gus  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:27:47pm

re: #242 CuriousLurker

Well plain old left of center is boring. In order to be a proper villain worthy of OUTRAGEOUS OUTRAGE some people need to get out their finger paints & box of crayons and make you look more interesting.

Yeah. Dealing with a box of rocks here. When people are so far to the left everyone's a "Nazi" and when people are so far to the right everyone's a "Commie." Been that way for years.

244 allegro  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:32:11pm

re: #239 jvic

This is hilarious. You made the following statement:

I haven't followed the Abortion Wars closely, but what I've seen of extremes on both sides strikes me as repellent.

Then you deny that you made the statement while quoting your ownself making it.

I did not assert that, wrenchwench, unless I've overlooked a post.

You accuse wench of recklessness for asking if you're willing to take back the statement that you are unable or unwilling to support because she added the word "equally" which was strongly implied in your statement.

Then you claim intellectual honesty. ROFL

245 Dancing along the light of day  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 6:37:56pm

Absolutely frightening to see the Republican misogyny out in the light of day.

246 jvic  Sun, Aug 19, 2012 7:27:21pm

re: #239 jvic

I did not assert that, wrenchwench, unless I've overlooked a post. I quote:

The assertion in the form stated attributed by you (equally extreme and repellent) strikes me as reckless. Hopefully I'd have the intellectual honesty to back down from such a statement, but, hey, I have an ego.


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The Good Liars at Miami Trump Rally [VIDEO] Jason and Davram talk with Trump supporters about art, Mike Lindell, who is really president and more! SUPPORT US: SEE THE GOOD LIARS LIVE!LOS ANGELES, CA SUBSCRIBE TO OUR AUDIO PODCAST:Apple Podcasts: open.spotify.comJoin this channel to ...
3 weeks ago
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