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Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:42:04pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:50:51pm

re: #318 sagehen

Jews don’t believe in hell. Does that help?

There is that. Thank you for the correction; I knew that but was not clear in my comment.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:51:55pm

Shooting at Fayette Mall in Lexington, Kentucky. One dead so far and others hospitalized.

cat-tikvah  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:56:30pm

re: #2 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Clarifying my own comment.
By the way, if you go to hell, we’ll see each other there cause Jews aren’t getting into heaven either.

My husband is an atheist (he made it to first communion and bailed). I’m Jewish, but I’m a whole lot less concerned with what people believe than in how they act.
My point before was that many people vehemently defend what they claim is the literal word of God, which in this case is rife with mistranslations and in which interpretation is everything.
It seems a fundamental (no pun intended) human challenge to live in a free and open society and be able to navigate the cognitive dissonance in saying that your own religious truth is neither negated or threatened by someone else’s different religious truth.
Perhaps this is easier if you have had the experience of living as a minority in a majority culture. I don’t need other people to be the same as me; I only need them to acknowledge my freedom to not be like them.

Interesting Times  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:57:22pm


jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:57:51pm

re: #5 Interesting Times

Not. Just. Yet.

b_sharp  Aug 23, 2020 • 8:58:15pm

Who says the US conservatives are the only group capable of a shitshow?

Canada’s conservative CPC are showing they can be just as shitty.

They can’t even open envelopes.

teleskiguy  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:08:51pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:12:12pm

re: #4 cat-tikvah

Clarifying my own comment.
By the way, if you go to hell, we’ll see each other there cause Jews aren’t getting into heaven either.

My husband is an atheist (he made it to first communion and bailed). I’m Jewish, but I’m a whole lot less concerned with what people believe than in how they act.
My point before was that many people vehemently defend what they claim is the literal word of God, which in this case is rife with mistranslations and in which interpretation is everything.
It seems a fundamental (no pun intended) human challenge to live in a free and open society and be able to navigate the cognitive dissonance in saying that your own religious truth is neither negated or threatened by someone else’s different religious truth.
Perhaps this is easier if you have had the experience of living as a minority in a majority culture. I don’t need other people to be the same as me; I only need them to acknowledge my freedom to not be like them.

Perhaps Pie Overlord can make us some good baked goods there? /s

I am a minority in a majority culture, though I don’t have to put up with viscous anti-Semitism. I get the idea of freedom to not be like others though.

Most people just want to be left alone to do their thing, but an awful lot of others want to tell them, force, beat them, or kill them to let them know their thing is “wrongthink.”

Dave In Austin  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:15:43pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:19:30pm
KGxvi  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:22:15pm

re: #4 cat-tikvah

It seems a fundamental (no pun intended) human challenge to live in a free and open society and be able to navigate the cognitive dissonance in saying that your own religious truth is neither negated or threatened by someone else’s different religious truth.

I think this is a byproduct of monotheism. The Greeks and romans, from what I’ve read, were typically more accepting of different beliefs because of the nature of their polytheism. But when you believe in not only the one true god but also the one true interpretation of him, then the idea that someone can believe in something else becomes problematic. If you’re a fundamentalist the existence of other belief systems calls into question you’re own belief system and that is rarely something a fundamentalist can tolerate.

piratedan  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:24:08pm

re: #11 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

waiting for Trump to apply his usual panache in dealing with his sister, that he’s employed with all of his other relationships with women that have been so incredibly stellar. Maybe he can drop 250K of taxpayer cash on her in hopes of getting some “foreign” policy….

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:28:34pm

Incoming coronavirus cases for the Panhandle.

Sherlock Hound  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:30:02pm

Biden did her three times, now.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:33:28pm

re: #12 KGxvi

I think this is a byproduct of monotheism. The Greeks and romans, from what I’ve read, were typically more accepting of different beliefs because of the nature of their polytheism. But when you believe in not only the one true god but also the one true interpretation of him, then the idea that someone can believe in something else becomes problematic. If you’re a fundamentalist the existence of other belief systems calls into question you’re own belief system and that is rarely something a fundamentalist can tolerate.

Buddhists in Burma don’t seem to be too keen on Muslims, nor are Hindus (definitely polytheists) keen on either Christians or Muslims.

I think it’s more a factor of religion.

When I lived in Jacksonville I ran into a share of Wiccans who were absolutely vile to anyone not Wiccan.

jaunte  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:35:12pm
Belafon  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:40:42pm

re: #13 piratedan

waiting for Trump to apply his usual panache in dealing with his sister, that he’s employed with all of his other relationships with women that have been so incredibly stellar. Maybe he can drop 250K of taxpayer cash on her in hopes of getting some “foreign” policy….

I think yesterday the White House released a statement saying she was an old relative that Trump didn’t have much to do with.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:47:17pm
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:49:43pm
BigPapa  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:52:56pm

I’m really really reality warped right now. Watching the last episode of Ozark, the 4th for today, 15 mins in I get a text that Kelly Anne and George are ‘leaving for family,’ now get back on the puter and another black man is shot dead for what seems to be trifling shit.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:54:13pm

re: #20 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

KGxvi  Aug 23, 2020 • 9:58:25pm

re: #19 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I mean, literacy tests and poll taxes didnt go away until the 1960s… so theres that

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:04:41pm

Incoming hot take from the Wall Street Journal

🌹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:06:08pm

re: #20 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

[Embedded content]

The Republican Presstitution NEVER stops.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:07:54pm

re: #25 🌹UOJB!

The Republican Presstitution NEVER stops.

Something something tax cuts.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:08:27pm

Shots fired:

🌹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:08:47pm

re: #24 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Incoming hot take from the Wall Street Journal

[Embedded content]

🌹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:09:43pm

re: #26 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Something something tax cuts.

Don’t forget upholding the Cult Of The Fetus!

bratwurst  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:11:14pm

Is there any way we can acknowledge how deeply awful Kellyanne Conway is, as well as her role in the most dangerous and disgusting presidency ever, while also giving her minor child the benefit of the doubt?

I do not imagine for one moment this person is above using her daughter as a pawn in her scheme to escape a sinking ship. Even so, I feel like the possibility that there is a genuinely troubled young person at the heart of this is reason enough to take a step back.

If you have never experienced a family crisis (or in my case, been the cause of one), consider yourself lucky. If there is a 1% chance this is totally what it appears to be, that is enough for me to demonstrate a level of human decency. If you disagree, I won’t argue with you…but I wish you’d reconsider.

I am a mediocre human being at best, but I aspire to be better than anyone who works for Trump. That is what I am going for here.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:15:40pm

re: #28 🌹UOJB!

Trump Campaign Sr. Advisor Jason Miller facing criminal contempt of court charges (Grant Stern at Washington Press, today, the lede)

The Trump campaign’s senior advisor and top national spokesman is facing a hearing in which a Florida judge will decide about the appointment of a special prosecutor to pursue criminal contempt of court charges against him. (court document embedded below)

🌹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:18:33pm

re: #31 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Trump Campaign Sr. Advisor Jason Miller facing criminal contempt of court charges (Grant Stern at Washington Press, today, the lede)

Deadbeat Daddy Jason blocked me on Facebook when I brought up his stiffing AJ Delgado out of child support payments.

Dave In Austin  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:20:33pm

re: #28 🌹UOJB!

🌹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:21:23pm

re: #33 Dave In Austin

[Embedded content]

I got a feeling Jason gonna block him real fast.

ckkatz  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:24:08pm


re: #30 bratwurst

Is there any way we can acknowledge how deeply awful Kellyanne Conway is, as well as her role in the most dangerous and disgusting presidency ever, while also giving her minor child the benefit of the doubt?

I do not imagine for one moment this person is above using her daughter as a pawn in her scheme to escape a sinking ship. Even so, I feel like the possibility that there is a genuinely troubled young person at the heart of this is reason enough to take a step back.

If you have never experienced a family crisis (or in my case, been the cause of one), consider yourself lucky. If there is a 1% chance this is totally what it appears to be, that is enough for me to demonstrate a level of human decency. If you disagree, I won’t argue with you…but I wish you’d reconsider.

I am a mediocre human being at best, but I aspire to be better than anyone who works for Trump. That is what I am going for here.

I agree with your sentiments on the Conways.

I have never met any of the Conway family. However, based upon her professional and public activity, I detest Kellyanne Conway. And I hope that she does jail time.

But I dont agree with the folks who are trying to push buttons on a 15 year old girl in order to shiv her parents.

I see a bunch of humans not a bunch of memes and stereotypes.

Girls often go through a developmental stage in their mid-to-late teens where they begin to separate from their parents on the road to becoming an individual. It often involves a lot of drama from the teen. Who is trying to work out in her own mind what is going on. And it usually ages the parents of that teen a good bit.

Attempting to use a 15 year old girl, in order to destroy she and her family, for one’s own political purposes strikes me as sociopathic. And socially irredeemable.

Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:25:22pm
plansbandc  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:29:15pm

I find the two adult Conways insufferable. They are grifting attention whores to the nth degree. I think the kid stands a chance because she gets what enormous assholes her parents are.

I want them all to go away and try to fix their shit. Hopefully they go away for a long long time.

teleskiguy  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:29:21pm

Kellyanne Conway is a fucking monster.

Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:31:15pm
ckkatz  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:32:02pm

re: #37 plansbandc

I want them all [The Conways]to go away and try to fix their shit. Hopefully they go away for a long long time.

Definitely works for me too!

teleskiguy  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:32:58pm

Fun fact: George and Kellyanne were introduced to each other by Ann Coulter.

ckkatz  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:37:50pm

re: #41 teleskiguy

Fun fact: George and Kellyanne were introduced to each other by Ann Coulter.

Even unlikable wingnuts need love… I guess… Better each other than anybody I might know.

plansbandc  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:38:50pm

Fun fact: George has been on The New Abnormal podcast a couple of times and I HATED him. He’s for sure Kellyanne’s soulmate. Tries really hard to be funny, so isn’t. Is obviously a POS R like Kell. They are both totally vile.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:41:01pm

re: #4 cat-tikvah

My point before was that many people vehemently defend what they claim is the literal word of God, which in this case is rife with mistranslations and in which interpretation is everything.
It seems a fundamental (no pun intended) human challenge to live in a free and open society and be able to navigate the cognitive dissonance in saying that your own religious truth is neither negated or threatened by someone else’s different religious truth.

Problem there is that you have to reject not only science and history, but also logic, as the Bible contradicts itself in several places. There is no arguing with such people, one can only hope to limit the amount of damage they can cause.

DodgerFan1988  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:43:23pm
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:45:10pm

re: #36 Dread Pirate Ron

Has the Administration condemned the suspected attack on Navalny yet and/or expressed support for Russian civil society and opposition members?

Over on the page full of Putinversteher, I am reading that Navalny was not poisoned, just went into diabetic shock.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:45:55pm

Kenneth Copeland being replaced by Trinity Broadcasting with a younger model (12:38, goes to Telltale Atheist at YouTube, caution for coarse language)

Kenneth Copeland KICKED OFF TV?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:45:59pm

re: #45 DodgerFan1988

Conservatives really out here on the “we like it when black people die get what they deserve” ticket tonight

Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:46:32pm
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:49:16pm

re: #49 Dread Pirate Ron

Jerry and Giancarlo at the secluded Florida Keys resort where jerry, Giancarlo and Becki vacationed together. Because what middle aged couple doesn’t have a 23 year old join them on vacation?

God has already forgiven them, so let’s just move on…

ckkatz  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:54:00pm

Interesting bit of hurricane history from the Washington Post:

Both Laura and Marco are exceptional storms, the earliest L and M systems in the Atlantic on record. They are the latest dominoes to fall in a season that has already featured the earliest C, E, F, G, H, I, J and K tropical storms and hurricanes. With already more tropical systems than in an average year, the season has been twice as active as average.

Five named tropical systems have made landfall along U.S. shores in 2020. If Laura and Marco follow suit, as forecast, 2020 will break the record for the most continental U.S. landfalls in a single year.

If Laura and Marco churn through the Gulf of Mexico simultaneously, it will mark just the third time on record that two storms coexisted there. The other two times were in September 1933 and June 1959, according to Colorado State University hurricane researcher Phil Klotzbach. If both storms manage to become hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico at the same time, it would be a first. However, the storms may be spread far enough apart that they end up not being in the Gulf at the same time.

Hurricane warnings issued as Gulf Coast prepares for back-to-back strikes from Marco and Laura

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 23, 2020 • 10:57:17pm

re: #44 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Problem there is that you have to reject not only science and history, but also logic, as the Bible contradicts itself in several places. There is no arguing with such people, one can only hope to limit the amount of damage they can cause.

Pope John Paul II noted in an encyclical that faith does not contradict correct reason (presumably reason which doesn’t contradict Catholic theology).

Martin Luther on the other hand argued faith is antithetical to reason. That comports to many verses in both the Old and New Testaments, aside from 1 Peter 3:15 (The Great Commission, you should be able to give reasons for your faith).

A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Aug 23, 2020 • 11:01:40pm

re: #46 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Over on the page full of Putinversteher, I am reading that Navalny was not poisoned, just went into diabetic shock.

If they mean insulin shock, it would take about fifteen seconds to cure. No medevac required.

🌹UOJB!  Aug 23, 2020 • 11:01:54pm

re: #50 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

God has already forgiven them, so let’s just move on…

Jerry Jr will be back at LIBERTINE University in a week or two to pick up on fleecing the flock…but I got a feeling a lot of pissed off parents and patrons will be filing lawsuits against the Pants Monster Of Love for his ordering kids back to the college to get infected…and then there are all those athletes of color who suffered discrimination…oh and maybe dissidents in the flock don’t want to be fleeced anymore…

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 23, 2020 • 11:07:30pm

re: #50 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

God has already forgiven them, so let’s just move on…

Your personal testimony is the central part of Charismatic Evangelism.

The reason Evangelical preachers who are caught being hypocritical to what they espouse as their faith is because confession, repentance, and forgiveness are built into Christianity, and Evangelicals take it seriously.

The Testimony consists of what convinced or brought a person to Jesus. Christians are expected to stray (I’m not perfect, just forgiven, is a common Protestant rubric), and they are expected to confess their sins to God and work to do better.

Confession in Evangelical churches is similar to early Christianity, where it was public.

Thus, the confession of sins, and the forgiveness of the congregation, is expected of evangelical members. Thus people such as Jim Bakker or Kent Hovind are permitted back into the fold to preach again. Most people religious or not want to see the good in others, and everyone knows that people seldom measure up to arbitrary ideals, so Christian Evangelicals are willing to give their preachers a pass for even terrible crimes.

It’s not just evangelicals though, pretty much every Christian faith does this to some degree (without the public confessions). Note how long virtually every church will fight allegations of child rape (Catholics aren’t alone in that, they just get better press because of lingering anti-Catholic bias in the country).

It is rare for Christians to consider a person within their faith to be wholly irredeemable. Evil is only reserved for people who aren’t Christians.

Amongst other things, that’s why atheists are less trusted in our society than rapists and paedophiles (who are mostly Christians).

GlutenFreeJesus  Aug 23, 2020 • 11:14:48pm

re: #46 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Over on the page full of Putinversteher, I am reading that Navalny was not poisoned, just went into diabetic shock.

Heh. I’ve never heard anyone scream in pain like he was on the plane, from diabetic shock.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 23, 2020 • 11:34:55pm

re: #52 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Pope John Paul II noted in an encyclical that faith does not contradict correct reason (presumably reason which doesn’t contradict Catholic theology).

Martin Luther on the other hand argued faith is antithetical to reason. That comports to many verses in both the Old and New Testaments, aside from 1 Peter 3:15 (The Great Commission, you should be able to give reasons for your faith).

Yes, I find it scary that I actually agree with the Pope on a key point of theology. But he has at least made it clear that there is no inherent contradiction between Creation and Evolution, which is a major bone of contention with the Fundamentalist Literalists.

Again, Evolution is about how we cam about, Biblical Creation is about why. It shows a great lack of basic education in our country that people cannot make that distinction.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 23, 2020 • 11:37:34pm

re: #55 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Your personal testimony is the central part of Charismatic Evangelism.

Their thinking is simple (I will not call it logic as it defies all reason)

God forgives your sins and you move on. But God will not forgive Liberals and Democrats as long as they support babykillers and condone homosexual abdonimation.

All they have to do is give up those positions and they, too can enjoy God’s Grace.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Aug 23, 2020 • 11:42:38pm

Looks like Marco is going to come ashore in far west panhandle of Florida, near baja ‘Bama.

Marco progressed fast enough that it didn’t let a trough move through in the southern US before getting steered by it.

The official guidance still has Marco turning a sharp left before it hits land, but looking at the satellite images I’m wondering how that will be possible.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 24, 2020 • 12:05:07am

re: #58 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Their thinking is simple (I will not call it logic as it defies all reason)

God forgives your sins and you move on. But God will not forgive Liberals and Democrats as long as they support babykillers and condone homosexual abdonimation.

All they have to do is give up those positions and they, too can enjoy God’s Grace.

That’s because we are not willing to make our public testimony that we sinned in holding these positions and ask for forgiveness.

To a lesser extent, this is why some Catholics and other Protestants also condemn liberals as well. Note periodically some Catholic dioceses will say Democrats should not receive the Eucharist (this is totally not political, see, it violates their religious views).

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 24, 2020 • 12:07:09am

re: #60 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

That’s because we are not willing to make our public testimony that we sinned in holding these positions and ask for forgiveness.

To a lesser extent, this is why some Catholics and other Protestants also condemn liberals as well. Note periodically some Catholic dioceses will say Democrats should not receive the Eucharist (this is totally not political, see, it violates their religious views).

I recall our priest giving a sermon stating that the Catholic SCOTUS judge who voted to support Roe vs. Wade should be excommunicated.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 24, 2020 • 12:10:01am

re: #59 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Looks like Marco is going to come ashore in far west panhandle of Florida, near baja ‘Bama.

Marco progressed fast enough that it didn’t let a trough move through in the southern US before getting steered by it.

The official guidance still has Marco turning a sharp left before it hits land, but looking at the satellite images I’m wondering how that will be possible.

Water vapour loop shows it going right into the Florida Panhandle, with strong storms firing up in Apalachicola Bay to its east.


ckkatz  Aug 24, 2020 • 12:14:43am

re: #61 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I recall our priest giving a sermon stating that the Catholic SCOTUS judge who voted to support Roe vs. Wade should be excommunicated.

I am theologically ignorant.

However, I remember listening to a philosophy lecture years ago where the lecturer noted that a big difference between the Western and Eastern Empires (Rome versus Byzantium) was how they treated religious infractions against the state church. The Roman Empire punished religious violations, such as witchcraft, under civil law. The Byzantine Empire required actual, provable damage from things like witchcraft before they would prosecute.

I cannot say that I ever personally followed up to verify this, though.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 24, 2020 • 12:17:58am

re: #61 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I recall our priest giving a sermon stating that the Catholic SCOTUS judge who voted to support Roe vs. Wade should be excommunicated.

A letter writer in the Omaha World-Herald a few days ago made a similar assertion over the LGBT anti-discrimination ruling (to which I called him out as a bigot).

The Catechism of the Catholic Church has a rule in which it is not up to individual Catholics to say who is a “good Catholic,” a rule which it seems is often violated by the members of that church.

ckkatz  Aug 24, 2020 • 12:21:02am

re: #62 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Water vapour loop shows it going right into the Florida Panhandle, with strong storms firing up in Apalachicola Bay to its east.


On one hand, the highest point in Florida is in the panhandle. On the other hand, it is all of 345 ft high. (Its north of, and between Panama City and Pensacola, near the Alabama state line.)

ckkatz  Aug 24, 2020 • 12:22:21am

Well, sweet lizard dreams to the night crew. It’s off to bed with me.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 24, 2020 • 12:25:17am

re: #63 ckkatz

I am theologically ignorant.

However, I remember listening to a philosophy lecture years ago where the lecturer noted that a big difference between the Western and Eastern Empires (Rome versus Byzantium) was how they treated religious infractions against the state church. The Roman Empire punished religious violations, such as witchcraft, under civil law. The Byzantine Empire required actual, provable damage from things like witchcraft before they would prosecute.

I cannot say that I ever personally followed up to verify this, though.

I’m not a counter-apologist, I just play one on social media. /s

A Witchcraft Trial in Eighth Century Constantinople (goes to Daimonologia, a blog about Orthodox culture)

In the case described, the judges determined it was the accusers who were deceived, not the accused witches. They were accused of killing children in spirit form, entering homes through locked doors, the usual stuff.

Dave In Austin  Aug 24, 2020 • 12:38:07am

Da Fuck is this shit??

DodgerFan1988  Aug 24, 2020 • 12:42:01am

re: #68 Dave In Austin

Da Fuck is this shit??

[Embedded content]

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 24, 2020 • 12:53:31am

re: #68 Dave In Austin

Da Fuck is this shit??

Rodent copulation. Either that or frozen chicken copulation.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 24, 2020 • 12:58:19am

A response in that thread to D’Felon promoting Richard Spencer (I thought he was thrown off Twitter … that’s what I said upthread about my problem with Twitter is its Nazi problem):

Dave In Austin  Aug 24, 2020 • 1:06:29am

re: #70 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Rodent copulation. Either that or frozen chicken copulation.

Why I never kill snakes for any reason.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 24, 2020 • 1:18:22am

Wingnuts are busy digging into the criminal record of man who was killed by police in Kenosha, Wisc. to “justify” his being shot in the back by the police. (Assuming they have the right man or criminal record.)

Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 24, 2020 • 1:28:07am

The AQI here is 212 tonight. The smoke is infiltrating the house. Yuck.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 24, 2020 • 1:36:11am

re: #74 Dread Pirate Ron

The AQI here is 212 tonight. The smoke is infiltrating the house. Yuck.

Airnow only gives Omaha and Lincoln in Nebraska. You can search no other city.

That said, the National Weather Service still has us under an air quality alert..

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 24, 2020 • 1:40:45am

re: #75 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

According to Airnow, the nearest air quality sensor to my town is in Cheyenne, 130 miles away.

Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 24, 2020 • 1:42:45am
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 24, 2020 • 1:45:54am

At 100 AM CDT (0600 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Marco was
located by an Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter plane near latitude
27.2 North, longitude 87.9 West. Marco is moving toward the
north-northwest near 12 mph (19 km/h). A turn toward the northwest
is expected later this morning. Marco is forecast to approach the
coast of Louisiana this afternoon, and then turn westward and move
near or over the coast through Tuesday.

Data from the Hurricane Hunter plane indicate that maximum
sustained winds have decreased to near 65 mph (100 km/h) with higher
gusts. Fluctuations in intensity are possible during the next 24
hours, but Marco is forecast to weaken rapidly by early Tuesday.

Tropical-storm-force winds extend outward up to 70 miles (110 km)
from the center.


Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Aug 24, 2020 • 1:49:43am

re: #78 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Most of the convection is on the far north east corner of Marco, so when looking at the satellite images one can think the center of the storm is closer to Florida than it really is.

Still, Marco does seem farther north at this time than had been expected when the official guidance was put out (several hours ago.)

Regardless, it is not a very big storm. All the high level sheer took its toll.

Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 24, 2020 • 1:56:07am
Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 24, 2020 • 1:59:31am

re: #78 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

At 100 AM CDT (0600 UTC), the center of Tropical Storm Marco was
located by an Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunter plane near latitude
27.2 North, longitude 87.9 West. Marco is moving toward the
north-northwest near 12 mph (19 km/h).

ericblair  Aug 24, 2020 • 2:07:30am

re: #35 ckkatz


I agree with your sentiments on the Conways.

I have never met any of the Conway family. However, based upon her professional and public activity, I detest Kellyanne Conway. And I hope that she does jail time.

But I dont agree with the folks who are trying to push buttons on a 15 year old girl in order to shiv her parents.

I see a bunch of humans not a bunch of memes and stereotypes.

Girls often go through a developmental stage in their mid-to-late teens where they begin to separate from their parents on the road to becoming an individual. It often involves a lot of drama from the teen. Who is trying to work out in her own mind what is going on. And it usually ages the parents of that teen a good bit.

Attempting to use a 15 year old girl, in order to destroy she and her family, for one’s own political purposes strikes me as sociopathic. And socially irredeemable.

I’ve got teenage girls around that age. Their Tiktok and Instagram are full of BLM, cop shootings, kids in cages on the border, Trump’s sexual assaults. They know the news as soon as we do. It’s not the same world as when we were kids. And, of course, they can smell out hypocrisy a mile away. We roll our eyes at it because we’re used to it, but they don’t.

I have no idea what’s going on in the Conway family, and definitely the girl doesn’t need online randos telling her what to do.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 24, 2020 • 2:13:22am

re: #82 ericblair

I’ve got teenage girls around that age. Their Tiktok and Instagram are full of BLM, cop shootings, kids in cages on the border, Trump’s sexual assaults. They know the news as soon as we do. It’s not the same world as when we were kids. And, of course, they can smell out hypocrisy a mile away. We roll our eyes at it because we’re used to it, but they don’t.

I have no idea what’s going on in the Conway family, and definitely the girl doesn’t need online randos telling her what to do.

Agreed. Marianne Williamson with her hundreds of thousands of followers should back off telling her “love wins out” crap, and encouraging them to harass her.

Back when I was a kid, it was impossible to get people in authority to believe you when you said your family was doing something to you that was criminal, and no other way to get attention to the problem.

There has never been a time in a teenager’s life today when there was no Internet. Maybe Claudia Conway is just looking for attention (what I was told as a teenager by every adult I disclosed to), or maybe she’s looking for help.

One way or another that should come out since she has now disclosed publicly. (Something something believe all women, at least until they are shown to be lying.)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 24, 2020 • 2:17:36am

Someone had to cash in on it:

Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 24, 2020 • 2:19:51am

I never get tired of DC-10s dropping retardant.

Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 24, 2020 • 2:20:24am

oops, wasn’t a DC-10

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 24, 2020 • 2:28:58am

I’m off to bed.

We’re running the a/c constantly to try to filter out any smoke which gets in the house. So far the air inside seems to be okay, but it’s pretty cool in here.

Hecuba's daughter  Aug 24, 2020 • 2:29:19am

re: #73 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Wingnuts are busy digging into the criminal record of man who was killed by police in Kenosha, Wisc. to “justify” his being shot in the back by the police. (Assuming they have the right man or criminal record.)

[Embedded content]

He is still alive and in serious condition.

According to the article:

Blake is now in serious condition, the officers have been placed on leave, and the city of Kenosha declared an emergency curfew after destructive protests rocked the city into early Monday morning. It’s the latest case of police violence caught on camera in a summer overwhelmed by escalating rounds of protests following George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis.

Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 24, 2020 • 2:44:55am
dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 2:49:59am

re the rs lack of a platform
( because writing one is so hard)

Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 24, 2020 • 3:05:23am

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  Aug 24, 2020 • 3:08:40am

re: #91 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

You say that like it’s a bad thing.

Spending money on politics is evil when it’s the other guys.

Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 24, 2020 • 3:14:43am

CalTopo w/ fire activity.

A good mapping of fire burn areas. (2223.5 square miles)

Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 24, 2020 • 4:12:04am
Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Aug 24, 2020 • 4:12:24am
Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 24, 2020 • 5:04:02am

AQI: 240…

We seem to be the only purple on the map.

Kilroy was here  Aug 24, 2020 • 5:18:49am



Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 24, 2020 • 5:28:59am

re: #91 Dread Pirate Ron

Meddled? Isn’t that the purpose of superPACs, to meddle?

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 5:29:39am

re: #97 Kilroy was here

[Embedded content]


We really are going to need investigations and trials for these monsters.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 24, 2020 • 5:32:43am
Belafon  Aug 24, 2020 • 5:32:55am

re: #84 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Someone had to cash in on it:

[Embedded content]

I’ve seen a ton of ads that have masks in them, recommend spending money doing projects because you’re stuck at home, or in some way acknowledge the pandemic. I was wondering how long it would take to get an actual show acknowledging it.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 5:35:37am

re: #100 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

Warner endorsed him in March. I don’t respect many Virginia Republicans but John Warner has always been one because he opposed Bork’s nomination, opposed North when he ran for Senate, & didn’t engage in socon culture warrior shit. He also supported HRC last time.

jeffreyw  Aug 24, 2020 • 5:39:46am

Good morning!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 24, 2020 • 5:50:01am

Jeff Flake? Could AZ be turning blue?

dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 5:55:29am
You know I don’t have a history of dodging questions. But I don’t know how to answer that. There is no consistent philosophy, You can’t say it’s about making America great again at a time of Covid and economic distress and social unrest. It’s just not credible… That’s the best I can do.”

— GOP pollster Frank Luntz, quoted by Politico, when asked, “What do Republicans believe?”

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 24, 2020 • 5:55:37am
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 5:57:10am

re: #105 dangerman

— GOP pollster Frank Luntz, quoted by Politico, when asked, “What do Republicans believe?”

It’s all about adherence to Trump.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 24, 2020 • 5:57:17am

re: #104 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Jeff Flake? Could AZ be turning blue?

Don’t know but mcsally is down by 16 points the last I saw.

Locally, though, they appear to remain racist af.

Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 5:58:06am

re: #106 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

My response: “Well, my religious views say that as owner of this establishment, I don’t have to serve assholes. So kindly take your sorry ass back the way you came.”

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:01:46am

re: #108 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Don’t know but mcsally is down by 16 points the last I saw.

Locally, though, they appear to remain racist af.

McSally is a really bad candidate and Kelly is really good. IMO Arizona might be trending blue. It depends how long the GOP want to piss off the elderly and Hispanics. I think HRC’s campaign saw Arizona had potential because I remember her campaigning there last time and then Sinema won.

Decatur Deb  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:01:48am

re: #109 Targetpractice

My response: “Well, my religious views say that as owner of this establishment, I don’t have to serve assholes. So kindly take your sorry ass back the way you came.”

My religion says I don’t have to pay for high-end cameras. Except Nikons—Nikon is of The Devil.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:02:12am

re: #109 Targetpractice

My response: “Well, my religious views say that as owner of this establishment, I don’t have to serve assholes. So kindly take your sorry ass back the way you came.”

Ha exactly

dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:02:18am

- Bannon indicted for swindling Trump’s base
-Trump ordered to pay Stormy’s legal fees
- trump is slapped down re Vance subpoena
- trump loses lawsuit against PA re voting
-Trump’s niece recorded the sister saying he’s a cruel, phony, liar
-Conway Family saga
-meadows: we don’t have a clue what q-anon is but we endorse those who endorse them
-Now, Jerry Falwell says his wife, not he (at all), had affair w/the pool boy

Who is writing this stuff for them?

Eta’. That was just the last week

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:02:52am

re: #106 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Not wearing a mask is now a religion

I have a religions exemption against observing your dimwitted religious exemptions. Now put on a mask or go elsewhere.

Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:03:24am

“My religious beliefs say I don’t have to wear a mask!”

“What religion is that?”

“Well, I’m a Christian…”

“Then render unto Caesar, asshole.”

makeitstop  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:03:42am

re: #38 teleskiguy

Kellyanne Conway is a fucking monster.

She’s a product of the South Jersey Mob. That’ll tell you all you need to know.

Decatur Deb  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:07:13am

The Dow is expected to open almost 300 points higher, based on Trump’s non-news about plasma treatment. I used to think money people were at least money-smart.

Belafon  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:07:56am

As I said in the last thread regarding Claudia Conway: if she’s telling the truth, she needs help; if she’s lying, she needs help. It’s pretty obvious that family is messed up. Either they’re the biggest con family going, or the fights between mom and dad aren’t fun to be around. I would say that, in either case, she’s being ignored by her parents.

Dread Pirate Ron  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:09:13am

re: #105 dangerman

— GOP pollster Frank Luntz, quoted by Politico, when asked, “What do Republicans believe?”

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:10:11am

re: #41 teleskiguy

Fun fact: George and Kellyanne were introduced to each other by Ann Coulter.

Truly a match made in Hell

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:11:50am

This is interesting. I know the name Tim Alberta, but can’t recall much else. Is he a republican?

I decided to call Frank Luntz. Perhaps no person alive has spent more time polling Republican voters and counseling Republican politicians than Luntz, the 58-year-old focus group guru. His research on policy and messaging has informed a generation of GOP lawmakers. His ability to translate between D.C. and the provinces—connecting the concerns of everyday people to their representatives in power—has been unsurpassed. If anyone had an answer, it would be Luntz.

“You know I don’t have a history of dodging questions. But I don’t know how to answer that. There is no consistent philosophy,” Luntz responded. “You can’t say it’s about making America great again at a time of Covid and economic distress and social unrest. It’s just not credible.”

Luntz thought for a moment. “I think it’s about promoting—” he stopped suddenly. “But I can’t, I don’t—” he took a pause. “That’s the best I can do.”

When I pressed, Luntz sounded as exasperated as the student whose question I was relaying. “Look, I’m the one guy who’s going to give you a straight answer. I don’t give a shit—I had a stroke in January, so there’s nothing anyone can do to me to make my life suck,” he said. “I’ve tried to give you an answer and I can’t do it. You can ask it any different way. But I don’t know the answer. For the first time in my life, I don’t know the answer.”

dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:12:00am

re: #71 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

A response in that thread to D’Felon promoting Richard Spencer (I thought he was thrown off Twitter … that’s what I said upthread about my problem with Twitter is its Nazi problem):

[Embedded content]

Note the language

America’s leading white supremacist is a progressive Democrat!

Because of how he’s voting this time he is a dem. And a progressive one too. With an exclamation point!

So are all the prominent and high profile Rs who are publicly declaring their vote for biden now all democrats too?

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:17:27am

Lre: #122 dangerman

Note the language

Because of how he’s voting this time he is a dem. And a progressive one too. With an exclamation point!

So are all the prominent and high profile Rs who are publicly declaring their vote for biden now all democrats too?

It’s all so stupid. Dinesh didn’t care about David Duke backing Trump.

Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:17:33am

Let’s be honest, the whole of Repub messaging has been “Let’s piss off the Dems!” for years now. For all the talk about how “Repeal and Replace,” their Quixotic quest against the ACA was purely about jamming a finger in Obama’s eye. Name a policy or action Obama did and odds are you’ll find Repubs opposed to it for no real reason other than because it came from him. That’s what appealed to them and their voters about Trump: He promised to undo the Obama presidency and they loved him for it. He didn’t mumble things about “alternatives” or “better ideas,” he just said he’d make it all go away and they were sold.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:18:39am

re: #117 Decatur Deb

The Dow is expected to open almost 300 points higher, based on Trump’s non-news about plasma treatment. I used to think money people were at least money-smart.

These are not people, these are corporations bloated with government largess.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:19:08am

re: #120 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Truly a match made in Hell

By the Sister of Satan

makeitstop  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:19:32am

re: #121 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

This is interesting. I know the name Tim Alberta, but can’t recall much else. Is he a republican?

[Embedded content]

Political correspondent at Politico. Never Trumper, I believe.

dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:23:06am

re: #100 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

Like I was saying, ask dinesh if now they’re all “progressive democrats!!!”

Belafon  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:27:15am

re: #124 Targetpractice

It even has a name: Cleek’s Law.

dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:27:39am

re: #106 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

Some wimp-assed religion
It’s got an expiration date!!!!!

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:28:13am

re: #130 dangerman

[Embedded content]

Some wimp-assed religion
It’s got an expiration date!!!!!

They do indeed.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:28:15am

If you’re wondering what will succeed the Trump/Teabag/Evangelical axis when it inevitably goes down in flames, Project Lincoln is the preview.

Instead of trying desperately to stay ahead of the tsunami, the PL leaders are getting behind it do they can land on their feet when it washes over.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:29:44am

re: #132 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

If you’re wondering what will succeed the Trump/Teabag/Evangelical axis when it inevitably goes down in flames, Project Lincoln is the preview.

Instead of trying desperately to stay ahead of the tsunami, the PL leaders are getting behind it do they can land on their feet when it washes over.

If they think the GOP will go back to what they never were (small government, yada yada yada), they’re nuts. Republicanism is Trumpism now.

dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:29:51am

re: #118 Belafon

As I said in the last thread regarding Claudia Conway: if she’s telling the truth, she needs help; if she’s lying, she needs help. It’s pretty obvious that family is messed up. Either they’re the biggest con family going, or the fights between mom and dad aren’t fun to be around. I would say that, in either case, she’s being ignored by her parents.

Working for trump was more important than her family.
In essence kac destroyed her family to own the libs

Belafon  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:31:12am

re: #132 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

If you’re wondering what will succeed the Trump/Teabag/Evangelical axis when it inevitably goes down in flames, Project Lincoln is the preview.

Instead of trying desperately to stay ahead of the tsunami, the PL leaders are getting behind it do they can land on their feet when it washes over.

The country needs two parties, and the other one will be conservative. What we don’t want is crazy. One of the things members of the Lincoln Project want is for Republicans to spend time in the wilderness.

lizardofid  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:31:16am

re: #130 dangerman

[Embedded content]

Some wimp-assed religion
It’s got an expiration date!!!!!

Planned obsolescence?

Oh, good morning!

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:31:37am

re: #134 dangerman

Working for trump was more important than her family.
In essence kac destroyed her family to own the libs

But she’s FABULOUSLY wealthy now.

plansbandc  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:32:12am

re: #95 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

So funny! :D

Over The Hedge: Ozzie Plays Dead (2006)

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:32:22am

re: #136 lizardofid

Planned obsolescence?

Oh, good morning!

More like unplanned.

cat-tikvah  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:33:02am

re: #100 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

If only Jeff Flake had been in some sort of position of power to actually oppose the Trump regime…

Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:33:54am

So the RNC “platform” is much like the party’s approach has been the last 4 years: “Whatever Trump does is okay with us, unless it polls poorly in which case we’ll be…concerned.”

Dr Lizardo  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:34:57am

re: #125 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

These are not people, these are corporations bloated with government largess.

And algorithms. Can’t forgot those.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:39:38am

re: #141 Targetpractice

So the RNC “platform” is much like the party’s approach has been the last 4 years: “Whatever Trump does is okay with us, unless it polls poorly in which case we’ll be…concerned.”

Disappointed even.

dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:40:25am

re: #133 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

If they think the GOP will go back to what they never were (small government, yada yada yada), they’re nuts. Republicanism is Trumpism now.

That’s what the platform says

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:40:55am

re: #133 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

If they think the GOP will go back to what they never were (small government, yada yada yada), they’re nuts. Republicanism is Trumpism now.

No, “small government” bullshit, ie Reaganism, was really the beginning of the Tea Party and Trumpism. If that’s where PL wants to go, they will just be Trump lite and they will fail in turn. If they had any sense of history, they would reach farther back, to Rockefeller, Eisenhower and Wendal Wilkie.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:42:25am

re: #133 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

If they think the GOP will go back to what they never were (small government, yada yada yada), they’re nuts. Republicanism is Trumpism now.

The base won’t let them.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:44:16am

re: #133 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

If they think the GOP will go back to what they never were (small government, yada yada yada), they’re nuts. Republicanism is Trumpism now.

So who is going to wade in to pick up the base?

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:46:37am

re: #145 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

No, “small government” bullshit, ie Reaganism, was really the beginning of the Tea Party and Trumpism. If that’s where PL wants to go, they will just be Trump lite and they will fail in turn. If they had any sense if history, they would reach farther back, to Rockefeller, Eisenhower and Wendal Willie.

Yep. Reaganism helped begot Trumpism. I don’t expect Biden to say that but I have no problem saying that.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:46:57am

re: #147 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

So who is going to wade in to pick up the base?

Barnum and Bailey.

makeitstop  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:47:13am

re: #132 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

If you’re wondering what will succeed the Trump/Teabag/Evangelical axis when it inevitably goes down in flames, Project Lincoln is the preview.

Instead of trying desperately to stay ahead of the tsunami, the PL leaders are getting behind it do they can land on their feet when it washes over.

That’s always been my impression - laying the groundwork for a new party. When they started setting up state offices kind of bore it out.

Probably to be named the Lincoln Party. The term Republican is stigmatized, perhaps for all time at this point.

Decatur Deb  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:47:35am

re: #130 dangerman

[Embedded content]

Some wimp-assed religion
It’s got an expiration date!!!!!

If I got one of those signed by the Paramount Jaguar Priest would they let me do a virgin sacrifice in Aisle 3? I need to know by the new moon.

dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:47:54am

re: #145 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

No, “small government” bullshit, ie Reaganism, was really the beginning of the Tea Party and Trumpism. If that’s where PL wants to go, they will just be Trump lite and they will fail in turn. If they had any sense of history, they would reach farther back, to Rockefeller, Eisenhower and Wendal Wilkie.

If they had any sense theyd look forward to see the threats and challenges facing the country and the world that are coming at us and that we will have to face to survive

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:48:25am

The Tea Party was when the inmates took over the asylum. The GOP was afraid to call them out on their excesses or even distance themselves, and that led to an attention-seeking rush to bottom and they are still on their way down.

Because there is no bottom for those people.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:49:11am
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:50:02am

re: #146 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

The base won’t let them.


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:50:47am

re: #147 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

So who is going to wade in to pick up the base?

The right will splinter. Trumpism vs who knows what.

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:51:05am

re: #154 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

DARVO Sabia.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:51:53am

re: #154 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

Yeah it’s Claudia’s fault that Kellyanne who previously said Trump had no principles went to work for him. I feel awful for her having parents like those. Meanwhile Trump is running against the guy who did all he could to be an active father in his kids’ lives.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:53:49am

re: #155 Yeah Sure WhatEVs


They were given power hungry racism. They’re not going to go from that to something light. The best we can hope for is a long political wilderness years where the GOP dies off and conservatives in this country actually have to run on something other than resentment.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:54:42am

re: #156 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

The right will splinter. Trumpism vs who knows what.

Daily reminder that Ted Cruz was Trump’s closest competitor.

mmmirele  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:54:55am

Zoom is partially down this morning.



Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:56:50am
makeitstop  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:57:11am

That Alberta piece is really good, BTW. It’s an extremely detailed picture of the corner conservatives have painted themselves into.

If there is one principle driving Republican politicians today, it is that traditional American values—faith, patriotism, modesty, the nuclear family—are under siege. There is no use adjudicating this dispute or enumerating the ways in which Trump has himself undermined these ethics. Rather, what’s fascinating to observe is the shift in priorities and proportionality. What was once a source of annoyance and frustration for one sect of the party, social conservatives, has turned into the dominant lifeforce for the GOP. The good news for Republicans is that “grievance politics,” as Sasse describes it, continues to be highly effective in motivating their base. The bad news? It has diminishing returns when it comes to the many millions of persuadable voters in the middle. It’s also especially difficult for an incumbent party to sell grievance to the masses, as it amounts to a tacit acknowledgment of powerlessness. This is perhaps the most baffling aspect of the GOP’s approach to 2020: Instead of downplaying the social upheaval, treating it as a fleeting phenomenon that will pass with time and promising better days ahead, they are highlighting it at every turn, claiming it’s a sneak preview of Biden’s America when it is, factually speaking, the feature presentation of Trump’s America.

That’s a burning truth, right there.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:57:35am

re: #162 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

[Embedded content]


The Pie Overlord!  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:58:20am
jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 6:59:27am

re: #162 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Ritual replaces thought.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:00:11am

re: #163 makeitstop

That Alberta piece is really good, BTW. It’s an extremely detailed picture of the corner conservatives have painted themselves into.

That’s a burning truth, right there.

Exactly. Trump doesn’t seem to get that he’s in charge and he can blame “Democrat cities and mayors” all he wants but the reality is his presidency not his projections of Biden’s. It really was easier when he was just running against HRC. He’s doing a terrible job telling why we should give him four more years.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:02:42am

re: #152 dangerman

If they had any sense theyd look forward to see the threats and challenges facing the country and the world that are coming at us and that we will have to face to survive

Sure, but my context was the search for antecedants, which every movement must acknowledge (lessons of history, all that). “Looking forward to see the threats facing the country”etc. was a big part of what the Rockefeller wing, and especially Wilkie, were about. I recommend the latter’s book, One World. He was truly a visionary.

Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:07:02am

re: #153 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

The Tea Party was when the inmates took over the asylum. The GOP was afraid to call them out on their excesses or even distance themselves, and that led to an attention-seeking rush to bottom and they are still on their way down.

Because there is no bottom for those people.

The Tea Party is an object lesson in why promoting “political outsiders” only works if you have control over those “outsiders.” The Repubs pursued Citizens United because they thought it would open the funding taps, that they could have unlimited funds to build the party. What they ignored until it bit them in the ass is relatively unregulated funding meant people who weren’t allied with the Old Guard could fuck the party over a bramble patch and there was like the OG could do about it. Just ask guys like Eric Cantor about what happens when you get primaried by a guy who isn’t afraid of threats to be cut off from RNCC support because Super PAC money is there to make up the difference.

In keeping with all the 1930s analogies we’ve been using for years now, Trump’s nomination was the Austrian corporal being appointed Chancellor: The party thought the real power would remain in the legislature, while all they needed was a meat puppet to smile for the cameras and sign any bills put in front of him. They thought they could control him, not the other way around.

dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:09:39am

re: #167 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Exactly. Trump doesn’t seem to get that he’s in charge and he can blame “Democrat cities and mayors” all he wants but the reality is his presidency not his projections of Biden’s. It really was easier when he was just running against HRC. He’s doing a terrible job telling why we should give him four more years.

Let’s get out of his way

danarchy  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:10:08am

re: #104 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Jeff Flake? Could AZ be turning blue?

Hasn’t Jeff Flake been a never trumper from the beginning?

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:11:20am
dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:11:47am

re: #168 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Sure, but my context was the search for antecedantes, which every movement must a knowledge (lessons of history, all that). “Looking forward to see the threats facing the country”etc. was a big part of what the Rockefeller wing, and especially Wilkie, were about. I recommend the latter’s book, One World. L He was truly a visionary.

Oh I know what you meant and you’re right

I was just going directly for “conservatives need to be more progressive” ;-)

cat-tikvah  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:11:56am

re: #169 Targetpractice

Riddle I made up:
Q: What’s history’s version of “Hold my beer”?
A: “We can control him.”

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:11:59am

re: #171 danarchy

Hasn’t Jeff Flake been a never trumper from the beginning?

Yes but actually endorsing Biden and saying he’ll campaign for him is different than merely opposing Trump which is what many 2016 Never Trumpers did.

sagehen  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:12:14am

re: #117 Decatur Deb

The Dow is expected to open almost 300 points higher, based on Trump’s non-news about plasma treatment. I used to think money people were at least money-smart.

There are two economies.

People in the lower half of the income curve (maybe even the lower 60%) — they’re seriously hurting. It’s been a shitshow for them, they’re staring down hunger and homelessness. These are people who were barely getting by when the economy was good, they certainly weren’t buying stocks.

But people in the upper half of the income curve… we have the kind of jobs that can be done on the phone or computer, we’re working at home and our incomes are the same as they’ve always been. We’re the kind of people with 401K’s and savings accounts.

But we’re not buying gas or paying bridge tolls or parking. Car insurance and gyms are rebating a significant chunk of what we were budgeted for annually. We’re not going to bars and restaurants, we’re not buying concert and theater tickets, we’re not buying plane tickets and hotel rooms and souvenir tchotchkes that used to be part of our routine annual vacation, we’re not buying new clothes. We have more disposable cash than ever because the ways we used to dispose of it are all just soooo 2019. We haven’t seen this kind of slack in our finances since 3 jobs ago; in fact, we’re pretty damn flush. Those of us who donate some of that money to food banks and so on… we’re probably not giving them all of our newfound excess. Even if we don’t pour it into the stock market, we’re leaving it in our savings accounts and the bank is putting it into mutual funds.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:12:37am

re: #169 Targetpractice

The Tea Party is an object lesson in why promoting “political outsiders” only works if you have control over those “outsiders.” The Repubs pursued Citizens United because they thought it would open the funding taps, that they could have unlimited funds to build the party. What they ignored until it bit them in the ass is relatively unregulated funding meant people who weren’t allied with the Old Guard could fuck the party over a bramble patch and there was like the OG could do about it. Just ask guys like Eric Cantor about what happens when you get primaried by a guy who isn’t afraid of threats to be cut off from RNCC support because Super PAC money is there to make up the difference.

In keeping with all the 1930s analogies we’ve been using for years now, Trump’s nomination was the Austrian corporal being appointed Chancellor: The party thought the real power would remain in the legislature, while all they needed was a meat puppet to smile for the cameras and sign any bills put in front of him. They thought they could control him, not the other way around.

Von Papens.

cat-tikvah  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:12:48am

re: #171 danarchy

He said the right things but voted party line.

b.d. (Boring Competence 2020!)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:13:15am

re: #172 jaunte

[Embedded content]

I am shocked that DeJoy showed up.

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:13:35am

NPR live feed:

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:14:21am

re: #178 cat-tikvah

He said the right things but voted party line.

That too.

dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:14:51am

re: #169 Targetpractice

The Tea Party is an object lesson in why promoting “political outsiders” only works if you have control over those “outsiders.” The Repubs pursued Citizens United because they thought it would open the funding taps, that they could have unlimited funds to build the party. What they ignored until it bit them in the ass is relatively unregulated funding meant people who weren’t allied with the Old Guard could fuck the party over a bramble patch and there was like the OG could do about it. Just ask guys like Eric Cantor about what happens when you get primaried by a guy who isn’t afraid of threats to be cut off from RNCC support because Super PAC money is there to make up the difference.

In keeping with all the 1930s analogies we’ve been using for years now, Trump’s nomination was the Austrian corporal being appointed Chancellor: The party thought the real power would remain in the legislature, while all they needed was a meat puppet to smile for the cameras and sign any bills put in front of him. They thought they could control him, not the other way around.

They probably could have if they didn’t become such cowering effing cowards all at the same time

Jay C  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:17:13am

re: #152 dangerman

If they had any sense they’d look forward to see the threats and challenges facing the country and the world that are coming at us and that we will have to face to survive

Except that for what seems to be the majority of the Republican Party these days, the sole -Pavlovian - response to any possible “threats and challenges facing the country” is to reflexively and angrily push the blame onto “Them” (Democrats/liberals/media/Those People, etc.), and then double down on the politics of grievance, resentment and hate. And not care about any of it. Or view democracy, per se, as anything but a stumbling-block to “righteous” governance.

This is what chaps my backside when I see things like that Biden/Harris interview on ABC last night: for all that they both (IMO) are capable, intelligent and competent people, the continual pitching of Joe as a “uniter-not-a-divider” and similar themes may be, objectively, right and worthy: but I’m really unsure how politically effective it is going to be in 2020.

What that approach fails to recognize, IMO, is that there is a sizable, irreducible and unapproachable bloc of the electorate who DON’T WANT to be “united” and for whom the political system is a zero-sum game of rulers and ruled. And who are going to be around, probably even angrier, for years into the future.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:17:42am

re: #182 dangerman

They probably could have if they didn’t become such cowering effing cowards all at the same time

All that tough talk Republicans have what they’ll do if libs try to take their guns but afraid to rebuke Trump. Read the Politico article, my favorite is how they’re convinced that Trump stands for America. Yeah that’s what laying down for Putin is.

cat-tikvah  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:18:36am

re: #182 dangerman

YES! The GOP could have stood up to Trump, demanded he respect democratic and institutional norms…but they didn’t. And predictably, one little compromise led to another and another and another.
I blame the GOP more than even Trump for precisely that reason. Scorched earth election, followed by banishment to the political wilderness, never to return except perhaps to linger as a fringe element, a badge of shame.
No one gets to claim they were innocent or worked to stop Trump. They didn’t. They are complicit as hell and every single one needs to be ousted and replaced by a Dem. Now we know what they do with power. They betray democracy, whatever the cost.

Decatur Deb  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:19:18am

re: #176 sagehen

There are two economies.

People in the lower half of the income curve (maybe even the lower 60%) — they’re seriously hurting. It’s been a shitshow for them, they’re staring down hunger and homelessness. These are people who were barely getting by when the economy was good, they certainly weren’t buying stocks.

But people in the upper half of the income curve… we have the kind of jobs that can be done on the phone or computer, we’re working at home and our incomes are the same as they’ve always been. We’re the kind of people with 401K’s and savings accounts.

But we’re not buying gas or paying bridge tolls or parking. Car insurance and gyms are rebating a significant chunk of what we were budgeted for annually. We’re not going to bars and restaurants, we’re not buying concert and theater tickets, we’re not buying plane tickets and hotel rooms and souvenir tchotchkes that used to be part of our routine annual vacation, we’re not buying new clothes. We have more disposable cash than ever because the ways we used to dispose of it are all just soooo 2019. We haven’t seen this kind of slack in our finances since 3 jobs ago; in fact, we’re pretty damn flush. Those of us who donate some of that money to food banks and so on… we’re probably not giving them all of our newfound excess. Even if we don’t pour it into the stock market, we’re leaving it in our savings accounts and the bank is putting it into mutual funds.

The 24 gallons of gas in my old Land Rover was bought in March. It is heading towards a carburettor varnish problem. You are describing a slow freeze in the economy that will leap the gap between those two worlds.

Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:19:23am

re: #182 dangerman

They probably could have if they didn’t become such cowering effing cowards all at the same time

Two words: Job security. Between Citizens and the gerrymandering, the party stalwarts actually boxed themselves in, such that while the seat may never go blue, it can always get a deeper shade of red.

cat-tikvah  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:20:50am

re: #183 Jay C

Timothy Snyder, Yale historian who wrote On Tyranny, describes this in The Road to Unfreedom as the “politics of eternity”. Nothing will ever get better, all that matters is that the “innocent, pure” nation is under perpetual attack from outside (or in this case inside) and only the anointed ruler can defend and protect it.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:21:12am

The trump of the north. Great job Canadian conservatives.

Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:23:42am

re: #186 Decatur Deb

The 24 gallons of gas in my old Land Rover was bought in March. It is heading towards a carburettor varnish problem. You are describing a slow freeze in the economy that will leap the gap between those two worlds.

Meanwhile, “essential” workers like myself wish we had that problem, with the only consolation prize for us being that all the office workers staying home means that gas prices have dipped.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:26:04am

The GOP remains the weisswurst ticket.

Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:26:47am

Mike Pence officially nominated to another 4 years as nation’s creepy uncle.

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:26:57am
dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:27:09am

re: #183 Jay C

Except that for what seems to be the majority of the Republican Party these days, the sole -Pavlovian - response to any possible “threats and challenges facing the country” is to reflexively and angrily push blame onto “Them” (Democrats/liberals/media/Those People, etc.), and double down on the politic of grievance, resentment and hate. And not care about any of it. Or view democracy, per se, as anything but a stumbling-block to “righteous” governance.

This is what chaps my backside when I see things like that Biden/Harris interview on ABC last night: for all that they both (IMO) are capable, intelligent and competent people, the continual pitching of Joe as a “uniter-not-a-divider” and similar themes may be, objectively, right and worthy: but I’m really unsure how politically effective it is going to be in 2020.

What that approach fails to recognize, IMO, is that there is a sizable, irreducible and unapproachable bloc of the electorate who DON’T WANT to be “united” and for whom the political system is a zero-sum game of rulers and ruled. And who are going to be around, probably even angrier, for years into the future.

You are right on both counts
I do believe that the irreducible Bloc is under 40% and that somewhere over 50% still want a country where Bidens appeal will be politically effective
(And I did say if they had any sense…)

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:27:49am
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:28:24am

re: #192 Targetpractice

Mike Pence officially nominated to another 4 years as nation’s creepy uncle.

The Haley switcheroo was never happening.

Jay C  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:28:39am

re: #191 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

[Embedded content]

The GOP remains the weisswurst ticket.

Oh, so Trump isn’t going to dump Mike Dense for Nikki Haley or Ivanka, after all?

Disappointing - must be because they’re too cheap to want to reprint all the signs.

DodgerFan1988  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:28:55am

The Far Right always get a hard-on whenever a black man gets shot by cops.

Decatur Deb  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:29:15am

re: #190 Targetpractice

Meanwhile, “essential” workers like myself wish we had that problem, with the only consolation prize for us being that all the office workers staying home means that gas prices have dipped.

That’s why I used that illustration. I didn’t need gas to get to the store I didn’t shop at for the clothes I don’t need for the trip I’m not taking. I’ve offered to siphon the gas to a still-working kid’s car.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:29:38am

re: #197 Jay C

Oh, so Trump isn’t going to dump Mike Dense for Nikki Haley or Ivanka, after all?

Disappointing - must be because they’re too cheap to want to reprint all the signs.

I don’t think it was ever happening. Just noise. Haley isn’t going anywhere in 2024,

dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:29:40am

re: #191 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

[Embedded content]

The GOP remains the weisswurst ticket.


Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:29:56am

re: #196 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

The Haley switcheroo was never happening.

I’m convinced most of those “rumors” were perpetuated by the party itself in the hopes that Donny might bring onto the ticket somebody with more appeal than a mayonnaise sandwich.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:30:38am

re: #198 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]

The Far Right always get a hard-on whenever a black man gets shot by cops.

Will it be okay if the cops shoot Trump if he tries to run away when he’s arrested?

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:31:10am
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:31:18am

re: #202 Targetpractice

I’m convinced most of those “rumors” were perpetuated by the party itself in the hopes that Donny might bring onto the ticket somebody with more appeal than a mayonnaise sandwich.

Hey those white Evangelicals love their mayonnaise sandwiches.

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:32:06am

This is not good.

Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:33:34am

re: #198 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]

The Far Right always get a hard-on whenever a black man gets shot by cops.

Wingnuts saying in so many words the same thing they say after every such incident: “That NI-CLANG GOT WHAT HE DESERVED!!!”

dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:33:51am

re: #200 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

I don’t think it was ever happening. Just noise. Haley isn’t going anywhere in 2024,

It was mostly Dem noise
The RS never even thought of it //. 1/2

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:34:42am

James Comer whining that the Republicans aren’t getting an opening statement.
Victims again.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:35:36am

re: #209 jaunte

James Comer whining that the Republicans aren’t getting an opening statement.
Victims again.

Try keeping the majority in the House next time.

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:35:40am
Belafon  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:36:07am

re: #162 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

“Why won’t Republicans run on anything other than opposing Democrats?”

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:36:13am
jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:37:03am

Now Republican spending time casting doubt on the validity of mail in ballots.

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:37:22am

“It will be filled with fraud!”

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:38:44am
LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:38:46am

re: #215 jaunte

“It will be filled with fraud!”

Wonder how many of these guys have benefited from mail ins and used them themselves.

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:39:20am

re: #217 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

These people are really off the rails.

Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:40:37am

re: #204 jaunte

[Embedded content]

DeJoy sat in front of the Senate on Friday and kept telling them the same WH-approved talking point: All that’s happening is “slack” being taken out of the system. Machines being removed is due to duplication, any mail boxes removed is due to being in low-traffic areas, and mail not being moved is because workers are lazy assholes who work slow in order to clock overtime. That the whole of the USPS is composed of gold-brickers who are the reason why it’s not “profitable.” And all he’s doing is making them “work for a living.”

Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:41:06am

re: #217 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Wonder how many of these guys have benefited from mail ins and used them themselves.

All of them, Katie.

Jay C  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:42:10am

re: #218 jaunte

These people are really off the rails.

What would you expect from House Republicans? They have little/no power to direct anything (election year notwithstanding), so loud propagandistic posturing is really all they have left. So they’re going to milk it for as many (carefully-edited) soundbites as they can.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:42:21am

re: #220 Targetpractice

All of them, Katie.

Ding ding

dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:42:31am

re: #207 Targetpractice

Wingnuts saying in so many words the same thing they say after every such incident: “That NI-CLANG GOT WHAT HE DESERVED!!!”

What were the cops “reasonable instructions?”
And 6 times in the back??
Is that better or worse than 8 minutes on his neck?

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:43:29am

re: #221 Jay C

They’ve degenerated to sloganeering.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:44:20am

re: #224 jaunte

[Embedded content]

They’ve degenerated to sloganeering.


dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:44:28am

re: #212 Belafon

“Why won’t Republicans run on anything other than opposing Democrats?”

See our 2020 platform.
We spent zero minutes on it.
Just follow the link to the other guy’s bullet point list

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:44:49am

re: #169 Targetpractice

In keeping with all the 1930s analogies we’ve been using for years now, Trump’s nomination was the Austrian corporal being appointed Chancellor: The party thought the real power would remain in the legislature, while all they needed was a meat puppet to smile for the cameras and sign any bills put in front of him. They thought they could control him, not the other way around.

They assumed he would listen to reason and defer to experts and people with more experience.

Without any evidence that he was or had ever been capable of doing so.

Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:46:45am

re: #227 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

They assumed he would listen to reason and defer to experts and people with more experience.

Without any evidence that he was or had ever been capable of doing so.

They thought he would be another Dubya, that Mike would be the real power behind the throne and he was just there to serve as a hate magnet.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:47:42am

re: #228 Targetpractice

They thought he would be another Dubya, that Mike would be the real power behind the throne and he was just there to serve as a hate magnet.

Yep. Except Mike is no Cheney. Idiots.

Ace Rothstein  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:48:44am

Seen in a white suburb of Houston (Spring TX).

Belafon  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:50:23am

re: #230 Ace Rothstein

Seen in a white suburb of Houston (Spring TX).

[Embedded content]

There’s someone at my defense contractor job that has had a QANON sticker on for at least three years.

The Pie Overlord!  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:52:19am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:54:38am

re: #232 The Pie Overlord!

I’m just a little surprised to see the GOP convention embracing statements like this about the current president. Wow.

Those don’t apply because the current President is white and Republican

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 7:58:45am

Lre: #232 The Pie Overlord!

[Embedded content]

Oh please use that in an ad.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:00:08am

Next up is Trump could beat George Washington in a battle.

Mike Lamb  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:00:35am

re: #198 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]

The Far Right always get a hard-on whenever a black man gets shot by cops.

So, how many times does an interaction like that not end up with a person shot multiple times at point blank range? These assholes think this was the logical, reasonable outcome?

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:00:39am
dangerman  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:02:03am

re: #237 jaunte

[Embedded content]

simple question:

then who did?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:02:11am

re: #236 Mike Lamb

So, how many times does an interaction like that not end up with a person shot multiple times at point blank range? These assholes think this was the logical, reasonable outcome?

We are no longer looking at individual incidents here, we have to look at this incident in the light of the history of the relations between white police officers and black suspects.

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:02:42am

DeJoy exposed for withholding documents.

Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:03:07am

re: #237 jaunte

[Embedded content]

I’m confused: Is he still denying that it’s going on or is he denying that he had any involvement?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:03:23am

re: #240 jaunte

DeJoy exposed for withholding documents.

🌹UOJB!  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:03:29am

Let’s check in with the DC Press Corpse!

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:03:50am

re: #241 Targetpractice

He’s consistently evading responsibility.

Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:06:05am

re: #244 jaunte

He’s consistently evading responsibility.

It sounds to me like the shitheel is trying to thread the needle: “Anything positive is my responsibility, anything negative is a consequence of actions I had nothing to do with or are temporary.”

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:08:14am

The Republican position on the Post Office seems to be “we’re going to make these changes to make the USPTO financially viable (to accommodate our deliberate sabotage) while “streamlining” services and if any of you have to suffer with non-delivered medication while it happens, blame the local carrier, not management. Oh, and mail in ballots lead to major fraud.”

🌹UOJB!  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:08:43am

re: #244 jaunte

He’s consistently evading responsibility.

Of course he is! After all he’s just another Soviet er, Republican apparatchik!

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:09:15am
Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:09:34am

re: #246 jaunte

The Republican position on the Post Office seems to be “we’re going to make these changes to make the USPTO financially viable (to accommodate our deliberate sabotage) while “streamlining” services and if any of you have to suffer with non-delivered medication while it happens, blame the local carrier, not management. Oh, and mail in ballots lead to major fraud.”

IOW, the union-breaking has begun, please mind the mess.

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:10:43am
jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:11:03am

DeJoy lying about limiting overtime.

🌹UOJB!  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:11:03am

And the GOP KKKonKKKlave starts off with a Pulpit Pimp praising Gawd for Trump.

hmmrmmm ending the prayer with WWG1WGA is a tad over the top isn’t it?????

A hollow Gandalfian voice says, VOTE, you fools!  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:11:31am

re: #103 jeffreyw

[Embedded content]

Good morning!

Western good morning!

jaunte  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:12:54am

Targetpractice  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:13:40am

re: #248 jaunte

[Embedded content]

It’s a “vulture capitalism” tactic: Deliberately take actions meant to starve a “failing” company of revenue, then use the company’s debts as an excuse to shut it down and sell off the assets like a chop shop stripping a car for parts.

lawhawk  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:14:52am

re: #73 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Wingnuts are busy digging into the criminal record of man who was killed by police in Kenosha, Wisc. to “justify” his being shot in the back by the police. (Assuming they have the right man or criminal record.)

[Embedded content]

It’s kinda hard to dig into the police backgrounds of the cops who murdered this person by shooting him repeatedly in the back because police departments around the nation routinely shield the police records of excessive force and abuse complaints so we don’t know how many other incidents involving these officers included excessive force.

You know, because a few bad apples conduct a shit ton of excessive force and rots the entire barrel of cops who ignore/condone/excuse/enable the bad cops to continue being bad cops and violating the rights of those they come in contact with.

stpaulbear  Aug 24, 2020 • 8:45:05am

re: #132 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

If you’re wondering what will succeed the Trump/Teabag/Evangelical axis when it inevitably goes down in flames, Project Lincoln is the preview.

Instead of trying desperately to stay ahead of the tsunami, the PL leaders are getting behind it do they can land on their feet when it washes over.

And then they’ll start applying the same attack dynamics to democrats again.

piratedan  Aug 24, 2020 • 10:50:02am

re: #104 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

all the polling seems to indicate it… trending from 2018 with taking CD01, taking the Secretary of State position, and Sinema’s win…all seem to be a harbinger. The current polling puts Kelly anywhere between 5 to 9 points ahead of McSally and in CD05, Tiperneni is within the MOE of Schweikert from what I’ve seen. Still going to take a lot to beat back the GOP gerrymander at the state level, but you get a sense that AZ is moving into a purple rather than a red tone.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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