Video: PM Netanyahu on Meet the Press

David Gregory is ridiculous
Middle East • Views: 24,518

One of the most striking things about Benjamin Netanyahu’s appearance on Meet The Press: David Gregory’s constant attempts to get Netanyahu to bash President Obama and side with Mitt Romney, even interrupting him to do it.

Our “liberal media” at work.

Even more ridiculous: Gregory calls Netanyahu “the leader of the Jewish people.” Uh, no. Netanyahu is the elected leader of Israel, not “the Jewish people.” What a weird comment from Gregory.

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1 jaunte  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:08:17am
2 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:09:05am

Not surprisingly the opening ad is from Boeing.

3 Killgore Trout  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:09:55am

re: #2 Gus

Not surprisingly the opening ad is from Boeing.


4 spiderx  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:11:23am

the media go out of their way to please conservatives so they can say "see we aren't liberally biased?"

I haven't watched Meet the Press since Russert. I gave Gregory a few weeks but he's a hack.

5 Sophia77  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:11:27am

People seem determined to stir up trouble. Why?

Charles is right on about Bibi not being "the leader of the Jewish people," he isn't even all that popular in Israel, they have a parliamentary system and he was able to forge a governing coalition whereas Tzipi Livni, unwilling to link Kadimi to the Likud let alone various far right wing splinter parties, couldn't.

So, he's Prime Minister of Israel, period.

6 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:12:34am

Good grief. David Gregory's attempt to force Bibi to criticize Obama is pathetic.

7 spiderx  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:13:18am's another hack doing his "see i'm not liberal..look at these conservative gotcha questions i ask"

Jake Tapper to Susan Rice : "Why does the US seem so impotent?"


8 Obdicut  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:15:09am

re: #7 spiderx

Jake Tapper to Susan Rice : "Why does the US seem so impotent?"

I think the only appropriate response to that is "Because you touch yourself at night."

9 Killgore Trout  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:16:12am

re: #5 Sophia77

People seem determined to stir up trouble. Why?

Charles is right on about Bibi not being "the leader of the Jewish people," he isn't even all that popular in Israel, they have a parliamentary system and he was able to forge a governing coalition whereas Tzipi Livni, unwilling to link Kadimi to the Likud let alone various far right wing splinter parties, couldn't.

So, he's Prime Minister of Israel, period.

I don't think the press is politically motivated on this. They are just playing up the drama for ratings.

10 jaunte  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:16:15am

The football metaphors don't help.

11 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:16:21am

David Gregory is trying to create a narrative that isn't there.

12 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:17:23am

re: #6 Gus

Good grief. David Gregory's attempt to force Bibi to criticize Obama is pathetic.

"Yes, yes, you're worried about being nuked. But that doesn't interest our viewers. Can't you say something incendiary about our upcoming election? Come on."

13 Kronocide  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:17:58am

re: #10 jaunte

The football metaphors don't help.

Talk softly but carry a big defensive line.

14 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:19:01am

re: #12 SanFranciscoZionist

"Yes, yes, you're worried about being nuked. But that doesn't interest our viewers. Can't you say something incendiary about our upcoming election? Come on."

I'm kind of positive on what I'm hearing from Bibi. I have my doubts about an air strike but he's very supportive of Obama.

15 Charles Johnson  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:19:20am

It's really amazing how hard Gregory works to get Netanyahu to bash Obama. This is just one segment - he continued doing it for the entire interview.

16 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:19:43am

re: #15 Charles Johnson

It's really amazing how hard Gregory works to get Netanyahu to bash Obama. This is just one segment - he continued doing for the entire interview.

Gregory is horrible.

17 jaunte  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:19:52am

"How do you feel about being thrown under the bus?"

18 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:20:20am

Bibi is almost laughing at Gregory.

19 jaunte  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:21:33am

"No really, if you won't complain about being thrown under the bus, you must like it there!"

20 Killgore Trout  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:21:54am

"There is no bus"

21 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:23:02am

"He [Obama] has met with me more than any other leader in the world."

22 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:24:48am

David Gregory failed! Good job Bibi.

23 Charles Johnson  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:24:49am

How did our media get so freaking horrible?

24 Peter Kaufman  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:25:40am

The guy behind the smoked-fish counter at Zabar's, has more claim on the title "leader of the Jewish people", than Bibi Netanyahu.

As for David Gregory, if it's Sunday, ahh, it's crap...

25 sagehen  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:26:26am

re: #23 Charles Johnson

How did our media get so freaking horrible?


26 jaunte  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:26:27am

Why is it better, Mr. Prime Minister, to let your adversary know exactly where the red line is?

27 AntonSirius  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:27:04am

Meh. An interview between two guys who are going to be out of their respective jobs this time next year.

28 sagehen  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:27:13am

re: #24 Peter Kaufman

The guy behind the smoked-fish counter at Zabar's, has more claim on the title "leader of the Jewish people", than Bibi Netanyahu.

As for David Gregory, if it's Sunday, ahh, it's crap...

Woody Allen is the leader of the Jewish people. For which we apologize.

29 jaunte  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:28:08am
30 Decatur Deb  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:28:46am

re: #29 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Myron Cohen.

31 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:29:50am

Wingnuts must have a sad. They were expecting Bibi to throw Obama under the bus and he didn't. Instead he was very supportive of Obama and mentioned women's right's and pluralism -- the latter of which makes wingnuts cringe.

32 Charles Johnson  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:30:40am

re: #31 Gus

Wingnuts must have a sad. They were expecting Bibi to throw Obama under the bus and he didn't. Instead he was very supportive of Obama and mentioned women's right's and pluralism -- the latter of which makes wingnuts cringe.

They're not too fond of women's rights either.

33 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:31:11am

re: #32 Charles Johnson

They're not too fond of women's rights either.

Gregory's questions were basically wingnut talking points.

34 Charles Johnson  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:32:10am
35 A Mom Anon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:32:12am

re: #2 Gus

This always freaks me out,commercials from Boeing,Lockheed/Martin,etc. Who are they selling to? I'm not sure about anyone else here,but I can't afford to buy a plane,whether it's equipped to drop bombs or not. These commercials come across to me more as"This is who owns this broadcast,so don't expect us to bring up anything that will conflict with their profit margin". THAT'S why our media sucks,if it wasn't profit driven, hacks like Gregory would be run out of town on a rail.

36 simoom  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:32:17am

re: #26 jaunte

Why is it better, Mr. Prime Minister, to let your adversary know exactly where the red line is?

It's worth noting, in response to the question about what Israel's red lines were, that PM Netanyahu didn't articulate any specific timetable or level of enrichment or other action that would trigger a strike. The PM instead talked about currently being inside some sort of amorphous "red zone". So the US is being pressured to get out ahead of the PM w/ respect to ultimatums.

37 researchok  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:34:04am

Good interview.

David Gregory did all the disrespecting of Obama, adopting the posture which assumes the President cannot or will not get along with Netanyahu.

Mr Gregory joins Martin Fletcher on agenda based reporting.

38 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:34:06am

If Bibi is allegedly for Romney this interview disproves that notion. If anything it's the opposite and while he doesn't "endorse" Obama, the way Bibi speaks of him is clearly positive.

39 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:36:21am

re: #23 Charles Johnson

How did our media get so freaking horrible?

All of the smart people are blogging on the internet.

Aside from PBS and C-SPAN --which also have a fantastic internet presence. It's the great digital brain drain.

40 b_sharp  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:36:23am

How many 'final' questions did Gregory ask?

41 Decatur Deb  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:37:12am

re: #35 A Mom Anon

This always freaks me out,commercials from Boeing,Lockheed/Martin,etc. Who are they selling to? I'm not sure about anyone else here,but I can't afford to buy a plane,whether it's equipped to drop bombs or not. These commercials come across to me more as"This is who owns this broadcast,so don't expect us to bring up anything that will conflict with their profit margin". THAT'S why our media sucks,if it wasn't profit driven, hacks like Gregory would be run out of town on a rail.

Heard that explained as 'editorial' advertising: "Love us, we're cool".

42 Tigger2  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:37:14am

re: #23 Charles Johnson

How did our media get so freaking horrible?

I'm sure Fox and people like Limbaugh are a part of the reason for the decline and also the 24 hr news channels there is only so much news to report after that is exhausted they have to spin to fill in time.
And a part of it I'm sure is just pure laziness.

43 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:37:22am

Bibi isn't stupid. He's not going to say anything he doesn't want to say.

44 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:37:28am

re: #40 Slimy Sam

How many 'final' questions did Gregory ask?

Two I think. I noticed that as well.

45 researchok  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:37:33am

re: #38 Gus

I agree.

There wasn't even a subtle dig at the president.

46 Decatur Deb  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:39:02am

re: #43 ggt

Bibi isn't stupid. He's not going to say anything he doesn't want to say.

Maybe Mr. Netanyahu reads Nate Silver too.

47 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:39:10am

There is also an economic concept --bad money drives out good.

I've come to understand it can be applied to other aspects of life.

basically, it means that the basic common denominator of humanity will prevail.

Does that make any sense to anyone but me?

48 researchok  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:39:35am

re: #43 ggt

True, but let's not kid ourselves. Netanyahu is no stranger to the media. He's been doing this for a long time.

If he wanted to take a subtle shot at Obama, he easily could have done so- and by the same token he could have given a subtle prop to Romney.

He didn't do either.

49 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:39:38am

re: #46 Decatur Deb

Maybe Mr. Netanyahu reads Nate Sliver too.

Nate Sliver? never heard of him.

50 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:39:54am

re: #48 researchok

True, but let's not kid ourselves. Netanyahu is no stranger to the media. He's been doing this for a long time.

If he wanted to take a subtle shot at Obama, he easily could have done so- and by the same token he could have given a subtle prop to Romney.

He didn't do either.

Yes, exactly.

51 Charles Johnson  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:40:03am

re: #38 Gus

If Bibi is allegedly for Romney this interview disproves that notion. If anything it's the opposite and while he doesn't "endorse" Obama the way Bibi speaks of him is clearly positive.

Doesn't matter, though. I guarantee the right wing blogosphere is going to see this interview in a totally different way. For them it's going to be proof that Obama hates Israel. I'll bet there are already some posts out there to this effect.

52 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:40:10am

re: #47 ggt

Yes. I understand. :)

53 Decatur Deb  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:40:30am

re: #49 ggt

Nate Sliver? never heard of him.

Tall, skinny kid--used to do baseball pools.

54 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:41:02am

re: #51 Charles Johnson

Doesn't matter, though. I guarantee the right wing blogosphere is going to see this interview in a totally different way. For them it's going to be proof that Obama hates Israel. I'll bet there are already some posts out there to this effect.

Yeah. I'm sure that Bibi was sending secret encoded wingnut messages in Morse code through the blinking of his eyes. ;)

55 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:41:11am

re: #51 Charles Johnson

Doesn't matter, though. I guarantee the right wing blogosphere is going to see this interview in a totally different way. For them it's going to be proof that Obama hates Israel. I'll bet there are already some posts out there to this effect.

Learning to see what is instead of what we want to see is incredibly difficult.

Thus, we have meds, social workers and a whole subsection of mental health workers.

56 researchok  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:41:12am

re: #51 Charles Johnson

Through the lens of Magical Thinking.

57 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:41:22am

re: #38 Gus

If Bibi is allegedly for Romney this interview disproves that notion. If anything it's the opposite and while he doesn't "endorse" Obama the way Bibi speaks of him is clearly positive.

Israel is tense, and that's not just coming from Bibi. They spent the summer handing out gas masks at the malls, getting braced for whatever may happen next.

If Israel makes a move, they know the 'blowback' (see, this American has learned the big word) will be right back in their face.

But the wingnuts desperately want Bibi to hate Obama and love Romney, and the moonbats likewise. It just doesn't add up to real politics.

58 Killgore Trout  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:41:25am

The MSM has always sucked on Israel/middle east reporting. It's a complicated issue they just don't bother to explore in any depth. Gregory spends the entire interview trying to get a juicy soundbite instead of asking what kind of Red Line (number of centrifuges, amount of enriched uranium, etc) and how his line may differ from ours. How would a military strike play out, what would a nuclear Iran be like for the region? Nothing but hunting for soundbites.

59 sagehen  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:42:01am

re: #35 A Mom Anon

This always freaks me out,commercials from Boeing,Lockheed/Martin,etc. Who are they selling to? I'm not sure about anyone else here,but I can't afford to buy a plane,whether it's equipped to drop bombs or not. These commercials come across to me more as"This is who owns this broadcast,so don't expect us to bring up anything that will conflict with their profit margin". THAT'S why our media sucks,if it wasn't profit driven, hacks like Gregory would be run out of town on a rail.

It's because they know that most of Congress, or at least congressional staffers, watch this show. That's who they're selling to.

60 b_sharp  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:42:03am

re: #44 Gus

Two I think. I noticed that as well.

I thought I heard three, but I have no intention of listening again.

This Gregory heard somewhere that a 'tough, effective' interviewer controls the interview and doesn't let the interviewee get away with avoiding the tough questions. Unfortunately he doesn't recognize an answer when he gets one. He seemingly doesn't know how to formulate a valid tough question.

61 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:42:14am

re: #57 SanFranciscoZionist

Israel is tense, and that's not just coming from Bibi. They spent the summer handing out gas masks at the malls, getting braced for whatever may happen next.

If Israel makes a move, they know the 'blowback' (see, this American has learned the big word) will be right back in their face.

But the wingnuts desperately want Bibi to hate Obama and love Romney, and the moonbats likewise. It just doesn't add up to real politics.

Winguts equate Jews with Money --so, in their minds, of course the Jews would be with the Party of Greed. Merchant of Venice and all that . . .

62 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:42:49am

re: #58 Killgore Trout

The MSM has always sucked on Israel/middle east reporting. It's a complicated issue they just don't bother to explore in any depth. Gregory spends the entire interview trying to get a juicy soundbite instead of asking what kind of Red Line (number of centrifuges, amount of enriched uranium, etc) and how his line may differ from ours. How would a military strike play out, what would a nuclear Iran be like for the region? Nothing but hunting for soundbites.

He doesn't care. For Gregory it's about internal U.S. politics and nothing else.

63 researchok  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:42:56am

re: #58 Killgore Trout

Gregory spends the entire interview trying to get a juicy soundbite

The only thing David Gregory cares about is David Gregory.

64 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:43:32am

re: #61 ggt

Winguts equate Jews with Money --so, in their minds, of course the Jews would be with the Party of Greed. Merchant of Venice and all that . . .

Eh, in this case the wingnuts just want proof that Obama is bad for Israel.

65 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:43:47am

We're all in agreement then. David Gregory is still a douche.

66 researchok  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:43:50am

re: #61 ggt

So you married into the Wallenda family? (tightrope walkers)

67 researchok  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:45:39am

re: #47 ggt

Good point.

Almost missed that

68 A Mom Anon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:46:08am

re: #59 sagehen

Ok,but it still doesn't explain why I see those commercials in other places too. Non news even. Maybe it's because I live near an Air Force base and a Lockheed plant(that are pretty much on the same property),so maybe my media market is an exception,but I've seen these commercials during the day M-F. It's kinda creepy,to me at least.

69 b_sharp  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:48:07am

re: #49 ggt

Nate Sliver? never heard of him.

He's an aggravating, painfully sharp, wooden little man.

70 Decatur Deb  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:49:41am

re: #49 ggt

Nate Sliver? never heard of him.

re: #69 Slimy Sam

He's an aggravating, painfully sharp, wooden little man.

In case ggt wasn't just making fun of my typing, here's his column/blog:


71 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:50:17am

David Gregory really stepped into it. Again.

72 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:50:19am

re: #70 Decatur Deb

re: #69 Slimy Sam

In case ggt wasn't just making fun of my typing, here's his column/blog:


Couldn't help it. :)

73 simoom  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:50:23am

re: #38 Gus

If Bibi is allegedly for Romney this interview disproves that notion. If anything it's the opposite and while he doesn't "endorse" Obama the way Bibi speaks of him is clearly positive.

I disagree. I think the PM is very clearly, ham-handedly trying to pressure Pres. Obama, using the GOP as proxies to apply that pressure during a presidential election, and then denying that he's actually doing it when called on it publicly. There was the leak to the media by the Prime Minister's Bureau to generate that "snubbing" story firestorm. The PM dressing down the U.S. ambassador in front of GOP House Intelligence Chairman Mike Rogers, followed by leaks about the event from his aides and multiple retellings by Mike Rogers himself. And of course there was the PM's recent public chastisement of Sec. Clinton (over which the PM received pushback from multiple members of his cabinet for airing dirty laundry in public).

74 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:51:46am

re: #73 simoom

I disagree. I think the PM is very clearly, ham-handedly trying to pressure Pres. Obama, using the GOP as proxies to apply that pressure during a presidential election, and then denying that he's actually doing it when called on it publicly. The was the leak to the media by the Prime Minister's Bureau that to generate that "snubbing" story firestorm. The PM dressing down the U.S. ambassador in front of GOP House Intelligence Chairman Mike Rogers, followed by leaks about the event from his aides and multiple retellings by Mike Rogers himself. And of course there was the PM's recent public chastisement of Sec. Clinton (over which the PM received pushback from multiple members of his cabinet for airing dirty laundry in public).

That's not evident in this interview.

75 b_sharp  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:52:37am

re: #70 Decatur Deb

re: #69 Slimy Sam

In case ggt wasn't just making fun of my typing, here's his column/blog:


I'm sure she knows who Nate Silver is.

Nate Sliver is just such an open invitation for puns I can't see how anyone could have resisted.

76 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:55:45am
77 sagehen  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:58:10am

re: #76 ggt

Click the links for today's obligatory cuteness video.

There's no video, I feel cheated. There's just a photo (a very cute one, but still).

78 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:59:20am

re: #6 Gus

Good grief. David Gregory's attempt to force Bibi to criticize Obama is pathetic.

The media wants a horse race and wants people yelling at each other. Its worth pondering how much political turbulence is really just drummed up by media outlets to increase circulation and profits.

79 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 11:59:30am
80 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:01:24pm

re: #79 Gus


Oh jeez. Damn freaks are out howling.

At Breitbart...

Report: Serbian Consulate Claims Amb. Stevens Gay, Should Not Have Been Sent to Libya!!11ty

by AWR Hawkins 16 Sep 2012, 11:30 AM

In the report, not written in a way derogatory toward the ambassador, the Serbian consulate is questioned and he alleges that Stevens' homosexuality was common knowledge: he also says that because of it, Stevens should have been sent somewhere other than a Muslim country.

The report contains pictures of Stevens and an alleged male romantic interest from the 1970s, and is based largely on conversations with gay Chicago city officials and consulates in Chicago.

Here's the question: If Stevens was a homosexual, as the Serbian consulate and others claim, why was he sent to Libya, especially if officials there knew of his homosexuality? It just seems like one more way the Obama administration needlessly enraged the passions of protesters in that part of the world.

81 Killgore Trout  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:01:39pm

Face the Nation looks like it had a much more reasonable discussion although the headline is a bit dramatic.
Ex-ambassador to Israel: U.S. will go to war with Iran in 2013
Thomas Friedman had some good comments in the movie protests...

New York Times Columnist Tom Friedman said the protests, which began in part due to an anti-Islamic film mocking the Prophet Mohammed and led to the death of four American Consulate workers, are "confused and fraudulent."

"Twenty thousand Arab Muslims in Syria have been killed, and there hasn't been a single protest around the Arab world, yet our embassy in Cairo and Libya, our consulates there, were ransacked because of a nut ball film on YouTube," Friedman said.

"[T]here's just a huge fight going on... over what is going to be the future of this region. Who's going to set the rules? And right now, you have the far, far right in the Muslim world trying to challenge the right in the Muslim world, and no leaders really standing up and charting, I think, a progressive, forward future," he added.

Friedman said the countries are in danger of "falling behind exponentially in this globalized world today." He said countries in the Middle East "have exactly enough time, starting now, to get into the modern world.

"And to spend another decade futzing around with Islam as the answer? Islam is a great and glorious faith, but it is not the answer to their development issues today."

82 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:01:51pm

re: #79 Gus


Oh jeez. Damn freaks are out howling.

The Serbian consulate to where, and how the hell did they get involved in this? What the holy hell can Ambassador Stevens' sexuality have to do with this? WTF?

83 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:02:46pm

re: #33 Gus

Gregory's questions were basically wingnut talking points.

But Bibi might well have helped Romney by not indulging in a DERP fest in front the entire nation. The way Netanyahu handled things its only David Gregory who ends up looking stupid, not Benjamin Netanyahu or by extension Mitt Romney

84 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:02:53pm

re: #80 Gus

At Breitbart...

Report: Serbian Consulate Claims Amb. Stevens Gay, Should Not Have Been Sent to Libya!!11ty

Sick fucks. Dancing on his grave and blaming Obama. Amazing.

85 jaunte  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:05:48pm

re: #80 Gus

I can't keep track of whether the Breitbarts want to be careful with conservative Muslim sensibilities or not.

86 Charles Johnson  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:06:57pm

re: #80 Gus

Also at Breitbart today - a post praising the absurd far right Cold War screed None Dare Call It Treason, and accusing President Obama of betraying America.

87 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:07:08pm

re: #82 SanFranciscoZionist

The Serbian consulate to where, and how the hell did they get involved in this? What the holy hell can Ambassador Stevens' sexuality have to do with this? WTF?

How can Obama be surprised at this turn of events? He knew Stevens was a weakling because he knew Steven was infested with Teh Ghey. So he sends in a weak, gay ambassador and then apologizes the next time riots break out. Obama wanted the Libyan Assault to happen!!1 just like the original, this 9/11 attack at its core an inside job!!!11

88 dragonath  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:07:32pm

I like the screenshot of Gregory above. Makes him look like the 4th stooge.

89 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:07:54pm

Seriously, wingnuts. You consider it to verge on treason to suggest that tensions about portrayals of Mohammed in bad movies should be soothed down. Rub their noses in it! But when we allegedly send an allegedly gay man to represent the country in Libya, that's inflammatory and we shouldn't have done it? How does this make any rational sense at all?

Also, I think we've been seeing this build for a couple of days. The rumor has been going around that Stevens was sexually assaulted during the attack on the consulate. This will revive that, and it will now be presented as a surety, and labeled some sort of obvious response to the provocation of a gay ambassador.

IRRELEVENT: Haven't these people ever heard of Lawrence of Arabia? :END IRRELEVENT

90 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:08:10pm

re: #88 dragonath

I like the screenshot of Gregory above. Makes him look like the 4th stooge.

Why do you hate the Three Stooges?


91 simoom  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:09:01pm

re: #74 Gus

That's not evident in this interview.

When asked the first time about whether his red lines comment was a criticism of the Obama admin, he suggests it was directed to the international community at large:

PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: ... It was directed at the general international community. A lot of leaders calling me telling me don’t do it, it’s not necessary. ...

When asked a second time, he again directs the "red lines" criticism at the Obama admin:

PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: ... President Obama has said that he’s determined to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons and I appreciate that and I respect that. I think implicit in that is that if you’re determined to prevent Iran from getting nuclear weapons, it means you’ll act before they get nuclear weapons. I just think that it’s important to communicate to Iran that there is a line that they won’t cross. I think a red line in this case works to reduce the chances of the need for military action because once the Iranians understand that there’s no-- there’s a line that they can’t cross, they are not likely to cross it ... I think that you have to place that red line before them now before it’s-- it’s too late. That was the point that I was making.

I was sort of suprised that Gregory asked the "throw Israel under the bus" question three times though, and that the final time did generate some news. The PM didn't outright say it wasn't true the first two times, but on his third answer:

GREGORY: So President Obama has not thrown Israel under the bus?

PRIME MINISTER NETANYAHU: …if that wasn’t understood until yesterday. So it’s-- it’s-- there’s-- there’s no bus, and we’re not going to get into that discussion, except to say one thing. We have a strong alliance and we’re going to continue to have a strong alliance. I think the important question is where does the-- the only bus that is really important is the Iranian nuclear bus. That’s the one that we have to-- to derail. And that’s my interest. That’s my-- my only interest.

92 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:10:41pm

re: #89 SanFranciscoZionist

Seriously, wingnuts. You consider it to verge on treason to suggest that tensions about portrayals of Mohammed in bad movies should be soothed down. Rub their noses in it! But when we allegedly send an allegedly gay man to represent the country in Libya, that's inflammatory and we shouldn't have done it? How does this make any rational sense at all?

Also, I think we've been seeing this build for a couple of days. The rumor has been going around that Stevens was sexually assaulted during the attack on the consulate. This will revive that, and it will now be presented as a surety, and labeled some sort of obvious response to the provocation of a gay ambassador.

IRRELEVENT: Haven't these people ever heard of Lawrence of Arabia? :END IRRELEVENT

"If they had put any more blue eyeshadow on him [Peter O'Toole]
they would had to call it 'Florence of Arabia'."

- Noel Coward

93 A Mom Anon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:10:50pm

re: #84 Stanley Sea

I often wonder what the home lives of these twisted bastards is like. I guess I don't get it,how do they shut all that hate and nastiness off when the day is over and they spend time with the spouse and/or kids? Is it possible to just shut it down and be somewhat normal? I have trouble imagining being able to compartmentalize like that. It's hard for me to believe there's not some sort of spillover in how they treat those closest to them. I know,I'm just speculating like a mofo,maybe it is possible to be normal and healthy at home and not drag all that crap in the front door at the end of the day.

94 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:11:38pm

re: #77 sagehen

There's no video, I feel cheated. There's just a photo (a very cute one, but still).

Video added to Post. You can skip the post and go here.

I couldn't get an embed code to put it directly into the post???

95 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:12:00pm

re: #91 simoom

[Embedded content]

When asked the first time about whether his red lines comment was a criticism of the Obama admin, he suggests it was directed to the international community at large:

When asked a second time, he again directs the "red lines" criticism at the Obama admin:

I was sort of suprised that Gregory asked the "throw Israel under the bus" question three times though, and that the final time did generate some news. The PM didn't outright sat it wasn't true the first two times, but on his third answer:

Seems acceptable to me. Bibi is putting pressure on Obama and Obama puts pressure on Bibi. Can't expect everyone to be on the same exact page. I don't see this as throwing Obama under the bus.

96 Obdicut  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:12:25pm

re: #83 Dark_Falcon

Benjamin Netanyahu or by extension Mitt Romney

Why is Romney an extension of Bibi?

97 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:12:59pm

re: #93 A Mom Anon

I often wonder what the home lives of these twisted bastards is like. I guess I don't get it,how do they shut all that hate and nastiness off when the day is over and they spend time with the spouse and/or kids? Is it possible to just shut it down and be somewhat normal? I have trouble imagining being able to compartmentalize like that. It's hard for me to believe there's not some sort of spillover in how they treat those closest to them. I know,I'm just speculating like a mofo,maybe it is possible to be normal and healthy at home and not drag all that crap in the front door at the end of the day.

See Breitbart.

98 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:15:09pm

re: #96 Obdicut

Why is Romney an extension of Bibi?

Because they are fairly close friends. If Netanyahu had decided to go in and bash Obama you can be sure that many media outlets would have said that Netanyahu had bashed Obama on Romney's behalf.

99 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:15:51pm

This is quickly getting convoluted.

100 Charles Johnson  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:16:06pm

It's kind of sad - I used to look forward to watching Meet The Press because it was an intelligent show that went into far more depth on the issues than most other news shows. It's become a shallow moribund shell of its former self.

Man, do I miss Tim Russert.

101 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:16:27pm

Netanyahu dodges question if he threw Obama under the bus when in fact he did!!11ty

102 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:18:32pm

Ah. A second comment at Brietfart:

Bodie, it is beyond reckless to send a gay man as an ambassador to any Muslim country, but especially to one that was recently taken over by Muslim fundamentalists who kill gays. We would not be "bowing to the prejudices" of the Muslim world by not sending gay people over there to represent us; we would be saving their lives. We would merely be dealing with the reality of the situation. It is foolish to "project" our values of equality and fairness onto savages who will never, ever share those values. We need to be pragmatic and realistic when dealing with them. I vote we withdraw ALL financial and military support from all Muslim countries, and further, that we do not allow any immigration from Muslim countries, unless it is for persecuted minorities there who are trying to escape with their lives. If any Muslim country wants to start something, just flatten them with good air campaign, or "death from above". Now there is a kind of "diplomacy" they will surely understand! Of course, this will never happen unless we get the Muslim jihadist, and all of his Muslim cronies, out of the White House and the Pentagon. November cannot come soon enough! : )

103 Obdicut  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:20:23pm

re: #98 Dark_Falcon

Because they are fairly close friends.

No, they're not. Why do you think they are?

104 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:20:49pm

re: #99 Gus

This is quickly getting convoluted.

No, it's actually quite simple: Wingnut places like Free Republic and hate Barack Obama with a bone-deep passion and will find any excuse to attack him. They will do this without regard to reason or logic, in order to feed their hate addiction.

105 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:22:05pm

re: #103 Obdicut

No, they're not. Why do you think they are?

It was my understanding they were, or at least that they were friends. They worked together back in the 1970's in Boston and kept in touch afterwards.

106 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:22:39pm

re: #104 Dark_Falcon

No, it actually quite simple: Wingnut places like Free Republic and hate Barack Obama with a bone-deep passion and will find any excuse to attack him. They will do this without regard to reason or logic, in order to feed their hate addiction.

It's a conundrum of sorts. The far-right that hates Obama but likes Bibi up against the far-left that like Obama but hates Bibi while Bibi seemingly likes Obama. Mind you the far left isn't happy about that either.

107 Daniel Ballard  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:23:26pm

re: #100 Charles Johnson

Sad and damaging to our process. "Low information voter" going to be a growing demographic, not just on the right. Professional journalism is an integral part of getting information, and it's fading away like a yellowing newspaper.

108 b_sharp  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:24:10pm

re: #106 Gus

It's a conundrum of sorts. The far-right that hates Obama but likes Bibi up against the far-left that like Obama but hates Bibi while Bibi seemingly likes Obama. Mind you the far left isn't happy about that either.

Colour me confused.

109 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:24:21pm

re: #105 Dark_Falcon

It was my understanding they were, or at least that they were friends. They worked together back in the 1970's in Boston and kept in touch afterwards.

It's a trap!


110 simoom  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:24:35pm

re: #100 Charles Johnson

I noticed something when I tried to post a link to the transcript for Meet the Press. The link get's replaced with the embedded video.

This is what triggers it (just add an http:// in front of it):

111 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:25:01pm

re: #108 Slimy Sam

Colour me confused.

Oh. They're mad at Gregory because he didn't ask Bibi about "apartheid!!!1ty" and the "illegal settlements."

112 Charles Johnson  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:25:58pm

re: #110 simoom

Hmm. Yes, the problem is that their links to articles look just like their links to videos. I'll check it out.

113 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:27:22pm

re: #107 Daniel Ballard

Sad and damaging to our process. "Low information voter" going to be a growing demographic, not just on the right. Professional journalism is an integral part of getting information, and it's fading away like a yellowing newspaper.

Professionalism is rather unprofitable is the problem. People turn in or log on for the headlines and drama, and professionalism mostly means making sure those headlines are grounded in reality and explaining complicated issues. Neither of those things will normally draw large amounts of readers.

114 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:28:19pm

OK all, I just got a supposed campaign email from Romney.

It's spam. I don't think it came from the official campaign. First --it was sent by a daughter of a friend of mine and she is definitely NOT in the GOP camp. 2-the signature line has "Digital Department" listed under her name.

I forwarded it to said friend.

What is creeping me out is that I am not friends with the girl on FB and I don't have her email. How did the spammer make the connection between a girl on the East Coast and me in Chicago?

I'm not even that close to her father (my friend). We don't send private emails, or even converse on FB that much. We just keep up on family doings that way.

115 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:30:47pm

re: #111 Gus

Oh. They're mad at Gregory because he didn't ask Bibi about "apartheid!!!1ty" and the "illegal settlements."

The far-left hates Netanyahu and always has. To them he's "an obstacle to peace." They don't call Hamas a obstacle to peace, nor the smaller Islamist groups that fire rockets at Israel, they reserve that title for the prime minister of Israel. [headdesk]

116 [deleted]  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:32:20pm
117 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:35:05pm

re: #108 Slimy Sam

Colour me confused.

Individuals who cannot rise above their personal situation to a professional level, IMHO. They assume others are like them.

Jews and Muslims hate each other
Obama is a Muslim, Bibi a Jew
Therefore, Obama and Bibi hate each other

Now take it one step further.

Leaders and their countrys represent the leader's personal feelings and viewpoints.
Obama and Bibi hate each other
Therefore, Bibi doesn't want Obama to be POTUS.

See the mindset?

118 Beauzeaux  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:39:10pm

re: #46 Decatur Deb

Maybe Mr. Netanyahu reads Nate Silver too.

He knows which side of his bagel has the schmeer.

119 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:39:24pm

See, this turned out to be incorrect based on this interview alone. It was posted on 9/14.

Bibi Triples Down on Romney

... Now comes word that Netanyahu will give an exclusive interview this weekend to Meet The Press, which gives you your answer. Netanyahu is tripling down on a Romney presidency and will do whatever he can to make it happen.

If he did so he did a pretty lousy job because I sure didn't see it.

120 Charles Johnson  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:39:51pm

re: #110 simoom

I noticed something when I tried to post a link to the transcript for Meet the Press. The link get's replaced with the embedded video.

This is what triggers it (just add an http:// in front of it):

The workaround: instead of pasting the URL directly, use the link button to turn some text into a link, like this:

Here's the transcript.

121 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:40:13pm
122 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:41:36pm

re: #120 Charles Johnson


The workaround: instead of pasting the URL directly, use the link button to turn some text into a link, like this:

Here's the transcript.

Odd. The video showed up in spy but not in the regular page. I even refreshed this page.

123 Dr Lizardo  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:41:55pm

re: #104 Dark_Falcon

No, it actually quite simple: Wingnut places like Free Republic and hate Barack Obama with a bone-deep passion and will find any excuse to attack him. They will do this without regard to reason or logic, in order to feed their hate addiction.

So how will they react in the event of a President Obama re-election? Will they go collectively insane?

124 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:42:04pm

re: #121 ggt

Today's fact.

It can kill you indirectly though, such as if you smoke it then proceed to drive a car while still intoxicated or worse if someone else does that.

125 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:43:27pm

Charles Could you please delete my #116. I made a mistake trying to correct it.

126 simoom  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:43:32pm

re: #103 Obdicut

re: #98 Dark_Falcon

Because they are fairly close friends.

No, they're not. Why do you think they are?

It's an interesting topic actually. PM Netanyahu has both said of Romney that he was someone he had no particular connection to and said, in the same month, that he's known him for decades and he's been a personal friend.


“Israel’s current prime minister is not just a friend, he’s an old friend,” Mitt Romney, with whom Netanyahu worked at the Boston Consulting Group in the 1970s, told aipac in March. (Romney, Netanyahu suggests, may have overstated the tie. “I remember him for sure, but I don’t think we had any particular connections,” he tells me. “I knew him and he knew me, I suppose.”)

And here's what the PM said when meeting Romney, just before his Israel-trip fundraiser:

"Governor Romney, Mitt, it's a pleasure to welcome you in Jerusalem. We've known each other for many decades -- we were so young then -- and for some reason you still look young. I don't know how you do it. And you've been a personal friend of mine and a strong friend of the State of Israel. And that's why it's a pleasure to welcome you here."

127 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:44:23pm

re: #123 Dr Lizardo

So how will they react in the event of a President Obama re-election? Will they go collectively insane?

I'm sorry, my hold on my sanity is not secure enough to allow me to safely delve that deeply into the wingnut mind.

128 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:45:00pm

re: #113 Dark_Falcon

Professionalism is rather unprofitable is the problem. People turn in or log on for the headlines and drama, and professionalism mostly means making sure those headlines are grounded in reality and explaining complicated issues. Neither of those things will normally draw large amounts of readers.

Including most of us. Unless you work in the field, no one has time to read and absorb all the information available. It is impossible to be informed enough to make educated decision on EVERY issue.

That's why we have attorneys, accountants, doctors, auto repair techs and government --we hire people to do it for us. We set up layers of checks and balances. Although, we the people, are ultimately responsible, at some point we have to trust those we hired to do their job.

129 goddamnedfrank  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:45:04pm

re: #115 Dark_Falcon

The far-left hates Netanyahu and always has. To them he's "an obstacle to peace." They don't call Hamas a obstacle to peace, nor the smaller Islamist groups that fire rockets at Israel, they reserve that title for the prime minister of Israel. [headdesk]

A lot of people hate Netanyahu because he chose to go to ultra right anti Rabin rallies where Rabin was depicted on posters with a sniper's reticle over him, or in an SS officers uniform, and told the crowds that Rabin's administration was “removed from Jewish tradition ... and Jewish values.”

Rabin accused Netanyahu of provoking violence, a charge which Netanyahu strenuously denied.

I believe that in most democracies, pulling that kind of bullshit stunt prior to an actual assassination would, or at least should, make a man persona non grata in politics for life. Israel is different, either because of their huge capacity for forgiveness, or because of the absolute dearth of viable leadership options on their right.

130 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:45:11pm

re: #126 simoom

No, they're not. Why do you think they are?

It's an interesting topic actually. PM Netanyahu has both said of Romney that he was someone he had no particular connection to and he's more recently said he's known him for decades and he's been a personal friend.


And here's what the PM said when meeting Romney, just before his Israel-trip fundraiser:

[Embedded content]

Thank you for that.

131 SanFranciscoZionist  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:45:13pm

re: #118 Beauzeaux

He knows which side of his bagel has the schmeer.

As a lady of my acquaintance likes to say, a schmear is what you give a cop so he won't put a ticket on your car.

132 Beauzeaux  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:46:32pm

re: #98 Dark_Falcon

Because they are fairly close friends. If Netanyahu had decided to go in and bash Obama you can be sure that many media outlets would have said that Netanyahu had bashed Obama on Romney's behalf.

During Romney's trip abroad this summer, Netanyahu was asked about this supposed friendship. Bibi said he might have met Romney once but they were not friends.

133 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:46:34pm

re: #131 SanFranciscoZionist

As a lady of my acquaintance likes to say, a schmear is what you give a cop so he won't put a ticket on your car.

schmear is one of those words that sounds like what it means.

Like: tzochke (sp?)
schmata (sp?)
schmegma (sp?)

134 Dr Lizardo  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:47:03pm

re: #127 Dark_Falcon

I'm sorry, my hold on my sanity is not secure enough to allow me to safely delve that deeply into the wingnut mind.

Same here. I've just been thinking what their reaction would be. I really can't personally imagine it. Their collective hatred for President Obama is intense, to put it mildly. I can certainly imagine all sorts of apocalyptic screeds being bandied about, maybe some neo-secessionist talk.

135 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:47:04pm

re: #132 Beauzeaux

During Romney's trip abroad this summer, Netanyahu was asked about this supposed friendship. Bibi said he might have met Romney once but they were not friends.

This seems like something that could rather easily be fact-checked.

136 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:47:47pm

re: #132 Beauzeaux

During Romney's trip abroad this summer, Netanyahu was asked about this supposed friendship. Bibi said he might have met Romney once but they were not friends.

“I remember him [Romney] for sure, but I don’t think we had any particular connections, I knew him and he knew me, I suppose.”

137 Sheila Broflovski  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:47:49pm
Even more ridiculous: Gregory calls Netanyahu “the leader of the Jewish people.” Uh, no. Netanyahu is the elected leader of Israel, not “the Jewish people.” What a weird comment from Gregory.

Yeah, why do people conflate the political leader of the State of Israel, with the "Jewish People"?

It's like calling Barack Obama "The Leader of the Black People."

138 PhillyPretzel  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:48:16pm

re: #133 ggt

schmata (sp?)= rag--materials of one sort or another.

139 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:48:40pm

re: #137 Sheila Brovlofski

Yeah, why do people conflate the political leader of the State of Israel, with the "Jewish People"?

It's like calling Barack Obama "The Leader of the Black People."

Idiots do that too. Stupid Gregory, very stupid.

140 Sheila Broflovski  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:49:25pm

re: #133 ggt

schmear is one of those words that sounds like what it means.

Like: tzochke (sp?)
schmata (sp?)
schmegma (sp?)

tchotchka: a little knicknack. I like to collect bird tchotchkas.
shmata: a rag or a piece of junk.
schmegma: no such word in Yiddish or Hebrew.

141 Beauzeaux  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:49:37pm

re: #124 Dark_Falcon

Marijuana brownies can make you fat.

142 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:49:59pm

O/T, but I'm doing an estimate for Hulu in Santa Monica. Oh geeze I would love to work there. They have those "resting rooms" and a keg.

Why I'm thinking of this on my day off, no idea.

143 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:50:33pm

re: #1 jaunte

144 moderatelyradicalliberal  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:51:19pm

re: #137 Sheila Brovlofski

Yeah, why do people conflate the political leader of the State of Israel, with the "Jewish People"?

It's like calling Barack Obama "The Leader of the Black People."

David Gregory is terrible. This man must have pictures of the head of NBC with a dead girl and a live boy because I can see no other reason for him keeping his job.

The man is a head of state, not a tribe.

145 Digital Display  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:51:30pm

re: #137 Sheila Brovlofski

Yeah, why do people conflate the political leader of the State of Israel, with the "Jewish People"?

It's like calling Barack Obama "The Leader of the Black People."

Like JFK was the leader of the Catholic people

146 MittDoesNotCompute  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:51:45pm

re: #23 Charles Johnson

How did our media get so freaking horrible?

When in doubt, follow the money.

147 Beauzeaux  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:51:54pm

re: #133 ggt

Schmutz. As in Oy, this is terrible. We have to clean up all this schmutz.

148 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:52:06pm

Heh. MJ Rosenberg will make Jeffrey Goldberg sound like a "far-right" pundit.

It’s just a little piece by uber-neocon and Israel Firster Jeffrey Goldberg about sharing a moment with blogger Spencer Ackerman. These two don’t agree on much but, on Israel, they are one.


149 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:52:30pm

re: #141 Beauzeaux

Marijuana brownies can make you fat.

Any brownies can make you fat if can't or won't burn off the calories they supply you with.

150 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:53:07pm

re: #140 Sheila Brovlofski

tchotchka: a little knicknack. I like to collect bird tchotchkas.
shmata: a rag or a piece of junk.
schmegma: no such word in Yiddish or Hebrew.


Being Yiddish wasn't a requirement.

Words that sound like what they are. Many are Yiddish, but not all.

151 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:53:45pm

re: #147 Beauzeaux

Schmutz. As in Oy, this is terrible. We have to clean up all this schmutz.


152 moderatelyradicalliberal  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:53:46pm

re: #149 Dark_Falcon

Any brownies can make you fat if can't or won't burn off the calories they supply you with.

Brownies with weed baked in them are not going to make you want to jump up and burn off calories. You'd have to put meth in the brownies for that.

153 simoom  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:53:57pm

re: #120 Charles Johnson

The workaround: instead of pasting the URL directly, use the link button to turn some text into a link, like this:

Here's the transcript.

Thanks, I'll do that in the future.

154 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:55:31pm

re: #152 moderatelyradicalliberal

Brownies with weed baked in them are not going to make you want to jump up and burn off calories. You'd have to put meth in the brownies for that.

That really would kill you.

155 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:56:43pm

I'm sure once Netanyahu is gone that everyone, and I mean everyone, will love Israel again.


156 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:56:57pm

Wait, I thought The Jewish People had no leader "on earth". Unlike the Catholics.

But in reality, The Jewish People, since the formation of Israel might be considered a political, national and economic group --in which case the term "The Israeli People" would be much better. Not all people in Israel are Jews.

Now we are getting into a circular conundrum.

I guess it depends if a person considers "Jewish" a religion or an ethnicity.

I was taught it was a religion.

157 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:58:15pm

Stinky has been working?

158 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:59:08pm

GGT, look! the baby is huge.


159 William Barnett-Lewis  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 12:59:35pm

re: #115 Dark_Falcon

The far-left hates Netanyahu and always has. To them he's "an obstacle to peace." They don't call Hamas a obstacle to peace, nor the smaller Islamist groups that fire rockets at Israel, they reserve that title for the prime minister of Israel. [headdesk]

There are plenty that do. OTOH, there are also those like me who consider all of them to be obstacles to peace. Rabin's assassination really damaged that nation badly and it is the model I fear the most in America come November.

160 Gretchen G.Tiger  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:00:34pm

re: #158 Stanley Sea

GGT, look! the baby is huge.


gonna need to add a room to the nest soon!

161 Gus  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:01:30pm
162 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:03:11pm

re: #161 Gus

[Embedded content]

It's proving to be a success as intended. My oh my.

163 Aligarr  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:03:29pm

It has long been a meme of the right that Obama hates Israel ,and Israel hates Obama .In truth Ehud Barak's estimation of Obama is that Obama 's is one of the strongest Presidents supporting Israel in the past 30 years . The flap with Netanyahu was due to the untimely announcement in Israel by one of it's ministers regarding the settlements ,while a US Delegation arrived . There have been disagreements with Israel in the past with US Administrations over the settlements , in fact several threats to cut-off loans , came at the hands of GW ,other Republican Admins threatened witholding arms while Israel was at war ! Obama NEVER made any such threats . The Right makes big that flap ,as if a defining factor between the Obama Admin and Israel . Gregory has obviously cast his lot with the right and apparently shows no shame in publicly losing his journalistic objectivism . I think Gregory ought to be called out on his behavior as a panderer , I'm glad Netanyahu did not fall into the trap .

164 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:04:53pm

re: #159 William Barnett-Lewis

There are plenty that do. OTOH, there are also those like me who consider all of them to be obstacles to peace. Rabin's assassination really damaged that nation badly and it is the model I fear the most in America come November.

You can take heart in the fact that Obama is better protected than Rabin was. The Secret Service studies every modern assassination obsessively, making sure that they can counter the tactic used as best as men may.

165 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:06:07pm

re: #161 Gus

[Embedded content]

Assholes who want to touch the lit match to the spilled gasoline. They want a battle and they may well get one.

166 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:11:22pm


167 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:11:58pm

re: #163 Aligarr

OOPS, Welcome Hatchling!

I'm WW's unpaid intern.

168 simoom  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:13:10pm

re: #95 Gus

Seems acceptable to me. Bibi is putting pressure on Obama and Obama puts pressure on Bibi. Can't expect everyone to be on the same exact page. I don't see this as throwing Obama under the bus.

I don't think it's throwing anyone under the bus, I just think it's extremely counter-productive.

All indications are that the U.S. is not going to put forward "red lines" beyond what's been already articulated, that "we will not allow Iran to obtain a nuclear weapon." The PM moving negotiations with an ally as to what their unified stance will be, into the public, and into the politics of a contentious presidential election, only serves to project an un-unified and fractious face to the Iranians and to the world. I imagine that's why Defence Minister Ehud Barak, Deputy Prime Minister Dan Meridor and even Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman responded to the PM's recent statements by calling for disagreements to be worked out behind closed doors.

169 Lidane  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:17:58pm

re: #4 spiderx

I haven't watched Meet the Press since Russert.

It hasn't been worth watching since Russert, so you haven't missed anything.

170 Killgore Trout  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:19:24pm

Pamela Geller's Blog Solicited Funds For anti-Muhammad Movie
Kos kidz note that this is not necessarily the same movie, I'm pretty sure it isn't. The solicitation in from Feb this year, as I recall the movie that caused the riots was filmed last year. I suppose there might have been a blending of the two projects but there's no proof of that.

171 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:21:20pm

re: #170 Killgore Trout

Pamela Geller's Blog Solicited Funds For anti-Muhammad Movie
Kos kidz note that this is not necessarily the same movie, I'm pretty sure it isn't. The solicitation in from Feb this year, as I recall the movie that caused the riots was filmed last year. I suppose there might have been a blending of the two projects but there's no proof of that.

Even so, she'd happily produce something that would start riots in Muslim nations. She wants them to riot, to keep her fanbase angry and scared.

173 Killgore Trout  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:22:52pm

re: #171 Dark_Falcon

Even so, she'd happily produce something that would start riots in Muslim nations. She wants them to riot, to keep her fanbase angry and scared.

Yeah, it's interesting to click through the links to the solicitation. The theory is that aggravating Muslims they will self destruct and de-Islamify the planet or something.

174 wrenchwench  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:22:52pm

re: #167 Stanley Sea

OOPS, Welcome Hatchling!

I'm WW's unpaid intern.

Whaddaya mean, unpaid? Have an upding!

175 Varek Raith  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:23:03pm

Note to GOP;
The Cold War is over. We won.
That is all.

176 Page 3 in the Binder of Women  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:24:25pm

re: #174 wrenchwench

Whaddaya mean, unpaid? Have an upding!

haha. You are HERE!

177 Lidane  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:24:41pm


178 Lidane  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:25:30pm

re: #172 Varek Raith

Liz Cheney Claims Obama Has "Abandoned" Czechoslovakia

He also threw Zaire, Zanzibar, Rhodesia, and Biafra under the bus.


179 wrenchwench  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:27:33pm

re: #176 Stanley Sea

haha. You are HERE!

Yeah, I should be working. I've got some catching up to do.

180 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:29:52pm

re: #173 Killgore Trout

Yeah, it's interesting to click through the links to the solicitation. The theory is that aggravating Muslims they will self destruct and de-Islamify the planet or something.

I think its more an idea that using agitation to make peaceful dialog impossible will finally cause the "sheeple" to "wake up" to the gravity of the threat and mobilize then to put an end to the threat of Islam.

181 Lidane  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:32:33pm
182 General Nimrod Bodfish  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:32:53pm

re: #172 Varek Raith

Liz Cheney Claims Obama Has "Abandoned" Czechoslovakia

I'd abandon Czechoslovakia as well, seeing as it doesn't exist as one nation now...

183 Eventual Carrion  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:37:04pm

re: #182 General Nimrod Bodfish

I'd abandon Czechoslovakia as well, seeing as it doesn't exist as one nation now...

I support Pangaea.

184 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:40:18pm

re: #183 RayFerd

I support Pangaea.

Reunite Gondwanaland!

185 Dark_Falcon  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 1:55:08pm

re: #184 Feline Emperor of the Conservative Waste

Reunite Gondwanaland!

Believing that Gondwanaland existed means believing the world is more than 6000 years old. Why do want to go to Hell? Because that where that evolution stuff will get you!

/I wish I was kidding.

186 Ming  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 2:54:26pm

re: #12 SanFranciscoZionist

"Yes, yes, you're worried about being nuked. But that doesn't interest our viewers. Can't you say something incendiary about our upcoming election? Come on."

You put it beautifully.

David Gregory reminds me of that TV interviewer in the movie The Hunger Games. To many "journalists", all that's real is the entertainment.

Both Obama and Netanyahu are deeply concerned about an Iran with nuclear weapons. Each has a different approach, but at least they care. David Gregory could have asked a hundred different questions about this fascinating topic. But then he'd be a real journalist, not a clueless entertainer.

187 sagehen  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 3:39:28pm

re: #175 Varek Raith

Note to GOP;
The Cold War is over. We won.
That is all.

it's not over! this muslim stuff is the halftime show!

188 MPH  Sun, Sep 16, 2012 7:44:54pm

re: #4 spiderx

the media go out of their way to please conservatives so they can say "see we aren't liberally biased?"

That's not whats happening here...

It's something much darker...

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