Full Context: Glenn Beck’s ‘Shoot Them in the Head’ Rant

Wingnuts • Views: 38,265

I’m glad to see that my reply to Patterico’s incredibly dishonest post has gotten more than 650 retweets since I wrote it yesterday. Thanks to everyone who helped get it out there; these kinds of lies shouldn’t be allowed to stand, especially when the intent is to defend something like this — Glenn Beck’s insane rant from his June 9, 2010 show on Fox News.

Patterico and the echo chamber of wingnut blogs that linked to him are trying to make excuses for Glenn Beck, by setting up an obvious straw man — that I claimed Beck was telling his audience to go out and shoot people in the head — and then knocking the straw man down. But the simple truth is that I didn’t say or imply this at any time, and neither did the writer of the LGF Page that contained the video.

Since Patterico refuses to scrape together the integrity to correct his false claims (par for the course in the right wing blogosphere), let’s look at a longer clip (courtesy of LGF reader “simoom”) of this Glenn Beck rant, so no one can accuse anyone of taking things out of context. The context, in this case, does not exonerate Beck of anything.

It’s a disturbing, deeply paranoid, wild-eyed tirade about people being shot in the head, Marxist revolution, the Ayatollah Khomeini, and more people being shot in the head, including Glenn Beck himself. And it’s delivered in front of a chalkboard with a Nazi swastika prominently displayed the whole time.

Youtube Video

The official transcript from FOXNews.com:

I never thought I’d say we better learn something from the Ayatollah Khomeini, but here it is.

The media and the politician have all of this wrong. In every single walk of life — you want to know why TV doesn’t reflect you? You want to know why Washington doesn’t reflect you? Because they don’t understand, from the radical revolutionaries to the Islamic extremists — and yes, DOJ, they do exist — to the Tea Party movements.

Just because you in Washington and you who are so out of touch with life in the media, just because you don’t believe in anything doesn’t mean nobody else does. We do. You know why you’re confused by this show? It’s because I believe in something. You don’t.

Tea parties believe in small government. We believe in returning to the principles of our Founding Fathers. We respect them. We revere them. Shoot me in the head before I stop talking about the Founders. Shoot me in the head if you try to change our government.

I will stand against you and so will millions of others. We believe in something. You in the media and most in Washington don’t. The radicals that you and Washington have co-opted and brought in wearing sheep’s clothing — change the pose. You will get the ends.

You’ve been using them? They believe in communism. They believe and have called for a revolution. You’re going to have to shoot them in the head. But warning, they may shoot you.

They are dangerous because they believe. Karl Marx is their George Washington. You will never change their mind. And if they feel you have lied to them — they’re revolutionaries. Nancy Pelosi, those are the people you should be worried about.

Here is my advice when you’re dealing with people who believe in something that strongly — you take them seriously. You listen to their words and you believe that they will follow up with what they say.

Didn’t we learn that lesson from Usama bin Laden? I heard his warning in 1998. I said on the air at the time, listen to him. We didn’t listen. We didn’t listen to the revolutionaries in Germany, the revolutionaries in Russia or Venezuela or Cuba — no, no, no. They all have one thing in common. They have all called for revolution.

They want to overthrow our entire system of government, and their words say it. Why won’t you believe it?

UPDATE at 1/22/11 12:02:37 pm

Meanwhile, Beck himself is now using the same diversionary excuse for this deranged fantasy of revolution and murder:

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1 bratwurst  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:37:03am

A modest proposal:

Regardless of what motivated that kook in Tuscon two weeks ago, let’s all stop talking about shooting people in the head, m’kay?

2 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:41:44am
It’s a disturbing, deeply paranoid tirade about people being shot in the head, Marxist revolution, the Ayatollah Khomeini, and more people being shot in the head, including Glenn Beck himself. And it’s delivered in front of a chalkboard with a Nazi swastika prominently displayed the whole time.

I think you’re being kind. I read this as slightly worse. His quote…

You’re going to have to shoot them in the head. But warning, they may shoot you.

He’s talking about the imperative necessity of killing and violence. Beck sees political violence as mandatory. It either do or die in his mind.

3 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:44:10am

I’ve just found something… that made my WTF moment of the day. Apparently “everybody” missed it. It’s Ann Coulter’s tribute to Joe Sobran who died last year. Sobran, of course, is the very antisemite Buckley drew off from NR, the guy who was a speaker at David Irving’s Holocaust denial conference.

[Link: www.humanevents.com…]

Here’s what she approvingly quotes:

On Buckley’s book “In Search of Anti-Semitism”: “Its real message is not that we should like or respect Jews; only that we should try not to hate them. But this implies that anti-Semitism is the natural reaction to them: If it’s a universal sin, after all, it must be a universal temptation. … When he defends Jews, I sometimes feel like saying: ‘Bill! Bill! It’s all right! They’re not that bad!’”
4 prairiefire  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:44:23am

I wonder how many more promo interviews for his new book he will do. The book is being billed as a ‘self help” book. The air is pretty thin at Fox News studios.

5 JosephNobles  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:44:36am

So Glenn Beck first tells “the media and the politicians” to shoot HIM in the head if he stops talking about the Founders or if they try to change the government. Having climbing into Reverend Shannon’s hammock of self-crucifixion (Night of the Iguana), Glenn Beck counsels these same people that they will have to shoot the radical left in the head when they turn on the media and the politicians.

I agree: this message is just as heinous as if Beck had point-blank told his followers to shoot liberals in the head. He’s painting the media and the politicians as the ones who will attack Beck and his followers violently. And there is no one more likely to lash out viciously than someone who feels he or she is innocent and has been pushed back into a corner. Glenn Beck specializes in herding his flock into a corner and standing there with them to “protect” them.

6 Summer Seale  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:44:40am

When I watched this clip this morning, something about it really shocked me:

I never, ever, knew that Nancy Pelosi idolizes Karl Marx.

I know she’s out there on the left from time to time, but an all out revolutionary communist?

I think Beck needs to stop dosing on the brown acid, man.

7 jaunte  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:49:43am
They say sabotage every representative, every authority, spread the talk, abolish the general assemblies. These are revolutionaries in Europe. This same kind of revolutionaries with the same kind of think have their hooks in us now.

Radicals in Europe and the radicals in the U.S. are using the current system and will cast those systems aside when they feel betrayed. But have some hope because we have their handbook and much more tomorrow. Read it and prepare. Back in a minute.
[Link: www.foxnews.com…]

re: #2 Killgore Trout

I think some of the narrow focus by Beck’s defenders on specific language in this piece is a means to avoid talking about the craziness of his whole message.

Reading the entire transcript, he claims his listeners can’t rely on any government institutions because they have been co-opted by radicals who are just waiting for the right moment for violent revolution, and everyone who hears his message should be prepared to resist. (Leaving it up to their fevered imaginations how that might be accomplished).

8 Summer Seale  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:53:25am

re: #6 Summer

When I watched this clip this morning, something about it really shocked me:

I never, ever, knew that Nancy Pelosi idolizes Karl Marx.

I know she’s out there on the left from time to time, but an all out revolutionary communist?

I think Beck needs to stop dosing on the brown acid, man.

In addendum to my previous comment, which I quote above for your renewed enjoyment, Beck basically sounds something like this:

Marxists everywhere! Get’em off! Get’em off! Arrgh in my hair too now! Help me! Now they’re in my clothes! Ahhhh!!! Get’em off!! Shoot them! Shoot them! Shoot them!!! I hate Marxists! They’re eating at my skin!!! Help!

9 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:54:01am

re: #7 jaunte

Also I started thinking about the specific targets he mentions; Van Jones, Bill Ayers, George Soros, Fancis Piven, etc. As strongly as I disagree with these people there’s no reasonable scenario when it will become necessary to shoot these people. Most of them are already disappointed in Obama and none of them pose a threat. Talking about imminent threat and shooting them in the head is massively irresponsible.

10 bluecheese  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:54:56am

I tried to watch this yesterday.

I could only make it thirty seconds in…..

11 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:55:11am

re: #3 Sergey Romanov

Here’s Sobran praising deniers:

[Link: www.sobran.com…]

No chance Coulter did not know, especially as she was corresponding with him all the time, as it turns out:

[Link: www.amconmag.com…]

Some of his admirers would be surprised to know that he was a close correspondent with Ann Coulter, who has often credited her punchy style to Sobran’s influence.

12 BishopX  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:55:37am

Communists? I hate Communists…They make me crazy.
Crazy? I was crazy once…They put me in a little rubber room with communists.
Communists? I hate Communists…They make me crazy.

13 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:58:46am

re: #11 Sergey Romanov

Her CCC defense gains some context, doesn’t it.

14 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:59:41am

Meanwhile, I see that Cenk Uygur is getting a full-time show on MSNBC, so that’s one more MSNBC show I won’t be watching. I can’t stand Uygur. Olbermann was irritating, but usually honest. Uygur is a dishonest far left propagandist, and virulently anti-Israel. MSNBC is already pretty left wing, but with Uygur they’re moving into whacked out Indymedia territory.

15 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:00:03pm
16 Amory Blaine  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:00:05pm

Yet somehow Kieth Olbermann is the Glenn Beck of the left.

17 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:01:07pm

re: #14 Charles

Meanwhile, I see that Cenk Uygur is getting a full-time show on MSNBC, so that’s one more MSNBC show I won’t be watching. I can’t stand Uygur. Olbermann was irritating, but usually honest. Uygur is a dishonest far left propagandist, and virulently anti-Israel. MSNBC is already pretty left wing, but with Uygur they’re moving into whacked out Indymedia territory.

Lots of DKos folks are highly critical of Uygur for his incessant whining about Obama “from the left”.

18 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:04:18pm

re: #17 Sergey Romanov

I just don’t like TYT as a show. The audio is horrible, the demeanor of the hosts is childish and arrogant, and the commentary leaves a lot to be desired. Also, horrendously stupid choice for a show title.

19 blueraven  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:05:20pm

He has gone off the deep end. Another favorite target: Professor Frances Fox Pivens of the “infamous” Cloward and Piven team he is constantly deriding.

Here is a recent interview with the 78 year old professor who is now receiving death threats.

[Link: www.huffingtonpost.com…]

Also a couple of recent LGF pages about this subject by LGF members:


[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com…]


[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com…]

20 simoom  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:05:36pm

re: #15 000G

Should embed Beck’s own defense of the rant.

The craziest part of that is when he explains what he meant by, “You’re going to have to shoot me in the head.” He claims he was actually talking about progressive death camps (this is at 7:40 in that mediamatters clip):

BECK: The progressive movement is co-opting everybody. People who don’t agree with each other. People who believe in violent revolution, and death camps! Bill Ayers talked about death camps! That there will have to be (crosstalk) 25 million people, who are just going to have to be exterminated, because they’ll never turn.

When I said you’re going to have to shoot me in the head, I mean that you’re going to have to take me to one of your death camps. I’ll never shut up. I’ll never stop. Never. Never, never, never. If it means you take me to — I hope, I hope that I have the courage that Bonhoeffer had. If that would ever happen I would hope I would have the Bonhoeffer courage. I won’t know until I would, God forbid — none of us do — until you get there. That’s what I meant.

21 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:07:03pm

The only two TYT episodes/segments worth watching (for the lulz I guess):

22 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:07:41pm

re: #18 000G

I just don’t like TYT as a show. The audio is horrible, the demeanor of the hosts is childish and arrogant, and the commentary leaves a lot to be desired. Also, horrendously stupid choice for a show title.

The word for that I believe is unprofessional which is how I find Cenk Uygur’s style to be for the most part. There’s also a tinge of bombast. Part “muscle head” and part “shock jock” radio host.

23 jaunte  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:07:59pm

re: #15 000G

Beck: Just because you in Washington and you who are so out of touch with life in the media, just because you don’t believe in anything doesn’t mean nobody else does. We do. You know why you’re confused by this show? It’s because I believe in something. You don’t.

It’s confusing because illogical connections, baseless assertions, paranoia, and random dogwhistles add up to gibberish that’s confusing to sane people.

24 simoom  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:09:06pm

Actually, it looks like mediamatters dug a nice long version of the “shoot them in the head” clip out of their archives and put it up a couple hours ago:
Beck Flashback: “You’re Going To Have To Shoot Them In The Head”

Maybe Eric Boehlert had it done after getting involved in the twitter back and forth about Charles’ post.

25 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:10:36pm

re: #20 simoom

The craziest part of that is when he explains what he meant by, “You’re going to have to shoot me in the head.” He claims he was actually talking about progressive death camps (this is at 7:40 in that mediamatters clip):

Yeah, that’s Alex Jones FEMA Camps material right there.

I wish people would not use nazi terms or terms refering to nazi crimes all the time to get the most out of their hyperbole, like when Tammy Bruce rants about “the gay Gestapo”. Death camps are not really comparable to anything else in human history, the human suffering that was created there should not be made light of by using it as a rhetorical toy.

26 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:12:41pm

Coulter mentions Sobran in her books.

Godless, chap. 1:

[Link: search.barnesandnoble.com…]

Usually zealots can’t make money doing insane things. But liberals have the entire taxpayer-funded “education” apparatus to support them. Public schools are what columnist Joe Sobran calls “liberalism’s reproductive system.” In lieu of teaching Biblical truth, which—are you sitting down?—used to be the purpose of education, the government schools teach an “amalgam of liberalism, feminism, Darwinism, and the Playboy philosophy.”

High crimes and misdemeanors, p. 160:

[Link: books.google.com…]

How to talk to a liberal (if you must) - Sobran is among the friends (p.319) who helped Coulter with her book.

27 blueraven  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:12:47pm

Cenk Uygur and Ed Shultz have no reason at all to be on any network. They are both flame throwing liars. If this is the new direction for MSNBC, they can count me out.

I like Chris Matthews, Rachel and O’Donnell. Matthews sometimes irks me, but I love it when he really goes after someone who is parroting a talking point and has no facts.

28 wrenchwench  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:14:15pm

re: #11 Sergey Romanov

Here’s Sobran praising deniers:

[Link: www.sobran.com…]

No chance Coulter did not know, especially as she was corresponding with him all the time, as it turns out:

[Link: www.amconmag.com…]

I always learn a little from the sewers at amconmag. This might offer a hint of a clue about the libertarian view of foreign involvement:

Thinking on it now, the post-Cold War isolationists on the right were at a disadvantage in 1991. I came to political awareness in opposing the bombing of Kosovo. By that time it was obvious that American hubris, the developing norm of the “responsibility to protect”, and a democratist ideology were driving the U.S. to a long period of interventionism. There was no longer the fear of nuclear annihilation to contain the impulse to make the world safe for neo-liberalism. In 1991 these things had hardly been discussed. Critics of the first Gulf War on the left turned to a musty anti-capitalist/anti-imperialist script: “No Blood For Oil.” Critics on the right focused on foreign interests, namely Israel’s. The war ended quickly, but the breach would not be repaired.

I’m responsible for the bold. I had not heard of “democratist ideology” before. I imagine it is a pejorative term for an ideology that asserts democracy is a superior system of government. I guess I am a “democratist”. And only an anti-democratist could justify helping Baby Doc Duvalier.

29 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:16:28pm

re: #28 wrenchwench

Noticed that too. I suppose it is a term for someone wishing to actively spread democracy in other states, perhaps by force.

30 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:17:51pm

OT Ha! Mitt Romney wins New Hampshire straw poll. Guess who came in second? Nor Luap! I’m surprised he didn’t come in first — we are talking NH here.

31 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:24:25pm

WHy the fuck does he have a Swastika on the board?

They aren’t just decorative.

And yes, he’s trying to convince his audience that political violence is an inevitability. He’s attempting to say that it will become necessary because of the extremism of people like Van Jones— who isn’t at all an extremist.

That he apparently wants Pelosi to do the shooting is just a weird part.

32 BishopX  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:24:53pm

re: #30 Gus 802

Romney was governor of Mass (right across the border) for four years. And the wind blows south so they didn’t get the stink.

33 Jadespring  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:25:30pm

re: #25 000G

Yeah, that’s Alex Jones FEMA Camps material right there.

I wish people would not use nazi terms or terms refering to nazi crimes all the time to get the most out of their hyperbole, like when Tammy Bruce rants about “the gay Gestapo”. Death camps are not really comparable to anything else in human history, the human suffering that was created there should not be made light of by using it as a rhetorical toy.

I’m not sure that in his mind it is a toy. There’s a possibility that he might actually believe it’s possible and that it would be similar hence the reference. He’s played around with the whole fema camp thing before. There are people out there who seriously believe that the ‘fema /death camps’ are a real possibility and that the plans for them exist. Heck I was reading some comments the other day about the Walmart annoucement with Michelle Obama and people connected it with the fema camp paranoid delusionary theory. Walmart appearently is showing it’s true commie intent and it’s becoming obvious that they are part of the plot now. Absolutely nuts of course but it was surprising on how many people actually agreed with the commenters who were posting this. They were utterly serious about it.

34 simoom  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:25:31pm

re: #30 Gus 802

we are talking NH here.

Hey! ಠ_ಠ


35 Charles Johnson  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:25:58pm

Listening to Beck in this clip, it’s easy to see why unbalanced personalities could be influenced by his rhetoric, because Beck himself is so completely deranged and paranoid.

We’ve gotten used to this from Beck. But if you could go back a few years and see one of Beck’s shows without having seen him before, you’d be horrified. How did this bad craziness ever become mainstream cable news programming?

36 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:26:18pm

re: #34 simoom

Hey! ಠ_ಠ


Live free or die!


37 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:27:39pm

[Link: twitter.com…]

[Link: www.anncoulter.com…] (“As Joe Sobran says, it takes a lot of clout to be a victim.”)

[Link: www.anncoulter.com…]

[Link: www.anncoulter.com…]

(copy: [Link: www.webcitation.org…] )

The Great Joe Sobran Died Today September 30, 2010, 7:40 PM

Sobran: Thank God for Atheists

Sobran: Then … and Now; Rudy’s Roar

Sobran: The Horror of Hillary

Sobran: Death Takes No Holiday

More on the Great Joe Sobran October 3, 2010, 1:48 AM

American Conservative’s Obit: I Will Miss Joe Sobran (Me too!)

NYT Obit: Joseph Sobran, Writer Whom Buckley Mentored, Dies at 64

Sobran: “How I Was Fired By Bill Buckley”

Sobran: “Interns and Other Playthings”

Sobran: “Teach Your Children Well”

Sobran: “Resisting Jesus”

Sobran on Buckley, 2008: “A Great Spirit Gone”

38 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:29:03pm

re: #32 BishopX

Romney was governor of Mass (right across the border) for four years. And the wind blows south so they didn’t get the stink.

Perhaps. Here’s the full results though: Romney 35%; Paul at 11%; Pawlenty
8%; Palin at 7%: Bachmann at 5%. Methinks Palin will be hitting the box wine tonight.

39 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:30:03pm

“You know why you’re confused by this show? It’s because I believe in something.”

No Glenn. I am confused by your show because you don’t seem aware that pronouns have to have antecedents.

40 albusteve  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:32:43pm

man, the language is just brutal, together with his evangelical delivery,it’s spooky…bug eyed and salivating, whoa…I think the swastika may be displayed as some sort of trophy, or a reminder but it’s all a bit confusing…the guy has graduated from nutball, to lunatic to flat out mania….he is definitely not through yet, he still has a ways to go…you have to wonder where it will end for him heading off to uncharted waters

41 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:33:09pm

re: #33 Jadespring

I’m not sure that in his mind it is a toy. There’s a possibility that he might actually believe it’s possible and that it would be similar hence the reference. He’s played around with the whole fema camp thing before. There are people out there who seriously believe that the ‘fema /death camps’ are a real possibility and that the plans for them exist. Heck I was reading some comments the other day about the Walmart annoucement with Michelle Obama and people connected it with the fema camp paranoid delusionary theory. Walmart appearently is showing it’s true commie intent and it’s becoming obvious that they are part of the plot now. Absolutely nuts of course but it was surprising on how many people actually agreed with the commenters who were posting this. They were utterly serious about it.

I know there are people out there believing this crap. I also know that Beck is a cynical manipulator, selling his nationalistic, paranoid craziness as passionate patriotism, feeding of pushing the emotional buttons of his audience and living of selling them crap while praising their critical thinking skills for believing it’s gold instead of crap.

42 Fenris  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:33:15pm

From the clip:

Here is my advice when you’re dealing with people who believe in something that strongly — you take them seriously. You listen to their words and you believe that they will follow up with what they say.

But when I talk about shooting ‘em in the head? Ah, I’m just screwing with y!

43 Jadespring  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:34:32pm

re: #35 Charles

Listening to Beck in this clip, it’s easy to see why unbalanced personalities could be influenced by his rhetoric, because Beck himself is so completely deranged and paranoid.

We’ve gotten used to this from Beck. But if you could go back a few years and see one of Beck’s shows without having seen him before, you’d be horrified. How did this bad craziness ever become mainstream cable news programming?

This is an example of how Beck comes across to someone who until relatively recently didn’t know anything about him nor much about what was going on in the world of US right wing opinion.

My sister was channel flipping one day (last year sometime) and came across his show. She hadn’t heard of him before (not very political Canadian) and watched for a bit. She thought she was watching a comedy show because he came across as so crazy. She thought is was satire. Like a warped Daily Show type thing. So she laughed at the “jokes”. Then she watched it again because it was so funny until it slowly started dawning on her that it wasn’t comedy and that this guy was actually being serious. So funny turned into completely creepy, sick and horrifying. She said it made her feel ill.

She of course never watched it again.

44 Jadespring  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:36:07pm

re: #41 000G

I know there are people out there believing this crap. I also know that Beck is a cynical manipulator, selling his nationalistic, paranoid craziness as passionate patriotism, feeding of pushing the emotional buttons of his audience and living of selling them crap while praising their critical thinking skills for believing it’s gold instead of crap.

I know he manipulates but I am not convinced that it’s all just a cynical show or ploy. I think he truly believes a lot of what he says.

45 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:36:34pm

re: #35 Charles

Listening to Beck in this clip, it’s easy to see why unbalanced personalities could be influenced by his rhetoric, because Beck himself is so completely deranged and paranoid.

I don’t know whether he really is deranged and paranoid or whether it’s just method acting. Anyhow, I count even the wilingness to sell this paranoia as genuine as mentally ill.

46 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:37:50pm

He was advocating blue-on-blue violence, which, like black-on-black violence, is not really seen as any sort of problem…

47 albusteve  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:38:17pm

re: #45 000G

I don’t know whether he really is deranged and paranoid or whether it’s just method acting. Anyhow, I count even the wilingness to sell this paranoia as genuine as mentally ill.

I think you answered your own question

48 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:39:30pm

The Tea Party believes in small government. Except for:

• Social Security
• Medicare
• Medicaid
• Department of Defense
• Federal Highway Administration

49 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:39:35pm

re: #44 Jadespring

I know he manipulates but I am not convinced that it’s all just a cynical show or ploy. I think he truly believes a lot of what he says.

Oh, I am sure he truly believes. But it’s a very tested and deliberately crazy sort of belief that helps his business. More specifically, I don’t think Beck has any concept of “truth”, no matter how much he talks about it. I also believe that it’s personal for him, that it has to do with his being on a recovering alcoholic trip that I know from several former addicts who come and stay clean by making faith their primary motivation.

50 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:40:22pm

And, again: If the lesson from the shooting of Gifford is that we need to intervene with the mentally ill who believe in insane conspiracy theories, shouldn’t we be intervening on Glenn Beck? And all the other people on the right wing who are currently endorsing insane conspiracy theories?

51 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:42:42pm

re: #37 Sergey Romanov

[Link: twitter.com…]

[Link: www.anncoulter.com…] (“As Joe Sobran says, it takes a lot of clout to be a victim.”)

[Link: www.anncoulter.com…]

[Link: www.anncoulter.com…]

(copy: [Link: www.webcitation.org…] )

OMFIPU. She actually links to the neo-Nazi website “Voice of Reason”:

[Link: reasonradionetwork.com…]

It’s chock-full of WN stuff, like Sunic’s show, see [Link: en.wikipedia.org…]
I’ve been to this site because it had an interview between Sunic and neo-Nazi Carolyn Yeager. The site also promotes Holocaust denial.

Fuck, I’ve just discovered that Yeager - who is a self-described National Socialist - has a radio program there:

[Link: reasonradionetwork.com…]

Is this what Coulter is reduced to?

52 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:43:04pm

re: #50 Obdicut

And, again: If the lesson from the shooting of Gifford is that we need to intervene with the mentally ill who believe in insane conspiracy theories, shouldn’t we be intervening on Glenn Beck? And all the other people on the right wing who are currently endorsing insane conspiracy theories?

Image: glenn-beck-straitjacket.jpg

53 albusteve  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:43:35pm

re: #50 Obdicut

And, again: If the lesson from the shooting of Gifford is that we need to intervene with the mentally ill who believe in insane conspiracy theories, shouldn’t we be intervening on Glenn Beck? And all the other people on the right wing who are currently endorsing insane conspiracy theories?


54 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:44:11pm

re: #35 Charles

We’ve gotten used to this from Beck. But if you could go back a few years and see one of Beck’s shows without having seen him before, you’d be horrified. How did this bad craziness ever become mainstream cable news programming?

To be honest, I think Beck is a sign of the times, a symptom of traditional normality failing and bad craziness taking over as the new norm. Many mental illnesses are but mere outgrowths of their zeitgeist context.

I think we are living in times where it becomes more and more difficult to get people to realize who the crazies are. Talk about an inverted Rosenhan experiment on a massive scale…

55 TedStriker  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:44:18pm

re: #52 Gus 802

Image: glenn-beck-straitjacket.jpg

They should have used a blackboard instead of a crossword puzzle…it would have been complete. ;-P

56 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:45:00pm

re: #50 Obdicut

And, again: If the lesson from the shooting of Gifford is that we need to intervene with the mentally ill who believe in insane conspiracy theories, shouldn’t we be intervening on Glenn Beck? And all the other people on the right wing who are currently endorsing insane conspiracy theories?



57 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:45:15pm

re: #48 Gus 802

The Tea Party believes in small government. Except for:

• Social Security
• Medicare
• Medicaid
• Department of Defense
• Federal Highway Administration

If you really press them, they will admit that they would like to abolish Social Security, privatize all medical care and privatize public roads.

And they would also hand the DoD over to private contractors and just hire soldiers to run their hardware on a contractual basis.

58 wrenchwench  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:45:50pm

re: #50 Obdicut

And, again: If the lesson from the shooting of Gifford is that we need to intervene with the mentally ill who believe in insane conspiracy theories, shouldn’t we be intervening on Glenn Beck? And all the other people on the right wing who are currently endorsing insane conspiracy theories?




and to counter Steve’s comment.

60 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:50:03pm

Here’s anti-Clinton book by Sobran written long after his “fall”:

[Link: www.amazon.com…]

With a foreword by Coulter.

“Clinton as subject and Sobran as author make for an irresistible combination.” — Tom Bethell, columnist for AMERICAN SPECTATOR magazine

“Joseph Sobran’s penetrating analysis of the Clinton years provides his readers with much food for thought.” — Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey, Ph.D., professor, author, lecturer, publisher of CHRIST OR CHAOS newsletter

“Sobran’s unique style and insightful analysis make for a superb book.” — Congressman Ron Paul [R-Tex.]

[Link: www.thefreelibrary.com…]

Congressmen Henry Hyde (R-Ill.), Ron Paul (R-Tex.), and Congresswoman Helen Chenoweth-Hage (R-Idaho) will be joining Mr. Sobran and his publisher, Fran Griffin of Griffin Communications, at an 11 A.M. News Conference on Tuesday, October 3 in room 2105 of the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C. Congressman Bob Barr (R-Ga.) may also attend (to be confirmed shortly).

62 wrenchwench  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:51:36pm

re: #60 Sergey Romanov

Are you gearing up for a Coulter/Sobran Page?

63 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:52:02pm

re: #61 000G

See also: [Link: littlegreenfootballs.com…]

Cause and effect right before our very eyes. Clearly Glenn Beck is inciting violence.

64 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:52:47pm

re: #63 Gus 802

Cause and effect right before our very eyes. Clearly Glenn Beck is inciting violence.

Sounds liike blood libel to me, better take out some blood liability insurance


65 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:53:03pm

re: #62 wrenchwench

Are you gearing up for a Coulter/Sobran Page?

Dunno. Maybe. Eventually. The moment has passed, alas. But it’s good to have everything at hand for when she resurfaces.

66 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:53:04pm

re: #59 Gus 802

See, Beck knows that people get death threats in the wake of his show. And why wouldn’t they? Beck claims Piven is intentionally trying to collapse the economy. He’s painting are as one of the most dangerous people in the world, someone who needs to be stopped before she achieves her goals. At the same time, Beck says that Obama, that the government in general, is either in on this, or helpless against it.

So what is the clear implication to his listeners, especially when he talks about people needing to be shot in the head before they’re stopped?

67 albusteve  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:53:21pm

re: #58 wrenchwench




and to counter Steve’s comment.

darn it…I never know the secret codes…
but Obdicut raises some interesting questions when you extrapolate down the line…you have to wonder if Beck doesn’t deserve an interview with the ATF if he owns firearms…and how close is he to incitement?

68 wrenchwench  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:54:30pm

re: #67 albusteve

QFT = Quoted For Truth

69 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:55:23pm

re: #66 Obdicut

See, Beck knows that people get death threats in the wake of his show. And why wouldn’t they? Beck claims Piven is intentionally trying to collapse the economy. He’s painting are as one of the most dangerous people in the world, someone who needs to be stopped before she achieves her goals. At the same time, Beck says that Obama, that the government in general, is either in on this, or helpless against it.

So what is the clear implication to his listeners, especially when he talks about people needing to be shot in the head before they’re stopped?

He never forgets to cover his ass by saying he wants the Tea Partiers to be peaceful, that he wants a personal and not a violent revolution, etc.

But to me it sounds kinda like his “don’t believe me, do your own homework, research the stuff I tell you”. All fake, all front.

70 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:55:29pm

re: #10 bluecheese

I tried to watch this yesterday.

I could only make it thirty seconds in…

I can’t watch Beck. I can listen to Limbaugh. He at least sounds robust while he yells horrible things. Beck’s looong pauses and whininess makes him impossible for me. I have to read transcripts.

71 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:56:12pm

re: #51 Sergey Romanov

(Not really related, but still, everything is tied. Sunic appeared at CCC conferences.)

72 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:56:14pm

re: #11 Sergey Romanov

Here’s Sobran praising deniers:

[Link: www.sobran.com…]

No chance Coulter did not know, especially as she was corresponding with him all the time, as it turns out:

[Link: www.amconmag.com…]

Good GOD.

73 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:56:23pm

re: #66 Obdicut

See, Beck knows that people get death threats in the wake of his show. And why wouldn’t they? Beck claims Piven is intentionally trying to collapse the economy. He’s painting are as one of the most dangerous people in the world, someone who needs to be stopped before she achieves her goals. At the same time, Beck says that Obama, that the government in general, is either in on this, or helpless against it.

So what is the clear implication to his listeners, especially when he talks about people needing to be shot in the head before they’re stopped?

The implication on his listeners (or more importantly his disturbed listeners) would be “to act”. The message is clear when Glenn Beck says “you’re going to have to shoot them in the head”. He’s planting many seeds in the minds of the unstable in our midst.

74 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:57:19pm

re: #16 Amory Blaine

Yet somehow Kieth Olbermann is the Glenn Beck of the left.

Not anymore!

75 Jadespring  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:57:47pm

I just stupidly froze my thumb to a gate latch. Tore some of the skin right off and the rest looks rough and burned.

Did I say it was fracken cold today yet?

76 albusteve  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:57:49pm

re: #66 Obdicut

See, Beck knows that people get death threats in the wake of his show. And why wouldn’t they? Beck claims Piven is intentionally trying to collapse the economy. He’s painting are as one of the most dangerous people in the world, someone who needs to be stopped before she achieves her goals. At the same time, Beck says that Obama, that the government in general, is either in on this, or helpless against it.

So what is the clear implication to his listeners, especially when he talks about people needing to be shot in the head before they’re stopped?

it’s a sticky wicket for sure…but if Beck keeps down his path, he might decide his own fate with the law

77 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:58:04pm

re: #19 blueraven

He has gone off the deep end. Another favorite target: Professor Frances Fox Pivens of the “infamous” Cloward and Piven team he is constantly deriding.

Here is a recent interview with the 78 year old professor who is now receiving death threats.

[Link: www.huffingtonpost.com…]

Also a couple of recent LGF pages about this subject by LGF members:


[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com…]


[Link: littlegreenfootballs.com…]

Another incredibly sneaky Marxist who’s been trying to take over the country with no noticeable success for fifty years.


78 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:59:02pm

BTW here are the sites CCC links to in their links box on each page:

Ann Coulter
Bob Whitaker
Geert Wilders
Occidental Dissent
Pat Buchanan
Ron Paul
The American Cause
79 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:59:50pm

re: #20 simoom

The craziest part of that is when he explains what he meant by, “You’re going to have to shoot me in the head.” He claims he was actually talking about progressive death camps (this is at 7:40 in that mediamatters clip):

I know I’m advocating violence here, but someone should slap Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s name out of his mouth.

Leaving the fantasy about ‘death camps’ to one side for the moment.

80 Locker  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 12:59:58pm

This nobody is just trying to raise his stock by attacking a somebody. Fuck him.

81 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:00:26pm

Frances Fox Piven

Criticism and threats

Conservative commentator Glenn Beck has repeatedly criticized Piven, stating that she is an enemy of the Constitution and her plans would “intentionally collapse our economic system”, leading to threats against her.[5][9]

82 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:01:15pm

re: #28 wrenchwench

I always learn a little from the sewers at amconmag. This might offer a hint of a clue about the libertarian view of foreign involvement:

I’m responsible for the bold. I had not heard of “democratist ideology” before. I imagine it is a pejorative term for an ideology that asserts democracy is a superior system of government. I guess I am a “democratist”. And only an anti-democratist could justify helping Baby Doc Duvalier.

Odd. I hope none of the folks using ‘democratist’ pejoratively are the same folks who used to whine about the moral relativism of the left.

//to dream

83 albusteve  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:01:28pm

re: #73 Gus 802

The implication on his listeners (or more importantly his disturbed listeners) would be “to act”. The message is clear when Glenn Beck says “you’re going to have to shoot them in the head”. He’s planting many seeds in the minds of the unstable in our midst.

true enough, but is that illegal?…is he intentionally being vague to cover himself?…has he implicitly names targets or does he even have to?…very interesting problem

84 bratwurst  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:01:37pm

re: #70 SanFranciscoZionist

I can’t watch Beck. I can listen to Limbaugh. He at least sounds robust while he yells horrible things. Beck’s looong pauses and whininess makes him impossible for me. I have to read transcripts.

Anyone else hear him start his show yesterday with red meat for birthers?

[Link: www.mediaite.com…]

85 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:02:04pm

re: #77 SanFranciscoZionist

Another incredibly sneaky Marxist who’s been trying to take over the country with no noticeable success for fifty years.


Yes. And when Piven speaks, everyone on “the left” jumps! This has proven to be the case time and time again!


86 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:02:09pm

re: #31 Obdicut

WHy the fuck does he have a Swastika on the board?

They aren’t just decorative.

And yes, he’s trying to convince his audience that political violence is an inevitability. He’s attempting to say that it will become necessary because of the extremism of people like Van Jones— who isn’t at all an extremist.

That he apparently wants Pelosi to do the shooting is just a weird part.

I’m going to go out on a limb here, and say that whatever else may go wrong in American politics, it will not end with Van Jones being shot by a Catholic grandma wearing a designer suit.

87 Amory Blaine  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:03:09pm

re: #83 albusteve

It doesn’t have to be illegal. If you need Glenn Becks lunacy to maintain a profit, your whole business model is fucked up.

88 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:03:35pm

re: #83 albusteve

true enough, but is that illegal?…is he intentionally being vague to cover himself?…has he implicitly names targets or does he even have to?…very interesting problem

As far as legality I wouldn’t know. Right now it seems to be rather vague. I think he would have to specifically name a living person.

89 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:04:14pm

[Link: www.anncoulter.com…]

How about the proposal made on Brimelow’s Web site, Vdare.com, that illegal immigrants be told they have two months to leave the country voluntarily and not have their breaking of our immigration laws held against them when they apply for citizenship from their home countries — or not leave and be banned from U.S. citizenship forever?

90 albusteve  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:04:28pm

re: #87 Amory Blaine

It doesn’t have to be illegal. If you need Glenn Becks lunacy to maintain a profit, your whole business model is fucked up.

yeah, but that’s not the point anymore, that’s old news

91 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:05:49pm

re: #43 Jadespring

This is an example of how Beck comes across to someone who until relatively recently didn’t know anything about him nor much about what was going on in the world of US right wing opinion.

My sister was channel flipping one day (last year sometime) and came across his show. She hadn’t heard of him before (not very political Canadian) and watched for a bit. She thought she was watching a comedy show because he came across as so crazy. She thought is was satire. Like a warped Daily Show type thing. So she laughed at the “jokes”. Then she watched it again because it was so funny until it slowly started dawning on her that it wasn’t comedy and that this guy was actually being serious. So funny turned into completely creepy, sick and horrifying. She said it made her feel ill.

She of course never watched it again.

The Reverse Colbert effect.

92 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:06:05pm

re: #89 Sergey Romanov

[Link: www.anncoulter.com…]

93 albusteve  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:06:22pm

re: #88 Gus 802

As far as legality I wouldn’t know. Right now it seems to be rather vague. I think he would have to specifically name a living person.

I do to, but not entirely sure…but one thing is clear, he is fervently trying to guide some as yet known lunatic to do his dirty work

94 SpaceJesus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:07:16pm

glad to see them finally own up the fact that beck is clearly on their side

95 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:07:18pm

re: #51 Sergey Romanov

OMFIPU. She actually links to the neo-Nazi website “Voice of Reason”:

[Link: reasonradionetwork.com…]

It’s chock-full of WN stuff, like Sunic’s show, see [Link: en.wikipedia.org…]
I’ve been to this site because it had an interview between Sunic and neo-Nazi Carolyn Yeager. The site also promotes Holocaust denial.

Fuck, I’ve just discovered that Yeager - who is a self-described National Socialist - has a radio program there:

[Link: reasonradionetwork.com…]

Is this what Coulter is reduced to?

I’m recommending all these for their own thread. I’m not surprised, but I’m pretty pissed off.

96 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:07:49pm

re: #93 albusteve

I do to, but not entirely sure…but one thing is clear, he is fervently trying to guide some as yet known lunatic to do his dirty work

Which he already “almost” did.

97 CuriousLurker  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:08:18pm

re: #73 Gus 802

The implication on his listeners (or more importantly his disturbed listeners) would be “to act”. The message is clear when Glenn Beck says “you’re going to have to shoot them in the head”. He’s planting many seeds in the minds of the unstable in our midst.

That right there is the main danger, IMO. I’m quite sure Beck doesn’t believe that Dem politicians are going to go out and actually shoot people in the head, but one violent/paranoid seed gets planted, then another, then another

How long before those seeds germinate, take root, and begin to grow in the mind of an unstable person (thanks to constant watering from various sources he or she may encounter—or even seek out—daily)?

98 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:08:37pm

re: #66 Obdicut

See, Beck knows that people get death threats in the wake of his show. And why wouldn’t they? Beck claims Piven is intentionally trying to collapse the economy. He’s painting are as one of the most dangerous people in the world, someone who needs to be stopped before she achieves her goals. At the same time, Beck says that Obama, that the government in general, is either in on this, or helpless against it.

So what is the clear implication to his listeners, especially when he talks about people needing to be shot in the head before they’re stopped?

Let us assume that Professor Piven wants to destroy the economy. What power does she have to do that?

99 Tigger2  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:08:49pm

re: #14 Charles

Meanwhile, I see that Cenk Uygur is getting a full-time show on MSNBC, so that’s one more MSNBC show I won’t be watching. I can’t stand Uygur. Olbermann was irritating, but usually honest. Uygur is a dishonest far left propagandist, and virulently anti-Israel. MSNBC is already pretty left wing, but with Uygur they’re moving into whacked out Indymedia territory.

It’s interesting Cenk was a Republican at one time.

100 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:09:37pm

re: #75 Jadespring

I just stupidly froze my thumb to a gate latch. Tore some of the skin right off and the rest looks rough and burned.

Did I say it was fracken cold today yet?

At least you didn’t lick a flag pole.

Ouch. Sorry.

101 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:10:28pm

re: #98 SanFranciscoZionist

Let us assume that Professor Piven wants to destroy the economy. What power does she have to do that?

Are you kidding? She has the full force of the MLA behind her!


102 blueraven  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:10:29pm

re: #93 albusteve

I do to, but not entirely sure…but one thing is clear, he is fervently trying to guide some as yet known lunatic to do his dirty work

Known lunatic that has already attempted to carry out his work

Byron Williams: “Progressive Hunter”

103 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:11:59pm

re: #98 SanFranciscoZionist

Let us assume that Professor Piven wants to destroy the economy. What power does she have to do that?

She has a class lecture of 32 students on Monday?

Let’s see. 32 / 300,000,000 X 100 = …


104 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:13:27pm

re: #89 Sergey Romanov

[Link: www.anncoulter.com…]

VDARE is no stranger to LGF:

Articles, Pages

Michelle Malkin also writes for those creeps.

105 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:14:01pm

re: #85 Gus 802

Yes. And when Piven speaks, everyone on “the left” jumps! This has proven to be the case time and time again!


I’m sure I would have, if I had ever the hell heard of her before Glenn Beck started babbling about her.

106 albusteve  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:14:30pm

re: #96 Gus 802

Which he already “almost” did.

yeah, close call

107 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:15:08pm

Glenn Beck’s Ranting Sparks Death Threats Against 78-Year-Old Sociologist

Glenn Beck has been railing against 78-year-old CUNY professor Frances Fox Piven for weeks now, claiming she co-authored a devious plan to overthrow the government in the 1960s. Now, some of his fans are issuing death threats against her.

According to the New York Times, Piven has been receiving death threats after being villainized on Beck’s show. “Somebody tell Frances I have 5000 rounds ready and I’ll give My life to take Our freedom back,” wrote one user on Beck’s news site, The Blaze.

As a scholar, Piven is famous for her work on social movements. But Glenn Beck has become obsessed with one 1966 essay she and her husband wrote for The Nation, which argued for bringing about social change by overwhelming the welfare system. To Beck, the “Cloward & Piven Strategy” is sort of master plan by Liberals and the Obama administration to collapse the government—he even put her on his “nine most dangerous people in the world” list!


108 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:16:30pm
109 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:18:03pm

re: #108 Gus 802

Frances Fox Piven’s opinion of Glenn Beck

[Video]Good debunking of Beck by Piven.

Did you notice her Le Crueset pot is RED? The mask drops.

110 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:18:41pm

re: #96 Gus 802

Which he already “almost” did.

Credit the California Highway Patrol for Beck’s show not having a death toll already.

111 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:20:04pm

re: #109 Decatur Deb

Did you notice her Le Crueset pot is RED? The mask drops.

She’s secretly a Republican? SCANDAL!!!

112 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:20:33pm

re: #101 Obdicut

Are you kidding? She has the full force of the MLA behind her!


Hate the MLA—“Wenny, Weedy, Weekey”.

113 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:21:54pm

Frances Fox Piven pwns Glenn Beck!


114 Idle Drifter  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:22:25pm

Meanwhile at the Legion of Doom.

115 albusteve  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:22:33pm

re: #107 Gus 802

Glenn Beck’s Ranting Sparks Death Threats Against 78-Year-Old Sociologist

in all unfairness, it’s the NYT…but if there are threats, they would have to be substantiated before any connection could be made back to Beck, if they even could

116 blueraven  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:25:27pm

re: #115 albusteve

in all unfairness, it’s the NYT…but if there are threats, they would have to be substantiated before any connection could be made back to Beck, if they even could

Do we need another Byron Williams, maybe a more successful one, before we can attribute threats to Beck?

117 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:25:50pm

I wonder how Beck is going to explain this:

Libertarian – Progressive Cooperation?

118 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:27:18pm

re: #115 albusteve

in all unfairness, it’s the NYT…but if there are threats, they would have to be substantiated before any connection could be made back to Beck, if they even could

Ms. Piven said in an interview that she had informed local law enforcement authorities of the anonymous electronic threats. But she added, “I don’t want to give anybody the satisfaction of thinking they’ve got me trembling.” — Piven

119 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:27:32pm

re: #117 000G

I wonder how Beck is going to explain this:

Libertarian – Progressive Cooperation?

They just want to lure each other into a false sense of security so they can SHOOT EACH OTHER IN THE HEAD!!!


120 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:27:56pm

re: #116 blueraven

Do we need another Byron Williams, maybe a more successful one, before we can attribute threats to Beck?

We will not be able to attribute them dirtectly—at most he’ll set a field of wind-up dolls in near-blind motion. “Leaderless Resistance”.

121 albusteve  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:28:11pm

re: #116 blueraven

Do we need another Byron Williams, maybe a more successful one, before we can attribute threats to Beck?

beats me…I’m trying to figure out a way to see Beck behind bars…unfortunately, I don’t think that is going to happen

122 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:28:36pm

[Link: twitter.com…]

123 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:28:38pm

re: #117 000G

I wonder how Beck is going to explain this:

Libertarian – Progressive Cooperation?

They’re going to ignore it. The Larouchies have been attending tea parties from the very begging. Code Pink and the Paulians are old allies. Conservatives don’t seem to mind this stuff anymore.

124 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:29:44pm

re: #122 Sergey Romanov

[Link: twitter.com…]

Wow. This seals the deal. Ann Coulter is an anti-Semite.

125 albusteve  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:30:28pm

re: #118 Gus 802

Ms. Piven said in an interview that she had informed local law enforcement authorities of the anonymous electronic threats. But she added, “I don’t want to give anybody the satisfaction of thinking they’ve got me trembling.” — Piven

I don’t blame her for that

126 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:31:02pm

re: #123 Killgore Trout

They’re going to ignore it. The Larouchies have been attending tea parties from the very begging. Code Pink and the Paulians are old allies. Conservatives don’t seem to mind this stuff anymore.

Yes—the Paulians can show the oldest modern use of the term. It was hijacked by several others streams of TP, mostly astroturfers and opportunists.

127 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:33:37pm

re: #123 Killgore Trout

They’re going to ignore it. The Larouchies have been attending tea parties from the very begging. Code Pink and the Paulians are old allies. Conservatives don’t seem to mind this stuff anymore.

Meanwhile, the Jonesites are playing Resistance – because obviously America under MuslimChinaObama is like Vichy France:

[Link: cc.bingj.com…]

128 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:35:04pm

re: #124 Gus 802

Wow. This seals the deal. Ann Coulter is an anti-Semite.

Oh, she’s ‘just asking questions’.

I’ve considered her an anti-Semite ever since the ‘Perfected’ comment.

129 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:37:28pm

re: #128 Obdicut

Oh, she’s ‘just asking questions’.

I’ve considered her an anti-Semite ever since the ‘Perfected’ comment.

Yeah. It seems as though no matter how many times one says “this seals the deal” it never seems to sink in with the wingnuts — who claim to have some alleged alliance with Judeo-Christian values.

130 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:37:51pm

re: #128 Obdicut

Oh, she’s ‘just asking questions’.

I’ve considered her an anti-Semite ever since the ‘Perfected’ comment.


It’s too sad that this kind of thinking is pretty standard for a lot of Christians, though.

131 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:37:59pm

re: #128 Obdicut

Oh, she’s ‘just asking questions’.

I’ve considered her an anti-Semite ever since the ‘Perfected’ comment.

Funny, because in the eyes of many Muslims, their religion represents the “perfection” of Christianity.

So perhaps Anne is just helping Jews on their first step to true “perfection”: after all, it might be asking too much of them (and of Allah) to just convert directly.

132 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:38:39pm

re: #128 Obdicut

Oh, she’s ‘just asking questions’.

I’ve considered her an anti-Semite ever since the ‘Perfected’ comment.

Anti-semitism is such a normal part of the hard-right authoritarian syndrome that I just assume it’s there until shown otherwise.

133 webevintage  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:39:27pm

re: #14 Charles

Meanwhile, I see that Cenk Uygur is getting a full-time show on MSNBC, so that’s one more MSNBC show I won’t be watching. I can’t stand Uygur. Olbermann was irritating, but usually honest. Uygur is a dishonest far left propagandist, and virulently anti-Israel. MSNBC is already pretty left wing, but with Uygur they’re moving into whacked out Indymedia territory.


134 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:39:59pm

re: #131 ralphieboy

Funny, because in the eyes of many Muslims, their religion represents the “perfection” of Christianity.

So perhaps Anne is just helping Jews on their first step to true “perfection”: after all, it might be asking too much of them (and of Allah) to just convert directly.

Jews just figure that we got it right the first time, and don’t need no dang upgrades.


135 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:40:56pm

re: #128 Obdicut

Oh, she’s ‘just asking questions’.

I’ve considered her an anti-Semite ever since the ‘Perfected’ comment.

I’m ambivalent about that comment. If it were she who brought up Jews in the first place, that would be antisemitic right then and there, but it was Deutsch who asked her specifically about Jews, trying to trap her. As such, it’s an example of Christian supremacism/Dominionism, but she would apply this to all non-Christians.

136 webevintage  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:41:30pm

re: #115 albusteve

in all unfairness, it’s the NYT…but if there are threats, they would have to be substantiated before any connection could be made back to Beck, if they even could

well maybe, but has the woman ever been threatened before Beck decided to make her the evil from which all evil socialism emanates from in their country?

137 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:42:01pm

re: #134 SanFranciscoZionist

Jews just figure that we got it right the first time, and don’t need no dang upgrades.


If they got it right the first time, then how come they are still waiting for their Messiah?


138 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:42:07pm

We’re all on a path to Human Perfection. We won’t get there, and we’ll look a hell of a lot different as we get closer.

139 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:42:45pm

re: #138 Decatur Deb

We’re all on a path to Human Perfection. We won’t get there, and we’ll look a hell of a lot different as we get closer.

Yes, but some of us are more perfect than others, like Ann Coulter, for example…

140 Varek Raith  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:42:48pm

re: #122 Sergey Romanov

[Link: twitter.com…]

Not perfected, nope…

141 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:43:09pm

re: #136 webevintage

well maybe, but has the woman ever been threatened before Beck decided to make her the evil from which all evil socialism emanates from in their country?

She’s a New Yorker. Threat is part of shopping.

142 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:43:46pm

re: #135 Sergey Romanov

I’m ambivalent about that comment. If it were she who brought up Jews in the first place, that would be antisemitic right then and there, but it was Deutsch who asked her specifically about Jews, trying to trap her. As such, it’s an example of Christian supremacism/Dominionism, but she would apply this to all non-Christians.

Uhm, so you are saying that she might not be an antisemite because she is an equal opportunity offender?

Seems to be a problem a lot of Christians run into. Missionaries and proselytizing being essential and such.

143 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:44:27pm

Anne Coulter’s favorite religious hymn:

[Link: www.dailymotion.com…]

144 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:44:56pm

Meanwhile over at anti-Semite “truther central” and Drudge Report linked “Infowars”:

Bilderberg Owned Publication The Economist: Yes, Powerful “Globocrat” Elites Are Running Things, It’s Not A Conspiracy

It becomes apparent in the comments. Even worse at Prisonplanet. Cached links. Yep, Alex Jones and Steve Watson. Friend to Matt Drudge and now Fox News.

145 webevintage  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:45:38pm

re: #141 Decatur Deb

She’s a New Yorker. Threat is part of shopping.

Don’t touch that Spade purse if you want to keep that hand….

146 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:45:47pm

re: #142 000G

Uhm, so you are saying that she might not be an antisemite because she is an equal opportunity offender?

Seems to be a problem a lot of Christians run into. Missionaries and proselytizing being essential and such.

No. I’m saying that I wouldn’t derive her antisemitism from this one comment, because she didn’t volunteer this info, she was simply asked about a particular group and applied to them the “my religion is true, all others not” principle.

147 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:47:14pm

re: #146 Sergey Romanov

No. I’m saying that I wouldn’t derive her antisemitism from this one comment, because she didn’t volunteer this info, she was simply asked about a particular group and applied to them the “my religion is true, all others not” principle.

No, she did more than that. She expressed her wish that all others ceased to be and joined hers. And whether she gave that info voluntarily or was “trapped” into saying it I think doesn’t really matter.

148 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:49:54pm

AC on Islam:

“We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity.”

Any question on that particular religion? And while you’re in the region, might as well “prefectionize” the Jews as well…

149 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:50:23pm

re: #147 000G

No, she did more than that. She expressed her wish that all others ceased to be and joined hers.

True, and that’s not antisemitic, just Dominionist and bigoted.

And whether she gave that info voluntarily or was “trapped” into saying it I think doesn’t really matter.

Of course it matters. If she started ranting about Jews that would mean that she was singling them out. As such, she holds the same attitude towards all religions and was simply asked about Jews.

150 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:51:09pm

re: #137 ralphieboy

If they got it right the first time, then how come they are still waiting for their Messiah?


The first response which popped into my head was offensive to Christians, and has been censored by me.

I will only say, “Four thousand years or so, he doesn’t call, he doesn’t write, that’s OK. We’ll just sit here and wait.”

151 Killgore Trout  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:51:37pm

re: #144 Gus 802

Meanwhile over at anti-Semite “truther central” and Drudge Report linked “Infowars”:

Bilderberg Owned Publication The Economist: Yes, Powerful “Globocrat” Elites Are Running Things, It’s Not A Conspiracy

It becomes apparent in the comments. Even worse at Prisonplanet. Cached links. Yep, Alex Jones and Steve Watson. Friend to Matt Drudge and now Fox News.

Yup, they aren’t even ashamed about the alliance anymore. It’s all out in the open.

152 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:51:55pm

re: #147 000G

No, she did more than that. She expressed her wish that all others ceased to be and joined hers. And whether she gave that info voluntarily or was “trapped” into saying it I think doesn’t really matter.

Or to make an analogy, a misanthrope is not necessarily an antisemite, although by definition he (also) hates all Jews.

153 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:52:40pm

re: #146 Sergey Romanov

No. I’m saying that I wouldn’t derive her antisemitism from this one comment, because she didn’t volunteer this info, she was simply asked about a particular group and applied to them the “my religion is true, all others not” principle.

That’s a fair distinction to make. I still find it offensive, and I dislike conservative pundits who think it’s reasonable to make such statements about their own faith, but would be mortally offended if people of other religions did it.

154 reloadingisnotahobby  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:52:45pm

Faith is a very,very PERSONAL THING!!
I just wish we’d all KEEP IT TO OURSELVES!!
Yes ..the great commission is in the New Testement

155 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:53:02pm

re: #149 Sergey Romanov

True, and that’s not antisemitic, just Dominionist and bigoted.

I happen to disagree. It’s just the modern version of the old Anti-Judaism, which is, for practical purposes, antisemitism.

Of course it matters. If she started ranting about Jews that would mean that she was singling them out. As such, she holds the same attitude towards all religions and was simply asked about Jews.

She could have declined to answer. Nobody made her say anything.

156 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:54:08pm

re: #154 reloadingisnotahobby

The New Testament makes a big distinction between living and witnessing one’s faith and shoving it in other people’s faces, and especially when it involves shoving it down people’s throats.

157 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:54:09pm

re: #153 SanFranciscoZionist

That’s a fair distinction to make. I still find it offensive, and I dislike conservative pundits who think it’s reasonable to make such statements about their own faith, but would be mortally offended if people of other religions did it.

Of course, it’s absolutely offensive.

158 bratwurst  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:54:21pm

re: #129 Gus 802

Yeah. It seems as though no matter how many times one says “this seals the deal” it never seems to sink in with the wingnuts — who claim to have some alleged alliance with Judeo-Christian values.

Wow, who could have guessed the whole “Judeo-Christian” thing was a term of convenience for some people?

159 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:54:55pm

re: #152 Sergey Romanov

Or to make an analogy, a misanthrope is not necessarily an antisemite, although by definition he (also) hates all Jews.

I think that’s a flawed analogy. A misanthrope hates jews for being humans. Ann Coulter thinks Jews should not be Jews but Christians. Ann Coulter thinks Muslims should not be Muslims but Christians.

160 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:55:03pm

Remember all the fuss when they started the Senate with a Hindu prayer?

161 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:55:32pm

re: #158 bratwurst

Wow, who could have guessed the whole “Judeo-Christian” thing was a term of convenience for some people?

It is just to remind us that they like all those fire-and-brimstone, slaying-the-Philistines pasasges from the OT much more than that mamby-pamby turn-the-other-cheek nonsense in the NT.

162 SpaceJesus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:55:37pm

re: #158 bratwurst

It’s a pretty new term for them as well. These are the same people whose grandparents burned crosses in the yards of Jews and Catholics.

163 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:56:02pm

re: #160 SanFranciscoZionist

Remember all the fuss when they started the Senate with a Hindu prayer?


Christian extremists disrupt Hindu Senate invocation

164 SpaceJesus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:56:11pm

re: #160 SanFranciscoZionist

is this a joke or did that really happen?

165 Varek Raith  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:56:19pm

re: #160 SanFranciscoZionist

Remember all the fuss when they started the Senate with a Hindu prayer?

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
That’s what I’d open with.

166 reloadingisnotahobby  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:56:41pm

re: #156 ralphieboy

Christ never told his Apostles to kill those that would not “receive”the Gospel!!
He said leave.. and shake the dust (of the village) from their feet!

167 Romantic Heretic  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:56:43pm

re: #45 000G

I don’t know whether he really is deranged and paranoid or whether it’s just method acting. Anyhow, I count even the wilingness to sell this paranoia as genuine as mentally ill.

My brother’s partner, who’s a practicing psychiatrist, believes Beck is manic-depressive. It’s why Beck sometimes disappears. At the highs and lows of his cycles he can’t be shown on the air.

168 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:56:58pm

re: #158 bratwurst

Wow, who could have guessed the whole “Judeo-Christian” thing was a term of convenience for some people?

It’s based on a complete misunderstanding of Judaism, and a willful disregard of the fact that the same core values they claim to be talking about are found in most major religions.

169 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:57:05pm

re: #155 000G

I happen to disagree. It’s just the modern version of the old Anti-Judaism, which is, for practical purposes, antisemitism.

I think you’ve lost the thread of conversation.

Here are your words I’m responding to:

“She expressed her wish that all others ceased to be and joined hers.”

Not simply Jews, but all others.

Also, not all anti-Judaism is antisemitism, e.g. if it’s part of a general anti-religious attitude, but that’s a topic for another time.

170 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:57:38pm

re: #164 SpaceJesus

is this a joke or did that really happen?

It’s so hard to tell these days…

Really happened. See Gus’s 163.

171 SpaceJesus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:57:42pm

re: #164 SpaceJesus

nevermind. fuck this country sometimes.

172 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 1:59:11pm

re: #171 SpaceJesus

nevermind. fuck this country sometimes.

Senate Prayer Led by Hindu Elicits Protest
Associated Press
Friday, July 13, 2007

A Hindu clergyman made history yesterday by offering the Senate’s morning prayer, but only after police officers removed three protesters from the visitors’ gallery.

Rajan Zed, director of interfaith relations at a Hindu temple in Reno, Nev., gave the prayer that opens each day’s Senate session. As he stood at the lectern in a bright orange and burgundy robe, two women and a man began shouting “this is an abomination” and other complaints from the gallery.

Police officers arrested them and charged them disrupting Congress, a misdemeanor. The male protester said “we are Christians and patriots” before police led them away. Police identified the protesters as Ante Nedlko Pavkovic, Katherine Lynn Pavkovic and Christan Renee Sugar. Their home towns were not available.

For several days, the Mississippi-based American Family Association has urged its members to object to the prayer because Zed would be “seeking the invocation of a non-monotheistic god.”

173 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:00:17pm

re: #159 000G

I think that’s a flawed analogy. A misanthrope hates jews for being humans. Ann Coulter thinks Jews should not be Jews but Christians. Ann Coulter thinks Muslims should not be Muslims but Christians.

Ann Coulter thinks Jews and all other non-Christians should be Christians not because they’re Jews, or Muslims, but because they’re non-Christians. So the analogy is apt. She doesn’t single out particular groups in this case. To argue that this automatically means that she is anti-Jewish, anti-Muslims, anti-Buddhist and anti-Bahai is logically possible but doesn’t really make sense.

174 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:00:26pm

re: #169 Sergey Romanov

The thing is, I see that quality, Dominionism, as containing anti-semitism as a property, even if it doesn’t specifically single out Jews for bigotry. It still, to me, is antisemitism, because if people like her were in control, Jews would be having a very, very rough time of it. It’s true that so would atheists, Muslims, whatever varieties of Christianity she doesn’t like, Hindus, Pagans, etc, but that doesn’t take away from the anti-semitic quality, to me.

A white supremacists may hate other races equally; he is very likely to still be an antisemite.

175 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:01:24pm

re: #169 Sergey Romanov

I think you’ve lost the thread of conversation.

Here are your words I’m responding to:

“She expressed her wish that all others ceased to be and joined hers.”

Not simply Jews, but all others.

I get that. But again: The very fact that she is bigoted against all other groups does not mean that she is somehow not or less bigoted against any particular group. And consider the victim here for a minute, not the perpetrator: I don’t think Jews being persecuted with pogroms and worse much care at that moment what crazy ass reasoning instigated the people.

Also, not all anti-Judaism is antisemitism, e.g. if it’s part of a general anti-religious attitude, but that’s a topic for another time.

Well, that’s just repeating your argument, isn’t it?

176 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:01:29pm

re: #163 Gus 802

If they had listened to what the Hindu chaplain was saying instead of disrupting, they would have found nothing in his words that was incompatible with Christianity.

But that is not their point: they insist that we are a CHRISTIAN NATION. If we turn away from the CHRISTIAN god, we will fall from his grace and lose our exceptional status and hence our right to do whatever we damn well please with the rest of the unenlightened world.

177 wrenchwench  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:02:15pm

re: #172 Gus 802

Senate Prayer Led by Hindu Elicits Protest
Associated Press
Friday, July 13, 2007

It’s not like he said, “KNEEL BEFORE ZED!”

178 Romantic Heretic  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:02:16pm

re: #57 ralphieboy

And they would also hand the DoD over to private contractors and just hire soldiers to run their hardware on a contractual basis.

And shortly thereafter, like all mercenaries, the contractors will realize two things.

1) We don’t have money, we have the whole menagerie of modern weapons and we are willing to fight.

2) Our employers have money, most aren’t armed as well as we are and they aren’t willing to fight. If they were they wouldn’t hire us.

The logic then becomes inescapable. It’s happened many times in history.

179 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:02:31pm

re: #172 Gus 802

Senate Prayer Led by Hindu Elicits Protest
Associated Press
Friday, July 13, 2007

“For several days, the Mississippi-based American Family Association has urged its members to object to the prayer because Zed would be “seeking the invocation of a non-monotheistic god.”“

Now, I object because I do not believe we should be praying at all at these things. If Senators choose to pray individually, or have a Bible study over breakfast or something in a small group, good on them.

But I wasn’t aware that the Establishment Clause could be waived only for a ‘monotheistic god’. Which I assume is a god who only believes in him or herself.

180 reloadingisnotahobby  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:03:02pm

re: #177 wrenchwench

It’s not like he said, “KNEEL BEFORE ZED!”

Ah….Zed’s Dead…..

Pulp Fiction

181 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:03:03pm

re: #176 ralphieboy

If they had listened to what the Hindu chaplain was saying instead of disrupting, they would have found nothing in his words that was incompatible with Christianity.

But that is not their point: they insist that we are a CHRISTIAN NATION. If we turn away from the CHRISTIAN god, we will fall from his grace and lose our exceptional status and hence our right to do whatever we damn well please with the rest of the unenlightened world.

Theology Moved to the Senate and was Arrested
Theology has moved from the church house onto the floor of the United States Senate, and has been arrested.

Contact: Dr. Pat McEwen, Operation Save America

WASHINGTON, July 12 /Christian Newswire/ — Ante Pavkovic, Kathy Pavkovic, and Kristen Sugar were all arrested in the chambers of the United States Senate as that chamber was violated by a false Hindu god. The Senate was opened with a Hindu prayer placing the false god of Hinduism on a level playing field with the One True God, Jesus Christ. This would never have been allowed by our Founding Fathers.

“Not one Senator had the backbone to stand as our Founding Fathers stood. They stood on the Gospel of Jesus Christ! There were three in the audience with the courage to stand and proclaim, ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before me.’ They were immediately removed from the chambers, arrested, and are in jail now. God bless those who stand for Jesus as we know that He stands for them.” Rev. Flip Benham, Director, Operation Save America/Operation Rescue.

More here.

182 albusteve  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:03:32pm

re: #167 Romantic Heretic

My brother’s partner, who’s a practicing psychiatrist, believes Beck is manic-depressive. It’s why Beck sometimes disappears. At the highs and lows of his cycles he can’t be shown on the air.

or even bi-polar….manic depression is a hallmark

183 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:04:01pm

re: #173 Sergey Romanov

Ann Coulter thinks Jews and all other non-Christians should be Christians not because they’re Jews, or Muslims, but because they’re non-Christians. So the analogy is apt.

I would hold that it is not. The misanthrope is singling out no one. Ann Coulter singles out non-Christians. And she wishes them all to cease. Sorry for going Godwin here, but I don’t think that you could say of, say, Nazis, that they weren’t racists for having wanted to eradicate ALL other races but the aryan one indiscriminately.

184 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:04:48pm

Speaking of the Founders, apparently John Adams, Washington, and Franklin all went to Mass in Philadelphia, both out of curiousity, and to reach out to the Catholic community in the area.

Adams wrote to Abigail about the adventure.

185 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:05:43pm

re: #184 SanFranciscoZionist

Speaking of the Founders, apparently John Adams, Washington, and Franklin all went to Mass in Philadelphia, both out of curiousity, and to reach out to the Catholic community in the area.

Adams wrote to Abigail about the adventure.

Yeah, but they never dabbled in Hindoo mumbo-jumbo…

186 albusteve  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:05:47pm

re: #182 albusteve

or even bi-polar…manic depression is a hallmark

of course if Beck was bi-polar that would make a sound excuse for his behavior…also an excuse to NOT be a tv celebrity, prone to going nuts outside of his control….I can hear them now…

187 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:06:14pm

re: #179 SanFranciscoZionist

“For several days, the Mississippi-based American Family Association has urged its members to object to the prayer because Zed would be “seeking the invocation of a non-monotheistic god.”“

Now, I object because I do not believe we should be praying at all at these things. If Senators choose to pray individually, or have a Bible study over breakfast or something in a small group, good on them.

But I wasn’t aware that the Establishment Clause could be waived only for a ‘monotheistic god’. Which I assume is a god who only believes in him or herself.

I think they missed the class on pluralism.

Here’s Operation Save America’s last stunt:

Operation Save America Blames Legal Abortion for Terrorist Attacks

On 9/11, leaders of Operation Save America will hold a press conference in downtown Manhattan within blocks of Ground Zero. The press conference will be to let America know that 9/11, and other terrorist attacks on the country, are the result of legal abortion. It will be to tell us all that there will be more terrorist attacks if we do not take away women’s right to control their own bodies, and that terrorism by Islamic extremists is the “horrific fruit” of our pro-choice ways. Oh, and they also throw in that homosexuality is at fault too, just as a sidebar.

Recently, the right-wing Operation Save America has been too busy attacking Muslim children as murderers to scream as much about baby-killers as it would like. This anti-Islam furor has been brought to a boil by the controversy over the planned construction of an Islamic community center a couple blocks from the site of the World Trade Center, in a former Burlington Coat Factory…

188 Sol Berdinowitz  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:06:42pm

re: #186 albusteve

of course if Beck was bi-polar that would make a sound excuse for his behavior…also an excuse to NOT be a tv celebrity, prone to going nuts outside of his control…I can hear them now…

and, by his own admission, he used to smoke dope, which would make him a leftist…but only if he shoots somebody.

189 Decatur Deb  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:06:59pm

An acid test might be conversion: A sincere non-antisemitic Dominionist would be and act happy and comfortable with a convert from Judaism, but unhappy with an Irish atheist. The anti-semite could not make that leap.

190 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:07:06pm

re: #183 000G

More specifically, Coulter has a pretty good idea what Jews lack, what Muslims lack, what all non-Christians lack, each group lacking in their own specific way.

191 albusteve  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:07:43pm

re: #188 ralphieboy

and, by his own admission, he used to smoke dope, which would make him a leftist…but only if he shoots somebody.

the complete package of quacky, disruptive looniness

192 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:11:57pm

re: #185 ralphieboy

Yeah, but they never dabbled in Hindoo mumbo-jumbo…

Catholicism was about as alien to them as Hinduism is to me, I would imagine.

And I expect that if there had been a Hindu community in Philly, they would have shown up.

Adams and Washington were both religiously conservative, each in his own denomination, but they were never bigots.

193 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:13:10pm

re: #175 000G

I get that. But again: The very fact that she is bigoted against all other groups does not mean that she is somehow not or less bigoted against any particular group.

I think antisemitism and other anti-isms and -phobias are useful descriptors when there is a limited pool of hated groups that is not exhausted. Otherwise it’s just the ihateverybodyism You’re trying to use formal logic when it’s not usefully applicable, IMHO (anti-A where A=not-Z, therefore anti-B, anti-C etc. - formally true, but how useful for these “social” issues?). I get what you’re saying, which is why I said that I’m ambivalent about that statement. But that statement of her is in its own separate category of crazy.

194 TedStriker  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:13:13pm

re: #181 Gus 802

Theology Moved to the Senate and was Arrested
Theology has moved from the church house onto the floor of the United States Senate, and has been arrested.

Contact: Dr. Pat McEwen, Operation Save America

WASHINGTON, July 12 /Christian Newswire/ — Ante Pavkovic, Kathy Pavkovic, and Kristen Sugar were all arrested in the chambers of the United States Senate as that chamber was violated by a false Hindu god. The Senate was opened with a Hindu prayer placing the false god of Hinduism on a level playing field with the One True God, Jesus Christ. This would never have been allowed by our Founding Fathers.

“Not one Senator had the backbone to stand as our Founding Fathers stood. They stood on the Gospel of Jesus Christ! There were three in the audience with the courage to stand and proclaim, ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before me.’ They were immediately removed from the chambers, arrested, and are in jail now. God bless those who stand for Jesus as we know that He stands for them.” Rev. Flip Benham, Director, Operation Save America/Operation Rescue.

More here.

What a bunch of bigoted putzes…

195 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:16:02pm

re: #189 Decatur Deb

An acid test might be conversion: A sincere non-antisemitic Dominionist would be and act happy and comfortable with a convert from Judaism, but unhappy with an Irish atheist. The anti-semite could not make that leap.

True. E.g. the pre-revolutionary “Union of the Russian People”, a Black-Hundreds org, prohibited baptized Jews to join, so it’s obvious that it was more than simply a religious antipathy.

196 TedStriker  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:17:13pm

re: #187 Gus 802

I think they missed the class on pluralism.

Here’s Operation Save America’s last stunt:

Operation Save America Blames Legal Abortion for Terrorist Attacks

Like I said, a bunch of bigoted, holier-than-thou putzes…they can go sit on a short stick.

197 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:17:27pm

re: #183 000G

I would hold that it is not. The misanthrope is singling out no one.

How so? He singles out himself.

198 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:18:00pm

re: #193 Sergey Romanov

I get the idea of usefulness. Illustration: I think most, if not all people are racists. Not “get on the train” racists, but on a wide spectrum of intensities, complexities, etc that includes neonazis but also just people getting irky feelings when they are around lots of people who they do not share the skin color with. Does it “make sense” to call them racists, “makes sense” as in: will it facilitate any change, will it be of any use in order to “improve” things? No, not at this point of the analysis. But however important questions about instrumentality and usefulness are, I think they need to be secondary.

199 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:18:31pm

re: #197 Sergey Romanov

How so? He singles out himself.

I don’t think so. Misanthropes usually hate themselves, too.

200 (I Stand By What I Said Whatever It Was)  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:20:26pm

re: #195 Sergey Romanov

True. E.g. the pre-revolutionary “Union of the Russian People”, a Black-Hundreds org, prohibited baptized Jews to join, so it’s obvious that it was more than simply a religious antipathy.

Strange thing, too, that modern racism seems to have ultimately been borne out of antisemitism (limpieza de sangre).

201 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:21:11pm

re: #198 000G

I get the idea of usefulness. Illustration: I think most, if not all people are racists. Not “get on the train” racists, but on a wide spectrum of intensities, complexities, etc that includes neonazis but also just people getting irky feelings when they are around lots of people who they do not share the skin color with. Does it “make sense” to call them racists, “makes sense” as in: will it facilitate any change, will it be of any use in order to “improve” things? No, not at this point of the analysis. But however important questions about instrumentality and usefulness are, I think they need to be secondary.

LOL, on this question my thoughts are identical to yours. I think xenophobia is hardwired in us. So you bring a good illustration. It’s indeed not useful in “general speech” to call everybody racist, even if we all are, in some sense.

202 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:21:56pm

re: #199 000G

I don’t think so. Misanthropes usually hate themselves, too.

OK, we both are engaging in speculation on this issue.

203 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:24:59pm

re: #181 Gus 802

Theology Moved to the Senate and was Arrested
Theology has moved from the church house onto the floor of the United States Senate, and has been arrested.

Contact: Dr. Pat McEwen, Operation Save America

WASHINGTON, July 12 /Christian Newswire/ — Ante Pavkovic, Kathy Pavkovic, and Kristen Sugar were all arrested in the chambers of the United States Senate as that chamber was violated by a false Hindu god. The Senate was opened with a Hindu prayer placing the false god of Hinduism on a level playing field with the One True God, Jesus Christ. This would never have been allowed by our Founding Fathers.

“Not one Senator had the backbone to stand as our Founding Fathers stood. They stood on the Gospel of Jesus Christ! There were three in the audience with the courage to stand and proclaim, ‘Thou shalt have no other gods before me.’ They were immediately removed from the chambers, arrested, and are in jail now. God bless those who stand for Jesus as we know that He stands for them.” Rev. Flip Benham, Director, Operation Save America/Operation Rescue.

More here.

Flip Benham! What a name!

Don’t you just want to see him screaming YOU HEATHENS HAVE RENOUNCED JESUS, all losing his mud and running around the Senate floor, and then he gets headbutted by Patty Murray, who then counts him out like a downed pro wrestler

204 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:25:46pm

re: #194 talon_262

What a bunch of bigoted putzes…

Of course, Glenn Beck’s friend Dave Barton of Wallbuilders chimed in:

On Thursday, a Hindu chaplain from Reno, Nevada, by the name of Rajan Zed is scheduled to deliver the opening prayer in the U.S. Senate. Zed tells the Las Vegas Sun that in his prayer he will likely include references to ancient Hindu scriptures, including Rig Veda, Upanishards, and Bhagavard-Gita. Historians believe it will be the first Hindu prayer ever read at the Senate since it was formed in 1789.

WallBuilders president David Barton is questioning why the U.S. government is seeking the invocation of a non-monotheistic god. Barton points out that since Hindus worship multiple gods, the prayer will be completely outside the American paradigm, flying in the face of the American motto “One Nation Under God.”

“In Hindu, you have not one God, but many, many, many, many, many gods,” the Christian historian explains. “And certainly that was never in the minds of those who did the Constitution, did the Declaration [of Independence] when they talked about Creator — that’s not one that fits here because we don’t know which creator we’re talking about within the Hindu religion.”

Barton says given the fact that Hindus are a tiny constituency of the American public, he questions the motivation of Senate leaders. “This is not a religion that has produced great things in the world,” he observes. “You look at India, you look at Nepal — there’s persecution going in both of those countries that is gendered by the religious belief that is present there, and Hindu dominates in both of those countries.”

And while Barton acknowledges there is not constitutional problem with a Hindu prayer in the Senate, he wonders about the political side of it. “One definitely wonders about the pragmatic side of it,” he says. “What is the message, and why is the message needed? And will it actually communicate anything other than engender with folks like me a lot of questions?”

Barton says he knows of at least seven cases where Christians have lost their bid to express their own faith in a public prayer.

Zed is reportedly the first Hindu to deliver opening prayers in an American state legislature, having done so in both the Nevada State Assembly and Nevada State Senate earlier this year. He has stated that Thursday’s prayer will be “universal in approach,” despite being drawn from Hindu religious texts.

205 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:26:32pm

re: #203 WindUpBird

Flip Benham! What a name!

Don’t you just want to see him screaming YOU HEATHENS HAVE RENOUNCED JESUS, all losing his mud and running around the Senate floor, and then he gets headbutted by Patty Murray, who then counts him out like a downed pro wrestler

Yes, actually I would pay good money to see that.

206 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:26:53pm

re: #171 SpaceJesus

nevermind. fuck this country sometimes.

Sometimes you just gotta throw up your hands and say “I get a front row seat at the zoo they’ve helpfully named the United States.”

207 WINDUPBIRD DISEASE [S.K.U.M.M.]  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:27:23pm

re: #205 SanFranciscoZionist

Yes, actually I would pay good money to see that.

I think I’d pawn my TV

208 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:28:25pm

re: #207 WindUpBird

I think I’d pawn my TV

I think I’d pawn your TV too.

209 SanFranciscoZionist  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:29:18pm

re: #207 WindUpBird

I think I’d pawn my TV

Patty Murray is the small blonde one, right?

210 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:30:49pm

re: #203 WindUpBird

Flip Benham! What a name!

Don’t you just want to see him screaming YOU HEATHENS HAVE RENOUNCED JESUS, all losing his mud and running around the Senate floor, and then he gets headbutted by Patty Murray, who then counts him out like a downed pro wrestler

Philip “Flip” Benham

Philip “Flip” Benham (born April 16, 1948) is a fundamentalist Christian minister and the national leader of Concord, NC-based Operation Save America.

Benham was a saloon owner until his conversion in 1976. He eventually became an ordained minister of the Free Methodist Church, and began a career as a pro-life activist. He has been arrested, by his own count, “less than a hundred, more than fifty” times. He is also a member of the Constitution Party and is a frequent commentator on its website…

Benham also gained attention commenting on the execution of Paul Jennings Hill and the murder of George Tiller, and for participating in the vigil outside of Judge Roy Moore’s courthouse in which stood a Ten Commandments monument. He also demonstrated for Terri Schiavo.

Benham stated of Troy Newman, “There have been three directors of Operation Rescue – Troy Newman is not one.”

In a 2006 interview with Al Gross of KJSL-AM in suburban St. Louis, during the morning drive-time program “Mornings with Tim and Al”, Benham stated he would let a daughter die rather than abort an ectopic pregnancy. When pressed on the question by Gross and an on-air telephone caller, Benham backed down and grudgingly admitted he would allow an abortion under such a circumstance.

Benham has also campaigned against hate crime legislation that would include legal protections for victims of anti-gay bias crimes…

211 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:31:32pm
212 Gus  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:31:50pm

re: #211 Gus 802

Image: 663px-Flip_benham.jpg

Get a load of the guy in the background with the shadowgov dot com t-shirt.

213 makeitstop  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 2:54:24pm

re: #136 webevintage

well maybe, but has the woman ever been threatened before Beck decided to make her the evil from which all evil socialism emanates from in their country?

I’ve seen the names ‘Cloward-Piven’ used by wingnuts since Rahm Emmanuel made that remark about not letting a crisis go wasted. ‘Cloward-Piven’ seems to hold the same magical quality of driving wingnuts into a frenzy as ‘Alinsky.’

(Runs before the next Alinsky frenzy breaks out. /)

214 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 3:06:39pm

re: #213 makeitstop

I’ve seen the names ‘Cloward-Piven’ used by wingnuts since Rahm Emmanuel made that remark about not letting a crisis go wasted. ‘Cloward-Piven’ seems to hold the same magical quality of driving wingnuts into a frenzy as ‘Alinsky.’

(Runs before the next Alinsky frenzy breaks out. /)

Apparently there is also an Obama-Piven strategy. Thick plotteneth.

[Link: pajamasmedia.com…]

215 Kruk  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 3:17:51pm

re: #165 Varek Raith

Ph’nglui mglw’nafh Cthulhu R’lyeh wgah’nagl fhtagn
That’s what I’d open with.

I’d wait till I was voted out, and leave my colleagues with this benediction:

Hastur, hastur, hastur

216 Lord Baron Viscount Duke Earl Count Planckton  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 3:51:37pm

I see Eric Boehlert is in the middle of the “war” and retweets Charles. Cool.

217 Timmeh  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 4:05:30pm

He’s saying that we need to take what people say seriously.

But then when Sharon Angle talks about “Second Amendment Solutions” we’re not supposed to take that seriously?

The demonization, contradictions and hypocrisy are so glaring, I don’t know what else to say.

218 theheat  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 4:40:48pm

re: #51 Sergey Romanov

Coulter’s been a hag for years. It isn’t enough to bait and rage about Democrats, she’s another miserable wretch intent on Christianizing™ the entire nation, and quite vocal about the faults of The Non-Perfected.

Always has been. Always. A horse faced wretch. Always has been.

So, it really isn’t so much a jump for her to go full-on anti-Jew, and anti-anything Not A Christian, because that is precisely how she, and all the miserable wretches like her, view the world. Christian vs. non-Christian, perfect vs. despised. And no one but Ann could be happier the entire Republican party is getting on board with her.

219 changomo  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 7:34:23pm

#1) Glenn Beck is a wingnut
#2) Extremism is not the exclusive domain of the right, I mean do people here have so short memories about Bush=Hitler?

In fact this site used to prominently display examples of extreme liberal rhetoric (Howard Dean himself said he HATES the Republican party)

I mean that’s literal hate speech by the former head of the Democratic Party

#3) This site is not engaged in deflection toward away from the major question.

Did Beck, Palin, Rush, Savage, influence the shooter? The left made it, including this site sound like the shooter was a right wing radio listener.

But if you read about the shooter, you’ll find - he Hated Bush, is an atheist, loves illegal drugs, likes communism….etc

You’ll also find he has view that would be on the right….

So what does this mean?

It means the issue should have always been about mental health, AND NOT

1) Guns
2) Right wing hate speech
3) Tea Parties.

But, this site as well as the left have politicized this issue, and it’s sad that LGF jumped on that band waggon.

220 Dancing along the light of day  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 7:44:46pm

re: #219 changomo

Is that a flounce?
Bye now.

221 changomo  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 8:09:27pm

Floral Giraffe,

Was there anything that was exaggerated or even remotely false in my post?

I did have a typo (not = now)

#3) This site is not engaged in deflection toward away from the major question.

222 Jadespring  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 8:12:54pm

re: #221 changomo

Was there anything that was exaggerated or even remotely false in my post?


223 changomo  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 8:14:13pm

Thanks Jadespring for being so illuminating? Could you expand please?

224 Cheese Eating Victory Monkey  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 10:59:33pm

Coulter does not realize a simple truth. In our tradition, you only become perfected only after graduating medical school.

225 Cheese Eating Victory Monkey  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:04:16pm

I find it strange that the Coulter ideology calls for keeping “perfected” illegal Mexicans far away from attending church in this country.

226 Cheese Eating Victory Monkey  Sat, Jan 22, 2011 11:14:44pm

“If you try to change our government, I will stand against you.” - Glenn Beck

Beck hasn’t heard about elections.

“They don’t believe in anything… ..When they believe in something so strongly, you take them seriously…..”

Beck can’t make up his mind.

227 boxhead  Sun, Jan 23, 2011 12:07:47am

I am baffled by the fact that so many people I call friends listen and believe Beck. It is bizarre. No logic applies….. :(

228 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Sun, Jan 23, 2011 3:23:18am

re: #223 changomo

He didn’t love communism.

229 changomo  Sun, Jan 23, 2011 4:02:09pm

Obdicut? Oh yeah?

That’s strange considering he was reading the communist manifesto at the time, and listed it as one of his “favorite books”…but to be honest - that could be up to interpretation, but he listed some of his heroes as:

Venezuelan Communist Hugo Chavez, Che Guevara, American Socialist revolutionary Saul Alinsky, and even Barack Obama.

Source: Examiner.com

[Link: www.examiner.com…]

But keep on deflecting, my point is not that he’s left wing or right wing, but that he’s INSANE.

It’s too bad, this site as well as the left at first tried to paint him as a right wing wacko.

It’s funny, I didn’t see them to the same thing to Unibomber who really did sympathize with left wing radical environmentalists….

230 changomo  Sun, Jan 23, 2011 4:05:59pm

wow -7 on my original post, and two people that said my post is wrong, (with no extrapolation) yet Obdicut was the only one honest enough to engage. It appears that intellectual honesty and debate is overridden with 7 reactionary negative posts….

231 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Sun, Jan 23, 2011 4:54:50pm

re: #229 changomo

That’s strange considering he was reading the communist manifesto at the time

That’s something you’re making up, see.

and listed it as one of his “favorite books

He listed Mein Kampf, an explicitly anti-communist book, as a favorite too. So saying he loved Communism is extremely stupid.

Venezuelan Communist Hugo Chavez, Che Guevara, American Socialist revolutionary Saul Alinsky, and even Barack Obama.

You realize that was a hoax, right?

[Link: barthsnotes.wordpress.com…]

You’re basing your opinion on hoaxes. The Examiner is not a trustable source, and their source— Free Republic— is batshit looneytown. Now that you know that it was a hoax, I assume your opinion will change?

But keep on deflecting, my point is not that he’s left wing or right wing, but that he’s INSANE.

I agree. He babbled insane conspiracy stories— many of which are common amongst Ron Paul style right-wing libertarians.

It’s too bad, this site as well as the left at first tried to paint him as a right wing wacko.

I think you missed most of the posts, then. He did talk about the Constitution being invalid since the civil war, about the Government using grammar, and about currency being invalid, which are all kooky conspiracy theories— but they’re kooky conspiracy theories resident in right-wing libertarians.

But even if I fully agree with you that the issue is mental health: Michelle Bachmann, Glen Beck, and Sarah Palin all talk about conspiracy theories that are also demonstrably nuts, and they continue to repeat them even after they’ve been demonstrated to be untrue. So if the lesson of these shootings is that paranoid craziness is the danger, shouldn’t we be examining those on the right wing who are exhibiting that paranoid craziness?

232 Dancing along the light of day  Sun, Jan 23, 2011 4:58:38pm

re: #231 Obdicut

Crazy is, as crazy does. I think this one is a whackadoodle!

233 changomo  Sun, Jan 23, 2011 11:18:17pm


I concede after looking at your post, that his heroes are false. I think after reading your link, there’s no arguing that.

However, I did mention before on these threads that he not only liked communism, but Hitler too - my point being that he was wildly inconsistent and could not be placed neatly on the political spectrum

My point is not that he is a liberal, nor is he a conservative. My point all along is he is INSANE.

I agree, I was wrong, his heroes are not communists, that’s fine - I agree after looking at your posts, but that doesn’t make my argument invalid since my point is not that he was left wing. I agree with you that it was conspiracy theories that influenced him most.

But here is where LGF and the left’s assertions break down.

As you know, I am no fan of Beck, Rush, or Palin. Exactly because of Beck’s conspiracy theories non-sense. However what I gathered from your response, was since Beck believes in conspiracy theories too, then Beck caused this correct? Even though ABC News (is that non-partisan enough?) reported that he didn’t watch TV or listen to Right wing radio?

[Link: abcnews.go.com…]

And conspiracy theories are not the domain of only Libertarians, just look during the Bush years and *this* site to see the myriad conspiracy theories…heck just look at Micheal Moore’s latest films.

Or that Palin made him do it right?

Hate speech and extremism exist on BOTH sides of the political spectrum. In fact this site used to prominently display left wing hate speech before it when center-left.

When you try to take a obviously crazy person, and paint it as (fill in the blank) made him do it, you discredit yourself.

234 Glenn Beck's Grand Unifying Theory of Obdicut  Mon, Jan 24, 2011 2:25:51am

re: #233 changomo

However what I gathered from your response, was since Beck believes in conspiracy theories too, then Beck caused this correct?

Nope. Read it again.

235 changomo  Wed, Jan 26, 2011 3:11:06pm


Fair enough, I’m glad you don’t blame the beck, palin, etc didn’t instigate this tragedy. I agree they are idiots. But I do believe many others and initially this site did

Cheers and thanks for your engagement and honesty

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