Pastor Hosting Conference With Huckabee, Cruz and Jindal Says Gay Marriage Will Lead to Cannibalism

A friend of the Republican presidential candidates
Wingnuts • Views: 52,590
Far right pastor Kevin Swanson


Extreme anti-gay right wing pastor Kevin Swanson, who’s hosting the “National Religious Liberties Conference” in Des Moines, Iowa, this weekend (featuring presidential candidates Mike Huckabee, Ted Cruz and Bobby Jindal) announced recently on his radio show (all these whack jobs have radio shows) that same-sex marriage is going to lead to the legalization of pedophilia, rape, cannibalism and the enjoyment of Nickelback’s music.

Just kidding about the Nickelback.

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Eventual Carrion  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:58:54pm

Oh Swanson, eat me … damn he was right.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 2:59:59pm

re: #1 Eventual Carrion

Human stock: now comes in cans! Available in grocery stores everywhere.

MomSense  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:00:11pm

I actually LOL’d about Nickelback. Honestly I just don’t get the hysteria about people who decide to commit to the the joys and responsibilities of marriage. This world has more than enough conflict and hate. Love is something to celebrate and cherish.

History will not be kind to people like Kevin Swanson.

piratedan  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:00:53pm

well it’s a good thing that they’re not engaging in partisan hyperbole regarding this very important dietary issue…… ////////////

Mike Lamb  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:01:15pm

Seriously…at what point does the affiliation with this kind of crazy get traction as a story? Obama was flogged for Rev. Wright, and his statements were less objectionable by several orders of magnitude.

jaunte  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:06:33pm

Hungry? Man Dinners

jc717  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:08:31pm

I can totally see how this can happen:

1) Destination wedding during gay ski week in Aspen.
2) Major blizzard, meteor strike, and earthquake (also caused by all the gayness)
3) As we’ve learned from this documentary about Colorado, it only takes a few hours for people to resort to cannibalism under these conditions…

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:11:27pm

re: #6 jaunte

Hungry? Man Dinners

Embedded Image

I’m real glad they are letting the consumer know it is 1 1/2 pounds of food.

You always need to worry what is in a box or can. It could be factory-produced gay-marriage-induced cannibal pieces.

Not a Sparkly Vampire  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:11:44pm


Not a Sparkly Vampire  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:17:09pm
HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:20:58pm

Me thinks guys like Swanny have way too much time on their hands to think up these elaborate fantasies where gay couples having equality leads to cannibalistic gay orgies.

Bird in the Paw  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:23:15pm

re: #7 jc717

Colorado, come for the Gay Wedding, stay for the tasty human flesh. Engh, don’t see that one catching on in the tourism industry.

Not a Sparkly Vampire  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:24:11pm

re: #11 HappyWarrior

Me thinks guys like Swanny have way too much time on their hands to think up these elaborate fantasies where gay couples having equality leads to cannibalistic gay orgies.

Just a tad.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:26:33pm

Polls have closed in eastern Kentucky.
Parts of western Kentucky are on central time, so they have another 35 minutes to go.
Results I’ve seen so far are six precincts in GOP strongholds. They better enjoy that slim lead while they can…

KGxvi  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:27:05pm

re: #10 Not a Sparkly Vampire


I’m guessing I don’t need the spoiler tag for that?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:30:26pm

Lexington precincts reporting now.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:31:07pm
Eric The Fruit Bat  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:33:41pm

Soylent Green, anyone?

Someone should remind him that he’s a sinner (and we’re all sinners) and fall short of the Kingdom of Heaven. He should also be reminded that while he’s looking at the speck in the homosexeual’s eye, he’s got a log in HIS eye.

It’s amazing that the Catholic Jindhal’s with him-to the real hardcore fundies, he’s definitely on the outs due to the whole issue with Mother Mary.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:34:01pm

jeebus…this is not good

Eventual Carrion  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:35:46pm

re: #12 Bird in the Paw

Colorado, come for the Gay Wedding, stay for the tasty human flesh. Engh, don’t see that one catching on in the tourism industry.

Needs a council, like the one for pork.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:36:06pm

just for shitz and gigglez:

Kid A  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:36:06pm

That hideous 80’s-style black leather jacket he’s wearing in the photo could lead to cannibalism.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:36:27pm

pedophilia, rape, cannibalism

but what about parthenogenesis and albigensianism?

Archangelus  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:37:40pm
lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:38:44pm

A bunch of countries had gay marriage before the US Supreme Court legalized it (Netherlands going back to 2001; Belgium in 2003; South Africa in 2006, etc.). No signs of the apocalypse there. No cannibalism. No mass consumption of Soylent Green. A whole lot of nothing.

Except these folks thrive on the hate. It’s what they do.

So, to connect with their like minded herd-mentality, they’ve got to resort to ever more extreme outcomes.

There’s no word on what happens when none of this comes to pass. They’ll simply move on to the next outrageous outrage resulting in the apocalypse. Until the next one.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:39:59pm
TedStriker  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:40:08pm

re: #12 Bird in the Paw

Colorado, come for the Gay Wedding, stay for the tasty human flesh. Engh, don’t see that one catching on in the tourism industry.

And wash it all down with a post-dinner spliff.

b_sharp  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:42:37pm

re: #25 lawhawk

A bunch of countries had gay marriage before the US Supreme Court legalized it (Netherlands going back to 2001; Belgium in 2003; South Africa in 2006, etc.). No signs of the apocalypse there. No cannibalism. No mass consumption of Soylent Green. A whole lot of nothing.

Except these folks thrive on the hate. It’s what they do.

So, to connect with their like minded herd-mentality, they’ve got to resort to ever more extreme outcomes.

There’s no word on what happens when none of this comes to pass. They’ll simply move on to the next outrageous outrage resulting in the apocalypse. Until the next one.

You haven’t seen what been going on up here, have you?

We even have cats & dogs living together.

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:44:39pm

re: #26 Backwoods_Sleuth

In the midst of closing deal with Murdoch, it terminated 180 employees, or 9 percent of its staff.

Gotta make room for the leggy blonde ethnographers.

lawhawk  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:44:48pm

re: #28 b_sharp

You haven’t seen what been going on up here, have you?

We even have cats & dogs living together.

Mass hysteria!

Eventual Carrion  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:47:49pm

re: #27 TedStriker

And wash it all down with a post-dinner spliff.

Yeah man. I’m waiting to see if I’m moving down the road to Ohio.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:49:42pm

Broken arm update Day 34:
Found that I can drive the Blazer using my left arm to assist the broken right arm to put the vehicle into gear.
So I took a spin into town.

Also, saw several vehicles pulling into my polling place in town just before it closed at 6 p.m.
Coming back into the holler at dusk, saw a wee bat flying in front of me.
A bat…in NOVEMBER!

I’m hoping that’s not a bad sign for the election here…

GlutenFreeJesus  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:50:19pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:50:52pm


Archangelus  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:52:06pm

re: #34 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

Yes, Ben, they’re called your supporters….

Eventual Carrion  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:53:17pm

re: #35 Archangelus

Yes, Ben, they’re called your supporters….

That’s what I was thinking. Only explanation for his poll numbers.

sizzzzlerz  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:55:24pm

re: #20 Eventual Carrion

Needs a council, like the one for pork.

The Long Pig Council, promoters of the other, other white meat.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:55:49pm

re: #32 Backwoods_Sleuth

Broken arm update Day 34:
Found that I can drive the Blazer using my left arm to assist the broken right arm to put the vehicle into gear.
So I took a spin into town.

Also, saw several vehicles pulling into my polling place in town just before it closed at 6 p.m.
Coming back into the holler at dusk, saw a wee bat flying in front of me.
A bat…in NOVEMBER!

I’m hoping that’s not a bad sign for the election here…

They still sell necker’s knobs?

KGxvi  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:55:57pm

re: #35 Archangelus

When you consider the polling support that Carson and Trump are getting, it’s probably right around 27% - which, well, yeah…

No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:56:29pm

re: #35 Archangelus

Yes, Ben, they’re called your supporters….

Yeah, this is the first time I’ve agreed with Ben. If not for stupid people, Republicans would get less than 5% of the vote.

sizzzzlerz  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:57:23pm

re: #34 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

Turn around, Ben

TedStriker  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:58:58pm

re: #32 Backwoods_Sleuth

Broken arm update Day 34:
Found that I can drive the Blazer using my left arm to assist the broken right arm to put the vehicle into gear.
So I took a spin into town.

Also, saw several vehicles pulling into my polling place in town just before it closed at 6 p.m.
Coming back into the holler at dusk, saw a wee bat flying in front of me.
A bat…in NOVEMBER!

I’m hoping that’s not a bad sign for the election here…

Reminds me of the scene in Caddyshack, during the big cash game with Ty Webb and Al Czervik against Judge Smails and Dr. Beeper at the end of the movie, where Ty hits a drive and the ball is impaled on the beak of a crow/raven, which then flies off:

Czervik: “That’s good luck!”
Webb: “Yeah, in Haiti.”


HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 3:59:32pm


HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:00:31pm

re: #34 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

Now just imagine the response if a Dem said that. Oh and look who’s talking Ben.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:01:14pm
jaunte  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:01:31pm

re: #34 Backwoods_Sleuth

Even if all the media tries to shut you down—which they have tried very much to do with me. But they can’t because the good Lord has provided me with mechanisms like my syndicated column and like Fox News. We’d be Cuba if there were no Fox News.

Just become a successful surgeon and you can tell people all kinds of stupid things.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:01:58pm

re: #34 Backwoods_Sleuth


Skousen believed that the civil rights movement, acceptance of homosexuality, the rise of abstract art and modernism, and the advent of Medicare and Social Security were all part of a clandestine scheme

…poodle dogs, mixed drinks, close dancing, air conditioning…

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:02:27pm

re: #14 Backwoods_Sleuth

Polls have closed in eastern Kentucky.
Parts of western Kentucky are on central time, so they have another 35 minutes to go.
Results I’ve seen so far are six precincts in GOP strongholds. They better enjoy that slim lead while they can…

They won’t though—if they see themselves ahead once, that’s it.

Here the first few votes that come in always skew heavily Republican. It used to be because absentee ballots were counted first, and only rich and old people ordered absentee ballots. Now that they’re all essentially absentee ballots, I don’t know why it is.

The first few hundred votes posted always show the Republican ahead, and they start screaming “WE WUN!!11!! TAKE THAT LIBTARDZ!!11!!” Then when it inevitably turns around: “WE WUZ ROBED!!11!! ELECSHUN FRUAD!!11!!” They’ll never give it up.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:03:32pm

Ben is furiously fapping thinking of penises.
His timeline is full of penises.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:04:31pm

re: #49 The Vicious Babushka

Ben is furiously fapping thinking of penises.
His timeline is full of penises.

[Embedded content]

only because female penises are much much bigger than his…

TedStriker  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:04:39pm

re: #49 The Vicious Babushka

Ben is furiously fapping thinking of penises.
His timeline is full of penises.

[Embedded content]

It wouldn’t surprise me one damn bit if he were closeted…self-loathing and closeted.

wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:04:57pm

re: #45 klys (maker of Silmarils)

[Embedded content]

God damned dispatcher giving more consideration to the Open Carry law…

EmmaAnne  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:05:10pm

I voted a couple of weeks ago (it’s all by mail in Colorado). Most interesting issue was whether to let our town keep all of the marijuana tax income. Seems like a no brainer - otherwise it goes back to the sellers - but hopefully people won’t see the word “tax” (or the word “marijuana”) and freak out.

Colorado has a really insidious law called TABOR. All tax increases have to be voted for which doesn’t sound so bad. But a lot of things count as an increase that you wouldn’t think. We already voted for marijuana taxes, but they came in at a higher than expected amount, so we have to vote again for the government to be allowed to keep them. If revenues go down in a recession, we have to vote again for them to go back up after the recession.

TedStriker  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:05:27pm

re: #50 Backwoods_Sleuth

only because female penises are much much bigger than his…

Hey, I’ve seen some “movies”…


The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:05:48pm
Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:06:04pm

Taco Bell executive charged in attack on Uber driver

A former Taco Bell executive was charged Tuesday in connection with an assault on an Uber driver, who defended himself by dousing the suspect with pepper spray in Costa Mesa, authorities said.

Benjamin Golden, 32, of Newport Beach, faces four counts of assault, battery, battery on a public transit employee with injury and assault on public transportation property, according to the Orange County district attorney’s office. All charges are misdemeanors.

Ah, the well off. Who can blame them for wanting to beat the crap out of the little folk? That’s the way things were in the Good Old Days. At least he’s only facing misdemeanors.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:06:51pm

re: #52 wrenchwench

God damned dispatcher giving more consideration to the Open Carry law…

We’re supposed to say something if we see something suspicious, according to all my time at the airport and on public transportation.

I’m beginning to believe that really means “say if you see a black or brown person doing something that makes you uncomfortable, up to and including existing.”

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:07:00pm

re: #52 wrenchwench

God damned dispatcher giving more consideration to the Open Carry law…

Less likely to get into trouble that way.

dholmes32  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:08:18pm

Every time I see Kevin Swanson, I think “It’s Pastor Womb-Tomb!” because of his belief that women who take birth control pills have a uterus embedded with tiny embryos. I can’t believe I just typed that. It’s so stupid.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:08:20pm

A woman is just a hotel room made out of meat.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:09:10pm

re: #60 The Vicious Babushka

A woman is just a hotel room made out of meat.

[Embedded content]

jeebus…there’s a tiny fetus inside that fetus!

jaunte  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:09:18pm

re: #60 The Vicious Babushka

Looks like she’s about to give birth to Charlie Brown.

Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:10:15pm

This does not make me feel good. Conway needs to win Louisville by more than this.

wrenchwench  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:10:25pm

re: #58 Skip Intro

Less likely to get into trouble that way.

Time to change the law.

EmmaAnne  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:10:50pm

re: #63 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

This does not make me feel good. Conway needs to win Louisville by more than this.

[Embedded content]

God damned white people.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:11:03pm

re: #64 wrenchwench

Time to change the law.

Yeah, right. I’ll have some of what you’re smoking.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:11:52pm

Big Coal country, where the miners are non-union and mostly out of work and on government benefits.

No Country For Old Haters  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:12:46pm

re: #49 The Vicious Babushka

Ben is furiously fapping thinking of penises.
His timeline is full of penises.

[Embedded content]

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:13:07pm

re: #63 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

This does not make me feel good. Conway needs to win Louisville by more than this.

[Embedded content]

Conway needed to win more in Fayette County/Lexington, too.
This is so not good…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:14:04pm
Jenner7  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:15:02pm

If Bevin wins, people will lose their health care.

What are they thinking???

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:15:04pm

re: #61 Backwoods_Sleuth

jeebus…there’s a tiny fetus inside that fetus!

Wow, did not see that. Good catch.

b_sharp  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:15:30pm

re: #49 The Vicious Babushka

Ben is furiously fapping thinking of penises.
His timeline is full of penises.

[Embedded content]

Absolutely right there Ben. We all know how the world imploded and everyone died when girls saw a penis.

Are you sad it wasn’t yours?

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:16:38pm

re: #71 Jenner7

If Bevin wins, people will lose their health care.

What are they thinking???

I’ll let the leading GOP presidential candidate answer that: “Many of them are stupid.”

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:17:36pm

best time frame is 10 p.m. to 2 a.m.

dholmes32  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:18:22pm

re: #60 The Vicious Babushka

Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:18:46pm

re: #71 Jenner7

If Bevin wins, people will lose their health care.

What are they thinking???


Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:19:45pm


Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:20:30pm

re: #77 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs




Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:21:13pm

re: #71 Jenner7

If Bevin wins, people will lose their health care.

What are they thinking???

That it’s worth the risk if they get to screw the poor.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:22:37pm

so many truly stupid voters in Kentucky.
Even more stupid are the ones who couldn’t be bothered to vote.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:25:45pm
Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:25:47pm

re: #81 Backwoods_Sleuth

so many truly stupid voters in Kentucky.
Even more stupid are the ones who couldn’t be bothered to vote.

Not bothering to vote=not going to keep health insurance

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:27:04pm

re: “Americans are stupid.”

KGxvi  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:27:28pm

re: #82 Kragar

that is such a great song

Shiplord Kirel  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:28:03pm

This Swanson kook has “closet case” written all over him.

Kragar  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:28:27pm

re: #85 KGxvi

that is such a great song


KGxvi  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:29:57pm

re: #87 Kragar

I’m actually tempted to make it my new ringtone… but I do miss the ancient ability on itunes to create your own ringtones.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:30:02pm

re: #83 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

Not bothering to vote=not going to keep health insurance

= “right to work” aka you have no rights as a worker
= theocracy in government aka the Bible is law
= clean air and water are not important anymore


BeachDem  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:30:31pm

re: #67 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Big Coal country, where the miners are non-union and mostly out of work and on government benefits.

Which, of course, Bevin will be all for cutting. Arghhh. Don’t envy you the nailbiter. All we have here is a City Council election for 3 of 7 seats, and it’s maddening enough.

Shiplord Kirel  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:30:45pm

Flashback: 2% of hot dogs contain human DNA.


Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:31:59pm

Just got a robo call survey for Ted Cruz for President.


Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:32:20pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:33:47pm

heavily Democratic county.
good freaking grief.

Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:34:43pm

Starting to drink heavily…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:36:50pm

re: #95 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

Starting to drink heavily…

I’m right there with you…

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:39:27pm

Voting malarkey in Ohio maybe.

NBC Channel 4 ( is reporting…

HAMILTON CO., Ohio (WCMH)- Polls in Cincinnati and surrounding Hamilton County will remain open until 9 p.m. under a judge’s order after ResponsibleOhio, the group backing legalizing marijuana in Ohio, requested the polling extension after registration issues were reported.

The group says voters have reported problems voting. They say new electronic poll books are not finding their voter registration.

Polls in Cincinnati and surrounding Hamilton County will remain open until 9 p.m. under a judge’s order.

Common Pleas Judge Robert Ruehlman made the decision Tuesday in response to an emergency injunction filed by the marijuana legalization campaign ResponsibleOhio. The group sought the extension, citing problems experienced throughout the day involving a new electronic check-in system.

The election board fought the extension.

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:44:01pm

re: #50 Backwoods_Sleuth

only because female penises are much much bigger than his…

Benny is one sick sick dude. He really should seek help before he ends up out on the streets mumbling this crap to passersby. Well, that is if he doesn’t already do that anyway.

Eventual Carrion  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:48:01pm

re: #90 BeachDem

Which, of course, Bevin will be all for cutting. Arghhh. Don’t envy you the nailbiter. All we have here is a City Council election for 3 of 7 seats, and it’s maddening enough.

That’s about it here. Boro council seats and a couple judges, plus a few county commissioner seats.

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:48:05pm

re: #56 Skip Intro

Taco Bell executive charged in attack on Uber driver

Ah, the well off. Who can blame them for wanting to beat the crap out of the little folk? That’s the way things were in the Good Old Days. At least he’s only facing misdemeanors.

That asshole was an executive? WTF? I saw the video before this guy was named. He attacked the guy for no real reason other than to be a dick. Most likely a drunk dick.

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:50:25pm

re: #60 The Vicious Babushka

A woman is just a hotel room made out of meat.

[Embedded content]

Is the fetus pregnant???

Take a look…

Romantic Heretic  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:52:18pm

re: #37 sizzzzlerz

The Long Pig Council, promoters of the other, other white meat.

Guaranteed 99% Kuru Free.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:53:56pm

re: #100 ObserverArt

Yep-he was plowed. At least the driver was smart to have a dashcam. I’m surprised that Uber doesn’t ask what your destination is-seems to me it would make the process a whole lot faster.

Barefoot Grin  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:55:21pm

re: #6 jaunte

Hungry? Man Dinners

Embedded Image

Oh god I love rib-shaped pork patties!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:56:42pm

re: #104 Barefoot Grin

Oh god I love rib-shaped pork food product patties!


Jenner7  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:57:27pm


Romantic Heretic  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:57:55pm

re: #45 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Sigh. Another human sacrifice for the faith known as ‘Murica. The tree of liberty must be watered with blood!

Forgive me if I keep saying this but it amazes and angers me that America allows, even in some cases encourages, this level of violence.

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:58:37pm

re: #104 Barefoot Grin

Oh god I love rib-shaped pork patties!

I thought they looked like they were from McDonald’s. They have that same funky McRib look to them. Tyson Chicken Patties. McRibs. Mmmmmm…that’s some eatin’ right there!


Barefoot Grin  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:58:38pm

re: #105 Backwoods_Sleuth


As long as they have natural flavors….

Barefoot Grin  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:59:21pm

re: #108 ObserverArt

I thought they looked like they were from McDonalds. They have that same funky McRib look to them. Tyson Chicken Patties. McRibs. Mmmmmm…that’s some eatin’ right there!


I have never understood the cult of McRib.

Jay C  Nov 3, 2015 • 4:59:35pm

re: #100 ObserverArt

That asshole was an executive? WTF? I saw the video before this guy was named. He attacked the guy for no real reason other than to be a dick. Most likely a drunk dick.

According to the narrative accompanying the video, he was so drunk when he got in the car, he couldn’t tell the driver where he was going: the driver didn’t want to deal, so he pulled over (after turning his dash-cam around), and Golden started waling on him. I heard he (Golden) was fired: he’ll have a lot of time free for walking now….

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:01:36pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:01:40pm


ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:02:12pm

re: #110 Barefoot Grin

I have never understood the cult of McRib.

I could never even bring myself to try one. They just looked wrong. And I have a texture issue with some meats…and they looked like they could trigger a response.

: )

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:03:12pm
Romantic Heretic  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:03:19pm

re: #71 Jenner7

If Bevin wins, people will lose their health care.

What are they thinking???

That other people will lose their health care. They, being good people, need not fear. Only the moochers and the lazy will get what they deserve.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:04:02pm

in other news…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:05:23pm

re: #116 Romantic Heretic

That other people will lose their health care. They, being good people, need not fear. Only the moochers and the lazy will get what they deserve.

I know a LOT of people who got very affordable health insurance via Kynect.

Not a single one of them could be bothered to vote today.

EmmaAnne  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:05:32pm

re: #106 Jenner7

[Embedded content]


That guy is so fucking guilty. I just read up on his case, and the women’s stories are backed up by his cruiser GPS and repeated checks in the crime database*. And there are like 12 of them, all telling similar stories, before he was arrested or it was at all public. If he gets off, I might go burn a 7-11.

*He coerced a bunch of the women by threatening them with open warrants. His downfall was when he became cocky and assaulted a middle class woman with no record or warrants. She went to the police with her daughter.

One of the women he kept going back to her house and assaulting her some more. All on the GPS.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:07:12pm

*stares at the bottle of Scotch*

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:07:29pm

re: #118 Backwoods_Sleuth

I know a LOT of people who got very affordable health insurance via Kynect.

Not a single one of them could be bothered to vote today.

Perhaps they’ll learn by next November.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:07:54pm

re: #121 Decatur Deb

Perhaps they’ll learn by next November.

probably not…

Jenner7  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:08:02pm

re: #118 Backwoods_Sleuth



I got nothing.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:08:42pm

re: #121 Decatur Deb

Perhaps they’ll learn by next November.

If they didn’t learn in 2014 they never will.

Romantic Heretic  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:09:04pm

re: #118 Backwoods_Sleuth

I know a LOT of people who got very affordable health insurance via Kynect.

Not a single one of them could be bothered to vote today.

I just gave an imaginary person complaining about losing their health care that over-my-glasses glare that says, “Do you really expect me to feel sorry for you, jackass?”

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:09:20pm

re: #118 Backwoods_Sleuth

I know a LOT of people who got very affordable health insurance via Kynect.

Not a single one of them could be bothered to vote today.


So, when they get kicked off the chances are good it will be Obama’s fault. America. No one is home.

Barefoot Grin  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:10:25pm

re: #114 ObserverArt

I could never even bring myself to try one. They just looked wrong. And I have a texture issue with some meats…and they looked like they could trigger a response.

: )

Exactly same for me. I haven’t had a chicken nugget in years—not since seeing what they look like before they’re assembled.

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:10:34pm

re: #122 Backwoods_Sleuth

probably not…

You might want to do your 2016 GOTV in Ohio.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:10:48pm

shit shit shit

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:10:50pm

re: #126 ObserverArt


So, when they get kicked off the chances are good it will be Obama’s fault. America. No one is home.

” I voted for Obama and I still don’t have health insurance. This time I’m voting GOP; at least they have a plan”.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:11:06pm

re: #129 Backwoods_Sleuth

I’m sorry.

Jenner7  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:11:44pm

This sucks for Kentucky. Damn.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:12:00pm


Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:12:15pm

re: #129 Backwoods_Sleuth

shit shit shit

[Embedded content]

Don’t feel bad. There’s always Alabama, Mississippi and Louisiana.

Mattand  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:13:12pm

re: #120 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

*stares at the bottle of Scotch*


ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:13:14pm

re: #129 Backwoods_Sleuth

shit shit shit

[Embedded content]

Sad. Blue with the bluegrass state of mind.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:14:03pm

At least I have my bunker new house almost finished, along with alternative energy sources.

Oh, and my gunz…


Mattand  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:14:42pm

re: #129 Backwoods_Sleuth

I’m guessing Bevin made a huge promise to repeal Kynect?

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:16:14pm

re: #136 ObserverArt

Sad. Blue with the bluegrass state of mind.

CHIEFTAINS feat MARK KNOPFLER -Lily of the west - Long Black Veil

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:16:58pm

re: #138 Mattand

I’m guessing Bevin made a huge promise to repeal Kynect?


Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:17:17pm
Jenner7  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:17:49pm

Chicago Police Say Boy, 9, May Have Been Targeted in Fatal Shooting

The police in Chicago are investigating whether a 9-year-old boy who was shot dead in an alley may have been targeted in the shooting.

The city’s chief of detectives, Dean Andrews, said in a news conference late Monday that the police responded to a call at 4:15 that afternoon of a shooting in a South Side neighborhood. The boy was found in an alley with multiple gunshot wounds to his upper body.

Chief Andrews said a number of people were in the alley when an argument broke out and gunshots followed. The others fled. The police have not determined a motive.

This makes my heart hurt. 9 years old.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:19:05pm


TedStriker  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:19:47pm

re: #138 Mattand

I’m guessing Bevin made a huge promise to repeal Kynect?

Bevin (the Dem) or Conway (the presumptive GOP winner)?

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:20:08pm

re: #144 TedStriker

Bevin (the Dem) or Conway (the presumptive GOP winner)?

You have it backwards.

TedStriker  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:20:44pm

re: #145 klys (maker of Silmarils)

You have it backwards.


Barefoot Grin  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:21:05pm

Random thought about all those people I’d see smoking away in front of University of Kentucky Hospital everyday, often in hospital gowns. Most of them probably kynect recipients now. (One morning I volunteered for clean-up near Good Foods Co-op in Lexington; mostly I was picking up cigarette butts off the side of the road—and three times picking up a smoldering cigarette butt that some asshole threw from his car near me.)

Kryptik  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:21:49pm

Republicans can drink baby’s blood live on TV and burn people alive, and they still will never suffer electoral consequences ever long as there’s a Dem boogieman to hold up, it seems like.

Republicans seem to honest to god own the entire fucking country on the state level below.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:22:02pm
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:23:45pm

re: #110 Barefoot Grin

I have never understood the cult of McRib.

“They’re meat—where the bones are also meat!”

—Doug Heffernan

TedStriker  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:24:33pm

re: #148 Kryptik

Republicans can drink baby’s blood live on TV and burn people alive, and they still will never suffer electoral consequences ever long as there’s a Dem boogieman to hold up, it seems like.

Republicans seem to honest to god own the entire fucking country on the state level below.

That’s why they concentrate like a laser beam on gaining it and keeping it on the state level (and in many areas outside large cities), because that’s where their national power flows from. Let’s face it, this is where the GOP have the Democrats beat in much of the country, such as here in TN, where, on the state level, Democrats have been reduced to a powerless minority in state government.

If this is a harbinger for next year, there could be dark days ahead indeed.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:25:52pm

400,000 people will lose their access to affordable health insurance.


OTOH, fundamentalist Xtians in public office can force their religion on everyone.

People are just too stupid for words.

Mattand  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:26:39pm

I keep saying that if you’re going to vote Republican, you really might as well support a group like ISIS or Al Queda. The latter two are at least up front about wanting fuck over Americans and hurt them as badly as possible.

No Depression  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:26:57pm

re: #149 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

It’s always sad to see people’s brains become so addled with small-minded hatred that they would vote against their own best interests.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:27:30pm

Usually a reliable Democratic stronghold:

Kryptik  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:27:47pm

re: #153 Mattand

But Republicans really do want to help Americans. The problem is that their definition of “Americans” is prohibitively narrow and doesn’t include heathens like you, me, or the poor fucker working 2 jobs just to make rent.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:28:25pm

re: #155 Backwoods_Sleuth

Voting must be really hard where you live.

Jenner7  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:28:50pm

re: #155 Backwoods_Sleuth

So infuriating! As a registered Democrat, I’m embarrassed. We have to do better than this.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:30:07pm

i think hippies like me in their 60s are suffering from new age old age


Kryptik  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:30:43pm

re: #158 Jenner7

The problem I keep running into is trying to convince people on the merits of the leftward side of things, and instead, they fall for wholly implausible shit from the rightward side of things that they decide is infinitely more sensical and shoot rightward on every other fucking issue just out of spite.

I’ve honestly given up on any sort of advocacy because it feels like the more I try, the more Republicans I make instead. This country simply cannot suffer a liberal to live, it feels like, and I’ve legitimately given up.

Jay C  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:31:57pm

re: #155 Backwoods_Sleuth

Usually a reliable Democratic stronghold:

[Embedded content]

A couple of questions (as Bevins’ margin of victory seems so large):

1. What was the matter with the polling? Almost every poll I had seen gave Conway a definite (if narrowing) lead right up until last week. How could they get this so wrong?

2. Why the dismal turnout? I know off-year elections don’t bring folks to the polls like in a Presidential year, but for a Governor’s race?

Eric The Fruit Bat  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:32:14pm

re: #119 EmmaAnne

The worst part is that they’ll downplay the victims because of their past histories (with one notable exception) and unless they can impeach her testimony he’ll walk.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:32:29pm

Did the DNC offer any help before the election?

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:32:35pm

re: #155 Backwoods_Sleuth

Usually a reliable Democratic stronghold:

Turnout in Jefferson County/Louisville was 35%.

I think I see your problem, there.

Mattand  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:32:56pm

re: #160 Kryptik

The problem I keep running into is trying to convince people on the merits of the leftward side of things, and instead, they fall for wholly implausible shit from the rightward side of things that they decide is infinitely more sensical and shoot rightward on every other fucking issue just out of spite.

I’ve honestly given up on any sort of advocacy because it feels like the more I try, the more Republicans I make instead. This country simply cannot suffer a liberal to live, it feels like, and I’ve legitimately given up.

Same problem here. I’ll keep it short, because everyone’s sick of hearing it, but I’m surrounded by “independents” who, instead of being horrified about the GOP insanity I point out, go “Everyone’s bad!” and then vote GOP.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:38:30pm

re: #161 Jay C

A couple of questions (as Bevins’ margin of victory seems so large):

1. What was the matter with the polling? Almost every poll I had seen gave Conway a definite (if narrowing) lead right up until last week. How could they get this so wrong?

2. Why the dismal turnout? I know off-year elections don’t bring folks to the polls like in a Presidential year, but for a Governor’s race?

1. I never pay attention to polling because it’s usually not accurate.
2. People are just lazy. “My vote doesn’t count, so why even bother?”

Since you didn’t ask, here’s my next opinion:
3. Running away from Obama was a disaster for Dems running for US Senate in 2012 and 2014. They didn’t learn then that it turned off a lot of voters and stayed with that losing strategy.

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:38:39pm

Close your eyes, stop your ears
Close your mouth and then you know
Let others take the lead and you bring up the rear
And later you can say you didn’t know

Today you may earn a living wage
Tomorrow you may be on the dole
Though there’s millions going hungry, you needn’t disengage
For it’s them, not you, that’s fallen in the hole

It’s alright for you if you run with the pack
It’s alright if you agree with all they do
If the fascist’s party slowly climbing back
It’s not here yet, so what’s it got to do with you?

Solas - Song Of Choice

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:39:20pm

Later folks. May be back later to get in a comment about Ohio Issue 3 - Legalization of The Weed.

Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:39:38pm

What lost tonight.

No Depression  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:40:30pm

re: #169 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

What lost tonight.

Embedded Image

Embedded Image

Damn :(

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:41:24pm

re: #169 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

What lost tonight.

[Embedded content]

yep. My county is one of those big BIG losers.

GlutenFreeJesus  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:43:26pm

KY is exactly why I think the Presidential election next year is not a sure thing for us.

teleskiguy  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:44:35pm

Folks, as of tonight, there are 32 Republican governors, 17 Democratic governors, and one independent. Do not underestimate Republican politics, especially going in to 2016.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:45:16pm

re: #171 Backwoods_Sleuth

yep. My county is one of those big BIG losers.

Watching KET, I have hope that the GOP isn’t suicidal enough to take Medicaid away from 400,000 people. More likely they will seek a federal waiver to buy them private health insurance like in Indiana. Hve to look for silver linings.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:45:39pm

re: #173 teleskiguy

Folks, as of tonight, there are 32 Republican governors, 17 Democratic governors, and one independent. Do not underestimate Republican politics, especially going in to 2016.

i’ve been figuring 50/50 trump will be the next president

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:46:44pm

re: #172 GlutenFreeJesus

KY is exactly why I think the Presidenrial election next year is not a sure thing for us.

In presidential elections, Kentucky is deep red. This election says nothing to suggest that Hillary is vulnerable next year. After the October she just had, and watching the GOP presidential train wreck, I’m feeling very good about her chances.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:47:50pm

re: #175 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

i’ve been figuring 50/50 trump will be the next president

Not a chance. Trump is galvanizing the Hispanic community; he is our greatest weapon against the GOP.

No Depression  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:48:44pm

re: #175 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

i’ve been figuring 50/50 trump will be the next president

Isn’t it a little late for scary stories? /

Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:50:36pm

Only good news tonight

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:51:40pm

re: #179 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

Only good news tonight

[Embedded content]

Beshear is still leading in a tight Attorney General race

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:51:43pm

re: #176 Big Beautiful Door

In presidential elections, Kentucky is deep red. This election says nothing to suggest that Hillary is vulnerable next year. After the October she just had, and watching the GOP presidential train wreck, I’m feeling very good about her chances.

Bill Clinton was the last Democrat to win Kentucky.
Barely (0.96%), but he won the state.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:52:30pm

Dr. Case found that the number of whites with mental illnesses and the number reporting they had difficulty socializing increased in tandem. Along with that, increasing numbers of middle-aged whites said they were unable to work. She also saw matching increases in the numbers reporting pain and the numbers reporting difficulty socializing, difficulty shopping, difficulty walking for two blocks.


Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:52:31pm
Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:52:39pm

re: #181 Backwoods_Sleuth

Bill Clinton was the last Democrat to win Kentucky.
Barely (0.96%), but he won the state.

That was with Perot in the race. Not a chance Hillary will win Kentucky. But she doesn’t need to.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:53:11pm

re: #183 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

[Embedded content]

They are right.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:54:23pm

re: #183 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

[Embedded content]


Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:55:05pm

re: #71 Jenner7

If Bevin wins, people will lose their health care.

What are they thinking???

That all those other people will lose their health care, not them.

Kryptik  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:55:15pm

re: #176 Big Beautiful Door

I don’t think the point is that the result is a harbinger for how KY will go in the presidential election, so much as it’s a harbinger for the fact that Americans in general seem to refuse to hand Republicans any sort of electoral consequences whatsoever and the bolder and brasher and more insane they become, the more Americans seem to want to reward them for ‘sanity’.

jaunte  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:55:26pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:56:11pm
Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:57:04pm

re: #188 Kryptik

I don’t think the point is that the result is a harbinger for how KY will go in the presidential election, so much as it’s a harbinger for the fact that Americans in general seem to refuse to hand Republicans any sort of electoral consequences whatsoever and the bolder and brasher and more insane they become, the more Americans seem to want to reward them for ‘sanity’.

Some Americans. The electorate in presidential elections is much younger and browner than in off-year elections. And the GOP is pushing them away.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:58:07pm

re: #190 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

I really believe Medicaid expansion will not be canceled, but instead Kentucky will negotiate for a federal waiver for a system like Indiana’s.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:58:18pm

re: #191 Big Beautiful Door

Of course they have to actually vote. That seems to be a problem.

Kryptik  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:58:26pm

re: #191 Big Beautiful Door

The way things are going, I’m not sure if that demographic advantage we’re suppose to have is going to offset the sheer numbers voting off spite.

Then again, as I’ve noted above, my experiences have been colored bleakly.

TedStriker  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:59:02pm

re: #172 GlutenFreeJesus

KY is exactly why I think the Presidenrial election next year is not a sure thing for us.

re: #173 teleskiguy

Folks, as of tonight, there are 32 Republican governors, 17 Democratic governors, and one independent. Do not underestimate Republican politics, especially going in to 2016.

We Democrats (and those who lean Democrat) have an uphill battle to keep from being subsumed completely in state and federal races, but we have to: we have no choice, because the one thing that seems to really, really be working for the GOP is, pretty much from top to bottom, they vote, period.

The GOP may lie their asses off to the electorate and to the media, they may fight dirty, but, damnit, at least they fight. When you have Republicans, no matter how old, infirm, or otherwise occupied in daily pursuits, that would crawl through rusty nails and broken glass, then swim through a moat of molten lava, just to pull the handle for their candidates, Democrats can’t afford to sit out elections or go “independent” or “libertarian” (which has basically become code for “a Republican who likes to smoke weed and have casual sex”), just to “send a message” about the slightest displeasure, no matter how petty, trifling, or completely not based in reality it is, about who is trying to represent them.

Damnit, we’re up against the wall here and it sucks, but we must fight.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 5:59:45pm

re: #120 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

*stares at the bottle of Scotch*

And this is why it won’t matter what the party does during midterms, Democrats just will not go out and vote.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:02:18pm

re: #196 Belafon

And this is why it won’t matter what the party does during midterms, Democrats just will not go out and vote.

I have a freaking broken arm and managed to go vote.
Held my nose and voted for Conway for all the good it did.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:02:33pm

re: #194 Kryptik

The way things are going, I’m not sure if that demographic advantage we’re suppose to have is going to offset the sheer numbers voting off spite.

Then again, as I’ve noted above, my experiences have been colored bleakly.

The GOP base is dying off. Next year the electorate will be browner than it was in 2012. Trump is energizing the Hispanic community to organize and get out and vote. I am confident that, barring an economic downturn, Hillary will win.

Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:03:57pm


Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:05:30pm

re: #199 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs


Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:07:32pm
TedStriker  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:08:11pm

re: #198 Big Beautiful Door

The GOP base is dying off. Next year the electorate will be browner than it was in 2012. Trump is energizing the Hispanic community to organize and get out and vote. I am confident that, barring an economic downturn, Hillary will win.

Hillary may win next year (and I certainly hope so, even if I have to hold my nose when I push the button), but nights like tonight make it crystal clear that she will have the same problems, at least in a first term, that President Obama has had since the 2010 and 2012 elections: Republicans in complete control of Congress blocking everything coming from the White House or anything that can be construed as a “victory” for the President.

That is why we fight.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:08:22pm

There have always been death panels. We used to call them health insurance companies.

No Depression  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:08:43pm

re: #198 Big Beautiful Door

The GOP base is dying off. Next year the electorate will be browner than it was in 2012. Trump is energizing the Hispanic community to organize and get out and vote. I am confident that, barring an economic downturn, Hillary will win.

Don’t be so sure of that. Wingnuts have kids too, and they can be just as stupid and hateful as their parents. As a millenial, I know from experience.

dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:08:51pm

re: #198 Big Beautiful Door

The GOP base is dying off. Next year the electorate will be browner than it was in 2012. Trump is energizing the Hispanic community to organize and get out and vote. I am confident that, barring an economic downturn, Hillary will win.

hot offa the presses:

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ Clinton 50, Trump 42 Clinton +8
General Election: Carson vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ Carson 47, Clinton 47 Tie
General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ Clinton 47, Rubio 44 Clinton +3
General Election: Bush vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ Bush 43, Clinton 47 Clinton +4

it’s this business of carson consistently doing the best against democrats that’s got me worried

teleskiguy  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:09:03pm

Hey, this is good news. Hopefully all those Tea Party school board members in Jefferson County, Colorado get their asses handed to them.

TedStriker  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:09:22pm

re: #198 Big Beautiful Door

The GOP base is dying off. Next year the electorate will be browner than it was in 2012. Trump is energizing the Hispanic community to organize and get out and vote. I am confident that, barring an economic downturn, Hillary will win.

re: #204 No Depression

Don’t be so sure of that. Wingnuts have kids too, and they can be just as stupid and hateful as their parents. As a millenial, I know from experience.

See: Johnson, Chuck C.; Shapiro, Ben; et al

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:09:31pm
Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:09:39pm

re: #198 Big Beautiful Door

The GOP base is dying off. Next year the electorate will be browner than it was in 2012. Trump is energizing the Hispanic community to organize and get out and vote. I am confident that, barring an economic downturn, Hillary will win.

I think Clinton or Sanders will win, and we’ll pick up the Senate and narrow the House.

I just really wish there was a way to get more Democrats to vote in midterms.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:09:40pm

re: #203 Skip Intro

There have always been death panels. We used to call them health insurance companies.

Oh, but those would only affect other people.

(The extent to which people don’t acknowledge that drives me up a wall.)

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:10:20pm

re: #199 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

[Embedded content]

On KET Al Cross said that GOP Senate President Al Stivers said that the General Assembly, not the Governor, would decide what would happen to Medicaid expansion. Bevin changed his tune and said he would not cancel medicaid expansion. Huge numbers of people in republican counties are now on Medicaid. The state House is still democratic. Medicaid expansion is not going to be cancelled.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:10:39pm

re: #205 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

So we need to hope Trump gets to run.

I don’t think that’s going to happen. He’s just not crazy enough for the GOP.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:10:45pm
Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:10:48pm


Hillary may win next year (and I certainly hope so, even if I have to hold my nose when I push the button), but nights like tonight make it crystal clear that she will have the same problems, at least in a first term, that President Obama has had since the 2010 and 2012 elections: Republicans in compete control of Congress blocking everything coming from the White House or anything that can be construed as a “victory” for the President.

That is why we fight.

There is a very good chance that an HRC victory will carry into the senate race. The open seats favor the Democrats this time. But she has to win.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:11:51pm

re: #207 TedStriker

And Breitbart Ben and Dana Gunz and Mr. Dana Gunz and ….

Charles Johnson  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:11:53pm

It’s Kentucky, Jake.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:12:56pm

re: #205 dog philosopher ஐஒஔ௸

hot offa the presses:

General Election: Trump vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ Clinton 50, Trump 42 Clinton +8
General Election: Carson vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ Carson 47, Clinton 47 Tie
General Election: Rubio vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ Clinton 47, Rubio 44 Clinton +3
General Election: Bush vs. Clinton NBC/WSJ Bush 43, Clinton 47 Clinton +4

it’s this business of carson consistently doing the best against democrats that’s got me worried

All most people know about Carson is that he is a very nice doctor. Once real attention is turned on him, his numbers will go down.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:13:44pm

re: #201 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Bennen’s close, but I think it’s like Bush in 2000: People have notoriously short memories and assume that current success predicts the future.

TedStriker  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:14:04pm

re: #216 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

It’s Kentucky, Jake.

Isn’t much better a bit further south on I-65 here.

One of the few bright spots we have had here in Nashville lately is the election of our first female mayor, Megan Barry…and she’s a Democrat.

b.d.  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:14:30pm

re: #216 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

It’s Kentucky, Jake.

You mean the state that sent Rand Paul to the US Senate elected someone stupid?

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:14:58pm

re: #210 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I’m amazed that people have forgotten that up until a few years ago if you had a “pre-existing condition”, you couldn’t buy health insurance at any price unless you were lucky enough to fall through one of the cracks that the insurance companies hadn’t patched.

Then you got to pay 400% more than everybody else.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:15:34pm

re: #202 TedStriker

Hillary may win next year (and I certainly hope so, even if I have to hold my nose when I push the button), but nights like tonight make it crystal clear that she will have the same problems, at least in a first term, that President Obama has had since the 2010 and 2012 elections: Republicans in compete control of Congress blocking everything coming from the White House or anything that can be construed as a “victory” for the President.

That is why we fight.

That is true. Any progress Hillary makes will have to be by executive action.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:16:09pm

re: #221 Skip Intro

I’m amazed that people have forgotten that up until a few years ago if you had a “per-existing condition”, you couldn’t buy health insurance at any price unless you were lucky enough to fall through one of the cracks that the insurance companies hadn’t patched.

Then you got to pay 400% more than everybody else.

This is part of what got me started on the whole politics discussion with my MiL. I cannot stand some of the hypocrisy that is so prevalent on this issue.

thedopefishlives  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:17:55pm

Evening Lizardim.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:19:53pm

Kentucky is fried, but y’all can come on up to Detroit!
[I just watched that “Kentucky Fried” clip & did not realize until just now it’s racist as fuck but ich bin Detroiter]

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:20:42pm
thedopefishlives  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:21:19pm

re: #226 Backwoods_Sleuth

Try not to have too much fun. Just how crazy is this Republican sumbitch?

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:22:13pm

re: #222 Big Beautiful Door

That is true. Any progress Hillary makes will have to be by executive action.

She won’t be able to fill SC vacancies by executive action, and I have no doubt that the TPGOP would have no problem with leaving seats open unless she nominated a right winger.

Hell, some of them don’t think the SC has any business telling us what’s constitutional. Who needs them anyway?

teleskiguy  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:23:00pm

re: #226 Backwoods_Sleuth

That reminds me of my Three Colorados theory. There’s the Front Range (all the cities), the resort areas in the mountains, and everywhere else. It shows in every election.

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:24:12pm

re: #228 Skip Intro

She won’t be able to fill SC vacancies by executive action, and I have no doubt that the TPGOP would have no problem with leaving seats open unless she nominated a right winger.

Hell, some of them don’t think the SC has any business telling us what’s constitutional. Who needs them anyway?

The Senate is in play next year, assuming Democrats get off their asses.

thedopefishlives  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:24:19pm

re: #229 teleskiguy

That reminds me of my Three Colorados theory. There’s the Front Range (all the cities), the resort areas in the mountains, and everywhere else. It shows in every election.

Most states have similar splits. Minnesota has the Twin Cities suburbs, and everywhere else. Amusingly, the Cities themselves fall into “everywhere else”; it’s just the surburbanites that seem to have Republican leanings.

Decatur Deb  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:24:54pm

re: #229 teleskiguy

There’s only one Alabama.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:25:02pm

re: #230 Decatur Deb

The Senate is in play next year, assuming Democrats get off their asses.

Yes, Hillary will hopefully have a Senate majority the first two years.

Charles Johnson  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:25:07pm
The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:25:15pm

re: #229 teleskiguy

That reminds me of my Three Colorados theory. There’s the Front Range (all the cities), the resort areas in the mountains, and everywhere else. It shows in every election.

In Michigan there’s the 3-counties around Detroit and the Ann Arbor corridor (solid blue) and the rest of the state is red as fuck.

Most actual people live in the 3 counties.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:25:19pm

Stumbo is the speaker of our state house of representatives…

bratwurst  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:25:28pm

Who knows more about being considered “cool” than Bill?

kirkspencer  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:25:29pm

re: #217 Big Beautiful Door

All most people know about Carson is that he is a very nice doctor. Once real attention is turned on him, his numbers will go down.

One of my concerns about Carson running against Hillary is the number of misogynist D’s I know.Give them liberal cover of a sorts and it may hurt her a bit.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:26:07pm

re: #227 thedopefishlives

Try not to have too much fun. Just how crazy is this Republican sumbitch?

Bevin is totally insane.
And his lt gov running mate is even worse.

thedopefishlives  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:26:37pm

re: #239 Backwoods_Sleuth

Bevin is totally insane.
And his lt gov running mate is even worse.

Ouch. Well, the good news is, I imagine bourbon must be in plentiful supply.


TedStriker  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:26:55pm

re: #239 Backwoods_Sleuth

Bevin is totally insane.
And his lt gov running mate is even worse.

IOW, it just became Texas, Northern Edition?

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:26:56pm

re: #237 bratwurst

Does Billo really pretend that what he does can be separated into commentary and non-commentary?

PhillyPretzel  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:27:33pm

I am back from a crazy day at the polls. It was an okay day up until closing. When five divisions close up the day it is chaos. My home division and another were finished in 10 minutes. In another 10 minutes two more divisions finished up. One division took close to half an hour to close because they do not know how to do it properly for our resident OCD person. And to top it off the resident OCD person thought I went home before getting the printouts from her. I am still waiting for my ward leader to respond to the last message I left for him. He has 30 minutes to get the printouts.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:29:08pm

re: #241 TedStriker

IOW, it just became Texas, Northern Edition?

The democrats still control the State House of Representatives. So they can stymie the insanity.

Skip Intro  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:29:40pm

re: #233 Big Beautiful Door

Well, we now know that Rand Paul won’t be looking for a new job.

kirkspencer  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:29:43pm

re: #241 TedStriker

IOW, it just became Texas, Northern Edition?

Actually, I’m betting on Brownback’s Kansas, The Sequel.

TedStriker  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:30:32pm

re: #229 teleskiguy

That reminds me of my Three Colorados theory. There’s the Front Range (all the cities), the resort areas in the mountains, and everywhere else. It shows in every election.

re: #235 The Vicious Babushka

In Michigan there’s the 3-counties around Detroit and the Ann Arbor corridor (solid blue) and the rest of the state is red as fuck.

Most actual people live in the 3 counties.

Here in TN, it’s the heavily-Democratic cities of Nashville and Memphis versus Chattanooga, Knoxville, and everywhere else.

TedStriker  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:31:18pm

re: #244 Big Beautiful Door

The democrats still control the State House of Representatives. So they can stymie the insanity.

IIRC, isn’t Dem control there pretty tight?

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:31:26pm

re: #245 Skip Intro

Well, we now know that Rand Paul won’t be looking for a new job.

Ashley Judd may run against him. She’ll lose, but at least it will be entertaining.

Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:32:04pm

re: #239 Backwoods_Sleuth

Bevin is totally insane.
And his lt gov running mate is even worse.

Oh shit don’t make me think about her


Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:32:35pm

re: #250 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

Oh shit don’t make me think about her


oh, indeed…she is a real piece of something…

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:33:02pm

Ben is being A Real Douchehole, because it is a day!

A couple of years ago I watched a movie “Iron Jawed Maidens” I think it was called, whiched showed how the early suffragettes had violence DONE TO THEM but they themselves did not incite riots, burn shit down or murder people. So Ben is full of Scheiße as usual.

Barefoot Grin  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:35:37pm

re: #252 The Vicious Babushka

Ben is being A Real Douchehole, because it is a day!

[Embedded content]

A couple of years ago I watched a movie “Iron Jawed Maidens” I think it was called, whiched showed how the early suffragettes had violence DONE TO THEM but they themselves did not incite riots, burn shit down or murder people. So Ben is full of Scheiße as usual.

I’d wager he’s really writing about #BLM.

Feline Fearless Leader  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:37:37pm

Arches yesterday, John Day today!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:38:32pm

and with that…I’m headed off to sleep.
laterz, lizardz.

jaunte  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:38:41pm

re: #252 The Vicious Babushka

We talk about the feds forcing your daughters to see naked boys.

That’s related to the same stupid lie that killed the Houston equal rights ordinance today.

One of the mayoral candidates, Ben Hall, is campaigning on a “no men in women’s bathrooms or boys in girls’ locker-rooms” platform.

Texas’s lieutenant governor, Dan Patrick - the state’s second-most powerful politician - echoed that stance, while in a sermon, Ed Young, senior pastor at one of the country’s biggest Baptist mega-churches, thumbed through a copy of the ordinance and said it opens up the city “to something that I think is absolutely Godless”.

Proponents of the ordinance point out that sexual assault is, of course, already illegal in any situation, and the city has long had a law that specifically bans entering a restroom of the opposite sex with malicious intent. Nor is there any evidence of transgender people entering bathrooms to commit assault in other cities following the passage of similar laws.

No Depression  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:40:11pm

Maybe it’s time to bring a little levity to the thread:

Christian Groups Are Furious That Chick-fil-A Has ‘Gone Gay’

Oh, the dilemma that is being Chick-fil-A: The chain can lose potential customers by opposing same-sex marriage, or it can tick off its loyal base by not denouncing one franchisee who thinks the opposite.

After a rogue Nashville Chick-fil-A owner donated to an LGBT film festival, the chain got prominently listed on the event’s website, resulting in various angry media outlets misreporting it as corporate sponsorship. Outrage at the chain has oozed forth ever since over this purported corporate shift, despite the fact that past franchisees acting alone have gone even further in support of LGBT causes.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:42:06pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:42:11pm

ok, I’m really headed off to sleep now:

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:42:52pm

re: #256 jaunte

That’s related to the same stupid lie that killed the Houston equal rights ordinance today.

Women’s restrooms are all stalls, so I don’t even know why anybody has a problem with this. There is far more risk of a transgender woman being assaulted in the men’s restroom than of Aunt Mildred seeing a boy’s peepee in the ladies’ room.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:43:03pm

re: #258 klys (maker of Silmarils)

[Embedded content]

Disappointing yet not surprising either.

jaunte  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:43:34pm

re: #259 Backwoods_Sleuth

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:44:17pm

re: #261 HappyWarrior

Disappointing yet not surprising either.

The greed of the backers giving themselves a monopoly may have played a role.

jaunte  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:44:29pm

re: #260 The Vicious Babushka

It’s a campaign based on lies and projection.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:44:35pm

re: #261 HappyWarrior

Disappointing yet not surprising either.

I have heard some very mixed comments on how it would create a monopoly of sorts, which may have sat poorly with people otherwise inclined to support it.

Like this one:

BeachDem  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:45:26pm

re: #226 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

I hate to think this, but it almost would have been better if Bevin had gotten the Senate nod—less damage as 1 of 100 than as the head cheese. I truly feel your pain, living in a poverty stricken, right-to-work, poorly educated, abusive state with 100% Republican state office holders.

People are so fucking stupid.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:45:33pm

State senate election here is relatively close. Black only up by 5% over McCabe but I haev no idea what precincts are in. We really need to get rid of this guy. Dick Black has) written Al-Assad praising him, made a career disparaging gays, and is also a sexist who thinks rape in the military isn’t a big deal and neither is spousal rape.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:45:56pm

re: #265 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I have heard some very mixed comments on how it would create a monopoly of sorts, which may have sat poorly with people otherwise inclined to support it.

Like this one:

[Embedded content]

Interesting, could well be.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:46:11pm

re: #263 Big Beautiful Door

The greed of the backers giving themselves a monopoly may have played a role.

I need to read more on this.

PhillyPretzel  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:46:37pm

re: #258 klys (maker of Silmarils)

re: #259 Backwoods_Sleuth

Not surprised. These people have very closed minds.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:47:12pm

I am sorry to hear about Kentucky’s election results. Expats can only vote in federal elections, and anyway my last voting residence was in Indiana, so regretfully I couldn’t help Conway and the Dems at all.

Having Bevins as governor will be entertaining, in a tragicomedic kind of way. I’m afraid to ask my KY relatives who they voted for, if they voted at all.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:47:21pm

re: #264 jaunte

It’s a campaign based on lies and projection.

As is nearly every campaign that the RR backs.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:48:12pm

re: #271 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

I am sorry to hear about Kentucky’s election results. Expats can only vote in federal elections, and anyway my last voting residence was in Indiana, so regretfully I couldn’t help Conway and the Dems at all.

Having Bevins as governor will be entertaining, in a tragicomedic kind of way. I’m afraid to ask my KY relatives who they voted for, if they voted at all.

Fuck Bevin won? Gah that’s disappointing. That guy was up there in Cuccinneli type crazy.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:49:50pm

re: #269 HappyWarrior

I need to read more on this.

In a nutshell, the ten groups who funded the referendum would get the ten licenses to grow and sell marijuana.

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:50:36pm

I can’t believe Bevin won. I was hoping he was a bit too insane even for most GOP voters.

blueraven  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:51:19pm

re: #274 Big Beautiful Door

In a nutshell, the ten groups who funded the referendum would get the ten licenses to grow and sell marijuana.

Even Willie was against it.

It lost bad. 65-35

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:51:26pm

re: #274 Big Beautiful Door

In a nutshell, the ten groups who funded the referendum would get the ten licenses to grow and sell marijuana.

I, personally, would not be cool with voting for something like that.

thedopefishlives  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:52:07pm

re: #275 Eclectic Cyborg

I can’t believe Bevin won. I was hoping he was a bit too insane even for most GOP voters.

It disturbs me more from the standpoint of setting a potential precedent for the 2016 election. If a nutjob like this can get elected, could a loon like Trump actually be a viable right-wing candidate for national office?

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:52:56pm

re: #274 Big Beautiful Door

In a nutshell, the ten groups who funded the referendum would get the ten licenses to grow and sell marijuana.

Ah okay then yeah.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:53:23pm

re: #277 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I, personally, would not be cool with voting for something like that.

Yeah now that I think about it, I understand why no won and seeing now overwhelmingly so.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:54:09pm

re: #278 thedopefishlives

It disturbs me more from the standpoint of setting a potential precedent for the 2016 election. If a nutjob like this can get elected, could a loon like Trump actually be a viable right-wing candidate for national office?

Kentucky is much whiter, older, religious and conservative than the nation as a whole

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:54:54pm

Even our local boring-as-shit municipal election here has some surprises==>

Remember those racist flyers they found last summer? It turned out to be a prank to GOTV. Did not get out very much vote, there were about 400 ballots cast in my precinct.

HappyWarrior  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:55:17pm

re: #278 thedopefishlives

It disturbs me more from the standpoint of setting a potential precedent for the 2016 election. If a nutjob like this can get elected, could a loon like Trump actually be a viable right-wing candidate for national office?

I heard that there was a poll tonight that had Carson and Clinton dead even. What the fuck is wrong with our fellow Americans? I mean Jeb Bush or Marco Rubio even I can get since they at least have a record. Carson? He’s just said some shit that makes a bunch of right wing assholes happy and that makes him presidential timber? The only thing that makes Ben Carson more qualified for president than me is his age but outside of that, we’re the same. He’s no more qualified to be president than I am to take his old job at Johns Hopkins. Same thing with Trump.

blueraven  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:55:24pm

re: #278 thedopefishlives

It disturbs me more from the standpoint of setting a potential precedent for the 2016 election. If a nutjob like this can get elected, could a loon like Trump actually be a viable right-wing candidate for national office?

If the Dems roll over again and don’t get out to vote…

The problem with the Democrats in local elections is the down ballot. We don’t seem to be growing many exciting new prospects. Conway has lost several elections. Another Coackley.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:55:32pm

The Governor’s son, Andy Beshear, has won the Attorney General’s race by the skin of his teeth.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:57:26pm

re: #278 thedopefishlives

It disturbs me more from the standpoint of setting a potential precedent for the 2016 election. If a nutjob like this can get elected, could a loon like Trump actually be a viable right-wing candidate for national office?

Texas just had some votes on constitutional amendments including a property tax cut. This year was a much better year, with 5.5% voting, versus 2013, at 3.2%, of the people voting. It’s really worrisome, but people aren’t turning out for midterms.

The bright side is that my home city voted for building a college and career academy, which I’m actually kind of surprised considering its a suburb of Dallas.

Reality Based Steve  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:57:56pm

re: #257 No Depression

Maybe it’s time to bring a little levity to the thread:

Christian Groups Are Furious That Chick-fil-A Has ‘Gone Gay’

Sleeper agents for the gay agenda bought the franchise so that they could confuse people about Chick-Fil-A. False Flag


jaunte  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:58:32pm
teleskiguy  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:59:04pm

Cool. The school board in Jefferson County, Colorado lost their jobs tonight. They thought there was too much critical thinking skills being taught in history classes and that those classes didn’t properly teach the kids how supremely awesome Murka is.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 6:59:30pm

re: #286 Belafon

Texas just had some votes on constitutional amendments including a property tax cut. This year was a much better year, with 5.5% voting, versus 2013, at 3.2%, of the people voting. It’s really worrisome, but people aren’t turning out for midterms.

The bright side is that my home city voted for building a college and career academy, which I’m actually kind of surprised considering its a suburb of Dallas.

This isn’t even midterms. This is like midterms of midterms.

thedopefishlives  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:01:10pm

re: #290 klys (maker of Silmarils)

This isn’t even midterms. This is like midterms of midterms.

Ugh. I thought I was done with school.


Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:01:15pm

Just got this text from my mom…damn I love her.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:01:28pm

re: #290 klys (maker of Silmarils)

This isn’t even midterms. This is like midterms of midterms.

You’re right. If they held an election in May of next year here in Texas, only 300 of us would show up.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:02:51pm

re: #293 Belafon

You’re right. If they held an election in May of next year here in Texas, only 300 of us would show up.

Honestly the only way I keep track these days is when the absentee ballot shows up in my mailbox. Then I fill it out and drop it back off in the box for it at City Hall.

It’s a hell of a lot easier. I don’t even know where my polling place would be.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:03:50pm

re: #294 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Honestly the only way I keep track these days is when the absentee ballot shows up in my mailbox. Then I fill it out and drop it back off in the box for it at City Hall.

It’s a hell of a lot easier. I don’t even know where my polling place would be.

My polling place has been at the school my kids have gone to for the last 14 years.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:04:38pm

re: #295 Belafon

My polling place has been at the school my kids have gone to for the last 14 years.

I went permanent absentee about the time I moved in with mr. klys.

He might know where our polling place is.

thedopefishlives  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:06:32pm

re: #294 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Honestly the only way I keep track these days is when the absentee ballot shows up in my mailbox. Then I fill it out and drop it back off in the box for it at City Hall.

It’s a hell of a lot easier. I don’t even know where my polling place would be.

Our town is pretty small. The confusing part is that there are several districts in close proximity, and the polling places for all of them are very close together, so there’s often some confusion.

On that note: I discovered the other day that, unbeknownst to me, I have found myself on a first-name basis with the mayor of my little town. He and I work together at church on our technology projects.

jaunte  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:06:47pm

Alex Jones country.

Khal Wimpo  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:07:36pm

re: #237 bratwurst

[Embedded content]

Who knows more about being considered “cool” than Bill?

Yeah, the local drug dealer is considered cool.

Such as at GOP conventions, when all the the candidates line up to spit-polish the collective knobs of Big Pharma.

BeachDem  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:07:58pm

re: #295 Belafon

My polling place has been at the school my kids have gone to for the last 14 years.

My polling place has changed 6 times in the 12 years I’ve lived here. In addition to voter suppression, voter ID laws, wonky voting machines and dumbasses wherever you look, I guess they feel that confusion will only add to the Republican victories. Gah. (And how can I forget ZOMBIE VOTERS!!! My asshole state rep went on quite a campaign against all of those dead people voting—of which there ended up being precisely none.)

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:08:01pm

re: #297 thedopefishlives

Our town is pretty small. The confusing part is that there are several districts in close proximity, and the polling places for all of them are very close together, so there’s often some confusion.

On that note: I discovered the other day that, unbeknownst to me, I have found myself on a first-name basis with the mayor of my little town. He and I work together at church on our technology projects.

Our town is little by Bay Area standards. Only about 50,000 folks.

Of course, you have to know where our town ends and the surrounding two start.

thedopefishlives  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:10:11pm

re: #301 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Our town is little by Bay Area standards. Only about 50,000 folks.

Of course, you have to know where our town ends and the surrounding two start.

Yeah, that’s the problem with the polling places here. Our town is actually wholly enclosed within the voting district of another town, which is, itself, within the voting district of the county at large. All three have their own separate polling places, depending on your address, and you have to just know which one to show up at. The polling workers are always really good at steering people to the correct location, at least.

Barefoot Grin  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:11:40pm

re: #298 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Alex Jones country.

Time to ACT for believers in the benefits of fluoride.

calochortus  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:14:31pm

re: #294 klys (maker of Silmarils)

Honestly the only way I keep track these days is when the absentee ballot shows up in my mailbox. Then I fill it out and drop it back off in the box for it at City Hall.

It’s a hell of a lot easier. I don’t even know where my polling place would be.

I rather like walking down to my polling place to vote. But then, I’m old…

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:15:22pm

re: #304 calochortus

I rather like walking down to my polling place to vote. But then, I’m old…

I can walk the ballot to the box. It’s just a longer walk.

It’s really nice to be able to take my time filling it out and looking up all the relevant info I need as I’m doing so.

Belafon  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:16:17pm

re: #304 calochortus

I rather like walking down to my polling place to vote. But then, I’m old…

I’m almost 46, and I still prefer going to my polling place (my kid’s school) and voting in person.

thedopefishlives  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:16:59pm

re: #304 calochortus

I rather like walking down to my polling place to vote. But then, I’m old…

Too cold here to walk, most election days. But it’s less than half a mile from my house, so I can usually just call in a little late to work and pop down first thing in the morning with all the hunters and other country folk, then swing by the gas station for breakfast before making the long lonely commute around the lake.

No Depression  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:17:43pm

re: #298 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Alex Jones country.

Vermin Supreme won’t be too happy about this:

Vermin Supreme: When I’m President Everyone Gets A Free Pony

calochortus  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:19:49pm

re: #305 klys (maker of Silmarils)

I can walk the ballot to the box. It’s just a longer walk.

It’s really nice to be able to take my time filling it out and looking up all the relevant info I need as I’m doing so.

I just fill out my sample ballot and take it with me. Same result, I just enjoy the ritual of voting in person.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:20:00pm

The best thing on my Twitter feed the past two days has been TheBloggess’s retweets of awkward situations shared with her by her followers. It just cracks me up.

Reality Based Steve  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:20:40pm

re: #298 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Alex Jones country.

Not really a problem. We’ll just add the fluorine into the mix for the chemtrail drones for that sector.

We got it handled for ya.


klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:21:29pm

re: #310 klys (maker of Silmarils)

BeachDem  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:22:13pm

re: #304 calochortus

I rather like walking down to my polling place to vote. But then, I’m old…

I walked today, in the rain. It was quite pleasant until, on the way home, a fucking pick-me-up truck on the other side of the street went by doing about 50 in a 25 zone and sprayed me from head to toe.

calochortus  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:23:16pm

re: #313 BeachDem

I walked today, in the rain. It was quite pleasant until, on the way home, a fucking pick-me-up truck on the other side of the street went by doing about 50 in a 25 zone and sprayed me from head to toe.

Lovely. At least it was on the way home.

BeachDem  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:24:08pm

re: #314 calochortus

Lovely. At least it was on the way home.

And my polling place is right up the street, so I wasn’t wet for long. It did piss me off, though.

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:24:11pm

Issue 3 in Ohio - Legalization of Marijuana is defeated.

Issue 3 - Legalize Recreational Marijuana — 5,058 of 8,905 precincts reporting (57%)
No - 1,311,989 - 65% (X)
Yes - 700,174 - 35%

And for those keeping score…The Ohio Assembly’s Issue 2 designed to kill Issue 3 over monopoly language…was passed.

Issue 2 - Prohibit Market Monopolies — 5,058 of 8,905 precincts reporting (57%)
Yes - 1,042,314 - 53%
No - 937,930 - 47%

And there you have it. John Kascih gets to crow about Ohio fighting drugs and how it helps families. Meanwhile the real problem in the state with drugs are Oxy, Percs, and the like.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:24:55pm

re: #289 teleskiguy

Cool. The school board in Jefferson County, Colorado lost their jobs tonight. They thought there was too much critical thinking skills being taught in history classes and that those classes didn’t properly teach the kids how supremely awesome Murka is.

That was the board that almost abolished AP US History because they thought it wasn’t teaching American Exceptionalism. Good riddance.

Kryptik  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:25:35pm

re: #317 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

Good news on a night increasingly desperate for some.

gocart mozart  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:27:30pm

Christian Fear and Loathing in Washington, D.C.
Over-the-top conservative religious rhetoric reaches new heights

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:28:44pm
WhatEVs  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:29:22pm

re: #258 klys (maker of Silmarils)

[Embedded content]

I read the OH pot law was going to be defeated due to the proposed law giving growing rights to two companies (one owned by Nick Lachey, the boy band guy). Even proponents of legalization said they’d vote no.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:29:23pm

re: #318 Kryptik

Good news on a night increasingly desperate for some.

What happens is people let the crazies win, thinking “how crazy are they, really?” Then the crazies do really crazy stuff, just like they said they would, and the voters realize their mistake, and vote them out next time around.

I hope that will happen in the KY in four years’ time, and sane people can be elected to state offices again.

calochortus  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:30:52pm

re: #317 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

That was the board that almost abolished AP US History because they thought it wasn’t teaching American Exceptionalism. Good riddance.

We lived in Jefferson County for several years. People were far saner there 35 years ago-that school board wouldn’t have been likely to be elected back then.
The state legislature did amuse itself at the time by passing laws to control “vice” that were so poorly written that they outlawed a father giving his daughter a back rub, or coach examining the injured ankle of a girl on his volleyball team. Then they’d go back and have to redo them and come up with some other stupid unintended consequence.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:32:22pm

re: #323 calochortus

We lived in Jefferson County for several years. People were far saner there 35 years ago-that school board wouldn’t have been likely to be elected back then.
The state legislature did amuse itself at the time by passing laws to control “vice” that were so poorly written that they outlawed a father giving his daughter a back rub, or coach examining the injured ankle of a girl on his volleyball team. Then they’d go back and have to redo them and come up with some other stupid unintended consequence.

Local and state laws are often prime examples of unintended consequences.

It's on his hat!  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:37:23pm

In positive election news, the only questions on my ballot were for bond issues for the school district. We haven’t had a bond passed in 17 years, and the schools are in dire need of essential repairs. They split the bonds into two questions because they’ve had so much trouble getting anything passed. Q1 had most of the money, slated for essential repairs and infrastructure improvements. Q2 had the “nice-to-have” stuff.

Q1 passed by a slim margin; Q2 failed by about the same margin.

I’m disappointed they both didn’t pass, but hey, it’s progress.

calochortus  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:43:02pm

Our election was actually all vote by mail this time around-the only things on it were the school board and community college district. But I did my due diligence and voted.

Mattand  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:46:17pm

re: #295 Belafon

My polling place has been at the school my kids have gone to for the last 14 years.

My polling place got moved from the local elementary school to a church rec center.

We are less than thrilled.

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:47:08pm

re: #321 WhatEVs

I read the OH pot law was going to be defeated due to the proposed law giving growing rights to two companies (one owned by Nick Lachey, the boy band guy). Even proponents of legalization said they’d vote no.

10 companies with more to be added. Plus there was more to the law than what was common knowledge, like outright legalization for anyone over 21, home growing a limited amount etc.

I doubt we see another try for legalization any time soon.

EDIT: And Medical Marijuana. Can’t forget that was a big part.

dholmes32  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:48:13pm

So annoyed with Houston…somewhere in my house I have my Juris Doctor from the University of Houston Law Center. Tempted to send it back. It’s not like I use the thing, I’m a tech analyst in Arizona these days.

BeachDem  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:48:56pm

Our only ballot was for city council. Three seats open. The two incumbents (both sane, good guys) won easily. The third seat went to a woman (not the woman I wanted, who came in a close 4th) but at least we’ll still have one woman on council. Former loony mayor/former council member who used to start actual fistfights during council meetings, was a distant fifth. Turnout was about 10%—pitiful really.

GlutenFreeJesus  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:49:34pm

So that Fox Lake IL cop offed himself and wasn’t such a model officer after all. I called it right away. All those people that lined the streets for him calling him a hero must be feeling pretty ashamed right about now.

jaunte  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:51:05pm

Bigot is mad about being called a bigot.

Mattand  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:51:19pm

I’m getting caught up on the thread. The one thing that keeps going through my mind is that KY voted to destroy healthcare for 400,000 people. Mainly because Republicans convinced these voters that they’ll be damned if they’ll let the black guy in the White House make it easer for people to seek medical treatment.

I’d like to think that Bevins will see what a colossal disaster it would be, both on a human level and economic one, and back off.

Then I look at Kansas and realize how fucking insane the GOP can get.

This fucking country, sometimes.

jaunte  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:52:24pm
wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:52:42pm

re: #333 Mattand

I’m getting caught up on the thread. The one thing that keeps going through my mind is that KY voted to destroy healthcare for 400,000 people. Mainly because Republicans convinced these voters that they’ll be damned if they’ll let the black guy in the White House make it easer for people to seek medical treatment.

I’d like to think that Bevins will see what a colossal disaster it would be, both on a human level and economic one, and back off.

Then I look at Kansas and realize how fucking insane the GOP can get.

This fucking country, sometimes.

The KY House is still controlled by the Dems, so Kynect may remain safe.

calochortus  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:57:36pm

re: #335 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

The KY House is still controlled by the Dems, so Kynect may remain safe.

We can hope. I just don’t get the idea that you don’t want everyone to get decent health care. Or education, or a decent place to live.

ObserverArt  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:57:44pm

Later folks. Onward we trudge. America ho!

Dark_Falcon  Nov 3, 2015 • 7:57:46pm

re: #331 GlutenFreeJesus

So that Fox Lake IL cop offed himself and wasn’t such a model officer after all. I called it right away. All those people that lined the streets for him calling him a hero must be feeling pretty ashamed right about now.

Disappointed and sad, but not ashamed. You make the best judgement that you can based on what you know at the time. And I didn’t get into paeans to the fellow, but when he was shot I honestly did think he had been killed by criminals he was trying to arrest.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 3, 2015 • 8:03:15pm

re: #333 Mattand

I’m getting caught up on the thread. The one thing that keeps going through my mind is that KY voted to destroy healthcare for 400,000 people. Mainly because Republicans convinced these voters that they’ll be damned if they’ll let the black guy in the White House make it easer for people to seek medical treatment.

I’d like to think that Bevins will see what a colossal disaster it would be, both on a human level and economic one, and back off.

Then I look at Kansas and realize how fucking insane the GOP can get.

This fucking country, sometimes.

He backed off already. The state will seek a waiver from the feds to have a Medicaid plan like the one Indiana got.

Romantic Heretic  Nov 3, 2015 • 9:20:54pm

re: #339 Big Beautiful Door

He backed off already. The state will seek a waiver from the feds to have a Medicaid plan like the one Indiana got.

Man, didn’t take him long to break that promise.

Linda1961  Nov 4, 2015 • 2:08:37am

re: #81 Backwoods_Sleuth

Sorry, Sleuth. I read on Wonkette that Bevin won. Those who either didn’t vote, or who voted for him will be hurt the worst by his policies. American Exceptionalism at work - vote against your own self-interest!

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