Just Another Insanely Great Orchestral Jam at Some Guy’s House: Louis Cole, “F It Up”

Music • Views: 35,758


Live Louis Cole sesh recorded in some guy’s house. LOUIS COLE.

Song // arrangement // video: Louis Cole

Full band // crew credits listed at end of video

Buy Louis Cole’s New album “Time” (you can find it anywhere on the net)

Come To Louis Cole’s upcoming USA, CANADA, and EUROPE shows: bit.ly

Thank you I love you all

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ObserverArt  Oct 31, 2018 • 6:48:47pm

I thought I was having a Deja vu moment Charles.

You’re Not Going to Believe Where This New Louis Cole Music Video Goes: “F It Up”

One month ago…

teleskiguy  Oct 31, 2018 • 6:50:20pm

So good it had to be posted twice.

wheat-dogg  Oct 31, 2018 • 6:53:14pm

re: #1 ObserverArt

I thought I was having a Deja vu moment Charles.

You’re Not Going to Believe Where This New Louis Cole Music Video Goes: “F It Up”

One month ago…

TBH a month seems like a decade nowadays.

Targetpractice  Oct 31, 2018 • 6:54:48pm

re: #3 wheat-dogg

TBH a month seems like a decade nowadays.

Seems like a lifetime ago since we had a country that made sense. And it hasn’t even been 2 years.

makeitstop  Oct 31, 2018 • 6:56:04pm

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 6:56:40pm

E-mail from the Secular Coalition for America … (I was on the board to set up the state chapter for a short time).

The Election of the Living Dead

Our government has been overtaken by zombies. Unlike the fictional zombies of horror movies, these zombies don’t eat brains, instead sustaining themselves by devouring the civil rights of anyone who is different from them. These zombies dress in suits, regularly appear on television, and occupy some of the most powerful positions in our government. These are the religious right’s zombie politicians.

(kinda long, rest behind the hide bar)

These zombies are animated by a worldview and a constituency that is dying out, but they continue to maintain a cold, undead grip on our political system. From 2006-2017, the white evangelical constituency declined from 23% of the population to just 15%. Additionally, the American people overwhelmingly reject the religious right’s positions on a wide-range of issues including same-sex marriage, abortion, access to contraceptives, and religiously-based discrimination. At the same time, the number of nonreligious Americans has skyrocketed from 16% in 2007 to 29% in 2018.

So why have these zombies risen from the graveyard of ideas to the highest levels of political power?

Voter Turnout
While white evangelicals makeup a shrinking share of the population, they have extremely high voter turnout rates. In 2016, white evangelicals made up about 15% of the population but comprised 26% of the electorate. In a depressing contrast, the nonreligious comprised 25% of the population in 2016 but made up only 15% of the electorate.

Cold hard cash
These zombies are so well-funded it would make Dracula blush. Five of the top groups representing the religious right spend nearly $25 million each year lobbying state and federal lawmakers to embrace their bigoted agenda. This money gives them an outsized influence in politics and pays for the electricity that keeps their Frankenstein ideas alive on Capitol Hill.

We need your help to keep the 2018 midterm elections from becoming a horror story.

The election is just a few days away and early polling suggests that nonreligious voters are poised to play a crucial role in deciding the outcome. That’s great news, but we need to make sure that nonreligious voters become a powerhouse constituency that we can count on to vote in this election and every election.

The wall between church and state is all that stands between our rights and the theocratic zombies who want to force their religious beliefs on all of us. That’s why we’re counting on you to help support our work mobilizing nonreligious voters and countering the religious right’s agenda here in Washington. With your help we can beat these zombies at the ballot box and stop this November from becoming the election of the living dead.

ObserverArt  Oct 31, 2018 • 6:57:44pm

re: #2 teleskiguy

So good it had to be posted twice.

The reason I remembered it is because I have shared it with friends and knew I got it from here. It is a fun tune and video.

It’d be interesting to see how he presents his band/act live.

Jay C  Oct 31, 2018 • 6:58:05pm

Don’t know if it’s been posted here already, but the case of the two girls whose bodies were washed up on the Hudson shore of Manhattan last week, duct-taped together, has just gotten weirder. They have been identified as two sisters from Saudi Arabia . Who were, last anyone checked, supposed to be living with their brother in Fairfax, VA.
Police still have no idea what happened to them.
Except they are probably not (AFAWK) related to Jamal Khashoggi.

The Vicious Babushka  Oct 31, 2018 • 6:58:46pm
Targetpractice  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:00:17pm

re: #5 makeitstop

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

[Embedded content]

Because fear is all they have anymore. Fear that an “illegal” will take your shitty job and leave you financially destitute. Fear that a black family will move into your white neighborhood and start playing that “jungle music” while you’re trying to nap. Fear that that brown fella with the funny name is trying to kill you because the pain in your back isn’t going away. Fear that your kids won’t get into the college they want because an Asian kid will get the scholarship they’re dependent upon.

Fear, fear, and more fear. Fear on tap. High octane fear. Fear with a side order of fear. Because if people aren’t afraid, then they might have a second to think straight.

teleskiguy  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:03:08pm
Jay C  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:07:09pm

re: #5 makeitstop

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

[Embedded content]

Tough talk from Senator Corker: and of course, come January 3, he’ll be back to being just plain Mr. Corker from Chattanooga, and his opinions about the depravities of Republican politics will have about the same weight as they did when he was in the Senate, i.e. next to bupkis.

Charles Johnson  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:14:57pm

re: #1 ObserverArt

I thought I was having a Deja vu moment Charles.

You’re Not Going to Believe Where This New Louis Cole Music Video Goes: “F It Up”

One month ago…

Decided some videos are good enough to post again!

makeitstop  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:16:23pm

re: #13 Charles Johnson

Decided some videos are good enough to post again!

You can re-up ‘Fear of a Blank Planet’ any time you like, I won’t mind. :)

Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:18:09pm

re: #5 makeitstop

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

Gee, Bob, if there was only a powerful Republican politician who could call out his party …

BigPapa  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:21:34pm

Paparazzi slid me a pic of Charles early in his road dog days

Road Dogs
BigPapa  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:24:28pm

At my wedding to my most adored Mrs BigPapa, our song was At Last by Etta James. Lots of meaning to it because we had a long engagement for reasons.

I know she had a powerful voice. But Ho-Lee-Shyte, I didn’t know she could get by without a mic. She starts pulling the mic away and belts out sweet notes, no flaws.

Etta James - I’d Rather Be Blind (Live at Montreux 1975)

stpaulbear  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:27:53pm

re: #16 BigPapa

So many updings. That’s great.

Belafon  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:28:00pm
Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:28:23pm

Shameless page promotion (goes to the right-hand column of Little Green Footballs)

Flag Observances for November

Also, Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 4.

Belafon  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:33:14pm

Here’s an interesting fact: Remember the girl in the Sixth Sense that was poisoned by her mom? The girl was played by Mischa Barton.

teleskiguy  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:34:20pm
teleskiguy  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:36:08pm

re: #20 Anymouse 🌹

Also, Daylight Saving Time ends on Sunday, November 4.

Spring back, fall forward!

DodgerFan1988  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:36:53pm
Kilroy was here  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:40:53pm

I know it is only an opinion piece..
Vote against all Republicans. Every single one.

Vote for Democrats on Tuesday. For every office. Regardless of who they are. And I say that as a former Republican. Some Republicans in suburban districts may claim they aren’t for Trump. Don’t believe them. Whatever their private qualms, no Republicans have consistently held Trump to account. They are too scared that doing so will hurt their chances of reelection. If you’re as sick and tired as I am of being sick and tired about what’s going on, vote against all Republicans. Every single one. That’s the only message they will understand.


Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:46:24pm

re: #310 Eventual Carrion

[Embedded content]

LOL Don’t Fear the Reaper

Blue Oyster Cult - (Don’t Fear) The Reaper (Audio)

Targetpractice  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:47:15pm

I hate to break it to the GOP, but there are only so many dumb white men left in the country. And their numbers are not growing fast enough to replace the ones dying to old age and disease. In fact, the only thing that’s presently keeping America above water in terms of population growth is the influx of immigrants from other nations. You can run all them “illegals” out of the country, but you ain’t got enough warm bodies to keep the machines running when they’re gone.

BeachDem  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:47:21pm

re: #25 Kilroy was here

I know it is only an opinion piece..
Vote against all Republicans. Every single one.


The kicker is that it’s a Max Boot opinion piece.

makeitstop  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:49:10pm
ObserverArt  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:50:59pm

re: #25 Kilroy was here

I know it is only an opinion piece..
Vote against all Republicans. Every single one.


Max just gave his old party the Boot.

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:56:21pm

re: #30 ObserverArt

Max just gave his old party the Boot.

Max has been feeling this way for awhile. His piece in July made clear how much he hated Trump and how he has come to appreciate Obama


Belafon  Oct 31, 2018 • 7:58:36pm

This isn’t a new video, but I haven’t seen it before, a Cat Watching Psycho:

Cat Watching Horror Movie

I’m really fascinated by it’s pupils changing size.

Targetpractice  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:00:02pm

re: #29 makeitstop

[Embedded content]

I’m plunking my chip down now: The DNC wins the House, loses the Senate, and wins enough gubernatorial races to put the fear of God in the GOP. Donny claims “victory” in keeping the Senate, while blaming the party leadership for the loss of the House and “can’t lose” races at the state and local levels. Pundits claim the whole thing’s a wash because the DNC failed to win the Senate, insisting that winning the House alone doesn’t really mean anything, and that Donny will be set to run in 2020 against “The Party of No.”

makeitstop  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:02:02pm
Belafon  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:03:56pm

re: #33 Targetpractice

I’m plunking my chip down now: The DNC wins the House, loses the Senate, and wins enough gubernatorial races to put the fear of God in the GOP. Donny claims “victory” in keeping the Senate, while blaming the party leadership for the loss of the House and “can’t lose” races at the state and local levels. Pundits claim the whole thing’s a wash because the DNC failed to win the Senate, insisting that winning the House alone doesn’t really mean anything, and that Donny will be set to run in 2020 against “The Party of No.”

You forgot the part where Democrats fight over what it means to control the House.

But, ignoring all of the noise, controlling the chamber that generates spending bills is a big thing. There was a study a few years ago showing that the low point in our government’s function occurs when the GOP controls the House. And the GOP wreaked significant havoc just controlling the House during Obama’s term.

MsJ  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:06:56pm

re: #34 makeitstop

Former cop. That’s terrifying.

teleskiguy  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:06:57pm

This is who I voted for in my congressional district (CO - 3).

William Lewis  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:08:28pm

I was just wondering, if the president can change the standard for citizenship with an EO, couldn’t a different president radically alter the 2nd Amendment as well? I wonder if any of them have considered that as a possibility…

ipsos  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:13:05pm

re: #34 makeitstop

[Embedded content]

Nothing is a coincidence anymore.

This racist vet is from Santa Clarita.

And it wasn’t long ago that I read this chilling article about how the local paper in Santa Clarita was recently sold to new right-wing owners who are using it as a political tool.


garzooma  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:13:33pm

re: #35 Belafon

You forgot the part where Democrats fight over what it means to control the House.

But, ignoring all of the noise, controlling the chamber that generates spending bills is a big thing. There was a study a few years ago showing that the low point in our government’s function occurs when the GOP controls the House. And the GOP wreaked significant havoc just controlling the House during Obama’s term.

Control of the House also means the Dems can protect the Mueller investigation. Not to mention conducting investigations of their own.

can't think of a decent username  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:15:19pm

re: #33 Targetpractice

I’m plunking my chip down now: The DNC wins the House, loses the Senate, and wins enough gubernatorial races to put the fear of God in the GOP. Donny claims “victory” in keeping the Senate, while blaming the party leadership for the loss of the House and “can’t lose” races at the state and local levels. Pundits claim the whole thing’s a wash because the DNC failed to win the Senate, insisting that winning the House alone doesn’t really mean anything, and that Donny will be set to run in 2020 against “The Party of No.”

I’m thinking much more pessimistically. I think Russian meddling, vote suppression, and outright corruption by Republican secretaries of state will swing things hard for the Republicans.

I think this way partly because it’s foolish to expect the best, partly as psychic defense — I remember being optimistic in 2016, when the election results sent us all into an emotional tailspin. Expect the worst, and you’ll be ready for the worst — and if the worst doesn’t happen, you’ll be pleasantly surprised for once.

makeitstop  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:15:22pm

re: #40 garzooma

Control of the House also means the Dems can protect the Mueller investigation. Not to mention conducting investigations of their own.

Yep. Subpoena power is by no means trivial.

can't think of a decent username  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:16:48pm

re: #39 ipsos

Nothing is a coincidence anymore.

This racist vet is from Santa Clarita.

And it wasn’t long ago that I read this chilling article about how the local paper in Santa Clarita was recently sold to new right-wing owners who are using it as a political tool.


One thing about living in Santa Clarita I never could stomach: all the damn vampires.

Interesting Times  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:18:56pm

Well played:

Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:19:32pm

Well, if the Republicans lose the House (and hopefully the Senate), we’re definitely going to need more cowbell.

teleskiguy  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:22:13pm

re: #37 teleskiguy

She’s standing next to the old Space Station Gas sign that’s been there since the 70s, on the corner of 7th Street and Lincoln Avenue. I’ve bought many packs of cigarettes at that store behind her. I don’t smoke cigarettes anymore.

I’m looking at these Halloween pictures of someone who was my County Commissioner in Routt County, and State Representative in Denver, a natural in good government.

And I get all nostalgic. Steamboat Springs, CO. Salad days.

Targetpractice  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:23:20pm

re: #41 can’t think of a decent username

I’m thinking much more pessimistically. I think Russian meddling, vote suppression, and outright corruption by Republican secretaries of state will swing things hard for the Republicans.

I think this way partly because it’s foolish to expect the best, partly as psychic defense — I remember being optimistic in 2016, when the election results sent us all into an emotional tailspin. Expect the worst, and you’ll be ready for the worst — and if the worst doesn’t happen, you’ll be pleasantly surprised for once.

Expecting the best would be me believing we can still win the Senate. This is me being realistic, that the number of races and the margins that the GOP would need to fuck with are so large that the sort of vote tampering needed would be so obvious that there’s no way it would pass even minor scrutiny. People keep saying “2016,” but the margins in that race were tight in enough spots that Donny could fuck with a few thousand votes and win the election. We’re every bit as foolish to mutter “2016” as the GOP are to use it as their go-to for “The polls are always wrong!”

Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:25:08pm

re: #39 ipsos

Nothing is a coincidence anymore.

This racist vet is from Santa Clarita.

And it wasn’t long ago that I read this chilling article about how the local paper in Santa Clarita was recently sold to new right-wing owners who are using it as a political tool.


That happened with the Las Vegas Review-Journal as well, when Sheldon Adelson got tired of their coverage of casino corruption in Nevada; he bought the paper to end that sort of coverage.

As for my regional paper, they’ve been right-wing since I moved here. My county paper only reports county news (they do carry editorials from our representative and senators, but that’s pretty much expected in any newspaper). In the county to my east, their county paper explicitly states they only print “good local news” and stays entirely away from politics (including editorials from politicians).

makeitstop  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:27:31pm

Something to consider regarding Russian meddling…

Putin’s goal is to foment chaos in this country. What better way to do that can you think of than handing Trump’s opposition a blunt instrument with which to smack him around for two years?

Interesting Times  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:32:22pm

About fucking time:

Mattand  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:32:28pm

re: #25 Kilroy was here

I know it is only an opinion piece..
Vote against all Republicans. Every single one.


OMG, thank you for sharing this. The whole “Just vote” thing has been driving me insane, because no one will admit the fucking phrase should be “Vote Democratic”.

I see it a lot from the “both sides are equally bad” set.

Belafon  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:36:47pm

re: #49 makeitstop

Something to consider regarding Russian meddling…

Putin’s goal is to foment chaos in this country. What better way to do that can you think of than handing Trump’s opposition a blunt instrument with which to smack him around for two years?

Trump will do more damage with the GOP in power and not reining him in than the trouble caused by Democrats investigating him.

Belafon  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:37:56pm

re: #50 Interesting Times

About fucking time:

[Embedded content]

I would like to see the algorithms using this information.

Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:38:34pm

I caught a copy of a meme circulated about Ted Cruz in my E-mail from his presidential announcement speech at Liberty University claiming “there’s no place for gays or atheists in my America” a few days ago. (Why not. I get adverts for Missouri candidates, why not memes about Texas ones.)

Politifact and American Atheists have both debunked that claim; while Sen. Cruz is quite clear he is a Christian and doesn’t approve of same-sex marriage (as if anyone needs his approval to be married), he never said that.

If the meme comes up it should be debunked. There’s plenty of things to go after Sen. Cruz for; there’s no need to lie about him to do it.

politifact.com (2015)

Single-handed sailor  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:41:04pm
Belafon  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:43:29pm

re: #55 Single-handed sailor

Single-handed sailor  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:44:55pm
Targetpractice  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:45:37pm

re: #55 Single-handed sailor

[Embedded content]

Last I checked, aren’t the White House and DOJ presently fighting the DACA in the courts on the grounds that it’s unconstitutional?

LastYearsMan  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:48:26pm

Dumb political question from a non-America … But which half of the US Congress is “better”, the House or the Senate? Like, if a political party had to choose just one to control, which would they pick?

I’m assuming the Senate, because of the whole judges thing. But maybe I’m ignorant about the powers of the House…

Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:48:34pm

re: #57 Single-handed sailor

Trump is good at estimating crowd size? Like his inauguration? His vote margin? The size of protests in Pittsburgh?

HypnoToad  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:48:44pm

Amid the flood of depressing news that pervades society, I would like to offer the diversion of tonight’s Halloween report from downtown Laverne, California. This is a small Midwestern flavored town in eastern Los Angeles County surrounded by just a few million people.

A roughly four by six block area has a lot of homes that go all-out on the decorations and draw decent crowds. The several thousand I saw seemed a little lighter than last year’s, but just as enthusiastic. There were the expected hordes of Fairies, Princesses, Fairy Princesses, and Witches. (Noteworthy was a nice Aztec Princess) For the males; Ninjas, Power Rangers, several Baymaxes, Luchadors, and Minions.

Trends in Superheros are quite variable; Superman and WonderWoman (Including a Wonderpooch) were very popular this year, and many families were dressed as The Incredibles. Batman and Spiderman were big last year; this time I saw only one of each. Two Deadpools, one Black Panther and several barbarian warriors rounded out the heroes. Lots of Zombies, but only one Werewolf. Not a single Mummy or Frankenstein to be seen.

For some reason, Skunk costumes were popular here! (Mostly small kids, but a couple of adults too) Weirdest was a large animal costume that looked like the result of when a Horse and Giraffe love each other very much.

Two houses had pumpkins carved with the word VOTE, and there was one local candidate with a booth on the sidewalk. A pleasant two hour people watching diversion for the Toad…

Ace Rothstein  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:50:59pm

re: #35 Belafon

And the power of subpoena.

Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:54:53pm

re: #59 LastYearsMan

Dumb political question from a non-America … But which half of the US Congress is “better”, the House or the Senate? Like, if a political party had to choose just one to control, which would they pick?

I’m assuming the Senate, because of the whole judges thing. But maybe I’m ignorant about the powers of the House…

Each house has different duties. As you note, the Senate vets judges. The House has to initiate all spending bills and taxation. Senators are in office longer (six years) verses Representatives (two years). The House initiates any impeachment of a federal officer or official, while the Senate holds the trial. Treaties are ratified in the Senate. War is declared by the House, upon request of the President. (The last time Congress formally declared war was against Romania in 1942, since then combat actions have been initiated under War Powers acts giving the President that authority.)

It would depend on what a party wishes to accomplish where it focuses its attention. At least for me, we should always be focusing on both houses, even if we can’t win one or both, to make sure the public knows what our party stands for.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:58:10pm

re: #27 Targetpractice

I hate to break it to the GOP, but there are only so many dumb white men left in the country. And their numbers are not growing fast enough to replace the ones dying to old age and disease. In fact, the only thing that’s presently keeping America above water in terms of population growth is the influx of immigrants from other nations. You can run all them “illegals” out of the country, but you ain’t got enough warm bodies to keep the machines running when they’re gone.

And the Republicans want to kill off Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Food Stamps, etc. It’s like they’re systematically trying to kill off their base, while simultaneously trying to get even more of them to turn out. It’s amazing.

Single-handed sailor  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:58:29pm


Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 8:58:33pm

re: #59 LastYearsMan

Dumb political question from a non-America …

Addendum: Not a dumb political question. I guarantee you the vast majority of Americans don’t even understand how the governments of our neighbour countries (Canada and Mexico) work, much less anywhere else.

A lot of people don’t know how the politics of their neighbouring states work.

LastYearsMan  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:04:48pm

re: #66 Anymouse 🌹

Thanks much, for both messages.

I guess I’m curious what the next couple of years will be like, assuming the polls hold and the Dems take only the House. I’ve seen speculation that Trump would be up for spending. And of course there would be investigations. But I’m wondering if the Dems could really do much or it would be mostly gridlock and mud-flinging.

Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:05:14pm

re: #58 Targetpractice

Last I checked, aren’t the White House and DOJ presently fighting the DACA in the courts on the grounds that it’s unconstitutional?

Yes … can’t let reality get in the way of justifying a fantasy (an executive order to end jus soli citizenship - or for that matter the decades-old zombie lie we are the only country that grants citizenship under that rubric).

Single-handed sailor  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:07:00pm

Good news.

Ace Rothstein  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:10:34pm

re: #69 Single-handed sailor

We shall see. I voted for Beto, and have seen more Beto signs in my red town than I ever imagined was possible, but it’s Texas.

Mattand  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:11:10pm

re: #59 LastYearsMan

Dumb political question from a non-America … But which half of the US Congress is “better”, the House or the Senate? Like, if a political party had to choose just one to control, which would they pick?

I’m assuming the Senate, because of the whole judges thing. But maybe I’m ignorant about the powers of the House…

Not a dumb question, as far too many Americans barely understand how their own country works.

And they frigging live here.

Ace Rothstein  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:11:23pm

re: #69 Single-handed sailor

Beto has the empathy gene. ‘Nuf said.

Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:17:13pm

re: #67 LastYearsMan

Thanks much, for both messages.

I guess I’m curious what the next couple of years will be like, assuming the polls hold and the Dems take only the House. I’ve seen speculation that Trump would be up for spending. And of course there would be investigations. But I’m wondering if the Dems could really do much or it would be mostly gridlock and mud-flinging.

Well, votes in the House are simple majorities, so either party with a thin majority has to have good party discipline to get something passed.

Back when Newt Gingrich was House Speaker and the Republicans were in the majority there, he announced what he called his “Contract with America” (sometimes characterised as a contract on America), which was essentially a plan of obstructionism of then-President Bill Clinton and Democratic initiatives. The GOP has pretty much done that ever since when in the minority.

In the Senate, the minority party can obstruct bills through a filibuster.

Speaking time in the Senate is not limited, unlike the House. As such, in the past, Senators would speak endlessly on just about any subject, as taking up time was the point, while other Senators would arrange cots and food deliveries. The last time this happened was Senator Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) on a gun safety measure.

Filibusters are rare today; to end one requires a cloture vote (a vote to end debate), currently sixty votes except for measures setting the rules for debate (which can’t be filibustered) and certain other measures.

In modern times, possibly the most famous were Ted Cruz (R-Tex) reading the Dr. Seuss book “Green Eggs and Ham” on the Senate floor, or Strom Thurmond (D-SC) opposing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (which went over 24 hours).

Joe Bacon 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:18:24pm

re: #5 makeitstop

Thank you, Captain Obvious.

[Embedded content]

The same old bullshit from the spineless wimp from Tennessee.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:23:51pm

re: #38 William Lewis

I was just wondering, if the president can change the standard for citizenship with an EO, couldn’t a different president radically alter the 2nd Amendment as well? I wonder if any of them have considered that as a possibility…

Oh, the worshippers of the Iron Penis didn’t think about that possibility!

Belafon  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:27:34pm

re: #59 LastYearsMan

Dumb political question from a non-America … But which half of the US Congress is “better”, the House or the Senate? Like, if a political party had to choose just one to control, which would they pick?

I’m assuming the Senate, because of the whole judges thing. But maybe I’m ignorant about the powers of the House…

The answer depends on your goals. The House is where spending bills have to start. The Senate is where nominees of the president are approved. Personally, if I had to choose with respect to Trump, I would say the Senate. But there’s still a whole lot that can be done from the House since it still has investigative power.

teleskiguy  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:32:31pm

John Mayer. God damn it. He’s good.

Bold as Love

Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:35:38pm

Wow. As the election approaches, my regional newspaper (Scottsbluff, Nebr. Star-Herald) is publishing more overt letters opposing Republican initiatives. Is the publisher on vacation?

A vote for Smith, Fischer is a vote against country

According to voting records, Republicans Adrian Smith and Debra Fischer, incumbent candidates for Congress, are firmly convinced 98 percent of the time that their party has the only solutions to America’s problems. And yet, one and the other still insist that they are sympathetic contributors to bipartisanship.

The pair doggedly support the tyrannical, divisive, and discriminatory policies of Donald Trump, with neither wavering when he embarrasses the country in every imaginable way, including his almost daily lies, his contempt for those who question his policies, and his lack of respect for people in general. Is there fear of reprisal? Of course.


Adrian Smith is our incumbent representative (NE-3), Deb Fischer is our incumbent senator.

Nebraskans opposed to Initiative 427 is scary (Initiative 427 is Medicaid Expansion under the ACA, the writer supports it and cites the facts about what signing on to the ACA would do for our state).

Targetpractice  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:38:11pm

Besides investigatory powers, the House also has the “power of the purse,” i.e. all spending bills start there and thus if Trump wants money for his spending habits he’s gonna have to do more now than simply call up Ryan for a loan. It also means that the GOP cannot simply push forward with their “Starve The Beast” policies of covering overspending with cuts to social programs. So get ready for two year of the “Deficit Hawks” suddenly popping out of their hibernation periods to moan about the coming economic apocalypse if the DNC won’t knuckle under and make cuts to Medicare/Medicaid and Social Security to cover for the Trump Tax Cuts.

Kilroy was here  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:38:56pm
Big Beautiful Door  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:43:40pm

re: #67 LastYearsMan

Thanks much, for both messages.

I guess I’m curious what the next couple of years will be like, assuming the polls hold and the Dems take only the House. I’ve seen speculation that Trump would be up for spending. And of course there would be investigations. But I’m wondering if the Dems could really do much or it would be mostly gridlock and mud-flinging.

In theory the Democrats could impeach Trump if they control the House. But all that means is he goes on trial in the Senate. He can’t be removed from office unless 67 of the 100 Senators vote to convict, which would require a bunch of GOP Senators to vote against Trump, which isn’t going to happen.

Big Beautiful Door  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:46:37pm

re: #69 Single-handed sailor

Good news.

[Embedded content]

It would be so sweet if the Democrats got to 51 Senators by defeating Zodiac.

Targetpractice  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:47:13pm

re: #81 Big Beautiful Door

In theory the Democrats could impeach Trump if they control the House. But all that means is he goes on trial in the Senate. He can’t be removed from office unless 67 of the 100 Senators vote to convict, which would require a bunch of GOP Senators to vote against Trump, which isn’t going to happen.

And honestly, short of Mueller coming back with an absolutely damning report, the odds of impeachment are fairly slim. I think by this point that even the DNC figures that running down the clock on his presidency is preferable to the months-long circus that would be putting him on trial.

jaunte  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:47:24pm
Targetpractice  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:48:22pm

$20 says Trump loses interest in birthright citizenship by next Thursday.

Big Beautiful Door  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:48:46pm

re: #70 Ace Rothstein

We shall see. I voted for Beto, and have seen more Beto signs in my red town than I ever imagined was possible, but it’s Texas.

Would probably need a surge in Hispanic voting. Maybe many of them will realize that with all Trump’s talk about ending birthright citizenship, he wants to deport them, personally.

Big Beautiful Door  Oct 31, 2018 • 9:51:46pm

re: #83 Targetpractice

And honestly, short of Mueller coming back with an absolutely damning report, the odds of impeachment are fairly slim. I think by this point that even the DNC figures that running down the clock on his presidency is preferable to the months-long circus that would be putting him on trial.

Just indict and imprison everyone around him, including Jarvanka. Then indict Trump on January 21, 2021.

sagehen  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:00:45pm

re: #85 Targetpractice

$20 says Trump loses interest in birthright citizenship by next Thursday.

I’ll take that bet; he’ll retain interest at least until the weekend.

wheat-dogg  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:02:09pm

Step back, please.

sagehen  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:02:19pm

re: #86 Big Beautiful Door

Would probably need a surge in Hispanic voting. Maybe many of them will realize that with all Trump’s talk about ending birthright citizenship, he wants to deport them, personally.

Grover Norquist, of all people, advised the party that

“you’re not going to get people to vote for you on a platform of I’m going to deport your mother.”

sagehen  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:03:09pm

re: #89 wheat-dogg

Step back, please.

[Embedded content]

A Barack Obama costume is incomplete without a Michelle.

wheat-dogg  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:03:22pm

re: #88 sagehen

I’ll take that bet; he’ll retain interest at least until the weekend.

Some nincompoop in Trump’s sphere has told him an EO can end birthright citizenship. We just need to wait until someone else tells him it can’t.

goddamnedfrank  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:04:31pm

re: #83 Targetpractice

And honestly, short of Mueller coming back with an absolutely damning report, the odds of impeachment are fairly slim. I think by this point that even the DNC figures that running down the clock on his presidency is preferable to the months-long circus that would be putting him on trial.

It really depends on what kind of evidence and report Mueller produces. I don’t see the Senate voting to convict but I can see both scenarios; one where the spectacle and trial galvanizes Trump’s supporters and strengthens him heading into 2020 and one where the evidence is so incredibly damning that the majority of the country views it as a craven cover up by Republicans and punishes them for it severely. The outcome also, to our discredit as a nation, mostly depends on what the economy does in the next two years. If he allows himself to get dragged into a hypothetical military conflict with Iran, and if people become fatigued by Trump’s obvious wag the dog attempts to stoke racist sentiment with cynical costly military movements then that combined with a recession would probably make an impeachment attempt the smart play, because then even though they’d have failed to remove Trump Democrats could very credibly point to Republicans as the party of bigotry and rank criminality.

wheat-dogg  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:06:49pm

re: #93 goddamnedfrank

At the rate he’s going, Trump seems willing to go to war with Mexico.

Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:06:52pm
Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:09:24pm
DodgerFan1988  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:10:24pm


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:10:58pm

re: #92 wheat-dogg

Some nincompoop in Trump’s sphere has told him an EO can end birthright citizenship. We just need to wait until someone else tells him it can’t.

Sinlge-handed Sailor solved this conundrum at #55:

re: #55 Single-handed sailor

Trump offering his logic to reporters just now: Obama did DACA through executive action, so he can get rid of birthright citizenship through executive action

That’s the quality of legal “reasoning” that
“many people” are telling him.

Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:25:55pm

Kyle of Utah Outcasts discusses the fallacy of “both sides” (regarding political parties, 5:18)

“Both Sides” - Deep Dive #1

sagehen  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:33:01pm

re: #97 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]


It’s more often GOP, but the Dems can’t disavow Bob Menendez.

piratedan  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:44:49pm

re: #93 goddamnedfrank

tbh, I’m pretty sure we’re going to find out the following:

Trump: Obstruction of Justice, Perjury, Violation of the Emolument Clauses

because, well we’ve already got him on the record as lying and in directing members of the government to obstruct the investigation. Plus, he’s not divested himself from his business interests and is actively using those same interests for personal and family enrichment thru the office of the Presidency.

The other law-breaking activities, like treason, violation of campaign finance laws, racketeering, etc… I have the distinct impression that while it may very well have an effect on us as “ordinary, politically engaged citizens”, the GOP party … not so much because I’m afraid that we’re going to find out that he’s Putin’s chess piece and that the GOP willingly and perhaps even enthusiastically worked with Russia in coordinating political strategy, voter suppression, illegal financing, campaign logistics and perhaps even vote tampering in order to elect him.

The GOP won’t care, because it meant that they won and that’s all that matters to them as nothing is off the table as long as they stay in power.

If that is proven and we still manage to have a transition in political power in this country in its aftermath, I want the folks responsible for making this happen, prosecuted to the fullest extent that the law allows and to see the nullification of their policy as being essentially illegal acts perpetuated via treason.

Doubt we’ll get it, but that’s what I want to see happen. I sit back and contemplate what the penalty would be if the Democrats had pulled a similar stunt with say… the Chinese and I would have no trouble envisioning firing squads and hangings, as examples.

austin_blue  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:48:18pm

re: #97 DodgerFan1988

[Embedded content]


If I was Duncan’s opponent, I would put up a Hail Mary ad that went something like this:

“Duncan Hunter’s lawyer has admitted that he’s a drunken stumblebum. He’s a serial adulterer who used campaign funds to buy gifts for his mistresses, and when indicted for these crimes and other crimes, threw his wife under the bus by claiming that she handled his finances which would have included paying off his mistresses, which is just unbelievable. He is a cad, a crook, a liar, and an awful human being.

He is the worst possible person to continue to represent you in Congress, and if you vote for him on Tuesday you will be the person who votes for a cad, a liar, a crook, and an awful human being, and that will say more about you than it says about him. You need to be a better citizen and vote for the dream of America rather than any political party. It’s up to you. Do the right thing.”

piratedan  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:52:48pm

re: #100 sagehen

did he have his day in court?, wasn’t the jury was deadlocked 10-2 for acquittal?

I mean, I understand that the appearances are less than stellar, but no one could produce any evidence that Menendez engaged in “play for pay” and show that the relationship that brought the Feds in was nothing more than an actual friendship.

I look at the job that they did on Franken and I look at what happened with Menendez and then take a look at Jordan, Hunter and the rest of the Holier than thou crowd over on the GOP side and still have a hard time seeing both sides. When Democrats have done wrong, the party tends to disavow them and support any prosecution of any crimes…. The GOP it almost seems like its more of an initiation for bigger and better things…

Hecuba's daughter  Oct 31, 2018 • 10:59:04pm

re: #92 wheat-dogg

Some nincompoop in Trump’s sphere has told him an EO can end birthright citizenship. We just need to wait until someone else tells him it can’t.

Michael Anton is a former Trump staffer who fervently believes that the elimination of birthright citizenship does not require a Constitutional amendment; it would not be surprising if he were the source of Trump’s “certainty” on this issue. As others here have pointed out, this position is too far even for the Federalist, which had an article strongly, even lyrically, in support of birthright citizenship.

Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 11:00:59pm

re: #103 piratedan

Yup, Menendez’s trial was declared a mistrial, and the Department of Justice declined to retry the case. (While declining to retry a case can mean many things, it often means the case is simply too weak to secure a conviction … and it’s up to the prosecution to prove its case, not the other way round.)

Al Franken requested an ethics investigation, then resigned a short time later. Bob Menendez went through a whole trial. I don’t know what Franken was thinking, but apparently he thought that an ethics investigation would not turn out well. Even if he was found to have violated some sort of ethical consideration, the Senate would still have to vote to expel or censure him.

Blaming Democratic women for Al Franken’s decision doesn’t make sense to me. I presume Mr. Franken spoke with his colleagues before he made his decision.

Anymouse 🌹  Oct 31, 2018 • 11:07:24pm

Alabama put a referendum on the ballot to permit displaying the Ten Commandments (not the full list of 513) on public property including schools and parks. The fellow pushing this is an associate of Roy Moore.

The objective is to get the referendum passed to get it into the courts, for the purpose of eliminating the separation of Church and State. While the Establishment Clause would remain in the I Amendment, it would effectively become a dead letter.


austin_blue  Oct 31, 2018 • 11:08:33pm

re: #100 sagehen

It’s more often GOP, but the Dems can’t disavow Bob Menendez.

I’m really tired of this kind of shit. Melendez may be a ratfucker, and should be challenged by a cleaner candidate in New Jersey, but he was not found guilty and didn’t throw his wife under the bus to make it happen. This is the kind of thinking that results in young people not voting, believing that both sides are corrupt. It’s self-destructive and just plain dumb. New Jersey politics do not equate to National policy.

We have bigger to fish to fry. The possibility of an American Kistallnacht involving the free press and progressive organizations is real. This “President” wants it to happen. It is absolutely clear that he wants to do it. We have the capability to at least slow it down on Tuesday.

Stop posting these type of comments. On Wednesday, let your freak flag fly.

freetoken  Oct 31, 2018 • 11:11:34pm

re: #97 DodgerFan1988

“This says everything about modern American politics…”

That may be true, but what it means for sure is that east county San Diego is full of religious right dogmatists.

This is the home of the Institution for Creation Research (before it moved), home of some nationally known religious right preachers, etc.

It’s outer-burbia San Diego, where (at one time anyway) the much lower cost of housing led many to flee the high-priced urban areas, and also to flee the brown-skinned neighborhoods of San Diego.

freetoken  Oct 31, 2018 • 11:14:55pm

If Mueller comes back with information that Trump committed felonies and worked with a foreign power to do so, then it is the duty of Congress to impeach Trump.

austin_blue  Oct 31, 2018 • 11:28:00pm

re: #109 freetoken

If Mueller comes back with information that Trump committed felonies and worked with a foreign power to do so, then it is the duty of Congress to impeach Trump.

Duty does not result in action. And with a Republican house it won’t.

austin_blue  Oct 31, 2018 • 11:44:42pm

re: #108 freetoken

That may be true, but what it means for sure is that east county San Diego is full of religious right dogmatists.

This is the home of the Institution for Creation Research (before it moved), home of some nationally known religious right preachers, etc.

It’s outer-burbia San Diego, where (at one time anyway) the much lower cost of housing led many to flee the high-priced urban areas, and also to flee the brown-skinned neighborhoods of San Diego.

Years ago, David Duke ran against Edwin Edwards for governor of Louisiana. Edwards said “The only way he’ll beat me is if they find me in bed with a dead girl or a live boy.”

He was right. He later spent time in federal prison on corruption charges. As a sidebar, the two most popular bumper stickers during that election cycle were “Duke For Ovener”, and “Vote For The Crook- It’s Important”.

If Hunter gets re-elected, it will be a travesty. He’s a disaster of a human being. It may very well happen, but it will be a reflection on the polity and not the candidate.

Which, at a fundamental level, is much, much worse.

austin_blue  Oct 31, 2018 • 11:57:54pm

Night all, sweet scaly dreams.

Trump says that those seeking asylum in the US will be concentrated in camps near the border.

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that my modern America could descend to this level of barbarity.

Dr Lizardo  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:13:12am

re: #92 wheat-dogg

Some nincompoop in Trump’s sphere has told him an EO can end birthright citizenship. We just need to wait until someone else tells him it can’t.

And I’d be willing to wager that nincompoop was Stephen Miller.

Single-handed sailor  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:23:22am
Dr Lizardo  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:23:59am

re: #109 freetoken

If Mueller comes back with information that Trump committed felonies and worked with a foreign power to do so, then it is the duty of Congress to impeach Trump.

re: #110 austin_blue

Duty does not result in action. And with a Republican house it won’t.

And if the GOP refuses to do its duty, then the Democrats need to run 24/7 that the GOP is, in fact, an anti-American political party, beholden to a foreign power. They need to run ads on that constantly, on all the networks. It must become their number one talking point, much like how Cato the Elder is said to have ended his speeches with, “Ceterum censeo Carthaginem esse delendam”.

Dr Lizardo  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:25:32am

re: #112 austin_blue

Night all, sweet scaly dreams.

Trump says that those seeking asylum in the US will be concentrated in camps near the border.

Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that my modern America could descend to this level of barbarity.

So Trump’s literally saying that asylum seekers will be thrown into concentration camps.

ckkatz  Nov 1, 2018 • 1:02:16am

re: #11 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

Interesting to see that they taped some sort of sound asorbtion material behind the singer.

ckkatz  Nov 1, 2018 • 1:09:32am

re: #8 Jay C

Don’t know if it’s been posted here already, but the case of the two girls whose bodies were washed up on the Hudson shore of Manhattan last week, duct-taped together, has just gotten weirder. They have been identified as two sisters from Saudi Arabia . Who were, last anyone checked, supposed to be living with their brother in Fairfax, VA.
Police still have no idea what happened to them.
Except they are probably not (AFAWK) related to Jamal Khashoggi.

This seems like it might be important.

(From the Fox News article)

“Their mother told detectives the day before the bodies were discovered, she received a call from an official at the Saudi Arabian Embassy, ordering the family to leave the U.S. because her daughters had applied for political asylum, New York police said Tuesday.”

Here’s the Fairfax County Police Department “Detectives Asking for Information About Farea Sisters Disappearance” release:

“NYPD detectives are investigating the circumstances surrounding the death of the Farea sisters who were found dead in New York on October 24. Tala, 16, and Rotana, 22, both from Fairfax Corner, were reported missing to FCPD on September 12. They were last heard from on August 24. The sisters were entered in the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) database. Although the NYPD is leading the investigation, we are assisting their detectives and asking if anyone has information about the whereabouts of the Farea sisters leading up to their death to please contact our Major Crimes Bureau at[no phone numbers allowed].”


Dr Lizardo  Nov 1, 2018 • 1:15:22am

re: #118 ckkatz

More Saudi shenanigans, perhaps? Bumping off anyone who might be perceived of as a dissident (including those Saudis seeking asylum elsewhere)?

ckkatz  Nov 1, 2018 • 1:22:13am

re: #119 Dr Lizardo

More Saudi shenanigans, perhaps? Bumping off anyone who might be perceived of as a dissident (including those Saudis seeking asylum elsewhere)?

That is certainly a good question and avenue of investigation. From what I have seen though, is that unless they contract it out, the Saudis tend to screw it up.

freetoken  Nov 1, 2018 • 1:24:57am

re: #119 Dr Lizardo

KSA is always being reported on for their problems, but few people, at least here in the US, pay attention.

For example, from yesterday’s wire:

Indonesia protests to Saudi over execution of maid convicted of murder

Indonesia has protested to Saudi Arabia over the execution of an Indonesian maid, convicted of murdering her employer who a workers’ rights group said was trying to rape her at the time.


Indonesian advocacy group Migrant Care said in September that the mother of one had been defending herself from being raped.


freetoken  Nov 1, 2018 • 1:29:03am

Because of course, it’s Boris Johnson:

Boris Johnson under fire over £14,000 all-expenses paid trip to Saudi Arabia

Boris Johnson has come under fire after it emerged he enjoyed an all-expenses paid junket to Saudi Arabia worth £14,000 just days before journalist Jamal Khashoggi was murdered.

ckkatz  Nov 1, 2018 • 1:32:12am

Well, it was a good night for trick-or-treaters at Casa Katz. I gave away 35 full size KitKat bars. The remaining one was my dinner.

And in honor of Dia de Los Muertos

Here is a nicely filmed version of the song La Llarona. Not impressed with the singing, though. For the singing I prefer Tish Hinojosa’s version

(Warning, it is not gruesome or even explicit, but it is dealing with death. And with the underlying pre-Columbian and Catholic cultural context.)

Angela Aguilar - La Llorona - Video Oficial

Angela Aguilar - La Llorona - Video Oficial

More on the song

More on Dia de Los Muertos:

Another Tish Hinojosa song I really like is her version of
Malaguena Salerosa (Enchanting Woman from Malaga)

ckkatz  Nov 1, 2018 • 1:39:01am

re: #122 freetoken

Because of course, it’s Boris Johnson:

Boris Johnson under fire over £14,000 all-expenses paid trip to Saudi Arabia

Yes, he and Farage are traveling the world grifting. Meanwhile they have totally screwed Great Britain.

Continuing in the Halloween theme, whenever I see mention of Boris Johnson, this song comes to mind…

Sorry. Not Sorry.

The Who - Boris The Spider

The Who - Boris The Spider

wheat-dogg  Nov 1, 2018 • 1:48:13am

re: #114 Single-handed sailor

Global Times is the newspaper/news site of the Chinese Communist Party. Take anything they publish with a certain amount of skepticism, though in this case they’re not far off the mark.

wheat-dogg  Nov 1, 2018 • 1:52:16am

re: #121 freetoken

Domestic workers from Southeast Asia are among the most mistreated workers in the Arab states, Hong Kong, Singapore, and elsewhere. Construction workers and fishermen, as well. It’s the usual story of people with lots of money abusing those without.

Barefoot Grin  Nov 1, 2018 • 4:14:00am
wheat-dogg  Nov 1, 2018 • 4:14:47am
Barefoot Grin  Nov 1, 2018 • 4:18:53am
MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 4:35:57am

re: #92 wheat-dogg

Some nincompoop in Trump’s sphere has told him an EO can end birthright citizenship. We just need to wait until someone else tells him it can’t.

Nah. Trump only hears and sees what he wants to hear and see.

MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 4:42:50am

re: #105 Anymouse 🌹

Al Franken requested an ethics investigation, then resigned a short time later. Bob Menendez went through a whole trial. I don’t know what Franken was thinking, but apparently he thought that an ethics investigation would not turn out well.

That’s a little revisionist. Several Dems were calling for him to resign. Loudly. I think Franken did what he did because he felt that was best at the moment.

I also think the Dems calling on him to resign without an investigation were wrong and we’re more worried about it playing a role in the midterms.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 4:47:41am

re: #131 MsJ

That’s a little revisionist. Several Dems were calling for him to resign. Loudly. I think Franken did what he did because he felt that was best at the moment.

I also think the Dems calling on him to resign without an investigation were wrong and we’re more worried about it playing a role in the midterms.

We were very worried about it playing a role in the midterms. By “we,” I mean people who couldn’t see past the Alabama special election and worried that if Franken wasn’t tossed, then Doug Jones would lose and Roy Moore would be elected on a “both sides” argument.

The fact that it helped wipe out one of the leading contenders for the 2020 nomination surely had nothing to do with his colleague’s decision to throw his ass under the bus.

wheat-dogg  Nov 1, 2018 • 4:50:35am

I’ve blogged, tweeted, and Facebooked it, but I’ll share my appeal for donations here, too.

My former student, Joan Xie Qiong, has leukemia and after two rounds of chemo was seemingly in good shape. But the docs have said it looks like the cancer has reached her bones. There is a bone marrow donor ready, and the procedure could happen as soon as Monday, but the hospital won’t proceed until Joan and her mom can show they can pay for it. Their crowdfunding campaign in China is only about 25% funded right now, which is not enough. So, I’ve coordinated with Joan’s bestie, who has a PayPal account, to solicit donations from the USA and elsewhere. The exchange rate now is about 7 RMB to the dollar, so a little bit can go a long way.

Ivy Zhang (张鑫君) PayPal: 1252402206 AT qq DOT com

Ivy is another former student of mine (Joan’s classmate and roommate), and I can vouch for her honesty. If you’d rather drop some money my way instead, I can forward it to Joan myself.

This is the link to my blog. wheatdogg.com

Thanks for any and all assistance! Also, please circulate widely.

jeffreyw  Nov 1, 2018 • 4:58:53am


Good morning!


A Hot Mess

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:02:06am

re: #132 Targetpractice

We were very worried about it playing a role in the midterms. By “we,” I mean people who couldn’t see past the Alabama special election and worried that if Franken wasn’t tossed, then Doug Jones would lose and Roy Moore would be elected on a “both sides” argument.

The fact that it helped wipe out one of the leading contenders for the 2020 nomination surely had nothing to do with his colleague’s decision to throw his ass under the bus.

I think any chance he had of being the nominee were already long gone before anyone called for his resignation. But, hey, nominating a sexual predator worked for the GOP, so why not.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:03:03am

re: #135 Big Beautiful Door

I think any chance he had of being the nominee were already long gone before anyone called for his resignation. But, hey, nominating a sexual predator worked for the GOP, so why not.

You still believe he is a “sexual predator”?

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:03:17am

Son of a bitch.

Tuesday cannot come quickly enough.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:04:40am

re: #136 Targetpractice

You still believe he is a “sexual predator”?

Any of the women recant? Because there were several accusations.

dangerman  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:05:43am

note the date

MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:07:53am

re: #138 Big Beautiful Door

Any of the women recant? Because there were several accusations.

And Roger Stone knew about it the night before. One woman was associated with Fox News. Give me a break. This was ratfucking 101.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:07:56am

re: #138 Big Beautiful Door

Any of the women recant? Because there were several accusations.

How could they recant when better than half of them were “anonymous” and thus their accusations impossible to verify?

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:09:09am

King’s losing friends left and right.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:17:02am

re: #142 makeitstop

King’s losing friends left and right.

[Embedded content]

But it didn’t really start until the last couple days, which coincides with a poll showing him effectively in a dead heat. In other words, all these folks suddenly discovered “principles” round the time they realized he might lose.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:20:48am

re: #143 Targetpractice

But it didn’t really start until the last couple days, which coincides with a poll showing him effectively in a dead heat. In other words, all these folks suddenly discovered “principles” round the time they realized he might lose.

Either way, I’ll take it. Drive that punkass Nazi under the rock he came from.

MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:22:42am

re: #143 Targetpractice

But it didn’t really start until the last couple days, which coincides with a poll showing him effectively in a dead heat. In other words, all these folks suddenly discovered “principles” round the time they realized he might lose.

Which will reverse immediately if he wins.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:24:04am

re: #145 MsJ

Which will reverse immediately if he wins.

Ayep. If he wins Tuesday, the criticism suddenly dies out and those who distanced themselves quietly come back to him with a “No hard feelings” mentality.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:28:24am


The far-right Proud Boys and their founder, Gavin McInnes, have been banned from Facebook and Instagram because of policies against hate groups, the company announced.

A spokeswoman for Facebook, which also owns Instagram, said in a statement, “Our team continues to study trends in organized hate and hate speech and works with partners to better understand hate organizations as they evolve.”

The loss of the platforms will likely hurt the Proud Boys’ ability to recruit. The Southern Poverty Law Center reported in August that regional Proud Boys chapters were vetting new members through private Facebook chatrooms.

Kilroy was here  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:34:53am

Jacob is as famous as he always wanted to be. Just not in the way he wanted..

A Twitter Troll Tried To Frame Robert Mueller

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:37:26am

In 2000, Germany changed its laws to allow limited birthright citizenship: children of legal resident aliens are citizens at birth. In other words, Germany has no issue with “anchor babies”.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:38:26am

a firefighters’ trifecta:

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:44:31am
Kilroy was here  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:48:16am
Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:49:18am

Faux got a harsh dose of reality this morning:

Unlike his wild-eyed counterpart, I notice that “Judge” Napolitano hasn’t been as quick to jump on the crazy train since Trump took office.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:50:35am

The whole point of this 14th Amendment discussion is to frame the Democrats as supporting illegal immigration and terrorist anchor babies.

MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:55:08am


Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:55:15am

re: #153 Targetpractice

Faux got a harsh dose of reality this morning:

[Embedded content]

Unlike his wild-eyed counterpart, I notice that “Judge” Napolitano hasn’t been as quick to jump on the crazy train since Trump took office.

Every now and then Judge Napolitano tells the truth. A stopped clock, I guess.

Scottish Dragon  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:56:46am

re: #32 Belafon

This isn’t a new video, but I haven’t seen it before, a Cat Watching Psycho:

[Embedded content]


I’m really fascinated by it’s pupils changing size.

The cat is taking in range information for a possible jump, either as an attack or to escape

MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:56:49am
Jay C  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:57:09am

re: #153 Targetpractice

Faux got a harsh dose of reality this morning:

[Embedded content]

Unlike his wild-eyed counterpart, I notice that “Judge” Napolitano hasn’t been as quick to jump on the crazy train since Trump took office.

Gee! Maybe he takes his job as a “legal analyst” seriously- and doesn’t just spout reflexive validations for the rubes’ prejudices dressed up with a few legalisms?

Wonder how long he’ll last at FOX?

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:57:57am

re: #141 Targetpractice

How could they recant when better than half of them were “anonymous” and thus their accusations impossible to verify?

Which means some weren’t anonymous. Anyway he chose to resign instead of going to a hearing, so what’s done is done, and I promised not to mention his name on this Board ever again because the issue is so divisive, so that’s all I have to say about that.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:58:06am

re: #154 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

The whole point of this 14th Amendment discussion is to frame the Democrats as supporting illegal immigration and terrorist anchor babies.

I’d say the point has more to do with Donny wanted to seem “better,” which means making grandiose promises he’s never going to be able to fulfill because his base is never going to hold him personally responsible for failure to make to it happen.

steve_davis  Nov 1, 2018 • 5:58:34am

re: #117 ckkatz

Interesting to see that they taped some sort of sound asorbtion material behind the singer.

probably didn’t want for her voice to bleed into somebody else’s track. I seem to recall somebody from Vanilla Fudge mentioning that the bass was so loud on one of their albums that even though everyone was playing in their own cubicles, the bass wound up in everybody else’s channel, making mixing a nightmare.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:00:11am

re: #159 Jay C

Gee! Maybe he takes his job as a “legal analyst” seriously- and doesn’t just spout reflexive validations for the rubes’ prejudices dressed up with a few legalisms?

Wonder how long he’ll last at FOX?

About as long as Shepard Smith will.

Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:00:17am

Hump for bump?
Florida mayor solicited sex for speed bumps, ethics panel finds

A Florida mayor is accused of soliciting sex from a constituent in exchange for speed bumps, according to the Florida Commission on Ethics and local reports.

In a press release on Oct. 24, the commission found that there was probable cause to find that David Stewart, the mayor of Lantana, Florida, “misused his position to attempt to obtain a sexual benefit for himself.”

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:01:06am

re: #159 Jay C

Gee! Maybe he takes his job as a “legal analyst” seriously- and doesn’t just spout reflexive validations for the rubes’ prejudices dressed up with a few legalisms?

Wonder how long he’ll last at FOX?

He’s been on a long time. Its good to know he’s not a Trump whore and actually has some principles, even if he is mostly wrong.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:01:12am

re: #158 MsJ

[Embedded content]

Young people finally getting off their asses?

It’s a Christmas miracle!


Jay C  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:06:15am

re: #137 makeitstop

Son of a bitch.

[Embedded content]

Tuesday cannot come quickly enough.

Yep. The fundamental flaw of the Trump Presidency right there (aside from the fact that it’s Donald Trump in the first place). “His supporters” love the loudmouthed bigoted bluster, so he’ll keep up with it - no matter what anybody else (like, say, the majority of the country that aren’t “supporters”) thinks. Swell.

Patricia Kayden  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:06:27am

Amory Blaine  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:07:10am

The GOP uses the House for destruction of progressive policies. So IMO the house is more important for us to play defense and keep them away from the purse . Through house hearings, we can then tie senate GOP criminals as well as house members directly to Trump in time for the general. Trump and the other criminals infesting the government may not be impeached but it is vital to our stability that at least one party will attempt to abide by the laws already on the books.

dangerman  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:08:17am

re: #155 MsJ


[Embedded content]

“Because you know who doesn’t need a Jewish daughter to prove he’s not an anti-Semite when he goes to visit grieving Jews? A person who’s not an anti-Semite.”

MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:08:26am
Eventual Carrion  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:08:59am

re: #158 MsJ

[Embedded content]

And that is what gives me hope about these close “likely voter” polls. I don’t think they really search out and consider this age group as “likely voters”, so really don’t inquire with them. We may just get saved by the yooth this time around. I know my 18 yo is voting.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:09:09am

re: #167 Jay C

Yep. The fundamental flaw of the Trump Presidency right there (aside from the fact that it’s Donald Trump in the first place). “His supporters” love the loudmouthed bigoted bluster, so he’ll keep up with it - no matter what anybody else (like, say, the majority of the country that aren’t “supporters”) thinks. Swell.

It’s self-reinforcing: He does it because the base loves it, the media gives him a pass by arguing that the base loving it show he’s “saying what he thinks,” and the former two get off on how angry it makes his critics.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:09:12am

re: #162 steve_davis

probably didn’t want for her voice to bleed into somebody else’s track. I seem to recall somebody from Vanilla Fudge mentioning that the bass was so loud on one of their albums that even though everyone was playing in their own cubicles, the bass wound up in everybody else’s channel, making mixing a nightmare.

I can believe that. I saw VF way back in the day at the Lambertville Music Fair in NJ, and Tim Bogert punished his bass amp so badly it literally burst into flames. No pyro, actual flaming amplifier.

MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:10:18am

re: #172 Eventual Carrion

And that is what gives me hope about these close “likely voter” polls. I don’t think they really search out and consider this age group as “likely voters”, so really don’t inquire with them. We may just get saved by the yooth this time around. I know my 18 yo is voting.

From your keyboard to…the polls!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:11:45am

I would like to see this election resulting in Donald Trump attempting to sign an EO raising the voting age back to 21…

semi /

MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:12:02am

I hate Facebook but like Twitter. Both could be regulated out of existence as far as I am concerned. I might miss Twitter but it would be for the betterment of humanity worldwide.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:12:55am

re: #155 MsJ


[Embedded content]

This is why I get so tired of the “palace intrigue” circuit, they’re just as susceptible to being used as a means of setting a narrative as they are to catch murmuring that’s actually informative. The whole “Javanka talked him into showing humility!” bit was an obvious plant, just like all the stories about Ivanka being his “conscience” tend to be.

lawhawk  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:15:04am

Greets and saluts from the NYC metro area.

Ignore the polls. Vote.

Ignore the media spin about how X is ahead or Y is behind or that Democrats are already running as though they’ve got the house sewn up or they’re ignoring the Senate. Vote.

Just vote.

Vote as if your life depends on it. Because it does. The GOP has shown absolutely every intention of gutting health care coverage for those with preexisting conditions, which is roughly 25% of all Americans.

They want to gut civil and voting rights, which means that your ability to have a say in how the country runs is up for grabs, and the GOP is intent on grabbing it from you, because far too many people think that both parties are the same, are apathetic, don’t vote, or think that voting the GOP because they are for lower taxes means we can ignore everything else that the GOP is doing, from Trump on down.

Vote. Vote in every election, because all elections matter. From the local election on up. Politicians usually start their career at the lowest levels, and build up their support from the local level. Trump and the GOP positions nationally are ones that have support of the base - this is not an accident. It’s by design. This is what they want.

The GOP leaders want to wreck the safety net, cut taxes for millionaires and stick everyone else with the bill, and they’re far too comfortable lying to their base to make it happen because they are also promising to make angry white guys prominent again by gutting the civil and voting rights of others. The GOP wants to roll back decades of social progress because it keeps their base in check.

This has been a multidecade cause, and Trump is the one who has capitalized on it because he’s a better liar and con artist than everyone else. He’s also doing more to further the white supremacist cause than anyone in decades.

The GOP may not be all racists, but the racists love Trump. The ones that don’t do so because they don’t think Trump goes far enough (or isn’t enough of an anti-Semite, as in the case of the Pittsburgh shooter).

MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:15:29am
lawhawk  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:21:02am
wheat-dogg  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:22:24am

re: #171 MsJ

That’s gonna leave a mark!

Belafon  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:22:50am
Belafon  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:24:20am

re: #181 lawhawk

There’s zero chance this is true, but this is also a case study in how you actually destroy the credibility of an accuser.

wheat-dogg  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:24:31am

re: #183 Belafon

That’s also going to leave a mark!

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:26:24am

re: #183 Belafon

[Embedded content]

I’m keeping my fingers crossed; if Beta can win, that greatly improves the Democrats chances of taking the Senate! For one thing, if the polls are off that much in Texas, they are likely off in Nevada as well where the Hispanic vote is hard to poll, so Heller would also likely lose.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:31:19am

re: #181 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Good God. They’re actually going to go through with this clown show.

And Wohl admits that he’s affiliated with that bogus site with stolen photos and plagiarized text? He’s so much more stupid than I even thought.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:34:28am

re: #91 sagehen

A Barack Obama costume is incomplete without a Michelle.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:34:32am

re: #184 Belafon

There’s zero chance this is true, but this is also a case study in how you actually destroy the credibility of an accuser.

They’re throwing chaff a week before the midterms. Blowback is gonna be a bitch for these guys, and they’re apparently too fucking stupid to realize it.

Patricia Kayden  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:35:38am

re: #180 MsJ

I don’t understand how Republicans get to talk about law and order when so many of their operatives are sleazy. Can you imagine if a Clinton administration was under a similar investigation? The MSM would talk about nothing else.

wheat-dogg  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:40:36am

Sarah Kendzior has liked a comment of mine. Woohoo!

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:41:45am

re: #188 The Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

How adorable!

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:45:03am

Deranged news network picks deranged wingnut to host what will most likely be a deranged show…

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:46:07am
Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:46:53am

Another Republican lying about healthcare. Unfortunately, his district is so red he is probably going to win re-election.

Belafon  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:48:03am

re: #186 Big Beautiful Door

I’m keeping my fingers crossed; if Beta can win, that greatly improves the Democrats chances of taking the Senate! For one thing, if the polls are off that much in Texas, they are likely off in Nevada as well where the Hispanic vote is hard to poll, so Heller would also likely lose.

I am a long-arc optimist (I’m optimistic over the long run; individual failures don’t necessarily bother me), but if Beto becomes my new senator, I will be ecstatic.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:50:40am

re: #194 makeitstop

[Embedded content]

Wohl days ago: “I have nothing to do with this!”

Wohl today: “Oh hell yeah, that was totally me!”

dangerman  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:50:53am

re: #195 Big Beautiful Door

Another Republican lying about healthcare. Unfortunately, his district is so red he is probably going to win re-election.

During tonight’s debate, Lloyd Smucker said the pacemaker would’ve never been invented if the government were in charge of healthcare. Except the pacemaker was invented at the government-run Buffalo VA hospital:

he was maybe going for something like this:

“If it was up to the NIH to cure polio through a centrally directed program… You’d have the best iron lung in the world but not a polio vaccine.”

- Samuel Broder, Former Director, National Cancer Institute.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:52:23am

re: #191 wheat-dogg

Sarah Kendzior; Steve Bannon cannot sell out a venue. He is a white supremacist millionaire asshole out of touch with the American public. So why do media outlets and conferences keep portraying him as a “thought leader” from whom we need to hear?

He did at one point have the President’s ear.

Patricia Kayden  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:53:35am

re: #106 Anymouse 🌹

Alabama put a referendum on the ballot to permit displaying the Ten Commandments (not the full list of 513) on public property including schools and parks. The fellow pushing this is an associate of Roy Moore.

The objective is to get the referendum passed to get it into the courts, for the purpose of eliminating the separation of Church and State. While the Establishment Clause would remain in the I Amendment, it would effectively become a dead letter.


Isn’t that against the U.S. Constitution?

Scottish Dragon  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:54:57am

re: #200 Patricia Kayden

Isn’t that against the U.S. Constitution?

They just keep trying to do that, and they keep failing.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:55:17am

re: #200 Patricia Kayden

Isn’t that against the U.S. Constitution?

With a conservative majority on the SCOTUS, the Constitution is no longer any guarantor of our rights and liberties.

Patricia Kayden  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:55:36am

re: #193 makeitstop

I have a feeling that Mueller is biding his time and that Carter’s hosting gig won’t last long.

Patricia Kayden  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:56:55am

re: #202 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

And that is why Democrats need to run on packing that court when they get control of the Senate and White House. If the Constitution is so easily ignored, this country is in serious trouble.

The Vicious Babushka  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:58:18am

Let me guess: the 3 families are the Kochs, DeVos & Adelson.

Scottish Dragon  Nov 1, 2018 • 6:58:42am

re: #203 Patricia Kayden

I have a feeling that Mueller is biding his time and that Carter’s hosting gig won’t last long.

Lot of speculation that Mueller has already subpoenaed Trump and it is being fought out right now.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:05:34am
Weaselone  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:05:59am

re: #204 Patricia Kayden

And that is why Democrats need to run on packing that court when they get control of the Senate and White House. If the Constitution is so easily ignored, this country is in serious trouble.

You don’t run on it., you just do it, but only under the following conditions.

1. The court has to issue an egregious ruling that can be used to galvanize the public. You can’t just pack the court if Associate Rapist Kavanaugh issues rulings largely in line with Kennedy.
2. You don’t do it if you manage to tilt the Court back naturally. If Justice Thomas dies of a heart attack while sexually assaulting an intern, or Chief Just Roberts follows his and the Court’s credibility over the cliff and we get the replacement nominated and confirmed, there’s no reason to pack the court.

Weaselone  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:07:35am

re: #205 The Vicious Babushka

Let me guess: the 3 families are the Kochs, DeVos & Adelson.

[Embedded content]

Let’s go with Buffet, Gates and Bezos, also know as Berkshire Hathaway, Microsoft and Amazon.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:09:24am

re: #196 Belafon

I am a long-arc optimist (I’m optimistic over the long run; individual failures don’t necessarily bother me), but if Beto becomes my new senator, I will be ecstatic.

Good article on 538 on what it would take for the Democrats to win the Senate.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:11:20am

re: #200 Patricia Kayden

Isn’t that against the U.S. Constitution?

Yes, Kentucky had that requirement when I was in high school and SCOTUS struck it down. Bama may be hoping to get a different result with the current court.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:12:21am

re: #205 The Vicious Babushka

Let me guess: the 3 families are the Kochs, DeVos & Adelson.

[Embedded content]

I’d guess the Waltons is one of the families.

wheat-dogg  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:12:24am

Thankfully, not the Cynthia Nixon bagel order

Weaselone  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:17:24am

re: #209 Weaselone

Let’s go with Buffet, Gates and Bezos, also know as Berkshire Hathaway, Microsoft and Amazon.

Welp. I’m wrong. It’s the Waltons, Koch’s and Mars candy family.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:19:43am

re: #214 Weaselone

Welp. I’m wrong. It’s the Waltons, Koch’s and Mars candy family.

The first two don’t surprise me but the Mars do.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:20:02am

re: #214 Weaselone

Welp. I’m wrong. It’s the Waltons, Koch’s and Mars candy family.

I thought the Waltons would be in there.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:20:13am

Former chair of Florida GOP…

That ad is so fucking racist. It makes me sad that they’re just so unapologetic about it.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:21:08am

re: #215 HappyWarrior

The first two don’t surprise me but the Mars do.

And this is their big candy selling season! Wonder how big a surge they get in October?

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:24:24am

re: #217 makeitstop

Former chair of Florida GOP…

[Embedded content]

That ad is so fucking racist. It makes me sad that they’re just so unapologetic about it.

What we’re really getting is a sneak preview of the next two years. The past 18+ months was Trump trying to play at being presidential. What we’re going to see going forward is the conman who is aware his con is falling apart.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:26:54am
HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:27:28am

re: #218 Big Beautiful Door

And this is their big candy selling season! Wonder how big a surge they get in October?

I bet they do. Speaking of that, went trick or treating last night with my niece and brother and sister in law. She had a blast. It was a beautiful evening.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:28:51am

GOP strategist…

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:29:59am

re: #222 makeitstop

GOP strategist…

[Embedded content]

You mean nearly every elected person in your party, John!

Dave In Austin  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:30:00am
HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:32:04am

re: #224 Dave In Austin

[Embedded content]

No but Gina Haspel is and she serves your fuhrer.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:33:23am

re: #221 HappyWarrior

I bet they do. Speaking of that, went trick or treating last night with my niece and brother and sister in law. She had a blast. It was a beautiful evening.

What was she dressed as?

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:34:31am

re: #226 Big Beautiful Door

What was she dressed as?


The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:34:39am

re: #217 makeitstop

Former chair of Florida GOP…

[Embedded content]

That ad is so fucking racist. It makes me sad that they’re just so unapologetic about it.

When you’ve lost Florida Man….

MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:36:20am

re: #184 Belafon

There’s zero chance this is true, but this is also a case study in how you actually destroy the credibility of an accuser.

The guy who wrote the book on Mueller stated he spent months trying to dig up dirt on him and Mueller is as squeaky clean as it gets.

Good luck, Jacob. This is not going to end well for you.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:37:06am

re: #228 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

When you’ve lost Florida Man….

Must temper my expectations. I was so sure two years ago that Clinton would win easily because the damn exit polling showed her well ahead in battleground states, and they were all wrong.

MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:38:57am

re: #199 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

He did at one point have the President’s ear.

And addled brain.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:39:04am

re: #229 MsJ

The guy who wrote the book on Mueller stated he spent months trying to dig up dirt on him and Mueller is as squeaky clean as it gets.

Good luck, Jacob. This is not going to end well for you.

I noticed that not even O’Keefe was dumb enough to join this scheme. Wohl’s attempt to be O’Keefe 2.0 is going to backfire bigly on him.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:40:11am

re: #230 Big Beautiful Door

Must temper my expectations. I was so sure two years ago that Clinton would win easily because the damn exit polling showed her well ahead in battleground states, and they were all wrong.

Yeah I’m not resting easy until I know we’ve won significant gains.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:41:03am

re: #232 HappyWarrior

I noticed that not even O’Keefe was dumb enough to join this scheme. Wohl’s attempt to be O’Keefe 2.0 is going to backfire bigly on him.

Speaking of which…where’s the livestream?

I’m not going to Hoft’s joint, if that’s where they’re showing it.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:42:56am
makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:44:01am

Clown show.

ipsos  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:44:18am

re: #232 HappyWarrior

I noticed that not even O’Keefe was dumb enough to join this scheme. Wohl’s attempt to be O’Keefe 2.0 is going to backfire bigly on him.

Speaking of O’Keefe… among the many bits of interesting news that got lost in the jetstream the last few days was the news that Abigail Spanberger, the Democrat who’s trying (bless her!) to unseat Dave Brat in Virginia, unearthed a Project Veritas mole who’d been volunteering on her campaign.

These people have no shame (and, thankfully, almost no impact anymore)….


Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:44:50am

re: #235 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Well of course he did. His attorney’s job at this point is to try to spare his client the death penalty, if possible. Best he can hope for is to spend decades in a cage at a supermax facility.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:45:41am
HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:47:06am

re: #237 ipsos

Speaking of O’Keefe… among the many bits of interesting news that got lost in the jetstream the last few days was the news that Abigail Spanberger, the Democrat who’s trying (bless her!) to unseat Dave Brat in Virginia, unearthed a Project Veritas mole who’d been volunteering on her campaign.

These people have no shame (and, thankfully, almost no impact anymore)….


Good deal. That district is southeast of me. Richmond burbs.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:47:45am
Interesting Times  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:48:23am

re: #230 Big Beautiful Door

Must temper my expectations. I was so sure two years ago that Clinton would win easily because the damn exit polling showed her well ahead in battleground states, and they were all wrong.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:48:51am

re: #241 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

I dare any MAGA cultist to walk 25 miles.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:50:23am

re: #236 makeitstop

Clown show.

[Embedded content]

So the press conference is just over an hour away and the “accuser” has not only flown the coop, but her advocates insist on her remaining anonymous.

“Clown shoes” doesn’t even begin to describe this.

Interesting Times  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:50:32am

re: #243 HappyWarrior

I dare any MAGA cultist to walk 25 miles.

Their Dear Leader can’t even keep up with other world leaders without his precious golf cart.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:51:03am

re: #245 Interesting Times

Their Dear Leader can’t even keep up with other world leaders without his precious golf cart.

But he’s an alpha male.//

Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:51:04am

re: #237 ipsos

Last year, a woman who worked for Project Veritas falsely claimed to The Washington Post that Roy Moore, then the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate in Alabama, impregnated her as a teenager — an apparent effort to trick The Post into publishing an untrue story.

Was that just last year? Sheesh.

Yet here these people are again doing the same crap.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:52:24am
ipsos  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:53:43am

re: #247 Sir John Barron

Was that just last year? Sheesh.

Yet here these people are again doing the same crap.

Best part is, all the Veritas “volunteer” “uncovered” is that Spanberger’s staffers agree with her that the wall is a stupid idea, and that they get campaign donations from people who want to see her win.

Earth-shattering stuff.

Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:53:48am

re: #240 HappyWarrior

In the other video, Jorge marvels at the “diversity” of Spanberger donors, noting that they include former FBI director James B. Comey and Jonathan Soros, the son of billionaire philanthropist George Soros, who has become a frequent target to the right.

You mean James Comey, the lifelong Republican and former FBI Director who Dumbus fired and has spent the past year and a half attacking and demeaning, has donated to a Democratic congressional candidate?

Wow, that’s just shocking, way to go, Project BS.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:54:18am


Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:54:35am

re: #249 ipsos

Best part is, all the Veritas “volunteer” “uncovered” is that Spanberger’s staffers agree with her that the wall is a stupid idea, and that they get campaign donations from people who want to see her win.

Earth-shattering stuff.

Just mind-blowing, really is. Earth-shattering indeed.

Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:55:14am

re: #244 Targetpractice

So the press conference is just over an hour away and the “accuser” has not only flown the coop, but her advocates insist on her remaining anonymous.

“Clown shoes” doesn’t even begin to describe this.

Oh is this still going on? Don’t know when to quit digging, do they?

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:56:02am

Didn’t ya’ll also hear about the mind-blowing news from O’Keefe’s crew that Gillum’s staffer admitted his boss is…*gasp!*…secretly a liberal!?


HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:56:18am

re: #250 Sir John Barron

You mean James Comey, the lifelong Republican and former FBI Director who Dumbus fired and has spent the past year and a half attacking and demeaning, has donated to a Democratic congressional candidate?

Wow, that’s just shocking, way to go, Project BS.

Yeah soooo shocking.

Dr. Matt  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:56:27am

Don’t hate….


HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:57:05am

re: #254 Targetpractice

Didn’t ya’ll also hear about the mind-blowing news from O’Keefe’s crew that Gillum’s staffer admitted his boss is…*gasp!*…secretly a liberal!?


No but that’s hysterical.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:58:09am

re: #256 Dr. Matt

Don’t hate….

[Embedded content]


Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:58:28am

re: #207 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It is only a matter of when.

Can’t come soon enough.

Dr. Matt  Nov 1, 2018 • 7:59:04am

re: #258 Targetpractice



Amory Blaine  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:02:46am

re: #243 HappyWarrior

I dare any MAGA cultist to walk 25 miles.

They will to get to a voting booth.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:04:05am

Polling indicates Greems poised to supplant SPD is the leading Center-Left party in Germany. SPD polling fourth behind AfD, the anti-immigrant party.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:05:19am

re: #261 Amory Blaine

They will to get to a voting booth.

They don’t have to, because the GOP only closes voting sites in Democratic districts.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:06:09am

re: #261 Amory Blaine

They will to get to a vo(mi)ting booth.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:06:30am

re: #262 Big Beautiful Door

Polling indicates Greems poised to supplant SPD is the leading Center-Left party in Germany. SPD polling fourth behind AfD, the anti-immigrant party.

[Embedded content]

Just as long as the AfD doesn’t win, I’m good. The German Greens are more reasonable and aren’t suspectable to Russian fuck puppetry like ours are.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:07:41am
Dr. Matt  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:09:22am

re: #243 HappyWarrior

I dare any MAGA cultist to walk 25 miles.

Their mobility scooters only have a range of a few miles.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:09:35am

re: #266 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

The all-star team of stupid.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:09:42am

re: #266 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Who the hell has indictated that Mueller would be prosecuting them? Meanwhile, this projection is hilarious given how they see Trump.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:09:47am

re: #266 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Dim Jim’s hedging his bets that Jake’s about to get a visit from the FBI.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:10:24am

chyron fail:

ipsos  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:10:59am

re: #271 Backwoods_Sleuth

chyron fail:

[Embedded content]

They’ll be playing Taps for him one way or another…

Dr. Matt  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:11:18am

re: #266 Backwoods_Sleuth

SMOTI deserves his entire world to turn to shit. He’s long overdue for a raging case of Karma biting his fat ass.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:11:22am

re: #269 HappyWarrior

Who the hell has indictated that Mueller would be prosecuting them? Meanwhile, this projection is hilarious given how they see Trump.

Oh, they’re ass-deep in fraud with this thing. Make no mistake about that.

Patricia Kayden  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:13:50am

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:14:17am

re: #274 makeitstop

Oh, they’re ass-deep in fraud with this thing. Make no mistake about that.

There are still enough people who hate Mueller (despite him being a Republican) to believe anything negative reported about hit

Lidane  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:14:24am

Hola! I would like to vent slightly this morning.

The most obnoxious people I’ve ever had to deal with are obsessive micromanagers. I have one client who consistently rewrites all my social media content to shoehorn in his flowery marketing language and slogans everyfuckingwhere and it’s driving me crazy.

Yes, social media for a business IS marketing. Everyone knows this. But the trick is to sound conversational in your posts, NOT tossing in your company slogan every time or making everything sound like a commercial or whatever the fuck.

I deliberately changed tactics from doing all my calendars in a spreadsheet to using an automation tool precisely to slow this asshole down and stop him from rewriting all my shit. I also took previous content he’d ALREADY approved and just made slight tweaks, just to lower my chances of him having edits. Right now, he’s literally going post by post and demanding revisions to everything. *facepalm*

All my other clients love this new tool because it saves them time and they can see what their posts will look like. They’ve taken to it like ducks to water. Not Mr. Micromanager. Ugh.

ObserverArt  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:14:56am

re: #127 Barefoot Grin

David Mack ✔
remember Parker Curry, the toddler who was obsessed with @MichelleObama’s portrait?

Her mom, Jessica, just sent me this Halloween update ❤️ pic.twitter.com


I love that photo of her looking up at the painting of Michelle with the guard looking at her. It says so much. It’s cute and powerful and full of dreams.

Great costume! I hope she gets to be a leader some day.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:16:04am

re: #266 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Wohl, meet the bus Hoft is throwing you under.

bd(soros funded)  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:18:02am


too funy.

lock him up!

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:18:12am

2 hours from now: “Jacob Wohl? I barely know the guy! He was the coffee boy!”

piratedan  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:18:43am

re: #230 Big Beautiful Door

with the depth of the voting shenanigans that are likely to have taken place (as we’ve delved deeper into the hacking and campaign coordination), at this point I’m prepared to believe that they might not have been and that actual votes may have been “removed” or even changed.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:19:56am

It takes a lot of stupid to out-dumb Charlie Kirk and Candice Owens who btw is feuding with Tomi over Kanye realizing he was used. So yeah this next generation of wingnuts. They really aren’t smart.

Dr Lizardo  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:20:02am

re: #270 Targetpractice

Dim Jim’s hedging his bets that Jake’s about to get a visit from the FBI.

Yep. And Hoft’s probably worried he might be getting a little visit from the FBI himself.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:20:54am

re: #284 Dr Lizardo

Yep. And Hoft’s probably worried he might be getting a little visit from the FBI himself.

They all better lawyer up, pronto.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:21:07am

So we’re less than an hour away and none of the major news networks seem to be paying any mind to this “press conference.”

plansbandc  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:21:49am

re: #251 Backwoods_Sleuth

The top reply and winner of one twitter:

garzooma  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:23:03am

“Sadly, it looks like Mexico’s Police and Military are unable to stop the Caravan heading to the Southern Border of the United States. Criminals and unknown Middle Easterners are mixed in.” Donald Trump, 22 Oct 2018

“HIAS likes to bring invaders in that kill our people. I can’t sit by and watch my people get slaughtered. Screw your optics, I’m going in.” Robert Bowers, 27 Oct 2018

“To see what is in front of one’s nose needs a constant struggle.” George Orwell

ObserverArt  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:23:29am

re: #138 Big Beautiful Door

Any of the women recant? Because there were several accusations.

Regarding the Franken mess, what pisses me off is how it all stands up now against what happened with Brett Kavanaugh?

Anyone notice how all the allegations went dead a day after Franken resigned?

And, how now the Republicans are calling the Democrats an angry mob because they brought up allegations against Kavanaugh. They are running damn political ads on it.

Meanwhile Franken is out and no one says a thing about it. Dome in by his own angry mob I guess.

Yeah, I am for fairness.

When are we going to get some?

Scottish Dragon  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:24:21am

re: #271 Backwoods_Sleuth

chyron fail:

[Embedded content]

He’s the boogie woogie bugle boy of cellblock B

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:26:01am

re: #290 Scottish Dragon

He’s was the boogie woogie bugle boy of cellblock B

Needed a little tweak.

Scottish Dragon  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:26:58am

re: #271 Backwoods_Sleuth

I am actually wondering if some folks in DOJ made it possible for the hit to happen. We know that Bulger was dealing with several corrupt FBI and DOJ persons and not all of them were exposed and found.

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:28:12am

re: #217 makeitstop

Former chair of Florida GOP…

[Embedded content]

That ad is so fucking racist. It makes me sad that they’re just so unapologetic about it.

“Making America Safe Again”

Yeah, so safe that a bunch of Democrats almost got
blown up last week and 11 Jews were killed at their Synagogue.

dangerman  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:28:30am

re: #243 HappyWarrior

I dare any MAGA cultist to walk 25 miles.

What did I see yesterday?
If you started walking from South Dakota today youd get to the us/Mexico border before the “caravan”

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:29:01am

re: #294 dangerman

What did I see yesterday?
If you started walking from South Dakota today youd get to the us/Mexico border before the “caravan”

I missed that.

ObserverArt  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:29:22am

re: #159 Jay C

Gee! Maybe he takes his job as a “legal analyst” seriously- and doesn’t just spout reflexive validations for the rubes’ prejudices dressed up with a few legalisms?

Wonder how long he’ll last at FOX?

I don’t watch Fox, but I think they have used judge Napolitano for a few years as a judicial analyst.

I think he takes his oath to the US Constitution seriously unlike others at Fox.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:29:54am

re: #289 ObserverArt

Regarding the Franken mess, what pisses me off is how it all stands up now against what happened with Brett Kavanaugh?

Anyone notice how all the allegations went dead a day after Franken resigned?

And, how now the Republicans are calling the Democrats an angry mob because they brought up allegations against Kavanaugh. They are running damn political ads on it.

Meanwhile Franken is out and no one says a thing about it. Dome in by his own angry mob I guess.

Yeah, I am for fairness.

When are we going to get some?

There have been several Republicans done in by sex scandals. The Lamb victory in a special election was due to a GOP sexual predator resigning. The GOP Governor of Mo was ousted. We stole a US Senate seat in Bama because the GOP nominated a pedophile, and there are others, like the guy accused by his daughter of sexual abuse.

Dr. Matt  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:29:59am
HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:30:28am

re: #296 ObserverArt

I don’t watch Fox, but I think they have used judge Napolitano for a few years as a judicial analyst.

I think he takes his oath to the US Constitution seriously unlike others at Fox.

He’s definitely less of a hack than Pirro.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:31:18am
dangerman  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:31:27am

re: #251 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]
Just had a long and very good conversation with President Xi Jinping of China. We talked about many subjects, with a heavy emphasis on Trade. Those discussions are moving along nicely with meetings being scheduled at the G-20 in Argentina. Also had good discussion on North Korea

“I had a phone call”

This is “mommy see what I did in the bathroom”

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:31:36am

re: #299 HappyWarrior

He’s definitely less of a hack than Pirro.

Pretty low bar, dude.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:31:53am

re: #296 ObserverArt

I don’t watch Fox, but I think they have used judge Napolitano for a few years as a judicial analyst.

I think he takes his oath to the US Constitution seriously unlike others at Fox.

He’s a crazy libertarian, but he’s not a fascist.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:32:07am

re: #302 makeitstop

Pretty low bar, dude.


Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:34:02am

re: #293 Eclectic Cyborg

“Making America Safe Again”

Yeah, so safe that a bunch of Democrats almost got
blown up last week and 11 Jews were killed at their Synagogue.

“It’s too soon to make political judgments about the Pittsburgh shooting and we can’t blame DJT just because some anti-immigrant fan of his took his evil out on people he believed were helping immigrants and also here watch our Great ad about how Democrats are letting violent nonAmerican people of color into our country to kill all the good white families.”


dangerman  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:35:42am

re: #277 Lidane

Hola! I would like to vent slightly this morning.

The most obnoxious people I’ve ever had to deal with are obsessive micromanagers. I have one client who consistently rewrites all my social media content to shoehorn in his flowery marketing language and slogans everyfuckingwhere and it’s driving me crazy.

Yes, social media for a business IS marketing. Everyone knows this. But the trick is to sound conversational in your posts, NOT tossing in your company slogan every time or making everything sound like a commercial or whatever the fuck.

I deliberately changed tactics from doing all my calendars in a spreadsheet to using an automation tool precisely to slow this asshole down and stop him from rewriting all my shit. I also took previous content he’d ALREADY approved and just made slight tweaks, just to lower my chances of him having edits. Right now, he’s literally going post by post and demanding revisions to everything. *facepalm*

All my other clients love this new tool because it saves them time and they can see what their posts will look like. They’ve taken to it like ducks to water. Not Mr. Micromanager. Ugh.

Business would be great if it wasn’t for the clients

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:36:12am

re: #273 Dr. Matt

SMOTI deserves his entire world to turn to shit. He’s long overdue for a raging case of Karma biting his fat ass.

Yep and even if he had nothing to do with it (which is a complete fucking lie), it was still posted on HIS SITE which means he shoulders some of the responsibility.

Dr. Matt  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:38:12am

re: #308 Eclectic Cyborg

Yep and even if he had nothing to do with it (which is a complete fucking lie), it was still posted on HIS SITE which means he shoulders some of the responsibility.

He not only posted it, he gleefully promoted it. Burn, asshole, burn.

Scottish Dragon  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:39:11am

re: #299 HappyWarrior

He’s definitely less of a hack than Pirro.

I remember when O’Reilly was still at Fox and was insisting you do not a constitutional right to marriage and Napolitano kept trying to cite the specific cases to him where SCOTUS declared (and for that matter so did English Common Law) that marriage is a fundamental right.

MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:39:54am

re: #236 makeitstop

Clown show.

[Embedded content]

And she was, what, six when this supposedly happened? Uh huh. Shocked she’s not going through with it.

Does Jacob have a sister? Asking for a friend.

KGxvi  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:41:51am

re: #310 Scottish Dragon

I remember when O’Reilly was still at Fox and was insisting you do not a constitutional right to marriage and Napolitano kept trying to cite the specific cases to him where SCOTUS declared (and for that matter so did English Common Law) that marriage is a fundamental right.

What’s the point of having experts if they’re not going to tell you what you want to hear?

Mattand  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:42:22am

re: #297 Big Beautiful Door

There have been several Republicans done in by sex scandals. The Lamb victory in a special election was due to a GOP sexual predator resigning. The GOP Governor of Mo was ousted. We stole a US Senate seat in Bama because the GOP nominated a pedophile, and there are others, like the guy accused by his daughter of sexual abuse.

Good points all, although I still think Lamb is going to go full metal Manchin and fuck over the Dems at some point.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:43:07am

re: #310 Scottish Dragon

I remember when O’Reilly was still at Fox and was insisting you do not a constitutional right to marriage and Napolitano kept trying to cite the specific cases to him where SCOTUS declared (and for that matter so did English Common Law) that marriage is a fundamental right.

Loving. I’m not a fan of Napolitano but he’s far from the worst they’ve had there.

ObserverArt  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:43:18am

re: #199 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

He did at one point have the President’s ear.

He may be out of sight of the cameras, but I think Bannon still has the President’s ear.

Just like Roger Stone, they are fake firings that never call for them to actually leave.

Just like The Apprentice, it is all fake reality. They just take up residence in a Trump closet somewhere, but still remain active.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:43:59am

re: #313 Mattand

Good points all, although I still think Lamb is going to go full metal Manchin and fuck over the Dems at some point.

No reason to. When his district was ungerrymandered, it became a lot bluer.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:44:50am

re: #316 Big Beautiful Door

No reason to. When his district was ungerrymandered, it became a lot bluer.

Which will push him to the left too.

MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:45:17am
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:46:09am
Mattand  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:46:24am

re: #312 KGxvi

What’s the point of having experts if they’re not going to tell you what you want to hear?

I don’t know if it’s just an American thing, but this whole “An expert was wrong once, therefore they all can’t be trusted” shit is really out of control in this country.

My neighbor up the street has it bad. He may have possibly hastened the demise of his dog because the vet wouldn’t let him watch every procedure they were doing to try save the dog’s life.

Don’t even get me started on his rationale for voting for Trump. One tidbit: he didn’t think former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton would make a good president because Arab leaders wouldn’t respect a woman.

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:46:51am

re: #307 dangerman

Business would be great if it wasn’t for the clients

Seriously. At my company I sometimes work with the group that handles the BBB complaints we get and am tasked with drafting responses to them. You would not believe the fucking stupid shit people file over.

I had one last week where a lady demanded we remove a late fee from her account. Her letter gives no justification for why we should remove the fee.

As evidence to support her claim she sent along…a past due bill.

So yeah, I mean open and shut but to even have to spend time addressing such stupid shit. Sigh.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:48:58am

re: #319 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

[Embedded content]


Thank goodness they survived.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:50:18am


makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:51:01am

re: #311 MsJ

And she was, what, six when this supposedly happened? Uh huh. Shocked she’s not going through with it.

Does Jacob have a sister? Asking for a friend.

I’d wager that there isn’t even a ‘she.’ This ‘accuser’ is every bit as fake as the woman they’re claiming is fake is.

This Burkman guy has a history of press conferences that suck.

Today’s press conference, held in collaboration with America First Media Group’s Matt Couch, promised to produce “two previously unknown sources who may be key to unlocking the mystery” of Rich’s murder. Instead, reporters entered the conference room to find an off-white speakerphone from years past resting on a table and a promise to hear just one of the promised sources via speakerphone. After a break that happened just a few minutes after the conference started, Burkman and his cohort struggled to route their source’s call to the phone on the table. Ultimately, reporters were forced to huddle around an iPhone set to speakerphone to hear from “Luke,” a moniker given to supposedly protect the identity of Burkman’s witness.

Burkman explained that he had contemplated bringing his source to the press conference in a mask, or perhaps with a bag over his head, to conceal his identity, but that his source ultimately felt the safest speaking to reporters over the phone. Retired NYPD detective Frank Whalen attempted to reassure the small fleet of reporters that the identity of the witness would eventually be revealed, but not at the time of the press conference.

It looks like he’s pulling the same shit here. Working from the same stupid playbook.

ObserverArt  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:51:10am

re: #206 Scottish Dragon

Lot of speculation that Mueller has already subpoenaed Trump and it is being fought out right now.

Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow says he has not been subpoenaed.

Anyone believe Sekulow?

Didn’t think so.

What is probably going on is the Trump gang needs to keep shut up about it all. If they admit they have been subpoenaed the press will be all over them and Trump.

If they say no comment it more or less is an admission they have…and the press will be all over them.

All they can do is sit and wait while they continue to negotiate terms, or answer the subpoena.

Not sure, but could the subpoena be filed with a date that he must meet with Mueller after the elections? In other words, Mueller doesn’t want to influence the elections and will bring the heat soon after.

Mattand  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:51:12am

re: #307 dangerman

Business would be great if it wasn’t for the clients

I once had to redraw a cartoon of a beaver joyously cutting down a tree with a chainsaw. The book’s editor feared that tree lovers would find it offensive.

Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:51:24am

re: #323 Backwoods_Sleuth


Somebody say something about an all star of stupid gathering?

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:52:09am

re: #321 Eclectic Cyborg

Seriously. At my company I sometimes work with the group that handles the BBB complaints we get and am tasked with drafting responses to them. You would not believe the fucking stupid shit people file over.

I had one last week where a lady demanded we remove a late fee from her account. Her letter gives no justification for why we should remove the fee.

As evidence to support her claim she sent along…a past due bill.

So yeah, I mean open and shut but to even have to spend time addressing such stupid shit. Sigh.

Funny story; a woman called a bar association to complain about her lawyer. He had negotiated a deal which got the criminal charges against her dismissed, and she was mad because she didn’t get to have her day in court.

MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:52:38am

re: #289 ObserverArt

Regarding the Franken mess, what pisses me off is how it all stands up now against what happened with Brett Kavanaugh?

Anyone notice how all the allegations went dead a day after Franken resigned?

And, how now the Republicans are calling the Democrats an angry mob because they brought up allegations against Kavanaugh. They are running damn political ads on it.

Meanwhile Franken is out and no one says a thing about it. Dome in by his own angry mob I guess.

Yeah, I am for fairness.

When are we going to get some?


Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:54:03am
HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:54:17am

re: #323 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

Haha Candice and Charlie are such idiots.

Mattand  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:55:44am

re: #325 ObserverArt

Trump lawyer Jay Sekulow says he has not been subpoenaed.

Anyone believe Sekulow?

Didn’t think so.

What is probably going on is the Trump gang needs to keep shut up about it all. If they admit they have been subpoenaed the press will be all over them and Trump.

If they say no comment it more or less is an admission they have…and the press will be all over them.

All they can do is sit and wait while they continue to negotiate terms, or answer the subpoena.

Not sure, but could the subpoena be filed with a date that he must meet with Mueller after the elections? In other words, Mueller doesn’t want to influence the elections and will bring the heat soon after.

My only quibble with this is that if Trump has been subpoenaed, he would be screaming from the rooftops about it in full blown martyr mode for the MAGAts. Particularly this close to the elections. The jackass can’t keep his mouth shut about anything, regardless of what law and common sense says.

ObserverArt  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:56:31am

re: #236 makeitstop

Clown show.

[Embedded content]

Anyone know what type of shovel Wohl uses?

As fast as he is digging his hole, I’m thinking he is using some type of backhoe.

Jay C  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:56:32am

re: #318 MsJ

[Embedded content]

“A moderator”?? I didn’t realize GP had more than the SMOTI on the payroll. Or is it Dim Jim’s “twin brother”?

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:56:51am

re: #331 HappyWarrior

Haha Candice and Charlie are such idiots.

Remember when conservative operatives were at least a tad bit competent?

This new generation of ‘conservative firebrands’ are making assholes like Milo look smart.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:58:05am
Skip Intro  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:58:37am

re: #142 makeitstop

King’s losing friends left and right.

[Embedded content]

Kind of late to the party, aren’t they?

gwangung  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:58:48am

re: #317 HappyWarrior

Which will push him to the left too.

Hm….slightly offtopic, but I seem to remember studies showing that the larger of margin of victory for a politician, the more blue or red they will then act in office. Might be appropos.

Mike Lamb  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:59:16am

re: #210 Big Beautiful Door

Good article on 538 on what it would take for the Democrats to win the Senate.

It’s a good article, but I dislike the framing at the end when it states that the math favors the Democrats “losing” the Senate. They aren’t the majority party. It’s that type of framing that allows a “so much for a Blue Wave” narrative.

ObserverArt  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:59:35am

re: #244 Targetpractice

So the press conference is just over an hour away and the “accuser” has not only flown the coop, but her advocates insist on her remaining anonymous.

“Clown shoes” doesn’t even begin to describe this.

I’m going to simplify your comment based on known facts. I hope you do not mind.

So the press conference is just over an hour away and they have nothing.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:59:37am

what? Nobody dies?

MsJ  Nov 1, 2018 • 8:59:37am

re: #334 Jay C

“A moderator”?? I didn’t realize GP had more than the SMOTI on the payroll. Or is it Dim Jim’s “twin brother”?

It’s his mom. That’s apparently how they roll.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:00:59am

Jared Holt from Right Wing Watch is live-tweeting Jacob Wohl’s self-incrimination.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:01:48am

What The Actual FUCK ? ? ?

KGxvi  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:03:19am

re: #341 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

what? Nobody dies?

I’m still very worried that without full source material, they are going to royally fuck things up. I know they were supposedly told the ending by GRRM at the very beginning, but the further away from the books that they get, the more annoyed I get with the TV show

lawhawk  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:03:30am

re: #341 Backwoods_Sleuth

The White Walkers are the good guys, and everyone else deserves to die.

No wait… that’s actually a likely outcome.

Moral of that story: don’t mess with nature, because it will mess you up, even if you bury your head in the sand, or hide behind a wall.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:04:42am

Will Sommer is there, too.

Scottish Dragon  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:06:13am
goddamnedfrank  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:06:29am
Scottish Dragon  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:07:28am

re: #341 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

what? Nobody dies?

Nobody gets raped?

That was one of the things that really turned me off to GoT for some time.

Barefoot Grin  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:08:34am

re: #271 Backwoods_Sleuth

chyron fail:

[Embedded content]

Boogie woogie bugle boy of cell block B. (Formerly)

Hecuba's daughter  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:08:50am

re: #172 Eventual Carrion

And that is what gives me hope about these close “likely voter” polls. I don’t think they really search out and consider this age group as “likely voters”, so really don’t inquire with them. We may just get saved by the yooth this time around. I know my 18 yo is voting.

Polls have increasingly less value. After the primary fiasco in Michigan where polls predicted a comfortable Hillary victory and then Bernie won, I don’t know why anyone places such credence in them. PLL was being criticized here for his pre-election pessimism; I wasn’t a member at that time, but I agreed with him then 100%

There are several problems:

— As others point out, their voters are fanatic, ours are less likely to get out to vote, either because they are not as invested in voting or because it is physically harder for them to get to the polls. They may have jobs that interfere with getting out or they may not have transportation to their polling places.
— It is difficult to get a representative sample of the voting public; thanks to caller id and the disappearance of landlines, pollsters are not able to reach a good random sample
— Voter suppression techniques lead to supposedly “eligible” voters discovering they don’t have the ids, are no longer on the voting rolls, or inaccessible polling places. The Kansas shenanigans with Dodge City are a perfect example.

As lawhawk repeatedly said, everyone has to vote.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:09:06am

re: #335 makeitstop

Remember when conservative operatives were at least a tad bit competent?

This new generation of ‘conservative firebrands’ are making assholes like Milo look smart.

Milo still looks like an idiot.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:10:33am

re: #339 Mike Lamb

It’s a good article, but I dislike the framing at the end when it states that the math favors the Democrats “losing” the Senate. They aren’t the majority party. It’s that type of framing that allows a “so much for a Blue Wave” narrative.

If they win 50 seats in the House, that narrative will be hard to sell.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:11:20am

re: #353 Big Beautiful Door

Milo still looks like an idiot.

Then they’ve bred a new crop of super-idiots.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:11:26am

re: #341 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

what? Nobody dies?

The Night King turns out to be the good guy?

Hecuba's daughter  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:11:43am

re: #337 Skip Intro

Kind of late to the party, aren’t they?

Let’s hope it doesn’t turn into a Gianforte situation where too many people voted early and therefore cannot withdraw their support for King.

Skip Intro  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:14:34am

re: #251 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

The stock market bought it.

Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:14:43am

re: #335 makeitstop

Remember when conservative operatives were at least a tad bit competent?

This new generation of ‘conservative firebrands’ are making assholes like Milo look smart.

G.Gordon Liddy is probably embarrassed for them but can’t bring himself to say so. Now there was a sleasy operator, though even he got busted.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:15:48am

LOL. Wohl is going all-in on Surefire Intelligence. Fuckin’ moron.

Mike Lamb  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:16:16am

re: #354 Big Beautiful Door

If they win 50 seats in the House, that narrative will be hard to sell.

Agreed, but GOP talking points seem to stick. The GOP House majority had largely been considered unassailable due to gerrymandering. Winning the House would be a really big deal. The fact is that the biggest reason we can’t flip the Senate is just the dumb luck of having Democrat incumbents in red states having to defend their spot

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:16:29am

re: #335 makeitstop

Remember when conservative operatives were at least a tad bit competent?

This new generation of ‘conservative firebrands’ are making assholes like Milo look smart.

That’s what I was thinking. I mean they’ve always been sleazy douches but this new generation is laughably incompetent. See Wohl’s stunt and this.

Hecuba's daughter  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:16:57am

re: #356 Big Beautiful Door

The Night King turns out to be the good guy?

Speculation from others but hidden just in case..

What about the theory that the Night King is Bran?

goddamnedfrank  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:16:57am

The photo isn’t from DC, as Wohl claimed.

Kilroy was here  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:17:04am

re: #357 Hecuba’s daughter

Let’s hope it doesn’t turn into a Gianforte situation where too many people voted early and therefore cannot withdraw their support for King.

Speaking of Gianforte, he is neck and neck with the challenger Kathleen Williams. So he could be one and done if all goes well.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:18:52am

Bolton, stirring up shit everywhere

ObserverArt  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:19:55am

re: #297 Big Beautiful Door

There have been several Republicans done in by sex scandals. The Lamb victory in a special election was due to a GOP sexual predator resigning. The GOP Governor of Mo was ousted. We stole a US Senate seat in Bama because the GOP nominated a pedophile, and there are others, like the guy accused by his daughter of sexual abuse.

All pale in comparison when you consider the damage Kavanaugh can do and for how long he can do it.

And I have yet to see a Democrat call Franken’s accusers anything, let alone an angry mob.

And to further my point there is an ad being run in Ohio by dirtball Jim Renacci against Sherrod Brown for being a hypocrtical angry mob leader that has domestic abuse mentioned in court filings.

It was typical allegations in his divorce from his first wife. That would be his first wife he still shares time with and who has asked Renacci to stop the attacks.

Like I said, a little fairness would be nice.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:20:06am

Google’s got a slight problem.

Google employees around the world walked out of their offices on Thursday in a global protest over how the company deals with sexual harassment.

The demonstrations, dubbed “Google Walkout,” follow an outcry over a New York Times investigation that detailed years of sexual harassment allegations, multimillion-dollar severance packages for accused executives, and a lack of transparency over the cases.

Before Google employees got to work in the United States, around 150 Google employees in India participated in the walkouts, a company spokesman in the country told CNN. Google (GOOGL) has about 2,000 staff members across Delhi, Mumbai, Bangalore and Hyderabad.

KGxvi  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:20:23am

re: #362 HappyWarrior

That’s what I was thinking. I mean they’ve always been sleazy douches but this new generation is laughably incompetent. See Wohl’s stunt and this.

It’s a corollary to Trump’s staff being mostly D-List Republican operatives that wouldn’t get an interview in a Cruz/Rubio/Kaisch/Jeb(!) Administration. These idiots outside the administration are filling a vacuum left by Never Trumpers and those remaining quiet to avoid the taint of Trump on their resumes.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:20:24am

re: #366 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Bolton, stirring up shit everywhere

All the while they embraced the dictator lover in Brazil.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:20:27am

My client chooses to remain anonymous…but I can tell you her name anyway:

Dr. Matt  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:20:55am

re: #364 goddamnedfrank

The photo isn’t from DC, as Wohl claimed.

Game.Set.Match. Fucking idiot, loses….again.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:21:46am

re: #369 KGxvi

It’s a corollary to Trump’s staff being mostly D-List Republican operatives that wouldn’t get an interview in a Cruz/Rubio/Kaisch/Jeb(!) Administration. These idiots outside the administration are filling a vacuum left by Never Trumpers and those remaining quiet to avoid the taint of Trump on their resumes.

Right. I never thought I’d say this but Tomi Lahren and Ben Shapiro look intelligent compared to Candice, Charlie, & Jacob.

Hecuba's daughter  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:22:03am

re: #366 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Bolton, stirring up shit everywhere

Troika of Tyranny? A Russian word. What a surprise! Maybe the phrase was coined by their true leader Putin or his henchman.

Skip Intro  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:22:19am

re: #344 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

What The Actual FUCK ? ? ?

[Embedded content]

You know I cut off my dick back in the 1980s in my attempt to be the first male penis-less porn star. I know better now.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:22:55am

re: #371 Targetpractice

My client chooses to remain anonymous…but I can tell you her name anyway:

[Embedded content]

My default isn’t to believe the accuser unless it’s going after someone going after someone I dislike.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:23:28am

This sounds…libelous.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:24:09am

re: #371 Targetpractice

My client chooses to remain anonymous…but I can tell you her name anyway:

[Embedded content]

So much for her “fearing for her life…”

Dr. Matt  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:24:43am
makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:25:22am
plansbandc  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:26:34am

Somebody won Halloween:

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:27:45am

He’s only 20? Knew he was young but damn.

KGxvi  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:27:59am

re: #377 makeitstop

This sounds…libelous.

[Embedded content]

This likely falls under defamation per se. Basically false statements about someone in one of these categories:

Indications that a person was involved in criminal activity
Indications that a person had a “loathsome,” contagious or infectious disease
Indications that a person was unchaste or engaged in sexual misconduct
Indications that a person was involved in behavior incompatible with the proper conduct of his business, trade or profession

Mueller is a public figure, so he’ll also have the standard of actual malice (knowledge that the statements were untrue, or reckless disregard of the truth of the statements). But I’m guessing that discovery would absolutely establish actual malice in this case.

Dr. Matt  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:28:57am

Carolyne Cass has an [empty] IMDb profile. Getty images returns this photo. Carolyne Cass is the blonde woman on the right.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:28:59am

So important that it took less than a day to tear down his “anonymity.”

Scottish Dragon  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:31:17am

re: #385 Targetpractice

[Embedded content]

So important that it took less than a day to tear down his “anonymity.”

And his mothers….

KGxvi  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:32:20am

re: #384 Dr. Matt

Carolyne Cass has an [empty] IMDb profile. Getty images returns this photo. Carolyne Cass is the blonde woman on the right.

[Embedded content]

She doesn’t even look like she was born in the 80s.

Kilroy was here  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:34:01am

re: #385 Targetpractice

[Embedded content]

So important that it took less than a day to tear down his “anonymity.”

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:35:06am

This is still a net win for the GOP: Mueller is in the press with “alleged sexual harassment” charges, the accuser can claim that she is being threatened by the FBI and has to remain hidden and anonymous.

The only saving grace here is that Wohl is so completely smug and self-assured about his “plan” that he has made only minimal attempts to cover up his own tracks, but on the other hand, he knows that it matters little in the modern media landscape.

ObserverArt  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:35:37am

re: #377 makeitstop

This sounds…libelous.

[Embedded content]

I wonder if there are FBI agents gathered just outside that conference room?

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:35:57am


makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:36:07am

re: #389 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

This is still a net win for the GOP: Müller is in the press with “alleged sexual harassment” charges, the accuser can claim that she is being threatened by the FBI and has to remain hidden and anonymous.

The only saving grace here is that Wohl is so completely smug and self-assured about his “plan” that he has made only minimal attempts to cover up his own tracks, but on the other hand, he knows that it matters little in the modern media landscape.

Nah. Ain’t nobody covering this shit except bloggers. The networks stayed far away from it.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:36:50am


HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:37:04am

re: #391 Targetpractice


[Embedded content]

Leaking proof of jury duty? That would be public knowledge you ignorant little prick.

Scottish Dragon  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:37:10am

Not surprised….I got Revolutionary America


Hecuba's daughter  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:37:15am

The “truth” about Trump in a disgraceful opinion piece from an admirer— The Republican party is the party of Trump. And, gee, the only reason the Republican party was against slavery was that it harmed the interests of Northern workers. Tell me, is there any Republican today (except for some vocal never-Trumpers) who have any sense of morality or decency?


Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:37:46am

re: #392 makeitstop

Nah. Ain’t nobody covering this shit except bloggers. The networks stayed far away from it.

Ayep. Even a quick Google search shows that this shit is barely rising above the tabloids stage. Even Faux isn’t wasting their time with this and they’re desperate to find anything they can to bring down Mueller.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:39:12am


makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:40:00am

Total. Shit. Show.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:40:24am

re: #398 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

So Jacob is performing The Magic Fart today…

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:41:56am

re: #398 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

Lol okay guy who was best known before this for trying to deny Michael Sam a job.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:42:02am

Clown. Shoes.

ObserverArt  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:42:14am

re: #392 makeitstop

Nah. Ain’t nobody covering this shit except bloggers. The networks stayed far away from it.

NBC and MSNBC have covered it. But they have painted Wohl as a complete bumbling idiot and Burkman’s past failures of stirring up stupid crap.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:42:49am

re: #395 Scottish Dragon

Not surprised….I got Revolutionary America



makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:43:30am

Do these guys want to get crushed in the midterms?

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:43:35am

We’re dealing with top minds here.

Hecuba's daughter  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:43:48am

re: #392 makeitstop

Nah. Ain’t nobody covering this shit except bloggers. The networks stayed far away from it.

Did Faux News cover this over the past couple days when it became public? How about any of the usual RW “news” suspects? Breitbart? OANN?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:44:14am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:44:41am

re: #403 ObserverArt

NBC and MSNBC have covered it. But they have painted Wohl as a complete bumbling idiot and Burkman’s past failures of stirring up stupid crap.

That is enough to get people saying “why are mainstream media trying to disregard this event?”

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:44:58am

re: #405 makeitstop

Do these guys want to get crushed in the midterms?

[Embedded content]

The minimum wage is what keeps those fry cooks that wingnuts love to disparage from being paid in food.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:45:05am

The situation is…deteriorating. LOL

BigPapa  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:46:18am

Jacob Wohl is making my week. And it appears this gift is going to keep on giving for some time.

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:46:19am

It’s like Wohl and Burkman have decided their best bet to avoid federal charges is to make this shit so insane that no prosecutor would be able to write an affidavit without busting into laughter.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:47:00am

re: #409 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

That is enough to get people saying “why are mainstream media trying to disregard this event?”

Yeah, but who, exactly? Other fringe bloggers?

As a news event, it’s an undiluted, 100 proof disaster. This wouldn’t even make Fox’ comedy lineup, for cryin’ out loud.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:47:19am
HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:47:21am

re: #395 Scottish Dragon

Not surprised….I got Revolutionary America


Ancient Rome. Surprises me. That period has never interested me.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:48:45am

Wohl-fully incompetent.

goddamnedfrank  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:48:47am
Dr. Matt  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:48:58am


Hecuba's daughter  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:49:18am

What is a real disgrace is that Jacob Wohl escaped prison time for his crimes. It is an outrage that minorities are given felony records for actions that cause far less harm than the white malefactors who commit financial fraud and manage to avoid prison or fines that really punish them.

lawhawk  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:49:48am
lawhawk  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:51:53am

The FBI should be investigating these two for interfering in an ongoing federal investigation, but first they’d have to stop ROTFLMAO.

Under the definition of dumbassery, these two have their pictures (soon hopefully replaced by mug shots).

Targetpractice  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:52:07am

Ah, Fark:

The totally real woman with totally real allegations against Mueller totally bailed

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:52:42am

I would be so embarrassed to be even in the same room with these clods.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:52:59am

Wohl makes CCJ look competent.

lawhawk  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:53:39am
Nyet  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:54:23am

A long thread.

Kilroy was here  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:54:31am

re: #419 Dr. Matt


[Embedded content]

She is everything you’d expect.. IF it is her.

HappyWarrior  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:55:00am

re: #426 lawhawk

[Embedded content]


Nyet  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:55:06am

A shorter one, but still of general interest, I believe.

BigPapa  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:55:21am

re: #419 Dr. Matt

I don’t think it’s Cassandra Fairbanks. She has a tattoo on her right upper chest that would have shown. Unless makeup is covering it.

Dr. Matt  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:55:35am

re: #428 Kilroy was here

She is everything you’d expect.. IF it is her.

White trash darling of Storm Front.

Nyet  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:55:41am

re: #427 Nyet

Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:56:15am

The minimum wage is what keeps me from being able to organize an army of peasants for a rerun of Bastille Day.

Sufficient unto the day...  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:58:34am

re: #434 Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel

So…are you saying the minimum wage is bad?


Dr. Matt  Nov 1, 2018 • 9:59:49am

re: #431 BigPapa

I don’t think it’s Cassandra Fairbanks. She has a tattoo on her right upper chest that would have shown. Unless makeup is covering it.

Well, “Jacob is a child prodigy who has eclipsed Mozart” so he likely applied his photoshop expertise/brilliance and remove the tat and made her boobs smaller.


Kilroy was here  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:01:47am

Cassandra Fairbanks writes crap like this for Sputnik

Journalist at White House Demands to Know Why Media Ignores Anti-Trump Violence


Independent journalist and author Mike Cernovich caused quite a stir at the White House briefing on Monday, after turning to the room full of journalists and demanding to know why they aren’t asking Democratic politicians to disavow violence from those opposed to US President Donald Trump.

BigPapa  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:03:23am

re: #436 Dr. Matt

LOL yeah, at this point nothing would surprise me. Especially Jacob Wohlbegone being chronically inept at everything in life but highly skilled in Photoshop editing boobs.

lawhawk  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:03:48am
Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:04:09am

re: #406 Targetpractice

We’re dealing with top minds here.

Ah, now the genius of it all is starting to come into focus. Create fake intelligence firm but give family’s phone number so when reporters or investigators call they get the family which includes a teenager or many teenagers and bust libtard media for calling “underage teenagers”.


austin_blue  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:04:34am

re: #123 ckkatz

Well, it was a good night for trick-or-treaters at Casa Katz. I gave away 35 full size KitKat bars. The remaining one was my dinner.

And in honor of Dia de Los Muertos

Here is a nicely filmed version of the song La Llarona. Not impressed with the singing, though. For the singing I prefer Tish Hinojosa’s version

(Warning, it is not gruesome or even explicit, but it is dealing with death. And with the underlying pre-Columbian and Catholic cultural context.)

Angela Aguilar - La Llorona - Video Oficial

[Embedded content]

I always upping anything having to do with Tish the Dish.

sagehen  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:05:04am

re: #205 The Vicious Babushka

Let me guess: the 3 families are the Kochs, DeVos & Adelson.

[Embedded content]

Kochs, Waltons and Mars.

Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:05:17am

re: #437 Kilroy was here

demanding to know why they aren’t asking Democratic politicians to disavow violence from those opposed to US President Donald Trump.

Like who?

Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:07:19am

re: #422 lawhawk

Presser is over but Wohl and Burkman are headed to their cars pursued by press.
— Will Sommer

Why won’t lamestream press investigate the Mueller scandal we just carefully laid out instead of chasing these brave journalists?!?!?

Lidane  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:08:15am

Still dealing with Mr. Micromanager, but I just ran across this on my TL. I am amused:

Dr. Matt  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:16:46am

re: #445 Lidane

Project Veritas undercover reporter exposed, kicked out of Democratic campaign office washingtonexaminer.com
— Washington Examiner (@dcexaminer) November 1, 2018

Isn’t this illegal?

Sionainn, the Nasty Devilbitch  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:17:46am

re: #133 wheat-dogg

Sent it to you.

Kilroy was here  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:17:57am

Oprah vs Pence.. Not a fair fight

Dave In Austin  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:18:59am

Waiting for barnstormers……

Lidane  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:19:58am

re: #446 Dr. Matt

Isn’t this illegal?

No idea. But between this and Gateway Pundit absolutely shitting the bed with the Mueller rape hoax, it’s a bad day for RWNJ frauds.

Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:20:32am

re: #448 Kilroy was here

Oprah vs Pence.. Not a fair fight

No, you’re not.

Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:21:10am

re: #445 Lidane

Still dealing with Mr. Micromanager, but I just ran across this on my TL. I am amused:

Oh, “undercover reporter” is it?

Patricia Kayden  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:28:02am

re: #422 lawhawk

I’m sure the FBI can laugh and investigate this nonsense at the same time. Seriously, Wohl and Burkman are in for a world of hurt for this blatant attempt to throw dirt on Mueller and this interfere with his investigation.

Dave In Austin  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:29:32am
Kragar  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:30:16am
Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:30:50am

Pence thinks he’s kind of a big deal because that’s what Mother told him.

Dave In Austin  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:35:22am
makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:35:27am

Someone’s getting a little, umm, touchy

Dave In Austin  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:36:22am

Touchy lil’ Nazi I would say…….

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:36:32am

Damn, five seconds…

lawhawk  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:37:34am

We did Nazi that coming…

No wait… we totally expected that.

Dr. Matt  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:40:18am

re: #455 Kragar

Someone asks, “Are you both prepared for federal prison?” Burkman replies no.
— Oliver Darcy (@oliverdarcy) November 1, 2018

I wish the WH Press Corp would have taken notes on the correct way to handle scumbag liars.

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:42:53am

I will jump for fucking Joy if Steve King goes down on Tuesday.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:43:15am

re: #457 Dave In Austin

[Embedded content]

So KKKorn Hitler popped a KKKouple KKKernels…

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:45:43am

I like it.

click the pic to make it bigger so you can see the house

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:47:17am
Lidane  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:48:26am

re: #466 Backwoods_Sleuth

The supermarket by my house sells chocolate hummus. I’m afraid to try it.

wrenchwench  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:48:29am

re: #465 Backwoods_Sleuth

I like it.

[Embedded content]

click the pic to make it bigger so you can see the house

That’s in the middle of summer. In the winter, that click will only show more snow.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:49:42am


Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:50:11am
rhuarc  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:50:31am

re: #467 Lidane

The supermarket by my house sells chocolate hummus. I’m afraid to try it.

Don’t do it! The grocery store in my area has a whole line of sweet flavored hummus they sell. They are disgusting. I dry heave just a little thinking about it. :)

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:51:00am

re: #468 wrenchwench

That’s in the middle of summer. In the winter, that click will only show more snow.

teleskiguy’s kinda place

Scottish Dragon  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:51:29am

re: #465 Backwoods_Sleuth

I like it.

[Embedded content]

click the pic to make it bigger so you can see the house

Pretty glacial valley

Joe Bacon 🌹  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:53:06am

Praying to the Flying Spaghetti Monster that The Two Jakes get indicted and locked up for a very long time in the same cell with Chuck C and SMOTI!

Jay C  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:53:34am

re: #465 Backwoods_Sleuth

I like it.

[Embedded content]

click the pic to make it bigger so you can see the house

OK I give up: where’s the house?

Lidane  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:54:19am

re: #471 rhuarc

Don’t do it! The grocery store in my area has a whole line of sweet flavored hummus they sell. They are disgusting. I dry heave just a little thinking about it. :)

See, that’s why I’m hesitant. I’m trying to imagine all of the traditional hummus ingredients being combined with chocolate and it just sounds awful.

I’ll inhale a tub of olive hummus, or roasted garlic hummus, etc., but a sweet hummus just seems weird to me. Some things just don’t need to be sweet, you know?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:54:31am

re: #475 Jay C

OK I give up: where’s the house?

embiggen the picture…house is in lower left corner

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:55:30am

re: #476 Lidane

See, that’s why I’m hesitant. I’m trying to imagine all of the traditional hummus ingredients being combined with chocolate and it just sounds awful.

I’ll inhale a tub of olive hummus, or roasted garlic hummus, etc., but a sweet hummus just seems weird to me. Some things just don’t need to be sweet, you know?

I make a sweet potato hummus that is really tasty, but that’s as far as I’ll go in that direction

Hecuba's daughter  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:56:57am

Just a reminder all: it was scum like O’Keefe who destroyed Acorn, an organization that helped the poor, and fake news Breitbart who caused Shirley Sherrod to lose her job. We have to be diligent and not underestimate the ability of weasels like Jacob Wohl to deliberately harm good people.

Hopefully we have learned from past experience how to drive these people into irrelevance and (with luck) prison before they can do more damage. Of course, as long as we have con man and narcissist-in-chief as president and the GOP in charge of Congress, most of our efforts will not hold back the tide of lies and corruption flowing over us.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:57:47am

if this “mystery woman” Carolyne Cass hired Jacob’s company, does this mean she PAID HIM to destroy her reputation?

Jay C  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:58:36am

re: #477 Backwoods_Sleuth

embiggen the picture…house is in lower left corner

Got it.
But only after opening the Twitter link: I tried expanding the pic on my tablet and only got the cropped image.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 10:59:30am
Eventual Carrion  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:00:39am

re: #465 Backwoods_Sleuth

I like it.

[Embedded content]

click the pic to make it bigger so you can see the house

And that house (as is appropriate for the location) has a LOT of windows.

Skip Intro  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:02:06am

How to lose a race, Claire McCaskill style. Go on Fox and say things like this:

“”The crazy Democrats are the people who walk into restaurants and scream in elected officials’ faces. The crazy Democrats are — we have a state senator here in Missouri that actually advocated for the assassination of President Trump,” Ms. McCaskill said, referring to State Senator Maria Chappelle-Nadal, who made the remark on Facebook last year. “That’s a crazy Democrat.”

“Well, I would say this, I would not call my colleagues crazy,” Ms. McCaskill told the interviewer, Bret Baier. “But Elizabeth Warren sure went after me when I advocated tooling back some of the regulations for small banks and credit unions. I certainly disagree with Bernie Sanders on a bunch of stuff.”

That’s how you do it, and nobody is better at it than the Dems.

ObserverArt  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:03:26am

re: #463 Eclectic Cyborg

I will jump for fucking Joy if Steve King goes down on Tuesday.

if it gets hot enough he may not even need to be voted out. The Republicans might be forced to kick him out.

He is already a problem for them, and he sure isn’t going to be less of one from here on out.

Belafon  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:05:14am

re: #484 Skip Intro

The second part of that is showing she’s independent of the “left wing” of the party. Here, Beto calls it “standing up for Texas.”

Eventual Carrion  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:05:23am

re: #470 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Kragar  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:05:51am
Interesting Times  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:06:44am

re: #488 Kragar

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:06:52am


danarchy  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:06:58am

re: #485 ObserverArt

if it gets hot enough he may not even need to be voted out. The Republicans might be forced to kick him out.

He is already a problem for them, and he sure isn’t going to be less of one from here on out.

There is no method to force out an elected congressman. They could try to pressure him to resign, remove committee assignments etc. But King is a big enough A-hole he will never step down voluntarily. I suppose they could kick him out of the party, but that wouldn’t remove him from congress.

Kragar  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:07:31am

re: #480 Backwoods_Sleuth

if this “mystery woman” Carolyne Cass hired Jacob’s company, does this mean she PAID HIM to destroy her reputation?

Saw someone who noted the photo of “Carolyne” with her face blacked out happened to be wearing the same outfit Cassandra Fairbanks was wearing today.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:10:28am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:11:44am

re: #492 Kragar

Saw someone who noted the photo of “Carolyne” with her face blacked out happened to be wearing the same outfit Cassandra Fairbanks was wearing today.

the hair reminded me of the “Leave Brittney Alone” guy.

Belafon  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:11:56am

re: #491 danarchy

There is no method to force out an elected congressman. They could try to pressure him to resign, remove committee assignments etc. But King is a big enough A-hole he will never step down voluntarily. I suppose they could kick him out of the party, but that wouldn’t remove him from congress.

The constitution says that each chamber may exclude a member with 2/3 vote.

Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:12:49am

re: #457 Dave In Austin

Can’t we stop talking about that totally non-event misfortune and focus on the real problem which is antifa, Democrats and all opponents of DJT and White people and the murderous caravan of MS-13 members heading for are borders.

ObserverArt  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:13:25am

re: #491 danarchy

There is no method to force out an elected congressman. They could try to pressure him to resign, remove committee assignments etc. But King is a big enough A-hole he will never step down voluntarily. I suppose they could kick him out of the party, but that wouldn’t remove him from congress.

Yeah, I know.

They have already censured him and dropped him from any committee assignments. That is a start.

They can ignore him which makes him ineffective. And if his constituents call him out in enough numbers he is a dead man walking in Iowa.

So, he might be in office, but what good will he be?

Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:13:48am

re: #490 Backwoods_Sleuth


How about those who try to enter at the ports?

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:14:37am

Jacob looks like he could be related to Ben Shapiro.

wrenchwench  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:14:44am

re: #471 rhuarc

Don’t do it! The grocery store in my area has a whole line of sweet flavored hummus they sell. They are disgusting. I dry heave just a little thinking about it. :)

Avocado hummus is great.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:15:38am

A good, short thread on why the new young conservatives are so thoroughly inept.

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:15:42am

Amazing to see a President so openly hostile to every demographic except one.

Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:16:01am

re: #488 Kragar

Burkman continues to praise Wohl, who’s 20: “Jacob is on of the brightest and most capable people i’ve ever met…Jacob’s a lot smarter than I am.”

“And who are you again? And who is Jacob and why are we supposed to care? Do you or do you not have the leftover Halloween candy we were promised?”

Scottish Dragon  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:16:09am

re: #495 Belafon

The constitution says that each chamber may exclude a member with 2/3 vote.

I think they did that to James Traficant.

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:17:20am

re: #501 makeitstop

A good, short thread on why the new young conservatives are so thoroughly inept.

[Embedded content]

Wow. He totally fucking nailed it.

Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:17:28am

re: #488 Kragar

Burkman continues to praise Wohl, who’s 20: “Jacob is on of the brightest and most capable people i’ve ever met…Jacob’s a lot smarter than I am.”

Sir, this is a Burger King drive-thru

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:17:43am

re: #497 ObserverArt

They have already censured him and dropped him from any committee assignments. That is a start.

Seriously? I hadn’t heard that. When did they censure him?

ObserverArt  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:22:32am

re: #507 makeitstop

Seriously? I hadn’t heard that. When did they censure him?

I was wrong. There are many calling for him to be censured. Paul Ryan has been asked to censure him by the Anti-defamation League.

He has had his ad budget pulled by Rep. Steve Stivers, the guy in charge of GOP money distribution.

Patricia Kayden  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:22:49am
Dave In Austin  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:27:45am
lawhawk  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:28:51am

re: #510 Dave In Austin

jaunte  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:29:15am

re: #510 Dave In Austin

“Daddy, what did you do in the Send The Welders Back To Mexico War?”

jaunte  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:29:40am
plansbandc  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:30:05am

Operation Faithful Patriot? JFC.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:30:21am

What. The. Actual. Fuck. Literally. NSFW: Despite Video Evidence, GOP Pol Denies Starring Role in Porn Project

Documents, images and videoclips obtained by InsideSources appear to back claims made in a lawsuit against New Hampshire Republican state rep (and House Speaker candidate) Frank Sapareto, claiming he was involved in a video project to produce porn-and that the male lead in the movie was the Republican legislator himself.

“Yes, I have seen the video. There’s hours and hours of it,” Eric Dubin told NHJournal. Dubin is representing Jonathan Carter, the plaintiff in a lawsuit claiming that Rep. Sapareto assaulted him due to the representative’s displeasure over the quality of the filming.

Dubin’s client, Jonathan Carter, alleges that Sapareto broke into his apartment and assaulted him, beating him so badly that Carter lost consciousness. According to the emergency department report from Adventist Health Simi Valley, Carter suffered a “closed-head injury with LOC.” [Loss of consciousness].

“My client lost consciousness. He was treated for a concussion in the emergency room,” Dubin said. “The idea that an elected official would completely lie about this is very disturbing. I’m not judging anyone’s personal behavior, but there are jobs that require public confidence.”

The story line of the film, according to Dubin, was supposed to be a post-apocalyptic tale in which Sapareto was the last remaining man left on Earth who could biologically father children.

He claims the video was ‘manipulated.’

“The guy had me shoot all this video, in unusual positions, I didn’t know why,” Sapareto said.

“I don’t know how [Carter] did it,” Sapareto told InsideSources. “He just does it. This [manipulating video] is what he does. He said he was going to destroy my political career and that’s what he’s trying to do.”

“He said he would destroy my political career if I didn’t pay [blackmail] and now he’s trying to do it. You saw what happened to [Supreme Court Justice Brett] Kavanaugh? Now it’s happening to me!”

Take out my eyes, now I’ve seen everything.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:32:57am

re: #383 KGxvi

This likely falls under defamation per se. Basically false statements about someone in one of these categories:

Mueller is a public figure, so he’ll also have the standard of actual malice (knowledge that the statements were untrue, or reckless disregard of the truth of the statements). But I’m guessing that discovery would absolutely establish actual malice in this case.

I’m confident Mueller won’t sue, because he has vastly more class than these vermin, and they are actually incapable of damaging his reputation.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:34:42am
jaunte  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:35:33am

re: #515 makeitstop

“He wasn’t performing very well in his scenes or with the adult film actresses,” attorney Eric Dubin told NHJournal. “He was apologizing a lot to the female talent and his frustration carried over into the attack.”

How Republican can you get?

Interesting Times  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:35:46am

Oh look, we’ve just found the post-trump GOP frontrunner:

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:36:45am

re: #510 Dave In Austin

“Operation Faithful Patriot”


Patricia Kayden  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:37:22am
Kragar  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:38:07am
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:39:40am
lawhawk  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:40:35am

re: #513 jaunte

Fentanyl can come into the US via the regular mail or USPS via China.

We can identify amounts larger than about 3 ounces in a shipment, which means under 3 ounces can go through with no problem.

1 kilo of heroin can be worth $80,000 on the street.

The same amount of fentanyl can go for $1.6 million because it is so much more potent.

That means 3 ounces is worth… $136,000. They don’t need to ship that across the border. They can ship it in legally in small enough amounts that no one can keep track.

goddamnedfrank  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:41:17am
ObserverArt  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:41:19am

re: #515 makeitstop

What. The. Actual. Fuck. Literally. NSFW: Despite Video Evidence, GOP Pol Denies Starring Role in Porn Project

He claims the video was ‘manipulated.’

Take out my eyes, now I’ve seen everything.

Ahhh, the Photoshop/image manipulation defense.

Eclectic Cyborg  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:45:23am

re: #518 jaunte

How Republican can you get?

Most men don’t realize how tough it can be to uh, perform for the camera.

KGxvi  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:45:47am

re: #526 ObserverArt

Ahhh, the Photoshop/image manipulation defense.

In fairness, deep fake is a real thing and it’s only a matter of time until it’s used not only in porn but to fake sex tapes.

Michele: Out of the closet and into the fire  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:49:45am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:50:12am

re: #519 Interesting Times

Oh look, we’ve just found the post-trump GOP frontrunner:

[Embedded content]

Matt Pearce had this yesterday:

Louisville Planned Parenthood Clinic Escorts has a lot to tweet about it today, starting with this:

Amory Blaine  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:50:15am

re: #484 Skip Intro

She sounds like a ratfucker.

Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:51:33am

re: #522 Kragar

I am here at the lovely Holiday Inn in Rosalyn where the purported Mueller accuser Jack Burkman and Jacob Wohl were going reveal is a no-show but they are promising that sometime in the future they’ll have have her in person sometime in the future
— Tierney Sneed

Well, I’m convinced….

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:52:21am

re: #514 plansbandc

Operation Faithful Patriot? JFC.

More accurately described as Operation The Midterm Polling Looks Bad.

Khal Wimpo (the extinguisher of tiki torches)  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:52:21am

re: #277 Lidane

Yes, social media for a business IS marketing. Everyone knows this. But the trick is to sound conversational in your posts, NOT tossing in your company slogan every time or making everything sound like a commercial or whatever the fuck.

I deliberately changed tactics from doing all my calendars in a spreadsheet to using an automation tool precisely to slow this asshole down and stop him from rewriting all my shit. I also took previous content he’d ALREADY approved and just made slight tweaks, just to lower my chances of him having edits. Right now, he’s literally going post by post and demanding revisions to everything. *facepalm*

All my other clients love this new tool because it saves them time and they can see what their posts will look like. They’ve taken to it like ducks to water. Not Mr. Micromanager. Ugh.

I’ve had to fire clients in the last year.

Last-ditch suggestion: run analytics on his versions and your versions. Use data to back up what you’re doing. If that doesn’t work, he’s a useless client anyway, since the decisions he’s making have nothing to do with fact or the real world or anything other than an angry tiny-penised view of the world

Chrysicat  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:53:02am
Sir John Barron  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:53:05am

re: #530 Backwoods_Sleuth

Matt Pearce had this yesterday:

NOW can we talk about left wing Dem party violence against all Repubs?


jaunte  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:54:17am
retired cynic  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:56:39am

re: #500 wrenchwench

Avocado hummus is great.


Having spicy hot guacamole for lunch right now!

Blind Frog Belly White  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:56:53am

re: #514 plansbandc

Operation Faithful Patriot? JFC.

Operation Scary Brown People was already taken.

Blind Frog Belly White  Nov 1, 2018 • 11:58:33am

re: #538 retired cynic


Having spicy hot guacamole for lunch right now!

Please tell me that’s guacamole that’s spicy hot, not hot guacamole that’s spicy. The thought of hot guacamole gives me the shaking never-get-overs.

jaunte  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:00:16pm

Operation Farcical Pomposity.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:01:25pm

The Brothers Krassenstein have delivered the death blow to Wohl’s bullshit story. They have receipts.

Belafon  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:01:43pm

re: #539 Blind Frog Belly White

Operation Scary Brown People was already taken.

Operation Stop Lazy Job Stealers

Kilroy was here  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:01:47pm

Operation Fearful Patriot is underway

Scottish Dragon  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:04:32pm
Kilroy was here  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:07:39pm

Operation Expensive Stunt

Archangelus  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:07:54pm
KGxvi  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:09:37pm

re: #547 Archangelus

Ever notice, you never get the “yeah, I know that guy, I worked with him, and just… fuck him” unendorsement regarding Democrats?

jaunte  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:09:55pm

re: #545 Scottish Dragon

“And if you aren’t convinced, check out the corner of Sixth and Alvarado in downtown LA.”

Oh, yeah. Spooky!

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:10:11pm

Man, they’re trying every nasty trick they can think of.

This is what utter desperation looks like.

Big Beautiful Door  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:10:11pm

re: #541 jaunte

Operation Farcical Pomposity.

Operation Wag the Dog

Kilroy was here  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:10:23pm

Operation Illegal Order
Operation American Sunset
Operation Lying Weasel
Operation Bloated Warthog
Operation Suppress the Vote
Operation Overdone
Operation See lyin

lizardofid  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:10:25pm

Given the distance San Antonio is from the border, I assume we’ll be using choppers to drop the guys in to hot spots. That’ll buy us time to establish fire bases Rafael and Heidi.

KGxvi  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:10:39pm

re: #549 jaunte

“And if you aren’t convinced, check out the corner of Sixth and Alvarado in downtown LA.”

[Embedded content]

Oh, yeah. Spooky!

There’s a taco truck on that corner, that’s very scary for whitepublicans.

Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:10:56pm

Operation Flinging Baboon.

plansbandc  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:11:10pm


Scottish Dragon  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:11:39pm

re: #549 jaunte

“And if you aren’t convinced, check out the corner of Sixth and Alvarado in downtown LA.”

[Embedded content]

Oh, yeah. Spooky!

Watch out for the up armored food truck.

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:12:28pm

re: #550 makeitstop

Man, they’re trying every nasty trick they can think of.

[Embedded content]

This is what utter desperation looks like.

Whoa. Totally read that backwards.

Still, though. Kinda weird…

Belafon  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:15:30pm

re: #550 makeitstop

And why would Democrats buy ads like that? (I haven’t clicked on the link, but I’m assuming it’s all a fraud)

Kilroy was here  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:16:40pm

Operation Lying King
Operation Reality Show
Operation Amazing Race (this one hits on several points)

makeitstop  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:20:36pm

re: #559 Belafon

And why would Democrats buy ads like that? (I haven’t clicked on the link, but I’m assuming it’s all a fraud)

It’s weird. The same message is on their site.

That said - turnabout, fair play, etc. Maybe a few rubes will fall for it.

SteveMcGriftFlynnComey... ...corruptemoligate RN  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:25:14pm

re: #86 Big Beautiful Door

Would probably need a surge in Hispanic voting. Maybe many of them will realize that with all Trump’s talk about ending birthright citizenship, he wants to deport them, personally.

Remember when the Feds were holding up passport renewals in southern Texas? I stoll think that was intended to send a message to Latino voters

Jay C  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:25:28pm

re: #554 KGxvi

re: #549 jaunte

“And if you aren’t convinced, check out the corner of Sixth and Alvarado in downtown LA.”

[Embedded content]

Oh, yeah. Spooky!

There’s a taco truck on that corner, that’s very scary for whitepublicans.

AND: the taco truck has an armored truck parked right behind it - and you know what THAT means…..

goddamnedfrank  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:29:39pm

re: #549 jaunte

“And if you aren’t convinced, check out the corner of Sixth and Alvarado in downtown LA.”

[Embedded content]

Oh, yeah. Spooky!

I used to walk past there for lunch, great food and lovely people. There are usually a ton of street merchants on Alvarado between 6th and Wilshire. Macarthur Park does attract a lot of homeless people but and if you go North a few blocks to the sidewalk along the 101 & Alvarado overpass it’s almost always an encampment, lined with tents. Like most major cities Los Angeles puts our society’s vast income disparity is on full display, showcasing the human perseverance, soul withering struggle and ingenuity of daily survival. Honestly the area is equal parts inspirational vibrance and crushing depression. But somehow I doubt the solution is to make us a greedier and even more casually cruel racist country.

Belafon  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:31:27pm

re: #561 makeitstop

It’s weird. The same message is on their site.

That said - turnabout, fair play, etc. Maybe a few rubes will fall for it.

It might also apply to Democratic voters so it’s not necessarily partisan. The message also seems to be about out-of-state licenses. But the message is weird. I’m wondering what the detail is?

Backwoods_Sleuth  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:37:12pm

re: #542 makeitstop

The Brothers Krassenstein have delivered the death blow to Wohl’s bullshit story. They have receipts.

saw this earlier:

Joe Bacon 🌹  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:39:51pm

re: #549 jaunte

“And if you aren’t convinced, check out the corner of Sixth and Alvarado in downtown LA.”

[Embedded content]

Oh, yeah. Spooky!

What Bullshit!

Every Monday I go to Langer’s Deli at 7th/Alvarado and I walk home on 6th Street. What that ass posted was nothing but bullshit!

ipsos  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:49:08pm

re: #567 Joe Bacon 🌹

What Bullshit!

Every Monday I go to Langer’s Deli at 7th/Alvarado and I walk home on 6th Street. What that ass posted was nothing but bullshit!

I need to book a trip to LA and just spend the week eating cured meat with you, Joe.

And then you come east and we’ll do the same at some of my favorite NYC haunts.

Eventual Carrion  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:49:11pm

re: #553 lizardofid

Given the distance San Antonio is from the border, I assume we’ll be using choppers to drop the guys in to hot spots. That’ll buy us time to establish fire bases Rafael and Heidi.

That’s what I was thinking. My oldest son lives in San Antonio and it is a bit of distance from the border.

Eventual Carrion  Nov 1, 2018 • 12:50:03pm

re: #563 Jay C

AND: the taco truck has an armored truck parked right behind it - and you know what THAT means…..

Safe tamales?

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