Young the Giant: Darkest Shade of Blue (In the Open)

Music • Views: 25,339


Young the Giant’s video for the song ‘Darkest Shade of Blue’ from the In The Open series.

The original version of the song appears on Young the Giant’s new album, Mirror Master. Download the album at

Filmed / Produced by: David Faddis

Special thanks to Blackberry Mountain in Walland, TN for having us.

Lights are out the world begins to fade
And I want you to know you’re not alone
Want you to know you’re not alone anymore

I’m here with you
When your hands are shaking
I’m here with you
And your heart is racing
I’m here with you
In the darkest shade of blue

You’re not alone anymore

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Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:31:58pm

From the previous thread:

re: #123 The Pie Overlord!



Am I an addict if I cold turkey my epilepsy meds because sometimes they cause me negative side effects (notably one being the same as anti-depressants: slow me down or make me feel tired)? I guarantee I’ll have negative effects in about two or three days if I just quit taking my barbiturates.

How about my thyroid medication? How about my prescription calcium to stave off osteoporosis?

Holy hell that article is irresponsible. Shaming people for taking antidepressants will cause people who need them to quit, and cause others who might benefit from never starting. That sounds like it came right out of the big book of Scientology.

“Americans are more medicated than any time in history” is a meaningless sentence.

This guy also wrote an article about Type II diabetes some time ago, and his conclusion was “well, if y’all weren’t so fat we wouldn’t have this problem.”

He has a column in the second-largest newspaper in the USA?

I see people with all sorts of chronic disorders (depression, epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, &c) plus a whole bunch of journalists and physicians are dragging him out to the woodshed.

Ace-o-aces  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:33:17pm
austin_blue  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:33:30pm

Ah, Sunday, little white kittens mewling hymns and farting footballs…

Great articles today in the Times’ Sunday Review on the political nihilist freakazoid behind Brexit (can you say “Eyes like a serial killer? I knew you could!”) and the genesis of the Iran nuclear deal and it’s rejection by Mango Metamussolini.

austin_blue  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:35:16pm

re: #2 Ace-o-aces

[Embedded content]


NO SMOCKING GUN!  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:35:49pm

More shameful racism.

austin_blue  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:37:13pm


More shameful racism.

[Embedded content]

More Liberals!

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:39:46pm

re: #2 Ace-o-aces

“Filthy mouthed wife”

Yeah, that’ll help endear you to someone.

Ace-o-aces  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:42:15pm
Charles Johnson  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:42:56pm
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:44:31pm
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:45:03pm
Dread Pirate  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:46:45pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:46:51pm

re: #11 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

Makes me hate anti-vaxxers even more.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:48:01pm

re: #9 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

They are adorable!

Ace-o-aces  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:49:56pm

re: #8 Ace-o-aces

austin_blue  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:51:06pm


They are adorable!

They are, but I hope the chimp knows that the white tiger cub is a member of the Tigers Will Eat Your Face Off Party and plan accordingly.

Ace-o-aces  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:53:26pm

re: #10 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

stpaulbear  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:54:46pm

re: #10 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

Consider how insecure you have to be to be the POTFUS and be envious.

Probably a typo, but for some reason I like it.

mmmirele  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:55:37pm

Well I managed to set off a firestorm in a FB group called “Mildly Offensive Fiber Artists Who Aren’t Bigots.” It’s a fiber artist group, but the group got into a huge discussion when both Michaels and Joann (two big box craft stores) said they would follow the laws of the states they were in and not ban open carry.

Well, I not only pointed out that businesses COULD ban open carry if they wanted to, but that if I saw anyone open carrying, and it was in public, I was calling 911 because I wasn’t going to make the decision whether a person was a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun, I was going to let the police deal with it. In this, I got criticized by a couple of condescending gun nuts and I let them have it.

Listen to me…I am not the only one tired of you Second Amendment fanatics destroying the country so that you can walk around with your unlicensed, unregulated weapons of mass destruction. We are TIRED of this. And I WILL call the cops. I hope it’s on you, because you really need to understand how your clinging to your cold steel is putting the rest of us in danger.

And, for the record, I used to be a lawyer, so I know there’s a legal definition of “weapons of mass destruction.” I’m using the phrase in a more colloquial sense. I, and many others, are tired of the frequent massacres, the frequent “thoughts and prayers” and the absolute unwillingness to discuss how proliferation of guns is killing people.

I used to be a lawyer. We *never* had this discussion in law school, because it was thought in the 1980s that the government could regulate guns. But now, we’ve got the Heller case and it’s open season on people who just want to live our lives without the proliferation of guns everywhere. I just thank God often that Antonin Scalia is no longer with us, because that fool couldn’t make up his mind as to whether shoulder mounted rocket launchers could be banned due to the Second Amendment.

And this last to a gun nut who is all about the “I need mah gunz to protect me from the ebil gubmit.”

You’re a fool. Your gun is not going to help you if the military comes, because the military carries more firepower than you’ll ever be able to amass. And you can only use one of those guns at a time. Even if you got a 100 round canister to clip on to your gun (as the shooter in Dayton used), the military has better than that. They can take you out in no time flat. I am TIRED, VERY TIRED, of these dreams of people who think they’re going to lead some sort of revolution against an oppressive government when the government’s firepower would leave you a smoking hole in the ground.

For the record, I don’t want to ban guns. I want them regulated, people licensed and required to have insurance, like we have to carry for our cars. I’m tired of this Second Amendment Lets Us Carry Around Armaments That Would Make The Founders Dive For Cover attitude.

austin_blue  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:57:18pm

re: #15 Ace-o-aces

[Embedded content]

Conservatives are completely capable of believing two entirely different things at the same time. They can magically split their thought functions into dual tracks to fit any situation. Actually up to five, if necessary. And it often is, depending on DRumpf’s tack on his morning shit tweets.

austin_blue  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:58:17pm

re: #18 stpaulbear

Probably a typo, but for some reason I like it.

I believe “fucking” was inserted in there.

stpaulbear  Sep 8, 2019 • 8:58:58pm
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀  Sep 8, 2019 • 9:04:04pm

re: #18 stpaulbear

Probably a typo, but for some reason I like it.

I do not believe it was a typo

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 8, 2019 • 9:09:51pm

re: #13 Eclectic Cyborg

Makes me hate anti-vaxxers even more.

That might explain why I got chickenpox and mumps as an adult.

In the meantime, my wife say’s she’s convinced by that LA Times article: She’s not dependent on canes, she is addicted to canes. She needs to go cold turkey off her cane to end her addiction to canes.

I noted the same about my spectacles. Wearing glasses for over forty years makes me an addict.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 8, 2019 • 9:13:51pm

Thunderstorms have arrived.

austin_blue  Sep 8, 2019 • 9:16:07pm

re: #24 Anymouse 🌹🎃

That might explain why I got chickenpox and mumps as an adult.

In the meantime, my wife say’s she’s convinced by that LA Times article: She’s not dependent on canes, she is addicted to canes. She needs to go cold turkey off her cane to end her addiction to canes.

I noted the same about my spectacles. Wearing glasses for over forty years makes me an addict.

I didn’t start wearing glasses until my early fifties when I got scared to death that I couldn’t fucking SEE road signs at night. I’m no addict, I’m a coward. Big difference.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Sep 8, 2019 • 9:21:09pm
Ace-o-aces  Sep 8, 2019 • 9:24:59pm

And it’s on!

Belafon  Sep 8, 2019 • 9:27:30pm

re: #11 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

[Embedded content]

There’s a movie idea for Roland Emmerich.

Belafon  Sep 8, 2019 • 9:45:24pm

re: #28 Ace-o-aces

And it’s on!

[Embedded content]

austin_blue  Sep 8, 2019 • 9:54:51pm

re: #29 Belafon

There’s a movie idea for Roland Emmerich.

When we moved from California, where I was born, to Pensacola, where my Da was a flight instructor at the Navy Flight School, I got the big three (mumps, chicken pox, and measles in quick succession, and in that order). The first two were annoying, the last was scary. I ended up in the tub in an ice bath in the middle of the night because I had spiked up to 106 degrees. The fever broke the next morning, but almost immediately after, I started bruising at the slightest bump and my parents, frantic, got me into the hospital, terrified that I had contracted leukemia.

They took a bone marrow sample while I was under local anesthesia (big fight, also ouch) and figured out I didn’t have a blood cancer, just a result of the measles killing my immune system. My Ma and Da were terrified. It took me four weeks to get to the point where my platelets started working again and I didn’t look like rare steak.

Why parents don’t vaccinate their kids is beyond me. It’s just so goddamned selfish and dangerous for their children.

Mattand  Sep 8, 2019 • 10:03:26pm

re: #19 mmmirele

Really well said. Although, truth be told, I’m absolutely for banning weapons, starting with assault rifles.

Somewhat hypocritically, my partner and I also bat around the idea of getting a gun as wingnut protection.

Mattand  Sep 8, 2019 • 10:06:15pm

Is it just me, or is it fucking ludicrous to think that the Taliban leadership would be stupid enough to come to the US, thinking that Trump would let them leave?

Hardly a fan of the Taliban by any stretch, but this whole thing seems like the diplomatic version of a sketchy no-panel van driving around with a “Free candy inside” sign on it

sagehen  Sep 8, 2019 • 10:10:44pm

That would certainly explain why they wanted the deal announced publicly before they would be willing to make the trip…

Ace-o-aces  Sep 8, 2019 • 10:11:07pm
austin_blue  Sep 8, 2019 • 10:29:51pm

re: #32 Mattand

Really well said. Although, truth be told, I’m absolutely for banning weapons, starting with assault rifles.

Somewhat hypocritically, my partner and I also bat around the idea of getting a gun as wingnut protection.

Get a pump shotgun for home protection. Load it up with 2-shot shells. You won’t kill your neighbors next door, and chambering a round is usually enough to make people run away. As for wingnut protection, a simple bolt-action hunting rifle, holding 4 or 5 rounds will be sufficient. If you can’t hit a target with four rounds, you don’t need to own a gun.

Practice will be necessary to hone your craft, as in any endeavor. You really need to hit the people at which you are shooting. Otherwise, again, you don’t need to own a gun.

Brutal, but that is what rifles are made to to do. One shot, one kill.

Oh, and I don’t hunt game anymore. Got my meat hunting jollies out years ago. Too damn bloody for my taste.

austin_blue  Sep 8, 2019 • 10:42:47pm

Night all, sweet scaly dreams. The shit tweets tomorrow should be epic.

Dread Pirate  Sep 8, 2019 • 10:49:05pm
uriel  Sep 8, 2019 • 11:16:11pm

I’m really starting to think that same sex marriage is the next, (non-immigrant, obvs,) big, meat-to-the-masses push to roll back the painfully slow progress we’ve made in the years since 1950. They’ll get to abortion shortly after, but given the freshness of the wounds and the fact that the issue is possibly even still less settled socially, I’m betting on rolling back all this super, K-RAZZY swj stuff is kinda a no brainier.

Always remember: Fox and Friends is the modern day combination of a daily, alt-right-ish talking points memo and a real-time Luntz focus group on how the faithful are eating that crap up.

This is the other, unspoken, reason Brett Kavanaugh is a thing.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 8, 2019 • 11:27:12pm

re: #20 austin_blue

Conservatives are completely capable of believing two entirely different things at the same time. They can magically split their thought functions into dual tracks to fit any situation. Actually up to five, if necessary. And it often is, depending on DRumpf’s tack on his morning shit tweets.

This is an additional reason I classify conservatism as a religion.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 8, 2019 • 11:29:50pm

re: #28 Ace-o-aces

And it’s on!

What did Trump say to Christine Teigen?

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 8, 2019 • 11:35:04pm

re: #39 uriel

Children can bring Bibles to school now.

If parents are going to push their children to proselytise to other children about their parents about marriage, that leaves them open to atheist children to bring out the really fun stuff in the Bible like Ezekiel 23:20 (NIV, There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses) or Isaiah 45:7 (KJV, I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.)

Let their parents explain the genitals of donkeys and emissions of horses, and how it’s their own god which created evil.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 8, 2019 • 11:48:54pm

re: #38 Dread Pirate

Hegseth, who hosted the segment, insisted that “there’s no real tolerance” in the U.S. if Brees is criticized for associating with an anti-LGBT group.

Mr. “I don’t wash my hands” Hegseth needs a safe space free of criticism?


Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 8, 2019 • 11:59:29pm

Dorian is finally leaving Atlantic Canada.

The next information statement will be issued at 03:30 a.m. NDT.

The center of Post-Tropical cyclone Dorian is leaving the northern tip of Newfoundland and heading out into the Labrador Sea. Dorian will slowly weaken as it moves away towards Europe.

1. Summary of basic information at 09:30 p.m. NDT.

Location: Near 51.5 North 55.5 West.

About: 42 km east-northeast of St. Anthony, Newfoundland.

Maximum sustained winds: 102 kilometres per hour.

Present movement: northeast at 43 kilometres per hour.

Minimum central pressure: 982 millibars.

2. Public weather impacts and warnings summary.

The center of Dorian is now moving away from Northern Newfoundland and will gradually weaken as it moves towards Europe.

Strong winds will continue to impact Newfoundland and the Quebec’s Lower North Shore this evening. Large waves up to 9 metres have been diminishing as the storm moves away from the Strait of Belle Isle. Elevated water levels along parts of Quebec’s Lower North Shore should be ending within the next few hours.

Tropical Storm Warnings are in effect for the Great Northern Peninsula, and parts of the Northeast Coast. Tropical Storm Warnings for storm surge warnings are in effect for the Chevery and Blanc Sablon forecast regions for Quebec’s Lower North Shore, which will end before midnight.


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 8, 2019 • 11:59:48pm

re: #42 Anymouse 🌹🎃

Children can bring Bibles to school now.

Then Muslim kids can bring Korans, right?

Just not home-made science projects…

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Sep 9, 2019 • 12:01:50am
Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 9, 2019 • 12:37:52am
Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 9, 2019 • 12:45:35am

Conservatives gotta conserve power, at the taxpayers’ expense, part twelve million:

County votes to proceed with suit vs. city over Festival gun-ban (goes to the Sandpoint, Idaho Reader, more at the link)

The Festival at Sandpoint had barely opened its 2019 season when open carry and concealed firearms advocates took aim at the event’s weapons ban.

“The Festival doesn’t have the right to negotiate away my right to carry a firearm on city property,” Selle Valley resident Craig Frick testified at the Aug. 7 Sandpoint City Council meeting.

Now, only a few weeks after the close of the summer concert series on Aug. 11, the city of Sandpoint is being sued by Bonner County over the Festival’s policy barring weapons.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 12:48:01am

re: #48 Anymouse 🌹🎃

Conservatives gotta conserve power, at the taxpayers’ expense, part twelve million:

County votes to proceed with suit vs. city over Festival gun-ban (goes to the Sandpoint, Idaho Reader, more at the link)

I jusst fail to grasp this leap between “the right to bear arms” and “the right to unlimited access and unrestricted right to carry arms anywhere” and how restricting the latter is seen as an intolerable violation of the former.

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 9, 2019 • 12:59:41am

re: #49 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I jusst fail to grasp this leap between “the right to bear arms” and “the right to unlimited access and unrestricted right to carry arms anywhere” and how restricting the latter is seen as an intolerable violation of the former.

The case centres on whether the leaser, a private organisation, can rent city land for a festival and still ban firearms at their festival. The festival itself notes most of the artists have contracts with the festival prohibiting firearms at their performances or booths.

The article also notes the county retained an outside law firm (at much greater expense) because they feel there would be a conflict-of-interest if they used the county attorney to proceed (follow the money, I’ll bet someone on that county commission has a connexion with the law firm).

The city asserts they did not set any restrictions on firearms and they are within the law. They also note there are several other organisations which lease land from the city, including a university hospital, which if this suit is found in favour of the county means they would have to permit firearms as well.

County residents are asking the county commission why they are spending money on this (it’s because you elected conservatives to your county commission - spending money on something like this means they don’t have to spend it on things benefiting the whole county, like education).

The point is conservatives want to carve out exceptions to laws and regulations for themselves but ignore that for others (minority rule).

Dread Pirate  Sep 9, 2019 • 1:01:00am

re: #47 Anymouse 🌹🎃

The Trump admin has proposed a tariff of up to 100% on $25 billion in European items. Romano, Parmesan and Gouda are all on the list. But it’s not just cheese. The tariff is proposed to hit a variety of items like wines, meats, olive oil, olives and pasta.

There’s always Socialist California wine and cheese. Support the United Farm Workers.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 1:04:06am

re: #51 Dread Pirate

The Trump admin has proposed a tariff of up to 100% on $25 billion in European items. Romano, Parmesan and Gouda are all on the list. But it’s not just cheese. The tariff is proposed to hit a variety of items like wines, meats, olive oil, olives and pasta.

I don’t see what is behind that except for pure spite

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 9, 2019 • 1:08:15am

This thread escalated quickly:

(Editor hat: Letter “g” has a so-called hard sound in front of consonants, and vowels “a”, “o”, and “u”)

“G” in GIF follows the same rule as “g” in “gin” or “gingivitis”

Deep State SuperElite Satinist  Sep 9, 2019 • 1:12:34am

re: #53 Anymouse 🌹🎃

(Editor hat: Letter “g” has a so-called hard sound in front of consonants, and vowels “a”, “o”, and “u”)

“G” in GIF follows the same rule as “g” in “gin” or “gingivitis”

like “give” or “girl”?

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 9, 2019 • 1:17:29am

re: #54 Deep State SuperElite Satinist

like “give” or “girl”?

It’s English, Jake. /s

There are always exceptions, like “i before e except after c, and except in such words as neighbour and weigh.”

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 9, 2019 • 1:19:29am
Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 9, 2019 • 1:23:17am

Video, 1:08

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 9, 2019 • 1:31:46am

(video, 3:47)

Supposing we applied a whole bunch of FOX News Channel statements during the Obama administration to the Trump maladministration? It might sound something like this clip.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 1:35:26am

re: #53 Anymouse 🌹🎃

This thread escalated quickly:

(Editor hat: Letter “g” has a so-called hard sound in front of consonants, and vowels “a”, “o”, and “u”)

“G” in GIF follows the same rule as “g” in “gin” or “gingivitis”

I own a Gibson SG. I was amused to hear a German colleague refer to it as a “Jibson Ess-Gay”

Targetpractice  Sep 9, 2019 • 1:37:26am

re: #57 Anymouse 🌹🎃

Video, 1:08

[Embedded content]

AFK, Florida.


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 1:41:17am

My two cents.

you base your pronounciation on the letter and not to the word to which the letter is referring to

The letter G is pronounded soft

Gerrymandering in Gary, Indiana…

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 9, 2019 • 2:19:07am

re: #61 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

My two cents.

you base your pronounciation on the letter and not to the word to which the letter is referring to

The letter G is pronounded soft

Gerrymandering in Gary, Indiana…

Letters don’t seem to mean a whole bunch in English. Noah Webster tried to “Americanise” the language after the revolution, with words like “aker” and eliminating redundant letters like “c.”

There was success in getting rid of long “s.”

As ſuch, we aren’t burdened anymore with ligatures of double “ſ” or confuſion between “s” and “f.”

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 2:28:50am

re: #62 Anymouse 🌹🎃

German, of course has der, die, das, dem and den, which can all be “the” depending on the gender and case, and ein, eine, einer, einem, einen and eines, which can likewise all be “a/an”.

And they are taught the rule of “a” before a consonant and “an” before a vowel, but then you have vowel dipthongs, an overlord but a one-seater, an uncle but a university.

Add the confusion that Germans use definite articles differently, such as die Natur for “nature”, or die Kunst which generally do not take an article, (in the nature of things or in the Art of the Deal….)

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 2:31:36am

and if we started to tinker with our spelling we would not be able to distinguish between ate and eight
bred and bread
know and no
rot and wrought
their, there or they’re
flew and flue


Dread Pirate  Sep 9, 2019 • 2:35:42am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 2:38:12am

re: #65 Dread Pirate

one would think that the Emolument Clause would specifically prohibit this except in very specific and extenuating circumstances.

teleskiguy  Sep 9, 2019 • 3:06:05am
Decatur Deb  Sep 9, 2019 • 4:15:04am

re: #66 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

one would think that the Emolument Clause would specifically prohibit this except in very specific and extenuating circumstances.

Back when people were capable of shame and embarrassment, the Caesar’s Wife rule was enough to control most visible grift. I blame Soupy Sales.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 4:18:23am

re: #68 Decatur Deb

Back when people were capable of shame and embarrassment, the Caesar’s Wife rule was enough to control most visible grift. I blame Soupy Sales.

again, I cannot begin to imagine the outrage if any Democratic President so exhibited such egregious conflicts of interest or so blatantly flouted the Emoluments Clause

Targetpractice  Sep 9, 2019 • 4:20:19am

re: #69 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

again, I cannot begin to imagine the outrage if any Democratic President so exhibited such egregious conflicts of interest or so blatantly flouted the Emoluments Clause

Personally, I remember how insane the media and the Repubs went over the very idea that Hillary would meet with donors to the Clinton Foundation, going so far as to ask/demand she and Bill dissolve the charity in order to avoid any “appearance of impropriety.”

Decatur Deb  Sep 9, 2019 • 4:23:11am

re: #70 Targetpractice

Personally, I remember how insane the media and the Repubs went over the very idea that Hillary would meet with donors to the Clinton Foundation, going so far as to ask/demand she and Bill dissolve the charity in order to avoid any “appearance of impropriety.”

In retrospect, that would have been a good idea. Stomp out your Guinea Worms after you leave the Oval Office.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 4:24:02am

re: #70 Targetpractice

Personally, I remember how insane the media and the Repubs went over the very idea that Hillary would meet with donors to the Clinton Foundation, going so far as to ask/demand she and Bill dissolve the charity in order to avoid any “appearance of impropriety.”

And how they simply nodded when the Trump Foundation used donor money to purchase a portrait of Donald Trump to be put on display on a Trump Organization property…

Anymouse 🌹🎃  Sep 9, 2019 • 4:28:57am

re: #69 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

again, I cannot begin to imagine the outrage if any Democratic President so exhibited such egregious conflicts of interest or so blatantly flouted the Emoluments Clause

The GOP made Jimmy Carter sell his peanut farm; a truly blind trust wasn’t good enough for them.

The law does not apply to conservatism. Power does.

steve_davis  Sep 9, 2019 • 4:35:51am

re: #36 austin_blue

Get a pump shotgun for home protection. Load it up with 2-shot shells. You won’t kill your neighbors next door, and chambering a round is usually enough to make people run away. As for wingnut protection, a simple bolt-action hunting rifle, holding 4 or 5 rounds will be sufficient. If you can’t hit a target with four rounds, you don’t need to own a gun.

Practice will be necessary to hone your craft, as in any endeavor. You really need to hit the people at which you are shooting. Otherwise, again, you don’t need to own a gun.

Brutal, but that is what rifles are made to to do. One shot, one kill.

Oh, and I don’t hunt game anymore. Got my meat hunting jollies out years ago. Too damn bloody for my taste.

shotguns tend to be wildly underestimated as zombie defense. if I were having to deal with a zombie infestation, which has only ever happened twice in my life, I’m happy to say, I would go with a 20-gauge. minimal recoil. put the little bead on the end of the gun on the target, and blammo! end of zombie.

steve_davis  Sep 9, 2019 • 4:41:46am

re: #54 Deep State SuperElite Satinist

like “give” or “girl”?

uhm, this is a rule in french and italian. spanish handles it by making the “g” an “h” (generalismo, for instance). presumably it goes back to late latin (pretty sure earlier latin “c” and “g” are always hard, regardless of what vowel they’re working with).

Hecuba's daughter  Sep 9, 2019 • 4:56:09am

re: #73 Anymouse 🌹🎃

The GOP made Jimmy Carter sell his peanut farm; a truly blind trust wasn’t good enough for them.

The law does not apply to conservatism. Power does.

The law should be clear: upon election, President must sell every business they own to a third party (no relatives permitted) and put the money in a blind trust that is managed by a respectable third party. That would keep the billionaires and businessmen out of the Oval Office — which would be a true benefit for this nation.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 5:04:50am

re: #76 Hecuba’s daughter

The law should be clear: upon election, President must sell every business they own to a third party (no relatives permitted) and put the money in a blind trust that is managed by a respectable third party. That would keep the billionaires and businessmen out of the Oval Office — which would be a true benefit for this nation.

Trump embodied the “government-should-be-run-like-a-business” school of thinking: elect an “outsider”, an anti-politician.

That image, combined with his media cachet, made him immune from gaffes that would have sidelined the campaign or even the career of any other professional politician.

And in this anti-politics-as-usual climate, his complete lack of any record of public service was a plus, whereas as for people like Hillary or Biden, it all served as baggage and a treasure trove of opportunities to find some embarrassing change of opinion on some matter.

And even after years in office, Trump is still seeling himself as an outsider and succeeding to a great extent.

Decatur Deb  Sep 9, 2019 • 5:24:27am

Trump is visiting Fayetteville (Ft.Bragg) for tonight’s rally. He just killed Bragg’s new elementary school to send $39 million to the wall.

Disloyal Archangel  Sep 9, 2019 • 5:28:45am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 5:37:31am

re: #78 Decatur Deb

Trump is visiting Fayetteville (Ft.Bragg) for tonight’s rally. He just killed Bragg’s new elementary school to send $39 million to the wall.

I hope that they send all the schoolkids there to thank him for helping to protect them against rapists and drug dealers

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 5:39:14am

re: #79 Archangelus

[Embedded content]


I do not follow enough Twitterology to understand the reason for the panicked retreat.

Decatur Deb  Sep 9, 2019 • 5:42:13am

re: #80 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I hope that they send all the schoolkids there to thank him for heloping to protect them against rapists and drug dealers

These are Army Brats. Rapists and drug dealers need protection from them.

(Source: Married to an Army Brat.)

plansbandc  Sep 9, 2019 • 5:45:33am
BlueGrl21  Sep 9, 2019 • 5:59:52am

re: #1 Anymouse 🌹🎃

From the previous thread:


Am I an addict if I cold turkey my epilepsy meds because sometimes they cause me negative side effects (notably one being the same as anti-depressants: slow me down or make me feel tired)? I guarantee I’ll have negative effects in about two or three days if I just quit taking my barbiturates.

How about my thyroid medication? How about my prescription calcium to stave off osteoporosis?

[Embedded content]

Holy hell that article is irresponsible. Shaming people for taking antidepressants will cause people who need them to quit, and cause others who might benefit from never starting. That sounds like it came right out of the big book of Scientology.

“Americans are more medicated than any time in history” is a meaningless sentence.

This guy also wrote an article about Type II diabetes some time ago, and his conclusion was “well, if y’all weren’t so fat we wouldn’t have this problem.”

He has a column in the second-largest newspaper in the USA?

I see people with all sorts of chronic disorders (depression, epilepsy, diabetes, asthma, &c) plus a whole bunch of journalists and physicians are dragging him out to the woodshed.

I’m bipolar. That article made me sick to my stomach.

jeffreyw  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:08:46am

Good morning!

Belafon  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:17:00am

re: #54 Deep State SuperElite Satinist

like “give” or “girl”?

Which is an exact argument for going with what the creator of the format wanted, and he said “JIF”.

Belafon  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:19:30am

re: #66 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

one would think that the Emolument Clause would specifically prohibit this except in very specific and extenuating circumstances.

Until the head of the Senate gives a shit, it doesn’t matter.

Belafon  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:23:06am
Belafon  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:24:11am
lawhawk  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:28:56am

Greets and saluts from the gloriously sunny NYC metro area. Trump’s still at the dissembling and attacking those who aren’t slavishly fawning over the tangerine toddler. That means going after John Legend and Chrissy Teigen? Yeah, that’ll work out famously…. when you realize that the attack also means more people fixated on that and not the fact that the US changed its policy for admitting people from the Bahamas in the wake of Dorian.

They’re now demanding more info from those entering from the Bahamas, which is in the grips of a historic humanitarian crisis due to much of the country being absolutely devastated by Dorian. While Trump seeks to keep out those non-whites living there, Jose Andres and his fellow humanitarians are trying to provide food and shelter.

If you want to know what someone who should get a Nobel Prize looks like, that’s it. Trump thought he could get himself a Nobel Prize by cutting a deal and giving the Taliban a photo op at Camp David, even though the deal his underlings had done was vaporware and essentially gave the Taliban everything the Taliban had sought and the US got nothing but empty assurances.

Trump wanted the photo op at Camp David on the eve of the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks. For those who don’t remember, AQ had been exported from Saudi Arabia and found themselves a home in Afghanistan with the Taliban, and after the attacks, the US gave the Taliban the option to either be targeted by the US, or to give up AQ to the US. They chose the former, and 18 years later, we’re still at war in the region.

Trump thinks he can end that conflict, by giving the Taliban pretty much it’s wish list - because cutting a deal is more important than the specifics of the deal, and he inserted himself into the talks directly by claiming that there was enough to have a summit at Camp David, only to reneg on this because his feels were “hurt”.

This is Trump in a nutshell - a vain, fragile ego, reactionary know nothing who doesn’t care about the damage he’s doing to the US so long as he personally profits from the actions he takes.

Belafon  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:32:54am

It seems that Twitter didn’t like the tag created from Chrissy Teigen’s reply to Trump (her name doesn’t follow the i before e rule), and have kept it out of trending, so people came up with a new one:

lawhawk  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:33:15am

re: #81 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

The video is from a rally where the Secret Service had been tipped that someone in the crowd might have a gun. The audio is someone saying that Chrissy Teigen is in the audience…

GlutenFreeJesus  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:33:46am

Holy shit. We had to extract one of our top spies in Russia in 2017. Because of Trump and his handling of intel.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:42:56am

re: #92 lawhawk

The video is from a rally where the Secret Service had been tipped that someone in the crowd might have a gun. The audio is someone saying that Chrissy Teigen is in the audience…

aha. what is the story with CT? Twitter feud? (all I Der relally know about Twitter is what I get from this site and other news sites where hastags are news items)

sagehen  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:44:23am

re: #90 lawhawk

They’re now demanding more info from those entering from the Bahamas, which is in the grips of a historic humanitarian crisis due to much of the country being absolutely devastated by Dorian. While Trump seeks to keep out those non-whites living there, Jose Andres and his fellow humanitarians are trying to provide food and shelter.

Even worse than that… they’re demanding more info, embassy interviews for visas, and… they’ve closed the embassy and cancelled the visa interviews. Because, y’know, hurricane damage. They’ll re-open when they’re good and ready, and telephone applicants to reschedule.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:48:30am

re: #95 sagehen

They would have done the same to Puerto Ricans if the law had allowed them…

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:48:54am

re: #17 Ace-o-aces

[Embedded content]

Why Don t they love me?

sagehen  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:49:22am

re: #94 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

aha. what is the story with CT? Twitter feud? (all I Der relally know about Twitter is what I get from this site and other news sites where hastags are news items)

Trump had a twitter-storm about why he wasn’t getting enough thank-you’s for signing the criminal justice reform steps that passed last year. He was particularly annoyed about insufficient gratitude from “john legend and his foul-mouthed wife.”

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:51:33am

re: #19 mmmirele

Well I managed to set off a firestorm in a FB group called “Mildly Offensive Fiber Artists Who Aren’t Bigots.” It’s a fiber artist group, but the group got into a huge discussion when both Michaels and Joann (two big box craft stores) said they would follow the laws of the states they were in and not ban open carry.

Well, I not only pointed out that businesses COULD ban open carry if they wanted to, but that if I saw anyone open carrying, and it was in public, I was calling 911 because I wasn’t going to make the decision whether a person was a good guy with a gun or a bad guy with a gun, I was going to let the police deal with it. In this, I got criticized by a couple of condescending gun nuts and I let them have it.

And this last to a gun nut who is all about the “I need mah gunz to protect me from the ebil gubmit.”

For the record, I don’t want to ban guns. I want them regulated, people licensed and required to have insurance, like we have to carry for our cars. I’m tired of this Second Amendment Lets Us Carry Around Armaments That Would Make The Founders Dive For Cover attitude.

Gun accountability
Gun safety
Who could possibly be against those two ideas? /.5

The Pie Overlord!  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:51:52am

Can’t decide what to make for breakfast?

lawhawk  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:54:39am

re: #94 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Trump got in a snit overnight with John Legend over not showing fealty to Trump on criminal justice reform, and Trump called Chrissy a foul mouthed wife without directly tagging her in the post.

Her response was that Trump is a pussy assed bitch.

lawhawk  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:56:22am
Belafon  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:56:52am

re: #101 lawhawk

Trump got in a snit overnight with John Legend over not showing fealty to Trump on criminal justice reform, and Trump called Chrissy a foul mouthed wife without directly tagging her in the post.

Her response was that Trump is a pussy assed bitch.

He tagged John Legend but not her. I would say it’s because he didn’t want to let her know, but it’s because he couldn’t be bothered to look up the spelling of her name.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 6:58:45am

re: #101 lawhawk

Trump got in a snit overnight with John Legend over not showing fealty to Trump on criminal justice reform, and Trump called Chrissy a foul mouthed wife without directly tagging her in the post.

Her response was that Trump is a pussy assed bitch.

I gather the nuance is that he attacked her without giving her a chance to respond directly?

Like I said, I only catch what other sites report about Twitter, but given the nature of the Trump Presidency and the New Media Reality, that is all but unavoidable.

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 7:03:47am

re: #66 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

one would think that the Emolument Clause would specifically prohibit this except in very specific and extenuating circumstances.

(It does)

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 7:05:46am

re: #105 DangerMan

(It does)

I was being a bit rhetorical. If we had a Congress willing to act, we would not need a Mueller Report to find all sorts of impeachable offenses.

Kilroy was here  Sep 9, 2019 • 7:12:04am

NOAA’s chief scientist will investigate why agency backed Trump over its experts on Dorian, email shows

In an email to NOAA staff that was obtained by The Washington Post, the official, Craig McLean, called the agency’s response “political” and a “danger to public health and safety.”

More Cat 5 tweet storms expected from the White House or Trump golf course.

Ace-o-aces  Sep 9, 2019 • 7:16:15am

re: #35 Ace-o-aces

[Embedded content]

OK, for some reason this got me a 7 day suspension from Twitter for “hateful conduct”. Can anyone explain why. Was it because I used the word “WHORE”? Because it’s not directing violence against anybody, it’s just mocking Trump’s tendency to get into meaningless celebrity spats.

The Pie Overlord!  Sep 9, 2019 • 7:19:16am

re: #108 Ace-o-aces

OK, for some reason this got me a 7 day suspension from Twitter for “hateful conduct”. Can anyone explain why. Was it because I used the word “WHORE”? Because it’s not directing violence against anybody, it’s just mocking Trump’s tendency to get into meaningless celebrity spats.

Did you post it to POTFUS timeline or to some other TL where a bunch of wingnuts could see it & report you?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 7:19:21am

re: #108 Ace-o-aces

OK, for some reason this got me a 7 day suspension from Twitter for “hateful conduct”. Can anyone explain why. Was it because I used the word “WHORE”? Because it’s not directing violence against anybody, it’s just mocking Trump’s tendency to get into meaningless celebrity spats.

algorhythm and blues…another reason I only observe what other relate about that site

The Pie Overlord!  Sep 9, 2019 • 7:20:27am

VB never got a timeout, VB just got taken by Twitter & shot in the back of the head.

Ace-o-aces  Sep 9, 2019 • 7:25:03am

re: #109 The Pie Overlord!

Did you post it to POTFUS timeline or to some other TL where a bunch of wingnuts could see it & report you?

No, it was just on my timeline. It didn’t even get much attention, truth be told.

(((Viking Sea Mexican)))  Sep 9, 2019 • 7:32:00am

re: #75 steve_davis

uhm, this is a rule in french and italian. spanish handles it by making the “g” an “h” (generalismo, for instance). presumably it goes back to late latin (pretty sure earlier latin “c” and “g” are always hard, regardless of what vowel they’re working with).

“H” for an English speakers, and a “j” for Spanish speakers. I didn’t really notice until now (h is silent in Spanish, except when preceded by the c, or in certain slangs).

lawhawk  Sep 9, 2019 • 7:43:28am
Decatur Deb  Sep 9, 2019 • 7:43:40am

re: #111 The Pie Overlord!

VB never got a timeout, VB just got taken by Twitter & shot in the back of the head.

Twitter wanted to Cheka her privilege.

BigPapa  Sep 9, 2019 • 7:48:28am

re: #108 Ace-o-aces

Def their lame algorithms. This got me immediately suspended:


Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 7:50:53am

re: #116 BigPapa

Def their lame algorithms. This got me immediately suspended:

[Embedded content]


MsJ  Sep 9, 2019 • 7:56:12am
Hecuba's daughter  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:01:00am

re: #116 BigPapa

Def their lame algorithms. This got me immediately suspended:

[Embedded content]

I understand now — Trump’s insults people because they don’t worship him. That isn’t an action that violates Twitter’s rules. Hmmmm — wait — if you insult someone without threatening physical harm, that might not count as harassment unless you do it repeatedly. Everyone knows that Twitter is a cesspool; unfortunately it seems to be the go-to platform for media and journalist-wannabes and fanatics of all stripes to promote their wares.

Belafon  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:07:22am

re: #119 Hecuba’s daughter

I understand now — Trump’s insults people because they don’t worship him. That isn’t an action that violates Twitter’s rules. Hmmmm — wait — if you insult someone without threatening physical harm, that might not count as harassment unless you do it repeatedly. Everyone knows that Twitter is a cesspool; unfortunately it seems to be the go-to platform for media and journalist-wannabes and fanatics of all stripes to promote their wares.

TPM was a better source of political news than the NYT.

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:07:47am

re: #117 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

[Embedded content]


BigPapa  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:13:06am

re: #121 DangerMan

lawhawk  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:13:47am
jaunte  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:13:52am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:24:26am

re: #121 DangerMan

[Embedded content]


jaunte  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:25:43am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:25:56am

re: #124 jaunte

If there had only been some way for Trump to fistance himself from his ongoing business operations…but that might have been unfeasable…

MsJ  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:31:14am
DodgerFan1988  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:31:52am

Not surprised at all about Conservatives refusing to help Bahamian refugees. Remember 14 years ago when Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, and Sean Hannity called African-Americans caught in Hurricane Katrina, “crackheads, gangbangers, and welfare dependents.”

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:32:07am

re: #125 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

[Embedded content]

i g


plansbandc  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:34:56am

Valerie Plame’s campaign ad is fantastic.

I suspect it’s been posted, but if you haven’t watched it, watch it.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:35:08am

re: #128 MsJ

Hi good morning it’s Monday, CNN is reporting that the CIA had to extract its top intelligence source in Russia because it could not trust the president to protect his identity

this will be spun as another deep-state plot to make Trump look bad

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:36:26am

re: #127 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

If there had only been some way for Trump to fistance himself from his ongoing business operations…but that might have been unfeasable…

as i said yesterday, he could have acted like a leader

dont golf at your own courses, except occasionally if at all
dont stay at your own resorts, even mar-a-grifto
dont recommend in any way that anyone stay at a trump property
ensure foreign dignitaries know there are other options / places they can stay in DC

even if some of this costs the taxpayers more

at least make the attempt

not only didnt he /they do that, they doubled down and are brazenly milking it

what? the nat’l guard came up with scotland on their own?
pence and ireland?
if trump doesnt have his fingers on all aspects of his ‘operation’ he really is incompetent

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:37:39am

re: #131 plansbandc

That really is an awesome ad. Hope other Democrats take note of how to do it right.

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:39:03am

re: #129 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]

Not surprised at all about Conservatives refusing to help Bahamian refugees. Remember 14 years ago when Rush Limbaugh, Bill O’Reilly, and Sean Hannity called African-Americans caught in Hurricane Katrina, “crackheads, gangbangers, and welfare dependents.”

these people should have been prepared
they should have found their passports, got visas before their homes were flattened and then washed away

fuck the people currently in power of this country
(they are not ‘running’ it. they are not ‘in charge’. they simply hold the reins of power)

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:41:20am

re: #133 DangerMan

as i said yesterday, he could have acted like a leader

dont golf at your own courses, except occasionally if at all
dont stay at your own resorts, even mar-a-grifto
dont recommend in any way that anyone stay at a trump property
ensure foreign dignitaries know there are other options / places they can stay in DC

even if some of this costs the taxpayers more

at least make the attempt

not only didnt he /they do that, they doubled down and are brazenly milking it

what? the nat’l guard came up with scotland on their own?
pence and ireland?
if trump doesnt have his fingers on all aspects of his ‘operation’ he really is incompetent

It goes beyond that, it involves ordering the USAF to use the airport at Prestwick to keep it financially afloat because without it, his Turnberry resort would have been even more in the red…

He is pissing off the wrong people

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:42:24am

re: #132 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Hi good morning it’s Monday, CNN is reporting that the CIA had to extract its top intelligence source in Russia because it could not trust the president to protect his identity

this will be spun as another deep-state plot to make Trump look bad

he shoots himself in the foot so often he’s run out of feet
he doesnt need the deep state or any help to look bad

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:43:05am

re: #135 DangerMan

these people should have been prepared
they should have found their passports, got visas before their homes were flattened and then wash away

Why were they uprepared? Simple: They all thought the storm was going to ravage Alabama and spare them.

retired cynic  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:43:48am

These wood sculptures remind me of the mud skyscrapers of Yemen (if any have survived the ongoing civil war!):

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:44:30am

re: #136 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It goes beyond that, it involves ordering the USAF to use the airport at Prestwick to keep it financially afloat because without it, his Turnberry resort would have been even more in the red…

He is pissing off the wrong people

Works for me.

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:45:46am

re: #136 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It goes beyond that, it involves ordering the USAF to use the airport at Prestwick to keep it financially afloat because without it, his Turnberry resort would have been even more in the red…

He is pissing off the wrong people

sorry, i thought it was the nat’l guard - that was what i was referencing

USAF or natl guard - they didnt dream this idea up on their own.

this admin is very transparent, though not in the way we ‘d like government to be

Shropshire Slasher  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:47:24am

re: #131 plansbandc

I wonder if Valerie Plane has ever heard of Richard Armitage?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:48:46am

re: #141 DangerMan

sorry, i thought it was the nat’l guard - that was what i was referencing

USAF or natl guard - they didnt dream this idea up on their own.

this admin is very transparent, though not in the way we ‘d like government to be

transparent in the sense of easy to see through, yes…

retired cynic  Sep 9, 2019 • 8:54:00am

h/t Juanita Jean

plansbandc  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:02:39am

I’m going to have to listen to the whole album…

Hecuba's daughter  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:20:01am

Interesting read in the NYTimes opinion section on why the Israeli population is so loyal to Netanyahu — they credit him with stopping the wave of suicide bombings that were terrifying the population.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:20:14am

Does anyone recognize this location? The photo is current.
My director at work sends vacation photos, and we try to locate her. It feels like the Rocky Mountains, but I have not been able to pin it down.

gocart mozart  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:28:26am

In case you haven’t seen the greatest twitter thread, the author Lippman is Mrs David Simon.

Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:30:11am

Cat survives being shot in face twice with rifle

Vespa is a happy cat now, but that wasn’t the case last week when police say Sean Stanford shot the feline twice in the face with a rifle.

“Super friendly cat and someone shoots it? I mean, that’s like, you are going to make me cry,” said Dr. Kathryn Stutzman-Rodriguez, one of the veterinarians who treated Vespa. “It’s so awful.”

The psycho Stanford has been charged with extreme animal cruelty. Quite possible that this will prevent a future mass shooting of humans.

Skip Intro  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:33:26am

re: #57 Anymouse 🌹🎃

Video, 1:08

[Embedded content]

So the Mar-a-lago delivery has been delayed indefinitely.

Amory Blaine  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:39:20am

re: #147 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

Damn man, long time no see! How you been?

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:40:40am

re: #147 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

Does anyone recognize this location? The photo is current.
My director at work sends vacation photos, and we try to locate her. It feels like the Rocky Mountains, but I have not been able to pin it down.

[Embedded content]

I’m thinking possibly Arizona or NM?

sagehen  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:41:18am

re: #135 DangerMan

these people should have been prepared
they should have found their passports, got visas before their homes were flattened and then washed away

fuck the people currently in power of this country
(they are not ‘running’ it. they are not ‘in charge’. they simply hold the reins of power)

These people WERE prepared. They had their passports, and their police printouts proving they’re not criminals, which for the last several decades has been the legal requirements for Bahamians to enter to the US.

Last night, in the middle of the night, the Stephen Miller CBP suddenly changed the rule. The new rule hasn’t been printed, or posted, anywhere. The old rule is STILL ON THE WALL AT THE FERRY TERMINAL.

Now, suddenly, the Bahamians need visas from the US embassy. And wouldn’t you know, by some unfortunate unpredictable fluke, the US embassy closed their visa office and isn’t taking appointments. Because, so very sad, the embassy grounds suffered hurricane damage.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:43:42am

re: #151 Amory Blaine

Damn man, long time no see! How you been?

Same old. Exhausted from the Trump madness. How are you?

Skip Intro  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:44:49am

re: #136 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It goes beyond that, it involves ordering the USAF to use the airport at Prestwick to keep it financially afloat because without it, his Turnberry resort would have been even more in the red…

He is pissing off the wrong people

People keep saying that and yet nothing ever happens.

Amory Blaine  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:45:14am

The same I guess, Trumpland is truly exhausting.

sagehen  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:47:32am

re: #139 retired cynic

These wood sculptures remind me of the mud skyscrapers of Yemen (if any have survived the ongoing civil war!):

[Embedded content]

I was gonna say Taos pueblo…

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:48:07am

re: #152 Eclectic Cyborg

I’m thinking possibly Arizona or NM?

Are the leaves changing there? They do have that kind of construction, but this map says the foliage is still green in both states.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:50:29am

re: #156 Amory Blaine

The same I guess, Trumpland is truly exhausting.

It is. I’ve been playing more VR games and watching more escapist TV, limiting my political time to pushing back against Trump’s cult on Fark and Quora, so I don’t get overwhelmed by rage.

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:53:02am

re: #158 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

Are the leaves changing there? They do have that kind of construction, but this map says the foliage is still green in both states.

Hmm,I thought I was just looking at natural variations in color of the tree leaves and not seasonal changes. I could be wrong.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:55:33am

re: #160 Eclectic Cyborg

Hmm,I thought I was just looking at natural variations in color of the tree leaves and not seasonal changes. I could be wrong.

Maybe it is. I haven’t been to that area since a single vacation when I was a kid.
The bushes look rough, but that could be heat damage.

Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:56:41am

This IS a new story. Yet another non-lethal Darwinization from Planet Gun-Goober.

Testicle shot as man holsters gun

KGxvi  Sep 9, 2019 • 9:58:20am

re: #152 Eclectic Cyborg

I’m thinking possibly Arizona or NM?

Northern Arizona, like Flagstaff is a possibility. I’d lean towards Colorado or maybe the Rocky Mountain region of Wyoming, like Jackson Hole?

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:04:26am

re: #163 KGxvi

Northern Arizona, like Flagstaff is a possibility. I’d lean towards Colorado or maybe the Rocky Mountain region of Wyoming, like Jackson Hole?

I was thinking Colorado or Wyoming based on my interpretation of the colors and building type. I had no luck finding the location on Google Image Search or vacation websites.

Even zooming in, I can’t determine what the lighter colored trees are. Maybe someone else can.

The last time she vacationed, she was in Portugal, and I thought she was in Spain. Close, but no cigar.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:05:15am

re: #155 Skip Intro

People keep saying that and yet nothing ever happens.

I am not expecting any sort of direct consequences but I am hoping that these people shoose an opportune moment to really pay him back in spades.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:07:58am

re: #165 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I am not expecting any sort of direct consequences but I am hoping that these people shoose an opportune moment to really pay him back in spades.

I expect so. When a tyrant loses his grip on power, the people he abused along the way tend to get to pay the tyrant back.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:12:21am

re: #166 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

I expect so. When a tyrant loses his grip on power, the people he abused along the way tend to get to pay the tyrant back.

andpeople like the military and the Intel community play the Long Game, which is something Trump does not seem to understand, nor does anyone who goes on about the Deep State. These are professionals who run institutions that have a job to do that goes beyond the scope of any single administration. They are expected to be loyal to the C-in-C but they know that their job and their mission will continue once the current Chief is gone.

KGxvi  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:13:31am

re: #166 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

I expect so. When a tyrant loses his grip on power, the people he abused along the way tend to get to pay the tyrant back.

Except Trump surrounds himself with nothing but True Believers and/or family. They all know that this is as close as they’ll ever get to power. All that are left are they cyanide capsule crowd. And those that signed on early and left can never repair the damage done to their reputations.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:14:32am

re: #167 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

andpeople like the military and the Intel community play the Long Game, which is something Trump does not seem to understand, nor does anyone who goes on about the Deep State. These are professionals who run institutions that have a job to do that goes beyond the scope of any single administration. They are expected to be loyal to the C-in-C but they know that their job and their mission will continue once the current Chief is gone.

I’d be surprised if Trump can remember yesterday, so I think a long-game is out of the question for him. He’s in the moment, spinning as fast as he can, at all times.

KGxvi  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:15:05am

re: #167 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

andpeople like the military and the Intel community play the Long Game, which is something Trump does not seem to understand, nor does anyone who goes on about the Deep State. These are professionals who run institutions that have a job to do that goes beyond the scope of any single administration. They are expected to be loyal to the C-in-C but they know that their job and their mission will continue once the current Chief is gone.

One of the (in my opinion, few) advantages to presidential term limits. Administrations are temporary.

KGxvi  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:16:30am

re: #169 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

I’d be surprised if Trump can remember yesterday, so I think a long-game is out of the question for him. He’s in the moment, spinning as fast as he can, at all times.

For some reason, I doubt this is what Buddhist scholars and teachers meant when they talked about living in the moment.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:16:55am

re: #168 KGxvi

Except Trump surrounds himself with nothing but True Believers and/or family. They all know that this is as close as they’ll ever get to power. All that are left are they cyanide capsule crowd. And those that signed on early and left can never repair the damage done to their reputations.

His family are among people he’s abused, but yeah, they’ll probably stand by him, even though he’s destroyed the Trump brand.

I’m fine with the True Believers taking the easy way out.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:17:17am

re: #171 KGxvi

For some reason, I doubt this is what Buddhist scholars and teachers meant when they talked about living in the moment.

This is more like a goldfish.

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:23:36am

re: #162 Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel

This IS a new story. Yet another non-lethal Darwinization from Planet Gun-Goober.

Testicle shot as man holsters gun

i hate these passive voice headlines

the story itself is better

A man trying to holster his gun reportedly shot himself in the testicle Saturday afternoon, deputies said.

Barefoot Grin  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:28:38am
jaunte  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:29:15am

Do not point Happy Fun Gun at testicle.

KGxvi  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:32:55am

Looks like Boris is really going to try and play hardball this week.

If there were a snap election, do we have any idea what the result would be? Is Corbyn trustworthy on rejecting Brexit and staying in the EU (which, really, seems like the only smart play at this point)?

Dread Pirate  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:33:08am
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:33:52am

To clarify.
It’s proposed to study the idea of monitoring the phones

Dave In Austin  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:35:20am

Take a break for some hot moves…

The Continentals

jaunte  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:36:12am

re: #178 Dread Pirate

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:38:38am

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:38:58am

re: #179 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

To clarify.
It’s proposed to study the idea of monitoring the phones

[Embedded content]

“Basically anything that can get passed by this Senate and signed by this President is going to result in a gross expansion of police power and have zero impact on actual gun violence.”

I disagree. It will lead to increased shootings of unarmed brown people.

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:39:37am

re: #181 jaunte

“We were hoping to get away with this, but we got called on it, so we’re backing off now.”

Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:45:08am

If aviation were regulated like guns, you wouldn’t be able to go outside for fear of being hit by falling wreckage.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:46:40am

re: #185 Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel

If aviation were regulated like guns, you wouldn’t be able to go outside for fear of being hit by falling wreckage.

That’s also why flying cars are a fantasy-concept rather than something we fly to work..

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:47:16am

re: #185 Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel

If aviation were regulated like guns, you wouldn’t be able to go outside for fear of being hit by falling wreckage.

And if cars were regulated the same, you couldn’t drive because of all the drunks and unlicensed drivers on the road.

And if Agriculture was regulated the same, you couldn’t buy food without risk of getting violently ill upon eating eating it.

And if the environment was regulated the same, you couldn’t go swimming in lakes or rivers because they’d be a highly polluted mess.

Etc, etc.

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:48:39am

re: #186 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

That’s also why flying cars are a fantasy-concept rather than something we fly to work..

“My tank is on empty but I know I got enough to make it….OHHHHHHHHHHHHH SHIT!!! ***CRASH!!***”

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:49:29am
Belafon  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:51:07am

Programs that provide a wide range of benefits to Defense Department’s civilian workforce were suddenly suspended last week, leaving hundreds of thousands of employees without access to services like mental health counseling and various forms of financial assistance.

Up until Sept. 1, the Department of Health and Human Services’ office of Federal Occupational Health (FOH) provided the Employee Assistance Program and a separate program, Wellness and Health Promotion to DoD’s more than 700,000 civilian workers via an interagency agreement. But those services ended, apparently without warning, during the Labor Day weekend.

The Defense Logistics Agency posted a similar message on its website: “Certain Employee Assistance Program (EAP) services provided by Federal Occupational Health (FOH) were unexpectedly suspended as of 9/1/2019 while DoD is implementing new contracting mechanisms. DoD is working to rectify the situation and allow EAP services to resume as soon as possible. If this is a medical emergency, please call 911 or your health care service provider.”

They’re required by law to offer those .

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:51:18am

re: #187 Eclectic Cyborg

And if cars were regulated the same, you couldn’t drive because of all the drunks and unlicensed drivers on the road.

And if Viticulture was regulated the same, you couldn’t buy food without risk of getting violently ill upon eating eating it.

And if the environment was regulated the same, you couldn’t go swimming in lakes or rivers because they’d be a highly polluted mess.

Etc, etc.

Yep. Conservatives have fully had their way with guns, while we manage to keep them somewhat under control on other topics.

I probably shouldn’t have been surprised, but I was, when Meghan McCain implied that she’d rather suicide by cop - or kill herself - rather than live on without guns. They’re all nuts.

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:53:06am

re: #190 Belafon

They’re required by law to offer those .

You should know by now this Admin does not give two shits about following the law.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:56:05am

re: #192 Eclectic Cyborg

You should know by now this Admin does not give two shits about following the law.

To update a Ramones lyric:
“There’s no law, no law anymore. Gonna steal from the poor and give to the rich.”

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:56:50am

re: #178 Dread Pirate

[Embedded content]

Thisnis all because cpb got caught

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:57:48am

re: #193 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

To update a Ramones lyric:
“There’s no law, no law anymore. Gonna steal from the poor and give to the rich.”

or “I fought the law and I won.”

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:58:35am

re: #184 Eclectic Cyborg

“We were hoping to get away with this, but we got called on it, so we’re backing off now.”


KGxvi  Sep 9, 2019 • 10:59:03am

re: #186 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

That’s also why flying cars are a fantasy-concept rather than something we fly to work..

We have flying cars, they’re called helicopters and are expensive to own and complex to operate.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:00:08am

re: #185 Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel

If aviation were regulated like guns, you wouldn’t be able to go outside for fear of being hit by falling wreckage.

because the secular and abstract notion of a “well regulated militia” has no bearing at all on our God Given Right to Own All the Guns we can get our Hands on and Carry them Everywhere and Anywhere we see Fit

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:00:51am

re: #185 Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel

If aviation were regulated like guns, you wouldn’t be able to go outside for fear of being hit by falling wreckage.

Otoh if guns were regulated like they’re trying to do with migrants and refugees…

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:03:01am
Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:04:40am

re: #197 KGxvi

We have flying cars, they’re called helicopters and are expensive to own and complex to operate.

There are also personal airplanes that some people use as flying cars, but this is a real flying car from 1954 that the general public never received. It’s currently going for 1.2 million.

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:05:47am

re: #200 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

Oh, please crush him like a bug, Ted Lieu. PLEASE.

Eclectic Cyborg  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:06:12am

re: #201 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

There are also personal airplanes that some people use as flying cars, but this is a real flying car from 1954 that the general public never received. It’s currently going for 1.2 million.

[Embedded content]

Well, that looks perfectly safe.


Eventual Carrion  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:07:42am

re: #203 Eclectic Cyborg

Well, that looks perfectly safe.


John Denver would have flown it.

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:09:31am

re: #200 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

[Embedded content]

If you “run” you can raise money spend and even keep it

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:09:45am

re: #203 Eclectic Cyborg

Well, that looks perfectly safe.


It looks lethal, but I think it’s amazing. You can fold it up for the road, but you need auto and aviation insurance to operate it.

Of course the dream is a car that can drive onto a runway, unfold the wings automatically, and take off.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:10:29am

re: #204 Eventual Carrion

John Denver would have flown it.

A Rocky Mountain High may impair judgement.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:11:31am

re: #200 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

Can you imagine being screwed up so badly that Torgo Lemon looks like a great catch?

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:12:04am

re: #208 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

Can you imagine being screwed up so badly that Torgo Lemon looks like a great catch?

No I cannot

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:13:32am

re: #205 DangerMan

If you “run” you can raise money spend and even keep it

If you run, you can raise money, pay family/friends substantial salaries as ‘campaign staff’, contract ‘campaign business’ to family/friends businesses, those same family/friends make contributions to ‘not campaign related’ GoFundMe’s

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:13:42am

re: #208 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

Can you imagine being screwed up so badly that Torgo Lemon looks like a great catch?

To follow up, I have often opined that I’d much rather be alone than always wishing I were

jaunte  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:14:00am

re: #208 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

Torgo Lemon-Fricke

Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:14:10am

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:15:52am

re: #210 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

If you run, you can raise money, pay family/friends substantial salaries as ‘campaign staff’, contract ‘campaign business’ to family/friends businesses, those same family/friends make contributions to ‘not campaign related’ GoFundMe’s

I’m on a phone, yeah

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:16:05am

re: #211 DangerMan

To follow up, I have often opined that I’d much rather be alone than always wishing I were

That’s my situation, being alone, because I have no desire to be with just anyone. We’d have to be highly compatible.

plansbandc  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:18:24am

re: #203 Eclectic Cyborg

This made me laugh. Thank you.

DangerMan  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:19:10am

re: #215 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

That’s my situation, being alone, because I have no desire to be with just anyone. We’d have to be highly compatible.

It’s worth waiting
Not being tied up you can always look for that perfect one without any distraction
And it saves your psyche in the meantime

KGxvi  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:26:58am

re: #200 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

We have blanket primaries now. He has to finish at least second in March in order to be on the ballot in November. So there’s no way he can really help a Republican candidate.

Blind Frog Belly White  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:28:44am

re: #191 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

Yep. Conservatives have fully had their way with guns, while we manage to keep them somewhat under control on other topics.

I probably shouldn’t have been surprised, but I was, when Meghan McCain implied that she’d rather suicide by cop - or kill herself - rather than live on without guns. They’re all nuts.

I posted last week about this, that someone had said they knew people who were stockpiling AR-15s because they’d need them to defend themselves if the government decided to outlaw AR-15s.

And that Crenshaw asshole - “If we have universal background checks, I won’t be able to loan guns to my friends who don’t own guns so they’ll be safe when they travel” - 1) why don’t they own guns? Is it because they’re not allowed to? and 2) How the hell did I manage to reach the age of 61, living in a major metro area most of that time, without carrying a gun? Could it be that the world isn’t all that dangerous? Or at least, not in a way that having a gun would affect?

It really is worrying, because their reasoning is not reasoning at all.

KGxvi  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:29:14am

re: #208 Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis

Can you imagine being screwed up so badly that Torgo Lemon looks like a great catch?

She’s not unattractive, per se. But her look is very much “basic white girl” and if that’s your thing, fine…

Blind Frog Belly White  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:30:46am

re: #220 KGxvi

She’s not unattractive, per se. But her look is very much “basic white girl” and if that’s your thing, fine…

Right. She’s the kind of blandly not unattractive that can become beautiful if the person inside is not a hate-filled nutbag.

Aucun pays pour les vieux ennemis  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:34:04am

re: #220 KGxvi

She’s not unattractive, per se. But her look is very much “basic white girl” and if that’s your thing, fine…

It’s due to cosmetic surgery, which I think most people are fine with, but she’s extremely unattractive once she opens her mouth and says something hateful and insane.

Dave In Austin  Sep 9, 2019 • 11:38:37am
sagehen  Sep 9, 2019 • 12:16:31pm

re: #221 Blind Frog Belly White

Right. She’s the kind of blandly not unattractive that can become beautiful if the person inside is not a hate-filled nutbag.

There was a season 1 episode of Friends when Rachel found out the groom she left at the alter was marrying one of her bridesmaids, who’s now pregnant. Rachel tells her “I hope the baby has his original ears and your original nose!” I’m reminded of that every time I hear a story about who Tomi is dating….

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