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Patricia Kayden  Dec 16, 2020 • 6:51:19pm


Patricia Kayden  Dec 16, 2020 • 6:54:12pm

While ignoring the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans from COVID 19.

thedopefishlives  Dec 16, 2020 • 6:55:09pm

re: #2 Patricia Kayden

While ignoring the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans from COVID 19.

[Embedded content]

The right to life… before you actually have life to live. After that, you’re responsible for your own shit, and if you don’t agree with us, fuck you.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 16, 2020 • 6:57:50pm
Charles Johnson  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:01:37pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:13:40pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:18:37pm
plansbandc  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:18:52pm

re: #5 Charles Johnson

Wax Trax in Denver is still alive and it makes me happy.

Patricia Kayden  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:21:32pm


BlueSpotinAL  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:23:20pm

The Republicans are a bunch of f#ck3r$.

teleskiguy  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:26:51pm

re: #5 Charles Johnson

austin_blue  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:28:02pm

re: #5 Charles Johnson

[Embedded content]

When I moved here in ‘89, we had two really good stores: Tower Records in mid-town by UT and Waterloo just north of the river, walking distance for me.

Tower died around 2004, but Waterloo is still a going concern.

Egregious Philbin  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:28:52pm

re: #11 teleskiguy

Amazing record store. We have a great chain in AZ, Zia Records, 40 years + now.

teleskiguy  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:32:05pm

So today I took a few ski runs with a telemark skier who is… *ahem* …better than me. Dude is sponsored by Bishop Binding Co. and has won several telemark competitions. He was really fun to ski with. Here’s his Instagram.

NO SMOCKING GUN!  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:37:09pm
jaunte  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:37:32pm

re: #12 austin_blue

Cactus Music in Houston is still hanging in:

austin_blue  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:38:50pm

re: #16 jaunte

Cactus Music in Houston is still hanging in:


i(m)p(each)sos  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:43:58pm

re: #17 austin_blue

We are very lucky up here to have several great music stores still doing OK. The House of Guitars sells both the obvious… and it’s also a huge record store. And Record Archive also sells mid-century furniture and accessories and (in normal times) has live music going daily.


The Pie Overlord!  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:46:08pm
Patricia Kayden  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:47:44pm
teleskiguy  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:53:29pm

Hollywood lost a lot of greats inn 2020.

Decatur Deb  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:55:45pm

re: #20 Patricia Kayden

“Trump has told some advisers he will refuse to leave White House”

“I weigh two hundred and thirty pounds, and this guy comes over, poking me in the shoulder. He says, “You’re outta here!” and I said, “I don’t think so, Scooter!” And I was wrong. They hurled me out of that bar. And then they squared off with me in the parking lot, and I backed down from the fight, cause I don’t know how many of them it would have taken to whip my ass, but I knew how many they were going to use. “

austin_blue  Dec 16, 2020 • 7:59:58pm

re: #18 i(m)p(each)sos

We are very lucky up here to have several great music stores still doing OK. The House of Guitars sells both the obvious… and it’s also a huge record store. And Record Archive also sells mid-century furniture and accessories and (in normal times) has live music going daily.


We have only the one “traditional record store” left- Waterloo, but it’s a good ‘un. Lots of small used vinyl stores, and we have a big vinyl convention annually. A German friend stays with us when it’s happening so he can stock his two stores in Freiburg and Berlin. He also hits Cali and Arizona during the same trip.

We have several high end instrument and gear stores here. It’s a bleeding edge high-tech town. Lots of small studios and a shitpot of musicians.

gocart mozart  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:00:23pm
jaunte  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:01:24pm

re: #24 gocart mozart

jaunte  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:07:26pm

Jen O’Malley Dillon will further divide Republicans into Mother-, Goat-, -Rag, -Wad and -Wit subsets.

Patricia Kayden  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:08:42pm

re: #24 gocart mozart

The comments are gold.

stpaulbear  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:09:23pm

re: #5 Charles Johnson

Before the pandemic, there were lots of record stores in the Twin Cities. I don’t know how many have been forced out of business, but some of them are probably surviving through internet sales.

Decatur Deb  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:10:54pm

re: #26 jaunte

Jen O’Malley Dillon will further divide Republicans into Mother-, Goat-, -Rag, -Wad and -Wit subsets.

Fukn’ taxonomists.

teleskiguy  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:12:10pm

My new Qongress critter most likely fails to see the irony of this tweet, because she doesn’t know what irony is.

The Pie Overlord!  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:12:40pm
austin_blue  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:14:22pm

re: #30 teleskiguy

My new Qongress critter most likely fails to see the irony of this tweet, because she doesn’t know what irony is.

[Embedded content]

Well, just E-mail her and tell her that God is an Iron.

She may never recover from the irony.

jaunte  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:17:17pm
A hollow voice says,1st round on points. Onward!  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:21:30pm

re: #11 teleskiguy

[Embedded content]

Still there. They’re even open.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:25:16pm

re: #24 gocart mozart

Hecuba's daughter  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:27:24pm

From downstairs:

re: #69 jaunte

Assuming that you can’t get it multiple times, and that you’re completely healthy after you recover.

There have been a handful of cases of people who were infected twice. In some instances, the second infection was more severe than the original one.

The disease is too new to have data on how long immunity lasts for a typical person who recovers from the disease — or how long the immunity lasts from the vaccine or how common re-infection will prove to be.

William Lewis  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:31:41pm

re: #28 stpaulbear

Before the pandemic, there were lots of record stores in the Twin Cities. I don’t know how many have been forced out of business, but some of them are probably surviving through internet sales.

A quick look at google shows me that Electric Fetus is still there along with 19 other stores in the Twin Cities metro area. I loves me my music but the record store was always something you had to tolerate with to get the goodies from overseas. Of course, I was looking for punk and hardcore when the only good record store in town was a head shop and I didn’t partake. Always stank of patchouli in there but the occasional find (a VU album I was missing or a Clash import) made tolerating it acceptable.

I just bought all three of the GoGo Penguin’s Blue Note releases on Amazon and had them Prime delivered. Much preferable to me.

Belafon  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:32:19pm


Because 45% of the country thinks that Trump supporting a virus is ok, and the NYT keeps looking for those people to find out their opinion.

gocart mozart  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:33:40pm
🌹UOJB!  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:34:40pm

Pittsburgh had National Record Mart which was the first record chain store in the US, Jerry’s Records and Heads Together…now all gone…

jaunte  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:35:01pm

re: #39 gocart mozart

The famous Modena Spaghettilegged stallions.

HypnoToad  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:36:31pm

Tonight’s view of Monday’s approaching planetary conjunction; the moon joins! Streaky high cirrus didn’t spoil the show.

From my apt balcony. 250mm 0.8 sec exp. Jupiter and Saturn are now separated by just under one lunar diameter.
With 1,500mm. The oval of Saturn’s rings is visible with Titan just to the right. Three of the Jovian moons showed up tonight. They will be at about one third of this apparent distance apart on Monday.
retired cynic  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:38:11pm

re: #42 HypnoToad


🌹UOJB!  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:43:36pm

just realized on Monday the 21st and it will mark 35 years since my Uncle Frank crossed the rainbow bridge…35 years…and the night he passed was when Grandma Bacon and I saw Halley’s Comet for the first time in its’ pass. Grandma said Uncle Frank hitched a ride with the comet…just like Mark Twain did in 1910…

Targetpractice  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:44:07pm

re: #2 Patricia Kayden

While ignoring the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans from COVID 19.

[Embedded content]

“We will never stop fighting for life…” says administration that is rushing through federal executions before 12:01pm on Jan 20th for no other reason than because the next admin will work to halt those executions.

Targetpractice  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:45:14pm

re: #19 The Pie Overlord!

[Embedded content]

GOP 2016: “CRY SOME MORE!!!”


Targetpractice  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:56:15pm

re: #30 teleskiguy

My new Qongress critter most likely fails to see the irony of this tweet, because she doesn’t know what irony is.

[Embedded content]

“We need to conduct an investigation into whether or not Russia illegally influenced our election in coordination with the Trump…”


“What? There exists evidence that the Trump campaign was in contact with the Russian gov’t during the 2016 elections…”


“Look, Trump’s own son and his campaign manager met with a Russian agent to discuss sanctions, then lied about it! His national security advisor talked with a Russian diplomat about sanctions! His son-in-law tried to set up a diplomatic back channel with the Kremlin that would be secret from our intel services!”


“Whatever, we’re conducting the investigation, and if we find anything we will take action.”


stpaulbear  Dec 16, 2020 • 8:59:45pm

re: #37 William Lewis

A quick look at google shows me that Electric Fetus is still there along with 19 other stores in the Twin Cities metro area. I loves me my music but the record store was always something you had to tolerate with to get the goodies from overseas. Of course, I was looking for punk and hardcore when the only good record store in town was a head shop and I didn’t partake. Always stank of patchouli in there but the occasional find (a VU album I was missing or a Clash import) made tolerating it acceptable.

I just bought all three of the GoGo Penguin’s Blue Note releases on Amazon and had them Prime delivered. Much preferable to me.

The Fetus is my go-to store. I like that they have curbside pickup so that I can get out of the house without going into the store. I don’t like ordering LPs through the mail anyway. They’re pretty vulnerable during shipping.

BeachDem  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:00:02pm

I mentioned last night that Don Fowler, former DNC Chair and much beloved South Carolina Dem legend, had died.

Today’s WaPo obit is more of a nasty hit job than an obit—and interestingly, no byline—credited to Staff and Wire Reports and no comments allowed. Very strange.

Here’s what the current SC Dem Chair sent out (hidden so as to not bore those who have no interest.)


William Lewis  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:02:54pm

re: #48 stpaulbear

The Fetus is my go-to store. I like that they have curbside pickup so that I can get out of the house without going into the store. I don’t like ordering LPs through the mail anyway. They’re pretty vulnerable during shipping.

LP’s? Yes, I would imagine so.

I heard The Pretenders on the first CD player at a record store in Ansbach Germany in early 1984 and I lost all interest in vinyl at that moment so that has an impact.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:05:00pm

Two threads ago:

re: #192 A hollow voice says,1st round on points. Onward!

My doctor (who is downright skinny) tells me that the risks of obesity are vastly overstated, for those who aren’t morbidly obese anyway. Making it into a matter of “will” just allows us to continue to denigrate the only group it’s still okay to discriminate against in public. Also, failure to take a vaccine is not a failure of will.

Only group okay to discriminate against in public? [Questions in atheist.]

Obesity is complex, involving everything from will to food deserts to poor availability of healthcare to medical conditions to &c &c &c.

gocart mozart  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:05:15pm
Targetpractice  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:08:25pm

The “civility in politics” crowd that seemed like an endangered species for the past 4 years magically appears again in the wild as soon as a Dem starts prepping to occupy the Oval Office.

Amazing how that works.///////

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:09:40pm

re: #52 gocart mozart

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:10:49pm

re: #53 Targetpractice

The “civility in politics” crowd that seemed like an endangered species for the past 4 years magically appears again in the wild as soon as a Dem starts prepping to occupy the Oval Office.

Amazing how that works.///////

They can impolitely go fuck themselves.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:12:36pm
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:14:01pm


Targetpractice  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:20:19pm

2/3 of the House Repub Caucus signed onto a lawsuit that says that the incoming admin are a bunch of dirty cheats who worked with Iran and China to deprive Trump of the reelection that is his by right of blood. Senate Repubs have spent their time either dodging the question or making excuses about “ongoing litigation” to avoid acknowledging that Trump lost. And there is still open talk about trying to abuse Congress’ part in certifying the election results to overturn the will of the voters.

But sure, let’s obsess about the incoming Chief of Staff’s comment in a gossip rag.//////

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:23:19pm

re: #19 The Pie Overlord!

Heh, for me anyway Twitter puts that image as hidden because of some reason… I suspect someone reported it who was offended by reality.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:30:14pm

So I’ve had this slow exchange with this MAGA dimwit on twitter… prior tweet:

He then replies and totally misses what I wrote so I’ve tried to answer:

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:33:40pm
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:34:54pm
Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:47:33pm

…and the earth dies screaming.

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:53:53pm

We need sail-cars.

🌹UOJB!  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:55:47pm

re: #63 Dread Pirate Ron

…and the earth dies screaming.


Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 16, 2020 • 9:59:26pm

re: #65 🌹UOJB!

Nice find.

stpaulbear  Dec 16, 2020 • 10:01:20pm
gocart mozart  Dec 16, 2020 • 10:04:26pm
Ace-o-aces  Dec 16, 2020 • 10:11:25pm

Hey, somebody’s dug up my favorite Alex Jones clip.

Ace-o-aces  Dec 16, 2020 • 10:11:53pm

re: #68 gocart mozart

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 16, 2020 • 10:14:09pm

To be fair, anybody with an IQ above an aquarium temperature knew that.

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 16, 2020 • 10:18:48pm

I like these 12” Versions.


teleskiguy  Dec 16, 2020 • 10:23:43pm

We could use some of this in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.

Belafon  Dec 16, 2020 • 10:25:04pm

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 16, 2020 • 10:25:41pm

re: #73 teleskiguy

We just broke through 1” of rain for the season here.

🌹UOJB!  Dec 16, 2020 • 10:31:43pm

re: #75 Dread Pirate Ron

We just broke through 1” of rain for the season here.

The rainy season used to start around Columbus Day here in Los Angeles.

Still no rain and long range forecast shows no rain in sight…

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 16, 2020 • 10:39:02pm

re: #76 🌹UOJB!

The rainy season used to start around Columbus Day here in Los Angeles.

Still no rain and long range forecast shows no rain in sight…

I remember torrential rains almost every year in California in the 60s and 70s. The only drought was in ‘76. I went ice skate packing at 8’000 in mid-December. Our dish-cloth froze in seconds so we rolled up the edges and played freeze-bee in camp at night.

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 16, 2020 • 10:46:11pm

I know I watched season 4 of The Expanse, but after season 5 started I wanted to watch the last couple episodes of season 4, but each bit I watched I had to go back another episode. I got all the way to episode 1, fuck-it, just like starting over.


DodgerFan1988  Dec 16, 2020 • 10:46:40pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 16, 2020 • 11:08:17pm

re: #62 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 16, 2020 • 11:11:09pm

(3:44, Missing Persons, “Walking in L.A.,” live)

Youtube Video

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 16, 2020 • 11:11:51pm

re: #81 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

(oops, fixed)

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 16, 2020 • 11:13:12pm

Who doesn’t like a good pegging?

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 16, 2020 • 11:13:13pm

re: #73 teleskiguy

We could use some of this in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.

Or here northeast of you in the Nebraska Panhandle. We’re in drought here.

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 16, 2020 • 11:21:34pm
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 16, 2020 • 11:30:10pm

With the weekly positivity rate for Covid-19 surpassing 60% twice since October, the Panhandle Public Health District stopped updating that metric on December 6 (eleven days ago). At that time, it had dropped to 47.9%.

December 16:

Total cases: 7,117 (+74)
Women and girls are 2/3 of cases
Most by age: 40-49, then 30-39
Deaths: 97 (no change)
In hospital: 41
Available beds: 43%
Whites make up 62.2% of all cases and 58.86% of hospitalisations
Whites make up 80% of the Panhandle
402 cases confirmed in my county (about 10% of the populace)
The same three villages have no cases

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 16, 2020 • 11:34:57pm

Why are we still allowing churches to have child welfare contracts? Scratch a church, find child abuse.

LINCOLN — Nebraska child welfare officials did not show up to answer questions Wednesday concerning the state’s $197 million contract for the care of Omaha-area children and families.

Representatives of St. Francis Ministries, the embattled Kansas-based agency that holds the contract, also skipped the legislative hearing called by the Health and Human Services Committee.

Their absence left state lawmakers to raise unanswered concerns about St. Francis’ performance in managing the care of 2,500 abused and neglected children in Douglas and Sarpy Counties and about the state’s contract monitoring efforts. St. Francis began taking over cases from an Omaha-based contractor in October 2019. The transition was completed by Jan. 1.

State Sen. Sara Howard of Omaha (D), the committee chairwoman, questioned how long the State Department of Health and Human Services will allow St. Francis to exceed state-mandated caseload sizes for its workers.


They didn’t show up? Throw them in jail. Same for the state workers who blew off the hearing.

Nebraska state officials skip legislative hearing about $197 million child welfare contract (Omaha World-Herald)

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 16, 2020 • 11:35:07pm

re: #86 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Our county hit 1010 new cases and 11 deaths today, an increase of 10x from October.

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 16, 2020 • 11:41:52pm

There is an animatronic ‘Yoda’ baby. Why did I not know this until now?

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 16, 2020 • 11:41:56pm

Pfizer announces that Nebraska will get 20% less of its vaccine than promised. Hospital workers at the head of the line for vaccinations will be prioritised over who receives the vaccine.

Pete Ricketts says he “hopes” Pfizer will start providing what Nebraska paid for.

(Capitalism in medicine, gotta love it.)


steve_davis  Dec 16, 2020 • 11:49:18pm

My cat snores, and yes, it’s impossibly cute.

Sherlock Hound  Dec 16, 2020 • 11:54:32pm

Bravo, nous !

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 12:05:17am

re: #91 steve_davis

My cat snores, and yes, it’s impossibly cute.

My dog snores. It’s very steady and relaxing to hear, and it can be heard in the far corners of the house.

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 12:07:56am

re: #92 Sherlock Hound

Bravo, nous !

[Embedded content]

We’re No. 1!

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 12:10:37am

California Covid is out of control and it’s fucking embarrassing…


Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 12:24:42am
Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 12:27:57am
Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 12:41:26am
Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 12:46:21am
Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 12:47:47am
Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 12:51:57am
Deep State SuperElite Satinist  Dec 17, 2020 • 12:57:00am

re: #34 A hollow voice says,1st round on points. Onward!

My old favorite Haight Street record store, Rooky Ricardo’s, is also still open

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 12:58:00am
Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 1:05:59am

re: #102 Deep State SuperElite Satinist

My old favorite Haight Street record store, Rooky Ricardo’s, is also still open

We had Banana Records, Rasputin Records, Rainbow Records, Leopold’s Records, and Tower Records in the east bay. Berkeley had some great record stores.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 1:06:48am

re: #1 Patricia Kayden

Breaking News: U.S. retail sales tumbled in November. Economists had not anticipated such a steep decline ahead of holiday shopping.

People are struggling to pay rent and buy groceries, no relief package in sight, so people who have money are sitting on it…those who have jobs are worried about when they will be fired or get sick and be unable to work…what else did you expect.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 1:06:55am

Eagerly awaiting genocide trials.

‘It’s a nightmare’: 5-year-old boy among Scottsbluff-area children hospitalized with mysterious inflammatory syndrome tied to COVID-19 (goes to the Scottsbluff, Nebr. Star-Herald, more at the link)

He was transferred from a private doctor to Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children in Denver.

When 5-year-old Brody Sinks began feeling ill over the weekend, at first, his mother, Megan Sinks, had been concerned. However, she attributed his symptoms to the stomach flu.

Now Brody is hospitalized with Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C), a rare but serious inflammatory condition affecting children who have contracted coronavirus.

“We’ve all had the stomach flu,” she said, saying she had not known about MIS-C and its symptoms before her son became ill. “It just quickly progressed from there without missing a beat. It was fast.”
MIS-C Graphic.jpg

Symptoms began with flu-like symptoms such as vomiting, diarrhea and a fever, which initially could be broken by giving the boy Tylenol. However, she said, her son began to complain about abdominal pain and his fever became more severe. By Sunday, he had a rash that covered his body and complained of joint pain so severe he could not walk.

Sinks reached out to the emergency room doctors, being given advice to care for him at home and to take him to his doctor on Monday morning. She took Brody to his regular doctor, as advised.

“The minute she saw him, she sent me to the emergency room,” she said.

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 1:08:07am

re: #103 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I’ll be a lot quicker to shoot the zombies in the head.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 1:09:24am

We had a Tower Records subsidiary right near where I lived in Tempe, AZ, it was one of my major hangouts.

But one of the things that put me off even thinking of pursuing music was going into used record stores and sorting through all the piles of albums from bands that were once on top of the world with a label advance, a tour, groupies and reporters flocking to them and were not on sale for 75 cents…

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 1:11:21am

re: #103 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

we are all going to be traumatized when this is over, the way people from the Great Depression were weird about specific stuff

my mom (born 1918) would wipe off paper plates and put them back on the stack.

I tried to point out that if she was going to wipe off a plate, then why buy paper ones in the first place except for a picnic, but somehow conserving and reusing was just ingrained.

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 1:16:03am

re: #109 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

my mom (born 1918) would wipe off paper plates and put them back on the stack.

I tried to point out that if she was going to wipe off a plate, then why buy paper ones in the first place except for a picnic, but somehow conserving and reusing was just ingrained.

My aunts used to cut paper towels in half before half sheet paper towels came on the market.

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 1:21:26am

News is slow at this time of night, how about a Cat Stevens concert to fill the time?


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 1:23:39am

re: #106 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷


Most concerning to Sinks is that multiple children from Scotts Bluff County have been diagnosed and hospitalized with MIS-C. Mari Abrams, marketing director at Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children at Presbyterian St. Luke’s Medical Center, said she could confirm that the hospital has treated multiple patients from Nebraska diagnosed with the inflammatory syndrome.

Sinks said doctors told her five other children have been hospitalized from Scotts Bluff County with the condition, which can be deadly. She has talked to some of the parents with children who are hospitalized in the same area. Through social media posts online, the Star-Herald has been able to confirm two other children who are or have received treatment in Colorado for MIS-C.


Kim Engel, Panhandle Public Health Director, said she was unaware of any child who had the syndrome from Scott’s Bluff County.

She noted that there is no procedure for reporting cases which are transported out of the area, so children transported to Denver for treatment beyond the capability of Regional West Medical Center in Scottsbluff will not be reported to PPHD.

The Star-Herald says in the article that they will have a future interview to publish with officials from the Denver children’s hospital that are taking in Nebraska children with this syndrome.

And in the Hunger Games of our medical system in the USA, the Star-Herald has the fundraiser accounts of the two families they interviewed for their story, if people are interested in donating to their guaranteed crushing medical debt or the costs of staying with their children in Denver.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 1:25:01am

re: #110 Dread Pirate Ron

My aunts used to cut paper towels in half before half sheet paper towels came on the market.

My grandmother used to reuse every sort of jar or can she could, which has been passed down to me. My wife’s mother used to do the same.

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 1:29:17am

re: #113 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

My grandmother used to reuse every sort of jar or can she could, which has been passed down to me. My wife’s mother used to do the same.

My grandmother made fresh strawberry and raspberry jams and we returned the jars to be refilled. I’m pretty sure that’s why we returned to Canada every other year. ;)

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 1:33:04am

When I was in Moscow (1992-93) there were still shops and stands where you had to bring your own jar or container to be served. The local beer stand, for example. Russian fellows would show up with 3-liter pickle jars under each arm and have them filled.
A Moscow 12-pack…

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 1:40:20am

Brew-pubs here will fill your growler for take out beer.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 2:08:14am

Two libertarian groups have warned the University of Nebraska at Lincoln to avoid “broad hate speech rules” arguing that such speech is protected by the I Amendment.


Speech that is rightfully prohibited on campus must involve genuine threats or be so severe and pervasive as to hinder one’s ability to function or study, a representative of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education said Tuesday.

UNL Chancellor Ronnie Green made it clear in the summer that he wanted campus race relations examined and improved in light of national protests over the treatment of Black people by law enforcement and others.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 2:33:49am

Nebraska statewide cases:

Deaths: 1,448 (approaching 0.1% of the whole state), +20
Most by age: 85+, 75-84
In hospital: 646 (-29)
Positivity rate: 12.2% (-1.8)
Total cases: 152,103 (almost 1% of the state), +1,242
(doubled since November 5)
Most by age: 20-34, 35-44, 0-19

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 2:35:18am

Just because one has a first amendment right to hate speech doesn’t mean somebody won’t use their second amendment right to shoot them for it.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 2:37:14am

re: #119 Dread Pirate Ron

Just because one has a first amendment right to hate speech doesn’t mean somebody won’t use their second amendment right to shoot them for it.

Well, the “fighting words” doctrine is not a thing in Nebraska.

“That noose hanging from a tree in the campus square? How do you know that’s not simply a handle to make climbing the tree easier? How can you call that hate speech?” /s

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 2:41:16am

re: #120 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷


Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 2:43:19am

OMG, I haven’t thought of this song since the 70’s.


Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 2:48:18am

The Stand (2020) episode 1 is up on CBS whatever.

Dr Lizardo  Dec 17, 2020 • 2:52:06am

re: #89 Dread Pirate Ron

There is an animatronic ‘Yoda’ baby. Why did I not know this until now?

That was at the insistence of Werner Herzog. The plan was to use CGI for that character, but Herzog talked the folks behind The Mandalorian into using a full-scale animatronic instead; he believed (correctly, IMO) that it would look more realistic on the screen and give the actors an actual object to interact with.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 2:58:19am

re: #124 Dr Lizardo

That was at the insistence of Werner Herzog. The plan was to use CGI for that character, but Herzog talked the folks behind The Mandalorian into using a full-scale animatronic instead; he believed (correctly, IMO) that it would look more realistic on the screen and give the actors an actual object to interact with.

Yes, actor/CGI stand-in interaction is a major flaw in a lot of movies

Dr Lizardo  Dec 17, 2020 • 3:01:09am

re: #125 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Yes, actor/CGI stand-in interaction is a major flaw in a lot of movies

Yes, and sometimes, glaringly so. The Baby Yoda animatronic is also amazingly well-done, from a technical POV.

Dread Pirate Ron  Dec 17, 2020 • 3:05:57am

re: #124 Dr Lizardo

That was at the insistence of Werner Herzog. The plan was to use CGI for that character, but Herzog talked the folks behind The Mandalorian into using a full-scale animatronic instead; he believed (correctly, IMO) that it would look more realistic on the screen and give the actors an actual object to interact with.

I mean as a Christmas toy.

Dr Lizardo  Dec 17, 2020 • 3:07:19am

re: #127 Dread Pirate Ron

I mean as a Christmas toy.

LOL I’m not at all surprised there’s a Baby Yoda Christmas toy. Didn’t know there was an animatronic one, though - that’s got to cost a pretty penny.

Decatur Deb  Dec 17, 2020 • 3:09:50am

re: #107 Dread Pirate Ron

I’ll be a lot quicker to shoot the zombies in the head.

I’ll be at hospital nurseries, slipping voter registration forms into New Mom packets.

Decatur Deb  Dec 17, 2020 • 3:18:09am

re: #110 Dread Pirate Ron

My aunts used to cut paper towels in half before half sheet paper towels came on the market.

MIL grew up on a Tennessee cotton farm during the Depression. In the 90s she was still showing the classic food hoarding trait—the floor of her laundry room covered with groceries still in their paper bags.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 3:26:04am
CHEYENNE - Reports of 171 new confirmed coronavirus cases in Wyoming pushed the number of active cases back up to more than 2,500 on Wednesday.

The Wyoming Department of Health, in its daily coronavirus update, said in addition to the 171 new confirmed cases, the state saw 75 new probable cases.

[note: Wyoming obscures its cases by distinguishing between “confirmed by laboratory test” and “probable based on symptoms]

At the same time, reports of recoveries among patients with either confirmed or probable cases increased by 97, leaving the state with 2,524 active cases, an increase of 149 from Tuesday.


Although this is a pip up, active cases continue to fall since the peak on November 24 in Wyoming (nearly 12,000 on November 24).

New confirmed COVID cases up by 171 (Cheyenne Wyoming Tribune-Eagle)

To our south, Weld County, Colorado is rising again.

Total deaths: 156
Deaths since December 15: 25
Total cases: 17,890 (+215)
Two-week positivity rate: 13.96%

To our north, South Dakota is mostly at “substantial risk of transmission”

South Dakota obscures its death data by distinguishing “Deaths caused by Covid-19” and “Deaths of people with Covid-19” (the difference is the latter category is where death certificates go through political vetting first, where Covid-19 was not specifically listed as the primary cause of death)

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 3:35:36am

re: #130 Decatur Deb

MIL grew up on a Tennessee cotton farm during the Depression. In the 90s she was still showing the classic food hoarding trait—the floor of her laundry room covered with groceries still in their paper bags.

my ex-MIL (with whom I am still on good terms) grew up in Age-of-Austerity postwar England and will not throw away anything that is in the least way useable or (edible)

Except for our chunk of fresh, organic Sicilian parmesan cheese, which she took for an old dried-up rind (she only knew the pre-grated stuff that came in a cardboard can)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 3:36:57am

Singing whilst playing hammered dulcimer is really hard (I can only do it with difficulty, my mother cannot do it at all).

This woman criminally only has ten subscribers on YouTube. She is not a professional singer, but singing at all beats about 99% of other hammered dulcimer players).


In The Bleak Mid Winter (on Hammered Dulcimer)

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 3:41:17am

re: #133 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Singing whilst playing hammered dulcimer is really hard (I can only do it with difficulty, my mother cannot do it at all).

This woman criminally only has ten subscribers on YouTube. She is not a professional singer, but singing at all beats about 99% of other hammered dulcimer players).


First paid gig I ever played (in Tempe Arizona ca 1983 was with a hammered dulcimer player)

Dr Lizardo  Dec 17, 2020 • 3:41:44am

re: #132 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

my ex-MIL (with whom I am still on good terms) grew up in Age-of-Austerity postwar England and will not throw away anything that is in the least way useable or (edible)

Except for our chunk of fresh, organic Sicilian parmesan cheese, which she took for an old dried-up rind (she only knew the pre-grated stuff that came in a cardboard can)

Both of my parents grew up in the Great Depression/WWII era - which has stood me in good stead during this current crisis. Learned how to be economical, bargain hunt, hell, I’ve even indulged in a bit of dumpster diving and found some remarkable items (in perfectly good condition, or needing only minor repairs) that people have inexplicably thrown away.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 3:45:16am

re: #134 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

First paid gig I ever played (in Tempe Arizona ca 1983 was with a hammered dulcimer player)

Hey! My first paid gig I ever played was with a hammered dulcimer player too! (me /s).

There is a video of me on YouTube playing one song in Little Rock, Arkansas, but it is bad, I didn’t have my stand so I was using a piano bench and pillows, and is not worth linking here.

I’d rather upload my long-playing, short-selling album, but there doesn’t appear to be any way to do that here.

Decatur Deb  Dec 17, 2020 • 3:45:31am

re: #132 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

my ex-MIL (with whom I am still on good terms) grew up in Age-of-Austerity postwar England and will not throw away anything that is in the least way useable or (edible)

Except for our chunk of fresh, organic Sicilian parmesan cheese, which she took for an old dried-up rind (she only knew the pre-grated stuff that came in a cardboard can)

I grew up hard enough to develop a strong conservation instinct. I kept the steel frame of the kid’s playset in the back yard for decades. This week it became the core of a Winter shield for our potted lemon and lime trees. (It slides around them, they are too large to move now.) Wife bitches about my materials schmutz pile, so I make a big deal of a successful re-engineering.

Bummer on the cheese. The good stuff is literally used like a gold reserve by the Bank of Parma.

Decatur Deb  Dec 17, 2020 • 3:51:53am

re: #135 Dr Lizardo

Both of my parents grew up in the Great Depression/WWII era - which has stood me in good stead during this current crisis. Learned how to be economical, bargain hunt, hell, I’ve even indulged in a bit of dumpster diving and found some remarkable items (in perfectly good condition, or needing only minor repairs) that people have inexplicably thrown away.

Our neighborhood/town does curb-cycling. The city has a wonderful team that picks up yard trash and anything up to a discarded couch once each week. They take it from a semi-designated spot at the corner of each front yard. Anything we place on that spot is fair game until it’s picked up. We had to be careful about kids leaving bikes and toys on the hot spot.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 3:58:04am

re: #135 Dr Lizardo

Both of my parents grew up in the Great Depression/WWII era - which has stood me in good stead during this current crisis. Learned how to be economical, bargain hunt, hell, I’ve even indulged in a bit of dumpster diving and found some remarkable items (in perfectly good condition, or needing only minor repairs) that people have inexplicably thrown away.

Germans have Sperrmülltag (junk collection day) and I always stop and take a look, a lot of what they throw out is nicer than anything I have ever owned. Got end tables for myself and GF and a wooden chair or two.

Dr Lizardo  Dec 17, 2020 • 4:08:08am

re: #138 Decatur Deb

re: #139 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Germans have Sperrmülltag (junk collection day) and I always stop and take a look, a lot of what they throw out is nicer than anything I have ever owned. Got end tables for myself and GF and a wooden chair or two.

Things I’ve found included a Poäng chair that needed minor repair - had to drill out a broken bolt and replace it, which was easy enough and picked up a new cover for it at IKEA, a fully functional microwave oven, laundry hamper, couple end tables, an HP F2280 all-in-one printer, a genuine Mathmos lava lamp (still working great, too), a snowboarding jacket (had to fix the pockets and replace the velcro), a leather flight jacket and a German all-season military parka, with winter liner - had to get the zipper replaced on it and a table lamp.

It’s amazing, to me at least, what people throw away here.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Dec 17, 2020 • 4:09:43am

re: #102 Deep State SuperElite Satinist

My old favorite Haight Street record store, Rooky Ricardo’s, is also still open

Up my way we have a pretty good-sized record store - since my hearing is so badly borked at some point I’ll probably go there and unload my records and turntable. Some of the discs I have are half-speed mastered (Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab, Nautilus) and others are Japanese pressings - all 3 of the above manufacturers used virgin vinyl (you can tell because they’re translucent when held up to a lightsource).

It’s a good thing that CD’s came out when they did: the quality of domestic record production was horrible (using re-ground vinyl, pressing hundreds of thousands discs using the same stamper disc causing audio distortions, etc.)

Nojay UK  Dec 17, 2020 • 4:09:49am

re: #140 Dr Lizardo

It’s amazing, to me at least, what people throw away here.

My best-ever haul from a skip was a number of solar cell panels that had fallen off the back of a satellite.

thedopefishlives  Dec 17, 2020 • 4:09:56am

re: #138 Decatur Deb

Our neighborhood/town does curb-cycling. The city has a wonderful team that picks up yard trash and anything up to a discarded couch once each week. They take it from a semi-designated spot at the corner of each front yard. Anything we place on that spot is fair game until it’s picked up. We had to be careful about kids leaving bikes and toys on the hot spot.

Here in Minnesota, it is apparently tradition to randomly leave piles of stuff at the end of one’s driveway with a “free” sign attached. Anything in such a pile is fair game. Mrs. Fish and I acquired our first home furniture in such a fashion, a pair of ugly red chairs that we quickly got rid of once we were able to afford our own furniture.

Dr Lizardo  Dec 17, 2020 • 4:10:42am

re: #143 thedopefishlives

Here in Minnesota, it is apparently tradition to randomly leave piles of stuff at the end of one’s driveway with a “free” sign attached. Anything in such a pile is fair game. Mrs. Fish and I acquired our first home furniture in such a fashion, a pair of ugly red chairs that we quickly got rid of once we were able to afford our own furniture.

I’ve seen similar in Berlin. Found a bike that way.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Dec 17, 2020 • 4:12:27am

re: #91 steve_davis

My cat snores, and yes, it’s impossibly cute.

My cat sneezes - and boy can you feel it. Thankfully he’s an indoor cat.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 4:12:52am

In Zürich they have an entire warehouse for people to drop off used furniture for others to come and pick up for a small handling fee.

Dr Lizardo  Dec 17, 2020 • 4:14:40am

re: #146 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

In Zürich they have an entire warehouse for people to drop off used furniture for others to come and pick up for a small handling fee.

They just opened a similar center here in Ostrava. They re-sell stuff that people have thrown away that’s still in good and usable condition; the maximum price for anything is the equivalent of $10 USD - that includes bikes, TVs, etc.

Decatur Deb  Dec 17, 2020 • 4:17:46am

re: #143 thedopefishlives

Here in Minnesota, it is apparently tradition to randomly leave piles of stuff at the end of one’s driveway with a “free” sign attached. Anything in such a pile is fair game. Mrs. Fish and I acquired our first home furniture in such a fashion, a pair of ugly red chairs that we quickly got rid of once we were able to afford our own furniture.

If I’m getting rid of something that still works, I mark that with a sign, as well as warnings about sharps or electrical faults.

ericblair  Dec 17, 2020 • 4:19:10am

re: #143 thedopefishlives

Here in Minnesota, it is apparently tradition to randomly leave piles of stuff at the end of one’s driveway with a “free” sign attached. Anything in such a pile is fair game. Mrs. Fish and I acquired our first home furniture in such a fashion, a pair of ugly red chairs that we quickly got rid of once we were able to afford our own furniture.

If it doesn’t get picked up when you put a “free” sign on it, take off the “free” sign and put “$50”. Should be gone in an hour without anyone bothering you at all.

Decatur Deb  Dec 17, 2020 • 4:23:50am

re: #147 Dr Lizardo

They just opened a similar center here in Ostrava. They re-sell stuff that people have thrown away that’s still in good and usable condition; the maximum price for anything is the equivalent of $10 USD - that includes bikes, TVs, etc.

If there’s something of significant use, we call Habitat’s ReStore. They’ll pick things up and sell them at low cost, putting the profit back into admin and materials. Most large towns or county seats will have one.

Patricia Kayden  Dec 17, 2020 • 4:42:33am

Never liked her. So glad she’s leaving Congress.

Dr Lizardo  Dec 17, 2020 • 4:47:01am

re: #150 Decatur Deb

If there’s something of significant use, we call Habitat’s ReStore. They’ll pick things up and sell them at low cost, putting the profit back into admin and materials. Most large towns or county seats will have one.

It’s a good idea. I really can’t see a perfectly serviceable item ending up in a landfill.

For instance, my washing machine. Got that by luck - and a bit of misfortune. See, the downstairs neighbor, an older fella, well, he died while taking a shower one morning and no one knew he was dead until things started……smelling funny. Someone finally had the presence of mind to call the authorities, they entered his apartment and discovered him. He had no relatives or family.

One morning, while going downstairs, the cleanup crew was taking out the washing machine, which was, to put it delicately, partly covered in gore. I asked what had happened, the situation was explained to me, and the cleanup crew guy asked, “Want this washer? We’re just gonna throw it out anyway.” So, we hauled it upstairs to my apartment, I quickly hooked it up to the water supply, plugged it in, and it worked fine - it was pretty much brand new anyway. So, I took it, which saved the cleanup crew from having to dispose of it and not to sound heartless or callous, but….he wasn’t gonna be using it anytime soon. Cleaned it off with water and bleach and it’s been working good ever since (this was in 2014).

The only downside - my on-again/off-again girlfriend refuses to use it, claiming it’s “haunted” which might well make for an interesting entry in The Conjuring film franchise.

Eric The Fruit Bat  Dec 17, 2020 • 4:51:33am

re: #150 Decatur Deb

If there’s something of significant use, we call Habitat’s ReStore.

Yep - when I was relocating back home I unloaded a couch and about 30 boxes of laminate flooring that my contractor didn’t bother to install because his flooring guy didn’t bother to open all the packages - wrote them off on my taxes.

Patricia Kayden  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:12:22am


thedopefishlives  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:13:28am

re: #154 Patricia Kayden


[Embedded content]

My surprise, let me show you it. Sad thing is, we’ve actually been improving on our cases thanks to the shutdown order. Now we’re going to go back the other way because we have a bunch of Republican maskholes who are intentionally trying to kill people.

Barefoot Grin  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:17:46am

re: #28 stpaulbear

Before the pandemic, there were lots of record stores in the Twin Cities. I don’t know how many have been forced out of business, but some of them are probably surviving through internet sales.

My friend worked at Northern Lights for a couple of years in the 1980s. I loved the vibe there.

jeffreyw  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:23:35am

Good morning!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:32:04am

re: #156 Barefoot Grin

My friend worked at Northern Lights for a couple of years in the 1980s. I loved the vibe there.

Our standard for a good record store was where they filed their Jethro Tull records: if they were under T for “Tull, Jethro” it was a bogus shop…

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:34:20am

DeAnna Lorraine on Infowars claims she won’t take a Covid-19 vaccine “even if Jesus did.” (Utah Outcasts, caution for coarse language, 15:29)

That’s some grade A misinformation and ignorance if I’ve ever heard it before. These people are dangerously daft.

InfoWars Host Claims She Wouldn’t Take Vaccine Even if Jesus Did

Barefoot Grin  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:36:49am

re: #158 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Our standard for a good record store was where they filed their Jethro Tull records…if it was under T for “Tull, Jethro” it was a bogus shop…

At my place in Illinois (Record Service) it was having guys behind the counter like the Jack Black character in High Fidelity: “that’s not what you want; THIS is what you want.”

Barefoot Grin  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:37:01am
Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:41:24am

re: #160 Barefoot Grin

At my place in Illinois (Record Service) it was having guys behind the counter like the Jack Black character in High Fidelity: “that’s not what you want; THIS is what you want.”

When I was stationed in Virginia Beach, I made regular pilgrimages to Peaches Records. I still have a couple of their branded storage crates for cassette tapes and LPs.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:42:25am

re: #161 Barefoot Grin

Nothing at all to do with Trump or election but amusing.

ericblair  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:43:32am

re: #161 Barefoot Grin

Doubt this translation is real but it is fun:

Sadly no, the agriculture minister was suggesting that they export more pork to a bunch of Asian countries including Indonesia, and Putin kinda reminded him it’s a Muslim country.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:44:12am

From the onion

ATHENS, GA—Thirty-seven record-store clerks are missing and feared dead in the aftermath of a partial roof collapse during a Yo La Tengo concert Monday.

“We’re trying our best to rescue these clerks, but, realistically, there’s not a lot of hope,” said emergency worker Len Guzman, standing outside the 40 Watt Club, where the tragedy occurred. “These people are simply not in the physical condition to survive this sort of trauma. It’s just a twisted mass of black-frame glasses and ironic Girl Scouts T-shirts in there.”

A Cranky One  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:50:19am

ericblair  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:54:51am

Goopers have no idea what they sound like anymore.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:55:16am

I’d be hella pissed.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:58:00am

re: #155 thedopefishlives

My surprise, let me show you it. Sad thing is, we’ve actually been improving on our cases thanks to the shutdown order. Now we’re going to go back the other way because we have a bunch of Republican maskholes who are intentionally trying to kill people.

I mean JFC people. Just allow for your food to be ordered to go or delivered. I went to my favorite kabob place last week. I would have liked to sat down because I like their decorations but I don’t wanna get sick either. And I miss bars too. The selfish stupidity is what I’ll remember about all this when the dust settles.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Dec 17, 2020 • 5:59:05am

re: #168 Colère Tueur de Lapin

[Embedded content]

Benny remains a waste of a good JD.

BlueSpotinAL  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:01:00am

re: #136 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Hey! My first paid gig I ever played was with a hammered dulcimer player too! (me /s).

There is a video of me on YouTube playing one song in Little Rock, Arkansas, but it is bad, I didn’t have my stand so I was using a piano bench and pillows, and is not worth linking here.

Was sweet, sweet Connie doing her act?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:02:49am

re: #167 ericblair

So typical non-voters voting is … bad?

If you ask Ron Paul in an unguarded moment, I am sure he will tell you that things have been going downhill ever since we expanded the voting franchise beyond property-owning white males.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:05:19am

re: #172 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

If you ask Ron Paul in an unguarded moment, I am sure he will tell you that things have been going downhill ever since we expanded the voting franchise beyond property-owning white males.

Of course he does. Ron Paul is more like Trump than people realize. I don’t think Ron Paul gets enough heat for being a bigoted piece of shit.

lizardofid  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:09:17am

re: #171 BlueSpotinAL

Was sweet, sweet Connie doing her act?

The Dallas stop on that tour was the loudest show I ever attended.


Oh, good morning!

steve_davis  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:14:48am

re: #93 Dread Pirate Ron

My dog snores. It’s very steady and relaxing to hear, and it can be heard in the far corners of the house.

i literally thought my downstairs neighbor was having sex because it sounded vaguely like a bed occasionally knocking against a wall.Then I finally realized where the noise was coming from: right next to me, as my on-her-back cat was completely zonked out to the point where I could play with her sweet little back foot with her being completely oblivious to it (she has really soft feet that feel like little rabbits’ feet, except for the pads on the bottom).

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:17:45am

re: #171 BlueSpotinAL

Was sweet, sweet Connie doing her act?

I’m afraid I don’t know what that means, he said, channeling his inner Temperance Brennan.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:18:58am

re: #172 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

If you ask Ron Paul in an unguarded moment, I am sure he will tell you that things have been going downhill ever since we expanded the voting franchise beyond property-owning white males.

Then we cut down what “white” means, tossing Irish, Italians, and Slavs out of the club first. Keep cutting until you get the desired election result.

BlueSpotinAL  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:19:26am

re: #176 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I’m afraid I don’t know what that means, he said, channeling his inner Temperance Brennan.

She had the whole show, and that’s a natural fact.

We’re an American Band…

BlueSpotinAL  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:22:12am

re: #178 BlueSpotinAL

She had the whole show, and that’s a natural fact.

We’re an American Band…

Connie Hamby has a wikipedia article about her.

🌹UOJB!  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:23:34am

re: #151 Patricia Kayden

Never liked her. So glad she’s leaving Congress.

[Embedded content]

But she’s coming to California to fuck us up.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:23:35am

re: #154 Patricia Kayden


The thing is, the sane will stay out of businesses unless they need to be there.

I’m not a businessman, but I would think it costs more to keep a fully-staffed business open with a fraction of the customers than to keep it closed.

It would help if either the state legislature or the federal government gave aid to businesses, but that won’t happen as long as conservatives in government want to destroy both the government and small businesses.

steve_davis  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:23:48am

re: #130 Decatur Deb

MIL grew up on a Tennessee cotton farm during the Depression. In the 90s she was still showing the classic food hoarding trait—the floor of her laundry room covered with groceries still in their paper bags.

dad born in 29. In 2017, he was still bringing home those giant tubs you can find in Sam’s of gravy mix, etc. When he died, he had like 6 of those things in the house. He wasn’t suffering from dementia. I think he just had enough disposable income in the latter part of his life to where he was finally able to say “fuck it. i want it, I’m buying it,” when it came to food. He grew up on a farm, so they had food, but my grandfather told a story of a guy who used to show up at the creamery rail depot to do nothing more than spend two hours helping to load the big milk tanks onto the train taking it to NY City and Philly. He did it so that he could go home with a gallon of milk for his kids, ‘cause he wasn’t on payroll, ergo wasn’t getting paid for anything. That shit sticks with you.

🌹UOJB!  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:27:24am
thedopefishlives  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:28:40am

re: #181 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

The thing is, the sane will stay out of businesses unless they need to be there.

I’m not a businessman, but I would think it costs more to keep a fully-staffed business open with a fraction of the customers than to keep it closed.

It would help if either the state legislature or the federal government gave aid to businesses, but that won’t happen as long as conservatives in government want to destroy both the government and small businesses.

Minnesota is - or was - trying to fund some pandemic relief at the state level, but I think the governor ran into some legal difficulties. Probably trying to do an end run around the GOP-controlled Senate, which is filled with notable Trump-humpers - I’m surprised they haven’t spoken up publicly about Trump winning the election, in fact.

Barefoot Grin  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:29:43am

re: #182 steve_davis

dad born in 29. In 2017, he was still bringing home those giant tubs you can find in Sam’s of gravy mix, etc. When he died, he had like 6 of those things in the house. He wasn’t suffering from dementia. I think he just had enough disposable income in the latter part of his life to where he was finally able to say “fuck it. i want it, I’m buying it,” when it came to food. He grew up on a farm, so they had food, but my grandfather told a story of a guy who used to show up at the creamery rail depot to do nothing more than spend two hours helping to load the big milk tanks onto the train taking it to NY City and Philly. He did it so that he could go home with a gallon of milk for his kids, ‘cause he wasn’t on payroll, ergo wasn’t getting paid for anything. That shit sticks with you.

My parents are also depression-era folks (dad born in 1926). As the third of three sons, it was a rare thing for me to get new clothes. If it could be patched, or hemmed, or held together with duct tape there was no reason to buy it new in my dad’s eyes (and he had a decent job as an engineer). My mom bought bargain food and packed the basement pantry with stuff that often went bad before we could eat it.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:31:44am
Belafon  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:33:44am

re: #83 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

Who doesn’t like a good pegging?

Deadpool was very proud of it.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:33:45am
Decatur Deb  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:35:18am

re: #182 steve_davis

dad born in 29. In 2017, he was still bringing home those giant tubs you can find in Sam’s of gravy mix, etc. When he died, he had like 6 of those things in the house. He wasn’t suffering from dementia. I think he just had enough disposable income in the latter part of his life to where he was finally able to say “fuck it. i want it, I’m buying it,” when it came to food. He grew up on a farm, so they had food, but my grandfather told a story of a guy who used to show up at the creamery rail depot to do nothing more than spend two hours helping to load the big milk tanks onto the train taking it to NY City and Philly. He did it so that he could go home with a gallon of milk for his kids, ‘cause he wasn’t on payroll, ergo wasn’t getting paid for anything. That shit sticks with you.

MIL’s family (White) were dislocated sharecroppers who wandered the Depression South until they settled on the cousin’s place in TN. Her dad made a dollar a day picking fruit in Florida, while Blacks could demand only .50. When she should have been in gradeschool, she pulled a cotton sack through the fields (when she wasn’t down with typhoid). At that she was lucky—I knew a woman in Carter Co KY who pulled her husband’s single-share plow after their mule died.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:38:04am

re: #185 Barefoot Grin

My parents are also depression-era folks (dad born in 1926). As the third of three sons, it was a rare thing for me to get new clothes. If it could be patched, or hemmed, or held together with duct tape there was no reason to buy it new in my dad’s eyes (and he had a decent job as an engineer). My mom bought bargain food and packed the basement pantry with stuff that often went bad before we could eat it.

My maternal grandparents (pa 1911 ma 1913) were as well.

My late uncle and my mother (1938 and 1940) when they were old enough were tasked with planning a month’s worth of groceries for the family, given a sum to purchase things from the family general store. The idea was to teach them budgeting.

My uncle would spend like hell in the first couple weeks, and by the end of the month they were eating beans every day. My mother was very good at planning out expenditures so there might be a fancy meal once or twice a month, but most were frugal.

Ace-o-aces  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:38:12am
Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:38:48am

re: #189 Decatur Deb

My father was a young man by the time the Depression rolled around, but my mother was in her formative years during that time.

And yes, I grew up maximizing use of anything.

I still reuse sacks and bags multiple times. Even before the reusable-bag mandate for retail, I would reuse the plastic grocery store bags in many ways around the house.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:41:23am

re: #183 🌹UOJB!

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:44:04am

re: #192 Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus

I still reuse sacks and bags multiple times. Even before the reusable-bag mandate for retail, I would reuse the plastic grocery store bags in many ways around the house.

They had that in Germany when I moved here. Or rather, you had to pay like 15 cents extra per bag, so I definitely keep them, always have a handful in the car.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:44:38am
Dangerman; Not a Dr. & don't play one on TV  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:46:06am

re: #19 The Pie Overlord!

[Embedded content]

So no one has ever planned an inauguration in advance
Built an inauguration stage in advance
Transitioned the actual government

No previous prez has ever done any of this??

jaunte  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:48:10am
Colère Tueur de Lapin  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:52:39am

re: #175 steve_davis

… (she has really soft feet that feel like little rabbits’ feet, except for the pads beans on the bottom).

Hooman must learn proper terminology to appease the overlord.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:53:40am

re: #196 Dangerman; Not a Dr. & don’t play one on TV

The Pie Overlord!  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:55:20am

#StankyTrump is trending and it’s the best thing you will see on Twitter all day!

Dangerman; Not a Dr. & don't play one on TV  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:58:09am

re: #91 steve_davis

My cat snores, and yes, it’s impossibly cute.

Ours too

🌹UOJB!  Dec 17, 2020 • 6:59:34am

And another one quits the GOP for good.

Former New Hampshire GOP chairwoman proclaims she’s leaving the party over Texas lawsuit

On Thursday, writing for USA TODAY, former New Hampshire Republican Party Chairwoman Jennifer Horn announced she was leaving the GOP, accusing her former party of having “ransacked the Constitution” — and directly fingering their support of the failed Texas lawsuit that sought to throw out millions of ballots in swing states.


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:00:10am

SMOTI with a horrible photo alteration to support his lies.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:01:28am
🌹UOJB!  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:02:11am

lizardofid  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:02:21am

re: #203 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

SMOTI with a horrible photo alteration to support his lies.

[Embedded content]

“A lie is half way around the world, before the truth gets it’s shoes on.”


Dr Lizardo  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:02:56am

re: #188 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Yeah, that’s big news here in Europe.

🌹UOJB!  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:03:05am

re: #203 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

SMOTI with a horrible photo alteration to support his lies.

[Embedded content]

Why is this asshole still given a blank check to spread his lies?

Ace-o-aces  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:03:51am
Dr Lizardo  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:05:53am

re: #194 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

They had that in Germany when I moved here. Or rather, you had to pay like 15 cents extra per bag, so I definitely keep them, always have a handful in the car.

Got myself one of these….

Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:08:59am

re: #100 Dread Pirate Ron

[Embedded content]

They’re expecting a million so I probably won’t win. I’ll be entering a bid just in case though. Another beneficial use of my Trump tax break giveaway, the rest of which has already gone to Democratic candidates and causes.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:09:03am

re: #141 Eric The Fruit Bat

Up my way we have a pretty good-sized record store - since my hearing is so badly borked at some point I’ll probably go there and unload my records and turntable. Some of the discs I have are half-speed mastered (Mobile Fidelity Sound Lab, Nautilus) and others are Japanese pressings - all 3 of the above manufacturers used virgin vinyl (you can tell because they’re translucent when held up to a lightsource).

It’s a good thing that CD’s came out when they did: the quality of domestic record production was horrible (using re-ground vinyl, pressing hundreds of thousands discs using the same stamper disc causing audio distortions, etc.)

When I moved cross-state in early 2007 I pretty much sold/gave away/trashed 80% of my possessions and furniture. Which included the mix of stereo equipment I’d taken to college/purchased in 1981 and inherited from my parents in the 1990s. The vinyl collection was whatever I’d purchased or been gifted since 1981 plus some records that were originally purchased by my parents or siblings.

One of my cousin’s husband was into analog sound still - so he took the turntable (and extra needles) plus some of the records.*

And then one day I loaded a few packing boxes with the remaining LPs and visited Jerry’s Records in Squirrel Hill (Pittsburgh). It had moved there at some point from Forbes Ave in Oakland where it’d been when I was in college at Pitt in the 80s. The entry way to the new location had this huge pile of vinyl records sort of haphazardly piled there. This turned out to be the “free to take” pile which was pretty much everything brought in that they didn’t consider to have much resale value - generally due to not being in demand or having been mass produced in sufficient volume to not be rare enough (I guess).

My two boxes were looked through quickly and I got offered $50 altogether for six of the albums. ($25 of it was for my brother’s copy of Dylan’s “Blood on the Tracks”.) I took the money and the two boxes were added to the huge pile.

* - Turned out that my cousin’s three children all needed some furniture at the time for one reason or another. So pretty much everything but a couch I got in a garage sale for $10 and a reclining chair was taken.

Dangerman; Not a Dr. & don't play one on TV  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:09:43am

re: #140 Dr Lizardo

Things I’ve found included a Poäng chair that needed minor repair - had to drill out a broken bolt and replace it, which was easy enough and picked up a new cover for it at IKEA, a fully functional microwave oven, laundry hamper, couple end tables, an HP F2280 all-in-one printer, a genuine Mathmos lava lamp (still working great, too), a snowboarding jacket (had to fix the pockets and replace the velcro), a leather flight jacket and a German all-season military parka, with winter liner - had to get the zipper replaced on it and a table lamp.

It’s amazing, to me at least, what people throw away here.

Once I scavenged a hatchet.
I ended up having to replace the handle
And the head
But it occupies the same space in time

Dave In Austin  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:12:09am
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:13:09am

re: #164 ericblair

Sadly no, the agriculture minister was suggesting that they export more pork to a bunch of Asian countries including Indonesia, and Putin kinda reminded him it’s a Muslim country.

Well, Malaysia is a “Muslim country” due to being majority Malay. But a fair chunk of the population is ethnic Chinese, Buddhist, and quite willing to eat pork.

Patricia Kayden  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:13:23am
Dangerman; Not a Dr. & don't play one on TV  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:13:59am

re: #158 Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))

Our standard for a good record store was where they filed their Jethro Tull records: if they were under T for “Tull, Jethro” it was a bogus shop…

The “T” section…every band that starts with “the”

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:14:01am

re: #166 A Cranky One

Brave man to reach in there with bare hand.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:15:36am

The Nebraska GOP is still trying to oust state senator McCollister (legislative district 20) after he called out the state GOP for supporting white supremacy.

He just posted his legislative agenda for the next session of the Unicameral. It reads like things the Democrats are pursuing here.

You know, Senator, you can always come over to the dark side. We have cookies.

Dangerman; Not a Dr. & don't play one on TV  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:15:43am

re: #167 ericblair

[Embedded content]

Goopers have no idea what they sound like anymore.

Wanna bet?

🌹UOJB!  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:15:58am

re: #211 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

They’re expecting a million so I probably won’t win. I’ll be entering a bid just in case though. Another beneficial use of my Trump tax break giveaway, the rest of which has already gone to Democratic candidates and causes.

Farm Film Report2

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:16:05am

re: #177 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Then we cut down what “white” means, tossing Irish, Italians, and Slavs out of the club first. Keep cutting until you get the desired election result.

We’re talking about the spawn, Rand, instead of Ron, aren’t we?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:17:04am

re: #217 Dangerman; Not a Dr. & don’t play one on TV

The “T” section…every band that starts with “the”

The The - The Beat(en) Generation

🌹UOJB!  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:20:41am

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:24:17am

re: #224 🌹UOJB!

The Hindenbarrg?

🌹UOJB!  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:28:48am

A Cranky One  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:29:56am

Back in the jurassic when I was a poor student, a friend (who worked at a garbage service) would drop off electronics folks had discarded. (I salvaged parts).

One day he delivered a 19 inch color TV, great shape but power cord had been cut off. Since that was a decent TV for the time, I replaced the power cord just to determine why it had been discarded.

TV came on and worked perfectly. After checks, I realized that the original power cord must have failed. So, the owner had cut off and kept the bad cord and thrown away the good TV.

Had a nice bedroom TV for years.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:33:58am

re: #226 🌹UOJB!

That falls a little too close to reality and thus into the uncanny valley of “not really funny”.

Sort of like evaluating Trumpoid acquaintances and being stuck in a position where I have to decide whether they are (a) Deluded, (b) Total Jackasses, or (c) Both of the above.

And I think part of that is also me questioning myself about why I am and continue to be acquaintances with them.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:36:52am
(((Archangel1)))  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:40:36am
Decatur Deb  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:44:23am

Our Baja Alabama town’s hospitals have suspended elective surgeries and tests requiring overnights.

🌹UOJB!  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:53:13am

And now Alabama’s New Senator is going to gladly violate Section 3 of the 14th Amendment!

sagehen  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:55:31am

re: #204 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

[Embedded content]

I bet they called her Dr Karikó

A Mom Anon  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:57:11am

Those fucking emails about “let them all get infected” should be, if we were a fucking sane country, would be, resulting in at the very least, fucking Scott Atlas charged with negligent homicide. I am SO angry about this, and I thought I couldn’t be more pissed off.

Someone has to be held accountable, a whole lot of someones. I’ve done nothing but cry for a week now. I am tired of being scared and worried every fucking day with no relief. I knew I lived around and knew some awful people, but I had no idea how many.

Dr. Matt  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:57:49am

re: #233 🌹UOJB!

And now Alabama’s New Senator is going to gladly violate Section 3 of the 14th Amendment!

Yeah, but the Left are radicals because they want to provide healthcare and education to the entire country.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 7:58:13am

A commercially-run assisted living centre in Grand Island, Nebr. currently has two boards of directors, each claiming the other is illegitimate.

Entangled in their fight over which board is legitimate is a ninety-five year old World War II veteran, who one board wants to evict from the place he’s lived for eleven years.

Dueling lawsuits over the boards and the veteran’s rights are being heard in Hall County, where amongst other things, lawyers representing the interests of the veteran claim that the board which wants to evict him is retaliating for a complaint he made, including stealing his walker so he could not move around the facility. (They claim the walker belongs to the facility; he claims it is his own.)

Gotta love capitalism. Thank you for your service.

‘They took away his walker’: Dueling retirement center boards are at heart of attempt to evict Grand Island WWII veteran (Scottsbluff, Nebr. Star-Herald)

The good news is that Jack Wilson, the 95-year-old resident of Regency Retirement Residence, won’t be homeless for the holidays.

On the other hand, an attempt to evict the World War II veteran has revealed administrative differences at Regency Retirement.

Two boards claim to be in charge of the assisted living facility, 803 N. Alpha St.

A hearing was scheduled Wednesday in Hall County Court to decide whether Wilson should be evicted from his Regency Retirement apartment.

Three lawyers showed up at a hearing earlier in the day to determine whether the afternoon hearing should be postponed.

One of those lawyers, Erin Urbom, was representing Wilson.

The other attorneys, Susan Koenig and Rene Blauhorn, represent separate boards that say they are the Regency’s governing board.

Hall County Court Judge Arthur Wetzel postponed Wednesday’s eviction hearing until Jan. 28 to give the boards time to work things out.

That means Wilson will have a home at least until then.


He is not in arrears on his rent payments, so the attempted eviction by one of the boards of a World War II veteran in the middle of winter is not about that.

ericblair  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:00:18am

Whaddaya know, I thought that was bullshit. You would think that Twitter would kind of keep an eye on where the shitgibbon’s logins were coming from, like if they’re on a different continent, but OK.

These are also the geniuses that got hacked in July because their high-level admin control panel was accessible from the Internet.

A Mom Anon  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:00:29am

re: #233 🌹UOJB!

Oh FFS, GO HOME ASSHOLE. Worry about your own state, it’s in bad enough shape without your help. Georgia might get smarter and elect decent human beings without your “help”.

I am angry today lizards, and so fucking sad.

SerialUpDinger  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:03:14am

Happy Holidays!

A weird holiday season - but we still have a bit of joy to share!

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:04:08am

re: #239 A Mom Anon

Oh FFS, GO HOME ASSHOLE. Worry about your own state, it’s in bad enough shape without your help. Georgia might get smarter and elect decent human beings without your “help”.

I am angry today lizards, and so fucking sad.

Pity James Harrison can’t be hired to go tackle assholes around the nation.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:05:26am

re: #235 A Mom Anon

Those fucking emails about “let them all get infected” should be, if we were a fucking sane country, would be, resulting in at the very least, fucking Scott Atlas charged with negligent homicide. I am SO angry about this, and I thought I couldn’t be more pissed off.

Someone has to be held accountable, a whole lot of someones. I’ve done nothing but cry for a week now. I am tired of being scared and worried every fucking day with no relief. I knew I lived around and knew some awful people, but I had no idea how many.

You and me both, Mom. Considering those E-mails suggest that GOP governors should be persuaded to commit genocide, I now know why despite all evidence to the contrary Gov. Pete Ricketts of my state and Kristi Noem of South Dakota are so insistent on keeping everything open (and my governor threatening local governments if they require masks).

My assumption was simply shortsightedness about how an economy actually works, coupled with the usual conservative greed. I started to suspect months ago it was more than that, and now the E-mails are the smoking gun that the genocide is in fact deliberate and “Teh Ekonomi” was just a lie.

sagehen  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:05:46am

re: #211 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of USPS, Goodyear, and Oreo

They’re expecting a million so I probably won’t win. I’ll be entering a bid just in case though. Another beneficial use of my Trump tax break giveaway, the rest of which has already gone to Democratic candidates and causes.

Instead of an auction, it should be a raffle.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:08:14am

Floof Cat decided to “explore” the snowy landscape this morning. Only a few inches on the ground since things changed over to rain/sleet by early evening and then petered out completely. (Friends of mine in Pittsburgh got 8-10” of snow.)

She worked her way behind some shrubs next to the apartment where the snow was shallower. And she apparently does not like snow on the paws since she kept picking up one leg or the other and shaking it like cats do. So I opened the door and called her to come back in. And got the same behavior pattern as a cat up a tree. She wants to come down (come inside), but doesn’t want to make the preliminary moves (walk into deeper snow) necessary to make it back inside.

So I get cat meowing and complaining for about a minute before she takes two steps into the deeper snow and then jumps onto the stoop. And, of course, IT IS ALL MY FAULT.


A Mom Anon  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:08:24am

re: #240 SerialUpDinger

aww, what a sweet doggo face. I want to hug and love and pet this baby.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:12:13am

re: #238 ericblair

Whaddaya know, I thought that was bullshit. You would think that Twitter would kind of keep an eye on where the shitgibbon’s logins were coming from, like if they’re on a different continent, but OK.

These are also the geniuses that got hacked in July because their high-level admin control panel was accessible from the Internet.

It’s the second time the same guy logged into Trump’s account. He guessed his last password back in 2014: “yourefired”

A hollow voice says,1st round on points. Onward!  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:12:23am

re: #157 jeffreyw

[Embedded content]

Good morning!

Western good morning!

Another early bloom
lizardofid  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:12:29am

re: #243 sagehen

Instead of an auction, it should be a raffle.

Coulda got $81 million easy.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:12:52am

NRO’s mask slipped. They are who they are. A bunch of blue blood assholes who think they’re better than everyone else and that was true when Buckley was trotting the globe singing the virtues of the Jim Crow South and Apartheid South Africa. I actually attended the community college where Dr. Biden teaches and I was enrolled in the very class she teaches. I’m not “slow.” It was a required class. I went to community college because I wasn’t ready for a four year college out of high school and I needed to refine my academic skills. We need to push back when the right call us elitists especially when they reveal their own elitism and that trashy NRO article on Dr. Biden is what they are at their core. It’s Trump too when he scoffs at Biden for not being an Ivy Leaguer like he was too.

SerialUpDinger  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:13:07am

re: #245 A Mom Anon

Kasper would happy for a bit of attention - he is the happiest and most optimistic member of the family! He is so attuned to our actions - and when he looks at you with those eyes? How do you say no to a walk, a drive, a treat, or some pets?

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:14:12am

re: #249 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

This seems to be the Right’s new “Princess Pocahontas” hobbyhorse: an attempt to belittle a female and a Democratic one at that.

A Cranky One  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:16:25am

re: #239 A Mom Anon

Oh FFS, GO HOME ASSHOLE. Worry about your own state, it’s in bad enough shape without your help. Georgia might get smarter and elect decent human beings without your “help”.

I am angry today lizards, and so fucking sad.

Dr Lizardo  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:17:05am

re: #246 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Wanna bet his new password is “Trump2024!” or something like that?

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:17:39am
🌹UOJB!  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:17:48am

re: #253 Dr Lizardo

Wanna bet his new password is “Trump2024!” or something like that?

Oh he probably changed it to “StopTheSteal!”

The Pie Overlord!  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:17:57am

re: #253 Dr Lizardo

Wanna bet his new password is “Trump2024!” or something like that?


Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:18:06am

re: #253 Dr Lizardo

Wanna bet his new password is “Trump2024!” or something like that?


Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:18:10am

re: #249 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

After attacking Biden for her dissertation, film critic Kyle Smith claimed, “As for Biden, she has spent a lot of time teaching remedial English to slow learners in community colleges.”

Film critic? Would that be a failed actor or director?

There seems to be a pattern on the right: Claiming they stand up for working people, but trashing a certain bartending representative for tending bar. Trashing a community college professor for teaching in the sort of college where working class people go to get their start on higher education, trashing the last President claiming his college transcripts must be fake, &c.

It’s almost as if conservatives are liars, every single one.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:20:01am

re: #253 Dr Lizardo

Wanna bet his new password is “Trump2024!” or something like that?


Dr Lizardo  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:20:33am

re: #255 🌹UOJB!

re: #256 The Pie Overlord!

re: #257 Eclectic Cyborg

Oh yeah, those are all distinct possibilities too. It probably wouldn’t take too long to figure it out.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:21:07am

Smith [the NRO film critic], who doesn’t have any advanced degrees, even bragged on Twitter ahead of releasing his attack that people would “love” it because it’s “so mean.”

DodgerFan1988  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:21:58am
Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:23:45am

Nothing at all. Nope. No siree…

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:26:49am

re: #263 Eclectic Cyborg

I have NOTHING to do with the potential prosecution of Hunter Biden, or the Biden family. It is just more Fake News. Actually, I find it very sad to watch!/blockquote>

and your phone call was perfect

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:28:38am

I’m going to trundle off to bed, to dream of the vaccine I’ll get in 2024. Maybe by then we’ll have disinfectant and toilet paper as well.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:29:34am

re: #261 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Belafon  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:34:21am

Elf it all

🌹UOJB!  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:36:16am

Thread—Trump loses AGAIN…

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:36:40am

re: #258 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Film critic? Would that be a failed actor or director?

There seems to be a pattern on the right: Claiming they stand up for working people, but trashing a certain bartending representative for tending bar. Trashing a community college professor for teaching in the sort of college where working class people go to get their start on higher education, trashing the last President claiming his college transcripts must be fake, &c.

It’s almost as if conservatives are liars, every single one.

It legitimately pisses me off along with Trump mocking Biden for going to a state sclhool.

The Pie Overlord!  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:39:04am
Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:39:05am
A hollow voice says,1st round on points. Onward!  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:39:42am

re: #263 Eclectic Cyborg

[Embedded content]

Nothing at all. Nope. No siree…

So why is an investigation of Hunter Biden’s taxes such a big deal to the repugs? DT’s children, not to mention DT himself, have been under investigation for years, and they don’t seem troubled….

(Please note, this question is rhetorical.)

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:46:49am

re: #268 🌹UOJB!

Thread—Trump loses AGAIN…

This case is about the Georgia runoff elections. The GOP is arguing the lack of drop boxes in some locations is discriminatory toward Republican voters.

The Georgia deputy AG notes Georgia doesn’t have “Republican voters,” it has “voters.”

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:49:19am

re: #269 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

It legitimately pisses me off along with Trump mocking Biden for going to a state sclhool.

Whereas Donald Trump went to (checks notes) the University of Pennsylvania, a state school.

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:49:48am

re: #273 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

This case is about the Georgia runoff elections. The GOP is arguing the lack of drop boxes in some locations is discriminatory toward Republican voters.

The Georgia deputy AG notes Georgia doesn’t have “Republican voters,” it has “voters.”

Completely unacceptable to Republicans. All voters must be Republican or they’re fraudulent and therefore invalid.

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:51:03am

re: #274 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I am mistaken in rechecking my notes. UPenn is actually a private college.

Florida Panhandler  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:55:16am

re: #269 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

It legitimately pisses me off along with Trump mocking Biden for going to a state sclhool.

Republicans are used to their leadership’s education coming from wealthy Daddy’s bribing their way into Wharton, Harvard or Yale.

Nobody ever claimed Conservatives are consistent in anything except hatred of the “other.”

🌹UOJB!  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:55:35am

re: #274 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Whereas Donald Trump went to (checks notes) the University of Pennsylvania, a state school.

Penn is an Ivy League school.

Lincoln, Pitt, Penn State and Temple are State Related Universities in PA.

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:55:55am

re: #276 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I am mistaken in rechecking my notes. UPenn is actually a private college.

Yeah it’s an Ivy. Nothing wrong with it. I believe it’s where my dad’s cousin his MD. First college grad in that side of the family iirc.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:57:11am

re: #279 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Yeah it’s an Ivy. Nothing wrong with it. I believe it’s where my dad’s cousin his MD. .

At least he’s a REAL doctor!!! Hurr, hurr, hurr!!!”

LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:57:17am

re: #278 🌹UOJB!

Penn is an Ivy League school.

Lincoln, Pitt, Penn State and Temple are State Related Universities in PA.

Yeah my dad’s dad was at Pitt. My mom’s aunt went to the Johnstown campus.

Dr. Matt  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:57:25am

Someone is drunk at Mediaite

Florida Panhandler  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:57:31am

re: #279 LeftyRambles2413 (HappyWarrior)

Yeah it’s an Ivy. Nothing wrong with it. I believe it’s where my dad’s cousin his MD. First college grad in that side of the family iirc.

Wharton’s current acceptance rate is 9%.

It is obvious to anyone with at least 2 connected neurons that Trump was only there because of Daddy.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:58:09am

re: #283 Florida Panhandler

Wharton’s current acceptance rate is 9%.

It is obvious to anyone with at least 2 connected neurons that Trump was only there because of Daddy.

How else was GW Bush in Princeton?

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:58:17am
FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:58:17am
Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 17, 2020 • 8:59:38am

re: #286 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

It would make me happy to see Dominion take Sidney Powell to the cleaners.

plansbandc  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:00:39am

re: #201 Dangerman; Not a Dr. & don’t play one on TV

My dog snores and yips in his dreams. It’s adorable.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:00:57am

re: #287 Eclectic Cyborg

It would make me happy to see Dominion take Sidney Powell to the cleaners.




🌹UOJB!  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:01:50am

re: #286 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

[Embedded content]

Why has that asshole not been sanctioned by a single court?

thecommodore  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:05:28am

Tuberville joins the Seditious Stupid:

“You see what’s coming. You’ve been reading about it in the House. We’re going to have to do it in the Senate,” Tuberville said while campaigning for Sens. Kelly Loeffler (R-Ga.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) in Georgia, according to a video posted online Thursday by liberal activist Lauren Windsor.

Sen.-elect Tuberville suggests he supports challenge to electoral vote count next month

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:06:59am


Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:07:55am

re: #290 🌹UOJB!

Why has that asshole not been sanctioned by a single court?

Detroit is working on that.

thedopefishlives  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:08:35am
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:09:31am

re: #270 The Pie Overlord!

The Simpsons is still around?

I thought it sank into nearly irredeemable mediocrity around Season 6, if not earlier.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:09:58am
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:11:12am

re: #274 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

Whereas Donald Trump went to (checks notes) the University of Pennsylvania, a state school.

Note. Penn is private. The “state school’ is Penn State. You know, of Joe “I did not see things because I did not want to see them” Paterno fame.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:12:45am

re: #278 🌹UOJB!

Penn is an Ivy League school.

Lincoln, Pitt, Penn State and Temple are State Related Universities in PA.

And Pitt loves jumping back and forth over the line between private and state-supported university to be on which ever side suits them better regarding a particular issue.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:13:51am

re: #283 Florida Panhandler

Wharton’s current acceptance rate is 9%.

It is obvious to anyone with at least 2 connected neurons that Trump was only there because of Daddy.

Trump was there for his bachelor’s degree. As was Ivanka. Wharton is only really prestigious for their MBA program.

Sherlock Hound  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:14:12am
FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:14:58am

re: #287 Eclectic Cyborg

It would make me happy to see Dominion take Sidney Powell to the cleaners.

And find that she has empty pockets. And a GoFundMe with $$$$ the moment the settlement against her gets Dominion nothing.

Dave In Austin  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:17:52am

re: #294 thedopefishlives

Sometimes the Pantload comes thru….

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:19:17am

re: #296 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

I don’t know what that’s about but it reminds me of an exhibit at Chicago’s Museum of Science & Industry; a video concerning frozen lemon cream pie. The whole thing was literally made from chemicals. The final sentence spoken by the chemist in chefs clothing said about the cream pie, “there’s no lemon, there’s no cream.”

🌹UOJB!  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:21:49am

re: #298 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

And Pitt loves jumping back and forth over the line between private and state-supported university to be on which ever side suits them better regarding a particular issue.

I remember when they denied benefits to same sex couples in violation of a City of Pittsburgh ordinance. When they called me for $$$ I told them to fuck off and never call me again because they are discriminating against same sex couples.

Dr. Matt  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:22:28am

re: #286 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

I hope Dominion successfully sues the fuck out of every one of these treasonous assholes.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:22:41am

re: #303 Yeah Sure WhatEVs

I don’t know what that’s about but it reminds me of an exhibit at Chicago’s Museum of Science & Industry; a video concerning frozen lemon cream pie. The whole thing was literally made from chemicals. The final sentence spoken by the chemist in chefs clothing said about the cream pie, “there’s no lemon, there’s no cream.”

amazon.com (Book called “Twinkie Deconstructed”)

A book with a very good rundown on modern processed food chemicals. Plus an interesting history on the development of long shelf-life foods.

Teukka  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:23:13am

re: #300 Sherlock Hound

[Embedded content]

WTF goes through the head of people that do this shit?

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:25:56am

re: #304 🌹UOJB!

I remember when they denied benefits to same sex couples in violation of a City of Pittsburgh ordinance. When they called me for $$$ I told them to fuck off and never call me again because they are discriminating against same sex couples.

My father, also a Pitt Alumni, stopped giving them money back in the early 70s when they hired Johnny Majors and started trying to be a college football power.

I pretty much never have due to their two-faced behaviors regarding students and also fraternities. Lots of lip service towards helping and trying to fix broken systems while really doing nothing or actually making things worse.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:26:16am

No, it wasn’t in the tree all along.
Came in through the doggy door

Vote Cthulhu - No longer the greater evil!  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:26:51am

re: #257 Eclectic Cyborg


If Twitter password team wanted to be mean, they could change it to “BidenWon”.

We’d never see another tweet from The Donald, because his ego would never allow him to type those words.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:27:11am

re: #305 Dr. Matt

I hope Dominion successfully sues the fuck out of every one of these libelous treasonous assholes.

thedopefishlives  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:27:56am

re: #302 Dave In Austin

Sometimes the Pantload comes thru….

Everyone has their moments.

Sherlock Hound  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:28:12am

re: #307 Teukka

WTF goes through the head of people that do this shit?

Hopefully Kurt Eichenwald got the word.

plansbandc  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:29:50am

re: #242 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

They saw it was killing the right people, so hell yeah, let’s get as many people infected as possible.

Genocide. Period.

🌹UOJB!  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:31:56am

re: #308 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

My father, also a Pitt Alumni, stopped giving them money back in the early 70s when they hired Johnny Majors and started trying to be a college football power.

I pretty much never have due to their two-faced behaviors regarding students and also fraternities. Lots of lip service towards helping and trying to fix broken systems while really doing nothing or actually making things worse.

Oh I was there when Majors and Sherill ran the football team. Dorsett was treated like a Greek God. Memories of Tom Perko who said he was going to the next Super Bowl, got drafted by the Packers and cut during training camp. He couldn’t handle being cut…suicide…

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:32:17am

re: #314 plansbandc

They saw it was killing the right people, so hell yeah, let’s get as many people infected as possible.

Genocide. Period.

It was the “cheapest” solution in purely economic terms.

But their notion of Economy has little to do with Humanity, or at least 99% of it…

Teukka  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:33:24am

re: #314 plansbandc

They saw it was killing the right people, so hell yeah, let’s get as many people infected as possible.

Genocide. Period.

Is it just me, or does it seem that :cough: some :cough: seem to believe that you have to murder to commit genocide? You don’t, there’s 4 other ways as well, and if we go by reasonable suspicions, the Trump admin ticks most if not all of those except (a) (killing).

Belafon  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:40:27am

No way!

makeitstop  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:43:16am

Just a drive-by, since I’ve got actual work to do today…

We only got a couple of inches of snow here on the island, with a nice coating of ice. The wife and I went out and cleared the snow off the cars and shoveled a sort-of path for any delivery people who may be stopping by.

Music break: I do a web site for a recording studio in NYC, and the owner got a mastering job for what can be considered a Great Lost Recording. I know we’ve got some Tim Finn fans here, and back in the 90s he had a short-lived project (one album) with Irish singer-songwriter Andy White and Liam Ó Maonlaí from the band Hothouse Flowers called ALT. They did a show in November 1995 at the NYC club Tramps, and he owner recorded the show. They decided to release it for free on the 25th anniversary, and David Fricke did a segment about it on his Sirius XM radio show.

If you want to hear it, you can check it out here. The album is available for free on Spotify, Bandcamp and iTunes. Pretty cool stuff.

Okay, back to work.

DodgerFan1988  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:43:48am
The Pie Overlord!  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:43:49am

This appears to be authentic.

FFL (GOP Delenda Est)  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:43:51am

re: #315 🌹UOJB!

Oh I was there when Majors and Sherill ran the football team. Dorsett was treated like a Greek God. Memories of Tom Perko who said he was going to the next Super Bowl, got drafted by the Packers and cut during training camp. He couldn’t handle being cut…suicide…

I was there for Marino’s senior year and the Foge Fazio era. Along with Pitt going into the Big East for basketball. Saw more than my share of football players (and basketball players to a much lesser extent) getting away with stuff that would have gotten any other student expelled within the time it took to schedule the disciplinary hearing.

Citizen K  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:44:04am

Florida is a fucking backwards mess by design, Part #8472635

Florida blames mothers when men batter them - then takes away their children

Her memory of the midnight attack was muddled, but her battered body bore the story.

Purple bruises peppered her arms, legs and chest. Blood dried on her busted lip. Dark, swollen skin circled her bloodshot right eye. Hospital scans confirmed her ex-boyfriend’s attack had inflicted internal trauma too.

Now, hours later, he was in jail and Leah Gunion was home again. Concussion-weary and tender, she tucked her toddler back into bed and sat down to nurse her infant son. An 8 a.m. knock at the door disrupted her first moment of peace.

A woman waited at the threshold. Her polo shirt bore the insignia of the Florida Department of Children and Families. Thinking she was there to help, Leah let her in.

For the next six weeks, Leah would battle the state for custody of her children, though DCF investigators never suggested that she injured her kids. They didn’t accuse her of using drugs or failing to provide for her boys’ basic needs.

But she had lost consciousness from being beaten and strangled, briefly leaving her children unsupervised. They ordered Leah to never be alone with her children, or risk losing them.


The Florida Department of Children and Families, dependency courts and community-based nonprofits that deliver services to foster children and their parents are tasked with protecting vulnerable kids and keeping their families together whenever possible.

Yet in defiance of widely accepted best practices, Florida aggressively removes children from parents - most of them mothers - who have been battered by an intimate partner, a USA TODAY investigation found.

DCF considers exposing children to domestic violence a form of child abuse and holds victims responsible when their kids witness it. While other states have moved away from that approach, DCF cited domestic violence as the reason it removed more than 3,500 children from biological parents in 2018, an increase of nearly 1,400 from 2013. It is the primary reason for 25% of removals this year.

Literal, codified victim blaming.

EDIT: Apparently that nice extra indented H at the start doesn’t paste over properly, so…

Belafon  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:45:13am
“Let me be clear: Before an absentee ballot is ever cast, a signature match is confirmed twice,” Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has explained, referring to the signature matching when an absentee ballot application is received and when the ballot itself is received. “Not once, twice. As in the signature is matched twice. I don’t know how much clearer I can make that for everyone to understand.”

However, Republicans are targeting the fact that under current signature-matching procedures, two of three election officials inspecting an envelope have to say that a signature doesn’t match the one on file before it will be rejected. Instead, they want to reject ballots based on the say-so of one out of three officials. Talk about a situation ripe for abuse.

That’s one lawsuit. Another challenges drop boxes, takes its own whack at signature verification, and wants to delay absentee ballots from being processed until Election Day, just to make sure the vote-counting process drags out as long as possible. And then, reports Politico, “A third suit filed in state court by the Republican National Committee and state Republican Party seeks to restrict the use of drop-boxes to business hours and suggests changes related to poll observers.”

Phew. That’s a lot.

Democrats are filing their own suits, with Marc Elias suing four counties on behalf of the New Georgia Project, trying to get early voting times extended.


Dr. Matt  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:46:16am

How Geraldo Rivera, the sensationalist showman of ’80s TV, became the voice of election reason on Fox News

Accepting reality is considered a “voice of reason”. FFS. This country is doomed….and we deserve it.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:50:58am

It was a mistake to buy a package of ‘Little Debbie’ Swiss Rolls and put them in the freezer

Yeah Sure WhatEVs  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:51:21am

Another pick.

Romantic Heretic  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:51:51am

re: #1 Patricia Kayden

How could they not?

They know most people are short of money. That too many Americans can’t properly support themselves or their families. That many will be homeless soon and that they go hungry to keep a roof over their heads.

Buying things that are not necessities are very, very low on most people’s priorities at this time.

This appears to be a perfect example that education is not the same as wisdom.

FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt'n😷Trips  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:53:00am
Romantic Heretic  Dec 17, 2020 • 9:56:04am

re: #292 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

Same, but F22 cockpit.

Also useful for playing DCS.

Hecuba's daughter  Dec 17, 2020 • 10:03:14am

re: #328 Romantic Heretic

How could they not?

They know most people are short of money. That too many Americans can’t properly support themselves or their families. That many will be homeless soon and that they go hungry to keep a roof over their heads.

Buying things that are not necessities are very, very low on most people’s priorities at this time.

This appears to be a perfect example that education is not the same as wisdom.

Nor is High IQ nor knowledge nor business success not brilliance as a writer or scientist. And to attain true wisdom also requires morality and ethics.

Romantic Heretic  Dec 17, 2020 • 10:07:02am

re: #307 Teukka

[weak and powerless person]Hahahahaha! this proves I’m neither weak or powerless. I am a man*![/weak and powerless person]

*It is almost certainly a man.

Eclectic Cyborg  Dec 17, 2020 • 10:08:35am

re: #295 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

The Simpsons is still around?

I thought it sank into nearly irredeemable mediocrity around Season 6, if not earlier.

It was never the same after Phil Hartman passed away.

lizardofid  Dec 17, 2020 • 10:09:39am

re: #329 FormerDirtDart 🍕🐀 No Capt’n😷Trips

[Embedded content]

That’s all about the lost cause rising in 2024, right?

Belafon  Dec 17, 2020 • 10:12:26am

re: #295 FFL (GOP Delenda Est)

The Simpsons is still around?

I thought it sank into nearly irredeemable mediocrity around Season 6, if not earlier.

A few episodes ago the store centered on a character voiced by Olivia Coleman. So, yes, they’re still around.

Romantic Heretic  Dec 17, 2020 • 10:15:34am

re: #323 Citizen K

Florida is a fucking backwards mess by design, Part #8472635

Florida blames mothers when men batter them - then takes away their children

Literal, codified victim blaming.

I’m betting that every psychopath in Florida knows they can be vicious monsters when they work DCF.

Only in America.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Dec 17, 2020 • 10:30:05am

re: #261 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

That piece was very poorly written on so many levels. The top level being the writing ability of 12 yo. Though I know 12yo that can write better. The next layers aren’t even worth analyzing they’re so vacuous.

Colère Tueur de Lapin  Dec 17, 2020 • 10:35:25am

re: #276 Anymouse 🌹🏡😷

I am mistaken in rechecking my notes. UPenn is actually a private college.

In PA Penn State is the state school. Easy one to confuse. University of Maryland is the MD state school. Not consistent accross the country.

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