Norquist Predicts a ‘Tea Party Second Wave,’ #Breitbart Commenters Want ‘Armed Insurrection’

As the angry wingnuts rage
Wingnuts • Views: 26,579

Today at we learn that we’re about to face yet another tsunami of old white people ranting about tyranny, dressing up like Lipton’s boxes and Revolutionary War soldiers, and demanding to see Obama’s birth certificate, because hold on your tricorne hats… Grover Norquist says a New, Larger ‘Tea Party Second Wave’ is Coming.

This will be massive.

“We are about to have a Tea Party second wave that will dwarf the first wave and that is because while ‘spend too much’ brought the Tea Party into existence, we’re about to walk into ‘spend too much, regulate too much, and tax too much,’ all together. It’s going to be a perfect storm of annoying government behavior, which is devastating to the economy, and I think the small business community which is particularly hit by Obama’s tax increases are going to lead the fight bigger, stronger, tougher than the last Tea Party.”

Meanwhile, some of the commenters at are especially cranky in this thread; popular themes include violent revolution, armed insurrection, and becoming “terrorests” (sic).

We have quit. Mitt won hands down & we did nothing. Whats left to do? Become a terrorest against our own country?


Don’t think we haven’t been branded terrorists of a sort already? We’re damned if we do and damned if we dont, so at this point, let’s give ‘em all a really, really, really good reason to lie about us some more.

I’m at the point where I don’t really give a damn about the 0bamabots anymore. They made their choice, let ‘em take the consequences. Any fight left in me is for my descendants and for my fellow patriots. I’m not going off the cliff with the lemmings, dammit.


Yes. Armed insurrection is a viable strategy.


Thats what had to be done to CREATE this nation to begin with.


If you study the numbers, nobody will ever be able to overtake the Santa Claus Party. It’s time to prepare for Revolution.


You’ll stand up, like a Man!, and call out the Left. Dammit people, you are human beings with UnAlienable rights. Don’t ever forget that. When they call you a racist, tell them to “go f*&k themselves”. If they call you a teabagger, pop em in the mouth once or twice and see if it continues. They are bullies, and when you challenge a bully, they roll over. Find your inner strength, don’t give up, and stick it to the Man dammit. Brietbart died for this. The least we could do is continue the good fight.


Your a whining weasel peace of feces , that needs to be flushed. TEA PARTY is a movement that is now desperate, the people who should be our allies(like you have left us with no ammo, no help) our moving over to the enemy. Tea Party has to dig in and start exposing spies and rhinos and traders


Looks like the time for talking and protesting is passed. Wake me up when the shooting starts. That is all that’s left. There is no negotiating with these Marxist thugs. We have two opposing philosophies in America and they simply CANNOT coexist. One of them has to go and go soon.


The bloodless communist coup, acorn, msm, Hussein lies, campaigns as a conservative. W.T.F happened, I am sick to my stomach. Where was everyone, the outrage over the S.C. decision, that woke up the sleeping giant? Cannot depend on the moms and pop patriots to come back, after being villified. Now I am ready for the military surrounging the white house and and arresting the lying seditious fraud in the W.H. A military coup if you will.


After all the parties comes the war. I’ll wait.


Teaparty’s first order of business would be to get Obama impeached for the Benghazi debacle. It wouldn’t matter who falls on the sword for Obama, the bottom line is the buck stop with Obama, he is the last person to order “stand down” or “go”. He should be impeached just for two weeks of lies and charade, miss leading Americans for political gain. Remember he saw the live feed in real time from the drones. His ambition caused the lives of four Americans. In my book he is an accomplice in the murders, he denied help and left them behind. I’m totally shock that there are not more outrage from the general public!!!!

Jump to bottom

1 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:18:08pm

I’m totally shock that there are not more outrage from the general public!!!!

2 researchok  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:18:39pm

Idiot Central.

3 Varek Raith  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:19:17pm

My name's Terrorest, Terrorest Gump.

4 researchok  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:19:22pm

re: #1 Charles Johnson

It's still early.

5 Mich-again  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:19:43pm
Tea Party has to dig in and start exposing spies and rhinos and traders


6 Mich-again  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:22:01pm

I like how these nuts pretend to be concerned about future Americans.. right after they say climate change is hooey and we need to get rid of the EPA and we should open up the National Parks for oil/gas development.

7 Shiplord Kirel  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:23:59pm

"peace of feces"

I don't even want to guess......

8 engineer cat  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:25:08pm

...We are about to have a Tea Party second wave that will dwarf the first wave and that is because while ‘spend too much’ 'you've given me a respectable way to say how much i hate brown people' brought the Tea Party into existence...

9 makeitstop  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:25:19pm

Remember he saw the live feed in real time from the drones.

* Headdesk *
* Headdesk *
* Headdesk *
* Headdesk *

10 Gus  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:27:49pm

Random capitalization. [x]

11 abolitionist  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:28:22pm

This 2nd wave will be the tee'd off party's last harrumph. Alvin Toffler has dibs on The Third Wave.

12 Lidane  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:29:02pm

Brietbart died for this. The least we could do is continue the good fight.

I thought Andrew Breitbart died of heart failure. Who knew that he was a martyr?

I think ascribing some sort of higher cause to the guy's death is disrespectful.

13 Shiplord Kirel  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:30:26pm

This is a pure example of fantasy ideology.

14 Mich-again  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:30:33pm

re: #12 Lidane

I thought Andrew Breitbart died of heart failure. Who knew that he was a martyr?

I think ascribing some sort of higher cause to the guy's death is disrespectful.

Don Henley said this.. You keep carrying that anger, it'll eat you up inside.

15 abolitionist  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:30:44pm

His ambition caused the lives of four Americans.

16 makeitstop  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:30:49pm

re: #10 Gus

Random capitalization. [x]

I especially liked 'UnAlienable rights.'

17 ProGunLiberal  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:31:59pm

re: #15 abolitionist

Okay somebody make the obvious joke please.

18 engineer cat  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:32:36pm

re: #1 Charles Johnson

I’m totally shock that there are not more outrage from the general public!!!!

sigh... i just have to put it down to the all american tradition of immigrants becoming rapidly assimilated into american society, even if it has to be as a newly minted wingnut

19 Varek Raith  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:33:02pm

wHat ABUncH oF MoRAns1.

20 Gus  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:34:52pm

re: #16 makeitstop

I especially liked 'UnAlienable rights.'

I like "wake me up when the shooting starts." What's he going to be doing? Sleeping? Typically when you make a comment like that you're making fun of the sentiment.

21 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:35:14pm

I notice that while there are still some rants about Benghazi, it's pretty much off the radar now, as even the most frenzied wingnuts realize it's a nothing-burger.

22 calochortus  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:36:12pm

re: #13 Shiplord Kirel

This is a pure example of fantasy ideology.


23 Gus  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:36:17pm

Plus, you would think Norquist's comments would be good news for these blockheads. Instead they react with crazed anarchy.

24 Kaessa  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:36:44pm

Now I'm wondering if the wingnuts in my family are ranting like this on facebook.

Good thing I deleted my FB account, now I don't have to go check and raise my blood pressure in the process.

25 RadicalModerate  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:37:39pm

How long before one of these idiots decide to emulate the militia-inspired violence from the 1990s, which didn't get a full crackdown until the terroristic acts of Timothy Mc Veigh and Eric Rudolph occurred (and subseqently prosecuted)?

I'm predicting sometime in the next six months.

It's also worth mentioning that Grover Norquist was an inspiration to the nutjobs back then as well.

26 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:37:44pm

If they call you a teabagger, pop em in the mouth once or twice and see if it continues.

Yeah, just punch the fucker's lights out! Be a man!

27 stabby  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:38:34pm

They're just angry that the party that won the election is full of the sort of people who can spell.

28 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:40:13pm

I was wondering - a "terrorest?" Is that like a cup-holder, but for bombs?

29 TedStriker  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:40:57pm

re: #27 stabby

They're just angry that the party that won the election is full of the sort of people who can spell.

Yes, educated people.

The kind of people they (the more crazed Teabillies/Freepers) wish and fantasize they could put up against the wall.

/an all-expenses paid Holiday in Cambodia

30 Varek Raith  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:43:36pm

re: #26 Charles Johnson

Yeah, just punch the fucker's lights out! Be a man!

Couch Warriors.

31 Gus  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:44:06pm

re: #26 Charles Johnson

Yeah, just punch the fucker's lights out! Be a man!

Be a man! Go to jail. //

32 Shiplord Kirel  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:45:21pm

Among other things, the tea party qualifies as a fantasy ideology because it reduces the "other" to a mere prop, an object rather than a subject. The purpose is not to change the other's behavior but to validate the fantasy ideologists themselves. This is why TPers have so little ability to identify the real left, and why they seem not to care. Who the hell was Eugene Debs, and why should we bother finding out, when we have Obama right here to play the role of Marxist villain?
In their own minds, the enactment of their ideology transforms who they are. They are not a mob of hinterland losers, but courageous freedom fighters, more pure and noble than their moonbat neighbors. They are not dimwits who failed to excel in school, but heroic individualists who were victimized for their refusal to conform to a collectivist educational system. When their little enterprises struggle, they are not inept business people, but the entrepreneurial victims of collectivist theft. Their guns are not psycho-sexual toys but real and necessary expressions of their power and strength.

33 TedStriker  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:45:40pm

re: #30 Varek Raith

Couch Warriors.

The 101st Chairborne.

34 stabby  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:45:56pm

re: #29 TedStriker

I used to say it a lot, that the Tea Party (and the sort of people who listen to Glen Beck) aren't really a right wing cause, it's a revolt of the stupid against not only the rule of people smarter and less ignorant than they are, but against any policy that isn't stupid enough for them to have come up with it themselves.

In the economic downturn they felt like their suffering must be a sign that they were being taken advantage of, and in a sense they were right. They were just way too stupid to figure out who takes advantage of them and how. That knowledge is the sort of thing that could only come from those educated people that they decided must be the problem

35 engineer cat  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:46:00pm

this is my favorite

I totally agree with your post! The Tea Party may be America's only chance to put someone in office 2016.'

GOP has RINO's in their ranks. Tea Party has enimies lurking in their orgainization as well.

Both parties need to do a covert operation to remove these traitors

also, i'm no longer sure if i'm not my own enimmie

36 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:47:38pm

re: #13 Shiplord Kirel

This is a pure example of fantasy ideology.

Looks like a good article but to me there is more than a bit of the sound of post WWI europe to their complaints. It's especially appalling to draw a comparison between the sides in Spain in the early 30's before Franco made his move. That we haven't seen anything comparable out of these nitwits has more to do with how deeply ingrained the democratic process is in Americans as well as civilian control of the military.

I still wonder when the first of them will snap violently. Perhaps after the Electoral College meets and finalizes the election?

37 engineer cat  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:47:41pm

re: #32 Shiplord Kirel

double upding!

38 engineer cat  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:48:58pm

re: #32 Shiplord Kirel

to play the role of Marxist villain?

you mean "Marxest"

39 stabby  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:49:25pm

re: #32 Shiplord Kirel

It's just Bircher nonsense. It's nothing new.

40 Mich-again  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:50:31pm

re: #35 engineer cat

The GOP has rhinos and the Tea Party has anemones.. Good to see they've been watching animul plannet.

41 austin_blue  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:51:33pm


Kasandra Perkins was killed by Jovan Belcher this morning. They had a 3 month old child. Belcher is a linebacker for the Kansas City Chiefs. Kasandra, whose mom witnessed her murder, was a graduate of Anderson High School here in Austin.

My deepest condolences to all involved. Tragic and horrible.

42 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:52:33pm

re: #32 Shiplord Kirel

As a leftist, it's always entertaining to me to see the utter lack of knowledge about leftist thinking - especially since it tends to expose a lack of knowledge in other areas like economics in general. I wonder how many of the teabaggers have actually read Adam Smith, for example?

And sometimes the lack of interest in learning about reality comes closer to home. Trolls do that, especially in the mornings around here...

43 researchok  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:52:51pm

re: #32 Shiplord Kirel

They are not dimwits who failed to excel in school, but heroic individualists who were victimized

The making of Martyrs and Patriots.

Works every time.

44 stabby  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:54:36pm

Any "tea party" that doesn't have actual tea is sick.

re: #42 William Barnett-Lewis

I'm sure they think that any economics that they can't find in the Bible must be wrong anyway.

45 Achilles Tang  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:54:57pm

There is possibly worse at worlnutdaily. Their prime nutcase Corsi thinks the "trolls" (meaning sane critics) are paid by someone to post. One person had the handle "paidtroll". They use the word Freedom constantly, but they censor anyone that offends the insanity by banning them without warning. That happened to me a while ago when I suggested that a religious fanatic calling for death to homosexuals and praising Uganda worshiped a psychotic god.

These sites really are populated by sick minds, not just ignorant ones although ignorance is certainly the common factor, after nastiness.

I do hope that the FBI reads this stuff regularly because I am sure that a great many of these calls for violence are serious.

46 TedStriker  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:56:00pm

re: #41 austin_blue


Kasandra Perkins was killed by Jovan Belcher this morning. They had a 3 month old child. Belcher is was a linebacker for the Kansas City Chiefs. Kasandra, whose mom witnessed her murder, was a graduate of Anderson High School here in Austin.

My deepest condolences to all involved. Tragic and horrible.

FTFY, since after shooting Perkins, Belcher drove to the Chiefs' practice field and committed suicide in front of the head coach, GM, and other team employees while they were trying to talk him down.


47 jaunte  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:56:09pm

re: #9 makeitstop

Remember he saw the live feed in real time from the drones.

* Headdesk *
* Headdesk *
* Headdesk *
* Headdesk *


48 TedStriker  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:57:22pm


49 stabby  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 3:58:53pm

re: #47 jaunte

Before long the Republican version of Benghazi will be that Obama put on Sauron's ring and was in the compound, invisible, during the attack.

And this version will be mentioned on the floor of the House, just after Glen Beck pushes it and it gets on all the wingnut blogs.

50 austin_blue  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:01:01pm

re: #46 TedStriker

FTFY, since after shooting Perkins, Belcher drove to the Chiefs' practice field and committed suicide in front of the head coach, GM, and other team employees while they were trying to talk him down.


Correct. In front of his head coach, his GM, and the Defensive Coordinator.

51 Hercules Grytpype-Thynne  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:01:22pm

re: #15 abolitionist

His ambition caused the lives of four Americans.

See? Maybe he really is The One!

52 jaunte  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:03:16pm

re: #13 Shiplord Kirel

This is a pure example of fantasy ideology.

Good point. It's not about reality, it's about feelings.

"...Although we were both opposed to the Vietnam War, we discovered that we differed considerably on what counted as permissible forms of anti-war protest. To me the point of such protest was simple — to turn people against the war. Hence anything that was counterproductive to this purpose was politically irresponsible and should be severely censured. My friend thought otherwise; in fact, he was planning to join what by all accounts was to be a massively disruptive demonstration in Washington, and which in fact became one.

My friend did not disagree with me as to the likely counterproductive effects of such a demonstration. Instead, he argued that this simply did not matter. His answer was that even if it was counterproductive, even if it turned people against war protesters, indeed even if it made them more likely to support the continuation of the war, he would still participate in the demonstration and he would do so for one simple reason — because it was, in his words, good for his soul.

What I saw as a political act was not, for my friend, any such thing. It was not aimed at altering the minds of other people or persuading them to act differently. Its whole point was what it did for him."

53 Romantic Heretic  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:04:51pm
If they call you a teabagger, pop em in the mouth once or twice and see if it continues.

Try it, buddy. You'll never make a woman happy again. Personally I doubt you can climb the stairs from your mom's basement.

54 stabby  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:04:58pm

re: #52 jaunte

"good for his soul?"

Is that a euphemism for "will get me laid?"

55 biorabbi  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:18:09pm

I'm conservative on taxes and support a strong defense, but strongly support gay marriage, marijuana legalization et al. There is no place in the Republican party for my ilk. The party of Buckley has become the no-nothing party that despises science and hates(and/or laughs)at gays.

President Obama has served as a lightening rod to speed up the mutant zombie takedown of the Republican brand, culling it's own like Lugar for not being deranged in support of 'godly' tea baggers.

I'm especially disgusted by the meme Obama hates Israel because he is a secret, secret Muslim, but kills UBL and drones swarms of Muslims, who will throw Israel under the bus after the election, and will cap it all off by a full blown Muslim Brotherhood takeover of the White House. But there is silence among the Obama bashers with the recent US vote against Palestine in the UN and Obama's vocal support of Israel in her time of actual need(during the Gaza war). I guess Obama will really, really turn gangster against Israel after his third term?

56 Shiplord Kirel  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:19:32pm

re: #39 stabby

It's just Bircher nonsense. It's nothing new.

Indeed, there is nothing new or original in tea party thinking. These ideas have been percolating through the fringe right at least since the 1950s, and some since the time of FDR. My copy of the JBS "bible," The Hidden Hand, dates from 1977 but reads like a Tea Party primer. It's all there: The Federal Reserve and the gold standard, welfare bums as a purchased constituency, Marxist plotters and agents of influence in academia, government regulation as part of a unified and hidden agenda, and elitist manipulators in the media. The only thing that is new is the magnitude of their influence over mainstream politics. Even that is not entirely new- Bircher support has always figured in at least some Republican candidacies- but the far right has never before managed to bring the party as a whole to disaster and the brink of extinction. That is a very real possibility now. The final result will depend on the outcome of a struggle for dominance that will unfold over the next four years.

57 kingbad  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:20:27pm

This whole Tea Party "movement" is simply the fault of mental health "reformers" who closed the institutions in the Sixties and Seventies. Most of the teabaggers, in an earlier generation, would have spent their golden years safely locked away, ranting at the walls. Instead, they are mainstreamed among the confusing wider world of people who are smarter, more capable, and less disturbed than themselves. It must be terrifying for them.

58 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:24:34pm

Yesterday at work I was subjected to a one-man show by a corporate VIP (let's call him "Bob") who, under the guise of congratulating a particular person on 40 years of employment with the company, managed to editorialize for about 15 minutes about "environmentalists" opposing the Alaskan Pipeline, and Jimmy Carter "pardoning all the draft dodgers", the shooting of George Wallace, the Major League Baseball strike, Nixon's heroic China visit, St. Ronald Reagan's pardon of Merle Haggard, and several other things that variously did and did not happen anywhere in the vicinity of 1972. He also made some half-assed comment about Obama's 5th grade class photo.

I found it annoying if not quite offensive, because I think politics and religion should not be discussed in the workplace. I would have been just as annoyed if he'd delivered a sermon with which I agreed entirely. This was a guy I previously thought of as a consummate by-the-book dispassionate professional. To see him perform The "Bob" Show, Starring "Bob" and the Musical Poetry of His Opinions was disconcerting.

59 stabby  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:27:15pm

re: #57 kingbad

This whole Tea Party "movement" is simply the fault of mental health "reformers" who closed the institutions in the Sixties and Seventies. Most of the teabaggers, in an earlier generation, would have spent their golden years safely locked away, ranting at the walls. Instead, they are mainstreamed among the confusing wider world of people who are smarter, more capable, and less disturbed than themselves. It must be terrifying for them.

I'm sure it is terrifying to be Glen Beck, and even Rush Limbaugh had a moment of terror, being arrested with a suitcase full of Viagra in the Dominican Republic. The horror of visiting those whores without his drugs!

No wonder he had to scream "slut" into the mike 1000 times a day when he got back.

60 stabby  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:32:23pm

The point I forgot to mention, is that it sure is profitable to be a right wing nutcase, at least a public one.

You know, given citizen's united I also suspect that running for office becomes a wonderful profit center, even or especially for those who lose. Remember Palin taking the rubes' cash long after she knew she wasn't really gonna run?

When spreading bullshit in politics is profitable, maybe making it about policy can get lost in the shuffle. For instance, does Fox news make as much money if Republicans win as if they lose?

61 wrenchwench  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:33:18pm

re: #57 kingbad

Greetings, hatchling.

62 engineer cat  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:37:54pm

re: #60 stabby

The point I forgot to mention, is that it sure is profitable to be a right wing nutcase, at least a public one.

You know, given citizen's united I also suspect that running for office becomes a wonderful profit center, even or especially for those who lose. Remember Palin taking the rubes' cash long after she knew she wasn't really gonna run?

When spreading bullshit in politics is profitable, maybe making it about policy can get lost in the shuffle. For instance, does Fox new make as much money if Republicans win as if they lose?

even if republicans were in control of all branches of government, there would still be a market for re-explaining reality to make it conform to the wingnut's ideological universe

63 kingbad  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:38:54pm

re: #61 wrenchwench

Thank you; glad to be here!

64 Dr Lizardo  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:47:04pm

re: #34 stabby

The Tea Party is Day of the Locusts come to life.

65 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:55:58pm

re: #15 abolitionist

His ambition caused the lives of four Americans.

That's funny. What actually killed those Americans was a murderous bunch of Islamists. Breitbart fans seem to think that we had armed support we could have sent to Benghazi and that support would have been certain to save the day.

The flaw in that argument is that the terrorists assaulting the consulate had already used RPG-7s and we knew that Libya had hundreds of Man-Portable (MANPADS) SAMs that had not been accounted for. To have seen helicopters in blind like that would have been to risk even greater losses. But of course, would have blamed those losses on Obama as well.

[shakes head sadly]

66 stabby  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 4:57:43pm

re: #64 Dr Lizardo

I don't know that one.

How about the Blue Meanies from Yellow Submarine? Newt Gingritch has the temperament to be be Glovey if not the power.

(now we'll see if the embed can handle a time code)

67 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 5:06:03pm

re: #66 stabby

I don't know that one.

How about the Blue Meanies from Yellow Submarine? Newt Gingritch has the temperament to be be Glovey if not the power.

(now we'll see if the embed can handle a time code)

[Embedded content]

Newt's more of a leader/ideas man though, not really a shock trooper like the Glove.

68 jamesfirecat  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 5:27:11pm

re: #66 stabby

I don't know that one.

How about the Blue Meanies from Yellow Submarine? Newt Gingritch has the temperament to be be Glovey if not the power.

(now we'll see if the embed can handle a time code)

[Embedded content]

Norquest only takes lower taxes for an answer, do you understand?

Lower Taxes?


69 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 5:37:19pm

What is their exit strategy here? What are these disinformation peddlers going to do when their gravy train disappears along with civil society, the rule of law, and the American system of Democracy?

As the rhetoric they purposefully foster grows more and more heated and closer to reality do they never stop fondling their bank account statements long enough to consider what the final outcome would be?

They are right about one thing, only one side will "win" in the end, only it will not be theirs, and the "winners" will inherit a badly damaged country that will be marginalized on the world stage. If they think things are bad now they have not seen anything yet compared to what it will be like if they follow thru on their fantasies.

These people aren't pundits, they are fuckwits, too stupid to realize that they are advocating their own dissolution.

70 funky chicken  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 5:51:54pm

re: #56 Shiplord Kirel

Maybe the next 2 years. I know people here have written that the GOP could pick up seats in the House in 2014, but if they remain slaves to the Norquist pledge and the majority of Americans suffer just so the super-wealthy can keep their tax cuts, I just don't see that being popular with voters.

71 stabby  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 5:55:27pm

re: #69 watching you tiny alien kittens are

Exit strategy for Grover Norquest and the other plutocrats manipulating the GOP to try to bring taxes on the super rich down to nothing? This

72 stabby  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 5:59:40pm

re: #69 watching you tiny alien kittens are

Also I don't buy that these people are going to destroy the country. Their only advantage is jerrymandering that gives the house to them, despite their ever shrinking minority status.

Their future is one of shrinking forever while the country slowly gets over their existence.

73 engineer cat  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 6:09:28pm

re: #70 funky chicken

Maybe the next 2 years. I know people here have written that the GOP could pick up seats in the House in 2014, but if they remain slaves to the Norquist pledge and the majority of Americans suffer just so the super-wealthy can keep their tax cuts, I just don't see that being popular with voters.

iirc, newt managed to defy history and lead republicans to lose seats in clinton's 2nd midterm

unless the gop un-teabags itself, it may well pull off the same trick, and it shows no sign as of this week that it will disenchant itself

74 stabby  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 6:09:45pm

Well actually, the Republicans could easily win if they changed what they stand for to something more mainstream. If they could accept 21st century America, they'd be a force to contend with.

It's entirely their own fault that they're doomed. Given Fox and the internet crying forums and moron pundits and using Bircher crap as their excuse for opposing Obama, people who hate America have flipped themselves into control of the Republican party. Right wing hatred for everyone is now how one defines Republicanism. If you don't hate, you're a RINO.

Hating America their self-definition which precludes them from winning national elections.

75 stabby  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 6:16:18pm

Republicans have decided that they'd rather destroy the country than cooperate on governing, and then they can't understand why people don't like or trust them. They will rule alone or scorch the earth. Their immaturity is breathtaking, but it's an attitude that seems to be driven from the bottom. Find anyone on an Republican forum who talks like a sane adult - no intelligent, well balanced person will show up there. Their are sane Republicans but they distance themselves from the party and the base... They're embarrassed by their own party.

76 BongCrodny  Sat, Dec 1, 2012 8:08:05pm
Tea Party has to dig in and start exposing spies and rhinos and traders

This might just be the best comment I have ever read on the internet.

77 mikec6666  Sun, Dec 2, 2012 10:10:49am

They will take up arms until the SS checks stop coming and Medicare stops paying for their drugs. The insurrection will last no more than 30 days, and there will be no fighting after 7PM, at which time they'll be asleep. Also, chow will be at 4 PM, no later goddamn it!

78 glnmruser  Sun, Dec 2, 2012 3:34:39pm

These are angry people, but they have as much to lose as anyone. The myth of "revolution" is just that- a total myth. You still cherish the Suburban, you still love the house and the gun collection, the swimming pool. It turns out that the most radical of the "revolutionaries" are overweight, red-box using, dominoes buying, Americans. Yes they have guns, but they are not that stupid- they know that there current world is more important. Once you dive into a mega meat-double cheese pie- things get better.

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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