Colbert: Nine Days Into the Biden Presidency, It’s Time for a Look Back

Politics • Views: 24,307


Check your malarkey at the door, Jack! It’s time for Stephen Colbert to celebrate three friends of the show who have brought a refreshing change in leadership to Washington, President Joe Biden, Dr. Jill Biden, and Vice President Kamala Harris. #Colbert #JoeBiden #KamalaHarris

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Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 11:29:19am
Nyet  Jan 30, 2021 • 11:29:49am

Lizards who know American history inside out: did American congressppl (incl Sens.) exist in the 20th century who exhibited values specifically aligned with those of the Nazis? I don’t mean average segregationists, IYKWIM.

Belafon  Jan 30, 2021 • 11:31:43am

re: #352 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

All I see is my future. 😬

And yes, it’s adorable.

From my son: “The council of elders will decide your fate”

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 11:33:14am

re: #2 Nyet

I know the New York Times did support Hitler. No big surprise there. As for individuals I cannot think of any names specifically. I am sure there were a few who supported him.

🌹UOJB!  Jan 30, 2021 • 11:35:04am

re: #2 Nyet

Lizards who know American history inside out: did American congressppl (incl Sens.) exist in the 20th century who exhibited values specifically aligned with those of the Nazis? I don’t mean average segregationists, IYKWIM.

Probably Burton Wheeler was the #1 Nazi sympathizer followed by Gerald Nye.

Nyet  Jan 30, 2021 • 11:36:59am

re: #4 PhillyPretzel

From what I know, NYT bothsided and not-so-baded Hitler early on, though this doesn’t amount to support IMHO.

🌹UOJB!  Jan 30, 2021 • 11:39:56am

re: #6 Nyet

From what I know, NYT bothsided and not-so-baded Hitler early on, though this doesn’t amount to support IMHO.

Also the American Press glorified Mussolini in the 20s & 30s. Luce’s magazines were at the forefront of the pro-Mussolini press—especially Fortune magazine which repeatedly put Il Doofy on their cover.

plansbandc  Jan 30, 2021 • 11:40:20am

re: #3 Belafon

I can’t even express how much I love this.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 11:40:52am

re: #6 Nyet

I can understand that but being a Jew I cannot see anyone supporting Hitler. Also keep in mind that I voted for both HRC and Joe.

No Malarkey!  Jan 30, 2021 • 11:42:31am

Good to thread.

plansbandc  Jan 30, 2021 • 11:42:53am
Belafon  Jan 30, 2021 • 11:42:59am

re: #2 Nyet

I went to go see if I can find any mention, and I ran across this Time article talking about support for Germany before the US got involved in WW2. One if the interesting statements was that, back then, people thought communism was a bigger threat than fascism.

HRH Stanley Sea  Jan 30, 2021 • 11:44:39am

From the Monthly Wonkette thank you

I wish you some relaxation and rest. We all know the world is not perfect and never will be, but we’re not waking up every day to an abusive piece of shit lunatic searching for ever-increasing ways to punish us. And doesn’t that make you feel a whole lot better? What you say? I’m just asking!

The best B52s song IMHO

The B-52’s - Dance this mess around.

Belafon  Jan 30, 2021 • 11:48:57am

re: #10 No Malarkey!

I like this from her profile: Free Speech Not Free Stupid.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 11:57:29am

The map of Greater Philadelphia is getting ugly.

🌹UOJB!  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:00:25pm

Indict this parasite.

Dave In Austin  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:00:57pm

re: #1 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Ace-o-aces  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:01:26pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:01:47pm
Nyet  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:07:42pm

Hey Dope Fish, if you read this, would be glad to read your thoughts on ep. 4 of WV.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:08:36pm

This is a brief but very informative synopsis, with some real experts weighing in. ‘It’s terrifying’: The extreme belief system of QAnon, who’s following and why

QAnon’rs believe a coup will happen with the help of the U.S. military and those involved in the deep state will be arrested and executed.

A military and religious union, disturbing to Jack Bratich, an Associate Professor of Journalism and Media Studies at Rutgers University. Bratich has studied extremism for decades.

“We put that combination together and I think you have people who are ready for all kinds of actions and martyrdom when it comes to this,” said Bratich. “Once you have a sector of a population that’s ready for that, I think that’s what makes things quite dangerous.”

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:11:09pm

FB comment on Boebert:

Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:14:08pm

re: #22 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

This is a brief but very informative synopsis, with some real experts weighing in. ‘It’s terrifying’: The extreme belief system of QAnon, who’s following and why

It’s been a feature of wingnut “revolution” fantasies for years that the moment that the “patriots” raise the flag, the military will throw in with them and overthrow the “tyrannical gov’t.”

The only difference this go-around is that the “revolution” will be in the name of a tyrant.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:15:27pm

re: #353 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

I don’t agree. I watched the video a dozen times. While it could be a woman I don’t think it is. That’s my gut take.

They have pics of the shoes and bricks in the street. What size is the shoe? How tall is the person? The FBI knows this and I’m assuming they’re letting quiet for a reason.

I can’t say simply by looking at the material. I think the biggest assumption is people like bombers in this country tend to be men, and attitudes about what a man “should look like,” which then skews what they see. The person seems to be small, so it must be a woman.

I’ve been confused by street harassers in cities before in the evening because of my size and measurements.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:18:57pm

re: #24 Targetpractice

It’s been a feature of wingnut “revolution” fantasies for years that the moment that the “patriots” raise the flag, the military will throw in with them and overthrow the “tyrannical gov’t.”

The only difference this go-around is that the “revolution” will be in the name of a tyrant.

And we all know, the second the military becomes involved, we are no longer in a constitutional republic; no matter what happen after, even if the military cedes power back one second later. Our government, from then on, is only at the sufferance of the military, and therefore it’s over.

Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:21:34pm

re: #26 Colère Tueur de Lapin

And we all know, the second the military becomes involved, we are no longer in a constitutional republic; no matter what happen after, even if the military cedes power back one second later. Our government, from then on, is only at the sufferance of the military, and therefore it’s over.

Yeah, it’s in the same ballpark as their fantasies about a “new constitutional convention” where they believe they’ll be able to come together and totally rewrite the constitution to reflect only their views. The reality that such a clusterfuck would likely result in a new document that would reflect the moneyed interests first and “the people” second is totally lost on them.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:23:12pm

re: #27 Targetpractice

Would they even be able to get enough states together for a convention? Doesn’t it have to be 2/3rds?

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:24:05pm

re: #27 Targetpractice

Second? We would become a de facto feudal society.

Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:27:00pm

re: #28 Eclectic Cyborg

Would they even be able to get enough states together for a convention? Doesn’t it have to be 2/3rds?

Hence why it largely remains a fantasy, since every time they get close to 2/3 of the states, it’s usually at a high water mark for the party just before they suffer a humiliating setback.

Jack Burton  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:28:06pm

re: #27 Targetpractice

Yeah, it’s in the same ballpark as their fantasies about a “new constitutional convention” where they believe they’ll be able to come together and totally rewrite the constitution to reflect only their views. The reality that such a clusterfuck would likely result in a new document that would reflect the moneyed interests first and “the people” second is totally lost on them.

Something like that happened in the show Jericho. The new Allied States of America government that was implied to be very right wing and was putting out obvious right wing propaganda in history books (like we actually won the Vietnam War, and a bunch of stabbed in the back style myths, etc.) had a constitutional convention and ditched the entire Bill of Rights including the 2nd Amendment. The constitution was basically a wish list for the corporations rebuilding America and the main one was a thinly veiled Harliburton/Blackwater hybrid.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:31:04pm

How in the fuck does Chief Justice Roberts gets to pass for a 2nd impeachment trial? Doesn’t the constitution sorta mandate that he runs the show?

Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:33:22pm

re: #32 Eric The Fruit Bat

How in the fuck does Chief Justice Roberts gets to pass for a 2nd impeachment trial? Doesn’t the constitution sorta mandate that he runs the show?

He’s arguing that since the Constitution says the Chief Justice presides over trials of sitting presidents, he’s exempted because Trump is no longer in office. IOW, he’s leaning heavily on a “letter of the law” argument to avoid getting bricks (or worse) through the windows of his house.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:35:23pm

re: #2 Nyet

Lizards who know American history inside out: did American congressppl (incl Sens.) exist in the 20th century who exhibited values specifically aligned with those of the Nazis? I don’t mean average segregationists, IYKWIM.

Charles Lindbergh was invited to speak before the US House, arguing against intervening in World War 2, claiming it was simply the United Kingdom, Franklin Roosevelt, and Teh JOOOOOOOS trying to get us involved in a war following the invasion of Czechoslovakia. Someone invited him there, but I can’t find who.

Roosevelt had him dismissed from the Army Air Corps over that, although Lindbergh later served in the Pacific Theatre after Japan’s attack on Pearl Harbor.

In 1970, Lindbergh wrote a book arguing the United States really lost World War 2. The New York Times has an article about that book.

Lindbergh Says U. S. ‘Lost’ World War II (August 30, 1970)

Charles A. Lindbergh, who was one of America’s leading opponents of entry into World War II, still believes that he was right in urging the country to stay out of the conflict. Indeed, he contends that the United States, in the perspective of the last 30 years, lost the war.

This conviction is disclosed in “The Wartime Journals of Charles A. Lindbergh” to he “published Sept. 30 by Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.


Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:42:47pm
Eric The Fruit Bat  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:44:01pm

re: #33 Targetpractice

Here’s the problem I have with Roberts’s dodging the 2nd impeachment: when the insurrection happened Trump was seated; therefore Roberts’s walking away from when a alleged crime happened won’t cut it - as a matter of fact, that now gives the Democrats power to impeach Roberts for his failing to uphold the constitution; letter of the law or not.

Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:44:09pm

re: #31 Jack Burton

Something like that happened in the show Jericho. The new Allied States of America government that was implied to be very right wing and was putting out obvious right wing propaganda in history books (like we actually won the Vietnam War, and a bunch of stabbed in the back style myths, etc.) had a constitutional convention and ditched the entire Bill of Rights including the 2nd Amendment. The constitution was basically a wish list for the corporations rebuilding America and the main one was a thinly veiled Harliburton/Blackwater hybrid.

Yeah, it’s a series that belongs with V for Vendetta and the Star Wars prequels in being right about Repubs wanting to install themselves as fascist dictators but also being way too early.

Dave In Austin  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:46:23pm
Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:47:01pm

re: #35 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

Li’l Marco’s filing off the serial numbers from arguments that he used to scoff at and is trying to present them as his own.

A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:47:26pm

re: #32 Eric The Fruit Bat

How in the fuck does Chief Justice Roberts gets to pass for a 2nd impeachment trial? Doesn’t the constitution sorta mandate that he runs the show?

Trump is not the sitting President, so the Chief Justice is not required to preside. I don’t understand it either, but Schumer agreed that it is the case in his interview with Rachel.

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:47:44pm
🌹UOJB!  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:49:03pm

re: #39 Targetpractice

Li’l Marco’s filing off the serial numbers from arguments that he used to scoff at and is trying to present them as his own.

He’s scared shitless that Ivanka will primary him.

sagehen  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:49:47pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:50:27pm

re: #37 Targetpractice

Yeah, it’s a series that belongs with V for Vendetta and the Star Wars prequels in being right about Repubs wanting to install themselves as fascist dictators but also being way too early.

In V for Vendetta, the fascists created a virus (and a cure), but they allowed the virus to run rampant and kill thousands of people so they could seize total power. “Miraculously” , after they won the election, a cure was “discovered” for the disease and mass produced by pharmaceutical companies the fascist leaders were heavily invested in.

Tell me a lot of that doesn’t feel familiar.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:51:35pm

OT: My telephone wall jack is old and the cord does not always stay in the jack. Is the jack an easy thing to replace? Is it just matching the colored wires from the wall to the new jack?

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:52:38pm

re: #45 PhillyPretzel

OT: My telephone wall jack is old and the cord does not always stay in the jack. Is the jack an easy thing to replace? Is it just matching the colored wires from the wall to the new jack?


Belafon  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:53:21pm
PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:53:46pm

re: #46 Dread Pirate Ron

What is the best brand? For me quality is what to go for.

Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:54:10pm

re: #41 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

About the only good thing about this is the the employee wasn’t killed. I’d be very surprised if he ends up pressing charges, assuming the cops don’t just write it off as an “accident.”

Jack Burton  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:55:25pm

re: #44 Eclectic Cyborg

In V for Vendetta, the fascists created a virus (and a cure), but they allowed the virus to run rampant and kill thousands of people so they could seize total power. “Miraculously” , after they won the election, a cure was “discovered” for the disease and mass produced by pharmaceutical companies the fascist leaders were heavily invested in.

Tell me a lot of that doesn’t feel familiar.

That’s what they think of the Democrats, not what they actually did.

A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:56:24pm

re: #43 sagehen

Obama and Co. spent months trying to put together an Affordable Care Act that some repugs would vote for. The repugs strung them along for months. Do we remember how many voted for it?

If the repugs want to support covid relief for the US, they can vote for this bill (after all, they’ve had about three chances to vote on a relief bill and buried all of them). Or they can fuck right off.

And we can remind people until the end of time that they refused to help. (Might not be a bad idea to mention the voting on the ACA, now that it’s popular.)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:56:27pm

re: #10 No Malarkey!

Good to thread.

What did Nicole Wallace say to trigger that person’s story as a response? (I have a similar story from when I was a child living in Maryland but I won’t drag it in here.)

Jack Burton  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:57:10pm

re: #50 Jack Burton

Or should I say… that’s what they claimed that the Democrats were involved in, while trying to do some of it themselves, but they are idiots so…

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:58:02pm

re: #12 Belafon

I went to go see if I can find any mention, and I ran across this Time article talking about support for Germany before the US got involved in WW2. One if the interesting statements was that, back then, people thought communism was a bigger threat than fascism.

Just as conservatives today do.

A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:58:37pm

re: #50 Jack Burton

That’s what they think of the Democrats, not what they actually did.

That sounds like their opinion of what happened here, with the dems cast as the villains.

Jack Burton  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:58:52pm

“Forget the myths the media’s created about the White House. The truth is, these are not very bright guys, and things got out of hand.”

Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 12:59:58pm

re: #43 sagehen

[Embedded content]

The House passed the HEROES Act over 9 months ago. McConnell sat on it for months, insisting there was no need for further action because the crisis would resolve itself and “there’s money that hasn’t been spent!”

Then when August came and it became obvious that the crisis wasn’t resolved and the public was demanding further action, McConnell sought out Dem help…oh wait, no, he got a small group of Senate Repubs together to try to hammer together a bill that would pass a party-line vote but could never get past the “deficit hawk” portion of his caucus and so punted to the WH.

The WH kept talks going for weeks by constantly insisting that they wouldn’t budge on a >$1T package of “targeted” relief that was (you guessed it) purely aimed at bailing out big businesses while Trump hemmed and hawed about new checks. Then when it finally looked like progress was being made, Trump suddenly decided he was in favor of new checks and blew up the talks.

Finally, as the election was coming to a close and Repubs realized they were getting hammered for refusing to pass a relief bill, they decided they were suddenly ready to talk again…but only if Dems would agree to a $900B bill in the twilight hours of the year. The agreement at the time on the Dem side was that such was a “down payment,” that a larger bill would be passed if they won the Senate in early Jan.

Well, guess what, they won the Senate. They’re keeping to their promise. Yertle and his fellow whiners can kiss the whitest part of my ass.

Jack Burton  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:00:00pm

re: #55 A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!

That sounds like their opinion of what happened here, with the dems cast as the villains.

I’m expecting that they are just one step away from Hunter Biden being involved in creating COVID, or they are so dumb they can’t even make a good bullshit story.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:01:12pm
thecommodore  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:01:23pm

re: #4 PhillyPretzel

I know the New York Times did support Hitler. No big surprise there. As for individuals I cannot think of any names specifically. I am sure there were a few who supported him.

Hitler was Time Magazine’s Man of the Year in 1938. Stalin was the next year.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:02:15pm

re: #60 thecommodore

Yes. I have seen those.

Jack Burton  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:03:29pm

re: #59 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips


I’m pretty sure that the FBI wants a rock solid, slam dunk harder than a neutronium marble through the Earth case before they start arresting Congressmembers or Senators.

Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:03:49pm

re: #59 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

[Embedded content]

There were men sent to the gallows at Nuremberg for mass murder who never once pulled a trigger or pushed a button.

ipsos  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:05:39pm

re: #60 thecommodore

Hitler was Time Magazine’s Man of the Year in 1938. Stalin was the next year.

But, as Time has been patiently explaining now for nigh on a century, the Man/Person of the Year has never constituted an endorsement of that individual or their views, simply a judgment that that person was the most newsworthy/influential that year.

Who would you say was more newsworthy in 1938? Orson Welles, maybe, for a week or so? Chamberlain?

Teukka  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:06:55pm

re: #63 Targetpractice

There were men sent to the gallows at Nuremberg for mass murder who never once pulled a trigger or pushed a button.

One of them simply published books, magazines and newspapers…

Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:07:34pm

The deeper the DOJ ventures down the rabbit hole, the clearer it becomes that those involved in the failed coup were motivated in part by the belief that they would be absolved of their crimes. That even if the corrupted DOJ could not succeed in covering up their involvement, Trump would simply pardon them and that would be the end of it.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:09:18pm

We’re expecting a major snowfall later today so I pulled myself out of bed early this morning to meet my friend for a morning stroll instead of our traditional late afternoon gettogether. I asked her about how her first inoculation went on Thursday. She drove over 20 miles to the facility (I know that’s nothing to many of you in remote areas but city traffic can be a killer) only to learn that they could not vaccinate her. What happened? Her internist did not realize that other vaccinations have to be administered at least 2 weeks before or 2 weeks after the coronavirus vaccines! I was fortunate that my doctor was aware of this limitation so we are delaying all other inoculations until after I can finally get the vaccine — whenever that may be.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:11:22pm

re: #16 PhillyPretzel

The map of Greater Philadelphia is getting ugly.

Our weather isn’t bad now, but in the next couple days the temperatures will plunge far below normal and we will get hammered every two or three days with a snowstorm.

Jack Burton  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:13:07pm

Another thing…

Federal Prosecutors in the DC district or whoever it is who will be dealing with it, I’m sure are trying to get people to flip and testify before they decide to perp walk Ted Cruz out of the Capitol building. They could also be waiting on the Congress or Senate to expel the traitors before going after them as well. This isn’t something we’ve had to deal with since the 1860s.

So Cal Greek Hippie  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:13:48pm

Veteran FBI agents came on board in 1980s War on Drugs as forensic accountants —think bean counters with guns
I guarantee that there are many financial and telephonic records being pored over to build a bunch of RICO style cases by some sharp people
I await the results, as a loyal American and taxpayer

Nyet  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:17:25pm
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:17:45pm
PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:17:59pm

re: #70 So Cal Greek Hippie

I am waiting too. Also do not forget SDNY and AG James.

Jack Burton  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:18:25pm

re: #70 So Cal Greek Hippie

Yep. The last thing in the world I want to happen is for this investigation to be half-assed.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:19:28pm

So many loud Nazis in the Republican Party, we sometimes forget those who slipped under the radar.

Congresswoman Apologizes for Making an Approving Reference to Hitler (New York Times, January 8, 2021)

The lede:

Representative Mary Miller, an Illinois Republican, had faced condemnation and calls to resign for declaring at a rally: “Hitler was right on one thing: He said, ‘Whoever has the youth, has the future.’”

thecommodore  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:20:34pm

It appears that, based on her insane tweetstorm* today, Marjorie Taylor Greene has been passed the torch of Trumpism and QAnon, and she will be their voice on social media, now that the corpulent pusbag has been banned.

She has already, in my view, incited insurrection ahead of January 6, so she should banned as well. This is the Twitter link to use to report her account, unless someone knows of a better one. I’m not holding my breath that Twitter will respond in any way, given how long they let Trump have a free hand, but it’s better than doing nothing.

Abusive User

*Also deeply stupid. In one tweet she called Bill Kristol a “pro-choice Democrat.”

Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:34:03pm

re: #72 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

[Embedded content]

This has been a long-running problem. During the Bush years, to discuss terrorism in any terms other than the “threat” posed by “Islamic fundamentalism” was treated as naive (at best) or as criminally suspect (at worst). And the Obama years started with wingnuts running around with their hair on fire about the DOJ admitting far-right extremism was a danger.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:36:25pm

The ugly weather map.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:42:03pm

re: #33 Targetpractice

He’s arguing that since the Constitution says the Chief Justice presides over trials of sitting presidents, he’s exempted because Trump is no longer in office. IOW, he’s leaning heavily on a “letter of the law” argument to avoid getting bricks (or worse) through the windows of his house.

He’s also leaning on precedent, since other lesser officials who were impeached did not have the Supreme Court Chief Justice preside.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:48:25pm
Jack Burton  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:50:25pm

re: #82 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Magic The Gathering

Literally every time I see MTG I think this.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:54:24pm

I am sure someone posted this before but now it is a lead headline with The Washington Post.

Belafon  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:54:33pm

onre: #82 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

[Embedded content]

They said wrong answers.

Belafon  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:55:59pm

re: #77 Nyet

[Embedded content]

One of many kids cartoons with more depth than a lot of adult shows.

Eventual Carrion  Jan 30, 2021 • 1:58:35pm

re: #82 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

[Embedded content]

Massively tainted gourd

William Lewis  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:00:31pm

re: #41 Dread Pirate Ron

No effing reason to be shooting at a shoplifter. If I were the DA I’d charge the fool with attempted murder (though a conviction on reckless endangerment would be good.). I also hope the person he hit sues the snot out of him.

There are valid places and times to use a personal defense weapon, though many fewer than RAMBO! wants to imagine. This was emphatically not one of them.

Nyet  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:01:30pm

re: #86 Belafon

BTW have you seen Over the garden wall?

Belafon  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:02:56pm

re: #89 Nyet

BTW have you seen Over the garden wall?

Yep. We’re big fans.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:08:10pm

For those who are fans of Branford Marsalis he will be playing with the Philadelphia Orchestra live on WHYY at 9:00 PM. On the WHYY website there is a Live TV button so anyone who wants to watch Mr Marsalis can do so.

Nyet  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:09:46pm
Florida Panhandler  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:12:37pm

Let them hang themselves in the public square.

We are witnessing the agony of a slow death of a major political party. The problem is, in its wake- there will be a smaller but hardcore fascist party openly calling for revolution and violence.

retired cynic  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:15:11pm

re: #94 Florida Panhandler

Opinion: The GOP isn’t doomed. It’s dead. Kathleen Parker, WaPo

Suddenly, the “good ones” are worried about their newest member, Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-Ga.), a QAnon-promoting female version of Trump — only without the charm. You begin to see how this monster mutates like a certain virus into ever-more-dangerous versions of itself. Among other things, Greene embraces the conspiracy theory that the Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre and the slaughter at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla., were staged. One struggles for words, but I’ll settle for “creep.”

retired cynic  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:15:56pm

re: #95 retired cynic

Opinion: The GOP isn’t doomed. It’s dead. Kathleen Parker, WaPo


To those Republicans who can read: You own all of this. The party isn’t doomed; it’s dead. The chance to move away from Trumpism, toward a more respectful, civilized approach to governance that acknowledges the realities of a diverse nation and that doesn’t surrender to the clenched fist, has slipped away. What comes next is anybody’s guess. But anyone who doesn’t speak out against the myths and lies of fringe groups, domestic terrorists and demagogues such as Trump deserves only defeat — and a lengthy exile in infamy. Good riddance.

steve_davis  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:18:43pm

re: #25 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I can’t say simply by looking at the material. I think the biggest assumption is people like bombers in this country tend to be men, and attitudes about what a man “should look like,” which then skews what they see. The person seems to be small, so it must be a woman.

I’ve been confused by street harassers in cities before in the evening because of my size and measurements.

for me it isn’t based on size. it’s based on movement at the end. just 55 years of experience, but I’d say it’s a strong chance the bomber’s a woman.

Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:19:14pm

re: #94 Florida Panhandler

Let them hang themselves in the public square.

We are witnessing the agony of a slow death of a major political party. The problem is, in its wake- there will be a smaller but hardcore fascist party openly calling for revolution and violence.

This is the problem: We’ve been here too many times in the past to put a lot of stock in it. Why? Because they don’t need a majority of the voters in the state in order to seize power, they only need a majority of the voters they allow to cast a vote. And after this past November, you can be sure they will do everything in their power before 2022 to suppress as votes as it takes to put their pro-Trump slate into office.

retired cynic  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:20:03pm

Madison Cawthorn Laid Out the Present and Future of Republican Politics
It’s not about legislating, or fixing problems. It’s about the show. by Jack Holmes, Esquire.

These folks are just Conservative Media Stars now, people who were throwing red meat online when suddenly it all got real and they were elected to Congress because that’s all that Republican primary voters want anyway. Cawthorn’s mandate is to engage in a theatrical battle with the various Enemies—Democrats and the Radical Left, the Fake News Media, Republicans who are deemed traitors to the cause—for the satisfaction of those people who have been told for 30 years that these groups are out to destroy The America You Know and Love.

Dave In Austin  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:20:18pm

So this just came across my Marketplace feed on FB.

Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:28:42pm

re: #99 retired cynic

Madison Cawthorn Laid Out the Present and Future of Republican Politics
It’s not about legislating, or fixing problems. It’s about the show. by Jack Holmes, Esquire.

It’s all bread and circuses for them. All you have to do when in the minority is declare you’re “fighting” for them and when in the majority throw up your hands every time your uber-wingnut bill fails and blame some MAGAt boogeyman and you’re golden. Why? Because even if the Old Guard hate your guts and want you gone in the worst way, they’ll still show up to boost for you at election time because they can’t afford to lose your seat.

Belafon  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:31:01pm

re: #98 Targetpractice

This is the problem: We’ve been here too many times in the past to put a lot of stock in it. Why? Because they don’t need a majority of the voters in the state in order to seize power, they only need a majority of the voters they allow to cast a vote. And after this past November, you can be sure they will do everything in their power before 2022 to suppress as votes as it takes to put their pro-Trump slate into office.

The party is dying. The problem is that our current form of government allows them to keep issuing commands from their death bed.

Patricia Kayden  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:34:10pm

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:36:46pm

re: #103 Patricia Kayden

lol. They do not understand Get out the Vote. Biden and his fellow democrats registered more people and by doing so got more people to vote. It is as simple as that.

Renaissance_Man  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:36:51pm

After re: #29 Colère Tueur de Lapin

Second? We would become a de facto feudal society.

America is already a de facto feudal society. Wealthy white aristocrats are, for all intents and purposes, above the law. It is a caste system that exists to maintain a feudal oligarchy.

Renaissance_Man  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:40:21pm

re: #98 Targetpractice

This is the problem: We’ve been here too many times in the past to put a lot of stock in it. Why? Because they don’t need a majority of the voters in the state in order to seize power, they only need a majority of the voters they allow to cast a vote. And after this past November, you can be sure they will do everything in their power before 2022 to suppress as votes as it takes to put their pro-Trump slate into office.

Absolutely. After 2016 the powerbrokers on the right realised that Republicans would vote for anything. Anything at all, as long as it gave them the same pleasurable feeling of hate. The size of that voter base is not relevant - winning most votes only matters in a democracy, which the US is not.

Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:40:29pm

re: #102 Belafon

The party is dying. The problem is that our current form of government allows them to keep issuing commands from their death bed.

Every time we’re told that the party is “dying,” the damned thing lurches to life and takes another bite out of our ass. My biggest worry right now? That with Trump gone from the WH, it’s going to be an even bigger uphill climb to avoid losing one or both houses of Congress.

LadyBehir  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:41:16pm

But but but HE NEVER LEFT HIS BASEMENT! How could he have gotten so many votes when only 10 people showed up at his rallies? Election was stolen! He’s a fake president.

This is what I am living with. I’ve given up on arguing about it.

darthstar  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:42:03pm

These people should be arrested and charged with public endangerment for preventing access to medical care.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:44:02pm

re: #108 LadyBehir

One of my neighbors still has his Biden/Harris lawn sign out. I am not offended by it. As a matter of fact it was very reassuring to see it to know that yes, Joe and Kamala won.

William Lewis  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:52:59pm

re: #105 Renaissance_Man


America is already a de facto feudal society. Wealthy white aristocrats are, for all intents and purposes, above the law. It is a caste system that exists to maintain a feudal oligarchy.

With capitalism as a way to keep the money in the hands of money and away from the peons; all the rules that matter are designed to that end.

Marx would be half horrified and half amused if he could redo his analysis now.

retired cynic  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:54:01pm

h/t Bob Cesca dot com

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:55:05pm

re: #88 William Lewis

No effing reason to be shooting at a shoplifter. If I were the DA I’d charge the fool with attempted murder (though a conviction on reckless endangerment would be good.). I also hope the person he hit sues the snot out of him.

There are valid places and times to use a personal defense weapon, though many fewer than RAMBO! wants to imagine. This was emphatically not one of them.

Wingnuts imagine themselves as gunslinger sheriffs or something. Libertarians hold property rights to be sacred above everything else.

That said, Arizona doesn’t have an explicit “stand your ground” law, and force used must be proportional to the threat (shoplifting doesn’t equal shooting like it does say in Florida).

That said, to get a conviction on murder or manslaughter charges, you would need to have a jury of twelve non-wingnuts and non-libertarians to avoid a hung jury.

A more likely favourable outcome would be if the employee sued, but that also assumes the shooter has anything worth taking.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Jan 30, 2021 • 2:59:53pm
William Lewis  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:00:19pm

re: #113 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Wingnuts imagine themselves as gunslinger sheriffs or something. Libertarians hold property rights to be sacred above everything else.

That said, Arizona doesn’t have an explicit “stand your ground” law, and force used must be proportional to the threat (shoplifting doesn’t equal shooting like it does say in Florida).

That said, to get a conviction on murder or manslaughter charges, you would need to have a jury of twelve non-wingnuts and non-libertarians to avoid a hung jury.

A more likely favourable outcome would be if the employee sued, but that also assumes the shooter has anything worth taking.

I think in terms of Wisconsin law which is similar to Arizona, not Fl.

Could probably get 10k from auctioning off the asshat’s firearms… but that would be about it.

Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:01:22pm

re: #113 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Wingnuts imagine themselves as gunslinger sheriffs or something. Libertarians hold property rights to be sacred above everything else.

That said, Arizona doesn’t have an explicit “stand your ground” law, and force used must be proportional to the threat (shoplifting doesn’t equal shooting like it does say in Florida).

That said, to get a conviction on murder or manslaughter charges, you would need to have a jury of twelve non-wingnuts and non-libertarians to avoid a hung jury.

A more likely favourable outcome would be if the employee sued, but that also assumes the shooter has anything worth taking.

Realistically, only way I see this going anywhere is if the cops and their pet prosecutors think there’s any chance of a conviction. If they decline to bring charges, then it’s likely not going to go much further. If the employee sues, he’ll be the one who ends up on trial for chasing the shoplifter rather than just calling the cops and letting them handle it.

No Malarkey!  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:03:52pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:09:32pm

re: #91 Nyet

That’s … weird.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:12:01pm
Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:15:27pm

re: #117 No Malarkey!

[Embedded content]

Here’s a hell of a thought: The WH isn’t addressing the issue because that’s not the WH’s responsibility. Marianne should probably call up the SEC and ask them how they’re planning to handle the matter. Much like his old boss, Biden seems to think that the WH should stay out of matters where it’s not involved.

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:15:51pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:16:12pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:17:40pm

re: #97 steve_davis

for me it isn’t based on size. it’s based on movement at the end. just 55 years of experience, but I’d say it’s a strong chance the bomber’s a woman.

I can’t tell by watching the video. The person could also be a teenager.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:18:29pm
Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:18:55pm

re: #121 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

Third option: The party’s Old Guard remembers how badly they underestimated the “Tea Party” and are scared shitless that Trump’s threats of launching a “Patriot Party” could genuinely amount to more than empty threats.

Belafon  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:22:23pm

re: #125 Targetpractice

Which would make them “the weakest, wimpiest, most pathetic crop of needy nincompoops in U.S. history.”

LadyBehir  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:24:52pm

re: #110 PhillyPretzel

I am in Central PA, land of Trump. Still have the garage door sized Trump posters all over the place. Blech.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:27:43pm

re: #127 LadyBehir

I know. Most of PA especially outside the larger cities is DT country.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:28:37pm

re: #127 LadyBehir

I am in Central PA, land of Trump. Still have the garage door sized Trump posters all over the place. Blech.

Most of the Trump paraphernalia here in the Panhandle is gone. (There are a few diehards between here and Wyoming who still have a Trump flag or a yard sign, but not many.) Cross the line into Wyoming though and the state looks like a cult camp.

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:29:09pm
Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:30:43pm

re: #126 Belafon

Which would make them “the weakest, wimpiest, most pathetic crop of needy nincompoops in U.S. history.”

The problem facing the party is those nincompoops vote and they vote in large numbers. 74 million of them showed up just shy of three months ago to reelect the swampiest MFer in US history, then came back two months later at his order to try to keep him in power through a bloody coup. Even if they’re not worried about physical injury or worse, the Old Guard is worried that Trump could cause them all sorts of grief by knocking off incumbents in primary challenges, turning 2022 into a crap shoot against a very determined opposition.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:32:23pm

Publix. A major donor of desantis and the only places providing vaccination services in Florida. The entire state.

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:37:17pm

The congressman had received a second dose of the Pfizer vaccine and had tested negative for Covid-19 before attending President Joe Biden’s inauguration on January 20, Tarpey said. But she did not specify when Lynch received each dose of the vaccine.

Covid-19 vaccines prevent illness, but do not necessarily prevent infection. If someone tests positive and doesn’t get sick, the vaccine has worked as intended. If someone tests positive within a few weeks of receiving the second dose, it may be because the vaccine hasn’t yet fully kicked in.

No Malarkey!  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:38:17pm
I Would Prefer Not To  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:39:38pm

re: #134 No Malarkey!

[Embedded content]

Calling for Democrats to be murdered seems like a policy to me.

No Malarkey!  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:41:11pm

re: #135 I Would Prefer Not To

Calling for Democrats to be murdered seems like a policy to me.

One Republicans feel no need to disavow.

Patricia Kayden  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:46:07pm

re: #98 Targetpractice

Exactly. The Republican Party isn’t anywhere near to being dead. As long as there are voters who support White Supremacy and rightwing bigotry, Republicans are safe in red states. The Senators that we thought were most at risk easily won re-election. I was hoping that at least the odious Collins would be dethroned but she’s still in the Senate.

darthstar  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:46:42pm

Some in the Q think Trump is still president and creating a cabinet.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:47:46pm

re: #133 Dread Pirate Ron

I’ve seen that story several times and not once did it say when the doses were given. This supposedly happened to another person, too, but again, no dates.

Really does a disservice, IMHO.

Decatur Deb  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:47:47pm

re: #132 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Publix. A major donor of desantis and the only places providing vaccination services in Florida. The entire state.

Shit. We love our Publix stores. When they opened 3 in our town it was a real boost to our quality-of-life. I just followed the story to the Tallahassee newspaper. They’re fuckers. And BOGO isn’t enough.

Targetpractice  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:49:32pm

re: #134 No Malarkey!

[Embedded content]

Way the party leadership views it, members like MTG are problems that are self-correcting. Either she’ll eventually “settle down,” she’ll become popular enough that they feel safe supporting her, or she’ll lose her reelection bid and be gone.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:50:51pm

re: #140 Decatur Deb

Shit. We love our Publix stores. When they opened 3 in our town it was a real boost to our quality-of-life. I just followed the story to the Tallahassee newspaper. They’re fuckers. And BOGO isn’t enough.

I always liked Publix when I was down south. It’s a shame. But like Home Depot, I’ll never shop there again (given the opportunity, that is).

Really depressing how fucked up these rich assholes are.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:52:11pm

I also routinely went to Publix when I visited Florida.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:54:22pm

re: #143 Eclectic Cyborg

When I was in FL a few years ago my friends and I went to a Publix and it was okay. It reminded of the Acme in my neighborhood.

Decatur Deb  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:54:28pm

re: #142 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

I always liked Publix when I was down south. It’s a shame. But like Home Depot, I’ll never shop there again (given the opportunity, that is).

Really depressing how fucked up these rich assholes are.

After reading the Florida stuff, we’ll feel cleaner dealing with Walmart and Sam’s. They’re just ordinary robber barons.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:54:49pm
Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:56:26pm
Decatur Deb  Jan 30, 2021 • 3:57:15pm

re: #143 Eclectic Cyborg

I also routinely went to Publix when I visited Florida.

They’re a really nice supermarket. Fuck them.

Florida Panhandler  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:00:04pm

re: #138 darthstar

Some in the Q think Trump is still president and creating a cabinet.

Someone should ask who is going to be paying for Trump’s “cabinet” and more importantly who is going to cough up the many many $ Millions to pay the salary of these supposed “National Guard” members. It sure as hell won’t be the US Government. And Trump paying for it? Lol!

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:13:23pm

And apparently dejoy can’t be done away with.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:14:44pm


PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:15:16pm

re: #150 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

And yes there are delays. I got a notice of a sale a few days ago that ended Jan 3rd. And I think Joe will one up with a way to replace DT’s person.

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:16:08pm
austin_blue  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:17:08pm

The total covid-19 deaths have exceeded 449,974 today according to Woldometer, which exceeds the population of this US City’s population at the end of 2019, per the US Census estimate:

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:17:17pm

re: #148 Decatur Deb

They’re a really nice supermarket. Fuck them.

I rarely went to Publix when I lived in Florida, but not for political reasons. When I lived in Dade City I usually went to Winn-Dixie. When I lived in Jacksonville Beach, almost all my shopping was at the Commissary.

darthstar  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:25:44pm

Pro tip. If you’re wearing an eagle head to an insurrection, don’t take it off.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:26:26pm

More please. Lots more.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:26:48pm

Talked to a Black friend today. She lives in nearby Gordon but she has a lot of friends and relatives in inner-city Dallas. She says that the brazen display of white privilege in the aftermath of the Capitol insurrection is THE red hot topic of conversation now. When some goober gets personal recognizance after assaulting a federal officer, the folks in town all nod their heads and say, “Uh-huh, if we did that, we’d either be dead or they’d have thrown away the key.”

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:27:46pm

re: #156 darthstar

Pro tip. If you’re wearing an eagle head to an insurrection, don’t take it off.

Horn boy never took off his shit. Still got busted.

As will this guy.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:28:37pm

Welp, 2021 just took an abrupt face-heel turn. My furnace is down for the count. It started making worrisome noises on Thursday, I had my father-in-law (who owns and runs a heating/plumbing business) take a look at it. He told me to take apart and adjust the alignment of the blower wheel. I took it apart, and… it wasn’t the blower wheel. The blower motor is on its last legs. His heater guys are both out of town, so I may wind up having to replace the motor myself. (Or call someone from another firm, which would cost me major coin.) For now, space heaters are running all around the house.

Patricia Kayden  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:29:03pm
PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:29:05pm

re: #159 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

As will a lot of them. FBI and others are pooling their resources and I believe a lot of them will be caught.

No Malarkey!  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:29:25pm
Romantic Heretic  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:29:34pm

re: #111 William Lewis

With capitalism as a way to keep the money in the hands of money and away from the peons; all the rules that matter are designed to that end.

Marx would be half horrified and half amused if he could redo his analysis now.

The odd thing is that the wealthy, who all hate Marx, are doing their damndest to prove Marx was right about capitalism.

darthstar  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:30:22pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:34:23pm

The race to replace Ricketts: Who’s in, who’s thinking, who’s out of campaign for governor (Omaha World-Herald)

A huge array of Republicans (all of whom are anti-abortion and most of whom support privatising schools or supporting tax breaks for people who make donations to him), conservative Democratic former Senator Bob Krist (who angered Democrats here by endorsing Republican Representative Don Bacon for reëlection over the Democratic candidate Kara Eastman), and Democratic state Senator Steve Lathrop of Omaha (also anti-abortion).

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:34:37pm

re: #165 darthstar

Using PPP money to finance her campaign? Would that fall under RICO or IRS?

DodgerFan1988  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:40:13pm

These Anti-Vaxxers need to crawl back to the sewers from where they came from.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:40:48pm

But but but there’s a feel good story on how GoFundMe raised money for someone somewhere!

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:42:05pm

re: #162 PhillyPretzel

As will a lot of them. FBI and others are pooling their resources and I believe a lot of them will be caught.

Plus there so unpopular in their own circles their “friends” and families are turning them in.

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:42:51pm
PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:44:14pm

re: #170 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Yes. It goes to show that most of these people are not liked or as popular as they thought.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:44:56pm

re: #168 DodgerFan1988

These Anti-Vaxxers need to crawl back to the sewers from where they came from.

They’re maga trumpers who were told to not wear trump shit because they needed to make the other side get them.

Arrest those motherfuckers. Tear gas. Rubber bullets.

Seriously. What. The. Fuck.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:48:06pm

re: #109 darthstar

These people should be arrested and charged with public endangerment for preventing access to medical care.

I have no idea what this woman is protesting.

EstebanTornado1963  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:49:25pm

If BLM did that, they would’ve been beaten by the pigs. This is a fucking racist country.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:50:02pm

Dang. Helicopters are over head. I wonder who are they looking for.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:50:03pm

re: #174 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I have no idea what this woman is protesting.

Neither does she.

PrairieQueen  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:51:21pm

re: #122 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

The Lincoln Project’s legal response to the false and defamatory statements made by Rudy Giuliani.

Where the GOP is shaking in its shoes about Trump splintering the GOP with his so-called Patriots, this is an indication the stock value of such a venture may be on a trajectory straight to the bottom of the toilet.

Call it a grievous error, call it shooting yourself in the foot, or call it the inevitable result of working exclusively with idiot grifters, there’s a good chance Trump and his cohorts will be the best evidence for their destruction.

And I’m here for it. All of it.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:51:31pm

re: #177 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

The sign is made to make people stop and look. Nothing else.

No Malarkey!  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:53:46pm

re: #170 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Plus there so unpopular in their own circles their “friends” and families are turning them in.

I’m obsessed with who Elizabeth from Knoxville is, and why she hasn’t been arrested yet.

Decatur Deb  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:55:51pm

re: #180 No Malarkey!

I’m obsessed with who Elizabeth from Knoxville is, and why she hasn’t been arrested yet.

She’s been identified (yesterday thread). Don’t know if she’s been bagged and tagged.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:55:57pm

re: #180 No Malarkey!

I’m obsessed with who Elizabeth from Knoxville is, and why she hasn’t been arrested yet.

Me, too! I’ve looked. Nada.

The local news people tried to get a hold of her. Apparently she’s not as stupid as she seemed. Or her Mama told her to STFU.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:56:34pm

re: #181 Decatur Deb

She’s been identified (yesterday thread). Don’t know if she’s been bagged and tagged.

Really? Was hey name Elizabeth? I totally missed that.

austin_blue  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:56:38pm

re: #160 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

Welp, 2021 just took an abrupt face-heel turn. My furnace is down for the count. It started making worrisome noises on Thursday, I had my father-in-law (who owns and runs a heating/plumbing business) take a look at it. He told me to take apart and adjust the alignment of the blower wheel. I took it apart, and… it wasn’t the blower wheel. The blower motor is on its last legs. His heater guys are both out of town, so I may wind up having to replace the motor myself. (Or call someone from another firm, which would cost me major coin.) For now, space heaters are running all around the house.

Get the model # off the blower motor and look it up on the web and order it *now*.

If your system is older, it is likely that your FIL doesn’t have one in stock and would have to do that anyway. Save some time and have the item available for installation when the tech arrives. Kind of a win-win.

While you are fucking around in the guts of the heater, you might as well check the axle and bearings of the blower and grease ‘em up.

Is this an old oil heater? Coal? NatGas? How old?

Just curious.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:58:05pm
O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:58:27pm

re: #184 austin_blue

Get the model # off the blower motor and look it up on the web and order it *now*.

If your system is older, it is likely that your FIL doesn’t have one in stock and would have to do that anyway. Save some time and have the item available for installation when the tech arrives. Kind of a win-win.

While you are fucking around in the guts of the heater, you might as well check the axle and bearings of the blower and grease ‘em up.

Is this an old oil heater? Coal? NatGas? How old?

Just curious.

Gave the information to my father-in-law, he can order it at cost. It is a relatively new (25 years) natural gas furnace. I’d be surprised to see coal in this area, oil is definitely a possibility given our proximity to the Dakotas.

Decatur Deb  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:59:20pm

re: #183 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Really? Was hey name Elizabeth? I totally missed that.

Elizabeth, yes. Knoxville, no. (At least she grew up and went to school in Virginia or someplace. They have her HS yearbook photos—I think that was here, but there’s a lot of traffic in the Intertubes.)

Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 30, 2021 • 4:59:22pm
A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:00:49pm

re: #158 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

Talked to a Black friend today. She lives in nearby Gordon but she has a lot of friends and relatives in inner-city Dallas. She says that the brazen display of white privilege in the aftermath of the Capitol insurrection is THE red hot topic of conversation now. When some goober gets personal recognizance after assaulting a federal officer, the folks in town all nod their heads and say, “Uh-huh, if we did that, we’d either be dead or they’d have thrown away the key.”

Rachel had a segment on that yesterday. Apparently, after it’s happened locally, the feds have appealed and judges have said nope — and the perps have found their “own recognizance” revoked and their asses in jail for the duration. As they should be.

But I’m making a little list of places I’ll need a really good reason to visit. If they’ll let these people out on their own recognizance, who knows who else is running around free and awaiting trial?

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:00:55pm

re: #188 Dread Pirate Ron

Add Virginia to that list. I saw that today.

Decatur Deb  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:03:29pm

re: #183 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Really? Was hey name Elizabeth? I totally missed that.

edit: 2nd source

A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:04:35pm

re: #163 No Malarkey!

Senator Ted Cruz
Jan 30, 2021
At least 40 executive actions and counting for President Biden.

“And all of them to undo executive orders made by DT. You must be happy, since you’re so opposed to executive orders.”

PrairieQueen  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:06:00pm

re: #168 DodgerFan1988

These Anti-Vaxxers need to crawl back to the sewers from where they came from.

I was thinking when I’m able to get the vaccine, I’m going to. I already had COVID last year, so I don’t want to take away the chance for someone more vulnerable to get vaccinated. But I’ll get the vaccine when I can to show I’m not afraid of a goddamned mf vaccine.

I’ve been vaccinated for polio and who knows what else early in my lifetime, taken to the doctor by my mom, since I was tiny. But now I’m supposed to fear them because a bunch of (usually Trump-loving) lunatics? Because Fauci and Bill Gates are in cahoots? Because this was all just a plan to make Trump look bad and steal an election? Because the virus I already had is a hoax?

Even worse, my mom that took me and my siblings to be vaccinated as a child, has become suspicious of the COVID vaccine because of the lunatic fringe. And she’s one of the most vulnerable. SMH.

This kind of idiocy has killed people, and will continue to kill people.

steve_davis  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:11:01pm

re: #123 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I can’t tell by watching the video. The person could also be a teenager.

possible. something about the movement of the ass.

PrairieQueen  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:15:40pm

re: #123 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I can’t tell by watching the video. The person could also be a teenager.

Doesn’t look like any boobs and the hips are pretty straight. I know women built like that, but it doesn’t make me think female when I see it.

Whoever it is, I’m pretty confident they’ll be caught. I just wish there was more video footage from surrounding areas. Dang it. These would be some serious charges and whoever is involved absolutely does not want to be found. It’s maddening.

austin_blue  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:17:45pm

re: #174 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I have no idea what this woman is protesting.

Well, see, it’s a threaded rubber ball that is inserted into the mouth and is then bound with a ball-cap sizer or buckle behind you neck. Like so:

Image: File:Ball_gag1.jpg

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:21:01pm
lawhawk  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:21:53pm

Trump hired a couple of South Carolina lawyers to handle his impeachment. They were legit experts.

They’re no longer part of his impeachment defense team.

They’re calling it mutual.

I think they quit because Trump refused to listen to them, and he thought that he knew better than his lawyers. Same as always.

There’s a reason Trump’s surrounded himself with the worst kinds of lawyers and none of the biggest law firms in the nation want anything to do with him.

He’s a shitmonger and a treasonweasel, and none of them can trust Trump as a client - either to pay or to be honest as part of any defense prep.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:23:07pm

re: #195 PrairieQueen

Doesn’t look like any boobs and the hips are pretty straight. I know women built like that, but it doesn’t make me think female when I see it.

Whoever it is, I’m pretty confident they’ll be caught. I just wish there was more video footage from surrounding areas. Dang it. These would be some serious charges and whoever is involved absolutely does not want to be found. It’s maddening.

Kinda fascinating to me that the guys here think it’s a woman and the gals here think it’s a dude.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:23:15pm

re: #160 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

blower went out on our pellet stove a couple of Sundays ago.
We were able to swap in the pellet stove from our shop and used that the two days it took for a new part to be ordered and delivered. Didn’t realize it needed a new gasket, so a trip was made to Auto Zone in the next county for for high heat resistant gasket material and we did a DIY cut (just like the old days doing car repairs!)

Otherwise, easy peasy repair.

Hope yours is just as easy peasy.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:23:39pm

re: #189 A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!

Rachel had a segment on that yesterday. Apparently, after it’s happened locally, the feds have appealed and judges have said nope — and the perps have found their “own recognizance” revoked and their asses in jail for the duration. As they should be.

But I’m making a little list of places I’ll need a really good reason to visit. If they’ll let these people out on their own recognizance, who knows who else is running around free and awaiting trial?

Apparently none of these nutbars are from the Nebraska Panhandle … Omaha did send one of the Catholic priests who performed an exorcism on the Capitol to overturn voter fraud though.

PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:24:03pm

re: #198 lawhawk

So DT had experts and they quit on him. I am not surprised.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:25:22pm

re: #200 Backwoods_Sleuth

blower went out on our pellet stove a couple of Sundays ago.
We were ableto swap in the pellet stove from our shop and used that the two days it took for a new part to be ordered and delivered. Didn’ trealize it needed a new gasket, so a trip was made to Auto Zone in the next county for for high heat resistant gasket material and we did a DIY cut (just like the old days doing car repairs!)

Otherwise, easy peasy repair.

Hope yours is just as easy peasy.

Straight swapping of the motor doesn’t look to be that big of a deal. I have the blower unit dropped out of the furnace; that was the easy part, two screws and it just slides out. I need to snap a couple of pictures of all the wires to make sure I get them all back on correctly, then unplug/disconnect everything, haul the unit out of the furnace, and then the swap is pretty simple. Unhook the motor, separate it from the blower fan, installation is the reverse of removal.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:25:29pm
lawhawk  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:26:37pm

re: #204 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:27:34pm

re: #200 Backwoods_Sleuth

re: #203 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

You guys! I’d be like Where’s the furnace?

I’m so deficient.

Teukka  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:27:40pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:28:07pm

re: #195 PrairieQueen

Doesn’t look like any boobs and the hips are pretty straight. I know women built like that, but it doesn’t make me think female when I see it.

Whoever it is, I’m pretty confident they’ll be caught. I just wish there was more video footage from surrounding areas. Dang it. These would be some serious charges and whoever is involved absolutely does not want to be found. It’s maddening.

I have boobs (thanks gynecomastia) and a 36-26-36 shape, but I’m pretty sure I’m a man.

“Honey, am I a man?”
“What kind of a question is that? Check your ID card if you don’t know.”

danarchy  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:28:42pm

re: #202 PhillyPretzel

So DT had experts and they quit on him. I am not surprised.

How do you get to be an expert on impeachment? It is something that happens pretty rarely. I mean you can study the hell out of something, but until you do it a bunch of times how can you be an expert?

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:28:45pm

re: #121 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

I remember hating Kathleen Parker in the 1990’s when I first encountered her. She is one of those who contributed to the downfall of public discourse. All she could do is mock and disparage the Clintons, not focusing on thoughtful criticism of his policies. My recollection, which is very shaky, is that she was positively vicious concerning Clinton’s relationship with Monica, treating it as the crime of the year.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:29:30pm

re: #206 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

You guys! I’d be like Where’s the furnace?

I’m so deficient.

I’ll admit I was pretty intimidated at first, but once I got a good look with a cool head, it fell pretty easily into my wheelhouse. Mrs. Fish always wishes she could learn how to do things like this, because she’s terrified of what would happen if I go down. She’d be set for life financially, but that doesn’t help if she doesn’t know how to do maintenance on the things she’d inherit.

Belafon  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:31:23pm

This is actually funny: Biden and Harris did an interview on a West Virginia station and Manchin doesn’t quite grasp what they did.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:33:33pm

re: #196 austin_blue

Well, see, it’s a threaded rubber ball that is inserted into the mouth and is then bound with a ball-cap sizer or buckle behind you neck. Like so:

Image: File:Ball_gag1.jpg

Perhaps she’s into dog-style bedroom play. As in a dog muzzle.

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:33:56pm

re: #195 PrairieQueen

Doesn’t look like any boobs and the hips are pretty straight. I know women built like that, but it doesn’t make me think female when I see it.

Whoever it is, I’m pretty confident they’ll be caught. I just wish there was more video footage from surrounding areas. Dang it. These would be some serious charges and whoever is involved absolutely does not want to be found. It’s maddening.

I share your optimism. This person has accomplices. There is a very good chance that one or more of those accomplices have been caught in the insurrection dragnet or soon will be. The FBI will shake the tree and shake it hard. Something will fall out

A Three Hour Tour  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:36:20pm

re: #187 Decatur Deb

Elizabeth, yes. Knoxville, no. (At least she grew up and went to school in Virginia or someplace. They have her HS yearbook photos—I think that was here, but there’s a lot of traffic in the Intertubes.)

Elizabeth Noch (or Koch -both spellings are given in the article identifying her in probably an autocorrect generated error not caught by proofreaders) apparently went to high school in Bowie, Maryland, not far from DC.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:36:30pm

re: #213 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Perhaps she’s into dog-style bedroom play. As in a dog muzzle.

Y’all know she’s bitching about conservatives being muzzled, right? She’s heard about it from every outlet, both print and TV, from cost to coast. Those poor conservatives.

No Malarkey!  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:37:11pm



PhillyPretzel  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:39:44pm

re: #217 No Malarkey!


Teukka  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:40:47pm

So, someone asked me a question in a thread about MTG, and is my take to cringey?

No Malarkey!  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:42:08pm

re: #218 PhillyPretzel

[Embedded content]


Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:45:25pm

re: #203 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

Straight swapping of the motor doesn’t look to be that big of a deal. I have the blower unit dropped out of the furnace; that was the easy part, two screws and it just slides out. I need to snap a couple of pictures of all the wires to make sure I get them all back on correctly, then unplug/disconnect everything, haul the unit out of the furnace, and then the swap is pretty simple. Unhook the motor, separate it from the blower fan, installation is the reverse of removal.

sounds good.
good on you getting a head start on it.

Danack  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:47:09pm

For people who want to understand where Q-anon came from, and more importantly, what is the underlying type of ‘belief’ system that powers it, I can’t over-recommend this video:

In Search Of A Flat Earth

Disclaimer, you may not be at all happier after watching this video.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:48:09pm

re: #185 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:48:54pm

re: #221 Backwoods_Sleuth

sounds good.
good on you getting a head start on it.

For as much as I bag on my dad for being a Trump-humping evangelical wingnut, he taught me well. I am a true heir to the “jack of all trades, master of none” trait that runs in my family.

No Malarkey!  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:50:30pm

Did Trump not pay them, or is he just too toxic?

Teukka  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:51:07pm

re: #222 Danack

For people who want to understand where Q-anon came from, and more importantly, what is the underlying type of ‘belief’ system that powers it, I can’t over-recommend this video:

[Embedded content]

Disclaimer, you may not be at all happier after watching this video.

Seen it. Recommend it warmly.

As to Qanon beliefs, a significant amount appears to be ancient antisemitic tropes, just refurbed, repackaged and given a snazzy new paint job. One of the most obvious examples is the adrenochrome conspiracy theory, which is a fruit of the same branch of the tree as the blood libel, just repackaged, refurbed, with new paint.

Learn to look past the names of bogeymen and scapegoats, their race, ethnicity, nationality, religion, politics, etc., and look at the base narrative, and you’ll see it’s the same old shit.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:51:59pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:52:11pm


Facebook’s Oversight Board wants your feedback on whether the company was right to ban Trump (The Verge) (link for the comment form)

Facebook’s Oversight Board, the independent body empowered to review the social network’s most complex platform moderation decisions, is now accepting public comments on the company’s decision to “indefinitely” ban former President Donald Trump in the aftermath of the US Capitol attack on January 6th.

The two posts in question include the one-minute video Trump posted to his account on January 6th repeating false claims that the US election was stolen from him and offering words of sympathy to the Capitol rioters, some of whom were, at that moment, continuing to endanger the lives of Congress members and Capitol police.

The second is a written post in which Trump wrote, “These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long. Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”


Danack  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:52:52pm

I wonder if this has anything to do with Trump’s lawyers quitting:

Khal Wimpo (exhaling for 1st time in 4 yrs)  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:52:55pm

The charges being filed by the FBI against the Capital coup terrorists are starting to drop, one by one

Proud Boys leader planned to return with guns to kill Nancy Pelosi, Mike Pence and “any other motherfucker we can find.”

This is Dominic Pezzola.

Victory smoke in the Capitol, boys. This isfucking awesome. I knew we could take this motherfucker over [if we] just tried hard enough.”

This was not free speech.

This was a murder mission, conducted by evil terrorist with hate in their hearts and weapons in their hands.

ipsos  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:54:32pm

re: #230 Khal Wimpo (exhaling for 1st time in 4 yrs)

I hate that this asshole is from my city.

Eclectic Cyborg  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:55:00pm

re: #229 Danack

I wonder if this has anything to do with Trump’s lawyers quitting:

Possibly, but I agree with the others who have said it’s mostly because Trump is an asshole who won’t listen to them.

retired cynic  Jan 30, 2021 • 5:59:56pm

re: #227 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Damn them.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:01:38pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:06:31pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:06:58pm
Teukka  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:07:51pm

re: #234 Backwoods_Sleuth

Now you understand my line of thought re: Sufficient stupidity vs. Malice?

PrairieQueen  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:08:17pm

re: #234 Backwoods_Sleuth

Arrest these fucks. Nobody gets to interfere with an individual getting medical attention, whether it’s a vaccine or a fucking ace bandage wrap. Not their right. Not their place. Not their goddamned business.

I can’t imagine waiting in line, just to be sent home empty after some fucking moron shouts at you about hoaxes on a virus that has killed hundreds of thousands of people.

Arrest them. Just arrest them. Do we have to activate the National Guard to protect people just to get a fucking shot in the arm? Okay, then do it.

Decatur Deb  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:11:05pm

re: #238 PrairieQueen

Arrest these fucks. Nobody gets to interfere with an individual getting medical attention, whether it’s a vaccine or a fucking ace bandage wrap. Not their right. Not their place. Not their goddamned business.

I can’t imagine waiting in line, just to be sent home empty after some fucking moron shouts at you about hoaxes on a virus that has killed hundreds of thousands of people.

Arrest them. Just arrest them. Do we have to activate the National Guard to protect people just to get a fucking shot in the arm? Okay, then do it.

Proficiency gained through years of practice blocking abortion clinics.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:11:25pm

Docu-Shred Truck Inside Building Catches Fire, All Paper Loaded on the Truck Destroyed (Scottsbluff, Nebr. Star-Herald)

(Includes video of a house fire not related to the fire at Docu-Shread in Gering)

Gering and Scottsbluff firefighters spent about four hours battling a fire at a Gering business Thursday and early Friday morning.

Firefighters were called to the Docu-Shred business, located in the 100 block of M Street, at about 10:40 p.m. to a call of heavy smoke coming from a structure, Gering Fire Chief Nathan Flowers told the Star-Herald.

Arriving firefighters observed heavy smoke coming from the eaves and made entry into the business. Flowers said they did a quick knockdown of a fire in the business and were able to determine the source of the fire coming from a truck containing a compactor-shredder.

The fire in the truck continued to burn, he said, and firefighters were able to isolate the truck by removing it from the building. The truck was full of shredded paper, making it difficult to suppress the fire, and all of the paper had to be removed.


I guess they don’t need to shred the documents now.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:11:47pm

re: #131 Targetpractice

The problem facing the party is those nincompoops vote and they vote in large numbers. 74 million of them showed up just shy of three months ago to reelect the swampiest MFer in US history, then came back two months later at his order to try to keep him in power through a bloody coup. Even if they’re not worried about physical injury or worse, the Old Guard is worried that Trump could cause them all sorts of grief by knocking off incumbents in primary challenges, turning 2022 into a crap shoot against a very determined opposition.

It is not those who showed up on January 6 who are the danger to our democracy; it’s the puppet masters behind “Stop the Steal”, who were providing Trump the tools to overturn the election results; it’s those like Cleta Mitchell, the attorney on the infamous call to Brad Raffensperger, who are destroying our country. The true villain is ALEC — and they’ve been planning a coup since February, 2020. It’s a fight to the death: if ALEC survives, our nation will not. Years ago, ALEC destroyed ACORN because ACORN was helping to register minority voters; they will do anything to retain power for the white elite, including being behind widespread voter disenfranchisement. The Arizona Republican introducing legislation to ignore election results is part of this pattern. They failed this time — but the next time we won’t be so lucky.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:15:50pm

Y’all, stop what you’re doing and marvel at the pictures in this thread. Seriously. Wow!!!!

PrairieQueen  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:20:57pm

Guys that never get over the fact they have a dick, and they need to show it to anyone who’ll look.

The Pie Overlord!  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:21:39pm

re: #242 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Y’all, stop what you’re doing and marvel at the pictures in this thread. Seriously. Wow!!!!

[Embedded content]

OMG the ‘70’s decor! I. AM. DED.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:21:52pm

re: #243 PrairieQueen

Guys that never get over the fact they have a dick, and they need to show it to anyone who’ll look.

Another? Damn.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:23:01pm

re: #244 The Pie Overlord!

OMG the ‘70’s decor! I. AM. DED.

The details! I’m gonna fire up the computer so I can look at all the details. It’s mind blowing.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:27:22pm

Publix now in damage-control mode.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:29:58pm
Pawn of the Oppressor  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:30:49pm

re: #242 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Y’all, stop what you’re doing and marvel at the pictures in this thread. Seriously. Wow!!!!

Good lord. Some of the details are giving me childhood flashbacks.

I feel like I want to film a retro sitcom in there.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:31:01pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:31:18pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:32:10pm

re: #249 Pawn of the Oppressor

Good lord. Some of the details are giving me childhood flashbacks.

I feel like I want to film a retro sitcom in there.

INORITE?! My life back in the day.

I’m so impressed. It’s stunning.

No Malarkey!  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:33:21pm

re: #251 Backwoods_Sleuth

Now we know. No reputable attorney is willing to lie to the Senate for Trump.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:33:56pm
PrairieQueen  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:34:31pm

re: #251 Backwoods_Sleuth

What would be awesome, is if Trump represented himself, like Ted Bundy.

Also, was led out of court in chains, like Ted Bundy.

The Pie Overlord!  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:35:32pm

re: #255 PrairieQueen

What would be awesome, is if Trump represented himself, like Ted Bundy.

Also, was led out of court in chains, like Ted Bundy.

He could still get Rudy to rep him, then they could both be led out in chains.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:35:44pm
jaunte  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:37:19pm

Looks like the attorneys aren’t the problem.

Dave In Austin  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:39:58pm

re: #254 Backwoods_Sleuth

No Malarkey!  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:43:16pm

The Devolution of the GOP.

Hecuba's daughter  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:46:15pm

re: #257 Backwoods_Sleuth

First of all, Trump was impeached while he was STILL PRESIDENT. It is the trial that is taking place afterwards, not the impeachment. And the 45 who voted to discuss Paul’s motion were not voting that Paul was right; only that they wanted to hear the arguments. But it’s not as though anyone would ever expect Jason Miller to be truthful on any issue. BTW, are his child support payments still in arrears?

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:47:23pm
PrairieQueen  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:47:47pm

re: #258 jaunte

Looks like the attorneys aren’t the problem.

Because arguing about election fraud without evidence has worked out swell the other 60-some times when no attorney claimed actual fraud once they were in front of a judge.//

This is about him, and the bad shit he did. Usually, he’s excited anything is all about him.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Jan 30, 2021 • 6:48:59pm
Dave In Austin  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:00:16pm
austin_blue  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:02:06pm

re: #206 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

You guys! I’d be like Where’s the furnace?

I’m so deficient.

It’s in the attic, somewhere…

How do I get up there?

Wait! I found a sliding panel in the ceiling! Let’s see what’s in there…

Okay, I got a step ladder and climbed up it and moved the panel. Oh, shit, it’s pitch fucking black. Who knew there was this hidden world under my roof?

Suddenly, a hollow voice says “Plugh”.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:07:39pm
Patricia Kayden  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:19:14pm

jaunte  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:21:09pm
Dread Pirate Ron  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:23:40pm
mmmirele  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:28:32pm

re: #163 No Malarkey!

I replied to John Pavlovitz replying to Ted Cruz. I’m STILL (and WILL BE) pissed off that Ted Cruz tried to disenfranchise my entire state. I’m stunned by all the likes and retweets. I was sitting at my mother’s kitchen table, tapping that out on my phone and thinking, yeah, this is just one of those Tweets to make me feel good, nobody will respond. WRONG.

austin_blue  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:32:46pm

“You are in a maze of twisty little passages, all alike” is our new normal.

Despite the undeniable fact that POTUS incited a riot to invade the Capitol with the intent to kill members of Congress and to stop the confirmation of votes by the Electoral College, we have countless citizens who believe that it is their right to fight the Federal Government on any level, and if it takes armed rebellion, they are all in.

Some are Congresscritters, but you will never see them pick up a gun, except in campaign ads.

Teukka  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:36:39pm

re: #269 jaunte

It takes a special kind of sufficiently advanced stupidity malice to stiff the lawyers who are going to defend you at your impeachment…

Dave In Austin  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:37:08pm


austin_blue  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:47:20pm

re: #274 Dave In Austin


Yeah, but the Hard Salami tastes *good*. I don’t buy anything else with the Oscar Meyer label, including their hot dogs, which are just lips and assholes, ground up and stuffed into a tube.

bratwurst  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:48:13pm
Hecuba's daughter  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:49:39pm

re: #269 jaunte

Any attorney hired by Trump has to know that he likely won’t be paying them. Or did these attorneys think they would be the exception because of the gravity of the charges? So did they resign because they realized that they wouldn’t see any money? Or because they objected to the type of defense he demanded? Or because he insisted on testifying during the trial and they knew he was going to commit perjury?

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:49:57pm

re: #275 austin_blue

Yeah, but the Hard Salami tastes *good*. I don’t buy anything else with the Oscar Meyer label, including their hot dogs, which are just lips and assholes, ground up and stuffed into a tube.

I do, but that’s because I grew up with the brand, as a son of a Kraft employee.

🌹UOJB!  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:50:00pm

re: #274 Dave In Austin

I remember Mom looking at the “Luxury Loaf” and she said, “Hmmm, wonder what it tastes like?”

Tasted like the chipped ham…but they slapped a higher price on it…

mmmirele  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:51:00pm

re: #228 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷


Facebook’s Oversight Board wants your feedback on whether the company was right to ban Trump (The Verge) (link for the comment form)


I submitted a response, basically saying that Trump got away with lying for years because FB wouldn’t do its job and ban him, and as a result, we have “prophets” claiming on FB’s platform that Trump will be reinstalled by God, and that my congressman is STILL on FB even after pushing the Trump Big Lie. I doubt it will go anywhere, but I was ticked off.

The Pie Overlord!  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:52:19pm

He is going to defend himself.

(((Archangel1)))  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:53:40pm
jaunte  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:54:32pm
austin_blue  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:57:38pm

re: #278 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

I do, but that’s because I grew up with the brand, as a son of a Kraft employee.

Oh, you poor dear man. I can just see you trying to please your parents while digging into an Olive Loaf white bread sandwich with a slice of American cheese and Extra Mayo!

I assume you didn’t kill Mom and Dad. Good for you!


mmmirele  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:59:45pm

re: #238 PrairieQueen

Arrest these fucks. Nobody gets to interfere with an individual getting medical attention, whether it’s a vaccine or a fucking ace bandage wrap. Not their right. Not their place. Not their goddamned business.

I can’t imagine waiting in line, just to be sent home empty after some fucking moron shouts at you about hoaxes on a virus that has killed hundreds of thousands of people.

Arrest them. Just arrest them. Do we have to activate the National Guard to protect people just to get a fucking shot in the arm? Okay, then do it.

We can’t. The precedent was established with anti-abortion protests outside clinics. It’s allowed free speech. What is illegal is blocking the streets. But yeah, these assholes can stand in public and put up their crap as long as they’re not blocking traffic, impeding the public or other things. The LAPD should have been prepared for this nonsense.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Jan 30, 2021 • 7:59:54pm

re: #284 austin_blue

Oh, you poor dear man. I can just see you trying to please your parents while digging into an Olive Loaf white bread sandwich with a slice of American cheese and Extra Mayo!

I assume you didn’t kill Mom and Dad. Good for you!


LOL. Olive Loaf was not a thing in our house, actually. The main things were: Kraft Singles, Kraft Mac and Cheese (unless Mom made it from scratch, but she added Velveeta cheese to that), Oscar Meyer hot dogs and bologna, Miracle Whip instead of mayonnaise, Kraft Jet-Puffed Marshmallows, Kraft Caramels. Outside of those specific things, and maybe a few Nabisco brands after Kraft acquired them but before they were spun off again, it was fair game.

Belafon  Jan 30, 2021 • 8:03:55pm

re: #278 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

I do, but that’s because I grew up with the brand, as a son of a Kraft employee.

I grew up on them because, at the time, they were the cheapest meats.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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