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1 Ben Hur  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:04:28pm


2 Hengineer  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:04:30pm

Thanks Bush for your service to our country as the 43rd President.

3 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:04:46pm

thanks to you GWB...I'm hoisting a Red Stripe in you name for keeping me safe bro...

4 Lee Coller  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:04:48pm

Thank's for keeping us safe since 9/11.

5 Ben Hur  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:04:48pm

OH, you meant there, not here.

6 Hengineer  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:05:11pm

re: #5 Ben Hur

OH, you meant there, not here.

Nothin wrong with here. What makes you so sure he doesn't have cronies scouring LGF?

7 tackle  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:06:33pm

Thanks for dodging shoes, taking crap from everyone, and simply acting with grace until the end.

8 Charles Johnson  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:06:40pm

Apparently the folks who made that site are planning to present the comments and logs to George W. Bush's Presidential Library on September 11, 2011.

9 Guanxi88  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:08:00pm

re: #6 Hengineer

Nothin wrong with here. What makes you so sure he doesn't have cronies scouring LGF?

From what I hear, he has agents EVERYWHERE!

10 logboy  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:08:24pm

Thank you G.W. Bush. I am proud to have served in our nations military with you at the helm.

11 scottishbuzzsaw  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:08:50pm

Missing you already, Pres. Bush...

12 Tumulus11  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:08:55pm

.'The bones in the mass graves salute you, Avenger of the Bones.'

//Iraqi blogger Alaa
LGF Nov 28, 2003

13 jcm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:09:07pm

Thank you.
You kept us safe, liberated 50 million. You suffered unwarranted slings and arrows with dignity, humor and humility.
God Bless you George Walker Bush.

14 KibbyKat  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:09:43pm

We look forward to welcoming him back to Dallas.

15 sbvft contributor  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:10:08pm

Thanks for being a good friend to Israel as well.

16 Sharmuta  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:10:13pm

Thank you, President Bush. May the wind be always at your back. God Bless.

17 Haole  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:10:30pm

Thank You sir, Hopefully Jimmah will snub you in the future. Wear it proud.

18 LSD  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:10:39pm

Thank You For Taking Your Job Seriously, GWB!
God Bless You.

19 Lee Coller  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:11:34pm

re: #8 Charles

Apparently the folks who made that site are planning to present the comments and logs to George W. Bush's Presidential Library on September 11, 2011.

I hope they edit out the hate.

20 lifeofthemind  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:11:45pm

Gladly, thank you. Even when in error Mr Bush had a fundamental, decency, modesty, love of country and patience that we will sorely miss.

21 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:11:49pm
22 Viking6  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:12:11pm

Done and Done

23 Guanxi88  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:12:18pm

re: #19 Lee Coller

I hope they edit out the hate.

It'll be like bailing out the ocean, once word of this gets to the frothing O-bots and progressive cadres.

24 Dahveed  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:13:04pm

Thank you President Bush! Thank God you were there to protect our country after 9/11. Thank you for defeating Saddam Hussein and making al Qaeda irrelevent.

25 Globular Cluster  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:13:14pm

They only allow domestic security related content. They didn't allow me to thank him for his aid to Africa, his unwavering support of Israel, etc.


26 lifeofthemind  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:13:14pm

From the last thread and OT except for a comparison that shows how good GWB was.

re: #330 Kaymad

Northerners always mistake the Southern white ascendancy with English gentry. The powerful whites in Georgia did not live in mansions like Tara, they lived in glorified shacks. What made them important wasn't what they achieved but how bad off everyone else was. The important thing in a hierarchical society is to keep everybody's position defined and to keep the lower classes down. As long as poor trash were worse of than planters and were better of than colored folk the system was stable. What could threaten it was outsiders, merchants especially Jews, coming in with new ideas and offering social mobility. That would threaten someone like Carter. From what I heard he was a mediocre Naval officer who was not encouraged to hang around the wardroom. His wife married him to get out of small town Georgia and then hated being a Junior Officer's wife in a dreary Northern town where people had choices and there were material distinctions that made her status insecure. When he inherited the peanut business he went back to Plains but Roselyn realized how drab and unpleasant that was too. She should get along great with WAB, they seem emotionally similar. So she pushed Jimmy into politics. A Secret Service agent once told me that when they have a man with an attitude problem they send him down to Plains to wash Roselyn's car for two weeks. That usually solves the problem. Maybe old age has calmed her.

27 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:13:57pm
28 LatinGent  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:13:59pm

Yes, safe at Home is a great feeling. I`m already starting to lose the feeling though, and its only been a few hours.

29 winston06  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:14:46pm

I already miss Pres Bush

30 eschew_obfuscation  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:14:51pm

Heh.... I just left my message and went back to see some of the other comments and the message count was at 911.

31 winston06  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:15:20pm

Thank you Mr. President Bush

32 psyop  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:15:36pm

It will probably be tough for him for a while. Knowing all that is going on in the world, and not being able do the same things he was able to do as our President.

33 Honorary Yooper  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:16:04pm

Yes, thank you.

Even though it may not seem like it now, I feel history will judge George W. Bush as one of the better presidents. I'll be honest. I did not think much of him in the 2000 primaries. I was uneasy about him being elected president in 2000; although, I was glad he won over Al Gore. He showed his mettle on September 11, 2001, and continued to do so time and time again after that. Gracious upon entering in spite of the missing 'W' keys, and gracious upon leaving even in the wake of the jeers of the moonbats.

History seems to best judge presidents when we're far removed from their administrations by time. Some, formerly demonized, have come back in a better light, while some who were highly praised have looked worse for wear.

34 sbvft contributor  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:16:24pm

OT: Does that scowl ever leave Michelle O's face?

35 Lee Coller  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:16:30pm

re: #27 buzzsawmonkey

I think you're stretching a point, a bit. The "compassionate and merciful" was cribbed by Islam from the Torah; "Adonai, Adonai, El rachum v'chanun..."

What we'll be hearing most about over the next few days is that he prayed in the name of Jesus. Remember the flap that Franklin Graham got over that at Bush's inauguration?

36 PSGInfinity  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:16:58pm

Thank you, President Bush, for your service, decency, humanity, steel, warmth, and kindness...

37 jill e  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:17:03pm

Cool! My 8-year-old daughter was born December 1, 2000, right in the middle of the election controversy. She's become one of President Bush's most ardent fans!

38 psyop  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:17:28pm

Also, thank you very much President Bush. While I didn't agree with a number of your domestic policies, you took the steps necessary to keep your nation and its citizens safe.

39 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:17:35pm

re: #32 psyop

It will probably be tough for him for a while. Knowing all that is going on in the world, and not being able do the same things he was able to do as our President.

I think he genuinely cares for America. But, believe he'll have a few, "Hope and Change this Mutha F**ker" moments too!

40 3 wood  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:17:38pm

Thank you President Bush.

Thank you for keeping my family safe.

Thank you for making the tough decisions, even though your popularity suffered for it.

Enjoy your retirement and your rest. You earned it.

41 Czarny_Smok  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:18:03pm

Wonderful, an awesome man doing a thankless task with class. God Bless President Bush!

42 DeafDog  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:18:11pm

re: #14 KibbyKat

We look forward to welcoming him back to Dallas.

I'll second that (if I'm not to late)

43 Guanxi88  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:18:44pm

re: #27 buzzsawmonkey

I think you're stretching a point, a bit. The "compassionate and merciful" was cribbed by Islam from the Torah; "Adonai, Adonai, El rachum v'chanun..."

I'll give you a ding for noting the crib, but since most people are more familiar with the appellations because of their subsequent use by Islam, the inclusion of these terms cannot be understood except as a nod (or bow) toward Islam.

I remind you that Fallujah was famous as a religious center long before Islam (known in those days as Pumbedita); the place is still noted for the intensity of religious activity there, but it, too, was stolen from the Jews by Islam. Much the same thing here, I think.

44 jill e  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:18:47pm

re: #33 Honorary Yooper

Yes, thank you.

Even though it may not seem like it now, I feel history will judge George W. Bush as one of the better presidents. I'll be honest. I did not think much of him in the 2000 primaries. I was uneasy about him being elected president in 2000; although, I was glad he won over Al Gore. He showed his mettle on September 11, 2001, and continued to do so time and time again after that. Gracious upon entering in spite of the missing 'W' keys, and gracious upon leaving even in the wake of the jeers of the moonbats.

History seems to best judge presidents when we're far removed from their administrations by time. Some, formerly demonized, have come back in a better light, while some who were highly praised have looked worse for wear.

Within minutes of the 9/11 attacks, I thought (and prayed!), "Thank G*d Bush is President!"

45 Honorary Yooper  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:18:58pm

re: #21 ploome hineni

Ploome, that's more than a stretch. God has always been called merciful and compassionate in the Torah and the Bible.

/Oddly enough, I'd never heard of Rick Warren until his talk with McCain and Obama this past fall.

46 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:18:58pm
47 yochanan  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:19:12pm

thank you for protecting us.
and thank you for standing with Israel.

48 Lizard by the Bay  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:19:14pm

Genuine thanks for pursuing our safety at home and freedom abroad, even (and especially) when it was unpopular. You are owed that much.

No thank you for abandoning all of your conservative economic values. No thanks for lax border security (even after 9/11!) and attempted amnesty programs. And especially, no thanks for not standing up for yourself for eight straight years, and making the Republican Party unelectable for at least that much longer.

49 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:19:36pm

Done and emails sent!

thanks for the link, Charles!

50 LSD  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:19:36pm

With the final hug that Obama gave Prez Bush, Obama was clinging tightly to George and whispered, "Please, oh please don't leave me here alone, George"

51 Globular Cluster  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:19:44pm

re: #33 Honorary Yooper

Yes, thank you.

Even though it may not seem like it now, I feel history will judge George W. Bush as one of the better presidents. I'll be honest. I did not think much of him in the 2000 primaries. I was uneasy about him being elected president in 2000; although, I was glad he won over Al Gore. He showed his mettle on September 11, 2001, and continued to do so time and time again after that. Gracious upon entering in spite of the missing 'W' keys, and gracious upon leaving even in the wake of the jeers of the moonbats.

History seems to best judge presidents when we're far removed from their administrations by time. Some, formerly demonized, have come back in a better light, while some who were highly praised have looked worse for wear.

It can take 50-100 years.

52 KibbyKat  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:20:00pm

re: #34 sbvft contributor

Only when she's kicking puppies.

53 jill e  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:20:00pm

Humility defines President Bush...

Humility is perfect quietness of heart.
It is to expect nothing, to wonder at nothing that is done to me, to feel nothing done against me.
It is to be at rest when nobody praises me, and when I am blamed or despised.
It is to have a blessed home in the Lord, where I can go in and shut the door, and kneel to my Father in secret, and am at peace as in a deep sea of calmness, when all around and above is trouble.

~Andrew Murray

54 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:20:17pm

You guys are also clicking on the link to go to the actual thank you page, right?

55 A.W.  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:20:17pm

I actually welled up with tears watching Bush's farewell address. Of course none of us agreed with him on everything, but Bush is a fundamentally decent man, like his father, and he never deserved to be treated like he was.

I would like to say history will redeem him, but I know too much of how partisanship can infect our history books, too.

I guess, Mr. President, you will have to be satisified to know that you did the right thing. 50 million people are free today that were under the boot of dictatorship when you took office. And you were the first President to take terrorism seriously enough. I don't say that with spite toward Bush's predecessors. Sometimes it takes blood for us to awaken ourselves to evil and if there is any blame, it is as much in ourselves as anyone else. So to the extent that Bush should have seen 9-11 this coming, well, we all should have seen it coming. But at least you learned and you took it seriously. We will see if this new president learned and will take it seriously, too.

And when you pass from this world, hopefully after living a long and prosperous post-presidential life like your father is currently enjoying, I will say with confidence that you will at least be recognized in the next life as one of the good guys. Not perfect, any more than I am perfect, but you fought on the side of angels and it will not be forgotten.

Evil can only succeed if good men do nothing. You are a good man. You did your best, and in many of the most profound ways, you succeeded.

56 Lee Coller  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:20:22pm

re: #43 Guanxi88

I'll give you a ding for noting the crib, but since most people are more familiar with the appellations because of their subsequent use by Islam, the inclusion of these terms cannot be understood except as a nod (or bow) toward Islam.

I remind you that Fallujah was famous as a religious center long before Islam (known in those days as Pumbedita); the place is still noted for the intensity of religious activity there, but it, too, was stolen from the Jews by Islam. Much the same thing here, I think.

"compassionate and merciful" are standard Christian descriptions of God, commonly used in prayer.

57 quickjustice  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:20:40pm

On National Security, George W. Bush never wavered. And in the end, for the President of the United States, that's the most important thing.

58 PSGInfinity  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:20:49pm

re: #14 KibbyKat

We look forward to welcoming him back to Dallas.

SQ: Is he keeping the Crawford ranch to go with his new Dallas digs?

59 CyanSnowHawk  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:21:01pm

re: #34 sbvft contributor

OT: Does that scowl ever leave Michelle O's face?

Perhaps when her Sister's Lursa and Beytor return from the Klingon Empire.

60 Silhouette  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:21:05pm

If allah requires you kill people, and he is compassion and mercy, those words must mean different things than I thought they did.

61 Sgt K  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:21:05pm

I see President Bush was booed today. Stay classy Dems. Stay classy!

62 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:21:28pm
63 Sharmuta  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:21:42pm

As one who loves her Liberty and feels it is the duty of her nation to not only defend it, but see that others may come to share in it's blessings- thank you, President Bush. I will never forget the images of women voting in Afghanistan and Iraq. May these noble seeds bear much fruit, and history smile on your contributions.

64 CyanSnowHawk  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:21:51pm

re: #37 jill e

Cool! My 8-year-old daughter was born December 1, 2000, right in the middle of the election controversy. She's become one of President Bush's most ardent fans!

Same for my 8-year-old Son, born Nov. 30, 2000.

65 itellu3times  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:21:59pm

re: #60 Silhouette

If allah requires you kill people, and he is compassion and mercy, those words must mean different things than I thought they did.

OK then, back to remedial madrassa for you!

66 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:22:05pm

re: #61 Sgt K

I see President Bush was booed today. Stay classy Dems. Stay classy!

I would have been arrested had I been there.

67 wrenchwench  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:22:13pm

Thanks for being there on September 11, 2001.

Happy trails, Mr. Bush. Get that mountain bike dirty.

68 Teacake!  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:22:16pm

Always voted democrat until you ran for office. You're warmth and humor won me over.

69 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:22:18pm

re: #57 quickjustice

On National Security, George W. Bush never wavered. And in the end, for the President of the United States, that's the most important thing.

to us probably...the mob sees it otherwise....he's gettin stiffed

70 psyop  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:22:36pm

re: #39 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I think he genuinely cares for America. But, believe he'll have a few, "Hope and Change this Mutha F**ker" moments too!

I have no doubt he will be doing alot of monday-morning quarterbacking of Barack over the next few years.

Privately, to be sure. He has too much class to publicly embarrass the President, no matter how much that President may deserve it.

He's no Jimmah Carter, after all.

71 winston06  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:22:40pm

re: #68 Teacake!

u r smart

72 PSGInfinity  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:22:41pm

re: #37 jill e

Cool! My 8-year-old daughter was born December 1, 2000, right in the middle of the election controversy. She's become one of President Bush's most ardent fans!

Now THAT'S cool!

73 JacksonTn  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:23:09pm

re: #66 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

I would have been arrested had I been there.

FBV ...did your daughter have a good time? ...I believe you said she was going to D.C. ...I hope she had a safe trip ...

74 KibbyKat  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:23:12pm

re: #58 PSGInfinity

I haven't heard otherwise. It's only about 1.5 hours south of here and the Secret Service are obviously capable of securing the place, so it would make sense.

75 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:23:19pm
76 vagabond trader  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:23:26pm

Will always remember his total disdain of that old murderer Arafat.Never tried to cozy up to him, never believed a word the bastid had to say.

77 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:23:41pm
78 jetprop  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:23:42pm

Thank-you President Bush. God bless you and you're family.

79 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:24:16pm

re: #73 JacksonTn

FBV ...did your daughter have a good time? ...I believe you said she was going to D.C. ...I hope she had a safe trip ...

Her ride fell through. She didn't go. I was both relieved and disappointed for her.

80 Haole  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:24:18pm

Mr. Bush, Please keep your cell phone on, You may be getting a call from a scared child wondering WTF to do. Reality's a bitch.

81 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:24:24pm

re: #75 ploome hineni

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Very Interesting!

82 Wishing  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:24:29pm

re: #67 wrenchwench

Thanks for being there on September 11, 2001.

Happy trails, Mr. Bush. Get that mountain bike dirty.

To this day, I would love to be able to invite GWB to my home to watch the Super Bowl. I think he would be a blast.

83 Dahveed  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:24:38pm

re: #34 sbvft contributor

OT: Does that scowl ever leave Michelle O's face?

Hopefully 4 years from today we won't have to see it too often.

84 Guanxi88  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:25:06pm

re: #56 Lee Coller

"compassionate and merciful" are standard Christian descriptions of God, commonly used in prayer.

Yes, they are. But, and let's just be clear here, if someone says, "G-d the most merciful, the most compassionate," chances are better than even money that he or she is quoting Islamic prayer or scripture.

Of course Christians describe the L-rd this way; not to make light of it, but that is rather the point of the whole of Christian theology, which itself arose out of Judaism. Even as Christians do not deny the unity of the Divine, but have incorporated it into their Christology and theology, if a person prays, "Hear, the L-rd is One," the first thought going through the hearer's mind is probably not, "I'll bet that's a Christian praying."

No, the Sh'ma (paraphrased above and cribbed by Islam), is distinctly Jewish in origin and carries, accordingly, a Jewish "tone". I'd argue that "the merciful, the compassionate," because of use and association, carries a Muslim tone.

85 IslandLibertarian  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:25:11pm

Over 50 million people liberated.
Two EVIL regimes eliminated.
Al Qeada decimated.
Osama Bil Laden rendered impotent.

The world owes Bush more than just a "Thank You".

86 JacksonTn  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:25:12pm

re: #79 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Her ride fell through. She didn't go. I was both relieved and disappointed for her.

Oh, I understand ...I have kids too ...

87 PSGInfinity  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:25:31pm

re: #74 KibbyKat

I haven't heard otherwise. It's only about 1.5 hours south of here and the Secret Service are obviously capable of securing the place, so it would make sense.

Thanks, KibbyKat!

88 Guanxi88  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:25:33pm

re: #62 buzzsawmonkey

Fallujah is Pumbedita? I did not know that.

None other; same zip code.

89 psyop  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:25:38pm

re: #63 Sharmuta

I will never forget personally witnessing Iraqis in Mosul voting in Jan. '05. Lots of "Thank you Bush!" in broken English that day.

90 Hobbes  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:25:46pm

Thank you Mr. President for keeping us safe. If BHO keeps all his campaign promises, most will recall what a great president you were in that respect!

91 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:26:02pm
92 DeafDog  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:26:13pm


Thanks for the good stuff you did. Lots of folks mention the "keeping us safe" angle, but I think - more generally - you did a lot of heavy lifting in the Middle East. Work that had long been recognized, but that was always pushed to later generations because it would not be easy.

Domestically, I appreciate the efforts you made in trying to fix big problems, that your predecessors only gave lip service too. Your efforts in Education, Healtcare and even Social Security reform will be remembered fondly.


BTW - You did make a huge mistake by promoting Scott McClellan, but I imagine you already knew that. :-)

94 Spiritualized  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:26:38pm

The Case Against Dhimmi Carter

In fact, Carter's interventions in recent Israeli-Palestinian negotiations may have actually prolonged the violence. Carter argues in his
book that it was Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak, not Arafat, who walked away from negotiations at Camp David in July 2000. This contradicts the published recollections of President Bill Clinton and U.S. negotiator Dennis Ross, who were actually there. Clinton is reportedly furious at Carter for accepting Arafat's account over his.

95 Dianna  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:26:43pm

I appear to have been the 1,043rd person to have left thanks.

Did anyone else leave a note? I ask, since they seem to be cycling through the same three.

96 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:26:49pm
97 mikalm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:27:26pm

re: #95 Dianna

I appear to have been the 1,043rd person to have left thanks.

Did anyone else leave a note? I ask, since they seem to be cycling through the same three.

I also left one, and I too noticed that closed loop.

98 bulwrk  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:27:51pm

re: #95 Dianna

Yes I did.

99 Soona'  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:27:53pm

re: #34 sbvft contributor

OT: Does that scowl ever leave Michelle O's face?

No. And it probably never will. That's her way of showing how really really really hard she's trying to be proud of the USA.

100 Dahveed  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:27:56pm

re: #95 Dianna

I left one.

101 Guanxi88  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:28:00pm

re: #93 Silhouette

Compassion and mercy.
From me to you and you to me.
Exactly what God wants to see.

And yes that is the point!From Jonah!

But you know he never got it!

102 Sharmuta  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:28:01pm

re: #95 Dianna

I left a note.

103 joegosox  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:28:17pm

Pass the site along. Every thank you shows that there are Americans who value choosing the hard right over the easy wrong.

104 psyop  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:28:24pm

re: #95 Dianna

I appear to have been the 1,043rd person to have left thanks.

Did anyone else leave a note? I ask, since they seem to be cycling through the same three.

Did it seem that the first part of each of those messages was missing for you as well?

105 itellu3times  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:28:30pm

re: #94 Spiritualized

The Case Against Dhimmi Carter

That's insanity. Barak offered Arafat 98% of what he asked for, which was probably way too much for the safety and survival of Israel. If Carter thinks Barak should have offered 99%, or 100%, or 500%, then he's got a peanut for a brain.
/I know, already, just sayin'

106 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:28:45pm
107 HelloDare  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:28:47pm

And thank you, Charles, for the thread.

108 doppelganglander  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:28:58pm

re: #46 ploome hineni

The second half of that paragraph—"You are the compassionate and merciful one"—echoes the opening of all but one chapter of the Koran. Those chapters begin Bismillah al-Rahman al-Raheem, which translates into, "In the name of Allah, the most compassionate, the most merciful."

That's just poor grammar, if not a poor grasp of history, since the Torah predates the Koran by a millennium or more.

109 KibbyKat  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:29:14pm

re: #95 Dianna

I think the site administrators are approving notes for display before they go into the rotation, so they may just be overwhelmed with new responses.

110 Dianna  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:29:33pm

re: #104 psyop

Yes, it seemed so to me, as well.

Bad handling of the site, it seems to me.

111 kcladderman  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:29:44pm

re: #32 psyop

It will probably be tough for him for a while. Knowing all that is going on in the world, and not being able do the same things he was able to do as our President.

If President Obama is smart he will have President Bush on speed dial.

112 Wishing  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:29:45pm

re: #93 Silhouette

Compassion and mercy.
From me to you and you to me.
Exactly what God wants to see.

And yes that is the point!From Jonah!

Exodus 34:6 And the LORD passed by before him, and proclaimed, The LORD, The LORD God, merciful and gracious, longsuffering, and abundant in goodness and truth,

113 itellu3times  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:29:47pm

I posted something, under like my real name. Thanks, GWB.

114 Creeping Eruption  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:29:53pm

re: #109 KibbyKat

I think the site administrators are approving notes for display before they go into the rotation, so they may just be overwhelmed with new responses.

I'm sure they have their hands full. Could probably use stinky over there for a bit.

115 Soona'  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:30:06pm

re: #61 Sgt K

I see President Bush was booed today. Stay classy Dems. Stay classy!

That's going to be impossibe. They have no shame.

116 Guanxi88  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:30:12pm

re: #108 doppelganglander

That's just poor grammar, if not a poor grasp of history, since the Torah predates the Koran by a millennium or more.

Well, you don't wanna come right out and say that parts of it were lifted from earlier sources. There's a certain intensity to these hermeneutical debates that most want to avoid. (understatement generator set to "11")

117 Wishing  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:30:35pm

re: #102 Sharmuta

I left a note.

I left a note as well. I think the system is not working correctly, or just doesn't like Firefox.

118 vagabond trader  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:30:38pm

re: #109 KibbyKat

Yes, I was thinking that it would be horrible if it was swarmed by frothing moonbats.Hope they are screening content, which is kind of sad.

119 Nevergiveup  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:30:47pm

re: #57 quickjustice

On National Security, George W. Bush never wavered. And in the end, for the President of the United States, that's the most important thing.

CC that to Obama OK?

120 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:30:52pm

Only 125 more up-dings and our Grand Lizard with have a a karma rating of 50K.

Get on it Lizards!

121 mikalm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:31:08pm

re: #113 itellu3times

I posted something, under like my real name. Thanks, GWB.

If the three recycling entries are any indication, they're blocking out full last names, and inserting initials.

122 pat  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:31:12pm

re: #95 Dianna

yeah I did. About 1053

123 DeafDog  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:31:29pm

re: #95 Dianna

Yes. I think I was 1141

124 Silhouette  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:31:36pm

re: #112 Wishing

A recent Bible study focused on how often God is described as long-suffering. But with children like me, He has to be. :-)

125 eschew_obfuscation  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:31:48pm

re: #95 Dianna

I appear to have been the 1,043rd person to have left thanks.

Did anyone else leave a note? I ask, since they seem to be cycling through the same three.

Yeah....I did. Late 800's somewhere. When I went back to look at the other posts, the total was 911! Strange.

126 pat  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:31:55pm

re: #113 itellu3times

that isn't your real name?

127 mikalm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:32:14pm

re: #120 ggt

Only 125 more up-dings and our Grand Lizard with have a a karma rating of 50K.

Get on it Lizards!

I gave him another one.

BTW, I like the large view of the lizard on his profile!

128 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:32:16pm

re: #124 Silhouette

A recent Bible study focused on how often God is described as long-suffering. But with children like me, He has to be. :-)


(children like me as well)

129 Dianna  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:32:18pm

re: #117 Wishing

And we can't read the notes without clicking the thanks button again.

While I think Bush deserves lots of thanks, I really don't want to skew the count by clicking in every time I want to see the notes!

130 DeafDog  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:32:25pm

re: #111 kcladderman

If President Obama is smart he will have President Bush on speed dial.

If presiden bush is smart, he will turn off his phone

131 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:32:33pm
132 doppelganglander  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:32:54pm

re: #116 Guanxi88

Well, you don't wanna come right out and say that parts of it were lifted from earlier sources. There's a certain intensity to these hermeneutical debates that most want to avoid. (understatement generator set to "11")

You put that point so delicately, I'm quite impressed.

133 Wishing  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:33:10pm

re: #124 Silhouette

A recent Bible study focused on how often God is described as long-suffering. But with children like me, He has to be. :-)


134 Nevergiveup  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:33:12pm

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Tuesday congratulated U.S. President Barack Obama upon his inauguration, saying he expects Israeli-American relations
to become even stronger.

[Link: www.haaretz.com...]

I don't know what Olmert has been smoking but........

135 Gretchen G.Tiger  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:33:15pm

Have a Great Evening Lizards!

136 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:33:36pm
137 DeafDog  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:33:46pm

re: #113 itellu3times

I posted something, under like my real name. Thanks, GWB.


138 DEZes  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:33:48pm

Thank you Presidemt Bush, you held the office with dignity.

139 Lincolntf  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:33:48pm

I find it unpleasantly ironic that (on ESPN, even!) only he Liberals are shocked that we elected a black President.

140 Salem  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:34:01pm

I would expect no less from a Republican president. I'll just leave it at that.

141 Hobbes  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:34:13pm

re: #63 Sharmuta

As one who loves her Liberty and feels it is the duty of her nation to not only defend it, but see that others may come to share in it's blessings- thank you, President Bush. I will never forget the images of women voting in Afghanistan and Iraq. May these noble seeds bear much fruit, and history smile on your contributions.

When I saw those images tears came to my eyes. That was a REAL show of Hope and Change. Let's see if BHO can make that magic happen!

142 kcladderman  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:34:40pm

re: #130 DeafDog

If presiden bush is smart, he will turn off his phone

I don't believe he would turn his back on the country .

143 Nevergiveup  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:34:54pm

re: #136 buzzsawmonkey

Standard political politesse, nothing more.

Olmert has no dignity. But we know that already anyway I guess.

144 Wishing  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:35:18pm

re: #136 buzzsawmonkey

Standard political politesse, nothing more.

Yeah, the stuff Carter FAILED to do.

145 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:35:23pm
146 Kosh's Shadow  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:36:02pm

re: #94 Spiritualized

The Case Against Dhimmi Carter

re: #105 itellu3times

That's insanity. Barak offered Arafat 98% of what he asked for, which was probably way too much for the safety and survival of Israel. If Carter thinks Barak should have offered 99%, or 100%, or 500%, then he's got a peanut for a brain.
/I know, already, just sayin'

Carter thinks Israel shouldn't exist.

147 doppelganglander  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:36:03pm

re: #131 ploome hineni

Yes, it does. My point is, an echo comes after the original sound. The Torah doesn't echo the Koran, because the Torah came first. So I'm unsure whether Warren just used the word "echo" incorrectly, or if he honestly doesn't know that the Koran was written in the 7th century AD. Either way, it reflects poorly on him.

148 Gearhead  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:36:42pm

President Bush, after the sort of treatment you received over the last eight years, I would have held both middle fingers extended for the entire day. My compliments on your dignity and restraint.

149 Lee Coller  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:36:44pm

re: #84 Guanxi88

Yes, they are. But, and let's just be clear here, if someone says, "G-d the most merciful, the most compassionate," chances are better than even money that he or she is quoting Islamic prayer or scripture.

Of course Christians describe the L-rd this way; not to make light of it, but that is rather the point of the whole of Christian theology, which itself arose out of Judaism. Even as Christians do not deny the unity of the Divine, but have incorporated it into their Christology and theology, if a person prays, "Hear, the L-rd is One," the first thought going through the hearer's mind is probably not, "I'll bet that's a Christian praying."

Actually my first thought is that someone is reciting the ten commandments.

No, the Sh'ma (paraphrased above and cribbed by Islam), is distinctly Jewish in origin and carries, accordingly, a Jewish "tone". I'd argue that "the merciful, the compassionate," because of use and association, carries a Muslim tone.

Google the exact phrase. The only non-inauguration related page that turns up containing that exact phrase is from the Greek Orthodox Liturgy. I don't see how you can argue that it contains a distinctly Muslim tone. It may very well be that a Muslim may see it that way, but as a Christian unfamiliar with Muslim Prayers, (which I would imagine most Christians would be) it didn't trigger any alarms and didn't sound odd or out of place.

150 mattm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:36:49pm

Thank you for keeping us safe. You will be missed.

151 pre-Boomer Marine brat  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:36:51pm

BTW, how th' hell does one pronounce Charles' home world, Aidemydni?

152 DeafDog  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:36:54pm

re: #142 kcladderman

I don't believe he would turn his back on the country .

Of course not. I was just being flip.

153 Sharmuta  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:38:23pm

re: #141 Hobbes

When I saw those images tears came to my eyes. That was a REAL show of Hope and Change. Let's see if BHO can make that magic happen!

Those images still move me to this day.

154 nyc redneck  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:38:35pm

pres. bush,
thank you for your courageous words after 9-ll.
thank you for taking on islamic terrorism in a way that has kept us safe.
i admire you for remaining centered and focused in trying to achieve victory in iraq.
in the face of such opposition and unfair reporting you were steadfast and resolute.
you kept your sense of humor, dignity and gracious character no matter how the
squalling lunatics tried to demean you.
i admire you as a person. you seem decent, kind, warm, honest and must surely be a cherished friend to all lucky enough to know you.
i wish you the best.

155 sbvft contributor  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:38:38pm

Thanks for keeping us safe. Thanks for liberating two desperate nations a world away, 50 million people in all, for giving them something they and future generations didn't think they'd ever see - a future. God bless you, your family, and the men & women of the United States Armed Forces.

156 yochanan  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:38:54pm

re: #149 Lee Coller

rev rick warren used the first line in the 'shama' wonder if the moonbats heads exploded when he said the words G-D & ISRAEL in the same sentence.

157 JacksonTn  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:39:20pm

Hey Mr. President ...God Bless Texas ...get a good rest back home ...

158 DanceswithElvis  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:39:21pm

Okay, I'll bite.

This is what I wrote for this Thank You Note:

You have always been my president. As with everyone, I do have a difference of opinion on certain things, but I have always believed in you. You have led our nation through a difficult time; 9/11 and the aftermath and uncertainty. You have liberated a nation that was under the thumb of a horrible dictator and given the people of that nation the ability to choose their destiny rather than be subjugated to it.

You have come under attack by people who have the luxury of 20/20 hindsight, who either don't understand or realize that you have only a limited window of time to make choices. Despite the unfair attacks and imaginative stories generated by a biased media, you have stood strong and acted with grace.

I will always be proud to call you my President and fellow Texan. Thank you, and God Bless, sir.

159 robdouth  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:39:52pm

I'm more than anxious to thank our outgoing President for the job he did, and i'll proudly say I was thank you #1175. Let's hope it gets to over a million.

Three cheers for Bush, who while not doing as good a job as many would have liked, did a better job than he was/will ever get credit for from the idiots of the world.

160 newsjunkie_ky  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:40:11pm

President and Mrs. Bush will be sorely missed. More and more as each day passes.
Mr. Bush kept my family and this great Country safe and I thank him for courageously holding on to his convictions and not caving to media polls.

161 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:40:17pm

re: #157 JacksonTn

Hey Mr. President ...God Bless Texas ...get a good rest back home ...


I dont know about the vid but God Bless Texas gets my attention...right on

162 Hobbes  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:40:26pm

re: #145 buzzsawmonkey

It would not be a bad thing at all if indelible ink on the index finger were introduced into a number of precincts in the US to prevent vote fraud.

You're absolutely right. I'm afraid Acorn would try and find some way to bypass it though. Ha!

163 SurferDoc  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:40:31pm

re: #134 Nevergiveup

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Tuesday congratulated U.S. President Barack Obama upon his inauguration, saying he expects Israeli-American relations
to become even stronger.

[Link: www.haaretz.com...]

I don't know what Olmert has been smoking but........

He's been smoking Hope. He is not alone.

164 DanceswithElvis  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:40:53pm

Re: 158

My whole note was supposed to be in italics. -_-

165 Nevergiveup  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:41:15pm

Americans cheer on Obama in inauguration parties in Jerusalem, Tel Aviv

By Yair Ettinger and Raphael Ahren, Haaretz Correspondents

[Link: www.haaretz.com...]

A) I don't think this article represents the average American Jew in Israel

B) It made me sick to read it

166 Wishing  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:41:26pm

re: #156 yochanan

rev rick warren used the first line in the 'shama' wonder if the moonbats heads exploded when he said the words G-D & ISRAEL in the same sentence.

I was sure applauding!

167 nyc redneck  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:42:02pm

i bet in a way, pres. bush feels like he just got out of jail tonight.

168 Hobbes  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:42:08pm

re: #153 Sharmuta

Those images still move me to this day.

Me too!

169 calcajun  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:42:38pm


My greatest thanks for the policies which you and your administration enacted post 9-11, for those policies have kept us from being attacked again. I know that many 'near-misses' go unreported and I am certain the attempts have been made. Thank you for keeping the homeland safe.

Thank you for you vision for the Middle-east. It was a daunting task to try and plant a republican form of government in soil where it had failed to take root so many times before. Time will tell if you efforts will bear fruit. It also depends on how your successor "gardener" continues in the task.

I appreciate your efforts at reaching out to people. I appreciate your humility, a good trait which often times hobbles a person from adequately defending themselves. You could have, through your surrogates, better defended your actions, such as what took place following Hurricane Katrina. I know that had you ordered Air Force One to land in New Orleans or the surrounding areas, you would have caused a diversion of critical resources and made evacuation efforts more difficult. Instead, your political enemies feasted on the image of you looking "down" from AF One. Documenting your efforts to avert the financial crisis and showing the American people how you saw it coming is another example. You could have done better.

Finally, I cannot begin to express my grief over what has happened to the GOP on your watch. There is a saying that in politics, perception is reality. You are perceived as a man who failed to lead your party. After 2004, you seemed to do little to consolidate the gains made since 2000 and 2002. You moved away from the true conservative faith--and lost the country in the process. I hope and pray that future leaders of the GOP learn from your example--both good and bad. Primarily, I hope that they learn that leading people does not mean moving in the ideological direction of those you hope to lead, but convincing them to follow you and embrace your ideals.

Maybe I'll see you in Texas one day. Via con Dios, Jorge.

170 kcladderman  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:42:59pm

re: #152 DeafDog

Of course not. I was just being flip.

Oh I know.
You know it is tradition for the outgoing president to leave a personal note in the Oval Office to the incoming president I hope president Bush did leave his cell phone number for President Obama.

171 BatGuano  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:43:09pm

In October,1962 we might have had the right man as President. In September 2001, we definitely had the right man in the White House.

172 MarineGrunt  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:44:38pm

A big Semper Fi from this old grunt.

173 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:46:14pm
174 phillygirl  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:46:19pm

Thank you President Bush for trying to change to climate and character of the Middle East. You did the right thing, and you will be recognized for your convictions and strength by future Americans. For your entire 8 years you had to fight with vindictive Democrats who were angry when you were declared winner of the 2000. They never got over it. Your biggest problem was an inability to communicate your message. The message of transformational democracy was a big leap for too many Americans. I hope you have a productive retirement.

175 pittboy  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:46:31pm

Thank you sir, for everything!

176 mattm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:47:01pm

AFL-CIO now marching in the parade with "Health care for all" banners.

I'm sure not a single penny was given to him.

177 Sharmuta  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:47:05pm

And thank you to Vice President Cheney- whose knowledge and wisdom served his boss and country well, all while remaining happily out of the spot light. May God bless the Cheneys too.

178 kcladderman  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:47:14pm

re: #171 BatGuano

In October,1962 we might have had the right man as President. In September 2001, we definitely had the right man in the White House.

I think in Oct 1962 we had the wrong man as president it just happened to turn out ok. If we had a different man sworn into office in Jan 61,Oct 62 would hold no historical relevance.
Though I do agree 100% on the Sept 01 statement.

179 Zombie_Killian  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:47:34pm

I don't agree with everything Bush did, but there has been no mass-casualty terrorist attack on U.S. soil for seven years and counting. I don't think it was because Al-Qaeda was scared off by the overwhelming hopey-feeley vibes of this incoming administration.

Are we back to an administration that's treating some guy in Idaho selling a sawed-off shotgun as a greater threat to America's security than an Iranian nuclear programme or a reconstituted Al-Qaeda?

180 Joan Not of Arc  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:47:54pm

We won't know what we've missed until it's gone.

181 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:48:44pm
182 Sharmuta  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:48:47pm

As my republican friends and I always toast-

Here's to Dick and Bush!

183 Ward Cleaver  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:48:51pm

Thanks George! I hope to see you here in Dallas someday, so I can shake your hand. God bless you and Laura, and I hope you enjoy your house. Yes, it's big, but it's definitely not pretentious.

184 Silhouette  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:49:10pm

re: #170 kcladderman

Oh I know.
You know it is tradition for the outgoing president to leave a personal note in the Oval Office to the incoming president I hope president Bush did leave his cell phone number for President Obama.

Leave the UN's number.

One day, Obama gets in over his head.
So he picks up the phone and calls the number, hoping it is GWB.
But it is the UN, not Bush.
Okay, Obama thinks, they are the world, and I always said we should listen to them anyway. This is good.
"Hello, this is the UN. An operator will be with you shortly. If you have an emergency that cannot wait, please press 7 now."
So Obama presses 7, with desperation.

And his other line rings.

185 _RememberTonyC  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:49:25pm

Thanks President Bush ... you are Harry Truman's spiritual heir. God Bless You.

186 doppelganglander  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:49:28pm

re: #178 kcladderman

I think in Oct 1962 we had the wrong man as president it just happened to turn out ok. If we had a different man sworn into office in Jan 61,Oct 62 would hold no historical relevance.
Though I do agree 100% on the Sept 01 statement.

I beg to differ. I was born in October 1962. :)

187 Russkilitlover  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:50:10pm

Thank you President Bush.

Thank you for your steadfastness, your patriotism and your loyalty to the entire nation. Thank you for putting the needs of the nation ahead of party, politics, legacy, and ego. Thank you for being the one on call at the White House on September 11th, and for your resolve in the days, weeks, months, and years to follow that awful day.

Thank you for keeping U.S. safe.

188 yochanan  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:50:20pm

re: #163 SurferDoc

He's been smoking Hope. He is not alone.


189 mikalm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:50:26pm

Another fan of George W. Bush: The Dalai Lama!

/watches moonbat heads explode from a triple-dose of cognitive dissonance

190 Dustyvet  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:50:42pm

Thank You President and Mrs. Bush, it's been an honor.

191 Russkilitlover  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:51:42pm

re: #177 Sharmuta

And thank you to Vice President Cheney- whose knowledge and wisdom served his boss and country well, all while remaining happily out of the spot light. May God bless the Cheneys too.

Hear, hear! And thanks, also, Vice President Cheney for never failing to make the Administrations detractors look so utterly foolish.

(btw - your debate with Edwards - classic!)

192 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:51:44pm

Thank you, sir, for keeping my family safe and doing it in spite of so many people in the country actively undermining your efforts.

193 Nevergiveup  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:51:48pm

I'm still working. But I am not working tomorrow, so as soon as I get home, I 'm gonna get good and drunk.

194 irongrampa  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:52:01pm

If this occupant of the White House shows a fraction of the decency, honor and integrity of Mr. Bush, the nation will be well served.

Thank you, Sir.

195 Zombie_Killian  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:52:09pm

re: #189 mikalm

I imagine they'll just 'disown' the Dali Lama and insist he was on the take from Haliburton all along.

196 Wishing  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:52:37pm

re: #195 Zombie_Killian

I imagine they'll just 'disown' the Dali Lama and insist he was on the take from Haliburton all along.

..or forgot to don the TFH.

197 pre-Boomer Marine brat  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:52:54pm

Dear President Bush: We have all been through trying times, but your days and nights may have been the roughest of all. The buck stopped upon your shoulders. You had to make the necessary decisions which meant life or death to Americans. You bore up under the utter loneliness of command. You kept the Republic safe. You have my eternal respect and gratitude. May God bless you and yours as you have blessed America with your efforts and tears.

198 kcladderman  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:53:04pm

re: #186 doppelganglander

I beg to differ. I was born in October 1962. :)

Oops I stand corrected :-)

199 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:53:04pm

re: #180 Joan Not of Arc

We won't know what we've missed until it's gone.

not so...I have a vivid imagination that does not wane eloquent....GWB did one thing right that's all...he took the terrorists to the matt but left it so that BO will claim victory when we surrender...he was elected a fiscal conservative and spent our money like wine...he let the left walk all over him which helped set the GoP back years...nice guy?, sure....decent president?, probably....lots of damage tho...I'm no GWB drooler

200 itellu3times  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:53:08pm

re: #126 pat

that isn't your real name?

reality, heh.

201 stuiec  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:53:15pm

Doesn't anyone remember the devastating terror attack on Los Angeles in 2002? The hundreds of thousands dead? The way our economy was crippled?

Of course you don't -- it didn't happen.

The sad irony is that the job President Bush did in keeping us secure can only be measured in what DIDN'T happen in the last seven years. And the only way to get an accurate assessment of that will be if such things DO occur on his successor's watch.

So I hope and pray that we will never find out just how great a job President Bush did.

202 Dustyvet  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:53:30pm

re: #192 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Thank you, sir, for keeping my family safe and doing it in spite of so many people in the country actively undermining your efforts.

Thanks LT, while I was writing mine, I got all misty eyed. And had to stop for a moment.

203 newsjunkie_ky  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:54:14pm

re: #189 mikalm

Another fan of George W. Bush: The Dalai Lama!

/watches moonbat heads explode from a triple-dose of cognitive dissonance

Thanks for that link. Had a good friend that was a Buddhist and was a raving moonbat. He recently passed away or I would send him the link.

204 kcladderman  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:54:59pm

re: #199 albusteve

not so...I have a vivid imagination that does not wane eloquent....GWB did one thing right that's all...he took the terrorists to the matt but left it so that BO will claim victory when we surrender...he was elected a fiscal conservative and spent our money like wine...he let the left walk all over him which helped set the GoP back years...nice guy?, sure....decent president?, probably....lots of damage tho...I'm no GWB drooler

So tell us in six months if you miss him.

205 Shr_Nfr  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:55:28pm

Any man can seem to have courage when they are free to run in whichever direction the wind blows. It is a true hero to stand against the wind and to yell at the top of their lungs for the wind do its worst, because he is ready to fight it. It is easy for the Philistines in this life to have the great mass proclaiming their generosity. It is for the generous man to give in such a way that nobody will praise him, because few realize the depth of his compassion. Any fool can build a large house that ruins the environment around them and then pontificate and hang banners proclaiming their support for the environment. It is a true environmentalist that builds a house that is friendly to the environment and then makes nothing of the accomplishment.

President Bush, you and the people in our military have had courage beyond my imagination. You have been compassionate to many in Africa, just because it was the right thing to do, not in order to gain the praise. You have been an environmentalist in your own life.

I wish to thank you for being our President.


206 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:55:48pm

re: #204 kcladderman

So tell us in six months if you miss him.

all things are relative...if BO shuts down the borders I will not miss him...how about you?

207 Wishing  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:56:07pm

re: #199 albusteve

not so...I have a vivid imagination that does not wane eloquent....GWB did one thing right that's all...he took the terrorists to the matt but left it so that BO will claim victory when we surrender...he was elected a fiscal conservative and spent our money like wine...he let the left walk all over him which helped set the GoP back years...nice guy?, sure....decent president?, probably....lots of damage tho...I'm no GWB drooler

You are just Mr. Happy aren't you?
No mercy for an ailing Kennedy, no honor for the man who kept your sorry ass alive in this country.

208 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:56:47pm

re: #202 Dustyvet

Thanks LT, while I was writing mine, I got all misty eyed. And had to stop for a moment.

You and me both... check out the two vids over on Ace's site here comparing GWB's incoming and outgoing moments at the hands of those classy libs.

Makes my blood boil... especially when we have to listen to our own "give him a chance" lizards.

209 Zombie_Killian  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:56:50pm

re: #201 stuiec

Doesn't anyone remember the devastating terror attack on Los Angeles in 2002? The hundreds of thousands dead? The way our economy was crippled?

I remember that it was all our fault and we needed to look at the root causes and ask why they hated us because there were unanswered questions about what role the government might've played in those attacks.

Of course you don't -- it didn't happen.

Hey- what!? Wait! No fair! You tricked me!

210 mikalm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:56:54pm

re: #195 Zombie_Killian

I imagine they'll just 'disown' the Dali Lama and insist he was on the take from Haliburton all along.

Well, they've ignored his rather un-PC statements about Buddhism's opposition to homosexuality and non-marital sex, so this one shouldn't be a big problem.

211 pre-Boomer Marine brat  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:57:22pm

re: #205 Shr_Nfr

Any man can seem to have courage when they are free to run in whichever direction the wind blows. It is a true hero to stand against the wind and to yell at the top of their lungs for the wind do its worst, because he is ready to fight it.

WELL put!

212 Kragar  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:57:27pm

re: #206 albusteve

all things are relative...if BO shuts down the borders I will not miss him...how about you?

In Barry's case, closing the border could very well be to keep them in the US and stay productive tax payers.

213 kcladderman  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:57:39pm

re: #206 albusteve

all things are relative...if BO shuts down the borders I will not miss him...how about you?

I will if New York LA and Chicago are smoldering piles of debris.

214 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:58:08pm

re: #207 Wishing

You are just Mr. Happy aren't you?
No mercy for an ailing Kennedy, no honor for the man who kept your sorry ass alive in this country.

you're opinion has no cred with me....you call Carter 'evil' yet give T Kennedy a pass?...that's simply laughable...ding all you want, it means nothing to me...

215 Lincolntf  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:58:26pm

Thank you, Mr. President. It has been my honor and privilege to have you as CINC.
No matter what the bitter Left says, you and I both know that you consistently made the right call in circumstances that would have left lesser men curled up in a corner begging for relief.
Enjoy your retirement, and never stop believing that you did the right thing when it was most important.
We'll never forget our debt to you, Sir.

216 Dianna  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:59:29pm

re: #213 kcladderman

I will if New York LA and Chicago are smoldering piles of debris.

As someone who goes to work each day in a classic soft target, I know I'm going to miss GWB.

I just hope I survive to miss him.

217 mikalm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:59:48pm

re: #203 newsjunkie_ky

Thanks for that link. Had a good friend that was a Buddhist and was a raving moonbat. He recently passed away or I would send him the link.

Prayers for your friend.

A lot of moonbats proclaim themselves "Buddhists" without understanding the first thing about the path, much less its historical teachings and practices, or what kind of societies are the results of their applications. For one thing, every single one of the hedonistic neo-hippie "Buddhists" I've met makes a mockery of the first principle of the Buddha, which is renunciation of desire.

218 jcm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 2:59:56pm

re: #206 albusteve

all things are relative...if BO shuts down the borders I will not miss him...how about you?

Not gonna' happen with Napolitano as Sec. DHS.

219 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:00:03pm

re: #212 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

In Barry's case, closing the border could very well be to keep them in the US and stay productive tax payers.

well that's one way to look at it....cynical but true

220 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:01:00pm

Thank you President Bush! Your unwavering and steadfast goal to keep America safe is what I will remember and treasure the most. Mrs. Bush, I will remember your extraordinary dignity and class. Farewell, and I pray that now your monumental daily burdens are lifted you may enjoy the pleasures of peace and quiet.

221 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:01:35pm

re: #218 jcm

Not gonna' happen with Napolitano as Sec. DHS.

no shit...and GWB led the charge...utterly unforgivable imo...

222 Wishing  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:02:35pm

re: #214 albusteve

you're opinion has no cred with me....you call Carter 'evil' yet give T Kennedy a pass?...that's simply laughable...ding all you want, it means nothing to me...

Oddly enough, I didn't ding your last.
Kennedy is dealing with a terminal illness: I wish him a speedy recovery.
If Carter were ailing, I would do likewise.
You, however, seem to think nothing of dissing the ill, or refusing to say *Thank you* to men who have protected you.
I pray that your loved ones, with whom you have political disagreements, never need your help.

223 Dianna  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:02:52pm

re: #217 mikalm

Not a Bhuddist poem, but:

Sir Philip Sidney


[Thou blind man's mark]

Thou blind man's mark, thou fool's self-chosen snare,
Fond fancy's scum, and dregs of scattered thought ;
Band of all evils, cradle of causeless care ;
Thou web of will, whose end is never wrought ;
Desire, desire ! I have too dearly bought,
With price of mangled mind, thy worthless ware ;
Too long, too long, asleep thou hast me brought,
Who shouldst my mind to higher things prepare.
But yet in vain thou hast my ruin sought ;
In vain thou madest me to vain things aspire ;
In vain thou kindlest all thy smoky fire ;
For virtue hath this better lesson taught,—
Within myself to seek my only hire,
Desiring nought but how to kill desire.

224 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:03:39pm
225 vapig  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:03:55pm

re: #184 Silhouette

Leave the UN's number.

One day, Obama gets in over his head.
So he picks up the phone and calls the number, hoping it is GWB.
But it is the UN, not Bush.
Okay, Obama thinks, they are the world, and I always said we should listen to them anyway. This is good.
"Hello, this is the UN. An operator will be with you shortly. If you have an emergency that cannot wait, please press 7 now."
So Obama presses 7, with desperation.

And his other line rings.

LOL! That's funny!

226 USBeast  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:03:56pm

Charles, I hope you plan to keep this link open on a side bar. There are many things all of us would like to say to President Bush and it may take awhile to get our thoughts into coherent order, especially if they are going to be preserved for posterity.

227 scrad  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:04:32pm

AP sees US as founded by 'Slaveholders'

"A jubilant crowd of more than a million waited for hours in frigid temperatures to witness the moment as a young black man with a foreign-sounding name took command of a nation founded by slaveholders"

228 J.S.  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:04:56pm

re: #147 doppelganglander

The problem with your argument is that Rick Warren never used the word "echo" in the invocation -- the word "echo" comes from that article written by 2 staffers/bloggers (?)...

229 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:05:30pm
230 mikalm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:05:37pm

re: #223 Dianna

Very nice!

231 pre-Boomer Marine brat  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:05:49pm

re: #227 scrad

AP sees US as founded by 'Slaveholders'

"A jubilant crowd of more than a million waited for hours in frigid temperatures to witness the moment as a young black man with a foreign-sounding name took command of a nation founded by slaveholders"

That is utterly asinine.

232 Dustyvet  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:05:50pm

re: #227 scrad

AP sees US as founded by 'Slaveholders'

"A jubilant crowd of more than a million waited for hours in frigid temperatures to witness the moment as a young black man with a foreign-sounding name took command of a nation founded by slaveholders"

The AP can go screw itself.

233 FrogMarch  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:05:57pm

re: #85 IslandLibertarian

Over 50 million people liberated.
Two EVIL regimes eliminated.
Al Qeada decimated.
Osama Bil Laden rendered impotent.

The world owes Bush more than just a "Thank You".

Indeed. NO thanks to the a-hole left.

234 nyc redneck  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:06:06pm

re: #189 mikalm

Another fan of George W. Bush: The Dalai Lama!

/watches moonbat heads explode from a triple-dose of cognitive dissonance

isn't it interesting.
the dalai lama, who has actually seen and experienced evil, understands, completely, the frivolous nature of the yapping moonbat left.
he chooses pres. bush, w/ out a second thought, to the ridiculous noise makers.
that's real.

235 DEZes  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:06:15pm

I did my part and left a thank you to President Bush.
The way he has been treated by the media, liberals and various other vile creatures, would send most men into a fit of savage rage, but not Bush,
He always acted with dignity.
He and his wife are both class acts.

236 Kragar  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:06:16pm

re: #227 scrad

AP sees US as founded by 'Slaveholders'

"A jubilant crowd of more than a million waited for hours in frigid temperatures to witness the moment as a young black man with a foreign-sounding name took command of a nation founded by slaveholders"

what a crock of shit

237 Dianna  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:06:30pm

re: #229 buzzsawmonkey

I think Sam Adams, Ben Franklin and a few others would have something to say about that, were they here.

And what John Adams would have to say about that hardly bears thinking on!

238 Dianna  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:06:43pm

re: #230 mikalm


239 Hobbes  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:07:07pm

re: #212 Kragar (Proud to be Kafir)

In Barry's case, closing the border could very well be to keep them in the US and stay productive tax payers.


240 itellu3times  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:07:08pm

re: #227 scrad

AP sees US as founded by 'Slaveholders'

"A jubilant crowd of more than a million waited for hours in frigid temperatures to witness the moment as a young black man with a foreign-sounding name took command of a nation founded by slaveholders"

foreign sounding? like, where I wonders.

gosh, all dem foreigners look alike, but I guess dey're all good folks at heart, hey?

241 Lincolntf  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:07:18pm

re: #227 scrad

What a joke.
I guess the AP has run out of current Politicians to deride and malign, so they went to their Ayers-approved textbooks for material.

242 Nevergiveup  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:07:18pm

President Barack Obama's promise to end the war in Iraq will be on the agenda Wednesday when the new commander in chief meets with top national security aides and senior commanders, officials said.

[Link: www.jpost.com...]

I guess that means I better have an appointment with Mr. Chivas?

243 mikalm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:07:41pm

re: #223 Dianna

Not a Bhuddist poem, but:

Sir Philip Sidney

Call me a lowbrow, but that name always reminds me of this classic Monty Python sketch.

244 Nevergiveup  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:08:02pm

re: #227 scrad

AP sees US as founded by 'Slaveholders'

"A jubilant crowd of more than a million waited for hours in frigid temperatures to witness the moment as a young black man with a foreign-sounding name took command of a nation founded by slaveholders"

I guess every other nation on the face of the earth was founded by saints?

245 Dirk Diggler  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:08:02pm
246 trailortrash  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:08:16pm

Thank You Pres.Bush :salute:

247 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:08:20pm

re: #222 Wishing

Oddly enough, I didn't ding your last.
Kennedy is dealing with a terminal illness: I wish him a speedy recovery.
If Carter were ailing, I would do likewise.
You, however, seem to think nothing of dissing the ill, or refusing to say *Thank you* to men who have protected you.
I pray that your loved ones, with whom you have political disagreements, never need your help.

you have not read closely enough...I instantly gave Bush credit for his fight against terrorism...I never dissed Kennedy...I refused to "wish him well" because I really dont care to "wish him well" after the Mary Jo thing....he directly contributed to her death...you're making things up which is why I disregard your opinion...as far as praying for my loved ones save it for Kennedy...he needs it more than my loved ones do apparently...

248 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:08:46pm

re: #227 scrad

AP sees US as founded by 'Slaveholders'

"A jubilant crowd of more than a million waited for hours in frigid temperatures to witness the moment as a young black man with a foreign-sounding name took command of a nation founded by slaveholders"

Disgusting and historically untrue. I hope AP gets thrown under the belly-up bus. Idjits.

249 mikalm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:09:22pm

re: #227 scrad

AP sees US as founded by 'Slaveholders'

"A jubilant crowd of more than a million waited for hours in frigid temperatures to witness the moment as a young black man with a foreign-sounding name took command of a nation founded by slaveholders"

Where, oh where, does the AP find these blithering fools?

/I know, I know -- "journalism schools!"

250 DeafDog  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:09:25pm

re: #221 albusteve

no shit...and GWB led the charge...utterly unforgivable imo...

I'm trying to get a read on where you're coming from. Which politician most closely mirrors your views?

251 DisturbedEma  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:09:41pm

re: #244 Nevergiveup

I guess every other nation on the face of the earth was founded by saints?

Ummmm, were Pilgrims slave holders? I mean come on. . .

252 Lincolntf  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:11:15pm

re: #249 mikalm

I'm wondering where The Mayflower found room for all the slaves?

253 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:11:23pm

re: #246 trailortrash

Hey Buddy!

Dod you serve in the Benning School for Boys? Where, who, when?

254 DisturbedEma  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:12:25pm

So, in addition to losing the primary, not the election, and having to bow down and kiss the ring of dear leader, she will now have to endure a grilling about one issue. . .while AG who pardons terrorists skates to easy appointment. . .

Yeah, that party really loves ya Hil. . .

255 Dianna  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:12:25pm

re: #243 mikalm

Call me a lowbrow, but that name always reminds me of this classic Monty Python sketch.

Nothing lowbrow about it!

256 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:12:45pm
257 Wishing  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:12:53pm

re: #247 albusteve

you have not read closely enough...I instantly gave Bush credit for his fight against terrorism...I never dissed Kennedy...I refused to "wish him well" because I really dont care to "wish him well" after the Mary Jo thing....he directly contributed to her death...you're making things up which is why I disregard your opinion...as far as praying for my loved ones save it for Kennedy...he needs it more than my loved ones do apparently...

I am wrong, and apologize. I did not see your #3.
Thank you for thanking President Bush.
I still wouldn't want to be at political odds with you and need your assistance.
Nuff said.

258 Globular Cluster  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:13:03pm

Yeah, the Puritans were slaveholders. Bill Ayer's "History of American Imperialist Hegemony for Middle School Students."

Get your copy today.

BTW, Jimmy Carter has yet another book out.

259 wiffersnapper  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:13:05pm

I'd vote for 2 more terms if I had the chance!

260 Zombie_Killian  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:13:06pm

re: #227 scrad

Wow- just...wow.

I had this daydream not too long ago about a Unibomber-esque figure who would send an imapssioned screed to different MSM outlets and follow this up with sending off mail bombs to big-city newspapers like The New York Times or Seattle Post-Intelligencer only to later find out that his bombs detonated harmlessly in vacant buildings. He sent them to the right address, but they went bankrupt and had shut down by the time his parcel arrived.

261 DisturbedEma  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:13:24pm

re: #256 buzzsawmonkey

The slaves came over in the companion ship April Shower, according to AP's New Revised American History.


262 mikalm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:13:30pm

re: #244 Nevergiveup

I guess every other nation on the face of the earth was founded by saints?

Let's see now:

Great Britain -- pirates, roving tribes of headhunters and frontier Imperial solders
Germany & Russia -- pillaging Vikings and nomadic mounted raiders
Latin America -- insurgent bandits
Japan -- illiterate mercenaries
Australia -- deported convicts
and on, and on, and on...

To morons like the AP writer, only the United States has less-than-perfect origins.

263 doppelganglander  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:14:35pm

re: #217 mikalm

Prayers for your friend.

A lot of moonbats proclaim themselves "Buddhists" without understanding the first thing about the path, much less its historical teachings and practices, or what kind of societies are the results of their applications. For one thing, every single one of the hedonistic neo-hippie "Buddhists" I've met makes a mockery of the first principle of the Buddha, which is renunciation of desire.

If a majority of Americans turned to Buddhism, the economy would collapse.

264 buzzdroid  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:14:38pm


we will miss you.

nothing more to add.

265 mikalm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:14:41pm

re: #251 DisturbedEma

Ummmm, were Pilgrims slave holders? I mean come on. . .

Or the Spanish missionaries out here in Cali? Or the French explorers down South?

Astonishing. Just astonishing.

266 J.S.  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:15:07pm

re: #262 mikalm

Although I believe the Germans were head-hunters who wore skulls on their belts...(according to some Roman authors).

267 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:15:09pm

re: #250 DeafDog

I'm trying to get a read on where you're coming from. Which politician most closely mirrors your views?

I like Kinky Freidman from Texas and Ted Nugent from Michigan myself...

268 Dustyvet  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:15:13pm

re: #262 mikalm

Let's see now:

Great Britain -- pirates, roving tribes of headhunters and frontier Imperial solders
Germany & Russia -- pillaging Vikings and nomadic mounted raiders
Latin America -- insurgent bandits
Japan -- illiterate mercenaries
Australia -- deported convicts
and on, and on, and on...

To morons like the AP writer, only the United States has less-than-perfect origins.

New Zealand...The Jury's still out...:)

269 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:15:18pm

re: #256 buzzsawmonkey

The slaves came over in the companion ship April Shower, according to AP's New Revised American History.



270 formercorpsman  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:15:42pm

re: #206 albusteve

Obviously there are many things we could pick apart regarding his last 8 years as President. Lord knows, because he is finished, does not mean the press will forget about him. They will gore their ox with him for at least another 4 years.

What separates people to the right, versus people to the left is critical thought, and the ability to let go of the bone at least for at least a few minutes.

Realize one thing, no President in history really faced the challenge he faced on the morning of September 11th, and almost from the start, could not make the right decision by a free media already shown willing to fellate Saddam Hussein for nuanced access.

Remember, everything is not his fault. This is what the other side does. He could have fought harder on some things, but overall, he rose to the occasion.

271 DisturbedEma  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:15:54pm

re: #262 mikalm

Let's see now:

Great Britain -- pirates, roving tribes of headhunters and frontier Imperial solders
Germany & Russia -- pillaging Vikings and nomadic mounted raiders
Latin America -- insurgent bandits
Japan -- illiterate mercenaries
Australia -- deported convicts
and on, and on, and on...

To morons like the AP writer, only the United States has less-than-perfect origins.

Lizards, welcome to AmIsrael. . .my fellow Jews who live there have been hearing about their illegal status since. . .well you know, we SAY 1948. . .

272 nyc redneck  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:15:59pm

i heard a clip of some old raspy voiced guy say this poem:
now is the time black won't have to get back
brown can stick around
yellow can get mellow
and white can finally get right.

i found it offensive and stupid.
especially recited at the inauguration of the first black ( brown?) pres.
whites are who elected him. i wonder if they were insulted.
very low class poem.

273 doppelganglander  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:16:04pm

re: #228 J.S.

The problem with your argument is that Rick Warren never used the word "echo" in the invocation -- the word "echo" comes from that article written by 2 staffers/bloggers (?)...

That is entirely different. I was going by ploome's quoted excerpt. So the historical and/or grammatical error belongs to the writer(s) of the article. Thanks for the clarification.

274 redc1c4  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:16:24pm

re: #10 logboy

Thank you G.W. Bush. I am proud to have served in our nations military with you at the helm.

and the same goes for me.....

275 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:16:41pm

re: #257 Wishing

I am wrong, and apologize. I did not see your #3.
Thank you for thanking President Bush.
I still wouldn't want to be at political odds with you and need your assistance.
Nuff said.

no blood no foul...

276 DeafDog  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:17:10pm

re: #267 albusteve

I like Kinky Freidman from Texas and Ted Nugent from Michigan myself...

Got ya.

I appreciate the POV, but it would be kinda hard for those guys to build a national coalition on any issue. Politics is the art of the possible.

277 opnion  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:17:26pm

re: #227 scrad

AP sees US as founded by 'Slaveholders'

"A jubilant crowd of more than a million waited for hours in frigid temperatures to witness the moment as a young black man with a foreign-sounding name took command of a nation founded by slaveholders"

This debt for slavery was paid with the Civil War.
Slavery was a world wide phenomenon & in many areas still exists.
England does not suffer collective guilt because they used their slaves in the New World.
I have said this before , there are grave yards around me with the bodies of young farm boys who fought with Sherman to end slavery.
Enough, we have done over 40 years of massive spending on social programs to continue to pay off this debt with little return on investment.

278 mikalm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:17:37pm

re: #266 J.S.

Although I believe the Germans were head-hunters who wore skulls on their belts...(according to some Roman authors).

It was a Northern European thing. The Celts were headhunters, hence my crack about them in GB.

279 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:17:43pm

re: #258 Globular Cluster

Yeah, the Puritans were slaveholders. Bill Ayer's "History of American Imperialist Hegemony for Middle School Students."

Get your copy today.

BTW, Jimmy Carter has yet another book out.

There were slaves in New England early on, but they were the exception rather than the rule. Indentured servitude was more prevalent.

280 opnion  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:18:42pm

re: #249 mikalm

Where, oh where, does the AP find these blithering fools?

/I know, I know -- "journalism schools!"

Warn your chidren to do well in math , or they could grow up to be a journalist.

281 DisturbedEma  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:18:51pm

re: #277 opnion

This debt for slavery was paid with the Civil War.
Slavery was a world wide phenomenon & in many areas still exists.
England does not suffer collective guilt because they used their slaves in the New World.
I have said this before , there are grave yards around me with the bodies of young farm boys who fought with Sherman to end slavery.
Enough, we have done over 40 years of massive spending on social programs to continue to pay off this debt with little return on investment.

Oh, so slavery was the reason for the Civil war. . .

**ducks as things get thrown at the head of the mouth Jew with 2 new babies**

282 redc1c4  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:18:55pm

re: #253 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Hey Buddy!

Dod you serve in the Benning School for Boys? Where, who, when?

i went to the Harmony Church School for Excitable Boys

4th Plt. B-9-2

283 Cathypop  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:19:02pm

President George W. Bush,
Thank you for keeping this country safe and free from terrorists. Thank you for all you have done through out the world. You will be greatly missed in the coming years.
Thank you

284 J.S.  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:19:07pm

re: #273 doppelganglander

No problemo. (I've noticed that sometimes with the quotations and all, it becomes really difficult to figure out who's being quoted, who's writing what, who's said what, etc., then I have to go check out the original...)

285 Dianna  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:19:23pm

re: #266 J.S.

Although I believe the Germans were head-hunters who wore skulls on their belts...(according to some Roman authors).

That was a Celtic thing. They'd also put enemy heads in wall niches so they could sing about how they killed them.

The Romans thought this was right out.

286 mikalm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:20:04pm

re: #282 redc1c4

i went to the Harmony Church School for Excitable Boys

4th Plt. B-9-2

Did you rub pot roast all over your chest there?

287 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:20:19pm
288 Cathypop  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:20:22pm

re: #272 nyc redneck

i heard a clip of some old raspy voiced guy say this poem:
now is the time black won't have to get back
brown can stick around
yellow can get mellow
and white can finally get right.

i found it offensive and stupid.
especially recited at the inauguration of the first black ( brown?) pres.
whites are who elected him. i wonder if they were insulted.
very low class poem.

They felt a warm glow come over them and a tingle in their leg. Only to find out they had peed in their pants

289 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:20:30pm

re: #277 opnion

This debt for slavery was paid with the Civil War.
Slavery was a world wide phenomenon & in many areas still exists.
England does not suffer collective guilt because they used their slaves in the New World.
I have said this before , there are grave yards around me with the bodies of young farm boys who fought with Sherman to end slavery.
Enough, we have done over 40 years of massive spending on social programs to continue to pay off this debt with little return on investment.

600,000+ American updings. Price paid in full.

As for illegal laws after the war, that was fixed in 1964.

People acting like assholes to others? Freedom, bub, you can like or dislike anyone you want, just don't violate the law.

290 opnion  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:20:46pm

re: #281 DisturbedEma

Oh, so slavery was the reason for the Civil war. . .

**ducks as things get thrown at the head of the mouth Jew with 2 new babies**

Two new Babies? Twins?

291 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:20:52pm

re: #270 formercorpsman

Obviously there are many things we could pick apart regarding his last 8 years as President. Lord knows, because he is finished, does not mean the press will forget about him. They will gore their ox with him for at least another 4 years.

What separates people to the right, versus people to the left is critical thought, and the ability to let go of the bone at least for at least a few minutes.

Realize one thing, no President in history really faced the challenge he faced on the morning of September 11th, and almost from the start, could not make the right decision by a free media already shown willing to fellate Saddam Hussein for nuanced access.

Remember, everything is not his fault. This is what the other side does. He could have fought harder on some things, but overall, he rose to the occasion.

I didnt say everything was his fault...I'm pointing out that I dont idolize him politically...I dont idolize anybody except maybe Sonny Landreth...Bush is sitting on an enormous failure to close our borders in time of war....he has his personal interests I'm sure....what's your take on that?

292 Hobbes  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:21:01pm

re: #220 rightymouse

Thank you President Bush! Your unwavering and steadfast goal to keep America safe is what I will remember and treasure the most. Mrs. Bush, I will remember your extraordinary dignity and class. Farewell, and I pray that now your monumental daily burdens are lifted you may enjoy the pleasures of peace and quiet.

Mrs. Bush was a most gracious First Lady. She put to shame Hillary Clinton.
I will deeply miss her. Last night I briefly saw a program on TV where she was discussing some of the history surrounding the White House furniture, she was so respectful of the history of each item. What a lady! Don't think we'll find that with the new one. The " never proud of America" comment won't make anything she might say in the future believable. IMHO.

293 doppelganglander  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:21:02pm

re: #281 DisturbedEma

Oh, so slavery was the reason for the Civil war. . .

**ducks as things get thrown at the head of the mouth Jew with 2 new babies**

And how are the little ones? Boys, girls, one of each?

294 TheMatrix31  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:21:14pm

I posted a 14 minute video on my Facebook thanking him one last time, but I will forever be thankful.

I think the main reason he was hated was because he stood by his principles. People aren't used to a politician standing by his convictions, no matter what the public opinion or what political pressure dictated. For that, I consider him a leader, and after 9/11, we needed someone to lead.

Not the best communicator, but a damn good leader. Thank you, Mr. President.

295 traderjoe9  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:21:18pm

I moved to this country right when Bush took office, and this is the first time I am living under a different president than him.

It's different...its slightly awkward.

Thank you!

296 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:21:36pm

re: #276 DeafDog

Got ya.

I appreciate the POV, but it would be kinda hard for those guys to build a national coalition on any issue. Politics is the art of the possible.

but I like their speeches and that's the main thing!....yeeeehaaaa

297 formercorpsman  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:21:50pm

re: #277 opnion

Good post.

298 Nevergiveup  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:22:07pm

The Israel Air Force on Tuesday evening bombed a target in the Gaza Strip used earlier in the day Palestinian militants to fire eight mortar shells at Israel.

Militants on Tuesday also opened fire at Israel Defense Forces soldiers in Gaza in two separate incidents, in the first violation of a shaky cease-fire in the coastal strip that ended Israel's 3-week offensive against Hamas.

[Link: www.haaretz.com...]

Hellava a truce?

299 Dianna  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:22:07pm

re: #272 nyc redneck

i heard a clip of some old raspy voiced guy say this poem:
now is the time black won't have to get back
brown can stick around
yellow can get mellow
and white can finally get right.

i found it offensive and stupid.
especially recited at the inauguration of the first black ( brown?) pres.
whites are who elected him. i wonder if they were insulted.
very low class poem.

That was the benediction, not the poem.

Scary, isn't it?

300 Cathypop  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:22:08pm

re: #292 Hobbes

Mrs. Bush was a most gracious First Lady. She put to shame Hillary Clinton.
I will deeply miss her. Last night I briefly saw a program on TV where she was discussing some of the history surrounding the White House furniture, she was so respectful of the history of each item. What a lady! Don't think we'll find that with the new one. The " never proud of America" comment won't make anything she might say in the future believable. IMHO.

Laura and her mother-in-law are ladies to be respected and looked up to.

301 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:23:00pm

re: #292 Hobbes

Mrs. Bush was a most gracious First Lady. She put to shame Hillary Clinton.
I will deeply miss her. Last night I briefly saw a program on TV where she was discussing some of the history surrounding the White House furniture, she was so respectful of the history of each item. What a lady! Don't think we'll find that with the new one. The " never proud of America" comment won't make anything she might say in the future believable. IMHO.

Laura was a superb First Lady. Definitely made out of different cloth than Hillary was or ever could be. Time will tell on the new First Lady.

302 doppelganglander  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:23:16pm

re: #295 traderjoe9

I moved to this country right when Bush took office, and this is the first time I am living under a different president than him.

It's different...its slightly awkward.

Thank you!

My daughter felt the same way when Pope John Paul II passed. He'd been pope for all of her 20 years and it just seemed weird to have a new one.

303 opnion  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:23:16pm

re: #285 Dianna

That was a Celtic thing. They'd also put enemy heads in wall niches so they could sing about how they killed them.

The Romans thought this was right out.

Free Gaul had Ceasar defeated, they just neglected to kill him & he regrouped. How different would World History have been?

304 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:23:25pm

re: #282 redc1c4

i went to the Harmony Church School for Excitable Boys

4th Plt. B-9-2

I was on Sand Hill, June-July 1979... it was that other fellow's "Swallow Me" patch that got me curious, that's for Inf School cadre, I had that one when I was cadre of the Florida Phase in 1983.

305 Hobbes  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:23:29pm

re: #281 DisturbedEma

Oh, so slavery was the reason for the Civil war. . .

**ducks as things get thrown at the head of the mouth Jew with 2 new babies**

In case you didn't see my earlier comment on another thread...So happy for you. Two healthy babies, how wonderful!

306 CyanSnowHawk  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:24:18pm

re: #290 opnion

Two new Babies? Twins?

Apparently born yesterday, and here she is commenting with us today.

/I'd say she has balls, great big brass ones, but she's a girl. What do we say for that? She's got golden ovaries?

307 nyc redneck  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:24:31pm

re: #299 Dianna

That was the benediction, not the poem.

Scary, isn't it?

omg, worse than i thought.
how could that possible be considered appropriate?

308 opnion  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:24:44pm

re: #289 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

600,000+ American updings. Price paid in full.

As for illegal laws after the war, that was fixed in 1964.

People acting like assholes to others? Freedom, bub, you can like or dislike anyone you want, just don't violate the law.

Thank you Lieutenant

309 Cathypop  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:25:15pm

re: #307 nyc redneck

omg, worse than i thought.
how could that possible be considered appropriate?

It tis appropriate for the O!

310 opnion  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:25:40pm

re: #306 CyanSnowHawk

Apparently born yesterday, and here she is commenting with us today.

/I'd say she has balls, great big brass ones, but she's a girl. What do we say for that? She's got golden ovaries?

That is some stamina. A Lizard of the first order!

311 Dianna  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:26:00pm

re: #303 opnion

Free Gaul had Ceasar defeated, they just neglected to kill him & he regrouped. How different would World History have been?

They'd have had to stop arguing for ten minutes (not a thing one can expect with Celts - I should know, I am one, and I argue with myself - so world history is safe.

312 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:26:01pm

re: #308 opnion

Thank you Lieutenant

Please, so formal... LT is fine...

313 KitchenQueen  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:26:13pm

re: #14 KibbyKat

We look forward to welcoming him back to Dallas.

But I wish we could keep him. I felt so much safer with him on watch.

314 pre-Boomer Marine brat  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:26:17pm

re: #281 DisturbedEma

Oh, so slavery was the reason for the Civil war. . .

**ducks as things get thrown at the head of the mouth Jew with 2 new babies**

We will forgive your overpowering pride in your new babies.

/btw, have I told you about my 2 grand-daughters? ... :D

315 Kragar  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:26:23pm

re: #281 DisturbedEma

Oh, so slavery was the reason for the Civil war. . .

**ducks as things get thrown at the head of the mouth Jew with 2 new babies**

So are you naming them Hope and Change?

316 redc1c4  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:26:29pm

re: #286 mikalm

Did you rub pot roast all over your chest there?

nope: just lots of Georgia red clay, once it got warm enough for it to be soft.

it was kinda cold there until March or so. the local paper said it was the coldest winter they'd had in 75 years.

317 DisturbedEma  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:26:29pm

Dear President Bush-
Hi from the fly over world, hope you are settled in now after 8 years in office.

I should start by saying that I was a democrat up until the election. I never called you names, never slandered or libeled you like many democrats did and still do, but we just did not agree on some things, that up until September 11, 2001, mattered.

After 9-11, those things did not matter as much, those differences did not matter, and I became aware of the ways that we were alike. My sons got older, and as Jews we knew first hand the price of terrorism, so to see it here was horrific.

I am sorry you were so misunderstood and disrespected by so called "educated" people and I am sorry that you are no longer in charge of my sons, now serving in the USMC.

Thanks for all that you have done to keep us safe, and G-d bless you, sir.


318 nyc redneck  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:26:37pm

re: #301 rightymouse

Laura was a superb First Lady. Definitely made out of different cloth than Hillary was or ever could be. Time will tell on the new First Lady.

hillary was never a first lady.
she was a hard core leftist politician the whole time bill was in office.

319 formercorpsman  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:26:59pm

re: #291 albusteve

You and I probably agree more about most things.

It was not a smackdown of any sorts, so if it went out like that, I did not mean for it to.

The one aspect of today, is that we celebrate peaceful transitions of power. I have been very critical of his policies in the past. I am willing to put it aside for a moment in time considering the circumstances, and focus on his positives.

We'll have plenty of time to worry about what could have been done, what should have been done, and for damn sure, what needs to be done.

320 Dianna  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:27:03pm

re: #307 nyc redneck

omg, worse than i thought.
how could that possible be considered appropriate?

I have no idea. My suspicion is that it was the Obama's nod to the "old school."

321 sngnsgt  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:27:20pm

Thank you for a job well done President and Mrs. Bush, and your two beautiful daughters Jenna and Barbara. Peace be with you.

322 DisturbedEma  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:27:25pm

re: #290 opnion

Two new Babies? Twins?

yep, I am an overachiever. . .

323 Dustyvet  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:27:27pm

re: #304 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

I was on Sand Hill, June-July 1979... it was that other fellow's "Swallow Me" patch that got me curious, that's for Inf School cadre, I had that one when I was cadre of the Florida Phase in 1983.

Pouting....aint nothing to brag about being trained at Fort Sill...other then being told that after we got out of the Army, we all had a future with Quaker Oats Company...:(

324 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:27:34pm

re: #317 DisturbedEma

A gazillion updings!

325 opnion  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:28:24pm

re: #301 rightymouse

Laura was a superb First Lady. Definitely made out of different cloth than Hillary was or ever could be. Time will tell on the new First Lady.

You are right, Laura Bush came out of Central Casting, an ideal first lady.
Michelle shows none of the gracious traits. As I read her , she is a bitter racist.

326 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:28:25pm

re: #318 nyc redneck

hillary was never a first lady.
she was a hard core leftist politician the whole time bill was in office.

And a crass one at that. Nothing has changed much.

327 faraway  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:28:27pm

[Link: www.amazon.com...]

Remember Gwen Ifil the independent moderator? New book released today.

328 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:28:32pm
329 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:28:55pm

re: #323 Dustyvet

Pouting....aint nothing to brag about being trained at Fort Sill...other then being told that after we got out of the Army, we all had a future with Quaker Oats Company...:(

Shooting really big guns? I didn't realize they were needed in the making of oatmeal.

330 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:29:10pm
331 The Shadow Do  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:29:15pm

The man never failed to show grace and good humor - even while dodging shoes and the daily scorn of the media, not to mention a high percentage of deranged fellow citizens.

Remarkable really. That is just as a President should be. No petulance as per Jimmy, no finger wagging as per Billy. President Bush served well.

332 CyanSnowHawk  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:29:35pm

re: #330 buzzsawmonkey

But is she clingy?

I think she might be Klingon.

333 J.S.  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:29:38pm

re: #278 mikalm

Yeah...for a joke I looked up "headhunting" at Wiki...yikes...here's the link...guess it's HeadHunters vs the Slavers...

334 Dianna  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:29:40pm

re: #316 redc1c4

nope: just lots of Georgia red clay, once it got warm enough for it to be soft.

Just for you! Red Clay Halo

335 trailortrash  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:29:42pm

re: #253 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Hey Buddy!

Dod you serve in the Benning School for Boys? Where, who, when?

Hell Yeah! sand hill 1987 :)
[Link: www.trailortrash.us...] ;)

336 opnion  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:29:45pm

re: #311 Dianna

They'd have had to stop arguing for ten minutes (not a thing one can expect with Celts - I should know, I am one, and I argue with myself - so world history is safe.

I am celt as well. The side from the Galic perspective is very different than Ceasars Commentaries.

337 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:29:53pm
338 DisturbedEma  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:30:02pm

re: #328 buzzsawmonkey

Congratulations on your two new additions!

Thanks, the girls even out the house a bit. . .5 boys 3 girls. . .plus my little angel lost. . .

339 opnion  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:30:45pm

re: #322 DisturbedEma

340 DisturbedEma  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:31:02pm

re: #339 opnion



341 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:31:03pm

re: #325 opnion

You are right, Laura Bush came out of Central Casting, an ideal first lady.
Michelle shows none of the gracious traits. As I read her , she is a bitter racist.

Now that she is First Lady, let's see how things pan out with Michelle. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that the enormity of her role will temper some of her more extreme comments and behaviors.

342 opnion  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:31:39pm

re: #322 DisturbedEma

yep, I am an overachiever. . .

Let me try this again, congratulations!

343 faraway  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:31:47pm

re: #341 rightymouse

Now that she is First Lady, let's see how things pan out with Michelle. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that the enormity of her role will temper some of her more extreme comments and behaviors.

You can't change a tiger's stripes.

344 jcm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:31:53pm

re: #272 nyc redneck

i heard a clip of some old raspy voiced guy say this poem:
now is the time black won't have to get back
brown can stick around
yellow can get mellow
and white can finally get right.

i found it offensive and stupid.
especially recited at the inauguration of the first black ( brown?) pres.
whites are who elected him. i wonder if they were insulted.
very low class poem.

Rev. Joseph E. Lowery

345 Cathypop  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:32:07pm

re: #341 rightymouse

Now that she is First Lady, let's see how things pan out with Michelle. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that the enormity of her role will temper some of her more extreme comments and behaviors.

Something tells me to doubt that

346 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:32:12pm
347 SWPaul  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:32:14pm

This is the single greatest day in history! Since the swearing in all I've seen is dancing in the streets, all pollution in the air mysteriously disappeared, and no one around the world wishes harm on the United States anymore! President Obama has only been president about 7 hours and he is already the greatest president we've ever had! We should believe every word he says, and back his programs 100%. Otherwise we are only living in the past and bringing up old racist, fascist memories. We can no longer dissent against a sitting President because that's just not the nice thing to do! It doesn't matter that you have no idea what Obama's economic or foreign policy plans are, that's of no concern to you! Just believe!

/I'm applying for a job with the Associated Press :P

348 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:32:21pm

re: #319 formercorpsman

You and I probably agree more about most things.

It was not a smackdown of any sorts, so if it went out like that, I did not mean for it to.

The one aspect of today, is that we celebrate peaceful transitions of power. I have been very critical of his policies in the past. I am willing to put it aside for a moment in time considering the circumstances, and focus on his positives.

We'll have plenty of time to worry about what could have been done, what should have been done, and for damn sure, what needs to be done.

well shitski...drink!...I dont do smackdowns...I like your posts and believe me I can put almost everything aside...I have no malice toward George the man...I'd let him buy me a beer....

349 steve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:32:27pm

re: #227 scrad

AP sees US as founded by 'Slaveholders'

"A jubilant crowd of more than a million waited for hours in frigid temperatures to witness the moment as a young black man with a foreign-sounding name took command of a nation founded by slaveholders"

I think I will send all of my AP slaves to Iran.

350 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:32:50pm

re: #335 trailortrash

Hell Yeah! sand hill 1987 :)
[Link: www.trailortrash.us...] ;)

1987? I went through IOBC from Sept to Dec '87, IIRC (been a long time, wasn't very memorable).

Nice to meet ya!

351 faraway  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:32:51pm

re: #344 jcm

This is why Obama will be a failure. He will not condemn actions like this. Same with Iran, Nork, etc.

352 opnion  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:32:54pm

re: #312 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Please, so formal... LT is fine...

You got it.

353 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:32:58pm

re: #322 DisturbedEma

yep, I am an overachiever. . .

Congratulations! :)

354 jcm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:33:20pm

re: #322 DisturbedEma

yep, I am an overachiever. . .


355 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:33:50pm

re: #337 buzzsawmonkey

Quaker Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice used to be advertised as "puffed from guns."

Damn... tune into LGF, learn new stuff.

Yesterday, the revised KIA numbers from the Korean War... now this.


356 abolitionist  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:33:51pm

Thank you President Bush, and Laura, for your service.

357 buzzdroid  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:33:53pm

god - i'm gonna miss those bushisms..

he's on sky news now - doing a STORMING speech in texas..
"its good to be back home"

we'll miss ya Dubya ...

358 opnion  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:34:04pm

re: #341 rightymouse

Now that she is First Lady, let's see how things pan out with Michelle. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that the enormity of her role will temper some of her more extreme comments and behaviors.

One would hope. I don't see it happeneing, but you never know.

359 LGoPs  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:34:12pm

Thank you President Bush for choosing the difficult, right choices over the easy and popular wrong ones. Thank you for putting us, the American people, ahead of your own ambitions and legacy. We are grateful for your sacrifice. For the ungrateful, spiteful ones among us......they are men and women of small and petty character, loyal to nothing but their own adolescent whims and fancies. Were the stakes not so high they'd be worthy of nothing but scorn and dismissal. As it stands, when the coming storm arrives, they will be the first to avoid responsibility and place blame. They deserve nothing but disdain.
Thank you for putting your country first. We have your back.


360 DisturbedEma  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:34:23pm

re: #354 jcm


Thanks. . .it has been a very long 2 days. . .

361 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:35:27pm

re: #346 buzzsawmonkey

"Enormity" actually means "enormous evil." "Enormousness," I think, would fit better.

/grammar police off



3: the quality or state of being huge : immensity
4: a quality of momentous importance or impact
usage Enormity, some people insist, is improperly used to denote large size. They insist on enormousness for this meaning, and would limit enormity to the meaning “great wickedness.” Those who urge such a limitation may not recognize the subtlety with which enormity is actually used. It regularly denotes a considerable departure from the expected or normal . When used to denote large size, either literal or figurative, it usually suggests something so large as to seem overwhelming and may even be used to suggest both great size and deviation from morality . It can also emphasize the momentousness of what has happened or of its consequences .

362 J.S.  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:35:43pm

re: #322 DisturbedEma

Mazal tov!

363 Dustyvet  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:35:47pm

re: #329 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Shooting really big guns? I didn't realize they were needed in the making of oatmeal.

Oh you forgot puffed wheat, and puffed rice, Gabby Hayes used to tell us that it's shot from guns...God I'm old...:( And now with the white hair and beard I look like Gabby Hayes...

364 faraway  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:36:20pm
365 SWPaul  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:36:36pm

re: #347 SWPaul

I also should add that if this was anyone else taking the oath of office, I'd also be very wary. I don't like fanatical support for Presidents. Respect, yes. Absolute loyalty, no. It scares me so many people don't question Obama's actions, ideas, or plans. Actions, ideas, and plans that should scare a lot of people.

366 Wishing  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:36:37pm

re: #337 buzzsawmonkey

Quaker Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice used to be advertised as "puffed from guns."

Wasn't there a cannon on the box?

367 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:36:48pm

re: #345 Cathypop

Something tells me to doubt that

Me too, but I'll maintain some HOPE that she will CHANGE. lol!

368 buzzdroid  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:36:50pm

re: #359 LGoPs

Thank you President Bush for choosing the difficult, right choices over the easy and popular wrong ones. Thank you for putting us, the American people, ahead of your own ambitions and legacy. We are grateful for your sacrifice. For the ungrateful, spiteful ones among us......they are men and women of small and petty character, loyal to nothing but their own adolescent whims and fancies. Were the stakes not so high they'd be worthy of nothing but scorn and dismissal. As it stands, when the coming storm arrives, they will be the first to avoid responsibility and place blame. They deserve nothing but disdain.
Thank you for putting your country first. We have your back.


DAMN F**KING RIGHT.. he sacrificied his own popularity for America...

its dead easy to be popular - its hard as nails to do the RIGHT thing and be UNpopular...

Dubya did that... the unpopular stuff.. but they did the right thing.

369 Taqyia2Me  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:37:08pm

Thank You and Godspeed President Bush!

370 The Shadow Do  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:37:40pm

Watching his back to Texas speech in Midland. A classic. Welcome home George. When told his boyhood home there was to become a museum, Barbara said he had better go and clean his room. LOL

371 Soona'  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:37:44pm

re: #341 rightymouse

Now that she is First Lady, let's see how things pan out with Michelle. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that the enormity of her role will temper some of her more extreme comments and behaviors.

I have a strange feeling that from the remarks she made during the campaign and the closing prayer at the immaculation, we'll be getting more racial slurs and inuendos in the next four years than has been heard since the sixties.

372 Sharmuta  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:37:47pm

re: #364 faraway

Obama to Bush: New White House site slams Bush

44 is a class act. ///////

373 Cathypop  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:37:48pm

re: #367 rightymouse

Me too, but I'll maintain some HOPE that she will CHANGE. lol!

Keep laughing. It may save your sanity

374 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:38:17pm

re: #363 Dustyvet

Oh you forgot puffed wheat, and puffed rice, Gabby Hayes used to tell us that it's shot from guns...God I'm old...:( And now with the white hair and beard I look like Gabby Hayes...


Before my time, you old fart. ;-)

/I'm still getting my arms around the dude that went to BCT in 1987... cripes, that make me feel old... can't imagine what it's like to be you. *duck*

375 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:38:20pm
376 karmic_inquisitor  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:38:49pm

re: #364 faraway

Obama to Bush: New White House site slams Bush

Glad to see we are now beyond small minded and petty recrimination.

/ Does Obama listen to his own words? Seems not.

377 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:38:56pm

re: #364 faraway

Obama to Bush: New White House site slams Bush

Stay classy, Barry.

378 buzzdroid  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:39:05pm


379 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:39:06pm

re: #370 The Shadow Do

Watching his back to Texas speech in Midland. A classic. Welcome home George. When told his boyhood home there was to become a museum, Barbara said he had better go and clean his room. LOL

now that's just cool...mom rules

380 yochanan  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:39:19pm

re: #290 opnion


381 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:39:25pm
382 Cathypop  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:39:26pm

re: #370 The Shadow Do

Watching his back to Texas speech in Midland. A classic. Welcome home George. When told his boyhood home there was to become a museum, Barbara said he had better go and clean his room. LOL

typical mother

383 TheMatrix31  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:39:45pm

I really want to move to Texas.

384 mattm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:40:10pm

re: #364 faraway

Obama to Bush: New White House site slams Bush

You stay Classy.

385 rawmuse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:40:35pm

Thank you, good and noble servants of the people, President and Laura Bush.
Enjoy the rest, you have earned all of it.

386 Dustyvet  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:40:36pm

re: #364 faraway

Obama to Bush: New White House site slams Bush

Just like a kid with a new toy...Pray that he leaves nuke codes alone...

387 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:40:51pm

re: #371 Soona'

I have a strange feeling that from the remarks she made during the campaign and the closing prayer at the immaculation, we'll be getting more racial slurs and inuendos in the next four years than has been heard since the sixties.

I HOPE not. Then again, I suspect that any warranted criticism of President Obama and Michelle Obama will be solidly met with denunciations of bigotry and racism. Those are the tiresome lefty canards when they have nothing intelligent or factual to say in response.

388 buzzdroid  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:40:52pm


how many will obama liberate?

keep a tally folks.. dont let the media warp history...

389 Cathypop  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:40:55pm

re: #377 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Stay classy, Barry.

He is such a dick-wad and our president.YEE-HAA! oh crap!

390 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:41:00pm

re: #376 karmic_inquisitor

Glad to see we are now beyond small minded and petty recrimination.

/ Does Obama listen to his own words? Seems not.

That's the whole Obama schtick... let your minions slam people, say shit, and publicly act like you had nothing to do with it, but let it keep happening.

It's going to get really old.

391 Soona'  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:41:00pm

re: #377 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Stay classy, Barry.

As I said. They can't. They have no shame or morals.

392 Cathypop  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:41:23pm

re: #383 TheMatrix31

I really want to move to Texas.

We don't have any global warming snow here.

393 faraway  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:41:36pm

re: #372 Sharmuta

44 is a class act. ///////

Don't forget the 2 times he flipped off Hillary and McCain. And the "seance" crack about Nancy Reagan

394 albusteve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:41:52pm

re: #383 TheMatrix31

I really want to move to Texas.

Texas is an awsome state...I dont blame you..I visit there often and if I didnt live in NM I could only live in Texas...D Crockett's ashes are there....think about it

395 trailortrash  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:41:53pm

damn im tearingup at this welcome home speech of Bush's

396 Dustyvet  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:41:53pm

re: #374 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Before my time, you old fart. ;-)

/I'm still getting my arms around the dude that went to BCT in 1987... cripes, that make me feel old... can't imagine what it's like to be you. *duck*

I went in 1967... LT...

397 Bloodnok  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:42:05pm

re: #376 karmic_inquisitor

Glad to see we are now beyond small minded and petty recrimination.

/ Does Obama listen to his own words? Seems not.

Hope he got a better web administrator than he had on his campaign. But then again, there's always the memory hole.

398 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:42:07pm

re: #373 Cathypop

Keep laughing. It may save your sanity

Laughter is good for the soul.
One thing I know for sure is that I refuse to succumb to any semblance of ODS.

399 rw in san diego  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:42:46pm

Good speech by Bush.

400 jelo  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:42:48pm

Fox News appears to be the only channel carrying President Bush's farewell speech.

401 BatGuano  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:42:54pm

As many of you are, I am listening to GWB. Classy.

402 TheMatrix31  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:42:59pm

re: #394 albusteve

Texas is an awsome state...I dont blame you..I visit there often and if I didnt live in NM I could only live in Texas...D Crockett's ashes are there....think about it


My attempts to get my family to move have failed.

403 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:43:07pm

re: #396 Dustyvet

I went in 1967... LT...

Wow... you _are_ old... ;-)

404 Dustyvet  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:44:05pm

re: #403 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Wow... you _are_ old... ;-)

awwwwwww chut up...:P...sir!

405 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:44:06pm

re: #381 buzzsawmonkey

Recent innovations.

Where does this discussion come from?

Here. Not everything copied over in my post. But you can see it at the link. I was taught that 'enormity' meant what I posted above.

406 jelo  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:44:11pm

re: #400 jelo

pardon me... "homecoming speech"

407 yochanan  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:44:14pm

re: #350 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)


408 stranded conservative  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:44:17pm

My personal take:

I was on the mall next to the Washington Monument watching on the Jumbotron.

Those who were cheered by the crowd:
Al Gore (big cheer)
Jimmy Carter (warm cheer)
Bill Clinton (cheers plus various remarks of respect for his sexual prowess (seriously!))
Hillary Clinton
Howard Dean (surprisingly big cheer)
Melia and Sascha
Obama (every second he appeared on screen)

Those who were booed:
Joe Libermann (calls of "traitor" etc.)
Dick Cheney (boos plus laughter that he was in a wheelchair)
Clarence Thomas (not loud boos but a definite undertone of unhappy muttering)
George Bush (every second he appeared on the screen. Shameful!)

My response:
Loud cheers for all those who were being booed. (Unbelievably, I was the only person cheering Bush and Cheney among thousands of people in my immediate vecinity. Did all the Republicans stay home? Made my Democrat husband nervous but he stayed by me.)

Bright spot: High school student in front of me saying that no president deserved to be booed out of office on inauguration day.

Biggest wince from the crowd: the word "Jesus" in the prayer

409 bellamags  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:44:19pm

re: #400 jelo

Fox News appears to be the only channel carrying President Bush's farewell speech.

imagine that shit. MFM - total assholes

410 nyc redneck  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:44:43pm

re: #309 Cathypop

It tis appropriate for the O!

oh, so he's NOT the post racial candidate?

411 opnion  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:44:57pm

re: #372 Sharmuta

44 is a class act. ///////

That little pecker! Katrina was all Bush's fault?
How about 'Chocolate City" Mayor Nagin letting the school buses flood?
The buses that could have gotten people out.
How about that goofy woman governor who did next to nothing & did not even want the military to maintain order?
The Principal of Subsidiarity demands that the unit of government closet to the people act first. That would be the city.
All bets are off, Obama can piss up a rope.

412 _RememberTonyC  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:45:11pm

re: #234 nyc redneck

isn't it interesting.
the dalai lama, who has actually seen and experienced evil, understands, completely, the frivolous nature of the yapping moonbat left.
he chooses pres. bush, w/ out a second thought, to the ridiculous noise makers.
that's real.

Richard Gere just vomited so hard, a gerbil flew out of his butt.

413 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:45:19pm

re: #404 Dustyvet

awwwwwww chut up...:P...sir!

Love ya, buddy! And stop that sir crap, age is supposed to be respected.


414 Hobbes  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:45:33pm

re: #341 rightymouse

Now that she is First Lady, let's see how things pan out with Michelle. I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt that the enormity of her role will temper some of her more extreme comments and behaviors.

I'm sorry, but I don't recall any candidate or candidate's wife ever saying they weren't proud of America. This is supposedly an "intelligent" woman. Unless someone is extremely stupid or bitter, why would they make such a statement?

415 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:45:50pm
416 Wishing  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:46:34pm

re: #337 buzzsawmonkey

Quaker Puffed Wheat and Puffed Rice used to be advertised as "puffed from guns."

Shot from guns

417 steve  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:46:43pm

re: #242 Nevergiveup

President Barack Obama's promise to end the war in Iraq will be on the agenda Wednesday when the new commander in chief meets with top national security aides and senior commanders, officials said.

[Link: www.jpost.com...]

I guess that means I better have an appointment with Mr. Chivas?

I thought that the war ended in November

418 Dustyvet  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:46:49pm

re: #413 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)

Love ya, buddy! And stop that sir crap, age is supposed to be respected.


That did it...short sheeting the LT's bunk....:0 )

419 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:48:56pm

re: #418 Dustyvet

That did it...short sheeting the LT's bunk....:0 )

Mrs. Vet isn't going to like this...

420 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:49:06pm

re: #414 Hobbes

I'm sorry, but I don't recall any candidate or candidate's wife ever saying they weren't proud of America. This is supposedly an "intelligent" woman. Unless someone is extremely stupid or bitter, why would they make such a statement?

She has been an activist, and a mouthy one, there is no doubt about that. I doubt that Obama would have married her otherwise. That said, I'm going to sit back and see what happens now that she is First Lady.

421 formercorpsman  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:49:07pm

re: #408 stranded conservative

I didn't go, nor would I.

I respect our process too much to be in the company of idiots, despite them.

422 Vet_Missing_Parts (1LT, Ret)  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:49:17pm

Up topic.

423 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:50:20pm
424 nyc redneck  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:50:34pm

re: #344 jcm

Rev. Joseph E. Lowery

a bit like the racist rev wright.
it's a political tactic.

425 Digital Display  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:50:49pm

re: #408 stranded conservative

My personal take:

I was on the mall next to the Washington Monument watching on the Jumbotron.

Those who were cheered by the crowd:
Al Gore (big cheer)
Jimmy Carter (warm cheer)
Bill Clinton (cheers plus various remarks of respect for his sexual prowess (seriously!))
Hillary Clinton
Howard Dean (surprisingly big cheer)
Melia and Sascha
Obama (every second he appeared on screen)

Those who were booed:
Joe Libermann (calls of "traitor" etc.)
Dick Cheney (boos plus laughter that he was in a wheelchair)
Clarence Thomas (not loud boos but a definite undertone of unhappy muttering)
George Bush (every second he appeared on the screen. Shameful!)

My response:
Loud cheers for all those who were being booed. (Unbelievably, I was the only person cheering Bush and Cheney among thousands of people in my immediate vecinity. Did all the Republicans stay home? Made my Democrat husband nervous but he stayed by me.)

Bright spot: High school student in front of me saying that no president deserved to be booed out of office on inauguration day.

Biggest wince from the crowd: the word "Jesus" in the prayer

Thank you for your report.. I came home for lunch and watched the last half of the speech.. And then the poem.. Was that the crappiest poem you have ever heard? I mean I've heard a beatnik poem better than that..
Cann you write poetry better than a 5th grader? guess not

426 redc1c4  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:51:25pm

re: #346 buzzsawmonkey

"Enormity" actually means "enormous evil." "Enormousness," I think, would fit better.

/grammar police off

i think "enormity" is perfect to describe WAB and the way she acts.......

427 jcm  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:52:09pm

re: #364 faraway

Obama to Bush: New White House site slams Bush

....the time has come to set aside childish things.

Barack Obama, Jan. 20, 2009.

428 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:53:20pm

re: #415 buzzsawmonkey

Thanks! I remember being marked down in school for improper usage when I tried the third or fourth definition. A generational thing, no doubt.

Hmmm...I'm 54 and that's the meaning I was taught in school. Then again, one of my younger sister's teachers once noted that 'eunuch' wasn't a real word when she marked up one of her papers. We howled about that one for days.

429 nyc redneck  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:53:52pm

re: #412 _RememberTonyC

Richard Gere just vomited so hard, a gerbil flew out of his butt.

oh no, oh no, i don't believe you just said that.
i can see the gerbil. it just hit the wall.

430 sngnsgt  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:54:03pm

re: #370 The Shadow Do


431 the_flying_pig  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:55:33pm

Thanks, W!

432 gringo69  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:56:31pm

Thank you President Bush! You are a big shouldered man's man. Thanks for keeping our children safe! You are a role model to all men!

433 Hobbes  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 3:56:52pm

re: #380 yochanan


That's cute.

434 Hobbes  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:01:20pm

re: #401 BatGuano

As many of you are, I am listening to GWB. Classy.

I'm missing it, hope I can pick it up later.

435 rightymouse  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:02:06pm

re: #343 faraway

You can't change a tiger's stripes.

True, but she can't afford to embarass her husband now either. The consequences are too great. Remember how she wound up muzzled during the campaign because she kept saying stupid things?

436 gringo69  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:02:38pm

Oh yeah! Second to El Rushbo, Mr. Cheney you are a wise and cool dude. I already miss u guys!

437 Hobbes  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:03:15pm

re: #408 stranded conservative

My personal take:

I was on the mall next to the Washington Monument watching on the Jumbotron.

Those who were cheered by the crowd:
Al Gore (big cheer)
Jimmy Carter (warm cheer)
Bill Clinton (cheers plus various remarks of respect for his sexual prowess (seriously!))
Hillary Clinton
Howard Dean (surprisingly big cheer)
Melia and Sascha
Obama (every second he appeared on screen)

Those who were booed:
Joe Libermann (calls of "traitor" etc.)
Dick Cheney (boos plus laughter that he was in a wheelchair)
Clarence Thomas (not loud boos but a definite undertone of unhappy muttering)
George Bush (every second he appeared on the screen. Shameful!)

My response:
Loud cheers for all those who were being booed. (Unbelievably, I was the only person cheering Bush and Cheney among thousands of people in my immediate vecinity. Did all the Republicans stay home? Made my Democrat husband nervous but he stayed by me.)

Bright spot: High school student in front of me saying that no president deserved to be booed out of office on inauguration day.

Biggest wince from the crowd: the word "Jesus" in the prayer


438 grassrootsrally  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:04:39pm

re: #411 opnion

Figures, doesn't it, that an act of God like a Hurricane, is all Bush's fault!

That's the best they can do? LOL I'm writing a regular letter to the Bushes. The online site is nice, but I suggest spending 42 cents for once in this case!

439 Hobbes  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:05:15pm

re: #411 opnion

That little pecker! Katrina was all Bush's fault?
How about 'Chocolate City" Mayor Nagin letting the school buses flood?
The buses that could have gotten people out.
How about that goofy woman governor who did next to nothing & did not even want the military to maintain order?
The Principal of Subsidiarity demands that the unit of government closet to the people act first. That would be the city.
All bets are off, Obama can piss up a rope.

I wish I'd said that...plus, I only have one ding up to give you, if I could I'd give you all of mine!

440 CLLRusso  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:06:13pm

re: #21 ploome hineni

Have read his book and articles he has written, but the best was this inaugural prayer and including the Shema, which in Christianity is a profession of faith.

441 gringo69  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:06:19pm

Oh by the way, Party at the lizard lounge!

442 Hobbes  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:07:52pm

re: #420 rightymouse

She has been an activist, and a mouthy one, there is no doubt about that. I doubt that Obama would have married her otherwise. That said, I'm going to sit back and see what happens now that she is First Lady.

How much will you bet I'm right?

443 Shr_Nfr  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:17:14pm

re: #229 buzzsawmonkey

Actually, Franklin did own two slaves early in his life. But when he saw the fact that they were human as he was he freed them. The Adams family in general did not own any slaves. Neither Samuel nor John nor John Quincy. John Quincy was the lawyer who won the freedom for the slaves on the Armistad. It is very easy to blame the buyer rather than the producer at the ultimate source. If you care to read the debates in the English Parliament on the occasion in which they repealed slavery, much of the contemporary slaves were gathered by their African overlords after being accused of stuff such as witchcraft. I will grant that there were some infrequent raw instances of the Europeans going in themselves, but it was much more frequent that the local African overlords that gathered the slaves to sell on the far end. Dr. Livingston (of I presume) tagged along with the Arab slavers in east Africa toward the end of the 1800s. They knew the territory. Slavery of any sort is an abomination, but we do not hold the unique status of a country that was enriched by its existence.

444 Pvt Bin Jammin  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:17:17pm

Thank you, President Bush, for keeping us safe. We will never forget.

445 Pietr  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:18:56pm

I will repeat my previous made after GWB gave his farewell speech a few days back...

Welcome back to Texas, Mr President. Yes, you made mistakes in domestic policies, Katrina wasn't one of them-it was only a MSM created one. FEMA couldn't respond without state and local permission-in fact they were KEPT OUT by same. Return to Texas, live among those who KNOW how you kept us safe-how you gave your all. Enjoy your remaining years where you are home, appreciated, and understood-even if you misremember...LOL. Thank You, GWB, Mr President-for all you've done!

446 Tilly  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:25:17pm

Thank you Mr. President, you and Mrs. Bush will be missed more than you could ever know.

I was thankful to have you at the helm the last 8 years.


447 realwest  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:31:39pm

Well I know I'm very late to this thread, but I still wanted to say Thank You to President and Mrs George W. Bush.
You managed to keep me and mine safe after 9/11 right through to today and I believe you, Sir, are a man of considerable conscience and capability. And your place in history, when it is properly written, will rank far higher than that of any of your detractors.

Again, thank you Sir.

448 kybob51  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:32:03pm

Thank you, President Bush!

449 NomadOfNorad  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:32:24pm

To repeat what I just posted in the next thread up from this one:

I'm watching a thing on History Channel about the US Presidents. They just mentioned that Abraham Lincoln, bitterly angry about a major pro-slavery law just passed, started a new political party specifically to fight slavery. It was, of course, the Republican party.

I laughed out loud when I heard that! Funny how the Donks keep calling the Republicans a party of racists, almost even implying that the Repubs supported slavery... :-%P%

450 Sunlight  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:42:17pm

Charles, how did you embed this link? I linked their site on my facebook, but it doesn't put in the graphic like you've done above...?

451 snoopy  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:42:23pm

Thank you President Bush. I think you did a great job leading the nation in the toughest time in history. Your leadership made me feel safe and I knew that we were safer that prior to 9/11. God bless you and your family.

452 woodstock  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:48:08pm

Thank You George W. Bush, you were a great President and a great man. You allowed us to maintain our pride and kept us safe.
Thank's for keeping us safe since 9/11.
Bob Stockman

453 Arby Dwiar  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:49:33pm

It's been many years since I traveled that fateful day of 09112001; I'll never forget it; I'll never forget you; even as an agnostic, I'll say it loud, and I'll say it proud:

God Bless President Bush; God Bless America!

All the Best, my Friend; at ease; you've earned it like no other, for history shall judge you righteously!

- A. D.

454 jelo  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:50:15pm
455 jainphx  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:51:04pm

Thank you President Bush, thank you for your class, your devotion to duty and this country. You conducted your self as a gentleman, even through those days of the "recounts" never once reverting to name calling,or character assassination. You had every reason to be fighting mad, yet you maintained your "cool". Then 9/11 came and your character spurted to higher limits. You fought for us, you restored our faith in America and Americans, and for this I will be eternally in your debt. This country owes you much. One day I hope that you will explain how much character it took not to attack all that attacked you at every opportunity. President Bush you were the right man at the right moment, and for this I thank G-D. Live in peace President Bush and may G-D give you his BLESSINGS.

456 [deleted]  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:54:22pm
457 funky chicken  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:54:56pm

I'm not a GW fan, but seeing that pic still makes me sad for him. The Presidency ages people so terribly.....and I do think he's a nice person, and a good husband, father, son, and friend.

458 funky chicken  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 4:56:32pm

And yeah, being a good man is more than I can say for WJC, Gore, Kerry, and probably Obama.

So....what a shame for America that so many of my fellow citizens don't think it's important for POTUS to be a good man.

459 path  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 5:01:06pm

Mr. President - Thank you from the bottom of my heart for so many things. For keeping our Country safe, for following your beliefs and values, for your sense of humor and, for taking all of the bs thrown at you over the years.

Please enjoy your retirement, your life and the rest of your time at home.

You will be GREATLY missed!

460 maddogg  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 5:26:26pm

Thank you President Bush, for your unwavering dedication to the security of this great country, and 8 years of steady leadership.

461 MittDoesNotCompute  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 5:27:20pm

re: #256 buzzsawmonkey

The slaves came over in the companion ship April Shower, according to AP's New Revised American History.

Love it, Buzz...a mind like a steel trap!

462 VioletTiger  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 5:30:59pm

Thank you President Bush. I so appreciate your leadership and strength these past 8 years. You led this country through one of its greatest trials and kept us safe. Enjoy your well-deserved retirement and know that many of us support you and hold your service to our country in high regard.

463 David IV of Georgia  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 5:41:26pm

May G-d grant you a prosperous and peaceful life and all good things both in this life and that to come, Mr. President. May G-d Himself honor you and give you glory.

President Bush has endured and led our country through as much or more problems both domestic and abroad than any other president.

I don't think he was conservative, small government, fiscally responsible enough. I think he could have done more to stem the tide of illegal immigration and encouraged illegals to return home.

But despite this, he has my deep gratitude and thanks. You sir have proved your mettle. I am honored to have you live in my town. I hope to see you and convey my thanks in person.

464 Joel  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 5:52:08pm

Whatever disappointments I had with you during your second term, your patriotism, humanity and class stood head and shoulders above your carping critics.

465 Joel  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 5:53:47pm

re: #154 nyc redneck

Hi how are you? It was great commiserating with you last night.

466 David IV of Georgia  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 5:55:14pm

King David of Israel (of David and Goliath fame) was a man of war and a man of G-d. G-d, though He aided David in his many battles, did not let King David build Him a temple because there was so much blood on David's hands. Despite this, because of David's steadfast loyalty to G-d and his desire to honor Him even to his own shame, G-d Himself called King David, "Friend of G-d".

Many people have died during Mr. Bush's presidency so that many more could live free, peaceful lives. May G-d remember him as a peacemaker, for that is why he went to war.

467 Joel  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 5:55:41pm

re: #437 Hobbes

Great patriots those Democrats!

468 Manster  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 6:02:33pm

Thank you, Mr. President for your service. I know for a fact that you love the United States of America as much as I do and that's all I can ask for. May God bless you and your family. Enjoy the good life now!

469 Dr. Shalit  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 6:26:35pm

OK Lizardim -

Let Us Make It Short and Sweet - Former President George W. Bush will be seen as a Truman - Like Figure within 20 years. Trust me on this one.


470 tomjeff  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 6:49:25pm

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock.
Thomas Jefferson

Thank you Mr. President.

471 Pepperpot  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 7:38:50pm

Dear President George W Bush,
Thank you for your service during a rough time in America History. You had a divine date with destiny during America's worst attack since Pearl Harbor. You had the personal strength to do what was right to protect the nation. You gave your word and you stuck with it even through the changing winds of political favor. I salute you. God Bless you and your family, you were daily in my prayers for the last 8 years. May you have great joy at whatever you turn your hand to next.

472 Roses  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 7:46:19pm

Thank You, President Bush. Words fail.

473 Inquisitive  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 7:48:40pm

Thank you President Bush for standing firm on your convictions to...you have served our Country with dignity and courage.... and I will never forget thanking God and telling all that would listen how lucky we all were to have you as our President on that tragic day of 9/11.
May God Bless You and Laura... and may you both have a wonderful happy and blessed retirement.....you both have earned it.

474 committed  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 7:50:52pm

I thank you, President Bush, for your fortitude to do what you knew was right even when many did not agree with you. It takes more strength to stand by what is right then to sway with the tides of public opinion. Thank you for keeping us safe since 9/11. In retrospect, I'm sure history will see you as one of the best Presidents ever.

475 RondinellaMamma  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 7:56:30pm

1. Dear President Bush,
Thank you for being our president for eight years and for being heroic even in the face of animosity, ignorance and evil.

2. oh, Lord, I miss him already.

3. Someone told me today that I should give our new president , "a chance."

...........a chance to do what?

476 erp  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 7:59:32pm

Thank you sir and your lovely wife. You will be missed.

477 cancuz  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 8:08:25pm

Stand tall President Bush and know that those who did not stand with you, will someday be the ones with regret.

478 whatfur  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 8:43:20pm

As you return to that place where a swagger is just called walkin,
do so with the knowledge that this country has been lucky to have your

Thank you President Bush!

479 winston06  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 9:19:35pm

re: #477 cancuz

well said

480 Macker  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 9:21:40pm

re: #467 Joel

Great patriots those Democrats! Demo☭rats!

There, fixed that for ya!

481 Mycroft  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 10:23:33pm

Isn't there anyone who thinks maybe that site isn't on the up and up? Given the whole "Mission Accomplished" fiasco from the USS Abraham Lincoln, isn't it possible that whoever put up that site means it in a dark and ironic way, and is in fact poking fun at GW Bush?

482 Picayune  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 10:53:09pm

My 2 cents were:

Never has one done so much, for so many, for so long, in doing his duty with such quite dignity and strength, and with such great success for all.

Sally forth, as Rice sez, from a Green Wave/GWB fan. Thank you George, and Laura, a wonderful Lady.

etc. Thanks, xxx

483 Picayune  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 11:07:39pm

re: #481 Mycroft

No, and don't drink the malicious Koo-Aid. The banner was meat to honor those on the Naval ship ending their mission, that was returning home from the war, a war won in unprecedented fashion in the annals of history.

And Pres Bush said on the ship that it would be a long and tough fight ahead - remember?

But the devious, queer little hateful minds of the the moonbat left MSM could not help but spin. They thought that we must loose at all costs.

Remember these were the same fing Aholes who printed that we were losing and mired down during the first week that we invaded Iraq, only to witness Saddham's statue fall in downtown Baghdad, 2 weeks later. Got it now?

Repubs/Bush can never win, that's the meme. F'em. It's our turn now, and God help and protect us! It will be fun though, from my perspective, they are such cheating, twisted wimps! Never trust'em.

484 useless  Tue, Jan 20, 2009 11:51:47pm

Thank you Sir. You were a good C&C, and I am proud to serve in the US Army that you rebuilt. I enlisted in the US Army Reserve at the age of 36 to help do my part to fight the war on terror and keep our people safe. I last served under your father and President Clinton, who decided he did not need people like me anymore. I will now stay until they kick me out.

You made the right choices. Being an Army Officer has only shown me a fraction of difficult decisions you had to make every day. I don't know how you did it, and no matter what the other side says, you ARE an inspiration.

Thank you President Bush.

485 texacalirose  Wed, Jan 21, 2009 12:37:37am

Thank you, President Bush, for having the courage of your convictions to keep our country safe from attack. May God grant you peace in knowing that your decisions as president were guided by your love for your country and the American people. Please pray for us all, that God will watch over us during the coming years.

486 Ledger1  Wed, Jan 21, 2009 1:30:11am

Thank you President Bush!

487 NYCHardhat  Wed, Jan 21, 2009 3:34:16am

I feel like I lost my best friend.

488 fredo malmstein  Wed, Jan 21, 2009 4:12:46am

Disingenuous twaddle.

"Mission Accomplished"? Just let them all go away and let's move on.

489 leah  Wed, Jan 21, 2009 6:26:46am
490 Amer-I-Can  Wed, Jan 21, 2009 6:32:17am

Thank you SIR!

491 Mycroft  Wed, Jan 21, 2009 8:31:20am

re: #483 Picayune

No, and don't drink the malicious Koo-Aid. The banner was meat to honor those on the Naval ship ending their mission, that was returning home from the war, a war won in unprecedented fashion in the annals of history....

I know, but that doesn't rule out this site being a parody.

492 sfcmac  Wed, Jan 21, 2009 9:19:12am

This was my note:

President Bush,

Your tenure as wartime President was difficult and filled with obstacles from the Democrats and their media hacks. But as you pointed out, you did not tailor decisions based on popularity.

A critique:

On foreign policy:

You showed true grit and courage by ridding the planet of at least two terrorist safe-havens and the Islamofascist malignancy that held power. You picked up the gauntlet thrown by Islamic thugs in Iraq and Afghanistan and shoved it up their asses, but overall, you were too restrained.

I wish to hell you had fought back just as hard against all of the acrid, foul-mouthed liberals who denied (READ: ignored) the reasons as to why we're in Iraq and Afghanistan. You could have pointed out all the news reports of the discovered WMDs (including the yellowcake Hussein supposedly never had) and his support of terrorist groups. [Link: sfcmac.wordpress.com...]

You should have rammed the al Qadea and Taliban presence in both those countries down the Dem's throats, and told them point blank, the war on Islamofascism starts there.

You should have extended that approach to the effetes in Europe who accomodate Islamic extremists within their own borders, and jeer from the sidelines rather than pitch in for the survival of Western civilization.

Long after our re-deployment, the cesspool that is the Middle East will continue to spawn the kind of excrement that viciously attacked America on 9/11.
Just as the unfinished business in Desert Storm resulted in our return, so too will leaving the rest of the terrorist nation-states in the Middle East unscathed.

I'd have leveled several Middle Eastern countries on 12 September, 2001. That is how you fight a jihad. But I'm a former Soldier, not a politician.

On domestic issues:

What disgusted me was your lax attitude on border security. You did not push hard enough for a crackdown on illegal aliens and a border fortress. Instead, you pandered to Felipe Calderon and his predecessor, Vincente Fox.

Your decision to allow your 'dear friend' Johnny Sutton to maliciously prosecute two Border Agents, Ignacio Ramos and Jose Compean for doing their jobs, is a travesty.

I was also sickened by your acquiescence to the union/auto industry/banking/Freddie Mac/Fannie Mae bailout crowd.

I wish you had rallied the Republican party by showing more support and returning to the tenets of the conservative base, and that of the constituents.

Having said that, John McCain lost the election even among Republicans, for those very reasons.

Bottom line: I will defend you for all of the good things you accomplished and level criticism for the things you left unfinished.

Good luck, President Bush. I wish you and your family a healthy, happy life.

493 Mr Chompers  Wed, Jan 21, 2009 9:46:32am

Thank you President Bush for your courage to do what was right. You fought for us and did not back down to the loonies out there.
The "new and improved" President Obama might see that words need to be backed up by action.

Charles thanks for this link.

494 jamie  Wed, Jan 21, 2009 9:55:31am

They might have chosen a different title. "Mission Accomplished" has gone into the political lexicon, at least w/r/t President Bush, as one of those "Heckuva job, Brownie" moments he probably wishes he had back.

495 Dr. Shalit  Wed, Jan 21, 2009 9:57:08am

Lizardim -

Sent a note to the site without criticism to Former President Bush 43. I will offer the criticism here. The one thing most lacking in his two terms was "SALESMANSHIP" - plain and simple. I use the Hurricane Katrina situation as an example. Handled correctly, it could have been spun as a success of having the Army in New Orleans within 3-4 days after local elected officials royally screwed the pooch. That it wasn't, has to be blamed on the Administration, perhaps they thought it was bad taste to do so. Problem is, as stated by the apocryphal "Mr. Dooley" about Politics - "IT 'AIN'T BEANBAG!" - something well understood by W's opponents. Those are my two cents on the subject.


496 endotoxin  Wed, Jan 21, 2009 1:31:10pm

I sent my thank you to President Bush in. He had the courage and the conviction to do what was right, not what was popular in the face of a hostile and corrupt media and various liberal liars bent on political advantage.

497 [deleted]  Wed, Jan 21, 2009 8:04:29pm
498 JacksonTn  Wed, Jan 21, 2009 8:06:23pm

Jerk ...

499 JacksonTn  Wed, Jan 21, 2009 8:07:35pm

re: #497 student of objectivism

Jerk was for Student Jerk ...

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