On Lemmings and Cliffs

One wingnut’s story about backing away from the edge
Opinion • Views: 33,513

I am a child of the Midwest.

Around these parts, the default constructor for people is “wingnut”. I was raised in the proud tradition of the Assemblies of God - a name many of you may recognize as associated with some of the derpiest hardcore creationist/Dominionist names out there. And you would be right. For most of my early life, I was subject to an intense campaign of fearmongering, that God had His metaphorical trigger finger on the “Punish” button if I made even the slightest mistake or wavered even slightly in my beliefs. And what beliefs they were: Young-earth creationism, Dominionism, American exceptionalism - yes, this was actually taught in churches alongside traditional theological concepts. Patriotism, conservatism, and religious zealotry were intertwined into a massive right-wing hairball of doctrine that was drilled into our heads from an early age, alongside reminders of how God punished sin and unbelief. We invented “putting the fear of God into someone”.

It will come as no surprise, then, to hear that my formative years were spent absorbing information from conservative icons such as Rush “Pompous Windbag” Limbaugh. Fact-checking and independent thought were discouraged; talking points were taught alongside theology, and while churches - and parents - gave lip service to the idea of testing their theology, in practice it was good old fashioned guilt-tripping that suppressed inquiry and free expression. People just didn’t look at you the same if you expressed doubt, or if you asked too many questions that didn’t have obvious by-the-book answers. As a result, climate change denialism and other anti-science beliefs were widespread, and yeah, I subscribed to them all. Even as a science geek and a budding engineer in my own right, I still didn’t grasp the idea of critical thinking or figure out how to test reported “facts” to determine their veracity. In fact, I even wrote my senior term paper on the conspiracy theories around the JFK assassination, unable to comprehend how utterly without merit the claims were.

You can certainly see the direction this is heading. We’ve all seen the very public saga of Chuck C. Johnson, wingnut extraordinaire, on this very site. Before that, many of you are also aware of the equally public meltdowns of Pamela Geller, Robert Spencer, and the anti-Islam crowd several years ago. There are many lesser minions in the same vein, former members here who simply refused to bend when given a choice between sanity and derp. Like the proverbial lemmings following each other off a cliff, they plowed straight on ahead, preferring the comfort of their familiar world - even as ruled by fear and imminent danger as it is - to the idea of changing and admitting they were wrong about something.

There, but for the grace of God, go I.

My wingnut tendencies were tempered somewhat by going to public high school; many of my friends were homeschooled. When I graduated, I went to a private Christian college, but unlike the strict conservatism and brainwashing/fearmongering of my youth, questioning and free expression were encouraged there. I met many fellow Christians who had radically different beliefs, but we all worshiped the same God and debated vigorously with knowledge rather than “because God said so”. I learned how to do my own research and how to approach with skepticism, but most importantly, I learned tolerance. Over the course of those 4 years, my indoctrination was broken down and replaced with proper critical thinking.

This is when I found LGF. At the time that I was brought into the lizardoid fold, LGF was still a very conservative place, but similar to my college experience, it was a place where free thought was encouraged and people debated with knowledge, rather than bare assertions and talking points. When Charles made public his break with the political right in 2008, it was an easy choice for me; I had long since lost all of the conditioning that preyed on the fears the right-wing nutjobs express. When it came time to decide between following my other lemming friends off the cliff or pulling back, I chose the hard way, the unfamiliar way, because I finally realized that it was the right way.

The conclusion you guys can draw from my little soliloquy is this: Fear is the driver of all things wingnut. Amazingly enough, people can grow comfortable in that fear, learn to depend on it, and unless you can break through and show a better way that works without fear, they will never leave it. The end result is living in your mother-in-law’s basement writing racist, sexist garbage trying to get yourself noticed. That’s right, Chuck, I’ve lived in your world, and I get you. And I feel sorry for you.

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1 #FergusonFireside  Feb 23, 2015 3:16:06pm

Great post. TY Fish.

2 Charles Johnson  Feb 23, 2015 7:25:42pm

Great post. Thanks for this.

3 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 7:37:49pm

Very well written Fish. It takes a lot of courage honestly to challenge what you did.

4 A Cranky One  Feb 23, 2015 7:37:58pm

Great post. Also gives insight into the current attempts to destroy public and higher education. They’re afraid of the light.

5 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 7:40:04pm

Excellent post, Mr Fish.

6 #FergusonFireside  Feb 23, 2015 7:40:07pm

Thanks for promoting this. Tweeted.

7 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 7:40:40pm

re: #4 A Cranky One

Great post. Also gives insight into the current attempts to destroy public and higher education. They’re afraid of the light.

Frankly it’s not a concidence that the right attacks public education- the very tool that most Americans used for educational improvement and the fact that as an American grows more educated, the more likely he is to run away from conservatism especially social conservatism. In the past, I thought regard for education was something that was an issue that transcended ideology but seeing the right’s true contempt for any form of education that isn’t their idea of Christianity and their idea of conservative has changed my mind on that. I’ll always remember Rick Santorum without any sense of a dictionary calling President Obama a snob because he thought all Americans should get some form of post high school education.

8 Huge Seagull  Feb 23, 2015 7:46:28pm

I’ve spent time in this world too, and I co-sign the above.

Except, um, the bit that dismisses JFK assassination investigations….

(And yeah I’m a Trig Birther too…)

Anyway, Dope Fish is right. The born-again mindset is all about fear.

9 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 7:47:23pm

thedopefishlives, I’m glad you’re free of the fear chains. Good post!

I was lucky enough to have very openly secular parents. My parents house has always had a plethora of books and music.

10 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 7:49:27pm

re: #7 HappyWarrior

Frankly it’s not a concidence that the right attacks public education- the very tool that most Americans used for educational improvement and the fact that as an American grows more educated, the more likely he is to run away from conservatism especially social conservatism. In the past, I thought regard for education was something that was an issue that transcended ideology but seeing the right’s true contempt for any form of education that isn’t their idea of Christianity and their idea of conservative has changed my mind on that. I’ll always remember Rick Santorum without any sense of a dictionary calling President Obama a snob because he thought all Americans should get some form of post high school education.

The fundies see secular education as threatening, since the public schools by law cannot teach fundie doctrine. Evolution and school prayer are the hot button issues they use to undermine the perception of public education among the fundie sheep.

American Exceptionalists see public education as threatening, since real historians present America as an outgrowth of the European Enlightenment and also as a nation with its own flaws, ideas that are anathema to the AE crowd.

Right-wingers see public education as threatening, because an informed public is harder to sway with RW propaganda, making it more difficult for RWNJs to stay in office, even if they are elected.

There is considerable overlap among these groups, and with the homeschooling and Dominionist movements, as well.

11 Maddies Mom  Feb 23, 2015 7:52:40pm

re: #8 Huge Seagull

Trig truther here also, too!

12 RealityBasedSteve  Feb 23, 2015 7:55:07pm

Thank you Fish. I was in College Republicans, Right To Life movement, NRA in my younger days. I know much of what you write about so eloquently. I had an old acquaintance ask me once… “You’ve changed your views on many things, why?”. All I could do is look at them and ask them back “And why haven’t you?”

Again, thank you.


13 ObserverArt  Feb 23, 2015 7:55:52pm

This thread is the dope!

Good work TheDopefishlives.

I figure you probably were questioning everything all along. It just took you the age and maturity to say enough. That’s how thinking people grow.

14 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 23, 2015 7:56:57pm

re: #11 Maddies Mom

Trig truther here also, too!

What most people fail to grasp is that that’s the charitable interpretation. If you accept her story as she told it, it’s absolutely unconscionable!

15 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 7:57:05pm

I really can’t say how much respect I have for those of you whose views have evolved. That’s a lot more difficult than someone like myself who pretty much knew he was a liberal/left of center for as long as he can remember and grew up in a liberal family.

16 Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing  Feb 23, 2015 7:58:12pm

Shout out from another reformed conservative fundie (Southern Baptist). It’s always “us vs. them” with the fear. You nailed it.

17 A Cranky One  Feb 23, 2015 7:58:28pm

What is Groupthink?

Groupthink, a term coined by social psychologist Irving Janis (1972), occurs when a group makes faulty decisions because group pressures lead to a deterioration of “mental efficiency, reality testing, and moral judgment” (p. 9). Groups affected by groupthink ignore alternatives and tend to take irrational actions that dehumanize other groups. A group is especially vulnerable to groupthink when its members are similar in background, when the group is insulated from outside opinions, and when there are no clear rules for decision making.


It’s not easy to break out of this. Takes integrity and thought.

18 Charles Johnson  Feb 23, 2015 7:58:38pm

Sorry, folks, but Trig Trutherism is never going to catch on. Please don’t spread this nonsense at LGF - it’s a mirror image of Birtherism.

See: salon.com

19 retired cynic  Feb 23, 2015 8:00:04pm

re: #18 Charles Johnson

Sorry. Disagree. But certainly won’t push anything here!

20 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 8:00:17pm

In 2007 I thought Ron Paul was the bees knees. I’d hang up fliers in the bathrooms at concerts directing people to his website.

Regular visits to LGF put a stop to that.

21 Rev_Arthur_Icantbreatheing  Feb 23, 2015 8:00:46pm

re: #18 Charles Johnson

Sorry, folks, but Trig Trutherism is never going to catch on. Please don’t spread this nonsense at LGF - it’s a mirror image of Birtherism.

See: salon.com

Wait, is Trig Trutherism still a thing?

22 Charles Johnson  Feb 23, 2015 8:00:52pm

It’s been definitively debunked. Please. Just don’t. You’re dishonoring this great post by spreading a conspiracy theory in our comments. Step back from the edge.

23 allegro  Feb 23, 2015 8:01:05pm

re: #18 Charles Johnson

Sorry, folks, but Trig Trutherism is never going to catch on. Please don’t spread this nonsense at LGF - it’s a mirror image of Birtherism.

See: salon.com

I don’t even know what that is. Is that the Palin baby thing?

24 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 8:01:06pm

re: #20 teleskiguy

In 2007 I thought Ron Paul was the bees knees. I’d hang up fliers in the bathrooms at concerts directing people to his website.

Regular visits to LGF put a stop to that.

What in particular changed your mind about him out of curiousty? Never met a reformed Paulian before.

25 allegro  Feb 23, 2015 8:01:36pm

re: #23 allegro

I don’t even know what that is. Is that the Palin baby thing?

Never mind. See Salon. LOL

26 RealityBasedSteve  Feb 23, 2015 8:01:46pm

Busy day tomorrow. The dive center is doing a “Discover Scuba” program for the Wounded Warriors Foundation tomorrow. They will get a short classroom session, familiarization with the gear, and then off to the pool for about 45 minutes of them getting to dive there. The shop has done a lot of work with WW, including an all expense paid trip to Key West.

I won’t be in the water (not certified to teach (yet…)) but I’ll be helping with all the shore stuff, helping get gear set up, answering questions. Makes me feel good to help these guys (and gals) out. We have a couple of active divers in the club that came out of the WW program, and you couldn’t ask for a finer group of folks to be around.


27 Charles Johnson  Feb 23, 2015 8:01:59pm

Everyone knows I’m no fan of Sarah Palin. But Trig is her son. Just stop with this stuff.

28 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 8:02:14pm

re: #23 allegro

I don’t even know what that is. Is that the Palin baby thing?

It’s the silly idea that Trig is actually Bristol’s child. Guys, I can’t stand her either but it’s ridiculous and I can tell you having had a great aunt with Downs that Trig being the son of an older mother is consistent with Downs.

29 Kragar  Feb 23, 2015 8:02:25pm

If you had told me ten years ago, that I would call myself a Liberal who was registered as a Democrat, I would have laughed in your face. Sure, I didn’t agree with everything the GOP did, but I thought they still were the party for me.

Then Obama was elected.

Sure, I was disappointed at first, but I thought the GOP would spring back and come up with something, some policy or tactic to pull it together, and what did I get? I got the Tea Party, birth certificates, and “secret muslim” BS. I was expecting GOP leaders to set things straight and instead they jumped on the Crazy Train.

At that point, I started re-evaluating my positions and took a closer look at who I was supporting and who they were associated with and I couldn’t believe what a knucklehead I had been for so long. All those little doubts I wrote off over the years came back and on closer reflection, I realized I wanted absolutely nothing to do with those freaks.

Yeah, it took a while, but I stepped back from the abyss.

30 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 8:02:31pm

re: #27 Charles Johnson

Everyone knows I’m no fan of Sarah Palin. But Trig is her son. Just stop with this stuff.


31 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 23, 2015 8:03:25pm

re: #18 Charles Johnson

Sorry, folks, but Trig Trutherism is never going to catch on. Please don’t spread this nonsense at LGF - it’s a mirror image of Birtherism.

See: salon.com

I said it was the charitable interpretation, but that doesn’t mean I want to do her any charity.

32 BeachDem  Feb 23, 2015 8:03:59pm

To lighten the mood, Charles P. Pierce on the Oscars:

It was about half-past Patricia Arquette that I realized that this could very well be an epic night in the wingnutosphere.

And The Stupidest Man On The Internet (t/m yr lovely Wonkette) had himself a major sad over the Islamic Extremist coddling electorate that refused to give all the gold things to American Sniper, spotting liberal hypocrisy the way that people in survivalist compounds awake every morning to the wockety-wockety of black FEMA helicopters that always turn out to be the sump pump recycling.


33 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 8:04:59pm

re: #31 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I said it was the charitable interpretation, but that doesn’t mean I want to do her any charity.

I hear ya but let’s not become petty like she is. He’s her kid. Now, I definitely do feel that she uses him as a shield against criticism of her.

34 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 8:07:12pm

re: #24 HappyWarrior

What in particular changed your mind about him out of curiousty? Never met a reformed Paulian before.

His awful newsletter, to start. Then I looked into what libertarianism is really all about. Somewhere along the line I thought to myself “government isn’t always a bad thing.” Taken to its logical conclusion, libertarianism robs people of empathy (see: Ayn Rand).

LGF was instrumental in my change of heart about Ron Paul, I must admit. I found out a lot of stuff about the man that goes against good judgment and sound policy.

35 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 8:08:07pm

re: #34 teleskiguy

His awful newsletter, to start. Then I looked into what libertarianism is really all about. Somewhere along the line I thought to myself “government isn’t always a bad thing.” Taken to its logical conclusion, libertarianism robs people of empathy (see: Ayn Rand).

LGF was instrumental in my change of heart about Ron Paul, I must admit. I found out a lot of stuff about the man that goes against good judgment and sound policy.

Ah okay. Much respect. The newsletter is yeah just awful as are the pathetic excuses made for it.

36 Huge Seagull  Feb 23, 2015 8:09:18pm

re: #18 Charles Johnson

Interesting Salon link. Thanks.

37 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 23, 2015 8:09:57pm

I also admire people who can rise above their upbringing—thank you for showing us it’s possible, Mr. Fish.

I’m a hereditary Democrat, raised by Roosevelt-worshipping New Dealers, so I really have no idea what it’s like.

38 #FergusonFireside  Feb 23, 2015 8:10:28pm

I’ll pipe in, because after all these years my opinion has not changed. Charles, delete if needed.

Her tale of the birth of her at highly at risk child never ever coincided with a caring mother.

39 allegro  Feb 23, 2015 8:11:57pm

I came from a liberal Republican home. Yes, there was such a thing.

40 Joe Bacon  Feb 23, 2015 8:12:21pm

Giving a big thumb up to what Fish wrote because I went through the same experiences growing up in Western PA. Except that my Mom and Dad were hard core Democrats. Rest of the family was hard core Assembly of God Republicans.

Looking back, it amazes me to see how much my Republican Relatives and their churches acted just like the Communist Party cells in the old Soviet Union. Any straying from their ideology led to purges and expulsion.

41 #FergusonFireside  Feb 23, 2015 8:13:46pm

new post stat!

42 TedStriker  Feb 23, 2015 8:16:44pm

re: #8 Huge Seagull

re: #11 Maddies Mom

re: #19 retired cynic

re: #38 #FergusonFireside

No, just no on the “Trig truther” crap.

I might think that Palin is a vapid airhead with a nasty streak a mile wide, devoid of any original thoughts or common sense, but Trig’s her very real son.

We don’t need CTs to try to take her apart, especially one as cruel as this one; the facts we already know about her are more than enough.

43 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 8:17:08pm

re: #37 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I also admire people who can rise above their upbringing—thank you for showing us it’s possible, Mr. Fish.

I’m a hereditary Democrat, raised by Roosevelt-worshipping New Dealers, so I really have no idea what it’s like.

I always wonder and hope that had I been raised in a conservative and or Republican household that I would have challenged those views but as you say, people like you and I really have no idea what it’s like. It’s also nice to see the conventional wisdom about liberal in youth to conservative in older age flipped on its head some.

44 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 8:19:24pm

re: #39 allegro

I came from a liberal Republican home. Yes, there was such a thing.

In order of elections my pops voted for Reagan both times, H.W. Bush, Ross Perot, Bob Dole, W. Bush, then Bush II screwed the pooch with the Iraq War. He’s voted third party ever since. I asked him during the last election when was the last time he voted Republican on a national ticket. “14 years ago,” he said.

He was considered a moderate, a liberal Republican my whole life, until after the Iraq War. Republicans have only gotten worse in the intervening time. Whenever I talk politics with my father the discussion always steers towards how batshit insane Republicans are.

45 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 23, 2015 8:20:08pm

re: #43 HappyWarrior

I always wonder and hope that had I been raised in a conservative and or Republican household that I would have challenged those views but as you say, people like you and I really have no idea what it’s like. It’s also nice to see the conventional wisdom about liberal in youth to conservative in older age flipped on its head some.

I even flirted with supply-side economics when it was sold as tax breaks for developing new technology or more productive techniques. It took me almost six months to see through the smoke screen.

46 A Cranky One  Feb 23, 2015 8:20:09pm

I think fear of change is one driver for much of conservative thought. “Take our country back”, “drill baby drill”, “we’re a Christian nation”, etc. At the root is the desire to create a static culture and country that they can understand. I work in an industry where change is the norm and to be successful you have to embrace and lead in the change. Yet I’ve seen people fail simply because they didn’t want to keep up with the change; they didn’t want to get out of their comfort zone.

Reality, however, doesn’t care about our desires. Change is happening whether we like it or not. We need to deal with the reality that is, rather than what we’d like reality to be.

47 TedStriker  Feb 23, 2015 8:20:50pm

Now, back to the original topic of dopefish’s article: it’s damn good.

Well done, sir…

48 Charles Johnson  Feb 23, 2015 8:22:37pm

This is why I wasn’t a fan of Andrew Sullivan. He spread this Trig Truther conspiracy poison relentlessly.

We need to be better than this. There are plenty of very real reasons to despise Sarah Palin. We don’t need to resort to conspiracy theories about her son.

49 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 8:22:57pm

re: #45 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I even flirted with supply-side economics when it was sold as tax breaks for developing new technology or more productive techniques. It took me almost six months to see through the smoke screen.

I briefly was something of a hawk. I think what it was though looking back is that I had grown disillusioned with some of liberalism. Now I’m definitely not as left wing as I was circa 2004 but I’ve definitely returned to a lot of my liberal roots too.

50 Kragar  Feb 23, 2015 8:23:09pm
51 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 8:23:51pm

re: #50 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Yeah but union thugs.//

52 jaunte  Feb 23, 2015 8:24:35pm

re: #48 Charles Johnson

There are plenty of very real reasons to despise Sarah Palin.

She is indeed awful, and would be without connection to any family.

53 CuriousLurker  Feb 23, 2015 8:26:32pm

Fish, great post—thanks so much for sharing your story!

Welp, my modem died on me today, so I spent a good half day without internet service. I was appalled at how much I depend on it, sheesh.

Anyway, I’m still trying to play catch-up, but Fish’s post caught my attention, so I decided to stop in and comment on it.

Have a good night, lizards.

54 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 8:27:27pm

re: #52 jaunte

She is indeed awful, and would be without connection to any family.

I refrained from criticizing her kids until Bristol made homophobic slurs on facebook and also claimed that President Obama’s daughters were only pro-gay marriage because of Glee and that he shouldn’t have been listening to them on the issue. IIRC the other daughter Willow also made homophobic slurs. I really do try to stay away from criticizing family members. I never liked when some of those on the left acted like Jenna and Barbara Bush were drunk bar sluts because they got caught underaged drinking because Jenna especially has shown herself to be a genuinely decent person and not hateful. Plus I remember quite well Rush Limbaugh referring to then 13 year old Chelsea Clinton as a dog and I really do believe that we’re better than that crap.

55 jaunte  Feb 23, 2015 8:27:35pm

re: #39 allegro

I came from a liberal Republican home. Yes, there was such a thing.

Mine was socially liberal, and fiscally conservative, which I now understand could be called libertarian. Basically, “I got mine, keep your hands off my pile.”

56 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 23, 2015 8:28:56pm

re: #49 HappyWarrior

I briefly was something of a hawk. I think what it was though looking back is that I had grown disillusioned with some of liberalism. Now I’m definitely not as left wing as I was circa 2004 but I’ve definitely returned to a lot of my liberal roots too.

Well, Scoop Jackson was “Senator from Boeing” for most of my life, so you kind of soak up the hawkishness….

57 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 8:30:37pm

re: #56 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Well, Scoop Jackson was “Senator from Boeing” for most of my life, so you kind of soak up the hawkishness….

Well I went from being a huge dove, we’re talking Kucinich territory (don’t laugh guys) to being almost a self described neo-con on FP. Today, I have no idea what I’d label myself. I am certainly no hawk but I can’t really be called a dove either. Ultimately I described myself as a pragmatic liberal overall who likes to learn all he can about an issue before deciding on how I feel.

58 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 8:35:23pm

In my Facebook profile I include this information about myself.

59 bratwurst  Feb 23, 2015 8:35:55pm

One thing we can say with 100% certainty about this O’Reilly situation: he has been causing people to hate him for well over 30 years. I suspect that, in the end, people will make up their own minds as to whether he has been exaggerating this aspect of his resume…but the fact he is a fucking asshole seems utterly indisputable.

60 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 23, 2015 8:36:47pm

re: #57 HappyWarrior

Well I went from being a huge dove, we’re talking Kucinich territory (don’t laugh guys) to being almost a self described neo-con on FP. Today, I have no idea what I’d label myself. I am certainly no hawk but I can’t really be called a dove either. Ultimately I described myself as a pragmatic liberal overall who likes to learn all he can about an issue before deciding on how I feel.

Yeah, I now know that every step in the Cold War was instigated by the US. But nuclear weapons are like lawyers—it’s too bad there are any such things, it’s especially too bad that there are so many of them, but you can’t exactly give up yours while the other guy’s still got his.

61 A Cranky One  Feb 23, 2015 8:36:54pm

re: #48 Charles Johnson

Here’s a Sarah Palin conspiracy with evidence:

Fact: Sarah Palin wore American Flag heels.
Fact: Various websites searched for American Flag heels and displayed ads wondering if that was what Sarah was wearing.
Fact: Amazon displays ads to this day for American Flag heels when I visit websites
Is Sarah waging an insidious psychological campaign to drive me crazy?

62 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 8:37:41pm

re: #59 bratwurst

One thing we can say with 100% certainty about this O’Reilly situation: he has been causing people to hate him for well over 30 years. I suspect that, in the end, people will make up their own minds as to whether he has been exaggerating this aspect of his resume…but the fact he is a fucking asshole seems utterly indisputable.

I always make the point. O’Reilly may not be the most right wing person at Fox but he could easily take the prize for being the biggest asshole they employ. The guy is just an unbelievably big dick. one of the earliest memories I have of him is him berating a 9/11 victim’s family member on the air because BillO didn’t like what the guy was saying.

63 Kragar  Feb 23, 2015 8:38:50pm

So Homeworld goes live in 37 hours and they haven’t unlocked preloading yet. WTH peeps?

64 jaunte  Feb 23, 2015 8:39:11pm

re: #62 HappyWarrior

he could easily take the prize for being the biggest asshole they employ

Falls into the “feature, not a bug” slot:
“Fox News, Not Simply Assholes, But #1 With Assholes.”

65 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 8:39:21pm
66 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 8:42:07pm
67 darthstar  Feb 23, 2015 8:49:40pm
68 darthstar  Feb 23, 2015 8:52:38pm

re: #66 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

What a difference a day makes…

Saturday - 40+ degrees, sunny…

That’s my ‘sled-meat selfie’ - was helping train new patrol candidates.

Sunday - 65 mph sustained winds at the summit. It was a tough hike along the ridge.

69 TedStriker  Feb 23, 2015 8:55:29pm

re: #29 Kragar

If you had told me ten years ago, that I would call myself a Liberal who was registered as a Democrat, I would have laughed in your face. Sure, I didn’t agree with everything the GOP did, but I thought they still were the party for me.

Then Obama was elected.

Sure, I was disappointed at first, but I thought the GOP would spring back and come up with something, some policy or tactic to pull it together, and what did I get? I got the Tea Party, birth certificates, and “secret muslim” BS. I was expecting GOP leaders to set things straight and instead they jumped on the Crazy Train.

At that point, I started re-evaluating my positions and took a closer look at who I was supporting and who they were associated with and I couldn’t believe what a knucklehead I had been for so long. All those little doubts I wrote off over the years came back and on closer reflection, I realized I wanted absolutely nothing to do with those freaks.

Yeah, it took a while, but I stepped back from the abyss.

Amen, brother…I was much in the same boat.

1996 was the first presidential election that I voted in; I voted for Clinton, but it was a shallow vote at best, since, at the time, I wasn’t paying nearly as much attention to politics and current affairs as I do today. 2000 wasn’t much better, because I voted for W over Al Gore because I personally didn’t care for him.

Then came 9/11, Afghanistan, and Iraq II; by that time, Rush had his hooks in me and I was an unrepentant Dittohead, though I still tended to keep my politics to myself. When I first came here, I was very much in agreement with many of the LGF old guard; come 2008, I was all about McCain/Palin and voted for them in the general.

Shortly after Election Day 2008 was when I started getting uneasy about what was being said here and elsewhere about President-elect Obama; however, it wasn’t until after his inauguration that I started really thinking about my own role in the poisoned public discourse. Then, later in the year, Charles had his own “come to Jesus” moment and broke from the RWNJs, which made it a lot easier for my own turnaround, which was still very much in progress at that point. Just looking at my own comments from that thread, I’m amazed at how much my politics and worldview has changed since even then; I had just really started to make a complete 180 from how I was earlier in my Lizard “career”.

Now, I’m better.

70 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 8:56:50pm

re: #68 darthstar

Sled meat! HAH!

I’m glad it’s getting colder. Temps the last couple of days haven’t gotten out of the 30s, which is nice. It’s been 40 and 50 degrees up on the mountain for weeks, seemingly.

Southern Colorado mountains got puked on this last storm cycle. Wolf Creek got 30 inches in 24 hours yesterday. I actually might go skiing there tomorrow…

71 BeachDem  Feb 23, 2015 8:57:38pm

re: #50 Kragar

[Embedded content]

Hey, in Floriduh, they don’t even bother to rewrite the ALEC version:

In November, Florida state Rep. Rachel Burgin (R) introduced a resolution (PDF here) that would officially call on the federal government to reduce corporate taxes, but she apparently forgot to remove ALEC’s mission statement from the top of the bill, which she seems to have copied word-for-word from ALEC’s model bill


72 darthstar  Feb 23, 2015 8:58:14pm

One more pic from the weekend - want to know what it’s like to have your head taped to a board wearing a C-collar and being hauled down a mountain at 20mph in a sled? I didn’t think so…and trust me, you don’t want to know.

I’ll be a lot more sensitive to my patients going forward.

73 Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 23, 2015 8:59:09pm

re: #69 TedStriker

Then, later in the year, Charles had his own “come to Jesus” moment and broke from the RWNJs.

That post of his is over 5 years old now but if you go back and read it, it’s just as applicable today as it was then.

74 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 8:59:35pm

re: #72 darthstar

One more pic from the weekend - want to know what it’s like to have your head taped to a board wearing a C-collar and being hauled down a mountain at 20mph in a sled? I didn’t think so…and trust me, you don’t want to know.

I’ll be a lot more sensitive to my patients going forward.

Embedded Image

Yikes! And you volunteered for that shit? You’re a better man than I.

75 darthstar  Feb 23, 2015 9:00:09pm

re: #70 teleskiguy

Sled meat! HAH!

Embedded Image

I’m glad it’s getting colder. Temps the last couple of days haven’t gotten out of the 30s, which is nice. It’s been 40 and 50 degrees up on the mountain for weeks, seemingly.

Southern Colorado mountains got puked on this last storm cycle. Wolf Creek got 30 inches in 24 hours yesterday. I actually might go skiing there tomorrow…

Careful in the side country - I hear they had a release that caught some people in Aspen yesterday.

76 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 9:02:27pm

re: #75 darthstar

Careful in the side country - I hear they had a release that caught some people in Aspen yesterday.

It was today.

77 darthstar  Feb 23, 2015 9:04:43pm

re: #76 teleskiguy

It was today.

[Embedded content]

Chutes can be fun, but blast those fuckers first. Even then it’s no guarantee.

78 TedStriker  Feb 23, 2015 9:05:11pm

re: #73 Eclectic Cyborg

That post of his is over 5 years old now but if you go back and read it, it’s just as applicable today as it was then.

Reading the comments, mine and others, in that thread is a total mindfuck.

Like night and day.

79 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 9:10:28pm

re: #78 TedStriker

Reading the comments, mine and others, in that thread is a total mindfuck.

Like night and day.

Lot of familiar faces. Seeing now that Charles posted that two months after I joined LGF.

80 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 23, 2015 9:15:14pm

While we’re on being wrong and admitting it: I point to Mr. d r i f t g l a s s.

81 Targetpractice  Feb 23, 2015 9:15:51pm

I know it sounds wrong, coming from a member of the Class of ‘03, but I actually envy those lizards who were here when the break with the wingnuts and the Great Flouncing occurred. I’d gone on hiatus around ‘05 because, between college and my part-time job, I was either too tired to keep my eyes open when I got home or the pace of posting here seemed to be faster than I could cope with. I ended up on conservative boards where the pace was a bit slower, so I never felt as though I was being left behind.

By the time I came back to LGF, it was ‘10, Obama had been president for two years, and I was still knee-deep in derp. But by then I’d moved over to another board where the conservative-to-liberal ratio was more even, the latter was composed of thoughtful folks who could actually back up their arguments, and it was in one of those discussions where I needed more info than the sites I’d been relying on for awhile that I came back to LGF. And I won’t say the change happened overnight, I didn’t just spend a few minutes or an hour here and realize close to 10 years of wingnuttery had been wrong. But I did realize that there was more to the stories I’d been reading that the one-sided BS that was coming out of most of the far-Right’s echo chambers. And it was that realization that helped me shrug off the last vestiges of what I like to think of as my dabbling in “moderate Republicanism.” For almost 2 years, since I’d voted for McCain in ‘08 and saw him lose, I’d been like David Frum is today: Still wanting to believe that there was some measure of sanity left in a party where the inmates are now running the asylum.

82 TedStriker  Feb 23, 2015 9:19:34pm

re: #79 HappyWarrior

Lot of familiar faces.

Who’s still here that was active in that thread is quite impressive, but so is who isn’t still here.

Some eventually lost what was left of their minds and either flounced or got shown the door (Cato, MM, Sharmuta), but there are also some good eggs that just faded away (SFZ, WUB, reine, FBV); the good eggs, I miss.

To absent friends…

83 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 9:20:56pm

I’m really impressed. My John Legend post has had more than 7,000 views now and more than 400 tweets.

Yet CCJ is curiously silent on the matter. Aside from removing his wrong article from his front page, he’s avoiding the whole issue. Chicken.

84 HappyWarrior  Feb 23, 2015 9:26:28pm

re: #82 TedStriker

Who’s still here that was active in that thread is quite impressive, but so is who isn’t still here.

Some eventually lost what was left of their minds and either flounced or got shown the door (Cato, MM, Sharmuta), but there are also some good eggs that just faded away (SFZ, WUB, reine, FBV); the good eggs, I miss.

To absent friends…

FBV was the first person to greet me when I Was a noob. Really nice guy even if we had differing perspectives. It really is too bad we lost some of those like the ones you mentioned. I remember enjoying SFZ’s teaching stories especially and WUB was a funny guy.

85 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 9:27:50pm
86 BeachDem  Feb 23, 2015 9:32:20pm

re: #83 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

I’m really impressed. My John Legend post has had more than 7,000 views now and more than 400 tweets.

Yet CCJ is curiously silent on the matter. Aside from removing his wrong article from his front page, he’s avoiding the whole issue. Chicken.

Fucking Newsweek got it wrong as well, and even put it in quotes:


87 Charles Johnson  Feb 23, 2015 9:33:49pm
88 Charles Johnson  Feb 23, 2015 9:35:23pm

re: #83 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

I’m really impressed. My John Legend post has had more than 7,000 views now and more than 400 tweets.

Yet CCJ is curiously silent on the matter. Aside from removing his wrong article from his front page, he’s avoiding the whole issue. Chicken.

I’ve dinged him about it several times today, and I know he watches mentions of his name on Twitter like a hawk. He’s ignoring it and hoping it will go away.

89 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 9:37:29pm

re: #86 BeachDem

Fucking Newsweek got it wrong as well, and even put it in quotes:


At least Newsweek didn’t commit the same error as UpChuck. which was to assume Legend was referring to ALL slaves in 1850.

90 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 9:39:41pm

re: #88 Charles Johnson

UpChuck thought John Legend was a rapper.

91 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 9:40:46pm

re: #88 Charles Johnson

I’ve dinged him about it several times today, and I know he watches mentions of his name on Twitter like a hawk. He’s ignoring it and hoping it will go away.

I only sent one tweet to the GotNewsDotCom account, calling him “junior,” hoping to provoke a response. Nada. He’ll do his usual thing of acting like nothing is wrong and leaving the patently wrong/false post up. It’s the RWNJ habit.

I got two comments at GotNwes. One favorable and one suggesting GotNwes was a stalker site.

92 goddamnedfrank  Feb 23, 2015 9:44:59pm

Totes fucking crazy lady thinks Obama wants a Caliphate. These are the insane bigots Giuliani was speaking to.

93 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 9:45:21pm

re: #90 teleskiguy

UpChuck thought John Legend was a rapper.

Because all black male musicians are rappers, dontcha know.

Also, gang members.


94 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 9:47:19pm

re: #88 Charles Johnson

I’ve dinged him about it several times today, and I know he watches mentions of his name on Twitter like a hawk. He’s ignoring it and hoping it will go away.

BTW, thanks again for the promo. My little site was not getting enough hits, and I knew my fact-checking would get wider exposure on LGF.

95 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 9:47:27pm

I know Sam Harris is a crude sort of atheist who rejects religion outright and is hostile to criticism of his arguments, much like Richard Dawkins and the more eloquent Christopher Hitchens (R.I.P.). But this pithy thing from Sam Harris is on point.

96 goddamnedfrank  Feb 23, 2015 9:51:52pm


K31 National Match, w/ barrel and trigger work by Hammerli. Left handed, straight pull, adjustable peep sight, a Swiss watch in rifle form. So much want.

97 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 23, 2015 9:55:19pm

re: #72 darthstar

One more pic from the weekend - want to know what it’s like to have your head taped to a board wearing a C-collar and being hauled down a mountain at 20mph in a sled? I didn’t think so…and trust me, you don’t want to know.

I’ll be a lot more sensitive to my patients going forward.

Embedded Image

I got to skip the C-collar, but the rest of it yes.

98 LastYearsMan  Feb 23, 2015 10:00:18pm

Trig is clearly Sarah Palin’s kid. But the point of “Trig Trutherism” (imho) is that such a stupid, conspiratorial story makes more sense that what really happened — a very pregnant woman who knows she is giving birth to a special needs baby, traveling by plane for 17 hours or so after her water broke. Traveling from a part of America with first-rate hospitals to a place with lesser facilities. It’s all just such spectacularly bad judgment — which, as it turns out, is par for the course with Palin.

99 SteveMcGaziBolaGate  Feb 23, 2015 10:08:09pm

re: #98 LastYearsMan

That the way I remember the story. I never believed that Trig wasn’t hers, I think the story of her traveling after her water broke was crap. She did what just about everybody seems to be doing these days… embellishing a story about her courage.

100 GlutenFreeJesus  Feb 23, 2015 10:11:15pm

re: #96 goddamnedfrank

Oh wow…


I was firmly Republican until McCain chose Palin. What really sealed the deal was the Right’s reaction and subsequent “gone psychotic” mode. I’ll never look back. Ever.

If only more friends and family snapped out of it.

101 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 10:11:34pm

re: #99 SteveMcGaziBolaGate

That the way I remember the story. I never believed that Trig wasn’t hers, I think the story of her traveling after her water broke was crap. She did what just about everybody seems to be doing these days… embellishing a story about her courage.

In a couple of years, she’ll say her water broke in the middle of a war zone and she had to be airlifted to Alaska.

102 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 23, 2015 10:21:13pm

re: #101 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

In a couple of years, she’ll say her water broke in the middle of a war zone and she had to be airlifted to Alaska.

And Fox will ask her back to be a journalist again.

103 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Feb 23, 2015 10:25:21pm

early jeb campaign ad

looks like he’s running for senior vice president of accounting

104 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 10:25:57pm

re: #97 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I got to skip the C-collar, but the rest of it yes.

No wonder you are averse to skiing.


105 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 23, 2015 10:27:06pm

re: #104 teleskiguy

No wonder you are averse to skiing.


That was, in fact, the last trip I ever put on skis.

I don’t begrudge anyone else doing it, and maybe I’ll try again someday. But I wasn’t having fun anymore, just being terrified the whole time. And I was finally able to say no, I shouldn’t feel like I had to.

106 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 10:29:32pm

re: #105 klys (maker of Silmarils)

That was, in fact, the last trip I ever put on skis.

I don’t begrudge anyone else doing it, and maybe I’ll try again someday. But I wasn’t having fun anymore, just being terrified the whole time. And I was finally able to say no, I shouldn’t feel like I had to.

Cross-country is less scary — more like hiking or snowshoeing than downhill terror. Some of the skills for cross-country skiing transfer to downhill and vice versa.

I’m more a xc guy, but it’s been eons since I’ve been on skis of any kind.

107 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 23, 2015 10:31:45pm

re: #106 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

Cross-country is less scary — more like hiking or snowshoeing than downhill terror. Some of the skills for cross-country skiing transfer to downhill and vice versa.

I’m more a xc guy, but it’s been eons since I’ve been on skis of any kind.

I’ve tried it. The problem is I learned on downhill, which means I expect skis to have edges to help with things like turning.

I twisted my ankle. :)

These days I happily snowshoe and cook for the family and curl up and read and stitch and surf the Internet (and do homework) when I go and join the family at Breckenridge. Oh, and hot tubs and massages.

It’s a hard burden, but someone has to hold up the home front.

108 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 10:38:33pm

re: #105 klys (maker of Silmarils)

That was, in fact, the last trip I ever put on skis.

I don’t begrudge anyone else doing it, and maybe I’ll try again someday. But I wasn’t having fun anymore, just being terrified the whole time. And I was finally able to say no, I shouldn’t feel like I had to.

If you skied with me for a day you’d have a lot of fun.

I’ve skied my whole life. And I’ve mostly worked at ski resorts during my adult life, so I’ve seen a lot of folks from places where there is no snow come here on work visas. Jamaica, South Africa, Brazilian coastal dwellers, and others.

Whoever you were skiing with fucked up.

Me and Michellen - from Johannesburg, South Africa - on her first day ever skiing.
109 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 23, 2015 10:42:54pm

re: #108 teleskiguy

I started when I was 3. It’s not a lack of time spent doing it. I was actually running a race course when I wiped out. A ski hit my back in the process, and of course when you mention back pain after a serious wipe out everyone freaks.

I have a pretty serious fear of heights which has grown and plays into it a lot; I have similar issues with hiking on exposed slopes. If I’d do anything these days it would be the bunny hill.

I could be perfectly happy on the bunny hill, but I doubt you would be. :)

110 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 10:47:30pm

re: #109 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I started when I was 3. It’s not a lack of time spent doing it. I was actually running a race course when I wiped out. A ski hit my back in the process, and of course when you mention back pain after a serious wipe out everyone freaks.

I have a pretty serious fear of heights which has grown and plays into it a lot; I have similar issues with hiking on exposed slopes. If I’d do anything these days it would be the bunny hill.

I could be perfectly happy on the bunny hill, but I doubt you would be. :)

There are now indoor ski slopes in parts of Asia, including China and Japan. Picture a huge refrigerated building with man-made snow and one slope.

Outside Beijing, some developers have built a ski “resort,” which a friend of mine visited and took photos. You’d like it. I think all it has is a bunny slope.

111 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 10:48:08pm

re: #109 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I could be perfectly happy on the bunny hill, but I doubt you would be. :)

The bunny hill is where you learn the basics and overcome your fears. The rest of the mountain is for fun, pleasure, thrills and views. One day, klys, you’ll progress beyond the bunny hill and see the ethereal wonderfulness that is slippery sticks on snow.


112 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 10:50:03pm

re: #110 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

There are now indoor ski slopes in parts of Asia, including China and Japan. Picture a huge refrigerated building with man-made snow and one slope.

Outside Beijing, some developers have built a ski “resort,” which a friend of mine visited and took photos. You’d like it. I think all it has is a bunny slope.

I’ve seen pictures of the “ski resort” in Dubai. Yeah, nothing but a bunny slope.

You can ski in Dubai. Humans are fucking weird.

113 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 11:00:50pm

re: #112 teleskiguy

I’ve seen pictures of the “ski resort” in Dubai. Yeah, nothing but a bunny slope.

You can ski in Dubai. Humans are fucking weird.

Dubai likes to flaunt its wealth. A couple of my Chinese friends have been there on business trips. They say there’s no way they afford to visit Dubai on their own nickel. It’s a playground for the wealthy.

114 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 23, 2015 11:10:58pm

So I have a first recording on my harp (done all proper with multiple mics and the pick-up as well) and it’s really neat.

I will be redoing this next time since there are mistakes to clean up and the harp was not handling the transition well - things started to go out of tune just enough from the temperature change and not being acclimated. So I will arrive early and give the harp time to settle and get tuned before lesson starts (because argh 36 strings to tune) but still it’s really cool and I can’t wait to have the finished copy to share with you guys too. :)

115 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 11:13:17pm

re: #114 klys (maker of Silmarils)

So I have a first recording on my harp (done all proper with multiple mics and the pick-up as well) and it’s really neat.

I will be redoing this next time since there are mistakes to clean up and the harp was not handling the transition well - things started to go out of tune just enough from the temperature change and not being acclimated. So I will arrive early and give the harp time to settle and get tuned before lesson starts (because argh 36 strings to tune) but still it’s really cool and I can’t wait to have the finished copy to share with you guys too. :)

One of my Chinese students, Gloria, put a photo of a girl with a cartoon covering her face playing the harp. Gloria is being coy and not admitting she’s the harpist.

116 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 23, 2015 11:16:04pm

re: #115 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

One of my Chinese students, Gloria, put a photo of a girl with a cartoon covering her face playing the harp. Gloria is being coy and not admitting she’s the harpist.

It’s such a fun instrument.

117 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 11:19:13pm

re: #116 klys (maker of Silmarils)

It’s such a fun instrument.

The Unknown Harpist
118 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 23, 2015 11:20:18pm

re: #117 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

Damn that is a gorgeous harp.

119 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 11:21:07pm

re: #113 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

Dubai likes to flaunt its wealth. A couple of my Chinese friends have been there on business trips. They say there’s no way they afford to visit Dubai on their own nickel. It’s a playground for the wealthy.

Unfortunately, that’s the way things are in the United States, at least implicitly. Sure, some regular folk can live and work in places like Aspen, CO and Jackson, WY, but those places are surrounded by multi-million dollar single family homes.

The working people of these towns can’t live there. Good luck finding a teacher, firefighter, nurse, or municipal worker in Aspen that actually lives in Aspen. Teachers at Aspen schools commute to Aspen from 70 and 80 miles away on curvy mountain highways prone to snow and ice.

120 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 11:29:44pm

re: #118 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Damn that is a gorgeous harp.

I’ll ask her about it for you. The woodwork really is gorgeous.

121 teleskiguy  Feb 23, 2015 11:38:59pm

Finally got around to sharing thedopefishlives’s post. I’m glad it’s on the front page of LGF, it deserves a big audience.

122 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 11:50:44pm

re: #118 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Damn that is a gorgeous harp.

Gloria says she is not the harpist in the photo. She found it on the web, but she says if she had the money, she’d love to learn to play.

Wanna surprise her? I’ll give you her email addy if you send me an email (revealed if the show email works).

123 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 23, 2015 11:57:51pm

re: #122 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

Gloria says she is not the harpist in the photo. She found it on the web, but she says if she had the money, she’d love to learn to play.

Wanna surprise her? I’ll give you her email addy if you send me an email (revealed if the show email works).

I haven’t figured out the show email trick, but I dropped you a note at the address on your website.

124 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 23, 2015 11:59:34pm

re: #123 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I haven’t figured out the show email trick, but I dropped you a note at the address on your website.


I think you click on my avatar and the email appears.

Or not.

125 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 24, 2015 12:01:51am

re: #124 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality


I think you click on my avatar and the email appears.

Or not.

Like I said, I haven’t figured it out. But there’s always Twitter. Or websites. In this case I went the website route. :)

126 Kragar  Feb 24, 2015 12:05:19am

Ciaphas Cain

Ciaphas Cain was an Imperial Guard Commissar. He was in active service during the last century of the 41st Millennium, and was over 200 Terran years old when he was recalled into service during the 13th Black Crusade of Abaddon the Despoiler. It is certain that he survived more than a quarter of a century into the 42nd Millennium. Imperial propaganda made him out to be a great hero of the Imperium of Man in the late 41st Millennium, although in truth he was primarily focused on his own survival during his long career. However, Cain differed from many other Imperial Commissars in that he would not readily sacrifice his soldiers unless it ensured his own survival. Cain tried his utmost to avoid engaging in actual combat, but usually was required to do so to maintain his status as a Hero of the Imperium, which ironically would involve him in more dangerous situations than any he would usually have seen as a simple Commissar. He was responsible for many successful campaigns throughout his career and retired to become an instructor for new Imperial Commissars at a Schola Progenium.

127 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 12:28:54am

OK, I’m jealous.

A BBC reporter got to drive the TV Batmobile.

128 goddamnedfrank  Feb 24, 2015 12:30:53am

CCJ, lookin’ HAWT!!!

129 teleskiguy  Feb 24, 2015 12:39:00am

re: #128 goddamnedfrank

CCJ, lookin’ HAWT!!!

[Embedded content]

His eyes are closed.

130 goddamnedfrank  Feb 24, 2015 12:47:56am

re: #129 teleskiguy

His eyes are closed.


131 teleskiguy  Feb 24, 2015 12:51:02am

re: #130 goddamnedfrank


132 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 12:51:21am

re: #125 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Like I said, I haven’t figured it out. But there’s always Twitter. Or websites. In this case I went the website route. :)

She is delighted! You have no idea. Now she’s fretting about her reply. I told her it’s nighttime in the USA, so she can take her time.

133 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 12:52:50am

re: #131 teleskiguy

UpChuck’s weekly video is not so weekly, not that anyone cares. He hasn’t done any since the first one on the 10th or so.

134 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 12:53:37am

re: #95 teleskiguy

There is nothing wrong with being a “crude” or “militant” atheist. It’s just an ad hominem label for outspoken, just like they do with “radical” feminists, “radical” liberals and so on.

It is wrong to advocate torture and racial/ethnophysiognomic profiling though, and that (among other things) is why Harris is a scumbag.

And while an atheist, he’s by no means a rationalist, being an a defender of (though maybe not an outright believer in) various mystic and paranormal bullshit claims. Reincarnation, really?

135 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 24, 2015 12:55:13am

re: #132 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

She is delighted! You have no idea. Now she’s fretting about her reply. I told her it’s nighttime in the USA, so she can take her time.

Yep. It is getting late even for me, or at least there needs to be some acknowledgement of a vague semblance of a schedule.

In other words the husband’s alarm clock goes off in a little over 8 hours so it is probably time to pretend I will go to sleep in the next two. :)

136 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 12:55:49am

Just joining thread. I was raised Catholic, rejected the church at puberty and never looked back. Then encountered all the Campus Crusades for Christ goombahs in college in the late 70’s and despite my interest in all things theological/philosophical, found it impossible to engage with these people.

Took me some years to find Christians who were not closed-minded and doctrinaire about other people and their beliefs. Too late to convert me, but it has dampened my inherent aversion to Christianity.

137 goddamnedfrank  Feb 24, 2015 12:56:22am

re: #133 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

UpChuck’s weekly video is not so weekly, not that anyone cares. He hasn’t done any since the first one on the 10th or so.

Nobody could watch more than a minute of it without the aid of powerful drugs.

138 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 12:59:06am

re: #137 goddamnedfrank

Nobody could watch more than a minute of it without the aid of powerful drugs.

I fully understand. I fortified myself with certain liquids.

139 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 1:02:18am

Each night Chuck dreams of being a fecal wizard. (The link is safe. Sort of.)

140 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 1:03:48am

John Travolta was apparently being creepy at this year’s Oscars.


Scarlett looks like she would have gone all Romanov on him, if they weren’t on live TV.

141 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 1:05:34am

re: #140 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

John Travolta was apparently being creepy

Where’s the news?

142 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 1:18:45am
143 Dr Lizardo  Feb 24, 2015 1:19:35am

re: #128 goddamnedfrank

He looks like he’s gettin’ sorta tubby, or has he always been like that, and the beard just hid it?

Great post, dopefish.

144 Dr Lizardo  Feb 24, 2015 1:34:35am

Back later tonight. Meatworld stuff to do.

145 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 1:43:28am

re: #143 Dr Lizardo

He looks like he’s gettin’ sorta tubby, or has he always been like that, and the beard just hid it?

Great post, dopefish.

Late-night burrito binges?

146 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 1:44:12am

Began watching what promises to be an interesting BBC documentary about UKIP, Meet the Ukippers.

Simultaneosly googling what I’m watching:

South East MEP Janice Atkinson described Fa Munday, a UKIP-supporting mobile food seller in Ramsgate, Kent, as a “ting tong from somewhere”.

I wonder if Fa is still a UKIP suporter.

149 BillinGlendaleCA  Feb 24, 2015 2:32:37am

re: #145 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Booze, empty calories.

150 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 2:34:23am

Wheatdogg, if you’re here: I bet Chuck’s been voicing his support for UKIP. Have you seen anything like that?

151 Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 24, 2015 2:43:18am

re: #150 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Chuck retweeted this back in November:

152 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 3:00:28am

re: #150 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Wheatdogg, if you’re here: I bet Chuck’s been voicing his support for UKIP. Have you seen anything like that?

Took a dinner break. Not sure about Chuck and UKIP, but I’m sure they’re fellow travelers.

153 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 3:03:15am

OK, I’m at around 30:00 right now and it’s a money shot. “The only problem I have is with Negroes, and I don’t know why…”.

154 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 3:19:40am

re: #153 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

“‘Negro’ … is a description, not an insult… It’s the same thing as saying ‘What do you mean by ‘Jewish’… they’ve usually got noses that’ve got a bit of a curve to them…”

155 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 3:23:15am

re: #154 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

“‘Negro’ … is a description, not an insult… It’s the same thing as saying ‘What do you mean by ‘Jewish’… they usually got noses that have got a bit of a curve to them…”

These are the people who inspired the British sitcom that inspired Norman Lear’s All in the Family. Fifty years has not made one iota of difference.

156 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 3:25:38am
157 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 3:29:40am

Great post, Mr. Fish! Others of us have had similar experiences, and are glad you’ve seen the real light. : )

“Fear is the driver of all things wingnut.” Yes, indeed. The fear is pervasive with them, no matter where they come from personally. It colors every aspect of their lives.

Meanwhile, around here, it’s snowing and we already have about an inch on the ground. Two hour school delay for now, but we’ll see. School was out every day last week, so, already 4 days lost. Expected to be around 32 deg at noon. And we could possibly have it again Thurs.

No one can drive in snow around here, either, so if it sticks to the roads, everything will slow down or stop. Usually when we have this, the main roads are pretty clear, and they should be warm enough from yesterday which was almost spring-like which is why this is so disappointing.

Feb has already been a sort of “lost” month around here…

158 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 3:34:09am

re: #155 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

“‘Til Death Us Do Part”

159 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 3:44:03am
160 tsrhodes1  Feb 24, 2015 3:45:32am

Hey guys,

Long time lurker, second time poster. My first was in 2004 as “mr disenfranchisement” (Ugh). That account is now deactivated (probably from lack of use, I’m assuming).

So, thedopefishlives’s story sounds very similar to my own. I was a full blood capital-C conservative in college when Bush was first elected and then reelected (my post back then was to join in on the gloating when Kerry lost). I had a similar deconversion after college when I moved back to my dying hometown in Indiana rather than away and then experienced the force of a slowly decomposing economy.

A combination of things led to my deconversion. In college I was safe, my dad paid the bills, I got to experience the thrill of having a “pull yourself up by your bootstraps” mentality without the work, and also I viewed conservatism as simply “default,” which I think is an idea a lot of Bush-era conservatives may understand. I wasn’t far right per se (although I bragged about being so), but I often was combative on behalf of Christians and anti-Muslims. My deconversion from Christianity was the first blow to my beliefs.

The final blow was the 2008 election. There was no longer a “default” position to take. No safe, ordinary aw-shucks-I’d-like-to-have-a-beer-with-him Bush, although I did like McCain, even though my dad and friend-on-radio Rush Limbaugh didn’t. I was in college once again, trying for another degree in biology, when Sarah Palin became a thing, and shortly after said something to the effect of: “fruit flies? I kid you not! We spend money on that!” That was said to a roar of approval and my face went slack on hearing that comment (still remember it). I was a lab assistant in class and bred nasonia, a similar option to the fruit fly, for genetics classes to use in lab experiments in studying genetics among generations, since it wasn’t cost-effective to breed human children to study genetics.

And then at that point I realized I couldn’t vote for McCain and his screaming appendage. I went for Obama, bought a nifty bumper sticker (yes bought. For $10. Got a button too), and faced all the ridicule from my family I knew would come from my dad and his then-wife, not only for voting the wrong way, but for being an atheist too.

It wasn’t easy, but since I still remained a straight white dude, he eventually accepted it. My dad and I are on good terms now, but we strictly avoid politics and religion (he does, anyway), and on the occasion where we’re in the car together I always change the channel from right wing talk radio to 50’s music.

But yeah, I digress. I was really surprised when I found that the Lizard king himself underwent a similar vision quest (and a pretty cool smack down with Glenn Beck of all people). And then once again I’m following LGF.

161 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 3:45:50am

re: #148 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Nigel Farage: I admire Vladimir Putin

Nigel Farage: Stop opposing Vladmir Putin in Ukraine and join forces to defeat Islamic terrorists

What are the chances that he’s not been getting some of Putin’s dough?

BTW, about this:

He said: “Perhaps we better recognise that the West faces the biggest threat and crisis to our way of life we have seen for over 70 years. The recent beheadings of the British and American hostages graphically illustrates the problem and of course we have our own citizens from our won countries engaged in that struggle too.
“In the war against Islamic extremism, whatever we may think of him as a human being, he is actually on our side.
“I suggest we grow up, I suggest we recognise the real threat facing all of our countries, communities and societies, we stop playing war games in the Ukraine and we start to prepare a plan like Syria, like Iraq, like Kenya like Nigeria or Syria and help the deal with the real threat that faces us. Let’s not go on provoking Putin whether we like him or not.”

In relation to Europe, where is Syria and where is Russia. However atrocious the Taliban, al-Qaeda and ISIS are, they’re not a “threat” to the Western way of life, unless “we” let them by falling into a state of irrational fear.

Putin, on the other hand, is a real threat to Europe and its way of life. Much more so than Islamic fundamentalism. Farage fans the flames of fear in exactly the wrong direction. But as long as it brings him votes (and, possibly, Putin’s money)…

162 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 3:49:18am

re: #160 tsrhodes1


163 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 3:49:35am

re: #160 tsrhodes1

Long time lurker, second time poster. My first was in 2004 as “mr disenfranchisement” (Ugh). That account is now deactivated (probably from lack of use, I’m assuming).

Welcome, re-hatchling.

164 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 3:54:47am

re: #160 tsrhodes1

Luckily, you’re back as a full-fledged rational being. : )

165 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 3:56:57am

Islamists haven’t started a war in the middle of Europe with more than 5000 dead. Putin did. Sapienti sat.

166 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 3:57:10am

re: #160 tsrhodes1

Like a butterfly coming out of the cocoon.

Welcome back.

167 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 3:58:34am

re: #158 Justanotherhuman

“‘Til Death Us Do Part”

That’s the one. I’ve only seen one or two eps of that show, but I watched every ep of All in the Family on that thing called “broadcast TV.”

168 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 4:04:10am
169 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 4:06:45am

re: #168 Justanotherhuman

Where do they hide all those weapons? //

170 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 4:08:46am

Sunset on Mars:


(and why has my wireless mouse stopped pasting?)

171 tsrhodes1  Feb 24, 2015 4:09:34am

re: #164 Justanotherhuman

Thanks. Glad to be among the sane. Although I still need a sure fire way to keep the squirrels from stealing my dreams and pure thoughts while I sleep that doesn’t involve me selling my old CCR tapes or letting my cat know the contents of my heart.

I’d like to comment somewhat frequently, but I do work long hours and jet set around the world doing god knows what with other people’s bodily fluids. But hopefully I’ll chime in when things are interesting.

Cheers! (single malt cheers)

172 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 4:10:07am

re: #170 Justanotherhuman

(and why has my wireless mouse stopped pasting?)

Have you fed your mouse lately?

173 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 4:12:17am

re: #172 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Have you fed your mouse lately?

Haha, wise ass this morning, aren’t you? Tried removing the little plug thing, tried turning off and on, and resetting, but no go. So using Ctrl v. Hey, hey, hey.
: )

174 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 4:13:10am

re: #170 Justanotherhuman

Sunset on Mars:


(and why has my wireless mouse stopped pasting?)

Speaking of Mars, I had to struggle hard to suppress laughter when I saw this Velazquez painting in Prado a few days ago.

175 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 4:13:55am

re: #173 Justanotherhuman


176 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 4:14:51am

re: #175 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Lemme try that…

177 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 4:15:47am

Das Reboot

178 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 24, 2015 4:19:15am

A Long time ago, I had a really weird glitch on my g3 iMac—not only did the dedicated number keys not work, but if I accidentally touched any of them, it would disable the mouse buttons. The cursor would still move, but it would never turn into the little hand and the buttons wouldn’t do anything. Had to reboot. I never did figure it out.

179 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 4:21:32am

So, let’s see if that reboot does the trick…

Bomb blast in Potiskum, Nigeria, caused by female bomber who tried to force her way on to a bus before detonating, witness says - @Reuters
end of alert

Or was it really a female? Hmmmmm?

Thanks, Prof. When all else fails, reboot…

180 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 4:23:28am

re: #179 Justanotherhuman

Thanks, Prof. When all else fails, reboot…

It’s not the last resort… There’s always homeopathy, Philippine healers and blood-letting…

181 tsrhodes1  Feb 24, 2015 4:25:03am

re: #171 tsrhodes1

To clarify, I’m a lab technician, overseas, currently where it’s night.

Hence the drunkenness and the mention of bodily fluids.

182 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 4:26:52am

re: #181 tsrhodes1

To clarify, I’m a lab technician, overseas, currently where it’s night.

Hence the drunkenness and the mention of bodily fluids.

Thanks that we didn’t have to ask :P

183 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 4:27:59am

Morning Lizardim from the mild wild north country. Imagine my surprise to wake up, drive into the office, log on and see my post on the front page - thanks Charles. It was a tough share, but honestly, it needs to be exposed. For those who have real friends out there in Wingnuttia, perhaps it will make a difference in the approach. How go things among the lizardfolk this warm not-quite-spring morning?

184 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 4:29:02am

re: #183 thedopefishlives

That’s an amazing post.

185 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 4:29:26am
186 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 24, 2015 4:31:02am

Well, this is no good.

It appears that some of those pockets of methane/ice clathrates have started sublimating in Siberia. With global warming, it was only a matter of time—but there are enormous quantities of this crap under the continental shelf all over the world. And we all know what a powerful greenhouse gas methane is. When they really start popping….

187 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 4:31:15am

re: #177 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Great movie. Saw it on its release in the US.

188 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 4:32:53am

re: #185 wrenchwench

Ah so, heavy weaponry? I see… You’ve left me no choice…

Youtube Video

189 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 4:34:01am

re: #150 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

(Wrong link. Foxed.)

190 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 4:36:48am

re: #184 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

That’s an amazing post.

Thanks. It was a process of years before I even fully understood what had happened. It’s not one of those things where you just wake up some morning and realize that the most formative years of your life were spent being indoctrinated.

191 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 4:36:52am

re: #188 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Ah so, heavy weaponry? I see… You’ve left me no choice…

[Embedded content]

Das Boot
192 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 4:38:28am

re: #186 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge


“This is only 10km from Bovanenkovo, a major gas field, developed by Gazprom, in the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug.”

193 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 4:39:14am

re: #189 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

(Wrong link. Foxed.)

Oh my. I surrender.

194 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 4:40:09am

re: #186 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Well, this is no good.

It appears that some of those pockets of methane/ice clathrates have started sublimating in Siberia. With global warming, it was only a matter of time—but there are enormous quantities of this crap under the continental shelf all over the world. And we all know what a powerful greenhouse gas methane is. When they really start popping….

Smoking should be banned in Siberia, as a safety precaution. /

195 tsrhodes1  Feb 24, 2015 4:41:04am

re: #182 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Hey just want to dispel the notion that I’m a morning drunk.

196 Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 24, 2015 4:41:05am
197 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 4:42:08am

Comcast exec on CNBC crying that Net Neutrality is awful, that Comcast has never blocked content, yada yada yada, and the chyron reads, “Regulating the Internet.”

198 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 4:42:51am

re: #195 tsrhodes1

Hey just want to dispel the notion that I’m a morning drunk.

We don’t judge, as long as you share the bottle.

199 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 4:45:00am

re: #195 tsrhodes1

Hey just want to dispel the notion that I’m a morning drunk.

Stop worrying what people think. That has dogged me most of my life and in my dotage, I finally don’t give a shit. We live internationally now, if we have any smarts at all. : )

200 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 4:45:36am

Hatchlings are obliged to provide a box of the best German beer. That’s the law around these parts. Admittedly, it’s a very new one. And not on the books. And… And… Anyway, we’re waiting.

201 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 4:46:30am

One cannot kill “in the name” of atheism, for there is no such name. The word is not capitalized because there is no person called “Athe” whom atheists follow, and it’s not a “movement” because it doesn’t have an agenda. This is why the “you did it too” sentiment is ignorant and embarrassing.

202 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 4:48:27am

re: #201 wrenchwench

Lack of belief shouldn’t be characterized as an “ism”.

203 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 4:48:29am

re: #201 wrenchwench

I disagree. One can [i.e., is able to, not “may”] kill in the name of atheism. It won’t represent atheists, it won’t stem from atheism, but one can kill in its name. In the same way as one can kill in the name of anything.

204 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 4:54:02am
205 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 4:54:36am

Wow, still snowing, flakes getting bigger. At this rate, The Munchkin isn’t going to school, although he has already announced the “I’m sick” BS which every parent should be on to. : )

206 tsrhodes1  Feb 24, 2015 4:57:16am

re: #200 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Kulmbacher Eisbock. Get it.

207 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 4:57:37am

Great overnight thread!

Good morning y’alls.

208 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 4:58:06am

re: #207 The Vicious Babushka

Great overnight thread!

Good morning y’alls.

Good morning, oh Maker of Pies.

209 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 4:58:06am

re: #206 tsrhodes1

Kulmbacher Eisbock. Get it.


210 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 4:58:49am

re: #206 tsrhodes1

Kulmbacher Eisbock. Get it.

You in Germany, or close by?

211 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 4:59:33am

re: #207 The Vicious Babushka

It’s “all y’all,” thanks very much.

212 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 4:59:41am

Dario Argento should make an upbeat, sunny film The Mother of Pies.

213 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 5:01:48am

“Atheism” doesn’t guarantee that a person is a humanist, or really cares about others. I expect Hick grew up in a repressive, reactionary right-wing home and has really never left his roots. Talking about stuff doesn’t necessarily make you a better person because of what you think you left behind.

214 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 5:02:10am

Well played, VB, well played :)

215 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 5:03:06am

re: #213 Justanotherhuman

“Atheism” doesn’t guarantee that a person is a humanist, or really cares about others. I expect Hick grew up in a repressive, reactionary right-wing home and has really never left his roots. Talking about stuff doesn’t necessarily make you a better person because of what you think you left behind.

It is an article of faith among the faithful that only Christians can have any true sense of morality.

216 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 5:03:19am

re: #212 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Dario Argento should make an upbeat, sunny film The Mother of Pies.

Thanks for my new nic :)

217 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 5:03:26am

re: #213 Justanotherhuman

Atheism doesn’t even guarantee that one doesn’t believe in supernatural (see: Sam Harris).

218 tsrhodes1  Feb 24, 2015 5:05:08am

re: #210 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

No but I love Kulmbacher. On rare occasions, I’ll see their output in American stores. Just buy up anything they put out.

Not to be glib but I’m in the far east now. With intent to move to Norway but I’m holding my breath on that.

219 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 5:05:30am

re: #215 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

It is an article of faith among the faithful that only Christians can have any true sense of morality.

Hence, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc., are not moral people, and must be converted, as a consequence of the same assumption..

220 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 5:06:20am

re: #218 tsrhodes1

No but I love Kulmbacher. On rare occasions, I’ll see their output in American stores. Just buy up anything they put out.

Not to be glib but I’m in the far east now. With intent to move to Norway but I’m holding my breath on that.

Whoa! I’m in China. Where are you?

221 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 5:06:29am

All atheism means is one lacks a belief in God(s). Astrology, psi, scientific racism, anti-humanism, Nazism, conspiracy theories, lack of logic, mythological thinking - one can espouse all that and be an atheist. PZ Myers is wrong on atheism necessarily being “more” than mere lack of belief.

222 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 5:07:17am

re: #219 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

Hence, Jews, Muslims, Buddhists, etc., are not moral people, and must be converted, as a consequence of the same assumption..

some will be so magnanimous as to grant that these infidels can be moral (to an extent), but are nonetheless still all going to hell unless they accept Jesus as their own personal savior

223 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 24, 2015 5:07:22am

re: #215 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

It is an article of faith among the faithful that only Christians can have any true sense of morality.

A lot of them will freely admit that they’d be out raping, robbing, and pillaging if they weren’t afraid of what their genocidal sky-fairy would do to them. This fear is what they call a “moral sense”. So naturally they believe it can’t exist without the fear.

224 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 5:08:23am

re: #223 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Indeed, of what value is morality if it’s only buttressed by a possible punishment? Dostoyevsky was full of shit.

225 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 5:08:38am

re: #55 jaunte

Mine was socially liberal, and fiscally conservative, which I now understand could be called libertarian. Basically, “I got mine, keep your hands off my pile.”

I have to disagree with this. I am socially liberal and fiscally conservative. Fiscally conservative doesn’t mean “I got mine…”, it means that tax dollars are being spent well. That we are spending tax dollars responsibly.

I think Republican’s give “fiscal responsibility” a bad name because to them, all it means is that you’re only supporting defense, and Americans be damned. That’s not responsible spending, IMHO.

226 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 5:09:33am

re: #223 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

A lot of them will freely admit that they’d be out raping, robbing, and pillaging if they weren’t afraid of what their genocidal sky-fairy would do to them. This fear is what they call a “moral sense”. So naturally they believe it can’t exist without the fear.

Right, and it explains why they mistrust secular humanism, because humanism assumes people are by nature good, or can be convinced to be good by society.

227 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 5:09:37am

re: #223 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

A lot of them will freely admit that they’d be out raping, robbing, and pillaging if they weren’t afraid of what their genocidal sky-fairy would do to them. This fear is what they call a “moral sense”. So naturally they believe it can’t exist without the fear.

It is no coincidence that Arkansas, the very buckle of the Bible Belt, also gave us Bill Clinton. These crackers would be the whorin-est, drinkin-est, fightin-est gamblin-est roustabouts to be found without the strict moral corset of fundamentalist fire-and-brimstone Christianity, and they assume the rest of the world is just like them.

228 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 5:11:28am

re: #227 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

It is no coincidence that Arkansas, the very buckle of the Bible Belt, also gave us Bill Clinton. These crackers would be the whorin-est, drinkin-est, fightin-est gamblin-est roustabouts to be found without the strict moral corset of fundamentalist fire-and-brimstone Christianity, and they assume the rest of the world is just like them.

Then again, which states visit porn sites most often? Those crackers just make sure all that misbehavin’ is kept under wraps.

229 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 5:11:35am

I’ve been at LGF since 2003 and went through the “sea change”

I also used to be a FReeper, and had to decide whether to continue to post there. Their psychotic breakdown after the ‘08 election made that decision easy.

I actually used to be a liberal back in the day. My parents were Democrats from Truman days and my mother always thought that my erstwhile conservatism was just a “kick.” “I knew you’d come to your senses eventually” she said.

Back in Usenet days I was still a liberal posting at alt.war.civil.usa where Stacy McCain was the THIRD most obnoxious troll on the newsgroup. This is where I learned how easy it is to clobber neo-confeds with facts ‘n’ shit.

230 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 5:12:02am

re: #217 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

All of us carry baggage, don’t we? You may have noticed that I have a certain amount of “pop culture” bias, so I try to ignore them. It’s as though we keep repeating the same mistakes over and over. It’s pretty hard, though, when pop culture permeates everything and you have to make an effort to avoid it, but all right when it gets good points across. However, I think pop culture can be compromised by its own nature which can eventually become corrupt because of the money factor and politics, but we have to wait for history to make that judgment.

231 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 5:12:36am

re: #229 The Mother Of All Pies

I love the new screen name, by the way.

232 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 5:13:31am

I know atheists who believe in souls and an afterlife punishment. Just without God.

233 tsrhodes1  Feb 24, 2015 5:13:32am

re: #220 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

Now, seriously, I am not just going to casually divulge that I’m in Japan now. Even though the curry is honto ni sugoi and the neko-senseis are kawaii desu ne.

234 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 24, 2015 5:15:01am

re: #227 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

It is no coincidence that Arkansas, the very buckle of the Bible Belt, also gave us Bill Clinton. These crackers would be the whorin-est, drinkin-est, fightin-est gamblin-est roustabouts to be found without the strict moral corset of fundamentalist fire-and-brimstone Christianity, and they assume the rest of the world is just like them.

I know we’re supposed to disapprove of Bill Clinton. He’s a hound, who cheated on his wife many times, plus his “New Democrat” triangulating has been enormously harmful…but I still can’t help loving the guy.

(And no, I never wanted to have a beer with Dumbya, thanks ever so.)

235 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 5:15:24am

“There’s a lot of fear out there,” said Katon Dawson, a former chairman of the South Carolina Republican Party, noting that the Islamic State, also known as ISIS or ISIL, had become a regular topic of discussion at his regular breakfast spot in Columbia, the Lizard’s Thicket. “The waitresses and managers and everybody there has a notion about ISIL. People understand who this group is now.”

236 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 5:17:38am

re: #235 wrenchwench

She should get the fuck out of our thicket! /

237 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 5:17:43am

re: #223 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Yes, imagine being a small child and being preached at that you’ll go to hell, not just by a preacher but by his followers as well. The fucking psychological harm my sister and I suffered as kids has taken a lifetime to overcome, esp when my mom died at 28 yrs and orphanage personnel told me my dad was going to hell because he enjoyed a drink from time to time. You can become a literalist very easily with that kind of propaganda.

238 tsrhodes1  Feb 24, 2015 5:17:46am

re: #212 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

I owe you a mead for spotting an Argento reference. This is what is good in life.

239 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 5:18:10am

re: #233 tsrhodes1

Now, seriously, I am not just going to casually divulge that I’m in Japan now. Even though the curry is honto ni sugoi and the neko-senseis are kawaii desu ne.

My Japanese is worse than my Chinese, but I’ll take your word for it. ;-)

I figure we’re a few hours apart by air, though you’d have to add five hours for my bus ride to the closest, best airport.

Norway sounds great. I’ve been to Sweden, and liked it there. If I could get residency based on my grandparents being born there, I’d take it. But Sweden doesn’t offer it, and anyway I have no job there.

240 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 5:18:17am

re: #223 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

A lot of them will freely admit that they’d be out raping, robbing, and pillaging if they weren’t afraid of what their genocidal sky-fairy would do to them. This fear is what they call a “moral sense”. So naturally they believe it can’t exist without the fear.

This gets to the core of what I was talking about in my post. Most Christians here in the heart of the Bible belt are conditioned to believe in God more out of fear of burning in hell than because God is awesome. The very idea that one should not, nor need, fear being thrown into hell never even crosses their mind.

241 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 5:20:36am

Last night I made brisket chili. I think I overdid it on the jalapenos and cayenne pepper but Zedushka ate himself into a brisket coma.

The recipe required 1/2 c. of prepared barbecue sauce. I used “Hunt’s Brown Sugar” and then I looked at the ingredients list and I almost threw up. I had just added 1/2 c of High Fructose Corn Syrup with BBQ flavoring!

Gah. Now I have to find a brand of sauce that isn’t 99% HFCS.

242 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 5:24:10am

re: #241 The Mother Of All Pies

Last night I made brisket chili. I think I overdid it on the jalapenos and cayenne pepper but Zedushka ate himself into a brisket coma.

The recipe required 1/2 c. of prepared barbecue sauce. I used “Hunt’s Brown Sugar” and then I looked at the ingredients list and I almost threw up. I had just added 1/2 c of High Fructose Corn Syrup with BBQ flavoring!

Gah. Now I have to find a brand of sauce that isn’t 99% HFCS.

Maybe Newman’s Own has one.

243 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 5:24:55am

re: #241 The Mother Of All Pies

Last night I made brisket chili. I think I overdid it on the jalapenos and cayenne pepper but Zedushka ate himself into a brisket coma.

The recipe required 1/2 c. of prepared barbecue sauce. I used “Hunt’s Brown Sugar” and then I looked at the ingredients list and I almost threw up. I had just added 1/2 c of High Fructose Corn Syrup with BBQ flavoring!

Gah. Now I have to find a brand of sauce that isn’t 99% HFCS.

I’m thinking about learning how to make my own barbecue sauce. Part of it is that Mrs. Fish does not like sweet barbecue sauces, and most of the sauces out there are very sweet. I like that kind of barbecue, myself, but it might also be good to make my own with more flavor instead of just “tomato paste and brown sugar”.

244 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 5:25:15am

re: #241 The Mother Of All Pies

Last night I made brisket chili. I think I overdid it on the jalapenos and cayenne pepper but Zedushka ate himself into a brisket coma.

The recipe required 1/2 c. of prepared barbecue sauce. I used “Hunt’s Brown Sugar” and then I looked at the ingredients list and I almost threw up. I had just added 1/2 c of High Fructose Corn Syrup with BBQ flavoring!

Gah. Now I have to find a brand of sauce that isn’t 99% HFCS.

‘“Tony Roma’s” has sugar and honey, but no HFCS.

245 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 5:25:42am

246 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 5:26:32am

re: #244 wrenchwench

‘“Tony Roma’s” has sugar and honey, but no HFCS.

I’m thinking I should just make my own but I can’t find that “smoke” flavoring.

247 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 5:27:45am


248 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 5:28:34am

re: #246 The Mother Of All Pies

I’m thinking I should just make my own but I can’t find that “smoke” flavoring.


249 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 5:29:20am

re: #246 The Mother Of All Pies

I’m thinking I should just make my own but I can’t find that “smoke” flavoring.

Pantry Essentials: All About Liquid Smoke

250 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 5:30:52am

re: #243 thedopefishlives

Hunts now makes its ketchup without HFCS, BTW. Maybe they’ll start with other products, too.

I make it a point to see if a label says w/o HFCS or just read the ingredients. It’s why I used to buy all European jams—none of that crap is allowed.

251 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 24, 2015 5:31:01am

Seriously—sugar is sugar. I’ve never talked to anybody who was afraid of HFCS who was aware that it’s high-fructose for corn syrup, but that means it’s still only 40% fructose, whereas cane or beet sugar are 50/50 fructose and glucose.

So we’re supposed to eat fruit (high in fructose) in preference to sugar-sweetened items, they tell us—so fructose must be good. But HF40 corn syrup is terrible—so fructose must be bad. But it’s only 40% fructose—so it must be the 60% glucose that’s bad for us.

As animals, glucose is the energy currency of our bodies. Our brains can run on nothing else. If glucose is bad, we might as well give up.

252 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 5:31:28am

re: #246 The Mother Of All Pies

I’m thinking I should just make my own but I can’t find that “smoke” flavoring.

Look in the herb & spice section of any grocery store.

253 tsrhodes1  Feb 24, 2015 5:33:00am

re: #239 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

That’s cool. :)

I have hope for a future in Scandinavia (a flu/strep genius here is my only muse. She also speaks highly of Germany as well).

254 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 5:33:01am

re: #252 Justanotherhuman

Look in the herb & spice section of any grocery store.

I have looked at Meijer and the local kosher grocery, couldn’t find it. Maybe it is just a seasonal item? I’ll try Whole Foods.

255 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 5:33:09am

re: #251 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

The problem is—it’s in everything, so even if you’re eating a non-sweet item, it’s probably sweetened in some fashion with HFCS. Fast food is especially bad about this. French fries can have a coating containing it, even.

P.S. If I want a glucose drip, I’ll go to the hospital. : )

256 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 5:34:56am

I found this but it looks like a commercial food processing site, not for consumers.

257 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 5:35:50am

re: #255 Justanotherhuman

The problem is—it’s in everything, so even if you’re eating a non-sweet item, it’s probably sweetened in some fashion with HFCS. Fast food is especially bad about this. French fries can have a coating containing it, even.

That is one major reason I have all but given up on prepared foods, despite the convenience. If I am gonna eat fat, salt and sugar, I wanna know how much of it my food contains.

258 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 24, 2015 5:36:31am

re: #255 Justanotherhuman

The problem is—it’s in everything, so even if you’re eating a non-sweet item, it’s probably sweetened in some fashion with HFCS. Fast food is especially bad about this. French fries can have a coating containing it, even.

Well, you’re right there—sugar shouldn’t be where it’s not expected.

They put it on french fries for browning, I think—they refuse to fry them enough in the factory for some reason, so they wouldn’t brown at all without it.

259 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 5:36:32am

re: #254 The Mother Of All Pies

I have looked at Meijer and the local kosher grocery, couldn’t find it. Maybe it is just a seasonal item? I’ll try Whole Foods.

I doubt you’ll find it at WF. Here are a couple of brands.


260 tsrhodes1  Feb 24, 2015 5:36:52am

re: #245 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

I’ll give you an internet for that.

I’ve got fingers crossed for his Sandman. Nearly freaked when I thought it may be his take on Gaiman’s Sandman but nope.

261 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 5:40:44am

re: #260 tsrhodes1

The last one in the trilogy was a bit of a downer. Watching the first two was like watching someone’s dream. I hope he doesn’t fuck up Herr Hoffmann’s classic.

262 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 5:42:56am

263 Higgs Boson's Mate  Feb 24, 2015 5:43:59am

re: #235 wrenchwench

G.O.P. hopefuls are focusing on global problems like the Islamic State and Iran that defy Senator Rand Paul’s restrained stance on U.S. involvement abroad.

G.O.P. hopefuls are determined to stomp on another ME anthill because that has worked out so well for the region and for us.

264 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 5:46:23am

re: #258 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

French frying is a real process (or used to be). My dad worked as a short order cook most of his life. He told me once that the secret of great FFs was to first “blanche” for a minute and remove and cool, then fry for several minutes until a light brown. Of course, that was using raw potatoes, also, and truly “hand cut”. I try to avoid grease, but when younger, made those for my kids along with burgers. They always said those were the best compared to the fast food joints.

265 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 5:46:35am

re: #263 Higgs Boson’s Mate

G.O.P. hopefuls are determined to stomp on another ME anthill because that has worked out so well for the region and for us.

More fear!!

266 nearly-headless smith25  Feb 24, 2015 5:48:05am

re: #241 The Mother Of All Pies

Last night I made brisket chili. I think I overdid it on the jalapenos and cayenne pepper but Zedushka ate himself into a brisket coma.

The recipe required 1/2 c. of prepared barbecue sauce. I used “Hunt’s Brown Sugar” and then I looked at the ingredients list and I almost threw up. I had just added 1/2 c of High Fructose Corn Syrup with BBQ flavoring!

Gah. Now I have to find a brand of sauce that isn’t 99% HFCS.


I know we all have our level of heat/spice tolerance. Mine is just ridiculous.

The words Brisket Chili is making me hungry now.

267 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 5:48:19am

re: #265 wrenchwench

More fear!!

Once you understand it, you start to see it everywhere.

268 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 5:48:49am

Welp, they’ve called off school, just got the call from The Munchkin’s teacher.

269 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 5:53:55am

So—why are conservatives complaining about the economy?

Macy’s reports $1.5 billion profit for 2014 - @Enquirer
read more on cincinnati.com

Home Depot’s quarterly profits beat estimates; company plans $18 billion buyback - @nytimesbusiness
read more on nytimes.com

We know…

270 tsrhodes1  Feb 24, 2015 5:56:26am

re: #261 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

You know, I’m all for a director doing whatever he/she wants to a property. Guillermo del Toro said something like “you want to pay respects but eventually you want to get laid!” with reference to adapting Hellboy. I still maintain (at the annoyance of my friends) that Argento can still make a great movie. They mostly dislike Mother of Tears but I appreciate it.

And with that, I see your Residents and up you with an early MTV Quay brothers short. (No idea how to post videos yet)

271 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 5:59:30am

re: #241 The Mother Of All Pies

Last night I made brisket chili. I think I overdid it on the jalapenos and cayenne pepper but Zedushka ate himself into a brisket coma.

The recipe required 1/2 c. of prepared barbecue sauce. I used “Hunt’s Brown Sugar” and then I looked at the ingredients list and I almost threw up. I had just added 1/2 c of High Fructose Corn Syrup with BBQ flavoring!

Gah. Now I have to find a brand of sauce that isn’t 99% HFCS.

Since you’re close to the border, consider going to M & M Meat Shops and getting their Rib and Chicken sauce. It is the best BBQ sauce I have ever had. I have gone through trying every BBQ sauce available in the grocery stores and this is the best of the best.


I don’t know the ingredients so it may not meet kosher requirements.

272 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 6:06:29am

OFFS. This is from the NYT article noted above:

At least two Republicans, John R. Bolton, the former United Nations ambassador, and Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, are considering their own White House bids largely to draw attention to the need for a more muscular foreign policy.

“I think most of the Republican candidates or prospective candidates are headed in the right direction; there’s one who’s headed in the wrong direction,” said Mr. Bolton, suggesting most Republicans would be “horrified” by Mr. Paul’s views on international affairs.

Mr. Bolton has formed three separate political groups to promote pro-interventionist Republican candidates. His newest effort, called the Foundation for American Security and Freedom, will be a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt group, meaning that it can accept donations from contributors who wish to remain anonymous.

Because this is just what we need. President Bomb Everyone. John fucking Bolton. Ugh.

273 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 6:08:01am

re: #272 WhatEVs

OFFS. This is from the NYT article noted above:

Because this is just what we need. President Bomb Everyone. John fucking Bolton. Ugh.

Someone to whom “Don’t push the button” is a challenge, rather than sage advice.

274 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 6:08:23am

re: #272 WhatEVs

The mustache says, “War! Everywhere!”

275 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 6:08:46am

At this rate, the kids will still be in school in the middle of June.

276 FemNaziBitch  Feb 24, 2015 6:09:06am

thedopefish —thanks for posting this!

277 FemNaziBitch  Feb 24, 2015 6:09:10am
278 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 6:09:39am

re: #272 WhatEVs

Who will Geller be in Bolton’s govt?

279 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 6:10:44am

re: #278 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Who will Geller be in Bolton’s govt?

Ministry of Propaganda

280 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 6:11:08am

re: #278 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Who will Geller be in Bolton’s govt?

Director of INS

281 FemNaziBitch  Feb 24, 2015 6:11:13am

re: #269 Justanotherhuman

So—why are conservatives complaining about the economy?

a-There is a black man in the white house
b-government is still collecting tax money
c-government (of the people, by the people) is still distributing said tax money to lazy, minorities

282 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 6:11:20am

re: #276 FemNaziBitch

thedopefish —thanks for posting this!

Mrs. Fish always says I have a way with words. With the recent resurgence in wingnut activity and popularity, I felt beholden to the cause of sanity to post what I knew.

283 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 6:12:26am

re: #279 The Mother Of All Pies

Ministry of Truth


284 FemNaziBitch  Feb 24, 2015 6:12:35am

My computer didn’t turn on yesterday.

Off to the Genius Bar. They took the battery out and put it back in.

Wa LA!

all better.

285 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 6:13:05am

re: #284 FemNaziBitch

My computer didn’t turn on yesterday.

Off to the Genius Bar. They took the battery out and put it back in.

Wa LA!

all better.

Sounds like a bit of contact corrosion. Hope that wasn’t an expensive trip.

286 FemNaziBitch  Feb 24, 2015 6:14:18am

It’s still cold and it might snow.


287 FemNaziBitch  Feb 24, 2015 6:14:34am

re: #285 thedopefishlives

Sounds like a bit of contact corrosion. Hope that wasn’t an expensive trip.

no charge.

this is why I buy apple.

288 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 6:16:06am

re: #284 FemNaziBitch

My computer didn’t turn on yesterday.

Off to the Genius Bar. They took the battery out and put it back in.

Wa LA!

all better.

My Lenovo laptop (pre Superfish model) had a similar problem with Vista. It wouldn’t wake up sometimes from slumber mode. Then if I long-pressed the power button to shut it off, it would immediately reboot on its own and get stuck somewhere in the boot process. The only way to fix it was to pull the battery.

Windows 7 fixed the issue.

289 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 6:16:10am

re: #286 FemNaziBitch

It’s still cold and it might snow.


Yesterday morning was -13 degrees F (-25 degrees C) here. Even my car, which is kept in a garage, had some trouble getting going. Today is considerably warmer for some really obnoxious reason. We’re getting into the “warm one day, cold the next” phase of pre-spring.

290 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 6:16:21am

re: #281 FemNaziBitch

Haha, yeah, it was a rhetorical question. : )

291 Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 24, 2015 6:17:06am

re: #286 FemNaziBitch

It’s still cold and it might snow.


It was -2F here for a couple of hours earlier, now up to +3.
I’ve been awake since 3:30 a.m. making sure the waterline to the toilet tank doesn’t freeze again.

I seriously need a nap…

292 b_sharp  Feb 24, 2015 6:19:40am

Awesome post Mr. Fish

293 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 6:20:12am

Conservative “belief”. We have a patriotism deficit because we don’t blindly follow right wing talking points. Or admit that there are longstanding issues with American society that include a continuing failure to address racism and equality.

Or that American exceptionalism means something quite different if you’re a minority who’s had to put up with exceptionalism such as preventing Jews from entering the US before WWII that might have saved tens of thousands who might have been able to escape Germany and Europe before the war. Or if you’re a Native American who’s seen their lands confiscated, their heritage destroyed, or expropriated, and treaties abrogated by the US government time and time again. Or if you’re African American, watched how the justice system and law enforcement are fixed at your disadvantage. To say nothing of the ability to vote, be treated equally, etc.

Or if you’re a woman, you’re not getting paid equivalent wages to men, or that you had to fight to get the right to vote into the 20th Century, or that the right to access to health care, including birth control and abortions is under threat time and time again.

Or if you’re lesbian or gay, you’re finding the same roadblocks put up.

Time and time again, the same party keeps throwing up these roadblocks. They stand opposed to equal rights and equal protection under the law.

They are the GOP.

294 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 6:23:25am

re: #293 lawhawk

The conservatives’ use of the word “patriotism” has not changed since the days of the antiwar protests in the 1960s. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

295 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 6:25:35am

Wingnuts truly believe that the only way to show how much you “Love America” is with lame flag photo ops and a Twitter profile full of flags (including the flag of racist losers), guns, eagles & colonial dudes.

296 William Barnett-Lewis  Feb 24, 2015 6:26:32am

Morning all - I noticed that NPR has a nice big article up on Bill O’Liar’s “war” experiences.


297 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 24, 2015 6:26:39am

OK, this is weird.

This is a story about Lookout Mountain, the facility established by the Air Force in 1947 that made films of nuclear tests.

Since there was some discussion of Jared Leto in the Oscar thread, this graf jumped out at me:

The compound has since been converted into an eight-bedroom, 12-bathroom residence. In January, Variety reported that Jared Leto has purchased the former top-secret studios for $5 million.

298 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 6:27:52am

Obama loves America. Wingnuts love the 1950s’ idea of America.

299 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 24, 2015 6:28:09am

re: #294 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

The conservatives’ use of the word “patriotism” has not changed since the days of the antiwar protests in the 1960s. Lather. Rinse. Repeat.

Maybe someday the generation that’s butthurt about not getting laid in the 60s will die off and we can get something done.

300 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 6:29:19am

re: #295 The Mother Of All Pies

Wingnuts truly believe that the only way to show how much you “Love America” is with lame flag photo ops and a Twitter profile full of flags (including the flag of racist losers), guns, eagles & colonial dudes.

Remember, loving America is equivalent to loving Jesus. You don’t hate white American Jesus, do you?

301 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 6:29:57am

re: #298 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Obama loves America. Wingnuts love the 1950s’ idea of America.

The GOP was more progressive in the 1950’s than it is today

302 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 6:30:13am

re: #300 thedopefishlives

Remember, loving America is equivalent to loving Jesus. You don’t hate white American Jesus, do you?

And His Mother’s Apple Pie!

303 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 6:31:05am

Report: US missionary Rev. Phyllis Sortor abducted in Nigeria, family say - @KING5Seattle, @AFP

“Free Methodist Church”—and it appears site may be hacked, but family doesn’t think their religion has anything to do with it.

304 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 6:33:30am

re: #293 lawhawk

It’s really quite interesting how the RWNJ have kept up the steady stream of “Democrat Lefty Liberals Hate America in their Fifth Column Coastal Enclaves” patter all the while they have gone from the “inside” as it were, to the “outside”, going from Any Criticism of the President and Ruling Party is Absolute Treason to “We Just Want Our Government and Country to Fail because We Love America So Much.”

305 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 6:33:34am

re: #293 lawhawk

They use the word “patriot” like a certain Fox announcer uses the word “jigaboo”: they have no f*cking idea what it really means.

306 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 6:35:08am

re: #305 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

They use the word “patriot” like a certain Fox announcer uses the word “jigaboo”: they have no f*cking idea what it really means.

I have seen plenty of Racist Loser Flag wavers call themselves “patriot”

307 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 6:37:22am

re: #304 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

It’s really quite interesting how the RWNJ have kept up the steady stream of “Democrat Lefty Liberals Hate America in their Fifth Column Coastal Enclaves” patter all the while they have gone from the “inside” as it were, to the “outside”, going from Any Criticism of the President and Ruling Party is Absolute Treason to “We Just Want Our Government and Country to Fail because We Love America So Much.”

They’ve gone from demanding absolute and unquestioned respect for the presidency to “just asking questions” about Obama’s birth, religion, upbringing, criticizing his family, etc, all the while maintaining, or trying to maintain, their self-appointed and media-respected role as the gatekeepers of True Americanism, Patriotism, Christianity, etc.

308 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 6:39:30am
309 Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 24, 2015 6:39:35am
310 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 6:40:23am


311 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 6:40:32am

Will people never learn what happens when you try to beat a train?

312 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 6:42:47am

re: #310 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

You can keep up with it here: telegraph.co.uk

313 FemNaziBitch  Feb 24, 2015 6:43:37am

re: #288 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

My Lenovo laptop (pre Superfish model) had a similar problem with Vista. It wouldn’t wake up sometimes from slumber mode. Then if I long-pressed the power button to shut it off, it would immediately reboot on its own and get stuck somewhere in the boot process. The only way to fix it was to pull the battery.

Windows 7 fixed the issue.

I can’t complain. I’ve had this thing for over 4 years. The only problem I’ve really had was that I needed to replace the trackpad —$89.00 or something.

The system has been a bit slow lately. The Genius Guy said that the new firewall with the Yosemite Update caused some of the older machines to go hinky. After all the issues with past PC laptops—I am not complaining.

I’ve budgeted for a new laptop in the near future anyway (I figured it’s been 4 years). Now I learn I may be to keep this one for the forseeable future. I’m happy.

314 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 6:43:39am

re: #312 Justanotherhuman

I’m reading the Czech reports (as far as I can decipher the language).

315 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 6:44:12am

House of Bricks, Sesame Street edition.

316 Sionainn  Feb 24, 2015 6:44:30am

re: #205 Justanotherhuman

Wow, still snowing, flakes getting bigger. At this rate, The Munchkin isn’t going to school, although he has already announced the “I’m sick” BS which every parent should be on to. : )

My kids get to spend the day in bed with no t.v. or devices to play with when they decide that they are “sick.” It’s amazing how an hour later, they will ask to go to school as they are feeling much better. Since school is across town, I won’t take them. Let them learn a lesson at home. ;-)

317 FemNaziBitch  Feb 24, 2015 6:46:11am

re: #301 The Mother Of All Pies

see my reply on Critical Dragon’s Pages Post.

318 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 6:46:12am

re: #292 b_sharp

Awesome post Mr. Fish


I can identify with a lot of this growing up, although I was somewhat fortunate that despite going to Christian church and schools through my first two years of college and being more Biblically fundamentalist than the fundamentalists, I was spared the Republican Party=True Christian=America F8ck Yeah! stuff. Most of my church friends’ families were probably Republicans but it wasn’t anything anybody talked about except at election time. My parents, or at least my mother, who came of age during the Great Depression, was a die-hard FDR Democrat.

319 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 6:48:09am

re: #313 FemNaziBitch

I can’t complain. I’ve had this thing for over 4 years. The only problem I’ve really had was that I needed to replace the trackpad —$89.00 or something.

The system has been a bit slow lately. The Genius Guy said that the new firewall with the Yosemite Update caused some of the older machines to go hinky. After all the issues with past PC laptops—I am not complaining.

I’ve budgeted for a new laptop in the near future anyway (I figured it’s been 4 years). Now I learn I may be to keep this one for the forseeable future. I’m happy.

This one just passed 6 years of age. I bumped up the RAM to 4GB and upgraded to Win7 Ultimate. Aside from the DVD-R drive that’s died, it just keeps chugging along. I kind of dread buying a new one. I may switch to Apple when the time comes to get a new one. I want to see what Windows 10 looks like first.

320 Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 24, 2015 6:48:18am
321 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 6:48:38am

re: #318 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse


I can identify with a lot of this growing up, although I was somewhat fortunate that despite going to Christian church and schools through my first two years of college and being more Biblically fundamentalist than the fundamentalists, I was spared the Republican Party=True Christian=America F8ck Yeah! stuff. Most of my church friends’ families were probably Republicans but it wasn’t anything anybody talked about except at election time. My parents, or at least my mother, who came of age during the Great Depression, was a die-hard FDR Democrat.

I’ve been in churches (churches plural) where Republican candidates were implicitly endorsed from the pulpit. One church explicitly endorsed candidates from the pulpit, but I’m led to believe that church may have intentionally foregone 501(c)(3) non-profit status for a variety of reasons.

322 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 6:49:02am

Allegedly a 60 y.o. local with possible mental problems, acc. to the local starosta (“elder”).

323 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 6:49:06am

re: #318 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

On the other hand, I grew up believing everybody except people of my church were going to die when Christ came back. So, there was you might say a kind of compassion deficit that was pretty ingrained, so entrenched and intrinsically wound around everything it took me into my 40’s to start WTF’ing it.

324 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 6:49:09am

The original “Betty Boop” was Black

325 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 6:49:31am

re: #322 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Starosta Uherského Brodu Kunლr ᖞkl v ჎ské televizi, ៮ podle jeho zprostᖞdkovaných informací útočil zhruba ᘞdesátiletý místní obლn. “Spekuluje se o tom, ៮ nebyl duᘞvně v pořádku. Do restaurace vtrhl v době obᆽa,” ᖞkl starosta.
Zdroj: zlin.idnes.cz

326 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 6:49:37am
327 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 6:50:23am

re: #325 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

OK, LGF doesn’t like Czech.

328 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 6:50:44am

re: #327 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

OK, LGF doesn’t like Czech.

Where’s Lizardo?

329 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 6:51:38am

re: #324 The Mother Of All Pies

Blackface was just the beginning of cultural theft…

330 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 6:51:42am

re: #328 The Mother Of All Pies

Dr Lizardo
Feb 24, 2015 1:34:35am replyquote

Back later tonight. Meatworld stuff to do.

331 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 6:51:47am

re: #325 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Starosta Uherského Brodu Kunლr ᖞkl v ჎ské televizi, ៮ podle jeho zprost𕧭kovaných informací útočil zhruba 𖇭esátiletý místní obლn. “Spekuluje se o tom, ៮ nebyl duᘞvně v pořádku. Do restaurace vtrhl v době ob𑯚,” ᖞkl starosta.
Zdroj: zlin.idnes.cz

My Chinese computer does not like that alphabet. I get squares with unicode numbers inside, and some characters that look like Sanskrit or something.

332 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 24, 2015 6:52:16am

re: #327 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

OK, LGF doesn’t like Czech.

I’m getting Georgian letters here and there—gotta admit that’s a new one.

333 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 6:52:26am

14.50 The news agency CTK reported that Milan Chovanec, the interior minister, said he was informed of eight victims.
The shooter is dead, according to CTK.

334 FemNaziBitch  Feb 24, 2015 6:52:37am

Since I missed the 2015 Oscar discussion.

Lady Gaga—-WOW!

335 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 6:53:15am

re: #331 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

re: #332 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

It’s not only on your computers. Last time I checked, Russian worked fine. Czech though…


336 Lidane  Feb 24, 2015 6:53:56am

The 2016 GOP primaries are going to be a hoot:

337 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 6:53:57am

You can run these through google if you wish:


338 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 6:56:19am

re: #311 Justanotherhuman

Will people never learn what happens when you try to beat a train?

[Embedded content]

I was working in Fresno some years ago and driving into the office on the first day I was there, I noticed that the people tend to sit on railroad tracks when waiting for a light to change from red to green. I was so nervous every day driving into their office that week. It sickened me.

People are ridiculously stupid.

339 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 6:58:19am

re: #334 FemNaziBitch

Since I missed the 2015 Oscar discussion.

Lady Gaga—-WOW!
[Embedded content]


Much better, IMHO. And I don’t think it’s just the music content, either.

340 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 6:59:57am

A Metrolink train collided with a truck on a crossing in Oxnard CA. Injuries reported.

The VC Line 102 train, which was headed southbound to Los Angeles, hit the car around 5:45 a.m. near 5th Avenue and Rice Street in Oxnard, according to the Ventura County Fire Department.

The truck caught fire and four train cars derailed.

At least 30 unspecified injuries have been reported, Metrolink said. It was unclear if there were any fatalities.

Emergency personnel have responded to the scene.

“All southbound traffic is shut down on Rice Ave at Sturgis Road. All northbound traffic on Rice Avenue is shut down at Channel Islands Boulevard,” Oxnard police said.

Metrolink reports that all Ventura County trains will experience extensive delays due to the accident.

The head car appears to be the one on the far right. The locomotive appears to be behind the one car that is mostly upright on the track. I’m guessing there was considerable speed involved.

30+ injuries.

Live updates: losangeles.cbslocal.com

341 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 7:00:54am

re: #336 Lidane

The 2016 GOP primaries are going to be a hoot:

It’ll be interesting to see how the Teabag right accommodates itself to having Jeb as its candidate.

Between hugging Obama and closing bridges Christie has already shot himself in both feet. Cruz doesn’t seem to be taking any concrete steps to form a campaign. Same with Huckster. There’s Ayn Rand Paul, Marco Polo Rubio and Scott Walker. Walker will most likely be Jeb’s main challenger.

342 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 7:02:10am

re: #338 WhatEVs

People are ridiculously stupid.

343 b_sharp  Feb 24, 2015 7:02:48am

re: #339 Justanotherhuman

Much better, IMHO. And I don’t think it’s just the music content, either.

I’ve been a fan of S. Germanotta for a while, not so much Lady Gaga.

344 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 7:03:18am

If I understand correctly, before the shooting the man called a TV station to inform them about his intent.

345 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 7:03:58am

re: #341 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

“Walker will most likely be Jeb’s main challenger.”

Yeah, esp since he’s a freaking idiot.

346 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 7:04:24am

In the end he shot himself, acc. to starosta Kuncar.

347 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 7:05:34am

re: #336 Lidane

The 2016 GOP primaries are going to be a hoot:

[Embedded content]

What could possibly go wrong? Hoot, indeed.

348 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 7:06:54am

re: #342 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

Why does that person hate their child?

349 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 7:06:58am

Here’s more up-to-date info: lidovky.cz

350 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 7:08:18am

re: #343 b_sharp

I’ve been a fan of S. Germanotta for a while, not so much Lady Gaga.

She’s having a do-over evidently. LG made her a multiple millionaire (worth over $200M), but it’s become a tired schtick since her revenues have fallen since 2011, according to Forbes.

351 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi  Feb 24, 2015 7:08:45am

re: #331 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

My Chinese computer does not like that alphabet. I get squares with unicode numbers inside, and some characters that look like Sanskrit or something.

It’s not just your Chinese computer. My Boston computer shows exactly the same symptoms.

352 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 24, 2015 7:08:45am

re: #347 WhatEVs

What could possibly go wrong? Hoot, indeed.

I understand why they want this truncated debate schedule after the freak show it turned into last time—but is this going to be enough for the situation to shake out? Seems to me it’ll freeze at an early stage of the process.

353 FemNaziBitch  Feb 24, 2015 7:09:22am

re: #350 Justanotherhuman

She’s having a do-over evidently. LG made her a multiple millionaire (worth over $200M), but it’s become a tired schtick since her revenues have fallen since 2011, according to Forbes.

She’s so freakin’ talented, I think she will continue to wow us for decades to come!

354 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 7:11:13am

re: #351 Hercules Grytpype-Thynneghazi

It’s not just your Chinese computer. My Boston computer shows exactly the same symptoms.

Must be an encoding glitch. The source may not be using Unicode. I get that sometimes with Chinese text using Microsoft’s encoding, looks like those old cartoons of people cussing.

355 Dr. Matt  Feb 24, 2015 7:11:43am

Bill O’Reilly airs footage from Argentina protest as questions continue about his reporting

In other words, he finally admits that he never saw combat or that he was in combat….he covered a riot. He’s pathetic ego is too large to admit this fact though.

356 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 7:12:08am

My son-in-law got his unrestricted Green Card today!

He can apply for citizenship in a year.

357 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 7:12:53am

re: #356 The Mother Of All Pies

My son-in-law got his permanent Green Card today!

He can apply for citizenship in a year.

Congrats to him!

358 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 7:13:36am

re: #355 Dr. Matt

Bill O’Reilly airs footage from Argentina protest as questions continue about his reporting

In other words, he finally admits that he never saw combat or that he was in combat….he covered a riot. He’s pathetic ego is to large to admit this fact though.

359 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 7:14:03am

re: #356 The Mother Of All Pies

My son-in-law got his permanent Green Card today!

He can apply for citizenship in a year.

Wonderful news!

361 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 7:17:37am

Metrolink spokesman says at least 30 injured in crash, will not confirm initial reports of casualties - @latimes
read more on latimes.com

362 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 7:20:33am

re: #360 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD


Adidos and Hotwind? In China, Brands Adopt Names to Project Foreign Flair

Haha…” Johnnie Worker Red Labial whiskey”

363 Dr. Matt  Feb 24, 2015 7:21:47am

re: #358 lawhawk

At times like this I actually miss Olbermann. He would be having a field day with this story.

364 Decatur Deb  Feb 24, 2015 7:22:25am

‘Morning, all.

Which of the following was an effort marked by command conflict, poor communication, weather extremes, lousy food, little sleep, constant movement, and unnecessary casualties?

A. Reforger/Able Archer 83
B. Combined Forces Exercise Team Spirit 80
C. FTX Display Determination 89
D. Our family trip to Disney
E. The Louisiana Maneuvers
F. All of the above

365 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 7:22:50am

re: #360 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Some of the English names for car brands are interesting, too.
Emgrand - similar to a Buick
Chery - subcompact and compact cars
BYD (Build Your Dream) - tiny cars, compacts, beginning at $5000

Car names are better than some of the more unpronounceable clothing labels, like Meters/Bonwe, or shoe brands, like ErKe (ahr - kuh).

366 Dave In Austin  Feb 24, 2015 7:23:14am

re: #298 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Obama loves America. Wingnuts love the 1950s’ idea of America.

But don’t want to pay for it.

367 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 7:23:24am

re: #362 Justanotherhuman

There used to be a lot of such fakes in Russia in the 1990s. “Abibas” is still proverbial.

368 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 7:24:06am

The Daily Fail once again fails (though they’re running this story based on other “news” sources courtesy of al Jazeera. This time, they try to claim that Israel somehow flooded Gaza by opening up dams allowing flood waters to enter Gaza.

“Israel opened water dams, without warning, last night, causing serious damage to Gazan villages near the border,’ he told Al Jazeera.

This quote from the chief of the civil defense agency in Gaza remained in the article even after the article’s headline was altered.

The original Al Jazeera article now has a redacted quote, removing the baseless intentional flooding accusation, which still appears in full in an article written by Vice News, entitled “Israel Denies Flooding of Gaza Despite Palestinian Accusations.”

This story was bogus on so many levels, starting with the fact that there aren’t any dams for Israel to even open. Anyone who bothered to check out the geography or wanted to dig even slightly into the story would have found it to be pure unadulterated bovine excrement. The article then goes on to claim Israel then cut power to Palestinians, even though there was significant flooding in Israel, and Israel even facilitated transfers of pumps to alleviate Palestinian flooding.

Even AFP picked up on this BS.

369 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 7:24:16am

re: #364 Decatur Deb

‘Morning, all.

Which of the following was an effort marked by command conflict, poor communication, weather extremes, lousy food, little sleep, constant movement, and unnecessary casualties?

A. Reforger/Able Archer 83
B. Combined Forces Exercise Team Spirit 80
C. FTX Display Determination 89
D. Our family trip to Disney
E. The Louisiana Maneuvers
F. All of the above


370 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 7:24:19am

Oh look what just showed up in my Time Line==>

371 Dr. Matt  Feb 24, 2015 7:24:27am

re: #298 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Obama loves America. Wingnuts love the 1950s’ idea of America.

90% tax rates? Ok, run with that, wingnuts

372 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 7:24:31am

re: #362 Justanotherhuman

Haha…” Johnnie Worker Red Labial whiskey”

You want some? I can fix you up, cheap!

373 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 7:25:53am

re: #371 Dr. Matt

90% tax rates? Ok, run with that, wingnuts

OK, not that. And not that. And certainly not that. But you know, they kept the thugs in check, wink wink nudge nudge.

374 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 7:25:55am

re: #371 Dr. Matt

90% tax rates? Ok, run with that, wingnuts

A GOP president who warned of the problems with the military industrial complex. A president who used the federal government to integrate schools and push back on states-rights BS to continue segregation and racist Jim Crow policies.

Yeah, run with that.

375 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 7:26:28am

re: #368 lawhawk

Because Israel is just like Belgium and the Netherlands.

376 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 7:26:42am

Something tells me this guy will not be as much fun as Miz Scarlett from yesterday and I’ma block his ass quickly.

377 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 7:29:14am

re: #376 The Mother Of All Pies

Something tells me this guy will not be as much fun as Miz Scarlett from yesterday and I’ma block his ass quickly.

Are you playing with the wingnuts already this morning?

378 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 7:30:49am

Deny this!


379 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 7:32:15am

re: #370 The Mother Of All Pies

Ah, the flag of insurrectionists whose key grievance was that the federal government was limiting their right to maintain/spread the institution of slavery.

380 RealityBasedSteve  Feb 24, 2015 7:32:26am

re: #378 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Deny this!


The ‘Cobbler’ in the leather apron at the bottom of the page looks like he belongs in a Rob Zombie movie.


381 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 7:34:03am

The clown car just got a wee bit bigger.

Rubio set to throw his hat in the ring.

382 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 7:34:41am

The Oscars butthurt continues:

383 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 24, 2015 7:36:11am

re: #382 The Mother Of All Pies

The Oscars butthurt continues:

[Embedded content]

All these sweet, sweet wingnut tears are going to make me diabetic.

384 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 7:36:32am

re: #382 The Mother Of All Pies

Um, should they have given a couple to Transformers then?

Really, how stupid can a wingnut be…

385 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 7:37:20am

re: #384 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Um, should they have given a couple to Transformers then?

Really, how stupid can a wingnut be…

Since when were the Academy Awards ever about TEH MOAST BOCKS OFFIS.

386 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 7:38:47am

re: #383 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

All these sweet, sweet wingnut tears are going to make me diabetic.

Ah, I love the smell of wingnut tears in the morning. Smells like victory.

387 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 7:39:09am

re: #381 lawhawk

If Rubio got the nomination and pulled in Latino voters, he would be thrice denied by the Rs.

388 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 7:39:47am

re: #382 The Mother Of All Pies

The Oscars butthurt continues:

Basically, they want the Americanized version of Socialist Realism: Heroes who depict the ideals of society.

389 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Feb 24, 2015 7:40:32am

good morning Lizards. Great post fish. While not quite the same I went through a similar transformation over the years.

390 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Feb 24, 2015 7:42:07am

Just to give an update. Still no positive on the wife’s pregnancy test and she doesn’t see the doctor until thursday. But each day she seems to be having more and more symptoms indicating she is.

391 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 7:43:35am

re: #389 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

good morning Lizards. Great post fish. While not quite the same I went through a similar transformation over the years.

My conversion was nothing like yours, but there was a time when I would consider GOP candidates based on their merits and occasionally voted for them.

Nowadays I would be less likely to vote for a GOP dogcatcher than for a senator or representative…

392 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 24, 2015 7:45:01am

re: #358 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

From Some guy (no, really, that’s his nic) on Sadly, No—a limerick:

A pompous old blowhard named Bill
Liked to boast of his vast combat skill
Vietnam? Didn’t go!
Falkland War? Sadly, no!
But the Christmas War he wages still.

393 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 7:46:07am

re: #215 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

It is an article of faith among the faithful that only Christians can have any true sense of morality.

And that is one of the things that annoy me the most among the outspoken and aggressive fundamentalist Christians.

394 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 7:46:26am

re: #388 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Basically, they want the Americanized version of Socialist Realism: Heroes who depict the ideals of society.

In China, that hero is Lei Feng, a real man whose achievements and selflessness have grown to superhuman proportions. en.wikipedia.org

Every year, students around China perform some kind of perfunctory community service in honor of Lei Feng. He’s a homeboy of Hunan province, where I work, but even here many students don’t really believe Lei Feng did as many amazing acts in his short life as the propaganda teaches.

395 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Feb 24, 2015 7:47:17am

re: #391 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

My conversion was nothing like yours, but there was a time when I would consider GOP candidates based on their merits and occasionally voted for them.

Nowadays I would be less likely to vote for a GOP dogcatcher than for a senator or representative…

I grew up in a small town controlled mostly by the baptist church (with a smattering of catholics, methodists and presbyterians thrown in). My father listened to (and still listens to) rush limbaugh, hated clinton and I grew up much the product of that environment. Then I moved to california and everything began to change until about the time 9/11 happened and I even said “well, I’m glad we got bush instead of gore” even though I voted for Gore. Of course I also watched Fox news basically 24/7. I bought the whole thing hook line and sinker until the 2004 election season when I started waking up so to speak.

396 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 7:48:12am

re: #382 The Mother Of All Pies

If it was all about the Box Office take, then the two biggest snubs of this year’s Oscars were The Lego Movie and Guardians of the Galaxy. Both were indeed good movies that got snubbed for technical awards, animation (Lego Movie), and are arguable bigger snubs than American Sniper.

But as I noted yesterday, American Sniper was lauded for numerous nominations, both for the Oscars and the Golden Globes. It wasn’t snubbed in the same way that Selma was, given that it didn’t get any nominations for the big awards (acting, direction, best picture, screenplay). That’s a snub.

And it’s not like Eastwood hasn’t gotten Oscars before. He has. Four of them (2 each for Million Dollar Baby and Unforgiven), plus a lifetime award. And 4 Golden Globes.

He won 4 AFI awards, including for American Sniper. 2 DGAs, plus lifetime award.

Snubbed? Hardly.

397 Lidane  Feb 24, 2015 7:49:08am

re: #385 The Mother Of All Pies

Since when were the Academy Awards ever about TEH MOAST BOCKS OFFIS.

Since American Sniper, of course.


398 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 7:49:29am

re: #396 lawhawk

If it was all about the Box Office take, then the two biggest snubs of this year’s Oscars were The Lego Movie and Guardians of the Galaxy. Both were indeed good movies that got snubbed for technical awards, animation (Lego Movie), and are arguable bigger snubs than American Sniper.

But as I noted yesterday, American Sniper was lauded for numerous nominations, both for the Oscars and the Golden Globes. It wasn’t snubbed in the same way that Selma was, given that it didn’t get any nominations for the big awards (acting, direction, best picture, screenplay). That’s a snub.

And it’s not like Eastwood hasn’t gotten Oscars before. He has. Four of them (2 each for Million Dollar Baby and Unforgiven), plus a lifetime award. And 4 Golden Globes.

He won 4 AFI awards, including for American Sniper. 2 DGAs, plus lifetime award.

Snubbed? Hardly.

You’re expecting they remember facts like that. Two-year-olds have longer attention spans.

399 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 7:49:29am

re: #395 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

I grew up in a small town controlled mostly by the baptist church (with a smattering of catholics, methodists and presbyterians thrown in). My father listened to (and still listens to) rush limbaugh, hated clinton and I grew up much the product of that environment. Then I moved to california and everything began to change until about the time 9/11 happened and I even said “well, I’m glad we got bush instead of gore” even though I voted for Gore. Of course I also watched Fox news basically 24/7. I bought the whole thing hook line and sinker until the 2004 election season when I started waking up so to speak.

Fishfolk are borderline birthers, their hatred of Obama is so pathological. They absolutely believe he is a sooper-sekrit Muslim.

400 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 7:51:46am

Janet Yellen is telling Congress in no uncertain terms, don’t audit the Fed. It needs to be independent of Congress and politics, she says, citing studies.

401 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Feb 24, 2015 7:51:52am

re: #399 thedopefishlives

Fishfolk are borderline birthers, their hatred of Obama is so pathological. They absolutely believe he is a sooper-sekrit Muslim.

yeah my father is one of those as well. Same for most of my family. It doesn’t help that they are fed a steady diet of that crap from talk radio and Fox on a daily basis living in the middle of nowhere.

402 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 7:53:14am

re: #241 The Mother Of All Pies

Last night I made brisket chili. I think I overdid it on the jalapenos and cayenne pepper but Zedushka ate himself into a brisket coma.

The recipe required 1/2 c. of prepared barbecue sauce. I used “Hunt’s Brown Sugar” and then I looked at the ingredients list and I almost threw up. I had just added 1/2 c of High Fructose Corn Syrup with BBQ flavoring!

Gah. Now I have to find a brand of sauce that isn’t 99% HFCS.

You could probably work out your own spice mix that is better and just add a little bit of brown sugar or possibly molasses separately. (I see a small amount of sugar in a lot of chili recipes to help counter the acidity of the tomato base.)

403 Lidane  Feb 24, 2015 7:53:52am

re: #399 thedopefishlives

Fishfolk are borderline birthers, their hatred of Obama is so pathological. They absolutely believe he is a sooper-sekrit Muslim.

I have at least one relative that’s a birther. Others who dutifully parrot the OBUMMER HATES MURICA BECAUSE HE’S NOT ONE OF US bullshit. And others who are such devout Catholics that they pull the card about Christians being the only ones with any true morality.

I’ve been the black sheep of my family for decades. Being an outspoken liberal and Democrat was just par for the course for me.

404 BeachDem  Feb 24, 2015 7:55:51am

re: #336 Lidane

The 2016 GOP primaries are going to be a hoot:

[Embedded content]

And CNN falls even further—really? Being part of a deal that has Hugh Hewitt as the moderator? Ugh.

405 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 7:56:19am

re: #403 Lidane

I have at least one relative that’s a birther. Others who dutifully parrot the OBUMMER HATES MURICA BECAUSE HE’S NOT ONE OF US bullshit. And others who are such devout Catholics that they pull the card about Christians being the only ones with any true morality.

I’ve been the black sheep of my family for decades. Being an outspoken liberal and Democrat was just par for the course for me.

Last time I went home to visit the family, Fox News was on permanently. I would get up and turn it off when nobody was in the sitting room.

I just avoided discussing politics with the family at all costs.

406 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 7:56:20am

The Munchkin always wants the oven light on when the brownies are in—to “watch them grow”.

Now he has the flash cards out—says he’s the teacher. : )

407 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 7:56:33am

re: #246 The Mother Of All Pies

I’m thinking I should just make my own but I can’t find that “smoke” flavoring.

I use a bit of “Liquid Smoke” when I do slow cooker pulled pork (or chicken). That’s my cheat for not having and using a grill to add the necessary smoky element to the flavors.

About Liquid Smoke

(And I see that the same link was provided a few hours ago. The problem with commenting before catching up on the thread.)

408 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 7:57:19am

re: #406 Justanotherhuman

The Munchkin always wants the oven light on when the brownies are in—to “watch them grow”.

Now he has the flash cards out—says he’s the teacher. : )

My son likes to watch things in the oven, too.

409 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 7:57:37am

Rare sighting of a liberal “Fake Quote”

410 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 7:57:40am

re: #379 lawhawk

Ah, the flag of insurrectionists whose key grievance was that the federal government was limiting their right to maintain/spread the institution of slavery.

Even though, ironically, the country had repealed the Missouri Compromise six years before and barely three years before in Dred Scott, SCOTUS has ruled any congressional attempts to ban slavery in the territories was unconstitutional. Add to that the fugitive slave act passed as part of the 1850 compromise, and slavery rights were far in advance of what they had ever been.

True, in 1859 there was John Brown’s raid into Harper’s Ferry to try to stir up a slave insurrection—but that botched revolt was put down rather quickly by federal troops, led principally by southerners in the military (Lee). And some states were balking at enforcing the fugitive slave act. And there were some abolitionists saying mean things about the south. But overall, the south was seemingly in a pretty good position in the union. But they wanted their own country anyway.

411 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 7:58:59am


And it’s not like Eastwood hasn’t gotten Oscars before. He has. Four of them (2 each for Million Dollar Baby and Unforgiven), plus a lifetime award. And 4 Golden Globes.

Yeah but liberals in Hollywood hate America and hate the military which is why Hollywood won’t ever make any U.S. army movies to celebrate America.

412 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 24, 2015 7:59:20am

re: #408 thedopefishlives

My son likes to watch things in the oven, too.

Now I’m flashing back to the commercials for the first Sharp Carousel microwaves with the family sitting around watching it like it was a TV.

413 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 8:00:24am
414 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality  Feb 24, 2015 8:00:31am

I’m heading to bed. I’m quite pleased that my fact-check of UpChuck’s John Legend smear now has been viewed more than 9,000 times and tweeted over 420 times. Whether it has any effect on the numbskulls who follow CCJ remains to be seen. His smear still remains on his site, though somewhat hidden.

Aside from the obvious racist slant in his post, it exemplifies the complete, utter inability of CCJ to do basic journalism. It’s no surprise that he’s not working for any media outlet besides his own.

415 FemNaziBitch  Feb 24, 2015 8:00:34am


416 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 8:00:40am

re: #241 The Mother Of All Pies

Try bone suckin’ sauce.

417 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 8:01:36am

re: #272 WhatEVs

OFFS. This is from the NYT article noted above:

Because this is just what we need. President Bomb Everyone. John fucking Bolton. Ugh.

Promote the Clown Car to the Clown Bus.

And a lot more “bomb Iran” and anti-Muslim rhetoric as well since a few out-and-out warhawks are joining the fray. And that will continue through the general election since it’s standard GOP policy to claim the Democratic Party candidate is weak on defense.

418 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 24, 2015 8:03:05am

re: #410 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Even though, ironically, the country had repealed the Missouri Compromise six years before and barely three years before in Dred Scott, SCOTUS has ruled any congressional attempts to ban slavery in the territories was unconstitutional. Add to that the fugitive slave act passed as part of the 1850 compromise, and slavery rights were far in advance of what they had ever been.

True, in 1859 there was John Brown’s raid into Harper’s Ferry to try to stir up a slave insurrection—but that botched revolt was put down rather quickly by federal troops, led principally by southerners in the military (Lee). And some states were balking at enforcing the fugitive slave act. And there were some abolitionists saying mean things about the south. But overall, the south was seemingly in a pretty good position in the union. But they wanted their own country anyway.

The original 13th amendment, which passed both houses of congress and would surely have been ratified, guaranteed slavery everywhere it already existed. It was all about extending slavery to the territories. No State’s Rights for them!

419 Lidane  Feb 24, 2015 8:03:35am

re: #405 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Last time I went home to visit the family, Fox News was on permanently. I would get up and turn it off when nobody was in the sitting room.

I just avoided discussing politics with the family at all costs.

Yeah, same here. I made enough noise in my 20’s about politics that now, my relatives on my mom’s side know better than to ask. Heh.

The only relatives I talk politics with are on my dad’s side of the family, because a lot of them live in Mexico. I have a lot more in common with them politically than I do my mom’s relatives, who are much more conservative.

420 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 8:03:42am

re: #416 lawhawk

Try bone suckin’ sauce.

I will try that, thanks!

421 bratwurst  Feb 24, 2015 8:03:47am

The upcoming GOP debates will be mostly about hacks and assholes…so why not get a hack and an asshole to moderate?

422 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 8:04:27am

re: #295 The Mother Of All Pies

Wingnuts truly believe that the only way to show how much you “Love America” is with lame flag photo ops and a Twitter profile full of flags (including the flag of racist losers), guns, eagles & colonial dudes.

Maybe because embracing the principles of the DOI and Constitution as they’ve evolved is difficult and runs counter to their preferred mindset.

423 Sionainn  Feb 24, 2015 8:05:09am

re: #390 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance

Just to give an update. Still no positive on the wife’s pregnancy test and she doesn’t see the doctor until thursday. But each day she seems to be having more and more symptoms indicating she is.

Fingers crossed for you both.

424 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 8:06:12am

re: #382 The Mother Of All Pies

The Oscars butthurt continues:

425 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 8:07:33am

re: #319 wheat-dogghazi-bola-trality

This one just passed 6 years of age. I bumped up the RAM to 4GB and upgraded to Win7 Ultimate. Aside from the DVD-R drive that’s died, it just keeps chugging along. I kind of dread buying a new one. I may switch to Apple when the time comes to get a new one. I want to see what Windows 10 looks like first.

You look at Windows 10, and Windows 01 looks back.

426 Timothy Watson  Feb 24, 2015 8:08:27am

re: #424 WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

I could get behind that suggestion, Guardians of the Galaxy was the only 2015 Oscar nominee I’ve seen. :)

427 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 8:09:52am

re: #402 Feline Fearless Leader

You could probably work out your own spice mix that is better and just add a little bit of brown sugar or possibly molasses separately. (I see a small amount of sugar in a lot of chili recipes to help counter the acidity of the tomato base.)

And Splenda makes brown sugar, so it would be diabetes friendly.

428 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 8:11:36am

re: #416 lawhawk

As a resident of western NC, I take issue with their statement that this sauce is made here, though. Real Eastern style NC BBQ sauce has absolutely no tomato paste in it. And while western NC BBQ is typically made from the pig shoulder, eastern uses the entire hog.

They’re located in Raleigh, hardly a part of “western NC”. The may make it tomato based, but it’s hardly “authentic” and from western NC.

We have a lot of ready-made arguments over styles of BBQ here in NC, most of them not serious, though.

429 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 8:13:23am

re: #426 Timothy Watson

I could get behind that suggestion, Guardians of the Galaxy was the only 2015 Oscar nominee I’ve seen. :)

It really was a great flick. I watched it like six times. It was great fun. And the tunes took me back to my youth.

430 Timothy Watson  Feb 24, 2015 8:16:49am

re: #429 WhatEVs

It really was a great flick. I watched it like six times. It was great fun. And the tunes took me back to my youth.

Yep, best soundtrack since Pulp Fiction.

431 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 8:21:06am

I’ve been thinking about the state and social services and it just hits me how reactionary minded many of today’s “conservatives” really are. I’m watching that BBC World War One documentary of Hulu that many of you recommended to me and they touch on a little about how Germany had many social welfare programs during the years leading up to the first world war. It just hits you that much of what these people stand for was backwards thinking a century ago.

432 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 8:22:19am

re: #424 WhatEVs

Bradley Cooper should have won for Rocket Raccoon.*

Or Andy Serkis for any and all motion capture roles.

*Sean Gunn should get honorable mention for doing the motion capture/stand in for Rocket during filming.

433 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 8:23:03am

re: #424 WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

Yeah it can’t be that the Academy felt Birdman, The Theory of Everything, and the others were better movies. And the cast and crew of Selma actually has a gripe about being snubbed considering the actor who played MLK wasn’t even nominated nor was the director.

434 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 8:26:18am

re: #432 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Bradley Cooper should have won for Rocket Raccoon.*

Or Andy Serkis for any and all motion capture roles.

*Sean Gunn should get honorable mention for doing the motion capture/stand in for Rocket during filming.

I can’t really comment for sure having not seen the movie but it seems to me that they’re upset because Chris Kyle is a guy they admire therefore he should have won the award. I’m sure Cooper did a good job, he’s really come a long way for me from being the WASP fiance in Wedding Crashers but these awards are subjective. Really, if you felt Bradley Cooper was this year’s best leading actor and American Sniper was this year’s best film, feel free to, but the Academy decided in their opinion that Redmayne and Birdman were better acted and better films. And that’s all this is ultimately is opinion.

435 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 8:29:20am

re: #410 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Even though, ironically, the country had repealed the Missouri Compromise six years before and barely three years before in Dred Scott, SCOTUS has ruled any congressional attempts to ban slavery in the territories was unconstitutional. Add to that the fugitive slave act passed as part of the 1850 compromise, and slavery rights were far in advance of what they had ever been.

True, in 1859 there was John Brown’s raid into Harper’s Ferry to try to stir up a slave insurrection—but that botched revolt was put down rather quickly by federal troops, led principally by southerners in the military (Lee). And some states were balking at enforcing the fugitive slave act. And there were some abolitionists saying mean things about the south. But overall, the south was seemingly in a pretty good position in the union. But they wanted their own country anyway.

They did pretty much shoot themselves in the foot over losing a Presidential election to someone whose stated policy was limiting expansion of slavery into the territories. If the fire-eaters had been ignored there could have been a rearguard action that probably would have delayed emancipation into the 1880s, if not longer.

Not to mention continued resistance to such radical bills concerning improvements such as the Homestead Act. The southern conservative faction leaving Congress for the duration of the war opened things up for that, the bill helping states establish land-grant colleges, and the trans-continental railroad taking the “northern” route.

436 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 8:30:35am

re: #434 HappyWarrior

Hmm. Not everyone can play Stephen Hawking, either. That really has to be a most difficult role. And from what I gather, Redmayne did a superb job.

437 Higgs Boson's Mate  Feb 24, 2015 8:31:07am

re: #422 Feline Fearless Leader

Maybe because embracing the principles of the DOI and Constitution as they’ve evolved is difficult and runs counter to their preferred mindset.

They emphasize the parts of those documents with which they agree and ignore the rest, just as they do with the Bible.

438 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 8:32:17am

Wingnuts freak out over Godwins, except for all their OBAMA IS TEH WORSER THEN HITLER!!!!!! Godwins

439 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 8:32:58am

re: #432 lawhawk

Since I tend to prefer action to most others, I could get behind GotG being the top film. :-)

I want to see The Theory of Everything. That looks like a fascinating film. Whiplash looks intense as hell, so I think that one is on the list, too. Boyhood and The Imitation Game look good, so we’ll probably give those a watch (and American Sniper when it hits free tv).

I watched the Grand Budapest Hotel and thought it was really, really boring. I do not see how that was nominated.

440 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 8:33:26am

re: #438 The Mother Of All Pies

Wingnuts freak out over Godwins, except for all their OBAMA IS TEH WORSER THEN HITLER!!!!!! Godwins

[Embedded content]

Only we’re allowed to compare our opponents to Hitler!

441 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 8:33:29am

re: #434 HappyWarrior

I agree that it’s all opinion. And that some people feel that they must have theirs validated and that if some official group doesn’t agree with them, then that organization must clearly be wrong.

It’s the frickin’ Academy Awards. It’s an industry award for industry types. We just get the “privilege” to watch the awards handed out (well, most of them anyways). If you’re in the industry and get nominated or win, then bully to you.

If you’re not in the industry? How exactly does this affect anything? You still saw the movie and overpaid to watch it.

I’m glad that good art is rewarded, but also know that there’s a lot more politics and BS involved in who gets nominated, let alone win these kinds of awards. Sometimes, studios don’t do what they should to get the nominations for their own movies - see Selma - while others (Miramax/Weinstein) go overboard to get everything issued by their studio some kind of award, even those that aren’t award-worthy.

Cooper has gotten a bunch of accolades in recent years for his roles in Silver Linings Playbook, American Hustle, and now American Sniper. That’s quite the run. I hope he continues that run, because I remember him back in the days when he was on Alias. He’s taken his craft to a new level. And I figure he’ll have one heck of a career when all is said and done.

442 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 8:33:57am

re: #437 Higgs Boson’s Mate

They emphasize the parts of those documents with which they agree and ignore the rest, just as they do with the Bible.

That seems to imply that their investigative education is based around cherry picking the desired results from the data.

Which leads to projection in claiming that is what scientists do as well.

443 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 8:34:19am

re: #439 WhatEVs

Since I tend to prefer action to most others, I could get behind GotG being the top film. :-)

I want to see The Theory of Everything. That looks like a fascinating film. Whiplash looks intense as hell, so I think that one is on the list, too. Boyhood and The Imitation Game look good, so we’ll probably give those a watch (and American Sniper when it hits free tv).

I watched the Grand Budapest Hotel and thought it was really, really boring. I do not see how that was nominated.

Everyone I know loved Grand Budapest but I didn’t see it. I don’t know. I can’t explain it. I’ve never been a Wes Anderson fan though that movie does have a lot of cast members I really like.

444 b_sharp  Feb 24, 2015 8:34:32am

re: #439 WhatEVs

Since I tend to prefer action to most others, I could get behind GotG being the top film. :-)

I want to see The Theory of Everything. That looks like a fascinating film. Whiplash looks intense as hell, so I think that one is on the list, too. Boyhood and The Imitation Game look good, so we’ll probably give those a watch (and American Sniper when it hits free tv).

I watched the Grand Budapest Hotel and thought it was really, really boring. I do not see how that was nominated.

I thought it was boring, so I went to bed and watched Spartacus while V stayed downstairs and finished watching the GBH.

445 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 8:34:40am

re: #434 HappyWarrior

I also think there is the politics of Bradley Cooper being nominated several years running. I read a number of stories about Jennifer Lawrence and the will she win/won’t she win due to her prior win.


446 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 8:34:52am

re: #438 The Mother Of All Pies

Wingnuts freak out over Godwins, except for all their OBAMA IS TEH WORSER THEN HITLER!!!!!! Godwins

The unions is Sochulist and Commie and anti-American and how come people don’t like are right to work for less laws???

447 b_sharp  Feb 24, 2015 8:36:22am

re: #445 WhatEVs

I also think there is the politics of Bradley Cooper being nominated several years running. I read a number of stories about Jennifer Lawrence and the will she win/won’t she win due to her prior win.


It would be better if Jennifer Lawrence could actually act beyond looking confused and/or pensive.

448 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 8:37:29am

re: #439 WhatEVs

I’ve got a similar list, though I found Grand Budapest to be quirky fun. Anderson’s movies aren’t for everyone, and I think some of his other works, like Moonrise Kingdom were actually better.

It’s almost like the Academy figured that they should have given him the awards in prior years in the same way that they gave Scorsese awards for a movie (The Departed) that wasn’t nearly as good as GoodFellas. Or Raging Bull.

449 William Barnett-Lewis  Feb 24, 2015 8:40:44am

re: #364 Decatur Deb

A. Reforger/Able Archer 83

I remember that Charlie Foxtrot. Messy & nasty, at it’s best, from the perspective of a cold, hungry PFC tank gun loader on an M-60A3.

Yet we learned a decade later after the wall came down that it convinced the East Germans, who then convinced the Soviets, that we could move twice as many divisions to Europe as we actually could.

In the end, the biggest bluff of NATO’s existence worked…

450 b_sharp  Feb 24, 2015 8:42:31am

re: #448 lawhawk

I’ve got a similar list, though I found Grand Budapest to be quirky fun. Anderson’s movies aren’t for everyone, and I think some of his other works, like Moonrise Kingdom were actually better.

It’s almost like the Academy figured that they should have given him the awards in prior years in the same way that they gave Scorsese awards for a movie (The Departed) that wasn’t nearly as good as GoodFellas. Or Raging Bull.

It would have been better if everyone wore shoe hats.

451 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 8:42:47am

You know if people want to say a decent war movie got snubbed, I thought the Brad Pitt one about the tank crew was good and I really didn’t hear much of any about that.

452 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 8:45:18am

re: #451 HappyWarrior

You know if people want to say a decent war movie got snubbed, I thought the Brad Pitt one about the tank crew was good and I really didn’t hear much of any about that.

Did that even come out in time to be nominated for anything, or is that going to be on next year’s ballot?

453 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 8:47:17am

re: #451 HappyWarrior

You know if people want to say a decent war movie got snubbed, I thought the Brad Pitt one about the tank crew was good and I really didn’t hear much of any about that.

That’s because they didn’t want to have to give some British boffins a technical Oscar for getting an actual working Tiger Tank on film. (None of this doctored-up T-34 or CGI stuff - no sirree!)

454 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 8:47:25am

re: #452 thedopefishlives

Did that even come out in time to be nominated for anything, or is that going to be on next year’s ballot?

Pretty sure it did. I enjoyed that. There was good character development in that and I have to say even though I know I don’t like Shia Labeouf the guy, he does sometimes choose some interesting movies. I really liked Lawless from a few years back for instance and that was another that I think fell under the radar- especially loved the use of music in that one.

455 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 8:48:19am

Trailer for “The Theory of Everything”

Trailer for “American Sniper”

I haven’t seen either one, but I know which one I’ll choose since one is about life, discovery and hope, and the other death, cynicism and despair. At least that’s the way they appear to me.

456 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 8:48:52am

re: #447 b_sharp

It would be better if Jennifer Lawrence could actually act beyond looking confused and/or pensive.

I thought she was pronominal phenomenal in Winter’s Bone. That was the first movie I ever saw her in. It was a really good movie….very “Justified” ish.

457 Decatur Deb  Feb 24, 2015 8:50:06am

re: #449 William Barnett-Lewis

I remember that Charlie Foxtrot. Messy & nasty, at it’s best, from the perspective of a cold, hungry PFC tank gun loader on an M-60A3.

Yet we learned a decade later after the wall came down that it convinced the East Germans, who then convinced the Soviets, that we could move twice as many divisions to Europe as we actually could.

In the end, the biggest bluff of NATO’s existence worked…

Display Determinations were Eastern Med ‘echoes’ of Reforgers, always FUBAHR. In the one after I left, one of our aircraft carriers blew the bridge and command group off a Turkish destroyer with surface fire.


458 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 8:50:16am

re: #452 thedopefishlives

Did that even come out in time to be nominated for anything, or is that going to be on next year’s ballot?

That’s a long road to hoe. Usually, Oscar contenders come out late fall to make the list. Who knows if they have long memories. But I would guess they weren’t looking for an academy nod.

459 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 8:50:53am

Li’l dumbass Johnny Reb being stupid & lame:

460 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 8:51:11am

My brother’s remark upon seeing the “American Sniper” trailer was wondering whether he would consider shooting the child in the leg.
(Of course the trailer does not show what he actually does - it just sets up the situation and leaves you hanging.)

461 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 8:51:41am

re: #459 The Mother Of All Pies

Li’l dumbass Johnny Reb being stupid & lame:

[Embedded content]

Yeah nothing to do with slavery except according to the people who started the CSA but what do they know.

462 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 8:52:57am

re: #461 HappyWarrior

Yeah nothing to do with slavery except according to the people who started the CSA but what do they know.

I see it’s gonna be a repeat of yesterday’s March To The Sea but dumber & lamer.

463 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 8:55:50am

re: #457 Decatur Deb

Display Determinations were Eastern Med ‘echoes’ of Reforgers, always FUBAHR. In the one after I left, one of our aircraft carriers blew the bridge and command group off a Turkish destroyer with surface fire.


I note from the wiki page that the sailors who fired the missiles were not punished, while a number of officers effectively had their careers ended. Which was the right thing to do.

Bouncing around Wikipedia on naval incidents leads one to think that acting as plane guard destroyer for HMAS Melbourne was a risky proposition at times.

Wikipedia: HMAS Melbourne

464 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 8:57:22am

I’d like to see a good WWI film or dramatic miniseries honestly. It really is a truly fascinating event.

465 Lidane  Feb 24, 2015 8:57:28am

Oh for fuck’s sake. My “constitutional conservative” friend from high school just posted an article about dowsing.

What. The. Fuck.

466 b_sharp  Feb 24, 2015 8:58:31am

re: #465 Lidane

Oh for fuck’s sake. My “constitutional conservative” friend from high school just posted an article about dowsing.

What. The. Fuck.

Magical thinking is everywhere.

467 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 8:59:19am

re: #465 Lidane

Oh for fuck’s sake. My “constitutional conservative” friend from high school just posted an article about dowsing.

What. The. Fuck.

It’s kinda interesting, the things you find yourself believing in when you live in an absence of critical thought.

468 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 8:59:35am

re: #459 The Mother Of All Pies

no, it’s simply a battle flag of the southern states and it has nothing to do with slavery…

because what they were fighting for had nothing to do with slavery?

there is a big distinction between honoring the heritage of individual soldiers, many of whom did sincerely feel they were defending their homes and families, and the entire ideology of the Confederate cause

that distinction gets lost in the shouting match

469 Decatur Deb  Feb 24, 2015 9:01:26am

re: #463 Feline Fearless Leader

I note from the wiki page that the sailors who fired the missiles were not punished, while a number of officers effectively had their careers ended. Which was the right thing to do.

Bouncing around Wikipedia on naval incidents leads one to think that acting as plane guard destroyer for HMAS Melbourne was a risky proposition at times.

Wikipedia: HMAS Melbourne

Plus 30 peacetime aircraft losses. Damn.

470 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 9:01:57am
471 William Barnett-Lewis  Feb 24, 2015 9:02:44am

re: #464 HappyWarrior

I’d like to see a good WWI film or dramatic miniseries honestly. It really is a truly fascinating event.

How about Blackadder Goes Forth? en.wikipedia.org


Sad part is that it remains one of the better ones out there. That, Paths of Glory & All Quiet.

472 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 9:03:37am

Sorry, Indiana, no Sunday alcohol for you…


Heh, this county was “dry”, period, until about 7 or 8 yrs ago when people started moving in and convincing county officials they were losing out on cash revenues. It was easy enough to get, since there were ABC stores in the county seat and since this county only takes about 15 min from north to south to drive, the bars, stores and ABCs were located practically on the county line of adjoining counties.

Money talks and bullshit walks with Rs who never, ever really do anything on principle because they have none. But dangle a carrot in front of them and they all turn into rabbits.

473 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 9:04:28am

re: #470 The Mother Of All Pies

The Confederate argument was clear: slaves were property and the Federal Government had to right to confiscate that property.

That is their current argument about taxation in general.

474 Decatur Deb  Feb 24, 2015 9:04:53am

re: #471 William Barnett-Lewis

How about Blackadder Goes Forth? en.wikipedia.org


Sad part is that it remains one of the better ones out there. That, Paths of Glory & All Quiet.


475 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 9:05:00am

re: #465 Lidane

Oh for fuck’s sake. My “constitutional conservative” friend from high school just posted an article about dowsing.

What. The. Fuck.

With 4200 Likes (or posts, not sure how that works) on Facebook, no less.

476 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 9:05:21am

re: #459 The Mother Of All Pies

It’s the flag of Insurrectionists who ended up losing the war of Southern Secession/Insurrection.

None of this war of Northern Aggression BS. The first shots were fired by the South. The South sought secession over slavery. Those are the facts. That’s what they used to justify secession in their declarations of secession.

477 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 9:05:32am

re: #471 William Barnett-Lewis

How about Blackadder Goes Forth? en.wikipedia.org


Sad part is that it remains one of the better ones out there. That, Paths of Glory & All Quiet.

I was thinking a new one would be good with the centennial and all. It’s something I’ve actually been thinking a lot in my family tree research given my dad’s parents were infants when the war started and I had great grandparents born in all different parts of the Central and Allied Powers dynamic.

478 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 9:05:41am

re: #465 Lidane

A prepper, I assume?

479 William Barnett-Lewis  Feb 24, 2015 9:06:00am

re: #474 Decatur Deb


I’ll have to watch that one sometime.

480 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 9:06:45am

re: #472 Justanotherhuman

Sorry, Indiana, no Sunday alcohol for you…

I recall when there was no alcohol at all available on a Sunday in Indiana.

We lived close enough to the Illinois state line that the ban was fairly irrelevant.

481 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 9:06:57am

re: #470 The Mother Of All Pies

482 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 9:07:48am

re: #443 HappyWarrior

Everyone I know loved Grand Budapest but I didn’t see it. I don’t know. I can’t explain it. I’ve never been a Wes Anderson fan though that movie does have a lot of cast members I really like.

Do see it. I have no intention of seeing any other WA films, but this one was a pleasure to watch.

483 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 9:08:19am

re: #468 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

because what they were fighting for had nothing to do with slavery?

there is a big distinction between honoring the heritage of individual soldiers, many of whom did sincerely feel they were defending their homes and families, and the entire ideology of the Confederate cause

that distinction gets lost in the shouting match

With a lot of the shouters claiming the former as cover for the latter.

484 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 9:09:51am

re: #481 WhatEVs

These people are masters of obfustication and turning arguments on their heads. Slavery was not the only single cause of the Civil War, there were certain other issues, but it was nonetheless the main cause.

But these people can fixate on things like a single black who owned slaves and turn it into a war all about states’ rights, independence and economic conflict.

485 Decatur Deb  Feb 24, 2015 9:10:10am

re: #479 William Barnett-Lewis

I’ll have to watch that one sometime.

Genevieve Bujold’s first notable film.

486 Lidane  Feb 24, 2015 9:12:04am

re: #478 Justanotherhuman

A prepper, I assume?

Not that I’m aware of. He never mentions it, and preppers aren’t shy about talking about it.

He’s definitely a history buff, though. Does all kinds of “living history” (i.e., costumed re-enactments) for WWI and his FB timeline is mostly dedicated to history. Some stuff about his kids and work, but mostly history.

487 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 9:12:55am

The one point I always like to mention when they attempt to blame Lincoln is that most of the CSA states seceded before Lincoln became president even. I guess this is the original version of blaming Obama for Katrina or the financial crisis.

488 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 9:13:22am

re: #480 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

We still can’t buy anything until after 12 on Sun, when church is supposed to be out.

And that’s only beer and wine, no liquors of any sort since the ABC stores are closed. There are no private stores in NC, but if you know where the “liquor houses” are, you can get some.

489 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 9:16:06am

re: #487 HappyWarrior

The one point I always like to mention when they attempt to blame Lincoln is that most of the CSA states seceded before Lincoln became president even. I guess this is the original version of blaming Obama for Katrina or the financial crisis.

Also Lincoln made the confederates start bombing Fort Sumter. Literally lit the matches on the cannon fuses. //

490 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 9:17:27am

Op-ed from Pres Obama here.

Moving forward to fix our broken immigration system


491 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 9:18:26am

re: #465 Lidane

Oh for fuck’s sake. My “constitutional conservative” friend from high school just posted an article about dowsing.

What. The. Fuck.

Do I dare click the link to learn what dowsing is?

492 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 9:19:45am

re: #491 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Do I dare click the link to learn what dowsing is?

Don’t bother. It’s trying to use magic sticks to find underground water.

493 Lidane  Feb 24, 2015 9:20:36am

re: #491 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Do I dare click the link to learn what dowsing is?

Dowsing = using a forked wooden stick to look for underground water.

It was old wives’ nonsense 200 years ago. Now? It’s just magical woo-woo.

494 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 9:22:46am

re: #485 Decatur Deb

“King of Hearts”. Excellent. : )

495 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 9:24:21am

No doubt GG will claim credit…

Brazil detains alleged deforestation king of Amazon


496 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 9:25:03am

If you think about it, the Civil war was about the states’ rights. So was segregation. So was lynching. And so on. It’s always about the states’ rights to piss on the little man, to trample her or him under the mob’s feet. There is a quote floating around, attributed to Ann Coulter, about the benefits of local fascism. That is what the stages’ rights are about.

497 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 9:26:24am

re: #494 Justanotherhuman

“King of Hearts”. Excellent. : )

It has turned up on TCM every so often. I think I caught it when they were showing films with Alan Bates in them one evening. I think I watched “The Fixer” at that time, but skipped “Zorba The Greek” since it was on too late.


498 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 9:27:20am

re: #490 Justanotherhuman

Op-ed from Pres Obama here.

Moving forward to fix our broken immigration system


Ugh, the comments.

499 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 9:27:53am

re: #496 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

If you think about it, the Civil war was about the states’ rights. So was segregation. So was lynching. And so on. It’s always about the states’ rights to piss on the little man, to trample her or him under the mob’s feet. There is a quote floating around, attributed to Ann Coulter about the benefits of local fascism. That is what the stages’ rights are about.

In my opinion you should fear local fascism more than government level fascism. The former is going to find you first, and probably will be more interested in making your life miserable (or shorter) than the latter.

500 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 9:28:46am

re: #488 Justanotherhuman

We still can’t buy anything until after 12 on Sun, when church is supposed to be out.

And that’s only beer and wine, no liquors of any sort since the ABC stores are closed. There are no private stores in NC, but if you know where the “liquor houses” are, you can get some.

Like crack houses for white people?

501 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 9:28:46am

re: #491 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

re: #492 thedopefishlives

re: #493 Lidane

Didn’t it used to be called “Divining”?

502 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 9:29:18am

Cat fight over at GG’s…

503 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 9:31:39am

re: #502 Justanotherhuman

Cat fight over at GG’s…

[Embedded content]

Pass the popcorn!

504 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 9:31:47am

There’s a Huge Cloud Of Stupids going around Twitter right now over Net Neutrality

505 The Ghost of Tonalite Gneiss  Feb 24, 2015 9:32:05am

re: #496 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

If you think about it, the Civil war was about the states’ rights. So was segregation. So was lynching. And so on. It’s always about the states’ rights to piss on the little man, to trample her or him under the mob’s feet. There is a quote floating around, attributed to Ann Coulter about the benefits of local fascism. That is what the stages’ rights are about.

The good kind of collectivism. Precise, focused smacking away of individual civil liberty, customized region by region.

506 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 9:32:16am

re: #499 Feline Fearless Leader

In my opinion you should fear local fascism more than government level fascism. The former is going to find you first, and probably will be more interested in making your life miserable (or shorter) than the latter.

Definitely. Of course, the idiotic retort I always hear is “Just move if you don’t like what your state or locality is doing”, so narrow minded and not at all in touch with reality.

507 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 9:33:46am

re: #504 The Mother Of All Pies

There’s a Huge Cloud Of Stupids going around Twitter right now over Net Neutrality

Very few of these people understand what net neutrality is about, they just know that Obama supports it, therefore, it must be evil and un-American

508 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 9:34:11am

re: #506 HappyWarrior

Definitely. Of course, the idiotic retort I always hear is “Just move if you don’t like what your state or locality is doing”, so narrow minded and not at all in touch with reality.

Yeah, if I could move out of this county, I would have a long time ago. But finances being what they are…

It’s that way for most people.

509 thedopefishlives  Feb 24, 2015 9:34:12am

re: #504 The Mother Of All Pies

There’s a Huge Cloud Of Stupids going around Twitter right now over Net Neutrality

[Embedded content]

This is my problem with modern technology: Everybody and their dog pretends to understand it, but only those of us who actually work in it do. It’s clear that people are only making their arguments based on what the talking points of the day say.

510 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 9:36:05am

re: #506 HappyWarrior

Definitely. Of course, the idiotic retort I always hear is “Just move if you don’t like what your state or locality is doing”, so narrow minded and not at all in touch with reality.

And they forget to add the second sentence of “And we’ll be quite happy to buy the goods and property you can’t move - at a considerable discount!”


511 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 9:36:34am

re: #500 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Race doesn’t matter. Whites and Black both engage in this. Invest a little, profit a lot from the thirsty.

513 Justanotherhuman  Feb 24, 2015 9:37:51am


514 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 9:39:32am

re: #511 Justanotherhuman

Race doesn’t matter. Whites and Black both engage in this. Invest a little, profit a lot from the thirsty.

We all know that only ghetto thugs smoke crack.


515 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 9:40:30am

re: #493 Lidane

Dowsing = using a forked wooden stick to look for underground water.

It was old wives’ nonsense 200 years ago. Now? It’s just magical woo-woo.


Case histories and demonstrations of dowsers may seem convincing, but when dowsing is exposed to scientific examination, it presents a very different picture. The natural explanation of “successful” water dowsing is that in many areas underground water is so prevalent close to the land surface that it would be hard to drill a well and not find water. In a region of adequate rainfall and favorable geology, it is difficult not to drill and find water!

Some water exists under the Earth’s surface almost everywhere. This explains why many dowsers appear to be successful. To locate groundwater accurately, however, as to depth, quantity, and quality, a number of techniques must be used . Hydrologic, geologic, and geophysical knowledge is needed to determine the depths and extent of the different water-bearing strata and the quantity and quality of water found in each . The area must be thoroughly tested and studied to determine these facts.

In other words, dowsers are peddling BS since there’s water practically everywhere underground, so it’s not a stretch to find it wherever you dig (how far you have to dig is another issue entirely).

516 b_sharp  Feb 24, 2015 9:40:39am

re: #512 The Mother Of All Pies

The U.S. is not the only country where right-wingers do not know what science is.

Oh my.

517 7-y (Expectation of Great Things in Due Course)  Feb 24, 2015 9:40:52am

re: #246 The Mother Of All Pies

I’m thinking I should just make my own but I can’t find that “smoke” flavoring.

Clean off a bit of shagbark hickory bark, dry it, and then boil and then simmer until you get a dark tea. Mix that with your BBQ sauce for smoky.

518 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 9:42:50am

re: #512 The Mother Of All Pies

519 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 9:43:57am

re: #498 WhatEVs

Ugh, the comments.

Every comment section should start with “Don’t Read The Comments”.

520 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 9:44:38am

re: #515 lawhawk


In other words, dowsers are peddling BS since there’s water practically everywhere underground, so it’s not a stretch to find it wherever you dig (how far you have to dig is another issue entirely).

Not to mention that the “shallow” water might not be as potable as you think.

521 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 9:45:23am

The cultic veneration of states’ rights has always fascinated me. What the fuck is the difference of who does the oppression (or liberation, as things may be)? If you approve of some policy, why would you care if the federal govt implements it or the state? And vice versa.

Why the arbitrary division? Why not village rights, town rights, city rights? Where is the fucking logic here?

522 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 9:45:34am

re: #517 7-y (Expectation of Great Things in Due Course)

Clean off a bit of shagbark hickory bark, dry it, and then boil and then simmer until you get a dark tea. Mix that with your BBQ sauce for smoky.

That’s an interesting option. Do you have a link on how to do it and other criteria?

523 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 9:45:39am
524 Targetpractice  Feb 24, 2015 9:46:41am

Quick everybody, look surprised:

525 b_sharp  Feb 24, 2015 9:47:32am

re: #521 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

The cultic veneration of states’ rights has always fascinated me. What the fuck is the difference of who does the oppression (or liberation, as things may be)? If you approve of some policy, why would you care if the federal govt implements it or the state? And vice versa.

Why the arbitrary division? Why not village rights, town rights, city rights? Where is the fucking logic here?

Who said anything about logic? The right wants what the right wants.

526 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 9:48:41am

Every single dowser who took the Randi 1000000$ challenge has failed. That’s all one needs to know about dowsing. End of message.

527 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 9:52:15am

re: #526 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Every single dowser who took the Randi 1000000$ challenge has failed. That’s all one needs to know about dowsing. End of message.

Dowsing has never failed. It has only been failed. /

528 allegro  Feb 24, 2015 9:53:09am

re: #521 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Where is the fucking logic here?

Answered your own question here.

529 Decatur Deb  Feb 24, 2015 9:53:25am

re: #525 b_sharp

Who said anything about logic? The right wants what the right wants.

And it wants what works for it in parts of the country where “The Others” have been rendered powerless.

530 Targetpractice  Feb 24, 2015 9:54:00am

Why do politicians only ever seem to grow a backbone when they’re getting ready to retire?

531 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 9:54:59am


532 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 9:55:40am

re: #529 Decatur Deb

And it wants what works for it in parts of the country where “The Others” have been rendered powerless.

“The smallest jurisdiction is always the best except when a small jurisdiction passes an anti-discrimination statute related to LGBT persons or a marriage equality law in which case the larger government must step in to over-rule it because freedom and liberty.”


533 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 9:55:43am

Answered my own question about hickory bark syrup.


Quick Google search found more than a few sites about making stuff like ice cream using hickory bark as part of the flavoring. And I forwarded to my brother since the property around his house includes a lot of shagbark hickory. (We talk about him living amidst an acre of squirrel food.)

534 7-y (Expectation of Great Things in Due Course)  Feb 24, 2015 9:55:51am

re: #522 Feline Fearless Leader

That’s an interesting option. Do you have a link on how to do it and other criteria?

Yes. Using this recipe I made hickory syrup for the first time a few weeks ago. The smoky flavor is distinctive in the syrup and sugar. Acting on a hunch, we used some of the remaining “tea” to add smoky flavor to other things, as well. Even threw the used bark onto the grill to flavor a meal.

535 Decatur Deb  Feb 24, 2015 9:56:20am

re: #530 Targetpractice

[Embedded content]

Why do politicians only ever seem to grow a backbone when they’re getting ready to retire?

Because politics is a popularity contest with often a 1-2% margin of survival.

536 Dave In Austin  Feb 24, 2015 9:56:47am

re: #526 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Every single dowser who took the Randi 1000000$ challenge has failed. That’s all one needs to know about dowsing. End of message.

I know some people who prospect in AZ who think they can dowse for load gold.

I’ll stick to a pan and metal detector thank you.

537 makeitstop  Feb 24, 2015 9:57:21am

‘Allo, Lizards,

This just came across my Facebook feed, and it’s very cool.

Jimi Hendrix’ last interview (five days before his death), animated. Nicely done, PBS.

538 Decatur Deb  Feb 24, 2015 9:58:56am

re: #536 Dave In Austin

I know some people who prospect in AZ who think they can dowse for load gold.

I’ll stick to a pan and metal detector thank you.

I can find veins of derp in these parts just by tossing a stick or a brick.

539 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 10:00:41am

re: #538 Decatur Deb

I can find veins of derp just by tossing a stick or a brick.

In Conservative (and PATRIOTIC) America derp find you!
/ ;P

540 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 10:01:12am

re: #539 Feline Fearless Leader

In Conservative (and PATRIOTIC) America derp find you!
/ ;P

Derp finds me whenever I Tweet a meme to #tcot

541 Decatur Deb  Feb 24, 2015 10:01:16am

re: #539 Feline Fearless Leader

In Conservative (and PATRIOTIC) America derp find you!
/ ;P

The brick is still handy, then.

542 BlueSpotinAL  Feb 24, 2015 10:05:12am

Dowsing is not quite so harmless when Iraq approved it for bomb detection.

543 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 10:07:07am

No racism here, move along folks.

544 Decatur Deb  Feb 24, 2015 10:09:12am

re: #542 BlueSpotinAL

Dowsing is not quite so harmless when Iraq approved it for bomb detection.

Men Who Stare at JDAMs.

545 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 10:10:16am

re: #523 The Mother Of All Pies

Wait, what? That’s a new one.

Classical astrology aside, there’s been an interesting statistical fluke called the Gauquelin effect or Mars effect. Gauquelin was a staunch critic of the classical astrology, but during his studies he discovered a statistically significant - though small - correlation between planets and future occupations of children. That was an interesting episode because the normally respectable CSICOP made total asses of themselves in their attempts to debunk the effect, which fact also demonstrated a weak side of the organized skepticism. And I’m saying this as a hardcore skeptic myself.

A possible explanation of the effect was found later and it’s pretty interesting in its own right: astrology-and-science.com

546 Romantic Heretic  Feb 24, 2015 10:11:30am
547 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 10:14:16am

re: #546 Romantic Heretic

Right to work explained in one cartoon.

Don’t give me ur stupid libtard academics stuff. Right to work is about freedom and liberty. Here is article from random libertarian dude about how great RTW is.

548 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 10:15:03am
549 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 10:17:00am

Clown car bankroll? Sheldon Adelson is down with that - as long as it’s funding against Rand Paul.

550 ObserverArt  Feb 24, 2015 10:17:24am

Hey all…staying busy today, but following along a bit.

Funny to see both ‘net neutrality’ and ‘dowsing’ in the same thread. I think there is a message in that…something to do with the strange thinking of the wingnut.

Also, I see some are kicking around barbecue sauces. One ingredient I would recommend adding is good ol’ worcestershire sauce. It already has much of the same spices and flavors used in steak sauces. Want a quick A1 steak sauce…Ketchup with worcestershire sauce in it.

Worcestershire sauce mixed with a little water and sugar and sprayed on chicken when grilling is great. The ol’ church festival cooks used to use it grilling chicken halves for the big dinner. Simple and effective.

I bet if you take a bit of beef broth, thickened it with real sugar and honey, added some worcestershire sauce, maybe some onion and garlic powder a bit of vinegar you could whip up a pretty good barbecue sauce.

Have I made it…no, but I love making sauces from readily available items. I bet with some work it wouldn’t be hard to make a good homemade barbecue sauce. I already make my own steak sauce, tartar sauce, teriyaki sauce, taco sauce…okay…time to grab some lunch.

551 b_sharp  Feb 24, 2015 10:18:00am

re: #545 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

Wait, what? That’s a new one.

Classical astrology aside, there’s been an interesting statistical fluke called the Gauquelin effect or Mars effect. Gauquelin was a staunch critic of the classical astrology, but during his studies he discovered a statistically significant - though small - correlation between planets and future occupations of children. That was an interesting episode because the normally respectable CSICOP made total asses of themselves in their attempts to debunk the effect, which fact also demonstrated a weak side of the organized skepticism. And I’m saying this as a hardcore skeptic myself.

A possible explanation of the effect was found later and it’s pretty interesting in its own right: astrology-and-science.com

Correlation is not causation and your linked to abstract makes that point. Self fulfilling prophecy looks to be a big part of it.

552 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 10:21:26am

re: #548 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

She’s really going after him good on this. Rudy’s an ass.

553 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 10:23:54am
554 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 10:24:37am

re: #552 HappyWarrior

She’s really going after him good on this. Rudy’s an ass.

I signed up a couple of months before I got hit by a car and it’s made all the difference.

555 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 10:25:04am

re: #543 The Mother Of All Pies

No racism here, move along folks.

Just another special kind of derper is this tweeter. Thinks we all lost our health insurance, the right to see our doctor and don’t have our internets anymore.

556 Eventual Carrion  Feb 24, 2015 10:25:09am

re: #523 The Mother Of All Pies

[Embedded content]

I feel the same way when people laugh at my reading swine innards to decide what I should do tomorrow. Fucking haters.

557 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 10:26:23am

Net neutrality means Obama is gonna take away our Internets just like he tooks are healthcares!!!!11

558 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 10:26:32am

What part of the First Amendment, and Article VI of the US Constitution do these people not get? Oh wait, they’re into ahistorical revisionism and imposing a theocracy, so it’s my mistake.

Whiskey. Tango. Foxtrot.

559 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 10:27:21am

I see all these #tcot assholes pledging their allegiance to Bibi when Israelis don’t even like him much.

#YouMightBeATCOT if you brag about how much you love “America” but support a foreign leader instead of the POTUS.

560 Dr Lizardo  Feb 24, 2015 10:29:10am

Well, it had to happen here sooner or later, sad to say.

The man who shot dead eight people in a restaurant today called the crime line of the Czech commercial television station Prima before the act to complain about harassment the authorities failed to deal with, Pavel Lebduška from Prima, has told the Czech News Agency.

Prima has confirmed that before the act, the man called the Krimi zprávy (Crime News) line that is for the viewers of the newscast.

The man, aged 62, told the Crime News line that he had a gun and that he “will make his own decision,” Lebduška said.

The gunman killed seven men and one woman in the attack in a restaurant in the town. He, too, is dead.


This is the worst mass shooting attack in the Czech Republic’s history - and needless to say, it’s all the local Czech media are talking about.

More here from Al Jazeera: aljazeera.com

561 Dave In Austin  Feb 24, 2015 10:29:17am

re: #559 The Mother Of All Pies

What are you hearing on the ground regarding BiBi’s chances?

562 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 10:29:34am

re: #558 lawhawk

What part of the First Amendment, and Article VI of the US Constitution do these people not get? Oh wait, they’re into ahistorical revisionism and imposing a theocracy, so it’s my mistake.

[Embedded content]

I am actually surprised it’s that high among Christie supporters. But yeah Huckabee’s whole appeal is his contempt for the fact that America isn’t a Christian country though he wants it to be.

563 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Feb 24, 2015 10:29:46am

re: #559 The Mother Of All Pies

I see all these #tcot assholes pledging their allegiance to Bibi when Israelis don’t even like him much.

#YouMightBeATCOT if you brag about how much you love “America” but support a foreign leader instead of the POTUS.

Well, I guess Putin has let them down. Or Putin was just the love-a-foreign-leader flavor of the month.

564 Dr. Matt  Feb 24, 2015 10:30:41am

Speaking of Lemmings: right now Drudge is claiming O’Reilly is “vindicated” and the right-wing loons are participating in a feces-flinging ritual on mediate.com. How predictable.

565 Romantic Heretic  Feb 24, 2015 10:31:06am

re: #553 lawhawk

TL;DR version: It is now legal to murder a black kid in cold blood.

566 sagehen  Feb 24, 2015 10:31:41am

re: #560 Dr Lizardo

Well, it had to happen here sooner or later, sad to say.


This is the worst mass shooting attack in the Czech Republic’s history - and needless to say, it’s all the local Czech media are talking about.

More here from Al Jazeera: aljazeera.com

We’re glad you weren’t there.

567 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 10:31:47am

re: #561 Dave In Austin

What are you hearing on the ground regarding BiBi’s chances?

Everybody hates him, but they hate the other parties even more. ;)

568 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 10:33:24am

re: #561 Dave In Austin

It’s a tossup. Likud is about even with Zionist Union but Likud’s coalition appears to still have an edge over a possible Zionist Union edge.

The big qualification is that the polls still show a huge percentage of undecideds. 20% in fact. That can throw off the polling tremendously.

569 Targetpractice  Feb 24, 2015 10:34:24am

re: #564 Dr. Matt

Speaking of Lemmings: right now Drudge is claiming O’Reilly is “vindicated” and the right-wing loons are participating in a feces-flinging ritual on mediate.com. How predictable.

That’s alright, a wingnut sent me a story from Politico just a short while ago declaring that O’Reilly is teflon-coated because…wait for it…the allegations came from Mother Jones. And because Bill’O has succeeded at dragging the goalposts from “I was in the Falklands” to “I was in a bad riot,” they declare he’s won the issue on semantics and (of course) Corn was wrong to pick this fight.

570 Dr Lizardo  Feb 24, 2015 10:34:38am

re: #566 sagehen

We’re glad you weren’t there.


It happened in Uhersky Brod, a town about 90 miles south of here. Uhersky Brod’s a nice town, actually……I’ve visited there a couple of times.

571 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 10:35:41am

re: #568 lawhawk

It’s a tossup. Likud is about even with Zionist Union but Likud’s coalition appears to still have an edge over a possible Zionist Union edge.

The big qualification is that the polls still show a huge percentage of undecideds. 20% in fact. That can throw off the polling tremendously.

Also, the fucked up Israeli system of unlimited political parties means that even if one party wins a plurality, they have to team up with other parties to form a coalition.

Also, too, there are no regional representatives in the Knesset, just special interest parties.

572 klys (maker of Silmarils)  Feb 24, 2015 10:35:55am

re: #554 wrenchwench

I signed up a couple of months before I got hit by a car and it’s made all the difference.

Hooray for health insurance!

Also the way this was phrased struck me as funny. I know it wouldn’t be a laughing matter if things weren’t turning out alright, but since they are…

573 Feline Fearless Leader  Feb 24, 2015 10:38:24am

re: #550 ObserverArt

Hey all…staying busy today, but following along a bit.

Funny to see both ‘net neutrality’ and ‘dowsing’ in the same thread. I think there is a message in that…something to do with the strange thinking of the wingnut.

Also, I see some are kicking around barbecue sauces. One ingredient I would recommend adding is good ol’ worcestershire sauce. It already has much of the same spices and flavors used in steak sauces. Want a quick A1 steak sauce…Ketchup with worcestershire sauce in it.

Worcestershire sauce mixed with a little water and sugar and sprayed on chicken when grilling is great. The ol’ church festival cooks used to use it grilling chicken halves for the big dinner. Simple and effective.

I bet if you take a bit of beef broth, thickened it with real sugar and honey, added some worcestershire sauce, maybe some onion and garlic powder a bit of vinegar you could whip up a pretty good barbecue sauce.

Have I made it…no, but I love making sauces from readily available items. I bet with some work it wouldn’t be hard to make a good homemade barbecue sauce. I already make my own steak sauce, tartar sauce, teriyaki sauce, taco sauce…okay…time to grab some lunch.

I experiment with spicing a bit when cooking - using mustard, home-grown herbs, hot peppers, etc.

Fallback is using Werewolf Sauce since it’s sort of like an A-1 sauce with a ending pepper kick. I use it heavily as part of the final spicing for my slow cooker pulled pork in particular.

574 lawhawk  Feb 24, 2015 10:42:06am

re: #571 The Mother Of All Pies

They’ve tried to reduce the numbers by increasing the percentage of votes needed to gain a seat, from 1% to 2% to the current 3.5%, but it’s still not enough.

There has never been a government in Israel that was not based on a coalition. No party has ever secured an outright 60 seats on its own. And the current situation is as fractured than usual.

575 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 10:42:51am

re: #554 wrenchwench

I signed up a couple of months before I got hit by a car and it’s made all the difference.

Glad to hear it. By the way, my niece is up and walking and everything. Not real first words yet but a lot of dadadads and mamamas.

576 ObserverArt  Feb 24, 2015 10:49:24am

re: #559 The Mother Of All Pies

I see all these #tcot assholes pledging their allegiance to Bibi when Israelis don’t even like him much.

#YouMightBeATCOT if you brag about how much you love “America” but support a foreign leader instead of the POTUS.

They’ll pledge their allegiance to Netanyahu because they think it pokes Obama in the face. It’s the whole “politics by FOX” method. It also seems to be the official political style of the GOP.

577 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 10:53:12am

re: #554 wrenchwench

I signed up a couple of months before I got hit by a car and it’s made all the difference.

My Fox News-fans sister and bro-in law had a major healthcare hit two years ago (she had a bout with cancer, he a car accident) and went bankrupt over it.

I have not asked them if they have changed their attitude about ACA.

578 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 10:55:25am

re: #551 b_sharp

Correlation is not causation and your linked to abstract makes that point. Self fulfilling prophecy looks to be a big part of it.

That’s more or less the potential explanation. If some parents fudged the birth data a bit in accordance with their astrological beliefs (and then raised their children accordingly) that would explain both the existence of the Mars effect and why it’s so tiny. I guess there are lessons for everybody here. Astrologers will grasp at whatever straws they can - even though the Mars effect not only does not support, but rather debunks the traditional astrology (since it’s so small). And respectable skeptics will sometimes behave not very honestly when they’re faced with such a problem (the whole sordid story was documented by Jim Lippard and others, easily googlable).

579 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 10:57:22am

re: #578 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD

That’s more or less the potential explanation. If some parents fudged the birth data a bit in accordance with their astrological beliefs (and then raised their children accordingly) that would explain both the existence of the Mars effect and why it’s so tiny. I guess there are lessons for everybody here. Astrologers will grasp at whatever straws they can - even though the Mars effect not only does not support, but rather debunks the traditional astrology (since it’s so small). And respectable skeptics will sometimes behave not very honestly when they’re faced with such a problem (the whole sordid story was documented by Jim Lippard and others, easily googlable).

And the criteria and “measurements” being used are also fuzzy and subjective. Not the stuff of science, more like selective application of scientific principles to suit a preconceived outcome.

580 Targetpractice  Feb 24, 2015 10:58:46am

Commence the wingnut celebrations:

581 b.d.  Feb 24, 2015 10:58:52am

What a douche

582 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 10:59:36am

re: #580 Targetpractice

Commence the wingnut celebrations:

[Embedded content]


583 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 11:00:00am

Jumps out the upstairs window and waits for Jesus to catch him.
Oops, sorry kid, you didn’t “believe” hard enough.

584 HappyWarrior  Feb 24, 2015 11:01:22am

re: #581 b.d.

What a douche

[Embedded content]

He is a douche even if he’s a douche I agree with more than I don’t.

585 Sionainn  Feb 24, 2015 11:01:29am

re: #581 b.d.

What a douche

[Embedded content]

A douche who apparently tried to finish a sentence that was already complete, “We are!”, and then tried to school students on their reading comprehension.

586 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 11:01:54am

re: #579 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

And the criteria and “measurements” being used are also fuzzy and subjective. Not the stuff of science, more like selective application of scientific principles to suit a preconceived outcome.

Not really, it’s all pretty standard statistical stuff.

587 Dr Lizardo  Feb 24, 2015 11:07:22am

re: #583 The Mother Of All Pies


Say, when you’re over here, and if you have time, and if you’re looking for a new pair of shoes, may I recommend Bata shoes? Their flagship store is on Wenceslaus Square in downtown Prague. Great shoes, and they’ll last a long time and Bata’s a great Czech company that’s been in business practically forever.

I bought myself a pair of new Bata’s today. Much happiness ensued. :D

BTW, Bata is pronounced “Baahtya”.

588 The Mother Of All Pies  Feb 24, 2015 11:11:03am

re: #587 Dr Lizardo


Say, when you’re over here, and if you have time, and if you’re looking for a new pair of shoes, may I recommend Bata shoes? Their flagship store is on Wenceslaus Square in downtown Prague. Great shoes, and they’ll last a long time and Bata’s a great Czech company that’s been in business practically forever.

I bought myself a pair of new Bata’s today. Much happiness ensued. :D

BTW, Bata is pronounced “Baahtya”.

LOL we’re staying in Josefov and we’re only going to be in Prague for 2 days.

When you recommended that little mole character, I thought wouldn’t it be neat if they had a plush Golem toy? I see there are all kinds of Golem tchotchkas but is there a plush one?

589 Kragar  Feb 24, 2015 11:15:09am

re: #583 The Mother Of All Pies

590 Dr Lizardo  Feb 24, 2015 11:16:53am

re: #588 The Mother Of All Pies

LOL we’re staying in Josefov and we’re only going to be in Prague for 2 days.

When you recommended that little mole character, I thought wouldn’t it be neat if they had a plush Golem toy? I see there are all kinds of Golem tchotchkas but is there a plush one?

I’ve never seen a Golem plush toy in all the time I’ve been here. Lots of other things Golem-related, but never one of those. Sounds like a great business opportunity!

591 wrenchwench  Feb 24, 2015 11:20:26am

re: #575 HappyWarrior

Glad to hear it. By the way, my niece is up and walking and everything. Not real first words yet but a lot of dadadads and mamamas.

I decided to stop posting photos of my niece as she’s growing up, but maybe one more. :)

592 teleskiguy  Feb 24, 2015 11:20:38am

I see that Hugh Hewitt will moderate a GOP Presidential debate and Marco Rubio is running.

So, who’s in the clown car? We got Mike Huckabee, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Rick Santorum, Sarah Palin, Donald Trump, did I miss anybody?

Oh, and UpChuck wants to lord over California’s 21st Congressional District, or some such shit.

593 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Feb 24, 2015 11:35:24am

re: #589 Kragar

Does that include marrying whoever he wishes to when he grows up?

No, because the Bible clearly states that it is an abdomination unto the Lord for which he must be put to death.

Can’t you people read?


594 Prof. Backpfeifengesicht, PhD  Feb 24, 2015 11:36:37am

re: #593 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

No, because the Bible clearly states that it is an abdomination

There’s some mistake here, but I can’t put my finger on it…

595 WhatEVs  Feb 24, 2015 12:00:58pm

re: #559 The Mother Of All Pies

I see all these #tcot assholes pledging their allegiance to Bibi when Israelis don’t even like him much.

#YouMightBeATCOT if you brag about how much you love “America” but support a foreign leader instead of the POTUS.

596 NeilS  Feb 24, 2015 7:53:13pm

Just registered at LGF so I could say ‘WOW”,

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