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mmmirele  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:03:56pm

I was trying to figure out why the hell some chartered busses with WWG1WGA on their signboards would be parked at a DC area Hyatt:

and then there was this as a response:

Yeah. I wonder if these numbnuts are in the area to do something stupid tomorrow?

🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:10:31pm

re: #1 mmmirele

I was trying to figure out why the hell some chartered busses with WWG1WGA on their signboards would be parked at a DC area Hyatt:

[Embedded content]

Yeah. I wonder if these numbnuts are in the area to do something stupid tomorrow?

Considering how incredibly brainwashed they are I wouldn’t be surprised that the QAP wants them packing the Senate galleries tomorrow.

I Would Prefer Not To  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:12:10pm

re: #1 mmmirele

I was trying to figure out why the hell some chartered busses with WWG1WGA on their signboards would be parked at a DC area Hyatt:

[Embedded content]

Yeah. I wonder if these numbnuts are in the area to do something stupid tomorrow?

they do something stupid every single day.

plansbandc  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:13:42pm


No Malarkey!  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:14:46pm

If you like dystopian sci-fi that is an allegory for our times, Snowpiercer reminds me a lot of Battlestar Galactica. Plus Sean Bean and Daveed Diggs; I’m hooked.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:17:37pm

re: #4 plansbandc


[Embedded content]

Memories of a joke from junior high school…

What did the Pink Panther sing when he danced on an anthill?

dead ant, dead ant, dead ant, dead ant, dead ant, dead ant, dead ant…

No Malarkey!  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:18:34pm

re: #2 🌹UOJB!

Considering how incredibly brainwashed they are I wouldn’t be surprised that the QAP wants them packing the Senate galleries tomorrow.

I wouldn’t think they would allow the public in the Capitol after January 6.

A Three Hour Tour  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:24:06pm

re: #6 🌹UOJB!

Memories of a joke from junior high school…

What did the Pink Panther sing when he danced on an anthill?

dead ant, dead ant, dead ant, dead ant, dead ant, dead ant, dead ant…

And in the background, a Blue Aardvark is very happy.

mmmirele  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:29:43pm

re: #4 plansbandc


[Embedded content]

On the other side of the wall from me, my neighbor has two kids. The older son is like a junior in high school and plays the saxophone. Since school has been in and out for the last 10 months, I’ve gotten to hear him practice. A lot. A LOT. In fact, I can tell when the district is back on remote learning when I hear him practicing in the late morning. The boy’s younger sister is a middle schooler has high functioning autism and she sometimes just goes into rages. This I completely understand in general because my response to something not going right at work is to throw things at the wall and yell.

A couple of months ago, I got into a conversation with my neighbor as I was leaving for something or another (probably a trip to Mom’s), and he apologized for his daughter’s rage the previous day. I said, well, uhm, you all have never complained when I’ve gotten a jones to play loud metal late in the evening, so I guess we’re even? He smiled. (Really, though, I try to make a point of shutting down the noise by 10:30 because when I was in high school, that was my bedtime.)

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:34:42pm

Here’s the synopsis of Shapiro’s novel from the Amazon listing:

America is coming apart. An illegal immigration crisis has broken out along America’s Southern border—there are race riots in Detroit—a fiery female rancher-turned-militia leader has vowed revenge on the president for his arrogant policies—and the world’s most notorious terrorist is planning a massive attack that could destroy the United States as we know it. Meanwhile the President is too consumed by legacy-seeking to see our country’s deep peril.

Brett Hawthorne is the youngest general in the United States Army—and he’s stuck, alone, behind enemy lines in Afghanistan. He’s the last lost soldier of a failed war, fighting to stay alive and make it back home—but will he be able to stop the collapse of America in time?

Jack Burton, Gunner on Death Star of David  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:42:36pm

re: #10 Eclectic Cyborg

A “friend” of mine… (more accurately a fellow motorcyclist I met through one of my ex-girlfriends about a decade ago)

Is apparently a published author. He’s one of the people I blocked on FB during the Dark Times. Shapiro’s Book sounds like ridiculous garbage compared to the Right Wing tripe this guy I know writes.

Targetpractice  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:42:38pm

re: #10 Eclectic Cyborg

Here’s the synopsis of Shapiro’s novel from the Amazon listing:

America is coming apart. An illegal immigration crisis has broken out along America’s Southern border—there are race riots in Detroit—a fiery female rancher-turned-militia leader has vowed revenge on the president for his arrogant policies—and the world’s most notorious terrorist is planning a massive attack that could destroy the United States as we know it. Meanwhile the President is too consumed by legacy-seeking to see our country’s deep peril.

Brett Hawthorne is the youngest general in the United States Army—and he’s stuck, alone, behind enemy lines in Afghanistan. He’s the last lost soldier of a failed war, fighting to stay alive and make it back home—but will he be able to stop the collapse of America in time?

I’ve read amateur zombie apocalypse novels that had more plausible plots.

A Three Hour Tour  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:49:07pm

re: #12 Targetpractice

I’ve read amateur zombie apocalypse novels that had more plausible plots.

I haven’t gone over to Amazon to check, but did Ben of the Corn find a real publisher for his book, or did he self-publish this thing through Amazon’s print-on-demand service?

ckkatz  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:50:13pm

Here’s some good sax:

Lily was here - Candy Dulfer

Candy Dulfer - Lily Was Here

“Lily was here” is Candy Dulfer’s signature song.

Lily was here

Candy Dulfer

ckkatz  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:56:22pm

re: #10 Eclectic Cyborg

Thanks for the summary! You have helped save me time by eliminating that as something I will ever bother read. :)

I do get tired of wing-nuts and their dystopias. And also the fact that the wing-nuts keep wanting to drag us into those dystopias.

Targetpractice  Feb 8, 2021 • 9:56:44pm

re: #13 A Three Hour Tour

I haven’t gone over to Amazon to check, but did Ben of the Corn find a real publisher for his book, or did he self-publish this thing through Amazon’s print-on-demand service?

It’s published by Post Hill Press, which is a subsidiary of Simon & Schuster dealing in books by “conservative media personalities, politicians, etc.” The list of published authors reads like a Who’s Who of wingnut “celebrities.”

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:02:30pm

re: #4 plansbandc


Only rich people who can afford studios should be allowed to learn how to play music.

A Three Hour Tour  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:02:37pm

re: #16 Targetpractice

It’s published by Post Hill Press, which is a subsidiary of Simon & Schuster dealing in books by “conservative media personalities, politicians, etc.” The list of published authors reads like a Who’s Who of wingnut “celebrities.”

< Bull Shannon voice >


< / Bull Shannon voice >

William Lewis  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:02:40pm

re: #13 A Three Hour Tour

I haven’t gone over to Amazon to check, but did Ben of the Corn find a real publisher for his book, or did he self-publish this thing through Amazon’s print-on-demand service?

Post Hill Press back in 2017. My guess is it’s a self-publishing house for the fascists who can’t con real publishers into their grift.

ckkatz  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:12:05pm

re: #19 William Lewis

Post Hill Press back in 2017. My guess is it’s a self-publishing house for the fascists who can’t con real publishers into their grift.

Yup, I was wondering the same thing; Whether it was a ‘Vanity Press’. I couldn’t find anything on that connection. Which now has me wondering whether, in the age of self publishing, ‘Vanity Press’ even exists anymore.

(For those not geezers and therefore unfamiliar with the term… Vanity Press was the pre-Internet system where certain publishers would publish your manuscript as long as you bought all the resulting books.)

ckkatz  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:20:23pm

From last thread -

re: #30 Charles Johnson

Just wondering if Oldsmar, Fl’s nearness to McDill AFB (Central Command HQ) played any role. I doubt that the two shared water from the same treatment facility.

Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:22:49pm
Dread Pirate Ron  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:25:35pm
GlutenFreeJesus  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:35:07pm

re: #23 Dread Pirate Ron


teleskiguy  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:35:56pm

I can confidently say I’m a better guitarist than Steven Seagal.

TedStriker  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:38:07pm

re: #19 William Lewis

Post Hill Press back in 2017. My guess is it’s a self-publishing house for the fascists who can’t con real publishers into their grift.

re: #20 ckkatz

Yup, I was wondering the same thing; Whether it was a ‘Vanity Press’. I couldn’t find anything on that connection. Which now has me wondering whether, in the age of self publishing, ‘Vanity Press’ even exists anymore.

(For those not geezers and therefore unfamiliar with the term… Vanity Press was the pre-Internet system where certain publishers would publish your manuscript as long as you bought all the resulting books.)

Unfortunately, as Targetpractice said, Post Hill Press is a “real” publishing house, with offices in NYC and here in Nashville (yeech…); however, they’re not an imprint of Simon & Schuster, Post Hill just has a distribution agreement with them. Their publisher, Anthony Ziccardi, worked as a publisher for Newsmax Media and Simon & Schuster:


Targetpractice  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:40:21pm

re: #22 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

The sort of people who donated to the Trump “defense fund” are the same sort who fall for Nigerian prince scams.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:41:15pm

re: #23 Dread Pirate Ron

Mitch McConnell would stab his own granddaughter in the back if he thought he could grasp just a little bit more power.

There is no honour amongst thieves nor conservatives.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:42:08pm
austin_blue  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:49:53pm

re: #58 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

Hey! Just wanted to follow up on your post last night/question about injection well seismic events and structural, geological, earthquakes like the strike/slip Andreas Fault quakes.

So, again, it’s complex question. Remember the Crandall Coal Mine collapse back in ‘07 in Utah?

Killed six initially and three more during a rescue attempt and was reported by seismometers as a 3.9 Richter event. So, a lot more energy released than the rupture near Smiley, TX which was a 3.3.

In any case, these were “point” events- geologically isolated, restricted in area and scope of damage. In this, they were similar to subsurface nuclear detonations. In fact, during the Cold War, we got really good at telling how big a BOOM an N-test was, just by how the ground shook. It allowed us to to say that the NorKs had tested a bomb with a yield of XX kilotons just by the shake from that individual area and event. If you were to look at the damage zone, it would look like a small bullseye circle

Now, a seism along an active geologic fault is a completely different animal.

Dip-slip faults, where Oceanic crust is forced under Continental crust are the worst. The leading edges of the Continental crust is forced down, like a spring, along the entire zone of subduction, which can be hundreds of miles long. The leading top edge of the Continental crust may be several hundred feet lower than the top of the crust 50 miles further away from the Subduction zone. When it snaps (ruptures), it could be a rupture to relieve some of the stress along a small area of the subduction zone with limited damage.

But if the subduction zone has built up enough stress on it’s entire length, it can be a catastrophic 8.9 to 9.4 quake, where the entire stressed Continental crust snaps upward 2-300 feet in a matter of seconds for 800 miles or more. Think Indonesia, where a wall of water 75 feet tall burgerized Sri Lanka across the Indian Ocean, or Japan, where walls of water wiped out Sendai and the nuclear power plants belonging to TEPCO on the east cost of Honshu several hundred miles south.

Or the Cascadia Fault rupture in 1700 which killed thousands in Japan.

But you asked about strike/slip faults like the San Andreas, where a chunk of former Pacific Ocean crust and a separate chunk of Continental crust has fused and instead of being subducted under the North American plate like farther north in Cascadia has been grinding to the NxNW against the NA plate on a rough line from the northern end of the Gulf of California to Point Reyes.

Dip/slip faults like the Cascadia build their stress/energy like a diver on a diving board, maximizing when the diver pushes the board down as far as he/she can. to get maximum height on their release.

Strike/slip faults build their energy horizontally. First, the original bodies to the east and west of the Fault weren’t ruler straight. The San Andreas looks kinda straight, but there a lot of zigs, zags, and jogs in it. If the fault was ruler straight, the only source of tension would be the walls grinding against each other, and the inch or two of differential motion each year would result in a long continuous series of minor quakes as the plates grind past each other.

But the zigs, zags, and jogs allow energy to build up for decades to centuries. When they rupture, it can be really bad, up to an 8 to an 8.2 quake. But a Continental strike/slip fault will never build up the kind of energy the way a Subduction dip/slip fault can. For one thing, the San Andreas is a fault complex, and keeps breaking off chunks on one or the other side the original fault line to form sub blocks, which relieves tension to the entire system. The east side of the Hayward Fault, to the east of the San Andreas, used to be on the west side of the San Andreas, but splintered off and moved more northerly from the San Francisco peninsula, forming the San Francisco Bay.

Hope this helps, and night all.

Targetpractice  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:54:35pm

Really, what happened with the Trump “defense fund” was the political equiv of all his bankruptcies: He walked away with the money of his investors, while they’re left dealing with the debts incurred.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 8, 2021 • 10:54:45pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:56:14pm
Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Feb 8, 2021 • 11:59:24pm
Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:05:17am

re: #30 austin_blue


I get the difference in faults and earthquakes.

But my confusion was whether the point events, in this case in relation to petroleum bearing formations and pumping, being reported on the Richter scale, follow the same energy scale as other earthquakes. Or if for the point earthquakes the Richter scale means something different.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:12:25am

On the problem of “why don’t you ask a person what they want to be called”:

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:15:46am

(17:22, Oversimplified)

Three Kingdoms - OverSimplified

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:38:09am
Targetpractice  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:41:51am

re: #38 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

[Embedded content]

Better suggestion: End the DHS and put the component agencies back where you found them. When you don’t have an virtually unlimited expense account, suddenly dickery such as this will be a lot less acceptable.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:43:45am

re: #39 Targetpractice

Better suggestion: End the DHS and put the component agencies back where you found them. When you don’t have an virtually unlimited expense account, suddenly dickery such as this will be a lot less acceptable.

Or both.

Targetpractice  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:44:15am

re: #40 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Or both.

Both is good.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:45:35am
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:46:56am
Targetpractice  Feb 9, 2021 • 12:54:24am

re: #42 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

[Embedded content]

Why is this a surprise to anyone? If a Repub is either removing a mask mandate or is refusing to impose one, then by now it should be accepted that they’re doing so purely for partisan reasons and it has nothing to do with advice from medical experts.

Nyet  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:00:26am
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:03:57am
Targetpractice  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:04:35am

re: #45 Nyet

[Embedded content]

Why do I picture Madison using “natural fertilizer” for her home garden in the future?

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:04:47am

re: #45 Nyet


Coffee gets fresh water. The pasta water could water my plants.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:22:23am

Windchill warnings now up for my area, with windchills below -20°F.

Chilly daytime temperatures, periods of light snow showers (with heavier snow over the mountains), and windy conditions acorss the wind-prone corridors of southeast Wyoming. BUT the main story is the cold. A series of reinforcing cold shots will bring already chilly daytime temperatures down to frigid next week, with morning wind chill temperatures far below zero. By mid-next week through the end of the week, expect wind chills to be anywhere from zero to 25 below! Please make necessary preparations to protect your livestock!

Cheyenne NWS Situation Report

The link opens charts of the windchill through Friday. Short answer, it sux to live here. Windchills will drop each day into the minus teens or twenties.

We have a warming trend (the temps will get up to +16°F Tuesday, though the windchill stays down below -10°). Then the temperature plunges even colder than it was, predicted to go to -19°F on Saturday night.


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:24:33am

re: #49 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Why do we own a freezer?

teleskiguy  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:26:45am

re: #47 Targetpractice

Why do I picture Madison using “natural fertilizer” for her home garden in the future?

Tenacious D on Jesus Ranch - HBO Series

Nyet  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:29:25am

Subtle qhole lol.

-Deadline 6 points 3 hours ago +6 / -0
Replace the first 2 letters of the n word with Jo. Actually didn’t get it when I first saw it on TD. Eventually I bothered to ask myself why people were joking about hating casual runners. Thought it was some innocent meme.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:30:50am

On the death of the Texas US representative, I told the chairwoman of the village board I would be lowering the flags in the village to half-mast.

She told me “no you don’t. You stay indoors; I’ll do it.”

Nyet  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:31:47am

Not that it wasn’t transparent before.

-Dashmoomoo 7 points 2 hours ago +7 / -0
I have used it on TD simply for being told not to, also laughs, also just cause. Hell, it birthed my new fav: RIGGER.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 9, 2021 • 1:40:49am

re: #54 Nyet

This is why computer algorithms will never work for screening hate speech. You really need people.

Over at Patheos (which uses the Disqus commenting platform), Christian commentators became offended over commentators on the atheist blogs over the use of magic words with four letters which offended Christian sensibilities.

As such, they complained to whoever it is that runs Patheos, and the Powers That Be there didn’t tell them to mind their own business.

They first told atheist bloggers they needed to police magical words with power over Christians, and when they refused, imposed what’s now called the “nanny bot.”

The nanny bot is a list of words which will immediately put a comment into moderation (it can’t be seen), imposed across all blogs at Patheos.

That list leaked in about a day. Then commentators who really don’t like being told by superstitious people that they can’t use magic four-letter words because they offend them (when they don’t even comment on those blogs) came up with an alternative list to get around the nanny bot.

Shit became shyte, fuck became fuque, &c.

That enraged the Christian commentators more, who demanded people be thrown off atheist blogs for commenting with magic four-letter words.

Patheos saw where that was going and refused, but the nanny bot stays.

ericblair  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:01:07am

re: #48 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷


Coffee gets fresh water. The pasta water could water my plants.

Assuming this isn’t a joke (which is harder and harder to do these days), this kind of performance art just pisses me off. At best, it’s simply virtue signaling, and at worst, it’s telling people that environmental problems just need individual action and everything will be better. No, they don’t and it won’t, they need collective, political action. Your piddly little savings on waste don’t even register when the chemical plant downstream is dumping tons of crap every week into the ecosystem, and they’re not going to change a damn thing without the governments forcing them to.

I admire Greta Thunberg greatly, and her speech at the UN was massively satisfying, but it also gives off a whiff of “take the politics out of politics and we’ll fix this thing.” Global warming and pollution are very, very political problems, and trying to ignore that means you will hit a wall until you wake up.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:39:10am

Red pilled Redditor shaken to his core by existence of attractive 36-year-old woman (We Hunted the Mammoth)

A plea for advice from a woman on Reddit who finds out her boyfriend has some really crap opinions about women’s ages and beauty standards.

Patricia Kayden  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:41:28am

re: #56 ericblair

Yeah. Using your pasta water for coffee isn’t environmentally friendly. It’s just nasty. 🤮

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:45:23am

re: #58 Patricia Kayden

Yeah. Using your pasta water for coffee isn’t environmentally friendly. It’s just nasty. 🤮

She could save water and energy by cooking the pasta in the coffee she’s making.

Decatur Deb  Feb 9, 2021 • 2:59:19am

re: #59 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

She could save water and energy by cooking the pasta in the coffee she’s making.

Growing and transporting coffee beans is not environmentally friendly. Neither is controlling fire to boil pasta. And don’t get me started on wheat.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 3:13:17am

re: #12 Targetpractice

I’ve read amateur zombie apocalypse novels cocktail napkins that had more plausible plots.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 3:15:49am

re: #22 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

The flip side of that coin is the abject gullibility of the “donors” marks

Amory Blaine  Feb 9, 2021 • 3:17:54am
Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 3:24:55am

re: #50 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Why do we own a freezer?

Same reason admiral Byrd did

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Feb 9, 2021 • 3:28:31am

re: #15 ckkatz

Thanks for the summary! You have helped save me time by eliminating that as something I will ever bother read. :)

I do get tired of wing-nuts and their dystopias. And also the fact that the wing-nuts keep wanting to drag us into those dystopias.

Ben is trying to roll a half dozen Clancy novel concepts into one ball since he doesn’t have the chops to research any one of the scenarios into something feasible. So he is just going to through all the right-wing stereotypes about evil foreigners and liberals at the wall and hope one of them sticks with the readers.

I binge read Clancy’s novels in the early 1990s up through _Debt of Honor_ and _Rainbow Six_. By the last it was pretty clear to me that Clancy’s plots basically centered around one or more right wing boogeymen having a clever plot, almost pulling it off, and then getting their comeuppance due to the plucky heroes.

Which is pretty much the general trope of technothrillers. Some of the authors concentrate on getting the military stuff right*, while others… not so much. Which can sort of make/break them since it’s an area I have some knowledge in and if the author starts doing “it doesn’t work that way” stuff I lose suspension of disbelief pretty quickly and am much more prone of reaching “I don’t care about any of these characters” mode with a story.

And Clancy did write some decent non-fiction regarding US military structure and units, which shows that he was willing to do research.

* - I’d say Larry Bond is probably one of the better ones in this regard. That he co-authored _Red Storm Rising_ with Clancy says something since I consider that novel one of the better ones by Clancy.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 3:32:09am

re: #63 Amory Blaine

[Embedded content]

Ffs why are you boiling your hot dogs?
Fight me

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Feb 9, 2021 • 3:32:46am

re: #45 Nyet

uh… no.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 3:34:29am

re: #65 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Ben is trying to roll a half dozen Clancy novel concepts into one ball since he doesn’t have the chops to research any one of the scenarios into something feasible. So he is just going to through all the right-wing stereotypes about evil foreigners and liberals at the wall and hope one of them sticks with the readers.

I binge read Clancy’s novels in the early 1990s up through _Debt of Honor_ and _Rainbow Six_. By the last it was pretty clear to me that Clancy’s plots basically centered around one or more right wing boogeymen having a clever plot, almost pulling it off, and then getting their comeuppance due to the plucky heroes.

Which is pretty much the general trope of technothrillers. Some of the authors concentrate on getting the military stuff right*, while others… not so much. Which can sort of make/break them since it’s an area I have some knowledge in and if the author starts doing “it doesn’t work that way” stuff I lose suspension of disbelief pretty quickly and am much more prone of reaching “I don’t care about any of these characters” mode with a story.

And Clancy did write some decent non-fiction regarding US military structure and units, which shows that he was willing to do research.

* - I’d say Larry Bond is probably one of the better ones in this regard. That he co-authored _Red Storm Rising_ with Clancy says something since I consider that novel one of the better ones by Clancy.

Clive cussler is exciting enough and got the diving right most of the time

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Feb 9, 2021 • 3:35:08am

re: #55 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

This is why computer algorithms will never work for screening hate speech. You really need people.

Over at Patheos (which uses the Disqus commenting platform), Christian commentators became offended over commentators on the atheist blogs over the use of magic words with four letters which offended Christian sensibilities.

As such, they complained to whoever it is that runs Patheos, and the Powers That Be there didn’t tell them to mind their own business.

They first told atheist bloggers they needed to police magical words with power over Christians, and when they refused, imposed what’s now called the “nanny bot.”

The nanny bot is a list of words which will immediately put a comment into moderation (it can’t be seen), imposed across all blogs at Patheos.

That list leaked in about a day. Then commentators who really don’t like being told by superstitious people that they can’t use magic four-letter words because they offend them (when they don’t even comment on those blogs) came up with an alternative list to get around the nanny bot.

Shit became shyte, fuck became fuque, &c.

That enraged the Christian commentators more, who demanded people be thrown off atheist blogs for commenting with magic four-letter words.

Patheos saw where that was going and refused, but the nanny bot stays.

Pretty much. Or the posters start using code words and dog whistles to get around the dictionary checks the bots use.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Feb 9, 2021 • 3:43:13am

re: #68 Dangerman

Clive cussler is exciting enough and got the diving right most of the time

I binge read a bunch of those about the same time. I think the main thing that threw me is the alternate realities since stuff that happened in one novel does and does not carry over into another/next; e.g. you see reference to events in other novels while other things that happened in the earlier novel appear to have disappeared.

And beyond the diving his stuff gets pretty zany pretty quickly.

IIRC, the Lincoln Memorial gets blown up by a large shell towards the end of one novel. And then rebuilt (I guess). Later novels make references to events in that novel, but the discovery of Lincoln’s actual body in _Sahara_* lead to him being interred at the Lincoln Memorial - which appears to have been intact the entire time.

* - We’ll skip the fact that a period ironclad of that design would not have the range to cross the Atlantic using coal, had no sails, and would probably not be seaworthy outside of calm coastal waters.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 3:44:34am

Its short, stay with him

Decatur Deb  Feb 9, 2021 • 3:54:51am

re: #66 Dangerman

Ffs why are you boiling your hot dogs?
Fight me

Madison is trying to be an incredibly hip satirist. Her problem is that she’s crossed the fuzzy line to a credibly stupid vanguardist. The rules for parody must be re-calibrated in the post-Trump era.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 4:00:15am
Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 4:01:44am
ericblair  Feb 9, 2021 • 4:12:46am

re: #68 Dangerman

Clive cussler is exciting enough and got the diving right most of the time

After Red Storm Rising, I think Clancy decided that he didn’t need no stinkin editor and it shows. The Russian stuff is usually pretty fucked up: characters have accents that don’t actually exist, they don’t act like Russians, et cetera. My favorite bit in one book was when he decided that Denver was “Densva” in Russian or something like that. Russians say “Denver”, so he had to go out of his way to make up something that was completely wrong.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 4:23:35am

“QAnon is the Calvinball of conspiracy theories.”

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 9, 2021 • 4:26:10am

Coffee with pasta water? Hot dog water?

I have the urge to 🤮 right now.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 4:27:56am

WaPo via huffpo

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (R-Ill.) is calling on his Senate counterparts to convict former President Donald Trump as the impeachment trial begins.

“Convicting Donald Trump is necessary to save America from going further down a sad, dangerous road,” Kinzinger, one of 10 Republicans who crossed party lines to vote in favor of impeachment during the House proceedings, wrote in The Washington Post on Monday.

Kinzinger slammed the former president for “four-plus years of anger, outrage and outright lies,” but said the most dangerous lie was his constant claim that the election was stolen.

“Of course it wasn’t,” Kinzinger wrote, “but a huge number of Republican leaders encouraged the belief that it was. Every time that lie was repeated, the riots of Jan. 6 became more likely.”

Kinzinger also said impeachment was “a chance to say enough is enough,” and warned that not convicting Trump could have repercussions in the years ahead:

“After all, the situation could get much, much worse — with more violence and more division that cannot be overcome. The further down this road we go, the closer we come to the end of America as we know it.”

steve_davis  Feb 9, 2021 • 4:40:23am

re: #45 Nyet

[Embedded content]


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 9, 2021 • 4:43:36am

So there is this self-published author I like (who is extremely successful) who sent out an email blast last night that his latest book is available. He won’t put COVID into any of his stories because he sees his writing as escapism (he writes action books). He went off on all the TV shows who have incorporated the pandemic into storylines, especially the sitcom The Connors.

Reading is escapism from reality. So are movies and television. Several of the TV shows I regularly watch have incorporated Covid into them, such as Bull and The Conners, and I was very disappointed. I watch a show not to be reminded of our current situation. I watch it to escape it.

If the show incorporates the virus, I might as well watch the news.

The Good Doctor ignored it, though had a message from the star at the beginning of the opening episode referring to it. My favorite was Last Man Standing. I was so disappointed that they had incorporated Covid until a few minutes in to the first episode when they raced forward in time with him growing a beard, and then it was over and done with.

This was the opposite of what The Conners did. They’ve fully embraced Covid, including protests, and I find it to be a very dark show now and not what I’m looking for in a sitcom.

Years from now, when I binge a show like Bull or The Conners on Netflix, there will be a season mixed in that will bring back nothing but horrible memories. Why would I want that? It’s an unfortunate choice the producers made, in my humble opinion. I wonder how the ratings are doing with shows that incorporate the virus, versus those that didn’t.

What I find offensive is shows like The Masked Whatever CGI’ing large crowds into the non-existent audience without a word that they’ve done that, giving the impression that all is well and normal. Much like what was done for the Super Bowl… Except they had real people interspersed with cutouts, the same effect only ickier.

What do you think?

steve_davis  Feb 9, 2021 • 4:49:43am

re: #49 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Windchill warnings now up for my area, with windchills below -20°F.

Cheyenne NWS Situation Report

The link opens charts of the windchill through Friday. Short answer, it sux to live here. Windchills will drop each day into the minus teens or twenties.

We have a warming trend (the temps will get up to +16°F Tuesday, though the windchill stays down below -10°). Then the temperature plunges even colder than it was, predicted to go to -19°F on Saturday night.


I almost tried for a teaching gig in Gillette, but was curious as to why life insurance was one of the benefits offered. A friend from Kansas explained: “Winters are long. People kill themselves.”

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 4:52:05am

re: #80 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

So there is this self-published author I like (who is extremely successful) who sent out an email blast last night that his latest book is available. He won’t put COVID into any of his stories because he sees his writing as escapism (he writes action books). He went off on all the TV shows who have incorporated the pandemic into storylines, especially the sitcom The Connors.

What I find offensive is shows like The Masked Whatever CGI’ing large crowds into the non-existent audience without a word that they’ve done that, giving the impression that all is well and normal. Much like what was done for the Super Bowl… Except they had real people interspersed with cutouts, the same effect only ickier.

What do you think?

I think this whole time period is absolutely insane from a pop culture perspective. On the one hand, social responsibility would suggest that you should, at the least, acknowledge the situation, and in some capacity, leverage your market to encourage people to pay attention and be safe. I also feel that anything that’s either rooted in the present or in a future that is derived from the current reality, or makes a reference to it, should acknowledge that it is a thing that happened - else, potential viewers or cultural researchers in post-pandemic times will not have that context. However, the argument made in the author’s statement about media as escapism is also perfectly valid, and in the current stressful times, the last thing we all need is for our favorite escapes to continue saturating us with the news we’re trying to escape from. No matter what, something is going to be weird, so I feel like it basically comes down to the individual show and how they choose to approach social responsibility, escapism, and the reality of their in-show universe.

steve_davis  Feb 9, 2021 • 4:57:32am

re: #65 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Ben is trying to roll a half dozen Clancy novel concepts into one ball since he doesn’t have the chops to research any one of the scenarios into something feasible. So he is just going to through all the right-wing stereotypes about evil foreigners and liberals at the wall and hope one of them sticks with the readers.

I binge read Clancy’s novels in the early 1990s up through _Debt of Honor_ and _Rainbow Six_. By the last it was pretty clear to me that Clancy’s plots basically centered around one or more right wing boogeymen having a clever plot, almost pulling it off, and then getting their comeuppance due to the plucky heroes.

Which is pretty much the general trope of technothrillers. Some of the authors concentrate on getting the military stuff right*, while others… not so much. Which can sort of make/break them since it’s an area I have some knowledge in and if the author starts doing “it doesn’t work that way” stuff I lose suspension of disbelief pretty quickly and am much more prone of reaching “I don’t care about any of these characters” mode with a story.

And Clancy did write some decent non-fiction regarding US military structure and units, which shows that he was willing to do research.

* - I’d say Larry Bond is probably one of the better ones in this regard. That he co-authored _Red Storm Rising_ with Clancy says something since I consider that novel one of the better ones by Clancy.

red dawn rising was good. hunt for red october was good. I vaguely remember reading cardinal in the kremlin. that was the one where someone gives up information because the alternative is having is balls crushed in a desk drawer, right?

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 9, 2021 • 5:10:16am

re: #82 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

I think this whole time period is absolutely insane from a pop culture perspective. On the one hand, social responsibility would suggest that you should, at the least, acknowledge the situation, and in some capacity, leverage your market to encourage people to pay attention and be safe. I also feel that anything that’s either rooted in the present or in a future that is derived from the current reality, or makes a reference to it, should acknowledge that it is a thing that happened - else, potential viewers or cultural researchers in post-pandemic times will not have that context. However, the argument made in the author’s statement about media as escapism is also perfectly valid, and in the current stressful times, the last thing we all need is for our favorite escapes to continue saturating us with the news we’re trying to escape from. No matter what, something is going to be weird, so I feel like it basically comes down to the individual show and how they choose to approach social responsibility, escapism, and the reality of their in-show universe.

I think I’d feel vastly different if we had handled the pandemic better from the start. That it was virtually ignored, downplayed, and outright lied about makes pop culture more than simple escapism, because for a large number of Americans, pop culture is their news, it is their reality.

The trump maladministration altered reality for a whole bunch of people. I’m not sure what needs to happen to unfuck that chicken, but ignoring it in pop culture doesn’t seem like a good idea.

I agree that each show does and should do it’s own thing and they should decide what works for their respective worlds. But I’m opposed to blanketly ignoring reality.

I don’t watch The Connors but I’d be interested to see how they’ve incorporated this into their comedy world because I’m certain they haven’t turned into a drama.

lizardofid  Feb 9, 2021 • 5:41:31am

Morning, but a sad one. Waking up to news of the loss, of another of the voices of my youth. RIP Mary Wilson, silenced at 76.

Diana Ross and The Supremes: Reflections

Patricia Kayden  Feb 9, 2021 • 5:51:35am

re: #74 Dangerman

Dave In Austin  Feb 9, 2021 • 5:53:14am
jeffreyw  Feb 9, 2021 • 5:55:07am

Alas, the image library seems to be down.

Good morning, anyway!

I Would Prefer Not To  Feb 9, 2021 • 5:56:57am

re: #88 jeffreyw

Alas, the image library seems to be down.

Good morning, anyway!

works for me.

Patricia Kayden  Feb 9, 2021 • 5:57:38am

re: #85 lizardofid

Wow. Sad to hear. Kind of young. May she R.I.P.

jeffreyw  Feb 9, 2021 • 5:59:32am

jeffreyw  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:01:21am

stump feeder rig

It seems to be back to working. Yay!

Dave In Austin  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:03:01am

lizardofid  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:05:28am

re: #93 Dave In Austin

That’s some pretty good camo.

Dave In Austin  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:08:03am

re: #94 lizardofid

That’s some pretty good camo.

They are amazing little birds. We are hoping for clutch #5 this year.

William Lewis  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:08:24am

re: #65 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

The biggest problem I had with Clancy after having been in the Army was how all of his super bleeding edge high tech always worked perfectly the first time. To me that was a howler that always prevented me from taking him seriously. Might as well be a Superman comic book - it would have been more believable.

darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:09:57am

Also, McCarthy is saying Trump’s also still president as he equates his request with one from Biden.

Barefoot Grin  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:11:52am

re: #97 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Remember how Pelosi kept shuttling back and forth to Obama’s residence after he left office? ////

sagehen  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:14:08am

re: #5 No Malarkey!

If you like dystopian sci-fi that is an allegory for our times, Snowpiercer reminds me a lot of Battlestar Galactica. Plus Sean Bean and Daveed Diggs; I’m hooked.

we know Mr Wilford won’t last long; that’s what happens to Sean Bean characters.

lizardofid  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:17:49am

re: #96 William Lewis

The biggest problem I had with Clancy after having been in the Army was how all of his super bleeding edge high tech always worked perfectly the first time. To me that was a howler that always prevented me from taking him seriously. Might as well be a Superman comic book - it would have been more believable.

His and Larry’s stealth tech was pretty fantastic in Red Storm Rising. ; )

Dave In Austin  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:20:38am

MAL? What’s this? Fat Donny’s airport code?

William Lewis  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:21:21am

re: #99 sagehen

we know Mr Wilford won’t last long; that’s what happens to Sean Bean characters.

Excuse me? Col. Sharpe would like a word with you.

BlueSpotinAL  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:23:37am

re: #99 sagehen

we know Mr Wilford won’t last long; that’s what happens to Sean Bean characters.

Producer: What actors do you think would be a draw for our movie?
Casting Director: Sean Bean
Producer: Great idea. But we can’t afford to pay him to film a whole movie.

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:24:46am

re: #80 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

So there is this self-published author I like (who is extremely successful) who sent out an email blast last night that his latest book is available. He won’t put COVID into any of his stories because he sees his writing as escapism (he writes action books). He went off on all the TV shows who have incorporated the pandemic into storylines, especially the sitcom The Connors.

What I find offensive is shows like The Masked Whatever CGI’ing large crowds into the non-existent audience without a word that they’ve done that, giving the impression that all is well and normal. Much like what was done for the Super Bowl… Except they had real people interspersed with cutouts, the same effect only ickier.

What do you think?

The Masked Singer mentioned at the beginning of the season that they were using footage of audiences.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:27:19am

re: #104 Belafon

The Masked Singer mentioned at the beginning of the season that they were using footage of audiences.

That’s kinda like the OAN disclaimer played at the beginning of lidell’s bullshit film. One and done. Come in during a commercial, looks real.

In both cases, more harm than help.

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:28:12am

re: #80 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

So there is this self-published author I like (who is extremely successful) who sent out an email blast last night that his latest book is available. He won’t put COVID into any of his stories because he sees his writing as escapism (he writes action books). He went off on all the TV shows who have incorporated the pandemic into storylines, especially the sitcom The Connors.

What I find offensive is shows like The Masked Whatever CGI’ing large crowds into the non-existent audience without a word that they’ve done that, giving the impression that all is well and normal. Much like what was done for the Super Bowl… Except they had real people interspersed with cutouts, the same effect only ickier.

What do you think?

Also, I figure there is two types of fiction: escapism and empathetic. The Toni Morrison novels I have read are not escapism. And I could always see a show like the Connors having them since the point of that show, and Rosanne was to show a family similar to those watching.

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:31:35am

re: #99 sagehen

we know Mr Wilford won’t last long; that’s what happens to Sean Bean characters.

He survived the Martian.

Patricia Kayden  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:31:47am

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:33:12am

And Last Man Standing strikes me as the kind of show that would be written by Ben Shapiro.

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:34:41am
mmmirele  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:35:30am

I guess the JWs are still not going around and doing door to door harassing preaching because I checked my mail and got not one but two letters from the local (as in 6 miles away) Kingdom Hall asking me if I knew who was the ruler of this world. Yes, of course they were form letters. One was addressed to my first name, one to my last name. And why yes, they were done by the same person. JW leadership across the world wants courts to agree that they have the right to not turn over child predators in their congregations, and do you think I’d have anything to do with that? Why nope, nope, nope, nopity, NOPE!

lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:37:39am

Fucking Fox propagandists are lying out of their ass and are now calling this “Biden’s insurrection?!”

Holy fucking shitsnacks. These fuckers don’t care about facts or reality. They’re too busy substituting their own and tens of millions who get their news via Fox get fed this with a firehose.

They’re a fucking cult and they wont be satisfied until they’re running a fascist country. This will not end. They will keep doing this.

lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:38:31am

re: #103 BlueSpotinAL

Producer: What actors do you think would be a draw for our movie?
Casting Director: Sean Bean
Producer: Great idea. But we can’t afford to pay him to film a whole movie.

Sean Bean gives good death.

darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:38:56am

re: #98 Barefoot Grin

Remember how Pelosi kept shuttling back and forth to Obama’s residence after he left office? ////

At taxpayer expense.

jeffreyw  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:39:27am

re: #78 Dangerman

“…The further down this road we go, the closer we come to the end of America as we know it.”

This is, for them, a feature, not a bug. They will answer that they don’t see a downside.

sagehen  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:39:38am
Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:40:29am

re: #94 lizardofid

That’s some pretty good camo.

can barely see the tree

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:42:15am
John Hughes  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:44:05am

re: #5 No Malarkey!

If you like dystopian sci-fi that is an allegory for our times, Snowpiercer reminds me a lot of Battlestar Galactica. Plus Sean Bean and Daveed Diggs; I’m hooked.

But with fewer Mormons.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:45:06am

fwiw re this March 4 nonsense

if every president since then is “illegitmate”, wasnt trump too?

plansbandc  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:52:38am

re: #10 Eclectic Cyborg

It’s every bit as bad as you think it is. Just terrible. Happily, Robert Evans reads it on his podcast so I don’t have to.

darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:56:04am

Looks like it’s going to be a lovely day for an impeachment trial.

lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 6:57:44am

It’s been a real rough week for Chiefs fans.

First the assistant coach and son of head Coach Reid gets in to a DUI that badly injured two kids. Then, they lost in a blowout.

Now? this:

Eventual Carrion  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:01:49am

re: #87 Dave In Austin

[Embedded content]

That ride was great. Once it got going we would scooch our way sideways or even totally upside down. The person running the ride would warn us that it was going to start slowing down and we better get our feet under us. Good times. The one I rode the most was at Conneaut Lake Park since it was local.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:04:22am
danarchy  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:09:52am

re: #125 Dangerman

Under that reasoning almost anything could be justified under reconciliation. Climate regulations, war, what major policy doesn’t impact the budget?

plansbandc  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:11:55am
lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:13:01am

re: #126 danarchy

Under that reasoning almost anything could be justified under reconciliation. Climate regulations, war, what major policy doesn’t impact the budget?

Even civil rights could arguably have a budget impact.

lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:21:30am
darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:23:05am
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:23:16am

re: #96 William Lewis

The biggest problem I had with Clancy after having been in the Army was how all of his super bleeding edge high tech always worked perfectly the first time. To me that was a howler that always prevented me from taking him seriously. Might as well be a Superman comic book - it would have been more believable.

I’ve heard that comment from others as well.

And further history reading indicated other holes that Clancy ignored, or just hand-waved away.

I think one reason military stuff in _Red Storm Rising_ held up is that a bunch of the scenarios, especially the naval ones, had been war gamed out in advance using the Harpoon system. Said sessions refereed by Larry Bond, who was the developer of that system.

And I’ve read more recently* that the threat of the Soviet long-range bombers with anti-ship missiles was a known factor and was taken quite seriously in USN doctrine and planning. (Along with knowledge that the Soviet capacity was something that could and hopefully would be reduced by attrition. But possibly only after some serious USN losses.)

* - Norman Friedman works. So “recently” is when I read it since the books in question have been published between the mid-80s and 2016. I think the one that discussed the Soviet bomber threat was the more recent (2016) _Fighters Over the Fleet_.

Patricia Kayden  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:26:24am

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:26:28am

re: #108 Patricia Kayden

I always sort of liked the Scottish “not proven” verdict.

darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:27:23am

re: #124 Eventual Carrion

That ride was great. Once it got going we would scooch our way sideways or even totally upside down. The person running the ride would warn us that it was going to start slowing down and we better get our feet under us. Good times. The one I rode the most was at Conneaut Lake Park since it was local.

There was one at Magic Mountain in the 70s. Was my favorite ride. When we’d drive to SoCal for a Disneyland trip I’d always want to go to MM.

darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:28:59am

re: #130 darthstar

Ha! So Portman is all over Tanden on her tweets and the Democrats respond with this:

lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:30:39am

re: #135 darthstar

Cruz is such a lunatic and unlikeable that fellow GOPers were wishing him ill health.

darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:32:37am

re: #136 lawhawk

Cruz is such a lunatic and unlikeable that fellow GOPers were wishing him ill health.


Barefoot Grin  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:33:49am

re: #136 lawhawk

Cruz is such a lunatic and unlikeable that fellow GOPers were wishing him ill health.

Al Franken’s line comes to mind: “I like Ted Cruz more than his Republican colleagues do, and I hate Ted Cruz.”

darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:37:55am
🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:41:41am

re: #46 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

You want a real GOAT?

May I introduce you to Emmanuel Lasker, World Chess Champion for 27 years!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:41:44am

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:43:14am

Not that any of us should be surprised at all, but…

(Via Business Insider)

Trump was “loving watching the Capitol mob,” the unnamed former official told CNN.

Last month, The Washington Post reported that Trump was slow to act on calling for an end to the riot — which he did hours after it began in a video posted to Twitter in which he called the rioters “special” — because he was watching it live on television.

“He was hard to reach, and you know why? Because it was live TV,” a Trump advisor told The Post. “If it’s TiVo, he just hits pause and takes the calls. If it’s live TV, he watches it, and he was just watching it all unfold.”

The Democratic-controlled House impeached Trump soon after, charging him with inciting an insurrection. His second impeachment trial in the Senate is set to begin Tuesday.

Mattand  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:45:12am

Anyone else thinking that Trump’s lawyer asking for the Sabbath allowances was initially Trump trying to trick Schumer into saying “No”, so they could accuse him and Democrats at large of being anti-Semitic?

I know that is massively cynical, but Trump is that much of a fucking monster to do something like that.

lizardofid  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:46:10am

re: #139 darthstar

No Airforce One for trump. A late night Gulfstream might be more appropriate.


ETA: complete with the black hood and orange jumpsuit.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:47:21am

re: #144 lizardofid

No Airforce One for trump. A late night Gulfstream might be more appropriate.


Send him a couple of Amtrak tickets.

Mattand  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:47:43am

re: #123 lawhawk

It’s been a real rough week for Chiefs fans.

First the assistant coach and son of head Coach Reid gets in to a DUI that badly injured two kids. Then, they lost in a blowout.

Now? this:

I was sorry to hear about Reid’s son. He lost another son to an OD while he was coaching the Eagles. I believe the one involved in the accident has a history of drug problems.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:50:21am

re: #139 darthstar

It still wouldn’t be called Air Force One because that callsign is specifically reserved for the plane carrying the current President of the United States. If he wants to use one of the VC-25’s, well, he can pay for it out of pocket. :)

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:50:26am

re: #103 BlueSpotinAL

Producer: What actors do you think would be a draw for our movie?
Casting Director: Sean Bean
Producer: Great idea. But we can’t afford to pay him to film a whole movie.

And we can only afford to pay him for one season of our tv series.

A Three Hour Tour  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:51:10am

re: #144 lizardofid

No Airforce One for trump. A late night Gulfstream might be more appropriate.


An armored paddywagon, with cuffs and leg-irons. And the guards don’t have to be too gentle with him. Trump likes it when guards rough ‘em up a little in transport. We’ve got him on camera saying so on more than one occasion.

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:51:13am

re: #146 Mattand

I was sorry to hear about Reid’s son. He lost another son to an OD while he was coaching the Eagles. I believe the one involved in the accident has a history of drug problems.

You’re right. He does. It looks like he’s going to survive. One of the kids he hit is still critical.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:51:27am

re: #147 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

It still wouldn’t be called Air Force One because that callsign is specifically reserved for the plane carrying the current President of the United States. If he wants to use one of the VC-25’s, well, he can pay for it out of pocket. :)

He can call it “THE REAL Air Force One”

lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:52:11am

re: #139 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Assuming that’s an accurate reflection of Trump’s actions/statements (I’d like to see confirmation from actual news sources), he thinks he’s still President, which means that his claims that this is unconstitutional is moot.

But since he’s no longer president, he’s no longer eligible to be treated as president and get flown on the plane that would be called AF1. If he flies on taxpayer dime, he needs to reimburse for that. Congress can get a VC-25 to pick him up and then bill him for it.

Mattand  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:52:19am

re: #8 A Three Hour Tour

And in the background, a Blue Aardvark is very happy.

Deep 70’s kids’ animation pulls always get an upding.

lizardofid  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:52:36am

re: #145 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Send him a couple of Amtrak tickets.

I don’t think that would get him to Guantanamo though.

darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:52:46am
Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:53:17am

re: #152 lawhawk

But since he’s no longer president, he’s no longer eligible to be treated as president and get flown on the plane that would be called AF1. If he flies on taxpayer dime, he needs to reimburse for that. Congress can get a VC-25 to pick him up and then bill him for it.

Hahahahahahahahaha, that’s a good one.


darthstar  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:55:39am

re: #152 lawhawk

Assuming that’s an accurate reflection of Trump’s actions/statements (I’d like to see confirmation from actual news sources), he thinks he’s still President, which means that his claims that this is unconstitutional is moot.

But since he’s no longer president, he’s no longer eligible to be treated as president and get flown on the plane that would be called AF1. If he flies on taxpayer dime, he needs to reimburse for that. Congress can get a VC-25 to pick him up and then bill him for it.

Cash on the barrel head. His credit is no good here.

The Louvin Brothers - Cash on the Barrel Head

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:56:02am

re: #128 lawhawk

Even civil rights could arguably have a budget impact.

Technically, the budget impact isn’t supposed to be “incidental.” Whatever that means. The Parliamentarian decides if a provision qualifies for reconciliation in a process called a “Byrd Bath.” The majority can overrule the Parliamentarian, but rarely do.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:57:09am

re: #147 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

It still wouldn’t be called Air Force One because that callsign is specifically reserved for the plane carrying the current President of the United States. If he wants to use one of the VC-25’s, well, he can pay for it out of pocket. :)

On a ferry that crosses Mobile Bay
Barefoot Grin  Feb 9, 2021 • 7:58:19am

I think it is properly called “rendition aircraft.”

Eric The Fruit Bat  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:01:55am

re: #144 lizardofid

No Airforce One for trump. A late night Gulfstream might be more appropriate.

Naah - to really embarrass his arse, fly him in a Shorts 330 - basically, it’s a Velveeta cheese box with wings.

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:02:44am

Maybe Trump should call his plane Hair Force One?


lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:04:38am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:07:17am

re: #163 lawhawk

Nor are we impeaching people for things that were legal at the time

🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:07:20am

re: #111 mmmirele

I guess the JWs are still not going around and doing door to door harassing preaching because I checked my mail and got not one but two letters from the local (as in 6 miles away) Kingdom Hall asking me if I knew who was the ruler of this world. Yes, of course they were form letters. One was addressed to my first name, one to my last name. And why yes, they were done by the same person. JW leadership across the world wants courts to agree that they have the right to not turn over child predators in their congregations, and do you think I’d have anything to do with that? Why nope, nope, nope, nopity, NOPE!

The last time JW’s knocked on my door, I went into my Bela Lugosi voice and said, “Do you know….Dracula is a Jehovah’s Witness?”

The look on their face…priceless…and they walked away…

lizardofid  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:07:45am

re: #160 Barefoot Grin

I think it is properly called “rendition aircraft.”

Gulfstream N85VM is still around somewhere.

lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:11:24am

re: #164 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

This is the trial phase. The impeachment occurred while Trump was still in office.

Washington wasn’t impeached while in office. He wont be impeached after leaving office. There can’t be a trial without the impeachment in the House.

Trump was legally and properly impeached before leaving office. The House conducted their impeachment prior to Trump leaving office on 1/20/21.

The only reason the trial started today and now before 1/20/21 was because the GOP purposefully delayed it until now as to give the GOP Senate a flimsy excuse not to convict and remove Trump sooner.

mmmirele  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:14:12am

Ummm, okay, yikes?! This guy hrld a top secret clearance.

WASHINGTON (AP) — A man who authorities say is a leader of the far-right Oath Keepers militia group and helped to organize a ring of other extremists and led them in the attack last month at the U.S. Capitol has held a top-secret security clearance for decades and previously worked for the FBI, his attorney said Monday.

Thomas Caldwell, who authorities believe holds a leadership role in the extremist group, worked as a section chief for the FBI from 2009 to 2010 after retiring from the Navy, his lawyer, Thomas Plofchan, wrote in a motion urging the judge to release him from jail while he awaits trial.


The defense said Caldwell, who has denied being part of the Oath Keepers, has held a top-secret security clearance since 1979, which required multiple special background investigations, according to Plofchan. Caldwell also ran a consulting firm that did classified work for the U.S. government, the lawyer said.

“He has been vetted and found numerous times as a person worthy of the trust and confidence of the United States government, as indicated by granting him Top Secret clearances,” Plofchan wrote.

Most section chiefs within the FBI rise through the ranks of the bureau and it is unclear whether Caldwell would’ve been directly hired for that position or whether he held any other positions with the bureau. The FBI did not immediately comment Monday evening and Caldwell’s lawyer didn’t immediately answer questions about his client’s work.

Caldwell is one of three people authorities have described as Oath Keepers who were charged last month with conspiracy and accused of plotting the attack on the Capitol in advance. He has been locked up since his arrest at his home in Berryville, Virginia, on Jan. 19.

Caldwell’s lawyer said he denies ever going into the Capitol and has “physical limitations” that would prevent the 66-year-old from forcing his way into any building.

Caldwell’s lawyer said his client retired as a lieutenant commander with the Navy and that he was a “100% disabled veteran.” Caldwell suffered from complications related to a “service-connected injury,” including shoulder, back and knee issues, the attorney said. In 2010, Caldwell had spinal surgery, which later failed and led to chronic spinal issues and a diagnosis of post-traumatic stress disorder, according to the court filing.

Charging documents show messages between Caldwell and the others about arranging hotel rooms in the Washington area in the days before the siege. In one Facebook message from to Caldwell, one the others says: “Will probably call you tomorrow … mainly because … I like to know wtf plan is. You are the man COMMANDER.”

Authorities say the Oath Keepers communicated during the attack about where lawmakers were. At one point during the siege, Caldwell received a message that said “all members are in the tunnels under the capital,” according to court documents. “Seal them in turn on gas,” it said.

Other messages read: “Tom all legislators are down in the Tunnels 3floors down” and “go through back house chamber doors facing N left down hallway down steps,” according to court documents.

Caldwell is among roughly 200 people charged so far in the siege for federal crimes such as disrupting Congress, disorderly conduct and assault. A special group of prosecutors is weighing whether to bring sedition charges, officials have said.

Several members of the Proud Boys, a far-right, male-chauvinist extremist group that seized on the Trump administration’s policies, have also been charged with conspiracy and accused of working together during the siege.


🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:16:00am

re: #133 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I always sort of liked the Scottish “not proven” verdict.

Remember when Specter tried to do that during Clinton’s impeachment and it was ruled out of order.

Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:16:29am

when you think about it, this is the same GOP fuckery that happened with the election, states unable to count mail in ballots until the day of the election because the GOP made the rules, just so it was easier to talk about secret ballot dumps. Now pushing the trial after Trump was out of office just to say “He’s no longer president, you can’t have a trial” even though he was in office when he was impeached

Eventual Carrion  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:16:50am

re: #139 darthstar

[Embedded content]

I hate this line “they want to impeach him after he is out of office”. HE WAS FUCKING IMPEACHED WHILE HE WAS STILL IN OFFICE. Heard a caller this morning on NPR say something to that effect of not impeaching him since he was no longer in office and the host just let it slide.

Jan. 13th was before Jan. 20th.

🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:17:36am

re: #139 darthstar

[Embedded content]

“I’m sorry, Mr. Trump, but you’re on the No-Fly list!”

A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:21:07am

re: #88 jeffreyw

Alas, the image library seems to be down.

Good morning, anyway!

Western good morning!

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:21:55am

re: #171 Eventual Carrion

Jan. 13th was before Jan. 20th.

There you go using facts again…


Mattand  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:25:52am

re: #165 🌹UOJB!

The last time JW’s knocked on my door, I went into my Bela Lugosi voice and said, “Do you know….Dracula is a Jehovah’s Witness?”

The look on their face…priceless…and they walked away…

I told one group of little old ladies straight up that I am atheist. No big dramatics, just matter of fact statements.

They were really upset. One honestly looked like she was going to call the cops on me.

Another dude was dragging his elementary school-age kids around with him. I had a pleasant chat, laid out my stances, and sent him on his way.

Guy shows up with kids in tow two more times at my door. The spiel was “I’ve been thinking a lot about you and I am really concerned and want to help you.” The second time I had to emphatically tell him to stay of my property.

What really pissed me off was that I had to do that in front of his kids. I didn’t yell or curse, but he was doing that “I’ve got my kids here as a shield, so if you push back on me, you’re the mean grown-up” shit that parents do sometimes.

They haven’t been around for a while, though.

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:26:40am

Conservatives are learning what Charles has known for years. Social media without moderation is a toxic cesspool of Nazis.

lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:27:19am
Acemarilllion  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:30:12am

re: #87 Dave In Austin

[Embedded content]

I saw a carnie fight inside one of them shits. Both carnies were operators of the ride, one outside collecting tickets and one inside who sits in the center and controls the ride. The dude in the center controlled the loud music being played and from what I could gather, decided to only play Janet Jackson songs. as the ride comes to a halt (me and my girl at the time were riders) the enter/exit door opens and the outside operator comes flying in and starts to get in a heated discussion about the music. All of the riders were walking out and laughing paying no mind to what was unfolding. My girlfriend is motioning for me to exit and I whisper to her “let’s slow walk this, i think this is going to get good”. Sure enough, fists start flying while “When I Think Of You” is blasting. It was over pretty quick with no discernable “solution” reached.

That is my carnie fight story.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:32:34am

re: #178 Acemarilllion

it was carnage

Eventual Carrion  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:33:14am

re: #178 Acemarilllion

I saw a carnie fight inside one of them shits. Both carnies were operators of the ride, one outside collecting tickets and one inside who sits in the center and controls the ride. The dude in the center controlled the loud music being played and from what I could gather, decided to only play Janet Jackson songs. as the ride comes to a halt (me and my girl at the time were riders) the enter/exit door opens and the outside operator comes flying in and starts to get in a heated discussion about the music. All of the riders were walking out and laughing paying no mind to what was unfolding. My girlfriend is motioning for me to exit and I whisper to her “let’s slow walk this, i think this is going to get good”. Sure enough, fists start flying while “When I Think Of You” is blasting. It was over pretty quick with no discernable “solution” reached.

That is my carnie fight story.

Austin Powers - Carnies

A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:37:26am

re: #126 danarchy

Under that reasoning almost anything could be justified under reconciliation. Climate regulations, war, what major policy doesn’t impact the budget?

That’s what happens when you use the filibuster to block all the legislation there is. “When one door is closed, another will open.”

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:37:36am

Jehovah’s Witnesses were not a recognized church in Germany until 2017. Scientology is still not AFAIK.

And there are Mormon missionaries underway, but they generally don’t even bother trying to missionize wine-making villages on the Rhine as it is a massive waste of time

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:39:42am

re: #182 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Jehovah’s Witnesses were not a recognized church in Germany until 2017. Scientology is still not AFAIK.

And there are Mormon missionaries underway, but they generally don’t even bother trying to missionize wine-making villages on the Rhine as it is a massive waste of time

I’m sure when Romney was cycling around France, their no wine message went over big.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:41:24am

re: #183 No Malarkey!

I’m sure when Romney was cycling around France, their no wine message went over big.

He was there to keep him out of Vietnam.

sagehen  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:41:31am
lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:42:14am

re: #167 lawhawk

Dave has a different take - that it’s irrelevant that he was in office at the time.

O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:42:32am

FiveThirtyEight does a good job of calling out the Republican Party as the problem in our “uncivil war” in this country. It still bugs me, however, that people try to both-siderize by saying that the increasingly progressive positions the Democratic Party has been taking in recent years are somehow giving ammunition to fundamentalist Republicans who, and I quote, “don’t want to live in” that changed America. I don’t care anymore - people have to be willing to recognize when they are wrong and they need to change. There is no reason why full equality under the law is incompatible with Christian belief, and Christianity is not and should never be the law of the land.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:44:29am

re: #187 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

Yes, I recall when a number of American states “did not want to live” in a nation whose President was opposed to the expansion of slavery.

Dr. Matt  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:44:52am

re: #185 sagehen

[Embedded content]


Damn. That’s a mic drop moment.

Interesting Times  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:47:56am

re: #84 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

I think I’d feel vastly different if we had handled the pandemic better from the start. That it was virtually ignored, downplayed, and outright lied about makes pop culture more than simple escapism, because for a large number of Americans, pop culture is their news, it is their reality.

Chiming in late to say this is an excellent point. As an amateur would-like-to-be-published-someday writer myself, my mercenary/practical side says, write happy-talk escapism because that’s what people want in a crisis…while another part of me is pulled in the exact opposite direction: Salman Rushdie’s line about how, in an age full of lies, it becomes the fiction writer’s job to tell the truth.

Then there’s also this long but must-read piece from the BBC: How to heal the ‘mass trauma’ of Covid-19

Covid-19 is a mass trauma the likes of which we’ve never seen before. Our most complex social extensions, and the building-blocks of our personal realities, have been coloured indelibly.

All pandemics end, however. And this one will. But to forget the trauma, move on, and pay it no mind, won’t help. It’d be a disservice to history and our own minds. Maybe to the future, too.

So I’d say there ought to be space for both: feel-good escapist material plus that which tackles the pandemic head-on. It might not be appreciated now, but it will serve as a crucial record and lesson for the future.

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:48:11am

re: #187 O say, does that Star Spangled Banner yet wave..

FiveThirtyEight does a good job of calling out the Republican Party as the problem in our “uncivil war” in this country. It still bugs me, however, that people try to both-siderize by saying that the increasingly progressive positions the Democratic Party has been taking in recent years are somehow giving ammunition to fundamentalist Republicans who, and I quote, “don’t want to live in” that changed America. I don’t care anymore - people have to be willing to recognize when they are wrong and they need to change. There is no reason why full equality under the law is incompatible with Christian belief, and Christianity is not and should never be the law of the land.

If they want to live in an oppressive theocracy, they can move to Saudi Arabia. The US is a democracy, and the majority rules here.

A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:48:15am

re: #152 lawhawk

Assuming that’s an accurate reflection of Trump’s actions/statements (I’d like to see confirmation from actual news sources), he thinks he’s still President, which means that his claims that this is unconstitutional is moot.

But since he’s no longer president, he’s no longer eligible to be treated as president and get flown on the plane that would be called AF1. If he flies on taxpayer dime, he needs to reimburse for that. Congress can get a VC-25 to pick him up and then bill him for it.

Based on his previous record, Congress should get payment in advance.

William Lewis  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:49:03am

re: #165 🌹UOJB!

The last time JW’s knocked on my door, I went into my Bela Lugosi voice and said, “Do you know….Dracula is a Jehovah’s Witness?”

The look on their face…priceless…and they walked away…

That’s a good one. As it is it depends on who it is. I have neighbors that sometimes do their thing and I just say no gently to them but if I don’t know them, I generally go the route of pitying them for being caught up in a cult and that I’ll pray for them to repent and come back to the real teachings of Christ Jesus.

Now I don’t really care what they believe - that’s between them and whatever God is out there and I tend to universalism anyway - but it usually gets them horrified and out of my hair which is all that really matters.

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:49:23am

re: #190 Interesting Times

Chiming in late to say this is an excellent point. As an amateur would-like-to-be-published-someday writer myself, my mercenary/practical side says, write happy-talk escapism because that’s what people want in a crisis…while another part of me is pulled in the exact opposite direction: Salman Rushdie’s line about how, in an age full of lies, it becomes the fiction writer’s job to tell the truth.

Then there’s also this long but must-read piece from the BBC: How to heal the ‘mass trauma’ of Covid-19

So I’d say there ought to be space for both: feel-good escapist material plus that which tackles the pandemic head-on. It might not be appreciated now, but it will serve as a crucial record and lesson for the future.

Superstore has included the pandemic and is still funny.

nines09  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:50:06am

Good morning. 2-3 inches new snow with chance of half a foot tomorrow. I love February.
Not at all.


Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:51:40am

re: #183 No Malarkey!

I’m sure when Romney was cycling around France, their no wine message went over big.

Yeah, Mormonism was a very hard sell to the wine and (then) cigarette loving French. Must have been very dangerous.

Marines at Khe Sanh, 1968
No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:53:30am

I just read on vox.com that Facebook is finally banning all anti-vaccer propaganda, not just the anti-covid vaccine stuff. It’s just a shame that it took 400k dead and an attempted coup for social media to take it’s moderation responsibilities seriously, like Charles did over a decade ago.

John Hughes  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:57:45am

re: #139 darthstar

[ ex- ]President Trump requests use of Airforce One if forced to appear in Congress.

He wants Biden to fly down to fetch him? Because that’s the only way Trump could be on Airforce one, the title given to any airforce plane the (sitting) President is flying on.

stpaulbear  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:57:57am

re: #50 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Why do we own a freezer?

Because there’s a non-zero chance you’ll forget about the turkey you put in the garage in January. Commenting for a friend…

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:58:04am

re: #190 Interesting Times

Chiming in late to say this is an excellent point. As an amateur would-like-to-be-published-someday writer myself, my mercenary/practical side says, write happy-talk escapism because that’s what people want in a crisis…while another part of me is pulled in the exact opposite direction: Salman Rushdie’s line about how, in an age full of lies, it becomes the fiction writer’s job to tell the truth.

Then there’s also this long but must-read piece from the BBC: How to heal the ‘mass trauma’ of Covid-19

So I’d say there ought to be space for both: feel-good escapist material plus that which tackles the pandemic head-on. It might not be appreciated now, but it will serve as a crucial record and lesson for the future.

Wouldn’t an “Even a mask won’t stop X” be a good escapist story as well?

Dr. Matt  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:58:15am

re: #197 No Malarkey!

I just read on vox.com that Facebook is finally banning all anti-vaccer propaganda, not just the anti-covid vaccine stuff. It’s just a shame that it took 400k dead and an attempted coup for social media to take it’s moderation responsibilities seriously, like Charles did over a decade ago.

It took a fucking pandemic to change their policies. What a shame.

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 9, 2021 • 8:58:39am

re: #65 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Ben is trying to roll a half dozen Clancy novel concepts into one ball since he doesn’t have the chops to research any one of the scenarios into something feasible. So he is just going to through all the right-wing stereotypes about evil foreigners and liberals at the wall and hope one of them sticks with the readers.

I binge read Clancy’s novels in the early 1990s up through _Debt of Honor_ and _Rainbow Six_. By the last it was pretty clear to me that Clancy’s plots basically centered around one or more right wing boogeymen having a clever plot, almost pulling it off, and then getting their comeuppance due to the plucky heroes.

Which is pretty much the general trope of technothrillers. Some of the authors concentrate on getting the military stuff right*, while others… not so much. Which can sort of make/break them since it’s an area I have some knowledge in and if the author starts doing “it doesn’t work that way” stuff I lose suspension of disbelief pretty quickly and am much more prone of reaching “I don’t care about any of these characters” mode with a story.

And Clancy did write some decent non-fiction regarding US military structure and units, which shows that he was willing to do research.

* - I’d say Larry Bond is probably one of the better ones in this regard. That he co-authored _Red Storm Rising_ with Clancy says something since I consider that novel one of the better ones by Clancy.

I don’t have the technical background so never cared about the accuracy; my interest was always in character development and plot line, but seldom found action thrillers interesting. When in my early teens, I read the political thriller “Advise and Consent” and loved the story. It wasn’t until a few years later, that I realized it was right wing propaganda where a main villain was very left-wing but patterned after Joseph McCarthy, and one of the good guys was a Dixiecrat. Seems very much like today — where Trump fanatics are convinced BLM and Antifa were behind the assault on democracy, not Trump.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:00:29am

re: #201 Dr. Matt

It took a fucking pandemic to change their policies. What a shame.

It took a pandemic to get rid of Trump.

To me, there is no question that without Covid, he would have won re-election.

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:00:33am

re: #97 darthstar

Also, McCarthy is saying Trump’s also still president as he equates his request with one from Biden.

….Because Biden’s always inviting people to lunch at Mar a Lago. Trump must have something on McCarthy to be able to keep him on such a short leash.

The only thing Trump has on McCarthy is a fanatic base that the GOP needs to get elected.

Dr. Matt  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:01:55am

re: #203 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

To me, there is no question that without Covid, he would have won re-election.

Completely agree. Scary, but true.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:05:26am

re: #205 Dr. Matt

Completely agree. Scary, but true.

It took a record turn out on the part of the Dems (and a enough Republican state-level officials who still retain some shreds of conscience) as well.

And even for that, he had us biting our nails right up to the 20th January.

And that was downright criminal.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:06:05am

re: #152 lawhawk

Assuming that’s an accurate reflection of Trump’s actions/statements (I’d like to see confirmation from actual news sources), he thinks he’s still President, which means that his claims that this is unconstitutional is moot.

But since he’s no longer president, he’s no longer eligible to be treated as president and get flown on the plane that would be called AF1. If he flies on taxpayer dime, he needs to reimburse for that. Congress can get a VC-25 to pick him up and then bill him for it.

lawhawk  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:06:21am

re: #201 Dr. Matt

Meanwhile, right wingers are caterwauling over the change and that they’re kvetching that this somehow violates something or that Facebook is controlling what they see - fact checking information on — Facebook.

A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:08:13am

re: #205 Dr. Matt

Completely agree. Scary, but true.

Not I. The groups that came out en masse to vote against DT were already opposed to him, and started organizing in 2017. Also, without the epidemic, we’d have been using all the face-to-face tactics that worked so well for us in the midterms.

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:15:41am

re: #105 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

That’s kinda like the OAN disclaimer played at the beginning of lidell’s bullshit film. One and done. Come in during a commercial, looks real.

In both cases, more harm than help.

Worked out really well for Orson Welles and his 1938 radio broadcast of “War of the Worlds”. People who turned on late panicked.

Dr. Matt  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:15:47am

Reposting is not an endorsement:

plansbandc  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:19:31am
jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:19:31am
jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:21:55am
Dr. Matt  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:23:33am
stpaulbear  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:24:41am

re: #87 Dave In Austin

How about this version of that ride-

The scariest fairground ride I’ve never been on!

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:28:17am
🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:28:23am

re: #211 Dr. Matt

So he already started Tweeting from Hell just like Mr. 9-9-9!

Eventual Carrion  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:29:20am

re: #216 stpaulbear

How about this version of that ride-

[Embedded content]

Those are fun too, but they have you strapped/harnessed in.

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:29:33am

re: #215 Dr. Matt

Reuters: Two U.S. carrier groups conduct exercises in South China Sea

The Hill: Pentagon sends two carrier groups into South China Sea amid tensions with Beijing


When are we restarting exercises with South Korea?

plansbandc  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:33:35am

re: #216 stpaulbear


nines09  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:34:08am

re: #87 Dave In Austin

In my teen years Wildwood NJ was the spot to go to. Each shore town had it’s own allure and ages. Known as Kiddie City to the older crowd. And they had that ride, called it The Hell Hole. I must have been no more than just turning 17 and a part of the crowd I hung with decided to cut school and go down the shore in had to be late April, early May. Can’t remember who drove or how many but the ocean was ice cold. Maybe 6 or 7 of us jammed in the car. The town wasn’t “officially” open yet, but the one pier with the Hell Hole had some guys looking like 20 something year olds working it. Not open yet but after talking to them……..
The set up: They let us ride it for free. We were very happy with that. Thought it was great.
Then after we all get in and in our places, the one guy looks down and asks if we want the “Full Treatment”.
Well, who wouldn’t??!!?
One of us, and I remember it was Steve, said “Na. Let me off.”
They did.
He went up top and stood with them. He got what we missed.
So they started it up, and as it got faster and faster, they wanted to know if we wanted more speed.
They did. To the point you could hardly lift your arm. Pinned to the wall. Immobilized.
And then they asked again; “FULL TREATMENT!??!”
So they started pouring cups of water on us. Steve joined in laughing hysterically.
Did you ever wonder what it felt like to have water try and go through your eyelids? And through your ears?
Spinning at a million miles an hour with puddles of water vibrating next to your head?
They gave us the Full Treatment alright. We were screaming we were going to kill them.
Then they stopped the ride and would not let us off until we cooled off.
Steve told us, “Calm down. You asked for it! You got it!”
I never knew they had 11 on the speed control. That one did.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:35:03am

re: #206 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It took a record turn out on the part of the Dems (and a enough Republican state-level officials who still retain some shreds of conscience) as well.

And even for that, he had us biting our nails right up to the 20th January.

And that was downright criminal.

January 20?

What about march 4???/////

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:37:01am

re: #209 A hollow voice says NOW drain that swamp!

Not I. The groups that came out en masse to vote against DT were already opposed to him, and started organizing in 2017. Also, without the epidemic, we’d have been using all the face-to-face tactics that worked so well for us in the midterms.

It was a close-run thing. He might not have won the popular vote, but had the EC vote only come down to one state, god knows what would have happened.

Don’t forget that for all his mismanagement of Covid, he still got more votes in 2020 than he did in 2016.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:38:44am
Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:42:26am

re: #221 plansbandc



Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:43:31am

re: #225 jaunte

They are truly a party of morons.

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:44:21am

re: #222 nines09

In my teen years Wildwood NJ was the spot to go to. Each shore town had it’s own allure and ages. Known as Kiddie City to the older crowd. And they had that ride, called it The Hell Hole. I must have been no more than just turning 17 and a part of the crowd I hung with decided to cut school and go ***down the shore*** in had to be late April, early May. Can’t remember who drove or how many but the ocean was ice cold. Maybe 6 or 7 of us jammed in the car. The town wasn’t “officially” open yet, but the one pier with the Hell Hole had some guys looking like 20 something year olds working it. Not open yet but after talking to them……..
The set up: They let us ride it for free. We were very happy with that. Thought it was great.
Then after we all get in and in our places, the one guy looks down and asks if we want the “Full Treatment”.
Well, who wouldn’t??!!?
One of us, and I remember it was Steve, said “Na. Let me off.”
They did.
He went up top and stood with them. He got what we missed.
So they started it up, and as it got faster and faster, they wanted to know if we wanted more speed.
They did. To the point you could hardly lift your arm. Pinned to the wall. Immobilized.
And then they asked again; “FULL TREATMENT!??!”
So they started pouring cups of water on us. Steve joined in laughing hysterically.
Did you ever wonder what it felt like to have water try and go through your eyelids? And through your ears?
Spinning at a million miles an hour with puddles of water vibrating next to your head?
They gave us the Full Treatment alright. We were screaming we were going to kill them.
Then they stopped the ride and would not let us off until we cooled off.
Steve told us, “Calm down. You asked for it! You got it!”

I never knew they had 11 on the speed control. That one did.

*** New Jersey tell. ;-)

🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:45:49am
nines09  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:47:25am

I missed this yesterday. My daughter just sent it to me. Powerful.

John Fetterman’s Senate Campaign AD Will give you GOOSEBUMPS

nines09  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:48:30am

re: #228 Dangerman

A beach is a beach is a beach.
But The Shore is The Shore.

Acemarilllion  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:48:59am

re: #216 stpaulbear

My knee-jerk response was more of “Is that music legally licensed by ASCAP and BMI?”

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:50:20am
Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:50:37am

GOP Senators Backed An Extremist At Interior But Reject A Native American Woman
Sens. Steve Daines and John Barrasso, who had no concerns about an anti-public lands ideologue overseeing federal land, say Rep. Deb Haaland is too “radical.”



Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:53:01am

re: #234 Dangerman

GOP Senators Backed An Extremist At Interior But Reject A Native American Woman
Sens. Steve Daines and John Barrasso, who had no concerns about an anti-public lands ideologue overseeing federal land, say Rep. Deb Haaland is too “radical.”



We can’t have anyone taking Native American concerns into account. //

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:53:02am

re: #231 nines09

A beach is a beach is a beach.
But The Shore is The Shore.

You go *to* the beach
You go *down* the shore

(((Viking Sea Mexican)))  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:54:25am

re: #227 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

They are truly a party of morons.

We have the best laywers! You enter with a parking ticket, you leave with a multiple murder conviction!

Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:55:03am

re: #233 No Malarkey!

[Embedded content]

While it may be the anything can affect the budget
If you get it past the parliamentarian, it is in

No Malarkey!  Feb 9, 2021 • 9:57:05am

re: #238 Dangerman

While it may be the anything can affect the budget
If you get it past the parliamentarian, it is in

Anything can effect the budget, which is why the rule is that the effect can’t be merely “incidental.” But if the parliamentarian green lights it, they are good to go.

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:02:43am

re: #191 No Malarkey!

If they want to live in an oppressive theocracy, they can move to Saudi Arabia. The US is a democracy, and the majority rules here.

The majority? I don’t think so. The Constitution enshrines minority rule in the Senate; thanks to a combination of gerrymandering and population distribution (concentration of minorities in urban areas), the minority often rules in the House. And given the EC, the minority candidate has become president twice out of the past 6 elections; there were only 60,000 votes that protected us from that happening again this time. Courtesy of ALEC and other similarly minded organizations, there is widespread voter disenfranchisement and suppression — and there will be more in the coming years, unless something is done to stop this.

nines09  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:06:01am

re: #236 Dangerman

You go *to* the beach
You go *down* the shore

Thank you.
You have to drive to the shore to get to the beach.
And lakes have beaches.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:06:15am

re: #240 Hecuba’s daughter

The majority? I don’t think so. The Constitution enshrines minority rule in the Senate; thanks to a combination of gerrymandering and population distribution (concentration of minorities in urban areas), the minority often rules in the House.

It was not always the case that “rural area” = GOP

But that has been the case for the past several decades.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:06:46am

re: #241 nines09

Thank you.
You have to drive to the shore to get to the beach.
And lakes have beaches.

Take Lake Shore Drive!!!

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:07:47am
Dangerman  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:10:57am

re: #244 jaunte

Guess impeachment isn’t just for blow jobs anymore

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:11:01am


jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:11:55am
ericblair  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:14:33am

re: #229 🌹UOJB!

How can Democrats accuse President Trump of inciting violence when the violent acts had been planned in advance?

Sorta like explaining to the cops that your speeding was perfectly justified because you just drank a shit-ton of beer and had to piss.

Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:14:49am

re: #247 jaunte

In the 60s, Democrats voted for the CRA and VRA because it was the right thing, even if it cost them seats. In 2009/2010, they did the same thing with the ACA.

Never let anyone tell you Republicans are the brave party.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:16:57am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:18:11am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:19:02am

re: #251 Backwoods_Sleuth

Time for the GOP to ramp up the anti-vax rhetoric among the base

🌹UOJB!  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:19:22am

re: #248 ericblair

Sorta like explaining to the cops that your speeding was perfectly justified because you just drank a shit-ton of beer and had to piss.

Memories of my aunt getting a speeding ticket and telling the CHIP that she had 100 Bibles in her trunk that had to get to church right away for distribution. He had her open the trunk…the bibles weren’t there…and then that liar yelled that Satan removed them…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:20:23am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:20:41am

re: #248 ericblair

Sorta like explaining to the cops that your speeding was perfectly justified because you just drank a shit-ton of beer and had to piss.

Like the fellow who murdered both parents and threw himself on the mercy of the court because he was an orphan…

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:21:50am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:23:27am


Belafon  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:23:55am

re: #252 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

“It’s all thanks to President Trump, who will be sworn in again in March.”

mmmirele  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:25:31am

re: #182 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Jehovah’s Witnesses were not a recognized church in Germany until 2017. Scientology is still not AFAIK.

And there are Mormon missionaries underway, but they generally don’t even bother trying to missionize wine-making villages on the Rhine as it is a massive waste of time

I believe Scientology is still recognized as a dangerous group by the German government, if the bleating about how their human rights are being badly impacted is to be believed.

That said, a number of years ago there was a guy who was too weird for Scientology. He called himself “Ron’s Inspector” and had quite the tiny cult going in rural Germany, consisting of his wife, his two children and a convert from the USA. It got SO weird that his wife left him and was employed by a Scientology kindergarten (I want to say in Stuttgart?). We Scientology protesters discussed this because going to work at the Org didn’t seem like a great choice but apparently living with Koos was worse.

And, as it turned out, it was a lot worse. The daughter died (unclear what from), the authorities came in and Koos was taken off to a mental hospital for several years. He’s apparently still lurking around in various corners of the Internet today.

And this may be one reason why the German authorities keep such a close eye on Scientology, because of the “too kooky for the gold standard of cults” factor.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:25:59am
Hecuba's daughter  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:27:03am

re: #242 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It was not always the case that “rural area” = GOP

But that has been the case for the past several decades.

Maybe candidates like John Fetterman can reverse that trend. After all, as we know, appearances and style are more important than substance when it comes to political success. And a progressive who looks like a biker dude and who has real street creds at helping those left behind by modern society may be just what the Democrats need.

Once again, our brother played the “migrants at the border taking our jobs” card on why Democrats could be wiped out in the 2022 election. Fetterman can help counteract that narrative. But even I managed to rebut our brother by reminding him that the problem is not from those south of the border trying to get in, the real problem is technology and outsourcing.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:27:25am

House managers video playing now. “Fuck the blue” chants from Trump’s mob.

jaunte  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:28:18am

CSPAN impeachment trial:

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:35:29am

Hello Andres! I see you are here today. Hope you are doing well.

TedStriker  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:42:52am

re: #255 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Like the fellow who murdered both parents and threw himself on the mercy of the court because he was an orphan…

IIRC, the Menendez brothers did exactly that.

Barefoot Grin  Feb 9, 2021 • 10:43:07am

re: #253 🌹UOJB!

Memories of my aunt getting a speeding ticket and telling the CHIP that she had 100 Bibles in her trunk that had to get to church right away for distribution. He had her open the trunk…the bibles weren’t there…and then that liar yelled that Satan removed them…

And replaced them with a corpse!

retired cynic  Feb 9, 2021 • 11:02:29am

re: #240 Hecuba’s daughter

The majority? I don’t think so. The Constitution enshrines minority rule in the Senate; thanks to a combination of gerrymandering and population distribution (concentration of minorities in urban areas), the minority often rules in the House. And given the EC, the minority candidate has become president twice out of the past 6 elections; there were only 60,000*** votes that protected us from that happening again this time. Courtesy of ALEC and other similarly minded organizations, there is widespread voter disenfranchisement and suppression — and there will be more in the coming years, unless something is done to stop this.

***Just 43,000+, unfortunately.

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