Hot Air Comments of the Day

Blogosphere • Views: 3,758

Here we go again, with another selection of comments from wingnut site Hot Air advocating death, destruction, revolution, and eternal damnation. All of the comments you’re about to read were posted today in just one thread: Ed Morrissey’s post about Sen. Ben Nelson’s decision to support the health care reform bill.

This is a Coup de Etat. The Commies have taken over.

Reid, Pelosi and the rest of those who voted to take the Liberty of their fellow citizens away, need to go to the gallows, or at least to jail for life.

In the Consitution, there were only 3 Federal crimes, Piracy, Counterfieting and TREASON. I think a Jury of those affected by this could help those offenders to the rope for a dance.

Sic Semper Tyrannus!

blaque jacques on December 19, 2009 at 10:53 AM


He [Sen. Nelson] deserves thirty pieces of lead.

SKYFOX on December 19, 2009 at 12:29 PM


Anyone here know how to build a missile? We need to wipe out this congress and start over.

UltimateBob on December 19, 2009 at 11:46 AM


Praying the angel of death would come for Senator Bryd and perhaps a few other Senators. Praying for a massive spirit of choas and confusion to reign over the Senate. God sent a snow storm to try slowing this down, God bring the next wave to stop this. This bill is evil as are the people voting for it.

Godis2good on December 19, 2009 at 11:31 AM


After their trial for Treason, there will be plenty of room for RINOS, whether they are proud of not, on the Gallows.

Mussolini’s fate was piano wire.

blaque jacques on December 19, 2009 at 12:49 PM

When they aren’t calling for the murder of elected officials at the hands of a lynch mob, Hot Air commenters indulge in sadistic fantasies about elected officials burning in hellfire and being tormented by demons.

Rot in hell, Ben Nelson. Everyone I’ve ever met from Nebraska is a gem, but you are an evil scumbag. May you be locked in a Tristan & Isolde embrace with that other scumbag Harry Reid for eternity.

Western_Civ on December 19, 2009 at 9:54 AM


Bastards..this is what he is….rot in hell you moron senator.

hawkman on December 19, 2009 at 9:54 AM


Watching Nelson on Fox News now. What’s the complaint? He’s doing exactly what you would expect from a democrap.

May he rot in hell with all who vote for this America killer!

donh525 on December 19, 2009 at 10:06 AM


Ben Nelson, and all your com-padres,

I wish you an eternity of fitful, sleepless nights plagued by he vision of being eternally tormented & roasting in Hell.

You traitorous, stubborn fools.

30 pieces of silver indeed.

JoeAvg on December 19, 2009 at 11:09 AM


Well… seems Chavez was right… There is the smell of sulfur coming from DC…

Skywise on December 19, 2009 at 10:33 AM


No foreign enemy has ever inflicted such grievous damage and may the names Specter, Nelson, Lieberman, Lincoln and Landrieu (along with Pelosi, Reid and Obama) be forever cursed along with Benedict Arnold and may their graves be defiled and their souls roast for eternity.

The worst thing is now, for the first time, thanks to this new bill, ALL TAXPAYERS WILL BE COMPLICIT IN ABORTION MURDERS.

MaiDee on December 19, 2009 at 2:56 PM

As always, there are dozens and dozens of fantasies about a Second American Revolution, looming large in the alleged minds of the Hot Airheads.

The senators act as if they’ve been promised martial law and a suspension of elections next year, plus nice hunks of that phantom government money.

My prediction: nothing short of masses of citizens storming Capitol Hill and keeping these bloodsucking traitors forcibly from doing their reprehensible work will stop the bill.

Osama Obama’s speechwriters are probably polishing his signing speech even now.

MrScribbler on December 19, 2009 at 6:05 PM


There is no need for a rebellion when the government fears the people. One would imagine that in 1809 there was a sufficient fear of the people as to keep the government in check.

This is no longer the case. The government has no fear of the American people whatsoever. That is a sure recipe for a disaster.

Until the government starts fearing the people again, there will be no liberty, there will be no freedom.

gary4205 on December 19, 2009 at 1:49 PM


Is it time for the revolution to begin yet? I’m ready.

Geochelone on December 19, 2009 at 9:53 AM


Watershed for revolution.

Fletch54 on December 19, 2009 at 10:16 AM


For 25 years people have scoffed at me for saying Red Dawn was an accurate picture of the future.

bloviator on December 19, 2009 at 10:20 AM


Seems that the Tree of Liberty grows thirsty. What is happening now is EXPRESSLY against the way that the founders envisioned. They would be locking and loading right now for a sleigh ride into downtown DC.

Why are we not?

Sic Semper Tyrannus!!

blaque jacques on December 19, 2009 at 10:36 AM


Buy more ammo. Be ready

bill30097 on December 19, 2009 at 10:50 AM


I’ve been loading Pmags all morning.

And before SimpleSimon calls me a redneck, I am a redneck and proud of it.

C’mon down to Georgia if you want to cull me, and bring friends.

quax1 on December 19, 2009 at 3:39 PM


What comes next is very discomforting to think about. But we have now crossed that line from what our country was into something else, and that something else has nothing whatsoever with the country being a Republic. There will be a reckoning for this, and it will not be pleasant — not for anyone.

artist on December 19, 2009 at 10:53 AM


Revolution 2.0

True_King on December 19, 2009 at 10:58 AM


The United States of America will be the United Soviet States of Amerika on Christmas eve. Wow – Happy Winter Solstice, comrades!

Buy a gun if you know what is good for you. At least you can go down fighting. Besides, soon you will be more heavily burdoned by your “Insurance” provider because the gun in your home is a bigger danger to the children that needed to be aborted.

When Barry signs this – and he certainly will – The US is gone forever. Barry, Reid and Pelosi will be the new founding fathers.

blaque jacques on December 19, 2009 at 11:10 AM

The Second Amendment was put into the Constitution for a reason and it was not self defense.

elduende on December 19, 2009 at 11:16 AM


Great, another win for the feckless crapweasels. Is it time to start the revolution yet?

califcon on December 19, 2009 at 11:16 AM


I wonder how this is all going to play out? Countries are not easily collapsed when its citizens are armed… I can hear big trouble coming. People are WIDE awake now.

Nils2en on December 19, 2009 at 11:22 AM


I don’t yet know if this is just a further step in the dismantling of our once great nation, or if it will be the spark that ignites the same fires that stoked our ancestors to fight and die for what would become the greatest nation in human history.

And if none of that happens, then it will be time to either secede or dissolve the union.

LeftCoastRefugee on December 19, 2009 at 11:23 AM


It,s plain to see that the fools don,t listen or care what the people want.The days of phone calls rallies or Emails or over.The day of revolution is near.I for one will not just sit back and say Oh well nothing we can do.These people are traders and are shredding the constitution.If we don,t make a stand now then when?We must have new people running that say plain and simple .We are going to Washington to roll back and over turn as much of Obama socialism as we can not to work with this Marxist Pres. on anything.

thmcbb on December 19, 2009 at 11:35 AM


What are our options?

Is it coming to Revolution?

Yakko77 on December 19, 2009 at 11:50 AM


And then we have hundreds of commenters predicting the end of freedom, martial law, doom, etc., all because Ben Nelson will be voting for cloture.

Violating the laws of God has consequences for individuals and nations. We are witnessing the consequences of the efforts to replace the moral law upon which this nation was founded, with the wisdom of men; the consequences thereof, a nation in decline and headed toward doom.

SheetAnchor on December 19, 2009 at 4:56 PM


They don’t care because there will be no 2010 elections. There will be a national emergency and elections will be suspended for the good of the country. Within two years the Senate will be dissolved and our republic will be replaced with a parliamentary system used by much of Europe.

It’s that simple and it will work and it will happen. The coup is well underway and there is nothing and I do mean nothing that can stop it.

RagTag on December 19, 2009 at 10:10 AM


That feeling you all have right now…that feeling of hopelessness, that feeling of not being able to control your future, of becoming a subject instead of the citizen you were born, of having the government dictate to you what to buy, and what will happen to you if you refuse,…that feeling…is how they feel in Caracas everyday. Welcome to tyranny.

elduende on December 19, 2009 at 10:33 AM

All of this from just one day, in one thread. And it goes on and on and on in this vein — dozens more hateful comments have been posted as I wrote this.

The American right wing is lost, and the right wing blogosphere is playing the Pied Piper.

(Hat tip: simoom.)

Jump to bottom

1 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:29:38pm

Thank you for this, Charles. You do a great service documenting the craziness. This way none can deny it.

2 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:31:10pm

"blaque jacques."
Wotta poseur.

3 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:32:10pm

re: #1 Dark_Falcon

Don't forget to give props to Simoom for digging through that outhouse.

4 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:32:34pm

"As always, there are dozens and dozens of fantasies about a Second American Revolution, looming large in the alleged minds of the Hot Airheads."

Not just in the "minds" of the Hot Airheads. They're all over wingnuttiaville.
They ARE wingnuttiaville, formerly known as the Republican Party.
Logic has flown the coop.

5 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:32:50pm

Wait... that was one thread?

6 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:33:44pm

re: #1 Dark_Falcon

Thank you for this, Charles. You do a great service documenting the craziness. This way none can deny it.

Dark, they ain't denying it.

7 Mark Pennington  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:35:07pm

Since I don't know much about this Morrissey character like you guys do... Do you think he actually approves of or agrees with the vile garbage the majority of his readers post?

8 Randall Gross  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:35:28pm

They've captured the market niche they cultivated the past two years: 100 percent of the dominionists and they got the bircher share too boot.


For 25 years people have scoffed at me for saying Red Dawn was an accurate picture of the future.

bloviator on December 19, 2009 at 10:20 AM

Newsflash: People are still scoffing at you.

9 Girth  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:36:01pm
For 25 years people have scoffed at me for saying Red Dawn was an accurate picture of the future.

Well, at least for 18 years, you know, since the fall of the Soviet Union. Difficult at best for a non-existent nation to invade another.

10 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:36:11pm

Here's one, from another "conservative" website.

There remain now only "Lying Dog" Democrats in Washington.
The question we are silently asking ourselves is, will we begin to see "Dead Dog" Democrats (rejected & recalled)?
I only know what our forefathers did to their contemporaries who sided with tyranny over liberty -- they ran them out of towns, publicly humiliated them, gave them cause to fear public opinion. There are some things free people cannot, must not tolerate. Chief among them: the loss of liberty.
If these 60 Democrats had won their elections after stating and debating that government takeover was their goal, then we would have to accept this. But few of them came to office promising that.
How about it, Nebraskans? Are you "okay" with the rest of the country's grandchildren paying the balance of your Medicare, forever? Is that the kind of people Bendover Nelson represents in Nebraska?
Free America will be watching to see what kind of welcome home Sen. Nelson gets... and to see if there are any freedom defenders left in the Cornhusker State.
Just what WOULD our forefathers do, to preserve that for which hundreds of thousands have died, to attain and protect? That's a question I've been asking myself all evening. "

There are hundreds, if not thousands more posts like it.
The Tea Party Republicans.

11 Randall Gross  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:36:22pm

re: #7 beekiller

Since I don't know much about this Morrissey character like you guys do... Do you think he actually approves of or agrees with the vile garbage the majority of his readers post?

When the comments are that rabid then silence is assent.

12 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:36:43pm

"War is delightful to those who have had no experience of it."

"It is easy to be brave behind a castle fire wall."

Yeah, I've been playing strategy games lately.

13 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:36:50pm

I don't think tyranny means what these people think it means.

14 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:36:57pm

Save this one for election night next year.

They don’t care because there will be no 2010 elections. There will be a national emergency and elections will be suspended for the good of the country. Within two years the Senate will be dissolved and our republic will be replaced with a parliamentary system used by much of Europe.

It’s that simple and it will work and it will happen. The coup is well underway and there is nothing and I do mean nothing that can stop it.

RagTag on December 19, 2009

15 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:37:00pm

re: #4 Floral Giraffe

"As always, there are dozens and dozens of fantasies about a Second American Revolution, looming large in the alleged minds of the Hot Airheads."

Not just in the "minds" of the Hot Airheads. They're all over wingnuttiaville.
They ARE wingnuttiaville, formerly known as the Republican Party.
Logic has flown the coop.

Yep. I was hoping this was the post Charles was working on (simoom posted hotair comments downstairs)-- I would like to be able to just laugh at or mock these commenters, but they're everywhere, not just at HotAir, and while I'm sure the vast majority of them are just Keyboard Kommandos, (or so I hope) --the anger, rage, hate and desire to hurt people is clearly real.

And I don't think it's funny at all. These people are scaring the hell out of me.

16 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:37:01pm

re: #6 JasonA

Dark, they ain't denying it.

They may try later. That's what makes these threads so valuable. The craziness is preserved for posterity so that people can't airbrush it later.

17 windsagio  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:37:59pm
Praying the angel of death would come for Senator Bryd and perhaps a few other Senators. Praying for a massive spirit of choas and confusion to reign over the Senate. God sent a snow storm to try slowing this down, God bring the next wave to stop this. This bill is evil as are the people voting for it.

quoted for the massive irony bomb.

"Godis2good" indeed!

18 Boondock St. Bender  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:38:47pm

SIC SEMPER TEMPER TANTRUM!!!!eleventy!the tree of liberty needs fertiliser..or pruning...or maybe a cute tree house..!!!gubbermint consperisy!! black u.n. helicopters!!mussalini!hitler!senator palpatine!!
some folks have stopped taking their meds.....

19 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:39:09pm

re: #12 Slumbering Behemoth

"War is delightful to those who have had no experience of it."

"It is easy to be brave behind a castle fire wall."

Yeah, I've been playing strategy games lately.

My favorite quote in that vein is:

"You think that war is all glory. I know that war is all Hell."

-General William Tecumseh Sherman

20 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:39:17pm

re: #13 JasonA

I don't think tyranny means what these people think it means.

Tyranny = the other guy winning the election, for them.

21 Mark Pennington  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:39:37pm

re: #11 Thanos

When the comments are that rabid then silence is assent.

He is just as guilty then.

22 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:39:48pm

re: #7 beekiller

They've proven that they can moderate the comment section when they so choose, and they are choosing to let such garbage stand without so much as a counter comment.

Silence is consent.

23 Bagua  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:39:55pm

Ouch, that was a long post to have to rebuild.

24 ArchangelMichael  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:40:21pm

re: #14 jaunte

Save this one for election night next year.

That's almost exactly the same thing that moonbats said about 2004 and 2008. Some fake "emergency" will occur and Chimpy McBushitler will seize power with Directive 51 'for the duration of the emergency' which will last forever.

I bet the idiot that said that was probably one of the people badmouthing the moonbats when they did this same thing.

25 Cannadian Club Akbar  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:41:07pm

I'm gonna start selling pitchforks and torches in the Internet. And marshmallows.

26 Mark Pennington  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:41:10pm

re: #17 windsagio

quoted for the massive irony bomb.

"Godis2good" indeed!

I tweeted that one earlier today. I almost lost my breakfast after reading it.

27 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:41:27pm

re: #18 Boondock St. Bender

SIC SEMPER TEMPER TANTRUM!!!eleventy!the tree of liberty needs fertiliser..or pruning...or maybe a cute tree house..!!!gubbermint consperisy!! black u.n. helicopters!!mussalini!hitler!senator palpatine!!
some folks have stopped taking their meds...

That fake rant reminds me of tfk. Same compacted words, same venom. He's probably going nuts over this one, even though Nelson's vote was ultimately rather predictable. And his and Lieberman's holding out did get rid of the public option, so it accomplished its primary goal in my eyes.

28 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:41:29pm

re: #24 ArchangelMichael

Yeah, I was just about to post that same thing. It makes my mind spin.

29 Cannadian Club Akbar  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:41:42pm

re: #25 Cannadian Club Akbar

on-in, PIMF

30 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:41:47pm

"For 25 years people have scoffed at me for saying Red Dawn was an accurate picture of the future."

I don't know if that's hilarious, or sad, or terrifying. Maybe all three.

31 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:41:48pm

longest post my time that is

32 Randall Gross  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:41:53pm

I've got a theory that not only Malkin but also Hot Air are pretty much owned lock stock and barrel by the Dobson crew. I don't mean financially owned, but owned in the sense that they must cater to the niche the cultivated to survive.

I used to feel sorry for Ed and Allah, but not anymore.

33 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:42:05pm

re: #14 jaunte

They have come full circle and now stand in the same place of last year's far left loonies.

34 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:42:32pm

re: #15 iceweasel

I got a photoshopped picture today, via email, entitled
"Voted Best Picture for 2012"
Shows President Obama as a shoe shiner, polishing the shoes of Caribou Barbie.

I emailed back & asked if the sender thought the picture was racist.
Haven't had a response.

I just can not BELIEVE how widespread, and deep this fear is.

35 Boondock St. Bender  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:42:38pm

re: #27 Dark_Falcon

always glad to oblige.

36 windsagio  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:42:56pm

re: #30 SanFranciscoZionist

Oh lordy lordy lordy, I missed that one! I wanna meet that guy.

37 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:43:00pm

Ruby Ridge
Oklahoma City

What will be the next incident in America?

One that we can fomenting at Hot Air.

38 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:43:02pm

re: #33 Slumbering Behemoth

They have come full circle and now stand in the same place of last year's far left loonies.

Being a lefty feel free to call me partial, but this seems much worse that what I heard from our crazies.

39 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:43:10pm

re: #32 Thanos

I've got a theory that not only Malkin but also Hot Air are pretty much owned lock stock and barrel by the Dobson crew. I don't mean financially owned, but owned in the sense that they must cater to the niche the cultivated to survive.

I used to feel sorry for Ed and Allah, but not anymore.

you can''s a self inflicted bleed out...they are out of control

40 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:44:32pm

re: #14 jaunte

Save this one for election night next year.

Yeah, yeah, yeah. Bush was gonna sell us out to the NAU, but he forgot, somehow.

41 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:44:44pm

re: #37 Gus 802

Ruby Ridge
Oklahoma City

What will be the next incident in America?

One that we can fomenting at Hot Air.

big step from boasting on the net to liquidating this point it's a morbid fad imo

42 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:45:03pm

re: #41 albusteve

big step from boasting on the net to liquidating this point it's a morbid fad imo

Uh huh.

43 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:45:05pm

re: #14 jaunte

Save this one for election night next year.

That one does sound like the lunatic imaginings of the left under Bush-- "he'll suspend the elections! he'll raise the terror alert and declare a national emergency! martial law! We're dooooomed!" -- but I never saw anything like the continual calls for violence and armed revolution and secession that keep churning the waters of the rightwing cesspools. Never.

(I'm sure there were some crazed lefties who did, but this shit is endemic on the right now.)

44 doubter4444  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:45:09pm

But they are only kidding! It's just hyperbole!

/, very
Just waiting for those comments from the ostriches out there in wingnuttia.
And the "Leftists were worse."
They weren't.

45 windsagio  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:45:12pm

re: #37 Gus 802

well, they're beards. All talk, little action (not that any actual calls to action shouldn't be investigated)

The thing I always wanna ask these guys is;

"How many of you fantasize about riding with Nathan Bedford Forrest?"

46 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:45:44pm

re: #20 iceweasel

Tyranny = the other guy winning the election, for them.

It's the Queen Amidala effect.

47 freetoken  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:47:01pm
The American right wing is lost, ...

They need to find SpaceJesus, and quickly.

48 Bagua  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:47:29pm


49 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:47:31pm

re: #43 iceweasel

I think the whole "Wolverine!/hold out in the hills" thing is much more a right wing than a left wing fantasy.

50 ArchangelMichael  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:47:46pm

re: #30 SanFranciscoZionist

"For 25 years people have scoffed at me for saying Red Dawn was an accurate picture of the future."

I don't know if that's hilarious, or sad, or terrifying. Maybe all three.

I haven't seen Cuban and Nicaraguan troops storming the southern border while Soviet paratroopers in disguised civilian cargo planes were landing all over the midwest and Rockies. Not to mention the little part about the suitcase nukes that KGB infiltrators used on NORAD, SAC HQ, and DC during this invasion.

Even if socialists or communists came to power from within, it would still be a totally different scenario. I think he just fantasizes about camping in the woods with guns, being a nuisance to the local commie garrison, and yelling "WOLVERINES!"

51 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:48:08pm

re: #49 jaunte

I think the whole "Wolverine!/hold out in the hills" thing is much more a right wing than a left wing fantasy.

God I loved that movie as a kid.

52 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:48:19pm

Cr*p. I would so like to force these idiots to sit and read 1) the Constitution 2) the Bill of Rights &, most importantly, the Federalist Papers. So few of them have a bleeping clue what is actually said & meant there in.

Then again, I'd like to make 90% of those screaming about Adam Smith to actually READ "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations"...


53 Interesting Times  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:48:36pm

re: #15 iceweasel

And I don't think it's funny at all. These people are scaring the hell out of me.

I don't even live in the US (a little further north), but feel the exact same way. All it takes is one psycho getting lucky one time to cause unspeakable tragedy.

re: #37 Gus 802

Ruby Ridge
Oklahoma City

What will be the next incident in America?

One that we can fomenting at Hot Air.

My thoughts exactly. Perfect breeding grounds for the next Timothy McVeigh (if he were around today, I'm 99% sure he'd be posting on these sites).

54 Girth  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:49:01pm

re: #49 jaunte

I think the whole "Wolverine!/hold out in the hills" thing is much more a right wing than a left wing fantasy.

It doesn't even work. The U.S. was invaded in Red Dawn, there's no civil war.

55 Irenicum  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:49:27pm

I think the person who said: "spirit of choas" needs the spirit of spelling. And I burst out laughing when I saw the Red Dawn reference, b/c at dinner tonight we were talking about the worst movies ever, and that one came up. That's right Colorado, you better watch out, the Cubans have you in their sites! In the meantime, Go Wolverines!

56 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:49:52pm

re: #38 JasonA

Being a lefty feel free to call me partial, but this seems much worse that what I heard from our crazies.

Being a center-righty, I have to agree to a certain extent. Most of the crap I saw coming from the loony left cesspools were people expressing joy at the poor health or deaths of certain republicans. These right wing loonies, all over the net, in comment after comment, are calling for murder.

57 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:49:52pm

re: #54 Girth

It doesn't even work. The U.S. was invaded in Red Dawn, there's no civil war.

No no no, they think we lefties are the invaders. We don't come from "Real Amurka."

58 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:50:05pm

re: #54 Girth

"Was it over when the Germans invaded Pearl Harbor? No!"

59 Charles Johnson  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:50:08pm

Allahpundit laughs it off:


60 ArchangelMichael  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:51:07pm

re: #58 jaunte

"Was it over when the Germans invaded Pearl Harbor? No!"

"Forget it he's rolling"

61 simoom  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:51:21pm

re: #17 windsagio

Praying the angel of death would come for Senator Bryd and perhaps a few other Senators. Praying for a massive spirit of choas and confusion to reign over the Senate. God sent a snow storm to try slowing this down, God bring the next wave to stop this. This bill is evil as are the people voting for it.

quoted for the massive irony bomb.

"Godis2good" indeed!

Related to this, in the same Hot Air thread, was a brief aside about imprecatory prayer. I didn't include it, as I had too much material, but here it is:


Would it be wrong to pray that Swine Flu hits DC hard this week?

Nope. Doug Giles (Hannah’s dad) suggested a book The War Psalms of the Prince of Peace by James E. Adams. Changed my prayer life.

62 erraticsphinx  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:51:24pm

I don't mean to try to understand the logic of some of these but....what exactly is so bad about a parliamentary democracy? One guy was saying that like it was the horriblest thing that could happen to America.

A little confused here, or are they just ranting at anything "European".

63 windsagio  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:51:30pm

re: #55 Irenicum

hey now, Red dawn is a great childrens movie!

Or, at least I remember it as such. My one friend who had a VCR, we'd watch that at least once a month >

64 Sheila Broflovski  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:51:46pm

re: #59 Charles

Allahpundit laughs it off:


What do you think of the forum Shares the same values as LGF? I lurked there for a few minutes, noticed many former FReepers.

65 Jadespring  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:51:47pm

re: #43 iceweasel

That one does sound like the lunatic imaginings of the left under Bush-- "he'll suspend the elections! he'll raise the terror alert and declare a national emergency! martial law! We're dooomed!" -- but I never saw anything like the continual calls for violence and armed revolution and secession that keep churning the waters of the rightwing cesspools. Never.

(I'm sure there were some crazed lefties who did, but this shit is endemic on the right now.)

I heard the the election suspension on from several lefties including one guy who was convinced and ranted about it all the time. He also believed that the government was doing several weather experiments and caused several major hurricanes so he was pretty much off in looney land somewhere.

The far left, like actual real marxists, do talks about revolution a lot but barely ever in the way the the wingnut right is now talking about it. It's more about workers and a class revolution and if you ask for details on how it's supposed to actually come about you'll get a mishmash of theoritical blather that rarely ever goes into 'guns and ammo blazing' world.

66 allegro  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:52:05pm

re: #33 Slumbering Behemoth

They have come full circle and now stand in the same place of last year's far left loonies

No equivalence. None.

67 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:52:15pm

re: #50 ArchangelMichael

I think he just fantasizes about camping in the woods with guns, being a nuisance to the local commie garrison, and yelling "WOLVERINES!"

And peeing into radiators. Can't forget peeing into radiators.

68 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:52:18pm

re: #36 windsagio

Oh lordy lordy lordy, I missed that one! I wanna meet that guy.

I would prefer not to meet that guy.

69 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:52:32pm

re: #61 simoom

Nope. Doug Giles (Hannah’s dad) suggested a book The War Psalms of the Prince of Peace by James E. Adams. Changed my prayer life.

War Psalms? War Psalms?

70 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:53:06pm

re: #59 Charles

Allahpundit laughs it off:


can't get the link's one thing to dismiss this shit and another to laugh it off as insignificant

71 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:53:12pm

re: #62 erraticsphinx

I don't mean to try to understand the logic of some of these but...what exactly is so bad about a parliamentary democracy? One guy was saying that like it was the horriblest thing that could happen to America.

A little confused here, or are they just ranting at anything "European".

There's nothing wrong with the Westminster Parliamentary system, where MPs are elected by districts. Selecting MPs, by proportional representation, however, is a poor idea and tends to allow in extremist parties.

72 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:53:12pm

re: #49 jaunte

I think the whole "Wolverine!/hold out in the hills" thing is much more a right wing than a left wing fantasy.

The Red Dawn/militia/gubbmint standoff kind of rhetoric is a right-wing fantasy trope, true, but the left did give us the Unibomber.

73 ArchangelMichael  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:53:29pm

re: #67 Slumbering Behemoth

And peeing into radiators. Can't forget peeing into radiators.

Oh... I know what it is... he' hoping there will be an old man that will ask him to take care of his teenage grandchildren who look like Lea Thompson and Jennifer Grey did in the 80s.

74 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:53:33pm

re: #62 erraticsphinx

This afternoon Glen Beck was ranting about the awfulness of the U.S. copying the Europeans in anything. It's a current complaint on the tv.

75 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:53:43pm

re: #38 JasonA

Being a lefty feel free to call me partial, but this seems much worse that what I heard from our crazies.

I think we bitched just as much, but threatened far less. But time may have fuzzed my perceptions.

Also, to be perfectly honest, if you're going to be hysterical, a war seems like a better thing to be hysterical about than some stuff that's not really in a health-care bill.

76 windsagio  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:55:19pm

re: #75 SanFranciscoZionist

Also this is way more mainstream. A few people took the Mike Malloys of the world seriously, but not many.

People seem to be taking this crap pretty damn seriously tho'

77 Randall Gross  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:55:21pm

re: #61 simoom

Prayer Warriors!

They are just like fighting Jesus:

Jesus PWNS Santa

78 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:55:26pm

re: #61 simoom

Any man who wishes sickness upon the innocent simply to advance his political cause is lower than shit. Normally I do not curse, but when it comes to those scumbags at HA I am going to make an exception.

79 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:55:37pm

re: #49 jaunte

I think the whole "Wolverine!/hold out in the hills" thing is much more a right wing than a left wing fantasy.

In general, yes, although the left has some related fantasies--the heavily armed lesbian compound comes to mind.

80 Irenicum  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:55:48pm

re: #62 erraticsphinx

"European" to these silly kitties is equal to all things evil, horrible, nasty, stinky poopie pants. I think their collective emotional age adds up to the terrible twos.

81 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:56:15pm

re: #59 Charles

Allahpundit laughs it off:


Boss lady pays him well to do so.

82 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:56:27pm

re: #79 SanFranciscoZionist

That's another thing that's news to me!

83 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:56:45pm

re: #51 JasonA

God I loved that movie as a kid.

Nothing in it for a girl. That was what turned me off the 'repelling the Commies' genre. The women were screaming cheeseburgers.

84 Girth  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:56:54pm

re: #79 SanFranciscoZionist

In general, yes, although the left has some related fantasies--the heavily armed lesbian compound comes to mind.

Sounds hot.

85 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:56:59pm

re: #79 SanFranciscoZionist

In general, yes, although the left has some related fantasies--the heavily armed lesbian compound comes to mind.

Feh. I don't get the lesbian fascination my brethren have.

86 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:57:16pm

re: #81 Sharmuta

Boss lady pays him well to do so.

heh...probably...a gang of vipers over there

87 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:57:38pm

re: #52 wlewisiii

Cr*p. I would so like to force these idiots to sit and read 1) the Constitution 2) the Bill of Rights &, most importantly, the Federalist Papers. So few of them have a bleeping clue what is actually said & meant there in.

Then again, I'd like to make 90% of those screaming about Adam Smith to actually READ "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations"...


I believe PJ O'Rourke recently released a book subtitled "PJ O'Rourke Reads The Wealth of Nations So You Don't Have To".

I would even settle for them reading that.

88 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:57:50pm

re: #73 ArchangelMichael

Oh... I know what it is... he' hoping there will be an old man that will ask him to take care of his teenage grandchildren who look like Lea Thompson and Jennifer Grey did in the 80s.

Red Dawn being the first movie that Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze starred in together. Dirty Dancing was, of course, the second such movie.

89 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:58:34pm

re: #53 publicityStunted

My thoughts exactly. Perfect breeding grounds for the next Timothy McVeigh (if he were around today, I'm 99% sure he'd be posting on these sites).

My fear is that his successor(s) ARE reading these sites. When McVeigh was coming up, you had to seek this crap out. Now it's a keystroke away.

90 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:58:57pm

re: #88 Dark_Falcon

Red Dawn being the first movie that Jennifer Grey and Patrick Swayze starred in together. Dirty Dancing was, of course, the second such movie.

never seen either one...of course

91 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:59:13pm

re: #54 Girth

It doesn't even work. The U.S. was invaded in Red Dawn, there's no civil war.

Shee-it. You're no fun. Why should these guys have to give up a whole fantasy just because the Soviet Union folded on them?


92 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:59:25pm

re: #90 albusteve

never seen either one...of course

Not much of a movie goer?

93 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:59:28pm

re: #66 allegro

No equivalence. None.

Equivalent only in the "cancel elections/set up dictatorship" sense, which is what I was commenting on.

94 windsagio  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:59:43pm

re: #83 SanFranciscoZionist

Hah that'd be a good online gender test:

"When you were a kid, did you like Red Dawn?

95 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 8:59:54pm

re: #87 SanFranciscoZionist

I believe PJ O'Rourke recently released a book subtitled "PJ O'Rourke Reads The Wealth of Nations So You Don't Have To".

I would even settle for them reading that.

Agreed. I swear I know more hard leftists that have read it than I do Capitalists... Argh!!!!


96 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:00:07pm

re: #86 albusteve

Ed and AP- they have no integrity, they have no principles they're willing to stand for. They sold out to to the kooks, and it is their job to push the company line. The company has no problem with this kookery- it's what they're pushing. Of course he'd laugh it off. Laughing it off pays the bills.

97 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:00:15pm

re: #92 Dark_Falcon

Not much of a movie goer?

I like John Wayne...whatever happened to him?

98 rurality  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:00:25pm

re: #89 SanFranciscoZionist

hopefully venting anonymously to like minded morons is cathartic.

99 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:00:28pm

re: #94 windsagio

Hah that'd be a good online gender test:

"When you were a kid, did you like Red Dawn?

I didn't see it when i was a kid. I didn't see it till last year.

100 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:00:53pm

This from a "conservative" website posted as a comment on the health care bill vote...

"If this gets voted on by Christmas, then Boy will be gone before next June, instead of after as previously noted.

Boy--first Pres. to be impeached within 18 months of inauguration.

Who says the unwashed can't find the washcloth? "


101 Girth  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:01:05pm

re: #83 SanFranciscoZionist

Nothing in it for a girl. That was what turned me off the 'repelling the Commies' genre. The women were screaming cheeseburgers.

I seem to remember Jennifer Gray taking out an armored vehicle or truck with an RPG.

102 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:01:30pm

OT: Ya know, I'm starting to think this war won't be paying for itself.

No US Companies Will Get Iraqi Oil Contracts

Two of the most lucrative of the multi-billion-dollar oil contracts went to two countries which bitterly opposed the U.S. invasion — Russia and China — while even Total Oil of France, which led the charge to deny international approval for the war at the U.N. Security Council in 2003, won a bigger stake than the Americans in the most recent auction.

Wow. Thousands of our men die and Russia and China get oil. Yeah, I'm over-simplifying, but my it kinda twists my gut right now.

103 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:01:32pm

re: #65 Jadespring

The far left, like actual real marxists, do talks about revolution a lot but barely ever in the way the the wingnut right is now talking about it. It's more about workers and a class revolution and if you ask for details on how it's supposed to actually come about you'll get a mishmash of theoritical blather that rarely ever goes into 'guns and ammo blazing' world.

Exactly. It's all about dismantling the class structure and stuff like that. It's sort of a stereotype on the right to say that the left doesnt own guns (which isn't true, there are loads of Democrats who do), but the revolutionary fantasies on the left tend to be hazy Marxist rhetoric and the like. They aren't these kind of paramilitary Red Dawn-ish fantasies, anyway.

(again, i am not saying the left doesn't have crazy, or violent crazy like the unibomber-- they just tend to have these different crazy ideas about their kind of 'revolution'.)

104 Aye Pod  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:01:36pm

re: #65 Jadespring

I heard the the election suspension on from several lefties including one guy who was convinced and ranted about it all the time. He also believed that the government was doing several weather experiments and caused several major hurricanes so he was pretty much off in looney land somewhere.

The far left, like actual real marxists, do talks about revolution a lot but barely ever in the way the the wingnut right is now talking about it. It's more about workers and a class revolution and if you ask for details on how it's supposed to actually come about you'll get a mishmash of theoritical blather that rarely ever goes into 'guns and ammo blazing' world.

Yep. They would, in the worst case scenario, succeed in tabling a motion to launch an especially hard-hitting t-shirt campaign. Like, run for your lives.

105 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:01:50pm

re: #85 JasonA

Great in pr0n, frustrating in real life.

106 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:01:54pm

re: #97 albusteve

I like John Wayne...whatever happened to him?

He died, sad to say. But he made a lot of great movies, that's certainly true. And he was actually the man's man he portrayed on screen.

107 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:02:06pm

re: #62 erraticsphinx

I don't mean to try to understand the logic of some of these but...what exactly is so bad about a parliamentary democracy? One guy was saying that like it was the horriblest thing that could happen to America.

A little confused here, or are they just ranting at anything "European".

I think the parliamentary system is incomprehensible, and that the coalition-building aspects of it cause some real problems, but it wouldn't be the end of the world. Is there any possibility that we're going to try it, or are they just emoting?

They're just scared of anything foreign, new, different, vaguely un-American sounding, or unfamiliar. I bet getting them to try new foods when they were little kids was a real treat.

108 windsagio  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:02:06pm

re: #97 albusteve

Cancer. Sorry to be the one that had ta tell ya'.

re: #99 Dark_Falcon

I don't know how old you are, but you missed one of the key elements of growing up as a gen-x'er!

109 simoom  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:02:10pm

re: #22 Slumbering Behemoth

They've proven that they can moderate the comment section when they so choose, and they are choosing to let such garbage stand without so much as a counter comment.

Silence is consent.

I think a front page post from the management stating: "Threats of violence, calls for revolution and the overthrow of our democratically elected government, or advocating succession are now bannable offenses. Consider this post your first and only warning." would make a pretty big difference.

Though, if it were me, I'd just start banning the worst offenders and then put up that post.

110 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:02:21pm

re: #94 windsagio

Not so sure that would work - I was active duty US Army when that POS came out. I hated it then; I still hate it today. It is every evil thing about patriotism distilled down into a single bad movie.


111 erraticsphinx  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:02:30pm

re: #71 Dark_Falcon
That's a good point, some variants of the parliamentary system do allow in extremist parties if certain measures are not taken.

I think Germany is preventing that now (after their obviously bad experience) by having a certain percentage threshold (5%) of the vote before you can get into parliament; to keep out the fringe kooks. I know Sweden has 4% too, which has kept the odious Sweden Democrats out so far.

But there's nothing intrinsically wrong with a parliamentary system as that idiot was suggesting. Letting extremist parties in was probably the least of his concerns, it was about the "eeeek, European things!".

112 Bagua  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:02:39pm

Haters come around from downtown
I get surround sound - I get big!

Haters - Kool Keith

113 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:03:22pm

re: #65 Jadespring

I heard the the election suspension on from several lefties including one guy who was convinced and ranted about it all the time. He also believed that the government was doing several weather experiments and caused several major hurricanes so he was pretty much off in looney land somewhere.

The far left, like actual real marxists, do talks about revolution a lot but barely ever in the way the the wingnut right is now talking about it. It's more about workers and a class revolution and if you ask for details on how it's supposed to actually come about you'll get a mishmash of theoritical blather that rarely ever goes into 'guns and ammo blazing' world.

Yeah. The Marxists do have this whole "One day my revolution will come" thing.

114 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:03:24pm

re: #106 Dark_Falcon

He died, sad to say. But he made a lot of great movies, that's certainly true. And he was actually the man's man he portrayed on screen.

I always more of a Steve McQueen man myself.

115 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:03:48pm

re: #100 Floral Giraffe

This from a "conservative" website posted as a comment on the health care bill vote...

"If this gets voted on by Christmas, then Boy will be gone before next June, instead of after as previously noted.

Boy--first Pres. to be impeached within 18 months of inauguration.

Who says the unwashed can't find the washcloth? "


Racism, pure and simple. No other reason that one calls a black man that. I's say he's a friend of Robert Stacy McCain.

/spits on RSM

116 erraticsphinx  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:04:22pm

re: #107 SanFranciscoZionist

I think some parliamentary systems can work much better than our system does now, with all the gridlock.

No, I'm not a horrible globalist. Just sayin'.

117 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:04:28pm

re: #111 erraticsphinx

That's a good point, some variants of the parliamentary system do allow in extremist parties if certain measures are not taken.

I think Germany is preventing that now (after their obviously bad experience) by having a certain percentage threshold (5%) of the vote before you can get into parliament; to keep out the fringe kooks. I know Sweden has 4% too, which has kept the odious Sweden Democrats out so far.

But there's nothing intrinsically wrong with a parliamentary system as that idiot was suggesting. Letting extremist parties in was probably the least of his concerns, it was about the "eeek, European things!".


118 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:04:55pm

re: #96 Sharmuta

Ed and AP- they have no integrity, they have no principles they're willing to stand for. They sold out to to the kooks, and it is their job to push the company line. The company has no problem with this kookery- it's what they're pushing. Of course he'd laugh it off. Laughing it off pays the bills. I (we) said long ago, there is big money in this extremism, via the net, tea parties, birthers, Beck and all the's a front to make money as much as me a cynic...lunacy is a moneymaker, crosses party lines and lands you on a talk show, who themselves promote it...bad news

119 windsagio  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:05:23pm

re: #110 wlewisiii

well ya weren't a kid :p Its different as a grown-up for sure ;)

re: #106 Dark_Falcon

Well kind of, alot of soldiers (I've read, I think it was in the Straight Dope) thought pretty poorly of him for not serving. They would derisively call him "Marion", which is the poor guys real name.

120 Girth  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:05:27pm

re: #100 Floral Giraffe

RWNJ: We need to impeach Obama!

RWNJ's Congresscritter: For what, exactly?

RWNJ: For....doing stuff we don't like!

RWNJ's Congresscritter: I'm hanging up now.

121 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:05:55pm

re: #116 erraticsphinx

I think some parliamentary systems can work much better than our system does now, with all the gridlock.

No, I'm not a horrible globalist. Just sayin'.

You have a point. The thing is that our system was designed to slow down legislation, not ease it through. The Founders set things up that way to ensure adequate time for debate and to ensure that people's rights would not be trampled on.

122 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:06:21pm

re: #106 Dark_Falcon

He died, sad to say. But he made a lot of great movies, that's certainly true. And he was actually the man's man he portrayed on screen.

John Wayne is not dead...don't fuck around like that

123 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:06:22pm

re: #74 jaunte

This afternoon Glen Beck was ranting about the awfulness of the U.S. copying the Europeans in anything. It's a current complaint on the tv.

We must stop speaking English immediately. I'm in favor of Cherokee as the new official national language because:

a. It has a writing system and

b. My husband is part Cherokee.

Obviously, there will be no bilingual education. And if you want to be considered a good parent, you'd better start speaking Cherokee at home, or your children will be disadvantaged in their schooling.

No bilingual government documents, obviously.


124 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:06:49pm

Note to Allahpundit. Stanley Kubrik wouldn't even give your kind the time of day.

125 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:07:25pm

re: #109 simoom

They don't have the stones to do either. The god they worship is currency, nothing else matters.

126 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:08:26pm

re: #118 albusteve I (we) said long ago, there is big money in this extremism, via the net, tea parties, birthers, Beck and all the's a front to make money as much as me a cynic...lunacy is a moneymaker, crosses party lines and lands you on a talk show, who themselves promote it...bad news

This sect of kookery has been working on building their propaganda arm for 20 years, and they've done it well by networking. The fast majority of right wing "think tanks" are all funded by the same 5 major foundations, three of which were founded by Birchers. It's almost completely infested the right wing blogosphere- I wouldn't trust a rightwing site unless it was independently financed.

You can read more about it here: Connecting the Dots.

127 Lidane  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:08:47pm

re: #52 wlewisiii

Cr*p. I would so like to force these idiots to sit and read 1) the Constitution 2) the Bill of Rights &, most importantly, the Federalist Papers. So few of them have a bleeping clue what is actually said & meant there in.

And to think, I actually carry around all of those via a handy iPhone app. Best dollar I ever spent, because it's all within reach if I need it.

Maybe when these imbeciles decide to join the 21st Century instead of living in their fantasies of the 1700's, they could invest the same money and actually read all the documents they claim to revere. =P

Then again, I'd like to make 90% of those screaming about Adam Smith to actually READ "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations"...

I'm going to be reading that soon. I've read bits and pieces of it in my various finance and economics classes, but never read the entire thing. It's on my list of books I've resolved to read for next year.

128 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:09:00pm

And, Miss CrazyPants, Pamie, is getting published at the "American Thinker".
[link deleted for taste purposes]

What is WRONG with these people?

129 windsagio  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:09:39pm

re: #126 Sharmuta

I think it really started with the GOP embracing the dixiecrats. You can draw a pretty solid line from the thoughts around that decision to where we are now.

130 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:09:46pm

re: #128 Floral Giraffe

And, Miss CrazyPants, Pamie, is getting published at the "American Thinker".
[link deleted for taste purposes]

What is WRONG with these people?

I believe she may now be employed by Front Page Mag. She's contributing over there now, at any rate.

131 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:09:49pm

re: #79 SanFranciscoZionist

In general, yes, although the left has some related fantasies--the heavily armed lesbian compound comes to mind.

Yes, but aren't the weapons in their fantasy intended for self-defense of their separatist compound? Not to stage a lesbian takeover of the country?

/not that there's anything wrong with that.

//(obv I'm joking)

132 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:10:12pm

re: #114 JasonA

I always more of a Steve McQueen man myself.

"I never rode shotgun on a hearse before."

133 freetoken  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:10:29pm

re: #123 SanFranciscoZionist

I'm in favor of Cherokee as the new official national language because:

a. It has a writing system...


134 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:11:08pm

re: #130 Sharmuta

She's getting PAID for cranking out this [self deleted words]?

Fools and their money!

135 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:11:17pm

re: #126 Sharmuta

This sect of kookery has been working on building their propaganda arm for 20 years, and they've done it well by networking. The fast majority of right wing "think tanks" are all funded by the same 5 major foundations, three of which were founded by Birchers. It's almost completely infested the right wing blogosphere- I wouldn't trust a rightwing site unless it was independently financed.

You can read more about it here: Connecting the Dots.

booked it, thanks...very insidious stuff, and you are correct in that it is very much like a sect

136 Jadespring  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:11:22pm

re: #95 wlewisiii

Agreed. I swear I know more hard leftists that have read it than I do Capitalists... Argh!!!


I took a second year econ class that was most business admin students. At the beginning of the semester the prof stuck up a bunch of quotes on the overhead and asked the class which economic thinker said these things. I wish I could remember what they were but I can't. Anyways a few people piped up and said that definitely sounds like Marx. Yep most people agreed that sounds like Marxism. Are you sure the prof asked and most agreed they were sure. The prof shook his head, 'nope not Marx' anymore guesses? Went on for a while with people throwing out different people, mostly lefties and most that I hadn't heard of at the time.

Ended up no one got it. It was quotes from the Wealth of Nations. Well that threw a few peoples brains into a tizzy at least one guy got pissed and demanded chapter and page numbers for the quotes.

The profs point wasn't that Smith was Marxist, only that there's a lot of myth and picking and choosing of Smith as well as the importance of looking at the whole of what thinkers like Smith had to say and not just isolated parts.

137 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:12:11pm

re: #116 erraticsphinx

I think some parliamentary systems can work much better than our system does now, with all the gridlock.

No, I'm not a horrible globalist. Just sayin'.

Years of watching Israeli politics has left me dubious that it would work perfectly for us. American politics is more like American football. First the ball goes one way. Then we argue. Then the ball goes the other way.

But it's not a bad system inherently, it just has too many moving parts for my admittedly very American taste.

138 Mark Winter  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:12:20pm
No foreign enemy has ever inflicted such grievous damage

I see. First the British burned down the White House.
Then the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor
Then terrorists killed 3000 people in New York and Washington.

That's one thing.

But now you will be getting... HEALTHCARE! That's a step too far.

139 Bagua  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:12:27pm

re: #123 SanFranciscoZionist

We must stop speaking English immediately. I'm in favor of Cherokee as the new official national language because:



It will never fly. COP15 demonstrated that English is the international language of choice, obscure languages such as Cherokee and French are fading away.

140 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:12:44pm

re: #127 Lidane

I'm going to be reading that soon. I've read bits and pieces of it in my various finance and economics classes, but never read the entire thing. It's on my list of books I've resolved to read for next year.

Upding for that resolution.


141 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:12:52pm

re: #123 SanFranciscoZionist

Nigada aniyvwi nigeguda'lvna ale unihloyi unadehna duyukdv gesv'i. Gejinela unadanvtehdi ale unohlisdi ale sagwu gesv junilvwisdanedi anahldinvdlv adanvdo gvhdi.
But it may be too Southern for some people's taste.

142 Girth  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:13:00pm

re: #114 JasonA

I always more of a Steve McQueen man myself.

I'm a Bogart man. He did tough guy with style.

143 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:13:06pm

re: #137 SanFranciscoZionist

Years of watching Israeli politics has left me dubious that it would work perfectly for us. American politics is more like American football. First the ball goes one way. Then we argue. Then the ball goes the other way.

But it's not a bad system inherently, it just has too many moving parts for my admittedly very American taste.

don't be dissin the NFL...grrrr

144 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:13:18pm

re: #132 SanFranciscoZionist

Your husband must be a damn lucky guy, and that's all I'm gonna say about that.

145 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:13:21pm

re: #137 SanFranciscoZionist

I miss the rooster!

( And I DO NOT want to hear that he was tasty!)

146 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:14:43pm

re: #134 Floral Giraffe

She's getting PAID for cranking out this [self deleted words]?

Fools and their money!

If she's getting paid by horowitz, she's getting money from the same 5 foundations I mentioned in #126.

If folks wonder why there is such a lock-step with the kookosphere, it's because they are all variants of each other- funded by the same 5 kooky foundations, and they're meant to spread the same far-right kookery. It's one big web of Bircher madness and far-right theocratic voodoo.

147 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:14:47pm

re: #142 Girth

I'm a Bogart man. He did tough guy with style.

I can respect that. McQueen characters never seemed to take themselves too seriously which is what drew me to him.

148 windsagio  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:16:09pm

re: #146 Sharmuta

And with the Birch/CPAC thing its all coming to fruition!

You have to admire a dastardly plan that took 20+ (probalby 40+) years to come together actually working!

149 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:16:29pm

re: #147 JasonA

I can respect that. McQueen characters never seemed to take themselves too seriously which is what drew me to him.

the Blob is a cinama classic

150 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:17:12pm

re: #149 albusteve


151 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:17:18pm

re: #128 Floral Giraffe

And, Miss CrazyPants, Pamie, is getting published at the "American Thinker".
[link deleted for taste purposes]

What is WRONG with these people?

American Thinker became more accurately known as American Stinker quite a long time ago. They were publishing Jack Cashill's columns-- he is the lunatic who claims that Bill Ayers wrote Obama's books. They're the source (along with his own site) for that crazed rumour.

And they keep publishing him-- he's still claiming it. Any reasonable person reading his 'evidence' would quickly see it for the kind of mishmash it is-- (example: his idea of scholarship is to claim that 'ballast' is an unusual word unlikely to be used by both men.....because he himself was ignorant of the word.)
Anyway, it's been clear for a long time that they have zero standards for scholarship or fact checking or even requiring any kind of loose connection with reality. Which also explains their fondness for the shrieking harpy, of course.

152 blueraven  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:17:33pm

re: #52 wlewisiii

Cr*p. I would so like to force these idiots to sit and read 1) the Constitution 2) the Bill of Rights &, most importantly, the Federalist Papers. So few of them have a bleeping clue what is actually said & meant there in.

Then again, I'd like to make 90% of those screaming about Adam Smith to actually READ "An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations"...


They prefer to get all their information from the Glenn Beck book series of revisionist history.

153 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:17:35pm

re: #123 SanFranciscoZionist

We must stop speaking English immediately. I'm in favor of Cherokee as the new official national language because:

a. It has a writing system and

b. My husband is part Cherokee.

Obviously, there will be no bilingual education. And if you want to be considered a good parent, you'd better start speaking Cherokee at home, or your children will be disadvantaged in their schooling.

No bilingual government documents, obviously.


Doesn't work. It's tainted because it uses letters borrowed from English. NO EUROPEAN CONTAMINATION! TOTAL PURITY IS NEEDED!


154 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:17:46pm

re: #146 Sharmuta

If she's getting paid by horowitz, she's getting money from the same 5 foundations I mentioned in #126.

If folks wonder why there is such a lock-step with the kookosphere, it's because they are all variants of each other- funded by the same 5 kooky foundations, and they're meant to spread the same far-right kookery. It's one big web of Bircher madness and far-right theocratic voodoo.

and Palin/Jindal is an acceptable ticket to many....punchers

155 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:17:47pm

re: #123 SanFranciscoZionist

We'd have to dump entire schools of thought that contributed the philosophy that helped inspire our constitution. We would have to stop being a free, representative republic. In short, we would have to stop being The United States of America, and follow a model of thought and governance that has origins that are not European.

We'd also have to drop Paganism, Judaism, and Christianity.

Hmm.. I knew it! Glenn Beck is a friggin' Islamic Socialist!

156 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:17:48pm

re: #148 windsagio

And with the Birch/CPAC thing its all coming to fruition!

Yes. No one seems to have a problem with it.

157 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:18:42pm

re: #123 SanFranciscoZionist

We must stop speaking English immediately. I'm in favor of Cherokee as the new official national language because:

a. It has a writing system and

b. My husband is part Cherokee.

Obviously, there will be no bilingual education. And if you want to be considered a good parent, you'd better start speaking Cherokee at home, or your children will be disadvantaged in their schooling.

No bilingual government documents, obviously.


My husband has pointed out that this will, of course, shift the balance of power in the country into the hands of a bunch of old people in Oklahoma. I consider this another plus in its favor.

158 Aye Pod  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:19:02pm



Looks fantastic! (snow-starved western Scot here)

159 erraticsphinx  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:19:46pm

re: #137 SanFranciscoZionist

Yeah, the Israeli system is definitely the most pure form of parliamentarianism, with a very low threshold to get in (basically, anyone).
It does make for entertainement though, and legislation moves quicker (which can sometimes be a good thing).

160 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:20:58pm

re: #158 Jimmah

I like Gene's last comment in the thread:

I’ll make a deal with you guys. If you stop citing every localized cold spell during the winter as evidence against AGW, I won’t cite any unusually hot spells during the summer as evidence for it.
161 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:21:15pm

re: #131 iceweasel

Yes, but aren't the weapons in their fantasy intended for self-defense of their separatist compound? Not to stage a lesbian takeover of the country?

/not that there's anything wrong with that.

//(obv I'm joking)

Yes, true.

162 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:22:33pm

re: #160 jaunte

I like Gene's last comment in the thread:

bwa! fanatics

163 Basho  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:22:53pm

re: #158 Jimmah



Looks fantastic! (snow-starved western Scot here)

It is fantastic but I can't go out :(

164 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:22:55pm

re: #139 Bagua

It will never fly. COP15 demonstrated that English is the international language of choice, obscure languages such as Cherokee and French are fading away.

But we can't imitate the Europeans! We can't speak European languages like English. If we speak Cherokee, the world will be forced to copy US!


165 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:23:19pm

re: #128 Floral Giraffe

What is WRONG with these people?

My team lost an election, and some of my former teammates think it's TEH END UB TEH WURLD, LIBRUL KOMMY APOCKUHLYSP!1!

Insane little children with broken irony-meters and fried logic circuits.

166 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:24:18pm

re: #141 jaunte

Nigada aniyvwi nigeguda'lvna ale unihloyi unadehna duyukdv gesv'i. Gejinela unadanvtehdi ale unohlisdi ale sagwu gesv junilvwisdanedi anahldinvdlv adanvdo gvhdi.
But it may be too Southern for some people's taste.

Well, my husband commented that the Navajo are gonna be hacked. And I think the Iroquois are going to have a reasonable claim that since they contributed so heavily to the Constitution, they should be considered.

But it's a lovely language. Do you speak fluently?

167 windsagio  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:24:24pm

re: #139 Bagua

the ones I always feel bad for are the poor Esperantists.

168 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:24:54pm

re: #166 SanFranciscoZionist

No I don't speak a bit; I'm a Googler.

169 Summer Seale  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:25:09pm

I read those words posted from Hot Air and every time I do, I am reminded of the people behind the following statement:

"Segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever!"

The exact same people, the exact same "we're gonna defend our rights with guns", the exact same insane hatred of anyone with an education above ninth grade, and the exact same "you'll burn in hell" attitude.

The exact same fucking assholes.

170 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:25:15pm

re: #145 Floral Giraffe

I miss the rooster!

( And I DO NOT want to hear that he was tasty!)

I believe that the Gaza rooster still struts on his rooftop, guardin' his hens and winking at the IAF as they zoom by on the horizon.

171 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:26:22pm

re: #153 Dark_Falcon

Doesn't work. It's tainted because it uses letters borrowed from English. NO EUROPEAN CONTAMINATION! TOTAL PURITY IS NEEDED!


Are the letters borrowed? The alphabet concept is, but the letters look like nothing else I've ever seen. It's a syllabary, I think. Sikwaya pretty much did it from the ground up.

172 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:27:07pm

re: #170 SanFranciscoZionist

I believe that the Gaza rooster still struts on his rooftop, guardin' his hens and winking at the IAF as they zoom by on the horizon.

I do too...he's not done yet

173 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:27:22pm

re: #158 Jimmah

You'll be knee deep in it soon enough, my fine fellow!
( I think you're coming to the US for the wedding?)

174 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:27:53pm

re: #168 jaunte

No I don't speak a bit; I'm a Googler.

I love Google.

175 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:28:31pm

BTW, earlier today I was rereading an umberto eco essay from 95 about Ur-fascism, or "Eternal fascism", and quite a few of the characteristics in it reminded me of HotAit commenters-- I think some of it is useful in understanding the mental breakdowns happening on the right:

4. The critical spirit makes distinctions, and to distinguish is a sign of modernism.

In modern culture the scientific community praises disagreement as a way to improve knowledge. For Ur-Fascism, disagreement is treason.

5. Besides, disagreement is a sign of diversity.

Ur-Fascism grows up and seeks consensus by exploiting and exacerbating the natural fear of difference. The first appeal of a fascist or prematurely fascist movement is an appeal against the intruders. Thus Ur-Fascism is racist by definition.

6. Ur-Fascism derives from individual or social frustration.

That is why one of the most typical features of the historical fascism was the appeal to a frustrated middle class, a class suffering from an economic crisis or feelings of political humiliation, and frightened by the pressure of lower social groups. In our time, when the old "proletarians" are becoming petty bourgeois (and the lumpen are largely excluded from the political scene), the fascism of tomorrow will find its audience in this new majority.

I think it's easy to see how that last one in particular captures a lot of the current resentment and rage in the country, especially the kind spilling over into these calls for armed revolution.

It's a fascinating essay for many reasons; I highly recommend it if people are unfamiliar with it. Not very long, either.

176 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:29:01pm

re: #164 SanFranciscoZionist

But we can't imitate the Europeans! We can't speak European languages like English. If we speak Cherokee, the world will be forced to copy US!


We get to keep the Arabic Numerals though, right?

177 dugmartsch  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:29:24pm

re: #18 Boondock St. Bender

SIC SEMPER TEMPER TANTRUM!!!eleventy!the tree of liberty needs fertiliser..or pruning...or maybe a cute tree house..!!!gubbermint consperisy!! black u.n. helicopters!!mussalini!hitler!senator palpatine!!
some folks have stopped taking their meds...

That WIDE awake comment made me think maybe these guys just don't get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation is a surefire way to drive yourself insane.

178 Aye Pod  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:29:31pm

re: #160 jaunte

I like Gene's last comment in the thread:

Yes - that was well due. The very first comment in the thread was the usual silly 'sceptic' cheap shot.

179 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:30:29pm

This is from 2005, but it shows where horowitz gets it's funding- and these nice folks at horowitz's Front Page have Geller as a contributor now

The Bradley, Olin, Sarah Scaife and Smith Richardson (now called Randolph) Foundations “are often called the ‘Four Sisters’ for their tendency to fund similar projects, publications and institutions (discussing that these foundations, plus the Adolph Coors Foundation (now Castle Rock) stand out from the other Foundations for their funding for “far-right programs, including some of the most politically charged work of the last several years.”)

180 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:30:44pm

re: #176 Slumbering Behemoth

We get to keep the Arabic Numerals though, right?

Well, let's check in with Glenn on that. It would be convenient, but we can always go to the Maya system--what are they, eight-base or something?

181 Basho  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:31:15pm

re: #7 beekiller

Since I don't know much about this Morrissey character like you guys do... Do you think he actually approves of or agrees with the vile garbage the majority of his readers post?

He's a religious nutjob. I'm sure he'd be happy if his congregation installed a theocracy.

182 Walter L. Newton  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:32:01pm
The American right wing is lost, and the right wing blogosphere is playing the Pied Piper.

And the left is eating it's own, what a world.

183 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:32:32pm

re: #175 iceweasel
This passage reminded me of part of Robert Paxton's definition of fascism, the need for continual movement or action.

3. Irrationalism also depends on the cult of action for action's sake.

Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation. Therefore culture is suspect insofar as it is identified with critical attitudes. Distrust of the intellectual world has always been a symptom of Ur-Fascism, from Hermann Goering's fondness for a phrase from a Hanns Johst play ("When I hear the word 'culture' I reach for my gun") to the frequent use of such expressions as "degenerate intellectuals," "eggheads," "effete snobs," and "universities are nests of reds." The official Fascist intellectuals were mainly engaged in attacking modern culture and the liberal intelligentsia for having betrayed traditional values.
184 Summer Seale  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:32:36pm

re: #179 Sharmuta

This is from 2005, but it shows where horowitz gets it's funding- and these nice folks at horowitz's Front Page have Geller as a contributor now

I stopped reading his site a while back when I wrote asking what his opinion was on the extremism of the right wing and never got an answer. In fact, their contact form was even broken at the time.

I remember posting about it here.

Horowitz has completely disappointed me.

185 Aye Pod  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:33:06pm

re: #173 Floral Giraffe

You'll be knee deep in it soon enough, my fine fellow!
( I think you're coming to the US for the wedding?)

Sure will be - can't wait. (Won't have to much longer!)

This is for iceweasel :

186 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:34:23pm

re: #175 iceweasel

in a nutshell...alot of people do not like he neo, quasi or pseudo socialism BO brings to the table...mistrust of govt is nothing new...ho hum, but there it is

187 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:35:19pm

re: #175 iceweasel


14. Ur-Fascism speaks Newspeak.
Newspeak was invented by Orwell, in Nineteen Eighty-Four, as the official language of what he called Ingsoc, English Socialism. But elements of Ur-Fascism are common to different forms of dictatorship. All the Nazi or Fascist schoolbooks made use of an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning. But we must be ready to identify other kinds of Newspeak, even if they take the apparently innocent form of a popular talk show.

Fair and balanced!
Just looking out for the folks!

188 Aye Pod  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:35:36pm

re: #163 Basho

It is fantastic but I can't go out :(

Why not? Btw I managed to slip and fall on my arse today even after the pathetic , measely dusting of snow that we got here today. First thing on the shopping list is a pair of winter boots :)

189 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:35:38pm

re: #182 Walter L. Newton

And the left is eating it's own, what a world.

they are...there is no denying the implosion of the Dem party

190 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:35:48pm

re: #184 Summer

I stopped reading his site a while back when I wrote asking what his opinion was on the extremism of the right wing and never got an answer. In fact, their contact form was even broken at the time.

I remember posting about it here.

Horowitz has completely disappointed me.

Same here. But he's been in their pocket a long time. Here's more:

One of Horowitz's grants reportedly provides him with an annual salary of $179,913 plus $11,838 in benefits for furthering the agenda.

He was never principled- he's all about making a buck.

191 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:36:20pm

They're pimping some "nationwide strike" over at HA right now. It's supposed to be on 1/20/10. Sure enough it's run by the usual suspects more specifically a Ken Cook and an Allen Hardage who stated the following on Thanksgiving:

On this Thanksgiving week, we declare he truth that America was founded on Christian Principles as a Christian Nation. We are gratefult for our founding fathers and their understanding that unless we build this nation on God’s word, we would fail. America must return to it’s founders’ vision.

Mr. Hardage calls his site, "Real Americans."

A lot of astroturfing going on of late.

192 Basho  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:39:06pm

re: #188 Jimmah

Why not? Btw I managed to slip and fall on my arse today even after the pathetic , measely dusting of snow that we got here today. First thing on the shopping list is a pair of winter boots :)

Roads are undrivable :(
Got no one to play in the snow with.

193 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:39:15pm

re: #187 jaunte


194 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:41:07pm

re: #191 Gus 802

They're pimping some "nationwide strike" over at HA right now. It's supposed to be on 1/20/10. Sure enough it's run by the usual suspects more specifically a Ken Cook and an Allen Hardage who stated the following on Thanksgiving:

Mr. Hardage calls his site, "Real Americans."

A lot of astroturfing going on of late.

They are in dangerous ground there. General strikes are very serious business. Nothing Barack Obama has done could possibly justify on in my eyes, Of course, their idea will go nowhere. If any group of wingnuts decide to walk out of their jobs en masse, I hope their employers do a Ronald Reagen on them and fire them on the spot.

195 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:41:30pm

re: #191 Gus 802

Go Galt!

196 freetoken  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:41:30pm

Since we are on the topic of wingnuts and revolution, I see that Chuck Baldwin has a sermonette ("A Suggested Survival List") up in various places, telling people to prepare for trouble, recommending specific weapons, stock up on ammo, etc.

He also threw in this choice paragraph:

Over the past several decades, masses of people have migrated into large metropolitan areas. More people live in urban areas than at any time in American history. While this may be well and good for times of prosperity, it is an absolute nightmare in any kind of disaster. Does anyone remember what New Orleans looked like after Hurricane Katrina came through? Can anyone recall what happened in downtown Los Angeles during the 1992 riots? Needless to say, any inner-city environment could become a powder keg almost instantaneously, given the right (or wrong) circumstances. And the bigger the city, the bigger the potential problems.


197 Girth  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:41:50pm

re: #191 Gus 802

Amazing how so many of those who take an originalist approach to the Constitution are so apt to find God in its penumbras and emanations.

198 Jadespring  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:42:09pm

re: #191 Gus 802

They're pimping some "nationwide strike" over at HA right now. It's supposed to be on 1/20/10. Sure enough it's run by the usual suspects more specifically a Ken Cook and an Allen Hardage who stated the following on Thanksgiving:

Mr. Hardage calls his site, "Real Americans."

A lot of astroturfing going on of late.

Nationwide strike I'm guessing means some sort of general strike. Upthread I commented about the lefties like Marxists and whatnot and their revolutions. I forgot about the tactic that I hear about the most is striking and especially a general strike of the working and labour classes.

It's kinda ironic in a black humor sort of way.

199 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:42:13pm

re: #185 Jimmah

I'll bet you can shovel some driveways for fun!

200 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:43:50pm

re: #194 Dark_Falcon

They are in dangerous ground there. General strikes are very serious business. Nothing Barack Obama has done could possibly justify on in my eyes, Of course, their idea will go nowhere. If any group of wingnuts decide to walk out of their jobs en masse, I hope their employers do a Ronald Reagen on them and fire them on the spot.

This won't gain traction.

201 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:43:52pm

re: #188 Jimmah


202 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:44:02pm

re: #193 Slumbering Behemoth


203 erraticsphinx  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:44:20pm

re: #197 Girth

Hehe at the Griswold vs Connecticut shoutout.

204 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:44:30pm

re: #198 Jadespring

Nationwide strike I'm guessing means some sort of general strike. Upthread I commented about the lefties like Marxists and whatnot and their revolutions. I forgot about the tactic that I hear about the most is striking and especially a general strike of the working and labour classes.

It's kinda ironic in a black humor sort of way.

Adding to the twist if Ken Cook who's an FHA realtor in Georgia. So his business is based on government programs itself.

205 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:44:31pm

re: #196 freetoken

Since we are on the topic of wingnuts and revolution, I see that Chuck Baldwin has a sermonette ("A Suggested Survival List") up in various places, telling people to prepare for trouble, recommending specific weapons, stock up on ammo, etc.

He also threw in this choice paragraph:


Fear mongering. Be afraid of those citified folk. They're trouble. Look at em, living all together like that.

206 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:44:39pm

re: #194 Dark_Falcon

There will be lots of people eager to fill those jobs.

207 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:44:54pm

re: #200 SanFranciscoZionist

This won't gain traction.

Quite Concur.

208 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:45:07pm

Scratch a Tea Partier, find a hypocrite.

209 Aye Pod  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:45:18pm

re: #192 Basho

Roads are undrivable :(
Got no one to play in the snow with.

Ah. Sounds like a time for staying in, turning the heating up, having a few beers and watching some Bond movies :) (or whatever takes your fancy)

210 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:45:28pm

re: #202 jaunte

That's Newspeak for ya.

211 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:45:47pm

re: #191 Gus 802

They're pimping some "nationwide strike" over at HA right now. It's supposed to be on 1/20/10. Sure enough it's run by the usual suspects more specifically a Ken Cook and an Allen Hardage who stated the following on Thanksgiving:

Mr. Hardage calls his site, "Real Americans."

A lot of astroturfing going on of late.

Again- it looks like theo-cons trying to work their way in on the tea party crowd.

212 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:46:27pm

re: #208 Gus 802

Scratch a Tea Partier, find a hypocrite theo-con.


213 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:47:01pm

re: #186 albusteve

in a nutshell...alot of people do not like he neo, quasi or pseudo socialism BO brings to the table...mistrust of govt is nothing new...ho hum, but there it is

You know, I'd give so much for there to be anything even slightly Socialistic about BO. Even a smidgen. But there isn't. He's so relentlessly middle of the road it's funny to a Socialist like me. If you'd like to have an ideaa of what Socialism really is go here - [Link:] but don't look for it in our president. You might find your fears in him, but you won't find Socialism... ;)

As I said the other day, I don't trust government very far but I trust it much more than I trust a greed driven corporation. YMW, of course, V.


214 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:47:03pm

re: #205 marjoriemoon

Fear mongering. Be afraid of those citified folk. They're trouble. Look at em, living all together like that.

Some of us even have sex.

/Or so I hear :(

215 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:47:26pm

re: #209 Jimmah

Ah. Sounds like a time for staying in, turning the heating up, having a few beers and watching some Bond movies :) (or whatever takes your fancy)

Connery, of course. (Though I do like Craig.)

216 lostlakehiker  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:48:17pm

I won't deny that it's there. But is it really the heart of the Republican party? If so, where are the state legislatures voting secession? As a political movement, this nonsense has about 2 percent support, and most of that is in the realm of fantasy: the hardcore believers aren't committed enough to commit pocket change to the cause, much less their lives, their fortunes, and (well, this last wouldn't cost them dear, as muttering about revolution and assassination already ditches that) - - - their sacred honors.

Off topic: test of regex: how long a repetitive string will the software tolerate, if it's not exactly repetitive?


217 avanti  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:48:21pm

re: #205 marjoriemoon

Fear mongering. Be afraid of those citified folk. They're trouble. Look at em, living all together like that.

According to Palin, "Real American's" live in the boonies.

218 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:48:23pm

re: #212 Sharmuta


That seems to be the common bond between the various factions within the Tea Party movement. Dominionists.

219 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:48:55pm

Another theo-con gone tea partier: Alan Quist. This guy make bachmann look almost normal.

220 Aye Pod  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:49:08pm

re: #201 Floral Giraffe


Actually, wellies are only good for mud/wet - not much good for keeping your feet warm in the depths of winter IIRC!

221 freetoken  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:49:31pm

Oh, and one of the blogs being pimped today by FocusOnTheFamily:

Hegel and the Power of “Crisis”

First, they casually associate Darwin with Marx:

One of the most prominent philosophers of the 19th Century was G. W. F. Hegel. Discarding an absolute notion of truth, he saw today’s “truth” merely as a passing “bloom” in an evolving process of new “blooms”. Ideas and truth advance, he believed, only as ideas come into conflict. This occurs when a counter idea (the antithesis) arises to challenge the status quo (the thesis). It was this “conflict” or “crisis” which brought about the “higher idea” (the synthesis).

Marx and Darwin applied this notion to the social and biological realm. Marx and Communism stood on a pillar of revolution. The “higher social order” could only arise from the “crisis” of conflict—the proletariat arising to battle the bourgeoisie. Darwin and Neo-Darwinian theory see the higher biological order arising only from a life and death struggle—as favorably mutated forms win the battle for survival over the less fortunate ones.

Then we get to the application:

We certainly have had a boatload of [crises] in recent history.

And currently, there are three major ones:
-the Health Care “Crisis”
-the Economic “Crisis”
-the Global Warming “Crisis”

Since it is -5 degrees outside my house right now, and since there is a major world conference in session to achieve the “synthesis”, it would be appropriate to look at the Global Warming Crisis to see if it has evidence of this kind of philosophy behind it or not.

So, AGW is a Hegelian based plot by the Darwinists to institute Marxism, which is proven by the fact that it is -5F outside his house. I guess that is the intended takeaway from this sermonette.

222 Bagua  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:49:40pm

re: #214 Slumbering Behemoth

Some of us even have sex.

/Or so I hear :(

Gi Mi Dat

223 Lidane  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:50:16pm

re: #140 wlewisiii

Upding for that resolution.

Thanks. Having a list of books to read is my standard resolution, since it's one that I can actually keep. Hehe. :)

Last year it was both Don Quixote and One Hundred Years of Solitude in Spanish, along with A Brief History of Time, Anna Karenina, and House of Leaves. Despite taking full course loads all year, I actually managed it.

This coming year, it's both The Wealth of Nations and The Road to Serfdom since I'm hoping to get into grad school for and starting an MBA without having read either of those books feels wrong to me. I've also got The Greatest Show on Earth by Richard Dawkins, and both Love in the Time of Cholera and The House of Spirits in Spanish on the list. I'm looking forward to it. :)

224 freetoken  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:50:39pm

re: #205 marjoriemoon

Fear mongering. Be afraid of those citified folk. They're trouble. Look at em, living all together like that.

Yeah... look at them... they have skin darker than ours...

Baldwin is a notorious VDARE friend.

225 Aye Pod  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:50:52pm

re: #215 JasonA

Connery, of course. (Though I do like Craig.)

Absolutely agreed on that. However Roger Moore, terrible though he was, did give us the hilariously blaxploitational "Live and Let Die"!

226 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:50:52pm

re: #217 avanti

Some of us, live in the cities. In fact MANY of us!

227 lostlakehiker  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:51:00pm

re: #217 avanti

According to Palin, "Real American's" live in the boonies.

Take a look at ABC's Sunday Morning talk show. They always report armed forces deaths announced by the Pentagon, with names and home towns. The big cities are under-represented. Small town America, with something like 10 percent of the population, contributes most of the soldiers.

The rest of the country is Real America too, but still.

228 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:51:00pm

re: #213 wlewisiii

You know, I'd give so much for there to be anything even slightly Socialistic about BO. Even a smidgen. But there isn't. He's so relentlessly middle of the road it's funny to a Socialist like me. If you'd like to have an ideaa of what Socialism really is go here - [Link:] but don't look for it in our president. You might find your fears in him, but you won't find Socialism... ;)

As I said the other day, I don't trust government very far but I trust it much more than I trust a greed driven corporation. YMW, of course, V.


I'm speaking about the theocons and extremists on the right...I may or may not agree with them but that is my observation...bark all you want, but it does not explain away cash for clunkers...this sort of stuff pisses people off...the govt does not need to own big chunks of banks and car makers etc

229 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:51:16pm

re: #183 jaunte

This passage reminded me of part of Robert Paxton's definition of fascism, the need for continual movement or action.

yes! Exactly! I wanted to keep my comment relatively short, but what strikes me about this characteristic:

3. Irrationalism also depends on the cult of action for action's sake.

Action being beautiful in itself, it must be taken before, or without, reflection. Thinking is a form of emasculation.

--is the way it dovetails with violence, which is also endemic to fascism. Action is preferable to thinking-- so smashing your opponents in the face is preferable to say, voting them out of office--- the need for action for action's sake, combined with irrationalism and appeals to emotion, inevitably leads to violence and the desire to commit violence.

And that's exactly what those HotAir freaks and the people like them are infected with.

230 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:51:44pm

re: #220 Jimmah

[Video]Actually, wellies are only good for mud/wet - not much good for keeping your feet warm in the depths of winter IIRC!

Do me a favor Jimmah; Don't wish for more snow. We got socked with several inches of the stuff in Chicago today. My customers stayed home and I didn't get the sales I need. Please hold your wish for a White Christmas for a day or two so I get my sales tomorrow.

231 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:51:50pm

re: #218 Gus 802

That seems to be the common bond between the various factions within the Tea Party movement. Dominionists.

I wonder if we shouldn't encourage them to embrace a third party, as the Dominionists already have the Constitution Party. They should really leave the GOP and go there. The so-called Constitution Party should really hit them up for membership.

232 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:52:01pm

re: #214 Slumbering Behemoth

Some of us even have sex.

/Or so I hear :(

What is this "sex" you speak of?

233 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:52:06pm

re: #220 Jimmah

Cashmere socks. THE best! Wellies to stay dry, cashmere to stay warm.
Yeah, I'm a flipping elitist. I like my tootsies warm!

234 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:52:06pm

re: #217 avanti

According to Palin, "Real American's" live in the boonies.

she was talkin to YOU! urban commie

235 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:52:18pm

re: #219 Sharmuta

Another theo-con gone tea partier: Alan Quist. This guy make bachmann look almost normal.

There something disturbing about an atheist like Allahpundit being a part of a an organization that inherently supports the theo-cons.

236 Lidane  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:53:22pm

re: #208 Gus 802

Scratch a Tea Partier, find a hypocrite.

Speaking of the Tea Parties, they're apparently planning a 2010 Caucus in Valley Forge.

237 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:53:23pm

re: #231 Sharmuta

I wonder if we shouldn't encourage them to embrace a third party, as the Dominionists already have the Constitution Party. They should really leave the GOP and go there. The so-called Constitution Party should really hit them up for membership.

Would you consider the patriot movement part of the Constitution Party?

238 Jadespring  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:53:28pm

re: #221 freetoken

Gah. The mind gymnastics in that cause me great pain.

239  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:53:44pm

re: #226 Floral Giraffe

Some of us, live in the cities. In fact MANY of us!

Hiya, Flo!
I live in a city.
Tho many would still think it's "the boonies" considering which state that city is in.

However, research has revealed something surprising.

240 Bagua  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:54:01pm

re: #221 freetoken


So, AGW is a Hegelian based plot by the Darwinists to institute Marxism, which is proven by the fact that it is -5F outside his house. I guess that is the intended takeaway from this sermonette.

Good to see you starting to catch on old boy.

241 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:54:07pm

re: #235 Gus 802

There something disturbing about an atheist like Allahpundit being a part of a an organization that inherently supports the theo-cons.

It's only as disturbing as anyone else selling out their principles. I agree with you, though- I don't know how he can sleep at night.

242 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:54:24pm

re: #236 Lidane

Speaking of the Tea Parties, they're apparently planning a 2010 Caucus in Valley Forge.

Patriot Caucus? OK, that sort of fits into the overall scheme of things.

243 Daniel Ballard  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:55:01pm

re: #231 Sharmuta

I wonder if we shouldn't encourage them to embrace a third party, as the Dominionists already have the Constitution Party. They should really leave the GOP and go there. The so-called Constitution Party should really hit them up for membership.

For the right wing, the question becomes who separates? the theocons or the fiscal conservatives to form the 3rd party. My guess is the theocons. They will split off from the GOP, and not effect the primary GOP race. I hope anyway.

244 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:55:14pm

re: #232 marjoriemoon

What is this "sex" you speak of?

It's a form of entertainment that was popular before computers got so speedy.

245 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:55:33pm

re: #241 Sharmuta

It's only as disturbing as anyone else selling out their principles. I agree with you, though- I don't know how he can sleep at night.

he's drifting around, looking for a 15min winner

246 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:55:57pm

re: #224 freetoken

Yeah... look at them... they have skin darker than ours...

Baldwin is a notorious VDARE friend.

I prefer the city. Now, it would nice to have a country home somewhere, I won't deny it!

I like that everyone ya meet has a story.

247 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:56:09pm

re: #243 Rightwingconspirator

For the right wing, the question becomes who separates? the theocons or the fiscal conservatives to form the 3rd party. My guess is the theocons. They will split off from the GOP, and not effect the primary GOP race. I hope anyway.

I hope so too.

248 Lidane  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:56:33pm

re: #244 jaunte

It's a form of entertainment that was popular before computers got so speedy.

Oh, it's still popular, thanks to those speedy computers. Thank god for high speed internet connections, otherwise people would be even more frustrated than usual. ;)

249 avanti  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:57:14pm

re: #227 lostlakehiker

Take a look at ABC's Sunday Morning talk show. They always report armed forces deaths announced by the Pentagon, with names and home towns. The big cities are under-represented. Small town America, with something like 10 percent of the population, contributes most of the soldiers.

The rest of the country is Real America too, but still.

Probably for the same reason the mid west is over represented in the Navy. Small town kids want to get out of re: #234 albusteve

she was talkin to YOU! urban commie

Yep, I can't live further away from a 7 Eleven and a bar then maybe 5 miles. I love living outside Annapolis, 10 minutes from the bay, and a hour to Baltimore or DC.

250 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:57:17pm

re: #225 Jimmah

Absolutely agreed on that. However Roger Moore, terrible though he was, did give us the hilariously blaxploitational "Live and Let Die"!

I kinda liked Moore as a kid. Now I just see his Cannonball run character. I think reading my father's old Bond novels altered my impression of who Bond was and brought me back into alignment with Connery. Those were also the best movies. From Russia with Love being near the top of my list.

251 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:57:31pm

re: #232 marjoriemoon

What is this "sex" you speak of?

I once knew of this thing. I even have vague memories of practicing such rites. So far away into the distant past, these recollections fade. I have a strange feeling it is similar to food.

252 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:58:01pm

re: #217 avanti

According to Palin, "Real American's" live in the boonies.

Colin Powell took that about as well as I did. He was less profane about it though, at least in public.

253 Girth  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:58:36pm

re: #238 Jadespring

Gah. The mind gymnastics in that cause me great pain.

A logic class should be required for all high schoolers. Maybe that would head some of this shit off.

254 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:58:36pm

re: #230 Dark_Falcon

I hope you are swamepd with BIG FISH for the rest of the Holiday season.
You can sell big packages, right?

255 Lidane  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:58:42pm

re: #252 SanFranciscoZionist

Colin Powell took that about as well as I did. He was less profane about it though, at least in public.

I wish he'd been more profane about it in public. God knows I was.

256 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:59:25pm

re: #221 freetoken

Oh, and one of the blogs being pimped today by FocusOnTheFamily:

Hegel and the Power of “Crisis”

First, they casually associate Darwin with Marx:

So, AGW is a Hegelian based plot by the Darwinists to institute Marxism, which is proven by the fact that it is -5F outside his house. I guess that is the intended takeaway from this sermonette.

Hegel and Schlegel and Whegel and Kant!
Maybe I shall, and maybe I shan't.
Maybe I shan't, and maybe I shall,
Hegel and Schlegel and Whegel, et al.

257 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 9:59:50pm

re: #250 JasonA

I kinda liked Moore as a kid. Now I just see his Cannonball run character. I think reading my father's old Bond novels altered my impression of who Bond was and brought me back into alignment with Connery. Those were also the best movies. From Russia with Love being near the top of my list.

the very best all time Bond story

258 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:00:22pm

re: #239

Yer all flipping happy!
I'm glad for you!
Kalifornia ranked #46.
But, I like it here.

Hi Reine!

259 Lidane  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:00:45pm

re: #253 Girth

A logic class should be required for all high middle schoolers. Maybe that would head some of this shit off.


A logic class in 7th or 8th grade would do wonders by the time a kid gets to high school. A critical inquiry class, too.

260 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:01:03pm

If only we had an example or two from history to show us what can happen when a charismatic ideologue influences a discontented mob to single out a scapegoat.

261 Girth  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:01:09pm

re: #256 SanFranciscoZionist

Immanuel Kant was a real pissant
Who was very rarely stable.

Heidegger, Heidegger was a boozy beggar
Who could think you under the table.

David Hume could out-consume
Schopenhauer and Hegel

And Wittgenstein was a beery swine
Who was just as schloshed as Schlegel.

There's nothing Nietzsche couldn't teach ya
'Bout the raising of the wrist.
Socrates, himself, was permanently pissed.

John Stuart Mill, of his own free will,
On half a pint of shandy was particularly ill.

Plato, they say, could stick it away--
Half a crate of whisky every day.

Aristotle, Aristotle was a bugger for the bottle.
Hobbes was fond of his dram,

And René Descartes was a drunken fart.
'I drink, therefore I am.'

Yes, Socrates, himself, is particularly missed,
A lovely little thinker,
But a bugger when he's pissed.

262 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:01:11pm

This just in! Right wing bloggers won't like the movie Avatar!

Predictable. I just saw a preview and figured that might be the case.

263 Mocking Jay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:01:30pm

re: #257 albusteve

the very best all time Bond story

I knew I could find something we agreed on :)

264 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:01:36pm

re: #251 Slumbering Behemoth

I once knew of this thing. I even have vague memories of practicing such rites. So far away into the distant past, these recollections fade. I have a strange feeling it is similar to food.

lol But usually a lot more messy.

265 Irenicum  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:01:37pm

re: #187 jaunte

"an impoverished vocabulary, and an elementary syntax, in order to limit the instruments for complex and critical reasoning"

Kinda makes me think of a certain politician's use of twitter.

266 Daniel Ballard  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:02:13pm

re: #247 Dark_Falcon

I just realized this Tea Party coincidence-I went to the one at Griffith Park. Nearly zero media coverage. Nearly zero theocon craziness. Lots of small gov fiscal conservatives. A Republican Pro Nuke Senate candidate. Some silly signs. Some embarrassing Obama signs.

Tea Party as seen on TV, blogs etc when they have big coverage like DC-. Ron Paul and Theocon craziness to the hilt. Racist imagery, Nazi imagery.

What is the story there? Does the crazed arrive with the media? Anticipating the media coverage?

267 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:02:17pm

re: #217 avanti

According to Palin, "Real American's" live in the boonies.

Yeah? One, each, former US ARMY NCO from Eau Claire, WI - as deep in the midwestern boonies as it gets - and happily member of the Democratic Socialists of America. Put that in your pipe and smoke it, Sarah.


268 avanti  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:02:27pm

One of the 4 weapons you need according to a right wing blog is a rifle. You never know when those crazy city folk will come for you. Sadly, I'm a unarmed city resident, so I may need some Glenn Beck stickers as protection when they come looking for lefties.

"A rifle is a different animal. It is an intermediate range weapon, and, as such, is not well suited to home defense. Why have one, you may ask? That is in some ways a philosophical question, but my answer is you need a rifle for personal defense where range is beneficial. Excellent examples are the LA Riots of 1992, or New Orleans after Hurricane Katrina. This role lends itself to semi-automatic rifles with large magazine capacities, but a good lever-action rifle or scoped bolt gun would still be useful if the semi-automatic makes you uncomfortable or is illegal in your area."

269 Racer X  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:02:52pm

re: #262 Gus 802

This just in! Right wing bloggers won't like the movie Avatar!

Predictable. I just saw a preview and figured that might be the case.

I saw it today. Have you seen it yet?

270 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:03:49pm

re: #269 Racer X

I saw it today. Have you seen it yet?

No. I am curious though. Seemed interesting and I haven't seen a movie at a theater in a couple of years.

You like it?

271 Aye Pod  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:03:50pm

Gotta call it a night folks :)

Have a good one and see y'all later!

272 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:03:58pm

re: #262 Gus 802

This just in! Right wing bloggers won't like the movie Avatar!

Predictable. I just saw a preview and figured that might be the case.

Mr. Moon is convinced the movie was written just for him. I think we're going tomorrow.

273 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:04:06pm

re: #263 JasonA

I knew I could find something we agreed on :)

sorry I'm not more's nothing personal

274 abolitionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:04:14pm

re: #171 SanFranciscoZionist

Are the letters borrowed? The alphabet concept is, but the letters look like nothing else I've ever seen. It's a syllabary, I think. Sikwaya pretty much did it from the ground up.

Sequoyah's Talking Leaves

Initially, Sequoyah tried pictographs, but soon discovered that the number of symbols in the Cherokee language would be in the thousands. Then he began to create symbols for each syllable the Cherokees use. This was the essential step in creating the syllabary. Sequoyah's written language was not the first example of the concept. A Japanese syllabary was developed from 5th century A. D. Chinese ideographic writing. The concept of an alphabet, which denotes sounds instead of syllables, originated in Phoenicia.

In a few short years one man had achieved a means of communication that had taken other civilizations thousands of years to accomplish.

The name "Talking Leaves" was satirical of whites. The Cherokee felt that white man's words dried up and blew away like leaves when the words no longer suited the whites.

275 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:04:37pm

re: #262 Gus 802

This just in! Right wing bloggers won't like the movie Avatar!

Predictable. I just saw a preview and figured that might be the case.

There is something creepy about the need by rightwing bloggers to see all movies in terms of political comment. I'm thinking about the near universal love they had for 300 and the creepy paeans they wrote to it, but there are many other examples.
(Debbie Schlussel recently hyperventilating over Tinkerbelle's new costume was a classic. "they're trying to make Timkerbelle look like a lesbian!" "Feminazi mind control of your children! etc.")

276 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:05:20pm

Stones cover Dobie

277 Jadespring  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:05:33pm

re: #253 Girth

A logic class should be required for all high schoolers. Maybe that would head some of this shit off.

I agree. I was lucky in high school when I happened to get slotted into a history class where the teacher taught a month of critical thinking before getting into the actual course work. Invaluable, though at the time I thought it was boring a pretty useless. I realized later what a big difference it made.

278 avanti  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:05:52pm

re: #262 Gus 802

This just in! Right wing bloggers won't like the movie Avatar!

Predictable. I just saw a preview and figured that might be the case.


"Way too political
by LaMarcus (movies profile) Dec 17, 2009
56 of 123 people found this review helpful
Not impressed with this movie at all.

Zero acting and all the Eco freaks love it. Appears to be another in the long line of anti-military movies that socialists love and thrive on. Personally I just don't care for computer movies. The acting skills today are so pathetic that this is all they can make. Then again, what do you expect when MR. Michelle Rodriguez is a cast member."

279 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:06:42pm

re: #275 iceweasel

There is something creepy about the need by rightwing bloggers to see all movies in terms of political comment. I'm thinking about the near universal love they had for 300 and the creepy paeans they wrote to it, but there are many other examples.
(Debbie Schlussel recently hyperventilating over Tinkerbelle's new costume was a classic. "they're trying to make Timkerbelle look like a lesbian!" "Feminazi mind control of your children! etc.")

If I'm not mistaken I think the protagonist (a Marine) end up on the side of the underdog or the native population.

280 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:07:27pm

re: #279 Gus 802

Dances with Wolves / Fern Gully?

281 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:07:52pm

re: #279 Gus 802

If I'm not mistaken I think the protagonist (a Marine) end up on the side of the underdog or the native population.

Oh forget it. Outrageous outrage of the day coming up, for sure.

282 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:08:32pm

re: #254 Floral Giraffe

I hope you are swamepd with BIG FISH for the rest of the Holiday season.
You can sell big packages, right?

That's what's svaed me so far this month. I've had several large deals. I've already made my accessory quota for the month, mostly on the strength on an $800+ dollar single customer buying accessories for a business.

283 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:08:53pm

re: #281 iceweasel

Oh forget it. Outrageous outrage of the day coming up, for sure.

Fauxtrage number 12,431 of the... month.


284 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:10:01pm

Dobie Gray....gimme the beat beat

285 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:10:04pm

re: #243 Rightwingconspirator

For the right wing, the question becomes who separates?

I separate, at least from voting party line. All politics are local, and I will be scrutinizing local candidates and issues more thoroughly, and from a more moderate or centrist viewpoint from now on. This may very well mean I vote for some R's, some D's, and some I's or third party people.

My party of late have embraced many things that are repellent to me, and are counter to the conservative philosophies I hold to. Their recent embrace of the conspiracy mongering bigots known as The John Birch Society have put me in an extremely foul mood.

286 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:11:09pm

re: #223 Lidane

Thanks. Having a list of books to read is my standard resolution, since it's one that I can actually keep. Hehe. :)

I hear you. Out of curiousity, how was Don Quixote? I've only read it in translation.

Right now my main goal is to reread Richard Hooker & John Locke. If nothing else, the "Learned Discourse of Justification" should be required reading for anyone who considers themselves a protestant Christian.


287 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:11:55pm

re: #261 Girth

Cute. Thank you :)


288 Racer X  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:12:38pm

re: #270 Gus 802

No. I am curious though. Seemed interesting and I haven't seen a movie at a theater in a couple of years.

You like it?

I thought the special effects were awesome! The plot leaned way anti-military for my tastes.

289 Girth  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:13:16pm

re: #285 Slumbering Behemoth

My party of late have embraced many things that are repellent to me, and are counter to the conservative philosophies I hold to. Their recent embrace of the conspiracy mongering bigots known as The John Birch Society have put me in an extremely foul mood.

Where have you gone, William F. Buckley, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you...

290 Daniel Ballard  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:15:04pm

re: #285 Slumbering Behemoth
At some point this split must coalesce. Candidates need a party machine, coalitions for legislation. Our vote is one thing the governance once they get there is another.

291 Bagua  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:15:30pm

re: #284 albusteve

Dobie Gray...gimme the beat beat

Beat Junkies

292 efuseakay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:17:46pm

And then there are gems like this one at FR...


293 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:18:14pm

the very best version of Tumblin Dice ever...

stuff like this used to mean something round here

294 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:18:29pm

re: #262 Gus 802

This just in! Right wing bloggers won't like the movie Avatar!

Predictable. I just saw a preview and figured that might be the case.

I have a feeling that if "300" were to come out now, they would be tripping over themselves to be the first to graphically detail ancient Spartan culture, and declare the film to be part of some pro-abortion, pro-gay, Hollywood agenda.

295 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:18:58pm

it's Saturday night....c'mon

296 Girth  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:19:20pm

re: #292 efuseakay

"multitudinous evidences"

Oh this is good already.

297 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:19:28pm

re: #288 Racer X

I thought the special effects were awesome! The plot leaned way anti-military for my tastes.

OK That's what really caught my interest -- the special effects.

I did walk out of Pearl Harbor. Not for being anti-military but just for being rather... I don't know... like a Lifetime show at times.

298 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:19:57pm

re: #291 Bagua

Beat Junkies


please...that's just rude man

299 freetoken  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:20:00pm

re: #292 efuseakay

FR is a mainstay of idiocy and hate.

BTW, I thought direct links to FR were forbidden... did something change, about which I do not know?

300 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:20:10pm

re: #227 lostlakehiker

Take a look at ABC's Sunday Morning talk show. They always report armed forces deaths announced by the Pentagon, with names and home towns. The big cities are under-represented. Small town America, with something like 10 percent of the population, contributes most of the soldiers.

The rest of the country is Real America too, but still.

OK. Deep breath.

Pvt. Jhanner Tello, of Los Angeles
Sgt. Ralph Anthony Webb Frietas of Detroit
Cpl. Xhacob Latorre, of Waterbury Ct.
Lance Cpl. Jonathan A. Taylor, of Jacksonville, FL
Staff Sgt. Amy C. Tirador, of Albany, NY
Chief Warrant Officer Earl R. Scott III, also of Jacksonville
Lance Cpl. Justin J. Swanson, from Anaheim
Spc. Christopher J. Coffland, of Baltimore
Lance Cpl. Nicholas J. Hand, of Kansas City
Sgt. Brandon T. Islip, of Richmond, VA

They died in the last two months in the service of their country. They were city kids.

I honor the proud military record of small-town America. But they do not have a monopoly on that, nor is a military record what makes one an American.

Further, many of those 'small towns' you see are actually suburbs are of larger urban centers. You may not have heard the name of the East Bay town I live in now. You might think a boy coming from here who served his country was from 'small town America', but he would not be. Further, for every small town boy or girl who dies, you can be sure hearts are breaking in big cities as well. Two of my college friends have lost brothers in Iraq. My brother in law is gearing up for his fourth deployment. I carry them all in my heart, even if I don't agree with Sarah Palin about the war they serve in.

I do not accept that there's something OK about identifying one social group in America and saying they're the real Americans.

301 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:21:58pm

re: #282 Dark_Falcon

That's good news!
May you hit some REALLY BIG FISH in the coming week!
Enough, to kill your quotas for the next year!
Fat Fat Fish!

302 Racer X  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:22:12pm

re: #297 Gus 802

OK That's what really caught my interest -- the special effects.

I did walk out of Pearl Harbor. Not for being anti-military but just for being rather... I don't know... like a Lifetime show at times.

Yeah, Pearl Harbor was really bad. Bad acting, bad plot.

303 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:22:34pm

re: #289 Girth

Where have you gone, William F. Buckley, a nation turns its lonely eyes to you...


304 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:23:39pm

re: #300 SanFranciscoZionist

God Bless their families.
And the fallen, for their vallor!

305 Lidane  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:23:58pm

re: #286 wlewisiii

I hear you. Out of curiousity, how was Don Quixote? I've only read it in translation.

I enjoyed it. I think there are some turns of phrase and some parts of it that only really make sense in Spanish, just because the metaphors don't fully translate. It was always a goal of mine to read it in Spanish just because that was my first language. I figured if I'm fluent in the language, I should read authors like Marquez and Cervantes the way they were meant to be read, you know?

Right now my main goal is to reread Richard Hooker & John Locke. If nothing else, the "Learned Discourse of Justification" should be required reading for anyone who considers themselves a protestant Christian.

I'm an agnostic at best, but that Learned Discourse sounds interesting. I might have to give that a read at some point. BTW, if you've never read this book, I recommend it. I found it to be engaging and well written.

306 Olsonist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:24:14pm

re: #300 SanFranciscoZionist

I do not accept that there's something OK about identifying one social group in America and saying they're the real Americans.

This is old. The Romans used to do this.

307 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:24:34pm

re: #289 Girth

Are you teasing me? I only wish I had a fraction of that man's intellect and rhetorical eloquence.

308 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:24:36pm

re: #302 Racer X

Yeah, Pearl Harbor was really bad. Bad acting, bad plot.

Yeah, it was hard to take. The air to air combat scenes were OK but a little too unrealistic.

309 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:24:40pm

re: #292 efuseakay

And then there are gems like this one at FR...


That particular guy, J. Grant Swank, is a mainstay in the lefty snarkosphere. One stop mockery shopping. His tortured syntax is famous (along with his tortured logic).

310 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:24:56pm

re: #275 iceweasel

There is something creepy about the need by rightwing bloggers to see all movies in terms of political comment. I'm thinking about the near universal love they had for 300 and the creepy paeans they wrote to it, but there are many other examples.
(Debbie Schlussel recently hyperventilating over Tinkerbelle's new costume was a classic. "they're trying to make Timkerbelle look like a lesbian!" "Feminazi mind control of your children! etc.")

Yes, because it was better for little girls when you would have been able to see Tink's panties, if only fairies wore them. *giggle*.

Yeesh. Schlussel is possibly clinically insane.

311 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:25:40pm

re: #279 Gus 802

If I'm not mistaken I think the protagonist (a Marine) end up on the side of the underdog or the native population.

I briefly thought you were still talking about Tinkerbell, and was deeply confused.

312 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:26:11pm

re: #303 Sharmuta


He also read the Birchers out of respectability with the right, and kept them out for the rest of his long life. He worked hard to keep conservatism sane and within his lifetime he succeeded. His creationism is vastly overshadowed by his great accomplishments.

313 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:26:38pm

re: #294 Slumbering Behemoth

I have a feeling that if "300" were to come out now, they would be tripping over themselves to be the first to graphically detail ancient Spartan culture, and declare the film to be part of some pro-abortion, pro-gay, Hollywood agenda.

Actually, I was sort of annoyed that they ignored all that, and went gung-ho over the film.

314 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:26:46pm

re: #311 SanFranciscoZionist

I briefly thought you were still talking about Tinkerbell, and was deeply confused.

Tinkerbell is now dressed up like a bulldyke grunt!!!111!!!1


315 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:27:12pm

re: #309 iceweasel

That particular guy, J. Grant Swank, is a mainstay in the lefty snarkosphere. One stop mockery shopping. His tortured syntax is famous (along with his tortured logic).

Example: he refers to fetuses as 'womb-babies'. There are all sorts of swankisms, as the lefties have lovingly dubbed his neologisms.

I didn't realise the freepers were reading him. I didn't realise anyone but people on the left read him-- and maybe his wife.

316 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:27:24pm

re: #297 Gus 802

OK That's what really caught my interest -- the special effects.

I did walk out of Pearl Harbor. Not for being anti-military but just for being rather... I don't know... like a Lifetime show at times.

I guess all I'm tryin' to say is: Pearl Harbor sucked, and I miss you.

317 Bagua  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:27:43pm

re: #298 albusteve

please...that's just rude man

Ok, ok.

Turtle Blues - Big Brother and the Holding Company
318 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:28:54pm

re: #306 Olsonist

This is old. The Romans used to do this.

"Real Roman bread, for real Romans!"

I love the Forum announcer guy on Rome.

319 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:29:29pm

re: #303 Sharmuta

True. I must however plead ignorance on this: Was he a promoter of the ID movement?

320 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:29:46pm

re: #315 iceweasel

Example: he refers to fetuses as 'womb-babies'. There are all sorts of swankisms, as the lefties have lovingly dubbed his neologisms.

I didn't realise the freepers were reading him. I didn't realise anyone but people on the left read him-- and maybe his wife.

Free Republic has morphed into a bad characeture of itself.

321 Girth  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:30:03pm

re: #307 Slumbering Behemoth

Are you teasing me? I only wish I had a fraction of that man's intellect and rhetorical eloquence.

Not at all, I was merely thinking about the fact that after he helped to marginalize the Birchers as the nutjobs that they are, here we are not even two years after his death, and they are coming back into mainstream conservative politics.

322 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:30:03pm

re: #314 Gus 802

Tinkerbell is now dressed up like a bulldyke grunt!!!111!!!1


This is the outfit with the leggings, right? I think she looks adorable in it.

323 Dark_Falcon  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:30:06pm

re: #308 Gus 802

Yeah, it was hard to take. The air to air combat scenes were OK but a little too unrealistic.

Unrealistic in the sense of having fighter pilots fly bombers without a lengthy conversion course you mean? That was part of the thing that annoyed me the most about the movie. The real story of the pilots who got airborne at Pearl Harbor is a good enough tale. If there needed to be an aftermath to show the US winning, other things could have been used. The Dolittle Raid was a poor choice.

324 efuseakay  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:30:13pm

re: #296 Girth

I know, right? lol

325 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:30:46pm

24/7 is too much for me...enjoy your vibe, lizards
just don't forget to enjoy the world while you change it with all the repetitive rhetoric....too boring for me and negative for me

326 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:31:09pm

re: #322 SanFranciscoZionist

This is the outfit with the leggings, right? I think she looks adorable in it.

I saw a couple of video of it and it seemed pretty cute. Not my kind of movie but it would a great movie for kids or adults.

327 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:32:32pm

re: #320 Gus 802

Free Republic has morphed into a bad characeture of itself.

They've always been the nesting place for crazies though, haven't they? Because of the size and lack of moderation? I'm not really familiar with them except in the sense of seeing examples of crazy hauled out of there-- I guess I always thought of them as a swamp and didn't realise they were once any different.

328 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:32:58pm

re: #323 Dark_Falcon

Unrealistic in the sense of having fighter pilots fly bombers without a lengthy conversion course you mean? That was part of the thing that annoyed me the most about the movie. The real story of the pilots who got airborne at Pearl Harbor is a good enough tale. If there needed to be an aftermath to show the US winning, other things could have been used. The Dolittle Raid was a poor choice.

The one I remember was the combat between the P-40s and the Zeros. All of that flying at around 5 feet of the deck in the middle of the hangars and such. Then there was the scene where they tricked the zeros into colliding. It was like Star Wars meets 1941 in a Warhawk.

329 Olsonist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:33:24pm

re: #318 SanFranciscoZionist

Rome is really good. It covers the Late Republic Early Empire extremely well given the needs of a dramatic line. Unbelievably good television. I've watched some of the episodes five or six times (and I still haven't made it all the way through since my brother wanted the DVDs back).

Gladiator, not so much, especially that crock of an ending handing power over to some 'high minded' Senators in white togas. Meh.

330 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:33:45pm

re: #327 iceweasel

They've always been the nesting place for crazies though, haven't they? Because of the size and lack of moderation? I'm not really familiar with them except in the sense of seeing examples of crazy hauled out of there-- I guess I always thought of them as a swamp and didn't realise they were once any different.

True. They seem to be outdoing themselves on the crazy now. I know that must be something to go beyond the point where they already were crazy.

331 Irenicum  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:34:29pm

re: #300 SanFranciscoZionist

Thanks for posting that. Very powerful. My family has been mostly big city for two generations. And I could tell you of many men who served proudly and heroically in the service of our country. Esp. my uncle Pete. Army/Air force in the European theater, shot down behind enemy lines in Czechoslovakia. Had nightmares for decades after the war. My uncle Harry, a Merchant Marine soon afterward. Traveled the world. An all around good guy who everybody loved. My uncle Sonny, a Marine who was stationed in Japan after the war. Great athlete, who could have gone pro. Chose service to our country and lived in Houston as an oil man later on. And finally, my father Herbert. Volunteered for service even though he was 4f b/c of a busted ear drum. Served as a civilian at Pearl Harbor till the war's end. Strident liberal to the end. But an American through and though. Proud of them all.

332 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:34:35pm

re: #314 Gus 802

Tinkerbell is now dressed up like a bulldyke grunt!!!111!!!1


I had to do some looking around to see what you were talking about. This reaction by Debbie Schlussel to the new Tinkerbell costume is just bizarre.

333 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:35:25pm

re: #329 Olsonist

Rome is really good. It covers the Late Republic Early Empire extremely well given the needs of a dramatic line. Unbelievably good television. I've watched some of the episodes five or six times (and I still haven't made it all the way through since my brother wanted the DVDs back).

Gladiator, not so much, especially that crock of an ending handing power over to some 'high minded' Senators in white togas. Meh.

I've seen the first season. Liked it, but a lot of pain with those characters. I mean, Caesar, you know he's gonna die, you know how, you know when...but Niobe just about broke my heart.

334 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:35:28pm

re: #319 Slumbering Behemoth

True. I must however plead ignorance on this: Was he a promoter of the ID movement?

I think you can video at youtube of him arguing for id over evolution.

335 Bingo.Long  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:35:43pm

The stupidity & bloodthirstiness it spawns afflicts too much of the human race. These Hot Air folks are grade-A psychotics, sociopaths, and fuckheads.
They should all be strapped to tables with micropore surgical tape, & held down by pretty ladies wearing slug gloves until they can define & understand the words "humility," "society," "superego," "pleasantness," &, of course, "irony."

336 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:35:46pm

re: #305 Lidane

I'm an agnostic at best, but that Learned Discourse sounds interesting. I might have to give that a read at some point. BTW, if you've never read this book, I recommend it. I found it to be engaging and well written.

Interesting! I've read other works by Mr. Wright that I found helpful so I'll look for that one. Thank you!

As for Justification, just remember that the insane political climate of AD 1600 makes modern dem/repub hate look like nothing. They burned people for saying stuff like what Mr. Hooker said - it's important that 1) he was able to say it in the first place and 2) that it became the baseline for a major christian church.

Unlike today... alas...



337 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:36:08pm

re: #332 jaunte

I had to do some looking around to see what you were talking about. This reaction by Debbie Schlussel to the new Tinkerbell costume is just bizarre.

Yeah, that what we're referring to. When Schlussel went psycho over the new Tinkerbell costumes. We were talking about it here at LGF one night.

338 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:36:34pm

re: #335 Bingo.Long

I believe that qualifies as torture.

339 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:37:05pm

re: #332 jaunte

I had to do some looking around to see what you were talking about. This reaction by Debbie Schlussel to the new Tinkerbell costume is just bizarre.

"Now she can fly around in a non-hoo-hoo-exposing skirt."


340 avanti  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:37:49pm

Ben Franklin's advice on choosing a mistress:

Older Women.

341 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:38:06pm

re: #337 Gus 802

It's reaching a bit far for outrage when you're reduced to picking on animated characters.

342 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:38:34pm

re: #341 jaunte

It's reaching a bit far for outrage when you're reduced to picking on animated characters.

Coming up next! Barney Rubble.

I hate that guy!


343 Olsonist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:38:58pm

re: #333 SanFranciscoZionist

I'm definitely a Caesarian. I can't stand Cicero and I'm glad my boy Mark did him in. You might check out The Assassination of Julius Caesar, Michael Parenti. Good liberal interpretation of the LR. Did I say I can't stand Cicero?

344 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:39:54pm

re: #332 jaunte

I had to do some looking around to see what you were talking about. This reaction by Debbie Schlussel to the new Tinkerbell costume is just bizarre.

I despise Schlussel but that Jude star is more repulsive and highly inappropriate.

345 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:39:59pm

re: #332 jaunte


For starters, Tinkerbell is a CARTOON fairy. SO yes, she has wings & a strapless dress that "magically" stay on & do not expose naughty bits. Heh, cartoon characters don't HAVE naughty bits.

Talk about someone who needs more to do with their time.

346 Bagua  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:40:05pm

re: #338 Sharmuta

I believe that qualifies as torture.

Do they do it in North Korea?

347 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:40:16pm

re: #341 jaunte

It's reaching a bit far for outrage when you're reduced to picking on animated characters.

That's because they're culture warriors, not political philosophers. They do nothing to promote real critical thinking about government policy and functioning- it's all culture crap.

348 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:40:19pm

re: #339 SanFranciscoZionist

"Now she can fly around in a non-hoo-hoo-exposing skirt."


"Tinkerbell is entitled to a private life!"

349 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:40:45pm

I also had the bad taste to visit Schlussel's site to see what all the hub-bub was. Then I googled a bit and read some reviews from parents happy to see the change. Other than covering her up, they felt it depicted her more of an adventurer than playing up the sexy nymph aspect. And in these new movies, she's exactly that. An adventurer.

350 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:40:50pm

What about Porky Pig! Half naked all the time and he's a male pig lacking the correct anatomy! What does that teach our young boys of today!!!!!11111!!


351 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:41:38pm

re: #350 Gus 802

What about Porky Pig! Half naked all the time and he's a male pig lacking the correct anatomy! What does that teach our young boys of today!!!11111!!


Donald Duck never had any pants either.

352 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:41:46pm

re: #344 marjoriemoon

You're right, I skipped right by it looking for the words. ech.

353 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:41:54pm

re: #348 SanFranciscoZionist

"Tinkerbell is entitled to a private life!"

Debbie Schlussel grants Tinkerbell personhood.

Film @ 11.


354 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:42:31pm

re: #340 avanti

Ben Franklin's advice on choosing a mistress:

Older Women.

Benjamin Franklin is, for America, the cool, but slightly crazy great-uncle, who made Mom cough a lot.

355 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:42:35pm

re: #351 marjoriemoon

Donald Duck never had any pants either.

Bugs Bunny was a cross dresser!!!111

356 Bagua  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:42:46pm

re: #351 marjoriemoon

Donald Duck never had any pants either.

Does anyone still wear pants around here?

357 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:43:02pm

re: #341 jaunte

It's reaching a bit far for outrage when you're reduced to picking on animated characters.

Remember Jerry Falwell on Tinky Winky?

358 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:43:10pm

re: #344 marjoriemoon

I despise Schlussel but that Jude star is more repulsive and highly inappropriate.

I'm reporting that link. Maybe Charles will eliminate it.

359 [deleted]  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:43:25pm
360 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:43:43pm

re: #351 marjoriemoon

GAWD, we could go on like this all night.

Dudley Dooright, Rocket J. Squirrel, BULLWINKLE!

361 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:43:48pm

re: #344 marjoriemoon

I despise Schlussel but that Jude star is more repulsive and highly inappropriate.

I was wondering about that.

362 lostlakehiker  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:43:48pm

re: #196 freetoken

Since we are on the topic of wingnuts and revolution, I see that Chuck Baldwin has a sermonette ("A Suggested Survival List") up in various places, telling people to prepare for trouble, recommending specific weapons, stock up on ammo, etc.

He also threw in this choice paragraph:


Big cities, never mind minority populations, are a bad place to be when the infrastructure goes down.

Imagine, say, Beijing, if there should be some sort of failure of organization. The city does not have sufficient stocks of food for long.

363 Sharmuta  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:43:57pm

re: #354 SanFranciscoZionist

Benjamin Franklin is, for America, the cool, but slightly crazy great-uncle, who made Mom cough a lot.

He's a fascinating person to study. Quite the Renaissance Man.

364 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:44:32pm

re: #343 Olsonist

I'm definitely a Caesarian. I can't stand Cicero and I'm glad my boy Mark did him in. You might check out The Assassination of Julius Caesar, Michael Parenti. Good liberal interpretation of the LR. Did I say I can't stand Cicero?

I'll add it to the towering pile.

The episode with Cleopatra was so over-the-top I had to love it. I didn't know you could get a mobile home with bearers.

365 Olsonist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:45:24pm

re: #364 SanFranciscoZionist

Since you live in SF you can pick up a copy for not much dinero at Green Apple.

366 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:45:34pm

re: #352 jaunte

You're right, I skipped right by it looking for the words. ech.

I figured you must have :)

Many years ago, my brother had a poster of naughty Disney. All the characters doing very naughty things to each other. Tinkerbell was on a table doing a strip tease for Captain Hook, Peter Pan and friends etc. Em... not for the tykes.

367 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:45:42pm

re: #359 albusteve

And you have something, new, positive and enlightening for us?
PLEASE? The world could use some happy.

368 Irenicum  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:46:17pm

re: #350 Gus 802

Obviously that pig ain't porkin' anything!

369 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:47:09pm

re: #341 jaunte

It's reaching a bit far for outrage when you're reduced to picking on animated characters.

There is genuinely nothing so small that wingnuts can't manufacture a grievance out of it. Nothing.
They're in perpetual victim mode -- one reason why they love Palin so much, I might add. She plays that role often and they adore her for it.

370 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:47:10pm

re: #368 Irenicum

Obviously that pig ain't porkin' anything!

Abade adbade adbade adbade, that's all folks!


371 [deleted]  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:49:13pm
372 Girth  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:49:13pm

Ah, West Side Story...choreographed singing and dancing street toughs are so gangsta!

373 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:49:26pm

re: #360 Floral Giraffe

GAWD, we could go on like this all night.

Dudley Dooright, Rocket J. Squirrel, BULLWINKLE!

Fractured fairytales were always my favorite part of the Bullwinkle Show.

374 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:49:27pm

re: #349 marjoriemoon

I also had the bad taste to visit Schlussel's site to see what all the hub-bub was. Then I googled a bit and read some reviews from parents happy to see the change. Other than covering her up, they felt it depicted her more of an adventurer than playing up the sexy nymph aspect. And in these new movies, she's exactly that. An adventurer.

I also think that young girls are able to take on both images, ie, Tink has daytime clothes, and a sexy evening look. This is reasonable. Their Barbie dolls have both doctor's coats and evening dresses.

I think the new look is awfully cute. And much better adapted for Halloween costumes.

375 NomadOfNorad  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:49:55pm

re: #370 Gus 802

"UhSon of bi... uh.. son of a bi-... uh... son of a gun! [a beat] You thought I was gonna say 'Son of a bitch, didn't yah?"

--Porky Pig

376 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:50:04pm

re: #356 Bagua

Does anyone still wear pants around here?

I am wearing pants at the moment.

377 Jadespring  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:50:17pm

Oops. It got late again. Need to get to sleep. Got a big day tomorrow. I'm cleaning out the storeroom! Woo. I can't wait. //

Night all.

378 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:50:51pm

re: #357 SanFranciscoZionist

Remember Jerry Falwell on Tinky Winky?

I believe they also had similar theories about SpongeBob and his best friend, Patrick the starfish.

Wish I were kidding.

379 Bagua  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:51:25pm

Chain Gang Blues

380 freetoken  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:53:20pm

re: #371 albusteve

If you want to discuss a topic, you are more than able to start one, with several tools at your disposal. Simply complaining about what other people post is, well, itself boring.

381 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:54:09pm

re: #378 iceweasel

I believe they also had similar theories about SpongeBob and his best friend, Patrick the starfish.

Wish I were kidding.

I remember that when I was teaching middle school, that came up. Several of the kids pointed out that since sponges reproduce asexually, they didn't think SpongeBob could technically be gay.

Have I mentioned that I loved our science teacher?

Of course, I'm intrigued that in addition to bashing lesbians, Schlussel also managed to imply that Muslims are behind this change. WTF?

382 Irenicum  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:54:18pm

re: #371 albusteve

This is just for you. I hope you like it!
Everybody dance now!

383 Petero1818  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:54:44pm

I love the first line. "This is a Coup de Etat".
He is absolutely correct....if by Coup d'etat (correct spelling) he means a landslide electoral victory by a democratic candidate who spoke every day during the election campaign about reforming healthcare.
What a tool.

384 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:56:08pm

re: #374 SanFranciscoZionist

I also think that young girls are able to take on both images, ie, Tink has daytime clothes, and a sexy evening look. This is reasonable. Their Barbie dolls have both doctor's coats and evening dresses.

I think the new look is awfully cute. And much better adapted for Halloween costumes.

Not having seen her new movie and I probably never will, it appeared from the Amazon site that she's in both attires. There's videos on that page that seem to suggest that.

I agree with you. I'm not against the little green dress at all, nor the other.


385 Irenicum  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:56:24pm

re: #373 marjoriemoon

Fractured Fairytales were the best! They warped my young impressionable mind. And I am so grateful!

386 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:56:57pm

re: #359 albusteve

You can't always get what you want.

387 Bagua  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:57:29pm

re: #376 SanFranciscoZionist

I am wearing pants at the moment.

Well that's assumed.

388 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:57:46pm

re: #349 marjoriemoon

I also had the bad taste to visit Schlussel's site to see what all the hub-bub was. Then I googled a bit and read some reviews from parents happy to see the change. Other than covering her up, they felt it depicted her more of an adventurer than playing up the sexy nymph aspect. And in these new movies, she's exactly that. An adventurer.

If anything, that seems like a healthier rolemodel for little girls. It's not like there's any shortage of cultural messages to them pressuring them to adopt hyper-'feminine', overly sexualised personae from an early age-- whether it's 8 year olds wanting to dress like Britney Spears (or whoever they want to look like now), or sparkly nailpolish marketed to 5 year olds, or whatever.

I sometimes wonder whether little girls still feel like they can be 'tomboys', judging by the clothes marketed to them.
(basing this on shopping for my niece)

389 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:57:51pm

re: #362 lostlakehiker

Heh. Not to mention Los Angeles after the big earthquake hits.

390 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 10:59:13pm

re: #381 SanFranciscoZionist

I remember that when I was teaching middle school, that came up. Several of the kids pointed out that since sponges reproduce asexually, they didn't think SpongeBob could technically be gay.

Have I mentioned that I loved our science teacher?

Of course, I'm intrigued that in addition to bashing lesbians, Schlussel also managed to imply that Muslims are behind this change. WTF?

On her page, she says the next Tinkerbelle we'll see is Tink in a burqa. It's the kowtowing to Muslims. World According to Schlussel.

391 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:00:52pm

re: #388 iceweasel

If anything, that seems like a healthier rolemodel for little girls. It's not like there's any shortage of cultural messages to them pressuring them to adopt hyper-'feminine', overly sexualised personae from an early age-- whether it's 8 year olds wanting to dress like Britney Spears (or whoever they want to look like now), or sparkly nailpolish marketed to 5 year olds, or whatever.

I sometimes wonder whether little girls still feel like they can be 'tomboys', judging by the clothes marketed to them.
(basing this on shopping for my niece)

I think the problem the wingnuts face is that they've staked out such a very thin definition of feminity. They despise the oversexualization of girls--because the liberal media did it--but they also despise any woman who's not feminine enough, or God forbid, might be a lesbian or something. The liberal media also did that.

Oh, and the Muslims.

It's like Cinderella's shoe. Almost no one fits.

392 Irenicum  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:00:54pm

re: #386 Gus 802

You can't always get what you want"

393 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:00:56pm

re: #380 freetoken

If you want to discuss a topic, you are more than able to start one, with several tools at your disposal. Simply complaining about what other people post is, well, itself boring.

yeah I's a personal problem...I don't want to dismiss individual posters...I need to lurk more and shut up

394 jaunte  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:01:18pm

Must go get sleep. My apologies to everyone including Debbie Schlussel for carelessly linking that antisemitic imagery.

395 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:01:42pm

re: #390 marjoriemoon

On her page, she says the next Tinkerbelle we'll see is Tink in a burqa. It's the kowtowing to Muslims. World According to Schlussel.

I think she overestimates the influence Muslims have on US pop culture. Like, by an awful lot.

396 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:02:03pm

re: #386 Gus 802

You can't always get what you want. know me eh?

397 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:02:19pm

re: #371 albusteve

I agree, it has changed significantly.
It's not my place to criticize the direction Charles has chosen to take.
May I offer you a video?

May you find some Magic this Holiday Season!

398 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:02:22pm

re: #383 Petero1818

I love the first line. "This is a Coup de Etat".
He is absolutely correct...if by Coup d'etat (correct spelling) he means a landslide electoral victory by a democratic candidate who spoke every day during the election campaign about reforming healthcare.

...whilst running against a candidate who was also promising to reform health care.

Yeah, this whole health thing really came out of left field.
Reality. Wingnuts no longer even visit it.

399 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:02:36pm

re: #396 albusteve know me eh?

Yep. Rolling Stones. Thought you'd like it.

400 bratwurst  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:03:08pm

re: #359 albusteve

good grief, take a break

Doctor, heal thyself.

401 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:04:20pm

re: #313 SanFranciscoZionist

I thought the movie was pretty awesome, but I went into it aware of the fact that it was based on a comic book, and not actual, historical events. I basically ignored what the reviewers had to say.

402 avanti  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:05:34pm

re: #393 albusteve

yeah I's a personal problem...I don't want to dismiss individual posters...I need to lurk more and shut up

Cheer up, we need posters from most all rational ends of the political spectrum to keep it interesting. I abhor echo chambers, and although we may not often agree, I'd miss your input.

403 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:05:36pm

re: #401 Slumbering Behemoth

I thought the movie was pretty awesome, but I went into it aware of the fact that it was based on a comic book, and not actual, historical events. I basically ignored what the reviewers had to say.

My husband is a comic-book guy.

I just didn't like it much.

404 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:06:15pm

re: #391 SanFranciscoZionist

I think the problem the wingnuts face is that they've staked out such a very thin definition of feminity. They despise the oversexualization of girls--because the liberal media did it--but they also despise any woman who's not feminine enough, or God forbid, might be a lesbian or something. The liberal media also did that.

Oh, and the Muslims.

It's like Cinderella's shoe. Almost no one fits.

Alternatively, its like the burkha they think Tinkerbell will soon be wearing: one size fits all (in the sense that whatever happens, they're unhappy).

405 Lidane  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:06:17pm

OT, but this saddens me a great deal:

City Tries to Rewrite Lone Bookstore's Last Chapter

I have family in Laredo. I'm even heading down there for Christmas. Still, I can't believe a city that size is losing their only major bookstore. That's just crazy to me. WTF?

406 Bagua  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:06:23pm

re: #396 albusteve know me eh?

Like a Rolling Stone

407 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:08:30pm

re: #373 marjoriemoon

When I lived in Hollywood, I was just around the corner from Jay Ward's Studio! There's a 20 foot tall statue of Bullwinkle & Rocky on Sunset Boulevard! Sadly, the Dudley Dooright Emporium is no more.

Fractured FairyTales Forever!

408 Bingo.Long  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:08:38pm

re: #338 Sharmuta

Torture? Be serious. Pretty ladies would never wear slug gloves, and the Hot Airheads would just ooze off the table. Perhaps I should be more clear-cut when spinning out the old irony...

409 albusteve  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:08:48pm

I've been's not my gig...but I get worn down...
you are all good people
I'm out like Joe Frazier

410 Gus  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:10:19pm

re: #409 albusteve

I've been's not my gig...but I get worn down...
you are all good people
I'm out like Joe Frazier

Later Steve.

411 William Barnett-Lewis  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:10:34pm

G'night all. Gotta toddle off now, BBL.


412 Irenicum  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:12:08pm

re: #393 albusteve

I hope you feel better. {{{albusteve}}} It has changed around here. No doubt. But it's a pretty big tent here still. One of the reasons I joined was the diversity of voices. (Just saw you signed out. Have a good night) Be well!

413 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:13:11pm

re: #405 Lidane

OT, but this saddens me a great deal:

City Tries to Rewrite Lone Bookstore's Last Chapter

I have family in Laredo. I'm even heading down there for Christmas. Still, I can't believe a city that size is losing their only major bookstore. That's just crazy to me. WTF?

It's a terrible shame. And Richmond, CA, where I teach, is about to lose its B&N.

414 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:13:26pm

re: #391 SanFranciscoZionist

I think the problem the wingnuts face is that they've staked out such a very thin definition of feminity. They despise the oversexualization of girls--because the liberal media did it--but they also despise any woman who's not feminine enough, or God forbid, might be a lesbian or something. The liberal media also did that.

Oh, and the Muslims.

It's like Cinderella's shoe. Almost no one fits.

I would beg to disagree. Raised properly, EVERY girl KNOWS deep in her heart, that she is Cinderella. The rest of the world's thinking, well, it's twaddle.

415 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:14:20pm

re: #393 albusteve

I like your contributions & hope you chose to continue to post.
If my 2 cents mean anything to you.

416 Irenicum  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:15:03pm

re: #414 Floral Giraffe

Maybe it's me, but the only Cinderella I ever really liked was Drew Barrymore's version. She was kick ass and saved the guy. That's my kind of girl!

417 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:16:45pm

re: #395 SanFranciscoZionist

I think she overestimates the influence Muslims have on US pop culture. Like, by an awful lot.

Make up your mind Debbie! Is it a burqa? Or is it bulldyke? Yeesh!!

It's funny. Disney has come full circle and much quicker than other large corporations. We know Disney himself was a bigot. I'm not talking about early cartoons per se because many of the early cartoons had a host of bigoted and sexist imagery, not just Disney. I don't know if today is much better! Looney Tunes also. Speedy Gonzales was done away with, the magpies, sambo images. The ethnic images today are more positive than when I was a kid.

But anyway, Disney was one of the first, if not THE first corporation to acknowledge homosexuality and give ins benefits to same sex couples when no one was doing it. Now, here in Florida, they have Gay Days at DisneyWorld. Schlussel's ranting just covers all the bases, anti-Muslim and anti-gay.

418 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:18:31pm

re: #416 Irenicum

Haven't seen that one, but I will admit to being SERIOUSLY impressed with what Drew Barrymore has matured into. Smart AND lovely AND confident. Nice combination! Hard to achieve.

419 Irenicum  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:19:06pm

re: #418 Floral Giraffe

In my personal opinion, she da bomb!

420 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:19:49pm

Gay days at Disney. It IS the Happiest Place on Earth after all.

421 Olsonist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:19:56pm

re: #414 Floral Giraffe

I would beg to disagree. Raised properly, EVERY girl KNOWS deep in her heart, that she is Cinderella. The rest of the world's thinking, well, it's twaddle.

Huh? Cinderella has a terrible upbringing. Same with Anne Elliot in Persuasion. For a girl to know she is Cinderella is terrible. It means she wasn't valued.

422 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:20:45pm

re: #325 albusteve

24/7 is too much for me...enjoy your vibe, lizards
just don't forget to enjoy the world while you change it with all the repetitive rhetoric...too boring for me and negative for me

Not everyone operates on your schedule, Steve. Sometimes, some Lizards feel like being silly. Sometimes, some Lizards feel like being serious.

If the vibe of this moment doesn't sync with your current mood, that's unfortunate. Whining about it won't change it, though. Perhaps a simple "good night" from you would have been less.... bitchy.

Good night, Steve. Sleep well, and many happy returns.

423 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:21:17pm

re: #421 Olsonist

But, she KNOWS that she is a Princess, in the end.

424 lostlakehiker  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:22:00pm

re: #300 SanFranciscoZionist

OK. Deep breath.

Pvt. Jhanner Tello, of Los Angeles
Sgt. Ralph Anthony Webb Frietas of Detroit
Cpl. Xhacob Latorre, of Waterbury Ct.
Lance Cpl. Jonathan A. Taylor, of Jacksonville, FL
Staff Sgt. Amy C. Tirador, of Albany, NY
Chief Warrant Officer Earl R. Scott III, also of Jacksonville
Lance Cpl. Justin J. Swanson, from Anaheim
Spc. Christopher J. Coffland, of Baltimore
Lance Cpl. Nicholas J. Hand, of Kansas City
Sgt. Brandon T. Islip, of Richmond, VA

They died in the last two months in the service of their country. They were city kids.

I honor the proud military record of small-town America. But they do not have a monopoly on that, nor is a military record what makes one an American.

Further, many of those 'small towns' you see are actually suburbs are of larger urban centers. You may not have heard the name of the East Bay town I live in now. You might think a boy coming from here who served his country was from 'small town America', but he would not be. Further, for every small town boy or girl who dies, you can be sure hearts are breaking in big cities as well. Two of my college friends have lost brothers in Iraq. My brother in law is gearing up for his fourth deployment. I carry them all in my heart, even if I don't agree with Sarah Palin about the war they serve in.

I do not accept that there's something OK about identifying one social group in America and saying they're the real Americans.

I agree. Palin shouldn't have put it that way. We're all in this together.

425 Lidane  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:22:18pm

re: #416 Irenicum

Maybe it's me, but the only Cinderella I ever really liked was Drew Barrymore's version. She was kick ass and saved the guy. That's my kind of girl!

I liked Drew's version quite a bit. I also liked this one:

Heh. :)

426 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:23:27pm

re: #421 Olsonist

Huh? Cinderella has a terrible upbringing. Same with Anne Elliot in Persuasion. For a girl to know she is Cinderella is terrible. It means she wasn't valued.

I thought it was about overcoming the bullies and winding up with the cute guy, which you know, always happens.

427 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:23:58pm

Pictures of Bullwinkle & Rocky's statue, and the now sadly closed, Dudley Dooright Emporium.


428 What, me worry?  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:24:18pm

re: #423 Floral Giraffe

But, she KNOWS that she is a Princess, in the end.

I'm hearing ya hon, but they don't call it Cinderella syndrome for nuthin.

429 Olsonist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:24:50pm

re: #423 Floral Giraffe

We're going to have to disagree on this one. I think you're concentrating a little too much on the dress up ending and not enough on the painful upbringing. Don't get me wrong. I like the story and Persuasion is my favorite Jane Austen novel, by far. I just wouldn't wish it on any girl.

430 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:26:20pm

re: #423 Floral Giraffe

But, she KNOWS that she is a Princess, in the end.

In one way, (the sense of being special) that's nice and a good thing, but in another it can be creepy. I have to say I'm creeped out by the proliferation of 'princess' imagery and items marketed to little girls. I think it can lead to narcissism and a sense of entitlement. Also a warped way of looking at the world, where they expect to forever be 'the star' of everything.

I may be slightly biased on this; I was at a children's party once where the mother stopped the festivies and started shrieking at her husband "John, where's her TIARA!? GET IT!!! THE TIAAAAAAAAARRRRRRAAAAA!"

Because it was much more important that her kid be wearing it so the photos would look a certain way, rather than that everyone enjoy themselves.
Anyway-- I see the princess motif marketed everywhere and it disturbs me.

431 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:26:29pm

re: #403 SanFranciscoZionist

That's just 'cuz you're a dirty, Bush hating commie, who thinks the movie is a fap-fest promo for the War In Iraq!

432 Irenicum  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:27:37pm

All I ever get for Christmas is blue" courtesy of Over the Rhine

433 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:27:54pm

re: #431 Slumbering Behemoth

That's just 'cuz you're a dirty, Bush hating commie, who thinks the movie is a fap-fest promo for the War In Iraq!

'fap-fest'. heh. I love it!

434 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:29:53pm

re: #430 iceweasel

Well, there is that aspect to it, I agree. But, once you get beneath the parent's wishes & into the child's psyche, I think all the creepiness just vanishes.

Children don't have a sense of entitlement. Adults do.
Children have a sense of wonder & learning & bravery & discovery, if left alone to have childhoods.

435 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:31:37pm

re: #434 Floral Giraffe

Well, there is that aspect to it, I agree. But, once you get beneath the parent's wishes & into the child's psyche, I think all the creepiness just vanishes.

Children don't have a sense of entitlement. Adults do.
Children have a sense of wonder & learning & bravery & discovery, if left alone to have childhoods.


436 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:32:46pm

re: #435 iceweasel

Yours need cashmere socks for their wellies, BTW!
As do you & your intended....

437 Olsonist  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:37:12pm

re: #434 Floral Giraffe

Well, there is that aspect to it, I agree. But, once you get beneath the parent's wishes & into the child's psyche, I think all the creepiness just vanishes.

Children don't have a sense of entitlement. Adults do.
Children have a sense of wonder & learning & bravery & discovery, if left alone to have childhoods.

I want to agree with you there and I see wisdom. But maybe what I'm seeing is the result of bad parenting which is pretty much the opposite. Maybe this starts with playdates with the right sort of people and goes from there.

438 The Left  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:38:13pm

re: #436 Floral Giraffe

Yours need cashmere socks for their wellies, BTW!
As do you & your intended...

That's for sure-- especially this weekend. I told him the first thing we're doing when he gets here is getting him some proper shoes---(well maybe not the very first thing)--

BTW, FG, thanks so much for all your good wishes for us; I can't tell you how much they've touched me. You rock.
{ { {FG} } }

439 Slumbering Behemoth Stinks  Sat, Dec 19, 2009 11:45:29pm

re: #371 albusteve

this blog has changed significantly...I don't fit in...I get tired of constant bashing and need to take a break...there is no FNDT anymore, bums me out

We still have plenty of music threads, and open threads. They serve the same purpose.

BTW, I was sincere about wishing you a good night and happy returns in my previous post. I was also being sincere about the bitching.

440 Vambo  Sun, Dec 20, 2009 12:09:15am

I read the first comment and I'm done. I'm not making myself nauseous tonight.

but it reminds me of someone's response to a youtube comment I made just yesterday... they called me a "traitor" for saying Ron Paul was bullsh!t, then blathered on about the Constitution and the year 1913. what is so difficult to understand here??? This isn't 1913 or 1776, the Constitution wasn't written for 300 million people. why is it that "small government" only applies to branches or departments or services that they personally don't like or find useful (even though they made provide thousands of jobs and provide services to thousands of others).

441 Lidane  Sun, Dec 20, 2009 12:15:46am

re: #440 Vambo

I read the first comment and I'm done. I'm not making myself nauseous tonight.

but it reminds me of someone's response to a youtube comment I made just yesterday... they called me a "traitor" for saying Ron Paul was bullsh!t, then blathered on about the Constitution and the year 1913.

Let me guess-- he was bitching about the 16th Amendment being ratified that year, imposing a federal income tax? I'm sure that person's also in favor of returning to the gold standard. Paulians are very predictable that way.

442 The Left  Sun, Dec 20, 2009 12:38:26am

re: #440 Vambo

I read the first comment and I'm done. I'm not making myself nauseous tonight.

but it reminds me of someone's response to a youtube comment I made just yesterday... they called me a "traitor" for saying Ron Paul was bullsh!t, then blathered on about the Constitution and the year 1913. what is so difficult to understand here??? This isn't 1913 or 1776, the Constitution wasn't written for 300 million people. why is it that "small government" only applies to branches or departments or services that they personally don't like or find useful (even though they made provide thousands of jobs and provide services to thousands of others).

I have to say the wingnut fetish of calling the people they disagree with 'traitors' -- up to and including the democratically elected President of the United States -- is getting pretty goddamned old for me.
All the screeching about who Obama has bowed to and when is also a cover for that underlying sentiment, IMO (Obama is a traitor, unamerican, not one of us).

Kind of interesting in a sick way how that meme has evolved, from first calling critics of the war or the Bush admin 'traitors' and unamerican, to the explicit accusation that the POTUS isn't american at all, and is literally a traitor (seekrit Muslim, commie, whatever).

443 mikhailtheplumber  Sun, Dec 20, 2009 12:59:28am

Seeing how these people get makes me think BHO really must be doing something well.

444 eneri  Sun, Dec 20, 2009 4:14:52am

Get these people some tranks!

445 SixDegrees  Sun, Dec 20, 2009 5:03:31am

re: #262 Gus 802

This just in! Right wing bloggers won't like the movie Avatar!

Predictable. I just saw a preview and figured that might be the case.

Actually, a reviewer on NPR mentioned the he didn't care for the plot much, because he found it predictable, cliche-riddled and cartoonish. I'd guess for much the same reasons you're making your prediction.

He did say it was visually lush, and that suspension of disbelief was easy.

446 SixDegrees  Sun, Dec 20, 2009 5:11:48am

re: #417 marjoriemoon

But anyway, Disney was one of the first, if not THE first corporation to acknowledge homosexuality and give ins benefits to same sex couples when no one was doing it. Now, here in Florida, they have Gay Days at DisneyWorld. Schlussel's ranting just covers all the bases, anti-Muslim and anti-gay.

Just a mild correction: Gay Day at DisneyWorld isn't sponsored or even acknowledged much by the Disney Corporation, anymore than the thousands of other family and corporate group events that take place there every year. It's organized independently by private groups.

447 William of Orange  Sun, Dec 20, 2009 6:35:49am

That last one could have been written by a Democrat under the Bush administration. Seen the same thing back then.

448 kirkspencer  Sun, Dec 20, 2009 8:03:00am

re: #227 lostlakehiker

Take a look at ABC's Sunday Morning talk show. They always report armed forces deaths announced by the Pentagon, with names and home towns. The big cities are under-represented. Small town America, with something like 10 percent of the population, contributes most of the soldiers.

The rest of the country is Real America too, but still.

Actually, a couple of years ago I had that issue questioned. (I was a reference librarian moonlighting as an independent information professional, just to establish a touch of credential.) What I turned up was that it depends on your definition of small town and big city.

I used the US census as a base and ran the process two ways. First run if an area was part of a major metropolitan area I counted it as "big city", and otherwise as "small town". The second run I used a technique developed by the Heritage Foundation which evaluated zip codes by proportion of Urban, but then modified by ruling anything more than 25% urban as "big city". In both runs I got the same general result: small towns have a higher proportion of those able to be soldiers becoming soldiers, but the difference was less than 5%. Which in turn meant that most soldiers by actual numbers come from, well, Big Cities. You need an urban proportion of almost 75% to reverse that effect.

The thing to note is that most of the "small towns" that get reported are part of major metropolitan areas. As a 'for example', Broomfield, Colorado, is for all intents and purposes a part of Denver. When a soldier is reported as coming from Broomfield or from Eastridge, TN or from Calabasas, CA, it gives a false impression given those of us not living nearby would say (respectively) Denver or Chattanooga or Los Angeles.

449 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Sun, Dec 20, 2009 8:12:14am

re: #1 Dark_Falcon

Thank you for this, Charles. You do a great service documenting the craziness. This way none can deny it.

If only.

To know and not to know, to be conscious of complete truthfulness while telling carefully constructed lies, to hold simultaneously two opinions which canceled out, knowing them to be contradictory and believing in both of them, to use logic against logic, to repudiate morality while laying claim to it, to believe that democracy was impossible and that the Party was the guardian of democracy, to forget whatever it was necessary to forget, then to draw it back into memory again at the moment when it was needed, and then promptly to forget it again, and above all, to apply the same process to the process itself -- that was the ultimate subtlety; consciously to induce unconsciousness, and then, once again, to become unconscious of the act of hypnosis you had just performed. Even to understand the word 'doublethink' involved the use of doublethink.

-- some guy named Eric Blair

450 amrafel  Sun, Dec 20, 2009 2:06:46pm

Charles, I value /your/ opinion about Ben Nelson's decision much, much more than some of Hotair's commentators' opinions and radicalness. Won't you share it?

451 Jaerik  Sun, Dec 20, 2009 2:18:54pm

I respect people's right to bear arms, but I can't help but wonder how they intend to take down a cruise missile with their newly-legal AR-15's.

I think most of them must assume the entire US military is on their side, and will somehow join them in sacking the Capitol. In reality, we'd likely get a lively performance of Cletus Versus The M1-Abrams in the middle of Constitution Ave.

It's delusional any way you look at it.

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