Tom Waits - Rare In-Studio KCRW Performance: The Fall of Troy

The well is full of pennies
Music • Views: 18,350


One of my favorite Tom Waits performances of all time, delivered off the cuff in a radio station studio on a stand-up piano.

It’s the same with men as with horses and dogs
Nothing wants to die
Evelyn James was killed in the game
With guns too big for their hands
Just off St. Charles in No-Man’s Land
Now they’ll have to find their own way home, boys
They will have to find their own way home

The oldest was Troy, an eighteen year old boy
Shot dead in March during a robbery
His brother started out to hell and to ruin
Troy’s killer was never caught they say
Young Nick he just went bad that day
Now they’ll have to find their own way home
Have to find their own way home

Why cook dinner?
Why make my bed?
Why come home at all?
Out the door and through the woods
There’s a world where nothing grows

And it’s hard to say grace and to sit in the place
Of someone missing at the table
Mom’s hair sprayed tight
And her face in her hands
She’s watching TV to find answers to me
After all she’s only human
And she’s trying to find her own way home, boys
She is trying to find her own way home

My legs ache
And my heart is sore
The well is full of pennies

Jump to bottom

1 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 6:38:11pm

Never heard that before. Waits rules.

2 Charles Johnson  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 7:09:09pm

This song is also on the album “Orphans,” in a studio performance with a band, but this solo KCRW version is so much better.

3 austin_blue  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 7:09:42pm

Childish Gambino is playing down the hill at the SXSW outdoor stage tonight at Town Lake Park. My back porch is a fine listening post.

Imagine Brian Eno’s sonic layerings with hardcore beet salads intruding and forty-second rap strings. Odd, and weirdly beautiful. The crowd loves it, and I’m on the ragged edge of being enchanted.

4 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 7:12:38pm

re: #3 austin_blue

Childish Gambino is playing down the hill at the SXSW outdoor stage tonight at Town Lake Park. My back porch is a fine listening post.

Imagine Brian Eno’s sonic layerings with hardcore beet salads intruding and forty-second rap strings. Odd, and weirdly beautiful. The crowd loves it, and I’m on the ragged edge of being enchanted.

Sounds interesting… ok, i’ll bite. Off to itunes…

5 Feline Fearless Leader  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 7:27:47pm

I’m listening to Dire Straits stuff on YouTube before running out to the airport.

Live track from a Mandela tribute concert - they brought out Eric Clapton and played “Wonderful Tonight”.

Youtube Video

6 Chrysicat  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 7:46:51pm
7 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 7:53:35pm

re: #6 Chrysicat

8 Chrysicat  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 7:54:37pm

re: #7 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

Can’t say that I know that meme well enough to recognize it without its text…

9 austin_blue  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 7:54:55pm

So the outdoor portion of SXSW is done and by 2:00 this morning the festival will be over except for some frantic hotel and Home Away fucking. So goodbye to all you nerds, geeks, auteurs, and hipsters, along with some awesomely talented techs and artists.

We put up with you and the massive traffic problems you bring for ten days, smiled warmly, made you welcome, and now it’s time for you to go home.

Please, whatever you do, don’t move here. I pay $700/month already in property taxes to live here. Don’t make it worse.

10 sagehen  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:06:58pm

A month? Seriously? How huge is your property?

I’ve got a nice co-op on the Upper West Side, just off Riverside Park, and my monthly maintenance fees (property taxes + utilities + building staff + elevator and incinerator repair + redecorating the lobby every 10 years) is in that range.

11 Kragar  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:09:04pm

re: #9 austin_blue

So the outdoor portion of SXSW is done and by 2:00 this morning the festival will be over except for some frantic hotel and Home Away fucking. So goodbye to all you nerds, geeks, auteurs, and hipsters, along with some awesomely talented techs and artists.

We put up with you and the massive traffic problems you bring for ten days, smiled warmly, made you welcome, and now it’s time for you to go home.

Please, whatever you do, don’t move here. I pay $700/month already in property taxes to live here. Don’t make it worse.

But Rick Perry is on the radio all the time here in CA telling us how we should all move to Texas there are no taxes in there.

Oh, thats right, he only says income tax, to lure in the suckers.

12 danarchy  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:09:17pm

re: #10 sagehen

A month? Seriously? How huge is your property?

I’ve got a nice co-op on the Upper West Side, just off Riverside Park, and my monthly maintenance fees (property taxes + utilities + building staff + elevator and incinerator repair + redecorating the lobby every 10 years) is in that range.

High property tax is the price of no state income tax

13 teleskiguy  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:10:04pm

Thank you for sharing this Charles. I agree with you, one of the most beautiful performances by Tom Waits.

14 palomino  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:11:20pm

re: #9 austin_blue

So the outdoor portion of SXSW is done and by 2:00 this morning the festival will be over except for some frantic hotel and Home Away fucking. So goodbye to all you nerds, geeks, auteurs, and hipsters, along with some awesomely talented techs and artists.

We put up with you and the massive traffic problems you bring for ten days, smiled warmly, made you welcome, and now it’s time for you to go home.

Please, whatever you do, don’t move here. I pay $700/month already in property taxes to live here. Don’t make it worse.

Why can’t you be respectful and thank Governor Jesus Goodhair for giving your state all that wonderful growth?///

None of it would have happened without his policies of trying to turn the clock back 100 years. (Or one can look at it realistically and acknowledge that over the last 40 years, TX has grown very fast regardless of the party in charge in Austin.)

15 Kragar  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:12:50pm

re: #12 danarchy

High property tax is the price of no state income tax

Once you factor in sales and property taxes, the average Texan pays more than the average Californian in taxes, especially in the lower income brackets.

16 Gus  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:14:01pm

Remarks by the President and Prime Minister Mahathir of Malaysia in Photo Opportunity
The Oval Office
4:08 P.M. EDT
Office of the Press Secretary
May 14, 2002

THE PRESIDENT: Thank you all for coming. Mr. Prime Minister, welcome to the Oval Office, it’s great to see you. I’ve been looking forward to this visit to publicly thank the Prime Minister for his strong support in the war against terror.

He, right after the September the 11th attacks, immediately went and signed a condolences book in our embassy, and that meant a lot. He’s been a — somebody with whom we can talk, we’ve got good relations. We share a deep concern about terror, what terror means to our respective countries, what it means to our peoples.

Mr. Prime Minister, I want to thank you for your friendship and thank you for your leadership, and I want to welcome you.

THE PRIME MINISTER: Thank you very much, Mr. President, for the invitation. Since we met in Shanghai, I have always wanted to follow up on what we discussed there, in particular with regard to how we handle this problem of international terrorism. And I hope that as a result of this visit we will be able to understand the strategy and maybe to work out how best to deal with this problem which plagues all the world, not just the United States. I’m quite sure that this visit will be very fruitful.

THE PRESIDENT: I think so, too. Thank you.

A couple of questions. David.

Q Mr. Prime Minister, when you met with a group of us in New York, you said that there was no evidence at that time that al Qaeda was actively — was active in Malaysia. American officials have now told us that they believe some links do exist. Has your opinion changed since then?

And, Mr. President, I’d like to know whether it’s still the position of the United States that Anwar Ibrahim has been jailed primarily for his political opposition to the Prime Minister?

THE PRIME MINISTER: Well, at that time we were not very certain, but we have discovered that some of these people who were active, who planned to overthrow the government by force of bombs had activity into Pakistan and eventually to Afghanistan, where they did meet with the al Qaeda people.

And they — I believe that they could overthrow the government by force of bombs in order to establish what they consider to be an Islamic state.

Q You believe they are al Qaeda?

THE PRIME MINISTER: Yes, they are. We have found evidence that they have had involvement with these people. But they’re primarily in east Malaysia.

THE PRESIDENT: What was your second part of your question?

Q The question was, Mr. President, is it still the position of the United States that Anwar Ibrahim, the former finance minister —


Q — was jailed primarily for his political opposition to the Prime Minister? Or do you believe — and do you believe he should be released?

THE PRESIDENT: Our position has not changed.

Q Mr. President —

MR. FLEISCHER: The Malaysian press.

Q Mr. President, can you tell us what you — what we can expect of future Malaysia-U.S. relations as a result of these talks that are taking place today?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I think you can expect continued cooperation — intelligence sharing, for example. Let me finish, please.

One of the things that we’re finding is that our enemy is shadowy. They lurk behind civil institutions and then they strike. They — they’re not like an enemy we’ve known before. And in order to make sure our respective societies are as secure as possible, we must share intelligence. We find out a lot about movements throughout the region, and we’re more than willing to share with the Prime Minister’s government what we know. And vice versa, and that’s important. That’s incredibly important. My most important job — I remind this to the American people — is to secure our homeland.

Q Not more extensive than that —

THE PRESIDENT: There’s a lot more. We’ll talk about trade. We’ll talk about economy. There’s a lot more to talk about. But when it comes to the security of a homeland, that’s about as extensive as it gets. You see, I’m not going to let our nation forget, or our friends in the world forget what happened to us on September the 11th. It could happen to somebody else, as well, and the Prime Minister understands that.

And this is a very important visit from that respect. The — we’ll also talk about the Middle East, and I look forward to hearing from the Prime Minister on the Middle East. So we’ll have a good discussion.


Q Mr. President, former President Carter is in Cuba, about to address the Cuban people. Has his — have his remarks complicated your foreign policy? And what would you say to the Cuban people, if allowed to speak directly to them?

THE PRESIDENT: Well, I — you know, I appreciate President Carter’s focus on human rights. I think that’s important in Cuba, in a place where there is no human rights.

My message — first of all, it doesn’t complicate my foreign policy because I hadn’t changed my foreign policy. And that is that Fidel Castro is a dictator and he is repressive. And he ought to have free elections. And he ought to have a free press. And he ought to free his prisoners. And he ought to encourage free enterprise.

And my message to Fidel — my message to the Cuban people is, demand freedom and you’ve got a President who stands with you. And my message to Fidel Castro is precisely what I said. I’m going to deliver that message next Monday in — here, and then I’m going to go down to Miami for Cuban Independence Day.

Last question here for —

Q Mr. President, what do you think of Dr. Mahathir’s definition of terrorism and his view that the root causes of terrorism must be addressed not through military action alone?

THE PRESIDENT: I agree with that. I think that — but, first, some of these people are nothing but cold-blooded killers, and there’s no rehabilitation program, except for bringing them to justice. I mean, there’s no way that — these people made up their minds, the leaders of these groups have decided that they’re going to come and kill. And it may be an American, it may be a Malaysian, who knows — but we’re going to stop them.

And so the best program is to use our respective militaries, intelligence gathering, cutting off money, to go after these killers.

Now, in terms of youngsters who are looking for — you know, who are searching for a future, if there’s a hopeless future there may be an opportunity to convert them into potential suiciders or potential killers. And that’s what I think we need to talk about, about how to ease hopelessness where there is no hope; I mean, to help people and to help people realize there’s a better future other than joining up with a terrorist organization whose sole intent is destruction.

That’s why education is important. Good health care initiatives are important. That’s why it’s important for, you know, people in the Middle East to feel like there is a future. It’s one of the reasons I’ve advocated a Palestinian state to be able to live side by side with Israel in peace, so that there — people realize there’s a future. And there’s a better — provide better choices for people other than suicide killing.

But in terms of the senior al Qaeda members or some of these — listen, there’s no — as I say, I want to repeat, there’s no rehabilitation program for them. There’s only one thing to do, is to get them, and we’re going to. We’re going to bring them to justice. And I will remind the Prime Minister it’s going to take a while. This is a — and we’re patient. He needs to know that the American President, our government is a very patient government. And we’re steadfast. And we’re resolved. And we’re going to hunt them down. And we look forward to continue working with him to do just that. And we’ll bring them to justice, and that’s precisely what’s going to happen to these people.

17 Kragar  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:17:18pm
18 nines09  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:18:37pm

Tom Waits is a National Treasure. He speaks the words my heart knows but my mouth can’t find. I hear him.

19 Gus  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:19:17pm

Speech to the Committee on the Present Danger and the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
By Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC, Wednesday, September 29, 2004

As democracy grows in the Middle East, it becomes easier for peacemakers to succeed throughout the region.

There are many wonderful Muslims who will be our best allies in fighting this ideological battle. If you’ll indulge me, I’d like to just tell you briefly about three that I’ve been privileged to know personally.

One of them is the new Prime Minister of Pakistan, Shaukat Aziz. I first met him about 10 years ago when he was a highly successful executive of Citicorp; I was a poor dean, out raising money for Johns Hopkins University. I was struck even then by his interest in substance. This was a man who has given up an incredible career in the American business world—some even talked about him as the next CEO of Citicorp—to go to his native country, to help that country achieve prosperity. He has been rewarded with one nearly successful assassination attempt. But that hasn’t stopped him, or intimidated him, or his brave president, Pervez Musharraf.

Another old friend of mine is Abdurrahman Wahid, the first democratically elected president of Indonesia. He is perhaps even more distinguished for his long leadership of an organization called Nahdlatul Ulama. With 40 million members, it’s the largest Muslim organization in Indonesia and, indeed, it’s larger than most countries in the world. Abdurrahman Wahid is a Muslim leader, but he is also a true apostle of tolerance.

One of his first acts as the new president of that predominantly Muslim country was to go to a Hindu temple in Bali to participate in Hindu prayers. While he was in Baghdad in the 1960s studying his own religion, he studied Shia texts with an ayatollah now known to the world as Sistani. And tragically, he studied with a distinguished Sunni cleric, al-Badri, who was taken away while Wahid was one of his students, tortured with hot irons and brutally murdered. Abdurrahman Wahid has never forgotten what Saddam did [to his teacher.]

The third one, I’m happy to say, is a former deputy prime minister who was recently released from six years of unjustified imprisonment in his own country, Malaysia. Anwar Ibrahim, again, is a devout Muslim, who started his career as a leader of the Muslim student movement in Malaysia.

I attended a conference in Kuala Lumpur some eight years ago where Anwar was asked about his views of the relationship between Islam and politics, and he replied, “I have no use for countries that call themselves Islamic and then deny basic rights to half their population,” clearly meaning their women.

These are three of the most wonderful human beings in public life anywhere. It’s men and women like them who will lead change throughout the Muslim world.

Hamid Karzai in Afghanistan knows that his life is on the line every day, yet he continues to push toward what will be historic presidential elections next week. A few months back he said that if they registered six million people to vote, he’d consider it a great success. Well, 10.5 million people have defied the Taliban philosophy and registered to vote. Forty percent of those registered are women.

Anwar Ibrahim and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz (2004)

20 danarchy  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:19:44pm

re: #15 Kragar

Once you factor in sales and property taxes, the average Texan pays more than the average Californian in taxes, especially in the lower income brackets.

I’d have to see actual numbers on that before I would buy it. California has a higher sales tax, plus a high income tax, plus property taxes.

21 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:19:52pm

re: #17 Kragar

The “Texas Miracle” fraud

[Embedded image]

You have to factor in regulatory costs as well, though. It is simpler to run a business or build a house in Texas and the advantage that gives Texas is substantial.

22 Gus  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:21:09pm

Conviction of Malaysian Opposition Leader Anwar Ibrahim

Press Statement
Jen Psaki
Department Spokesperson
Washington, DC
March 7, 2014

The United States has followed the trial of Malaysian opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim closely. The Court of Appeal overturned his acquittal by the High Court on March 7. Mr. Anwar was sentenced to five years in prison, and the court released him on bail until appeals are exhausted.

The decision to prosecute Mr. Anwar and his trial have raised a number of concerns regarding the rule of law and the independence of the courts. In this high-profile case, it is critical for Malaysia to apply the rule of law fairly, transparently, and apolitically in order to promote confidence in Malaysia’s democracy and judiciary.

The United States and Malaysia have a strong partnership and in the spirit of that relationship, U.S. officials on many occasions have raised with the Government of Malaysia our concerns about the trial of Mr. Anwar. We will continue to follow the case closely.

23 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:21:17pm

re: #19 Gus

Gus, may I ask what point you are making?

24 austin_blue  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:22:49pm

re: #10 sagehen

A month? Seriously? How huge is your property?

I’ve got a nice co-op on the Upper West Side, just off Riverside Park, and my monthly maintenance fees (property taxes + utilities + building staff + elevator and incinerator repair + redecorating the lobby every 10 years) is in that range.

It’s a 50 X 150 foot lot. The house is 1100 sq ft, a 1950 2/1, and a finished out two-car garage that serves as a guest house/She Who Must Be Obeyed’s studio. It has a full bath scabbed onto it, the front half of that being a washer/dryer bay and storage space. Total square footage is around 1700 sq ft. Texas has no income tax, so property tax is the primary driver for all school funding.

It sucks.

25 Gus  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:23:14pm

re: #23 Dark_Falcon

Gus, may I ask what point you are making?

Top secret.

26 Gus  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:24:19pm

2d Session
H. RES. 658

Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives with respect to Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim.
October 27, 2000

Mr. Smith of New Jersey (for himself, Ms. Ros-Lehtinen, Mr. Lantos, Mr. Rohrabacher, Mr. Royce, Mr. Abercrombie, and Mr. Wexler) submitted the following resolution; which was referred to the Committee on International Relations

27 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:24:38pm

re: #25 Gus

Top secret.

I’ve got the clearance for it.

28 austin_blue  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:25:42pm

re: #15 Kragar

Once you factor in sales and property taxes, the average Texan pays more than the average Californian in taxes, especially in the lower income brackets.

Yup. Regressive as hell. And the po’ folks are getting it in the neck on property taxes, too, through their rent costs.

29 Killgore Trout  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:26:03pm

re: #19 Gus

Speech to the Committee on the Present Danger and the Foundation for the Defense of Democracies
By Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz, Mayflower Hotel, Washington, DC, Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Anwar Ibrahim and Deputy Secretary of Defense Paul Wolfowitz (2004)

I was starting to think there was no way this could be blamed on neocons and wingnuts.
seriously though, I suspect this might be the Malaysian government making shit up to tar domestic political opponents. I don’t see much evidence that Ibrahim has a fanatical terrorist fan base sophisticated enough to steal jet liners. The pilot may have been a lone zealous supporter but I doubt Ibrahim was the motivation for this. Where’s the manifesto or claim of credit? What was he hoping to accomplish?

30 Gus  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:26:34pm

Oh, there we go already.

31 Gus  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:27:09pm

re: #27 Dark_Falcon

I’ve got the clearance for it.

Starts here.

I’m leaving now.

33 Charles Johnson  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:28:31pm


34 The War TARDIS  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:28:52pm

re: #29 Killgore Trout

The Malaysian Government is rather nasty, especially towards minorities. You all should look up how they treat Hindus.

The government is also very corrupt.

35 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:29:28pm

re: #24 austin_blue

Found another photo for you:

B-52 - 2013 - WSO

36 The War TARDIS  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:29:37pm

re: #32 Killgore Trout

Are we REALLY going to believe the Daily Mail?

37 austin_blue  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:30:11pm

re: #20 danarchy

I’d have to see actual numbers on that before I would buy it. California has a higher sales tax, plus a high income tax, plus property taxes.

Sales tax in Austin is 8.25%. The only exemption is for unprocessed groceries.

38 Stanley Sea  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:31:36pm

Daily Mail. Just scrolled over the link.


39 Killgore Trout  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:31:55pm

re: #36 The War TARDIS

Are we REALLY going to believe the Daily Mail?

no, and I’m not terribly inclined to believe the Malaysian government either. I suppose it’s possible, this case is very strange, but I don’t see much evidence that Ibrahim has a radicalized fanatic fan base that would do something like this.

40 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:34:09pm

re: #32 Killgore Trout

Doomed airliner pilot was political fanatic: Hours before taking control of flight MH370 he attended trial of jailed opposition leader as FBI reveal passengers could be at a secret location

The Daily FAIL strikes (out) again. I don’t consider a man to be a “political fanatic” because he follows with great concern the trial of a man whom there is good reason to believe has been framed by the Malaysian government (and for something that shouldn’t be a crime, either).

41 The War TARDIS  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:34:54pm

re: #39 Killgore Trout

Malaysia’s is trying to divert attention from their own incompetence and fact that they hid information.

Here’s to hoping this brings the UMNO Government down.

42 austin_blue  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:35:16pm

re: #21 Dark_Falcon

You have to factor in regulatory costs as well, though. It is simpler to run a business or build a house in Texas and the advantage that gives Texas is substantial.

The point is, that it is not being translated to an advantage to the middle class. The profits are going to businesses and developers.

Please, step back and take a wider view of how State government policies impact all of the people in a State. It’s not pretty down here.

43 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:39:15pm

re: #41 The War TARDIS

Malaysia’s is trying to divert attention from their own incompetence and fact that they hid information.

Here’s to hoping this brigs the UMNO Government.

Agreed with the proviso that ‘brings down’ means a vote of ‘No Confidence’ in the current government, followed by honest elections. A Westminster-type Parliamentary System is a viable and decent system of government, if run honestly.

44 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:39:54pm

re: #42 austin_blue

The point is, that it is not being translated to an advantage to the middle class. The profits are going to businesses and developers.

Please, step back and take a wider view of how State government policies impact all of the people in a State. It’s not pretty down here.

It’s even uglier up here, friend.

45 The War TARDIS  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:40:50pm

re: #43 Dark_Falcon

Yeah, that’s what I mean.

Malaysia is a fascinating place governmentally, and I want it to flourish.

That means the UMNO need to get out of the way.

46 austin_blue  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:41:25pm

re: #35 Dark_Falcon

Found another photo for you:

B-52 - 2013 - WSO

That’s the bombardier’s position downstairs. The navigator’s station is to his left. Their ejection seats go down, which is often not helpful.

47 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:53:12pm

re: #46 austin_blue

That’s the bombardier’s position downstairs. The navigator’s station is to his left. Their ejection seats go down, which is often not helpful.

Indeed. I there’s more B-52 and other aircraft stuff in this photo set. Two highlights:

A diagram of the B-52 and its weapons.

The two B-52s used by NASA. The pickup truck and other vehicles really give a good idea of just how huge the B-52 is.

48 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 8:59:56pm

re: #47 Dark_Falcon

Indeed. I there’s more B-52 and other aircraft stuff in this photo set. Two highlights:

A diagram of the B-52 and its weapons.

The two B-52s used by NASA. The pickup truck and other vehicles really give a good idea of just how huge the B-52 is.

Finally got the darn post right.

49 austin_blue  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:03:18pm

re: #44 Dark_Falcon

It’s even uglier up here, friend.

If you look at Krager’s #17, I can’t think how it could be.

As they say in poker, cards bark. Facts are facts.

50 Belafon  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:08:23pm

re: #15 Kragar

I would love to see that comparison. Got any links?

re: #17 Kragar

And I didn’t read ahead.

51 jaunte  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:14:12pm

re: #50 Belafon

Mother Jones:
Texas Turns Out to Be Not So Miraculous After All

Data from:
Institution on Taxation and Economic Policy:
“…the report concludes that all states have regressive tax systems that ask more from low- and middle-income families than from the wealthiest.”

52 austin_blue  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:16:58pm

re: #50 Belafon

I would love to see that comparison. Got any links?

And I didn’t read ahead.

Trust Krager to produce. He’s good peeps.

53 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:20:23pm

re: #49 austin_blue

If you look at Krager’s #17, I can’t think how it could be.

As they say in poker, cards bark. Facts are facts.

Texas isn’t looking down the barrel of a pension crisis the way Illinois is.

54 austin_blue  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:32:39pm

re: #53 Dark_Falcon

Texas isn’t looking down the barrel of a pension crisis the way Illinois is.

Oh, sure we are. We just aren’t reporting the facts. The State has refused the reporting mandate that the Feds required recently.

States Rights, and all.

55 darthstar  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:34:57pm

re: #53 Dark_Falcon

Texas isn’t looking down the barrel of a pension crisis the way Illinois is.

Looks like measures are being taken to avoid that crisis.

56 klys  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:42:03pm

Business contracts are sacrosanct unless made with dirty unions and employees, in which case fuck’em!


57 austin_blue  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:44:06pm

re: #55 darthstar

Looks like measures are being taken to avoid that crisis.

It’s amazing what a few tweaks to tax policies can do to avert Crises.

For instance, removing the salary cap on Social Security contributions from companies and individuals and treating all income as salaries and making those salaries subject to the matching tax requirements could extend the life of full SS funding by decades.

The idea that a guy getting paid $3 million a year and his company are not paying any more Social Security taxes than a guy making $120 grand a year and his company is just rock dumb.

58 jaunte  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:49:32pm

“So the question is, why have the Russians parked their premier Northern Fleet naval tug off the coast of Florida?”

59 darthstar  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:50:27pm

Well, truth be told, I’d rather Putin took Florida than Crimea.

60 jaunte  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:51:34pm

“Florida Man Shoots At Russian Tug”

61 austin_blue  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:52:51pm

re: #58 jaunte

“So the question is, why have the Russians parked their premier Northern Fleet naval tug off the coast of Florida?”

Tanning vacation! Seasonal Affective Disorder treatments!

62 jaunte  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:53:27pm

Intercepting the Bacardi tanker into Jacksonville.

63 austin_blue  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:56:11pm

Should we be in abject fear of the Looming Russian Tugboat Threat? Do we have a Tugboat Gap?

64 teleskiguy  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 9:57:36pm

I saw this “Frank says:” and had to repeat it and give CJ a shout out.

65 Jocko's Rocket Ship  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 10:10:51pm

re: #53 Dark_Falcon

IL is not is not looking down the barrel, as you say. It is a long-term problem, using projected cost over decades that can be reduced in all types of ways . IL may have the highest borrowing cost, but it’s by basis points over the median.

I’m not saying IL’s pension problem is easily solved politically, but it is technocratically. It’s a difficult but not structural problem.

66 darthstar  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 10:14:34pm
67 darthstar  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 10:17:41pm

re: #65 Jocko’s Rocket Ship

Party line narrative, though, is “down the barrel”, or one of the alternatives: in the jaws of death, in the ditch, over the cliff, off the bridge, stuck in the sphincter like a constipated turd, and of course, the fan favorite, in a bit of a pinch.

68 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 10:23:55pm

re: #66 darthstar

[Embedded content]

There is a prime example of a dysfunctional family X 1000.

69 darthstar  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 10:24:10pm
70 darthstar  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 10:25:27pm

Fixed the headline.

71 Kragar  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 10:26:27pm

re: #66 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Wait, Fred Phelps got kicked out of his own church by his own family?

72 Single-handed sailor  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 10:28:27pm

re: #71 Kragar

Wait, Fred Phelps got kicked out of his own church by his own family?

I think Nathan was kicked out.

73 austin_blue  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 10:34:06pm

re: #65 Jocko’s Rocket Ship

IL is not is not looking down the barrel, as you say. It is a long-term problem, using projected cost over decades that can be reduced in all types of ways . IL may have the highest borrowing cost, but it’s by basis points over the median.

I’m not saying IL’s pension problem is easily solved politically, but it is technocratically. It’s a difficult but not structural problem.


74 darthstar  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 10:34:17pm

Okay…time for bed. Try not to be wrong about anything until I return.

75 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 10:41:01pm
76 Lidane  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 10:43:18pm

re: #9 austin_blue


77 NJDhockeyfan  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 11:11:34pm
78 The War TARDIS  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 11:37:07pm

Time to strip the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Russia of tax-exempt status.

79 The War TARDIS  Sat, Mar 15, 2014 11:53:07pm

re: #59 darthstar

I’m assuming buzzing the little fuck with F/A-18s armed with Anti Ship Missiles would be overly belligerent? Even though I really, really want to do that.

80 austin_blue  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 12:05:48am

re: #79 The War TARDIS

I’m assuming buzzing the little fuck with F/A-18s armed with Anti Ship Missiles would be overly belligerent? Even though I really, really want to do that.

Dude, it’s a fucking tugboat.

81 klys  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 12:11:44am

re: #80 austin_blue

Dude, it’s a fucking tugboat.

If we ask nicely, maybe they’ll tow Florida away.


/not that I would really wish that on anyone

82 The War TARDIS  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 12:17:23am

re: #80 austin_blue

Still want to scare the shit out of them.

83 austin_blue  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 12:20:41am

re: #81 klys

If we ask nicely, maybe they’ll tow Florida away.


/not that I would really wish that on anyone

I understand the Meh, in your post. I agree. It’s still just a fucking tugboat.

But should we be afeared that the Russkies have international tugboat capability and we don’t?

We need to close the tugboat gap!

John McCain should immediately write an OpEd piece for the New York Times.

84 klys  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 12:23:34am

re: #83 austin_blue

I understand the Meh, in your post. I agree. It’s still just a fucking tugboat.

But should we be afeared that the Russkies have international tugboat capability and we don’t?

We need to close the tugboat gap!

John McCain should immediately write an OpEd piece for the New York Times.

Yep. Just a tugboat.

The idea of making it more than that is silly.

Maybe we can just give them half of Florida? //

85 austin_blue  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 12:23:50am

And I also think we should make it a National Priority to land, and return, a fucking tugboat to the moon by the end of this decade.

86 klys  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 12:25:41am

re: #85 austin_blue

And I also think we should make it a National Priority to to land, and return, a fucking tugboat to the moon by the end of this decade.


87 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 12:30:32am
88 The War TARDIS  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 12:37:03am

re: #83 austin_blue

All I want to do is terrify the soldiers on the tugboat.

89 austin_blue  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 12:37:27am

Good night, Lizards. My bathroom sink has decided not to drain. From the noise above me tonight, I think I have a bear living in the attic, although I suspect it is something smaller, maybe raccoon sized. Off to Home Depot tomorrow for drain openers and…umm…maybe really thick gloves and preventative rabies shots?

We’ll see what the morning brings. Sweet dreams. Be well.

90 klys  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 12:42:05am

re: #88 The War TARDIS

All I want to do is terrify the soldiers on the tugboat.

Look, no.

Just no.

a) we don’t do that shit.
b) we don’t do that shit.
c) we don’t do that shit.
d) there is no fucking reason to do that shit.

You need to stop this petty, vindictive shit. Lashing out at people in a group because of what some people in “their group” did doesn’t solve anything, doesn’t fix anything, and just propogates the problem. Stop it.

91 Kragar  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 12:44:10am

re: #88 The War TARDIS

All I want to do is terrify the soldiers on the tugboat.

Grow up.

92 Lidane  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 1:18:42am

re: #90 klys

a) we don’t do that shit.
b) we don’t do that shit.
c) we don’t do that shit.
d) there is no fucking reason to do that shit.


93 Kragar  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 1:38:40am

Well, yes, apparently Fred Phelps was kicked out of his own church

Fred Phelps, Founder of the ‘God Hates Fags’ Westboro Baptist Church, is on the ‘Edge of Death’

I just got off the phone with Nate and he confirmed what he had written. The rumors had been flying for several weeks, he said, but after a conversation with some of his fellow “excommunicated” family members, he found out that the rumors were true. He elaborated on that final line, too, saying that the Phelps family is now blocking anyone who is no longer with the church from seeing him, including Fred’s sons, daughters, nieces, and nephews.

Why was he kicked out of his own church? Did he have a change of heart near the end of his life? There’s no definitive answer to that and Nate has heard different things (so any explanation is pure speculation right now).

In any case, it appears that Fred Phelps doesn’t have much longer to live. While some may rejoice at that, Nate’s tone over the phone was anything but happy. He’s losing his father. A father who dedicated his life to spreading hatred and made the lives of so many others so miserable, but a father nonetheless.

94 Kragar  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 1:48:34am

A sad end to a pathetic life. While I’m curious as to why he was excommunicated, I think the best way to mark his passing is to note it but other wise ignore it completely.

95 Kragar  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 2:15:17am

The downfall of being an avid reader: Picked up a 400 page book this afternoon.

Done with it already.

96 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 2:26:24am

re: #80 austin_blue

Dude, it’s a fucking tugboat.

Probably has an attack sub shadowing it anyways.

97 Kragar  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 2:28:05am

re: #96 Varek Raith

Probably has an attack sub shadowing it anyways.

What if the tug *IS* the attack sub?

98 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 2:28:50am

re: #97 Kragar

What if the tug *IS* the attack sub?

Oh, me like.

99 chadu  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 2:34:54am

re: #88 The War TARDIS

All I want to do is terrify the soldiers on the tugboat.

If you’re doing it for political purposes, that’s terrorism.

If you’re doing it for shits and giggles, you’re an asshole.

Furthermore, a fighter jet against a fucking tugboat means you’re an asshole bully.

Wake the fuck up.

100 chadu  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 2:36:50am

re: #93 Kragar

Well, that’s all kinds of fucked up.

Part of me wonders if WBC will protest Fred’s funeral.

I give it a 27% chance.

101 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 2:42:15am

re: #100 chadu

Well, that’s all kinds of fucked up.

Part of me wonders if WBC will protest Fred’s funeral.

I give it a 27% chance.

I wouldn’t put it passed them…
Ugh. Why can’t they just let people go in peace?

102 chadu  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 2:42:57am

re: #95 Kragar

The downfall of being an avid reader: Picked up a 400 page book this afternoon.

Done with it already.

I hope you have a magazine to tide you over until the bookstore opens.

Oh, the Ciaphas Cain omnibus came today and was inserted into the To Read pile.


103 chadu  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 2:43:59am

re: #98 Varek Raith

Oh, me like.

The attack sub-as-tugboat is just there to hide the flying saucer-as-pelican.

104 Kragar  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 2:50:09am

re: #102 chadu

I hope you have a magazine to tide you over until the bookstore opens.

Oh, the Ciaphas Cain omnibus came today and was inserted into the To Read pile.


Think they have 2, is it the one containing “For The Emperor”, “Caves of Ice” and “The Traitor’s Hand” or the one with “Death Or Glory”, “Duty Calls” and “Cain’s Last Stand”?

105 chadu  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 2:54:18am

re: #104 Kragar

Think they have 2, is it the one containing “For The Emperor”, “Caves of Ice” and “The Traitor’s Hand” or the one with “Death Or Glory”, “Duty Calls” and “Cain’s Last Stand”?

The former, so I believe, the first omnibus?

This will be interesting, because I know nuffink about WH40k.

However, it’s down a fair ways in the pile.

106 Kragar  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 3:01:29am

re: #105 chadu

The former, so I believe, the first omnibus?

This will be interesting, because I know nuffink about WH40k.

However, it’s down a fair ways in the pile.

Feel free to ask me any question on background

107 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 3:11:37am

Delaware grandfather pens his own humorous obituary

“Walter George Brulh Jr. of Newark and Dewey Beach is a dead person; he is no more; he is bereft of life; he is deceased; he has rung down the curtain and gone to join the choir invisible; he has expired and gone to meet his maker,” he wrote, quoting from Monty Python’s sketch about a dead parrot.

And, LOL;

“There will be no viewing,” Walter Bruhl Jr. wrote, “since his wife refuses to honor his request to have him standing in the corner of the room with a glass of Jack Daniels in his hand so he would appear natural to visitors.”

108 Amory Blaine  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 3:14:39am

re: #58 jaunte

“So the question is, why have the Russians parked their premier Northern Fleet naval tug off the coast of Florida?”

Spring break comrade!!!

109 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 3:15:39am

re: #108 Amory Blaine

Spring break comrade!!!

It was the only ship that could make it that far.

110 Kragar  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 3:40:48am

From the works of Commissar Ciaphas Cain:

111 Kragar  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 3:42:18am

And with that, I sleep now

112 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 4:05:44am
113 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 4:06:32am
114 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 4:08:38am
115 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 4:23:11am

Nicely done, Samantha Power.

116 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 4:25:53am

Before all the votes are counted? half////

Crimea’s parliament schedules session for Monday to approve result of referendum - @BBCNews

end of alert

117 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 4:27:06am

So, how many Russian citizens were brought in to vote?


Maxim Eristavi ‏@MaximEristavi 5m

@EKloczko no, she shows her temporary registration ID as a foreigner, which was enough for voting commission to let her vote.

118 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 5:10:58am
119 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 5:13:05am

re: #94 Kragar

A sad end to a pathetic life. While I’m curious as to why he was excommunicated, I think the best way to mark his passing is to note it but other wise ignore it completely.

I’m going to picket the funeral with signs that say “God loves Everyone! Even the Assholes.”.

120 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 5:20:27am

Back into the weather doldrums. Rain—today, tomorrow, and freezing rain tomorrow night and Tues.

Not as tired of this as you folks getting all the snow and worse, though.

121 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 5:26:07am

WE got a *slight* dusting of snow, but it is freakin’ cold and blustery!


122 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 5:30:36am

This is the Google translation of the LifeNews report.

At 12:00 Mikhail Malyshev submitted the following figures for cities.

Alushta - 38.63% (15 603 people )
Ê - 43.71 % ( 9101 )
Djankoi 45.51 % ( 14,591 )
Evpatoria - 43.24 % ( 36,637 )
Kerch - 64.35 % ( 74,233 )
Krasnoperekopsk - 46.66 % ( 10,724 )
Saki - 40.68 % ( 9020 )
Walleye - 47.13 % (11 609) ,
Theodosius - 51.79 % (42 280) ,

Bakhchisarai - 39.81 % ( 28,880 )

Total Republic of Crimea voted 42.27 % , which is equivalent to 670,831 man. The highest turnout observed in Kerch - 64.35 %.

Furthermore , Malyshev said that the total number of accredited journalists was 1202 , of whom 900 - foreign . He also added that there were no incidents where police had to have a clarification on this point is not fixed.

123 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 5:32:02am

re: #115 Justanotherhuman

Nicely done, Samantha Power.

[Embedded content]

Remarks by US Ambassador Samantha Power to the United Nations Security Council meeting

might think that Moscow had just become the rapid response arm of the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights. So many of the assertions made this afternoon by the Russian Federation are without basis in reality.

Let’s begin with a clear and candid assessment of the facts.

It is a fact that Russian military forces have taken over Ukrainian border posts. It is a fact that Russia has taken over the ferry terminal in Kerch. It is a fact that Russian ships are moving in and around Sevastapol. It is a fact that Russian forces are blocking mobile telephone services in some areas. It is a fact that Russia has surrounded or taken over practically all Ukrainian military facilities in Crimea. It is a fact that today Russian jets entered Ukrainian airspace. It is also a fact that independent journalists continue to report that there is no evidence of violence against Russian or pro-Russian communities.

Russian military action is not a human rights protection mission. It is a violation of international law and a violation of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of the independent nation of Ukraine, and a breach of Russia’s Helsinki Commitments and its UN obligations.

124 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 5:34:24am

Remarks by Ambassador Samantha Power, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, At a Security Council Meeting on Ukraine, March 13, 2014

The self-anointed Crimean leaders set a referendum date with full backing from Russia. That date was to be May 25th. Then they reset the date for March 16th, allowing less than two weeks to prepare for and carry out a vote. Two weeks - on an issue of monumental importance, risking grave destabilizing consequences, in defiance of the Ukrainian Constitution and in defiance of international law. The referendum ballot that will be put to voters contains no option to vote for the status quo. Ballots with nothing checked will reportedly be ruled invalid. As the vote approaches this weekend, the Russian military intervention continues, and we learned this morning of new military operations by Russian troops involving artillery batteries, assault helicopters, and at least 10,000 additional soldiers near the Ukrainian border.

125 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 5:34:58am

More Russian propaganda.

126 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 5:38:26am

Paris restricts car use after pollution hits high

“On Friday, public transport was made free of charge for three days in an attempt to encourage people to leave their cars at home. This measure will continue on Monday.

“The smoggy conditions have been caused by a combination of cold nights and warm days, which have prevented pollution from dispersing.

“The capital’s air quality has been one of the worst on record, French environmental agencies say, rivalling the Chinese capital, Beijing, one of the world’s most polluted cities.”

127 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 5:41:15am
Harpersville’s experiment with private probation began nearly ten years ago. In Alabama, people know Harpersville best as a speed trap, the stretch of country highway where the speed limit changes six times in roughly as many miles. Indeed, traffic is by far the biggest business in the town of 1,600, where there is little more than Big Man’s BBQ, the Sudden Impact Collision Center and a dollar store. In 2005, the court’s revenue was nearly three times the amount that the town received from a sales tax, Harpersville’s second-largest source of income. Fines had become key to Harpersville’s development, but it proved difficult to chase down those who did not pay. So, that year, Harpersville decided to follow in the footsteps of other Alabama cities and hire JCS to help collect.

Soon we’ll be seeing chain-gangs again.

128 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 5:43:22am
Ward was the longest-serving judge in Alabama’s 274 municipal courts, which are often homespun affairs: a folding table and chairs in a town hall. Appointed by the local governments, municipal judges are required to be licensed to practice law in the state, but they need not have much legal experience. Though Ward earned a law degree from the University of Alabama, he never practiced. Instead, he worked as a bond salesman for Morgan Keegan & Company, often selling bonds to the same small towns over whose courts he presided. At one time, he served as a judge in thirteen different municipal courts in central Alabama. He ruled in Harpersville’s court for over a decade.

It was Ward whom Burdette faced that day in Harpersville’s town hall. “He made us sign this paper saying we waived legal counsel at the time,” she recalled. Burdette didn’t think much of it: “I didn’t know you could get a lawyer for a traffic ticket and didn’t think I needed one—it was a traffic ticket.”

129 Backwoods_Sleuth  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 5:47:20am
130 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 5:47:49am

re: #129 Backwoods_Sleuth

They already knew before the vote.

131 Aqua Obama  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 5:54:11am

Well, Crimeans can say good-bye to any regional elections ever again. Governors are appointed in Russia.

132 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 5:54:54am

re: #127 FemNaziBitch

Soon we’ll be seeing chain-gangs again.

Jesushchrist. I’ll bet the owner of the BBQ joint works in City Hall, too. Note photo. Also from that piece:

“The Constitution ostensibly protects people from falling into this kind of debt-and-punishment trap. In the 1983 case Bearden v. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled that to jail a probationer for failure to pay a fine without inquiring first into that person’s ability to pay violates the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. But if neither the company nor the court seeks to determine indigence—and that is common—then protections for the poor never kick in.”

Several years ago, the privately owned “traffic light monitors” which “caught on camera” people who, inadvertently or not, blew red (or even yellow) lights was ruled unconstitutional after they had been installed all over Charlotte and operated for a few years. In fact, I got a notice (edit) when I couldn’t slow down fast enough for a yellow light on my move up to this area in 1999. I never paid it, but it never affected my license, my registration or anything else. My “fuck ‘em” attitude was vindicated. I new I hadn’t done anything wrong, even if they caught my license plate past the just-turned red light.

This kind of violation of constitutional rights by private companies should be fought tooth and nail. Unfortunately, since it affects mainly poor folks with few resources, it may be harder to get the money and talent to make progress quickly. But I have no doubt it will be done. Those people running these money makers should have to get real jobs, not leech off the public.

133 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:00:57am

Pretty decent video—bribing them with pastries and propaganda.

134 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:03:20am
We asked Short what he has to show for all that money spent in 2012, when Republicans failed at a within-reach effort to take back the Senate and Romney left the GOP in a deep hole by getting wiped out among some demographic groups, including Hispanic and Asian voters. “Our members are committed to the long term,” Short said, “not to one individual cycle.”

Read more:

135 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:04:13am

re: #132 Justanotherhuman

You know,it’s all about State’s Rights … .

136 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:09:59am

re: #131 Aqua Obama

Well, Crimeans can say good-bye to any regional elections ever again. Governors are appointed in Russia.

Aren’t there Tea Party factions that are pushing for America to do just that?

137 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:11:04am

re: #135 FemNaziBitch

You know,it’s all about State’s Rights … .

And indentured servitude, even slavery. Again. Those types don’t care about the Constitution, even as they say they do.

And BTW, how do you justify putting a disabled person on a “work release” program? That is one huge violation right there. Working could get her kicked off disability.

Reminds me of what’s going on in Ukraine with Russia’s bullshit. “Listen to us! It’s for your own good! We’ll give you all the freedom you need!”

Is it any wonder that the far right in the US loves Putin and his “manly” authoritarianism? That Putin himself courts the far right in Europe?

138 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:11:59am

re: #133 Justanotherhuman

Pretty decent video—bribing them with pastries and propaganda.

[Embedded content]

We have cookies!

139 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:15:10am

Does this mean after the “truce” is over, Russia moves in on Ukraine itself?

Russian forces will take no action against Ukrainian military facilities in Crimea during truce period, minister tells journalists - @Reuters

end of alert

Ukrainian PM Yatseniuk says ‘we will find and bring all separatist ringleaders to justice’ - @Reuters

end of alert

Unfortunately, all the “separatist ringleaders” will be in Russian Crimea or Russia proper soon.

140 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:16:31am
In one of the early reports, Asheville’s ABC affiliate, WLOS, said on its website that “the only clinic that could provide abortions in North Carolina, under newly passed regulations, has its license suspended.” Minutes later, Diaz forwarded the report to other top DHHS staff and wrote, “I pushed back on this on the phone w/ the reporter.”
141 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:20:37am

6+ inches of snow tonight in to Monday.
Thanks, Obama.

142 Dr. Matt  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:21:13am

Go Blue!

143 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:22:26am

re: #142 Dr. Matt

Go Blue![Embedded image]

I’m undead so…

144 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:23:35am
145 wheat-dogghazi  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:23:47am

Hello, all. I’ve been offline for two days, waiting for the university to finish upgrading the network switches and cabling in our apartment building. Now, the Internet almost flies, and that annoying New Comments lag is gone!


The old cabling was a disgrace. The wiring in my apartment looked like it had cobbled together from four-conductor telephone cable, spliced into a DSL adapter, which was spliced into a CAT5 connector. Now everything is CAT6, and the switches, etc., are housed in a proper case with built-in fans and surge suppressors.

Me happy.

146 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:29:30am

re: #140 FemNaziBitch

Aldona Wos is an evil, evil person. She and her wealthy husband, Louis DeJoy, are Catholics and contribute heavily to Catholic causes.

147 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:29:42am

re: #145 wheat-dogghazi

Hello, all. I’ve been offline for two days, waiting for the university to finish upgrading the network switches and cabling in our apartment building. Now, the Internet almost flies, and that annoying New Comments lag is gone!


The old cabling was a disgrace. The wiring in my apartment looked like it had cobbled together from four-conductor telephone cable, spliced into a DSL adapter, which was spliced into a CAT5 connector. Now everything is CAT6, and the switches, etc., are housed in a proper case with built-in fans and surge suppressors.

Me happy.

Sounds like my first apartment.

148 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:30:47am

re: #131 Aqua Obama

Well, Crimeans can say good-bye to any regional elections ever again. Governors are appointed in Russia.

Wait…isn’t there some sort of treaty, still binding, coming out of the actual Crimean War that says if Crimea doesn’t remain an autonomous area, its ownership reverts to Turkey?

…Not that Erdogan would be a much better overlord, but still…principle here…

149 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:32:00am

I spy with my little eye….

Three dead pixels.


150 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:33:32am

A little breathing space…

151 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:34:16am
152 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:42:13am

Very good piece on Crimea voting today.

153 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:43:46am

re: #144 FemNaziBitch

[Embedded content]

“The more they know us, the more they dislike us.”

154 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:44:45am

re: #153 Eventual Carrion

“The more they know us, the more they dislike us.”

Yes, I was thinking along those lines as well.

155 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:46:19am
Safari cannot open this page because the server cannot be found.

message from my iPhone.

WTF does that mean?

156 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:47:24am
157 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:47:46am
158 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:48:01am

re: #155 FemNaziBitch

message from my iPhone.

WTF does that mean?

When I see that on my computer, it means my Charter service is down.

159 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:48:12am

re: #156 FemNaziBitch

[Embedded content]

Just couple of days behind. This guy was Asshole of the Day for Pi Day.

160 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:50:10am

More on voting under the gun…

161 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:51:22am

from last August:
Sen. Lindsey Graham: Republicans ‘not generating enough angry white guys’

Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) is warning Republicans that the strategy of relying on “angry white guys” is eventually going to doom his party.

This week, the Republican Party, which is reportedly 92 percent white, has struggled to find minority speakers to take the stage at their convention. While former Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, former Democratic Rep. Arthur Davis and Utah congressional candidate Mia Love all performed well, they were speaking to a crowd of overwhelmingly white faces. In fact, only 2 percent of Republican delegates are black.

Graham told the The Washington Post that it’s just a matter of time before changing demographics catch up with his party.

“The demographics race we’re losing badly [sic],” the senior senator from South Carolina explained. “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.”

Republican strategist Karl Rove admitted earlier this week that part of Mitt Romney’s plan to win the White House has to include getting “white Democrats” not to vote for President Barack Obama.

I love a little historical perspective —every six months or so

162 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:52:56am

re: #161 FemNaziBitch

from last August:
Sen. Lindsey Graham: Republicans ‘not generating enough angry white guys’

I love a little historical perspective —every six months or so


163 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:53:43am

re: #161 FemNaziBitch

from last August:
Sen. Lindsey Graham: Republicans ‘not generating enough angry white guys’

I love a little historical perspective —every six months or so

Besides, who can sustain that kind of anger and stay alive?

164 RealityBasedSteve  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:54:24am

re: #161 FemNaziBitch

from last August:
Sen. Lindsey Graham: Republicans ‘not generating enough angry white guys’

I love a little historical perspective —every six months or so

and this is a bad thing because….


165 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:54:36am

Finally watched the movie Gravity last night. Was a good movie. Kept things moving.

166 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:55:16am

re: #160 Justanotherhuman

More on voting under the gun…

[Embedded content]

167 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:55:20am
168 RealityBasedSteve  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:56:53am

Morning Lizards. I just made waffles for the first time using a yeast batter that sits in the fridge overnight. OMG YUMMY!!!!! Light, moist, a very rich taste… these are what waffles are meant to be.


169 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:58:10am

re: #168 RealityBasedSteve

Morning Lizards. I just made waffles for the first time using a yeast batter that sits in the fridge overnight. OMG YUMMY!!!!! Light, moist, a very rich taste… these are what waffles are meant to be.



Where’s ours???

170 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 6:58:35am

re: #166 Chrysicat

What does this mean?

Russia gets chance 2 win war starting ‘20

171 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:00:34am
172 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:01:04am

re: #170 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

What does this mean?

Means I was running out of characters :P

If this is allowed to stand, Russia’s gonna rebuild its military and keep taking Soviet property. Sooner or Later, Putin will consider himself ready for a fight—maybe even an existential one.

If we actually CUT the military with a guy actively spoiling for WWIII, we might not be able to win it when it becomes no choice, say because he goes for Estonia.

173 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:04:57am

This is nothing but an ultimatum to the Ukraine govt. Forget about the “truce”.

174 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:05:52am

re: #172 Chrysicat

Means I was running out of characters :P

If this is allowed to stand, Russia’s gonna rebuild its military and keep taking Soviet property. Sooner or Later, Putin will consider himself ready for a fight—maybe even an existential one.

If we actually CUT the military with a guy actively spoiling for WWIII, we might not be able to win it when it becomes no choice, say because he goes for Estonia.

I don’t doubt Putin and friends could get big heads about this. One loose cannon that I wonder about is China. How long would they stay quiet if Russia starting moving in on suppliers of materials/goods to them? If war broke out against US and Russia would China chance getting “Trading with the enemy” status in the US by siding with Russia? Would they sit it out and hope for the best?

175 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:06:00am

One does not simply win WW3.

176 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:06:40am

re: #173 Justanotherhuman

This is nothing but an ultimatum to the Ukraine govt. Forget about the “truce”.

[Embedded content]

Someone should ask Putin, since he seems obsessed with re-creating historical events, which side history blames for the Battle of Fort Sumter.

177 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:08:21am

re: #174 Eventual Carrion

I don’t doubt Putin and friends could get big heads about this. One loose cannon that I wonder about is China. How long would they stay quiet if Russia starting moving in on suppliers of materials/goods to them? If war broke out against US and Russia would China chance getting “Trading with the enemy” status in the US by siding with Russia? Would they sit it out and hope for the best?

Or would they decide their mistake was to be neutral instead of a second veto yesterday, and try to snap up Taiwan or parts of Japan? Assuming IT can find some way to get around Article 9, that is…

178 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:08:37am

Another “forget the truce” truth. It’s just giving Russia more time for preparation to move in.

179 Pie-onist Overlord  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:09:04am
180 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:09:24am

I’m not TRYING to wargasm here. I just have to get these damned ideas out of MY head in order to ever sleep again.

181 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:09:30am

re: #172 Chrysicat

If this is allowed to stand, Russia’s gonna rebuild its military and keep taking Soviet property. Sooner or Later, Putin will consider himself ready for a fight—maybe even an existential one.

What is the relationship between this being allowed to stand and Russia rebuilding its military?

If we actually CUT the military with a guy actively spoiling for WWIII, we might not be able to win it when it becomes no choice, say because he goes for Estonia.

You know Russia has nukes, right?

182 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:12:42am

re: #177 Chrysicat

Or would they decide their mistake was to be neutral instead of a second veto yesterday, and try to snap up Taiwan or parts of Japan? Assuming IT can find some way to get around Article 9, that is…

Yeah, they could take the opening to “play” isolationist, with expansion. And leave the rest of the “world” to their devices. Like I say, it’s kinda hard to figure where they might land in a situation like that.

183 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:12:58am

re: #181 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

What is the relationship between this being allowed to stand and Russia rebuilding its military?

You know Russia has nukes, right?

I know full well Russia has nukes. If they actually manage to step in it now, the possibilities are ‘crushed Russia’ or ‘MAD’.

Most people don’t think that Putin would do something even Dinnerjacket and Un haven’t done, and we sure as hell aren’t going to nuclear-first-strike…

And the relationship is, either this stands or we wind up at war now over the 100-year-later equivalent of assassination of Franz Ferdinand (Dammit, Yanuk!). Like I said before, THIS Russian army wouldn’t even be able to force conditions short of destroying the world. If we cut and they build, not necessarily true in 6 years. And if they don’t find war, thgey build.

184 A Mom Anon  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:13:19am

re: #119 Eventual Carrion

A thought…perhaps Mr. Phelps was excommunicated so the grifting family wouldn’t have to pay for his medical treatment.

I really hope that it was because he had a change of heart though, and that somehow the family members being barred from seeing him do get to say goodbye.

185 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:13:40am

Friggin’ sweet!
Youtube Video

186 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:15:04am

re: #126 Justanotherhuman

Paris restricts car use after pollution hits high

“On Friday, public transport was made free of charge for three days in an attempt to encourage people to leave their cars at home. This measure will continue on Monday.

“The smoggy conditions have been caused by a combination of cold nights and warm days, which have prevented pollution from dispersing.

“The capital’s air quality has been one of the worst on record, French environmental agencies say, rivalling the Chinese capital, Beijing, one of the world’s most polluted cities.”

Impossible! The EU has comprehensive air quality regulations!


187 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:16:43am

re: #186 Dark_Falcon

Impossible! The EU has comprehensive air quality regulations!


And even they aren’t good enough.

188 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:17:16am

Another good piece.

189 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:17:40am
The littoral combat ship (LCS) is a class of relatively small surface vessels intended for operations in the littoral zone (close to shore) by the United States Navy.[1] It was “envisioned to be a networked, agile, stealthy surface combatant capable of defeating anti-access and asymmetric threats in the littorals.”[2]

Just a little too Freudian for me.

190 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:18:30am

re: #179 Pie-onist Overlord

A Two-Day Halloween Where Drinking Is Mandatory!

Already on my second cuppa.

191 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:18:45am

re: #183 Chrysicat

I know full well Russia has nukes. If they actually manage to step in it now, the possibilities are ‘crushed Russia’ or ‘MAD’.

What does ‘step in it’ mean?

Most people don’t think that Putin would do something even Dinnerjacket and Un haven’t done, and we sure as hell aren’t going to nuclear-first-strike…

The US has used nuclear weapons in war. Russia could use a tactical nuclear weapon without triggering a MAD exchange.

I still don’t get why you think Russia building up its military depends on taking Crimea. Can you explain?

192 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:18:56am

re: #176 Chrysicat

Someone should ask Putin, since he seems obsessed with re-creating historical events, which side history blames for the Battle of Fort Sumter.

Sane people blame Jefferson Davis and Gen. PGT Beauregard, but there are still “lost-causers” in the South who blame Abraham Lincoln.

193 Pie-onist Overlord  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:20:02am
194 Pie-onist Overlord  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:20:53am
195 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:21:57am
196 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:23:29am

re: #191 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

What does ‘step in it’ mean?

The US has used nuclear weapons in war. Russia could use a tactical nuclear weapon without triggering a MAD exchange.

I still don’t get why you think Russia building up its military depends on taking Crimea. Can you explain?

I don’t think that was Chrysicat’s argument. but I will say that the Crimea contains substantial defense industries, especially shipyards and a helicopter refit facility.

Looking at the eastern Ukraine, the Donets region has a good deal of heavy industry, some of it military. And Kharkov has been a center of tank production since the 1920’s.

197 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:23:48am

re: #189 FemNaziBitch

Just a little too Freudian for me.

Sometimes a vessel is just a vessel.

198 wheat-dogghazi  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:23:55am

re: #192 Dark_Falcon

Sane people blame Jefferson Davis and Gen. PGT Beauregard, but there are still “lost-causers” in the South who blame Abraham Lincoln.

Sending supplies to those garrisoned Union soldiers was an act of war, not humanitarianism!


199 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:24:27am

re: #191 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

What does ‘step in it’ mean?

The US has used nuclear weapons in war. Russia could use a tactical nuclear weapon without triggering a MAD exchange.

I still don’t get why you think Russia building up its military depends on taking Crimea. Can you explain?

Sorry, that was above but only in edits. Either Russia holds Crimea or some idiot blows this cold war hot. Russia’s gonna build strength and materiel as long as they aren’t actively losing troops, possibly if they do too.

200 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:25:02am
201 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:25:56am

re: #195 Chrysicat

Poland is a member of NATO.

202 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:26:01am

re: #197 Eventual Carrion

Sometimes a vessel is just a vessel.

or an incubator?

203 wheat-dogghazi  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:26:25am

re: #197 Eventual Carrion

Sometimes a vessel is just a vessel.

Sometimes they are special ones, though.

“We are looking for the nuclear wessels in Alameda.”

Save the whales!

204 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:27:03am

re: #197 Eventual Carrion

Sometimes a wessel is just a wessel.


205 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:27:15am

re: #203 wheat-dogghazi

Sometimes they are special ones, though.

“We are looking for the nuclear wessels in Alameda.”

Save the whales!

Darn it…

206 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:27:31am

re: #201 Varek Raith

Poland is a member of NATO.

And we may well need to back up that alliance with a garrison.

207 wheat-dogghazi  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:28:02am

re: #205 Varek Raith


208 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:28:05am

re: #202 FemNaziBitch

or an incubator?

That was why I kept the reference to vessel, container if you will.

209 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:28:13am

Putin is not going to attack Poland….

210 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:28:31am

re: #201 Varek Raith

Poland is a member of NATO.

I know that, too. I also suspect that what Putin wants is still a group of puppet buffers. But if he does this, that’s gone, so he has to try to suborn a NATO state (and hopefully force it to drop out before he commits a causus belli).

211 Lancelot Link  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:29:30am

re: #197 Eventual Carrion

Sometimes a vessel is just a vessel.

And sometimes it’s a “little man in the boat”.

212 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:29:52am

re: #210 Chrysicat

I know that, too. I also suspect that what Putin wants is still a group of puppet buffers. But if he does this, that’s gone, so he has to try to suborn a NATO state (and hopefully force it to drop out before he commits a causus belli).

Have you been playing Europa Universalis IV lately?

213 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:31:18am

re: #211 Lancelot Link

And sometimes it’s a “little man in the boat”.

and the fishes in the deep blue sea

214 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:33:19am

re: #212 Varek Raith

Have you been playing Europa Universalis IV lately?

No. Just been sleep-deprived, suspect I’m bipolar (and on a mania, thus my willingness to like the end of Soul Eater last night, let alone buy three domain names reading “russiatoady,whatever”) and need these ideas the hell out of my head so I can stop being wired and tired. Sorry for subjecting you, but the worst part is, I can see that too.

Putin’s problem isn’t just ‘no Soviet Union’. It’s also ‘no Warsaw Pact between me and NATO’.

215 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:33:49am
216 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:34:36am
217 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:35:04am

re: #214 Chrysicat

No. Just been sleep-deprived, suspect I’m bipolar (and on a mania, thus my willingness to like the end of Soul Eater last night, let alone buy three domain names reading “russiatoady,whatever”) and need these ideas the hell out of my head so I can stop being wired and tired. Sorry for subjecting you, but the worst part is, I can see that too.

Putin’s problem isn’t just ‘no Soviet Union’. It’s also ‘no Warsaw Pact between me and NATO’.

In that case, take care of yourself.

Also, the ending to Soul Eater was bad…

218 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:36:00am

I hate when a tv series ends when the manga is still going strong.

219 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:38:28am

re: #199 Chrysicat

Sorry, that was above but only in edits. Either Russia holds Crimea or some idiot blows this cold war hot. Russia’s gonna build strength and materiel as long as they aren’t actively losing troops, possibly if they do too.

And what does them building material matter? Do you seriously think they’ll ever be able to come close to our level of military spending?

220 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:40:29am

re: #219 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

And what does them building material matter? Do you seriously think they’ll ever be able to come close to our level of military spending?

Maybe China and they get more for their money than we do?

221 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:40:54am

re: #220 Eventual Carrion

Maybe China and they get more for their money than we do?

Why would that be the case?

222 FemNaziBitch  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:42:40am


223 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:43:31am

Things are tense in Donetsk

224 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:44:47am

re: #221 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Why would that be the case?

Corrupt contracts. Kickbacks. Shoddy material. Kickbacks. Over billing. Duplicate billing. Kickbacks.

Note: Not saying their Military Industrial Complexes’ don’t have those things, but they could possibly manage them better. Therefor getting more for their money. In the list above you might be able to take out one or two of those “kickbacks” and save some money.

225 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:47:44am

re: #224 Eventual Carrion

Corrupt contracts. Kickbacks. Shoddy material. Kickbacks. Over billing. Duplicate billing. Kickbacks.

Note: Not saying their Military Industrial Complexes’ don’t have those things, but they could possibly manage them better. Therefor getting more for their money. In the list above you might be able to take out one or two of those “kickbacks” and save some money.

But why would two societies demonstrably more corrupt than we are be less corrupt in this area?

226 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:49:51am

Ukraine is not ready to give up Donetsk

Translation: Our tanks are travelling to defend Donetsk from occupation by the Russian Federation.

227 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:51:31am

re: #225 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

But why would two societies demonstrably more corrupt than we are be less corrupt in this area?

Define corrupt. Doesn’t the Russian government own the means of production for military needs? Who would they be kicking money back to, themselves?

228 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:51:53am

re: #220 Eventual Carrion

Maybe China and they get more for their money than we do?

Besides that, do you remember how fast the 1990 drawdown was? I do because it was the first time my defense-contractor father rode a company from upper management to the garbage pit.

There is no ‘peace dividend’. We still need to be able to have troops and tanks for three midsize wars at once, and one of those is spoken for on the 38th Parallel and had better remain so if our current electronics source in China goes belligerent or even just trade-with-enemy. And while I HATE to boost the Repugs, that means even small cuts could leave us unable to crush an enemy that needs crushing.

Russia is a big enough enemy to world prosperity, let alone peace, now that it needs to be laid nearly as low as Germany and Japan were intended to be. We can’t treat with them properly as long as they’re this authoritarian and expansionist.

229 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:53:59am

re: #227 Eventual Carrion

Define corrupt. Doesn’t the Russian government own the means of production for military needs? Who would they be kicking money back to, themselves?

Edited: First of all, no, I don’t think they do own the means of production. Where are you getting that from? Second of all, yes, they’d be kicking money back to themselves. That’s what corruption is.

230 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:54:35am

re: #228 Chrysicat

. We still need to be able to have troops and tanks for three midsize wars at once


There’s kind of a crazy vibe in here this morning.

231 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:56:40am

re: #228 Chrysicat


Russia is a big enough enemy to world prosperity, let alone peace, now that it needs to be laid nearly as low as Germany and Japan were intended to be. We can’t treat with them properly as long as they’re this authoritarian and expansionist.

Agreed. And we need to use our money wiser for that defense. Look at what we truly need and not what is just in contract now because aircraft salesman JImmy was good friends in college with Tad.

232 wheat-dogghazi  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:57:44am

re: #229 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Um, yes?

Government awards contract to crony; crony pads budget, to give kickbacks to government officials. Crony subs out some of the contract to his cronies, who pad their budgets. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Remember, the Sochi Olympics cost $52 Billion, and still some of the toilets didn’t work.

233 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 7:58:38am

re: #232 wheat-dogghazi

Government awards contract to crony; crony pads budget, to give kickbacks to government officials. Crony subs out some of the contract to his cronies, who pad their budgets. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Remember, the Sochi Olympics cost $52 Billion, and still some of the toilets didn’t work.

I edited my post to be less glib, but yeah, it’s weird that right after the deposed Ukrainian head of state is revealed to have skimmed off shitloads of money the concept of people in government routing kickbacks to themselves is seen as baffling.

234 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:01:37am

re: #233 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

True enough, but that’s the one area where they might not cut corners. These people know that a fucking gibbet awaits them if their buddy commits enough war crimes and they lose. They’re more likely to skim the top off the butter than the guns.

235 wheat-dogghazi  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:01:49am

re: #233 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

I edited my post to be less glib, but yeah, it’s weird that right after the deposed Ukrainian head of state is revealed to have skimmed off shitloads of money the concept of people in government routing kickbacks to themselves is seen as baffling.

Right, considering we have had quite a few examples right here in the US of A.
Teapot Dome
Tammany Hall
“Boss” Daley (the elder)
to name three

236 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:01:50am

re: #230 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut


There’s kind of a crazy vibe in here this morning.

Image: thanks_obama-16196.gif

237 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:02:26am

re: #234 Chrysicat

True enough, but that’s the one area where they might not cut corners. These people know that a fucking gibbet awaits them if their buddy commits enough war crimes

What people know, and what gibbet? What are you talking about?

. They’re more likely to skim the top off the butter than the guns.

Why do you believe this to be true?

238 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:05:03am

re: #237 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

What people know, and what gibbet? What are you talking about?

Why do you believe this to be true?

Because they might see the weapons as the difference between unconditional surrender and at worst forcing terms?

239 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:05:32am

re: #229 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Edited: First of all, no, I don’t think they do own the means of production. Where are you getting that from? Second of all, yes, they’d be kicking money back to themselves. That’s what corruption is.

Not in my mind. Corruption in this scenario is colluding with someone else (family, friends, business cohorts, ex cellmates) to make them money. Giving money back to “the government” is just government money not spent. Once it leaves the government to someone else then it is corruption. “They” already have that money to spend, giving it back doesn’t make them any richer.

Possibly not the means of production. How about the means of capitol for that production?

240 Backwoods_Sleuth  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:06:01am
241 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:06:41am

re: #240 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

I demand bows at my polling station!

242 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:07:13am
243 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:07:32am

re: #238 Chrysicat

Because they might see the weapons as the difference between unconditional surrender and at worst forcing terms?

What are you talking about? You are insanely hard to follow. You think that corrupt Russian oligarchs and politicos will refrain from skimming money from the military-industrial complex because they actually think the US and Russia will fight a non-nuclear total war at some point and they’ll need those weapons? That is your actual line of logic?

244 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:08:45am

Also, the fact that I’m trans and would probably be lumped with the gay ‘guys’ earmarked for corrective beating might be part of what’s driving my fury with Russia to such levels. I don’t think they’re done any more than I think Uganda is with tightening that ratchet.

245 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:09:19am

re: #239 Eventual Carrion

Not in my mind. Corruption in this scenario is colluding with someone else (family, friends, business cohorts, ex cellmates) to make them money. Giving money back to “the government” is just government money not spent. Once it leaves the government to someone else then it is corruption. “They” already have that money to spend, giving it back doesn’t make them any richer.?

Do you think that the head of the Ukraine, Yanukovych, was corrupt? The dude with all the palaces and the money and the gold everything?

He was ‘the government’.

Possibly not the means of production. How about the means of capitol for that production?

I don’t know what ‘means of capit[a]l’ is supposed to indicate. How about you tell me what you’re saying, since it’s your claim. Are you just saying the same oligarchs that control the government control the Russian arms industry?

246 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:09:46am

Obdicut I have to run and pick someone up. Can take this up later if the mood hits.

247 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:10:37am

re: #243 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

What are you talking about? You are insanely hard to follow. You think that corrupt Russian oligarchs and politicos will refrain from skimming money from the military-industrial complex because they actually think the US and Russia will fight a non-nuclear total war at some point? That is your actual line of logic?

You followed it just fine. Do you think that they’d scorch our earth instead if they were brought to bear after a war they started? Like I said, we won’t first-strike. Ever. Again.

248 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:11:14am

re: #228 Chrysicat

The standard was two midsize wars, to be clear (TBC). And the cost of that would be prohibitive. We might be able to get back to the ‘2’ standard, but doing that means avoiding the defense cuts of the sequester and that may prove politically impossible. The political parties in the US would rather cede ground to Russia than raise taxes (Republicans) or cut entitlement spending (Democrats). Especially in an election year.

What is needed now is a way to prevent the defense cuts from hitting in October so that the politicians can thrash out a better deal after the election. This amounts to putting on over on the public, but I think such a trick is needed.

249 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:13:11am

re: #247 Chrysicat

You followed it just fine.

Why would this total war not go nuclear?

Do you think that they’d scorch our earth instead if they were brought to bear after a war they started? Like I said, we won’t first-strike. Ever. Again.

That’s not what ‘brought to bear’ means, but yeah, I think if we and Russia were fighting a ‘total war’ they’d go nuclear, at least tactically. Why don’t you?

I don’t get this belief of yours that Russia is simultaneously crazy evil and stupid enough to try to fight the US in a conventional total war but not crazy evil and stupid enough to use nukes.

250 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:13:36am

re: #247 Chrysicat

Chrysicat, go run around the block, please. You seriously need to burn off some nervous energy because the lack of sleep is affecting you badly. Don’t stay here right now, because its not helping you.

251 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:13:50am

re: #248 Dark_Falcon

What is needed now is a way to prevent the defense cuts from hitting in October so that the politicians can thrash out a better deal after the election. This amounts to putting on over on the public, but I think such a trick is needed.

Really contemptible view right there, Dark.

252 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:17:11am

Once again, it appears the older, Russian-oriented elderly are voting for Russia and Putin, perhaps thinking also of the “glory days” of the Soviets?

Christopher Miller ‏@ChristopherJM 44m

Конечно. RT @dpeleschuk: I asked an elderly lady in Simferopol how she voted today: “For Putin.”

253 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:19:30am

re: #251 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Really contemptible view right there, Dark.

I know. But an intelligent national conversation about these problems is impossible is an election year: Anyone who tries to start one will just have poll-tested slogans shouted at them. So something underhanded is needed.

254 A Mom Anon  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:21:34am

re: #251 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

It’s also kind of just awful. We waste SO much money in defense and you’d think all these “OMG the awful evil demon debbil government spends too much money I’m taxed enough already” people would get a fucking grip on that. If we could retool factories that made cars and stuff into war machines during WWII, then why in the hell can’t we retool factories making war machines back into something useful? Duping the public into panicking over jobs lost if we cut defense is a HUGE part of our problem, using that as a trick to keep people voting against their own long term best interests really ought to be fucking criminal, as in your ass sits in jail for lying and violating your oath of office as a public servant or employee thereof.

Also too, this is but one example of why we need corporate money out of the political process and K Street needs to become an empty shell. The only lobbyists in Congress should be constituents, period.

255 sattv4u2  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:22:12am

re: #253 Dark_Falcon

is impossible is an election year

problem is,, it’s ALWAYS “an election year”

Campaigns for the “next” election now start the day after “this” one! It’s now non-stop, sadly

256 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:23:05am

re: #245 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Do you think that the head of the Ukraine, Yanukovych, was corrupt? The dude with all the palaces and the money and the gold everything?

He was ‘the government’.

I don’t know what ‘means of capit[a]l’ is supposed to indicate. How about you tell me what you’re saying, since it’s your claim. Are you just saying the same oligarchs that control the government control the Russian arms industry?

Still here for this one.

Capitol as in who owns/regulates the banks? Who might have final say as to who gets a loan.

As I said, corruption is when the money leaves the governments “hands”. ( I keep using “” because the government isn’t a person. So doesn’t have hands). Putin is not the government, he is the figurehead of it. If he is getting kickbacks then that is corruption. If the government says that they need this many fighters and they will only pay this much for them. Then someone who bids to do it for that much gets the contract, and the government tells the bank to bankroll the effort. Shoddy work notwithstanding, they might get 2 fighters for the price we pay for one, double bang for the buck. And before you say that we in the US get better quality i refer you to the incidences of our soldiers getting electrocuted in showers built by our quality contractors, or the dirty water delivered, or the gasoline sold to our units for $20 gallon. Russia trying to win a war on a shoestring budget might not put up with that shit.

Really gotta run now.

257 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:23:16am

re: #253 Dark_Falcon

I know. But an intelligent national conversation about these problems is impossible is an election year: Anyone who tries to start one will just have poll-tested slogans shouted at them. So something underhanded is needed.

Just goddamn stop with this shit. Even if you think it’s true, I can’t imagine anything dumber than talking about what underhanded stuff you think is necessary.

258 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:25:10am

re: #254 A Mom Anon

It’s also kind of just awful. We waste SO much money in defense and you’d think all these “OMG the awful evil demon debbil government spends too much money I’m taxed enough already” people would get a fucking grip on that. If we could retool factories that made cars and stuff into war machines during WWII, then why in the hell can’t we retool factories making war machines back into something useful? Duping the public into panicking over jobs lost if we cut defense is a HUGE part of our problem, using that as a trick to keep people voting against their own long term best interests really ought to be fucking criminal, as in your ass sits in jail for lying and violating your oath of office as a public servant or employee thereof.

Also too, this is but one example of why we need corporate money out of the political process and K Street needs to become an empty shell. The only lobbyists in Congress should be constituents, period.

Yes, but corporations are “people”, too; the SC decided that in Citizens United, so that makes them “constituents”, too. ////

259 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:25:46am

re: #256 Eventual Carrion

Still here for this one.

Capitol as in who owns/regulates the banks? Who might have final say as to who gets a loan.

Again, the Russian government does not own the banks in Russia, aside from the central bank. They do regulate them, but the US government also regulates our banks.

You are now a very long way from the assertion that the Russian government owns the means of production for its arms.

As I said, corruption is when the money leaves the governments “hands”. ( I keep using “” because the government isn’t a person. So doesn’t have hands). Putin is not the government, he is the figurehead of it. If he is getting kickbacks then that is corruption.

Okay. What I’m saying is that tons of people in Russia, who are in the government, get kickbacks. I don’t know why you think they aren’t, and you seem to have nothing more than supposition.

260 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:26:02am

re: #252 Justanotherhuman

Once again, it appears the older, Russian-oriented elderly are voting for Russia and Putin, perhaps thinking also of the “glory days” of the Soviets?

Christopher Miller ‏@ChristopherJM 44m

Конечно. RT @dpeleschuk: I asked an elderly lady in Simferopol how she voted today: “For Putin.”

[Embedded content]

Those folks’ response to Euromaidan was “Hey you kids, get off my lawn!”.

261 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:26:38am

So, Crimeans voted for govt under the gun…terrific.

262 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:27:00am

re: #257 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

You got a better idea, now’s the fucking time!

263 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:31:13am

re: #262 Dark_Falcon

You got a better idea, now’s the fucking time!

Well, your dumbass MBF is the problem. The sequester took effect because of the GOP’s asinine fixation with the debt and Randian desire to cut programs even though those programs save money in the long run.

I have no solution for the craziness of the GOP. The problem with a democratic system is that if a party convinces enough people, even through propaganda, lies, and general shit-assery, they really do get political power. That’s the circumstance we’re in.

So basically, the GOP has to either reform or suffer electoral losses to get back to fiscal sanity and drop their stupid, Paulian, Ayn Rand inspired, divorced from reality economics.

264 sattv4u2  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:38:21am

Ah well

Today is shot (weather wise)

Can’t golf. Can’t finish the yardwork my son came home for the weekend to help me with

Guess I’ll go wander ‘round the Farmers Market getting the ‘fixins’ for tonights meal

265 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:42:12am

re: #264 sattv4u2

Ah well

Today is shot (weather wise)

Can’t golf. Can’t finish the yardwork my son came home for the weekend to help me with

Guess I’ll go wander ‘round the Farmers Market getting the ‘fixins’ for tonights meal

I planned on doing yard work today. That’s scratched off the list.

266 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:42:33am

re: #264 sattv4u2

Last week it looked like Philly was going to get some snow tonight and tomorrow. Now it looks like just a little bit of snow and rain.

267 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:43:04am

re: #266 PhillyPretzel

Last week it looked like Philly was going to get some snow tonight and tomorrow. Now it looks like just a little bit of snow and rain.

Yeah, you all sent it towards me.

268 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:43:33am

re: #264 sattv4u2

Ah well

Today is shot (weather wise)

Can’t golf. Can’t finish the yardwork my son came home for the weekend to help me with

Guess I’ll go wander ‘round the Farmers Market getting the ‘fixins’ for tonights meal

My wife gave me a grocery list. I wish there was a farmers market down the street.

269 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:43:43am

re: #267 Varek Raith

very funny.

270 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:44:16am

re: #269 PhillyPretzel

very funny.

6+ inches.
I’ll mail you some.

271 sattv4u2  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:44:52am

re: #265 NJDhockeyfan

I planned on doing yard work today. That’s scratched off the list.

We got about half done with the yardwork yesterday so I was planning on doing some with him today, letting him finish before he drove back to school while I hit the links

Neither is going to happen

272 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:45:16am

re: #266 PhillyPretzel

Last week it looked like Philly was going to get some snow tonight and tomorrow. Now it looks like just a little bit of snow and rain.

They are calling for crazy snow again in Virginia. We thank our lucky stars every time we see the weather report out there this winter.

273 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:45:25am

re: #270 Varek Raith

I do not need any more snow. :(

274 sattv4u2  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:46:32am

re: #268 NJDhockeyfan

My wife gave me a grocery list. I wish there was a farmers market down the street.

The one(s) I go to aren’t ‘Zaccly “down the street”

Closest is about 50 minutes away
The one I prefer (and will probably be going to) is an hour fifteen to an hour and a half depending on traffic

275 HappyWarrior  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:46:34am

re: #272 NJDhockeyfan

They are calling for crazy snow again in Virginia. We thank our lucky stars every time we see the weather report out there this winter.

Coldest winter I can remember here. Kid brother has missed close to three weeks worth of school.

276 sattv4u2  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:47:37am

re: #274 sattv4u2

The one(s) I go to aren’t ‘Zaccly “down the street”

Closest is about 50 minutes away
The one I prefer (and will probably be going to) is an hour fifteen to an hour and a half depending on traffic

one way, that is

277 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:48:39am

re: #274 sattv4u2

The one(s) I go to aren’t ‘Zaccly “down the street”

Closest is about 50 minutes away
The one I prefer (and will probably be going to) is an hour fifteen to an hour and a half depending on traffic

There is one somewhere in Nashville but I haven’t found it yet. Maybe a half hour away I think.

278 HappyWarrior  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:48:51am

Finally got a normal night’s sleep. Was having a hard time getting used to daylight savings plus the new niece kept us awake well into four in the morning on Wednesday/Thursday night expecting her arrival but it was worth it since I’m in love with her and unclehood.

279 sattv4u2  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:51:42am

re: #277 NJDhockeyfan

There is one somewhere in Nashville but I haven’t found it yet. Maybe a half hour away I think.

Let Google be Your Guide

280 sattv4u2  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:52:09am

re: #278 HappyWarrior


281 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:52:11am

re: #275 HappyWarrior

Coldest winter I can remember here. Kid brother has missed close to three weeks worth of school.

And lots and lots of snow out there. My wife read the weather report this morning for our former town, 5-9 inches with higher amounts in the mountains (where we lived). They can have it.

282 HappyWarrior  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:53:46am

re: #281 NJDhockeyfan

And lots and lots of snow out there. My wife read the weather report this morning for our former town, 5-9 inches with higher amounts in the mountains (where we lived). They can have it.

Yeah tons of snow and just bitter cold. I never wear gloves usually in the winter months. Decided to get some on a whim back in December and it was a great decision.

283 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:54:15am

re: #279 sattv4u2

Let Google be Your Guide

Awesome! I didn’t expect the farmers market to have a website. It must be a pretty big place.

284 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:56:10am

re: #275 HappyWarrior

Coldest winter I can remember here. Kid brother has missed close to three weeks worth of school.

Yes, I can’t remember a winter like this one in NC in the 60 yrs or so I lived here off and on—it’s been crazy. Spring is trying to push through, but it’s tough. In fact, I can’t remember one that has lasted so long since I left Buffalo as a 12 yr old.

285 HappyWarrior  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:58:19am

re: #284 Justanotherhuman

Yes, I can’t remember a winter like this one in NC in the 60 yrs or so I lived here off and on—it’s been crazy. Spring is trying to push through, but it’s tough. In fact, I can’t remember one that has lasted so long since I left Buffalo as a 12 yr old.

It was pretty warm yesterday for my kid brother’s baseball tournament so I have hopes. But knowing how NoVa/SoMd/DC weather is fickle, I’m not giving my hopes up until we hit mid April to May.

286 sattv4u2  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:58:26am

And on that note, the long quiet drive home to the Farmers Market beckons

287 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:59:09am

re: #285 HappyWarrior

It was pretty warm yesterday for my kid brother’s baseball tournament so I have hopes. But knowing how NoVa/SoMd/DC weather is fickle, I’m not giving my hopes up until we hit mid April to May.

Frikkin 70 yesterday.

288 HappyWarrior  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 8:59:42am

re: #287 Varek Raith

Frikkin 70 yesterday.

Yep and I looked at the forecast for the next couple days. More cold and then it gets nice again.

289 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:01:05am

re: #285 HappyWarrior

It was pretty warm yesterday for my kid brother’s baseball tournament so I have hopes. But knowing how NoVa/SoMd/DC weather is fickle, I’m not giving my hopes up until we hit mid April to May.

Last year in this area it seemed as though it was warmer in May than it was in June. The summer was relatively decent, but I was pretty certain we’d have an awful winter.

The vernal equinox, or the first day of spring, is Thursday…

290 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:06:59am

What, it’s not a given that the vote will come out in favor of Russia? May be hoping against hope. And what does Dave Weigel know, anyway?

Paul Sonne ‏@PaulSonne 23m

Crimea officials say exit polls for Crimea will be published at 8 pm local time. Preliminary results for Sevastopol 2.5 hours later.

291 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:08:23am

I don’t think I’d want a carmat planted in my chest, either.

French artificial heart maker Carmat will not carry out any more human transplants until it has determined cause of the death of 1st patient fitted with its device - @Reuters

end of alert

292 Skip Intro  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:09:28am

Breaking News regarding Malaysia Airlines Flight 370!

We still don’t know jack shit. CNN enters eighth day of 24 hour coverage of that.

293 Dr Lizardo  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:11:31am

re: #292 Skip Intro

>Breaking News regarding Malaysia Airlines Flight 370!

We still don’t know jack shit. CNN enters eighth day of 24 hour coverage of that.

Breaking News of bupkis.

294 William Barnett-Lewis  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:16:35am

re: #189 FemNaziBitch

Just a little too Freudian for me.

Just the most recent attempt to build small and cheap in place of decent ships because the Navy would really rather be building Zumwalts. A bunch more Perry class frigates with updated electronics kit would be a better idea.

295 darthstar  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:18:14am
296 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:18:34am

re: #292 Skip Intro

>Breaking News regarding Malaysia Airlines Flight 370!

We still don’t know jack shit. CNN enters eighth day of 24 hour coverage of that.

I gave up watching them a few days ago. They keep repeating the same thing over and over again all day long and spend maybe one minute on Ukraine during updates on other ‘headlines’.

297 Teukka  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:18:56am

re: #249 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

re: #247 Chrysicat

re: #191 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

re: #183 Chrysicat

Just my $.02 worth…

As to the possibility of the Russians deciding to use nukes, I wouldn’t rule that out, to the point of not really being surprised if I see a ‘shroom cloud.

If Dugin’s Foundations of Geopolitics still is the gameplan still used by Putin and his cronies, it is obvious that even if the Russian Federation leadership aren’t gravely delusional (which sadly appears to be the case), they will have to use excessive force in order to achieve the goals laid out in the book.

Being from Finland, a nation which —should the gameplan in the book be used in full— would be invaded and split between the Murmansk and Russian Karelian regions. I know that given the proportionally large armed forces of my country, any Russian incursion would be met with very stiff resistance, and I fear that the Russians would eventually resort to at least terror bombings of civilian targets, or weapons of mass destruction, in order to break the fighting morale of their opponent.

And Russia invading Finland is not that far fetched as it might seem from someone not originating from the region. We gained independence Dec 6th 1917, from no other country than Russia. We have significant Russian and Tatar minorities, and the Karelia area is divided between Russia and Finland. The Russians could easily invoke “the plight of ethnic Russians” in Finland or hearing “the Karelians call for unification” as an excuse to “intervene.” And I’m not even going to touch the bad blood caused by gaining independence or kicking Russian butt during WWII.

[Bonus points if you at this juncture look up the etymology for Molotov Cocktails]

And this is just the analysis for just one of the many regions Dugin is lusting after in Foundations of Geopolitics. Add the others, and you’ll see it is altogether not unlikely weapons of mass destruction will be used. I just hope the outrage nuclear explosions and their effects in full HD will cause Putins and his cronies cohones finally shrivel back to normal size.


298 William Barnett-Lewis  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:19:11am

re: #290 Justanotherhuman

What, it’s not a given that the vote will come out in favor of Russia? May be hoping against hope. And what does Dave Weigel know, anyway?

[Embedded content]

Paul Sonne ‏@PaulSonne 23m

Crimea officials say exit polls for Crimea will be published at 8 pm local time. Preliminary results for Sevastopol 2.5 hours later.

Waukesha is the county in Wisconsin that always is last in getting out it’s official vote so that the GOP governor candidate can magically have just enough votes to win. Happened for three elections in a row now.

The tweet’s implication is that even if a majority voted against joining Russia, it really won’t matter.

299 darthstar  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:19:20am

re: #292 Skip Intro

>Breaking News regarding Malaysia Airlines Flight 370!

We still don’t know jack shit. CNN enters eighth day of 24 hour coverage of that.

Look at the bright side. It’s keeping CNN from fucking up Crimea coverage.

300 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:20:42am
301 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:24:08am

re: #299 darthstar

Look at the bright side. It’s keeping CNN from fucking up Crimea coverage.

They are waiting until Wolf Blitzer is finished searching for information on what accents the Russians have.

302 wheat-dogghazi  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:24:09am

re: #294 William Barnett-Lewis

Just the most recent attempt to build small and cheap in place of decent ships because the Navy would really rather be building Zumwalts. A bunch more Perry class frigates with updated electronics kit would be a better idea.

I know a Zumwalt is a ship, but it sounds like it should be a physical unit, like a tesla or a newton.

Not sure what it would measure, though.

Totally random thought. Carry on.

303 darthstar  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:25:46am

304 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:26:06am

re: #298 William Barnett-Lewis

Waukesha is the county in Wisconsin that always is last in getting out it’s official vote so that the GOP governor candidate can magically have just enough votes to win. Happened for three elections in a row now.

The tweet’s implication is that even if a majority voted against joining Russia, it really won’t matter.

Well, that’s a pretty esoteric reference to be using for the Crimea election, doncha think? It flew over my head. : )

305 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:27:27am

re: #297 Teukka

I don’t think, though, that Russia actually could implement the game plan in that book in full, it’s pretty much a fantasy.

306 Justanotherhuman  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:28:37am

re: #300 NJDhockeyfan

[Embedded content]

Cheeez, from WalMart. The shame!

307 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:30:46am

re: #305 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

I don’t think, though, that Russia actually could implement the game plan in that book in full, it’s pretty much a fantasy.

I’m feeling better. I’m also gonna commit the Godwin and say we didn’t believe Mein Kampf either.

308 darthstar  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:30:46am
309 chadu  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:38:59am

re: #194 Pie-onist Overlord

The Christmas consumer thing somehow got the Abrahamic message a little backwards by shifting the joy to the getting not the giving.

There’s a plethora of pinatas reasons I love Santa Claus; this is one of them.

310 chadu  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:40:34am

re: #197 Eventual Carrion

Sometimes a vessel is just a vessel.

Does it have a pestle?

311 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:42:39am

re: #308 darthstar

[Embedded content]

I think he said Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country. That’s pretty funny actually.

312 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:44:47am
313 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:48:33am

WTF? I need another source for this one.

314 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:48:42am

re: #312 NJDhockeyfan

Well, he did have open heart surgery on Friday.
Wouldn’t be surprising.

315 Killgore Trout  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:48:56am

re: #311 NJDhockeyfan

I think he said Russia is a gas station masquerading as a country. That’s pretty funny actually.

Imagine what Marx and Lenin would think of modern Russia. It’s a corrupt global capitalist enterprise.

316 Killgore Trout  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:50:45am
317 chadu  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:52:14am

re: #315 Killgore Trout

Imagine what Marx and Lenin would think of modern Russia. It’s a corrupt global capitalist enterprise.

They wouldn’t belong to any club that would have them as a member?

318 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:53:33am

re: #317 chadu

They wouldn’t belong to any club that would have them as a member?

[Embedded image]

319 Charles Johnson  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:55:51am
320 Killgore Trout  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:56:56am

Oh, those silly moderate mullahs…

Iran pursuing banned items for nuclear, missile work: U.S. official

Iran has pursued a longstanding effort to buy banned components for its nuclear and missile programs in recent months, a U.S. official said on Sunday, a period when it struck an interim deal with major powers to limit its disputed atomic activity.
Asked if he had seen a change in Iranian procurement behavior in the past six to 12 months, a period that has seen a cautious thaw in U.S.-Iranian relations after decades of hostility, Van Diepen replied: “The short answer is no.

“They still continue very actively trying to procure items for their nuclear program and missile program and other programs,” he told Reuters in an interview.

“We continue to see them very actively setting up and operating through front companies, falsifying documentation, engaging in multiple levels of trans-shipment … to put more apparent distance between where the item originally came from and where it is ultimately going.”

Asked for reaction to the allegation, a senior Iranian official replied: “No comment”.

321 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:57:33am

re: #320 Killgore Trout

Oh, those silly moderate mullahs…

Iran pursuing banned items for nuclear, missile work: U.S. official

Nobody claims the mullahs are moderate.

322 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:58:32am
323 Varek Raith  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 9:58:38am

Moderate Mitt!

324 BeenHereAwhile  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:02:49am

re: #279 sattv4u2

Let Google be Your Guide

Nashville’s Farmers Market is just on the other side of the tracks from downtown Nashville.

Easy parking right next to the market.

Another Nashville food tip, there are a lot of ethnic supermarkets from Afghan to Korean on Nolensville Rd.

325 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:04:19am

re: #324 BeenHereAwhile

Nashville’s Farmers Market is just on the other side of the tracks from downtown Nashville.

Easy parking right next to the market.

Another Nashville food tip, there are a lot of ethnic supermarkets from Afghan to Korean on Nolensville Rd.

I looked at the map a little while ago. It’s right down the street from where I work. I’ll be checking that out very soon.

326 Killgore Trout  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:06:41am

re: #324 BeenHereAwhile

Another Nashville food tip, there are a lot of ethnic supermarkets from Afghan to Korean on Nolensville Rd.

Those Asian markets are a great place to save money on spices. Regular supermarkets spices are way overpriced. A small container of nutmeg (or whatever) will cost 5 bucks, at a good Asian market will cost 75 cents.

327 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:07:37am
328 Political Atheist  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:07:51am

re: #290 Justanotherhuman

What, it’s not a given that the vote will come out in favor of Russia? May be hoping against hope. And what does Dave Weigel know, anyway?

[Embedded content]

Paul Sonne ‏@PaulSonne 23m

Crimea officials say exit polls for Crimea will be published at 8 pm local time. Preliminary results for Sevastopol 2.5 hours later.

I don’t expect anything but a pre planned result myself.

329 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:09:11am

re: #328 Political Atheist

I don’t expect anything but a pre planned result myself.

Isn’t the poll “Do you want to join russia or get more distant from Ukraine?”

330 jaunte  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:10:53am
331 jaunte  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:13:45am
“Voters in Ukraine’s Russian-occupied Crimea who vote in the March 16 referendum have two choices - join Russia immediately or declare independence and then join Russia.

So the choices are “yes, now” or “yes, later.”

332 Killgore Trout  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:14:57am

I love these soul searching segments where the press starts covering its own obsessions
CNN’s Reliable Sources Brings on a Psychiatrist to Explain Malaysia Plane Coverage Overload
It’s just another way to milk more coverage from a story that’s already been beaten to death.
/Sorry for mixing metaphors

333 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:15:27am

They are already celebrating.

334 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:16:26am

re: #330 jaunte

Clear voting instructions.

They’re clear as mud to me, but that’s because I wouldn’t be able to read English were it written with Cyrillic. I take it you can read Russian and it’s still effectively Greek?

335 Dr Lizardo  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:16:26am

re: #331 jaunte

Sounds legit.


It’s so obviously farcical that it should be an international laughing stock.

336 BeenHereAwhile  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:16:31am

re: #315 Killgore Trout

Imagine what Marx and Lenin would think of modern Russia. It’s a corrupt global capitalist enterprise.

re: #315 Killgore Trout

Imagine what Marx and Lenin would think of modern Russia. It’s a corrupt global capitalist enterprise.

Lenin promulgated the thuggery that is still in place in Russia today.

337 jaunte  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:17:14am

5.00pm GMT

Sergei Aksyonov, Crimea’s de facto prime minister - though not recognized by Kiev’s government as such - has tweeted that with “two hours before the close of polls voter participation was at 73.4%”.

In an interview with the Guardian yesterday, Aksyonov said he “had received ‘signals’ from Moscow that Crimea’s petition would be accepted”.

338 Political Atheist  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:18:46am

re: #329 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Isn’t the poll “Do you want to join russia or get more distant from Ukraine?”


For the record-From BBC via

The BBC reported this week that Crimeans will be asked two questions on the referendum ballot to determine the direction they want the autonomous region to move in.

The first will ask, “Do you support reunifying Crimea with Russia as a subject of the Russian Federation?” The second question will be “Do you support the restoration of the 1992 Crimean constitution and the status of Crimea as a part of Ukraine?”

Wondering if that matched the poll pic from Jaunte? What does that thing really say anyway?

339 BeenHereAwhile  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:19:10am

re: #325 NJDhockeyfan

I looked at the map a little while ago. It’s right down the street from where I work. I’ll be checking that out very soon.

Go there during lunch.

340 jaunte  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:19:46am
341 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:19:55am

Yes, they are burning books…

342 jaunte  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:21:21am

re: #334 Chrysicat

They’re clear as mud to me, but that’s because I wouldn’t be able to read English were it written with Cyrillic. I take it you can read Russian and it’s still effectively Greek?

I can’t read Russian; but the translations I find read:

“Do you support joining Crimea with the Russian Federation as a subject of Russian Federation?”
“Do you support restoration of 1992 Crimean constitution and Crimea’s status as a part of Ukraine?”

343 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:22:27am
344 Targetpractice  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:22:45am

re: #331 jaunte

“Yes, I want His Greatness Kim Jong-Un as Supreme Leader” or “Yes, I’d like myself family and myself horribly tortured to death.”

345 jaunte  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:22:49am

The 1992 constitution asserts Crimea is an independent state.

346 Political Atheist  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:24:10am

Sunday music from 3 Lizard HQ. (Political Atheist, Not Approved By The MPAA, and Dragon_Lady)

Youtube Video

347 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:24:12am
348 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:26:57am


349 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:27:06am

Thanks for bringing him to light. I may have to follow him just to twit him.

350 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:29:29am

re: #348 NJDhockeyfan

Not every news report coming out of there is credible, you know. Just reporting them all breathlessly doesn’t really add much.

351 BeenHereAwhile  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:32:10am

re: #336 BeenHereAwhile

Editing after posting on a handheld doesn’t work.

Oh well.

(Except this time it did)

Ain’t computers fun.

352 RealityBasedSteve  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:32:55am

re: #264 sattv4u2

Ah well

Today is shot (weather wise)

Can’t golf. Can’t finish the yardwork my son came home for the weekend to help me with

Guess I’ll go wander ‘round the Farmers Market getting the ‘fixins’ for tonights meal

Same here… Rain all day it looks like. They have changed the forecast however, so it’s not expected to turn into freezing rain / ice tonight. Glad of that at least. I’m going to be puttering around designing a new work bench for my lathe and doing kitchen stuff.


353 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:33:24am

re: #350 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Not every news report coming out of there is credible, you know. Just reporting them all breathlessly doesn’t really add much.

There are multiple reports of everything I’ve posted. What do you think is questionable?

354 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:34:17am
355 RealityBasedSteve  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:34:28am

re: #277 NJDhockeyfan

There is one somewhere in Nashville but I haven’t found it yet. Maybe a half hour away I think.

It’s on 8th ave (Rosa Parks Blvd), next to Bicentennial Mall. (about a mile north of the Capitol building


356 Dr Lizardo  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:35:04am

Regarding Malaysia Airways MH370, these are the images that has that Greek ship looking.

357 Dr Lizardo  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:35:57am

re: #356 Dr Lizardo

The original, unaltered image:

Image: Bi2qenrCAAAkESf.png

358 Political Atheist  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:40:11am

Oh say just to put it out there, I’m looking for a logo artist. Starting a local ad campaign on the ground. Any recommendations are sincerely appreciated.

It will be either trust an artist to hit my theme or my own as yet unmade composite shot of an eye from 3/4 side view, with the stars or moon reflected. Feels like something best left to a pro though. Nic is blue.

359 Killgore Trout  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:44:29am

re: #354 NJDhockeyfan

[Embedded content]

Yeah, it’s starting to look like the Russians might take more than just Crimea.

360 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:45:19am

re: #353 NJDhockeyfan

There are multiple reports of everything I’ve posted. What do you think is questionable?

All of it is questionable until verified. Just like it would be in the US. We get reports of “Multiple gunment”, for example, at nearly every shooting, and they often turn out to be wrong.

For example:

Yes, they are burning books…

[Embedded content]

That doesn’t look like a pile of books. It looks like posters or something. Maybe they are books. Maybe they aren’t. If they are books, there’s no proof in that picture that it’s Ukrainian history.

It is entirely possible they are burning books. It’s also possible they’re burning pro-Ukranian campaign stuff or something.

I think it’s perfectly valuable to post stuff like that, but not to put immediate credence in it, any more than any other news item.

361 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:46:39am

re: #359 Killgore Trout

Yeah, it’s starting to look like the Russians might take more than just Crimea.

I think you’re right. They haven’t built up their forces all along the Ukraine border for just training excersizes.

362 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:46:46am

re: #359 Killgore Trout

Yeah, it’s starting to look like the Russians might take more than just Crimea.

You have already said they might (or might not) take the Ukraine since the beginning of this. Given that that’s been your position all along, saying now that they might take more than Crimea isn’t exactly a revelation.

I really don’t get what you think you accomplish by posting this opinion repeatedly. Surely it’s simply a truism—maybe they will, maybe they won’t.

363 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:47:20am


364 Killgore Trout  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:48:22am

re: #361 NJDhockeyfan

I think you’re right. They haven’t built up their forces all along the Ukraine border for just training excersizes.

Let’s just hope the Russians decide to stop there. Not much stopping them from taking the entire country if they wanted to.

365 NJDhockeyfan  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:48:48am

Heading to the grocery store. BBL

366 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:48:53am

re: #363 NJDhockeyfan


Something bothering you?

367 Chrysicat  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:51:50am

re: #362 Fairly Sure I’m Still Obdicut

Just the fact that you say “the Ukraine” may be telling where you stand on this. That’s an Anglicization of a Russian phrase that, because they don’t have articles, uses the preposition for (and uniquely for a country) “in a region of Russia” vs. “In another country”. It’s kind of exactly why the ‘the’ was dropped 22 years ago and doing it that way reduces the whole thing to ‘rightfully a province of Russia’. Please don’t use it again unless you really mean that.

368 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:55:59am

re: #367 Chrysicat

Just the fact that you say “the Ukraine” may be telling where you stand on this.

Nope. I say both, because I’ve heard it referred to as both. Don’t read meaning into little stuff like that.

That’s an Anglicization of a Russian phrase that, because they don’t have articles, uses the preposition for (and uniquely for a country) “in a region of Russia” vs. “In another country”. It’s kind of exactly why the ‘the’ was dropped 22 years ago and doing it that way reduces the whole thing to ‘rightfully a province of Russia’. Please don’t use it again unless you really mean that.

Calm down. That may be the effect in Russian, but it is not the effect in English.

369 Political Atheist  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:57:10am

re: #367 Chrysicat

Just the fact that you say “the Ukraine” may be telling where you stand on this. That’s an Anglicization of a Russian phrase that, because they don’t have articles, uses the preposition for (and uniquely for a country) “in a region of Russia” vs. “In another country”. It’s kind of exactly why the ‘the’ was dropped 22 years ago and doing it that way reduces the whole thing to ‘rightfully a province of Russia’. Please don’t use it again unless you really mean that.

Whoops. I was doing that out of ignorance. Thanks for the correction.

370 Fairly Sure I'm Still Obdicut  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 10:57:29am

“Where I stand” by the way, is that Russia’s invasion is a contemptible, horrible, bizarre and stupid action, foolish in the extreme, and that they’ve been forced into it by pseudo-fascist nationalist sentiment they’ve fostered at home.

371 Snarknado!  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 11:05:48am

re: #338 Political Atheist


For the record-From BBC via

Wondering if that matched the poll pic from Jaunte? What does that thing really say anyway?

I can’t read all the way down the “page,” as it gets too blurry for me, but that’s more or less what the items #1 in the “for” and “against” sections say.

372 ObserverArt  Sun, Mar 16, 2014 12:32:50pm

re: #358 Political Atheist

Oh say just to put it out there, I’m looking for a logo artist. Starting a local ad campaign on the ground. Any recommendations are sincerely appreciated.

It will be either trust an artist to hit my theme or my own as yet unmade composite shot of an eye from 3/4 side view, with the stars or moon reflected. Feels like something best left to a pro though. Nic is blue.

Can I offer my help? I’m not too sure what the blue nic, entails though?

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