Pink Bibles Recalled Because of Abortion Cooties

Contaminated Bibles must be destroyed
Wingnuts • Views: 22,843

The Southern Baptist Convention has stopped making a special pink Bible they sold to help support breast cancer screenings, and is recalling all the remaining copies, because they’re contaminated by proximity to the demonic Planned Parenthood.

Lifeway Christian Resources no longer markets the pink-bound version of The Holman Christian Standard Bible and is recalling copies it sold, according to The Tennessean. A portion of the purchase price went to Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

The Komen foundation issued a statement in which it said all proceeds from the Bible sales were going to breast cancer screenings and expressed disappointment in Lifeway’s decision.

Lifeway’s move came after complaints that some local Komen affiliates were helping fund cancer screenings at Planned Parenthood, which also provides abortions.

It’s easy to mock this fanaticism, but it’s not really funny that there are now less funds for groups that help women get health services. These so-called Christians are doing a lot of real damage to real people with their destructive obsession with Planned Parenthood.

(h/t: Kreniigh.)

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1 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:44:09pm
2 AK-47%  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:44:39pm

Knee-jerk aversion to anything connected with planned parenthood + knee-jerk aversion to government regulation of anything + knee-jerk aversion to anything connected with Islam = the core values of modern conservatism.

3 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:46:43pm

Okay, that's just fucking stupid. The Komen foundation can help women screen for cancer, but not at Planned Parenthood? It's hard to argue against the idea that Christianity makes people stupid when you see shit like this.

4 wrenchwench  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:47:10pm

So they are opposed to breast cancer, unless it afflicts a client of Planned Parenthood. She should die. Is that it?

5 jamesfirecat  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:47:26pm

And that which you have done for the least of my children you have done for me.... unless the least of my children are trying to make sure they haven't come down with a deadly disease by visiting a place that also offers abortions.

6 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:48:53pm

re: #3 darthstar

Okay, that's just fucking stupid. The Komen foundation can help women screen for cancer, but not at Planned Parenthood? It's hard to argue against the idea that Christianity makes people stupid when you see shit like this.

Except it doesn't, as witness all the people who manage to be Christians without falling for this sort of nonsense.

7 HappyWarrior  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:49:59pm

Oh grow the fuck up SBC.

8 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:50:17pm

abortion sucks, but it's the law....pounding your head against the wall out of anger and frustration is lunacy

9 AK-47%  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:50:40pm

re: #1 darthstar

Worthy of its own website...who is behind this stroke of genius?

10 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:52:30pm

I might as well say it, but I really hate all the pink everything that is being promoted by The Cure. Well, at least they are not making pink cars.

Oh wait.

11 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:53:26pm

re: #9 ralphieboy

Worthy of its own website...who is behind this stroke of genius?

I don't know, but it's going viral on facebook right now.

12 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:53:35pm

I'm sure the Southern Baptist Convention will go ahead and just directly donate the money they usually spent having the pink bibles made, right?

13 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:53:47pm

re: #10 Alouette



14 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:54:32pm

re: #6 SanFranciscoZionist

Except it doesn't, as witness all the people who manage to be Christians without falling for this sort of nonsense.

Yes, yes...I know. Maybe it's the SBC that makes people stupid.

15 AK-47%  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:54:52pm

re: #11 darthstar

I don't know, but it's going viral on facebook right now.

Yes, I just posted it myself...

16 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:55:21pm

re: #1 darthstar

ahaha marquis de sade

17 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:55:34pm

re: #13 Sergey Romanov



Wow...I didn't know I could understand Russian. I'm damn near fluent!

18 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:56:02pm

re: #8 albusteve

abortion sucks, but it's the law...pounding your head against the wall out of anger and frustration is lunacy

My father is fond of saying, as a Catholic, that he thinks that the focus of church groups should be to lower abortion rates through offering women other options--financial and emotional support, adoption programs, et al, rather than continuing to do the Dance of Overturning Roe V. Wade (someday, somehow).

19 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:57:37pm

re: #18 SanFranciscoZionist

My father is fond of saying, as a Catholic, that he thinks that the focus of church groups should be to lower abortion rates through offering women other options--financial and emotional support, adoption programs, et al, rather than continuing to do the Dance of Overturning Roe V. Wade (someday, somehow).

Or as famously put: Safe, Legal, Rare.

20 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:58:04pm

re: #10 Alouette

I might as well say it, but I really hate all the pink everything that is being promoted by The Cure. Well, at least they are not making pink cars.

Oh wait.

I once found a place that sells American-made, non-sweatshop hightop sneakers. They had them in hot pink. I was totally ready to buy a pair of non-sweat hot pink hightops.

Then I realized the hot pink ones were a fundraiser for Code Pink.

If they'd been supporting PP instead, I would totally have gotten a pair.

21 AK-47%  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:58:04pm

re: #13 Sergey Romanov

IIRC, the US Army ran out of desert tan during the first Gulf War and resorted to painting its armored vehicles pink.

22 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:58:07pm

re: #10 Alouette

I might as well say it, but I really hate all the pink everything that is being promoted by The Cure. Well, at least they are not making pink cars.

Oh wait.

Oh, I can't stand it. For one, I don't think it really helps stereotypes.

More importantly, it's big business now. You see tons of "pink products" where maybe a tiny fraction of the profit actually goes towards any research or care, with most of it just being, well, profit kept by the company selling the product. Slap some pink on it, say you'll give $0.05 cents per sale, and welcome to the commodification of breast cancer.

23 jamesfirecat  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:58:32pm

re: #18 SanFranciscoZionist

My father is fond of saying, as a Catholic, that he thinks that the focus of church groups should be to lower abortion rates through offering women other options--financial and emotional support, adoption programs, et al, rather than continuing to do the Dance of Overturning Roe V. Wade (someday, somehow).

Yes, but why target the root cause of the problem and strive to help the downtrodden when you can be all high and mighty and just look down your nose at them as horrible sinners who deserve to be sent to jail for what they've done?

24 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:58:43pm

re: #14 darthstar

Yes, yes...I know. Maybe it's the SBC that makes people stupid.

A friend of mine went from SBC to ABC, I believe solely as a result of their crusade against Disney. She claims there were also theological issues.

25 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:59:01pm

re: #18 SanFranciscoZionist

My father is fond of saying, as a Catholic, that he thinks that the focus of church groups should be to lower abortion rates through offering women other options--financial and emotional support, adoption programs, et al, rather than continuing to do the Dance of Overturning Roe V. Wade (someday, somehow).

the difference between the rational and the fanatic

26 jamesfirecat  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:59:45pm

re: #21 ralphieboy

IIRC, the US Army ran out of desert tan during the first Gulf War and resorted to painting its armored vehicles pink.

When this tank is throwing a party you don't want to be tardy!

27 AK-47%  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 12:59:56pm

re: #18 SanFranciscoZionist

My father is fond of saying, as a Catholic, that he thinks that the focus of church groups should be to lower abortion rates through offering women other options--financial and emotional support, adoption programs, et al, rather than continuing to do the Dance of Overturning Roe V. Wade (someday, somehow).

Your father will rot in hell.


28 Kragar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:00:49pm

The more they claim to love Jesus, the less they act like him.

29 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:01:40pm

re: #28 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

The Bible's just paperwork

30 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:02:04pm

re: #18 SanFranciscoZionist

My father is fond of saying, as a Catholic, that he thinks that the focus of church groups should be to lower abortion rates through offering women other options--financial and emotional support, adoption programs, et al, rather than continuing to do the Dance of Overturning Roe V. Wade (someday, somehow).

It's because many of them don't actually care about reducing abortions. They're far more interested on sitting in their moral ivory tower and saying how terrible it all is. Better for it to be officially banned but still common then for it to be more rare but tolerated.

32 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:02:16pm

Speaking of Jesus...look at this.

If the first words out of your mouth aren't, "Jesus, that's fuckin' cute" then there's something wrong with you.

Back Story here

33 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:04:57pm

re: #13 Sergey Romanov



34 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:05:01pm

re: #32 darthstar

Speaking of Jesus...look at this.

If the first words out of your mouth aren't, "Jesus, that's fuckin' cute" then there's something wrong with you.

Back Story here

Some people would club it just to piss off hippies.


35 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:05:45pm

re: #28 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

The more they claim to love Jesus, the less they act like him.

who knows how he acted?

36 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:06:39pm

re: #23 jamesfirecat

Yes, but why target the root cause of the problem and strive to help the downtrodden when you can be all high and mighty and just look down your nose at them as horrible sinners who deserve to be sent to jail for what they've done?

That question reminds me of another thing my father says--this one a story about the time he was walking behind the contingent from a local Bible college in the San Francisco AIDSWalk.

The kids from the Bible college all had their matching t-shirts, and balloons, and stuff, and were extremely bouncy and happy about doing AIDSWalk. As they marched on down the road, they encountered one of the nuts who protest the AIDSWalk (you can about imagine the general sanity of someone protesting the AIDSWalk.)

He screamed at the kids, "You're from a BIBLE COLLEGE? Why are you here? How can you support this? Blahablahblah!!!"

The kids paused for a moment, taken aback, and then one of them called out, "We're here BECAUSE we're a Bible college!!"

And they all cheered, and walked on.

That's why.

37 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:06:42pm

re: #31 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Time to deploy the anti-armor units

The greatest power of the Pink Kitties chapter is to lull the forces of Chaos into thinking they pose no threat.

38 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:07:08pm

re: #27 ralphieboy

Your father will rot in hell.


Some people have told him that.

No sarc.

39 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:07:47pm

Putin Kaput!

40 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:08:40pm

re: #38 SanFranciscoZionist

Some people have told him that.

No sarc.

Well, everybody has someone that thinks they're going to hell.

We'll have to just wait and see, I suppose.

And ask to be buried with sunscreen.

41 Decatur Deb  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:08:53pm

re: #17 darthstar

Wow...I didn't know I could understand Russian. I'm damn near fluent!

Not Russian (the SP Gun).

42 AK-47%  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:10:35pm

re: #38 SanFranciscoZionist

Some people have told him that.

No sarc.

One of the key ideas behind American Exceptionalism is that we enjoy a unique and favorable relationship with God because our laws reflect (their interpretation of) God's Will on Earth.

They believe that as soon as we start allowing abortions, gay marriage, prostitution, etc., we are falling from his grace and will be divinely punished.

So we need those laws on the books or God will turn away from us and we will go the way of all the other fallen empires...

43 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:10:38pm
44 Decatur Deb  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:11:15pm

re: #21 ralphieboy

IIRC, the US Army ran out of desert tan during the first Gulf War and resorted to painting its armored vehicles pink.

The British do it deliberately at times. It works well in the desert night.

Image: Land-Rover%20Series%20IIa%20Pink%20Panther%20front.jpg

45 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:12:22pm

re: #43 SanFranciscoZionist

News Bulletin: Ron Paul Is A Huge Racist


46 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:12:30pm

re: #40 EmmmieG

Well, everybody has someone that thinks they're going to hell.

We'll have to just wait and see, I suppose.

And ask to be buried with sunscreen.

Twain is appropriate here. Heaven for the climate, hell for the company.

47 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:12:39pm

re: #42 ralphieboy

One of the key ideas behind American Exceptionalism is that we enjoy a unique and favorable relationship with God because our laws reflect (their interpretation of) God's Will on Earth.

They believe that as soon as we start allowing abortions, gay marriage, prostitution, etc., we are falling from his grace and will be divinely punished.

So we need those laws on the books or God will turn away from us and we will go the way of all the other fallen empires...

Yeah. It's just that I believe that American exceptionalism is based on our tireless and ongoing mission to be more than a Potempkin City on a Hill. I think that God is looking at more than our law books.

So we fight about it. A lot.

48 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:13:09pm

re: #44 Decatur Deb

The British do it deliberately at times. It works well in the desert night.

Image: Land-Rover%20Series%20IIa%20Pink%20Panther%20front.jpg

right...the Desert Rats

49 aagcobb  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:13:57pm

re: #43 SanFranciscoZionist

News Bulletin: Ron Paul Is A Huge Racist

A New York magazine calling Ron Paul a racist can only help him with the Base.

50 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:14:24pm

re: #43 SanFranciscoZionist

News Bulletin: Ron Paul Is A Huge Racist

With Ron Paul ascending in Iowa, winning the hearts of independents, and even the endorsement of Andrew Sullivan, it’s worth pointing something out: Ron Paul is not a kindly old libertarian who just wants everybody to be free. He’s a really creepy bigot.

51 AK-47%  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:14:48pm

re: #48 albusteve

right...the Desert Rats

an ancient military tradition, the Dutch and Danes both fielded pink uniforms during the Napoleonic wars:


used to be considered a very "manly" color

52 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:16:01pm

re: #49 aagcobb

A New York magazine calling Ron Paul a racist can only help him with the Base.

Thing is, the Base isn't really his target audience. A large part of it is clueless twenty and thirty-somethings that liked one or two of his extreme positions and didn't bother to think or learn much about the rest.

53 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:16:45pm

re: #43 SanFranciscoZionist

This btw is old news to those who have been paying attention in 2008, tho always worth repeating. I'm pretty sure Charles must've covered it.

54 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:17:10pm

re: #51 ralphieboy

an ancient military tradition, the Dutch and Danes both fielded pink uniforms during the Napoleonic wars:


used to be considered a very "manly" color

Victorian children's fashions put boys in pink--manly and robust--and girls in blue--delicate and feminine.

I don't know how or why we flipped them.

55 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:18:00pm

re: #44 Decatur Deb

The British do it deliberately at times. It works well in the desert night.

Image: Land-Rover%20Series%20IIa%20Pink%20Panther%20front.jpg

It's still gay.

56 AK-47%  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:18:04pm

re: #54 SanFranciscoZionist

Victorian children's fashions put boys in pink--manly and robust--and girls in blue--delicate and feminine.

I don't know how or why we flipped them.

I recall that blue became a boys' color because sailor suits were all in fashion at the start of the century.

57 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:18:15pm

re: #53 Sergey Romanov

This btw is old news to those who have been paying attention in 2008, tho always worth repeating. I'm pretty sure Charles must've covered it.

Oh, many times, or at least people have discussed all of what they cover here. I mainly put it up for "New York Magazine is writing about this", rather than "Hey! Ron Paul is a racist!"

58 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:18:22pm

re: #52 Simply Sarah

Thing is, the Base isn't really his target audience. A large part of it is clueless twenty and thirty-somethings that liked one or two of his extreme positions and didn't bother to think or learn much about the rest.

I have friends who are exactly this :/

they're also all very much IT workers who are loner types

not racist, but...very callous. And coincidentally AGW deniers too, heh

59 AK-47%  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:18:37pm

re: #55 Varek Raith

It's still gay.

Our regimental motto: "Dishonor before Discomfort!"

60 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:18:57pm

re: #56 ralphieboy

I recall that blue became a boys' color because sailor suits were all in fashion at the start of the century.

Ah, that would explain it.

61 Killgore Trout  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:19:10pm

re: #39 Sergey Romanov

Putin Kaput!


What do you think are the chances of getting rid of him? Is there a legal process or is it going to take some sort of coup?

62 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:19:42pm

re: #59 ralphieboy

Our regimental motto: "Dishonor before Discomfort!"

Does that translate to, "I'd rather be detected and shot than drive a pink tank", or the other way around?

63 AK-47%  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:19:59pm

re: #52 Simply Sarah

Thing is, the Base isn't really his target audience. A large part of it is clueless twenty and thirty-somethings that liked one or two of his extreme positions and didn't bother to think or learn much about the rest.

He makes a couple of (isolated) interesting and salient points, but overall, I cannot begin to take him seriously as a candidate.

64 Killgore Trout  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:20:03pm

Is the bottom 10 comments thing not working or haven't I been annoying enough today?

65 Decatur Deb  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:20:36pm

re: #64 Killgore Trout

Is the bottom 10 comments thing not working or haven't I been annoying enough today?

Are you trying to Occupy it?

66 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:20:45pm

re: #64 Killgore Trout

Is the bottom 10 comments thing not working or haven't I been annoying enough today?

Increase your irritating qualities by sixty percent!

67 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:20:56pm

re: #60 SanFranciscoZionist

Ah, that would explain it.

I'm pretty sure the reason we stopped dressing baby boys in dresses until their preschool years was the invention of the plastic diaper cover.

Can't prove it, but I like my theory.

68 AK-47%  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:21:17pm

re: #62 SanFranciscoZionist

Does that translate to, "I'd rather be detected and shot than drive a pink tank", or the other way around?

I will not get into a tank without AC, automatic transmission and Corinthian leather seats!!!

69 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:21:38pm

re: #64 Killgore Trout

Is the bottom 10 comments thing not working or haven't I been annoying enough today?

You're lovably annoying.
That's your problem.

70 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:21:51pm

re: #63 ralphieboy

He makes a couple of (isolated) interesting and salient points, but overall, I cannot begin to take him seriously as a candidate.

He takes a whole bunch of extreme positions, which may even be valid/correct, that can appeal to the far left, the far right, and even people in the middle at times. People seem to love to find a couple they strongly agree with and then either project the rest of their ideals onto him or just buy into everything he says without questioning it. It's really, really creepy.

71 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:22:41pm

re: #64 Killgore Trout

Is the bottom 10 comments thing not working or haven't I been annoying enough today?

We can all start downdinging everything you post, if you want.

72 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:22:43pm

re: #62 SanFranciscoZionist

Does that translate to, "I'd rather be detected and shot than drive a pink tank", or the other way around?

Dunno about Ralphieboy, but in my unit it was because we learned women's hose made great insulators for cold weather marches. F* Honor, I'm WARM(er).

73 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:22:49pm

re: #61 Killgore Trout

What do you think are the chances of getting rid of him? Is there a legal process or is it going to take some sort of coup?

Getting rid of him without him willing to leave and without revolution? Well, I would say that would be possible when 1,000,000 people will appear on the streets instead of 30,000. Then the elites will see that it's not working out anymore and some cosmetic procedures are necessary. Until then I just don't see it.

74 iossarian  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:23:16pm

re: #58 WindUpBird

I have friends who are exactly this :/

they're also all very much IT workers who are loner types

not racist, but...very callous. And coincidentally AGW deniers too, heh

It's that weird sysadmin/libertarian intersection again.

"My code is correct, therefore poor people are lazy."

75 lawhawk  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:23:21pm

re: #49 aagcobb

It wasn't just NY Mag; it was right wingers across the gamut.

Heck, Ace posted one of the more critical displays against Paul's lame-ass excuses about that magazine. He was its editor, but never read it. Yet, his name was on the letterhead, right alongside Lew Rockwell.

Charles had a full-on report on Paul's newsletter - and that the media isn't focusing on this shows that they really don't care, unless it will drive eyeballs (they must think he doesn't have a chance, and there's no reason to pile on - but if he does well in IA, that should make the rounds once again though I wonder if the same right wingers will denounce him again as they did initially).

76 leftynyc  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:24:23pm

re: #35 albusteve

who knows how he acted?

Pardon my ignorance but isn't that what the New Testament is all about?

77 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:25:30pm

re: #72 kirkspencer

Dunno about Ralphieboy, but in my unit it was because we learned women's hose made great insulators for cold weather marches. F* Honor, I'm WARM(er).

Of course they are! We don't just wear them to avoid having to always shave our legs.

78 Obdicut  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:25:43pm

re: #64 Killgore Trout

Is the bottom 10 comments thing not working or haven't I been annoying enough today?

Just make a few more completely factually incorrect posts celebrating violence in a truly creepy way. That should do it.

79 lawhawk  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:26:43pm

re: #75 lawhawk

Fact is that Charles helped uncover the craziness of that Paul newsletter.

But that newsletter is just the tip of the iceberg, as Paul associated with known neo-Nazis and white supremacists, including Don Black of Stormfront.

80 Decatur Deb  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:26:50pm

re: #72 kirkspencer

Dunno about Ralphieboy, but in my unit it was because we learned women's hose made great insulators for cold weather marches. F* Honor, I'm WARM(er).

Our club had a parachutist nic'd "Kotex". His cheezy harness had no shoulder cushions, and one of the girls improvised some for him. Naive kid.

81 Killgore Trout  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:27:13pm

re: #65 Decatur Deb

Are you trying to Occupy it?


82 AK-47%  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:27:55pm

re: #72 kirkspencer

Dunno about Ralphieboy, but in my unit it was because we learned women's hose made great insulators for cold weather marches. F* Honor, I'm WARM(er).

And you had something to trade with the natives when you reached your deployment area...

83 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:28:01pm

re: #80 Decatur Deb

Our club had a parachutist nic'd "Kotex". His cheezy harness had no shoulder cushions, and one of the girls improvised some for him. Naive kid.

Hey, I don't see the problem here so long as they weren't used.

84 aagcobb  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:28:18pm

re: #75 lawhawk

It wasn't just NY Mag; it was right wingers across the gamut.

Heck, Ace posted one of the more critical displays against Paul's lame-ass excuses about that magazine. He was its editor, but never read it. Yet, his name was on the letterhead, right alongside Lew Rockwell.

Charles had a full-on report on Paul's newsletter - and that the media isn't focusing on this shows that they really don't care, unless it will drive eyeballs (they must think he doesn't have a chance, and there's no reason to pile on - but if he does well in IA, that should make the rounds once again though I wonder if the same right wingers will denounce him again as they did initially).

Everyone ignored Gingrich until his surge because they didn't think he had a chance. If Paul wins Iowa, expect a lot of fire to be directed at him by other campaigns.

85 Killgore Trout  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:29:25pm

re: #69 Varek Raith

You're lovably annoying.
That's your problem.

Sorry about the loveablity, it's genetic.

86 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:29:44pm

The White House has teamed with the USO to make it easy to Thank Our Troops.

No excuse not to.

87 Killgore Trout  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:30:23pm

re: #78 Obdicut

Just make a few more completely factually incorrect posts celebrating violence in a truly creepy way. That should do it.

Sorry but the hippies have been peaceful today. Not much violence to report.

88 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:31:29pm

re: #76 leftynyc

Pardon my ignorance but isn't that what the New Testament is all about?

apparently...too bad it can't be fact checked...that would be interesting

89 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:31:45pm

Whacko™ fanatics hijacking reality.

Idiocy thy name is Misogyny.

90 Obdicut  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:32:34pm

re: #87 Killgore Trout

Sorry but the hippies have been peaceful today. Not much violence to report.

No, I was referring to your disturbing, gleeful cackling at the completely non-violent women being pepper-sprayed by Bologna. Remember? The women you claimed, on the basis of your derriere, were Marxist trust-funders, and who of course weren't?

Can't have slipped your mind, can it? You said that you loved watching the women get pepper-sprayed in slow-motion.

Tony Bologna probably really enjoyed pepper-spraying them, too. Assholes who get off on violence against women are far too common.

91 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:34:02pm

Hose for the legs (and we didn't shave for it, Simply_Sarah), maxipads in the bag for hasty pads and bandages, and a few other 'feminine' odds and ends.

And punchline time. I was a ranger.

92 lawhawk  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:34:26pm

re: #84 aagcobb

Paul should have been kicked to the curb 4 years ago by the GOP and right wing, but wasn't. He's still knocking around and could have a good showing in IA. Had those news reports gotten the kind of attention they deserved, Paul would have been gone from the stage.

Ditto for Gingrich, who was kicked out of the House leadership because he lost the confidence of the party, and turned out to be a slimebag personally. Lacking character and judgment. Should have been kicked to the curb, but sticking around.

You can go down the line - each of the GOP candidates pretty much should have been disqualified because of their failings, policy choices, etc., but they're sticking around because they've considered themselves the anti-Mitt (which apparently is the only reason people are sticking in). Not because they're qualified or have a sound economic or political policy to fall back on. But because they think that they are more conservative and will pander to the conservative core better than Mitt, who at least says all the right things to make a general election interesting.

93 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:34:38pm

And speaking of issues mostly impacting women, has anyone posted about this yet? Hopefully, it'll be a real eye opener for people, but I wouldn't be surprised if it was mostly ignored.

Rape affects almost 20% of US women, study says

Nearly 20% of women in the US are raped or suffer attempted rape at some point in their lives, a US study says.

Even more women, estimated at 25%, have been attacked by a partner or husband, the Centers for Disease Control said.

94 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:34:50pm

re: #18 SanFranciscoZionist

My father is fond of saying, as a Catholic, that he thinks that the focus of church groups should be to lower abortion rates through offering women other options--financial and emotional support, adoption programs, et al, rather than continuing to do the Dance of Overturning Roe V. Wade (someday, somehow).

I've told people that if 1/2 the resources that went to fighting abortion went to contraception efforts, there would be no need for abortion.

The logic usually fails.

95 Decatur Deb  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:34:50pm

re: #86 ggt

The White House has teamed with the USO to make it easy to Thank Our Troops.

No excuse not to.

Every once in a while the FLOTUS gets that Diana Ross thing going.

96 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:36:15pm

Why did it get so cold in the room?


97 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:36:52pm

re: #91 kirkspencer

Hose for the legs (and we didn't shave for it, Simply_Sarah), maxipads in the bag for hasty pads and bandages, and a few other 'feminine' odds and ends.

And punchline time. I was a ranger.

Oh, of course. You don't need to shave for hose. That's half the point!

And it's good to know rangers are looking at substance over style. I'd be worried otherwise.

98 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:37:03pm

re: #96 Sergey Romanov

Why did it get so cold in the room?


Code Pink

99 Kragar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:37:18pm

re: #96 Sergey Romanov

Why did it get so cold in the room?


Did you here about the guy who brought his temperature down to absolute zero?

He is 0k.

100 Obdicut  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:38:10pm

re: #93 Simply Sarah

The most important part of those rape statistics, to me, is that it's so overwhelmingly a family member, friend, or acquaintance who is the rapist. There's far less 'stalking some woman and raping here' shitbags out there, and far more 'gain her trust and then violate the hell out of it' assholes.

101 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:38:24pm

re: #22 Simply Sarah

Oh, I can't stand it. For one, I don't think it really helps stereotypes.

More importantly, it's big business now. You see tons of "pink products" where maybe a tiny fraction of the profit actually goes towards any research or care, with most of it just being, well, profit kept by the company selling the product. Slap some pink on it, say you'll give $0.05 cents per sale, and welcome to the commodification of breast cancer.

I think the awareness is important. Even tho a small portion goes to the Cure. I love seeing men in pink ties and baseball players using pink bats.

I think it is doing a lot to break down some barriers. Honestly.

102 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:38:35pm

re: #97 Simply Sarah

Oh, of course. You don't need to shave for hose. That's half the point!

And it's good to know rangers are looking at substance over style. I'd be worried otherwise.

Were. These days, I wonder about some of those kids.

103 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:39:25pm

re: #100 Obdicut

The most important part of those rape statistics, to me, is that it's so overwhelmingly a family member, friend, or acquaintance who is the rapist. There's far less 'stalking some woman and raping here' shitbags out there, and far more 'gain her trust and then violate the hell out of it' assholes.

Yep! Maybe people will pay attention to that fact this time. I'm kinda doubtful, since it's not an even remotely new finding.

104 iossarian  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:40:29pm

Amusing comments from the NY "Ron Paul is a racist" article. This little exchange is a bit raw obviously, but worth it for the punchline:

Do you know who's even more racist? The Jews and Israel...

@Cowboys_Dallas - Yeah! Let's get 'em.

P.S. - The Cowgirls suck, you homer.
4 Minutes AgoReply|Like

@TripleOption -
It doesn't matter because jews are dirty pig animals.
3 Minutes AgoReply|Like

@Cowboys_Dallas - If by Jews, you mean Tony Romo, then I agree.

105 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:40:45pm

re: #31 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Time to deploy the anti-armor units

Miss Swoffer called the Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals—who struggled to believe her at first. 'They were giggling away and I'm saying "I'm not drunk, I'm not lying, there's a seal in my house",' said Miss Swoffer.

OMG, I would have had him swaddled and cuddled before I called.

106 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:41:28pm

re: #101 ggt

I think the awareness is important. Even tho a small portion goes to the Cure. I love seeing men in pink ties and baseball players using pink bats.

I think it is doing a lot to break down some barriers. Honestly.

To a degree, sure. But I fear it has gotten to the point where it's so ubiquitous that people don't really think about it anymore. I also worry it's being used as a cheap way to "show support" without actually doing much of anything.

107 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:41:34pm

re: #91 kirkspencer

Hose for the legs (and we didn't shave for it, Simply_Sarah), maxipads in the bag for hasty pads and bandages, and a few other 'feminine' odds and ends.

And punchline time. I was a ranger.

Didn't the hairier among you end up ripping out a little leg hair when you took them off?

108 iossarian  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:42:01pm

re: #103 Simply Sarah

Yep! Maybe people will pay attention to that fact this time. I'm kinda doubtful, since it's not an even remotely new finding.

Yes, that's been a known fact for a long time. It also puts into perspective the whole "guns for women to defend themselves" argument*.

* By which I mean that the argument does not apply in nearly as many cases as some people would like to think.

109 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:42:11pm

re: #40 EmmmieG

Well, everybody has someone that thinks they're going to hell.

We'll have to just wait and see, I suppose.

And ask to be buried with sunscreen.

I am.


110 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:42:13pm

re: #99 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Did you here about the guy who brought his temperature down to absolute zero?

He is 0k.

*shakes head*

111 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:43:06pm

re: #110 Varek Raith

*shakes head*

*head falls down; icicles shouldn't shake heads*

112 Kragar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:43:15pm

re: #105 ggt

OMG, I would have had him swaddled and cuddled before I called.

You really love anti-armor units

113 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:43:27pm

re: #101 ggt

I think the awareness is important. Even tho a small portion goes to the Cure. I love seeing men in pink ties and baseball players using pink bats.

I think it is doing a lot to break down some barriers. Honestly.

I understand the 'pinkwashing' concern, but I was charmed when the football team at the school I used to teach at wore pink helmets for a game. The mother of one of the boys on the team was fighting for her life at the time, so they were very gung-ho about it.

114 SpaceJesus  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:43:35pm

Speaking of misogyny,


115 lawhawk  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:43:42pm

How many slaves do you have working for you? Not really a rhetorical question, but one that figures on how many people living in 3d world countries making, including those working to mine key minerals, build products you use, or produce food products overseas.

Interesting stuff.

116 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:43:59pm

re: #100 Obdicut

The most important part of those rape statistics, to me, is that it's so overwhelmingly a family member, friend, or acquaintance who is the rapist. There's far less 'stalking some woman and raping here' shitbags out there, and far more 'gain her trust and then violate the hell out of it' assholes.

Actually, the fact it's a known person is a major problem it's such a hard fight.

When the person you expect to protect you is your abuser, to whom do you turn? How do you trust that the authority to whom you turn isn't just like your abuser?

Add the huge problem of blaming the victim, which I've come to believe is tied to the other issue. (Who wants to blame friends and leaders - to have their own trust in leaders destroyed?)

See, as microcosm, the Catholic Church and the child abuse scandals.

117 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:44:00pm

re: #108 iossarian

Yes, that's been a known fact for a long time. It also puts into perspective the whole "guns for women to defend themselves" argument*.

* By which I mean that the argument does not apply in nearly as many cases as some people would like to think.

The other problem is that women that are raped by people they know can become less likely to report it (Or even consider it rape), because it doesn't fit the image society tends to project of rapists and rape. Somehow, she must have wanted it or it was her fault.

118 Obdicut  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:44:21pm

re: #107 SanFranciscoZionist

Didn't the hairier among you end up ripping out a little leg hair when you took them off?

I shaved my legs once. Nobody warned me about the stubble thing.

119 iossarian  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:45:42pm

re: #117 Simply Sarah

The other problem is that women that are raped by people they know can become less likely to report it (Or even consider it rape), because it doesn't fit the image society tends to project of rapists and rape. Somehow, she must have wanted it or it was her fault.

Not to mention the fact that you don't necessarily want to have your SO/father/uncle sent to jail, even if he is violent. Life is complicated.

120 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:46:02pm

re: #113 SanFranciscoZionist

I understand the 'pinkwashing' concern, but I was charmed when the football team at the school I used to teach at wore pink helmets for a game. The mother of one of the boys on the team was fighting for her life at the time, so they were very gung-ho about it.

See, that I don't really have a problem with, since that's directly supporting someone and involves awareness. It's when it just becomes automatic for a month that I worry.

121 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:46:23pm

re: #72 kirkspencer

Dunno about Ralphieboy, but in my unit it was because we learned women's hose made great insulators for cold weather marches. F* Honor, I'm WARM(er).

Hubby says that in certain parts of the country, they wore women's hose under their pants to prevent bug bites.

122 Charles Johnson  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:47:02pm

re: #115 lawhawk

How many slaves do you have working for you? Not really a rhetorical question, but one that figures on how many people living in 3d world countries making, including those working to mine key minerals, build products you use, or produce food products overseas.

Interesting stuff.

That website is really cool from a technical standpoint too:


All the animation is done with CSS3, HTML 5, and Javascript. No Flash.

123 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:47:58pm

re: #22 Simply Sarah

Oh, I can't stand it. For one, I don't think it really helps stereotypes.

More importantly, it's big business now. You see tons of "pink products" where maybe a tiny fraction of the profit actually goes towards any research or care, with most of it just being, well, profit kept by the company selling the product. Slap some pink on it, say you'll give $0.05 cents per sale, and welcome to the commodification of breast cancer.

How environment-friendly is all that pink dye?

124 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:48:11pm

re: #107 SanFranciscoZionist

Didn't the hairier among you end up ripping out a little leg hair when you took them off?

I can't speak for others, but I found the little bit of ripout insignificant to the joy of being warmer. My guess, since it was a common use item, is that most of the rest agreed with me.

Note that we didn't wear them when it was cool but when it got /cold/.

Oh, when I became a tanker I had to quit wearing them. Nylon and hot is a bad combination.

125 engineer cat  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:48:25pm
126 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:48:36pm

re: #115 lawhawk

How many slaves do you have working for you? Not really a rhetorical question, but one that figures on how many people living in 3d world countries making, including those working to mine key minerals, build products you use, or produce food products overseas.

Interesting stuff.

53! I'm rich!

/// shame, shame

127 recusancy  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:49:12pm

re: #115 lawhawk

How many slaves do you have working for you? Not really a rhetorical question, but one that figures on how many people living in 3d world countries making, including those working to mine key minerals, build products you use, or produce food products overseas.

Interesting stuff.

Here's the site [Link:]

128 Kragar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:49:48pm
129 iossarian  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:50:00pm

I'm not going to bother going into work tomorrow since the world is ending:

Apparently, someone has tried to pull off the "Hitler bunker scene" meme... as a pro-Ron Paul campaign message.

It's all over.

130 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:50:06pm

re: #94 ggt

I've told people that if 1/2 the resources that went to fighting abortion went to contraception efforts, there would be no need for abortion.

The logic usually fails.

Because it's less about abortion, more about Their Team and Never Giving An Inch

131 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:50:21pm

re: #93 Simply Sarah

Even more women, estimated at 25%, have been attacked by a partner or husband, the Centers for Disease Control said.

This is the THE POINT no one discusses.

Alcohol is often involved.

Being married does not mean consensual, non-coerced sex.

Religious Misogyst's don't seem to understand that.

132 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:51:10pm

re: #99 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Did you here about the guy who brought his temperature down to absolute zero?

He is 0k.

You've said that before .


133 Decatur Deb  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:52:29pm

re: #128 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Newt Gingrich Pledges To ‘Defend’ Marriage


Attila pledges to defend Aquileia.

134 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:52:42pm

re: #100 Obdicut

The most important part of those rape statistics, to me, is that it's so overwhelmingly a family member, friend, or acquaintance who is the rapist. There's far less 'stalking some woman and raping here' shitbags out there, and far more 'gain her trust and then violate the hell out of it' assholes.

Oh no, she was wearing a short skirt and high heels and out at the bars or walking down a dark alley --got in a car with a non-family member male -- smoked --drank -- she obviously wanted it.


135 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:53:08pm

re: #131 ggt

This is the THE POINT no one discusses.

Alcohol is often involved.

Being married does not mean consensual, non-coerced sex.

Religious Misogyst's don't seem to understand that.

To be fair, misogynists of all stripes (And even some people that think/claim they're feminists) don't seem to understand that. People are far too eager to blame the woman (Or man) and excuse the perpetrator.

136 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:53:59pm

re: #106 Simply Sarah

To a degree, sure. But I fear it has gotten to the point where it's so ubiquitous that people don't really think about it anymore. I also worry it's being used as a cheap way to "show support" without actually doing much of anything.

It is, I posted something about that a few weeks ago. It is best to DONATE DIRECTLY. Then if you want to buy something pink, do so because you want the item and like Pink.

137 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:54:11pm

re: #126 Sergey Romanov

53! I'm rich!

/// shame, shame


138 Kragar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:54:27pm

re: #132 ggt

You've said that before .


Look! A distracting thing!

139 Kragar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:55:25pm
140 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:55:35pm

Everyone, weigh-in. I think I'll put this in the pages as well.

diss Fox et. al.

141 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:56:17pm

re: #137 Varek Raith


*taunts* Poor! Poor!

///runs away

142 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:56:43pm

re: #139 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

DHS Cuts Off Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Access To ICE Programs

Better if they cut off his... ummm nevermind.

143 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:57:16pm

re: #142 Sergey Romanov

Better if they cut off his... ummm nevermind.

Why do you hate Captain Winky???

144 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:58:16pm

re: #140 ggt

Everyone, weigh-in. I think I'll put this in the pages as well.

diss Fox et. al.

Aww. I can only pick one?

145 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:58:31pm

re: #114 SpaceJesus

Speaking of misogyny,



146 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:58:39pm

re: #143 Varek Raith

Why do you hate Captain Winky???


147 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 1:59:05pm

re: #140 ggt

Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky for turning a hearing on energy-efficient appliances into a rant about the right to choose.

I did not even know this one.
*Off to youtube*

148 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:00:55pm

re: #145 ggt


Ugh. I heard about that. At least the school and national organization seemed to step in quickly. Now it's just a question of if the frat will get off with a slap on the wrist or if they'll be used as an example to demonstrate this shit isn't OK.

149 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:02:04pm

re: #148 Simply Sarah

Ugh. I heard about that. At least the school and national organization seemed to step in quickly. Now it's just a question of if the frat will get off with a slap on the wrist or if they'll be used as an example to demonstrate this shit isn't OK.

Did they step in because what they were doing was wrong or because they feared lawsuits?

150 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:02:59pm

re: #149 ggt

Did they step in because what they were doing was wrong or because they feared lawsuits?

Honestly? I have no idea. I'd love to think the former, but the latter is always a distinct possibility.

151 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:03:21pm

Beware of Christmas kitteh

152 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:03:26pm

re: #147 Varek Raith

I did not even know this one.
*Off to youtube*

Found it.
What a dick.

153 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:04:12pm

re: #149 ggt

Did they step in because what they were doing was wrong or because they feared lawsuits?

Personally, I suspect a bit of both.

154 Killgore Trout  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:04:43pm

re: #90 Obdicut

No, I was referring to your disturbing, gleeful cackling at the completely non-violent women being pepper-sprayed by Bologna. Remember? The women you claimed, on the basis of your derriere, were Marxist trust-funders, and who of course weren't?

Can't have slipped your mind, can it? You said that you loved watching the women get pepper-sprayed in slow-motion.

Tony Bologna probably really enjoyed pepper-spraying them, too. Assholes who get off on violence against women are far too common.

The prostitute chained up my basement says I'm a nice guy.

155 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:05:05pm

re: #148 Simply Sarah

Ugh. I heard about that. At least the school and national organization seemed to step in quickly. Now it's just a question of if the frat will get off with a slap on the wrist or if they'll be used as an example to demonstrate this shit isn't OK.

Oh i'm sure the old boy network will happily shield them


156 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:05:45pm

re: #150 Simply Sarah

Honestly? I have no idea. I'd love to think the former, but the latter is always a distinct possibility.

You know of all the times I partied at frat houses, there was ONE time when the other guys in the frat took me away from some guy they feared was going to act inappropriately. Girlfriends were the ones that looked after each other.

157 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:06:52pm

re: #154 Killgore Trout

The prostitute chained up my basement says I'm a nice guy.

Marquis is coy today!


158 Kragar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:07:02pm

re: #154 Killgore Trout

The prostitute chained up my basement says I'm a nice guy.

Mine cries every time I buy her a new bottle of lotion.

159 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:07:59pm

re: #158 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

this is not a funny or effective method of humor.

160 Mocking Jay  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:08:24pm

re: #158 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Mine cries every time I buy her a new bottle of lotion.

Did she get the hose again?

161 Kragar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:08:35pm

re: #159 ggt

this is not a funny or effective method of humor.

Don't make me get the hose.

162 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:09:18pm

re: #154 Killgore Trout

re: #158 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Not going to down-ding as I'm pretty sure you weren't serious, either of you. But not funny, guys. Think about it, in context of what's just been posted in this thread.

163 SpaceJesus  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:09:25pm

Fre: #145 ggt


Finally, a group of college kids who I wouldn't mind seeing get maced en masse

164 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:10:13pm

re: #162 kirkspencer

re: #158 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Not going to down-ding as I'm pretty sure you weren't serious, either of you. But not funny, guys. Think about it, in context of what's just been posted in this thread.

abuse of another human being is not funny.

165 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:11:01pm

You know what is funny though?
Firing ewoks out of cannons.

166 Kragar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:11:07pm

re: #164 ggt

abuse of another human being is not funny.

I don't know. I wouldn't mind seeing the frat boys getting tased.

167 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:11:41pm

re: #165 Varek Raith

You know what is funny though?
Firing ewoks out of cannons.

What about the other way?

168 Kragar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:12:11pm

re: #165 Varek Raith

You know what is funny though?
Firing ewoks out of cannons.

Who would catch them for you?

169 Killgore Trout  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:12:54pm

re: #166 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

I don't know. I wouldn't mind seeing the frat boys getting tased.

"Don't tase me, bro!"
lol, that guy was a hoot.

170 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:13:07pm

re: #156 ggt

You know of all the times I partied at frat houses, there was ONE time when the other guys in the frat took me away from some guy they feared was going to act inappropriately. Girlfriends were the ones that looked after each other.

Yeah, that's why they/we need to support and be able to rely on each other. Since otherwise it's likely there will be no one around willing or able to do it.

171 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:13:24pm

re: #168 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Who would catch them for you?

You assume my forces are like the ones in Lucas's poor imagination.
They are not.

172 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:13:43pm

re: #168 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Who would catch them for you?

I think Varek sells them by the six-pack, but you can get a quote for a bigger batch.

174 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:14:53pm

re: #137 Varek Raith



175 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:15:19pm

re: #166 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

I don't know. I wouldn't mind seeing the frat boys getting tased.

I don't think it would help them to change their viewpoints on women, just cause them to find another way to abuse.

176 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:18:28pm

I'm confused. Did somebody post this link here, or did I find it while searching for an http sniffer for flash?


177 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:19:06pm

re: #139 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

DHS Cuts Off Sheriff Joe Arpaio's Access To ICE Programs

It's about time.

178 recusancy  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:19:35pm

If anyone wants to watch the SOPA hearings they're happening live here: [Link:]

179 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:19:57pm

re: #176 Sergey Romanov

I'm confused. Did somebody post this link here, or did I find it while searching for an http sniffer for flash?



180 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:21:35pm

re: #179 Varek Raith


I like the last one better :)

181 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:21:45pm

Try this. Make a short list of five women: your mother, sisters, wife if you're married, aunts, if necessary any cousins, so long as they're at least 14.

There is a 50% chance at least one of them has been the victim of rape or attempted rape. But I'm not going to ask you to guess. I'm going to be more challenging.

Go ask.

If you really want your balance shifted, ask them about sexual assaults. Not harassment, assault -- physical actions with sexual overtones. (grabbing the breasts, goosings, hug-n-rubs,...) If more than one says she never experienced it, it's a fluke or she's not willing to tell you the truth. That happens, by the way. After all, the next thing in her experience is 'blame the victim'.

For the record, my wife, my mother, and my sister have been victims of attempted rapes. I think my mother was actually raped due to the way the story plays but can't say so for certain. In the case of all three it was a friend or family member. Oh, in all but the case of my wife I didn't know till I asked. Now that proportion is a bit on the high side. I think. But it certainly colored my perception once I bothered to ask.

I dare ya. Ask.

182 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:22:07pm

I suppose on the plus side, KT has found a way to "fix" the issue with the Bottom Comments.
/? *frown*? ???

183 AK-47%  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:22:57pm

re: #94 ggt

I've told people that if 1/2 the resources that went to fighting abortion went to contraception efforts, there would be no need for abortion.

The logic usually fails.

Because these people are not just against Planned Parenthood with capital letters, they are against the very concept of planned parenthood, or at least the use of contraceptives in doing so.

184 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:25:13pm

re: #182 Simply Sarah

I suppose on the plus side, KT has found a way to "fix" the issue with the Bottom Comments.
/? *frown*? ???

It's just his (by-now usual) virtual hippie-macing tour.


185 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:27:21pm

re: #181 kirkspencer

Try this. Make a short list of five women: your mother, sisters, wife if you're married, aunts, if necessary any cousins, so long as they're at least 14.

There is a 50% chance at least one of them has been the victim of rape or attempted rape. But I'm not going to ask you to guess. I'm going to be more challenging.

Go ask.

If you really want your balance shifted, ask them about sexual assaults. Not harassment, assault -- physical actions with sexual overtones. (grabbing the breasts, goosings, hug-n-rubs,...) If more than one says she never experienced it, it's a fluke or she's not willing to tell you the truth. That happens, by the way. After all, the next thing in her experience is 'blame the victim'.

For the record, my wife, my mother, and my sister have been victims of attempted rapes. I think my mother was actually raped due to the way the story plays but can't say so for certain. In the case of all three it was a friend or family member. Oh, in all but the case of my wife I didn't know till I asked. Now that proportion is a bit on the high side. I think. But it certainly colored my perception once I bothered to ask.

I dare ya. Ask.


186 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:27:56pm

re: #183 ralphieboy

Because these people are not just against Planned Parenthood with capital letters, they are against the very concept of planned parenthood, or at least the use of contraceptives in doing so.

They are against Women having a say in it.

If the Man want's to plan parenthood, that would be OK.

187 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:28:58pm

re: #181 kirkspencer

If I could, I'd upding this repeatedly. I do wonder how many people will ask and how many won't out of the fear of what they might hear...

On that pleasant note, I do think this is a nice time to go take a nap!

188 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:29:01pm

re: #181 kirkspencer

Try this. Make a short list of five women: your mother, sisters, wife if you're married, aunts, if necessary any cousins, so long as they're at least 14.

There is a 50% chance at least one of them has been the victim of rape or attempted rape. But I'm not going to ask you to guess. I'm going to be more challenging.

Go ask.

If you really want your balance shifted, ask them about sexual assaults. Not harassment, assault -- physical actions with sexual overtones. (grabbing the breasts, goosings, hug-n-rubs,...) If more than one says she never experienced it, it's a fluke or she's not willing to tell you the truth. That happens, by the way. After all, the next thing in her experience is 'blame the victim'.

For the record, my wife, my mother, and my sister have been victims of attempted rapes. I think my mother was actually raped due to the way the story plays but can't say so for certain. In the case of all three it was a friend or family member. Oh, in all but the case of my wife I didn't know till I asked. Now that proportion is a bit on the high side. I think. But it certainly colored my perception once I bothered to ask.

I dare ya. Ask.

I think many men would be SHOCKED to know how many married women have sex, not because they want to, but because it's easier than saying no.

alcohol is often involved.

189 AK-47%  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:29:37pm

re: #186 ggt

They are against Women having a say in it.

If the Man want's to plan parenthood, that would be OK.

Men can opt out of parenthood by skipping town...

190 Killgore Trout  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:30:00pm

re: #182 Simply Sarah

I suppose on the plus side, KT has found a way to "fix" the issue with the Bottom Comments.
/? *frown*? ???

Ah, it's working again. I thought it was busted.

191 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:30:39pm

re: #53 Sergey Romanov

This btw is old news to those who have been paying attention in 2008, tho always worth repeating. I'm pretty sure Charles must've covered it.

Ron Paul Stormfront photo-op.

192 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:31:08pm

re: #118 Obdicut

I shaved my legs once. Nobody warned me about the stubble thing.

Once I shaved my pubes absent that same warning. Not fun.

193 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:31:38pm

re: #188 ggt

I think many men would be SHOCKED to know how many married women have sex, not because they want to, but because it's easier than saying no.

alcohol is often involved.

What is frightening, just from official statistics, is how often alcohol is NOT involved.

194 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:31:52pm

re: #192 prononymous

Once I shaved my pubes absent that same warning. Not fun.

I've never understood why anyone would do that.

Then, again, I've been shaving my legs since junior high. I have some insight.

195 Kragar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:31:53pm

re: #192 prononymous

Once I shaved my pubes absent that same warning. Not fun.

Daily maintenance is the key.

196 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:33:23pm

re: #193 kirkspencer

What is frightening, just from official statistics, is how often alcohol is NOT involved.

The power play within a marriage can be very dysfunctional.

197 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:33:57pm

Way TMI going on here.

198 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:33:58pm

re: #194 ggt

I've never understood why anyone would do that.

Then, again, I've been shaving my legs since junior high. I have some insight.

I had just discovered hardcore porn and wanted to emulate my favorite actors.

199 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:34:43pm

I can't find my phone anywhere.

I think a puppy might be involved.

200 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:35:13pm

re: #199 ggt

I can't find my phone anywhere.

I think a puppy might be involved.


201 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:35:32pm

re: #197 Varek Raith

Way TMI going on here.

With regards to the shaving...

202 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:35:39pm

If you eat a carnivorous plant, does it count as animal protein in your diet?

I'll have to ask FBV.

203 recusancy  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:35:53pm

re: #178 recusancy

If anyone wants to watch the SOPA hearings they're happening live here: [Link:]

Good background on the hearings and SOPA here: [Link:]

Last night I had a horrifying dream that a group of well-intentioned middle-aged people who could not distinguish between a domain name and an IP address were trying to regulate the Internet. Then I woke up and the Judiciary Committee’s SOPA hearings were on.

204 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:36:01pm

re: #198 prononymous

I had just discovered hardcore porn and wanted to emulate my favorite actors.


205 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:36:03pm

re: #118 Obdicut

I shaved my legs once. Nobody warned me about the stubble thing.

About 35 years ago I was in High School. I was on the swim team. There's an odd ritual for high school males on swim teams, happens about the time of the Big Race: full body shave. Some even shave the head, though most keep it under the cap.

The girls laughed. At first most of us thought it was about how we looked. Really, though, for the majority there wasn't THAT much visible hair. (There are always a few who seem to be part gorilla or bear - raise hand.) In reality - which I knew because I asked - it was because they were anticipating our next few weeks as the hair returned.

Did I mention Itch?

206 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:36:12pm

re: #200 Varek Raith



207 Kragar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:36:13pm

re: #201 Varek Raith

With regards to the shaving...

Taint nothing wrong with it.

208 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:37:06pm

“I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

209 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:37:11pm

re: #90 Obdicut

Tony Bologna probably really enjoyed pepper-spraying them, too. Assholes who get off on violence against women are far too common.

Wait wait wait wait. How the hell did I miss the fact that Nonchalant Pepper Spray Cop's actual name is Tony Baloney?

He joins the pantheon of other bullied kids turned bullies, along side Thurman Merman, Artie Choke, Robyn Banks, and Tim Burr.

210 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:37:16pm

re: #207 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Taint nothing wrong with it.

It is when you publicly admit it.

211 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:37:19pm

re: #207 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Taint nothing wrong with it.

Nothing wrong with it, just a PITA.

212 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:38:04pm

re: #210 Varek Raith

It is when you publicly admit it.

the undead are squeemish about "down there" talk.

213 BishopX  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:39:17pm

re: #209 negativ

Wait wait wait wait. How the hell did I miss the fact that Nonchalant Pepper Spray Cop's actual name is Tony Baloney?

He joins the pantheon of other bullied kids turned bullies, along side Thurman Merman, Artie Choke, Robyn Banks, and Tim Burr.

Nonchalant Pepper Spray Cop was Lt. John Pike. Tony Baloney (Anthony Bologna) was the original one in NYC.

214 Kragar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:39:40pm

re: #210 Varek Raith

It is when you publicly admit it.

And you totally miss the taint pun.


215 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:39:54pm

teehee, I just imagined trying to play Words with Friends and Strangers by poking Varek's stomach.

216 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:40:05pm

re: #212 ggt

the undead are squeemish about "down there" talk.


217 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:40:13pm

re: #213 BishopX

Nonchalant Pepper Spray Cop it Lt. John Pike. Tony Baloney (Anthony Bologna) was the original one in NYC.

Actually, he was pretty nonchalant about it too. Walk up to the women behind the barricades, spray, move on, spray again...

218 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:40:31pm

re: #205 kirkspencer

You forgot the ingrown hairs.

219 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:40:37pm

re: #216 Varek Raith



220 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:40:39pm

re: #214 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

And you totally miss the taint pun.


I ignore puns, thankyouverymuch.
*So what if I did? :P*

221 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:40:50pm

re: #216 Varek Raith


I'll take the low-hanging fruit.

I'm not proud.

222 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:40:52pm

re: #214 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

And you totally miss the taint pun.


Ignore him. He's just a nair-thee-well.

223 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:41:30pm

This is why I don't like puns.

224 AK-47%  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:41:55pm

Waxing poetic this thread?

225 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:41:55pm

re: #218 Floral Giraffe

You forgot the ingrown hairs.

Oh, THANK you. 35 years ago, some things I'd successfully forgotten. //

226 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:41:56pm

re: #198 prononymous

I had just discovered hardcore porn and wanted to emulate my favorite actors.

I understand that in this era of Internet porn, there are many young men who arrive at college and are startled to learn that in real life, many women have pubic hair.

227 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:42:07pm

re: #223 Varek Raith

This is why I don't like puns.

And they all belong to you.

228 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:42:19pm

re: #223 Varek Raith

This is why I don't like puns.

Well, I guess we now have another tainted thread.

229 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:42:49pm

re: #226 SanFranciscoZionist

I understand that in this era of Internet porn, there are many young men who arrive at college and are startled to learn that in real life, many women have pubic hair.

I've heard of such things.
from grown men.


230 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:43:14pm

re: #228 Bubblehead II

Well, I guess we now have another tainted thread.

I taint misbehavin'

231 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:43:55pm

re: #226 SanFranciscoZionist

Too funny.
Probably true, too.

232 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:45:55pm
233 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:45:57pm

re: #21 ralphieboy

IIRC, the US Army ran out of desert tan during the first Gulf War and resorted to painting its armored vehicles pink.

That actually goes back farther than that. SAS vehicles in the UK army used a "desert pink" camo color as well for years. Plus some experiments in the USN as well using pink as part of camo schemes.

Military Camouflage Wikipedia page:
The British Army's Special Air Service used pink as the primary colour on its desert-camouflaged Land Rover Series IIA patrol vehicles, nicknamed Pink Panthers;[34] the distinctly non-macho colour had been observed to be indistinguishable from sand, at a distance.

234 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:46:15pm

re: #229 ggt

Anyone remember the Epilady?
Google it, if you forgot.

235 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:46:33pm

re: #226 SanFranciscoZionist

I understand that in this era of Internet porn, there are many young men who arrive at college and are startled to learn that in real life, many women have pubic hair.

Yep. I think that the current state of porn is distorting male (and female to a degree) perceptions about what is normal, erotic, etc. Many young people are going straight for the gonzo which is not going to lead to a good perspective about healthy sexual relationships.

236 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:46:49pm

re: #232 ggt


Made just for you!


237 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:47:31pm
238 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:48:06pm

re: #234 Floral Giraffe

Anyone remember the Epilady?
Google it, if you forgot.

OH yes, I remember.

239 Kragar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:50:02pm

Know what I miss? Seeing Santa flying over the snow banks in the Norelco electric razor commercial.

240 Kragar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:51:32pm

Professor Blasts Bill O’Reilly, Says Need For Voter ID Bills Is The Same For Bills To Protect People From Lightning

Last night on the O’Reilly Factor, Occidental College political science Prof. Caroline Heldman endeavored to relieve host Bill O’Reilly of his dogged belief that the infinitesimal rate of voter fraud warrants disenfranchising 5 million people. “You’re harboring the misconception that’s you have lots of people trying to vote [fraudulently]. You face five years in prison and a $10,000 fine if you engage in voter fraud, that’s why almost nobody does it.”

Condescendingly mocking her expertise, O’Reilly rattled off “stats” to prove that voter fraud is rampant in Wisconsin, which Heldman noted is near 0.000001 of one percent. “Great,” she said. “Where is all the legislation that is trying to protect people that are struck by lightning because that’s really the same priority that this should have on the agenda.”

241 [deleted]  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:53:28pm
242 wrenchwench  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:53:36pm

re: #240 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

Professor Blasts Bill O’Reilly, Says Need For Voter ID Bills Is The Same For Bills To Protect People From Lightning

Occidental College?? Obama went there!!1! She must be a socialist!!

243 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:55:43pm

re: #238 ggt

Here's what Obdicut posted for me.
GRAPHIC, but sooo funny!

244 [deleted]  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:56:12pm
245 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:56:24pm

re: #243 Floral Giraffe

Here's what Obdicut posted for me.
GRAPHIC, but sooo funny!

I remember that!

246 [deleted]  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:56:35pm
247 engineer cat  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:56:38pm

clueless fucking houseguest remains clueless

248 Romantic Heretic  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:57:36pm

re: #74 iossarian

It's that weird sysadmin/libertarian intersection again.

"My code is correct, therefore poor people are lazy."

It's one of the reasons I stopped being a computer programmer. As a favourite saying of mine goes, "Logic doesn't care."

249 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:58:46pm

Stinky is swinging the cluebat!

250 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 2:59:25pm

re: #244 Alouette

I am so not going there.

I soooo don't understand.

251 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:00:07pm

re: #249 Floral Giraffe

Stinky is swinging the cluebat!

I missed it?


252 wrenchwench  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:00:51pm

re: #251 ggt

I missed it?


Your link to the stalker site was deleted.

253 Lidane  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:00:56pm

Speaking of cooties, Mitt Romney apparently thinks a tiered marriage system for gays is a good idea:

Romney Unveils 3-Tier Marriage System For Gays

WTF. How does that even make any sense? Also, how is that constitutional at all?

254 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:02:04pm

Watched The Help with the kid last night.

The book was better, yet the movie probably did as good a job as it could have.

Acting was excellent.

255 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:03:19pm

re: #252 wrenchwench

Your link to the stalker site was deleted.

Oh good.

I had no idea. Horrible stuff.

I've been trying to find out the history of the term "floral giraffe". I clicked the google link not knowing.

Sorry if I offended.

256 engineer cat  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:04:46pm

pink bibles

the idea really appeals to me

but only if they've been shaved


257 recusancy  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:05:29pm

re: #252 wrenchwench

Your link to the stalker site was deleted.

Jeeze. How many stalker sites are there? LGF sure inspired the crazy in the old days.

258 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:05:52pm

WHERE DID THE term "floral giraffe" originate?

259 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:07:32pm

re: #258 ggt

It's a secret, but my nic is blue!

260 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:07:35pm

I clicked "quote" where I should have clicked "reply."

261 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:09:09pm

re: #252 wrenchwench

Your link to the stalker site was deleted.

Actually, I'm glad I caught the link before it disappeared. No, I'm not objecting to the deletion. I just hadn't looked for any 'stalker' sites. To be completely honest, I thought it was a bit of an exaggeration.

But when every post of the few pages I dragged through was a link to or copy of or comment upon one of Charles's posts, with ridicule and scorn added to them, well... Though I never voiced the doubts, I retract. Stalker seems an utterly appropriate term.

262 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:10:39pm

re: #261 kirkspencer

Nasty folks over there.

263 wrenchwench  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:10:47pm

re: #257 recusancy

Jeeze. How many stalker sites are there? LGF sure inspired the crazy in the old days.

I don't know how many. Some have actually faded away, but some of them persist in a way that only "crazy" can describe.

264 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:11:14pm

re: #261 kirkspencer

Actually, I'm glad I caught the link before it disappeared. No, I'm not objecting to the deletion. I just hadn't looked for any 'stalker' sites. To be completely honest, I thought it was a bit of an exaggeration.

But when every post of the few pages I dragged through was a link to or copy of or comment upon one of Charles's posts, with ridicule and scorn added to them, well... Though I never voiced the doubts, I retract. Stalker seems an utterly appropriate term.

I don't understand why people would discuss posters from another blog. Seems so high school. That's why I posted it, if people were talking about me on another blog, I'd want to know it.

Again, sorry for my ignorance.

265 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:12:06pm
266 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:12:10pm

re: #263 wrenchwench

I don't know how many. Some have actually faded away, but some of them persist in a way that only "crazy" can describe.

Whackadoodleoos, they are.

267 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:14:45pm

I google myself and get this.

I'm so boring.

268 Charles Johnson  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:14:49pm

Oh no, I almost forgot. There's another debate approaching. Fox News debate.

Can't you feel the excitement building in the ether?

269 Killgore Trout  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:15:13pm

I don't read Huffpoo much anymore but I did check in on them yesterday to see their comments on the Hamas anniversary celebration. It does seem they've cleaned up a bit. Some typical lefty moral equivalence stuff blaming both sides for the conflict but not as much outright support for Hamas and the destruction of Israel. I'm not sure if they started cracking down on comments but they're better than they used to be.

270 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:16:11pm

You know what else is pink?

Used tampons, panty shields, and feminine pads! Every one of which signify a womans failure to correctly follow the bible and it's injunction to "be fruitful and multiply"!

Only demonic influences could have resulted in the creation of a "pink" covered bible to begin with so it is high time that this perverted practice was finally put a stop to!

///fundie rant

271 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:16:35pm

re: #268 Charles

Oh no, I almost forgot. There's another debate approaching. Fox News debate.

Can't you feel the excitement building in the ether?


272 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:17:21pm

re: #267 ggt

I google myself and get this.

I'm so boring.

heh. I google myself and discover the ones about me are buried among a host of others. If you know a few facts about me you can pick out which are mine but for the most part... meh. Not worth digging.

Not quite as good as JohnSmith, but getting there.

273 engineer cat  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:18:00pm

re: #270 ausador

You know what else is pink?

Used tampons, panty shields, and feminine pads! Every one of which signify a womans failure to correctly follow the bible and it's injunction to "be fruitful and multiply"!

Only demonic influences could have resulted in the creation of a "pink" covered bible to begin with so it is high time that this perverted practice was finally put a stop to!

///fundie rant

it's part of the radical leftist agenda to feminize america by acknowledging the existence of vaginas

274 Charles Johnson  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:18:15pm

re: #269 Killgore Trout

I don't read Huffpoo much anymore but I did check in on them yesterday to see their comments on the Hamas anniversary celebration. It does seem they've cleaned up a bit. Some typical lefty moral equivalence stuff blaming both sides for the conflict but not as much outright support for Hamas and the destruction of Israel. I'm not sure if they started cracking down on comments but they're better than they used to be.

Yes, I noticed a while back that they seem to be moderating the comments a lot better. Open antisemitism used to be pretty common - really crazy stuff. But you don't see it any more. They might even actually be paying people to do it.

275 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:18:30pm

re: #273 engineer dog

it's part of the radical leftist agenda to feminize america by acknowledging the existence of vaginas

Wait, what? They're REAL?

276 wrenchwench  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:19:14pm

re: #268 Charles

Oh no, I almost forgot. There's another debate approaching. Fox News debate.

Can't you feel the excitement building in the ether?

I am reminded of a tweet from my brother to his wife:

Michaelson & Morley disproved the existence of the ether in 1887, dear.

Her reply:

Yes, but I didn't want to say "cyberspace."

277 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:19:29pm

re: #268 Charles

Not really. But please, give those of us who have masochistic tendencies a link if you would.

278 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:21:59pm

In case you are running low on fat, salt and carbs.

BURGER KING® Declares There’s a New Fry in Town!

Free Fries Friday

279 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:22:40pm

re: #243 Floral Giraffe

Here's what Obdicut posted for me.
GRAPHIC, but sooo funny!

280 Charles Johnson  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:24:18pm

Newt and Mitt will be ripping at each other like rabid weasels tonight. And it's Iowa, so Bachmann, Santorum, and Perry are gonna go full out Bible-thumper.

281 engineer cat  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:24:28pm

re: #275 ggt

Wait, what? They're REAL?

look in your pink bible!

282 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:26:06pm

re: #281 engineer dog

look in your pink bible!

ah! I heard rumors in RC school when I was young, but my devout mother assured me it was all talk.

283 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:29:59pm

re: #280 Charles

Newt and Mitt will be ripping at each other like rabid weasels tonight. And it's Iowa, so Bachmann, Santorum, and Perry are gonna go full out Bible-thumper.

Oh Yeah. And Bachmann is really going to be pushing it.

Another Huchabee wannabe.

284 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:30:11pm

re: #279 Varek Raith

I was afraid to open that...

285 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:31:04pm

This is the cutest video ever!

If you don't agree I keel you.

286 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:31:27pm


287 wrenchwench  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:32:24pm

Arpaio and his lawyers are talking now.

It's being Tweeted.

azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
#Arpaio atty: do we have isolated incidents? Yes. Have there been mistakes? Yes.
2 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
#Arpaio: "I have compassion," but enforcing the law overrides my compassion. "I will continue to enforce all the laws."
6 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio: "Don't come here and use me as the whipping boy for a national and international problem."
9 minutes ago Favorite Retweet Reply
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio: We're going to cooperate the best we can, but if they're not happy, "I'll see you in court."
10 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio on the request for his resignation: "It's never going to happen."
13 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio: Don't want to say this is all politics, but everyone coming after me is a Democrat.
15 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio atty: "Outside of political pandering, there is no rationale for this." Calls the report a "witch-hunt" and "ambush."
19 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio atty: The report is motivated only by Obama's 2012 re-election.
20 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio atty: DOJ's report a foregone conclusion, they found what they were looking for, thinks report could have been written a year ago.
22 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio atty: No specific allegations in the 22-page DOJ report, and we will not comment on the specifics.
23 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio atty: only heard about today's announcement yesterday afternoon, "astounded and shocked" at the contents of the report.
24 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio atty: DOJ's characterization of MCSO as uncooperative is disingenuous.
26 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio: Because Obama "and his merry men" have canceled the 287(g), we may as well put up a neon sign welcoming illegal immigrants to USA.
27 minutes ago
AZ Capitol Times
azcapitoltimes AZ Capitol Times
Arpaio: Today is a sad day for America.
27 minutes ago

288 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:33:23pm

re: #285 Alouette

This is the cutest video ever!

[Video]If you don't agree I keel you.

This is cuter!!!

later again.

289 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:34:13pm

re: #287 wrenchwench

He is so toast!

290 wrenchwench  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:39:57pm

re: #289 Floral Giraffe

He is so toast!

The press conference ended, which is just as well because the video quality was terrible.

His lawyer was whining. I think that's a sign of being toast.

AZ Capitol Times
#Arpaio atty: "This is not a slap in the face, this is a punch in the face."

291 Atlas Fails  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:41:08pm

re: #18 SanFranciscoZionist

My father is fond of saying, as a Catholic, that he thinks that the focus of church groups should be to lower abortion rates through offering women other options--financial and emotional support, adoption programs, et al, rather than continuing to do the Dance of Overturning Roe V. Wade (someday, somehow).

Sums up my philosophy nicely. But wait, this is American politics with some religion mixed in, we must have some conflict! Disagreeing with the pope's views on reproductive freedom should be illegal!

292 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:41:39pm

re: #287 wrenchwench

Awww, wook at the poor wittle baby.

293 allegro  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:43:08pm

Whoa, ABC news just decimated Newt. TPTB are at work big time.

294 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:43:43pm

re: #289 Floral Giraffe

He is so toast!

When he blocked a federal investigation, he should have been toast.

When he instituted the pink gear and tent city prison, he should have been thoroughly investigated, which based on what we know now means he should have been toast.

But he's "tough on crime" and "tough on illegal immigrants".

295 jaunte  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:45:14pm

re: #290 wrenchwench

His lawyer was whining. I think that's a sign of being toast.

The other sign of being toast is when you try to drag the rest of the country into it.... "Arpaio: Today is a sad day for America."

296 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:45:26pm

re: #294 kirkspencer

When he blocked a federal investigation, he should have been toast.

When he instituted the pink gear and tent city prison, he should have been thoroughly investigated, which based on what we know now means he should have been toast.

But he's "tough on crime" and "tough on illegal immigrants".

would you support an open border?

297 recusancy  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:45:59pm

Here comes the straw man!

298 wrenchwench  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:48:18pm

re: #296 albusteve

would you support an open border?

"Open border" is not the alternative to Arpaio. "Law abiding law enforcement" is the alternative to Arpaio.

299 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:49:45pm

re: #298 wrenchwench

"Open border" is not the alternative to Arpaio. "Law abiding law enforcement" is the alternative to Arpaio.

I could care less about Arpaio...he's just another guy...debating illegal immigration is always a good one

300 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:50:07pm

re: #296 albusteve

would you support an open border?

Is that a red herring?

For what it's worth, what I'd support is drastically reduced immigration restrictions.

Check at the border for criminal history and a short list of other undesirables. If you're not in those categories, welcome to the US. Here's your visa, here's the requirements to become a citizen, here are your tax forms.

301 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:51:00pm

We have entered; the Steve Zone.

302 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:52:15pm

re: #301 Varek Raith

We have entered; the Steve Zone.

right...then forget I asked

303 recusancy  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:53:12pm

re: #301 Varek Raith

We have entered; the Steve Zone.

Is that where every post is declaring how you don't care and it's all beneath you unless the topic is bands from half a century ago?

304 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:53:58pm

re: #303 recusancy

Is that were every post is declaring how you don't care and it's all beneath you unless the topic is bands from half a century ago?

you like being an asshole? that what you contribute?

305 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:54:37pm

re: #302 albusteve

right...then forget I asked

No, I do not want open borders.

306 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:57:49pm

re: #305 Varek Raith

No, I do not want open borders.

you can go back to your stale Newt jokes and

307 Decatur Deb  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 3:58:41pm

re: #268 Charles

Oh no, I almost forgot. There's another debate approaching. Fox News debate.

Can't you feel the excitement building in the ether?

Can't find it in tonight's Comcast listings. I think it's Fox, but none of theirs show it.

308 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:01:29pm

re: #307 Decatur Deb

Can't find it in tonight's Comcast listings. I think it's Fox, but none of theirs show it.

It is supposed to be at at 8:30.

309 recusancy  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:02:32pm

re: #307 Decatur Deb

Can't find it in tonight's Comcast listings. I think it's Fox, but none of theirs show it.


310 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:02:38pm

re: #306 albusteve

you can go back to your stale Newt jokes and

I don't recall making any Newt jokes.
As for the cartoons;

311 Decatur Deb  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:02:48pm

re: #308 kirkspencer

It is supposed to be at at 8:30.

Thanks. Started drinking too early last time. Santorum started to make sense.

312 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:03:24pm
313 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:04:09pm

re: #311 Decatur Deb

Thanks. Started drinking too early last time. Santorum started to make sense.

wait. Are you saying you start watching while sober?

And you still pass for sane?

314 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:04:26pm

re: #311 Decatur Deb

Thanks. Started drinking too early last time. Santorum started to make sense.

That's just the brake fluid you mixed into your daquiri talking.

315 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:05:13pm

re: #307 Decatur Deb

Can't find it in tonight's Comcast listings. I think it's Fox, but none of theirs show it.

My son is acting along to The Labyrinth now: puppets, David Bowie, and my little dude. No way I'm interrupting that.

316 Decatur Deb  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:06:02pm

re: #315 Aceofwhat?

My son is acting along to The Labyrinth now: puppets, David Bowie, and my little dude. No way I'm interrupting that.

Lots of juice in Little Ones.

317 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:06:13pm

Okay...thumbed through the channels and found a Motley Crue concert on PLDHD (whatever channel that is)...lasted through the end of one ballad and into Dr. Feelgood. I didn't realize those clowns wore so much makeup. They look like Kiss rejects.

318 Decatur Deb  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:06:57pm

re: #316 Decatur Deb

Lots of juice in Little Ones.

Crap...That was Dark Crystal.

319 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:07:37pm

re: #317 darthstar

Okay...thumbed through the channels and found a Motley Crue concert on PLDHD (whatever channel that is)...lasted through the end of one ballad and into Dr. Feelgood. I didn't realize those clowns wore so much makeup. They look like Kiss rejects.

both bands were overrated clones...Kiss?....please

320 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:07:43pm

re: #315 Aceofwhat?

My son is acting along to The Labyrinth now: puppets, David Bowie, and my little dude. No way I'm interrupting that.

your EYES can be so CRUEL

321 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:08:37pm

re: #320 WindUpBird

your EYES can be so CRUEL

hey, don't be cruel

322 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:09:04pm

re: #319 albusteve

both bands were overrated clones...Kiss?...please

Yep...rejects of clones.

323 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:10:37pm

re: #322 darthstar

Yep...rejects of clones.

even worse...imagine Jerry Garcia painting himself black and white to sell his music....sick

324 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:10:39pm
325 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:11:32pm
326 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:13:08pm

re: #317 darthstar

Okay...thumbed through the channels and found a Motley Crue concert on PLDHD (whatever channel that is)...lasted through the end of one ballad and into Dr. Feelgood. I didn't realize those clowns wore so much makeup. They look like Kiss rejects.

The 80s. Hair bands. Glam bands. At times they actually made me wish disco would come back.

327 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:13:22pm

some 50 year old garbage
the Dead

328 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:14:10pm

re: #231 Floral Giraffe

Too funny.
Probably true, too.

I'm frankly less worried about students who don't know about pubic hair, and more worried about students who don't know about plagiarism. One of my friends got an English-professor job at a small state college back East, this fall, and the stories I'm hearing from her are amazing.

329 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:14:27pm

re: #320 WindUpBird

your EYES can be so CRUEL

Ha! I move the stars for no one...

330 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:15:05pm

re: #234 Floral Giraffe

Anyone remember the Epilady?
Google it, if you forgot.

I read a poem about how the Epilady represented the theft of Palestinian culture by Israelis.

Not kidding.

If so, it was a short-lived and highly unsuccessful theft, one of those things where the thief breaks right back into the house to give the thing back.

331 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:17:23pm

re: #235 prononymous

Yep. I think that the current state of porn is distorting male (and female to a degree) perceptions about what is normal, erotic, etc. Many young people are going straight for the gonzo which is not going to lead to a good perspective about healthy sexual relationships.

That said, a lot of women's magazines and websites seem almost as clueless. I've seen lots of comments in articles and columns about how 'no one' doesn't at least shave down to a landing strip, or wax down thar regularly.

A quick and covert glance around the ladies' locker room at my suburban gym in hip Northern California suggests otherwise. But young women reading this stuff have no real way to judge.

332 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:17:55pm

re: #326 kirkspencer

The 80s. Hair bands. Glam bands. At times they actually made me wish disco would come back.

the 80's were a rock and roll speed bump...really bad stuff in general...I think that's about where radio lost their grip on music

333 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:18:13pm

re: #257 recusancy

Jeeze. How many stalker sites are there? LGF sure inspired the crazy in the old days.

CONTINUES to inspire the crazy.

334 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:19:10pm

re: #263 wrenchwench

I don't know how many. Some have actually faded away, but some of them persist in a way that only "crazy" can describe.

There are sites made up of refugees from LGF that seem largely sane, they just wanted a more gung-ho conservative environment than LGF was providing after a certain point.

Then there are...other places.

335 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:22:42pm

re: #299 albusteve

I could care less about Arpaio...he's just another guy...debating illegal immigration is always a good one

There are a lot of things to be said about Arpaio, but 'just another guy' is not one that springs readily to mind.

336 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:23:35pm

re: #331 SanFranciscoZionist

That said, a lot of women's magazines and websites seem almost as clueless. I've seen lots of comments in articles and columns about how 'no one' doesn't at least shave down to a landing strip, or wax down thar regularly.

Also still seems to be a lot of "turn to page 15 to find out what he's thinking!" and "what does he really want" articles out there.

As if we're that difficult to figure out...

337 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:23:52pm

re: #335 SanFranciscoZionist

There are a lot of things to be said about Arpaio, but 'just another guy' is not one that springs readily to mind.

these people are minor players in a larger game...I don't fixate on pop evil guys

338 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:23:54pm

Is it Captain Picard or Pecs-hard?

By the way...I look way too much like Kirk right now.

339 BongCrodny  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:25:23pm

re: #335 SanFranciscoZionist

There are a lot of things to be said about Arpaio, but 'just another guy' is not one that springs readily to mind.

I'd go with "just another criminal with a badge."

340 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:28:00pm

re: #338 darthstar

Is it Captain Picard or Pecs-hard?

By the way...I look way too much like Kirk right now.

Don't give up on the club, my dude. Hard work with metal plates pays off.

341 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:28:48pm

re: #328 SanFranciscoZionist

I'm frankly less worried about students who don't know about pubic hair, and more worried about students who don't know about plagiarism. One of my friends got an English-professor job at a small state college back East, this fall, and the stories I'm hearing from her are amazing.

That's a bad problem, and a reason anti-plagiarism software is becoming popular for schools.

On the other hand, it's the leading edge of an inevitable change to learning that's in the process of happening - and while there are a lot of ideas on how to deal with it, nothing is solid yet.

It all centers on the projection that we ain't seen nuthin' yet in regard to what computers and the internet bring.

Me, I'm an odd duck. I think we should modify existing curricula to intentionally incorporate online searches and electronic data processing (cutting and pasting). I think we should do what we say we want and teach the students how to learn regardless of tools.

I acknowledge, however, that it's going to be extremely difficult.

342 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:29:07pm

re: #234 Floral Giraffe

Anyone remember the Epilady?
Google it, if you forgot.

My mom had one, I remember. Seemed to disappear before I reached an age where I'd consider using it, though...

343 wrenchwench  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:29:32pm

re: #338 darthstar

Is it Captain Picard or Pecs-hard?

By the way...I look way too much like Kirk right now.

Ooh, Picard was always my favorite Captain...

344 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:29:39pm

re: #334 SanFranciscoZionist

There are sites made up of refugees from LGF that seem largely sane, they just wanted a more gung-ho conservative environment than LGF was providing after a certain point.

Then there are...other places.

"would you support an open border?"
red herring
is it any wonder why people leave?

345 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:30:33pm

re: #344 albusteve

"would you support an open border?"
red herring
is it any wonder why people leave?

Oh, come off it.
I was teasing you.
Good grief man.

346 wrenchwench  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:31:40pm

re: #344 albusteve

"would you support an open border?"
red herring
is it any wonder why people leave?

Oh, come on. You posted the question as though a secure border was justification for Arpaio being Arpaio. If that's not what you meant, you know how to avoid that reaction.

347 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:33:05pm

re: #345 Varek Raith

Oh, come off it.
I was teasing you.
Good grief man.

I wear my Lizard armor...just like KT...maybe if an open border debate becomes to tiresome for people, we could ask CJ to ban the subject?...LOL!...
what a bunch of self centered boobs

348 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:33:29pm

re: #336 Aceofwhat?

Also still seems to be a lot of "turn to page 15 to find out what he's thinking!" and "what does he really want" articles out there.

As if we're that difficult to figure out...

My favorite is the Cosmo sex tips. Every issue since I dunno when has advertised on the cover sizzling, forbidden, NAUGHTY things you can do to blow his mind.

The problem is that they actually do not want to get too kinky, or risk putting in sex tips that might turn off or upset some of their readers, or require some knowledge and practice to do safely.

So it turns out that the happy medium, much of the time, involves ice. Ice seems to strike them as safely livening, without being potentially offensive. Lots of stuff you can do to turn your man on with an ice cube.

They're also big on the *gasp* two-handed approach to a hand job, some ginger use of foods in bed, and tying him up with a scarf.

Taking off your clothes slowly is also recommended frequently.

Given that Cosmo is pretty expensive, and the Big Book of Fun Stuff to Try In Bed (a book I just made up) retails for $14.99 on Amazon, I really don't know how they continue to get away with this in the present day and age.

(Cosmo is most famously for the women I shared a college apartment with, the source of the advice that you should use the ice to harden your nipples before initiating sex, so as to appear REALLY eager. We had hours of fun imagining and acting out the horrible scenarios that we imagined followed this, as the unsuspecting warm body of the lover came into contact with the chilled-to-zero nipples of the beloved.)

349 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:34:04pm

re: #344 albusteve

"would you support an open border?"
red herring
is it any wonder why people leave?

It was a straw man. Nobody suggested opening the border. It was also a red herring because it tried to distract from the actual topic. SteveZone wasn't appropriate, imo.

350 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:34:55pm

re: #346 wrenchwench

Oh, come on. You posted the question as though a secure border was justification for Arpaio being Arpaio. If that's not what you meant, you know how to avoid that reaction.

wrong, I take all posts at face value...when I support Joe A I'll let you know...meanwhile you can jump to your conclusions all you want

351 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:34:55pm

re: #348 SanFranciscoZionist

I'm convinced everyone that works at Cosmo is a guy, since they sure as hell don't seem to understand or know any women.

352 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:35:38pm

re: #347 albusteve

I wear my Lizard armor...just like KT...maybe if an open border debate becomes to tiresome for people, we could ask CJ to ban the subject?...LOL!...
what a bunch of self centered boobs

You're awfully cranky this evening.
Also, the bolded is a strawman.

353 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:36:02pm

re: #345 Varek Raith

Oh, come off it.
I was teasing you.
Good grief man.

I wasn't teasing him. It was, at best, a major digression from my post. Instead of addressing the subject, it was moving to an entirely different battlefield only loosely connected.

I also noticed that he made no further response. In fact, I thought he'd ignored it till he brought THIS up to whine of ill treatment.

And yes, albusteve, it's whining.

354 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:36:23pm

re: #349 prononymous

It was a straw man. Nobody suggested opening the border. It was also a red herring because it tried to distract from the actual topic. SteveZone wasn't appropriate, imo.

there have been several people here that propose an open's debatable

355 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:36:48pm

re: #353 kirkspencer

I wasn't teasing him. It was, at best, a major digression from my post. Instead of addressing the subject, it was moving to an entirely different battlefield only loosely connected.

I also noticed that he made no further response. In fact, I thought he'd ignored it till he brought THIS up to whine of ill treatment.

And yes, albusteve, it's whining.

I was referring to my silly Steve Zone post.

356 Only The Lurker Knows  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:37:09pm

Night Lizards.

357 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:37:29pm

re: #354 albusteve

there have been several people here that propose an open's debatable

Ok, let's debate.
Who here advocates an open border?
Certainly not me.

358 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:37:29pm

re: #352 Varek Raith

You're awfully cranky this evening.
Also, the bolded is a strawman.

who was it that wanted the OWS stuff blocked?...don't recall?...I do

359 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:38:16pm

re: #358 albusteve

who was it that wanted the OWS stuff blocked?...don't recall?...I do


360 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:38:40pm

re: #353 kirkspencer

I wasn't teasing him. It was, at best, a major digression from my post. Instead of addressing the subject, it was moving to an entirely different battlefield only loosely connected.

I also noticed that he made no further response. In fact, I thought he'd ignored it till he brought THIS up to whine of ill treatment.

And yes, albusteve, it's whining.

so do you have a rule about raising subjects?...I think you are ridiculously sensitive

361 wrenchwench  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:39:07pm

re: #350 albusteve

wrong, I take all posts at face value...when I support Joe A I'll let you know...meanwhile you can jump to your conclusions all you want

Maybe you shouldn't have quoted kirkspencer in your #296. Made it easy to "jump to my conclusions".

362 Prononymous, rogue demon hunter  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:39:19pm

re: #354 albusteve

there have been several people here that propose an open's debatable

Several, really?

363 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:39:35pm

re: #353 kirkspencer

And yes, albusteve, it's whining.


364 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:39:39pm

re: #351 Simply Sarah

I'm convinced everyone that works at Cosmo is a guy, since they sure as hell don't seem to understand or know any women.

I agree, but because while they may or may not understand women (I still don't, why should they), they sure know how to make titillating pictures for the boys.

365 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:40:43pm

re: #361 wrenchwench

Maybe you shouldn't have quoted kirkspencer in your #296. Made it easy to "jump to my conclusions".

yeah, piggy backing on another post should be illegal

366 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:40:50pm

re: #364 kirkspencer

I agree, but because while they may or may not understand women (I still don't, why should they), they sure know how to make titillating pictures for the boys.

Well, that would just support my point, now wouldn't it? ;)

367 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:41:00pm

re: #348 SanFranciscoZionist

My favorite is the Cosmo sex tips. Every issue since I dunno when has advertised on the cover sizzling, forbidden, NAUGHTY things you can do to blow his mind.

The problem is that they actually do not want to get too kinky, or risk putting in sex tips that might turn off or upset some of their readers, or require some knowledge and practice to do safely.

So it turns out that the happy medium, much of the time, involves ice. Ice seems to strike them as safely livening, without being potentially offensive. Lots of stuff you can do to turn your man on with an ice cube.

They're also big on the *gasp* two-handed approach to a hand job, some ginger use of foods in bed, and tying him up with a scarf.

Taking off your clothes slowly is also recommended frequently.

Given that Cosmo is pretty expensive, and the Big Book of Fun Stuff to Try In Bed (a book I just made up) retails for $14.99 on Amazon, I really don't know how they continue to get away with this in the present day and age.

(Cosmo is most famously for the women I shared a college apartment with, the source of the advice that you should use the ice to harden your nipple before initiating sex, so as to appear REALLY eager. We had hours of fun imagining and acting out the horrible scenarios that we imagined followed this, as the unsuspecting warm body of the lover came into contact with the chilled-to-zero nipples of the beloved.)

Hilarious stuff. +1

Ironically, what they really need is "how to get HIM to realize that YOU need variety" advice. Because, really, how often does the guy stop in the middle of something and say 'gosh, i just don't feel like you're putting a lot of thought into this lately'...

368 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:41:26pm

re: #364 kirkspencer

Just like my neighbors, guys, LOVE to get their Victoria's Secrets catalogs.
It's not like they BUY anything there...

369 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:41:49pm

re: #354 albusteve

there have been several people here that propose an open's debatable

OK, it is debatable--I mean, not in any sort of realistic way, but it could be debated.

I'm in favor of making the border as secure as budget and safety will allow, while improving our process of legal immigration, with special attention to Mexico, so that those folks that people are fond of saying 'got in line' don't stay there for decades.

I think we should give more work visas to Mexican workers, and create programs to make sure visiting Mexican workers are given fair pay and safe conditions. I think that citizenship should be available to people through a variety of paths, and that working and paying taxes in the U.S. should give you credit toward this process.

I also don't believe the border can be 'sealed', something I have carried on about here at great length in the past.

I think Arpaio is an SOB.

I hope I have clarified this for everyone. If anyone wants to argue for an open border, let's hear ya.

370 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:43:18pm

re: #360 albusteve

so do you have a rule about raising subjects?...I think you are ridiculously sensitive

Steve, two other people called you on how your context made it look like you were trying to divert the conversation, not raise a subject.

Worse for your argument, I replied. See, I expected if the subject matter were your interest, you'd have taken a sideswipe at the label but dug into the subject. Instead, you complained about the label, full stop.

371 wrenchwench  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:43:23pm

re: #365 albusteve

yeah, piggy backing on another post should be illegal

Maybe you could make it clear when you're "piggybacking" as opposed to replying.

372 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:44:13pm

re: #369 SanFranciscoZionist

OK, it is debatable--I mean, not in any sort of realistic way, but it could be debated.

I'm in favor of making the border as secure as budget and safety will allow, while improving our process of legal immigration, with special attention to Mexico, so that those folks that people are fond of saying 'got in line' don't stay there for decades.

I think we should give more work visas to Mexican workers, and create programs to make sure visiting Mexican workers are given fair pay and safe conditions. I think that citizenship should be available to people through a variety of paths, and that working and paying taxes in the U.S. should give you credit toward this process.

I also don't believe the border can be 'sealed', something I have carried on about here at great length in the past.

I think Arpaio is an SOB.

I hope I have clarified this for everyone. If anyone wants to argue for an open border, let's hear ya.

I should add to this that we should also get the economy back on track. I'm told that in some areas, undocumented workers are actually going home, since there's no work to be had, and it's expensive to live here.

373 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:44:33pm

re: #370 kirkspencer

Steve, two other people called you on how your context made it look like you were trying to divert the conversation, not raise a subject.

Worse for your argument, I replied. See, I expected if the subject matter were your interest, you'd have taken a sideswipe at the label but dug into the subject. Instead, you complained about the label, full stop.

yeah, I lost interest

374 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:44:47pm

re: #371 wrenchwench

Maybe you could make it clear when you're "piggybacking" as opposed to replying.

Where do I get in line for the piggyback rides? I haven't had one of those in ages!

375 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:45:09pm

re: #368 Floral Giraffe

Just like my neighbors, guys, LOVE to get their Victoria's Secrets catalogs.
It's not like they BUY anything there...

The thing is, teenage boys think they're getting away with it when they (openly) purchase Cosmo. After all, it's a WOMEN's magazine. heh. heh.

376 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:45:58pm

re: #371 wrenchwench

Maybe you could make it clear when you're "piggybacking" as opposed to replying.


377 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:46:51pm

re: #375 kirkspencer

The thing is, teenage boys think they're getting away with it when they (openly) purchase Cosmo. After all, it's a WOMEN's magazine. heh. heh.

Well, uh, it's some sort of magazine, at least.

378 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:47:26pm

re: #328 SanFranciscoZionist

I'm frankly less worried about students who don't know about pubic hair, and more worried about students who don't know about plagiarism. One of my friends got an English-professor job at a small state college back East, this fall, and the stories I'm hearing from her are amazing.

What did you think about that Israeli author who got caught plagiarizing, and then had a craptacular Pamelic meltdown claiming to be the real victim?

379 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:48:12pm

Hi, Crimestoppers!

380 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:48:31pm
The National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 passed the Senate on a 86-13 vote, a solid show of support that belied the considerable opposition and debate behind it.

Does anyone have any level of trust or respect for Congress Critters?

381 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:49:25pm

re: #374 Simply Sarah

Where do I get in line for the piggyback rides? I haven't had one of those in ages!

Wait, are we talking about Steve's topic or SFZ's topic/

382 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:49:46pm

re: #379 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Hi, Crimestoppers!


383 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:49:56pm

re: #379 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Hi, Crimestoppers!


384 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:50:04pm

re: #380 ggt

Does anyone have any level of trust or respect for Congress Critters?

sure, liberals love them, even worship them on their govt alter

385 Decatur Deb  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:50:52pm

re: #372 SanFranciscoZionist

I should add to this that we should also get the economy back on track. I'm told that in some areas, undocumented workers are actually going home, since there's no work to be had, and it's expensive to live here.

Or we could drive American workers' wages down to maquiladora levels, and turn our border patrol into traffic cops, like France and Italy.

386 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:51:32pm

re: #384 albusteve

sure, liberals love them, even worship them on their govt alter

Hey, you're the one eating the peanuts out of McCain's shit.

387 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:51:41pm

re: #376 albusteve



388 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:51:52pm

re: #381 Aceofwhat?

Wait, are we talking about Steve's topic or SFZ's topic/

if it's mean ass, it's me...otherwise it SFZ the Goddess Herself
I jest

389 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:52:04pm

re: #372 SanFranciscoZionist

I should add to this that we should also get the economy back on track. I'm told that in some areas, undocumented workers are actually going home, since there's no work to be had, and it's expensive to live here.

I have a dear friend who called me a few months back. He works for a money transfer operation that specializes in the Hispanic market.

He's looking for a new job. That business has all but dried up.

That's when I determined that we had figured out how to greatly cure the "illegal" problem.

Mess the economy up.

390 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:52:13pm

re: #387 Varek Raith



391 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:52:20pm

re: #380 ggt

Does anyone have any level of trust or respect for Congress Critters?


392 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:53:18pm

re: #385 Decatur Deb

Or we could drive American workers' wages down to maquiladora levels, and turn our border patrol into traffic cops, like France and Italy.

Although in defense of the homeland here, if you want to see methodical employment discrimination against brown people done right, visit France for a bit. Eeet eeez, how you say, not so goooud...

393 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:53:36pm

re: #373 albusteve

yeah, I lost interest

Do you have any idea how foolish that makes you look?

You changed the subject but couldn't muster the interest to actually respond to my response.

45 minutes later you whine because we called it various forms of rhetorical devices, all carrying negative semantic weight.

I do not know what you really intended, but I know what it looks like.

394 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:53:37pm

re: #386 darthstar

Hey, you're the one eating the peanuts out of McCain's shit.

ooo ooo oooH!

395 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:54:18pm

I'm back for a while.

What are we talking about?

396 darthstar  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:54:33pm

re: #394 albusteve

ooo ooo oooH!

I'm glad you can take it so well.

397 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:54:37pm

re: #375 kirkspencer

The thing is, teenage boys think they're getting away with it when they (openly) purchase Cosmo. After all, it's a WOMEN's magazine. heh. heh.

Wait, no. Even better idea. Just need to tell them "If you like Cosmo, you'll really love Ms."

398 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:54:37pm

re: #379 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Hi, Crimestoppers!

"Usually, we say 'Hi Steve!'

Hi, Crimestoppers!"

399 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:54:54pm

re: #378 Alouette

What did you think about that Israeli author who got caught plagiarizing, and then had a craptacular Pamelic meltdown claiming to be the real victim?

I'm disappointed. I've read some of Ragen's articles about women's issues in Israel and the haredi community, and I've planned to read some more of her novels. I really liked "The Saturday Wife", which is all the fiction I've read by her so far. I think it was tacky to suggest that the judge screwed up because of the language barrier, (I assume this means he doesn't speak English), and it was tacky to put the whole thing in Arutz Sheva (where the wingnut commenters do not seem super impressed with her). And it was tacky to accuse the woman she seems to have plagiarized of abusing her kids.

There's a small bit in the back of my head that wonders if she was gone after for political reasons because I know her work has made people angry, but her behavior is so ridiculous that I can't really see her as the victim of a conspiracy, and the court was a regular Israeli court. They saw the evidence.

She still writes better than Pam, though, I have to give her that.

400 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:55:03pm

re: #384 albusteve

sure, liberals love them, even worship them on their govt alter

I can't believe all the rhetoric in light of the vote count.

401 kirkspencer  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:55:10pm

re: #397 Simply Sarah

Wait, no. Even better idea. Just need to tell them "If you like Cosmo, you'll really love Ms."


ok, with that I have to go for while. Later, folks.

402 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:55:27pm

re: #393 kirkspencer

Do you have any idea how foolish that makes you look?

You changed the subject but couldn't muster the interest to actually respond to my response.

45 minutes later you whine because we called it various forms of rhetorical devices, all carrying negative semantic weight.

I do not know what you really intended, but I know what it looks like.

not impressed...
I just post

403 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:55:39pm

re: #385 Decatur Deb

Or we could drive American workers' wages down to maquiladora levels, and turn our border patrol into traffic cops, like France and Italy.

Yeah, I sort of don't like that solution.

404 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:56:05pm

re: #388 albusteve

if it's mean ass, it's me...otherwise it SFZ the Goddess Herself
I jest

SFZ's topic was more about ass, less the mean. And being a highly complex and sensitive male, it interested me more than your offense.

And yea, SFZ is cool like chilled cucumber.

405 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:56:44pm

re: #385 Decatur Deb

Vocabulary Word:

a href="[Link:]>maquiladora (Spanish pronunciation: [makilaˈðoɾa]) or maquila (IPA: [maˈkila]) is a manufacturing operation in which a factory imports materials and equipment on a duty-free and tariff-free basis for assembly, processing, or manufacturing and then re-exports the assembled, processed, or manufactured product, sometimes back to the raw materials' country of origin. A maquila is also referred to as a "twin plant", or "in-bond" industry. Most maquiladoras are in Latin America, but such arrangements also exist in other countries with legislation in place to enable them. Currently about 1.3 million Mexicans are employed in maquiladoras.[1][verification needed]

The term maquiladora, in the Spanish language, refers to the practice of millers charging a maquila, or "miller's portion" for processing other people's grain.[2]

I learn so much from Lizards!

406 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:56:51pm

re: #396 darthstar

I'm glad you can take it so well.

I saw the movie

407 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:56:52pm

re: #388 albusteve

if it's mean ass, it's me...otherwise it SFZ the Goddess Herself
I jest

(Makes light and sound effect to indicate her divinity and excessive goodness.)

408 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:56:53pm

re: #390 Floral Giraffe



409 albusteve  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:57:32pm

re: #404 Aceofwhat?

SFZ's topic was more about ass, less the mean. And being a highly complex and sensitive male, it interested me more than your offense.

And yea, SFZ is cool like chilled cucumber.

I like her

410 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:57:35pm

re: #389 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I have a dear friend who called me a few months back. He works for a money transfer operation that specializes in the Hispanic market.

He's looking for a new job. That business has all but dried up.

That's when I determined that we had figured out how to greatly cure the "illegal" problem.

Mess the economy up.

People hop the border for jobs. We haven't got any right now, so we're a lot less interesting. Still safer than many parts of Mexico, though.

411 Decatur Deb  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:57:49pm

re: #403 SanFranciscoZionist

Yeah, I sort of don't like that solution.

No Koch superpac for your campaign.

412 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:57:51pm

re: #407 SanFranciscoZionist

(Makes light and sound effect to indicate her divinity and excessive goodness.)

Throw a bolt of lightning or GTFO.

413 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 4:59:03pm

And apparently my attempt at a nap didn't do much to help stop my development of a headache. Ibuprofen time it is!

414 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:01:13pm

re: #412 Varek Raith

Throw a bolt of lightning or GTFO.


ggt hangs head in shame that she couldn't figure that one out for herself and had to look it up.

415 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:01:53pm

re: #413 Simply Sarah

And apparently my attempt at a nap didn't do much to help stop my development of a headache. Ibuprofen time it is!

drink a water or gatorade

Hydration has magical effects sometimes.

416 wrenchwench  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:03:35pm

re: #385 Decatur Deb

Or we could drive American workers' wages down to maquiladora levels, and turn our border patrol into traffic cops, like France and Italy.

I sometimes suggest that a global minimum wage would solve many problems. But there are so many people who don't want to live in a cardboard shack. *shrugs*

417 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:03:49pm

re: #412 Varek Raith

Throw a bolt of lightning or GTFO.

I'm sure getting a bolt could be easily accomplished by making the more common "or GTFO" request for tits.

418 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:04:50pm

re: #399 SanFranciscoZionist

I'm disappointed. I've read some of Ragen's articles about women's issues in Israel and the haredi community, and I've planned to read some more of her novels. I really liked "The Saturday Wife", which is all the fiction I've read by her so far. I think it was tacky to suggest that the judge screwed up because of the language barrier, (I assume this means he doesn't speak English), and it was tacky to put the whole thing in Arutz Sheva (where the wingnut commenters do not seem super impressed with her). And it was tacky to accuse the woman she seems to have plagiarized of abusing her kids.

There's a small bit in the back of my head that wonders if she was gone after for political reasons because I know her work has made people angry, but her behavior is so ridiculous that I can't really see her as the victim of a conspiracy, and the court was a regular Israeli court. They saw the evidence.

She still writes better than Pam, though, I have to give her that.

I think her meltdown was more than just "tacky," I think it was downright despicable, especially the oblique death threat. But, since I am haredi, I'm totally not OK with being hated on, which is what she made her career on.

A gracious person who made a "little mistake," and copied several pages word for word by mistake would apologize, make amends and move on. A filthy entitled pig throws out crazy accusations and death threats.

419 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:05:05pm

re: #415 ggt

drink a water or gatorade

Hydration has magical effects sometimes.

I'll give it a shot, although I've probably taken in a good 50 oz. just in fluids today. Maybe I'm over-hydrated...

420 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:06:19pm

re: #413 Simply Sarah

And apparently my attempt at a nap didn't do much to help stop my development of a headache. Ibuprofen time it is!

Excedrin is my drug of choice. Often a blend of NSAIDS is better than one in isolation.

421 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:06:23pm

re: #418 Alouette

I think her meltdown was more than just "tacky," I think it was downright despicable, especially the oblique death threat. But, since I am haredi, I'm totally not OK with being hated on, which is what she made her career on.

A gracious person who made a "little mistake," and copied several pages word for word by mistake would apologize, make amends and move on. A filthy entitled pig throws out crazy accusations and death threats.

I missed the death threat. Wow. I need to go back and look at the rant again. What did she WRITE?

422 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:08:34pm

re: #421 SanFranciscoZionist

I missed the death threat. Wow. I need to go back and look at the rant again. What did she WRITE?

Paged here.

I also missed the death threat the first time, but somebody at Arutz Sheva mentioned it in the comments. She was talking about the first author who sued her for plagiarism. “The Tal case was decided completely in my favor after Tal passed away.”

Holy shit.

423 Varek Raith  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:09:11pm

re: #417 Simply Sarah

I'm sure getting a bolt could be easily accomplished by making the more common "or GTFO" request for tits.


424 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:09:47pm

re: #420 Aceofwhat?

Excedrin is my drug of choice. Often a blend of NSAIDS is better than one in isolation.

Hmm...maybe I really should try other options. But I tend to like Ibuprofen because I've had pretty good luck with it and it's considered relatively safe so long as you don't ignore the maximum daily dose warnings on the bottle.

425 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:10:53pm

re: #422 Alouette

Paged here.

I also missed the death threat the first time, but somebody at Arutz Sheva mentioned it in the comments. She was talking about the first author who sued her for plagiarism. “The Tal case was decided completely in my favor after Tal passed away.”

Holy shit.

Oh boy. I really hope that was just a ham-handed way of explaining that the woman in the case died before it was resolved, but...yeah, not the best detail to throw in there.

What was she banking on, that a poor haredi homemaker wouldn't read her novel, or have resources to pursue the issue if she realized her work had been ripped off?

426 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:12:19pm

re: #424 Simply Sarah

Hmm...maybe I really should try other options. But I tend to like Ibuprofen because I've had pretty good luck with it and it's considered relatively safe so long as you don't ignore the maximum daily dose warnings on the bottle.

I've staggered Ibuprophen and Tylenol. If one doesn't work in 2 hours I take the other one. (they taught me that in the hospital once). As long as you keep track and don't go over the daily doses, all is good.

Luckily, I've been relatively headache free for a while.

427 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:14:14pm

re: #426 ggt

I've staggered Ibuprophen and Tylenol. If one doesn't work in 2 hours I take the other one. (they taught me that in the hospital once). As long as you keep track and don't go over the daily doses, all is good.

Luckily, I've been relatively headache free for a while.

I've been having back pain (the doctor annoyed the hell out of me by pretty much shrugging). So I was taking lots of ibuprofen, but the doctor said that since I was trying to get pregnant, I should take Tylenol. So I bought Tylenol, but then I started to see all of these stories in the press about liver damage, and a friend-of-a-friend was hospitalized with a Tylenol overdose, so now I'm afraid to take more than one caplet at a time.


428 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:14:17pm

re: #426 ggt

I've staggered Ibuprophen and Tylenol. If one doesn't work in 2 hours I take the other one. (they taught me that in the hospital once). As long as you keep track and don't go over the daily doses, all is good.

Luckily, I've been relatively headache free for a while.

I'd been doing well, but lately I've had a few. Maybe it's the weather and the clock changing. That always screws me up.

429 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:15:40pm

re: #424 Simply Sarah

Hmm...maybe I really should try other options. But I tend to like Ibuprofen because I've had pretty good luck with it and it's considered relatively safe so long as you don't ignore the maximum daily dose warnings on the bottle.

I'm an occasional migrane sufferer, so I'm a huge fan of their Acetominophen+Aspirin+Caffeine melange. But it's certainly true that different medicines work differently for different people, so if you've had good luck with ibuprofen, please ignore me-

430 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:17:16pm

My headaches are mostly a result of instabilty in the vertebrae in my spine. Pilates, Yoga, Physical Therapy help if I do it every day. Doc at the University Medical Center referred me for Prolotherapy, which I wish I would have found 10 years ago.

I'm a believer

431 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:17:18pm

re: #427 SanFranciscoZionist

I've been having back pain (the doctor annoyed the hell out of me by pretty much shrugging). So I was taking lots of ibuprofen, but the doctor said that since I was trying to get pregnant, I should take Tylenol. So I bought Tylenol, but then I started to see all of these stories in the press about liver damage, and a friend-of-a-friend was hospitalized with a Tylenol overdose, so now I'm afraid to take more than one caplet at a time.


Honestly, Tylenol scares me a bit. I assume aspirin also is something you were directed not to take? I sometimes use that instead (But not mixed with anything else).

432 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:17:42pm

re: #428 Simply Sarah

I'd been doing well, but lately I've had a few. Maybe it's the weather and the clock changing. That always screws me up.


433 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:19:05pm

re: #432 ggt


Damn hormones! Always messing everything up!

434 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:20:14pm

re: #427 SanFranciscoZionist

I've been having back pain (the doctor annoyed the hell out of me by pretty much shrugging). So I was taking lots of ibuprofen, but the doctor said that since I was trying to get pregnant, I should take Tylenol. So I bought Tylenol, but then I started to see all of these stories in the press about liver damage, and a friend-of-a-friend was hospitalized with a Tylenol overdose, so now I'm afraid to take more than one caplet at a time.


I hear you - i have a finicky low back too. Planks + stretching really helped me over time. Technically, yoga is a lot of planks and stretching, but i can't stand the soothing music and the instructor who won't shut the hell up...I like angry music when i exercise.

435 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:20:26pm

re: #433 Simply Sarah

Damn hormones! Always messing everything up!

IF men had our hormonal fluxuations, the planet would be gone, blown-up, destroyed, caput.

They just don't understand the restraint we have.

436 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:20:53pm

re: #430 ggt

My headaches are mostly a result of instabilty in the vertebrae in my spine. Pilates, Yoga, Physical Therapy help if I do it every day. Doc at the University Medical Center referred me for Prolotherapy, which I wish I would have found 10 years ago.

I'm a believer

I'll be honest and admit that I'm pretty skeptical of prolotherapy. That said, if you feel it's working for you then the more power to you!

437 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:21:01pm

re: #431 Simply Sarah

Honestly, Tylenol scares me a bit. I assume aspirin also is something you were directed not to take? I sometimes use that instead (But not mixed with anything else).

I don't really know this doctor--I don't have health insurance right now, and I went to her because she was someone the family knew. I may shoot her an e-mail and ask about aspirin, or check some reliable 'mommy to be' books.

438 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:21:32pm

re: #434 Aceofwhat?

I hear you - i have a finicky low back too. Planks + stretching really helped me over time. Technically, yoga is a lot of planks and stretching, but i can't stand the soothing music and the instructor who won't shut the hell up...I like angry music when i exercise.

I know!!! the new age music get's on my nerves.

I prefer silence. How am I supposed to listen to my breathe with all that noise?

439 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:22:30pm

re: #434 Aceofwhat?

I hear you - i have a finicky low back too. Planks + stretching really helped me over time. Technically, yoga is a lot of planks and stretching, but i can't stand the soothing music and the instructor who won't shut the hell up...I like angry music when i exercise.

I'm thinking of joining the Y again, and seeing about a yoga or Pilates class to strengthen the back and get it into line. It's just that my life is so nutty right now, I don't know if I'd really go.

440 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:23:11pm

re: #436 Simply Sarah

I'll be honest and admit that I'm pretty skeptical of prolotherapy. That said, if you feel it's working for you then the more power to you!

I was too until I was referred by the best of the best. I tried it and damn if it doesn't work just like they say. It's not magic and takes time, but is rather benign compared with surgeries and meds. The data is there to prove it too.

They have the insurance codes now so you an submit to insurance.

441 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:23:15pm

re: #438 ggt

I know!!! the new age music get's on my nerves.

I prefer silence. How am I supposed to listen to my breathe with all that noise?

Bingo. Yanni can suck it. But i get bored listening to myself breathe, and the Korn helps me hold the pose or push the weight juuust a little longer.

442 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:26:15pm

re: #437 SanFranciscoZionist

I don't really know this doctor--I don't have health insurance right now, and I went to her because she was someone the family knew. I may shoot her an e-mail and ask about aspirin, or check some reliable 'mommy to be' books.

Wish I could offer some better advice, but the whole "What can I safely take if I'm trying to get pregnant?" hasn't been something I've ever had to worry myself over.

443 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:26:42pm

re: #435 ggt

IF men had our hormonal fluxuations, the planet would be gone, blown-up, destroyed, caput.

They just don't understand the restraint we have.

The way I heard that one is that if women ran the world World War would break out every month...


444 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:26:49pm

re: #439 SanFranciscoZionist

I'm thinking of joining the Y again, and seeing about a yoga or Pilates class to strengthen the back and get it into line. It's just that my life is so nutty right now, I don't know if I'd really go.

You'd be amazed what you can do at home! I'm flying to Ohio every week, remember, but 30 minutes of holding planks and moving dumbbells around every other day has really helped me not to look and feel like I travel so much.

And I only use dumbbells because I'm a boy and I'm trying to not lose muscle. Girls can just do pure yoga-type moves with their body weight and still get an excellent workout.

445 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:27:16pm

re: #442 Simply Sarah

Wish I could offer some better advice, but the whole "What can I safely take if I'm trying to get pregnant?" hasn't been something I've ever had to worry myself over.

and most of the time the data isn't there so the physician has to err on the side of caution. Then his word becomes law, when there is no real proof either way.

446 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:27:40pm

re: #440 ggt

I was too until I was referred by the best of the best. I tried it and damn if it doesn't work just like they say. It's not magic and takes time, but is rather benign compared with surgeries and meds. The data is there to prove it too.

They have the insurance codes now so you an submit to insurance.

Oh really? I didn't know insurance was covering that at this point. Must have started in the last few years.

447 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:27:45pm

re: #443 oaktree

The way I heard that one is that if women ran the world World War would break out every month...


but it would end very quickly and all would be normal again.

448 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:29:31pm

re: #444 Aceofwhat?

You'd be amazed what you can do at home! I'm flying to Ohio every week, remember, but 30 minutes of holding planks and moving dumbbells around has really helped me not to look and feel like I travel so much.

And I only use dumbbells because I'm a boy and I'm trying to not lose muscle. Girls can just do pure yoga-type moves with their body weight and still get an excellent workout.

You ever seen Rodney Yee? or Professional dancers.

My Pilates teacher is a retired dancer, has never lifted a weight in his life and is amazingly built and STRONG.

449 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:30:12pm

re: #435 ggt

IF men had our hormonal fluxuations, the planet would be gone, blown-up, destroyed, caput.

They just don't understand the restraint we have.

"Why are you so crabby/unsexy/sick every month? I'm not crabby/unsexy/sick every month. That's weird. And why do you have to pee blood? What are you glaring at me for?"

450 Sheila Broflovski  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:30:59pm

re: #425 SanFranciscoZionist

Oh boy. I really hope that was just a ham-handed way of explaining that the woman in the case died before it was resolved, but...yeah, not the best detail to throw in there.

What was she banking on, that a poor haredi homemaker wouldn't read her novel, or have resources to pursue the issue if she realized her work had been ripped off?

What I don't understand is why this author, obviously many steps above the poor downtrodden haredi woman she ripped off, would even bother to copy someone who is so far beneath her in literary accomplishments? Isn't she supposed to have awesome talent on her very own?

Was it just a way to spit on the lowly haredi woman and say "fuck you! I can do whatever I want because I am Teh Awesome you are an untermensch."

I thought Naomi Ragen is supposed to speak for oppressed women, not step all over them.

451 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:31:32pm

re: #317 darthstar

Okay...thumbed through the channels and found a Motley Crue concert on PLDHD (whatever channel that is)...lasted through the end of one ballad and into Dr. Feelgood. I didn't realize those clowns wore so much makeup. They look like Kiss rejects.

nothing wrong with makeup, sir!

452 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:31:32pm

re: #446 Simply Sarah

Oh really? I didn't know insurance was covering that at this point. Must have started in the last few years.

Yeah, I think they just got the codes approved in the last year or so. My insurance covers it, but it the doc is out-of-network and my deductible is high --so I'm screwed as far as that goes.

I have a feeling we are going to be seeing a lot more Prolotherapy practiced in hospitals. Since it is non-invasive and doesn't have the liability risks that traditional surgery has. It also works for people who aren't candidates for surgery--either because of health reasons or because their condition isn't bad enough for insurance to pay.

453 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:32:42pm

re: #448 ggt

You ever seen Rodney Yee? or Professional dancers.

My Pilates teacher is a retired dancer, has never lifted a weight in his life and is amazingly built and STRONG.

Dancing will give you a right good workout. Takes a lot to move around like most real dancers do.

454 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:33:02pm


Think they brought Michelle Bachmann with them?

455 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:34:00pm

re: #332 albusteve

the 80's were a rock and roll speed bump...really bad stuff in general...I think that's about where radio lost their grip on music

a large part of my collection are electronic-heavy rock artists who got their start in the 80's

But they weren't "radio" bands, they were a counterculture response to 80's rock radio

456 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:34:24pm

re: #448 ggt

You ever seen Rodney Yee? or Professional dancers.

My Pilates teacher is a retired dancer, has never lifted a weight in his life and is amazingly built and STRONG.

Oh, there is NO question about that. It would be more accurate to say that I use weight as a shortcut, rather than an improvement over pure pilates or yoga. I can do fewer repetitions of exercises with the extra weight and still benefit, but a rigorous pilates practitioner is definitely going to be in excellent shape.

457 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:36:20pm

re: #456 Aceofwhat?

Oh, there is NO question about that. It would be more accurate to say that I use weight as a shortcut, rather than an improvement over pure pilates or yoga. I can do fewer repetitions of exercises with the extra weight and still benefit, but a rigorous pilates practitioner is definitely going to be in excellent shape.

I've been exposed to the dance world since I started working with this teacher and his wife. These people simply are not human.

Little girls flying thru the air -- defies my concept of reality.

458 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:36:32pm

re: #442 Simply Sarah

Wish I could offer some better advice, but the whole "What can I safely take if I'm trying to get pregnant?" hasn't been something I've ever had to worry myself over.

Me neither, up to this point. I'm so freaked out from the whole 'advanced maternal age' and 'take this, don't take that', and 'revise your entire diet' thing.

Thank God, I have a good friend who had her daughter, a first baby, around my age, so she's been a great resource.

459 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:37:49pm

re: #447 ggt

but it would end very quickly and all would be normal again.

"Hi, is this France? Forget what I said, I was just PMSing. We okay? You wanna see a movie? Sorry about Alsace-Lorraine, I'll give it back once I've had it dry-cleaned."

460 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:38:38pm

re: #458 SanFranciscoZionist

Me neither, up to this point. I'm so freaked out from the whole 'advanced maternal age' and 'take this, don't take that', and 'revise your entire diet' thing.

Thank God, I have a good friend who had her daughter, a first baby, around my age, so she's been a great resource.

I know, if I hadn't had a good neighbor during my pregnancy and when my son was little, I'd have been insane and so would he.

I say something the doctor said and she would just roll her eyes.


461 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:39:53pm

re: #457 ggt

I've been exposed to the dance world since I started working with this teacher and his wife. These people simply are not human.

Little girls flying thru the air -- defies my concept of reality.

Yeah. Doing the splits defies my concept of reality. Part of my struggle with low back pain is that my hamstrings are tighter than Joan River's face...

462 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:39:57pm

re: #459 SanFranciscoZionist

"Hi, is this France? Forget what I said, I was just PMSing. We okay? You wanna see a movie? Sorry about Alsace-Lorraine, I'll give it back once I've had it dry-cleaned."

Well, I think if it were going to happen, all the women on the planet would be synced --so there would be no need for diplomatic efforts to resolve things. It'd be the same everywhere, so all would be understood.

There would probably be a lot of therapists whose budgets depended on it.


463 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:41:05pm

re: #458 SanFranciscoZionist

Me neither, up to this point. I'm so freaked out from the whole 'advanced maternal age' and 'take this, don't take that', and 'revise your entire diet' thing.

Thank God, I have a good friend who had her daughter, a first baby, around my age, so she's been a great resource.

Oh god. Having someone close with experience should be a huge help. Not the kind of thing you want to deal with blind. Not that I've dealt with it personally either, but I've seen others. God, is this right? Can I do this? Will taking this hurt the baby? What just happened? What does it mean?

464 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:42:05pm

re: #461 Aceofwhat?

Yeah. Doing the splits defies my concept of reality. Part of my struggle with low back pain is that my hamstrings are tighter than Joan River's face...

Mine is the IT band.

Massage is a wonderful thing . . .

465 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:42:53pm

re: #463 Simply Sarah

Oh god. Having someone close with experience should be a huge help. Not the kind of thing you want to deal with blind. Not that I've dealt with it personally either, but I've seen others. God, is this right? Can I do this? Will taking this hurt the baby? What just happened? What does it mean?

My girlfriend told me that people have been having babies FOR centuries without all this crap and worry.

Puts things into perspective.

466 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:43:16pm

re: #462 ggt

Well, I think if it were going to happen, all the women on the planet would be synced --so there would be no need for diplomatic efforts to resolve things. It'd be the same everywhere, so all would be understood.

There would probably be a lot of therapists whose budgets depended on it.


So...the world would just shut down for half a week (Give or take) every 28 days or so? Works for me!

467 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:46:08pm

re: #465 ggt

My girlfriend told me that people have been having babies FOR centuries without all this crap and worry.

Puts things into perspective.

To a degree. Then you realize that like 1% of all births historically resulted in the death of the mother and then the perspective changes again.

468 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:46:28pm

re: #466 Simply Sarah

So...the world would just shut down for half a week (Give or take) every 28 days or so? Works for me!

Lot's of chocolate would be consumed.

Men and children would be very, very quiet.

469 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:47:06pm

re: #467 Simply Sarah

To a degree. Then you realize that like 1% of all births historically resulted in the death of the mother and then the perspective changes again.

Don't you think diet, sanitation, birth control (spacing pregnancies) and hospital deliveries would account for most of that?

470 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:49:17pm

re: #469 ggt

Don't you think diet, sanitation and hospital deliveries would account for most of that?

Most likely! I was just saying that there was plenty of worry in the past. It was just on more concrete things, like high mortality rates on both ends (Plus the insanely high rates for infants and children), rather than the best angel to sleep at or something.

471 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:49:55pm

re: #450 Alouette

What I don't understand is why this author, obviously many steps above the poor downtrodden haredi woman she ripped off, would even bother to copy someone who is so far beneath her in literary accomplishments? Isn't she supposed to have awesome talent on her very own?

Was it just a way to spit on the lowly haredi woman and say "fuck you! I can do whatever I want because I am Teh Awesome you are an untermensch."

I thought Naomi Ragen is supposed to speak for oppressed women, not step all over them.

I think she wanted 'authentic', and saw a cheap and easy way to get it, without having to bother to acknowledge a woman she, yeah, probably saw as less important than she was. I think this happens a lot with people who see themselves representing a cause. Their ethics get sloppy, because, CAUSE.

472 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:51:20pm

re: #471 SanFranciscoZionist

I think she wanted 'authentic', and saw a cheap and easy way to get it, without having to bother to acknowledge a woman she, yeah, probably saw as less important than she was. I think this happens a lot with people who see themselves representing a cause. Their ethics get sloppy, because, CAUSE.

If she did, she needs to reevaluate her definition of authentic, I think.

473 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:51:57pm

re: #463 Simply Sarah

Oh god. Having someone close with experience should be a huge help. Not the kind of thing you want to deal with blind. Not that I've dealt with it personally either, but I've seen others. God, is this right? Can I do this? Will taking this hurt the baby? What just happened? What does it mean?

Maria says they kept telling her, "Well, you're AMA," very seriously and she didn't realize what it stood for, and thought it was something like gestational diabetes for a while. They freaked her the hell out.

474 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:52:04pm

re: #468 ggt

Lot's of chocolate would be consumed.

Men and children would be very, very quiet.

Hey, now. I like chocolate too. Share.

475 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:52:24pm

re: #465 ggt

My girlfriend told me that people have been having babies FOR centuries without all this crap and worry.

Puts things into perspective.

My mother's OB told her, very solemnly, that women have been having babies for hundreds of years.

476 jaunte  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:56:07pm

re: #475 SanFranciscoZionist

My mother's OB told her, very solemnly, that women have been having babies for hundreds of years.

A sighting of the rare 'New World Creationist.'

477 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:56:07pm

re: #467 Simply Sarah

To a degree. Then you realize that like 1% of all births historically resulted in the death of the mother and then the perspective changes again.

I took a midwifery class, once. They had a chapter where you read about all kinds of things that could go wrong in delivery, and they all went, "Do this, do that, do the other thing, and if that's not working, call the MD and schedule a C-section."

I wondered aloud what you did if you didn't have that option, back in the golden olden days. The woman I was studying with said, "Call the priest for Last Rites."

478 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:57:26pm

re: #477 SanFranciscoZionist

I took a midwifery class, once. They had a chapter where you read about all kinds of things that could go wrong in delivery, and they all went, "Do this, do that, do the other thing, and if that's not working, call the MD and schedule a C-section."

I wondered aloud what you did if you didn't have that option, back in the golden olden days. The woman I was studying with said, "Call the priest for Last Rites."

Get the baby out and let the woman die.

It's all you can do.

479 Simply Sarah  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:57:37pm

re: #473 SanFranciscoZionist

Maria says they kept telling her, "Well, you're AMA," very seriously and she didn't realize what it stood for, and thought it was something like gestational diabetes for a while. They freaked her the hell out.

The couldn't even take the time to say it out? I work, tangentially, in the medical field and let me just say that even dealing with medical acronyms more than the average person I still get lost when every other "word" is just a bunch of letters.

480 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 5:59:10pm

American Medical Associate
American Musical Awards
Alltime Mommy Awards


481 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 6:02:39pm

re: #479 Simply Sarah

The couldn't even take the time to say it out? I work, tangentially, in the medical field and let me just say that even dealing with medical acronyms more than the average person I still get lost when every other "word" is just a bunch of letters.

I assume they figured someone ELSE told her about the whole thing. It took a while for her to ask.

This was Kaiser, which has its charms, but also...well, another friend had HER first baby there at twenty-three, and when they figured out the date of conception, they asked her, of course, when her last period had been. She told them, but explained that she was very, very irregular.

Rolls some weeks by, and they're telling her, really seriously, after an ultrasound, that the baby is MUCH smaller than he should be at his gestational age, and there's something seriously wrong. Said child is now six feet tall and in high school...they'd just gotten the date of conception nearly four weeks off, due to not listening when she said she was irregular.

Scared her to death.

482 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 6:03:04pm

re: #480 ggt

American Medical Associate
American Musical Awards
Alltime Mommy Awards


Advanced Maternal Age.

A condition that begins at thirty-five and continues until menopause.

483 Gretchen G.Tiger  Thu, Dec 15, 2011 6:04:04pm

re: #482 SanFranciscoZionist

Advanced Maternal Age.

A condition that begins at thirty-five and continues until menopause.

In other words, you are old?

Nice acronym for that.

later all, debate thread is up and I'm not going there.


484 Aye Pod  Fri, Dec 16, 2011 11:00:01am

re: #154 Killgore Trout

The prostitute chained up my basement says I'm a nice guy.

What does the "fat lesbian" livi9ng next door think about you?

ps i gave you a pass on that one at the time - I'd like to retract that now.

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