Breitbart’s Followers Go Ballistic, Agree with His ‘Civil War’ Fantasies

‘I’m not kidding’
Wingnuts • Views: 27,634

Well, this post by Killgore Trout on Andrew Breitbart’s violent murder fantasies really got the Fraud King lathered up. Breitbart and his Neanderthal followers were spewing hatred and insults at me all night long on Twitter — at least 100 ranting tweets from his goon squad. And they’re still at it this morning.

A typical comment to me from Breitbart:

Why haven’t you created software to create perception you have a following? Would be jazzy, magical and jazzy & magical.

Andrew Breitbart’s favorite tactic is to retweet negative comments about himself, so that his thousands of followers will immediately pile on and drown the target in ugly insults.

It’s especially wonderful when, rather than renounce Breitbart’s longing for civil war, wingnut bloggers enthusiastically agree. For example, racist neo-Confederate cretin Robert Stacy McCain: Breitbart: ‘Fire the First Shot. Bring It On. Because I Know Who’s on Our Side.’ : The Other McCain.

(Look out, he took a screenshot of LGF! No one can withstand McCain’s mighty screenshotting ability.)

Breitbart was obviously hoping to bully everyone into shutting up, but it doesn’t seem to be working:

Breitbart To Tea Partiers: ‘We Outnumber (Liberals) And We Have The Guns!’ | Mediaite

Breitbart: Conservatives ‘outnumber’ liberals, ‘and we have the guns’ | Raw Replay

Andrew Breitbart on a Second U.S. Civil War: ‘Bring It On’

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1 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:20:29am

This is why I never liked KT.

2 William Barnett-Lewis  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:23:37am

Aw, little neo-Confederates haz teh sadz. Cheer up!. Here's a present from a proud Union man:

3 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:24:47am

And if there is a second civil war, whose team am I on? I was born in the north but live in the south. Aw, hell, I'm putting on the red Star Trek shirt.

4 Kronocide  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:25:32am

How dare you KT, presenting the Lyin King's quote in context. Union thuggery!

5 mikec6666  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:26:43am

Breitbart's a self-promoting douche-bag. The guy will say or do anything he thinks will drive numbers, thus advertising, thus money in his pocket. The right has so many of these hucksters it's hard to tell which ones actually mean anything they say. Their outrage machine is a symptom of the terror they feel for modern times and genuine hope that they can turn the clock back to a time when America had no competition outside it's own borders. It's a fantasy world, no more realistic than thinking you may be transported into a world of elfs, dwarves, and goblins.

6 makeitstop  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:28:12am

Funny how a man who's made his nut bullying people complains so loudly about those he considers 'bullies.'

Wait, that's not funny. It's pathetic.

7 BongCrodny  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:28:57am

I often think of killing liberals. It helps immensely when I masturbate.

8 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:30:05am

Could we get some juicy examples of those tweets quoted? Would love to read that prose…

9 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:32:58am

How is the morning going all!


10 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:33:11am

How'd that last Civil War turn out for ya, rebs?

11 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:36:17am

Civil War?


I don't think it'd happen. It certainly wouldn't happen with neat geographical boundries. Cities against the suburbs maybe . .Rural against Urban.

I'll stay with Chicagoland. We can be our own Republic. We have airports, water ports, highways, trains. I think we'll be fine.

12 Lidane  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:38:15am

re: #10 Alouette

How'd that last Civil War turn out for ya, rebs?

We would have won if it hadn't been for that meddling Lincoln!

/Scooby-Doo villain

13 Charles Johnson  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:39:19am

re: #8 000G

Could we get some juicy examples of those tweets quoted? Would love to read that prose…

Here's one that just came in:

@jaredmares68: @Lizardoid Nobody cares about a leftist ****! Get out of our great country!

That's pretty typical. I just add these morons to the Tweetdeck global filter after one comment like this. Takes one keypress to block them forever.

15 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:41:09am
16 Killgore Trout  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:41:09am

"Datechguy", the wingnut who filmed and proudly posted the video on youtube, claims LGF is irrelevant because the video only got 4,000 views. As of this morning it's up to 10,461. The LGF article has 3414 retweets. That doesn't count the coverage from Gawker, Crooks and Liars, etc.

17 Lidane  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:43:25am

re: #13 Charles

The comments that dovetail from Robert Stacy McCain's blog are hilarious. Apparently, you are still the Great Conservative Traitor™ because you're not agreeing with any of them or kissing Breitbart's ass. It's fun to see them get so stressed out.

18 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:43:52am
19 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:44:30am

He may have screenshotted himself in the foot.

20 Killgore Trout  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:47:22am

I just noticed that the question Breitbart is responding to in the video appears to be about the lame "day of rage" protests on Wall Street this weekend. The protesting lefties are certainly douchebags but they don't deserve to be killed.

21 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:49:26am

re: #13 Charles

I love this one:

@Lizardoid just a conservative trying to fight back the urges the left gives in to all the time. Find something else to do.

Yeah, that's all that Breitbart was doing in those videos. Fighting back his violent urges.

22 im_gumby_damnit  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:50:24am

"Look out, he took a screenshot of LGF! No one can withstand McCain’s mighty screenshotting ability."


23 Iwouldprefernotto  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:51:28am

re: #20 Killgore Trout

I just noticed that the question Breitbart is responding to in the video appears to be about the lame "day of rage" protests on Wall Street this weekend. The protesting lefties are certainly douchebags but they don't deserve to be killed.

Why are the protesting lefties "douchebags?" Because you don't agree with them? Are their views not legit? Do they want to overthrow the country? Kill anyone?

24 Killgore Trout  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:53:03am
25 Flounder  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:54:17am

Apparently swinging the hammer and playing PS3 all weekend makes for numb hands, at least I finished Dead Island!

26 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:54:31am

Breitbart is on a different branch of the same crazy tree Bachman is on.

We need to isolate that species of tree.

27 im_gumby_damnit  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:55:36am

re: #26 ggt

Aint that the truth.

28 Killgore Trout  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:56:02am

re: #23 Iwouldprefernotto

Why are the protesting lefties "douchebags?" Because you don't agree with them? Are their views not legit? Do they want to overthrow the country? Kill anyone?

Lots of scoialists (real ones, not imaginary one), Annon supporters, Julian Assange fans, Support for Bradly Manning, etc. They are radical idiots but they are peaceful and have a right to protest.

29 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:57:51am

I wonder how Breitbart and his drones on Twitter manage to bring up the cognitive dissonance to claim that the following is not Breitbart calling for civil war?:

There are times where I'm not thinking as clearly as I should, and in those unclear moments, I always think to myself, 'Fire the first shot.' Bring it on.

Except he wasn't thinking it to himself, he expressed it to an audience while being filmed.

Btw, good comment on Breitbart boasting of military support:

On the face of it, Breitbart's admission demands a congressional or criminal investigation. If he's implying that military officials have pledged their armed support to him and the right-wing, those officials are guilty of treason. If Breitbart is lying, he's diagnosable.


30 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:58:11am

re: #24 Killgore Trout

Technorati link is broken.

31 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 9:59:05am

re: #24 Killgore Trout

Also: Raw Story

32 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:00:43am

re: #28 Killgore Trout

Lots of scoialists (real ones, not imaginary one), Annon supporters, Julian Assange fans, Support for Bradly Manning, etc. They are radical idiots but they are peaceful and have a right to protest.

#occupywallstreet on Twitter

33 lawhawk  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:02:53am

re: #28 Killgore Trout

I should pop over there tomorrow to see what's what. They've taken up a good portion of the park near the WTC. From the outtakes, there's quite a diverse bunch that is united only in its venom towards Wall Street. So, you get a completely different take depending on who's interviewed.

34 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:03:52am

I didn't realize that was what he was on about. The protesters?

Bit odd, for a man addressing a Tea Party crowd to complain about a protest.

35 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:04:38am

re: #33 lawhawk

I should pop over there tomorrow to see what's what. They've taken up a good portion of the park near the WTC. From the outtakes, there's quite a diverse bunch that is united only in its venom towards Wall Street. So, you get a completely different take depending on who's interviewed.

Write it up for us, if there's anything interesting.

36 im_gumby_damnit  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:05:40am

re: #29 000G

There's money to be made in the whole cognitive dissonance market. That's where Breitbart has staked out his claim.

37 DesertDenizen  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:06:16am

re: #29 000G

Wouldn't these be exactly the sorts of actions the "Oathkeepers" claim to oppose?

38 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:07:06am

Berlin state election, 2011

Establishment takes a beating in Berlin elections

Although Social Democrat Mayor Klaus Wowereit managed to retain power in traditionally leftist Berlin, the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung writes that his victory had "little to do with himself or his own party."


The Greens did indeed have their best performance ever in Berlin with more than 17 percent of the vote, but according to the daily Tagesspiegel "they still felt like losers."


The established political class received another shock when Berlin's citizens ejected the economically liberal Free Democrats (FDP) from parliament with 1.8 percent of the vote.


Despite the fact that Merkel's conservative Christian Democrats managed a "respectable result in Berlin" of 23 percent support with their candidate Klaus Henkel at the helm, the daily Mittelbayerische Zeitung writes that the "divide within the governing coalition has become broader and deeper." In "despair," FDP-chief Rösler has struck a euroskeptic course as of late in a failed bid to save his tanking party, which only threatens "to tear the conservative-liberal government to pieces."

Yet it was the socialist Left party that had the most on the line during Berlin's elections, according to the daily Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung. The fact that the party managed to bring in just 11.6 percent of the vote means they will no longer be able to govern with the Social Democrats, raising questions about their controversial and "hapless chairmanship and the very future of the party."

The technology-focused Pirate Party profited the most from the ideological "wasteland" offered by the large established brands, writes the daily Rhein Zeitung. "If the situation wasn't so serious, one might be able to book the Pirate Party's success as a Berlin specialty." But in reality, their victory is "equivalent to a mockery of the established parties."


39 Killgore Trout  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:08:11am

re: #33 lawhawk

I should pop over there tomorrow to see what's what. They've taken up a good portion of the park near the WTC. From the outtakes, there's quite a diverse bunch that is united only in its venom towards Wall Street. So, you get a completely different take depending on who's interviewed.

Here are the MSM pics: [Link:]

Looks like a bunch of douchebags to me.

40 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:11:47am

re: #39 Killgore Trout

Here are the MSM pics: [Link:]

Looks like a bunch of douchebags to me.

"This financial district is responsible for most of the poverty and suffering on this planet". Okie Dokie.

41 lawhawk  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:13:23am

re: #39 Killgore Trout

Here's the thing about Zuccotti Park. In nice weather, it's where a ton of the construction workers at the WTC go for lunch, and tourists hang there eating from the food trucks and other vendors. I can see some friction between these folks camping there and the construction workers, but from what I hear, the police have got things pretty well managed.

These same folks are likely to ignore that Wall Street is a huge source of revenues for NYC and NYS; the collapse in 2007/2008 meant that NYC and NYS ran in the red to the tune of billions precisely because revenues dropped off a cliff. With the Wall Street rebound, both the city and state can afford more while keeping taxes level. When the tax revenues dropped off, the burden fell on more people as the governments looked for other revenues that were less likely to be hit by economic swings.

42 surlymarv  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:15:22am

Whenever I hear this Conservative militia fantasy of revolting against the government, it fondly reminds me of the closing scene in the Tom Clancy novel Rainbow Six.

43 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:17:15am


Cracking OS X Lion Passwords

It appears in the redesign of OS X Lion's authentication scheme a critical step has been overlooked. Whilst non-root users are unable to access the shadow files directly, Lion actually provides non-root users the ability to still view password hash data. This is accomplished by extracting the data straight from Directory Services.


Now, if the password is not found by the dictionary file you're out of luck, right? Well, no! Why crack hashes when you can just change the password directly! It appears Directory Services in Lion no longer requires authentication when requesting a password change for the current user. So, in order to change the password of the currently logged in user, simply use:

$ dscl localhost -passwd /Search/Users/bob

And voilà! You will be prompted to enter a new password without the need to authenticate.


44 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:25:09am

re: #39 Killgore Trout

Here are the MSM pics: [Link:]

Looks like a bunch of douchebags to me.

Like many other conditions, you can't tell douchbaggery by looking.

45 Charles Johnson  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:27:02am

re: #43 000G


Cracking OS X Lion Passwords

And voilà! You will be prompted to enter a new password without the need to authenticate.


That article isn't accurate. I just tried the technique described, and I could not change another user's password without entering the old one.

The currently logged in user can change his own password without authentication, and that's not a good thing. But it's nowhere near as bad as the article makes it sound.

Getting a user's hashes is pretty worthless with SHA encryption, unless you have an array of high-powered computers you can dedicate to cracking them, and it will still take a really long time.

46 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:29:35am

re: #45 Charles


That article isn't accurate. I just tried the technique described, and I could not change another user's password without entering the old one.

The currently logged in user can change his own password without authentication, and that's not a good thing. But it's nowhere near as bad as the article makes it sound.

I think that was the point: You can change the password of a logged-in user without being prompted for the old one. From the article, emphasis mine:

So, in order to change the password of the currently logged in user, simply use:

47 lawhawk  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:33:11am

re: #35 SanFranciscoZionist

I'll probably post photos and impressions (such as whether the amount of media outnumbers protesters, etc.) tomorrow afternoon, earlier if I pop over there today after work.

48 Charles Johnson  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:33:38am

re: #46 000G

I think that was the point: You can change the password of a logged-in user without being prompted for the old one. From the article, emphasis mine:

Well, OK -- but you need to have physical access to the machine to do this, and according to other comments there it still does not change the keychain login passwords.

Should be fixed, definitely. But it's not much of a security risk in the real world.

49 lawhawk  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:36:26am

re: #48 Charles

I would think that this is an issue in public use computer locations - schools, colleges, libraries, etc., but not so much for a private computer.

50 Decatur Deb  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:36:40am

re: #39 Killgore Trout

Here are the MSM pics: [Link:]

Looks like a bunch of douchebags to me.

Looks like a bunch of kids to me. The trick will be to keep the Black Bloc jackasses from crapping all over it for the press.

51 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:37:08am

re: #49 lawhawk

I would think that this is an issue in public use computer locations - schools, colleges, libraries, etc., but not so much for a private computer.

Maybe if you have a roommate, too?

52 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:37:20am

re: #38 000G

This stuff confuses me because the labels can be different. Is "left" in German what we consider "left" here?

53 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:42:20am

re: #52 ggt

This stuff confuses me because the labels can be different. Is "left" in German what we consider "left" here?

I think Germany as a whole is more "left" than the US (but still center-right in general). The SPD (Social Democracts), Germany's oldest party, is typically considered left-wing as it traditionally has been representing Germany's labor movement. Some would challenge that classification, especially the more socialist and communist groups, the main one of them being The Left (yes, that is their name), largely being in the tradition of East Germany's former ruling party, the SED.

54 lawhawk  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:43:55am

re: #50 Decatur Deb

Local news was interviewing a pretty diverse group through the weekend. Some looked like middle class folks, some were unions, and some looked to be yuppies.

Like I said, the unifying theme was the distrust and hatred of Wall Street.

With the UN in town, there's plenty of opportunity for protesters to get their protest on.

55 Romantic Heretic  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:44:10am

Laughing at Breitbart et al. I know that if they actually got into combat they would shit themselves the instant the first bullet went 'zzzzip' past their ear.

As I said a couple of days ago, this reveals the true fascist nature of these douchebags. They think they are strong and brave, their enemies weak and cowardly. The last time fascists said this they got the living shit kicked out of them by the 'effete liberals.' If it comes down to a shooting war, the same thing will happen again.

56 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:44:33am

re: #53 000G

Oh, and when that article says "liberal", that actually means "classical liberal" in a US sense: the FDP is no Democratic Party.

57 Kragar  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:45:33am

re: #55 Romantic Heretic

Laughing at Breitbart et al. I know that if they actually got into combat they would shit themselves the instant the first bullet went 'zzzip' past their ear.

As I said a couple of days ago, this reveals the true fascist nature of these douchebags. They think they are strong and brave, their enemies weak and cowardly. The last time fascists said this they got the living shit kicked out of them by the 'effete liberals.' If it comes down to a shooting war, the same thing will happen again.

If it comes to a shooting war, most of these assholes are going to end up in Federal Prison before they can say "You can have my gun when...".

58 Decatur Deb  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:46:31am

re: #54 lawhawk

Local news was interviewing a pretty diverse group through the weekend. Some looked like middle class folks, some were unions, and some looked to be yuppies.

Like I said, the unifying theme was the distrust and hatred of Wall Street.

With the UN in town, there's plenty of opportunity for protesters to get their protest on.

Ten to one the girl in the flag bra got interviewed. (It is improper to use the flag as clothing, but I'll forgive her.)

Image: 610x.jpg

59 Charles Johnson  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:46:44am

re: #49 lawhawk

I would think that this is an issue in public use computer locations - schools, colleges, libraries, etc., but not so much for a private computer.

Yes, in situations where other people have access it could be a problem. But if you use a computer in a public location and don't lock your screen when you leave it unattended, you're already in trouble from a security standpoint.

60 Sol Berdinowitz  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:49:19am

re: #53 000G

I think Germany as a whole is more "left" than the US (but still center-right in general). The SPD (Social Democracts), Germany's oldest party, is typically considered left-wing as it traditionally has been representing Germany's labor movement. Some would challenge that classification, especially the more socialist and communist groups, the main one of them being The Left (yes, that is their name), largely being in the tradition of East Germany's former ruling party, the SED.

FDP call themselves "Die Liberalen", but mainly in the economic sense: fewer government controls.

They currently share the ruling coalition with the Christian Democrats, and as the result of their recent drubbing in the Berlin elections (less than 2% of the vote, not enough to gain a seat in the house) are about to try and raise their political standing by doubling down on denying any further aid to Greece...

This little election could be the pebble that sets off a giant economic landslide, because thanks to our "liberal" (as in deregulated) financial industry, nobody knows to what extent US banks bought up the risk on a Greek default.

And when banks cannot be sure of how badly other banks are really doing, they stop lending to each other and we have gridlock again, just like we did kn 2008

61 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:49:34am

re: #58 Decatur Deb

Ten to one the girl in the flag bra got interviewed. (It is improper to use the flag as clothing, but I'll forgive her.)

Image: 610x.jpg

That girl needs some sunlight.

62 Decatur Deb  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:50:22am

re: #61 Cannadian Club Akbar

That girl needs some sunlight.

New Yorker--that's her end-of-Summer tan.

63 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:50:37am

re: #39 Killgore Trout

Here are the MSM pics: [Link:]

Looks like a bunch of douchebags to me.

Say what you will, but Reverend Billy is no douche.


I remember laughing when I saw Stossel abusing him by taking some of his stuff out of context in order to promote charities over welfare.

64 Decatur Deb  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:51:06am


66 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:52:47am
67 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 10:55:45am

re: #60 ralphieboy

FDP call themselves "Die Liberalen", but mainly in the economic sense: fewer government controls.

Yeah, they have always caved in on civil liberty issues (cf. "Großer Lauschangriff").

Ditto also on neither side of the Atlantic having heard the last of the financial shennanigans of the banking sector, yet.

68 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:01:07am

re: #42 surlymarv

Whenever I hear this Conservative militia fantasy of revolting against the government, it fondly reminds me of the closing scene in the Tom Clancy novel Rainbow Six.

Is that the one where they left the people naked in the jungle?

69  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:02:23am

re: #68 ggt

Is that the one where they left the people naked in the jungle?

You talking about naked people again?
Obsession of yours?

70 Tigger2  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:02:42am

re: #55 Romantic Heretic

Laughing at Breitbart et al. I know that if they actually got into combat they would shit themselves the instant the first bullet went 'zzzip' past their ear.

As I said a couple of days ago, this reveals the true fascist nature of these douchebags. They think they are strong and brave, their enemies weak and cowardly. The last time fascists said this they got the living shit kicked out of them by the 'effete liberals.' If it comes down to a shooting war, the same thing will happen again.

I agree nothing says "pucker asshole" like a round whistling past your ear.

71 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:04:29am

re: #58 Decatur Deb

Ten to one the girl in the flag bra got interviewed. (It is improper to use the flag as clothing, but I'll forgive her.)

Image: 610x.jpg

As long as it's just elements of the flag design, I don't have a problem with it.

If someone cut up a real flag and stitched it into undergarmets -- I'd have a hard time with it.

72 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:04:49am

Obese baby-sitter dies, crushes baby.

"Baby sitter" = does not mean "sit on the baby"

73 Killgore Trout  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:05:04am

I hate being poor. My internet and phone went dead. I assumed that i'd been cut off for late payment. I had to get in the car, drive around looking for a payphone to call the cable company only to find out my entire area was out of service. What a pain in the ass.

74 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:05:33am

re: #71 ggt

As long as it's just elements of the flag design, I don't have a problem with it.

If someone cut up a real flag and stitched it into undergarmets -- I'd have a hard time with it.

Wasn't there a fauxtoshop going around during the '08 elections showing Sarah Palin in a flag bikini?

75 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:06:08am

re: #73 Killgore Trout

I hate being poor. My internet and phone went dead. I assumed that i'd been cut off for late payment. I had to get in the car, drive around looking for a payphone to call the cable company only to find out my entire area was out of service. What a pain in the ass.

Wow, your whole area was cut off for late payment? That's harsh.

76 Interesting Times  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:06:13am

re: #69

You talking about naked people again?

re: #70 Tigger2

I agree nothing says "pucker asshole"


77 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:06:23am

re: #69

You talking about naked people again?
Obsession of yours?

Just trying to figure out which of Tom Clancy's books surlymarv was talking about . . .

geez -- It's not like I'm satt or anything.


78 wrenchwench  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:06:53am

re: #73 Killgore Trout

I hate being poor. My internet and phone went dead. I assumed that i'd been cut off for late payment. I had to get in the car, drive around looking for a payphone to call the cable company only to find out my entire area was out of service. What a pain in the ass.

The water went off at our house on Saturday. First thing I did was verify that the bill was paid. Turned out someone had run over a fire hydrant uphill from us.

79 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:07:28am

re: #76 publicityStunted

re: #70 Tigger2


You got a problem with naked people?


80 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:08:02am

re: #73 Killgore Trout

I hate being poor. My internet and phone went dead. I assumed that i'd been cut off for late payment. I had to get in the car, drive around looking for a payphone to call the cable company only to find out my entire area was out of service. What a pain in the ass.

It's not always about you KT . . .


81 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:08:52am

re: #77 ggt

Just trying to figure out which of Tom Clancy's books surlymarv was talking about . . .

geez -- It's not like I'm satt or anything.


There is a novel, "The Orpheus Deception" by David Stone, about a tanker which has been hijacked in Asia by Serbian gangsters. While taking this hijacked tanker across the Indian ocean, the Serbs encounter some Somalian pirates.

Pirates, ye be warned.

82 makeitstop  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:12:21am

Has any Republican responded to Obama's speech yet? I've been looking and haven't seen a thing from the R side yet.

I've noticed that when Obama comes out aggressively in public statements, it seems to take Republicans a long time to formulate a response. He should keep doing this and keep the wingnuts back on their heels - bullies hate being bullied.

83 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:12:27am

re: #72 Alouette

Obese baby-sitter dies, crushes baby.

"Baby sitter" = does not mean "sit on the baby"

How awful. Every year it seems you hear about a baby that has been crushed because (even a skinny person) "forgot" the baby was there.

How the fuck could you forget? (well, if you are clean and sober)

84 darthstar  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:12:51am

GOP Superhero and Great White Hope Mitch Daniels weighs in on the inflammatory rhetoric about Social Security that has been worrying some of the more moderate Republicans...

The promised future benefits grotesquely outstrip the future taxes we are scheduled to pay by some $5.4 trillion for Social Security and as much as $46.0 trillion for Medicare. This whole setup is enough to give Mr. Ponzi a bad name – or a legitimate job. If old Carlo were around today, he'd have made an ideal Social Security commissioner.

That'll calm everyone down alright.

85 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:13:09am

re: #66 000G

I like gold, 18K or higher.

86 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:14:38am

re: #83 ggt

How awful. Every year it seems you hear about a baby that has been crushed because (even a skinny person) "forgot" the baby was there.

How the fuck could you forget? (well, if you are clean and sober)

The worst stories are the ones where the professional yuppie parent leaves the child to bake to death in the hot car "because I forgot it was my turn to drop off at the day care."

87 Obdicut  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:14:49am

re: #84 darthstar

But he's a moderate!


88 darthstar  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:15:38am

re: #87 Obdicut

But he's a moderate!


Maybe he's just concerned about Obama's approval numbers and wants to reiterate for the American people just how dangerous the GOP line-up of candidates actually is.

89 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:16:32am

re: #86 Alouette

Happened to a lady my MIL worked with. It was her granddaughter.

Can you imagine living with that? I can't.

90 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:17:20am

re: #89 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Happened to a lady my MIL worked with. It was her granddaughter.

Can you imagine living with that? I can't.

I have 9 kids and I never left any of them alone in a hot car.

91 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:18:40am

re: #86 Alouette

The worst stories are the ones where the professional yuppie parent leaves the child to bake to death in the hot car "because I forgot it was my turn to drop off at the day care."

My son was so VOCAL no one could forget he was around. One day I watched a friend's baby and I will admit I forgot he was in the room for a moment. Luckily, he was strapped into the "bucket" and the dogs were on guard. He wasn't crawling yet. He slept, then just quietly observed his surroundings. Never said a peep--unless he laughed.

Scared the shit out of me, so I was hyper aware of his presence after that --even now that he is in 6th grade, I'm aware of him when he is around. And he is still quiet.

I don't know about sitting on a baby tho -- anytime one is "loose" (not strapped in a baby seat) I was always ON FULL ALERT.

92 Amory Blaine  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:18:53am

Sounds like a terrorist.

93 lawhawk  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:19:05am

BTW Charles, I'm trying to post a page in Opera and it's simply stuck. Wont show the page as loaded. No spinning wheel of doom. Nothing.

Everything else is working (though I am getting used to the Opera format after seeing Firefox die on this 'puter).

94 Shiplord Kirel  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:19:20am

re: #2 wlewisiii

Aw, little neo-Confederates haz teh sadz. Cheer up!. Here's a present from a proud Union man:


What a voice Tennessee Ernie Ford had. The area around his hometown of Bristol, Tennessee was a hotbed of Unionist activity during the Civil War, as were many parts of Appalachia. I don't know if this has anything to do with his heartfelt rendition of this great Unions song but it very well might. Southern unionists were almost forgotten in the post-Reconstruction rush to appease and reconcile the ex-rebels. By the time of Gone with the Wind, they were villains of "lost cause" propaganda vilified as "scalawags" and crass opportunists.

95 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:19:56am

re: #90 Alouette

I have 9 kids and I never left any of them alone in a hot car.

I grew up in Detroit. I wasn't even allowed to stay alone in the car when my mom went to pick-up the dry cleaning. I'm talking about junior high.

Cars get stolen, kids get stolen, cars with kids in them get stolen. Kids create havoc in cars . . . .

97 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:21:23am

re: #96 Killgore Trout

GOP presidential candidates reject Obama’s deficit-reduction proposal

Frankly, I hope Obama gets another 4 years --simply because we've learned so much about ourselves and other American's since he was elected. We're a nasty animal.

(humans, not Lizards --tho Lizards have had their moments)

98 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:22:00am

re: #90 Alouette

I have 9 kids and I never left any of them alone in a hot car.

Oh, I know. I can't imagine doing it either.

99 Kronocide  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:22:05am

Comment from Facebook Poster:

raising capitol gains tax.. who do you think that is going to hurt ??

I said 'Poor People!'

No response yet. LOL.

100 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:23:24am

To lighten things up a little bit:

Cute baby picture of the day.

101 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:24:43am

re: #100 Alouette

To lighten things up a little bit:

Cute baby picture of the day.

awwwww, look at the beebee!

Is that your little great-one?

102 Vicious Michigan Union Thug  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:25:25am

re: #101 ggt

awww, look at the beebee!

Is that your little great-one?

#27 :)

103 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:25:53am

re: #102 Alouette

#27 :)

I am sooo jealous.

104 Killgore Trout  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:27:24am

re: #97 ggt

Frankly, I hope Obama gets another 4 years --simply because we've learned so much about ourselves and other American's since he was elected. We're a nasty animal.

(humans, not Lizards --tho Lizards have had their moments)

I think it's almost certain that Obama will get a second term. What I am worried about is if Republicans hold the house and/or pick up senate seats we are going to be in serious trouble. Very basic things like raising the debt ceiling, emergency relief funds for disasters and passing a budget are going to become almost impossible. Not just gridlock but serious paralysis. I'm pretty nervous about our future.

105 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:28:09am

re: #104 Killgore Trout

Not just gridlock but serious paralysis. I'm pretty nervous about our future.


106 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:29:09am

re: #104 Killgore Trout

I think it's almost certain that Obama will get a second term. What I am worried about is if Republicans hold the house and/or pick up senate seats we are going to be in serious trouble. Very basic things like raising the debt ceiling, emergency relief funds for disasters and passing a budget are going to become almost impossible. Not just gridlock but serious paralysis. I'm pretty nervous about our future.

I haven't read a whole alot about the "redistricting" that has been in the headlines. Do you think it is going to have that effect?

107 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:29:38am

re: #104 Killgore Trout

I hope and pray very fervently that you are correct about Obama getting a second term. I really do. The vast bulk of Americans though seem to have little clue about what is really at stake.

108 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:30:38am

re: #107 LudwigVanQuixote

I hope and pray very fervently that you are correct about Obama getting a second term. I really do. The vast bulk of Americans though seem to have little clue about what is really at stake.

I think the GOP is so splintered and the voters so unimpressed, that as the incumbent, Obama will win by default.

109 JRCMYP  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:30:39am

re: #62 Decatur Deb

You *know* she found that bikini top in a thrift shop.

And I totally don't get her sign. Why can't protesters write lucid signs?

110 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:31:23am

re: #106 ggt

That is certainly what the GOP is hoping for. They have been at it for some time also. Remember the Texas scandal about it?

111 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:31:38am

re: #109 JRCMYP

You *know* she found that bikini top in a thrift shop.

And I totally don't get her sign. Why can't protesters write lucid signs?


112 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:31:46am

re: #110 LudwigVanQuixote

That is certainly what the GOP is hoping for. They have been at it for some time also. Remember the Texas scandal about it?

No, what Texas scandal?

113 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:31:57am

re: #111 Cannadian Club Akbar



114 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:32:10am

re: #108 ggt

I think the GOP is so splintered and the voters so unimpressed, that as the incumbent, Obama will win by default.

Again, I hope and pray fervently that you are correct. However, little GOP bots vote like they are told to like good little fascists always do.

115 DesertDenizen  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:32:14am

re: #109 JRCMYP

I think lucid people realize that standing in the street with signs and chanting is not a very efficient way to enact change these days.

116 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:33:34am

re: #114 LudwigVanQuixote

Again, I hope and pray fervently that you are correct. However, little GOP bots vote like they are told to like good little fascists always do.

I think you find those bots in both parties. It's the independents and the liberatarians that decide elections.

117 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:33:48am

re: #112 ggt

Look up Tom Delay in 2003.

118 Killgore Trout  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:34:26am

re: #106 ggt

I haven't read a whole alot about the "redistricting" that has been in the headlines. Do you think it is going to have that effect?

I have no clue.

119 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:34:45am

re: #117 LudwigVanQuixote

Look up Tom Delay in 2003.

awww, I'm still on my first pot of fresh coffee.

Can you tell me in a couple of sentences? Will probably jog my memory.

I remember Tom Delay has some ethic's hearing about something.

120 JRCMYP  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:35:28am

re: #111 Cannadian Club Akbar


That does not explain the Tea Party scooter crowd, however.

121 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:36:00am

re: #120 JRCMYP

That does not explain the Tea Party scooter crowd, however.

That would be Jack Daniels.

122 Cannadian Club Akbar  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:36:18am

re: #120 JRCMYP

That does not explain the Tea Party scooter crowd, however.

Former pot users?

123 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:36:28am

re: #116 ggt

I think you find those bots in both parties. It's the independents and the liberatarians that decide elections.

Ahhh yes, but the Dem bots are nothing like the GOP bots. For one thing, the Dems don't have a following that only gets its news from an echo chamber of the proportions of Fox. For another, the Dems have never had a history of marching in one direction while the GOP is very obedient to their current fuhrer.

124 DesertDenizen  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:38:54am

re: #123 LudwigVanQuixote

Will Rogers summed up the situation up perfectly.
"I'm not a member of an organized political party. I'm a Democrat."

125 Mad Prophet Ludwig  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:39:16am

re: #119 ggt


126 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:41:29am

Going to a book talk next month.

I love doing these things. Lunch, talk from the author's own mouth, questions and answers . . .

In and out of the city in 3 1/2 hours.

127 Holidays are Family Fun Time  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:43:27am

re: #125 LudwigVanQuixote


Oh, the games politicians play . . . .

128 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 11:56:49am

Lol so the dumb confederates really believe they're gonna vindicate their ancestors' loss with Civil War 2.0. I'd like to see any of those filthy cowards try it.

129 surlymarv  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 12:38:35pm

re: #68 ggt

Yes. A militia group decides that because they have practiced so much with their badass automatic weapons, they can take on the US military. A much smaller group of Special Forces annihilates them with zero casualties. Shooting M-16s on the weekend in the woods near your house while pounding Bud Light does not prepare one for actual combat.

130 Romantic Heretic  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 12:49:52pm

re: #104 Killgore Trout

I think it's almost certain that Obama will get a second term. What I am worried about is if Republicans hold the house and/or pick up senate seats we are going to be in serious trouble. Very basic things like raising the debt ceiling, emergency relief funds for disasters and passing a budget are going to become almost impossible. Not just gridlock but serious paralysis. I'm pretty nervous about our future.

I'm worried about how many wingnuts will finally give in to the 'If our ballots don't count, our bullets will' meme. If they believe they have nothing left to lose they'll also believe nothing will stop them.

It will be very unpleasant for the country.

131 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 12:53:35pm

re: #130 Romantic Heretic

I'm worried about how many wingnuts will finally give in to the 'If our ballots don't count, our bullets will' meme. If they believe they have nothing left to lose they'll also believe nothing will stop them.

It will be very unpleasant for the country.

They don't worry me one bit. What are they gonna do, get in their cars, drive to Liberal Land, shoot up a bunch of people then go back home? They're afraid to even leave their own houses in their own (segre)gated communities. They'll only end up like they did in 2009 protesting themselves, and theirs. They are frightened to death of the rest of the world.

132 SanFranciscoZionist  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 1:33:28pm

re: #95 ggt

I grew up in Detroit. I wasn't even allowed to stay alone in the car when my mom went to pick-up the dry cleaning. I'm talking about junior high.

Cars get stolen, kids get stolen, cars with kids in them get stolen. Kids create havoc in cars . . .

There was a hair-raising case in the Bay Area last year--some poor woman got out of the car, was walking her four-year-old up the street, and the repo guy leaped out and drove away the car.

With her infant in a car seat in the back.

All was well, but she didn't realize that it was the repo guy. Was scared out of her mind.

133 Coracle  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 1:49:13pm

This is late analysis, but here's something that was niggling at me in the first vif. BB says "They talk a mean game, but they will not cross that line." He then goes on to add "Becuase they know what they are dealing with."

He infers that 'the Left' would choose violent conflict if it weren't out-armed by the Right. He's wrong. It's because most sane people know that's not the way to effect change in this country. BB wishes it weren't so. He wishes 'the Left' didn't have the self control it does, so his own desire for violence could be justified.

He is in contempt of opponents who won't sink to the level of conflict he actually desires. Funny.

134 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 4:27:34pm

re: #131 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin

They don't worry me one bit. What are they gonna do, get in their cars, drive to Liberal Land, shoot up a bunch of people then go back home? They're afraid to even leave their own houses in their own (segre)gated communities. They'll only end up like they did in 2009 protesting themselves, and theirs. They are frightened to death of the rest of the world.

yeah, this is all such internet tough guy nonsense

135 OhCrapIHaveACrushOnSarahPalin  Mon, Sep 19, 2011 5:22:15pm

re: #133 Coracle

This is late analysis, but here's something that was niggling at me in the first vif. BB says "They talk a mean game, but they will not cross that line." He then goes on to add "Becuase they know what they are dealing with."

He infers that 'the Left' would choose violent conflict if it weren't out-armed by the Right. He's wrong. It's because most sane people know that's not the way to effect change in this country. BB wishes it weren't so. He wishes 'the Left' didn't have the self control it does, so his own desire for violence could be justified.

He is in contempt of opponents who won't sink to the level of conflict he actually desires. Funny.

Hate to MLK the thread, but this is one reason they resent the Civil Rights movement so much. They were caught on camera shooting, killing, beating up, and siccing dogs and waterhoses on principled non-violent people. ... and not one of those murders, hoses, dogs, burnt crosses, etc., could do one thing to stop the Civil Rights movement, or more importantly, could stop the drive to dismantle their conservative laws.

They're still seething about it, today, and have NEVER gotten over it.


136 boxhead  Tue, Sep 20, 2011 1:23:50am

Breitbart is a little bitch. yep, that about sums it up.

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