A Music Video You Won’t See on TV: Bob Schneider, Wish the Wind Would Blow Me

I wish the world would do what I want it to
Music • Views: 25,801


The videos Bob Schneider’s been making with various directors (this one’s by Owen Egerton) to promote his latest album, Burden of Proof, are surprisingly dark and intense, with visual images that take Schneider’s lyrics in unexpected directions.

I wish I was a baby bear sleeping in the brown
winter grass in April, while the sun was going down
I wish my shoes were empty
and I was still in bed
with you there beside me
with your dreams inside your head

I wish the world would do what I want it to
and I wish the wind would blow me
blow me back to you

I wish your mom was ugly and your dad was ugly too
Then they couldn’t have a girl to be as beautiful as you
I wish I was a tightrope walker
with legs made out of gold
I’d hold you in my golden legs
and never let you go

I wish the world would do what I want it to
and I wish the wind would blow me
blow me back to you

Well I wish I could see Jesus shining in the sky
and he could let me know
that everything will be all right
I wish I knew that God’s love
was all I’d ever need
I’d cut my candyteeth for fun
and let the good times bleed

Oh I wish the world would do what I want it to
Wish the world would do what I want it to
and I wish the wind would blow me
blow me back to you

Jump to bottom

1 Gus  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 6:49:21pm
2 Gus  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:02:42pm
3 Randall Gross  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:02:58pm

He’s like the anti-Bob Ross. There’s no happy little trees in this painting.

4 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:04:53pm

Well, did a crash-course on DC Comics via Something Awful. It appears they having chronic problems.

They are losing roughly one editor/writer/artist per month since last year.

These 2 are especially special:

3/20/2013 - Andy Diggle, who was to take over the reigns on Action Comics after Grant Morrison’s departure, leaves the book before his first issue hits the stands, citing “professional differences.” DC announces Tony S. Daniel as his replacement, but…

3/22/2013 - Tony S. Daniel leaves Action Comics the same week he gets the new writing assignment.

5 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:10:32pm

re: #4 ProTARDISLiberal

Well, did a crash-course on DC Comics via Something Awful. It appears they having chronic problems.

They are losing roughly one editor/writer/artist per month since last year.

These 2 are especially special:

Any word on why?

6 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:15:19pm

If it wasn’t for Batman and Superman, DC would have been dead a long time ago. Now it seems they’ve begun to strangle those golden egg layers too. Shrug. Only DC property I’ve bought in 20 years were some Teen Titan comics based on the Cartoon Network animation for my son so I really won’t miss them if they go.

I’ll stick to Marvel. Even a bad X-Men is better than the best from DC. Now if only the next X-men movie were a version of “God Loves; Man Kills”, that would be awesome.

7 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:25:59pm

re: #5 Dark_Falcon

Not sure. I looked it up because an artist and a writer for Batwoman resigned today.Essentially, at the last minute, the DC Editorial Broad vetoed a number of things that those 2 wanted to do, with the one getting the most attention being a Lesbian Wedding between Batwoman and someone else. This is after a recent issue where they got engaged.

I should note that there are others aside from Marvel and DC.

I know for a fact that Doctor Who has its own comic line, and has had it for at least 20 years.

And I know Donald Duck comics have a big following in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. I am not sure way. Those three countries, for being so advanced and progressive, have some really, really weird quirks.

8 Kragar  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:29:22pm

re: #6 William Barnett-Lewis

If it wasn’t for Batman and Superman, DC would have been dead a long time ago. Now it seems they’ve begun to strangle those golden egg layers too. Shrug. Only DC property I’ve bought in 20 years were some Teen Titan comics based on the Cartoon Network animation for my son so I really won’t miss them if they go.

I’ll stick to Marvel. Even a bad X-Men is better than the best from DC. Now if only the next X-men movie were a version of “God Loves; Man Kills”, that would be awesome.

I could never get into the DC titles. They just didn’t draw me it. I think the only ones I ever read as a kid were Wierd War Tales.

9 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:32:39pm

re: #7 ProTARDISLiberal

Also, talked with another Doctor Who fan today. Like so many others in the US, Matt Smith is their Doctor (mine too).

Didn’t not like the Davies era.

I have a hypothesis for the attention that has lately been given to the US by the Doctor Who team, especially Moffat and Smith.

They see writing on the wall. Cameron’s government keeps making cuts, and they know the BBC, as beloved and reliable an institution it is, will get its budget shredded by these crooked profiteers. They are looking for new sources of revenue. And the US is a big market. In the UK, Doctor Who pulls market share of about 30-40% of the country. Which is somewhere between 5-7 million televisions.

In the US, that market share is quite reachable, being in the mid-single digits.

They are looking to branch out here, because they know it is about get trouble in the UK. It is big in Australia now, able to get high ratings there.

And the season finale in the US in May was the highest rating show on cable that week. I could see Doctor Who making a jump to one of the big three now. Its premise is no less weird than “Once Upon a Time.”

10 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:33:15pm

re: #7 ProTARDISLiberal

And I know Donald Duck comics have a big following in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. I am not sure way. Those three countries, for being so advanced and progressive, have some really, really weird quirks.

Hey, now. Those Carl Banks books were a hell of a lot of fun. Better than most of the tripe that was comics in between the end of WWII and 1960.

11 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:34:13pm

re: #8 Kragar

I could never get into the DC titles. They just didn’t draw me it. I think the only ones I ever read as a kid were Wierd War Tales.

I had a soft spot for GI Combat and the “Haunted Tank”. Probably why I went into armor at 18 … ;)

12 Political Atheist  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:36:15pm

re: #11 William Barnett-Lewis

Psst. I had a little something to add to that DC spent brass law… Kinda shapes perspective.

13 Kragar  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:37:22pm

re: #11 William Barnett-Lewis

I had a soft spot for GI Combat and the “Haunted Tank”. Probably why I went into armor at 18 … ;)

I remember that one too. Probably have a bunch somewhere at my folk’s house. I also had a bunch of “Sgt Fury and his Howling Commandoes” as well.

14 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:37:52pm

re: #12 Political Atheist

Psst. I had a little something to add to that DC spent brass law… Kinda shapes perspective.

I had presumed that to be the case, just how they are. Still, our side hasn’t exactly been choirs of angels either…

15 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:38:24pm

re: #9 ProTARDISLiberal

Also, talked with another Doctor Who fan today. Like so many others in the US, Matt Smith is their Doctor (mine too).

Didn’t not like the Davies era.

I have a hypothesis for the attention that has lately been given to the US by the Doctor Who team, especially Moffat and Smith.

They see writing on the wall. Cameron’s government keeps making cuts, and they know the BBC, as beloved and reliable an institution it is, will get its budget shredded by these crooked profiteers. They are looking for new sources of revenue. And the US is a big market. In the UK, Doctor Who pulls market share of about 30-40% of the country. Which is somewhere between 5-7 million televisions.

In the US, that market share is quite reachable, being in the mid-single digits.

They are looking to branch out here, because they know it is about get trouble in the UK. It is big in Australia now, able to get high ratings there.

And the season finale in the US in May was the highest rating show on cable that week. I could see Doctor Who making a jump to one of the big three now. Its premise is no less weird than “Once Upon a Time.”

It’s been gaining ground, I can agree with that. It’s toy and game lines sell quite well, at least around the Chicago area.

16 Political Atheist  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:40:47pm

re: #14 William Barnett-Lewis

Oh no not at all and that just one of those frustrations that defines where my callouses need to be. Hyperbole is one thing but enacted law is more serious. On the right turning law into pretzel to impede Roe V Wade, DC doing the same to screw with the 2nd. Voter intimidation. It’s all very hard core motivation.

17 BongCrodny  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:40:55pm

re: #4 ProTARDISLiberal

Well, did a crash-course on DC Comics via Something Awful. It appears they having chronic problems.

They are losing roughly one editor/writer/artist per month since last year.

These 2 are especially special:

This is the part that got me:

8/1/2013 - DC heads Dan Didio and Jim Lee address the editorial troubles. “I think it’s actually been a little bit less in the last decade than it’s ever been,” Didio said, which dodges the question of just what the heck is going on over there right now. Jim Lee is more direct, but throws creatives under the bus a little for not being able to properly collaborate, “To me it’s the normal course of business in that not everyone’s going to agree creatively what to do with a book. The company has to reserve the right to control the destiny and the futures of the characters, and the creators have to decide if they’re willing to work in an environment where they’re telling their story but in the framework of a universe that has continuity and you have to work with all of these other different creators and editors that would want to control the directions of the characters.” This doesn’t explain how these same creatives are able to collaborate as work-for-hire elsewhere.

This is the same company that hired Frank Miller to write All-Star Batman (drawn by the same Jim Lee) that may have been the absolute worst depiction of Batman it has been my displeasure to read. Sure, we fanboys like continuity, but *most* of us don’t go all William-Shatner-get-a-life when conflicts with long-established protocol show up. Miller didn’t just throw continuity out the door, however — he basically blew it up and scattered the ashes to the heavens.

I’ll let comics creator Alex Ross describe it in a much better way than I ever could:

I have never, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever been so offended in all my life. I’m so offended I think I may die of offensive. I used to think DC CARED about the integrity of their heroes, but the continued feeding of Frank Miller’s delusion says otherwise. Therefore we have All-Star Batman, a series that gives us Jerkass Dark Knight Batman in a way we’ve never seen before. As a psychotic. I’m, I’m almost speechless. I’m crying and have been doing so for the past 93 minutes. He’s not…my…Batman… NOT MINE! NOT EVER! EVER! EVER! EVER! MOMMY, TELL DC TO STOP RUINING MY BATMAN

18 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:42:10pm

re: #14 William Barnett-Lewis

I had presumed that to be the case, just how they are. Still, our side hasn’t exactly been choirs of angels either…

Like you said, people see a hard line as the ticket to power. “Moderation!” is not a cry that fills the town square and even if the kind of ‘grand compromise’ so often talked about was forged, it would likely be wreck eventually by someone doing something that creates a media sensation and pressure for politicians to “do something!”.

19 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:42:40pm

re: #10 William Barnett-Lewis

I have heard Scrooge McDuck has his own thing too.

Of course, I am still a Disney fan. When I was litte, I lived an hour or so away from Disney World.

Then I got Kingdom Hearts. 2 Great Tastes go great together (Disney and Final Fantasy). Also, I got a huge kick out of Donald and Goofy talking about and to Sephiroth.

However, we have even more stupid news!

Paul Cook On SF: In Which I Lack The Ability To Even

A snippet in the opinion piece against Cook:

I honestly don’t know which is more painful: Cook’s efforts to try and say that really, it’s OK Bujold writes romance even though he doesn’t like it, or the totally oblivious sexism with which he undercuts this assertion. In remarking that Bujold “tips her hand” by including “romance elements” - which, he says, involve an “attention to detail that only women would find attractive” - he characterises romance as being a wholly feminine genre, such that, when he goes on to say that “some of us aren’t that interested in romance”, it seems pretty clear that by “some of us”, Cook means men. Whether intentionally or not, he therefore manages to dismiss Bujold, one of the most respected and multi-award-winning SF writers out there, as not being a real SF author because she actually just writes romance and romance is for women only. Which makes his subsequent remark that all her “attention to detail that only women find attractive” is “right out of Alexander [sic] Dumas” all the weirder: I mean, what’s he trying to say with this? That Dumas only wrote for women, or that he was also a closet romance writer? It just doesn’t make any sense, and yet the insult to both women and romance is so palpable it left me staring at the screen in disbelief, jaw clenched.

20 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:45:45pm
21 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:46:34pm

re: #15 Dark_Falcon

At my old High School, in Colorado Springs, there is a group of Doctor Who fans. Was there talking to an old teacher today for advice.

This person also stated she knew of an English teacher (not sure if at my old High School or otherwise) who had shown some episodes of NuWho for class.

And there are some brilliant episodes that would be acceptable. The Doctor’s Wife, Vincent and the Doctor, Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead, Blink, The Girl in the Fireplace, and The Empty Child/The Doctor Dances to name a few.

22 BongCrodny  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:46:36pm

re: #7 ProTARDISLiberal

And I know Donald Duck comics have a big following in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. I am not sure way. Those three countries, for being so advanced and progressive, have some really, really weird quirks quacks.

Hee hee hee hee hee hee hee.

23 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:47:49pm

re: #16 Political Atheist

Aside from the rest of this tonight, you might enjoy looking at this:theonlinephotographer.typepad.com

It’s the finalists of a photo contest on the subject of work. Some exquisite work in those six very different shots.

24 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:49:39pm

re: #20 NJDhockeyfan

[Embedded content]

Pity. I had hoped that was real… give all 565 of ‘em an AK & a battle load of ammo and tell them to resupply on their own. ///// need I?

25 Kragar  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:49:42pm

I remember getting up early as a kid so I could watch Dr. Who on Sunday mornings on PBS.

26 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:50:50pm

Nice pic. Loving the socks!

27 William Barnett-Lewis  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:50:54pm

re: #21 ProTARDISLiberal

Bah, if he isn’t wearing a long scarf, is it really THE Doctor? ;)

I did love that Olive Garden Server’s game though wasn’t that the 10th Doctor?

28 Kragar  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:52:02pm

Yeah, a law making discrimination against the law is total tyranny.

29 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:52:07pm

re: #19 ProTARDISLiberal

I forgot to add something to the post that is necessary. Where is it…

Ah, here it is!

Youtube Video

re: #27 William Barnett-Lewis

That is definitely the 11th he was imitating. My Doctor.

30 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 7:58:56pm

The US is listening to Iran’s phone calls. Greenwald soon to be outraged!

31 Kragar  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:00:04pm

re: #30 NJDhockeyfan

The US is listening to Iran’s phone calls. Greenwald soon to be outraged!

[Embedded content]


32 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:05:39pm

re: #30 NJDhockeyfan

The US is listening to Iran’s phone calls. Greenwald soon to be outraged!

[Embedded content]

He’ll call it “warmongering” and the left-leaning among the dudebros will wail in lament about how “Obama has become as bad as Bush!”.

/I wish I was kidding.

33 Kragar  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:06:39pm

re: #32 Dark_Falcon

He’ll call it “warmongering” and the left-leaning among the dudebros will wail in lament about how “Obama has become as bad as Bush!”.

/I wish I was kidding.

“They’re just trying to distract you!”

34 Charles Johnson  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:17:19pm
35 Kragar  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:18:57pm

re: #34 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Where are the Elephants?

36 A Man for all Seasons  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:20:42pm

re: #32 Dark_Falcon

He’ll call it “warmongering” and the left-leaning among the dudebros will wail in lament about how “Obama has become as bad as Bush!”.

/I wish I was kidding.

Hi You!
Really only on the edges..
I’m pretty sure 90% of America doesn’t consider Obama a war mongering president.

37 Charles Johnson  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:21:56pm
38 SnowdenBaggerVance  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:28:23pm

IDK WTF happened with the Guardian but it’s hard to take them seriously any more. They’ve sold out to the same devil the right wing media did long ago.

39 Mattand  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:31:49pm

OT post for dog and cat owners:

Was kicking around Costco tonight and saw that Kirkland has its own Frontline-like flea and tick control for sale. Much cheaper than Frontline or Advantix.

I was tempted to buy it, but decided to research it first. Hol-lee shit, am I glad I did.

Apparently, it’s the generic version of something made by a company called Bio Spot. At best, your dog will be covered with a greasy film and will still get fleas and ticks. At worst, it’ll kill your dog.

Stay away at all costs.

40 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:34:50pm

re: #38 SnowdenBaggerVance

IDK WTF happened with the Guardian but it’s hard to take them seriously any more. They’ve sold out to the same devil the right wing media did long ago.

They put in so many chips betting on glenn Greenwald and the Snowden Affair that they’re All In. The only way they can get out of this without getting gutted is for the dudebros to win some type of signal victory.

This is of course a position of insane desperation, since the dudebros don’t know how to win or even what the things they want would look like in legislation.

41 A Man for all Seasons  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:35:49pm

In case anybody missed it..
Tonight is the first game of the NFL season.
Peyton Manning is kicking the holy shit out of the World Champions.
All is good..All is good in the world tonight

42 Kragar  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:36:49pm

re: #41 A Man for all Seasons

In case anybody missed it..
Tonight is the first game of the NFL season.
Peyton Manning is kicking the holy shit out of the World Champions.
All is good..All is good in the world tonight

Oh darn, I have plans for the next 6 months. Looks like I’ll miss it.

43 Bubblehead II  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:37:29pm

Great, the legacy of the anti-vaxers strikes again.

New Jersey mumps outbreak linked to nightclub

The Monmouth County Health Department issued a statement on Thursday saying it is investigating 22 “probable cas

What odds do you want to give that these people are 20 somethings who’s parents refused to have them vaccinated when they were kids?

44 Amory Blaine  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:38:12pm

Goddamn all these lefties I thought were reasonable have completely lost their shit. It’s been a bad week.

45 HappyWarrior  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:38:43pm

re: #41 A Man for all Seasons

In case anybody missed it..
Tonight is the first game of the NFL season.
Peyton Manning is kicking the holy shit out of the World Champions.
All is good..All is good in the world tonight

It’s beautiful.

46 HappyWarrior  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:40:01pm

re: #44 Amory Blaine

Goddamn all these lefties I thought were reasonable have completely lost their shit. It’s been a bad week.

Yeah, I feel ya. If you just read my facebook feed, you’d think that Assad has been this benevolent leader. I still don’t know what the best solution is but the lefty holier than thouism on this issue annoys me.

47 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:51:54pm

Oh no, it keeps getting worse. This bad, really bad.

48 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:55:04pm

re: #41 A Man for all Seasons

In case anybody missed it..
Tonight is the first game of the NFL season.
Peyton Manning is kicking the holy shit out of the World Champions.
All is good..All is good in the world tonight

He may be the greatest QB ever, and it is certain he knows the game better than any other active QB.

49 HappyWarrior  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:57:19pm

re: #48 Dark_Falcon

He may be the greatest QB ever, and it is certain he knows the game better than any other active QB.

Definitely the smartest QB I’ve ever seen. You see that play where he faked them out? Collinsworth and Michaels were making a lot of the fact that Clark, Stokely, and Caldwell know some of his signals from their days in Indy together. And he just pwns them. Just a brilliant QB. I really think he could be a rare star who could make a decent coach.

50 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:58:29pm

re: #47 NJDhockeyfan

Oh, FFS.

I’m guessing this is off-the-scales bad.

51 Amory Blaine  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 8:58:59pm

re: #47 NJDhockeyfan

Here’s a Bloomberg link

Tepco Irradiated Water Find May Signal Problem for Bypass Plan

Tokyo Electric Power Co. (9501) found irradiated water near a storage tank that leaked last month at the Fukushima plant, complicating its plan for a pipeline to cut the volume of radioactive water it’s forced to manage.
Inspectors found 650 becquerels per liter of beta radiation, which includes the contaminant strontium-90, Mayumi Yoshida, a spokeswoman for the utility known as Tepco, said today by phone. That’s more than 21 times government safety guidelines covering sea water near the plant for strontium-90, which has been linked to bone cancer.

52 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:01:21pm

re: #50 ProTARDISLiberal

Oh, FFS.

I’m guessing this is off-the-scales bad.

Well, here’s a stinky cherry to go on top of the bad news cake.

53 sagehen  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:02:12pm

re: #9 ProTARDISLiberal

And the season finale in the US in May was the highest rating show on cable that week. I could see Doctor Who making a jump to one of the big three now. Its premise is no less weird than “Once Upon a Time.”

I don’t see BBCAmerica giving it up — nobody begged their cable company for that channel for the news. (not sure about every cable system, but on RCN it’s part of the next paid tier after basic.)

54 HappyWarrior  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:04:20pm

That’s 6 TDs for Peyton tonight. 6.

55 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:06:39pm

re: #50 ProTARDISLiberal

Oh, FFS.

I’m guessing this is off-the-scales bad.

Yes it is. South Korea just announced they don’t want any of their fish right now. This is going to have a disasterous effect on the Japanese economy for a long time I believe.

56 sagehen  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:08:36pm

re: #30 NJDhockeyfan

The US is listening to Iran’s phone calls. Greenwald soon to be outraged!

[Embedded content]

Boy have times changed… the British were willing to let Coventry be bombed without taking the slightest protective action, lest it be apparent they’d intercepted the communication and knew it was coming.

Now we’re releasing top secret intercepts in real time?

57 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:09:41pm

re: #54 HappyWarrior

That’s 6 TDs for Peyton tonight. 6.

He’s non stoppable right now. I love seeing him kick Balimore’s ass tonight. I hope he gets 2 more TDs.

58 HappyWarrior  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:11:15pm

re: #57 NJDhockeyfan

He’s non stoppable right now. I love seeing him kick Balimore’s ass tonight. I hope he gets 2 more TDs.

He does that and he’ll add yet another chapter to his amazing career. The record is 7 and the last time someone got 7 TD passes was ‘69.

59 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:12:26pm

re: #58 HappyWarrior

He does that and he’ll add yet another chapter to his amazing career. The record is 7 and the last time someone got 7 TD passes was ‘69.

It’s possible. There is plenty of time left and the Ravens are having trouble getting 1st downs.

60 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:18:40pm

Nice play. NOT. Denver defensive player picks off Flacco on 4th and 1 play and has an obvious Pick-6. He starts showboating about the 5 and *drops* the ball before crossing the goal line. Ball goes out the end of the end zone for a touch back giving Baltimore the ball back.


61 HappyWarrior  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:20:38pm

re: #60 Feline Fearless Leader

Nice play. NOT. Denver defensive player picks off Flacco on 4th and 1 play and has an obvious Pick-6. He starts showboating about the 5 and *drops* the ball before crossing the goal line. Ball goes out the end of the end zone for a touch back giving Baltimore the ball back.


Shades of Leon Lett there. I hate the Ravens but that was funny.

62 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:21:51pm

re: #53 sagehen

Where I am, and in other markets, it is usually the 2 or 3rd tier up.

What I don’t understand is why TLC is still a basic cable channel. Again, Doctor Who’s Series 7 Finale was the most watched cable show that week. And that is with it being hobbled by not being on most cable packages.

At the very least, give them equal footing to AMC and the like. I think it would, with the proper programming (including a news time that doesn’t include batshit stupid) it could do very well. Certainly, I would watch. I no longer watch news channels, and Discovery has plunged in quality, and History Channel too.

I see a niche or two for BBC America to get greater footing in the US. As long as they don’t include that ignorant prick Jeremy Clarkson.

63 Bubblehead II  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:24:31pm

Jon Stewart Returns (Full)

The opening is a riot.

64 Kragar  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:25:27pm

re: #63 Bubblehead II

Jon Stewart Reurns (Full)

The opening is a riot.

When was he urned previously?

65 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:25:40pm

re: #52 Dark_Falcon

From the words of the next Doctor:

Youtube Video

66 Bubblehead II  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:27:31pm

re: #64 Kragar

When was he urned previously?

:-) I caught that just after I hit post.

67 klys  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:31:38pm

Some days I think the world would be much better if everyone had to take a statistics class before allowed to comment on …well, anything, really.

68 Kragar  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:33:43pm


Youtube Video

69 Mattand  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:37:33pm

re: #67 klys

Some days I think the world would be much better if everyone had to take a statistics class before allowed to comment on …well, anything, really.

There’s a 78.36% chance that’s true.

70 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:39:54pm

re: #65 ProTARDISLiberal

From the words of the next Doctor:

[Embedded content]

Loves it.

71 Targetpractice  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:41:04pm

re: #68 Kragar


[Embedded content]


72 klys  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:44:56pm

The meatloaf is now frozen and sealed in vaccuum bags.

…I hope it ends up being tasty. We have 3 meals’ worth and I’ve never made it before.

73 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:50:02pm

re: #72 klys

The meatloaf is now frozen and sealed in vaccuum bags.

…I hope it ends up being tasty. We have 3 meals’ worth and I’ve never made it before.

What did you use for the filler?

74 Targetpractice  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:52:18pm

Not sure I like all the changes to the new Robocop. I can get the more action-packed bits and making him more agile, the days of the clunky robot in cinema are pretty much over. But a lot of other things, like keeping the family in the picture and what looks like it may end up being a long allegory on the disconnect that robotics bring to warfare just seem like they’re forgetting what it was that made the original so compelling.

75 Kragar  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:52:26pm

Texas Teens Save Alleged Kidnap Victim Who Mouthed ‘Help Me’ From Car

Charles Atkins Lewis, 37, was arrested Aug. 22 after allegedly kidnapping the woman, 25, who has not been identified, at gunpoint and forcing her into his car in downtown Dallas. The two teenagers noticed the woman from their car as Lewis allegedly drove her through Kaufman County, according to the recording.

“Yes, I’m on the highway. I’m witnessing a robbery. Not a robbery, a kidnapping,” Aaron Arias, 19, told a 911 dispatcher. “It’s me and another guy. So we’re checking out the girl in the backseat because we’re like, ‘OK, she’s kind of attractive’, and then all of a sudden the guy is turned back, looking at us.

“We looked in the backseat and the blond female in the back was saying, ‘Help me,’ or something, whispering it. So I’m assuming it is a kidnapping.”

He and Jamal Harris, 17, drove behind the car on Highway 175 for miles, staying on the phone with the 911 operator as police raced to find them.

“Oh, my God, I’m hoping the car behind me is a police office. Nope, it’s not,” Arias said.

Within minutes, officers arrived, pulled over the vehicle and discovered the woman, who had allegedly been kidnapped.

Police arrested Lewis and he has been charged him with aggravated kidnapping. He remains in jail on $50,000 bond and it’s unclear whether he has a lawyer.

76 klys  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:53:42pm

re: #73 Feline Fearless Leader

What did you use for the filler?


And there’s some carrots and onions in there too.


77 A Man for all Seasons  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:55:54pm

I love Peyton Manning..Even read the book the whole family wrote..It was great..The 3 boys growing up under Archie and Oliva’ guidance.
Peyton makes a shit load of money.. One night a bunch of us tried to list all his Sponsors, Buick, Papa Johns, Sprint. Best Buys..Plus all those dumb Transair radio commercials and God knows what else..The list is very expansive..You know what?
Forever there will be a world class Children’s Hospital in Indy. The Peyton Manning Childrens Hospital. Completely paid for.. and he will be forever loved as a great and kind man and athlete in Indy.
God’s Speed Peyton..

78 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:56:36pm

re: #70 Dark_Falcon

I have reached that point personally. A person who is an FB friend of my Imam is insisting attacks on Christians are not occuring in Egypt, along with other tripe.

I just got to the point where I outright said I am sick of the religion being pushed into government shit, pointed out I had dealt with it for years in the US by the Republicans, and outright told him that the MB and the Republicans look the same to me, along with Likud and the BJP.

I have reached the point where cynicism and pessimism seem good and logical. Seems less heartbreaking. I am now the hermit on his cloud.

79 NJDhockeyfan  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:57:49pm
80 Feline Fearless Leader  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 9:59:53pm

re: #76 klys


And there’s some carrots and onions in there too.


Saltines work, I often use them. Something else I found that works remarkably well for meatloaf or meatballs is using rolled oats. Not all oats, but use some of them and then fewer saltines or other “bread” filler.

81 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 10:03:06pm

Meanwhile, my reinforcement in reasoning on why being merciless on the radical thugs is a good policy.

Bengali writer Sushmita Banerjee whose book about her escape from Taliban-ruled Afghanistan was made into a Bollywood movie, Escape from Taliban, is shot by suspected Taliban militants.

82 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 10:04:57pm

re: #78 ProTARDISLiberal

I have reached that point personally. A person who is an FB friend of my Imam is insisting attacks on Christians are not occuring in Egypt, along with other tripe.

I just got to the point where I outright said I am sick of the religion being pushed into government shit, pointed out I had dealt with it for years in the US by the Republicans, and outright told him that the MB and the Republicans look the same to me, along with Likud and the BJP.

I have reached the point where cynicism and pessimism seem good and logical. Seems less heartbreaking. I am now the hermit on his cloud.

That isn’t true: The Republican and Likud parties don’t have ‘activists’ who seek out and assault and murder rivals as a standard tactic, whereas the Muslim Brotherhood certainly does this and the BJP sometimes does as well.

Remember, GOP and Likud rallies, obnoxious though they may be to some, do not end with the objects of their ire being attacked and trashed, and that sure as heck isn’t true with the MB (the BJP is in the middle here). US and Israeli parties are actually very well behaved compared to what is seen elsewhere in the world.

83 klys  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 10:08:00pm

re: #80 Feline Fearless Leader

Saltines work, I often use them. Something else I found that works remarkably well for meatloaf or meatballs is using rolled oats. Not all oats, but use some of them and then fewer saltines or other “bread” filler.

This was following a recipe from online, so giving it a shot to see how we like it. I’ve never made meatloaf before, so.

Worth a shot. And hey, it freezes.

84 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 10:09:26pm

re: #82 Dark_Falcon

Likud was founded out of the terrorist group Irgun, so I see no issue with putting them in there. Not only that, but Netanyahu’s comments in the early 90’s likely caused the death of Yitzhak Rabin.

With the Republican Party now, we are seeing the mainstreaming of hate and eliminationist rhetoric. I fully expect the 2020’s to be a very bad decade.

85 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 10:11:06pm

re: #84 ProTARDISLiberal

And the BJP was founded by people who thought Mussolini was on to something.

Muslim Brotherhood was founded by those who had been attacking the Egyptian military in the 40’s, before they were proscribed. The Muslim Brotherhodd brought this on themselves, with decades of goonish actions.

86 klys  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 10:11:10pm

New plan for the cat’s Halloween costume: pink fabric and rainbow ribbons tied to the tail.

I fully expect to be murdered in my sleep but it will be well worth it.

87 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 10:16:23pm
88 sagehen  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 10:17:22pm

re: #82 Dark_Falcon

That isn’t true: The Republican and Likud parties don’t have ‘activists’ who seek out and assault and murder rivals as a standard tactic, whereas the Muslim Brotherhood certainly does this and the BJP sometimes does as well.

Remember, GOP and Likud rallies, obnoxious though they may be to some, do not end with the objects of their ire being attacked and trashed, and that sure as heck isn’t true with the MB (the BJP is in the middle here). US and Israeli parties are actually very well behaved compared to what is seen elsewhere in the world.

When they didn’t feel sufficiently represented in government, their activists most certainly did. Yitzhak Rabin was killed by a settler who didn’t think his gov’t energetically represented his faction, and Baruch Goldstein was similarly expressing his political beliefs when he killed more than a dozen and injured a hundred more at the Cave of the Patriarchs. Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolph and Scott Roeder were all trying to make political points.

The only thing keeping Barak Obama alive is tens of thousands of Secret Service working very, very hard.

89 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 10:21:10pm

re: #88 sagehen

When they didn’t feel sufficiently represented in government, their activists most certainly did. Yitzhak Rabin was killed by a settler who didn’t think his gov’t energetically represented his faction, and Baruch Goldstein was similarly expressing his political beliefs when he killed more than a dozen and injured a hundred more at the Cave of the Patriarchs. Timothy McVeigh, Eric Rudolph and Scott Roeder were all trying to make political points.

The only thing keeping Barak Obama alive is tens of thousands of Secret Service working very, very hard.

Neither Goldstein nor McVeigh can be considered representative of a mainstream political party, though. (I chose the two most deadly ones to keep the point simple.) Lunatics sometimes have a political motive, but that does not mean a party is responsible for them.

90 ProTARDISLiberal  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 10:26:10pm

re: #89 Dark_Falcon

That doesn’t change Likud’s past however. People in what became the Likud party were responsible for things that have made Israel’s life hard, like Deir Yassin, Al-Dawayima, the purging of Ramla and Lydda, and the assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte (a big factor in the extremely frosty relations between Sweden and Israel).

No different from the BJP or the MB.

91 sagehen  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 10:36:18pm

re: #89 Dark_Falcon

Neither Goldstein nor McVeigh can be considered representative of a mainstream political party, though. (I chose the two most deadly ones to keep the point simple.) Lunatics sometimes have a political motive, but that does not mean a party is responsible for them.

They were ahead of their time, but they’re absolutely representative of current mainstream factions. McVeigh was proto-tea party, and Goldstein’s peeps are part of Netanyahu’s coalition.

92 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 10:42:18pm

re: #90 ProTARDISLiberal

That doesn’t change Likud’s past however. People in what became the Likud party were responsible for things that have made Israel’s life hard, like Deir Yassin, Al-Dawayima, the purging of Ramla and Lydda, and the assassination of Count Folke Bernadotte (a big factor in the extremely frosty relations between Sweden and Israel).

No different from the BJP or the MB.

But parties can rise above their pasts: The Democrats in the US over time came to abjure segregation and embrace racial equality*. In the same vein, Likud has reformed. And lastly, do remember that following the most recent Israeli election, Likud crafted a governing alliance that excluded the ultra-Orthodox religious parties, and has since actively fought against ultra-Orthodox attempts to impose their practices on others.

*: Note that I was saying something the Democrats have done right, not aiming BS accusations.

93 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 11:09:09pm

Good Night, All.

94 Amory Blaine  Thu, Sep 5, 2013 11:58:57pm

Fresh labor violations in Chinese factory producing the “cheap” iPhone

A new undercover investigation by China Labor Watch (CLW) has revealed a series of ethical and legal labor violations in a factory in Wuxi, China owned by U.S. electronics manufacturer Jabil Circuit that is currently producing the soon-to-be-released cheap iPhone for Apple.

Among the infringements uncovered by CLW include millions of dollars in unpaid overtime wages; over 100 hours of monthly mandatory overtime, three times in excess of legal limits; more than 11 hours of standing work every day with no rest outside of 30-minute meal breaks; illegally inadequate pre-work training; hiring discrimination; and more.

95 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 1:00:35am

This is just awful. Would someone please explain how you can “advertise for sex” with someone you care absolutely nothing about? And why do people continue to do it? No, that’s not a naive question. I’ve certainly not been celibate my entire life and I’m no prude, but this just seems beyond the pale, if true. I suppose sex has become just another commodity for some, even if it means engaging in reckless and potentially deadly behavior, like continuing to “bare-back” with complete strangers you know nothing about and will probably never see again. Yes, it’s human to want intimate contact with other humans, but at what cost to ourselves and others? This is really sociopathic behavior, IMHO. Every one of this man’s “partners”, if he infected them, if he’s telling the truth, has the potential to harm many others, no matter how innocently.

Man charged with spreading HIV claims 300 partners


96 FemNaziBitch  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 3:21:06am
97 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 3:46:32am

Best advice I’ve seen in a long time.

Image: ku-medium.jpg

98 Flounder  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 4:32:30am

41 degrees F this morning at my house, snuggling weather, cmere!

99 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 4:32:34am

re: #92 Dark_Falcon

Likud, the party that invited the insane anti-semite Glenn Beck to come talk in Israel, has ‘reformed’?

How so?

100 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 5:07:40am

@eyewitnessnyc tweeted:
The US has ordered diplomats to leave Lebanon as Congress debates Syria military strikes. #BreakingNews

3 mins ago from twitter.com by partner

101 Carlos Danger  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 5:20:51am

Vatican denies Pope made call to gay Catholic

Prank call, or the real thing?

102 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 5:23:06am

re: #99 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut

Likud, the party that invited the insane anti-semite Glenn Beck to come talk in Israel, has ‘reformed’?

How so?

They wear neckties now.

103 Carlos Danger  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 5:39:58am

I usually don’t have much to say about the middle east, but who’s the genius who came up with the idea of the settlements?

It cost more money and goodwill than any Labor government possibly could.

104 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 5:44:30am

Well, this is good news.

Teen births hit historic low, half of 1991


105 Eclectic Cyborg  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 5:47:43am

re: #104 Justanotherhuman

Pretty impressive considering all the attacks on contraception and sex Ed the past few years.

106 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 5:51:19am

Security Message for U.S. Citizens: Announcement of Drawdown of U.S. Embassy Staff


Travel Warning - Lebanon


108 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 6:06:24am

This would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic.

RNC on August jobs report: ‘The ObamaCare train wreck gets worse every day, and as a result job creation has suffered’ - via @NBCNews

2 mins ago by editor

They got nothing, so they attack Obamacare.

109 Targetpractice  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 6:12:18am

re: #108 Justanotherhuman

This would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic.

RNC on August jobs report: ‘The ObamaCare train wreck gets worse every day, and as a result job creation has suffered’ - via @NBCNews

2 mins ago by editor

They got nothing, so they attack Obamacare.

Yeah, it’s Obamacare, as opposed to the sequester they insist continue unless Obama agrees to “reform” the social safety net.

110 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 6:45:52am

re: #107 Carlos Danger

Japan nuclear regulator says Fukushima operator provided misleading information about leaks

TEPCO again

Good grief:

“More than 1,000 tanks have been hastily built at the plant to store more than 335,000 tons of partially treated radioactive water. The amount of radioactive water grows by 400 tons daily.”

At that rate, they’ll have to build a new tank every 20 hrs.

Is my math correct?

111 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:05:43am

Awesome video of a guy driving around Manhattan…

Youtube Video

Fastest Lap Around Manhattan 2013

During the summer of 2013, a record was set for the fastest loop around Manhattan starting from 116th St. on the FDR heading downtown, up the Henry Hudson Highway, and back down to 116th St. in just 24 minutes.

Previous records were set by CBC with 26 minutes in 2010 and before that Alex Roy with 27 minutes back in 2001.

The cops weren’t too keen on him breaking the record. He was arrested yesterday.

Authorities have identified the driver who allegedly posted an Internet video of himself speeding around Manhattan in just over 24 minutes.

Police on Thursday arrested 30-year-old Christopher Adam Tang of Manhattan. They charged him with reckless driving, reckless endangerment and other charges. Police also seized his 2006 BMW Z4.

The video was posted on Aug. 28 with a description claiming the driver had set a record for the fastest loop around Manhattan.

Through a camera mounted on the dashboard, the video records the car traveling southbound on the FDR Drive from 116th Street to Battery Park and then up West Street back to 116th Street. Along the 26.4-mile loop, it stops for six red lights.

Electronic dance music provides the soundtrack as a stopwatch superimposed on the screen keeps time: 24 minutes and 7 seconds.

Information on an attorney for Tang was not immediately available.

112 Absalom, Absalom, Obdicut  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:07:31am

re: #111 NJDhockeyfan

That’s also not Manhattan. It’s Lower Manhattan.

113 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:09:46am

re: #108 Justanotherhuman

This would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic.

RNC on August jobs report: ‘The ObamaCare train wreck gets worse every day, and as a result job creation has suffered’ - via @NBCNews

2 mins ago by editor

They got nothing, so they attack Obamacare.

Yeah it’s all ACA. Good grief. What they should be doing is coming up with ways to make it more efficient and cost effective now that it’s going to be part of law but no they have to act like little children over it.

114 Gus  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:11:18am
115 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:13:04am

re: #114 Gus

[Embedded content]

Damned good question.

116 darthstar  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:13:22am

Mornin’ everyone. Sorry about the following.

Youtube Video

117 darthstar  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:14:07am

re: #114 Gus

Reagan did it with Hussein. Gave him antrhax, sarin, etc.

118 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:14:50am

re: #116 darthstar

Mornin’ everyone. Sorry about the following.

[Embedded content]


119 Gus  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:15:26am

re: #117 darthstar

Reagan did it with Hussein. Gave him antrhax, sarin, etc.

Ah, so Reagan is the president now.

120 darthstar  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:19:52am

re: #119 Gus

Ah, so Reagan is the president now.

No…Putin is Russia’s president. Nobody was outraged when Reagan did it here. Not saying Obama should look the other way.

121 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:20:01am

re: #87 ProTARDISLiberal

Actually, reading it in the morning, while not being hazy, it got worse.

In the early hours of Wednesday morning, rebel groups, a mix of the extremist Jabhat al-Nusra and the more moderate Free Syrian Army (FSA), attacked with full force.

Nope, I am on the first Nope train to Fuckthatville. The supposed moderates are helping the nuts.

Let’s focus on humanitarian aid, and getting a reasonable, sane refugee system. And see if Oman (and possibly Kuwait) would be willing to help us monetarily with the refugees.

122 makeitstop  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:27:00am

re: #116 darthstar

Mornin’ everyone. Sorry about the following.

[Embedded content]

I saw that posted on Facebook yesterday, didn’t click on it.

I guess it would be cool if you were slammed on Molly and dancing to it. Otherwise, it’s kinda dopey.

123 A Mom Anon  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:28:52am

re: #116 darthstar

You are not either sorry. I never knew that existed til now. Thanks soooo much for that.

124 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:29:18am
125 Stanley Sea  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:30:36am

re: #121 ProTARDISLiberal

I love this


126 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:32:15am
127 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:34:10am

GG doesn’t say who this guy is, but Google is my friend.

Democracy Now! ‏@democracynow 1h

LIVE: Leading internet security expert @schneierblog says the #NSA is undermining the very fabric of the #internet. democracynow.org
Retweeted by Glenn Greenwald

Renowned Security Expert Bruce Schneier Joins EFF Board of Directors
Author and Critic Deepens EFF’s Security Expertise as NSA Scandal Intensifies


Youtube Video

128 A Mom Anon  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:38:25am

re: #125 Stanley Sea

HAHAHAHA. I love that.

129 steve_davis  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:47:23am

re: #7 ProTARDISLiberal

Not sure. I looked it up because an artist and a writer for Batwoman resigned today.Essentially, at the last minute, the DC Editorial Broad vetoed a number of things that those 2 wanted to do, with the one getting the most attention being a Lesbian Wedding between Batwoman and someone else. This is after a recent issue where they got engaged.

I should note that there are others aside from Marvel and DC.

I know for a fact that Doctor Who has its own comic line, and has had it for at least 20 years.

And I know Donald Duck comics have a big following in Norway, Sweden, and Finland. I am not sure way. Those three countries, for being so advanced and progressive, have some really, really weird quirks.

It probably turns out that when Donald Duck gets translated into Finnish, he’s saying really profound stuff, on the level of van Gogh’s letters to Theo.

130 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:58:35am

President Obama’s Russia press conference: Live updates


131 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 7:59:51am
132 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:01:01am

Intervening in Syria now would be almost a complete repeat in history to Afghanistan during the Cold War. The “moderates” are cooperating and helping the fanatics, and the fanatics are the most well armed of the groups. Worst still, we have no Ahmad Shah Massoud equivalent to support.

Find ways of helping the refugees, but don’t attack. Give more aid to refugees, reform our immigration system to allow more refugees in, and Oman and Kuwait for help monetarily in resettling refugees.

But don’t attack.

133 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:02:02am

Blame it on the Bossa Nova…just don’t blame it on me.

Republican Congressman Fundraising Off Syria Stance

“Will you stand with me in opposing President Obama’s plan with a donation of $25 or more right now?”


134 Dr Lizardo  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:03:43am

re: #132 ProTARDISLiberal

Intervening in Syria now would be almost a complete repeat in history to Afghanistan during the Cold War. The “moderates” are cooperating and helping the fanatics, and the fanatics are the most well armed of the groups. Worst still, we have no Ahmad Shah Massoud equivalent to support.

Find ways of helping the refugees, but don’t attack. Give more aid to refugees, reform our immigration system to allow more refugees in, and Oman and Kuwait for help monetarily in resettling refugees.

But don’t attack.

Sweden seems to be on it.


135 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:05:25am

re: #134 Dr Lizardo

Yeah, that hurts my pride a bit.

We are being upstaged in this regard by a nation 1/33rd our size. Our pitiful number of refugees we let is against all morality.

136 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:05:48am

re: #132 ProTARDISLiberal

Find ways of helping the refugees, but don’t attack. Give more aid to refugees, reform our immigration system to allow more refugees in, and Oman and Kuwait for help monetarily in resettling refugees.

But don’t attack.

So the lesson for Assad and everyone else who might be watching is:

Use indiscriminate chemical weapons against whatever segment of your population you find undesirable for whatever reason (hint: label them terrorists whether they are or not) and if you do it enough the only thing you have to worry about is either that you will kill off all your undesirables or some of your neighbors will pay for their forced excommunication.

Sounds like a plan.

137 Dr Lizardo  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:08:01am

re: #135 ProTARDISLiberal

Yeah, that hurts my pride a bit.

We are being upstaged in this regard by a nation 1/33rd our size. Our pitiful number of refugees we let is against all morality.

Take some consolation that Sweden is very well-known for granting asylum to people from around the world.

138 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:09:57am

re: #136 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

And if we attack in the way supposed, the radicals rapidly take power, and start an even worse round of mass-murder between against the Alawites and Christians. Likely with some amount of the previous regimes chemical weapons eventually, and the compounding of that by the dispersion of some of these arms around the world by Terrorist Groups, which could lead to atrocities in the US and other nations around the planet.

139 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:12:25am

re: #137 Dr Lizardo

Yeah, but this is a nation of 8-9 million, offering asylum to 2 million.

Legal Citizens only, the population of the US is 316 million. We can take in more refugees. 2 million is all of .6%, roughly.

We take in a pathetically small number of refugees for our size. certainly less than 100k people.

140 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:15:37am
141 blueraven  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:17:44am

re: #138 ProTARDISLiberal

And if we attack in the way supposed, he radicals rapidly take power, and start an even worse round of mass-murder between against the Alawites and Christians. Likely with some amount of the previous regimes chemical weapons eventually, and the compounding of that by the dispersion of some of these arms around the world by Terrorist Groups, which could lead to atrocities in the US and other nations around the planet.

I doubt there will be any rapid power change to anyone.
Your position is the same old “better the devil we know” model, that has had us supporting despots in the ME for generations.

142 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:20:04am

re: #139 ProTARDISLiberal

Yeah, but this is a nation of 8-9 million, offering asylum to 2 million.

Legal Citizens only, the population of the US is 316 million. We can take in more refugees. 2 million is all of .6%, roughly.

We take in a pathetically small number of refugees for our size. certainly less than 100k people.

I’m not so certain Sweden could take in all 2M who are now refugees, or would actually want to, since they seem to be appealing to other countries to chip in. But I agree the US should increase its current cap on Syrian refugees and offer to take in as many who might want asylum here.


The decision, which will give refugees permanent resident status, is valid until further notice, added Hoernblad. (my emphasis)

“Since 2012, Sweden has taken in some 14,700 asylum seekers from Syria.

“Swedish Migration Minister Tobias Billstroem called on other countries to recognise their duty to help the Syrian people.”

143 Dr. Matt  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:20:44am

Charles, thanks again for featuring Bob ‘F*cking’ Schneider. He’s one of the most underrated songwriters in America….IMO.

144 Dr Lizardo  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:23:05am

re: #139 ProTARDISLiberal

Yeah, but this is a nation of 8-9 million, offering asylum to 2 million.

Legal Citizens only, the population of the US is 316 million. We can take in more refugees. 2 million is all of .6%, roughly.

We take in a pathetically small number of refugees for our size. certainly less than 100k people.

I know. It’s politics, sad to say.

It’s not even refugees - as an example, when I got married to the ex-wife, we went to the US Embassy to get her US permanent residency. The process was so complex and so needlessly aggravating, she didn’t bother going through with it.

In contrast, for me getting permanent residency in the Czech Republic, it took three hours. We showed the authorities our wedding certificate, I went to the Post Office to get an official document stamp, we were interviewed briefly by the Foreign Police, and BOOM.

145 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:35:06am

re: #136 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce

So the lesson for Assad and everyone else who might be watching is:

Use indiscriminate chemical weapons against whatever segment of your population you find undesirable for whatever reason (hint: label them terrorists whether they are or not) and if you do it enough the only thing you have to worry about is either that you will kill off all your undesirables or some of your neighbors will pay for their forced excommunication.

Sounds like a plan.

As long as a UN Security Council member with a veto has your back.

146 Dr. Matt  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:35:41am

re: #124 NJDhockeyfan

President Obama won’t go forward with Syria attack without Congressional approval, Obama aide says: t.co

— ABC World News (@ABCWorldNews) September 6, 2013

I’m thinking deep down inside PBO is hoping that Congress will not vote for action.

147 wrenchwench  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:43:17am

re: #127 Justanotherhuman

GG doesn’t say who this guy is, but Google is my friend.

Democracy Now! ‏@democracynow 1h

LIVE: Leading internet security expert @schneierblog says the #NSA is undermining the very fabric of the #internet. democracynow.org
Retweeted by Glenn Greenwald

Renowned Security Expert Bruce Schneier Joins EFF Board of Directors
Author and Critic Deepens EFF’s Security Expertise as NSA Scandal Intensifies


[Embedded content]

Bruce Schneier was up until very recently a respected expert on the subject of security. The video on this page has an introduction to him. Later, we see this:

297 Charles Johnson 8/12/2013 2:50:15 pm PDT

re: #290 Gus


Wow, that one’s really over the top. I have to admit I’m surprised to see Bruce Schneier going this far out - he’s a very smart writer on computer security normally.

I hope joining the board of EFF is not a further slide towards dudebrodom.

Also, too; nice music selection.

148 Pavlovian Hive Mind  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:43:54am

Ok, chemical weapons are officially a-ok to use!
What a world.

149 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:45:28am
150 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:45:57am

re: #144 Dr Lizardo

That is what immigration reform should be about. Cutting of paperwork and red tape.

That would save money.

re: #141 blueraven

Both sides, in my estimation, are equally evil.

And since no one will want to do the action necessary to knock down both sides, I’ll go with the alternative.

151 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:50:03am

re: #147 wrenchwench

Yes, I read up on Schneier a little bit, and couldn’t really discern what his politics are, but wouldn’t doubt he might be a libertarian of the GG variety since he joined the EFF only around June 27, 2013 (date of the EFF announcement), and given his specialty, computer security.

152 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 8:54:09am
153 b.d.  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:01:26am

re: #149 NJDhockeyfan
Dang, an EX president demanding stuff. We’ll get right on that.

btw, has Brazil quit cutting down the rain forest yet? I’m rather fond of oxygen.

154 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:02:48am

re: #152 NJDhockeyfan

[Embedded content]

This correction raises a lot of red flags for me as to the accuracy and validity of the report, and the video itself.

“Correction: September 6, 2013

“An article on Thursday about the brutal and ruthless tactics adopted by some rebel groups in Syria misstated the date of a video that showed a band of rebels executing seven captured Syrian soldiers. The video, which was smuggled out of Syria by a former rebel, was made in the spring of 2012, not April 2013.

“Additionally, because of a production error in some copies, a passage in the last paragraph on the front-page portion was omitted. The full paragraph should have read: “In the more than two years this civil war has carried on, a large part of the Syrian opposition has formed a loose command structure that has found support from several Arab nations, and, to a more limited degree, the West. Other elements of the opposition have assumed an extremist cast, and openly allied with Al Qaeda.”

155 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:04:32am

re: #149 NJDhockeyfan

[Embedded content]

Right, I’m sure he’ll get right on that. God the self-righteousness of the global community on this issue is annoying. We all spy. It’s a dirty business. Acting like Obama and the NSA are somehow special is a load of dishonest bullshit.

156 Bear  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:12:21am

Update on “Mayor Stubbs”. juneauempire.com

157 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:13:54am

re: #120 darthstar

No…Putin is Russia’s president. Nobody was outraged when Reagan did it here. Not saying Obama should look the other way.

We were outraged, we just didn’t have Twitter to immortalize it.

158 piratedan  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:16:00am

re: #153 b.d.

Dang, an EX president demanding stuff. We’ll get right on that.

btw, has Brazil quit cutting down the rain forest yet? I’m rather fond of oxygen.

well I see this as a market opportunity for forresters in the US, perhaps we should be planting trees ourselves and then it would be OUR oxygen, right? someone call a Republican to see if I can patent this willya?

159 danarchy  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:16:54am

re: #139 ProTARDISLiberal

Yeah, but this is a nation of 8-9 million, offering asylum to 2 million.

Legal Citizens only, the population of the US is 316 million. We can take in more refugees. 2 million is all of .6%, roughly.

We take in a pathetically small number of refugees for our size. certainly less than 100k people.

I am going to go out on a limb here and guess that if 2 million people suddenly requested asylum in Sweden they would backpedal awfully quickly on that offer.

160 BongCrodny  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:16:56am

re: #116 darthstar

Mornin’ everyone. Sorry about the following.

[Embedded content]

Ow ow ow, indeed.

161 Amory Blaine  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:17:48am

re: #108 Justanotherhuman

This would be funny if it weren’t so pathetic.

RNC on August jobs report: ‘The ObamaCare train wreck gets worse every day, and as a result job creation has suffered’ - via @NBCNews

2 mins ago by editor

They got nothing, so they attack Obamacare.

Not unrelated.

Whooping cough reaches epidemic level in Texas

162 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:19:06am

re: #161 Amory Blaine

Not unrelated.

Whooping cough reaches epidemic level in Texas

Don’t worry, they’ll blame the cranes shortly and exterminate them.

163 Carlos Danger  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:20:12am

re: #129 steve_davis

It probably turns out that when Donald Duck gets translated into Finnish, he’s saying really profound stuff, on the level of van Gogh’s letters to Theo.

Speaking of Norway, the next Gangnam Style…

Youtube Video

164 Bear  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:21:55am

Fell eleven stories. juneauempire.com

165 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:23:54am

One more Nazi assumes room temperature…

166 blueraven  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:25:20am

re: #163 Carlos Danger

Speaking of Norway, the next Gangnam Style…

[Embedded content]


Gangnam style was catchy and rather joyous.
This…I cant even

167 Carlos Danger  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:25:32am

re: #165 NJDhockeyfan

You know, not many people knew it, but the Fuhrer was a terrific dancer …

168 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:27:37am

re: #167 Carlos Danger

You know, not many people knew it, but the Fuhrer was a terrific dancer …

Youtube Video
Kenny Mars. Franz Liebkind and Inspector Kemp. The man!

169 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:28:37am

re: #165 NJDhockeyfan

One more Nazi assumes room temperature…

[Embedded content]

He was young, and needed a job to work his way through school.

Fuck him.

170 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:28:38am

re: #163 Carlos Danger

Norway, what the fuck did you do?

You’ve produced good music in the past:

Youtube Video

Youtube Video

171 Amory Blaine  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:29:26am

‘Nursery school dropouts’: Poverty as a health crisis for many of America’s kids


Tell me what you see [in your patients].

I see toxic stress. That means not being protected as a young child, having a lot of stress due to anxiety or poor parenting. We now know that actually shapes the way the brain works.

A lot of the health problems children have are based in poverty: under-nutrition, obesity, chronic diseases like asthma. Also, higher infant mortality, accidents and mortality related to accidents.

We see poor language development. Poor cognitive development. Poor school performance. Their language is delayed, they don’t speak when they are supposed to speak, they don’t speak as well as they need to speak when they get to school. Many of them require special education.

You could create a list of health issues and what I would call issues of well-being, all of which are very much related to being poor. And partly it has to do with the parents being poor and being stressed out about all the things you have to do when you’re poor.

Whenever I ask families, ‘are there times when you or your children go to bed hungry?,” the answer is always yes. If I don’t ask it, they don’t tell me those things. It is heartbreaking.

172 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:29:31am

Harry Reid predicts Syria Senate win

“The top Senate leader’s comments came as the Senate on Friday formally filed a resolution that would authorize Obama to launch military strikes in Syria, a move that sets up a series of votes on the high-stakes measure next week.

“The move sets up a procedural vote on the resolution next Wednesday. Until then, senators will continue to get briefed by top administration officials — one classified session is scheduled for Monday evening.”

Read more: politico.com

173 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:31:18am

re: #165 NJDhockeyfan

One more Nazi assumes room temperature…

[Embedded content]

He had a long time to think about how fucked up the Third Reich was. Truly sad that after all these years he was at least publicly devoid of any repentance.

174 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:31:31am

re: #161 Amory Blaine

Not unrelated.

Whooping cough reaches epidemic level in Texas

I think that’s probably a combination of anti-vaxer types and cuts in medical care for the poor; probably more the latter than the former.

175 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:32:27am

re: #174 Justanotherhuman

I think that’s probably a combination of anti-vaxer types and cuts in medical care for the poor; probably more the latter than the former.

The two are a dangerous combination together. Bad on their own but combined together, you’ve got a lethal shit soup.

176 Dr. Matt  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:34:14am

re: #165 NJDhockeyfan

One more Nazi assumes room temperature…

Adolf Hitler’s devoted bodyguard Rochus Misch dies at age 96: t.co Had no apologies for relationship to the Nazi leader
— Yahoo (@Yahoo) September 6, 2013

Has Bryan Fischer tweeted that Misch was teh gay yet?

177 Carlos Danger  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:36:00am

Assuming what we know now, how much different would a Syrian rebel government look compared to Iraq and Saudi Arabia?

178 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:37:29am

re: #177 Carlos Danger

Assuming what we know now, how much different would a Syrian rebel government look compared to Iraq and Saudi Arabia?

Mix in a cup of Egypt, Libya, and pinch of Afghanistan.

179 piratedan  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:38:07am

re: #177 Carlos Danger

it would be a happy place, full of happy people …. //

180 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:38:40am

re: #177 Carlos Danger

More like Saudi than Iraq.

Kurdistan has given safe haven to Christians fleeing the rest of the country. The Syrian Rebels won’t allow that.

Remember the purge of the Jews from Najran Province in the 30’s? Expect that again with Christians, Alawites, and Moderates.

181 Amory Blaine  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:38:41am

A societal norm of exploitation and poverty leads to communities without preventive care and susceptible and desperate for alternative ways as they have been shut out.

182 Simply Sarah  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:40:29am

re: #177 Carlos Danger

Assuming what we know now, how much different would a Syrian rebel government look compared to Iraq and Saudi Arabia?

That’s the real question, isn’t it? Fact is, things are such a mess on the ground there right now that it’s hard to be sure how it would settle out. All I can say is that the process would likely be protracted and ugly (You know, like how everything in Syria has been the last couple of years).

183 Feline Fearless Leader  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:40:52am

re: #178 Decatur Deb

Mix in a cup of Egypt, Libya, and pinch of Afghanistan.

Plus a lot of infrastructure damage and a traumatized population.

184 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:41:11am

re: #170 ProTARDISLiberal

Norway, what the fuck did you do?

You’ve produced good music in the past:

[Embedded content]

Meh, this is better stuff from Norway… Cuter too!

Youtube Video

Youtube Video

185 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:41:29am

re: #183 Feline Fearless Leader

That’s Afghanistan.

186 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:41:42am

re: #174 Justanotherhuman

I think that’s probably a combination of anti-vaxer types and cuts in medical care for the poor; probably more the latter than the former.

If Texas weren’t BSing about the dreaded immigrants and their cooties, they would strengthen their public health effort. Or they could pull 40 million from Women’s Health.

187 ObserverArt  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:43:46am

Can the President be a human being and not a fictional hero that has no emotion? Just wondering, because the media and everyone now is wondering what is wrong with him. Some calling him the “incredible shrinking President” and wondering of his tiredness and overall tone of weariness in his presser from St. Petersburg this morning.

How about he is conflicted because he is a reasoned man. I imagine it is rather difficult to find anything resembling reason in this whole debate about war or a police action or whatever. Reason and meaning in the Middle East? Reason and meaning in Congress? Reason and meaning with the American people that are still stunned by the costs of a meaningless war in Iraq? How does anyone weigh all that and not look like he has been run over by a bulldozer?

Time to tune out again. Probably look back into the Syrian thing when he addresses the country next week. Maybe some others will find a little reason and reality themselves so that they can actually discuss instead of throw red meat and run for office in one or three years.

188 wrenchwench  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:43:57am

Glenn Greenwald interviewed Daniel Ellsberg in 2008 .Here’s an excerpt.

GG: So much of what you just said is so fascinating as a historical matter and then also so relevant in so many self-evident ways to our current political crises. The eavesdropping is just one aspect and the deceit about how we got into the Vietnam War and stayed in it is another. But one of the things I’ve always found most interesting about your story is that you were really someone who was quite embedded in the political establishment. You had extraordinary classified access and top-secret clearance. You had been at high levels of the government for the entire decade. You had graduated from Harvard. You were at the RAND Corporation, the sort of peak of the military-industrial complex in some way.

And for you to take the risk that you did - and as you said, you expected to end up in prison for life - is a really extraordinary decision that we’ve seen very little of over the last years. We’ve seen a little bit of it. But really we’ve seen very little of people risking their own personal interests to expose severe government wrongdoing. What was the thought process that really led you to take that risk? You said that you were inspired by some of the young people, but the risk that you were taking was of an entirely different magnitude. What pushed you to do that?

DE: The risks they were taking were, actually… exposed them to a few years of prison, which [laughs] is long enough to deter most people. But they had very, very little incentive in the sense of any sense that by sitting in the doorway of an induction center or by refusing to send back their change of address to a draft- board—which was enough to send you to prison if it was deliberate— that it would have any effect on the war. Now it did have a big effect on me. I felt the power of that on my own life, the example of somebody willing to take that risk. I wouldn’t have thought of doing something that would put me in prison forever without that example.

Why the Pentagon Papers, in turn, have not encouraged people to do [something similar], with its demonstration that it did in the end have some effect, through Nixon’s actions against me and the vulnerabilities that that exposed him to, why more people haven’t done that, [I don’t really know]. I’ve been asking people for several years in the government through every channel I can—which is inadequate; they don’t let me get in front of an audience in the State Department and Defense Department any more, I wish they did—but when I can, as in the Harper’s article I wrote a couple years ago, which is on my website, ellsberg.net—I’ve been saying to such people:

“Don’t do what I did.

“Don’t wait until the new war has started in Iran, or Iraq in the past. Don’t wait till the bombs are falling and more thousands of people have died, before you do what I wish I had done in 1964 or 1965, years before I did do it: go to Congress, go to the press—both, by the way, not just Congress or they won’t act, as I found—go with documents and tell the truth. And do it at risk to your own clearances, your careers. These are not light risks. But there’s a war’s worth of lives at stake.”

I frankly don’t have an answer as to why more people, or actually any others, have not done that. You’re asking what my own thought process was on that. It was really quite simple at the time. I had been willing as a Marine and I actually did in Vietnam as a civilian take the kind of risks of my life that hundreds of thousands of people took in Vietnam and hundreds of thousands have taken now in Iraq, risks to my body, risks to my life. That was regarded as very normal in the service of your country, not pathological, just ordinary patriotism.

A few days later GG interviewed David Sirota, but there’s no audio and no transcript. This one was transcribed by Ellsberg’s people.

189 BongCrodny  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:45:09am

re: #179 piratedan

it would be a happy place, full of happy people …. //

…joyous Syrians, dancing in the streets…

190 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:45:10am

It’s a good thing McCain has the President’s back, after pushing so hard for intervention:

McCain: ‘There Would Be An Impeachment’ Of Obama If He Put Boots On Ground


191 piratedan  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:48:08am

re: #189 BongCrodny

…joyous Syrians, dancing in the streets…

Now appearing: Martha and The Vandellas……..

192 Simply Sarah  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:48:29am

re: #190 Decatur Deb

McCain has no interest in boots on the ground because his preferred solution would simply involve turning Damascus into a parking lot. Which isn’t to say that he might not be right about the impeachment thing with how things are right now.

193 wrenchwench  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:49:32am

re: #190 Decatur Deb

It’s a good thing McCain has the President’s back, after pushing so hard for intervention:

McCain: ‘There Would Be An Impeachment’ Of Obama If He Put Boots On Ground


With backup like that, you need a rear view mirror.

194 EPR-radar  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:52:26am

re: #190 Decatur Deb

It’s a good thing McCain has the President’s back, after pushing so hard for intervention:

McCain: ‘There Would Be An Impeachment’ Of Obama If He Put Boots On Ground


I don’t have much of a problem with this. If Congress says no, or passes an authorization that forbids boots on the ground, why shouldn’t boots on the ground (without compelling justification) be grounds for impeachment?

195 BongCrodny  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:54:39am

Completely irrelevant sidebar, but does anyone else have this problem?

When I go to Huffington Post (usually not on my own volition — ahem — but rather through a link), the right side scroll bar doesn’t work. I have to go to the little arrow at the bottom of the browser in order to finish reading whatever story I happen to be reading.

This happens *only* at Huffington Post.

As far as problems go, it’s really not much of one — but I’m more curious to know if there’s something wrong with my browser or if there’s something hinky at HuffPo that’s causing it.

196 Simply Sarah  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:54:40am

re: #194 EPR-radar

I don’t have much of a problem with this. If Congress says no, or passes an authorization that forbids boots on the ground, why shouldn’t boots on the ground (without compelling justification) be grounds for impeachment?

Of course, McCain is also upset that Obama isn’t acting unilaterally and is instead actually asking Congress, so while I don’t think you’re wrong, I’m not sure the good senator is exactly the best messenger for it.

197 Carlos Danger  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:54:45am

Nobody accuses McCain of working with the Muslim Brotherhood, do they? Gee, it’s easy to play this game!

198 wrenchwench  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 9:57:45am

I have to change my position on Syria. It’s too close to Niall fucking Ferguson’s.

Not that I agree with all he wrote there, but more than I’m comfortable with.

199 Bulworth  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:02:25am

Back from the dentist…had three implants, still really numb. This weekend should be fun.

200 Amory Blaine  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:02:32am
201 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:04:21am

re: #190 Decatur Deb

re: #194 EPR-radar

There should be ZERO talk of impeachment

Any action taken (or not taken) wrt Syria is going to fluid at best. You make a decision (lets say targeted strikes) then depending on what Assad does or doesn’t do dictates your next course of action

202 EPR-radar  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:04:35am

re: #196 Simply Sarah

Of course, McCain is also upset that Obama isn’t acting unilaterally and is instead actually asking Congress, so while I don’t think you’re wrong, I’m not sure the good senator is exactly the best messenger for it.

McCain is a lousy messenger for just about everything, including things which are as close to self-evident as it gets in politics.

203 Carlos Danger  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:04:55am

re: #198 wrenchwench

I have to change my position on Syria. It’s too close to Niall fucking Ferguson’s.

Pat Buchanan’s heir writing for the Guardian? Oh my.

204 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:05:18am

re: #199 Bulworth

Back from the dentist…had three implants, still really numb. This weekend should be fun.

Carnac that Magnificent sees SOUP and FRAPPES in your future!!

205 Simply Sarah  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:05:20am

re: #202 EPR-radar

McCain is a lousy messenger for just about everything, including things which are as close to self-evident as it gets in politics.


206 wrenchwench  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:05:26am

re: #199 Bulworth

Back from the dentist…had three implants, still really numb. This weekend should be fun.

I guess I’ll have to excuse you for updinging the damn rickroll, then.

207 Amory Blaine  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:06:21am

re: #206 wrenchwench

He he.

208 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:07:32am

re: #194 EPR-radar

I don’t have much of a problem with this. If Congress says no, or passes an authorization that forbids boots on the ground, why shouldn’t boots on the ground (without compelling justification) be grounds for impeachment?

Perhaps McCain should specify what altitude the incoming missions should fly.

He wants it both ways.

209 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:09:31am

re: #199 Bulworth

Back from the dentist…had three implants, still really numb. This weekend should be fun.

Numb is good. Enjoy it.

210 EPR-radar  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:10:31am

re: #201 sattv4u2

There should be ZERO talk of impeachment

Any action taken (or not taken) wrt Syria is going to fluid at best. You make a decision (lets say targeted strikes) the depending on what Assad does or doesn’t do dictates your next course of action

This is why if something does get through Congress, it shouldn’t have hard limits on what exactly is to be done.

Congress gets to decide for war or no war, and on the top level objective of the war. Everything else is up to the Executive and military.

211 Bulworth  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:11:19am

re: #204 sattv4u2

got soup, cream corn. And ice cream.

212 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:13:11am

re: #211 Bulworth

got soup, cream corn. And ice cream.

If that’s Lortab ice cream you’re good to go.

213 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:13:24am

“I knew this was going to be a heavy lift.” Pres Obama

You bet it is.

214 sattv4u2  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:15:57am

re: #211 Bulworth

got soup, cream corn. And ice cream.

May I suggest refinery29.com

215 Amory Blaine  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:17:23am

There should be zero talk about impeachment yet here we are.

216 EPR-radar  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:17:39am

re: #208 Decatur Deb

Perhaps McCain should specify what altitude the incoming missions should fly.

He wants it both ways.

Of course he does. He’s a Republican, so his party line is that Obama can do nothing right. He also has his own personal brand of obnoxiousness to maintain.

My point was pretty much independent of McCain —- this vote by Congress is binding, and proceeding in the face of an explicit “no” from Congress, or proceeding in a way greatly different from what was authorized is textbook grounds for impeachment.

217 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:18:19am

Spam alert:

From the link:

We’re currently seeing a spam run which involves a (fake) report from CNN saying that the US have started bombing Syria.

Clicking the shortened link will lead to an exploit kit which targets older, vulnerable versions of Adobe Reader and Java. The attackers favor using the Java exploit over the Reader exploit, as Java exploits are generally more reliable.

The exploit will download a Trojan-Downloader onto the system, which will subsequently download various other malware.

We’ve seen these actors use various methods of getting people to click on links in emails, including fake Facebook and PayPal emails. They also tend to use various URL shortening services.

It’s not surprising to see cyber-criminals jump on actualities. If the US do decide in favor of military action against Syria we can expect a lot more Syria-themed malicious emails.

218 bratwurst  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:20:43am
219 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:22:31am

re: #216 EPR-radar

Of course he does. He’s a Republican, so his party line is that Obama can do nothing right. He also has his own personal brand of obnoxiousness to maintain.

My point was pretty much independent of McCain —- this vote by Congress is binding, and proceeding in the face of an explicit “no” from Congress, or proceeding in a way greatly different from what was authorized is textbook grounds for impeachment.

Don’t know how binding congressional limits would be—that’s lawyer time. (I’m confident that as soon as an aircrew goes down, there will be pararescue boots all over the place.) In effect, a limiting resolution is a ‘no’ resolution, and that’s the best course anyway.

220 First As Tragedy, Then As Farce  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:23:06am

re: #187 ObserverArt

And when you gaze long into an abyss Congress, the abyss Congress also gazes into you.

221 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:28:42am

re: #206 wrenchwench

Any of yours?

Burning Man: Bikes


222 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:32:46am

re: #215 Amory Blaine

There should be zero talk about impeachment yet here we are.

Rs are furious that he has the moral backbone they don’t possess.

224 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:36:02am

Rep. Alan Grayson: Syria Intelligence Manipulated

Rep. Alan Grayson, D-Fla., who is aggressively lobbying against a military strike on Syria, says the Obama administration has manipulated intelligence to push its case for U.S. involvement in the country’s two-year civil war.

Grayson made the accusation in an interview published Wednesday by The Atlantic and offered more detail in a Thursday discussion with U.S. News. He says members of Congress are being given intelligence briefings without any evidence to support administration claims that Syrian leader Bashar Assad ordered the use of chemical weapons.

He’s basically calling the WH liars.

225 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:37:05am

re: #223 Kragar

Glenn Beck: We Should All Get Along but Progressives Should Be Hunted Down Like Nazis

You’re not going to get along with me by calling me a Nazi, Hitler blood soaked hanky boy. Fucking prick thinks he can call people Nazis and then act like they’re the ones poisoning the dialogue. I think the man is mentally ill.

227 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:37:56am

re: #224 NJDhockeyfan

This is a guy who mocked the plight of the Syrian People. He is a Left-Wing reactionary.

Needs to be primaried for being a dick.

228 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:38:49am

re: #226 Kragar

Pat Robertson Threatens Legal Action Against Filmmakers for Exposing Charity Scam

Truth hurts huh Pat. Go away you miserable old fuck.

229 Pavlovian Hive Mind  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:39:41am

re: #224 NJDhockeyfan

Rep. Alan Grayson: Syria Intelligence Manipulated

He’s basically calling the WH liars.

Fuck you, Alan.

230 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:40:32am
231 wrenchwench  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:41:08am

re: #221 Decatur Deb

Any of yours?

Burning Man: Bikes


I sold a bike that was shaped exactly like the rainbow cruiser, 3rd photo down, to a guy who bought it specifically to take to Burning Man, and he had me put rear baskets on like that. But I don’t think he was going to paint it, and it wasn’t the guy standing by that bike.

232 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:42:27am

re: #231 wrenchwench

I sold a bike that was shaped exactly like the rainbow cruiser, 3rd photo down, to a guy who bought it specifically to take to Burning Man, and he had me put rear baskets on like that. But I don’t think he was going to paint it, and it wasn’t the guy standing by that bike.

Maybe he found a rainbow muse on the playa. They’ve been sighted there.

233 A Mom Anon  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:44:01am

re: #226 Kragar

Oh man that would be awesome. Go ahead Pat, get all that shit into the public record. Bring on the publicity!

234 Killgore Trout  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:44:18am

re: #224 NJDhockeyfan

Rep. Alan Grayson: Syria Intelligence Manipulated

He’s basically calling the WH liars.

Yeah, that’s very unhelpful.

235 Kragar  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:44:35am

Powerful Texas Republican Advocates For Seceding From The United States

Texas Railroad Commissioner Barry Smitherman, who is running to be the next state Attorney General, is preparing his state to secede from the United States and become an “independent nation.”

In an interview with WND, a right-wing birther hub, Smitherman argued that Texas not only has the capability to survive without the rest of the country, but is actively taking steps to prepare for that day. “Generally speaking, we have made great progress in becoming an independent nation,” he declared. “I think we want to continue down that path so that if the rest of the country falls apart, Texas can operate as a stand-alone entity.”

236 Kragar  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:45:28am

re: #233 A Mom Anon

Oh man that would be awesome. Go ahead Pat, get all that shit into the public record. Bring on the publicity!

Robertson seems to forget about the Discovery Phase of a trial.

237 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:46:17am

re: #236 Kragar

Robertson seems to forget about the Discovery Phase of a trial.

They don’t teach that at Regent, I imagine.

238 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:46:38am

re: #235 Kragar

Powerful Texas Republican Advocates For Seceding From The United States

That’s the person who should be impeached. That just made me furious.

It’s as though that’s all they’re working towards.

239 Eventual Carrion  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:47:08am

re: #236 Kragar

Robertson seems to forget about the Discovery Phase of a trial.

Yep, then the blood (diamonds) would be on his hands.

240 ProTARDISLiberal  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:47:20am

re: #238 Justanotherhuman

Again, Texas is not quite viable anymore as a nation-state.

241 Kragar  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:48:03am

re: #238 Justanotherhuman

That’s the person who should be impeached. That just made me furious.

It’s as though that’s all they’re working towards.

As long as they don’t need food or water, they’re capable of being their own self sustained country.

242 EPR-radar  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:48:20am

re: #238 Justanotherhuman

That’s the person who should be impeached. That just made me furious.

It’s as though that’s all they’re working towards.

I am fond of the Andrew Jackson approach for dealing with secessionists and nullifiers.

243 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:49:09am

re: #240 ProTARDISLiberal

Again, Texas is not quite viable anymore as a nation-state.

More than suitable for an asylum.

244 Decatur Deb  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:50:13am

re: #242 EPR-radar

I am fond of the Andrew Jackson approach for dealing with secessionists and nullifiers.

Threw a good Inaugural Ball, too.

245 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:50:51am

re: #242 EPR-radar

I am fond of the Andrew Jackson approach for dealing with secessionists and nullifiers.

“Didn’t shoot Henry Clay or hang John Calhoun.” Jackson for all my faults with him was someone who valued the Union. The secessionist rhetoric we see because Republicans are pissed off that Obama’s in office is just stupid. The spiteful part of me would love though to see them try it and fall flat on their faces like the CSA did.

246 EPR-radar  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:51:06am

re: #237 HappyWarrior

They don’t teach that at Regent, I imagine.

The core curriculum at Regent is so crowded that there is no time to teach real law. There are higher priorities:

Bible Thumping 101
Advanced Bible Thumping
Maximizing collections
Owning politicians
Case studies in scapegoating

247 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:51:26am

re: #244 Decatur Deb

Threw a good Inaugural Ball, too.

Therefore putting the party in “political party.”

248 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:52:01am

re: #246 EPR-radar

The core curriculum at Regent is so crowded that there is no time to teach real law. There are higher priorities:

Bible Thumping 101
Advanced Bible Thumping
Maximizing collections
Owning politicians
Case studies in scapegoating

Advanced Demon Studies: Identifying Demons in Society.

249 Kragar  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:52:55am

re: #248 HappyWarrior

Advanced Demon Studies: Identifying Demons in Society.

“That’s the college’s founder, Pat Robertson.”

250 Kragar  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 10:58:59am
252 Justanotherhuman  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 11:02:26am

re: #251 Kragar

Fox News host ‘tired’ of atheists’ demands for freedom from religion: ‘They don’t have to live here’

In addition to being a liar from the Bush admin, Perino is also ignorant as hell.

253 Amory Blaine  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 11:04:15am
254 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 11:05:23am

re: #251 Kragar

Fox News host ‘tired’ of atheists’ demands for freedom from religion: ‘They don’t have to live here’

Neither do whiny Christians, but that never stops FNC from claiming they’re persecuted because the military has allowed same sex weddings to occur on their bases.

255 Kragar  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 11:07:42am

re: #254 HappyWarrior

Neither do whiny Christians, but that never stops FNC from claiming they’re persecuted because the military has allowed same sex weddings to occur on their bases.

Gay people exist; “I’m being repressed!”

256 NJDhockeyfan  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 11:10:03am

re: #234 Killgore Trout

Yeah, that’s very unhelpful.

Grayson want the Syria resolution to DIE QUICKLY.

257 Killgore Trout  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 11:15:09am

re: #256 NJDhockeyfan

Grayson want the Syria resolution to DIE QUICKLY.

I think he’ll get his wish.

258 HappyWarrior  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 11:16:58am

re: #255 Kragar

Gay people exist; “I’m being repressed!”

Non-Christians want the same rights I have!

259 William Barnett-Lewis  Fri, Sep 6, 2013 11:39:38am

HAHAHAHAH Almost as good as the medic’s response the other day to the “miitary” posters…

Image: 2013-09-03-Strip_Protest_web.jpg

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