Glenn Beck Promotes Theocracy and Interviews David Barton - Speaker at Neo-Nazi Rallies

Wingnuts • Views: 13,866

So, I turn on Fox News just to see what the Glenn Beck Comedy Hour’s topic for the day is, and here’s Beck ranting about the need for more religion in government, in front of two blackboards covered with pictures of the founding fathers — who are no doubt rotating at high speed in their graves to see Beck denigrating the separation of church and state, a principle that was extremely important to them.

Beck’s show today featured a full hour promoting the agenda of extreme fundamentalist/creationist/theocrat David Barton of Wallbuilders, one of the main forces behind the recent outrageous historical revisionism perpetrated by the Texas State Board of Education.

And here’s a little more information about David Barton; in the 1990s he gave speeches at two events organized by outright neo-Nazis and Holocaust deniers, then claimed he didn’t know who they were.

In 1991 Barton addressed the Rocky Mountain Bible Retreat of Pastor Pete Peters’ Scriptures for America, a group that espouses the racist “Christian Identity” theology. Advocates of this bizarre dogma insist that white Anglo-Saxons are the “true” chosen people of the Bible and charge that today’s Jews are usurpers. Aside from being a virulent anti-Semite, Peters has advocated the death penalty for homosexuals. According to the Anti-Defamation League, other speakers at the event included white supremacist leader and 1992 presidential candidate James “Bo” Gritz, a leader of the radical and increasingly violent militia movement, and Malcolm Ross, a Holocaust denier from Canada. In November of that same year, Barton spoke at Kingdom Covenant College in Grants Pass, Oregon, another “Christian Identity” front group with ties to Peters.

Asked to explain these actions, Barton’s reply amounted to a not very creative “I didn’t know they were Nazis” dodge. In a July 1993 letter, Barton assistant Kit Marshall wrote, “At the time we were contacted by Pete Peters, we had absolutely no idea that he was ‘part of the Nazi movement.’ He contacted us for David to speak for Scriptures for America. The title is quite innocuous. In all the conversations that I personally had with Pete Peters, never once was there a hint that they were part of a Nazi movement. I would also like to point out that simply because David Barton gives a presentation to a group of people does not mean that he endorses all their beliefs.” An excuse like that might have washed one time, but it stretches the bounds of credulity to accept that Barton was twice duped by innocuous-sounding extremist organizations.

Glenn Beck and David Barton — two of the very worst people in American politics, brought to you as usual by Fox News.

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1 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:10:20pm

Did he cry yet?

2 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:10:20pm

FAIL so thick you could cut it with a knife.

3 bosforus  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:10:51pm

A theocracy, you say?

4 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:12:05pm

He just doesn't care. The article I linked to last thread made it pretty clear to me.

5 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:12:35pm

Quick, hook up some generators to the Founding Fathers corpses, we could have the mother of all alternative energy sources here.

6 Obdicut  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:14:17pm

Fox can go to hell.

This is so irresponsible it's beyond words. Beck is like having a theocratic version of The Joker have a daily TV show. And Obama is cool, but he's not Atheist Batman.

7 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:14:49pm

Marx was wrong.

Religion is not the "opiate" of the masses... at least in the US.

Here religion is a stimulant, the moral equivalent of amphetamines.

It is used by the powerful in America to stir the pot of the languid masses, to plow the political landscape to create fertile ground for commerce in the comically criminal.

8 theliel  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:17:07pm

welcome to the 21st century
there's no flying cars, only psychotic authoritarian nutjobs who want the republic to fall because they lost an election...

incidentally, victoria 2 is coming out at the end of the year, and part of the game is social changes through the period.

the way they define 'facist' is 110% the GOP playbook: if the government is not run by that specific facist party then stonewall, oppose and phillabuster anything so nothing can get done...with the aim of collapsing the government so that that particular party can take over....
and when that party is in charge? go along with whatever dear leader says, even if you opposed it a scant government ago...

9 Lidane  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:17:12pm

re: #2 Dark_Falcon

FAIL so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Pfft. A knife's not enough. You'd need a diamond-tipped drill to cut through that amount of fail.

11 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:18:13pm

re: #10 Killgore Trout

Rupert Murdoch is God, and Glenn Beck is his Prophet?

12 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:19:11pm

re: #11 freetoken

So say we all!

13 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:19:43pm

re: #11 freetoken

Rupert Murdoch is God, and Glenn Beck is his Prophet?

Murdoch knows what trees to shake to make money fall out, that's his motivation.

14 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:19:47pm

re: #11 freetoken

Rupert Murdoch is God, and Glenn Beck is his Prophetfellating sidekick?


15 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:19:58pm

Buchanan is enjoying the rise of the neoConfederate right...
Buchanan: "[I]n a way, both sides were right" during the Civil War

16 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:20:37pm

re: #11 freetoken

Rupert Murdoch is God, and Glenn Beck is his Prophet?

Rupert Murdoch is God, and Glenn Beck is his Prophet profit.


17 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:20:41pm

re: #11 freetoken

Rupert Murdoch is God, and Glenn Beck is his Prophet?

Murdoch is Obi Wan and Beck is Jar-Jar Binks.

18 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:21:04pm

re: #15 Killgore Trout

Buchanan is enjoying the rise of the neoConfederate right...
Buchanan: "[I]n a way, both sides were right" during the Civil War

You could say that only if you were facing East.

19 ryannon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:21:13pm

The show must go on: make 'em laugh!

20 Obdicut  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:21:42pm

re: #15 Killgore Trout

Every statement from Buchanan should be followed by a rejoinder by Wanda Sykes or Chris Rock.

That's a Fairness Doctrine I can get behind.

21 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:22:00pm

re: #15 Killgore Trout

Buchanan is enjoying the rise of the neoConfederate right...
Buchanan: "[I]n a way, both sides were right" during the Civil War

Several (now) years ago, I was travelling for work and Don Imus had a morning show on MSNBC. Before bringing Pat Buchanan on for an interview, he told a joke about Buchanan losing an uncle at Auschwitz...said he fell off his tower. Buchanan appeared to think that was hilarious, and they repeated it.

That's the kind of person Pat Buchanan is.

22 bratwurst  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:22:26pm

re: #15 Killgore Trout

Buchanan is enjoying the rise of the neoConfederate right...
Buchanan: "[I]n a way, both sides were right" during the Civil War

Our resident Buchanan apologist here to explain in 5...4...3...2...

23 Lidane  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:22:49pm

re: #15 Killgore Trout

Buchanan is enjoying the rise of the neoConfederate right...
Buchanan: "[I]n a way, both sides were right" during the Civil War


No, Pat. The side that objected to the ownership of other human beings as immoral and wrong were the correct ones.

Then again, you're enough of a raging anti-Semite to think that the Holocaust was an unfortunate side effect of Churchill having the gall to fight against Hitler, so what the hell do you know? Asshole. =P

24 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:22:50pm

re: #21 darthstar

well if you can't laugh at yourself...


25 Sigma_x  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:23:14pm

Yeah, I watched most of it (because I HAD to after reading this Forbes profile on Beck; seeing him in a new light and all that) and they kept prattling on and on about the "original intent" of our Founding Fathers (as if our Government in the year 2010 should mimic that of 1800) without any mention whatsoever that most of them were slaveowners and, if it was up to them, women would still to this day not have the right to vote.

Required reading to see what a self admitted fraud Beck is...


26 Decatur Deb  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:23:15pm

re: #15 Killgore Trout

Buchanan is enjoying the rise of the neoConfederate right...
Buchanan: "[I]n a way, both sides were right" during the Civil War

He's consistent--says both sides were right in WWII.

27 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:23:47pm

re: #21 darthstar

Several (now) years ago, I was travelling for work and Don Imus had a morning show on MSNBC. Before bringing Pat Buchanan on for an interview, he told a joke about Buchanan losing an uncle at Auschwitz...said he fell off his tower. Buchanan appeared to think that was hilarious, and they repeated it.

That's the kind of person Pat Buchanan is.

Well, it is a damn funny joke.

28 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:24:05pm

re: #26 Decatur Deb

He's consistent--says both sides were right in WWII.

Very true.

29 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:24:30pm

re: #27 Killgore Trout

Well, it is a damn funny joke.

some people have no sense of humor...

30 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:24:39pm

re: #27 Killgore Trout

Well, it is a damn funny joke.

I'm glad I didn't post that, but I'm still laughing.

31 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:24:41pm

re: #26 Decatur Deb

Not that I am religious, cuz I'm not, but isn't that like saying the devil had a point when he rebelled against god?

32 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:24:51pm

I so happened to mention yesterday on a thread, the church that Pete Peters is associated with... the LaPorte Church of Christ. I have stacks of his "Scriptures for America" monthly house organs, published by the church. Some of mine go back to the 80's.

Same old, same old Anglo-Israelism, which started in the very late 1700's, big influence on a number of early religious groups in this country, biggest influence was on the Mormons.

Same Christian Identity stuff that the KKK and other groups espouse. Some of the articles in "Scriptures for America" are really amazing.

I would correct one thing in the article above. He is pastor of the "Laporte Church of Christ" (not "Scriptures for America"). He is publisher of "Scriptures for America." His church sponsors the Rocky Mountain Bible Retreat.

33 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:25:29pm

re: #32 Walter L. Newton

I so happened to mention yesterday on a thread, the church that Pete Peters is associated with... the LaPorte Church of Christ. I have stacks of his "Scriptures for America" monthly house organs, published by the church. Some of mine go back to the 80's.

Same old, same old Anglo-Israelism, which started in the very late 1700's, big influence on a number of early religious groups in this country, biggest influence was on the Mormons.

Same Christian Identity stuff that the KKK and other groups espouse. Some of the articles in "Scriptures for America" are really amazing.

I would correct one thing in the article above. He is pastor of the "Laporte Church of Christ" (not "Scriptures for America"). He is publisher of "Scriptures for America." His church sponsors the Rocky Mountain Bible Retreat.

Here is a Wiki entry...


34 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:26:12pm

re: #31 Dreggas

Not that I am religious, cuz I'm not, but isn't that like saying the devil had a point when he rebelled against god?

Having a point and being wrong and not mutually exclusive.

35 Decatur Deb  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:26:27pm

re: #31 Dreggas

Not that I am religious, cuz I'm not, but isn't that like saying the devil had a point when he rebelled against god?

Perhaps Buchanan will pick sides at Armageddon.

36 Charles Johnson  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:26:46pm

Wow. Reddit is driving serious traffic to LGF today. More than 5000 people currently online.

37 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:27:17pm

re: #36 Charles

Wow. Reddit is driving serious traffic to LGF today. More than 5000 people currently online.

Brace for hate mail?

38 Lidane  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:27:47pm

re: #35 Decatur Deb

Perhaps Buchanan will pick sides at Armageddon.

He'll just consider the slaughter of anyone who isn't Christian an unfortunate side effect of divine war. =P

39 Decatur Deb  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:29:00pm

re: #37 JasonA

Brace for hate mail?

Hate mail is the tears of the enemies' women.

40 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:29:46pm

re: #39 Decatur Deb

Hate mail is the tears of the enemies' women.

wait... that was a Conan movie, right?

41 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:29:47pm

re: #15 Killgore Trout

Buchanan is enjoying the rise of the neoConfederate right...
Buchanan: "[I]n a way, both sides were right" during the Civil War

Linky go nowhere.

42 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:30:44pm

re: #10 Killgore Trout

Here's the intro to today's show: Beck: "[F]all to your knees" and "thank God every day for the people at Fox" for airing his show

That mans ego is so huge he needs a wheelbarrow to carry it in!

43 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:31:01pm

re: #40 brookly red

wait... that was a Conan movie, right?

Lamentation of the women.

That was from Conan.

44 Sigma_x  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:31:06pm

Here's Buchanan...

45 wrenchwench  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:31:11pm

re: #36 Charles

Wow. Reddit is driving serious traffic to LGF today. More than 5000 people currently online.

Everybody loves old photos from the 50s.

46 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:31:24pm

re: #39 Decatur Deb

Hate mail is the tears of the enemies' women.

What is best in life?

47 Decatur Deb  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:31:57pm

re: #40 brookly red

wait... that was a Conan movie, right?


48 Stanghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:32:13pm

Well the good news is if 5000 new people are seeing this post that Glenn Beck is hosting a Neo-Nazi symp, then the story should go far.

But I tend to doubt that there is a tipping point for Beck.

49 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:32:14pm

re: #46 JasonA

What is best in life?


Crush the enemy
See them driven before you
and to hear the lamentation of the women.

50 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:32:21pm

You know I'm getting this close to thinking about publishing my Fox News Diet, you can eat whatever you want and get to sit on your ass for at least six hours a day watching Fox News, trust me you won't be able to keep enough down to gain weight....

51 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:33:33pm

re: #41 Alouette

Linky go nowhere.

Oops, sorry about that...
Buchanan: "[I]n a way, both sides were right" during the Civil War

52 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:33:40pm
53 Charles Johnson  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:33:41pm

re: #48 Stanley Sea

Well the good news is if 5000 new people are seeing this post that Glenn Beck is hosting a Neo-Nazi symp, then the story should go far.

But I tend to doubt that there is a tipping point for Beck.

A lot more than 5000 people will see it -- that's just the number currently online. We're already over 80,000 page views for the day.

54 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:33:51pm

re: #45 wrenchwench

Everybody loves old photos from the 50s.

Well, my dad does. Not photos like that of those racist jerks, of course, but cars and some of the musicians. But he was a teenager back then, so he's allowed some nostalgia.

55 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:34:22pm

re: #36 Charles

23046 from your referrers page.
Thanks to KT for showing me how that tool works!

56 Stanghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:34:32pm

re: #53 Charles

Far and wide. Good job.

57 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:35:02pm

Not sure how to embed a fb video, or if we can, but this one's pretty good (and appropriate given the subject of this thread is Glenn Beck). A baby that cries if you turn off Notorious B.I.G.


58 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:36:14pm

re: #53 Charles

A lot more than 5000 people will see it -- that's just the number currently online. We're already over 80,000 page views for the day.

Yeah, but like half of those have to be stalkers...

59 Walter L. Newton  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:36:55pm

Ha... I pulled one of my "Scriptures for America" from Pete Peters, circa. July 1987. Here is an ad for a audio tape sermon.

"Sermon to 4-11 year olds - A delightful message to 4-11 year olds about Samson, obeying parents and interracial marriage."

That's the kind of crap that goes on at his church and his Rocky Mountain Bible Retreats. David Barton must have been "proud" to speak to people who believe this shit.

60 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:37:06pm

re: #53 Charles

Feed the hamsters extra? High protein, maybe?

61 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:37:08pm

re: #57 darthstar

Not sure how to embed a fb video, or if we can, but this one's pretty good (and appropriate given the subject of this thread is Glenn Beck). A baby that cries if you turn off Notorious B.I.G.


Biggy... another neighbor I don't miss.

62 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:37:39pm

re: #52 Dreggas

This guy would beg to differ

Well it's a liberal diet, side effects not usual if you voted for John McCain or George W. Bush consult a doctor to find out if the Fox News diet is right for you and how to tell if you've become bulemic or are in danger of dieing due to dihydration.

63 wrenchwench  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:38:05pm

re: #60 Floral Giraffe

Feed the hamsters extra? High protein, maybe?

Looks like they're holding up well.

64 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:38:40pm

re: #53 Charles

Did you see the other pics about race mixing conspiracy posted by Ausador? It seems to be a hot topic.

65 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:40:03pm

re: #51 Killgore Trout

Oops, sorry about that...
Buchanan: "[I]n a way, both sides were right" during the Civil War

Watching that makes me long for my Daily Show, both because on that show people don't talk over each other, and because I'm sure Jon can have a field day with this....

66 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:41:18pm

re: #63 wrenchwench

Looks like they're holding up well.

Awwww, cute one!

67 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:41:25pm

re: #62 jamesfirecat

Well it's a liberal diet, side effects not usual if you voted for John McCain or George W. Bush consult a doctor to find out if the Fox News diet is right for you and how to tell if you've become bulemic or are in danger of dieing due to dihydration.

liberal diet? hmmmmm

68 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:41:38pm

Interesting commentary from reddit...

Even the commentariat is bearable. If you want to find logical and sound people who most likely label themselves Republican... LGF is about the only place you'll find them amass in number online.
69 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:43:38pm

For liberal foodies: Tales from the Larder: Seafood Diaries Part 2
I love mussels.

70 Obdicut  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:45:13pm

re: #68 Killgore Trout

I think they overestimate how many people would call themselves Republican, given how many people in my short time here I've seen disavow the label-- while not disavowing 'conservative'.

But I think they're spot on that by far and large the people here who are Republicans are sane, logical, and sound.

71 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:45:18pm

re: #69 Killgore Trout

For liberal foodies: Tales from the Larder: Seafood Diaries Part 2
I love mussels.

oh... this is Thursday right? It's all you can eat mussel night at a local joint...

72 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:46:01pm

re: #71 brookly red

oh... this is Thursday right? It's all you can eat mussel night at a local joint...


73 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:46:06pm

Speaking of the need for certain groups to purify organizations/parties:

North Carolina GOP chairman asks Steele to resign

North Carolina Republican Party Chairman Tom Fetzer called on Michael Steele Thursday to resign as chairman of the Republican National Committee.

Fetzer made the request in an early afternoon letter sent to Steele.

Fetzer told CNN in a telephone interview that he felt that “the party needed new leadership to move forward.”

“This is a conclusion that I reached only recently and somewhat reluctantly,” Fetzer said. “I have been supportive of him during my entire tenure as chairman of the North Carolina Republican Party. In the last few days, I have reached the conclusion that if we are going to be the party of reform we have to start with our own party.”

From Fetzner's letter:

Recent events, regardless of who is to blame, have made it difficult if not impossible for you to lead the party in the direction that it needs to go.

You mean recent events like the "lesbian bondage fiasco"? Why would Fetzner think this is an important deal? Turns out he is rather hypersensitive to homosexuality... having been accused of one himself:

Candidate to lead N.C. GOP sues over 'vicious rumor' that he's gay

Fetzer and his attorneys wrote that Curtis spread rumors that "tend to charge Mr. Fetzer with a crime of offense involving moral turpitude, to charge Mr. Fetzer with dishonesty, to disgrace and degrade Mr. Fetzer, to hold Mr. Fetzer up to public ridicule and contempt, and to cause Mr. Fetzer to be avoided and shunned," the suit states.

But Fetzer may face legal hurdles in the lawsuit.

The N.C. Court of Appeals ruled in 1994 that falsely claiming someone is gay or bisexual is not libelous on its face.

Fetzer sent an email to supporters late last month announcing his plans to sue Wright and denying that he's gay.

"I am not gay -- never have been -- never will be," Fetzer wrote. "The fact that I'm 54 and single does not mean that I have to put up with vicious rumors that I'm gay. The fact that I am heterosexual is a matter of public record.


Yeah, that is right, Fetzner beliefs being gay makes one depraved and wicked.

Fetzer is also one of those who was concerned over Obama addressing school children:

Fetzer: schools should skip Obama speech

Steele just isn't going to be pure enough for the true conservatives in the GOP, no matter which song he sings or which dance he taps out.

74 RadicalModerate  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:46:08pm

Is it just me, or has the party that said roughly 20 years ago they'd rather elect a known Democratic crook to a Governor's seat rather than an unapologetic racist (who ran as a Republican) now backslid so much to actually embrace that same mentality?

I'm gonna make a couple predictions here:

Sometime, before the midterm elections (my guess is during the summer, when immigration reform legislation discussion is in full swing), there will be someone from what qualifies nowadays as the "mainstream" of the right-wing movement quoting the infamous "fourteen words" of the neo-Nazis, with the word "white" substituted with the word "American", or some other similar word.

And when it is called out as being rooted in racist hatred, there will be at least one popular blogosphere commentator posting to defend the same statement.

75 Lidane  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:46:21pm

I don't know whether to laugh or wonder if my iPod has mind-reading capabilities, but this song just came up in my shuffle:

Rather appropriate, given the topic.

76 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:46:27pm

re: #5 CyanSnowHawk

Quick, hook up some generators to the Founding Fathers corpses, we could have the mother of all alternative energy sources here.

Ben Franklin, at least, would think that was very cool.

77 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:47:43pm

re: #75 Lidane

I don't know whether to laugh or wonder if my iPod has mind-reading capabilities, but this song just came up in my shuffle:


Rather appropriate, given the topic.

Someone needs to start a band named "Freakazoid Nut Sandwich."

78 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:47:59pm

re: #74 RadicalModerate

Is it just me, or has the party that said roughly 20 years ago they'd rather elect a known Democratic crook to a Governor's seat rather than an unapologetic racist (who ran as a Republican) now backslid so much to actually embrace that same mentality?

I'm gonna make a couple predictions here:

Sometime, before the midterm elections (my guess is during the summer, when immigration reform legislation discussion is in full swing), there will be someone from what qualifies nowadays as the "mainstream" of the right-wing movement quoting the infamous "fourteen words" of the neo-Nazis, with the word "white" substituted with the word "American", or some other similar word.

And when it is called out as being rooted in racist hatred, there will be at least one popular blogosphere commentator posting to defend the same statement.

What exactly are the "Fourteen words"? I'm not exactly up on my Neo-Nazi history beyond Watching Blues Brothers now and again...

79 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:48:06pm

re: #69 Killgore Trout

For liberal foodies: Tales from the Larder: Seafood Diaries Part 2
I love mussels.

A bunch of people from a Craigslist food forum off-shoot we started a few years ago get together every year for a day of pulling mussels off the rocks at Davenport (about 15 miles north of Santa Cruz). We pull about a 5 gallon bucket of mussels in about a half hour, then spend an hour or so (and a few bottles of wine) scrubbing them. One guy brings a propane burner, and we have a few woks, pots, etc. and make mussels a few different ways (fresh herbs, vinegars, sauces, marinades, etc.) along with breads different people make to soak up the the end of the day, we're usually full, buzzed, and ready for naps. Good times.

80 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:48:13pm

re: #15 Killgore Trout

Buchanan is enjoying the rise of the neoConfederate right...
Buchanan: "[I]n a way, both sides were right" during the Civil War

God damn it! I thought moral relativism was what the Left did!

81 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:48:33pm

re: #72 Killgore Trout


check it, white wine & garlic/herbs over kale and/or fradiablo over linguine...
all you can eat 9 bucks / salad & fresh bread... (they get you on the booze)

82 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:48:43pm

re: #68 Killgore Trout

Interesting commentary from reddit...

Now, that's a good shout out.

83 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:48:56pm

re: #80 SanFranciscoZionist

God damn it! I thought moral relativism was what the Left did!

Yeah righties stop muscling in on our logical errors go find your own!

84 Lidane  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:49:20pm

re: #78 jamesfirecat

What exactly are the "Fourteen words"? I'm not exactly up on my Neo-Nazi history beyond Watching Blues Brothers now and again...


85 Obdicut  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:49:33pm

re: #74 RadicalModerate

Urban Dictionary has the best definition of the Fourteen Words ever:


The fourteen words are "We must secure the location of the triforce and a future for Hyrule's children." It is said that white-supremacists, becoming largely irrelevant in today's enlightened society, have began adopting an incrementalist strategy of forwarding their political and social beliefs, starting with mastering late 1980's video games. Once mastered, these white-supremacists will be able to finally enjoy their inaugural accomplishment - beating the Legend of Zelda.

86 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:49:38pm

re: #73 freetoken

"lesbian bondage fiasco"

Any relation to "Lesbian Spank Inferno"?

NOTE: Link is safe for work.

87 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:49:39pm

Hooray for McCarthyism!

Was Employee Laid Off for Voting for Obama?

Last Friday, someone going by the name "dermdoc" posted a thread on a message board for Texas A&M students and alumni with this topic: "Laid off my first Obama voting employee today."

"Our reimbursement rates are spiraling downward, taxes are projected to go up with Obamacare, so I did it," the person wrote. He later added: "I made this decision because I can."

"It is kind of interesting watching their face as you explain to them the economic consequences of the policies of the guy they voted for," wrote dermdoc.

88 avanti  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:49:48pm

re: #53 Charles

A lot more than 5000 people will see it -- that's just the number currently online. We're already over 80,000 page views for the day.

Maybe time to unlock the front door, but stand in the hallway with a bat in case.

89 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:49:53pm

re: #31 Dreggas

Not that I am religious, cuz I'm not, but isn't that like saying the devil had a point when he rebelled against god?

If the Devil was a registered Republican, I'm sure we can find people to make that point.

If he's a Dem, he's still evil.

90 RadicalModerate  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:51:21pm

re: #84 Lidane

Beat me to finding the wiki link - thanks.

91 Bubblehead II  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:51:41pm

re: #36 Charles

And surprisingly enough, the comment section isn't filled with the usual vile comments about you. Some are even halfway complementary.

92 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:51:44pm

re: #80 SanFranciscoZionist

God damn it! I thought moral relativism was what the Left did!

Did you listen to the clip?

I think Lincoln had a right to save the Union; I think they had a right to go free.

Does. Not. Compute.

93 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:51:46pm

re: #79 darthstar

Lucky! I wanted to move out to the coast and digging clams and picking mussels was what I was looking forward to the most. Plans fell through, bummer. They are hard to get around here, most grovery stores here don't even sell fresh mussels.

94 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:52:38pm

re: #92 JasonA

Does. Not. Compute.

Consistency is the hobgoblin of the small mind, whatever that means....

95 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:53:17pm

re: #87 Killgore Trout

"It is kind of interesting watching their face as you explain to them the economic consequences of the policies of the guy they voted for,"

well there is that...

96 Stanghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:53:40pm

re: #87 Killgore Trout

Hooray for McCarthyism!

Was Employee Laid Off for Voting for Obama?

Hopefully as I type this the Doc has been outed.

97 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:53:48pm

re: #94 jamesfirecat

Consistency is the hobgoblin of the small mind, whatever that means...

But but but... this is simple friggin' logic! If they had a right to go free then you cannot say that Lincoln had a right to save the Union!!!

98 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:54:12pm

re: #96 Stanley Sea

and is realizing the economic consequences of being a douche-nozzle.

99  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:54:26pm

re: #69 Killgore Trout

For liberal foodies: Tales from the Larder: Seafood Diaries Part 2
I love mussels.

Now posted in Killgore's Very Own Section of the Cookbook Blog!

100 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:54:36pm

re: #93 Killgore Trout

Lucky! I wanted to move out to the coast and digging clams and picking mussels was what I was looking forward to the most. Plans fell through, bummer. They are hard to get around here, most grovery stores here don't even sell fresh mussels.

I built my own A-frame net once...a small one, about 3ft across...for surf fishing. It was a blast...all the commercial guys are out there with their 8 ft nets getting swamped by waves and barely making it back to their rigs...I was able to get a bucket of smelt in a short amount of THAT'S some good fun...cook those little suckers whole and eat 'em like fries.

101 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:54:54pm

I should post my recipes sometime...

102 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:55:39pm

re: #97 JasonA

But but but... this is simple friggin' logic! If they had a right to go free then you cannot say that Lincoln had a right to save the Union!!!

Its a joke, I believe the meaning of the quote is that the simple mind has no problem at all with double think....

We can have complicated charts that use the mathmatics of the earth revolving around the sun, and we can have ones that say the sun revolves around the earth.

(Quoted to the best of my memory been a while since I read 1984)

103  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:55:39pm

re: #87 Killgore Trout

Hooray for McCarthyism!

Was Employee Laid Off for Voting for Obama?

eh - I've been getting e-mails with these sorts of stories for ages.

104 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:56:23pm

re: #93 Killgore Trout

Lucky! I wanted to move out to the coast and digging clams and picking mussels was what I was looking forward to the most. Plans fell through, bummer. They are hard to get around here, most grovery stores here don't even sell fresh mussels.

at my sisters house we throw ropes in the water and pull em out every 2 weeks :)re: #101 Dreggas

I should post my recipes sometime...

never give it away...

105  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:56:26pm

re: #93 Killgore Trout

Lucky! I wanted to move out to the coast and digging clams and picking mussels was what I was looking forward to the most. Plans fell through, bummer. They are hard to get around here, most grovery stores here don't even sell fresh mussels.

Probably because the stores are busy selling just groveries.

106 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:57:54pm

re: #105

Probably because the stores are busy selling just groveries.

Now I'm picturing an aisle full of dead... this.

Image: grover.jpg

107 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:57:57pm

re: #105

Probably because the stores are busy selling just groveries.


108 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:58:05pm

re: #104 brookly red

eh i love to cook so to me it's no biggie to give em out.

109 MandyManners  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:58:17pm

re: #73 freetoken

The fact that I am heterosexual is a matter of public record.

Ummm, how is this a matter of public record? Did he get busted for having sex with a woman in public?

110 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:58:28pm

re: #106 JasonA

beat me by three seconds.

111 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:59:50pm

re: #87 Killgore Trout

Hooray for McCarthyism!

Was Employee Laid Off for Voting for Obama?

He's going to enjoy the Wrongful Termination suit. It should get him plenty of martyr cookies from fellow wingnuts.

112 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 3:59:57pm

re: #105

You must bring us.....a GROVERY!

113 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:00:01pm

re: #109 MandyManners a new avatar you might like.

Image: 3117077860_4e81bb7bee_o.jpg

114  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:00:02pm

re: #110 darthstar

beat me by three seconds.

Great minds and all of that.

115 MandyManners  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:00:09pm

re: #109 MandyManners

The fact that I am heterosexual is a matter of public record.

Ummm, how is this a matter of public record? Did he get busted for having sex with a woman in public?

Oops. Bad foramtting.

116 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:00:11pm

re: #109 MandyManners

The fact that I am heterosexual is a matter of public record.

Ummm, how is this a matter of public record? Did he get busted for having sex with a woman in public?

that proves noting if he was getting paid...

117 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:00:44pm

re: #109 MandyManners

The fact that I am heterosexual is a matter of public record.

Ummm, how is this a matter of public record? Did he get busted for having sex with a woman in public?

Maybe he went to City Hall and filed an "Intent to have sex with opposite gender partner" form.

118  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:01:10pm

re: #101 Dreggas

I should post my recipes sometime...

Dreggas - hell!
We've just finished Vol 2 of the LGF cookbook, featuring recipes submitted by users!
Where were you?

119 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:01:44pm

re: #118

Waiting to be allowed to register.

120 Randall Gross  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:01:46pm

OT: for cyberlaw fans I've posted Jonathan Zittrain's talk from Davos up top in the Spinoff links.

121 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:01:47pm

re: #111 Dark_Falcon

He's going to enjoy the Wrongful Termination suit. It should get him plenty of martyr cookies from fellow wingnuts.

I have no sympathy... I got laid off cause he voted O, so why shouldn't he ?

(here it comes)

122 MandyManners  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:01:56pm

re: #115 MandyManners

Oops. Bad foramtting.

Oops. Bad typing. Maybe I'll go back to lurking with my codeine glow.

123 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:01:56pm

re: #116 brookly red

that proves noting if he was getting paid...

It could be much ado about noting.

124 MandyManners  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:02:18pm


125 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:02:42pm

re: #109 MandyManners

Apparently because once upon a time there was a report published that he was going to elope (presumably with a woman), thus it is a matter of "public record".

It's all just so over the top...

126 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:02:45pm

re: #121 brookly red

I have no sympathy... I got laid off cause he voted O, so why shouldn't he ?

(here it comes)

Because the economy would have just ROARED back to life if McCain had won the election?

127 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:02:48pm

re: #99

Now posted in Killgore's Very Own Section of the Cookbook Blog!

Ah, thanks.

128 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:03:24pm

re: #123 CyanSnowHawk

It could be much ado about noting.

now, now... don't kiss and tell ;)

129 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:03:33pm

re: #125 freetoken

Apparently because once upon a time there was a report published that he was going to elope (presumably with a woman), thus it is a matter of "public record".

It's all just so over the top...

Could be a false flag...

130 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:03:57pm

re: #85 Obdicut

Urban Dictionary has the best definition of the Fourteen Words ever:


LOL! I was never able to beat the first run-trough of that game. Couldn't find the 5th labyrinth. I always had to enter "Zelda" as my name for saves, which let you play the second (harder in terms of enemies) run-through.

131 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:03:59pm

re: #121 brookly red

I have no sympathy... I got laid off cause he voted O, so why shouldn't he ?

(here it comes)

Seriously? Can I hear the full story?

132 Decatur Deb  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:04:09pm

re: #125 freetoken

Apparently because once upon a time there was a report published that he was going to elope (presumably with a woman), thus it is a matter of "public record".

It's all just so over the top...

Or maybe his socks never match...

133 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:05:02pm

re: #126 SanFranciscoZionist

Because the economy would have just ROARED back to life if McCain had won the election?

we can't say what would have happened... what has happened is too big to ignore.

134 Charles Johnson  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:05:23pm

Pat Buchanan is spewing his neo-Confederate garbage right now on the Chris Matthews show.

Why is this guy still on TV?

135 Randall Gross  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:06:06pm

re: #134 Charles

Pat Buchanan is spewing his neo-Confederate garbage right now on the Chris Matthews show.

Why is this guy still on TV?

To make Republicans look bad.

136 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:06:27pm

re: #133 brookly red

we can't say what would have happened... what has happened is too big to ignore.

However, you're willing to draw a direct correlation between some schlub voting for Obama and you being laid off.

137 Irenicum  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:06:50pm

re: #59 Walter L. Newton

Back in the day when I was a geeky teenage late night radio DXer I used to listen to his radio show. I forget which station played his craziness, but I was absolutely fascinated by his ranting on about the lost tribes and "Christian America!!!" (with that deep rich and oh so authoritative baritone voice) What a crazy throw back! Walter, you have got to be the most religiously knowledgeable atheist I have ever met. By the way, I've been fascinated by the whole Anglo-Israeli concept since I first came across it listening to late night crazy AM radio. Serious bad crazy.

138 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:06:51pm

re: #121 brookly red

I have no sympathy... I got laid off cause he voted O, so why shouldn't he ?

(here it comes)

It's valid grounds for a suit, so he'll get sued. And I don't think someone should be laid off because of who they voted for. Unless you work for a political organization, its not relevant to your job performance.

139 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:07:26pm

re: #135 Thanos

To make Republicans look bad.

Of which he does a good job... except of course to the true conservatives Patriots...

140 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:08:15pm

re: #136 SanFranciscoZionist

However, you're willing to draw a direct correlation between some schlub voting for Obama and you being laid off.

no I am drawing a direct correlation between massive debt & economic stagnation.

141 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:08:16pm

13-Year-Old Yemeni Bride Dies Of Bleeding

A 13-year-old Yemeni girl has died of injuries to her genitals four days after a family-arranged marriage, a human rights group said.

142 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:08:32pm

re: #85 Obdicut

Urban Dictionary has the best definition of the Fourteen Words ever:


I like that they misspelled 'existence'

143 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:09:51pm

re: #142 darthstar

I like that they misspelled 'existence'

Entirely possible.

/All Your Base Are Belong To Us!!

144 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:09:58pm

re: #138 Dark_Falcon

It's valid grounds for a suit, so he'll get sued. And I don't think someone should be laid off because of who they voted for. Unless you work for a political organization, its not relevant to your job performance.

actually if you read the work for hire agreement that most private sector companies use, you work at the pleasure of the company.

145 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:10:00pm

re: #140 brookly red

no I am drawing a direct correlation between massive debt & economic stagnation.

Right, that's what you did.

146 Stanghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:10:00pm

re: #140 brookly red

no I am drawing a direct correlation between massive debt & economic stagnation.

But you're working now.

147 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:10:20pm

re: #141 Killgore Trout

I'm glad to see this case is getting prominence, as on the HP. More and more human/women's rights groups ought to, and apparently are, getting on-board about raising a big stink about those type of primitive practices.

148 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:10:42pm

re: #144 brookly red

actually if you read the work for hire agreement that most private sector companies use, you work at the pleasure of the company.

Which doesn't mean you can openly fire for discriminatory reasons, in practical law.

149 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:10:56pm

re: #87 Killgore Trout

Isn't that discrimination?
On something that is personal & private?
(I wonder if it's even true?)

150 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:11:45pm

re: #147 freetoken

I'm glad to see this case is getting prominence, as on the HP. More and more human/women's rights groups ought to, and apparently are, getting on-board about raising a big stink about those type of primitive practices.

They were on-board a long, long time ago. FGM was a major topic in the much-whined about PeeeeCeeeee Women's Studies departments in 90s.

151 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:11:53pm

re: #146 Stanley Sea

But you're working now.

no... I am living off my investments.

152 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:11:54pm

re: #144 brookly red

actually if you read the work for hire agreement that most private sector companies use, you work at the pleasure of the company.

True, and if he'd simply said "you're done" that would have been fine. But he bragged about laying off an "Obama voter" and in my eyes that is over the line. I'd sue, and I'm sure I'd get some money out of him.

153 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:11:57pm

Old farts on top!

Fred Couples and Tom Watson on the top of the leader board after day 1 of the Masters...(home office day tomorrow so I can watch)...Tiger's two strokes back of Couples at 4 under. Could be an exciting tournament...I remember the last time Watson was at the top of the leader board for the first three days...wouldn't mind seeing a repeat.

154 SpaceJesus  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:12:02pm

anybody else hear about this texas pipebomb guy today?


potential glenn beck fan here?

155 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:12:22pm

re: #147 freetoken

I'm glad to see this case is getting prominence, as on the HP. More and more human/women's rights groups ought to, and apparently are, getting on-board about raising a big stink about those type of primitive practices.

Huffpo does a decent job covering stories like that. Unfortunately the old right wing counterjihad blogs just aren't reliable anymore so I just assume whatever stories they're covering are bogus.

156 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:12:25pm

re: #88 avanti

Maybe time to unlock the front door, but stand in the hallway with a bat in case.

I think Mr. Stinky Beaumont is working at True/Slant today!
His other job, for Charles.

157 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:12:35pm

re: #151 brookly red

no... I am living off my investments.

I hope that's not code for you're living off my taxes.

158 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:12:45pm

re: #154 SpaceJesus

anybody else hear about this texas pipebomb guy today?


potential glenn beck fan here?

Lord knows.

159 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:13:29pm

re: #149 Floral Giraffe

Isn't that discrimination?
On something that is personal & private?
(I wonder if it's even true?)

It parallels the occasional email I get about similar occurrences. So it is definitely Snopes worthy. Doing so openly would be an obvious invitation to a lawsuit, so it seems to be quite unlikely to be true.

160 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:13:54pm

re: #101 Dreggas

I should post my recipes sometime...

No, you should email them to Reine, who can put them in the 3rd volume of the LGF cookbook!

161 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:14:04pm

re: #148 SanFranciscoZionist

Which doesn't mean you can openly fire for discriminatory reasons, in practical law.

look when my boss said cut your staff in half I did it by performance... those who think they are entitled somehow just don't perform as well.

162 Stanghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:14:13pm

re: #151 brookly red

no... I am living off my investments.

You said the other night that you were working in health care. Were you BSing?

163 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:14:15pm

re: #154 SpaceJesus

anybody else hear about this texas pipebomb guy today?


potential glenn beck fan here?

He looks like a model for an easter egg company

Angry at the government? Ya think? I'll bet these guys get all the women.

164 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:14:15pm

Put in the spinoffs a link to the Science Mag site with the *free to read* (free registration) papers on the new Australopithecus species. Some neat stuff there.

165  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:14:38pm

Very much OT here, but I spent a bit of time outside today, and my red formosa azaleas are so gorgeous, some guy driving by saw me outside and stopped and wanted to take a picture of them. They're in beautiful bloom this year, they didn't get caught by a freeze or a frost.

Anyone whose interested can see ours here.

166 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:15:04pm

re: #161 brookly red

look when my boss said cut your staff in half I did it by performance... those who think they are entitled somehow just don't perform as well.

Yes because you can't be a liberal and have a strong work ethic....

167 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:15:11pm

Westboro Baptist plans protests at Tampa schools, church, Bon Jovi concert

A fundamentalist antigay church is planning to visit Tampa to protest a church, a rock concert and a handful of schools this month.
Referring to Bon Jovi, the church Web site says: "These old fools have had access to millions all over the world for nearly 3 decades, but they have not one time told any of them what God requires of them."

I can't even find it in myself to laugh at these fools anymore. This organization disgusts me to no end. (Let's not forget what they think of dead soldiers: Image: westboro-300x183.jpg )

168 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:15:15pm

re: #112 Dreggas

You must bring us...a GROVERY!

All your Groveries belong to us!

169 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:15:50pm

re: #165

Very much OT here, but I spent a bit of time outside today, and my red formosa azaleas are so gorgeous, some guy driving by saw me outside and stopped and wanted to take a picture of them. They're in beautiful bloom this year, they didn't get caught by a freeze or a frost.

Anyone whose interested can see ours here.

Beautiful! (and the flowers look good too)

170 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:16:11pm

re: #161 brookly red

look when my boss said cut your staff in half I did it by performance... those who think they are entitled somehow just don't perform as well.

That category now includes Obama voters?

171 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:16:15pm

re: #152 Dark_Falcon

True, and if he'd simply said "you're done" that would have been fine. But he bragged about laying off an "Obama voter" and in my eyes that is over the line. I'd sue, and I'm sure I'd get some money out of him.

well that is assuming that there were others that didn't vote that way... I had a staff of 8, all including my self were democrats ... so what is the point?

172 Stanghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:16:30pm

re: #165

omg Reine! Beeautiful!

173  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:16:55pm

re: #169 darthstar

Beautiful! (and the flowers look good too)


174 SpaceJesus  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:17:01pm

re: #163 darthstar

He looks like a model for an easter egg company

Angry at the government? Ya think? I'll bet these guys get all the women.

oh yeah, look at this one, he's a real catch. he must be stockpiling lots of food in his stomach in preparation for the end times.

175  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:17:18pm

re: #172 Stanley Sea

omg Reine! Beeautiful!

aren't they though?
best year we've had in a few.

176 Brother Holy Cruise Missile of Mild Acceptance  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:17:24pm

re: #165

Those are some gorgeous flowers.

177 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:18:22pm

re: #166 jamesfirecat

Yes because you can't be a liberal and have a strong work ethic...

no some liberals show up on time & perform, some don't. So if you have 8 liberals some perform better than others. It's just life.

178 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:19:02pm

re: #165

Anyone whose interested can see ours here.

Damn, that's huge!

179 A Man for all Seasons  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:19:22pm

re: #165

Very much OT here, but I spent a bit of time outside today, and my red formosa azaleas are so gorgeous, some guy driving by saw me outside and stopped and wanted to take a picture of them. They're in beautiful bloom this year, they didn't get caught by a freeze or a frost.

Anyone whose interested can see ours here.

Beautiful flower things you have..
You are as lovely as your posts Reine

180 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:19:50pm

re: #170 SanFranciscoZionist

That category now includes Obama voters?

that actually was before the election... sorry.

181 Dancing along the light of day  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:19:58pm

re: #165

Pretty lady with the nice azaleas!

182 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:20:16pm

re: #177 brookly red

no some liberals show up on time & perform, some don't. So if you have 8 liberals some perform better than others. It's just life.

Which has jack to do with this (probably bullshit) story from CBS.

183  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:20:39pm

re: #178 Killgore Trout

Damn, that's huge!

You ought to see it in real life.
Much more beautimous than the photo.

184 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:20:54pm

re: #180 brookly red

that actually was before the election... sorry.

Stop BSing and make sense. Who are the 'entitled' people?

185 Stanghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:21:37pm

re: #182 SanFranciscoZionist

Which has jack to do with this (probably bullshit) story from CBS.

BS I do claim. But the CBS story actually has a screen shot of the doc's post.

186 Bubblehead II  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:21:43pm

re: #118

Did my Lasagna recipe make it?

187 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:22:20pm

re: #185 Stanley Sea

BS I do claim. But the CBS story actually has a screen shot of the doc's post.

So you're BSing his claim of BS.... this is getting complicated...

188 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:22:22pm

re: #177 brookly red

no some liberals show up on time & perform, some don't. So if you have 8 liberals some perform better than others. It's just life.

I can't believe you categorize people who work for you politically...regardless of how you may or may not treat them. Unless you work for a political party, then it's part of the job. Otherwise, it's just wrong.

189  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:22:48pm

re: #186 Bubblehead II

Did my Lasagna recipe make it?

yes, indeed!

190 Stanghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:23:06pm

re: #187 jamesfirecat

So you're BSing his claim of BS... this is getting complicated...

No, actually I'm thinking of the claim to be working in health care.

191 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:23:28pm

re: #162 Stanley Sea

You said the other night that you were working in health care. Were you BSing?

I do but now I am just consulting on a freelance basis... it doesn't pay all my bills, hence living off my investments, but I am working in health care. Health care management... you do realize what it means when you company brings in consultants?

192 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:23:46pm

re: #167 JasonA

Westboro Baptist plans protests at Tampa schools, church, Bon Jovi concert

I can't even find it in myself to laugh at these fools anymore. This organization disgusts me to no end. (Let's not forget what they think of dead soldiers: Image: westboro-300x183.jpg )

Bon Jovi should just set up speakers and blast 'em when they show up. Here's a couple fun songs good for driving Phelps cultists off:

193 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:25:06pm

re: #184 SanFranciscoZionist

Stop BSing and make sense. Who are the 'entitled' people?

look some people take 30 sick days because they can, not because they are sick... do you catch my drift?

194 Randall Gross  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:25:10pm

Alleged Militia leader rants about NWO etc on secret tape


195 Stanghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:25:53pm

re: #192 Dark_Falcon

Bon Jovi should just set up speakers and blast 'em when they show up. Here's a couple fun songs good for driving Phelps cultists off:


I LOVE "Living on a Prayer"

196 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:25:59pm

re: #15 Killgore Trout

Buchanan is enjoying the rise of the neoConfederate right...
Buchanan: "[I]n a way, both sides were right" during the Civil War

man I watched that today and I COULD BARELY BELIEVE IT

197 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:26:28pm

re: #191 brookly red

I do but now I am just consulting on a freelance basis... it doesn't pay all my bills, hence living off my investments, but I am working in health care. Health care management... you do realize what it means when you company brings in consultants?

I know. My mother worked as an IT consultant.

198 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:26:40pm

Coburn picks up the ball after Bunning:

Another GOP senator blocks extension of jobless benefits

Image problems will persist for the GOP, I think.

199 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:26:41pm

re: #196 WindUpBird

man I watched that today and I COULD BARELY BELIEVE IT

What are you doing watching Hardball?

200 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:26:57pm

re: #192 Dark_Falcon

ahahahah yes!

I'm partial to Bad Medicine and Wanted Dead or Alive myself :D

201 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:27:12pm

re: #193 brookly red

look some people take 30 sick days because they can, not because they are sick... do you catch my drift?

You're saying you can be a dick to others and no one can do anything about it.

202 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:27:28pm

re: #199 JasonA

What are you doing watching Hardball?

I'm at work! The TV's on! It's on! I watched. :D

203 Stanghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:28:09pm

re: #200 WindUpBird

ahahahah yes!

I'm partial to Bad Medicine and Wanted Dead or Alive myself :D

You should see my moves right now. It all comes back.

204 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:28:15pm

re: #193 brookly red

look some people take 30 sick days because they can, not because they are sick... do you catch my drift?

Yes, I 'catch your drift'. I also 'caught your drift' when you tried to blame Obama voters for your being laid off, I 'caught your drift' when you said it was OK to lay off workers for any reason, including discriminatory ones, and I 'caught your drift', when you elided from Obama voters to 'entitled' people.

205 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:28:36pm

re: #190 Stanley Sea

No, actually I'm thinking of the claim to be working in health care.

simple, I work in the industry of detailing/training HPCs, we provide training to them concerning new therapy areas... simple. We educate your doctor as to what is new. But business is bad right now.

206 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:28:38pm

re: #198 freetoken

Coburn picks up the ball after Bunning:

Another GOP senator blocks extension of jobless benefits

Image problems will persist for the GOP, I think.

Sir I'm afraid you have something of an image problem... people see you as something of an ogre.

I ought to club them and eat their bones!

207 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:28:57pm

The ultimate tu quoque ?

Mean Men

The priesthood is being cast as the refuge of pederasts. In fact, priests seem to abuse children at the same rate as everyone else.

208 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:29:45pm

re: #87 Killgore Trout

Hooray for McCarthyism!

Was Employee Laid Off for Voting for Obama?

Oh man, if that post becomes evidence for a successful suit, and that dermdoc dude gets canned, I will laugh my entire body off.

209 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:29:59pm

re: #207 freetoken

The ultimate tu quoque ?

Mean Men

Why yes!

If these people want to think they're entitled to act as God's representatives hear on Earth then they're gonna have to live up to the brand name!

210 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:30:08pm

re: #193 brookly red

look some people take 30 sick days because they can, not because they are sick... do you catch my drift?

I catch that you're adrift, yes.

211 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:30:36pm

re: #204 SanFranciscoZionist

Yes, I 'catch your drift'. I also 'caught your drift' when you tried to blame Obama voters for your being laid off, I 'caught your drift' when you said it was OK to lay off workers for any reason, including discriminatory ones, and I 'caught your drift', when you elided from Obama voters to 'entitled' people.

I am sorry but I did not make the rules.

212 Bubblehead II  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:31:03pm

re: #189

Cool. By the way, lovely pic of you and the flowers. My Lilac Bushes are just starting to bud. Hope we don't get another freeze like last spring.

213 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:31:26pm

re: #203 Stanley Sea

You should see my moves right now. It all comes back.

It really does. :D

/yes, I do Bon Jovi at karaoke, yes I'm comfortable with that

214 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:32:03pm

re: #207 freetoken

The ultimate tu quoque ?

Mean Men

Someone needs to tell these guys that what's really pissing people off is the whole "cover-up" part.

215 Decatur Deb  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:32:04pm

re: #207 freetoken

The ultimate tu quoque ?

Mean Men

That is not a good statistic if you are proposing a life path that leads to perfection.

216 bosforus  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:32:10pm

re: #207 freetoken

The ultimate tu quoque ?

Mean Men

So their "defense" is that the clergy is just as disreputable as the world they claim to reject? Hmmmm...

217 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:32:23pm

re: #211 brookly red

I am sorry but I did not make the rules.

These aren't rules so much as they're your contorted partisan vindictive crazy walnuts that you're spilling all over my nice clean internet.

218 Stanghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:32:24pm

re: #213 WindUpBird

It really does. :D

/yes, I do Bon Jovi at karaoke, yes I'm comfortable with that

The best song to pull off IMHO Better Man, Pearl Jam. Yeah, do it & send me the vid.

219 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:32:42pm

re: #193 brookly red

look some people take 30 sick days because they can, not because they are sick... do you catch my drift?

We had several of them at Sprint. They took sick days and so I had to work even when I was in severe pain. They shuffled the work off, and I was the one who suffered for it (and was ultimately let go). Life is unfair, but I still did my part for the team. Not because I expected a reward, but because it was the right thing to do.

220 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:33:13pm

re: #218 Stanley Sea

The best song to pull off IMHO Better Man, Pearl Jam. Yeah, do it & send me the vid.

hahaha, I have never done Better Man, I'm really about songs off Ten. I do Evenflow quite a bit!

221 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:33:19pm

re: #211 brookly red

I am sorry but I did not make the rules.

What the hell is that supposed to mean? You're completely wrong if you think 'the rules' let you fire employees to punish them for voting for the wrong politician. Which is what you attempted to defend two different ways upstairs.

222 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:33:41pm

re: #215 Decatur Deb

re: #216 bosforus

Yeah, kind of pitiful isn't it?

223 Stanghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:34:09pm

re: #220 WindUpBird

hahaha, I have never done Better Man, I'm really about songs off Ten. I do Evenflow quite a bit!

The "arrrh" is an art form. Mr. Vedder.

224 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:34:22pm

re: #214 JasonA

Someone needs to tell these guys that what's really pissing people off is the whole "cover-up" part.

They absolutely cannot take that on board, and don't want to.

225 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:34:30pm

re: #217 WindUpBird

These aren't rules so much as they're your contorted partisan vindictive crazy walnuts that you're spilling all over my nice clean internet.

No try to understand this. The economy is bad, people are losing jobs because their employers are not making money... it really is that simple.

226 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:34:51pm

re: #210 WindUpBird

I catch that you're adrift, yes.

That's not nice, WUB.

227 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:35:28pm

re: #219 Dark_Falcon

We had several of them at Sprint. They took sick days and so I had to work even when I was in severe pain. They shuffled the work off, and I was the one who suffered for it (and was ultimately let go). Life is unfair, but I still did my part for the team. Not because I expected a reward, but because it was the right thing to do.

sick days should at the ABSOLUTE least be used sparingly. I think I've taken three sick days in three years. One of them because I was hung over, admittedly, but I was so hungover I couldn't walk upright without retching. I have had to deal with the chronically "sick" and also the chronically "oh i can't lift more than five pounds you do all the work" types. Yech. :(

228 blueraven  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:36:06pm

re: #140 brookly red

no I am drawing a direct correlation between massive debt & economic stagnation.

And that debt was built up over the years by whom? I'm sorry you lost your job, but to say it is because someone voted for Obama is just ridiculous.

229 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:36:09pm

re: #223 Stanley Sea

The "arrrh" is an art form. Mr. Vedder.

I also do Plush, which is the greatest Pearl Jam song by Stone Temple Pilots. ;-)

230 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:36:36pm

re: #140 brookly red

no I am drawing a direct correlation between massive debt & economic stagnation.

Surplus during Clinton, genius

231 Stanghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:37:02pm

re: #229 WindUpBird

I also do Plush, which is the greatest Pearl Jam song by Stone Temple Pilots. ;-)

Times I really want to hang with other Lizards.

232 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:37:23pm

re: #225 brookly red

No try to understand this. The economy is bad, people are losing jobs because their employers are not making money... it really is that simple.

Too little, too late. Should have tried that before claiming you could lay someone off for any reason you wanted.

233 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:38:03pm

re: #226 Dark_Falcon

That's not nice, WUB.

(I was making a pun, I actually was not referring to his job situation, just the fact that he's adrift rhetorically in this thread after being challenged by SFZ)

234 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:38:21pm

re: #231 Stanley Sea

Times I really want to hang with other Lizards.

If you're ever in Portland!

235 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:38:22pm

re: #214 JasonA

Someone needs to tell these guys that what's really pissing people off is the whole "cover-up" part.

I'm pissed off about the kid fucking too...but yeah, the cover up only makes it worse. There should be a three step process for this, period.
1. Name 'em
2. Sham 'em
3. Jail 'em

236 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:40:01pm

re: #233 WindUpBird

(I was making a pun, I actually was not referring to his job situation, just the fact that he's adrift rhetorically in this thread after being challenged by SFZ)

I understand.

237 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:40:10pm

re: #235 darthstar

I'm pissed off about the kid fucking too...but yeah, the cover up only makes it worse. There should be a three step process for this, period.
1. Name 'em
2. Sham 'em
3. Jail 'em

Hell, yeah.

238 allegro  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:40:17pm

re: #235 darthstar

I'm pissed off about the kid fucking too...but yeah, the cover up only makes it worse.

I could even get a cover-up if they put the guys in a monkery in the desert or something when they were caught. It was that they just kept moving them to ever greener pastures, so to speak, where they could rape even more kids.

239 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:40:20pm

re: #221 SanFranciscoZionist

What the hell is that supposed to mean? You're completely wrong if you think 'the rules' let you fire employees to punish them for voting for the wrong politician. Which is what you attempted to defend two different ways upstairs.

no the rules say when you don't make money you cut staff (sound familiar) if that person happens to have voted a certain way, well so what. What next we can't lay off by gender? by race? just because someone is a nice person their job is for life? It is just ironic that the people who wanted to share the wealth didn't realize that it was their wealth we were talking about.

240 allegro  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:41:24pm

re: #239 brookly red

What next we can't lay off by gender? by race?

That was a joke, right?

241 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:41:26pm

re: #225 brookly red

No try to understand this. The economy is bad, people are losing jobs because their employers are not making money... it really is that simple.

yes, and it has a great deal to do with the financial crisis and the housing bubble bursting, for which blame is shared by Clinton and Bush deregulating banks and lending. So making this some Obama revenge creepshow, it just doesn't fly. That dermdoc guy should be sued into dust for firing a guy because of who he voted for, and you know it.

242  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:41:43pm

re: #235 darthstar

I'm pissed off about the kid fucking too...but yeah, the cover up only makes it worse. There should be a three step process for this, period.
1. Name 'em
2. Sham 'em
3. Jail 'em

It doesn't matter if it's at, or higher than, or lower than, the same rate as the general population.

The priesthood gives these guys a particular position of authority, respect (or what should be respect) and access to kids that the general population doesn't have, and those who use it for their own evil purposes should be named, shamed and jailed. And defrocked and ex-communicated.

243 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:42:00pm

re: #232 SanFranciscoZionist

Too little, too late. Should have tried that before claiming you could lay someone off for any reason you wanted.

sorry if that bothers you... people can be let go for not bathing too.

244 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:42:16pm

re: #240 allegro

That was a joke, right?

Brookly's having fun being a dick right now. It's all just bullshit he's pulling trying to get under peoples' skin.

245 Randall Gross  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:42:44pm

Netanyahu cancels trip to Nuclear summit...

ABC News' Kirit Radia reports: Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has canceled a trip to Washington next week where he was to attend President Obama’s Nuclear Security Summit, an Israeli official tells ABC News.

The official could not say why Netanyahu decided not to come at the last minute, but Reuters reports that the Israelis were upset upon learning that Egypt and Turkey planned to raise the issue of Israel’s officially unacknowledged nuclear weapons program.

246 Jadespring  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:43:33pm

re: #244 darthstar

Brookly's having fun being a dick right now. It's all just bullshit he's pulling trying to get under peoples' skin.

Either that or he's just really, really dense. I'm a nice person and am going with option number one.

247 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:43:49pm

re: #239 brookly red

no the rules say when you don't make money you cut staff (sound familiar) if that person happens to have voted a certain way, well so what. What next we can't lay off by gender? by race? just because someone is a nice person their job is for life? It is just ironic that the people who wanted to share the wealth didn't realize that it was their wealth we were talking about.

No one is saying you can't lay off an Obama voter. You just can't lay off an Obama voter for voting for Obama, and that's what this dude essentially comes out and says he did.

No matter how hard you try to spin this into 'well, it was just a layoff', that's not actually the topic at hand. That's what you tried to turn it into.

248 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:44:20pm

re: #236 Dark_Falcon

I understand.

I happily apologize to Red for that statement, I didn't mean it that way, then you brought it up, then I read it again and went OOOH whoops.

A lot of my friends are unemployed, I loaned one of my friends a bunch of money (he got screwed out of his unemployment by a nasty former employer) so he wouldn't lose his apartment. I can be a right bastard on here, but I am not the dude who makes fun of someone's unemployment.

249 Stanghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:44:21pm

re: #246 Jadespring

Either that or he's just really, really dense. I'm a nice person and am going with option number one.

No. It's all bullshit.

250 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:44:24pm

re: #243 brookly red

sorry if that bothers you... people can be let go for not bathing too.

In an at-will employment state like California, no reason needs to be given. Your coming up with reasons for firing people just makes you look like a dick. Most people don't like having to fire others.

251 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:44:34pm

re: #235 darthstar

I'm pissed off about the kid fucking too...but yeah, the cover up only makes it worse. There should be a three step process for this, period.
1. Name 'em
2. Sham 'em
3. Jail 'em

I'm not ignoring the... part you're referring to. But I don't hold the Church™ responsible for that. I hold them responsible for perpetuating it.

252  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:44:38pm

re: #239 brookly red

no the rules say when you don't make money you cut staff (sound familiar) if that person happens to have voted a certain way, well so what. What next we can't lay off by gender? by race? just because someone is a nice person their job is for life? It is just ironic that the people who wanted to share the wealth didn't realize that it was their wealth we were talking about.

brookly - sorry, I cannot figure out where you're going with this.

If there's need for a layoff, you do it according to the laws of your state or the rules of your organization. Period. How someone voted, what their gender or race is, what their religious convictions are, handicapped status, etc etc etc - does not play into it one whit.

253 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:44:48pm

re: #243 brookly red

sorry if that bothers you... people can be let go for not bathing too.

Fuck off, and learn some employment law before you get your employers sued to oblivion.

254 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:44:50pm

re: #243 brookly red

sorry if that bothers you... people can be let go for not bathing too.

That's different. That directly impacts one's ability to do one's job. You're losing, Brookly. Let it go.

255 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:45:26pm

re: #240 allegro

That was a joke, right?

no but if some one gets laid off are they gonna scream it's because I am a _____? there are hard times and people will get laid off. I am one of them, you don't hear me singing the blues or crying discrimination do you? Hey I could scream it's because I am over 50...

but I don't.

256 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:45:30pm

re: #243 brookly red

sorry if that bothers you... people can be let go for not bathing too.

you still get a downding for this ;-)

257 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:45:58pm

re: #245 Thanos

Netanyahu cancels trip to Nuclear summit...

Didn't he read the part about 'countries that won't participate in non-proliferation aren't exempt from nuclear retaliation'? Oh, wait...he's not in Iran or North Korea, so he doesn't give a fuck.

258 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:46:38pm

re: #248 WindUpBird

I happily apologize to Red for that statement, I didn't mean it that way, then you brought it up, then I read it again and went OOOH whoops.

A lot of my friends are unemployed, I loaned one of my friends a bunch of money (he got screwed out of his unemployment by a nasty former employer) so he wouldn't lose his apartment. I can be a right bastard on here, but I am not the dude who makes fun of someone's unemployment.

Thank you for that, WUB. In truth, I didn't think of that latter meaning until you brought it up. I was just trying to keep snark at bay. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

259 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:46:46pm

re: #250 darthstar

In an at-will employment state like California, no reason needs to be given. Your coming up with reasons for firing people just makes you look like a dick. Most people don't like having to fire others.

nor do I... now how about we do something positive for business so that we can hire people?

260 SanFranciscoZionist  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:47:00pm

re: #255 brookly red

no but if some one gets laid off are they gonna scream it's because I am a ___? there are hard times and people will get laid off. I am one of them, you don't hear me singing the blues or crying discrimination do you? Hey I could scream it's because I am over 50...

but I don't.

No, you just blame the Obama voters.

Oy. I have to get out of here and go meet up with a demonstration on Guerrero.

261 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:47:25pm

re: #255 brookly red

no but if some one gets laid off are they gonna scream it's because I am a ___? there are hard times and people will get laid off. I am one of them, you don't hear me singing the blues or crying discrimination do you? Hey I could scream it's because I am over 50...

but I don't.

You'd actually have a case based on age.

262 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:47:44pm

re: #258 Dark_Falcon

Thank you for that, WUB. In truth, I didn't think of that latter meaning until you brought it up. I was just trying to keep snark at bay. Thank you for your thoughtfulness.

I'm trying to at least increase the signal-to-snark ratio of my posts :D

263 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:48:05pm

re: #259 brookly red

nor do I... now how about we do something positive for business so that we can hire people?

Yeah...let's cut the Capital Gains tax again. That'll do it!

264 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:48:13pm

re: #259 brookly red

nor do I... now how about we do something positive for business so that we can hire people?

Come November, I plan to do just that by voting for Mark Kirk for Senate and Bill Brady for Governor.

265 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:48:20pm

re: #259 brookly red

nor do I... now how about we do something positive for business so that we can hire people?

Actually, Obama's been doing that.

266 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:48:24pm

re: #245 Thanos

This is going to be a real hot-button issue, I think.

We, the US, have tried over the decades to keep others from getting nuclear weapons. Some might say it was for noble reasons, others might say it was for selfish reasons, but nevertheless we did try.

And we failed, miserably. Over and over, other nations have developed nuclear weapons no matter what we have tried.

If President Obama wants to strengthen US resolve to keep nukes out of the hands of yet more nations he will have to do what all others before him have failed to do.

However, this is an issue about which we have always walked a fine line, given we have publicly refused to mention the Israeli nuclear capability. Hopefully the Israelis will accept that trying to force Obama's hands in these matters will just force the US into a corner out of which we have no escape.

There is something to be said for letting sleeping dogs lie.

267 _RememberTonyC  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:48:32pm

Paging Eric Cantor ...

Ready to step up, Eric?

Well ... are ya?

268 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:49:04pm

re: #263 darthstar

Yeah...let's cut the Capital Gains tax again. That'll do it!

The bustling Rolls-Royce, Bentley, and Aston-Martin detailing industry. :D

269 Randall Gross  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:49:49pm

re: #266 freetoken

This is going to be a real hot-button issue, I think.

We, the US, have tried over the decades to keep others from getting nuclear weapons. Some might say it was for noble reasons, others might say it was for selfish reasons, but nevertheless we did try.

And we failed, miserably. Over and over, other nations have developed nuclear weapons no matter what we have tried.

If President Obama wants to strengthen US resolve to keep nukes out of the hands of yet more nations he will have to do what all others before him have failed to do.

However, this is an issue about which we have always walked a fine line, given we have publicly refused to mention the Israeli nuclear capability. Hopefully the Israelis will accept that trying to force Obama's hands in these matters will just force the US into a corner out of which we have no escape.

There is something to be said for letting sleeping dogs lie.

It's going to get interesting.

270 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:50:06pm

re: #263 darthstar

Yeah...let's cut the Capital Gains tax again. That'll do it!

Well, that would help. It would free up money for investment.

271 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:50:27pm

re: #261 Dark_Falcon

You'd actually have a case based on age.

Of course I do, but why would I ? I have principals, I don't want a hand out.

272 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:50:29pm

re: #192 Dark_Falcon

Bon Jovi should just set up speakers and blast 'em when they show up. Here's a couple fun songs good for driving Phelps cultists off:


I say Rickroll 'em

273 Mark Pennington  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:50:34pm

Beck's still at the top of his game in ratings and popularity, but I think he's also at the apex of his fame and he's more likely to take a topple down the Gemonian stairs than descend leisurely down the hillside. Okay, maybe I'm just dreaming... fuck Beck.

274 Bubblehead II  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:51:01pm

Beer run. bbiab

275 darthstar  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:51:07pm

re: #271 brookly red

Of course I do, but why would I ? I have principals, I don't want a hand out.

Teachers give hand outs. Principals give diplomas.

276 Decatur Deb  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:51:22pm

re: #270 Dark_Falcon

Well, that would help. It would free up money for investment.

In China.

277 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:51:45pm

re: #265 WindUpBird

Actually, Obama's been doing that.

well yes, but anyway you want to spin it more people are losing their jobs every day.

278 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:53:52pm

re: #269 Thanos

Yeah. To me, this is one of the real foreign affairs issues over which we have some very, very difficult choices.

The very simple truth is this - nuclear weapons are straightfoward (physics, engineering). They just take money. Any nation with the money to spend can develop them, if they so choose.

There seems to be no end of people who think that Obama can stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons, but I think the opposite is what history shows us.

The US, any given President, is not able to stop a nation to get nuclear weapons if they really want them.

279 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:54:25pm

re: #276 Decatur Deb

In China.

Then pass laws to encourage investment here.

280 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:54:37pm

I see we've hit the 5:00pm PT slowdown.

281 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:54:47pm

Here's today's show: Glenn Beck-04-08-10-A.

282 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:54:55pm

re: #277 brookly red

well yes, but anyway you want to spin it more people are losing their jobs every day.

Well, duh, the economy sucks. The president isn't a magician, he's an executive. He can't snap his fingers and reverse a burst housing bubble or a credit crisis on a dime.

283 Varek Raith  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:55:00pm

re: #279 Dark_Falcon

Then pass laws to encourage investment here.

Kind of hard to compete with near zero wages, no?

284 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:55:08pm

re: #278 freetoken

pimf "getting"

/can the hamsters learn grammar?

285 Decatur Deb  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:56:12pm

re: #280 CyanSnowHawk

I see we've hit the 5:00pm PT slowdown.

Posters or hamsters? It's moving along here (CDT).

286 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:56:13pm

re: #271 brookly red

Of course I do, but why would I ? I have principals, I don't want a hand out.

They broke the law. You've got a way to get the money to support yourself from them, that's why. It's not a hand out.

287 watching you tiny alien kittens are  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:56:29pm

Beck has been actively going more and more religious in his broadcast for the last three weeks now. At first a bit tentatively but now (including tonights broadcast) much more openly. Of course he is a avid Mormon so his idea of a Christian government is going to be a bit different from most of his audience's, but he never talks about that on the air and apparently his audience is unaware.

He spent quite a bit of tonight trying to prove by selective quote mining that Jefferson was a Christian and intended for the government to be Christian.

Anyone who has actually studied Jefferson will know that he was a deist who frequently wrote about the damage that Christianity did and could not wait for it die out from apathy (he was an optimist too it seems).

When Glenn goes on to talk about a "Christian government" perhaps the evangelicals should keep in mind that it isn't their version of Christianity that he wants to see in power.

288 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:56:32pm

re: #254 Dark_Falcon

That's different. That directly impacts one's ability to do one's job. You're losing, Brookly. Let it go.

what am I losing? the fact is we have high unemployment & it ain't getting better... so what am I losing? People are pissed at me bad economic times? They want to yell at me? Hey it is what it is. Don't blame me if you loose your job.

289 Randall Gross  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:57:01pm

re: #278 freetoken

Yeah. To me, this is one of the real foreign affairs issues over which we have some very, very difficult choices.

The very simple truth is this - nuclear weapons are straightfoward (physics, engineering). They just take money. Any nation with the money to spend can develop them, if they so choose.

There seems to be no end of people who think that Obama can stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons, but I think the opposite is what history shows us.

The US, any given President, is not able to stop a nation to get nuclear weapons if they really want them.

I agree - the complicating factor is the need to get more nuclear reactors built in third world countries pronto - thus making firm NP commitments necessary. That's forcing Obama's and others hands atm. If we don't sell the world new Reactors, then France, Russia, and China will, and we know what happens in proliferation when those are the suppliers.

290 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:57:55pm

re: #285 Decatur Deb

Posters or hamsters? It's moving along here (CDT).

Posters. Every day around this time the comments are few and far between.

291 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:58:14pm

re: #283 Varek Raith

Kind of hard to compete with near zero wages, no?

It can be done, though it will require being clever enough to create a cost bar to the Chinese goods. They'll yell to the WTO, but we'll have the money invested and projects begun by the time that gets resolved.

292 justaminute  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:58:15pm

Hi everyone! Working today and it figures that I would miss some good threads. My husband and I discourage employees talking politics at work. Customers try to engage us, especially my Iranian husband. This restaurant has been opened for 18 years and by generally staying out of a person's political choices has served us well. Because we are so busy we have been approached by various politicians to come and campaign here. Generally we say no but for one instance, and it was Andrew Rice was running against Inhale. That was a no brainer as far as we were concerned.

293 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:59:08pm

re: #290 CyanSnowHawk

Posters. Every day around this time the comments are few and far between.

People are in transit between work and home and cannot post.

294 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:59:15pm

re: #286 Dark_Falcon

They broke the law. You've got a way to get the money to support yourself from them, that's why. It's not a hand out.

what law was broken? you can't let someone go cause they are over 50? or a minority? or a whatever? are we all protected from reality for life?

295 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:59:35pm

re: #288 brookly red

It actually is getting better: [Link:]

The employment report for March, released a week ago, was a milestone that has been little noted. The household survey, from which the unemployment rate is calculated, showed a gain during the first quarter of this year of 1.1 million jobs, the best performance since the spring of 2005.

it just doesn't get better overnight. This is a sharp recession with multiple contributing factors. anecdotally, I still have many friends who are unemployed, but fewer than this time last year.

296 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 4:59:42pm

re: #287 ausador

Jefferson was a Christian and intended for the government to be Christian.


"...those who live by mystery & charlatanerie, fearing you would render them useless by simplifying the Christian philosophy, the most sublime & benevolent, but most perverted system that ever shone on man, endeavored to crush your well earnt, & well deserved fame." - Thomas Jefferson to Joseph Priestley, Washington, 21 March 1801[1]

Oh, wait...

297 Varek Raith  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:00:10pm

re: #291 Dark_Falcon

It can be done, though it will require being clever enough to create a cost bar to the Chinese goods. They'll yell to the WTO, but we'll have the money invested and projects begun by the time that gets resolved.

Interesting. Do we have the stones to follow through?
*Economics makes my head hurt*

298 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:00:48pm

re: #277 brookly red

well yes, but anyway you want to spin it more people are losing their jobs every day.

Not in March, we had more jobs created than lost last month!

299 albusteve  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:00:49pm

“With this resolution, San Francisco can join the growing list of communities that have taken action to encourage citizens to choose vegetarian foods as a way to protect the planet and their health,” said Supervisor Sophie Maxwell, a vegetarian for 40 years who introduced the resolution.

Read more at the San Francisco Examiner: [Link:]

300 Lidane  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:00:51pm

re: #192 Dark_Falcon

Bon Jovi should just set up speakers and blast 'em when they show up. Here's a couple fun songs good for driving Phelps cultists off.

They should also blast this one, just to piss them off even more:

For those who have never heard it, this was on some of the international versions of the Keep the Faith CD. Personally, I think it's one of their most underrated songs. Lyrics are here:


301 Decatur Deb  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:00:56pm

re: #290 CyanSnowHawk

Posters. Every day around this time the comments are few and far between.

I'd love to see a graph of average activity, based on 7-day wk/zulu time.

302 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:01:01pm

re: #294 brookly red

what law was broken? you can't let someone go cause they are over 50? or a minority? or a whatever? are we all protected from reality for life?

You can't let someone go because they're over 50.

303 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:01:09pm

re: #294 brookly red

what law was broken? you can't let someone go cause they are over 50? or a minority? or a whatever? are we all protected from reality for life?

Age Discrimination in Employment Act

You know there's a difference between being 50 and being laid off, and being 50 and being laid off ON THE GROUNDS THAT YOU WERE 50, right?

304 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:02:02pm

re: #300 Lidane

They should also blast this one, just to piss them off even more:

[Video]For those who have never heard it, this was on some of the international versions of the Keep the Faith CD. Personally, I think it's one of their most underrated songs. Lyrics are here:


Nice. That one would really get under Fred Phelps' skin. Watching him get pissed would be fun.

305 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:02:23pm

re: #299 albusteve

I love a good rare steak, but maintaining cows for meat takes a lot of energy.

306 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:02:32pm

re: #295 WindUpBird

It actually is getting better: [Link:]

it just doesn't get better overnight. This is a sharp recession with multiple contributing factors. anecdotally, I still have many friends who are unemployed, but fewer than this time last year.

well I am glad bird... really I am. So now that local governments don't have any more money & need to cut civil sector workers, well I think that number will change.

307 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:02:44pm

re: #293 Dark_Falcon

People are in transit between work and home and cannot post.

I've given a little thought to the reasons and that one is probably the best. I was just amused when I noticed the trend.

308 Varek Raith  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:03:17pm

re: #294 brookly red

what law was broken? you can't let someone go cause they are over 50? or a minority? or a whatever? are we all protected from reality for life?

Heh, what would happen if I owned a business and decided to fire employees just because they were conservative???

Hint, I'd be rightly sued up the wazoo, if not worse.

309 Randall Gross  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:03:44pm

re: #293 Dark_Falcon

People are in transit between work and home and cannot post.

... and some of us are eating dinner. Salmon and crab fettucine w/onions and parmesan sprinkling...

310 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:04:30pm

re: #289 Thanos

What I gather from your previous writings is that you are not fond of the peak-oil-ers, yet I think they have a very good point about the cost of oil. More and more people chasing a petroleum-based economy will mean that eventually petroleum will be priced too high. Eventually that will happen to coal too.

For all the wonders of solar and wind, and I am a big supporter of both, the reality is that nuclear energy provides a more concentrated source of energy and thus is ideal for high-energy consumption regions (e.g., metal production and industry.)

Nuclear energy of some sort will remain attractive for several centuries. And with nuclear power comes nuclear engineering and science, and with the these will come the capability, if so desired, of developing weapons.

Iran, like any wanna-be-industrialized nation, will need nuclear energy if they want high energy production in small regions (though Iran would be good for solar, too.)

Even Saudi Arabia will find their oil supplies insufficient eventually, especially given their population explosion. Nuclear energy will seem attractive.

Any time someone uses uranium the possibility exists of making weapon grade material.

We're not going to escape this by just looking the other way.

311 allegro  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:04:39pm

re: #309 Thanos

Salmon and crab fettucine w/onions and parmesan sprinkling...

Staring with longing...

312 Varek Raith  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:04:47pm

re: #309 Thanos

... and some of us are eating dinner. Salmon and crab fettucine w/onions and parmesan sprinkling...

Well, hello Mr Fancypants!

313 Killgore Trout  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:05:27pm

re: #299 albusteve

Also on Tuesday, the board unanimously approved a resolution, introduced by Maxwell, commending those San Francisco businesses that use only eggs from cage-free chickens.

Outrageous outrage! Socialism! Tyranny!

314 Lidane  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:05:33pm

OT, but apparently all the Tea Party PR isn't exactly working, at least according to a poll from Fox News:

More Americans have a ‘favorable’ opinion of the IRS than of the Tea Party


315 Obdicut  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:06:25pm

re: #313 Killgore Trout

Holy shit a city commended cage-free eggs.

The end of the Republic is nigh.

316 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:06:25pm

re: #302 Dark_Falcon

You can't let someone go because they're over 50.

no they let me go because the client collapsed under taxes & regulations and move the operations overseas & I can't speak that tongue...

/dude we are outsourcing the space shuttle to Russia...

317 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:06:32pm

re: #302 Dark_Falcon

You can't let someone go because they're over 50.

You can if you don't tell them that's why you let them go.

318 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:06:35pm

re: #313 Killgore Trout

Outrageous outrage! Socialism! Tyranny!



319 Varek Raith  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:06:43pm

re: #313 Killgore Trout

Outrageous outrage! Socialism! Tyranny!


Or some such.

320 _RememberTonyC  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:06:51pm

the islamonazis known as the taliban truly are scum ...


I hope Obama kills every last fucking one of them with our predator drones.

321 Randall Gross  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:07:06pm

re: #310 freetoken

I'm not fond of Peak Oilers not for the message but rather for the urgency that they falsely portray. It smells too much like the gloom and doom of the gold pimps, or for that matter the carbon credit pimps.

All of them are investing in tilting massive markets one way or the other and I distrust overly strident voices from any camp.

322 blueraven  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:07:32pm

re: #306 brookly red

well I am glad bird... really I am. So now that local governments don't have any more money & need to cut civil sector workers, well I think that number will change.

So when the president wanted to help the state and local governments, that was bad. Now that things are improving slightly, well that probably wont last because the locals are broke. It is a dumb circular argument. Why don't we just wait and see, ok?

323 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:07:38pm

re: #319 Varek Raith

Just make sure your chickens are NON-hybrid chickens!

324 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:08:10pm

re: #316 brookly red

no they let me go because the client collapsed under taxes & regulations and move the operations overseas & I can't speak that tongue...

/dude we are outsourcing the space shuttle to Russia...

I know that. Still, more places are hiring right now than a few months ago. Hopefully, you and I can find work this spring and then help votes some Dems out in the fall.

325 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:08:31pm

re: #322 blueraven

So when the president wanted to help the state and local governments, that was bad. Now that things are improving slightly, well that probably wont last because the locals are broke. It is a dumb circular argument. Why don't we just wait and see, ok?

exactly my point, wait and see...

326 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:09:27pm

I could REALLY do without the nasally play-by-play commentary of the narrator, but Fox's grave trampling obituary piece on Kurt Vonnegut really peeves me. I'm 98% sure that they didn't report Pol Pot's death with this much spite.

327 Lidane  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:09:34pm

re: #299 albusteve

Speaking of resolutions that passed unanimously, this one just passed here in Austin:

Signs must be posted at crisis pregnancy centers, council says

Pregnancy centers that don’t offer or refer clients to abortion services or birth control services will now have to say that on signs posted at their facilities, the Austin City Council decided in a unanimous vote this morning.

Council Member Bill Spelman proposed the idea because he said it can be unclear to visitors to the centers what services they offer. The centers are not medical clinics and typically offer adoption counseling, pregnancy tests and financial assistance to women with unplanned pregnancies, but not other services, Spelman said.

Baltimore is the only other city in the nation that has passed a similar law. Austin’s law will only apply to four or five facilities, aides to Spelman have said. It won’t affect Planned Parenthood clinics or local or state health clinics that provide or refer clients to abortion and birth control services.

328 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:09:59pm

Q: Why did the NON-hybrid chicken cross the road?




A: The GOLD!! was greener on the other side.

329 Charles Johnson  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:10:31pm

The Southern Republican Leadership Conference is starting tonight -- which means there will be a lot of bad craziness to report soon.

330 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:11:07pm

re: #324 Dark_Falcon

I know that. Still, more places are hiring right now than a few months ago. Hopefully, you and I can find work this spring and then help votes some Dems out in the fall.

Oh I can find work, not a job but work... I can make damn good money looking at a business's process & deciding where to cut.

331 Randall Gross  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:11:10pm

re: #310 freetoken

One more thing we should also note: the energy moguls of the next couple of centuries will be selling Nuclear. It irks the hell out of me that we look like we are going to let Russia, France, and China be the energy powerhouses of the future uncontested.

332 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:11:23pm

re: #329 Charles

The Southern Republican Leadership Conference is starting tonight -- which means there will be a lot of bad craziness to report soon.

Why don't they just sing "The Bonny Blue Flag" and get it over with?

333 _RememberTonyC  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:11:31pm

re: #329 Charles

The Southern Republican Leadership Conference is starting tonight -- which means there will be a lot of bad craziness to report soon.

we need a hero to step up and speak truth to ignorance.

334 Ayeless in Ghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:11:34pm

re: #313 Killgore Trout

Also on Tuesday, the board unanimously approved a resolution, introduced by Maxwell, commending those San Francisco businesses that use only eggs from cage-free chickens

Outrageous outrage! Socialism! Tyranny!


335 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:12:14pm

re: #329 Charles

336 Randall Gross  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:12:48pm

re: #327 Lidane

There is some sanity in TX, even tho Perry is going to be Gov....

337 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:14:05pm

re: #330 brookly red

Oh I can find work, not a job but work... I can make damn good money looking at a business's process & deciding where to cut.

and yes, I find whiners to be undesirable employees.

338 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:14:11pm

re: #332 Dark_Falcon

339 Randall Gross  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:14:18pm

Qatari Diplomat was going to see Qaeda prisoner at Supermax


he Qatari diplomat who was arrested for sarcastically telling air marshals on a jetliner that he was trying to set his shoes on fire was en route to visit an imprisoned member of al Qaeda at the Supermax prison in Colorado.
340 Varek Raith  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:14:27pm

re: #326 negativ

What's up with that?

341 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:14:50pm

re: #314 Lidane

OT, but apparently all the Tea Party PR isn't exactly working, at least according to a poll from Fox News:

More Americans have a ‘favorable’ opinion of the IRS than of the Tea Party


How's that thinkey-talkey stuff workin' out for ya, Sarah? *wink*

342 Obdicut  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:15:02pm

re: #326 negativ

Vonnegut was a great writer and a veteran. They shame themselves by dishonoring him. Yes, he was heavily anti-Bush. The things he'd seen in World War II sickened him against all war. That is one danger of sending soldiers to war. I cannot hold it against any veteran that returns from seeing that kind of death and opposes any war he feels is unnecessary.

Still and all, why bother? Here's my answer. Many people need desperately to receive this message: I feel and think much as you do, care about many of the things you care about, although most people do not care about them. You are not alone.


343 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:15:21pm

re: #337 brookly red

Then quit whining about Obama.

344 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:15:53pm

re: #326 negativ

I could REALLY do without the nasally play-by-play commentary of the narrator, but Fox's grave trampling obituary piece on Kurt Vonnegut really peeves me. I'm 98% sure that they didn't report Pol Pot's death with this much spite.


I stopped at "Left Wing Screeds" This guy wrote Harrison Burgerond and Slaughterhouse Five for gods sake have a little respect!

345 _RememberTonyC  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:16:10pm

have a good night folks

346 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:16:19pm

re: #320 _RememberTonyC

the islamonazis known as the taliban truly are scum ...


I hope Obama kills every last fucking one of them with our predator drones.

I had similar emotions after reading this...

347 justaminute  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:17:31pm

re: #310 freetoken

Yes, Iran needs nuclear energy if its built well. I worry about corrupt contractors because there are quite of few in Iran. Added to the the earthquake activity around there. I keep asking various Iranians what has been proposed about nuclear waste containment. They would be benefit from solar panels on their roofs. There is a lot that could be done Iran.

348 blueraven  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:17:52pm

re: #337 brookly red

and yes, I find whiners to be undesirable employees.

Then make sure you check their voter registration. I hear an awful lot of whining going on with the republicans.

349 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:17:52pm

re: #315 Obdicut

Holy shit a city commended cage-free eggs.

The end of the Republic is nigh.





350 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:18:01pm

re: #329 Charles

The Southern Republican Leadership Conference is starting tonight -- which means there will be a lot of bad craziness to report soon.

Maybe they'll man up and throw out the Birchers, birthers, white supremacists, and other rabble.

"In the name of William F. Buckley Jr. I cast thee out! Never darken our doorways again!"

/Sorry, I just went to my happy place for a minute there.

351 Varek Raith  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:18:24pm

Hell, I don't blame anyone for me losing my job.
Shit happens.
Shit happens a lot.

352 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:18:30pm

re: #339 Thanos

Qatari Diplomat was going to see Qaeda prisoner at Supermax


I read earlier. Looks like a standard consular visit.

353 Obdicut  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:18:57pm

re: #350 CyanSnowHawk

"Never darken my towels again!"

Obscure quote-- anyone know it without google-assist?

354 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:19:17pm

re: #339 Thanos

Qatari Diplomat was going to see Qaeda prisoner at Supermax


I have no problem with that. Let him visit for as long as he likes. Or longer.

355 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:19:56pm

re: #353 Obdicut

"Never darken my towels again!"

Obscure quote-- anyone know it without google-assist?

Off the top of my head I'm going to guess Douglass Adams?

356 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:20:19pm

re: #353 Obdicut

"Never darken my towels again!"

Obscure quote-- anyone know it without google-assist?

I had a guess but didn't want to look like an idiot, so I searched and my guess was right!

357 pingjockey  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:20:21pm

re: #353 Obdicut

Sounds like something from a Mel Brooks movie!

358 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:20:25pm

re: #353 Obdicut

Ah. Google shows me the way.

359 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:21:27pm

re: #353 Obdicut

"Never darken my towels again!"

Obscure quote-- anyone know it without google-assist?

Wow, you are old.

360 Lidane  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:21:42pm

So how soon before the wingnuts start citing Al Gore when they criticize Obama over offshore drilling?

Al Gore Expresses Disapproval Of Obama's Offshore Drilling Plan

361 Ayeless in Ghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:21:49pm

re: #343 JasonA

Then quit whining about Obama.

People with attitude problems like those Brookly Red demonstrates here (wishing to discriminate in the workplace on the basis of political affiliation/voting) are often the first to get canned when the shit hits the fan. Or should be, at any rate.

362 Obdicut  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:22:37pm

In addition, Vonnegut wrote Harrison Bergeron, which is the ultimate appeal against negative affirmative action, the ultimate appeal against the tyranny of mediocrity.

This story does more to argue against conformity and an overreaching government than Ayn Rand ever could have hoped to.


363 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:22:45pm

re: #360 Lidane

So how soon before the wingnuts start citing Al Gore when they criticize Obama over offshore drilling?

Al Gore Expresses Disapproval Of Obama's Offshore Drilling Plan

I'd give it about 2 days.

364 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:23:02pm

re: #339 Thanos

Qatari Diplomat was going to see Qaeda prisoner at Supermax


isn't that his job? He's a diplomat and the guy's a citizen, right?

365 Obdicut  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:23:38pm

re: #357 pingjockey

Close, but older-- it's Groucho saying it in Duck Soup to the ambassador from Sylvania.

I love that movie.

366 Varek Raith  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:25:19pm

re: #365 Obdicut

Close, but older-- it's Groucho saying it in Duck Soup to the ambassador from Sylvania.

I love that movie.

They make light bulbs there, right?

367 pingjockey  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:25:28pm

re: #365 Obdicut

Great frakin' movie. It was on TCM the other night. Me and the ten yr old watched it. He loved the part where harpo mistakes the radio for the safe and then the mirror scene with groucho.

368 Racer X  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:25:31pm

Each day when I log on to LGF, I think to myself 'OK, today there will be some light and the end of the tunnel. Some leader on the right will say something that makes sense'.

And each day after I review the daily comic strip of politics, I slap my forehead and just mumble 'sonofabitch'.

Tired of Waiting

369 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:26:18pm

re: #362 Obdicut

In addition, Vonnegut wrote Harrison Bergeron, which is the ultimate appeal against negative affirmative action, the ultimate appeal against the tyranny of mediocrity.

This story does more to argue against conformity and an overreaching government than Ayn Rand ever could have hoped to.

More than The Incredibles, too?

370 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:26:19pm

Just in case there are any RNC members reading this, for the GOP SLC in NOLA post-meetings relaxers, here is a list of lesbian night clubs in the area.

371 Varek Raith  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:26:36pm

re: #368 Racer X

Each day when I log on to LGF, I think to myself 'OK, today there will be some light and the end of the tunnel. Some leader on the right will say something that makes sense'.

And each day after I review the daily comic strip of politics, I slap my forehead and just mumble 'sonofabitch'.

Tired of Waiting


The light at the end of the tunnel is the headlamp of an oncoming train.

372 Randall Gross  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:26:39pm

re: #364 WindUpBird

isn't that his job? He's a diplomat and the guy's a citizen, right?

Yes, it's a news story, do you have a problem with that? Take it up with ABC

373 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:26:57pm

re: #337 brookly red

and yes, I find whiners to be undesirable employees.

Which one of the Bobs are you?

374 Decatur Deb  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:27:31pm

Mimimum marriage age in the US. It's 14 in my state, and we're not the lowest.


375 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:27:34pm

re: #320 _RememberTonyC

I felt the same way when they released the video of them cutting the head off that contractor. And when they killed Daniel Pearl. And every time I hear about a suicide bomber taking out innocent civilians. And whenever I hear about other atrocities in the name of their god.

Still, try to avoid the "kill 'em all" posts even in the face of such barbarity.

376 Charles Johnson  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:27:36pm

Right now on Fox News, Laura Ingraham is promoting that lunatic who wants to prosecute teachers who teach sex ed.

377 Obdicut  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:27:44pm

re: #369 JasonA

Yes. If you haven't read the story, do so. It's brutal, and wonderful.

378 pingjockey  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:28:00pm

re: #368 Racer X
You and me both. Charles said on an earlier thread that RWR would be considered a Rino by the repubs now. Terrible thing is, Charles is right. The knotheads who used to be the loonie fringe seem to have somehow taken over. Steele will be out by summer.

379 A Man for all Seasons  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:28:04pm

re: #368 Racer X

Each day when I log on to LGF, I think to myself 'OK, today there will be some light and the end of the tunnel. Some leader on the right will say something that makes sense'.

And each day after I review the daily comic strip of politics, I slap my forehead and just mumble 'sonofabitch'.

Tired of Waiting


So far..The only Sane person in the GOP I've seen is Mitch Daniels...
one guy

380 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:28:19pm

re: #368 Racer X

Each day when I log on to LGF, I think to myself 'OK, today there will be some light and the end of the tunnel. Some leader on the right will say something that makes sense'.

Well, McCain did admit he's not really a Maverick™ recently...

381 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:28:56pm

re: #376 Charles

Is it just me, or does the GOP seem to have sex issues?

382 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:29:15pm

re: #377 Obdicut

Yes. If you haven't read the story, do so. It's brutal, and wonderful.

I do need to read more Vonnegut. I guess Slaughterhouse Five just freaked me the hell out too much...

383 pingjockey  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:29:35pm

re: #370 freetoken
Mwahaha! Thank you! 'cept I'm not there. :) I'd probably get tossed out on my ear for telling those fools what I think of them and what they've done to my party. Asshats they are.

384 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:29:38pm

For those who want to plan out their GOP-watching entertainment, here is the Program for the conference:


385 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:30:03pm

re: #370 freetoken

Just in case there are any RNC members reading this, for the GOP SLC in NOLA post-meetings relaxers, here is a list of lesbian night clubs in the area.

Well that's damn helpful of you freetoken.

386 Four More Tears  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:30:44pm

re: #384 freetoken

For those who want to plan out their GOP-watching entertainment, here is the Program for the conference:


What time is the Latex Fashion Show set for?

387 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:30:49pm

I'm sorry if someone has made this joke already, but...from the text in the original post...

Advocates of this bizarre dogma insist that white Anglo-Saxons are the “true” chosen people of the Bible and charge that today’s Jews are usurpers.

The part where a group of people sit around a table and think to themselves that despite the Gospel having taken place in Israel, Anglo-Saxons are the true chosen people...did i miss a book in the bible somewhere? Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Reykjavik? The apostle Bjorn, previously lost to history, has been discovered? Good grief...

388 Randall Gross  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:30:56pm

re: #370 freetoken

Just in case there are any RNC members reading this, for the GOP SLC in NOLA post-meetings relaxers, here is a list of lesbian night clubs in the area.

Yes but do they host bondage fiascos?

389 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:31:13pm

re: #365 Obdicut

Close, but older-- it's Groucho saying it in Duck Soup to the ambassador from Sylvania.

I love that movie.

I'm strictly on the up and up and up so everyone beware...
If any man's caught taking graft and I don't get my share
We line him up against the wall and Pop goes the weasel!

He's right you know you gotta take up the "tax" before you can take up the carpet...

390 Lidane  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:31:21pm

re: #381 freetoken

Is it just me, or does the GOP seem to have sex issues?

Sex issues is putting it kindly. Just look at the freakouts over a teacher doing their job and the uproar over a bunch of young Republicans going to a faux bondage club.

They're more repressed than a Calvinist freaking out at seeing a woman's ankle. =P

391 CyanSnowHawk  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:31:50pm

re: #381 freetoken

Is it just me, or does the GOP seem to have sex issues?

Read some Max Blumenthal. According to him that's all they have.

392 pingjockey  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:31:57pm

re: #384 freetoken
Didja see Luap Nor is on the menu of speakers?! Sheesh.

393 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:32:01pm

re: #373 negativ

Which one of the Bobs are you?


what would ya say...ya do here?

394 Ayeless in Ghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:32:02pm

Don't know if this has already been posted, but it's good (video is in the link):

Jon Stewart's Crusade Against the Catholic Church Rolls On


However, it was the most shocking allegation against the Church—that Pope Benedict personally prevented the firing of a priest who was convicted of molesting more than 200 deaf boys over a 20-plus year period—along with the fact that the Pope has since been defiantly unapologetic about the controversy and chalked it all up to manufactured hype by the American media—that served as the straw that broke Stewart's back.


395 TheMatrix31  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:32:46pm


396 A Man for all Seasons  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:32:54pm

re: #382 JasonA

I do need to read more Vonnegut. I guess Slaughterhouse Five just freaked me the hell out too much...

His Son went insane in the 60's..over years with treatment came back to normal.. Then wrote a book about it.. If you ever want to read real words of slipping into insanity and returning again..You must read this book...Few come back to explain to us the process of walking into mental hell...
I read it years ago.. It was called out of Eden or something like that

397 jamesfirecat  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:33:03pm

re: #381 freetoken

Is it just me, or does the GOP seem to have sex issues?

Why do you think they're in such a tizzy right now? They're worried about their ability to reproduce and pass their genes off to another generation...

398 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:33:18pm

re: #387 Aceofwhat?

I'm sorry if someone has made this joke already, but...from the text in the original post...

Advocates of this bizarre dogma insist that white Anglo-Saxons are the “true” chosen people of the Bible and charge that today’s Jews are usurpers.

The part where a group of people sit around a table and think to themselves that despite the Gospel having taken place in Israel, Anglo-Saxons are the true chosen people...did i miss a book in the bible somewhere? Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Reykjavik? The apostle Bjorn, previously lost to history, has been discovered? Good grief...

British Israelism has nothing to do with UK support for the state of Israel.

399 Lidane  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:33:31pm

re: #368 Racer X

And each day after I review the daily comic strip of politics, I slap my forehead and just mumble 'sonofabitch'.



400 Randall Gross  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:33:43pm

Windup: I posted that because I know that certain wingnut bloggers are going to read a lot more into it that you or I would. I'm not trying to make a statement, think of it as a head's up about what Shrieky might go off on next.

/getting tired of people reading things into my posts that aren't there so apologies for the curt comeback earlier.

401 Ayeless in Ghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:34:16pm

re: #381 freetoken

Is it just me, or does the GOP seem to have sex issues?

What is it with wingnuts and this obsession they have with 'things not standing'?

402 Racer X  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:34:34pm

re: #370 freetoken

Just in case there are any RNC members reading this, for the GOP SLC in NOLA post-meetings relaxers, here is a list of lesbian night clubs in the area.

Yeah but reality sucks.

(I've been to several Lesbian nightclubs. It is not what you might expect.)

403 Varek Raith  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:34:43pm

re: #401 Jimmah

What is it with wingnuts and this obsession they have with 'things not standing'?

No Viagra.

404 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:35:33pm

re: #392 pingjockey

Didja see Luap Nor is on the menu of speakers?! Sheesh.

The meeting is showing A New America, a movie by Chris Comeaux.

First person on the list of characters who contributed to the movie: Ron Paul.

405  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:35:56pm

re: #403 Varek Raith

No Viagra.


406 Ayeless in Ghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:36:10pm

re: #395 TheMatrix31


Cheer up skippy!

407 Varek Raith  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:36:33pm

re: #405



408 freetoken  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:36:35pm

re: #402 Racer X

Shhh.... don't give it away.

409 KingKenrod  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:36:47pm

re: #387 Aceofwhat?

I'm sorry if someone has made this joke already, but...from the text in the original post...

Advocates of this bizarre dogma insist that white Anglo-Saxons are the “true” chosen people of the Bible and charge that today’s Jews are usurpers.

The part where a group of people sit around a table and think to themselves that despite the Gospel having taken place in Israel, Anglo-Saxons are the true chosen people...did i miss a book in the bible somewhere? Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Reykjavik? The apostle Bjorn, previously lost to history, has been discovered? Good grief...

My biblical history is a little rusty, but I believe the Kingdom of Israel split into 2 separate countries sometime BC - 2 tribes in one kingdom, 10 in the other. Biblical history follows the 2 tribes, not the other 10, who are presumed "lost" or whatever. So the Anglo-Saxons are supposedly one of the 10 lost tribes, who were dispersed as some kind of divine punishment...

410 pingjockey  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:37:14pm

re: #404 freetoken
Character is right. As in the silly use of the term. Luap Nor is a "character".

411 Racer X  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:37:20pm

re: #399 Lidane




412 Obdicut  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:37:30pm

re: #387 Aceofwhat?

There was a British lord who was convinced of this. I think it wasn't Lord Monboddo , but I wanted to mention him because he's hilarious.

Finally one must remark that Burnett [Lord Monboddo] seemed strangely obsessed with man's relation to other primates. In his earlier years he clearly believed that the orangutan was a form of man; furthermore, he accepted an account of a Swedish explorer that reported one primitive tribe had tails. Most astonishingly, he at one time said that humans must have all been born with tails, that were simply removed by midwives at birth.

This book is awesome if you like eccentricity, and it's got the "No really, the English are the Jews".


413 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:37:42pm

re: #409 KingKenrod

My biblical history is a little rusty, but I believe the Kingdom of Israel split into 2 separate countries sometime BC - 2 tribes in one kingdom, 10 in the other. Biblical history follows the 2 tribes, not the other 10, who are presumed "lost" or whatever. So the Anglo-Saxons are supposedly one of the 10 lost tribes, who were dispersed as some kind of divine punishment...

which would make them Jews! ha! PWN GOAL...

414 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:38:18pm

re: #395 TheMatrix31


What's up, Matrix?

415 fizzlogic  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:39:00pm

re: #376 Charles

Right now on Fox News, Laura Ingraham is promoting that lunatic who wants to prosecute teachers who teach sex ed.

She's just another Catholic SoCon whose main cause it outlawing abortion. She was one of the reasons I left the GOP and conservatism. When I listened to her, all she ever talked about on her radio show was abortion--oh and calling John Edwards "silky pony" ad nauseam (it was only funny the first time).

416 brookly red  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:39:03pm

Ugggh, the client is global and wants employee evaluations in a bunch of languages I can't speak...

417 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:39:50pm

re: #382 JasonA

I do need to read more Vonnegut. I guess Slaughterhouse Five just freaked me the hell out too much...

I recommend "The Sirens of Titan". It is without a doubt my favorite Vonnegut novel, and easily somewhere in my rather nebulous top 3 favorite books, period.

418 Our Precious Bodily Fluids  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:40:38pm

re: #396 HoosierHoops

Eden Express. His son was schizophrenic.

419 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:40:51pm

re: #402 Racer X

Yeah but reality sucks.

(I've been to several Lesbian nightclubs. It is not what you might expect.)

Actually the reality is they're fun, inviting places and not some sleazy neon stripper wasteland. Normal gay women who are fun and okay with themselves = win. A friend of mine who's a big barrel chested dude who's a chef, one of his favorite hangs is a lesbian nightclub where one of his (gay) friends drinks him under the table.

They also tend to have sweet karaoke nights! Also, mohawks. Mohawks rule. More people should have them.

420 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:41:03pm

re: #416 brookly red

Ugggh, the client is global and wants employee evaluations in a bunch of languages I can't speak...

Need French help?

421 Mark Pennington  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:41:46pm

re: #402 Racer X

Yeah but reality sucks.

(I've been to several Lesbian nightclubs. It is not what you might expect.)

I've been to a few as well. They are no different than straight nightclubs in my opinion.

422  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:41:50pm

re: #416 brookly red

Ugggh, the client is global and wants employee evaluations in a bunch of languages I can't speak...

You need Cato.
Have you pissed him off lately?
If so you're outta luck, I'm afraid.

423 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:41:55pm

re: #415 trendsurfer

She's just another Catholic SoCon whose main cause it outlawing abortion. She was one of the reasons I left the GOP and conservatism. When I listened to her, all she ever talked about on her radio show was abortion--oh and calling John Edwards "silky pony" ad nauseam (it was only funny the first time).

i disagree. i don't listen to her, but 'silky pony' is still funny.

424 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:42:03pm

re: #399 Lidane

I love sinfest. That dude can really REALLY draw, and I love the writing.

425 TheMatrix31  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:42:09pm

re: #414 Dark_Falcon

I'm just fed up with stupidity. Online and in "real-life". Little things are REALLY starting to get to me.

426 A Man for all Seasons  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:42:16pm

re: #418 negativ

Eden Express. His son was schizophrenic.

Thank you.. It was a powerful story...Boy I read that years ago in College or something...

427  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:43:15pm

re: #423 Aceofwhat?

i disagree. i don't listen to her, but 'silky pony' is still funny.

I don't watch her either.
But "silky pony" is particularly funny IMO if you're watching that hair video, where he combs and combs and combs and combs his hair.

428 Ayeless in Ghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:43:16pm
Sex, lies and duct tape: Science and morality make for strange bedfellows in D-11
by Anthony Lane - Colorado Springs Independent

Bantering with a group of teenagers, former NFL cornerback Miles McPherson flashes a rakish grin.

"If I had a rose in here, and I passed it around and each one of you took a petal off," he says, making a plucking motion with his giant hands, "there wouldn't be anything left."

Well, having sex, the player-turned-pastor says, has the same effect.

"When you sleep with somebody, you give a part of yourself away," he says. Sleep with too many people, and "by the time you get to college ... you don't care about yourself, 'cuz you don't have nothing to care about."

This is part of Sex, Lies & ... the Truth, a 1993 Focus on the Family video that also features James Dobson in ski-goggle glasses telling kids that condoms are unreliable and that there's no safe sex outside marriage. It's a masterpiece of abstinence-until-marriage advocacy, delivered from a Christian morality perspective.

Though not an approved part of the Colorado Springs School District 11 health curriculum, the video wormed its way into Coronado High School for countless showings in health class. (Interestingly, a hand-written note on the side of the box warns teachers who use it to stop six minutes from the end, when the video drops any pretense of being secular.)

Carlos Bertha and his ex-wife, Deb Courtney, raised a ruckus and got it removed, but the video just marked the beginning of their investigation into the sex ed curriculum taught to their son Zach and other D-11 students.

Continue reading

429 Lidane  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:43:22pm

re: #411 Racer X


I hadn't seen that one before. That's actually funny.

430 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:44:04pm

re: #427

I don't watch her either.
But "silky pony" is particularly funny IMO if you're watching that hair video, where he combs and combs and combs and combs his hair.

or if it's the little clip that plays in your mind every time he comes up in conversation...which is what happens to me...

431 Lidane  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:44:10pm

re: #424 WindUpBird

I love sinfest. That dude can really REALLY draw, and I love the writing.

I've been reading it for ages. It's one of my favorite webcomics going right now.

432 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:44:47pm

re: #421 beekiller

I've been to a few as well. They are no different than straight nightclubs in my opinion.

They tend to be more relaxed, IMHO. But I stay away from the upscale lucite bar/beautiful-people/ $12-martini sorts of places, not my scene. Give me a dive bar with great micros, or a goth night anyday.

433 fizzlogic  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:45:06pm

re: #423 Aceofwhat?

Giggling for a few hours while repeating "silky pony" over and over again is not good radio. It's what a person stoned or drunk would do.

434 Racer X  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:45:32pm

re: #419 WindUpBird

Actually the reality is they're fun, inviting places and not some sleazy neon stripper wasteland. Normal gay women who are fun and okay with themselves = win. A friend of mine who's a big barrel chested dude who's a chef, one of his favorite hangs is a lesbian nightclub where one of his (gay) friends drinks him under the table.

They also tend to have sweet karaoke nights! Also, mohawks. Mohawks rule. More people should have them.

Agreed. I had lots of fun hanging out with my roommates at the lesbian clubs.

435 Vicious Babushka  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:45:46pm

re: #409 KingKenrod

My biblical history is a little rusty, but I believe the Kingdom of Israel split into 2 separate countries sometime BC - 2 tribes in one kingdom, 10 in the other. Biblical history follows the 2 tribes, not the other 10, who are presumed "lost" or whatever. So the Anglo-Saxons are supposedly one of the 10 lost tribes, who were dispersed as some kind of divine punishment...

The 10 Tribes were dispersed by Sannharib the king of Assyria throughout his empire, which extended into Asia Minor but did not include Western Europe.

436 Stanghazi  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:45:59pm

re: #416 brookly red

Ugggh, the client is global and wants employee evaluations in a bunch of languages I can't speak...

Ah, the troubles of a job.

437 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:46:19pm

re: #433 trendsurfer

Giggling for a few hours while repeating "silky pony" over and over again is not good radio. It's what a person stoned or drunk would do.

i believe you. but i giggle when i hear "silky pony" because i think of him combing his hair. see - i just giggled right now...heh. heh.

438 Mark Pennington  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:47:03pm

re: #432 WindUpBird

They tend to be more relaxed, IMHO. But I stay away from the upscale lucite bar/beautiful-people/ $12-martini sorts of places, not my scene. Give me a dive bar with great micros, or a goth night anyday.

I'm somewhere in between the lucite bar and a goth dive. You're a wild man, WUB.

439 Racer X  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:47:11pm

re: #425 TheMatrix31

I'm just fed up with stupidity. Online and in "real-life". Little things are REALLY starting to get to me.

Chill out and have a cold beer.

*if you can read this, life is good*

440 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:47:19pm

re: #416 brookly red

Ugggh, the client is global and wants employee evaluations in a bunch of languages I can't speak...

Ask Cato. He may speak some of the languages in question.

441 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:48:03pm

re: #431 Lidane

I've been reading it for ages. It's one of my favorite webcomics going right now.

I'm a fan of Sinfest, Penny-arcade, Achewood, Pictures for Sad Children, Wondermark...

442 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:48:16pm

re: #434 Racer X

Agreed. I had lots of fun hanging out with my roommates at the lesbian clubs.

Cheers ^^

443 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:48:56pm

re: #425 TheMatrix31

I'm just fed up with stupidity. Online and in "real-life". Little things are REALLY starting to get to me.

I'm something of a stress case, myself, but you need to relax. Letting all those little things get to you will kill you if you don't relax.

444 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:49:28pm

re: #440 Dark_Falcon

Ask Cato. He may speak some of the languages in question.

OT...don't look now, but your Bulls can't even beat my Cavs without LeBron in the lineup...

445 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:50:08pm

re: #441 WindUpBird

I'm a fan of Sinfest, Penny-arcade, Achewood, Pictures for Sad Children, Wondermark...

Have you watched Ugly Americans? What do you think?

446 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:50:08pm

re: #438 beekiller

I'm somewhere in between the lucite bar and a goth dive. You're a wild man, WUB.

The closest i get to upscale is this place: [Link:]

The beer selection is mindblowing. So many rare belgians, some on tap!

447 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:51:46pm

re: #445 Aceofwhat?

Have you watched Ugly Americans? What do you think?

I have not! I want to! But it's always on as I'm leaving work. :( I keep meaning to check for it on Ondemand.

Right now I'm a huge fan of the show Archer, same writers as Frisky Dingo and Sealab 2021, but with a dysfunctional spy-agency twist. And like everyone else, I am all about the Venture Bros.

448 Cato the Elder  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:53:57pm

What I wonder whenever I see the term "neo-Nazi" is why we bother with the "neo-" part. I mean, these guys have been around now almost as long as the originals.

Just call 'em what they are - Nazis - and be done with it.

449 TheMatrix31  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:54:38pm

re: #443 Dark_Falcon

I try. Never was good at holding back my thoughts and emotions.

450 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:54:47pm

re: #446 WindUpBird

The closest i get to upscale is this place: [Link:]

The beer selection is mindblowing. So many rare belgians, some on tap!

Nice. If you're ever in Atlanta, try the Brickstore...and if you're ever in Philly, try Monk's.

451 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:56:42pm

re: #444 Aceofwhat?

OT...don't look now, but your Bulls can't even beat my Cavs without LeBron in the lineup...

The Bulls suck this year. Chicago's chances for a Championship this spring rest entirely with the Blackhawks.

452 Aceofwhat?  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:56:56pm

re: #447 WindUpBird

I have not! I want to! But it's always on as I'm leaving work. :( I keep meaning to check for it on Ondemand.

Right now I'm a huge fan of the show Archer, same writers as Frisky Dingo and Sealab 2021, but with a dysfunctional spy-agency twist. And like everyone else, I am all about the Venture Bros.

Great call. I love Archer. Venture Bros crushed me when Wharburton left...that guy's voice is unparalleled as a caricature of a beefhead - i think he's brilliant. The show is still funny but i liked it better with Brock.

453 Dark_Falcon  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 5:57:20pm

re: #449 TheMatrix31

I try. Never was good at holding back my thoughts and emotions.

Let them out. It will help you relax.

454 TheMatrix31  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 6:02:02pm

I'm out. The internet where I'm at blows ass.


455 Mark Pennington  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 6:04:41pm

re: #446 WindUpBird

The closest i get to upscale is this place: [Link:]

The beer selection is mindblowing. So many rare belgians, some on tap!

Wow, very nice indeed.

I'm on a Sam Adams Boston Ale/ Brewmaster's Collection kick lately. (not to be confused with Sam Adams Boston Lager). Very tasty. It's a bit mellower than traditional Sam - I'm a fan of micro brews, but the Sam Boston Lager tends to be a bit too coppery for my taste.

456 amused  Thu, Apr 8, 2010 6:21:09pm

Beck/Fox get about 3.2 million viewers each night. There are 300 million sane Americans. Beck/Fox have their hardcore audience and that's all. I don't watch them and only ever hear about them when other media outlets (and blogs) mention them. If everybody ignored them then only their hardcore audience would ever hear them, and they don't matter.

fox noise

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William Lewis
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The Good Liars at Miami Trump Rally [VIDEO] Jason and Davram talk with Trump supporters about art, Mike Lindell, who is really president and more! SUPPORT US: SEE THE GOOD LIARS LIVE!LOS ANGELES, CA SUBSCRIBE TO OUR AUDIO PODCAST:Apple Podcasts: open.spotify.comJoin this channel to ...
2 days ago
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Ranked-Choice Voting Has Challenged the Status Quo. Its Popularity Will Be Tested in November. JUNEAU — Alaska’s new election system — with open primaries and ranked voting — has been a model for those in other states who are frustrated by political polarization and a sense that voters lack real choice at the ...
3 weeks ago
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