Spencer: Teaming Up with Euro-Supremacists Again

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Here’s an interesting piece at Loonwatch on anti-Muslim blogger Robert Spencer’s latest excursion into extreme right wing European politics: Robert Spencer: Teaming up with Euro-Supremacists Again.

And yes, I do mean “anti-Muslim” — Spencer long ago crossed the line from simply criticizing radical Islamists to relentlessly demonizing all Muslims. And the bigoted, hateful comments he allows at his website are beyond disgusting.

Very good points here about the claims made by many of these extremist groups that they are “pro-Israel:”

Groups such as the BPE, claim as a cornerstone of their agenda to be opposed to anti-Semitism, that is what part of the rally Robert Spencer spoke at was supposed to be about. They hope that by doing so they will endear themselves to the public and give themselves an air of credibility while deflecting charges that they are fascists or Euro Supremacists.

In fact, one sees an emerging trend amongst some right-wing and fascist groups proclaiming their unconditional support for the state of Israel. What is likely is that many of these organizations, whose roots are steeped deep in a history of anti-Semitism, are recreating themselves; dropping a now unpopular prejudice (anti-Semitism) for one more in vogue–anti-Muslim Islamophobia. Gone are the days when what they claimed to champion were the “Christian values and traditions of Europe” now they have added “Christian-Jewish” values to their slogans.

This is evidenced by politicians such as Geert Wilders who evokes Israel quite often while at the same time also calling for taxes on hijabs, banning the Quran, denying religious freedom to Muslims, deporting Muslim immigrants–and in certain circumstances–second and third generation citizens to their countries of origin.

It also brings to mind the wacky English Defense League (EDL), who have been staging anti-Islam protests in various British cities. The EDL you may recall was founded by a football hooligan and is composed primarily of hooligans and individuals who bear close resemblances to skinheads. Placards reading No More Mosques and other anti-Islam signs have been pictured at the same rallies which included hooligans holding up and waving Israeli flags.
Probably the most instructional case of an organization publicly dropping their long held anti-Semitism would be the BNP or British National Party, headed by Nick Griffin. This party has a long history of anti-Semitism. If you can think of an anti-Semitic stereotype then they have held it. Ever since Nick Griffin has taken the reins of power, the BNP has gotten a face lift and pushed a PR campaign which boils down to, “we aren’t anti-Semitic anymore, we are Islamophobic.”

Loonwatch missed one point here — the group that sponsored Spencer’s speech, Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa (BPE), is also affiliated with the Belgian fascist party Vlaams Belang. In 2007, former BPE leader Udo Ulfkotte was one of the main organizers of the “Stop Islamization” protest in Brussels, at which Vlaams Belang leader Filip DeWinter was a featured speaker.

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1 gegenkritik  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:13:44pm

You recieved my email about this, Charles?

2 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:16:15pm

Clarification... what is the "BPE." I google it and get nothing in regards to political party or what ever.

3 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:17:57pm

re: #2 Walter L. Newton

Clarification... what is the "BPE." I google it and get nothing in regards to political party or what ever.

Never mind... I went to the article. It's Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa. It doesn't show up as BPE in Google.

4 Charles Johnson  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:20:58pm

re: #1 gegenkritik

You recieved my email about this, Charles?

Yes, thank you.

5 Honorary Yooper  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:21:51pm

Charles, I'm not so sure Robert crossed a line as simply held back his true thoughts and beliefs. There always seemed to be an anti-Muslim stink emminating from Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch. It's one reason I stopped going there and kept myself to LGF. It's also why Medaura was able to expose Robert for the bigot he is.

6 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:22:40pm

re: #5 Honorary Yooper

Charles, I'm not so sure Robert crossed a line as simply held back his true thoughts and beliefs. There always seemed to be an anti-Muslim stink emminating from Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch. It's one reason I stopped going there and kept myself to LGF. It's also why Medaura was able to expose Robert for the bigot he is.

Well said.

7 Randall Gross  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:22:45pm

On top of that, BPE's leader who is in the CDU party, smells bad. Real bad. Way back in 2007 there were people pimping him at Gates of Vienna, and there's an interesting history at a pub I believe his wife owns.

8 Guanxi88  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:24:01pm

I just don't get it. Don't people understand that the disenfranchisement & suppression of muslims (not islamic supremacists) is one plank in their overall platform? I've read the works of these SOB's intellectual forebears, and know they wholeheartedly endorse nothing less than a theocratic imperium, centered in Europe and North America, running the world and keeping the Others at bay and in their place.

When they're done hassling Turks and Pakistanis, they'll start in again on any Jews who still remain.

9 Sharmuta  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:24:38pm

This piece is scathing. I found this interesting:

Their solutions to the so called problem of “creeping Islamization” are elucidated in a document they released titled De-Islamization program which states amongst its main points,

Organizations of islam critics as well as of people who left islam shall be funded by the state and have an adaquate say in the media.

Lets think about this for a second. They want the state to reward critics of Islam (who defines “critics of Islam?” Would anti-Muslim Geert Wilders of “tax-the-hijab-fame” be considered an acceptable “critic?”) and people who leave Islam with funding; essentially lobbying the government to take an official position in opposition to Islam. Does this not cross the boundary of separation of Church and State, and the fundamental tenants of secularism? It seems the “Christian-Jewish values” that this organization wants to protect bears more of a resemblance to a theocratic “Holy Roman Empire” rather than a pluralistic Democracy.

As has been said from the beginning of the VB discussions on LGF, you can't fight one form of fascist theocracy with another.

10 Dante41  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:24:46pm

I have not had the opportunity to read all of your posts on the matter Charles, so forgive me if you have made this point already.

I see a foreboding repeat of history happing, akin to the rise of the Nazi's. They have simply changed their hatred of Jews to hatred of Muslims. And just like before, people don't care, since that religion is currently the one that is okay to hate. Islamophobia doesn't have the history of hate that antisemitism does, but since 9/11, it happens to be "accepted".

To sum up, "same rise, different scapegoat".

11 Sharmuta  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:38:29pm
Shamelessly, Robert Spencer goes out of his way to boast about hugging and hoisting the Israeli flag as if he believes that this is his automatic redemption card out of any accusations of Euro Supremacist tendencies.

"Support" for Israel should not be a Get out from Scrutiny Free card. Fascists flip support when it suits their needs, and islamophobia is the better vehicle for them to obtain power.

12 gegenkritik  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:39:25pm

re: #10 Dante41

I have not had the opportunity to read all of your posts on the matter Charles, so forgive me if you have made this point already.

I see a foreboding repeat of history happing, akin to the rise of the Nazi's. They have simply changed their hatred of Jews to hatred of Muslims. And just like before, people don't care, since that religion is currently the one that is okay to hate. Islamophobia doesn't have the history of hate that antisemitism does, but since 9/11, it happens to be "accepted".

To sum up, "same rise, different scapegoat".

I think there's a difference between xenophobia and anti-semitism: while xenophobes want to deport everyone they blame for unemployment, crime-rate and so on, anti-semites are looking for the destruction of Jews, no matter where they live. While I agree that the "scapegoat"-thing fits for organizations like BNP or VB, it does not for anti-semitism, which is different, because the anti-semite is projecting his own desires on his image of the Jew (wealth without working, controlling the world, lust). This results in a (self-)destructive drive and the murder of Jews.

13 Guanxi88  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:45:37pm

re: #12 gegenkritik

I think there's a difference between xenophobia and anti-semitism: while xenophobes want to deport everyone they blame for unemployment, crime-rate and so on, anti-semites are looking for the destruction of Jews, no matter where they live. While I agree that the "scapegoat"-thing fits for organizations like BNP or VB, it does not for anti-semitism, which is different, because the anti-semite is projecting his own desires on his image of the Jew (wealth without working, controlling the world, lust). This results in a (self-)destructive drive and the murder of Jews.

It's an interesting take, but I daresay the projection works regardless of the identity of the Other. The "evil" muslims are plotting violence, mayhem, and destruction, according to these folk, and so they believe themselves thereby justified in their own preparations for these same atrocities. Like those they oppose, they target the weak and the helpless.

14 Dante41  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:46:12pm

Completely OT, but this needed to be seen to be believed:

Bachmann says that you only hear about Birtherism from the Left

15 Guanxi88  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:46:55pm

re: #13 Guanxi88

It's an interesting take, but I daresay the projection works regardless of the identity of the Other. The "evil" muslims are plotting violence, mayhem, and destruction, according to these folk, and so they believe themselves thereby justified in their own preparations for these same atrocities. Like those they oppose, they target the weak and the helpless.

I'd also add the xennphobia is the broader genus, and anti-semitism is the species.

16 bosforus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:47:59pm

re: #15 Guanxi88

Another two comment answer. -15 points.

17 Guanxi88  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:48:15pm

re: #16 bosforus

Another two comment answer. -15 points.


18 Guanxi88  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:48:21pm

re: #17 Guanxi88



19 Guanxi88  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:48:34pm

re: #17 Guanxi88


re: #18 Guanxi88



20 Dante41  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:49:24pm

re: #15 Guanxi88

I'd also add the xennphobia is the broader genus, and anti-semitism is the species.

Exactly. And as I said, hating Muslims is currently acceptable, so they pile on everything they can. They don't even have to be immigrants. They could have lived in the country for hundreds of years. Doesn't matter. They are evil jihadists planing to implement Sharia Law as soon as they get the chance.

21 Guanxi88  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:50:18pm

re: #20 Dante41

Exactly. And as I said, hating Muslims is currently acceptable, so they pile on everything they can. They don't even have to be immigrants. They could have lived in the country for hundreds of years. Doesn't matter. They are evil jihadists planing to implement Sharia Law as soon as they get the chance.

And, to quote Cartman from the Mel Gibson episode: "We all know why we're here, and we all know what needs to be done. I think it's best if nobody says anything until they're all on the trains."

22 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:50:38pm
Bürgerbewegung Pax Europa

Just try saying that rapidly three times in succession...
How English ever branched from that Germanic language tree is a mystery.

24 Cato the Elder  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:52:09pm

Speaking of paranoia:

I had an email today from someone who thinks I might not be me anymore. The theory is that Charles banned me a little while back but that my account was subsequently reopened and my nick and password were "given" to someone else to post under my old name.

As conspiracy theories go, I thought that one was rather clever, in a really stupid sort of way.

25 Guanxi88  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:52:43pm

re: #24 Cato the Elder

Speaking of paranoia:

I had an email today from someone who thinks I might not be me anymore. The theory is that Charles banned me a little while back but that my account was subsequently reopened and my nick and password were "given" to someone else to post under my old name.

As conspiracy theories go, I thought that one was rather clever, in a really stupid sort of way.

Well, ya gotta admit, it's pretty clever, as far as moronisms go.

26 peterb  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:52:47pm

So what's in it for Spencer to be hanging out with this sort of crew? Is it just basking in the warm glow of the approval of anyone, or is there some actual financial or, dare I say it, prestige benefit (although amongst whom I couldn't guess)?

27 peterb  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:53:50pm

re: #24 Cato the Elder

I had an email today from someone who thinks I might not be me anymore.

I have to admit that I was wondering why you weren't thundering CARTHAGO DELENDA EST! at the end of every post, anymore.

28 bosforus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:53:51pm
29 MandyManners  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:53:56pm

re: #20 Dante41

Exactly. And as I said, hating Muslims is currently acceptable, so they pile on everything they can. They don't even have to be immigrants. They could have lived in the country for hundreds of years. Doesn't matter. They are evil jihadists planing to implement Sharia Law as soon as they get the chance.

There ARE evil jihadis who want to implement Sharia all over the world.

30 Honorary Yooper  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:54:18pm

re: #14 Dante41

Completely OT, but this needed to be seen to be believed:

Bachmann says that you only hear about Birtherism from the Left

Now that is bizarre. What flavor kool aid is she drinking? It's obviously the same flavor as Rodan.

31 Cato the Elder  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:54:55pm

re: #25 Guanxi88

Well, ya gotta admit, it's pretty clever, as far as moronisms go.

Yes, the Cato the Elder persona is so important to LGF that I were banned, Charles would have to assign it to someone else to keep the banter going.

I guess I should be flattered.

32 Ojoe  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:54:59pm

re: #28 bosforus

Webcams are cool!

33 Cato the Elder  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:55:35pm

re: #27 peterb

I have to admit that I was wondering why you weren't thundering CARTHAGO DELENDA EST! at the end of every post, anymore.

Killgore and Ice are filling in for me until the Catobot is ready.

34 bosforus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:55:35pm

re: #29 MandyManners

There ARE evil jihadis who want to implement Sharia all over the world.

No. They don't want to do that anymore because of uhhh... Obama... ummm... Bush... something...

35 Honorary Yooper  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:55:52pm

re: #24 Cato the Elder

Speaking of paranoia:

I had an email today from someone who thinks I might not be me anymore. The theory is that Charles banned me a little while back but that my account was subsequently reopened and my nick and password were "given" to someone else to post under my old name.

As conspiracy theories go, I thought that one was rather clever, in a really stupid sort of way.

Sound like that conspiracy theory was cooked up in the kitchens of the Deuce. It's about their low caliber.

36 peterb  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:56:43pm

re: #29 MandyManners

There ARE evil jihadis who want to implement Sharia all over the world.

Yes, and there are Jews who are greedy or mendacious. But leaping from "There are Jews who are greedy or mendacious" to "All Jews are greedy or mendacious" is anti-semitic, stupid, and evil. Likewise, just because all Jihadis are Muslims doesn't mean that all Muslims are Jihadis, and promoting that misunderstanding just discredits the issue, and makes it less likely that we can find and deal with the real Jihadis.

37 Ojoe  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:56:47pm

re: #33 Cato the Elder



38 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:57:53pm

re: #31 Cato the Elder

Yes, the Cato the Elder persona is so important to LGF that I were banned, Charles would have to assign it to someone else to keep the banter going.

I guess I should be flattered.

Cato is gone... ““He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends.” LOL

39 Cato the Elder  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 2:58:56pm

re: #35 Honorary Yooper

Sound like that conspiracy theory was cooked up in the kitchens of the Deuce. It's about their low caliber.

I'm not at liberty to say where it came from, but I find it hilarious.

People actually sit around speculating that Charles bans people and then takes over their nicks for evil purposes of his own, leaving those folks to howl in outer darkness while their identities are misused.

Damn, you're good, Charles!

40 Honorary Yooper  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:01:08pm

re: #39 Cato the Elder

I'm not at liberty to say where it came from, but I find it hilarious.

People actually sit around speculating that Charles bans people and then takes over their nicks for evil purposes of his own, leaving those folks to howl in outer darkness while their identities are misused.

Damn, you're good, Charles!

Oh, but he is. Did you know he can ban people while they are clicking on links? He's damn good.

/See my post in the last thread for that bit of crazy.

41 Dante41  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:02:23pm

re: #29 MandyManners

There ARE evil jihadis who want to implement Sharia all over the world.

True, there are. But is the family that has lived in the house down the road sine 1900 likely to be among them?

42 Honorary Yooper  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:03:49pm

re: #39 Cato the Elder

Here we go, for a bit of teh crazy. #150 in the previous thread.

43 Locker  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:04:33pm

re: #39 Cato the Elder

I'm not at liberty to say where it came from, but I find it hilarious.

People actually sit around speculating that Charles bans people and then takes over their nicks for evil purposes of his own, leaving those folks to howl in outer darkness while their identities are misused.

Damn, you're good, Charles!

I heard through the grapevine that Charles is actually donating money to Acorn using the banned nicknames as cover. That way their own stalker blogs won't even trust them!

44 bosforus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:09:13pm

re: #42 Honorary Yooper

Here we go, for a bit of teh crazy. #150 in the previous thread.

"Intelligent blogs talk about ideas mediocre blogs talk about events dumb blogs talk about people."

45 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:11:05pm

re: #5 Honorary Yooper

Charles, I'm not so sure Robert crossed a line as simply held back his true thoughts and beliefs. There always seemed to be an anti-Muslim stink emminating from Jihad Watch and Dhimmi Watch. It's one reason I stopped going there and kept myself to LGF. It's also why Medaura was able to expose Robert for the bigot he is.

See why I don't go to other blogs?

46 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:11:17pm

re: #29 MandyManners
Oh, come on... simply because they want to shroud their females restore a more modest style of dress and allow a husband to indulge in the manly art of wife-beating now and then doesn't mean there's a sinister agenda...

47 gegenkritik  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:14:52pm

re: #13 Guanxi88

It's an interesting take, but I daresay the projection works regardless of the identity of the Other. The "evil" muslims are plotting violence, mayhem, and destruction, according to these folk, and so they believe themselves thereby justified in their own preparations for these same atrocities. Like those they oppose, they target the weak and the helpless.

You are right that there are people, who dream of executing the exact things which they say, Muslims are planning.
Though, there are many muslims who are plotting violence, mayhem and destruction (9/11, London, Madrid, Beslan, Djerba, Bali, Israel...), not to speak of the humanrights-situation in muslim-countries. The problem with BNP, VB and so on is, that they try to hide their xenophobia behind a "critique" of Islam, but aim on the individual Muslim, whom they want to deport. While I agree that religious freedoms have to apply for everyone (thus for Muslims, too), I don't think that Islam is a religion like Christianity or Judaism, and "Islamophobia" does not exist in a way like professionell Islam-apologist are using it.

48 Charles Johnson  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:15:01pm

re: #43 Locker

Oh sure, go ahead and laugh. People don't realize how much work it takes to post about 3000 comments every single day, 24 hours a day, pretending to be hundreds of different people.

I don't get no respect. And neither do my 32,000 sock puppets.

49 mrbaracuda  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:16:30pm


as a German Lizard let me tell you that Ulfkotte left BPE last year. Why? One of the reasons was that the BPE was distributing racist anti-Muslim postcards. In some sort of press release he compared the cartoons with those some might know from the "Stürmer" (a newspaper published during the Nazi era).

The last I heard from Ulfkotte was that he not only distanced himself from BPE, which he founded and - as you can see in the "press release" above - calls "combustible" and a club for right-wing extremists, but he also denounced pro Köln.

Meanwhile he was hanging out with Iranians like Mina Ahadi (as seen here / here at a little - if I am not mistaken - "counter-demonstration" during the "anti-Islamisation-Congress" that was held by pro Köln).

So, overall he made a u-turn, but he is now actively writing for a conspiracy mongering internet magazine and book publisher called KOPP, which publishes all sorts of crappy books - like Ulfkottes' - and fearmongering articles in the style of infowars.com and the like.

50 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:16:47pm

re: #33 Cato the Elder

Killgore and Ice are filling in for me until the Catobot is ready.

Thank you for calling the Progressive Attack Machine, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Soros/ACORN industrial complex.

All of our operatives are currently assisting other blogs. Please remain on the line, and a prototype Catobot will be with you shortly.

51 Kosh's Shadow  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:17:24pm

re: #48 Charles

Oh sure, go ahead and laugh. People don't realize how much work it takes to post about 3000 comments every single day, 24 hours a day, pretending to be hundreds of different people.

I don't get no respect. And neither do my 32,000 sock puppets.

You need some trained monkeys to help. They could probably easily duplicate tfk if they you used a program that tied a word to each key, so we'd get a bunch of random words strung together. Stick in an occasional reference to "John F*king Kerry" and the monkeys would do fine.

52 Sharmuta  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:17:38pm

It seems Robert's smear against Charles isn't working- they're mocking him:

I wonder what in the world could have made the counter-demonstrators call Robert Spencer and his BPE friends “Nazis?” Hmmm (hint: all of the above). Of course, Robert Spencer is “never wrong,” and don’t ya know he is a “victim,” the well documented fact that he associates with racists and fascists are just accusations from “libelbloggers.” Also note how he labels some of the (presumably Muslim) counter-demonstrators, “Jihadists,” this just further exposes what Spencer thinks about any Muslim, especially Muslims who oppose his degradation of their faith; they’re all….”jihadists.”

What this means for poor, poor Robert is no believes his pathetic excuses except his cheerleaders in the echo chamber.

53 Lee Coller  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:19:07pm

re: #48 Charles

Oh sure, go ahead and laugh. People don't realize how much work it takes to post about 3000 comments every single day, 24 hours a day, pretending to be hundreds of different people.

I don't get no respect. And neither do my 32,000 sock puppets.

I thought you just wrote a program that did all that. Who said AI was dead?

54 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:19:11pm

re: #44 bosforus


Kind of like a PBnJ?

55 bosforus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:19:33pm

re: #48 Charles

That's what all those "overlord tools" are that you're always working on, isn't it? A mass ex-Lizard conspiracy software package. Well done, Charles. Well done.

56 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:20:33pm

re: #39 Cato the Elder

I'm not at liberty to say where it came from, but I find it hilarious.

People actually sit around speculating that Charles bans people and then takes over their nicks for evil purposes of his own, leaving those folks to howl in outer darkness while their identities are misused.

Damn, you're good, Charles!

I gave my password to Shaq last summer.. Hey Veggie..All those posts about telling you to knock somebody out when they charge the Lane..Sorry..Wasn't me.. ( Don't question the Shaq..It pisses him off)
The nice thing is I have Shaq's tweet account password..Every time Kobe tweets Shaq to go out to dinner.. I tweet back..I hate you Kobe! I hate you Kobe! I hate you Kobe!
It is really working out well for both of us..

57 Ayeless in Ghazi  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:21:33pm

re: #39 Cato the Elder

I'm not at liberty to say where it came from, but I find it hilarious.

People actually sit around speculating that Charles bans people and then takes over their nicks for evil purposes of his own, leaving those folks to howl in outer darkness while their identities are misused.

Damn, you're good, Charles!


They also think that posters who say they are American are actually British, while posters who say they are British are actually American. Not sure exactly what advantage such dastardly deception is supposed to confer to the progressive attack machine but there you go...

58 Fat Bastard Vegetarian  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:22:09pm

re: #56 HoosierHoops
Gosh, HH, they hate you at the duex too?

I am so flippin' left out.

Being a moron has its advantages.

59 cenotaphium  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:22:14pm

re: #47 gegenkritik

I don't think that Islam is a religion like Christianity or Judaism, and "Islamophobia" does not exist in a way like professionell Islam-apologist are using it.

Would you mind expounding on how it is not a religion like Christianity or Judaism?

60 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:23:29pm

re: #57 Jimmah


They also think that posters who say they are American are actually British, while posters who say they are British are actually American. Not sure exactly what advantage such dastardly deception is supposed to confer to the progressive attack machine but there you go...

Because you know that British progressives are a hundred times further to the left than American progressives. It's like conferring Super-Lefty status to the commenter.

61 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:23:39pm

re: #35 Honorary Yooper
I keep hearing Beach Boys.
It's the little deuce kooks
(We don't know what they got)

62 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:24:01pm

re: #58 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Gosh, HH, they hate you at the duex too?

I am so flippin' left out.

Being a moron has its advantages.

just go there and post...join the club, it's really easy

63 Neutral President  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:24:14pm

re: #48 Charles

Oh sure, go ahead and laugh. People don't realize how much work it takes to post about 3000 comments every single day, 24 hours a day, pretending to be hundreds of different people.

I don't get no respect. And neither do my 32,000 sock puppets.

It's only 1/3 of that number remember. The other's are Kejda's and Killgore's.


64 Takeshi6400  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:26:08pm

The best asset the west has to help in the fight against violent jihadists are moderate Muslims. Bigots like Spencer actually help the jihadists by making the moderates feel like they are suspects too.

This type of vermin needs to be exposed and repudiated. Thanks Charles.

65 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:26:41pm

i never knew of this Loonwatch site before-- I see they did an earlier article on LGF too:

The Blog Wars: Charles Johnson Takes on Robert Spencer for Associating with Extremists

Spencer responds to the accusation by Charles Johnson with a searing salvo of cheap shots and name calling. Is that any way to act for an “objective scholar?” He calls him “libelblogger,” “lying scoundrel” and calls those who are member’s of LGF “cult members.”

Robert Spencer seems to still be fuming at being outed by Charles Johnson, who many in the anti-Muslim blogsphere think of as a “traitor” for exposing Spencer’s proclivity to be an apologist for fascists as well as his joining a genocidal Faceebook club.

It's nice that more people are calling Spencer out and see his hysterical pooflinging at LGF for exactly what it is. Looks like these guys have been watching him a long time too.

66 Ayeless in Ghazi  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:27:08pm

re: #50 iceweasel

Thank you for calling the Progressive Attack Machine, a wholly owned subsidiary of the Soros/ACORN industrial complex.

All of our operatives are currently assisting other blogs. Please remain on the line, and a prototype Catobot will be with you shortly.

That message from iceweasel at the Progressive Attack Machine's special underground lair:

Image: Cloneoflair2.jpg

67 Locker  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:28:58pm

re: #48 Charles

Oh sure, go ahead and laugh. People don't realize how much work it takes to post about 3000 comments every single day, 24 hours a day, pretending to be hundreds of different people.

I don't get no respect. And neither do my 32,000 sock puppets.

Dude you got me a dirty look from my boss for laughing out loud. Totally worth it.

68 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:29:08pm

re: #65 iceweasel

i never knew of this Loonwatch site before-- I see they did an earlier article on LGF too:

Correction: Sharmuta told me about that site a while ago and I completely forgot about that. I know it was totally new to me then when she introduced me to it though.

/ my mind is going...

69 Neutral President  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:30:41pm

re: #68 iceweasel

/ my mind is going...

Are you going to sing "Daisy"?

70 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:31:23pm

re: #63 ArchangelMichael

It's only 1/3 of that number remember. The other's are Kejda's and Killgore's.



I totally nominate the nickname "The Douche" for referring to the Blog of the Damned, rather than "The Deuce". Those who frequent it are already douchebags, so this is perfect.

71 John Neverbend  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:31:59pm

re: #24 Cato the Elder

Speaking of paranoia:

I had an email today from someone who thinks I might not be me anymore.

As I was going up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there,
He wasn't there again today,
I wish that man would go away.

72 Ayeless in Ghazi  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:32:45pm

re: #60 Walter L. Newton

Because you know that British progressives are a hundred times further to the left than American progressives. It's like conferring Super-Lefty status to the commenter.

But at best, that only explains one half of the conspiracy. Why, for example, would they want to think I am American? I tend to think they are just so paranoid and twisted that they have to believe everything we have ever said about ourselves is a lie.

73 Sharmuta  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:33:51pm

re: #68 iceweasel

Correction: Sharmuta told me about that site a while ago and I completely forgot about that. I know it was totally new to me then when she introduced me to it though.

/ my mind is going...

They have a horrible picture of geller in an LGF t-shirt. It looks like a photo of a clan rally is on the mantle next to her.

74 John Neverbend  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:35:14pm

re: #65 iceweasel

i never knew of this Loonwatch site before-- I see they did an earlier article on LGF too:

The Blog Wars: Charles Johnson Takes on Robert Spencer for Associating with Extremists

It's nice that more people are calling Spencer out and see his hysterical pooflinging at LGF for exactly what it is. Looks like these guys have been watching him a long time too.

Yay, that's the second time in my life that I've belonged to a group that some referred to as a cult.

75 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:35:52pm

re: #58 Fat Bastard Vegetarian

Gosh, HH, they hate you at the duex too?

I am so flippin' left out.

Being a moron has its advantages.

I guess some do hate me there...I just don't read what they write about me any more..I don't post about them either...
/Before I arrived on my long journey for 2 years to find a blog I felt at home at.. I was a nobody on the Internet...In the last year I have gotten so popular it isn't funny...It's really pretty cool..jeez I got me stalkers...I have had hundreds of emails of Support when Jordan was in the Marines...I have been prayed for by Lizards and Ex-Lizards.. I have met just bunches of cool people here.
... I have learned so much about politics...Almost every topic known to man... I have Charles Blog to thank for that And all you wonderful lizards...Thanks
The following is what is called a non flounce

76 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:36:17pm

re: #72 Jimmah

But at best, that only explains one half of the conspiracy. Why, for example, would they want to think I am American? I tend to think they are just so paranoid and twisted that they have to believe everything we have ever said about ourselves is a lie.

I don't know.

77 cenotaphium  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:38:39pm

re: #46 tradewind

Oh, come on... simply because they want to shroud their females restore a more modest style of dress and allow a husband to indulge in the manly art of wife-beating now and then doesn't mean there's a sinister agenda...

I think we tend to forget how near this is in our cultures as well? I just need to go back one generation to find prevalent attitudes of women's inferiority. Wife-beating goes on still. And this in a country that's known for being one of the most gender equal in the world.
This does not mean we shouldn't fight it at every turn, but perhaps we should have some respect for the time it takes to change entire societies perception of right and wrong and how far we have still to go ourselves?

78 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:39:26pm

I know they've taken credit for inventing almost everything known to science, but this time, they really have knocked it out of the park...
Who says there is no feminist movement in the ME?
[Link: www.latimes.com...]

79 debutaunt  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:39:32pm

re: #75 HoosierHoops

I enjoy your fake wine snob reviews.

80 Gus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:39:41pm

re: #65 iceweasel

i never knew of this Loonwatch site before-- I see they did an earlier article on LGF too:

The Blog Wars: Charles Johnson Takes on Robert Spencer for Associating with Extremists

It's nice that more people are calling Spencer out and see his hysterical pooflinging at LGF for exactly what it is. Looks like these guys have been watching him a long time too.

Right. Spencer "the scholar" that likes to hang around at stalker blogs.

By the way, Gerard "I'm aware of internet traditions" Van Der Loony has taken to stalking Charles. He he posted a ridiculous blog yesterday "critiquing" Charles' photographs.

81 debutaunt  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:40:38pm

re: #80 Gus 802


82 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:41:36pm

re: #77 cenotaphium

Wife-beating goes on still.

Yet not codified. Slight distinction there. In most of the West, it's still breaking the law, not practicing it.

83 Sharmuta  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:41:54pm

LoonWatch has their own Charles Johnson tag, and picked up the Facebook story from LGF.

84 Charles Johnson  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:43:18pm

re: #80 Gus 802

Right. Spencer "the scholar" that likes to hang around at stalker blogs.

By the way, Gerard "I'm aware of internet traditions" Van Der Loony has taken to stalking Charles. He he posted a ridiculous blog yesterday "critiquing" Charles' photographs.

That's hilarious! Obviously, as a former gopher at Penthouse Magazine, Vanderloony has a highly refined artistic sensibility.

85 karmic_inquisitor  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:44:03pm
86 Gus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:44:32pm

re: #84 Charles

That's hilarious! Obviously, as a former gopher at Penthouse Magazine, Vanderloony has a highly refined artistic sensibility.

Is that what he used to do? I thought he just lived at home with his mother. ;)

87 Shiplord Kirel  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:47:30pm


Earthquake Magnitude 7.8 - VANUATU
2009 October 07 22:03:15 UTC (39 minutes ago)

Tsuanmi advisory for Hawaii

1218 PM HST WED OCT 07 2009



AT 1217 PM HST.


ORIGIN TIME - 1203 PM HST 07 OCT 2009




0650 PM HST WED 07 OCT 2009


88 Danny  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:50:23pm

re: #87 Shiplord Kirel

Was that about 45 minutes ago?

89 Ayeless in Ghazi  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:50:56pm

re: #80 Gus 802

Right. Spencer "the scholar" that likes to hang around at stalker blogs.

By the way, Gerard "I'm aware of internet traditions" Van Der Loony has taken to stalking Charles. He he posted a ridiculous blog yesterday "critiquing" Charles' photographs.

That's got to be a new milestone in the annals of anklebiting.

90 cenotaphium  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:51:11pm

re: #82 tradewind

Yet not codified. Slight distinction there. In most of the West, it's still breaking the law, not practicing it.

It's pretty thin ice to be making grandstanding claims upon, don't you think? We just had an exposé in Sweden about the crimes our police are involved in. The most common is beating women. Most cases never make it to trial, of course, just like a great deal of the "civilian" cases.
I'm pretty sure I've seen enough Cops to conclude that there are subcultures in the US that have a high tolerance for "domestic violence" as well.

Like I said, this does not mean we should not fight it at every turn. But I think it's a bit much to use it as a moral superiority stick.

91 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:51:38pm

re: #85 karmic_inquisitor
Heh. And the story led me to this link... so funny.
[Link: features.csmonitor.com...]
This could all have been prevented if the Somalis only had the Comedy Channel..

92 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:52:51pm

re: #79 debutaunt

I enjoy your fake wine snob reviews.

Thank you friend...I really need to post more stories here about growing up in Napa Valley...Jeez I got stories...LOL

93 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:52:55pm

re: #90 cenotaphium

Really, I think it's morally superior to ban wife-beating, even if a bad actor slips through the cracks now and then.
But that's just me.

94 Ayeless in Ghazi  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:54:47pm

Alex Jones gains new fans in the Obama era

What does George Galloway (still considered by some to be on the Left) have in common with with rightwing Republican Congressman Louie Gohmert of Texas?

Both have not only appeared as guests on the radio show of conspiracy-theorist extraordinaire Alex Jones. They have also agreed with– or at least left unchallenged– some of Jones’s loony beliefs.


[Link: www.hurryupharry.org...]

95 Gus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:55:53pm

re: #89 Jimmah

That's got to be a new milestone in the annals of anklebiting.

Yeah, it's pretty childish. I came across it this morning while searching Twitter. Years ago I used to think that age was a good indicator of maturity. Not any more especially with that crowd. Most of them are suffering from a severe case of the Peter Pan Syndrome mixed in with a little Ted Bundy.

96 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:56:44pm

re: #73 Sharmuta

They have a horrible picture of geller in an LGF t-shirt. It looks like a photo of a clan rally is on the mantle next to her.

Terrific. I will have to find it and add it to the collection of Geller photos to appear in teh next Jimmah-Ice Production. You will of course be in the credits!

97 Shiplord Kirel  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:56:45pm

re: #88 Danny

Was that about 45 minutes ago?

Yes, about that.

The tsunami watch is also in effect for northeastern Australia, with the following arrival times (universal time, local time -10)

BRISBANE 27.2S 153.3E 0155Z 08 OCT
CAIRNS 16.7S 145.8E 0204Z 08 OCT
SYDNEY 33.9S 151.4E 0228Z 08 OCT
GLADSTONE 23.8S 151.4E 0301Z 08 OCT
MACKAY 21.1S 149.3E 0322Z 08 OCT
HOBART 43.3S 147.6E 0355Z 08 OCT

98 Irenicum  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:57:07pm

re: #42 Honorary Yooper

Wow. That is some rich stuff. Get me some of what they're smoking. Or better yet, not.

99 gegenkritik  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:57:08pm

re: #59 cenotaphium

Would you mind expounding on how it is not a religion like Christianity or Judaism?

Very short: The main difference between Judaism and Islam is that because of the situation in the Diaspora, Jews were forced to keep religion as a private affair, while Islam never made a clear separation between religious and political issues. Islam lacks spirituality, while attaching importance to rules regarding society. Sorry, have to sleep now (it's 01:00 am in Germany) and I have Arabic lessons in a few hours (not kidding). We can continue tomorrow, if you like. Good night everybody.

100 cenotaphium  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 3:58:27pm

re: #93 tradewind

Really, I think it's morally superior to ban wife-beating, even if a bad actor slips through the cracks now and then.
But that's just me.

It's the "now and then" that's in question, isn't it? What does it matter if you ban something bad, if there's no enforcement? Surely you know of a few nations called "democratic" that are not?
But I get that you want to increase the contrast to yield a more black and white picture. I guess I'm used to seeing things in shades of grey.

101 cenotaphium  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:01:05pm

re: #99 gegenkritik

Sorry, have to sleep now (it's 01:00 am in Germany)

Quitter! I'm in the same timezone as you! :)
I have some questions to what you said, but let's do what you suggest and take it up tomorrow. Good night!

102 Gus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:03:07pm

So, I'm surprised Glenn Beck's head didn't explode today. They unveiled a statue of Helen Keller in the nation's capitol. The icing on the cake was a short reading of Mark Twain.

The Birchers heads must be throbbing.

103 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:04:10pm

re: #99 gegenkritik

Very short: Jews were forced toThe main difference between Judaism and Islam is that because of the situation in the Diaspora, keep religion as a private affair, while Islam never made a clear separation between religious and political issues. Islam lacks spirituality, while attaching importance to rules regarding society. Sorry, have to sleep now (it's 01:00 am in Germany) and I have Arabic lessons in a few hours (not kidding). We can continue tomorrow, if you like. Good night everybody.

weet dreams...Be safe and healthy...
What you propose as such a simple explanation to such a complex issue is probably the result of weariness.. See ya soon!

104 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:05:25pm

re: #102 Gus 802

So, I'm surprised Glenn Beck's head didn't explode today. They unveiled a statue of Helen Keller in the nation's capitol. The icing on the cake was a short reading of Mark Twain.

The Birchers heads must be throbbing.

I don't get it..what's one have to do with the other?

105 Neutral President  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:06:14pm

re: #104 albusteve

I don't get it..what's one have to do with the other?

Beck went off on a rant about how Hellen Keller was a commie or something a few months ago.

106 Gus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:06:41pm

re: #104 albusteve

I don't get it..what's one have to do with the other?

He ranted about Keller being a communist a few times.

107 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:09:10pm

re: #106 Gus 802

He ranted about Keller being a communist a few times.

I was going to ask the same question. You explained it. Thanks. (well, it's no wonder she is in the White House, she's a communist).

108 Gus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:10:48pm

re: #107 Walter L. Newton

I was going to ask the same question. You explained it. Thanks. (well, it's no wonder she is in the White House, she's a communist).

Helen Keller-ski!


110 debutaunt  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:13:40pm

re: #109 Sharmuta

Mike Huckabee poses with homophobic hate group.

Onion? Must be the Onion?

111 Sharmuta  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:14:58pm

re: #110 debutaunt

Onion? Must be the Onion?

This group is on the SPLC's list of hate organizations, and they also spoke at the Take Back America Conference.

112 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:17:57pm

Bad news, everybody; It's good news...
CBO: Senate Finance Health Plan Would Cut Deficit

113 Gus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:18:27pm

re: #111 Sharmuta

This group is on the SPLC's list of hate organizations, and they also spoke at the Take Back America Conference.

Another strange bunch. One of the speakers at the conference was covered at LGF.

Looks like they took down the video at Youtube.

114 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:18:35pm

re: #111 Sharmuta

This group is on the SPLC's list of hate organizations, and they also spoke at the Take Back America Conference.

They're also one of the Tea Party sponsors.

115 Sharmuta  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:19:03pm

re: #114 Killgore Trout

They're also one of the Tea Party sponsors.

Why am I not surprised?

116 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:19:12pm

re: #106 Gus 802

He ranted about Keller being a communist a few times.

sorta too far fetched for me to think of...geez, who will it be next

117 Gus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:20:10pm

re: #116 albusteve

sorta too far fetched for me to think of...geez, who will it be next

That was almost my response when I learned of that. Nit picking through the lives of historical figures like that and of all people Helen Keller.

118 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:22:24pm

re: #116 albusteve

sorta too far fetched for me to think of...geez, who will it be next

Isn't that a commune you live in outside of Albq?

119 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:22:35pm

re: #117 Gus 802

That was almost my response when I learned of that. Nit picking through the lives of historical figures like that and of all people Helen Keller.

Micky Mantle was a fascist...
Capt. Kangaroo was a ped...
I think I've got it now

120 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:23:35pm

re: #118 Walter L. Newton

Isn't that a commune you live in outside of Albq?

no, it's actually inside Albuquerque

121 The Sanity Inspector  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:23:57pm

If, like me, there are readers present who are disappointed with Spencer for associating with Euro-fascists--crypto or otherwise--but who still are concerned about creeping sharia, there are other voices out there. Here's one: Bruce Bawer, who's been approvingly quoted by Charles here from time to time.

Thursday, September 3, 2009, 2:09 P.M. CET: A couple of weeks ago I posted here about a gay couple who were attacked for holding hands in Oslo's largely Muslim Grønland district by a local resident, who is not alone in believing that his neighborhood should be run according to sharia, not Norwegian law. Now comes the story of another gay couple who, sitting together at a table way in back of one of this city's kebab joints, also in Grønland, exchanged a kiss and ended up being chased down the street by a fellow customer.

The part of the story that gets to me is that one of the two gay guys in the kissing incident told Aftenposten: "Afterwards I thought it was perhaps a little dumb of us to do that. I don't like to provoke people." This is how this accommodationist stuff works, folks: instead of being outraged at people who want to beat the hell out of us for no good reason, we learn to blame ourselves for having "provoked" them. To his credit, this guy adds: "At the same time, I felt that it was irritating that I can't be allowed to kiss my partner in this city." Well, better get used to it, boys. Without a radical change in the course of European elite thinking, things will only keep getting worse.

Point being, you don't have to choose between being a fascist sympathizer and going back into a pre-9/11 sensitivity coma (in Mark Steyn's phrase)

122 medaura18586  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:24:20pm
In fact, one sees an emerging trend amongst some right-wing and fascist groups proclaiming their unconditional support for the state of Israel. What is likely is that many of these organizations, whose roots are steeped deep in a history of anti-Semitism, are recreating themselves; dropping a now unpopular prejudice (anti-Semitism) for one more in vogue–anti-Muslim Islamophobia. Gone are the days when what they claimed to champion were the “Christian values and traditions of Europe” now they have added “Christian-Jewish” values to their slogans.

Holy crap... If I didn't know better, I'd say they have plagiarized from some of my comments here. a) about anti-Muslim bigotry being the psychological transfer from old-fashioned anti-Semitism, and b) about the Judeo part of so-called Judeo-Christian values being a recent specious addition to the rhetoric. These are the same people who 40 years ago wouldn't have wanted to hear about anything but Christian and nothing but Christian values. What saddens me is to see how many Jews have fallen for it and turned into some of their most ardent spiteful puppet-bigots. I first opened my eyes to the realization from the ensuring debate after Kosovo's independence.

123 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:24:35pm

re: #107 Walter L. Newton
Helen Keller was certainly a miraculously inspiring woman, and she was also a self-proclaimed Marxist and socialist. She campaigned and voted for Eugene Debs in every election, and wrote several essays on the subject.
[Link: www.marxists.org...]
In a forward to a book of poems by Giovenetti, she wrote this:

We believe, at least we hope, that our capitalist government is near its end. We wish to hasten its end.

[Link: www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk...]

124 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:25:28pm

re: #112 Killgore Trout

Bad news, everybody; It's good news...
CBO: Senate Finance Health Plan Would Cut Deficit

Hmmm...A quick check of the blogoshpere shows that conservatives are not happy about this. Shocka!

125 Gus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:26:27pm

re: #124 Killgore Trout

Hmmm...A quick check of the blogoshpere shows that conservatives are not happy about this. Shocka!

The CBO has been infiltrated by the communists. Why do you think they call it the C.B.O.?


126 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:27:08pm

re: #117 Gus 802

That was almost my response when I learned of that. Nit picking through the lives of historical figures like that and of all people Helen Keller.

I'm not sure how many millions of people across the world has been inspired by Ms. Kellers life story...
She had strength, Goals, pain and darkness for all her days..Yet she has seen light that few humans ever saw...or appreciated...
She isn't a Commie Beck..She is a Saint...STFU

127 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:28:35pm

re: #123 tradewind

Helen Keller was certainly a miraculously inspiring woman, and she was also a self-proclaimed Marxist and socialist. She campaigned and voted for Eugene Debs in every election, and wrote several essays on the subject.
[Link: www.marxists.org...]
In a forward to a book of poems by Giovenetti, she wrote this:

[Link: www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk...]

So, Beck was spot on? I didn't know this history.

128 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:28:58pm

re: #125 Gus 802

It'll be interesting to see which talking point they decide on. It's going to be really tough to oppose this. Reducing the deficit and insuring 96% of the country is going to be pretty tough to argue against.

129 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:29:25pm

re: #124 Killgore Trout

Hmmm...A quick check of the blogoshpere shows that conservatives are not happy about this. Shocka!

that's because most conservatives don't want govt sanctioned intrusion into healthcare...shocka!

130 McSpiff  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:30:06pm

re: #129 albusteve

that's because most conservatives don't want govt sanctioned intrusion into healthcare...shocka!

Hands off their medicare!

131 Sharmuta  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:30:07pm

re: #128 Killgore Trout

It'll be interesting to see which talking point they decide on. It's going to be really tough to oppose this. Reducing the deficit and insuring 96% of the country is going to be pretty tough to argue against.

As long as all those handy dandy pronoun counters keep working, the right will be a-ok! ///

132 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:30:28pm

re: #130 McSpiff

Hands off their medicare!

death panels!

133 Gus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:30:46pm

re: #128 Killgore Trout

It'll be interesting to see which talking point they decide on. It's going to be really tough to oppose this. Reducing the deficit and insuring 96% of the country is going to be pretty tough to argue against.

It's a tough sell. For some reason the CBO is ignored by many from a variety of political ideologies. Or they'll flip their support according to their desired political goals.

134 debutaunt  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:31:13pm

re: #128 Killgore Trout

It'll be interesting to see which talking point they decide on. It's going to be really tough to oppose this. Reducing the deficit and insuring 96% of the country is going to be pretty tough to argue against.

What will the effect be on small business?

135 McSpiff  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:31:32pm

re: #132 albusteve

death panels!

Death to babies!

136 Kronocide  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:31:34pm

Claims of 'vicious libelblogging from that mendacious CJ' in 5...4...3...2...

137 The Sanity Inspector  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:32:08pm

re: #82 tradewind

Yet not codified. Slight distinction there. In most of the West, it's still breaking the law, not practicing it.

The social ills are present in every society. Under shariah law they receive divine sanction. Wife beating, "temporary marriage", etc. In those societies, it's a man's, man's man's world.

138 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:32:27pm

re: #133 Gus 802

It's a tough sell. For some reason the CBO is ignored by many from a variety of political ideologies. Or they'll flip their support according to their desired political goals.

Weird how politicians do that.

139 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:32:35pm

re: #124 Killgore Trout

That's the Baucus Bill, which still has 22(as of today) Dem votes against it. Also, the CBC actually said rather than ' cut', that the bill 'would not add to ' the deficit at the present time and 'probably' would reduce it.
And you know the government and its money projections. Nothing ever costs more than they estimate.

140 Kosh's Shadow  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:32:36pm

re: #128 Killgore Trout

It'll be interesting to see which talking point they decide on. It's going to be really tough to oppose this. Reducing the deficit and insuring 96% of the country is going to be pretty tough to argue against.

Maybe once the actual additional tax burden is determined, we can see how it compares to what we're paying for insurance now.
And then, they might just find that the estimate is low, as it turned out to be in Massachusetts.

141 Gus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:33:28pm

re: #138 Walter L. Newton

Weird how politicians do that.

Yeah, it's like wet water. That is if it's over 32F. ;)

142 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:33:40pm

re: #133 Gus 802

It seems for now they're accepting the CBO estimates because they're all highlighting the price tag. For now they're just ignoring the part about reducing the deficit.

143 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:33:44pm

re: #127 Walter L. Newton

I wouldn't want to say he was spot on. It does appear she was not exactly feeling the American two-party democracy thing.
Still an amazing person, politics notwithstanding, and a friend of Mark Twain's, which would make the quote a natural.

144 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:33:49pm

re: #139 tradewind

That's the Baucus Bill, which still has 22(as of today) Dem votes against it. Also, the CBC actually said rather than ' cut', that the bill 'would not add to ' the deficit at the present time and 'probably' would reduce it.
And you know the government and its money projections. Nothing ever costs more than they estimate.

Those words like "not add" and "probably" don't mean anything... move on... pay no attention to the plain English...

145 SixDegrees  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:34:24pm

re: #124 Killgore Trout

Hmmm...A quick check of the blogoshpere shows that conservatives are not happy about this. Shocka!

I'm not surprised. The bill, which is estimated to cost around a trillion dollars over the next ten years, relies heavily on tax increases and is currently awash in literally hundreds of amendments, making actual analysis impossible except to note that it represents a vast increase in spending which will be accomplished by a vast increase in confiscation of wealth.

Look for a full-court press to rush this bill through as quickly as possible to avoid giving anyone a chance to actually read it, let alone analyze it.

146 Gus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:34:34pm

re: #142 Killgore Trout

It seems for now they're accepting the CBO estimates because they're all highlighting the price tag. For now they're just ignoring the part about reducing the deficit.

What's the short version on reducing the deficit?

147 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:35:28pm

re: #144 Walter L. Newton

Can you think of even one government program that came in at anywhere near projected cost?
And this would be the whopper of them all.

148 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:35:48pm

re: #143 tradewind

I wouldn't want to say he was spot on. It does appear she was not exactly feeling the American two-party democracy thing.
Still an amazing person, politics notwithstanding, and a friend of Mark Twain's, which would make the quote a natural.

I really don't care if she was a full fledge, badge wearing, Lenin snorting RED. That was a long time ago and her major impact was not in the realms of politics.

Some things need to just go away.

149 debutaunt  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:36:30pm

re: #147 tradewind

Can you think of even one government program that came in at anywhere near projected cost?
And this would be the whopper of them all.

If higher costs are dumped on small business, unemployment will stay high.

150 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:36:33pm

re: #134 debutaunt

What will the effect be on small business?

Most articles I'm reading say it's going to be good for small businesses and self employed...
[Link: www.latimes.com...]

...under pressure from liberal Democrats and some Republicans, the committee has moved to expand aid for individuals and for small businesses to help them provide their workers with health benefits.

The committee also has slashed proposed penalties for those who did not comply with a new insurance mandate and limited limit how many people would be subject to a new excise tax on high-end -- or so-called Cadillac -- health plans.

151 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:37:08pm

re: #146 Gus 802

Here's your short version:
Obama has increased the projected deficit more in the first eight months he held office than #43 did in his entire eight years in office.

152 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:37:19pm

re: #148 Walter L. Newton

I really don't care if she was a full fledge, badge wearing, Lenin snorting RED. That was a long time ago and her major impact was not in the realms of politics.

Some things need to just go away.

I said that...or was about to

153 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:37:26pm

re: #145 SixDegrees

I'm not surprised. The bill, which is estimated to cost around a trillion dollars over the next ten years, relies heavily on tax increases and is currently awash in literally hundreds of amendments, making actual analysis impossible except to note that it represents a vast increase in spending which will be accomplished by a vast increase in confiscation of wealth.

Look for a full-court press to rush this bill through as quickly as possible to avoid giving anyone a chance to actually read it, let alone analyze it.

And if I am correct, the committee has voted NOT post the bill somewhere on the Internet so it would be readable by everyone.

Looks like that transparency thing has gone right out the window.

154 SixDegrees  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:37:34pm

re: #128 Killgore Trout

It'll be interesting to see which talking point they decide on. It's going to be really tough to oppose this. Reducing the deficit and insuring 96% of the country is going to be pretty tough to argue against.

Why is it going to cost a trillion dollars over the next ten years to increase coverage from 90% to 96%?

155 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:37:58pm

re: #148 Walter L. Newton

I believe that was my bottom line as well.

156 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:38:05pm

re: #146 Gus 802

What's the short version on reducing the deficit?

The bill reduces the deficit by $81 billiion over ten years.

157 Charles Johnson  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:38:18pm

re: #123 tradewind

Helen Keller was certainly a miraculously inspiring woman, and she was also a self-proclaimed Marxist and socialist. She campaigned and voted for Eugene Debs in every election, and wrote several essays on the subject.
[Link: www.marxists.org...]
In a forward to a book of poems by Giovenetti, she wrote this:

[Link: www.spartacus.schoolnet.co.uk...]

Sigh. I know to you the word "socialist" connotes everything horrible in the world, but at the beginning of the last century, when Helen Keller declared herself a "socialist," the term did not have anywhere near the negative connotation it has today. There were a lot of highly respected intellectuals in America and the rest of the world who read Marx and agreed with his ideas.

In other words, when people like Glenn Beck smear Helen Keller, they're doing it in an extremely dishonest and historically ignorant way.

158 Creeping Eruption  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:38:41pm

re: #62 albusteve


159 Summer Seale  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:39:16pm

I feel so subpar...

...the kooks don't hate me like they do some others here.

Why not? Am I not rational enough? =(

160 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:39:40pm

re: #154 SixDegrees

I don't know. I also can't figure out who's the 4% that are going to remain uninsured? The homeless?

161 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:39:43pm

re: #149 debutaunt

I'm really going to be interested in seeing how they are going to force the people who now do not have health insurance by their choice to purchase it.

162 Charles Johnson  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:40:04pm

Just received this funny email:

What did you do the extremely unpleasant and completely full of itself

Whatever it is/was please continue.

It's fun watching this 'great mind' of the contemporary Conservative
blogosphere illustrate over and again that no slight is to small, no
observation too petty.

Keep up the good work. Mr. American Digest is wetting himself and it's
great fun to read.


163 SixDegrees  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:40:09pm

re: #142 Killgore Trout

It seems for now they're accepting the CBO estimates because they're all highlighting the price tag. For now they're just ignoring the part about reducing the deficit.

The deficit reduction seems to be entirely speculative, and won't arrive - if it ever does - for at least ten years.

And given that there have been literally hundreds of amendments already written against the bill, any analysis seems, at best, to be a Herculean undertaking. In fact, it brings the Augean stables to mind in several ways.

164 debutaunt  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:40:12pm

re: #156 Killgore Trout

The bill reduces the deficit by $81 billiion over ten years.

How? Who has read the bill?

165 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:40:17pm

re: #156 Killgore Trout

The bill reduces the deficit by $81 billiion over ten years.

I'm going to bet against that...easy money

166 Summer Seale  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:41:35pm

Maybe it's because I post so very little overall.

167 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:41:49pm

re: #164 debutaunt

The CBO. They're still working on it but the bill has been available for public scrutiny for at least a month. Maybe longer.

168 debutaunt  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:42:11pm

re: #161 tradewind

I'm really going to be interested in seeing how they are going to force the people who now do not have health insurance by their choice to purchase it.

The employer will be forced to provide it and I don't see how it can be done without increasing unemployment.

169 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:42:52pm

I saw Zombieland today. Lots of fun. Good movie.

170 Dante41  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:43:17pm

re: #169 Killgore Trout

I saw Zombieland today. Lots of fun. Good movie.

You like the cameo?

171 debutaunt  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:43:42pm

re: #167 Killgore Trout

The CBO. They're still working on it but the bill has been available for public scrutiny for at least a month. Maybe longer.

It keeps changing.

172 Gus  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:44:13pm

re: #157 Charles

Sigh. I know to you the word "socialist" connotes everything horrible in the world, but at the beginning of the last century, when Helen Keller declared herself a "socialist," the term did not have anywhere near the negative connotation it has today. There were a lot of highly respected intellectuals in America and the rest of the world who read Marx and agreed with his ideas.

In other words, when people like Glenn Beck smear Helen Keller, they're doing it in an extremely dishonest and historically ignorant way.

Sure didn't keep Dwight D. Eisenhower away from her. And this was during the run up to the climax of the Cold War. Times sure have changed.

173 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:44:16pm
174 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:44:41pm

re: #170 Dante41

Yes, very funny. He pretty much stole the show.

175 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:45:01pm

WOW! Just WOW!
I got a email from my boss a minute ago..They need help setting up a new Network in Singapore! Can you believe it? I am so jacked.. I have a meeting Tomorrow...Oh Crap! Asia! Snoopy dance!..Where the hell is the Camera?
When I bring the ports up on the Singapore Segment on the user VLAN..I'll so slam you guys! Hello From Singapore!
/Crosses fingers...
The best Chinese food in the world..Check
The other side of the World...Check
Yippee! Check

176 SixDegrees  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:45:08pm

re: #160 Killgore Trout

I don't know. I also can't figure out who's the 4% that are going to remain uninsured? The homeless?

I believe the Baucus bill does away with the Public Option and forces everyone to purchase insurance if they don't already have it. I'm assuming the 4% is an attempt to face the reality that there isn't going to be 100% compliance, no matter how draconian enforcement may be.

Look for massive blowback from the Left wing of the Democratic Party over these details.

177 Sharmuta  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:45:29pm

re: #166 Summer

Maybe it's because I post so very little overall.

If you posted more, Sweetie- they would hate you. I promise. That's what they do.

178 Summer Seale  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:46:53pm

re: #177 Sharmuta

If you posted more, Sweetie- they would hate you. I promise. That's what they do.

I just feel so under-appreciated. =)

179 Dante41  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:46:54pm

re: #175 HoosierHoops

Just don't get caught chewing gum. ;-)

/lucky bastard

180 BignJames  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:47:06pm

re: #175 HoosierHoops

Get yer shots/vacs updated.

181 SixDegrees  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:47:59pm

And completely off topic: on October 20th, a collection of 14 previously unpublished short stories by Kurt Vonnegut will be released.

Kurt Vonnegut is unstuck in time.

182 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:48:03pm

re: #157 Charles
I thought I made it quite clear that politics was not the defining area of her life. She was a remarkable woman who pioneered the idea that multiple disabilities need not result in a lack of education for children in America.
I thought I was missing some text in my post, which provides some more context... the forward she wrote for Giovanetti's poetry anthology: from the link:

We believe, at least we hope, that our capitalist government is near its end. We wish to hasten its end.
183 Sharmuta  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:48:23pm

re: #178 Summer

I just feel so under-appreciated. =)

I appreciate you, {Summer}. I like it when you're around.

184 debutaunt  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:48:46pm

re: #173 Killgore Trout

The final version?

185 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:49:34pm

re: #184 debutaunt

The final version?

that won't come down until an hour before the vote...get with it

186 Bubblehead II  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:50:42pm

re: #162 Charles

"What did you do the extremely unpleasant and completely full of itself

Someone needs to learn how to put a sentence together.

"It's fun watching this 'great mind' of the contemporary Conservative
illustrate over and again that no slight is to small, no
observation too petty."

Gee, If remember correctly, You have never claimed to be a "conservative."

"Keep up the good work. Mr. American Digest is wetting himself and it's
great fun to read."

Yes, do keep up the good work of shining the light upon the cockroaches of the radical left/right. It is fun to watch them run from the harsh light of logic and reason.

187 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:50:55pm

Pelosi will be pissed a health bill does not come out of her House...bet me

188 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:51:26pm

by the time i got to the thread about the Obama administration eliminating funding for the iran human rights watch group, the thread was dead. but I think that Michael Steele and the GOP should raise a few million bucks and fund that group itself. then they should make a very public pronouncement that if the administration won't do the right thing to help the democratic forces in iran, the GOP will. this helps the USA because it will demonstrate that the people of the USA are with the forces of good in tran.

189 SixDegrees  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:52:15pm

re: #182 tradewind

I thought I made it quite clear that politics was not the defining area of her life. She was a remarkable woman who pioneered the idea that multiple disabilities need not result in a lack of education for children in America.
I thought I was missing some text in my post, which provides some more context... the forward she wrote for Giovanetti's poetry anthology: from the link:

She was hardly unique in that sentiment. During the teens, this attitude was extremely common in the US.

190 freetoken  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:52:24pm

re: #172 Gus 802

Eisenhower? Don't you realize he harbored communists in his administration!


191 Charles Johnson  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:52:39pm

re: #186 Bubblehead II

Uh, er, I think you're reading this from the wrong angle. The 'great mind of the conservative blogosphere' is directed at Vanderloony, not at me.

It's a supportive email, actually -- not a hate mail. (For a change.)

192 Sharmuta  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:52:43pm

Since the right has gotten so fond of pronoun use, how long until one of them calls the Constitution a collectivist document for starting with "We the People"?

193 SixDegrees  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:53:25pm

re: #187 albusteve

Pelosi will be pissed a health bill does not come out of her House...bet me

The Baucus bill doesn't have a public option, which Pelosi - and Reid, for that matter - have said is an absolute requirement for any legislation that leaves their chambers.

194 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:53:31pm

re: #179 Dante41

Just don't get caught chewing gum. ;-)

/lucky bastard

Can you believe it? I'm stoked...I'm googling Singapore right now...
I am deeply blessed to work for a great Corporation...

195 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:53:42pm

re: #175 HoosierHoops
Make sure you're not caught with a Vicks Vapo-rub inhaler. Totally illegal there.
/not a joke/
Remember, caning is legal.

196 rwmofo  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:54:50pm

re: #192 Sharmuta

Since the right has gotten so fond of pronoun use, how long until one of them calls the Constitution a collectivist document for starting with "We the People"?

Every July 4th we be jammin'.

197 SixDegrees  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:54:52pm

re: #192 Sharmuta

Since the right has gotten so fond of pronoun use, how long until one of them calls the Constitution a collectivist document for starting with "We the People"?

Don't be silly - that's 0bama's use of the Imperial "We" being used, and he'll be inserting other rewrites shortly.

/// [Massive]

198 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:55:00pm

re: #175 HoosierHoops

Sounds like fun. You'll have to do some food blogging for us while you're over there.

199 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:55:54pm

re: #184 debutaunt

No, they're still working on it.

200 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:56:16pm

re: #193 SixDegrees

The Baucus bill doesn't have a public option, which Pelosi - and Reid, for that matter - have said is an absolute requirement for any legislation that leaves their chambers.

right...to them it will be caving...we'll see if they turn on each other, since it's not about what's best for the country, it's about props no matter what...they each want their piece of the pie...history!

201 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:56:33pm

re: #189 SixDegrees
If you're going to use the reasoning that ' things were different then '... that's a can of worms, politically, that is too huge for any thread.

202 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:56:35pm

re: #195 tradewind

Make sure you're not caught with a Vicks Vapo-rub inhaler. Totally illegal there.
/not a joke/
Remember, caning is legal.

Thanks..LOL I don't use inhalers so I think I'm ok...
The only way I'm breaking any laws in Singapore is if Megan Fox Cains me
Otherwise..It's the straight and Narrow..

203 Neutral President  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:56:41pm

re: #197 SixDegrees

Don't be silly - that's 0bama's use of the Imperial "We" being used, and he'll be inserting other rewrites shortly.

/// [Massive]

204 Dante41  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 4:56:43pm

re: #192 Sharmuta

Since the right has gotten so fond of pronoun use, how long until one of them calls the Constitution a collectivist document for starting with "We the People"?

Well, they already called the Bible that, it can't be that far off.

205 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:00:18pm

re: #198 Killgore Trout

Sounds like fun. You'll have to do some food blogging for us while you're over there.

All Chinese all the time...I hear they have the best..And I've never been to China but love the food..
This will be the chance to eat real Chinese every single meal.. Anybody here ever eat Chinese donuts in Soy milk with Chop sticks? I have ..To die for...
I will absolutely do food reviews

206 Bubblehead II  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:00:18pm

re: #191 Charles

OK, I just didn't get the sarc. After rereading it (about 3-4 times) I think I get it. At the first reading, it seemed to be a slam aimed at you.

207 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:04:37pm

re: #205 HoosierHoops

All Chinese all the time...I hear they have the best..And I've never been to China but love the food..
This will be the chance to eat real Chinese every single meal.. Anybody here ever eat Chinese donuts in Soy milk with Chop sticks? I have ..To die for...
I will absolutely do food reviews

Real Chinese... just keep repeating to yourself... fish heads in broth... fish heads in broth...

208 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:06:01pm

re: #205 HoosierHoops

All Chinese all the time...I hear they have the best..And I've never been to China but love the food..
This will be the chance to eat real Chinese every single meal.. Anybody here ever eat Chinese donuts in Soy milk with Chop sticks? I have ..To die for...
I will absolutely do food reviews

we have Sino-Mex food down here...mmm

209 Creeping Eruption  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:06:55pm

re: #205 HoosierHoops

All Chinese all the time...I hear they have the best..And I've never been to China but love the food..
This will be the chance to eat real Chinese every single meal.. Anybody here ever eat Chinese donuts in Soy milk with Chop sticks? I have ..To die for...
I will absolutely do food reviews

I here the Malamine is simply divine/

210 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:07:09pm

I don't know why this makes me laugh so hard, but it does...
[Link: news.yahoo.com...]

211 Creeping Eruption  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:07:19pm

re: #209 Creeping Eruption

I here hear the Malamine is simply divine/

212 Kosh's Shadow  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:07:21pm

re: #207 Walter L. Newton

Real Chinese... just keep repeating to yourself... fish heads in broth... fish heads in broth...

We used to go to a Chinese restaurant that had two menus - one in English, and the other in big Chinese writing with small English print.
I only remember one item off the Chinese menu (and I didn't try it); barbecued pork stomachs. There were, however, other items that did not appeal to Westerners like me.
A Chinese woman in our group said that it was fairly authentic Taiwanese food.

213 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:07:36pm

re: #209 Creeping Eruption

/to die for/

214 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:07:50pm

re: #207 Walter L. Newton

Real Chinese... just keep repeating to yourself... fish heads in broth... fish heads in broth...

fish heads fish heads, eat them up, yum

215 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:08:11pm

re: #208 albusteve

we have Sino-Mex food down here...mmm

I could eat Moo Goo Gai pan every day...

216 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:08:34pm

re: #211 Creeping Eruption
As long as you're spell-checking, think it's melamine.

217 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:08:39pm

re: #208 albusteve

we have Sino-Mex food down here...mmm

The WORST Chinese food I ever had was lunch one day in Socorro NM. Yuck.

218 Kosh's Shadow  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:08:56pm

re: #208 albusteve

we have Sino-Mex food down here...mmm

Chili chow mein?
General Tzo's Tamales?

219 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:09:24pm

re: #207 Walter L. Newton

Fish sticks...Fish sticks... Fish sticks...

220 Creeping Eruption  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:09:36pm

re: #216 tradewind

As long as you're spell-checking, think it's melamine.


221 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:09:42pm

re: #217 Walter L. Newton

The WORST Chinese food I ever had was lunch one day in Socorro NM. Yuck.

you boob...nobody eats lunch in SOCORRO!

222 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:10:21pm

re: #215 HoosierHoops

I could eat Moo Goo Gai pan every day...

good luck on your trip!

Celtics preseason opener starts in 15 minutes ... vs the Rockets ...

yee haw

223 Neutral President  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:10:25pm

re: #208 albusteve

we have Sino-Mex food down here...mmm

WHAT!?!? Someone stole my idea for Kung Pao Carne Asada!

224 Bubblehead II  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:10:34pm

OT, but on a brighter note, We will not have to reactivate SG-1.

Phew! NASA Downgrades Asteroid-Strike Threat

Apophis has been foiled again.

225 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:11:13pm

re: #221 albusteve

you boob...nobody eats lunch in SOCORRO!

Well, I was on my way "to" or on my way "back" from Carlsbad, I don't remember (I was probably drunk), and I had a jonsing for some Chinese food. Socorro was near by (there's not much "near by" in NM.)

My bad...

226 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:11:34pm

re: #212 Kosh's Shadow

We used to go to a Chinese restaurant that had two menus - one in English, and the other in big Chinese writing with small English print.
I only remember one item off the Chinese menu (and I didn't try it); barbecued pork stomachs. There were, however, other items that did not appeal to Westerners like me.
A Chinese woman in our group said that it was fairly authentic Taiwanese food.

My bud took me to a place on University Ave. In Berkley one night and he claimed it was the best joint in the Bay Area...It was unbelievable...
Can you imagine eating in Singapore and thinking everything else was Asian McDonalds in California? I'm getting hungry

227 tradewind  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:11:41pm

re: #224 Bubblehead II

They really dropped the over/under on that one, all right.
I feel a lot safer now that it's going to be 18k miles away.

228 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:14:15pm

re: #225 Walter L. Newton

Well, I was on my way "to" or on my way "back" from Carlsbad, I don't remember (I was probably drunk), and I had a jonsing for some Chinese food. Socorro was near by (there's not much "near by" in NM.)

My bad...

well jonsing for Chinese in NM is problematic amigo...you probably did good in that regard

229 Interested and concerned CDN  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:16:06pm

Urg?!...I'm in the bottom 10 comments for that post?

Maybe Bill Munny was right.

230 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:16:26pm

re: #222 _RememberTonyC

good luck on your trip!

Celtics preseason opener starts in 15 minutes ... vs the Rockets ...

yee haw

I am jacked on the new Season.. I think the Celts can win this year.. I'm rooting for them!
/Did you read about my email exchange with Larry Legend? :)

231 BARACK THE VOTE  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:16:27pm

Question: I know that lunatic Vanderloony from when he'd troll the progsphere, most spectacularly his moronic "I am aware of all Internet traditions" moment over on LGM-- what is his blog? Is it that craptacular American Digest blog?

232 Darth Vader Gargoyle  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:17:04pm

Funny rundown of Twitters on CNN's fact checking prowess after Wolf Blitzer's fact check of SNL's skit that Obama hasn't done anything for 9 months. Some pretty funny ones from James Taranto's Best of the Web.

Fact-Check This, Wolf!

"CNN has become the butt of a running joke meme on Twitter for its lame fact-check criticism of the Saturday Night Live skit which lampooned President Obama for making too many promises that he has yet to keep," reports blogger D.K. Jamaal. Here are some examples:

@DefiantKembro 'El Nino' is not Spanish for "the Nino" #CNNFactCheck

@EnasYorl "Wayne's World" was not really a public access cable show. #CNNfactcheck

@ArielAkiva The superfans were not actually having heart attacks. #cnnfactcheck

@thecomeback After checking every river in America, we have not been able to find a motivational speaker living in a van. #CNNfactcheck

@jeffdobbs: Over half of Saturday Night Live is NOT ON SATURDAY NIGHT for Eastern time zone. Outrage. #CNNFactCheck

@jkfecke In fact, Blue Öyster Cult never included a cowbell player named Gene Frenkle--the musician didn't exist. #CNNFactCheck

@mikehassinger: This just in: "Toonces the driving cat" not real cat, can't even DRIVE! #CNNFactCheck

233 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:17:10pm

re: #226 HoosierHoops

My bud took me to a place on University Ave. In Berkley one night and he claimed it was the best joint in the Bay Area...It was unbelievable...
Can you imagine eating in Singapore and thinking everything else was Asian McDonalds in California? I'm getting hungry

I'd rather eat tacos anyday...Chinese food is over rated, unless it's puppy or monkey, then I wouldn't know

234 Creeping Eruption  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:18:22pm

re: #233 albusteve

I'd rather eat tacos anyday...Chinese food is over rated, unless it's puppy or monkey, then I wouldn't know

. . .because taco meat is "real" beef . . .riiight. :)

235 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:19:52pm

re: #234 Creeping Eruption

. . .because taco meat is "real" beef . . .riiight. :)

I don't care if it's ground up insects as long as I don't know...don't bug me about it

236 Dante41  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:20:28pm

re: #235 albusteve

I don't care if it's ground up insects as long as I don't know...don't bug me about it

Intentional? We may never know.

237 Bubblehead II  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:20:33pm

re: #227 tradewind

There is something that came up when this was first mentioned. I think it was called a "key-hole" event. The premise being that if a object came within a certain distance from Earth it would be drawn into a collision course with us, but if it was outside that distance it would miss us. Will look for supporting documentation.

238 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:23:04pm

re: #233 albusteve

I'd rather eat tacos anyday...Chinese food is over rated, unless it's puppy or monkey, then I wouldn't know

I had a friend in High school that had a drama teacher invite the students over on a tuesday night to cook Chinese food...So I went..( She was a hot teacher) We spent the night learning to cook chicken and Veggies all night in Woks..It was a blast and From that day on..I've loved Chinese food...

239 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:23:50pm

arguably, the greatest contribution to the culinary arts by the Chinese is the chop stick, invented in the 4th century BC by Say Schwan...with the eggroll a close second...

240 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:26:03pm

re: #238 HoosierHoops

I had a friend in High school that had a drama teacher invite the students over on a tuesday night to cook Chinese food...So I went..( She was a hot teacher) We spent the night learning to cook chicken and Veggies all night in Woks..It was a blast and From that day on..I've loved Chinese food...

actually...I..ah...do too...I love those cheezy all you can eat buffets...there is one around the corner called Two Junes...what a dump

241 wrenchwench  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:28:57pm

OMG. Space Jesús is in the top ten comments!

242 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:29:05pm

re: #239 albusteve

arguably, the greatest contribution to the culinary arts by the Chinese is the chop stick, invented in the 4th century BC by Say Schwan...with the eggroll a close second...

The secret to using a chop stick...
The bottom stick always and I mean Always is solid.. The stick on top moves to control every thing...Only the top stick should ever move...And treat it as you would a writing pen..With grace...
The bottom stick never moves!
Practice picking up dimes off a table.. You secure the bottom dime with a solid stick and use the top stick to maneuver into place and the top of the dime..Squeeze.. Pick up

243 Rascal One  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:30:23pm

This is the same Loonwatch that called Bat Ye’or an "islamophobe."

Sorry, I got a big problem with that.

244 Cato the Elder  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:30:28pm

re: #241 wrenchwench

OMG. Space Jesús is in the top ten comments!


245 Sharmuta  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:31:07pm

re: #243 Rascal One

She promotes kookspiracies.

246 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:31:22pm

re: #242 HoosierHoops

The secret to using a chop stick...
The bottom stick always and I mean Always is solid.. The stick on top moves to control every thing...Only the top stick should ever move...And treat it as you would a writing pen..With grace...
The bottom stick never moves!
Practice picking up dimes off a table.. You secure the bottom dime with a solid stick and use the top stick to maneuver into place and the top of the dime..Squeeze.. Pick up

and then move on to capturing flies...I've never used them but it looks cool when I see people that do

247 wrenchwench  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:32:20pm

I got too busy to comment on the topic of this thread. I'd just like to say that, in the photo at the link given, RS looks like an evil garden gnome.

248 Rascal One  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:33:16pm

re: #245 Sharmuta

I've always seen her as a real defender of Israel (one of the few left). Maybe I don't know much else about her.

249 [deleted]  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:33:59pm
250 Bagua  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:35:21pm

re: #241 wrenchwench

OMG. Space Jesús is in the top ten comments!

More signs of the Apocalypse.

251 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:35:40pm

re: #246 albusteve

and then move on to capturing flies...I've never used them but it looks cool when I see people that do

I see you are starting to feel stronger and Feisty tonight..
Good for you...

252 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:36:38pm

re: #251 HoosierHoops

I see you are starting to feel stronger and Feisty tonight..
Good for you...

the Force is with me...for now

253 Reginald Perrin  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:38:05pm

re: #241 wrenchwench

OMG. Space Jesús is in the top ten comments!

I am not the least bit surprise, he has been on a mission from Dog.

254 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:38:20pm

re: #230 HoosierHoops

I am jacked on the new Season.. I think the Celts can win this year.. I'm rooting for them!
/Did you read about my email exchange with Larry Legend? :)

sorry for the late response ... Mom called long distance :)

what did you and Larry talk about?

255 Bagua  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:38:43pm

re: #241 wrenchwench

OMG. Space Jesús is in the top ten comments!

BTW, which comment? I can't find it.

256 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:38:52pm
257 Bubblehead II  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:39:48pm


Fake boobs battle in Miss Plastic contest

258 wrenchwench  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:39:50pm

re: #248 Rascal One

I've always seen her as a real defender of Israel (one of the few left). Maybe I don't know much else about her.

Well, here's a link to what Loonwatch says. I don't have time to read it all, but it looks like they put some effort into making their case.

259 wrenchwench  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:41:10pm

re: #255 Bagua

BTW, which comment? I can't find it.

Here. Give it a ding so he doesn't fall off the bottom of the list.

260 Dante41  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:41:34pm

re: #257 Bubblehead II


Fake boobs battle in Miss Plastic contest

And you are surprised by this...why?

261 Cato the Elder  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:41:58pm

re: #256 Killgore Trout

Is the dam breaking?
Bob Dole: Health Care Will Pass, GOP Should Get On Board

Oh, c'mon. Dole? RINO. He's only doin' it for the free Viagra.

[channeling Ann Coulter]

262 karmic_inquisitor  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:42:15pm

re: #249 buzzsawmonkey

So does Osama Bin Laden, for that matter.

I wanted to start manufacturing OBL garden gnomes a few years ago, but friends persuaded me that the market was minimal at best.

Then you should short the gnome market.

263 Kosh's Shadow  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:42:26pm

re: #233 albusteve

I'd rather eat tacos anyday...Chinese food is over rated, unless it's puppy or monkey, then I wouldn't know

No, the Cat's in the Kettle at the Peking Moon

264 avanti  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:42:26pm

re: #157 Charles

Sigh. I know to you the word "socialist" connotes everything horrible in the world, but at the beginning of the last century, when Helen Keller declared herself a "socialist," the term did not have anywhere near the negative connotation it has today. There were a lot of highly respected intellectuals in America and the rest of the world who read Marx and agreed with his ideas.

In other words, when people like Glenn Beck smear Helen Keller, they're doing it in an extremely dishonest and historically ignorant way.


"Keller was a member of the Socialist Party and actively campaigned and wrote in support of the working classes from 1909 to 1921. She supported Socialist Party candidate Eugene V. Debs in each of his campaigns for the presidency."

Long time ago, and a different political climate.

265 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:42:54pm

re: #254 _RememberTonyC

sorry for the late response ... Mom called long distance :)

what did you and Larry talk about?

I just emailed him an idea...I wanted the first preseason game to donate the proceeds to our Military.. I was pushing Hoops for Troops theme.. Turned out it didn't work out...Ended up they gave away free tickets to the first preseason game it turned out... I thought the PR would have drove fans to show up to support our American Hero's...

266 Bubblehead II  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:42:56pm

re: #257 Bubblehead II

WTH. (again)

Fake boobs battle in Miss Plastic contest

Yes, I know he is banned, but now invoking the I.F rule.

267 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:43:04pm

re: #256 Killgore Trout

Is the dam breaking?
Bob Dole: Health Care Will Pass, GOP Should Get On Board

he's read it already?...good for 'ol Bob, must be an Evelyn Woods grad

268 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:43:27pm

re: #256 Killgore Trout

I am told quite reliably that in a meeting today on Capitol Hill, Republican Senators began to rapidly move toward concessions on health care because they are afraid they cannot hold their members. Some Republicans are now thinking of supporting a government program.

I am told quite reliably that in a meeting today on Capitol Hill, Republican Senators began to rapidly move toward concessions on health care because they are afraid they cannot hold their members. Some Republicans are now thinking of supporting a government program.

I would be very happy if this is what steers Republicans away from the brink. They opposed necessities like TARP and the stimulus bill and history won't give them any credit for helping the economy. Let's see if they can do something to contribute to the future.

269 [deleted]  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:43:40pm
270 The Sanity Inspector  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:44:05pm

re: #249 buzzsawmonkey

So does Osama Bin Laden, for that matter.

I wanted to start manufacturing OBL garden gnomes a few years ago, but friends persuaded me that the market was minimal at best.

Depends on where you're marketing. These found a market, in certain parts of the world.

271 Killgore Trout  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:44:25pm

re: #267 albusteve

It's not as much of a mystery as what some people would have you believe. We know the basics and they're still working on the details.

272 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:44:40pm

re: #263 Kosh's Shadow

No, the Cat's in the Kettle at the Peking Moon


273 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:46:13pm

re: #265 HoosierHoops

I just emailed him an idea...I wanted the first preseason game to donate the proceeds to our Military.. I was pushing Hoops for Troops theme.. Turned out it didn't work out...Ended up they gave away free tickets to the first preseason game it turned out... I thought the PR would have drove fans to show up to support our American Hero's...

great idea! in november, ESPN is going to be doing a bunch of special programming on Veteran's Day. College Gameday will be going to Army/Navy that week and there will be a lot of features honoring athletes with ties to the milatary. It should be great stuff!

274 [deleted]  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:48:04pm
275 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:48:37pm

re: #271 Killgore Trout

It's not as much of a mystery as what some people would have you believe. We know the basics and they're still working on the details.

I'm jaded, I don't trust anybody especially democrats...we'll see, but the whole premise of govt intrusion turns me off

276 karmic_inquisitor  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:48:39pm

re: #244 Cato the Elder


Cato - have you ever seen one of those bumper stickers "In case of rapture, this vehicle will be empty?"

Well - in case of rapture, I am confident that I will still be right here.

277 [deleted]  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:50:04pm
278 KingKenrod  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:51:48pm

re: #271 Killgore Trout

It's not as much of a mystery as what some people would have you believe. We know the basics and they're still working on the details.

That's where the devil lives!

279 Bagua  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:51:55pm


The stalker sociopath has made some increasingly actionable and credible threats against our host and is being cheered on by his fellow wankers. They are truly a pathetic bunch of obsessive losers and deserving of some appropriate intervention.

280 Cato the Elder  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:52:44pm

re: #276 karmic_inquisitor

Cato - have you ever seen one of those bumper stickers "In case of rapture, this vehicle will be empty?"

Well - in case of rapture, I am confident that I will still be right here.

Yeah. I actually saw a car once that had both that sticker and the one that says "God is my copilot."

So I guess in her case, God would have to jump into the driver's seat real fast or else crash the car...

281 [deleted]  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:54:19pm
282 John Neverbend  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:55:57pm

re: #175 HoosierHoops

WOW! Just WOW!
I got a email from my boss a minute ago..They need help setting up a new Network in Singapore! Can you believe it? I am so jacked.. I have a meeting Tomorrow...Oh Crap! Asia! Snoopy dance!..Where the hell is the Camera?
When I bring the ports up on the Singapore Segment on the user VLAN..I'll so slam you guys! Hello From Singapore!
/Crosses fingers...
The best Chinese food in the world..Check
The other side of the World...Check
Yippee! Check

18-19 hour flight, from EWR direct...

283 Dante41  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:56:06pm

re: #281 buzzsawmonkey

It's a little-known fact that gaps in the fossil record can be explained by many dinosaurs having been raptored up.

Thus proving the existence of Raptor Jesus.

284 Ojoe  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:56:45pm
285 [deleted]  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:57:26pm
286 The Sanity Inspector  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:57:43pm

Back somewhat on thread for a moment: I reject the appellation "Islamophobia". The jihadists have their reasons for making war without end on the West, and it isn't because we haven't been kissing their @sses smoochily enough over the decades. The enemy has his reasons. But, they are his reasons, not ours. And they do constitute a real threat to the West.

287 Cato the Elder  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:58:43pm

re: #279 Bagua

Really. Anything more actionable than the usual stuff? Which thread? I might just break my rule and go for a stroll.

288 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:59:02pm

re: #285 buzzsawmonkey

I am not familiar with that deity. Is he on the dashboard of your stegosaur?


289 John Neverbend  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:59:20pm

re: #194 HoosierHoops

Can you believe it? I'm stoked...I'm googling Singapore right now...
I am deeply blessed to work for a great Corporation...

And remember to flush the lavatory.

290 avanti  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 5:59:48pm

No matter how you feel about the first lady, this is one of those "Only in America" stories about her families history.

First Lady.

291 Charles Johnson  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:02:49pm

re: #286 The Sanity Inspector

Back somewhat on thread for a moment: I reject the appellation "Islamophobia". The jihadists have their reasons for making war without end on the West, and it isn't because we haven't been kissing their @sses smoochily enough over the decades. The enemy has his reasons. But, they are his reasons, not ours. And they do constitute a real threat to the West.

People who criticize radical Islam don't deserve the label "Islamophobia," I agree.

But there really are people who are insanely paranoid and full of hatred for Muslims, and those people ... well, I won't defend them against being labeled "Islamophobic," even though the term was invented to smear all critics of radical Islam. Some people DO deserve the label.

292 BenghaziHoops  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:03:08pm

re: #281 buzzsawmonkey

It's a little-known fact that gaps in the fossil record can be explained by many dinosaurs having been raptored up.

The problem with living your life on the edge of a Rapture is never having a Good poop without praying..Dear Lord..Don't Rapture me now I'm in the middle of a ...Well
And Sex..Forget about it..You start yelling Oh Gawd! Oh Gawd!.You don't know what is going to happen.. Or where you end up doing the freak thing at St. Peters' Front Gate...Not a pleasant thought during Rapture...
It's not fair really...I'm afraid to do anything...

293 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:05:06pm

another classic column by VDH ... he is the best

[Link: victorhanson.com...]

294 Racer X  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:07:58pm

re: #279 Bagua


The stalker sociopath has made some increasingly actionable and credible threats against our host and is being cheered on by his fellow wankers. They are truly a pathetic bunch of obsessive losers and deserving of some appropriate intervention.

I find mockery appropriate; followed by derision, and then neglect.

295 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:09:26pm

re: #8 Guanxi88

I just don't get it. Don't people understand that the disenfranchisement & suppression of muslims (not islamic supremacists) is one plank in their overall platform? I've read the works of these SOB's intellectual forebears, and know they wholeheartedly endorse nothing less than a theocratic imperium, centered in Europe and North America, running the world and keeping the Others at bay and in their place.

When they're done hassling Turks and Pakistanis, they'll start in again on any Jews who still remain.

No, lots of people don't get it. Amazingly, a lot of Jews buy it when people like this come to us and say that someone else is the swarthy, sinister other now, and we're all white, Judeo-Christian Westerners together, including Israel, hell yeah.

And when you call them on it, I've found, you get accused of naivete, which really is the kicker.

296 [deleted]  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:09:43pm
297 KingKenrod  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:10:53pm

re: #293 _RememberTonyC

another classic column by VDH ... he is the best

[Link: victorhanson.com...]

I had forgotten El Baradei won a nobel prize.

298 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:11:09pm

re: #9 Sharmuta

This piece is scathing. I found this interesting:

As has been said from the beginning of the VB discussions on LGF, you can't fight one form of fascist theocracy with another.

These are people who have no faith in democracy, or in an open society under the rule of law. They secretly think that the thecracy, facism and violence of Islamic fundamentalists makes them stronger than us, and so they seek to emulate those qualities in order to survive.

They should have some goddamn faith.

299 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:12:17pm

re: #297 KingKenrod

I had forgotten El Baradei won a nobel prize.

so had I ... what a joke that prize has become ...

300 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:12:43pm

re: #293 _RememberTonyC

another classic column by VDH ... he is the best

[Link: victorhanson.com...]

someone is gonna take the a one up the ass...somehow this nightmare paradigm must change...BO is putting huge numbers of people at risk with his naive world view...

301 [deleted]  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:13:14pm
302 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:13:34pm

re: #294 Racer X

I find mockery appropriate; followed by derision, and then neglect.

yes, I'm waiting for the neglect part, but there is no such thing

303 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:14:49pm

re: #20 Dante41

Exactly. And as I said, hating Muslims is currently acceptable, so they pile on everything they can. They don't even have to be immigrants. They could have lived in the country for hundreds of years. Doesn't matter. They are evil jihadists planing to implement Sharia Law as soon as they get the chance.

Look at the shit that Spencer's people, and some of the folks on our own stalker blog dream up about Bosnians and Kosovars. Rodan has said flat-out that the Muslims were the aggressors in the Balkans, and his noble Serbs were just defending themselves. These folks have been European since the dawn of time, Muslim since the Renaissance at least.

304 Bagua  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:15:43pm

re: #287 Cato the Elder

Really. Anything more actionable than the usual stuff? Which thread? I might just break my rule and go for a stroll.

I'm not sure what the usual stuff is because I can't be bothered to read through much of their juvenile fantasies; what I stumbled upon were suggestions of proximity, a personal visit and thinly veiled threats that "Charles Johnson must be destroyed. Utterly" and taken "out." This followed by a post of his personal weapons collection including sniper rifles.

re: #294 Racer X

I find mockery appropriate; followed by derision, and then neglect.

I agree, and by my estimation and my world this self declared primitive is clearly a candy ass, yet even nerds can be dangerous when armed and thus should be taken seriously.

305 _RememberTonyC  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:16:20pm

re: #300 albusteve

someone is gonna take the a one up the ass...somehow this nightmare paradigm must change...BO is putting huge numbers of people at risk with his naive world view...

and sadly, the GOP politicians are more concerned with BS issues than real issues like those VDH points out. I'm more pissed at the GOP than I am at Obama. They need to grow up and start offering advice (which won't be taken) and real alternatives (which the voters will pay attention to).

306 Walter L. Newton  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:18:44pm

re: #296 buzzsawmonkey

Sorry for post and run, folks--the world is too much with me.
Tomorrow, one hopes.


307 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:20:28pm

re: #305 _RememberTonyC

and sadly, the GOP politicians are more concerned with BS issues than real issues like those VDH points out. I'm more pissed at the GOP than I am at Obama. They need to grow up and start offering advice (which won't be taken) and real alternatives (which the voters will pay attention to).

as an opposition party the GOP is worthless...for a party in historic power the democrats are inept, ham handed buffoons...that leaves me hunkered down and waiting out the madness...expecting the GOP to suddenly grow up is a waste of time...2010 can't get here fast enough

308 Bubblehead II  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:20:37pm

re: #284 Ojoe

I Know I invoked the I.F rule. BUT

I will raise you a State wide system of webcams to a single webcam.

The two I watch the most are on the bottom center (Rogerson and Jackpot) of the State map. My wife and I drive this on a daily basis. Wide open plains are a b*tch in the winter.

309 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:21:36pm

re: #304 Bagua

I agree, and by my estimation and my world this self declared primitive is clearly a candy ass, yet even nerds can be dangerous when armed and thus should be taken seriously.

so what are you gonna do?

310 Bubblehead II  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:22:19pm


re: #308 Bubblehead II

I Know I invoked the I.F rule. BUT

I will raise you a State wide system of webcams to a single webcam.

The two I watch the most are on the bottom center (Rogerson and Jackpot) of the State map. My wife and I drive this on a daily basis. Wide open plains are a b*tch in the winter.

311 Ojoe  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:23:35pm
312 flyers1974  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:27:26pm

re: #300 albusteve

someone is gonna take the a one up the ass...somehow this nightmare paradigm must change...BO is putting huge numbers of people at risk with his naive world view...

I don't think any of us know what's going on with Iran or what the US is doing or why. Too many things don't make sense - Bush invading Iraq, the ambivalence of China/Russia, strange remarks by Ehud Barak, etc... . I'm beginning to wonder if US/Israel have long ago accepted a nuclear Iran.

313 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:30:24pm

re: #57 Jimmah


They also think that posters who say they are American are actually British, while posters who say they are British are actually American. Not sure exactly what advantage such dastardly deception is supposed to confer to the progressive attack machine but there you go...

I used to post on a list where we dicussed European history, somewhat cantankerously. One guy got mad at me, and accused me of selecting my username to make people believe I was 'Native American or Pakistani'. Why this would confer any advantage on me in an argument about the Wars of the Roses remained unclear.

314 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:32:17pm

re: #82 tradewind

Yet not codified. Slight distinction there. In most of the West, it's still breaking the law, not practicing it.

That wasn't easily won, however.

315 Achilles Tang  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:32:23pm

re: #303 SanFranciscoZionist

Look at the shit that Spencer's people, and some of the folks on our own stalker blog dream up about Bosnians and Kosovars. Rodan has said flat-out that the Muslims were the aggressors in the Balkans, and his noble Serbs were just defending themselves. These folks have been European since the dawn of time, Muslim since the Renaissance at least.

Just for the purpose of context; long before I even knew about LGF (though I don't know for sure this was on Charles's agenda then) I was disgusted by repeated acceptance of this type of news, largely unopposed by the MSM IMHO.

Arriana Huffington is a bigoted hypocrite

But she is an American icon, right?//

316 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:37:03pm

re: #159 Summer

I feel so subpar...

...the kooks don't hate me like they do some others here.

Why not? Am I not rational enough? =(

Don't worry about it--I wonder that sometimes myself, but really, I think they can only remember six or seven names at a time, and after that we're all just Charlesbots.

317 albusteve  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:37:59pm

re: #312 flyers1974

I don't think any of us know what's going on with Iran or what the US is doing or why. Too many things don't make sense - Bush invading Iraq, the ambivalence of China/Russia, strange remarks by Ehud Barak, etc... . I'm beginning to wonder if US/Israel have long ago accepted a nuclear Iran.

maybe they have...Israel can take a swipe at Iran occasionally but that's about it without help from the US...but a nuclear Iran flies in the face of everything that's been said for years against it...they will, in fact become a belligerent superpower and that's a worse problem...who knows

318 Randall Gross  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:38:33pm

re: #291 Charles

People who criticize radical Islam don't deserve the label "Islamophobia," I agree.

But there really are people who are insanely paranoid and full of hatred for Muslims, and those people ... well, I won't defend them against being labeled "Islamophobic," even though the term was invented to smear all critics of radical Islam. Some people DO deserve the label.

I just noticed that Jeppo showed up in the comment thread at the blog you linked Charles, with some slander.

319 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:40:43pm

re: #212 Kosh's Shadow

We used to go to a Chinese restaurant that had two menus - one in English, and the other in big Chinese writing with small English print.
I only remember one item off the Chinese menu (and I didn't try it); barbecued pork stomachs. There were, however, other items that did not appeal to Westerners like me.
A Chinese woman in our group said that it was fairly authentic Taiwanese food.

There's a Muslim Chinese place in Fremont that does yummy Mongolian beef. They're halal. I had a damn good time.

320 Charles Johnson  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:41:59pm

re: #318 Thanos

I just noticed that Jeppo showed up in the comment thread at the blog you linked Charles, with some slander.

That's their latest tactic. Please contact Loonwatch and let them know that 'jeppo' is a well-known Vlaams Belang supporter, banned from LGF years ago; there's a 'contact' link in their main menu.

321 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:42:38pm

re: #233 albusteve

I'd rather eat tacos anyday...Chinese food is over rated, unless it's puppy or monkey, then I wouldn't know

You are a heretic and an ignoramus, but that just means there's more for me.

322 Achilles Tang  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:43:05pm

re: #316 SanFranciscoZionist

Don't worry about it--I wonder that sometimes myself, but really, I think they can only remember six or seven names at a time, and after that we're all just Charlesbots.

The problem is too many of us use too many words over 4 letters long...OK, 5 letters.

323 Randall Gross  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:45:28pm

re: #320 Charles

Will do

324 SanFranciscoZionist  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 6:47:51pm

re: #315 Naso Tang

Just for the purpose of context; long before I even knew about LGF (though I don't know for sure this was on Charles's agenda then) I was disgusted by repeated acceptance of this type of news, largely unopposed by the MSM IMHO.

Arriana Huffington is a bigoted hypocrite

But she is an American icon, right?//

Arianna Huffington is an American icon?

325 John Neverbend  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 7:01:46pm

re: #313 SanFranciscoZionist

I used to post on a list where we dicussed European history, somewhat cantankerously. One guy got mad at me, and accused me of selecting my username to make people believe I was 'Native American or Pakistani'. Why this would confer any advantage on me in an argument about the Wars of the Roses remained unclear.

It's well known that Pakistanis support the House of Lancaster.//

326 Achilles Tang  Wed, Oct 7, 2009 7:35:32pm

re: #324 SanFranciscoZionist

Arianna Huffington is an American icon?

For some; I trust you know what I mean.

327 Hector1980  Thu, Oct 8, 2009 12:34:10am

re: #84 Charles

That's hilarious! Obviously, as a former gopher at Penthouse Magazine, Vanderloony has a highly refined artistic sensibility.

And he dedicated his stalk piece to McCain.

The white supremacist, not the former presidential candidate.

328 gegenkritik  Thu, Oct 8, 2009 10:53:23am

re: #101 cenotaphium
Where are you from?

329 [deleted]  Thu, Oct 8, 2009 2:44:17pm
330 Charles Johnson  Thu, Oct 8, 2009 2:45:23pm

re: #329 MortenMadsen

Get off my website. And take your four sock puppets with you.

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