Overnight Podcast: The Bob & Chez Show, 12/10/15

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Tonight’s program for The Bob and Chez Show:

Joe Lies: Another Day, Another Active Shooter; Gun Massacre Conspiracies; Planned Parenthood Shooter is Totally Crazy; Trump Attacked By Eagle; Ted Cruz’s Doughy Body; Too Many Americans Support Trump’s Muslim Ban; Trump Supporter Goes Bananas About Liars; Trump Gets Butthurt Over Criticism of His Hair; and much more.

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Eric The Fruit Bat  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:11:46pm

The “Attending services at Fox News” is a good one-hafta remember that.

Aunty Entity Dragon  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:12:09pm

Repost of fun with the Celtic harp tonight at Guilford Courthouse NMP Colonial Heritage Center. Me playing The Coventry Carol.
*not sure if this works for most folks*


KGxvi  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:13:47pm

Based on that cartoon column… I do wish someone would ask Trump how he’d deal with right wing terrorists. But I guess that the media would never answer that question. I also suspect that Trump would go full blown violent fascist if given the opportunity to answer.

retired cynic  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:14:48pm

re: #2 Aunty Entity Dragon

Can’t get in, darn it.

Aunty Entity Dragon  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:15:59pm

re: #4 retired cynic

Can’t get in, darn it.

Drat. I tried everything to make it public and I thought it worked. Sorry. :(

teleskiguy  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:18:51pm

Whoa, some dead actors just wished me a Merry Christmas. The internet, man…

Eric The Fruit Bat  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:19:15pm

Quote of the Podcast:

Nothing Says America like a daily “Active Shooter Situation”.

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:21:38pm

Is it this weekend those morons are staging the shooting at UT?

Stanley Sea Toujours  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:21:41pm

re: #2 Aunty Entity Dragon

Repost of fun with the Celtic harp tonight at Guilford Courthouse NMP Colonial Heritage Center. Me playing The Coventry Carol.


linky didn’t work

Stanley Sea Toujours  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:23:11pm

Aunty! We all want to watch! :)

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:23:42pm

re: #5 Aunty Entity Dragon

I’m not showing any videos attached to your page.

Belafon  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:26:08pm

re: #8 Eclectic Cyborg

Is it this weekend those morons are staging the shooting at UT?

UT said nope, so they’ll be doing it nearby. I would encourage a few “extras” to show up with cardboard guns to confuse things.

jaunte  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:28:46pm

Thanks for the recruitment surge, Mr. Trump!

Stanley Sea Toujours  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:31:35pm

Nighty ya’ll.

WhatEVs  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:32:36pm

I can’t listen now but calling the PP shooter crazy is letting him off the hook. He’s a cold blooded murderer. That he did it for “the babies” and God does not make him crazy. It makes him a cold blooded murderer. Full. Stop. Sorry.

WhatEVs  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:33:24pm

re: #14 Stanley Sea Toujours

Nighty ya’ll.


Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:33:28pm

re: #13 jaunte

Want to do something about hateful extremists?? Become a hateful extremist!


electrotek  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:35:51pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:36:38pm

re: #13 jaunte

Here’s the website of the group responsible for the flyer, it’s donotlinked of course.

WhatEVs  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:39:55pm

Wilmore is on fire. Again.

electrotek  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:40:37pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:42:09pm

re: #21 electrotek

Without knowing the details I thought that photo was from Alabama or Texas.

teleskiguy  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:42:30pm

The clown car music Bob and Chez use is so good. Is there a YouTube or Soundcloud?

electrotek  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:47:25pm
blueraven  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:52:59pm


teleskiguy  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:53:38pm

Global Warming is an outrageous lie.

-Sen. James Inhofe (R-OK)

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:55:58pm

re: #26 teleskiguy

This looks like the work of…El Nino!

blueraven  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:57:33pm

Oh, this should help with the youth vote.


Targetpractice  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:58:03pm

A month ago, I had long arguments with wingnuts about Carson’s remarks regarding the Holocaust and repeatedly having it pointed out to me that Hitler had exploited laws passed by the Weimar gov’t to institute his tyranny. That Jews didn’t have any recourse, no way to fight back, because the Nazis used the law to rob them of their rights.

Now, a month later, those same wingnuts are suddenly all looking to argue that it’s perfectly legal in this country to institute a system of surveillance, restrictions, and even bans on people based solely upon their religion. And they see absolutely no irony whatsoever in their arguments.

teleskiguy  Dec 10, 2015 • 8:58:04pm

re: #27 Eclectic Cyborg

This looks like the work of…El Nino!

austin_blue  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:00:23pm

If you haven’t read this, you probably should:


Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:00:54pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:03:22pm

re: #30 teleskiguy

Embedded Image

I was actually thinking of this, but the Farley bit was good too:


Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:06:22pm

re: #31 austin_blue

If you haven’t read this, you probably should:


But the current debate on the Republican side has slid so far to the right that the moderates are people who do not want to force rape victims to carry the fetus to full term. Or allow concealed weapons in kindergarten.

That sure sums it up, doesn’t it?

electrotek  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:11:10pm


Facebook Post

goddamnedfrank  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:15:33pm

Regarding Scalia.

darthstar  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:15:39pm

So I went and got my hair cut today…it was time…brought it back to the top of my collar. Anyhoo, when you go to a fancy schmancy salon, the gals who shampoo you always throw in a little head massage…today’s went long enough that I first considered asking if I would get a happy ending and finally just settled on faking a head-gasm so she’d stop.

Oh, and R2-D2 was in the house! I snuck a pic of him through my mirror.

Joe Bacon  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:16:08pm

re: #25 blueraven


[Embedded content]

I actually made the fatal mistake of buying Trump Steaks for my parents. Mom said that they tasted like dead elephant dicks…

freetoken  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:17:28pm

Trying to get the Trump rally from tonight in Des Moines to work… but haven’t been able to:


GlutenFreeJesus  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:20:33pm

re: #12 Belafon

UT said nope, so they’ll be doing it nearby. I would encourage a few “extras” to show up with cardboard guns dildos to confuse things.

austin_blue  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:21:19pm

re: #2 Aunty Entity Dragon

Repost of fun with the Celtic harp tonight at Guilford Courthouse NMP Colonial Heritage Center. Me playing The Coventry Carol.
*not sure if this works for most folks*


She Who Must Be Obeyed is playing a house concert tonight, two sets, for a live recording with Michelle Alani and a bunch of Killer Bee musicians. Sephardic, Serbian, Jewish Balkan wedding music, some Irani and Romani tunes. Oud, fiddle, clarinet, string bass, sax, guitar, qanun, percussion, and she’s using her Starfish clarsach. I sat in for the first set, and it was pretty damn good.

Jenner7  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:24:45pm

Before we vote for a bill that prevents people on this list from buying a gun, we need to fix the no fly list for cases just like this.

Targetpractice  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:24:48pm

re: #36 goddamnedfrank

Regarding Scalia.

[Embedded content]

Scalia is the guy the GOP wishes they had more of on the bench, not even bothering to present the appearance of an unbiased opinion.

austin_blue  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:25:49pm

re: #34 Eclectic Cyborg

That sure sums it up, doesn’t it?

Yes. Baby Jeebuz is weeping.

goddamnedfrank  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:27:36pm

re: #38 Joe Bacon

I actually made the fatal mistake of buying Trump Steaks for my parents. Mom said that they tasted like dead elephant dicks…

Literally all sizzle no steak. They were probably just Omaha Brand nearing their sell by date that he paid nothing for and got drop shipped in his own packaging. That’s how he works, buys up mediocre dog turds (not even the decent turds) then spray paints ‘em in gold and pretends he’s selling bullion. His entire mindset is that of a real estate flipper / con artist, and he’s correctly surmised that the Republican base are the easiest marks of all time.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:30:42pm

ICYMI: Woman gets 18 months probation, can’t apply for gun permit for 8 years after acting like a vigilante.

Her bleating: “”I tried to help, and I learned my lesson that I will never help anybody again.”

Many CPL instructors have criticized the woman’s actions, saying she did not have the legal right to shoot.

“You can’t shoot at moving cars. You can’t shoot at people retreating. You can’t do that,” CPL instructor Tanisha Moner previously told FOX 2.

austin_blue  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:32:18pm

re: #42 Jenner7

[Embedded content]

Before we vote for a bill that prevents people on this list from buying a gun, we need to fix the no fly list for cases just like this.

I would prefer that he be temporarily inconvenienced rather than give no-shit suspects free access to the unlimited purchase of semi-automatic battle rifles with 50-round magazines.


Targetpractice  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:33:07pm

re: #46 Eric The Fruit Bat

“She’s there to help; saw something happening; thought it was serious; pulled her gun. She didn’t want to hurt anybody. We didn’t know that there were any people in the parking lot, other than this person that was driving away this vehicle. She didn’t shoot it in the air; she didn’t shoot it at the window, at the windshield. She fired at the tires,” her lawyer, Steven Schwartz, added.

Yeah, because bullets shot by a “good guy” never ricochet and hit a bystander.


goddamnedfrank  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:33:48pm

re: #46 Eric The Fruit Bat

“I tried to help, and I learned my lesson that I will never help anybody again.”

She tried to kill a fleeing human being over a petty amount of material shit that didn’t even belong to her. The fact that she still conflates that act with “helping” speaks volumes.

Dark_Falcon  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:35:20pm

re: #25 blueraven


[Embedded content]

That last shot is a clever riff on Chick-fil-A’s “Eat Mor Chickin” Cows.

teleskiguy  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:36:27pm

re: #49 goddamnedfrank

She tried to kill a fleeing human being over a petty amount of material shit that didn’t even belong to her. The fact that she still conflates that act with “helping” speaks volumes.

That there may be millions of these waterheads on the loose in the United States (and they’re probably all Trump supporters) speaks volumes.

Dark_Falcon  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:40:06pm

re: #49 goddamnedfrank

She tried to kill a fleeing human being over a petty amount of material shit that didn’t even belong to her. The fact that she still conflates that act with “helping” speaks volumes.

Thankfully she was punished in such a way as she will not be carrying a gun in public for a long time, but she was not given the short custodial sentence that would have allowed her to be viewed as a “martyr”.

And I do know she pleaded “No Contest” but that doesn’t in and of itself guard against faux claims of martyrdom.

teleskiguy  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:43:38pm


Eric The Fruit Bat  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:45:14pm

re: #52 Dark_Falcon

This seems to be an exception more than the rule, sadly.

Jenner7  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:46:31pm

re: #47 austin_blue

Well, that’s a pretty big inconvenience and all because he is a Muslim. You’d think there would be a way to verify if this US Veteran was doing anything terroristy and take him off the list. And because he was on this list, he was smeared with a false accusation that will stay with him for the rest of his life. I believe we can do better than that.

goddamnedfrank  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:47:20pm

re: #52 Dark_Falcon

Thankfully she was punished in such a way as she will not be carrying a gun in public for a long time, but she was not given the short custodial sentence that would have allowed her to be viewed as a “martyr”.

And I do know she pleaded “No Contest” but that doesn’t in and of itself guard against faux claims of martyrdom.

She absolutely should have gotten real jail time, a felony conviction and never be allowed to own a gun again, ever. I’m certain I own more guns than even most gun nuts do and I don’t give a fuck if a harsher sentence would have cast her as more of a martyr in their eyes.

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:47:28pm

re: #53 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

Maybe his access was suspended. Or he’s too busy finding a place to sleep in SF.

Targetpractice  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:48:36pm

re: #56 goddamnedfrank

She absolutely should have gotten real jail time, a felony conviction and never be allowed to own a gun again, ever. I’m certain I own more guns than even most gun nuts do and I don’t give a fuck if a harsher sentence would have cast her as more of a martyr in their eyes.

No shit, it’s pretty obvious on its face that this was a plea deal, a “no contest” plea in exchange for probation. I don’t see a woman who thinks she’s being punished for “helping” learning in 8 years that she fucked up severely and should not own a firearm.

retired cynic  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:48:48pm

re: #55 Jenner7

There certainly needs to be a legal / not horrendously difficult way to get oneself off the no-fly list, in combination with restricting gun purchases. Wasn’t the proposed bill constructed with both concepts?

Jenner7  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:49:55pm

re: #59 retired cynic

I’m not sure. Anyone know?

teleskiguy  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:49:57pm

re: #57 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

Maybe his access was suspended. Or he’s too busy finding a place to sleep in SF.

None of his peeps in SF will let him stay for the night, what with his uncontrollable bowels in the middle of the floor.


I’ll be here all week, be sure to tip your server.

austin_blue  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:52:49pm

re: #55 Jenner7

Well, that’s a pretty big inconvenience and all because he is a Muslim. You’d think there would be a way to verify if this US Veteran was doing anything terroristy and take him off the list. And because he was on this list, he was smeared with a false accusation that will stay with him for the rest of his life. I believe we can do better than that.

I don’t disagree, but I repeat, I would prefer that he be temporarily inconvenienced rather than give no-shit suspects free access to the unlimited purchase of semi-automatic battle rifles with 50-round magazines.

Why are you advocating for the imminent threat by stressing the exception? It’s a silly argument.

Joe Bacon  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:53:33pm

re: #53 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

Hmmm…Maybe I was right in predicting that he’d wind up at the YMCA… 😉

Dark_Falcon  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:54:57pm

re: #56 goddamnedfrank

She absolutely should have gotten real jail time, a felony conviction and never be allowed to own a gun again, ever. I’m certain I own more guns than even most gun nuts do and I don’t give a fuck if a harsher sentence would have cast her as more of a martyr in their eyes.

I respectfully disagree. Her bad actions merited the punishment you propose, but I maintain that the lesser sentence served the greater good. She would not have pleaded out had she faced the sentence you would have imposed and had a juror or two decided to nullify then the result would have been an affirmation of this crackpot’s actions. Moreover, making martyrs out of this sort of nut creates the risk of other such nuts popping off and attacking law enforcement and other perceived enemies.

Punishing the malefactor in such a way as to take away her ability to lawfully carry a gun sends the needed message at low risk. Ammosexuals in the Wolverine State have been put on notice that firing when not facing a deadly threat means they will lose their phallus boosters.

freetoken  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:56:02pm

Ok, so I might finally want to do some Microsoft programming, for a personal project, so I can manipulate some very large (multi-million cell) Excel spreadsheets.

Am I right in assuming that VBasic would be the fastest and easiest way for me to go about this?

teleskiguy  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:57:13pm

re: #63 Joe Bacon

Hmmm…Maybe I was right in predicting that he’d wind up at the YMCA… 😉

Where else is he gonna lift, bro?

Jenner7  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:58:19pm

re: #62 austin_blue

Because I believe he’s not the only one having this problem. It also bothers me because he was discriminated against. I believe we can have a valid list and prevent those on it from acquiring a gun.

austin_blue  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:58:27pm

re: #66 teleskiguy

Where else is he gonna lift, bro?

Embedded Image

Nice prison hat.

goddamnedfrank  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:58:35pm

re: #58 Targetpractice

No shit, it’s pretty obvious on its face that this was a plea deal, a “no contest” plea in exchange for probation. I don’t see a woman who thinks she’s being punished for “helping” learning in 8 years that she fucked up severely and should not own a firearm.

I don’t even see her even honoring the 8 year ban. If she hasn’t already acquired a firearm illegally she’s likely to do so immediately after her 18 month suspended sentence / probation expires.

Joe Bacon  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:59:17pm

re: #66 teleskiguy

Where else is he gonna lift, bro?

Embedded Image

Ginger Snapped Lifts?

Nope, but he sure does a mean squat!

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Dec 10, 2015 • 9:59:31pm

re: #53 teleskiguy

I checked his blog and there’s nothing new there, either. But that’s not unusual. He sometimes posts nothing at Got Noooooz for days at a time, then in one day there’ll be three or four new posts.

teleskiguy  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:02:52pm

re: #68 austin_blue

Nice prison hat.

Make Your Own Donald Trump Hat.

Jenner7  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:03:57pm


Targetpractice  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:06:11pm

re: #69 goddamnedfrank

I don’t even see her even honoring the 8 year ban. If she hasn’t already acquired a firearm illegally she’s likely to do so immediately after her 18 month suspended sentence / probation expires.

Exactly, the idea that this sentence is going to in any way dissuade an ammosexual from purchasing a firearm for the duration of that 8 year ban is ridiculous. After all, as we’re reminded all the time, criminals don’t respect the laws. And this woman is a criminal, even if her sentence was suspended.

retired cynic  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:07:18pm

re: #73 Jenner7

Love it. We have a dear friend from that area of the world, and between the loss of country, family, culture, history, antiquities, it is hard to overstate how devastating and soul-destroying those losses are.

austin_blue  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:09:19pm

re: #67 Jenner7

Because I believe he’s not the only one having this problem. It also bothers me because he was discriminated against. I believe we can have a valid list and prevent those on it from acquiring a gun.

Once again, I agree, but I repeat, I would prefer that he (and whoever else is wrongly placed on any terrorist watch list) be temporarily inconvenienced rather than give no-shit suspects free access to the unlimited purchase of semi-automatic battle rifles with 50-round magazines.

And I agree that it sucks if you find yourself in that situation. But are you advocating for the unlimited sale of semi-automatic battle rifles with 50-round magazines to anyone because more than one person is on a list that says they should be prevented from purchasing them?

Is that reasonable public policy that attempts to ensure the General Good?

Cheechako  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:13:16pm

Several years ago I had a co-worker who wound up on the no fly list. He was a highly decorated, retired Coast Guard helicopter pilot. He had a child who required frequent medical treatment in Seatle so he had to fly multiple times each year. Every single time he was flying he was given the third degree . Even his retired CG ID was not enough to satisfy TSA. He had the AK Congressional Deligation working for him but nothing worked. He even gave an interview with NPR. Still nothing.

His problem…he had an unusual last name which started with an M and sounded Arabic but was actually Italian.

teleskiguy  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:14:23pm


I own three firearms. A 12-gauge pump-action shotgun, a bolt-action .30-06 rifle and a semi-auto .22 rifle. I have three 10-round magazines for the .22.

I have plenty of gun for me. And I live in the middle of the Rocky Mountains!

teleskiguy  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:18:57pm

It’s these fuckers in rural and suburban Texas that own goddamnedfrank amount of guns and bury hundreds of thousands of rounds of ammunition that need to be addressed.

Sorry not sorry to goddamedfrank, just going by what you’ve said. My three guns compared to your guns.

Whack-A-Mole  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:28:20pm

re: #64 Dark_Falcon

IMO, a felony conviction with a suspended jail/prison sentence would have been appropriate. Permanently take away her ability to own a gun since she’s proven she’s utterly incapable of having one responsibly.

Kragar  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:30:16pm

re: #64 Dark_Falcon

I respectfully disagree. Her bad actions merited the punishment you propose, but I maintain that the lesser sentence served the greater good. She would not have pleaded out had she faced the sentence you would have imposed and had a juror or two decided to nullify then the result would have been an affirmation of this crackpot’s actions. Moreover, making martyrs out of this sort of nut creates the risk of other such nuts popping off and attacking law enforcement and other perceived enemies.

Punishing the malefactor in such a way as to take away her ability to lawfully carry a gun sends the needed message at low risk. Ammosexuals in the Wolverine State have been put on notice that firing when not facing a deadly threat means they will lose their phallus boosters.

The crazy bitch attempted to murder someone. She should have been locked away.

Targetpractice  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:31:34pm

Another day, another DA who gives a cop-related shooting another look and suddenly decides that murder charges are warranted:

teleskiguy  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:33:40pm

Hubba Hubba!

makeitstop  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:34:11pm

Charles Barkley going in on Trump and the GOP right now. On TNT’s NBA show.

Killing CNN, too. ‘Kissin’ butt, chasing ratings, trying to be Fox News.’ Wow.

BeachDem  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:34:50pm

re: #55 Jenner7

Well, that’s a pretty big inconvenience and all because he is a Muslim. You’d think there would be a way to verify if this US Veteran was doing anything terroristy and take him off the list. And because he was on this list, he was smeared with a false accusation that will stay with him for the rest of his life. I believe we can do better than that.

And Chris ran down the list of charming “news” sources that gleefully bleated the smear with no verification. All the usual suspects—so it is now FACT to the right wing.

Dark_Falcon  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:35:35pm

re: #80 Whack-A-Mole

IMO, a felony conviction with a suspended jail/prison sentence would have been appropriate. Permanently take away her ability to own a gun since she’s proven she’s utterly incapable of having one responsibly.

I don’t disagree, but prosecutors have to weigh what they can get someone to plead to against the odds that they might lose the case and the consequences of such a loss.

Targetpractice  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:36:52pm

re: #86 Dark_Falcon

I don’t disagree, but prosecutors have to weigh what they can get someone to plead to against the odds that they might lose the case and the consequences of such a loss.

Dark, if the prosecutor has to worry that the jury might decide this woman was justified in opening fire in a parking lot at a shoplifter that was in no way endangering her or others, that she was actually a greater danger to bystanders than the shoplifter, then our justice system is fucked.

Dark_Falcon  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:42:04pm

Strong Iraqi pressure leads Daesh to commit a serious blunder in Ramadi:

IS destroys bridge as Iraqi forces close in on Ramadi

BAGHDAD (AP) — Besieged Islamic State militants in the Iraqi city of Ramadi destroyed a lock on the Euphrates River that served as a bridge as government forces on Thursday sought to cement their gains around the militant-held city west of Baghdad.

Since Iraq’s military launched its push on Ramadi earlier this month, the militants have destroyed all other bridges leading into the city, both on the Euphrates and its tributary, the Warar River.

Iraqi Maj Gen. Ismail al-Mahlawi, the head of military operations in the western Anbar province, said the lock destroyed Thursday was the last remaining bridge from the city center to the northwest.

“Daesh forces trying to stop our progress bombed the last bridge which connects the city center,” he said, referring to IS by its Arabic language acronym.

The locks’ destruction leaves some 300 IS fighters trapped in the center of the city, he added.

That’s always been a sign of a well-executed river approach: Forcing the enemy to blow the bridges before all of their forces can cross to the far bank.

Dark_Falcon  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:43:05pm

re: #87 Targetpractice

Dark, if the prosecutor has to worry that the jury might decide this woman was justified in opening fire in a parking lot at a shoplifter that was in no way endangering her or others, that she was actually a greater danger to bystanders than the shoplifter, then our justice system is fucked.

Then we’re fucked, because there are fools who would refuse to convict in a case like this.

Single-handed sailor  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:51:01pm

re: #87 Targetpractice

Dark, if the prosecutor has to worry that the jury might decide this woman was justified in opening fire in a parking lot at a shoplifter that was in no way endangering her or others, that she was actually a greater danger to bystanders than the shoplifter, then our justice system is fucked.

Our justice system is fucked.

Targetpractice  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:56:53pm

re: #89 Dark_Falcon

Then we’re fucked, because there are fools who would refuse to convict in a case like this.

So we should…what? Give dipshits like this woman slaps on the wrist and time out in the corner, under the assumption that we’re never going to secure a conviction against them, so it’s better than nothing?

Mattand  Dec 10, 2015 • 10:57:57pm

re: #7 Eric The Fruit Bat

Quote of the Podcast:

Nothing Says America like a daily “Active Shooter Situation”.

Better than the “Hey, did we remind we everyone we’re liberals, but boy howdy! Do we hate Islam!” horseshit that’s seemingly becoming the subplot of every show.

That, and the whole insistence that liberals go “Eh, whaddya gonna do?” at the stonings and other horrible things that happen in the more fundamentalist countries.

Bill Maher, Sam Harris, et al, are always yammering on about that as well. Yet, somehow, no one never offers up evidence of any liberal taking that stance.

teleskiguy  Dec 10, 2015 • 11:01:08pm

re: #31 austin_blue

I’m not what you call a regular reader of Gail Collins’ column. She hit this one out of the park. READ, people.

austin_blue  Dec 10, 2015 • 11:10:54pm

Night all!

Sweet scaly dreams…

teleskiguy  Dec 10, 2015 • 11:23:18pm

Prince covering Radiohead’s “Creep” is pretty fucking amazing. Best eight minutes of rock ‘n’ roll I’ve heard in quite some time.

William Lewis  Dec 10, 2015 • 11:23:18pm

re: #87 Targetpractice

Dark, if the prosecutor has to worry that the jury might decide this woman was justified in opening fire in a parking lot at a shoplifter that was in no way endangering her or others, that she was actually a greater danger to bystanders than the shoplifter, then our justice system is fucked.

Welcome to “justice” in a nation twisted by Faux News.

goddamnedfrank  Dec 10, 2015 • 11:24:50pm

re: #78 teleskiguy


I own three firearms. A 12-gauge pump-action shotgun, a bolt-action .30-06 rifle and a semi-auto .22 rifle. I have three 10-round magazines for the .22.

I have plenty of gun for me. And I live in the middle of the Rocky Mountains!


Lani  Dec 10, 2015 • 11:33:21pm

re: #93 teleskiguy

That failed to cheer me. And frankly, Missouri sucks.

teleskiguy  Dec 10, 2015 • 11:34:51pm

re: #97 goddamnedfrank


Single-handed sailor  Dec 10, 2015 • 11:52:08pm

It looks like snow level has dropped down to below 6,000 feet. We’ve had 0.40 inches of rain today in the East Bay, 2.38 inches for the season… so maybe 5 inches of new snow in the Sierra.

freetoken  Dec 10, 2015 • 11:54:22pm

re: #100 Single-handed sailor

Down here we’re going to get less rain than originally thought. Some sprinkles going through the county now.

klys (maker of Silmarils)  Dec 10, 2015 • 11:54:53pm

re: #100 Single-handed sailor

It looks like snow level has dropped down to below 6,000 feet. We’ve had 0.40 inches of rain today in the East Bay, 2.38 inches for the season… so maybe 5 inches of new snow in the Sierra.

The storm set to come through on Sunday looks to be not too bad, at least.

The seasonal models actually predicted the dry start to the rainy season, but are showing a ramp up during the “core” months of the rainy season (Jan-Mar) thanks to El Nino, with the transition supposed to come in December. So in that sense, I haven’t lost hope yet for a decently rainy winter.

freetoken  Dec 10, 2015 • 11:56:38pm

Satellite picture looks impressive:


But alas, won’t turn into much rain down here in the corner.

Tigger2  Dec 10, 2015 • 11:59:12pm

Where I live in Indiana it was 61 degrees today.

Lani  Dec 11, 2015 • 12:00:16am

81 degrees in Hawaii today.

Tigger2  Dec 11, 2015 • 12:04:51am

re: #105 Lani

81 degrees in Hawaii today.

The average for us in Dec is around 36 degrees. If the forecast for Dec is right the lowest daytime temp will be 39. most of the days in will be in the high 40s to middle 50s.

Lani  Dec 11, 2015 • 12:20:30am

re: #106 Tigger2

The average for us in Dec is around 36 degrees. If the forecast for Dec is right the lowest daytime temp will be 39. most of the days in will be in the high 40s to middle 50s.

And that is why I’m having trouble finding a place to retire. Too expensive in Hawaii, too cold on the mainland.

William Lewis  Dec 11, 2015 • 12:43:17am

re: #97 goddamnedfrank


goddamnedfrank  Dec 11, 2015 • 12:44:08am

re: #107 Lani

And that is why I’m having trouble finding a place to retire. Too expensive in Hawaii, too cold on the mainland.

Puerto Rico.

William Lewis  Dec 11, 2015 • 12:48:23am

re: #107 Lani

And that is why I’m having trouble finding a place to retire. Too expensive in Hawaii, too cold on the mainland.

Bisbee Arizona. That’s where I’d like to end up.

Lani  Dec 11, 2015 • 12:53:48am

re: #110 William Lewis

Bisbee Arizona. That’s where I’d like to end up.

That interests me. I ‘m an amateur geologist fossil hunter. Had great fun with that in Australia. But don’t want to be surrounded by rwnj. Tell me more about Bisbee.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 12:58:02am

re: #111 Lani

That interests me. I ‘m an amateur geologist fossil hunter. Had great fun with that in Australia. But don’t want to be surrounded by rwnj. Tell me more about Bisbee.

At least back in the 80’s, Bisbee was a retreat for hippies and artisans and the like who learned to get along with the local good ol’ boys.

William Lewis  Dec 11, 2015 • 1:00:24am

Southern Arizona, near the Mexican border. Was a big mining town with a huge open pit copper mine on the edge of town. Since then it’s gone artsy - the main drag is restaurant, bar, gallery, art store, gallery, bar, gallery, restaurant, etc. Warm to hot climate but very low humidity makes it comfortable to me.

The Coronado Mountains are near and fascinating.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 1:02:06am

Ahem, not awake here yet. Was thinking of Jerome, AZ, which is in West Central AZ not far from Sedona. Also an old mining town.

Lani  Dec 11, 2015 • 1:05:15am

I like warm. I don’t like guns everywhere. (Hawaii & Aussie heritage) Love hiking and looking at rocks.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 1:08:08am

re: #115 Lani

I like warm. I don’t like guns everywhere. (Hawaii & Aussie heritage) Love hiking and looking at rocks.

Then I would have to advise you against AZ. It is beautiful and big enough to get away from people, but if you do bump into someone, they are likely to be out with a gun.

William Lewis  Dec 11, 2015 • 1:08:28am

Some parts of Arizona are better than others in those respects. Bisbee always seemed the best that way to me

I believe they have a tourism Web site.

Lani  Dec 11, 2015 • 1:08:53am

Sedona is gorgeous! Possibly not affordable on SS plus some retirement income.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 1:11:36am

re: #118 Lani

Sedona is gorgeous! Possibly not entirely unaffordable on SS plus some retirement income without massive personal wealth.

Lani  Dec 11, 2015 • 1:15:14am

Thank you for the gun alert. It does concern me. We just don’t have that as a problem in Hawaii. I’m from WDC originally, carried a knife in my pocket just in case, and have been blessed to live in Oz and Hawaii since then.

Lani  Dec 11, 2015 • 1:17:04am

re: #119 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Duly noted. Thanks.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 1:21:32am

I must admit that if I lived in AZ, I would own and carry a pistol for hiking, but one filled with pellet shot to scare off rattlesnakes. Have had too many close encounters with the critters.

Bubblehead II  Dec 11, 2015 • 4:12:54am

Morning Lizards.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 4:25:06am

re: #123 Bubblehead II

Morning Lizards.

and snakes

Bubblehead II  Dec 11, 2015 • 4:26:42am

re: #124 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

and snakes

I heard he was dead.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 4:27:40am

re: #125 Bubblehead II

I heard he was dead.

just rattled

Bubblehead II  Dec 11, 2015 • 4:33:00am

re: #126 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

just rattled

Happens sometimes when you just hissing around.

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 4:46:17am

Donald Trump is like that character Milos Gloriosus from “A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum”
Youtube Video

Decatur Deb  Dec 11, 2015 • 4:48:56am

re: #128 The Vicious Babushka

Donald Trump is like that character Milos Gloriosus from “A Funny Thing Happened On The Way To The Forum”

In that case, he’ll be banned from Thrace, too.

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 4:51:45am

He’s getting ready to attack Ted Cruz. Pass the popcorn.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 4:54:08am

I am looking at this from the perspective on an American expat.

We like immediate results: miracle diets, overnight get-rich-quick schemes, and we like polls that give us the outcome of our elections months in advance.

Trump is leading the GOP polls, and we have come to automatically equate him in our minds with front runner (and eventual winner). Remember, he has a minority of support in a party that commands a minority of votes on a national level (but has gained a Congressional majority thanks to successful gerrymandering and voter suppression measures)

As with Ben Carson, I see no point in discussing the relative merits of the various positions he has espoused: he is simply unqualified for the office he is running for, and I am most certain that a majority of Americans will ultimately agree, should they ever be called on to make that choice.

Dr Lizardo  Dec 11, 2015 • 4:54:15am

re: #130 The Vicious Babushka

He’s getting ready to attack Ted Cruz. Pass the popcorn.

I’m ready.

Dr Lizardo  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:03:56am

So, this happened today not far from me in the city of Frýdek-Místek.


Thankfully, there were no serious injuries.

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:04:56am

Wingnut ammosexual Florida sheriff states we need to stop being “politically correct” and that “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,”

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!! IT’S TIME TO SAY WHAT NEEDS TO BE SAID TO PROTECT OUR CITIZENS!!Posted by Brevard County Sheriff’s Office, Florida (Official) on Sunday, December 6, 2015

I hope his untrained, undisciplined redneck citizenry arm-up and shoot one another in the dicks.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:06:50am

re: #134 Dr. Matt

Wingnut ammosexual Florida sheriff states we need to stop being “politically correct” and that “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,”

It makes a good talking point, tweet or Internet meme. To dispute it takes a nuanced argument of more than 140 characters.

Which means that for all practical purposes, the rednecks win…

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:08:24am

re: #132 Dr Lizardo

I’m ready.

[Embedded content]

So I am (without popcorn, though). I would really like someone to go after that smarmy SOB in a big way, even if it’s Trump.

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:11:46am

re: #135 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

It makes a good talking point, tweet or Internet meme. To dispute it takes a nuanced argument of more than 140 characters.

Which means that for all practical purposes, the rednecks win…

That’s why republican voters love their bumper stickers; a quipy, brief talking point slogan that lacks substance and reality.

Dr Lizardo  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:11:46am

re: #136 wheat-dogghazi-mailgate

So I am (without popcorn, though). I would really like someone to go after that smarmy SOB in a big way, even if it’s Trump.

Same here; seeing Havana Ted get taken down by The Donald is like a political version of Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf.

Completely stupid, but entertaining.

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:15:44am
Bubblehead II  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:22:47am

Holtzclaw found guilty of 18 of 36 charges

Former Oklahoma City Police Officer Daniel Holtzclaw has been found guilty of multiple counts of rape — first and second degree — as well as sexual battery, procuring lewd exhibition, and forcible oral sodomy.

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:24:03am

re: #140 Bubblehead II

Holtzclaw found guilty of 18 of 36 charges

Former Oklahoma City Police Officer Daniel Holtzclaw has been found guilty of multiple counts of rape — first and second degree — as well as sexual battery, procuring lewd exhibition, and forcible oral sodomy.

GlutenFreeJesus  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:27:50am

re: #134 Dr. Matt

Wingnut ammosexual Florida sheriff states we need to stop being “politically correct” and that “the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun,”

[Embedded content]

I hope his untrained, undisciplined redneck citizenry arm-up and shoot one another in the dicks.

He’s so tone deaf. We are in danger from the likes of him. Is that why he wants us to take up arms? No. Of course not.

Bubblehead II  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:27:50am

re: #141 Dr. Matt

Give him time.

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:33:34am

re: #143 Bubblehead II

Give him time.

Something is amiss….CCJ has been MIA the last day or so on facebook and gotnews. Was he arrested for contempt? *crosses fingers*

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:35:42am

re: #138 Dr Lizardo

Same here; seeing Havana Ted get taken down by The Donald is like a political version of Sharktopus vs. Whalewolf.

Completely stupid, but entertaining.

Cruzilla vs. Trumpra

Bubblehead II  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:41:17am

re: #144 Dr. Matt

Something is amiss….CCJ has been MIA the last day or so on facebook and gotnews. Was he arrested for contempt? *crosses fingers*

Last I heard/seen, he was trying to mooch some couch space in S.F. for some sort of “business” trip.

Dr Lizardo  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:44:07am


Timothy Watson  Dec 11, 2015 • 5:49:47am

re: #144 Dr. Matt

Something is amiss….CCJ has been MIA the last day or so on facebook and gotnews. Was he arrested for contempt? *crosses fingers*

Maybe a California judge ordered a 51-50 hold on him after reading his new lawsuit.

lawhawk  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:03:17am

re: #45 goddamnedfrank

Literally all sizzle no steak. They were probably just Omaha Brand nearing their sell by date that he paid nothing for and got drop shipped in his own packaging. That’s how he works, buys up mediocre dog turds (not even the decent turds) then spray paints ‘em in gold and pretends he’s selling bullion. His entire mindset is that of a real estate flipper / con artist, and he’s correctly surmised that the Republican base are the easiest marks of all time.

Same deal with his claim of supporting American workers, except for the time that he decided to get into making a clothing line and deciding that he wanted to maximize profits by having it made in Mexico and China, rather than here in the US. He claims he couldn’t find sufficient factories or qualified workers here, and yet there’s plenty of people who can do the work, if he bothered to ask - like those in the Fashion District in Manhattan, only a short hop from his NYC offices and home.

Meanwhile, the rubes think that the real bad guy is Macy’s because they’re not carrying his overpriced crap.

lawhawk  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:06:09am

Developing - explosions reported in Kabul, and some of the early reports seem to put it in the vicinity of the Spanish embassy.

lawhawk  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:07:49am
Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:09:23am

re: #150 lawhawk

Developing - explosions reported in Kabul, and some of the early reports seem to put it in the vicinity of the Spanish embassy.

Obama will insist it is merely “workplace violence”!

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:17:25am

Here’s some media news from my side of the world: Jack Ma (Alibaba founder) is imitating Jeff Bezos.

Alibaba buys South China Morning Post Group’s media business, pledges to uphold editorial independence and remove paywall


Hong Kongers are not confident that SCMP will be able to maintain its admittedly careful criticism of the mainland’s government, now that it will be owned by a mainland-based company. Ma is influential, but as a new guy on the block (relatively speaking) he may not want to upset Beijing officials too much.

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:23:09am
b.d.  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:25:47am

re: #130 The Vicious Babushka

He’s getting ready to attack Ted Cruz. Pass the popcorn.

[Embedded content]

No reason for Trump not to attack Cruz. The only reason Cruz has been nice to him is that he expects to pick up Trump’s followers when Trump goes away. Trump owes him nothing.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:29:23am

re: #155 b.d.

No reason for Trump not to attack Cruz. The only reason Cruz has been nice to him is that he expects to pick up Trump’s followers when Trump goes away. Trump owes him nothing.

I think he wants VP too. Either way, the establishment would reluctantly back Cruz in that fight and than hope he destroys himself so their guy Rubio swoops in. A lot of wishing and hoping. So Happy errr Merry Christmas GOP establishment.

b.d.  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:29:29am


An end to the ban on U.S. crude oil exports appears increasingly likely to be included in the sweeping fiscal deal being negotiated this week in Congress.

Lifting the decades-old export ban has been a top energy priority for Republicans for more than a year, and the GOP is eyeing the must-pass government funding and tax policy bills as prime places to address the issue.


How on earth can the bagger wingnuts justify this in relation to their DRILL! BABY! DRILL! mindset? If there is a glut of US oil then shouldn’t the prices fall? Isn’t that what the bagger wingnuts want? Isn’t that the entire purpose of DRILL! BABY! DRILL! ?

b.d.  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:31:58am

re: #156 HappyWarrior

I think he wants VP too. Either way, the establishment would reluctantly back Cruz in that fight and than hope he destroys himself so their guy Rubio swoops in. A lot of wishing and hoping. So Happy errr Merry Christmas GOP establishment.

If Trump is going to burn down the house he is going to burn down the entire house, he will not spare Cruz. If Donald does somehow get the nomination there is no way that Trump would appoint an ambitious, back-stabbing creep like him as VP, Trump would choose some milquetoast, wallflower toadie.

Timothy Watson  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:32:15am

re: #157 b.d.



How on earth can the bagger wingnuts justify this in relation to their DRILL! BABY! DRILL! mindset? If there is a glut of US oil then shouldn’t the prices fall? Isn’t that what the bagger wingnuts want? Isn’t that the entire purpose of DRILL! BABY! DRILL! ?

And Obama has destroyed the petroleum industry so badly but they apparently have some much oil they need to export it.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:32:28am

re: #157 b.d.

An end to the ban on U.S. crude oil exports appears increasingly likely to be included in the sweeping fiscal deal being negotiated this week in Congress.

Why do Republicans want to restrict free trade? If we can export jobs and capital, why can’t we export oil?

Timothy Watson  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:33:36am

re: #160 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Why do Republicans want to restrict free trade? If we can export jobs and capital, why can’t we export oil?

The GOP supports removing the ban, mainly because the American Petroleum Institute does as well.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:37:33am

re: #154 Dr. Matt

There are Ben Carson rallies, still? Was everyone asleep?

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:38:36am


So, if Trump goes on the attack of Cruz in the next debate I hope the audience gets some cheap rain slickers and boots they can put on as there is going to be a lot of slime oozing and it could get spread into the audience.

Seriously though, if it does happen in the debate I have a fear that Cruz could end up not getting hit too hard because he will get plenty of cover from Kasich and any other (Paul, Christie, Jeb?) as they will all want to be in on a Trump take down. And that is how Cruz works things. He is snake-like and he will let others do the dirty work while he smirks and then later will tell everyone the other candidates bring up some good points about his best buddy Trump.

Trump won’t care one way or the other…he’ll attack them all ‘cus they are all dummy losers.

We shall see.

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:39:13am

Charles Johnson’s are everywhere!


GlutenFreeJesus  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:39:46am

re: #158 b.d.

I bet he chooses his wife. Or one of his sons.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:39:56am

re: #164 Dr. Matt

Charles Johnson’s are everywhere!


Embedded Image

He’s got a ponytail it looks like too!

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:40:06am

Well, I forgot which of you lizards was looking for an adjustable desk, but I asked my son about his and he said it’s similar to this one.


He had a manually adjustable desk at his last job, but his desk at his job is motorized. Probably the manual one is cheaper. [He WAS working for a smaller outfit then. Now he’s at KPMG. They have a bigger budget.]

Belafon  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:40:09am

re: #157 b.d.



How on earth can the bagger wingnuts justify this in relation to their DRILL! BABY! DRILL! mindset? If there is a glut of US oil then shouldn’t the prices fall? Isn’t that what the bagger wingnuts want? Isn’t that the entire purpose of DRILL! BABY! DRILL! ?

I’m not sure how this changes things. Oil’s fungible anyway. Shipping it overseas just means more coming in.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:42:23am

re: #168 Belafon

I’m not sure how this changes things. Oil’s fungible anyway. Shipping it overseas just means more coming in.

Oil is the lifeblood of our nation!!! What sense does it make to donate blood just to need a transfusion?!?


b.d.  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:42:28am

re: #166 HappyWarrior

He’s got a ponytail it looks like too!

But that guy’s ponytail isn’t nearly as jazzy.

lawhawk  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:42:45am

Now there’s video. BREAKING.

Let’s just ignore that he didn’t stop all Muslims from entering US. Or even all Iranians.

Yet, this is proof of *something*.

Belafon  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:45:36am

re: #169 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

Oil is the lifeblood of our nation!!! What sense does it make to donate blood just to need a transfusion?!?


What would be interesting is if it caused the Saudis to raise production more to make the cost of shipping out of America not worth it.

b.d.  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:45:39am

re: #168 Belafon

I’m not sure how this changes things. Oil’s fungible anyway. Shipping it overseas just means more coming in.

It’s the contradictory nuance that the GOP suddenly embraces and understands that gets me.

Convert the export issue into AM radio and Fox Speak and ask any troglodyte wingnut if the USA has enough oil and that it is cheap enough that we should be exporting our excess and see what answers you get.

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:45:43am

re: #171 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Now there’s video. BREAKING.

Let’s just ignore that he didn’t stop all Muslims from entering US. Or even all Iranians.

Yet, this is proof of *something*.

These are the same idiots who claim Mr. Carter was the “worst president history” and now they are using him to prove that Trump is correct and justified? Derp

wheat-dogghazi-mailgate  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:46:22am

Immigration officials are maybe a little too careful sometimes.

K-pop girl band detained at LA airport as suspected sex workers

All eight members of Oh My Girl, who were heading to United States for an album cover shoot, were detained for 15 hours, before flying back to South Korea. Their agency is taking legal advice


It’s amusing on a certain level, given the Lolita suggestiveness of many K-pop and J-pop girl bands.

makeitstop  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:47:40am

re: #125 Bubblehead II

I heard he was dead.

You and everybody else.

Lidane  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:48:01am
danarchy  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:48:27am

re: #168 Belafon

I’m not sure how this changes things. Oil’s fungible anyway. Shipping it overseas just means more coming in.

What I don’t get is shipping costs money, if you have local buyers available isn’t it going to be more profitable to sell to them before exporting, and there is no lack of demand here. I have to imagine that it may affect some things at the edges but won’t really impact things in a big way.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:49:24am

re: #174 Dr. Matt

These are the same idiots who claim Mr. Carter was the “worst president history” and now they are using him to prove that Trump is correct and justified? Derp

Dishonest people never can keep track of all their dishonesty. Facts tend to get glossed over. And over. Reused. Glossed over again. That’s also why they get cranky when you call them on it.

Lidane  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:53:20am

re: #174 Dr. Matt

These are the same idiots who claim Mr. Carter was the “worst president history” and now they are using him to prove that Trump is correct and justified? Derp

A Republican friend of mine in California actually took to FB to tell all of her Republican friends that calling Carter TEH WORST PREZNIT EVAR NEXT TO OBUMMER in one breath and then using Carter to bolster Trump was stupid.

She got a lot more pushback than she expected from folks. They were implying that she was a dirty librul parroting the lamestream media line. It was interesting to watch, if also completely tragic. The GOP is FUBAR in this election.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:56:12am

re: #179 ObserverArt

Dishonest people never can keep track of all their dishonesty. Facts tend to get glossed over. And over. Reused. Glossed over again. That’s also why they get cranky when you call them on it.

What the fuck does banning a particular sub-group of people from a particular nation have to do with banning an entire religion worldwide?

lawhawk  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:56:53am

And like that, Drudge picks up Hoft’s hefty haul of derp.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:58:08am

re: #180 Lidane

A Republican friend of mine in California actually took to FB to tell all of her Republican friends that calling Carter TEH WORST PREZNIT EVAR NEXT TO OBUMMER in one breath and then using Carter to bolster Trump was stupid.

She got a lot more pushback than she expected from folks. They were implying that she was a dirty librul parroting the lamestream media line. It was interesting to watch, if also completely tragic. The GOP is FUBAR in this election.

The GOP missed its chance a long time ago to challenge or at least distance itself from the raving psychopaths on its extreme right. Which only encouraged the freakazoids to double down on it.

Belafon  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:58:16am

re: #182 lawhawk

And like that, Drudge picks up Hoft’s hefty haul of derp.

“So, is it OK to follow what Carter did, or not?”

lawhawk  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:58:40am

re: #184 Belafon

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 6:59:31am

re: #180 Lidane

A Republican friend of mine in California actually took to FB to tell all of her Republican friends that calling Carter TEH WORST PREZNIT EVAR NEXT TO OBUMMER in one breath and then using Carter to bolster Trump was stupid.

She got a lot more pushback than she expected from folks. They were implying that she was a dirty librul parroting the lamestream media line. It was interesting to watch, if also completely tragic. The GOP is FUBAR in this election.

So I posted this meme and a wingnut got all up in my mentions screaming

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:01:29am
Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:02:42am

re: #182 lawhawk

And like that, Drudge picks up Hoft’s hefty haul of derp.

[Embedded content]

And now the GOP/librul media have their talking points for the next week.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:03:20am

re: #182 lawhawk

And like that, Drudge picks up Hoft’s hefty haul of derp.

[Embedded content]

These guys love to play with their own shit don’t they?

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:04:05am

Oh and even if Carter did it, it’s not right. Just like FDR doing the intermment of the Japanese is a terrible stain on his record.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:04:14am

An earlier Xmas present: Donald Trump goes birther on Ted Cruz

…and nobody saw it coming…

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:04:54am

re: #181 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

What the fuck does banning a particular sub-group of people from a particular nation have to do with banning an entire religion worldwide?

Because shut up.


Belafon  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:05:07am

re: #190 HappyWarrior

Oh and even if Carter did it, it’s not right. Just like FDR doing the intermment of the Japanese is a terrible stain on his record.

I thought boycotting the Olympics was stupid.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:05:46am

re: #193 Belafon

I thought boycotting the Olympics was stupid.

Yeah I thought he messed that up too.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:06:43am

re: #171 lawhawk

Yet, this is proof of *something*.

It’s proof of derp, which needs no proof.

sagehen  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:07:11am

re: #140 Bubblehead II

Holtzclaw found guilty of 18 of 36 charges

Former Oklahoma City Police Officer Daniel Holtzclaw has been found guilty of multiple counts of rape — first and second degree — as well as sexual battery, procuring lewd exhibition, and forcible oral sodomy.

Moral of the story (this applies to Cosby too) — any one accuser is disbelieved. But when you pile up a few dozen, and their stories all match… it becomes much more difficult to disbelieve them.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:08:42am

re: #190 HappyWarrior

Oh and even if Carter did it, it’s not right. Just like FDR doing the intermment of the Japanese is a terrible stain on his record.

Wingnuts seem under the illusion that we are like themselves, in that we embrace whatever their party’s president ever said or did, that we are hopelessly partisan above all else, and cannot discern good from bad.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:09:33am

re: #182 lawhawk

And like that, Drudge picks up Hoft’s hefty haul of derp.

So Dim Jim and Drudge go deeper into the tank for Trump?

How’s our supply of popcorn?

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:12:55am

re: #193 Belafon

I thought boycotting the Olympics was stupid.

Thank you. I was stupid to disagree.


Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:14:22am

re: #197 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Wingnuts seem under the illusion that we are like themselves, in that we embrace whatever their party’s president ever said or did, that we are hopelessly partisan above all else, and cannot discern good from bad.

Because they have placed Ideolgical Purity above all else.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:14:41am

re: #197 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Wingnuts seem under the illusion that we are like themselves, in that we embrace whatever their party’s president ever said or did, that we are hopelessly partisan above all else, and cannot discern good from bad.

Absolutely. They make the mistake in assuming we’re like them. Frankly while I consider myself a supporter of the Democratic Party by and large, I also consider myself a liberal first and foremost. So bigotry no matter who does it suck.

lawhawk  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:16:38am

re: #190 HappyWarrior

Oh and even if Carter did it, it’s not right. Just like FDR doing the intermment of the Japanese is a terrible stain on his record.

Of course, there’s a further distinction that these numbnuts conveniently ignore - Carter’s plan was not based on religion, but on country of origin - and there were still allowances for refugee status.

Trump, Cruz, and the rest are all willing to refuse entry to anyone who’s Muslim, regardless of country of origin. And Trump was more than willing to entertain refusing entry back into the US of Muslim Americans.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:18:49am

One thing about Jimmy Carter was he made a lot of decisions based on his deep Christian beliefs and I sometimes think that got in the way of what should have been political decisions. Sometimes the two do not line up.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:19:01am


HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:19:29am

re: #202 lawhawk

Of course, there’s a further distinction that these numbnuts conveniently ignore - Carter’s plan was not based on religion, but on country of origin - and there were still allowances for refugee status.

Trump, Cruz, and the rest are all willing to refuse entry to anyone who’s Muslim, regardless of country of origin. And Trump was more than willing to entertain refusing entry back into the US of Muslim Americans.

What Trump would be proposing would be completely unprecedented.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:19:43am

re: #201 HappyWarrior

Absolutely. They make the mistake in assuming we’re like them. Frankly while I consider myself a supporter of the Democratic Party by and large, I also consider myself a liberal first and foremost. So bigotry no matter who does it suck.

True TPers will tell you that they are not Republicans at heart, they just see the GOP as a means to promote their own political ends, which seems to be the end of Politics As We Know it, replacing government with a strong, assured, awesome, intelligent leader who will just come in and start kicking ass.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:20:03am

re: #203 ObserverArt

One thing about Jimmy Carter was he made a lot of decisions based on his deep Christian beliefs and I sometimes think that got in the way of what should have been political decisions. Sometimes the two do not line up.

He was a better man than president IMO. Just like LBJ was a better president than man.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:20:48am

re: #206 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

True TPers will tell you that they are not Republicans at heart, they just see the GOP as a means to promote their own political ends, which seems to be the end of Politics As We Know it, replacing government with a strong, assured, awesome, intelligent leader who will just come in and start kicking ass.

Yeah they claim to be not partisan but then when it comes out that Dear was unaffiliated, they use that to “prove” he wasn’t right wing.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:22:16am

re: #184 Belafon

“So, is it OK to follow what Carter did, or not?”

The wingnut whiplash stuns.

Fourth Football of the Apocalypse  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:24:41am

re: #197 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Wingnuts seem under the illusion that we are like themselves, in that we embrace whatever their party’s president ever said or did, that we are hopelessly partisan above all else, and cannot discern good from bad.

I should probably qualify this to say that wingnuts assume liberals regard all Democratic presidents as wingnuts regard Reagan—that we regard each Dem president as having been Exceptional and infallible and that we will feverishly defend every word they uttered or action they took.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:25:37am

re: #204 HappyWarrior

[Embedded content]

Yeah. A Coworker of mine back a few years ago was tied up in that. It sounded dodgy at best. And both he and his wife were new-era Evangelists and they tied that all into it too.

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:25:51am


HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:26:50am

re: #210 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

I should probably qualify this to say that wingnuts assume liberals regard all Democratic presidents as wingnuts regard Reagan—that we regard each Dem president as having been Exceptional and infallible and that we will feverishly defend every word they uttered or action they took.

It would shock them if I told them I had more regard for the first Republican to be elected president- Abe Lincoln than many Democratic presidents including all of that era. Ha and I even remember Obama got shit when he called old Abe a founder of the GOP which was true. The GOP was founded by anti-slavery Whigs and yes anti-slavery Democrats too though Abe was a Whig since his early political hero was Henry Clay.

makeitstop  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:27:16am

re: #203 ObserverArt

One thing about Jimmy Carter was he made a lot of decisions based on his deep Christian beliefs and I sometimes think that got in the way of what should have been political decisions. Sometimes the two do not line up.

‘Christian decisions’ were a lot different in Carter’s day, because they were grounded in compassion and concern for fellow humans.

Ted Cruz’ ‘Christian decisions’ are a far cry from Carter’s, because they’re rooted in malice, cruelty and greed.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:28:36am

re: #204 HappyWarrior


HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:28:56am

re: #211 ObserverArt

Yeah. A Coworker of mine back a few years ago was tied up in that. It sounded dodgy at best. And both he and his wife were new-era Evangelists and they tied that all into it too.

Yeah I read about the CEO of the company. Now I know I’m not always going to agree with an executive’s socio-religious and perhaps economics views but it just sounded odd.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:29:45am

re: #215 WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

It sounds like a bad fit for a man of my personality and skill set in any case.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:29:53am
It's on his hat!  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:30:09am

re: #204 HappyWarrior

Avoid Primerica. I got the same vibe as you did when I went in for an “interview” about 10 years ago that turned out to be some sort of seminar. Very Amway-ish.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:31:30am

re: #214 makeitstop

‘Christian decisions’ were a lot different in Carter’s day, because they were grounded in compassion and concern for fellow humans.

Ted Cruz’ ‘Christian decisions’ are a far cry from Carter’s, because they’re rooted in malice, cruelty and greed.

Indeed, VB’s posted that photo wingnuts love to post of Cruz’s “piety” where he’s knelt praying. VB has pointed out that Cruz is praying for the repealing of ACA. The smug fucker who has some of the best health insurance in the world is praying for the removal of other people’s health care. Carter seemed to see his faith as a means to bring people of all backgrounds together. I may not have shared Jimmy Carter’s faith but I certainly feel included not excluded when he talks.

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:32:05am

re: #219 It’s on his hat!

Avoid Primerica. I got the same vibe as you did when I went in for an “interview” about 10 years ago that turned out to be some sort of seminar. Very Amway-ish.

In one room they have all the rubes and marks listening to their spiel, while from an adjacent room there are sounds of cheering (a recording?) as “associates receive their bonus checks”

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:32:18am

re: #219 It’s on his hat!

Avoid Primerica. I got the same vibe as you did when I went in for an “interview” about 10 years ago that turned out to be some sort of seminar. Very Amway-ish.

Yep, I’m going. Thanks guys. I’m not always the best at judging social situations but sometimes this old dog gets one right.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:32:20am

re: #214 makeitstop

‘Christian decisions’ were a lot different in Carter’s day, because they were grounded in compassion and concern for fellow humans.

Ted Cruz’ ‘Christian decisions’ are a far cry from Carter’s, because they’re rooted in malice, cruelty and greed.

Agreed. I hope I didn’t give the impression I was making a dig on Carter’s Christianity. Not my intention.

I remember hearing that sometimes Carter would agonize over decisions and I often wondered if he was battling himself over the two.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:33:33am

I think Carter frankly was in over his head. I really do but he still did manage to accomplish a lot of good. After all he appoitned Volkner.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:36:12am

re: #217 HappyWarrior

It sounds like a bad fit for a man of my personality and skill set in any case.


I did a search on Primerica and came up with this. It is from a complaint about the Columbus Ohio office. I will say no more (hint!) Heheheeee…

ripoffreprt.com - Primerica ripoff scam pyramid scheme Columbus Ohio

Lidane  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:36:29am
The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:36:32am

There is a meme going around among the wingnuts that “term limits” are needed on members of Congress.

What this essentially means is that nobody will be allowed to remain in Congress long enough to actually get anything done.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:37:51am

re: #225 ObserverArt


I did a search on Primerica and came up with this. It is from a complaint about the Columbus Ohio office. I will say no more (hint!) Heheheeee…

ripoffreprt.com - Primerica ripoff scam pyramid scheme Columbus Ohio

God am I glad I had a weird feeling.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:38:03am

re: #217 HappyWarrior


WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:39:52am

re: #219 It’s on his hat!

Avoid Primerica. I got the same vibe as you did when I went in for an “interview” about 10 years ago that turned out to be some sort of seminar. Very Amway-ish.

I had one of those a while back, too. I wanted out of my then job big time. One of my then customers, who worked for a great company, wanted to talk with me. I thought, COOL! I could work for that company. Turned out he was doing some Amyway-ish MLM thing on the side. I was so bummed I could have cried.

lawhawk  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:40:45am

OMG, Obama uses Executive Orders. Tyranny 11TY!!!! IMPEACH!!!!

Of course, Obama has actually issued far fewer EOs than any 2 term president since before Teddy Roosevelt.

Facts, they’re a stubborn thing.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:40:56am

re: #222 HappyWarrior

Yep, I’m going. Thanks guys. I’m not always the best at judging social situations but sometimes this old dog young pup gets one right.

Just keeping it real Happy.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:41:01am

re: #220 HappyWarrior

Indeed, VB’s posted that photo wingnuts love to post of Cruz’s “piety” where he’s knelt praying. VB has pointed out that Cruz is praying for the repealing of ACA. The smug fucker who has some of the best health insurance in the world is praying for the removal of other people’s health care. Carter seemed to see his faith as a means to bring people of all backgrounds together. I may not have shared Jimmy Carter’s faith but I certainly feel included not excluded when he talks.

Not to mention that he has a huge taxpayer funded salary and a wife who makes a shit-ton of money, too.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:42:09am

re: #229 WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

I feel like I have to disclose it because I sometimes struggle with eye contact with strangers. I’ve been told that a lack of eye contact indicates non-interest. Now I have gotten better at eye contact during my first impressions with people but I still struggle. With close friends and family, I can make eye contact as well as someone not on the spectrum. The other thing is I feel I can use it in the interview setting to explain how I use a weakness and make it a strength. Part of Asperger’s as you know with your brother is that we’re very obsessive and detailed orientated people. As a researcher, I try to get all my facts accurate and organized.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:42:28am

re: #232 ObserverArt

Just keeping it real Happy.

Heh true that.I’m getting up there though.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:42:44am

re: #233 WhatEVs

Not to mention that he has a huge taxpayer funded salary and a wife who makes a shit-ton of money, too.

He is such an asshole.

danarchy  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:43:00am

re: #227 The Vicious Babushka

There is a meme going around among the wingnuts that “term limits” are needed on members of Congress.

What this essentially means is that nobody will be allowed to remain in Congress long enough to actually get anything done.

I actually don’t have a problem with term limits. I think it should b something like 4 terms for senators and 10 terms for congress critters, if you can’t get something done in 20-24 years then maybe someone else should get a shot.

makeitstop  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:43:06am

re: #226 Lidane

FanDuel and DraftKings must stop operating in New York, judge rules

I think that’s the right decision. While Draft Kings and FanDuel try to split hairs as to whether or not they’re gambling sites, the big similarity to gambling sites is they’re designed to seperate people from their money while promising huge, easy wins.

I’ll be happy to not have to put up with their advertising, which has been at saturation levels in NYC for months. They even have a ‘featured’ players’ segment during the Knicks pre- and post-game shows, and I assume they do the same thing with every other professional sports team.

And I’d still like to know where all that ad money came from. They must have literally dropped millions in the NYC media market alone.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:43:35am

re: #231 lawhawk

OMG, Obama uses Executive Orders. Tyranny 11TY!!!! IMPEACH!!!!

Of course, Obama has actually issued far fewer EOs than any 2 term president since before Teddy Roosevelt.

Facts, they’re a stubborn thing.

That’s why frankly it comes off concerned troll as shit when you hear “I’m concerned about executive power abuse.”

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:44:12am

re: #237 danarchy

I actually don’t have a problem with term limits. I think it should b something like 4 terms for senators and 10 terms for congress critters, if you can’t get something done in 20-24 years then maybe someone else should get a shot.

I feel iffy about them. I feel if people genuinely want these people to stay in, they should be able to keep them but I do see what you’re saying too.

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:44:53am

re: #220 HappyWarrior

Indeed, VB’s posted that photo wingnuts love to post of Cruz’s “piety” where he’s knelt praying. VB has pointed out that Cruz is praying for the repealing of ACA. The smug fucker who has some of the best health insurance in the world is praying for the removal of other people’s health care. Carter seemed to see his faith as a means to bring people of all backgrounds together. I may not have shared Jimmy Carter’s faith but I certainly feel included not excluded when he talks.

It was a photo op, pure and simple. Note how they are kneeling on little foam pads so they don’t get their pants dirty or scrape their tender knees on concrete.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:45:24am

re: #228 HappyWarrior

God am I glad I had a weird feeling.


Edit…please keep this unnamed if any comments. I want to board to see the comment, but not the outside world.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:45:29am

re: #238 makeitstop

I think that’s the right decision. While Draft Kings and FanDuel try to split hairs as to whether or not they’re gambling sites, the big similarity to gambling sites is they’re designed to seperate people from their money while promising huge, easy wins.

I’ll be happy to not have to put up with their advertising, which has been at saturation levels in NYC for months. They even have a ‘featured’ players’ segment during the Knicks pre- and post-game shows, and I assume they do the same thing with every other professional sports team.

And I’d still like to know where all that ad money came from. They must have literally dropped millions in the NYC media market alone.

I find that ironic since NY has both casinos and wall street. How is this any different?

It's on his hat!  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:45:44am

re: #230 WhatEVs

Same sort of experience for me. I was struggling in grad school, and we had just had our first kid, so I was looking for a “real job.” I noped on out of there after I realized what was going on.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:45:55am

re: #241 The Vicious Babushka

It was a photo op, pure and simple. Note how they are kneeling on little foam pads so they don’t get their pants dirty or scrape their tender knees on concrete.

Embedded Image

Yep. I forgot about the knee pads, thank you. Buncha assholes.

danarchy  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:46:47am

re: #238 makeitstop

And I’d still like to know where all that ad money came from. They must have literally dropped millions in the NYC media market alone.

I know they had huge VC money behind them. One of my VC clients was one of the initial Draft Kings investors. But now I think they are pretty much rakin in cash, so it is probably self funded.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:48:05am

re: #244 It’s on his hat!

Same sort of experience for me. I was struggling in grad school, and we had just had our first kid, so I was looking for a “real job.” I noped on out of there after I realized what was going on.

I stayed for the whole thing. I didn’t realize something was up but I was very weirded out by how he had gotten my info. Not second hand but third hand even. And he had never seen my resume either. However, I decided to google the name and number. Lots of complaints and not a lot of positive feedback and when I did recently try to send the decline email, it got rejected. So odd. Maybe I’m better at detecting bs than I give myself credit for.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:49:01am

re: #238 makeitstop

I think that’s the right decision. While Draft Kings and FanDuel try to split hairs as to whether or not they’re gambling sites, the big similarity to gambling sites is they’re designed to seperate people from their money while promising huge, easy wins.

I’ll be happy to not have to put up with their advertising, which has been at saturation levels in NYC for months. They even have a ‘featured’ players’ segment during the Knicks pre- and post-game shows, and I assume they do the same thing with every other professional sports team.

And I’d still like to know where all that ad money came from. They must have literally dropped millions in the NYC media market alone.

I have a feeling it comes from the same place a lot of other gambling money comes from.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:49:41am

re: #242 ObserverArt

[Embedded content]

Sorta thing is exactly why I support heavy government regulation of the financial industry.

Belafon  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:52:17am

re: #241 The Vicious Babushka

It was a photo op, pure and simple. Note how they are kneeling on little foam pads so they don’t get their pants dirty or scrape their tender knees on concrete.

[Embedded content]

If I believed in God, I would volunteer for hell just to watch Cruz answer for this “prayer.” How many Jesus things can you get wrong in one action?

Bubblehead II  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:53:53am

re: #243 WhatEVs

I find that ironic since NY has both casinos and wall street. How is this any different?

Nevada tossed them out of the State for refusing to obtain a gaming license. The State considers them to be an online Sports Book requiring a license to operate and pay taxes.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:55:26am

re: #247 HappyWarrior

I stayed for the whole thing. I didn’t realize something was up but I was very weirded out by how he had gotten my info. Not second hand but third hand even. And he had never seen my resume either. However, I decided to google the name and number. Lots of complaints and not a lot of positive feedback and when I did recently try to send the decline email, it got rejected. So odd. Maybe I’m better at detecting bs than I give myself credit for.


All I can say is from what I read here…you have your head on straight. Don’t be too hard on yourself. I think you have a good future ahead. Just my opinion.

gwangung  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:55:33am

re: #237 danarchy

I actually don’t have a problem with term limits. I think it should b something like 4 terms for senators and 10 terms for congress critters, if you can’t get something done in 20-24 years then maybe someone else should get a shot.

The unintended result for term limits is that lobbyists become more powerful than they are now, as they now become the institutional memory of the capital. Also, getting to know the personalities and political interests of your fellow legislators is still useful despite the nihilst tendencies of current Republicans.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:55:48am

I hate this time of day this time of year. My desk has a window behind it and from 10:30 - 11:30 the sun is just below my looooong valance (that I put up for this purpose) and it hits the side of my head and my screen is washed out. My desk is strategically located so i have full view of the dogs at all times.

I need this. (While I was looking at hats, I saw this. LMAO!!)

First world problems.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:57:37am

re: #250 Belafon

If I believed in God, I would volunteer for hell just to watch Cruz answer for this “prayer.” How many Jesus things can you get wrong in one action?

It doesn’t matter. All you have to do is talk the talk. These people who support clowns like Cruz don’t walk the walk so why should Cruz? These are people who think Jesus would support them in denying healthcare and side with the rich. Jeez, I am Jewish and I know Christ wouldn’t have done either. They are CINO’s and nothing more.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:57:44am

re: #253 gwangung

The unintended result for term limits is that lobbyists become more powerful than they are now, as they now become the institutional memory of the capital. Also, getting to know the personalities and political interests of your fellow legislators is still useful despite the nihilst tendencies of current Republicans.

That’s true. as well.

lawhawk  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:57:57am

re: #198 Fourth Football of the Apocalypse

Pass the popcorn

Unending supply.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:58:00am

re: #252 ObserverArt


All I can say is from what I read here…you have your head on straight. Don’t be too hard on yourself. I think you have a good future ahead. Just my opinion.


HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 7:59:35am

re: #252 ObserverArt


All I can say is from what I read here…you have your head on straight. Don’t be too hard on yourself. I think you have a good future ahead. Just my opinion.

Oh I’m good. I’m actually proud of myself for how I’ve handled scams better than I have in the past.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:00:24am
Danack  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:01:38am

re: #21 electrotek

[Embedded content]

A friend of mine was caught up in those riots. His family is from Portugal, but he was considered brown enough to get a beating. Luckily he was with a whiter friend, and so was able to get out of there without too much trouble.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:02:02am
b.d.  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:02:53am
WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:03:36am

re: #259 HappyWarrior

Oh I’m good. I’m actually proud of myself for how I’ve handled scams better than I have in the past.

I spent the first 30 years of my life trusting everyone. I had friends of mine who told me I was way too trusting. Sometimes, reality comes with age.

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:03:37am


Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:06:09am

re: #263 b.d.

not enough updings available for that

Belafon  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:06:21am

re: #265 The Vicious Babushka

Us Trump supporters would never fall for that kind of scam!

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:06:29am

re: #265 The Vicious Babushka

I just hadda.

FormerDirtDart  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:07:32am

Ben Carson on Friday took a page from Donald Trump’s playbook by threatening to depart the Republican Party.

Ahead of Tuesday’s GOP presidential debate, the retired neurosurgeon slammed the party after reports emerged that Republican insiders were discussing the possibility of deal-making to decide the eventual nominee at the Republican National Convention.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:07:38am

re: #260 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Tell em cuz!

Brian J.  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:09:16am

re: #269 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

Don’t tease us!

Belafon  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:09:20am

re: #269 FormerDirtDart

I guess the Republican Party’s new goal is to make the 1968 and 1980 Democratic conventions look tame.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:09:32am

re: #269 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

OMG! OMG! Please, please make it so. I will forever eat my veggies.

lawhawk  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:09:40am

re: #265 The Vicious Babushka

More to the point, the folks who attend them to hear his “tips” get nothing more than platitudes - not exactly academic excellence.

And that venture is being sued by the NY AG’s office because it claims to be a university - which has a very specific legal meaning. For starters, it doesn’t give out degrees and it isn’t accredited by anyone.

He then changed the venture to Trump Entrepreneur Initiative, because NY came down hard on his BS. Oh, and the venture pretty much collapsed of its own derpiness and the AG has continued investigating because those attending were bilked out of thousands in fees.

The whole thing was designed with one person’s profits in mind - Donald Trump. The fools who paid for it? They lost the money and got nothing of value in return.

lawhawk  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:10:29am
HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:10:40am

re: #265 The Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]

Speaking of scams.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:11:03am

re: #275 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

He really is afraid that Trump will say mean things about him isn’t he? What a spineless weasel.

danarchy  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:11:19am

re: #253 gwangung

The unintended result for term limits is that lobbyists become more powerful than they are now, as they now become the institutional memory of the capital. Also, getting to know the personalities and political interests of your fellow legislators is still useful despite the nihilst tendencies of current Republicans.

I think a couple of decades is plenty of time to go from new guy, to old guy, and to pass on institutional knowledge to the new new guy. Also many of those long term congressman will go on to the senate, so you can still have a 40+ year career in DC. I am not saying it should be one or two then done, but there are too many structural and systematic benefits to incumbents that make the bar for entry too high for new comers.

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:11:26am

re: #274 lawhawk

More to the point, the folks who attend them to hear his “tips” get nothing more than platitudes - not exactly academic excellence.

And that venture is being sued by the NY AG’s office because it claims to be a university - which has a very specific legal meaning. For starters, it doesn’t give out degrees and it isn’t accredited by anyone.

He then changed the venture to Trump Entrepreneur Initiative, because NY came down hard on his BS. Oh, and the venture pretty much collapsed of its own derpiness and the AG has continued investigating because those attending were bilked out of thousands in fees.

The whole thing was designed with one person’s profits in mind - Donald Trump. The fools who paid for it? They lost the money and got nothing of value in return.

Was there an actual verdict of liability or did Trump make out like a bandit after declaring bankruptcy for the “University”, his SOP.

Brian J.  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:11:42am

re: #275 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

This is not the clown you’re looking for.

dholmes32  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:12:04am

Breaking…the Tedster is data trawling Facebook.

Ted Cruz using firm that harvested data on millions of unwitting Facebook users

Exclusive: Documents reveal donor-funded US startup embedded in Republican’s campaign paid UK university academics to collect psychological profiles on potential voters

Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign is using psychological data based on research spanning tens of millions of Facebook users, harvested largely without their permission, to boost his surging White House run and gain an edge over Donald Trump and other Republican rivals, the Guardian can reveal.

A little-known data company, now embedded within Cruz’s campaign and indirectly financed by his primary billionaire benefactor, paid researchers at Cambridge University to gather detailed psychological profiles about the US electorate using a massive pool of mainly unwitting US Facebook users built with an online survey.


HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:12:28am

re: #269 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

It’s looking bad either way for the GOP. Maybe we’ll get the first big Dem landslide since 1964 here.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:12:45am

re: #266 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

not enough updings available for that

That is for sure. I just emailed that to my one brother that is a huge Calvin and Hobbs fan and hater of Trump.

Belafon  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:13:57am

re: #283 ObserverArt

That is for sure. I just emailed that to my one brother that is a huge Calvin and Hobbs fan and hater of Trump.

Because my work censures twitter, all I get is the text of a tweet, no pictures. Now I’m really curious.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:14:34am

re: #272 Belafon

I guess the Republican Party’s new goal is to make the 1968 and 1980 Democratic conventions look tame.

I have commented before that I am worried about the RNC in Cleveland. It could get very ugly.

Danack  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:15:59am

re: #277 HappyWarrior

He really is afraid that Trump will say mean things about him isn’t he? What a spineless weasel.

No, he thinks that Trump is either going to implode or get bored of running.

When that happens Cruz wants to have Trump ask his followers to switch to supporting Cruz, and also just not piss off Trump’s supporters in the meantime.

He is a spineless weasel though, just for other stuff.

Brian J.  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:16:09am

re: #285 ObserverArt

I have commented before that I am worried about the RNC in Cleveland. It could get very ugly.

As if Cleveland’s reputation isn’t bad enough! But cordon off the convention site and nothing of value will be lost.

Belafon  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:17:04am

re: #287 Brian J.

As if Cleveland’s reputation isn’t bad enough! But cordon off the convention site and nothing of value will be lost.

A Trump wall. A Yuuuuuge Trump wall.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:17:04am

re: #284 Belafon

Because my work censures twitter, all I get is the text of a tweet, no pictures. Now I’m really curious.

Trump and Hobbs

This will help.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:17:11am

re: #281 dholmes32

That’s freaking awesome!

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:17:40am

re: #286 Danack

No, he thinks that Trump is either going to implode or get bored of running.

When that happens Cruz wants to have Trump ask his followers to switch to supporting Cruz, and also just not piss off Trump’s supporters in the meantime.

He is a spineless weasel though, just for other stuff.

I can see Ted Cruz making a series of ads claiming TED IS SO MUCH MOAR JESUSY THEN HARLOT-FUCKING DONALD TRUMP!!!1!!!!!!

lawhawk  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:18:06am

re: #279 The Vicious Babushka

The damages phase of the case is still pending as far as I know. Trump was found personally liable for misleading people:

Donald Trump is personally liable for operating a for-profit investment school without the required license, a New York judge ruled in a lawsuit brought by the New York Attorney General against the real estate entrepreneur.

New York state Supreme Court Justice Cynthia S. Kern said he was notified by the state in 2005 that his Trump Entrepreneur Initiative - known as Trump University until 2010 - was in violation of state education law.

“It is undisputed that Mr. Trump never complied with the licensing requirements,” Kern wrote in a decision made public on Wednesday.

Damages will be determined later.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:19:47am

re: #291 The Vicious Babushka

I can see Ted Cruz making a series of ads claiming TED IS SO MUCH MOAR JESUSY THEN HARLOT-FUCKING DONALD TRUMP!!!1!!!!!!

My husband likes to read Redstate for the LULZ and he told me that one of their diarists (I think that’s what they are, like Pages here) posted Trump’s wife’s nudie pics…and got banned.

That gave ME the LULZ.

FormerDirtDart  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:21:33am

re: #282 HappyWarrior

It’s looking bad either way for the GOP. Maybe we’ll get the first big Dem landslide since 1964 here.

Thing is, I question whether Trump’s or Carson’s team has the wherewithal to get on many State ballots as an independent. And, it’s not like a national write-in campaign has any chance of getting a significant percentage of individual votes.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:21:37am

re: #274 lawhawk

More to the point, the folks who attend them to hear his “tips” get nothing more than platitudes - not exactly academic excellence.

And that venture is being sued by the NY AG’s office because it claims to be a university - which has a very specific legal meaning. For starters, it doesn’t give out degrees and it isn’t accredited by anyone.

He then changed the venture to Trump Entrepreneur Initiative, because NY came down hard on his BS. Oh, and the venture pretty much collapsed of its own derpiness and the AG has continued investigating because those attending were bilked out of thousands in fees.

The whole thing was designed with one person’s profits in mind - Donald Trump. The fools who paid for it? They lost the money and got nothing of value in return.

I wonder if The Greatest Smartest Man in the World realizes that next year if he gets the Republican nomination his entire history of dirty dealing is going to come back at him hard. I imagine there are a whole hell of a lot of people that have been worked over by The Donald™ that are being interviewed right now by Democratic operatives building a heck of a case against him.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:22:54am

re: #294 FormerDirtDart

Thing is, I question whether Trump’s or Carson’s team has the wherewithal to get on many State ballots as an independent. And, it’s not like a national write-in campaign has any chance of getting a significant percentage of individual votes.

All it takes is enough of the True Faithful of both, though, to have a Dem landslide.

Brian J.  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:26:21am

re: #294 FormerDirtDart

Thing is, I question whether Trump’s or Carson’s team has the wherewithal to get on many State ballots as an independent. And, it’s not like a national write-in campaign has any chance of getting a significant percentage of individual votes.

It’s not that hard; Americans Elect spent roughly $35 million doing it in 2012 as placeholder for an independent candidate that never appeared, and both candidates have demonstrated that they can raise or self-finance to that extent. Or they can do what Ralph Nader did and use a network of small existing parties.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:27:28am
FormerDirtDart  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:29:47am

re: #297 Brian J.

It’s not that hard; Americans Elect spent roughly $35 million doing it in 2012 as placeholder for an independent candidate that never appeared, and both candidates have demonstrated that they can raise or self-finance to that extent. Or they can do what Ralph Nader did and use a network of small existing parties.

Americans Elect only had ballot access in 29 states

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:29:57am

Here’s a boatload more Calvin and Hobbs (Donald and Hobbs) cartoons.


sagehen  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:31:18am

re: #274 lawhawk

More to the point, the folks who attend them to hear his “tips” get nothing more than platitudes - not exactly academic excellence.

They also get the opportunity to have their photos taken with a life-size cardboard cutout of The Man Himself.

And tips on how to apply for additional credit cards, to spend the new credit limit on another “seminar”.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:33:11am
WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:40:29am
GlutenFreeJesus  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:42:31am

re: #274 lawhawk

More to the point, the folks who attend them to hear his “tips” get nothing more than platitudes - not exactly academic excellence.

And that venture is being sued by the NY AG’s office because it claims to be a university - which has a very specific legal meaning. For starters, it doesn’t give out degrees and it isn’t accredited by anyone.

He then changed the venture to Trump Entrepreneur Initiative, because NY came down hard on his BS. Oh, and the venture pretty much collapsed of its own derpiness and the AG has continued investigating because those attending were bilked out of thousands in fees.

The whole thing was designed with one person’s profits in mind - Donald Trump. The fools who paid for it? They lost the money and got nothing of value in return.

Of course, DNC opposition research won’t bother to hammer this point through in ads… Wonder if Sanders/Clinton will use this in any debates against him.

“Mr. Trump, you tout your success as a businessman and entrepreneur, but you’re nothing but a racist, bigoted shitbag of a snakeoil salesman. And here is all the proof…”

Watch Mr. This-Country-Is-Too-PC-To-Tell-It-Like-It-Is flip his hair.

FormerDirtDart  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:44:46am

Carson already walking back his desertion threat?

b.d.  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:45:47am
danarchy  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:50:14am

re: #305 FormerDirtDart

Carson already walking back his desertion threat?

[Embedded content]

Well, leaving the party and running a third party campaign are different things.

lawhawk  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:52:12am

re: #307 danarchy

It’s my party, and I’ll cry if I want to…

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:52:15am
b.d.  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:53:05am

re: #307 danarchy

Well, leaving the party and running a third party campaign are different things.

Carson just joined the party a year ago

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:54:39am
b_sharp  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:55:46am

re: #309 WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

Embedded Image

Common sense is misunderstood & overrated.

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 8:57:26am

Ted Cruz lights a candelabra that isn’t kosher for Hanukkah (all the lights have to be placed in a straight line)

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:01:17am

another detail about that Paris gun:

Dark_Falcon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:01:43am

re: #157 b.d.



How on earth can the bagger wingnuts justify this in relation to their DRILL! BABY! DRILL! mindset? If there is a glut of US oil then shouldn’t the prices fall? Isn’t that what the bagger wingnuts want? Isn’t that the entire purpose of DRILL! BABY! DRILL! ?

The prices might not fall much because of a rise in demand elsewhere, or because of drops in production elsewhere. Moreover, US energy companies being able to sell US-produced oil abroad doesn’t mean they’ll do that very much, but it does give them additional flexibility and it lets the US act as a direct supplier of energy, which can be diplomatically useful in some cases.

This would just empower oil companies, it would also empower the US State Department.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:02:00am

re: #314 Backwoods_Sleuth

another detail about that Paris gun:

[Embedded content]

Oh lovely.

Bubblehead II  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:02:17am

re: #312 b_sharp

Common sense is misunderstood & overrated.

Not to mention they want your E-Mail before they will show you your results. Common sense told me not to provide it. :-)

Belafon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:02:51am

re: #313 The Vicious Babushka

Ted Cruz lights a candelabra that isn’t kosher for Hanukkah (all the lights have to be placed in a straight line)

Kosher’s a war on Christmas!

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:03:26am

re: #317 Bubblehead II

Not to mention they want your E-Mail before they will show you your results. Common sense told me not to provide it. :-)

I have a burner email. :-)

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:03:46am

re: #318 Belafon

Kosher’s a war on Christmas!

JEW TAX!!!!!!1!!!!!
Now upgraded to HURR HURR SHARIA TAX!!!!1!!!!!

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:03:47am
The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:04:13am

LOL could he be any more of a suckup

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:04:57am

re: #322 The Vicious Babushka

LOL bring it

[Embedded content]

I ned a bath.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:06:16am

oldie but a goodie that just showed up in my TL:

Dark_Falcon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:06:19am

re: #314 Backwoods_Sleuth

another detail about that Paris gun:

[Embedded content]

OK, that’s an important story, because Century Arms is a notable firearms manufacturer and distributor. They recently started making their own semi-auto full-size AKMs for sale., and they sell a number of remanufactured weapons, such as the HK93.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:06:57am

re: #317 Bubblehead II

Not to mention they want your E-Mail before they will show you your results. Common sense told me not to provide it. :-)

Oh, BTW, you could also use nope@noway.com (or some such). I often use fuckyou@notachanceinhell.com just for fun.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:07:43am

re: #325 Dark_Falcon

OK, that’s an important story, because Century Arms is a notable firearms manufacturer and distributor. They recently started making their own semi-auto full-size AKMs for sale., and they sell a number of remanufactured weapons, such as the HK93.


HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:09:39am

re: #326 WhatEVs

Oh, BTW, you could also use nope@noway.com (or some such). I often use fuckyou@notachanceinhell.com just for fun.


Archangelus  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:09:56am

re: #269 FormerDirtDart

[Embedded content]

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:10:32am

This guy is such a lying, sack of shit, douchebag. He makes Noah Rothman look almost sane.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:13:46am

It’s time for curling! Go Rachel! #TeamHoman

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:13:58am

re: #330 WhatEVs

This guy is such a lying, sack of shit, douchebag. He makes Noah Rothman look almost sane.

[Embedded content]

I feel if Karl Rove who famously was involved with one of the biggest race baiters of all time, Atwater would be far worse than Rahm.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:15:08am
ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:16:28am

re: #304 GlutenFreeJesus

Of course, DNC opposition research won’t bother to hammer this point through in ads… Wonder if Sanders/Clinton will use this in any debates against him.

“Mr. Trump, you tout your success as a businessman and entrepreneur, but you’re nothing but a racist, bigoted shitbag of a snakeoil salesman. And here is all the proof…”

Watch Mr. This-Country-Is-Too-PC-To-Tell-It-Like-It-Is flip his hair.

Clinton will. She does know politics. And she will do what is necessary. I have a feeling she is champing at the bit to go after the Donald. The more he says stuff like she has no endurance and she was failed as a Senator and Secretary of State the more she will want to pop the gas bag that is Trump.

And I do hope the DNC does use it too. They don’t have to be mean about it, just put up the facts and interview real people and use their stories.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:16:52am

re: #333 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

What? I thought tis was the season to bitch about being wished a happy holidays instead of Merry Christmas.

makeitstop  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:17:09am

re: #313 The Vicious Babushka

Proud to celebrate the 5th night of #Chanukah at our staff holiday party yesterday

WOAR ON CHRISTMAS!!!!!! Wy you so PC, Ted Crus???!!!!

wrenchwench  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:18:40am


Scalia’s notion missed the point of affirmative action entirely, though, as do similar critiques that such programs somehow take opportunities away from white people and give them to minorities. I would know — my education was a product of affirmative action. While it may have paid for me to go to school, it hasn’t helped me at all when it comes to finding a job.

In 2009, I graduated from the University of Illinois with a master’s degree in Russian, East European and Eurasian studies that was paid for with a two-year fellowship earmarked for minority students. Before I arrived at Illinois, I had no experience studying Russian, though I did have a solid knowledge of Georgian from a two-year stint in the Peace Corps there. My GPA from undergraduate was solid, but my Graduate Record Exam scores were so poor I didn’t even meet the application requirements for some elite graduate Russian studies programs. Fortunately, Illinois looked at my Peace Corps experience, my undergraduate record at my tiny liberal arts college and other intangibles and awarded me an affirmative action fellowship after I was accepted into my program.

I excelled.

Not only did I improve my Georgian language skills and gain a solid knowledge of Russian, I earned a Fulbright grant to research African diasporas in Ukraine and undertook year-long intensive Russian language study in Kiev. I also picked up another master’s degree in journalism and led a team of my peers on a two-week reporting trip to Romania and Italy, where we conducted in-depth reporting on Romania’s transition into the European Union.


In my current work as a journalist, my knowledge of Russia, Ukraine and Eastern Europe helps me to tell stories of the black experience from places where many Americans never thought black people existed.


Affirmative action paid for my degree, but it can’t get me a full-time job writing about foreign policy. When news breaks from the former Soviet world, I rarely see a black face on network television delivering commentary. Most of the staff writers who cover international affairs at major publications are white men. Meanwhile, if I can write about Russian affairs three times in a month, after submitting dozens of pitches, I am very lucky.

So yes, I have the degree, but white writers have all of the foreign policy staff jobs. I’m still out here looking for one. That is why any suggestion that affirmative action positions me to take “a slot” from a white person baffles me. My ability to do anything at all in this space is thanks, in large part, to that affirmative action fellowship I got, which helped me get a key credential. Had Illinois viewed my previous lack of formal academic training as a disadvantage, I never would have had an opportunity to prove that I could, in fact, excel in this field.


RTWT, I chopped it badly.

Dark_Falcon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:18:45am

re: #327 WhatEVs


My point was that this is a well-known firm which produces a fairly wide number of firearms. So since they sold a gun used in the Paris attacks its going to be a notable story.

It doesn’t mean that Century Arms did anything wrong, but they will have tell the ATF whom they sold said gun to and assist in finding out how it got to France. Those kind of pistol versions of rifles aren’t legal in France, so we need to establish the point at which the law failed. Once that is done corrective action will need to be taken.

Bubblehead II  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:19:09am

re: #319 WhatEVs

I have a burner email. :-)

Technically, so do I. I just hate having to clean up all the spam

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:19:51am
Dave In Austin  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:20:21am
The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:22:03am
Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:22:43am

re: #338 Dark_Falcon

My point was that this is a well-known firm which produces a fairly wide number of firearms. So since they sold a gun used in the Paris attacks its going to be a notable story.

It doesn’t mean that Century Arms did anything wrong, but they will have tell the ATF whom they sold said gun to and assist in finding out how it got to France. Those kind of pistol versions of rifles aren’t legal in France, so we need to establish the point at which the law failed. Once that is done corrective action will need to be taken.

so if the law is just going to fail anyways, what’s the point of enforcing it, right?

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:22:50am

re: #337 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

RTWT, I chopped it badly.

As a person with a disability, I look at AA like this, it gives people who are capable who may not have gotten a chance otherwise to take it. The Castro brothers both admit they benefited from it. And honestly there’s no shame in it. Frankly, there should be more shame in legacy programs where you benefit simply because of your forefathers” connections and name. Good for him. He’s working in a part of the world very close to my heart.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:23:45am

re: #342 The Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

You just have to love this sort of thing. Thank you Prime Minister Trudeau. for showing the gift of kindness and warmth to these people.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:24:03am

re: #338 Dark_Falcon

My point was that this is a well-known firm which produces a fairly wide number of firearms. So since they sold a gun used in the Paris attacks its going to be a notable story.

It doesn’t mean that Century Arms did anything wrong, but they will have tell the ATF whom they sold said gun to and assist in finding out how it got to France. Those kind of pistol versions of rifles aren’t legal in France, so we need to establish the point at which the law failed. Once that is done corrective action will need to be taken.

Can’t be that notable since this is the first I am hearing of it.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:24:53am

And honestly we wouldn’t need AA in the first place if it wasn’t for generations of policy that made African-Americans and others second class citizens in the first place. So if you want to be mad at someone, be mad at the bigoted assholes who denied people opportunities based on their merits for generations.

wrenchwench  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:24:58am
WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:25:52am

re: #342 The Vicious Babushka

I love my adopted country. Canadians are awesome.

Dark_Falcon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:25:55am

re: #343 Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)

so if the law is just going to fail anyways, what’s the point of enforcing it, right?

That, sir, is the exact opposite of what I said. Something went wrong resulting in a gun being supplied to foreign terrorists. That ‘something’ must be found and it must be corrected. But first we must find out what what went wrong so we know what must be fixed.

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:26:56am

re: #349 WhatEVs

I love my adopted country. Canadians are awesome.


Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:27:05am

re: #314 Backwoods_Sleuth

Gun linked to Paris attacks traced back to FL arms dealer implicated in Iran-Contra scandal t.co pic.twitter.com
— Raw Story (@RawStory) December 11, 2015

If Ronny Raygun had a “D” after his name, the media and GOP candidates would howling and blaming the Democratic Party for the attacks. But, Zombie Raygun is sacred.

Wendell Zurkowitz (slave to the waffle light)  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:27:14am

re: #350 Dark_Falcon

That, sir, is the exact opposite of what I said. Something went wrong resulting in a gun being supplied to foreign terrorists. That ‘something’ must be found and it must be corrected. But first we must find out what what went wrong so we know what must be fixed.

I know, I was just parodying the answer of a lot of gun nuts that people are just going to ignore laws. You actually provided an incredibly reasoned and measured response.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:27:17am

re: #351 The Vicious Babushka


wrenchwench  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:27:25am

re: #347 HappyWarrior

And honestly we wouldn’t need AA in the first place if it wasn’t for generations of policy that made African-Americans and others second class citizens in the first place. So if you want to be mad at someone, be mad at the bigoted assholes who denied people opportunities based on their merits for generations.

People who criticize Affirmative Action have no understanding of level playing fields, or the lack of them.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:27:26am

re: #333 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Damn. Now the Canadians are making us look real bad.

Good for Canada!

Boo American politicians.

Dark_Falcon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:27:33am

re: #346 WhatEVs

Can’t be that notable since this is the first I am hearing of it.

If you followed firearms news more closely it would be different. It’s a case of a firm that’s well known in a given ‘interest community’, even if most of the public doesn’t know it well.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:28:14am

re: #352 Dr. Matt

If Ronny Raygun had a “D” after his name, the media and GOP candidates would howling and blaming the Democratic Party for the attacks. But, Zombie Raygun is sacred.

If Reagan was a D and he did the Iran-Contra crap that Reagan would have been left the Oval Office in shame.

Eventual Carrion  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:28:20am

re: #305 FormerDirtDart

Carson already walking back his desertion threat?

[Embedded content]

“don’t want to be part of corruption”. Sure you don’t Ben, unless you and your friends can make money off of it. Then corruption is his best friend and business partner.

Belafon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:28:44am

re: #347 HappyWarrior

And honestly we wouldn’t need AA in the first place if it wasn’t for generations of policy that made African-Americans and others second class citizens in the first place. So if you want to be mad at someone, be mad at the bigoted assholes who denied people opportunities based on their merits for generations.

We wouldn’t need AA if the only requirement for school was that you were willing and able to learn and the only requirement for a job is that you be able to do that job. That would require society paying for education and people being inclusive of others.

Edit: And humans aren’t that inclusive by default.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:28:56am

re: #357 Dark_Falcon

If you followed firearms news more closely it would be different. It’s a case of a firm that’s well known in a given ‘interest community’, even if most of the public doesn’t know it well.

Well, sure…Paris wasn’t a big deal or anything. Why would something like that make it into the mainstream media? /dripping

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:29:00am

re: #358 HappyWarrior

If Reagan was a D and he did the Iran-Contra crap that Reagan would have been left the Oval Office in shame.


HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:29:06am

re: #355 wrenchwench

People who criticize Affirmative Action have no understanding of level playing fields, or the lack of them.

Right. I mean whether we want to admit it or not, there is subtle discrimination that goes on in the application process. Now it’s not as bad as it once was but we still got a ways to go.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:29:35am

re: #362 Dr. Matt


except Obama of course.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:29:50am

re: #359 Eventual Carrion

“don’t want to be part of corruption”. Sure you don’t Ben, unless you and your friends can make money off of it. Then corruption is his best friend and business partner.


Dark_Falcon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:29:51am

re: #352 Dr. Matt

If Ronny Raygun had a “D” after his name, the media and GOP candidates would howling and blaming the Democratic Party for the attacks. But, Zombie Raygun is sacred.

What does a pistol shipped in May of 2013 have to do with a man who died almost 9 years previously?

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:30:27am

re: #338 Dark_Falcon

My point was that this is a well-known firm which produces a fairly wide number of firearms. So since they sold a gun used in the Paris attacks its going to be a notable story.

It doesn’t mean that Century Arms did anything wrong, but they will have tell the ATF whom they sold said gun to and assist in finding out how it got to France. Those kind of pistol versions of rifles aren’t legal in France, so we need to establish the point at which the law failed. Once that is done corrective action will need to be taken.

GASP! Are you saying there should be gun controls?

gwangung  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:30:30am

re: #360 Belafon

We wouldn’t need AA if the only requirement for school was that you were willing and able to learn and the only requirement for a job is that you be able to do that job. That would require society paying for education and people being inclusive of others.

I’m just going to say that in my experience, having the numbers out there and counting them out keeps you honest. On more than one occasion, I’ve had people say, “Of course, we’re giving opportunities!” only to say, “Oh crap!” when you give them their actual numbers.

Dark_Falcon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:30:53am

re: #361 WhatEVs

Well, sure…Paris wasn’t a big deal or anything. Why would something like that make it into the mainstream media? /dripping

Did I do or say something to offend you?

Eventual Carrion  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:30:57am

re: #313 The Vicious Babushka

Ted Cruz lights a candelabra that isn’t kosher for Hanukkah (all the lights have to be placed in a straight line)

[Embedded content]

He doesn’t do Christianity correctly either so what can you expect.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:32:09am

Legacy programs: Affirmative Action for rich white connected kids.

Romantic Heretic  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:32:12am

re: #275 lawhawk

Party of Personal Responsibility!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:32:24am
Eventual Carrion  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:32:38am

re: #314 Backwoods_Sleuth

another detail about that Paris gun:

[Embedded content]

Hmmmm, wonder where Ollie North has been lately?

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:33:05am

re: #373 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

I’m sure they have good kids meals Rand.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:33:21am

re: #348 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

I don’t know all to know about fruit trees, but are blossoms coming out now going to a problem when they really need to pop out in the spring?

EDIT to add…BEES!

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:33:42am

re: #364 HappyWarrior

except Obama of course.

And Carter.

wrenchwench  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:34:04am

re: #373 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Rand Paul]

Speaking of ‘legacy programs’…

Romantic Heretic  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:34:12am

re: #278 danarchy

I think a couple of decades is plenty of time to go from new guy, to old guy, and to pass on institutional knowledge to the new new guy. Also many of those long term congressman will go on to the senate, so you can still have a 40+ year career in DC. I am not saying it should be one or two then done, but there are too many structural and systematic benefits to incumbents that make the bar for entry too high for new comers.

And as George Carlin noted, “You just get a new bunch of selfish ignorant Americans.”

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:34:43am

re: #369 Dark_Falcon

Did I do something to offend you?

Dark, you don’t offend me, you frustrate me. You can see so much while seeing so little. You completely missed the point that what you said was a huge, massive big deal. Huge. Massive. And I (who reads news like a freaking fiend) have seen nothing on it…meaning the MSM is not covering it. I find that frustrating, too.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:34:46am

re: #374 Eventual Carrion

Hmmmm, wonder where Ollie North has been lately?

Last I see he’s one of FNC’s go to guys when they want to accuse Obama of being weak on terrorism and not loving America.

wrenchwench  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:34:58am

re: #376 ObserverArt

I don’t know all to know about fruit trees, but are blossoms coming out now going to a problem when they really need to pop out in the spring?

I imagine so.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:35:16am

re: #374 Eventual Carrion

Hmmmm, wonder where Ollie North has been lately?

That was exactly what came to my mind when I read that.

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:35:17am

re: #366 Dark_Falcon

What does a pistol shipped in May of 2013 have to do with a man who died almost 9 years previously?

Since when does reality or common sense matter to your party?

Eric The Fruit Bat  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:35:52am

re: #373 Backwoods_Sleuth

I’m surprised that they didn’t keep raising the percentage bar as these freak shows continue. Before the primaries start, the last debate should only have the top 5.

Dark_Falcon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:36:14am

re: #373 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

That’s an upgrade, since Christie has done much better in the debates than has Rand Paul. It also opens up the chance for a Christie - Trump collision, which would likely be entertaining.

Romantic Heretic  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:36:28am

re: #279 The Vicious Babushka

Corporation (n) An ingenious device for obtaining individual profit without individual responsibility.

The Devil’s Dictionary - Ambrose Bierce

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:37:16am

re: #387 Romantic Heretic

The Devil’s Dictionary - Ambrose Bierce

I have a copy of that on my bookshelf.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:38:25am

re: #378 wrenchwench

Speaking of ‘legacy programs’…

No kidding and I think even his father knows that. They’re feuding apparently.

FormerDirtDart  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:38:51am


HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:39:40am

Rand’s surging guys. He’s going to get chicken tenders and a cheeseburger at teh kids table!

makeitstop  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:39:40am

re: #366 Dark_Falcon

What does a pistol shipped in May of 2013 have to do with a man who died almost 9 years previously?

Note the recent development of wingnut media blaming Jimmy Carter for supposedly doing the ‘same thing’ as Trump is proposing re immigration.

There is very little similarity between the two situations, but that’s not stopping assholes like Dim Jim from shifting the blame from a present-day bigot to a president who left office 35 years ago.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:39:43am

re: #380 WhatEVs

Dark, you don’t offend me, you frustrate me. You can see so much while seeing so little. You completely missed the point that what you said was a huge, massive big deal. Huge. Massive. And I (who reads news like a freaking fiend) have seen nothing on it…meaning the MSM is not covering it. I find that frustrating, too.

MSM is much too busy covering every single little thing that is Trump.
Most people never heard about the Holtzclaw trial either, and that is also huge.

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:41:05am
The face of Trump supporters everywhere #batshitcrazy
Dark_Falcon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:41:08am

re: #380 WhatEVs

Dark, you don’t offend me, you frustrate me. You can see so much while seeing so little. You completely missed the point that what you said was a huge, massive big deal. Huge. Massive. And I (who reads news like a freaking fiend) have seen nothing on it…meaning the MSM is not covering it. I find that frustrating, too.

It’s possible that the FBI or ATF has asked the big media outlets to hold off, as law enforcement sometimes will when its trying not to spook a target. More likely, the press either hasn’t picked up on it yet or is waiting to see if there’s a larger story.

The press might not want to jump on this story until they know something of where its going.

Bubblehead II  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:41:10am

re: #350 Dark_Falcon

That, sir, is the exact opposite of what I said. Something went wrong resulting in a gun being supplied to foreign terrorists. That ‘something’ must be found and it must be corrected. But first we must find out what what went wrong so we know what must be fixed.

Chance are they will trace it back to the original purchaser who will have sold it to his good bud jimbob who then sold it some guy at a gun show. All without any paper work required. One of the loop holes in our gun laws that needs to be sealed.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:41:32am
ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:42:11am

re: #386 Dark_Falcon

That’s an upgrade, since Christie has done much better in the debates than has Rand Paul. It also opens up the chance for a Christie - Trump collision, which would likely be entertaining.

I hope Kasich is still viable poll wise to make the main stage. He is the main guy to take it to Trump. I don’t like him as my Governor and I never want him as president…but he is dogged and dickish and America needs him to chew on Trump.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:42:16am

re: #395 Dark_Falcon

It’s possible that the FBI or ATF has asked the big media outlets to hold off, as law enforcement sometimes will when its trying not to spook a target. More likely, the press either hasn’t picked up on it yet or is waiting to see if there’s a larger story.

The press might not want to jump on this story until they know something of where its going.

The story hit the news yesterday.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:42:33am

re: #397 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Than frankly Kentuckians stop voting for these guys. They don’t give a goddamn about you or your family.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:43:06am

re: #393 Backwoods_Sleuth

MSM is much too busy covering every single little thing that is Trump.
Most people never heard about the Holtzclaw trial either, and that is also huge.

That last one makes me ill. While I am not an at-risk black woman I am a woman. And that so many women were taken advantage of by a supposed officer of the law makes me sick. And very, very angry.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:43:41am

re: #396 Bubblehead II

Chance are they will trace it back to the original purchaser who will have sold it to his good bud jimbob who then sold it some guy at a gun show. All without any paper work required. One of the loop holes in our gun laws that needs to be sealed.

The gun was shipped to Century International Arms in Florida directly from the manufacturer in Serbia. The question is how did it get from the gun shop to Paris.
Century has a thriving online sales business.

Belafon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:44:07am

re: #397 Backwoods_Sleuth

Part of me wants to have the Republicans repeal it anyway. About time some of them suffered for their actions.

makeitstop  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:44:08am

re: #394 Dr. Matt

[Embedded content]

That woman is more than a little creepy. Her hand gestures freaked me the fuck out.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:44:53am

re: #401 WhatEVs

That last one makes me ill. While I am not an at-risk black woman I am a woman. And that so many women were taken advantage of by a supposed officer of the law makes me sick. And very, very angry.

That story should be scary to anyone man or woman. Officer Holtzclaw’s makes one wonder about who we can trust. Now of course the overwhelming majority of cops aren’t rapists but goddamn how the hell are you supposed to know that. Police misconduct needs to be punished swift and hard.

Belafon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:44:55am

re: #404 makeitstop

That woman is more than a little creepy. Her hand gestures freaked me the fuck out.

And the best part is she’s an elected official.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:45:21am

re: #395 Dark_Falcon

It’s possible that the FBI or ATF has asked the big media outlets to hold off, as law enforcement sometimes will when its trying not to spook a target. More likely, the press either hasn’t picked up on it yet or is waiting to see if there’s a larger story.

Possibly. You may be correct.

The press might not want to jump on this story until they know something of where its going.

Seriously? When has facts or anything mattered to the American media? CNN reported the Boston bombing as a light-skinned black man with nothing to support it. I mean, really, our news is nothing more than TMZ for politics.

makeitstop  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:45:38am

re: #406 Belafon

And the best part is she’s an elected official.

Or the worst part.

wrenchwench  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:45:57am

re: #403 Belafon

Part of me wants to have the Republicans repeal it anyway. About time some of them suffered for their actions.

They’ve been lied to by professionals for decades. Hard for me to blame them.

Dark_Falcon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:46:16am

re: #396 Bubblehead II

Chance are they will trace it back to the original purchaser who will have sold it to his good bud jimbob who then sold it some guy at a gun show. All without any paper work required. One of the loop holes in our gun laws that needs to be sealed.

Lets not indulge in such speculation. It’s been wrong quite often.

But here’s some counter speculation based on your scenario: If the “good bud” is named ‘Marwan’ instead of ‘Jim Bob’ then expect that fact to rebound to the benefit of Donald Trump, especially if ‘Marwan’ is an immigrant or the son of one.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:46:20am

re: #403 Belafon

Part of me wants to have the Republicans repeal it anyway. About time some of them suffered for their actions.

I know what you’re feeling but don’t fall into that since there’s plenty of people who don’t vote for these assholes who don’t deserve it and even the people who do. I do wish they would actually look at what the fuck they’re voting for though and stop falling for the GOP’s lies about how gay marriage and abortion are attacks on their religious liberty. The lies about guns too. They really need to look at how many guns they had before Obama was president and look at how many now and ask themselves that if Obama and the Dems were really the gun grabbers that the GOP insists they are that they would not have actually likely increased their arsenal since. Fucking patsies.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:46:23am

re: #396 Bubblehead II

Chance are they will trace it back to the original purchaser who will have sold it to his good bud jimbob who then sold it some guy at a gun show. All without any paper work required. One of the loop holes in our gun laws that needs to be sealed.


And I hope Dark is discovering this is the one big problem that should be solved with proper legislation, if he isn’t already aware. It really doesn’t hurt the gun lovers to have this loophole closed. Sadly they will still claim “SLIPPERY SLOPE” backed by the NRA.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:47:25am

re: #399 Backwoods_Sleuth

The story hit the news yesterday.

Really? Where? Do you have links?

(I am getting ready to go into a meeting. I will look when I return. THANK YOU!)

blueraven  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:47:43am

re: #393 Backwoods_Sleuth

MSM is much too busy covering every single little thing that is Trump.
Most people never heard about the Holtzclaw trial either, and that is also huge.

Some credit to CNN. They have covered it quite a bit today and televised the live press conference of the victims.

Of course, today is the first time I have seen it covered on any cable news.

wrenchwench  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:48:14am

re: #410 Dark_Falcon

Lets not indulge in such speculation[…]

But here’s some counter speculation […]

That will get you in trouble.

WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:48:34am

re: #405 HappyWarrior

That story should be scary to anyone man or woman. Officer Holtzclaw’s makes one wonder about who we can trust. Now of course the overwhelming majority of cops aren’t rapists but goddamn how the hell are you supposed to know that. Police misconduct needs to be punished swift and hard.

And the police need to erase that thin blue line and police their own.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:49:29am

re: #397 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Kentucky getting the hard lesson.

What do you think Sleuth? Would it be better for the state and America for it to be shut down and then the kickback to come back and help turn the state a little more blue? If it gets nasty enough it might make other states really think about their positions.

I feel for the Kentuckians no matter what happens.

Dark_Falcon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:49:29am

re: #402 Backwoods_Sleuth

The gun was shipped to Century International Arms in Florida directly from the manufacturer in Serbia. The question is how did it get from the gun shop to Paris.
Century has a thriving online sales business.

True, but you can’t have a handgun delivered direct to you from an online purchase. It has to be delivered to a Type 1 Federal Firearms License (FFL) holder, and the background check must be run before the FFL holder may then transfer then handgun to you. The sale of this type of gun online does not fit through a loophole.

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:49:32am

re: #413 WhatEVs

Really? Where? Do you have links?

(I am getting ready to go into a meeting. I will look when I return. THANK YOU!)

I’ve only seen two stories covering it:



WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:49:33am

re: #414 blueraven

Some credit to CNN. They have covered it quite a bit today and televised the live press conference of the victims.

Of course, today is the first time I have seen it covered on any cable news.

Paris or San Bernadino? All I saw on CNN earlier was them searching a part in SB.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:49:41am

re: #416 WhatEVs

And the police need to erase that thin blue line and police their own.


Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:50:43am

re: #413 WhatEVs

Really? Where? Do you have links?

(I am getting ready to go into a meeting. I will look when I return. THANK YOU!)

This one is dated today, but the Orlando Sentinel had it yesterday, where I first saw it.

Belafon  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:51:24am

re: #409 wrenchwench

They’ve been lied to by professionals for decades. Hard for me to blame them.

re: #411 HappyWarrior

I know what you’re feeling but don’t fall into that since there’s plenty of people who don’t vote for these assholes who don’t deserve it and even the people who do. I do wish they would actually look at what the fuck they’re voting for though and stop falling for the GOP’s lies about how gay marriage and abortion are attacks on their religious liberty.

I know. The problem I’m trying to figure out is how to change these people’s behavior. If someone told me that the fire wasn’t hot, maybe the first time I get burnt it’s the other person’s fault, but after a bit it should be on me, and if I’m going to keep sticking my hand in the fire, I should get burnt.

Bubblehead II  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:51:45am

re: #402 Backwoods_Sleuth

The gun was shipped to Century International Arms in Florida directly from the manufacturer in Serbia. The question is how did it get from the gun shop to Paris.
Century has a thriving online sales business.

Chances are we will never know. With the private sale loop hole, that weapon could have passed through several different parties hands before it ended up in France. Until every sale/transfer of a firearm is required by law to be documented, you will never be able to track its path from point A to point B (or Z).

The Vicious Babushka  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:51:46am


WhatEVs  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:53:36am

re: #419 Dr. Matt

Thanks! Meeting time!

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:53:46am

re: #417 ObserverArt

Kentucky getting the hard lesson.

What do you think Sleuth? Would it be better for the state and America for it to be shut down and then the kickback to come back and help turn the state a little more blue? If it gets nasty enough it might make other states really think about their positions.

I feel for the Kentuckians no matter what happens.

I don’t think Bevin has a chance at shutting it down because it works so well right now.
His “solution” will cost the state even more and the coverage will be crap.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:53:57am

re: #423 Belafon

I know. The problem I’m trying to figure out is how to change these people’s behavior. If someone told me that the fire wasn’t hot, maybe the first time I get burnt it’s the other person’s fault, but after a bit it should be on me, and if I’m going to keep sticking my hand in the fire, I should get burnt.

As I said, I get at what you’re feeling. Honestly, there’s a large part of me that I think these less well off people who keep on falling for Republican lies get what they deserve but to totally feel so really goes against my system of values. It’s like how I feel that even those people in districts represented by people who oppose disaster relief for others like much of the deep South opposed for Sandy still should get help if their areas were hit. Of course, in an ideal world, they’d wake up and throw their GOP congressman, senator, and governor on his ass for years of bullshit.

wrenchwench  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:54:08am

re: #420 WhatEVs

Paris or San Bernadino? All I saw on CNN earlier was them searching a part in SB.

I never thought the day would come that it would be common to see ‘Paris’ and ‘San Bernardino’ in the same sentence.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:54:12am

re: #425 The Vicious Babushka


[Embedded content]


lawhawk  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:54:55am

re: #394 Dr. Matt

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:55:03am

Apropos at this moment

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:55:19am

re: #420 WhatEVs

I think blueraven is talking about the Holtzclaw trial.

wrenchwench  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:55:25am

re: #423 Belafon

I know. The problem I’m trying to figure out is how to change these people’s behavior. If someone told me that the fire wasn’t hot, maybe the first time I get burnt it’s the other person’s fault, but after a bit it should be on me, and if I’m going to keep sticking my hand in the fire, I should get burnt.

Keep reading the comments of Decatur Deb. He’s been at it a long time, and he still seems upbeat.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:57:56am

re: #432 Dr. Matt

Apropos at this moment

[Embedded content]

As I’ve pointed out, I really think so many of these assholes wouldn’t be so cavailer about guns if they knew the tragedy of losing a loved one to them. I’ve told you guys. I have known that pain. I’ve also as someone who was college aged in Virginia at the time of the shooting of Virginia Tech (one of our state’s largest undergrad schools) known the fears of not knowing about if your friends or relative (had a cousin at VT at the same time) made it out okay. I was lucky but there were friends and family of 32 other people who were not.

Bubblehead II  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:58:01am

re: #410 Dark_Falcon

Lets not indulge in such speculation. It’s been wrong quite often.

But here’s some counter speculation based on your scenario: If the “good bud” is named ‘Marwan’ instead of ‘Jim Bob’ then expect that fact to rebound to the benefit of Donald Trump, especially if ‘Marwan’ is an immigrant or the son of one.

I don’t think it’s speculation. Chances are very high that this weapon was intentionally purchased through a private sale to avoid any paperwork that could be tracked back to the final owner. The original owner probably has (but not for long) no clue that the weapon he bought (and then later, sold) was going to end up in a terrorists hands. And that is THE problem.

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 9:58:57am

re: #431 lawhawk

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:00:20am

Firearms are a big industry. Anything involved with a tool that can cause mass death at the click of a trigger needs to be heavily regulated. You want to have a gun, fine, but prove that you’re not going to kill a bunch of people or your child isn’t going to get it and kill themselves. Honestly, the world would be better off with far fewer guns and a culture that doesn’t glamorize them or try to act like not having them is somehow the worst thing. I’ve lived my entire 28 years in a household without em and I’ll be happy to live out the rest of my years without em.

Joe Bacon  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:03:08am

re: #403 Belafon

Part of me wants to have the Republicans repeal it anyway. About time some of them suffered for their actions.


I suffer from both rheumatoid arthritis and type 2 diabetes. Thanks to the ACA, when I hit my annual limit of $1,500 in August, I don’t have to pay for my Dr visits, RX’s, lab tests or IV’s for the rest of the year. The ACA isn’t perfect, but it’s far better than having SCREW CROSS deny my IV’s as they did when I was first diagnosed with RA!

If the assholes in the GOP repeal ACA, it will be a death sentence for me.

Stanley Sea Toujours  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:03:18am

re: #419 Dr. Matt

I’ve only seen two stories covering it:



The Palm Beach County business imports up to 25,000 guns every year from the Serbian firm alone, the AP reported.

We NEED these guns!

Dave In Austin  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:03:40am
HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:03:43am

re: #440 Stanley Sea Toujours

We NEED these guns!

That’s just mind boggling.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:05:58am

I saw this the other day and I’m still giggling.

Eventual Carrion  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:06:19am

re: #397 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Guess most just couldn’t be bothered to get out and vote that way.

FormerDirtDart  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:07:09am
I Would Prefer Not To  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:07:15am

Can RuPaul Replace Rand Paul in the next Republican debate. Asking for a friend.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:07:23am

re: #443 Backwoods_Sleuth

I saw this the other day and I’m still giggling.

[Embedded content]

That’s pretty damn funny.

TedStriker  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:07:30am

re: #443 Backwoods_Sleuth

I saw this the other day and I’m still giggling.

[Embedded content]


HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:08:08am

re: #446 I Would Prefer Not To

Can RuPaul Replace Rand Paul in the next Republican debate. Asking for a friend.

Makes me think of Bruno mistaking Ron for Ru.

Belafon  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:10:10am

re: #439 Joe Bacon


I suffer from both rheumatoid arthritis and type 2 diabetes. Thanks to the ACA, when I hit my annual limit of $1,500 in August, I don’t have to pay for my Dr visits, RX’s, lab tests or IV’s for the rest of the year. The ACA isn’t perfect, but it’s far better than having SCREW CROSS deny my IV’s as they did when I was first diagnosed with RA!

If the assholes in the GOP repeal ACA, it will be a death sentence for me.

The majority of me realizes that there would be plenty of people hurt who oppose people who want to appeal it. Like I said, it’s trying to change the behavior of those who rely on Democratic policies and vote for people who want to remove them.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:11:31am

re: #444 Eventual Carrion

Guess most just couldn’t be bothered to get out and vote that way.

And the ones that DID get out and vote didn’t have a clue about Bevin. All they heard was CAREER POLITICIANS, WE NEED A BUSINESSMAN!!11!! and WAR ON COAL!!11!!.

Joe Bacon  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:12:54am

re: #451 Backwoods_Sleuth

And the ones that DID get out and vote didn’t have a clue about Bevin. All they heard was CAREER POLITICIANS, WE NEED A BUSINESSMAN!!11!! and WAR ON COAL!!11!!.

Like their “sister in Christ” Kim Davis, they also wanted to smack down the gays and lesbians as well…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:13:28am

re: #452 Joe Bacon

Like their “sister in Christ” Kim Davis, they also wanted to smack down the gays and lesbians as well…

Sadly, that as well.
The churches brought in voters on buses.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:13:55am

re: #394 Dr. Matt

[Embedded content]

Here are some other fine display by Ms. DeLemus. She is quit the video star.

This one was a fight over the NH Tea Partiers trying to keep President Obama off the NH ballot in 2012.

NH Birther Reps. Susan DeLemus and Harry Accornero Lash Out at Ballot Law Commission

This one is her being interviewed about her issues with Mitt Romney and how the GOP backed him.

Susan DeLemus at Tea Party Rally

ANd one with her and another guy talking about the Federal Government’s Sustainable Communities Initiative being implemented in New Hampshire.

GrokTV: “After Testimony” interview with - Sue DeLemus, Warren Groen

Here she is talking about running for reelection.

GrokTV Special Interview: NH State Rep. Sue DeLemus (R-Rochester)

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:14:06am

re: #451 Backwoods_Sleuth

And the ones that DID get out and vote didn’t have a clue about Bevin. All they heard was CAREER POLITICIANS, WE NEED A BUSINESSMAN!!11!! and WAR ON COAL!!11!!.

So many people don’t realize that businessmen are really only in it for themselves. I’ saw a ton of business majors in my time as an undergrad. A lot of them, their motivation was to make as much money as possible. And that’s honestly fine but that’s not the quality I want of someone running my state. I didn’t become a history major because of the money (duh), I did my major because I genuinely feel the best way we can get better as a society is to learn from the mistakes of the past and that at heart is what a lot of history is about. Plus it’s interesting as hell too.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:14:58am

re: #454 ObserverArt

Here are some other fine display by Ms. DeLemus. She is quit the video star.

This one was a fight over the NH Tea Partiers trying to keep President Obama off the NH ballot in 2012.

[Embedded content]

A lot of these TP ladies seem to go for the Sarah Palin look- the unhinged librarian.

HappyWarrior  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:16:30am

We have too many people in it for numero uno and not in it for everyone else. I want to have leaders that look beyond themselves and their interests and think about our collective interests and yes as communist/socialist as that sounds, we definitely do have collective interests as societies.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:16:37am

re: #454 ObserverArt

She needs a bigger cross hanging from her neck.

Dr. Matt  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:20:20am

re: #458 Backwoods_Sleuth

She needs a bigger cross hanging from her neck.

I was about to post the same thing.

ObserverArt  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:21:24am

re: #458 Backwoods_Sleuth

She needs a bigger cross hanging from her neck.

re: #459 Dr. Matt

I was about to post the same thing.

Or, a nice nickle plated revolver!

Blind Frog Belly White  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:35:41am

re: #459 Dr. Matt

I was about to post the same thing.

Instead of the Cross,
The albatross
Around my neck was hung.

BadgerB  Dec 11, 2015 • 10:53:00am

re: #444 Eventual Carrion

Guess most just couldn’t be bothered to get out and vote that way.

Even during the election rolling it back didn’t poll that well, Bevin actually went from ‘kill it’ to ‘fix it with a Federal waiver’ before it was over. However, Kim Davis/the Kenyan in the Whitehouse/general red-state garbage were more important for too many voters so now they have to hope the new governor goes back on what he said and that the
‘fixed’ version doesn’t just kill it effectively even if it lives on in name.

Edit: I hope and support for Joe Bacon and everyone else in similar situations, taking care of people is what matters in the end.

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