GOP “Rebranding” Watch: Some Republicans Support Gay Marriage, RW Base Goes Nuts

Way out of the mainstream
Politics • Views: 23,877

The New York Times headline says the Republicans who signed a legal brief arguing in favor of same sex marriage are “prominent,” but in fact this is a very marginal group that includes no one in a real position of power.

WASHINGTON — Dozens of prominent Republicans — including top advisers to former President George W. Bush, four former governors and two members of Congress — have signed a legal brief arguing that gay people have a constitutional right to marry, a position that amounts to a direct challenge to Speaker John A. Boehner and reflects the civil war in the party since the November election.

The document will be submitted this week to the Supreme Court in support of a suit seeking to strike down Proposition 8, a California ballot initiative barring same-sex marriage, and all similar bans. The court will hear back-to-back arguments next month in that case and another pivotal gay rights case that challenges the 1996 federal Defense of Marriage Act.

The Proposition 8 case already has a powerful conservative supporter: Theodore B. Olson, the former solicitor general under Mr. Bush and one of the suit’s two lead lawyers. The amicus, or friend-of-the-court, brief is being filed with Mr. Olson’s blessing. It argues, as he does, that same-sex marriage promotes family values by allowing children of gay couples to grow up in two-parent homes, and that it advances conservative values of “limited government and maximizing individual freedom.”

So how do you imagine the right wing base is going to respond to this attempt at a “rebranding” scam? If you answered, “With a torrent of bigotry and hatred,” you win!

Let’s check out Hot Air, which is supposed to be a “socially centrist” right wing blog. How are the commenters responding to Allahpundit’s weak endorsement of this legal brief? Well, there are a very few people supporting this initiative, but by far the majority of the comments are like these:

Yay, now maybe NAMBLA will send some bucks toward the GOP.


The Vichy Right.


Many prminent Republicans are out of touch with their consituency in America’s Heartland.


May each and every one of them be sent packing their bags come next election.

We are not fooled. We know darn well what’s really at stake is religious liberty, not a few members of the buggery brigade with self-inflicted butthurt (in more ways than one) being unable to have their relationship sanctioned by the state.


The Republican party is dead.


Caligula’s horse apporves.


This is one area where I have to give Russia credit. They know how to deal with their perverts over there.


These people can not be considered Republicans in any sense…

The GOP is not a conservative party… it’s an imperialist party… and grassroots national security conservatives and capitalist conservatives have aided this transition… and I want nothing to do with it anymore.


The end goal of the SSM crowd isn’t SSM, it’s to force acceptance of homosexuality by those who regard it as unnatural an immoral. Government sanctioned SSM will give rise to government sanctioned bullying, suing, discrimination, etc. of religious people and organizations who refuse to give homosexual relationships the moral equivalence they demand.

This isn’t about equal rights, its about forcing people to accept something against their will or to STFU if they won’t accept.


“RINO” is too nice a word for those “Republicans”. Supporting this kind of approach to gay marriage is absolutely against what Republicans should stand for.


If gay marriage was about who you love, “gay” would be synonymous with “homoLOVEuality” not “homoSEXuality”. It’s about men having sex with men. It’s unhealthy, perverted, mutual masturbation. It’s responsible for the country’s AIDS epidemic. Isn’t there some sensible person who’ll stand up and call it for what it is? I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, but, this is a major cultural shift, redefining the word “marriage”, for everyone, for all time. For our children, in our religious institutions, in every formal and informal social circle we inhabit. Let’s not gloss over what we’re talking about.


Jesus weeps.


Yes, in modern America, all prominence comes from helping obama destroy America, because, as we all know, by its very nature, America is bad, and must be transformed.


Should homosexual men be allowed to “marry” 11 year old boys? The Founders didn’t deem it necessary to put in the Constitution that men can’t marry other men or 11 year old boys. Ruth Bader Ginsburg feels the age of consent should be 11. The only basis in the future on which you prevent homosexual men from marrying 11 year old foreign orphan boys is that it shocks the conscious of the majority and the majority won’t allow it. What shocks your conscious is irrelevant to the sort of people who Democrats promote to the bench.


Come on, people. You are going to have to step it up if a comment is going to be reposted at LGF. NONE of these comments are hateful enough!


Oh how cute, the little corn-pone faggot accusing me of being a closet pervert. Maybe we talk about it because that’s what they DO, you knuckle-dragging bumpkin.


There is no such thing as gay pretend marriage. You idiots cannot just redefine anything you want and then try and claim that it was always defined like that. Of course, you leftist scum specialize in tearing language apart and leaving nothing but meaningless utterances and a disheveled syntax, reflections of your fevered minds.

Gay pretend marriage is not illegal in various states, the perversion of the language just doesn’t exist in those states any more than marriage of a man and a car exists.


No one really cares what lesbians do. Lesbianism is a big nothing-burger. Lesbianism is just pathetic but not much of an affront to sensibilities - except for bull dykes doing some ridiculous imitations of what they think is manly behavior. They are sort of offensive, though kind of funny.


There is still no such thing as gay pretend marriage. If you find a gene for homosexual attraction (and I have little doubt that there is, though much homosexuality is environmental and a matter of “fashion” among the leftist perverts) then you’ll also find one for pedophilia. Are you advocating for pedophiles to be “legalized” and marriages to 5 year olds sanctioned because some screwed-up chromosomes might support that? I’m sure you do, because you are a brain-dead leftist who is out to do nothing but tear civilization down and return the Earth to slime, your biological peers.


Does anyone other than Allahpundit give a damn what his buddy David Frum thinks (about anything)?


These people can not be considered Republicans in any sense…

The GOP is not a conservative party… it’s an imperialist party… and grassroots national security conservatives and capitalist conservatives have aided this transition… and I want nothing to do with it anymore.


Isn’t it just hilarious that sexual deviancy not only goes against any moral system worth speaking of, but even against the most basic Darwinian concepts which liberals tout as superior to creation?

If a “gay gene” existed (which is does not), it would be DE-volution, a step backward by evolutionary standards, because it went 180 degrees against continuation of the species! How crazy is that?


The headline should read.Dozens of prominent elite Rinos sign supreme court brief.


Isn’t it funny how even a straight-forward discussion of homosexuality leads to the use of terms which are totally accurate, but still trigger decency filters?


It may be ants that eat at the body of liberty, but give the ants long enough, enough methods of attack, and enough ants the body of liberty will be eaten.

Cut off the ant trails to the body of liberty and you have less ant bites.

On and on and on it goes. I guess this rebranding thing is harder than it looks.

And remember, this is at the right wing site that’s supposed to be socially centrist. I don’t have the stomach for it, but if you really want to see the right wing base freely expressing itself, check out Free Republic. Just be sure to wear your HazMat suit.

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1 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:15:17am

To me what was troubling was that only two of the seventy five Republicans who signed the document are currently elected legislators on the national level. All the others are former officeholders or officeseekers including some like Meg Whitman who actually ran as opponents of gay marriage. I do applaud those who signed but it would be nice to see this courage when actually dealing with the Republican electorate which as your link to Instadpundit shows are still very ignorant on this issue. It’s going to take a lot for the Republican/conservative electorate to realize that gays are entitled to the same civil rights under the law as straight couples. It took the South that long with African Americans.
Edited: Meg Whitman was never elected but rather ran for governor of California.

2 Kragar (Antichrist )  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:16:25am

The GOP doesn’t give a damn about anyone other than rich white heterosexual Christian men.

3 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:17:33am
Isn’t it just hilarious that sexual deviancy not only goes against any moral system worth speaking of, but even against the most basic Darwinian concepts which liberals tout as superior to creation?

I love it when someone shows their absolute lack of understanding of Darwinianism.

Homosexuality exists in nature. It absolutely has to be “Darwinian”. Even if it isn’t fully genetically determined, phenotype is also Darwinian.


4 iossarian  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:19:13am

re: #1 HappyWarrior

To me what was troubling was that only two of the seventy five Republicans who signed the document are currently elected legislators on the national level.

This. Two congressmen. Two!

And then a bunch of retreads and so-right-of-center-he’s-practically-a-democrat Jon Huntsman.

5 iossarian  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:19:53am

The Republican party moves away from bigotry and hatred*.

* Except it doesn’t really.

6 lawhawk  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:20:53am
The list of signers includes a string of Republican officials and influential thinkers — 75 as of Monday evening — who are not ordinarily associated with gay rights advocacy, including some who are speaking out for the first time and others who have changed their previous positions.

Among them are Meg Whitman, who supported Proposition 8 when she ran for California governor; Representatives Ileana Ros-Lehtinen of Florida and Richard Hanna of New York; Stephen J. Hadley, a Bush national security adviser; Carlos Gutierrez, a commerce secretary to Mr. Bush; James B. Comey, a top Bush Justice Department official; David A. Stockman, President Ronald Reagan’s first budget director; and Deborah Pryce, a former member of the House Republican leadership from Ohio who is retired from Congress.

Former governors - who are no longer in office, other politicians who were in policy positions for prior administrations, but are currently out of the current GOP leadership structure, and only a handful of people who are currently in office somewhere.

It would be different if someone like Laura Bush or Dick Cheney signed on with this particular document, as they have the kind of national import, but the real indication of just how off the rails the GOP is is the reaction to even this current group of 75.

They’re being treated as though they’re getting excommunicated. The party faithful have no use for them, and feel free to indulge in all manner of hateful rhetoric towards those who support gay marriage.

7 Ghost of Tom Joad  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:21:03am

Ah yes, that horrible fear the hyper-conservatives have that somebody they hate could possibly be happy or successful. Just like the hatred toward FLOTUS for her appearance at the Oscars, and now their hatred towards gays/lesbians/TGs, they’re terrified that somebody they think is beneath them either racially, socially, or sexually could possibly be happy or successful.

I truly pity these people. Don’t hate them, pity them and their small minds. They’re not worthy of your hatred.

8 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:21:20am

re: #4 iossarian

This. Two congressmen. Two!

And then a bunch of retreads and so-right-of-center-he’s-practically-a-democrat Jon Huntsman.

A bunch of people who frankly won’t be shaping policy for the next Republican administration. Really, you know what’s insane to me is the fact that Gerald Ford who would be 100 this July was more progressive minded than most Republicans are on this issue. Really, as much as we want to think that this issue is generational and frankly a lot of it is, a lot of it has to do with the new right mentality that took over the GOP when the Christian Right got brought into the party and that’s something that hasn’t changed with the Tea Party. Hell, the Tea Party Republicans are even more socially conservative than the older Republicans.

9 Gus  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:22:06am

Oh jeez. The neo-Darwinist attempts arguing against homosexuality are pathetic.

10 Vicious Babushka  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:22:39am

Here’s Bryan Fischer, in a spectacularly disgusting homophobic Godwin FAIL

11 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:23:06am

re: #10 Vicious Babushka

Here’s Bryan Fischer, in a spectacularly disgusting homophobic Godwin FAIL

That makes me violently angry, it really does.

12 Vicious Babushka  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:23:44am


13 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:23:55am

re: #9 Gus

Oh jeez. The neo-Darwinist attempts arguing against homosexuality are pathetic.

It’s like they think that anything that doesn’t help you in particular spurt out a baby isn’t “Darwinian”.

14 Targetpractice  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:24:11am

I imagine this is what we’d have seen had the Internet existed during the Civil Rights movement and the lead-up to Loving v. Virginia.

15 Vicious Babushka  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:24:31am
16 Ghost of Tom Joad  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:24:47am

re: #10 Vicious Babushka

Here’s Bryan Fischer, in a spectacularly disgusting homophobic Godwin FAIL

Kinda weird, because they hated and gassed the gays too. Therefore if you hate the gays and gay marriage…you want to gas them…therefore…

Loathsome idiot.

17 Kragar (Antichrist )  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:25:08am

re: #10 Vicious Babushka

Here’s Bryan Fischer, in a spectacularly disgusting homophobic Godwin FAIL

What a disgusting no talent ass clown.

18 Shiplord Kirel  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:25:16am

A reminder: Ted Olson, who authored the brief, was the husband of conservative commentator Barbara Olson. She was one of those murdered on Flight 77 when terrorists crashed it into the Pentagon on 9-11-01.

19 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:25:23am

Really if you think that a gay couple getting their marriage official by law is anything like the Holocaust, you’re not only a moron, you’re a terrible person who could care less about the victims of the Holocaust and tyranny. Bryan Fischer says a lot of stupid shit but this one takes the prize. What does it say about a man that he thinks the lesson of the Third Reich is that it’s okay to persecute gay people.

20 Targetpractice  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:25:24am

re: #13 Glenn Beck’s Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut

It’s like they think that anything that doesn’t help you in particular spurt out a baby isn’t “Darwinian”.

But Lord help you if you suggest that boner pills are not part of God’s design.

21 Charles Johnson  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:26:56am

I especially enjoyed this comment:

Come on, people. You are going to have to step it up if a comment is going to be reposted at LGF. NONE of these comments are hateful enough!

They don’t even see it.

22 Bulworth  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:27:38am
Isn’t it just hilarious that sexual deviancy not only goes against any moral system worth speaking of,

Still waiting for a wingnut answer as to why teh gay is “wrong”….

23 Targetpractice  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:27:49am

re: #15 Vicious Babushka

Some say God of Bible gives people right to make choices. I agree. That’s what homosexuality is all about, sexual CHOICES.

Science would disagree, but seeing that requires you to take that beam out of your eye first.

24 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:27:59am

re: #18 Shiplord Kirel

A reminder: Ted Olson, who authored the brief, was the husband of conservative commentator Barbara Olson. She was one of those murdered on Flight 77 when terrorists crashed it into the Pentagon on 9-11-01.

Yeah, I didn’t like her. I remember some of the Freepers saying he disgraced her name by working with David Boles against Prop 8. Frankly, this really gave me a positive impression of Olson. I think there was another surprisingly progressive think he fought for recently too. Anyhow, I know I disagree on most matters with Ted Olson but I am glad he’s been a prominent conservative voice for gay marriage. Ah it was Park 51 and it was Park 51 that they said he disgraced her name for.

25 Targetpractice  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:28:28am

re: #22 Bulworth

Still waiting for a wingnut answer as to why teh gay is “wrong”….

Because it makes them feel “icky” that the “manly man” they’ve been hanging around with has a taste for other men.

26 Gus  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:28:44am

re: #18 Shiplord Kirel

A reminder: Ted Olson, who authored the brief, was the husband of conservative commentator Barbara Olson. She was one of those murdered on Flight 77 when terrorists crashed it into the Pentagon on 9-11-01.

Also Bush v. Gore. :D

27 Lidane  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:30:36am

re: #18 Shiplord Kirel

A reminder: Ted Olson, who authored the brief, was the husband of conservative commentator Barbara Olson. She was one of those murdered on Flight 77 when terrorists crashed it into the Pentagon on 9-11-01.

Olson is more than that. He was St. Reagan’s legal counsel during the Iran-Contra investigations, was Dubya’s lawyer in Bush v. Gore, and was Bush’s solicitor general until 2004.

He also helped found the Federalist Society, was on the board at American Spectator, and helped Paul Ryan in his VP debate prep by being Joe Biden. The guy’s hardly a pinko commie.

28 Gus  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:31:38am

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. :D

29 Kragar (Antichrist )  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:32:57am

Fischer: ‘There Is No Right to Engage in Immoral Behavior’

In fact, Fischer argued, since all rights come from God, “no law can give you a right to do something that is immoral” and thus “there is no right to engage in immoral behavior”:

Crom has no problem with gay marriage, therefore it is moral.

30 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:33:23am

But the presence of so many well-known former officials — including Christine Todd Whitman, former governor of New Jersey, and William Weld and Jane Swift, both former governors of Massachusetts — suggests that once Republicans are out of public life they feel freer to speak out against the party’s official platform, which calls for amending the Constitution to define marriage as “the union of one man and one woman.”
I think this is the problem right here. Really, I think it’s wonderful that this was done but as I said above, I’m struck how only two currently elected Republicans signed this. Two. And most of the other signers are guys like Olson who are pretty much done with public life.

31 Ghost of Tom Joad  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:33:24am

re: #28 Gus

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. :D

Because you never know, it might be what’s for dinner.

32 Targetpractice  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:34:12am

re: #29 Kragar (Antichrist )

Fischer: ‘There Is No Right to Engage in Immoral Behavior’

Crom has no problem with gay marriage, therefore it is moral.

Who is this “God” character he keeps talking about?

33 Gus  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:34:23am

re: #31 Ghost of Tom Joad

Because you never know, it might be what’s for dinner.

In the shape of meatballs. //

34 Kragar (Antichrist )  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:34:43am

re: #28 Gus

Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth. :D

How do you know if its full of Greeks then?

35 allegro  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:34:46am

I notice that it’s by vast majority Republicans who are not currently in office signing on to this since those in office or hoping to be in the future can’t afford to. It certainly says nothing positive about the current GOP leadership/office holders. By the response, it will change nothing going forward in the near future, i.e. ‘til the knuckle-draggers die off.

36 Lidane  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:35:30am

re: #29 Kragar (Antichrist )

Fischer: ‘There Is No Right to Engage in Immoral Behavior’

If I’m reading his idiot logic correctly, free will doesn’t exist in Fischer’s world.

37 allegro  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:36:05am

re: #36 Lidane

If I’m reading his idiot logic correctly, free will doesn’t exist in Fischer’s world.

Nothing exists in Fischer’s world except Fischer and his sick thoughts and opinions.

38 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:36:23am

re: #36 Lidane

If I’m reading his idiot logic correctly, free will doesn’t exist in Fischer’s world.

If it doesn’t. Maybe he can stop tweeting like a moron every day. After all there is “no right” to tweet. But I suspect he’ll keep on going anyhow because he’s a hack who thinks rules are for other people not him.

39 Bulworth  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:38:14am

from the hotair comments:

The end goal of the SSM crowd isn’t SSM, it’s to force acceptance of homosexuality by those who regard it as unnatural an immoral. Government sanctioned SSM will give rise to government sanctioned bullying, suing, discrimination, etc. of religious people and organizations who refuse to give homosexual relationships the moral equivalence they demand.

This isn’t about equal rights, its about forcing people to accept something against their will or to STFU if they won’t accept.

The right of religious folk to not be confronted with or offended by anything of which they don’t approve is apparently the highest moral right for some people. Sounds like wingnut political correctness, but I know we’re not allowed to call it that.

40 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:39:04am

re: #35 allegro

I notice that it’s by vast majority Republicans who are not currently in office signing on to this since those in office or hoping to be in the future can’t afford to. It certainly says nothing positive about the current GOP leadership/office holders. By the response, it will change nothing going forward in the near future, i.e. ‘til the knuckle-draggers die off.

Yes, this was my observation as well. I noticed that no one who has been touted as a future high office holder in the Republican party signed this. No one.

41 Charles Johnson  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:39:21am

re: #29 Kragar (Antichrist )

Fischer: ‘There Is No Right to Engage in Immoral Behavior’

I remember that when I started to get really sick of the social conservative dimwits, we once had a giant argument in the comments here about this “rights come from God” rubbish. It’s the definition of a circular argument.

42 Professor Chaos  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:39:42am

re: #39 Bulworth

from the hotair comments:

The right of religious folk to not be confronted with or offended by anything of which they don’t approve is apparently the highest moral right for some people. Sounds like wingnut political correctness, but I know we’re not allowed to call it that.

Religious folk have every right in the world to be offended by something.

The rest of us have every right in the world to not give a shit.

43 Bulworth  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:40:44am

Has Ted Nugent weighed in on this yet? I look forward to his thoughtful commentary. //

44 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:41:43am

Honestly, to me gay marriage opponents are no different than those who thought interracial marriage should still be banned because they thought it was immoral and “race mixing” was sinful. Maybe, that’s a strong opinion to have. I don’t know. I do know this. I feel that my gay friends and relatives should have the same rights under the law that I do. I don’t feel threatened by their seeking of equality in the slightest and I certainly don’t feel it persecutes me at all.

45 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:42:18am

re: #43 Bulworth

Has Ted Nugent weighed in on this yet? I look forward to his thoughtful commentary. //

Parasites, poop pants, guns, hippies, something something.

46 jaunte  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:42:32am

re: #39 Bulworth

…religious people and organizations who refuse to give homosexual relationships the moral equivalence they demand.

This isn’t about equal rights…

Willful blindness.

47 makeitstop  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:42:37am

re: #37 allegro

Nothing exists in Fischer’s world except Fischer and his sick thoughts and opinions.

And gays. Lots and lots and lots of gays.

It’s an unhealthy fascination, at the very least.

48 lawhawk  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:42:59am

re: #33 Gus

In the shape of meatballs. //

Horsefeathers! /

49 Targetpractice  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:43:02am

re: #36 Lidane

If I’m reading his idiot logic correctly, free will doesn’t exist in Fischer’s world.

Of course you have free will…within the constraints that men like Fischer place. You know, like how it used to be back in the “good ol’ days.”

50 jaunte  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:43:21am

re: #44 HappyWarrior

Acknowledging reality = Tyranny.

51 Gus  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:44:03am

re: #39 Bulworth

from the hotair comments:

The right of religious folk to not be confronted with or offended by anything of which they don’t approve is apparently the highest moral right for some people. Sounds like wingnut political correctness, but I know we’re not allowed to call it that.

I accept many things that I don’t agree with. It’s part of being an American.

52 lawhawk  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:45:21am

re: #36 Lidane

So God put bears out there to vex Fischer. Fischer’s terribly vexed.

53 erik_t  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:46:13am

re: #51 Gus

I accept many things that I don’t agree with. It’s part of being an American.

I accept many things that I don’t agree with. It’s part of being an adult.

54 Lidane  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:46:48am

re: #52 lawhawk

So God put bears out there to vex Fischer. Fischer’s terribly vexed.

It must be vexing to go through life constantly vexed.


55 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:46:54am

re: #53 erik_t

I accept many things that I don’t agree with. It’s part of being an adult.

But I want ice cream and pizza for every meal!

56 Romantic Heretic  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:47:14am

re: #32 Targetpractice

Who is this “God” character he keeps talking about?

Tired. Not enough sleep. So my mind is working in a stranger manner than usual.

It now has this earworm running through it.

57 Lidane  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:48:25am
58 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:48:59am

re: #14 Targetpractice

I imagine this is what we’d have seen had the Internet existed during the Civil Rights movement and the lead-up to Loving v. Virginia.

No joke, I just read that as Loving v. Vagina

Good god man, where did this gutter come from?!

59 jaunte  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:50:16am

re: #53 erik_t

I accept many things that I don’t agree with. It’s part of being an adult.

No one is going to quote that at Hot Air.

60 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:50:20am

re: #41 Charles Johnson

I remember that when I started to get really sick of the social conservative dimwits, we once had a giant argument in the comments here about this “rights come from God” rubbish. It’s the definition of a circular argument.

Humans have free will. As a Christian I believe that and always will. We are all free to make our own choices regardless of what the motivation behind them is.

61 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:50:38am

re: #58 Eclectic Cyborg

No joke, I just read that as Loving v. Vagina

Good god man, where did this gutter come from?!

Well my state did get its name because Queen Elizabeth was a “virgin.” Anyhow, saw a documentary about that case which made me feel more strong about the issue than I already did before. Found out that my grandfather apparently employed Richard Loving while the Lovings lived in D.C.

62 wrenchwench  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:50:44am

re: #57 Lidane

This shit?

Image: bird_poop_jesus.jpg

63 allegro  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:50:51am

re: #55 HappyWarrior

But I want ice cream and pizza for every meal!

I’m an adult so I can have a hotdog for breakfast if I want to… and I did. It was delicious (Hebrew National on a King’s Hawaiian bun with chipotle mayo, guacamole, and red onion)!

64 Kragar (Antichrist )  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:51:04am

I see someone and I in my office are going to have a fight.

“Dude, are you listening to country crap?”
“No, that is Johnny Cash.”
“Same thing.”

There will be blood.

65 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:52:06am

re: #64 Kragar (Antichrist )

I see someone and I in my office are going to have a fight.

“Dude, are you listening to country crap?”
“No, that is Johnny Cash.”
“Same thing.”

There will be blood.

That is epic. I feel you on that one.

66 lawhawk  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:52:47am

re: #64 Kragar (Antichrist )

You’re in Reno, aren’t you. Someone will be shot, just to watch them die. But have no fear, if it’s you, aint no grave big enough to keep you down. /

67 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:53:05am

re: #51 Gus

I accept many things that I don’t agree with. It’s part of being an American.

I think that teaching children that truth can come through revelation— that you can believe something because “god said it”, then that’s a bad thing to teach them. I have no desire to forbid this from being done, because that’d destroy far too much of free life and family privacy.

Hell, I don’t even think proselytizing atheism explicitly is any good.

68 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:53:36am

re: #64 Kragar (Antichrist )

I see someone and I in my office are going to have a fight.

“Dude, are you listening to country crap?”
“No, that is Johnny Cash.”
“Same thing.”

There will be blood.

Lemme guess it was someone fairly young. The Onion’s AV Club had a pretty good article on Country music recently. Pointed out that Jimmie Rodgers, whom many call the father of country music was a pot smoker who was heavily influenced by black blues artists.

69 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:54:00am


70 Romantic Heretic  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:54:01am

re: #64 Kragar (Antichrist )

I see someone and I in my office are going to have a fight.

“Dude, are you listening to country crap?”
“No, that is Johnny Cash.”
“Same thing.”

There will be blood.

Play Cash’s version of Hurt at him. That will change his mind.

71 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:54:13am

re: #66 lawhawk

You’re in Reno, aren’t you. Someone will be shot, just to watch them die. But have no fear, if it’s you, aint no grave big enough to keep you down. /

That one “Hurt”. But just “Walk the Line.”

72 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:54:58am

re: #70 Romantic Heretic

Play Cash’s version of Hurt at him. That will change his mind.

Yeah, that one had a big role in changing my mind. Now look at me, I’m listening to Van Zandt, Earle, etc. Of course, I think that could be me becoming my father more and more.

73 Kragar (Antichrist )  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:55:06am

re: #70 Romantic Heretic

Play Cash’s version of Hurt at him. That will change his mind.

I’m getting ready to hit him with all of the Folsom Prison concert.

74 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:56:08am

The brilliant thing about Cash is that he wasn’t really a stereotypical country singer. His music was equal parts country, rock, folk and blues. I love Cash’s music because it has a way of singing straight into your soul. Obviously Cash’s awesome voice is part of that, but so is the music itself.

I tend to think of Cash and his music as narration for my life a lot of the time.

75 Targetpractice  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:56:16am

re: #51 Gus 802

I accept many things that I don’t agree with. It’s part of being an American.

Which is really fucking sad because, while they’re screeching over the idea of 75 Republicans (the bulk of whom have no political weight anymore) signing onto gay marriage, most of the rest of the First World has either already made it legal or is in the process of doing so.

The “Leader of the Free World” is in the process of finding itself at the back of the line.

76 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:56:19am

re: #64 Kragar (Antichrist )

I see someone and I in my office are going to have a fight.

“Dude, are you listening to country crap?”
“No, that is Johnny Cash.”
“Same thing.”

There will be blood.

Tell him you play both kinds of music.

77 wrenchwench  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:56:45am

re: #73 Kragar (Antichrist )

I’m getting ready to hit him with all of the Folsom Prison concert.

He’ll hit the ceiling, until Sunday Morning Coming Down.

78 Kragar (Antichrist )  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:56:58am
79 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:58:55am

Van Zandt.
80 AlexRogan  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 10:59:02am

re: #77 wrenchwench

He’ll hit the ceiling, until Sunday Morning Coming Down.

Which Kris Kristofferson wrote and Ray Stevens recorded first, BTW.

81 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:00:24am

Any Highwaymen fans on here?

Or I suppose I should be asking “any OTHER…” since I love the group.

82 efuseakay  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:00:32am

If I were the judge hearing this case… again… I’d simply tell the bigots to fuck off.

83 Lidane  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:00:59am
84 Eclectic Cyborg  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:01:38am

re: #82 efuseakay

If I were the judge hearing this case… again… I’d simply tell the bigots to fuck off.

That’s one thing I’ve noticed about the TPers, they seem to have had a hard time getting many of their kind on the benches. I’ve lost count of how many GOP/TP laws and whatnot have been smacked down in court.

85 Charles Johnson  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:02:00am

Good grief. Talk about ridiculous: GOP Tide Turning on Gay Marriage? — MSNBC

In a sharp turn from a historically conservative position on gay marriage, a staggering number of prominent Republicans have signed a legal brief arguing that gay and lesbian couples have the right to legally marry under the Constitution.


Give me a break.

86 Lidane  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:02:00am

re: #64 Kragar (Antichrist )

I see someone and I in my office are going to have a fight.

“Dude, are you listening to country crap?”
“No, that is Johnny Cash.”
“Same thing.”

There will be blood.

I’m an atheist, but even I know that dismissing Cash as “country crap” is a sin.


87 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:02:49am

re: #83 Lidane

Yeah, still though, it’s pretty pathetic that some of those Republicans came from the administration that used it as a wedge issue to get re-elected. Now, that said, I am happy too because it’s no longer a fringe opinion. Still a lot of work to be done though.

88 Charles Johnson  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:04:23am

re: #83 Lidane

It’s definitely not a “breakthrough for the cause.” These people are indulging in wishful thinking, and their hopes will soon be dashed against the real Republican rocks.

I guess I understand the desire to believe this is something real, but they couldn’t be any more naïve if they tried.

89 jaunte  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:04:24am

re: #85 Charles Johnson

Two whole (R) members of Congress.

90 Targetpractice  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:04:29am

re: #85 Charles Johnson

Good grief. Talk about ridiculous: GOP Tide Turning on Gay Marriage? — MSNBC


Give me a break.

The press seems bound and determined to cover the GOP’s ass, as if they have some duty to keep the GOP a viable party rather than watch it dissolve into a regional hot mess.

91 Vicious Babushka  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:04:33am


92 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:05:00am

re: #85 Charles Johnson

Good grief. Talk about ridiculous: GOP Tide Turning on Gay Marriage? — MSNBC


Give me a break.

Remind me again on how MSNBC has a “blatant left wing bias.” Really, I counted two current office holders in that article. Two. It’s nice but it is by no means a sharp turn. It would be a sharp turn if the signees were prospective candidates for higher office or weren’t former office holders who are more comfortable with being open about their support of gay marriage now that they’re out of office or not running for office any more. The original NYT article points out that Meg Whitman supported Prop 8 when she was a candidate.

93 Lidane  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:06:31am

re: #87 HappyWarrior

Yeah, still though, it’s pretty pathetic that some of those Republicans came from the administration that used it as a wedge issue to get re-elected. Now, that said, I am happy too because it’s no longer a fringe opinion. Still a lot of work to be done though.

Honestly, it’s goddamn pathetic that in order for a Republican to even talk favorably about LGBT civil rights and marriage equality, they have to be out of office. WTF. So much for being the party of personal freedom and individual liberty.

This is nothing but a baby step in the proper direction, but the GOP is a long, long way out from joining the rest of us in the real world. LGBT people exist. They have a right to get married and to equal protection under the law, just like anyone else. It’s as simple as that.

94 jaunte  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:06:36am

re: #91 Vicious Babushka

He has two.

95 Vicious Babushka  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:06:57am

re: #94 jaunte

He has two.

Are they gay?

96 Kragar (Antichrist )  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:07:07am

re: #94 jaunte

He has two.

I pity them.

97 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:07:15am

re: #91 Vicious Babushka


He’s got an unhealthy obsession with “feminization.” Recall his claim about the CMOH winner who “feminized” the award by winning it for saving people. Anyhow, action figures are sort of dolls for boys and boys have been playing with those for years. Me? I always preferred my baseball glove and library but to each his own. If a boy wants to play with a doll, whatever. Ditto if a girl wants to play with toy cars.

98 Lidane  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:07:21am


99 Ghost of Tom Joad  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:07:50am

re: #92 HappyWarrior

Remind me again on how MSNBC has a “blatant left wing bias.”

Magical Balance Fairy. They’re not as batshit right-wing as Fox News, therefore, lefties!

100 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:08:06am

re: #96 Kragar (Antichrist )

I pity them.

I pity anyone who’s related to him. He’s about as fun as being kicked in the nads.

101 jaunte  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:08:08am

re: #95 Vicious Babushka

I have no info on that.

102 leftynyc  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:08:32am

re: #91 Vicious Babushka


Ain’t GI Joe a freeking doll?

103 Vicious Babushka  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:08:33am

re: #97 HappyWarrior

He’s got an unhealthy obsession with “feminization.” Recall his claim about the CMOH winner who “feminized” the award by winning it for saving people. Anyhow, action figures are sort of dolls for boys and boys have been playing with those for years. Me? I always preferred my baseball glove and library but to each his own. If a boy wants to play with a doll, whatever. Ditto if a girl wants to play with toy cars.

I bought a chemistry set and an art kit for my grandkids for Hanukkah. My daughter-in-law, knowing her kids better than I do, gave the chemistry set to her daughter and the art kit to her son.

104 Targetpractice  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:09:04am

re: #102 leftynyc

Ain’t GI Joe a freeking doll?

It’s an action figure!


105 makeitstop  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:09:06am

re: #102 leftynyc

Ain’t GI Joe a freeking doll?

No! GI Joe is an action figure!!


106 Kragar (Antichrist )  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:09:16am

re: #102 leftynyc

Ain’t GI Joe a freeking doll?


107 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:09:16am

re: #97 HappyWarrior

He’s got an unhealthy obsession with “feminization.” Recall his claim about the CMOH winner who “feminized” the award by winning it for saving people. Anyhow, action figures are sort of dolls for boys and boys have been playing with those for years. Me? I always preferred my baseball glove and library but to each his own. If a boy wants to play with a doll, whatever. Ditto if a girl wants to play with toy cars.

Role-playing is of the devil! It might possibly teach you to think how things are in someone else’s shoes.

108 makeitstop  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:09:26am

re: #104 Targetpractice

It’s an action figure!


re: #105 makeitstop

No! GI Joe is an action figure!!



109 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:09:31am

re: #103 Vicious Babushka

I bought a chemistry set and an art kit for my grandkids for Hanukkah. My daughter-in-law, knowing her kids better than I do, gave the chemistry set to her daughter and the art kit to her son.

Cool gifts.

110 Varek Raith  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:09:48am

re: #104 Targetpractice

It’s an action figure!


re: #105 makeitstop

No! GI Joe is an action figure!!


re: #106 Kragar (Antichrist )


How awfully defensive…

111 simoom  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:09:54am


TRENTON — Gov. Chris Christie will expand the state’s Medicaid program to cover 300,000 uninsured New Jersey residents, The Star-Ledger learned today.

As for his decision to expand Medicaid, the Republican governor, a critic of President Obama’s Affordable Care Act, could reap up to $300 million by expanding the state program in the coming budget year.

For weeks, a coalition of labor, religious, family and consumer groups waged an aggressive letter-writing and media campaign encouraging Christie to expand the Medicaid program. Doing so, they argued, would allow 300,000 uninsured and childless people to apply for Medicaid.

Before passage of the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, people without children were not eligible unless they applied for welfare and earned no more than $140 a month. Allowing the expansion would reduce the burden on hospitals to treat uninsured patients, and the state, which partly reimburses those costs.

112 sattv4u2  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:10:07am

re: #91 Vicious Babushka


If he does, they’re probably happy with you

The more attention you pay to him the less they have too!

113 Bulworth  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:10:14am

re: #91 Vicious Babushka

“Iarf”? I probably don’t want to know…

114 Vicious Babushka  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:10:38am

re: #109 HappyWarrior

Cool gifts.

The chemistry sets they make nowadays are totally lame, though. There’s nothing in them that you can mix together to blow stuff up, like they used to make back in the day. Chemistry sets were actually dangerous!

115 makeitstop  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:10:40am

re: #110 Varek Raith

re: #105 makeitstop

re: #106 Kragar (Antichrist )

How awfully defensive…

I never really saw the difference, myself. A triumph of marketing.

116 leftynyc  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:10:49am

re: #104 Targetpractice

It’s an action figure!


OK - what’s the difference?

117 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:10:58am

re: #110 Varek Raith

re: #105 makeitstop

re: #106 Kragar (Antichrist )

How awfully defensive…

Yea, because dolls never have a kung-fu grip! Just ask Chuck Norris!

118 Kragar (Antichrist )  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:11:00am

re: #113 Bulworth

“Iarf”? I probably don’t want to know…

Bryan has a problem with the word fuck.

119 Varek Raith  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:11:28am

Me and several others in my neighborhood had enough GI Joe stuff to make armies.
Fun times.

120 Vicious Babushka  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:11:40am

re: #113 Bulworth

“Iarf”? I probably don’t want to know…

That’s Fischer-speak for “I shit you not” because he’s too “refined” to say shit.

121 sattv4u2  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:12:07am

re: #117 Feline Fearless Leader

dolls never have a kung-fu grip!

I’ve never asked Ken about Barbies,, umm,, “grip”!

122 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:12:26am

re: #115 makeitstop

I never really saw the difference, myself. A triumph of marketing.

Which reached it’s acme with Spaceballs: The Breakfast Cereal.

123 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:12:35am

Kid brother was asking me about Stretch Armstrong the other day. That was a cool toy.

124 Targetpractice  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:14:10am

re: #123 HappyWarrior

Kid brother was asking me about Stretch Armstrong the other day. That was a cool toy.

Another tick on the “God, I Feel Old” list for the day for me.

125 Kragar (Antichrist )  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:14:26am
126 Lidane  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:15:06am

ZOMG! Eleventy! Derp!

127 Vicious Babushka  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:15:29am

re: #124 Targetpractice

Another tick on the “God, I Feel Old” list for the day for me.

I remember the advertising slogan “Every boy wants a Remco toy!” and then they lamely added “and so does every girl” but it was a lame afterthought.

Remco deserved to go out of business for that fail.

128 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:15:32am

re: #124 Targetpractice

Another tick on the “God, I Feel Old” list for the day for me.

Yeah no kidding. I need to order a Sega Genesis.

129 Mattand  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:15:55am

re: #123 HappyWarrior

Kid brother was asking me about Stretch Armstrong the other day. That was a cool toy.

Remember those. We had one split open and the mystery fluid leaked out. Like semi-transparent Play-dough.

130 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:16:22am

re: #126 Lidane

Heh I love the smell of desperation in the early afternoon.

131 Bulworth  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:16:50am

re: #91 Vicious Babushka

The article in question appears to be one Christian’s response to a wingnut Christian who lost his or her shit over something on Sesame Street.

See, this is the thing about the fundamentalist world. There’s really no end to the theological correctness. First there are the Bible-specific arguments, which are bad-enough. These are the arguments just over the interpretations of certain verses. But add any culture reference which itself must be interpreted by some secret wingnut orthodoxy about, say, feminism and “gender roles” and the shit gets really crazy. Couldn’t keep up with it. Bailed a few years ago.

132 Kragar (Antichrist )  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:17:16am

re: #130 HappyWarrior

Heh I love the smell of desperation in the early afternoon.

Anti-Muslim Activists Claim Obama and Brennan Are Likely to Be Secret Muslim Agents

John Guandolo, who left the FBI after a sex scandal, has since tried to make a career pushing anti-Muslim conspiracy theories and has found success with his latest one: that CIA chief nominee John Brennan is a secret Muslim and Saudi plant.

Fellow conspiracy theorist Rick Wiles invited Guandolo on his show TruNews yesterday to explain his theory that Brennan is seeking to “aid and abet the enemy” through assistance to Muslim Brotherhood agents who are infiltrating the government as part of a plot to introduce Sharia law to the US.

133 Targetpractice  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:17:59am

re: #126 Lidane

These dimwits can’t get their act together. One minute the sequester is such a horrible thing because the cuts are going to be “painful” (read: Make them look bad), the next it’s Obama “scaring” everybody when the cuts really won’t be all that “painful.”

134 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:18:22am

re: #129 Mattand

Remember those. We had one split open and the mystery fluid leaked out. Like semi-transparent Play-dough.

Yep. Drove my parents nuts. I was real amazed to hear that Pokemon is still popular with the kids. Some of the kids I was coaching in basketball were talking about it and I reminded them that it was popular when I was their age. I’m 14 years older than these kids. That was the stupidest fad for me. Then again, I never really did fads except pogs. Pogs were awesome.

135 Mattand  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:18:32am

re: #124 Targetpractice

Another tick on the “God, I Feel Old” list for the day for me.

I once described to a fellow art school grad about how working with Adobe Illustrator was similar to working with Colorforms. He said he tried using that description to the class he was teaching, and they all looked at him like he was talking about driving a Model T.

136 Stephen T.  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:18:40am

What really strikes me about this is that of all the Republicans who have name recognition that have a vested interest in signing something like this, either because they are gay or have a family member who are, have chosen not to sign it. Almost as if they fear what other members of their party will say about them.

137 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:18:42am
138 Kragar (Antichrist )  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:19:33am

Meanwhile I still have some of the minis I bought when I started playing 40k 25 years ago.

139 Mattand  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:20:03am

re: #134 HappyWarrior

Yep. Drove my parents nuts. I was real amazed to hear that Pokemon is still popular with the kids. Some of the kids I was coaching in basketball were talking about it and I reminded them that it was popular when I was their age. I’m 14 years older than these kids. That was the stupidest fad for me. Then again, I never really did fads except pogs. Pogs were awesome.

Wait a minute. How old are you? ‘Cause my memories of Stretch Armstrong date to the late 70’s. I just assumed the toy went away at the dawn of the Reagan era.

140 Vicious Babushka  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:20:15am

re: #135 Mattand

I once described to a fellow art school grad about how working with Adobe Illustrator was similar to working with Colorforms. He said he tried using that description to the class he was teaching, and they all looked at him like he was talking about driving a Model T.

I loved the original Colorforms which were just shapes. By the time my kids were growing up, Colorforms were very specific. I felt that squashed creativity.

141 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:21:17am

re: #139 Mattand

Wait a minute. How old are you? ‘Cause my memories of Stretch Armstrong date to the late 70’s. I just assumed the toy went away at the dawn of the Reagan era.

I’m 25. They had SA in the mid 90’s.

142 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:23:02am

re: #135 Mattand

I once described to a fellow art school grad about how working with Adobe Illustrator was similar to working with Colorforms. He said he tried using that description to the class he was teaching, and they all looked at him like he was talking about driving a Model T.

I was asked about Colorforms once by my niece and I described it as manually doing the animation style used for South Park. She understood that analogy.

143 Feline Fearless Leader  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:24:02am

re: #138 Kragar (Antichrist )

Meanwhile I still have some of the minis I bought when I started playing 40k 25 years ago.

I’ve got a box squirreled away somewhere with my painted lead figures from playing AD&D thirty years ago. :)

144 Targetpractice  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:24:40am

re: #128 HappyWarrior

Yeah no kidding. I need to order a Sega Genesis.

Still got one collecting dust, even includes the 32X and all the cables. Makes me feel old just looking at it.

145 sattv4u2  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:24:44am

re: #141 HappyWarrior

I’m 25.


I have things in my freezer older than that!

146 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:25:39am

re: #145 sattv4u2


I have things in my freezer older than that!

Beats the standard- “I have socks older than you!”

147 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:27:03am

re: #144 Targetpractice

Still got one collecting dust, even includes the 32X and all the cables. Makes me feel old just looking at it.

I really have thought about getting one as a compliment to my PS3. There are times when I want to play mid 90’s baseball, Street Fighter 2, etc.

148 Targetpractice  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:29:20am

re: #147 HappyWarrior

I really have thought about getting one as a compliment to my PS3. There are times when I want to play mid 90’s baseball, Street Fighter 2, etc.

See for me, I’m just waiting for all the old computer games I loved to show up on Gamefly or GoG. Hell, they’ve got the Marathon series on iPad now and GoG got rights to System Shock 2 a short while back.

149 lawhawk  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:29:36am

re: #91 Vicious Babushka

They’re not dolls. They’re action figures! GO JOE! /

150 dragonath  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:29:58am

Did someone say mid 90s baseball?!!

151 kirkspencer  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:34:32am

re: #139 Mattand

Wait a minute. How old are you? ‘Cause my memories of Stretch Armstrong date to the late 70’s. I just assumed the toy went away at the dawn of the Reagan era.

SA was re-released in the 1990s. More cartoonish, had a dog sidekick.

152 Kragar (Antichrist )  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:34:34am

Toyota to ship U.S.-built cars to Russia and Ukraine

Toyota will begin exporting US-built cars to Russia and Ukraine in the coming months, the Japanese automaker said Tuesday.

The announcement comes after Toyota’s US exports hit a new record by jumping 45 percent to more than 124,000 vehicles in 2012.

The decision marks the first time Toyota has exported US-built vehicles to Europe, where it also has a significant manufacturing presence.

153 Mattand  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:34:58am

re: #141 HappyWarrior

I’m 25.

Huh. Had no idea Stretch lasted as long as he did. They still make ‘em?

154 Mattand  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:35:46am

re: #149 lawhawk

They’re not dolls. They’re action figures! GO JOE! /

I see your GI Joe and raise you a Mego Spider-Man, Lizard, and Green Goblin.

155 HappyWarrior  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:37:06am

re: #153 Mattand

Huh. Had no idea Stretch lasted as long as he did. They still make ‘em?

I don’t think so. According to wiki, they stopped in the 90’s. I had no idea it went that far back honestly.

156 dell*nix  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:42:28am

Sitting here looking at an ATARI CXL4012 game cartridge which translates as Missile Command. Strange things I am finding when moving stuff for the plumber.

157 majii  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:42:30am

re: #12 Vicious Babushka

Fischer doesn’t seem to understand that there’s no constitutional right to be stupid, either, but it hasn’t stopped him. IMO, there’s no way he can claim to be a Christian as much hate as he pushes.

158 leftynyc  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 11:50:59am

re: #141 HappyWarrior

I’m 25. They had SA in the mid 90’s.

Oy vey - I have a t-shirt older than you are - from a Grateful Dead concert.

159 Destro  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 1:16:31pm

re: #12 Vicious Babushka

Unconstitutional sodomy is the best kind of sodomy if you ask me……

160 stabby  Tue, Feb 26, 2013 1:49:55pm

To me, this is the interesting quote, because it doesn’t come from any system of morality, it just comes from personal sexual attraction:

No one really cares what lesbians do. Lesbianism is a big nothing-burger. Lesbianism is just pathetic but not much of an affront to sensibilities - except for bull dykes doing some ridiculous imitations of what they think is manly behavior. They are sort of offensive, though kind of funny.

This isn’t an outlier, people believe that whatever they have visceral reactions against are EVIL (and God will punish you eternally for) and whatever they have visceral reactions for are GOOD.

I’ve had arguments with right wing nuts about this, I tell them that the fact that they’re not personally attracted to gay sex is not a statement about morality. That the fact that they’re straight doesn’t make homosexuality immoral.

And I was told that their feelings of disgust are a good way to understand morality. I suppose their personal tastes all come from God, and if they don’t like mustard then mustard is a mortal sin.

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