Nir Rosen Apologizes, Right Wing Bloggers Get a Pass

Wingnuts • Views: 27,749

Salon’s Joan Walsh points out that while left-wing journalist Nir Rosen was correctly denounced by everyone for his crude comments about assaulted reporter Lara Logan (and he then apologized and resigned from his job at NYU), right wing bloggers like Jim Hoft, Pamela Geller, and Robert Stacy McCain are getting a complete pass for their disgusting posts: The right makes hay with Lara Logan attack.

Last night the unreadable Gateway Pundit attacked not only me but CNN’s Anderson Cooper for remarks that only I made on AC360 Wednesday night. For the record, Cooper said absolutely nothing about the self-promoting GP blogger Jim Hoft; I mentioned him only in passing, during our conversation about Rosen’s remarks, as one of several right-wingers “blaming Lara Logan for…what happened to her because she dared to go report on Islam, rather than treating it as this sexist, brutal religion. And I would like to see those people come in for a little bit of criticism and examination, too. It’s not just what Nir said on Twitter.”

The shrill Hoft went off last night on me and Cooper:

“For the record, I have never endorsed rape of anyone and did not say that Lara Logan deserved to be molested in Tahrir Square. That is a complete lie.”

And for the record, as you can see above, and in the video below, I never said Hoft endorsed rape. But here’s what Hoft wrote about Logan Wednesday:

After Sexual Assault & Beating… CBS Reporter Logan Learns That Political Correctness Is a Killer 

Lara Logan is lucky she’s alive.

Her liberal belief system almost got her killed on Friday. This talented reporter will never be the same.

Why did this attractive blonde female reporter wander into Tahrir Square last Friday? Why would she think this was a good idea? Did she not see the violence in the square the last three weeks? Did she not see the rock throwing? Did she miss the camels? Did her colleagues tell her about the Western journalists who were viciously assaulted on the Square? Did she forget about the taunts from the Egyptian thugs the day before? What was she thinking? Was it her political correctness that about got her killed? Did she think things would be different for her?

Nah, that’s not victim-blaming! But Hoft is not alone in using Logan’s rape to advance his anti-Muslim narrative. Williams reported on the despicable Debbie Schlussel’s immediate reaction: “So sad, too bad, Lara. No one told her to go there. She knew the risks. And she should have known what Islam is all about. Now she knows… How fitting that Lara Logan was ‘liberated’ by Muslims in Liberation Square while she was gushing over the other part of the ‘liberation.’”

There’s more.  Crackpot Muslim hater Pamela Geller praised the Egyptian army for rescuing Logan and blamed her attack on the allegedly anti-Semitic protesters she’s been railing against for weeks, because someone in the crowd supposedly yelled “Jew, Jew” before Logan’s attack. Date-rape defender Robert Stacy McCain suddenly became extremely sensitive about the issue of sexual assault, since he could use it to attack Islam. McCain, you might recall, is one of the few right-wingers to defend Wikileaks’ Julian Assange, mainly because some feminists attacked Assange for the date-rape allegations against him; McCain opined that women ought to know before they begin a romantic encounter, “Listen up, sweetheart: You buy the ticket, you take the ride.” Now he’s very concerned about a charge of sexual assault:  “Please tell me what I am permitted to say when a gang of Egyptian men celebrates the end of the Mubarak regime by sexually assaulting an American TV news reporter…How often have Aayan Hirsi Ali and Phyllis Chesler warned feminists about the brutal subjugation of women in the Islamic world?”

The mean-spirited clowns who dominate the right wing blogosphere never have to account for their ugly comments or apologize, because their intended audience laps it up and begs for more. And as Walsh notes, the media have an odd blind spot when it comes to this appallingly common right wing hate speech.

Meanwhile, today the dim-witted Jim Hoft has another cause — he’s helping the Wisconsin GOP destroy teacher’s unions by playing Grand Inquisitor and outing the Democrats who are boycotting the GOP union-busting bill: BREAKING: Wisconsin Dems Hiding At Best Western in Rockford, IL …Update: TEA PARTY WINS! Chases WI Dems Out of Rockford …Update: WI Dem Says They’re Still in IL (Video) | The Gateway Pundit.

Hoft is also making a special appearance in Wisconsin along with fraudster Andrew Breitbart and wacko libertarian Herman Cain, otherwise known as “The Axis of Dense.” The poster boys for the anti-education right.

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1 Kragar  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 10:53:42am

They see no need to apologize because their statements support their cause and the ends justify the means.

2 theheat  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 10:54:47am

In no time at all Hoft and his ilk will chasing Dems through the town with lanterns and pitchforks and burning crosses on their lawns, liveblogging the entirety.

3 HappyWarrior  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 10:57:32am

Just as I thought, "personal responsibility" is just an empty slogan. Have some goddamned class, Hoft and others.

4 Achilles Tang  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 10:58:24am

I caught (listened to) one of the Fox News blond bimbos this morning. It's amazing how one would think that when it comes to commentary about Wisconsin one would think CNN and MSNBC are talking of different countries from Fox News. The takes are unrecognizable.

5 TedStriker  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 10:58:25am

Uggghhh....just fucking ugghhhhh.

6 Randall Gross  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:01:16am

and michelle malkin has signed on to Glenn Beck's "It's the APOCOLYPSE!?" talk over at Townhall....

Welcome to the reckoning. We have met the fiscal apocalypse, and it is smack dab in the middle of the heartland. As Wisconsin goes, so goes the nation. Let us pray it does not go the way of the decrepit welfare states of the European Union.

and commenters such as "Teufelhunden" are talking about oathkeepers, insurrection, and KBARS in the comments....

7 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:01:58am

re: #4 Naso Tang

I caught (listened to) one of the Fox News blond bimbos this morning. It's amazing how one would think that when it comes to commentary about Wisconsin one would think CNN and MSNBC are talking of different countries from Fox News. The takes are unrecognizable.

Wisconsin was supposed to be a showcase of how the Tea Party was going to Take Our Country Back (to what I am not sure...)

The fact that it is faltering is setting off ideological alarm signals all over the right

8 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:02:24am

In defensum tu quoque.

They seem to be stuck on Nir Rosen's Tweets. Jeffrey Goldberg however has another interesting take on Nir Rosen: The Creepiest Thing Nir Rosen Ever Said

Rosen still apologized and resigned from his stint at NYU over his Lara Logan Tweets. Which is more than we can say about the wingnuts who said equally or worse yet are still lauded within the vacuum and isolated right wing blogosphere.

9 simoom  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:03:52am

Nir Rosen was on AC360, after his resignation, apologizing profusely, and basically accepting an extended public shaming by Anderson Cooper. As the segment stretched on without a mention of the far more influential RW personalities who had also made disgusting comments in the wake of Lara Logan's assault, it occurred to me a similar segment with those folks would never work as they seem have long lost the capacity to feel shame over the outrageous things they say and the circles they move in would never shun them over their rhetoric.

10 kirkspencer  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:06:02am

re: #6 Thanos

and michelle malkin has signed on to Glenn Beck's "It's the APOCOLYPSE!?" talk over at Townhall...

and commenters such as "Teufelhunden" are talking about oathkeepers, insurrection, and KBARS in the comments...

The governor held a special session to pass bills which turned a surplus to a deficit. (unfunded health care bill, tax cut bill, tax exemption bill). Then he wants public employees to make up the difference. Oh, and as a bonus he wants to strip the public unions of their collective bargaining power.

There are states this probably could have happened. Looks like Wisconsin isn't one of them.

11 tradewind  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:07:10am

One thing in that comment string's correct: Ms Logan IS lucky to be alive. So is Anderson Cooper, and so is every journalist who put him or herself in harm's way to cover that uprising.
It's a dangerous job, covering revolution, and even more so for a woman in a land where women just aren' t particularly valued.... to put it mildly. They all need to be extra cautious.
Sucks, but there it is.

12 Charles Johnson  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:07:54am

re: #8 Gus 802

In defensum tu quoque.

They seem to be stuck on Nir Rosen's Tweets. Jeffrey Goldberg however has another interesting take on Nir Rosen: The Creepiest Thing Nir Rosen Ever Said

Rosen still apologized and resigned from his stint at NYU over his Lara Logan Tweets. Which is more than we can say about the wingnuts who said equally or worse yet are still lauded within the vacuum and isolated right wing blogosphere.

I hadn't even heard of Nir Rosen before this, but yeah, he seems to be pretty far to the left, all right.

It's sad when even extreme leftists can outclass the right wing blogosphere.

13 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:08:54am

Case in point...

@EricBoehlert Eric Boehlert

Wow, Days after blaming Lara Logan for being sexually attacked, T Party invites Jim Hoft to speak at WI rally...

Broken link though at the Eric Boehlert Tweet.

14 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:09:06am
15 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:09:25am

re: #14 Dreggas

from the article:

The Obama administration rescinded most of a federal regulation Friday designed to protect health workers who refuse to provide care they find objectionable on personal or religious grounds.

16 Cankles McCellulite  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:09:26am

re: #9 simoom

Until now, i knew nothing about Rosen's politics or beliefs. But i did assume he was probably a right winger. I thought "OK, i was wrong, there are right wingers still left with character."

17 tradewind  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:09:39am

re: #10 kirkspencer
Never fear: OFA is on it. Backed up by SEIU and AFL-CIO.
They'll straighten this out in no time.
In the meanwhile, the awol legislators should be on unpaid leave until they deign to show their faces to their employers..... the people of WI.

18 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:10:53am

re: #17 tradewind

Never fear: OFA is on it. Backed up by SEIU and AFL-CIO.
They'll straighten this out in no time.
In the meanwhile, the awol legislators should be on unpaid leave until they deign to show their faces to their employers... the people of WI.

sounds like their employers are supporting their going AWOL.

19 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:10:56am

re: #10 kirkspencer

The governor held a special session to pass bills which turned a surplus to a deficit. (unfunded health care bill, tax cut bill, tax exemption bill). Then he wants public employees to make up the difference. Oh, and as a bonus he wants to strip the public unions of their collective bargaining power.

There are states this probably could have happened. Looks like Wisconsin isn't one of them.

We'll probably loose in the short term. But even up in the areas that voted solidly for Scooter, they're furious over this. The Eau Claire city government, hardly a bastion of liburals has said they don't want the teachers to lose CBA rights for one example. The next election will be interesting. I'm waiting to see how long before the ads for the Supreme Court Justice race start going on this theme (nominally non-partisan, the incumbant is a small c conservative Republican and the challenger is a Democrat.) How that plays may give an interesting look at what to look for down the road.

20 theheat  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:11:06am

re: #14 Dreggas

I find it delightful.

21 Killgore Trout  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:11:33am

Pamella Geller declares victory against Islamization of soup: VICTORY! Campbell's Sales fall 8% After Boycott for Muslim Brotherhood-Linked Collaboration

We called for a boycott of Campbell's soups -- and it looks like we made an impact. Back in October, Atlas called for a boycott (here) of Campbell's soups after they announced they would be going halal under the auspices of the Hamas-linked Muslim Brotherhood group, Islamic Society of North America.

22 HappyWarrior  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:12:15am

re: #21 Killgore Trout

Pamella Geller declares victory against Islamization of soup: VICTORY! Campbell's Sales fall 8% After Boycott for Muslim Brotherhood-Linked Collaboration

Well I am glad Pamela's soup jihad worked for her.

23 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:12:23am

re: #21 Killgore Trout

It couldn't be the fact that campbells soups just aren't that good...nahhhh.

24 theheat  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:12:35am

re: #21 Killgore Trout

Coincidentally, I only buy Campbell's soup. Never been a Progresso fan.

25 Sol Berdinowitz  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:13:04am

I stopped buying it when they changed the name to "Kareem of Mushroom Soup"

26 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:13:15am

re: #17 tradewind

Never fear: OFA is on it. Backed up by SEIU and AFL-CIO.
They'll straighten this out in no time.
In the meanwhile, the awol legislators should be on unpaid leave until they deign to show their faces to their employers... the people of WI.

Tell Scooter to represent all of WIsconsin and not just the extreme right first. And how about we save by cutting his salary to $1 a term?

27 Killgore Trout  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:13:27am

re: #24 theheat

Coincidentally, I only buy Campbell's soup. Never been a Progresso fan.

I make my own and freeze it. Too much salt in canned soups for me.

28 tradewind  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:13:39am

re: #24 theheat
Wait, they still make Campbell's soup? I thought for sure the sodium police would have caught up with 'em by now.......

29 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:13:49am

re: #27 Killgore Trout

I make my own and freeze it. Too much salt in canned soups for me.

I was just about to post that!

30 recusancy  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:14:20am

re: #26 wlewisiii

Tell Scooter to represent all of WIsconsin and not just the extreme right first. And how about we save by cutting his salary to $1 a term?

Yeah.. Snyder here in Michigan cut his own salary to $1/year.

31 theheat  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:14:33am

There you go rubbing your cooking skills in my face again. Look, some of us are doing well to make canned soup, okay?

32 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:14:42am
33 tradewind  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:14:49am

re: #22 HappyWarrior
Soup Nazi reference in 5....4....3......2....

34 tradewind  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:15:42am

re: #26 wlewisiii
If he starts governing in absentia from Rockford, IL, that'd be reasonable.......

35 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:16:22am

re: #13 Gus 802

Case in point...

@EricBoehlert Eric Boehlert

Wow, Days after blaming Lara Logan for being sexually attacked, T Party invites Jim Hoft to speak at WI rally...

Broken link though at the Eric Boehlert Tweet.

He's referring to the one Charles mentioned above:

Hoft is also making a special appearance in Wisconsin along with fraudster Andrew Breitbart and wacko libertarian Herman Cain, otherwise known as “The Axis of Dense.” The poster boys for the anti-education right.

This is being put on by "American Majority" which is led by Ned Ryun.

36 mcspiff  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:16:48am

Is it beer o'clock yet?

37 HappyWarrior  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:17:42am

re: #35 Gus 802

He's referring to the one Charles mentioned above:

This is being put on by "American Majority" which is led by Ned Ryun.

Weird, American Majority is HQed in the next town over from where my parents live.

38 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:17:53am

Astroturfing union busters from out of town showing up at Wisconsin to support Governor Hosni Walker*.

Film @ 11.

Yes, calling him Hosni is a joke.

39 Randall Gross  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:18:23am

Over the past several years Campbell's shelf space in supermarkets has shrunk but that's mostly due to new types of designer soups, healthy soups etc. Campbell is only now catching up to the food revolution in the US that was ushered in by cable cooking channels.

40 kirkspencer  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:19:13am

re: #19 wlewisiii

We'll probably loose in the short term. But even up in the areas that voted solidly for Scooter, they're furious over this. The Eau Claire city government, hardly a bastion of liburals has said they don't want the teachers to lose CBA rights for one example. The next election will be interesting. I'm waiting to see how long before the ads for the Supreme Court Justice race start going on this theme (nominally non-partisan, the incumbant is a small c conservative Republican and the challenger is a Democrat.) How that plays may give an interesting look at what to look for down the road.

Oh, I agree about the short term play. The democrats in hiding are also probably aware that sooner or later they'll have to come in and make the vote. Related to what you've said, this is an attempt to put a public issue in front of the public and get a pocket referendum. The Dems are hoping the
Republicans will decide this many active voices is too many votes to argue against.

Frankly neither side will actually know till next year at the earliest (if a recall is started) or more likely the 2012 elections whether it is or isn't -- if the Republicans force the bill, that is.

(Wisconsin recall law is basically: a petition can be started after someone's been in office for a year. If it gets 25% of the total vote - not votes received by the person - that elected the someone within 60 days, a recall vote is held.)

41 Jadespring  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:19:59am

re: #21 Killgore Trout

Pamella Geller declares victory against Islamization of soup: VICTORY! Campbell's Sales fall 8% After Boycott for Muslim Brotherhood-Linked Collaboration

She's on crack as usual. I just read some analysis. For one there sales have been dropping and they've been having issues long before the boycott, have been since 2009.

42 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:20:13am

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker: Funded by the Koch Bros.
— By Andy Kroll*

Wisconsin Republican Governor Scott Walker, whose bill to kill collective bargaining rights for public-sector unions has caused an uproar among state employees, might not be where he is today without the Koch brothers. Charles and David Koch are conservative titans of industry who have infamously used their vast wealth to undermine President Obama and fight legislation they detest, such as the cap-and-trade climate bill, the health care reform act, and the economic stimulus package. For years, the billionaires have made extensive political donations to Republican candidates across the country and have provided millions of dollars to astroturf right-wing organizations. Koch Industries' political action committee has doled out more than $2.6 million to candidates. And one prominent beneficiary of the Koch brothers' largess is Scott Walker.


No, I did not "vet" Andy Kroll. YMMV.

43 Charles Johnson  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:21:03am

re: #21 Killgore Trout

Pamella Geller declares victory against Islamization of soup: VICTORY! Campbell's Sales fall 8% After Boycott for Muslim Brotherhood-Linked Collaboration

What. A. Freaking. Moron.

If you read the actual article, Campbell's expected this result and so did Wall Street, and it had NOTHING to do with Geller's asinine boycott.

Campbell says sales, profit dip; cuts guidance

44 tradewind  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:21:38am

re: #38 Gus 802
They're gonna have to ship in a boatload to even approach the number of out-0f-towners already sent by every running-scared public employee union in the country.
Sending in OFA and giving them attaboys is not going to end well, polls-wise, for POTUS.* And just when he was on his way back up....

45 Walter L. Newton  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:22:02am

re: #42 Gus 802

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker: Funded by the Koch Bros.
— By Andy Kroll*

No, I did not "vet" Andy Kroll. YMMV.

He doesn't need vetting. He's writing for Mother Jones, which is an extremely bipartisan source for news... everything should be fine.

46 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:22:15am

@EricBoehlert Eric Boehlert

FIXED: Days after blaming Lara Logan for being sexually attacked, T Party invites Jim Hoft to spk at WI rally; [Link:]

47 Jadespring  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:23:08am

re: #39 Thanos

Over the past several years Campbell's shelf space in supermarkets has shrunk but that's mostly due to new types of designer soups, healthy soups etc. Campbell is only now catching up to the food revolution in the US that was ushered in by cable cooking channels.

Yes it looks like is an actual product thing. This recent 8% drop is in line with how it was already been dropping for a few years now.

Ah well. I suppose if it makes them feel better to think they had a magical hand in it....

48 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:23:27am

re: #40 kirkspencer

Oh, I agree about the short term play. The democrats in hiding are also probably aware that sooner or later they'll have to come in and make the vote. Related to what you've said, this is an attempt to put a public issue in front of the public and get a pocket referendum. The Dems are hoping the
Republicans will decide this many active voices is too many votes to argue against.

Frankly neither side will actually know till next year at the earliest (if a recall is started) or more likely the 2012 elections whether it is or isn't -- if the Republicans force the bill, that is.

(Wisconsin recall law is basically: a petition can be started after someone's been in office for a year. If it gets 25% of the total vote - not votes received by the person - that elected the someone within 60 days, a recall vote is held.)

Seriously, I doubt recall - too much of a hassle (good summary of the statute, BTW) But the next round in the assembly could be very interesting. Plus the other half of the State Senate will be up. If both houses change over this I'd laugh. Veto proof would be even more hilarious.

49 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:23:42am

looks like Tennessee and Ohio are jumping on the Scott Walker express elevator to hell

50 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:23:47am

re: #43 Charles

What. A. Freaking. Moron.

If you read the actual article, Campbell's expected this result and so did Wall Street, and it had NOTHING to do with Geller's asinine boycott.

Campbell says sales, profit dip; cuts guidance

Pamela's jihad against halal endorsed products reminds me of the odious kosher tax propaganda.

51 tradewind  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:23:58am

Now the fun part will be watching to see if the WI legislature can round up the one lone ranger they need for a quorum.
He/she's out there somewhere.

52 recusancy  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:24:24am

re: #44 tradewind

They're gonna have to ship in a boatload to even approach the number of out-0f-towners already sent by every running-scared public employee union in the country.
Sending in OFA and giving them attaboys is not going to end well, polls-wise, for POTUS.* And just when he was on his way back up...

*When was the last time that was correct?

53 Killgore Trout  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:26:04am

re: #50 Alouette

Pamela's jihad against halal endorsed products reminds me of the odious kosher tax propaganda.


54 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:26:20am

re: #44 tradewind

They're gonna have to ship in a boatload to even approach the number of out-0f-towners already sent by every running-scared public employee union in the country.
Sending in OFA and giving them attaboys is not going to end well, polls-wise, for POTUS.* And just when he was on his way back up...

How about Scott Walker creating the 140 million shortfall? Where were the out-of-towners then? That is the Teabaggers that are always getting their panties in a wad over government spending? He creates the shortfall and then uses it to advance union busting.

55 Obdicut  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:28:01am

The House just voted to ban all funding to Planned Parenthood.


56 tradewind  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:28:23am

re: #52 recusancy
*When was the last time you checked Websters' for the definition of ' opinion ' ?
Because unlike ' fact ' , you and I are both entitled to our own.

57 Kronocide  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:28:50am


58 Randall Gross  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:29:05am

re: #47 Jadespring

Yes it looks like is an actual product thing. This recent 8% drop is in line with how it was already been dropping for a few years now.

Ah well. I suppose if it makes them feel better to think they had a magical hand in it...

The article Charles linked confirms, they are only keeping sales volume from nosediving by "buying" consumers with heavy advertising dollars, and they are losing to "other simple meals"... those aren't just in the soup aisle anymore either...

59 Tigger2  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:29:12am

re: #55 Obdicut

The House just voted to ban all funding to Planned Parenthood.


I hope the Senate dosen't.

60 jaunte  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:29:19am

re: #43 Charles

Revenue for the six-month period was down 1 percent to $4.3 billion.

Yeah, Geller's really killing them.

61 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:30:02am

re: #49 Dreggas

looks like Tennessee and Ohio are jumping on the Scott Walker express elevator to hell

The long term goal of the far right and Randians is to eliminate public education altogether. The rallying call of the "free marketeers" is to replace all public services with the private sector. See Rand and Ron Paul; Lew Rockwell; etc.

62 Charles Johnson  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:30:07am


@HuffPostHill: Look for @AndrewBreitbart galloping through the Madison crowd on a camel tomorrow. Keep your heads down, folks

63 Jadespring  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:30:42am

Geller in the early 1900's. "Boycott buggy whips! They are made by X and used to support the evil manipulations of XXX"

Geller years later: "Look, look the buggy whip industry is pretty much dead! Victory. We have prevailed!"

64 Achilles Tang  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:31:09am

re: #17 tradewind

Never fear: OFA is on it. Backed up by SEIU and AFL-CIO.
They'll straighten this out in no time.
In the meanwhile, the awol legislators should be on unpaid leave until they deign to show their faces to their employers... the people of WI.

You are spending too much time on Fox. Try some more balanced fare before calling out the hypocrites.

The Democratic organizations are unions, the Republican organizations are billionaires. The whole political sphere is starting to sound like a Scientology scam, where they start a business, overpay everyone (who is a Scientologist), deduct that from corporate taxes, then claim a donation from the employees (who also claim a religious tax deduction).

The Republicans give billions in tax breaks to billionaires (paid for by everyone) and then get at least hundreds of millions back in political donations directly or indirectly.

65 tradewind  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:31:31am

re: #54 Gus 802
When that meme gains some traction, I'm sure this will all get straightened out. Until then, we're stuck with what appears to be a badly misinformed press, spreading confusion.

66 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:31:33am

re: #61 Gus 802

The long term goal of the far right and Randians is to eliminate public education altogether. The rallying call of the "free marketeers" is to replace all public services with the private sector. See Rand and Ron Paul; Lew Rockwell; etc.

Of course. It's easier to fleece and enslave the uneducated. Just see FOX for the experiment in progress.

67 Charles Johnson  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:31:59am

re: #55 Obdicut

The House just voted to ban all funding to Planned Parenthood.


The GOP is disgusting. It won't pass the Senate, though.

68 recusancy  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:32:16am

re: #56 tradewind

*When was the last time you checked Websters' for the definition of ' opinion ' ?
Because unlike ' fact ' , you and I are both entitled to our own.

If your opinion is on whether or not something happens in the future there's a simple way to test that, no? Did it happen or didn't it. This isn't your opinion on favorite colors or soft drinks. This is a hypothesis. You think poll numbers will be poor. They either will be or won't be.

69 Kronocide  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:32:20am

re: #43 Charles

What. A. Freaking. Moron.

Or she's a craven liar.

Hm... moron.... liar... moron.... ... .... liar.

I can't make up my mind.

70 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:33:01am

re: #55 Obdicut

The House just voted to ban all funding to Planned Parenthood.


This was a pretty powerful response to that last night

71 Kronocide  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:33:20am

Too early for a 'No Soup For You!' joke?

72 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:34:09am

re: #49 Dreggas

looks like Tennessee and Ohio are jumping on the Scott Walker express elevator to hell

Hah! From the comments there:

"Who knew that Communist China was actually the Republicans ideal state? Once they get rid of unions, child labor laws, environmental protection regulations and any hope of health or income security, the country will perfect, right?"

73 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:34:11am

re: #55 Obdicut

The House just voted to ban all funding to Planned Parenthood.


Worst House ever.

Yep. The GOP is here to save the economy. First step! Attack women's rights; gays; American Muslims; teachers unions; NPR; PBS; and teleprompters.

74 Achilles Tang  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:34:14am

re: #67 Charles

The GOP is disgusting. It won't pass the Senate, though.

Have they passed anything other than gas lately?

75 Girth  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:34:45am

re: #69 BigPapa

Or she's a craven liar.

Hm... moron... liar... moron... ... ... liar.

I can't make up my mind.

Homer Simpson was Pam's Logic professor

76 HappyWarrior  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:34:55am

re: #72 wlewisiii

Hah! From the comments there:

"Who knew that Communist China was actually the Republicans ideal state? Once they get rid of unions, child labor laws, environmental protection regulations and any hope of health or income security, the country will perfect, right?"

Well I have seen Newt Gingrich suggest we emulate China, yes.

77 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:35:38am

Daddy? What caused the economic collapse of 2008 while the Republican Party held the White House?

Why that's simple son. It was the homosexuals and abortionists.


78 Obdicut  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:36:06am

re: #73 Gus 802

Not to mention that Planned Parenthood provides needed services-- like contraceptives, HIV prevention campaigns, etc-- in an efficient, cheap, manner. Defunding them is going to lead to more pregnancies, more AIDS cases, more STDs of other sorts, and more costs for hospitals in dealing with those pregnancies. Defunding them hurts, not helps, the deficit.


79 tradewind  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:36:18am

re: #64 Naso Tang
I watch a lot more MSNBC. Time of day is more convenient, and I like Joe Scarborough, and that funny Mika .
Besides, anything I miss on Fox I can count on finding condensed right here, and with footnotes. Saves beaucoup de temps.

80 Randall Gross  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:36:34am

As I said prior to election 2008, Fiscal Conservatism was just a cloaking device for the religious right.

81 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:37:36am

re: #79 tradewind

I watch a lot more MSNBC. Time of day is more convenient, and I like Joe Scarborough, and that funny Mika .
Besides, anything I miss on Fox I can count on finding condensed right here, and with footnotes. Saves beaucoup de temps.

I still watch "House" and "Bones."

82 recusancy  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:38:12am

re: #78 Obdicut

Not to mention that Planned Parenthood provides needed services-- like contraceptives, HIV prevention campaigns, etc-- in an efficient, cheap, manner. Defunding them is going to lead to more pregnancies, more AIDS cases, more STDs of other sorts, and more costs for hospitals in dealing with those pregnancies. Defunding them hurts, not helps, the deficit.


And cancer screening.

83 Killgore Trout  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:38:39am

re: #80 Thanos

As I said prior to election 2008, Fiscal Conservatism was just a cloaking device for the religious right.

I'm a little late to that realization but I agree. I think I started to wake up to the sham of "fiscal conservatism" when they opposed saving the economy after the financial meltdown.

84 Achilles Tang  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:39:00am

re: #77 Gus 802

Daddy? What caused the economic collapse of 2008 while the Republican Party held the White House?

Why that's simple son. It was the homosexuals and abortionists.


That may work for some, but most Republicans will say the universe was created in 2009.

85 lawhawk  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:39:05am

re: #43 Charles

Some people really have issues when it comes to reading financial statements. Geller clearly falls into that category.

From AP:

Revenue from ready-to-serve soups fell 4 percent. The company says declines in its relatively pricey microwavable soups were responsible for most of that. Meanwhile, revenue from highly profitable condensed soups, which have had labels redesigned and supermarket displays reconfigured, fell 7 percent.

The company said that competitors lured some customers away by dropping ready-to-serve prices so low that some shoppers were forsaking Campbell's condensed soup for the more convenient varieties.

Broth sales, meanwhile, rose, as people used those products for more holiday meals. The baking and snacking line, including Pepperidge Farm cookies and crackers, was up 8 percent.

So, increased competition from lower priced soups undercutting Campbell's, which had alread attempted to goose their sales with increased incentives, fell short on both ends, widening their losses.

Those losses were wholly expected by those involved and yet... wait for it.... Campbells still sold more soup in the 2Q than the prior quarter. That's not exactly a ringing endorsement of a working boycott. The problem is that the increased sales came with increased incentives, cutting into revenues.

86 RadicalModerate  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:39:07am

re: #73 Gus 802

Worst House ever.

Yep. The GOP is here to save the economy. First step! Attack women's rights; gays; American Muslims; teachers unions; NPR; PBS; and teleprompters.

As I mentioned in the thread downstairs - today's GOP doesn't read Pastor Martin Niemoller's poem as a cautionary tale, but are using it as a checklist.

87 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:39:08am

re: #78 Obdicut

Not to mention that Planned Parenthood provides needed services-- like contraceptives, HIV prevention campaigns, etc-- in an efficient, cheap, manner. Defunding them is going to lead to more pregnancies, more AIDS cases, more STDs of other sorts, and more costs for hospitals in dealing with those pregnancies. Defunding them hurts, not helps, the deficit.


Net result? Higher entitlement costs. Increased emergency room visits. It will -- or would -- increase government spending rather quickly.

88 kirkspencer  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:39:29am

re: #55 Obdicut

The House just voted to ban all funding to Planned Parenthood.


Note that's just one amendment of the hundreds under consideration for the 2011 continuing resolution.

They're not going to finish today. They might finish tomorrow.

In the meantime the Senate has started its recess. Which means even if the House gets finished, the Senate won't look at this till the 28th of this month. That gives 5 days to pass, get a temporary "business as usual" CR while this is fought out, or see a government shutdown till this is resolved. Sec Boehner says the house won't pass another bandaid CR. As Charles notes, this (among other amendments) won't pass the Senate.

We are going to see a government shutdown starting March 5. That means no social security, medicaid, medicare, or VA checks. Veterans' benefits and most government payrolls will go unpaid. You won't be able to cash savings bonds or other treasury notes (barring workarounds by banks as "it will, so we'll cash it while waiting".)

We will see another recession -- the rebuilding done so far is too fragile to resist the shock. If the shutdown goes more than a week (and I fear that is likely) the recession will be worse than the one we just went through.

The worst thing, to me, is probably the fact that at this point it appears even after it's done the people responsible are going to do it again when it comes time for the debt limit to be raised this summer.

89 Jadespring  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:39:34am

Heh. I just remembered.

Funnily enough yesterday I bought 15 cans of Campbell's ready made mushroom soup. I love cream of mushroom soup and their ready made stuff is quite tasty. I make my own most of the time but I like to have some in the cupboard for when I need something really quick. It was on for a good sale price so I stocked up.

I'm going to make some for lunch now....just because....

90 Political Atheist  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:39:39am

re: #80 Thanos

Apparently the only home of fiscal conservatism is personified Ca gov Jerry Brown.

91 iossarian  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:39:51am

re: #78 Obdicut

Not to mention that Planned Parenthood provides needed services-- like contraceptives, HIV prevention campaigns, etc-- in an efficient, cheap, manner. Defunding them is going to lead to more pregnancies, more AIDS cases, more STDs of other sorts, and more costs for hospitals in dealing with those pregnancies. Defunding them hurts, not helps, the deficit.


The GOP does not give a single shit about the deficit, and anyone who still claims that they do is at this point either brain-dead or pathologically dishonest.

92 Kronocide  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:40:00am

I just got a tweet that Planned Parenthood defunding was voted on, but NASCAR funding has been approved.

Awaiting Colbert's reportage on this.... LOL.

93 Randall Gross  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:40:12am

re: #83 Killgore Trout

I think you actually got there ahead of me, remember I did spend some time defending the Tea party saying it couldn't be all bad... I regret that now

94 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:40:48am

re: #73 Gus 802

Worst House ever.

Yep. The GOP is here to save the economy. First step! Attack women's rights; gays; American Muslims; teachers unions; NPR; PBS; and teleprompters.

And attack the Fed; science; education spending; eieio.

95 recusancy  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:41:10am

re: #91 iossarian

The GOP does not give a single shit about the deficit, and anyone who still claims that they do is at this point either brain-dead or pathologically dishonest.

Or jobs, as Boehner so kindly demonstrated.

96 HappyWarrior  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:41:19am

re: #94 Gus 802

And attack the Fed; science; education spending; eieio.

We don't need no education.

97 Political Atheist  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:41:50am

re: #93 Thanos

In the days before the loons took over they made more sense. Fiscal conservatism is legit, at least when applied sensibly. But all that evaporated in the theocratic heat.

98 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:45:38am

re: #96 HappyWarrior

We don't need no education.

Public education is just a tool of the left to indoctrinate our children towards communistic atheism, sodomy, and other UN/NWO goals as delineated by the Soros/Alinksy/Obama/Piven/Democrat/Union/Muslim Brotherhood cabal!


99 engineer cat  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:47:12am

the inevitable logic of the republican hate machine has now turned wingnuts against policemen:

i asked "i have no idea why you guys want to cut back on pay and pensions for policemen and firemen"

Because we're broke, and they aren't worth it. Any more stupid questions?

Cops are not there when you need them most. They just fail to show up when called for. Apparently, communities would be better off organizing their own defence likehiring private security firms.

The fallacy in the "police assistance" argument is that the cops usually are not around to protect you, and several differently-composed Supreme Courts have all agreed that the police are under no legal obligation to help you or protect you.
Modern cops are simply enforcers, not legitimate peace officers.

100 HappyWarrior  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:47:16am

re: #98 Gus 802

Public education is just a tool of the left to indoctrinate our children towards communistic atheism, sodomy, and other UN/NWO goals as delineated by the Soros/Alinksy/Obama/Piven/Democrat/Union/Muslim Brotherhood cabal!


Sad part is that many actually believe some variation of that.

101 Winny Spencer  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:47:27am

re: #16 Cankles McCellulite

Until now, i knew nothing about Rosen's politics or beliefs. But i did assume he was probably a right winger. I thought "OK, i was wrong, there are right wingers still left with character."

Character? You have to be joking. Rosen is human garbage, and way more despicable than even Hoft and his ilk.

102 kirkspencer  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:47:51am

re: #88 kirkspencer

Note that's just one amendment of the hundreds under consideration for the 2011 continuing resolution.

They're not going to finish today. They might finish tomorrow.

In the meantime the Senate has started its recess. Which means even if the House gets finished, the Senate won't look at this till the 28th of this month. That gives 5 days to pass, get a temporary "business as usual" CR while this is fought out, or see a government shutdown till this is resolved. Sec Boehner says the house won't pass another bandaid CR. As Charles notes, this (among other amendments) won't pass the Senate.

We are going to see a government shutdown starting March 5. That means no social security, medicaid, medicare, or VA checks. Veterans' benefits and most government payrolls will go unpaid. You won't be able to cash savings bonds or other treasury notes (barring workarounds by banks as "it will, so we'll cash it while waiting".)

We will see another recession -- the rebuilding done so far is too fragile to resist the shock. If the shutdown goes more than a week (and I fear that is likely) the recession will be worse than the one we just went through.

The worst thing, to me, is probably the fact that at this point it appears even after it's done the people responsible are going to do it again when it comes time for the debt limit to be raised this summer.

SecSpeaker Boehner

103 Obdicut  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:48:14am

re: #101 Winny Spencer

But he's apologized, and they haven't.

104 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:48:26am

Coming up next! The GOP proposes a federal ban on breastfeeding and breast pumps.

GOP offers an alternative to breast feeding women in the form of a lactating Stan Smith.


105 HappyWarrior  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:50:47am

re: #99 engineer dog

the inevitable logic of the republican hate machine has now turned wingnuts against policemen:

i asked "i have no idea why you guys want to cut back on pay and pensions for policemen and firemen"

Because we're broke, and they aren't worth it. Any more stupid questions?

Cops are not there when you need them most. They just fail to show up when called for. Apparently, communities would be better off organizing their own defence likehiring private security firms.

The fallacy in the "police assistance" argument is that the cops usually are not around to protect you, and several differently-composed Supreme Courts have all agreed that the police are under no legal obligation to help you or protect you.
Modern cops are simply enforcers, not legitimate peace officers.

NExt they'll be suggesting private armies since the military's "too socialist."

106 Killgore Trout  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:51:12am

re: #93 Thanos

I think you actually got there ahead of me, remember I did spend some time defending the Tea party saying it couldn't be all bad... I regret that now

It was a very confusing time. Even in hindsight it still really doesn't makes sense for the Republicans to follow the disastrous Tea Party agenda. I still have a hard time really grasping what has happened.

107 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:52:03am

re: #100 HappyWarrior

Sad part is that many actually believe some variation of that.

Beck fans certainly will.

108 Randall Gross  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:52:17am

Wisconsin is a weird place... home to the first Socialist elected in the US to national office, home to McCarthy and the John Birch Society.

109 kirkspencer  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:53:33am

re: #80 Thanos

As I said prior to election 2008, Fiscal Conservatism was just a cloaking device for the religious right.

Not wholly. A large portion was the nativists -- the people for whom different == enemy.

110 HappyWarrior  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:54:01am

re: #108 Thanos

Wisconsin is a weird place... home to the first Socialist elected in the US to national office, home to McCarthy and the John Birch Society.

One of the first states to abolish the DP too if I recall.

111 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:54:47am

Be sure and read the comments at the Salon article if you have some brain cells you'd like to kill, but don't have time to spend the next 5 years huffing gasoline to do it.

112 Jadespring  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:54:58am

re: #108 Thanos

Wisconsin is a weird place... home to the first Socialist elected in the US to national office, home to McCarthy and the John Birch Society.

My ancestors in the states come mostly from Wisconsin. That's where they all settled when they came to the US.

My family is weird. Maybe this is partly why? ;)

113 Achilles Tang  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:55:51am

re: #79 tradewind

I watch a lot more MSNBC. Time of day is more convenient, and I like Joe Scarborough, and that funny Mika .
Besides, anything I miss on Fox I can count on finding condensed right here, and with footnotes. Saves beaucoup de temps.

So, did I miss a sarc previously?

114 engineer cat  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:56:29am

re: #105 HappyWarrior

NExt they'll be suggesting private armies since the military's "too socialist."

one wingnut assured me that "before the 20th century, most armies were private"


115 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:57:19am

re: #110 HappyWarrior

One of the first states to abolish the DP too if I recall.

I'm more proud of that than I am of Tail-Gunner Joe or Scooter.

From Wiki:

Capital punishment in Wisconsin was abolished in 1853. Wisconsin was one of the earliest United States states to abolish the death penalty, and, along with Michigan, one of only two states that has performed only one execution in its history.
Since its admission to the Union in 1848, as the 30th State, the only execution carried out in Wisconsin was that of immigrant farmer John McCaffary, who was hanged on August 21, 1851 in Kenosha County for drowning his wife.[1][2][3]
Wisconsin abolished the death penalty in 1853, just two years after McCaffary's execution (in part due to the public revulsion at the spectacle which McCaffary's execution became),[4][5] becoming just the second state after Michigan to do so.[6]
Wisconsin has one of the lowest per-capita murder rates in the Union

116 Winny Spencer  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:57:23am

re: #103 Obdicut

But he's apologized, and they haven't.

Bah. He was transparently dishonest in his paltry apology. He continued to lie, claiming that he had not even read the short news article he was linking to and was thus unaware that Logan had been sexually assaulted.

117 Jadespring  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:57:33am

re: #114 engineer dog

one wingnut assured me that "before the 20th century, most armies were private"


Ha. Educational fail.

118 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:57:39am

re: #105 HappyWarrior

NExt they'll be suggesting private armies since the military's "too socialist."

They already have that.

119 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:58:56am

Picking science that fits politics: Rep. Mike Beard on climate change

"God is not capricious. He's given us a creation that is dynamically stable. We are not going to run out of anything." State Rep. Michael Beard (R) District: 35A - Minn.

More fun from PZMyers.

120 HappyWarrior  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 11:59:29am

re: #115 wlewisiii

I'm more proud of that than I am of Tail-Gunner Joe or Scooter.

From Wiki:

Capital punishment in Wisconsin was abolished in 1853. Wisconsin was one of the earliest United States states to abolish the death penalty, and, along with Michigan, one of only two states that has performed only one execution in its history.
Since its admission to the Union in 1848, as the 30th State, the only execution carried out in Wisconsin was that of immigrant farmer John McCaffary, who was hanged on August 21, 1851 in Kenosha County for drowning his wife.[1][2][3]
Wisconsin abolished the death penalty in 1853, just two years after McCaffary's execution (in part due to the public revulsion at the spectacle which McCaffary's execution became),[4][5] becoming just the second state after Michigan to do so.[6]
Wisconsin has one of the lowest per-capita murder rates in the Union

Yeah you should be, my state for the longest time had a higher execution rate than Texas did. It is interesting though despite your state's low murder rate as a whole, that it's home to two famous serial killers: Ed Gein and Jeffrey Dahmer.

121 dragonfire1981  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:00:04pm

re: #49 Dreggas

122 Randall Gross  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:00:14pm

re: #109 kirkspencer

Not wholly. A large portion was the nativists -- the people for whom different == enemy.

Yes but most of the nativists are also hard core religious right if you look closely. In this country to get the minimalist grip it has nativism has to leverage both religion and race. There was a recent study that showed correlation between depth of belief and church attendence with bigotted beliefs. Correlation is not cause, but if you look at some of the Christian Identists, and the platforms of the KKK you will see the religious connection. JBS also leverages religion.

123 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:01:02pm

re: #71 BigPapa

Too early for a 'No Soup For You!' joke?

Indirect godwin? Clever ;)

124 dragonfire1981  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:01:15pm

re: #100 HappyWarrior

In the South, MOST believe that. The number of people down here who insist on home schooling or sending their kids to a church academy is quite high.

125 Obdicut  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:01:20pm

re: #116 Winny Spencer

Sure. But he resigned. He apologized. He showed up on Anderson Cooper. He acknowledged, no matter how shittily, that he fucked up.

The others are doubling-down on their idiocy.

126 HappyWarrior  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:03:06pm

re: #114 engineer dog

one wingnut assured me that "before the 20th century, most armies were private"


Sheesh. The other funny part for me is when they try to make Christianity and Capitalism one and the same. I am not one of these people who claims Christ's teachings were Communist but I see a lot more people get away with presenting Christianity as capitalist than the other scenario. Amuses me since Smith wrote the Wealth of Nations in the Enlightenment.

127 Achilles Tang  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:03:14pm

re: #125 Obdicut

Sure. But he resigned. He apologized. He showed up on Anderson Cooper. He acknowledged, no matter how shittily, that he fucked up.

The others are doubling-down on their idiocy.

I saw that apology, not knowing beforehand what it was about or who he was, but it sounded sincere to me.

128 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:04:07pm

re: #120 HappyWarrior

Yeah you should be, my state for the longest time had a higher execution rate than Texas did. It is interesting though despite your state's low murder rate as a whole, that it's home to two famous serial killers: Ed Gein and Jeffrey Dahmer.

Well, Jeffy started out of state, but Ed was one of us. To our credit, he was hospitalized at the state psych hospital for the rest of his life.

129 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:08:24pm

re: #50 Alouette

Pamela's jihad against halal endorsed products reminds me of the odious kosher tax propaganda.

Modern Islamophobia as espoused by Geller et al. is more or less isomorphic to the classical Judeophobia. Anti-halal - anti-kosher (both "economically" and because of "slaughter"). Infiltration meme. Real (usually out of context) or faked quotes from sacred writings/commentaries (Quran/Tanakh, Hadith/Talmud) used to condemn the whole religion. Condemning the whole group for the sins of the few. Perhaps the only thing missing is the Islamophobic version of the blood libel.

130 Winny Spencer  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:09:00pm

re: #125 Obdicut

Sure. But he resigned. He apologized. He showed up on Anderson Cooper. He acknowledged, no matter how shittily, that he fucked up.

The others are doubling-down on their idiocy.

Fair enough. I will, however, never give him credit for anything; he is just too despicable.

131 wrenchwench  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:10:13pm

re: #108 Thanos

Wisconsin is a weird place... home to the first Socialist elected in the US to national office, home to McCarthy and the John Birch Society.

And my birthplace. I was six when we moved to Orange County, CA, as did the John Birch Society. And Irvine elected a socialist mayor...

132 moderatelyradicalliberal  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:13:38pm

I'm beginning to think that the right gets a pass for it's bad behavior because nobody really expects any better. It's like when Charlie Sheen misbehaves, he gets a pass because, hey, it's Charlie Sheen. If some "nice guy" celeb starts acting in the same way, they would be crucified.

133 RogueOne  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:13:44pm

re: #54 Gus 802

How about Scott Walker creating the 140 million shortfall? Where were the out-of-towners then? That is the Teabaggers that are always getting their panties in a wad over government spending? He creates the shortfall and then uses it to advance union busting.

Politifact calls that $140 million contention a "pants on fire"

134 HappyWarrior  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:14:45pm

Well it's not OC or Wisconsin but Arlington, Virginia has been one of the most Democratic areas in the state and in the past it was home to George Lincoln Rockwell's american Nazi Party HQ. I've seen the shopping center where he was killed too.

135 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:15:31pm

re: #132 moderatelyradicalliberal

I'm beginning to think that the right gets a pass for it's bad behavior because nobody really expects any better. It's like when Charlie Sheen misbehaves, he gets a pass because, hey, it's Charlie Sheen. If some "nice guy" celeb starts acting in the same way, they would be crucified.

right. If they already act like animals, nobody is surprised if they shit in the street

136 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:17:10pm

re: #101 Winny Spencer

Character? You have to be joking. Rosen is human garbage, and way more despicable than even Hoft and his ilk.

wait what? for jerky twitters? he's worse than Jim Hoft?

137 tradewind  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:17:51pm

Ditchin' school so they can help
' Stop Whatever This Dude is Doin' '.
Unbelievable. Out of the mouths of babes.

138 blueraven  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:18:35pm

re: #116 Winny Spencer

Bah. He was transparently dishonest in his paltry apology. He continued to lie, claiming that he had not even read the short news article he was linking to and was thus unaware that Logan had been sexually assaulted.

He resigned from NYU. I think that's pretty substantive. Yes, he is a complete jerk but he still has more class than the wingnut idiot bloggers. At least in this instance.

139 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:19:59pm

re: #138 blueraven

He resigned from NYU. I think that's pretty substantive. Yes, he is a complete jerk but he still has more class than the wingnut idiot bloggers. At least in this instance.

I'm wondering if this is more of the "Dammit Charles, stop bitching about the right wing! Look over there!" stuff

140 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:20:52pm

re: #138 blueraven

He resigned from NYU. I think that's pretty substantive. Yes, he is a complete jerk but he still has more class than the wingnut idiot bloggers. At least in this instance.

Nil Rosen in Winny Spencer's must stunning hallucinations is apparently just way more awful than Pam Geller, because he made some nasty twitters

141 blueraven  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:21:27pm

re: #137 tradewind

Ditchin' school so they can help
' Stop Whatever This Dude is Doin' '.
Unbelievable. Out of the mouths of babes.

Right. Because kids will never ditch school unless they are seriously ill or something.../

142 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:21:48pm

re: #133 RogueOne

Politifact calls that $140 million contention a "pants on fire"

I was trying to check that earlier. So what is the exact budget shortfall in Wisconsin?

In the long run are we going to sacrifice the livelihood of teachers in order to save a few bucks for the top 2 percent of American by way of extending the Bush tax cuts?

143 Winny Spencer  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:21:52pm

re: #136 WindUpBird

wait what? for jerky twitters? he's worse than Jim Hoft?

See comment #8 above. Way more despicable than Hoft.

144 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:21:58pm

re: #137 tradewind

Ditchin' school so they can help
' Stop Whatever This Dude is Doin' '.
Unbelievable. Out of the mouths of babes.

I'll take him over the neoklan base of the GOP any day, hahahaha

145 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:22:50pm

re: #137 tradewind

Ditchin' school so they can help
' Stop Whatever This Dude is Doin' '.
Unbelievable. Out of the mouths of babes.

More propaganda from the MacIver Institute.

146 wrenchwench  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:24:33pm

re: #139 WindUpBird

I'm wondering if this is more of the "Dammit Charles, stop bitching about the right wing! Look over there!" stuff

Except it appears this one is a lefty. That link in #8 is worth a read.

147 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:24:44pm

re: #143 Winny Spencer

See comment #8 above. Way more despicable than Hoft.

Yeah, sorry, wild-assed weirdo with his goofy rhetoric about Israel, not the same as systematic bigotry, not at all, you are dripping with fail

When Nil Rosen starts putting his weight behind actual racist supremacy groups and carrying their water and aiding their ascent in the USA?


148 RogueOne  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:25:10pm

re: #142 Gus 802

This morning I read 2 billion with a chance of 3.5 billion

149 moderatelyradicalliberal  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:25:11pm

re: #135 WindUpBird

right. If they already act like animals, nobody is surprised if they shit in the street

It's like when Chris Brown beat up Rhianna I was shocked and disappointed. He seemed like a good kid who I didn't mind my little cousins having a crush on. If it had been Lil' Wayne, not so much. It wouldn't have been right for him either, but I wouldn't have been surprised.

150 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:26:06pm

re: #148 RogueOne

This morning I read 2 billion with a chance of 3.5 billion

OK, thanks. So that's about one month for Iraq and Afghanistan.

151 Gus  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:26:21pm


152 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:26:26pm

re: #146 wrenchwench

Except it appears this one is a lefty. That link in #8 is worth a read.

I KNOW, and all those links are things I also already know about

hence my comment which can be paraphrased as "Stop bitching about Jim Hoft! Start bitching about this lefty! Look! Anti-israel! Class of 2004! He's the threat!" Even though nobody ever heard of him before he made nasty twitters.

153 Winny Spencer  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:33:39pm

re: #147 WindUpBird

Yeah, sorry, wild-assed weirdo with his goofy rhetoric about Israel, not the same as systematic bigotry, not at all, you are dripping with fail

When Nil Rosen starts putting his weight behind actual racist supremacy groups and carrying their water and aiding their ascent in the USA?


I wouldn't eat it.

154 wrenchwench  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 12:36:12pm

re: #152 WindUpBird

I KNOW, and all those links are things I also already know about

hence my comment which can be paraphrased as "Stop bitching about Jim Hoft! Start bitching about this lefty! Look! Anti-israel! Class of 2004! He's the threat!" Even though nobody ever heard of him before he made nasty twitters.

I do think Hoft is worse, if it matters. Winny is class of '09, though.

155 palomino  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 1:43:43pm

re: #44 tradewind

They're gonna have to ship in a boatload to even approach the number of out-0f-towners already sent by every running-scared public employee union in the country.
Sending in OFA and giving them attaboys is not going to end well, polls-wise, for POTUS.* And just when he was on his way back up...

You guys are ridiculous. You have such concern (ie, you fantasize) that every little thing will negatively affect Obama's approval ratings. Why the hell would a gov vs. union battle in WI affect his national numbers? Oh, yeah, because you have a dream.

156 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 3:35:38pm

re: #153 Winny Spencer

I wouldn't eat it.

still waiting for any sort of actual argument from you that some nobody like Nil Rosen is worse than Geller, Spencer, Hoft, et al

Stilllllllllllllllllllll waiiiiiiiiiiiiiiting

157 Dan M.  Fri, Feb 18, 2011 8:40:27pm

What is so offensive about anything McCain said?

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