Colbert From Home: Trump Insists We’ve “Prevailed” as Dr. Fauci Refuses to Sugarcoat His Coronavirus Outlook

Politics • Views: 19,486


Taking questions from Senators like Elizabeth Warren, Bernie Sanders and Rand Paul on Tuesday, Dr. Anthony Fauci refused to follow President Trump’s lead arguing that the pandemic is under control. #Colbert #StephenAtHome #DrFauci

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gocart mozart  May 13, 2020 • 10:02:13am
gocart mozart  May 13, 2020 • 10:03:23am
Eclectic Cyborg  May 13, 2020 • 10:07:00am

He’s kind of giving up his own game here.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 13, 2020 • 10:08:31am

re: #3 Eclectic Cyborg

When the so-called “rich guys” speak negatively about the market, you must always remember that some are betting big against it, and make a lot of money if it goes down. Then they go positive, get big publicity, and make it going up. They get you both ways. Barely legal?

Why does he hate Free Enterprise?

lawhawk  May 13, 2020 • 10:08:45am

re: #3 Eclectic Cyborg

Projecting like IMAX. It’s his go to play when he’s caught doing crap. Blame someone else for the things he’s doing. Claim someone else did it and that’s worse. Make baseless claims that Obama did something.

It’s the same bulkshit every fucking day.

Eclectic Cyborg  May 13, 2020 • 10:08:47am

People and Aliens on a spaceship who sometimes talk and sometimes fight.

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 10:09:24am

re: #6 Eclectic Cyborg

[Embedded content]

People and Aliens on a spaceship who sometimes talk and sometimes fight.


lawhawk  May 13, 2020 • 10:10:03am

re: #6 Eclectic Cyborg

Star Trek?
Babylon 5?
BSG? They’re all nominally human or human created creatures.

Eclectic Cyborg  May 13, 2020 • 10:10:50am

re: #8 lawhawk

Star Trek?
Babylon 5?
BSG? They’re all nominally human or human created creatures.

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 10:10:53am

re: #8 lawhawk

Star Trek?
Babylon 5?

Red Dwarf?

Eclectic Cyborg  May 13, 2020 • 10:12:36am

It was Star Trek. Probably should have mentioned Vulcans or something.

lawhawk  May 13, 2020 • 10:13:03am
Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 10:13:59am

re: #12 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Repubs: “We’ve saved the economy! No more need for further relief! NOW GET BACK TO WORK, YOUR PLEBES!”

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 13, 2020 • 10:15:18am

re: #6 Eclectic Cyborg

Without saying the name itself, what’s your favorite TV show?

“Alright, Mr. White: SCIENCE!!!”

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  May 13, 2020 • 10:18:14am
Alephnaught  May 13, 2020 • 10:18:29am

From previous thread:

re: #39 Jack Burton

They always say things like:

Claiming (insert something here) is a pretext to create a global government.

I tend to read the underlying context of that as them basically saying:

Oh no!!! We’re going to lose power!!!

lawhawk  May 13, 2020 • 10:18:42am

re: #6 Eclectic Cyborg

[Embedded content]

People and Aliens on a spaceship who sometimes talk and sometimes fight.

Widely imitated but never ever duplicated home improvement show.

Eclectic Cyborg  May 13, 2020 • 10:19:42am

re: #17 lawhawk

Widely imitated but never ever duplicated home improvement show.

Well played. Of course one of the easiest choices for such a challenge would be:


Alephnaught  May 13, 2020 • 10:20:23am

re: #6 Eclectic Cyborg

I like this one:

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 10:20:24am

re: #17 lawhawk

Widely imitated but never ever duplicated home improvement show.

This Old House?

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  May 13, 2020 • 10:24:58am

From downstairs.

re: #192 Mike Lamb

Doesn’t matter. It’s conservative dogma that people are dying “with” COVID not “from” it—with the accompanying conspiracy theory that it’s a monetary thing for hospitals to label everything a COVID related death. The other related talking point is that most of the people dying have already outlived average life expectancy in the US—so no biggie.

Forget that a recent study found that the average person dying from COVID would have lived an additional 10 years. Forget also that the actual evidence strongly supports the position that deaths have been significantly undercounted.

I mean, their talking point for a looong time was that it wasn’t even as problematic as the bad flu season we just had. Aside from COVID deaths already having blown last flu season out of the water, there is probably a really good chance that the “bad” flu season was undetected COVID related fatalities.

Another revised talking point is that it doesn’t matter how many people get it, it’s no worse than the flu for most so just keep the olds and sick inside and let the rest of us get on with our lives. That takes the “just like the flu” and moves the goalposts.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  May 13, 2020 • 10:26:21am
Eclectic Cyborg  May 13, 2020 • 10:26:31am

re: #21 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Another revised talking point is that it doesn’t matter how many people get it, it’s no worse than the flu for most so just keep the olds and sick inside and let the rest of us get on with our lives. That takes the “just like the flu” and moves the goalposts.

While we ignore all the kids developing Kawasaki disease.

lawhawk  May 13, 2020 • 10:28:06am

re: #19 Alephnaught

re: #19 Alephnaught

jaunte  May 13, 2020 • 10:29:26am
Alephnaught  May 13, 2020 • 10:31:08am

re: #23 Eclectic Cyborg

While we ignore all the kids developing Kawasaki disease.

Not just kids. One of my friends, in their 20s, had symptoms of Covid earlier this year and is currently in hospital with complications similar to what we’ve been hearing with some kids in the UK.

Hecuba's daughter  May 13, 2020 • 10:31:32am

re: #22 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

But Manafort did not meet qualifications set by the Bureau of Prisons for potential release in the pandemic, and the bureau did not answer questions about why Manafort was freed.

Barr is the in-house attorney for a crime family. All such attorneys are themselves criminals who are usually clever enough to escape capture for their crimes.

I am increasingly confident that Barr also arranged the untimely death of Epstein.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  May 13, 2020 • 10:35:31am

re: #23 Eclectic Cyborg

While we ignore all the kids developing Kawasaki disease.

And when I linked to two GIVE US A LINK DAMMIT!! demand, I was blocked.


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 10:35:42am

Left hanging on the last thread because it’s long and the conversation moved on.

Nebraska Primary and local primary results are in.

Turnout: 471,434 out of 1,216,431 eligible

Biden absolutely trampled Sanders.

Biden 119,138
Sanders 20,931
Warren 9,531
Gabbard 4,318
Write-in (all) 1,642

29 delegates total, as of yet unallocated


Trump*: 91%
Weld: 8%

NE-1 Representative (Lincoln):
Democratic Primary:
Kate Bolz*: 78% (incumbent state senator)

Republican Primary:
Jeff Fortenberry* (100%, uncontested)

Libertarian Primary:
Dennis Grace (100%, uncontested)

NE-2 Representative (Omaha, South Sioux City)
Democratic Primary
Kara Eastman (62%), Brad Ashford (former NE-2 rep, 32%)

Republican Primary:
Don Bacon* (100%, uncontested election)

NE-3 Representative:
Democratic Primary:
Mark Elworth, Jr.
David Else (withdrew before election day)

Republican Primary:
Five candidates, Adrian Smith*

Libertarian Primary:
Dustin Hobbs (100%, uncontested)

State Unicameral District 47 (my district, primaries are non-partisan for all non-federal offices):
Steve Erdman* (R, 100%, uncontested)

DALTON - Voters in Cheyenne and Morrill Counties advanced six Leyton School Board candidates to the November election.

Roland Rushman, Susan Ernest, Samuel Schumacher, David Wiedeman, Earl Reily and Kevin Henke will square-off in the General Election for three spots on the board.

Other candidates were Jed Benish*, Elizabeth Twarling and Ryan Jensen.

Nebraska held their primary election on Tuesday.

Cheyenne County had a 42.6 percent voter turnout, while Morrill County 60.1 percent.

Jed Benish was the Republican chairman of the board. Buh-bye.

This result indicates my school board will remain in majority Democratic hands after being flipped in 2018 and possibly expand control.

The Pie Overlord!  May 13, 2020 • 10:37:25am
Sinistershade  May 13, 2020 • 10:39:34am

re: #27 Hecuba’s daughter

Barr is the in-house attorney for a crime family. All such attorneys are themselves criminals who are usually clever enough to escape capture for their crimes.

Tom Hagen, without the charisma

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 10:44:57am

re: #6 Eclectic Cyborg

People and Aliens on a spaceship who sometimes talk and sometimes fight.

A Gothic Romance where everyone keeps winding up dead from curious puncture wounds.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 10:46:40am

re: #17 lawhawk

Widely imitated but never ever duplicated home improvement show.

“Tool Time?”

b.d. (Follow science, survive and vote!)  May 13, 2020 • 10:49:43am

The wingnuts are throwing their usual tantrum but this doesn’t make a lick of sense to me either?

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 10:50:08am
Without saying the name itself, what’s your favorite TV show?

“In the not too distant future…”

KGxvi  May 13, 2020 • 10:51:53am

re: #24 lawhawk

Personal head cannon:

Bad Wolf girl in the 50th anniversary special was not The Moment but actually Rose/Bad Wolf changing the way the Time War ended.

Joe Bacon 🌹  May 13, 2020 • 10:52:01am

re: #6 Eclectic Cyborg

[Embedded content]

People and Aliens on a spaceship who sometimes talk and sometimes fight.

Lost In Space? 😉

KGxvi  May 13, 2020 • 10:53:43am

re: #25 jaunte

fundamentalism has always been inherently political. in part because it cannot function in a pluralistic society, so it must use government to impose its morals on others.

Dr Lizardo  May 13, 2020 • 10:53:57am
Without saying the name itself, what’s your favorite TV show?

Bunch of NYPD detectives at work, including one detective who just can’t make a decent cup of coffee.

Eventual Carrion  May 13, 2020 • 10:54:58am

re: #39 Dr Lizardo

Bunch of NYPD detectives at work, including one detective who just can’t make a decent cup of coffee.

Barney Miller?

Hecuba's daughter  May 13, 2020 • 10:55:14am

re: #34 b.d. (Follow science, survive and vote!)

The wingnuts are throwing their usual tantrum but this doesn’t make a lick of sense to me either?

[Embedded content]

Thunberg has always been a demon to the RW; the other two guests worked for the evil Obama administration. Isn’t that sufficient explanation for MAGA heads to explode?

Dr Lizardo  May 13, 2020 • 10:56:12am

re: #40 Eventual Carrion

Barney Miller?

Yep. One of the all-time greatest sitcoms. That and WKRP in Cincinnati are probably my two faves.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 10:56:44am

re: #34 b.d. (Follow science, survive and vote!)

The wingnuts are throwing their usual tantrum but this doesn’t make a lick of sense to me either?

The tantrum is Greta Thunberg. She repudiates conservative religious beliefs about climate change.

The ability to hold two diametrically-opposed thoughts is a requirement for conservatives. Miss Thunberg is the epitome of a non-elite (people they claim they trust).

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 13, 2020 • 10:56:47am

re: #42 Dr Lizardo

Yep. One of the all-time greatest sitcoms. That and WKRP in Cincinnati are probably my two faves.

It is amazing what they managed to pull off in those shows.

Charles Johnson  May 13, 2020 • 10:58:16am
Eric The Fruit Bat  May 13, 2020 • 10:58:31am

re: #42 Dr Lizardo

That and WKRP in Cincinnati are probably my two faves.

Night Court - especially when Brent Spiner’s hick character and Mr. Tortoise Nervosa appeared.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  May 13, 2020 • 10:59:34am

re: #42 Dr Lizardo

Yep. One of the all-time greatest sitcoms. That and WKRP in Cincinnati are probably my two faves.

Your mean the one about the radio station where turkeys rained down on the unsuspecting populace?

Decatur Deb  May 13, 2020 • 10:59:47am

“This is a dark ride.”

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 13, 2020 • 11:00:40am

re: #38 KGxvi

fundamentalism has always been inherently political. in part because it cannot function in a pluralistic society, so it must use government to impose its morals on others.

Orthodoxy and Autorcracy go hand in hand…

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 11:01:26am

re: #45 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

The only people surprised are the handful of pundits who still think the GOP has anything resembling principles.

Dr Lizardo  May 13, 2020 • 11:01:53am

re: #44 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

It is amazing what they managed to pull off in those shows.

Indeed it is. Perfect casting, extraordinarily well-written. I’ll watch them when I need a good laugh.

And another one that I rank as an-time favorite is Sanford and Son.

Decatur Deb  May 13, 2020 • 11:02:23am

re: #50 Targetpractice

The only people acting surprised are the handful of pundits who still think pretend the GOP has anything resembling principles.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 11:02:45am

re: #25 jaunte

Dr Lizardo  May 13, 2020 • 11:02:46am

re: #46 Eric The Fruit Bat

Night Court - especially when Brent Spiner’s hick character and Mr. Tortoise Nervosa appeared.

Hell yes, Night Court was another one of the great sitcoms.

Dr Lizardo  May 13, 2020 • 11:03:31am

re: #47 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Your mean the one about the radio station where turkeys rained down on the unsuspecting populace?

WKRP Turkey Drop

One of the funniest moments ever.

William Lewis  May 13, 2020 • 11:04:10am

re: #6 Eclectic Cyborg

People and Aliens on a spaceship who sometimes talk and sometimes fight.

Four people riding the same horse in space, righting wrongs.

Decatur Deb  May 13, 2020 • 11:04:56am

re: #55 Dr Lizardo

[Embedded content]

One of the funniest moments ever.

Which was based, in my memory, on an Indiana station’s stunt.

Sherlock Hound  May 13, 2020 • 11:05:06am

re: #35 Targetpractice

“In the not too distant future…”

Max Headroom?

Eclectic Cyborg  May 13, 2020 • 11:06:18am

re: #46 Eric The Fruit Bat

Night Court - especially when Brent Spiner’s hick character and Mr. Tortoise Nervosa appeared.

Fun fact: I met Brent at a Comic-Con a couple of years back. I told him I had recently had emergency surgery in Indiana and he went off on a long amusing rant about Mike Pence, but one of the things I made sure to do was mention to him how much I loved his work on Night Court because I’m sure he gets sick of tired of people only giving a shit about what he did on Star Trek and also because he was great on Night Court lol.

That was a pretty good day.

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 11:06:37am

The Repubs seem to have their talking point: “FOAD!”

“It is time to go back to work,” he said. “Instead of passing some new trillion-dollar spending package that Speaker Pelosi will put on the floor Friday, it seems the best stimulus is to go back to work.”

The reporter then pointed out to Jordan that the economy might be in rough shape for a lengthy period, as many people may choose to stay at home even if things are “reopened.”

“That is why the best phase is to go back to work, which we are seeing states do,” Jordan insisted, and then pivoted to say that reopening the economy was “about freedom and opportunity.”

Even your own base doesn’t believe this shit, Gym.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 13, 2020 • 11:06:55am

re: #51 Dr Lizardo

Indeed it is. Perfect casting, extraordinarily well-written. I’ll watch them when I need a good laugh.

And another one that I rank as an-time favorite is Sanford and Son.

Like All in the Family, also borrowed from a British TV sitcom, Steptoe and Son, set in East End London instead of East LA

Kilroy was here  May 13, 2020 • 11:07:01am

Wave Motion Gun…

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 11:07:43am

re: #58 Sherlock Hound

Max Headroom?

That’s “20 Minutes into the future.”

Eclectic Cyborg  May 13, 2020 • 11:08:03am

re: #60 Targetpractice

“go back to work”

WHERE, Jim? Where are the FUCKING JOBS?? Are they just going to fall from the sky?

God, I can’t stand these idiots.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 11:08:47am

re: #45 Charles Johnson

That also means to put the overt racist who said on the House floor he didn’t see anything wrong with white nationalism, the GOP has to remove someone from each of those committees who is less openly racist.

I predicted that would happen when he was removed, they just needed the furore to die down a bit.

Three of four Iowa districts flipped to the Democrats in 2018. I’d really like to see Council Bluffs oust the Iowa Confederate in 2020 (but I’m not too sure, in 2018 the Democratic candidate withdrew over credible bomb threats).

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  May 13, 2020 • 11:11:41am

re: #62 Kilroy was here

Wave Motion Gun…

Star Blazers aka Space Battleship Yamato.

Dr Lizardo  May 13, 2020 • 11:11:44am

re: #62 Kilroy was here

Wave Motion Gun…

Oh, I grew up watching that as a kid in Los Angeles. Before Star Wars, for me at least, it was Star Blazers.

Dr Lizardo  May 13, 2020 • 11:12:48am

re: #61 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Like All in the Family, also borrowed from a British TV sitcom, Steptoe and Son, set in East End London instead of East LA

Both of those were perfect adaptations.

Charles Johnson  May 13, 2020 • 11:13:43am
Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 11:13:56am

re: #64 Eclectic Cyborg

“go back to work”

WHERE, Jim? Where are the FUCKING JOBS?? Are they just going to fall from the sky?

God, I can’t these idiots.

These are the same idiots who thought that the trade war would mean US companies would come home, start up their long-shuttered factories, and go back to churning out “Made in America” products in 4 years.

Eric The Fruit Bat  May 13, 2020 • 11:14:11am

re: #67 Dr Lizardo

Oh, I grew up watching that as a kid in Los Angeles. Before Star Wars, for me at least, it was Star Blazers.

Gigantor and Astro Boy. Never saw “Tobor (8 Man)”, tho…

Belafon  May 13, 2020 • 11:15:06am

re: #46 Eric The Fruit Bat

Night Court - especially when Brent Spiner’s hick character and Mr. Tortoise Nervosa appeared.

Spiner is in Penny Dreadful: City of Angels.

Decatur Deb  May 13, 2020 • 11:17:13am

My first favorite show:

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  May 13, 2020 • 11:17:15am

re: #72 Belafon

Spiner is in Penny Dreadful: City of Angels.

I watched one episode and fell asleep. It looked so good in the commercials but….

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 11:17:34am

By the way, note that when the Senate Repubs drum up a bill largely weighted towards bailing out their big business buddies, then any sort of delay is tantamount to leaving millions to die in poverty and disease. But when the House Dems put together their own bill to help out the people directly hurt by the outbreak, then there’s no rush while the Repubs “study” the results of their own bill on the deficit and argue that the country just needs to “go back to work” instead.

I can’t imagine why that is…///////

Dr Lizardo  May 13, 2020 • 11:18:04am

re: #71 Eric The Fruit Bat

Gigantor and Astro Boy. Never saw “Tobor (8 Man)”, tho…

First anime I saw (this was back in the 1970s) was Speed Racer, Star Blazers and Kimba the White Lion. And of course, I was watching kaiju films before I was six years old.

Belafon  May 13, 2020 • 11:18:17am

re: #67 Dr Lizardo

Oh, I grew up watching that as a kid in Los Angeles. Before Star Wars, for me at least, it was Star Blazers.

Star Blazers and G-Force/Battle of the Planets.

lawhawk  May 13, 2020 • 11:19:24am

re: #45 Charles Johnson

With a helping from the media that says his statements were widely criticized as being racist.

No. They were racist. Full stop. Even now, media both sides things when there’s a right and wrong side. The GOP has gone full bigot. They’re not hiding it, and they’re using the current covid19 crisis where fellow GOPers are saying it’s okay that some of their constituents die so that the economy reopens for millionaires to make more money to restore one of the worst white nationalists in the party to his former committee assignments.

Decatur Deb  May 13, 2020 • 11:19:44am

re: #71 Eric The Fruit Bat

Gigantor and Astro Boy. Never saw “Tobor (8 Man)”, tho…

The Tobor theme got its video start in the show in #73.

retired cynic  May 13, 2020 • 11:22:32am

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 11:22:51am

re: #62 Kilroy was here

Wave Motion Gun…

“Star Blazers.”

That was a big thing when I was stationed at NAS Oceana on my first tour. The whole base practically shut down to watch it.

Charles Johnson  May 13, 2020 • 11:23:04am
Joe Bacon 🌹  May 13, 2020 • 11:24:57am

re: #60 Targetpractice

The Repubs seem to have their talking point: “FOAD!”

[Embedded content]

Even your own base doesn’t believe this shit, Gym.

Did you expect that pervert to say anything else?

Joe Bacon 🌹  May 13, 2020 • 11:26:04am

Are Republicans really that fucking stupid?

Why Yes They Are!

The Pie Overlord!  May 13, 2020 • 11:27:30am
Decatur Deb  May 13, 2020 • 11:27:33am

re: #84 Joe Bacon 🌹

Are Republicans really that fucking stupid?

Why Yes They Are!

[Embedded content]

Perhaps he showers with more than 10 people. Pwn’d, Libtard!!1!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 13, 2020 • 11:27:51am

re: #76 Dr Lizardo

First anime I saw (this was back in the 1970s) was Speed Racer, Star Blazers and Kimba the White Lion. And of course, I was watching kaiju films before I was six years old.

I also recall watching those as a kid.

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 11:28:36am

re: #84 Joe Bacon 🌹

Are Republicans really that fucking stupid?

Why Yes They Are!

[Embedded content]

The crowd that told you the virus was a “hoax” now wants you to believe that OSHA will force you to wear masks in your own private shower.

Welcome to the modern GOP: All the craziness, none of accountability.

lawhawk  May 13, 2020 • 11:29:20am

re: #85 The Pie Overlord!

South Park.

Dr Lizardo  May 13, 2020 • 11:29:39am

re: #87 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

I also recall watching those as a kid.

It wasn’t until many, many years later that I finally heard the original Speed Racer theme song.

Speed Racer Opening! (Original Japanese)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 11:29:40am

re: #69 Charles Johnson

The article linked is even worse.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 11:30:57am

re: #84 Joe Bacon 🌹

Are Republicans really that fucking stupid?

Why Yes They Are!

What the hell is he doing in his shower?

Joe Bacon 🌹  May 13, 2020 • 11:33:21am

re: #90 Dr Lizardo

It wasn’t until many, many years later that I finally heard the original Speed Racer theme song.

[Embedded content]


I remember when Speed Racer originally ran in the 60s with the original Trans-Lux TV intro.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 13, 2020 • 11:34:00am

re: #84 Joe Bacon 🌹

Are Republicans really that fucking stupid?

Why Yes They Are!

Remember the idiot who put on his KKK hood just to make some sort of asinine point about his personal freedoms being trodden upon?

A lot of modern Conservatism is related to personality disorder.

Joe Bacon 🌹  May 13, 2020 • 11:34:54am

re: #91 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

The article linked is even worse.

[Embedded content]

Guess I have to modify my remarks!

Are Republicans Really That Fucking Stupid?

Why Yes They Are And They’re Fucking Racists, Too!

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  May 13, 2020 • 11:35:03am
Dr Lizardo  May 13, 2020 • 11:35:25am

re: #93 Joe Bacon 🌹

I remember when Speed Racer originally ran in the 60s with the original Trans-Lux TV intro.

That was actually a pretty decent cover for the American TV market.

mmmirele  May 13, 2020 • 11:35:35am

Apparently Ron DeSantis, governor of Florida (R-Ghoul) is inviting the NFL to schedule games there.

I mentioned in a previous thread that a sumo wrestler named Shobushi died earlier today from coronavirus. He was 28. He would have practiced in crowded conditions…rather like football players doing full contact practice and dressing/undressing in locker rooms. Of course I think DeSantis is crazy.

Shobushi was a comic sumo wrestler from one of the lower ranks. Here’s a video by a guy on YouTube who *really* loves his sumo and goes to great effort to get the stories behind the sport. It’s another comic sumo routine, but it has translations and a bit of background. Basically, it’s put on to let people know what is NOT acceptable in sumo. But it’s funny in a pratfall sort of way. This does require a great deal of practice, however.

NHK Comic Sumo: Tribute to Sumo Hero Shobushi (力士英雄勝武士の初っ切り)

Eclectic Cyborg  May 13, 2020 • 11:36:06am

re: #95 Joe Bacon 🌹

“Are Republicans Really That Fucking Stupid?”

The answer to this question will always be yes.

Hecuba's daughter  May 13, 2020 • 11:39:05am

re: #95 Joe Bacon 🌹

Guess I have to modify my remarks!

Are Republicans Really That Fucking Stupid?

Why Yes They Are And They’re Fucking Racists, Too!

Kennedy is not stupid — he’s just a racist, as are most of those who support Trump and adhere to the modern Republican creed. I suspect many who are in this group would do well on IQ tests, but they are gullible, susceptible without reflection to CTs that align with their political views, and a model of the deplorables that Hillary denounced.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 13, 2020 • 11:42:24am

re: #100 Hecuba’s daughter

Kennedy is not stupid — he’s just a racist, as are most of those who support Trump and adhere to the modern Republican creed.

They are awful, cynical sociopaths. They really delight in watching other people suffer if whose people belong to groups that they look down on.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 11:44:24am

From downstairs (okay, okay, I’ll use the LGF-approved terminology /s)

re: #216 Joe Bacon 🌹

Orwell weeps in Heaven.

“The Republican Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.”

This should be turned into a comment or meme all over social media.

Decatur Deb  May 13, 2020 • 11:44:29am

re: #101 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

They are awful, cynical sociopaths. They really delight in watching other people suffer if whose people belong to groups that they look down on.

You mean, they’re the Baddies?

Joe Bacon 🌹  May 13, 2020 • 11:45:16am

re: #101 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

They are awful, cynical sociopaths. They really delight in watching other people suffer if whose people belong to groups that they look down on.

It’s what they live for. I saw it in my own family when they absolutely had a collective orgasm when Bill Clinton’s dog was killed in an accident.

I’ll never forgive them for cheering when Trayvon and Michael Brown were executed in cold blood. Seeing relatives gloating over “dead N-Words” on Facebook made me seethe…and of course Marky Mark approved of their posts!

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 11:46:18am

re: #101 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

They are awful, cynical sociopaths. They really delight in watching other people suffer if whose people belong to groups that they look down on.

Same as the woman in Mexico Beach, Florida being interviewed for a news report on the lack of help from FEMA after Hurricane Matthew.

“He’s not hurting the people he needs to hurt.”

Joe Bacon 🌹  May 13, 2020 • 11:47:46am

re: #105 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Same as the woman in Mexico Beach, Florida being interviewed for a news report on the lack of help from FEMA after Hurricane Matthew.

“He’s not hurting the people he needs to hurt.”

Yeah and she probably gloated when Trump killed 4,000+ victims in Puerto Rico…

The Pie Overlord!  May 13, 2020 • 11:59:45am
lawhawk  May 13, 2020 • 12:01:47pm
I am that guy  May 13, 2020 • 12:02:07pm
Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 12:04:52pm

re: #108 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

Any of these wild-eyed claims need to be met with four simple words: “What is the crime?” Because I have yet to meet an “OBAMAGATE!!!111” nutter who can explicitly name a crime he can prove was committed.

Dr Lizardo  May 13, 2020 • 12:05:18pm

Brandon’s back with his weird cult movie reviews. In this case, Killer Klowns from Outer Space.

Brandon’s Cult Movie Reviews: KILLER KLOWNS FROM OUTER SPACE

One of those weird little cult flicks.

Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)  May 13, 2020 • 12:05:32pm

re: #14 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

“Alright, Mr. White: SCIENCE!!!”

we just started watching that last week (for the first time)

i thought the first three/ four episodes were totally ‘i love lucy’-ish.
and just as well done

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 12:05:38pm

Folks who eat spicy foods live longer.

Consumption of Spicy Foods and Total and Cause-Specific Mortality: Population-Based Cohort Study (4 August 1015, British Medical Journal)

Objective To examine the associations between the regular consumption of spicy foods and total and cause specific mortality.

Design Population based prospective cohort study.

Setting China Kadoorie Biobank in which participants from 10 geographically diverse areas across China were enrolled between 2004 and 2008.

Participants 199 293 men and 288 082 women aged 30 to 79 years at baseline after excluding participants with cancer, heart disease, and stroke at baseline.

Main exposure measures Consumption frequency of spicy foods, self reported once at baseline.

Main outcome measures Total and cause specific mortality.

(complete study with methods and data at the link)

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 12:06:30pm

re: #113 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Folks who eat spicy foods live longer.

Consumption of Spicy Foods and Total and Cause-Specific Mortality: Population-Based Cohort Study (4 August 1015, British Medical Journal)

(complete study with methods and data at the link)

I suppose that means I’ll live forever.

A Mom Anon  May 13, 2020 • 12:08:20pm

I keep thinking and wondering why it has not occurred to these evil, rancid, shitmuffins that if they actually did the right things for the American people they could be actual heroes. I mean it wouldn’t even be that hard.

I’m not sure how we fix this bloodlust, stupidity and spite combo, but if we cannot, this is going to get a whole lot worse. And we have to reckon with our history of treating each other like shit since even before the founding of America through the centuries. If you don’t face your past and own the shit and heal, you can’t expect much progress. Good decisions never come from a place of anger, fear and hate. As we see.

Dr Lizardo  May 13, 2020 • 12:08:29pm

re: #113 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Folks who eat spicy foods live longer.

Consumption of Spicy Foods and Total and Cause-Specific Mortality: Population-Based Cohort Study (4 August 1015, British Medical Journal)

(complete study with methods and data at the link)

I’mma live to be 200!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  May 13, 2020 • 12:08:30pm

re: #114 Targetpractice

I suppose that means I’ll live forever.

And the opposite: I will die without enough spicy foods…

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  May 13, 2020 • 12:08:38pm

Ok, my cooking peeps, I need help.

I’m making gnocchi with garlic sage cream sauce. The recipes call for parmesan but I have next to no parm, only asiago.

What’s the taste difference between parm and asiago? Can I use them interchangeably in this recipe?


retired cynic  May 13, 2020 • 12:08:45pm

Bureaucratic Bungling May Have Just Broken Open the Case on Saudi Arabia’s Role in 9/11
It appears the FBI knows a great deal about what the Saudi embassy was up to.
Charlie Pierce

retired cynic  May 13, 2020 • 12:09:13pm

re: #118 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Ok, my cooking peeps, I need help.

I’m making gnocchi with garlic sage cream sauce. The recipes call for parmesan but I have next to no parm, only asiago.

What’s the taste difference between parm and asiago? Can I use them interchangeably in this recipe?


IMO, yes, and I like asiago better.

Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)  May 13, 2020 • 12:10:35pm

re: #55 Dr Lizardo

[Embedded content]


One of the funniest moments ever.

‘as god is my witness…”

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 12:10:35pm

re: #108 lawhawk

Also, too:

VA nominee Ronny Jackson dished out opioids, wrecked vehicle while drunk, colleagues say (USA Today, April 25, 2018)

Trump had to withdraw his nomination over that.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 12:12:13pm

re: #114 Targetpractice

I suppose that means I’ll live forever.

I will become undead.

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 12:13:07pm

re: #123 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I will become undead.

I think that’s somewhere on my bucket list: “Become an all-powerful lich.”

Belafon  May 13, 2020 • 12:14:09pm

re: #115 A Mom Anon

I keep thinking and wondering why it has not occurred to these evil, rancid, shitmuffins that if they actually did the right things for the American people they could be actual heroes. I mean it wouldn’t even be that hard.

I’m not sure how we fix this bloodlust, stupidity and spite combo, but if we cannot, this is going to get a whole lot worse. And we have to reckon with our history of treating each other like shit since even before the founding of America through the centuries. If you don’t face your past and own the shit and heal, you can’t expect much progress. Good decisions never come from a place of anger, fear and hate. As we see.

They cut taxes on the wealthy. That’s who they think are the American people.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  May 13, 2020 • 12:14:36pm

re: #120 retired cynic

IMO, yes, and I like asiago better.

Nice. Thanks. What about in combo? 1/2 cup parm and 1 1/2 cups asiago?

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 12:16:11pm

re: #125 Belafon

They cut taxes on the wealthy. That’s who they think are the American people.

You can see that in how their biggest concern in this crisis…is making sure major corps not only get bailouts and tax credits, but think the biggest concern right now is those same corps are allowed to drag their employees in without worry of liability.

Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 12:16:42pm

re: #108 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

lawhawk  May 13, 2020 • 12:17:28pm

re: #113 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Yay me!

retired cynic  May 13, 2020 • 12:18:17pm

re: #126 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Nice. Thanks. What about in combo? 1/2 cup parm and 1 1/2 cups asiago?

My mom, world’s greatest cook, did that.

Joe Bacon 🌹  May 13, 2020 • 12:18:17pm

re: #110 Targetpractice

Any of these wild-eyed claims need to be met with four simple words: “What is the crime?” Because I have yet to meet an “OBAMAGATE!!!111” nutter who can explicitly name a crime he can prove was committed.

Ask my family and they will reply first with the birther shit then they will move on to Obama being mentored by Communists, Michelle is a transexual, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Pizzagate, Obama and Hillary harvesting adrenochrome from tortured kids…oh and yes the tan suit, dijon on hamburgers and especially all those million dollar trips prove Obama should be arrested for treason.

Oh and my family insists those two “daughters” aren’t really Obama’s…

What makes them post such shit?

Answer—it’s what they hear every Sunday in their fucking Xtian churches!

lawhawk  May 13, 2020 • 12:18:20pm

re: #123 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I will become undead.

As a paladin (9th level), I’ll be sure to turn you kindly.

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 12:18:29pm

re: #128 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

And as soon as he loses the primary/election, he’ll return to being “Ronny Who?”

Jack Burton  May 13, 2020 • 12:18:41pm

re: #115 A Mom Anon

I keep thinking and wondering why it has not occurred to these evil, rancid, shitmuffins that if they actually did the right things for the American people they could be actual heroes. I mean it wouldn’t even be that hard.

This is something that would never, and could never occur to the vast majority of them. Having this conversation with them would be like the Brawndo conversation in Idiocracy or James T. Kirk trying to explain freedom to the leader of the Yangs. They just can’t wrap their brains around it, or they literally think that what they are doing is the right thing.

Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)  May 13, 2020 • 12:18:50pm

re: #115 A Mom Anon

I keep thinking and wondering why it has not occurred to these evil, rancid, shitmuffins that if they actually did the right things for the American people they could be actual heroes. I mean it wouldn’t even be that hard.

I’m not sure how we fix this bloodlust, stupidity and spite combo, but if we cannot, this is going to get a whole lot worse. And we have to reckon with our history of treating each other like shit since even before the founding of America through the centuries. If you don’t face your past and own the shit and heal, you can’t expect much progress. Good decisions never come from a place of anger, fear and hate. As we see.

“the cruelty is the point”

Teddy's Person  May 13, 2020 • 12:19:40pm

re: #128 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Ronny was willing to bend the knee all along. Obama doesn’t require this of people. Trump brings out the worst in people. The big O brings out the best.

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 12:20:02pm

re: #134 Jack Burton

This is something that would never, and could never occur to the vast majority of them. Having this conversation with them would be like the Brawndo conversation in Idiocracy or James T. Kirk trying to explain freedom to the leader of the Yangs. They just can’t wrap their brains around it, or they literally think that what they are doing is the right thing.

It’s what happens when you run a cargo cult of a party where “freedom” and “liberty” are treated as buzzwords rather than actual concepts.

retired cynic  May 13, 2020 • 12:20:45pm

re: #131 Joe Bacon 🌹

Ask my family and they will reply first with the birther shit then they will move on to Obama being mentored by Communists, Michelle is a transexual, Fast and Furious, Benghazi, Pizzagate, Obama and Hillary harvesting adrenochrome from tortured kids…oh and yes the tan suit, dijon on hamburgers and especially all those million dollar trips prove Obama should be arrested for treason.

Oh and my family insists those two “daughters” aren’t really Obama’s…

What makes them post such shit?

Answer—it’s what they hear every Sunday in their fucking Xtian churches!

I can’t imagine what churches they are going to, where they would hear that! I think I’ve lost my religion over the years, but honestly, if I ever had heard 1% of that from my church, I would have been gone on the instant.

Teddy's Person  May 13, 2020 • 12:22:10pm
Without saying the name itself, what’s your favorite TV show?

Love keeps her in the air when she oughta fall down…tell you she’s hurtin’ ‘fore she keens…makes her a home.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  May 13, 2020 • 12:23:16pm

re: #128 Backwoods_Sleuth

Didn’t this guy say trump was a healthy 238 pounds? Isn’t that the guy?

If so, didn’t a bunch of really questionable shit come out about him?

Teddy's Person  May 13, 2020 • 12:24:15pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  May 13, 2020 • 12:24:47pm

re: #130 retired cynic

My mom, world’s greatest cook, did that.

Thank you!!

Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)  May 13, 2020 • 12:24:58pm

re: #126 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Nice. Thanks. What about in combo? 1/2 cup parm and 1 1/2 cups asiago?

that’ll work too just fine

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  May 13, 2020 • 12:25:16pm
jaunte  May 13, 2020 • 12:26:17pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 12:26:58pm
Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)  May 13, 2020 • 12:27:00pm

re: #134 Jack Burton

This is something that would never, and could never occur to the vast majority of them. Having this conversation with them would be like the Brawndo conversation in Idiocracy or James T. Kirk trying to explain freedom to the leader of the Yangs. They just can’t wrap their brains around it, or they literally think that what they are doing is the right thing.

we’re watching mrs. america.

schlafly is/was galling

jaunte  May 13, 2020 • 12:27:17pm
Dr Lizardo  May 13, 2020 • 12:30:12pm

re: #141 Teddy’s Person

By launching this American Edge project, sounds to me like Zuck sees the writing on the wall and he’s getting worried about a Democratic Congress and a Democratic-run DOJ launching an antitrust investigation into Facebook.

Joe Bacon 🌹  May 13, 2020 • 12:32:42pm

re: #138 retired cynic

I can’t imagine what churches they are going to, where they would hear that! I think I’ve lost my religion over the years, but honestly, if I ever had heard 1% of that from my church, I would have been gone on the instant.

It’s the ASSemblies of Gawd…

jaunte  May 13, 2020 • 12:33:35pm

Just back from a visit to the local general store in rural southeast Texas. No one but me and my wife were wearing masks/bandannas; people walking around with their kids in tow as if nothing was happening. The only concession the establishment had made to the pandemic was to place 24” x 18” plexiglas ‘sneeze guard’ panels at the cash register to take a stab at protecting the checker, who was not wearing a mask.

jaunte  May 13, 2020 • 12:35:58pm

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 12:36:14pm

re: #145 jaunte

[Embedded content]

I’m sure Rand can explain why unmasking is only a crime when an Obama admin official is involved, but the 80% increase between 2017-2019 by the current admin is totally cool.


jaunte  May 13, 2020 • 12:36:56pm

re: #153 Targetpractice

Rand is such a dumbass.

jaunte  May 13, 2020 • 12:38:28pm
lawhawk  May 13, 2020 • 12:39:32pm

re: #153 Targetpractice


Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 12:40:28pm
Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 12:42:17pm

Media latching onto this as an “optics” story, totally ignoring their own conclusions from 2 years ago that unmasking is not only totally legal, but that it happens all the time and this admin is no different.

retired cynic  May 13, 2020 • 12:43:26pm

WTF is going on with the DOW today?

Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 12:43:51pm


Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 12:44:26pm

re: #159 retired cynic

WTF is going on with the DOW today?

The Fed announced the strong possibility (read: certainty) of a prolonged recession.

Eclectic Cyborg  May 13, 2020 • 12:44:29pm

re: #154 jaunte

Rand is such a dumbass.

That’s Dr. Dumbass to you.


Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)  May 13, 2020 • 12:44:50pm

I mean, seriously. Who’s going to stop them? The Senate? The DOJ will arrest them for giving such an order? Their slavering goons will refuse to carry it out? Fox State Television will recoil in horror as thousands of Americans die horrible painful deaths?

Objection. Assumes facts not in evidence.

I think we’re already living in a dictatorship.

We just don’t all realize it yet.

Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 12:44:53pm
lawhawk  May 13, 2020 • 12:45:02pm

re: #160 Backwoods_Sleuth

NJ is moving to start reopening businesses with curbside delivery next week, though I’m not sure what that actually means for things like enclosed shopping malls.

Eclectic Cyborg  May 13, 2020 • 12:45:56pm

re: #159 retired cynic

WTF is going on with the DOW today?

Coronavirus cases continuing to increase, customers not flocking to reopened businesses, Republicans and Democrats fighting over the next stimulus, etc.

Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 12:47:20pm
Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 12:47:42pm

re: #163 Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)

[Embedded content]

I mean, seriously. Who’s going to stop them? The Senate? The DOJ will arrest them for giving such an order? Their slavering goons will refuse to carry it out? Fox State Television will recoil in horror as thousands of Americans die horrible painful deaths?

Objection. Assumes facts not in evidence.

I think we’re already living in a dictatorship.

We just don’t all realize it yet.

The WH has no control over whether or not to hold elections. Constitution puts limits on the length of his term, federal election laws set date, and states actually conduct elections.

A Mom Anon  May 13, 2020 • 12:48:34pm

re: #165 lawhawk

I live near a couple of fairly large shopping malls. I haven’t set foot I either one for over 15 yrs. I have no need to, most mall stores are for wants, not needs. I have enough stuff, I honestly don’t need more. Malls never appealed to me, not even as a much younger person.

Decatur Deb  May 13, 2020 • 12:49:01pm

re: #159 retired cynic

WTF is going on with the DOW today?

Someone told them there were rumors of a flu epidemic pandemic plague apocalypse.

Belafon  May 13, 2020 • 12:49:17pm

re: #163 Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)

I mean, seriously. Who’s going to stop them? The Senate? The DOJ will arrest them for giving such an order? Their slavering goons will refuse to carry it out? Fox State Television will recoil in horror as thousands of Americans die horrible painful deaths?

Objection. Assumes facts not in evidence.

I think we’re already living in a dictatorship.

We just don’t all realize it yet.

The. Federal. Government. Cannot. Cancel. The. Election.

I Would Prefer Not To  May 13, 2020 • 12:49:46pm

re: #168 Targetpractice

The WH has no control over whether or not to hold elections. Constitution puts limits on the length of his term, federal election laws set date, and states actually conduct elections.

At this point I almost want trump to try something really stupid like talking about canceling elections. It will backfire.

I don’t think he will, not because he is against it, but because he’s a coward.

Decatur Deb  May 13, 2020 • 12:50:12pm

re: #171 Belafon

The. Federal. Government. Cannot. Cancel. The. Election.

No, but Alabama is eager to turn it into a Wisconsin kamikaze fest.

retired cynic  May 13, 2020 • 12:50:51pm

re: #161 Targetpractice

The Fed announced the strong possibility (read: certainty) of a prolonged recession.

Thanks. Whoop.

Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 12:51:13pm


Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 12:54:27pm
gocart mozart  May 13, 2020 • 12:54:47pm
lawhawk  May 13, 2020 • 12:57:23pm
I Would Prefer Not To  May 13, 2020 • 12:57:48pm

Can Mannfort be sent back to prison when Biden takes office?

Amory Blaine  May 13, 2020 • 12:57:48pm

re: #2 gocart mozart


Trump ‘despises’ his own supporters and would be ‘disgusted’ by them, says ex-friend Howard Stern

Mr Stern told listeners last month that he was endorsing Democrat Joe Biden for president, whilst criticising Mr Trump’s comments on the possibilities of using disinfectant to weaken Covid-19.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 12:58:42pm

re: #157 Backwoods_Sleuth

The GOP engaging in stochastic terrorism. Who’d’ve thunk it?

They aren’t going to try to prosecute any of these people, they’re going to let their armed, rabid base take care of business for them.

I imagine Biden and Obama are safe (both have Secret Service protection). The rest? Not so much.

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 12:58:42pm

re: #178 lawhawk

[Embedded content]

The point of the present hysteria is to capitalize on Average Joe Sixpack knowing nothing about the process and thus buying into the idea that “unmasking” is some nefarious process that is totally outside the normal boundaries of intelligence gathering.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  May 13, 2020 • 12:59:12pm

re: #170 Decatur Deb

Someone told them there were rumors of a flu epidemic pandemic plague apocalypse.

All apocalypses have been canceled until further notice. We have to open the economy first.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 12:59:20pm

re: #180 Amory Blaine

Upding for “whilst.”

Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 12:59:49pm
Belafon  May 13, 2020 • 1:00:04pm
A coalition of 31 global companies is urging U.S. lawmakers to fund research into next-generation technology, particularly open radio access networks (RANs), to shift 5G infrastructure away from costly proprietary hardware primarily controlled by China. The firms announced the establishment of the Open RAN Policy Coalition to support virtual, software-based 5G networks. James Lewis at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in Washington, DC, said an open RAN system “changes the business model for all the telecom suppliers, in that it moves telecom services to software and cloud computing rather than proprietary hardware.” The coalition said the infrastructure switch will enable multiple vendors to interchangeably operate on the system, rather than having to rely on a single manufacturer for all equipment.

The Pie Overlord!  May 13, 2020 • 1:00:39pm

re: #118 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Ok, my cooking peeps, I need help.

I’m making gnocchi with garlic sage cream sauce. The recipes call for parmesan but I have next to no parm, only asiago.

What’s the taste difference between parm and asiago? Can I use them interchangeably in this recipe?


Asagio is much, much saltier than parmesan.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 1:02:00pm

re: #162 Eclectic Cyborg

That’s Dr. Dumbass to you.


No, he just thinks conservative voters are dumbasses.

calochortus  May 13, 2020 • 1:02:02pm

re: #161 Targetpractice

The Fed announced the strong possibility (read: certainty) of a prolonged recession.

And these financial geniuses who get paid the really big bucks for managing portfolios couldn’t just look around and realize the economy is going to be bad for the foreseeable future? Step aside and let me take one of those jobs for them.

A Three Hour Tour  May 13, 2020 • 1:02:40pm

re: #81 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

“Star Blazers.”

That was a big thing when I was stationed at NAS Oceana on my first tour. The whole base practically shut down to watch it.

WYAH, Channel 27, the flagship station of Pat Robertson’s “Christian Broadcasting Network.”

It has always amused me that, after he sold it in the late eighties and its call letters changed, it eventually became the home of “Married With Children” reruns.

I Would Prefer Not To  May 13, 2020 • 1:04:31pm


Also this

Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)  May 13, 2020 • 1:05:21pm

re: #169 A Mom Anon

I live near a couple of fairly large shopping malls. I haven’t set foot I either one for over 15 yrs. I have no need to, most mall stores are for wants, not needs. I have enough stuff, I honestly don’t need more. Malls never appealed to me, not even as a much younger person.


I Would Prefer Not To  May 13, 2020 • 1:05:50pm

another good one.


If the hobo costume fits you must ….

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 1:07:49pm

Both my Senators just voted against this amendment. FFS

Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)  May 13, 2020 • 1:11:50pm

re: #184 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Upding for “whilst.”

i remember this specific issue of the old Archie comic from when i was a kid

Veronica: (angry at Archie, as usual) What goes on whilst I sleep??!

Pop Tate: (thinking) “Whilst”. That shows class!

Citizen K  May 13, 2020 • 1:15:58pm

re: #194 Targetpractice

So, what do the replies respond with?

Almost universally blaming the Dems for this (not the Dems that voted against this, but the entirety of the Dems), absolving Bernie particularly of blame, and using it as proof that the Dems are horrible and useless and should be burned down first and foremost, because clearly they didn’t want it hard enough and therefore never really wanted it at all.

I just fucking….

Fuck this shit.
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  May 13, 2020 • 1:16:13pm

re: #124 Targetpractice

I think that’s somewhere on my bucket list: “Become an all-powerful lich.”

Are you going to get a wise-cracking goblin cleric sidekick like Xykon has?

Vote Cthulhu - No longer the greater evil!  May 13, 2020 • 1:16:54pm

re: #35 Targetpractice

“In the not too distant future…”


Which begs the question? Joel, or Mike?

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 1:17:17pm

re: #198 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

Are you going to get a wise-cracking goblin cleric sidekick like Xykon has?

Doesn’t have to be a goblin, I’m an equal-opportunity employer.


Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 1:17:45pm

re: #199 Vote Cthulhu - No longer the greater evil!


Which begs the question? Joel, or Mike?


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 1:19:07pm

re: #163 Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)

I mean, seriously. Who’s going to stop them? The Senate? The DOJ will arrest them for giving such an order? Their slavering goons will refuse to carry it out? Fox State Television will recoil in horror as thousands of Americans die horrible painful deaths?

Objection. Assumes facts not in evidence.

I think we’re already living in a dictatorship.

We just don’t all realize it yet.

The states select electors. The states certify elections.

Conservatism is about gaining and conserving power. That’s it. No elected Republican governor is going to let an unelected slumlord dictate how her or his state selects electors.

BeachDem  May 13, 2020 • 1:20:48pm

re: #167 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

The only actions Nikki Haley takes, or has ever taken, are actions that enhance the personal position of Nikki Haley.


Citizen K  May 13, 2020 • 1:23:00pm

….oh good fucking grief.

This gigantic flaming asshole. I’m not sure if he was always this much of an asshole or if it’s another case of Trump corrupting everything that surrounds him.

Belafon  May 13, 2020 • 1:23:45pm

One side-effect of people opposing governors’ efforts to delay or cancel primaries is that the court rulings will apply to the November election.

jaunte  May 13, 2020 • 1:25:13pm
EPR-radar  May 13, 2020 • 1:26:25pm

re: #163 Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)

[Embedded content]

I mean, seriously. Who’s going to stop them? The Senate? The DOJ will arrest them for giving such an order? Their slavering goons will refuse to carry it out? Fox State Television will recoil in horror as thousands of Americans die horrible painful deaths?

Objection. Assumes facts not in evidence.

I think we’re already living in a dictatorship.

We just don’t all realize it yet.

Republicans are fascists who despise democracy from the bottom of their black hearts.

However, it would be stupid for them to attempt to cancel elections. State level control of elections makes that difficult to pull off. But more importantly it would be too blatant, even for these degenerate times.

IMO the real danger from Republican fascism is the reality of a dictatorship while keeping the appearances of democracy. So stolen elections is a much greater threat than canceled elections.

jaunte  May 13, 2020 • 1:27:35pm

Rand Paul: Ignorant, Liar, or Ignorant Liar?

Citizen K  May 13, 2020 • 1:28:06pm

re: #208 jaunte

Rand Paul: Ignorant, Liar, or Ignorant Liar?


Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 1:28:06pm

re: #208 jaunte

Rand Paul: Ignorant, Liar, or Ignorant Liar?

D: All of the above.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  May 13, 2020 • 1:31:21pm

Once again I ask: why won’t national media delve into Rand Paul’s association with Jane Orient’s quackery AAPS?

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  May 13, 2020 • 1:31:55pm

Chester County, PA COVID-19 stats as of 5/12:
Confirmed cases: 1996 (+23)
Total tested: 9521 (+244)
Deaths: 197 (+8)
(Pop: 525,000 approx.)

Did a quick grocery run after picking up some cat meds from the vet. Mask required to enter store. Markers for social distancing in place around store and outside. Requested use of hand sanitizer (supplied) when you enter store. People inside not being very talkative and mostly just going about their business, giving the employees doing restock some space, and place was generally pretty quiet.

Shelves seemed to be pretty well stocked outside of some empty cleaning products area shelves which have been empty since March. I did not quick the frozen foods section since my freezer got stocked up last week. This visit was mainly to resupply yogurt, fresh fruit, and milk for cooking/coffee.

Jebediah, RBG  May 13, 2020 • 1:33:49pm

re: #17 lawhawk

Widely imitated but never ever duplicated home improvement show.

The Red Green Show?

Eclectic Cyborg  May 13, 2020 • 1:34:24pm

re: #213 Jebediah, RBG

The Red Green Show?

I still hum the theme from that show whenever I pick up duct tape.

Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 1:35:49pm
Jebediah, RBG  May 13, 2020 • 1:36:32pm

re: #37 Joe Bacon 🌹

Lost In Space? 😉

Lost in Space kind of feels like Gilligan’s Planet to me.

Eclectic Cyborg  May 13, 2020 • 1:36:42pm

re: #215 Backwoods_Sleuth

We’ve got a major pandemic to deal with here but sure, lets waste resources going after the brown President again because why not?


Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 1:37:26pm

re: #215 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

And every one of them should tell the Senate to kiss their asses.

Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)  May 13, 2020 • 1:37:45pm

re: #168 Targetpractice

The WH has no control over whether or not to hold elections. Constitution puts limits on the length of his term, federal election laws set date, and states actually conduct elections.

That’s assuming there is any body left that will actually enforce such quaint concepts as “Laws.”

As we are learning, laws are just flowery language in leatherbound books when there is no enforcement.

Manafort is a free man. As is Flynn.

Who cares what laws say, at this point?

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 1:38:48pm

re: #185 Backwoods_Sleuth

The New York Times has the following as ballot counting continues in CA-25 with 76% reporting:

Garcia (R) 80,337 (56%)
Smith (D) 62,998 (44%)

The district is the one Katie Hill flipped from the odious Steve Knight. It leans heavily Republican.

So in NYT fashion we get this:

Jennifer Medina 1:30 AM ET

But there is no doubt that a win for Republicans in a state that is overwhelmingly controlled by Democrats would be remarkable.

It doesn’t matter how the state leans, it matters how the district leans. In 2016, Knight won with 53.1% of the vote.

Then there’s this, possibly a reason why the election is going toward Garcia now:

Jennifer Medina 1:17 AM ET

Tracking data shows a significant voting gap along generational lines. Roughly 56% of voters 65 and older returned a mail ballot. Just 19% of those younger than 35 did so.
Jennifer Medina

Jennifer Medina 1:17 AM ET

There’s a voting gap along ethnic lines, too: While 40% of white voters returned their mail ballots, only 21% of Latinos did so.

Citizen K  May 13, 2020 • 1:38:52pm

re: #219 Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)

That’s assuming there is any body left that will actually enforce such quaint concepts as “Laws.”

As we are learning, laws are just flowery language in leatherbound books when there is no enforcement.

Manafort is a free man. As is Flynn.

Who cares what laws say, at this point?

We’re also seeing just how many GOP governors are willing to basically sell their souls to Trump

jaunte  May 13, 2020 • 1:39:08pm
lawhawk  May 13, 2020 • 1:39:33pm

re: #165 lawhawk

NJ is moving to start reopening businesses with curbside delivery next week, though I’m not sure what that actually means for things like enclosed shopping malls.

No sooner did I write this that Westfield emailed to survey about how to do curbside and how we would feel about valet and call ahead options for businesses inside the mall.

Mind you, we’re talking about Garden State Plaza - one of the nation’s biggest and most profitable malls in the nation. I wouldn’t set foot inside anytime soon, and I doubt I’d do curbside either as I can get direct shipping from the retailers inside that could be safer than queuing up to do curbside.

Belafon  May 13, 2020 • 1:41:18pm

re: #219 Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)

That’s assuming there is any body left that will actually enforce such quaint concepts as “Laws.”

As we are learning, laws are just flowery language in leatherbound books when there is no enforcement.

Manafort is a free man. As is Flynn.

Who cares what laws say, at this point?

They would have to enforce their actions on CA, NY, and the other 50 states. The good thing about a federal government is that there are many governments that they have to try to get under control.

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 1:41:25pm

re: #219 Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)

That’s assuming there is any body left that will actually enforce such quaint concepts as “Laws.”

As we are learning, laws are just flowery language in leatherbound books when there is no enforcement.

Manafort is a free man. As is Flynn.

Who cares what laws say, at this point?

Manafort is still under house arrest for the next 4 years. And Flynn remains in legal jeopardy because Judge Sullivan has taken a very jaundiced view to the DOJ’s end-run around their own damned case.

I think it’s a little early to start manning the lifeboats.

jaunte  May 13, 2020 • 1:42:08pm
Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)  May 13, 2020 • 1:42:16pm

re: #202 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

The states select electors. The states certify elections.

Conservatism is about gaining and conserving power. That’s it. No elected Republican governor is going to let an unelected slumlord dictate how her or his state selects electors.


If Fox News whips the cretins up into a frenzy that the election is about to be stolen and the only way to Preserve The Future For The White Race And Our Children is to cancel this useless election until the commie democrats can all be rounded up & forced to confess to their sneaky plots …

… what then?

Citizen K  May 13, 2020 • 1:44:04pm
Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 1:44:23pm

re: #227 Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)


If Fox News whips the cretins up into a frenzy that the election is about to be stolen and the only way to Preserve The Future For The White Race And Our Children is to cancel this useless election until the commie democrats can all be rounded up & forced to confess to their sneaky plots …

… what then?

Then we spend all day engaged in pointless hypotheticals rather than deal with the reality that an election cannot be “canceled.”

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  May 13, 2020 • 1:45:07pm

re: #187 The Pie Overlord!

Asagio is much, much saltier than parmesan.

That’s very good to know. Thank you!

stpaulbear  May 13, 2020 • 1:45:42pm

re: #151 jaunte

Just back from a visit to the local general store in rural southeast Texas. No one but me and my wife were wearing masks/bandannas; people walking around with their kids in tow as if nothing was happening. The only concession the establishment had made to the pandemic was to place 24” x 18” plexiglas ‘sneeze guard’ panels at the cash register to take a stab at protecting the checker, who was not wearing a mask.

I just talked with my youngest sister who is working part time in a Lowe’s store near Appleton WI. She was kind of incredulous that couples were coming in with their newborn babies and children and are doing the same non-essential shopping that they did before the plague. She’s also had multiple people come up to her and thank her for working at the store (literally thanking her for “her service”). She hates going in but her family needs the income. She has a 14 year old daughter so the quarantine has been rough.

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 1:46:04pm

re: #228 Citizen K

[Embedded content]

Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)  May 13, 2020 • 1:46:09pm

re: #225 Targetpractice

Manafort is still under house arrest for the next 4 years. And Flynn remains in legal jeopardy because Judge Sullivan has taken a very jaundiced view to the DOJ’s end-run around their own damned case.

I think it’s a little early to start manning the lifeboats.

“Under house arrest” - until he snips the ankle bracelet. And nobody bothers to answer the alarm, because they’ve been told not to.

Judge Sullivan is about to become target #1 on Fox & Hate Radio. They’ll whip the rubes into a frenzy, seize on some minor inconsistency or point of law as being the PROOF POSITIVE, which the TV networks & NY Times will “both-sides” to death in their quest to see all sides of the issue, Joe Public will throw up his hands and say it’s no big deal, Democrats will sigh and give in.

Is this really quite so hard to grasp?

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 1:47:15pm

re: #233 Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)

“Under house arrest” - until he snips the ankle bracelet. And nobody bothers to answer the alarm, because they’ve been told not to.

Judge Sullivan is about to become target #1 on Fox & Hate Radio. They’ll whip the rubes into a frenzy, seize on some minor inconsistency or point of law as being the PROOF POSITIVE, which the TV networks & NY Times will “both-sides” to death in their quest to see all sides of the issue, Joe Public will throw up his hands and say it’s no big deal, Democrats will sigh and give in.

Is this really quite so hard to grasp?

I’m beginning to worry that my title as “LGF’s Cynical Bastard” is in danger.

Sherlock Hound  May 13, 2020 • 1:49:42pm

re: #62 Kilroy was here

Space Cruiser Yamato/Star Blazers

Belafon  May 13, 2020 • 1:50:15pm

re: #233 Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)

“Under house arrest” - until he snips the ankle bracelet. And nobody bothers to answer the alarm, because they’ve been told not to.

Judge Sullivan is about to become target #1 on Fox & Hate Radio. They’ll whip the rubes into a frenzy, seize on some minor inconsistency or point of law as being the PROOF POSITIVE, which the TV networks & NY Times will “both-sides” to death in their quest to see all sides of the issue, Joe Public will throw up his hands and say it’s no big deal, Democrats will sigh and give in.

Is this really quite so hard to grasp?

Yes, it’s actually quite hard to grasp why you’re panicking this much. Of course everythign is serious. But every time they have tried the “let’s frame Obama/Clinton/Biden” it’s backfired on them big time. At some point they’re going to release what Flynn did and say “See, this is why Obama felt the need to spy on them” and everyone will go “Yep, and that’s a good reason.”

stpaulbear  May 13, 2020 • 1:52:12pm

re: #179 I Would Prefer Not To

Can Mannfort be sent back to prison when Biden takes office?

He’ll have fled the country by then.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 1:53:03pm

re: #221 Citizen K

We’re also seeing just how many GOP governors are willing to basically sell their souls to Trump

I would have thought Pete Ricketts would have kept charting his own course, since he’s richer than God. For a long time he had nothing to do with all the conspiraderp coming from the national party.

He caved. I wonder why that was? He is not up for election, no Democrat has won the office since 1999.

gocart mozart  May 13, 2020 • 1:54:03pm

re: #180 Amory Blaine

punch him in the nuts

I Would Prefer Not To  May 13, 2020 • 1:55:36pm

re: #237 stpaulbear

He’ll have fled the country by then.

Fine with me. He doesn’t deserve to live here.

A Mom Anon  May 13, 2020 • 1:55:45pm

re: #238 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I’m going with blackmail material gathered by Russian/Republican sources to keep the cult in line. It’s about the only thing that makes sense. Beyond them being just craven,thieving assholes, that is.

Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)  May 13, 2020 • 1:56:44pm

re: #206 jaunte

[Embedded content]

dont want to get caught on tape?
dont talk to people who might get wire tapped.

aatharuv  May 13, 2020 • 1:56:57pm

re: #231 stpaulbear

I just talked with my youngest sister who is working part time in a Lowe’s store near Appleton WI. She was kind of incredulous that couples were coming in with their newborn babies and children and are doing the same non-essential shopping that they did before the plague. She’s also had multiple people come up to her and thank her for working at the store (literally thanking her for “her service”). She hates going in but her family needs the income. She has a 14 year old daughter so the quarantine has been rough.

I’ve personally done some shopping at stores like Lowe’s, here in the San Francisco Bay Area. Some of it is essential (need to fix my toilets), and some not as essential but nice to have.

But in my store trips (amazon can be useful, but I’d prefer to keep local businesses afloat) I’ve been averaging ~2-4 times as much as I usually would per trip because I’ve been trying to clubbing my purchases together so I can minimize the number of my trips.

I’ve never seen any kids though — only the occasional dog.

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 2:00:23pm
Vote Cthulhu - No longer the greater evil!  May 13, 2020 • 2:03:17pm

re: #229 Targetpractice

Then we spend all day engaged in pointless hypotheticals rather than deal with the reality that an election cannot be “canceled.”

You are forgetting. This is Donald Trump we are talking about here.

When did the Constitution ever stop him from performing illegal acts?

BeachDem  May 13, 2020 • 2:03:26pm

Here’s a headline you don’t see very often.

Essential? Sex toy shops, private zoo and others allowed to open ahead of COVID-19 changes

Those of you who watched Tiger King know who they’re talking about with the “private zoo” crap.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 2:04:33pm

re: #241 A Mom Anon

I’m going with blackmail material gathered by Russian/Republican sources to keep the cult in line. It’s about the only thing that makes sense. Beyond them being just craven,thieving assholes, that is.

We never did find out what the Russians got from the GOP’s servers in the 2016 election, did we.

Citizen K  May 13, 2020 • 2:06:15pm

re: #232 Targetpractice

They don’t even allow that shit from their own reporters, clearly. But damned if they’ll gleefully accept “Clinton Cash” grift and promote Republican talking points wholesale, that’s for sure.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 2:06:29pm

re: #246 BeachDem

Sex toys are essential if you’re trapped at home. No snark.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  May 13, 2020 • 2:08:13pm

re: #248 Citizen K

The editors are pretending that sycophancy is not objectively identifiable?

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 2:10:24pm

Off for some “Dark Shadows.”

Episode 456: An Illogical Explanation
It’s the final week in 1795, and the characters have moved into a new level of nonsensical behavior. There’s got to be an illogical explanation for all of this.

Citizen K  May 13, 2020 • 2:10:41pm

re: #250 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

The editors are pretending that sycophancy is not objectively identifiable?

You don’t know what’s in their hearts or what they’re thinking, so you can’t really call it a lie sycophancy.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  May 13, 2020 • 2:11:09pm
Shiplord Kirel, Friend of Moose and Squirrel  May 13, 2020 • 2:11:50pm

re: #208 jaunte

Rand Paul: Ignorant, Liar, or Ignorant Liar?

Traitor grifting inbreds.

Charles Johnson  May 13, 2020 • 2:12:09pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 2:15:30pm

re: #255 Charles Johnson

As many times as it takes.

Joe Bacon 🌹  May 13, 2020 • 2:16:31pm

re: #185 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Washington Post calling CA 25 for Mike Garcia.


The Pie Overlord!  May 13, 2020 • 2:17:15pm


Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 2:18:23pm
Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 2:18:54pm

re: #245 Vote Cthulhu - No longer the greater evil!

You are forgetting. This is Donald Trump we are talking about here.

When did the Constitution ever stop him from performing illegal acts?

You’re right, Donald Trump is going to step out one day and declare that he is canceling the elections not because he is losing badly in the polling, but because he has secret info that the “Democrat Party” intends to steal the election from him and he cannot allow that to happen. So he’s tasked the DOJ with arresting just enough Dem members of Congress to swing any votes there in his favor in order to pass federal legislation to cancel the election as well as a Constitutional amendment to allow him to remain president-for-life. He’s also shredding Posse Comitatus in order to have the Armed Forces take any governor and/or state legislature into custody that refuses to agree to cancel their elections. And, for the cherry on top, he’s imposing a national state of martial law with military police tasked to take any who protest his actions into custody for treason.

I mean, if we’re going to just assume that the entire federal government is ready to let this D-list celebrity seize permanent dictatorial power, let’s go big.

Charles Johnson  May 13, 2020 • 2:20:10pm
mmmirele  May 13, 2020 • 2:20:19pm

re: #253 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

Looks like someone binged out on many seasons of Ancient Aliens, put it on paper and filled in the gaps with anything that popped into their head. /I have watched some episodes of Ancient Aliens, unwillingly, with my brother. He doesn’t actually believe that stuff. He just wants to see how crazy it gets.

Citizen K  May 13, 2020 • 2:20:24pm

re: #255 Charles Johnson

As many times as the media will fall for it.

So we’re gonna be here for a while, as you’ve already seen.

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 2:20:30pm

re: #259 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Rand, you were easier to take before you grew a beard that would make Grissly Adams shake his head in disgust.

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 2:22:01pm

re: #261 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

Wait until someone tells him that the document his own henchman released…admits that the unmasking requests were A) totally lawful and B) totally normal. Or his head explodes when the logic is explained to him that if Obama and/or his staff knew that the call was made by Flynn then there would be no need for the unmasking request(s).

steve_davis  May 13, 2020 • 2:27:57pm

re: #47 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Your mean the one about the radio station where turkeys rained down on the unsuspecting populace?

a funnier episode was when andy briefly convinced herb that jennifer was actually a transvestite.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 2:28:35pm

re: #265 Targetpractice

Wait until someone tells him that the document his own henchman released…admits that the unmasking requests were A) totally lawful and B) totally normal. Or his head explodes when the logic is explained to him that if Obama and/or his staff knew that the call was made by Flynn then there would be no need for the unmasking request(s).

Which Republican White House staffer or congressvarmint will tell him? I’m guessing none of them.

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 2:29:32pm

re: #267 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Which Republican White House staffer or congressvarmint will tell him? I’m guessing none of them.

He’ll figure it out right around the time Faux suddenly starts trying to downplay the story.

Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)  May 13, 2020 • 2:31:01pm

re: #221 Citizen K

We’re also seeing just how many GOP governors are willing to basically sell their souls to Trump

for election purposes there arent enough.

William Lewis  May 13, 2020 • 2:32:51pm

re: #227 Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)

Bullies fade away fast when you show up with your own guns. Show them they need their brown pants…

Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)  May 13, 2020 • 2:32:59pm

re: #223 lawhawk

No sooner did I write this that Westfield emailed to survey about how to do curbside and how we would feel about valet and call ahead options for businesses inside the mall.

Mind you, we’re talking about Garden State Plaza - one of the nation’s biggest and most profitable malls in the nation. I wouldn’t set foot inside anytime soon, and I doubt I’d do curbside either as I can get direct shipping from the retailers inside that could be safer than queuing up to do curbside.

recirculating air.

so, nope. no way.

Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 2:34:21pm
Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)  May 13, 2020 • 2:34:34pm

re: #226 jaunte

[Embedded content]

discovery can be a mf’er*

*an mf’er?

Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 2:35:28pm
Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 2:36:43pm

re: #274 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Narrator: Dr. Fauci never mentioned schools.

Barefoot Grin  May 13, 2020 • 2:37:19pm

re: #214 Eclectic Cyborg

I still hum the theme from that show whenever I pick up duct tape.

Keep your stick on the ice.

Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 2:37:20pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  May 13, 2020 • 2:37:39pm

My wife just finished making a loaf of rye bread. Time to sit down with some Irish butter and “Dark Shadows.” Catch y’all later. (My computer also wants to update.)

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 2:38:39pm

re: #277 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Translation: “I’m suddenly getting everything I demanded from the Fed, so Powell is off my shit list…for now.”

Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 2:38:54pm


Citizen K  May 13, 2020 • 2:41:37pm

re: #269 Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)

for election purposes there arent enough.

They don’t need them all. Just enough that the GOP can game the rest via good old fashioned voter suppression and culture jamming.

I mean, for full clarification, my fear isn’t that he’s going to try to cancel the election. My fear is that he’s going to do his best to either rig it or undermine the integrity of it so he can pull some bullshit to call his loss into question and nullify it. And with Congress and the Courts basically standing in tandem with him (At least, enough in the Courts, including the SCOTUS, for it to matter), I’m terrified they’ll find a way to keep him in place, damn the laws.

Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)  May 13, 2020 • 2:41:56pm

re: #227 Khal Wimpo (not drinking damn fish tank cleaner)


If Fox News whips the cretins up into a frenzy that the election is about to be stolen and the only way to Preserve The Future For The White Race And Our Children is to cancel this useless election until the commie democrats can all be rounded up & forced to confess to their sneaky plots …

… what then?

- there is no “the” or “this”
- there are federal, state and local elections all going on at the same time / on the same ballot
- run by the states
- administered by the counties - more or less

- the president has no control over any of them
- let alone the ability to stop the vote for dogcatcher of Anytown, USA

and if all those other elections are still going on all across the country, including senators, congress, governors, etc, what’s the rationale for ‘only’ the presidential should be ‘delayed’

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 2:42:08pm

re: #273 Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)

discovery can be a mf’er*

[Embedded content]

*an mf’er?

In the wingnut mind, the fact that so many officials from across the Obama admin asked for this unmasking is further proof of the “deep state” being a real thing. That all these agencies had someone in their ranks (directors, generals, etc) who were “in” on the whole thing is further proof that they were looking to hobble Trump’s presidency and eventually remove him in a “coup.”

Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 2:42:34pm
Belafon  May 13, 2020 • 2:43:49pm

re: #280 Backwoods_Sleuth


California is keeping their state colleges closed through the fall.

danarchy  May 13, 2020 • 2:44:23pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 2:45:33pm


Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 2:46:25pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 2:46:49pm
Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 2:50:31pm
Belafon  May 13, 2020 • 2:51:06pm

re: #287 Backwoods_Sleuth


“What you’re saying is that you are less capable than Bill Clinton at being president.”

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 2:53:40pm

re: #281 Citizen K

They don’t need them all. Just enough that the GOP can game the rest via good old fashioned voter suppression and culture jamming.

I mean, for full clarification, my fear isn’t that he’s going to try to cancel the election. My fear is that he’s going to do his best to either rig it or undermine the integrity of it so he can pull some bullshit to call his loss into question and nullify it. And with Congress and the Courts basically standing in tandem with him (At least, enough in the Courts, including the SCOTUS, for it to matter), I’m terrified they’ll find a way to keep him in place, damn the laws.

He can’t nullify it either. Congress is not in tandem with him, unless you really believe that there are enough Dems in both houses willing to vote to keep his corpulent ass in power for however long he chooses to stay. And while we all agree that Bush v. Gore was a steaming turd on the SCOTUS legacy, I don’t believe that Roberts has the balls to stand up and basically rule to install a dictator.

As for rigging it, there are not enough Repub governors and/or legislatures to get him to 270+ votes. And the ones who are out there aren’t likely to sacrifice their careers in what might be a futile bid to save a deeply unpopular president from electoral doom.

The Pie Overlord!  May 13, 2020 • 2:53:43pm

Focus on what? Tweeting batshit conspiracies from the depths of the Internet?

The Pie Overlord!  May 13, 2020 • 2:54:44pm
Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 2:55:01pm

re: #289 Backwoods_Sleuth

[Embedded content]

Meanwhile, Grenell’s letter requesting the list be declassified is dated 10 days ago. IOW, Rand is trying to take credit for something that was going to happen anyway.

I Would Prefer Not To  May 13, 2020 • 2:56:47pm

re: #292 Targetpractice

He can’t nullify it either. Congress is not in tandem with him, unless you really believe that there are enough Dems in both houses willing to vote to keep his corpulent ass in power for however long he chooses to stay. And while we all agree that Bush v. Gore was a steaming turd on the SCOTUS legacy, I don’t believe that Roberts has the balls to stand up and basically rule to install a dictator.

As for rigging it, there are not enough Repub governors and/or legislatures to get him to 270+ votes. And the ones who are out there aren’t likely to sacrifice their careers in what might be a futile bid to save a deeply unpopular president from electoral doom.

This. Let’s focus on what we need to do.

Patricia Kayden  May 13, 2020 • 2:58:24pm
Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)  May 13, 2020 • 2:58:29pm

re: #281 Citizen K

They don’t need them all. Just enough that the GOP can game the rest via good old fashioned voter suppression and culture jamming.

I mean, for full clarification, my fear isn’t that he’s going to try to cancel the election. My fear is that he’s going to do his best to either rig it or undermine the integrity of it so he can pull some bullshit to call his loss into question and nullify it. And with Congress and the Courts basically standing in tandem with him (At least, enough in the Courts, including the SCOTUS, for it to matter), I’m terrified they’ll find a way to keep him in place, damn the laws. gamed this out virtually every way possible.


my post to lgf 4/17/20

and this addition that starts a bit down the page with:

…I very much appreciate you continuing to respond to the questions of what happens if there’s no election….

short of a literal coup, it aint gonna happen. no way, no how.

The Pie Overlord!  May 13, 2020 • 2:58:44pm


Dread Pirate  May 13, 2020 • 2:59:57pm
Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)  May 13, 2020 • 3:01:28pm

re: #297 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]

it’s self loathing

they wish they were him so they could be disgusted by the rest of them too…

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 3:02:55pm

re: #297 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]

That’s because it’s always been about finding acceptance among the crowd that has ignored and belittled him for ages: The NY high society. He’s tried for ages to get their approval, to be seen as one of them, and instead has found that they consider him little more than a failed businessman and a slumlord. If he shows up at their parties, it’s often uninvited and unwanted. They don’t seek him out for advice, they don’t put him on lists of VIPs, and they see his brood as “more of the same.” He’s spent himself into massive debt trying to “fake it til [he] makes it” and while he’s fooled the rubes into thinking he’s a success, the people who actually know success see him as the rich society equiv of the redneck who won the lottery.

Backwoods_Sleuth  May 13, 2020 • 3:04:55pm

re: #301 Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)

it’s self loathing

they wish they were him so they could be disgusted by the rest of them too…

[Embedded content]

Babbitts, all of them, including Trump

Welcome to The Imbleachment (dangerman)  May 13, 2020 • 3:05:05pm

re: #302 Targetpractice

That’s because it’s always been about finding acceptance among the crowd that has ignored and belittled him for ages: The NY high society. He’s tried for ages to get their approval, to be seen as one of them, and instead has found that they consider him little more than a failed businessman and a slumlord. If he shows up at their parties, it’s often uninvited and unwanted. They don’t seek him out for advice, they don’t put him on lists of VIPs, and they see his brood as “more of the same.” He’s spent himself into massive debt trying to “fake it til [he] makes it” and while he’s fooled the rubes into thinking he’s a success, the people who actually know success see him as the rich society equiv of the redneck who won the stole a winning lottery ticket.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  May 13, 2020 • 3:06:27pm

re: #261 Charles Johnson

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 3:06:53pm

re: #300 Dread Pirate

[Embedded content]

The “scandal” is not even 6 hours old and it’s already blowing up in their faces. This isn’t 2017 where we knew virtually nothing of what went on behind closed doors and thus could only guess. Mueller has had his go, as has Congress, on getting to the bottom of the whole mess. If there’s things we don’t know by this point, then odds are they’re not favorable to either Flynn or Trump.

Dread Pirate  May 13, 2020 • 3:13:42pm

More lying about casualties.

Citizen K  May 13, 2020 • 3:25:34pm

And as Wolf points out further in the thread, Kelly has unrecused on several other cases, including ones that will potentially boot 200k voters off the rolls. He’s going to help the conservatives on the WI Supreme Court burn things down to ensure it remains a Red state for at least one more cycle, if not for a generation.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  May 13, 2020 • 3:27:03pm
Belafon  May 13, 2020 • 3:36:28pm

re: #300 Dread Pirate

This is exactly the crap that they are going to do that is going to undermine their entire argument. “Obama investigated Flynn because he was doing illegal deals” isn’t a defense.

Dread Pirate  May 13, 2020 • 3:40:03pm

thread continues

The Pie Overlord!  May 13, 2020 • 3:52:16pm

Flynn is not “home free” by a long shot.

Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 3:54:40pm

re: #312 The Pie Overlord!

Flynn is not “home free” by a long shot.

[Embedded content]

We now go to live footage of Mike Flynn:

Bender shits bricks

EPR-radar  May 13, 2020 • 3:59:53pm

re: #312 The Pie Overlord!

Flynn is not “home free” by a long shot.

[Embedded content]

Trump can always pardon Flynn, but he’d prefer to have Barr do the dirty work instead.

It’s a pleasure to see this isn’t going as planned for Trump. Everything that goes wrong for Trump is good news.

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  May 13, 2020 • 4:03:10pm

Evening Lizardim from the cloudy and rainy wild north country. Governor Walz is expected to lift his “Safe at Home” order, replacing it with a “Stay Safe” order that allows gatherings of up to 10 people and some retail stores to reopen. He’s trying to balance science and not giving the GOP a leg to stand on, and I honestly empathize with him. At least he doesn’t have the Supreme Court shooting him down, like our neighbors to the east. How go things among the lizardfolk this evening?

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  May 13, 2020 • 4:06:33pm

re: #315 Quoth the raven, Covfefe.

Evening Lizardim from the cloudy and rainy wild north country. Governor Walz is expected to lift his “Safe at Home” order, replacing it with a “Stay Safe” order that allows gatherings of up to 10 people and some retail stores to reopen. He’s trying to balance science and not giving the GOP a leg to stand on, and I honestly empathize with him. At least he doesn’t have the Supreme Court shooting him down, like our neighbors to the east. How go things among the lizardfolk this evening?

Nice out today and going to get warmer as the week goes on. Plants starting to sprout in the planters (herbs and peas). Neighbor cat sighting today. Chat Noir seems to be doing OK with the dail Sub-Q fluids and is eating well. Tuxedo Cat being Tuxedo cat and is often being banned from the computer room due to being an annoyance.

austin_blue  May 13, 2020 • 4:07:27pm

re: #118 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

Ok, my cooking peeps, I need help.

I’m making gnocchi with garlic sage cream sauce. The recipes call for parmesan but I have next to no parm, only asiago.

What’s the taste difference between parm and asiago? Can I use them interchangeably in this recipe?



Targetpractice  May 13, 2020 • 4:07:56pm

re: #314 EPR-radar

Trump can always pardon Flynn, but he’d prefer to have Barr do the dirty work instead.

It’s a pleasure to see this isn’t going as planned for Trump. Everything that goes wrong for Trump is good news.

Trump might have considered a pardon when he could spin such as getting Flynn sprung from “wrongful” charges. But if Sullivan has Flynn charged with criminal contempt for two instances of perjury…yeah, that’s gonna be a hard one to spin.

PhillyPretzel  May 13, 2020 • 4:08:34pm

OT I finally got the notice from the Election Commission stating that most of the polls will be closed and that if I want to I can work at another polling place. I am not doing it for two reasons. One I do not have a car and you cannot rely on public transit at this time. And second is that I do not want to expose myself to this virus any more than I have to. As it is I am saving the letter and envelope because it will be evidence that the coronavirus shut almost everything down.

Dread Pirate  May 13, 2020 • 4:11:22pm
Interesting Times  May 13, 2020 • 4:11:23pm

After seeing the dangerous lines and time-consuming misery Wisconsin dems had to go through (in cold, rainy weather no less!), I can’t help but wonder WTF is wrong with dems in this district who were sent a mail-in ballot:

Quoth the raven, Covfefe.  May 13, 2020 • 4:11:59pm

re: #316 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

I got some work done on the brown Lincoln today. I confirmed that I most likely do not have a blown gasket (no water in the oil, and the stuff I got out in the water was most definitely not oil). However, the new radiator I bought for it will not fit in the old mount… many curse words ensued. I think I can modify it (either the mount or the radiator, not sure which to do) to fit, though.

gocart mozart  May 13, 2020 • 4:13:22pm
KGxvi  May 13, 2020 • 4:16:29pm

re: #323 gocart mozart

The Klan that Couldn’t Shoot Straight fucks it up again… trying to get Flynn off, they open him up to more criminal liability (criminal contempt/perjury). Fucking brilliant.

HRH Stanley Sea  May 13, 2020 • 4:46:47pm

re: #306 Targetpractice

The “scandal” is not even 6 hours old and it’s already blowing up in their faces. This isn’t 2017 where we knew virtually nothing of what went on behind closed doors and thus could only guess. Mueller has had his go, as has Congress, on getting to the bottom of the whole mess. If there’s things we don’t know by this point, then odds are they’re not favorable to either Flynn or Trump.

Joe Biden knows.

Eventual Carrion  May 13, 2020 • 6:05:37pm

re: #179 I Would Prefer Not To

Can Mannfort be sent back to prison when Biden takes office?

A president can do anything!

cat-tikvah  May 13, 2020 • 7:07:52pm

re: #319 PhillyPretzel

I’m telling everyone I know to get signed up for vote by mail.
At the very least it will shorten the lines/wait at the polls.

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