The Most Incoherent Donald Trump Excuse Yet

“An older line answer”
Politics • Views: 56,864

Donald Trump is still trying to clean up the mess he made with his MSNBC town hall, when he said outright that abortion should be criminalized and women who have abortions should be punished. He obviously wants to take it back because he has a dim understanding of just how horrible it made him look; and all he did was follow the logic of the anti-choice movement’s positions to their logical conclusion.

That’s what he said, there’s no whitewashing it. And in a way, this was one of the most honest things he’s said yet.

But today he tried again to explain it away again, in one of the most hilariously incoherent statements to come out of his orange face yet.

A transcript of this image, just so it’s recorded in the Googles:

JOHN DICKERSON: Let me ask you a question about abortion. What would you do to further restrict women’s access to abortions as president?

DONALD TRUMP: Well, look, look, I mean, I know where you’re going and I just want to say a question was asked to me. And it was asked in a very hypothetical. And it was said, “Illegal, illegal.” I’ve been told by some people that was an older line answer and that was an answer that was given on a, you know, basis of an older line from years ago on a very conservative basis.

JOHN DICKERSON: Your original answer, you mean?

DONALD TRUMP: My original.

Good grief, folks. Good freaking grief. The GOP’s front-runner for president of the United States.

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Blind Frog Belly White  Apr 1, 2016 • 5:53:28pm

Uh, what the hell did he just say?

thedopefishlives  Apr 1, 2016 • 5:54:56pm

re: #1 Blind Frog Belly White

Uh, what the hell did he just say?

Yes. Exactly.

blueraven  Apr 1, 2016 • 5:55:10pm

And now this:

Walking back the walk back. Again!

Nothing to see here. Move along.

Jenner7  Apr 1, 2016 • 5:57:50pm


calochortus  Apr 1, 2016 • 5:58:39pm

Mr. C. informs me that dinner is ready. Back later.

b.d.  Apr 1, 2016 • 5:58:45pm

All the charisma of Mitt Romney and the brains of Sarah Palin.

The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil  Apr 1, 2016 • 5:58:48pm

I experienced kenshō reading that.

Decatur Deb  Apr 1, 2016 • 5:59:38pm

Transl: “I forgot to bullshit there, for a moment.”

thedopefishlives  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:00:17pm

re: #6 b.d.

All the charisma of Mitt Romney and the brains of Sarah Palin.

Speaking of Stiff Board for President 2012, I saw a car on the freeway the other day that had his bumper sticker. I snorted and said to myself, “I bet you’re wishing you had that one back, right about now.”

Belafon  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:01:48pm

Trump : GOP <==> VIKI : 3 Laws

blueraven  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:02:12pm

Donald Trump said Friday that he believes the laws regulating abortion should stay as they are, but he doesn’t disagree with the proposition that abortion is murder.

The GOP frontrunner lit a fresh controversy this week with his shifting responses to a question on abortion policy. He said during an MSNBC town hall on Tuesday that he’d like to see the practice banned, and that women who undergo it should face “some form of punishment.” But he quickly backtracked, explaining in a statement that while he believes it should be banned, the punishment should be levied on abortion providers, not the women seeking abortions.

Trump sought to clarify his position during an interview on Friday with “Face the Nation” moderator John Dickerson. The interview will air, in part, on Sunday’s broadcast.

video clip at link

MsJ  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:02:46pm

re: #6 b.d.

All the charisma of Mitt Romney and the brains of Sarah Palin.

Brains and the same nasty temperament as Palin.

The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:03:43pm

As pretty much always, Fred Clark provides an excellent insight into the enclosed culture and specialized language of the “religious” right, which explains how Trump’s statement is a gaffe even in the eyes of the forced-birth crowd.

Donald Trump did not know the Standard Answer on criminalizing abortion

But the Standard Answer that Donald Trump did not know, and thus could not give, isn’t really an answer at all. It’s an evasion — a practiced, polished bit of Luntzian semantic gymnastics. And the purpose of this Standard Answer has never been to provide the questioner with a satisfactory response. The purpose, rather, is to reassure the answerer that some Standard Answer exists and that the answerer doesn’t need to be troubled by the question or to give it any further thought or to worry that it might raise any significant matters that the answerer needs to consider.

In a sense then, Donald Trump didn’t need the Standard Answer. He was already there. The Standard Answer’s function of reassuring self-deception and reinforcing mental complacency is simply redundant when applied to a person like Donald Trump.

Blind Frog Belly White  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:04:35pm

re: #11 blueraven

video clip at link


Belafon  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:04:50pm

We sat down for dinner last night and Trump’s abortion statements were the first thing brought up by my mom. I don’t generally like to talk about politics too loud at a restaurant here in Rockwall because the city is very red, but he set her off.

jaunte  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:04:58pm
Great White Snark  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:06:46pm

What would be beyond word salad? Sentence casserole? Consonant pudding? Corned English Hash?

Decatur Deb  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:07:23pm

re: #17 Great White Snark

What would be beyond word salad? Sentence casserole? Consonant pudding? Corned English Hash?

Prose puree.

The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:08:05pm

re: #17 Great White Snark

What would be beyond word salad? Sentence casserole? Consonant pudding? Corned English Hash?


thedopefishlives  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:08:36pm

re: #18 Decatur Deb

Prose puree.

I like it.

Mattand  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:08:53pm

This is a long one, so buckle in…

So, at this place I’m temping at, the subject of Trump’s whoops moment with Chris Matthews on abortion came up. Two women and me: I’m the oldest by 20 years.

The ladies were suitable horrified by what he said, and unbelievably shocked that anyone running for office would say it. I jump in to say that this is why the “All politicians are the same” meme is a load of horseshit. I also point out the now-cliche take away that Trump said out loud what most Republicans think: they want to eliminate abortion entirely.

From there, I reminded them that if you vote Republican, that’s what you’re endorsing. Up until this point, they were basically ignoring me. One woman immediately jumps in to say “That’s not true, I’ve been voting Republican forever, and I don’t think women should be punished for it!”

The second lady leaps in to back up her buddy, basically offering some sort of mish mosh of “I’m pro-life, but I don’t think the women should be punished.” I again politely but firmly pointed out that GOP has been trying to outright outlaw aboriton, and that the notion of sending women and doctors to prisons for it didn’t just come out of nowhere. The subject pretty much changed after that.

What was really fascinating about this is that they focused solely on the issue of women being jailed for having an abortion, with a bit of a nod towards the doctors. Which, of course, is the most vile thing Trump has said to date, and kinda impressive, given what a disgusting monster he’s been. Probably worth noting that at no point did they object to the idea of it being restricted. If that’s their opinion, fine, but it smacks of half-assed support.

The fact that they couldn’t, or wouldn’t, make the connection to the GOP’s 40-plus year effort to criminalize the procedure is fascinating, and goes along way to explaining my hostility towards the idea that American voters are smart. These two have been presented with evidence that this kind of misogynistic mindset is a hallmark of the GOP platform, but they’re like “Nope. I vote Republican, but I don’t support this. Therefore, the Republican party bears no blame.”

The “logic” path of Lady #2 is worth mentioning. She told me last year that she hates Obamacare because it’s not right that people get stuff for free in this country. She also was proud of the fact that she hasn’t had a flu shot in 15 years, despite the fact she actually had the flu while telling me this; and then went on to give it to her five-year-old child.

So there’s that.

The older I get, the more I understand how we wind up with people like Bush Jr. and Reagan running the country. Choosing your leaders and having a basic understanding of politics is hard work, and Americans just can’t handle the responsibility.

Belafon  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:09:18pm

re: #16 jaunte

I suspect, by 2017, he’ll get the hang of this nomination thing.

blueraven  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:10:17pm
Mattand  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:12:30pm

re: #16 jaunte

[Embedded content]

I’ll defer to the women here, but part of me wonders if that’s more “Women have been very forceful in organized in reminding me of what’s what”; rather than “Women are all “nag nag nag”.

This is Bernie we’re talking about.

Charles Johnson  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:12:33pm
Belafon  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:13:39pm

re: #24 Mattand

I’ll defer to the women here, but part of me wonders if that’s more “Women have been very forceful in organized in reminding me of what’s what”; rather than “Women are all “nag nag nag”.

This is Bernie we’re talking about.

That’s why I said what I did. I can tell what he means, but it very much reminds me of Reid Biden saying Obama was very articulate.

Edited from Reid to Biden.

Decatur Deb  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:13:41pm

re: #25 Charles Johnson

Perhaps we just don’t get Bernie’s elfin sense of humor.

Jenner7  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:14:05pm

re: #16 jaunte

Oh dear…

Mattand  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:14:36pm

re: #26 Belafon

That’s why I said what I did. I can tell what he means, but it very much reminds me of Reid saying Obama was very articulate.

Ouch. I don’t remember that.

jaunte  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:15:01pm

re: #24 Mattand

Apparently there was a very loud cheer just after he said he was listening to women. Still, this is supposedly professional politics, and it matters how things are said.

Charles Johnson  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:15:42pm
Belafon  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:16:42pm

re: #29 Mattand

Actually, I was wrong, it was Biden:

Three years ago, then-Senator Joseph R. Biden Jr. of Delaware told the New York Observer that Mr. Obama was “the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean and a nice-looking guy.”

thedopefishlives  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:17:48pm

re: #31 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Apparently, this is what happens when everybody throws up their hands and goes, “Fuck it.”

Dave In Austin  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:17:49pm

Anyone else here think that Dominionist Sen. Cruz may be on the DC Madam’s sekrit phone list?

Please!!!! Release the Kracken!!!

majii  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:18:20pm

This is the second time Trump has bombed on expressing his opinion about abortion this week, and both times it happened when he was face-to-face with the person who was talking to him. I’m getting the feeling that Trump doesn’t perform well under the slightest bit of pressure and has problems expressing himself in real-time interviews, hence his tendency to do phone-in interviews. He definitely does not look like the winner he claims to be. Dude can hardly explain his ideas. A major fail. This probably explains why he repeats a set of talking points at every campaign he makes. His response in this interview is 100% gobbledygook. I’ve read it several times, and I still don’t know the point he’s trying to make. He is the ultimate bullsh*tter. On steroids.

Mattand  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:18:36pm

re: #32 Belafon

Actually, I was wrong, it was Biden:

He was probably high at the time.

I’d be remiss if I didn’t point out that this article is the first hit in Google for “Onion Joe Biden weed”.

blueraven  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:18:48pm

re: #30 jaunte

Apparently there was a very loud cheer just after he said he was listening to women. Still, this is supposedly professional politics, and it matters how things are said.

I think I would probably give him a pass on this. I think he means womens voice will not be ignored. Not that Bernie supporters would give Hillary a break on anything, but I cant see myself in that mode.

The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:19:19pm

re: #34 Dave In Austin

Anyone else here think that Dominionist Sen. Cruz may be on the DC Madam’s sekrit phone list?

Please!!!! Release the Kracken!!!

The guy insinuating he has that list is bugfuck crazy and shady as hell.

Yes, both.

jaunte  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:19:53pm

re: #37 blueraven

He’s just not very adept as a politician.

TedStriker  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:20:04pm

re: #16 jaunte


goddamnedfrank  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:20:29pm

True story yo’.

Mattand  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:20:46pm

re: #34 Dave In Austin

Anyone else here think that Dominionist Sen. Cruz may be on the DC Madam’s sekrit phone list?

Please!!!! Release the Kracken!!!

Honestly, I think it’s Trump. The hypocrisy in Cruz being on the list would almost be expected to the point of being pedestrian.

Hiring “classy” call girls, though? That’s got Trump’s tiny, almost imperceptible finger prints all over it.

Mattand  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:21:32pm

re: #41 goddamnedfrank

True story yo’.

[Embedded content]

If you don’t use “Voltron crotch lion” as a band name, I will.

Skip Intro  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:21:57pm

The GOP’s choice.

Choose wisely.

GlutenFreeJesus  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:22:21pm

re: #42 Mattand

I’d be shocked if neither if them weren’t on that list.

Belafon  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:22:38pm

re: #41 goddamnedfrank

True story yo’.

[Embedded content]

I just had an entire episode of Robot Chicken play through my head.

The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:22:47pm

re: #44 Skip Intro

The GOP’s choice.

[Embedded content]

Choose wisely.

That’s terrible.

In classic movie monster terms, Cruz is clearly the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

Bubblehead II  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:22:54pm

re: #16 jaunte

WTF? That’s one tone deaf comment

Mattand  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:23:49pm

re: #46 Belafon

I just had an entire episode of Robot Chicken play through my head.

“It’s a twist!!!”

jaunte  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:23:53pm

re: #48 Bubblehead II

Yup. Caught off guard.

thedopefishlives  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:24:33pm

re: #44 Skip Intro

The GOP’s choice.

Embedded ImageChoose wisely.

I choose “Take off and nuke it from orbit”.

Decatur Deb  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:24:40pm

re: #47 The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil

That’s terrible.

In classic movie monster terms, Cruz is clearly the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

The CFTBL actually could evoke some sympathy.

Skip Intro  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:24:52pm

re: #48 Bubblehead II

He meant to say “because they never shut up”.

Won’t matter, though. Just like Trump.

Mattand  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:25:47pm

re: #47 The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil

That’s terrible.

In classic movie monster terms, Cruz is clearly the Creature from the Black Lagoon.

If Trump wins, watch Cruz go from Dracula to Renfield in a New York minute.

Great White Snark  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:26:31pm

re: #18 Decatur Deb

Prose puree.

Good one.

Verbage Sausage

Skip Intro  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:26:59pm

So nobody disagrees that Trump makes an excellent Frankenstein’s monster. That’s good.

Mattand  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:28:06pm

re: #56 Skip Intro

So nobody disagrees that Trump makes an excellent Frankenstein’s monster. That’s good.


The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:28:14pm

re: #54 Mattand

Uriah Heep

Belafon  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:28:34pm

Us straight white men have had to relearn a lot of language over the past 20 years (yeah, we should have done it sooner, sorry). I recently changed my Twitter bio to include “I’m better in theory.” It’s partially a math reference, but it’s also that I’m a lot better person behind a keyboard because I get a chance to edit before it goes out to the internet. While I would probably make fewer slips than a lot of older people, my pausing to make sure what I said was correct would probably be interpreted as stalling.

Belafon  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:29:02pm

re: #56 Skip Intro

So nobody disagrees that Trump makes an excellent Frankenstein’s monster. That’s good.

He is a creation of the GOP.

Mattand  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:29:09pm

re: #58 The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil

Uriah Heep


Free associating at this point.

De Kolta Chair  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:31:05pm


Skip Intro  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:31:49pm

re: #60 Belafon

He’s the GOP’s Id monster. Somebody should remake Forbidden Planet staring an invisible Trump.

The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:33:08pm

re: #62 De Kolta Chair

[Embedded content]


To be fair, questioning ducks are invasive species and utter pests.

Skip Intro  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:33:27pm

re: #62 De Kolta Chair

[Embedded content]


Of all the idiotic things Trump has said, this is the one that gets the media’s attention?

The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:33:54pm

re: #61 Mattand


Free associating at this point.

The correct answer is always King Ghidorah.

EPR-radar  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:34:13pm

re: #35 majii

If I read between the lines of Trump’s response in the OP, I think it comes out to something like this when expressed honestly:

I need to be against abortion to win the GOP nomination. I have no idea what real pro-lifers say or do, so I bullshitted my way through the original question by coming up with the hardest line position I could think of. Now I’m pretending that I looked this hard line up somewhere.

blueraven  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:34:40pm

re: #62 De Kolta Chair

Embedded Image


Never fear. Sarah Palin is speaking for him now in Milwaukee. I just heard a bit on CNN. Whew boy. It’s a toss up on who wins the day in Stupid.

Mattand  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:35:40pm

re: #66 The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil

The correct answer is always King Ghidorah.

“When would you like to schedule this life-saving surgery? You’re very sick and need to get in here ASAP!”

“King Ghidorah.”

zora  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:37:57pm

As an American woman, are there any other laws I can break without punishment or is it just abortion? Enquiring minds want to know.

Charles Johnson  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:38:04pm
Mattand  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:38:48pm

re: #66 The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil

The correct answer is always King Ghidorah.

“Mr. Trump, you clearly are pandering to the most extreme, hard-line anti-abortionists in the GOP. Your answers have been remarkably inconsistent and, to be honest, kind of confusing. Would like to set the record straight, once and for all?”

“King Ghidorah.”

Actually, I kinda wish he’d say that. It makes more sense then the other BS he spouts.

EPR-radar  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:40:17pm

re: #65 Skip Intro

Of all the idiotic things Trump has said, this is the one that gets the media’s attention?

Actually, abortion is one of the most substantive conventional issues to have come up so far in Trump’s candidacy, so the media will latch onto it.

The unconventional issue here (Trump being grossly unqualified to be POTUS) is somehow not news.

Skip Intro  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:40:32pm

re: #71 Charles Johnson

He is unpredictable. I guess we’ll have to elect him to find out if he’s sane or not.

Mattand  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:42:34pm

re: #73 EPR-radar

The unconventional issue here (Trump being grossly unqualified to be POTUS) is somehow not news.


Dave In Austin  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:43:54pm

re: #71 Charles Johnson

We can release that Kracken as well…. Yesh!!

Charles Johnson  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:44:35pm

re: #74 Skip Intro

I don’t think Donald Trump has been actually “sane” for a long, long time. Maybe never. His entire life has been privileged in a way most people can’t even conceive of.

majii  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:45:25pm

re: #75 Mattand


WRONG. He is too qualified to be POTUS because millions say he says the things they’re thinking and because he says them with force, he’ll be a rilly, rilly, strong leader. /s/

Face palm.

Belafon  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:45:54pm

re: #77 Charles Johnson

I don’t think Donald Trump has been actually “sane” for a long, long time. Maybe never. His entire life has been privileged in a way most people can’t even conceive of.

I, for one, don’t think of him as ‘eccentric’ as you’re supposed to think of crazy rich people. I think it’s the bully factor.

Charles Johnson  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:48:43pm

This is what real neo-Nazis think about Milo Yiannopoulos.

Breitbart’s Alt-Right Analysis is the Product of a Degenerate Homosexual and an Ethnic Mongrel | Daily Stormer

(The link goes to archive​.is.)

EPR-radar  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:49:03pm

re: #77 Charles Johnson

I don’t think Donald Trump has been actually “sane” for a long, long time. Maybe never. His entire life has been privileged in a way most people can’t even conceive of.

I think Trump’s reality is that he is rich enough that the world has accommodated his innumerable personality defects accordingly.

In a strange way that makes him sane, almost by definition.

Decatur Deb  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:49:59pm

re: #81 EPR-radar

I think Trump’s reality is that he is rich enough that the world has accommodated his innumerable personality defects accordingly.

In a strange way that makes him sane, almost by definition.

He fits his cultural niche.

Blind Frog Belly White  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:51:31pm

re: #34 Dave In Austin

Anyone else here think that Dominionist Sen. Cruz may be on the DC Madam’s sekrit phone list?

Please!!!! Release the Kracken!!!

Think he went to see a Dominionatrix?

451_Montag  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:51:41pm

re: #35 majii

This is the second time Trump has bombed on expressing his opinion about abortion this week, and both times it happened when he was face-to-face with the person who was talking to him. I’m getting the feeling that Trump doesn’t perform well under the slightest bit of pressure and has problems expressing himself in real-time interviews, hence his tendency to do phone-in interviews. He definitely does not look like the winner he claims to be. Dude can hardly explain his ideas. A major fail. This probably explains why he repeats a set of talking points at every campaign he makes. His response in this interview is 100% gobbledygook. I’ve read it several times, and I still don’t know the point he’s trying to make. He is the ultimate bullsh*tter. On steroids.

I get the feeling Trump only performs well when he is setting the agenda. Imagine in the boardroom doing a deal. When you are offering to invest (even when you are using someone else money), you are “in charge”. You own the floor. Same at his rallies where he waffles on about what he wants. Same as his TV show.

I don’t imagine he has had a lot of situations where he hasn’t been the alpha male in the situation.

As soon as he is challenged now he has to convince others of hius intent, he is the one ” cap in hand” and is struggling when others not only disagree but have the power to disagree.

Will get even worse for him when a strong intelligent woman does it, that’ll drive him over the edge.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer wombat headed psychopath.

The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:54:18pm

re: #69 Mattand

“When would you like to schedule this life-saving surgery? You’re very sick and need to get in here ASAP!”

“King Ghidorah.”

What, you expected the secret key to the universe to make sense?

Decatur Deb  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:54:38pm

Trump is a national treasure. He is the main thing standing between the Republican Party and three Supreme Court nominations.

Reality Based Steve  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:56:50pm

I’m a but curious why nobody is really calling attention to this odd phrase in his statement:

I’ve been told by some people that was an older line answer and that was an answer that was given on a, you know, basis of an older line from years ago on a very conservative basis.

This tells me (not that I needed reminding or convincing) that he doesn’t really hold “Positions”, he has lines and responses designed to stir up the red meat supporters. He doesn’t need focus groups, he simply tests things on the fly and see how they go over.

The fact that he refers to it as “an older line answer” is like an actor saying “oh, I didn’t get the latest script change, that’s why I missed that line” (or a developer saying “I missed that bug fix”)

My only question is how much longer can this self-serving sack-o-scat go. If he wins Wisconsin (and it’s a Winner-Take-Most) or just gets a sizable portion it’s going to be very hard to stop him. Of course, if the GOP manages to keep him from getting to 1267, that’s still no promise that Cruz has enough to get the nom. (and it’s very unlikely Cruz can win enough delegates outright)

In any case, there are going to be Poli-Sci majors doing their dissertations for years on this election cycle.


EPR-radar  Apr 1, 2016 • 6:58:32pm

re: #87 Reality Based Steve

I spotted that strange bit as well, and I think it is simply a lie. Trump just doesn’t want to admit he makes this stuff up on the fly.

The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:00:02pm

re: #84 451_Montag

Couldn’t happen to a nicer wombat headed psychopath.

I think you hurt his feelings.

eta: It actually took awhile to find a wombat photo that could be glossed as anything but “absolutely blissful and incredibly chill.”

EPR-radar  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:02:16pm

re: #80 Charles Johnson

This is what real neo-Nazis think about Milo Yiannopoulos.

Breitbart’s Alt-Right Analysis is the Product of a Degenerate Homosexual and an Ethnic Mongrel | Daily Stormer

(The link goes to archive​.is.)

Milo et al. Yiannopoulos probably doesn’t realize that the hard right lunatics he likes to pretend are his friends would very much like to kill him. The fact that he is presently in no real danger from these haters is his privilege in action.

Belafon  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:02:39pm


I have a tool request. Some of us aren’t allowed to access twitter directly at work. I can see the tweet text and get to the links in the tweets that people post, but I can’t see any pictures, and I can’t see the tweets that those tweets are in response to. It’s a limitation I can generally live with.

But sometimes, people will post a tweet with a link in it. I have a link unshortener I use at work, but sometimes those links are also tweets. So here’s my request: could you create a page so that, if we put in a link to a tweet, it puts the tweet in a response so that we can see the text?

Blind Frog Belly White  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:03:54pm

re: #89 The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil

Embedded Image

I think you hurt his feelings.

eta: It actually took awhile to find a wombat photo that could be glossed as anything but “absolutely blissful and incredibly chill.”

Happiness is a wombat.

teleskiguy  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:10:11pm

Mental health break:

A friend in Steamboat took this photo recently, talk about serendipity.

Photo credit: Aryeh Copa,
Renaissance_Man  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:10:59pm

re: #84 451_Montag

I get the feeling Trump only performs well when he is setting the agenda. Imagine in the boardroom doing a deal. When you are offering to invest (even when you are using someone else money), you are “in charge”. You own the floor. Same at his rallies where he waffles on about what he wants. Same as his TV show.

I don’t imagine he has had a lot of situations where he hasn’t been the alpha male in the situation.

As soon as he is challenged now he has to convince others of hius intent, he is the one ” cap in hand” and is struggling when others not only disagree but have the power to disagree.

Will get even worse for him when a strong intelligent woman does it, that’ll drive him over the edge.

Couldn’t happen to a nicer wombat headed psychopath.

I’ve said this before - Trump is a bully. And like most bullies, he is ultimately a coward. He is, furthermore, not at all intelligent and not especially educated. And he is in abject fear of being shown up as the weak man of little talent he really is. All of his bluster is directed towards preventing this.

Unfortunately, because he is not very smart, he sometimes believes his own bluster. He has to - he’s lived that way for too long. And as a result, he gets in where his bluster cannot get him out sometimes. Thus far, the media interviewing him has covered for him. Eventually, they will either stop doing so (because it will be a better narrative if they don’t) or it will become so obvious that it can’t be hidden. And his entire candidacy, because it is built on nothing except his ego, will come to a crashing halt the moment he is humiliated on the national stage.

Decatur Deb  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:15:23pm

re: #93 teleskiguy

Mental health break:

A friend in Steamboat took this photo recently, talk about serendipity.

[Embedded content]

“Just fall, sucker, and you’re nothing but pink snow.”

teleskiguy  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:17:06pm

re: #93 teleskiguy

The guy that took this photo was the first person I met in Steamboat who was in to Frank Zappa as much as I was and he taught me how to telemark ski backwards.

451_Montag  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:22:05pm

re: #89 The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil

Embedded Image

I think you hurt his feelings.

eta: It actually took awhile to find a wombat photo that could be glossed as anything but “absolutely blissful and incredibly chill.”

But Trump’s is an evil wombat, not a nice wombat.

Have to admit I quite like wombats.

Bubblehead II  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:23:33pm

Night Lizards. I came, I lurked and I leave you with this.

The Rose - by Bette Midler + lyrics

And in memory of my Sister, Debra Ann.

5/18/56 - 6/5/2011

Let Her Fly - Dolly Parton, Loretta Lynn and Tammy Wynette

As always, may the Deity of your choice smile down upon you and yours.

And yes, I am in a soppy mood

The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:27:23pm

re: #97 451_Montag

But Trump’s is an evil wombat, not a nice wombat.

Have to admit I quite like wombats.

It’s Australian.

It probably shits thermite and subsists largely on the tears of orphans. And it makes those orphans by blowing up bridges.

Blind Frog Belly White  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:31:22pm

re: #99 The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil

It’s Australian.

It probably shits thermite and subsists largely on the tears of orphans. And it makes those orphans by blowing up bridges.

Australian, so probably shits Vegemite.

teleskiguy  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:31:59pm

re: #93 teleskiguy

I forgot, it’s April the first. Any Lizards good at spotting photoshop?

calochortus  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:33:39pm

re: #101 teleskiguy

I forgot, it’s April the first. Any Lizards good at spotting photoshop?

[Embedded content]

No, but it does seem likely, doesn’t it?

teleskiguy  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:34:25pm
teleskiguy  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:35:10pm

re: #102 calochortus

No, but it does seem likely, doesn’t it?

Yes. Given the photog’s weirdness, I would not put it past him.

Lidane  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:37:13pm

I got curious about how the Freepers were feeling about Trump’s incoherent answers on abortion so I put on the hazmat suit and hip waders. They are not amused:

It’s settled law is the common excuse for acquiescing to the left on social issues.

Well, I hope it’s not a picket fence he’s trying so hard to straddle.

So, Trump would appoint pro-choice justices? Abortion is murder, but that’s ok?

Trump is a buffoon. He hasn’t thought thru any position in any detail. And he’s not conservative enough to be called a RINO.

It’s my concern he is going too far the other way. I’m a Trump supporter and have defended him, but I am uncomfortable with this statement from him.

Not a difficult question at all, and Trump couldn’t answer it without being asked more questions.

Ardent pro-lifers [most of them] are in the Cruz camp now. I hope those for life who have been tricked by Trump will support Ted Cruz. He’s the only 100% pro-life candidate we have in the contest.

So the left wing Trump has appeared.
He is losing me very quickly as second choice. He should have ran as a democrat.

Trump lost respect from me when he backed down. All women who have procured the murder of the child should in jail, or worse. And every doctor that murders a child in utero or outside of it should be in jail, too.

Just shows what a Sodom and Gomorrah America has become. May God smack it down, hard. It’s well deserved.

OK… he’s splattered himself all over the policy map on abortion.

What else is “negotiable?”

The Republicans will once again lose the election because of the abortion issue, and as a result the country will be destroyed and there will be absolutely no chance of ever stopping or reducing abortions. The battle has been fought the wrong way. Things are going to get much worse.

The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:38:35pm

re: #100 Blind Frog Belly White

Australian, so probably shits Vegemite.

As a consumer of Marmite*, I am required to be 50% offended by that implication.

*It’s the best source for my RDA of British, along with crumpets and Cockney imitations.

teleskiguy  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:48:52pm

Oy. This shit is what killed my favorite skier, Shane McConkey.

Facebook Post

De Kolta Chair  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:51:00pm

I gotta hand it to the GOP — after years of trying to give us fascism with a friendly face, they’ve gone back to butt ugly motherfuckers.

Lancelot Link  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:53:52pm

I must say, this speech is NOT what I expected to hear from Donald Trump;
Compassionate Trump

Interesting Times  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:56:33pm

re: #105 Lidane

I got curious about how the Freepers were feeling about Trump’s incoherent answers on abortion so I put on the hazmat suit and hip waders. They are not amused:

You’ve often said that the only way the GOP will ever reform itself is if they experience a Mondale-style defeat…but even if that were to happen with Trump, they’re already prepping their fallback excuse: “Not conservative enough” -_-

A huge defeat with Cruz at the helm, however, would be a more convincing rebuttal of the GOP itself.

…then again, I originally thought the GOP establishment tolerated Trump because he made Cruz look good in comparison, so…

goddamnedfrank  Apr 1, 2016 • 7:59:32pm
De Kolta Chair  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:00:43pm

re: #103 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

There’s no need to fear, Irish James Bond is here!

That graphic is from a Nintendo 64 game, isn’t it? //

Lidane  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:03:26pm
Lidane  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:05:45pm

re: #110 Interesting Times

You’ve often said that the only way the GOP will ever reform itself is if they experience a Mondale-style defeat…but even if that were to happen with Trump, they’re already prepping their fallback excuse: “Not conservative enough” -_-

A huge defeat with Cruz at the helm, however, would be a more convincing rebuttal of the GOP itself.

…then again, I originally thought the GOP establishment tolerated Trump because he made Cruz look good in comparison, so…

With Trump they’ll get their massive national defeat, but you’re right. They won’t learn anything from it. The only way they’d figure it out is if they gave Cruz the nod and got curbstomped for it.

Reality Based Steve  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:08:07pm

Well gang, I’m off to bed. Early day tomorrow and I need my beauty coma.

Remember, a day without Trump saying something mind-achingly stupid is a day that hasn’t occurred yet.


De Kolta Chair  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:08:11pm

re: #64 The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil

To be fair, questioning ducks are invasive species and utter pests.

Actual photograph of a New York policeman about to stop and frisk an innocent duck and her ducklings, which yielded the largest haul of saltine crackers in the city’s history.
calochortus  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:10:51pm

re: #116 De Kolta Chair

[Embedded content]

Shouldn’t that be a Boston policeman, not NY?

BeachDem  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:11:01pm

re: #42 Mattand

Honestly, I think it’s Trump. The hypocrisy in Cruz being on the list would almost be expected to the point of being pedestrian.

Hiring “classy” call girls, though? That’s got Trump’s tiny, almost imperceptible finger prints all over it.

I see Trump more as someone who would intimidate women, like from his pageants, to sleep with him, rather than use call girls. I think his ego would require that he felt someone was sleeping with him because he was so awesome and powerful rather than because he paid for it.

majii  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:11:04pm

re: #105 Lidane

I think what they most object to is Trump telling the truth about what they believe about abortion and backing down after he noticed he’d stepped on an electoral land mine of his own making. These comments indicate to me that many on the right definitely think women should be punished for having abortions. It’s something I’ve never understood about pro-lifers because if you’re not the one who has to make the decision in regard to abortion, you need to mind your own d*mn business. These are not persons who really believe in small government. They’re authoritarians who want to set the agenda for an entire nation of diverse citizens.

De Kolta Chair  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:14:24pm

re: #117 calochortus

Shouldn’t that be a Boston policeman, not NY?

Excellent point, but…

“The Man is the same everywhere, man.”
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:14:27pm

re: #114 Lidane

With Trump they’ll get their massive national defeat, but you’re right. They won’t learn anything from it. The only way they’d figure it out is if they gave Cruz the nod and got curbstomped for it.

Well, there’s this (via Balloon Juice):

Lidane  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:16:11pm

Looks like Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods has hit her sell-by date on the right:

calochortus  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:16:46pm

re: #120 De Kolta Chair

Excellent point, but…

[Embedded content]

But are the ducks the same everywhere?

calochortus  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:17:44pm

re: #121 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Well, there’s this (via Balloon Juice):

[Embedded content]

And you know, I’m OK with that.

De Kolta Chair  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:21:38pm

re: #123 calochortus

But are the ducks the same everywhere?

You’re blowing my mind, man!

Holy canoli, Howard Hesseman was in Billy Jack?!?!

BeachDem  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:27:38pm

re: #116 De Kolta Chair

[Embedded content]

Hey—that’s Make Way for Ducklings, and it’s a Boston copper!!

majii  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:27:53pm

re: #122 Lidane

Well, I think it takes a simple mind to craft a simple explanation for a complex issue. Palin saying this is akin to some republicans saying that I’m a black female who voted for Obama because I expected him to give me something. Never mind that I’m well-educated and was never unemployed since I graduated from UGA in 1974 when some health issues showed up in 2008, and my daughter pressured me to retire. Obama has given me about as much as he’s given her. My vote for him wasn’t an expectation on my part of getting something free. I voted for him for the same reason Palin will most likely vote for Trump—-his vision for the country was more in line with mine than that of McCain and Palin. It pisses me off when some individuals stereotype and scapegoat certain individuals or groups to cover their laziness in not being motivated to get to know the individual/members of the group. I’m now wondering who was standing at the border handing out gift baskets when undocumented immigrants crossed into the U.S. from Mexico. One thing I know is that it wasn’t Palin.

BeachDem  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:28:40pm

re: #117 calochortus

Shouldn’t that be a Boston policeman, not NY?

re: #126 BeachDem

Hey—that’s Make Way for Ducklings, and it’s a Boston copper!!

Damn, I need to read the whole thread before posting.

teleskiguy  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:31:17pm

I just bought this hat.

De Kolta Chair  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:31:44pm

re: #126 BeachDem

Hey—that’s Make Way for Ducklings, and it’s a Boston copper!!

Hey, I’m from Worcester, what do I know? ;-) Later gators

BeachDem  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:33:53pm

re: #130 De Kolta Chair

Hey, I’m from Worcester, what do I know? // Later gators

Embedded Image

Loved that book as a kid—thought it was so cool that it was a “local” story (I’m a Sharon girl.)

calochortus  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:35:34pm

re: #128 BeachDem

Damn, I need to read the whole thread before posting.

Nah, if we read the whole thread we may never catch up. Redundancy is a small price to pay.

calochortus  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:36:29pm

re: #131 BeachDem

Loved that book as a kid—thought it was so cool that it was a “local” story (I’m a Sharon girl.)

Yeah, it was read to me as a kid and I read it to my kids, even though we were nowhere near Boston.

De Kolta Chair  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:37:59pm

The bright side: The Democratic Party candidate looks to be a shoe-in.
The down side: The inevitable Bob Woodward book.
The bright side: Nobody will buy Woodward’s boring book.
The down side: My teensy weensy local branch library will end up with at least four copies.

teleskiguy  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:39:12pm

I’m not exactly opposed to this wanton act of littering.

Huge Tire Bouncing Downhill Into Lake

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:42:20pm

Rage Furby is still obsessing about Michelle Fields, with an “analysis” of videos of incident involving her and a NYC policeman. His conclusion is, of course, that she set it up to manipulate the media, and the Corey Lewandowski incident is another example of the same kind of manipulation.

In Rage Furby’s mind, it seems every woman, LGBQT and non-white person has some kind of evil agenda, which is to displace straight white men from their rightful position at the top of the social pyramid. Or maybe he’s just paranoid.

Pawn of the Oppressor  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:42:28pm

re: #133 calochortus

Yeah, it was read to me as a kid and I read it to my kids, even though we were nowhere near Boston.

It was a “local” story out in Middlesex county, too. And of course there is the statue of the ducks in the public garden.

teleskiguy  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:42:48pm
MsJ  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:47:36pm

re: #122 Lidane

Looks like Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods has hit her sell-by date on the right:

[Embedded content]

The latest Free Stuff trope.

Pawn of the Oppressor  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:48:17pm

re: #136 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

Rage Furby is still obsessing about Michelle Fields, with an “analysis” of videos of incident involving her and a NYC policeman. His conclusion is, of course, that she set it up to manipulate the media, and the Corey Lewandowski incident is another example of the same kind of manipulation.

In Rage Furby’s mind, it seems every woman, LGBQT and non-white person has some kind of evil agenda, which is to displace straight white men from their rightful position at the top of the social pyramid. Or maybe he’s just paranoid.

No, that’s his worldview. White men are on top of the food chain, and any time somebody who isn’t a white man is successful, it must be through artifice, trickery, or luck. The proper place for vaginas and ni*clangs* is under his boot.

Conveniently, this feeds his inferiority complex (which I wouldn’t label a “complex” so much as “an accurate self-assessment”) and it gives him something to write about.

The upshot is, in fifteen years he’ll be able to repay his legal bills with an appearance on Internet Celebrity Boxing Challenge, where he’ll lose to Dana Loesch in a bare-knuckle cage match.

MsJ  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:50:00pm

What do you guys think of this?

calochortus  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:50:13pm

re: #140 Pawn of the Oppressor

Yeah, if he’s so superior, why the need to avoid competition with all his “inferiors?”

calochortus  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:51:47pm

re: #141 MsJ

What do you guys think of this?

It seems a bit overstated, but what do I know?

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:53:14pm

re: #142 calochortus

Yeah, if he’s so superior, why the need to avoid competition with all his “inferiors?”

It’s the main problem with MRA types and white supremacists. If men and white folks are so damned superior, what have they got to worry about?

Then, you look at the types who are typically MRA types and white supremacists, and you understand.

Pawn of the Oppressor  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:56:58pm

re: #142 calochortus

Yeah, if he’s so superior, why the need to avoid competition with all his “inferiors?”

That’s what he doesn’t understand: We see right through him. He can feel the loathing and the buried pain of his total lack of success, but it rebounds right back into his keen sense of entitlement. That’s the Circle of Jerk that fuels at least a third of right-wing “media”.

To be honest, I would pay real cash money to watch him get his ass kicked by an archetypical small-framed feisty “liberal” woman. Maybe Janeane Garofalo?

Edit: And I don’t mean just a shlocky exploitation fight. I mean maybe a few minutes of humiliating Chucksie in a talk-show format to get him mad, then she just straight whips his ass in a fistfight. I would watch that over and over again.

calochortus  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:57:10pm

re: #144 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

So very true.

Anyway, I’m going to say good night, Lizards. Hasta mañana.

bratwurst  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:57:34pm

re: #141 MsJ

What do you guys think of this?

Put Hillary’s name on a ballot next to Trump or Cruz and see how favorable she seems then.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:58:51pm

well maybe trump is beginning to be over after all

he’s beginning to sound like carson in his foreign policy phase

MsJ  Apr 1, 2016 • 8:59:41pm

re: #143 calochortus

re: #147 bratwurst

I’d sure like some Demo to info on the respondents.

MsJ  Apr 1, 2016 • 9:00:41pm

re: #148 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

well maybe trump is beginning to be over after all

he’s beginning to sound like carson in his foreign policy phase

Or Ubeki-Beki-Stan-Stan.

teleskiguy  Apr 1, 2016 • 9:01:42pm

Five years ago today at a ski area called Jackson Hole.

Hyde yo’ kidz, hyde yo’ wife…it’s GAPER DAY

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Apr 1, 2016 • 9:03:47pm

re: #141 MsJ

What do you guys think of this?

trump has shown that having high unpopularity is the new winning

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Apr 1, 2016 • 9:14:31pm


Cheechako  Apr 1, 2016 • 9:22:23pm

re: #131 BeachDem

Loved that book as a kid—thought it was so cool that it was a “local” story (I’m a Sharon girl.)

Hey….I’m from North Easton. Go OA Tigers!!

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Apr 1, 2016 • 9:24:18pm

the internets has become trumpistan

BeachDem  Apr 1, 2016 • 9:29:33pm

re: #154 Cheechako

Hey….I’m from North Easton. Go OA Tigers!!

My niece lives in North Easton. Small world!

Sophist, Premature Anti-Trumpist  Apr 1, 2016 • 9:33:51pm

re: #17 Great White Snark

What would be beyond word salad? Sentence casserole? Consonant pudding? Corned English Hash?

Phoneme goulash.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 1, 2016 • 9:36:26pm

OT, but here’s some product news from China. XiaoMi (the maker of my cellphone) now has a smart rice cooker that will tailor the cooking temp and time to the brand of rice you scan with your smartphone.

Seems to be overkill, considering cooking rice is not especially difficult in a “dumb” rice cooker, but I suppose someone will buy it.

makeitstop  Apr 1, 2016 • 9:38:32pm

Few may have noticed, but Andy ‘Thunderclap’ Newman has passed.

He had his band were well known for ‘Something In The Air,’ but this one was my favorite Thunderclap. RIP, Andy.

Thunderclap Newman - Accidents (Single Version)

CleverToad  Apr 1, 2016 • 9:43:19pm

re: #153 klys (maker of Silmarils)


Stanley Sea  Apr 1, 2016 • 9:44:46pm

re: #158 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

I’m currently working on a remodel for the 3 office/manufacturing buildings of Faraday & Future. You heard of them? A Chinese electric car maker who has located to LA.

Ziggy_TARDIS  Apr 1, 2016 • 9:54:09pm

Hey, is there a place I can find a record of both Clinton’s and Sander’s accomplishments in Congress in a relatively simple format?

I am trying to write a page. In part of it, I will compare Sanders supporters to tantrumming children.

retired cynic  Apr 1, 2016 • 9:56:43pm

re: #162 Ziggy_TARDIS

I’d start with their main web pages, and Wikipedia.

teleskiguy  Apr 1, 2016 • 10:02:02pm

The title of this article:

The Most Incoherent Donald Trump Excuse Yet

The general election will be held in


so I doubt this will be the “Most Incoherent Donald Trump Excuse” we’ve heard.

Ziggy_TARDIS  Apr 1, 2016 • 10:02:03pm

re: #163 retired cynic

My best friend is still supporting Sanders, ad the urge to attack is coming back, with this being the thrust this time.

Come to think of it, most of the Sanders supporters are a bunch of squalling children who need to be disciplined. Just like every other tantrumming child in History, they don’t know what they want.

retired cynic  Apr 1, 2016 • 10:03:30pm

re: #165 Ziggy_TARDIS

Just attack with facts, dispassionately put down on the page. That’ll do more good than an ‘attack.’

Ziggy_TARDIS  Apr 1, 2016 • 10:07:32pm

re: #166 retired cynic

The issue is, they aren’t thinking in a way that I think is rational. When that happens, you have to bring them down to Earth. I feel the best way to do that is via negative reinforcement.

retired cynic  Apr 1, 2016 • 10:09:09pm

re: #167 Ziggy_TARDIS

That sure never worked with me! I’d push back.

Blind Frog Belly White  Apr 1, 2016 • 10:13:46pm

re: #167 Ziggy_TARDIS

The issue is, they aren’t thinking in a way that I think is rational. When that happens, you have to bring them down to Earth. I feel the best way to do that is via negative reinforcement.

You try your best, but they may not end up agreeing with you, and you can choose to be an adult and let it go, or you can keep pushing and end up being an unlikeable asshole.

Kafitrar  Apr 1, 2016 • 10:16:20pm

re: #167 Ziggy_TARDIS

The issue is, they aren’t thinking in a way that I think is rational. When that happens, you have to bring them down to Earth. I feel the best way to do that is via negative reinforcement.

Do you think that’s rational?

Ziggy_TARDIS  Apr 1, 2016 • 10:20:44pm

re: #168 retired cynic

True. The Republican friend is talking me down on it again, saying that if I were to do that, and compare my best friend to a screaming toddler, that I would probably hurt her a lot.

re: #170 Kafitrar

I am willing to do a lot to get people to think rationally. So, to me, yes it is.

CleverToad  Apr 1, 2016 • 10:26:00pm

re: #167 Ziggy_TARDIS

The issue is, they aren’t thinking in a way that I think is rational. When that happens, you have to bring them down to Earth. I feel the best way to do that is via negative reinforcement.

Usually an ineffective strategy. Has it worked when someone used negative reinforcement to try to persuade you to change your viewpoint? You’re dealing with other adults, not toddlers you’re trying to keep away from a hot stove.

You catch more flies with honey than vinegar.

retired cynic  Apr 1, 2016 • 10:26:26pm

re: #171 Ziggy_TARDIS

Long ago and far away, I was a school teacher, then a wife, and a boss, and a founder of a couple of non profits. Plus the whole daughter and sister bit. And I have trained some animals, too. I never accomplished what I wanted by negative reinforcement. Occasionally, I used some, and it usually resulted in pushback and resentment, and took longer to get where I was going. Just my experience!

Kafitrar  Apr 1, 2016 • 10:29:26pm

re: #171 Ziggy_TARDIS

True. The Republican friend is talking me down on it again, saying that if I were to do that, and compare my best friend to a screaming toddler, that I would probably hurt her a lot.

Probably? More like certainly.

I am willing to do a lot to get people to think rationally. So, to me, yes it is.

Is your definition of rational thought: “How I think”?

Ziggy_TARDIS  Apr 1, 2016 • 10:39:12pm

re: #174 Kafitrar

No. In politics, it is if someone has a relatively realistic and logical goal. But they also must have an idea of the steps to get that point.

Once people start talking purity and feelings, then it gets irrational.

retired cynic  Apr 1, 2016 • 10:50:16pm

re: #175 Ziggy_TARDIS

Well, that might depend on what seems rational or irrational at the time. Most people have trouble explaining their feelings. It’s just pretty darned hard to argue with someone who is saying “I feel” that so and so expresses what I think about climate change, or the situation in Syria, or the national debt. Those are big, complex topics, and the person who is saying that is probably letting you know that they don’t know how to explain themselves in purely factual terms.

After all, any of those big subjects are hard for any one person to really comprehend, let alone trying to interpret a political campaign! Most political campaigns are meant to have the qualities of a snow job! It’s a sales pitch, not a college course in economics or energy policy.

BeachDem  Apr 1, 2016 • 10:52:07pm

re: #175 Ziggy_TARDIS

No. In politics, it is if someone has a relatively realistic and logical goal. But they also must have an idea of the steps to get that point.

Once people start talking purity and feelings, then it gets irrational.

So they’re talking about feelings, which you consider irrational, yet you’re willing to hurt your friend a lot (your words) in order to display your superior rationality? Doesn’t sound very rational to me.

Kafitrar  Apr 1, 2016 • 10:53:55pm

re: #175 Ziggy_TARDIS

No. In politics, it is if someone has a relatively realistic and logical goal. But they also must have an idea of the steps to get that point.

Once people start talking purity and feelings, then it gets irrational.

You mean like this? (Emphasis mine)
re: #167 Ziggy_TARDIS

The issue is, they aren’t thinking in a way that I think is rational. When that happens, you have to bring them down to Earth. I feel the best way to do that is via negative reinforcement.

I’m not bashing you. I just want you to put yourself in your friend’s shoes. If she did this to you, how would you like it? What if she thinks you’re the one being irrational?

Ziggy_TARDIS  Apr 1, 2016 • 11:04:15pm

re: #177 BeachDem

A lot of that isn’t. It’s wanting to make a Sanders supporter pay for what other Sanders supporters on Twitter have said.

re: #178 Kafitrar

I would probably be very hurt. Incredibly so.

retired cynic  Apr 1, 2016 • 11:06:34pm

re: #179 Ziggy_TARDIS

You understand the situation pretty well, it sounds like!

retired cynic  Apr 1, 2016 • 11:12:27pm

And I understand it’s the middle of the night here, and I’m quitting for the night, before I do a face plant on the keyboard! Mañana!

Kafitrar  Apr 1, 2016 • 11:14:40pm

re: #179 Ziggy_TARDIS

I would probably be very hurt. Incredibly so.

I’m glad you recognize that. I just thought of something. Would the Doctor do that to his Companion?

BeachDem  Apr 1, 2016 • 11:29:56pm

re: #179 Ziggy_TARDIS

A lot of that isn’t. It’s wanting to make a Sanders supporter pay for what other Sanders supporters on Twitter have said.

I would probably be very hurt. Incredibly so.

Sorry, but wanting to make somebody pay for what somebody else is saying on Twitter is about the most irrational thing I’ve ever heard of.

Again, as I or someone else suggests each time you go on one of these rants, perhaps you’d be better served (and happier/healthier) directing your political fervor toward doing something positive/useful. Have you volunteered for your candidate yet? Phone banked? Gone to a political gathering? That would certainly be more productive than punishing somebody who is your friend for something some other person is tweeting (just typing that makes my eyes cross.)

goddamnedfrank  Apr 1, 2016 • 11:30:10pm

Get the word out!

Single-handed sailor  Apr 1, 2016 • 11:51:37pm

re: #184 goddamnedfrank

I grow a beard from November to April or so… and when I shave in summer I do it either every 4 days, or I let it grow for 2 weeks so I can trim it down with clippers so it doesn’t clog my fusion razor. Usually it’s 2 weeks because I’m lazy. This year I haven’t even bothered to trim my beard. I’m beginning to look like John Muir.

John Muir
wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 1, 2016 • 11:52:49pm

re: #161 Stanley Sea

I’m currently working on a remodel for the 3 office/manufacturing buildings of Faraday & Future. You heard of them? A Chinese electric car maker who has located to LA.

I haven’t, but I know there are several firms in China trying to develop a Chinese all-electric car.

On a related note, a friend of mine put down a deposit on the new Tesla model. I’m anticipating his reactions to car once he gets it.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 2, 2016 • 12:01:07am

re: #184 goddamnedfrank

re: #185 Single-handed sailor

I started with a mustache in college, then quit shaving my chin to grow a goatee. At some point I gave up shaving altogether, but recently decided that the sides of my face would never grow a decent looking growth, so it’s back to the mustache and goatee (technically called a ring beard).

I think initially I started growing one because of laziness. One less thing to do in the morning before classes. Then I decided I looked better with one, than without. I used to let it grow quite long — going for the John Muir look — but long beards are like long hair — troublesome to keep clean, and they get in the way of things, like zippers. So now I keep it short and relatively neat.

My chin and upper lip have not been bare since 1976. I’m not sure anyone would recognize me with a clean shaven face.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 2, 2016 • 12:16:37am

I just discovered this band, a new British duo that Jimmy Page really likes.

Check out this video, with a rampaging bunny rabbit. (OK, someone in a bunny rabbit suit.)

Royal Blood - Out Of The Black (Official Video)

Ming5000  Apr 2, 2016 • 2:53:23am

re: #188 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

If I ever get a Camaro SS “Out of the Black” will be the first song that I drive to.

the 6.2L LT1 V8 with the capability of 455 horsepower and 455 lb.-ft. of torque, will accelerate the 8-speed automatic Camaro SS from 0 to 60 in 4.0 seconds flat.
Single-handed sailor  Apr 2, 2016 • 3:12:29am
wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 2, 2016 • 3:16:39am

re: #189 Ming5000

Dayum. You’d almost need a pilot’s pressure suit to avoid blacking out on the on ramp when you punch it.

[Not really. The g-force would only be about 0.68g’s, but still you’d feel that pressure.]

Ming5000  Apr 2, 2016 • 3:21:14am

Remember Dick Morris? To me he fell off the radar after his guarantee of a Romney win proved to be so very wrong.

Somehow poor HRC still is burdened with Dick Morris association in some minds. This is from yesterday in a comment piece by Clay Jones, a cartoonist and an Independant:

She is not the most honest candidate, and frankly I’m not looking forward to a scandal-plagued Clinton administration (real scandals with cabinet members having affairs, dallying with prostitutes, and hiring illegals from Ecuador, not those fake Obama scandals Republicans create. The Clintons surround themselves with very shady people like Dick Morris).

First, what is it with the meme of the Clintons being surrounded by “very shady people? This idea was present in the Bengahhhhzi drama. (Sidney Blumenthal) The right tried to smear PBO with “associations” too.

Second, Dick Morris? He is one of theirs now. Writing for Newsmax and The Hill. Why hang him around HRC’s neck?

William Lewis  Apr 2, 2016 • 3:24:33am

re: #188 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

Song’s pretty good, video is meh. Heavy Metal meets X Files? Eh, no thanks. Bp

Ming5000  Apr 2, 2016 • 3:25:46am

re: #191 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

Dayum. You’d almost need a pilot’s pressure suit to avoid blacking out on the on ramp when you punch it.

[Not really. The g-force would only be about 0.68g’s, but still you’d feel that pressure.]

LOL…. Had to look up “Dayum”… haha… funny meme. Commonly associated with well regarded posteriors.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Apr 2, 2016 • 4:51:49am

re: #3 blueraven

And now this:

Walking back the walk back. Again!

[Embedded content]

Nothing to see here. Move along.

In other words: he spilled the beans to early, but yeah, SLUTS BEWARE, YOUR DAYS OF UNPUNISHED PROMISCUITY ARE DRAWING TO AN END!!!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 2, 2016 • 4:52:44am

morning, lizardz!

Ming5000  Apr 2, 2016 • 4:55:35am

I hope the right continues to use Sarah Palin as one of their weapons. I watched a lot of the video. Typical random talking point word generator. Long speech.

But footage of Palin’s appearance showed audience members looking at her with bemused expressions. The Washington Post noted that the former vice-presidential cancidate had received no applause eight minutes into her speech, though there were “some eye rolls and phone checking.”

Shimshon  Apr 2, 2016 • 5:23:14am

Palin is going all out on her pill popping now. She needs help not to be handed another platform to ramble on and pretend she’s normal.

makeitstop  Apr 2, 2016 • 5:27:13am

re: #188 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

I just discovered this band, a new British duo that Jimmy Page really likes.

Check out this video, with a rampaging bunny rabbit. (OK, someone in a bunny rabbit suit.)

[Embedded content]

I’ve been on to the Bloods for a while now, from listening to UK radio while sitting here in NY.

I describe them to people as ‘The Black Keys with a mean streak.’ And all you gear geeks should check out bass player Mike Kerr’s bass rig. It’s a wonder.

goddamnedfrank  Apr 2, 2016 • 5:28:26am
SROHRH  Apr 2, 2016 • 5:32:46am

re: #59 Belafon

Except that you are not (as far as I know) always in the public eye. Mr Trump spends much of his time before a camera and should know exactly how to respond. Either give the standard non-committal non-response, or shut up.

Shiplord Kirel  Apr 2, 2016 • 5:44:18am

The Bernie-bots on my FB have gone 100%, full frontal Alex Jones style conspiraloon now. Every setback is the result of voter suppression, count rigging, media bias, or some other plot by Hillary and her nefarious corporate masters. They’ve also been dipping into the vast cesspool of right wing Hillary conspiracy claims. One of them, so help me, even posted the moth-eaten RW claim that Hillary has had several abortions.

I just responded, “That is some truly sorry shit for ANY self declared progressive, liberal, Democrat, or other rational person to be posting.”

makeitstop  Apr 2, 2016 • 5:45:31am

Here’s the first video for ‘Out of the Black’ - a straight performance vid.

The song even works without the bunny and gore.

Royal Blood - Out Of The Black

Feline Fearless Leader  Apr 2, 2016 • 5:48:38am

re: #171 Ziggy_TARDIS

True. The Republican friend is talking me down on it again, saying that if I were to do that, and compare my best friend to a screaming toddler, that I would probably hurt her a lot.

I am willing to do a lot to get people to think rationally. So, to me, yes it is.

Have you ever read Eric Berne’s _Games People Play_?

Shiplord Kirel  Apr 2, 2016 • 5:49:22am
Feline Fearless Leader  Apr 2, 2016 • 5:55:06am

re: #200 goddamnedfrank

[Embedded content]

I didn’t know Trump was coming out as a dump Walker supporter.

William Lewis  Apr 2, 2016 • 5:58:04am

re: #203 makeitstop

Much better with out space bunny. Interesting to see a bass player doing lead

Targetpractice  Apr 2, 2016 • 6:15:38am

re: #200 goddamnedfrank

[Embedded content]

Funny thing is, he and Bernie are selling the exact same snake oil, just with different labels on the bottle. Both are promising the same miracles, just differing in the details about how we get there.

makeitstop  Apr 2, 2016 • 6:16:04am

So, after just about 4 decades living in and around NYC, today will be the first time I visit the New York Auto Show.

Camera cleaned and packed, batteries charged, tickets printed. Can’t wait.

goddamnedfrank  Apr 2, 2016 • 6:16:06am

Kasich, who’s running a long-shot bid for his party’s nomination, read off of his notes a series of Trump’s most recent concerning comments, including his flirtation with punishing women who obtain abortions if the procedure were illegal …

Kasich has already signed laws that punish women seeking an abortion.

Since the new law doesn’t adequately distinguish between elective abortions and medically necessary abortions, doctors warn that it’s forcing them to withhold critical health services from their patients. Sometimes, serious fetal abnormalities aren’t evident until women are past the legal limit for termination. Thanks to Ohio’s new law, however, doctors’ hands are tied when they encounter those situations.

Dr. Jason Melillo, an OB-GYN who does not perform elective abortions because he is religiously opposed to the procedure, told the Columbus Dispatch that he will still refer patients to abortion services if it’s medically necessary. For instance, he had a recent patient who discovered that her fetus had a fatal chromosome condition, and he recommended that she should terminate to avoid the risk of future complications. But it was too late.

“By this point she was 27 weeks. The doctors were saying they can’t do it. There wasn’t even a medical debate about it. Everyone agreed she shouldn’t deliver but were afraid they would run afoul of this law,” Melillo explained. “What if she gets a blood clot? What if she needs a cesarean section? Now you’re putting this woman through risky medical procedures for no good reason.”

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Apr 2, 2016 • 6:19:19am

re: #103 teleskiguy

BREAKING NEWS: Alta Ski Area demands Snowbird pay for a ‘Boarder Wall’ to keep snowboarders out of Alta.

…and we will make the snowboarders pay for it!!!

Shimshon  Apr 2, 2016 • 6:30:07am

re: #208 Targetpractice

Funny thing is, he and Bernie are selling the exact same snake oil, just with different labels on the bottle. Both are promising the same miracles, just differing in the details about how we get there.

Oh come on. Bernie is not selling snake oil, he’s selling what has worked in every other western Democratic country.

GlutenFreeJesus  Apr 2, 2016 • 6:33:25am

re: #200 goddamnedfrank

Bill and Opus for 2016!  Apr 2, 2016 • 6:38:26am

Well, this happened yesterday.

Facebook Post

Yes, that is actually Watterson’s artwork.

SoundGuy 2016  Apr 2, 2016 • 6:47:42am

re: #213 GlutenFreeJesus

He loves immigrants. A bunch work for him.

He loves Americans. A bunch work for him.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Apr 2, 2016 • 6:49:41am

re: #215 SoundGuy 2016

He loves immigrants. A bunch work for him.

He loves Americans. A bunch work for him.

But immigrants work cheaper…

SoundGuy 2016  Apr 2, 2016 • 6:51:05am

He loves immigrants more? Un-possible!

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Apr 2, 2016 • 6:52:43am

re: #217 SoundGuy 2016

He loves immigrants more? Un-possible!

Depends on whether you are asking his heart or his wallet…

GlutenFreeJesus  Apr 2, 2016 • 6:53:15am

Cheaper labor. Even if he skirts the law. Damn the rhetoric. It’s the bottom line that matters most.

SoundGuy 2016  Apr 2, 2016 • 6:53:47am

He loves women. That’s why he married 4 of them.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Apr 2, 2016 • 6:54:12am

re: #220 SoundGuy 2016

He loves women. That’s why he married 4 of them.

Immigrant women…best of both worlds

GlutenFreeJesus  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:00:21am

re: #221 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Immigrant women…best of both worlds

White immigrant women.

Dr. Matt  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:01:33am

I just had to block a men’s rights advocate who….get this…is a Bernie supporter: “Shocking”, I know.

SoundGuy 2016  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:02:58am

re: #223 Dr. Matt

That is non-possible! Bernie is LOVE.

Dr. Matt  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:04:42am

A fellow lizard said something along the lines yesterday, “Why does Bernie Sanders turn good people into jerks”.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:06:30am

re: #225 Dr. Matt

A fellow lizard said something along the lines yesterday, “Why does Bernie Sanders turn good people into jerks”.

They were jerks and assholes before Bernie came along, BS just gives them a canvas to project their jerky assholishness onto.

Shimshon  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:07:04am

re: #225 Dr. Matt

[Embedded content]

A fellow lizard said something along the lines yesterday, “Why does Bernie Sanders turn good people into jerks”.

Most of these people never voted before. They really believe “all parties are the same” and if they can’t have their cake then they are going to throw a tantrum and piss off their parents.

GlutenFreeJesus  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:12:07am

re: #227 Shimshon

And screw themselves over in the long run and blame “the system” for working against them.

Ming5000  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:12:09am

re: #209 makeitstop

So, after just about 4 decades living in and around NYC, today will be the first time I visit the New York Auto Show.

Camera cleaned and packed, batteries charged, tickets printed. Can’t wait.

I bet you’ll wish you had at least $75,000 laying around for a cool new toy. There are some sweet rides out there.

b.d.  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:12:40am

Good morning Lizards:

Hope all have a wonderful weekend, Mr. Sun is going to pay us a visit in North Texas.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:14:47am

re: #230 b.d.

Good morning Lizards:

[Embedded content]

Hope all have a wonderful weekend, Mr. Sun is going to pay us a visit in North Texas.

I haz sun today.
Also haz this:

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:15:29am

re: #231 Backwoods_Sleuth

I also haz a forecast low of 29F and a freeze warning for tonight.


b.d.  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:17:00am

re: #231 Backwoods_Sleuth

I haz sun today.
Also haz this:

[Embedded content]

Damn! What time is it supposed to rain frogs? Hope you emerge unscathed and remain empowered.

ninja cat  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:18:56am

re: #202 Shiplord Kirel

Yes, same here. Last night around 2am I came across a long comment thread on how Bernie was being denied the coverage he deserves. One person pointed out he wasn’t helping down ticket races. Then the next went off how that was the same as trickle down economics and Bernie would have no hand in that ungodly practice. I started to respond but…too late to argue with delusional Berniacs.

Dr. Matt  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:21:23am

More fucking “revolution” bullshit from another wealthy hollywood type

calochortus  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:22:33am

Partly cloudy, high of 71° predicted here. Might explain our higher real estate prices.

Ming5000  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:24:02am

re: #212 Shimshon

Oh come on. Bernie is not selling snake oil, he’s selling what has worked in every other western Democratic country.

By “selling snake oil” I take the meaning of “offering wonderful goals while detailing no means to get there other than with a miracle”.

I think the point was not that what Bernie stands for is snake oil, but that he doesn’t offer his bedazzled supporters a prescription to get there.

This has been shared on LGF a few times:

Bernie: “I think America should get a pony.”
Hillary: “How will you pay for the pony? Where will the pony come from? How will you get Congress to agree to the pony?”
Bernie: “Hillary thinks America doesn’t deserve a pony.”
Bernie Supporters: “Hilary hates ponies!”
Hillary: “Actually, I love ponies.”
Bernie Supporters: “She changed her position on ponies! ‪#‎WhichHillary‬ ‪#‎WitchHillary‬”
Debate Moderator: “Hillary, how do you feel when people say you lie about ponies?”
US Uncut Headline: Congressional Inquiry into Clinton’s Pony Lies.
Twitter trending: ‪#‎ponygate‬

b.d.  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:28:15am

re: #122 Lidane

re: #197 Ming5000

Peak Palin happened a while ago, she is thrown upon the wingnut has been pile with Joe the Plumber

But footage of Palin’s appearance showed audience members looking at her with bemused expressions. The Washington Post noted that the former vice-presidential candidate had received no applause eight minutes into her speech, though there were “some eye rolls and phone checking.”

NBC News reported that following the speech, Palin said, “At least they didn’t boo.”

Has Trump taken away the need for a Palin? Nice to see that Donald has pretty much torn up the entire GOP.

Dr. Matt  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:30:03am

re: #122 Lidane

Looks like Princess Dumbass of the Northwoods has hit her sell-by date on the right:

re: #238 b.d.

I think we just witnessed the first meth-free version of Palin in years.

b.d.  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:30:52am
SoundGuy 2016  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:30:58am

Immigrant gift baskets with teddy bears and soccer balls.

She thinks in cartoon.

Ming5000  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:31:03am

re: #235 Dr. Matt

More fucking “revolution” bullshit from another wealthy hollywood type

[Embedded content]

Bernie supporters have no mandate to win over the Democratic nomination. They have no other, creative, means to win the nomination.
They have NO hope or swaying non-Democrats. Zippo. Nada.

What kind of revolution is that called? Malheurian, maybe.

ObserverArt  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:31:48am

re: #212 Shimshon

Oh come on. Bernie is not selling snake oil, he’s selling what has worked in every other western Democratic country.

Yes…every other Western Democratic country that doesn’t have a conservative party steeped in Evangelical Religion and power hungry to keep all the money in the hands of the people they work for.

That is not to say Bernie is selling something that doesn’t work in those countries, just that it will be way hard to get anything like those other countries actually in play in this country.

So, maybe snake oil might be the wrong analogy…but he is selling something that may never happen.

Call it Bernie selling Powerball Lotto tickets with a guarantee that everyone has a chance to be the winner. He would not be lying. But is he being truthful?

I think “medicine” is a nice analogy though. Let’s say Bernie sells a cure for cancer. He could sell a miracle cure (remember Laetrile) or he could sell it realistically; as an eventual cure that takes concentrated effort, slow implementation, and a long time to actually change things like lifestyle, environment and other factors that cause the cancer.

I think what a lot of people who worry about Bernie worry he is selling lottery tickets. What are the chances? Would we all be better being realistic about those chances?

b.d.  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:32:51am

re: #239 Dr. Matt

I think we just witnessed the first meth-free version of Palin in years.

There are actual people who thought that she was ready to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office, AND VOTED FOR HER!

Hard to find any of those folks now though.

calochortus  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:34:46am

re: #244 b.d.

There are actual people who thought that she was ready to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office, AND VOTED FOR HER!

Hard to find any of those folks now though.

I guess you haven’t been keeping up with Free Republic, have you?

ninja cat  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:37:19am


Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:37:51am
Archangelus  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:38:10am

Courtesy of George Takei:

b.d.  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:40:57am

re: #245 calochortus

I guess you haven’t been keeping up with Free Republic, have you?

Ha! No I haven’t. Are they still in their now neverending Freepathon mode?

They aren’t even fun to read in mockery anymore since they bailed on Cruz and switched to Trump. Funny how ALL the values that they’ve claimed to hold dear since that time capsule website opened up have been thrown out the window for Hair Herr Donald.

SoundGuy 2016  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:51:03am

re: #246 ninja cat

Cool. Forgot I did that.

calochortus  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:51:05am

re: #249 b.d.

Ha! No I haven’t. Are they still in their now neverending Freepathon mode?

They aren’t even fun to read in mockery anymore since they bailed on Cruz and switched to Trump. Funny how ALL the values that they’ve claimed to hold dear since that time capsule website opened up have been thrown out the window for Hair Herr Donald.

I check in on FR, but honestly they are (as you say) not even very amusing these days.

Yes, another Freepa-grift has begun. They had about 3 1/2 weeks free of begging and are at it again. I keep thinking I ought to track their progress as it seems suspiciously similar from quarter to quarter, but it’s more effort than I wish to invest in something pointless. As the Freepathons have gotten longer, they also have some odd jumps in the percentage towards the total. About 2 months in it is not uncommon to see a barely moving number suddenly jump several points, presumably so they can declare it over in the next 10 days and take a short break.

Dr. Matt  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:52:41am

re: #244 b.d.

There are actual people who thought that she was ready to be a heartbeat away from the Oval Office, AND VOTED FOR HER!

Hard to find any of those folks now though.

It Palin never existed, I wonder if Trump would even be where he is today as the GOP front runner? Palin in many ways help laid the foundation for bringing in the wave of unqualified, lowbrow idiotic GOP politicians. Trump really is the nature de-evolution of the GOP politician.

GlutenFreeJesus  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:56:09am

“I ain’t no short thumbed man.”

Barefoot Grin  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:56:13am

re: #240 b.d.

[Embedded content]

Ok, I read a “Gotnews” entry for the first time. What garbage. But this stood out: “I [CCJ] found him [Kirchick] to be rather insufferable and always working some sort of angle.”

Writing from the projection booth.

b.d.  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:56:57am

re: #251 calochortus

About 2 months in it is not uncommon to see a barely moving number suddenly jump several points, presumably so they can declare it over in the next 10 days and take a short break

You’ve noticed that too?


The only thing to look forward to now is to watch the howling and rendering of garments when Trump gets the nomination stolen from them and the inevitable capitulation towards the GOP candidate a week before the election, again

b.d.  Apr 2, 2016 • 7:57:59am

re: #254 Barefoot Grin

Ok, I read a “Gotnews” entry for the first time. What garbage. But this stood out: “I [CCJ] found him [Kirchick] to be rather insufferable and always working some sort of angle.”

Writing from the projection booth.

LOL, self-awareness isn’t Chuck’s strong suit

The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:03:44am

re: #252 Dr. Matt

It Palin never existed, I wonder if Trump would even be where he is today as the GOP front runner? Palin in many ways help laid the foundation for bringing in the wave of unqualified, lowbrow idiotic GOP politicians. Trump really is the nature de-evolution of the GOP politician.

I would say “yes, he would” to that first question. Because Palin, like Trump, is the visible blemish suggestive of the greater malady.

b.d.  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:05:00am

LOL. MSNBC interviewing people in line for something at Racine, Wisconsin and a lady said that “Trump will get us all blowed up”

The globulosus alpuzzzzz from Wisconsin  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:05:04am

So, sitting at my kitchen counter here in Wisconsin this snowy morn’, geographically speaking, I have Sanders to the left of me(about a block or so away). Trump to the right of me(up the hill and @ the high school. Clinton straight ahead… downtown later.

…and Cruz out at the fancy shack mañana. I’m heading north about 40 miles for the afternoon. :)

b.d.  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:08:20am

OK folks, off to the gym. Thanks all and I hope The Gods favor you this fine weekend.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:08:42am


can’t. stop. laughing.

ObserverArt  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:10:06am

re: #259 The globulosus alpuzzzzz from Wisconsin

So, sitting at my kitchen counter here in Wisconsin this snowy morn’, geographically speaking, I have Sanders to the left of me(about a block or so away). Trump to the right of me(up the hill and @ the high school. Clinton straight ahead… downtown later.

…and Cruz out at the fancy shack mañana. I’m heading north about 40 miles for the afternoon. :)

Look who Mr. Popular is today! They all want you. They all need you.

lawhawk  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:12:10am

Kane and Kodos Abortion

That’s the most reasonable explanation. Occam’s Razor. /

Seriously though, Trump’s incoherence is by design? Can’t trust him on anything, but his supporters are following him down that rabbit hole. Their response to the incoherence? That his positions and babbling is on purpose and keeps everyone on their toes as if it’s a good thing to take completely opposite positions within hours, and claiming both to be long held positions.

SoundGuy 2016  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:13:36am

re: #261 Backwoods_Sleuth

Palin is a former journalist? Or a half journalist?

freetoken  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:13:54am

Charles Pierce does a round-up of recent wacky theocrats:

State Lawmakers Demand More God in Schools and More Guns in Church

One of the examples is from Louisiana, where a few days ago diehard creationists in the legislature did their theing:

Watch a Louisiana senator advocate for teaching creationism

State Sen. John Milkovich, D-Shreveport, made the case for teaching creationism in schools Tuesday night (March 29).

“Scientific research and developments and advances in the last 100 years — particularly the last 15, 20, 10 years — have validated the biblical story of creation,” the freshman state senator said.

Milkovich, who is the vice chairman of the Senate Education Committee, said archeologists and scientists have verified the origin story of the Christian Bible. He said archeologists had found the remnants of Noah’s ark recently. A study of rocks had verified that the earth was created in a week, Milkovich said.


wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:14:00am

re: #254 Barefoot Grin

Ok, I read a “Gotnews” entry for the first time. What garbage. But this stood out: “I [CCJ] found him [Kirchick] to be rather insufferable and always working some sort of angle.”

Writing from the projection booth.

And I note he’s written yet another piece slamming Michelle Fields. The total is now to 8.

Dave In Austin  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:14:13am

re: #258 b.d.

LOL. MSNBC interviewing people in line for something at Racine, Wisconsin and a lady said that “Trump will get us all blowed up”

Saw that. I bet she doesn’t make it in the door.

GlutenFreeJesus  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:17:46am

re: #261 Backwoods_Sleuth

I’d hit the translate button but I’m afraid that would usher in the apocalypse.

calochortus  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:23:09am

Ah well, time to go do something constructive.
Laterz, all.

ninja cat  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:23:35am

re: #261 Backwoods_Sleuth

“get to googlin’” It’s bad enough she speaks like that. But to type it out?

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:25:33am

re: #270 ninja cat

“get to googlin’” It’s bad enough she speaks like that. But to type it out?

Are we sure that’s the real Sarah Palin?

SoundGuy 2016  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:35:08am

Is it possible it takes 44 people to write her speeches? Maybe some bot that farms Freep and Breitbart comment sections for word things.

stpaulbear  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:35:09am

I got my new cell phone yesterday evening to replace my beloved Nokia 6010. The new phone is a Samsung Galaxy Core Prime (I’m imagining most LGF readers going ‘Ewww’). It was one of the choices within my current plan and was on sale for $50. I’m spending today learning how to use it. Can anyone loan me any random 10-year-old as a teacher?

And, of course, I found my beloved Nokia within three hours of buying the new phone.

retired cynic  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:36:59am

re: #189 Ming5000

Oh, Camaro!

My first, in my twenties, was a 1967 white plain jane, if that can said of a Camaro. Worst thing I ever did was sell it when I got married, since hubby had a newer car. In my forties, bought a jazzed up red t-top, and got to help rebuild the motor in our kitchen over one winter. Hit 50, and had a non-car accident, and sold it. Pushing 70 now, and a Camaro is not on the books, but, oh! I love them! I used to get stopped by the police just driving the speed limit in the red one!

stpaulbear  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:44:32am

re: #270 ninja cat

“get to googlin’” It’s bad enough she speaks like that. But to type it out?

Keep On Googlin.

“Keep On Chooglin” - Creedence Clearwater Revival LIVE in Oakland, CA January 1970

Jay C  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:47:48am

re: #261 Backwoods_Sleuth

“Soccer balls and teddy bears”? From Ted Cruz? SMFH - even for La Palin this is off-the-wall (off a YUUUUGE wall!!). Can someone translate this from the original Gibberish? The link doesn’t link for me….

lizardofid  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:49:40am

re: #274 retired cynic

Oh, Camaro!

My first, in my twenties, was a 1967 white plain jane, if that can said of a Camaro. Worst thing I ever did was sell it when I got married, since hubby had a newer car. In my forties, bought a jazzed up red t-top, and got to help rebuild the motor in our kitchen over one winter. Hit 50, and had a non-car accident, and sold it. Pushing 70 now, and a Camaro is not on the books, but, oh! I love them! I used to get stopped by the police just driving the speed limit in the red one!

Upding for Camaros, that added so much spice to the young life of a Ford driver!

Dr. Matt  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:51:06am
Ziggy_TARDIS  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:56:43am

re: #182 Kafitrar

re: #183 BeachDem

He wouldn’t do that.

Things are a bit dead here, after the primaries.

Eventual Carrion  Apr 2, 2016 • 8:57:35am

re: #198 Shimshon

Palin is going all out on her pill popping now. She needs help not to be handed another platform to ramble on and pretend she’s normal.

In that household Todd better be counting his meds scribed for his accident. He may be in need one day and Sarah has already cleaned him out.

Barefoot Grin  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:00:23am

re: #266 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

And I note he’s written yet another piece slamming Michelle Fields. The total is now to 8.

Sometimes I think he’s stuck in 8th grade and just wants to get back at the cool kids who never really accepted him into their circle. But then I remember that there are no cool kids in that circle.

Belafon  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:15:03am

re: #281 Barefoot Grin

Sometimes I think he’s stuck in 8th grade and just wants to get back at the cool kids who never really accepted him into their circle. But then I remember that there are no cool kids in that circle.

He’s trying to be part of the same group that Ben and Milo keep trying to join. But that group rejected Ben for being a Jew, Milo for being gay, and they’ll reject Chuck for being the round needy kid.

Charles Johnson  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:15:19am
Charles Johnson  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:16:13am
Pawn of the Oppressor  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:18:02am

re: #284 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

“In a disgusting and stupid article, this disgusting and stupid media person describes us accurately.”

SoundGuy 2016  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:26:41am

Alt-right loves the term cuckservative. Alt- isn’t a progressive concept, it’s a regressive concept with a sheen of hipsterism.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:35:37am

re: #286 SoundGuy 2016

Alt-right loves the term cuckservative. Alt- isn’t a progressive concept, it’s a regressive concept with a sheen of hipsterism.

“Alt-” is often connected with “progressive” in terms of culture, art or music, here it just means a different type of arrogant bigotry.

SoundGuy 2016  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:35:59am

Social Media has allowed psychopathic trolls to become celebrities. Wingnut shitlords call themselves journalists because lulz.

Alephnaught  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:36:56am

re: #272 SoundGuy 2016

Is it possible it takes 44 people to write her speeches? Maybe some bot that farms Freep and Breitbart comment sections for word things.

I can imagine one of those kind of internet games with 44 participants in separate locations, unaware of each other. The rule to each participant is simple: “Write a sentence to follow the previous sentence.” The sentence passed to the first participant is “Hello.”. The resulting sentence from the first participant is passed to the second as the sentence they have to write a follow up to. The second participant’s sentence is is passed to third in a similar manner, and so on, and so forth. When the 44th participant is reached, the resulting sentence is passed back to the 1st participant, and so the cycle continues…

I’d imagine after a couple of such cycles, the resulting sentences, when read in sequence of creation, would resemble a speech by Sara Palin. :)

451_Montag  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:37:09am

re: #272 SoundGuy 2016

Is it possible it takes 44 people to write her speeches? Maybe some bot that farms Freep and Breitbart comment sections for word things.

That’s true actually. 1 person per word and they are not allowed to speak to each other.

A similar speech writing effect to choosing a random book and picking every 17th word.

SoundGuy 2016  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:37:24am

re: #287 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

“Alt-” is often connected with “progressive” in therms of culture, art or music, here it just means a different type of arrogant bigotry.

That’s part of the allure, they think they’ve hijacked the term from the left.

Alephnaught  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:38:13am

re: #290 451_Montag

That’s true actually. 1 person per word and they are not allowed to speak to each other.

A similar speech writing effect to choosing a random book and picking every 17th word.

That’s even more extreme than my version! Well done.

Belafon  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:38:16am

re: #286 SoundGuy 2016

Alt-right loves the term cuckservative. Alt- isn’t a progressive concept, it’s a regressive concept with a sheen of hipsterism.

Doesn’t alt-right mean three lefts?

SoundGuy 2016  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:39:08am

re: #293 Belafon

Oh shit here we go…

ObserverArt  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:39:22am

Charles, as you are probably aware there has been comment about the site constantly loading and then crashing using Chrome/Windows.

I’ve been using Firefox the last two days but thought I’d give Chrome a shot again today.

I noticed Chrome loads the page when first coming to the site, It doesn’t take too long to get all the ads in. The whole site loaded and was ready to go in normal time.

But when I clicked on the comment number icon to go to the thread itself with the comments the loading goes on and on. I left it go for a bit, probably three minutes and it never did fully load.

I thought I’d mention that to you because it may have something to do with Chrome reloading your page scripts or something. Maybe something with how the code refreshes with a redirect to a new page. I tried a stop loading and then reload, and it was the same…loading forever.

But then it could just be Chrome. Strange though everyone here that has had problems began having them about mid-week. Up until that time Chrome was working great.

There was a new update with Firefox maybe a week or so ago and now it seems to be working with LGF much better.

The constant battle of web coding. Ugh.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:40:30am

re: #272 SoundGuy 2016

Is it possible it takes 44 people to write her speeches? Maybe some bot that farms Freep and Breitbart comment sections for word things.

It’s 72, actually. It worked for the Septuagint….

SoundGuy 2016  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:46:06am

re: #295 ObserverArt

I’ve been having problems with Chrome but not just LGF. The comments button on the front page never works. Such is life, you just learn to deal.

Seriously, sometimes I just want to have a little wood fired pizza/sushi/paella/Morrocan Fusion wine bar on the beach.

Blind Frog Belly White  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:47:49am

re: #189 Ming5000

If I ever get a Camaro SS “Out of the Black” will be the first song that I drive to.

[Embedded content]

Since the advent of the retro-Pony/Muscle cars with the Mustang back in 2005, I think the Camaros have been consistently the best looking, and in comparo after comparo, the best handling.

However, I often need to stuff one or more of my 6’ sons in the back seat, so that meant no Camaro or Mustang for the FBW family. Besides, I have wanted a Hemi Challenger since 1970, so I got this instead….

Ain’t it purty?
ObserverArt  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:49:11am

re: #292 Alephnaught

That’s even more extreme than my version! Well done.

You both may be onto Palin’s real style.

Charles has done some of her salads as Beat poetry.

She could be using the William S. Burroughs cut’n’paste method. Heavily drugged out speech writing in the cut up method but without any form of actual talent.

SoundGuy 2016  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:49:30am

Weev getting notoriety by trying to make printing swastikas respectable.

This is a guy who has a swastika tatoo on his chest.

Stanley Sea  Apr 2, 2016 • 9:58:30am


BeachDem  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:00:22am

re: #274 retired cynic

Oh, Camaro!

My first, in my twenties, was a 1967 white plain jane, if that can said of a Camaro. Worst thing I ever did was sell it when I got married, since hubby had a newer car. In my forties, bought a jazzed up red t-top, and got to help rebuild the motor in our kitchen over one winter. Hit 50, and had a non-car accident, and sold it. Pushing 70 now, and a Camaro is not on the books, but, oh! I love them! I used to get stopped by the police just driving the speed limit in the red one!

Had a 1978 (somebody hit it while it was parked—totalled); an ‘80; had to get an ‘82 because new body style; then an 85 because IROC. That one got stolen out of a parking garage in Indianapolis—stripped of wheels and left on blocks—got it back, had dreams about it happening again—then woke up one morning, after a really bad ice storm and it was sitting in the parking lot, on blocks, stripped of wheels. Figured if it could happen right outside my window, it would happen again as soon as I got it back, so I got rid of it and got a Baretta, which nobody would waste their time stealing.

lawhawk  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:00:33am

re: #298 Blind Frog Belly White

I’m not a big Pony car fan, but having driven one (auto, never drove stick before), I am hooked on the Mustang. Actually, the Mrs. is a big Mustang fan than I am. Huge. I think her midlife crisis car is going to be a Mustang. I think accelerating from a stop to highway speed in like no time at all was what did it (though I think I’d still take a Tesla with the insane speed package).

I, however, love the look of the Dodge Chargers, but think that mechanically, they suck badly like most other Dodge or Chrysler products these days. Reliability just isn’t their thing. Style wise they are purty, but they look best on the driveway.

/fightin’ words.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:01:23am

No parody this time. Chuck does that on his own.

So, here’s what Kirchick did to punch Johnson’s hot buttons.

First, his analysis was headlined “Why white-nationalist thugs thrill to Trump.” Bad, Jamie, bad. Everyone knows “thug” in Chuck Johnson’s world means “black guy who was probably just shot dead by a white cop for doing perfectly ordinary things like buying Skittles.” White guys cannot, therefore, be thugs, since they are neither black nor dead.

Next, Kirchick made the connection between these nice, gentle, law-abiding white supremacists to Donald Trump (R-Blowhard), who next to Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Alberta) is Johnson’s second-favorite Conservative God Who Will Save (white male) Americans from the Fiery Pits of Social Justice Warriors.

Trump’s tirades against Mexicans, Muslims and immigrants in general have made him very popular among people in the alt-right movement who don’t like Mexicans, Muslims and immigrants in general (among others). Also, not surprisingly, the alt-right movement’s membership and political philosophy intersects — if not coincides — with that of neo-nazis, nativists and white supremacists.

That it took the National Review this long to notice this intersection would be the subject of a long and boring analysis, but it can be summarized thusly.


More at

Alyosha  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:02:08am

re: #301 Stanley Sea

Cat is in frame the entire time. Nice.

Stanley Sea  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:02:15am
Blind Frog Belly White  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:03:29am

re: #303 lawhawk

I’m not a big Pony car fan, but having driven one (auto, never drove stick before), I am hooked on the Mustang. Actually, the Mrs. is a big Mustang fan than I am. Huge. I think her midlife crisis car is going to be a Mustang. I think accelerating from a stop to highway speed in like no time at all was what did it (though I think I’d still take a Tesla with the insane speed package).

I, however, love the look of the Dodge Chargers, but think that mechanically, they suck badly like most other Dodge or Chrysler products these days. Reliability just isn’t their thing. Style wise they are purty, but they look best on the driveway.

/fightin’ words.

What you gotta realize, though, is that reliability these days is VASTLY better for every make than it was even a decade or so ago. The least reliable car of today is far more reliable than the most reliable of years past.

retired cynic  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:07:38am

re: #302 BeachDem

Yes, my red t-top with loads of get up and gone was an ‘85. It was fun while it lasted!

Blind Frog Belly White  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:08:58am

re: #303 lawhawk

I’m not a big Pony car fan, but having driven one (auto, never drove stick before), I am hooked on the Mustang. Actually, the Mrs. is a big Mustang fan than I am. Huge. I think her midlife crisis car is going to be a Mustang. I think accelerating from a stop to highway speed in like no time at all was what did it (though I think I’d still take a Tesla with the insane speed package).

I, however, love the look of the Dodge Chargers, but think that mechanically, they suck badly like most other Dodge or Chrysler products these days. Reliability just isn’t their thing. Style wise they are purty, but they look best on the driveway.

/fightin’ words.

Also, FORD = Fixed Or Repaired Daily. :-P

Alyosha  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:09:14am

re: #306 Stanley Sea

[Embedded content]

My sis-in-law showed me this sometime last year and it freaked us out for the same sort of reason. While funny and proto-typey, the terror of meeting that thing in a forest would quickly overwhelm us mentally.
There’s the uncanny valley for the human form; but in terms that are less anthropomorphic, something that approaches animal locomotion, though headless and all the while emitting such an unearthly noise. To have seen this shambling in the wild might have sent me insane.

stpaulbear  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:10:48am

re: #298 Blind Frog Belly White

The Challenger is my very favorite muscle car reboot. The new Camaros are way too heavy on the steroids, Chargers just shouldn’t have four doors, and Ford keeps getting the Mustang right and then moving on to something very wrong (they’re presently headed in the wrong direction).

Every time I see a Challenger, I think “Want!”, but my budget tells me to “STFU!”

I saw an original Challenger a few weeks ago and I was surprised at how much less I liked it than the current versions.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:13:42am

re: #309 Blind Frog Belly White

Also, FORD = Fixed Or Repaired Daily. :-P

My first 7 or 8 cars were all Fords—luck of the draw, I guess, plus my old man was a Ford fanatic. I found the best expansion for the algorithm was “Found on Road Dead.”

Blind Frog Belly White  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:13:46am

re: #311 stpaulbear

The Challenger is my very favorite muscle car reboot. The new Camaros are way too heavy on the steroids, Chargers just shouldn’t have four doors, and Ford keeps getting the Mustang right and then moving on to something very wrong (they’re presently headed in the wrong direction).

Every time I see a Challenger, I think “Want!”, but my budget tells me to “STFU!”

I saw an original Challenger a few weeks ago and I was surprised at how much less I liked it than the current versions.

I lucked out, and got my 2014 Challenger when FCA was trying to clear them out to launch the 2105s. It’s how I could afford the R/T with the 5.7L Hemi, instead of the SXT with the 3.6L V6.

BeachDem  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:14:50am

re: #308 retired cynic

Yes, my red t-top with loads of get up and gone was an ‘85. It was fun while it lasted!

My IROC was black with red trim and red interior. Hot! Loved that car, but it was so bad on snow and ice (I think it idled at a million rpms) I had to buy a beater car for winter driving.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:18:23am

re: #281 Barefoot Grin

Sometimes I think he’s stuck in 8th grade and just wants to get back at the cool kids who never really accepted him into their circle. But then I remember that there are no cool kids in that circle.

Judging from his piece on Jamie Kirchick, I suspect Chuck has memorized every single insult or slight against him since he was born, and dwells on them over and over again. Then, if one of those people ends up in his crosshairs, he brings up that ancient history on his blog.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:19:16am

re: #309 Blind Frog Belly White

Also, FORD = Fixed Or Repaired Daily. :-P

a colleague had an Alfa Romeo, which I worked into



jaunte  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:19:25am

“…The bill also grants broad rights to businesses and organizations to play the gender police: “The state government shall not take any discriminatory action against a person wholly or partially on the basis that the person establishes sex-specific standards or policies concerning employee or student dress or grooming.”

stpaulbear  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:24:17am

re: #317 jaunte

It’s a fifties revival. Not-so-happy days.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:25:30am

re: #318 stpaulbear

It’s a fifties revival. Not-so-happy days.

We just love us some states’ rights!

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:26:08am

re: #317 jaunte

All these “sex-specific” laws are hardly examples of small government at work, or even decent law.

ObserverArt  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:26:16am

re: #311 stpaulbear

The Challenger is my very favorite muscle car reboot. The new Camaros are way too heavy on the steroids, Chargers just shouldn’t have four doors, and Ford keeps getting the Mustang right and then moving on to something very wrong (they’re presently headed in the wrong direction).

Every time I see a Challenger, I think “Want!”, but my budget tells me to “STFU!”

I saw an original Challenger a few weeks ago and I was surprised at how much less I liked it than the current versions.

I think Ford was wanting to break the ‘retro’ look that sells to the nostalgic boomers and those that admired that era of cars. They had that ‘68-‘71 look for awhile and they thought it had run its course in the marketplace when the new Challengers and Camaros came out.

Under the body though, I’ve heard the new Mustang is a pretty nice car. Better suspension and better power train units. They have a couple models that are every bit as powerful as the other pony cars. It still says Mustang with a bit of European (Jaguar, Aston-Martin, Ferrari) influence and it appears to be better aerodynamically which is important now.

stpaulbear  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:27:46am

Has this been posted yet?

Maine governor refuses to swear-in newly elected state senator

The election was won by Democrat Susan Deschambault, of Biddeford. She arrived at the Maine Statehouse in Augusta on Friday for a scheduled ceremony at LePage’s office. But she was told it had been canceled.

LePage spokeswoman Adrienne Bennett says the governor canceled the event in response to a party-line vote Thursday in the Legislature’s labor committee, which turned down LePage’s pick for the unemployment insurance commission. Bennett said Democrats treated the nominee, Steven Webster, ”despicably.”

jaunte  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:28:30am

re: #320 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

I think the claimed conservative desire for small government has always been a lie.

jaunte  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:29:20am

Nothing says small government conservative like fantasizing about what you would do when king.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:30:49am

re: #323 jaunte

I think the claimed conservative desire for small government has always been a lie.

Small government that legislates behavior, sexuality and non-Christian religious practice is totes OK, though!

jaunte  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:31:34am

re: #325 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

“We’ll just write the rules on a huge postcard.”

stpaulbear  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:32:00am

re: #321 ObserverArt

I guess I’m the nostalgic boomer when it comes to Mustangs. Mustangs will always be Steve McQueen in ‘Bullitt’.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:33:02am

re: #309 Blind Frog Belly White

Also, FORD = Fixed Or Repaired Daily. :-P

FORD = Find On Road Dead

7-y (Expectation of Great Things in Due Course)  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:33:40am

re: #274 retired cynic

Oh, Camaro!</block quote>

My first, and only, was a 1967, yellow, with that black fake leather top. Pretty much the billboard version that first year. I should have died in that thing more than a couple of times.

ObserverArt  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:34:35am

re: #323 jaunte

I think the claimed conservative desire for small government has always been a lie.

[Embedded content]

That’s what happens with Kasich. When he needs to get noticed he appears to be rational and even somewhat acceptable as a politician.

Once he gets noticed and given some power (like now…he thinks he stands a better chance than ever) he lets his confidence turn into raging asshole arrogance. And then he lets it rip and this is when you get to see the real Kasich.

jaunte  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:36:04am

re: #330 ObserverArt

I think Kim Il Sung also got rid of places “where they sit together & worry about how woe is us.”

lawhawk  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:37:38am

re: #331 jaunte

I think Kim Il Sung also got rid of places “where they sit together & worry about how woe is us.”

Nope. He simply got rid of people. Much easier.

ObserverArt  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:37:47am

re: #327 stpaulbear

I guess I’m the nostalgic boomer when it comes to Mustangs. Mustangs will always be Steve McQueen in ‘Bullitt’.

Understandable. We are a market that is looking for more comfortable and practical cars along with the fact the numbers are diminishing. It’s all about future and return sales.

wrenchwench  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:38:33am

re: #331 jaunte

I think Kim Il Sung also got rid of places “where they sit together & worry about how woe is us.”

When I was a kid, they all got together in their break room and SMOKED CIGARETTES! That has been gotten rid of.

Tigger2  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:39:07am

re: #298 Blind Frog Belly White

Since the advent of the retro-Pony/Muscle cars with the Mustang back in 2005, I think the Camaros have been consistently the best looking, and in comparo after comparo, the best handling.

However, I often need to stuff one or more of my 6’ sons in the back seat, so that meant no Camaro or Mustang for the FBW family. Besides, I have wanted a Hemi Challenger since 1970, so I got this instead….

Image: Ain’t it purty?

Had a ‘74” loved it.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:41:06am

re: #326 jaunte

“We’ll just write the rules on a huge postcard.”

When I was teaching in Louisville, there was a boy at another high school who protested the school’s dress code by wearing a dress. The code did not specify dresses were limited to female students. He was sent home, though the dress met all the code’s requirements for length, etc. It made the papers, but the school was unrelenting in its dress code. I think they did change it to specify only girls could wear dresses. He transferred to our school, which didn’t have a dress code and never felt the need for one. Not sure if he wore a dress again.

jaunte  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:44:13am

re: #336 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

The school rules I’ve experienced as a parent seem to have a sliding scale (carried mostly in the principal’s head) about what’s ‘disruptive.’

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:44:32am

re: #334 wrenchwench

When I was a kid, they all got together in their break room and SMOKED CIGARETTES! That has been gotten rid of.

We complain about the kids slacking off, the crappy pay, the overly long and boring in-service sessions, the paperwork, the last faculty meeting, and the special assemblies that foul up our carefully planned lessons for the week.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:48:38am

re: #337 jaunte

The school rules I’ve experienced as a parent seem to have a sliding scale (carried mostly in the principal’s head) about what’s ‘disruptive.’

Yeah, pretty much.

I went to high school in the 1970s, and we had no obvious dress code then. One girl was famously sent home because her leotard top was somewhat transparent and she had come to school braless. She managed to get through fourth period before the assistant principal caught up with her and sent her home.

We boys were quite disappointed.

jaunte  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:53:28am

National “Right To Be Fired At Will” Law.

wrenchwench  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:58:28am

re: #339 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

Yeah, pretty much.

I went to high school in the 1970s, and we had no obvious dress code then. One girl was famously sent home because her leotard top was somewhat transparent and she had come to school braless. She managed to get through fourth period before the assistant principal caught up with her and sent her home.

We boys were quite disappointed.

In jr. high, I got sent home for wearing cutoffs with the seams unraveled too far up. They called my mom to come and get me. She told them, ‘You want her to change clothes, YOU bring her home!’ Which they did.

retired cynic  Apr 2, 2016 • 10:58:34am

re: #340 jaunte

[Embedded content]

National “Right To Be Fired At Will” Law.

Boy, I bet Gov. Rauner likes that!

The Ghost of the Spaghetti Weevil  Apr 2, 2016 • 11:03:19am

re: #340 jaunte

National “Right To Be Fired At Will” Law.

State’s rights!

Unless we can ram it through at the national level.

Snarknado!  Apr 2, 2016 • 11:05:22am

re: #341 wrenchwench

In jr. high, I got sent home for wearing cutoffs with the seams unraveled too far up. They called my mom to come and get me. She told them, ‘You want her to change clothes, YOU bring her home!’ Which they did.

I like your mom.

Charles Johnson  Apr 2, 2016 • 11:07:30am

re: #295 ObserverArt

I’ve seen those comments but I can’t duplicate any problems like that - on my Mac, Chrome loads LGF just fine. And I have all the ads turned on as always, because I like to know what kind of ads are being shown to visitors.

I’ll check this out on Windows a bit later today, to see if it’s something specific to the Windows version of Chrome.

Romantic Heretic  Apr 2, 2016 • 11:08:33am

re: #340 jaunte

Showing once again how little the revolutionaries masquerading as conservatives care for actual rights.

The right to assemble peacefully is central to any kind of democracy. Only authoritarian governments limit or destroy it.

wrenchwench  Apr 2, 2016 • 11:12:31am

re: #344 Snarknado!

I like your mom.

I did too, at the time. I didn’t know it then, but she was pissed at being woken up. She was trying to sleep it off.

SoundGuy 2016  Apr 2, 2016 • 11:14:38am

I’m assuming blue Dem: some college and college… vote GOP? What about the left infiltrating the universities?

Lancelot Link  Apr 2, 2016 • 11:19:10am

re: #259 The globulosus alpuzzzzz from Wisconsin

So, sitting at my kitchen counter here in Wisconsin this snowy morn’, geographically speaking,
I have Sanders to the left of me…
Trump to the right

Here you are,
♫stuck in the middle with us….♫

Blind Frog Belly White  Apr 2, 2016 • 11:21:16am

re: #321 ObserverArt

I think Ford was wanting to break the ‘retro’ look that sells to the nostalgic boomers and those that admired that era of cars. They had that ‘68-‘71 look for awhile and they thought it had run its course in the marketplace when the new Challengers and Camaros came out.

Under the body though, I’ve heard the new Mustang is a pretty nice car. Better suspension and better power train units. They have a couple models that are every bit as powerful as the other pony cars. It still says Mustang with a bit of European (Jaguar, Aston-Martin, Ferrari) influence and it appears to be better aerodynamically which is important now.

I loved the 2005-2010 Mustang, but the 2011-2015 one - Meh. The 2016, though, is just as you say - Mustang, but with a bit of Aston Martin. And they finally got rid of the beam axle in back. Like the Camaro, though, the back seats are still a bad joke.

The Challenger, even back in the 1970s, was a different animal. It was larger than the Mustang and Camaro, but smaller than the Chargers and Road Runners. The new version reflects that. It’s the only one of the three that can handle four adults, and the trunk is huge. It’s much easier to live with on a daily basis while giving only a little in performance, and it’s drop dead gorgeous. I get compliments on it a lot.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Apr 2, 2016 • 11:22:23am

re: #348 SoundGuy 2016

[Embedded content]

I’m assuming blue Dem: some college and college… vote GOP? What about the left infiltrating the universities?

“College” and “some college”, I assume does not just include students of or from full-time universities, it would include community colleges, which tend to be a bit more “mainstream” than the academic ivory towers the GOP is so suspicious of…

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Apr 2, 2016 • 11:23:12am

re: #345 Charles Johnson

I’ve seen those comments but I can’t duplicate any problems like that - on my Mac, Chrome loads LGF just fine. And I have all the ads turned on as always, because I like to know what kind of ads are being shown to visitors.

I’ll check this out on Windows a bit later today, to see if it’s something specific to the Windows version of Chrome.

I use Firefox exclusively, on a Mac, and about half the pages will grind away forever if you let them. Of course, stopping the page load after a while is no hardship—is there some reason you can’t do that on Chrome? Or Windows?

retired cynic  Apr 2, 2016 • 11:27:49am

re: #352 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I keep my Mac updated, with the latest update of Safari, and no problems with the site at all.

retired cynic  Apr 2, 2016 • 11:39:09am

re: #353 retired cynic

Man, I need to stop sharing. I killed the thread last night, too!

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Apr 2, 2016 • 11:44:40am

re: #354 retired cynic

Man, I need to stop sharing. I killed the thread last night, too!

I think it’s a pretty quiet Saturday.

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