Luca Stricagnoli: “I LOVE ROCK N’ ROLL” on Acoustic Guitar (Joan Jett & the Blackhearts)

Music • Views: 13,905


“I love Rock N’ Roll” is a classic. I love this song by Joan Jett & The Blackhearts and it was just a matter of time until I arranged it.This time we went out in the morning and found a brick wall in the center of Nashville, so we started shooting there. I hope you like this version. The tuning is DADGAD, in case you want to give it a try. I am also using some really cool equipment by SWIFF AUDIO, such as tuner and wireless systems:
Come to one of my live shows to hear this song and many more. Tour dates on:

YouTube: @megpfeiffer

LISTEN TO “I Love Rock N’ Roll” ON EVERY ONLINE STORE (Spotify, iTunes etc)



I recorded this piece using microphones by Lewitt Audio:
Lewitt LCT 640 TS

Swiff Audio:

Davide Serracini:

Proton Studio:

Nashville, TN


Lewitt Microphones:

#rock #fingerstyle #guitar

Jump to bottom

dharmamark  Aug 11, 2023 • 11:47:17am

Bluesky Invite Code

Get it while it’s hot!


🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Aug 11, 2023 • 11:59:03am

The nice thing about being a theocratic fascist is that you’re never troubled by inconsistencies in the messaging or policies.

But the prison agency and the Texas attorney general’s office, which has staked its reputation on “defending the unborn” all the way up to the U.S. Supreme Court, are arguing the agency shouldn’t be held responsible for the stillbirth because staff didn’t break the law. Plus, they said, it’s not clear that Issa’s fetus had rights as a person.

“Just because several statutes define an individual to include an unborn child does not mean that the Fourteenth Amendment does the same,” the Texas attorney general’s office wrote in a March footnote, referring to the constitutional right to life.

For more than two decades, in legislation passed by lawmakers and defended in court by the attorney general’s office, Texas has insisted “unborn children” be recognized as people starting at fertilization. And although it has traditionally referred to all stages of pregnancy, from fertilized egg to birth, as an unborn child, the state repeatedly referred to Issa’s stillborn baby as a fetus in legal briefings.

It’s a stark shift in tone from the state’s self-proclaimed status as “a nationwide leader in the protection of the unborn” in the anti-abortion fight. A few months after Issa lost her unborn child, now-suspended Attorney General Ken Paxton said in a press release that he would “continue to fight tirelessly for the rights of the unborn.” Paxton had not yet been impeached and was still at the helm of the agency when the state’s motions in Issa’s case were filed.

A prison guard says she was forced to stay at her post during labor pains. Texas is fighting compensation for her stillbirth. (Texas Tribune)

BeenHereAwhile  Aug 11, 2023 • 11:59:26am

Cory Doctorow’s linkblog

Going to #Defcon this weekend? I’m giving a keynote, “An Audacious Plan to Halt the Internet’s Enshittification and Throw it Into Reverse,” tomorrow (Aug 12) at 12:30pm, followed by a book signing at the No Starch Press booth at 2:30pm!

Charles Johnson  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:04:10pm

re: #2 🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈

The nice thing about being a theocratic fascist is that you’re never troubled by inconsistencies in the messaging or policies.

A prison guard says she was forced to stay at her post during labor pains. Texas is fighting compensation for her stillbirth. (Texas Tribune)

Because they’re not trying to be consistent or fair, everything they do is about maintaining the white male power structure. If you look at it that way, actions like this are perfectly consistent.

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:05:02pm

Everything Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Received From Donors

Shropshire Slasher  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:05:49pm

Has Weiss completed his probe, let the window to indict Hunter Biden pass the six year statute of limitations and cleared President Biden of any wrongdoing in his end report yet?!

Vicious Babushka  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:08:22pm
Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:09:13pm

re: #6 Shropshire Slasher

Has Weiss completed his probe, let the window to indict Hunter Biden pass the six year statute of limitations and cleared President Biden of any wrongdoing in his end report yet?!

Will Hunter Biden become the first person to be charged for things that no other civilian has? Let’s find out.

Smith25's Liberal Thighs  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:09:33pm

re: #1 dharmamark

Thanks a bunch

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:10:17pm

🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:14:21pm

re: #10 Joe Bacon ✅

[Embedded content]

Clerks reference?

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:18:07pm

A toddler dies thanks to Kentucky well regulated militia.

🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:18:36pm

Printing feet to raise the legs at the head of my bed appears to be working.
I had some heartburn yesterday evening, but no acid reflux.

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:19:48pm
ericblair  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:24:58pm
Dr. Matt  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:26:53pm

SLASH’s November Rain Solo: How It REALLY Sounded

SLASH’s November Rain Solo: How It REALLY Sounded

jaunte  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:32:09pm

Joyce Vance:
January 2: A Good Day For A Trial

“…This new tone is a positive development. Trump isn’t entitled to any special deference. He is a private citizen, not a president. Being a candidate doesn’t immunize him from accountability. Prosecutors came right out and said it:

“It is difficult to imagine a public interest stronger than the one in this case, in which the defendant—the former President of the United States—is charged with three criminal conspiracies intended to undermine the federal government, obstruct the certification of the 2020 presidential election, and disenfranchise voters. The D.C. Circuit has determined that ‘[t]here is direct linkage between [the defendant] and the events of [January 6, 2021],’ which it described as ‘the single most deadly attack on the Capitol by domestic forces in the history of the United States.’ Trump v. Thompson…Trial in this case is clearly a matter of public importance, which merits in favor of a prompt resolution.”

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:35:13pm

re: #14 No Malarkey!

Prosecutors are now expected to begin sharing millions of pages of discovery.

I wonder how quickly some of those pages will end up on Truth Social…or Fox News.

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:35:37pm

Would like to see Trump next when he violates the protective order.

Captain Ron  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:36:56pm
No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:39:38pm

re: #20 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

Wow, child raised by such racist parents that the mere thought of holding hands with a black or brown child traumatized them.

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:51:19pm

re: #20 Captain Ron

Has anyone asked the students what they think or is this just adults making bullshit assumptions?

(I know, I know. It was a rhetorical question.)

Dragonomics  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:52:04pm

Ron DeSantis. Ron. Short for Ronald. But it could be short for Rhonda or Ronette. I think he better get Mommy’s permission for that nickname ASAP.

Nerdy Fish  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:52:12pm

re: #22 Eclectic Cyborg

Has anyone asked the students what they think or is this just adults making bullshit assumptions?

(I know, I know. It was a rhetorical question.)

I know it was a rhetorical question, but the door is wide open:

“Students aren’t allowed to THINK. This is Texas, by God!”

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:52:56pm
Eventual Carrion  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:54:22pm

re: #25 No Malarkey!

[Embedded content]

I wish scum would stay on the pond where it belongs.

Vicious Babushka  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:55:12pm

I want one.


Captain Ron  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:55:27pm
No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:57:01pm

re: #28 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

They’ve already demanded an investigation of John Durham’s investigation of the Russia, Russia, Russia hoax investigation.

KGxvi  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:57:02pm

re: #19 No Malarkey!

Would like to see Trump next when he violates the protective order.

[Embedded content]

I have a feeling that sometime between Labor Day and Halloween, Trump is going to end up under house arrest pending trial. And it’s going to be a real house arrest - like no internet access, no interviews, no visitors (other than counsel and maybe immediate family) without notice to the US Marshalls, restricted to his residence suite at Mar a Lago.

Thanos  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:59:01pm

Amazon continues to enshittify their subscription services, trying to force people into their Kindle unlimited model where they make more and creators make less.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 12:59:50pm

re: #12 No Malarkey!

A toddler dies thanks to Kentucky well regulated militia.

[Embedded content]

was the two year old the legal owner - meaning passed a bg check, bought and paid for it?

if not then how do you not CHARGE THE FUCKING LEGAL OWNER?

Nerdy Fish  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:01:26pm

re: #32 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

was the two year old was the legal owner - meaning passed a bg check, bought and paid for it?

if not then how do you not CHARGE THE FUCKING LEGAL OWNER?

[Embedded content]

Because they don’t want to?

Captain Ron  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:02:03pm
Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:03:22pm

re: #20 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

Texas School Board Members Say Racially-Inclusive Posters Are “Traumatizing” Students And Possibly Illegal

yeah again

you’re gonna have to clinically define “traumatizing”

and then give specific examples.
if you cant cite names, even non-publically, then you dont know any such thing you’re lying

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:03:27pm

re: #33 Nerdy Fish

Because they don’t want to?


Backwoods Sleuth  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:06:40pm
Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:08:49pm

re: #28 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]
“A spokesperson for Jim Jordan, makes it clear they don’t believe David Weiss is the right man to handle this job as special counsel… The spokesperson saying they don’t believe he can be trusted”

interesting, cause trump trusted him. he appointed him.
and he hires ‘only the best’

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:12:10pm

re: #33 Nerdy Fish

Because they don’t want to?

it is absurd that we do not / cannot hold people personally liable for things they and only they are 100% personally and totally responsible for.

it’s insane that we dont even try

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:17:42pm
The undersigned request that you provide U.S. Attorney Weiss the full protections and authorities of a special counsel.”

— Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), in a letter to Attorney General Merrick Garland on September 16, 2022.

“There may be others who would be a worse pick than U.S. Attorney Weiss to be special counsel, but based on the prosecution of Hunter Biden to date, he has got to be close to the worst pick. This is unbelievable.”

— Johnson, in a tweet today.”.

go to the Link for the two links

Florida Panhandler  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:18:08pm

re: #2 🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈

The nice thing about being a theocratic fascist is that you’re never troubled by inconsistencies in the messaging or policies.

A prison guard says she was forced to stay at her post during labor pains. Texas is fighting compensation for her stillbirth. (Texas Tribune)

Texas earning its newly realized rating of International Pariah daily now.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:18:19pm
Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:19:06pm

re: #42 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

[Embedded content]

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:19:45pm

re: #39 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

it is absurd that we do not / cannot hold people personally liable for things they and only they are 100% personally and totally responsible for.

it’s insane that we dont even try

This injustice brought to you by White Privilege (tm) and the Republican party.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:21:49pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:22:46pm

re: #42 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

“Yeah, but you didn’t appoint the Special Counsel WE wanted!”

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:25:26pm

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:26:02pm

re: #44 Eclectic Cyborg

This injustice brought to you by White Privilege (tm) and the Republican party.

i would unhappily and grudgingly accept aquittals
i cannot fathom not even an arrest and trial

your gun
you lost control of it
kid got ahold of it, shot himself and died

what more do you need?
certainly not ‘intent’
certainly not ‘it’s the two year old’s fault”

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:26:33pm

re: #46 Eclectic Cyborg

“Yeah, but you didn’t appoint the Special Counsel WE wanted!”

you shoulda been more clear //

No Malarkey!  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:27:15pm

re: #48 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

i would unhappily and grudgingly accept aquittals
i cannot fathom not even an arrest and trial

your gun
you lost control of it
kid got ahold of it, shot himself and died

what more do you need?
certainly not ‘intent’
certainly not ‘it’s the two year old’s fault”

But haven’t they suffered enough? Their son died!//

Teukka  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:28:03pm
Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:28:18pm

some riffing over at disqus

shot: John Eastman, Rudy Giuliani and Sidney Powell walk into dis bar…”

retort: “Let me have a white whine, and charge me later, please.”

Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:29:12pm
Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:29:18pm

OOPS The Ohio GOP gets smacked down again!

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:31:06pm

I bought this book for 50 cents.

Jay C  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:36:35pm

re: #28 Captain Ron

IIJM, or does this whole “Hunter Biden special prosecutor” thing sound like a big lot of nothing? As I recall, the plea deal over his tax and gun charges* was rejected on (?) technical/procedural grounds: there was nothing untoward- or even unusual - about the prosecution or the final plea deal from a legal standpoint. My guess is that the SC is going to do a thorough, diligent review of the case, and, after a few months of inanely feverish bullshit from the RWNJ media, announce that after a complete investigation, nothing different should be, or will be done, and the conditions of the original arrangement will be carried out.

* I read somewhere that a court ruled the gun law they nabbed Hunter on was unconstitutional, so even that may be tossed….

BeenHereAwhile  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:38:37pm

Clifton Royston

Hurricane Dora just indirectly devastated Maui with wildfire at a 200+ mile distance, via an indirect back-hand of high winds. I only just now learned that Dora originated as a pre-cyclone off the coast of Africa.

It crossed the Atlantic westward, crossed over Central America into the Pacific, and *then* became a tropical storm and hurricane, now heading to the International Dateline and becoming a typhoon in the west Pacific.

If this starts happening regularly, it would be Very Bad.

silverdolphin  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:39:20pm

Love all the GOP attempts to find Joe Biden guilty of Bribery. The Supreme Court has narrowed that definition so far that it is virtually impossible to find any politician guilty of bribery. There has to be an official act in direct connecion to the bribe. Only the dumbest polticians would ever be caught by this. As someone wrote, unless a gavel fell there was no bribe.

SO even if Joe was corrupt, he is smart enough to not be guilty of bribery.

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:39:29pm

I’m pretty sure I’ve posted this upcoming info on here before. I am equally sure that nobody remembers it.

Back in the 70s, at the Santa Monica Civic, I was bopped on the head by a flying drumstick flung by Sandy West, Joan Jett’s former drummer.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:40:19pm

re: #56 Jay C

convential wisdom i read

I suspect David Weiss wants to have some shielding from Congress bullshit

danarchy  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:41:04pm

re: #56 Jay C

IIJM, or does this whole “Hunter Biden special prosecutor” thing sound like a big lot of nothing? As I recall, the plea deal over his tax and gun charges* was rejected on (?) technical/procedural grounds: there was nothing untoward- or even unusual - about the prosecution or the final plea deal from a legal standpoint. My guess is that the SC is going to do a thorough, diligent review of the case, and, after a few months of inanely feverish bullshit from the RWNJ media, announce that after a complete investigation, nothing different should be, or will be done, and the conditions of the original arrangement will be carried out.

* I read somewhere that a court ruled the gun law they nabbed Hunter on was unconstitutional, so even that may be tossed….

I thought the breakdown was more severe than just a technicality. ie. The defense team thought the deal granted them immunity for future prosecution on FARA or other related charges and the prosecution did not agree and the defense team said then there is no deal and the judge said nail down what is and is not covered under the deal and then come back to me.

Dave In Austin  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:41:46pm
Patricia Kayden  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:42:19pm
🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:43:23pm

re: #59 wrenchwench

I’m pretty sure I’ve posted this upcoming info on here before. I am equally sure that nobody remembers it.

Back in the 70s, at the Santa Monica Civic, I was bopped on the head by a flying drumstick flung by Sandy West, Joan Jett’s former drummer.

Probably a sweat-covered drumstick.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:43:46pm

re: #63 Patricia Kayden

[Embedded content]

3 hours ago

I have a funny feeling this one will morph into a Jared/Saudi Arabia special council like the whitewater special council became a Monica Lewinsky centered special council.

Just a hunch.

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:44:50pm

re: #62 Dave In Austin

The running of the bullshit.

Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:45:01pm

re: #47 Joe Bacon ✅

[Embedded content]

In the newest season of the Witcher, the king seems to have a room reserved for people he wants dead, but I guess can’t be done for political reasons. They are forced to drink alcohol until it kills them. It also works to make sure that the wine hasn’t been poisoned. It’s a darkly lit, filthy area. And it’s exactly where he would be.

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:46:50pm

re: #64 🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈

Probably a sweat-covered drumstick.

I’m sure it was. It was at the end of the performance (or she would have held on tighter) but it was only the duller end that hit me (I’m pretty sure) so no transfer of moisture occurred. She threw both.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 1:59:26pm

One of the first songs I heard b from Hayseed Dixie

Hayseed Dixie - I Love Rock ‘n’ Roll

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:02:47pm

An Indiana man has been federally charged for threatening to kill former Michigan election official Tina Barton, who faced an onslaught of abuse from Trump supporters after RNC chair Ronna McDaniel falsely claimed that two thousand Trump votes were allotted to Biden during the general election, The Detroit News reported on Friday.

jaunte  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:04:11pm

Does anyone still need a Bluesky invite code?

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:04:28pm

The sale where I bought the book is the twice-weekly ‘we’re done with this stuff’ sale at the local U. Before they open the gates, people gather with anticipation. Bill comes to the gate, and tells the rules before he lets anyone in. Rules number 1 and 3 are the same, ‘Don’t run over Bill. I am Bill.’ 2 varies. Last time was my favorite.

You may have noticed the barbed wire around the top of the fence. You may have wondered, ‘Why did they put barbed wire around the top of the fence?’ I’ll tell you. It’s to enforce the return policy. No Returns. Ever. You bought it, it’s yours. We don’t want it. Please don’t bring it back.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:05:02pm

re: #20 Captain Ron

I can certainly understand how a child raised by racists, bigots or Nazis would find such a poster objectionable. But for the board to object to it indicates that they agree with the racist, bigoted or Nazi parents.

Bigotry and Fascism are the two slices of white bread that hold together the samdwich that is America.

Florida Panhandler  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:05:17pm


by Biden in trouble I meant to say he is looking more and more like an economic genius and by “disaster” I meant to say a raging success.

Huge new solar manufacturing coming to New Mexico.

Sorry for the glaringly Fox News-ish headline above, I thought I might see how it felt to ignore all reality and try to see through the eyes of our right wing loon contingent in this country. It was awful. It’ ll never happen again.

Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:06:22pm

re: #71 jaunte

Does anyone still need a Bluesky invite code?

Yes, but will attempt to create an account on Sunday, because things.

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:06:30pm

re: #71 jaunte

Does anyone still need a Bluesky invite code?

Nobody took the one I posted last night. Here it is again.


Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:06:51pm


Ex-Trump adviser Peter Navarro blows off J6 court hearing to guest host for Steve Bannon

Former Donald Trump adviser Peter Navarro is not going to a Friday hearing concerning the criminal case against him, instead choosing to cover for someone with a similar Trump affiliation, according to POLITICO

“Dr. Peter K. Navarro, through counsel, hereby gives notice that he waives his appearance for the August 11, 2023 scheduling hearing,” stated a filing to the court.

What is Navarro doing this afternoon instead? Guest hosting the War Room show for longtime Trump strategist Steve Bannon, according to Cheney.

“Peter Navarro is waiving his 4:30pm appearance at his criminal proceedings for defying the Jan. 6 select committee so he can fill in for the last guy to face criminal proceedings for defying the Jan. 6 select committee,” Cheney reported.

Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:06:55pm

re: #43 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

Republicans demanded a Special Counsel in the Hunter Probe. Now that their bluff was called, they’re furious.

We’ve got receipts.

Those “receipts” are an abvious forgery and we’re outraged at that.

jaunte  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:07:18pm

re: #75 Belafon

Here’s a code:


wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:09:12pm

re: #74 Florida Panhandler

Huge new solar manufacturing coming to New Mexico.

They found a great place for it: Mesa Del Sol.

Targetpractice  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:09:50pm

re: #61 danarchy

I thought the breakdown was more severe than just a technicality. ie. The defense team thought the deal granted them immunity for future prosecution on FARA or other related charges and the prosecution did not agree and the defense team said then there is no deal and the judge said nail down what is and is not covered under the deal and then come back to me.

Emptywheel’s current theory is Weiss was jammed up by the reality that all of the efforts by Hair Furor and his goons to turn “HUNTER’S LAPTOP!!!!!!” into a major political scandal has basically tainted the bulk of the evidence and made prosecuting Hunter for anything (up to and including FARA) exceedingly difficult. So he has his prosecutors pull a fast one by being deliberately vague with the defense on just what was covered by the immunity in an effort to get Hunter to “sheepdip” the evidence in any potential FARA charges by admitting to the underlying facts in the plea deal. Odds are that as soon as the deal was gaveled into the record and Hunter finished signing the paperwork, the Feds would have turned around and slapped him with the FARA charges and cited his own testimony in said deal as evidence against him.

tl;dr: Repubs have so poisoned the well that the only way Weiss can possibly draw a safe cup of water from it is with Hunter’s cooperation.

Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:11:03pm

re: #74 Florida Panhandler


by Biden in trouble I meant to say he is looking more and more like an economic genius and by “disaster” I meant to say a raging success.

Huge new solar manufacturing coming to New Mexico.

Sorry for the glaringly Fox News-ish headline above, I thought I might see how it felt to ignore all reality and try to see through the eyes of our right wing loon contingent in this country. It was awful. It’ ll never happen again.

You fell apart after the title. You should write things like:


Biden buys votes in New Mexico with new solar panel manufacturing plant by refusing to let it be built in Alabama, another slight at Tommy Tuberville. It also highlights how much power the climate change industry has in the Biden administration. And notice how geopoliticly weak it makes us by further decoupling our country’s economy from China, ensuring that we will have no sway when the country makes advances towards Taiwan.

Belafon  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:11:35pm

re: #79 jaunte

Here’s a code:

[Embedded content]

Thanks. I will save it.

Love-Child of Cassandra and Sisyphus  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:15:42pm

I too have a Blue Sky code to hand out. First to use it is theirs:


🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:16:54pm

re: #83 Belafon

Thanks. I will save it.

Use it or lose it. That was private to all of us.

Here’s another for anyone who wants it.


Captain Magic  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:17:03pm

re: #76 wrenchwench

I grabbed it

Vicious Babushka  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:19:15pm
Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:20:08pm

re: #85 🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈

Use it or lose it. That was private to all of us.

Here’s another for anyone who wants it.

[Embedded content]

Thanks. That will get all of my family on over there.

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:20:18pm

re: #86 Captain Magic

I grabbed it

Second! (to follow you)

Captain Magic  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:22:52pm

re: #89 wrenchwench

Second! (to follow you)


Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:24:49pm

This is close to the Lemon Bar recipe Grandma Bacon did.

Sometimes Grandma Bacon would use Key Limes instead of lemons for Lime Bars.

2 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup butter, softened
½ cup white sugar

1 ½ cups white sugar
¼ cup all-purpose flour
4 eggs
2 lemons, juiced

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C).

To make the crust: Blend 2 cups flour, softened butter, and 1/2 cup sugar in a medium bowl until well combined; press into the bottom of an ungreased 9x13-inch pan.

Bake in the preheated oven until firm and golden, about 15 minutes. Meanwhile, make the filling: Whisk remaining 1 1/2 cups sugar and 1/4 cup flour in a medium bowl. Whisk in eggs, then lemon juice until smooth; pour filling over the baked crust.

Bake in the preheated oven for 20 minutes. Set the pan aside to cool completely; the bars will firm up as they cool. When cooled, cut into uniform squares.

A Three Hour Tour  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:27:25pm

re: #80 wrenchwench

They found a great place for it: Mesa Del Sol.

The neighborhood that had the plastic recycling plant fire five days ago.

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:30:02pm


I have the #Hexabike yes not yet shown the view over #Stuttgart - with THE #Television Tower on the other side of the #Kessel. But don’t worry, I made up for it on the last #mdRzA ride!
Translated from Deutsch using

All those hashtags turn into twitter links.

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:31:09pm

re: #92 A Three Hour Tour

The neighborhood that had the plastic recycling plant fire five days ago.

That sounds nasty. I was just joking about the name.

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:34:57pm

re: #92 A Three Hour Tour

The neighborhood that had the plastic recycling plant fire five days ago.

When I was a kid there was a toy manufacturing plant in town called Andy Gard that made plastic toys. A tank exploded outside the factory and it caught fire. Noxious fumes spread all over the area and lasted for days. Kids were told to stay indoors and schools were closed for a couple days. Dad would come home from work coughing to the point that management at the Shippingport Nuclear Plant mandated the use of respirators at the plant AND as folks went to and from work.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:35:13pm

An Agent P just followed me over at the Sky place. Any chance it’s a Lizard? And I just followed you back Capt. M.

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:40:48pm

re: #96 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

An Agent P just followed me over at the Sky place. Any chance it’s a Lizard? And I just followed you back Capt. M.

#9 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:42:30pm

re: #97 wrenchwench

#9 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

Thanks. I missed it. Now following.

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:42:44pm
Wendell Zurkowitz ((slave to the waffle light))  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:46:32pm

re: #99 wrenchwench

The justices on our SCOTUS should at least have the decency to advertise their sponsors by putting their patches on their robes like NASCAR drivers don’t you think?

Now we know why they gave us Citizens United

Vicious Babushka  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:46:57pm

re: #91 Joe Bacon ✅

Thanks for that recipe. I will give it another try, because I LOVE LEMON DESSERTS. I wonder if the crust failed because I used non-dairy butter substitute instead of actual butter? I don’t normally use butter or any dairy ingredients in baking unless it’s something obvious like cheesecake or pizza.

Vicious Babushka  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:50:30pm
Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:50:33pm

re: #101 Vicious Babushka

Thanks for that recipe. I will give it another try, because I LOVE LEMON DESSERTS. I wonder if the crust failed because I used non-dairy butter substitute instead of actual butter? I don’t normally use butter or any dairy ingredients in baking unless it’s something obvious like cheesecake or pizza.

Hmmmm I wonder if using margarine, oil or shortening would affect the crust??????

Now I know when Grandma made the Key Lime version she used more limes than lemons. I think she used half a dozen of them…

EPR-radar  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:52:11pm

re: #102 Vicious Babushka

It will be interesting to see if the GOP has the sense to kill this in committee, or if they really will bring this clown show to an official impeachment vote.

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:52:13pm

WTH? This is the opposite of the normal type of scale modeling, a 3:1 scale-up of the already large Hummer H2..

A look inside the worlds largest Hummer

which is so big that its tires are taller than Shaquille O’Neal. Owned by a billionaire sheikh from Abu Dhabi the mammoth SUV needs four diesel engines to run, the cabin has a two storey apartment and only a crane can open its bonnet.

Eccentric show vehicles like this are a hobby of Sheikh Hamad Al Nahyan of Dubai, who has several such replicas. One I have seen is a 2:1:replica of an early 50s Dodge Power Wagon pickup. The original is an iconic vehicle in that part of the world for its ubiquitous use in early oil exploration.
I have a Dodge M-37, which is a military version of the 1954 Power Wagon. It is a lot of fun and surprisingly good on gas, a consequence of its modest engine power (96 bhp) and the complete absence of power-gobbling frivolities like power steering, automatic transmission, and air conditioning. I had the final drive changed so it could reach 70 mph without redlining the pushrod 6 engine.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:54:01pm

re: #101 Vicious Babushka

Thanks for that recipe. I will give it another try, because I LOVE LEMON DESSERTS. I wonder if the crust failed because I used non-dairy butter substitute instead of actual butter? I don’t normally use butter or any dairy ingredients in baking unless it’s something obvious like cheesecake or pizza.

Just learned something new today about the Jewish faith. Thank you VB.

Unabogie  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:54:07pm

re: #105 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie

WTH? This is the opposite of the normal type of scale modeling, a 3:1 scale-up of the already large Hummer H2. Eccentric show vehicles like this are a hobby of Sheikh Hamad Al Nahyan of Dubai, who has several such replicas. One I have seen is a 2:1:replica of an early 50s Dodge Power Wagon pickup. The original is an iconic vehicle in that part of the world for its ubiquitous use in early oil exploration. I have a Dodge M-37, which is basically.a military version of the 1954 Power Wagon. It is a lot of fun and surprisingly good on gas, a consequence of its modest engine power (96 hp) and the complete absence of power-gobbling frivolities like power steering, automatic transmission, and air conditioning. I had the final drive changed so it could reach 70 mph without redlining the pushrod 6 engine.

A look inside the worlds largest Hummer

Car inflation is a deadly and stupid vicious cycle that will only end in more pedestrians and cyclists dying. I hate it here.

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:54:38pm

re: #105 Shiplord Kirel: Fan of Big Bird, Bert, and Ernie

extra http in the link

Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:55:21pm

It was 9 years ago today we lost Robin Williams.


Targetpractice  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:56:01pm

re: #102 Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

Vicious Babushka  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:56:34pm

re: #103 Joe Bacon ✅

Hmmmm I wonder if using margarine, oil or shortening would affect the crust??????

Now I know when Grandma made the Key Lime version she used more limes than lemons. I think she used half a dozen of them…

Limes are smaller than lemons, and key limes are really tiny, they’re like the size of walnuts.

nines09  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:57:11pm

re: #85 🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈


Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 2:59:28pm

re: #102 Vicious Babushka

[Embedded content]

Like I said this am.
He promised big yesterday and delivered…nothing.

Egregious Philbin  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:00:55pm

re: #79 jaunte


EPR-radar  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:02:15pm

re: #113 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

Like I said this am.
He promised big yesterday and delivered…nothing.

Do Clown Honking Noises count as deliverables? Asking for a Republican.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:02:22pm

re: #111 Vicious Babushka

Limes are smaller than lemons, and key limes are really tiny, they’re like the size of walnuts.

First time I made key lime pie I bought a bag of key limes.
I had a reamer, not even a lime pliers/ squeezer
Key lime juice in a bottle was rare.

now bottles of the stuff are everywhere

Shiplord Kirel: From behind wingnut lines  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:02:56pm

re: #107 Unabogie

Car inflation is a deadly and stupid vicious cycle that will only end in more pedestrians and cyclists dying. I hate it here.

Well, I don’t think this will be a mass production item. The article claims it is road legal. It may be in Abu Dhabi but it wouldn’t be here or most places because of its 66 ton weight and 6 meter width. The 30 kph top speed would be a definite drawback for commuting, though if you have your own apartment along you might not be in much of a hurry.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:03:42pm

re: #115 EPR-radar

Do Clown Honking Noises count as deliverables? Asking for a Republican.

Only if you can get 218 votes

steve_davis  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:05:29pm

re: #13 🐈 Crush White Nationalism 🐈

Printing feet to raise the legs at the head of my bed appears to be working.
I had some heartburn yesterday evening, but no acid reflux.

yep. was that from my suggestion? Worked like a charm and straightened out a really bad case that had been running for more than a year. Mine was so bad that the dentist tells me my back teeth are like those on an 80 year-old, and he told me that 20 years ago.

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:06:07pm

re: #116 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

First time I made key lime pie I bought a bag of key limes.
I had a reamer, not even a lime pliers/ squeezer
Key lime juice in a bottle was rare.

now bottles of the stuff are everywhere

My Uncle Frank couldn’t drink Coca Cola unless he added some Rose’s Lime Juice or squirted a lime slice or two in it.

He didn’t like Pepsi.

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:06:34pm



Romantic Heretic  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:06:34pm

re: #12 No Malarkey!

Isn’t one of the central tenets of firearm use keeping control of your weapon at all times?

Christ. Another fine case of power with no responsibility.

Joe Bacon ✅  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:08:25pm

re: #122 Romantic Heretic

Isn’t one of the central tenets of firearm use keeping control of your weapon at all times?

Christ. Another fine case of power with no responsibility.

I’m sure the NRA folks reply that they need to keep it unlocked to protect themselves from Gawdless Liberals…

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:09:29pm

Read it all

Inside for the non twits


EstebanTornado1963  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:09:44pm

Hey I got one too!
Here you go,

Romantic Heretic  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:10:53pm

re: #20 Captain Ron

I notice the school board consists of nothing but mayosapiens.

sizzzzlerz  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:14:08pm

re: #123 Joe Bacon ✅

I’m sure the NRA folks reply that they need to keep it unlocked to protect themselves from Gawdless Liberals…

That, or to protect themselves from the weaponized Biden DOJ who will be coming after them just like they came after TFG.

Teddy's Person  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:14:36pm

re: #121 wrenchwench


[Embedded content]

That’s one mighty fine boopable nose.

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:17:28pm

re: #128 Teddy’s Person

That’s one mighty fine boopable nose.

I recommend heavy leather gloves and/or vaccinations, rabies first. Then, definitely! Boop!

Backwoods Sleuth  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:17:43pm

well, as long as you don’t include his tenure as Indiana governor…

Backwoods Sleuth  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:18:50pm

re: #129 wrenchwench

I recommend heavy leather gloves and/or vaccinations, rabies first. Then, definitely! Boop!

there’s also the very real possibility of ringworm…

Vicious Babushka  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:18:59pm

re: #116 Dangerman (sigh…only in America)

First time I made key lime pie I bought a bag of key limes.
I had a reamer, not even a lime pliers/ squeezer
Key lime juice in a bottle was rare.

now bottles of the stuff are everywhere

I haven’t made key lime pie in a while. Maybe next week.

Captain Ron  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:20:44pm
Romantic Heretic  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:23:26pm

re: #34 Captain Ron

This is a classic example of people following a belief system because they believe it allows them to be dicks to other human beings

Egregious Philbin  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:24:18pm

It is only 104 in Phoenix! Gonna go ride my bike! So so so so much nicer than a few weeks ago….

jaunte  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:24:44pm

Re: Musk v. Zuck

My sister sent me this last week; I just ran across a passage relating an incident in 32 BC that made me laugh out loud. Two thousand years have passed and the games our present-day oligarchs play haven’t changed very much.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:25:46pm


wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:26:44pm

re: #131 Backwoods Sleuth

there’s also the very real possibility of ringworm…

Rubber gloves, too?

Presta had ringworm when I brought him home from the shelter. Baths twice a week (rapidly tapering to once a month) for him and Schrader, since they did everything together.

Patricia Kayden  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:26:59pm

Teddy's Person  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:28:00pm

re: #138 wrenchwench

Rubber gloves, too?

I’m now rethinking my earlier boopability rating.

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:29:30pm

re: #140 Teddy’s Person

I’m now rethinking my earlier boopability rating.

Boop the computer screen.

Dangerman (sigh...only in America)  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:31:32pm

I’m off to create Cacio e pepe for dinner
Plus a salad and cheap white wine

Amory Blaine  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:32:37pm

What a temper tantrum by the Wisconsin Supreme Court’s chief justice tells us

To hear Chief Justice Annette Ziegler and her right-wing allies describe it, you would think the new progressive majority on Wisconsin’s highest court was destroying a collegial institution, running roughshod over the integrity of the Court and threatening the very rule of law itself.

“My colleagues’ unprecedented dangerous conduct is the raw exercise of overreaching power,” Zielger declared in a press release last week. “It is shameful,” she added. “I fear this is only the beginning.” On Monday she told rightwing talk radio host Dan O’Donnell, “It’s nothing short of a coup, really.”

The subject of all this caterwauling was the new majority’s decision to fire the conservative chief justice’s right-hand man, Randy Koschnick, the director of state courts, replacing him with an appointee of former Republican Gov. Scott Walker who will answer to the whole court, not just to Ziegler. According to Justice Rebecca Dallet, Ziegler spent months rebuffing the majority’s efforts to get her to choose a date at the start of the term to discuss Court business. The new majority called a meeting anyway. At that meeting the justices revised Court rules “to make Court decision-making more inclusive, timely, and responsive” according to Dallet — and effectively to prevent the chief from slow-walking the calendar, preventing cases she doesn’t want to hear from coming up.

mmmirele  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:33:30pm

I’ve never had a bonded pair of cats before I got Sakura-chan and Fuji-kun, and these two are VERY bonded.

They don’t care how hot it is

I’ve had cats who just hated each other. It’s weird to have cats who get unhappy if one is in my bedroom, the other is not and I have shut the door. Weird, but nice.

Backwoods Sleuth  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:36:50pm

re: #138 wrenchwench

Rubber gloves, too?

Presta had ringworm when I brought him home from the shelter. Baths twice a week (rapidly tapering to once a month) for him and Schrader, since they did everything together.

rubber gloves, even if all you are doing is clearing away raccoon poop. And a good-fitting mask.

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:38:57pm
Eclectic Cyborg  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:40:03pm

re: #146 wrenchwench

Those would work beautifully in a set design for a dystopian movie.

Captain Magic  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:42:50pm

re: #144 mmmirele

Minuet, my Himalayan, had a mutt named Chaos as her partner until I had to put him down, and they got along ok. Later I adopted Ozzie, my petulant Persian, who constantly harassed Minuet, who wouldn’t have any of his behavior.

Appears the best way to have multiple cats is if they cams from the same litter.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:45:48pm

re: #106 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

Just learned something new today about the Jewish faith. Thank you VB.

And just in case case anybody is wondering about this reply, I Googled if butter was kosher and in most cases, it’s not, hence the reason she doesn’t use it in her baking.

Captain Ron  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:47:55pm
Vicious Babushka  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:51:43pm

re: #149 Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire

And just in case case anybody is wondering about this reply, I Googled if butter was kosher and in most cases, it’s not, hence the reason she doesn’t use it in her baking.

Butter is kosher but it’s dairy and we don’t combine meat and dairy. That includes not serving a dairy dessert after eating meat. So all my dessert, cake, pie, pastry is non-dairy in case people want to eat it after a meat meal.

Obviously this does not apply if I’m making cheesecake or pizza.

Targetpractice  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:53:04pm

re: #133 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

The key difference is that when Durham was appointed SC, he’d yet to fall so flatly on his face that he had MAGAts accusing him of being a “Deep State” operative meant to cover for the FBI. And the same holds true for Weiss, they wanted him appointed an SC when the talking point was that his not being one was hampering his ability to bring charges against Hunter and their “whistleblowers” were claiming that he’d told them his hands were tied by not being an SC.

What’s changed? He “betrayed” them by pursuing the plea deal instead of quixotically pursuing charges that (in retrospect) would have been the subject of much embarrassment and headache for the government when Hunter’s lawyers started pointing out all the ways the case was based upon “fruit of the poisonous tree” or connected to such.

Michele: Out of the closet, Into the fire  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:54:11pm

re: #151 Vicious Babushka

Thank you for the clarification.

Amory Blaine  Aug 11, 2023 • 3:54:14pm

re: #15 ericblair

[Embedded content]

Hahaha that’s what my dad retired as. I’d send it to him but his phone won’t do it. 🤣

BigPapa  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:06:45pm

The Republican Party is a big tent party full of diverse opinions on how to execute Mike Pence. This is why it’s bad for Joe Biden.

BigPapa  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:10:16pm

I have decided I need to get into the pie game. Wife Unit wants to bake with me. Our first: Key Lime Haupia. I’m sure there’s a recipe for it somewhere.

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:24:48pm
Captain Ron  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:26:11pm
Targetpractice  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:30:00pm

re: #158 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

So really it’s a three-tier system: One for rich Republicans, one for other rich people, and then one for everybody else.

darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:30:38pm

I golfed today with the missus and her brother.

Any response from the orange shit gibbon on the DC case?

My drive on the 9th got stuck in a hedge.

darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:34:39pm
Captain Magic  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:35:41pm

re: #159 Targetpractice

It should be one for the rich whose party is in power, one for the rich whose party isn’t in power, and then the rest of the unwashed masses.

Backwoods Sleuth  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:37:01pm

re: #151 Vicious Babushka

Butter is kosher but it’s dairy and we don’t combine meat and dairy. That includes not serving a dairy dessert after eating meat. So all my dessert, cake, pie, pastry is non-dairy in case people want to eat it after a meat meal.

Obviously this does not apply if I’m making cheesecake or pizza.

what did you use as the non-dairy substitute? I’ve been told that coconut oil is a good substitute for butter in baking.

Captain Ron  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:37:43pm
EPR-radar  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:40:29pm

re: #164 Captain Ron

Don’t these GOP pigfuckers ever get tired of lying all the time?

Captain Magic  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:41:33pm

re: #164 Captain Ron

Too bad there aren’t enough crazies to take these jokers out - would make life a lot easier. Look it should only take one shot, after all.

Dave In Austin  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:49:43pm

re: #150 Captain Ron

We have a murderer for a Governor here.

darthstar  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:50:24pm

So now that Judge Chutkan said she won’t consider politics or campaign schedules as relevant to the criminal defendant Trump, the ball’s in Cannons court, so to speak.

Targetpractice  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:54:36pm

re: #164 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

Then you ask them what “freedoms” they lost that haven’t been returned and they mumble something about how masks made them feel icky and how people still give them dirty looks for boasting about how their blood was “pure” of vaccines.

jaunte  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:55:45pm

Truly a master class in failing upward.

Top Fox Executive Dinh Departing Over Dominion Settlement

“…Viet Dinh, Fox’s chief legal and policy officer, will depart that role on Dec. 31 and become a special adviser to the company, the company announced on Friday. As part of his separation agreement, Dinh will receive a $23 million lump-sum payment. He will also be paid $2.5 million a year as an adviser under a two-year contract.”

“…Dinh was assistant US attorney general in the administration of President George W. Bush. After leaving the government, Dinh went on to found Bancroft PLLC, a high-powered Washington litigation boutique known for taking cases on behalf of conservative groups. The firm, which led Supreme Court challenges against both Obamacare, was acquired by Kirkland & Ellis in 2016.”

Unabogie  Aug 11, 2023 • 4:59:37pm

re: #164 Captain Ron

[Embedded content]

The blue check commenters are predictably insane. I refuse to believe that ordinary people are paying Musk that money. It feels like bad actors running troll farms, which Musk is all-too happy to monetize for his failing hellsite.

Vicious Babushka  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:00:06pm

re: #163 Backwoods Sleuth

what did you use as the non-dairy substitute? I’ve been told that coconut oil is a good substitute for butter in baking.

I used “Butterine” which is 65% coconut oil. Obviously, that sucked.

There are other butter substitutes. Miyako is recommended as being the closest to actual butter but only the salted version is kosher.

I used Country Crock olive oil butter but it’s also salted.

I guess I could continue to use the salted as long as I remember to not add more salt to the dough.

There is always good old Crisco.

Vicious Babushka  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:02:11pm

OK gotta go now. Love you all! See you tomorrow night! (Yes I still remember that time I logged off with no explanation and everyone was worried about me)

austin_blue  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:02:19pm

re: #5 Joe Bacon ✅

Everything Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas Received From Donors

[Embedded content]

I do surely wish they would downplay the black mans’ obvious peccadilloes every once in a while and concentrate on Alito and Kegger, who had a mortgage paid off and a country club membership gifted to him.

Teukka  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:04:59pm
Teukka  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:07:04pm

re: #175 Teukka

[Embedded content]

mmmirele  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:10:45pm

re: #146 wrenchwench

It would be crazy to buy a few of those paintings, right? Because putting up “YOUR OFFERING PLEASES THE ALGORITHM” and “YOUR OFFERING DISPLEASES THE ALGORITHM” in my front entrance might confuse people, right?

jaunte  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:12:51pm

re: #176 Teukka

Arrogance kills.

“…As Goldberger noted in his research, indigenous people in Mexico and North America didn’t suffer from pellagra. They knew how to soak dried corn kernels in limewater and how to pair corn with companion nutrients. Two centuries of human suffering could have been avoided if Spanish explorers had recorded the instructions for processing and serving maize. Nixtamalization was no secret—many of the steps occurred outside of houses in easily observed public areas. The Europeans chose not to pay attention to this key practice.”

wrenchwench  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:16:02pm

re: #177 mmmirele

It would be crazy to buy a few of those paintings, right? Because putting up “YOUR OFFERING PLEASES THE ALGORITHM” and “YOUR OFFERING DISPLEASES THE ALGORITHM” in my front entrance might confuse people, right?

Do it!

Teukka  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:16:40pm

re: #178 jaunte

Arrogance kills.

Indeed it does.

Barefoot Grin  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:17:18pm

re: #176 Teukka

[Embedded content]

The first time I had heard of Pellagra it was in the memoir of an escapee from a North Korean gulag called Aquariums of Pyongyang. His family had been imprisoned for criticism his grandfather had made of the government. In prison they were basically just given a bag of corn to survive on with little way to process it. They ground it the best they could and made cakes, but everyone got very sick (until some started catching rats and frogs and whatever insects they could manage).

Backwoods Sleuth  Aug 11, 2023 • 5:31:21pm

re: #172 Vicious Babushka

I used “Butterine” which is 65% coconut oil. Obviously, that sucked.

There are other butter substitutes. Miyako is recommended as being the closest to actual butter but only the salted version is kosher.

I used Country Crock olive oil butter but it’s also salted.

I guess I could continue to use the salted as long as I remember to not add more salt to the dough.

There is always good old Crisco.

yep, Crisco was actually my first option

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 12, 2023 • 1:10:38am

re: #9 Smith25’s Liberal Thighs

Thanks a bunch

Be careful, a mouse is stalking you. /s

Anymouse 🌹🏡😷  Aug 12, 2023 • 1:52:00am

[moved by me]

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Last updated: 2023-04-04 11:11 am PDT
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