Climate Scientist (Appropriately) Calls Raving Denier an A-Hole

Environment • Views: 5,236

Over at wingnut site Hot Air, they’re cheering and applauding this ridiculous, disgraceful performance by climate change denial shill Marc Morano, appearing on the BBC with climate scientist Prof. Andrew Watson. Morano is such a gigantic flaming arsehole in this clip (laughing, yelling, and spouting over-the-top “Climategate” talking points like a parrot on crack) that at the end of the segment Prof. Watson says, “What an arsehole.”

I could not possibly agree more.

Youtube Video

Marc Morano has been one of the main promoters of right wing anti-science lunacy in recent years, dumping enormous amounts of deception and confusion into the public debate as Director of Communications for the biggest anti-science embarrassment in the US Senate, religious fanatic James Inhofe.

UPDATE at 12/5/09 4:53:30 pm:

From earlier this year, here’s Marc Morano appearing on the show of raving conspiracy nutjob Alex Jones, a perfect venue for him: Marc Morano on Alex Jones Tv (Global Warming Fraud).

(Hat tip: Gus 802.)

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1 brookly red  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:31:09pm

Denier is just not the kind of word that brings people to ones side. IMO.

2 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:33:37pm

When the shoe fits. And it definitely fits Marc Morano.

3 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:34:19pm

Marc Morono -- Musclehead Climate "Skeptic"

He's no skeptic. More like a bombastic tool.

4 ThomasLite  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:35:09pm

yup. that's the most deserved and most classy way I've ever heard anyone call someone else that. by far.

5 webevintage  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:35:28pm

I love the British...

"What an arsehole" understated, but oh so perfect.

6 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:40:02pm

Marc Morano on Alex Jones TV

Marc Morano - Alex Jones

Christopher Monckton - Alex Jones

I see a pattern here.

7 Kruk  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:40:32pm

What's betting the deniers will use this to cast themselves as the misunderstood victims being subjected to ad hominem attacks by the "Establishment"?

8 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:40:44pm

so on one hand we have the believers, and on the other we have the deniers...shouldn't this be the perfect opportunity for the believers to lay out their scientific case for all to see?...if it's irrefutable then there should be no problem...heh, there is no solution to this mess that I can see...if the object is to convince the masses then somebody better get it going soon

9 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:40:49pm

I love debates where neither side has any fracking clue what they're talking about.

Speaking of which, when can we schedule and Al Gore Sarah Failin smackdown?

10 Virginia Plain  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:42:54pm

re: #7 Kruk

What's betting the deniers will use this to cast themselves as the misunderstood victims being subjected to ad hominem attacks by the "Establishment"?

Marc Moron certainly behaves that way.

11 brookly red  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:42:59pm

re: #2 Charles

When the shoe fits. And it definitely fits Marc Morano.

I can not argue with that. I do respectfully though suggest that the term denier alienates those who may have doubts & it's use is vinegar rather than sugar.

12 Jetpilot1101  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:43:15pm

You know, maybe if we all stopped friggin' yelling at each other and calling each other names, we'd be able to devote our time to actually solving this problem. The climate is changing and humans are playing a part. This isn't rocket science and it's about time we starting coming up with contructive ways to solve the problem.

For far too long, scientists have coward in fear of these windbags. They need to quit running from these folks, put the science out there and in language that everyone can understand, explain the issue. I wish we could get passed the name calling and solve the problem.

13 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:43:57pm

re: #6 Gus 802

Marc Morano on Alex Jones TV

Marc Morano - Alex Jones

Christopher Monckton - Alex Jones

I see a pattern here.

Yep, that's the hero of the Hot Airheads -- a guy who appears on conspiracy radio shows and flat-out lies about the dangers of climate change.

14 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:44:37pm

re: #13 Charles

Yep, that's the hero of the Hot Airheads -- a guy who appears on conspiracy radio shows and flat-out lies about the dangers of climate change.

In a year Alex Jones will be a regular feature at Hot Air.

15 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:46:00pm

re: #11 brookly red

I can not argue with that. I do respectfully though suggest that the term denier alienates those who may have doubts & it's use is vinegar rather than sugar.

this whole issue is an epic public relations disaster...nobody knows who to believe or who to trust and it's just getting started...imagine where this thing will lead and finally come to a head...I can't

16 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:46:39pm

re: #12 Jetpilot1101

You know, maybe if we all stopped friggin' yelling at each other and calling each other names, we'd be able to devote our time to actually solving this problem. The climate is changing and humans are playing a part. This isn't rocket science and it's about time we starting coming up with contructive ways to solve the problem.

For far too long, scientists have coward in fear of these windbags. They need to quit running from these folks, put the science out there and in language that everyone can understand, explain the issue. I wish we could get passed the name calling and solve the problem.

The science is out in the public. Anyone who really cares to find out the truth can do so easily. There are books, websites, films, all kinds of information. Nobody has ever hidden ANYTHING.

The huge problem is that there is a very well-funded and very persistent effort underway by people like Morano and Inhofe to confuse and obfuscate the issues -- and they've been very successful.

17 Kruk  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:47:30pm

re: #12 Jetpilot1101

I think the whole "Climategate" issue will be seen the (ahem) tipping point as far as the scientists are concerned. More and more people are realising that if you simply stand back and let the science speak for itself, the slick PR that the deniers are so good at will win the day. The scientists are finally getting mad. Beware the wrath of timid men (and women) with high IQs. :)

18 brookly red  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:47:58pm

re: #15 albusteve

this whole issue is an epic public relations disaster...nobody knows who to believe or who to trust and it's just getting started...imagine where this thing will lead and finally come to a head...I can't

it is a mess for sure,

19 Surabaya Stew  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:48:51pm

And to think that I was having such a lovely ruined by Marc Morano's stupid laugh rumbling around in my short-term memory! (Listening to Andrew Watson's charming accent doesn't quite make up for it, although his insults were totally warranted.)

Seriously, what motivates the guy? Is it money doled out by the top-polluting industries? A need to engage in partisan hackery that inflates his ego? A self-inflected & misguided way of attracting attention unto his fame-lusting self?

20 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:49:37pm

re: #19 Surabaya Stew

And to think that I was having such a lovely ruined by Marc Morano's stupid laugh rumbling around in my short-term memory! (Listening to Andrew Watson's charming accent doesn't quite make up for it, although his insults were totally warranted.)

Seriously, what motivates the guy? Is it money doled out by the top-polluting industries? A need to engage in partisan hackery that inflates his ego? A self-inflected & misguided way of attracting attention unto his fame-lusting self?

There's big money in the climate denial business.

21 ryannon  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:49:47pm

re: #15 albusteve

this whole issue is an epic public relations disaster...nobody knows who to believe or who to trust and it's just getting started...imagine where this thing will lead and finally come to a head...I can't

Can you say 'panic reaction'?

Makes sense to me.

22 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:51:42pm

We have seen the face of Climate Depot and it is Marc Morano.

Epic fail.

23 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:52:02pm

re: #8 albusteve

Look, at this rate, it's going to be 5 years before the research is cleared up enough to make heads or tails of this. Often what happens is that people will start arguing cross ways... If the Post hoc ergo propter hoc argument about the Carbon Dioxide/Temperature correlation starts to look bad, proponents will start focusing on the fact that their research shows ("Correctly", if the measurements themselves are to be trusted) that the Temperature is in fact increasing. so it's true that "warming" is occurring, but the impact of carbon dioxide (as opposed to C-14 or other carbon isoptopes.) is *not* "settled science".

When people start incorrectly arguing that humans don't influence the climate, and that it's not warming because the other "team" says different, they shouldn't complain when they are called "deniers".

All the effort and energy should be put into better science with the same standards regarding publishing of data *AND* methods as other scientific disciplines using a truly multi disciplinary approach instead of this crappy clique of "climate scientists"*

* What exactly are the credentials required to be a climate scientist, btw?

24 Racer X  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:52:18pm

Prof. Watson may be correct, however he came off as kind of a whack job in this clip (IMHO). He looks stoned. And what's with the rapid blinky?

The personal insult at the end diminished his argument. Morano may in fact be an asshole, but scientists need to avoid the personal insults and stick with the facts. Watson could have easily blown Morano out of the water with a few key facts.

The PR battle has heated up. Science and truth need to be prepared to counter this.

25 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:53:26pm

re: #23 saik0max0r


* What exactly are the credentials required to be a climate scientist, btw?


26 ryannon  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:53:47pm

re: #15 albusteve

this whole issue is an epic public relations disaster...nobody knows who to believe or who to trust and it's just getting started...imagine where this thing will lead and finally come to a head...I can't

Or put another way, the Titanic Syndrome: no one sure who to believe, conflicting evidence and many in denial of reality - until it's too late.

Human nature played out large on the planet itself this time.

27 brookly red  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:53:58pm

re: #24 Racer X

Prof. Watson may be correct, however he came off as kind of a whack job in this clip (IMHO). He looks stoned. And what's with the rapid blinky?

The personal insult at the end diminished his argument. Morano may in fact be an asshole, but scientists need to avoid the personal insults and stick with the facts. Watson could have easily blown Morano out of the water with a few key facts.

The PR battle has heated up. Science and truth need to be prepared to counter this.

name calling is just not good pr...

28 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:55:23pm

re: #24 Racer X

"He looks stoned. And what's with the rapid blinky?"

He's nervous because he's getting involved in a political debate, not a scientific one. Frankly, he shouldn't have even bothered showing up to this fail festival. All the carbon dioxide (along with the painful noise) produced by TV blowhards is destroying the planet.

29 Killgore Trout  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:55:43pm

Another hoax making the rounds on wingnut sites today...

Fish Stories More Risky Via Email

Guy sends an email to friends and family recounting his single-handedly thwarting a potential terrorist plane hijacking at Atlanta's Hartsfield-Jackson airport by man-handling a group of Arabs in "full attire" and tossing them from the plane. The email goes viral on the right-wing interwebs, even ending up on Glenn Beck's Project 9/12 website.

Turns out the incident was actually a misunderstanding that happened when a Spanish-speaking passenger didn't understand a flight attendant's instructions to turn off his cell phone. And even better, the "hero" who wrote the email wasn't even in Atlanta when the events happened. He was supposed to be, but missed his connecting flight. (The airline debunks the email in great detail here.)

Debbie Schlussel updated her post...

*** UPDATE, 9:41 p.m. ET: Earlier today, I contacted Tedd Petruna, the brave passenger on AirTran Flight 297, who–with another Texan–saved the day from apparent Islamic terrorists, leaving him a voicemail message asking for confirmation of the e-mail and events below. Mr. Petruna called me back, tonight, and confirmed that he did write the e-mail below and that it’s all true. WAKE. UP. AMERICA. We are under siege.
30 Surabaya Stew  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:56:18pm

re: #16 Charles

The science is out in the public. Anyone who really cares to find out the truth can do so easily. There are books, websites, films, all kinds of information. Nobody has ever hidden ANYTHING.

The huge problem is that there is a very well-funded and very persistent effort underway by people like Morano and Inhofe to confuse and obfuscate the issues -- and they've been very successful.

Thanks for bringing up Inhofe. The NYT had a series of questions for him recently, and the guy is a far bigger douche than Morano! Please read the whole thing. Our 2nd senator from Oklahoma is actually planning to sabotage the Copenhagen summit by flying there him self (uninvited!) and will engage in lobbing other foreign leaders to discourage them from agreeing to any new treaty!

I know treason is a term that gets thrown around a lot, but Inhofe comes remarkably close to that here, IMHO.

31 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:56:55pm

I'm amazed that anyone could watch that clip and think that Watson is the one who comes off badly. Morano was gibbering like a lunatic, for Pete's sake!

32 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:57:10pm

re: #25 Decatur Deb

But But I thought real climate scientists wrote their own web publishing warez!

33 Kruk  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:58:10pm

re: #26 ryannon

Or put another way, the Titanic Syndrome: no one sure who to believe, conflicting evidence and many in denial of reality - until it's too late.

Human nature played out large on the planet itself this time.

And to take the analogy further, those in the first class (world) might do a little better than those in steerage (Africa/Asia/Oceania), but in the end a lot of us are going to be underwater.

34 Surabaya Stew  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:58:14pm

re: #20 Charles

There's big money in the climate denial business.

It's a shame that leading efforts to slow AGW aren't 1/10th as profitable.

35 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:58:35pm

I noticed Morano didn't have any counter-data to support his position. Just a lot of obfuscation and accusations.

36 Racer X  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:58:42pm

If you're gonna trot out an eccentric scientist who looks stoned, at least have some facts in your pocket. Come prepared next time with 2-3 key points to demolish the Climategate talking points.

Stick to the facts and challenge the deniers to provide any evidence that the earth is NOT continuing to warm up.

37 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:59:31pm

re: #26 ryannon

Or put another way, the Titanic Syndrome: no one sure who to believe, conflicting evidence and many in denial of reality - until it's too late.

Human nature played out large on the planet itself this time.

looks like those wacky 70's survivalists were right then...get yourself prepared for the Last Stand, because the problem is beyond the scope of world govts to deal with...been nice knowin ya!

38 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:59:31pm

re: #34 Surabaya Stew

What's interesting is the amount of collusion between the UAE guys and Shell / Exxon et. al. And this wasn't recent correspondence, it was happening back in 2000.

/puts on tinfoil hat

39 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 4:59:57pm

re: #31 Charles

I'm amazed that anyone could watch that clip and think that Watson is the one who comes off badly. Morano was gibbering like a lunatic, for Pete's sake!

Watson's points came through in the beginning. He was well spoken and knowledgeable.

Marc Morano came out of the gates like a half crazed idiot mumbling and growling and made no sense whatsoever.

40 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:00:57pm

re: #33 Kruk

And to take the analogy further, those in the first class (world) might do a little better than those in steerage (Africa/Asia/Oceania), but in the end a lot of us are going to be underwater.

my 900ft Jamaica hilltop will become beachfront!...wooohooo!

41 Racer X  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:01:09pm

re: #31 Charles

I'm amazed that anyone could watch that clip and think that Watson is the one who comes off badly. Morano was gibbering like a lunatic, for Pete's sake!

Sorry boss. Just my opinion. I wanted to see the scientist destroy the moron in the cheap suit, I really did.

42 avanti  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:01:44pm

re: #29 Killgore Trout

Another hoax making the rounds on wingnut sites today...

Fish Stories More Risky Via Email

Interesting confirmation from a guy that was not even on that flight according to the airline.

43 Varek Raith  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:01:52pm

re: #41 Racer X

Um, Morano did that all by himself with his nonsense...

44 Cato the Elder  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:02:34pm

re: #20 Charles

There's big money in the climate denial business.

There's also very big money in the bogus "Cap and Trade" business, as you have amply demonstrated.

And in the catastrophism trade, which has people lining up to spend good fiat money for "carbon offsets" that don't offset anything but the ownership of said money.

There is a lot of big money at stake.

45 Kruk  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:02:39pm

re: #40 albusteve

my 900ft Jamaica hilltop will become beachfront!...wooohooo!

Too bad about the millions of poor sods in the Bangladesh Delta though.

46 Surabaya Stew  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:02:39pm

re: #38 saik0max0r

What's interesting is the amount of collusion between the UAE guys and Shell / Exxon et. al. And this wasn't recent correspondence, it was happening back in 2000.

/puts on tinfoil hat

Not sure what context you're referring to, please explain.

47 Killgore Trout  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:03:04pm

re: #42 avanti

According to Debbie Schlussel the story was covered on Fox News. Haven't found it yet.

48 Racer X  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:03:49pm

re: #44 Cato the Elder

Every time I upding you I twinge a little. It hurts.

49 Kruk  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:04:05pm

re: #47 Killgore Trout

I'm *hoping* Fox will have higher standards than that.

50 lostlakehiker  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:04:30pm

re: #23 saik0max0r

Look, at this rate, it's going to be 5 years before the research is cleared up enough to make heads or tails of this. Often what happens is that people will start arguing cross ways... If the Post hoc ergo propter hoc argument about the Carbon Dioxide/Temperature correlation starts to look bad, proponents will start focusing on the fact that their research shows ("Correctly", if the measurements themselves are to be trusted) that the Temperature is in fact increasing. so it's true that "warming" is occurring, but the impact of carbon dioxide (as opposed to C-14 or other carbon isoptopes.) is *not* "settled science".

When people start incorrectly arguing that humans don't influence the climate, and that it's not warming because the other "team" says different, they shouldn't complain when they are called "deniers".

All the effort and energy should be put into better science with the same standards regarding publishing of data *AND* methods as other scientific disciplines using a truly multi disciplinary approach instead of this crappy clique of "climate scientists"*

* What exactly are the credentials required to be a climate scientist, btw?

One credential is basic science literacy. This would include such things as knowing that carbon 14 is present in only trace amounts, that it is chemically the same as carbon 12, that the absorption spectrum of "heavy" CO2 would therefore be the same as that of ordinary CO2, and that therefore C14 cannot possibly be relevant to the question of climate change.

Another credential is basic statistics literacy. One decade of temperatures that all come in at least marginally lower than the 1998 all-time high is no signal that the earth has turned a corner and further warming is called off. Instead, what it signifies is the same as what a run of a half-dozen tails in a long run of coin tosses signals: it signals a chance fluctuation. Merely that.

Another credential is arguing honestly. This includes such things as fairly representing the other side's main points. Here, the argument for AGW is not post hoc ergo propter hoc, it's spectrum hoc ergo propter hoc...that is, the CO2 warms the earth because that's what CO2 does in the lab. It's a gas with an IR absorption spectrum. Why are we debating this? It's like debating whether a sleeper who puts on an extra blanket and sleeps warmer did so because of the blanket.

51 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:04:45pm

re: #29 Killgore Trout

Another hoax making the rounds on wingnut sites today...

Fish Stories More Risky Via Email

That stupid story smelled like a fish the moment I read it.

And Schlussel, the other "deep thinker" who most recently went off on some rant about Disney's Tinker Bell "going and lesbian" and "just another way the libruls are trying to turn our children gay!"

She should call up Alex Jones and get a spot on his program.

52 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:04:46pm

re: #46 Surabaya Stew

Do you have a copy of the FOIA zip file package?

If so, search for this mail header.

From: "Mick Kelly"
Subject: Shell
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 13:31:00 +0100

53 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:04:47pm

re: #44 Cato the Elder

There's also very big money in the bogus "Cap and Trade" business, as you have amply demonstrated.

And the people who stand to make the most money from "cap and trade" are -- the energy companies. Funny how that works.

54 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:05:37pm

re: #45 Kruk

Too bad about the millions of poor sods in the Bangladesh Delta though.

yep...and I'm gonna have to deal with refugees from Florida...but think of the lucrative contracts for piping fresh water from Lake Huron to New Mexico...we should consider annexing Canada by force maybe?

55 ryannon  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:05:48pm

re: #37 albusteve

looks like those wacky 70's survivalists were right then...get yourself prepared for the Last Stand, because the problem is beyond the scope of world govts to deal with...been nice knowin ya!

I sincerely believe that the problem unfortunately is beyond the scope of world govts to deal with - and for a number of reasons.

But for various other reasons, it might be a good idea to at least try to resolve it intelligently - meaning though technology and not jerry-built gasworks like Capt'n Trade.

You never know - things might work out in the end.

56 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:06:51pm

I just watched this again. The fact that the media treats Marc Morano as some kind of valid "skeptic" is almost criminal. The guy is a freaking nutjob.

57 jaunte  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:07:05pm

"Authoritarian Science!"
"Why should we believe people who have actually done the work?"

58 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:07:28pm

Here is another great resource for folks looking to find information on AGW for themselves- from NASA:


Featured story at this time:

The Big Thaw? NASA Satellites Detect Unexpected Ice Loss in East Antarctica

"While we are seeing a trend of accelerating ice loss in Antarctica, we had considered East Antarctica to be inviolate," said lead author and Senior Research Scientist Jianli Chen of the university's Center for Space Research. "But if it is losing mass, as our data indicate, it may be an indication the state of East Antarctica has changed. Since it's the biggest ice sheet on Earth, ice loss there can have a large impact on global sea level rise in the future."

59 Racer X  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:07:47pm

re: #51 Gus 802

That stupid story smelled like a fish the moment I read it.

And Schlussel, the other "deep thinker" who most recently went off on some rant about Disney's Tinker Bell "going and lesbian" and "just another way the libruls are trying to turn our children gay!"

She should call up Alex Jones and get a spot on his program.

WTH? Tinker Bell is a Lesbrarian?

60 lostlakehiker  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:08:03pm

re: #34 Surabaya Stew

It's a shame that leading efforts to slow AGW aren't 1/10th as profitable.

Why not? Because of NIMBY objections to windmills, nuclear power, and so on. Because the negative externalities of burning coal don't factor into the price. Because the cost of extracting oil is counted as the entire cost. The entire cost of a barrel of oil is the effort it took to get it, PLUS the use you might have had of it later, as a feedstock to fertilizer for instance, if you hadn't burned it now.

61 brookly red  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:08:35pm

re: #55 ryannon

I sincerely believe that the problem unfortunately is beyond the scope of world govts to deal with - and for a number of reasons.

But for various other reasons, it might be a good idea to at least try to resolve it intelligently - meaning though technology and not jerry-built gasworks like Capt'n Trade.

You never know - things might work out in the end.

well no matter who make the gross, the lion's share will go to taxes...

62 Surabaya Stew  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:08:46pm

re: #52 saik0max0r

Do you have a copy of the FOIA zip file package?

If so, search for this mail header.

From: "Mick Kelly"
Subject: Shell
Date: Wed, 05 Jul 2000 13:31:00 +0100

Could you please summarize the importance of the emails in question? Big oil companies and the UAE (United Arab Emirates, correct?), certainly have millions of emails back and forth each year. If you're saying that they're colluding in anti-AGW propaganda, it certainly sounds plausible considering the money involved.

63 Kruk  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:08:51pm

re: #56 Charles

I just watched this again. The fact that the media treats Marc Morano as some kind of valid "skeptic" is almost criminal. The guy is a freaking nutjob.

Unfortunately, the Media concept of "balance" means giving as much air time to the whackjobs as the rational people, and implying that the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

64 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:09:05pm

re: #59 Racer X

WTH? Tinker Bell is a Lesbrarian?

Apparently to her.

Barf warning.

65 jaunte  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:09:54pm

re: #63 Kruk

Unfortunately, the Media concept of "balance" means giving as much air time to the whackjobs as the rational people, and implying that the truth lies somewhere in the middle.

It's the "teach the controversy" fallacy all over again.

66 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:11:38pm

re: #50 lostlakehiker

One credential is basic science literacy. This would include such things as knowing that carbon 14 is present in only trace amounts, that it is chemically the same as carbon 12, that the absorption spectrum of "heavy" CO2 would therefore be the same as that of ordinary CO2, and that therefore C14 cannot possibly be relevant to the question of climate change.

The above paragraph is lacking in said scientific literacy.

"Trace amounts" compared to what? At what level of atmosphere? Carbon Dioxide is only found in "Trace Amounts" compared to other gases. What papers can you cite that say it plays no part with any certainty?

Cutting and pasting scientific sounding stuff out of Gavin's wizard factory is no substitute for understanding the complexities involved in atmospheric chemistry.

67 Digital Display  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:11:44pm

re: #58 Sharmuta

Thanks for that link Sharm...of course some people won't even believe NASA..
Hope you are well tonight

68 ryannon  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:11:57pm

What this stew lacks is a few Black Swans.

69 Velvet Elvis  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:12:38pm

re: #12 Jetpilot1101

For far too long, scientists have coward in fear of these windbags. They need to quit running from these folks, put the science out there and in language that everyone can understand, explain the issue. I wish we could get passed the name calling and solve the problem.

I think you hit a big part of the nail on head here. The problem is that most of the US Reading public reads on a 4th to 5th grade reading level. Most of the phd Climate scientists write on a phd reading level. It then falls upon the science journalists to make the translation.

Here's the problem with science journalism:


They are in it for their own best interest, going for what is spectacle over what is accurate a lot of the time. Plus, to appease their own readers and advertisers they are often pressured to appear "unbiased" and show "both sides of the story" or not make extreme claims.

So there you have the source of the difficulty communicating scientific information to the public. Combine that with the anti-science bias growing on the right and you have an unwillingness to be receptive to communication and there's really a problem.

70 Varek Raith  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:12:52pm

re: #64 Gus 802

Apparently to her.

Barf warning.

...Bwahahaha!.. That is so freaking funny and sad at the same time.

71 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:13:11pm

re: #62 Surabaya Stew

I would rather not summarize. I would rather you go and read it yourself.

72 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:13:50pm

re: #70 Varek Raith

...Bwahahaha!.. That is so freaking funny and sad at the same time.

Brain trust. /

73 Surabaya Stew  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:13:51pm

re: #60 lostlakehiker

Why not? Because of NIMBY objections to windmills, nuclear power, and so on. Because the negative externalities of burning coal don't factor into the price. Because the cost of extracting oil is counted as the entire cost. The entire cost of a barrel of oil is the effort it took to get it, PLUS the use you might have had of it later, as a feedstock to fertilizer for instance, if you hadn't burned it now.

Not quite sure what you're trying to get at here. For the (extended) record, I was deploring the fact that pollution-heavy industries have tons of cash to throw at people willing to defend them at the expense of the environmental health of the entire planet, while (aside from Al Gore) nobody has gotten very rich fighting AGW.

74 Racer X  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:14:07pm
75 Cato the Elder  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:15:04pm

re: #53 Charles

And the people who stand to make the most money from "cap and trade" are -- the energy companies. Funny how that works.

Funny how that works, indeed.

76 HappyBenghazi  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:15:28pm

Tinkerbell's a lesbian? First Tinkywinky then Spongebob and now Tinkerbell? These people must have dirty minds.

77 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:15:43pm

re: #67 HoosierHoops

Hi, {Hoops}! I'm doing well, thanks. Hope you and Winston are good.

78 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:15:45pm

if people honestly believe that the worlds governing bodies can get a grip on and actually reverse global warming, then why can't they resolve a little speed bump like Islamofascism, for example?...does it matter that 4/5ths of the planets population are illiterate peons?...I think so, and I think we better learn to live with these so called catastrophic changes

79 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:16:01pm

re: #62 Surabaya Stew

Could you please summarize the importance of the emails in question? Big oil companies and the UAE (United Arab Emirates, correct?), certainly have millions of emails back and forth each year. If you're saying that they're colluding in anti-AGW propaganda, it certainly sounds plausible considering the money involved.

There is absolutely no doubt that the big energy companies are funding anti-AGW propaganda.

I've just started reading this book, and I strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn just how bad this situation is, and how much utter garbage is being fed to the public disguised as "skepticism."

Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming

80 Surabaya Stew  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:18:25pm

re: #71 saik0max0r

I would rather not summarize. I would rather you go and read it yourself.

Call me a lazy bastard, but I'm not about to download 1000's of strange emails onto my computer. A link to the email in question would be nice and easy for this Lizard digesting his dinner...

81 Velvet Elvis  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:18:32pm

re: #78 albusteve

if people honestly believe that the worlds governing bodies can get a grip on and actually reverse global warming, then why can't they resolve a little speed bump like Islamofascism, for example?...does it matter that 4/5ths of the planets population are illiterate peons?...I think so, and I think we better learn to live with these so called catastrophic changes

It's easier to get people to agree on science than it is to get them to agree on religion.

82 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:18:56pm

re: #79 Charles

The truth is, they fund all sides. That's what business people do.

83 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:19:29pm

re: #81 Conservative Moonbat

Not if science is taken as an article of faith.

84 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:20:33pm

re: #80 Surabaya Stew

I'd have to link to noisy sites pushing an agenda. Just go look for ZOMG SMOKIN' GUNZ! comments on the "skeptic" sites.

85 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:20:41pm

He asked me not to post it, and of course I won't, but Breitbart just sent me a very long, ranting, angry email.

86 brookly red  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:21:47pm

re: #78 albusteve

if people honestly believe that the worlds governing bodies can get a grip on and actually reverse global warming, then why can't they resolve a little speed bump like Islamofascism, for example?...does it matter that 4/5ths of the planets population are illiterate peons?...I think so, and I think we better learn to live with these so called catastrophic changes

that's a bit cynical even for me, just look at how well the world's governing bodies have handled stuff like hunger.

87 Surabaya Stew  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:21:55pm

re: #79 Charles

There is absolutely no doubt that the big energy companies are funding anti-AGW propaganda.

I've just started reading this book, and I strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn just how bad this situation is, and how much utter garbage is being fed to the public disguised as "skepticism."

Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming

Didn't doubt it either, but summarized proof of the crime is always important to have. Thank you for the book advice; will have to put it on my personal Christmas list (with a Amazon link from LGF, of course!)

88 ryannon  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:22:05pm

re: #79 Charles

There is absolutely no doubt that the big energy companies are funding anti-AGW propaganda.

I've just started reading this book, and I strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn just how bad this situation is, and how much utter garbage is being fed to the public disguised as "skepticism."

Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming

Big Energy? Like oil and coal?

So it's not the smelly hippies who have prevented the U.S. from moving to nuclear power generation?

Something doesn't make sense here.

89 Cato the Elder  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:22:07pm

re: #85 Charles

He asked me not to post it, and of course I won't, but Breitbart just sent me a very long, ranting, angry email.

Tell him to stört a beker.

90 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:22:13pm

re: #85 Charles

He asked me not to post it, and of course I won't, but Breitbart just sent me a very long, ranting, angry email.

Is he going to tweet a death threat to you next?

91 Velvet Elvis  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:23:12pm

re: #85 Charles

He asked me not to post it, and of course I won't, but Breitbart just sent me a very long, ranting, angry email.

Is a summery out of the question?

92 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:23:35pm

re: #88 ryannon

Cheap ubundant power is not a vested interest of the Greens or the "Energy" companies.

93 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:23:39pm

re: #85 Charles

He asked me not to post it, and of course I won't, but Breitbart just sent me a very long, ranting, angry email.

Wonder if he'll post it somewhere with a summary of your headline of the prior thread

94 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:24:26pm

re: #79 Charles

There is absolutely no doubt that the big energy companies are funding anti-AGW propaganda.

I've just started reading this book, and I strongly recommend it to anyone who wants to learn just how bad this situation is, and how much utter garbage is being fed to the public disguised as "skepticism."

Climate Cover-Up: The Crusade to Deny Global Warming

from the reviews...
The chasm between the practice of science and the public's perception is enormous. Any body of knowledge that may require a change in public policy rapidly becomes prey to ideology. One need look no farther than the reviews posted about this very book. A large portion of the public does not understand how to understand science and tends to look for voices of authority. It's no surprise that those they trust to form their political views may also end up framing their views about science. This is true no matter where a person sits along the political spectrum. It's a pity, because ideology has no place in understanding this important topic.

there you have it...there is a inherent political separation between all people...pick a topic, any topic...if AGW prevails it will be at the poles through legislation and when that happens the shit will really hit the's not going away soon imo

95 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:24:28pm

re: #88 ryannon

Big Energy? Like oil and coal?

So it's not the smelly hippies who have prevented the U.S. from moving to nuclear power generation?

Something doesn't make sense here.

It was enabled by some dim-witted Russian engineers.

96 jaunte  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:24:36pm

I'll guess the summary is "You shouldn't take a tweeted death threat literally."

97 Surabaya Stew  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:24:53pm

re: #81 Conservative Moonbat

It's easier to get people to agree on science than it is to get them to agree on religion.

It should be that way, but Morano and Inhofe (and other assorted losers) are trying to make it not so. They're trying to turn anti-Science into a "religion", so to speak.

98 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:26:35pm

re: #86 brookly red

that's a bit cynical even for me, just look at how well the world's governing bodies have handled stuff like hunger.

yes, productive countries feed the less fortunate, while Robt Mugabe starves his own people and the UN turns a blind eye...real progress there amigo

99 Surabaya Stew  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:26:53pm

re: #84 saik0max0r

I'd have to link to noisy sites pushing an agenda. Just go look for ZOMG SMOKIN' GUNZ! comments on the "skeptic" sites.

If I did that, then wouldn't I be "linking to noisy sites pushing an agenda?"

100 ryannon  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:27:38pm

re: #95 Decatur Deb

It was enabled by some dim-witted Russian engineers.

I've always heard that Russian engineers had a reputation for brilliance. But Communism and the work ethic in the Soviet Union, not so much.

101 djughurknot  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:28:00pm

You know, it's really unfortunate that I've gotten so accustomed to completely-disconnected-from-reality-and-reason statements and demonstrations such as are spouted by the climate-change-denying shriekers (like this guy), and the calling-for-blood veiny-foreheaders like Breitbart (as seen in previous thread in which I did not comment) that I no longer find it very shocking.

The problem is, in ignoring it, or at least, not taking it seriously enough to combat it, I'm essentially enabling it to continue. How is this? Because it means it goes unchallenged and therefore skips off minus the many grains of salt it really should carry, and goes to mislead and further prop up those who don't know better, or those with a dangerous axe to grind. Very soon, they become the default representatives of their movement. We all know the usual suspects- Limbaugh, Beck, et al.

But isn't it a serious problem when my default expectation of those I disagree with doesn't rise above dangerous, insane caricatures? Isn't it unfortunate that in my relatively shortish lifespan, I've gone from actually giving serious thought between parties and the mix of ideologies they represent (in my early, pre-voting age days) to automatically pulling the lever for the people who seem to at least pose a minimal threat to my ideals? I'll be upfront and say that last election, I was already a partisan for the Democrats by the time the primaries began, but I was willing to give the GOP a chance; I was interested in seeing how Romney would fare, and curious if Mike Bloomberg would jump in. Hell, even McCain picking someone like Tom Ridge or someone similar might've given me more pause. However, the end result of watching insanity and nontroversies mount up slowly, compounded by the realization of it in the person of Sarah Palin completely ended it for me.

Dunno- It really would have been nice to have a serious choice last time. I'm not sure I'll have one anytime soon.

And as for the froth in the blog-o-sphere, TV land, and Congress, I guess the only thing I can do is keep paying attention, to make sure I don't end up like the frog in a saucepan of water. Terminal jadedness isn't a good thing for a voter, I think. Or am I already there? Thank goodness someone in the person of Mr Johnson is using his venue to do what I ought to myself.

102 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:28:33pm

re: #96 jaunte

I'll guess the summary is "You shouldn't take a tweeted death threat literally."

Tweeting is the new sarcasm?

103 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:28:44pm

I'm reading Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol".

Interesting read, but I just got to one of the many "FACE PALM!" moments.
You have to suspend a buttload of dis-belief reading his stuff.

Back to your regularly scheduled thread...

104 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:29:17pm

re: #99 Surabaya Stew

Not unless you put an href on LGF :)

105 Digital Display  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:30:04pm

re: #103 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I'm reading Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol".

Interesting read, but I just got to one of the many "FACE PALM!" moments.
You have to suspend a buttload of dis-belief reading his stuff.

Back to your regularly scheduled thread...

I saw slumdog millionaire today.. I haven't seen such a powerful movie in a long time.

106 Varek Raith  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:30:40pm

re: #102 Sharmuta

Tweeting is the new sarcasm?

It was satire!11eleventy-one!

107 Obdicut  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:30:44pm

Here's an appropriate thread to repost this:

For those of you who have been wondering about the connections between Exxon-Mobil and climate change denial:

This is a Rawstory article detailing connections between Exxon-Mobil and various front organizations, including the hilariously-but-infuratiatingly named "Nongovernmental International Panel on Climate Change (NIPCC)".



108 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:31:05pm

re: #105 HoosierHoops

Killer movie. When he plays a tour guide at Taj Mahal, I laughed my ass off.

109 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:31:27pm

re: #100 ryannon

I've always heard that Russian engineers had a reputation for brilliance. But Communism and the work ethic in the Soviet Union, not so much.

But then they came up with heroic first-responder types (which you need when your engineers drop the ball).

110 Ben G. Hazi  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:32:25pm

re: #85 Charles

He asked me not to post it, and of course I won't, but Breitbart just sent me a very long, ranting, angry email.

You're classier than most, in that you'll respect Breitbart's wishes to not publish his email to you, but I'm not that classy, so I'll say this to him:

Andrew, go sit on it...

111 Racer X  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:32:27pm
112 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:32:33pm

you simply cannot argue with the level of cynicism and pessimism people like me have...the ruling elites are corrupt enough to maintain power over the flows downhill to the biggest, strongest hands there to catch it...people have always suffered from colonialism to warming is another new front, another redistribution of wealth and big deal

113 Kruk  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:33:12pm

re: #103 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I'm reading Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol".

Interesting read, but I just got to one of the many "FACE PALM!" moments.
You have to suspend a buttload of dis-belief reading his stuff.

Back to your regularly scheduled thread...

He did win a few points back for admitting that he writes mediocre thrillers, though.

114 Cato the Elder  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:33:46pm

Interlude: how to end a short story or novella. Brought to you by James Joyce, courtesy of Cato.

Snow was general all over Ireland. It was falling on every part of the dark central plain, on the treeless hills, falling softly upon the Bog of Allen and, farther westward, softly falling into the dark mutinous Shannon waves. It was falling, too, upon every part of the lonely churchyard on the hill where Michael Furey lay buried. It lay thickly drifted on the crooked crosses and headstones, on the spears of the little gate, on the barren thorns. His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead.

115 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:34:23pm

As I read Climate Cover-Up, I'm discovering that I've been way too lenient on Shell Oil too, when I said they didn't seem to be funding denialist front groups.

Shell seems to be playing both sides; they have people like David Hone who are telling it pretty much straight, but they're also involved in some pretty shady stuff.

116 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:35:19pm

re: #85 Charles

He asked me not to post it, and of course I won't, but Breitbart just sent me a very long, ranting, angry email.

If you want, let him know I left him a question downstairs that I'm sure he'd love to address.

117 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:35:49pm

re: #114 Cato the Elder


118 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:36:22pm

re: #115 Charles

The digging... always with the digging.

119 brookly red  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:36:55pm

re: #112 albusteve

you simply cannot argue with the level of cynicism and pessimism people like me have...the ruling elites are corrupt enough to maintain power over the flows downhill to the biggest, strongest hands there to catch it...people have always suffered from colonialism to warming is another new front, another redistribution of wealth and big deal

/it will all be different this time!

120 Bloodnok  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:36:56pm

re: #116 Slumbering Behemoth

If you want, let him know I left him a question downstairs that I'm sure he'd love to address.

Oh no. Now there'll be a Bartwa on you, SB.

121 ryannon  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:37:41pm

re: #109 Decatur Deb

But then they came up with heroic first-responder types (which you need when your engineers drop the ball).

True, that.

A pretty chilling read - and once which also tangentially addresses yesterday's little discussion on the wonderful resurgence of animal life in the contaminated zone.


122 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:38:58pm

re: #112 albusteve

Steve? Did you see the Cap & Trade video from yesterday... it was very informative.

123 swamprat  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:39:30pm

Upding on article for phrase "parrot on crack".

124 brookly red  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:39:56pm

re: #120 Bloodnok

Oh no. Now there'll be a Bartwa on you, SB.

as I passed the beer through my nose I had a vision of Bart Simpson with at scimitar...

125 Racer X  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:40:41pm
126 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:40:55pm

re: #122 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Steve? Did you see the Cap & Trade video from yesterday... it was very informative. vids, I have a software conflict I've been trying to figure out

127 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:42:08pm

re: #120 Bloodnok

Heh, I thought they were called Breitwas? No matter, I doubt he gives a damn about my question or myself.

I also doubt he'd have the intellectual honesty to openly call out the dominionists, etc., for the subversive anti-Americans that they clearly are.

128 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:42:26pm

re: #114 Cato the Elder

Interlude: how to end a short story or novella. Brought to you by James Joyce, courtesy of Cato.

"The Dead." Beautiful writing.

129 Cato the Elder  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:43:27pm

re: #128 Charles

"The Dead." Beautiful writing.

And the movie, John Huston's last, does it full credit.

130 Wozza Matter?  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:44:07pm

re: #112 albusteve

The warming/cooling climate touchy feely electric car everyone hold hands and sing koombaya aside... what about the toxic crap, particulates, noxious gases and river pollutants that poison the ground and the air?

Is it no responsibillty of the Government to deal with that?...

131 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:44:12pm

re: #121 ryannon

It was proof that the "worst credible case" is not always a theoretical planning tool.

132 Killgore Trout  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:47:03pm

re: #85 Charles

He asked me not to post it, and of course I won't, but Breitbart just sent me a very long, ranting, angry email.

Cool. We should make a point of annoying him some more.

133 Vicious Babushka  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:48:05pm

re: #103 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I'm reading Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol".

Interesting read, but I just got to one of the many "FACE PALM!" moments.
You have to suspend a buttload of dis-belief reading his stuff.

Back to your regularly scheduled thread...

I read it last week. It is Teh Suck.

134 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:48:15pm

re: #130 wozzablog

The warming/cooling climate touchy feely electric car everyone hold hands and sing koombaya aside... what about the toxic crap, particulates, noxious gases and river pollutants that poison the ground and the air?

Is it no responsibillty of the Government to deal with that?...

I suppose...good argument for getting nuclear power on line

135 webevintage  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:48:42pm

re: #129 Cato the Elder

And the movie, John Huston's last, does it full credit.

My favorite short story and movie...

The ending is so, so beautiful.

136 brookly red  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:49:02pm

time to go out & play... good eve good folks.

137 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:51:05pm

I have a question...

I found a really bad moonbat rant supporting hamas today, and I was wondering how nutz is too nuts before it's considered delete worthy?

138 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:52:44pm

re: #137 Sharmuta

Teach us how to do the cache--link trick.

139 ryannon  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:53:18pm

re: #134 albusteve

I suppose...good argument for getting nuclear power on line

The absence of a sarc tag is even funnier than if you had included one.

Not to mention that you're dead serious about this.

140 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:53:28pm

re: #138 Decatur Deb

I would have to know how to do that myself before I could teach you.

141 tradewind  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:53:52pm

re: #102 Sharmuta
Tweeting for far too many has become the online version of Trivial Pursuit.

142 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:54:16pm

re: #137 Sharmuta

Whoa, whoa, whoa... wait a minute. Two nuts is considered delete worthy? What kind of rough crowd is this?

143 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:55:55pm

re: #140 Sharmuta

I would have to know how to do that myself before I could teach you.

*sniff* Another illusion shattered.

144 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:56:11pm

re: #137 Sharmuta

I have a question...

I found a really bad moonbat rant supporting hamas today, and I was wondering how nutz is too nuts before it's considered delete worthy?

On LGF? If so, does it violate any of the "rules" losted at the top of each thread? If it's just the typical "Hamas has to do what it has to do because they are so oppressed by the world" screed let it go

145 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:57:48pm

re: #144 sattv4u2

On LGF? If so, does it violate any of the "rules" losted at the top of each thread? If it's just the typical "Hamas has to do what it has to do because they are so oppressed by the world" screed let it go

It's called "Israel’s Impunity For War Crimes".

146 Wozza Matter?  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:58:30pm

re: #132 Killgore Trout

When he's writing to us he isn't posting Publically... thereby saving the wider world fresh jackassery from him.

147 Vicious Babushka  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:59:34pm

re: #145 Sharmuta

It's called "Israel’s Impunity For War Crimes".

I Googled that phrase and found a whole shitpile of moonbat rants, not just one.

148 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:59:42pm

re: #145 Sharmuta

It's called "Israel’s Impunity For War Crimes".

there are no Israeli war crimes...therefore the post must be an illogical screed, one of thousands

149 Velvet Elvis  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 5:59:42pm

Break-ins Reported at Another Top Climate Research Center

It has now been reported that the University of East Anglia Climatic Research Center is not the only victim of such a criminal invasion: burglars and hackers have also attacked the Canadian Centre for Climate Modelling and Analysis at the University of Victoria in British Columbia:

Andrew Weaver, a University of Victoria scientist and key contributor to the Nobel prize-winning work of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, says there have been a number of attempted breaches in recent months, including two successful break-ins at his campus office in which a dead computer was stolen and papers were rummaged through.

These attacks go beyond simple burglary. University of Victoria spokeswoman Patty Pitts told the National Post “there have also been attempts to hack into climate scientists’ computers, as well as incidents in which people impersonated network technicians to try to gain access to campus offices and data.”

150 Bloodnok  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:01:04pm

re: #138 Decatur Deb

Teach us how to do the cache--link trick.

When you do a google search you might see a link saying "cached" at the end of the description.

Example -look at the first link before the word "similar".

Click on the cached link and then cut and paste the URL from your URL window.

Cache of LGF

151 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:02:02pm

re: #150 Bloodnok


152 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:02:15pm

Israel’s Impunity For War Crimes

The unprovoked aggression against a defenceless and starving population unleashed world-wide outrage by civil societies and individuals that forced the United Nations (UN) to conduct its own inquiry into the massacre. The Goldstone Report – named after the lead jurist of the “United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict”, Justice Richard Goldstone – found that Israeli leaders, who planned and executed the attacks, have committed flagrant war crimes and crimes against humanity during the attacks on Gaza by using "disproportionate” force. The Report also accused Israeli leaders of deliberately targeting civilians, including using civilians as human shields to protect Israeli soldiers. Justice Goldstone, a self-described South African Jewish-Zionist and an avowed supporter of Israel was chosen because of his “integrity” and “expertise” as the first prosecutor serving Western powers at the International Criminal Court for Former Yugoslavia in The Hague. The Report also accused the Islamic Resistance Movement, HAMAS of war crimes.


As always, the U.S. and Israel have condemned the Report as one-sided and biased. They made concerted efforts to undermine the Report’s findings and to deflect attention away from Israeli criminality. According to a variety of legal experts, the Goldstone Report is balanced and supports Israel’s argument. “Any fair reading of the report would show that it was balanced, took full and sensitive account of Israel’s arguments relating to security, and indeed gave Israel the benefit of the doubt on some key issues”, writes Richard Falk, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and a professor of International Law at Princeton University.

The whole thing is just disgusting.

153 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:04:32pm

re: #149 Conservative Moonbat

Break-ins Reported at Another Top Climate Research Center

And here we go. Thugs and criminals were greatly encouraged by the success of the Climategate thief. And the entire right wing blogosphere is guilty of participating in this glorification of criminal behavior.

A great example of why I don't want anything to do with this appalling, stupid mindset.

154 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:04:49pm

re: #152 Sharmuta

The unprovoked aggression against a defenceless and starving population

just as I surmised
the typical "Hamas has to do what it has to do because they are so oppressed by the world" screed

155 Cato the Elder  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:05:03pm

re: #135 webevintage

James Joyce had a fine tenor voice, and there were many who regretted his choice to be a writer and not a singer.

He sang.

He sings.

156 Obdicut  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:05:16pm

re: #149 Conservative Moonbat

This is getting really fucking bad. I hope the FBI or whoever's jurisdiction that is is on top of it.

157 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:05:24pm

re: #153 Charles

Great. Plumbers are back in business.

158 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:06:58pm

re: #154 sattv4u2

No where is hamas held accountable in that rant.

159 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:07:25pm

re: #156 Obdicut

This is getting really fucking bad. I hope the FBI or whoever's jurisdiction that is is on top of it.

Canada,,, not in the FBI's jurisdiction!

160 Wozza Matter?  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:07:41pm

re: #157 Decatur Deb

and not the good kind - who arrive to cheesy disco music and ask to check your pipes...

161 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:07:46pm

re: #152 Sharmuta

Israel’s Impunity For War Crimes

The whole thing is just disgusting.

We would probably quibble over the "moonbat" definition. Looks like a straight-up Islamist site to me.

162 Obdicut  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:08:14pm

re: #159 sattv4u2

Canada,,, not in the FBI's jurisdiction!

INTERPOL, then, that agency that I'm never sure actually does anything.

Sigh. Scientists under attack by criminals who are being openly cheered. What the hell is going on?

163 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:08:37pm

re: #158 Sharmuta

No where is hamas held accountable in that rant.

By Ghali Hassan

I doubt if he's a rabbi!

164 swamprat  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:08:49pm

re: #158 Sharmuta

Being a terrorist organization means you never have to say you're sorry.

165 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:08:49pm

re: #155 Cato the Elder

James Joyce had a fine tenor voice, and there were many who regretted his choice to be a writer and not a singer.

He sang.

He sings.

maybe he reincarnated into Van Morrison...I think he might have

166 Achilles Tang  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:09:45pm

re: #8 albusteve

so on one hand we have the believers, and on the other we have the deniers...shouldn't this be the perfect opportunity for the believers to lay out their scientific case for all to see?...if it's irrefutable then there should be no problem...heh, there is no solution to this mess that I can see...if the object is to convince the masses then somebody better get it going soon

Right..that approached really worked well with the masses for evolution; just lay the data out for all to see.

167 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:10:50pm

re: #166 Naso Tang

Right..that approached really worked well with the masses for evolution; just lay the data out for all to see.

so what's your plan?...big mess to clean up now

168 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:11:16pm

re: #153 Charles

Sounds to me like these folks are far more frightened of climate science than anyone, anywhere is frightened of Sarah Palin.

169 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:11:32pm

re: #156 Obdicut

I'm pretty certain it's a foreign intelligence hack w/ the assistance of insiders who are of the "whistleblower" variety.

I would immediately Suspect the Russians or Chinese, but It could be corporate espionage.

170 Vicious Babushka  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:13:34pm

re: #152 Sharmuta

a defenceless and starving population

Gaza defenceless.

Gaza starving.

171 Cato the Elder  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:13:43pm

re: #165 albusteve

maybe he reincarnated into Van Morrison...I think he might have

All the tea in China...

I met him once.

172 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:14:11pm

re: #161 Decatur Deb

How is this for moonbat?

International Participation in December 31 Gaza Freedom March Tops 1,000

Medea Benjamin - Writer

Over 1,000 delegates from 42 countries have signed up to participate in the December 31 Gaza Freedom March that will mark the one-year anniversary of the Israeli invasion and call for an end to the siege that has brought 1.5 million people to the edge of disaster.

173 Obdicut  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:14:15pm

re: #169 saik0max0r

I'm pretty certain it's a foreign intelligence hack w/ the assistance of insiders who are of the "whistleblower" variety.

I would immediately Suspect the Russians or Chinese, but It could be corporate espionage.

Downding for using the 'whistleblower' dishonest meme in this context.

174 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:14:30pm

re: #169 saik0max0r

I'm pretty certain it's a foreign intelligence hack w/ the assistance of insiders who are of the "whistleblower" variety.

I would immediately Suspect the Russians or Chinese, but It could be corporate espionage.

This isn't an Ian Fleming novel. What would the "Russians of Chinese" have to gain by doing this? (as opposed to the damage to them if it was found out they they did)

175 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:14:53pm

re: #174 sattv4u2

This isn't an Ian Fleming novel. What would the "Russians of OR Chinese" have to gain by doing this? (as opposed to the damage to them if it was found out they they did)


176 mikhailtheplumber  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:14:56pm

"What an arsehole."

Priceless! :)

This Murano guy sounds like a right-wing talk-radio host.

177 Bloodnok  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:15:22pm

re: #172 Sharmuta

How is this for moonbat?

Medea Benjamin - Writer

That will do nicely.

178 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:15:49pm

re: #176 mikhailtheplumber

"What an arsehole."

Priceless! :)

This Murano guy sounds like a right-wing talk-radio host.

You obviously never tuned in to Air America!

179 Bloodnok  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:16:18pm

re: #178 sattv4u2

You obviously never tuned in to Air America!

Few did.

180 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:18:06pm

re: #179 Bloodnok

Few did.

Here in Atlanta they were (maybe still are) on about a 3 watt station!

Unless you are in the hallways of the building you couldn't tune them in!

181 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:18:11pm

re: #174 sattv4u2

Discredit Western Scientific Institutions the same way we did the Soviets, and if we "found out they did" so fucking what? The US, British and Australians does the same thing to them all day everyday.

182 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:18:28pm

re: #172 Sharmuta

I'll buy Code Pink as moonbat. The moonbat/wingnut distinction is a fairly useful shorthand. I tend to throw single-issue groups into their own bin, unless they align themselves with broader causes.

183 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:18:39pm

re: #171 Cato the Elder

All the tea in China...

I met him once.

I've seen him perform twice...once way back and a few years ago...he really matured nicely performance wise, hardly washed up and very sure of himself...I read a couple of interviews here and there and he seemed like a very sincere guy, music wise

184 Achilles Tang  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:18:46pm

re: #167 albusteve

so what's your plan?...big mess to clean up now

Plan for what? A final solution for ignorance? This issue has been brewing for a long time. If not this trigger, another would have been found or invented.

The fools will continue to repeat the same slogans until they are hoarse and science will continue to present the facts. It has always been that way and our future is no different, unless we elect the fools to govern us. We had some in the last administration and this guy in the video apparently was an adviser to them.

185 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:19:07pm

re: #171 Cato the Elder

Link doesn't work, but if you linked Tupelo Honey... wow.

186 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:19:36pm

re: #181 saik0max0r

Discredit Western Scientific Institutions the same way we did the Soviets, and if we "found out they did" so fucking what? The US, British and Australians does the same thing to them all day everyday.

AGW research is NOT a Western Scientific Institution If you hadn't noticed, the UN is heavily involved, and last time I looked the "Russians or Chinese" were heavily involved in the UN!

187 Obdicut  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:20:31pm

re: #181 saik0max0r

Discredit Western Scientific Institutions the same way we did the Soviets, and if we "found out they did" so fucking what? The US, British and Australians does the same thing to them all day everyday.

Given that all climatologists, not just Western climatologists, support the theory of AGW, what the hell are you talking about?

Russia thinks global warming sucks

188 Cheechako  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:21:22pm

re: #178 sattv4u2

You obviously never tuned in to Air America!

Air America lasted less then 3 months in my city. And, this is a Moonbat city.

189 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:22:08pm

re: #186 sattv4u2

LOL. You don't get out much. It's very much driven by NASA, Met and Until recently Hadley. Follow the $$.

190 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:22:13pm

re: #171 Cato the Elder

"Listen to the Lion" blows my mind. Love Van Morrison.

191 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:22:17pm

re: #158 Sharmuta

No where is hamas held accountable in that rant.

You just HAD to make me start reading it, didn't you!!

It is misleading to suggest that President Obama is the product of “Black struggle” in America. President Obama is a product of the U.S. ruling class. Indeed, the white elites proudly proclaim that Obama is a black man “raised the right way”. The “right way” is the imperialist white man way that serves white elites interests

192 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:22:54pm

re: #189 saik0max0r

LOL. You don't get out much. It's very much driven by NASA, Met and Until recently Hadley. Follow the $$.

Perhaps they shouldn't let YOU out as often!

193 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:24:47pm

re: #191 sattv4u2

So they think Obama is a racist?

194 Vicious Babushka  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:25:21pm
195 ryannon  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:26:04pm

re: #185 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Link doesn't work, but if you linked Tupelo Honey... wow.

Like they say, you can't always get what you want. As for me, I'd have preferred the original track from Astral Weeks, but there are none to be found on YouTube:

196 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:26:41pm

re: #188 Cheechako

Air America lasted less then 3 months in my city. And, this is a Moonbat city.

They;re still on in Atlanta. As I stated, it's a station that you literally have to be IN the neighborhood of the station to pick it up.
You may be surprised. Enter your zip code and see if they are on near you


197 palomino  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:26:50pm

re: #189 saik0max0r

LOL. You don't get out much. It's very much driven by NASA, Met and Until recently Hadley. Follow the $$.

And certainly the denialism of people like Morano and Inhofe is purely on principle, no economic/political agenda whatsoever.


198 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:27:44pm

re: #193 Sharmuta

So they think Obama is a racist?

uh ,,, huh ,,, WHA!?!?!?!?!

That was from YOUR link

199 tradewind  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:28:38pm

Speaking of A-holes... Visiting the UK?... you're gonna need to re-think the English language.

200 Velvet Elvis  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:29:03pm

re: #191 sattv4u2

You just HAD to make me start reading it, didn't you!!

It is misleading to suggest that President Obama is the product of “Black struggle” in America. President Obama is a product of the U.S. ruling class. Indeed, the white elites proudly proclaim that Obama is a black man “raised the right way”. The “right way” is the imperialist white man way that serves white elites interests

Image: 2725824442_823c976338_o.jpg

As in he was raised by a poor single mother? There was nothing "ruling class" about his upbringing.

201 ryannon  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:29:25pm


202 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:30:25pm

re: #199 tradewind

Murdoch rag, IIRC.

203 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:31:01pm

re: #198 sattv4u2

I know it was from my link- I'm saying they're saying Obama is a racist.

204 Cato the Elder  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:31:28pm

re: #185 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Link doesn't work, but if you linked Tupelo Honey... wow.

Let us try again.

205 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:32:50pm

re: #200 Conservative Moonbat


As in he was raised by a poor single mother? There was nothing "ruling class" about his upbringing.

I know that, The italicized was lifted from Sharmutas link (see my 198 for the link)((about the 28th paragraph down))

206 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:33:17pm

re: #187 Obdicut

It's much less PC to highlight the uncertainty and differences of opinion about AGW in Asian scientific circles. In this case just because there is some agreement about some AGW theory doesn't mean that there is any sort of agreement about the conclusions or specific predictions.

Perhaps you would be better served by researching some of the IPCC commentary from Kanya Kusano (Program Director and Group Leader for the Earth Simulator at the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science & Technology) and other scientists who disagree on the lack of scientific rigor regarding many of the popular but highly unscientific predictions and claims from Western Scientific Researchers.

207 Wozza Matter?  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:33:18pm

re: #199 tradewind

Living in the Uk i can tell you the Sun is a fish and chip wrapper of the lowest common denominator. A haven for honesty, integrity, tits, soccer and racing tipsters, well, three out of five ain't bad.

Nice to see so many direct quotes from the article in that piece and such a thoughtful repose on the whole content on the document - where it came from, who signed off on it, what branch of the civil service...

208 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:33:42pm

re: #200 Conservative Moonbat


As in he was raised by a poor single mother? There was nothing "ruling class" about his upbringing.

that probably depends on what upbringing means and where it ends...just another point to argue

209 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:33:57pm

re: #203 Sharmuta

I know it was from my link- I'm saying they're saying Obama is a racist.

Sorry,, tired eyes

Last 30 minutes of my 3rd 12 hour day in a row at work. I thought you typed
"so YOU think Obama is a racist"

210 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:34:20pm

re: #200 Conservative Moonbat


As in he was raised by a poor single mother? There was nothing "ruling class" about his upbringing.

His grandmother, very important to him, was a bank vice-president. That's ruling class enough for the third world audience.

211 Velvet Elvis  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:35:27pm

re: #205 sattv4u2

I got that, but still, WTF?

212 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:36:20pm

re: #211 Conservative Moonbat

I got that, but still, WTF?

As long as the WTF (and Picard)((and Worf)) weren't aimed at me ,, I agree!

213 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:36:21pm

re: #197 palomino

Just because I disagree with Al Gore doesn't mean I agree with Sarah Failin.

/because "Stupid" is not an ideology

214 Wozza Matter?  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:36:30pm

re: #210 Decatur Deb

The writer lives in Perth, Australia - and while i have been to Perth and can attest to it's remoteness, third world it is not (quite) ;-)

215 Digital Display  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:36:39pm

re: #209 sattv4u2

Sorry,, tired eyes

Last 30 minutes of my 3rd 12 hour day in a row at work. I thought you typed
"so YOU think Obama is a racist"

So you won't be at work watching the Colts game?

216 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:37:53pm

re: #215 HoosierHoops

So you won't be at work watching the Colts game?

I have tomorrow off. And I saw enough of the Colts when they played the Patriots

((see you in the AFC Championship Game for a re-match))

217 Obdicut  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:38:15pm

re: #206 saik0max0r

Dude, you're just spouting a lot of obfuscation. Stop it.

218 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:39:10pm

re: #214 wozzablog

The writer lives in Perth, Australia - and while i have been to Perth and can attest to it's remoteness, third world it is not (quite) ;-)

Say hello to the Fair Maid for me. The article didn't look like a local screed, more for an existing radicalized fan-base.

219 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:40:22pm

re: #217 Obdicut

Dude, you're just spouting a lot of obfuscation. Stop it.

why stop?...scroll past, it's easy

220 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:40:25pm

re: #213 saik0max0r


/because "Stupid" is not an ideology

Upding for the sarc line.

221 Digital Display  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:41:25pm

re: #216 sattv4u2

I have tomorrow off. And I saw enough of the Colts when they played the Patriots

((see you in the AFC Championship Game for a re-match))

I'll be there.. But I'm painting my face blue with white around my lips like the joker..With a touch of red...I figure I'll be on TV briefly..It will be a disturbing sight.. Appropriate For the most violent game in sports..
/Yes I'm ate up..*wink*
//I set the TIVO

222 tradewind  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:41:35pm

re: #207 wozzablog
Yeah. Should have realized something like that would never, evah happen in the UK. //

223 Wozza Matter?  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:42:12pm

re: #218 Decatur Deb

He's posted widely - if you google him - and there is a small strain of unthinkingness in Australia (as elsewhere) on Israel thats troubling - there is a global audience for that.

Anyone who has ever attended a 12 step programme for David Icke recovery can tell you that.

224 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:42:54pm

re: #217 Obdicut

Fine, I'll sink to your level and use quotes and easy to understand phrases. Since you seem to confuse "complicated" with "obfuscation".

Select quotes from the 2008 JSER report.

"[The IPCC's] conclusion that from now on atmospheric temperatures are likely to show a continuous, monotonic increase, should be perceived as an unprovable hypothesis"

Shunichi Akasofu, head of the International Arctic Research Center in Alaska, has expressed criticism of the theory before. Akasofu uses historical data to challenge the claim that very recent temperatures represent an anomaly:

"We should be cautious, IPCC's theory that atmospheric temperature has risen since 2000 in correspondence with CO2 is nothing but a hypothesis. "

Akasofu calls the post-2000 warming trend hypothetical. His harshest words are reserved for advocates who give conjecture the authority of fact.

"Before anyone noticed, this hypothesis has been substituted for truth... The opinion that great disaster will really happen must be broken."


225 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:43:10pm

re: #221 HoosierHoops

I'll be there.. But I'm painting my face blue with white around my lips like the joker..With a touch of red...I figure I'll be on TV briefly..It will be a disturbing sight.. Appropriate For the most violent game in sports..
/Yes I'm ate up..*wink*
//I set the TIVO

the biggest game of the day is at the Meadowlands...the Colts are what?

226 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:44:47pm

re: #209 sattv4u2

I wouldn't do that to you.

227 Digital Display  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:44:55pm

re: #225 albusteve

the biggest game of the day is at the Meadowlands...the Colts are what?

You really need to work on your trash taking...That was weak..

228 Wozza Matter?  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:46:21pm

re: #222 tradewind

Not saying it isn't a real report - just have two very small and insignificant questions

1) how highly endorsed it came?

2) and what it actually said beyond a couple of three word quotes from the middle of disparate sentences in an 8 page document?.

Given that's all the context we have and the obviously pulitzer winning nature of the publication expounding it as a "scoop" - forgive me for being the mite bit sceptical.

229 Obdicut  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:46:25pm

re: #224 saik0max0r

So you're supporting your claim that the Chinese and the Russians are behind the hacks by citing a Japanese scientist.

I'm not sure you've thought your cunning plan all the way through.

230 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:47:21pm

re: #227 HoosierHoops

You really need to work on your trash taking...That was weak..

it wasn't trash...nobody outside of Indy gives a shit about the Colts...they're good, big woop...the game is meaningless, even you know that

231 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:49:02pm

re: #226 Sharmuta

I wouldn't do that to you.

Thank you

And on that note, I'm heading to the parking lot to warm up my gas guzzler for the long ride home

232 sattv4u2  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:49:20pm

re: #229 Obdicut

So you're supporting your claim that the Chinese and the Russians are behind the hacks by citing a Japanese scientist.

I'm not sure you've thought your cunning plan all the way through.


233 Wozza Matter?  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:50:06pm

g'night kidz.

play nice with each other.

234 Digital Display  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:50:46pm

re: #230 albusteve

it wasn't trash...nobody outside of Indy gives a shit about the Colts...they're good, big woop...the game is meaningless, even you know that

Yes..Because we won our division and the Cowboys may not even make the play-offs.. I got free tickets for the game..So ya gotta love that Steve.

235 Racer X  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:51:40pm
236 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:53:12pm

re: #234 HoosierHoops

Yes..Because we won our division and the Cowboys may not even make the play-offs.. I got free tickets for the game..So ya gotta love that Steve.

then again maybe I'm just jealous...nahhh

237 JohninLondon  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:56:30pm

Sure, Merano is - or comes across- as a loudmouth on the Newsnight programme.

So why didn't the BBC for its flagship news review programme find one of the very many serious sceptics to put against the batty UK professor?

There are plenty of academics in the UK who would have been available. Or, if necessary, senior US academics. Why were they not sourced ? Why - in particular - was the nutty UK professor not opposed by the other Prof at East Anglia University who argues against full commitment to AGW ?

The BBC has been totally in the tank for AGW.

It gave virtually no coverage on ClimateGate for a week after the stort broke. That's the BBC with 1000 staff in its newsroom, with the world's biggest website. The BBC with several people as addressees of the dodgy-to-say-the-least CRU emails. So-called "BBC "environmental analysts" with degrees in English (Harrabin) or history(Black)

The pro-AGW people I have spoken to in London since last night's Newsnight are appalled at the nutty professor's performance. And appalled at the failure of the BBC to treat the whole matter seriously even when they give it peak air time.


10 days ago Charles said this whole thing would blow over. He has been proved totally wrong. If it was now a non-issue - he would not be posting every day about it, and the media would not still be full of it.

The UK Sunday press once again is full of Climategate.

The UK public is increasingly sceptical of the theory.
Some will say - this is just the view of the ignorant plebs. They should listen to their betters.

Sorry - we live in democratic countries. Over here, the public is increasingly wary of all the AGW puff, the warmists' alarmism, and certainly against new policies that damage our economy.

Here's a big article from today's Sunday Telegraph. Charles will no doubt dismiss it "out of hand"because it is from a source he does not favour. He prefers to cite only the soueces he does favour. That is his right and privilege, of course, it is his blog. But there are many other views out there in the media. Right across the UK and US media.



Menwhile the UK Met Office is wanting to re-gather and publish ALL the temperature data for the last 160 years. A huge exercise.

Now why should the Met Office wish to do this - apparently against the UK Government's wishes ?

Maybe because they want the full transparency that SCIENCE demands. And which the CRU, funded by us taxpayers, has been denying for several years now.


238 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:57:02pm

re: #224 saik0max0r

Fine, I'll sink to your level and use quotes and easy to understand phrases. Since you seem to confuse "complicated" with "obfuscation".

Select quotes from the 2008 JSER report.

"[The IPCC's] conclusion that from now on atmospheric temperatures are likely to show a continuous, monotonic increase, should be perceived as an unprovable hypothesis"

Shunichi Akasofu, head of the International Arctic Research Center in Alaska, has expressed criticism of the theory before. Akasofu uses historical data to challenge the claim that very recent temperatures represent an anomaly:

"We should be cautious, IPCC's theory that atmospheric temperature has risen since 2000 in correspondence with CO2 is nothing but a hypothesis. "

Akasofu calls the post-2000 warming trend hypothetical. His harshest words are reserved for advocates who give conjecture the authority of fact.

"Before anyone noticed, this hypothesis has been substituted for truth... The opinion that great disaster will really happen must be broken."


The italicized text indicated by me is from an article in The Register. Typically at LGF this is formatted as quote with reference indicated.

Regardless there is the matter of this so called "report" in which I found:

JSER, land of the climate warming sun

DB Earlier this year we were subjected to a spate of blog posts and faux news about a report from a “Japanese Commission” of “Top Japanese Scientists” that rejected anthropogenic climate change. The ‘report‘ was allegedly the result of work by 5 scientists from the Japan Society of Energy and Resources.

This piece of climate change Denier spam would be scarcely worth mentioning except that in 2 months the Japan Society of Energy and Resources has gone from barely a dozen google hits (English language) to over 12,000, as far as I can tell almost all of them touting the Denier nonsense. As well it has appeared in several of the predictable bastions of anti-science and ignorance such as the National Post and The Australian.

So it appears that this is yet another piece of climate change Denierism that will live eternally as a zombie (ie keep ris


The ‘report’ is nothing more than an email discussion among the participants … the end. No new information, no new analysis, nada. For the most part the Deniers merely invoke 3 tired old fables, as follows:

* Global Warming has halted (not this idiocy again)
* It’s the sun
* The Models are flawed/inadequate

239 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:57:16pm

re: #229 Obdicut

I never said I had an open and shut case here.

I'm just saying that there are Countries out there would would gain a lot in terms of scientific prestige and influence if major western scientific dogma was exposed. As we all know, 'scientists' hang out in cliques and I'm fairly certain that the Japanese researchers in question are highly respected in China and Russia.

From a Strategic Perspective, you must recall that we did the exact same thing to the Russians back in the Cold War by discrediting many of their cherished scientific dogmas and research projects.

Suggesting that the Russians and Chinese foreign intelligence services is not far fetched since they happen to be the most capable of pulling something like this this off. I wouldn't blame them for trying... after all: The Russians think Chess is a spectator sport, and the Chinese have Sun-Tzu. We have Jerry Springer.

240 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:57:26pm

re: #234 HoosierHoops

You know I love you Hoops... but Steve can trash talk you under the table. Your team may stomp the shit out of his, but he'll make you think you just got stomped...

241 ryannon  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:57:40pm

re: #152 Sharmuta

... Promise was that I
Should Israel from Philistian yoke deliver;
Ask for this great deliverer now, and find him
Eyeless in Gaza at the Mill with slaves ...

242 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:58:03pm

re: #238 Gus 802

Further regarding the JSER email discussion:

* JSER is an association, it does no research as an organization whatsoever, and that “none” includes climate research;
* JSER is in no way associated with the Japanese Government or with any research institution in any way;
* there is no “report”, it is nothing more than the transcript of an email discussion among 5 people;
* the participants are NOT “a commission”, nor are they “top scientists.” Only one (1) of them was even a climatologist, and he was the one defending the fact of anthropogenic climate change
* there is no new information, nor new analysis offered. It is just a rehash of the same old Denier dreck.


243 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:58:06pm
244 Killgore Trout  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 6:58:39pm

Sharia in action...
Gay Pakistanis Flogged by Police on Street in Punjab

Homosexuals Pakistanis recieving their punishment. You can see two lovers kiss at 0:15 before their flogging.
245 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:00:55pm

re: #242 Gus 802

Greenfrye? Is that a peer reviewed publication?


246 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:01:36pm

re: #244 Killgore Trout

Yeah. People choose to be gay. Sure.

247 Digital Display  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:03:30pm

re: #240 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

You know I love you Hoops... but Steve can trash talk you under the table. Your team may stomp the shit out of his, but he'll make you think you just got stomped...

I feel sorry for him..So I show him Mercy

248 Killgore Trout  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:03:51pm

re: #246 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Gay sex must be really fantastic. People are willing to risk their lives for it.

249 Racer X  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:04:17pm

re: #244 Killgore Trout

Who let all this riffraff into the room!

250 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:04:37pm

re: #248 Killgore Trout

Gay sex must be really fantastic. People are willing to risk their lives for it.

Maybe they're risking their lives for love?

251 swamprat  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:06:09pm

re: #248 Killgore Trout

"Where is fancy bred?
In the heart, or in the head?"

Willy Wonka

252 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:06:24pm

re: #240 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

You know I love you Hoops... but Steve can trash talk you under the table. Your team may stomp the shit out of his, but he'll make you think you just got stomped...

I hate the Colts...1971, 16-13 Colts win the Fumble Bowl on a last ditch FG we handed the...they played so bad the MVP was Chuck Howley...remember that one?

253 Racer X  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:06:50pm
254 Killgore Trout  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:08:03pm

re: #250 Sharmuta

Maybe they're risking their lives for love?

Heh, good point.

255 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:09:19pm

re: #243 Sharmuta

Moonbats embracing death rhetoric

You have to do a Tinyurl on those for it to work from LGF.

256 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:09:20pm

re: #250 Sharmuta

Maybe they're risking their lives for love?

or principle?...doesn't seem worth it to me, but I'm not gay

257 sagehen  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:09:35pm

re: #239 saik0max0r

I never said I had an open and shut case here.

I'm just saying that there are Countries out there would would gain a lot in terms of scientific prestige and influence if major western scientific dogma was exposed. As we all know, 'scientists' hang out in cliques and I'm fairly certain that the Japanese researchers in question are highly respected in China and Russia.

From a Strategic Perspective, you must recall that we did the exact same thing to the Russians back in the Cold War by discrediting many of their cherished scientific dogmas and research projects.

Suggesting that the Russians and Chinese foreign intelligence services is not far fetched since they happen to be the most capable of pulling something like this this off. I wouldn't blame them for trying... after all: The Russians think Chess is a spectator sport, and the Chinese have Sun-Tzu. We have Jerry Springer.

From a strategic perspective, you might also take note that the Russians have a lot to gain from global warming (and a lot to lose from stopping it).

A year-round port in St. Petersburg. Access to Arctic resources (that they've already planted their flag on). Siberian tundra turned to agriculture. Large portions of India underwater, and Indian needing to care for hundreds of millions of refugees.

258 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:10:08pm

re: #255 Gus 802

Hmm. I don't know how to do that, and I'm not sure anyone cares if leftists are running around looking like weirdos anyways.

259 Digital Display  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:11:17pm

re: #252 albusteve

I hate the Colts...1971, 16-13 Colts win the Fumble Bowl on a last ditch FG we handed the...they played so bad the MVP was Chuck Howley...remember that one?

Hell Steve..I'm from Transplant from California.. I don't even think I'd ever seen them play till I moved here.

260 Racer X  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:11:21pm

re: #250 Sharmuta

Maybe they're risking their lives for love?

Can you imagine what they risk for openly showing affection? In Pakistan?

261 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:12:41pm

re: #258 Sharmuta

Hmm. I don't know how to do that, and I'm not sure anyone cares if leftists are running around looking like weirdos anyways.

You go to [Link:] and enter the hyperlink and get a tinyurl link.

No wait. That doesn't work either!



262 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:13:31pm

I wonder what's under Antarctica...every think about that?, could be interesting...some lost civilization with the clue to the reason we exist and the solution for immortality and world peace and endless free energy peace love happiness...let's go there and find out when it melts

263 Digital Display  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:13:47pm

re: #259 HoosierHoops

Hell Steve..I'm from a Transplant from California.. I don't even think I'd ever seen them play till I moved here.

PIMF me Bro

264 Racer X  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:14:11pm
265 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:15:11pm

re: #262 albusteve

I wonder what's under Antarctica...every think about that?, could be interesting...some lost civilization with the clue to the reason we exist and the solution for immortality and world peace and endless free energy peace love happiness...let's go there and find out when it melts

They have found some interesting stuff, but I don't really feel like getting links.

266 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:15:34pm

re: #262 albusteve

An expedition is launching to find Shackleton's booze.

267 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:15:34pm

re: #262 albusteve

Cthulhu or Some other dreaded Old One?

Perhaps Godzilla.

268 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:16:15pm

re: #259 HoosierHoops

Hell Steve..I'm from Transplant from California.. I don't even think I'd ever seen them play till I moved here.

I'm old and I remember stuff...I got my grudges

269 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:17:18pm

re: #266 Decatur Deb

Booze link:


270 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:18:07pm

re: #266 Decatur Deb

An expedition is launching to find Shackleton's booze.

I read, some people have alot of time and money I guess

271 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:19:27pm

I'm watching "The Wrestler"... Didn't know it would be so flippin' depressing. I'm a 45 minutes in and am ready to cut myself!

272 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:19:42pm

re: #265 Sharmuta

They have found some interesting stuff, but I don't really feel like getting links.

Life Thrives Below Antarctic Glacier

273 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:20:02pm

re: #272 NJDhockeyfan


274 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:21:05pm

re: #271 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I'm watching "The Wrestler"... Didn't know it would be so flippin' depressing. I'm a 45 minutes in and am ready to cut myself!

My wife started watching White Christmas then went to bed. I have to see how it ends now.

275 Bloodnok  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:21:59pm

re: #274 NJDhockeyfan

My wife started watching White Christmas then went to bed. I have to see how it ends now.

It snows.

276 Killgore Trout  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:22:04pm

re: #249 Racer X

I like the early stuff...
See Emily Play

277 Bloodnok  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:24:23pm

re: #276 Killgore Trout

I like the early stuff...
See Emily Play

Excellent. Me too.

Careful With That Axe, Eugene

278 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:24:25pm

re: #275 Bloodnok

It snows.

old America...days gone by when it snowed during quaint

279  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:24:52pm

re: #271 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I'm watching "The Wrestler"... Didn't know it would be so flippin' depressing. I'm a 45 minutes in and am ready to cut myself!

I thought it was a great movie, but I also thought it stayed depressing the entire time.

280 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:26:16pm

re: #275 Bloodnok

It snows.

Really? They are having a heat wave in Vermont right now. No snow so far. Global Warming ™ in 1954!

281 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:26:18pm

re: #277 Bloodnok

Excellent. Me too.

Careful With That Axe, Eugene


Blodwin Pig?...I can't open the vids...they wrote a song called "Sprinkle Road and Cork Street'...Kalamazoo MI, my home town

282 Killgore Trout  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:26:26pm

re: #277 Bloodnok

Paint Box

I had another drink (a drink-a-drink-a-drink-a-drinka-drink)
283 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:26:48pm

Under Antarctic Ice
Video: Full Episode

Antarctica. On the surface, it’s the bleakest of lands, with ferocious winds, flightless birds, and enough ice to flood half the planet’s population if it were to melt. But below that frozen mass, a fantastic environment of indescribable beauty teems with life. NATURE takes viewers into the world that is Under Antarctic Ice.

284 Crimsonfisted  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:28:01pm

re: #280 NJDhockeyfan

Really? They are having a heat wave in Vermont right now. No snow so far. Global Warming ™ in 1954!

They also thought they could try to dig up a Democrat in VT since they were so scarce then.

Sounds funny now.

285 Killgore Trout  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:28:18pm

re: #279

I thought it was a great movie, but I also thought it stayed depressing the entire time.

I didn't find it depressing although I see how some people would. I actually found it sort of inspiring to see someone find their own nature and embrace it no matter how imperfect it might be.

286 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:29:34pm

re: #278 albusteve

old America...days gone by when it snowed during quaint

Very good seasonal flick is "A Christmas Without Snow". Centers on the cutthroat world of church choir prepping the "Messiah".

287 Killgore Trout  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:31:11pm

re: #282 Killgore Trout

Not enough piano in modern rock music anymore.

288 Bloodnok  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:31:36pm

re: #282 Killgore Trout

Paint Box

I had another drink (a drink-a-drink-a-drink-a-drinka-drink)

Barrett era stuff is teh cool.

Vegetable Man

289 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:33:15pm

re: #274 NJDhockeyfan

My wife started watching White Christmas then went to bed. I have to see how it ends now.

My favorite part...

290 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:33:31pm

re: #286 Decatur Deb

Very good seasonal flick is "A Christmas Without Snow". Centers on the cutthroat world of church choir prepping the "Messiah".

my kids are grown and far away...I pay little attention to Christmas now, it was all about them back then...I don't watch movies either, or very rarely...I saw Natural Born Killers on TV awhile back tho...I'm hard to entertain like that so I'm pretty boring when it comes to that stuff

291 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:34:26pm

re: #261 Gus 802

OK- I have mastered the tiny url- I think

Healthcare Protest- with coffins!


292 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:34:41pm

re: #287 Killgore Trout

Not enough piano in modern rock music anymore.

or B3...check out Little Feat...some of their stuff is very keyboard oriented

293 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:35:10pm

re: #286 Decatur Deb

Ugh. Been there...

294 citybilly  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:35:21pm

just got this...

Iran warns of "consequences" for Swiss over minaret ban

Shocked ? No.

295 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:35:23pm
296 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:35:31pm

re: #291 Sharmuta

OK- I have mastered the tiny url- I think

Healthcare Protest- with coffins!


I tried that too but it reverts back to the main page.

297 Claire  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:35:34pm

re: #130 wozzablog

The warming/cooling climate touchy feely electric car everyone hold hands and sing koombaya aside... what about the toxic crap, particulates, noxious gases and river pollutants that poison the ground and the air?

Is it no responsibillty of the Government to deal with that?...

What makes you think it is not being dealt with in the US? Maybe you are worried about China, etc? But I must inform you that the air is a hell of a lot cleaner in Los Angeles in 2009 than it was in 1969 even with 4X the car traffic. And rivers and wetlands are in general clearing up and doing not too badly. relatively speaking. If you were commenting about China, etc, please do carry on.

298 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:36:11pm

re: #296 Gus 802

Did it work or not?

299 citybilly  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:36:29pm

re: #294 citybilly

oh nuts. that looks like crap. sorry. here is a 2ed try.
Iran warns of "consequences" for Swiss over minaret ban

300 sagehen  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:36:31pm

re: #244 Killgore Trout

Sharia in action...
Gay Pakistanis Flogged by Police on Street in Punjab


Uganda is a mostly Christian nation that intends to impose even harsher penalties for being gay.

At the behest of "The Family" -- that would be the same ultra-Christian organization that's done such steller work seeing to the morals of Gov Sanford and Sen. Ensign ("family" members not currently up on ethics charges include Representatives Stupak and Pitts and Sen. Coburn).

301 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:36:38pm

re: #298 Sharmuta

Did it work or not?

Not on my end.

302 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:37:46pm

re: #297 Claire

What makes you think it is not being dealt with in the US? Maybe you are worried about China, etc? But I must inform you that the air is a hell of a lot cleaner in Los Angeles in 2009 than it was in 1969 even with 4X the car traffic. And rivers and wetlands are in general clearing up and doing not too badly. relatively speaking. If you were commenting about China, etc, please do carry on.

people just do not give us enough credit for what we have done with our environment here...sadly it's never good enough, maybe they are too young to remember...this country is awesome (but surly not perfect)

303 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:37:46pm

re: #293 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Ugh. Been there...

Our base chapel in Italy did a fantastic Messiah, but we got ringers from La Fenice in Venice.

304 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:37:47pm

re: #289 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

My favorite part...

I said to my wife during that part "Imagine if life was like that, everyone breaks into songs once in a while.

305 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:38:04pm

re: #301 Gus 802



306 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:38:44pm

Second result in this search- jeeze


307 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:38:50pm

re: #305 Sharmuta



Same thing.

308 Crimsonfisted  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:39:24pm

re: #304 NJDhockeyfan

I said to my wife during that part "Imagine if life was like that, everyone breaks into songs once in a while.

Only if we can sing like Bing or Rosemary.

309 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:40:00pm

re: #285 Killgore Trout

That would make me happy. I keep thinking it'll end with him face down in a gutter in his own puke.

So... is this when you tell me that the movie ends with him face down in the gutter in his own puke?

310 Bloodnok  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:40:05pm

re: #305 Sharmuta




311 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:41:11pm

re: #304 NJDhockeyfan

I said to my wife during that part "Imagine if life was like that, everyone breaks into songs once in a while.

I kinda do...

312 Barflytom  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:41:28pm

I fully accept that the underlying science is proven, and has been for a long time. It seems also that the remaining areas which are not yet fully understood are extremely complex scientific questions, which few people are qualified to pronounce on.

That said, the AGW realists, warmists, whatever you want to call them really don't do themselves any favours sometimes...


However cynical the sceptic / denialist camp may be, the Al Gores of this world have a lot to answer for in turning the debate into a shouting match, and making people wonder whether the "warmists" really believe what they're saying themselves.

313 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:42:01pm

OT: I have word from Kejda her site is back up.

Seems she was hacked- all of her files were deleted. Thankfully, her host had a back-up, and she's back on-line.

314 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:42:32pm

re: #313 Sharmuta

OT: I have word from Kejda her site is back up.

Seems she was hacked- all of her files were deleted. Thankfully, her host had a back-up, and she's back on-line.


315 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:44:07pm

It's kind of fascinating to watch Pajamas Media completely ignore my post about parting ways with the right. They're doing their best to pretend it isn't happening.

316 Killgore Trout  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:45:15pm

re: #309 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I won't spoil the ending for you but think of the story as a man exploring his own nature and limitations. Embracing these things can be a triumph or sorts even though it may not be pretty.

317 Bloodnok  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:45:43pm

re: #313 Sharmuta

OT: I have word from Kejda her site is back up.

Seems she was hacked- all of her files were deleted. Thankfully, her host had a back-up, and she's back on-line.

Glad to hear her site wasn't damaged. She does great work.

318 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:47:14pm

OT, and possibly OLD NOOZ:

TV presenter faces execution in Saudi Arabia for "witchcraft"

I don't have much use for 'psychics', but Jesus Herbert Christopher Walken Christ.

Actually, I guess I shouldn't be so insensitive. The Saudis merely had the good sense to "seek God's hand" in all things governmental.

Never mind!

319 Killgore Trout  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:47:18pm

re: #314 Sharmuta

Nice to see she's been working over RSM.

320 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:47:24pm

re: #312 Barflytom

People like myself have a hard time taking the Algores of the world serious when they are telling us to trade in our SUVs and cut down on heating our homes when they live in lavish houses, jet around the world in private jets, and ride in limos everywhere.

321 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:48:41pm

re: #312 Barflytom

However cynical the sceptic / denialist camp may be, the Al Gores of this world have a lot to answer for in turning the debate into a shouting match, and making people wonder whether the "warmists" really believe what they're saying themselves.

We just got done checking out Andrew Breitbart saying a climate scientist should be EXECUTED and you're laying this concern troll garbage on us?

322 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:50:36pm

re: #321 WindUpBird

We just got done checking out Andrew Breitbart saying a climate scientist should be EXECUTED and you're laying this concern troll garbage on us?

you got a troll fixation...people post what they think, just like you

323 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:51:29pm

re: #321 WindUpBird

Actually, In AB's defense he was trying to be sarcastic about J. Hansen's similarly hyperbolic commentary on "what we should do..." with people who disagree with them.

If he used twatter to do so... that explains a lot.

/Next up on the Jerry Springer show..

324 Spare O'Lake  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:52:58pm

Good Evening LGF.
Tomorrow marks the 20th anniversary of misogynist Marc Lepine's terrorist mass murder of 16 female students at the Montreal Ecole Polytechnique.
One of the aspects of the case which I had forgotten was that Lepine was the son of an abusive Algerian father, and that he changed his name from Gamil Gharbi to Marc Lepine at age 14.
Lepine specifically targeted women students, and the crime was one of the first of its kind in Canada.

325 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:53:02pm

re: #320 NJDhockeyfan

People like myself have a hard time taking the Algores of the world serious when they are telling us to trade in our SUVs and cut down on heating our homes when they live in lavish houses, jet around the world in private jets, and ride in limos everywhere.

Please note: Gore gets green kudos for home renovation.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Al Gore, who was criticized for high electric bills at his Tennessee mansion, has completed a host of improvements to make the home more energy efficient, and a building-industry group has praised the house as one of the nation's most environmentally friendly.

The former vice president has installed solar panels, a rainwater-collection system and geothermal heating. He also replaced all incandescent lights with compact fluorescent or light-emitting diode bulbs.

"Short of tearing it down and staring anew, I don't know how it could have been rated any higher," said Kim Shinn of the U.S. Green Building Council, which gave the house its second-highest rating for sustainable design.

Gore's improvements cut the home's summer electrical consumption by 11 percent compared with a year ago, according to utility records reviewed by The Associated Press. Most Nashville homes used 20 percent to 30 percent more electricity during the same period because of a record heat wave.

Shinn said Gore's renovations are impressive because his home, which is more than 80 years old, had to meet the same rigorous standards as new construction.

326 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:54:32pm

re: #322 albusteve

BTW, Journalism these days in nothing but trolling. I mean, WTF do you think Glenn Beck, Al Gore, Sarah Failin, Rush Limbaugh, and Paul Krugman do all day?

John Stewart is the only one with any sort of Journalistic Integrity.

327 KronoGhazi  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:54:35pm

Yeah, there's a lot of AlGore's all across the world. The problem is there's an order of magnitude more denier AlGores across the world. And all they do is latch onto the AlGoreSorosCrutch.

It's NeoLuddite.

328 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:55:03pm

Hey folks, have you ever noticed that you can fit the lyrics of "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" into the melody of "The House of the Rising Sun"?

Also, the lyrics to the "Gilligan's Island" theme song fit fairly well into the melody of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen."

Coincidence, or WAR ON CHRISTMAS?!?!??!?!!!eleventy-one

329 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:56:37pm

re: #328 negativ

Amazing Grace...

Peaceful Easy Feeling...

Are all songs interchangeable?

330 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:56:43pm

re: #325 Charles

What is his carbon foot print compared to these "Average Americans" democrats keep talking about?

331 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:57:02pm

re: #326 saik0max0r

BTW, Journalism these days in nothing but trolling. I mean, WTF do you think Glenn Beck, Al Gore, Sarah Failin, Rush Limbaugh, and Paul Krugman do all day?

John Stewart is the only one with any sort of Journalistic Integrity.

I don't pay any attention to those people, except what I see posted here...they mean nothing to me...I don't do pundits or television

332 Digital Display  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:57:47pm

re: #328 negativ

Hey folks, have you ever noticed that you can fit the lyrics of "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" into the melody of "The House of the Rising Sun"?

Also, the lyrics to the "Gilligan's Island" theme song fit fairly well into the melody of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen."

Coincidence, or WAR ON CHRISTMAS?!?!??!?!!!eleventy-one

Actually.. I heard 2 people sing the House of the Rising sun and Amazing grace at the same time together.. It is haunting..and it works..only heard it done once...

333 KronoGhazi  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:58:11pm

re: #325 Charles

For the record I work for many who are many times wealthier than Al Gore: they will waste money on green systems just because.

As much as I think he's a stump I'm not shocked he put his money where his mouth is. Grouse about him doing it only because others are watching, that's all you can do.

334 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:58:27pm

re: #327 BigPapa


I'm guessing you didn't get the memo?

335 albusteve  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:58:54pm

re: #330 saik0max0r

What is his carbon foot print compared to these "Average Americans" democrats keep talking about?

indeed there are Two Americas...Gore is a boob regardless of his cool renovation award...he has not sacrificed, I'm underwhelmed

336 sagehen  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 7:59:20pm

re: #328 negativ

Hey folks, have you ever noticed that you can fit the lyrics of "Oh Little Town of Bethlehem" into the melody of "The House of the Rising Sun"?

Also, the lyrics to the "Gilligan's Island" theme song fit fairly well into the melody of "God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen."

Coincidence, or WAR ON CHRISTMAS?!?!??!?!!!eleventy-one

And any Emily Dickenson poem can be sung to the tune for "Yellow Rose of Texas."

337 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:00:09pm

re: #331 albusteve

All they do is fill people's heads full of piss. You are wise to avoid them.

338 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:00:33pm

re: #329 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

and it get worse:

339 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:01:10pm

re: #332 HoosierHoops

Actually.. I heard 2 people sing the House of the Rising sun and Amazing grace at the same time together.. It is haunting..and it works..only heard it done once...

Local guys:

340 KronoGhazi  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:02:08pm

re: #337 saik0max0r

You're full of piss. And nothing else.

341 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:03:47pm

re: #340 BigPapa

Why are you so bitter? Do you hate puppies?

342 Vicious Babushka  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:05:31pm

re: #324 Spare O'Lake

the crime was one of the first of its kind in Canada.

What other crimes of its kind have occurred in Canada?

343 KronoGhazi  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:06:44pm

ClimateGate is another nail in the coffin of the right wing. I'm ashamed to say I was distracted by a lot of 'skeptic' noise for a while.

344 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:07:10pm

re: #338 negativ

love that...

345 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:07:18pm

re: #325 Charles

I remember that. He did that only after his power bills were exposed by the Tennessee Center For Policy Research. Then he called for everyone to turn off their lights for 'Earth Hour' but forgot to turn off his own lights. He has invested in a carbon credit company in which he profits from. I am not a very big fan of Al Gore.

346 KronoGhazi  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:07:42pm

re: #341 saik0max0r

Why do you antagonize and project?

347 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:09:02pm

re: #333 BigPapa

For the record I work for many who are many times wealthier than Al Gore: they will waste money on green systems just because.

As much as I think he's a stump I'm not shocked he put his money where his mouth is. Grouse about him doing it only because others are watching, that's all you can do.

You work with a lot of billionaires?

348 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:09:26pm

You know, I used to doubt that there really were climate change denialists. But then I started posting about the scientific evidence, and lo, the denialists began to appear. Hordes of them. Posting one comment after another full of talking points, false claims, diversions, and complete BS.

I don't doubt it any more. Thanks to all the climate change denialists who post at LGF -- you've really helped opened my eyes to the truth.

349 saik0max0r  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:09:31pm

re: #346 BigPapa

You *Do* Hate Puppies.

Don't be a hater bro.

350 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:10:36pm

re: #341 saik0max0r

Why are you so bitter? Do you hate puppies?

Are you going to flounce?
If so, could you please just do it, already?

351 little boomer  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:11:26pm

I don't know if the earth is warming or not, but calling somebody an asshole on TV doesn't strengthen one's argument.

352 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:12:39pm

re: #244 Killgore Trout

Sharia in action...
Gay Pakistanis Flogged by Police on Street in Punjab


Oh God.

353 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:12:40pm

re: #350 Floral Giraffe

Are you going to flounce?
If so, could you please just do it, already?

Tell me you don't volunteer on a suicide hotline.

354 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:13:18pm

re: #248 Killgore Trout

Gay sex must be really fantastic. People are willing to risk their lives for it.

Sex, love...think about what people have done for the straight version.

355 Crimsonfisted  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:13:29pm

re: #339 Decatur Deb

Amazing. And beautiful.

356 Bloodnok  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:13:47pm

re: #351 little boomer

I don't know if the earth is warming or not, but calling somebody an asshole on TV doesn't strengthen one's argument.

I'll save you some researching time. It is.

357 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:13:50pm

re: #251 swamprat

"Where is fancy bred?
In the heart, or in the head?"

Willy Wonka

Did Willy Wonka say that? I thought it was Shakespeare.

358 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:14:10pm

re: #353 Decatur Deb

Tell me you don't volunteer on a suicide hotline.

I'd be awful at that!

You're fitting in, nicely!
Glad you joined us!

359 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:14:14pm

re: #351 little boomer

I don't know if the earth is warming or not, but calling somebody an asshole on TV doesn't strengthen one's argument.

There's a difference between being an asshole and calling someone an asshole.

Marc Morano is an asshole.

360 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:14:21pm

re: #351 little boomer

I don't know if the earth is warming or not, but calling somebody an asshole on TV doesn't strengthen one's argument.

But acting like an asshole does?

361 KronoGhazi  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:14:46pm

re: #347 NJDhockeyfan

Depending on the stock market, yes. Many worth just under that.

Many of them want spend on green systems though they know they may not get any money back.

362 little boomer  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:15:06pm

re: #356 Bloodnok

Swell, but calling somebody an asshole on TV doesn't strengthen one's argument.

363 Spare O'Lake  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:15:32pm

re: #342 Alouette

What other crimes of its kind have occurred in Canada?

I don't personally know of any other mass murders of women in Canada.
But violence by men against women, including murder, is not uncommon.

364 freetoken  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:15:43pm

re: #348 Charles

You know, I used to doubt that there really were climate change denialists.

Try this guy, who sits on the board of the US Chamber of Commerce and is an executive for the 4th largest coal company, on for size:


365 KronoGhazi  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:15:50pm

re: #351 little boomer

Neither does acting like an asshole.

366 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:15:50pm

re: #351 little boomer

I don't know if the earth is warming or not, but calling somebody an asshole on TV doesn't strengthen one's argument.

You didn't watch the clip, did you?

367 little boomer  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:16:32pm

re: #366 WindUpBird

I did.

368 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:16:44pm

re: #361 BigPapa

Depending on the stock market, yes. Many worth just under that.

Many of them want spend on green systems though they know they may not get any money back.

I think T. Boone Pickens lost some money on a windmill farm IIRC.

369 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:16:53pm

re: #304 NJDhockeyfan

I said to my wife during that part "Imagine if life was like that, everyone breaks into songs once in a while.

I like the Scrubs episode where the woman hears everything as show tunes.

370 Achilles Tang  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:17:57pm

re: #325 Charles

Gore spokeswoman Kalee Kreider declined to say how much the couple spent on the improvements.

"The Gores decided to take a series of steps over time that might be logistically or financially out of reach for many Americans," she said. "But they were fortunate enough to have the ability to do so.

The indirect "pollution" from all aspects of this kind of renovation will likely exceed the savings for the next 100 years. A rich man's hobby, and marketing effort, nothing more.

I know of a brand new house in this area that took two years to build and cost somewhere between 3 and 4 million, when other new and larger homes sell for around 1 million. This one however should be selling some electricity back to the power company, and use almost no city water due to a massive rainwater collection system. Whoopie doo! That should amount to a few hundred per month, at most.

I'm all in favor of this stuff, but only when the ROI makes sense.

371 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:18:00pm

re: #318 negativ

OT, and possibly OLD NOOZ:

TV presenter faces execution in Saudi Arabia for "witchcraft"

I don't have much use for 'psychics', but Jesus Herbert Christopher Walken Christ.

Actually, I guess I shouldn't be so insensitive. The Saudis merely had the good sense to "seek God's hand" in all things governmental.

Never mind!

Is that what the H stands for?


372 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:18:50pm

re: #320 NJDhockeyfan

People like myself have a hard time taking the Algores of the world serious when they are telling us to trade in our SUVs and cut down on heating our homes when they live in lavish houses, jet around the world in private jets, and ride in limos everywhere.

Come on. BS.

Al Gore is not an excuse. You either accept that we have a legitimate concern, or you don't.

373 Bloodnok  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:18:52pm

re: #362 little boomer

Swell, but calling somebody an asshole on TV doesn't strengthen one's argument.

Somehow I think the scientific community and their years of dedicated study to this problem coupled with their detailed and peer reviewed findings can survive this momentary (but well deserved) lack of decorum.

374 Achilles Tang  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:19:04pm

re: #351 little boomer

I don't know if the earth is warming or not, but calling somebody an asshole on TV doesn't strengthen one's argument.

How about when one does it on LGF?

375 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:19:50pm

re: #369 SanFranciscoZionist

I like the Scrubs episode where the woman hears everything as show tunes.

LOL. I liked the episode of Norther Exposure when Shelly was pregnant then quit talking and only sang everything the wanted to say.

376 KronoGhazi  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:20:04pm

re: #368 NJDhockeyfan

The near term goal is getting to 0 footprint of being off the grid, through both localized generation and energy management systems. This is very doable in the near term for the largest of homes.

377 Crimsonfisted  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:20:27pm

ok. Really creepy. Listening to the Amazing Grace link and watching the video link at 244 at the same time.

New rule. I have got to watch, listen, and read IN ORDER now. Overlaying audio and video and reading comments is too much for me.

378 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:20:35pm

re: #324 Spare O'Lake

Good Evening LGF.
Tomorrow marks the 20th anniversary of misogynist Marc Lepine's terrorist mass murder of 16 female students at the Montreal Ecole Polytechnique.
One of the aspects of the case which I had forgotten was that Lepine was the son of an abusive Algerian father, and that he changed his name from Gamil Gharbi to Marc Lepine at age 14.
Lepine specifically targeted women students, and the crime was one of the first of its kind in Canada.

So, did George Sodini have any Arab ancestry we should know about?

/kinda, sorta, no not really

379 little boomer  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:20:57pm

re: #374 Naso Tang

Not as bad, 6 year olds won't hear it accidentally.

380 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:23:25pm

re: #369 SanFranciscoZionist

I like the Scrubs episode where the woman hears everything as show tunes.

The episode included the song "Guy Love". Funniest damn thing I've seen in a long time.

381 KronoGhazi  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:23:38pm

As much as I've detested Al Gore over the years I'm not surprised he put some $ into EM. For whatever reason he did it... he did it.

Only the most cynical will turn that into a negative.

382 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:23:53pm

re: #372 SanFranciscoZionist

Come on. BS.

Al Gore is not an excuse. You either accept that we have a legitimate concern, or you don't.

I'm talking about Al Gore. He's a hypocrite. I don't like him. He is selling carbon credits like crazy and making a mint off of it. In my opinion he may be the greatest snake oil salesman ever.

383 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:23:55pm

re: #379 little boomer

Not as bad, 6 year olds won't hear it accidentally.

Oh, right, I get it. Use the old fashioned argument that he "cursed."

384 Obdicut  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:24:26pm

re: #239 saik0max0r

You make very little sense.

385 Spare O'Lake  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:25:31pm

re: #378 SanFranciscoZionist

So, did George Sodini have any Arab ancestry we should know about?

/kinda, sorta, no not really

Who is George Sodini and why do you ask?

386 sagehen  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:25:47pm

re: #375 NJDhockeyfan

LOL. I liked the episode of Norther Exposure when Shelly was pregnant then quit talking and only sang everything the wanted to say.

I liked the musical episode of Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

387 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:26:33pm

re: #336 sagehen

And any Emily Dickenson poem can be sung to the tune for "Yellow Rose of Texas."

Such is the magic of four/four time. Dickinson's verse structure owes a lot to the hymnbooks she grew up with.

Note: You cannot sing Walt Whitman to the tune of "The Yellow Rose of Texas".

There is a scene in one of Sharyn McCrumb's novels where the protagonists run into a college English professor who has retired and moved back to his Appalachian hometown. He tells them a tale of encountering an athropology student, for whom he sang into a recorder--"Because I Could Not Stop For Death" to the tune of "Yellow Rose". "Told him it was a Childe ballad my great-grandpappy brung over from Scotland."

This is what we call having too much fun in retirement.

388  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:26:48pm

re: #316 Killgore Trout

I won't spoil the ending for you but think of the story as a man exploring his own nature and limitations. Embracing these things can be a triumph or sorts even though it may not be pretty.

You make good points about this movie; but I would have preferred a different ending.

389 Bloodnok  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:26:55pm

re: #383 Gus 802

Oh, right, I get it. Use the old fashioned argument that he "cursed."

Yep. This is one of the defining issues of our time and there are apparently people prepared to choose their side based on the fact that they heard a scientist curse.

Advil, please.

390 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:27:14pm

re: #348 Charles

You know, I used to doubt that there really were climate change denialists. But then I started posting about the scientific evidence, and lo, the denialists began to appear. Hordes of them. Posting one comment after another full of talking points, false claims, diversions, and complete BS.

I don't doubt it any more. Thanks to all the climate change denialists who post at LGF -- you've really helped opened my eyes to the truth.

I had similar thoughts about young-Earth creationists. For a very long time I assumed they were relatively rare individuals. I now realize that there are university-educated people who REALLY DO sincerely believe that the earth was created by a supernatural being in 4004 BC (which, incidentally, is about 1,000 years after the Sumerians invented glue).

391 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:27:50pm

Anyone watching the Texas-Nebraska game?

1 second left. Exciting!

392 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:28:40pm

re: #389 Bloodnok

Yep. This is one of the defining issues of our time and there are apparently people prepared to choose their side based on the fact that they heard a scientist curse.

Advil, please.

It's like a Hollywood version of 1950s Appalachia.

"Hey Cletus, that out of towner guy with the funny name just gone ahead and done cursed!"


393 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:29:26pm

re: #380 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

The episode included the song "Guy Love". Funniest damn thing I've seen in a long time.

I liked the dance number about how Carla is Dominican.

394 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:29:52pm

re: #388

You make good points about this movie; but I would have preferred a different ending.

I just finished it.

"What a pisser."
-Ted Striker, 'Airplane!'

395  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:30:05pm

re: #333 BigPapa

For the record I work for many who are many times wealthier than Al Gore: they will waste money on green systems just because.

As much as I think he's a stump I'm not shocked he put his money where his mouth is. Grouse about him doing it only because others are watching, that's all you can do.

I'm happy to see Al Gore updated his home; I still just don't like the pompous lectures to the rest of us.

396 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:30:31pm

re: #382 NJDhockeyfan

I'm talking about Al Gore. He's a hypocrite. I don't like him. He is selling carbon credits like crazy and making a mint off of it. In my opinion he may be the greatest snake oil salesman ever.

OK. Al Gore can be a snake oil salesman. But in the global warming scheme of things, he is probably the least of our concerns.

397 Crimsonfisted  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:31:33pm

re: #394 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Upding for the Airplane! quote.

398 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:31:54pm

re: #385 Spare O'Lake

Who is George Sodini and why do you ask?

Sodini shot three women in a gym, a year or two ago, apparently from similar anti-woman sentiment.

Just making the point that people without abusive Algerian fathers also turn to violence.

399  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:32:41pm

re: #396 SanFranciscoZionist

OK. Al Gore can be a snake oil salesman. But in the global warming scheme of things, he is probably the least of our concerns.

Yeah, you're right.
(I still don't like him)

400 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:33:10pm

re: #396 SanFranciscoZionist

OK. Al Gore can be a snake oil salesman. But in the global warming scheme of things, he is probably the least of our concerns.

He's a con artist IMHO.

How the fuck does buying 'carbon credits' do any good for saving the environment? It's a total scam.

401 KronoGhazi  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:34:06pm

re: #395

I admit it Reine: Al Gore kept me away for the longest time, not because of him but because I just had to be against him. I started creaking over about a year or so ago, once I focused on facts.

402 Achilles Tang  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:36:06pm

re: #395

I'm happy to see Al Gore updated his home; I still just don't like the pompous lectures to the rest of us.

More than one person has said that today. The funny thing is I don't recall hearing him say anything for years. Some election I think it was. I guess there is always something else I prefer to watch on TV. He doesn't bother me a bit anymore.

403 Decatur Deb  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:36:23pm

re: #400 NJDhockeyfan

The theory is that it turns the powerful capitalist market incentive towards the reduction in carbon output. It's certainly an awkward approach, but there haven't been many from the other (GoP) side.

404 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:50:35pm

re: #403 Decatur Deb

The theory is that it turns the powerful capitalist market incentive towards the reduction in carbon output. It's certainly an awkward approach, but there haven't been many from the other (GoP) side.

China Dams Reveal Flaws in Climate-Change Weapon

Carbon credit dollars to flow through China dams, but may do little for climate

405 st. louisville cards  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 8:58:54pm

re: #345 NJDhockeyfan

I've only done a little reading on global warming. I trust what scientist are saying and don't doubt humans are causing or adding to global warming. I have some doubts about the doom and gloom scenarios that are put out there, however.
Al Gore is one of the main reasons for my doubts. If we are at a doom and gloom tipping point as Gore says, they why does he live in a 10,000sq ft house with just 2 people? Isn't this the kind of needless waste that is causing environmental damage?
Does he have to fly to universities all over the us and world to give his speeches? Shouldn't he just video conference?
I think Gore hurts the global warming cause more than he helps it.

406 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 9:08:35pm

re: #405 st. louisville cards

I've only done a little reading on global warming. I trust what scientist are saying and don't doubt humans are causing or adding to global warming. I have some doubts about the doom and gloom scenarios that are put out there, however.
Al Gore is one of the main reasons for my doubts. If we are at a doom and gloom tipping point as Gore says, they why does he live in a 10,000sq ft house with just 2 people? Isn't this the kind of needless waste that is causing environmental damage?
Does he have to fly to universities all over the us and world to give his speeches? Shouldn't he just video conference?
I think Gore hurts the global warming cause more than he helps it.

Posting this for the fifth time: Gore gets green kudos for home renovation.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. - Al Gore, who was criticized for high electric bills at his Tennessee mansion, has completed a host of improvements to make the home more energy efficient, and a building-industry group has praised the house as one of the nation's most environmentally friendly.

The former vice president has installed solar panels, a rainwater-collection system and geothermal heating. He also replaced all incandescent lights with compact fluorescent or light-emitting diode bulbs.

"Short of tearing it down and staring anew, I don't know how it could have been rated any higher," said Kim Shinn of the U.S. Green Building Council, which gave the house its second-highest rating for sustainable design.

Gore's improvements cut the home's summer electrical consumption by 11 percent compared with a year ago, according to utility records reviewed by The Associated Press. Most Nashville homes used 20 percent to 30 percent more electricity during the same period because of a record heat wave.

Shinn said Gore's renovations are impressive because his home, which is more than 80 years old, had to meet the same rigorous standards as new construction.

407 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 9:08:45pm

Just read Allahpundits finishing comments on this. He goes from being Mr. Atheist alpha-male to cornball beta-male within hours. And this is a guy that Tweets Andy Levy all the time. Now he's embraced that old time 'Merican tradition of being outraged by cursing:

Watch, if only to enjoy the nuance of a scientist complaining about “character assassination” mere seconds before indulging in a profane ad hominem.

Profane! Profane! Quick, someone get Allahpundit his magic hat!

408 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 9:15:21pm

profane (v.)

1382, from L. profanare "to desecrate," from profanus "unholy, not consecrated," from pro fano "not admitted into the temple (with the initiates)," lit. "out in front of the temple," from pro- "before" + fano, abl. of fanum "temple." The adj. is attested from 1483; originally "un-ecclesiastical, secular;" sense of "unholy, polluted" is recorded from c.1500. Profanity is 1607, from L.L. profanitas, from L. profanus. Extended sense of "foul language" is from Old Testament commandment against "profaning" the name of the Lord.

If you read the etymology it magnifies the irony of AP using the word profane.


409 Bloodnok  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 9:17:12pm

re: #407 Gus 802

Just read Allahpundits finishing comments on this. He goes from being Mr. Atheist alpha-male to cornball beta-male within hours. And this is a guy that Tweets Andy Levy all the time. Now he's embraced that old time 'Merican tradition of being outraged by cursing:

Profane! Profane! Quick, someone get Allahpundit his magic hat!

The dowager Allahpundit doth offend easily, no?

"Well I nee-vvver!"

410 Bloodnok  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 9:19:03pm

re: #409 Bloodnok

The dowager Allahpundit doth offend easily, no?

"Well I nee-vvver!"

Yet he lets the most vile comments remain on his blog.

411 Gus  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 9:21:53pm

re: #409 Bloodnok

The dowager Allahpundit doth offend easily, no?

"Well I nee-vvver!"

Dowager Allah-Pundit! Love it. Yeah, I think he grabbed his Hot Air Bead™ and swung them towards his monitor:

"How darest thou profane the Msgr. Marc Morano you liberal British elitist scientist! Do thou not realize I see the nuance!"

412 st. louisville cards  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 9:26:15pm

re: #406 Charles

Yeah, I read that the first time you posted it. Again I ask, if the world is going to end soon, as Gore says, why does he live the way he lives? His home is a great example of efficiency...FOR ITS SIZE. Why would he live in such a large house with just Tipper? 10,000 sq ft for 2 people? He could have an inefficient home that is 1/5 the size and use less energy. He could move into a high rise condo and use less energy.

You also didn't address his extensive traveling habits.
Gore is a hypocrite. He hurts the Global warming crisis. To convince the public of the need for change regarding Global warming, a new face is needed. As long as Gore is the face of Global Warming there will be resistance to changes.

413 Funky_Gibbon  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 9:27:44pm

re: #199 tradewind

Speaking of A-holes... Visiting the UK?... you're gonna need to re-think the English language.

Don't believe everything you read in The Sun... actually, don't believe anything, it's just another Rupert Murdoch media mouthpiece and with their open support of the main UK opposition party they're printing anything they think puts the present Government in a negative light regardless of whether it's true or not.

414 Achilles Tang  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 9:32:07pm

re: #412 st. louisville cards

As long as Gore is the face of Global Warming there will be resistance to changes.

Do you realize how stupid it sounds that a thinking human would dismiss a scientific principle just because they can't stand someone who supports that principle (Al Gore may have invented the internet, but he didn't invent AGW/)?

You are not one of those stupid people are you?

415 Cato the Elder  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 9:35:08pm

re: #251 swamprat

"Where is fancy bred?
In the heart, or in the head?"

Willy Wonka

Sorry, that's Wonka quoting Shakespeare.

416 Obdicut  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 9:40:07pm

re: #412 st. louisville cards

You seriously think Gore just sits around the house watching cable with his wife? It's not just the two of them living there, dude, he uses it for the work he does.

I think he needs to step down as any sort of leader in convincing people about AGW, because so many people have a problem with him that's unreasonable; but the problem you have with him is unreasonable.

417 St. Louisville Cards  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 9:42:05pm

re: #414 Naso Tang

Gore does not effect my opinion or beliefs in any way. But if you don't think Gore's hypocrisy (and politics) effect some people's belief or disbelief in Global Warming you are wrong. Spend 10 minutes cruising this site and you'll see all of a person's beliefs or stances discounted because they believe one thing that is a bit nutty or wrong.

418 St. Louisville Cards  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 9:54:09pm

re: #416 Obdicut

Oh, he does work there. I didn't know he had a manufacturing plant next to his kitchen, he does need all that room.
Classic, he works from home, so he NEEDS the space. How much space does one need for a home office? I use a spare bedroom as a home office, its about 200 sq ft, there is plenty of space. Al must have some really big charts.

Who else lives with Gore? His youngest son was a senior in high school during the 2000 election (I remember seeing a news report of Gore swinging by his son's football game after a campaign stop). And even if all of Gore's kids lived at home, why would 6 people need such a big house in such dire times?

419 Achilles Tang  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 9:54:41pm

I think we need to have an equivalent of Godwin's Law for dealing with Al Gore references and AGW.

420 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 9:56:35pm

Seven arrests in suspected £38m carbon credit fraud

Officers from HM Revenue & Customs searched both residential properties and offices in both Gravesend and London targeting an alleged network of organised crime.

Members are believed to have been trading large volumes of high-value carbon credits from overseas sources free of VAT.

Tax investigators believe these may then have been sold on to businesses in the UK charging VAT that is never paid to the authorities.

Officers said further arrests are likely, adding that the proceeds of this alleged crime have been "used to finance lavish lifestyles and the purchase of prestige vehicles".

421 Kruk  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 10:14:23pm

re: #398 SanFranciscoZionist

Sodini shot three women in a gym, a year or two ago, apparently from similar anti-woman sentiment.

Just making the point that people without abusive Algerian fathers also turn to violence.

Like, say, just about every white male mass shooter and serial killer out there. There do seem to be a lot of them, but I'm sure that's just our PC media doing its thing to demean the white male.

422 Ayeless in Ghazi  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 10:25:19pm

re: #1 brookly red

Denier is just not the kind of word that brings people to ones side. IMO.

Bollocks. And you know it.

423 markie  Sat, Dec 5, 2009 11:49:04pm

re: #1 brookly red

Denier is just not the kind of word that brings people to ones side. IMO.

Denier is simply a descriptive label. Denier moron might offend someone. Misspelling his name Marc Morono, well, if the foo shits...

424 barflytom  Sun, Dec 6, 2009 2:10:41am

re: #321 WindUpBird

Perhaps I didn't make my point very well, so here's a second stab at it if anyone is bothered to read it. If I understand the science correctly, there is no serious dispute that burning fossil fuels has increased the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere in the last century or so, that it has caused a rise in mean temperatures of about 0.6C, that the effect is greater at the poles, (the arctic in particular), that there are further effects from increased water vapour as a result of increased CO2 and increased temperature, and that the recent decline or levelling off of temperatures is due to a lagging effect (oceans warming slowly) and a solar minimum. (I'm trying to simplify here). The consensus seems to be that there will be a further warming in the next decades, regardless of what steps may be taken to reduce CO2 emission.
The questions would then seem to be how significant 'man-made' CO2 is in relation to other factors affecting the climate, how much warming there will be in particular areas, and whether the overall effect is good or bad for various parts of the planet. That seems to me a tremendously complicated field of study.
I don't see that it's helpful to question the motives of scientists who have dedicated most of their lives to studying climate science. If a particular piece of research is funded by Exxon or the government or Al Gores' retirement fund, the only question should be whether they've got their sums right or not.
I can understand why someone who thinks we're heading for catastrophe might exaggerate (James Hansen with his "death trains" for one), but it doesn't help anyone if scientists come to be seen as chicken little type alarmists.
So, scientists who are convinced that AGW is a serious threat could do a better job of presenting their case, perhaps by emphasizing the likely effect in particular areas rather than mean temperatures changing by tenths of a degree. Al Gore could try to curb his tendency to exaggerate by a factor of about ten, and governments that want to begin taking action could set an example by avoiding pointless boondoggles like the Copenhagen conference. Try regional agreements, or start with the G20 or something, and do it by email. Then you might get a bit less posturing on both sides of the question. I've moved from the very sceptical to the "well yes, you've got a point" camp. A bit less hysteria and blatant hypocrisy from certain people might be reciprocated with a bit less outright denial and enthusiasm for executions from others.

425 abolitionist  Sun, Dec 6, 2009 3:25:48am

re: #50 lostlakehiker

One credential is basic science literacy. This would include such things as knowing that carbon 14 is present in only trace amounts, that it is chemically the same as carbon 12, that the absorption spectrum of "heavy" CO2 would therefore be the same as that of ordinary CO2, and that therefore C14 cannot possibly be relevant to the question of climate change.

If you meant that C14 cannot possibly be relevant to the question of climate change as a greenhouse gas, I'd agree, since the C14/C12 ratio is about 1 part per trillion in the atmosphere, long term.

Where we have indications of past variations of atmospheric CO2 levels, any variations in C14/C12 ratios from expected values (in tree rings, for example) can provide clues about the source(s) of past CO2 increases.

For example, widespread forest fires triggered by a huge meteor would jack up atmospheric CO2 for a while, but because forests are part of the biosphere, the atmospheric C14/C12 ratio would remain essentially unchanged.

If increased CO2 were from warming of the oceans due to increased undersea geothermal activity, the atmospheric C14/C12 ratio would be reduced somewhat, and over a timescale likely measured in centuries or longer. (CO2 solubility decreased with temperature.)

If the increased CO2 came directly from bursts of volcanic activity, the atmospheric C14/C12 ratio would be reduced even more, and simply according to the amount of CO2 added, since essentially no C14 would be emitted.

426 Wozza Matter?  Sun, Dec 6, 2009 6:11:09am

re: #297 Claire

I was addressing the question to Steve about where he stood on the US Government control of pollution as he believes that the only reason it is involved in Climate Change is for a power grab...

(Steve - sorry if i put words in your mouth - if i have represented you unfairly please say)

427 steelerjoe  Sun, Dec 6, 2009 6:49:25am

re: #24 Racer X

Prof. Watson may be correct, however he came off as kind of a whack job in this clip (IMHO). He looks stoned. And what's with the rapid blinky?

The personal insult at the end diminished his argument. Morano may in fact be an asshole, but scientists need to avoid the personal insults and stick with the facts. Watson could have easily blown Morano out of the water with a few key facts.

The PR battle has heated up. Science and truth need to be prepared to counter this.

Watson with the typical passive "I am a smart Professor, why do I need to
argue with this idiot" attitude was a turn-off. Also the eye rolls...

428 jordash1212  Sun, Dec 6, 2009 8:31:00am

I like how he subtly drops it just as they're moving away from the interview. Exceptional execution, mate!

429 viojam  Sun, Dec 6, 2009 8:41:19am

I just linked to this post via Climate Science. Wow! Most of the people here wouldn’t know a scientific fact if it hit them in the face. Or if they saw it coming, they would just duck:

The CRU computer programming language, the real smoking gun, shows just how inept and deceitful these “scientists” are. "The stink of intellectual corruption is overpowering." Clive Crook

George Monbiot called for Jones to step down and after declaring how damaging the emails are.

The inept, corrupt, bungling, wasteful UN and their politicized UN IPCC and their 2500 “climate scientists”, my arse.

The New Zealand Met has been shown to have fudged their raw station data.

NASA has to be sued for their temp data. FOI? Not to mention the “smoothing” of their station data. Why smoothing? The location of some stations is in urbanized settings. Smoothed by how much? Does that mean the rural stations were smoothed also?

The UK Met is now reviewing their temp data for the last 160 years, in response to Cimategate.

Interviewing Watson, of the Univ. of East Anglia, is like interviewing a defense attorney about his client on trial for murder. No bias there!

Most of the debate (?) here seems to come from a position that the science is settled. Gee, that sounds exactly like someone else I know. Oh yeah, the inventor of the Internet.

What a bunch of shrill parrots.

I’m appalled.

430 BlackFedora  Sun, Dec 6, 2009 10:06:08am

The scientist was patient and gentlemanly and even called him an asshole in a failure restrained manner. Honestly, that guy was an asshole. Could he act more annoyed and loud? Jesus H. Christ.

431 Charles Johnson  Sun, Dec 6, 2009 11:14:26am

re: #429 viojam

Amazing. Their talking points are completely debunked, over and over, and they just pop right back up and repeat them all again as if nothing happened, like robot lemmings programmed to jump off a cliff.

432 RexMundi  Sun, Dec 6, 2009 3:30:07pm

re: #14 Gus 802

In a year Alex Jones will be a regular feature at Hot Air.

I hope in a year Alex Jones is a regular feature at a drive-thru asking if you'd like an order of fries with that?

433 RexMundi  Sun, Dec 6, 2009 3:30:33pm

re: #431 Charles

Amazing. Their talking points are completely debunked, over and over, and they just pop right back up and repeat them all again as if nothing happened, like robot lemmings programmed to jump off a cliff.

It's like playing whack-a-moron.

434 [deleted]  Sun, Dec 6, 2009 6:33:48pm
435 Gus  Sun, Dec 6, 2009 6:35:15pm

re: #434 The Dude

So long asshole.

436 Charles Johnson  Sun, Dec 6, 2009 6:40:23pm

How pathetic.

They always try to post that crap in a thread that's scrolled down off the top of the page. It's a mental illness.

437 skidancer  Sun, Dec 6, 2009 7:01:14pm

Sorry Charles,

But I've got a different take after having watched this clip. What I saw was the commentator deferring to Prof. Andrew Watson. It's not a scientific refutation for Prof. Watson to simply say that he disagrees with Prof Hulme and that's that. That there is a disagreement between 2 respected scientists gives weight to Morano's question. Now it may be that Morano is an "arse..." - he does seem to strike me as a bit pompous although I haven't followed his career as you've done, but the question was legitimate. The moderator did not require a scientific defense from Prof. Watson. Morano's (rather Hulme's) charges are owed that much. Unless, of course, those charges are misrepresented. But Watson never responded with that retort, did he? He simply blew it off.

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