Snarky Puppy Live @ Festival Django Reinhardt 2018: “Grown Folks”

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Dave In Austin  Feb 15, 2019 • 9:28:49pm
Single-handed sailor  Feb 15, 2019 • 9:39:15pm
teleskiguy  Feb 15, 2019 • 9:47:51pm
Dave In Austin  Feb 15, 2019 • 9:50:09pm
wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 15, 2019 • 9:50:35pm

Wait for the cowbell.

Sina One-Girl-Band

Single-handed sailor  Feb 15, 2019 • 10:07:12pm
wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 15, 2019 • 10:08:03pm

re: #3 teleskiguy

By happenstance, I was watching a couple of YouTube videos about the “funky drummer” playing with James Brown, Clyde Stubblefield.

How to play Clyde Stubblefield’s Funky Drummer Beat

You’ll hear it sampled in a lot of other places.

Single-handed sailor  Feb 15, 2019 • 10:25:00pm
goddamnedfrank  Feb 15, 2019 • 10:49:52pm
Dave In Austin  Feb 15, 2019 • 10:52:05pm
TedStriker  Feb 15, 2019 • 10:54:06pm

re: #9 goddamnedfrank

[Embedded content]

It’s like that with me, except Kroger is thrown into the mix; those annoying anti-theft systems on the carts invariably screw up.

freetoken  Feb 15, 2019 • 11:11:51pm

Side effects:

‘Cosmos’ Bumped from Fox as Neil deGrasse Tyson Investigation Continues

Fox has pushed Cosmos: Possible Worlds off its March 3 premiere date as host Neil deGrasse Tyson is investigated for inappropriate behavior.

Sources tell The Hollywood Reporter that there’s no update on the Tyson investigation by Fox and National Georgraphic — the astrophysicist has been accused by three women of sexual misconduct — but that Possible Worlds, a follow-up to 2014’s Cosmos: A Spacetime Odyssey, won’t make its scheduled premiere date.


“Georgraphic” - well, it might as well be that given that Murdoch has partial ownership of their TV network.

Single-handed sailor  Feb 15, 2019 • 11:14:21pm
goddamnedfrank  Feb 15, 2019 • 11:33:01pm

re: #9 goddamnedfrank

freetoken  Feb 15, 2019 • 11:38:01pm
Sufficient unto the day...  Feb 15, 2019 • 11:38:08pm
freetoken  Feb 15, 2019 • 11:54:42pm

I was led to that op-ed piece by an article on John Hawks’ blog. He has another recent entry that touches on the same thing, but this one is not afraid of confronting one of the real issues:

A human evolution exhibit in Israel

The biological anthropologist Israel Hershkovitz has a nice essay in Nature discussing a new exhibit at the Steinhardt Museum of Natural History’s Dan David Center for Human Evolution and Biohistory Research at Tel Aviv University: “My hopes for Israel’s human-evolution gallery”.


As have other Western countries, Israel has seen conservative religious values increasingly clash with secular ideals. Last year, public schools saw a reduction in teaching hours in science, technology, mathematics and English, but not in Jewish studies. Evolution by natural selection is rarely taught to students at public schools, let alone in the many religious schools. In a poll of Israeli adults run by the Israeli newspaper Haaretz last year, 37% said they don’t believe that humans and apes share a common ancestor. Even more disturbing: that percentage grows to 50% among those aged 18-24, highlighting the increasing hold of conservative religion on Israel’s youth.


See My hopes for Israel’s human-evolution gallery .

There has been some resistance. One popular Facebook page run by a nationalist religious group called for the gallery to be closed, claiming that “there is no consensus in Israeli society” on whether evolution is real. Yet conservative religious families visit the museum. It is touching to see their curious children handling the exhibits.

Dr Lizardo  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:21:15am

Just came across this interesting bit of speculation.

Long story short, President Trump has been prescribed 40 mg Rosuvastatin per day, which is considered the maximum dosage. Rosuvastatin is mostly an anti-cholesterol medication, but it also reduces inflammation and lowers blood-pressure.

But… (here comes the but)…..

….for patients older than 70 (Trump is 72) such a high dosage damages the liver and is deadly in the long-term. And Rosuvastatin treatment would likely have zero effect if the patient is not on a low-fat diet (think of Trump’s infamous hamburger/fast food addiction)

So, why is he getting the maximum dosage of Rosuvastatin? That’s a hell of a good question.

It’s been noted that lately, Rosuvastatin is also being used to treat early-stage Alzheimer’s; apparently, Rosuvastatin has been shown to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s.

As I said, this is all entirely speculative, but it’s nonetheless interesting reading.

Most of us here on LGF certainly reckon that Trump is in failing health, which is to be expected for a borderline morbidly obese septuagenarian who believes that exercise diminishes one’s life-span.

Single-handed sailor  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:23:33am
goddamnedfrank  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:26:28am

I spent most of this evening tuning up Dad’s reef aquarium. Got Vertex to send out a replacement bubble chamber for the protein skimmer under warranty, good customer service there. Dealt with Dad’s main complaint, the overflow intakes being too noisy. Went to Home Depot and got a couple of two-piece PVC P traps, separated out the macaroni bends and drilled 1/2 inch holes in them, then attached surgical tubing to the holes with silicone sealant. Basically just a jerry rigged muffler, theory being that the problem with the old drain intakes is the hard edged breather holes were acting like speakers, broadcasting all the gurgling noise to the outside portion of the shadow overflow. It worked.

Also got all the controllers and transformers for the powerheads, return pump and ATO mounted on the wall inside the main cabinet, along with the dosing pump which isn’t being used yet. Installed a grounding probe in the sump just to be safe. Tomorrow I’m going to finish up priming and painting the makeshift Hail Mary earthquake bracing Dad wanted after seeing how much wood the carpenter removed from the right side of the main cabinet to build the pass-through annex sump cabinet (remember, this whole goddamned deal is a retrofit from an older custom fresh water tank.) Will install the bracing sometime next week.

Want to thank Colère Tueur de Lapin for the recommendation on Seachem Stability and cocktail shrimp method of new tank cycling, I bought some of that (with some CoralPro salt just to get over the free shipping limit) along with the grounding probe. Still want to pass it by the “expert” before dosing the system, but we’re both losing faith in that asshole so I think we’ll probably go that route anyway. Also, using starter fish to cycle a tank just seems really goddamned unethical to me now, people shouldn’t be putting animals in a tank that’s not absolutely ready to support them long term.

Anyway, that’s your hell tank project update.

Single-handed sailor  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:44:56am

re: #20 goddamnedfrank

Yeah, I could never afford a salt tank so I just had a tank of discus. It was hard enough to lose a bunch of $100 fish.

goddamnedfrank  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:46:17am

re: #21 Single-handed sailor

Yeah, I could never afford a salt tank so I just had a tank of discus. It was hard enough to lose a bunch of $100 fish.

Listen, this shit has been instructive to say the least. I’ve learned a whole lot of what not to do.

Single-handed sailor  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:48:19am

re: #22 goddamnedfrank

Listen, this shit has been instructive to say the least. I’ve learned a whole lot of what not to do.

A good heroin addiction might be cheaper.

Dave In Austin  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:49:49am

re: #23 Single-handed sailor

Or buy a boat ……

Single-handed sailor  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:51:42am

re: #24 Dave In Austin

Or buy a boat ……

…a hole in the water you throw money into.

Dave In Austin  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:56:51am

re: #25 Single-handed sailor

…a hole in the water you throw money into.

I actually use mine. It’s fishing boat but Im on the water almost every week sometime x2.

Single-handed sailor  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:57:19am

Netflix is being a pain, refusing to go into 4k mode. I run speedtest and I have full bandwidth and good ping. Shit, it’s raining again, hard. 3.82” from this storm so far.

freetoken  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:59:03am

re: #18 Dr Lizardo

Here’s what I wonder: if someone is 72 years old, do you really worry about high cholesterol?

From my very limited experience, fears over cholesterol are aimed at middle age people, especially men, to prevent heart attacks.

If someone has lived to their 70’s without arteriosclerosis causing heart problems, then the many other issues of old age (namely, mobility, osteoporosis, stroke, and mental decline, etc.) are moved to the front burner of health concerns.

Trump’s clearly obvious speech and mental problems, which were present during the campaign and have gotten worse in office, are a test of how humans willingly look aside at issues they don’t want to address.

Trump was never fit for office, temperamentally or by training. But in his old age he shouldn’t even be tasked to operate one of Popeil’s set-it-and-forget-it machines, much less have his thumb on the nuclear launch button.

freetoken  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:02:20am

Also, headlines are misleading:

Trump Has Gotten Obese in the White House but His Cholesterol Is Down: Demystifying His Physical Exam

Trump was already obese before he took office. He has not “gotten” obese in office.

The difference is the released health report is now telling the truth, while the deceitful report by his wacko doctor before the election was lying.

Dr Lizardo  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:07:43am

re: #29 freetoken

Fair enough, but Trump’s gained a few since becoming POTUS; I’d imagine he’s a stress eater.

But it seems to me his cognitive abilities are definitely declining and it’s becoming clearly noticeable (at least to anyone aside from his cognitively-impaired supporters) and seems to be getting worse.

Something’s going on behind the scenes and the public isn’t being told what that is (and that’s certainly happened before - JFK, FDR, Woodrow Wilson, Ronald Reagan, etc.)

Single-handed sailor  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:10:17am

re: #30 Dr Lizardo


wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:10:21am

re: #30 Dr Lizardo

Fair enough, but Trump’s gained a few since becoming POTUS; I’d imagine he’s a stress eater.

But it seems to me his cognitive abilities are definitely declining and it’s becoming clearly noticeable (at least to anyone aside from his cognitively-impaired supporters) and seems to be getting worse.

Something’s going on behind the scenes and the public isn’t being told what that is (and that’s certainly happened before - JFK, FDR, Woodrow Wilson, Ronald Reagan, etc.)

His performance announcing the national “emergency” should have been a warning sign for even his loyalists.

Such a big emergency that he then took off for a golfing weekend. Even W was not that obtuse.

freetoken  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:10:40am

I would not be surprised if Trump has had TIAs that have not been reported.

Also, Ronnie Jackson’s claim from a year ago that Trump was in excellent mental health ought to be doubted. At that time Jackson came under scrutiny for that remark.

re: #30 Dr Lizardo

It would not surprise me if a handful of aides, assisted by the likes of McConnell, are actually make most of the decisions and that Trump is just moved around as a front figure.

Sufficient unto the day...  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:18:02am

re: #33 freetoken

Hell, Ronnie’s mental health should be doubted based on that assertion.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:18:56am

re: #33 freetoken

I would not be surprised if Trump has had TIAs that have not been reported.

Also, Ronnie Jackson’s claim from a year ago that Trump was in excellent mental health ought to be doubted. At that time Jackson came under scrutiny for that remark.

It would not surprise me if a handful of aides, assisted by the likes of McConnell, are actually make most of the decisions and that Trump is just moved around as a front figure.

Stephen Miller, for example.

freetoken  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:22:21am

re: #35 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Stephen Miller, for example.

A cabal lead by Ivanka, with Miller in tow along with the regular henchmen.

Single-handed sailor  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:32:27am

LOL saw this headline on Freeperville

Mueller Says Searches Yielded Evidence Of (Perfectly Legal) Stone-WikiLeaks Communications

Those goal posts don’t move themselves.

Dr Lizardo  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:35:22am

Apropos of nothing:

Dr Lizardo  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:42:00am

re: #33 freetoken

It would not surprise me if a handful of aides, assisted by the likes of McConnell, are actually make most of the decisions and that Trump is just moved around as a front figure.

IIR my history correctly, Edith Wilson was, for all intents and purposes, POTUS after that massive stroke Woodrow suffered in 1919.

So it probably shouldn’t be a surprise that Ivanka and Jared are probably really running the show while Trump’s watching FNC and Tweeting while dropping a deuce (you know……”Executive Time”), with some input from McConnell and they’re probably letting Stephen Miller do his thing because they know it’s red meat for the base.

Single-handed sailor  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:44:31am
Single-handed sailor  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:48:54am
Single-handed sailor  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:55:46am
Dr Lizardo  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:55:51am

re: #41 Single-handed sailor

Trump talks out of his ass constantly - and what’s so inexplicable, at least to me, is that his supporters just dutifully nod along.

I simply can’t understand that mentality. It’s as if they enjoy being shit on by Trump or something.

Chrysicat  Feb 16, 2019 • 2:16:22am

Me 15 minutes ago: “Oh, hey, Atlus is trending. Let’s look at —oh, ick.”
Long story short: the new remaster of Catherine apparently ends with [hidden because it’s THE spoiler of the game and Atlus will prolly sue the ass off the original person to reveal it]


Needless to say, this brought out every transperson who ever games on a console-as well as GamerGate, who are out calling us “colonisers” for “daring to be offended by the best aspect of Japanese culture—that it treated you just like any other mental illness like schizophrenia. You don’t work with someone’s voices, you eradicate them!” So then someone else piped up that TS has been removed from the DSM (which I had somehow blanked on) and then we got…this

So yikes, I swear the day’s getting even worse than I could have expected. And considering it’s the day the country I’m stuck in declared a dictatorship, I hadn’t really thought there was anywhere further down to go. So of course we get Aurora and then this.

Dr Lizardo  Feb 16, 2019 • 2:19:14am

This is an episode from a great series of documentaries about “the good old days” - which were far more dangerous then we think about nowadays.

Hidden Killers of the Victorian Home New

Chrysicat  Feb 16, 2019 • 2:26:52am

All that in my last post and I didn’t even mention the thing that worried me most, which was that I had a pill-rolling reflex tonight while I had a little last bit of my Snickers bar between my thumb and ring finger.

And yes, there’s a Parkinson’s history in the family.

Sufficient unto the day...  Feb 16, 2019 • 2:42:02am
wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 3:52:06am

re: #45 Dr Lizardo

This is an episode from a great series of documentaries about “the good old days” - which were far more dangerous then we think about nowadays.

[Embedded content]


Coincidentally, a few days ago I watched the episode of Victoria in which there is a cholera epidemic in Hampton(sp?) Town. Victoria meets with four experts, who put the blame on poverty, bad air (miasma), uncleanliness, and …. The last expert, a medical doctor, tells the queen he has no evidence so he declines to put forth his hypothesis. Later, he deduces it is the water, and (in the show anyway) tells the queen about it.

Dr Lizardo  Feb 16, 2019 • 3:58:29am

re: #48 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Again, if I remember my history right, it was during the Victorian Era that it was realized that cholera was spread through contaminated water. It was a doctor in London who put two and two together and hypothesized that sewage contamination was the most likely vector.

I remember seeing that years ago on some documentary.

Dr Lizardo  Feb 16, 2019 • 3:59:13am

Back in a bit.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 4:08:21am

re: #49 Dr Lizardo

Again, if I remember my history right, it was during the Victorian Era that it was realized that cholera was spread through contaminated water. It was a doctor in London who put two and two together and hypothesized that sewage contamination was the most likely vector.

I remember seeing that years ago on some documentary.

Right. In the Victoria episode, we see him, Dr. John Snow, interviewing survivors and relatives of cholera victims about where they had been last and who they had spent time with. He marked street maps with those locations. He was curious as to why brewery workers were less likely to get cholera, and women and children were more likely. Finally, he realized the only logical source were the public water pumps. Men drank beer more than water; women and children drank water more than beer.

This John Snow actually knew something.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 4:32:05am

re: #51 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 4:40:19am

its the Audubon Great Backyard Bird Count

join in

Dr Lizardo  Feb 16, 2019 • 4:46:20am

re: #51 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

That was it; Dr. John Snow.

Apparently, it took another 30 years before his hypothesis that cholera was being spread through contaminated water was widely accepted.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 16, 2019 • 4:56:01am

re: #15 freetoken

That article was completely and utterly devoid of proper response to scientific miscommunication. Past scandals in science are not the problem. The outright dismissal of proven remediation (e.g., vaccines) is about denial. It’s not about people’s misunderstanding or past problems, etc., it’s about disinformation being caught up by the scientifically illiterate populace.

Bloodletting was not science based and it’s dissingenuous to conflate science with rote physician treatment science based methodology ; hint physicians are NOT scientists on any level and never confuse what is standard medical treatment for science. Most of what physicians know is based on things that their instructors know. However, vaccines and other well studied treatments are science; there is no controversy that is not manufactured.

I communicate science within the context of food safety to people constantly; the author of that article is really bad at communicating to the problem that is inherent in our country. Blame the scientists and not the rampant illiteracy.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 5:09:01am

Hey another trump record!

The normal budgeting process would have had the government face two funding deadlines, when the fiscal years ended for 2017 and 2018; instead, it’s faced 12, in two years

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 5:11:41am

re: #54 Dr Lizardo

That was it; Dr. John Snow.

Apparently, it took another 30 years before his hypothesis that cholera was being spread through contaminated water was widely accepted.

Medical “science” back then was not that far away from witchcraft or herbal treatments. Germ theory, as it was called then, took a long time to be accepted, because (like that Fox News talking head recently said) you can’t see the germs, so how can they make you sick? Miasma (bad air) was the go-to reason for most urban diseases. Doctors just knew it was true, because that’s what their teachers and books told them. Likewise, they were slow in adopting the habit of *washing their hands* before delivering babies or conducting surgeries, thereby carelessly infecting their patients with dog-knows-what the doc had last put his hands into. Many mothers died of infection soon after giving birth, because their attending physician (or nurse or midwife) had failed to wash up first.

I’m quite sure one of my great-grandmothers died in this way, at age 24, just a few months after giving birth.

jeffreyw  Feb 16, 2019 • 5:16:16am

Good morning!

Dr Lizardo  Feb 16, 2019 • 5:26:49am

re: #57 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Medical “science” back then was not that far away from witchcraft or herbal treatments. Germ theory, as it was called then, took a long time to be accepted, because (like that Fox News talking head recently said) you can’t see the germs, so how can they make you sick? Miasma (bad air) was the go-to reason for most urban diseases. Doctors just knew it was true, because that’s what their teachers and books told them. Likewise, they were slow in adopting the habit of *washing their hands* before delivering babies or conducting surgeries, thereby carelessly infecting their patients with dog-knows-what the doc had last put his hands into. Many mothers died of infection soon after giving birth, because their attending physician (or nurse or midwife) had failed to wash up first.

I’m quite sure one of my great-grandmothers died in this way, at age 24, just a few months after giving birth.

IIRC, there was an incident in the Thames River, where there was an accident between two ferries; a bunch of people went into the drink as a result.

Problem was, this particular stretch of the Thames was the sewage discharge for London…..and those poor devils basically drowned in liquefied shit.


Things like this make me shake my head at modern groups like these anti-vaxx morons. They’ve consciously chosen to reject empiricism for what they believe to be true. It’s “feels over reals” come to life - we’ve entered the Age of Unreason.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 5:31:59am

re: #59 Dr Lizardo

IIRC, there was an incident in the Thames River, where there was an accident between two ferries; a bunch of people went into the drink as a result.

Problem was, this particular stretch of the Thames was the sewage discharge for London…..and those poor devils basically drowned in liquefied shit.


Things like this make me shake my head at modern groups like these anti-vaxx morons. They’ve consciously chosen to reject empiricism for what they believe to be true. It’s “feels over reals” come to life - we’ve entered the Age of Unreason.

The free market of the 1800s allowed food producers, homebuilders, apothecaries, etc., to run their businesses completely unregulated. The result, as that video shows, was adulterated food and milk, dangerous staircases, medicines that could kill you, and heated bathtubs that could cook you. They were not safe until Parliament passed legislation to ensure public safety.

Libertarians would just let the population die, until someone realized a particular item or vendor was dangerous.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 5:35:45am

re: #32 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

His performance announcing the national “emergency” should have been a warning sign for even his loyalists.

Such a big emergency that he then took off for a golfing weekend. Even W was not that obtuse.

You know what was a true national emergency?

Puerto Rico

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 16, 2019 • 5:40:56am

re: #54 Dr Lizardo

That was it; Dr. John Snow.

Apparently, it took another 30 years before his hypothesis that cholera was being spread through contaminated water was widely accepted.

Father of epidemiology. Brilliant story.

Rocky-in-Connecticut  Feb 16, 2019 • 5:42:17am

re: #43 Dr Lizardo

As long as one of their own is “owning the Libtards” they will go along with virtually everything stated… fact, fiction, myth, or outright lie. It doesn’t matter. Attacking their main enemy is their mission and goal in life. The main enemy are most Americans.

“Libtards” are enemy #1 of our right wing on top of a very long list of worldwide enemies comprising about 95% of the world.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 16, 2019 • 5:42:25am

re: #58 jeffreyw

Where’s mah breakfast…? Meow

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 5:44:31am

Tea Pain
Today, Trump’s campaign chairman, Paul Manafort was recommended for 19-24 years in prison. Then we learned that Trump’s longest-servin’ advisor, Roger Stone, has been in direct contact with WikiLeaks.

Tell us one more time,
@realDonaldTrump, how this is an “ILLEGAL WITCH HUNT

Eric The Fruit Bat  Feb 16, 2019 • 5:47:07am

re: #62 Colère Tueur de Lapin

Father of epidemiology. Brilliant story.

Let’s not forget the role Ignaz Semmelweis played.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 16, 2019 • 5:50:59am

re: #66 Eric The Fruit Bat

Truth. It wasn’t just one person who started recognizing epidemiological data. The Snow story revolves around chlorine treatment of the wells, too. And, he’s the guy that always pops into my head about epi.

BlueSpotinAL  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:01:56am

re: #31 Single-handed sailor


Or even worse, DJT.

Chrysicat  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:08:13am

I hope she’s seriously not understanding this. The thought crosses my mind that it’s just as likely she’s a Russophile herself who was trying to use the lack of a response as a “Gotcha! This is a nothingburger!” argument instead.

sagehen  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:14:15am

re: #57 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Likewise, they were slow in adopting the habit of *washing their hands* before delivering babies or conducting surgeries, thereby carelessly infecting their patients with dog-knows-what the doc had last put his hands into. Many mothers died of infection soon after giving birth, because their attending physician (or nurse or midwife) had failed to wash up first.

This is where Jewish doctors first got their reputation, why even today people who wouldn’t want Jews at their club and wouldn’t want their daughter to marry one will still prefer to have a Jewish doctor.

Because part of our religious/cultural practice is LOTS of hand washing. (last thing before you go to bed, and first thing when you get up. Before and after cooking or eating, before and after touching bodily orifices or open wounds or anything that might have any bodily fluids on it. And just for the heck of it before most prayers.)

Kosher practices are also why we got accused of poisoning wells during the plague years — our part of town had less of it than the neighborhood down the road, because pre-Passover home preparation rituals results in a house than mice and rats will avoid.

Barefoot Grin  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:16:34am
Dr Lizardo  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:16:40am

Bruno Ganz has died at the age of 77.

(it’s in German)

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:27:15am

re: #70 sagehen

This is where Jewish doctors first got their reputation, why even today people who wouldn’t want Jews at their club and wouldn’t want their daughter to marry one will still prefer to have a Jewish doctor.

Because part of our religious/cultural practice is LOTS of hand washing. (last thing before you go to bed, and first thing when you get up. Before and after cooking or eating, before and after touching bodily orifices or open wounds or anything that might have any bodily fluids on it. And just for the heck of it before most prayers.)

Kosher practices are also why we got accused of poisoning wells during the plague years — our part of town had less of it than the neighborhood down the road, because pre-Passover home preparation rituals results in a house than mice and rats will avoid.

I remember reading that Europeans (Christians, I assume) in the Middle Ages were mortally afraid of water, and as a result rarely bathed or washed their hands. They believe bathing could bring on disease — which considering the state of waterways and public hygiene then was not a bad guess. The 1800s were the first time when middle class people could have running water in their homes, and the Victorians became obsessed about cleanliness, but only as it pertained to fashion or social intercourse. Their doctors did not fully understand that washing hands and the body of the patient would also prevent disease and infection.

EDITED because I read your comment again.

Decatur Deb  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:31:51am

re: #69 Chrysicat

[Embedded content]

I hope she’s seriously not understanding this. The thought crosses my mind that it’s just as likely she’s a Russophile herself who was trying to use the lack of a response as a “Gotcha! This is a nothingburger!” argument instead.

I doubt if 1 American in 10 could explain the difference (few could find it on a map). I never gave it a thought until Sergei discussed it here a couple years ago. It just doesn’t come up around most watercoolers.

Up next: the significance of “Derry” and “Londonderry”.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:32:31am

re: #73 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

I remember reading that Europeans (Christians, I assume) in the Middle Ages were mortally afraid of water, and as a result rarely bathed or washed their hands. They believe bathing could bring on disease — which considering the state of waterways and public hygiene then was not a bad guess. The 1800s were the first time when middle class people could have running water in their homes, and the Victorians became obsessed about cleanliness, but only as it pertained to fashion or social intercourse. Their doctors did not fully understand that washing hands and the body of the patient would also prevent disease and infection.

EDITED because I read your comment again.

It was really only after the Black Death that Europeans stopped bathing regularly, because it became an article of medical faith that bathing left your pores open for disease to enter. Before that they were as clean as most people can be, as you say, without running water.

Dr Lizardo  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:34:23am

re: #75 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I remember reading somewhere that the ancient Romans were some of the great clean freaks of history.

Before them, the ancient Egyptians.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:35:19am

re: #74 Decatur Deb

I doubt if 1 American in 10 could explain the difference (few could find it on a map). I never gave it a thought until Sergei discussed it here a couple years ago. It just doesn’t come up around most watercoolers.

Up next: the significance of “Derry” and “Londonderry”.

I say “the Ukraine” because I speak English. Certain place names like the Sudan and the Ukraine require the definite article. Romance speakers stick definite articles in front of everything—I’ll bet you a million bucks nobody gets on their case about it.

Barefoot Grin  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:35:53am

re: #74 Decatur Deb

I doubt if 1 American in 10 could explain the difference (few could find it on a map). I never gave it a thought until Sergei discussed it here a couple years ago. It just doesn’t come up around most watercoolers.

Up next: the significance of “Derry” and “Londonderry”.

Londonderry is mostly west of I-93 and Derry completely to the east. Robert Frost had a farm in Derry.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:36:13am

re: #76 Dr Lizardo

I remember reading somewhere that the ancient Romans were some of the great clean freaks of history.

Before them, the ancient Egyptians.

Roman cities had running water, toilets and proper sewers. It was a technology lost to Europe after the Western Empire collapsed.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:36:47am

re: #57 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Thing was, midwives did wash more often than doctors and had better outcomes than the physicians did.

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:38:00am

Wall proponents are getting dumber by the day.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:38:02am

re: #79 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Roman cities had running water, toilets and proper sewers. It was a technology lost to Europe after the Western Empire collapsed.

And all that water came through lead pipes and lead-lined aqueducts….

Decatur Deb  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:38:57am

re: #79 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Roman cities had running water, toilets and proper sewers. It was a technology lost to Europe after the Western Empire collapsed.

Attributed by some to the plumbum in all that plumbing.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:40:14am

re: #77 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I say “the Ukraine” because I speak English. Certain place names like the Sudan and the Ukraine require the definite article. Romance speakers stick definite articles in front of everything—I’ll bet you a million bucks nobody gets on their case about it.

Sudan does not require the definite article now, AFAIK. “The Ukraine” is a relic of when it was considered a territory or region of the Soviet Union, like when people in the USA refer to the Rocky Mountain West or the Plains States.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:40:41am

re: #79 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Roman cities had running water, toilets and proper sewers. It was a technology lost to Europe after the Western Empire collapsed.

Roman baths are famous; they loved to bathe and often put their baths near geothermal points. When I lived in Chetenham (dad was a liaison at GCHQ) we visited Bath often, where there are Roman baths that are beautifully restored.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:42:33am

re: #81 jaunte

Wall proponents are getting dumber by the day.

[Embedded content]

Look at who you’re dealing with there. D&S and Fox and Friends. Five of them taken together have an IQ of 100.

jeffreyw  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:44:30am

re: #64 Colère Tueur de Lapin

Where’s mah breakfast…? Meow

Bird sign!

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:45:23am

re: #85 Colère Tueur de Lapin

I’ve been to the museum built around the Roman baths in Bath (Acquae Sulis).They had a collection of prayers scribed on lead strips that had been thrown into the springs as offerings to the goddess Sulis, including some inventive curses against romantic rivals.

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:50:19am
dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:50:23am

re: #86 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Look at who you’re dealing with there. D&S and Fox and Friends. Five of them taken together have an IQ of 100.


jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 6:58:16am
Barefoot Grin  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:02:10am
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:02:14am

re: #91 jaunte

Through rules, he would use an anti-terror bank regulation to block remittances to Mexico

And by way of collateral damage, that would pretty much put Western Union out of business, right? Just to name one….

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:04:36am

re: #93 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

It sounds like the kind of ludicrous scheme Stephen Miller has been fantasizing about since high school.

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:14:20am

re: #77 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I say “the Ukraine” because I speak English. Certain place names like the Sudan and the Ukraine require the definite article. Romance speakers stick definite articles in front of everything—I’ll bet you a million bucks nobody gets on their case about it.

Do you say “the England”? If you don’t, then you’re just refusing to change with respect to Ukraine. We don’t say “the America” either.

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:19:13am

Some more detail on the lead prayers to Sulis, which apparently are referred to as ‘curse tablets.’

“…in Roman Bath the habit was to appeal to Sulis for restitution. The prayer was inscribed on a sheet of lead, which was tossed into the Sacred Spring. “Docimedis has lost two gloves. He asks that the person who has stolen them should lose his mind and his eyes”, runs one. Other ‘Bath curses’ are even more bloodthirsty.”

”…another person wrote: ‘May he who carried off Vilbia from me become liquid as the water. May he who so obscenely devoured her become dumb’.

There was also a tendency for particularly gory punishments for the guilty, including a curse about a stolen ring.

The aggrieved victim said: ‘…so long as someone, whether slave or free, keeps silent or knows anything about it, he may be accursed in (his) blood, and eyes and every limb and even have all (his) intestines quite eaten away if he has stolen the ring or been privy (to the theft).’

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:29:32am


Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:31:26am
Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:32:54am
wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:34:07am

re: #99 Backwoods_Sleuth

Getting a hamburger, it seems.

Barefoot Grin  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:35:02am

re: #99 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

look at that stupid poster behind the cook…..

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:35:55am

re: #99 Backwoods_Sleuth

That’s an amazingly ugly environment, considering what it must have cost.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:37:19am

re: #101 Barefoot Grin

look at that stupid poster behind the cook…..

I’m marveling at how mundane the room looks. Standard issue chairs, a very plain counter and carpeting that looks bargain basement.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:37:46am

re: #102 jaunte

That’s an amazingly ugly environment, considering what it must have cost.

what do you guess his waist measurement to be?

Dr Lizardo  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:38:08am

re: #98 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

I don’t know if Dobbs is using dye or Grecian Formula or whatever, but it’s apparently seeped into his brain.

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:38:22am

re: #104 Backwoods_Sleuth


Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:38:49am

re: #106 jaunte



Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:39:53am

re: #100 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

Getting a hamburger, it seems.

omelette, apparently

Barefoot Grin  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:39:53am

re: #103 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

I’m marveling at how mundane the room looks. Standard issue chairs, a very plain counter and carpeting that looks bargain basement.

I’ve always thought Maralogo looked mundane, especially shots in the “fancy” dining room where everyone eats at long tables.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:40:04am

re: #104 Backwoods_Sleuth

what do you guess his waist measurement to be?

He’s pretty jowly and dewlapped, if you embiggen the photo. Looks like an overweight old man who probably should not be eating hamburgers. fried eggs.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:42:15am
HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:42:20am

re: #98 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Dobbs dreams of totalitarianism.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:42:22am

re: #109 Barefoot Grin

I’ve always thought Maralogo looked mundane, especially shots in the “fancy” dining room where everyone eats at long tables.

Trump apparently believes that foreign dignitaries are blown away by Mar-a-Lago’s fanciness. I’m sure all of them think it’s typical American tacky.

Sufficient unto the day...  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:43:00am

re: #100 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam


HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:43:16am

re: #111 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Complete stranger means no contact before. Manafort wasn’t that to Trump.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:43:41am

re: #72 Dr Lizardo

Bruno Ganz has died at the age of 77.

(it’s in German)

They say he is dead, but he has fled to Argentina

Or the Dark Side of the Moon…

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:43:47am

Trump’s speech sounds even more insane on paper.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:45:11am

re: #85 Colère Tueur de Lapin

Roman baths are famous; they loved to bathe and often put their baths near geothermal points. When I lived in Chetenham (dad was a liaison at GCHQ) we visited Bath often, where there are Roman baths that are beautifully restored.

Church fathers railed against good Christians getting naked in public, it was better to stink to high heaven and be covered in (plague-bearing) lice…

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:52:30am

re: #118 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Church fathers railed against good Christians getting naked in public, it was better to stink to high heaven and be covered in (plague-bearing) lice…

I had forgotten that part. The Church was very much against nudity of any kind, especially public baths where dog knows what might happen if people saw each other’s naughty bits.

darthstar  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:53:11am

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:53:17am
The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:53:45am

re: #95 Belafon

Do you say “the England”? If you don’t, then you’re just refusing to change with respect to Ukraine. We don’t say “the America” either.

I don’t say either of those things because neither “England” nor “America” require a definite article as the Ukraine and the Sudan—and while we’re at it, the Gambia and the Lebanon, etc.—do.

I do however say “The United Kingdom”, “The United States”. Do you leave the article off of those?

This theory of there being anything derogatory or of there being any political implications to it is strictly in the fevered imaginations of the Ukrainians, whose language, remember, has no definite articles, and have no understanding of how illiterate it sounds to leave them off.

Again, do they get on French, Spanish, Italian speakers, etc., for putting definite articles in front of all country names? I’ll bet any amount of money they don’t.

darthstar  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:55:09am

moe.’s setlist from last night has a message in it.

(Trump is a lying ass)

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:56:57am

re: #105 Dr Lizardo

I don’t know if Dobbs is using dye or Grecian Formula or whatever, but it’s apparently seeped into his brain.

Doesn’t Grecian Formula have lead in it? To continue a previous discussion….

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:57:38am

re: #119 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

I had forgotten that part. The Church was very much against nudity of any kind, especially public baths where dog knows what might happen if people saw each other’s naughty bits.

It’s fun to meet at the YMCA…

Barefoot Grin  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:58:03am

re: #123 darthstar

moe.’s setlist from last night has a message in it.

[Embedded content]

(Trump is a lying ass)

Our local paper stopped carrying Non Sequitor (comic strip) for its “egregious breach of trust” in embedding a tiny “fuck you, Trump” in the bottom right corner in hard-to-read script.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:58:42am

re: #117 jaunte

I listened to part of his blathering. The bit about capital punishment for drug dealers (and, believing that there is no illegal use of drugs in China) is his authoritarian drooling to kill people to get his way. Then, the girls and women tied and taped…

Sick, sick, mentally unstable person.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:59:04am

re: #122 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I don’t say either of those things because neither “England” nor “America” require a definite article as the Ukraine and the Sudan—and while we’re at it, the Gambia and the Lebanon, etc.—do.

I do however say “The United Kingdom”, “The United States”. Do you leave the article off of those?

This theory of there being anything derogatory or of there being any political implications to it is strictly in the fevered imaginations of the Ukrainians, whose language, remember, has no definite articles, and have no understanding of how illiterate it sounds to leave them off.

Again, do they get on French, Spanish, Italian speakers, etc., for putting definite articles in front of all country names? I’ll bet any amount of money they don’t.

In Spanish, we don’t say “la Francia” or “el Aleman” for France or Germany. It’s just Francia or Aleman. So, I don’t know where you get this idea that the Romance languages put a definite article in front of every country name. They don’t. Some do require it: “los Estados Unidos,” but in general, no.

The Gambia? The Lebanon? They lost those articles years ago.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 7:59:50am

re: #128 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

In Spanish, we don’t say “la Francia” or “el Aleman” for France or Germany. It’s just Francia or Aleman. So, I don’t know where you get this idea that the Romance languages put a definite article in front of every country name. They don’t. Some do require it: “los Estados Unidos,” but in general, no.

The Gambia? The Lebanon? They lost those articles years ago.

“The Netherlands” (with capitalized “The”) is the official designation of that country

A hollow voice says, Collusion!  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:00:38am

re: #95 Belafon

Do you say “the England”? If you don’t, then you’re just refusing to change with respect to Ukraine. We don’t say “the America” either.


1) Ukraine can call itself anything it damn pleases, but Ukrainians — and Russians — don’t get to lecture English native speakers on the use of the definite article (a thing they don’t have and manifestly can not use correctly without extensive training).

2) We say “America” because it’s a proper noun, but “The United States of America” because “state” is a common noun. (Other example: Germany vs. The Federal Republic of Germany.) In Russian, украина is from a word that simply means “border” and the name came into English in imitation of that (“The Ukraine” to denote that particular border).

The history of that region is much too complex for one post, but this was at a time when Poland, Russia and the Dnieper Cossacks were contesting this (border) region — and massive internal revolts were going on as well, so it was in no way a unitary state.

Jay C  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:01:05am

re: #108 Backwoods_Sleuth

omelette, apparently

[Embedded content]

What is that black plastic thing with the wheels right behind The Moron? A rolling dumpster? A portable toilet in case Dolt 45 gets the urge to tweet?

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:02:19am

re: #129 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

“The Netherlands” (with capitalized “The”) is the official designation of that country

Even so, I’ve seen it just as “Netherlands” in print, just as it’s rare to refer to “los Estados Unidos Mexicanos” except in encyclopedias.

Sufficient unto the day...  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:03:25am

re: #127 Colère Tueur de Lapin

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, when he talks about the women being tied up…he has skeletons in his closet.


wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:04:24am

re: #133 Sufficient unto the day…

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, when he talks about the women being tied up…he has skeletons in his closet.


Probably his kink for porn.

Backwoods_Sleuth  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:04:40am


Barefoot Grin  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:06:13am

re: #135 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

Mama dolphin: “don’t you dare hang out with those puffer pushers” (swims away to find a pufferfish…).

Jay C  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:06:21am

re: #135 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

🎵🎵 Don’t bogart that puffffer fish….
Pass it over to meeee…. 🎵🎵

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:09:02am

The AP Style Guide changed how it referred to Ukraine in 1991. The New York Times followed.

Just sayin’.

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:09:16am

re: #122 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

I don’t say either of those things because neither “England” nor “America” require a definite article as the Ukraine and the Sudan—and while we’re at it, the Gambia and the Lebanon, etc.—do.

I do however say “The United Kingdom”, “The United States”. Do you leave the article off of those?

This theory of there being anything derogatory or of there being any political implications to it is strictly in the fevered imaginations of the Ukrainians, whose language, remember, has no definite articles, and have no understanding of how illiterate it sounds to leave them off.

Again, do they get on French, Spanish, Italian speakers, etc., for putting definite articles in front of all country names? I’ll bet any amount of money they don’t.

I don’t put the in front of Sudan, Gambia, or Lebanon.

I’m learning Spanish while studying machine learning. One of the things I’ve figured out about language is that it’s rules are entirely a matter of what we’ve been trained to hear. If we all collectively wanted to, English speakers could stop using “do” as a placeholder, and in about 30 years, people would wonder what that archaic work was used for.

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:10:16am

re: #128 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

In Spanish, we don’t say “la Francia” or “el Aleman” for France or Germany. It’s just Francia or Aleman. So, I don’t know where you get this idea that the Romance languages put a definite article in front of every country name. They don’t. Some do require it: “los Estados Unidos,” but in general, no.

The Gambia? The Lebanon? They lost those articles years ago.

And the Spanish drop the los off of Estados Unidos frequently.

A hollow voice says, Collusion!  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:10:40am

re: #82 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

And all that water came through lead pipes and lead-lined aqueducts….

Not to mention that public baths without modern hygienic practices would also spread disease — and lice.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:10:46am

re: #139 Belafon

I don’t put the in front of Sudan, Gambia, or Lebanon.

I’m learning Spanish while studying machine learning. One of the things I’ve figured out about language is that it’s rules are entirely a matter of what we’ve been trained to hear. If we all collectively wanted to, English speakers could stop using “do” as a placeholder, and in about 30 years, people would wonder what that archaic work was used for.

It would really mess up songs though.

The Police - De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da

darthstar  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:12:21am

re: #135 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

That’s awesome.

Hecuba's daughter  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:12:24am

re: #133 Sufficient unto the day…

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, when he talks about the women being tied up…he has skeletons in his closet.


Others here have claimed that this is a scene in the latest Sicario film. It wouldn’t be surprising if Trump confused what happens in real life with something he saw in a movie. Certainly that was true with Reagan.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:14:59am

re: #129 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

“The Netherlands”

The Kingdom of The Netherlands, thankyouverymuch….

(I’m half-Dutch - and I’m still kicking around the idea of getting a Dutch passport now that they allow the Option Plan)

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:15:02am

re: #121 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

OFFS, just stop giving those two idiots air time. A wall for a home is totally different than one on an international border and those two idiots and FNC goddamned know it.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:15:12am

re: #138 wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam

The AP Style Guide changed how it referred to Ukraine in 1991. The New York Times followed.

Just sayin’.

Don’t care. Just saying.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:17:54am

re: #139 Belafon

I don’t put the in front of Sudan, Gambia, or Lebanon.

I’m learning Spanish while studying machine learning. One of the things I’ve figured out about language is that it’s rules are entirely a matter of what we’ve been trained to hear. If we all collectively wanted to, English speakers could stop using “do” as a placeholder, and in about 30 years, people would wonder what that archaic work was used for.

“Do” as an auxiliary verb first began to be used in the 1400s, and its use rapidly grew through to the 1700s. I’m guessing it was an influence from French, but I haven’t read the cited work to be sure.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:17:56am

re: #135 Backwoods_Sleuth

Pufferfish release a toxin when they puff out that is meant to impair the attacker. This doesn’t work on Dolphins in the same way. It gets them high. So they purposely inflate them and pass them around to their dolphin friends for fun

Japanese get stoned from fugu

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:18:33am

re: #136 Barefoot Grin

Mama dolphin: “don’t you dare hang out with those puffer pushers” (swims away to find a pufferfish…).

I said goddamn, goddamn the pufferfish pusher man!!!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:19:45am

re: #145 Eric The Fruit Bat

The Kingdom of The Netherlands, thankyouverymuch….

(I’m half-Dutch - and I’m still kicking around the idea of getting a Dutch passport now that they allow the Option Plan)

The proper name for the UK is “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:19:59am

re: #144 Hecuba’s daughter

Others here have claimed that this is a scene in the latest Sicario film. It wouldn’t be surprising if Trump confused what happens in real life with something he saw in a movie. Certainly that was true with Reagan.

He still confuses Fox news for real life.

wheat-dogg, raker of forests, master of steam  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:20:25am

re: #150 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I said goddamn, goddamn the pufferfish pusher man!!!

Pufferfish are a gateway drug. Dolphins are probably hiding the hard stuff from us for our own good.

darthstar  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:21:25am

Dear god, the zoom on that image of Trump is terrible.

The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:22:13am

re: #151 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

The proper name for the UK is “The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland”

Is the state with the longest name still a Trivial Pursuit question?

Spoiler: it’s “Rhode Island and Providence Plantations”.

darthstar  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:23:46am

re: #154 darthstar

Dear god, the zoom on that image of Trump is terrible.

[Embedded content]

Had to look up Trixie Mattel

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:25:06am

re: #155 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Is the state with the longest name still a Trivial Pursuit question?

Spoiler: it’s “Rhode Island and Providence Plantations”.

I thought it was “Wyoming Where Men are Still Men and Sheep are Still Scared”

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:26:27am

re: #147 The Very Reverend Battleaxe of Knowledge

Don’t care. Just saying.

Ok, Steve. I understand.

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:40:51am

a good point about the presser yesterday:

He keeps trying to come up with ways to win. He keeps failing to understand why half of the country won’t just line up behind him.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:42:42am

re: #159 Belafon

a good point about the presser yesterday:

[Embedded content]

He keeps trying to come up with ways to win. He keeps failing to understand why half of the country won’t just line up behind him.

Because GOP strategy is to get 30 percent fully behind him, and another 20 percent not caring about the difference and another 10-15% of people against him unable to vote…

Unshaken Defiance  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:43:22am

This should be a bumper sticker.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:44:26am

re: #161 Unshaken Defiance

This should be a bumper sticker.

[Embedded content]

I don’t even bother with the ones I know. Just don’t know it’s like talking to a wall but I try to educate on basic immigration law.

Barefoot Grin  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:46:34am

For me it’s Tottenham. I always call them “the Hotspur” and my son has to say “dad, it’s ‘Hotspur’ or ‘the Spurs’” and I say “I don’t care, man.”

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:47:39am
Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:48:29am

re: #163 Barefoot Grin

For me it’s Tottenham. I always call them “the Hotspur” and my son has to say “dad, it’s ‘Hotspur’ or ‘the Spurs’” and I say “I don’t care, man.”

All of us members of the Democrat party.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:49:00am

re: #164 Belafon

[Embedded content]

Those are two terrific endorsements for Harris.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:51:33am

I have never voted based on an endorsement before but an endorsement can certainly make me think more highly of someone.

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:51:56am

re: #166 HappyWarrior

Those are two terrific endorsements for Harris.

The only slight against Harris is that Democrats are already going to win California. The flip side on that is she can keep spending in the state to a minimum.

Unshaken Defiance  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:53:15am

re: #162 HappyWarrior

I don’t even bother with the ones I know. Just don’t know it’s like talking to a wall but I try to educate on basic immigration law.

Most people I can blow off or exclude. But those pesky relatives…
I get stuck at the reality check. Right back to Obama was an American citizen with each and every birthright that goes with that status. If you can’t get that you can’t get anywhere near economics, child separation, let alone Russia and all the indictments and jail terms.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:54:31am

re: #168 Belafon

The only slight against Harris is that Democrats are already going to win California. The flip side on that is she can keep spending in the state to a minimum.

And honestly that’s a small slight against her. There are some fair criticisms of her record as DA and California’s AG but I like her more than I don’t.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:55:50am

re: #169 Unshaken Defiance

Most people I can blow off or exclude. But those pesky relatives…
I get stuck at the reality check. Right back to Obama was an American citizen with each and every birthright that goes with that status. If you can’t get that you can’t get anywhere near economics, child separation, let alone Russia and all the indictments and jail terms.

And Trump of course was King Birther. There’s a Trumper that constantly is complaining about how “hateful” one of my friends is to him whenever he comments on Trump and I just shake my damn head considering the crap Trump pulled against Obama. Not ideological disagreement but questioning Obama’s citizenship and birthright.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Feb 16, 2019 • 8:59:46am

re: #56 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve

Hey another trump record!

The normal budgeting process would have had the government face two funding deadlines, when the fiscal years ended for 2017 and 2018; instead, it’s faced 12, in two years



Joe Bacon 🌹  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:03:45am

re: #169 Unshaken Defiance

Most people I can blow off or exclude. But those pesky relatives…
I get stuck at the reality check. Right back to Obama was an American citizen with each and every birthright that goes with that status. If you can’t get that you can’t get anywhere near economics, child separation, let alone Russia and all the indictments and jail terms.

My brainwashed Jesusbot family STILL believes the birther nonsense. And now they are using the same “both parents must be native born Americans” Orly Taitz argument against Kamala Harris. You cannot shake that belief from them.

I hate and despise what Church has done to my family.

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:05:14am

In case you hear about this one:

It’s common for relatives to get emails for calendar access:

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:05:35am

re: #173 Joe Bacon 🌹

My brainwashed Jesusbot family STILL believes the birther nonsense. And now they are using the same “both parents must be native born Americans” Orly Taitz argument against Kamala Harris. You cannot shake that belief from them.

I hate and despise what Church has done to my family.

I just wonder what it is about some people that get their minds conned so easily. It’s easy to dismiss it as a generational thing but that’s a cop out imo.

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:06:37am

re: #175 HappyWarrior

I just wonder what it is about some people that get their minds conned so easily. It’s easy to dismiss it as a generational thing but that’s a cop out imo.

It’s easy to accept things that confirm your belief, and harder to accept the ones that don’t. And it’s easy to blow off the people that have constantly proven you wrong.

gwangung  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:07:06am

re: #168 Belafon

The only slight against Harris is that Democrats are already going to win California. The flip side on that is she can keep spending in the state to a minimum.

Huertas and Lee, however, have reach beyond the state. That’s why I think they’re important as they’re touchstones for many blacks, many progressives and many Latinx.

And with proportionate awarding of delegates, running up CA clearly has value. It’s going to mirror Clinton’s Super Tuesday win if she can win another state that day; her margin is going to be so big that it will force some people out of the race and make her a prohibitive favorite.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:07:51am

re: #174 Belafon

In case you hear about this one:

[Embedded content]

It’s common for relatives to get emails for calendar access:

Trumpers have no right to complain about nepotism. And I really thought Charlie Kirk would have the good sense to shut his pig face after Turning Points revealed their Nazi support.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:09:30am

re: #156 darthstar

Had to look up Trixie Mattel

[Embedded content]

Divine rose from the dead!

Skip Intro  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:10:03am

re: #18 Dr Lizardo

Just came across this interesting bit of speculation.

Long story short, President Trump has been prescribed 40 mg Rosuvastatin per day, which is considered the maximum dosage. Rosuvastatin is mostly an anti-cholesterol medication, but it also reduces inflammation and lowers blood-pressure.

But… (here comes the but)…..

….for patients older than 70 (Trump is 72) such a high dosage damages the liver and is deadly in the long-term. And Rosuvastatin treatment would likely have zero effect if the patient is not on a low-fat diet (think of Trump’s infamous hamburger/fast food addiction)

So, why is he getting the maximum dosage of Rosuvastatin? That’s a hell of a good question.

It’s been noted that lately, Rosuvastatin is also being used to treat early-stage Alzheimer’s; apparently, Rosuvastatin has been shown to delay the onset of Alzheimer’s.

As I said, this is all entirely speculative, but it’s nonetheless interesting reading.

Most of us here on LGF certainly reckon that Trump is in failing health, which is to be expected for a borderline morbidly obese septuagenarian who believes that exercise diminishes one’s life-span.

I think he should double the dose, just in case.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:10:09am

re: #173 Joe Bacon 🌹

My brainwashed Jesusbot family STILL believes the birther nonsense. And now they are using the same “both parents must be native born Americans” Orly Taitz argument against Kamala Harris. You cannot shake that belief from them.

Ask them it that would apply to Ted Cruise or Marco Rubio

Archangelus  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:10:39am

Trumper logic (latest by JollyJack):

Joe Bacon 🌹  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:11:57am

re: #175 HappyWarrior

I just wonder what it is about some people that get their minds conned so easily. It’s easy to dismiss it as a generational thing but that’s a cop out imo.

Happy it’s not limited to a single generation. Bad enough all my nephews and nieces are right wing Jesusbots but their kids are even FURTHER to the right. Grandnephews are in the Charlie Kirk/Chuck C/Jacob Wohl mold…

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:13:21am

re: #175 HappyWarrior

I just wonder what it is about some people that get their minds conned so easily. It’s easy to dismiss it as a generational thing but that’s a cop out imo.

Basic education. Not teaching people how to think, how do discern facts from fallacies, not teaching the Scientific Method or the Historical Method, not teaching Civics or Media Studies.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:13:53am

i read this comment over at

BillEvansAtMariposa RolvfromNorway • 18 hours ago
I am so going to rot in hell for what I’m about to say.

All this talk about Sikh / sick / sic brings to mind one of my favorite online comic strips, a really bizarre one, wondermark. It comes out twice a week. A while ago there was a running series of puns on the original phrase “Check out my sick elephant.” What’s worse than the puns is the extent of the reach to arrive at some of them. Twice a week. From 31 July 2018 to 15 Nov. Twenty-three of ‘em. Not all of ‘em contain puns, but they’re all bizarre. They start here.

You’ll shoot me later.

it was not ‘shoot him later’ worthy

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:15:01am

re: #177 gwangung

Huertas and Lee, however, have reach beyond the state. That’s why I think they’re important as they’re touchstones for many blacks, many progressives and many Latinx.

And with proportionate awarding of delegates, running up CA clearly has value. It’s going to mirror Clinton’s Super Tuesday win if she can win another state that day; her margin is going to be so big that it will force some people out of the race and make her a prohibitive favorite.

I think she’s definitely a legitimate bet to be in it for the long haul. She’s getting support from old war horses like Huerta and Lee but also people like Katie Hill and Nanette Barragan who are younger but still vital voices. People seem to like her not just ideologically but as a person too. I think she’s going to be formidable.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:16:27am

re: #184 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Basic education. Not teaching people how to think, how do discern facts from fallacies, not teaching the Scientific Method or the Historical Method, not teaching Civics or Media Studies.

Except these differences of perspective can happen in siblings and cousins who had the same education. Can’t underestimate how right wing churches and media outlets do in fact brainwash people of empathy.

Unshaken Defiance  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:17:40am

re: #184 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Basic education. Not teaching people how to think, how do discern facts from fallacies, not teaching the Scientific Method or the Historical Method, not teaching Civics or Media Studies.

Soooo THIS. Builds a foundation for critical thinking.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:17:48am

re: #183 Joe Bacon 🌹

Happy it’s not limited to a single generation. Bad enough all my nephews and nieces are right wing Jesusbots but their kids are even FURTHER to the right. Grandnephews are in the Charlie Kirk/Chuck C/Jacob Wohl mold…

That’s what I mean. My mom’s cousins’ kids are Trumpers unfortunately. And it’s not like Mom’s cousins and their kids lacked the same education I got.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:18:56am

re: #188 Unshaken Defiance

Soooo THIS. Builds a foundation for critical thinking.

I think empathy too. I dunno. Too often my experiences with dyed in the wool right wingers is they don’t consider what it’s like to be anything other than the group they were born into.

Unshaken Defiance  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:19:19am

re: #187 HappyWarrior

Except these differences of perspective can happen in siblings and cousins who had the same education. Can’t underestimate how right-wing churches and media outlets do in fact brainwash people of empathy.

Maybe just maybe the trick there is refrain from empowering the fringe. Like fundie prosperity politicians or “reverends.”

Unshaken Defiance  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:20:38am

re: #190 HappyWarrior

I think empathy too. I dunno. Too often my experiences with dyed in the wool right wingers is they don’t consider what it’s like to be anything other than the group they were born into.

You have a good point. Mayberry RFD, pre-internet. *Sigh*

plansbandc  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:20:43am

re: #163 Barefoot Grin


HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:23:24am

re: #192 Unshaken Defiance

You have a good point. Mayberry RFD, pre-internet. *Sigh*

Even when you were one of the more conservative lizards, you always had an empathy that I appreciated. I just don’t see that with most conservative people I know. They don’t consider these families being separated because they don’t consider or even want to think about life as anything other than what they are.

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:24:40am

I saw this at Half Price Books, and thought some of you might be interested:

The Thing Game
Joe Bacon 🌹  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:27:33am

re: #187 HappyWarrior

Except these differences of perspective can happen in siblings and cousins who had the same education. Can’t underestimate how right wing churches and media outlets do in fact brainwash people of empathy.

In Western PA all but one radio station broadcasts right wing bullshit.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette used to be a reliable left wing newspaper but now it’s hard right and they fired their cartoonist because of his anti-Trump pics.

SincLIAR has bought several TV stations in the area to broadcast their right wing propaganda.

The Religious Right infected most of the churches in the area. The Episcopal churches broke away and aligned with a right wing faction that was initially financed by Richard Mellon Scaife.

Right wing religious nuts comprise the majority of people sitting on local school boards.

So everyone there is fed the 24/7 bullshit from the Republican Party.

Which is why I left and will never go back.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:29:14am

re: #196 Joe Bacon 🌹

In Western PA all but one radio station broadcasts right wing bullshit.

The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette used to be a reliable left wing newspaper but now it’s hard right and they fired their cartoonist because of his anti-Trump pics.

SincLIAR has bought several TV stations in the area to broadcast their right wing propaganda.

The Religious Right infected most of the churches in the area. The Episcopal churches broke away and aligned with a right wing faction that was initially financed by Richard Mellon Scaife.

Right wing religious nuts comprise the majority of people sitting on local school boards.

So everyone there is fed the 24/7 bullshit from the Republican Party.

Which is why I left and will never go back.

Yeah and that definitely impacts people. My family in Western Pa is far more wingnutty than those who have seen more of the country and world.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:29:35am

re: #195 Belafon

I saw this at Half Price Books, and thought some of you might be interested:

[Embedded content]

Oh my yes!

sagehen  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:32:59am

re: #187 HappyWarrior

Except these differences of perspective can happen in siblings and cousins who had the same education. Can’t underestimate how right wing churches and media outlets do in fact brainwash people of empathy.

My brothers are identical twins; same high school, same undergrad, same medical school, same specialty, mostly the same friends until their mid-20’s. There’s always been some differences in their hobbies or taste in music, but political differences didn’t really arise until they married very very different kinds of women.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:33:04am

I’m just sick of wingnut bullshit blinding people whether it’s spreading fear about immigrants, transgender people, Muslims, etc. The right thankfully lost the same sex marriage debate but they always find new scapegoats. Can’t help but to notice the trans bathroom paranoias began not long after Obergefell was correctly decided.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:34:06am

re: #199 sagehen

My brothers are identical twins; same high school, same undergrad, same medical school, same specialty, mostly the same friends until their mid-20’s. There’s always been some differences in their hobbies or taste in music, but political differences didn’t really arise until they married very very different kinds of women.

That sounds like my cousin and her husband and his twin brother. My cousin is a lot like me than her sister in law.

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:36:43am

re: #189 HappyWarrior

That’s what I mean. My mom’s cousins’ kids are Trumpers unfortunately. And it’s not like Mom’s cousins and their kids lacked the same education I got.

“Conservatism” in its latest form as the Trump personality cult is probably as much about the emotional comfort of simple answers as it is about education.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:37:50am

re: #202 jaunte

“Conservatism” in its latest form as the Trump personality cult is probably as much about the emotional comfort of simple answers as it is about education.


jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:39:04am
HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:40:26am

re: #204 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Right fucking on.

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:40:33am

Re: Trump Mar-a-Lago pic

That mirror on the wall is gaudy as hell.

plansbandc  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:41:13am

re: #200 HappyWarrior

Once the Supremes are completely packed with right wing nutjobs, same sex marriage will be over.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:42:11am

re: #207 plansbandc

Once the Supremes are completely packed with right wing nutjobs, same sex marriage will be over.

Yeah that battle isn’t won by any means.

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:44:01am
Joe Bacon 🌹  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:44:52am

Thank you Malcolm for mainstreaming this!

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:46:44am

re: #135 Backwoods_Sleuth


Pufferfish release a toxin when they puff out that is meant to impair the attacker. This doesn’t work on Dolphins in the same way. It gets them high. So they purposely inflate them and pass them around to their dolphin friends for fun

that would still be fun without the toxins

who’s up for a game of P-ball?

TedStriker  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:48:46am

re: #135 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

re: #136 Barefoot Grin

Mama dolphin: “don’t you dare hang out with those puffer pushers” (swims away to find a pufferfish…).

re: #137 Jay C

🎵🎵 Don’t bogart that puffffer fish….
Pass it over to meeee…. 🎵🎵

re: #211 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve

that would still be fun without the toxins

who’s up for a game of P-ball?

Gives a whole new meaning to “puff, puff, pass”, doesn’t it?

Renaissance_Man  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:49:45am

re: #202 jaunte

“Conservatism” in its latest form as the Trump personality cult is probably as much about the emotional comfort of simple answers as it is about education.

It’s about transgression. The article that described that cruelty is the point was correct. Modern American Conservatism - Trumpism - is about the pleasure of doing bad things, and doing bad things together. Voting Trump, espousing the latest conspiracy theory du jour, even wearing a MAGA hat - all of these things are about the fun of doing something you know to be wrong, of raising a middle finger to decency and justice, and the joy of knowing you will get away with it.

They get away with it because American culture is designed to make sure that white people who do bad things rarely, if ever, face any consequences, either legal or social. American media bends over backwards to validate and excuse the bad behaviour of white people, and to equate holding them accountable for their actions with attacking them.

This is not something that education affects. Education can help people tell right from wrong, tell fake news from real, and can equip people to ask the right questions to get out of these traps, but most of the cultists are beyond that. Trumpism goes further - the malice is so overt and so obvious that people can no longer claim ignorance, even if the NYT wants to pretend that it is so. So no, I don’t think Trumpers are just underinformed, or hoodwinked. Lack of education and the comfort of simple answers makes people vulnerable to faux religion and bad faith movements, but again, this is something further. These people aren’t sorry dupes. They enjoy the evil they are party to, and the community of like-minded people being malicious together.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:50:22am

re: #146 HappyWarrior

OFFS, just stop giving those two idiots air time. A wall for a home is totally different than one on an international border and those two idiots and FNC goddamned know it.

anytime we discuss ‘the wall’ we give it legitimacy
we then argue about examples, comparisons, details, funding, why and whether it would work or not, the how, constitutionality, emergencies, eminent domain, ad infinito

rather than simply “a wall is not who we are as a country” and deserves no further consideration

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:51:54am

re: #154 darthstar

Dear god, the zoom on that image of Trump is terrible.

When you’ve got your wig drying on the shower rod, and are only on Step 3 of the @trixiemattel 47-Step Makeup Tutorial on YouTube, but are hungover and hungry AF, you throw on a ballcap, go downstairs, and get yourself an omelet with ketchup, dammit!

a powerful president would have people to do this for him

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:53:37am

re: #158 Belafon

Ok, Steve. I understand.

lookin for me?
oh, i forgot, i’m not a drink named steve

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:54:13am

re: #159 Belafon

a good point about the presser yesterday:

[Embedded content]

He keeps trying to come up with ways to win. He keeps failing to understand why half of the country won’t just line up behind him.

and this time he apparently lost a slice of his base

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:54:39am

re: #213 Renaissance_Man

These people aren’t sorry dupes. They enjoy the evil they are party to, and the community of like-minded people being malicious together.

A recent example:

“…The acts took place during afternoon breaks at the retreat on two consecutive days, Jan. 30 and 31. Approximately 40 to 50 students, mostly juniors but some seniors, took part in the vandalism, according to the employees, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they feared retribution.”

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:56:15am

“…It is not known what financial compensation Gonzaga agreed to for the property damage. The owners have not been publicly identified. A woman at the property declined to comment, saying it was a private matter.”

“It was unclear how the students will be punished.”

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:56:53am

Future SCOTUS justices.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:58:09am

re: #174 Belafon

In case you hear about this one:

Actually this cal designation is a permission so he can have access to my Google Cal. Congressional spouses get Gcal access all the time.

Next time check your facts before you tweet nonsense.

It’s common for relatives to get emails for calendar access:



(not my caps)

jeffreyw  Feb 16, 2019 • 9:59:54am
Joe Bacon 🌹  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:01:46am

I’m not surprised at all…


ObserverArt  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:02:59am

re: #120 darthstar

[Embedded content]

Are those Heinz ketchup bottles on the omelet bar?

Let the debate begin!

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:03:39am

re: #187 HappyWarrior

Except these differences of perspective can happen in siblings and cousins who had the same education. Can’t underestimate how right wing churches and media outlets do in fact brainwash people of empathy.

to an extent, if you’re ‘educated’ and you still choose to believe some obviously not reality stuff whether by dint of repetition through religion, fox or whatever bubble, you’ve stopped thinking and employing your education.

you’ve chosen to give yourself over and allowed yourself to be led - ie ‘brainwashed’

Dr Lizardo  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:04:04am

re: #223 Joe Bacon 🌹

I can only hope that’s some kind of satire or joke.

I don’t think the world is ready for fundie swingers.

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:04:27am
A placement agency called Miracle Hills in South Carolina turned away a Jewish woman who wanted to foster a kid.

Just to expand slightly on how fucked up this is: anyone familiar with the adoption process in the U.S. knows how few people are willing to foster children in the system. To turn away a prospective foster parent means that you are willing to let children suffer inadequate care to pay for your bigotry.

ObserverArt  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:05:57am

re: #127 Colère Tueur de Lapin

I listened to part of his blathering. The bit about capital punishment for drug dealers (and, believing that there is no illegal use of drugs in China) is his authoritarian drooling to kill people to get his way. Then, the girls and women tied and taped…

Sick, sick, mentally unstable person.

Trump has got some kinks for sure.

That Steele dossier is still hanging out there…

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:06:52am

re: #227 jaunte

Just to expand slightly on how fucked up this is: anyone familiar with the adoption process in the U.S. knows how few people are willing to foster children in the system. To turn away a prospective foster parent means that you are willing to let children suffer inadequate care to pay for your bigotry.

There’s something really evil about that. And then these bigots claim they’re being persecuted.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:07:15am

re: #228 ObserverArt

Trump has got some kinks for sure.

That Steele dossier is still hanging out there…

So when is Trump going to string up all of the Sackler family and their PURDUE stooges who force doctors to overprescribe Oxycontin?

Ted, thanks for the correction!

TedStriker  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:12:51am

re: #230 Joe Bacon 🌹

So when is Trump going to string up all of the Sackler family and their Sandoz stooges who force doctors to overprescribe Oxycontin?

Not Sandoz (which is the generic/private-label division of Novartis), the Sacklers own and run Purdue Pharma, a quite separate company.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:14:52am

re: #231 TedStriker

Not Sandoz (which is owned by Novartis), the Sacklers own and run Purdue Pharma, a quite separate company.

Corrected. Thanks for pointing that out!

plansbandc  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:15:36am

This is long, but perfect…

(From Occupy Democrats)

Someone asked “Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?”

Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England, wrote this magnificent response:

“A few things spring to mind.

Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem.

For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace - all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed.

So for us, the stark contrast does rather throw Trump’s limitations into embarrassingly sharp relief.

Plus, we like a laugh. And while Trump may be laughable, he has never once said anything wry, witty or even faintly amusing - not once, ever.

I don’t say that rhetorically, I mean it quite literally: not once, not ever. And that fact is particularly disturbing to the British sensibility - for us, to lack humour is almost inhuman.

But with Trump, it’s a fact. He doesn’t even seem to understand what a joke is - his idea of a joke is a crass comment, an illiterate insult, a casual act of cruelty.

Trump is a troll. And like all trolls, he is never funny and he never laughs; he only crows or jeers.

And scarily, he doesn’t just talk in crude, witless insults - he actually thinks in them. His mind is a simple bot-like algorithm of petty prejudices and knee-jerk nastiness.

There is never any under-layer of irony, complexity, nuance or depth. It’s all surface.

Some Americans might see this as refreshingly upfront.

Well, we don’t. We see it as having no inner world, no soul.

And in Britain we traditionally side with David, not Goliath. All our heroes are plucky underdogs: Robin Hood, Dick Whittington, Oliver Twist.

Trump is neither plucky, nor an underdog. He is the exact opposite of that.

He’s not even a spoiled rich-boy, or a greedy fat-cat.

He’s more a fat white slug. A Jabba the Hutt of privilege.

And worse, he is that most unforgivable of all things to the British: a bully.

That is, except when he is among bullies; then he suddenly transforms into a snivelling sidekick instead.

There are unspoken rules to this stuff - the Queensberry rules of basic decency - and he breaks them all. He punches downwards - which a gentleman should, would, could never do - and every blow he aims is below the belt. He particularly likes to kick the vulnerable or voiceless - and he kicks them when they are down.

So the fact that a significant minority - perhaps a third - of Americans look at what he does, listen to what he says, and then think ‘Yeah, he seems like my kind of guy’ is a matter of some confusion and no little distress to British people, given that:
* Americans are supposed to be nicer than us, and mostly are.
* You don’t need a particularly keen eye for detail to spot a few flaws in the man.

This last point is what especially confuses and dismays British people, and many other people too; his faults seem pretty bloody hard to miss.

After all, it’s impossible to read a single tweet, or hear him speak a sentence or two, without staring deep into the abyss. He turns being artless into an art form; he is a Picasso of pettiness; a Shakespeare of shit. His faults are fractal: even his flaws have flaws, and so on ad infinitum.

God knows there have always been stupid people in the world, and plenty of nasty people too. But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness so stupid.

He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart.

In fact, if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws - he would make a Trump.

And a remorseful Doctor Frankenstein would clutch out big clumpfuls of hair and scream in anguish:

‘My God… what… have… I… created?

If being a twat was a TV show, Trump would be the boxed set.”

TedStriker  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:18:42am

re: #232 Joe Bacon 🌹

Corrected. Thanks for pointing that out!

Trivia: Sandoz, back when it was its own company, was the first to synthesize LSD in the lab and bring it to market as a psychiatric drug.

ObserverArt  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:19:58am

re: #170 HappyWarrior

And honestly that’s a small slight against her. There are some fair criticisms of her record as DA and California’s AG but I like her more than I don’t.

With so many Democrats in the game I’m going to be watching how they treat each other.

How they speak about each other. How they handle the media trying to bait them into trashing others and if they fall for it. What they do to try to separate from each other and whether they get negative or explain it positively.

That is going to tell me a lot about how they would be as a leader and how they can work with their party and what the party expects.

The Democratic candidate is going to have to speak for a whole lot of ideas to be as strong as they can be for getting the left strongly behind them.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:25:00am

Looks like the Illinois shooter’s background check was incomplete.

Now watch the National Russian Alliance chime in on why we don’t need background checks for gun purchases

And Trump will chime in that the shooter was African-American.

Police say the fired worker who killed five people at a warehouse in Aurora, Illinois, was able to buy the gun he used because an initial background check didn’t catch that he had a prior felony conviction in Mississippi.

Aurora police Chief Kristin Ziman said Saturday that Gary Martin was issued a firearm owner’s identification card in January of 2014 after he passed the initial background check.

She says he bought the Smith and Wesson .40-caliber handgun on March 11, 2014, and that his 1995 felony conviction for aggravated assault in Mississippi wasn’t flagged until he applied for a concealed carry permit five days later. That application process includes vetting using a more rigorous digital fingerprinting system.

Jay C  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:33:21am

re: #218 jaunte

A recent example:

[Embedded content]

“…The acts took place during afternoon breaks at the retreat on two consecutive days, Jan. 30 and 31. Approximately 40 to 50 students, mostly juniors but some seniors, took part in the vandalism, according to the employees, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because they feared retribution.”

What exactly did these sterling examples of young Catholic manhood vandalize? (WaPo article vanished behind the paywall).

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:33:35am

re: #227 jaunte

Just to expand slightly on how fucked up this is: anyone familiar with the adoption process in the U.S. knows how few people are willing to foster children in the system. To turn away a prospective foster parent means that you are willing to let children suffer inadequate care to pay for your bigotry.

in case my posting history isnt clear, my problem with this is not the overt bigotry

if you want to choose who fosters your agency’s kids, that’s fine. dont take government money.

as soon as you take government money, absolutely not
in a sense this is worse than the public accommodation / cake baker issue

you cannot put personal/private limitations on how revenue from everybody’s taxes is spent
you take everybody’s taxes, you better service everybody

ObserverArt  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:38:48am

re: #212 TedStriker

Gives a whole new meaning to “puff, puff, pass”, doesn’t it?

Anyone remember this and the questions it raised?

Puff The Magic Dragon — Peter, Paul & Mary ~ Live 1965

Romantic Heretic  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:39:58am

re: #187 HappyWarrior

Except these differences of perspective can happen in siblings and cousins who had the same education. Can’t underestimate how right wing churches and media outlets do in fact brainwash people of empathy.

I’ll use this to pimp one of my pages here: Information Disease.

Sufficient unto the day...  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:41:11am

re: #223 Joe Bacon 🌹

“we do not believe in aftercare”

It’s someone who actually is familiar with BDSM, so its either real, or a bad satire. And if they really don’t believe in that, they’re fucking dangerous.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:41:12am

re: #214 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve

anytime we discuss ‘the wall’ we give it legitimacy
we then argue about examples, comparisons, details, funding, why and whether it would work or not, the how, constitutionality, emergencies, eminent domain, ad infinito

rather than simply “a wall is not who we are as a country” and deserves no further consideration

I will say it again: If DT had been the least bit serious about The Wall as anything but a rallying point and a symbol, he would have commissioned a planning, engineering, environmental and legal impact study, presented design proposals, a budget and a timetable.

He claims that he has experience with large-scale construction projects, but he has yet to do any of those things.

Unshaken Defiance  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:52:12am

Beauty break anyone?

Snow capped beauty
PhillyPretzel  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:52:44am

re: #243 Unshaken Defiance

Yes. Beautiful. :)

ObserverArt  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:55:30am

re: #233 plansbandc

This is long, but perfect…

(From Occupy Democrats)

Someone asked “Why do some British people not like Donald Trump?”

Nate White, an articulate and witty writer from England, wrote this magnificent response:

“A few things spring to mind.

Trump lacks certain qualities which the British traditionally esteem.

For instance, he has no class, no charm, no coolness, no credibility, no compassion, no wit, no warmth, no wisdom, no subtlety, no sensitivity, no self-awareness, no humility, no honour and no grace - all qualities, funnily enough, with which his predecessor Mr. Obama was generously blessed.

God knows there have always been stupid people in the world, and plenty of nasty people too. But rarely has stupidity been so nasty, or nastiness so stupid.

He makes Nixon look trustworthy and George W look smart.

In fact, if Frankenstein decided to make a monster assembled entirely from human flaws - he would make a Trump.

And a remorseful Doctor Frankenstein would clutch out big clumpfuls of hair and scream in anguish:

‘My God… what… have… I… created?

If being a twat was a TV show, Trump would be the boxed set.”

Take-down and pinned.

sagehen  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:58:24am

re: #221 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve



(not my caps)

But Bill Clinton once spent half an hour speaking to Loretta Lynch, so magical balance fairy is satisfied.

Dr Lizardo  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:59:07am

History break. A good four-part documentary on the Wars of the Roses.

Britain’s Bloody Crown: The Mad King Ep 1 of 4 (Wars of the Roses Documentary) | Timeline

Jay C  Feb 16, 2019 • 10:59:42am

re: #242 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I will say it again: If DT had been the least bit serious about The Wall as anything but a rallying point and a symbol, he would have commissioned a planning, engineering, environmental and legal impact study, presented design proposals, a budget and a timetable.

He claims that he has experience with large-scale construction projects, but he has yet to do any of those things.

Well, one problem may be that Donald Trump, AFAICT, for all his insanely-self-hyped rep as a “developer” hasn’t done much of any real “developing”
- i.e. the sort that actually involves construction - in decades. Most of his (relatively) recent “projects” have been either “branding” deals (putting his name on other peoples’ projects) or pure self-promotion/scams (Trump U. Trump steaks, etc., The Apprentice). I think the days when Trump would actually want to get involved with “planning, engineering, environmental and legal impact study, presented design proposals, a budget and a timetable” - assuming he EVER even did - are long gone.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:02:41am

re: #247 Dr Lizardo

History break. A good four-part documentary on the Wars of the Roses.

[Embedded content]

Just stated a book on the Plantanglets. English history from 1100- death of Elizabeth I is fascinating stuff. My family on the Isles probably got screwed tho being mostly Irish peasants.

KerFuFFler  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:06:52am

re: #237 Jay C

What exactly did these sterling examples of young Catholic manhood vandalize? (WaPo article vanished behind the paywall).

They vandalized a house and a cabin, ripping cabinets from walls, smashing windows, knocking holes in walls, breaking the windshield of a car and even throwing a fridge off a cliff into the Potomac. Many thousands of dollars in damage. They really should get criminal records for this behavior, but it is all being swept under the rug. The police are being kept out of it and the damage will be handled privately. Lord knows what kind of punishment will seem appropriate to the parents and school administrators.

sagehen  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:08:35am

re: #237 Jay C

What exactly did these sterling examples of young Catholic manhood vandalize? (WaPo article vanished behind the paywall).

“ransacked a cabin and an unoccupied home, shattering windows and cabinets, punching holes in walls, throwing a toilet into a yard and destroying property throughout both dwellings

A number of the students pulled a refrigerator from the cabin and pushed it over a cliff into the Potomac River, which runs along the property

The front window of a car in the house’s garage had been smashed. There were gaping holes on the exterior walls of the two-story house and shingles had been tossed off the building. No pictures or video were shown of the damage to the cabin, but it was described as “complete destruction” by one attendee. Windows were shattered, cabinets torn from walls and doors ripped off their frames.”

Chrysicat  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:09:43am
jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:20:58am
Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:24:59am

re: #253 jaunte

Now that is well done.

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:26:53am

re: #254 Eclectic Cyborg

I’m certain Trump’s people are now trying to figure out a security excuse for why they need to ban smartphones from Mar-a-Lago.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:27:14am

re: #248 Jay C

Well, one problem may be that Donald Trump, AFAICT, for all his insanely-self-hyped rep as a “developer” hasn’t done much of any real “developing”

I recall him using that as a talking point.

He has no fucking clue.

Alephnaught  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:27:47am

TL;DR: James Woods argues against using “they/them” pronouns for non-binary folks on the basis that “they/then” has always referred to the plural. The official Twitter account of responds that “they/them” for a single person has been going since 1300, and people who have used this include Shakespeare.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:28:23am

re: #250 KerFuFFler

They vandalized a house and a cabin, ripping cabinets from walls, smashing windows, knocking holes in walls, breaking the windshield of a car and even throwing a fridge off a cliff into the Potomac. Many thousands of dollars in damage. They really should get criminal records for this behavior, but it is all being swept under the rug. The police are being kept out of it and the damage will be handled privately. Lord knows what kind of punishment will seem appropriate to the parents and school administrators.

Michael Cameron used to belong to an Oxford “dining club” that used to go out and regularly trash restaurants, their daddies would then settle the debt and sort things out privately.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:29:18am

re: #257 Alephnaught

[Embedded content]

TL;DR: James Woods argues against using “they/them” pronouns for non-binary folks on the basis that “they/then” has always referred to the plural. The official Twitter account of responds that “they/them” for a single person has been going since 1300, and people who have used this include Shakespeare.

Why the fuck does Woods care so much? Idiot needs a hobby.

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:32:02am

re: #259 HappyWarrior

Why the fuck does Woods care so much? Idiot needs a hobby.

Hating on people IS his hobby.

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:32:33am
HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:33:28am

re: #261 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Yep it is.

wrenchwench  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:34:26am
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:36:04am

re: #261 jaunte

Unregulated gun silencers,
This is nuts.

so the argument is that they will protect gun users from ear damage

but then again, the argument is that they don’t make guns that much more silent

the main argument is that it is government regulation and that should be abolished wherever and whenever it does not concern cannabis or abortion.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:37:16am

re: #263 wrenchwench

Red Chile Goat Cheese Pumpkin Empanada

mexican pierogis!

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:37:32am

re: #264 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Earplugs are much cheaper, but gun fetishists love metal doodads.

plansbandc  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:39:10am

re: #263 wrenchwench

I give this an upding, but no thanks on the goat cheese. They are gorgeous though!

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:39:16am

re: #261 jaunte

[Embedded content]

“We lost a whole lot of elections in 2018 to people who ran on gun control. What do we do?”
“I know, let’s write a bill to end bans on silencers.”

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:39:17am

re: #266 jaunte

Earplugs are much cheaper, but gun fetishists love metal doodads.

again, it is all about abolishing legislation

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:40:06am

re: #266 jaunte

Earplugs are much cheaper, but gun fetishists love metal doodads.

Penile enhancers need to keep getting longer.

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:40:11am

Ninja MInd

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:41:30am

re: #271 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Ninja MInd

Sure you would have.

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:41:51am

Gun nuts and their delusions of toughness.

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:42:43am

Shaughn the Invincible

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:43:47am

re: #274 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Shaughn the Invincible

Yeah. I ain’t buying it. It’s easy to talk tough when you’ve never had to deal with an active shooter.

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:45:42am

re: #257 Alephnaught

[Embedded content]

TL;DR: James Woods argues against using “they/them” pronouns for non-binary folks on the basis that “they/then” has always referred to the plural. The official Twitter account of responds that “they/them” for a single person has been going since 1300, and people who have used this include Shakespeare.

This is a great tweet in a thread containing our periodic squabble over the use of “the” before Ukraine. And I’ll pull this from the replies (Read Dan Matney’s Tweet in the image):

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:46:37am

re: #276 Belafon

This is a great tweet in a thread containing our periodic squabble over the use of “the” before Ukraine. And I’ll pull this from the replies:

[Embedded content]

If that’s the worst thing you’re dealing with, maybe shut up some.

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:47:29am

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:47:32am

Waaaj liberals are too sensitive but I wanna call someone a pronoun they don’t want to go by! God do these people even listen to themselves!

Joe Bacon 🌹  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:48:04am

re: #259 HappyWarrior

Why the fuck does Woods care so much? Idiot needs a hobby.

Like every other MAGAT he gets off on hurting other people

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:48:34am

re: #280 Joe Bacon 🌹

Like every other MAGAT he gets off on hurting other people

He’s such a whiny loser.

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:48:52am
HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:49:52am

re: #282 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Ivanka isn’t used to the truth.

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:50:15am

She’s almost lost the ability to make faces.

jaunte  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:51:28am

Fun with injectable neurotoxins.

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:52:30am

re: #271 jaunte

I’m stealing this from Souza’s bio:

COTUS (citizen of the United States)

ObserverArt  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:55:17am

re: #251 sagehen

“ransacked a cabin and an unoccupied home, shattering windows and cabinets, punching holes in walls, throwing a toilet into a yard and destroying property throughout both dwellings

A number of the students pulled a refrigerator from the cabin and pushed it over a cliff into the Potomac River, which runs along the property

The front window of a car in the house’s garage had been smashed. There were gaping holes on the exterior walls of the two-story house and shingles had been tossed off the building. No pictures or video were shown of the damage to the cabin, but it was described as “complete destruction” by one attendee. Windows were shattered, cabinets torn from walls and doors ripped off their frames.”

Remember when doing damage to someone’s home was spilled beer or wine on the living room carpet and a burn in the cloth of an armchair?

I’ve been a participant in some pretty fantastic parties, especially in our last two years of the college of art and design. And we were never anywhere near this. This is malicious.

What kind of retreat was this again? Shoot I remember Catholic retreats in high school, and yeah, we goofed off. We ran off into the woods and skipped out on some activities. Oh noes!

What the fuck?

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:55:37am

re: #242 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I will say it again: If DT had been the least bit serious about The Wall as anything but a rallying point and a symbol, he would have commissioned a planning, engineering, environmental and legal impact study, presented design proposals, a budget and a timetable.

He claims that he has experience with large-scale construction projects, but he has yet to do any of those things.

what i think he’s convinced himself to do is get bulldozers working asap so he can claim victory!

Belafon  Feb 16, 2019 • 11:55:51am

re: #280 Joe Bacon 🌹

Like every other MAGAT he gets off on hurting other people

The big problem with a utopian society where no one has to work is so many people like Woods would have too much free time.

ObserverArt  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:01:29pm

re: #253 jaunte

[Embedded content]

About the original image.

Who was sitting in the big padded chair?

It doesn’t matter. And that is one of the great parts of that image.

The most important man in the room is there, but not obviously demanding the room showing who is in charge and who should be kissing his ass.

Isn’t that telling?

Now, think of The Lord Trumpus in that scenario.

The whole picture changes.

ObserverArt  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:03:46pm

re: #260 Eclectic Cyborg

Hating on people IS his hobby.

When all else fails, you got your hate to keep you warm.

wrenchwench  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:05:08pm

Sometimes a posture speaks louder than words. Just needs a little rattle to be seen.

ObserverArt  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:05:13pm

re: #263 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

Those look good. Mmmmm.

Teddy's Person  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:11:13pm

re: #290 ObserverArt

Might look something like this…

ObserverArt  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:11:25pm

re: #282 jaunte

[Embedded content]

Plastic face.

Ivanka looks good in a still image, but just seems to lack actual human emotion in motion. Kinda creepy, like a Japanese AI robot.

It’s a strange family.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:12:22pm

Look in the mirror?

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:13:11pm

re: #296 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀

Look in the mirror?

[Embedded content]

I guess FNC didn’t want to offend their audience.

Joe Bacon 🌹  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:14:45pm

re: #271 jaunte

Citizen K  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:16:36pm

re: #271 jaunte

re: #298 Joe Bacon 🌹

These people honestly believe the very act of owning a gun makes them unerring badasses. Except even John McClane ended up missing a whole fuckton under duress.

Dave In Austin  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:17:08pm
ObserverArt  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:17:11pm

re: #292 wrenchwench

[Embedded content]

Sometimes a posture speaks louder than words. Just needs a little rattle to be seen.

Looks like perfect snake habitat too. Right there on that edge, a little brush for cover and some rocks to sun on. Able to catch things coming around the corners.

Stay away from my crib!

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:18:06pm

re: #300 Dave In Austin

[Embedded content]

You’re not a Capitalist, Roger. Stop acting like you are. You’re a corporate playtoy.

Eclectic Cyborg  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:20:28pm

I know I have said this before but fuck Ticketmaster and their bullshit fucking fees.

I just paid $112 for Tickets that were $70 face value. The only reason I could stomach it is because they are a birthday gift for my wife.

Dave In Austin  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:20:39pm

re: #301 ObserverArt

Bryan runs a snake removal and education service in Phx. I confer with him regularly.

Dave In Austin  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:27:50pm

re: #302 HappyWarrior

Prefect. Tweets that at him or I will

HappyWarrior  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:29:33pm

re: #305 Dave In Austin

Prefect. Tweets that at him or I will

I’m not on Twitter. Go for it. I’m sick of these guys thinking they’re Capitalists. They’re not. They’re the tools and play things of corporations. They’re oligarchists supporting an oligarch named Trump.

MsJ  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:32:02pm

re: #237 Jay C

What exactly did these sterling examples of young Catholic manhood vandalize? (WaPo article vanished behind the paywall).


Dozens of students from Washington’s prestigious Gonzaga College High School, on a spiritual retreat in southern Maryland, ransacked a cabin and an unoccupied home, shattering windows and cabinets, punching holes in walls, throwing a toilet into a yard and destroying property throughout both dwellings, according to several Gonzaga employees who were told of the incidents at a staff meeting at the school.

A number of the students pulled a refrigerator from the cabin and pushed it over a cliff into the Potomac River, which runs along the property, the employees said.

Eventual Carrion  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:40:11pm

re: #135 Backwoods_Sleuth


[Embedded content]

Loved one of the comments, “Puff, Puff, Pass.”

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 12:49:03pm

re: #250 KerFuFFler

They vandalized a house and a cabin, ripping cabinets from walls, smashing windows, knocking holes in walls, breaking the windshield of a car and even throwing a fridge off a cliff into the Potomac. Many thousands of dollars in damage. They really should get criminal records for this behavior, but it is all being swept under the rug. The police are being kept out of it and the damage will be handled privately. Lord knows what kind of punishment will seem appropriate to the parents and school administrators.

senseless and they get away with it

wrenchwench  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:22:10pm

re: #309 dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve

I took my age group! I beat the other 3!

Apparently, some people like to run in cold weather. There were more people than last year. The organizers are good.

dangerman-call me sandy, not a drink named Steve  Feb 16, 2019 • 1:58:36pm

re: #310 wrenchwench

I took my age group! I beat the other 3!

Apparently, some people like to run in cold weather. There were more people than last year. The organizers are good.

i’ve got a marathon tomorrow
stay tuned

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