Pre-Election Night Jam: Ry Cooder - Take Your Hands Off It

You can’t stop me singing this true lonesome song
Music • Views: 25,925

Get your dirty hands off my Constitution now
It was written down you can’t tear it down
Hear me talking to you buddy I swear it’s true
Take your hands off it you know it don’t belong to you

Get your greasy hands off my Bill of Rights
It was written right you can’t make it wrong
You can’t stop me singing this true lonesome song
Take your hands off it you know it don’t belong to you

Get your greasy stinking hands off my voting rights
I’ll vote how I please I’ll vote how I choose
You can spend your money but in the end you’re bound to lose
Can’t Jim Crow down my vote ’cause you know it don’t belong to you

Get your greedy hands off the unions now
With your sweatshop kids in foreign distant lands
They might be locked down but the world is watching too
That’s our sisters and brothers you know they don’t belong to you

What’s your sanctimonious hands doin’ in my reproductive rights
Get them out of there that’s none of your affair
You don’t speak for God you know he don’t belong to you
You ain’t talking to him you know he don’t belong to you

Get your bloody hands off the peoples of the world
And your war machine and your corporation thieves
That lets you keep your job and pays your dirty salary
Take your hands off us you know we don’t belong to you

Jump to bottom

1 Bubblehead II  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:30:36pm

BTW, there used to be a link at the bottom of the page under the comment section that let you see what Lizards were currently logged in and viewing that page. Did it move?

2 Charles Johnson  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:32:29pm

re: #1 Only The Lurker Knows

BTW, there used to be a link at the bottom of the page under the comment section that let you see what Lizards were currently logged in and viewing that page. Did it move?

It's under construction. Will return soon.

3 Bubblehead II  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:33:22pm

re: #2 Charles Johnson

It's under construction. Will return soon.


4 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:34:18pm

From my son. . .

5 OhNoZombies!  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:36:31pm

re: #4 DisturbedEma

[Embedded content]

From my son. . .

I liked that.

6 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:37:08pm

re: #5 R.M, Ramallo

He is my sweet 22 year old Art History/History major at UW-Milwaukee:)

7 wrenchwench  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:37:22pm

Oooooh, that was great. I am delinquent in not having acquired this before now.

I'm gonna play it again...

8 Charles Johnson  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:37:37pm

Get your dirty hands off my Constitution now
It was written down you can’t tear it down
Hear me talking to you buddy I swear it’s true
Take your hands off it you know it don’t belong to you

Get your greasy hands off my Bill of Rights
It was written right you can’t make it wrong
You can’t stop me singing this true lonesome song
Take your hands off it you know it don’t belong to you

Get your greasy stinking hands off my voting rights
I’ll vote how I please I’ll vote how I choose
You can spend your money but in the end you’re bound to lose
Can’t Jim Crow down my vote ’cause you know it don’t belong to you

Get your greedy hands off the unions now
With your sweatshop kids in foreign distant lands
They might be locked down but the world is watching too
That’s our sisters and brothers you know they don’t belong to you

What’s your sanctimonious hands doin’ in my reproductive rights
Get them out of there that’s none of your affair
You don’t speak for God you know he don’t belong to you
You ain’t talking to him you know he don’t belong to you

Get your bloody hands off the peoples of the world
And your war machine and your corporation thieves
That lets you keep your job and pays your dirty salary
Take your hands off us you know we don’t belong to you

9 darthstar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:38:49pm
10 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:38:54pm

The National Review is being oh so adorable right now

It’s not enough for the GOP to win tomorrow. It needs to win big, a win so convincing that even the Left won’t be able to explain it away. The definition of victory in war is not a 50.1 percent majority that allows the other side to keep fighting — it’s the battleship Missouri, on whose deck the losing side signs articles of capitulation. The modern Left — the unholy spawn of ’30s gangland and ’60s academic Marxism — must be forced to its knees in surrender.

There’s a honored place in our political system for a leftist party, one that pushes for improvement in areas that need improving, but not one devoted to revolutionary “fundamental change.” A vote for Romney tomorrow is a vote against the socialist elements that seized control of the JFK/Scoop Jackson Democratic party in 1972, and has worked against America’s best interests ever since. A vote for Romney tomorrow is a vote for a restoration of the old Jacksonian — Andrew, that is — Democratic party, a true populist party shorn of its Communist accretions that is every bit as all-American as the other guys. Unless and until this happens, though, the modern donkeys will continue their war on the Constitution, convinced they are on the side of the angels, and taking solace in the late Ted Kennedy’s words, “the work goes on, the cause endures, the hope still lives, and the dream shall never die.


11 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:39:05pm

re: #6 DisturbedEma

Not Romney, the son who sent this to me via facebook with the comment "yeah really fucking funny to those who lost their lives. . ." Yes he has his mom's potty typing. . .

12 b_snark (Fact-Checker Extraordinaire)  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:39:40pm

re: #6 DisturbedEma

He is my sweet 22 year old Art History/History major at UW-Milwaukee:)

One of them there grownup young'uns.

13 engineer cat  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:39:54pm

Take your hands off us you know we don’t belong to you

they tried to feed us dogma but now comes the karma

14 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:40:57pm

conservatives are nuts

15 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:41:50pm

re: #12 Bipartite Gnomenclature

yes, he was an Obama supporter last election. . .out of the mouths of babes. . .

16 engineer cat  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:42:03pm

re: #10 SpaceJesus

The National Review is being oh so adorable right now


A vote for Obama tomorrow is a vote against the selfish corporatist elements that seized control of the Teddy Roosevelt Dwight Eisenhower Republican party in 1980, and has worked against America’s best interests ever since

see i can flang rhetoric too yanno...

17 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:43:03pm

re: #16 engineer cat

Excellent job, Lizard

19 freetoken  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:43:57pm

re: #10 SpaceJesus

The National Review is being oh so adorable right now


NRO really does stand for National Racists Online.

20 darthstar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:45:20pm
21 GeneJockey  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:45:40pm

re: #10 SpaceJesus

The National Review is being oh so adorable right now


And they're the more reasonable ones.

22 freetoken  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:46:31pm

re: #21 GeneJockey

And they're the more reasonable ones.

I disagree.

They are not more reasonable.

They are more elaborate.

23 Lidane  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:48:20pm

One of my theme songs for this election:

Really, that entire album. The Boss rules.

24 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:49:29pm

re: #21 GeneJockey

Should our Marxist Muslim overlord win tomorrow, expect every single conservative in America to literally morph/transform into Glenn Beck. Male, female -- doesn't matter. They will become a legion of fat, crazy, crying, pasty, walking farts in jars.

25 GeneJockey  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:50:49pm

re: #22 freetoken

I disagree.

They are not more reasonable.

They are more elaborate.

I didn't say they were reasonable. I said they were MORE reasonable, as in more reasonable than a lot of the Right.

Mind you, it's an exceptionally low bar these days.

26 b_snark (Fact-Checker Extraordinaire)  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:51:52pm

Tribute to the GOP.

27 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:56:46pm

re: #10 SpaceJesus

The National Review is being oh so adorable right now


Deeply elaborate, and seriously dumb. The "author" started BigGovernment with Andrew Breitbart.

28 freetoken  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 5:59:16pm

re: #27 Gus

They specialize in gilded derp.

29 dragonath  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:04:25pm

Sometimes I wonder, is the ability to vote the greatest thing about this country? I like to think it is.

30 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:05:27pm

Michael Vick is in for a loooong night

31 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:05:30pm

Well, let's see. Pre-election wise I won't be celebrating until the fat lady sings. It ain't over till it's over. I will be looking for two things tomorrow. Either a Florida win or an Ohio win. I'm banking on an Ohio win. Best case scenario would be to win both. Here's my breaking point though. If Obama doesn't win either Ohio or Florida I'll probably just log off. I won't be a happy camper. Obama must win Ohio.

That's my opinion and my own personal take. Always remember it won't affect the election and neither should it affect your personal take.

32 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:06:46pm

re: #29 dragonath

Sometimes I wonder, is the ability to vote the greatest thing about this country? I like to think it is.

I have to believe it's true- look at the places where you can't vote

33 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:06:52pm
34 dragonfire1981  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:06:52pm

It's coming from the sorrow in the street,
the holy places where the races meet;
from the homicidal bitchin'
that goes down in every kitchen
to determine who will serve and who will eat.
From the wells of disappointment
where the women kneel to pray
for the grace of God in the desert here
and the desert far away:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.

Sail on, sail on
O mighty Ship of State!
To the Shores of Need
Past the Reefs of Greed
Through the Squalls of Hate
Sail on, sail on, sail on, sail on.

It's coming to America first,
the cradle of the best and of the worst.
It's here they got the range
and the machinery for change
and it's here they got the spiritual thirst.
It's here the family's broken
and it's here the lonely say
that the heart has got to open
in a fundamental way:
Democracy is coming to the U.S.A.

35 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:06:52pm
36 freetoken  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:07:58pm

Speaking of derp, over at Wonkette they've dug into yet another Kansas state BOE candidate who is, as expected, a raving creationist:


Meanwhile, a more scholarly evaluation of creationism shows up in this month's Geological Society of America's mag "GSA Today":

The evolution of creationism

The author (David Montgomery) traces the origins of modern creationism through key players:


The roots of modern creationism run directly back to George McCready Price (1870–1963), an amateur geologist with no formal training. In a book designed to look like a geology textbook, Price (1923) asserted that there was no order to the fossil record. Rejecting the idea of fossil succession, he argued that the succession of organisms that geologists read in the fossil record was really just a mixed-up sampling of communities that lived in different parts of the antediluvian world. He considered the fossil record too incomplete to confidently reconstruct the past, citing the occasional discovery of animals thought to be extinct and known only from fossils.

Leading fundamentalists praised Price’s book, calling it a “great and monumental” work of an “up-to-date scientist”—“a masterpiece of real science” by one of “the world’s leading Geologists,” and “the sanest, clearest and most irrefutable presentation of the Science of Geology from the standpoint of Creation and the Deluge, ever to see the light of day” (Numbers, 1992, p. 98). But even some of Price’s most ardent supporters had questions about his new flood geology. In a 1924 review in the evangelical journal Bibliotheca Sacra, the editor credited Price with throwing “a wrench into the smooth running machinery of the evolutionary theory” butwondered why it was that when fossils were found in the wrong order, they were always in exactly the reverse of that predicted by geologists (Numbers, 1992, p. 95). How could strata have gotten flipped upside down after Noah’s Flood laid them down if the Bible did not mention subsequent catastrophes? Despite such qualms, fundamentalist proponents of flood geology were inclined to assess Price’s credibility by the conclusions he reached rather than the strength of his arguments or evidence.


He then goes on to mention Whitcomb and Morris etc.

He concludes:

Generally left out of the resulting “debates” is the simple fact that creationists lack any independently supported geological evidence to support their views. The late Harvard paleontologist Stephen J. Gould described a global flood as “the only specific and testable theory the creationists have offered,” noting that “the claim that creationism is a science rests above all on the plausibility of the biblical flood” (Gould, 1982, p. 12, 10). And yet, the geological case for a global flood that creationists offer as an alternative to evolution was discredited before Darwin set foot aboard The Beagle.

Geologists assess theories by how well they fit data, and creationists evaluate facts by how well they fit their theories. This simple distinction frames an unbridgeable intellectual rift. [...] How many creationists today know that modern creationism arose from abandoning faith that the study of nature would reveal God’s grand design for the world?

Worth the read.

37 Decatur Deb  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:08:07pm

After pollwatching tomorrow, I'll try to liveblog an Alabama County Dem election party. If we can find a booth at a bar with wifi.

'Nite, all. Never Tire of the Road.

38 SteveMcG  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:08:19pm

re: #30 DisturbedEma

Michael Vick is in for a loooong night

I'm done with the Eagles. The players aren't worth rooting for.

39 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:08:53pm

re: #36 freetoken

Think about how much money we could save just by not teaching reality!

40 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:09:09pm

re: #31 Gus

I'd like to just spend tomorrow drunk off my ass but not really an option

41 JamesWI  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:11:05pm

Nate Silver's projections updated about an hour ago. 91.4%

42 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:11:50pm

It's evolution baby.

43 SteveMcG  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:12:45pm

re: #41 JamesWI

Nate Silver's projections updated about an hour ago. 91.4%

As long as Romney's got a chance, I'm not gonna sleep well.

44 JamesWI  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:15:28pm

Romney's charging journalists for access to his election night "party."

Hey, he's gotta pay back Adelson somehow, since he's not going to be able to give him his tax cut!

45 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:15:30pm

re: #43 SteveMcG


46 freetoken  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:18:10pm

One of the more pressing questions of our age:

Will Harrison Ford Return as Han Solo For Star Wars: Episode VII?

Less than a week ago, Mark Hamill revealed that George Lucas had informed both he and Carrie Fisher of plans for Star Wars: Episode VII. Today, EW is reporting that Harrison Ford is open to the idea of reprising his role as Han Solo.


47 goddamnedfrank  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:19:15pm

re: #31 Gus

Well, let's see. Pre-election wise I won't be celebrating until the fat lady sings. It ain't over till it's over. I will be looking for two things tomorrow. Either a Florida win or an Ohio win. I'm banking on an Ohio win. Best case scenario would be to win both. Here's my breaking point though. If Obama doesn't win either Ohio or Florida I'll probably just log off. I won't be a happy camper. Obama must win Ohio.

That's my opinion and my own personal take. Always remember it won't affect the election and neither should it affect your personal take.

The polls close in Virginia a half hour earlier than Ohio. That gives them a jump on counting ballots. If Obama takes VA then it'll be hard for him not to also be winning the other battlegrounds except FL. The press may out of courtesy hold off on announcing much until the polls close in Washington and California but I think they'll announce before they close in Alaska and Hawaii.

48 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:19:52pm

re: #46 freetoken

One of the more pressing questions of our age:

Will Harrison Ford Return as Han Solo For Star Wars: Episode VII?

I'm sorry, but no. Just no.

49 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:20:54pm

re: #48 Kragar

I'm sorry, but no. Just no.

Why not? There's nothing wrong with Harrison Ford. Don't blame him for the train wreck that was Indiana Jones and the Ultimate Conspiracy Theory.

50 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:21:11pm

re: #48 Kragar

Hold on now remember Hayden Christianson

51 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:21:28pm

re: #40 DisturbedEma

I'd like to just spend tomorrow drunk off my ass but not really an option

I've already got 1.75 liters. This could get dangerous.

52 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:21:56pm

re: #46 freetoken

One of the more pressing questions of our age:

Will Harrison Ford Return as Han Solo For Star Wars: Episode VII?

Star Wars: The Intergalactic Retirement Home

53 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:21:56pm

re: #49 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

Oh yeah that was so bad

54 dragonath  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:22:54pm

At this rate they might as well bring back Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill too.

55 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:23:13pm

re: #52 Sheila Broflovski

There's a Viagra joke there why can't I see it ?

56 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:23:53pm

Mama and Papa SpaceJesus +2 for Obummer

57 goddamnedfrank  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:24:04pm

re: #54 dragonath

At this rate they might as well bring back Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill too.

Only if Hamill plays Luke using his Joker voice.

58 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:24:41pm

re: #54 dragonath

At this rate they might as well bring back Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill too.


You see where this is going?

Plenty to do with the Star Wars storyline

59 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:24:43pm

re: #54 dragonath

At this rate they might as well bring back Carrie Fisher and Mark Hamill too.

$20 says they make a cameo appearance if they're not reprising their original roles.

60 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:25:16pm

Obama up to 91% on 538

61 jamesfirecat  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:26:26pm

re: #57 goddamnedfrank

Only if Hamill plays Luke using his Joker voice.

I'm pretty sure Luke goes over to the Darkside at one point, so this is perfectly reasonable.

Less so would be him trying to patent mynoks that have smiles....

62 bratwurst  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:26:59pm

I think Obama is going to pull this one out, but if he doesn't...imagine the parade of old friends we will be seeing around here! I guess we'd better count the good silverware just in case.

63 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:27:02pm

Carrie Fisher wearing the brass bikini.


64 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:28:06pm

re: #47 goddamnedfrank

The polls close in Virginia a half hour earlier than Ohio. That gives them a jump on counting ballots. If Obama takes VA then it'll be hard for him not to also be winning the other battlegrounds except FL. The press may out of courtesy hold off on announcing much until the polls close in Washington and California but I think they'll announce before they close in Alaska and Hawaii.

I'd agree with that. A Virginia win would be big. Especially for me since I see Romney winning. Brings up a lot of nuances to the election. A Virginian win would be great news.

65 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:28:29pm

re: #63 Sheila Broflovski

Carrie Fisher wearing the brass bikini.


So many times us sheltered geeks drooled over that scene.

Then the Internet came.

66 Obdicut  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:30:04pm

re: #65 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too

I always thought she looked super-uncomfortable, and it looked like it smelled really bad in there.

67 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:30:20pm
68 dragonath  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:30:41pm

re: #58 Kragar

69 Bubblehead II  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:31:02pm

Night Lizards.

Tomorrow, the Wife and I will go to the polls and cast our votes. These votes, on the national level, will be worthless, as Idaho is a red State and will continue to be so in the foreseeable future.

BUT even though they will not count toward the Electoral vote. I hope they will play a small part in the POPULAR vote, and wake up the State Republican party that there are those of us who are Fiscally Conservative, but yet also have strong feelings about their STONE AGE mandates as well.

Sigh, I don't hold out much hope.

The Inmates have taken controll.

70 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:31:20pm

re: #66 Obdicut

I always thought she looked super-uncomfortable, and it looked like it smelled really bad in there.

A giant slug's den can have that effect

71 OhNoZombies!  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:31:25pm

re: #46 freetoken

One of the more pressing questions of our age:

Will Harrison Ford Return as Han Solo For Star Wars: Episode VII?

I love Harrison Ford, but he's getting kind of...ummm.

72 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:32:06pm

re: #67 DisturbedEma

Carrie can bring it

73 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:32:46pm

Bounty Hunters > Jedi

74 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:33:24pm

re: #71 R.M. Ramallo

Hey he has an earring now:)

75 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:33:26pm

re: #69 Only The Lurker Knows

Night Lizards.

Tomorrow, the Wife and I will go to the polls and cast our votes. These votes, on the national level, will be worthless, as Idaho is a red State and will continue to be so in the foreseeable future.

BUT even though they will not count toward the Electoral vote. I hope they will play a small part in the POPULAR vote, and wake up the State Republican party that there are those of us who are Fiscally Conservative, but yet also have strong feelings about their STONE AGE mandates as well.

Sigh, I don't hold out much hope.

The Inmates have taken controll.

Thanks Bubblehead. I've seen a big change in you over the years. Thank you for your vote!

76 dragonath  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:33:53pm

It's pretty amazing how many iconic roles Harrison Ford has had. He seems like a pretty cool guy too.

77 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:34:15pm

MNF just say no

78 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:34:54pm
79 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:34:58pm

Playing the old West End game, one of my buddies played an alcoholic ex-jedi who served as the navigator for a smuggler crew, using the force powers to plot jumps and evade Imperial custom patrols.

Now that was a cool Jedi.

80 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:34:59pm

re: #76 dragonath

Indiana Jones remains my favorite

81 freetoken  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:35:14pm

I think it could work - SW VII could launch a new generation of children and grandchildren of the Solo's (Han and his wife, Ambassador Leia). Picture a story where a new grandchild is kidnapped, only to be rescued by long absent great uncle Luke, who reveals the granddaughter is to be the start of an entire new generation of Jedi, and the kidnappers are working for mysterious (yet to be revealed until SW IX) antagonists.

82 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:35:40pm

re: #80 DisturbedEma

Indiana Jones remains my favorite

You realize Indy could have sat out the entire first movie and it would have ended exactly the same way.

83 Douchecanoe and Ryan Too  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:36:13pm

re: #76 dragonath

It's pretty amazing how many iconic roles Harrison Ford has had. He seems like a pretty cool guy too.

Harrison Ford is an amateur helicopter pilot in his off hours. I believe I remember reading that he's flown some aerial rescues before. A certifiable badass in addition to a versatile actor.

84 danarchy  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:36:15pm

So I was looking at these pictures and realized for the first time that Obama is a lefty. How did I go 4 years without noticing that?


85 OhNoZombies!  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:37:43pm

re: #74 DisturbedEma

Hey he has an earring now:)


86 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:38:25pm

re: #82 Kragar

I'm a sucker for the hat

87 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:38:57pm

re: #81 freetoken

I think it could work - SW VII could launch a new generation of children and grandchildren of the Solo's (Han and his wife, Ambassador Leia). Picture a story where a new grandchild is kidnapped, only to be rescued by long absent great uncle Luke, who reveals the granddaughter is to be the start of an entire new generation of Jedi, and the kidnappers are working for mysterious (yet to be revealed until SW IX) antagonists.

Lucas turned the Jedi into a bunch of celibate boring eunuchs with a viral infection. They need to break free of that.

88 kirkspencer  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:39:29pm

Harrison Ford is 70. Carrie Fisher is 56. Mark Hamill is 61.

Parents of adult jedis, yeah. I can see that. Still playing romantic leads themselves?

Red managed. The expendables didn't.

89 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:39:40pm

re: #80 DisturbedEma

Indiana Jones remains my favorite

90 Daniel Ballard  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:42:16pm

re: #69 Only The Lurker Knows

Night Lizards.

Tomorrow, the Wife and I will go to the polls and cast our votes. These votes, on the national level, will be worthless, as Idaho is a red State and will continue to be so in the foreseeable future.

BUT even though they will not count toward the Electoral vote. I hope they will play a small part in the POPULAR vote, and wake up the State Republican party that there are those of us who are Fiscally Conservative, but yet also have strong feelings about their STONE AGE mandates as well.

Sigh, I don't hold out much hope.

The Inmates have taken controll.

The Republican Exiles Association salutes you.

91 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:42:35pm

re: #88 kirkspencer

Harrison Ford is 70. Carrie Fisher is 56. Mark Hamill is 61.

Parents of adult jedis, yeah. I can see that. Still playing romantic leads themselves?

Red managed. The expendables didn't.

And remember, Episodes 1-3 taught us parents who love each other can only lead to the Dark Side.

92 dragonath  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:43:21pm

Christopher Lee is still kicking, and Lucas likes casting actors from Hammer films. Maybe they can cast him has Darth Darth or something.

93 JamesWI  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:44:08pm

538's now moved Ohio out of the "Competitive States" list, in addition to Wisconsin and Nevada.

In other words, according to Silver's model, Obama already has more than 270 EV in "safe" states.

94 engineer cat  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:44:55pm

Ohio vs Nation

ohio always has picked em correctly, but how close?

2008 obama 7.27% nationally 5% ohio
2004 bush 2.46% 2%
2000 bush −0.51% 4%
1996 clinton 8.51% 6%
1992 clinton 5.56% 2%
1988 bush 7.72% 11%
1984 reagan 18.21% 19%
1980 reagan 9.74% 11%
1976 carter 2.06% 0.26%
1972 nixon 23.15% 22%

95 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:45:20pm

re: #41 JamesWI

Nate Silver's projections updated about an hour ago. 91.4%

Also put Florida in the Obama column. If that map projection holds true, then it's all over but the crying.

96 freetoken  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:45:22pm

re: #87 Kragar

Lucas turned the Jedi into a bunch of celibate boring eunuchs with a viral infection. They need to break free of that.

Disney needs to break free of many things that Lucas ended up doing, such as relying too much on computer generated scenery and characters. Decent dialogue would be a start.

We could hope that Disney aims the future films at a slightly older audience than the prequels ended up, which so overly weighted the films' designs towards young children in order to move merchandise.

97 philosophus invidius  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:46:00pm

re: #43 SteveMcG

As long as Romney's got a chance, I'm not gonna sleep well.

Ohio is also now off Nate Silver's list of "competitive states" (presumably b/c Obama has > 90% of winning).

Also Florida moved to >50% for Obama for the first time post Denver.

98 Varek Raith  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:48:59pm

re: #97 philosophus invidius

Ohio is also now off his list of "competitive states" (presumably b/c Obama has > 90% of winning).

Also Florida moved to >50% for Obama for the first time post Denver.

I blame Deb.

99 dragonath  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:50:07pm

Come on. You all know Jar Jar Binks was inspired comedy. Because you know an alien freak that talks like the Yellow Kid is far beyond any of your feeble minds.

Ooh mooey mooey I love you!

Comedy gold.

100 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:50:31pm

Looking at Nate Silver's projection right now, it pretty much is game over for Willard. He's down to his last stack of chips and Obama went all-in. He has to hope that, somehow, every poll that shows him tied or behind is wrong.

I've seen better odds in a game of Russian Roulette.

101 engineer cat  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:50:51pm

re: #97 philosophus invidius

Ohio is also now off Nate Silver's list of "competitive states" (presumably b/c Obama has > 90% of winning).

Also Florida moved to >50% for Obama for the first time post Denver.

real clear still has teh florida 1.7 for mitt

102 Varek Raith  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:51:36pm

re: #99 dragonath

Come on. You all know Jar Jar Binks was inspired comedy. Because you know an alien freak that talks like the Yellow Kid is far beyond any of your feeble minds.


103 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:51:55pm

re: #99 dragonath

Come on. You all know Jar Jar Binks was inspired comedy. Because you know an alien freak that talks like the Yellow Kid is far beyond any of your feeble minds.


104 philosophus invidius  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:52:40pm

re: #101 engineer cat

Nate's pesky "weighting" of polls at work.

105 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:53:22pm

re: #103 Kragar


106 The Mountain That Blogs  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:53:23pm

re: #101 engineer cat

And Silver has it at 52.5% for Obama. That's still a coin flip.

107 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:53:47pm

re: #104 philosophus invidius

Nate's pesky "weighting" of polls at work.

By this time tomorrow, the Unskewed polls guy will be in hiding.

108 jaunte  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:54:17pm

re: #103 Kragar


109 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:54:33pm

re: #106 The Mountain That Blogs

And Silver has it at 52.5% for Obama. That's still a coin flip.

You tryin' to start some trouble young fella?


110 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:54:34pm

re: #78 SpaceJesus


This is needed for those still operating under the dark ages rules of logic.
No, no, no! His predicting an Obama win is not what "makes it come true" the real world doesn't work like that.
Statistical analysis is not "just like prayers to Satan" either, and no, mathematics does not involve "dark rituals."

111 kirkspencer  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:54:46pm

The one thing I noticed in polls of the past two weeks is that the average for registered voter was about 2 points higher for Obama than the likely voter model. The registered has always been higher but that's a bit more than normal.

The reason I'm going to watch hard is that for the past six years the registered tracked closer to the final result than all the likely voters.

If that happens again there are some nominally close states that won't be - and Obama's margin is going to be even larger. (North Carolina)

112 aagcobb  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:54:51pm

re: #10 SpaceJesus

The National Review is being oh so adorable right now


Boy are they ever going to be disappointed.

113 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:55:15pm

re: #106 The Mountain That Blogs

And Silver has it at 52.5% for Obama. That's still a coin flip.

Still better odds than two days ago.

Really, I don't expect Florida to flip, or if it does to be by a razor thin margin. But looking at the rest of the map, Willard has no outs. Taking Florida does nothing because without Ohio, Virginia, and either Colorado or New Hampshire, he's down and out.

114 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:56:52pm

re: #107 Kragar

By this time tomorrow, the Unskewed polls guy will be in hiding.

And Dick Morris will be doing the rounds in the media, telling folks that when he predicted a Romney landslide, he did so assuming that Democrats wouldn't steal the vote.

115 The Mountain That Blogs  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:57:33pm

re: #109 Gus

If you give every state in Silver's map with less than a 90% chance of going to Obama to Romney (four of which are more than 80% to Obama), Obama still wins. By a nose (271-267), but he still wins.

116 philosophus invidius  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:58:15pm

re: #107 Kragar

By this time tomorrow, the Unskewed polls guy will be in hiding.

Agreed. Still, it's hard to read an article like this one without getting a little worried.


But I guess that's the point

117 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:58:19pm

re: #112 aagcobb

Dick Morris Prediction: Romney 325, Obama 213

118 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:58:37pm

re: #110 Tiny Alien Kitties are Watching You

no, mathematics does not involve "dark rituals."

I'm pretty sure my math teacher wrote this in the margin on my homework in like 8th grade more than once.

119 philosophus invidius  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:58:44pm

re: #114 Targetpractice

Chris Christie

120 Varek Raith  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:59:04pm

re: #117 Kragar

Dick Morris Prediction: Romney 325, Obama 213

Wrongest Man on the Planet.

121 Bubblehead II  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:59:27pm

Before I leave tonight. Charles?

You remember that terrorist carrying a Liberal out of harms way Logo?

Maybe you should rethink it again.

Newt, carrying Romney away.

122 b_snark (Fact-Checker Extraordinaire)  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 6:59:50pm

re: #107 Kragar

By this time tomorrow, the Unskewed polls guy will be in hiding.

No, he'll just move on to unskewed voting results.

123 dragonath  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:00:23pm

The Eagles radio announcers just compared their team to a JV squad.

124 kirkspencer  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:00:46pm

The phrase I saw today that concerns me is:

The votes are with the margin of litigation.

I remember Florida 2K.

125 The Mountain That Blogs  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:01:07pm

re: #120 Varek Raith

Completely delusional. This map is only 321. Which one of the remaining blue territories does Romney win?

126 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:01:37pm

Prediction: Romney 325, Obama 213

Yup. That’s right. A landslide for Romney approaching the magnitude of Obama’s against McCain. That’s my prediction.

On Sunday, we changed our clocks. On Tuesday, we’ll change our president.

Romney will win the states McCain carried in 2008, plus: Florida, Indiana, Virginia, North Carolina, Colorado, Iowa, Ohio, New Hampshire, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin and Minnesota.

In the popular vote, Romney will win by more than 5 points.
By staying on the economy and not being tempted into side issues like Libya, Mitt kept the focus where it needed to be and never let up. His campaign’s foray into Pennsylvania, Minnesota and Wisconsin was vital to his chances of victory. More about what Mitt did right in my post-election column on Thursday. But for now, let’s celebrate the new president we are about to elect.

127 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:01:39pm

re: #115 The Mountain That Blogs

If you give every state in Silver's map with less than a 90% chance of going to Obama to Romney (four of which are more than 80% to Obama), Obama still wins. By a nose (271-267), but he still wins.

I have Obama at 275 and a win. ;)

128 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:02:07pm

Fox News top stories:

"Watch out for voter fraud"
"Media unfair towards Romney"
"Abolish the electoral college?"


129 Varek Raith  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:02:34pm

re: #128 SpaceJesus

Fox News top stories:

"Watch out for voter fraud"
"Media unfair towards Romney"
"Abolish the electoral college?"



130 danarchy  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:02:35pm

re: #117 Kragar

Dick Morris Prediction: Romney 325, Obama 213

Not sure what is more crazy, that or Jim Kramer
Romney 98 Obama 440

131 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:02:39pm

Here's a good way to keep track tomorrow night of Willard's chances of success:

Election Day Scorecard

Done by JJ McCullough, a Canadian political cartoonist for his blog, Filibuster Cartoons.

132 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:03:45pm

re: #129 Varek Raith

no, they've given up on trying to sway voters towards mitt or away from obama. at this point, they are gearing up for the coming loss.

133 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:04:00pm

re: #128 SpaceJesus

Fox News top stories:

"Watch out for voter fraud"
"Media unfair towards Romney"
"Abolish the electoral college?"


Kilmeade: ‘The best thing’ poll watchers can do is ‘intimidate people’

134 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:05:08pm


135 aagcobb  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:05:09pm

re: #29 dragonath

Sometimes I wonder, is the ability to vote the greatest thing about this country? I like to think it is.

Don't get me wrong, I think voting is very important, but equality under the law and personal liberty, particularly freedom of religion and speech, are, I think, even more so. England had law and a relatively free press long before universal sufferage, and was great, but new democracies in Germany and Italy devolved into fascist dictatorships.

136 dragonath  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:06:24pm

re: #128 SpaceJesus

Fox News top stories:

"Abolish the electoral college?"


Ah, that must be that Conservative Constitutionalism.

137 danarchy  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:06:52pm

re: #125 The Mountain That Blogs

Completely delusional. This map is only 321. Which one of the remaining blue territories does Romney win?

Dick actually has minnesota going for romney and nevada for obama, which is a bit insane.

138 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:07:13pm

re: #134 Gus


Ugh, one bad thing about an Obama reelection: 4 years of attempts at impeachment. Let's not fool ourselves, the Republicans held off on such attempts the first 4 years because they figured they couldn't afford to make Obama more popular going into a reelection campaign. They'll have no such restrictions the second 4 years.

139 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:08:02pm

re: #138 Targetpractice

Ugh, one bad thing about an Obama reelection: 4 years of attempts at impeachment. Let's not fool ourselves, the Republicans held off on such attempts the first 4 years because they figured they couldn't afford to make Obama more popular going into a reelection campaign. They'll have no such restrictions the second 4 years.

Yeah way. Sad.

140 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:09:42pm

wrap it up guys


141 Varek Raith  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:09:44pm
142 jaunte  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:10:29pm
143 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:11:03pm
144 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:11:07pm

re: #140 SpaceJesus

wrap it up guys


145 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:11:24pm

what is a knight doing at the battle of lepanto

146 b_snark (Fact-Checker Extraordinaire)  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:11:52pm

re: #140 SpaceJesus

wrap it up guys


I love a good joke.

147 jaunte  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:12:09pm

re: #143 SpaceJesus

Nothing answers prayers like bringing twice the number of cannon to a battle.

148 goddamnedfrank  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:12:42pm

re: #124 kirkspencer

The phrase I saw today that concerns me is:

The votes are with the margin of litigation.

I remember Florida 2K.

In 2000 the UK based real money bookies had the election outcome rated at 1 to 1, even money. Right now the lowest odds on a Romney win are 11 to 4, with the vast majority rating his chances at 3 to 1 or steeper.

149 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:12:50pm

re: #146 Bipartite Gnomenclature

"There are no accidents. You found this site for a reason."

150 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:12:55pm

re: #143 SpaceJesus

Image: lepanto.png

I dunno, that guy in the bottom picture has a BIG FUCKING SWORD not a prayer book.

151 Varek Raith  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:12:58pm

re: #143 SpaceJesus

Image: lepanto.png

Soldiers optional.

152 aagcobb  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:13:19pm

re: #101 engineer cat

real clear still has teh florida 1.7 for mitt

Florida is basically a tossup, could go either way. Thank God Obama will get to 270 without it; I don't want to relive 2000.

153 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:13:27pm

re: #143 SpaceJesus

Image: lepanto.png

Outgunning the Turks with both naval cannons and muskets certainly helped as well.

154 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:13:37pm

re: #147 jaunte

The Ottomans rebuilding their entire fleet within 1 year is a funny way for prayer to change anything.

155 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:13:50pm

re: #145 SpaceJesus

what is a knight doing at the battle of lepanto

Crusader mentality.

156 Vicious Babushka  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:13:52pm
157 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:15:02pm
158 aagcobb  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:15:59pm

re: #117 Kragar

Dick Morris Prediction: Romney 325, Obama 213

Dick Morris doesn't give a shit. He is just serving red meat, and he knows it doesn't matter if he's right or not.

159 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:16:18pm

I need to do this song at karaoke some time

160 Varek Raith  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:17:55pm

My prediction.
Obama - 1,528,845 electoral plankton.
Romney - QWERTY electoral sponges.

161 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:18:51pm

re: #157 SpaceJesus

[Embedded content]

Mine's better:

162 Stanghazi  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:19:26pm

This is good. Obama telling how fired up, ready to go came about.

163 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:19:27pm
164 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:19:31pm

re: #89 Gus

As a historian I approve this message but question how many aspiring archeologists bailed when they realized the whip was not standard equipment

165 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:20:08pm

re: #164 DisturbedEma

As a historian I approve this message but question how many aspiring archeologists bailed when they realized the whip was not standard equipment

And that dirt is.

166 Varek Raith  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:20:53pm

re: #163 Gus

[Embedded content]

And aliens.
Benghazi Aliens.
From Mars.

167 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:21:58pm

re: #166 Varek Raith

And aliens.
Benghazi Aliens.
From Mars.

Nazi Aliens from Benghazi on Mars.

168 Lidane  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:22:13pm
169 Varek Raith  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:23:01pm

Mitt down to 7.8%

170 JamesWI  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:23:03pm

re: #114 Targetpractice

And Dick Morris will be doing the rounds in the media, telling folks that when he predicted a Romney landslide, he did so assuming that Democrats wouldn't steal the vote.

I flipped over to Fox News for a second, about half an hour ago. Dick Morris was explaining how he gets his numbers. Essentially, he takes every poll, and adds 5-6% for Romney in every one.....not joking.

Then he went on an insane rant about how after Romney completes his landslide, Obama will conspire with his evil U.N. poll watchers to say Romney stole the election.

He clearly must be sucking on some LSD-laced toes.

171 alpuz  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:23:17pm

re: #167 Kragar

Nazi Aliens from Benghazi on Mars.

Snacking on the back fat of mankind.

172 Lidane  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:23:39pm
173 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:24:17pm

re: #160 Varek Raith

My prediction.
Obama - 1,528,845 electoral plankton.
Romney - QWERTY electoral sponges.

174 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:24:39pm

re: #169 Varek Raith

Mitt down to 7.8%

So you're saying he's still in this?

175 Four More Tears  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:25:00pm

And finally, the forecast and the nowcast are one and the same, as it was destined to be...

176 Lidane  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:25:02pm

re: #169 Varek Raith

Mitt down to 7.8%

Skewed polls! Math is evil! Nate Silver is of teh debil! Eleventy!

177 Varek Raith  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:25:02pm

re: #173 Targetpractice

[Embedded content]

And my prediction will be far more accurate and plausible than Dick's.

178 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:25:41pm

re: #152 aagcobb

I. Mentally cringe when introduced to a Chad

179 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:26:17pm

re: #170 JamesWI

I flipped over to Fox News for a second, about half an hour ago. Dick Morris was explaining how he gets his numbers. Essentially, he takes every poll, and adds 5-6% for Romney in everyone.....not joking.

Then he went on an insane rant about how after Romney completes his landslide, Obama will conspire with his evil U.N. poll watchers to say Romney stole the election.

He clearly must be sucking on some LSD-laced toes.

Shit, even Chambers over at Unskewed doesn't go that far.

My guess? He's still buying into the "undecided voters will totally break for Willard" theory that the polls put the kibosh on today.

180 Lidane  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:26:24pm

re: #177 Varek Raith

And my prediction will be far more accurate and plausible than Dick's.

Jim Cramer's prediction of 440 EV's for Obama more accurate and plausible than Dick Morris.

181 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:26:29pm

re: #173 Targetpractice

[Embedded content]

Concession speech:

182 Varek Raith  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:26:30pm

re: #176 Lidane

If only Benghazi could Benghazi!

183 Four More Tears  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:26:40pm

Oh, I see Nate's put FL in the blue column. We shall see. We shall see...

184 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:27:29pm

re: #183 Mocking Jay

I will drink an unfathomable amount if Obama pulls down Florida tomorrow

185 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:27:35pm

re: #181 Kragar

Concession speech:

[Embedded content]

I was expecting more like this:

186 engineer cat  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:27:45pm

re: #152 aagcobb

Florida is basically a tossup, could go either way. Thank God Obama will get to 270 without it; I don't want to relive 2000.

but we stand a good chance of doing just that, altho perhaps not in florida this time...

187 Varek Raith  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:27:58pm

Looks like that prick George Allen will lose.

188 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:28:22pm

Obama pulling off Ohio and Florida? That would be a feat worthy of an entire opera in the Klingon Empire.

189 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:28:23pm

re: #165 Mostly sane, most of the time.

And that you have to sift and brush your way to something smaller than the Ark

190 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:28:23pm

re: #166 Varek Raith

And aliens.
Benghazi Aliens.
From Mars.

Woo hoo! I love mah wingnuts.

191 Mostly sane, most of the time.  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:28:34pm

I have a fool-proof way to predict the election.

I make my prediction on November 7th.

192 jaunte  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:28:56pm

Benghazi used to Ploesti, but that's all over now.

193 Stanghazi  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:28:57pm
194 Lidane  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:29:42pm

re: #184 SpaceJesus

I will drink an unfathomable amount if Obama pulls down Florida tomorrow

My wine is already chilling for tomorrow night. Imma park myself in front of the computer with HootSuite and LGF up, music streaming on Spotify, and alcohol.

I'm looking forward to seeing an Obama victory speech tomorrow night. Here's hoping.

195 Amory Blaine  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:29:42pm

Apple paid only 1.9 pct tax on earnings outside US

Apple Inc. paid an income tax rate of only 1.9 percent on its earnings outside the U.S. in its latest fiscal year, a regulatory filing by the company shows.

The world's most valuable company paid $713 million in tax on foreign earnings of $36.8 billion in the fiscal year ended Sept. 29, according to the financial statement filed on Oct. 31. The foreign earnings were up 53 percent from fiscal 2011, when Apple earned $24 billion outside the U.S. and paid income tax of 2.5 percent on it.

The tech giant's foreign tax rate compares with the general U.S. corporate tax rate of 35 percent.

Apple may pay some income taxes on its profit to the country in which it sells its products, but it minimizes them by using various accounting moves to shift profits to countries with low tax rates. For example the strategy known as "Double Irish With a Dutch Sandwich," routes profits through Irish and Dutch subsidiaries and then to the Caribbean.

Other multinational corporations also use such tax techniques, which are legal.

196 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:29:44pm

re: #181 Kragar


197 Four More Tears  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:30:29pm

re: #195 Amory Blaine

Apple paid only 1.9 pct tax on earnings outside US

Dodge Different.

198 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:30:40pm

re: #187 Varek Raith

Looks like that prick George Allen will lose.

Good times.

In related news, it looks like it might be Warren sending Senator McDreamy home in MA.

199 JamesWI  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:30:46pm

re: #179 Targetpractice

Shit, even Chambers over at Unskewed doesn't go that far.

My guess? He's still buying into the "undecided voters will totally break for Willard" theory that the polls put the kibosh on today.

That was part of it. I think that accounted for like 3% of his addition. I think I might have missed part of his explanation on where the other 2-3% came from.....I'm assuming it's the usual "skewing" drivel.

200 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:31:01pm

re: #192 jaunte

Benghazi used to Ploesti, but that's all over now.

Benghazi. Natalie Wood. Back and to the left. Benghazi. Natalie Wood. Back and to the left. Benghazi. Natalie Wood. Back and to the left.

201 Varek Raith  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:31:18pm

re: #191 Mostly sane, most of the time.

I have a fool-proof way to predict the election.

I make my prediction on November 7th.

Heh, let's just say I'm a tad more optimistic of an Obama win than conservatives are of Romney winning.

202 aagcobb  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:31:21pm

re: #186 engineer cat

but we stand a good chance of doing just that, altho perhaps not in florida this time...

I don't think so; Obama will win Ohio easily.

203 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:31:40pm

4/4 beat.

204 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:32:00pm

re: #194 Lidane

My wine is already chilling for tomorrow night. Imma park myself in front of the computer with HootSuite and LGF up, music streaming on Spotify, and alcohol.

I'm looking forward to seeing an Obama victory speech tomorrow night. Here's hoping.

I have a nice bottle of schadenfreude, vintage 2008, chilling for the same occasion. Next to big bag of salt for rubbing in some wounds.

205 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:32:02pm

re: #194 Lidane

You stole my schedule:)

206 Varek Raith  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:32:21pm

re: #200 Gus

Benghazi. Natalie Wood. Back and to the left. Benghazi. Natalie Wood. Back and to the left. Benghazi. Natalie Wood. Back and to the left.

Benghazi still has some mileage.

207 Stanghazi  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:33:48pm

re: #198 Targetpractice

Good times.

In related news, it looks like it might be Warren sending Senator McDreamy home in MA.

Friend's Dad is beyond surprisingly voting for Obama. But he's also voting for Brown. :(

208 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:34:14pm

re: #206 Varek Raith

Benghazi still has some mileage.

209 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:34:45pm

re: #202 aagcobb

la la la. Knocking wood spitting between my fingers la la la :)

210 Varek Raith  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:34:48pm

Off to bed.
Getting up early to laugh at Mitt.
I mean vote.
Eh, same thing.

211 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:34:54pm

re: #206 Varek Raith

Benghazi still has some mileage.

In the end none of the so called "exclusives" worked. No hidden tape, or video. Everyone rolled over and yawned at the Drudge Reports exposes. The whole Breitbart model was worthless.

212 Stanghazi  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:34:55pm

Per Warren Sapp on my twitter feed Romney said something stupid at 1/2 time.

213 Four More Tears  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:35:22pm

re: #204 Targetpractice

I have a nice bottle of schadenfreude, vintage 2008, chilling for the same occasion. Next to big bag of salt for rubbing in some wounds.

That reminds me, I need to get my troll face on.

214 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:35:43pm

re: #206 Varek Raith

Oliver Stone's new project ?

215 philosophus invidius  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:35:52pm

re: #180 Lidane

Jim Cramer's prediction of 440 EV's for Obama more accurate and plausible than Dick Morris.

Not according to Nate Silver.

216 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:35:52pm

re: #207 Page 3 in the Binder of Women

Friend's Dad is beyond surprisingly voting for Obama. But he's also voting for Brown. :(

Can't have everything. Personally, I'd like to have a dad who isn't slowly falling under the thrall of Fox News.

217 Four More Tears  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:36:06pm

re: #211 Gus

In the end none of the so called "exclusives" worked. No hidden tape, or video. Everyone rolled over and yawned at the Drudge Reports exposes. The whole Breitbart model was worthless.

Remember "The Vetting?" With that old tape where Obama hugged a black man? Game changing stuff!!

218 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:36:47pm

re: #212 Page 3 in the Binder of Women

He took credit for some Superbowl wins in the East

219 aagcobb  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:37:37pm

re: #211 Gus

In the end none of the so called "exclusives" worked. No hidden tape, or video. Everyone rolled over and yawned at the Drudge Reports exposes. The whole Breitbart model was worthless.

That whole "vetting of the President" sure was a great big nothing.

220 Stanghazi  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:38:08pm

re: #216 Targetpractice

Can't have everything. Personally, I'd like to have a dad who isn't slowly falling under the thrall of Fox News.

Ya. All I can say is it had better be over and settled by Thanksgiving. Or there's going to be a hell of a shitty dinner in SC with my Fox News Pop.

221 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:38:21pm

re: #217 Mocking Jay

Remember "The Vetting?" With that old tape where Obama hugged a black man? Game changing stuff!!

It was the Vettening.

222 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:38:51pm

re: #217 Mocking Jay

Remember "The Vetting?" With that old tape where Obama hugged a black man? Game changing stuff!!

Ergh. What a joke.

223 Stanghazi  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:39:15pm
224 Mentis Fugit  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:39:16pm

re: #21 GeneJockey

And they're the more reasonable ones.

That's like being the least smelly turd, innit?

225 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:39:39pm

re: #220 Page 3 in the Binder of Women

Ya. All I can say is it had better be over and settled by Thanksgiving. Or there's going to be a hell of a shitty dinner in SC with my Fox News Pop.

I still live at home, so I'm gonna hear it for at least the next week. Guess it's a good thing that payday's this Friday, so I can pick up a game or two to weather the storm in isolation with.

226 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:39:49pm

Developing: Sex Scandal. May affect campaign.

Wait until 12 AM.

[Drudge Siren]

227 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:39:54pm

re: #216 Targetpractice

Or a mother who is a birther

228 Four More Tears  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:40:05pm

I was listening to right-wing radio on the car ride home from dinner with friends. They really think they got this Pennsylvania thing...

229 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:40:07pm


230 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:40:11pm

re: #223 Page 3 in the Binder of Women

[Embedded content]

I wanna see this guy run for president. He's already got my vote.

231 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:40:18pm


232 Four More Tears  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:40:27pm

re: #221 Kragar

It was the Vettening.

There can be only one... percent.

233 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:41:33pm

re: #227 DisturbedEma

I just can't shake her belief that he is not a citizen

234 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:41:40pm

re: #231 Gus


Yeah, there's another Twitter account to keep watch on as Election Night plays out. Which you think will dissolve into a screaming fit first: Donald or his hair?

235 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:42:30pm

re: #226 Gus

For real?

236 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:42:39pm

re: #234 Targetpractice

everything you need is right here


237 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:42:44pm

re: #227 DisturbedEma

Or a mother who is a birther

Thankfully my mother's pretty much apolitical. Didn't even bat an eyelash when I told her I'm voting Obama. At this point, she votes more out of habit than any real convictions.

238 Amory Blaine  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:43:01pm

'I Don't Want Everybody to Vote' -- The Roots of GOP Voter Suppression

239 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:43:16pm

re: #235 DisturbedEma

For real?

No. But that was the last Drudge flop. Involved Menendez from NJ.

240 Lidane  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:44:44pm

re: #230 Targetpractice

I wanna see this guy run for president. He's already got my vote.

Like I said earlier -- I wanna see a Booker vs. Christie election for NJ Governor. It will be loud and hilarious.

241 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:44:46pm

re: #239 Gus

No. But that was the last Drudge flop. Involved Menendez from NJ.

The big revelation: That a divorced Congress critter makes stops off to the Dominican Republic to engage in perfectly legal prostitution, or so says two anonymous prostitutes.

Truly earthshaking.///

242 BeenHereAwhile  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:45:12pm

re: #37 Decatur Deb

After pollwatching tomorrow, I'll try to liveblog an Alabama County Dem election party. If we can find a booth at a bar with wifi

Failing that, you could always go to Big Bob Gibson BBQ.

243 philosophus invidius  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:46:28pm

re: #233 DisturbedEma

I just can't shake her belief that he is not a citizen

Not even the refined citizen-but-not-natural-born variety?

244 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:46:37pm

re: #211 Gus

In the end none of the so called "exclusives" worked. No hidden tape, or video. Everyone rolled over and yawned at the Drudge Reports exposes. The whole Breitbart model was worthless.

They are saving their biggest bombshell revelation for tomorrow night at 7:00pm PST when it will have the most effect on the polls...what do you mean, the election isn't on Wednesday?


245 aagcobb  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:48:06pm

re: #220 Page 3 in the Binder of Women

Ya. All I can say is it had better be over and settled by Thanksgiving. Or there's going to be a hell of a shitty dinner in SC with my Fox News Pop.

Don't worry. Romney will concede sometime Wednesday morning. You have to be within striking distance of 270 to lawyer up and demand recounts, and the election isn't that close.

246 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:48:29pm

re: #243 philosophus invidius

It is so sad when you consider that my dad was a first generation American sheesh it is scary how blind those who refuse to see really are

247 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:49:36pm

re: #241 Targetpractice

The big revelation: That a divorced Congress critter makes stops off to the Dominican Republic to engage in perfectly legal prostitution, or so says two anonymous prostitutes.

Truly earthshaking.///

Big yawner. Although KT might have kept questioning me. :D

248 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:49:46pm

re: #245 aagcobb

Don't worry. Romney will concede sometime Wednesday morning. You have to be within striking distance of 270 to lawyer up and demand recounts, and the election isn't that close.

Won't stop him from trying something. Especially if he wins the popular vote.

249 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:51:02pm
250 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:51:21pm

re: #248 Targetpractice

Sad but true

251 Lidane  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:51:59pm
252 lawhawk  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:52:23pm

Oh joy of joys. The latest models are pushing the Nor'easter into a routing that not only gives us punishing winds, but the chance for snow - wet snow especially N/W of NYC.

The kind of snow that would take out power lines and snap trees already damaged by Sandy.

The tracks are pushing east, which means that the cold air gets to dominate, especially on the back end.

That's bad news around these parts.

High wind watches and coastal flooding watches are in effect Wed into Thurs.


Here's hoping those models are wrong and Dr. Masters is right in his analysis.

253 Stanghazi  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:52:23pm
254 aagcobb  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:52:41pm

re: #248 Targetpractice

Won't stop him from trying something. Especially if he wins the popular vote.

There won't be anything for him to try. He is going to lose all the battleground states by 2 or more points. Absolutely no way a recount can make up that big a margin.

255 ninja cat  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:52:48pm

re: #220 Page 3 in the Binder of Women

Ya. All I can say is it had better be over and settled by Thanksgiving. Or there's going to be a hell of a shitty dinner in SC with my Fox News Pop.

That's why I'm leaving the country the day before Thanksgiving. Not my parents but my sis & BIL. However it goes tomorrow it's going to be very unpleasant.

256 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:53:22pm

re: #254 aagcobb

There won't be anything for him to try. He is going to lose all the battleground states by 2 or more points. Absolutely no way a recount can make up that big a margin.

From your fingertips to God's monitor.

257 alpuz  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:54:33pm

re: #249 Gus

Yeah, that was awesome.

258 Lidane  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:56:07pm
259 aagcobb  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:57:44pm

re: #228 Mocking Jay

I was listening to right-wing radio on the car ride home from dinner with friends. They really think they got this Pennsylvania thing...

Silver says Romney has 1 chance in 100 of winning Pa.

260 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:58:11pm

MNF still say no

261 Stanghazi  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:58:28pm

re: #249 Gus

[Embedded content]

"Big Bird is worried that this guy who looks like the groom on top of a wedding cake is out to get him"

262 philosophus invidius  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 7:58:51pm

Translation: I just have a feeling about it.

263 efuseakay  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:00:01pm

re: #13 engineer cat

Take your hands off us you know we don’t belong to you

they tried to feed us dogma but now comes the karma

The karma ran over my dogma.

264 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:00:14pm

re: #258 Lidane


265 William Barnett-Lewis  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:00:34pm

Well, I've got to get up bright and early tomorrow to get my son off to school and then me off to the polling place to help people vote. I've already cast my ballot so this will give me a way to help my new community.

Take care lizards & I'll check in tomorrow after I'm home from my shift.

266 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:03:30pm

re: #262 philosophus invidius

[Embedded content]

Translation: I just have a feeling about it.

I've lost track of the number of "predictions" of a Willard victory that have boiled down to that: A belief that there's simply no way Obama can win because nobody likes him, everybody blames him for the economy, and the polls are totally rigged in Obama's favor.

My prediction is that most of those making such predictions are gonna be making excuses come Wednesday about how they totally would have won if not for (insert BS excuse).

267 Stanghazi  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:04:13pm
268 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:06:08pm

Warning depending on who wins tomorrow I will probably be posting under the influence after the kids are in bed :)

269 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:06:18pm

re: #266 Targetpractice

I've lost track of the number of "predictions" of a Willard victory that have boiled down to that: A belief that there's simply no way Obama can win because nobody likes him, everybody blames him for the economy, and the polls are totally rigged in Obama's favor.

My prediction is that most of those making such predictions are gonna be making excuses come Wednesday about how they totally would have won if not for (insert BS excuse).

Once you take a hard look at the numbers, throw out everything you disagree with, and make up some other numbers, a Mitt victory is all but assured.

270 alpuz  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:06:21pm

re: #255 ninja cat

I've never understood this. I came out of the closet(as a 'liberal') when Walker dropped his bomb. It was at a little league meeting of all places. People were taken aback, but they knew me and my family by what we had done in the community and for the most part didn't say squat.

I have zero problems with confronting the RWNJ's in my immediate family. In fact, I somewhat enjoy listening to their nutty justifications.

271 Gus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:07:40pm
272 Stanghazi  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:08:24pm

re: #262 philosophus invidius

[Embedded content]

Translation: I just have a feeling about it.

gah the derp hashtags all at once.

273 Stanghazi  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:08:57pm

re: #262 philosophus invidius

[Embedded content]

Translation: I just have a feeling about it.

They are seriously lagging with their lack of #benghazi

274 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:10:16pm

Since Gus is playing Beatles, I'll dedicate this next song to all the wingnuts who are sure that Obama is the second coming of Marx, Lenin, and Stalin all rolled into one:

275 Four More Tears  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:10:41pm

re: #259 aagcobb

Silver says Romney has 1 chance in 100 of winning Pa.

I know, which makes their hallucinations all the more entertaining.

276 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:11:32pm

re: #273 Page 3 in the Binder of Women

They are seriously lagging with their lack of #benghazi

I got a fever, and the only prescription is more Benghazi!

277 Stanghazi  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:12:11pm

re: #271 Gus

[Embedded content]

you watched and caught that. kudos Gus.

278 Four More Tears  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:12:28pm

re: #262 philosophus invidius

[Embedded content]

Translation: I just have a feeling about it.

Didn't JimRob hate Romney with the passion of a thousand burning suns at one point, or am I imagining that?

279 ninja cat  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:13:00pm

re: #270 alpuz

I've always been a Dem and my sister has always been a Rep., we're not going to sway each other & getting into a snarkfest isn't how I want to spend my holiday time.

280 Lidane  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:13:55pm

re: #278 Mocking Jay

Didn't JimRob hate Romney with the passion of a thousand burning suns at one point, or am I imagining that?

He had to be dragged kicking and screaming into supporting Romney. When it became obvious that none of his wingnut fantasies of someone else getting the nod came true, he finally got over it and supported Willard.

281 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:14:29pm

Obama tearing it up at final speech


282 dragonath  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:14:34pm

re: #135 aagcobb

Equality under the law and voting go hand in hand in America. Britain is an unique case, I think, because in the old days the conservatives had a greater interest in keeping the status quo.

Lotsa rotten boroughs and no secret ballots, so it wasn't like anybody could do anything.

283 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:14:48pm

re: #280 Lidane

He had to be dragged kicking and screaming into supporting Romney. When it became obvious that none of his wingnut fantasies of someone else getting the nod came true, he finally got over it and supported Willard.

Truly solid, those ideological foundations were, huh?


284 Lidane  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:15:05pm


Why couldn't it have been a patriot like Ted Nugent?


285 jaunte  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:15:16pm
286 Four More Tears  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:17:39pm

re: #283 Targetpractice

Truly solid, those ideological foundations were, huh?


I remember thinking that he hated Romney more than any of us did...

287 Lidane  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:19:02pm

re: #286 Mocking Jay

I remember thinking that he hated Romney more than any of us did...

They did. But after a while, the idea of another Obama term riled them up more than the flip-flopper Willard that they all hated.

288 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:19:11pm

re: #285 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Pretty much, all Obama has to do is knock off Ohio or Florida and Romney's chances of victory plummet. If he picks up Virginia, pack your bags fellas, war's over.

289 Lidane  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:19:33pm
290 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:19:37pm

re: #287 Lidane

They did. But after a while, the idea of another Obama term riled them up more than the flip-flopper Willard that they all hated.

So much for "Rather spend 4 years hating Obama that 4 years defending Romney."

291 Daniel Ballard  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:20:11pm

re: #24 SpaceJesus

Should our Marxist Muslim overlord win tomorrow, expect every single conservative in America to literally morph/transform into Glenn Beck. Male, female -- doesn't matter. They will become a legion of fat, crazy, crying, pasty, walking farts in jars.

Umm, no.

292 Stanghazi  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:20:35pm

re: #281 SpaceJesus

Obama tearing it up at final speech



293 darthstar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:21:28pm
294 efuseakay  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:21:29pm
295 alpuz  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:22:10pm

How fuckin' rough can it be where a man who has been dragged over the coals by some of the most cynical bullsh*t imaginable has to toss out the killing of a man as his greatest accomplishment.

How many lives will be benefited/enhanced by 'Obamacare'.

296 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:22:19pm

Romney Supporters Ready To Blame Government Moochers If Obama Wins

If President Obama wins re-election on Tuesday, retired Army Colonel Allen Wild knows exactly who blame: “the 47 percent.” Not the leaked video of Republican nominee Mitt Romney claiming that 47 percent of Americans will vote for Obama because they are dependent on government.

“The takers,” Wild explained to TPM at a Romney rally on the final day of the campaign Monday here at George Mason University. “Those who pay no income tax.”

Wild, like many other Romney supporters who turned out see the former governor, was optimistic that Romney will be the next president. The crowd, which filled George Mason’s Patriot Center while thousands more waited in a spill-over area outside, responded to Romney’s stump speech with thunderous applause.

297 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:24:01pm

re: #296 Kragar

somebody should point out to this dufus that the states that take the most while giving the least are virtually all red.

298 engineer cat  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:24:19pm

how can the heart
so warm last friday
wake sunday morn
so icy cold
no human soul
can frame to tell me
no whiskey made
can stop the cold
the days grow short
on thornhill mountain
no task left now
but to grow old

299 Four More Tears  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:25:42pm

re: #297 SpaceJesus

somebody should point out to this dufus that the states that take the most while giving the least are virtually all red.

But Benghazi.

300 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:26:30pm

re: #267 Page 3 in the Binder of Women

Ah Sir Paul

301 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:26:58pm

re: #297 SpaceJesus

somebody should point out to this dufus that the states that take the most while giving the least are virtually all red.

Apple paid less than 2% in taxes on overseas earnings

302 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:28:17pm

re: #301 Kragar

apple's lawyers earning their money

303 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:28:19pm

Bernie Sanders: GOP wants ‘austerity for the middle class’

“It is very clear that virtually all of the Republicans are going to fight not only to extend Bush’s tax breaks for the wealthy, but also to lower tax rates for large corporations and wealthy individuals,” Sanders said, adding that GOP lawmakers wanted to cut Medicare and Social Security. “My fear is there are some conservative Democrats who may want to go along with that effort.”

304 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:29:43pm

Finally gave up on football

305 Kragar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:30:20pm

re: #304 DisturbedEma

Finally gave up on football


306 prairiefire  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:30:54pm

Cheers all around, lizards. Here's to election day!

307 jaunte  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:31:21pm

re: #304 DisturbedEma

It's an unnatural shape.

308 Joanne  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:31:42pm

re: #192 jaunte

Benghazi used to Ploesti, but that's all over now.

Ploesti - Pelosi...coincidence? I think not!!11!

309 philosophus invidius  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:31:49pm

re: #294 efuseakay

Just for posterity's sake...Let's see how far off from reality Unskewed Polls will really be...

The unskewed guy has Romney winning PA? What is he some kind of Obama shill?

310 darthstar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:31:59pm

re: #304 DisturbedEma

Finally gave up on football

Maybe if they had best of 5 and best of 7 series like baseball, people wouldn't think football players were such big pussies. One game...give me a fuckin' break.

311 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:32:27pm

re: #305 Kragar

Just the train wreck on MNF still a Packer addict

312 Lidane  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:32:29pm

re: #309 philosophus invidius

The unskewed guy has Romney winning PA? What is he some kind of Obama shill?

The RWNJs are convinced that PA will go to Romney. I don't understand it either.

313 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:34:51pm

re: #312 Lidane

The RWNJs are convinced that PA will go to Romney. I don't understand it either.

Obama's lead there decreased somewhat since Denver, and they're sure that means Romney's "momentum" can carry him across the finish line. Plus I've heard a few suggest that perhaps the damage done by Sandy will eat into the "urban vote," allowing the rural voters to carry the day.

314 geoduck  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:34:53pm

re: #309 philosophus invidius

The unskewed guy has Romney winning PA? What is he some kind of Obama shill?

At least he backed off saying that Romney would get Oregon.

315 darthstar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:35:42pm

I'm watching "The Great Gatsby" on TV right avoid election politics. It's like the Romneys, with alcohol.

316 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:35:48pm

re: #310 darthstar

Oh I know baseball has the playoffs :)

317 Four More Tears  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:36:04pm

Obama's last rally ever. For himself. That was nice.

318 darthstar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:37:18pm

re: #314 geoduck

At least he backed off saying that Romney would get Oregon.

Oregon was a possibility - they had an election official in one of their most populated counties (a Republican, if you can believe it), filling in ballots with Republican votes if they were mailed in incomplete (Oregon is a vote by mail state).

319 Amory Blaine  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:37:22pm

re: #296 Kragar

“I think Romney will win,” Kent Avery, 57, told TPM. A retired Navy engineer, Avery said he would blame Americans who don’t want to take care of themselves if Romney loses. “When people understand they can vote for politicians who can give them something from the public trough, they’ll keep doing that. That’s a great danger that we have enough people that have that mindset.”

Says the guy who's retired at 57 with taxpayer money.

320 efuseakay  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:37:43pm

Signed. Sealed. Delivered... Nice. :)

321 darthstar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:38:40pm

re: #316 DisturbedEma

Oh I know baseball has the playoffs :)

Football has a playoff. Baseball has playoffS as in playoff series. Surely football players are man enough to handle playing a game or two more.

322 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:39:02pm

re: #319 Amory Blaine

Says the guy who retired at 57 with taxpayer money.

Thing is, he's repeating what's pretty much dogma amongst the wingnuts now. I've heard that "vote themselves money from the coffers" mantra from pretty much all of them, but especially the born-again libertarians who are sure that the whole house of cards is about to come tumbling down.

323 Lidane  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:39:17pm

re: #317 Mocking Jay

Obama's last rally ever. For himself. That was nice.

It's nice to hear a rally where the good artists want their music played.

324 Stanghazi  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:39:30pm

re: #315 darthstar

I'm watching "The Great Gatsby" on TV right avoid election politics. It's like the Romneys, with alcohol.

I just tweeted you. I just had to.

325 SpaceJesus  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:39:31pm

that was a good obama talk

326 Four More Tears  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:40:23pm

Nate's going to be on Colbert in a few minutes or so.

327 DisturbedEma  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:40:33pm

Night all have to get ready to run and get Halo 4 for the hubby :) see you all tomorrow

328 alpuz  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:41:16pm

re: #321 darthstar

Oh, stop it now.

329 Four More Tears  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:42:18pm

re: #327 DisturbedEma

Night all have to get ready to run and get Halo 4 for the hubby :) see you all tomorrow

Pick me up a copy while you're out there? :)

330 darthstar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:42:44pm

re: #324 Page 3 in the Binder of Women

I just tweeted you. I just had to.

No worries...did it myself too.

331 darthstar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:44:06pm

re: #328 alpuz

Oh, stop it now.

Hey, I've got $20 on the Vikings to win the superbowl at 50:1. I'm not above betting on the shit. (and my vote last spring for the Giants to win the World Series --though only 12:1- paid off).

332 JamesWI  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:45:21pm

re: #331 darthstar

Hey, I've got $20 on the Vikings to win the superbowl at 50:1. I'm not above betting on the shit. (and my vote last spring for the Giants to win the World Series --though only 12:1- paid off).

You'd have a better chance getting that $20 back if you had flushed it down the toilet.

333 darthstar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:47:26pm
334 Targetpractice  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:47:55pm

Big question: Will the all important "gamer vote" be out there tomorrow, what with it being the release day for Halo 4?

335 darthstar  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:47:55pm

re: #332 JamesWI

You'd have a better chance getting that $20 back if you had flushed it down the toilet.

That's what I told myself about the Giants.

336 engineer cat  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:48:13pm

re: #325 SpaceJesus

that was a good obama talk

his speeches tonite will be the last he will ever give as a candidate, come what may

337 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Tears  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:49:33pm

re: #145 SpaceJesus

what is a knight doing at the battle of lepanto

Probably sinking and drowning since it was a sea battle.

338 aagcobb  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 8:55:11pm

re: #323 Lidane

It's nice to hear a rally where the good artists want their music played.

This should be Romney's campaign theme song; I would hope CCR would allow him to use it:

339 SteelGHAZI  Mon, Nov 5, 2012 11:36:00pm

re: #334 Targetpractice

The people getting Halo 4 are not old enough to vote.


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