GOP Chair Calls Out Mitt Romney — A Year And A Half Too Late

Reince is trying to keep the immigration debate from getting even uglier
Politics • Views: 18,561

In an effort to reshape the debate over immigration reform, Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Preibus harshly criticized Mitt Romney’s self-deportation comments from the 2012 GOP primary while speaking to reporters on Thursday, approximately a year and a half too late to do any good.

Republican leaders have long feared the current dialogue could doom the party with Latino voters in a repeat of the 2007 reform effort, which was shut down by a revolt by the GOP base.

“Using the word ‘self-deportation’ — it’s a horrific comment to make,” Priebus said. “I don’t think it has anything to do with our party. When someone makes those comments, obviously, it hurts us.”

“The answer is self-deportation, which is people decide they can do better by going home because they can’t find work here because they don’t have legal documentation to allow them to work here,” Romney said during the Florida debate held shortly after he lost the South Carolina primary to Newt Gingrich. “And so we’re not going to round people up.”

Priebus defended the progress his party has made with Latino voters since the release of the so-called GOP autopsy. He also ripped comments by Rep. Steve King (R-IA), who has continually offered comments offensive to Latino voters followed by stern defenses of those comments.

“Well, of course, it’s hurtful,” Priebus said, in reference to King’s comment that for every undocumented valedictorian there were hundreds of drug smugglers with calves the size of cantaloupes. “Of course, it hurts. … Just, not good.”

King is the public face of the war against reform, and he insists he’s speaking for many members who don’t want to come forward, a claim that makes sense as House Republicans overwhelmingly supported his recent bill to deport undocumented young people.

The congressman recently said that a “spell” has been cast over his party on the issue of immigration, which The Washington Post’s Greg Sargent sees as a positive sign for the immigration reform debate.

The Senate passed immigration reform in the spring with more than two-thirds supporting the bill. The House GOP has refused to consider the Senate’s plan and is weighing how to proceed with reform in a way that can get the support of a majority of the Republican caucus, which is Speaker John Boehner’s stated standard for bringing any legislation to the floor.

There has been relatively little backlash from the Republican base about reform over the August recess, meanwhile, several House Republicans — including Reps. Jeff Denham (R-CA), Aaron Schock (R-IL) and Dan Webster (R-FL) — have made positive statements for reform that include a “path to citizenship,” which is a key demand of many reform advocates.

Passing immigration reform was the one specific policy recommendation in Priebus’ autopsy. Many of the GOP’s most prominent donors, including Sheldon Adelson and the Koch brothers, want reform. However, most House Republicans — who primarily come from safe, white districts — don’t seem to be feeling the pressure.

By calling out comments of his fellow Republicans, Priebus may not be able to make reform happen. But he’s hoping to keep it from getting ugly — or, at least, uglier.

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1 Skip Intro  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 10:12:51am
“Using the word ‘self-deportation’ — it’s a horrific comment to make,” Priebus said. “I don’t think it has anything to do with our party.

So your presidential candidate in 2012 had nothing to do with your party? Are you sure you’re talking about the right party, Prince?

2 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 10:19:36am

Funny how Reince had no problem with Mitt saying this when he was running for president. You’re full of shit Reince. It has everything to do with your party. It’s your party’s base that cheers deporting men, women, and children. So fuck you and your party. I hope you crash and burn because immigrant voters and their children remember how bigoted you are.

3 Shiplord Kirel  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 10:26:14am

Priebus conveniently overlooks a harsh reality: If Romney hadn’t made comments like these, he would never have gotten within spitting distance of the nomination. As it was, Romney was barely acceptable to the crazed GOP base; and not even that in many cases. Indeed, many held their noses and voted for the “RINO” as the only alternative to the hated “Kenyan usurper.”

4 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 10:58:39am

re: #3 Shiplord Kirel

Priebus conveniently overlooks a harsh reality: If Romney hadn’t made comments like these, he would never have gotten within spitting distance of the nomination. As it was, Romney was barely acceptable to the crazed GOP base; and not even that in many cases. Indeed, many held their noses and voted for the “RINO” as the only alternative to the hated “Kenyan usurper.”

IIRC, one thing that weakened Perry as a candidate aside from being a blatant moron was that Romney kneecapped him on immigration. Romney wasn’t a particularly right wing governor on the subject but he saw that Perry wasn’t either and he and his staff used that to weaken Perry. I just love Reince’s revisionism here though especially a few days after we have a GOP elected official telling a young girl that her father deserves to be deported to the cheers of a GOP crowd. This is the party that Reince agreed to be national chairman of and he’s either delusional or full of shit about the bigots that inhabit his party but then again he’s one of them himself.

5 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:03:56am

I have to say after reading about how the Alabama GOP handled a college R board member who expressed support for SSM, I have to ask why anyone under 40 and especially one in college would want to be a Republican. THis is a narrow minded party whose base is comprised of bitter people who blame Obama and the left for “destroying America” and live in the ultimate fuck you, I got mine mentality where it’s okay for them to take government aid and programs but you’re a taker if you take money for anything from student loans to unemployment benefits. The GOP sucks nowadays. I wouldn’t have been a Republican in years past but the past GOP was at least a party with some reason and a viable message. This mess that Preince runs and calls a party is a bigoted circus.

6 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:05:31am

Steve King can’t be slapped down hard enough. The man is a walking hate-volcano.

7 The Mountain That Blogs  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:06:24am

re: #2 HappyWarrior

It’s your party’s base that cheers deporting men, women, and children.

Or telling little girls that their father needs to be deported.

8 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:07:41am

re: #4 HappyWarrior

Slight correction: The official actually told her a version of “the laws are what they are”. He did not say her father deserved to be deported.

9 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:07:57am

re: #7 The Mountain That Blogs

Or telling little girls that their father needs to be deported.

Yep. Lovely party they got there. But then again this is the same base that boos openly gay servicemembers.

10 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:08:36am

re: #8 Dark_Falcon

Slight correction: The official actually told her a version of “the laws are what they are”. He did not say her father deserved to be deported.

Fair enough but if it walks like a right wing douche, it’s a right wing douche and your party has loads of them. It’s filled with people who have zero empathy for people who come to this country to make a better life for their families and why because they think this country is for their kind only.

11 The Mountain That Blogs  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:09:13am

re: #9 HappyWarrior

DesJarlais isn’t as dumb as the GOHMERT!/Stockman group, but he is really a special brand of despicable.

12 Lidane  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:09:38am

re: #6 Dark_Falcon

Steve King can’t be slapped down hard enough. The man is a walking hate-volcano.

Steve King is merely the most blatant public face of the GOP base. They can try to slap him down all they want, but the party stance on immigration is driven by people who agree with King.

SK has it right. Reince is ignoring the reality that Mitt had to get harsh on immmigration in order to even have a chance at the nomination. And the rest of the GOP in office have to follow that same path or get primaried by the far right base.

13 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:11:05am

re: #11 The Mountain That Blogs

DesJarlais isn’t as dumb as the GOHMERT!/Stockman group, but he is really a special brand of despicable.

I love how he acts like he’s Mr. I respect the laws and morals given his own past ethical problems.

14 Skip Intro  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:11:22am

re: #7 The Mountain That Blogs

A little more background on the guy who said that. I’ve included quote a lot, just to show the kind of people Republicans vote for.

In an interview published by the Chattanooga Times Free Press on Sunday, a second patient also claimed that she had a sexual relationship with the former physician.

The woman said that DesJarlais prescribed pain medication and smoked marijuana with her during dates at his home in 2000.

“Scott was just a regular guy,” she explained. “He smoked. I mean, he smoked pot. He [did] all that stuff.”

“His biggest thing that’s completely unethical is him just picking up women while he’s a doctor,” the woman said. “I mean, seriously, that’s his big no-no. … He’s just a hound.”

The alleged second mistress was listed by DesJarlais’ ex-wife as a potential witness in divorce papers, according to the Times Free Press. A family friend confirmed the affair, court filings said.

For its part, DesJarlais’ campaign refused to deny the allegations but said that there was “no place in politics” for “personal smear campaigns that hurt families.”

The 679-page transcript reveals new details about DesJarlais’ interactions with a 24-year-old-patient, who claimed she became pregnant with DesJarlais’ child during a short fling in 2000 and that the doctor later pressed her to have an abortion.

DesJarlais, who is now 48 years old, admitted in court to pressuring the woman over the phone to get an abortion, but said the whole conversation was a scheme orchestrated by him and his wife — with whom he had reconciled — to get the 24-year-old to admit she was not really pregnant.

“She goes, ‘I will have an abortion. This will never be a problem of yours,’” DesJarlais said. “And I think that she was trying to get me to pay her money and I refused to because there was no proof of the pregnancy.”

Under oath, DesJarlais said he and his wife recorded his phone conversation with the woman “to find out whether the girl was telling the truth or not.”

That directly contradicts the congressman’s campaign Facebook page, where he told supporters the phone conversation “was recorded without my knowledge.”

Scott DesJarlais testimony
Q: Has your wife, [redacted], ever had an abortion?
A: Yes, she has.
Q: How many?
A: Three.
Q: Do you know when those occurred?
A: Yes.
Q: When?
A: One occurred prior to our meeting and two occurred shortly
after we were together.
Q: And whose idea was it to have the abortion on all three
A: The first one -
Q: Of course, the first one, you didn’t know her?
A: — I didn’t know about. The second two, one she was on a
experimental drug called Lupron and was not supposed to have
gotten pregnant. There were potential risks. It was a
therapeutic. One was after she had gotten back from Desert
Storm and things were not going well between us and it was a
mutual decision.
Q: Did her abortions, at least when you knew her, have some
profound impact on her as you observed?
A: I don’t think that it was easy for either one of us. I
think it was a very difficult and poor choice and I think
that there are probably regrets both ways.

Q: [redacted woman’s name]. Now, you and [woman] carried on for about
from January of 2000 to April of 2000 did you not?
A: Four months.
Q: According to you?
A: Yes.

Q: And she was an employee of the hospital?
A: No.
Q: She was a patient of yours?
A: Yes.
Q: And you wrote her prescriptions and you have told us about
your concern about these prescriptions, but you wrote her
prescriptions, did you not, Doctor, gave her medicine, drugs?
A: I wrote patients prescriptions, yes.
Q: I’m talking about [redacted woman’s name], the lady you are
sleeping with.
A:Yes, she is a patient and I wrote her prescriptions.
Q: Okay. So we have got a patient that you are sleeping with
that you are writing prescriptions to?
A: Yes.

Q: So yo u told [redacted - wife], essentially,
that, look, I’ve had a
relationship with this woman and
she is now telling me she is
A: Yes.
Q: What was [redacted - wife’s] reaction?
A: She was supportive.
Q: Did she have any suggestion as
to what you should do?
A She said that I should call and
tape her and try to pin her down
and try to get an answer and then
she suggested that I tape — have
her come to my office record her
again. In fact, [redacted -wife] was out at
my office at the time. She was
not in the office. She was out
back in the Blazer.
Q: So did [redacted=wife] help you arrange
to tape-record a telephone
conversation with [another woman - redacted]?
A: Yes.

15 AlexRogan  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:11:48am

re: #7 The Mountain That Blogs

Or telling little girls that their father needs to be deported.

As a Tennessean, nothing would make me happier than to see DesJarlais knocked on his ass the next time he decides to let his heartless bastard flag fly like that.

The man is not fit for his office, but the majority in his district apparently don’t give a fuck (or they agree with him, either explicitly or implicitly).

16 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:12:37am

re: #14 Skip Intro

A little more background on the guy who said that. I’ve included quote a lot, just to show the kind of people Republicans vote for.

Yeah you really respect the law. Sigh fucker. I don’t know who’s worse. Him or the ghouls that cheered him saying the girl’s father should be deported.

17 Lidane  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:18:32am

re: #16 HappyWarrior

Yeah you really respect the law. Sigh fucker. I don’t know who’s worse. Him or the ghouls that cheered him saying the girl’s father should be deported.

The ghouls that cheered him, since they presumably voted that jackass into office.

18 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:19:47am

re: #17 Lidane

The ghouls that cheered him, since they presumably voted that jackass into office.

True, true. And they’re also the ones that will replace him with someone else if he dares to do something “insufficiently conservative”.

19 Iwouldprefernotto  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:20:03am

re: #6 Dark_Falcon

Steve King can’t be slapped down hard enough. The man is a walking hate-volcano.

A well-deserved upding.

20 Gus  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:21:17am

re: #6 Dark_Falcon

Steve King can’t be slapped down hard enough. The man is a walking hate-volcano.

That’s a lot of CO2. //

21 Vicious Babushka  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:24:23am

This is hilarious:

22 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:26:50am

re: #21 Vicious Babushka

This is hilarious:

[Embedded content]

Heh me thinks he takes himself way too seriously. “Anyone who knows me, knows I would never condone such wickedness as sodomy or even TV.” Yet here he is communicating that message using that other sinful device, the computer.

23 Skip Intro  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:27:40am

re: #18 HappyWarrior

True, true. And they’re also the ones that will replace him with someone else if he dares to do something “insufficiently conservative”.

A teabagger explaining why she supported DesJarlais even after the transcript above came out.

Attending the announcement was Warren County Tea Party member Donna Reid of Morrison who said DesJarlais’ personal issues are “the past. What he does now is exactly what we sent him up there to do. Get rid of all the junk up there.

“He votes no on everything,” she said.

24 Lidane  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:27:45am
25 Gus  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:28:15am

re: #21 Vicious Babushka

This is hilarious:

[Embedded content]

Modern Family. e-Book, Modern Family, e-Book. Why isn’t he horrified about the MODERN E-BOOK!!!!!!!

26 Lidane  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:29:24am

re: #23 Skip Intro

A teabagger explaining why she supported DesJarlais even after the transcript above came out.

That’s exactly the problem. The party base wants the GOP to be The Party of NO. They want elected officials to just reject everything out of hand because Obama.

That’s not a governing ideology. It’s a bunch of two year olds throwing a tantrum.

27 Skip Intro  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:30:08am

re: #21 Vicious Babushka

Apparently the preacher has no ethical problems with stealing other people’s property for his own use.

28 Feline Fearless Leader  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:30:33am

re: #25 Gus

Modern Family. e-Book, Modern Family, e-Book. Why isn’t he horrified about the MODERN E-BOOK!!!!!!!

And how many of his congregation were thinking, “If you’re going to use a photo from ‘Modern Family’, at least put Sofia Vergara in it!”?


29 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:31:24am

re: #23 Skip Intro

A teabagger explaining why she supported DesJarlais even after the transcript above came out.

Of course, this is probably someone who thinks Anthony Weiner should have been tarred and feathered. And really she thinks it’s virtue that he votes no on everything? I swear to god- some of our countrymen and women are plain old morons. Really the Tea Party should just rename themselves Fuck You, I got mine. That’s what their whole movement is all about. They’ve benefited from government intervention their entire lives but they think they’ve done it all themselves and anyone who needs help is a parasite.

30 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:31:58am

re: #26 Lidane

That’s exactly the problem. The party base wants the GOP to be The Party of NO. They want elected officials to just reject everything out of hand because Obama.

That’s not a governing ideology. It’s a bunch of two year olds throwing a tantrum.

Yep. it’s pathetic. Opposing Obama>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Getting shit done.

31 Charles Johnson  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:32:00am

The latest Greenwaldian freak-out: Glenn Greenwald’s Partner Detained at Heathrow Airport for Nine Hours.

“This is a profound attack on press freedoms and the news gathering process,” said Greenwald. “To detain my partner for a full nine hours while denying him a lawyer, and then seize large amounts of his possessions, is clearly intended to send a message of intimidation to those of us who have been reporting on the NSA and GCHQ. The actions of the UK pose a serious threat to journalists everywhere.

“But the last thing it will do is intimidate or deter us in any way from doing our job as journalists. Quite the contrary: it will only embolden us more to continue to report aggressively.”

A hero in his own mind.

32 Charles Johnson  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:32:54am

I’d be willing to bet there are reasons why Greenwald’s partner was detained that the Guardian is not telling us.

33 Charles Johnson  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:34:55am
34 HappyWarrior  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:35:55am

Fuck people who need health insurance, my hatred of Obama and the left is more important. Waaaaaaah.

35 Charles Johnson  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:37:30am

Massive freakout now under way.

36 Eclectic Cyborg  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:38:16am

Priebus is like a shady bartender who, despite the fact his patrons are becoming more and more inebriated, keeps SERVING THEM, thus adding to the problem.

The fact he apparently can’t trust the bouncers is also problematic.

37 Eclectic Cyborg  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:39:02am

re: #21 Vicious Babushka

This is hilarious:

[Embedded content]

Copyrighted photo or not, the cover sucks. He calls him “Evangelist” right on the cover? I don’t know many authors, Christian or not, who do such things.

38 austin_blue  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:40:07am

“By calling out comments of his fellow Republicans, Priebus may not be able to make reform happen. But he’s hoping to keep it from getting ugly — or, at least, uglier.”

The author of this article assumes it can get uglier? Outside of walking up to brown people on the street and shooting them in the head, how can it get uglier?

39 Gus  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:40:19am

re: #35 Charles Johnson

Massive freakout now under way.

40 Decatur Deb  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:41:20am

Buried this on the dead thread:

Wonkette concludes that Jim Hoft is not the stupidest man on the Intertubes. Their participant-observer field research indicates he’s just a lying dick:

41 Gus  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:47:16am

This is just like when they jailed Nelson Mandela for 18 years!


42 abolitionist  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:51:58am
43 aagcobb  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 11:57:12am

This is why some in the GOP are talking about winning by getting even whiter, because they can see that the unreconstructed neo-confederates in the GOP have absolutely no interest in rebranding the party to reach out to minorities and women. The thing is that by 2016 the white share of the electorate is going to be even smaller, so the Republicans would have to run hard to get more whites just to stay even with Romney’s losing effort, never mind actually winning. Outside of the southern white evangelical base, lots of whites are just as turned off by the narrow-mindedness and bigotry of the GOP as minorities are. I think that, from the confidence they expressed before the election, a lot of Republicans simply didn’t comprehend just how toxic their brand has become to a lot of people outside of the very narrow demographic the GOP has been pitched to appeal to.

44 Decatur Deb  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 12:00:10pm

re: #43 aagcobb

This is why some in the GOP are talking about winning by getting even whiter, because they can see that the unreconstructed neo-confederates in the GOP have absolutely no interest in rebranding the party to reach out to minorities and women. The thing is that by 2016 the white share of the electorate is going to be even smaller, so the Republicans would have to run hard to get more whites just to stay even with Romney’s losing effort, never mind actually winning. Outside of the southern white evangelical base, lots of whites are just as turned off by the narrow-mindedness and bigotry of the GOP as minorities are. I think that, from the confidence they expressed before the election, a lot of Republicans simply didn’t comprehend just how toxic their brand has become to a lot of people outside of the very narrow demographic the GOP has been pitched to appeal to.

The GOP is beyond re-branding. Their only hope is to bathe in a river of fire and leap out shining, waving the banner of a bright new cause.

Ain’t gonna happen.

45 austin_blue  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 12:02:35pm

re: #40 Decatur Deb

Buried this on the dead thread:

Wonkette concludes that Jim Hoft is not the stupidest man on the Intertubes. Their participant-observer field research indicates he’s just a lying dick:

“See! I’m not stupid! I’m just a lying dick!

Oh, wait…”

46 Lidane  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 12:04:36pm

re: #44 Decatur Deb

The GOP is beyond re-branding. Their only hope is to bathe in a river of fire and leap out shining, waving the banner of a bright new cause.

Ain’t gonna happen.

At this point, the only thing that will save the GOP is nominating a True Conservative and suffering a Mondale-style national humiliation. Anything less won’t do.

47 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 12:04:58pm

re: #44 Decatur Deb

The GOP is beyond re-branding. Their only hope is to bathe in a river of fire and leap out shining, waving the banner of a bright new cause.

Ain’t gonna happen.

They could actually rediscover themselves as the anti-corporate party. Stranger things have happened. They could ‘discover’ all the collusion between government and big business, especially the financial industry.

But even that wouldn’t help them with their major problem; they’re against too many things. It’s not the pro-Christian bit, it’s the anti-everyone-else part. It’s a party built on repression.

48 Backwoods_Sleuth  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 12:11:26pm

re: #27 Skip Intro

Apparently the preacher has no ethical problems with stealing other people’s property for his own use.

Funniest is his excuse that because he found it in the googles, he assumed there wasn’t a copyright problem.

49 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 12:12:55pm

re: #36 Eclectic Cyborg

Priebus is like a shady bartender who, despite the fact his patrons are becoming more and more inebriated, keeps SERVING THEM, thus adding to the problem.

The fact he apparently can’t trust the bouncers is also problematic.

Actually, it’s more like he can’t say ‘Last Call!’ and make it stick because then the crowd is going to tear the bar apart. The bouncers are too out numbered to act and the cops won’t show up in time.

Worse, the crowd only wants shots of “Me!”. The bartenders wish they’d mix in some bottles of “Others”, but the crowd came to hate that beer during the Bush years.

50 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 12:54:58pm

Prominent Republicans want reform?

What kind?

51 AlexRogan  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 1:03:59pm

re: #23 Skip Intro

A teabagger explaining why she supported DesJarlais even after the transcript above came out.

Attending the announcement was Warren County Tea Party member Donna Reid of Morrison who said DesJarlais’ personal issues are “the past. What he does now is exactly what we sent him up there to do. Get rid of all the junk up there.

“He votes no on everything,” she said.

And, ladies and gentlemen, this is Exhibit ABCDEF why I’ll be hard-pressed to vote GOP again, even if the candidate is not a fucking knuckle-dragging nutcase.

The modern TPGOP: Truly the party of “no” (especially if it’s perceived to hurt the Democrats, the state and the needs of the nation be damned).

52 AlexRogan  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 1:07:26pm

re: #47 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

They could actually rediscover themselves as the anti-corporate party. Stranger things have happened. They could ‘discover’ all the collusion between government and big business, especially the financial industry.

But even that wouldn’t help them with their major problem; they’re against too many things. It’s not the pro-Christian bit, it’s the anti-everyone-else part. It’s a party built on repression.

The GOP will never do that, because that would set them against their corporate masters.

A snowball has a better chance of surviving in Hell.

53 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Sun, Aug 18, 2013 1:15:30pm

re: #52 AlexRogan

The GOP will never do that, because that would set them against their corporate masters.

A snowball has a better chance of surviving in Hell.

No, they could do that by singleing out individual corporations. They do that already, they attack Solynedra despite it being a corporation. Lots of financial firms are as in bed with Democrats as Republicans.

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